III. Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
III. Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Biennial report in accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2011 Hungary TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 11 I.1. General structure of policy implementation ...................................................................... 12 I.2. Structure and use of the current report ............................................................................... 13 II. NATIONAL POLICIES AND MEASURES .................................................................................... 14 II.1. Overall cross-sector policies, strategies and operational programmes ............................. 14 II.1.1. The Programme of National Cooperation ................................................................. 14 II.1.2. National Climate Change Strategy ............................................................................ 14 II.1.3. National Sustainable Development Strategy ............................................................. 15 II.1.4. National Environmental Protection Programme 2009-2014 .................................... 16 II.1.5. The New Széchenyi Plan ............................................................................................ 17 II.1.6. Green Investment Scheme (GIS) ................................................................................ 19 II.2. General legal background ................................................................................................. 21 II.3. Energy Sector (Supply and Demand Side) ....................................................................... 22 II.3.1. Strategy documents .................................................................................................... 22 II.3.2. Promotion of renewables ........................................................................................... 27 II.3.3. Support for combined heat and power generation .................................................... 38 II.3.4. Modernization of district heating systems ................................................................. 42 II.3.5. Nuclear power ........................................................................................................... 45 II.3.6. Emission Trading System in the energy industry ...................................................... 47 II.3.7. Energy performance and efficiency of buildings ....................................................... 49 II.3.8. Improvement of energy efficiency in households ....................................................... 54 II.3.9. Improvement of energy efficiency in governmental and public institutions .............. 58 II.4. Industry ............................................................................................................................. 61 II.4.1. Operation of ETS ....................................................................................................... 61 II.4.2. Support for renewable energy utilization .................................................................. 62 II.4.3. Energy Efficiency Credit Fund .................................................................................. 63 II.4.4. Large energy consumers: Compulsory employment of energy managers and energy reporting. .................................................................................................................. 64 II.4.5. Voluntary agreements ................................................................................................ 65 II.4.6. Heat recovery ............................................................................................................ 66 II.5. Transport ........................................................................................................................... 67 II.5.1. Strategy documents .................................................................................................... 67 II.5.2. Subsidy for improving the accessibility of Hungary and regional centres by rail and/or waterways ................................................................................................................. 72 II.5.3. Improving the accessibility of regions ....................................................................... 73 II.5.4. Support for the development of urban and suburban public transport ..................... 74 II.5.5. Support for intermodal transport .............................................................................. 75 2 II.5.6. Promotion of renewable (bio) fuels ........................................................................... 75 II.5.7. Toll system for heavy vehicles ................................................................................... 77 II.5.8. P+R systems .............................................................................................................. 78 II.5.9. Subsidy for the development of the cycling route networks....................................... 79 II.6. Agriculture ........................................................................................................................ 80 II.6.1. General ...................................................................................................................... 80 II.6.2. National Rural Strategy until 2020 ........................................................................... 82 II.6.3. Support for renewable based energy supply in agriculture ...................................... 83 II.6.4. Support for small-scale bio fuel plants ...................................................................... 84 II.7. Land use change and forestry ........................................................................................... 85 II.7.1. National Forest Programme and National Afforestation Programme...................... 86 II.7.2. Support for afforestation of agricultural lands ......................................................... 88 II.8. Waste management ........................................................................................................... 89 II.8.1. Basic legislation and National Waste Management Plan 2009-2014 ....................... 89 II.8.2. Legislative tools ......................................................................................................... 91 II.8.3. Environmental levy on certain products .................................................................... 93 II.8.4. Support of waste-to-energy projects .......................................................................... 94 II.8.5. Subsidy for recultivation of communal waste landfills.............................................. 95 II.8.6. Implemented............................................................................................................... 96 II.9. Education, awareness........................................................................................................ 96 II.9.1. Model projects to promote sustainable lifestyle and consumption............................ 96 II.9.2. EE and environmental training materials for schools............................................... 97 II.9.3. Support for information, training and awareness raising, energy advisory network 97 II.9.4. Training for engineers, teachers, experts, municipal staff ........................................ 99 Minimum criteria and labelling of household appliances ................................................... 100 II.9.5. Labelling of household boilers, air-conditioning equipment, water heaters ............ 101 III. PROJECTIONS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS................................................................. 102 III.1. Fuel combustion .............................................................................................................. 102 III.1.1. Heat energy consumption ......................................................................................... 102 III.1.2. GHG emissions from district heat production ......................................................... 129 III.1.3. GHG emissions forecast in the electricity sector ..................................................... 129 III.1.4. GHG emissions from transport sector ..................................................................... 142 III.2. Fugitive emissions from fuels ......................................................................................... 151 III.2.1. Solid fuels ................................................................................................................. 151 III.2.2. Oil ............................................................................................................................. 152 III.2.3. Natural gas ............................................................................................................... 154 III.3. Industrial Processes ......................................................................................................... 158 III.3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 158 III.3.2. Analysis and projections .......................................................................................... 161 3 III.4. GHG emissions from solvent and other products ........................................................... 171 III.5. Calculations of GHG emissions in agriculture and LULUCF ........................................ 171 III.5.1. Agriculture ............................................................................................................... 172 III.5.2. Land use and land use change ................................................................................. 174 III.5.3. Forestry .................................................................................................................... 176 III.5.4. Driving factors ......................................................................................................... 176 III.5.5. Results ...................................................................................................................... 181 III.6. Waste ............................................................................................................................... 183 III.6.1. Solid waste................................................................................................................ 183 III.6.2. GHG emission pathways for wastewater management ............................................ 190 III.7. ETS non-ETS split .......................................................................................................... 195 IV. MEASURES RELEVANT TO COMMUNITY LEGISLATION AND COMMITMENTS UNDER THE KYOTO PROTOCOL ...................................................................................................................... 197 V. GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................... 201 VI. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 203 VII. APENDIX A: THE HUNMIT MODEL: ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND CO2 EMISSION........... 208 VIII. APPENDIX B: DESCRIPTION OF THE REGIONAL POWER MODEL ................................... 210 VIII.1. Analyzed countries ....................................................................................................... 210 VIII.2. Demand data ................................................................................................................. 210 VIII.3. Supply data ................................................................................................................... 211 VIII.3.1. Availability and fuel efficiency .............................................................................. 211 VIII.3.2. Secondary reserve .................................................................................................. 212 VIII.3.3. Fuel-prices ............................................................................................................. 213 VIII.3.4. Cost of CO2 emission ............................................................................................. 213 VIII.3.5. OPEX ..................................................................................................................... 214 VIII.3.6. Installed capacities in the future............................................................................ 214 VIII.4. Cross-border interconnections ...................................................................................... 215 VIII.5. Neighbouring market prices ......................................................................................... 215 IX. APPENDIX C: METHANE EMISSION FACTORS FROM MANURE MANAGEMENT ..................... 216 X. APPENDIX D: N2O EMISSION FACTORS OF ANIMAL MANURE MANAGEMENT........................ 217 XI. APPENDIX E: FACTORS OF N2O FROM PLANT PRODUCTION ................................................ 218 XII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................................ 219 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 The structure of the New Széchenyi Plan .................................................................. 18 Figure 2 The organisational structure of the Green Investment Scheme ................................. 21 Figure 3 Renewable power supplied to the grid ....................................................................... 30 Figure 4 Share of renewable sources in power generation ....................................................... 30 Figure 5 Distribution of supported renewable projects by the type of energy ......................... 36 Figure 6 The total co-generated power in Hungary 2003-2009 ............................................... 40 Figure 7 The total emission of power generation and the emission savings achieved by CHP as calculated by an independent consultant.............................................................................. 40 Figure 8 Projected quantities of KÁT subsidised cogenerated power ..................................... 41 Figure 9: Specific fuel consumption of Hungarian fossil-based power generation ................. 49 Figure 10 Project types of the ZBR Panel Program ................................................................. 54 Figure 11 Trends and targets in freight transport modal split .................................................. 72 Figure 12 Trends of biofuel use ............................................................................................... 77 Figure 13 Contribution of agriculture to the GDP ................................................................... 81 Figure 14 Contribution of agriculture to employment ............................................................. 81 Figure 15 Tree species in the Hungarian forests ...................................................................... 85 Figure 16 Afforestation in Hungary 2001-2009 ....................................................................... 87 Figure 17 Treatment of wastes ................................................................................................. 91 Figure 18 Waste-generated power supplied to the grid............................................................ 95 Figure 19 Heat energy consumption (PJ) and its share in total primary energy consumption (%), 1990-2009....................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 20 Distribution of the heat energy consumption in 2009, PJ and % ........................... 103 Figure 21 GHG emissions calculation methodology ............................................................. 104 Figure 22 Historical (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) RES share in heat energy consumption in the three scenarios ........................................................................................ 105 Figure 23 Heat energy consumption of petroleum refineries between 1990 and 2009, TJ, NCV ................................................................................................................................................ 106 Figure 24 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the iron and steel sector, TJ, NCV ....................................................................................................... 107 Figure 25 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the non-ferrous sector, TJ, NCV .................................................................................................. 108 Figure 26 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the non-metallic minerals sector, TJ, NCV .................................................................................. 109 Figure 27 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of chemical sector, TJ, NCV ...................................................................................................... 110 Figure 28 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the food processing, beverages and tobacco sector, TJ, NCV ..................................................... 111 Figure 29 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the pulp, paper and print sector, TJ, NCV.................................................................................... 112 Figure 30 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries, TJ, NCV ......................................... 113 Figure 31 Historic (2000-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of smaller industrial sub-sector, TJ, NCV ............................................................................................... 114 Figure 32 Historic (1998-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the agriculture sector, TJ, NCV.................................................................................................... 115 Figure 33 Final energy consumption of the residential sector ............................................... 117 Figure 34 CO2 emissions of the residential sector between 2000 and 2009 (actual, without temperature adjustment, thousand tonnes of CO2) ................................................................. 118 5 Figure 35 Energy consumption in the commercial/institutional sector.................................. 122 Figure 36 Evolution of CO2 emission in the commercial/institutional sector........................ 123 Figure 37 Emission factors of the various fuel types in the analyzed sub-sectors, CO2t /TJ . 127 Figure 38 Carbon dioxide emissions from heat energy consumption in the three scenarios, kt CO2 ......................................................................................................................................... 128 Figure 39 Carbon dioxide emission from district heat production in the various scenarios, CO2 kt ............................................................................................................................................. 129 Figure 40 EUA price in different scenarios ........................................................................... 130 Figure 41 Historical and forecast real GDP growth ............................................................... 131 Figure 42 Historical, adjusted and forecast gross electricity consumption, 1991-2025, GWh ................................................................................................................................................ 132 Figure 43 Energy savings in the electricity sectors in WEM and WAM scenarios, 2010-2025, GWh ....................................................................................................................................... 134 Figure 44 Energy efficiency measures taken into account in the course of regional modelling relative to the gross electricity consumption in 2020,% ........................................................ 135 Figure 45 Gross electricity consumption in different scenarios, TWh, 2010-2025 ............... 136 Figure 46 Share of renewable-based electricity production compared to the gross electricity consumption between 2010 and 2025 in the different scenarios, % ...................................... 137 Figure 47 Model operation ..................................................................................................... 139 Figure 48 Electricity mix in 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025 for various scenarios, TWh .......... 140 Figure 49 Emissions of electricity producers in 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025 for various scenarios, thousand tones ....................................................................................................... 141 Figure 50 Distribution of transport emissions in 2009, kt CO2eq ......................................... 142 Figure 51 Number of cars in Hungary between 1985 and 2009 ............................................ 143 Figure 52 Emissions from transport between 1985 and 2009 (kt CO2eq) ............................. 144 Figure 53 Performance of road and railway transport between 2001 and 2009 (freight tonkm) ................................................................................................................................................ 145 Figure 54 Emission from aviation between 1985 and 2009 (kt CO2eq) ................................ 146 Figure 55 CO2 emission scenarios, kt CO2eq (without international aviation) ....................... 150 Figure 56 Methane emissions from production, transportation and refining, and from flaring and venting between 1995 and 2025, kt CH4 ......................................................................... 152 Figure 57 Carbon dioxide emission from oil flaring between 1995 and 2025, kt CO2.......... 153 Figure 58 Distribution of the methane emission in 2009 ...................................................... 154 Figure 59 Length of the distribution system of natural gas, km ............................................ 155 Figure 60 Fugitive methane emissions from natural gas, kt CH4........................................... 156 Figure 61 Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from natural gas venting and flaring, kt . 157 Figure 62 GHG emissions from industrial processes and its share in total GHG emissions, kt CO2eq and % ........................................................................................................................... 158 Figure 63 Distribution of the different GHGs from industrial processes in 2009.................. 159 Figure 64 GHG emissions of the sub-sectors in the industrial processes in 2009 ................. 160 Figure 65 Carbon dioxide emission of mineral products, 1995-2009, kt CO2 ....................... 161 Figure 66 Historical and forecast clinker production, kt ........................................................ 162 Figure 67 Carbon dioxide emission from lime production and limestone and dolomite production between 1995 and 2025, kt CO2 .......................................................................... 163 Figure 68 Glass production, 1995-2009, kt ............................................................................ 164 Figure 69 CO2 emission from glass production in the three scenarios, kt CO2 ..................... 165 Figure 70 Bricks and ceramics production, kt........................................................................ 165 Figure 71 Carbon dioxide emission from bricks and ceramics production, kt CO2 .............. 166 Figure 72 Natural gas non-energy consumption in ammonia production, TJ ........................ 167 Figure 73 Carbon dioxide emission in the ammonia production, kt CO2 .............................. 168 6 Figure 74 Historical (1995-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) crude steel production, kt........ 169 Figure 75 Historical halocarbon emissions between 1995-2009 and forecast emissions, CO2eq ................................................................................................................................................ 170 Figure 76 Historical carbon dioxide emission of feedstocks between 1995-2009 and the forecast value, kt CO2............................................................................................................. 171 Figure 77 GHG emissions in the agriculture sector in different scenarios, 2008-2025 ......... 182 Figure 78 GHG emissions in the land use, land use change (LULUC) and Forestry in different scenarios, 2008-2020 .............................................................................................................. 182 Figure 79 Amount of non-hazardous wastes from production ............................................... 184 Figure 80 Resource productivity in Hungary, EU-15 and EU-27 countries, €/kg, 2000-2007 ................................................................................................................................................ 185 Figure 81 Quantity of the hazardous waste ............................................................................ 186 Figure 82 MSW quantities, kt ................................................................................................ 187 Figure 83: The production of MSW per capita, kg/person .................................................... 187 Figure 84 Different types of solid waste productions in the various scenarios, mt ............... 189 Figure 85 Share of solid waste management tools in total waste production, % ................... 189 Figure 86 Projected GHG emissions by scenarios (kt CO2e/year)......................................... 194 Figure 87 Analyzed countries ................................................................................................ 210 Figure 88 Marginal cost estimation methodology in the market simulation.......................... 211 Figure 89 Estimated variable operating expenditures by technology and year of build ........ 214 Figure 90 Existing capacities for cross-border trade (below 1000 MW) ............................... 215 7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Projected share of renewable energies in various sectors according to the NCsT ...... 25 Table 2 Projected installed capacities of the various RES technologies according to the NCsT .................................................................................................................................................. 26 Table 3 Projected shares in the total renewable final net energy consumption in the heatingcooling sector ........................................................................................................................... 26 Table 4 Projected shares in the total renewable final net energy consumption in the transport sector ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Table 5 Forecast of RES consumption in the various segments, PJ ........................................ 28 Table 6 GHG emissions reduction due to the RES consumption, Mt CO2/year ...................... 28 Table 7 Feed-in prices, HUF/kWh ........................................................................................... 29 Table 8 RES-E generation, GWh ............................................................................................. 31 Table 9 GHG reduction effect of all the renewable power promotion policies ....................... 31 Table 10 The key parameters of the individual support schemes ............................................ 35 Table 11 Awarded plantation support for fast growing species by September 2010 ............... 38 Table 12 GHG mitigation effect of planting energy crops and forests .................................... 38 Table 13 Projected emission reduction achieved by cogeneration plants ................................ 42 Table 14 Projected emission reduction achieved by modernization of district heating systems .................................................................................................................................................. 43 Table 15 Projected emission reduction achieved by individual measurement and control in district heating .......................................................................................................................... 44 Table 16 Lifetime extension and capacity increase of the Paks nuclear plant ......................... 45 Table 17 Projected emission reduction achieved by lifetime extension and capacity increase of the Paks nuclear plant ............................................................................................................... 46 Table 18 Projected emission reduction achieved by new nuclear units in the Paks NPP ........ 47 Table 19 Suggested U-values of some building structures, W/m2K ....................................... 50 Table 20 Projected emission reduction achieved by Regulation on the energy performance of buildings ................................................................................................................................... 50 Table 21 Projected emission reduction achieved by energy certification of buildings ............ 51 Table 22 Projected emission reduction achieved by Subsidy for energy efficiency improvement projects ............................................................................................................... 54 Table 23 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum efficiency criteria for household boilers and air conditioning equipment .................................................................................... 55 Table 24 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for the procurement of highly efficient refrigerators and freezers, other appliances ............................................................... 57 Table 25 Projected emission reduction achieved by promotion of CFLs and other efficient lighting equipment.................................................................................................................... 58 Table 26 Projected emission reduction achieved by promoting third party financing............. 59 Table 27 Projected emission reduction achieved by including EE promotion elements in the Regional Operative Programmes ............................................................................................. 60 Table 28 Projected emission reduction achieved by including EE principles in public procurement procedures ........................................................................................................... 61 Table 29 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum efficiency requirements for office equipment ....................................................................................................................... 61 Table 30 Projected emission reduction achieved by Energy Efficiency Credit Fund .............. 64 Table 31 Projected emission reduction achieved by compulsory employment of energy managers and energy reporting ................................................................................................ 65 8 Table 32 Projected emission reduction achieved by voluntary agreements ............................. 66 Table 33 Projected emission reduction achieved by heat recovery ......................................... 67 Table 34 Modal split figures in 2020 according to the New Széchenyi Plan .......................... 70 Table 35 Projected emission reduction achieved by promotion of renewable (bio) fuels ....... 77 Table 36 Projected emission reduction achieved by toll system for heavy vehicles ............... 78 Table 37 Projected emission reduction achieved by P+R systems .......................................... 79 Table 38 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for renewable based energy supply in the agriculture ........................................................................................................... 84 Table 39 Projected forest area, ha ............................................................................................ 88 Table 40 The income of the state budget form the product levy, M HUF ............................... 93 Table 41 Support of waste-to-energy project, HUF/kWh ........................................................ 94 Table 42 Projected emission reduction achieved by compulsory take-over of waste-to energy power at subsidized prices........................................................................................................ 95 Table 43 Projected emission reduction achieved by EE and environmental training materials for schools ................................................................................................................................ 97 Table 44 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for information, training and awareness raising, energy advisory network ............................................................................ 99 Table 45 Projected emission reduction achieved by training for engineers, teachers, experts, municipal staff ........................................................................................................................ 100 Table 46 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum criteria and labelling of household appliances.............................................................................................................. 100 Table 47 Projected emission reduction achieved by labelling of household boilers, airconditioning equipment, water heaters................................................................................... 101 Table 48 Heat energy consumption reduction in WEM and WAM scenarios compared to the WOM scenario, % .................................................................................................................. 116 Table 49 Data by residents (constant 2008 HUF) .................................................................. 120 Table 50 Energy consumption in the WOM, WEM and WAM scenarios (PJ) ..................... 126 Table 51 Electricity consumption of heat pumps in different scenarios, GWh ..................... 135 Table 52 Assumptions for the various scenarios .................................................................... 138 Table 53 Emission factors of transport fuels (t/TJ) ................................................................ 146 Table 54 WOM scenario parameters for passenger transport sector ..................................... 148 Table 55 Assumed bio-fuel penetration rates (%) .................................................................. 149 Table 56 Projected passenger car sales between 2011 and 2020 (1000 pieces) .................... 149 Table 57 Fuel consumption in the scenarios (PJ) ................................................................... 150 Table 58 Species and their CH4 emission factors, kg CH4/head/yr ....................................... 172 Table 59 Land use change matrix .......................................................................................... 175 Table 60 Carbon storage changes in biomass and soil, tC/ha ................................................ 175 Table 61 Summary of expected changes in the input data ..................................................... 178 Table 62 Land use change in the WOM scenario .................................................................. 179 Table 63 Land use change matrix in the WOM scenario, 2010-2020, ha .............................. 179 Table 64 Land use change in the WEM scenario ................................................................... 180 Table 65 Land use change matrix in the WEM scenario ....................................................... 180 Table 66 Land use change in the WAM scenario .................................................................. 180 Table 67 Land use change matrix in the EXT scenario ......................................................... 181 Table 68 Forecast for the treatment of MSW with existing measures until 2014, kt............. 188 Table 69 Main assumptions in the different scenarios ........................................................... 188 Table 70 Carbon dioxide emission from solid waste incineration in million tons, 2008-2025 ................................................................................................................................................ 190 Table 71 Methane emission from landfills in million tons CO2eq, 2008-2025....................... 190 Table 72 Key assumptions of the scenarios ........................................................................... 193 9 Table 73 CH4 emission estimates by gas for key years, ktCO2eq .......................................... 194 Table 74 N2O emission estimates by gas for key years, ktCO2eq.......................................... 195 Table 75 The average share of the ETS coverage in the various sectors and GHG gases between 2006 and 2009 .......................................................................................................... 196 Table 76 Gross fuel conversion efficiency factors ................................................................. 212 Table 77 Self-consumption and expected availability of power plants ................................. 212 Table 78 Fuel prices, in 2008 real terms ................................................................................ 213 Table 79 CO2 emissions by fuel type ..................................................................................... 214 10 I. Introduction The European Parliament and the European Council adopted in February, 2004 the Decision 2004/280/EC concerning a mechanism for monitoring Community GHG emissions and for implementing the Kyoto protocol. This decision in Article 3(2) requires that Member States shall, for the assessment of projected progress, report to the Commission every two years: information on national policies and measures which limit and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by sources or enhance removals by sinks; national projections of greenhouse gas emissions by sources and their removal by sinks; information on measures being taken or planned for the implementation of relevant Community legislation and policies and information on institutional and financial arrangements and decision making procedures to coordinate and support activities related to participation in the mechanisms under Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol. This report provides the relevant information and projections as required under Article 3 (2) of the Decision. The current report covers the period between 2009, when the previous Biennial Report was prepared and early 2011. In the meantime, radical changes have happened in Hungary: further to the parliamentary elections in spring, 2010 a new government was formed with very strong, more than 66% majority in the Parliament. This enabled the Government to launch very deep reforms in all areas of economy and society. These reforms, among others, also include the review of all the strategies that have impact on the GHG mitigation efforts. The process is still under way at the time when the current report is being prepared. The reforms and all the strategy changes stem from the basic strategic goals that the new government set when coming to power. These strategic goals were made public in the Programme of National Cooperation, declared in May, 2010 by the Parliament. The basic priorities of the programme, as its subtitle states, are work, home, family, health and order, and its implementation is to focus on the following objectives: Reviving the economy, improving employment are considered as the key factors for success, where agriculture, construction industry, tourism and creative services will have a key role. Work shall be the key value of the society. Administrative burdens of the enterprises shall be eased. 11 Improving public order, through strong legislation and regulation, fight against corruption, acceleration of court processes. Health reform. Promoting social security. Increased assistance to families, encouraging couples to have children and helping them buy and keep a home is a top priority of the programme. It is also important to improve the situation of the disabled, provide better conditions for the Roma minority and promote their integration in society, fight poverty in general and increase the level of services for the elderly. Restoring democratic norms. It may appear from the list of priorities that sustainability, climate policy or GHG emissions are not in the focus. This is not true: although the major goals target the most immediate problems of the Hungarian society, as it will appear from the report, effective policies to mitigate GHG emissions are in place, and the strategies, programmes that are to serve the above objectives are and will be designed with sustainability, climate change and Hungary‘s such international commitments in mind. However, as said above, the formulation and the review of the dedicated strategies, such as the energy strategy and the climate change strategy are still in progress. Therefore, the current situation described in the report is not showing the final coherent approach that will found long-term mitigation trends, but attempts to accurately describe the efforts so far and the foreseen future on the basis of past trends and available information of future policies. I.1. General structure of policy implementation Policy implementation in Hungary follows a traditional top-down structure. The strategy documents define the strategic objectives and the general instruments by which these objectives are to be achieved. The strategies are then translated into action plans or programmes. These work out and describe the actions in detail which are to achieve the strategic objectives, identify the quantitative targets and preferably the source of funding necessary to implement the planned actions. The actions or the individual policies then are implemented through so-called operative programmes to which appropriate funding is allocated from the budget. These operative programmes are organized around certain strategy priorities. Thus for example KEOP operative programmes implement energy and environment related policies (KEOP stand for the Hungarian equivalent for Environment and Energy Operative Programme) or KÖZOP programmes realise transport related actions. In some exceptional cases, where some organisational, financial or other reasons so require, the policies are executed directly by the responsible agency. Thus for example the Energy Efficiency Credit Fund – as there is no funding from the state budget – is managed independently from the operational programmes. 12 I.2. Structure and use of the current report The report follows the structure required by the Article 3(2) of 2004/280/EC. The description of national policies is organised according to the general policy implementation structure described above. First those strategies and strategy documents are described that have general cross-sector relevance. Then the policies of the individual sectors are presented. The discussion of the sector policies also starts with the sectoral strategies and action plans, then the concrete policies and measures are explained. In some aspects the current report strongly relies on the previous biennial reports. Policies that have been in place for a long time and properly discussed in the previous reports are typically not presented in detail here, only the changes are pointed out. Generally, wherever acronyms or abbreviations are used to refer to a Hungarian organization, document or legislation, the original, generally used Hungarian abbreviations or acronyms are used. Some exceptions, however, may occur, especially when no generally accepted Hungarian acronym exists and/or the previous Biennial Reports used the acronym extensively. Normally the full name of the entity referred to is given in its English translation at the first occurrence of any abbreviation/acronym, but all acronyms are explained in the Glossary. 