UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) *SUBJECT TO GENERAL AND SPECIFIC NOTES TO THESE SCHEDULES* SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES Indicate as to each schedule whether that schedule is attached and state the number of pages in each. Report the totals from Schedules A, B, C, D, E, F, I, and J in the boxes provided. Add the amounts from Schedules A and B to determine the total amount of the debtor's assets. Add the amounts from Schedules D, E, and F to determine the total amount of the debtor's liabilities. AMOUNTS SCHEDULED ATTACHED YES / NO NO. OF SHEETS A - REAL PROPERTY YES 1 $0 B - PERSONAL PROPERTY YES 25 $272,131,361 C - PROPERTY CLAIMED AS EXEMPT NO 0 D - CREDITORS HOLDING SECURED CLAIMS YES 2 E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS YES 9 F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS YES 194 G - EXECUTORY CONTRACTS AND UNEXPIRED LEASES YES 15 H - CODEBTORS YES 3 I - CURRENT INCOME OF INDIVIDUAL DEBTOR(S) NO 0 N/A J - CURRENT EXPENDITURES OF INDIVIDUAL DEBTOR(S) NO 0 N/A NAME OF SCHEDULE Total number of sheets of all Schedules ASSETS LIABILITIES $604,127,138 Undetermined $1,456,048,200 249 Total Assets > OTHER $272,131,361 Total Liabilities > $2,060,175,338 NOTES PERTAINING TO ALL DEBTORS1 The Schedules of Assets and Liabilities (the “Schedules”) and the Statements of Financial Affairs (the “Statements” and, collectively with the Schedules, the “Schedules and Statements”) of Fleming Companies, Inc. (“Fleming”) and its affiliated debtors in these jointly administered Chapter 11 cases (collectively, the “Debtors”) have been prepared pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 521 and Rule 1007 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure by management of the Debtors with the assistance of their court-appointed advisors and are unaudited. While management has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the Schedules and Statements are accurate and complete based on information that was available to them at the time of preparation, subsequent information or discovery may result in material changes to these Schedules and Statements, and inadvertent errors or omissions may exist. Moreover, because the Schedules and Statements contain unaudited information which is subject to further review and potential adjustment, there can be no assurance that these Schedules and Statements are complete. Furthermore, nothing contained in the Schedules and Statements shall constitute a waiver of rights with respect to these Chapter 11 cases and specifically with respect to any issues involving substantive consolidation, equitable subordination and/or causes of action arising under the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code and other relevant nonbankruptcy laws to recover assets or avoid transfers. Agreements Subject to Confidentiality. In a number of instances within the Schedules and Statements, either names or amounts have been left blank. Due to the nature of an agreement between the Debtor and the third party, concerns of confidentiality or concerns for the privacy of an individual, the Debtor has deemed it appropriate and necessary to avoid listing such names and amounts. Amendment. While every effort has been made to file complete and accurate Schedules and Statements, inadvertent errors or omissions may exist. The Debtors reserve all rights to amend and/or supplement their Schedules and Statements as is necessary and appropriate. Basis of Presentation. For financial reporting purposes, Fleming prepares consolidated financial statements that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and that are audited annually. Unlike the consolidated financial statements, these Schedules and Statements, except as indicated herein, reflect the assets and liabilities of each Debtor. In addition, not all of the direct and indirect subsidiaries of Fleming have filed for protection under Chapter 11. Accordingly, combining the assets and claims set forth in the Schedules and Statements of the 1 These notes (the “Global Notes”) are in addition to the specific notes contained in the Debtors’ Schedules and Statements. The fact that the Debtors have prepared a Global Note with respect to a particular Schedule (or Statement) and not to others does not reflect and should not be interpreted as a decision by the Debtors to exclude the applicability of such Global Note to any or all of the Debtors’ remaining Schedules (or Statements), as appropriate. C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 6/30/03 Debtors would result in amounts that would be substantially different from financial information regarding Fleming and its subsidiaries that would be prepared on a consolidated basis under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”). Therefore, these Schedules and Statements do not purport to represent financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP nor are they intended to fully reconcile to the financial statements filed by Fleming with the SEC. Causes of Action. The Debtors, despite efforts, may not have set forth all of their causes of action against third parties as assets in their Schedules and Statements. The Debtors reserve all of their rights with respect to any causes of action they may have and neither these Global Notes nor the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a waiver of any such causes of action. Claims Description. Any failure to designate a claim on the Debtors’ Schedules and Statements as “disputed,” “contingent” or “unliquidated” does not constitute an admission by the Debtors that such amount is not “disputed,” “contingent” or “unliquidated.” The Debtors reserve the right to dispute any claim reflected on their Schedules or Statements on any grounds, including, but not limited to, amount, liability or classification, or to otherwise subsequently designate such claims as “disputed,” “contingent” or “unliquidated.” Court Orders. By separate orders on or shortly after April 1, 2003, the date on which the Debtors commenced their respective Chapter 11 cases (the “Petition Date”), the Debtors were authorized to pay, among other things, certain prepetition claims of customers, employees, critical vendors, critical service providers, processors, warehousemen and shippers (the “First-Day Orders”). Consequently, certain prepetition fixed, liquidated and undisputed unsecured claims have been paid as of the date of the filing of these Schedules and Statements. Schedule F generally does not include prepetition liabilities that have been paid pursuant to these First-Day Orders. Current Market Value of Assets. It would be prohibitively expensive, unduly burdensome and an inefficient use of estate assets for the Debtors to obtain current market valuations of all of their assets. Accordingly, unless otherwise indicated, net book values are reflected on the Debtors’ Schedules and Statements for assets. For this reason, amounts ultimately realized may vary from net book value and such variance may be material. Dates. The information provided herein, except as otherwise noted, represents the asset data of the Debtor as of March 22, 2003 and liability data of the Debtor as of March 31, 2003. Excluded Assets and Liabilities. The Debtors have excluded certain categories of assets and liabilities from the Statements and Schedules such as goodwill, pension assets, deferred compensation, accrued salaries, employee benefit accruals, post-retirement benefits, and deferred gains. Other immaterial assets and liabilities may also have been excluded. Foreign Currency. Unless otherwise indicated, all amounts are reflected in U.S. dollars. Insiders. The Debtors have included all payments made over the twelve months preceding the Petition Date to any individual deemed an “insider.” Insiders under the Bankruptcy Code are C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 2 defined to include individuals who served as either Officers or Directors of a Debtor in the twelve months immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Intercompany Transactions. Prior to the Petition Date, the Debtors routinely engaged in intercompany transactions resulting in intercompany accounts payable and receivable. Since the Petition Date, the Debtors have been conducting a review of pre-petition intercompany accounts. As of the data hereof, however, this review has not been finalized. Accordingly, intercompany account balances are not listed in the Schedules. Retirement Benefits. The Debtors maintain a standard policy for all employees either retiring or leaving the Debtors’ employment after the proscribed earliest retirement age and proscribed years of service. Costs associated with the provision of these services have not been included in the Schedules and Statements. In addition, certain former officers receive retirement benefits pursuant to the pension plans of the Debtors. To the extent these retirement benefits are received from the trust of a tax-qualified pension plan, they are not included in the Schedules and Statements. To the extent the retirement benefits were paid pursuant to a nontax-qualified, supplemental executive retirement plan or agreement, they are included in the Schedules and Statements. Such nonqualified retirement payment obligations to former officers who were not Insiders (as defined above) are reflected in Schedule G. Such nonqualified retirement payments made to former officers who were Insiders are reflected in SOFA, Section 3(b). These payments were made pursuant to employment agreements negotiated to attract and retain these executives. Such agreements for executive officers, including the obligation to make these retirement payments, were previously disclosed numerous times in the Debtors’ SEC filings. Schedule D – Creditors Holding Secured Claims. Except as otherwise agreed pursuant to a stipulation or agreed order or general order entered by the Bankruptcy Court, the Debtors reserve their right to dispute or challenge the validity, perfection or immunity from avoidance of any lien purported to be granted or perfected in any specific asset to a creditor listed on Schedule D of any Debtor. Moreover, although the Debtors may have scheduled claims of various creditors as secured claims, the Debtors reserve all rights to dispute or challenge the secured nature of any such creditor’s claim or the characterization of the structure of any such transaction or any document or instrument (including, without limitation, any intercompany agreement) related to such creditor’s claim. In certain instances, a Debtor may be a co-obligor, co-mortgagor or guarantor with respect to scheduled claims of other Debtors, and no claim set forth on Schedule D of any Debtor is intended to acknowledge claims of creditors that are otherwise satisfied or discharged by other entities. The descriptions provided in Schedule D are intended only to be a summary. Reference to the applicable loan agreements and related documents is necessary for a complete description of the collateral and the nature, extent and priority of any liens. Nothing in the Global Notes or the Schedules and Statements shall be deemed a modification or interpretation of the terms of such agreements. Except as specifically stated herein, real property lessors, utility companies and other parties which may hold security deposits have not been listed on Schedule D. Certain of Debtors’ agreements listed on Schedule G may be in the nature of conditional sales agreements or secured financing agreements. No attempt has been made to identify such agreements for purposes of Schedule D. C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 3 Schedule F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims. Schedule F does not include certain deferred charges, deferred liabilities or general reserves. Such amounts are, however, reflected on the Debtors’ books and records as required in accordance with GAAP. Such accruals are general estimates of liabilities and do not represent specific claims as of the Petition Date. The claims listed in Schedule F arose or were incurred on various dates. In certain instances, the date on which a claim arose is an open issue of fact. While best efforts have been made, determination of each date upon which each claim in Schedule F was incurred or arose would be unduly burdensome and cost prohibitive and, therefore, the Debtors do not list a date for each claim listed on Schedule F. Schedule F contains information regarding pending litigation involving the Debtors. In certain instances, the Debtor that is the subject of the litigation is unclear or undetermined. However, to the extent that litigation involving a particular Debtor has been identified, such information is contained in the Schedule for that Debtor. Schedule G – Executory Contracts. The businesses of the Debtors are complex. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of Schedule G regarding executory contracts and unexpired leases, inadvertent errors, omissions or overinclusion may have occurred. The Debtors hereby reserve all of their rights to dispute the validity, status or enforceability of any contract or other agreement set forth in Schedule G that may have expired or may have been modified, amended, and supplemented from time to time by various amendments, restatements, waivers, estoppel certificates, letters and other documents, instruments and agreements which may not be listed therein. In some cases the same supplier or provider appears multiple times in Schedule G. This multiple listing is to reflect distinct agreements between the applicable Debtor and such supplier or provider. Certain of the leases and contracts listed on Schedule G may contain certain renewal options, guarantees of payment, options to purchase, rights of first refusal, and other miscellaneous rights. Such rights, powers, duties and obligations are not set forth on Schedule G. In addition, the Debtors may have entered into various other types of agreements in the ordinary course of their business, such as easements, right of way, subordination, nondisturbance and attornment agreements, supplemental agreements, amendments/letter agreements, title agreements and confidentiality agreements. Such documents are also not set forth in Schedule G. In addition, certain of the agreements listed on Schedule G may be in the nature of conditional sales agreements or secured financings. The Debtors reserve all of their rights to dispute or challenge the characterization of the structure of any transaction, or any document or instrument (including, without limitation, any intercompany agreement) related to a creditor’s claim. Certain of the contracts, agreements, and leases listed on Schedule G may have been entered into by more than one of the Debtors. Finally, certain of the executory agreements may not have been memorialized and could be subject to dispute. C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 4 Schedule H – Co-Debtors. In the ordinary course of their business, the Debtors are involved in pending or threatened litigation and claims arising out of the conduct of their business. These matters may involve multiple plaintiffs and defendants, some or all of whom may assert crossclaims and counter-claims against other parties. Because of the volume of such claims, because all are contingent, disputed or unliquidated, and because such claims are listed elsewhere in the Schedules and Statements, such claims have not been set forth individually on Schedule H. Statements – Question 7 Gifts. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the gifts listed in response to Question 7 include all gifts made, given the magnitude of the Debtors’ operations, certain gifts may have inadvertently been omitted from the Schedules and Statements. Statements – Question 8 Losses. The losses listed exclude those incurred in the ordinary course of business where the amount is de minimis. Statements – Question 17 Environmental Information. The Debtors have been in existence for many years, and have operated in many locations. At some such locations, the Debtors no longer have any operations, and may no longer have relevant records or the records may no longer be complete or reasonably accessible and reviewable. Some individuals who once possessed responsive information are no longer employed by the Debtors. For all these reasons it may not be reasonably possible to identify and supply the requested information for every “site” and “proceeding” literally responsive to Question 17. Nonetheless, the Debtors have devoted substantial internal and external resources to identifying and providing the requested information for as many responsive sites and proceedings as reasonably possible. The Debtors placed first priority on identifying all active or open matters. The Debtors may supplement or amend this response in the future. Due to the number of potentially responsive matters, the practical burdens in compiling information on inactive matters, and the presumably lower relevance of information on inactive matters, the Debtors in general have attempted to compile information on inactive matters only for such matters initiated within the last five years. Where some requested categories of information were not reasonably available for a listed “site” or “proceeding,” the Debtors’ response gives as much information as was available. Where a site is the subject of a proceeding, settlement or order listed in the response to Question 17(c), the site and notices related to it are not also listed in the responses to Questions 17(a) or 17(b). Similarly, sites that are listed in the response to Question 17(a) (sites for which the Debtors have received notice from a governmental unit) are not repeated in the response to Question 17(b) (sites at which the Debtors have provided notice to a governmental unit). Where a site identified in Tables 17(a) and/or 17(b) has received multiple notices, or notices that preceded and were related to proceedings listed in the response to Question 17(c), all such notices may not be listed. C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 5 This response does not include sites or proceedings related to nonenvironmental laws such as occupational safety and health laws, or transportation laws. The response to Question 17(b) (concerning notices by the Debtors of releases) does not list routine reports and submissions concerning discharges resulting from normal operations where such reports and submissions were made in compliance with regulatory requirements, such as discharge monitoring reports, toxic release inventory submissions, and submissions concerning air emissions. For purposes of Question 17, the Debtors did not consider governmental units outside of the United States to be “governmental units” contemplated by this question. Totals. All totals that are included in the Schedules and Statements represent totals of all the known amounts included in the tables. C:\Documents and Settings\JTang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\FINAL GENERAL NOTES FOR SCHEDULES AND SOFAS20.doc 6 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case No. 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE A - REAL PROPERTY Except as directed below, list all real property in which the debtor has any legal, equitable, or future interest, including all property owned as a cotenant, community property, or in which the debtor has a life estate. Include any property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benefit. If the debtor is married, state whether husband, wife, or both own the property by placing an "H", "W", "J", or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the debtor holds no interest in real property, write "None" under "Description and Location of Property." Do not include interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory If an entity claims to have a lien or hold a secured interest in any property, state the amount of the secured claim. See Schedule D. If no entity claims to hold a secured interest in the property, write "None" in the column labeled "Amount of Secured Claim." If the debtor is an individual or a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemption claimed in the property only in Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. Check this box if debtor has no real property to report on this Schedule A. LOCATION NATURE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY LAND BUILDING (NBV) NET BOOK VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY, WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION AMOUNT OF SECURED CLAIM NOTE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY Except as directed below, list all personal property of the debtor of whatever kind. If the debtor has no property in one or more of the categories place an "X" in the appropriate position in the column labeled "None". If additional space is needed in any category, attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number, and the number of the category. If the debtor is married, state whether husband, wife, or both own the property by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the debtor is an individual or a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemptions claimed only on Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. Do not list interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. If the property is being held for the debtor by someone else, state that person's name and address under "Description and Location of Property". TYPE OF PROPERTY NONE DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY NET BOOK VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY, WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION 1. Cash on hand. See Exhibit B-1 following Schedule B $50,246 2. Checking, savings or other financial accounts, certificates of deposit, or shares in banks, savings and loan, thrift, building and loan, and homestead associations, or credit unions, brokerage houses, or cooperatives. See Exhibit B-2 following Schedule B $21,935,915 3. Security deposits with public utilities, telephone companies, landlords, and others. See Exhibit B-3 following Schedule B $755,697 4. Household goods and furnishings, including audio, video, and computer equipment. X 5. Books; pictures and other art objects; antiques; stamps, coin, record, tape, compact disc, and other collections or collectibles. X 6. Wearing apparel. X 7. Furs and jewelry. X 8. Firearms and sports, photographic, and other hobby equipment. X 9. Interests in insurance policies. Name insurance company of policy and itemize surrender or refund value of each. X 10. Annuities. Itemize and name each issuer. X UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY Except as directed below, list all personal property of the debtor of whatever kind. If the debtor has no property in one or more of the categories place an "X" in the appropriate position in the column labeled "None". If additional space is needed in any category, attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number, and the number of the category. If the debtor is married, state whether husband, wife, or both own the property by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the debtor is an individual or a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemptions claimed only on Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. Do not list interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. If the property is being held for the debtor by someone else, state that person's name and address under "Description and Location of Property". TYPE OF PROPERTY 11. Interests in IRA, ERISA, Keogh, or other pension or profit sharing plans. Itemize. NONE NET BOOK VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY, WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION X 12. Stock and interests in incorporated and unincorporated businesseses. Itemize. 