architectural practices by city/town
architectural practices by city/town
PRO FILES 2011 Membership Guide of the Ontario Association of Architects OAA Member Listings Inside: UNIVERSAL DESIGN Ontario Association of Architects 20 Simpson Road, Bolton, Ontario L7E 1G9 Tel: 905-951-7800 Fax: 905-951-7689 [email protected] – [email protected] HVAC PRODUCTS FOR THE ICI SECTOR We supply: • EHG Duct’s Gasket and Non-Gasket Spiral Duct Systems • Rectangular Ductwork • Oval Ductwork We provide Custom Sheet Metal FabricaƟon • G-3® Duct System is warranted to meet SMACNA’s Class 3 Air Leakage • Supply to LEED SpeciĮcaƟons THE HVAC PRODUCTS YOU NEED DISTRIBUTORS FOR: DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT AND LOWERS YOUR CARBON FOOT PRINT! LEED SS CREDIT 7.2 = 1 POINT (REDUCTIONOF HEAT ISLAND EFFECT) RENEWABLE LIFETIME WARRANTY CANADA'S TOUGHEST FLAT ROOF STOP SPECIFYING FLAT ROOF SYSTEMS THAT LEAK AND START SPECIFYING THE TOUGHROOF FLAT ROOFING SYSTEM. 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There are 1,425 architectural practices in Ontario. Ontario architects are highly trained professionals bound by regulations made under the Architects Act, a public statute. To be licensed as an architect, an individual will complete a minimum of three years practical experience, pass extensive examinations, and attend the OAA Admission Course. Following licensure all architects participate in the OAA Professional Excellence Program. Only individuals licensed by the OAA may legally use the title “Architect.” In Ontario, the Architects Act sets out the types and sizes of buildings which must be designed by an architect. All architects offering or providing services to the public have a “Certificate of Practice” issued by the OAA and carry professional liability insurance. Ontario Association of Architects 111 Moatfield Drive Toronto, Ontario M3B 3L6 Tel: 416-449-6898 Fax: 416-449-5756 E-mail: [email protected] !!"#" $ !!"##% &' ()**+ ( ,,, ( • • • • • • • • • ! • " • # • • $ tor Life Planning • Cycle % • " P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 438905_DeltaNEW.indd 1 5 6/18/10 12:20:11 PM Hanson has Ontario covered in style. Built to impress. Built to last. To learn more about our extensive selection of brick for residential or commercial construction, please visit us online. PROFILES 2 0 11 Membership Guide of the Ontario Association of Architects TABLE OF CONTENTS Universal Design Membership Listings ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CITY/TOWN ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY ARCHITECTS (MEMBERS) LICENSED TECHNOLOGISTS OAA INTERN ARCHITECTS STUDENT ASSOCIATES RETIRED MEMBERS LIFE MEMBERS HONORARY MEMBERS INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 37 76 84 95 95 101 102 103 104 105 How to Use the Membership Guide PLEASE CHECK THE “TABLE OF CONTENTS” for the location of the information Photo: Susan Ruptash 7 9 10 HOW TO USE THE MEMBERSHIP GUIDE WELCOME & THEME UNIVERSAL DESIGN AND AGE-FRIENDLY DESIGN: HOW TO FUTURE-PROOF OUR CITIES, BUILDINGS AND HOMES By Susan Ruptash 12 17 GREEN DESIGN AND UNIVERSAL DESIGN: CONVERGENCES By Bob Topping and Thea Kurdi 20 23 25 29 32 AODA: UNIVERSAL DESIGN WILL BE THE LAW By Frances Jewett DEBORAH’S HOME A SMALL RESIDENCE FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED ADULTS By John Dorris WHY YOU SHOULD USE AN ARCHITECT FOR YOUR PROJECT SELECTING AN ARCHITECT AND HOW THE OAA CAN HELP TIPS ON HOW TO USE RAIC’S GUIDE TO DETERMINING FEES FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES you require. Practices are listed under their legal business names alphabetically. E.g. The Architects’ Studio will be listed under “T” for “The.” “William Smith Architect” will be listed under “W” for William. If you are seeking a specific architectural firm, first check the alphabetical listing to find the firm’s location (city/town). This is important as a firm located in Nepean will be listed under Nepean, not Ottawa. The former cities of Metropolitan Toronto are all listed under Toronto; Scarborough for example, will be listed under Toronto, not Scarborough. Some architectural firms have included a profile of their experience and design philosophy. These descriptions are provided by the practice. Although the Ontario Association of Architects can assume no responsibility for the accuracy of these statements, architects are bound by principles of conduct which stipulate that they not misrepresent themselves or their practice. All practices listed are Holders of a Certificate of Practice and have met the requirements as established by the Architects Act and Regulation. Only Holders of a Certificate of Practice may offer architectural services to the public. For the most up-to-date information Profiles is published as a convenient reference for the public and the members, and is current as of September 20, 2010. For up-to-date information about architects, associates and architectural practices, visit and go to the “Find an Architect” tab. This online database is the most up-to-date listing of practices and members. OAA SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC COVER: DISCOVERY LANDING, THE WATERFRONT AT DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON, BAIRD SAMPSON NEUERT ARCHITECTS, INC. PHOTO: TOM ARBAN ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Alana Place Tel: (800) 665-2456 Profiles is the official annual directory of the Ontario Association of Architects. The OAA is an open and responsive professional association of members which regulates, supports, represents and promotes the practice and appreciation of architecture in the interest of all Ontarians. The Association was founded in 1889 and its primary role is to serve and protect the public interest through administration of the Architects Act, and through leadership of the profession in Ontario. ADMINISTRATOR, WEB SITE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Tamara King PUBLISHED BY Naylor (Canada), Inc. 2 Bloor Street West, Suite 2001 Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 Tel: (416) 961-1028 Fax: (416) 924-4408 Web site: PUBLISHER Robert Phillips NAYLOR EDITOR Lisa Gordon PROJECT MANAGER Alana Place ADVERTISING ART Aaron Harper PUBLISHED DECEMBER 2010/OAA-D0011/4726 © 2010 Naylor (Canada), Inc. SALES REPRESENTATIVES Brenda Ezinicki, Anook Commandeur, Bill Biber, Candace Dyck, Chris Zabel, Robyn Mourant, Tracy Goltsman RESEARCH Kent Agramonte LAYOUT AND DESIGN Glenda Levandoski P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 7 BETTER BUILDINGS PARTNERSHIP AN ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING PAYS BACK FOR YEARS A CITY OF ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS PAYS BACK FOR GENERATIONS Planning a project to improve energy performance in your buildings? Better Buildings Partnership can help you reach your energy goals: Attractive energy incentives Interest free loans Technical assistance Third party liaison Results validation Act now to achieve the most for your energy dollar. 416-392-1500 [email protected] Building a better energy future Welcome to the OAA’s Guide to Practices and Members THE P R O F ILE S M E MB E R SH IP G U ID E IS the OAA’s vehicle for Ontario architects to introduce issues that are currently affecting the industry today and to provide important and helpful information to their clients and potential clients. GOING GREEN The OAA’s Communications Committee reviews the environmental impacts of this print vehicle. While we acknowledge that print may not be the ‘most green solution’ we have worked with Naylor Publications to ensure the paper, post-consumer waste, inks and printing processes are reflective of our mutual commitment to the environment. We request that you retain this edition for reference and/or forward it to someone else who will find it useful. When its function has been exhausted, please recycle. Thank you. UNIVERSAL DESIGN Usable and effective for everyone This year’s issue is all about Universal Design. The topic was chosen to highlight the expertise an architect brings to universal design and to increase awareness of the topic and the many practices that offer universal design services in Ontario. An architect is your best choice to help you meet your goals. We hope this year’s directory introduces you to some of the issues surrounding universal design and inspires you to think about how we can work together to create the best built environments for work, play and living. Redefining building. “FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION - T H AT H A S B E E N M I S U N D E R S T O O D . 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To l e a r n m o r e a b o u t d e s i g n i n g w i t h A R X X I C F s c a l l o r v i s i t a r x x . c o m | 8 0 0 . 2 9 3 . 3 2 1 0 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 488243_ARXX.indd 1 9 8/18/10 9:45:10 AM Universal Design and Age-Friendly Design: How to future-proof our cities, buildings and homes BY SUSAN RUPTASH, B.ARCH., OA A, AIA, MR AIC Photos: Susan Ruptash MANY PEOPLE S T ILL THINK OF universal and barrier-free design as ‘specialized’ design, something that is to be applied here and there when necessary. This attitude has left us with a legacy of cities and buildings that are tough to negotiate with rough, uneven decorative pavers on our sidewalks; steps at entrances; narrow, heavy doors; and inaudible sound systems. We are now looking at a huge inventory of built environment that needs to be retrofitted in order to accommodate access for people with disabilities. This can lead to hasty, expensive, poorly designed, or add-on solutions. Universal Design takes a more global approach, first defined by a group of researchers at North Carolina State University, which outlines seven basic principles: equitable use, flexibility, simple and intuitive design, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort and adequate space for approach and use. By incorporating these principles into the buildings and cities we 10 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a are designing today, we will dramatically reduce the need to retrofit them in the future. What could be more sustainable than future-proofing our built environment? As we age, many people do not like to think about how their needs might change later in life. This may be partly due to a history of associating accessible design with sterile, institutional design. It doesn’t have to be that way. The last decade produced an amazing array of beautiful accessible solutions—elegant lever handles, gorgeous cantilevered sinks—simple, good design. It is smart to think about these issues before you need them. Buying or building a new house or condo is a rare event that offers a huge opportunity to future-proof your home. That doesn’t mean installing ramps and grab bars everywhere, but it might mean selecting a new home that has very few, or no, steps or installing plywood supports in some walls to make it easy to install grab bars later. This is an issue for everyone, not just those who have a sudden need that can mean that their home no longer works for them. FUTURE-PROOFING OUR CITIES The fabric of our cities and communities must also address the principles of universal design. This includes considering age-friendly elements such as safe curb-cuts that don’t fill up with snow and ice in the winter, visual and audible traffic signals and alternate “fast and slow” pedestrian crossing signals that will give older and disabled persons enough time to safely cross the road. Good way-finding and signage can make a critical difference in the ability for someone to safely get where they’re going. Other initiatives for age-friendly communities include more strategically placed benches, safer sidewalks, slopes and ramps instead of stairs where possible, more thoughtful placement of trash and recycling receptacles that allow freer pedestrian movement and more and better access to public transit. In dealing with that for older persons, we’re dealing with that for everyone. FUTURE-PROOFING YOUR HOME You have a golden opportunity if you are moving, building or renovating to consider aspects of universal design in your home, even if you don’t need the features now. If you are purchasing a new house or condo, thinking about these things now may help sway your decision about what to buy and will save you money in the long run. More and more people are choosing to stay in their homes later in life rather than move to specialized facilities—why not make it possible now so that you have the freedom to decide later? As more people think this way, the resale value of your home may be increased if it incorporates a basic level of accessibility. GETTING IN AND OUT On the most basic level, you will need to be able to get into your home. The most common barriers to getting in are stairs and door widths. Falling, and fear of falling, are the primary reasons that people need to move as they age, and steps are a major contributor to falls. Make sure that doors are at least 915mm (36”) wide, although wider is better. Don’t think of this just for wheelchairs and scooters – it is necessary for using a walker or a service animal (guide dog) or if someone is supporting you when you are unsteady. Don’t forget access from your car and the surrounding sidewalks, and outdoors onto terraces, decks and gardens. A strong connection to the outdoors is important at all stages of our lives. GETTING AROUND Minimum width and clearance requirements continue once you are inside. Hallways should be a minimum of 1100mm (3’-7”). Pay attention to door swings, particularly with larger doors, as they can block corridors. Sliding doors can be a good option, as long as they are easy to operate. Floor and ground surfaces should be smooth, level, hypo-allergenic and non-slip. Cushioned flooring, such as linoleum or cork, is safer and more fall-friendly than hard tiles. Lowpile, tight carpets are better than plush, thick carpets. Make sure that all essential living functions can be accommodated on the ground level in the future, including your bedroom and a full bathroom. THE BATHROOM If you can, plan a large, spacious bathroom now— luxurious now, functional and necessary later. Another approach is to plan an adjacent space (a closet or spare room) that will allow you to expand the bathroom in the future. If it’s possible, installation of a combination of a walk-in shower and a bathtub offers the flexibility of choice. Bathing is an important and relaxing ritual for many people and the right design can help make it easier to get in and out safely. Other tips: • Good lighting • Low mirrors • Doors that swing out or slide to prevent someone from getting trapped inside if they fall • Higher toilets EASY LIVING I believe that people are often forced to move out of their homes because the design has caused the tasks of everyday living to become too difficult. Forward thinking can help your home work with you, not against you, as you age. Things that can help you live your life more comfortably and easily are: • Lower cabinets and appliances (no microwaves over the stove) – keep things within easy reach • Lever handles – not just doors and faucets, but also cabinets, window hardware and controls, such as thermostats • Lower switches and higher plugs with colour contrast to make them easy to find • Materials that are friendly to allergies and chemical sensitivities • Good lighting, higher light levels at work, focused on work and task areas, low glare Although most of these features can be integrated into your home today, you may wish to wait. However, keep them in mind when you are buying or renovating and you will find that your home can grow with you as you age. There are many terms used to describe these areas of design—barrier-free design, universal design, agefriendly design and design-for-all. Some of these terms have clear definitions; some are used interchangeably. I do not think of this as specialized design; I think of it as smart design. Susan Ruptash, B.Arch., OAA, AIA, MRAIC is Principal of Quadrangle Architects Limited in Toronto and Director of AccessAbility Advantage. P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 11 BY BOB TOPPING, B.ARCH., OAA, MRAIC AND THEA KURDI, DIP. ARCH-TECH © Green Design and Universal Design: Convergences 13539121 LOOK AROUND YOU. There is a vast array of residential building types in Ontario: residential commercial mixed use institutional industrial B uilding owners, developers and architects are increasingly being asked to enhance the accessibility of their projects, in addition to the ever-lengthening list of other project requirements that vie Shutterstock # 55468249, for available space and funds. Wouldn’t it be nice if accessibility features were easier and less expensive to incorporate into your projects? At first glance, green design and universal design appear to be completely separate concepts with no obvious relationship. In this article we suggest that they are not so different after all! In fact, the more we study the requirements for sustainable design, the more convergences and overlaps we see with universal accessibility. This convergence of differing design philosophies offers many opportunities for architects and their clients to add value to their sustainable projects, resulting in buildings that are more welcoming and usable for everyone. Today’s marketplace is embracing green design in a big way. Not so long ago, creating a ‘green’ building was considered to be a fringe, lofty, ‘tree-hugger’ goal. Today, green design is a mainstream part of the building industry with obvious benefits. Sustainability is now viewed as an integral part of most projects, and a mandatory design requirement for many corporate and government clients. The concept of universal design is still maturing within the design and construction industry. Knowledge of the principles and practical 12 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a application of universal design continues to evolve among architects and their clients. Progressive designers are realizing the benefits of inclusive design strategies, particularly as changing demographics influence the 5192668 age and functional profi le of building users. The consequences of our aging population are undisputed—more and more people with functional limitations will be using our buildings— most of whom would never consider themselves to be ‘disabled.’ Universal design addresses this reality, recognizing that such functional diversity exists throughout the entire population—it’s not just about people with ‘disabilities!’ Green design is about making better choices for the planet, using fewer resources, less energy, and ensuring indoor environmental quality. Universal design is about making better, more inclusive choices that recognize the diversity of human abilities across the entire population. It carefully considers the design requirements of building users of various ages, sizes, sensory abilities, language skills, etc. In our work as accessibility consultants over the last 20 years, Designable Environments has noticed that many of the systems and elements incorporated into projects to support sustainability goals also directly affect the accessibility and usability of the building—either positively or negatively. By adopting a particular sustainablity strategy, or by choosing a specfic green product, you can Green Roof. 53879311 What’s in it for you? Approximately 4.4 million people in Canada have disabilities, representing 14.3% of Canada’s population. Approximately 1.85 million people in Ontario have disabilities, representing 15.5% of Ontario’s population. That’s one person with a disability for every seven Ontarians. This is expected to change over the next seven years to one person with a disability for every five Ontarians—20 per cent of the population! According to Statistics Canada’s Participation and Activities Limitation Survey (PALS) 2006, nearly 40 per cent of people over 65 years of age have a disability, and a recent study predicts that seniors (65+) could outnumber children under 15 within the next five years (Statistics Canada, CBC News, May 26, 2010). An RBC study estimated that presently Canadians with disabilities account for $25 billion a year in consumer spending. The study also found that every person with a disability may influence the spending decisions of another 12 to 15 people, those who are colleagues, family members, business owners and other service providers. (Source: Statistics Canada, Health and Limitations Survey & Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, Reported in Tapping the Talents of People with Disabilities, R. Wright, The Conference Board of Canada, 2001, J. McCallum & D. Holt, “Outlook for people with disabilities...Cautious optimism on a mounting 21st century social challenge”, Current Analysis, Royal Bank of Canada, April 2000). Most organizations would jump at the chance to reach 15 to 20 per cent of the marketplace, not to mention a cut of the $25 billion spent. What about your company? What about your own staff? What would it cost for your company to lose your most senior staff due to a lack of accessibility? © Gaul make your project more accessible and inclusive. EXAMPLES OF CONVERGENCE The following are just a few examples of the many convergences between green design objectives and the principles of universal design. Green design encourages the redevelopment of brownfield sites, the reuse of existing buildings and urban intensification strategies to locate people close to amenities and public transit services. Such planning strategies result in more compact communities where people can walk to work, school, shopping and recreation activities. More compact communities are also more accessible communities because residents do not have to walk or wheel such long distances. Seniors with stamina limitations, younger children, people who use mobility aids, and persons carrying groceries or other objects all benefit from shorter travel distances to amenities and public transit. Universal accessibility is also enhanced through creative planning and grading strategies, making the urban environment simple and intuitive to use with minimal effort. Creating a public-use green roof is a great green design decision for many reasons, including improving the air quality around a building; replacing some of the habitat lost to plants and animals by the footprint of the building; reducing the rain water run-off; and conserving energy by significantly reducing the summer heat build-up on the roof, thereby reducing the air conditioning needs. It can also be a great universal design choice if amenity features are accessible to everyone. Green roofs allow people to get outside in a controlled environment without having to travel too far. Raised beds bring the flowers closer to seated and shorter people to smell and touch. They also provide a deeper soil base for larger plants and are easier to maintain because they reduce back strain caused by bending. Maximizing access to natural daylight can contribute to a successful sustainable design by reducing the amount of artificial lighing. Appropriately-designed windows are also a great accessible choice where lower window sills are Touchless washroom. Compact community design. Cork flooring. provided to allow seated and shorter people a view. Operable windows also contribute to the natural ventilation of a building by reducing the amount of energy required for air conditioning. It’s also a great accessible choice, provided the window hardware is low enough and easily operable—particularly for those who may spend so much of their lives indoors. Everyone benefits from the improved air quality. A touchless washroom can contribute to sustainability where the lighting, faucets, urinals and toilets are automated. This controls both the amount of water and energy used as the temperature of the water is preset. It’s also a great accessible choice because persons with reduced strength or manual dexterity can easily use the fixtures and activate the controls. A touchless washroom benefits everyone, including those with immunity deficiencies, through reducing the risk of infection by minimizing shared touching surfaces. Cork flooring that’s sealed with a low or no-VOC, low gloss finish is another great green choice. It’s a natural material produced from a fast growing source that can be made from waste product. Cork does not off-gas which preserves indoor air quality. It’s also a great accessible choice because it’s a low friction surface that’s easy P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 13 to walk on or roll wheels across. Cork is more cushioned that hardwood surfaces, making it safer and easier on knees and other joints. Unlike other hardwood or other hard surfaces, cork has acoustic absorbing qualities which can be used to enhance the usability of a space for persons who are hard-of-hearing, by reducing reverberation and background noise. Being low or no-VOC provides great air quality for everyone initially, but especially for people with environmental sensitivities. Automatic sensing lighting is another green design choice. It reduces the energy needs by keeping the lights on only when there is not enough natural daylight or when a person enters the room. By removing the need for users to see, reach and use a switch, an excellent universal solution is also achieved. Lights can be activated whether a user is standing or seated, if a person has low vision or reduced dexterity, or by someone who cannot use their hands because they are carrying something. CONCLUSIONS These are only a few of many examples of the overlap between sustainability and accessibility. Many of the connections are simple and obvious; accessibility can be enhanced by simply making different product and material choices. Other connections are more complex, challenging architects to use all of their design skills to integrate the principles of universal design into their urban designs and master plans. Most architects and their clients are well into the journey of transforming their design approach to integrate green design strategies into their projects. What we have begun to explore here, and most have yet Make education work for you! For more information: [email protected] 705.728.1968, ext. 1072 Hire one of our architectural technician or technology co-op students today. to realize, is how many opportunities these same choices provide for improving the accessibility of your projects. Bob Topping, B.Arch., OAA, MRAIC is President of Designable Environments Inc. Thea Kurdi, Dip. Arch-Tech is an accessibility consultant with Designable Environments Inc. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 1. Center for Universal Design, College of Design, North Carolina State University - www/ncsu/design/sod5/cud/ 2. “Why Accessibility Is Good For Your Business” - http://www.accessibilit resources.php?resources=78 3. “Why Accessibility Matters” ht tp:// mcss/publications/accessibility/ charles_beer/intro_why_accessibility.aspx • Are your current floor plans out of date? • Do you need new, professional and accurate computerized floor plans? BAM CANADA IS YOUR SOLUTION FOR YOUR TECHNICAL NEEDS. TOLL FREE: 1.866.443.8162 WEBSITE: WWW.BAMCANADA.COM WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? 479588_BAM.indd 1 5/25/10 5:11:09 PM Tile & Stone Floor Covering Installation Systems Installation Systems Canadas largest co-op college Concrete Restoration Systems 1-800-42-MAPEI (1-800-426-2734) 14 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a 496554_Georgian.indd 1 9/28/10 12:53:42496758_Mapei.indd PM 1 9/29/10 9:59:02 AM The DuROCK PUCCS series of Exterior Insulation Finish Systems are the ultimate in insulated rainscreen technology. The patented circular grooved insulation board design incorporates a 10 mm deep air space for positive drainage, and PUCCS EIFS can be easily detailed to direct precipitation to the exterior. Please refer to DuROCK’s three dimensional colour details for guidance in designing interfaces with other wall components. Whereas the EIFS lamina is the Primary Plane of Protection against water intrusion, DuROCK’s air, moisture and vapour barriers form the Secondary Plane of Protection. DuROCK’s patented drainage track (UniTrack) collects drained water and allows it to be dispelled at select locations. The thermal resistance of the insulation, combined with the air barrier properties of the various moisture barriers, enhances the energy efficiency of any building clad or retrofit with DuROCK PUCCS EIFS. DuROCK PUCCS RMC-1 EIFS is intended for use on wood sheathed, low-rise residential construction. It incorporates DuROCK’s Polar Bear air/moisture barrier and adhesive, which is specifically formulated for use over wood sheathing. This Canadian breakthrough in EIFS technology culminated four years ago when PUCCS RMC-1 EIFS became the first EIF System in Canada to meet the intent of the National Building Code for use over wood substrates. Please visit our website for the latest specification and detail updates on the DuROCK PUCCS series of Exterior Insulation Finish Systems. 905.760.1077 1.866.760.1077 Deborah’s Home A small residence for physically challenged adults BY JOHN DORRIS, B.ARCH., OAA SH OUL D P H Y S IC A L LY C H A LLENGED INDI V IDUAL S be permitted to self direct their lives? What should our society do to assist those of us with different types of challenges? What does equality mean? Sometimes good economic common sense prevails. Back in the Bob Rae days when regional governments were building low income housing faster than private industry could build for profit, rental housing stock soon saturated the market and caused private sector rental housing to be vacated and landowners to change their rental stock to condominiums. Most of the government-sponsored housing was directed toward low income families. One of the few projects that slipped through the cracks and got funding assistance was Deborah’s Home. Deborah’s Home is a dwelling for physically challenged individuals, a care facility, as defined under the Building Code, as opposed to a residential building. The concept was simple: provide a residence with self directed care for a few handicapped adults. At the time, these physically challenged individuals were living in hospitals with elderly and palliative care patients. Nurses looked after their care. Mental stimulation was non-existent. Imagine placing Steven Hawking in a hospital like that! Photos: Tom Redmond It took the loving initiative of a mother and a number of hearty friends to rally public and political support for what became a successful legacy. In 1994 a group was formed and questions were asked. What would solve their needs, and how could they make it come to pass? These rudimentary questions sparked more questions. With a little brainstorming the ideas began to crystallize. The concept was simple: provide a residence with self directed care for a few handicapped adults. These are the critical facets of this project: designing for the users’ physical and spiritual needs; choosing a scale that is economical and non-institutional; fitting the funding and finding the right place. As with all complex projects, these facets are intertwined in a matrix that is not easily picked apart. Let’s break these characteristics down a little more clearly to describe their components as we look into this matrix. The future residents, above all else, wanted to live a ‘normal’ home life. Many were living in hospitals and they wanted to go home. Unfortunately, the extent of their care was too much for their families even with drop-in nursing care. So, like the elderly and infirm without a nursing home, they were relegated to hospital care. At the time of the development it cost approximately $9,000 per month to house a person in the average hospital. About $1,000 per month would house that same individual in a small care facility. Nurses averaged $24 per hour while Caregivers averaged $14. While the development committee was doing the math, the Ministries would P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 17 nod their heads; but concede there were no funding programs that fit the project. However, there happened to be funding programs for residential low income housing. What if a care facility could be constructed as low income housing? The prospective residents certainly qualified under the low income category. The focus became “group home.” In our case, the facility was close enough to a residence to invoke residential funding, i.e. the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Traditionally, care facility funding is through The Ministry of Health. After the funding had been committed, the Ministries decided to make a cost sharing split. ECONOMY OF SCALE: At what point is the facility economically sound? If it is based on numbers of residents, what are the magic ratios between staff and residents? At what point does it lose the family scale? When does it change from looking like a home to looking like a sanatorium? • In our case that magic number was a minimum of four and a maximum of eight. • Now what about the location? Here are the priorities: • Close to amenities: downtown, shopping, hospital, doctors, groceries. • Size of property: single storey building most easily made barrier free; 18 metre (60 ft.) width. • Site characteristics - what’s needed: municipal connections, garbage collection, gas, hydro. • Residential neighborhood, close to shops, church, entertainment. • Clean air - away from dust and respiratory irritants. • Community involvement - landscaping, assisting with projects and needs. 18 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a • Enough parking for staff, visitors, and a handicapped transport van. Many similar homes rely on altering existing single storey housing stock to accommodate physically challenged individuals who are able to live independently with a small amount of guidance. Some of these residences have been made “barrier free” while others have barrier free areas. All have large floor plates and sites that can accommodate several residents as well as parking for five or six vehicles. The design elements of a specific care facility are dependent upon users’ needs. The priorities of Deborah’s Home were: ALL RESIDENTS: • use motorized, battery-powered mobility devices. • rely upon caregivers for their life support systems, medication, and assistance with mobility and meals. • were of similar age (adult mix of male and female, similar to a sibling family unit). • were to function as a quasi family with common living, dining, kitchen and coming and going spaces, but with separate bed/sitting rooms for their individual privacy and independence. THE DESIGN: The set-up of the residence could also serve as an example for other types of residences based on similar family type units, such as the Mingletype housing often designed for seniors who wish to share their homes with non-familial companions. Size matters: forget the minimum standards prescribed in the Ontario Building Code.* The bed/sitting rooms were each approximately 4.8 meters (16 feet) square. Each resident was given limited free reign to design their own space. The bathrooms, one for the ladies, one for the gentlemen, were similar in size and more closely resembled a Turkish sauna than traditional residential bathrooms. The floors and walls were fitted with porcelain tiles. Floors sloped to allow flush cleaning with a power washer and the shower had just enough slope to contain the spray of a showering resident. The bed/sitting rooms and bathrooms flanked a central power chair maneuvering area. This area in your home would be akin to the bedroom hallway. It is a full 3 meters (10 feet) wide with a central operable skylight. The kitchen/dining/living rooms were gathered into one large area defined by wrap-around, accessible cupboards and appliances at one end and the stereo and large screen TV on the other. A specially constructed large farm kitchen table was donated by the builders. The hardwood flooring and quarry tile flooring further defined the space. The foyer was sized to accommodate the large turning radii of the power chairs and made watertight so those chairs could be cleaned after use in the snow or rain. This space also gave access to the elevator and open basement stairs. The elevator was essential to bring the power chairs down to the basement for recharging and repairs, as the chairs demand a considerable amount of minor maintenance. It was a priority of the home management that there would be no separate rooms for the caregivers. All caregivers use the same bathrooms as the residents. Further to these amenities were the shaded rear deck and a meandering accessible pathway around the home. All doors were extra wide and power activated. LESSONS LEARNED: Of critical concern for most Care Facility projects is funding. Who will pay for the facility? Why should we care? We should care because we are a society that takes responsibility for the common good. We agree that certain facilities (e.g. schools, hospitals and government buildings) need to be provided and the costs shared among all people in our communities. Where are funds available? Traditionally, funding has been through our hospitals for the care and housing of these individuals. Given our experience with “Deborah’s Home,” we questioned if this was an appropriate channel. While new subdivisions boast wide lots (40 and 45 feet), these “large” lots are not large enough for the home with special needs. An obvious recommendation flows from the requirement in the Ontario Building Code that dictates that 10% of apartments in multi-family buildings must be made accessible. What if new subdivisions were required to make 5% of their residences accessible? Currently it appears necessary for provincial legislation to make this a requirement of development in order for us to have planned communities with accessible housing. I guess the real test of success is when you ask each resident of Deborah’s Home, 15 years later, what they call the building they live in: they all declared “home.” John Dorris, B.Arch., OAA, CBCO is a sole practitioner in Milton, Ontario since 1974 and Building Inspector/Plans Examiner for the Town of Milton. M&E NOTES: * The closest standard drafted to meet the needs of people such as those in Deborah’s Home would not materialize until 2001, with the creation of the City of London Facility Accessibility Design Standards (currently 2007 latest revisions). This standard was adopted in 2007 by the Town of Milton as a goal for all their newly constructed or renovated Town facilities. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) has two goals: a) the establishment of provincial accessibility standards, and b) universal accessibility. ENGINEERING LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL LEED REGISTERED COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONS HOTELS PROVIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR OVER 30 YEARS M & E ENGINEERING 1700 LANGSTAFF ROAD, VAUGHAN [email protected] 416-250-7222 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 486198_ME.indd 1 19 7/7/10 8:26:48 PM AODA: Universal Design Will Be the Law BY FR ANCES JEWETT, B.A.SC, P.ENG. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Standards Photo: Frances Jewett T H E O N TA R IO G O V E R N M E N T I S introducing five sets of mandatory standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). These standards require public and private sector organizations to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility for customers and employees with disabilities. The legislation is part of the Ministry of Community and Social Services’ (MCSS) plan to ensure that, by 2025, people with disabilities are able to participate in and enjoy opportunities available to people without disabilities. Universal design refers to a broadspectrum solution that produces buildings, products and environments that are usable and effective for everyone, not just people with disabilities. Innovative practitioners have been slowly improving accessibility of the built environment; but, in the coming years, the introduction of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) will move universal design into the mainstream. Expect exciting transformation as new constraints imposed on designers force breakthroughs that will improve the lives of millions, whatever their abilities. The power of the AODA is its global definition of accessibility. Accessibility has traditionally been equated with ramps and automatic door openers for people in wheelchairs and scooters. As a result of the new Customer Service Standards, Ontarians will be much more sensitive to the meaning of equal access. Invisible, attitudinal barriers typically present the biggest challenge for people with 20 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a disabilities. Soon to follow, the Information and Communication and Employment Standards will educate us further about how people with disabilities can be better served and enabled to join the workforce in greater numbers. When the Built Environment Standards are finalized, we may come to think of our traditional approach to alternate access for people with disabilities as unethical. We are beginning to see universal access as a right. Accessibility also makes good business sense. Approximately 1.85 million people in Ontario have a disability. That’s one in seven. Over the next 20 years, as the population ages, that number will rise to one in five Ontarians. In Canada, the buying power of persons with disabilities is now estimated to be $25 billion, a figure that more than doubles when you factor in the influence these individuals have on the spending decisions of friends and families. The market will reward architects, designers and businesses that offer accessible or universal designs. The AODA Built Environment Standards will require architects and designers to comply with a new standard or a revised version of the OBC; in itself, nothing new. Heightened awareness of our social responsibility and the resulting market pressures will be the transforming influences. We anticipate universal design will flourish in the coming years as Ontario takes corporate social responsibility for people with disabilities seriously. Frances Jewett, B.A.Sc., P.Eng. is Business Development Manager, AccessAbility Advantage, in Toronto. 1. Customer Service Standards: The first set of standards to come into effect relates to customer service and affects organizations that provide goods and services to the public. Public sector organizations must have complied by January 1, 2010; private sector firms by January 1, 2012. The next three standards will be harmonized and put in place in 2011. 2. Information and Communications Standards: The proposed standard outlines how businesses and organizations may be required to create, provide and receive information and communications in ways that are accessible for people with disabilities. 3. Employment Standards: The goal of the proposed standard is to help employers create equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The proposed standard: • sets out specific requirements for the recruitment, retention and accommodation of people with disabilities; and • applies to all organizations in Ontario with at least one employee 4. Transportation Standards: This standard is the only one that is sector-specific; that is, it relates specifically to modes of transportation that come under the jurisdiction of provincial and municipal governments. Due to the volume of public responses, it is not known when the final standard (Built Environment) will be released. 5. Built Environment Standards: The goal of the proposed standard is to break down barriers in buildings and other structures for people with disabilities by proposing requirements in areas such as: • entrances, doorways and ramps; • parking spaces; • signs and displays; and • recreation, such as parks and trails. We anticipate that only new construction and renovations will be required to comply with this standard and that it will eventually be integrated with the Ontario Building Code (OBC). Source: Ministry of Community and Social Services 2011 OAA Conference May 18 -21, 2011 Metro Toronto Convention Centre + Intercontinental Toronto Centre Architecture: Urbanization and Globalization Tackling the big picture of architecture: architecture that impacts people, partnerships and methods. The world is Be a part of it! Join us for the 2011 OAA Conference, May 18-21, 2011, in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre + feverishly expanding its urban centres, with the focus on cities as opposed to rural development. This is a critical time for architects to respond and lead with integrated design solutions that address energy use, social interactions within the urban framework, and the methods of work/transport, safety, Intercontinental Toronto Centre. Visit gardens, urban farming, etc. Stepping back from the everyday, the OAA website at the Conference becomes an inspiring and individual look at for more information. “my role as an architect to positively contribute to the world.” When you offer it, they will come. At Reliance Home Comfort,™ we’re always working to keep our Builder Program at the forefront of the industry. And our new Comfort Value Bundles are no exception. Save up to $6,000 in capital costs per house The bundles bring together some of our best-in-class heating, cooling and air filtration products along with the water heater rental equipment Reliance is so well known for. The result: bundled products that benefit both builders and homebuyers. 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Guaranteed.™ Why You Should Use an Architect for Your Project LOOK AROUND YOU There is a vast array of building types in Ontario: residential, institutional, commercial, industrial and mixed use. Each has its own specific users and needs. This amount of diversity requires someone who understands the big picture of our society and communities as well as someone who is trained in the complexity of the processes and details of building design. Each project is a component within a community. In order for our communities to be vibrant, not only does the individual project need to be well designed, it needs to address its context, how it relates to the streetscape, and its role in creating a better, livable, safer community. Just like the variety of building types, there is also a variety of designers and builders. Architects are the only individuals qualified to design the full range of building types and sizes. Their education, experience and ability to problem solve make them a wise choice for any project. To ensure that your building project is successful, you will want to consult a professional—an architect. Most Ontarians will not have previously retained an architect. By law, buildings which exceed 3 storeys in height or 600 s.m. (gross area) must be designed by an architect, with the exception of assembly occupancy which requires the services on an architect regardless of the size. For buildings which do not fall into the above noted categories, you have the choice of who be the designer. Every project introduces opportunities where you can benefit by choosing a professional. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ARCHITECT FOR YOUR PROJECT? When you hire an architect, you can be assured they are: • qualified for admission into the profession, including established standards for education, experience and examination; • continuing to develop their skill and proficiency through the OAA competency program; • applying standards of professional ethics; and covered by professional liability insurance. Architects meet the highest level of standards. When dealing with important decisions and projects, don’t you want the best on your team? Professional, Competent, Accountable, Responsible, Liable A project that is designed and built by an architect is one which is a successful collaboration between client and architect. It is well thought out. Building projects are big investments and the final product should be effective, efficient and beautiful. We are all unique and each one of us lives differently. An architect can help you create a space that meets your specific needs and addresses your objectives, concerns, hopes and interests. A solution that responds to your needs will save you time in P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 23 daily tasks and enhance your experience. In the long run, an architect can save you time and money. By working together with an architect your project may exceed your expectations! Whether you are building a new structure, planning some renovations, or adding to an existing building—architects bring value to your project by taking care of your interests and ensuring a quality building project. An architecturally designed project can result in cost-savings in energy solutions and long-term maintenance costs. Designing and constructing is the beginning of the process, but a building has ongoing costs of running, maintaining, and upgrading over time. An architect can see you through the life-cycle of your project and can address issues in the design phase to ensure simple, effective solutions for the future. Universal design, sustainability and ‘green’ issues are concerns which the public are now becoming more educated about and interested in. Architects are well versed in the processes, products and systems which can make a real difference in our world. Architects see these concerns as part of the project; it’s an integral part of what they do. If you want your project “to be kind to the planet and its people” an architect is definitely your best choice. Whether you’re thinking of a renoAn architect will begin by undervation, a new build, or planning a comstanding your goals and objectives plex development, early involvement of and getting to know you. an architect is your key to success. ARCHITECTS BRING VALUE TO YOUR PROJECT Hiring an architect for your project provides peace of mind. The route to a completed building project is challenging. There are many decisions to be made along the way which will have a strong impact on how your project functions and looks. Your architect can see you through the process by 24 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a not only easing the way and helping you avoid wrong turns, but directing you to innovative solutions. The result you want is a successful project; those that fulfil the desires of the owners, while meeting the needs of the users and contributing to the general well-being of the environment. Such projects are the result of a working collaboration between clients and architects. SOME OF THE SERVICES ARCHITECTS PROVIDE Planning a new building, renovating or restoring an old one, applying universal design, or solving a particular functional or space planning problem are all within the scope of an architect’s expertise. Traditional architectural services, focusing on the design and construction of buildings, include: • listening to and understanding the client’s aspirations • realizing the client’s objectives • establishing a program concept design • designing buildings that comply with the Building Code • understanding and applying basic principles of structural design • understanding and applying basic principles of design theory • selecting and coordinating normal structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services • construction documents • technical specifications • guide through the complex regulatory building process • taking a client’s instructions • selecting and coordinating normal structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services • reviewing the client’s program and construction budget • preparing the necessary preliminary and final design studies • preparing estimates • preparing working drawings and specifications • assisting in the drafting of bid forms for contractors, proposals and contracts including the actual call for bids • assisting the client in obtaining routine approvals from the authorities who have jurisdiction • giving advice on bids and proposals • carrying out contract administration of the construction phase, including the general review of the construction ARCHITECTS PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES An architect will establish a program, a concept design, complete construction documents and technical specifications. Other consultants represent a valuable resource, as their specialized experience and knowledge supplement that of the architect. The normal consulting services of the structural, mechanical and electrical engineers are essential services and the architect will typically coordinate the work of these professionals as part of the basic service. Increasingly the services of other specialist consultants may be desirable to advise on particular aspects of use or function of a range of building conditions. The fees of such specialist consultants, engaged with your approval, are not included in the basic services. SELECTING AN ARCHITECT Selecting the right architect for your project is one of the most significant decisions you make as a client. For more information on selecting an architect and how the OAA can help, see next page. The architect, as prime consultant on your project, can administer a contract that will result in the completion of your project on schedule, within budget and to the highest standard of quality. Selecting an Architect and How the OAA Can Help ARCHITECTS AND THE OAA ARCHITECTS TODAY ARE INVOLVED IN diverse areas of business. There are specialists and generalists in private practice. As well, architects are employed by a variety of large corporations, institutions, and small businesses applying their skills in research, innovation, and creative problem solving in a wide range of areas. Traditional practice, focusing on the design and construction of buildings, is still a popular choice for many architects. Choosing an Architect means you will have the best on your team dealing with your project. Professional, Competent, Accountable, Responsible, Liable The Ontario Association of Architects ensures that the profession remains responsive to the needs of society. The Ontario Government has given Ontario architects the privilege of self-regulation. The Ontario Association of Architects regulates the practice of architecture in Ontario. Generally, all building which exceed 3 storeys or 600 s.m. require design and general review by an Architect. Exceptions are assembly, occupancy which requires the services of an architect regardless of size and those industrial buildings or parts thereof which may be designed only by a professional engineer. The Association is dedicated to promoting and increasing the knowledge, skill and proficiency of its members, and administering the Architects Act, in order that the public interest may be served and protected. All architectural practices are also required to obtain a Certificate of Practice issued by the Ontario Association of Architects. Members of the public may obtain copies of the Architects Act, and Regulation 27, through the Ontario Government’s e-laws website ( SELECTING AN ARCHITECT Selecting the right architect for your project is one of the most significant decisions you make as a client. There are three basic methods of selecting the architect that is best suited for your project: Direct Selection; Quality Based Selection; Architectural Design Competitions. Each method has its advantages depending on such variables as your requirements, the complexity of the project and your time schedule. P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 25 To meet a client’s needs, architects must compete on the basis of their ability to perform the required services, not on the basis of fees. Therefore a competitive bid method of selecting an architect is not recommended. Competitive bids for architectural fees can degenerate into an ‘auction,’ forcing fees down to unrealistically low levels resulting in fewer hours of professional skill being devoted to developing an economical and satisfactory project. Savings in professional fees precipitate the reduction of design quality and professional services, and the client loses in the end. When an architect has been selected on an appropriate balance of skill, experience, imagination, sensitivity and ability to perform on schedule and within a construction budget consistent with a client’s needs, it is relatively simple to negotiate a fair fee. DIRECT SELECTION Is most often used for residential architecture as well as small projects. You can select an architect on the basis of special expertise required, reputation, familiarity with the location, personal acquaintance or a recommendation. You may seek an architect who designed a similar project you like. Your final decision may be based on your comfort level and rapport with a particular architect. QUALITY-BASED SELECTION HOW TO FIND AN ARCHITECT Is most commonly used by building committees representing institutions, corporations or public and private agencies. It is a sensible, balanced procedure for selecting an architect on the basis of professional qualifications and competence, using value-based criteria. A comparison is made between two or more architects by a building committee. The committee makes a selection based upon their judgment of which architect is most likely to handle the project successfully. A document providing detailed information about Quality-Based Selection (QBS) is available at Architectural Design Competitions solicit design solutions which are judged impartially on the comparative excellence, imagination and ingenuity of the submissions. The winner of an architectural competition is normally awarded the commission for the project. The architects for many public buildings such as City Halls, Museums and Galleries, are selected by this method. There are basically two types of architectural competitions, “open” and “limited.” Competition documents, prepared by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) describing the options for organizing competitions and the rules which govern them is endorsed by the Ontario Association of Architects. This document is available on the RAIC Web site at: architects/architectural_competitions/ index_e.htm To begin, go to and click on the “Find an Architect” tab. The OAA’s database of practices gives you the most up-to-date information. You can search by location or name. You may also choose to find specific expertise by searching listings with a profile and a word within a profile, e.g. “residential design.” Practices’ websites are linked to this listing so you can view their portfolio and learn more about their philosophy and expertise. Visit the OAA website to search our database of practices—it’s your most up-to-date resource for practice listings. ADVERTISE YOUR PROJECT TO OUR MEMBERS The OAA’s Project Opportunities section allows clients to post projects that require an architect. More than 2,600 members can access this information. For more information go to, click on the “Services & Resources” tab, and see “Classifieds.” The result you want is a successful project; one that fulfils the desires of the owners while meeting the needs of the users and contributing to the general well-being of the environment. Such projects are the result of a working process between informed clients and skilled architects. CONTEMPORARY REDEFINING HAND DRYERS 3RZHU'HVLJQ,QQRYDWLRQ MOULDINGS The Hand Dryer Company La compagnie de sèche-mains LE SÈCHE-MAINS REDÉFINI 3XLVVDQFH'HVLJQ,QQRYDWLRQ 26 • Architectural Plaster Mouldings • Interior Decorations / Columns • Commercial • Residential JIM 1-800-409-4583 [email protected] 47 Clarkson Ave., Toronto, ON M6E 2T5 Tel: 416-787-5245 Cell: 416-738-0495 Fax: 416-787-1488 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a 495132_Comac.indd 1 9/9/10 12:27:24 498687_Contemporary.indd PM 1 9/29/10 8:48:41 AM Heat ZMESH Radiant Products by Nail or Staple it! 25 Year Warranty Invisible and Safe Low Voltage Thinnest in the Industry Product Applications: Floor Warming Space Heating Roof Deicing Power Plant Supply Company 140 Midwest Rd Unit #12 Toronto, Ontario M1P 3B3 416-753-3339 493398_Power.indd 1 12/2/10 2:55:37 PM The Natural Advantage of for the Ontario Architect Nordic Lam beams, headers, columns, tall wall studs, and our latest innovation, the NI-90x I-joist series feature our exclusive technology, a unique process that minimizes waste through fibre optimization. Nordic LamTM is ideal for residential, commercial, industrial and architectural applications. TM NORDIC LAMTM NORDIC JOISTTM NORDIC LVL Nordic is certified under ISO 9001, ISO14001 and the Forest Stewardship Council. 139 Bentworth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6A 1P6 Tel: (416) 787-0271 • Fax: (416) 787-5421 • [email protected] RIM BOARD A USG COMPANY 437196_Nordic.indd 1 27 7/14/09 10:53:42 481582_OAS.indd AM 1 5/31/10 10:03:02 PM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S Interior Plaster Mouldings Fine architectural details. •• Residential Architecture Tips on how to use RAIC’s Guide Why You ShouldFees Use an to Determining for Architect for Your Project Architectural Services THE ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE F. List of Supplemental ArchitecOF CANADA’S (RAIC’S) A Guide to Detertural Services mining Appropriate Fees for the Services of G. List of Types of Consultants on AROUND YOU. There is OAA. a vastThe array of residential building types in Ontario: an LOOK Architect is endorsed by the the Design Team residential commercial mixed use guide was developed by RAIC with input industrial H. Finding, Selecting and Engaging institutional from the Provincial Associations to assist an Architect architects and their clients in determining The need for the document inappropriate fees for architectural services. creased with the significant changes This national fee guideline includes updated recommendations for percentagebased fees. The guidelines are in-tended for both clients and architects alike and support existing provincial fee guidelines. This Guide # provides: Shutterstock 55468249, • the various factors affecting the amount of the architect’s fee • the various building types and corresponding details • references and work sheets to assist in calculating fees The publication contains the following information: The Value of an Architect (Architecture Matters) Architect’s Compensation 1.1 Methods of Compensation 1.2 Fee Adjustment Factors/Variables 1.3 Reimbursable Expenses 1.4 Payment Provisions 1.5 Other Payment Provisions 2. Building Classifications 2.1 Occupancy 2.2 Building Complexity 2.3 Building Size 2.4 Building or Construction Costs 2.5 Building Category or Build-Type 3. Definitions 4. Other References APPENDICES: A. B. C. D. E. Fee Calculation Work Sheet Sample Fees using Fee Calculation Work Sheet Typical Invoice using Percentagebased fee Alphabetical List of Buildings by Category Services of the Architect occurring in the design and construction industry. It is impossible to assume that the same professional fee will be appropriate for all projects even if the projects are of the same size and the same5192668 building type. As each building project is unique, so is the scope of services required and therefore so is the fee. 13539121 53879311 THEN A schedule of fees for architectural services based on a percentage of the construction cost was widely accepted and used following the Second World War. Expectations and roles within the design and construction industry were consistent and clearly understood. Architect’s services for any building project were very much the same and builders generally performed in a consistent manner based on a standard set of customs and procedures. Therefore it was relatively easy to identify a typical fee for services of an architect for a particular building type. NOW Today the situation has changed and it’s necessary to examine every building project to determine the appropriate fee for an architect’s services. The practice of architecture and the provision of architectural services have evolved considerably. The architect and client must agree upon a wide range of project requirements and negotiate a fee based on each unique project. Some of the reasons for this include: • Widely different Authorities Having Jurisdiction and approval processes based on building type and jurisdiction; • Increasingly complex and sophisticated building systems and technologies; • Dif ferent for ms of projec t delivery; • Project phasing with multiple building occupancies at various different times; • Numerous additional specialists to consult and coordinate; • Additional (or reduced) levels of services depending on each project and its method of delivery; • Wide variations in construction costs; • New project design and documentation requirements such as Building Information Modeling (BIM); • Requirements for third-party cer® tification (such as LEED ); • New demands for rapid construction and tight schedules; P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 29 • Greater overhead costs as a result of extensive and complex “Requests for Proposals” and new marketing expenses; • Greater expectations for energy conservation and building performance; Extensive submissions at various stages of project documentation. TIPS FOR CLIENTS The Guide provides information as to the variety of ways in which an architect is compensated, according to the scope of the architect’s services and the project’s type (classification), size (area) and scope (complexity). When you embark on a construction program, you are making a commitment to what may be a major investment in an unknown quantity. While it is possible to define the proposed facility broadly in terms of size and function, there are significant variables needing attention: • How well and how long will the facility serve its intended purpose? • Will it be responsive to the needs of its users and the community? • What will the ‘Life Cycle’ costs for operating the building be? • Will the building be built using ‘Green Building Practices’ for a reduced impact on the environment? The architect you select to design the facility will be a major determinant in answering these questions. Training and experience enable the architect to transform your ideas and functional needs into an architectural program; a conceptual design; and the working drawings and technical specifications from which the facility will be constructed under the architect’s administration and field review. During the design and construction of your building, the architect effectively becomes a major contributor to your organization serving as advisor, coordinator, and technical manager as well as creative artist. In a large measure the architect will determine the functional as well as aesthetic success of the project. An architect needs to be able to provide the appropriate level of service required and conduct their business in a professional manner. Compensation should reflect not only the cost for the Specify Energy Saving Products from Azon Universal No-Tape™ 304 structural thermal barrier polymer 1 2 1 2 ™ Universal No-Tape 304 structural thermal barrier polymer Modern daylighting systems produced with both Azon structural thermal barrier technologies will yield a fenestration system capable of upholding the highest efficiency and sustainability standards. Conserving energy in commercial buildings is possible when manufacturers of fenestration products use Contact us to learn about the role of Azon the Azon thermal barrier method for aluminum windows thermal barriers in energy conservation 1-800-788-5942 | and Warm-Light ® warm-edge spacer for insulating glass. AZON SAVES ENERGY 30 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a 372189_Azon.indd 1 3/22/08 7:25:38 PM architect to provide services but also (and more appropriately) the value of those services. If it is decided that a contractor should be made responsible for the design as well as the construction of the project - the ‘design - build’ option is appropriate. • the client will benefit from the services of an architect in specifying the requirements in the building contract, or • the contractor should appoint an architect to develop the design, where it is required under the Architects Act. In either situation (of a design/ build option), the appointment of an architect can be covered by published amendments to the standard contract form. CONSIDERATIONS: DEVELOP A WORKING RELATIONSHIP A sound work ing relat ionship between client and architect will contribute significantly to the success of a project. Time spent in preliminary discussion about the requirements, the timetable, the budget, and the nature and cost of professional re-sources required and their cost is time well spent. CONSIDER THE RANGE OF SERVICES The architect can provide a range of services. For a building project, these begin with investigating the feasibility of the requirements, developing design proposals, applying for statutory approvals, preparing construction information, obtaining bids for building work reviewing construction, and administering a building contract. The architect works with a broad palette of skills. The architect can provide or arrange normal structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering services, and other specialty consulting services connected with the project (e.g. interior design, landscaping, IT, security, signage or barrier free access). The architect’s skills are not only relevant to whole building projects but also may be applied to related issues, including such diverse matters as strategic planning or master planning of property development for a client and the design or selection of furniture, fittings and equipment for the project. COMPLYING WITH RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS The architect is required to design within the client’s program and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and, of course, to work within existing laws relating to construction work, such as complying with Ontario building regulations (Building Code), planning, health and safety legislation and relevant common law. In Ontario, the Architects Act sets out the types and sizes of buildings which must be designed by an architect. All architects offering or providing services to the public must have a “Certificate of Practice” issued by the OAA and carry professional liability insurance. The architect will advise on the steps that must be taken to achieve compliance, and on the need for approvals. Architects can make submissions and conduct negotiations with authorities having jurisdiction, but obviously cannot guarantee outcomes beyond their control. Health and safety requirements in design and construction are governed by the Ministry of Labour. METHODS OF SELECTING AN ARCHITECT There are three recognized methods of selecting the architect: 1. Direct Selection, usually through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP) process; or Individual Selection based on interview or client selection process 2. Quality Based Selection; (QBS); 3. A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n Competition Each method has its advantages depending on your specific requirements, the complexity of the project and your time schedule. A combination of these methods may also be used. For more information see How to Select an Architect and How the OAA can Help, page 25. HOW