13 II. National Policies and Measures II.1. Overall cross-sector policies, strategies and operational programmes II.1.1. The Programme of National Cooperation The major cornerstones of the Programme of National Cooperation were introduced in the introduction, as this document defines the very basic strategic objectives of the government in the coming years. As it was mentioned there, although the basic objectives are not focused on GHG mitigation, the implementation of the program includes several such components, and the Programme of National Cooperation itself has some priorities that serve this purpose. These are briefly summarised here: In reviving the economy, the construction industry has an important role. It is stated in the programme that one tool to boost the construction industry is to promote the European initiative to employ ―green‖ technologies and to develop the energy efficiency of buildings and the construction materials. A ―green‖ bank is to ensure financing for energy efficiency projects. A large scale energy efficiency program is to be launched with components such as deep-reconstruction of pre-fab buildings (reduce consumption by 80%), thermal insulation projects of other buildings, reconstruction of public buildings etc. Investments in renewable energy have to be encouraged. Environmental considerations shall be integrated in the national development policy Environmental protection shall be taken into consideration in the public procurement procedures. In order to boost the economy new take-off points need to be found. Green economy and the utilisation of renewable energies are among the possible take-off points. II.1.2. National Climate Change Strategy The National Climate Change Strategy 2008-2025 (NÉS) was adopted by the Parliament unanimously in early 2008 (Parliamentary resolution 29/2008. (III. 20.) OGY). It has not been changed since, although its review is currently under way and the updated document is expected by late 2011. The NÉS was presented in detail in the previous biennial report [1]. Only its key points are summarised here: The GHG emission reduction target is 16-25% of the 1991 levels by 2025. The responsibility of the government is to create the necessary regulatory-legal framework; to review and adjust the subsidy systems; to raise the awareness of the society, by giving priority to sustainability and providing good example. 14 The residential sector is a key field of change: peoples‘ lifestyle needs to be changed; a large scale reduction of demands for energy and materials must be achieved (by subsidised energy efficiency projects, among others); Industry and other enterprises also need to reduce their energy consumption, adopt emission reduction measures, ―to green‖ their profile, products, services. NGOs, civil organisations shall have increased role in the dissemination of information, awareness raising and civil control. Main areas of intervention are: o Energy efficiency in buildings o Renewable energy utilisation o Transport (road tolls, other economic incentives, modal split change) o Afforestation II.1.3. National Sustainable Development Strategy As the Renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy adopted by the European Council on 15/16 June 2006 requires, Hungary prepared the country‘s first National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) and submitted to the Council in 2007. The EU strategy requires that the Member States would revise their National Strategies regularly, subsequent to the revision of the EU SDS, in order to ensure consistency, coherence and mutual supportiveness. In terms of GHG emission mitigation, similarly to the NÉS and earlier Energy Strategy documents the NSDS also includes among its objectives the utilisation of renewable energies; bio-fuels in transports, improvement of energy efficiency to be achieved by: Review of the EU-ETS system to include stronger incentives for GHG mitigation; Implementation of the actions of the Energy Efficiency Action Plan Financial incentives for bio-fuels (preferential taxation) Financial support for renewable and energy efficiency projects Shift towards environment friendly transport modes Awareness raising Sustainable forestry Education and training In 2009 the Commission adopted the 2009 Review of EU SDS, and in the light of this document the revision of the Hungarian NSDS is under way. Since NSDS is to be based on and harmonised with the Climate Change Strategy and the sectoral strategies, such as the Energy Strategy or the Transport Strategy, which are still being prepared, the revised NSDS is delayed and is expected by early 2012. 15 II.1.4. National Environmental Protection Programme 2009-2014 The Act LIII of 1995 on the General Rules for the Protection of the Environment stipulates that a regularly (in every six year) revised and updated National Environmental Protection Programme (NKP) would be prepared. The first such programme was approved by the Parliament in 1995 and it was updated regularly as required by the law. The currently effective National Environmental Protection Programme 2009-2014 (NKP-III) was adopted by the Parliament in 2009 (Resolution of the Parliament 96/2009. (XII. 9.) OGY). Similarly to the previous programmes, the NKP-III identifies general objectives, which are then broken down to specific actions, so-called thematic action programmes or TAPs. The general objectives are the following: Improving the quality of the environmental and life locally Preservation of naturals resources Promotion of sustainable lifestyle, production and consumption Improvement of environmental safety From among the TAPs the following have relevance from the aspect of GHG mitigation: Reinforcing environmental awareness o Education, training within the education system from elementary schools to universities o Environmentally conscious production and consumption o Access to environment-related information, information dissemination Combating climate change o Reduction of GHG emissions (EU-ETS system, improvement of energy efficiency [NEEAP], o Reducing the environmental impact of transport (reducing demand, restructuring modal split, alternative fuels) o Reducing emissions from the agriculture (improvement of production efficiency) o Afforestation according to the National Afforestation Programme. Environment and health o Transport and environment (Reverse the tendency of shifting to individual transport) Protection and sustainable utilisation of waters o Utilisation of the energy of geothermal waters Waste management o Prevention (reduction of waste quantities) 16 o Utilisation of wastes and recycling o Reduction of landfilled waste II.1.5. The New Széchenyi Plan The New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT) is the economic development programme of the Hungarian government. This programme translates the economy-related objectives of the Programme of National Cooperation into a concrete programme. The main objectives of the New Széchenyi Plan starting on the 15th of January, 2011 are to improve the competitiveness of Hungary and to create one million new jobs over the next ten years with the help of seven take-off points. The seven take-off points of the New Széchenyi Plan are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Healing in Hungary – Health industry Renewal of Hungary – Development of green economy Home projects – Residential property policy Network economy – Development of business environment Knowledge economy - Science – Innovation – Growth Employment Transport – Transit Economy Besides being a program, the New Széchenyi Plan is also a tool to provide financing for the implementation of all strategic goals. The operative programs are financed through the New Széchenyi Plan, and in this regard it is an important ―umbrella‖ policy for all other relevant strategies including the Energy Strategy, Transport Strategy, Energy Efficiency Action Plan, etc. In this regard it is important to review the key programmes and principles of the ÚSZT – being the latest decisive strategy document –, as it indicates the actual priorities of the government. 17 Figure 1 The structure of the New Széchenyi Plan The programmes of the ÚSZT with GHG mitigation relevance: 1. Energy policy a. Energy policy is to serve economic growth and job creation, but also the security of supply and diversity of resources, the reduction of import dependence. b. Production and utilization of renewable energies is to be encouraged. The following measures are planned to stimulate the utilization of renewable energies through domestic support funds: i. Revision of discounts on fossil fuels (e.g. discounts on gas consumption, carbon tax, etc.); ii. Restructuring of the actual support system (revision of investment support, preference of domestic added value, introduction of a green certificate); iii. Modification of the support mechanism to promote the renewal/adaptation of heating systems; iv. Facilitation of renewable energy producers‘ network connection. c. The Plan regards projects affecting climate change and projects of mitigation and adaptation in connection with the energy sector as of supreme priority. These include the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases, the promotion of climate-friendly investments, as well as projects increasing social 18 acceptance and awareness of environmental protection issues. To this end, the Plan works out and implements measures and development projects to support the National Climate Change Strategy. d. Nuclear energy is given high priority due to its favourable impact on the security of supply and GHG mitigation. 2. Transport a. Creating the financial resources necessary for a sustainable transport system. b. Encouraging intermodal transports. c. Enforcing environmental and climate policy considerations d. Increasing environmental awareness, economic policies striving to achieve (more) local operation spreading throughout Europe. e. Transformation of the primary energy mix – a greater proportion of renewable energy is necessary. f. The advantages of Hungary‘s geographical situation can be realized only if, having an adequate traffic and transport system, nodes as well as intermodal and multifunctional logistics centres and related industrial parks established in these nodes, it is possible to stop part of the transit traffic and ensure added value. II.1.6. Green Investment Scheme (GIS) The Kyoto Protocol of the UNFCCC made carbon trading possible. Due to the restructuring of the economy and the closing down of energy intensives industries in the past twenty years Hungary is in the position to sell emission rights or allowances (so-called assigned amount units, or AAUs). Due to criticisms from the international community who are doubtful about the true mitigation effects of such ―hot-air‖ sales, nowadays such trading requires that the revenues from the sales would be spent on emission reduction measures – the more concrete and quantifiable results, the better. In order to make such transactions and the consequent mitigation measures transparent, such deals and their revenues are to be managed through a dedicated financial facility, the green investment scheme (GIS) Hungary was the first to sell AAUs in 2008 and also among the first ones to create a transparent GIS. The legal background for the GIS is provided by the amended Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, whereas the details of its operation are regulated by Government Decree 323/2007 (XII. 11.) on the implementation rules of Act LX of 2007. The latter unambiguously states that all revenues of the GIS, including interests can only be used to support in form of grand, interest support, loan or other payments the following GHG mitigation efforts: Improvement of building energy efficiency; 19 Increasing the utilisation of renewable energies; Improvement of efficiency of district heating systems; Promotion of the construction of low-energy consumption buildings; Energy efficient modernisation of indoor and outdoor lighting systems; Promotion of creating carbon sinks; Emission reduction in the transport sector; Replacement of old inefficient household appliances and electronic devices with new certified low energy consumption equipment; Other emission reduction. Maximum 5% of the GIS revenues can be used for covering the administrative costs of the GIS. It is also required by the regulation that the supported project should be additional (i.e. not implemented without the support). Further details of the operation of the GIS including the responsible organisations, procedure of contracting, process and rules of application for support, reporting procedures etc) are regulated by the Ministerial Instruction 18/2011. (III. 29.) NFM. Thus the areas where the carbon trade revenues can be used are not only controlled by the sales contract but also restricted by the law, and the entire operation of the GIS is properly regulated. 20 Figure 2 The organisational structure of the Green Investment Scheme The GIS is considered a key source of funding GHG mitigation projects and efforts. Several of the policies described in the current report have been or will be financed at least partly from GIS sources. The policies already implemented with funding from the GIS are presented in the current report in detail (see points II.3.7.3, II.3.8.2, II.3.8.3). It is planned to restructure the GIS with the following priorities in mind: Complex (deep) energy efficiency revamp of multi-flat and family houses, to increase the approximately 40% energy saving achieved by GIS programmes so far to at least 60% Support for the construction of new highly efficient buildings. Loan guarantee for the investors of the above projects, so that they could take loans at better conditions to provide their own share for the other supports from the GIS. II.2. General legal background The general legal background of all GHG mitigation policies is provided by: Act LXXXVI of 2007 on electric power; Act XL of 2008 on natural gas; Act LIII of 1995 on the General Rules for the Protection of the Environment; Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol; 21 Act XV of 2005 on the trading with emission units of greenhouse gases; Act XXXVII of 2009 on forests, forest protection and forest management; Act XLIII of 2000 on waste management and their implementation decrees. The major role of these pieces of legislation is to ensure the legal base for emission reduction measures. All this legislation is still in place and their major GHG related stipulations that serve this purpose were discussed in the previous biennial reports (see e.g. [1]). Minor changes and amendments of the legislation, however are constantly made, but these have not affected the legal base of GHG mitigation so far. Stipulations of the legislation with specific GHG policy relevance are explained in the description of the individual policies later in this report. II.3. Energy Sector (Supply and Demand Side) II.3.1. Strategy documents II.3.1.1. National Energy Strategy The Hungarian Energy Strategy is still legally defined by 40/2008. (IV.17.) Decree of the Parliament, which is discussed in detail in the previous Biennial Report (2009). However, serious efforts have been made by the current Government to re-define the energy strategy. The project is managed by the Ministry of National Development. The new strategy is expected to be finished by summer, 2011, therefore no official version is available yet. Still, as the future trends of energy generation and consumption and hence GHG emissions will be defined by this strategy it is important to review the outlines of the strategy on the basis of available information (strategy draft issued for public consultation, press releases of the MND). The basic priorities, strategic goals have not changed. In line with the European strategy they are still threefold: security of supply, competitiveness and sustainability. However, as far as the tools to achieve these goals are concerned, the emphases within the strategy will shift towards lower carbon intensity of conventional technologies and the support of viable innovative ―green‖ technologies in order to accelerate the process of their introduction and wide range awareness raising. The tools will include increased reliance on renewables and nuclear energy as well as energy saving and efficiency improvement. The foreseen key elements of the energy strategy from the aspect of GHG emission mitigation are the following: Limitation of the increase of energy demands until 2030 and the simultaneous reduction of GHG emission reduction. (Suggested, not yet official figures: maximum 22 10% increase of primary energy consumption, reduction of GHG emission of the energy sector by 25-28%) Increase the share of district heating within heat supply along with the modernisation of the district heating systems and much larger utilisation of renewable energies. Strong increase of the share of renewables in individual heat supply. Reduction of residential heat demands by some 30% through (building) energy efficiency programmes. Reduction of carbon intensity (CO2/kWh) of the energy sector by some 30-33% o Nuclear power generation o Renewables in cogeneration plants. o Shutting down old, inefficient capacities Improvement of the energy efficiency of transport o by promoting railway cargo transport and o by converting public transport to locally produced, sustainable fuels. Promoting decentralised power generation. Reliance on regional cooperation in diversifying sources, increasing the network buffer capacities. II.3.1.2. The amended National Energy Efficiency Action Plan The energy efficiency related objectives of the original energy strategy were translated into the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) in 2008. A detailed account is given on the original NEEAP in [1]. Having reviewed the progress and the changed priorities since 2008, the ministry responsible for the NEEAP (then the Ministry for Economy and Transport) updated and amended the document and issued the amended NEEAP in January, 2010. The results of the NEEAP are to be evaluated by 30 June, 2011, when the second amended NEEAP is to be submitted, and a third NEEAP is to be prepared using the results and experience gained by 30 June, 2014. The major objectives were not changed. They remained the following: Compliance with 2006/32/EC 1% reduction of energy consumption per year, between 2008-2016, which corresponds to 6.38 PJ cumulative reduction per year, achieving an overall 57.4 PJ/year saving by 2016. The key areas of action identified in the amended NEEAP are the following: Requirements of newly constructed buildings Building stock in the residential sector Building stock in the institutional sector (with special focus on municipal and governmental institutions) 23 Transport (passenger and cargo) Energy intensive products and processes Awareness raising Improvement in these target areas is to be achieved by various policies, mainly by subsidies and regulatory tools. The NEEAP lists 11 concrete measures in the residential sector, 6 measures at the governmental/municipal institutions, 8 policies in the industrial sector, 2 measures in the transport sector and a cross-sectoral policy. Some of these policies have already been implemented, other are still in the planning phase. In order to avoid overlaps in the current document, these policies and measures are not listed here, but among the concrete policies and measures of the individual sectors, with proper references to the relevant points of the NEEAP. The expected or forecast savings and emission reduction are not quoted here either, although the document includes numerical forecasts, but the individual PAMs and the results are included in the WEM and WAM scenarios of the projections. II.3.1.3. Renewable Energy Action Plan The Renewable Action Plan (the official title is: Hungary‘s Action Plan for the Utilisation of Renewable Energies 2010-2020, in the context of the current document: NCsT, for short) was published early 2011, after long discussion by the professional public. Although the NCsT is, based to some extent on the Renewable Energy Strategy 2008-20201, approved by the government in 2008 (Governmental Decree, 2148/2008.(X.31.)), it considers the impacts of the global economic crisis since that time, and the new priorities of economy development of the government, and it fully replaces and overwrites the strategy2. Thus the NCsT is already part of the coherent strategic approach of the new government. It is based on the priorities of the new Energy Strategy (most precisely on the support aspect of viable innovative ―green‖ technologies) and stems from the Programme of National Cooperation, which considers green economy one of the prime movers of setting the national economy in motion. The NCsT reconfirms Hungary‘s overall target for the share of renewable energies and identifies the key areas of intervention, stating individual quantitative targets. It sets more ambitious targets than originally set by the European Union in order to support the overall economic objectives (job creation, improving competitiveness, reducing energy import 1 This document is discussed in [1] 2 2148/2008.(X.31.) Government decree was deregulated in January 2011. 24 dependency) through boosting ―green‖ economy. While the RED Directive (2009/28/EC) of the EU set the renewable target for Hungary as minimum 13% of the total gross final energy consumption, the objective defined by the NCsT is 14.65%. In conformity with the principles of the new Energy Strategy and the Programme of National Co-operation, the NCsT is based on the following basic strategic goals: Safety of energy supply (reduction of import dependency) Climate protection, sustainability (mitigation of GHG emissions) Rural and agricultural development (waste utilisation of husbandry improves competitiveness, growing markets for by-products of farming creates/preserves jobs) Development of green economy (construction and operation of renewable related projects creates jobs, manufacturing of equipment for renewable technologies contributes to the economic growth). Contribution to meeting community objectives. The NCsT however takes a realistic approach and considers several constraints, as well, such as: Load bearing capability of the population and market players Possible inefficiency of resource allocation (improvement is necessary) Controllability of the national power system Even distribution of revenues along the product chain (biomass producers – power producers – distributors – consumers). The overall and sectoral targets and forecast development of the share of renewables according to the NCsT are summarised in the following table: Table 1 Projected share of renewable energies in various sectors according to the NCsT Share of renewables 2005 2010 2020 Heating and cooling 5.40% 9.00% 18.90% Electric power 4.30% 6.70% 10.90% Transport 0.22% 3.70% 10.00% Total 4.20% 7.40% 14.65% The NCsT also makes estimates as to the potential types of renewable energies and applicable technologies in meeting the above targets. For electric power generation the following forecasts are made in the NCsT: 25 Table 2 Projected installed capacities of the various RES technologies according to the NCsT Installed capacity, MW Share in total renewable power generation 2010 2020 2010 2020 Hydro power 51 67 6.8% 4.2% Geothermal 0 57 0.0% 7.3% Solar PV 0 63 0.1% 1.4% Wind power 330 750 24.3% 27.6% Solid biomass 360 500 65.8% 48.0% Biogas 14 100 3.0% 11.4% Total 755 1537 - - The individual renewable energy sources (or technologies) are projected to have the following shares in the total renewable final net energy consumption of the heating-cooling sector: Table 3 Projected shares in the total renewable final net energy consumption in the heating-cooling sector 2010 2020 Geothermal 10.9% 19.2% Solar 0.6% 4.4% Solid biomass 87.8% 65.8% Biogas 0.0% 3.0% Heat pumps 0.6% 7.7% The NCsT includes similar forecasts for the transport sector: Table 4 Projected shares in the total renewable final net energy consumption in the transport sector 2010 2020 Bioethanol/bio-ETBE 22.7% 35.3% Biodiesel 73.3% 59.3% Hydrogen from renewables 0.0% 0.0% Renewable electric power 4.0% 4.5% Other (biogas in public transport) 0.0% 0.9% The NCsT identifies a set of policies and measures (some of these are planned, some of these are existing, although require re-shaping in some cases) that are to serve to achieve the objectives. These PAMs and measures are only listed here but described later in detail: 1. Support schemes: a. Direct subsidy of individual investments between 2011-2014 b. A new dedicated operative programme from 2014 c. Investment programmes financed from the EU-ETS d. More active participation in community financed programmes 26 e. Development of green economy 2. Other financial incentives: a. Green bank or targeted revolving credits b. R+D in renewable energies c. Subsidy of green (renewable) heat (from 2012) d. Compulsory take-over (subsidy) of renewable power e. Preferential prices for heat pump power (―Geo-tariff‖) f. Compulsory share of biofuels in motor fuels 3. Legal/regulatory tools a. New act on sustainable energy management b. Creation of proper conditions to feed biogas to natural gas grid c. Revision and simplification of licensing procedures d. Compulsory share of renewables in building energy use. Similarly to NEEAP, the expected or forecast savings and emission reduction projected to be achieved through these measures, are not described here, but at the detailed description of the individual PAMs and the results are included in the WEM and WAM scenarios of the projections. II.3.2. Promotion of renewables Objectives and description As it discussed in several points in the current document, various policies with the aim of promoting the utilisation of renewable energies are already in place and others are planned in order to meet the strategic goals set in the National Climate Change Strategy, and the National Energy Strategy to be approved soon. The general framework and main components of such policies are set in the NCsT, described in the previous chapter. Many of these policies and measures, however, do not include individual quantifiable targets, but are merely tools for achieving the overall goals set in the strategy documents and the NCsT. Therefore, as it is referred to at the relevant points, it is also not possible to make reasonable projections as to the effects of such policies individually. It is possible to derive emission reduction forecast from the expected overall effects of the promotion of renewable energies, though. These forecasts are presented in this section. Type of policy instrument Chiefly economic, see at the individual measures. Status of implementation See at the individual measures Monitoring indicators 27 See at the individual measures Effects and impacts From the objectives of the NCsT described in section II.3.1.3, the following forecast can be derived: Table 5 Forecast of RES consumption in the various segments, PJ 2010 2015 2020 2025 Heating and cooling Gross final consumption 433.2 445.3 406.9 368.6 Of which renewable 39.7 43.9 78.0 105.7 Electric power Gross final consumption 153.9 172.4 185.0 197.3 Of which renewable 10.2 13.9 20.1 24.6 Transport Gross final consumption 166.0 202.0 221.3 241.4 Of which renewable 6.3 11.1 22.4 38.3 When achieved, the above increase in the utilisation of renewables will results the following emission reduction: Table 6 GHG emissions reduction due to the RES consumption, Mt CO2/year 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in emission reduction - 0.03 0.75 0.75 Accumulated emission reduction 5.1 6.6 10.7 14.5 II.3.2.1. Compulsory take-over of renewable based power at subsidized prices (KÁT) Objectives and description The objective of the policy is to promote the utilisation of renewable energies in power generation by providing safe and attractive market for green power. The indirect objective is to meet the renewable targets and thus mitigate GHG emissions. The objective is achieved by • stipulating the mandatory purchase of renewable-generated electric power; • providing financial support for the operators of renewable power plants in the form of regulated and subsidised feed-in tariff (Hungarian abbreviation: KÁT). The legal background of the system is provided by VET, which stipulates the compulsory take-over of power generated from renewable energy sources and/or waste and of cogenerated power. It is important to note that VET includes provisions for sustainability. Thus, for example, it prohibits the application of the compulsory take-over system for electric power generated from wood if the wood is of good quality (suitable for other purposes) or harvested without licence. VET also ensures that the subsidised take-over price shall increase with inflation, its real value would remain stable. It is a basic principle of the subsidy system that 28 subsidised prices can only be provided for the generated electricity during the economic payback period of the renewable project. The details of the subsidy system are regulated by Governmental Decree 389/2007. (XII. 23.). The most important stipulation is that compulsory take-over and subsidised feed-in tariffs only apply if the power generation is exclusively based on renewable energy sources/waste or in case of co-firing the share of renewables/wastes is no less than 30%. In the latter case subsidised price is given for the renewable/waste share of the total generated power only. The take-over prices and their structure have changed several times (the Decree has been amended many times since its issuance in 2007) in accordance with actual energy policy priorities. The latest feed-in prices (as of 1st January, 2011) differentiate between the various renewable energies and the size of the generation facilities, and are the following. Table 7 Feed-in prices, HUF/kWh Category of the generation facility Solar and wind power Licensed before Non solar and non wind 01.01.2008. Solar power 20 MW or smaller power Licensed after plants (non solar) 01.01.2008. 20 – 50 MW power plants (Except: hydro (non solar and non wind) power >5 MW and 20 – 50 MW wind power other power plants plant >50 MW) Plants including old equipment Hydro power >5 MW and other power plants >50 MW Peak 30.71 34.31 29.84 33.35 Off-peak 30.71 30.71 29.84 29.84 Night rate 30.71 12.54 29.84 12.18 26.67 23.88 9.74 33.35 29.84 12.18 20.74 13.27 13.27 20.74 13.27 13.27 Type of policy instrument Regulatory, economic. Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators • Quantity of electric power fed to the grid (kWh) • Fuel use by the plants (GJ) where applicable Electric power data are reported by the generation facilities to MAVIR (Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd.) on regular (monthly) basis where they are recorded. Annual generation, fuel use data and efficiency calculations are reported yearly to MEH. 29 Effects and impacts The compulsory take-over and the related subsidy system in its current form have been in place since the beginning of 2003. The achieved results are demonstrated in the following diagram (value for 2010 is estimated). Figure 3 Renewable power supplied to the grid Figure 4 Share of renewable sources in power generation The continuously increasing trend and the dominance of biomass are clearly visible. The latter, however, may be somewhat less marked in the future as there are serious plans in the NCsT to promote windpower. From past experience it is apparent that subsidy through the compulsory take-over system is the most effective promotional tool. Still, the quantitative effect of this policy cannot be 30 separated from that of other policies of renewable promotion. The effect of all the renewable promotional policies may be estimated on the basis of the forecast green power production figures in the NCsT until 2020, and extrapolating the trends of the last 3 years of the forecast to 2025. Thus the following green power generation figures are obtained: Table 8 RES-E generation, GWh 2010 2015 2020 2025 Hydro power 194 196 237 275 Solid biomass 1 870 1 988 2 688 3334 Biogas 85 262 636 983 Windpower 692 1 377 1 545 1697 Geothermal 0 29 410 410 Solar PV 2 26 81 148 Total 2 843 3 878 5 597 6 847 The GHG emission reduction is calculated from these figures from the modelled forecast BAU power generation mix. The forecast mitigation effect of all the renewable power promotion policies, of which the currently discussed compulsory take-over system is decisive, thus is the following. Table 9 GHG reduction effect of all the renewable power promotion policies 2010 2015 2020 2025 2.3 3.2 4.6 5.6 II.3.2.2. Direct financial support for renewable projects Objectives and description In line with the objectives and foreseen tools of the NCsT, direct financial supporting schemes are provided to help realise renewable projects. Currently, i.e. before a dedicated operative programme (see the details of the NCsT in section II.3.1.3 ) is launched for this purpose, these supports are provided through various existing operative programmes. The subsidies provided through the operative programmes (unlike the KÁT) –, which improve the financial viability of renewable projects by boosting the cashflow –, provide assistance upfront during the project development, investment and construction phase. The support system has been in place for years now with slightly shifting emphasis according to the actual energy policy priorities. In line with the forming Energy Strategy priorities and the objectives of the NCsT, the most recent (2011) subsidies focus more on heating and cooling based on renewables. 31 The individual support schemes and their key elements are briefly described below3: Development of building energy systems in combination with renewable energy utilization (KEOP-2011-4.9.0) The subsidy scheme supports the construction or implementation of concrete energy efficiency and renewable projects (combination of the two is preferred) of SME and public institutions. The 10-85% of the total project cost can be received as a grant for the following project types: Improvement of thermal performance of buildings, reduction of heat losses, including external insulation, replacement of doors and windows, installation of heat recovery for the ventilation systems. Modernisation of the heating, cooling and DHW supply systems in public institutions and SME including the following: o o o o o o o o Replacement of boilers with high efficiency equipment. Automatic heating control systems. Control system of heating and DHW systems, individual metering. Energy saving measures in cooling systems. Small scale local cogeneration or trigeneration. Waste heat recovery. Conversion of heat distribution systems from steam to hot water. Hooking up to district heating systems. Modernisation of lighting systems. Including replacement of light sources and ballasts and better control of lighting. Utilisation of renewable energies, including: o Solar collectors for DHW generation and/or heating. o Biomass for DHW generation and/or heating. o Utilisation of geothermal energy. o Heat pumps for DHW or heating. o Solar PV panels for power generation mainly for local use. Altogether HUF 8 billion is available within the framework of this support scheme for the period between 2011-2013. Renewable based power or CHP generation, bio-methane production. (KEOP-2011-4.4.0) This support scheme provides HUF 23 billion for 2007-2013 in order to assist the implementation of renewable power generation projects. Subsidies between one million and 3 The codes of the individual support schemes are given in brackets to assist identification 32 one billion HUF may be obtained which is to correspond to 10-85% of the total project cost depending on who the applicant is and where within the country the project is implemented. SME, entities of the public administration and non-profit organisations may apply for the support. The following project types are eligible: Solar PV systems (smaller than 500 kW if connected to the grid, no capacity limitations if autonomous). Biomass based combined heat and power generation. o Solid biomass based new CHP capacities with high efficiency max. 20 MW capacity. o Conversion of solid or liquid biomass to fuel such as ethanol, diesel oil and its use for combined heated power generation. Hydropower projects: construction or revamping of max. 2 MW hydropower plants. Biogas generation and utilisation o from agricultural products or by-products o from waste water o from landfills. Utilisation of geothermal energy for power generation or CHP. Wind power projects: o Max. 50 kW capacity wind power projects if connected to the grid. o Any wind power plants if not connected to the grid. Supplying local heat and power demands from renewable energy sources (KEOP-20114.2.0-A and KEOP-2011-4.2.0-B) The purpose of the support scheme is to promote local, decentralised renewable-based energy supply systems by providing grant funds in the value of HUF 1 million-1 billion, corresponding to 10-85% of the project cost. The support is available for enterprises, public institutions and non-profit organizations. Altogether HUF 19.67 billion is allocated for this purpose for the period between 2007 and 2013. The supported project types are the following: Solar collectors to supply heat demands Solid or liquid biomass to supply heat demands including space heating, DHW generation or direct heat demands of economic activities.) Conversion of solid or liquid biomass to fuels to cover local (own) heat demands. Biogas production from solid or liquid biomass and landfill gas collection to cover local (own) heat demands. Utilisation of geothermal energy (new production or reinjection wells or revamping existing systems) Heat pumps (meeting minimum efficiency criterion is required) 33 Renewable based cooling. New renewable based district heating systems, or conversion of existing DH systems to renewable energy Renewable energy based regional development (KEOP-2011-4.3.0) This subsidy scheme supports the implementation of renewable-based model projects that have marked regional development impacts. Altogether HUF 6 billion is allocated for this purpose between 2007 and 2013. Grants between HUF 70 million and 1.5 billion are available. A wide range of renewable-based technologies can be supported including solar, biomass hydro, biogas, geothermal – the scope is practically the same as with KEOP-20114.2.0-A and KEOP-2011-4.2.0-B. However, it is a precondition that the project would demonstrate at least one of the following regional development impacts: Increasing employment, job creation Apparent increase of local income level Resolving a local environmental problem (such as utilisation of wastes for energy generation, landscape rehabilitation by utilising forestry by-products) Improvement of the quality of life in socially challenged regions Utilisation of local geographical or other endowments Reinforcement of local community, creating community targets. Increasing utilisation of renewable energies in Central Hungary (KMOP-3.3.3.-11) The objective and scope of this support scheme is practically the same as those of KEOP2011-4.2.0-A and KEOP-2011-4.2.0-B, but due to administrative reasons a separate operative programme is operated for Central Hungary, hence the support for renewables in this region also appears separately. The total sum allocated for this purpose for 2011-13 is HUF 1 billion, the grant available for the individual projects may range between HUF 3-100 million, corresponding to 10-90% of the total cost. Support for the preparation and development of geothermal heat and power projects (KEOP-2011-4.7.0) This support scheme addresses one of the bottlenecks of renewable projects: these projects are often initiated by local entrepreneurs or communities lacking expertise and finance to properly design, develop and prepare the project, which may well be a tedious and costly process. The support is available for enterprises and public institutions, the total allocated amount is HUF 3 billion for 2007-2013, of which 1.62 billion is still available. The key parameters of the individual support schemes are summarised in the following table: 34 Table 10 The key parameters of the individual support schemes Support scheme Allocated amount (timeframe) Support available per project Support as % of project cost KEOP-2011-4.9.0 (Building EE plus renewable energy utilization) HUF 8 billion (2011-2013) HUF 1-250 million 10-85% KEOP-2011-4.4.0 (Renewable power/CHP, bio-methane production) HUF 23 billion (2007-2013) HUF 1-1000 million 10-85% KEOP-2011-4.2.0-A and KEOP-20114.2.0-B (Renewable local heat and power ) HUF 19.67 billion (2007-2013) HUF 1-1000 million 10-85% KEOP-2011-4.3.0 (Renewable energy based regional development) HUF 6 billion (2007-2013) HUF 70-1500 million 10-90% KMOP-3.3.3.-1 (Renewable energies in Central Hungary) HUF 1 billion (2011-2013) HUF 3-100 million 10-90% KEOP-2011-4.7.0 (geothermal heat and power project development) HUF 3 billion (2007-2013) HUF 3-100 million 10-90% Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Monitoring is through the following indicators: amount of subsidy used renewable energy used (where applicable); quantity of generated heat/electric power; calculated emission reduction. The agency responsible for managing the support schemes maintains a monitoring unit, which evaluates the annual performance reports submitted by the beneficiaries. Effects and impacts 35 According to the accounts of the agency managing the subsidy schemes, there is large and constantly growing interest on behalf of the potential beneficiaries. As of early 2010, the number of applications was much larger than before, the demand for support was more than 2.5 times higher than the total support provided in 2007-2009. The interest towards renewables was remarkably higher than earlier and also higher than for energy efficiency improvement supports. The share of the individual project types as of early 2010 was the following. Figure 5 Distribution of supported renewable projects by the type of energy It is clear that the support system strongly contributes to achieving the targets set in the NCsT. As said in the previous point, it is not possible to estimate the projected emission savings separately for the individual tools, they are included in the projection in point II.3.2. II.3.2.3. Support for planting energy crops and forests Objectives and description The general objective of the policy is to help overcome the difficulties of switching from traditional farming to the cultivation of energy plantations, and so partly ensure the maintenance of farming especially in backward regions, create or keep jobs and to provide safe and reliable fuel supply for renewable energy utilisation projects. The specific objectives include: ensure farming alternatives that can match local conditions; reduce the damages caused by wind and water erosion of soils; reduce the burden on natural forests that is due to the extensive use of biomass for energy purposes; improve the standard of living in rural areas by providing fuel to contribute to the increase of renewable utilisation. 