13. Interests in partnerships or joint ventures. Itemize. X 14. Government and corporate bonds and other negotiable and non-negotiable instruments. X 15. Accounts receivable. 16. Alimony, maintenance, support, and property settlements to which the debtor is or may be entitled. Give particulars. DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY See Exhibit B-12 following Schedule B Undetermined See Exhibit B-15 following Schedule B $86,853,229 See Exhibit B-17 following Schedule B $3,006,463 X 17. Other liquidated debts owing debtor including tax refunds. Give particulars. 18. Equitable or future interests, life estates, and rights or powers exercisable for the benefit of the debtor other than those listed in Schedule of Real Property. X 19. Contingent and non contingent interests in estate of a decedent, death benefit plan, life insurance policy, or trust. X UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY Except as directed below, list all personal property of the debtor of whatever kind. If the debtor has no property in one or more of the categories place an "X" in the appropriate position in the column labeled "None". If additional space is needed in any category, attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number, and the number of the category. If the debtor is married, state whether husband, wife, or both own the property by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the debtor is an individual or a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemptions claimed only on Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. Do not list interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. If the property is being held for the debtor by someone else, state that person's name and address under "Description and Location of Property". TYPE OF PROPERTY 20. Other contingent and unliquidated claims of every nature, including tax refunds, counterclaims of the debtor, and rights to setoff claims. Give estimated value of each. NONE DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY NET BOOK VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY, WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION X 21. Patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property. Give particulars. See Exhibit B-21 following Schedule B Undetermined 22. Licenses, franchises, and other general intangibles. Give particulars. See Exhibit B-22 following Schedule B Undetermined 23. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, and other vehicles and accessories. See Exhibit B-23 following Schedule B $5,780,499 See Exhibit B-26 following Schedule B $310,530 See Exhibit B-27 following Schedule B $20,299,312 See Exhibit B-28 following Schedule B $115,038,202 See Exhibit B-33 following Schedule B $18,101,267 24. Boats, motors, and accessories. X 25. Aircraft and accessories. X 26. Office equipment, furnishings, and supplies. 27. Machinery, fixtures, equipments, and supplies used in business. 28. Inventory 29. Animals X 30. Crops - growing or harvested. Give particulars. 31. Farming equipment and implements. 32. Farm supplies, chemicals, and feed. 33. Other personal property of any kind not already listed. X X X Total Claim $272,131,361 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-1 Cash on Hand Location Net Book Value Hayward $4,100 Winnipeg $5,000 Victoria $2,250 Vancouver $2,705 Calgary $4,500 Spokane $5,000 Salt Lake City $4,500 Sacramento $4,550 Portland $5,000 Los Angeles $5,000 Bakersfield $1,244 Las Vegas $504 Core-Mark Corporate Office $538 Grants Pass $3,228 Corona $2,128 $50,246 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-2 Checking, savings, or other financial accounts, CDs, etc. Bank Name Account Number Address City, State and Zip Code Bank Balance Bank Of Montreal 07601102397 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $0 Bank Of Montreal 5691032070 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $2,980 Bank Of Montreal 127881013601 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $0 Bank Of Montreal 07604601086 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $17,687 Bank Of Montreal 0004-1664-436 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $0 Bank Of Montreal 07601154963 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $0 Bank Of Montreal 07600000313 First Bank Tower, 6th Floor, 595 Burrard ST. Vancouver, B.C. V7x 1L5 $8,549,694 JP Morgan Chase 9102775443 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 $0 JP Morgan Chase 9102775427 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 $0 JP Morgan Chase 601809668 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 $0 JP Morgan Chase 9102775419 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 $0 JP Morgan Chase 9102775435 2200 Ross Avenue Dallas, TX 75201 $0 M&T 12001749 One Fountain Plaza Buffalo, NY 174203-1495 $0 Scotia Bank 112390010715 B.C. & Western USA Suite 2300, 650 W. Georgia, PO Box 11501 Vancouver, B.C. V6b4n7 $251,850 Scotia Bank 4052700104313 B.C. & Western USA Suite 2300, 650 W. Georgia, PO Box 11501 Vancouver, B.C. V6b4n7 $11,435 Scotia Bank 71480000914 B.C. & Western USA Suite 2300, 650 W. Georgia, PO Box 11501 Vancouver, B.C. V6b4n7 $91,191 Washington Trust Bank 1001823194 P.O. Box 2127 Spokane, WA 992210-2127 $4,001 Wells Fargo 4801900069 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $4,408 Wells Fargo 4801908815 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $2,963 Wells Fargo 4758355309 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $11,065 Wells Fargo 4518100177 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $3,023 Wells Fargo 4518100235 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $7,492 Wells Fargo 4128523081 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $1,156 Wells Fargo 4518100110 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $3,867 Wells Fargo 4518099999 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $3,506,935 Wells Fargo 4311848436 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $781,193 Wells Fargo 4759613938 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $0 Wells Fargo 4159287788 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $8,644,844 Wells Fargo 4311848584 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $26,585 Wells Fargo 4159555366 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $3,493 Wells Fargo 4159688902 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $5,202 Wells Fargo 4518110564 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $0 Wells Fargo 4496851460 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $2,693 Wells Fargo 4091220731 1445 Ross Avenue, 23rd Floor Dallas, TX 75202 $2,161 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-2 Checking, savings, or other financial accounts, CDs, etc. Bank Name Account Number Address City, State and Zip Code Bank Balance $21,935,915 Footnotes Balances listed are pursuant to bank statements as of March 31, 2003. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-3 Security deposits with public utilities, telephone companies, landlords, and others Vendor Name Description Net Book Value Anthony Brent Corp Deposit - Warehouse AON Consulting & Ins Svc Deposit - Zurich Escrow acct for 6/1/01 Causality Program Bearcom Deposit - Phone Central Valley Partnership Deposit - Rent Ensign Pacific Lease Ltd. Deposit - Chrysler Futures Deposit - Rent Oceanside Office Jim Meyer Deposit - Rent Missoula Sales Office Madison Pacific Rental Deposit - Vancouver O & Y Properties, Inc. Deposit - Rent Edmonton Oyster Point Properties Deposit - Rent $30,000 PGP Partners, Inc. Deposit - Rent $23,545 Prologis Trust Deposit - Rent Arizona Sales Office Prudential Prisa Deposit - Rent PTF Deposit - Yard Rental Salt River Project Deposit - Utilities for AZ Shelley & Barbara Dedrick Deposit - Rent 3970 Pell Circle United Health Care Ins. Co. Deposit - Health & Welfare Policy World MAP. Deposit - Rent for Sales Office $22,757 $357,000 $773 $29,114 $474 $1,464 $250 $30,798 $2,571 $1,632 $48,130 $250 $1,599 $28,380 $175,154 $1,806 $755,697 Footnotes The Debtor reserves the right to dispute the designation of the above as security deposits. General Notes Balances as of March 31, 2003. Exhibit B-12 Fleming Companies, Inc. Owned Entities Ch. 11 Case # Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 03-10945 03-10947 03-10948 03-10944 03-10949 03-10952 03-10951 03-10961 03-10950 03-10963 03-10962 03-10964 03-10953 03-10954 03-10955 03-10956 03-10958 03-10957 03-10960 03-10973 03-10965 03-10966 03-10968 03-10946 03-10967 03-10971 03-10972 03-10970 03-10959 Entity Names Fleming Companies, Inc. ("FCI") ABCO Markets Inc. ("ABCOMI") ABCO Realty Corp. ("ABCORC") Core-Mark International, Inc. ("CMII") ASI Office Automation, Inc. ("ASIOAI") C/M Products, Inc. ("CMPI") Core-Mark Interrelated Companies, Inc. ("CMICI") General Acceptance Corporation ("GAC") Core-Mark Mid-Continent, Inc. ("CMMCI") E.A. Morris Distributors Limited ("EAMDL") Head Distributing Company ("HDC") Marquise Ventures Company, Inc. ("MVCI") Minter-Weisman Co. ("MWC") Favar Concepts, Ltd. ("FCL") Fleming Foods Management Co., L.L.C. ("FFMCLLC") Fleming Foods of Texas, L.P. ("FFTLP") Fleming Foreign Sales Corp. ("FFSC") Fleming International Ltd. ("FIL") Fleming Supermarkets of Florida, Inc. ("FSFI") Fleming Transportation Service, Inc. ("FTSI") FuelServ, Inc. ("FI") Dunigan Fuels, Inc. ("DFI") Piggly Wiggly Company ("PWC") Progressive Realty, Inc. ("PRI") Retail Investments, Inc. ("RII") ABCO Food Group, Inc. ("ABCOFGI") Rainbow Food Group, Inc. ("RFGI") RFS Marketing Services, Inc. ("RFSMSI") Richmar Foods, Inc. ("RFI") Retail Supermarkets, Inc. ("RSI") Food 4 Less Beverage Company, Inc. ("FFLBCI") Footnote This Exhibit displays the ownership hierarchy for all filing entities including Core-Mark International, Inc. Incorporated FEIN Ownership % OKLAHOMA ARIZONA ARIZONA DELAWARE CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA ARKANSAS CANADA GEORGIA CALIFORNIA MINNESOTA DELAWARE OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA BARABADOS OKLAHOMA FLORIDA OKLAHOMA DELAWARE TEXAS OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NEVADA NEVADA NEVADA OKLAHOMA CALIFORNIA TEXAS TEXAS 48-0222760 86-0491500 86-0491499 91-1295550 95-3256944 94-3104739 94-2317385 95-3895935 74-2254997 91-1243227 58-1095258 95-3983880 41-0809931 73-1570430 73-1577381 73-1577380 98-0129721 73-1414701 65-0418543 73-1126039 75-2894483 75-2402058 73-1477999 73-1485750 86-0900985 88-044077 88-0440079 73-1489627 68-0095094 74-0658440 75-3021031 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% FCI 1%, FFMCLLC 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Value Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-15 Accounts Receivable Location Net Book Value WINNIPEG $2,083,528 VICTORIA $2,216,287 VANCOUVER $3,236,928 SPOKANE $4,753,623 SALT LAKE CITY $5,641,251 SACRAMENTO $9,563,468 Receivables from Vendors $5,247,197 PORTLAND $8,912,603 LOS ANGELES $6,026,055 LAS VEGAS $7,232,973 HAYWARD $7,574,680 GRANTS PASS $3,287,738 CORONA $12,865,816 CALGARY $7,104,308 BAKERSFIELD $4,524,451 ARTIC CASCADE A/R RESERVE FOR ALL ABOVE $50,173 ($3,467,849) $86,853,229 Footnotes Balances as of March 31, 2003. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-17 Other liquidated debts owing debtor including tax refunds Location Description Number of Notes Net Book Value Reserve 1 ($1,148,983) Los Angeles Note Receivable from Hindoyan / Sunset Shell 1 $1,137,872 Corona Note Receivable from Roger Clark / BC Oil 1 $11,111 Core-Mark Corporate Note Receivable from EZ-Mart Stores, Inc. 1 $2,452,112 Hayward Note Receivable from Gasamat / Smoker Friendly 1 $247,977 Portland Note Receivable from Convenience West, LLC & Market Express/North Plains LLC 1 $214,513 Sacramento Note Receivable from Gasamat / Smoker Friendly 1 $91,862 7 $3,006,463 TOTAL Footnotes Net Book Value includes interest accrued through March 31, 2003. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-21 Intellectual Property Name Description Value BOONDOGGLES REAL FOOD. REAL FAST & Design Pending, Serial #76/443003 Undetermined www.Coremark.com Registrar: Network Solutions, Inc. Undetermined www.Core-Mark.com Registrar: Network Solutions, Inc. Undetermined CORE-MARK Classes 42; Registration Number 1283707 Undetermined CORE-MARK Class N/A; Registration Number TMA 272,823 Undetermined CORE-MARK & design (new design logo) Class N/A; Registration Number 1834121 Undetermined CORE-MARK & design (new design logo) Class NA; Registration Number TMA 433,460 Undetermined CORE-MARK & design (Old Lion Design) Class N/A; Registration Number TMA 279,410 Undetermined CORE-MARK & design logo (YOU CAN COUNT ON US) Class N/A; Registration Number TMA 432,801 Undetermined CORE-MARK & design logo (YOU CAN COUNT ON US) Class 42; Registration Number 1834123 Undetermined ARCADIA BAY Class 30; Registration Number 2216513 Undetermined ARCADIA BAY Class 42; Registration Number 2323187 Undetermined ARCADIA BAY (and design) Classes 30, 42; Registration Number 2301702 Undetermined BENTLEY BAKERY CO. Class 30; Registration Number 2507620 Undetermined BOONDOGGLE'S Classes 35, 43; Application Number 76/401,531; Application Date 4/29/02 Undetermined BOONDOGGLE'S Class 30; Application Number 76/402,200; Application Date 4/29/02 Undetermined BOONDOGGLE'S Class 29; Appliction Number 76/401,532; Application Date 4/29/03 Undetermined CABLE CAR Classes 29, 30, 31; Registration Number 929258 Undetermined CABLE CAR (and design) Class N/A; Registration Number TMA 515,324 Undetermined CABLE CAR CANDIES QUALITY CANDIES SINCE 1890 (new) Class 30; Registration Number 2108906 Undetermined CABLE CAR SINCE 1890 & Design Class 30; Registration Number 1810976 Undetermined CANISTER PACK Class 21; Registration Number 1283373 Undetermined CAPT'N SLUSH Classes 09, 21, 32; Registration Number 1240974 Undetermined CONVENIENCE 2000 Class 35; Registration Number 1826573 Undetermined CONVENIENCE 2000 & design Class 35; Registration Number 1827690 Undetermined CRAVEN STATION Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 76/190,273; Application Date 1/5/2001 Undetermined DELI STATION Classes 29, 30; Application Number 76/193,025; Application Date 1/11/2001 Undetermined EMERALD Class 16; Registration Number 1930380 Undetermined EMERALD Class 16; Application Number 76/354,062; Application Date 12/31/2001 Undetermined EMERALD Class 21; Application Number 76/353,585; Application Date 12/31/2001 Undetermined FAST 'N FRESH Class 30; Application Number 74/322,511; Application Date 10/15/1992 Undetermined FAST 'N FRESH Class N/A; Registration Number TMA 349,558 Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-21 Intellectual Property Name Description Value FAST 'N FRESH (and design) Class 30; Application Number 74/368,150; Application Date 3/15/93 Undetermined FAST 'N TASTY (and design) Class N/A; Registration Number TMA456,145 Undetermined LA GUANAJA Class 34; Registration Number 1228690 Undetermined MAJOR BRAND Class N/A ; Registration Number 1404520 Undetermined MAJOR BRAND IN A PLAIN WRAPPER (and design) Class 34; Registration Number 1407902 Undetermined SMARTSTOCK Class 35; Registration Number 2271065 Undetermined SMARTSTOCK Application Number 867,945; Application Date 2/2/98 Undetermined SPACEVUES (Stylized) Class 42; Registration Number 1742013 Undetermined SPACEVUES (stylized) Class 9; Application Number 74/172,127; Application Date 6/31/91 Undetermined STARMARK Class 4; Registration Number 1605239 Undetermined STARMARK (and design) Class 4; Registration Number 2090866 Undetermined TTG Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 1055193; Application Date 4/14/00 Undetermined TTG Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 75/835,954; Application Date 10/29/99 Undetermined TTG EXPRESS Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number1055194 ; Application Date 4/14/00 Undetermined TTG EXPRESS Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 75/835,757 ; Application Date 10/29/99 Undetermined TULLY'S TO GO Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 75/072,803; Application Date 3/14/96 Undetermined TULLY'S TO GO Classes 29, 30, 42; Application Number 75/023,295; Application Date 11/22/95 Undetermined YOU CAN COUNT ON US Class 29; Application Number 74/298,900; Application Date7/28/92 Undetermined Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-22 Licenses, franchises, intangibles Description Value Software License with Circle K Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-23 Automobiles, trucks, trailers, and other vehicles and accessories Description TRUCKS & TRAILERS Net Book Value $5,780,499 $5,780,499 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-26 Office equipment, furnishings, and supplies Description Office Furniture and Fixtures Net Book Value $310,530 $310,530 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-27 Machinery, fixtures, equipment, and supplies used in business Description Machinery & Equipment Net Book Value $15,777,874 $15,777,874 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-28 Inventory Inventory Type Division Grocery Artic Cascade $2,810,068 Grocery Bakersfield $5,182,031 Grocery Calgary $12,401,750 Grocery Corona $20,072,217 Grocery Grants Pass $3,302,348 Grocery Hayward $7,632,992 Grocery Las Vegas $7,871,317 Grocery Los Angeles $8,833,923 Grocery Portland Grocery Richmond $6,298,547 Grocery Sacramento $9,414,270 Grocery Salt Lake City $8,483,843 Grocery Spokane $4,209,003 Grocery Victoria $4,029,871 Grocery Winnipeg $4,376,039 Subtotal Net Book Value $10,119,983 Grocery $115,038,202 Total Inventory $115,038,202 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Corporate Manufacturer's Income Corp Reserve ($102,788) Manufacturer's Incentive Program Corp Reserve ($89,000) Prepaid EDP Maint host site allocation Artic Cascade $1,908 Prepaid Personal Property Tax Artic Cascade $728 Prepaid EDP maintenance contract BAKERSFIELD $1,908 Prepaid IT Components BAKERSFIELD $3,190 Prepaid Personal Property Tax BAKERSFIELD $3,603 Prepaid Rent BAKERSFIELD $33,881 Prepaid Stamp machine BAKERSFIELD $6,123 Prepaid Truck lease #MM0446480 BAKERSFIELD $286 Prepaid Truck lease #S000436272 BAKERSFIELD $153 Prepaid Truck lease #S000438914 BAKERSFIELD $336 Prepaid Truck lease #S000440614 BAKERSFIELD $4,866 Prepaid Truck lease #S000448914 BAKERSFIELD $1,421 Prepaid Truck lease #S100459030 BAKERSFIELD $4,380 Prepaid AS400 Maintenance Calgary $1,736 Prepaid Commerical Credit Subscription Calgary $233 Prepaid Delivery Supplies Calgary $12,343 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Calgary $510 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Calgary $2,051 Prepaid Golfing Fees Calgary $4,007 Prepaid Office Equipment Lease Calgary $355 Prepaid Office Supplies Calgary $5,077 Prepaid Real Property Taxes Calgary $11,318 Prepaid Totes Calgary $12,365 Prepaid Warehouse Supplies Calgary $486 Prepaid Tax Dept Rent Can Corp $12,847 Prepaid Tobacco Deposit Can Corp $2,382,087 Racking Allowances CANADA $57,927 Prepaid EDP maintenance contract CORONA $1,908 Prepaid real estate taxes CORONA $24,708 Net Book Value UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Prepaid real estate taxes CORONA $472 Prepaid Rent CORONA $69,476 Prepaid Rent CORONA $1,586 Prepaid Rent CORONA $3,470 Prepaid Road show maintenance CORONA $333 Racking Allowances CORONA $193,460 Prepaid Cigarette Stamp Machine Rent Grants Pass $3,221 Prepaid EDP Lease Grants Pass $1,171 Prepaid EDP Maint host site allocation Grants Pass $1,908 Prepaid Electric Pallet Truck Grants Pass $5,679 Prepaid Exterminator Grants Pass $457 Prepaid Freezer Repair Grants Pass $2,547 Prepaid Key Info Computer Support Grants Pass $950 Prepaid Personal Property Tax Grants Pass $2,969 Prepaid Rent Grants Pass $850 Prepaid Rent Grants Pass $8,600 Prepaid Rent Grants Pass $297 Prepaid Rent Grants Pass $2,894 Prepaid Selling Supplies Grants Pass $3,881 Prepaid Totes Grants Pass $1,545 Prepaid Business & Licencing Taxes Hayward $211 Prepaid Business & Licencing Taxes-Storm Water Permit Hayward $233 Prepaid Business Taxes & Licences Hayward $10,979 Prepaid Cannon Maint Contract Hayward $118 Prepaid Cigarette Stamp Machine Rent Hayward $5,160 Prepaid Copier's Maint Hayward $2,583 Prepaid Credit Collection Hayward $833 Prepaid EDP Maint host site allocation Hayward $1,908 Prepaid EDP Supplies Hayward $1,209 Prepaid Fire Protection Hayward $357 Prepaid Interior work done on the blding in 1997 Hayward $1,500 Net Book Value UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Prepaid