TO ORDER For your copy of A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for Architectural Services The document is free to download for RAIC members. Printed copies to send to clients will be available for $25 each. Go to to purchase the Guide. Questions or suggestions regarding an Architect’s fees are welcome and should be directed to: The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada 55 Murray Street, Suite 330 Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5M3 Telephone: 613 241-3600 Email: [email protected] Fortress® Aluminum Cantilever Gates with matching UL listed gate operators for proven reliability in all weather conditions Vehicle gate systems for openings 4’ to 400’, vertical lift gates, pedestrian swing gates 31 436040_Tymetal.indd 1 7/21/09 11:22:06 AM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S OAA Services to the Public WE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES TO ASSIST YOU IN FINDING AN ARCHITECT: RESOURCES PROJECT OPPORTUNITIES WWW.OAA.ON.CA The OAA website is the most up to date, current source for information about architects and architecture. We invite you to visit and participate in this dynamic online community. Here are just some of the resources available at This area of the site allows clients to post projects that require an architect. More than 2,600 members can access this information. For more information: Go to, click on “Services & Resources” tab, see “Classifieds.” DOCUMENTS This is a library of commonly requested documents available from the OAA. It includes the Architects Act, Quality-Based Selection, and information on finding an architect and beginning a project. Go to, click on “Services & Resources” tab. HOW TO “FIND AN ARCHITECT”: This is your most up-to-date resource for architects and practice listings. You can use this search tool to find an architectural practice by municipality or name. Practices may have a profile including links to their websites for more information. Go to, and click on the “Find an Architect” tab. We invite you to find out more about architectural services, the profession and the Association. See the following additional resources and services: CAREER INFORMATION “Building a Dream... Choosing a Career as an Architect” brochure presents an overview on how to become an architect. Go to, click on “Services & Resources” tab, see “Documents” OAA PROGRAMS Find out detailed information about OAA programs including: CONTINUING EDUCATION The OAA has a mandatory Continuing Education program for its members. Visit, click on the Continuing Education tab for more information. AWARDS The OAA’s annual awards program promotes the best of Ontario architecture. Members of the public are invited to participate in the People’s Choice Awards, and the Landmark Award. A summary of the current OAA awards program including criteria, description, and submission information, and images of the past winners can be accessed at www.oaa.on, go to “New & Events” tab, click on “Awards” in the left column navigation bar. 32 P R O F I L E S 2011| w w w. o a a . o n . c a 492081_MAC.indd 1 9/21/10 4:03:57 PM %@>?KN<@>?K ,KFE</<E<<I FI%@=< 4IPXSPPN &BTUHBUF1LXZ6OJU .JTTJTTBVHB0/ 5FM 5PMM'SFF XXXTUPOFTFMFYDPN CONCRETE FINISHING Diamond Polished Concrete. A Strong & Beautiful Flooring Solution. Diamond Polished Concrete is a unique, advanced flooring system that brings out the natural beauty of concrete, helps reduce maintenance costs and enhances the natural durability of concrete surfaces. The Tri-Con Diamond Polish System employs an innovative 7-step grinding and polishing process that utilizes progressively finer diamond grinding heads. This system also uses the most advanced penetrating sealer technology. TRI-CON Concrete Finishing Co. Ltd. Tri-Con Concrete Finishing is an industry leader with more than 25 years experience in the concrete industry. We are a one-stop supplier capable of pouring new floors to exact specifications as well as restoring existing concrete surfaces with endless versatility. We guarantee that we deliver on time, on budget and on spec every time. ASK ABOUT OUR I.C.I. JOINT FREE CONCRETE FLOORS 835 Supertest Rd., Suite 100, North York, ON M3J 2M9 Tel. 416.736.7700 Fax. 416.736.6686 Build your city Colour your town Decorate your home Set your ur imag imagination free 1-800-LAFARGE Canadian Brass and Copper Co. Aluminum • Stainless Steel • Zinc LEADERSHIP Distributor of Architectural and Industrial Metals and ArGeTon Terra Cotta Wall Panels Copper, Bronze, Brass, Muntz, Aluminum, Stainless Steels, and VM ZINC ® Sheet, Circles, Plate, Coil, Bar, Tube, Pipe, Handrail, and various profiles Canadian Representatives and Distributors of VM ZINC ®. Bilingual Technical advice for Architects: Umicore Building Products USA, Inc. phone: 919.874.7173 University of Cincinnati CARE-Crawley Building Copper, Lead Coated Copper, Freedom Gray ® (Zinc-Tin Coat), Nordic Brown Copper ® (Pre Oxydized), Nordic Green Copper ® (Pre-Patinated), Evergreen Copper ® (Pre-Patinated), Titanium, Terne Coated Stainless Steel II ®, Stainless Steel sheet in 2b, #4, #8, and Long Grain Architectural Finish (Repairable Finish) Architect: Harley Ellis Devereaux & Studios Architecture Installer: Mohawk Construction & Supply Technique: VMZ® Flat lock panel & VMZ® Standing seam panel Aspect: QUARTZ-ZINC® by VMZINC® Awards: LEED Gold Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award Photography by Gilbertson Photography® 225 Doney Crescent, Concord, On. L4K 1P6 Tel: 416-736-0797 Fax: 416-736-7510 Toll Free: 1-800-845-1134 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN AJAX Antonio Visca Architect 51 Anstead Cres. Ajax, ON L1S 3X4 (905) 426-4984 / (905) 426-4985 [email protected] ALLISTON Line Vision Inc. 71 Victoria Street West, P. O. Box 234 Alliston, ON L9R 1V5 (705) 434-0999 / (705) 434-2520 [email protected] ALMONTE Larry Gaines, Architect Old Town Hall, 14 Bridge Street P.O. Box 706 Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 (613) 256-3630 / (613) 256-0615 [email protected] Peter Mansfield, Architect 122 Bridge Street Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 (613) 256-5213 pmansfi[email protected] AMHERSTBURG Joseph P. Toth, Architect Inc. 258 Dalhousie Street Amherstburg, ON N9V 1W7 (519) 736-8684 / (519) 736-6463 Simon Chamely, Architect 100 Point Blvd. Amherstburg, ON N9V 2Y8 (519) 730-0777 / (519) 730-0777 [email protected] ANCASTER BARRIE BLUE MOUNTAINS Barrie Vickers Architect 78 Amelia St. Barrie, ON L4M 1M8 (705) 728-0757 / (705) 728-2907 [email protected] Davenport Architectural Corp., Architect 28 Dunlop St. W., Unit One Barrie, ON L4N 1A2 (705) 722-4899 / (705) 722-3278 [email protected] Formworks, Inc. Architects 61 Collier St. Barrie, ON L4M 1G7 (705) 737-3365 / (705) 739-1107 [email protected] Ian S. Malcolm, Architect 126 Wellington St. W., Ste. 207 Barrie, ON L4N 1K9 (705) 726-2342 / (705) 725-5355 [email protected] Jeffery Architect 22 Blake St. Barrie, ON L4M 1J6 (705) 739-1757 / (705) 739-6798 [email protected] Jin Architect 105 Empire Drive Barrie, ON L4M 0A9 (416) 840-3288 / (866) 628-1628 [email protected] McKnight Charron Laurin Inc. Architects 67 High Street Barrie, ON L4N 1W5 (705) 722-6739 / (705) 726-5418 [email protected] Richard G. Butterworth, Architect Inc. 127 Judith Cres. Ancaster, ON L9G 1L3 (905) 304-0241 / (905) 304-0242 [email protected] Peter Archer & Associates, Architect 78A Mulcaster St. Barrie, ON L4M 3M4 (705) 735-9544 / (705) 735-9541 [email protected] Stephen Blood, Architect 63 Stowbridge Crescent Ancaster, ON L9G 5E1 (905) 962-3359 [email protected] Salter Pilon Architecture Inc. 151 Ferris Lane, #400 Barrie, ON L4M 6C1 (705) 737-3530 / (705) 737-3539 [email protected] ARNPRIOR Richard White Architect 71 Carss Street Arnprior, ON K7S 2G8 (613) 623-2336 [email protected] AURORA Pro Vision Architecture Inc. 119 Orchard Heights Blvd. Aurora, ON L4G 2Z8 (416) 800-6347 / (647) 800-0940 [email protected] Stephen Claude Charron, Architect 67 High Street Barrie, ON L4N 1W5 (705) 722-6739 / (705) 726-5418 [email protected] Ted Handy and Associates Inc., Architect 76 Mary St. Barrie, ON L4N 1T1 (705) 734-3580 / (705) 721-0265 [email protected] BETHANY Ronald A. Awde Architect 1458 King St., P.O. Box 142 Bethany, ON L0A 1A0 (705) 277-9490 / (705) 277-1531 [email protected] Tim Fanstone Architect 106 Lakeshore Road East Blue Mountains, ON L9Y 0N2 (905) 627-7166 / (705) 792-3302 [email protected] BOWMANVILLE J.R. Freethy, Architect 5 Silver St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3C2 (905) 623-7476 / (905) 623-8989 [email protected] BRACEBRIDGE Bird Engineering Ltd., Architect & Consulting Engineer, 19 Bird Lane Bracebridge, ON P1L 1J1 (705) 645-2291 [email protected] BRAMPTON C. Y. Hui Architect 21 Kenview Blvd., Unit #11 Brampton, ON L6T 5G7 (905) 792-6561 / (905) 793-2406 [email protected] Desmond Roychaudhuri, Architect 20 Davenrich Court Brampton, ON L6Z 1N6 (416) 871-5761 Part 9 Design 14 Manitoba Place Brampton, ON L6R 2H9 (905) 230-0524 / (905) 230-0523 [email protected] Rajinder Chaku Architect Inc. 430 McMurchy Avenue South, Ste. 111 Brampton, ON L6Y 2N4 (416) 841-8010 / (289) 752-0891 [email protected] Reinders + Rieder Ltd. Architects, Consulting Engineers 57 Mill Street North, Ste. 201 Brampton, ON L6X 1S9 (905) 457-1618 / (905) 457-8852 [email protected] W. J. P. Construction Designs, Architect 30 Ramsgate Court Brampton, ON L6Z 1W4 (905) 495-2442 / (905) 827-2792 [email protected] BRANTFORD Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 331 Terrace Hill St. Brantford, ON N3R 1H6 (519) 753-4886 / (519) 753-7939 [email protected] Lowry Associates Inc. 53 Lakeside Drive Brantford, ON N3R 5J5 (519) 513-2019 [email protected] MMMC Inc. Architects 127 Brant Ave. Brantford, ON N3T 3H5 (519) 756-6331 The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects 50 Dalhousie Street Brantford, ON N3T 2H8 (519) 754-1652 / (519) 754-0830 [email protected] BURLINGTON Andrew Incorporated, Architect 3060 Rotary Way, Unit 418 Burlington, ON L7M 0G9 (905) 650-3450 / (905) 635-4063 [email protected] Chamberlain Architect Services Limited 5096 South Service Rd., Ste. 103 Burlington, ON L7L 5H4 (905) 631-7777 / (905) 631-7717 Cynthia Zahoruk Architect Inc. 2561 Britannia Road, P.O. Box 1098 Burlington, ON L7R 4L8 (905) 331-4480 / (905) 331-4662 [email protected] Fabiani Architect Ltd. 3390 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7N 3J5 (905) 639-7753 / (905) 333-9464 [email protected] James J. Koyanagi Architect 374 Lark Avenue Burlington, ON L7T 2T2 (905) 634-4194 / (905) 634-4194 [email protected] jh.architecture 2430 Edith Avenue Burlington, ON L7R 1N9 (905) 632-0792 / (905) 632-0792 [email protected] Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc. 3190 Harvester Rd., Ste. 202 Burlington, ON L7N 3T1 (905) 639-6595 / (905) 639-0394 [email protected] M. R. Neumann, Architect 868 Danforth Place, Ste. 101 Burlington, ON L7T1S2 (905) 522-1234 / (905) 522-6072 [email protected] R. Meo & Associates Inc., Architectural & Engineering Consultants 825 Kingsway Drive Burlington, ON L7T 3H8 (905) 632-6952 / (905) 632-8870 [email protected] Stafford Haensli Architects Incorporated 1100 Burloak Drive, Ste. 300 Burlington, ON L7L 6B2 (905) 319-2009 / (905) 336-5719 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 37 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Svedas Koyanagi Architects Inc. 5006 South Service Road, Ste. 5 Burlington, ON L7L 5Y7 (905) 335-2360 / (905) 335-2361 [email protected] CALEDON Landmark Architecture Architect Inc. 2521 Escarpment Srd. Caledon, ON L7K 1G3 (519) 927-5399 / (519) 927-0503 CALEDON EAST Laszlo Nemeth Associates, Architect 18571 Centreville Creek Rd. Caledon East, ON L7K 2M2 (905) 584-2673 [email protected] CAMBRIDGE Dejmek Associates Inc., Architect & Engineer 35 Cambridge St. Cambridge, ON N1R 3R8 (519) 621-1233 / 740-9667 [email protected] George P. Fejes Architect and Engineer R.R. #22, 6566 Ellis Rd. Cambridge, ON N3C 2V4 (519) 658-9999 / (519) 658-9990 lillepold dowling architects 16 Ainslie Street South, Ste. 201 Cambridge, ON N1R 3K1 (519) 623-7400 / (519) 623-7890 [email protected] The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects 36 Water Street S. Cambridge, ON N1R 3C5 (519) 740-0671 / (519) 740-3902 [email protected] CAMPBELLVILLE Gordon Cheney Architect Inc. 220 Jessie Ave., P.O. Box 193 Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 (905) 854-1844 / (905) 854-1845 [email protected] CHATHAM Jorden & Cook, Architect Ltd. 330 Richmond St., Ste. 201 Chatham, ON N7M 1P7 (519) 352-2010 / (519) 352-6344 [email protected] CHATSWORTH Larry May Architect 623308 Negro Creek Road, RR#1 Chatsworth, ON N0H 1G0 (416) 525-3556 [email protected] 38 COBOURG Bruce MacNeill Architect 171 Perry Street Cobourg, ON K9A 1N9 (905) 377-1087 / (905) 377-1087 [email protected] Sole practitioner with extensive local experience in residential and light commercial projects. Committed to client participation and visualization through all stages of the design process. Robertson Martin Architects Incorporated 3 Acadia Dr. Cobourg, ON K9A 1T8 (905) 372-6024 / (905) 372-6024 [email protected] COLLINGWOOD Quantum Architect 403 Minnesota St. Collingwood, ON L9Y 3S6 (705) 444-5320 / (705) 444-5409 [email protected] CONCORD A. Baldassarra Architect Inc. 7800 Jane St., Ste. #200 Concord, ON L4K 4R6 (905) 660-0722 / (905) 660-7019 [email protected] Architectural Design Co. Inc., Architect 56 Pennsylvania Ave., Unit 1 Concord, ON L4K 3V9 (905) 660-9393 / (905) 660-9419 [email protected] Nestico Architect Inc. 3000 Langstaff Rd., Unit 7 Concord, ON L4K 4R7 (905) 669-7000 / (866) 621-0010 [email protected] Nino Rico Inc. Architect 201 Spinnaker Way, Suite 10 Concord, ON L4K 4C6 (905) 760-1848 / (905) 760-5941 [email protected] R. Varacalli Architect Inc. 30 Casmir Court Concord, ON L4K 4J5 (905) 761-9544 / (905) 532-0438 [email protected] CORNWALL C. D. Kaltsas - Architect Inc. 1100 Marleau Ave., Ste. 260 Cornwall, ON K6H 2W8 (613) 936-8408 / (613) 936-9676 [email protected] CREDITON Daryl Little 78 Victoria Avenue East Crediton, ON N0M 1M0 (519) 234-9412 [email protected] CREEMORE Michael Clifford Architect Inc. 3347 Con. 10 R.R. 4 Creemore, ON L0M 1G0 (705) 466-2917 [email protected] CUMBERLAND Louis Lortie Architecte / Architect 2207 Pleasantview Crt. Cumberland, ON K4C 1H7 (613) 833-0389 / (613) 833-0352 DUNDAS Ferguson Ferguson Architect South 36 Jerome Park Dr. Dundas, ON L9H 6H2 (905) 627-0347 / 628-9260 [email protected] Kaj Devai Architect #615 - 50 Governors Rd. Dundas, ON L9H 5M3 (416) 804-5973 / (905) 628-6480 [email protected] Stephen J-S Chang, Architect 8 Revell Court Dundas, ON L9H 6X9 (905) 627-4822 / 627-3831 [email protected] Vermeulen / Hind Architects Inc. 15 Foundry St. Dundas, ON L9H 2V6 (905) 628-1500 / (905) 628-6300 [email protected] DUNROBIN Brian W. Dickey Architect Inc. 3692 Armitage Ave., R. R. #1 Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0 (613) 832-5477 / (613) 832-0286 [email protected] EDEN MILLS Charles Simon Architect The Mill, 221 Barden St. Eden Mills, ON N0B 1P0 (519) 856-9921 / (519) 856-9921 [email protected] ELORA g. a. christoff/architect 19075 R.R.#1 Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5 (613) 931-3454 [email protected] James Fryett Architect Inc. 115 Metcalfe St., P.O. Box 88 Elora, ON NOB 1S0 (519) 846-2201 / (519) 846-0343 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 1345 Rosemount Avenue Cornwall, ON K6J 3E5 (613) 933-5602 / (613) 936-0335 [email protected] Ronald D. Brandon Architect 618 South River Road, RR2 Elora, ON N0B 1S0 (519) 843-2863 / (519) 843-2863 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a EMBRUN A. Dagenais & Assoc. Inc. Consulting Engineers & Architect 931 Notre-Dame, Ste. 101, P.O. Box 160 Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 (613) 693-0700 / (613) 443-5708 [email protected] FENWICK Architect Osama Abo Nassar 61975 Regional Road 24 Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0 (905) 899-4762 / (905) 899-4762 [email protected] FLESHERTON Paul Dawson Architect 10 Sydenham St., P.O. Box 278 Flesherton, ON N0C 1E0 (519) 924-2212 / (519) 924-3673 [email protected] GLEN HURON Lloyd Hunt, Architect 21 Station St. Glen Huron, ON L0M 1L0 (705) 466-3111 / 466-3111 [email protected] GODERICH Adolfo Spaleta Architect 125 Anglesea St. E. Goderich, ON N7A 1V2 (519) 524-8948 / (519) 524-8948 [email protected] Allan Avis Architects Inc. 60 West Street Goderich, ON N7A 2K3 (519) 524-5313 / (519) 524-5253 [email protected] BB&R Architect Inc. 1 Gloucester Terrace Goderich, ON N7A 1W6 (519) 524-5572 / (519) 612-1620 [email protected] John Rutledge Architect 39A West St. Goderich, ON N7A 2K5 (519) 524-9285 / (519) 524-9288 [email protected] GRAFTON Ihor A. Kotowycz, Architect 830 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 185 Grafton, ON K0K 2G0 (905) 349-9939 [email protected] GUELPH Barry R. Johnson architect R.R. #2, 8016 Hwy #7 Guelph, ON N1H 6H8 (519) 822-7390 / (519) 822-5881 [email protected] 421 Applewood Crescent, Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 4J3 Toll Free: 1-800-565-1851 • Tel.: 416-743-3667 Fax: 416-746-0979 Architectural Aluminum Products • Entrances • Swing Doors • Sliding Doors • Bi-Fold Doors • Windows • Curtain Wall ber of the Toro Group o m e f Co mpa AM nies nt • Se rvice & Commitme [email protected] • 486797_Commdoor.indd 1 8/24/10 1:38:49 PM Custom-Designed Inspiration Proud to be a supporter of the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects! g r o u p Management & IT Consultants Supporting the architectural community since 1990 Please contact Barry Goman, CMA, CMC to discuss our specialties: • Business Process Improvement • Software Selection & Implementation • IT Strategy & Network Management • Training & Executive Coaching 430, route 108 West Saint-Ephrem (Quebec) Canada G0M 1R0 Phone: 1 800 804-5666 486757_Baillargeon.indd 1 Authorized VAR for Deltek Vision & Newforma project-focused systems w w w . am rg rou p. ca | 416. 233. 0337 | bg om an @am 11/16/10 8:40:54425671_AMRGroup.indd AM 1 LMDG Building Code Consultants Ltd. Noise, Vibration and Acoustics Fire Protection & Life Safety Building Code and Fire Code Consultants Ontario Office: Construction Control Office PO Box 6031, 3111 Convair Drive Toronto AMF, ON L5P 1B2 Tel: (905) 671-3703 Fax: (905) 671-9403 James R. Ware, FPET 343027_LMDG.indd 1 Head Office: 4th Floor - 780 Beatty Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2M1 Tel: (604) 682-7146 Fax: (604) 682-7149 Emmanuel A. Domingo, P.Eng. Glenn A. Gibson, M.Eng., P.Eng., CP 4/13/10 10:38:33 AM Consulting Engineers Mississauga, Ontario P: 905-826-4044 F: 905-826-4940 HOWE GASTMEIER CHAPNIK LIMITED • Architectural Acoustics • Building Noise and Vibration Control 39 8/10/07 6:18:49349064_Howe.indd PM 1 9/25/07 10:53:03 AM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S Custom profiles capability • Over 3,000 in house profiles • Large variety of millwork products Moulding to your plans For information call 1 866 377-2539 416235_Alexandria.indd 1 1/28/09 12:46:54 PM Earn LEED Points 40 448148_Ameristar.indd 1 P R O F I L E S 2011| w w w. o a a . o n . c a 9/28/09 4:31:31 PM ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN BJC architects inc. R.R. #2, 8016 Highway #7 Guelph, ON N1H 6H8 (519) 822-7390 / (519) 822-5881 general.offi[email protected] Cianfrone Architect Inc. 172 John Street South Hamilton, ON L8N 2C4 (905) 570-1656 / (905) 570-1065 [email protected] J. David McAuley, Architect Inc. 360 Woolwich St. Guelph, ON N1H 3W6 (519) 823-2441 / (519) 821-8140 offi[email protected] Colleen M. Reid, Architect 373 Charlton St. W. Hamilton, ON L8P 2E6 (905) 523-6436 / (905) 523-6689 [email protected] J. William Birdsell, Architect 107 Dublin St. N. Guelph, ON N1H 4N2 (519) 822-9999 / (519) 822-9540 [email protected] david premi Architects inc. 28 King Street East, Second Floor Hamilton, ON L8N 1A3 (905) 522-0220 / (905) 522-0223 [email protected] L. Alan Grinham Architect Inc. 20 Douglas St., Ste. 201 Guelph, ON N1H 2S9 (519) 766-1580 / (519) 766-1377 [email protected] Douglas Ross Denton Architect + Associates 90 Duke Street, Apt. 2102 Hamilton, ON L8P 1X6 (905) 777-8989 [email protected] Raminder Kanetkar Architect Inc. 11 Harts Lane East Guelph, ON N1L 1B1 (519) 242-4081 [email protected] Garwood-Jones & Hanham, Architects 185 Young Street, 2nd Floor Hamilton, ON L8N 1V9 (905) 540-8889 / (905) 523-7600 [email protected] Talo Architect Inc. 302 Edinburgh Rd. S. Guelph, ON N1G 2K4 (416) 469-3168 / (519) 780-5116 [email protected] John Mokrycke Architect 4-172 1/2 James Street North Hamilton, ON L8R 2L1 (905) 543-0353 / (905) 543-0353 [email protected] William A. Curtis, Architect 51 Winston Crescent Guelph, ON N1E 2K1 (519) 362-2311 [email protected] Kathryn Vogel Architect Inc. 357 Hunter St. West, Ste. 23 Hamilton, ON L8P 1S6 (905) 521-1333 / (905) 521-1100 [email protected] HALIBURTON Hugh H. Taylor, Architect Wildwood Farm, R. R. #2, 1179 Parish Line Road Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0 (705) 457-1671 / (705) 457-1671 [email protected] HALTON HILLS (GEORGETOWN) Eric Connolly, Architect 16 Main Street South, Ste. 201 Halton Hills (Georgetown), ON L7G 3G5 (905) 877-0739 / (905) 877-0027 [email protected] HAMILTON Atkinson Engineering Inc., Consulting Engineers and Architect 786 King St. E. Hamilton, ON L8M 1A6 (905) 523-1988 / (905) 523-6221 [email protected] Lintack Architects Incorporated 244 James Street South Hamilton, ON L8P 3B3 (905) 522-6165 / (905) 522-2209 [email protected] McCallum Sather Architects Inc. 157 Catharine St. N. Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4 (905) 526-6700 / (905) 526-0906 [email protected] Philip Toms Architect 292 Charlton Ave. W. Hamilton, ON L8P 2E5 (905) 777-8667 / 777-8664 [email protected] Plethovalent Architecture 52 Rexford Drive Hamilton, ON L8W 2L9 (416) 875-8946 [email protected] Radojewski, Architect 249 East Avenue N., Ste. A Hamilton, ON L8L 5J4 (905) 528-3708 / (519) 750-0834 [email protected] Sam Esposto Architect Inc. 548 Upper James St. Hamilton, ON L9C 2Y4 (905) 383-7500 / (905) 383-5700 [email protected] Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects 1400 Rymal Road East Hamilton, ON L8W 3N9 (905) 308-7701 / (905) 385-3534 [email protected] TCA/Thier + Curran Architects Inc. 86 Herkimer Street, Ste. 22 Hamilton, ON L8P 2G7 (905) 297-0863 / (905) 297-0864 [email protected] Victor P. Pala, Architect Ltd. 768 King St. W. Hamilton, ON L8S 1J8 (905) 525-2200 / (905) 525-2129 [email protected] Zebroski Associates Ltd., Architect 17 Huntsman Gate, R. R. #2 Hamilton, ON L8N 2Z7 (905) 575-9333 / (905) 659-2447 [email protected] HAMPTON R. W. Bruynson Inc., Architect 6 Hillside Dr. Hampton, ON L0B 1J0 (905) 263-4466 / (905) 263-8067 [email protected] HAWKESBURY A-DN Architecture Design Inc. 178 Main Street East Hawkesbury, ON K5A 1A5 (613) 632-1940 / (613) 632-0502 [email protected] HUNTSVILLE Duncan Ross, Architect 75 Main Street West, Ste. 10 Huntsville, ON P1H 1X1 (705) 789-3036 / (705) 789-6439 [email protected] Mitchell Architects Inc. 7 John Street, Ste. 3 Huntsville, ON P1H 1HZ (705) 788-0650 / (705) 788-3257 [email protected] Smith Architect Inc. 6-59 Main St. E. Huntsville, ON P1H 2B8 (705) 789-9858 / (705) 789-6472 [email protected] Make your Muskoka waterfront residential or commercial project a success with Smith Architect Inc.! Smith Architect provides budgeting, design, construction documentation and project management for selective clients with Muskoka properties. KANATA Dynar Architect + Associates Inc. 535 Legget Drive, Suite 120 Kanata, ON K2K 3B8 (613) 592-2284 / (613) 592-9352 [email protected] Richard Briginshaw Architect 28 Sandwell Cres. Kanata, ON K2K 1V3 (613) 592-2337 / (613) 592-2637 [email protected] KEMPTVILLE Robert Beckett Architect Inc. 9 Bridge St. N., P.O. Box 808 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 (613) 258-0846 / (613) 258-0461 [email protected] KENORA Nelson Architecture Inc., Architect 205 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 1470 Kenora, ON P9N 3X7 (807) 468-9442 / (807) 468-8618 [email protected] KIMBERLEY Ferguson Ferguson Architect North Box 81, 235325 Main St. Kimberley, ON N0C 1G0 (519) 599-7139 / (519) 599-7139 [email protected] KING CITY Dzikowski Architects Inc. 57 Scott Crescent King City, ON L7B 1E4 (905) 539-4377 / (905) 539-4378 [email protected] KINGSTON Alexander Wilson Architect Inc. The Admiralty Building 103 - 20 Gore Street Kingston, ON K7L 2L1 (613) 545-3744 / (613) 545-1411 [email protected] Colbourne & Kembel, Architects Inc. 739D Arlington Park Place Kingston, ON K7M 8M8 (613) 384-2240 / (613) 384-1277 [email protected] Ernest A. Cromarty Architect Inc. 2263 Princess St. Kingston, ON K7M 3G1 (613) 544-5200 / (613) 546-9537 [email protected] H.M. Sardinha Architect Inc. 93 Queen St. Kingston, ON K7K 1A5 (613) 544-7979 / (866) 822-3373 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 41 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., 382 King Street East Kingston, ON 2Y2 493433_HDR.indd 1 K7K 8/28/10 11:45:34 AM (613) 549-1403 / (613) 549-5997 [email protected] Among the largest healthcare architects in Canada, HDR is a full service design firm specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in the U.S. Hughes Downey Architects 230 Rideau St. Kingston, ON K7K 3A4 (613) 544-9183 / (613) 547-0852 [email protected] J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects 863 Princess St., Ste. 203 Kingston, ON K7L 5N4 (613) 544-1424 [email protected] Malcolm Fox Architect 803 Ashley Crescent Kingston, ON K7M 4E2 (613) 384-7372 / (613) 384-7372 [email protected] NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers Admiralty Place, Ste. 101, 20 Gore St., P.O. Box 111 Kingston, ON K7L 4V7 (613) 546-3618 / (613) 546-7839 [email protected] Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd. 4 Cataraqui St., Ste. #206 Kingston, ON K7K 1Z7 (613) 541-0776 / (613) 541-0804 [email protected] KITCHENER AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. 