36 Two consecutive decrees of the Minister for Agriculture - 71/2007. (VII. 27.) and 72/2007. (VII. 27.) - regulate the subsidy for creating new energy crop or energy forest plantations. For herbaceous species and plantations the subsidy available for farmers is maximum EUR 735 thousand, but shall not exceed 40% of the project cost. Young farmers and backward regions have preferential conditions. In such cases the subsidy may be 50% or even 60% of the project costs. Also plant-specific subsidy limits expressed in HUF/ha apply. In order to ensure longer term effects, efficiency, sustainability and careful use of funds, several conditions apply, too, such as: Only lands larger than 1 ha are eligible and the minimum land size is also limited through other criteria (EUME); Proper technology shall be used to prevent spontaneous proliferation of the species; For at least 5 years the plantation shall be maintained; Minimum density of plants on the area shall be adhered to. In the evaluation of the applications for support it is considered a serious advantage if the product of the energy plantation is used or processed by the farmer himself, such as for supplying energy demands or pellet/briquette production. Very similar conditions apply for wood-type energy plantations. The upper limit of support is also maximum EUR 735 thousand, and 40-60% of the total project cost may be applied for. However, the grant shall not exceed HUF 160,000/ha for locust and HUF 200,000/ha in case of other species. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators The efficiency of the policy can be monitored by the area of new and existing plantations. Effects and impacts According to data of MGSzH (Central Agricultural Office – responsible for licensing and monitoring the plantations) by June, 2009 altogether 2665 ha was licensed for plantation of wood-type energy plants, 1505 ha of which was actually planted. The majority of the species used was poplar, willow and locust playing a lesser part. By September 2010 altogether 6456 ha were awarded plantation support for fast growing species, as shown in the following table. 37 Table 11 Awarded plantation support for fast growing species by September 2010 County Poplar Locust Willow Total 15 15 Bács-Kiskun Baranya 1535 440 1975 Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 13 85 98 Budapest 341 167 401 909 Hajdú Bihar 168 446 631 1245 Heves 58 13 71 Somogy 1629 54 1683 Vas 174 Veszprém 18 192 178 178 90 Zala 35 55 Total 3953 864 1639 6456 Even if the absolute value of the area is not very large, the growth is apparent: it more than doubled within one year. Forecasts of the MEH calculate with 100,000 ha of energy plantations by 2020 in the base case, but the scenarios included more ambitious figures. The GHG mitigation effect of the policy is indirect, it can only be assumed on the basis of typical yield of the areas. The following projected savings due to the increase of fast growing species are based on the following assumptions: The shares of various species are: poplar 60%; locust: 15%, willow: 25% The increase of areas is as indicated in the table (based on the MEH study, extrapolated) The energy plants will replace natural gas firing, combustion efficiency is the same. 100% of the production of the energy plantations is used within Hungary. Table 12 GHG mitigation effect of planting energy crops and forests 2010 2015 2020 2025 Total area of plantations 6500 25,000 100,000 120,000 Produced energy, PJ 1.57 6.04 24.15 28.98 Emission reduction, Mt CO2eq/year 0.088 0.339 1.355 1. 626 II.3.3. Support for combined heat and power generation Objectives and description As discussed in the previous biennial reports, a similar support system to that of the renewable based power (see section II.3.2.1) has been in place in Hungary for co-generated power since 2003, regulated first by the Decree of the Minister for the Economy 56/2002(XII.29) GKM, later by Governmental Decree 389/2007. (XII. 23.). This policy promoted combined heat and power (CHP) also by: 38 • stipulating the mandatory purchase of co-generated electric power • providing financial support for the operators of CHP plants in the form of regulated and subsidised feed-in tariff. Already at the outset the policy was designed to last for a limited period: the decree 56/2002(XII.29) GKM included a clause stating that the decree will cease to be effective as of 31st December, 2010. Already in 2006, the evaluation of the policy showed that the increase of small-scale capacities was somewhat faster and larger than expected and desirable, leading to higher burdens on the power consumers4 and problems in system control. (See Hungary‘s Biennial Report of 2007) Therefore some reductions of subsidies were introduced limiting further growth. The policy now is considered to have achieved its goals and in order to avoid further increase of general electricity prices and burdens of the consumers, further subsidies are not provided. The exact details and possible retention of some of the subsidies are being discussed between the relevant governmental institutions and the professional public. Results are expected by mid 2011. The key stipulation of the currently effective legislation (February, 2011) is that compulsory take-over and subsidised tariff only applies if • the plant came on-line (started commercial operation) before 31st December, 2010 and • smaller than 20 MW or • the heat co-generated with electric power is used in a district heating system or • the heat co-generated with electric power is used in a special institution (governmental or municipal buildings, public and non-profit organizations) Type of policy instrument Regulatory, economic Status of implementation Implemented (for the capacities that meet the above criteria) Repealed (for other capacities) Monitoring indicators Quantity of electric power feed in to the grid (kWh) Effects and impacts The safe market of compulsory take-over of generated power at subsidised prices triggered a steady increase in the quantity of generated power, as shown in the following chart. The chart 4 The subsidy is indirectly covered by a component of the general electricity tariffs 39 shows the quantity of not subsidised co-generated power (large power stations – the trend is practically steady) and also the subsidised co-gen power, which almost tripled in six years owing to the policy (data for 2009 non-subsidised power is not available). Figure 6 The total co-generated power in Hungary 2003-2009 Source: KPMG (2010) The achieved emission reduction through the policy, as compared to a baseline scenario when the cogenerated power would have been produced by all the other capacities in the Hungarian energy system, is shown in the following chart. Figure 7 The total emission of power generation and the emission savings achieved by CHP as calculated by an independent consultant Source: KPMG (2010) As far as future projections are concerned, the following factors shall be considered: 40 • The currently valid regulation not only stops the subsidies for future new plants, but also for several existing capacities. • Those capacities that lose the subsidies may either stop operation or may try to operate in the free market, depending on their financial situation, debts, etc. In any case the quantity of generated power will be lower. • It is foreseen that subsidies will gradually further decrease. According to preliminary information, KÁT subsidies for cogeneration will cease to exist after 2015. A reasonable forecast for the quantity of KÁT-subsidised cogenerated power is shown in the following chart. Figure 8 Projected quantities of KÁT subsidised cogenerated power Source: KPMG (2010) • On the other hand other promotional tools for cogeneration are possible to be introduced. Preferential taxation, preferential allocation of emission allowances, revision of system-utilisation fees etc. are recommended by professional organisations. The declared target is to at least maintain the achieved results. • It may be assumed that the non-subsidised portion of the cogenerated power, which has always been generated and traded under free market conditions and has been practically constant (see the figure above) will remain stable. With the above considerations the projected emission reduction achieved is forecast as follows. 41 Table 13 Projected emission reduction achieved by cogeneration plants 2010 2015 2020 2025 Total cogenerated power, TWh 9.1 7.2 6.8 6.8 Emission reduction achieved, Mt CO2/year 3.7 2.9 2.7 2.7 Subsidised cogenerated power, TWh 4.6 0.8 0.0 0.0 Emission reduction achieved, Mt CO2/year 1.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 II.3.4. Modernization of district heating systems II.3.4.1. Subsidy for investment in energy modernisation of DH systems (KEOP-2011-5.4.0.) Objectives and description District heating is an important sector of the Hungarian energy system, not only for its sheer size (there are some 640.000 district heated homes and a large number of such public institutions) but also due to its political importance: more than 2 million people of the 10million populace are affected. As shown in the previous Biennial Reports, policies for the modernisation of DH systems have been in place for a long time. Still, most of the DH systems of 92 cities in the country are more or less obsolete with substantial scope for improvement. In line with point the NEEAP a support scheme is in place to help improving DH systems. The declared primary objectives of the policy are to save energy and thus both locally and on national level to reduce GHG emissions via the improvement of heat generation and distribution systems. The policy provides grant money to finance energy saving or energy efficiency improvement projects of DH companies in the range between HUF 10 and 500 million, which shall correspond to 10-50% of the total project cost. The following project types are eligible for the support. Waste heat recovery in the DH system Replacement/thermal insulation of primary supply pipe lines. Replacing overland pipes to underground pipelines. Modernisation of DH substations, splitting large substations. Conversion to variable mass-flow rate control. Switching heat transfer medium (from steam to hot water) Recruiting new customers. CHP but only if the total generated power is used within the DH system. Heat storage systems, trigeneration. Replacement of electric chillers with district heat operated chillers (district cooling) 42 The total funds allocated for this purpose for 2007-2013 amount to HUF 5.44 billion, 2.08 billion of which is still available. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Calculated energy saving achieved Effects and impacts The energy savings objective set in the NEEAP for DH modernisation is 2 PJ/year by 2016, with an additional 0.1-0.3 PJ increase of savings every year. In projecting the GHG emission savings, the following assumptions are considered: In Hungary practically all district heat is generated from natural gas. (More than 98% according to 2006 statistical data). Thus it is reasonable to calculate the emissions and emission reduction on pure natural gas basis, assuming 90% plant efficiency. It is assumed that after 2016 the achievable savings are reduced, as the available good projects will have been implemented by then (‗cream skimming‘). The absolute values of savings will be also lower, as due to the intensives modernisation of buildings (see the relevant PAMs in the current report) the heat demand will substantially reduce, thus to achieve the same absolute savings requires more intensive efforts. In order to account for this, the calculation assumes that from 2016 the annual increment of savings will be reduced to the 2008 levels of the NEEAP. Table 14 Projected emission reduction achieved by modernization of district heating systems 2010 2015 2020 2025 Emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.011 0.022 0.014 0.004 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.021 0.120 0.208 0.246 II.3.4.2. Individual measurement and control in district heating Objectives and description Mainly due to technical reasons it is general in Hungarian district heating systems that heat consumption is metered only in the substations of the buildings. This metering is the basis for billing, and the related charge is split among the individual consumers (homes) in various ways, not necessarily in proportion to their actual consumption. In many systems, also owing to technical reasons it is still not possible to control the temperature (heat consumption) individually. 43 It has been proven that individual control and correct, accurate metering of the heat consumption of the homes when coupled with consumption-related cost allocation and billing results in significant savings. In order to facilitate the necessary technical changes financial support is provided for such projects. Such support has been available for some years now in various forms, from various budgets. The current scheme is named ―ÖKO-Program‖ which provides maximum 50% of the project cost with an upper limit of HUF 77,000/flat. The supported interventions are the following: Installation of equipment for individual temperature control (thermostatic valves, thermostats, room thermostats) Installation of individual metering equipment (heat meters or electronic cost allocators) Conversion of the heat distribution system in the buildings (flow controllers, radiator bypass lines in single pipe systems, new double-pipe systems) It is foreseen that the support system will remain in place. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of projects Calculated energy saving Effects and impacts In 2009 altogether 297 projects were supported with the total amount of HUF 1.17 billion. Based on the projected energy savings of the NEEAP, which takes into account the expected effects of both the implemented and planned support schemes, the following effects are projected: Table 15 Projected emission reduction achieved by individual measurement and control in district heating 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.00 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.15 1.24 1.81 2.04 Change in emission reduction M tCO2/year 0.011 0.012 0.008 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction M tCO2/year 0.011 0.088 0.128 0.144 44 II.3.5. Nuclear power II.3.5.1. Lifetime extension and capacity increase of the Paks nuclear plant Objectives and description Hungary is operating four VVER-440 type pressurised water nuclear reactors in the Paks nuclear power plant (Paks NPP). These were commissioned between 1982 and 1987, with a planned technical lifetime of 30 years. Already at the end of the 1990s it was recognised that the operation and preferably the increase of the capacity of the Paks NPP is crucial for the safety of electric power supply of the country and also for limiting GHG emissions. Therefore first the increase of the capacity of the units of the plant from 440 MW to 500 MW was decided, then a decision on the extension of the technical lifetime of the plant (Resolution of the Parliament 85/2005. (XI. 23.)) was made. The measures were implemented gradually, according to the time schedule shown in the following table. Table 16 Lifetime extension and capacity increase of the Paks nuclear plant Unit start operation End of original lifetime 500 MW capacity on-line End of extended lifetime Unit 1 14 Dec. 1982 2012 19 Jul. 2007 2032 Unit 2 26 Aug. 1984 2014 05 Dec. 2008 2034 Unit 3 15 Sep. 1986 2016 13 Nov. 2009 2036 Unit 4 09 Aug. 1987 2017 28 Sep. 2006 2037 Type of policy instrument Other: technical Status of implementation Capacity increase: Implemented Lifetime extension: Planned In more details, as shown in the previous table the capacity increase of the last unit (Unit 3) was finished in 2009. The lifetime extension is a long, tedious process, with the following main stages: Feasibility study (Finished in 2002) Environmental licensing (finished in 2008) Development of the implementation program (finished in 2008) Checking of the program by the authorities (currently under way) Implementing the program (currently under way) Operation according to the new license for the extended lifetime (planned from 2012) 45 Monitoring indicators Quantity of electric power generated Effects and impacts The operation of the nuclear plant obviously substitutes fossil fired power generation capacities, with zero GHG emission technology. The emission savings can be calculated if the actual/planned situation is compared to a baseline, which, in this case is a scenario without the capacity increase and lifetime extension (i.e. the original 440 MW capacities would be available until the end of their original planned technical lifetime). In calculating the emission reduction due to these measures, the following assumptions were considered: Only the exported power of the Paks NPP is calculated with, rather than the total generated power in order to exclude the own consumption of the plant. In order to be conservative, it is assumed that in lack of nuclear power the same quantity of power would be generated in a modern natural gas fired combined cycle plant with an efficiency of 52%. Similar stable operation, own consumption figures and utilisation factors are assumed as were actually measured between 2005 and 2009. Table 17 Projected emission reduction achieved by lifetime extension and capacity increase of the Paks nuclear plant 2010 2015 2020 2025 Emission reduction Mt, CO2/year 0.65 3.05 5.46 5.44 Accumulated emission reduction from 2005, Mt CO2 2.78 11.31 35.79 63.02 II.3.5.2. New nuclear units in the Paks NPP Objectives and description Several energy policy considerations, such as security of supply, concerns regarding heavy import dependence and the dominance of natural gas in energy supply, GHG emission mitigation necessitated that the construction of new nuclear capacities would be considered. After lengthy project development work, feasibility studies carried out by Paks NPP (Teller project) the Parliament passed their resolution 25/2009. (IV. 2.), in which they approved the starting of concrete preparation of constructing nuclear new unit(s). Based on this authorisation, the concrete project development activities (licensing, tenders) have started (Lévai project) and are still under way. According to the latest plans it seems that two new units (Paks-5 and Paks-6) would be constructed. The planned dates of the start of commercial operation are 2025 and 2030 for Paks-5 and Paks-6, respectively. The actual size of the two units is not yet determined, various options are being investigated. The most likely size is 2x1000-1200 MW. 46 Type of policy instrument Other: technical Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators Quantity of electric power generated Effects and impacts As the time-span investigated in the current report is until 2025, conservatively assuming that the foreseen commissioning dates of the new units are at the end of the years stated, only Paks-5 can have an impact. Assuming the similar baseline as in the previous point (no new nuclear units are constructed) and similar utilisation and own consumption figures, a new 1000 MW unit coming on-line at the end of 2020, would export around 7000 GWh electric power to the grid a year. Thus if compared to a baseline when the same quantity of power is generated in a modern natural gas fired combined cycle plant, the projected emission savings are the following. Table 18 Projected emission reduction achieved by new nuclear units in the Paks NPP Emission reduction Mt CO2/year 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 0 0 2.72 II.3.6. Emission Trading System in the energy industry Objectives and description Hungary, as an Annex I Party to the Kyoto Protocol, in accordance with Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament, has been operating the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) since 2005. The legal background for the ETS is provided by Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, whereas the organisation and operation of the ETS is regulated by the amended Act XV of 2005 on the trading with emission units of greenhouse gases. The ETS is the key instrument in compelling the large energy consumers of the economy, including the power sector and the industry to make efforts to mitigate their GHG emissions, especially since the beginning of the second trading period, 2008. Type of policy instrument Regulatory/Economic Status of implementation 47 Implemented Monitoring indicators Verified GHG emissions Power generation data Effects and impacts In the first trading period between 2005-2007 30.2 million tons CO2eq allowances amounting to were allocated altogether, whereas the actual emissions were round 26 million tons. Therefore, although the operation of the ETS certainly had awareness raising effect, it did not impose a real urging need for GHG mitigation on the companies within the system. On the contrary, it created an opportunity to generate some extra revenues from the trading of emission allowances. This was similar in many other EU countries, therefore the price of emission allowance significantly decreased in the international markets. The situation has changed in the second trading period, from 2008. Then the original national allocation plan included much lower amounts of emission allowances, but it was further reduced by the decision of the European Commission of 17. April, 2007, which found that some 3.8 million units to be allocated were not justified. Thus finally the total amount of allowances allocated for 2008, the first year of the second trading period, was 25.044 million tons. The verified emissions of the companies subject to ETS in the same year were 27.25 million tons, which shows that some 9% of the total allowance had to be procured on the market, this providing ample incentive for GHG reduction measures. In the next trading period, from 2013 further severe cuts in the quantity of available allowances are expected, considering that the current plans will limit the total EU-ETS emission to 2.039 billion tons, which would be reduced by 1.74% of the 2008-2012 average emission every year. Besides, the auctioning of allowances will become general and mandatory from 2013. These measures will create a very strong incentive for emission reduction measures. The results of the policy so far cannot be directly detected if the emission values of the industry are considered only, as the power demand of the county and therefore the amount of generated power increased. Instead, the effects of efforts by the companies of the energy industry (fossil fired power stations) to improve their efficiency can be well tracked if the specific fossil fuel consumption normalised to power generation is examined. This is shown in the following chart. 48 Figure 9: Specific fuel consumption of Hungarian fossil-based power generation Although the improvement is clearly not entirely attributable to the ETS system only, as other factors, such as fuel prices also have considerable influence, and awareness raising and financial constrains from the ETS certainly played an important role. Although projections for the energy industry overall emissions were made, it is not possible to quantify the effect of the ETS system separately, exactly because of the complexity of the calculation, the results of which are influenced by fuel prices, foreseen fuel mix and plant efficiencies (decommissioning of old and construction of new plants) among several other factors. II.3.7. Energy performance and efficiency of buildings II.3.7.1. Regulation on the energy performance of buildings Objectives and description The energy performance of buildings is currently regulated by Decree 7/2006 (V. 24.). In the decree both the methodology of evaluation (thermal calculations) and some key parameters (e.g. U-values and normalised heat loss) of buildings and their structural elements are prescribed. Meeting these prescribed values are the precondition for the issuance of licences for construction or major refurbishment of buildings. As shown in the earlier Biennial Reports, the decree already had considerable emission reduction effect. The decree, however, was issued in 2006, and especially in the light of the new Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, it is rather obsolete. Therefore, in order to fully comply with the Directive by 2020, the Decree is being reconsidered. Although, not officially approved yet, a gradual compliance plan is being discussed by the professional public, suggested by the Chamber of Hungarian Engineers and the Chamber of Hungarian Architects. 49 According to the plan, the compulsory values of the various energy performance parameters will become stricter gradually, in 2012, 2015 and in 2019. In order to demonstrate the foreseen progress, the suggested values of the U-value of some building structures are quoted here. Table 19 Suggested U-values of some building structures, W/m2K 2012 2015 2019 External walls 0.30 0.26 0.22 Glazing 1.10 1.00 0.80 Glazed window (wood or plastic frames) 1.30 1.15 1.00 The regulation is to become also stricter in relation to the regular inspection of HVAC equipment, certification process, and the overall energy performance. As to the latter, in line with the Directive, it is foreseen that all newly constructed public buildings after 31 December, 2018, and all other new buildings after 31 December, 2020 will have to be zero energy buildings. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Implemented (the existing regulation) Planned (the future changes) Monitoring indicators Number of issued building energy certificates. Number / heated volume of new or reconstructed housing. Effects and impacts The effects and impacts of the planned measure can be calculated on the basis of the structure and number of the Hungarian building stock, the number of construction licences issued annually and on the basis of typical building types. The calculated energy savings and the related GHG emission reduction are the following. Table 20 Projected emission reduction achieved by Regulation on the energy performance of buildings 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.63 0.91 1.2 1.2 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.63 4.62 10.02 16.02 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.032 0.046 0.061 0.061 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.032 0.235 0.510 0.815 50 II.3.7.2. Energy certification of buildings Objectives and description Further to the Directive 2002/91/EC, since 1 January, 2009, the system of energy certification of buildings is effective in Hungary, as governed by Governmental Decree 176/2008.Korm. Energy certification is compulsory for all buildings if larger than 50 m2, used more than 4 months a year, designed for more than 2 years of use, not protected (historical buildings), not meant for agricultural or workshop use, or if internal heat gains are lower than 20 W/m3. Churches are exempt. The energy certificate is necessary for the newly constructed buildings, buildings sold or let for more than one year and all government buildings bigger than 1000 m2. The certificate does not only include the classification of the building, but if it is not at least class ―C‖5, it shall include recommendations as to how the energy efficiency of the building should be improved. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The energy certificates provide effective and fast information on the energy performance of buildings, and thus are expected to influence the market value of buildings, and so shifting the preference of buyers and owners of new buildings or homes to more energy efficient structures. In the long run this influences the design of new buildings and considerably increases awareness. Based on the estimates of the NEEAP the effects are projected as follows. Table 21 Projected emission reduction achieved by energy certification of buildings 5 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.12 0.72 1.32 1.92 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.006 0.037 0.067 0.098 The overall combined energy consumption is at least 96-100% of the reference value (requirement) 51 II.3.7.3. Subsidy for energy efficiency improvement projects Objectives and description Direct subsidy for improving energy efficiency of households and public buildings has been a well proven GHG mitigation policy for years, since the early 2000s. Detailed account on the content, structure and funding of the earlier support schemes (SZT-EN, NEP) was given in the earlier Biennial Reports. Although the supported project types and the conditions of support changed from year to year, the main focus remained the same. Typical target areas of support were: replacement of doors and windows; external insulation; modernisation of heating and DHW systems. The form of support was typically grant, but often preferential loan schemes were operated, such as the ―For a Successful Hungary‖ Residential Energy Saving Loan in 2007. Until 2011 the two following support schemes were in place: ZBR Climate Friendly Home Energy Efficiency Programme (ZBR-EH-09) The primary objective if the programme is climate protection. The programme supports energy efficient refurbishment of traditional buildings, resulting in GHG emission mitigation. The following project types are supported: Refurbishment or replacement of windows if proper individual heating controls are already in place or is simultaneously installed; Passive solar energy utilisation; Passive cooling solutions (sun shades); Heat recovery in ventilation systems; Thermal insulation of building envelope if proper individual heating controls are already in place or are simultaneously installed; Modernisation of heating and DHW systems, energy efficient boilers; Utilisation of renewable energy sources Construction of new, highly energy efficient homes. The precondition of the support is that the energy efficiency class of homes (as per the certification system, see point II.3.7.2) would improve by one category. In this case 30% of the total project cost can be awarded as grant, with an upper limit between HUF 540,000 and HUF 1,450,000, depending on project type. If the energy efficiency class of homes reaches at least class ―B‖ as a result of the project, an additional ―Climate bonus‖ can be granted ranging between HUF 200,000 and 1,000,000, depending on the energy efficiency class reached. The maximum support for new energy efficient buildings is HUF 3.25 million and no homes larger than 130 m2 can be supported. ZBR Climate Friendly Home Panel Sub-programme 52 A large part of the Hungarian building stock is pre-fab buildings (commonly called as panel buildings) and due to social considerations they receive special attention. The possible energy efficiency measures are technically similar, too. Therefore a dedicated sub-programme is created for the energy efficiency improvement of such buildings. Any project can be supported provided that it can be proven that GHG emission reduction is achieved by it and the energy efficiency improvement can be verified. The following project types are supported: Energy efficient refurbishment or replacement of windows; Thermal insulation of building envelope Modernisation of HVAV systems and electrical equipment (elevators) Utilisation of renewable energy sources Passive solar energy utilisation; 33% of the project cost, maximum of HUF 500,000 can be awarded as grant. Here a Climate Bonus can also be applied if the conditions similar to those at the other ZBR Programme are met. The source of funding of both programmes is the Green Investment Scheme (ZBR). According to the NEEAP, the two schemes will be continued and further supports will be made available with similar objectives. Recent communication from the relevant authorities confirmed it, although the content of the support schemes will be re-shaped: more intensive complex modernisation (―in-depth‖ revamp) will be given preference. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented/Planned Monitoring indicators Number of projects Calculated energy saving Calculated emission reduction Effects and impacts The two ZBR programmes described above were first made available for applications in July 2009. In the first stage, between July and December, 2009, almost one thousand (precisely 966) applications for the ZBR Panel programme were accepted and a total grant of HUF 15.2 billion was allocated. It may be interesting that the majority of the projects were complex interventions, combining at least two but more likely three of the supportable project types. 53 The shares of the various project types in terms of grant money and the number of projects are shown in the charts. Figure 10 Project types of the ZBR Panel Program Based on the projected energy savings of the NEEAP, which takes into account the expected effects of both the implemented and planned support schemes, the following effects are projected. Table 22 Projected emission reduction achieved by Subsidy for energy efficiency improvement projects 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.36 2.87 2.11 2.46 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.36 11.09 22.43 34.03 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.018 0.146 0.107 0.125 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.018 0.564 1.142 1.732 II.3.8. Improvement of energy efficiency in households II.3.8.1. Minimum efficiency criteria for household boilers and air conditioning equipment Objectives and description The relevant regulation (7/2006.TNM, see point II.3.7.1) already defines minimum requirements for the energy performance of buildings, of which the parameters of household boilers are a very important component. The Governmental Decree on the regular inspection 54 of heat generation and air-conditioning equipment (264/2008. (XI. 6.)) creates the legal background to find and replace old, inefficient equipment. Already some financial support is available for projects that include the replacement of boilers (e.g. KEOP-2011-4.9.0 for public institutions and the ZBR Climate Friendly Home Program for households) are in place which are planned to be continued, but other tools to assist such projects are considered. Type of policy instrument Regulatory/Economic Status of implementation Implemented/Planned Monitoring indicators Number of projects Calculated energy saving It is noted here that only those effects can be monitored directly which are linked to projects that are supported by some central schemes. The ―spontaneous‖ replacement of equipment which results from the regulation (regular inspection) and financed by the equipment owners themselves, cannot be monitored. Effects and impacts Based on the projected energy savings of the NEEAP, which takes into account the expected effects of both the implemented and planned support schemes, the following effects are projected. Table 23 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum efficiency criteria for household boilers and air conditioning equipment 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.051 0.099 0.058 0.000 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.096 0.551 0.944 1.060 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.007 0.040 0.069 0.078 II.3.8.2. Support for the procurement of highly efficient refrigerators and freezers, other appliances Objectives and description Surveys and studies confirm that more than 90% of the Hungarian households use refrigerators and there are also freezers in around 60% of them. Due to their consumption pattern these appliances are responsible for a large percentage of the household electric power consumption. It is also suggested by the studies that a considerable part of the refrigerators/freezers are rather old, not properly insulated and inefficient. 55 The situation is similar in case of washing machines, which are among the largest power consumers in the households. Financial support can considerably accelerate the replacement process of the inefficient equipments, and it can also influence customer decision to buy more efficient (although more expensive) appliances. In the framework of the ZBR Energy Efficient Household Appliance Replacement Program, subsidy is provided for the procurement of highly efficient refrigerators, freezers and washing machines. The procurement of appliances with energy class ―A‖, ―A+‖ and ―A++‖ is supported. The policy also includes some social considerations, as the support is provided through foundations/organisations caring for large families, the elderly, the disabled and the unemployed. The value of the grant is HUF 60,000 and HUF 70,000 for refrigerators and washing machines, respectively. The subsidy provided through one organisation is limited to HUF 10 million. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of applications Number of appliances Calculated energy saving Calculated emission reduction Effects and impacts In 2010 195 applications for the support were approved, an altogether HUF 1 billion was granted to 11686 families. The expected effects of the policy in the long run are the following. 56 Table 24 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for the procurement of highly efficient refrigerators and freezers, other appliances 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.039 0.076 0.045 0.000 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.074 0.424 0.726 0.815 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.009 0.017 0.010 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.017 0.097 0.166 0.187 II.3.8.3. Promotion of CFLs and other efficient lighting equipment Objectives and description According to studies and surveys, still more than 95% of household lighting is by incandescent light bulbs in Hungary. Lighting, on the other hand, is a significant part (some 810%) of household electric power consumption. Although the Commission Regulation 244/2009 will eventually phase out incandescent and other inefficient lighting by 2016, full success for quite some time is not expected, partly because consumers are likely to stock the inefficient, but cheap bulbs, partly because the black-market sale of the cheap bulbs imported from non-EU countries is still going on. In order to improve the competitiveness of CFLs and other efficient lighting, to accelerate the replacement of inefficient lights and also in order to improve public awareness and experience with the novel technology, a subsidy programme is in place. ZBR Energy Efficient Light Replacement Sub-programme, launched in 2010, provides grant funding for the procurement of energy efficient lights. Similarly to the support for energy efficient household appliances (see II.3.8.2) the subsidy is provided for special target groups (large families, the elderly and the disabled) through their social organisations. The amount of the grant is HUF 40,000 per family, but the total amount is limited to HUF 150 million per target group, and to HUF 10.million per organisation. The total amount allocated for the purpose in 2010 was HUF 450 million. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of applications Calculated energy saving Calculated emission reduction 57 Effects and impacts The expected effects of the policy in the long run are the following. Table 25 Projected emission reduction achieved by promotion of CFLs and other efficient lighting equipment 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.201 0.392 0.392 0.000 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.381 2.178 4.137 4.921 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.046 0.090 0.090 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.087 0.499 0.947 1.126 II.3.9. Improvement of energy efficiency in governmental and public institutions II.3.9.1. Promoting third party financing Objectives and description The basic aim of the policy is to improve the energy efficiency in institutions of public organisations, churches and foundations and thus contribute to GHG emissions. It is common experience, however, that such organisations lack technical expertise and have no funding available for implementing energy efficiency improvement projects. In this respect third party financing and ESCOs can play a crucial role to make such projects happen in the institutions of the target group of the policy. In the framework of the policy support is provided for the implementation of energy efficiency projects which are typically not sufficiently attractive under the Hungarian economic conditions. In order to ensure professional project development and management the support is provided through the ESCO. Such policy has been in place for some time now (see the previous Biennial Reports) and according to the NEEAP it is to be continued. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Calculated energy saving Calculated emission reduction Effects and impacts Based on the experience of past years the following effects are expected. 58 Table 26 Projected emission reduction achieved by promoting third party financing 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 1.650 4.400 7.150 9.900 Change in emission reduction M tCO2/year 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.044 Accumulated emission reduction M tCO2/year 0.133 0.356 0.578 0.800 II.3.9.2. Inclusion of EE promotion elements in the Regional Operative Programmes Objectives and description Within the general development strategy of Hungary subsidiary – and within that the involvement of the regions in the planning and implementation of sectoral programmes – as well as a stronger regional planning and regional role is a key element. Therefore, in order to strengthen the regional role, several development policies are implemented through Regional Operative Programmes (ROP). The typical target groups of the ROPs are municipalities, public institutions, churches and civil organisations. These ROPs therefore are important tools of allocating funding for projects that serve achieving strategic goals in the public sector. Including EE promotion elements in the ROPs thus can play a special role not only in the implementation of actual projects, but also in awareness raising by attaching EE elements to other ROP priorities. The ROPs designed for 2007-13 included support for the following project elements: reduction of energy use in public institutions modernisation of indoor and outdoor lighting systems improvement of thermal performance of buildings modernisation of secondary (demand-side) systems of energy supply reduction of energy use in street-lighting. The support in the ROPs is maximum 90%, typically 30-50%. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of projects Calculated energy saving Calculated emission reduction Effects and impacts 59 The following effects are projected. Table 27 Projected emission reduction achieved by including EE promotion elements in the Regional Operative Programmes 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.057 0.069 0.060 0.060 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.161 0.480 0.805 1.105 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.005 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.013 0.039 0.065 0.089 II.3.9.3. Including EE principles in public procurement procedures Objectives and description As discussed in the chapter on the Programme of National Cooperation (II.1.1) greening of public procurement is an important element of the overall strategy of the government. In line with relevant European policy the idea was already part of the NEEAP. Therefore the evaluation criteria of public procurement procedures shall include measurable, objective environmental and/or energy efficiency criteria. The projects implemented in governmental and municipal facilities and the consideration of related energy performance criteria of buildings is of special importance in this regard. The Governmental Decree 48/2011. (III. 30.) on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles was adopted in 2011 as a first step of the policy, although not yet related to public institutions but rather to transport, in compliance with the Directive 2009/33/EC of the EU. This decree stipulates that the operators of public passenger transport services by rail and by road shall take into account the operational lifetime energy and environmental impacts (at least energy consumption, emissions of CO2, NOx and particulate matter) when purchasing road transport vehicles. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The following effects are projected. 60 Table 28 Projected emission reduction achieved by including EE principles in public procurement procedures 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.000 2.000 4.500 7.000 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.040 0.040 0.040 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.162 0.364 0.566 II.3.9.4. Minimum efficiency requirements for office equipment Objectives and description It is recognised that with the modernisation of office work at public institutions the energy consumption of office equipment has become a significant part of the overall energy use of the sector. It is necessary to establish minimum criteria for typical office equipment (copiers, computers, air conditioning equipment etc.). This is expected to lead to gradual phasing-out of obsolete, low efficiency equipment and eventually savings in energy consumption and GHG emissions. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts Based on the forecast in the NEEAP, the following mitigation effects are projected. Table 29 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum efficiency requirements for office equipment 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.000 0.100 0.100 0.100 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.000 0.400 0.900 1.400 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.023 0.023 0.023 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.092 0.206 0.320 II.4. Industry II.4.1. Operation of ETS Objectives and description The key facts for the ETS system are summarised in point II.3.6. These are valid for the industries subject to the ETS as well. 61 Type of policy instrument Regulatory/Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Verified GHG emissions Industrial GDP Effects and impacts The same is true here that was said about the effects of the ETS in the energy industry: although the first trading period did not generate direct financial incentives for most of the industry, it certainly increased awareness regarding the value of emissions. The second trading period coupled this with directs economic interest, as the quantity of allowances was below the actual emission at most companies. Further strong incentives will be provided in the upcoming third trading period by stricter emission limits and mandatory auctioning. Here again, the emission trends are determined by several factors, from fuel and energy prices to market conditions of the industrial products, therefore it is not possible to attribute the changes in emissions to a single policy, such as ETS, however it may have played an important role. Therefore, although the detailed modelling provides projections for the industry emissions, it cannot be broken down to this individual policy, so no projections for the effects are provided here. II.4.2. Support for renewable energy utilization Objectives and description Although, within the general Hungarian energy strategy and the renewable strategy the residential and tertiary sectors are given strong emphasis, the use of renewables is also encouraged in the industry. Several of the operative programmes described elsewhere in the current document include enterprises which can be companies of the industry in their target groups. The following policies support renewable projects (for details please refer to point II.3.2.2): Renewable based power or CHP generation, bio-methane production: KEOP-20114.4.0 Supplying local heat and power demands from renewable energy sources: KEOP2011-4.2.0-A and KEOP-2011-4.2.0-B. Renewable energy based regional development: KEOP-2011-4.3. Increase of utilisation of renewable energies in Central Hungary: KMOP-3.3.3.- 62 Support for the preparation and development of geothermal heat and power projects: KEOP-2011-4.7.0 Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Monitoring is through the following indicators: amount of subsidy used renewable energy used (where applicable); quantity of generated heat/electric power (where applicable);; calculated emission reduction. Effects and impacts It is not possible to quantify what percentage industrial enterprises will have in the foreseen effects of the general renewable promotion policy. The forecast effects therefore are included in the projections in point II.3.2. II.4.3. Energy Efficiency Credit Fund Objectives and description The Energy Efficiency Credit Fund (EHA) is a financial facility to assist implementing energy efficiency projects in the form of preferential loans from a revolving fund. It has been in place since the early 1990s. The current interest rate of the loan is 25% of the banking base rate + 2.5%. The conditions of the loan are rather strict: the energy cost saving shall be at least 50% of the total savings generated by the project; the energy saving intensity of the investment shall be at least 30GJ/year/million HUF; the IRR of the project shall be at least 80% of the banking base rate; the maximum preferential loan can be 90% of the project cost, but not more than HUF 200 million; the loan period is maximum 6 years including a possible 2-year grace period. The following project types are typically eligible for the loan: reducing the losses of energy generation, conversion; transport and end-use; application and proliferation of modern energy efficient technologies; 63 heat recovery and energy-purpose use of wastes; utilisation of biomass, solar, geothermal and wind energy; thermal insulation; modernisation of indoor and outdoor lighting. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of projects Calculated energy saving Effects and impacts The following impacts are foreseen. Table 30 Projected emission reduction achieved by Energy Efficiency Credit Fund 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.31 0.31 0.26 0.21 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.930 2.480 3.890 5.040 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.036 0.036 0.030 0.024 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.107 0.284 0.446 0.578 II.4.4. Large energy consumers: Compulsory employment of energy managers and energy reporting. Objectives and description In case of large energy consumers there is usually considerable potential for energy saving by good energy management, i.e. if energy use is under permanent expert control and the potential is investigated by proper professionals. Several years ago the system of compulsory employment of energy managers was in place and the experience with the system was good. The relevant legislation however was deregulated and obviously due to budgetary considerations, very few organisations employ energy managers today. This situation can be remedied by reinstalling the obligation of employing proper experts as energy managers. Parallel to the regulatory change, proper training of energy managers is planned to be ensured. The policy is primarily targeted for the non-ETS companies and municipalities of larger than 5000 population. Besides proper energy management it is also important that large consumers would closely track their energy consumption. Therefore a system of compulsory annual reporting of energy 64 consumption is planned. Besides the obvious awareness raising and the consequent energy savings, the system would provide governmental bodies with reliable energy consumption data for decision making. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The estimated effects are the following. Table 31 Projected emission reduction achieved by compulsory employment of energy managers and energy reporting 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0 0.6 0.54 0.45 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.00 1.80 4.68 7.13 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.069 0.062 0.052 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.206 0.536 0.817 II.4.5. Voluntary agreements Objectives and description In their efforts to improve energy efficiency and mitigate GHG emissions several EU countries such as Holland gained good experience with the voluntary agreements between the government and large energy consumer enterprises. It is planned therefore that the system is employed in Hungary. According to the concept the government contracts with important players of the energy sector (non-ETS energy intensive industries, the energy industry, manufacturers of certain end-user appliances) for the efficient use of energy. In order to meet their obligations the companies reduce their energy consumption, apply more effective energy supply technologies, develop products with better energy efficiency indicators. In return the government provides favourable publicity for the contracting parties and can provide financial assistance for the implementation of EE measures. Type of policy instrument Legal/Economic Status of implementation Planned 65 Monitoring indicators Contracted energy saving Calculated GHG emission reduction Effects and impacts The estimated effects are the following. Table 32 Projected emission reduction achieved by voluntary agreements 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0 0.15 0.13 0.1 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.00 0.51 1.22 1.79 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.017 0.015 0.011 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.058 0.140 0.205 II.4.6. Heat recovery Objectives and description Large amounts of heat are often lost in various industrial processes. Recovering and utilising such waste heat can save considerable primary energy. Especially in the non-ETS industries the potential of waste heat utilization at boilers, driers, furnaces, compressors, transformers, etc. is not yet properly exploited. Although some KEOP operative programmes support heat recovery projects, industrial enterprises are not the target groups of these programmes. Therefore it is planned that new elements that support heat recovery in the industry will be included in the support system. Type of policy instrument Financial Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators Calculated energy saving Calculated GHG emission reduction Effects and impacts The estimated effects are the following. 66 Table 33 Projected emission reduction achieved by heat recovery 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0 0.2 0 0 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.00 0.42 0.84 0.84 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.029 0.057 0.057 II.5. Transport II.5.1. Strategy documents II.5.1.1. Unified Transport Development Strategy The current transport strategy is based on the Hungarian Transport Policy, adopted by the Parliament in 2004, the basic objectives of which were: improvement of the quality of life, preservation of health, reduction of regional disparities, increasing the safety of transportation, protection of built-in and natural environment; improvement and extension of connection to the neighbouring countries, promotion of the implementation of regional development objectives, creation of conditions for efficient operation and maintenance by regulated competition. The present general transport-related strategy of Hungary is set by the document entitled ―Unified Transport Development Strategy 2007-2020‖ (EKFS), developed by the government in 2007. To achieve the strategic goals set by the EKFS, they were elaborated in more detail in a subsequent document in 2008: ―Sub-branch strategies for achieving the objectives of the Unified Transport Development Strategy 2008-2020‖. It must be noted that the EKFS is currently being updated; the new version is expected by summer of 2011. The EKFS sets the following strategic objectives and foresees the following measures to achieve them: 1. Development of passenger transport a. Optimisation of modal split within passenger transport, preserving the largerthan-EU 27 average share of public transport. Measures/tools: Revision of public transport (bus, train) related legislation, with special emphasis on passengers‘ rights. Restructuring of the tariff and tariff benefit system. Smart payment: introduction of a chipcard-based payment system. Demand-driven public transport services. 67 Intelligent transport support systems. b. Improvement of the efficiency of modal split within public transport by ensuring commonality. Measures/tools: Sector neutral financing tools for constructing modern connection hubs. Intelligent transport systems. Detailed survey of transport demand, system design based on actual demands. Safe storage of private vehicles at connection hubs to public transport. Development of cycling routes. Establishing the regional organisation of transport. c. Increased mobility by ensuring equal opportunities Measures/Tools: in mobility. Financing the removal of obstacles of the disabled in the transport infrastructure. Appropriate tariff system to ensure equal access to public transport. d. Ensuring economic sustainability of passenger transport by rational organization. Measures/Tools: Proper support for maintaining public transport services, for development and operation. Restructuring the tariff and benefit system. Intelligent (card-based) payment systems. Restructuring public transport service contracts. 2. Development of freight transport a. Maintaining the share of environmentally friendly transport modes above the EU-27 average in the modal split of freight transport. Measures/Tools: Infrastructure development by involving private capital. Electronic road-toll payment system. Introduction of TAF-TSI (Telematic Applications Freight Technical Standard Interoperability). Compensation funding to increase competitiveness of railways. b. Improving the profitability of environmentally friendly transport modes, and their infrastructure maintenance capacity; Measures/Tools: Modernisation of railway tracks Proper tariffs and bilateral agreements on cross-border transport. Application TAF-TSI. Navigability of Danube. c. Increasing the share of combined freight transport modes. Measures/Tools: Ensuring proper infrastructure, involving private capital. 68 Restrictions on road transport, favourable conditions, discount for railway transport. Compensation funding to increase competitiveness of railways considering the external benefits of railways (environmental costs, human safety, infrastructural costs, etc.). d. Increasing the efficiency of intermodal logistic service centres. Measures/Tools: Properly utilize and involve available EU funding for the necessary infrastructural projects. Multimodal logistic centres. 3. Development of transport infrastructure a. Development of a main road network structure in order to improve economic competitiveness. Measures/Tools/Projects: Promotion of investments Network development including: - Carriageway/Dual carriageway construction (M0 ring; TEN-T network). - New bridges on the Danube. - Development of road network between the regions and the regional centres. - Railway corridors reconstruction for 160 km/h. - Development of the Budapest airport. b. Improvement of regional accessibility at various levels. Measures/Tools: Improvement of the quality of the road network tops. Increase maximum speed on railways (outside the TEN-T). Accessibility of regional airports. c. Development of the infrastructure of urban and suburban public transport. d. Prevention of increased road wear owing to the increasing axle loads of vehicles. Tool: Reinforcing the relevant roads. 4. Horizontal objectives a. Reduction of the death toll of road accidents under 500 per year. Tools: Efficient fining system with a ―revolving‖ utilisation of fine income for improving the infrastructure. Safer infrastructure. Media campaigns and stabile media presence. Targeted training for children and drivers. 69 b. Implementation of more environmentally friendly and more energy efficient transport systems. c. Long term provision of sustainability by conscious infrastructural development. d. Acceleration of introduction of ITS (intelligent transportation systems) applications. II.5.1.2. New Széchenyi Plan transport chapter The New Széchenyi Plan is the latest document which defines the strategic priorities of transport development. It is to a large extent based on the EKFS but also reflects the redefined priorities of the upcoming EKFS update and sets some quantifiable objectives as well. The most important long term objectives are the following: 1. Improvement of modal split The following modal split shall be achieved by 2020. Table 34 Modal split figures in 2020 according to the New Széchenyi Plan Freight transport Passenger transport Road Railway Water Pipeline 67% 20% 8% 5% Car Bus Railway Air 65% 15% 15% 5% Public Individual City traffic 50% 50% In City centers 70% 30% 2. Development of road network. The roads by-passing cities and their proper maintenance shall have priority in road construction. The future targets by 2020 and beyond are the following: a. Sustainable financing by applying the ―user pays‖ principle. b. Carriageway system shall be integrated in the TEN-T network. c. M0 ring-road around Budapest shall be completed and by-pass roads for cities larger than 10,000 population shall be constructed. d. The role of road transport in mid- and long range transport will be heavily reduced. e. The share of renewables (alternative fuels to diesel and gasoline) will be considerably increased: it shall reach 30% in the long term. f. Casualties of road accidents shall be reduced below 250 per year. 3. Development of railways. 70 a. The length of railway network shall be at least 6000 km. b. Access to the railway in cities is assisted by proper road transport connections (bus service) to ensure that railways could be reached in 15 minutes. c. Larger industrial sites with transport demand bigger than 3000 TEU per year shall be serviced with dedicated railway connection if closer to the railway than 10 km. d. Railway track shall be modernised so that a minimum speed of 80 km/h on any line, 120 km/h on the trunk network and 200 km/h on the priority lines could be maintained. e. Timetable is upgraded so that maximum one hour interval (30 mins in suburban traffic) would be reached. 4. Air traffic development a. At least three airports besides the Budapest airport shall be capable for international traffic. b. Accessibility to international airports: 90 minutes. 5. Water navigation development: a. Navigability of the Danube is improved: between 1811–1641 riverkilometres the VI/B and between 1.641–1.433 riverkilometres the VI/C waterways are constructed. b. The Hungarian transport fleet is developed. c. Ports are developed (the Csepel port is connected to the MO motorway, logistics infrastructure is constructed). 6. Intermodal transport and logistics development a. Logistics centres (terminals) are constructed to support combined modal freight transport. b. Road toll system to encourage switch to railway/water transport from road transport. c. Intermodal hubs for connecting local and long-range passenger transport. 7. Other development a. P+R systems enable easy access to city public transport networks b. Traffic reduction in city centres by reorganisation. c. Promotion of cycling (improvement of cycling route networks, rental facilities). II.5.1.3. The overall effects of strategy implementation If just the 2020 modal split targets of the strategies are compared against the trends so far, it is apparent that the targets are rather ambitious. If freight transport is considered, it can be seen that the trends must practically be reversed. 71 Figure 11 Trends and targets in freight transport modal split The trend is similar in passenger transport, but if the measures foreseen in the strategies are implemented, the railway will regain its former position in long distance transport and will considerably increase in suburban traffic. II.5.2. Subsidy for improving the accessibility of Hungary and regional centres by rail and/or waterways Objectives and description Several of the effective operative programmes are already aiming the implementation of the strategic goals. Both the EKFS and the New Széchenyi Plan include the improvement of the accessibility of regional centres and the country itself among the major strategic goals. One tool of implementing this objective is to provide support for the realisation of the necessary projects. This support is provided through two operative programmes of the New Széchenyi Plan: Operative programme KÖZOP–2.4.0-09-11 Provides financing for the preparation of such projects. The activities/costs that can be supported are: o Preparation of feasibility study o Environmental impact study o Archaeological impact survey o Licensing o Preparation of detailed design o Site preparation (archaeological site survey, unexploded ordinance survey, utility supply design) o Costs of the procedure for acquiring the land (legal fees, authority fees, indemnification, etc.) 72 o Public procurement costs, authority procedures, PR costs. The value of the support can be 100% of the total cost. The total amount allocated for this purpose is HUF 61.98 billion. Operative programme KÖZOP-2.5.0-09-11 supports the implementation of projects that serve the improvement of the accessibility of Hungary and regional centres by rail and/or waterways. The objective of the support is to improve safe accessibility, improve global and regional competitiveness. The supported railway development projects focus on the sections of the TEN-T network. The waterway related projects focus on the creation of a navigable waterway on the Danube. The total amount allocated for this purpose in 2011-13 is HUF 116.44 billion. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Length of modernised railways Traffic data on the modernised railways Traffic data on the waterway Effects and impacts The improvement is expected to shift some of the transport from roads to railways and waterways. The effects are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the overall projections in point II.5.1.3. II.5.3. Improving the accessibility of regions Objectives and description Operative programme KÖZOP–3.4.0-09-11: Provides financing for the preparation of such projects. The activities/costs that can be supported are the same as for KÖZOP– 2.4.0-09-11 described in II.5.2. The total amount allocated for this purpose is HUF 45.83 billion. Operative programme KÖZOP-3.5.0-09-11 supports the implementation of projects aimed at improving the accessibility of regions by constructing connections to the motorways, developing main roads that connect the regions, increase the capacity of main roads, and reduce the traffic on the main roads around lake Balaton by developing water transport on the lake. The total amount allocated for this purpose in 2011-13 is HUF 126.57 billion. 73 Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Length of modernised railways Traffic data on the modernised railways Traffic data on the waterway Effects and impacts Here the GHG mitigation is not of primary concern. However, the improvement is expected to shift some of the transport from roads to waterway in case of Lake Balaton. The effects are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the overall projections in point II.5.1.3. II.5.4. Support for the development of urban and suburban public transport Objectives and description Operative programme KÖZOP–5.4.0-09-11: Provides financing for the preparation of such projects. The activities/costs that can be supported are the same as for KÖZOP– 2.4.0-09-11 described in II.5.2. The total amount allocated for this purpose is HUF 58.96 billion. Operative programme KÖZOP–5.5.0-09-11 supports the implementation of projects aimed at improving the efficiency, comfort, services of urban and suburban public transport and improve its competitiveness compared to individual (car) transport. The total amount allocated for this purpose in 2011-13 is HUF 63.14 billion. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Traffic data on the modernised railways/suburban railways/public transport systems Effects and impacts The improvement is expected to shift some of the transport from individual transport (cars) to public transport. The effects are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the overall projections in point II.5.1.3. 74 II.5.5. Support for intermodal transport Objectives and description Operative programme GOP-2011-3.2.1 provides subsidy for projects that construct, develop or improve intermodal logistics centres or regional logistics centres in order to provide high added-value services for the international freight streams going through the country. It is also an objective of the programme to improve the competitiveness of Hungarian SMEs that provide complex logistical services, therefore subsidy is also available in the frameworks of the policy for directly developing logistical services. The supported activities are the following: Procurement of equipment Investment in infrastructure or property Development of information technology used Procurement of manufacturing licences, know-how Costs of market entry Development of company HR activity Using advisory services Introduction and/or certification of Quality Assurance, Environment and Management systems. Project preparation The value of the subsidy can be 30-50% of the total cost, ranging from HUF 25-500 million, depending on the project type. The allocated amount for the programme is HUF 9 billion for 2022-13. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Traffic data on the modernised railways/suburban railways/public transport systems Effects and impacts The improvement is expected to shift some of the freight transport from road to alternative modes, chiefly railway. The effects are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the overall projections in point II.5.1.3. II.5.6. Promotion of renewable (bio) fuels Objectives and description 75 The use of biofuels in transport has been regulated in Hungary since 2005. Until 2009 the use of biofuels was promoted through the taxation system: until 2007 an excise duty refund system was in place for biodiesel and bioethanol blended in normal diesel oil and gasoline, then it was partly replaced by a preferential tax system - the bioethanol content of standard E85 fuel, for example was exempt from tax. This system in 2009 was replaced by the mandatory share of biofuels in automotive gasoline and diesel oil. The current regulation (Act CXVII.of 2010 and Governmental Decree 343/2010.) stipulates that the monthly amount of automotive gasoline and diesel oil sold by the individual traders, importers, producers shall include 3.1% and 4.4% biofuels in terms of energy content, respectively. The regulation also strictly stipulates that only biofuels produced in a sustainable way can be used. The sustainability of the biofuels shall be certified by a sustainability certificate, which is issued on the basis of the criteria in accordance with the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) and Fuel Quality Directive (2009/30/EC) of the EU. Non-compliance with the stipulations of the mandatory share of biofuels is sanctioned with heavy fines. (Currently 35 HUF/MJ, on the basis of the energy content of the biofuel missing from the prescribed amount.) The current regulation is to be adjusted so that the national targets for the share of renewables would be met. Type of policy instrument Regulatory/Fiscal Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Amount of biofuel used Calculated GHG emission reduction Effects and impacts From the targets set in the NCsT (see point II.3.1.3) the following absolute energy consumption data trends can be derived. 76 Figure 12 Trends of biofuel use Based on this forecast the following effects of the policy are projected. Table 35 Projected emission reduction achieved by promotion of renewable (bio) fuels 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Bioethanol - ETBE, PJ 0.21 1.42 3.10 7.91 8.10 Biodiesel, PJ 0.00 4.61 7.37 13.27 13.59 Other (e.g. biogas in public transport), PJ 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.21 0.21 Emission reduction, Mt CO2/year 0.013 0.401 0.711 1.429 1.464 II.5.7. Toll system for heavy vehicles Objectives and description In 2007 Hungary introduced toll for all commercial vehicles above 12 tons weight on the majority of the national road network and plans to extend the toll to other lower priority roads too. The toll was paid in the form of a sticker to be bought, on lump-sum basis. This has already generated some positive effects, although in the beginning lot of problems were caused by the traffic shifted form the toll roads to lesser roads through towns. It is planned, however, that a more correct electronic toll system will be introduced, in line with the European directives 2004/52/EC and 2006/38/EC. According to most recent information, the new toll system of heavy vehicles will be operating from January 2013, and for all vehicles from 2020. It is expected that the new system will reduce the apparent advantages of road transport over railways, and encourage the operators of the vehicles to optimise transport routes, and the 77 utilisation of the vehicles. Besides the obvious environmental benefits increased income for the budget is foreseen. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators Income generated Transport kilometres Effects and impacts Table 36 Projected emission reduction achieved by toll system for heavy vehicles 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.41 0.5 0 0 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 1.130 3.540 4.790 4.790 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.026 0.032 0.000 0.000 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.072 0.226 0.306 0.306 II.5.8. P+R systems Objectives and description Studies and experience show that the key bottleneck to shifting urban traffic to public transportation is the lack of safe parking possibilities for commuters in the large cities. It is planned therefore to develop a complex system of low cost, or free P+R parking system, including the construction of parking facilities and electronic control system. This would lead to considerable reduction of transport energy use and GHG emissions. Type of policy instrument Infrastructure Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators Number of P+R parking places Effects and impacts The following energy and GHG emission savings are projected. 78 Table 37 Projected emission reduction achieved by P+R systems 2010 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.01 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.03 0.43 0.75 0.80 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.001 0.006 0.001 0.001 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.002 0.027 0.048 0.051 II.5.9. Subsidy for the development of the cycling route networks Objectives and description The development of cycling routes is supported through various operative programmes: this objective is included in the general traffic development program package (KÖZOP) and also in the regional development programmes. Operative programme KÖZOP-3.2.0/C-08-11 provides co-financing for cycling road projects, complementing the regional programmes. The following can be supported: o Design (feasibility studies, licensing, tendering procedure) o Site preparation (surveys, supervisor engineering services) o Construction and commissioning o Public procurement procedure o Communication Altogether HUF 6.47 billion is allocated for this policy for 2011-2013. The subsidy can be between HUF 50-450 million, amounting to 85-90% of the project costs. Regional operative projects (ÉMOP-5.1.3-11, ÉAOP-3.1.3/A-11, DAOP-3.1.2/A-11, DDOP-5.1.1-11, KDOP-4.2.2-11. NYDOP-4.3.1/B-11) support complex cycling infrastructure development projects only, i.e. projects that address an entire town or an independent part of a city, or that connect two towns directly and comfortably. Basically the implementation of such projects are supported, but linked to these projects, some auxiliary activities, such as B+R parking, awareness raising, lighting of cycle routes etc. can also be supported. The support can range from 6% to 50% of the costs, with a maximum of HUF 1.25-70 million depending on which part of implementation is supported. The total finance allocated for the six regional operative programmes is HUF 8.57 billion for 2011-13. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented 79 Monitoring indicators Length of cycling routes constructed Traffic data of the routes Effects and impacts The improvement is expected to shift some of the passenger transport from cars to bicycle. The effects are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the overall projections in point II.5.1.3. II.6. Agriculture II.6.1. General Agriculture and forestry used to be one of the decisive branches of the Hungarian economy for a long time. Hungary‘s natural endowments, the climate, the quality of the soils and the long-time tradition and expertise can provide for excellent production results both in terms of quality and quantity. Out of the total 9.3 million hectares of the total area of Hungary, 7.8 million hectares are productive land (including forests, fish ponds etc.), 5.8 million hectares of which are agricultural land – a share which is uncommonly high in Europe. Of this, 78% is arable land and 17% is grassland. Kitchen gardens, orchards and vineyards account for hardly 5% of the agricultural land area. However, due to the unavoidable restructuring of the economy in the early 1990s, the loss of the traditional markets, agriculture lost much of its importance in terms of economic output despite all the favourable conditions. While in 1989 the agriculture produced 13.7% of the GDP, provided employment for 17.4% of the workforce and generated 22.8% of the export revenues of the country, its share in the GDP production dropped to some 3% by today, and less than 5% of the employed work in this sector. While only less than 2% of the population is employed in the agriculture, still more than 30% of the populace lives in rural areas, where agriculture often provides the sole opportunity of employment and work. 80 Figure 13 Contribution of agriculture to the GDP Figure 14 Contribution of agriculture to employment This figure indicates several other problems of rural Hungary: migration of the young populace to cities, poor and dilapidating infrastructure, low income levels, lack of capital etc. The Hungarian Government developed the new 10-year National Rural Strategy with the primary aim of remedying the situation and reversing the adverse trends. The strategy is in the social discussion stage, right before its approval by the Parliament. 81 II.6.2. National Rural Strategy until 2020 The goal of the strategy is to promote social and economic improvement for all affected in the countryside. Hungary, throughout the centuries has been able to renew itself by relying on the strength of village communities and the roots of the countryside. It is recognised that the problems of agriculture, the countryside and environment are not problems concerning only villages, but the entire country and population is affected by the success and failure of the countryside. The significant decay of the conditions of country life and the further deterioration of agriculture requires a quick and effective approach to economic and social policies in order to stop further decline. The central and comprehensive goals of the strategy are: the preservation and increase of rural workplaces the preservation of the rural population and restoring demographic balance the guarantee of food production and ensuring food supply, to eliminate poverty in the country increasing the vitality of agriculture and food production, improving our market position, restoring the appropriate balance between crop production and animal husbandry the protection of drinking water supplies, preservation of water sources, soil, natural flora and fauna and the countryside, and increasing environment protection energy supply based on local resources and systems, security of energy, decreasing of energy dependency improving the quality of rural life and diversification of the rural economy restoring the close connection between the city and its environs the national rural strategy is introducing concrete directives to achieve these comprehensive goals and introduces a national program It is the basic intention of the Strategy to turn Hungary into such a country where European diversity, quality of agriculture, good management of the countryside and the environment is becoming standard. Hungary will produce valuable, healthy, secure food without GMO intervention and will simultaneously protect the soil, the drinking water supplies, the flora and fauna, the countryside and local communities with their backgrounds. At the same time Hungary will provide work and livelihood for as many people as possible. As it is apparent from the above, GHG mitigation is not of primary concern in the strategy. Still, the detailed goals of the planned programmes include several elements that are to reduce GHG emissions or increase the carbon sink capacity (in the following list first the name of the 82 program is identified, then those elements/goals of the programs are listed that contribute to GHG mitigation): Preservation of natural resources, sustainable management of resources and lands: o Development of local energy generation and supply (Local energy supply is typically based on renewable energies.) Quality of rural environment o Support for energy efficient construction methods and environmentally friendly heating systems. o Increasing the share of railway freight transport and public passenger transport. o Local food production and short-distance supply of consumer demands (lower transport demand). o Substituting soy-imports from faraway sources by utilising organic wastes for fodder (lower transport demand). Sustainable agri-structure and production policy o Support for low (fossil) energy production systems o Local generation of protein for fodder (protein program), replacing soy-imports from faraway sources (lower transport demand). o Increasing the rate of afforestation in order to achieve 27% share of forests. o Increase the utilisation of agricultural by-products for energy generation purposes. Increasing added value, safe food supply, safe markets o Taxation is shifted from labour to energy use, use of the environment and transport, encouraging efficient use of these resources. o Shortening the food chain, promoting local co-operation, local processing of products (lower transport demand) Local economy development o Restructuring the utilisation of the by-products of forestry and agriculture, and other biomass for energy generation, creation of local energy (heat) supply systems on small-region level for municipal institutions, and local processing industries. The effects of these elements of the new strategy cannot be separately quantified: as it is apparent form the above list, the majority of the policies generate GHG mitigation effects in other sectors (especially in the energy and transport sector). Some policies directly targeted the agricultural sector are already in place, however, they are described in the following points. II.6.3. Support for renewable based energy supply in agriculture Objectives and description 83 Decree 78/2007. (VII. 30.) FVM provides subsidy for farmers to install renewable based energy supply systems, especially biomass-fired boilers and heat distribution systems. The amount of subsidy is maximum HUF 30 million, and not more than 35% of the eligible costs. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of projects, technical data of equipment Calculated GHG emission reduction Effects and impacts Based on the share of agriculture in the total energy consumption and the foreseen share of renewables in the heating and cooling sector, the estimated effects are the following. Table 38 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for renewable based energy supply in the agriculture 2010 2015 2020 2025 Renewable energy used for heating in the agriculture PJ/year 1.2 1.4 2.4 3.3 Emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.82 0.096 0.165 0.226 II.6.4. Support for small-scale bio fuel plants Objectives and description Decree 44/2009. (IV. 11.) FVM provides subsidy for farmers, agricultural producer groups, or other enterprises for the construction of small capacity, vegetable-based raw spirit or oil (biofuels). The objective of the support is to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural producers and to contribute to increasing the share of biofuels. The support may be used for equipment procurement, installation, civil construction, procurement of software and hardware, laboratory equipment and the construction of the necessary infrastructure. The value of the subsidy can range from EUR 60,000 to EUR 1 million, amounting to 40-60% of the total cost, depending on who and where implements the project. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators 84 Number of projects, production data of equipment Calculated GHG emission reduction Effects and impacts The effects of the policy appear in the transport sector and are included in the projections in point II.5.6. II.7. Land use change and forestry In Hungary, forests represent the second biggest sector after arable land in terms of area, with 19,129 km2 forest and 20,393 km2 forestry-purpose (including the forests and plantations) of country‘s total 93,030 km2. The share of various species in the forests in terms of area is shown in the following diagram: The ownership split of forests is the following: State-owned: Community-owned: 1.0% Privately-owned: 42.9% Other (mixed): 0.6% 55.5% The long term data show continuous expansion of privately-owned forest areas. In 2009 altogether 6.8 million cubic metres of wood material was produced by the Hungarian forests, the majority (66%) from the state owned forests. Figure 15 Tree species in the Hungarian forests The forests are an important carbon sink, and further afforestation is planned. Besides the relevant legislation (Act XXXVII of 2009 on forests, forest protection and forest 85 management), the major objective of which is to ensure sustainability, the future of Hungarian forests is determined by two basic strategic documents and some concrete policies, which are discussed in the following points. II.7.1. National Forest Programme and National Afforestation Programme Long term forest related strategy planning was started in 1996-97, when the national longterm afforestation concept was completed and the first recent National Afforestation Programme was drafted. Later it was recognised that due to various reasons (limited resources available, changes of land ownership and lack of information for the new land owners) the targets set in the programme were not met. This called for a reconsidering of the plans based on Government resolution 1110/2004. (X. 27.) on the National Forest Programme 2006-2015, which is still valid today. The National Forest Programme 2006-2015 sets the following strategy objectives: At least maintaining the current level of forestation, but preferably its increase must be ensured. Neither the quantity, nor the quality and value of the forests must decrease. Use of wood in the society, as an environmentally friendly raw material, shall be encouraged. Forest management shall ensure that the increased demands for wood would be met, without endangering sustainability. Knowledge and information on forests shall be increased in the society. The key elements of implementing the strategic goals are the followings: 1. Protection of forests and natural processes in the forests. Perseverance of biological and genetic values. Natural forest management. 