Key Info Computer Support Hayward $5,831 Prepaid Licenses Hayward $5,353 Prepaid Order Guides Hayward $1,855 Prepaid Perpaid Personal Property tax Hayward $5,983 Prepaid Posters Hayward $403 Prepaid Rent Hayward $52,743 Prepaid Roadshow Maintance Hayward $282 Prepaid Security Services Hayward $777 Prepaid Shrink Wrap Hayward $1,744 Prepaid Totes Hayward $8,876 Prepaid Warehouse Supplies Hayward $900 Racking Allowances Hayward $148,489 Prepaid EDP maintenance contract LAS VEGAS $1,929 Prepaid Rent LAS VEGAS $39,480 Prepaid Stamp machine LAS VEGAS $8,137 Racking Allowances LAS VEGAS $45,224 Prepaid business licenses LOS ANGELES $469 Prepaid business taxes LOS ANGELES $22,289 Prepaid Personal Property Tax LOS ANGELES $3,732 Prepaid Rent LOS ANGELES $53,467 Prepaid Rent LOS ANGELES $903 Prepaid Cigeratte Stamp Machine Portland $2,136 Prepaid Defer MIS maint "a" entry Portland $1,382 Prepaid Personal Property Tax Portland $4,321 Prepaid Rent Portland $44,380 Racking Allowances Portland $596,750 Prepaid Alberta Rent Region $1,321 Prepaid AS400 Maintenance Region $32,255 Prepaid Calgary Rent Region $27,021 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Region $792 Prepaid Educational Material Region $1,360 Net Book Value UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Prepaid Vancouver Rent Region $36,332 Prepaid Winnipeg Rent Region $10,691 Prepaid Advertising Sacramento $3,915 Prepaid Bus Lic Fees Sacramento $1,695 Prepaid Bus Lic Fees Sacramento $5,628 Prepaid Bus Lic Fees Sacramento $1,250 Prepaid Cigeratte Stamp Machine Sacramento $5,072 Prepaid EDP Maint host site allocation Sacramento $1,908 Prepaid Key Info Computer Support Sacramento $731 Prepaid Personal Property Tax Sacramento $4,791 Prepaid Rent Sacramento $30,705 Prepaid Rent Sacramento $250 Prepaid Rent Sacramento $36,089 Prepaid Rent Sacramento $3,200 Prepaid Roadshow Maintance Sacramento $246 Prepaid Target/Raley Boxes Sacramento $1,522 Prepaid Totes Sacramento $11,503 Racking Allowances Sacramento $125,743 Prepaid EDP maintenance contract SALT LAKE CITY $1,908 Prepaid Rent SALT LAKE CITY $38,724 Prepaid Shrink wrap SALT LAKE CITY $5,358 Prepaid Stamp machine SALT LAKE CITY $7,407 Prepaid Business Tax & Licensing Spokane $330 Prepaid City of Spokane Sewer charge Spokane $6,496 Prepaid EDP Maint host site allocation Spokane $1,908 Prepaid Rent Spokane $7,462 Prepaid Rent Spokane $13,692 Prepaid Totes Spokane $8,560 Racking Allowances Spokane $82,208 Prepaid Commerical Credit Subscription Vancouver $2,435 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $298 Net Book Value UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $312 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $10,748 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $81 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $36 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $65 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $2,051 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $206 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $466 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $86 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $46 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Vancouver $156 Prepaid Hockey seasonal tickets Vancouver $6,076 Prepaid Real Property Taxes Vancouver $39,226 Prepaid Truck Insurance Vancouver $31,362 Prepaid Vehichle License and Autoplan Insurance Vancouver $348 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $192 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $6,483 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $36 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $65 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $312 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $2,051 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $1,167 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $466 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $88 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $86 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $125 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Victoria $46 Prepaid Totes Victoria $6,376 Prepaid Vehichle License and Autoplan Insurance Victoria $348 Prepaid Victoria Rent Victoria $25,769 Prepaid Auto Insurance Winnipeg Net Book Value $107 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Prepaid Auto Insurance Winnipeg $4,929 Prepaid Auto Insurance Winnipeg $2,725 Prepaid Burglary and Fire Alarm Winnipeg $431 Prepaid Commerical Credit Subscription Winnipeg $145 Prepaid Copier Maintenance Winnipeg $455 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Winnipeg $316 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Winnipeg $6,221 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Winnipeg $2,051 Prepaid EDP Rent & Maintenance Winnipeg $115 Prepaid Mail machine Winnipeg $1,031 Prepaid Mail machine/scale Winnipeg $462 Prepaid Maintenance Winnipeg $58 Prepaid Mircor fische expense Winnipeg $153 Prepaid Strapping Material Winnipeg $1,700 Prepaid Totes Winnipeg $2,801 Prepaid Truck Insurance Winnipeg $1,794 Racking Allowances SALT LAKE CITY Corporate Manufacturer's Income Bakersfield Corporate Manufacturer's Income Corona Corporate Manufacturer's Income Grants Pass Corporate Manufacturer's Income Hayward $138,236 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Las Vegas $120,482 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Los Angeles $122,876 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Portland $141,343 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Sacramento $174,775 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Salt Lake City $72,417 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Spokane $57,451 Corporate Manufacturer's Income Corp receivable $709,288 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Bakersfield $452,767 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Corona Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Grants Pass Net Book Value $100,687 $93,596 $231,826 $27,446 $1,331,648 $271,644 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Hayward $586,046 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Las Vegas $400,324 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Los Angeles $849,028 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Portland $571,493 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Sacramento Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Salt Lake City $349,638 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Spokane $314,989 Manufacturer's Incentive Programs Corporate $11,626 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Artic Cascade Receivable - Vendor Pricing BAKERSFIELD Manufacturers' Incentive Programs Calgary $1,024,900 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Calgary $174,714 Receivable - Vendor Rebate Program Calgary $49,472 Receivable - Vendor Pricing CORONA $33,942 Miscellaneous Receivables Corporate $646,231 Receivables from Promo Power Corporate $735,141 Receivable - Roadshow Training Corporate $7,636 Receivable - Vendor Pricing Corporate $1,864 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Corporate $230,200 Receivable - Vendor Pricing Grants Pass $6,780 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Grants Pass $29,491 Receivable - Vehicle Damage Hayward $448 Receivable - Vendor Pricing Hayward $8,447 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Hayward $50,076 Receivable - Vendor Pricing LAS VEGAS $20,143 Receivable - Vendor Rebate Program LAS VEGAS $8,337 Receivable - Vendor Credit LOS ANGELES $209 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program LOS ANGELES $2,016 Receivable - Freight Reimbursement Portland $5,736 Receivable - Vendor Pricing Portland $12,206 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Portland $48,000 Net Book Value $1,126,444 $224,331 $4,937 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit B-33 Other personal property of any kind not already listed Description Division Receivable - Tower Equipment Deal (Tower Energy Backdrops) Sacramento $7,508 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Sacramento $14,138 Duplicate payment on stamp purchase (Utah St Tax Commission) SALT LAKE CITY $103,740 Receivable - Salvage Sale SALT LAKE CITY $30,237 Receivable - Vendor Pricing SALT LAKE CITY $21,204 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program SALT LAKE CITY $39,140 Manufacturers' Incentive Programs Spokane $50,401 Receivable - Vendor Pricing Spokane $5,763 Manufacturers' Incentive Programs Vancouver $790,971 Receivable - Goods & Service Tax Vancouver $63 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Vancouver $24,684 Receivable - Water damage recovery Vancouver $24,642 Manufacturers' Incentive Programs Victoria $483,093 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Victoria $20,496 Manufacturers' Incentive Programs Winnipeg $387,666 Receivable - Vendor Promotional Program Winnipeg $42,646 Receivable - Vendor Rebate Program Winnipeg $2,734 Net Book Value $18,101,267 General Notes Balances as of March 31, 2003. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE D - CREDITORS HOLDING SECURED CLAIMS State the name, mailing address, including zip code, and account number, if any, of all entities holding claims secured by property of the debtor as of the date of filing of the petition. List creditors holding all types of secured interests such as judgment liens, garnishments, statutory liens, mortgages, deeds of trust and other security interests. List creditors in alphabetical order to the extent practicable. If all secured creditors will not fit on this page, use the continuation sheet provided. If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be liable on a claim, place an "X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, and complete schedule H - Codebtors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether husband, wife, both of them, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H", "W", "J", or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the claim is contingent, place an "X" in the column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one of these three columns.) Report the total of all claims listed on the schedules in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report this total also on the Summary of Schedules. Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding secured claims to report on this Schedule D. CREDITOR'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas (Administrative Agent) 31 West 52nd St., 7th Floor New York, NY 10019 Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas (Administrative Agent) 31 West 52nd St., 7th Floor New York, NY 10019 Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas (Administrative Agent) 31 West 52nd St., 7th Floor New York, NY 10019 See Exhibit D-1 immediately following Schedule D DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED, NATURE OF LIEN, AND DESCRIPTION AND MARKET VALUE OF PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LIEN CODEBTOR C U D AMOUNT OF CLAIM WITHOUT DEDUCTING VALUE OF COLLATERAL UNSECURED PORTION, IF ANY X Secured Debt Interest Rate: 4.6250% Maturity Date: 6/18/07 $219,352,188 $0 X Term Loan Interest Rate: 4.5625% Maturity Date: 6/18/08 $238,781,071 $0 X Letters of Credit $145,993,879 $0 UCC Liens Undetermined Total $604,127,138 Undetermined $0 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit D-1 UCC Liens Name Address Unsecured Portion, if any City, State & Zip Description CISCO Systems Capital Corporation 170 West Tagman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 UCC #10046396 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #10916168 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #22939241 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #21855711 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #10916176 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #21855828 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #21855752 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #10916226 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #21855745 Undetermined Undetermined GATX Technology Services Corporation 2502 North Rocky Point Drive Suite 960 Tampa, FL 33607 UCC #21855760 Undetermined Undetermined Kyocera Mita America Incorporated PO Box 740441 Atlanta, GA 30374 UCC #21369473 Undetermined Undetermined MFP Financial Services Inc. 9150 South Hills Blvd. Suite 250 Cleveland, OH 44147 UCC #20444772 Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Undetermined Footnotes The UCC lien search was performed between April 29, 2003 and May 16, 2003. C U D Claim Amount UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS A complete list of claims entitled to priority, listed separately by type of priority, is to be set forth on the sheets provided. Only holders of unsecured claims entitled to priority should be listed in this schedule. In the boxes provided on the attached sheets, state the name and mailing address, including zip code, and account number, if any, of all entities holding priority claims against the debtor or the property of the debtor, as of the date of the filing of the petition. If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a claim, place an "X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, and complete Schedule H - Codebtors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether husband, or wife, both of them or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H,""W,""J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the claim is contingent, place an "X" in the column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one of these three columns.) Report the total of claims listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotal" on each sheet. Report the total of all claims listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Repeat this total also on the Summary of Schedules. Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding unsecured priority claims to report on this Schedule E. TYPES OF PRIORITY CLAIMS (Check the appropriate box(es) below if claims in that category are listed on the attached sheets) Extensions of credit in an involuntary case Claims arising in the ordinary course of the debtor's business or financial affairs after the commencement of the case but before the earlier of the appointment of a trustee or the order for relief. 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(2). Wages, salaries, and commissions Wages, salaries, and commissions, including vacation, severance, and sick leave pay owing to employees and commissions owing to qualifying independent sales representatives up to $4,650* per person earned within 90 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or the cessation of business, which ever occurred first, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(3). Contribution to employee benefit plans Money owed to employee benefit plans for services rendered within 180 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or the cessation of business, whichever occurred first, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(4). Certain farmers and fisherman Claims of certain farmers and fisherman, up to $4,650* per farmer or fisherman, against the debtor, as provided in 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(5). Deposits by individuals Claims of individuals up to $1,950* for deposits for the purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for personal, family, or household use, that were not delivered or provided. 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(6). Alimony, Maintenance, or Support Claims of a spouse, former spouse, or child of the debtor for alimony, maintenance, or support, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(7). Taxes and Certain Other Debts Owed to Government Units Taxes, customs duties, and penalties owing to federal, state, and local government units as set forth in 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(8). Commitments to Maintain the capital of an Insured Depository Institution Claims based on commitments to the FDIC, RTC, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, Comptroller of the Currency, or Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or their predecessors or successors, to maintain the capital of an insured depository institution. 11 U.S.C. Section 507(a)(9). UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) DISPUTED UNLIQU I DATED DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM CONTINGENT CREDITOR'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING CODEBTOR ZIP CODE TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM AMOUNT ENTITLED TO PRIORITY See Exhibit E-1 immediately following Schedule E None Sales and Use Tax Liabilities Undetermined $0 Undetermined $0 See Exhibit E-2 immediately following Exhibit E-1 None Property Tax Liabilites Undetermined $0 Undetermined $0 See Exhibit E-3 immediately following Exhibit E-2 None Income and Franchise Tax Liabilities Undetermined $0 $0 Undetermined See Exhibit E-4 immediately following Exhibit E-3 None Other Tax Liabilities $0 Undetermined $0 Undetermined None UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-1 Sales and Use Tax Liabilities Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount Arizona Department of Revenue 1600 W. Monroe, Room 610 Room 610 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Undetermined BC Ministry of Finance 3rd Floor, 1802 Douglas Street 1802 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8T-4K6 Canada Undetermined California State Board of Equalization 450 N. St., MIC 56 MIC 56 Sacramento, CA 95814 Undetermined Canada Customs & Revenue Agency 9755 King George Highway Surrey, BC V3T-5E1 Canada Undetermined City of Aurora Dept. 800 Denver, CO 80291-0800 Undetermined City of Bremerton 239 4th Street Bremerton, WA 98337 US Undetermined City of Glendale P O Box 800 Glendale, AZ 85301 Undetermined City of Mesa 55 North Center Street Mesa, AZ 85201 Undetermined City of Phoenix P O Box 29690 Phoenix, Az 85038 Undetermined Idaho Department of Revenue 800 Park Plaza IV Boise, ID 83722 Undetermined Manitoba Finance Room 101, Norquay Bldg, 401 York Ave. Norquay Bldg, 401 York Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3C-0P8 Canada Undetermined Nevada Department of Taxation 1550 East College Parkway Carson City, NV 89706 Undetermined Utah State Tax Commission 210 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84134 Undetermined Washington Department of Revenue P.O. Box 47477 Olympia, WA 985047747 Undetermined Wyoming Department of Revenue 4622 University Ave. Madison, WI 537088906 US Undetermined Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-2 Property Tax Liabilites Taxing Authority Address City, State & Zip Alameda County 1221 Oak St Oakland, CA 94612-4286 C U D Claim Amount Undetermined Clackmas County 168 Warner Milne Rd Oregon City, OR 97045 Undetermined Clark County Assessor PO Box 551810 500 S. Grand Central Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89155-1810 Undetermined Humboldt County 825 5th Street, Rm 125 Eureka, CA 95501 Undetermined Josephine County 500 N W 6th ST Grants Pass, OR 97526 Undetermined Kern County Treasurer/Tax Collector 1115 Truxtun Ave. 2nd Floor Bakersfield , CA 93301-4640 Undetermined Los Angeles County PO Box 54027 Los Angeles, CA 90054-0027 Undetermined Missoula County PO Box 7249 Missoula, MT 59807 Undetermined Riverside County PO Box 12005 Riverside, CA 92502-2205 Undetermined Sacramento County 700 H Street, Rm 1710 Sacramento, CA 95814-1215 Undetermined Salt Lake City Collector 2001 South State St.#N2300A Salt Lake City, UT 84190 Undetermined San Mateo County 555 County Center, 1st Floor Redwood City, CA 94063 Undetermined Spokane County PO Box 199 Spokane , WA 99210 Undetermined Washoe County PO Box 30039 Reno, NV 89520-3039 Undetermined Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-3 Income and Franchise Tax Liabilities Taxing Authority Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount Alaska Department of Revenue PO Box 110420 Juneau, AK 99811 Undetermined Alberta Treasury Tax and Revenue Administration 9811 - 109 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2L5 Undetermined Arizona Department of Revenue PO Box 29079 Phoenix, AZ 85038-9079 Undetermined CA Dept of Health Sevices P O Box 942832 Sacramento, CA 94234 US Undetermined Canada Customs and Revenue Agency 9755 King George Highway Surrey, BC V3T 5E1 Canada Undetermined City of Daly City 3333 90th Street Daly City, CA 94015 US Undetermined City of Kelso 109 Allen Street Kelso, WA 98626 US Undetermined City of Los Angeles PO Box 53235 Los Angeles, CA 90053-0235 US Undetermined City of Manhattan Beach 1400 Highland Ave. Manhatten Beach, CA 90266 US Undetermined City of Monterey City Hall Monterey, CA 93940 US Undetermined City of Oakland P O Box 31148 Oakland, CA 94604 US Undetermined City of Olympia P O Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 US Undetermined City of Pleasant Hill 100 Gregory lane Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 US Undetermined City of Sacramento 915 1 Street Sacramento, CA 95814 US Undetermined City of San Francisco P O Box 7425 San Francisco, CA 94120 US Undetermined City of Seattle 700 5th Ave, Suite 4250 Seattle, WA 98104 US Undetermined City of South Lake Tahoe 1052 Tata Lane So Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 US Undetermined City of Sparks P O Box 857 Sparks, NV 89432 US Undetermined City of Tacoma 733 Market Street Tacoma, WA 98402 US Undetermined Clark County 500 S Grand Central Pky Las Vegas, NV 89155 US Undetermined Colorado Department of Revenue 1375 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80261-0005. Undetermined Comptroller of Public Accounts 111 E 17th Street Austin, TX 78774-0100 Undetermined Department of Finance Corporation Capital Tax Branch 300 Norquay Building, 401 York Ave Winnipeg, MB R3C 0P8 Undetermined Franchise Tax Board PO Box 942857 Sacramento, CA 94257-0551 Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-3 Income and Franchise Tax Liabilities Taxing Authority Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount Idaho State Tax Commissioner PO Box 76 Boise, ID 83707-0076 Undetermined Illinois Department of Revenue PO Box 19045 Springfield, IL 62794-9045 Undetermined Indiana Department of Revenue Returns Processing Center 100 N. Senate Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204-2253 Undetermined Internal Revenue Service Austin, TX 73301 Undetermined Internal Revenue Service Ogden, UT 84201 Undetermined Montana Department of Revenue PO Box 5805 Helena, Montana 59604-5805 Undetermined Nebraska Department of Revenue PO Box 94818 Lincoln, NE 68509-4818 Undetermined NM Taxation & Revenue Dept. PO Box 25127 Santa Fe, NM 87504-5127 Undetermined Oklahoma Tax Commission Income Tax PO Box 26800 Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0800 Undetermined Oregon Department of Revenue PO Box 14777 Salem, OR 97309-0960 Undetermined Oregon Dept of Agriculture P O Box 4395,unit 16 Portland, OR 97208 US Undetermined Province of British Columbia Ministry of Finance & Corporate Relations Revenue Division Corporate Tax Section Income Taxation Branch PO Box 9444, Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9W8 Canada Undetermined Tennessee Dept of Revenue Andrew Jackson State Office Bldg 500 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37242 Undetermined Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue PO Box 8908 Madison, WI 53708-8908 Undetermined Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-4 Other Tax Liabilities Name Address City, State & Zip Type of Tax Alaska Dept. of Revenue 550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 560 Anchorage, AK 99501 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Alaska Dept. of Revenue 550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 560 Anchorage, AK 99501 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Alberta Registries Corporate Registries, 18th Floor, Commerce Place 10155 - 102 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 4L4 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Alberta Treasury CIBC-Tobacco Tax Collection Account Edmonton, AB 9990 Jasper Ave. Tobacco Tax Undetermined Arizona Corp Annual Reports 1300 W. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007-2929 Annual Report Undetermined Arizona dept of Agriculture 1688 West Adams Phoenix, , AZ 85007 Excise Tax Undetermined Arizona Dept.of Revenue 1600 W. Monroe Room 610 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Arizona Dept.of Revenue 1600 W. Monroe Room 610 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Arkansas Dept. of Fin. & Admin. Ledbetter Bldg., P.O. Box 896 Room 230 Little Rock, AR 72202 Tobacco Tax Undetermined BC Ministry of Finance 3rd Floor, 1802 Douglas Street Victoria, BC V8T-4K6 Tobacco Tax Undetermined CA Dept of Conservation 801 K Street, MS 22-15 MS 22-15 Sacramento, CA 95814 CRV Tax Undetermined California State 450 N. St., MIC 56 Board of Equalization Sacramento, CA 95814 Cigarette Tax Undetermined California State 450 N. St., MIC 56 Board of Equalization Sacramento, CA 95814 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Colorado Dept. of Revenue 1375 Sherman St., Room 142B Denver, CO 80261 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Colorado Dept. of Revenue 1375 Sherman St., Room 142B Denver, CO 80261 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Registrar of Companies PO Box 2703, Department of Corporate Affairs (J- 2134 Second Ave 9) Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Department of Financial Inst. Madison, WI 53707-7846 Annual Report Undetermined Department of Justice Corporations Branch 1871 Smith Street Regina S4P 3V7 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Department of Justice, G.N.W.T. Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Division of Corp & Consumer Service PO Box 7846 Registrar, Legal Registries 1st Floor, Sutart Hodgson Bldg, 5009 - 49th St. C U D Claim Amount UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-4 Other Tax Liabilities Name Address City, State & Zip Type of Tax C U D Department of Justice, Nuavut Legal Registries Division PO Box 1000, Station 570 1st Floor, Brown Building Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Idaho State Tax Commission 800 Park Plaza IV Boise, ID 83722 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Idaho State Tax Commission 800 Park Plaza IV Boise, ID 83722 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Manitoba Consurmer 1010 Woodsworth Building, 10th Floor Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6 and Corporate Canada 405 Broadway Ave, Suite 1010 Affairs Companies Office Annual Report Undetermined Manitoba Finance Room 101, Norquay Bldg 401 York Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3C-0P8 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch 393 University Ave, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5G 2M2 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Ministry of Finance & Corporate Relations Corporate and Personal Property Registries 2nd Floor, The Waddington Building, 940 Blanshard St Victoria, BC V8W 3E6 Canada Annual Report Undetermined Montana Dept. of Rev. 2571 Airport Road Helena, MT 59620 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Montana Dept. of Rev. 2571 Airport Road Helena, MT 59620 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Nevada Dept. of Taxation 1550 East College Parkway Carson City, NV 89706 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Nevada Dept. of Taxation 1550 East College Parkway Carson City, NV 89706 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Northwest Territories Dept. of Finance PO Box 1320 Yellowknife, NT X1A-2L9 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Nunavut Territories P.O. Box 2260 Iqualuit, Nunavut X0A 0H0 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Oklahoma Alcohol & Tob. Tax Section 2501 Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73194 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Ontario Finance PO Box 620 33 King Street Oshawa, ON L1H-8E9 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Oregon Dept. of Rev. 955 Center St., NE Salem, OR 97310 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Oregon Dept. of Rev. 955 Center St., NE Salem, OR 97310 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Saskatchewan Finance 2350 Albert Street Regina, SK S4P-4A6 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Secretary of State 1305 State Capitol PO Box 94608 Lincoln, NE 68509-4608 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of State 1560 Broadway, Ste 200 Denver, CO 80202-5169 Annual Report Undetermined Claim Amount UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit E-4 Other Tax Liabilities Name Address City, State & Zip Type of Tax C U D Secretary of State 312 Eighth Ave William R. Snodgrass Tower Nashville, TN 37243 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of State 700 West Jefferson PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0080 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of State Department of Business Services Springfield, IL 62756 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of State Montana State Capitol PO Box 202802 Helena, MT 59620-2802 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of State PO Box 5501 Indianapolis, IN 46255 Annual Report Undetermined Secretary of StateCorp Division 255 Capitol Street NE Suite 151 Salem, OR 97310-1327 Annual Report Undetermined State of Alaska Division of Banking-Securities & Corps Juneau, AK 99811-0808 PO Box 110808 Annual Report Undetermined State of California 1500 11th Street PO Box 944230 Sacramento, CA 94244-2300 Annual Report Undetermined State Public Regulations Corp Bureau PO Box 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1269 Annual Report Undetermined Utah State Tax Commission 210 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84134 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Utah State Tax Commission 210 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84134 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Washington Dept. of Rev. P.O. Box 47477 Olympia, WA 98504-7747 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Washington Dept. of Rev. P.O. Box 47477 Olympia, WA 98504-7747 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Wyoming Dept. of Rev. 122 W. 25th St. Cheyenne, WY 82002-0110 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Wyoming Dept. of Rev. 122 W. 25th St. Cheyenne, WY 82002-0110 Cigarette Tax Undetermined Yukon Finance PO Box 2703 Whitehorse, YT Y1A-2C6 Tobacco Tax Undetermined Claim Amount Undetermined UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS State the name, mailing address, including zip code, and account number, if any, of all entities holding unsecured claims without priority against the debtor or the property of the debtor, as of the filing of the petition. Do not include claims listed in Schedule D and E. If all creditors will not fit on this page, use the continuation sheet provided. If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be liable on a claim, place an "X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, and complete schedule H - Codebtors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether husband, wife, both of them, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H", "W", "J", or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the claim is contingent, place an "X" in the column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one of these three columns.) Report total of all claims listed on the schedules in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report this total also on the Summary of Schedules. Check this box if debtor has no unsecured nonpriority claims to report on this Schedule F. CREDITOR'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING CODEBTOR See Exhibit F-1 immediately following Schedule F X DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM C U D Bonds AMOUNT OF CLAIM $1,407,715,710 $1,407,715,710 See Exhibit F-2 immediately following Exhibit F-1 Accounts Payable See Exhibit F-3 immediately following Exhibit F-2 Employee Liabilities $0$0 See Exhibit F-4 immediately following Exhibit F-3 Pension Obligations $0 Undetermined See Exhibit F-5 immediately following Exhibit F-4 Customer Rebate Liabilities $868,182 Undetermined See Exhibit F-6 immediately following Exhibit F-5 Litigation Claims Undetermined $47,464,307 $47,464,307 Total $1,456,048,200 Footnotes The Debtors have listed their current employees and their former employees going back two years on this Schedule F. For those employees that are not scheduled as any of the following: contingent, unliquidated or disputed, the Debtors believe that the claim of such employees is $0.00, with the exception of approximately 200 employees for which pre-petition severance obligations have not been paid. Many of these employees may have held claims as of April1, 2003 for wages and other items for which payment authority was sought in the Debtors’ Motion to Pay Employee Wages Motion of Debtors for an Order Pursuant to Sections 105 and 363(B) of the Bankruptcy Code (I) Authorizing the Payment of Employee Obligations and (II) Authorizing Financial Institutions to Honor and Process Checks and Transfers Related to Such Obligations. Pursuant to the Order (with revisions of the Court) Authorizing (I) the Payment of Employee Obligations and (II) Authorizing Financial Institutions to Honor and Process Checks and Transfers Related to Such Obligations Signed on 4/4/2003, the Debtors have either paid such obligations or have the authority to pay such obligations in the ordinary course and, therefore, the applicable employees are listed here with a claim of $0.00, with the exception of the approximate 200 employees mentioned above. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-1 Bonds Total Indenture Trustee Address City, State & Zip CoDebtor Rate Maturity Date Description Bank One David Knox, 100 E. Broad St., 8th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 X 5.250% 15-Mar-09 Conv. Senior Subordinated Notes $150,000,000 $380,164 $150,380,164 Bankers Trust Company Shafiq Jadavji, 4 Albany St, New York, NY 10006 MS 5041 X 10.125% 01-Apr-08 Senior Notes $355,000,000 $18,271,380 $373,271,380 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company Russell Whitley, One M&T Buffalo, NY 14203 Plaza, 7th Floor X 10.625% 31-Jul-07 Senior Subordinated Notes $400,000,000 $7,673,611 $407,673,611 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company Russell Whitley, One M&T Buffalo, NY 14203 Plaza, 7th Floor X 9.250% 15-Jun-10 Senior Notes $200,000,000 $5,550,000 $205,550,000 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company Russell Whitley, One M&T Buffalo, NY 14203 Plaza, 7th Floor X 9.875% 01-May-12 Senior Subordinated Notes $260,000,000 $10,840,556 $270,840,556 $1,365,000,000 $42,715,710 $1,407,715,710 C U D Principal Amount Accrued Interest thru 3/31/03 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount 1 STOP INC STORE #1 ACCT# 568634 C/O DENV DIV CHEYENNE, WY 82009 $0 1 STOP INC STORE #2 160 PETROLEUM ACCT# 568642 C/O DENV DIV 509349 ALBUQUERQUE CHEYENNE, WY 82001 BAYFIELD, CO 81122 $5 $35 1-800-CONFERENCE(R) P O BOX 5075 SAGINAW, MI 48605 $343 24-7 TRAVEL PLAZA P.O.BOX 700247 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 $311 3 STAR FOOD & LIQUOR 374015 ALBERTA LTD. 115541 HAYWARD C/O DC#172 CONCORD, CA 94520 AB 5 STAR GAS & FOOD MART.SV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $118 7 11 27556 D2301 7 DAYS FOOD MARKET ACCT# 534735 C/O SPOKANE DIV 131326 PORTLAND YAKIMA, WA 98902 PORTLAND, OR 97202 $105 $9 7-11 FRAN.OWN.ASS. OF S.D SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 $1,800 7-11 FRANCHISE OWNER 982822 ALBERTA LTD. 1081 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTHSUITE 104 ASSOC OF S CALIF C/O DC#21 C/O DC172 CA AB $1,300 $16 99 TRAVEL CENTER ACCT# 80820 4142 HWY 99 YUBA CITY, CA 95991 99 TRAVEL CENTERE SV A & I DISTRIBUTORS EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 P O BOX 1999 CA BILLINGS, MT 591031999 A & S TRANSPORT LTD. BOX 937 133 DOMINION AVENUE YORKTON, SK S3N 2X1 $169 A C E COURIER SERVICES PO BOX 1030 STATION M CALGARY, AB T2P 4L9 $304 A J'S MINI MART A.J. MARKETING ACCT# 688895 C/O LAS VEGAS 41419 PEAR ST # 5 WILLIAMS, AZ 86046 MURRIETA, CA 92562 $184 $3,242 A.M. PLAYER INC. 12338 LOWER AZUSA RD ARCADIA, CA 910065872 $4,826 ABBEY ROAD DISTRIBUTORS ABBOTT & LIND INC INC 400 OAKPOINT HWY 13750 S.E. MC- LOUGHLIN BLVD. WINNIPEG, MB R2R 1V1 PORTLAND, OR 97222 $99 $250 ABBOTT LABORATORIES BOX 34223 UNIT D $7,484 ABBY'S PIZZA ABC MARKETING 205 N.E. BEACON DR. JERRY L. HAIGHT 10291 STERLING VANCOUVER, BC V6J 4N1 GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 VILLA PARKE, CA 92861 $100 $16,138 ABC PLUMBING HEATING & AIR 205 22ND SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 $733 ABF FREIGHT SYS.,INC. SLC 55 SO REDWOOD RD $159 $8 $1,202 $169 $550 $10,858 ABLE LABLE, INC. 8285 SO. 4300 W. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 WEST JORDAN, UT 84088 ABSORBENT MARKETING COMPANY LTD. 724 E SARCEE ST. KAMLOOPS, BC V2H 1E7 AC NIELSEN ACCOUNTANTS INC. P O BOX 101589 FILE 30235 P.O. BOC 60000 $20,696 $8,991 ACCOUNTANTS PLUS, GARY D. ACCOUNTEMPS NELSON ASSOCIATES P.O. BOX 1526 FILE 73484 P.O. BOX 60000 ATLANTA, GA 30392 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 SONOMA, CA 95476 $730 ACCU CLEAN 3245 NE 83RD SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 PORTLAND, OR 97220 ACH FOOD COMPANIES INC ACKLANDS LTD 7171 GOODLETT FARMS PARKWAY P O BOX 7000 CORDOVA, TN 38016 CALGARY, AB T2P 4M7 ACME SECURITY GROUP 1632 W. 6TH. AVE. ACTION TECH. SYSTEMS ADAMS & BROOKS 835 SE. 17TH AVE PO BOX 7303 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK DENVER VANCOUVER, BC V6J 1R3 PORTLAND, OR 97214 LOS ANGELES, CA 900070303 CO $6,073 $458 $748 $625 $5,348 $510 $87 $84 $3,927 $7,844 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount ADAMS USA P.O. BOX 31001-0087 ADECCO DEPT CH 14091 PASADENA, CA 911100087 PALATINE, IL 60055 $503,894 ADP CANADA 3250 BLOOR ST. W. TORONTO, ON M8X 2X9 ADT SEC. SVCS. CAN., INC. 940-6TH AVE S.W. SUITE #700 CALGARY, AB T2P 3T1 ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. P O BOX 371956 $1,349 ADVANCE DISPLAYS & STORE FIXTURES 139 EAST 3900 SOUTH ADVANCED DATA STORAGE INC ADVANTAGE ENTERPRISES INC 6001 SCHIRRA CT. 1061 SNEATH LANE PITTSBURGH, PA 152507956 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84107 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 SAN BRUNO, CA 94066 AEP INDUSTRIES INC P O BOX 8500-50590 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19178 $17,794 AEP INDUSTRIES INC 125 PHILLIPS AVE $6,581 AERO DELIVERY 1415 ONTARIO AVE. S.HACKENSACK, NJ 07606 SASKATOON, SK S7K 1S4 AFLAC C/O DC#99 CA AIB INTERNATIONAL 1213 BAKERS WAY P O BOX 3999 $1,880 AINSWORTH INC. 131 BERMONDSEY ROAD MANHATTAN, KS 665053999 TORONTO, ON M4A 1X4 AIRBORNE EXPRESS P O BOX 91001 SEATTLE, WA 98111 $3,396 AIRGAS AIRGAS P.O. BOX 7423 P.O. BOX 19255 PASADENA, CA 91109 SACRAMENTO, CA 95815 AIRGAS DRY ICE PO BOX 120001 DEPT #0822 DALLAS, TX 753120822 $741 AIRPORT 76 AIRPORT TEXACO C/O DC# 44 ACCT #162180 1508 AIRPORT DRIVE OR BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 $153 $157 ALARMS DEPT,INC 2100 S. FIGUEROA ST SUITE 118 LOS ANGELES, CA 90007 $175 ALBAR PACKAGING SUPPLY INC. 1401 E WAREHOUSE AVE TUCSON, AZ 85719 $795 ALBERTA TRUCKING ASSOC. ALBERTA USED OIL MGNT. CALGARY, AB T2G 5H6 EDMONTON, AB T5J 3R8 $492 $4,496 ALBERTO CULVER CANADA INC #100, 907-34 AVE SE 1050 SCOTIA 1 SC. PL 10060 JASPER AVENUE 506 KIPLING AVENUE TORONTO, ON M8Z 5E2 $6,249 ALLANS TRANSPORT LTD BOX 733 $138 ALLEN TEMPORARY STAFFING 1700 E DESERT INN #118 HIGH PRAIRIE, AB T0G 1E0 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 ALLIANCE MERCANTILE INC ALLIANT FOOD SVC INC 3451 WAYBURNE DR. DEPT 01680 PO BOX 39000 ALLIED REFRIGERATION 9328 60TH AVE. BURNABY, BC V5G 3L1 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941391680 EDMONTON, AB T6E 0C1 ALLTRISTA CONSUMER PRODT ALOHA PRODUCE INC CO 2320 RELIABLE PKY 3520 SE 20TH CHICAGO, IL 60686 PORTLAND, OR 97202 ALPINE ENVIRONMENTAL P.O. BOX 7038 STATION "D" VICTORIA, BC V9B 4Z2 ALPINE FOOD P.O. BOX 14621 $16,330 ALPINE TIRE E 3534 TRENT AVE PORTLAND, OR 972930621 SPOKANE, WA 99202 ALSCO P O BOX 82269 $166 ALSCO ALTA LIFT - FILE 74065 P O BOX 1280 P.O BOX 60000 ALTADIS U.S.A. EFT PORTLAND, OR 972820269 MEDFORD, OR 97501 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 PALATINE, IL $2,020 $1,980 $481 $1,868 $95 $2,551 $3,038 $23,623 $1,134 $54 $14 $112 $3,411 $27,408 $440 $3,211 $3,439 $40 $661 $846 $995 $8,835 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount ALTAFACTS SEARCH & REG. C/O DC#172 AB ALTERNATIVE PACKAGING CONCEPTS 1278 GLENNEYRE #144 $9,207 ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS 400 INC. 4516-14TH ST. N.E. LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 CALGARY, AB T2E 6T7 ALTO FREIGHT TRANS. & LOGISTICS 2867 SURVEYOR ST. POMONA, CA 91768 $4,297 ALVIN SHELL AM PM 01047 FAIR & FIRST 790717 FT WORTH ACCT# 211193 C/O CORONA DIV ALVIN, TX 77511 SANTA ANA, CA 92703 $12 $110 AM PM 02063 FATTAL'S C/O DC# 16 CA $642 AM PM 02166 WATT & ALTA AM PM 04090 SANDHU C/O DC16 ACCT# 1065 C/O PORT CA SEATTLE, CA 98122 AM PM 04456 ACCT# 126474 C/O PORT FIFE, CA 98424 AM PM 05122 SUNSET MIN ACCT# 136853 C/O LA DIV LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 $228 AM PM 05438 ALEX AM PM 06084 BALVIN ACCT# 199240 C/O CORONA DIV ACCT# 1149 C/O LA DIV MESA, CA 85207 VAN NUYS, CA 91411 $1 $141 AM PM 06155 S CNTR M ACCT# 90878 C/O PORT TUKWILA, CA 98188 $114 AM PM 81594 AM PM 81968 ACCT# 335331 C/O BAK ACCT# 190025 C/O BAK DIV PISMO BEACH, CA 93449 LEBEC, CA 93243 $255 $236 AM PM 82057 ACCT# 712125 C/O LAS VEGAS DIV LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 $249 AM PM DIAMOND C/O DC 16 CA $683 AM PM GOLDEN AM PM JOHNS C/O DC16 C/O DC# 16 CA CA $568 $468 AM PM LETRAN ACCT# 86652 C/O PORT DIV OR $86 AM PM MANJI AM PM SINGH ACCT.87197 C/O DC #16 C/O DC#44 CA OR $6 $185 AM PM TAKHAR ACCT.86967 C/O DC#16 CA $635 AM PM TEG INVEST. LP C/O DC16 CA $130 AM PM VEGAS VALLEY TRAVEL AM/PM T. HERBST #163 ACCT# 717850 C/O LAS VEGAS ACCT# 673350 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89149 LAS VEGAS, NV 89015 $895 $31 AMANDA MONTGOMERY 1865 CENTER AVE #2 PAYETTE, ID 83661 AMBERLEY SUITE HOTEL 7620 PAN AMERICAN FREEWAY NE AMERICAN EXPRESS ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109 7620 PAN AMERICAN FREEWAY N E ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87109 SUPPLIES, INC P.O. BOX 64762 LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 96432301008 P O BOX 360001 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 333360001 P O BOX 360001 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 333360001 96429301003 P O BOX 360001 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33336 96441301007 SUITE 001 CHICAGO, IL 606790001 AMERICAN EXPRESS/CORP SVC AMERICAN LICORICE CO. 96417301007 SUITE 001 FILE 51568 P.O. BOX 60000 AMERICAN LINEN STEINER 3370 W 1820 SOUTH P O BOX 25717 AMERICAN NUTRITION 2813 WALL STREET P.O. BOX 1405 AMERICAN POP CORN COMPANY (CANADA) INC. #201-17812-105AVE NW AMBERLEY SUITES AMERICAN COMPUTER AMERICAN EXPRESS AMERICAN EXPRESS AMERICAN EXPRESS CHICAGO, IL 606790001 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84125 OGDEN, UT 844021405 EDMONTON, AB T5S 2H5 $15 $76 $92 $78 $39 $5 $865 $32,431 $2,134 $1,063 $573 $772 $143 $45,550 $138,678 $254 $8,377 $3,121 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address AMERICAN POPCORN CO BOX 178 AMERICAN REFUSE AMERICAN RIVER PACKAGING AMERICA'S BEVERAGE COMP. City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount $1,448 1316 J.STREET SIOUX CITY, IA 511020000 WASCO, CA 93280 INC 4225 PELL DRIVE SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 $3,460 AMERIPRIDE INTER-AMERICAN FOODS PO BOX 641274 5350 CAPITAL CT #104 CINCINNATI, OH 452641274 RENO, NV 89502 AMERISUITES 2455 S BEULAH BLVD FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 AM-PM 128066 PORTLAND STEILACOOM, WA 98388 $64 AM-PM AM-PM 135558 LOS ANGELES 1438 LOS ANGELES