50 Sportsworld Crossing Road, Ste. 290 Kitchener, ON N2P 0A4 (519) 650-5313 / (519) 650-3424 [email protected] David Thompson Architect Limited 181 Simeon Street Kitchener, ON N2H 1S7 (519) 342-0095 / (519) 342-5700 [email protected] Specializing in custom single-family residential design, public institutional and recreational work, housing, and sustainability. One client wrote, ‘David’s work as an architect is systematic, thoughtful, imaginative and creative.’ John Clinckett Architect 304 - 195 King West Kitchener, ON N2G 1B1 (519) 742-7111 / (519) 578-2041 [email protected] 42 John MacDonald Architect Inc. 141 Whitney Place Kitchener, ON N2G 2X8 (519) 579-1700 / 579-2046 [email protected] Michael Brisson, Architect 742 King St. W., Ste. 202 Kitchener, ON N2G 1E7 (519) 208-5601 MMMC Inc. Architects 290 King Street East, Ste. 201 Kitchener, ON N2G 2L3 (519) 575-2227 / (519) 756-7631 [email protected] Peter Ciuciura, Architect 122 Chestnut Street Kitchener, ON N2H 1V1 (519) 743-1984 [email protected] Robert J. Dyck, Architect & Engineer Incorporated 79 Benton Street Kitchener, ON N2G 3H3 (519) 571-0224 / (519) 571-8886 [email protected] Robertson Simmons Architects Inc. 130 Weber Street West, Ste. 100 Kitchener, ON N2H 4A2 (519) 745-4754 / (519) 745-0061 [email protected] Ryszard Gancewski Architect 39 Misty St. Kitchener, ON N2B 3V4 (519) 894-3141 / (519) 894-8201 [email protected] Sarah Lang Architect 22 Water St. S., Ste. #14 Kitchener, ON N2G 4K4 (519) 496-3068 The Walter Fedy Partnership, Architects & Engineers 546 Belmont Ave. W. Kitchener, ON N2M 5E3 (519) 576-2150 / (519) 576-5499 [email protected] William J. Krohn, Architect 304 Krug Street Kitchener, ON N2H 2Z1 (519) 742-8152 / (519) 742-9308 [email protected] LAKEFIELD Christopher Z. Tworkowski, Architect 34 Bridge St., P.O. Box 541 Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0 (705) 652-1646 / (705) 652-1646 [email protected] LINDSAY M. B. Finney Limited, Consulting Engineer and Architect Suite 213, Kent Place, 189 Kent St. W. Lindsay, ON K9V 5G6 (705) 324-4418 / (705) 324-5852[email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Wilcox Architects Incorporated 74 Lindsay St. S. Lindsay, ON K9V 2M2 (705) 328-0175 / (705) 328-1587 [email protected] LISLE 3 Stones Architecture and Design, Sean O’Reilly Architect 19 David Drive Lisle, ON L0M 1M0 (705) 424-7845 / (705) 424-3651 [email protected] LONDON architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin Inc. 318 Wolfe St. London, ON N6B 2C5 (519) 672-1440 / (519) 672-6969 [email protected] Carsten Jensen Architect Inc. 1175 Hyde Park Rd., #122 London, ON N6H 5K6 (519) 641-8192 [email protected] Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated, Architect 110 - 700 Richmond St. London, ON N6A 5C7 (519) 432-6644 / (519) 432-6737 [email protected] Craig R. Elliott . Architect 68 Meridene Cres. E. London, ON N5X 1G5 (800) 894-7575 [email protected] Dillon Building Design Ltd., Engineers and Architects 130 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 426 London, ON N6A 5R2 (519) 438-6192 / (519) 672-8209 [email protected] Donald Ardiel Architect 470 Ambleside Dr. London, ON N6G 4W9 (519) 850-0792 / (519) 850-1717 [email protected] Endri Poletti Architect 941 Waterloo St. London, ON N6A 3X2 (519) 433-5691 / (519) 433-4612 [email protected] HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. Building 13, 3rd Floor, 800 Commissioners Road East, P.O. Box 5010 London, ON N6A 4G5 (519) 685-8501 / (519) 685-8505 [email protected] Malhotra Nicholson Sheffield Architects Inc. 358 Talbot Street London, ON N6A 2R6 (519) 673-1190 / (519) 673-1490 [email protected] Marsh Katsios Architect 520 Wellington St., #4 London, ON N6A 3R2 (519) 433-2863 / (519) 432-2020 [email protected] Murphy & Murphy Architect Inc. 775 Waterloo St. London, ON N6A 3W5 (519) 433-5161 / (519) 433-5163 [email protected] Patrick Coles, Architect P.O. Box 638, Lambeth Station London, ON N6P 1R2 (519) 264-9511 / (519) 264-9511 [email protected] Paul F. Loreto Architect Inc. 747 Hyde Park Road, Ste. 108 London, ON N6H 3S3 (519) 473-6641 / (519) 473-4707 Paul Kershaw Architect 40 Windsor Avenue London, ON N6C 1Z7 (519) 434-9224 / (519) 434-5217 [email protected] Philip Agar Architect Inc. 263 Piccadilly St. London, ON N6A 1S3 (519) 432-7368 / (519) 432-2258 [email protected] Randy Wilson Architect Incorporated 280 Queens Ave, Ste. 1Q London, ON N6B 1X3 (519) 439-0611 / (519) 438-5962 [email protected] Richard Morrison, Architect 425 Baker St. London, ON N6C 1X8 (519) 439-8740 / (519) 439-0671 [email protected] Robert S. Glennie Architect 96 Tallwood London, ON N5X 2S1 (519) 642-2076 [email protected] SJMA Architecture Inc. 126 Wellington Road London, ON N6C 4M8 (519) 649-0220 / (519) 649-1453 [email protected] Among the largest healthcare architects in Canada, HDR is a full service design firm specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in the U.S. Skinner & Skinner Architects Inc. 482 Riverside Drive London, ON N6H 2R7 (519) 679-9201 / (519) 672-4911 [email protected] Louis E.J. Cooke, Architect 771 North Mile Rd. London, ON N6H 2X7 (519) 641-8960 / (519) 641-8334 [email protected] Spriet Associates Limited, Architects 155 York St. London, ON N6A 1A8 (519) 672-4100 / (519) 433-9351 [email protected] 496930_Concrete.indd 1 449565_InterfaceFLOR.indd 1 9/21/10 4:39:29 PM 43 10/15/09 2:57:37 PM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 486581_Stone.indd 1 7/31/10 10:48:00 AM Toronto | Mississauga | Oakville | Richmond Hill | London 1-866-897-3552 44 489077_Pella.indd 1 P R O F I L E S 2011| w w w. o a a . o n . c a 9/1/10 10:44:14 AM ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects 177 Seawood Avenue London, ON N6J 1B6 (519) 657-2551 [email protected] David McConnell - Architect 46 Fonthill Boulevard Markham, ON L3R 1V7 (905) 475-8336 [email protected] R. Waiman Chung, Architect Inc. 20 Townley Avenue Markham, ON L3S 1C3 (905) 940-3205 [email protected] Vinters Architect 1057 Viscount Rd. London, ON N6K 1H6 (519) 657-2529 / (519) 657-4930 [email protected] Delcan Corporation, Engineers and Architects 625 Cochrane Drive, Suite 500 Markham, ON L3R 9R9 (905) 943-0500 / (905) 943-0259 Spectrum Architect 15 Allstate Parkway, Ste. 300 Markham, ON L3R 5B4 (905) 940-5842 / (905) 940-5848 [email protected] Wasylko Architect Inc. 370 Queens Ave. London, ON N6B 1X6 (519) 663-0888 / (519) 663-5258 [email protected] William Haas Consultants Inc. Architect and Engineer 1087 Gainsborough Rd. London, ON N6H 5L5 (519) 471-1336 / (519) 471-4618 [email protected] LUCAN Gail E. Lamb Incorporated Architect 34219 Neil Rd., R.R. #2 Lucan, ON N0M 2J0 (519) 227-0582 / (519) 227-0591 [email protected] MAPLE Best Consultants Martin Gerskup Architect Inc. 15 Melissa Court Maple, ON L6A 1G2 (905) 884-2378 / (905) 884-8214 [email protected] Sam Morgan Architect 33 Bluewater Trail Maple, ON L6A 3G6 (905) 417-9386 / (905) 417-9406 [email protected] Architectural services with cost-effective and new ideas, committed to quality performance for a wide variety of building concepts and requirements and to reduce construction cost to meet today’s challenges. MARKHAM AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. 105 Commerce Valley Drive West Markham, ON L3T 7W3 (905) 886-7022 / (905) 886-9494 [email protected] A multi-disciplinary practice that specializes in large-scale transit and municipal infrastructure projects; AECOM brings an unequalled level of design and technical experience to education and health care projects. Andrzej Lipinski Architect 260 Town Centre Blvd. Markham, ON L3R 8H8 (905) 470-7000 / (905) 470-2500 [email protected] Architects + Research + Knowledge Inc. 260 Town Centre Blvd., Ste. 300 Markham, ON L3R 8H8 (905) 470-7200 / (905) 470-2500 [email protected] Goudar Architects Inc. 105 Willow Brook Rd. Markham, ON L3T 5L2 (905) 731-4231 / (905) 731-9823 [email protected] Jauhari Associates 2 Apollo Road Markham, ON L3S 4C6 (905) 471-7706 / (905) 471-4775 [email protected] John Shuki Lau Architect Inc. 3042 Bur Oak Avenue, Unit 2 Markham, ON L6B 0R1 (905) 707-0818 / (905) 472-6167 [email protected] Joseph N. Campitelli Architect Inc. 10 Bur Oak Avenue, Unit 3 Markham, ON L6C 0A2 (905) 887-8900 / (905) 887-9400 [email protected] Markham High Tech Inc. Architects 56 Cornell Park Avenue Markham, ON L6B 1B5 (905) 472-5802 / (905) 471-1529 [email protected] Michaela Weiner Architect 260 Town Centre Blvd., Ste. 300 Markham, ON L3R 8H8 (905) 470-7000 / (905) 470-2500 [email protected] Szeto Architect 260 Town Centre Blvd., Ste. 102 Markham, ON L3R 8H8 (905) 513-6126 / (905) 470-7700 URS Architects & Engineers Canada Inc. 75 Commerce Valley Drive East Markham, ON L3T 7N9 (905) 882-9190 / (905) 882-4399 [email protected] Venchiarutti Gagliardi Architect Inc. 2651 John St., Unit 1B Markham, ON L3R 2W5 (905) 477-1065 / (905) 477-1067 [email protected] MERRICKVILLE Eric Haar Architect Inc. 106 Colborne St. E., P.O. Box 51 Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0 (613) 851-8911 / (613) 269-4191 [email protected] MILTON Brian Williams Architect 176 Sarah Street Milton, ON L9T 1H2 (905) 875-3124 / (905) 875-3124 Green Propeller Design Inc. 336 Bronte Street South, Unit 29 Milton, ON L9T 7W6 (905) 878-2793 / (905) 878-4873 [email protected] Nadeem Irfan Architect Inc. 11 Fairty Drive Markham, ON L3S 2Z7 (416) 884-7867 / (416) 800-5434 [email protected] John D. Dorris, Architect 159 Wakefield Rd. Milton, ON L9T 2L7 (905) 878-5190 / (905) 878-5190 [email protected] Naylor Architect Inc. 2800 John Street, Unit 22 Markham, ON L3R 0E2 (905) 470-2463 / (905) 470-7713 [email protected] Our Cool Blue Architects 310 Main Street East, Ste. 203 Milton, ON L9T 1P4 (905) 363-7677 / (905) 363-7677 [email protected] Pavan Architects Inc. 70 Gibson Drive, Unit 4A Markham, ON L3R 4C2 (416) 410-8938 / (416) 410-8938 [email protected] Petroff Partnership Architects 260 Town Centre Boulevard Markham, ON L3R 8H8 (905) 470-7000 / (905) 470-2500 [email protected] MISSISSAUGA Antrix 5540 Cortina Crescent Mississauga, ON L4Z 3R1 (416) 728-1807 / (905) 755-1955 [email protected] Antrix Architects 5540 Cortina Crescent Mississauga, ON L4Z 3R1 (905) 507-4975 / (905) 755-1944 [email protected] Arch-Tech Design & Drafting Inc. 7050A Bramalea Road, Ste. 20 Mississauga, ON L5S 1T1 905677-2221 / (905) 673-0495 [email protected] Architect WVK 347 Mississauga Valley Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5A 1Y6 (905) 276-2569 [email protected] Atelier Architect Madunic Inc. 1290 Eglinton Ave. E. Mississauga, ON L4W 1K8 (905) 206-1532 / (905) 206-0514 [email protected] David Peters, Architect Inc. 230 Lakeshore Rd. E., #201 Mississauga, ON L5G 1G7 (905) 891-6700 / (905) 891-9073 [email protected] Denis Gerald Rioux, Architect 3700 Steeles Avenue West, Ste. 305 Mississauga, ON L4L 8K8 (416) 848-1245 / (416) 848-1246 Elemental Architects Inc. 1255 Birchview Drive Mississauga, ON L5H 3E2 (416) 910-0640 [email protected] Unique Architectural Designs for Residential, Commercial & Institutional projects. Visit us at for more information. Graziani + Corazza Architects Inc. 1320 Shawson Drive, Suite 100 Mississauga, ON L4W 1C3 (905) 795-2601 / (905) 795-2844 [email protected] Hossack & Associates Architects Incorporated 2155 Dunwin Drive, Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5L 4M1 (905) 607-8284 / (905) 607-8290 [email protected] Akitt, Swanson + Pearce Architects Inc. 2203 Dunwin Dr. Mississauga, ON L5L 1X2 (905) 607-2444 / (905) 607-1125 [email protected] J. H. Rust Architect Inc. 1100 Central Pkwy W., Ste. 30, 2nd Fl. Mississauga, ON L5C 4E5 (905) 804-0388 / (905) 804-1058 [email protected] Allen & Sherriff Architects, Inc. 5160 Explorer Dr., Suite 28 Mississauga, ON L4W 4T7 (905) 624-1607 / (905) 624-4988 [email protected] J. Milcic Architect 191 Wyndham Street Mississauga, ON L5M 1N4 (905) 816-1784 / (905) 816-1784 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 45 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Jenka Design Inc. 2395 Cawthra Road, #103 Mississauga, ON L5A 2W8 (416) 831-2800 / (905) 897-8784 [email protected] Thomas Walker Architect 5160 Explorer Drive, #28 Mississauga, ON L4W 4T7 (905) 624-1607 / (905) 624-4988 [email protected] Peter Darwish Architect 10 Castlethorpe Cres. Nepean, ON K2G 5P5 (613) 226-6874 / (613) 226-6874 [email protected] John Wong Architect 819 Messenger Meadow Court Mississauga, ON L5C 4B3 (905) 276-6032 / (905) 276-6032 [email protected] Vanbetlehem Architect Inc. 1440 Hurontario Street, Ste. 201 Mississauga, ON L5G 3H4 (905) 274-2444 / (905) 274-2448 [email protected] Robert J. Smith Architect 52 Meadowbank Drive Nepean, ON K2G 0N9 (613) 866-2725 [email protected] M.E. McAuley Architect Inc. 6580 Treviso Terrace Mississauga, ON L5N 4K3 (416) 579-6081 / (905) 858-2305 [email protected] Mehboob Bangash Architects 3044 Pendleton Road Mississauga, ON L5N 7C6 (647) 889-8121 [email protected] Michael Spaziani Architect Inc. 6 Helene Street North, Suite 100 Mississauga, ON L5G 3B2 (905) 891-0691 / (905) 891-0514 [email protected] Orlando Design Services Inc. 6205 Airport Road, Ste. 500 Mississauga, ON L4V 1E3 (905) 677-5511 / (905) 677-5636 [email protected] Pavlo Tourko Architect 1985 Bough Beeches Blvd. Mississauga, ON L4W 2J9 (416) 887-9604 [email protected] Pedro Pimentel Architect Inc. 111 Floradale Drive Mississauga, ON L5B 1G1 (905) 277-9054 / (905) 277-2576 [email protected] RSM Architecture Inc., Architect 6625 Kitimat Rd., Unit 45 Mississauga, ON L5N 6J1 (905) 858-8644 / (905) 858-0922 offi[email protected] Shahnaz Samuel Architect 6321 Tenth Line West Mississauga, ON L5N 5T5 (905) 785-9624 [email protected] Spiracle Design 3690 Golden Locust Drive Mississauga, ON L5N 8N8 (905) 997-5150 [email protected] Stafford Haensli Architects Incorporated 25 Watline Ave., Ste. 300 Mississauga, ON L4Z 2Z1 (905) 568-1010 / (905) 568-1011 [email protected] Stark Architects Inc. 2560 Matheson Blvd. East, Ste. 317 Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y9 (905) 629-2500 / (905) 629-2920 [email protected] 46 VYOM Architectural Solutions 3354 Brandon Gate Drive Mississauga, ON L4T 2G4 (416) 333-7317 / (905) 673-9172 [email protected] Services for projects of Shopping Malls/ Plaza, Recreation, Banquet/Conference Halls, Industrial, Institutional, Hospitality, Healthcare, Sports, Educational, Pharmaceutical, Industrial, Institutional, Commercial clients from Government, public, private sector. Willem Langelaan, Architect 812 - 1400 Dixie Rd. Mississauga, ON L5E 3E1 (905) 274-1286 [email protected] WMA Inc. 1790 Matheson Boulevard, Unit 1 Mississauga, ON L4W 0B3 (905) 602-7447 / (905) 602-9942 [email protected] Established in 1972, Ware Malcomb is a leading design firm offering integrated services to clients internationally. Our services include planning, architecture, interior design, graphic design and site development. MT. BRYDGES Velta Baumanis Architect 23088 Christina Rd., R.R. #3 Mt. Brydges, ON N0L 1W0 (519) 264-9271 / (519) 264-9236 [email protected] NEPEAN S.J. Lawrence Architect Incorporated 18 Deakin Street, Ste. 205 Nepean, ON K2E 8B7 (613) 739-7770 / (613) 739-7703 [email protected] Established in 1993, we are a general practice in eastern Ontario with extensive experience in a wide range of work, specializing in retirement living, custom homes, residential condominiums and commercial buildings. Contact Shawn Lawrence OAA, MRAIC. Vincent P. Colizza Architect Incorporated 301 Moodie Dr., Ste. #105 Nepean, ON K2H 9C4 (613) 820-7881 / (613) 820-4811 [email protected] NEWMARKET Kojo La-Anyane Architect 610 Gagnon Pl. Newmarket, ON L3X 1V8 (905) 898-4989 / (905) 898-3220 [email protected] Yuri Sura, Architect 193 Beechwood Cres. Newmarket, ON L3Y 1W2 (905) 853-4242 [email protected] NIAGARA FALLS Chapman Murray Associates Architects Inc. 6385 Colborne St. Niagara Falls, ON L2J 4B9 (905) 354-1674 / (905) 354-2940 [email protected] Anthony Pearson Architect 10 Revol Road Nepean, ON K2G 0B9 (613) 225-0351 / (613) 225-0351 [email protected] Michael D. Allen Architect Inc. 3692 matthews Drive Niagara Falls, ON L2H 2Y9 (905) 371-1201 / (905) 984-5542 [email protected] Archicana 323 Ventanna Waye Nepean, ON K2J 0Y1 (613) 263-3873 / (613) 843-9203 [email protected] Peter J. Lesdow Architect 6710 Drummond Rd., Unit 6 Niagara Falls, ON L2G 4P1 (905) 357-1112 [email protected] Bemi, Bemi & Associates Architects Ltd. 12 Wigan Dr. Nepean, ON K2E 6L1 (613) 226-5848 / (613) 226-5848 [email protected] Raimondo + Associates Architects Inc. 4687 Queen Street, Studio 2 Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2L9 (905) 357-4441 / (905) 357-9203 [email protected] M. David Blakely Architect Inc. 210 Colonnade Rd., Unit #2 Nepean, ON K2E 7L5 (613) 226-8811 / (613) 226-7942 [email protected] The Office of Edward D. Russell Architect Inc. 12761 Sodom Road Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S6 (905) 295-2777 / (905) 295-7303 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE Henry Swinkels Architect 972 Line 3, R.R. #2 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 (905) 468-7397 / (905) 468-2923 [email protected] Julian Smith and Associates, Architects 33 Ricardo Street, P.O. Box 484 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 (905) 468-7735 [email protected] Markham High Tech Inc. Architects 235 Victoria Street Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 (905) 472-5802 / (905) 471-1529 [email protected] Quartek Group Inc. Architects, Engineers 360 York Rd. Unit C-5, S.S. #4 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 (905) 984-8676 / (905) 682-5896 [email protected] Victor Tarnoy Architect 18 Wilberforce Dr., P.O. Box 1045 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 (905) 468-5024 / (905) 468-5025 [email protected] NORTH BAY Evans Bertrand Hill Wheeler Architecture Inc. 528 Cassells Street North Bay, ON P1B 3Z7 (705) 472-0980 / (705) 472-2486 [email protected] Frank Broomhead Architect 32 Huron Crescent North Bay, ON P1A 3V1 (705) 474-9137 [email protected] L. P. Delean 528 Cassells Street North Bay, ON P1B 3Z7 (705) 472-0980 / (705) 472-2486 Larocque Elder Architects, Architectes Inc. 188 5th Avenue E. North Bay, ON P1B 1N6 (705) 497-9191 / (705) 497-9497 [email protected] Lyle Architects 261 Regal Road North Bay, ON P1B 8G4 (705) 474-1784 / (705) 472-2934 [email protected] Mitchell Architects Inc. 124a Main St. East North Bay, ON P1B 1A8 (705) 474-3250 / (705) 474-0737 [email protected] Residential Elevators • LULA Elevators • Accessibility Lifts Premier Manufacturer of Custom Elevators 1261 Industrial Rd. • Cambridge, ON • N3H 4W3 1.800.265.3579 • [email protected] 488472_Cambridge.indd 1 489070_Epic.indd 1 7/24/10 1:05:10490865_D&HCustom.indd PM 1 8/17/10 7:49:31 AM 47 8/11/10 11:27:03415794_Euclid.indd AM 1 1/19/09 7:26:34 PM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S Your One-Stop Information Centre Searching For The Right Professional ICI Paint and Coating Service? We have your connection to the right contractor! FOR INFORMATION ON ANY PROJECT YOU NEED QUOTED, ED, Contact Andrew Sefton at 1 (800) 461-3630 OR at [email protected] 446669_Golden.indd 1 12/2/10 2:13:13465247_ontario.indd PM 1 2/19/10 4:34:11 PM www.Order QUALITY AND STRENGTH FROM THE GROUND UP Construction Documents Manufacturers and distributors of specialty aggregates and sands for the architectural flooring, roofing, cladding, landscape industries and other specialized industries Custom sizes and packaging available: • Architectural Crushed Glass • Basalt • High Density Aggregates • Calcite • Light Weight Aggregates • Dolomite • Limestone • Feldspar • Marble • Granite • Obsidian • River Rock • Quartzite • Traprock • Quartz A Service Provided By 1 800-465-5066 Our new online store can be your one stop shop: Order the CCA/CCDC documents you need and pay on line. Order today at: (416) 491-0230 Fax: (416) 494-1014 5 Leith Hill Road, Toronto, Ontario M2J 1Y9 Canada 48 444592_Ontario.indd 1 P R O F I L E S 2011| w w w. o a a . o n . c a 9/8/09 8:40:58495823_Coloured.indd AM 1 10/1/10 8:54:23 AM ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN OAKVILLE ATA Architects Inc. 211 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, ON L6J 1H7 (905) 849-6986 / (905) 849-4369 [email protected] Brian Luey Architect 286a Lakeshore Road East Oakville, ON L6J 1J2 (905) 845-0382 / (905) 845-9058 [email protected] Cameron Architect Inc. 99 Bronte Road, Ste. 920 Oakville, ON L6L 3B7 (416) 797-4626 / (416) 913-1305 [email protected] Common Ground Architecture Inc. 1184 Speers Road, 2nd Floor Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 (905) 901-3779 / (905) 901-2644 [email protected] de Silva Architect 2275 Upper Middle Road East, Ste. 101 Oakville, ON L6H 0C3 (905) 491-6823 / (905) 491-6873 [email protected] F. Manteghi, Architect 1261 Baldwin Dr. Oakville, ON L6J 2W4 (905) 849-7666 [email protected] Glenn Piotrowski Architect 60 Rebecca St. Oakville, ON L6K 1J2 (905) 338-8855 / (905) 338-8868 [email protected] Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd. 60 Rebecca Street Oakville, ON L6K 1J2 (905) 338-8855 / (905) 338-8868 [email protected] K. Paul Architect 2660 Sherwood Heights Dr., Ste. 200 Oakville, ON L6J 7Y8 (905) 337-9800 / 337-1986 [email protected] K. Paul Architect Inc. 2660 Sherwood Heights Dr., Ste. 200 Oakville, ON L6J 7Y8 (905) 337-9800 / 337-1986 [email protected] Two Row Architect P.O. Box 77, Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 (519) 445-2137 / (519) 445-4711 [email protected] ORANGEVILLE Kenneth Isaac Architect Inc. 9 Cudmore Rd. Oakville, ON L6L 2Y4 (905) 825-5248 / (905) 825-9662 [email protected] Dickinson + Hicks Architects Inc. 45 Mill Street Orangeville, ON L9W 2M4 (519) 941-0912 / (519) 941-9142 [email protected] Michael Pettes Architect