2. Utilisation of forests. The competitiveness of forestry products shall be increased. Utilisation areas may be widened, with respect to industrial and energy-purpose utilisation of wood. 3. Development. Increasing forests with respect to biodiversity, landscape, and erosion protection. These elements are to be implemented through the following specialised targeted programs/support schemes: Development of state owned forests Development of private forests Rural development, forestation, forest restructuring Nature conservation in the forests Modern forest protection 86 Rational utilisation of wood Forestry management Research, education, product development Communication about the forests in order to improve the forest-human relationship Based on the National Forest Programme or more exactly on its focus-programme of ―rural development, afforestation and forest restructuring‖ (5.3), which aimed at planting 100,000 ha new forests as a strategic goal, in 2008 the National Afforestation Programme was completed. The National Afforestation Programme is a long-term, some 35-50 year programme of achieving the desirable 27% share of forests in the total area of the country. This target is only valid for the natural sustainably managed forests, excluding the potential energy plantations. According to the Afforestation Programme, the primary objective of afforestation is to reduce the impacts of climate change. Forests can serve this purpose in two ways: new forests act as extra carbon storage facilities (it is estimated that the new forests planted between 1990-2006 will have stored more than 1million tons of CO2 by 2012), and the some 50% of the annually produced wood is used for power generation already. The Afforestation Programme identified those areas in the country that are most suitable for afforestation by using two soil-quality classification methodologies, and on the basis of a dedicated 1999 survey and a 2004 research. Class 4 and Class 6 category areas are especially recommended for afforestation, their total area is 6833 km2, which enables the target of 27% share of forests to be achieved. Figure 16 Afforestation in Hungary 2001-2009 The effect of the afforestation policy has been a steady increase of afforested area in the past years, although at a slower rate than planned. Within the 10 years between 1991 and 2000, some 66 thousand hectares of new forest was planted, which was around 44% of the plans, 87 whereas between 2001 and 2006 already some 77% of the original plans were implemented and 69,213 hectares were afforested. The trend since 2001 is shown in the chart. Based on the trends of the recent years and the reconfirmed intention of the Government (see e.g. the National Rural Strategy, point II.6.2) to accelerate the afforestation, it is safe to state that the desired 27% target can be reached until 2050, i.e. within the 25-50 year time span defined in the National Afforestation Programme. The following progress is projected. Table 39 Projected forest area, ha 2010 2015 2020 2025 1,927,600 2,001,900 2,076,200 2,150,500 II.7.2. Support for afforestation of agricultural lands Objectives and description The above described afforestation programme is supported through a subsidy scheme established by decree 88/2007. (VIII. 17.) FVM. The objectives of the scheme are to convert territories with soils of low agricultural potential into forests, which serve as carbon sinks, contribute to increasing biodiversity, provide renewable fuel, and not in the least serve the recreation of the populace. The subsidy can be used for plantation and maintenance of new forests and for compensation of lost revenues due to afforestation. The value of the subsidy is EUR 853-2065 per hectare depending on the type of the tree and the terrain for plantation of new forests; EUR 262-519 per hectare depending on the type of the tree and the terrain for the maintenance of the new plantations. The compensation for lost revenues range from 57 to 242 EUR per hectare per year for 5-15 years, depending on the type of the tree and the afforestation level. Type of policy instrument Economic Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Area of afforested terrain Effects and impacts Included in the projections of the previous point. 88 II.8. Waste management II.8.1. Basic legislation and National Waste Management Plan 2009-2014 The basis of Hungary‘s waste management policy is Act XLIII of 2000 on waste management (modified several times since 2000, most recently in 2010) and the subsequent National Waste Management Plans (NWMPs). The Act on Waste Management defines the strategic goals of proper waste management, practically all of them relevant to GHG mitigation: ensure sustainable development and proper conditions for the future generations; reduction of the consumption of energy and other resources, improving the efficiency of utilising these and reducing the amount of wastes; reducing the waste-caused load on human health and the environment. Based on the relevant EU guidelines (75/442/EC, 91/156/EC) the Act on Waste Management introduced a waste management planning system, which prescribes the preparation of six year long plans on national, regional and local levels. As a result, the National Waste Management Plan, seven regional waste management plans and 2080 local plans for the settlements were prepared first in 2003, defining the tasks for the period between 2003-2008. The currently effective second National Waste Management Plan 2009-2013 follows the logic and spirit of the previous NWMP, albeit with much stronger emphasis on sustainability and global environmental problems and sets the following priorities and targets: 1. Prevention of waste generation, to stop the increase of waste volume generated, preferably reversing the increasing trend by prevention measures. Targets: a. The annual amount of waste shall be reduced by 12% of the 2008 values by 2014, below 20 million tons per year. b. The specific amount of wastes shall be less than 0.7 kg per HUF 1000 GDP. c. The per capita amount of wastes shall be below 2000 kg. d. The amount of MSW shall not be more than 5 million tons (550 kg per capita) in 2014. e. The annual amount of hazardous wastes shall be less than 1 million tons. f. The amount of wastes from the industry and other business activities shall be reduced below 6 million tons per year. 2. Recycling. Targets: a. At least 50% of the total waste shall be re-used, utilised. b. The recycling of the wastes as materials shall be at least 40%. c. Infrastructure for selective waste collection for 80% of the populace d. 30% of the MSW shall be recycled, and 40% of it shall be re-used, utilised in some form. 89 e. Utilisation of 35% of papers, glass, metals and plastic until 2015 (50% until 2020). f. Separate treatment of degradable wastes so that maximum 820 thousand tons of degradable wastes would be landfilled in 2016. g. Increasing the utilisation for energy generation and incineration. 3. Safe treatment of not utilised wastes including the minimisation of landfilled wastes by selective collection. Landfilling shall be below 40% and other treatment method maximum 10%. The tools of achieving the strategic goals are described in detail for each waste stream in the NWMP, but here only their major types are summarised: Investments, subsidies, introducing recycling technologies, redesign of products, treatment facilities, Maintaining existing systems (selective collection, recycling infrastructure, treatment facilities) Regulation, specialised strategies, programmes. Economic incentives (preferential taxing of recycled goods, levy on waste generating products, fees for landfilling, etc.) Development of the institutional background The effects of this policy are summarised below: 90 Figure 17 Treatment of wastes The amount of wastes has gradually reduced since 2000, mainly due to decreasing industrial production. Still, the importance of this decrease should not be underestimated, as in the meantime the value of the real GDP increased by 20% . In the recent years, and also in the future, when a similar decreasing trend of waste generation is forecast, the trend is more and more due to the policies implemented, rather than spontaneous and independent economic processes. It is noted that the relatively large decrease in 2009 is attributable to the economic crisis in that year. In terms of waste utilisation and recycling, the trend is less marked, and the figures underline that in order to meet the strategic goals, considerable efforts are needed. The implementation of the NWMP, however, had significant effects on the waste management industry. The investment in waste treatment projects practically doubled between 2005 and 2009, from HUF 23.2 billion to HUF 35 billion at 2005 real prices. II.8.2. Legislative tools Objectives and description Treatment of wastes is regulated in detail in the Hungarian legal system. With regard to GHG emission reduction the most important pieces of the relevant legislation are: Act XLIII of 2000 on waste management Decree 20/2006. (IV. 5.) KvVM on the rules and conditions for landfilling of waste and landfill sites 91 Decree 3/2002. (II. 22.) KöM on the technical requirements and conditions of waste incineration and its emission limits. This regulation, among other, stipulates and ensures that prevention of waste generation has priority over waste treatment; recycling shall have priority over all other treatment technologies and energy generation from the waste shall have the other treatment technologies; landfilling shall be considered as a last resort for treating the waste; treatment or processing of the waste shall happen as near to the location where the waste was generated as possible; in landfills the landfill gases shall be collected, treated and if possible, utilised; if utilisation of the gas is not possible, it shall be incinerated (flared); if the waste is incinerated (for energy generation purpose or only as a waste treatment technology) the combustion would be of high efficiency, no organic carbon would remain in the residues (TOC <3%), and the process would have minimum impact on the environment. These stipulations all contribute – directly or indirectly – to GHG mitigation. It is noted here that recycling is also promoted by a series of regulations, such as: Governmental Decree 181/2008. (VII. 8.) Korm. on collecting the batteries Governmental Decree 267/2004. (IX. 23.) Korm. on vehicles turned into waste Governmental Decree 209/2005. (X. 5.) Korm. on the rules of deposits (paid with certain products) Governmental Decree 264/2004. (IX. 23.) Korm. on collecting the wastes of electric or electronic equipment Governmental Decree 94/2002. (V. 5.) Korm. on packaging and treatment of packaging wastes. Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The effects are mostly indirect and complex, therefore they are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the modelled results. 92 II.8.3. Environmental levy on certain products Objectives and description Since 1996 certain products that either generate large amounts of waste or are particularly harmful to the environment if wasted have been levied with a dedicated environmental product levy. The purpose of Act LVI of 1995 on the environmental levy and the environmental levy of certain products (modified several times, most recently in 2009) that regulates the system is to prevent environmental pollution and the generation of wastes, and to create finance for preventing or reducing harms to the environment caused by these products. The levy at the moment applies for tyres, packaging, certain crude oil products (lubricants), batteries, paper for advertisements (flyers, posters), electric and electronic equipment. The levy is paid by those who first use such products for their own purpose or who put such products into commercial circulation. A 25% discount of the levy is possible to obtain, if the product is marked as environmentally friendly according to 1980/2000/EC. Exemption from the payment of the levy is also possible if the product is collected and recycled. Type of policy instrument Fiscal Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The environmental levy is considered to be the most effective incentive and regulatory tool of waste management. It successfully puts into practice the ―polluter pays‖ principle, provides adequate incentive to reduce the amount of waste and generates considerable funds. The income of the state budget form the product levy is shown in the following table. Table 40 The income of the state budget form the product levy, M HUF Flyers, RefriElectric posters, Packaging Battery Tyres gerators Lubricant equipment papers for coolant advertisment Solvents Total 2000 4 631 916 2 425 1 267 0 0 5 598 0 24 407 2001 5 191 1 076 3 110 1 372 0 0 5 753 0 26 404 2002 6 081 1 288 4 340 2 189 0 0 6 156 0 20 054 2003 5 572 1 137 5 918 4 173 0 310 7 048 1 300 25 459 93 2004 5 663 354 1 606 3 773 0 789 5 691 2 134 20 009 2005 8 520 203 -45 1 888 1 140 1 669 6 041 0 19 616 2006 7 642 287 471 1 427 1 865 2 100 6 339 0 20 131 2007 8 184 282 325 1 232 2 665 2 292 5 948 0 20 929 2008 13 471 205 703 392 1 504 2 500 5 897 0 24 675 The GHG mitigation effects, however, are indirect and rather complex, therefore they are not quantifiable separately; they are included in the modelled results. II.8.4. Support of waste-to-energy projects II.8.4.1. Compulsory take-over of waste-to energy power at subsidized prices (KÁT) Objectives and description Besides renewables, the KÁT system described in point II.3.2.1 provides subsidy for wastegenerated electric power, too. The conditions are the same, although the feed-in tariff is somewhat different. Table 41 Support of waste-to-energy project, HUF/kWh Peak Off-peak Night rate 31.28 21.55 11.25 Type of policy instrument Regulatory, economic. Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Quantity of electric power fed to the grid (kWh) Effects and impacts The KÁT system has always included the waste-to-energy subsidy component, but probably owing to the more difficult licensing procedures so far such projects were less attractive than cogeneration or renewable power generation. The trend of KÁT-subsidised waste-based power generation is shown in the chart below. 94 Figure 18 Waste-generated power supplied to the grid The most recent changes in KÁT regulation (waste-to-energy projects have much less constraints) and the relatively high feed-in tariff, however, may change the picture. The increased interest on behalf of investors and landfill operators is already sensible in the market. With the increasing trend in mind the following effects are forecast. Table 42 Projected emission reduction achieved by compulsory take-over of waste-to energy power at subsidized prices 2010 2015 2020 2025 Total KÁT subsidised power generation, TWh 0.140 0.198 0.252 0.250 Emission reduction, Mt CO2eq/year 0.056 0.075 0.094 0.092 II.8.5. Subsidy for recultivation of communal waste landfills Objectives and description The Operational Programme KEOP-2.3.0/B/11 provides subsidy for the rehabilitation of communal landfill sites. Although the primary target of the policy is not GHG emission, in line with the stipulations of the legislation (see point II.8.2) it also subsidises landfill gas recovery and treatment systems as a part of the rehabilitation, which results in GHG mitigation. The available finance is HUF 10 billion for 2011-13. The subsidy can be as high as 100% of the project cost, in the range of HUF 650-1000 million per project. Type of policy instrument Economic. Status of implementation 95 II.8.6. Implemented Monitoring indicators Number of projects Effects and impacts Not quantifiable. II.9. Education, awareness II.9.1. Model projects to promote sustainable lifestyle and consumption Objectives and description Operative programmes KEOP-6.2.0/A/09-11 and KEOP-6.2.0/B/09-11 provide subsidy for model projects that Present the harmonic relation between the society and its environs. Demonstrate material conservation, prevention of waste generation, benefits of selective waste collection and recycled materials. Demonstrate energy saving, climate awareness and benefits of renewables. Present water conservation, utilisation of rainwater. Increase the demand for sustainable products, environmentally friendly packaging. Promote human cooperation for sustainability. The target group is the populace in general, children, the youth, families, decision makers at various levels. Especially the following activities are supported: Promotion of places of work, schools, or other dedicated public institutions, which would be regularly accessed by bicycle by the population Promotion of composting in households or communities. Complex environmentally friendly conversion of public buildings (water conservation, energy efficiency, waste minimisation) Non-profit information centres to promote sustainability. Development of markets for local, environmentally friendly food. The funds allocated for this purpose between 2007 and 2013, is HUF 7.74 billion, 4.9 of which is still available for 2011-2013. The subsidy can be as high as 95% of the project cost, but not more than HUF 3-120 million, depending on the project type. Type of policy instrument Other: education/awareness raising. Status of implementation Implemented 96 Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts Not quantifiable. II.9.2. EE and environmental training materials for schools Objectives and description Education at schools is the most important tool of awareness raising. The relevant regulation (Governmental Decree 243/2003 Korm. on the National Basic Curriculum) ensures that already in the elementary schools environmental protection, sustainable development would be an integral part of the education. The National Basic Curriculum identifies environmental awareness as one of the key competencies to be developed in students with the aim of promoting sustainable development of the society. Several of the subjects within the Curriculum, such as biology, science, geography, chemistry include environment-related and/or energy related components with sustainability in mind. Type of policy instrument Other: education/awareness raising. Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts Based on NEEAP figures the following effects are estimated. Table 43 Projected emission reduction achieved by EE and environmental training materials for schools 2010* 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.05 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.030 0.130 0.320 0.570 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.0008 0.0024 0.0040 0.0040 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.0024 0.0105 0.0259 0.0461 *: Estimated realized II.9.3. Support for information, training and awareness raising, energy advisory network Objectives and description 97 In the NEEAP it was recognised that practical, expert advice from independent advisors is not only an effective tool of awareness raising, but can result in direct practical savings if the advice is implemented. Although advisory services are often provided by the utility companies themselves, the policy seeks unbiased advisory services and more: organisation of awareness raising events or campaigns, preferably provided by independent civil organisations, NGOs. It is expected that the operation of an energy advisory network will trigger energy efficiency projects, which will utilise the available support schemes. Further support schemes are also planned to support the implementation of the projects. However, the implementation of the policy has targeted a wider scope than that: the operative programme that supports the energy advisory network policy is: KEOP-6.1.0/A/09-11 and KEOP-6.1.0/B/09-11 Awareness raising, information, training – campaigns to promote sustainable behaviour This operative program targets the Hungarian population in general, but the specific target groups include children (4-15 yo.), the youth (15-28 yo.) families, decision makers of institutions, political decision makers, teachers, communication experts. The subjects of the training and information dissemination include energy efficiency, water conservation, climate awareness, sustainable shopping etc. Besides local and regional campaigns, the program supports the development and operation of residential advisory facilities. The budget of component B, which includes the support of advisory activities, is HUF 915 million per year between 2011 and 13. Type of policy instrument Other: Education/awareness raising. Status of implementation Adopted Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The foreseen effects are the following. 98 Table 44 Projected emission reduction achieved by support for information, training and awareness raising, energy advisory network 2010* 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.45 1.20 1.95 2.70 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.036 0.097 0.158 0.218 *: Estimated realised II.9.4. Training for engineers, teachers, experts, municipal staff Objectives and description Other awareness training policies, such as advisory services, training programmes, information dissemination can only be successful if they are backed up by proper, high-level expertise. In order to ensure this, even the professionals need to be trained. It is also important that engineers, artisans involved in the implementation of energy efficiency projects would be up-to-date on modern technologies and methods. Municipals experts, especially those who work for the construction licensing authorities are especially important target groups for EE and sustainability focussed training, but the training of other municipality staff, including those of municipal institutions is also very important, as the municipalities themselves are relatively large energy consumers. Type of policy instrument Other: awareness raising Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators None Effects and impacts The following effects are estimated. 99 Table 45 Projected emission reduction achieved by training for engineers, teachers, experts, municipal staff 2010* 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.36 0.96 1.56 2.16 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.029 0.078 0.126 0.175 *: Estimated realized Minimum criteria and labelling of household appliances Objectives and description Labelling of household appliances is a key tool of awareness raising and a precondition of other household-appliance related policies, such as support for procuring highly efficient equipment (II.3.8.2 or II.3.8.3) to be successful. The following regulation is effective in Hungary in this regard: Decree 4/2002.GM (effective since 2003, amended in 2004) on information provision about the energy consumption of household light sources 5/2002.GM (effective since 2003) on energy efficiency criteria of refrigerators and freezers and their certification: 6/2002.GM (effective since 2002) on information provision about the energy consumption of combined washing machine - driers: 6/2002.GM (effective since 2002) on information provision about the energy consumption of dishwashers Type of policy instrument Regulatory Status of implementation Implemented Monitoring indicators Effects and impacts Table 46 Projected emission reduction achieved by minimum criteria and labelling of household appliances 2010* 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.24 0.64 1.04 1.44 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.055 0.146 0.238 0.330 100 *: Estimated realised II.9.5. Labelling of household boilers, air-conditioning equipment, water heaters Objectives and description The policy to define minimum criteria (II.3.8.1) shall be coupled by providing proper information to the public about the efficiency and energy performance of these two important household appliances. Similarly to the other equipment discussed in the previous point (0), shifting consumers‘ preference towards more efficient equipment can only be successful if clear, easy-to-understand information is provided. Type of policy instrument Other: awareness raising Status of implementation Planned Monitoring indicators Sales data Effects and impacts The following effects are estimated. Table 47 Projected emission reduction achieved by labelling of household boilers, air-conditioning equipment, water heaters 2010* 2015 2020 2025 Change in energy saving PJ/year 0 0.09 0.1 0.1 Accumulated energy saving PJ/year 0.0 0.3 0.8 1.3 Change in emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.007 0.008 0.008 Accumulated emission reduction Mt CO2/year 0.000 0.024 0.065 0.105 *: Estimated realised 101 III. Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions III.1. Fuel combustion This chapter covers GHG emissions from fuel combustion. The first part discusses heat energy consumption and the related emissions, whereas the second part deals with emissions from electricity and heat generation. It is important to note that emissions from district heat production are calculated in the first part of this chapter, but accounted for under the heading of ―electricity and heat sector‖. III.1.1. Heat energy consumption Total heat energy consumption is distributed among the following sectors: industry, residential and service sectors and agriculture. Approximately 35-45% of the total energy is consumed in the form of heat, as the following figure shows. Figure 19 Heat energy consumption (PJ) and its share in total primary energy consumption (%), 19902009 650 55% 50.9% 620 51.5% 600 50% 597 47.7% 48.0% 47.3% 47.1% 44.7% 550 44.9% 44.9% 44.1% 44.1% 44.8% 45% 44.0% 43.8% 42.5% 41.2% 530 515 500 509 508 40% 508 496 494 482 487 487 37.7% 37.3% 37.4% 493 483 476 475 467 450 35% 421 420 400 30% Share in total primary energy consumption Heat energy consumption, PJ 46.1% 400 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 20% 1992 300 1991 25% 1990 350 Source: Eurostat The contribution of the various sectors is depicted in the following figure. The most important sectors are the households and services (69%) within the total consumption. 102 Figure 20 Distribution of the heat energy consumption in 2009, PJ and % Petroleum Refineries; 25; 6% Coke Ovens; 3; 1% Iron and Steel; 18; 5% Non-Ferrous Metals; 5; 1% Services; 84; 21% Chemical and Petrochemical; 13; 3% Non-Metallic Minerals; 16; 4% Other; 13; 3% Food and Tobacco; 12; 3% Paper, Pulp and Print; 4; 1% Agriculture/Forestry; 16; 4% Households; 191; 48% Source: Eurostat GHG emissions forecast is based on the following method (see Figure 21). First, the heat energy consumption of all sub-sectors are forecast (TJ) and in parallel the aggregate RES share in the heat energy consumption (%) is determined. By multiplying aggregate consumption and RES share total RES consumption (TJ) are derived. This is distributed among the various sub-sectors taken into account at the distribution of RES consumption in the last three years, while the share of other fuels is calculated on the basis of historical distribution. Finally, GHG emissions of the various sub-sectors are calculated by using the respective emission factors. 103 Figure 21 GHG emissions calculation methodology Individual projections of heat energy consumption Petroleum refining Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries Iron and steel Non-ferrous metal Chemicals Agriculture Pulp, paper and print Food processing, beverages and tobacco Non-metallic minerals Other industrial Residential Services Total heat energy consumption between 2010-2025 Average non-RES share of the various sub-sector and the various fuel between 2007-2009 Emission factors of the various fuel types RES share between 2010-2025 Yearly RES consumption Projected non-RES share of various sub-sectors and fuel types Average RES share of the different sub-sector between 2007-2009 Projected RES share of the various sub-sector between 2010-2025 GHG emissions of the various sub-sectors between 2010-2025 104 III.1.1.1. RES share An important input of emissions calculation is the share of renewables in the heat energy consumption. In the WOM scenario RES share remains at its current level over the next 15 years. The WAM scenario uses the heat RES target defined by the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP), i.e. 18.9 % by 2020. In the WEM scenario the RES share in 2020 is lower, i.e. the level defined by Renewable Directive. The following figure shows the assumed RES shares in the various scenarios. Figure 22 Historical (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) RES share in heat energy consumption in the three scenarios 25.0% 22.0% 20.0% 18.9% 19.5% WAM 16.8% 15.0% WEM 10.0% Historical 8.3% 8.3% WOM 5.0% 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 0.0% Source: Eurostat III.1.1.2. Petroleum refining Total heat energy consumption of petroleum refineries stabilized around 36-40 PJ between 1990 and 1999 and interestingly did not collapse after 1990. However, 2000 brought a sharp decrease to 27 PJ and it fluctuates around 22-27 PJ since. Similarly to the economic collapse of 1990, the financial crises of 2009 did not affect the heat energy consumption of refineries. 105 Figure 23 Heat energy consumption of petroleum refineries between 1990 and 2009, TJ, NCV 45 000 40 000 39 964 38 666 39 259 39 583 37 886 36 604 37 253 37 112 36 960 35 950 35 000 30 000 27 271 TJ, NCV 27 147 25 020 25 617 24 950 24 244 25 000 23 894 22 028 21 877 22 007 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 0 Source: Eurostat It is assumed that the average heat energy consumption of the last nine years (24.1 PJ) is a good estimate for the future. 106 III.1.1.3. Iron and steel Three major drops can be observed in the heat energy consumption of the iron and steel sector: the first one in 1990, the second one in 1996 and a third one in 2009, each bringing a 30-40% reduction. Except for these dramatic changes it was quite stable within each period: between 1991 and 1996 it was around 42 PJ, while between 1996 and 2008 around 23-27 PJ. In 2009 the heat energy consumption dropped to 18.5 PJ. A consequent recovery period is assumed so that heat energy consumption will reach the level of 2005 by 2015. Since then a similar growth rate for crude steel production (see in the industrial processes chapter) is assumed. Figure 24 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the iron and steel sector, TJ, NCV 70 000 60 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 50 000 Source: Eurostat 107 III.1.1.4. Non-ferrous metal Heat energy consumption of the non-ferrous metal sector was quite stable between 1997 and 2008 (6-7 PJ). Due to the economic crisis in 2009 it dropped to 4.5 PJ. The same is assumed in the iron and steel sector: quite a fast recovery by 2015, followed by an increase due to higher crude steel production. Figure 25 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the non-ferrous sector, TJ, NCV 9 000 8 000 7 000 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 6 000 Source: Eurostat 108 III.1.1.5. Non-metallic minerals Heat energy consumption of non-metallic sector has been determined by clinker, lime, lime and dolomite, glass, bricks and ceramics production. Between 1991-2008 heat energy consumption of these sub-sectors was quite stable, as the following figure shows. Due to the economic crisis of 2009, heat energy consumption decreased by more than 30%. A moderate increasing trend is forecast till 2025. Figure 26 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the non-metallic minerals sector, TJ, NCV 45 000 40 000 35 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 30 000 Source: Eurostat 109 III.1.1.6. Chemicals Heat energy consumption of the chemical sector was very volatile in the past: while in 1990 and 1997 it exceeded 30 PJ, two years later (in 1992 and 1999) it dropped below 25 PJ. In the last five years it fluctuated at 13-17 PJ. A relatively slow recovery is assumed from 2009 level i.e. it will reach the average consumption of 2005-2008 only by 2020. Figure 27 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of chemical sector, TJ, NCV 35 000 30 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 25 000 Source: Eurostat 110 III.1.1.7. Food processing, beverages and tobacco The first half of the 1990s brought about a sharp decrease in the heat energy consumption of food processing, beverages and tobacco sector. Then it was stable until the early 2000s when it started to decline. It is assumed that the heat energy consumption of this sector will be characterized by a slow increasing trend until 2015, when it will reach the average energy consumption level of 2004-2008. No significant change is expected in the heat energy consumption of this sector. Figure 28 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the food processing, beverages and tobacco sector, TJ, NCV 40 000 35 000 30 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 25 000 Source: Eurostat 111 III.1.1.8. Pulp, paper and print Heat energy consumption of pulp, paper and print sector increased threefold from 1990 to the mid-1990s, peaking at a level of 5.8 PJ. This was followed by a stagnating period until the economic crises when it dropped to 3.5 PJ. It is assumed to be followed by a recovery period up to 2015 but no growth from that time on. Figure 29 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the pulp, paper and print sector, TJ, NCV 7 000 6 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 5 000 Source: Eurostat 112 III.1.1.9. Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries The total heat energy consumption of manufacturing of solid fuels and other energy industries sectors is quite small: in 2009 it was below 3 PJ. It is assumed that by 2015 it will reach the average of the last four (2006-2009) years and remain constant from that time on. Figure 30 Historic (1990-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries, TJ, NCV 4 000 3 500 3 000 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 0 1990 TJ, NCV 2 500 Source: Eurostat 113 III.1.1.10. Other industrial sectors Other industrial segments consist of the following sub-segments: mining and quarrying, textile and leather, transport equipment, machinery, wood and wood products, construction and other non-specifies industrial sub-segment. The following figure demonstrates the heat energy consumption of these sectors in the last ten years and the projected figure till 2025. Figure 31 Historic (2000-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of smaller industrial sub-sector, TJ, NCV 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 Non-specified (Industry) Construction Wood and Wood Products Machinery Transport Equipment Textile and Leather Mining and Quarrying 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 20 24 20 22 20 20 20 18 20 16 20 14 20 12 20 10 20 08 20 06 20 04 20 02 0 20 00 TJ, NCV 12 000 Source: Eurostat 114 III.1.1.11. Agriculture Heat energy consumption of the agriculture sector has been decreasing since 1990 from over 40 PJ to 15.8 PJ in 2009. It is assumed that this decreasing trend will continue till 2025 but at a smaller rate. Figure 32 Historic (1998-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) heat energy consumption of the agriculture sector, TJ, NCV 30 000 25 000 y = -4035.9Ln(x) + 28204 R2 = 0.8472 15 000 10 000 Historic 5 000 Forecast 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 0 1998 TJ, NCV 20 000 Source: Eurostat 115 III.1.1.12. WEM and WAM scenarios in the industrial sectors In the previous sections the projected heat energy consumptions of the various industrial segments under the WOM scenario have been determined. In the WEM and WAM scenarios in some sectors - further energy reduction programs are assumed. All profitable reduction measures of the HUNMIT model are taken into account6. In the WEM scenario these investments will be realized fully by 2025, while in the WAM scenario by 2020. Although, the EUA price will be lower in the WAM scenario, which results in lower energy prices, the RES consumption is higher. Renewable based energy generation will not be profitable without support financed by the energy consumers. Altogether these effects will lead to a higher final energy price in the WAM scenario, which results in lower energy consumption (or more energy efficiency investments). The following table shows the average heat energy consumption reduction in the WEM and WAM scenarios. Table 48 Heat energy consumption reduction in WEM and WAM scenarios compared to the WOM scenario, % WEM WAM 2015 2020 2025 2015 2020 2025 Petroleum Refineries 2.7% 5.3% 8.0% 4.0% 8.0% 8.0% Iron and Steel 4.0% 8.0% 12.0% 6.0% 12.0% 12.0% Chemical and Petrochemical 1.3% 2.7% 4.0% 2.0% 4.0% 4.0% Non-Metallic Minerals 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 7.5% 15.0% 15.0% Food and Tobacco 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 3.0% 6.0% 6.0% Textile and Leather 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 3.0% 6.0% 6.0% Paper, Pulp and Print 1.7% 3.3% 5.0% 2.5% 5.0% 5.0% Transport Equipment 2.7% 5.3% 8.0% 4.0% 8.0% 8.0% Machinery 2.7% 5.3% 8.0% 4.0% 8.0% 8.0% Non-specified (Industry) 2.3% 4.7% 7.0% 3.5% 7.0% 7.0% Source: Calculations based on HUNMIT model 6 Short decsription of the HUNMIT modell can be found in the Appendix. 116 III.1.1.13. Residential sector III. Energy consumption of the residential sector Electricity and heat consumption of the residential sector accounts for a significant share (30% in 2008) of total energy consumption.7 The domestic energy balance (published by Energy Center) and international statistical data (Eurostat and Enerdata – which are partially based on the former source) quote around 230 PJ in 2008.8 The figure below indicates the historical trends of energy consumption. Figure 33 Final energy consumption of the residential sector 300 250 200 Heat PJ Electricity Oil 150 Bomass Coal Natural gas 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Enerdata The consumption trend (increasing up to 2003-2005, then decreasing) hides several changes in the background variables. On one hand, the number of flats has increased from 4 to 4.2 million between 2000 and 2008, in parallel with an increase in the average floorspace (from 74 to 78 m2). Simultaneously, there was an 85% increase in energy prices (measured in real gas price level in 2005€), having a significant effect on the households‘ energy bills.9 Temperature fluctuations in winter have significant impact on residential energy consumption, that can easily move it in a +/- 15% range. In subsequent projections for the 7 Source: Enerdata 8 However, this figure is much higher in the household survey (joint research of the Hungarian Statistical OfficeEnergy Centre) that results in a 300 PJ final energy consumption for the residential sector. The difference is due to the diverging estimation of biomass consumption. 9 Energy expenses grew from 11% to 14.5% in proportion of households‘ income (Hungarian Statistical Office (KSH): Energy Consumption of Households 2008; in Hungarian) 117 future years average temperature was assumed, where the average temperature (with its heating degree days - HDDs) of the last ten years were used in the forecast. III. Evolution of CO2 emissions of residential energy consumption Household CO2 emissions show similar tendencies as energy consumption over the last decade. Figure 34 shows the direct and indirect emissions of the residential sector. Indirect emissions are borne by electricity and district heat generation, and as they are accounted for under ―power generators‖ due to the source-based carbon calculation rules, their savings appear in the ETS sector. Figure 34 CO2 emissions of the residential sector between 2000 and 2009 (actual, without temperature adjustment, thousand tonnes of CO2) 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 kt CO2eq INDIRECT EMISSIONS 12 000 10 000 8 000 DIRECT EMISSIONS 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Enerdata After a strong upward trend characterising CO2 emissions up to 2003, the trend reversed in 2004. On the one hand, this was partially due to the drop in coal and oil consumption in parallel with the dynamic upswing of solid biomass (firewood); on the other hand, data show the decline of total energy consumption since 2006. Interestingly, the decline did not coincide with the beginning of the financial crisis of 2008, therefore the existence of increasing energy efficiency/energy saving can neither be underpinned nor denied. Due to the relatively small amount of information available on the energy savings of investments, the exact impact of public support schemes for housing retrofits is not known. Temperature adjusted consumption indicates that the majority of decreasing consumption in the period is simply due to higher temperature. The next section gives an overview of the most important information available on energy efficiency programs. 118 III. Residential energy saving schemes between 2006 and 2009 Residential energy-related state support exists since 2001 in Hungary. Although there are a number of examples of refurbishment programmes (e.g. KEOP – Environment and Energy Operative Programme, KIOP: Environment Protection and Infrastructure Operative Programme) financed by other sources, the majority of different schemes for household energy savings are operated by the Energy Centre10. The programmes have undergone significant changes: whilst initially the applicants had a relatively large room in choosing the level of energy refurbishment, the use of funds got tightened in two aspects. Firstly, programmes have been moved towards complex refurbishment, namely it had to be ensured that the energy category of the flats increased by at least one grade after renovation. If the energy certification of a flat/building reached level B11 as a result of the refurbishment, then the applicant was entitled to get a bonus payment. This way the programme encourages more complex energy efficiency investments at higher quality. On the other hand, as it was necessary to make both preliminary and subsequent energy efficiency survey, it also provides more reliable information. Thus, the measurability of programmes increased, in parallel with the ex post evaluation of their effectiveness. The table below sums up the available data on the energy efficiency programmes (NEP: National Energy Saving Plan; ZBR EH: Green Investment System Energy Efficiency Subprogramme). Table 1: Main features of NEP and ZBR residential energy saving programmes (constant 2008 HUF) Programme code Number of applications received (piece) Amount of funds claimed (Bn HUF) Preferential loan claimed (Bn HUF) Total investment Number of contracts s claimed (piece) (Bn HUF) Amount of funds contracted (Bn HUF) Total investments contracted (Bn HUF) NEP 2006 3 106 1.10 .- 3.92 2836 0.99 3.48 NEP-2007 5 284 1.28 3.32 8.92 3202 0.74 5.34 NEP 2008 6 541 2.27 1.21 9.42 4701 1.65 6.67 NEP 2009* 3 683 1.21 0.44 4.18 2344 0.79 2.65 ZBR-EH 2 363 4.20 0.69 12.29 881 1.21 3.40 ZBRPANEL 795 27.35 0.00 59.38 16 0.61 1.36 Source: Energy Centre * Preliminary data: does not reflect the applications evaluated in the whole year 10 Energy Centre, www.energiakozpont.hu/index.php?p=230 Governmental Decree 176/2008 introduced energy efficiency certification of buildings (in colloquial: green card for flats), which categorises the currently existing buildings to 10 grades, similarly to electronic appliances, from A+ to – I. Buildings under construction need to meet category C at least since 2009, and from 2012 onwards it will also be required to use it in the case of rented and leased flats. 