WHITTIER, CA 90605 NORTHRIDGE, CA 91324 $124 $92 AM-PM 104786 HAYWARD DIV OAKLAND, CA 94607 $120 AM-PM AM-PM #3090 HAWAHMEH 188037 BAKERSFIELD ACCT 142877 3333 UNION AVE. PALMDALE, CA 93550 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 $44 $137 AM-PM 00073 KWICK MART ACCT 121897 6300 W SLAUSON CULVAR CITY, CA 90230 $211 AM-PM 00707 ACCT 001016 C/O HAYWARD DIV LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 AM-PM 0158 GOGGIE#2 AM-PM 0194 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 CULVER CITY, CA 90232 $60 $148 AM-PM 05807 AM-PM 06063 HILALIAN C/O LAS VEGAS ACCT# 719245 ACCT 109363 5884 WASHINGTON BLVD ACCT#186882 195 NIBLICK RD. ACCT 130153 22004 CLARENDON $162 $191 AM-PM 06351 J. GANNON ACCT 260612 1201 YSABEL PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 AM-PM 4068 ARDEN TOWNE SACRAMENTO, CA 95864 $75 AM-PM 5450 GWEONS MINI ACCT #001016 3501 FAIROAKS BLVD. ACCT 64956 1617 W. FREMONT STOCKTON, CA 95203 $123 AM-PM 82324 GRIZZLY ACCT# 722116 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89146 $79 AM-PM CASTRO VALLEY 112714 HAYWARD DIV $37 AM-PM CHOKAR C/O DC#44 CASTRO VALLEY, CA 94546 OR $154 AM-PM JUMANI C/O DC#44 OR $358 AM-PM JUMANI II AM-PM JUMANI III C/O DC#44 C/O DC#44 OR OR $172 $353 AM-PM JUMANI IV C/O DC#44 OR $228 AM-PM PEI WEN'S #2 AMUROL CONFECTIONS CO. C/O DC#16 33549 TREASURY CTR. CA CHICAGO, IL 60694 AMY'S CLEANERS 3097 S VALLEY VIEW BLVD LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER 10870 S EASTERN #100 HENDERSON, NV 89052 ANDERSON WATTS LTD ANIXTER CANADA INC. 6336 DARNLEY STREET 13480 CRESTWOOD PL. SUITE 140 BURNABY, BC V5B 3B1 RICHMOND, BC V6V 2K1 ANIXTER INC. P O BOX 847428 DALLAS, TX 75284 ANNABELLE CANDY CO INC. P O BOX 3665 ANTHONY BRENT CORP ANTHONY MANUFACTURING CO. AON RISK SVCS. INC OF NY HAYWARD, CA 945400000 P O BOX 10235 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90213 LOCK BOX 2388 2388 COLLECTIONS CHICAGO, IL 60693 CT. NY 685 THIRD AVE NEW YORK, NY 10017 $130 $13,715 $408 $459 $9 $813 $37 $75,430 $100 $75 $2,840 $87 $166 $52,709 $36,367 $227 $866 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECH P.O. BOX 100538 APW/WYOTT P.O. BOX 890209 APW/WYOTT FOODSERVICE City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount PASADENA, CA 911890538 DALLAS, TX 75389 $2,835 DALLAS, TX 75226 $6,951 AQUA HOT WASH ARAMARK INC EQUIPMENT COMPANY 729 THIRD AVE 4283 TURNER ROAD P O BOX 36028 KELOWNA, BC V1W 2N5 DALLAS, TX 75235 $193 $1,030 ARCO GAS PRO PLUS (FUELMAN) EFT ACCT $1,865 ARCO GUERRA ARCO MARINE C/O DC16 133637 LOS ANGELES ARDCO INC LOCKBOX FILE# 2388 2388 COLLECT CTR DR ATTN: SALLY 1751 S. THOMPSON CARLSBAD,, CA 920189033 CA REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 CHICAGO, IL 60693 ARIZONA DAILY SUN ARKANSAS, STATE OF FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 $900 $82 $552 $373 ASAEL FARR & SONS ASAP QUALITY PRINTING REVENUE DIV 7TH & WOLFE, RM 230 7663 PROGRESS WAY WATER PROCESSING CTR P.O. BOX 52237 P O BOX 1167 STE 314 30970 HUNTWOOD AVE ASCOM HASLER PO BOX 895 SHELTON, CT 06484 ASIAN FOODS P.O. BOX 4129 ASSOCIATED BRANDS 335 JUDSON STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 3Z5 ETOBICOKE, ON M8Z 1B2 AT SYSTEMS LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 $40 AT WORK OFFICE PRODUCTS AT&T ATT ACCOUNTS RCVBL P O BOX 15017 INC 1710 E TRENT ACE # 5 P.O. BOX 78225 SPOKANE, WA 99202 PHOENIX, AZ 850628225 $382 $396 ARPAC STORAGE SYSTEMS CO. ARROWHEAD MOUNTAIN SPRING LITTLE ROCK, AR 72203 $303 $28,974 DELTA, BC V4G 1A2 PHOENIX, AZ 85072 $4,160 $472 OGDEN, UT 84402 HAYWARD, CA 94544 $2,723 $376 $34 $1,747 $1,598 AT&T P.O. BOX 78425 PHOENIX, AZ 85062 AT&T AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES P O BOX 78152 P.O. BOX 78225 PHOENIX, AZ 85062 PHOENIX, AZ 850628225 $33,036 $3 $32 $2,748 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES P.O. BOX 78224 PHOENIX, AZ 850628224 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES P.O. BOX 78110 PHOENIX, AZ 850628110 $2 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES AT&T-ONENET SERVICE P O BOX 78132 P.O. BOX 78214 PHOENIX, AZ 850628132 PHOENIX, AZ 850628214 $25 $64,464 ATKINSON CANDY CO. P O BOX 150220 LUFKIN, TX 759150220 $3,201 ATLANTIC PACKAGING LTD ATLAS RENTALS P.O. BOX 1564 P.O. BOX 1028 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 2Z4 ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93421 DALLAS, TX 753910658 $9,751 $50 AURORA FOODS, INC. P.O. BOX 910658 AU'SOME CANDIES, INC. 2031 RT 130 SUITE E AUSTIN COUNTRY STORE ACCT# 565960 C/O DENV DIV AUTHENTIC SPEC. FOODS,INC P O BOX 30358 AUTOMATIC TRUCK DOOR INC AVAYA FINANCIAL SVCS. AVAYA INC MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ 08852 AUSTIN, CO 81410 $11,880 $11,039 $9 $3,004 2886 CLYDON SW LOS ANGELES, CA 900300358 WYOMING, MI 49509 24009 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO, IL 60673 $4,264 PO BOX 78831 PHOENIX, AZ 85062 $22 $488 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount AVIARA SALES INC. B3-1410 PARKWAY BLVD BOX #89 COQUITLAM, BC V3E 3J7 $5,184 AVISTA UTILITIES AXIDATE INC. P O BOX 3727 45 COMMANDER BLVD. $2,339 $993 AZTEC UNIFORM/TOWEL P.O. BOX 5894 B & B DYNAMO & ARMATURE LTD. 572 MC TAVISH ST. SPOKANE, WA 99220 SCARBOROUGH, ON M1S 3Y3 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 WINNIPEG, MB R2J 2W5 B & D FOODS INC PO BOX 16450 BOISE, ID 837156450 $3,390 B & L MAP COMPANY P O BOX 231 MONTROSE, CA 91021 $515 B & M ARCO B&D VENTURES ACCT 001156 1840 65TH STREET EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 SACRAMENTO, CA 95817 CA $84 $150 B.B.C. SALES & SVC. LTD. 8235 SWENSON WAY DELTA, BC V4G 1J5 $762 B.C. IMPORTS, INC. BAGCRAFT CORP OF AMERICA 32051 58TH AVE S. DEPT #2210 135 S LA SALLE AUBURN, WA 98001 CHICAGO, IL 606742210 $120 $18,930 BAKE-LINE GROUP LLC 75 REMITTANCE DR SUITE# 1347 CHICAGO, IL 60675 $28,617 BAKER BOY 170 GTA DRIVE DICKINSON, ND 58601 BAKERSFIELD A.R.C. BARKER WIRE PRODUCTS INC 2240 SO. UNION AVE. 708 WATER STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 KEOSAUQUA, IA 52565 $312 $243 $2,409 $872 $692 BARRETT BUSINESS SERVICES 115 STEWART AVE#102 MEDFORD, OR 97501 $3,751 BAR'S LEAKS DISTRIBUTORS BAUDVILLE 167 PINEWAY PARK 5380 52ND STREET KINGSVILLE, ON N9Y 2J1 GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49512 $1,184 $42 BAUSCH & LOMB 3762 FOURTEENTH AVE. MARKHAM, ON L3R 0G7 $384 BAY FRESH FLOWERS 674 GRANVILLE STREET $180 BAYER INC. BOX 1000 STATION B BC GAS P.O. BOX 6666 STATION TERMINAL BC HYDRO P.O. BOX 9501 STN TERMINAL BC STOCKING DISTRIBUTING BEACH LIQUORS C/O ACCOUNTING DEPT P.O. BOX 225 ACCT #001867 111 BEACH ST VANCOUVER, BC V6C 1Z6 ETOBICOKE, ON M9W 7A5 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 6M9 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 4N1 SANTA CLARA, CA 95052 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 $220 BEAR VALLEY CONOCO EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 BEARING BELT CHAIN CO. BEER NUTS INC P.O. BOX 14867 P O BOX 1327 LAS VEGAS, NV 89114 BLOOMINGTON, IL 61702 BEETER, SHARON 2615 AUGUSTA LANE BILLINGS, MT 59102 BELTWAY EXPRESS DIA SHAM ACCT#76718 11002 SAM HOUSTON HOUSTON, TX 77031 BELVEDERE INTERNATIONAL INC. 255 MATHESON BLVD.W. BEND GARBAGE & RECYCLING P.O. BOX 504 MISSISSAUGA, ON L5R 3G3 BEND, OR 97709 BEND RIVERSIDE MOTEL P O BOX 151 BEND, OR 97709 BENSON SECURITY SYSTEMS I BERKLY TRAVEL CTR #9 & 3 GILBERT, AZ 85233 FORT WORTH, TX 76722 $36,351 $49 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 871030269 CALGARY, AB T3H 3P8 $7,231 BERNARD CALLEBAUT CHOCO. 310 N.PASADENA STREE MULTIPLE STORE C/O FORT WORTH ORLANDO VIGIL, TREAS P.O. BOX 269 5771 SIGNAL HILL CTR S.W. BERRY PLASTICS P.O. BOX 633485 CINCINNATI, OH 45263 $145,411 BERNAILLO CNTY TREASURER $1,817 $1,552 $8,550 $11,741 $17 $17,244 $138 $117 $2,999 $19 $399 $392 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Address Name City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount BEST BUY BEER BARN ACCT# 787804 C/O FW DIV TX BEST BUY BEER BARN BEST GOURMET COFFEE WHSLE EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 LTD. 20091-113 B AVE. $150 $1,914 BEST WESTERN-CHEEFTAIN 1017 NORTH WENATCHEE CA MAPLE RIDGE, BC U2X 0Z2 WENATCHEE, WA 98801 $237 BEST WESTERN-RICHMOND INN BETRAS PLASTICS INC 7551 WESTMINSTER HWY P O BOX 65370 $369 $3,266 BEVERAGE HOUSE, INC 107 NORTH AVE BEV'S CONVENIENCE STORE EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 RICHMOND, BC V6X 1A3 CHARLOTTE, NC 282650370 CARTERSVILLE, GA 31020 CA BEV'S CONVENIENCE STORE ACCT# 790048 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 74881 BEZZERIDES CO BFI VICTORIA DISTRICT 398 W CHANNEL RD P O BOX 825 2240 KEATING X ROAD BIC INC. 155 OAKDALE ROAD BICK AND SON 8535 SOUTH 700 WEST SUITE "B" BENICIA, CA 945100825 SAANICHTON, BC V8M 2A6 DOWNSVIEW, ON M3N 1W2 SANDY, UT 94070 BIG DADDY OIL MULTIPLE ACCTS C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 $804 BIG MIKES SWEEPING CO. 424 BRADRICK DR. $300 BIG O TIRES 910 SOUTH 300 WEST $215 $1,100 $150 $181 $5,030 $333 $16,127 $1,933 BILLINGSGATE FISH CO. LTD 630 7TH AVE. S.E. SAN LEANDERO, CA 94578 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101 CALGARY, AB T2G 0J7 BI-MART BIMOR 18 ATTN: TOM GLOVER P.O. BOX 2310 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 EUGENE, OR 97402 CA $300 $34 BINNEY & SMITH CANADA LTD. BOX 120 15 MARY ST LINDSAY, ON K9V 4R8 $546 BIOFORCE CANADA INC. 66 BRUNSWICK $916 $8,466 #71 $616 $314 BIRDS EYE FOODS P.O. BOX 98222 DOLLARD-DESORMEAUX, PQ H9B 2L3 CHICAGO, IL 60693 BLACKETT OIL COMPANY INC 8023 S. STATE PO BOX 55 MIDVALE, UT 840470055 $3,763 BLAIR ADHESIVE PROD 11034 LOCKPORT PL $845 BLAYLOCK, ANNA 1037 ACOSTA ST. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 SALINAS, CA 93905 BLISTEX LTD SUITE 908 5915 AIRPORT ROAD BLUE DIAMOND GROWERS FILE #6281 PO BOX 60000 BOB DALE GLOVES & IMPORTS 4504 82ND AVENUE MISSISSAGUA, ON L4V 1T1 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 EDMONTON, AB T6B 2S4 BOBS MARKET BOB'S PICKUP & DELIVERY ACCT 43240 5469 DESEHUTES RD INC RR1 BOX 2068 ANDERSON, CA 96007 SIDNEY, MT 59270 BON VOYAGE MOTOR INN LTD. 4222 HWY 16 BOTTLE COLLECTORS BOW CITY PRINCE GEORGE, BC V2N 5N7 C/O DC 65 NV BAY C,1423 45TH AVE NORTH EAST CALGARY, AB T2E 2P3 $8 $1,816 $15,353 $1,279 $67 $313 $272 $8 $11 BOXES2BUSINESS PO BOX 271 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 BRADLEY PETROLEUM #41 BRADY IND 542951 1260 EL PASEO 4175 S ARVILLE LAS CRUCES, NM 88001 LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 $2,946 BREEZ RITE IN #2 ACCT# 718098 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89122 $167 BRIAN W. SMITH TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 13154 SPOKANE, WA 99213 $893 $66 $99 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name BRIDGE BRAND FOOD Address City, State & Zip SERVICES LTD 1802 - CENTRE AVE NE 700 AVE. I CALGARY, AB T2E 0A6 CALGARY, AB T2P 3C2 BRITISH COLUMBIA FERRY BROADWAY TRUCK STOPS ROYAL BANK LOCK BOX 2790 STN M CORP./ACCTS REC. 1112 FORT ST ACCT# 85340 C/O PORT BRISTLECONE MOTEL BRISTOL MYERS-SQUIBB CANA ELY, NV 89301 VICTORIA, BC V8V 4V2 FEDERAL WAY, CA 98003 C U D Claim Amount $4,100 $464 $3,270 $757 $201 BROADWAY TRUCK STOPS P O BOX 14646 SPOKANE, WA 99214 $3,399 BROER CO P O BOX 2005 GRANTS PASS, OR 97528 $1,601 BRON TAPES OF NEVADA INC BROOKSIDE FOODS LTD. 5450 DESERT POINT DR 2372 TOWNLINE ROAD $940 $3,425 BROWN & HALEY BROWN & WILLIAMSON P O BOX 1596 . LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 ABBOTSFORD, BC V2T 6G2 TACOMA, WA 98401 LOUISVILLE, KY 99999 BROWNELL'S ELECTRIC 308 SW 6TH ST GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 BROWNIE BAKER, INC. 4870 W. JACQUELYN FRESNO, CA 93722 BROWNIES/BEDFORD BROWNING CARRIE EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 366 N 500 W CA ST GEORGE, UT 84770 BROWNING-FERRIS IND OF 71 UTAH SLC DIST. P.O. BOX 78429 PHOENIX, AZ 850628429 $371 BRUSSELS CHOCOLATES 208-750 TERMINAL AVE $5,089 BRYCE WATER SERVICES 137 GOULET STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6A 2M5 WINNIPEG, MB R2H 0R6 BTS - BYERS TRANSPORT LTD P O BOX 157 EDMONTON, AB T5J 2J1 $2,362 BUCKEYE BUS PROD INC BUDGET RENT-A-CAR P O BOX 92340 P.O. BOX 2080 CLEVELAND, OH 44193 GRANTS PASS, OR 97528 $580 $517 $8,250 $42,474 $453 $9,526 $150 $47 $50 BUDGET UNIFORM RNTL SPLY P.O.BOX 1368 1702 W. 134TH ST. GARDENA, CA 90249 BUFFALO SHELL C/O DC 75 TX BUG JUICE BRANDS INC. BULLDOG BAG LTD P.O. BOX 1872 13631 VULCAN WAY BRIGHTON, MI 48116 RICHMOND, BC V6V 1K4 BULLDOG TRUCKING COMPANY P.O. BOX 2484 ORCUTT, CA 93457 $150 BUNN-0-MATIC CORP OF CAN. AURORA, ON L4G 3T9 $554 BUNZL CANADA INC. LTD - 280 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY SO. BOX 414 STATION MAIN BUSINESS COMM. RES. INC. SUITE 101 5901 CHRISTIE AVE. EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 BUSINESS COMPUTER RENTAL BUSINESS CREDIT INFO.INC PO BOX 10752 SUITE 207 251 RHODE ISLAND ST. $568 $204 BUSINESS HEALTH SERVICES P.O.BOX 13993 RENO, CA 89510 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 PORTLAND, OR 97213 BUTLER CANADA GUELPH, ON N1K 1C7 $1,619 BUY-LOW FOODS LTD JOHN O. BUTLER CO. 515 GOVERNORS ROAD 19580 TELEGRAPH TRAIL SURREY, BC V3T 4W2 $2,317 BYBLOS BAKERY BZ CORNER GROCERY 2479 - 23RD STREET N.E. 117903 1255 HWY 141 OAKVILLE, ON L6J 5A8 $1,817 $142 $20,503 $5,796 $155 $2,851 $816 C & H DISTRIBUTORS INC 770 S 70TH STREET CALGARY, AB T2E 8J8 WHITE SALMON, WA 98672 MILWAUKEE, WI 53214 $91 $1 C & M MOBIL MINI MART C + H MOTELS INC ACCT# 787739 C/O FORT WORTH 1142 S.MT.SHASTA BLV FORT WORTH, TX 76002 MT. SHASTA, CA 96067 $68 $385 C&M MOBIL MINI MART EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 $1,715 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name C.B.M. INC. Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount 831 MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD 191783 BAKERSFIELD PORTLAND, OR 972142188 SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 CALGARY, AB T2E 8K5 $29,596 C.F.R.EXPRESS C.G. ROXANE BOX 56008 AIRWAYS POSTAL OUTLET 1440 NE 223RD, # 42 1210 SO STATE HWY395 TROUTDALE, OR 97060 OLANCHA, CA 93549 $252 $16,857 C.H. ROBINSON COMPANY P O BOX 9121 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55480 $30,657 CA FIRM INTRUST FOR SARRC CADBURY BEVERAGES-MOTT'S KPMG PEAT MARWICK 600 - 128 4TH AVE S. P.O. BOX 09102 STATION M SASKATOON, SK S7K 1M8 CALGARY, AB T2P 5E1 CAL 76 ACCT# 65391 C/O SACTO DIV CA $20 CAL TEXACO CAL TEXACO WATT ACCT# 320556 C/O SACTO DIV ACCT# 73676 C/O SACTO CA CA $20 $15 CALGARY HERALD P.O. BOX 2400 STATION "M" CALGARY, AB T2P 0W8 $516 CALGARY WAREHOUSE MAINTENANCE SERVICES #4 ARLINGTON BAY SE INC P O BOX 12085 CALGARY, AB T2H 2B2 $581 CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT DEPT # 1664 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 PASADENA, CA 911092227 LOS ANGELES, CA 90084 $4,579 CALIFORNIA MARKETING SRVC SUGAR CO FILE 30237 P O BOX 60000 P.O. BOX 92227 CALIFORNIA RETAIL MGMNT DC # 16 CA $2,065 CALIFORNIA SNACK FOODS INC 2131 NORTH TYLER AVE $1,432 CALIFORNIA TRUCKING ASSN 3251 BEACON BLVD CALKINS & BURKE LTD. 800-1500 W GEORGIA CALVEY PACKAGING 7728 WILBUR WAY S EL MONTE, CA 917330000 WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95691 VANCOUVER, BC V6G 2Z6 SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 CAMAT, TESS CAMBRIDGE HORIZON CONSU- C/O CORP LTANTS, INC 445 N LASALLE ST CA CHICAGO, IL 60610 CAMPBELL SOUP CO PO BOX 31001-0029 CAMPBELL SOUP CO BOX 1400 STATION A CAMPBELL SOUP CO P O BOX 814 PASADENA, CA 911100029 VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2P7 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 2P3 CANADA COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 87932 HAYWARD CANADA POST CORPORATION CANADIAN COMM. PRODS. INC CANADIAN FIRELOGS SUITE 120 6231 WESTMINSTER HWY RICHMOND, BC V7C 4V4 $913 CANADIAN FREIGHTWAYS LTD CANADIAN LINEN & UNIFORM P.O. BOX 3962 STATION D SERVICE 1860 KING EDWARD ST. $355 $71 CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY 947 N. PARK STREET VICTORIA, BC V8T 1O5 $59 CANADIAN SALT CO P.O. BOX 270 TERMINUS POSTAL $3,179 CANADIAN TIRE PETROLEUM 17TH FLOOR N. 2180 YONGE ST. POINT CLAIRE, DORVAL, PQ H9R 4N9 TORONTO, ON M4P 2V8 CANADIAN WASTE SERVICES 4668 25TH STREET S.E CALGARY, AB T2B 3M2 $865 C.C. OIL #3 SHELL S.M. C.F. INC CALIF DOCUMENT SHREDDING CALIFORNIA & HAWAIIAN GLENDALE, CA 91224 $2,188 $8 $857 $1,776 $48 $319 $876 $413 $1,047 $151 $306 $12,722 $163,779 $24,164 $4,814 $56 STATION 430 REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061 OTTAWA, ON K1A 1H7 3657 WAYBURNE DR. BURNABY, BC V5G 3L1 $269 EDMONTON, BC T5L 4K1 WINNIPEG, MB R2R 0N2 $23 $6,548 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name CANADIAN WASTE SERVICES Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount INC. WESTERN REGION 2330 UNITED BLVD. BOX 2655 CALGARY CENTRAL POSTAL STN. 3738 LEXINGTON RD COQUITLAM, BC V3K 6S1 OMAHA, NE 68138 CANTERBURY COFFEE CORP. TRANSPORTATION CO 10064 S 134TH ST 150-22071 FRASERWOOD WAY RICHMOND, BC V6W 1J5 $14 CAPITAL CITY VENTURES 6421 TUPELO DR. SUITE E $99 CAPITAL ENVIRONMENTAL CAPITAL S-TEX.SM-STEEL RESOURCE INC. 53103 STRATHMORE WAY ACCT 110734 10505 STEELE ST CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95621 SHERWOOD PARK, AB T8A 5W6 TACOMA, WA 98444 CAR SPA CARBOLITE FOODS INC MULTIPLE ACCTS C/O LAS VEGAS P O BOX 1200 LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 GRENADA, MS 38920 $3 $4,809 CAR-FRESHNER CORP P.O. BOX 719 $18,983 CARL BUDDIG & CO CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL P.O. BOX 72238 C/O DC#53 WATERTOWN, NY 136010719 CHICAGO, IL 606780000 WA CARSON OIL COMPANY EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CARSON OIL COMPANY CARSON PRKRSE SHELL 12 P O BOX 2300 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 SPOKANE, WA 99210 CA CASA MART 496174 13025 LUMAS NE CASCADE GROCERY CASCADE TISSUE GROUP INC. EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 77, BOUL MARIE- VICTORIN ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87112 CA CANDIAC, PQ J5R 1C3 CASCO ICE CREAM DIST CO 7131 HAVENWOOD DR CASEY'S CORNER CASTROL CANADA INC EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 3660 LAKESHORE BLVD WEST CATHELLE INC. 172 BRUNSWICK BLVD CAYUCOS LIQUOR 261016 755 OCEAN AVE CASTLE ROCK, CO 880108 CA ETOBICOKE, ON M8W 1P2 POINTE CLAIRE, PQ H9R 5P9 CAYROS, CA 93230 CCDA WATERS LLC P O BOX 88164 CHICAGO, IL 60695 CD SOLUTIONS CDW COMPUTER CENTERS, INC 18981 VENTURA BLVD STE. 301 PO BOX 75723 TARZANA, CA 91356 CHICAGO, IL 60675 $160 $2,928 CE DE CANDY INC. P O BOX 271 UNION, NJ 070830271 $8,851 CENTRA GAS B.C. P.O. BOX 9400 STN TERMINAL $2,134 CENTRAL OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE PROV. P O BOX 2948 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 6P8 RIVERSIDE, CA 92516 CENTRAL WASH. DINING SERV 567065 SPOKANE ELLENSBURG, WA 98926 $435 CENTURA BRANDS 1200 AEROWOOD DRIVE UNIT #50 $407 CERTIFIED HANDLING SYS. 1125 S. REDWOOD RD. CERTIFIED LANDSCAPE CERV'S CONOCO MAINTENANCE 1023 GLADE STREET ACCT# 564849 C/O DENV DIV MISSISSAUGA, ON L4W 2S7 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 CH CAPITOL CITY CHEVRON ACCT# 754697 C/O FORT WORTH TX $130 CH CHEV. VALLEY RIDGE EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 CANAMERA FOODS CANDYRIFIC LLC CANNONBALL EXPRESS $193 CALGARY, AB T2P 2M7 $3,708 LOUISVILLE, KY 40207 $1,875 HAYS, KS 67601 $917 $208 $184 $2,771 $10,000 $804 $9,898 $571 $10 $70 $5,672 $448 $305 $3,963 $368 $123 $11,353 $20 $84 $325 $8 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount CH CHIMNEY ROCK CHEVRON ACCT# 764613 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 77056 $25 CH D Z GULF INC CH EDGEBROOK CHEVRON ACCT# 763979 C/O FORT WORTH ACCT# 756353 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 77007 FORT WORTH, TX 77034 $27 $16 CH M FOOD MART CHEV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CH SAFEWAY MART CHEV GARLAND, TX 75040 CH TOWN AND COUTNRY ACCT#764720 2020 HWY 66@CNTRVIL ACCT# 765479 12860 MEMORIAL HOUSTON, TX 77024 CHALET PRODUCTS CO., INC. 4000 E WASHINGTON BL COMMERCE, CA 90023 CHALLENGE DAIRY PRODUCTS CHARLIE'S PRODUCE 11875 DUBLIN BLVD #B230 EAST 3530 FERRY DUBLIN, CA 94568 SPOKANE, WA 99202 CHARM MOTEL 37363 MAIN STREET BURNEY, CA 96013 CHARMS CO. P.O. BOX 99403 CHICAGO, IL 606939403 $33,968 CHATTANOOGA BAKERY INC. P O BOX 111 $13,178 CHECKER TRANSPORTATION 316 MERIDIAN RD. SE CHATTANOOGA, TN 374010000 CALGARY, AB T2A 1X2 CHECKPOINT CONVENIENCE 570572 SPOKANE PULLMAN, WA 99163 CHECKPOINT METO CANADA CHELAN SHELL FOOD MT 710 COCHRANE DR. 530980 301 E WOODIN AVE MARKHAM, ON L3R 5N7 CHELAN, WA 98816 $1,199 $50 $300 $97 $224 $21,163 $169 $818 $286 $736 $45 CHELSEA MILLING CO P O BOX 460 CHELSEA, MI 481180460 $1,009 CHEMCO CORPORATION CHEP USA P.O. BOX 556 P O BOX 101475 LAWRENCE, MA 01842 ATLANTA, GA 303921475 $5,021 $150 CHEV 21ST CT LA QUINT EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CHEV BIG COUNTRY SS 193672 BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 $26 CHEV CALIF CHEV FOOD MART EMG 80 ACCT# 188649 C/O BAK DIV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 CA $108 $322 CHEV LIVERMR PARTHIAN ACCT 102061 2186 LAS POSITAS LIVERMORE, CA 94550 $498 CHEV. ANTELOPE CR CHEV. HEPPNER EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CA $150 $354 CHEV. K.C. FOOD MART EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $112 CHEV. LIBERTY LAKE LLC EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $203 CHEV. MESA DR CHEV. ROSEVILLE CR SV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CA $192 $150 CHEVERON STAGE STOP ACCT 187054 21000 GOLDEN HILLS TEHACHAPI, CA 93581 $91 CHEVERON WOODLAND CHEVRON 3RD ST ACCT# 334714 C/O SACTO DIV ACCT 103291 475 THIRD ST CA SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 $216 $69 CHEVRON ALTURAS ACCT 61804 1080 NORTH MAIN ALTURAS, CA 96021 $230 CHEVRON ANTHEM ACCT# 710210 C/O LAS VEGAS HENDERSON, NV 89052 $264 CHEVRON APPLEGATE SV CHEVRON ATASADERO EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 182378 8950 MONTECITO CA ATASCADERO, CA 93422 $650 $151 CHEVRON AUTO MALL C/O DC#16 CA $223 CHEVRON BUELLTON (AQ) CHEVRON CANADA LTD. ACCT 173823 206 EAST HWY 246 1050 W. PENDER ST. SUITE #1500 CHEVRON CANADA LTD. C/O DC#20 BUELLTON, CA 93427 