Inc. 426 Maple Avenue Oakville, ON L6J 2J3 (905) 901-1183 / (905) 901-1184 [email protected] Church design specialists with experience in private and public sectors including commercial, multi-unit residential and institutional projects. Full service including feasibility studies, multiphase master planning, new buildings, renovations and additions. momentum architect 2062 Lakeshore Road West Oakville, ON L6L 1G7 (905) 847-6964 / (905) 847-6964 [email protected] Ian Starkey Architect 210 Broadway, Ste. 208 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4 (519) 940-3668 / (519) 940-0326 [email protected] Neil J. McDonald, Architect Inc. 124 Kerr St. Oakville, ON L6K 3A7 (905) 844-1495 / (905) 844-1495 [email protected] Joel Wells Architect Incorporated 190 Broadway, Ste. 206 Orangeville, ON L9W 1K3 (519) 938-2217 / (519) 938-2218 [email protected] Nicholas Varias Architect 8-1216 Kirstie Court Oakville, ON L6H 5C7 (905) 339-1089 [email protected] North American Retail Architects Inc. (NARA) 345 Lakeshore Rd. E., Ste. 400 Oakville, ON L6L 1J5 (905) 339-2811 / (905) 339-3677 GreenCore Architects Inc. 1318 Ario Road Oakville, ON L6J 2S4 (905) 845-4936 / (905) 845-0569 [email protected] Paul Hastings Architect 1317 Valerie Cres. Oakville, ON L6J 7E2 (905) 829-5217 / (905) 829-9114 [email protected] Environmental design specialists. GreenCore provides sustainability consulting for the assessment, design and construction of green buildings from conceptual design to take over. Richard J. Turski, Architect 1315 Creekside Dr. Oakville, ON L6H 4Y6 (905) 849-6157 [email protected] Gren Weis Architect + Associates 341 Kerr St., Ste. 210 Oakville, ON L6K 3B7 (905) 842-1314 / (905) 842-1160 [email protected] Richard Mann Architect 153 Woodhaven Park Dr. Oakville, ON L6L 4K4 (905) 465-0260 [email protected] Gus Ricci Architect 293 Church St., 3rd Fl. Oakville, ON L6J 1N9 (905) 842-9191 / (905) 842-3382 [email protected] The Hicks Partnership Inc. 345 Lakeshore Road East, Ste. 400 Oakville, ON L6L 1J5 (905) 339-1212 / (905) 339-1214 [email protected] John Willmott Architect, Inc. 594 Chartwell Rd., Ste. 3 Oakville, ON L6J 4A5 (905) 842-2332 / (905) 842-7117 [email protected] OHSWEKEN KRA Architects 3 Rose Ridge Lane, R.R. #5 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z2 (519) 942-5721 / (519) 942-5014 [email protected] ORILLIA Roderick H. Young, Architect 102 Laclie St., P.O. Box 10 Orillia, ON L3V 6H9 (705) 325-0761 / (705) 327-5114 [email protected] Steve McKerroll Architect 3783 Tuppy Drive, R.R. #7 Orillia, ON L3V 6H7 (705) 790-1311 [email protected] OSHAWA John Moses Architect Inc. 480 Sandalwood Crt. Oshawa, ON L1G 7X9 (905) 571-2113 / (905) 571-2881 [email protected] Lennis Trotter, Architect 168 Centre St. S. Oshawa, ON L1H 4A6 (905) 576-6869 / (905) 576-6907 [email protected] Marc J. Riva, Architect 303 Elite Court Oshawa, ON L1J 7V3 (905) 436-7125 / (905) 436-9872 [email protected] Mills & Associates Ltd., Architect 215 Simcoe Street North, 2nd Floor Oshawa, ON L1G 4T1 (905) 579-6911 / (905) 571-2460 [email protected] OTTAWA A-DN Architecture Design Inc. 1427 Ogilvie, Ste. B6 Ottawa, ON K1J 8M7 (866) 966-1940 / (613) 632-0502 [email protected] Alcaide Webster Architects Inc. 1755 Woodward Drive Ottawa, ON K2C 0P9 (613) 724-2113 / (613) 724-2114 [email protected] Angelo Mattia Spadola Architect 51 Young St. Ottawa, ON K1S 3H6 (613) 228-7190 / (613) 228-8690 [email protected] Atelier 292 Architect Inc. 292 Main Street Ottawa, ON K1S 1E1 (613) 231-2245 / (613) 234-3176 pfi[email protected] Barry J. Hobin & Associates Architects Incorporated 63 Pamilla Street Ottawa, ON K1S 3K7 (613) 238-7200 / (613) 235-2005 [email protected] Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. Architects Mercury Court, 377 Dalhousie St. Ste. 313 Ottawa, ON K1N 9N8 (613) 241-7198 / (613) 241-5782 [email protected] BBB Architects Ottawa Inc. 47 Clarence Street, Ste. 400 Ottawa, ON K1N 9K1 (613) 241-6446 / (613) 241-4101 Bohacek Associates Inc. 84 Sherbrooke Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 1R9 (613) 239-3847 / (613) 230-1230 [email protected] Our office draws from experience gained in projects in Europe, Middle East and Canada. For examples of our design and rendering skills please refer to the web site. Brian K. Clark, Architect 203 Catherine St., Ste. 201 Ottawa, ON K2P 1C3 (613) 238-7412 / (613) 238-1799 [email protected] Bryden Martel Architects Incorporated/ Bryden Martel Architectes Incorporée 1066 Somerset St. W., Ste. #200 Ottawa, ON K1Y 4T3 (613) 724-9914 / (613) 724-9864 [email protected] Caja Hoffmann Architect 489 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, ON K1S 3N7 (613) 231-5621 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 49 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Cardinal Conley & Associates Inc. 2124 Delmar Drive Ottawa, ON K1H 5R2 (613) 720-7657 [email protected] Douglas B. Pollard Architect 215 St. Patrick St., Apt. 5 Ottawa, ON K1N 5K2 (613) 748-2338 / (613) 748-2402 [email protected] Christopher A. Leggett Architect Inc. 233 Clemow Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2B5 (613) 233-3661 / (613) 230-3848 [email protected] Douglas Cardinal Architect Inc. 331 Somerset Street West, Main Floor Ottawa, ON K2P 0J8 (613) 234-3377 / (613) 233-2462 [email protected] G. D. Conway Architect 185 Mafeking Avenue Ottawa, ON K1K 2V4 (613) 745-1451 / (613) 745-1451 [email protected] Douglas Hardie Architect Inc. 311 Richmond Rd., Ste. 301 Ottawa, ON K1Z 6X3 (613) 792-3200 / (613) 792-3209 [email protected] Georgia Angelique Pezoulas Architect 192 Holmwood Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2P4 (613) 563-8762 / (613) 563-0539 [email protected] J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects 864 Lady Ellen Pl. Ottawa, ON K1Z 5M2 (613) 728-3571 / (613) 728-6012 [email protected] Gordon Stokoe Architect 45 Ossington Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 3B5 (613) 730-0746 / (613) 730-4222 [email protected] James A. Colizza Architect Inc. 76 Chamberlain Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 1V9 (613) 236-2944 / (613) 236-6777 [email protected] grc architects 47 Clarence Street, Ste. 401 Ottawa, ON K1N 9K1 (613) 241-8203 / (613) 241-4180 [email protected] James Farrow, Architect 1350 Wellington St. West Ottawa, ON K1Y 3C1 (613) 725-2294 / (613) 724-6632 [email protected] Harish Gupta, Architect Inc. 1066 Plante Dr. Ottawa, ON K1V 9E6 (613) 737-5939 / (613) 737-3403 [email protected] Jane Thompson Architect 404 MacKay Street Ottawa, ON K1M 2C4 (613) 747-8104 / (866) 276-8094 [email protected] Christopher Simmonds Architect Inc. The Annex, 45 Eccles Street Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3 (613) 567-7888 / (613) 567-7528 [email protected] Civitas Architecture Incorporated, Architect 14 Chamberlain Avenue, Ste. 101 Ottawa, ON K1S 1V9 (613) 742-7482 / (613) 748-0804 [email protected] Cole + Associates Architects Inc. 1327A Wellington St. Ottawa, ON K1Y 3B6 (613) 728-0008 / (613) 728-2364 [email protected] Costantino + Associates Architect Incorporated 2720 Iris Street Ottawa, ON K2C 1E6 (613) 829-6692 / (613) 829-8472 [email protected] CSV Consultants Inc. Architects 1066 Somerset St. W., Ste. 402 Ottawa, ON K1Y 4T3 (613) 564-8118 / (613) 729-3362 [email protected] David J. Bryden, Architect 1066 Somerset St. W., Ste. 200 Ottawa, ON K1Y 4T3 (613) 724-9914 / (613) 724-9864 [email protected] David S. McRobie Architects Inc. 66 Queen St., Ste. 100 Ottawa, ON K1P 5C6 (613) 238-2072 / (613) 238-2094 [email protected] Derek Crain Architect Inc. 559 Cambridge Street South Ottawa, ON K1S 4J4 (613) 232-1305 [email protected] Desmarais Cousineau Yaghjian St. Jean + Associates, Architects 47 Clarence Street, Ste. 406 Ottawa, ON K1N 9K1 (613) 234-2274 / (613) 234-7453 Dreessen Architect Inc. 705 Roanoke Street Ottawa, ON K1K 2G3 (613) 744-3121 / (613) 744-5590 [email protected] Whether you are a homeowner looking to create your dream house or an enterprise seeking to create a statement of elegance and professionalism, we will help make your dream a reality through innovation, professionalism and service. Echelon Architectural Services Inc. 51 Dunn Street Ottawa, ON K2K 3J8 (613) 591-7735 [email protected] Echelon Architectural Services Inc. is a full service firm specializing in building permit HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. and construction drawings. We also provide 500 – 1525 Carling Ave. support services to Architects for any size and Ottawa, ON K1Z 8R9 493433_HDR.indd 1 8/28/10 11:45:34 AM type of project. (613) 233-6799 / (613) 233-7881 Edward J. Cuhaci and Associates, Architects Inc. 171 Slater Street, Ste. 100 Ottawa, ON K1P 5H7 (613) 236-7135 / (613) 236-1944 [email protected] ema ARCHITECTS inc. The Telephone Exchange Building 43 Eccles Street, 2nd Floor Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3 (613) 224-0095 / (613) 224-9811 [email protected] Emmell Architect 3203 Riverside Dr. Ottawa, ON K1V 8N8 (613) 521-2303 / (613) 521-2303 [email protected] Dextor A. Edwards, Architect 88 Centrepointe Drive, Ste. 100 Ottawa, ON K2G 6B1 (613) 728-4159 / (819) 456-9983 [email protected] Erskine Dredge & Associates Architects Inc. 100 - 25 Holland Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 4R9 (613) 724-9865 / (613) 724-9862 [email protected] Diane Whalen Architect 109 Goulburn Avenue Ottawa, ON K1N 8C9 (613) 565-2672 [email protected] F. Fentiman, Architect 23 Douglas Ave. Ottawa, ON K1M 1G3 (613) 746-2955 [email protected] 50 Farrow Architects Inc. 1350 Wellington St. West Ottawa, ON K1Y 3C1 (613) 725-2294 / (613) 724-6632 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a [email protected] Among the largest healthcare architects in Canada, HDR is a full service design firm specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in the U.S. HiddenCity Architect 201 Keyworth Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 0E8 (613) 697-5579 [email protected] HOK Architects Corporation 205 Catherine Street, #101 Ottawa, ON K2P 1C3 (613) 683-1818 / (613) 226-9656 [email protected] HOK is a global design firm that specializes in planning, architecture, design, and delivery solutions for sustainable interiors, building and communities. Honorata P. Roseman, Architect 7 Bower St. Ottawa, ON K1S 0J9 (613) 233-5556 [email protected] IBI Group Architects 333 Preston Street, Ste. 400 Ottawa, ON K1S 5N4 (613) 241-3300 / (613) 241-1130 j. Guy Monette Architect 308A Fairmont Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 1Y8 (613) 421-3051 [email protected] Janice van Baaren, Architect 518 Hillcrest Avenue Ottawa, ON K2A 2M9 (613) 720-3082 / (613) 822-4992 [email protected] Jason C. Flynn Architect Inc. 1154 Bank Street Ottawa, ON K1S 3X6 (613) 299-8505 / (866) 587-2021 John Donkin Architect Inc. 138 Hopewell Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2Z3 (613) 730-6918 / (613) 730-6919 [email protected] John G. Davies, Architect, Incorporated P.O. Box 4429, Station E Ottawa, ON K1S 5B4 (613) 762-9796 / (613) 237-1671 [email protected] Joseph Liff Architect 83 Hinton Avenue North Ottawa, ON K1Y 0Z7 (613) 728-2829 / (613) 728-7414 [email protected] Katz & Ritchie Architects 2081 Merivale Rd., Ste. 900 Ottawa, ON K2G 1G9 (613) 727-8489 / (613) 727-3682 [email protected] Kevin Deevey, architect inc. 51 Ivy Crescent Ottawa, ON K1M 1Y1 (613) 797-5689 [email protected] The Best Floors Start With Our Finish ! Noise Barriers Retaining Walls TM Light ReŇecƟve & Polished Light ReŇecƟve, Dyed & Polished Pigmented Concrete Terrazzo Acid Stained & Sealed Rail Applications Acoustic Enclosures Contact us today to start the solution process! A division of Armtec Limited Partnership 505 York Blvd., Suite 2, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8R 3K4 Telephone: 905-521-0999, Fax: 905-521-8658 A great floor starts with a skilled trade contractor. Make sure your next project is a success by specifying members of the Concrete Floor Contractors Association. Tel: 905.582.9825 905 582 9825 498492_Durisol.indd 1 497047_Wilkinson.indd 1 9/29/10 9:49:58 497737_Concrete.indd AM 1 Fax: 416.981.3913 416 981 3913 10/4/10 12:13:05 PM 51 10/7/10 5:55:43 498237_Good.indd PM 1 10/4/10 4:57:19 PM P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS Specialists In: Designated Substances Surveys for Renovation, Demolition and Construction Projects Mould Investigations and Remedial Design and Supervision Air Quality Testing Asbestos Surveys and Abatement Design and Supervision Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, Site Cleanup and Risk Assessment Geotechnical Investigations For More Information Contact: Wayne Cormack, CIH or Rein Andre 121 Granton Drive, Unit 11 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3N4 Tel: (905) 882-5984 Fax: (905) 882-8962 Web-Site: E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] DECOMMISSIONING CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED 476027_dcs_ad.indd 1 Savaria™ Orion LU/LA elevator LU/LA elevators | Wheelchair lifts | Home elevators Designed and built in Ontario, by Savaria, Canada’s largest accessibility company. TEL 800.661.5112 4/16/10 10:27:12491225_Savaria.indd AM 1 8/21/10 2:25:59 AM dia 24mm Strassburger manufactures and supplies Elevation Legal advice you can build on Space for seating high-quality products for the replacement, x4131 We have been providing innovative counsel to the design and construction industries for over 25 years. To find out how we can help with your construction projects, please contact: Auditorium renovation and new-construction markets. control room Bernie McGarva Certified Specialist in Construction Law [email protected] or 416.865.7765 Logo Website VINYL WINDOWS • ENTRANCE DOORS • S K Y L I G H T S • P H T E C H PAT I O D O O R S • TERRACE & GARDEN DOORS 471244_Aird.indd 1 3/23/10 7:11:30 PM 2101 Shirley Drive Kitchener, Ontario N2B 3X4 (519) 885-6380 1-800-265-4717 Email: [email protected] strassburge strassburg 52 464943_Strassburger.indd 1 P R O F I L E S 2011| w w w. o a a . o n . c a 4/5/10 9:49:14494044_Sarah.indd AM 1 9/3/10 4:33:28 AM ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN KWC Architects Inc. 110 Argyle Ave. Ottawa, ON K2P 1B4 (613) 238-2117 / (613) 238-6595 [email protected] Lalande + Doyle Architects Inc. 207 Queen Street, Ste. 400 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E5 (613) 233-2900 / (613) 233-1008 [email protected] www:\\ Len Ward - Architecture 1181 Bank Street Ottawa, ON K1S 3X7 (613) 737-7300 / (613) 737-7330 [email protected] Leonard Koffman, Architect 1300 Carling Ave., Ste. 301 Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L2 (613) 729-2211 / (613) 729-1558 [email protected] Moriyama & Teshima Architects 109 Murray Street Ottawa, ON K1N 5M5 (613) 562-2908 Morris Melamed, Architect 116 Stonebriar Dr. Ottawa, ON K2G 5Y1 (613) 727-7400 / (613) 727-7334 [email protected] Murdoch MacPhadyen Architect 574 MacLaren St. Ottawa, ON K1R 5K9 (613) 232-5010 Nicholas Caragianis Architect Inc. 137 Pamilla Street Ottawa, ON K1S 3K9 (613) 237-6801 / (613) 237-8289 [email protected] Liff & Tolot Architects Incorporated 83 Hinton Ave. N. Ottawa, ON K1Y 0Z7 (613) 728-2829 / (613) 728-7414 [email protected] NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers 55 Murray Street, Ste. 600 Ottawa, ON K1N 5M3 (613) 224-5300 / (613) 241-4245 [email protected] Linda Chapman Architect The Annex, 45 Eccles St. Ottawa, ON K1R 6S3 (613) 231-4690 / (613) 231-8475 [email protected] Nova Architecture Inc. 179 George Street, Ste. 1510 Ottawa, ON K1N 1J8 (613) 301-1874 [email protected] Live Architecture 44 Caroline Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 0S7 (613) 867-5483 [email protected] Ovidio Sbrissa & The Architect’s Workshop Inc. 1119 Wellington Street West Ottawa, ON K1Y 2Y6 (613) 728-0248 / (613) 728-0994 [email protected] M.E. Johnston Architect 110 Nelson Street, Ste. 504 Ottawa, ON K1N 9P2 (613) 562-3400 / (613) 562-3238 Mark Glassford Architect 257 Guiges Avenue Ottawa, ON K1N 5J5 (613) 806-2356 / (613) 860-2353 [email protected] Mark Thompson Brandt, Architect 112 Nelson St., Studio 102 Ottawa, ON K1N 7R5 (613) 244-2323 / (613) 244-3602 [email protected] Award-winning architecture, urbanism and conservation firm: over 30 years of heritage value/heritage intervention evaluations, sustainability and infill projects. Maurizio Martignago Architect 8 Galt St. Ottawa, ON K1S 4R2 (613) 730-4488 / (613) 730-4561 Michael Brum Architect 529 Echo Dr. Ottawa, ON K1S 1N7 (613) 235-5060 / 235-0738 Michael Kelly Architect 377 Dalhousie St., Ste. 313 Ottawa, ON K1N 9N8 (613) 241-7198 / (613) 241-5782 [email protected] Parkin Architects Limited 20 James Street, Ste. 200 Ottawa, ON K2P 0T6 (613) 739-7700 / (613) 739-7780 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 356 Kirkwood Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Z 8P1 (613) 729-2818 / (613) 729-2138 [email protected] Peter J. Kindree, Architect 79 Hinton Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y 0Z7 (613) 860-1530 [email protected] Peter Moy Architect 9 - 21 Midland Cres. Ottawa, ON K2H 8P6 (613) 726-6618 [email protected] Philippe Doyle, Architect 207 Queen Street, Ste. 400 Ottawa, ON K1P 6E5 (613) 233-0342 / (613) 233-1008 [email protected] www:\\ Popovic Routhier Architects Inc. 124 O’Connor Street, Ste. 200 Ottawa, ON K1P 5M9 (613) 567-1022 / (613) 567-1023 [email protected] Prelude Associates Ltd. 4275 Innes Road, Ste. 208 Ottawa, ON K1C 1T1 (613) 277-4002 / (613) 446-1427 [email protected] Pye & Richards, Architects Inc. 824 Meath St. Ottawa, ON K1Z 6E8 (613) 724-7700 / (613) 724-1289 [email protected] Ralph Vandenberg Architect Inc. The Old Stone Lodge 160 Flamborough Way Ottawa, ON K2K 3H9 (613) 287-0144 / (613) 271-8609 [email protected] Richard Chmiel Architect & Associates Incorporated 109 Bank St., Suite 200 Ottawa, ON K1P 5N5 (613) 234-3585 / (613) 234-6224 [email protected] Rickson Outhet Architect 319 Daly Avenue Ottawa, ON K1N 6G6 (613) 728-1637 / (613) 728-8501 [email protected] Industrial Commercial Institutional general practice. Located in the Ottawa core the office serves a wide geographical area throughout eastern Ontario and western Quebec. Bilingual staff. Senior personnel lead all projects. Robert Taylor Architect Inc. 314 First Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2G8 (613) 235-1244 [email protected] Robertson Martin Architects Incorporated 216 Pretoria Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 1X2 (613) 567-1361 / (613) 567-9462 [email protected] Smith Carter Architects and Engineers Incorporated Ste. 165 - Ottawa Station 200 Tremblay Road Ottawa, ON K1G 3H5 (613) 238-0440 Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects 1505 Laperriere Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Z 7T1 (613) 724-4080 / (613) 722-2799 Stewart + Tsai Architects Inc. 160 Clemow Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 2B4 (613) 686-5910 / (613) 686-6216 [email protected] We are a full service architecture firm with an emphasis on sustainable design and values. Our strength is developing creative solutions from site planning to buildings to interior design. Susan D. Smith Architect 1288 Kingston Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Z 8L2 (613) 722-5327 / 722-0326 [email protected] Temprano & Young Architects Inc. 280 Metcalfe Street, Ste. 203 Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7 (613) 565-9479 / (613) 565-9784 [email protected] Thomas E. Blood, Architect 22 Antares Dr., Ste. #202 Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z6 (613) 225-9344 / (613) 225-9106 [email protected] Vermeulen/Hind Architects Inc. 485 Bank Street, Ste. 204 Ottawa, ON K2P 1Z2 (613) 563-2500 / (613) 563-7281 Veronica Nunn de Pencier Architect 2 Middleton Dr. Ottawa, ON K1M 1B8 (613) 748-7100 / (613) 748-7100 [email protected] Roderick Lahey Architect Inc. Suite 200 - 1501 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Z 7M1 (613) 724-9932 / (613) 724-1209 [email protected] Watson MacEwen Teramura Architects 116 Lisgar Street, Ste. 400 Ottawa, ON K2P 0C2 (613) 232-0330 / (613) 232-6253 [email protected] S.A. Stefanison, Architect Inc. 1918 Garfield Avenue Ottawa, ON K2C 0W8 (613) 225-1515 / (613) 225-6979 [email protected] William D. Hulme, Architect 9 Diceman Cres. Ottawa, ON K1B 3Y2 (613) 830-7800 / (613) 830-7800 [email protected] S Monk Architect Inc. 50 Camelot Drive, Ste. 202 Ottawa, ON K2G 5X8 (613) 222-7187 / (613) 274-3710 [email protected] Woodman Architect & Associates Ltd. 1750 Courtwood Crescent, #200 Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5 (613) 228-9850 / (613) 228-9848 [email protected] Schoeler & Heaton, Architects Inc. 180 Metcalfe, Ste. 401 Ottawa, ON K2P 1P5 (613) 237-6162 / (613) 237-6164 [email protected] Y.C. Lee Architect Company Limited 330 Wilbrod St., Unit 4 Ottawa, ON K1N 6M5 (613) 565-9898 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 53 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN OTTAWA (STITTSVILLE) David Mailing Architect Associates Inc. 1347 Stittsville Main Street, Ste. 1 Ottawa (Stittsville), ON K2S 1C6 (613) 836-4040 / (613) 836-4611 [email protected] OWEN SOUND G.M. Diemert Architect Inc. 957 Fourth Avenue East, Ste. 201 Owen Sound, ON N4K 2N9 (519) 376-1975 / (519) 376-3330 [email protected] Makrimichalos Cugini, Architects 870 3rd Avenue East, Ste. 201 Owen Sound, ON N4K 6K6 (519) 376-8210 / (519) 376-3112 [email protected] PARIS David Parrish, Architect and Company 919 West Dumfries Road Paris, ON N3L 3E2 (519) 632-1227 [email protected] PARRY SOUND Furniture Architecture and Design Group 176 Louisa St. Parry Sound, ON P2A 3C1 (705) 746-5272 / (705) 746-6006 [email protected] PEMBROKE Morris Thuemen, Architects 211 Hincks St. Pembroke, ON K8A 4N7 (613) 735-4594 / (613) 735-3484 [email protected] Tony Gardynik Architect Inc. 84 Isabella Street Pembroke, ON K8A 5S5 (613) 732-9969 / (613) 732-1023 [email protected] PENETANGUISHENE Quantum Engineering 97 Copeland Creek Drive Penetanguishene, ON L9M 2H7 (705) 549-1791 / (705) 549-1791 [email protected] www.engineeringby PERTH B. J. Edmundson Architect Inc. 40 Sunset Boulevard, Ste. B30, R. R. #1 Perth, ON K7H 2Y4 (613) 264-8638 [email protected] PETERBOROUGH Greer Galloway Inc., Architect + Engineers 973 Crawford Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 3X1 (705) 743-1351 / (705) 743-9592 Gregg Gordon Architect 516 Hunter Street West Peterborough, ON K9H 2N1 (705) 876-6548 / (705) 876-9206 [email protected] 35 Years of practice. Services: Arch. Consultancy - Project Management. Scope: Commercial - Multi Residential. Promises: On-Time Delivery, Practical Solutions, Accessibility Design, Client Satisfaction. Proudly Serving Peterborough and area. Quartek Group Inc. Architects, Engineers 378 King St. Port Colborne, ON L3K 4H2 (905) 834-9692 [email protected] PORT DALHOUSIE Joseph G.A. Colonna Architect Inc. 8 Paxton Ave. Port Dalhousie, ON L2N 5H8 (905) 937-8779 / (905) 937-4191 [email protected] PORT HOPE Lett Architects Inc. 171 King Street Peterborough, ON K9J 2R8 (705) 743-3311 / (705) 743-0056 [email protected] Christopher Wallace Architect The Canton Mill 4476 County Road 10, R.R. #1 Port Hope, ON L1A 3V5 (905) 753-1122 / (905) 753-2668 [email protected] Matthew T. Harvey, Architect 103 Auburn St. Peterborough, ON K9H 2G3 (705) 740-2162 / (705) 740-2946 [email protected] Foord & Taylor Limited, Architect 30 Bruton St. Port Hope, ON L1A 1T9 (905) 885-5222 / (905) 885-4753 [email protected] N.E.W. Architecture Ltd. 226 Carlisle Avenue Peterborough, ON K9H 1J6 (705) 741-6330 [email protected] Philip Goldsmith Architect 46 Dorset Street East Port Hope, ON L1A 1E3 (905) 885-0348 / (905) 885-6823 [email protected] Royden Moran Architect 385 Reid St. Peterborough, ON K9H 4G4 (705) 743-2652 / (705) 743-5751 [email protected] Trevelyan Architect Inc. 148 Hunter Street West, Ste. 201 Peterborough, ON K9H 2K8 (705) 745-7055 / (705) 