11 119 The table indicates a steady growth in the number of applications and an increasing amount of the associated total investments12. It is important that in parallel with NEP 2009, two subprogrammes of ZBR were launched. Within the ZBR system (ZBR panel subprogramme in particular) the proportion of tender winners is much lower as compared to total submitted, supposedly due to higher documentation standards. The peak of total investments realised with financial support was only 6.67 billion HUF (yearly amount, 2008) out of which the governmental contribution was 1.65 billion HUF. This is an important benchmark in the assessment of total future investment needed to exploit the potential within residential energy savings. Since 2008 preferential loans are available. The proportion of preferential loans within total investments is very volatile. Table 49 Data by residents (constant 2008 HUF) Number of flats Average support with investments per flat (piece) (HUF) Average loan per flat (HUF) Average investment per flat (HUF) NEP-2007 2 036 365 917 1 632 951 2 626 259 NEP 2008 3 053 541 006 395 491 2 184 367 NEP 2009 1 745 447 920 255 277 1 522 682 Source: Energy Centre The average investment per flat is between 1.5 and 2.5 million HUF, which was usually accompanied by 360-540 thousand HUF support (Table 49). The drop in the 2009 values is influenced by the crisis, but other factors could have contributed, too. III. The review of residential GHG abatement potential of the HUNMIT model There is a consensus between experts and studies that there is a significant energy saving potential in residential energy consumption in parallel with huge greenhouse gas emissions abatement opportunities (Novikova-Ürge-Vorsatz (2008)13, Csoknyai interview, KSH 2010). This is also reflected by the data of the HUNMIT model (Novikova and Ürge-Vorsatz prepared the model for residential buildings). The model examines the following groups of options for pre-2005 buildings (altogether over 2000 measures not accounting the appliances): insulation of the external wall insulation of cellar insulation of roof 12 Energy efficiency and renewable energy investments (both eligible for support) are distinguished in the statistics only since 2006 therefore the pre-2006 period is not included. 13 Novikova - Ürge-Vorsatz (2008): CO2 reduction opportunities and cost in the Hungarian residential sector (for the Ministry of Environment and Water, KVVM) (in Hungarian) 120 replacement of windows efficiency increase of individual boilers. In contrast, two options are investigated for post-2005 buildings: construction of passive energy buildings the average efficiency increase of investments in individual boilers. During the present analysis the following modifications were carried out in the HUNMIT model that was also used in the previous submission: The energy prices of the original HUNMIT were out-dated as it used constant prices over the time period. This has been updated by the proposed energy prices of the report (based on the PRIMES model results). The MAC calculation of the model was further improved, in order to take full account of the savings contributable to the measures. In the present version the optimal choice of the measures depend on adapted net present value calculations to cover the whole lifetime of the measures. To reflect the scarcity of financial resources, a profitability index was also applied to the various measures to put them in order according to their cost effectiveness. This enables the modeller to choose the most efficient measures in case of the financial resources are scarce. Savings from heating – either from better insulation or from the use of more efficient boilers – and savings from electric appliances are treated separately, as according to the EU methodology they represent savings in different sectors. Electricity and district heating savings are attributed to the respective power sector, and only the remaining savings are attributed to the residential sector. III.1.1.14. Buildings of the commercial/institutional sector III. Introduction Based on the definition of the HUNMIT model, building stock of the commercial/institutional sector refers to a highly mixed group including buildings for educational, health, public administration (i.e. central governmental and municipalities‘) and commercial purposes, as well as hotels and restaurants. The commercial/institutional sector was characterised by a final energy consumption of 111 PJ in 2009. Gas consumption accounts for half of it, while one third originates from electricity consumption. District heating has shown a steep downward trend (~11%) and this is supplemented by nearly disappearing consumption of oil and solid fuels (coal and lignite) over the last five years. A further important factor to be 121 mentioned is that commercial/institutional account for more than a quarter of the final domestic electricity consumption. After peaking in 2004 and 2005, consumption is characterised by a steady downward trend, in parallel with a significant decline in gas consumption. This was coupled with a fall in district heating, therefore the two, mainly heating-related energy sources have shown the largest drops. Figure 35 Energy consumption in the commercial/institutional sector 160 140 District heating Oil Coal and lignite Natural Gas Biomass Electricity 120 PJ 100 80 60 40 20 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 0 Source: Enerdata After 2004, a steep downward slope can be observed in CO2 emissions. Total CO2 emissions have shown almost a 30% fall between 2004 and 2009 (see Figure 36). 122 Figure 36 Evolution of CO2 emission in the commercial/institutional sector 12000 10000 total emissions k t CO2 8000 Indirect 6000 4000 Direct 2000 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 0 Source: Enerdata Direct emissions (fossil fuel consumption used for heating purposes) of the commercial/institutional sector were characterised by a downward trend since 2004, whilst indirect emissions (linked to electricity and district heat consumption) declines moderately since 1996. III. Abatement options The HUNMIT model quantifies the heating demand and the electricity consumption of electrical devices of the sector. The model distinguishes one and multi-storey buildings for educational and healthcare purposes, while smaller and larger subcategories were identified for public administration and commercial buildings. Sport facilities, cultural premises, churches, market places were excluded from the model as their consumption is negligible within the total commercial/institutional sector. The HUNMIT model is based on international data on total floorspace (airspace), on heating demand per square meter, on future tendencies of growth, as well as on the own data and estimations of the author (Novikova -Ürge-Vorsatz 2008, Ecofys 2009). The two major energy consumption types of the sector are heating the airspace (mainly by natural gas fired central heating and district heating) and the energy consumption of electric devices (especially devices used in offices and cooling). For heating options, the HUNMIT model follows a similar methodology to the one used for residential buildings. It outlines the possible abatement options and then puts these abatement options in cost-efficiency order. Abatement options are similar to the ones applied in the residential building sector, but this 123 section of the model excludes hot water production from the abatement options. In the case of savings in heating, the model does not assume any energy saving opportunities in commercial buildings, as these buildings were recently built therefore their construction technologies are considered relatively modern. In the case of buildings with own boilers, the HUNMIT model calculates with more detailed options, while it uses aggregate measure packages for buildings with district heating or individual room heating. The model outlines 91 types of measures for modelling the renovation of heating systems and insulation of public buildings. With regard to electronic devices, as the commercial/institutional sector is the main user of these devices (such as computers and monitors, printers and other office devices – like faxes, scanners, etc., air conditioning and ventilation, lighting, etc.), the model investigates several device packages. Since energy savings of these devices are electricity-related (hence ETS saving), these are removed from the options in the calculations. Firstly, the model builds up a ‘half-frozen‘ scenario in which the only energy efficiency increase originates from the replacement of ageing devices with new ones. Afterwards, it outlines the total abatement potential for the commercial/institutional sector – as seen in the case of the residential sector. Similar steps were followed as in the case of the residential sector when recalculating the results of the HUNMINT model, namely: The abatement options related to electronic office devices were removed, as these are related to electricity consumption thus these are not quantified in this sector. Price levels are revised according to the proposed EC levels. Net present values of various measures were determined based on energy savings over the whole lifespan and on total real investments. On the basis of the above, a financial profitability indexes were calculated which rank the various options by taking into account the net payback of measures as well as cost efficiency. Upon the above calculations, energy saving and CO2 abatement opportunities were calculated for the economically efficient (with positive net present value) options of the commercial/institutional sector. III.1.1.15. WOM, WEM and WAM scenarios in households and services One of the main conclusions of the previous chapters is that both the residential and the commercial/institutional building sectors have a very significant GHG abatement potential. The most significant obstacle in realising this potential is the lack of available resources. Historical data (size of insulation investments) and survey results on investment attitudes show that the energy efficiency improvement in housing would be suboptimal without state 124 intervention in the following ten years. Accordingly, our scenarios are framed by the resources available. WOM scenario. Starting from the real 2009 emissions from the building sector (both in the residential and commercial/institutional sector) the growth rates assumed in the original HUNMIT model were applied, which considered demographic trends and the turnover of the building stock. The heating energy need and the corresponding emission rates are calculated on the basis of an average HDD (heating degree day) years for the future. It also has to be noted, that in the report emissions form the electricity and district heating are excluded, as they are accounted in their respective sectors. WEM scenario. Definition of the WEM scenario consists of two parts. First the regulations relevant to the energy consumption of buildings had to be translated to measures that the model could handle. These regulations include the regulation on the energy performance of the buildings, as well as the energy certificates system (see PAM section II.3.7 for details), which are used in the model to set the energy performance level of the measures for the retrofitted existing and for new buildings. The second part of this modelling work was to estimate the financial resources provided by the existing supporting mechanisms collected in the PAM (section II.3.7.3 on the ZBR, Panel and ROPs for institutional and public buildings). The financial resources available for a building retrofit programme in the scenario are set according to the estimated the available revenues from ETS quota sales (370 m€), where half of it is assumed to be spent on programs on buildings efficiency. The estimated average yearly subsidy of this scenario is 180 million €, which accounts for 48 billion HUFs. A subsidy intensity of 50% is assumed, i.e. 50 of the 100 units of investment cost are paid as a state subsidy or preferential loan. This support intensity has been estimated by current studies (Negajoule 2011, Envincent 2011) as the necessary minimum to engage households in retrofit investments. This also means that the frame amount of 48 billion HUFs could induce investments of close to 100 billion HUFs. This investment size includes the additional investments, namely the projects in addition to the BAU projects (autonomous investments). WAM scenario: In the scenario it is assumed, that a more ambitious program is financed from central budget, where the total achievable retrofit investment level further increases, and increases to close to 200 billion HUFs, as this is the sector where most of the cheapest energy saving measures exists according to the HUNMIT model and the relevant assessments. The sources for these programmes are the quota revenues and additional sources of private and state financing. This amount of financing is required to achieve the energy reduction targets set in the NREAP of Hungary for the heating/cooling demand. 125 It is furthermore assumed that the resources available are allocated between the two subsectors (residential buildings and the building stock of the commercial/institutional sector) in a cost effective way (no earmarking). For these cases, the discount rate is set to 6% (adequate to the social discount rate), since it is assumed that the above mentioned resources are available at state budget level. The most important uncertainties in the WEM and WAM scenarios are the evolution of the ETS quota price and the decision on the share of quota revenues to be spent on these programmes. It has to be noted that energy savings connected to electricity consumption (subsidizing more energy efficient freezers (PAM II.3.8.2. section), promotion of CFL and other efficient lighting equipments (PAM II.3.8.2) and the minimum efficiency on office equipment (PAM II.3.9.4) that are related to electricity savings are accounted separately in order to include these savings in the electricity generation sector. Thus savings achieved by these measures will appear in the power sector savings and not at the respective residential and institutional sectors. Based on these assumptions, the energy consumption and the GHG emissions of the three scenarios (WOM, WEM and WAM) are computed that are shown in the following table. Energy savings are accounted as the sum of all economically feasible measures of the model realizable with the available budget line in the WEM and WAM scenarios over the period of 2011-2025. The corresponding fuel mix changes are calculated as described in the chapter. Table 50 Energy consumption in the WOM, WEM and WAM scenarios (PJ) 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 WOM 77.8 96.7 98.3 100.1 101.6 Commercial/Institutional WEM 77.8 96.7 87.9 80.6 73.8 WAM 77.8 96.7 85.5 76.8 69.0 WOM 191.9 198.2 201.0 201.9 201.2 WEM 191.9 198.2 191.8 187.4 185.0 WAM 191.9 198.2 186.1 174.2 164.4 Residential 126 III.1.1.16. Emission factors Different emission factors are used in the various sub-sectors. Five main fuel types are calculated with: solid, liquid, gas, renewable and district heating. Renewables emission factors are zero, while the emission from district heating production is accounted for under the heading of ―electricity and heat sector‖. The following figure shows the emission factors of the various fuel types in the analyzed sub-sectors. Figure 37 Emission factors of the various fuel types in the analyzed sub-sectors, CO2t /TJ 120.0 100.0 Liquid Fuels Solid Fuels Gaseous Fuels 60.0 40.0 20.0 Service Households Agriculture/Forestry Non-specified (Industry) Construction Wood and Wood Products Machinery Transport Equipment Paper, Pulp and Print Textile and Leather Food and Tobacco Mining and Quarrying Non-Metallic Minerals Chemical and Petrochemical Non-Ferrous Metals Iron and Steel Coke Ovens 0.0 Petroleum Refineries CO2 t /TJ 80.0 Source: Hungarian GHG Inventory 127 III.1.1.17. GHG emissions projections The following figure depicts the carbon dioxide emissions from the heat energy consumption. Figure 38 Carbon dioxide emissions from heat energy consumption in the three scenarios, kt CO2 25 000 20 000 15 000 kt CO2 Services Households Agriculture Industry 10 000 5 000 0 2008 WOM WEM WAM WOM WEM WAM WOM WEM WAM WOM WEM 2010 2015 2020 2025 WAM It has to be noted that the GHG emissions of these sectors are not confined to carbon dioxide, but include methane and N2O as well. 128 III.1.2. GHG emissions from district heat production As it has been mentioned GHG emissions from district heating are reported in the electricity sector but can be calculated from heat energy consumption. The district heating consumption has already been determined14 in the various scenarios and with the emission factors the GHG emissions can be calculated. It is assumed that the transformation and the distribution losses is 20%. In the WOM scenario all the district heating plants are fuelled by natural gas. In the WEM and WAM scenarios it is assumed that by 2025 the share of RES based DH plants is 19% (WEM) and 22% (WAM), while the rest are natural gas. The following figure depicts the carbon dioxide emission from district heat production. Figure 39 Carbon dioxide emission from district heat production in the various scenarios, CO2 kt 4 500 4 000 WOM WEM Carbon dioixde emission, kt 3 500 3 000 WAM 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 0 III.1.3. GHG emissions forecast in the electricity sector This section gives a detailed analysis of the GHG emissions forecast in the electricity sector. Only GHG emissions related to electricity generation are included i.e. emission from heat production (as well as the GHG emission from the heat production part of the cogeneration plants) are not analysed. First, the key parameters of the three emissions scenarios - WOM, WEM and WAM - are defined, followed by the introduction of the regional power market model developed by REKK, which computes the emissions of the scenarios. Finally, the results are presented. 14 It is derived similar to other types of fuels. 129 III.1.3.1. Definition of various scenarios The three scenarios differ in quota price, in share of renewable sources, electricity consumption and the expected commissioning year of the new Paks NPP units. III. Assumptions on quota prices The recommended carbon prices of DG CLIMA are used, which are depicted in the following figure. Figure 40 EUA price in different scenarios 35.0 32.0 30.6 30.0 29.2 27.8 26.4 25.0 25.0 WOM WEM WOM 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 20.0 €2008/t 18.6 17.2 15.8 15.0 14.4 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 14.1 14.7 15.3 15.9 16.5 16.9 16.7 17.1 17.3 17.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 10.0 5.0 0.0 2010 Source: DG Climate III. Future electricity consumption in the modelled scenarios The annual electricity consumption is estimated by a regression calculation based on historical data of electricity consumption changes and GDP changes. The historic GDP values are taken from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), while the forecasts of several institutes were utilized when forecasting future GDP. Up to 2014 the forecasts of five institutes were used, including Ministry for National Economy (NGM)15, IMF16, National Bank of Hungary (MNB)17, OECD18, and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)19. Until 2014 15 Source: http://www.kormany.hu/download/5/b4/10000/Szechenyi-2010-01-14%5B1%5D.pdf, January 2011 Source: http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pn/2011/pn1115.htm, February 2011 17 Source: http://www.mnb.hu/Kiadvanyok/mnbhu_inflacio_hu/mnbhu_inflation_20101201, November 2010 18 Source: http://www.oecd.org/document/61/0,3746,en_2649_33733_2483901_1_1_1_1,00.html, November 2010 19 Data disclosure: August 2009 16 130 real GDP growth estimate was derived from the average of the mentioned forecasts, while after 2014 the EIU forecast was used as seen in the following figure. Figure 41 Historical and forecast real GDP growth 8% 6% Forecast Real GDP growth 4% 2% 0% -2% Historical -4% -6% -8% 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Source: OECD, IMF, MNB, Economist Intelligence Unit, KSH, NGM The following figure shows the real electricity consumption in Hungary between 1991 and 2009, the temperature adjusted consumption and the forecast electricity consumption until 2025. 131 Figure 42 Historical, adjusted and forecast gross electricity consumption, 1991-2025, GWh 60 000 53 348 50 000 48 466 43 792 Historical 40 000 GWh 39 670 30 000 Forecast Adjusted 20 000 10 000 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 Source: Hungarian Energy Office (MEH), REKK estimation When forecasting electricity consumption, our assumptions were based on the relationship between the historical GDP and the electricity consumption figures and thereby assumed that energy efficiency measures will be realised to the same extent as in the base period of the estimation, between 1999 and 2009. However, it is important to examine the impact of the expected considerable additional energy efficiency investments on the future electricity consumption. Other important factors that could have significant impact on the future are electricity consumption of heat pumps and electricity consumption of electrical cars. While energy efficiency investments decrease the electricity consumption, heat pumps and electrical cars increase it. In the following these factors are examined and the final forecast electricity consumption in the three scenarios is determined. III. Energy efficiency measures in the WEM and WAM scenarios As a starting point, the results of a comprehensive international study prepared for the EU Commission20 was chosen that determined - comparing the current energy consumption methods and the state-of-the-art technologies - what savings can be achieved in the given sectors based on various assumptions. The study examined three scenarios: 20 Fraunhofer ISI et.al., Study on the Energy Savings Potentials in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EEA Countries (2009). The database established as a result of the study is available on the website http://www.eepotential.eu/. 132 Low policy intensity potential (LPI): The assumption of this scenario was that only those energy efficiency measures are realised that are profitable under regular market conditions. High policy intensity potential (HPI): The assumption of this scenario was that administrative barriers significantly decrease, furthermore, all the investments are realised that are profitable at an aggregated level i.e. not at consumer level. Technological potentials: This scenario ignores the costs of energy efficiency measures and observes the best available but rationally considerable cases. The study includes the analysis of energy efficiency measures with regard to electricity consumption in three sectors: industrial, household and tertiary. All the three sectors turned out to have significant energy savings potentials that are profitable even on a market basis at a magnitude of 5.4 TWh by 2020. Although details of the methods applied in the quoted study are not known and consequently, hence its findings cannot be debated, these figures are still considered unrealistically high. For example, energy savings accounting for 5.4 TWh exceed 11% of the projected BAU electricity consumption in 2020. As a comparison, Hungary in its preliminary National Action Plan laying down the foundation for the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy, aims at 10% total energy savings, which, in the general opinion of the sector, can be fulfilled primarily by the large-scale reduction of energy consumption for heating purposes. Accordingly, it is deemed justified to downscale this figure or assume that its realisation takes longer than 10-20 years. The argument behind these figures are the same as in the heat energy sector: in the WAM scenario the final electricity price will be higher compared to WEM scenario, which will result in a lower electricity consumption or more energy efficiency investments will be realized. In the WOM scenario zero additional energy savings from energy efficiency investments are assumed. These numbers are consistent with the results of the HUNMIT model. Energy savings figures are depicted in the following figure. 133 Figure 43 Energy savings in the electricity sectors in WEM and WAM scenarios, 2010-2025, GWh 6 000 5 695 5 000 4 000 3 796 3 796 GWh WAM 3 000 2 531 2 000 1 898 WEM 1 265 1 000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 134 It is important to emphasise that in the regional electricity modelling it was assumed that in the two scenarios energy efficiency projects are realised not only in Hungary but also in all of the modelled countries. The following figure shows how much energy efficiency improvements are forecast for the individual countries by the model. Figure 44 Energy efficiency measures taken into account in the course of regional modelling relative to the gross electricity consumption in 2020,% 6.0% 5.0% % 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% AL AT BA BG CZ GR HR HU ME MK PL RO RS SI SK III. Heat pumps Widespread use of heat pumps increases electricity consumption significantly. According to the Hungarian NREAP by 2020 heat pumps will generate 6 PJ heat. To produce one Joule heat energy from heat pumps, it needs 0.25 Joule electricity. If the target set in the NREAP is reached, then electricity consumption will increase by 417 GWh. In the WEM scenario, when the NREAP is not in force, it is assumed that half of the energy from heat pumps will be realized, so the electricity growth is only 208 GWh by 2020. In the WOM scenario no significant heat production from heat pumps are assumed. The following table demonstrates the electricity growth due to heat pumps. Table 51 Electricity consumption of heat pumps in different scenarios, GWh WOM WEM WAM 2010 0 0 0 2015 0 104 208 2020 0 208 417 2025 0 255 509 135 III. Electrification in the transport sector Rate of electrification is mainly dependent on the European-wide policies and measures (PAMs), not really on the Hungarian PAMs. Until 2020 zero electricity consumption growth is assumed due to the electric cars. Between 2020 and 2030 the optimistic PRIMES figures are accepted, which assume that 9% of the fuel consumption in the transportation sector is based on electricity (full electrical cars or plug-in hybrid cars). According to this figure the consumption growth could reach 5.5 TWh by 2030. This figure is used in our WAM scenario. In the WEM and WOM scenarios it is assumed that the whole electrification will be delayed by five years, which means no electricity consumption growth is assumed because of the electrification in the transport sector during the period. III. Electricity consumption Based on the previous analyses, the forecast gross electricity consumption in Hungary in the different scenarios is shown in the following figure. Figure 45 Gross electricity consumption in different scenarios, TWh, 2010-2025 55.0 53.3 53.0 50.9 TWh 51.0 49.0 48.5 47.0 46.1 45.0 43.8 49.8 WOM WEM WAM 45.1 42.6 43.0 42.1 41.0 39.0 37.0 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 35.0 It is visible that from 2023 the consumption in the WAM scenario exceeds the electricity consumption in the WEM scenario, due to the higher electrification rate and the faster spread of heat pumps. III. Renewable-based electricity production in various scenarios Scenarios also differ in the amount of renewable-based electricity (RES-E) production. The NREAP modifies the share of renewables specified by the Renewable Energy Directive from 13% to 14.65% (these figures relate to the total energy consumption and not exclusively to the 136 electricity sector). It is assumed that in the WEM case the 13% - as specified in the Directive is realized, while in the WAM case the full NREAP target share of 14.6% is realized. In the calculation of this scenario, this 1.65% growth is assumed uniform in the relevant consumption sectors. Considering the RES-E generation these target figures (13% and 14.6%) translates into 9.4 and 10.9%, respectively. In the WOM scenario it is assumed that the share of renewable based power generation will not change in the analyzed period, it equals 6.7%. Figure 46 Share of renewable-based electricity production compared to the gross electricity consumption between 2010 and 2025 in the different scenarios, % 14.0% 12.7% 12.0% 11.1% 10.9% 10.0% 9.4% 8.1% 8.0% 7.0% 6.7% 6.7% 6.0% 6.7% 6.7% WOM WEM WAM 4.0% 2.0% 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 0.0% Source: MEH, NREAP, and REKK calculation As the whole region is modelled, and not only Hungary – in order to capture the trade effects as well -, it is assumed that the development of RES-E production in other EU Member States is similar to Hungary. In the WOM scenario, renewable share will not change in the analysed period, the WEM scenario assumes that the renewable production will be in line with the requirements of the Renewable Directive, while in the case of WAM scenario, the given Member States achieve the renewable electricity production amount specified in the submitted NREAPs. III. New PAKS NPP units The new draft energy strategy of Hungary includes the construction of new nuclear units in Paks. It is assumed that in the WOM and WEM scenarios none of the new units will be commissioned before 2025, while in the WAM scenario it is assumed that one 1000 MW unit will be commissioned between 2020 and 2025. 137 III. Summary of scenarios In the above sections, a detailed picture is drawn on the assumptions of the parameters (EUA price, electricity consumption, spread of renewable sources and new nuclear units in Paks) for all the three scenarios. The following table gives a summary of these assumptions for Hungary. Table 52 Assumptions for the various scenarios EUA price, €2008/t Gross electricity consumption, TWh RES-E share, % WOM WEM WAM 2010 13.0 13.0 13.0 2015 13.0 20.0 13.5 2020 13.0 25.0 16.5 2025 13.0 32.0 17.5 2010 39.7 39.7 39.7 2015 43.8 42.6 42.1 2020 48.5 46.1 45.1 2025 53.3 49.8 50.9 2010 6.7% 6.7% 6.7% 2015 6.7% 7.0% 8.1% 2020 6.7% 9.4% 10.9% 2025 6.7% 11.1% 12.7% No new unit(s) till 2025 No new unit(s) till 2025 One new (1000 MW) unit between 2020 and 2025 New Paks unit(s) However, it is important to emphasise that these RES-E production figures and the estimated gross electricity consumption figures for Hungary are contingent on the similar course of action in other countries of the model. III.1.3.2. Regional electricity market model The effect of various scenarios on the electricity market is estimated with the help of a regional power market model, which simultaneously models the electricity markets and the commercial flows of Central and South European countries. This model is developed by the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research (REKK). The applied power market model assumes that power plants are price takers, in other words, (the owners of) power plants assume that changing their production decision does not have any significant effect on market price. This assumption leads to the equilibrium of efficient (‗perfect‘) competition applied in microeconomic modelling and to a welfare maximising market outcome as well. 138 Power plants produce electricity if the marginal cost of their production is lower than the electricity price in the given country, taking into account the generation capacity constraints of the power plant. Market prices are shaped by domestic demand and supply relations, and export and import factors modifying the former ones. Export-import flows, however, are essentially shaped by the power price level of neighbouring countries since traders would transport electricity from cheaper countries to the more expensive ones. Accordingly, analysing the power sector of several neighbouring countries (and their further neighbours) cannot be avoided at the same time, which requires the application of a regional power market model. The following figure depicts the operation of the model. Figure 47 Model operation Available generation capacity Input Marginal generation cost Demand curves by country Equilibrium prices by country Electricity trade between countries Cross-border transmission capacity Output Model Supply curves by country Production by plant National supply curves can be set out for each country by determining the marginal costs and the available capacities of power plants. The result is received by supplementing national supply curves with cross-border capacities and the demand curves characteristic for the various countries. The model calculates the equilibrium prices of the countries, the commercial flows among the countries and also the production of power plant blocks21. III.1.3.3. Key results This section gives a detailed analysis on the effects of the various scenarios on the electricity market including particularly on the electricity mix and carbon dioxide emissions. III. Expected changes in the electricity mix Total electricity consumption differs for the WOM, WEM and WAM scenarios, as it has been already demonstrated in the previous sections. The following figure shows, that nuclear units 21 For detailed description of the operation of the model see in the appendix. 139 will produce 14.7 TWh electricity in all cases and years except in the WAM scenario in 2025, when a new block will be commissioned. Coal-fired power generation will decrease until 2025, when it will totally disappear from the Hungarian energy mix. The amount of renewable-based energy production is not the output but the input of the model. The share of RES generation will be between 6-13% in the final gross electricity consumption between 2010 and 2025. Natural gas-fired power production in WAM scenario will be the smallest. Net import will be quite significant, e.g. in 2020 in the WAM scenario the net import will be 8.4 TWh, which will satisfy nearly 20% of the total yearly electricity consumption. Figure 48 Electricity mix in 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025 for various scenarios, TWh 60 50 14.7 14.7 40 14.7 22.1 14.7 3.6 0.1 30 14.7 14.7 4.3 14.7 5.5 14.7 2.6 14.7 TWh 3.2 20 1.8 2.7 3.6 5.9 3.0 3.0 2.9 4.9 32.5 3.4 32.3 28.0 2.7 24.2 22.2 10 14.8 Nuclear Coal RES Natural gas Net export 6.4 15.9 15.2 13.5 12.1 2.9 1.1 0 -0.1 -2.5 WOM -4.3 2010 -7.5 WEM -6.2 2015 WAM WOM -3.6 -7.4 WEM 2020 WAM -8.4 WOM WEM WAM 2025 -10 -20 140 III. Carbon dioxide emission Carbon dioxide emission varies between 7.4 and 12.2 million tonnes in the various scenarios. The emission is essentially determined by the production of gas-fired power plants and the total domestic consumption: the less the consumption and the natural gas-based electricity production are, the less the carbon dioxide emission is. Figure 49 Emissions of electricity producers in 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2025 for various scenarios, thousand tones 14 000 12 173 12 107 12 000 11 625 10 601 10 455 10 455 10 455 10 000 CO2 emission, kt 9 218 8 632 8 294 8 005 8 000 7 450 WOM WEM WAM 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 2010 2015 2020 2025 141 III.1.4. GHG emissions from transport sector Based on the GHG inventory, transport sector made up 19% of the total GHG emission of Hungary and one fourth of energy emissions in 2009. This figure excludes the emission of aviation, which is separately included in the national inventory. However, aviation accounted for 5% of transport emissions in 2009, while railway transport and navigation were responsible for a still lower proportion of emissions (2 and 0.02%, respectively). It is important to note that the 2% share includes only the direct railway emissions (primarily from diesel engines running on non-electrified lines and used for traction), electricity consumption is accounted among the emissions of the energy industry. A crucial proportion of transport emissions (93%) are caused by road transport including passenger and freight transport. Figure 50 Distribution of transport emissions in 2009, kt CO 2eq Inland Water; 3; 0% Rail; 266; 2% Air; 716; 5% Road; 12 407; 93% Consequently, the share of transport in the total emission is significant, and the temporal evolution of its emission makes it even more important amongst the emitting sectors. The figure shows that it has been dynamically growing since the bottom in 1994 and nearly doubled. The emission was declining after the economic transformation of the nineties until 1994, which was followed by a slow rise essentially due to the changes in road transport emissions. Meanwhile, the fleet was increasing. This period witnessed a large-scale exchange in fleet resulting in a much more modern fleet composition. Since then, however, the further improvement of efficiency can purely moderate the extension of transport types of higher emission (road transport) both in passenger and freight transport by road. 142 Figure 51 Number of cars in Hungary between 1985 and 2009 3 500 3 000 thousand car 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 0 Source: KSH * The fallback in 1998 is caused by a change in methodology: the total fleet was then adjusted with the number of withdrawn cars 143 Figure 52 Emissions from transport between 1985 and 2009 (kt CO 2eq) 16 000 14 000 Air transport 12 000 kt CO2eq 10 000 Inland Water Rail transport 8 000 6 000 4 000 Road transport 2 000 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 The economic crisis had an effect also on the transport sector. There was a drop primarily in the emissions of road transport and aviation. However, in ten years before the crisis (from 1998 to 2008) the total annual emission of the sector grew by as much as 5%, which exceeds the emission increase of all the other sectors. Direct emissions of the railway transport were declining until 2005, which was followed by a three-year stagnation and then an upswing started again in 2009. The decline is primarily resulted from the railway‘s being driven back by road transport both in passenger and freight transport. 144 Figure 53 Performance of road and railway transport between 2001 and 2009 (freight tonkm) 40 000 35 000 freight tonkilometer 30 000 Road transport 25 000 20 000 Rail transport 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: KSH Emissions of navigation dropped to minor level at the beginning of the nineties. As the inventory shows, aviation typically grows except for some shorter periods. The growth is primarily due to increasing income and the evolving low-cost carriers. The data for aviation emission has so far been an information tool based on the amount of kerosene sold in Hungary (9672 TJ in 2009). Aviation will fall under the effect of ETS from 2012, therefore it does not have to be taken into account in the transport sector not falling under ETS. 145 Figure 54 Emission from aviation between 1985 and 2009 (kt CO 2eq) 900 800 700 kt CO2eq 600 500 400 300 200 100 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 0 Source: NIR Several pollutants are emitted from the combustion of fuels. In general, only CO2 and soot emissions kept pace with the growing number of vehicles, while the specific values of the other pollutants diminished. The lead and sulphur-dioxide emissions essentially ceased on the effect of state regulation. Road traffic entails methane and nitrogen-oxide emissions in addition to carbon-dioxide from among greenhouse gases. CH4 and N2O emissions, however, are orders of magnitude lower than CO2. Table 53 Emission factors of transport fuels (t/TJ) CO2 CH4 N2O Petrol 68.61 0.0110 0.0135 Gas oil 73.33 0.0035 0.0041 Source: NIR 2009 III.1.4.1. Estimation of the future CO2 emission from transport sector In the following chapters the details of the calculations will be introduced in more details. Detailed modelling was applied in road transportation for setting up the WOM projection (passenger and freight), as this is the most important transport mode from both GHG emissions the point of view and its growing shares. For the GHG abatement options, the HUNMIT model was applied for the road transport (passenger and freight). For the rest of the modes (aviation 5%, rail 3% and inland waterways <1% by emissions in 2009) the trend 146 projected in the EU (2010)22 analysis is applied, but the starting year values were updated (2009 energy consumption and emission values were used, as the 2010 values are not yet available). By using the above-mentioned trend values for rail and inland waterways, the projections also get near to the indicative values of the New Széchenyi Plan (introduced in more details in the PAM), which foresees a growing share of these transport modes. For railways the plan foresees 20% share for freight and 15% share for passenger transport, while sets the target to 8% in inland waterways transport. This latter one is an especially ambitious target, as its share now stands at 4% according to the latest figure of 2009 (Eurostat 2011). To reach this target the policies mentioned in the PAM document, and also the effects of the planned EU Danube strategy is required. Concerning the railway freight target, the plan means the reversion of the trend, which showed an uninterrupted decreasing trend, and presently stands at 20 %. In case of the aviation sector, the passenger km values are cross-checked to the latest Hungarian projections of the Budapest Airport on the number of air travellers. In air transport no efficiency improvement in the engine technology is assumed, however according to the source used (EU 2010), the trend of higher utilisation of the flights is carried forward for the future. III. Road transport modelling In the estimations a detailed econometric model was applied for the road transportation (passenger and freight) for the WOM scenario. Car penetration path was projected for private cars, where the main driving parameter was the GDP, but also a slow convergence to the EU car ownership level was assumed. In freight transport the statistical analysis showed again the high importance of GDP growth that determines the transported volume of goods. The impact of oil prices was also tested, but the impact was not statistically significant. This most probably is due to the high tax content of the end user price of gasoline, which weakens the impact of the price signal. Three scenarios were prepared for the projection of emissions of the transport sector: WOM, WEM and WAM. The WOM scenario contains the efficiency improvements expected from the turnover of the fleet. Compared to this scenario, WEM and WAM contain further reduction potentials primarily for new cars, and assume a larger scale extension of hybrid cars and the high blending rate of bio-fuels. The scenarios have been prepared in order to examine only CO2 emission (see above) taking into account the emissions from road transport (passenger and freight transport), railway transport and navigation. As afore-mentioned, the emission from the latter two lags by orders of magnitude behind the road transport emission. 