VANCOUVER, BC V6E 3T4 BC CHEVRON COLE VILLAGE CHEVRON DIMIS 2 ACCT# 557173 3203 N COLE RD EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 BOISE, ID 83702 CA $83 $218 CHEVRON DOWNTOWN (AQ) ACCT 182766 2317 L STREET BAKERFIELD, CA 93301 $163 CHEVRON EASTRIDGE ACCT 148148 C/O DC#23 CA $147 $17 $197 $17,480 $71 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount CHEVRON ELLENSON 276766 P.O. BOX 249 NIPOMO, CA 93444 $293 CHEVRON FLORENCE FLORANCE, OR 97439 $141 CHEVRON FOOD MART ACCT# 476440 C/O GRANTS PASS DIV ACCT# 787119 C/O FW DIV CHEVRON FOOD MART JACKSON 160630 971 SOUTH STATE ST EARLIMART, CA 93219 $227 CHEVRON FUEL CONNECTION CHEVRON GAS & GOODIES 274852 1155 E. BETTERAVAI 2 STORES 1076 E RANKIN SANTA MARIA, CA 93454 TELURE, CA 93274 $359 $688 CHEVRON JENSEN SERVICE C/O DC#16 CA CHEVRON JOES-RICHLAND CHEVRON LA PAZ 556381 1903 JADWIN 192369 26815 LA PAZ RICHLAND, WA 99352 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 $113 $0 CHEVRON LAKE POWELL MKT ACCT# 713149 C/O LAS VEGAS $114 CHEVRON M&P INVESTMENTS CHEVRON ONE STOP#63 ACCT #53413 C/O DC# 16 ACCT# 84723 C/O SACTO DIV GREENEHAVEN, AZ 86040 SACRAMENTO, CA CARSON CITY, CA 89704 CHEVRON PARKWAY DELI ACCT 473835 1095 SE DIVISION BEND, OR 97501 CHEVRON SAGARS S V 111310 HAYWARD DIV CHEVRON SIMON ACCT 122523 3050 LOS FELIZ BLVD SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066 LOS ANGELES, CA 90039 CHEVRON TIGER EXPRESS 92700 SACRAMENTO OAKDALE, CA 95361 CHEVRON TRAVIS RW CHEVRON USA PRODUCTS CO. ACCT #63230 2990 TRAVIS BLVD. P O. BOX 905620 FAIRFEILD, CA 94533 CHARLOTTE, NC 28290 CHEVRON VALLEY RIDGE ACCT #765685 C/O DC#75 TX CHEVRON-212TH EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CHICAGO DISPLAY 1999 N RUBY $336,123 CHIP REIT#10 OPERATIONS CHIPPER SNAX LTD. - YORKTON 2002 AIRPORT DRIVE 1750 S. 500 W. #700 CHOCOLATE HOUSE INC. P.O. BOX 78418 CHRISTENSON OIL CHRISTIE BROWN & CO 3865 NW ST. HELENS- ROAD P.O. BOX 2459 MELROSE PARK, IL 601601109 SASKATOON, SK S7L 6M4 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 MILWAUKEE, WI 532780418 PORTLAND, OR 97210 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4A7 CHRISTOPHER'S CANDY LOS ANGELES, CA 90021 $7,096 CHUPA CHUPS U.S. CORP. CHURCH & DWIGHT CO INC DIV BEN MYERSON 928 TOWNE AVE P O BOX 406120 P O BOX 95055 ATLANTA, GA 303846120 CHICAGO, IL 606940000 $34,729 $7,523 CHURCH & DWIGHT CO INC 6600 KITIMAT ROAD CIG. 4 LESS 1901 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 MISSISSAUGA, ON L5N 1L9 CA CIG. 4 LESS 1902 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 CIG. 4 LESS 1904 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 CIG. 4 LESS 1905 CIGNARELLA, ANDY EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 2000 S. MELROSE DR. APT. # 99 CA VISTA, CA 92083 $150 $42 CINDERELLA FLOWER & GIFT 311 CHESTER AVE CINGULAR WIRELESS CINTAS COPORATION #054 P.O. BOX 60017 777 - 139TH AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 933015485 LOS ANGELES, CA 90060 SAN LEANDRO, CA 94578 CINTAS CORP P.O. BOX 630129 HALTOM CITY, TX 76117 CINCINNATI, OH 452630129 $1 $62 $261 $214 $4 $123 $7 $28 $177 $24,074 $115 $329 $81 $10,620 $1,624 $17,153 $23,301 $2,807 $150 $61 $9,478 $1,175 $431 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount CINTAS CORP # 626 1231 NATIONAL DR SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 $141 CINTAS CORP. CINTAS CORPORATION #059 4712 17TH. AVE. NW 2460 KIEL WAY CALGARY, AB T3B 0P4 N. LAS VEGAS, NV 89030 $94 $326 CIRCLE R FOOD MART ACCT# 109793 C/O HAYWARD BRENTWOOD, CA 94513 $206 CISCO AIR SYSTEMS INC 214 27TH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 CISCO SYSTEMS CAPITAL COR FILE #73226 P.O. BOX 60000 $478 CIT FINANCIAL LTD. P.O. BOX 4094 STATION "A" SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 TORONTO, ON M5W 3T1 CIT GROUP COMM SVC CITGO QUICKWAY #2 BEE INTERNATIONAL P O BOX 1036 CHARLOTTE, NC 28201 ACCT# 787341 C/O FW DIV FORT WORTH, TX 76134 $510 $167 CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE INC P.O. BOX 7247-0322 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19170 $645 CITY COLLEGE S F BKSTR 112078 HAYWARD DIV CITY MARKET #22 141242 LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 TUJUNGA, CA 91402 CITY OF BURNABY C/O DC#20 BC CITY OF CALGARY C/O DC#172 AB CITY OF EDMONTON CITY OF MERCED P.O. BOX 2600 C/O DC#16 EDMONTON, AB T5J 2G4 CA $1,414 $10 CITY OF SACRAMENTO - UTILITY SERVICE PO BOX 2770 $1,252 CITY OF TUCSON SACRAMENTO, CA 985122770 UTILITIES BILLING 808 W SPOKANE SPOKANE, WA 992013333 FALLS C/O DC#35 TUCSON, AZ CITY OF VANCOUVER CITY OF VERNON W & P C/O DC#20 DEPT. 0656 CITY OF WOODLAKE C/O DC#23 CA CITY TRANSFER INC. 7095 DUNCAN ST. $2,484 CLACKAMAS STEEL & MFG. P.O. BOX 250 POWELL RIVER, BC V8A 1W1 CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 CLARK REEFER LINES LTD 2864 NORLAND AVENUE BURNABY, BC V5B 3A6 $8,122 CLARK"S AUTO TRUCK STOP CLEAN SHELL ON CARL RD EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 798546 FT WORTH CA IRVING, TX 75060 CLEARLY CANADIAN BEV CORP 2489 BELLEVUE AVE CLIF BAR INC. P.O. BOX 45346 CLINT EXXON ACT# 495705 13210 ALMEDA WEST VANCOUVER, BC V7V 1E1 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145 CLINT, NM 79836 CLOROX COMPANY OF CANADA P.O. BOX 4100 MAIN POST OFFICE CLOROX SALES CO CLOVERDALE MEATS CITY OF SPOKANE BC LOS ANGELES,, CA 90084 $5 $97 $45 $52 $532 $14 $100 $24 $27 $10,652 $10 $114 $673 $2 $4,600 $22,508 $82 $16,394 P.O. BOX 951015 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 5X4 DALLAS, TX 753951015 P.O. BOX 667 MANDAN, ND 585540667 $10,721 CMR SERVICES 4522 MANILLA RD. SE CALGARY, AB T2G 4B7 COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS 268 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST, SUITE MISSISSAUGA, ON L5G 520 1H1 3835 REDFORD ST. PORT ALBERNI, BC V9Y 3S2 P.O. BOX 2418 NORTH HILLS, CA 91343 48 ASHWARREN ROAD DOWNSVIEW, ON M3J 1Z5 P O BOX 102499 68 ANNEX ATLANTA, GA 30368 COAST HOSPITALITY INN COAST TO COAST COBY'S MUFFINS & COOKIES COCA COLA USA $95,170 $46 $457 $266 $1,188 $1,378 $5,841 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip COCA COLA USA P.O. BOX 951073 DALLAS, TX 75395 CODALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3150 S 900 W SALT LAKE CITY,, UT 84115 BLAUVELT, NY 10913 C U D Claim Amount $134,817 $208 CODY KRAMER IMPORTS 200 CORP DR #6 COEUR D' ALENE PO BOX 7200 COFFEE BEAN INTERNATIONAL 135 S LASALLE DEPT 2182 COEUR D' ALENE, ID 838141941 CHICAGO, IL 60674 COFFEY REFRIGERATION PO BOX 6257 KENNEWICK, WA 99336 $563 COGHLAN'S LTD. 121 IRENE STREET WINNIPEG, MB R3T 4C7 $230 COLDSTAR FREIGHT SYS, INC COLE HARFORD COMPANY 1015 HENRY ENG PLACE P.O. BOX 411691 $102 $2,712 COLEMAN CO INC COLGATE PALMOLIVE CO P.O. BOX 951576 2092 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR. VICTORIA, BC V9B 6B2 KANSAS CITY, MO 641411691 DALLAS, TX 75395 CHICAGO, IL 60693 COLORTEC PRINT 383 DIABLO ROAD # 100 DANVILLE, CA COLORTEC PRINT & DESIGN P.O. BOX 2038 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 COLVIN OIL CO COMFORT BY JOURNEY'S END 2520 FOOTHILL BLVD CN351 3221 E EASTGATE DR GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 REGINA, SK S4Z 1A4 COMFORT INN 2526 AIRPORT WAY BOISE, ID 83705 $675 COMFORT INN - KELOWNA KELOWNA, BC V1Z 3P1 $376 COMFORT INN-GLENDIVE 1655 WESTGATE ROAD HIGHWAY 97 SOUTH 1918 NORTH MERRILL- AVE. COMMAIR MECHANICAL SRVCS MSC 06002 P O BOX 7698 COMMERCIAL CREDIT ADJUSTE 300-161 PORTAGE AVE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 WINNIPEG, MB R3B 2L6 COMMONWEALTH BRANDS, INC. P.O. BOX 981170 LOUISVILLE, KY 40298 COMOX MOVING & STORAGE 1724 RYAN RD. BOX 10 LAZO, BC V0R 2K0 COMOX VALLEY DIST. LTD. COMPASS MAPS INC. BOX 1079 STATION A 1172 KANSAS AVENUE NANAIMO, BC V9R 5Z2 MODESTO, CA 953511526 COMP-U-CHARGE INC 1980 E. TRENT SPOKANE, WA 99202 COMPUSA INC CONAGRA FOODS INC P O BOX 200670 & SUBSIDIARIES 12132 COLLECT CTR DR P O BOX 841809 DALLAS, TX 753200670 CHICAGO, IL 60693 $223 $45,381 DALLAS, TX 752841809 $31,872 CHICAGO, IL 606938666 CALGARY, AB T2P 4S1 $2,189 $7,440 CONAGRA SNACK FOODS P.O BOX 98666 C3063,PO BOX 2980 CALGARY CENTRAL STN P O BOX 91299 CONTROLLER CENTER DR GROUP NW 9488 P O BOX 1450 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS P O BOX 3700 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS #206 2502 E WASHINGTON P O BOX 11050 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91739 PHOENIX, AZ 85034 DENVER, CO 80211 CONCENTRA MEDICAL CENTERS HEALTH CLINIC P.O BOX 5950 SPARKS, NV 89432 CONCORD FOODS, INC. CONCORD SALES LTD. 4601 GUASTI ROAD 303 MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY CONDIES FOODS 4850 S. 5300 W. P.O. BOX 18548 ONTARIO, CA 91761 NORTH VANCOUVER, BC V7J 2K7 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84118 CONAGRA GROCERY PRODUCTS CONAGRA GROCERY PRODUCTS CONAGRA GROCERY PRODUCTS CONAGRA PREPARED MEATS GLENDIVE, MT 59330 CHICAGO, IL 60693 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55485 $55,428 $16,542 $8,377 $55 $29,563 $707 $754 $4,901 $129 $58 $310 $57 $11,275 $189 $1,079 $6,682 $249 $14,648 $6,811 $142 $244 $185 $49 $471 $1,913 $29,994 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount CONFERENCE CUP LTD. 492 SOVEREIGN COURT LONDON, ON N6M 1B2 CONOCO & DICKEYS BBQ CONOCO INC CA HOUSTON, TX 772160003 $150 $13,961 CONOCO INC EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO P O BOX 20003 PO BOX 3001 $3,246 CONOCO PHILLIPS FILE #55162 PONCA CITY, OK 746033001 LOS ANGELES, CA 90074 CONOCO R&S PROPERTIES ACCT# 782482 C/O FW DIV ARLINGTON, TX 76006 CONSOLIDATED FASTFRATE INC. 9701 HIGHWAY 50 CONSOLIDATED PALLET CO INC 6934 FLORIN-PERKINS WOODBRIDGE, ON L4H 2G4 SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 CONTINENTAL COMMERCIAL GROUP 317 S. BRAND BLVD GLENDALE, CA 91204 CONTINENTAL STORE FIX,INC CONV. CORNER #1, THE 17270 WOODINVILLE REDMOND #700 RD ACCT #320259 412 BENNETT WOODINVILLE, WA 98072 TIPTON, CA 93272 CONVENIENCE CORNER MKT 231365 CORONA SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85260 $0 CONWOOD CO L P COOK, PERKISS & LEW P O BOX 11407 ATTY AT LAW 333 PINE ST #300 $217,112 $698 CORNER 66 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 BIRMINGHAM, AL 35246 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104 CA CORNER GAS CORNER MARKET 35600 SACRAMENTO 134056 PORTLAND SONORA, CA 95370 VANCOUVER, WA 98686 $77 $4 CORNER MARKET C/O DC65 NV CORONA FLORIST CORPORATE EXPRESS CORONA, CA 91720 OMAHA, NE 68127 CORPORATE EXPRESS 1258 BORDER AVE DOC & PRINT MGMT 4205 S 96TH STREET 33881 TREASURY CNTR CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS P O BOX 71217 DOC & PRINT MGMT P O BOX 71928 CHICAGO, IL 60694 CHICAGO, IL 60694 CORPORATE EXPRESS 1125 VERNON DRIVE CORPORATE EXPRESS CALGARY CORPORATE SYSTEMS 4990 92 AVE 1200 CORP SYS CTR COUNTRY CLUB EXPRESS 559740 608 FOX FARM ROAD VANCOUVER, BC V6A 3P5 EDMONTON, AB T6B 2W1 AMARILLO, TX 791024410 GREAT FALLS, MT 59404 COUNTRY HEARTH INN COUNTRY SEAT CAF&GROC 769 WHITE STREET ACCT# 558114 517 BYERS AVE COUNTRY SUITES COUNTRYSIDE FARMS 1900 W FRONTAGE RD 88 MILLWORK ROAD BOX 809 COURIER PUBLISHING CO. P.O BOX 1468 GRANTS PASS, OR 97528 $99 COURTYARD MARRIOTT 2101 RIVER PLAZA DR. SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 $367 COUTT'S COURIER CO. LTD. COVERALL CLEANING CON- 653 HENDERSON DRIVE CEPTS SUITE 205 3027 E. SUNSET RD. C/O HUMFORD MGT#2200 10001 BELLAMY HILL ACCOUNTS PAYBLE P O BOX 225159 P.O. BOX 3008 REGINA, SK S4N 6A8 LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 $416 $69 EDMONTON, AB T5J 3B6 $450 CP LTD-WESTMINSTER BUSPRK CRAIGSLIST.ORG CRAINCO INC CHICAGO, IL 606943800 LEITCHFIELD, KY 42754 HOT SULPHER SPRINGS, CO 80451 CORONA, CA 92882 STEINBACH, MB R0A 2A0 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 WHITER, CA 90605 $1,560 $68,582 $93 $1,355 $1,724 $20 $789 $55 $150 $3 $64 $1,000 $21 $3,537 $5,271 $624 $406 $1,013 $115 $8,085 $3 $608 $2,625 $75 $330 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount CRAVERS COOKIES INC. 44 NORTH GENEVA ROAD OREM, UT 84058 CREDIT BUREAU REPORTS CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES P O BOX 535595 PO BOX 5393 PITTSBURGH, PA 15253 SPOKANE, WA 99205 $77 $57 CREDIT INFORMATION SVC. CALGARY, AB T2E 3K8 $142 CREDIT MANAGERS ASSN. OF NEVADA CREDIT MGR ASSN OF CALIF. 1409 EDMONTON TRAIL N.E. SUITE #202 145 TERMINAL WAY C-2 40 E VERDUGO AVE CREDIT N.W. CORP P.O. BOX 105835 ATLANTA, GA 303485835 $94 CRESCENT FOOD MART CRESCENT OIL CO. ACCT# 82792 2716 COFFEE RD 2901 OCEAN PARK BLVD SUITE 230 $286 $12,072 CROMBIE KENNEDY NASMARK UNIT 40 151 ESNA PARK DRIVE MODESTO, CA 95355 SANTA MONICA, CA 904052964 MARKHAM, ON L3R 3B1 CROSS COUNTRY CROSSROADS AUTO WASH 2307 CENTRE AVENUE S.E. 139881 LOS ANGELES $1,802 $136 CROSSROADS MEDICAL CLINIC P O BOX 992237 CALGARY, AB T2E 0A9 SANTA CLARITA, CA 91355 REDDING, CA 96099 CROWN EQUIPMENT CORP CROWN PRINCE INC P.O. BOX 641173 DEPT. 0103 CINCINNATI, OH 45264 LOS ANGELES, CA 90084 CROWN VERITY INC 37 ADAMS BOULEVARD CRUS DISTRIBUTING 2260 S W TEMPLE CRYSTAL GLACIER 7 WHITECAP DRIVE CRYSTAL ICE CO. CSI SHELVING 1345 W 4TH ST. 1411 S. 32ND ST WEST BRANTFORD, ON N3S 7V8 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625 RENO, NV 89503 BILLINGS, MT CSK AUTO INC 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE# 1896 CHICAGO, IL 60675 CSS ENVIRONMENTAL SVC INC CULLIGAN 95 BELVEDERE ST # 2 580 PARK ST. SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 REGINA, SK S4N 5A9 CUMMINGS COMMUNICATION 406 S.E 8TH ST GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 $211 CURCKE S GRICERT 6 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $531 CURRENT WHOLESALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2800 E. 54TH STREET P O BOX 41001 VERNON, CA 90058 $247 SANTA ANA, CA 92799 $7,596 .AB WINNIPEG, MB R2R 1T9 $2,496 $288 CWI SECURITY INC. C/O DC#172 (MANITOBA) LTD. 357 OAK POINT HWY. 45 WEST MEAD AVE YAKIMA, WA 98902 $150 CYPRESS TRUCKING LTD BOX 191 $139 D D BEAN & SONS D. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES CALIFORNIA INC #480 P O BOX 30396 150 GLACIER STREET D. I. CLASSIC MART C/O 65 BOW ISLAND, AB T0K 0G0 HARTFORD, CT 061500396 COQUITLAM, BC V3K 5Z6 NV D.L. PETERSON TRUST 5924 COLLECTION CENTER DR. CHICAGO, IL 60693 $210 DAC SERVICES DAHLHAUSER MANUFACTURING DEPT NO. 130 P.O. BOX 21228 1855 RUSSELL AVENUE TULSA, OK 741211228 SANTA CLARA, CA 95054 $178 $274 DAILY'S FOODS 3535 S. 500 W. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 CUSTOM FOOD PRODUCTS, INC CUSTOM PACK-IT LTD. CUSTOM TRUCK SALES RENO, NV 89502 BURBANK, CA 915021931 $189 $53 $55 $15,532 $65 $12,754 $2,334 $733 $23,860 $4,641 $399 $9 $4 $134,704 $36 $2,728 $500 $1 $9,180 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip DAIRY SUPPLIES LTD P.O. BOX 3500 WECSC EDMONTON, AB T5L 4J3 DALLES CHRONICLE THE DAN FOSS COURIERS P O BOX 1910 712A ALDFORD AVE. THE DALLES, OR 97058 DELTA, BC V3M 5P5 C U D Claim Amount $5,997 $112 $758 DAN-D FOODS LTD. 11760 MACHRINA WAY RICHMOND, BC V7A 4V1 DANJAN PROMOTIONS 90 STACEY BAY WINNIPEG, MB R2K 3V3 $904 DANKA CANADA INC. DANKA FINANCIAL SVCS. P.O. BOX 2512 STATION M SUITE 100 1235 N SERVICE RD. W CALGARY, AB T2P 5L9 OAKVILLE, ON L6M 2W2 $88 $231 DANKA OFFICE IMAGING 4388 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR. CHICAGO, IL 60693 DANONE WATERS OF NO AMER. TORONTO, ON M5W 3C2 $58,201 DARE FOODS LTD P.O. BOX 8738 TORONTO POST STA. A P.O. BOX 5600 ST. MAIN-UNIT 80216 $5,508 DART CONTAINER CORP DASCO DATA PRODUCTS P. O. BOX 73741 346 ORENDA ROAD BURLINGTON, ON L7R 4X3 CHICAGO, IL 606737741 BRAMPTON, ON L6T 1G1 DATA FOCUS CORP. 391 TAYLOR BLVD #210 DATA IMPACT DATAWAVE PREPAID CARD CO. PO BOX 6060 101 WEST 5TH AVE. DAVIS PLAZA MARKET 112813 HAYWARD DIV DAYS INN 9717 SUNNYSIDE ROAD DDD TEXACO/DIVELBISS ACCT 4812 32002 MILITARY RD CLACKAMAS, OR 970159765 AUBURN, WA 98002 DE BARRY PACKAGING DEAN SPECIALTY FOODS 3894 WEST SPRING MOUNTAIN GROUP 21077 NETWORK PLACE LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 CHICAGO, IL 606731210 $909 $1,909 DEL CORP MGMT CO INC MONTEREY, CA 93940 $88,035 DELUXE BUSINESS CHECKS 1533 MONTEREY- SALINAS HIGHWAY P O BOX 1 ACCT #301846 922 W BRANNAN ISLAND Not Available DELUXE EQUIPMENT P.O. BOX 11390 DENNY'S EXPRESSWAY BP DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DEL MAR INTERNATIONAL INC DELTA BAY MINI MART PLEASANT HILL, CA 94523 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 VANCOUVER, BC V5Y 4A5 SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 LITTLE RIVER, CA 95456 ISLETON, CA 95641 $1,701 $31 $9,827 $15,788 $573 $11,636 $44,271 $40 $585 $133 $276 $1 $57 $3,594 467985 999 N MAIN BRADENTON, FL 342821390 PRINEVILLE, OR 97754 P O BOX 23660 OAKLAND, CA 946230660 $1,596 DEPT. OF LABOR & INDUST. DESCARTES SYSTEMS GROUP P.O. BOX 44699 1410 SPRINGHILL RD SUITE 200 OLYMPIA, WA 985044699 MCLEAN, VA 22102 $75,481 $7,636 DESERT EMPIRE TRANSFER & STORAGE 258 E COMMERCIAL RD DESIGN EVENTS INC 5039 DUNCAN DR DEWEY PEST CONTROL P.O. BOX 7114 DIAL CORPORATION DIAMOND CRYSTAL BRANDS 5320 COLLECTION- CENTER DRIVE P O BOX 100178 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83815 PASADENA, CA 911097214 CHICAGO, IL 60693 PASADENA, CA 91189 DIAMOND HOME HARDWARE & GARDEN 2380 S. 6TH ST. DILLON TEXACO EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 CA DIPSTOP, INC. 656 LAKE LANIER ROAD SELMA, AL 36701 $706 DIRECT PLUS FOOD GROUP LTD. 4830-32 ST. S.E. CALGARY, AB T2B 2S6 $562 $1 $1,385 $1,329 $409 $3,766 $9,248 $10 $25 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount DISPOSAL SERVICES 100 VASSAR ST. RENO, NV 89520 $374 DIST. SOLUTIONS 1860 GAGE COURT $656 DISTRIBUTIVE RESOURCES ACCOUNTS REC. DEPT. 6645 N ENSIGN #G 5115 DOUGLAS FIR RD P.O. BOX 8069 MISSISSAUGA, ON L5S 1S1 PORTLAND, OR 97217 DISTRIBUTORS CREDIT DISTRIBUTORS CREDIT $69 $200 $400 DIVERSIFIED METAL CALABASAS, CA 91302 CALABASAS, CA 913728069 PRODUCTS, INC. 2205 CARLSON DR. NORTH BROOK, IL 60062 DIVERSIFIED TEMPORARY DIVINE CORP SERVICES LTD P.O. BOX 6863 STN D CALGARY, AB T2P 2E9 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $336 $682 $955 DIXIE - LOU 1108-G N.E. 146TH ST VANCOUVER, WA 98685 $3,850 DLM FOODS LLC DMAX IMAGING 1336 SOLUTIONS CTR 1302 22ND STREET $6,380 $36,744 DMV CALIFORNIA RENEWAL P.O. BOX 825339 $341 DO NOT USE UNITED PARCEL DEPT. 4820 CHICAGO, IL 60677 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 SACRAMENTO, CA 942325339 LOS ANGELES, CA 90096 DO NOT USE UNITED PARCEL P.O. BOX 894820 LOS ANGELES, CA 90189 DOCTORS ON DUTY MEDICAL CLINIC P.O. BOX 2300 SALINAS, CA 93902 DOME PRINTING & LITHOGRAPH DOMO GASOLINE CORP 340 COMMERCE CIRCLE 270 FORT ST. SACRAMENTO, CA 95815 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 1E5 $8 $1,930 $60 $2,733 $156 DON MIGUEL MEXICAN FOOD, INC. PO BOX 3129 ANAHEIM, CA 92803 DORCY INTERNATIONAL INC. DORIS HOSIERY MILLS 2700 PORT ROAD 3701 JARRY EST/EAST COLUMBUS, OH 43217 MONTREAL, PQ H1Z 2G1 $234,467 $573 $2,094 DOUBLE T INDUSTRIAL REPAIR P O BOX 2265 EL GRANADA, CA 94018 $318 DOUBLE TREE HOTEL N 1100 SULLIVAN RD VERADALE, WA 99037 DOWNEY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 12906 TELEGRAPH ROAD $123,160 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELING, INC. 1296 MAGNOLIA AVE. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 CORONA, CA 92879 DR PEPPER P O BOX 951138 DALLAS, TX 753951138 $56,858 DR. PEPPER/7-UP DREYER'S GRAND ICE CREAM P O BOX 951130 3863 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE DALLAS, TX 753951130 CHICAGO, IL 60693 $15,333 $3,036 DSD AUNTEE M'S MARKET ACCT# 723106 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 $16 DSD LAS VEGAS GIFTS DSDT REGENCY AUTO SPA ACCT# 701979 C/O LAS VEGAS ACCT# 721167 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 LAS VEGAS, NV 89119 $176 $54 $152 $587 DUKE MANUFACTURING CO. 2305 N BROADWAY ST LOUIS, MO 63102 $19,249 DUNFORD BAKERS 8556 SOUTH 2940 WEST WEST JORDAN, UT 84088 $31,805 DURAFLAME INC FILE# 22215 P O BOX 60000 DUTCH BROS C/O DC#45 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941602215 OR DYNAMEX CANADA CORP. P.O. BOX 243 MALTON CSC DYNAMIC GRAPHICS DYNATECH ACTION INC. $3,344 $17,910 $4,056 P.O. BOX 3604 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4T 3B6 SPRINGFIELD, IL 62708 4630 61ST. ST. RED DEER, AB T4N 2R2 $20,963 E J TRANSFER E.A.S. INC 443 PINETREE ROAD NE 555 CORPORATE CIRCLE CALGARY, AB T1Y 1K5 GOLDEN, CO 80401 $26 $3,742 EAGLE MHC COMPANY P O BOX 828490 PHILADELPHIA, PA 191828490 $1,351 $79 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount EARLE'S TRANSFER P.O. BOX 125 TREHERNE, MB R0G 2V0 $96 EAST COLFAX AMACO EAST NILES COMMUNITY ACCT 551739 1515 QUBEC ST SERVICES PO BOX 6038 DENVER, CO 80220 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 $2 $112 EAST PORTLAND LOCKSMITH 2840 SE POWELL $40 EASTERDAY SUPPLY FILE #7413403 P O BOX 60000 EASYLINK SERVICES CORP. P.O. BOX 6003 ECHO, KLEIN EDDY MATCH CO 1418 COMMERCIAL ST #210 P.O. BOX 1516 STATION "A" PORTLAND, OR 972022052 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94160 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197 ASTORIA, OR 97103 TORONTO, ON M5W 3N9 EDKA ENTERPRISES LTD. 1531 MANNING AVE. EDLEN ELETRICAL EDWARD HERNANDEZ C/O DC# 16 3224 NORMINGTON DR PORT COQUITLAM, BC V3B 1K6 CA SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 EDWARDS TRANSPORT 1802 SASKATCHEWAN AVENUE SASKATOON, SK S7K 1P9 EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE EL-EN PACKAGING CO. LTD. PO BOX 23438 650 FENMAR DRIVE NEWARK, NJ 071890438 WESTON, ON M9L 1R7 ELESSE INC DBA COMPASS 1500 S EVERGREEN LOS ANGELES, CA 92023 ELJAY OIL COMPANY, INC 7815 E. VALLEY WAY SPOKANE, WA 99212 $7,934 ELKI CORPORATION ELMER ROGERS DBA ACTION EVERETT, WA 98203 NORCO, CA 92860 $13,163 $250 EMMBER FOODS 2215 MERRILL CREEK PARKWAY POWER SWEEPING 2937 NORCO DRIVE P.O. BOX 19095 POSTAL STATION "A" P.O. BOX 98220 EMPIRE STORES INC ACCT# 559302 C/O DENVER DENVER, CO 80526 EMPLOYERS OVERLOAD EMPLOYMENT GUIDE PO BOX 1928 4640 NORTHGATE BLVD SUITE 145 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 97205 SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 ENCHANTED PKWY CHEV LAK 123950 1712 S 356TH ENCORP PACIFIC INC ENERGIZER CANADA ENERGY CLUB 2250 BOUNDARY RD SUITE 206 P.O. BOX 2980 CENTRAL POSTAL STN. 12950 PIERCE STREET FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 BURNABY, BC V5M 3Z3 CALGARY, AB T2P 4S1 ENGRAVING ETC, INC. ENMAX CALGARY 1122 E 930 SOUTH C/O DC#172 PROVO, UT 84606 AB $152 $2,183 ENRIGHT & ASSOCIATES 50 ALLSTON WAY $4,650 ENROUTE ENSIGN PACIFIC LEASE LTD P.O. BOX 7000 COMMERCE COURT STAT. 216 WEST 2ND AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127 TORONTO, ON M5L 1L2 ENTERPRISE PAPER 95 BRIGANTINE DRIVE ENVIRO-TECH CLEAN SVC LTD SUITE 410 800-15355 24TH AVE. EPCOR EQUIFAX CANADA P.O. BOX 500 P.O. BOX 3925 MARKHAM IND. PARK ELMER'S PRODUCTS CANADA TORONTO, ON M5W 2W8 CHICAGO, IL 60693 PACOIMA, CA 91331 VANCOUVER, BC V5Y 1C6 COQUITLAM, BC V3K 6Y9 WHITE ROCK, BC V4A 2H9 EDMONTON, AB T5J 3Y3 MARKHAM, PQ L3R 5G7 $728 $3,111 $14 $1,980 $765 $607 $150 $32 $11,074 $535 $843 $1,157 $11,059 $8 $3,081 $360 $171 $992 $1,437 $36,121 $19,691 $477 $4,494 $633 $381 $189 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address ERIKSDALE FREIGHT LINES P.O. BOX 91 ERNIES LIQUOR ESKIMO REFRIGERATION LTD. ESTES COMMERCIAL City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount $196 334565 SACRAMENTO ERIKSDALE, MB R0C 0W0 SACRAMENTO, CA 95842 4705 - 61ST AVE. S.E CALGARY, AB T2C 4W1 $447 RICHMOND, CA 94804 ETNA SALES REFRIGERATION INC 1400 POTRERO AVE 12365 MILLS AVE #17 EVEREADY OIL CHAIN ACCT C/O ALBUQUERQUE EXPANETS EXPERIAN, INC. P O BOX 173868 DEPT 1971 EXPRESS 2000 P.O. BOX 156 4909 48 AVE. ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87121 DENVER, CO 80217 LOS ANGELES, CA 900881971 SEDGEWICK, AB T0B 4C0 EXPRESS MART # 1 EXPRESS MART #17 C/O DC# 65 ACCT 69922 892 E MAIN ST EXPRESS MART CONV STORE EXPRESS MART CONV STORE C/O DC65 ACCT# 697706 C/O LAS VEGAS NV GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 NV NV CHINO, CA 91710 $68 $1,611 $841 $2,723 $6,796 $506 $157 $3 $7 $3 $91 EXPRESS SERVICE INC. P.O. BOX 5037-261 PORTLAND, OR 97208 $4,502 EXTREME CREATIONS 4970 WINDPLAY DR #C5 $4,501 EXTREME FOODS 6320 MCLEOD DR. STE. 3 EL DORADO HILLS, CA 95762 LAS VEGAS, NV 89120 EXXON COMPANY U.S.A. P.O. BOX 4559 CAROLSTREAM, IL 60197 EXXON ELK GROVE 89029 SACRAMENTO ELK GROVE, CA 95624 $81 EXXON PBD EXXON R&R STATION #2 697227 LAS VEGAS FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 ACCT# 717843 4708 W.CHARLESTON LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 $83 $87 EXXON SELMA EXXON TOWN SQUARE ACCT 187237 10610 MOUNTAIN VIEW ACCT#703322 6085 S RAINBOW LAS VEGAS, NV 89113 $114 F & F FOODS INC. P O BOX 88471 CHICAGO, IL 60680 $424 FABCON P.O. BOX 259 ROCKFORD, WA 99030 $547 FACTORY DIRECT TROPHY & FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES RICHMOND, BC V6X 2P9 ATLANTA, GA 30339 FANTAZZMO FUN STUFF AWARDS INC. 180-2520 SIMPSON ATLANTA VININGS 2450 PACES FERRY RD 3732 COLLECTION CTR DR CHICAGO, IL 60693 $659 FARBEST PERFORMANCE INC. FARES INDUSTRIAL TOOL & P.O. BOX 48073 SUPPLY P O BOX 1446 NEWARK, NJ 07101 CORONA, CA 91718 $1,861 $208 FARLEYCO MARKETING CO. 297 IDEMA RD.-UNIT 1 MARKHAM, ON L3R 1B1 $61 FARLEY'S & SATHERS CANDY COMPANY INC. FARMER JOHN EGG 1657 SOLUTIONS CTR 5110 E PANAMA LANE CHICAGO, IL 60677 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 $33,437 $265 FAST EDDIES #3 C/O DC65 NV FAST LANE MARKET & LIQ 211086 14931 PALMDALE VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 FAST N EASY #53 WINDSR FAST WAY BEVERAGE 110676 HAYWARD DIV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 WINDSOR, CA 95492 CA $64 $150 FAST WAY INC. P O BOX 40142 SPOKANE, WA 99202 $171 FASTENERS FOR RETAIL INC FASTOP 116 P O BOX 74049 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CLEVELAND, OH 44191 CA $89 $150 FASTOP 119 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 FASTOP 121 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 SELMA, CA 93662 $13,600 $515 $4 $42 $10,438 $1 $5 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount FASTOP 135 ACCT# 790493 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 74066 FASTOP 135 FASTOP 137 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA CA $150 $150 $36 FASTOP 142 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 FASTRIP #003LAKHNPAL RIDGECREST, CA 93555 $104 FAZZIO FRUIT & PRODUCE ACCT #165183 345 CHINA LAKE BVD S INC PO BOX 14579 FED EX FREIGHT WEST FEDERAL EXPRESS CANADA FEDEX $2,872 DEPT. LA 21415 P O BOX 21415 PORTLAND, OR 972140000 PASADENA, CA 91185 P.O. BOX 3700 PO BOX 1140 DON MILLS, ON M3C 3Y1 MEMPHIS, TN 38101 $571 $4,102 FEDEX GROUND, INC. DEPT CH 10472 PALATINE, IL 60055 FENWICK & WEST LLP FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC SILICON VALLEY CTR 801 CALIFORNIA ST FILE 56809 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94041 LOS ANGELES, CA 90074 FERNANDO'S FOOD INC P. O. BOX 7773 $95,389 FERRARA PAN CANDY CO P.O. BOX 88257 LOS ANGELES, CA 900747773 CHICAGO, IL 60680 FERRERO USA INC. P.O. BOX 828882 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19182 $10,925 FERRYMAN'S INN 1003 ECKERSON ROAD CENTRALIA, WA 98531 FESCO FIESTA U.S.A., INC 122 NW 36TH ST 861 LAFAYETTE ROAD UNIT 5 SEATTLE, WA 98107 HAMPTON, NH 03842 FINNEY, JANICE 6831 HWY 9 #4 FELTON, CA 95018 FIRCREST TEXACO VERMA FIRECO INC. ACCT# 113910 C/O PORT 1280 COURTNEY PK DR $88 $751 FIRECODE 3722 WEST PACIFIC AV TACOMA, CA 98409 MISSISSAUGA, ON L5T 1N6 SACRAMENTO, CA 95820 FIRESTONE BUSINESS PARK FIRST ISLAND ARMOURED 340 EL CAMINO REAL SOUTH Not Available SALINAS, CA 93901 $130 $189 FIRST VANCOUVER FINANCE RICHMOND, BC V6Y 2A6 $235 FJM JANITORIAL SERVICES FKM COPIER PRODUCTS SUZ LYTTLE CARTAGE P.O. BOX 94248 5991 MCKEE STREET 5 STUDEBAKER BURNABY, BC V5J 2V6 IRVINE, CA 92618 $1,461 $1,136 FLEXPAC PRODUCTS 819 FAREWELL STREET OSHAWA, ON L1H 6N4 $3,175 FLOWER PATCH FLOWERS SNACK GROUP 4645 S. RIVERSIDE DR P O BOX 532012 . MURRAY, UT 84123 ATLANTA, GA 30353 FM SHELL FORT WORTH, TX 78258 $102 FM SHELL SAN MARCOS FM/OM SHELL N LOOP MULTIPLE STORE C/O FORT WORTH 774059 FT TEXAS ACCT# 774018 C/O FORT WORTH SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 FORT WORTH, TX 77008 $18 $11 $167 $521 $8,733 $13 $98,382 $307 $2,609 $1,623 $5 $128 $49 $123,768 FMH MAT. HANDLING SOL P.O. BOX 60 DENVER, CO 80201 $2,985 FOOD CONCEPT DEVELOPERS FOOD CONCEPTS INC. INC. 1925 HOLMES ROAD 8551 RESEARCH WAY #130 ELGIN, IL 60123 MIDDLETON, WI 53562 $2,015 $2,456 FOOD CONNECTION 21031 VENTURA BLVD. STE #605 $11,302 FOOD HANDLER INC. FOREIGN CANDY INC. 514 GRAND BLVD SDS 12-1920 P.O. BOX 86 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 WESTBURY, NY 11590 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55486 FOSTER FARMS DEPT # 33334 P O BOX 39000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139 $53,770 $701 $63,543 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount FOUNTAIN OAKS CONOCO ACCT# 787697 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 73034 $178 FOUNTAIN OAKS CONOCO FOUR ACES EMPOURIUM EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 ACCT 683532 124 SOUTH FIRST ST CA LAS VEGAS, NV 11111 $150 $186 FOUR SEASONS MARKET 626481 SACRAMENTO SCHURZ, NV 89427 FOURTH PLAIN BP VANCOUVER, WA 98661 $1 FPI THERMOPLASTIC TECH ACCT #116194 3105 NE ANDRESEN RD P O BOX 1907 MORRISTOWN, NJ 07962 $6,404 FRANCESCOS/DELI & CAFE CATERING 840 STANTON ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 $225 FRANKFORD CANDY & CHOCOLATE CO. P.O. BOX 8500(S-1050 $22,020 FRANKLIN COVEY P.O. BOX 31456 FRASER VALLEY REFRIG. LTD P.O. BOX 337 26121 FRASER HWY. FREEMAN-WRIGHT AGENCIES 137 WEST 2ND AVE FREEWAY ENTERPRISE 23 HAY AVE. FREIGHT HANDLERS OF OREGON INC. PO BOX 3284 PHILADELPHIA, PA 191781050 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84131 ALDERGROVE, BC V4W 2T8 VANCOUVER, BC V5Y 1B8 ST. ANDREWS, MB R1A 2Y7 WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 FRENCH CAMP RV PARK ACCT 58644 3919 E FRENCH CAMP R MANTECA, CA 95336 $3 FRENCH GULCH GENL STORE 92668 SACRAMENTO $9 FRIENDLYS ACCT#773796 10025 HARRY HINES FRIENDSWOOD CHEVRON ACCT#764985 4001 FM 2351 FRENCH GULCH, CA 96033 DALLAS, TX 75220 $61 $281 $923 $48 $1,231 $710 $165 FRITO LAY INC P O BOX 643105 FRIENDSWOOD, TX 77546 PITTSBURGH, PA 15264 $207 FROZEN DESSERTS, INC. 110 W OROIN STREET SUITE 137 TEMPE, AZ 85283 FUEL CITY DALLAS, TX 75220 $222 FUEL CITY #2 ACCT#773804 2201 W NORTHWEST HWY ACCT# 782201 C/O FT WORTH DIV DALLAS, TX 75207 $310 FUEL PLUS #02/VADO ACCT# 506220 C/O GP DIV VADO, NM 88072 $81 FULL STOP # 2 FURGALE INDUSTRIES LTD ACCT# 87676 C/O SACTO DIV 324 LIZZIE STREET COLUSA, CA 95932 WINNIPEG, MB R3A 0Y7 $2 $68 FURNACE CREEK INN & RANCH P.O. BOX 1 FW DELI MART G V M F CANADA INC ACCT# 127605 C/O PORT 7050 WESTON ROAD SUITE# 103 G.N. JOHNSTON EQUIP. CO. LTD. 85 KEITH ROAD DEATH VALLEY, CA 92328 FEDERAL WAY, CA 98003 WOODBRIDGE, ON L4L 8G7 WINNIPEG, MB R3H 0H7 GARDEWINE NORTH GAS 4 LESS CONCORD 60 EAGLE DRIVE 112292 HAYWARD DIV WINNIPEG, MB R2R 1V5 CONCORD, CA 94519 GAS CO, THE P O BOX C GASPRO PLUS GASTOP #101 P O BOX 9033 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91756 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 CA GASTOP 102 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA GATES CANADA INC. PO BOX 34223 UNIT D GATX CAPITAL PO BOX 862058 VANCOUVER, BC V6J 4N1 ORLANDO, FL 328862058 GE CAPITAL COMMMERCIAL SERVICE P O BOX 402325 ATLANTA, GA 30384 $10,823 $1,942 $325 $4 $387 $42 $1,583 $9 $241 $4,140 $698 $647 $2,175 $25,877 $1,170 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount GE CAPITAL MODULAR SPACE P O BOX 641595 PITTSBURGH, PA 15264 $354 GE CAPITOL INC. GE VFS CAN. LTD. PARTNER P.O. BOX 31001-0271 P.O. BOX 7446 STATION A PASADENA, CA 91110 TORONTO, ON M5W 3C1 $892 $279 GEHL'S GUERNSEY FARMS INC P O BOX 1004 GENERAL CIGAR COMPANY GENERAL DOOR SERVICES PO BOX 32437 6111 30TH ST. SE GERMANTOWN, WI 530228204 HARTFORD, CT 06150 CALGARY, AB T2C 1Z7 GENERAL ELECTRIC CANADA P.O. BOX 7482 STATION "A" TORONTO, ON M5W 3C1 $741 GENERAL FASTENERS LTD GENERAL MILLS CANADA CORP 2270 PORTLAND ST. SE P.O. BOX 5100 POSTAL STATION "F" CALGARY, AB T2G 4M6 TORONTO, ON M4Y 2T5 $126 $1,710 GENERAL MILLS INC. DALLAS, TX 75312 GENERAL STORE, THE MELLON BANK DEPT0845 P O BOX 120845 ACCT #627380 9245 LEMMON VALLEY ACCT 12583 515 L STREET GEORGES ZOO LIQUOR 100016 C/O HAYWARD GENERAL STORE, THE $25,499 $1,137 $380 $190,564 LEMMON VALLEY, NV 89506 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 $113 $126 $321 GEORGIA PACIFIC CORP P.O. BOX 6100 POSTAL STATION F SAN FRANCISCO, CA 99999 TORONTO, ON M4Y 2Z2 GEORGIA PACIFIC CORP P.O. BOX 751199 CHARLOTTE, NC 28275 GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP P O BOX 503106 ST LOUIS, MO 63101 GERBER PRODUCTS GERRARD-OVALSTRAPPING 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE# 1054 CHICAGO, IL 60675 6-2073 LOGAN AVE. WINNIPEG, MB R2J 0J1 GHIRARDELLI CHOCOLATE DEPT.#01602 GIANT IND 7210 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139 CA GIANT IND. 6063 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $21 GIANT IND. 7252 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $819 GIANT IND. 7256 GIBBS,GIDEN,LOCHER ETAL. EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 #3400 2029 CENTURY PARK EAST CA LOS ANGELES, CA 91740 $953 $1,844 GIG HARBOR MINI MART 113902 6615 WOLLOCHET DR NW GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 $113 GIGGLE SPRINGS GILES CHEVRON 3 STORES 487 W LINE STREET ACCT 691378 2816 W. CRAIG ROAD BISHOP, CA 93514 N.AS VEGAS, NV 89030 $862 $208 $3,467 $3,777 $98,159 $2,053 $1,863 $21,889 $373 GILLETTE CANADA INC SHAVING DIVISION P.O. BOX 6507 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4N6 GIL'S PIT STOP 464339 GRANTS PASS YREKA, CA 96097 $5,499 GINGER BEEF CHOICE GINO WHOLESALE JEWELERS 2023 2ND AVENUE S.E. BAY #5 P.O. BOX 221440 CALGARY, AB T2E 6K1 BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 $904 $62 $8 GIVE & GO PREPARED FOODS 6650 FINCH AVE. W. TORONTO, ON M9W 6C2 $2,135 GIVE SOMETHING BACK P.O. BOX 45646 $148 GLASSICAL DESIGNS INC 3303 HARBOR BLVD SUITE C-2 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 GLAXOSMITHLKINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE GLEICHEN STD TRANSPORT T46102 P.O. BOX 46102-P.S.A TORONTO, ON M5W 4K9 $9,623 P.O. BOX 328 STANDARD, AB T0J 3G0 $27 GLENNIE, RON C/O DC#172 AB GLENS KEYS LOCKS & SAFES 1147 S STATE $148 GLJ FREIGHT P.O. BOX 639 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84111 MOAB, UT 84532 GLOBAL CROSSING PO BOX 9330-STAT. A TORONTO, ON M5W 3M2 $212 $273 $88 $40 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount GLOBAL CROSSING P O BOX 741276 GLOBALSTAR CAN. SATELLITE CO. P.O. BOX 8013 P.S. A CINCINNATI, OH 452741276 TORONTO, ON M5W 3W5 $84 GO PRE PAID INC. SUITE 305 365 EVANS AVE. TORONTO, ON M8Z 1K2 GOETTL AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 3830 E. WIER AVE. PHOENIX, AZ 85040 GO-FER FOODS OF CEDAREDGE GOLD KEY INVESTIGATIONS ACCT# 572677 C/O DENVER P O BOX 690578 DENVER, CO 81413 STOCKTON, CA 95269 GOLD STAR FDBA S & K GAS ACCT 33753 2399 FLORIN RD SACRAMENTO, CA 95822 $166 GOLDEN ACRES HONEY PRODS. P.O. BOX 42 $505 GOLDEN BOY FOODS 8820 NORTH BROOK CRT THREE HILLS, AB T0M 2A0 BURNABY, BC V5J 5G1 GOLDEN BRIGHT ENT. LTD. #105-106 7073 VENTURE ST. DELTA, BC V4G 1H8 $1,485 GOLDEN COMPUTER PRODUCTS GOLDEN STATE OVERNIGHT SUITE #216 20832 ROSCOE BLVD P O BOX 2508 CANOGA PARK, CA 91306 ALAMEDA, CA 94501 $392 $1,727 GOLDEN TRANSFER COMPANY 1421 S. 9TH AVENUE P.O. BOX 318 GOLDEN, BC V0A 1H0 GOLDEN VALLEY POPCORN 403 W. ATHENS CLOVIS, CA 93611 $2,129 GOLDEN WEST BETTERWAY GOLDEN WEST EQUIPMENT IN UNIFORM INC P.O. BOX 1001 1000 S EUCLID ST. CONCORD, CA 94522 LA HABRA, CA 90631 $180 $5,137 GOOD TIME STORES ALBUQUERQUE, TX 79906 PARKER FORD, PA 19457 $3,633 GOOD WEST INDUSTRIES CHAIN ACCOUNT ALBQUERQUE DIVISION 2492 SCHUYLKILL RD GOODMAN FACTOR INC 3010 LBJ FREEWAY#140 DALLAS, TX 75234 GOODMARK FOODS INC P O BOX 65068 CHARLOTTE, NC 28265 $92,334 GOODSTUFF BAKERY LTD 1534 BROADWAY ST $596 GORDON & SILVER, LTD GOTTSCHALK OIL INC GRACELAND COLLEGE CENTER 3960 HOWARD HUGHES PARKWAY-9TH FLOOR EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 6900 SQUIBB RD BOX 2768 PORT COQUITLAM, BC V3C 2M8 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAND & BENEDICTS $63 $6,340 $465 $5 $51 $338 $949 $470 $752 $192 CA MISSION, KS 66201 $17 $89 900 PACKER WAY SPARKS, NV 89431 $260 DEPT 560-818164030 301 NE 2ND AVENUE PALATINE, IL 600380001 PORTLAND, OR 97232 GRAND & TOY 4560 TILLICUM ST. BURNABY, BC V5J 5L4 $876 GRAND BENEDICTS INC 301 N E 2ND AVE PORTLAND, OR 97232 $272 GRAND CENTRAL COFFEE GRANDE FOODS ACCT# 562157 2205 WEST COURT ST PASCO, WA 99301 671 NORTH POPLAR ORANGE, CA 92868 $96 $20,635 GRANNY B'S 1357 WEST 400 SOUTH OREM, UT 84058 $13,347 GRANTREE INN GRANTS PASS SANITATION 1325 NORTH 7TH AVE 1920 WASHINGTON BLVD BOZEMAN, MT 59715 GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 GRANTS PASS UTILITY 101 NW A STREET GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 $63 GRAPHIC SYSTEMS, INC 2632 26TH AVE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55406 $248 GRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY, INC. GRAY LIFT, INC. P.O. BOX 410211 P.O. BOX 2808 KANSAS CITY, MO 64141 FRESNO, CA 93745 $1,166 $323 $933 $5,402 $473 $496 GREAT CANADIAN DIST. CO. 6 OAKRIDGE CRESCENT GUELPH, ON N1L 1J1 $1,855 GREEN BOYS FOODS INC GREEN VALLEY GROCERY P.O. BOX 92315 C/O DC#65 LOS ANGELES, CA 90009 NV $3,692 $5,000 GREGG DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 5755 11TH STREET S.E CALGARY, AB T2H 1M7 $176 GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS BAG 2577 CALGARY, AB T2P 4N4 $177 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS P.O. BOX 2888 STATION M CALGARY, AB T2P 4P2 GREYHOUND PACKAGE EXPRESS GREYSTONE HEALTH SCIENCES CORP. P O BOX 650662 7777 ALVARADO RD#606 DALLAS, TX 752650662 LA MESA, CA 919413650 $180 $238 $8 GRIMSHAW TRUCKING & DISTRIBUTING LTD 11510-151 ST EDMONTON, AB T5M 3N6 $882 GRIPTITE DISTRIBUTORS GROWER DIRECT AND MARKETING 3315 MONIER CIR RANCHO CORDOVA, CA #1 95742 8338 18TH. ST. SE UNIT 416 CALGARY, AB T2C 4E4 GRUB N STUFF ACCT# 572354 C/O DENVER DENVER, CO 80440 GRUNTHAL CARTAGE GUARD SYSTEM INC. P.O. BOX 433 1190 MONTEREY PASS ROAD $103 $4,478 H.C.BRILL CO, INC 1912 MONTREAL RD. GRUNTHAL, MB R0A 0R0 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 TUCKER, GA 30084 HALES TRUCK TRAILER HALFTIME CAFE & DELI REPAIR INC. 4585 PELL DR. SUITE 1 1435 N MARKET BLVD. SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 $2,154 $367 HALLFORD, GARY C/O DC# 16 CA HALLUM #4 ACCT# 677211 C/O LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS, NV 86001 HAMMER CORP. HAMPTON INN 4215 WENDELL DRIVE SUITE #203 Not Available ATLANTA, GA 30336 HAMPTON INN-PHOENIX I-10 WEST 5152 W. LATHAM ST. PHOENIX, AZ 85043 HAND HELD FOODS GRP DALLAS, TX 752844452 HANDY MART PREPARED FOODS DIV 0043 P O BOX 844452 ACCT #9779 402 TACOMA AVE TACOMA, OR 98402 HANDY WACKS CORPORATION P O BOX 129 SPARTA, MI 49345 $4,355 HANS OLSEN EGG CO. INC. HANSEN, CHUCK 3100 WESTWOOD DRIVE SUITE B C/O DC#172 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 AB $1,576 $102 HARIBO OF AMERICA INC P O BOX 64738 $1,289 HARMONY FOODS CORP HARRAH'S GIFT SHOP DEPT 2445 C/O DC#65 BALTIMORE, MD 212640000 LOS ANGELES, CA 90084 LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 $782 $136 $63 $1,092 $300 $68 $24,052 $788 $89 $65,841 $132 $7,015 $328 HARRIS PRINTING 1290 MOUNTAIN AVE. WINNIPEG, MB R2X 3A3 $20,640 HART TRANSPORT TABER LTD HATCO CORPORATION 6212 64TH AVE BOX 68-4035 TABER, AB T1G 1Z6 MILWAUKEE, WI 53268 $23 $32,785 HAWAIIAN POPCORN INC 1280 S.BUENA VISTA#B SAN JACINTO, CA 92583 $5,004 HAYLOFT EQUIPMENT INC. P O BOX 730 LOLO, MT 59847 $673 HEAFIELDS FLORIST 2714 E GAGE AVE $121 HEALTH TECH INC 15 JACKSON ROAD HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 TOTOWA, NJ 07512 HEINZ FROZEN FOOD COMPANY HEINZ NORTH AMERICA DEPT. AT 40076 DEPT. LA 2111 ATLANTA, GA 31192 PASADENA, CA 91185 HEMBORG FORD 1900 HAMNER AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 HERB GRADY COMPANY 20285 KLYNE CORONA, CA 92881 HERBAL NUTRITION LTD SUITE 4444 P O BOX 11 HERITAGE EXPRESS-WAYNE ACCT# 568717 C/O DENVER SANTA TERESA, NM 88008 DENVER, CO 68787 HERITAGE FOODS LTD P O BOX 54720 HERITAGE FOODS LTD HERITAGE FOODS LTD HERRICK, RICHARD $130 $36,159 $41,829 $4,532 $376 $3,622 $236 $158,844 P O BOX 54720 LOS ANGELES, CA 900540720 LOS ANGELES, CA 90054 14515 124 AVE EDMONTON, AB T5L 3B2 $220 C/O DC#172 AB $108,972 $82 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Address Name City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount HERSHEY CANADA INC. P.O. BOX 12003 STATION "A" TORONTO, ON M5W 1P8 HERSHEY CHOCOLATE CANADA HERSHEY FOODS CORP BOX 2860 STATION M 19 E. CHOCOLATE AVE CALGARY, AB T2P 3M7 HERSHEY, PA 17033 HEWLETT PACKARD HI GRADE MEATS INC. ETOBICOKE STA. "B" P.O. BOX/C.P. 5555 2160 S W TEMPLE HICKS OIL & HICKSGAS INC 845 N. HICKORY ETOBICOKE, ON M9W 6Z1 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 DUQUOIN, IL 62832 HICO 541391 & 556027 9219 E. SPRAGUE SPOKANE, WA 99206 HIGHWAY DISTRIBUTION HILLCREST ARC SERVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 17600 4540 EASTON DR. TUCSON, AZ 857317600 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 HILLSIDE FARMS INC. AMOCO ACCT 734277 275 WEST 400 NORTH SCIPIO, UT 84656 HILLTOP CONOCO HILROY RAWLINS, WY 82301 TORONTO, ON M6E 2R9 $4 $2,194 HINT MINT ACCT# 563429 1311 E CEDAR DIV ABITIBI-PRICE 250 BOWIE AVENUE 1506 N SIERRA BONITA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 $1,791 HI-TECH TRAILOR HI-WAY 4 EXPRESS 2840-58TH AVE S.E. P.O. BOX 512 $5,024 $54 HI-WAY 9 EXPRESS LTD. P.O. BOX 2020 HIWAY REFRIGERATION LTD. 32 FAWCETT RD HOLIDAY INN 1 HOLIDAY PARK DR. CALGARY, AB T2C 0B3 MILK RIVER, AB T0K 1M0 DRUMHELLER, AB T0J 0Y0 COQUITLAM, BC V3K 6V5 BUTTE, MT 59701 HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY INN 1500 N 51ST AVE 2425 NEZ PIERCE DR PHOENIX, AZ 85043 LEWISTON, ID 83501 $319 $59 HOLIDAY INN 3181 SOUTH FOURTH YUMA, AZ 85364 $353 HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY INN 600 W. DONLON STREET KY. NORTH #1 I65 &US 62 BOX 1148 HOLIDAY INN 245 LONDON BRIDGE BLYTHE, CA 92225 ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 427021148 LAKE HAVASU, AZ 86403 HOLLISTER SHELL HOLLYWOOD LIQUOR ACCT# 788109 C/O FORT WORTH ACCT# 40329 C/O LA DIV FORT WORTH, TX 77040 LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 2 STORES $20,032 $29,503 $4,859,569 $3,884 $65,306 $18,402 $366 $186 $2,503 $5 $1,112 $865 $273 $140 $24,716 $448 $75 $222 HOME DEPOT ACCT #7901-7277918 P.O. BOX 9903 MACON, GA 312979903 $2,921 HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT ACCT#7901-513254 P.O. BOX 9903 ACCT# 7901-516597 P.O. BOX 9903 MACON, GA 312979903 MACON, GA 312979903 $163 $126 HOME DEPOT P.O. BOX 9903 MACON, GA 312979903 HOME DEPOT GECF ACCT# 7901-9688179 P.O. BOX 9903 MACON, GA 31297 $1,952 HOME DEPOT/GECF HOME MARKET FOODS INC P.O. BOX 9903 P O BOX 12010 MACON, GA 312979903 LEWISTON, ME 04243 $227 $7,793 HON-DAH RESORT CASINO 777 HWY 260 PINETOP, AZ 85935 $378 HONEY DEW FOOD STORE HONEYWELL INC EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 P O BOX 550 CA STRATFORD, ON N5A 6V4 ATLANTA, GA 30384 $150 $89 HONEYWELL INC P.O. BOX 198467 HOP INDUSTRIES CORP. HOPP COMPANIES, INC. P.O. BOX 463 815 SECOND AVENUE HORIZON SNACK FOODS 135 S. LASALLE DEPT #4305 GARFIELD, NJ 07026 NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040 CHICAGO, IL 606744305 $368 $4,483 $37 $873 $7,792 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount HORMEL FOODS CORP. P.O. BOX 93624 CHICAGO, IL 60673 HOT & SPICEY INC HOUG ENTERPRISES INC SUITE #200 6180 OLENTANGY BLVD. LOCKBOX 4684 P.O. BOX 9438 WORTHINGTON, OH 430853866 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55440 HOULE ELECTRIC LIMITED 3735 MYRTLE STREET BURNABY, BC V5C 4E7 HOUSE OF HORVATH INC HOUSTON'S INC 77 OSSINGTON AVENUE MIS 54 P O BOX 4300 $26,982 $28,072 HOWARD CO INC C 1007 STATION RD TORONTO, ON M6J 2Z2 PORTLAND, OR 972084300 BELLPORT, NY 117130000 HUBERT COMPANY HUDSON BAY TRANSPORT CO P O BOX 631642 BOX 97-500-5TH AVE $278 $271 HUDSON NEWS -HOU INT HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANT ACCT# 773689 C/O FORT WORTH 1110 WAYZATA BLVD. SUITE 620 CINCINNATI, OH 45263 HUDSON BAY, SK SOE 0Y0 FORT WORTH, TX 77032 MINNETONKA, MN 55305 HUMANSCALE 535 ANTON BLVD #160 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 $469 HUNT, MARCIA C/O CORP CA $135 HUNTINGTON PARK CAR WASH 2730 E SLAUSON AVE HUSKY FOOD IMPORTERS 144 WOODSTREAM BLVD. HUSKY OIL MARKETING CO. HUSKY OIL-CARDLOCK P.O. BOX 6525 STATION "D" C/O DC#172 HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 WOODBRIDGE, ON L4L 7Y3 CALGARY, AB T2P 3G7 AB HUSSMANN CORP CHICAGO, IL 60693 HUTCH'S MART LOCKBOX 2423 COLLECTION CTR. DR. 2857 DOUGLAS ROAD BURNABY, BC V5C 6H2 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 HYDE & HYDE INC. I FIVE BRANDS 300 EL SOBRANTE RD P.O. BOX 9134 CORONA, CA 92879 SEATTLE, WA 98109 I-80 SMOKESHOP MINI MART WADSWORTH, NV 89442 $363 IBC B & C SHELLART IBC FLAGSHIP TRUCK STOP ACCT #613190 1000 SMOKE SHOP ROAD ACCT# 775577 C/O FORT WORTH EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 FORT WORTH, TX 77082 CA $19 $150 IBC KWIKY NEIGHBORHOOD FS EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 IBC LAKE CONROE EXXON ACCT#775569 18830 HWY 105 W IBC LULING MINI MART ACCT# 783886 C/O FW DIV MONTGOMERY, TX 77356 LULING, TX 78648 $396 IBC MOBIL HOMEBOYS EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 IBC PIONEER GROCERY IBC R & S PROP CONOCO ACCT# 786855 C/O FORT WORTH EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 FORT WORTH, TX 76179 CA $106 $150 IBC SHOP N GO #2 ACCT# 785584 C/O FW DIV CARROLLTON, TX 75006 $111 IBC STOP N SHOP ACCT#774125 3303 CLARK AVE SAN ANTIONIO, TX 78223 IBM IBM CORP P.O. BOX 945684 DEPT. 1896 P.O. BOX 61000 ICBM, INC. P.O. BOX 11646 ATLANTA, GA 30394 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941611896 SANTA ANA, CA 92711 IDAHO CANDY CO IMAGININGS 3 P O BOX 1217 6401 GROSS POINT RD. BOISE, ID 837010000 NILES, IL 60714 $2,032 $8,080 IMPACT ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES C/O DC#84 BC $2,745 HUTCHINGS CO. CANADA, BC CA $5,199 $20,575 $120,814 $141 $1,217 $68 $375 $30 $1,126 $33,790 $146 $3,384 $612 $133 $209,964 $1,031 $4 $8 $1,939 $30,319 $385 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address IMPACT CONFECTIONS 888 GARDEN OF THE GODS ROAD IMPAXX INC IMPERIAL OIL IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS & City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount $2,116 P O BOX 51173 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 LOS ANGELES, CA 80051 P.O. BOX 2220 EDMONTON, AB T5J 3Z4 $132,344 IMPERIAL PARKING CANADA CHEMICALS DIVISION P.O. BOX 1250 P.O. BOX 4820 STATION TERMINAL IMPERIAL TOBACCO PO BOX 6600 IMPERIAL TOBACCO USA LTD PO BOX 60795 NORTH YORK, ON M3C 3G6 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 6P4 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 4B5 CHARLOTTE, NC 28260 IMPERIAL WAX & CANDLE P.O. BOX 310 INDUSTRIAL CASTER WHEEL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS INC COMPANY 2200 CARDON INSTITUTIONAL 2158 PEBBLEHILL CR. P O BOX 12968 INDUSTRIAL FUMIGANT CO. INDUSTRIAL MATERIAL HAND- P.O. BOX 410057 LING EXPRESS INC. P.O. BOX 456 KANSAS CITY, MO 64141 PICO RIVERA, CA 90660 INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL CENTER 91 E. GRAND BLVD CORONA, CA 92879 $750 INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL GROUP INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL GROUP 2952 MEADE AVE 3070 SKYWAY DR. #106 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 $370 $60 INDUSTRIAL TRUCK SERV LTD 89 DURAND ROAD WINNIPEG, MB R2J 3T1 $114 INFO-CHIP COMMUNICATIONS 2ND FLOOR 3137 KINGSWAY AVE. $832 INFORM BROKERAGE INC 1230 W. 75TH AVE. $15,460 INITIAL SECURITY 170 ALDEN RD-UNIT 1 VANCOUVER, BC V5R 5J9 VANCOUVER, BC V6P 3G3 MARKHAM, ON L3R 4C1 INLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INLAND KENWORTH PARKER 1500 NORTH MARKET PACIFIC 865 NOTRE DAME DR. SACRAMENTO, CA 95834 KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5N8 $1,282 $802 INLAND PACIFIC PETRO 194480 CORONA I-NOV CONCEPT INC. 748 ST. PIERRE ST. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92407 TERREBONNE, PQ J6W 1E2 INOVIS, INC Not Available INPRO COMPUTER DATA INSULAIR INC.DEPT 33378 PRODUCTS 1592 ERIN ST P.O. BOX 39000 INTEGRAL PROPERTY SVCS. BAY 9 343 FORGE RD. SE INTERCALL INTER-CONTINENTAL CIGAR PORT COQUITLAM, BC V3C 4K6 SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 CORONA, CA 92879 SALEM, OR 97309 $1,064 $357 $25 $8,852,358 $1,333 $380 $317 $185 $12 $2,269 $21 $1,255 $113 $3,387 $34,000 WINNIPEG, MB R3E 2T1 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139 CALGARY, AB T2H 0S9 $189 $27,026 ATLANTA, GA 303841866 MIROMAR, FL 33025 $826 $1,754 INTERNATIONAL MULTIFOODS P.O. BOX 281866 CORPORATION 3251 COMMERCE PWY 135 S.LA SALLE DEPT 1913 INTERNATIONAL SOURCES LTD INTERSTATE BATTERY OF 7588 WINSTON ST. SEATTLE 727 134TH ST. S.W. BURNABY, BC V5A 4X5 EVERETT, WA 98204 INTERSTATE OIL COMPANY 8221 ALPINE AVE. SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 INTL PLAYING CARD CO LTD INTL TIME RECORDER CO LTD 140 RENFREW DRIVE 7A TAYMALL AVE. MARKHAM, ON L3R 6B3 TORONTO, ON M8Z 3Y8 INT'L. PAPER FOODSERVICE* P.O. BOX 31001-0780 PASADENA, CA 91110 $32,552 IOS CAPITAL P O BOX 650073 DALLAS TX, GA 75265 $729 CHICAGO, IL 60674 $200 $23,645 $631 $2,180 $15,934 $678 $100 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name IOWA DEPT. OF REVENUE Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount DES MOINES, IA 50306 $1,168 IRON MOUNTAIN EXAMINATION SECTION P.O. BOX 10456 P.O. BOX 3553 COMMERCE CT. P. S. TORONTO, ON M5L 1K1 $1,316 IRON MOUNTAIN OSDP-U.C. P.O. BOX 601018 $1,944 ISAAC'S POULTRY FARM ISLAND CRYSTAL ENT. PO BOX 485 16 FIFTH ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 900601018 YUCAIPA, CA 92399 NANAIMO, BC V9R 1M7 ISOLDE'S FLOWERS & GIFTS 4623 FREEPORT BLVD SACRAMENTO, CA 95822 $112 ITWAL LTD 440 RAILSIDE DRIVE BRAMPTON, ON L7A 1L1 $1,830,893 IVIE & ASSOCIATES, INC. IVY LEAGUE SALES Not Available 77 MARTIN ROSS AVE J & J SNACK FOODS CORP OF CALIFORNIA DEPT LA 21010 J G VAN HOLTEN & SON INC P O BOX 66 703 WEST MADISON ST J M SCHNEIDER INC J M SCHNEIDER INC GROCERY DIVISION P.O. BOX 130 FOOD SERVICE DIV P.O. BOX 130 J M SCHNEIDER INC. $5,703 $14 $123 $421 NORTH YORK, ON M3J 2L5 PASADENA, CA 911851010 WATERLOO, WI 535940000 KITCHENER, ON N2G 3X8 KITCHENER, ON N2G 3X8 $3,759 $12,789 KITCHENER, ON N26 3X8 $218 J M SMUCKER INC J M SMUCKER LLC RETAIL MEAT DIVISION P.O. BOX 130 P.O. BOX 70192 STATION A 135 S LASALLE DEPT 4601 TORONTO, ON M5W 2X5 CHICAGO, IL 60674 $861 $18,629 J. SPICE & COMPANY 1351 VINING STREET VICTORIA, BC V8R 1P5 $845 J.C. NEWMAN CIGAR CO. P O BOX 2030 TAMPA, FL 33601 $102 J.F. SPORTS 6217 NICK ADAMS ROAD $393 $3,492 $1,805 $53,580 J.J. KELLER & ASSOC., INC SERVICES DIV. P.O. BOX 672 GREELY (OTTAWA), ON K4P 1H2 NEENAH,, WI 549570672 J.J. KELLER & ASSOC., INC JACE HOLDINGS CO. PUBLICATIONS DIV. P.O. BOX 548 6649 BUTLER CRESCENT R.R. 3 NEENAH, WI 54957 VICTORIA, BC V8X 3X1 JACKLIN ROAD PROPERTIES LTD #210-1140 HOMER STR $2,044 $1,118 JACKPORT FOOD MART 6-117 JACKPOT FM 01-308 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 2X6 ACCT #626812 990 SO. WELLES AVE. RENO, NV 89502 69443 1602 A STREET SE AUBURNE, WA 98108 $34 $129 $133 JACKPOT FM 01-314 ACCT 61697 12714 122ND ST E PUYALLUP, WA 98374 $132 JACKSON MARKET 140897 LOS ANGELES CULVER CITY, CA 90232 JACOBS SUCHARD CANADA P.O. BOX 2500 STATION TERMINAL JADE GAS EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 8P1 CA JAMES, STEPHANIE JAMIESON LABORATORIES LTD 2320 DRACENO ST. 4025 RHODES DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 WINDSOR, ON N8W 5B5 JANKOVICH CO. 14066 GARFIELD AVE. PARAMOUNT, CA 90723 $7,325 JARET INTERNATIONAL INC. P.O. BOX 752077 CHARLOTTE, NC 28275 $19,167 JASON'S GROC & GRIL JAVA JACKET EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 5712 NE HASSALU CA PORTLAND, OR 97213 $150 $1,902 JAY'S MARKET LAS VEGAS, NV 89117 $244 JAYS MOVING & STORAGE JEAN FUEL WEST MULTIPLE ACCOUNT C/O LAS VEGAS P.O. BOX 4560 ACCT 688820 I-15/GOODSPRINGS REGINA, SK S4P 3Y3 JEAN, NV 89019 $691 $670 JELLY BELLY CANDY CO. FILE # 21471 P O BOX 60000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94161 $148 $5,977 $274 $52 $33,892 $18,836 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address JENNINGS & AGNEW 5400 PACIFIC BLVD JENNINGS & ASSOCIATES JENSEN LIFT CO. 5543-275TH ST. GLOUCESTER IND CTR. P.O. BOX 2945 JESUS-SA SALDANA P.O. BOX 161723 JET PLASTICA INDUSTRIES, PO BOX 8500 S-4725 JIFFCO INTL LTD 835 W. 3RD STREET JIM BUTLER MOTEL INC JIMMY'S FOOD STORE City, State & Zip HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 LANGLEY, BC V4M 3X9 C U D Claim Amount $63 $6,436 LIVERMORE, CA 945512945 SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 $1,567 $3,866 P O BOX 1352 PHILADELPHIA, PA 191784725 NORTH VANCOUVER, BC V7P 3K7 TONAPAH, NV 89049 ACCT# 787648 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 76134 $70 JJ'S CHEVRON # 3 JJ'S CHEVRON #1 ACT# 788174 C/O FORT WORTH ACCT# 790089 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 77575 FORT WORTH, TX 77597 $133 $361 JJ'S FASTRAC 289 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 JODY'S AT WRITERS SQUARE JOHN ASCUAGA'S NUGGET ACCT# 563338 1512 LARIMER 1100 NUGGET AVENUE DENVER, CO 80202 SPARKS, NV 89431 JOHN B. SANFILIPPO & SON DEPT #2533 135 S LA SALLE CHICAGO, IL 606742533 JOHN MIDDLETON INC 8 P O BOX 7777-W7900 JOHN MORRELL & CO. P.O. BOX 730251 PHILADELPHIA, PA 191750000 DALLAS, TX 75373 JOHNNY QUICK #101 ACCT 187534 755 MADERA AVE MADERA, CA 93637 JOHNNY QUICK #133 187500 BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 $50 JOHNNY'S FOOD MART JOHNSON & JOHNSON 190124 BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 6519 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93308 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4N6 $203 $7,834 JOHNSON EXPRESS 1391 105TH ST. $332 JOHNSON LANE GEN STORE ACCT# 625186 1392 JOHNSON LANE N. BATTLEFORD, SK S9A 1T1 MINDEN, NV 89423 JOHNSON SALES 3452 W 1987 S $873 JOHNSON WASTE MANAGEMENT JOHNSON, DOMINIC 201-60 EAGLE DRIVE C/O DC 71 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 WINNIPEG, MB R2R 1V5 UT JOHNSONS CORNER TRK STOP ACCT# 569004 C/O DENVER DENVER, CO 80537 JOHNSTON EQUIPMENT 4800 52ND ST. SE CALGARY, AB T2B 3R2 JOHNVINCE FOODS LTD 555 STEEP ROCK DR JONES SODA CO. 234 NINTH AVE. NO. DOWNSVIEW, ON M3J 2Z6 SEATTLE, WA 98109 JOSEPH J BARLUPO JT INTERNATIONAL P O BOX 7859 EFT ACCOUNT STOCKTON, CA 95267 LOS ANGELES, CA 90501 $2,772 $11,502 JTI- MACDONALD 148 YORK ST. $2,259,679 JUBITZ CORPORATION P.O. BOX 5965 JUBITZ TRUCK STOP P O BOX 5965 JUDY WELLS, INC. JUMPIN JOHN'S 125 NORFINCH DRIVE ACCT# 790220 C/O FORT WORTH LONDON, ON N6A 1A9 CANADA PORTLAND, OR 972285965 PORTLAND, OR 972285965 TORONTO, ON M3N 1W8 FORT WORTH, TX 76040 JUST BORN INC. P.O. BOX 642214 PITTSBURGH, PA 152642214 $350 $405 $40 $1 $75,780 $5,523 $35,240 $14,716 $2 $4 $284 $115 $99 $693 $4,994 $2,437 $2,919 $607 $3,260 $104 $34,445 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip K&G TRAVEL PLAZA ACCT# 563486 19865 US HWY BLUNT, SD 57522 KAL KAN FOODS INC. KAL TIRE 33308 TREASURY CTR. 2633 NO. 5 ROAD CHICAGO, IL 60694 RICHMOND, BC V6X 2S8 KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF REV. BUSINESS TAX BUREAU TOPEKA, KS 666250001 KASHIWA FUDOSAN INC. C/O CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD PO BOX 45258 ACCT# 561415 19555 S WASHINGTON ACCT# 219048 C/O CORONA DIV SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941450258 WICHITA, KS 67211 KC GAS & GROCERY KC LIQUOR #2 KEEBLER CO. KEEBLER COMPANY ORANGE, CA 92867 ATLANTA, GA 30368 ATLANTA, GA 303682522 C U D Claim Amount $3 $10,925 $682 $7,826 $17,467 $7 $152 KEEBLER/KELLOGG KEESAL, YOUNG & LOGAN P.O. BOX 102522 PLANTATION BAKING CO P.O. BOX 102522 P.O. BOX 102522 P.O. BOX 1730 KELLER - SAWYER, INC 5131 S. PONTIAC CIR KELLER DROP BOX KELLER EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 10295 SW RIDDER RD. SUITE 2 116, 1525 BROADWAY KELLY INN BILLINGS 5425 MIDLAND ROAD WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 PORT COQUITLAM, BC V3C 6P6 BILLINGS, MT 59101 KELSEN BISCA KEMCO OIL & CHEMICALS L C 510 BROAD HOLLOW RD 1374 EAST MAIN MELVILLE, NY 11747 LEHI, UT 84043 KEMEL CARTONS LTD 684 DUFFERIN AVE WINNIPEG, MB R2W 2Z4 $703 KEN R. HUMKE CO., INC. KENT FIXTURE CORP P O BOX 5128 10 KEITH WAY PORTLAND, OR 97208 HINGHAM, MA 02043 $36 $381 KENTRON FINE FOODS UNIT 619, 3208 8TH. AVE. NE CALGARY, AB T2A 7V8 $702 KERN SECURITY SYSTEMS 2701 FRUITVALE $334 KERNAGHANS SVC INC. EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 BAKERFIELD AVE, CA 93308 CA KERR BROS LTD 956 ISLINGTON AVENUE TORONTO, ON M8Z 4P6 KEUSCH, SIMON C/O DC#172 AB $102 KEY MAN KICK'S 66 333 SE 8TH ST EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 CA $12 $406 KIGHT, CHERYL 1751 W.PEPPER MESA, AZ 85201 KIMBERLY CLARK CORP KINANECO PRINTING SYST DUNS #00-290-1353 P O BOX 601004 2925 MILTON AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90060 SYRACUSE, NY 13209 KINDERSLEY TRANSPORT LTD P.O. BOX 7290 SASKATOON, SK S7K 4J2 KING B JERKY INC. P O BOX 1843 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83403 KING MAKER MKTG. KINGS COMMAND FOODS 12 ROUTE 17 NORTH SUITE 304 7622 S. 188TH PARAMUS, NJ 07652 KENT, WA 98032 KINKO'S INC. P O BOX 530257 ATLANTA, GA 30353 KIRKLAND & ROSE LTD KIT'S CORNER STORE 3202-9TH STREET SE 40196 HAYWARD DIV CALGARY, AB T2G 3C3 KELSEYVILLE, CA 95451 KITTER CORPORATION P.O.BOX 20404 AMARILLO, TX 79114 KLEEN-FLO TUMBLER IND LTD 75 ADVANCE BLVD BRAMPTON, ON L6T 4N1 KLEIN BROS LTD - SNACK & STOCKTON, CA 95206 KLEINS PACKAGED NUT DIV 1515 S. FRESNO AVE. 4118 W. WHITTON AVE PHOENIX, AZ 85019 $3,907 KLH MARKETING, INC 755 EAST DEBRA LANE ANAHEIM, CA 92805 $1,019 ATLANTA, GA 30368 LONG BEACH, CA 908011730 MURRAY, UT 84107 $268,095 $8,121 $9,878 $23,284 $1,169 $3,308 $2,414 $366 $2,250 $11,740 $316 $5,682 $44 $33,425 $1,675 $48 $66,593 $3,482 $2,475 $227 $3,515 $168 $530 $3,118 $10,066 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip Claim Amount KLISTOFF & SONS DISPOSAL INC. 4280 BANDINI BL KLX INC. KN CUSTOMS BROKERS K'O CONVENIENCE STORE PO BOX 4438 VISALIA, CA 932784438 SUITE 1200 5800 HUNRONTARIO ST. MISSISSAUGA, ON L5R 4B6 DISTRIBUTORS 1021 WINNIPEG WINNIPEG, MB R3E 0S2 STREET 558189 4055 HWY 93 S MISSOULA, MT 59806 KODAK CANADA INC P.O. BOX 3419 POSTAL STATION A TORONTO, ON M5W 4C4 KOKO'S CONFECTIONARY A & A GLOBAL IND P O BOX 5618 TIMONIUM, MD 21093 $3,331 KONICA CANADA INC 1329 MEYERSIDE DR $56,091 KORNER STORE C/O DC#65 MISSISSAUGA, ON L5T 1C9 NV KPMG IN TRUST FOR MARRC KPMG LLP MIKE STASIUK 800-200 GRAHAM AVE. 400-625 AGNES ST. KRAFT CANADA INC. KRAFT CANADA INC. P.O. BOX 130 P.O. BOX 2500 STATION TERMINAL KRAFT GROCERY DIVISION P.O. BOX 8888 STATION TERMINAL KRAVE'S CANDY COMPANY KRISTIAN ELECTRIC KNIGHT BROTHERS VERNON, CA 90023 C U D $1,494 $150 $814 $8,997 $68 $8,820 $9 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4M1 $1,172 $2,651 45 DURAND ROAD NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 5Y4 DON MILLS, ON M3C 2R6 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 8P1 VANCOUVER, BC V6B 4E2 WINNIPEG, MB R2J 3T1 4215 - 64 AVENUE S.E CALGARY, AB T2C 2C8 $819 K-STOP EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 CA $150 KWIK SERVICE ACCT# 565887 C/O DENV DIV $4,193 $62,864 $38,349 $1,060 $116,717 KYOCERA MITA AMERICA INC. P O BOX 31001-0271 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80915 PASADENA, CA 91110 L.A. RUBBER CO DEPT L.A. 22097 PASADENA, CA 91185 $754 L.B. JOHNSON INDUSTRIAL MAYWOOD, CA 90270 $368 LA BONITA HARDWARE COMPANY #1 3600 E. SLAUSON AVE. 1813 E CALIFORNIA BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 $674 LA BROQUERIE TRANSFER P.O. BOX 209 $173 LA QUINTA INN & SUITES 3808 N. SULLIVAN RD. LA BROQUERIE, MB R0A 0W0 SPOKANE, WA 99216 LABEL CONCEPTS INC ATTN: B. GERMEYER 6700 SIERRA LANE P.O. BOX 248 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 DUBLIN, CA 945682624 $1,439 LACRETE, AB T0H 2H0 CA $43 $150 BULLHEAD CITY, AZ 86430 TACOMA, WA 984980979 $141 LAKEVIEW LIGHT & POWER CO ACCT#677617 KATHRINES LANDING P.O. BOX 98979 LAKEWOOD CHEVRON 111088 7420 LAKEWOOD DR W $170 LAMB WESTON INC LAMB WESTON INC P O BOX 70075 P.O. BOX 34223 UNIT #D LAND FAIR COMPANY THE P O BOX 2407 LAKEWOODEGO, OR 97035 CHICAGO, IL 60673 VANCOUVER, BC V6J 4N1 NAPERVILLE, IL 60567 LAND MARK PRODUCTS INC LANDER CO CANADA LIMITED P O BOX 188 P.O. BOX 900 LANDING TRANS. ALTHABASCA 5901 ALEXANDER AVE LACRETE TRANSPORT (79)LTD LAGUNA 76 SV CR LAKE MOHAVE RESORT MILFORD, IA 51351 AGINCOURT, ON M1X 1B9 ATHABASCA, AB T9S 1B1 $0 $270 $238 $16,838 $3,783 $232 $147,050 $1,466 $42 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name LANE POWELL SPEARS Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount SEATTLE, WA 981012338 LAS VEGAS GROCERY LUBERSKY, LLP 1420 5TH AVENUE#4100 ACCT# 715987 C/O LAS VEGAS $1,162 LAS VEGAS, NV 89015 $35 LAS VEGAS REVIEW JOURNAL AND SUN P O BOX 70 LAS VEGAS, NV 89125 $291 LASER CARTRIDGE SERVICES INC. UNIT #1 850 BROCK ROAD PICKERING, ON L1W 1Z8 $316 LAZ-TRANS INC. LE KIU IMPORTING CO., LTD P.O. BOX 10655 550 MALKIN AVE. $1,320 $368 LEADING BRANDS 1800-1500 W GEORGIA STREET LEADING BRANDS OF CANADA 7400 RIVER ROAD #160 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 VANCOUVER, BC V6A 3X2 VANCOUVER, BC V6G 2Z6 RICHMOND, BC V6X 1X6 LEASE CORP. OF AMERICA P O BOX 99162 TROY, MI 48099 LEASING ASSOCIATES LEGAL DATA RESOURCES(MAN) P O BOX 243 CORP. 102-400 ST. MARY AVE HOUSTON, TX 77001 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4K5 LEGENDS APPAREL 4627 E.FREMONT ST. STOCKTON, CA 95215 $5 LES SCHWAB TIRES 2605 BROOKS ST MISSOULA, MT 59801 $803 LETICA CORPORATION LEWIS ST. ECONO MART DEPT. # 771108 P.O. BOX 77000 EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 DETROIT, MI 48277 CA $15,428 $150 LEXINGTON FOOD STORE ACCT 74278 316 S LEXINGTON DR FOLSOM, CA 95630 $102 LIBERTY LOCK & SAFE LIBERTY PLAZA 5470 W. SAHARA AVE 112904 HAYWARD DIV LAS VEGAS, NV 89146 BRENTWOOD, CA 94513 $501 $57 LIFE LIKE PRODUCTS INC LIFOAM MFG DIV P O BOX 827116 LIGGETT & MYERS EFT ACCT P.O. BOX 8500-1765 LIGNUM-2, INC. P.O. BOX 45599 LILY CUPS INC. 2121 MARKHAM ROAD LILYDALE FOODS 9620 - 56TH AVENUE PHILADELPHIA, PA 191827116 PHILADELPHIA, PA 191781765 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941450599 SCARBOROUGH, ON M1B 2W3 EDMONTON, AB T6E 0B3 LINCOLN SNACKS 30 BUXTON FARM RD STAMFORD, CT 06905 LINDT & SPRUNGLI (CANADA) LINDT & SPRUNGLI (USA)INC INC. 1030-525 UNIV. AVE PO BOX 710350 $3,141 $4,118 $258 $80 $26 $17,988 $9,633 $4,070 $127,646 $8,328 $4,818 LINK SNACK'S, INC. TORONTO, ON M5G 2L3 CINCINNATI, OH 452710350 ATTN: MARIA ALBANO P O BOX 397 MINONG, WI 54859 LIQUOR CITY LISA'S TRI STOP ACCT 682815 5600 W.SPRING MTN ACCT# 557553 C/O SPOK DIV LAS VEGAS, NV 11111 WA $4 $42 LITTLE DRY EXPRESS 414 WELLS STREET MILES CITY, MT 59301 $109 LOADMASTERS INTERNATIONAL LOBSTICK LODGE 4215 - 52ND STREET CLOSE P.O. BOX 1200 INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1P9 JASPER, AB T0E 1E0 $109 $46 LOCKMASTERS LTD. UNIT 175 4631 SHELL ROAD RICHMOND, BC V6X 3M4 $936 LOCKWOOD SHELL ACCT# 789958 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 77020 $48 LODGE MOTOR INN P.O. BOX 118 STATION MAIN $75 LOGICORP 1400, 8215-112 ST. DAWSON CREEK, BC V1G 4E9 EDMONTON, AB T6G 2C8 LONGHORN LONGMONT FOODS 10420 E. MONTGOMERY P.O. BOX 91299 SPOKANE, WA 99206 CHICAGO, IL 60693 LONGS DRUG STORES #329490 60 SERRAMONTE CENTER DALY CITY, CA 94015 LONGS DRUGS #068 ACCT #57620 830 J STREET MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 $1,021 $30,908 $162,289 $4,981 $4,750 $15,188 $5 $208 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT District of Delaware Core-Mark International, Inc. Case Number: 03-10944 (MFW) Exhibit F-2 Accounts Payable Name Address City, State & Zip C U D Claim Amount LONGS DRUGS #186 ACCT #13128 110 E LAUREL SALINAS, CA 93906 LONGS DRUGS #424 LONGS DRUGS #490 ACCT 70367 9479 MADISON AVE ACCT# 76380 C/O SACTO DIV LOOMIS ARMORED DEPT LA 21310 LOOMIS FARGO & CO. PO BOX 84045 FOLSOM, CA 95662 POLLOCK PINES, CA 95726 PASADENA, CA 911851310 SEATTLE, WA 98124 LOOMIS FARGO & CO. DEPT LA 21819 PASADENA, CA 91185 LORILLARD SFO SFO, CA 99999 LOTTE USA INC LOWE'S HIW, INC. DRAWER #641610 P.O. BOX 64000 P.O. BOX 1112 LOWRY'S MFG. & SALES LTD. LOZIER CORP. 30 MIDLAND ST. P.O. BOX 3577 DETROIT, MI 482641610 NO. WILKESBORO, NC 28656 WINNIPEG, MB R3E 2Y6 OMAHA, NE 68103 LP FOOD MART ACCT# 787770 C/O FORT WORTH FORT WORTH, TX 76053 LTR MECHANICAL LTD. 417 53RD AVENUE S.E. BAY 6 CALGARY, AB T2H 2E7 LUCKY CHAMP LUCKY GO FAR ACCT# 712281 C/O LAS VEGAS 66217 SACRAMENTO LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 RENO, NV 89501 LUCKY OIL INC 55558 CORONA CORONA, CA 92879 LUKE'S CARTAGE LUNDWALL,VIRGINIA 4040 - 77 STREET 2990 E RIVERSIDE DR #104 RED DEER, AB T4P 3P7 ST. GEORGE, UT 84790 LUNDYS EXXON P O BOX 9 WILSON, WY 83014 LYNN'S EXXON ACCT 13367 601 BROADWAY KING CITY, CA 93930 $265 M & M DISTRIBUTING 531 WEST 600 NORTH $409 M & M HEATING & AIR COND, INC. P O BOX 819 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 M & M MARS . M & M MARTS 129536 PORTLAND HACKETTSTOWN, NJ 07840 ALBANY, OR 97321 M & M MARTS #14 C/O DC#44 OR M D LIQUOR #3 M ST. MKT 106179 HAYWARD DIV EXPENSE BANK CODE 201 SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 CA $254 $433 M T S MOBILITY P.O. BOX 8500 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4V3 $136 M&M MARTS MULTI STORES C/O PORT LEBANON, CA 97330 $792 MACKE WATER SYSTEMS, INC MACS DELIVERY SERVICE P.O. BOX 545 P O BOX 309 WHEELING, IL 600909998 LAS VEGAS, NV 89125 $66 $201 MAC'S METROPOLITAN #117176 915 EMBARCADERO GOLETA, CA 93117 MADIX STORE FIXTURES MAGIC CHEMICAL COMPANY P.O. BOX 890148 833 W. SOUTH TEMPLE MAGID GLOVE & SAFETY 2060 N. KOLMAR AVE DALLAS, TX 75389 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84104 CHICAGO, IL 60639 MAGTAR SALES INC. MAIN STREET MARKET 67 WESTMORE DRIVE #5 272674 BAKERSFIELD REXDALE, ON M9V 3Y6 GUADALUPE, CA 93434 $235 $38 MALLORY INDUSTRIES INC. TORONTO, ON M5L 1K1 $3,329 MALONEYS MARKET MANGIARE 400 OYSTER P.O. BOX 3465 COMMERCE CT. POSTAL ACCT #631614 6147 LAKESIDE DR Not Available MANITOBA HYDRO P.O. BOX 986 WINNIPEG, MB R3C 4E4 RENO, NV 89511 $2 $3 $182 $40 $40 $98 $50,872 $1,639 $178 $619 $34 $67 $1,683 $3 $39 $27 $596 $8 $96 $97 $160,200 $215 $29 $5 $5,732 $8,123 $2,282 $22 $56 $6,200
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