22 EC DG Energy: EU energy trends to 2030, 2009 Revision, 2010. ISBN 978-92-79-16191-9 147 III. Emissions from passenger cars The method of forecast is not uniform; it takes into account the various characteristics and demand factors of the subsectors. The emissions of passenger cars are based on a passenger car stock model, which estimates the average fuel consumption of passenger cars from the average age of the stock of passenger cars and the consumption data of new passenger cars sold. Assumptions on car use were made in line with the fuel consumption figures until 2010, calculating with a lifespan of 19 year on the average. The coefficients of passenger car penetration were calculated on the basis of a worldwide sample, where a slow convergence is assumed to this theoretical figure for the period from 2010 to 2015 primarily due to the credit barriers of households, which restrain passenger car sales from speedy recovery to the level before the crisis. The table below shows the figures that are used to estimate model parameters. The value of the average travelled km estimated for 2020 declines due to the lower mileage of the second cars of households and to the lower population number. Table 54 WOM scenario parameters for passenger transport sector 2015 2020 New car sales 171 thousand 359 thousand -from which plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), % 1% 5% -from which electric car, % 1% 2% Biofuel 5,75% 5,75% passenger car penetration (passenger car/1000 persons) 325 395 Average petrol consumption of existing cars, l/100km 7.4 6.7 Average diesel consumption of existing cars, l/100km 5.8 5.4 Average petrol consumption of new cars, l/100km 5.3 4.4 Average diesel consumption of new cars, l/100km 4.8 4.0 2010-2015 2015-2020 Efficiency improvements of internal combustion engines (new cars), % per year 3.5% 3.5% Change in travelled kilometres, per year per passenger car % +1.5% -0.5% Passenger car penetration parameters are estimated from a database containing national and historical data (KSH). The Hungarian passenger car market trends (efficiency improvement and average fuel consumption of passenger cars) are calculated from EU data 23, while the figures on electric and hybrid car sales are based on experts‘ estimations. The penetration level of bio-fuels follows the pattern drawn in the following table, and it follows the National Renewable Action Plan (NREAP Hungary 2011, see PAM for more details). 23 European Commission: Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU (database) 148 Table 55 Assumed bio-fuel penetration rates (%) 2010 2015 2020 2025 WOM 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 WEM 5.75 7.875 10 10 WAM 5.75 7.875 10 12.5 The WOM scenario does not expect huge changes either in the relative prices nor in the tax structure (assumptions exclude any subsidies to electric and hybrid cars). It was also assumed that plug-in hybrid electric cars will have a negligibly small market share up till 2015, and will have a relatively small market share still in 2020. The share of dieselfuelled cars is increasing, which will approximate to the European average (50%) by 2020. This is, however, the most uncertain element of the estimation: if there is any breakthrough in technology or costs occurring in that period (the probability of which is low in the current market environment), the share of plug-in electric cars may hit higher levels. For cost reduction, the industrial experience was taken as a base, which predicts that the price advantage of internal combustion engines will still remain significant until 2020. There is a huge uncertainty around the cost reduction of battery technology, however, considering the slow changing pace of the Hungarian fleet, the estimated output should not be too sensitive to this factor. The potential short-term changes of the tax/subsidy system would be much more important, however, these are not involved in the WOM scenario. Table 56 Projected passenger car sales between 2011 and 2020 (1000 pieces) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Petrol 44 57 69 82 96 108 120 131 140 147 Gas oil 31 40 49 59 68 85 106 128 153 179 LPG 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 24 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 Hybrid 0 0 1 1 2 4 6 9 13 18 Electric 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 7 Total 78 100 123 147 171 203 240 279 318 359 CNG III. Emission from trucks Emissions from the freight transport are calculated on the basis of the consumption of freight forwarding and aviation based on a GDP-based estimate. In the previous five years, the rise in fuel consumption of freight forwarding was higher than the GDP-growth. According to the trends, fuel consumption of freight forwarding will go parallel to the GDP-growth in the period from 2011 to 2015. The projections assume a 1% decline in GDP intensity for the period between 2015 and 2020, since the share of diesel fuel consumption is high in Hungary 24 CNG: Compressed natural gas 149 relative to Western Europe, and a service-focused economic growth is assumed for this period. The assumed average GDP growth is annually 3.4% between 2010 and 2015, and 3.1% between 2015 and 2020 (REKK estimates based on IMF, the Hungarian Central Bank, EUI, Hungarian Ministry of National Development projections). III.1.4.2. CO2 emission scenarios Based on the estimated fuel consumption forecast and its respective emission factors based on 2007 UN data (data.un.org), the GHG emission paths of the tree scenarios were calculated. Table below shows the estimates on total fuel consumption of the transport sector for the three scenarios. Table 57 Fuel consumption in the scenarios (PJ) 1990 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 WOM 114.0 165.5 173.1 196.7 203.6 209.9 WEM 114.0 165.5 173.1 189.9 191.0 190.8 WAM 114.0 165.5 173.1 184.9 183.1 178.7 Based on the 12.07 million tonne CO2 emission of 2010 (without aviation), the WOM scenario estimates 14.65 million tonne emission for 2025. As a comparison, WEM includes 12.66 million tonnes, while WAM 11.59 million tonnes. Figure 55 CO2 emission scenarios, kt CO2eq (without international aviation) 15.0 14.5 14.0 WOM 13.5 WEM kt CO2eq 13.0 12.5 12.0 WAM 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 The time series of historical CO2 emissions prepared on the basis of the National Inventory (until 2009) and the already estimated WOM scenario starting from 2010 fit well. The 2010 150 estimate is lower than the 2009 data of the inventory (12 256 thousand t CO2). It results from the verification of the 2008 emission data from various sources: that the energy balance issued by the Energiaközpont (Energy Centre) and the consumption and emission data of IEA are higher than the data of the inventory.25 The fallback in 2009-2010 is verified by the fuel sales statistics of the Magyar Ásványolaj Szövetség (Hungarian Petroleum Association) according to which sales of petrol dropped by 12.9%, while gas oil sales decreased by 6.2% in 2010 relative to the previous year.26 It is important to know, however, that these figures include only the retail sales of Member States and exclude both the amounts sold directly through wholesale and the sales of independent petrol stations. III.2. Fugitive emissions from fuels This category includes fugitive methane and carbon dioxide emissions released during coal mining and handling, and from oil and natural gas activities, mainly at exploration, production and transmission. III.2.1. Solid fuels According to the NIR (2010) surface mining emission factor is zero, while underground coal mines varies between 0.67-13.065 kg CH4/t depending on the quality of coal. In 2009 the released methane emission from coal mining was 0.66 kt CH4. The major source of this emission was the mine in Márkushegy which will be closed by 2015. Due to this, fugitive emissions from coal mining will be assumed to be zero after 2012. 25 26 IEA Oil Information 2010 www.petroleum.hu 151 III.2.2. Oil Methane emissions are emitted during oil production, transportation, refining, venting and flaring, so oil production is the main source of emissions. Oil extraction was 68 PJ in 1995, 44 PJ in 2001, which decreased to 33 PJ by 2009. It is assumed that the production will further reduce to 26 PJ by 2025 (see Figure 56). Figure 56 Methane emissions from production, transportation and refining, and from flaring and venting between 1995 and 2025, kt CH4 4.5 4.0 3.5 Emission from production, transportation and refining 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Emission from flaring and venting 0.5 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 0.0 1995 kt CH4 3.0 152 Flaring releases carbon dioxide, too. As CO2 emission is also linked to oil production, its trend is very similar to that of methane, as the following figure shows. Emission from oil flaring will be the same in the various (WOM, WEM and WAM) scenarios. Figure 57 Carbon dioxide emission from oil flaring between 1995 and 2025, kt CO 2 140 120 100 kt CO2 80 Historical Forecast 60 40 20 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 153 III.2.3. Natural gas Methane emissions are emitted during natural gas production/exploration, transmission, distribution, storage activities, venting and flaring, while carbon dioxide emission is released during flaring. The distribution of the methane emission from fugitive emissions related to natural gas is demonstrated in the following figure. Figure 58 Distribution of the methane emission in 2009 Flaring; 0.1; 0% Venting; 2.3; 3% Storage; 2.1; 3% Production; 10.2; 13% Transmission; 18.9; 25% Distribution; 43.0; 56% 154 Distributing natural gas causes methane emission. The emission can be predicted by forecast the distribution network length: the longer the distribution system, the higher the methane emission is. The following figure depicts the length of the distribution system. Figure 59 Length of the distribution system of natural gas, km 100 000 90 000 80 000 70 000 km 60 000 50 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 The natural gas production forecast of REKK (2011) is used to project methane emission from gas production. According to it, until 2017-2018 the production will be around 80 PJ, and gradually decrease to 25 by 2020 and further during the 2020s. It is assumed that natural gas storage activity level will not change significantly, i.e. methane emission from storage will not change till 2025. The last component of this category is natural gas transmission activity that can be estimated by the yearly natural gas consumption, i.e. larger the natural gas consumption, higher the methane emission is. The three scenarios employ different yearly consumption levels that are derived from yearly electricity production based on natural gas and the heat energy consumption. 155 Fugitive methane emissions from natural gas in the various scenarios are shown in the following figure.27 A very sharp drop can be seen in 2018 caused by the dropping production. Figure 60 Fugitive methane emissions from natural gas, kt CH 4 78.0 76.0 Historical 74.0 WOM 72.0 kt CH4 70.0 WEM 68.0 66.0 WAM 64.0 62.0 60.0 27 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 58.0 Excluding venting and flaring 156 The pattern of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from venting is very similar, as you can see in the following figure. Figure 61 Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from natural gas venting and flaring, kt 35 30 20 Carbon dioxide 15 10 Methane 5 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 0 1995 kt, CH4 or CO2 25 157 III.3. Industrial Processes III.3.1. Introduction Industrial sector emissions are created by non-firing processes related to industrial production, i.e. combustion borne emissions are reported under the combustion category. The industrial processes category consists of the mineral products, chemical industry, metal production, consumption of halocarbons and emissions from feedstocks. In 2009, GHG emissions from industrial processes accounted for 6.3% of the total Hungarian GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) as demonstrated in the following figure. Figure 62 GHG emissions from industrial processes and its share in total GHG emissions, kt CO 2eq and % 10 000 10.0% 9 000 9.0% 8 860 Share 8.0% 7 083 7 000 6 516 6 302 6 349 5 989 5 510 5 951 5 886 5 814 5 691 6 181 5 592 5 468 6.0% 5 694 5 046 5 000 4 853 5.0% Emission 4 176 4 099 4 000 4.0% 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 0.0% 1997 0 1996 1.0% 1995 1 000 1994 2.0% 1993 2 000 1992 3.0% 1991 3 000 1990 kt CO2eq 6 000 7.0% 6 506 Share in total GHG emission, % 8 000 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 158 Since 2005 emissions have decreased significantly, from 7 Mt in 2005 to 4.1 Mt by 2009. In 2009 almost 80% of the emitted GHG from industrial processes was carbon dioxide, 20% are HFCs, other GHGs are not significant, as it can be seen in the following figure. Figure 63 Distribution of the different GHGs from industrial processes in 2009 PFC; 1.7; 0% SF6; 0.0; 0% HFCs; 831.5; 21% N2O; 14.8; 0% CH4; 25.6; 1% CO2; 3 082.5; 78% Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 159 The largest sub-sector – from an emissions point of view - in 2009 was mineral products emitting 1.6 Mt CO2eq. Consumption of halocarbons/SF6 and feedstocks gave 20-20% of the total GHG emissions of the industrial processes, while chemical industry and metal production GHG emissions were below 0.5 Mt CO2eq. Figure 64 GHG emissions of the sub-sectors in the industrial processes in 2009 1 800 1 615 1 600 1 400 kt CO2eq 1 200 1 000 833 855 Consumption of Halocarbons and SF6 Feedstocks 800 600 473 400 180 200 0 Mineral Products Chemical Industry Metal Production Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 160 III.3.2. Analysis and projections III.3.2.1. Mineral products GHG emissions in mineral products consist of emissions from cement production, lime production, limestone and dolomite use, glass production and bricks/ceramics production. The figure below shows the carbon dioxide emission of these processes.28 Figure 65 Carbon dioxide emission of mineral products, 1995-2009, kt CO2 3 000 2 500 kt, CO2 2 000 Bricks and ceramics Glass Limestone and Dolomite Lime Clinker 1 500 1 000 500 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 28 Other GHGs are not emitted in these processes. 161 III. Clinker production In the process of clinker production, the correlation between real GDP growth and clinker production growth rate in the last 15 years are looked up29. Using the relationship between these parameters and the forecast real GDP growth rate, which is demonstrated in the previous chapter, the clinker production can be forecast, as shown in the following figure. Figure 66 Historical and forecast clinker production, kt 3 000 Clinker production, kt 2 500 Historical 2 000 Forecasted 1 500 1 000 500 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 In order to calculate the carbon dioxide emission of clinker production, the emission factor of the clinker production has to be determined, too. According to the Hungarian GHG inventory one ton of clinker production caused 0.52 ton of CO2 emission in 2009. This emission factor is assumed to remain constant till 2025. 29 Linear regression was used, where R2 equal 0.65 and real GDP growth rate as a parameter was significant. 162 III. Lime production, limestone and dolomite production Lime, limestone and dolomite production has shown a very similar trend in the last decade to clinker production. Because of this, the same growth rate is assumed. The figure below shows the actual production between 1995 and 2009 and the forecast value till 2025. The emission factor of lime is assumed to be 0.79 t/tCO2, while the limestone and dolomite emission factor is 0.44 t/tCO2. These figures are equal with the implied emission factors in 2009. Figure 67 Carbon dioxide emission from lime production and limestone and dolomite production between 1995 and 2025, kt CO2 450 400 350 Limestone and dolomite kt CO2 300 250 200 Lime 150 100 50 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 163 III. Glass As there is no clear emissions trend in glass production (see the following figure), it is assumed that the volume of glass production will remain constant for the next one and a half decade at the level of the 1995-2009 average. Figure 68 Glass production, 1995-2009, kt 600 500 484 472 457 450 448 426 417 422 433 431 416 404 403 384 400 kt 343 300 200 100 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory According to the Hungarian GHG inventory one ton of glass production caused 0.13 ton of CO2 emission in 2009. It is assumed that this emission factor will not change till 2025. The emissions of the WOM scenario are described above. In the WEM and WAM scenarios different levels of technical GHG reductions are assumed, i.e. the use of cullet. According to the HUNMIT model, the maximum reduction potential is 22.2 kt CO2 (WAM). Although the EUA price is different in the various scenarios, all of these investments are profitable below zero or around zero EUA price level, i.e. the reduction is not dependent on the EUA price, only the attitude of the management of the glass companies. The following figure shows the CO2 emission of glass production under the various scenarios. 164 Figure 69 CO2 emission from glass production in the three scenarios, kt CO 2 90 Historical 80 70 WOM kt CO2 60 50 WEM 40 WAM 30 20 10 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 III. Bricks and ceramics In the bricks and ceramics production a very dramatic drop was visible in 2008 and 2009, as the following figure depicts. Figure 70 Bricks and ceramics production, kt 6 000 5 000 4 841 4 784 4 438 Bricks production, kt 4 217 4 223 4 162 4 000 3 763 3 817 3 277 3 022 3 000 3 019 2 963 2 728 2 300 2 000 1 000 622 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 165 Bricks and ceramics sector are expected to recover by 2015 to the 2008 production level and by 2020 it will reach the average production of 2003-2007. After 2020 a production pattern similar to clinker is assumed, because the driving factor of these products is the same. The following figure shows the forecast emission from bricks and ceramics production. Figure 71 Carbon dioxide emission from bricks and ceramics production, kt CO2 450 400 350 250 200 150 100 50 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 0 1995 kt CO2 300 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory 166 III.3.2.2. Chemical Industry In the chemical industry carbon dioxide is emitted from ammonia production, N2O from nitric acid production and a small amount of methane from carbon black and ethylene production. Natural gas is used in ammonia production as a raw material (not for combustion). The natural gas consumption reveals no clear tendencies, except the sharp decrease of the last two years due to the financial crises. Figure 72 Natural gas non-energy consumption in ammonia production, TJ 12 000 10 845 10 590 10 394 10 000 9 795 9 296 9 290 8 564 8 404 Natural gas usage, TJ 9 360 9 109 8 089 7 750 8 000 7 046 6 319 6 285 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory, Eurostat In the forecast it is assumed that in the WOM scenario natural gas consumption will increase to the average level of 2005-2008 by 2020 and remains constant. The emission factor used is 55.82 t/tCO2. In the WEM and WAM scenario technical GHG emission reductions are assumed. The four reduction options included in the HUNMIT model can altogether reduce the carbon dioxide emission by 129.1 kt. This reduction will be achieved by 2025 in the WEM scenario and by 2020 in the WAM scenario. Although the EUA price is different in the various scenarios, all of these investments are profitable below zero or around zero EUA price level, i.e. the reduction is not dependent on the EUA price, only the attitude of the management of the chemical industry companies. The following figure shows the CO2 emissions forecast of ammonia production in the three scenarios. 167 Figure 73 Carbon dioxide emission in the ammonia production, kt CO 2 700 Historical 600 WOM 500 kt CO2 400 WEM WAM 300 200 100 2025 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 In Hungary nitric acid is only produced by Nitrogénművek. Due to a major JI investment between 2006 and 2008 N2O emission went down to almost zero from 1.5-1.9 Mt CO2eq.30 It is assumed that the average emission of 2008-2009 (9.9 kt CO2eq) remains stable till 2025 in all scenarios. In 2009 the emission from carbon black and ethylene production was 25.6 kt CO2eq, which is quite a typical value within the last decade. Consequently, it is assumed that the amount of methane emission from these processes will not change till 2025 in all scenarios. III.3.2.3. Metal Industry Carbon dioxide emission of metal production can be derived from the annual crude steel production. Production showed quite stable growth between 1995 and 2008 followed by a very sharp drop in 2009. It is assumed that it will reach the 2005 production level by 2015. Since 2015 a moderate increase is expected in this sector. The following figure shows the actual and the forecast production of crude steel. 30 Nitrogénművek Annual Report 2008 168 Figure 74 Historical (1995-2009) and forecast (2010-2025) crude steel production, kt 2 500 1 861 1 963 1 963 1 813 2 011 2 053 2 084 2 107 2023 1 954 2 000 1 989 2021 2 241 2 122 1 776 1 690 1 588 1 500 kt 1 401 1 000 500 2025 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 In the calculation the emission factor of the Hungarian GHG inventory (0.13 t/tCO2) is used. III.3.2.4. Consumption of halocarbons and SF6 The main source of halocarbons emissions are refrigeration and air conditioning equipments covering 95% of the total emissions in this segment. The rest is emitted in foam blowing, fire extinguishers and aerosols/metered dose inhalers. Most of these emissions are HFCs, and only a small part of the emissions are PFCs. Halocarbons emissions in the refrigeration and air conditioning equipments segment have shown stable growth since 1995, in average of 60.6 kt CO2eq per year. Unfortunately, no clear marginal abatement costs are known regarding to halocarbons, but according to expert forecasts in the WOM scenario the increasing trend will continue until 2015 when a strong decrease trend will start. In the WEM and WAM scenarios emissions from halocarbons will not increase in the next five years, and after 2015 a similar trend will be seen as in the WOM scenario. 169 Figure 75 Historical halocarbon emissions between 1995-2009 and forecast emissions, CO2eq 1 400 1 200 WOM 1 000 CO2eq 800 Historical WEM 600 WAM 400 200 0 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 III.3.2.5. Feedstocks This category was created for calculating carbon dioxide emissions from fuels used as feedstock or other non-energy purposes. The use of fossil fuels as feedstock or for other nonenergy purposes is reported in an aggregated manner by Energy Statistics under ―Non-Energy Use‖ for each individual fuel. It is an aggregated category because the real consumers of these fuels are unknown (NIR, 2010). The following figure shows the actual emission between 1995 and 2009 and the forecast value. In the projection it is assumed that the forecast emission will equal the average of the last five years. 170 Figure 76 Historical carbon dioxide emission of feedstocks between 1995-2009 and the forecast value, kt CO2 1 400 1 200 1 000 Forecast kt CO2 800 600 400 Historical 200 2023 2021 2019 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 0 Source: Hungarian GHG inventory III.4. GHG emissions from solvent and other products There are four main sources of GHG emissions within the solvents and other product uses category: paint application, degreasing and dry cleaning, use of N2O for anesthesia and use of N2O for whipped cream. While in the first two processes carbon dioxide is emitted, in the other two N2O is used. Emissions from degreasing and dry cleaning, and whipped cream are not significant: altogether their emissions are below 5 kt CO2eq in 2009, and the emissions from these processes are assumed to decrease and by 2025 go down to nearly zero. Assumed carbon dioxide emission from paint application will be constant in the future at a level of 68 kt CO2, which is the average of the last ten years. Finally, GHG emissions from anesthesia will also not change in the future; N2O use will equal 0.94 kt N2O, which is equal with the average of the last five years. III.5. Calculations of GHG emissions in agriculture and LULUCF For the purpose of modelling GHG emissions till 2025 there are three separate models developed: one is dealing with GHG emissions from agriculture and contains all driving factors and input data necessary for the calculations. The second model calculates land use and land use change related to GHG emissions. The third model focuses exclusively on 171 forestry and estimates carbon flux due to both land use related and management related changes. III.5.1. Agriculture First the agricultural model will be described. GHG emissions in the agricultural model consist of the following emissions: CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation CH4 and N2O emissions from manure management CH4 emissions from rice production Direct and indirect N2O emissions from soil In case of enteric fermentation the statistical data on livestock was considered as the main input. Methane emissions characteristic of certain species were taken from the previous National Inventory Report 1985-2010 (NIR 2010). These are the CH4 emission factors (EF, kg CH4/head/yr) summarised in Table 58. Table 58 Species and their CH4 emission factors, kg CH4/head/yr Dairy cow 132.7 Non-dairy cattle 57.44 Bulls 82.05 Young cattle 82.05 Buffalo 55 Sheep 8 Goats 5 Horses 18 Donkey and mules 10 Saw 1.5 Boars 1.5 Piglets 1.5 Poultry 0.015 Rabbits 0.08 Sources: NIR, Table 6.5 In case of emission from manure management the following manure management systems were considered: Liquid slurry Sold storage Pasture, range, paddock 172 Other Pit storage < one month Pit storage > one month The amount of manure managed in these systems was estimated for each year in the period of 2010-2025. This constitutes the second most important input data in this calculation. In the next step the emission factors characteristic of the different livestock were calculated, which was based on the data form NIR, too. These results are summarised in the Appendix. The country and livestock specific emission factors multiplied by the number of livestock in the actual year and given in Gg31 mean the CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation. The equation 4.17 from IPCC-GPG32 was applied. The calculation of N2O emission was also based on livestock numbers and share of manure managed in each manure management system. However, manure from grazing was separately calculated. The main determining factors were the N2O-N emissions of the manure management systems (EF3), and species with specific N excretion (Nex). These factors are summarised in the Appendix. Emission from rice cultivation was based on the area of cultivation in the country, type of cultivation and the given emission factors in IPCC-GPG using equation 4.42. The specific emission for the country was 20 g CH4/m2, which was multiplied by the cultivated area and transformed to a Gg/year format. Emissions from soil were split to direct and indirect emission as given in the IPCC-GPG. Direct soil emissions consist of nitrogen synthetic fertilisers applied to soil use (FSN), manure N applied to soil (FAM), nitrogen fixed by N-fixing crops (FBN), and amount of N in crop residues returned to soil (FCR). Emission from synthetic fertiliser use was calculated by equation 4.22 in IPCC-GPG. Here the amount of applied N fertiliser was multiplied by the volatilisation factor (FracGASF), which defines the share of ammonia and nitrogen volatilised from the applied fertiliser. The volatilisation factor was set to 0.1 according to NIR. Emissions form manure applications to the soil (equation IPCC-GPG 4.24 in IPCC-GPG) were calculated by multiplying excreted manure N with the volatilisation factor (Frac GASM). This was set to 0.2 based on NIR. Manure from grazing was considered here, too. Generally, it was finally assumed that all manure produced in the country sooner or later will be applied to soil, since there is no manure burning in the country. 31 Gg = gigagramm = kt 32 IPCC „Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories‖ (abbreviation: IPCC-GPG ) 173 N2O emissions from N-fixing crops were estimated by calculating the amount of annual crops multiplied by the volatilisation factor FracNCBRF (equation 4.26 IPCC-GPG). Factors are given in the Appendix. Emissions from crop residues were estimated according to their share of Ncontent left on site (equation 4.28 IPCC-GPG). Direct soil emission was estimated by summing up the N input to the environment from the above sources and multiplied this amount by the share of N forming N2O. This factor (EF1) was taken from NIR and set to 1.25%. Indirect N2O emissions were calculated from mineral fertiliser use and manure from grazing leached and deposited to the soil. In case of deposition the factor of N 2O emissions from fertiliser and manure was determined by EF4=0,01 (equation 4.31 IPCC-GPG). Emissions from leaching were determined by the amount of N excreted and the emission factors FracLEACH = 0,3 and EF5 = 0,025 were taken from NIR. III.5.2. Land use and land use change Emissions from this part are also calculated by the IPCC-GPG. Here the following land use categories were taken into consideration: Forest Cropland Grassland Wetland Settlement Other Emissions from land use emerge only by the emissions stemming from land use change on managed land that is extended. That is why a complete land use change matrix is needed. The matrix used in our calculations is given below. 174 Table 59 Land use change matrix Forest Land Cropland SA-Cropland Grassland SA-Grassland Wetland Settlements Other Land Forest Land Cropland SA-Cropland Grassland SA-Grassland Wetland Settlements Other Land 33 Red cells in the table indicate conversions that are considered in our calculations, forest flux is calculated in forestry. Emissions from different sinks were calculated in a 20-year horizon. Carbon storages in case of different land uses and biomass coverage are taken from average values based on NIR 2010. These changes are summarised in Table 60. Table 60 Carbon storage changes in biomass and soil, tC/ha Biomass changes Grassland converted to cropland 1.88 Cropland converted to grassland -1.87 Cropland converted to settlement -5.00 Grassland converted to settlement -3.13 Soil carbon storage changes Cropland Cropland remaining cropland 0.20 Set aside cropland converted to cropland -6.75 Cropland converted to set aside cropland 6.70 Grassland converted to cropland -13.36 Grassland Grassland remaining grassland -2.27 Grassland converted to set aside grassland -2.29 Cropland converted to grassland 11.29 Settlements Cropland converted to settlement -7.65 Grassland converted to settlement -9.89 Additionally, perennials - vineyards and orchards - also have to be considered. An accumulation rate (2.1 tC/ha) in case of an increase in the area of perennials and a biomass 33 SA: Set aside 175 carbon loss (63 tC/ha) in case of area losses of perennials are important factors here. These together with the values in the table above are then multiplied by the changes in land use giving the net changes of total carbon stored in biomass and soil. These calculations only consider CO2 emissions, since other pollutants are accounted in the sphere of agriculture and because on-site burning is prohibited in Hungary. Emissions from management changes, however, were not considered in our model. III.5.3. Forestry Concerning emissions and sequestration of carbon dioxide in forests a couple of important factors are elaborated that mainly influence these fluxes. First, the forest area is one of the most important determinants. Changes in the area can induce considerable changes on both sides: emissions or sequestrations. The other important factor is the composition of forest by different tree species, since some species are advantageous in increasing biomass sequestration while others are less beneficial. The age of forests is also a very important factor: an old forest has a very limited potential of carbon uptake, while young forests are able to grow at a much higher pace. Local environmental conditions also highly influence the growth of forests and thus carbon uptake. Last but not least, human influences like harvest and different management practices also distort the carbon balance of forests. Forest harvest was considered in a way that harvested wood is immediately oxidised. For modelling carbon fluxes in forestry the CASMOFOR model34 was used. III.5.4. Driving factors In this section the main input data used for the calculation models will be introduced according to the anticipated scenarios. There were three scenarios undertaken: Without measure (WOM) – there are no changes in the policy, thus regulations stay unchanged from 2009 till end of the period 2025. With existing measure (WEM) – Policy changes between 2009 and 2010 are considered, where a shift towards greener alternatives is anticipated. This would result in applying more environmentally friendly solutions in agriculture. With additional measures (WAM) – Additional policy changes are considered including regulations after 2010, too. Here even more radical changes in greening agricultural production are expected. III.5.4.1. Driving factors in agriculture The main driving factors of the calculations are the input data used for the model. These are the following: 34 http://www.scientia.hu/casmofor 176 Number of livestock between 2010 and 2025 Share of manure managed in the different manure management systems between 2010 and 2025 Area and amount of crop produced between 2010 and 2025 Area of rice production between 2010 and 2025 Amount of applied N fertilisers between 2010 and 2025 Applied amount of N fertilisers in WOM is expected to grow by 16% of the level in 2009 till the end of the period and will reach 320 kg/year active ingredients. In WAM nitrogen fertilisers will drop by 9% based on the level of 2009. The need for fertilisers will be more or less substituted by manure in the growing share of organic agriculture. In the WEM scenario a middle of these extremes were taken. The most important agricultural crops will take 3.9 million ha in 2020 according to the WOM scenario. This area will be only 3.6 million ha in the WAM, i.e. about 300,000 will be available for alternative uses. The area of cereals is expected to grow by 50,000 ha in WOM and decrease by 200,000 ha in WAM. Yields are expected to grow more in WOM than in WAM due to more extensive cultivation technologies in WAM. Industrial crops will increase in all scenarios, however, at a different pace. WOM will have the highest increase, whereas WAM is going to show only a moderate growth. This positive trend is charged to the bill of biofuels mainly. The decrease in area and yield in the cereal sector is compensated by vegetables in WAM, thus the yearly amount of these products will moderately increase. On the contrary, the yearly yields of vegetable production will slightly decline in WOM. Orchards and vineyards will be more prosperous in WAM than in WOM, so their area and yield will be slightly increased. Shrinkage will be experienced in the WOM, while in WEM area and yield can be maintained. In general, the number of livestock shows a steady downward slope, where exceptions are only temporal or refer to small husbandry sectors. The most intensive depletion of stock is anticipated in the dairy sector. This intensity is the most moderate in the WAM scenario. Although milk production is expected to drop, beef production will develop with similar intensity in all scenarios. Sheep livestock will shrink till the end of the period in WOM, while in WAM livestock number will be stabilised from the middle of the period. WEM scenario is positioned in the middle. Swine production is expected to drop in all scenarios too, mainly due to high fodder prices. 177 Poultry production, as an industry-like system, is much less exposed to agricultural policy. However, animal welfare regulations might hinder the sector in their quick development. Thus, in all scenarios the numbers are expected to stagnate. Manure management is estimated by using the statistics of IPPC-authorised big animal husbandry farms. In this statistics, however, biogas related data are not incorporated. These data are estimated from the national roadmap of renewable energy production that anticipates a capacity of 100 MW from biogas in 2020. Table 61 Summary of expected changes in the input data Driving factor/input data WOM WEM WAM Increase by 16% till Increase by 7% till Decrease by 9% till Fertiliser use 2020 on the basis of 2009 2020 on the basis of 2009 2020 on the basis of 2009 Area of cereals 50.000 ha increment 150.000 ha shrinkage 200.000 ha shrinkage Yield of industrial crops Substantial development Average development Moderate development Yield of vegetables Moderate decrease Stagnation Moderate increase Yield of pulses Stagnation Average development Intensive development Area of perennials Steady decrease Stagnation Slight rise Stock of dairy cow Drastic drop Average drop Moderate drop Beef production Moderate increase Middle increase Intensive development Sheep stock Decrease After moderate drop stagnation After moderate drop stagnation Swine stock Intensive drop Average shrinkage Moderate drop Stock of poultry N/A N/A N/A Manure management Moderate increase in biogas production Average increase in biogas production Ambitious increase in biogas production III.5.4.2. Driving factors in land use change In the land use change calculations the most important factors are the changes of the different land use over time with regard to the sources of the conversions, too. This was summarised in the table below. In WOM arable land is supposed to decrease by 8%, which will be converted to forest and settlement. 24% of grassland will be converted to set aside grassland, forest and arable land. 178 Table 62 Land use change in the WOM scenario 2009 2020 Change, % Change, ha Forest Land 2 039 347 2 172 416 7% 133 069 Cropland 4 776 114 4 399 980 -8% -376 135 SA-Cropland 457 876 715 223 56% 257 347 Grassland 791 460 602 109 -24% -189 351 SA-Grassland 406 233 559 605 38% 153 372 Wetland 263 035 268 656 2% 5 621 Settlements 566 751 582 821 3% 16 070 Other land 2 451 2 456 0% 5 Total 9 303 266 9 303 266 0% 0 Table 63 Land use change matrix in the WOM scenario, 2010-2020, ha Forest SASASettlement Cropland Grassland Wetland Land Cropland Grassland s Forest land 2 039 347 -106 456 Cropland 106 456 4 776 114 SA26 614 SAGrassland -26 614 -3 738 16 070 3 738 791 460 153 372 -257 347 -153 372 406 233 Wetland -5 621 Settlements 5 621 5 263 035 -16 070 566 751 Other land TOTAL Land 457 876 Cropland Grassland 257 347 Other -5 2 172 417 4 399 979 715 223 602 110 2 451 559 605 268 656 582 821 2 456 In the WEM scenario forest area grows by 8%, while cropland does not change. Grassland decreases by 24%, and set aside grassland grows by 1%. 179 Table 64 Land use change in the WEM scenario 2009 2020 Change, % Change, ha Forest Land 2 039 347 2 202 494 8% 163 148 Cropland 4 776 114 4 776 114 0% 0 SA-Cropland 457 876 457 876 0% 0 Grassland 791 460 601 510 -24% -189 950 SA-Grassland 406 233 410 772 1% 4 540 Wetland 263 035 268 295 2% 5 261 Settlements 566 751 583 753 3% 17 003 Other land 2 451 2 451 0% 0 TOTAL 9 303 266 9 303 266 0% 0 Forest Land Forest land Table 65 Land use change matrix in the WEM scenario SASACropland Grassland Wetland Cropland Grassland 2 039 347 Cropland 0 Other s Land -163 148 4 776 114 SA- 457 876 Cropland Grassland Settlement 163 148 SAGrassland 17 003 791 460 4 540 -4 540 406 233 Wetland -5 261 Settlements -17 003 5 261 5 263 035 566 751 Other land TOTAL 2 451 2 202 495 4 776 114 457 876 601 508 410 773 268 296 583 754 2 456 The WAM scenario anticipates 11% growth in forest and 4% drop in cropland. Grassland also decreases by 24%, while set aside grassland, settlement and wetland increases. Table 66 Land use change in the WAM scenario 2009 2020 Change, % Change, ha Forest Land 2 039 347 2 263 675 11% 224 328 Cropland 4 776 114 4 585 070 -4% -191 045 SA-Cropland 457 876 457 876 0% 0 Grassland 791 460 601 510 -24% -189 950 SAGrassland 406 233 540 637 33% 134 404 Wetland 263 035 268 295 2% 5 261 Settlements 566 751 583 753 3% 17 003 Other land 2 451 2 451 0% 0 TOTAL 9 303 266 9 303 266 0% 0 180 Forest Land Table 67 Land use change matrix in the EXT scenario SASACropland Grassland Wetland Cropland Grassland Forest land 2 039 347 -179 462 Cropland 179 462 4 776 114 SACropland Grassland 0 -44 866 457 876 11 582 44 866 SA- -11 582 Grassland 134 404 -134 404 406 233 -5 261 Settlements -17 003 5 261 263 035 566 751 Other land TOTAL Other Land 17 003 791 460 Wetland Settlement s 2 451 2 263 675 4 585 070 457 876 601 508 540 637 268 296 583 754 2 451 III.5.4.3. Driving factors in forestry In the forestry sector area, the age and harvest of forest were taken into consideration. These data were taken from the statistics of Official Forestry Service and from the management plans. Forest harvest was set to be stable in the WOM scenario and changed in WEM and WAM. Age composition of Hungarian forests was kept stable over the period of 2010-2020. Areal changes are set differently in the scenarios, however, the loss of forest area converted to settlements with a yearly rate of 500 ha was the same. Afforestation was estimated in the reference scenario to grow by 15,000 ha yearly and in the extended scenario by 20,000 ha yearly. Wood production was assumed to grow in the reference scenario from 7 mcm to 7.5 mcm and 8 mcm till 2020. III.5.5. Results The WOM scenario has the most stable line, while the WEM and WAM scenario has a steeper downward trend till 2015, a slight increase afterwards and a drop in the last two years of the decade. Although scenarios were defined in extremes, their results do not differ substantially from each other. This is because background processes compensate for the effects of extreme tendencies. Land use change decreased substantially in this period, where WEM and WAM have similar results, while WOM shows a less steep drop. In forestry sequestration tends to lessen but stays more or less stable over the period. Agricultural emissions are slightly but continuously shrinking in every scenario, although the magnitude of changes differs from scenario to scenario: WAM will have the smallest values at the end. 181 Figure 77 GHG emissions in the agriculture sector in different scenarios, 2008-2025 10 000 9 000 8 000 7 000 5 234 kt CO2eq 6 000 4 834 4 820 4 820 4 764 4 778 4 913 4 835 5 193 4 579 5 348 4 838 4 467 5 000 Agricultural Soils Rice Cultivation Manure Management Enteric Fermentation 4 000 21 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 3 000 1 709 1 709 1 709 2 028 1 471 1 394 1 548 12 1 415 1 313 1 517 2 046 2 046 2 046 1 637 1 771 1 897 2 022 WOM WEM WAM 1 379 1 331 2 000 1 000 12 12 1 640 1 778 1 915 WOM WEM WAM 12 1 424 1 529 1 656 1 782 WOM WEM WAM 0 WOM 2008 WEM WAM 2010 2015 2020 2025 Figure 78 GHG emissions in the land use, land use change (LULUC) and Forestry in different scenarios, 2008-2020 2008 2010 2015 WAM WEM WOM 243 237 240 -2 483 -2 494 -2 505 2020 WAM WEM WOM -2 412 -2 490 -2 578 WAM WEM WOM 500 0 152 -500 -1 000 -2 402 -2 545 -2 708 kt CO2eq -1 500 -2 000 -2 500 LULUC Forestry -4 145 -184 -94 -177 -47 -92 -78 -3 000 -3 500 -4 000 -4 500 182 III.6. Waste III.6.1. Solid waste This section is to present an estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of the Hungarian solid waste management sector. Carbon dioxide and methane are produced in the course of the treatment of waste, and their share from the total global emission is not significant but cannot be neglected. From the global anthropogenic methane emission 3-19% can be ascribed to the biogas from landfills. (US EPA, 1994) III.6.1.1. Waste management policies defining greenhouse gas emission The quantity of the waste production and the proportions of different waste management methods (landfill, incineration, recycling and prevention) may be influenced fundamentally by the following policies until 2025: Prevention will be a more stressed priority. Hungary's waste management policy tries to emphasize the importance of this device. Recycling will be growing in several areas. The European Union's new waste management framework directive35 set a mandatory target level of 50% for recycling of glass, metals, paper and plastics of MSW by 2020. From the point of view of GHG emissions it is important to increase recycling of biodegradable waste. EU accession results in a quick closing process of old landfill sites without state-ofthe-art environmental technologies. Modern regional landfills equipped with leachate control and biogas utilisation technologies took their place. According to estimates some 1.4 billion cubic meter biogas is produced annually in Hungary. A previous study estimates (COWI, 2009) a 175 mcm/years (12.5%) exploitable landfill gas. However, practice shows that biogas utilisation investments rapidly spread in the country. III.6.1.2. Waste management data and trends III. Non hazardous waste from production Decrease in the amount of non-hazardous waste from production is a European and domestic tendency. The source of this trend in Hungary is the political and economic transition, and that the most waste intensive sectors like mining and metallurgy have lost their economic weight. 40% decrease was caused by closing up of old firms born in the centrally planned 35 Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives 183 economy. Additional modernisation of the production technologies would be a driving force in the next decades. Figure 79 Amount of non-hazardous wastes from production 30 27.5 25 24.5 22.7 20.5 Mt 20 20.2 20.0 15 10 5 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: COWI, 2009 Industrial non-hazardous waste was 27.5 million tonnes in 2000, and only 20 million tonnes in 2008. A considerable part of this quantity is mining waste, slag from power generation and metallurgical technologies, and mud of sewage treatment. The typical manner of treatment of these wastes is disposal (with a proportion of 60%). Recycling (rate is at 29%), incineration (1-2%) and other treatments (9-10%) have a minor role. 184 Figure 80 Resource productivity in Hungary, EU-15 and EU-27 countries, €/kg, 2000-2007 EU15 EU27 Hungary Source: GKI, 2010 - Eurostat based It is clear from the above figure, that Hungarian economy has a potential for minimising waste production via increasing resources productivity. The prevention of waste output can be achieved by applying more effective production technologies. Forecast until 2025: The production of non-hazardous solid waste will decrease in the future, but at a slower rate than in the period of 1990-2010. In every five years, non-hazardous waste production may decrease with about 1 million tonnes. In waste management incineration will be marginal, landfilling could decrease slightly, and recycling has to come nearer to the EU average level. III. Hazardous wastes The First National Waste Management Plan (OHT-I) of the government forecast 1.3 million tonnes of hazardous waste production by 2008. According to the waste management information system (HIR) the produced quantity exceeded this level in 2006, as 1.37 million tons of hazardous waste were reported. The extremely low data of 2008 reflected the industrial production recession after the outbreak of the global economic crisis. 185 Figure 81 Quantity of the hazardous waste 4.0 3.5 3.4 3.0 Mt 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: KvVM, 2010 Forecast until 2025: The quantity of hazardous waste will decrease moderately. No essential change is expected in the treatment structure. III. Municipal solid waste (MSW) The quantity of the MSW fluctuated greatly in the past two decades, stagnated or decreased at the end of the 90‘s, and from 2000 it grew mildly. The following figure depicts the development of the quantity of MSW between 2000 and 2008. 186 Figure 82 MSW quantities, kt 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 Mt 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: COWI, 2009 and KvVM, 2010 It is important to note that in Hungary the production of MSW per capita is smaller than the average of the EU15 or even the EU27, as the following figure demonstrates. Figure 83: The production of MSW per capita, kg/person EU15 EU27 Hungary Source: GKI, 2010 - Eurostat based 187 COWI made a forecast for the treatment of MSW in 2009. These figures are depicted in the following table. Table 68 Forecast for the treatment of MSW with existing measures until 2014, kt 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Recycling 748 896 972 1 037 1 082 1 126 Composting 205 317 347 347 347 347 Other recycling 543 579 625 690 735 779 Paper, plastic, metal, glass recycling 142 159 184 208 242 276 Other recycling and reuse 489 498 545 541 559 560 All recycling 1 237 1 394 1 517 1 578 1 641 1 685 Landfilled 3 240 3 036 2 853 2 835 2 809 2 808 Landfilled organic 1 303 1 175 1 065 1 032 981 953 Source: COWI, 2009 Forecast until 2025: The quantity of wastes may increase or may stagnate because of the proportion of two contrary effects. The increasing income of the population and increasing consumption being connected to the former case, while the effect of the prevention measures and recycling to the latter one. It is not apparent which scenario will take place. The former government planned an increase in incineration, the existing government is calculating with a constant share of 9-10% for incineration in waste management. Prevention and recycling will be a more preferable waste management method in the future. III.6.1.3. Waste management scenarios The following table shows the main assumptions in the various scenarios. Table 69 Main assumptions in the different scenarios Proportion of landfill and Waste production Tendencies of recycling incineration WOM Production: mild decrease according to the trend of the past decade; MSW: mild increase Disposal: a decisive share, burning capacity does not expand Disposal decreases significantly, Production: more vigorous in favour of incineration and recycling decrease; MSW: becomes Disposal decreases mildly stable or decrease slightly in 2020-2025 following prevention and recycling WEM WAM Incineration stays at a constant level Is growing mildly, with small late compared to the EU regulations Accomplishes the EU regulations fully Recycling is growing (but at a lower rate than in the WEM scenario) Prevention is in the focus 188 The highlighted data for waste are the following in the WOM, WEM and WAM scenarios. Figure 84 Different types of solid waste productions in the various scenarios, mt 30 Municipal solid waste Hazardous Industrial non hazardous 25 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.6 20 0.7 0.6 0.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 4.5 4.4 0.4 0.4 16.2 16.0 WEM WAM 0.5 0.5 mt 4.7 4.5 0.5 0.5 15 10 20.0 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.0 18.7 18.5 18.2 17.2 16.8 17.5 5 0 WOM 2008 WEM WAM WOM 2010 WEM WAM WOM 2015 WEM WAM WOM 2020 2025 Figure 85 Share of solid waste management tools in total waste production, % 100 Landfilled MSW 90 Incinerated hazardous waste 80 70 % 60 50 76.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 65.0 60.0 65.0 62.0 52.0 62.0 40 30 20 10 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 WOM WEM WAM WOM 15.0 12.0 15.0 21.0 18.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 0 2008 2010 WEM 2015 WAM WOM WEM 2020 WAM WOM WEM WAM 2025 The GHG emission data based on the above-mentioned waste management scenarios are the following. 189 III.6.1.4. CO2 from incineration Because of the energy utilisation of the burning process, GHG emissions from the Municipal Waste Incinerator of Budapest (this is the one and only municipal solid waste incinerator in Hungary) are calculated by the Hungarian Inventory of GHG emissions in the section of „Energy‖ instead of chapter „Waste‖. Here only the emissions of non-municipal hazardous waste incinerator plans were accounted for. Table 70 Carbon dioxide emission from solid waste incineration in million tons, 2008-2025 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 Without measures 0.1276 0.1176 0.1176 0.1225 0.1225 With existing measures 0.1276 0.1176 0.1470 0.1470 0.1372 With additional measures 0.1276 0.1176 0.1176 0.0980 0.0980 III.6.1.5. CH4 from landfills The table below shows the methane emission from landfills till 2025. Table 71 Methane emission from landfills in million tons CO 2eq, 2008-2025 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 Without measures 2.9024 2.7601 2.2885 1.8113 1.7232 With existing measures 2.9024 2.7601 2.2811 1.6538 1.4071 With additional measures 2.9024 2.7601 2.2762 1.7527 1.5149 III.6.2. GHG emission pathways for wastewater management III.6.2.1. Sources of wastewater related GHG emissions According to the sectoral classification of the UNFCCC wastewater, collection and treatment – together with solid waste management - belongs to the waste sector. Within wastewater management there are three main sources of GHG emissions: CH4 emissions from household sewage and industrial wastewater released into public sewers. The volume of methane is determined primarily by the pollution load of the wastewater as measured by its biological oxygen demand (BOD) and the technology of wastewater collection and treatment, especially its aerobic / anaerobic attributes. The volume of methane that actually gets emitted is determined by the methane conversion factor (MCF) specific to each technology, and the share of collected and utilized (combusted) methane, which is to be subtracted. N2O may be released during nitrification and denitrification, to a small extent from the wastewater treatment technology, and to a larger extent after wastewater is discharged into recipient water bodies. Methane may also be released from industrial wastewater discharged directly into water bodies. Emissions can be computed based on the chemical oxygen demand 190 (COD) of the wastewater. The key polluting industries are those, where the discharged wastewater has high organic content, such as food industry and pulp and paper production. Secondary (or more advanced) treatment of wastewater will result in residual sewage sludge, which – without proper treatment – will release methane into the atmosphere. This emission is to be calculated with an MCF of 0.8 to 1, implying that this is the most potent source of sewage related GHG emission. Since wastewater sludge is generally taken over by the solid waste sector and the agricultural sector, most of the methane emissions from untreated sludge are emitted there. If the sludge is anaerobically treated within the wastewater sector and the generated methane is combusted to produce energy then the methane emissions from the wastewater sector will not be impacted, while emissions from sludge disposal in other sectors should decrease. Moreover, the biogas based energy will replace some fossil fuel based generation therefore the GHG emissions of the energy sector should also decline36. III.6.2.2. Baseline emissions in Hungary in 2008 According to the National Inventory Report, the following baseline GHG emissions were registered in the wastewater sector in 2008: 526.63 GgCO2eq CH4, of which 466 GgCO2eq originates from households (sewage released to the sewer and sewage treated on site in latrines and septic tanks) and 60.5 GgCO2eq of emissions are of industrial sources; 199.58 GgCO2e of N2O emissions. An additional 140 GgCO2eq of methane was flared or combusted to generate energy. The source for this emission is not indicated but it likely stands for sludge based biogas utilization. The above data is characterised by significant uncertainty as detailed information necessary for more precise calculations is not available on technologies and pollutants in effluents. According to the UNFCCC methodology the GHG emissions originating from household wastewater and industrial wastewater released to public sewers are driven primarily by the following factors: Number of inhabitants (more inhabitants mean more pollution, since a uniform BOD content of 60 g/day/person is used for Hungary based on UNFCCC documentation); 36 Unless the methane is simply flared without energy generation, which is not uncommon at wastewater facilities, especially during the summer when the energy need of the facilities is below their sludge based energy producing capacity (electricity sales to the grid are characterized by water utility managers as difficult to impossible). 191 Ratio of households on the sewer (higher ratio means lower pollution as on-site treatment has a higher MCF – in fact, an increase in sewer penetration is the most effective method of GHG abatement in the wastewater sector); Wastewater treatment technology (untreated or mechanically treated wastewater has an MCF of 0 while advanced treatment – a mix of aerobic and anaerobic technologies in Hungary - was given an MCF of 0.15 within the NIR); Collection of methane from the wastewater treatment technology (while anaerobic treatment has a higher MCF, the resulting methane is more likely to be collected as the technology is in a closed system, and methane poses a danger of explosion); Sludge treatment technology and sludge disposal (use of sludge for biogas generation will offset GHG emissions elsewhere, while sludge disposed in other sectors will generate GHG emissions). Hungarian estimates for N2O emissions from wastewater have traditionally been driven by the protein consumption of the population with little impact from changes in the wastewater treatment technologies. III.6.2.3. Key attributes of GHG emission scenarios until 2025 Using the detailed Hungarian implementation plans of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the EU and the estimated GHG emission abatement costs within the wastewater sector three scenarios have been created: WOM, WEM and WAM. Under WOM it is assumed that the implementation of the WFD will progress sub-optimally, which can be translated into less progress in wastewater collection and treatment, corresponding to - on balance - higher GHG emissions. No targeted GHG reduction measures37 are implemented. Under WEM the WFD is smoothly implemented, resulting in lower GHG levels than under WOM. Emission reductions are achieved due to large infrastructural changes driven by the river basin management planning process of the WFD, without consideration of GHG impacts. Therefore the associated costs of the large scale investments are not accounted for as GHG abatement costs - GHG abatement is a side-impact of implementing the water regulations. The table below provides a summary of the key attributes of the three scenarios. The baseline is the starting point of the projections, representing year 2008 conditions. The figures for WOM, WEM and WAM represent year 2015 conditions, assuming that there is gradual 37 Measures the sole purpose of which GHG is abatement. 192 change between 2008 and 2015. It is also presumed that the key attributes of large water infrastructure do not further change between 2015 and 2025. Table 72 Key assumptions of the scenarios Feature 1. Household BOD emissions Baseline WOM WEM WAM 60 60 60 60 g/person/day g/person/day g/person/day g/person/day 2. Ratio of households connected to the sewer 70% 84% 89% 89% 3. Ratio of collected sewage that is not treated or treated only mechanically before release to water bodies 30% 0% 0% 0% 4. N effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants (thousand tons/year) 24 34.6 24 24 5. COD content of industrial effluents (units) 100 100 60 60 III.6.2.4. GHG emission pathways The GHG emissions of the scenarios have been estimated based on key sectoral changes. The resulting emissions pathways are in the figure below. 193 Figure 86 Projected GHG emissions by scenarios (kt CO2e/year) 800 750 WOM GHG emssission, kt CO2eq 700 650 WEM 600 550 500 WAM 450 400 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 350 The emission estimates by source and gas are provided in Table 73. The reduced emissions of the WAM scenario have been allocated to sources and gases in proportion to the distribution of emissions among sources and gases under WEM. Table 73 CH4 emission estimates by gas for key years, ktCO2eq 1. Industrial Wastewater Without measures With existing measure 2. Domestic and Commercial Waste Water 2010 2015 2020 2025 60.50 60.50 60.50 60.50 452.95 420.31 420.31 420.31 3. Other 0 0 0 0 1. Industrial Wastewater 53.59 36.30 36.30 36.30 2. Domestic and Commercial Waste Water 439.89 374.63 374.63 374.63 3. Other 0 0 0 0 1. Industrial Wastewater 53.59 36.30 30.25 24.20 With additional 2. Domestic and Commercial measures Waste Water 3. Other 439.89 374.63 312.19 249.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 194 Table 74 N2O emission estimates by gas for key years, ktCO 2eq 1. Industrial Wastewater Without measures With existing measure With additional measures 2. Domestic and Commercial Waste Water 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 0 0 0 224.77 287.73 287.73 287.73 3. Other 0 0 0 0 1. Industrial Wastewater 0 0 0 0 2. Domestic and Commercial Waste Water 199.58 199.58 199.58 199.58 3. Other 0 0 0 0 1. Industrial Wastewater 0 0 0 0 2. Domestic and Commercial Waste Water 3. Other 199.58 199.58 166.32 133.05 0 0 0 0 III.7. ETS non-ETS split By comparing the figures of Hungarian GHG inventory and the company level figures of the ETS inventory between 2006 and 2009, the share of the ETS for all the sectors and gases can be calculated. The result – which is the basis of our forecast - is shown in the following table. 195 Table 75 The average share of the ETS coverage in the various sectors and GHG gases between 2006 and 2009 CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 Public Electricity and Heat production 98% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Petroleum Refining 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries 90% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Manufacturing Industries and Construction 95% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Transport 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Other combustion sectors 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Fugitive emissions form fuels 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Industrial Processes except chemical industry and other 90% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Chemical industry 90% 0% 100%* 0% 0% 0% Industrial Processes - other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Solvents and other product use 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Agriculture 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% LULUCF 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Waste 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% * Only in the WEM and WAM scenario Source: Hungarian GHG Inventory and CITL 196 IV. Measures Relevant To Community Legislation and Commitments Under The Kyoto Protocol (a) information on measures being taken or planned for the implementation of relevant Community legislation and policies, and information on legal and institutional steps to prepare to implement commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and information on arrangements for, and national implementation of, compliance and enforcement procedures; Community legislation, policies 2004/101/EC Kyoto Protocol project mechanisms 1996/61/EC and 2008/1/EC Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Directive 2003/66/EC Labelling Directive 2005/32/EC Eco-design framework directive Implementation in Hungary Implemented by the following legislation: Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework for the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol Govt. Decree 323/2007 (XII. 11.) Korm. On the implementation rules of Act LX of 2007 Act XV of 2005 on the trading with emission units of GHG Govt. Decree 13/2008 (I.30.) Korm. on National Allocation Plan for 2008-2013 and the detailed rules of allocation of emission units Implemented by the following legislation: Act LIII of 1995 on general rules of environmental protection Govt. Decree 314/2005. (XII. 25.) Korm. on procedures of environmental impact survey as and IPPC licensing Partly implemented by the following legislation: Decree 4/2002.GM (effective since 2003, amended in 2004) on information provision about the energy consumption of household light sources 5/2002.GM (effective since 2003) on energy efficiency criteria of refrigerators and freezers and their certification: 6/2002.GM (effective since 2002) ) on information provision about the energy consumption of combined washing machine/driers: 6/2002.GM (effective since 2002) ) on information provision about the energy consumption of dishwashers Planned measures: Labelling of household boilers, air-conditioning equipment, water heaters Implemented by the following legislation: Govt. decree 217/2007. (VIII. 15.) Korm. on the ecodesign requirements for energy-using products and on the general conditions of trade and compatibility certification All decrees that set minimum energy requirements 197 1991/676/EEC Nitrate Directive () 1999/31/EC Landfill Directive, 2000/60/EC Water Framework Directive 2001/80/EC Large Combustion Plant directive 2001/81/EC Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2002/91/EC 2003/30/EC Buildings Directive Biofuels directive for equipment or appliance (see previous points) Implemented by the following legislation: Govt. decree 27/2006. (II. 7.) Korm. on the protection of waters against nitrate pollution of agricultural origin. (earlier: 49/2001.Korm) Decree 59/2008. (IV. 29.) FVM on the detailed rules of implementing 27/2006. (II. 7.) Korm. Decree 43/2007. (VI. 1.) FVM on the publication of nitrate-sensitive areas according to MePAR 2nd Nitrate action programme 2008-2011 Implemented by the following legislation: Act XLIII of 2000 on Waste Management Decree 20/2006. (IV. 5.) KvVM on the rules and conditions for landfilling wastes and landfills Implemented by the following legislation: Act LVII of 1995 on Waste Management Act LIII of 1995 on the General Rules of Environmental Protection Govt. decree 219/2004 (VII.21) Korm. on the rules of protecting the quality of underground waters Govt. decree 220/2004 (VII.21) Korm. on the rules of protecting the quality of surface waters Govt. decree 221/2004 (VII.21) Korm. on the rules water catchment area management Decree 5/2009. (IV. 14.) KvVM on water management councils Several other pieces of legislation on testing and quality control of waters, data supply, registries, etc. Implemented by the following legislation: Decree 10/2003. (VII. 11.) KvVM on the conditions of operating combustion equipment larger than 50 MW input capacity and their emission limits. Govt. decree 306/2010 (VII.21) Korm. on the protection of air Implemented by the following legislation: Decree 7/2003. (V. 16.) KvVM-GKM on the limits of total emission of certain pollutants Govt. decree 306/2010 (VII.21) Korm. on the protection of air Implemented by the following legislation: Govt. Decree 7/2006. (V. 24. TNM), update in progress (see II.3.7.1) Govt. Decree 176/2008. (VI. 30.) Korm. on the certification of the energy performance of buildings Implemented by the following legislation: Govt. Decree 2058/2006. (III. 27.) Korm. on the development of production of biofuels and the promotion of their use in transport. Govt. Decree 2233/2004. (IX. 22.) Korm. on the national targets for biofuels and other renewables in 198 transport. Govt. Decree 343/2010. (XII. 28.) Korm. on the requirements and certification of sustainable biofuel production. Act LX of 2007 on the implementation framework for the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and of the Kyoto Protocol Govt. Decree 323/2007 (XII. 11.) Korm. On the implementation rules of Act LX of 2007 Act XV of 2005 on the trading with emission units of GHG Govt. Decree 13/2008 (I.30.) Korm. on National Allocation Plan for 2008-2013 and the detailed rules of allocation of emission units Implemented by the following legislation: Act LXXXVIII. of 2003 on energy tax Act CXXVII. of 2003 on excise tax Implemented by the following legislation: Act LXXXVI of 2007 on electric power Govt. Decree 389/2007 (XII.23.) Korm. on compulsory take-over and feed-in price of electric power from renewable, waste or cogeneration Partly implemented by the following legislation: Act XLIII of 2000 on waste management Act LVI of 1995 on environmental levy and the environmental levy of certain products 2003/87/EC EU ETS directive as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC 2003/96/EC Energy Taxation Directive 2004/8/EC Cogeneration Directive 2006/12/EC Waste Directive Common Agricultural 2006/144/EC Policy (CAP) Reform, as modified by 2009/61/EC 2006/32/EC Directive on enduse energy efficiency and energy services 2006/40/EC Directive relating to emissions for air conditioning Taken into account in preparing the rural development programmes Used as basis in preparing the Energy Strategy and the Energy Efficiency Action Plan. Partly implemented by the following legislation: Govt. decree 64/2009. (III. 31.) Korm. on the modification of Governmental Decrees affecting energy efficiency and energy services (this affects the implementation decrees of all basic energy related Acts, [electric power, gas, district heating]) 288/2009. (XII. 15.) Korm on data collection for the National Statistical System Governmental Resolution 1076/2010. (III. 31.) Korm. on the Updated Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented by the following legislation: Decree 6/1990. (IV. 12.) KöHÉM on operation road vehicles Decree 5/1990. (IV. 12.) KöHÉM on the inspection 199 systems of motor vehicles 2006/842/EC F-gas Regulation () 2008/98/EC Waste Management Framework Directive 2009/28/EC RES directive of road vehicles Implemented by the following legislation: Govt. Decree 310/2008. (XII. 20.) on certain activities related to F gases and ozone depletion substances. Not yet codified and legally implemented, but taken into account in preparing the NWMP 2009-14. Not yet codified and legally implemented, but taken into account in preparing the NCsT, and the sustainability criteria are already included in the support systems for biofuels. 200 V. Glossary CFL Compact Fluorescent Lighting CHP Combined heat and power DH District heating DHW Domestic hot water EE Energy efficiency EHA Energy Efficiency Credit Fund EKFS Unified Transport Development Strategy ESCO Energy Service Company ETS Emission Trading Scheme EUME European Size Unit - unit to describe the potential profitability of an agricultural enterprise GHG Greenhouse gas GIS Green Investment Scheme ha hectare, unit of area defined as 10000 square metres HUF Hungarian Forint (the Hungarian currency) KÁT Subsidy provided through the feed-in tariff of electric power generated from renewables, wastes or cogeneration M (as prefix in units such as in M HUF) Million MAVIR Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd. MEH Hungarian Energy Office MGSzH Central Agricultural Office MND Ministry of National Development MSW Municipal Solid Waste NCsT Renewable Action Plan (Hungary‘s Action Plan for the Utilisation of Renewable Energies 2010-2020) NEEAP National Energy Efficiency Action Plan NÉS National Climate Change Strategy NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NKP National Environmental Protection Programme NSDS National Sustainable Development Strategy NWMP National Waste Management Plan ROP Regional Operative Programme SAPS Single Area Payment Scheme SME Small and medium enterprise(s) 201 SPS Single Payment Scheme TAP Thematic Action Programme TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (a measure used for capacity in container transportation) TOC Total Organic Carbon ÚSZT New Széchenyi Plan VET Act on Electricity ZBR Green Investment Scheme 202 VI. 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(2009): Woody biomass for energy use from forestry and energy plantation in Hungary; Budapest Corvinus University, Regionális Energiagazdasági Kutatóközpont, REKK (in Hungarian) Unk, J. – Zsuffa L. – Kapros Z. – Bányai I. – Horváth J. (2010): Selection of the renewable technologies for Hungary till 2020, Techno-economic database of indicators. NREAP background study. Pyon Kft, Budapest (in Hungarian) 206 US EPA (1994): International anthropogenic methane emissions: estimates for 1990. Rep. EPA 230-R-93-010. Washington, DC: Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. US EPA (2006): Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases. 207 VII. Apendix A: The HUNMIT model: energy consumption and CO2 emission Upon the request of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Rural Development (KvVM), the HUNMIT model was created in 2009 by a consortium led by consulting company Ecofys (2009)38. HUNMIT, created for Hungarian specialties, is a model which gives an estimate of greenhouse gas emissions and emissions abatement potentials until 2025 in the following six sectors: residential buildings services/institutional buildings industry transport energy supply and waste. The model gives almost 700 methods of emissions abatement, which can be used one by one. In addition to the already existing technologies, the model takes into account such state-ofthe-art technologies which are not yet in use, however, likely to become mature till 2025. The model sets a reference scenario for emissions abatement potential and costs between 2005 and 2025. Besides taking into account autonomous efficiency improvements due to stock turnover, the reference scenario uses detailed energy intensities calculated for subsectors and applies them for estimated future levels of activity. The HUNMIT model defines three possible future scenarios of gross residential energy consumption. Firstly, the reference scenario is called ‘frozen baseline‘, as it excludes autonomous energy efficiency improvement except for capital stock turnover meaning household devices and buildings in this context. Therefore, in this case energy saving could originate from the change of devices at the end of their technical lifespan. The second scenario is called the ‘actual baseline‘ as it includes the actual energy policy rules in place as well as the autonomous energy efficiency improvement. The third scenario is called ‘max reduction‘ in which all economically efficient (estimations based on the model) energy saving options are included to the highest possible potentials. In addition, an ‘original baseline‘ was projected which differs from the ‘frozen baseline‘ in that it includes gross energy consumption, for the sake of comparison. These scenarios were not harmonised with the ones required by this reporting task, so they had to be redefined and also some modification to the 38 Ecofys 2009: GHG mitigation scenarios for Hungary up to 2025 Final report (HUNMIT report) 208 model was carried out during this application, as they are shown in the respective sectors (residential and commercial/institutional buildings sector, transport, industry). Agriculture including forestry was excluded from the HUNMIT model. For this report a separate agricultural model was applied, that is introduced at the agricultural chapter. 209 VIII. APPENDIX B: Description of the regional power model VIII.1. Analyzed countries The figure below shows the countries included in the model divided into two groups: in countries with yellow background prices are derived from the demand-supply balance. In countries with blue background exogenous prices are assumed. Figure 87 Analyzed countries VIII.2. Demand data Within each year, the market equilibrium in 24 separate demand periods is modelled. The total consumption in the analyzed 15 countries for every hour in 2007 is summed up and the hours are grouped into 24 separate demand periods. The first group represents the lowest load hours, while the 24th represents the highest load hours. After classifying the hours into separate demand groups, the individual country observations for each hour are taken and their average in a given period are calculated. Finally, the average load for all of the analyzed countries in 2007 is determined and also the ratio of the given load 210 of the demand period to the average load is calculated, which ratio is different country-bycountry. VIII.3. Supply data Supply input data consist of production costs and capacities. These will be detailed in the current subsection. Since short term competition is being modelled, the only relevant costs to calculate with are variable costs, i.e. those that quickly respond to changes in the level of output. As mentioned before, the optimal short run production decision of a power plant depends on how its marginal (or incremental) production costs compare to the prevailing market price. The marginal production cost of a given unit is composed of three main components: CO2 emissions cost, fuel cost and variable OPEX. Figure 88 Marginal cost estimation methodology in the market simulation EUA (CO2) price Fuel type and price Generation technology Estimated heat rate CO2 emissions cost + Fuel cost Estimated selfconsumption + Variable OPEX Marginal production cost The fuel cost in each generation unit depends on the type and price of fuel, and the overall efficiency of electricity generation, which is the product of two factors: the amount of electricity generated from 1 MWh of primary fuel burnt (fuel efficiency), and the amount of electricity fed into the network from 1 MWh of electricity generated. The latter factor differs from unity by the proportional self-consumption of a generation unit. An energy tax element is also added to the fossil fuel price for EU member countries. VIII.3.1. Availability and fuel efficiency The following two tables list the assumed efficiency and availability parameters (based on the literature and empirical observation) for various power plant types and commissioning dates. 211 Table 76 Gross fuel conversion efficiency factors Fuel conversion efficiency Year of commissioning Gas/Oil ST Coal ST/Biomass 1960 37% 35% 1970 39% 37% 1980 41% 39% 1990 43% 41% 50% 2000 45% 43% 55% 2010 47% 45% 58% 2020 (assumed) 49% 47% 60% CCGT Source: KEMA (2005) Table 77 Self-consumption and expected availability of power plants Plant type Self-consumption Availability Gas/oil-fired steam turbine 5% 90% Coal/biomass-fired steam turbine 13% 85% CCGT 5% 90% Nuclear 6% 95% Wind - 20% The table above also shows the assumed average availability of a unit, i.e. the percentage of days when it is not under maintenance. For wind turbines, the availability parameter equals the average utilization rate, since wind generation is a weather-dependent technology. Since nuclear units are always in base load operation and they are hardly ever the price setting producers, modelling their fuel costs with a bottom-up approach starting with fuel efficiency is an unnecessary complication. Instead, a fuel cycle cost estimate of 10 €/MWh is used as the upper limit of figures cited in the literature. Regarding wind and hydro producers, their short run marginal costs are assumed to be 0 €/MWh. VIII.3.2. Secondary reserve In case of Hungary reserves are taken into consideration, too, but only secondary reserves. Primary reserves can be provided by most of the participants and the quantity of primary reserve is quite small, only 10-20 MW per year. While in the case of tertiary reserves power plants have enough time to react, and it is not only gas-fired power plants that can provide this type of reserve. It is assumed that secondary reserves are fully provided by spinning, gas-fired power plants: it is necessary to be able to decrease the production, which is only possible if the power plants are spinning, while only gas-fired power plants have as fast reaction time as is required by the TSO. In the following the amount of necessary secondary reserve is determined. 212 However, to provide a given amount of reserves to the system, power plants must run at an excess capacity because of minimum utilization requirements. As a result, the minimum presence of gas-fired capacity in the system is estimated, which turned out to be 441 MW in the summer of 2009. This value is taken to be the necessary spinning reserve requirement. VIII.3.3. Fuel-prices There are three types of fossil fuels to calculate with: Solid: hard coal, lignite Liquid: light and heavy fuel oil Gaseous: natural gas Liquid fuels are refined oil products. Since the refining process operates with fixed proportions of output to input, it is reasonable to expect close co-movement between crude oil and fuel oil prices. The figure below shows the price assumptions, which are based on DG Clima calculations. Table 78 Fuel prices, in 2008 real terms Gas, €c/GJ Hard coal, €C/GJ Lignite, €C/GJ Crude oil, $/bbl 2010 537.6 226.7 181.3 77.5 2015 602.0 274.9 219.9 94.5 2020 810.2 352.3 281.8 108.1 2025 973.3 390.1 312.1 117.6 Source: DG Climate and REKK calculations VIII.3.4. Cost of CO2 emission CO2 emissions costs arise in case of fossil fuelled units (coal-, gas- or oil-fired) in countries that participate in the EU‘s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS). Burning fossil fuels produces CO2 emissions for which power plants must possess a corresponding number of EU Allowance Units (EUA‘s). The number of EUA‘s needed to produce 1 MWh of electricity depends on the type of fuel used and the efficiency of fuel energy conversion into electricity (unit heat rate and self-consumption). The table below shows the CO2 emissions of various fossil fuels. According to the data, a gas-fired unit produces about half as much CO2 as a lignite plant with the same efficiency. 213 Table 79 CO2 emissions by fuel type Fuel type CO2 emissions [kg/GJ] Hard coal 93.7 Lignite 112.1 Natural gas 55.8 Heavy fuel oil 77.0 Light fuel oil 73.7 Source: UNFCC One of the main components of the CO2 cost is the EUA price, which differs in the scenarios, as it was demonstrated in the main text. VIII.3.5. OPEX The final element of marginal cost estimation is the inclusion of the variable part of operating expenditures. An approximation of these for the potentially price-setting (marginal) technologies is shown in 0. Figure 89 Estimated variable operating expenditures by technology and year of build 8 7 Coal / biomass 6 EUR/MWh 5 Gas / oil steam turbine, OCGT 4 3 CCGT 2 1 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Source: Data collection by MOL Hungary VIII.3.6. Installed capacities in the future Projected installed capacities are calculated based on Platts Energy in East Europe publication, which publish detailed lists of the new and expected power plants developments. Renewable based electricity generation is equal with the figure demonstrated in the NREAPs. Decommissioning of power plants was more problematic, because it is dependent on not only age of the power generator, but also hang on the market environment. Sometimes it is worth to refurbish a power generator, even it is very old. In general, information about the expected date of decommissioning in a specific power plant is not known, only in some cases. Where 214 no clear information on the date of decommissioning is known, a power plant will be closed after its lifetime, but at least it will operate till 2012. In coal (or lignite)-fired power plants a lifetime of 50 years, in the case of OCGT 40 years are assumed, while a 30 years long lifetime for CCGT is assumed. VIII.4. Cross-border interconnections The capacities available for cross-border trade in the model are shown in the following figure. Figure 90 Existing capacities for cross-border trade (below 1000 MW) 1,000 Default direction 800 600 400 MW 200 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 Reverse direction AL-GR AL-ME AL-RS AT-CH AT-CZ AT-DE AT-HU AT-IT_N AT-SI BA-HR BA-ME BA-RS BG-GR BG-RO BG-RS CZ-DE CZ-PL CZ-SK HR-HU HR-RS HR-SI HU-RO HU-RS HU-SK HU-UA_W ME-RS MK-GR MK-RS PL-DE PL-SE PL-SK RO-RS RO-UA_W SI-IT_N SK-UA_W GR-IT_S HU-Sl BG-MK RO-MD -1,000 Source: ENTSO-E VIII.5. Neighbouring market prices Market prices for large Western European markets, such as Germany or Italy are linked to the crude oil and CO2 prices, as well as the demand period. Smaller outside markets, such as Moldova or Ukraine, are taken into account as low price import sources for the region. 215 IX. Appendix C: Methane emission factors from manure management Typical animal mass (average) VS daily excretion (average) CH4 producing potential (Bo) (average) 3 MCF, % Pasture, EF Pit Pit storage <1 month storage >1 month Livestock (kg) (kg dm/head/day) (m CH4/kg VS) Liquid, slurry Solid storage Dairy cow 650.00 5.24 0.24 0.39 0.01 0.01 7.66 Non-dairy cattle 430.65 2.92 0.17 0.39 0.01 0.01 2.05 Bulls 430.65 2.92 0.17 0.39 0.01 0.01 4.11 Young cattle 430.65 2.92 0.17 0.39 0.01 0.01 0.00 Buffalo 380.00 3.90 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.95 Sheep NA 0.40 0.19 0.01 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.01 Goats NA 0.28 0.17 Camel and lamas NO NO NO 0.39 range, paddock Other 0.01 kg CH4/db/év 0.12 0.00 Horses NA 1.72 0.33 0.01 0.01 1.39 Donkey and mules NA 0.94 0.33 0.01 0.01 0.76 Saw 63.83 0.50 0.45 0.39 0.01 0.00 0.39 10.87 Boars 63.83 0.50 0.45 0.39 0.01 0.00 0.39 10.87 Piglets 63.83 0.50 0.45 0.39 0.01 0.00 0.39 10.87 Poultry NA 0.02 0.32 0.39 0.01 10.87 0.01 0.16 Rabbits 216 X. Appendix D: N2O emission factors of animal manure management EF3(S), kg N2O-N/kg N in manure managements system Livestock NEX [kg N/head/yr] Liquid, Solid Pasture, slurry storage paddock Pit Other Pit storage storage <1 month >1 month Dairy cow 131.8 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Non-dairy cattle 48.3 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Bulls 48.3 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Young cattle 48.3 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Buffalo 70.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Sheep 20.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Goats 18.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Camel and lamas 0.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Horses 60.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Donkey and mules 25.0 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Saw 8.1 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 0.001 0.001 Boars 8.1 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 0.001 0.001 Piglets 8.1 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 0.001 0.001 Poultry 0.6 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 Rabbits 4.1 0.001 0.020 0.020 0.005 217 XI. Appendix E: Factors of N2O from plant production Plant production Res/Crop 1+Res/Crop FracDM FracNCRO/FracNCRBF Wheat 1.3 2.3 0.850 0.0028 Barley 1.2 2.2 0.850 0.0043 Maize 1.0 2.0 0.780 0.0081 Oat 1.3 2.3 0.920 0.0070 Rye 1.6 2.6 0.900 0.0048 Rice 1.6 2.6 0.850 0.0067 Triticale 1.3 2.3 0.850 0.0028 Other cereals 1.3 2.3 0.850 0.0028 Dry beans 2.1 3.1 0.855 0.0230 Peas 1.5 2.5 0.870 0.0142 Soya 2.1 3.1 0.865 0.0230 Lentils 1.5 2.5 0.870 0.0142 Horse beans 2.1 3.1 0.855 0.0230 Alfalfa seed 1.5 2.5 0.870 0.0142 Forage 0.0 1.0 0.850 0.0142 Potato 0.4 1.4 0.850 0.0110 Other vegetables 0.4 1.4 0.850 0.0110 Sugarbeet 0.3 1.3 0.850 0.0228 Sunflower 1.0 2.0 0.850 0.0150 Rape seed, other seeds 1.0 2.0 0.850 0.0150 218 XII. Acknowledgment The Ministry of National Development would like to acknowledge the work of the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research and its experts (in alphabetic order: András Kis, András Mezősi, Zsuzsanna Pató, and László Szabó) in the compilation and development of this report, as well as the work of the other experts involved (in alphabetic order): Gábor Bartus, Norbert Kohlheb, and István Kovacsics. 219