745-3318 [email protected] Piccini Architect 148 Walton Street, Unit 2 Port Hope, ON L1A 1N6 (905) 885-8729 / (905) 885-6012 [email protected] PUSLINCH Paula Hamilton Architect R. R. #2, 1510 Gore Road Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 (905) 659-4949 / (905) 659-4949 hamiltonmain@sympaticoca PICKERING RAI Architect Inc. 1885 Clements Rd., Ste. 266 Pickering, ON L1W 3V4 (905) 426-4460 / (905) 426-4651 [email protected] PICTON Brian Clark Architect 525 County Road 11, R. R. #1 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 (613) 476-4839 / (613) 476-4839 [email protected] E.R.A. Architects Inc. 2335 County Road 10, R.R. #3 Picton, ON K0K 2T0 (613) 476-2220 / (613) 476-2212 Geoff Hodgins Architect 1 Sherbrooke Street East, Ste. 303 Perth, ON K7H 1A1 (613) 267-2954 / (613) 267-9952 [email protected] 54 PORT COLBORNE PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a RICHMOND HILL Abelman Architect 44 Sweet Water Crescent Richmond Hill, ON L4S 2A9 (416) 795-5556 [email protected] Allan Barrett Architect 36 Portage Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4E 2Z4 (905) 773-0711 / (905) 773-6210 [email protected] Allen & Sherriff Architects, Inc. 10350 Yonge St., Ste. 200 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5K9 (905) 884-1117 / (905) 884-4970 [email protected] AWS Architect 75 Nantucket Drive Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3V9 (905) 773-0998 / (416) 900-6607 [email protected] Battaglia Architect Inc. 9631 Yonge St., Ste. B1 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 0M5 (905) 508-2168 / (905) 508-5802 [email protected] D. Lus Architect Inc. 58 Baynards Lane Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9B4 (905) 737-8295 / (905) 737-8295 [email protected] David Sujitno Tjan, Architect 19 Alexandra Wood Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2L1 (905) 737-5477 / (905) 884-9549 [email protected] Doris L.K. Cheung Architect 20 Wertheim Court, Unit 20 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3A8 (905) 881-2033 / (905) 881-9448 [email protected] Eugene Kuan Architect 1 West Pearce St., Ste. 205 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K3 (905) 882-8817 / (905) 882-8918 Hamid Kashani Architects 100 Olde Bayview Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3C7 (905) 773-5333 [email protected] Heman Shih Architect Inc. 26 Trish Drive Richmond Hill, ON L4E 5C5 (905) 773-8304 / (905) 773-2716 [email protected] IBI Group Architects 9133 Leslie Street, Ste. 200 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4N1 (905) 763-3451 / (905) 763-7845 Jeffrey M. Swartz Architect 77 Baynards Lane Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9B9 (416) 953-4127 / (905) 737-2115 [email protected] John G. Williams Limited, Architect 40 Vogell Rd., Unit 46 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3N6 (905) 780-0500 / (905) 780-9536 [email protected] Karine Demyanchuk, Architect 66 Oak Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6R7 (905) 709-9469 / (905) 709-9469 [email protected] Lowell Lo Design Inc., Architect 15 Wertheim Court, #203 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3H7 (905) 709-1280 [email protected] Master Building Inc. 15 Wertheim Court, Ste. 511 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3H7 (416) 830-0606 / (416) 623-7045 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Michael Cicerani Architects Inc. 76 Roseview Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4C 1C8 (647) 407-9430 [email protected] Robert Segarra Architect Inc. 95 Weldrick Rd. E., #63 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6H0 (905) 737-4459 / (905) 770-9059 [email protected] Roman Chmiel Architect 58 Glenarden Cres. Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2H9 (905) 884-0148 / (905) 780-6305 [email protected] Ryan Company Architect Inc. 154 Mill St. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 4A9 (905) 737-8668 / (905) 780-6476 [email protected] SADP - Architecture 148 Valleymede Drive Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1T2 (647) 997-0483 [email protected] Studio Linea Architect 125 Weldrick Rd. W., #20 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3V2 (905) 770-0223 / (905) 884-5961 [email protected] Thomas K.K. Yeung 414 Oceanside Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4C 2Z8 (416) 998-8818 / (905) 237-5223 [email protected] RIDGEWAY Jason Pizzicarola Design - Architects Inc. 296 Ridge Road N., Ste. 201 Ridgeway, ON L0S 1N0 (905) 894-8300 / (905) 894-8400 [email protected] SARNIA David Gilchrist, Architect 907 Devine St. Sarnia, ON N7T 1X3 (519) 336-4880 / (519) 336-6922 [email protected] SAULT STE. MARIE Caughill Consulting Services Inc., Engineer and Architect 536C Fourth Line East Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K8 (705) 949-1728 / (705) 949-1906 [email protected] Chris Tossell, Architect 531 River Road, Unit 3 Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6X7 (705) 942-1013 / (705) 942-9162 [email protected] david ellis architect inc. 477 Queen Street, Ste. 210 Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 1Z5 (705) 253-4333 / (705) 253-4332 [email protected] EPOH Inc. Architects and Consulting Engineer 726 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2A9 (705) 949-5291 / (705) 949-5292 [email protected] MGP Architects . Engineer Inc. 123 East St. Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 3C7 (705) 942-9494 / (705) 942-7454 [email protected] TAL.VT Architect Inc. 51 Margaret Street Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 6J7 (705) 253-8580 / (705) 253-2121 [email protected] SHARON Dennis K. Tanaka, Architect Inc. 14 Colonel Wayling Boulevard Sharon, ON L0G 1V0 (905) 478-2522 / (905) 478-2522 [email protected] SIMCOE G. Douglas Vallee Limited, Engineers and Architect 2 Talbot Street North Simcoe, ON N3Y 3W4 (519) 426-6270 / (519) 426-6277 [email protected] SIOUX LOOKOUT Keewatin-Aski Ltd., Consulting Engineers, Architect 61 Queen Street, P.O. Box 510 Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1A8 (807) 737-3858 / (807) 737-3875 [email protected] We are a full-service architectural practice serving Northwestern Ontario for over twenty years, with expertise in feasibility studies, facility planning, architectural design and contract administration. SOUTH PORCUPINE Fennell Architect 25 Hellen Ave. South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0 (705) 235-2781 / (705) 235-2781 [email protected] SOUTHAMPTON Montgomery Philip King Architect Inc. 383 McNabb Street, Unit 124, Box 977 Southampton, ON N0H 2L0 (519) 797-1958 / (519) 797-3265 [email protected] SPENCERVILLE PTAH Consultants Inc. Architects 8055 Campbell Rd. Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 (613) 686-3979 / (613) 989-2248 [email protected] ST. CATHARINES 2M Architects Inc. 115 Lake Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 5X7 (905) 687-9777 / (905) 687-9997 [email protected] Allen & Chui Architects Inc. 443 Eastchester Ave. St. Catharines, ON L2M 6S2 (905) 984-5545 / (905) 984-5542 [email protected] STONEY CREEK G. L. Heeringa Ltd., Architect 21 Leslie Dr. Stoney Creek, ON L8G 2P9 (905) 662-1400 / (905) 664-4388 [email protected] Graff Grguric Architects Incorporated 28 King Street East, Unit B Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1J8 (905) 664-8735 / (905) 664-8737 offi[email protected] STRATFORD GB Architect Inc. 430 Ontario St. Stratford, ON N5A 3J2 (519) 272-0073 / (519) 272-1433 [email protected] Archway and Associate Architect 7 Vergorda Circle St. Catharines, ON L2T 2P1 (905) 685-9010 / (905) 685-7950 [email protected] Jeffrey Elliott, Architect 288 Woods Street Stratford, ON N5A 7T4 (519) 275-3217 [email protected] Carson Brian Cook Architect Inc. 63 Church Street, Ste. 205 St. Catharines, ON L2R 3C4 (905) 684-2555 / (905) 684-2565 [email protected] Marklevitz Architects Inc. 516 Huron Street Stratford, ON N5A 5T7 (519) 271-9230 / (519) 271-6560 [email protected] J. David Pounder Limited, Consulting Engineer and Architect 8 Warrington Place St. Catharines, ON L2N 2N5 (905) 935-7580 / (905) 935-7580 [email protected] Michael A. Wilson Architect 178 Huron St. Stratford, ON N5A 5S8 (519) 273-5927 / 273-3598 [email protected] John Gittings, Architect 81 Highland Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 4H9 (905) 988-1270 / (905) 736-6011 [email protected] R. Ritz, Architect 322 Ontario St. Stratford, ON N5A 3H8 (519) 271-4603 / (519) 271-8043 [email protected] Larisa Brodsky Architect Inc. 156 St. Paul Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 3M2 (905) 687-6681 / (905) 687-8615 [email protected] Ronald Bean, Architect 93 Mercer Street Stratford, ON N5A 6J8 (519) 275-3338 / (519) 275-2744 [email protected] Macdonald Zuberec Ensslen Architects Inc. 39 Queen St., Ste. 403 St. Catharines, ON L2R 5G6 (905) 685-8467 / (905) 685-6852 [email protected] Parker Architects Inc. 156 St. Paul Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 3M2 (905) 687-6681 / (905) 687-8615 [email protected] Robert Kimpinski Architect Ltd. 26 Church Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 3B6 (905) 682-3388 / (905) 682-3991 [email protected] Venerino V.P. Panici Architect Inc. 146 James St., P.O. Box 386 St. Catharines, ON L2R 6T7 (905) 688-6087 / (905) 688-1778 [email protected] SUDBURY Castellan James + Partners Architects Inc. 289 Cedar Street, Suite 300 Sudbury, ON P3B 1M8 (705) 674-2300 / (705) 674-2185 [email protected] J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects 217 - 469 Bouchard St. Sudbury, ON P3E 2K8 (705) 522-8174 / (705) 522-1512 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 887 Notre Dame Sudbury, ON P3A 2T2 (705) 525-0820 / (705) 525-0056 [email protected] Perry + Perry Architects Inc. 174 Larch St, Ste. 201 Sudbury, ON P3E 1C6 (705) 688-0440 / (705) 688-0439 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 55 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Sawchuk Peach Associates - Architects 198 Oak Street Sudbury, ON P3C 1M7 (705) 674-9633 / (705) 674-7612 [email protected] Wicklander Associates Inc., Architect 268 Cedar Street Sudbury, ON P3B 1M7 (705) 524-3886 / (705) 524-0366 [email protected] Yallowega Belanger Architecture 255 Larch Street Sudbury, ON P3B 1M2 (705) 675-3383 / (705) 675-3598 [email protected] SUNDERLAND Archxes Design Inc., Architects S700, Con 2 Brock, RR 1 Sunderland, ON L0C 1H0 (905) 852-9339 / (905) 852-9393 [email protected] TARA David James Diebel Architect 27 John Street, P.O. Box 18 Tara, ON N0H 2N0 (519) 934-3735 / (519) 934-3184 [email protected] THORNHILL Battaglia Associates Inc., Architect 104 John Street Thornhill, ON L3T 1Y5 (905) 763-9900 / (905) 763-9920 [email protected] Charles Cosentino Architect 99 Grenadier Cres. Thornhill, ON L4J 7V7 (905) 882-0683 / (416) 512-5944 [email protected] Claudio Rabaglino Architect Inc. 16 McKelvey Drive Thornhill, ON L3T 5X7 (416) 457-8785 / (416) 754-0173 [email protected] David Lam Architect Inc. 905-48 Suncrest Blvd. Thornhill, ON L3T 7Y5 (905) 882-0889 / (905) 882-0889 [email protected] Haim Riback, Architect 2 Pinevale Road Thornhill, ON L3T 1J6 (905) 882-7459 / (905) 882-8950 [email protected] Idels Architect Inc. 80 North Meadow Cres. Thornhill, ON L4J 3B1 (905) 886-0632 / (905) 886-7064 [email protected] Irena Bombard Architect Inc. 392 Mullen Dr. Thornhill, ON L4J 2P3 (905) 889-6950 / (905) 882-0061 [email protected] 56 Jonathan Weizel, Architect 36 Janesville Rd. Thornhill, ON L4J 6Z9 (905) 707-1996 / (905) 707-3474 [email protected] Leon Hui Architect Inc. 7616 Yonge Street Thornhill, ON L4J 1V9 (416) 258-2988 / (905) 707-8388 [email protected] LLM International Inc., Architect 50 Aileen Road Thornhill, ON L3T 5T1 (416) 908-7889 [email protected] Marlene R. Scharf Slopack, Architect 60 Kings College Rd. Thornhill, ON L3T 5J8 (905) 886-5048 / (905) 886-6466 [email protected] Mayhew Architects & Consultants Inc. 135 Commerce Valley Drive East Thornhill, ON L3T 7T4 (905) 707-4138 / (905) 707-4748 [email protected] Sang-man Youn, Architect 38 Kings College Rd. Thornhill, ON L3T 5J7 (416) 738-1275 / (905) 886-1467 [email protected] THUNDER BAY DCSC Limited Architect + Engineer 679 Leslie Ave. Thunder Bay, ON P7A 1Z9 (807) 345-0845 / (807) 345-7240 [email protected] H. Bradford Green Architect Inc. 123 South Brodie St., Ste. #1 Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1B8 (807) 623-0800 / (807) 623-0800 [email protected] Habib Architects Inc. 1119 Victoria Ave. E., 3rd Fl. Thunder Bay, ON P7C 1B7 (807) 623-1021 / (807) 623-4770 [email protected] Kuch Stephenson Gibson Malo Architects & Engineer McVicar Manor, 131 North Court St. Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4V1 (807) 345-5582 / (807) 345-4093 [email protected] Leonard Alfred Wood, Architect 180 Park Avenue, Ste. 110 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6J4 (807) 345-1099 / (807) 345-3923 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 740 South Syndicate Avenue Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1E9 (807) 625-6770 / (807) 623-4491 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a TIMMINS J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects 150 Algonquin Blvd., East, Ste. 201 Timmins, ON P4N 1A7 (705) 360-1899 / (705) 360-1788 [email protected] James M. Martin, Architect 140 Cooks Lake Dr. Timmins, ON P4N 7C3 (705) 268-1292 / (705) 268-2332 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 172 Algonquin Blvd. E. Timmins, ON P4N 1A9 (705) 267-6438 / (705) 264-8218 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 834 Mountjoy Street South, P.O. Box 120 Timmins, ON P4N 7C5 (705) 264-9413 / (705) 267-2725 [email protected] William A. Scott, Architect 345 Toke St. Timmins, ON P4N 6V6 (705) 267-4415 / (705) 267-4415 [email protected] TORONTO 3 Sixty Architect Inc. 166A Bennett Road Toronto, ON M1E 3Y3 (416) 284-1073 / (416) 284-1908 [email protected] A. Duncan Green, Architect 108 9th Street Toronto, ON M8V 3E4 (416) 253-6124 / (416) 253-8960 [email protected] A. Fazel Architect 2973 Lakeshore Blvd. West Toronto, ON M8V 1J5 (416) 840-0499 / (416) 840-0498 [email protected] A. Mark McBurney, Architect 21 Dale Avenue, Ste. 704 Toronto, ON M4W 1K3 (416) 364-5017 / (416) 364-1141 [email protected] A. Robert Murphy Architect Inc. 2255B Queen St. E., Ste. #1100 Toronto, ON M4E 1G3 (416) 690-1083 / (416) 690-1088 [email protected] A Todaro Architect 916 Manning Avenue, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M6G 2X4 (416) 894-7143 / (416) 503-2887 [email protected] AA Bernal Architect 4107-25 Telegram Mews Toronto, ON M5V 3Z1 (416) 558-9361 [email protected] ABBARCH Architecture (Ontario) Inc. 317 Adelaide St. W., Ste. 700 Toronto, ON M5V 1P9 (416) 340-8441 / (416) 340-1717 [email protected] ACI Architects Inc. 30 Furnival Road Toronto, ON M4B 1W3 (647) 344-2885 / (647) 342-5744 [email protected] ACI Wright Inc. 2171 Avenue Road, Ste. 204 Toronto, ON M5M 3K2 (416) 322-2132 / (416) 850-4356 [email protected] A hands-on practice with high client referral rate and long term clients. Providing a diverse mix of project types (commercial, hospitality, institutional, industrial, recreational & residential - custom homes, multi-units) both locally & abroad. Regardless of scale and budget, our aim is to extract the utmost in design potential, sustainability and cost effectiveness while keeping close tabs on the schedule. We feel privileged to have the opportunity to create something great. With utmost sensitivity to the natural environment, culture and history, we begin our journey with our client to create a place with a story and a soul. Adamson Associates Architects 401 Wellington Street West, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M5V 1E7 (416) 967-1500 / (416) 967-7150 [email protected] AGATHOM Co. 3 Gilead Place Toronto, ON M5A 3C8 (416) 203-9068 / (416) 203-9360 [email protected] Agile Architects 2121 Lakeshore Blvd. W., Ste. 616 Toronto, ON M8V 4E9 (416) 201-9075 [email protected] Custom homes/cottages, retail, medical, commercial and interior design. Philosophy: Good architecture should not cost more. Commitment: Design affordable energy saving buildings that reduce negative impact on the environment. Agnieszka Wloch Architect 13 Albemarle Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1H6 (416) 567-4512 [email protected] Ahuva A.R. Woods, Architect 265 Ridley Boulevard, Ste. 1105 Toronto, ON M5M 4N8 (416) 480-1594 [email protected] aipm architects inc. 1407 Yonge Street, Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M4T 1Y7 (416) 926-0234 / (416) 926-0021 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Alan Littlewood Architect 2121 Bathurst Street, Ste. 423 Toronto, ON M5N 2P3 (416) 928-9046 / (416) 928-6943 [email protected] Alan Maguire Architect 18 Cranbrooke Ave. Toronto, ON M5M 1M4 (416) 480-9601 / (416) 480-2706 [email protected] Alberghini Architect Inc. 85 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Ste. 4406 Toronto, ON M4H 1L6 (416) 423-2666 / (416) 421-2661 [email protected] Alex Rebanks Architects Inc. 232 Rose Park Drive Toronto, ON M4T 1R5 (416) 482-4343 / (416) 482-0654 [email protected] Alexander Benedek, Architect 117 Roxborough St. W. Toronto, ON M5R 1T9 (416) 962-5959 [email protected] Allan D. Rae Architect Inc. 696 Queen Street East, Ste. 2A Toronto, ON M4M 1G9 (416) 369-0417 / (416) 369-0785 [email protected] Allan Killin Architect Inc. 237 Grenadier Road Toronto, ON M6R 1R9 (416) 702-8511 / (416) 536-2671 [email protected] Allen & Chui Architects Inc. 100 Sunrise Avenue, Ste. 102 Toronto, ON M4A 1B3 (416) 462-0389 / (416) 462-1954 [email protected] Allied Architects Inc. 71 Stock Avenue Toronto, ON M8Z 5C5 (416) 259-6088 / (416) 259-8273 [email protected] Altius Architecture Inc., Architect 109 Atlantic Avenue, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M6K 1X4 (416) 516-7772 / (416) 516-7774 [email protected] Andre Sherman, Architect 135 Holmes Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 4M5 (416) 733-9000 / (866) 548-4440 [email protected] Andrew Morrison Architect Inc. 562 Clinton St. Toronto, ON M6G 2Z6 (416) 516-1950 / (416) 516-2625 [email protected] Andrew Thorpe Architect 612 Clinton Street Toronto, ON M6G 2Z7 (416) 487-7705 / (416) 487-2585 [email protected] Andritsos Architect International 416 Vaughan Road Toronto, ON M6C 2P2 (416) 841-2111 [email protected] Andrzej Wodkiewicz Architect 131 MacDonell Avenue Toronto, ON M6R 2A4 (416) 605-8104 / (416) 532-8104 [email protected] Angela Tsementzis Architects 955 Queen Street West, Ste. 313 Toronto, ON M6J 3X5 (416) 564-4268 [email protected] Angus Skene Architect 142 Glendale Ave. Toronto, ON M6R 2T2 (416) 885-9255 / (416) 539-0635 [email protected] Ann Lawson Architect Inc. 3044 Bloor St. W., Ste. 933 Toronto, ON M8X 2Y8 (416) 657-2080 / (416) 657-2080 Anna Richter Architect 121 Hillsdale Ave. E. Toronto, ON M4S 1T4 (416) 322-5867 / (416) 322-5884 [email protected] Anna Voineskos, Architect 9 Hawthorn Ave. Toronto, ON M4W 2Z1 (416) 975-8348 / (416) 975-8348 [email protected] Anthony Belcher Architect 900 Yonge Street, Ste. 504 Toronto, ON M4W 3P5 (416) 922-2918 / (416) 922-8252 [email protected] Anthony E. Marsh, Architect 63 Marlborough Ave. Toronto, ON M5R 1X5 (416) 923-6748 / (416) 324-9524 [email protected] Architect 1:1 362 Beechgrove Drive, Ste. One Toronto, ON M1E 4A5 (416) 912-4449 [email protected] Architect Bernardo Cascone 14 Whitfield Ave. Toronto, ON M9L 1E9 (416) 995-5658 Architect Ravi Doiphode 100 - Leeward Glenway, Ste. 1803 Toronto, ON M3C 2Z1 (416) 425-1870 [email protected] AREA, Architects Rasch Eckler Associates Ltd. 15 Lola Road1 444991_AREA.indd 9/12/09 1:40:01 PM Toronto, ON M5P 1E5 (416) 696-1969 / (416) 696-1966 [email protected] Architects Alliance 317 Adelaide St. W. #205 Toronto, ON M5V 1P9 (416) 593-6500 / (416) 593-4911 [email protected] Architects Crang and Boake Inc. 7 Raeburn Avenue Toronto, ON M3H 1G6 (416) 449-1203 / (416) 449-1645 [email protected] Architects + Research + Knowledge Inc. 82 Peter St., Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M5V 2G5 (647) 777-3500 / (647) 777-3531 [email protected] architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin Inc. 26 Soho Street, Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M5T 1Z7 (416) 595-2876 / (416) 595-5178 Architecture ACT Incorporated 3 Bridgman Avenue, Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M5R 3V4 (416) 505-2030 / (416) 532-0361 [email protected] Architecture Project Management (APM) 2221 Yonge Street, Ste. 212 Toronto, ON M4S 2B4 (416) 662-4526 / (416) 485-0145 [email protected] Anthony Kemp Architect Inc. 672 Dupont St., Ste. #410 Toronto, ON M6G 1Z6 (416) 591-8686 / (416) 849-0163 [email protected] Architecture Unfolded 219 Dufferin Street, Ste. 201B Toronto, ON M6K 1Y9 (416) 601-5416 / (866) 498-9639 [email protected] Anthony Provenzano Architect 388 Manning Avenue, Ste. C Toronto, ON M6G 2V7 (416) 823-3040 [email protected] Architrave Design, Architect 12 Mill Cove Toronto, ON M8X 2S5 (416) 207-8881 / 207-0855 [email protected] AREA Architects is a full service firm, based in Toronto and operating across Canada extending over 30 years of practice. We offer our clients expertise in a wide range of areas including retail, commercial, residential, institutional and emergency services projects. We also specialize in the restoration and renovation of historic buildings, often integrating historic components into new developments. Aria Partnership 49 Jackes Avenue Toronto, ON M4T 1E2 (416) 964-8333 / (416) 964-8336 [email protected] Armstrong Molesworth Shepherd Architect Ltd. 188 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 1J2 (416) 920-8280 / (416) 969-8499 [email protected] Arquinextia 8 Fee Place Toronto, ON M5A 4G7 (416) 888-5422 [email protected] Array International Architects Inc. 1200 Eglinton Avnue East, Ste. 810 Toronto, ON M3C 1H9 (416) 733-3583 / (416) 733-8236 [email protected] Arsenault Architect Inc. 5186 Dundas Street West Toronto, ON M9A 1C4 (416) 255-4378 / (416) 255-4351 [email protected] Artful North Architect 12 Duplex Avenue Toronto, ON M5P 2A3 (416) 485-6874 / (416) 485-2282 [email protected] Arthur A. Wrigglesworth, Architect 101 Lyall Ave. Toronto, ON M4E 1W6 (4167238530 / (416) 686-8530 [email protected] Antti Kotilainen Architect 135 Chaplin Crescent Toronto, ON M5P 1A6 (416) 489-3730 / (416) 485-5597 [email protected] Asen Vitko Architect Inc. 19 Yorkville Ave. Toronto, ON M4W 1L1 (416) 928-0220 / (416) 929-8929 [email protected] Archdesign Group Limited, Architects 1800A Avenue Road Toronto, ON M5M 3Z1 (416) 913-0426 / (416) 486-1717 [email protected] Astra Burka Architect 118R Clinton Street Toronto, ON M6G 2Y3 (416) 535-0077 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 57 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Atelier Kastelic Buffey Inc. 176 John Street, #203 Toronto, ON M5T 1X5 (416) 204-1331 / (416) 204-9778 [email protected] Balind Architect Inc. 1138 Eglinton Avenue West, Ste. 2 Toronto, ON M6C 2E2 (416) 658-6001 / (416) 658-5939 [email protected] Athos Zaghi Architect 14 Lark Street Toronto, ON M4L 3M6 (416) 465-5909 [email protected] Barrett Architect Inc. 708 Gerrard Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1Y3 (416) 469-8000 / (416) 469-8056 [email protected] Atria Architects Inc. 67 Lombard Street Toronto, ON M5C 1M2 (416) 304-0155 / (416) 644-1749 [email protected] Barry C. McFarquhar, Architect 201 - 20 Avoca Avenue Toronto, ON M4T 2B8 (647) 347-0212 Bohdan M. Chorny Architect 193 Edenbridge Drive Toronto, ON M9A 3G7 (416) 237-0816 / (416) 850-5218 [email protected] Barry Goldman Architect 12 Bowman Street Toronto, ON M4X 1T9 (416) 604-5333 / (416) 604-5332 [email protected] Bojana Ivanova Architect 287 Evelyn Avenue Toronto, ON M6P 2Z8 (416) 604-4197 [email protected] Barry R. Cline, Architect 1 Palace Pier Court, Suite 1908 Toronto, ON M8V 3W9 (416) 251-4495 / (416) 251-8455 [email protected] Bortolotto Design Architect Inc. 533 College Street, Ste. 401 Toronto, ON M6G 1A8 (416) 324-9951 / (416) 324-9719 [email protected] Audax Architecture Inc. 457 Richmond Street West, Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M5V 1X9 (416) 862-8329 / (416) 862-8330 [email protected] Ava Janikowski Architect Inc. 2973 Lakeshore Blvd. W. Toronto, ON M8V 1J5 (416) 252-8858 / (416) 449-5756 [email protected] Avenue Architecture Inc. 3335 Yonge Street, Ste. 305 Toronto, ON M4N 2M1 (416) 481-1678 / (866) 216-5218 [email protected] Axiis Architect Design Inc. 24 Lorna Rae Blvd. Toronto, ON M1V 2C8 (416) 977-0614 / (416) 293-8751 [email protected] Axiis Architects Inc. 2009 Lawrence Avenue West, Unit 1 Toronto, ON M9N 3V2 (416) 710-6779 [email protected] B+H Architects 481 University Avenue, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5G 2H4 (416) 596-2299 / (416) 586-0599 [email protected] B+H is a global firm with a staff of 250; offices in Toronto, Vancouver, China, Vietnam, Singapore, India and the UAE; and a broad commercial, institutional, residential, and interior portfolio. B. R. Kushnir, Architect 14 Appleby Crt. Toronto, ON M9B 5A2 (416) 232-0998 / (416) 232-0300 [email protected] The firm’s experience and expertise over the past 40 years relates to commercial, industrial, institutional and rehab projects. We’d be pleased to confer at your convenience regarding your objectives. Bart Szoke Architect 257 Margueretta St. Toronto, ON M6H 3S4 (416) 878-0536 / (416) 533-1400 [email protected] Well suited for custom residential and light commercial projects, offering strong design skill, and extensive approval and construction experience. Appropriate design and construction solutions developed quickly and thoroughly. BBB Architects Toronto Inc. 14 Duncan Street, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M5H 3G8 (416) 591-8999 / (416) 591-9087 [email protected] Benjamin Schultz, Architect 1 Gardenia Crt. Toronto, ON M2M 4G2 (416) 250-7526 / (416) 730-1897 Bernard H. Watt, Architect 3 Follis Avenue, Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M6G 1S4 (416) 920-1660 / (416) 535-9285 [email protected] Bernard Sin Architect 401 Roehampton Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 1S3 (416) 844-8702 [email protected] Baird Sampson Neuert Architects Inc. 317 Adelaide St. W., Ste. 1004 Toronto, ON M5V 1P9 (416) 363-8877 / (416) 363-4029 [email protected] Bernatt Architect Ltd. 40 Wynford Dr., Ste. 312 Toronto, ON M3C 1J5 (416) 449-8845 / (416) 449-0103 [email protected] Baldwin & Franklin Architects Inc. 167 Richmond Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1N9 (416) 364-4521 / (416) 364-9522 [email protected] Bill Hurst Architect 26 Dixon Avenue Toronto, ON M4L 1N3 (416) 691-4814 [email protected] 58 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Bill Lobb Architect 136 Northcote Ave., Ste. #100 Toronto, ON M6J 3K5 (416) 588-5280 / (416) 588-1606 [email protected] Brian T. Hogan, Architect 23 Webb Ave. Toronto, ON M6P 1M4 (416) 766-6093 / (416) 766-1874 [email protected] Black and Moffat Architects Inc. 169 Harbord St. Toronto, ON M5S 1H3 (416) 533-5815 / (416) 534-3515 [email protected] Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects 14 Duncan St., 4th Fl. Toronto, ON M5H 3G8 (416) 591-8999 / (416) 591-9087 [email protected] Boxwood Architects 627 Lonsdale Road Toronto, ON M5P 1R8 (416) 656-3335 / (416) 656-3337 afl[email protected] Brad Culver, Architect 192 Spadina Ave., Ste. #400 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 703-6632 / (416) 703-6314 [email protected] Breathe Architects 177 First Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 1K3 (416) 469-0018 / (416) 469-0987 [email protected] Brent Robinson, Architect 450 The Kingsway Toronto, ON M9A 3W2 (416) 410-9220 [email protected] Brian Awde Architect 628 Cummer Ave. Toronto, ON M2K 2M8 (416) 226-5183 / (416) 226-3266 [email protected] Brian Danby Architect 32 Beaver Bend Cres. Toronto, ON M9B 5P9 (416) 244-9800 [email protected] check, no descrip Brian L. Curtner Architect 380 Wellington Street West Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 (416) 598-1240 / (416) 598-3123 Brian Lee, Architect 398 King St. E. Toronto, ON M5A 1K9 (416) 363-7199 / (416) 363-5834 [email protected] Bronwyn Fitz-James, Architect 125 Macdonell Ave. Toronto, ON M6R 2A4 (416) 531-1025 / (416) 531-5633 [email protected] Brown and Storey Architects Inc. 10 St. Mary Street, Ste. 850 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 921-6190 / (416) 921-2183 offi[email protected] Bruce Fair Architect Inc. 18 Judith Drive Toronto, ON M4J 2R9 (416) 322-3283 / (416) 322-3283 [email protected] Bruce March Architect 3409 Yonge St., #31 Toronto, ON M4N 2M8 (416) 485-8231 / 485-6158 [email protected] Building Arts Architects Inc. 376 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1T1 (416) 594-6996 / (416) 861-0620 [email protected] Building Permit Services By Architect Inc. 11 Lavinia Ave., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M6S 3H6 (416) 760-8500 / (416) 766-6941 [email protected] Burka Architects Inc. 4800 Dufferin Street, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M3H 5S8 (416) 665-0722 / (416) 665-3724 [email protected] Byron Carter Architect Inc. 17 Avis Crescent Toronto, ON M4B 1B8 (416) 784-3045 [email protected] C. Y. Lee Architect Inc. 200 Finch Ave. W., Ste. 204 Toronto, ON M2R 3W4 (416) 223-6400 / (416) 223-0100 [email protected] C-K Kenneth Chow, Architect 183 Three Valleys Dr. Toronto, ON M3A 3L7 (416) 898-6849 / (416) 441-1080 [email protected] Cannon Design Ltd. 200 University Avenue, Ste. 1200 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 (416) 915-0121 / (416) 915-0122 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN CannonJohnston Architecture Ltd., Architects 200 University Avenue, Ste. 1200 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 (416) 915-0121 / (416) 915-0122 [email protected] Caricari Lee Architects Inc. 7 Harshaw Avenue Toronto, ON M6S 1X9 (416) 962-9670 / (416) 962-9671 [email protected] Carson Lee, Architect 118 Imperial St. Toronto, ON M5P 1C6 (416) 481-7475 / (416) 481-7475 [email protected] Carson Woods, Architects Limited 12 Cumberland St., Ste. 302 Toronto, ON M4W 1J5 (416) 923-2775 / (416) 923-8643 [email protected] Casaldom Architects 133 Evans Avenue Toronto, ON M6S 3V9 (416) 537-0010 / (416) 537-0010 [email protected] Catherine Friis, Architect 186 Dupont St., 2nd Fl. Rear Toronto, ON M5R 2E6 (416) 635-5577 / (416) 635-5576 [email protected] Catherine Nasmith Architect 21 Nassau St., #415 Toronto, ON M5T 3K6 (416) 598-4144 / (416) 598-4844 [email protected] CH2M HILL Canada Architects, Inc. 255 Consumers Road, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M2J 5B6 (416) 499-9000 / (416) 499-4687 [email protected] Chan Smyth Architect 177 Roehampton Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 1P9 (416) 822-6206 [email protected] Chandler Graham Architects and Designers Inc. 197 Spadina Ave., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M5T 2C8 (416) 351-3330 / (416) 351-3303 [email protected] Charles G. Bunker Architect Inc. 41 Weybourne Cres. Toronto, ON M4N 2R4 (416) 488-2998 / (416) 488-4518 Charles Schwenger Architect Inc. 47 Broadleaf Road Toronto, ON M3B 1C3 (416) 893-8508 / (416) 893-8508 [email protected] Cheryl C. Giraudy Architect 46 Eastmount Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 1V1 (416) 406-4301 [email protected] Chorny Associates Architect Inc. 193 Edenbridge Dr. Toronto, ON M9A 3G7 (416) 237-0816 / (416) 214-5500 [email protected] Chris A. Montgomery, Architect 276 Ellis Avenue Toronto, ON M6S 2X2 (416) 604-8839 / (416) 352-5903 [email protected] Condustar Studio Inc. 15 Maitland Place, Ste. 204 Toronto, ON M4Y 2X3 (416) 731-1013 [email protected] Conifer Consultants 1034 Davenport Road, Ste. A Toronto, ON M6G 2B9 (416) 554-6416 [email protected] Daniel Louis Cusimano Architect Incorporated 185 Bridgeland Ave., Ste. 107 Toronto, ON M6A 1Y7 (416) 783-5193 / (416) 783-3100 [email protected] David Binder Architect 1407 Yonge St., Ste. #200 Toronto, ON M4T 1Y7 (416) 925-5275 Coolearth Architecture Inc. 10 Britain Street Toronto, ON M5A 1R6 (416) 868-9774 / (416) 868-1029 [email protected] David C. Rich Architect Inc. 110 Summerhill Avenue Toronto, ON M4T 1B2 (416) 924-8906 [email protected] Christopher Fillingham Architect Inc. 21 Burkebrook Place, Ste. 409 Toronto, ON M4G 0A2 (416) 922-4290[email protected] Core Architects Inc. 317 Adelaide St. W., Ste. #600 Toronto, ON M5V 1P9 (416) 343-0400 / (416) 343-0401 [email protected] David D. Craddock, Architect 374 Berkeley St. Toronto, ON M5A 2X7 (416) 709-9097 / (416) 929-3635 [email protected] Christopher P. Tweel Architect Inc. 1365 Yonge Street, Ste. 206 Toronto, ON M4T 2P7 (416) 323-9313 [email protected] Crisante Architect 224 Ellerslie Avenue Toronto, ON M2N 1Y4 (416) 250-6518 [email protected] We provide thoughtful, creative and comprehensive design solutions by working closely with our clients from project conception through each phase of the design & building process. Extensive planning approvals experience. Christopher Walker, Architect 96 Manning Ave. Toronto, ON M6J 2K5 (416) 902-3535 [email protected] Cindy Rendely Architexture 44 Charles Street West, Ste. 2504 Toronto, ON M4Y 1R7 (416) 924-9696 / (416) 924-5184 [email protected] Claudio A. Santon Architect 177 Heward Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 2T6 (416) 461-2903 [email protected] Climans Green Liang Architects Inc. 160 Pears Ave., Ste. 418 Toronto, ON M5R3P8 (416) 925-8100 / (416) 925-8527 [email protected] Clive Brett Smith Architect Inc. 343 Wellesley St. E. Toronto, ON M4X 1H2 (416) 967-0381 / (416) 967-7243 [email protected] Cohos Evamy Ontario Inc. 2 Bloor Street East, Ste. 1000 Toronto, ON M4W 1A8 (416) 966-0220 / (416) 966-0223 [email protected] Colin J. Rabnett Architect 246 Russell Hill Rd. Toronto, ON M4V 2T2 (416) 927-8239 / (416) 598-5394 [email protected] Columbine Studios, Architect 46 Columbine Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 1P5 (416) 694-9630 / (416) 694-4269 [email protected] CS&P Architects Inc. 2345 Yonge Street, Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M4P 2E5 (416) 482-5002 / (416) 482-5040 [email protected] CXT Architects Inc. 362 Dupont St. Toronto, ON M5R 1V9 (416) 585-9950 / (416) 971-9123 [email protected] D. Maniates/Architect 47 McRae Dr. Toronto, ON M4G 1S2 (416) 488-7042 / (416) 488-8269 [email protected] D’Arcy L. Dunal Architect 55 Lavinia Ave. Toronto, ON M6S 3H9 (416) 604-7766 [email protected] Dadras Architects Inc. 15 Rainbow Creekway Toronto, ON M2K 2T9 (647) 407-9373 / (647) 346-9387 [email protected] Daniel B. McNeil, Architect 106 Harcourt Ave. Toronto, ON M4J 1J2 (416) 463-2597 / (416) 463-8855 [email protected] Daniel Johnson Architect Inc. 90 Richmond St. E., Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M5C 1P1 (416) 920-0040 / (416) 920-4499 [email protected] Daniel Karpinski Architect 167 Glenmount Park Rd. Toronto, ON M4E 2N3 (416) 985-8906 / (416) 691-7561 [email protected] David Fujiwara Architect 276 Main St., Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M4C 4X5 (416) 703-3399 [email protected] David Lieberman Architect 918 Palmerston Ave., Unit 12 Toronto, ON M6G 2S5 (416) 535-0165 / (416) 535-3444 [email protected] David Mitchell Architect 246 Dunview Avenue Toronto, ON M2N 4J2 (647) 225-9396 [email protected] David P. Moore Architect 20 Victoria Street, Ste. 700 Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 (416) 367-4131 / (416) 367-3538 [email protected] David Sin Architect 160 Browning Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1W5 (416) 601-1010 offi[email protected] David V. Snell, Architect 76 Corley Avenue Toronto, ON M4E 1V1 (416) 420-4544 [email protected] David Yeung, Architect 825 Gerrard St. E. Toronto, ON M4M 1Y8 (416) 466-6888 / (416) 466-0580 Davidson-Langley Incorporated Architects 40 St. Clair Ave. E., Ste. #302 Toronto, ON M4T 1M9 (416) 929-1731 / (416) 929-4028 [email protected] Full service, mid-town Toronto practice specializing in performance spaces and places of worship. Principals are Elizabeth Davidson, President and Ted Davidson, Vice President. Celebrating 25 years of professional service. P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 59 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Deborah Friesen Architect Inc. 386 Pacific Avenue Toronto, ON M6P 2R1 (647) 427-4574 [email protected] Design Applications 175 Withrow Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1E2 (416) 465-7054 / (416) 465-3693 [email protected] Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated 384 Adelaide St. W., Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5V 1R7 (416) 862-8800 / (416) 862-5508 [email protected] Dimitri Papatheodorou Architect 271 Mutual Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1X6 (416) 839-3102 [email protected] Domus Architects 1982 Islington Ave., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M9P 3N5 (416) 249-6687 / (416) 249-8894 [email protected] Don Bielesch, Architect 77 Davisville Ave., Ste. 2308 Toronto, ON M4S 1G4 (416) 481-1234 / (416) 481-4700 [email protected] Drew Mandel Architects 19 Duncan Street, Suite 405 Toronto, ON M5H 3H1 (416) 260-8373 / (416) 260-0460 [email protected] du Toit Architects Ltd. 50 Park Road Toronto, ON M4W 2N5 (416) 968-7908 / (416) 968-0687 [email protected] Dubbeldam Design Architects 401 Richmond St. West, Ste. 258 Toronto, ON M5V 3A8 (416) 913-6757 / (416) 913-6759 [email protected] Dutra Architect Inc. 49 Spadina Ave., Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M5V 2J1 (416) 979-5813 / (416) 979-8567 [email protected] E.I. Richmond Architects Ltd. 243 College Street, 2nd Fl. Toronto, ON M5T 1R5 (416) 961-1567 / (416) 961-1321 [email protected] E.R.A. Architects Inc. 10 St. Mary St., Ste. 801 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 963-4497 / (416) 963-8761 [email protected] Don Bolton Architect Corporation 125 Trinity Street Toronto, ON M5A 3C7 (416) 520-4560 / (416) 698-4319 [email protected] Eco-Revival Consulting Ltd. 5 Anvil Millway Toronto, ON M2L 1P9 (416) 391-4073 [email protected] Donald J. Caunter Architect Limited 160 Pears Avenue, Ste. 312 Toronto, ON M5R 3P8 (416) 922-2040 / (416) 922-1046 [email protected] We provide sustainability consulting for urban development / rehabilitation, design and planning of eco-climatic architecture and sustainable infrastructure. Our holistic approach offers identification of systemic context relationships and cost effective priority strategies. Doru Vasile Architect 64 Poyntz Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 1J2 (416) 576-7226 [email protected] Douglas Lawrence Architect 35 Langley Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 1B4 (416) 469-3147 / (416) 778-0158 [email protected] DP STUDIO INC. 90 South Kingsway Toronto, ON M6S 3T3 (416) 762-9466 / (416) 762-1351 [email protected] Drawing Room Architect Inc. 287 MacPherson Ave., Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M4V 1A4 (416) 975-1815 / (416) 975-1844 [email protected] Drew Laszlo Architect Inc. 3317 Yonge Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M4N 2L9 (416) 781-5800 / (416) 850-5015 [email protected] 60 Edward Makauskas Architect Inc. 4195 Dundas St. W., #325 Toronto, ON M8X 1Y4 (416) 398-6500 / (416) 398-6619 [email protected] Edward Nicolucci Architect 113 Palm Dr. Toronto, ON M3H 2C2 (416) 631-8035 / (416) 631-8035 [email protected] Edward Tabachnik, Architect 133 Torresdale Ave., Ste. 1402 Toronto, ON M2R 3T2 (416) 661-4534 [email protected] Edward Weinberg Architect 17 Olive Avenue Toronto, ON M6G 1T7 (416) 537-8475 / (416) 537-8679 [email protected] Edward Wojs Architect 366 King St. E. Toronto, ON M5A 1K9 (416) 366-5320 / (416) 366-5878 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Elevation Architects Inc. 1967 Queen Street East, Unit 1 Toronto, ON M4L 1H9 (416) 690-0444 / (416) 690-0446 [email protected] Fort Architect Inc. 180 Borden St. Toronto, ON M5S 2N3 (416) 530-1850 / (416) 530-4787 [email protected] Elizabeth Sisam, Architect Inc. 138 Princess Street, Ste. 1008 Toronto, ON M5A 0B1 (416) 691-1771 / (416) 691-1771 [email protected] Forum Architect Corporation 90 Applefield Dr. Toronto, ON M1P 3Y2 (416) 208-9891 [email protected] Ellen Vera Allen, Architect 4 Dacotah Avenue Toronto, ON M5J 2E5 (416) 703-0866 / (416) 703-0866 [email protected] Emil Cristescu Architect Inc. 920 Yonge St., Ste. 804 Toronto, ON M4W 3C7 (416) 926-9097 / (416) 926-9098 [email protected] Ernest H. Hodgson Architect 292 Keewatin Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 2A5 (416) 489-2869 / (416) 489-6242 [email protected] Etude Architects Inc. 30 Kern Road, Ste. 106 Toronto, ON M3B 1T1 (416) 226-5779 / (416) 226-9844 [email protected] Eva J. Gordon Architect 374 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Toronto, ON M4T 2E1 (416) 484-1883 / (416) 484-0856 [email protected] Farid Motamedi Architect Inc. 3 Chase Rd. Toronto, ON M2J 2S1 (416) 221-9447 / (416) 221-6533 [email protected] Farrow Partnership Architects Inc. 559 College Street, Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M6G 1A9 (416) 979-3666 / (416) 979-3680 [email protected] Favor Robinson Architects 162 Moore Ave. Toronto, ON M4T 1V8 (416) 488-0847 [email protected] Firm Associates Inc. Consulting Engineers and Architect 21 Hedgewood Road Toronto, ON M2L 1L4 (416) 487-5993 / (416) 487-7193 fi[email protected] Firoz A. Abdulla, Architect 3 Concorde Place, Ste. 1001 Toronto, ON M3C 3K7 (416) 441-0346 [email protected] Fliess Gates McGowan Easton/ Architects Inc. 95 Barber Greene Road, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M3C 3E9 (416) 445-1136 / (416) 445-7242 [email protected] Francesco Martire Architect 301 Markham Street, Ste. 306 Toronto, ON M6J 3X2 (416) 258-2330 [email protected] Francis Leung Architect 3632 Victoria Park Ave. Toronto, ON M2H 3B2 (416) 496-8253 / (416) 756-2070 fl[email protected] Frank Bandiera Architect Inc. 43 Elm St., Ste. #3 Toronto, ON M9N 3C9 (416) 242-5051 / (416) 242-3456 [email protected] Frank Lam, Architect 48 Playter Cres., Ste. 1A Toronto, ON M4K 1S5 (647) 380-0818 acotfl[email protected] Fred Code Architect 201 - 114 Cumberland Street Toronto, ON M5R 1A6 (416) 484-6307 [email protected] A one person company practicing in Ontario (based) and Manitoba. Areas of specialization: homes/cottages and concept design for buildings of all types/sizes. Freeman & Mason, Architect & Engineer Inc. 366 Sumach St. Toronto, ON M4X 1V4 (416) 869-0828 / (416) 869-0828 G. Bruce Stratton Architects 217 Richmond St. W., Ste. #300 Toronto, ON M5V 1W2 (416) 351-8145 / (416) 351-8146 [email protected] Gaito Architects 32 Sawley Drive Toronto, ON M2K 2J1 (416) 223-2868 [email protected] Gallant Architect Inc. 1 Hi Mount Drive Toronto, ON M2K 1X5 (416) 223-9910 / (416) 226-9226 [email protected] Garth Norbraten Architect Inc. 50 Hastings Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 2L2 (416) 405-8251 / (416) 405-8957 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Gary Sandor Lichtblau Architect 6 Vermont Ave. Toronto, ON M6G 1X7 (416) 962-1600 / (416) 962-1603 [email protected] Gary Stein Architect 300 New Toronto Street, Unit #38 Toronto, ON M8V 2E8 (416) 516-7758 / (416) 516-7762 [email protected] Gary Watson 8 Second Street Toronto, ON M8V 2X2 (647) 299-0874 [email protected] Geoffrey Kendall Architect Inc. 347 Sorauren Ave., #118 Toronto, ON M6R 2G5 (416) 994-8987 / (416) 777-2224 [email protected] George Friedman, Architect 196 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 658-6804 [email protected] George Popper Architect 344 Bloor St. W., Ste. 508 Toronto, ON M5S 3A7 (416) 961-0051 / (416) 961-0053 [email protected] George Robb, Architect 4800 Dundas St. W., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M9A 1B1 (416) 596-8301 / (416) 596-1508 [email protected] George Thomas Kapelos Architect Box 1027, Station F Toronto, ON M4Y 2T7 (416) 536-2902 [email protected] Gerald Spring Architect Inc. 632 Magnetic Dr. Toronto, ON M3J 2C4 (416) 650-5550 / (416) 650-5552 [email protected] gh3 inc. 55 Ossington Avenue, Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M6J 2Y9 (416) 915-1791 / (416) 915-1793 [email protected] Giancarlo Garofalo Architect Inc. 672 Dupont Street, Ste. 309 Toronto, ON M6G 1Z6 (416) 531-1265 / (416) 531-4733 [email protected] Giannone Petricone Associates Inc. 462 Wellington St. W., Ste. 501 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 (416) 591-7788 / (416) 591-1293 [email protected] Giovanni A. Tassone, Architect Incorporated 185 Bridgeland Ave., Ste. 107 Toronto, ON M6A 1Y7 (416) 784-5020 / (416) 783-3100 [email protected] Global Architect Inc. 6 Leswyn Road Toronto, ON M6A 1K2 (416) 256-4440 / (416) 256-4449 [email protected] Hanson + Jung Architects Inc. 457 Richmond St. W., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M5V 1X9 (416) 340-7373 / (416) 340-0005 [email protected] Goldsmith Borgal & Company Ltd. Architects 410 Adelaide St. W., Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M5V 1S8 (416) 929-6556 / (416) 929-4745 offi[email protected] Hardial Dhir Architect Inc. 1661 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M6P 1A6 (416) 532-2022 / (416) 538-2202 [email protected] Gordon M. Pape, Architect 231 MacPherson Avenue Toronto, ON M4V 1A1 (416) 929-0558 / (416) 929-2776 [email protected] Gordon Ridgely Architects and Associates Inc. 4141 Yonge Street, Ste. 205 Toronto, ON M2P 2A8 (416) 921-5130 / (416) 921-5209 [email protected] Gow Hastings Architects Inc. 275 Spadina Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 2V3 (416) 920-0031 / (416) 920-0288 [email protected] Gregory Patterson Architect 57 Maughan Crescent Toronto, ON M4L 3E6 (416) 699-9247 / (416) 699-0797 [email protected] Gregory Reuter Architect 128 Hamilton Street Toronto, ON M4M 2C8 (647) 261-8052 [email protected] Hariri Pontarini Architects 602 King St. West Toronto, ON M5V 1M6 (416) 929-4901 / (416) 929-8924 [email protected] Harry Mardirossian, Architect 23 Lynn Gate Cres. Toronto, ON M1T 2E1 (416) 609-1897 / (416) 321-1291 [email protected] Harry Morison Lay, Architect 231 Macpherson Avenue, Main Floor Toronto, ON M4V 1A1 (416) 929-7933 [email protected] Henry Schefter Architect Inc. 219 Dufferin Street, Ste. 100C Toronto, ON M6K 3J1 (416) 429-5633 [email protected] Henry W. Chiu Architect 2347 Kennedy Rd., Ste. 507 Toronto, ON M1T 3T8 (416) 298-4085 / (416) 298-0416 [email protected] High Park Architects 3000 Dundas St. W. Toronto, ON M6P 1Z3 (416) 767-0364 / (416) 767-0364 [email protected] Hilditch Architect 401 Richmond St. W., #139 Toronto, ON M5V 3A8 (416) 977-7877 / (416) 977-8460 [email protected] Ho K. Sung Architect 456 Bloor St. W., 2nd Fl. Toronto, ON M5S 1X8 (416) 539-7864 / (416) 539-8080 [email protected] Specializing in homes, cottages and country houses, we have 25 years experience in renovations and new construction across Ontario. Experts in helping Owners fulfill their dreams, sustainably and beautifully. HCA Architecture Incorporated Architects 191 Eglinton Ave. E., Ste. #201 Toronto, ON M4P 1K1 (416) 482-5216 / (416) 482-4942 [email protected] HOK Architects Corporation 720 King Street West, #505 Toronto, ON M5V 2T3 (416) 203-9993 / (416) 203-9992 [email protected] HOK is a global design firm that specializes in planning, architecture, design, and delivery solutions for sustainable interiors, building and communities. GRS Architects Inc. 17 Jedburgh Road HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. Toronto, ON M5M 3J5 400 University Avenue, Ste. 1700 (416) 486-2450 / (416) 486-2450 Toronto, ON1 M5G 1S5 493433_HDR.indd 8/28/10 11:45:34 AM [email protected] (416) 596-0654 / (416) 596-6871 [email protected] Guthrie Muscovitch Architects 770 Brown’s Line Among the largest healthcare architects in Toronto, ON M8W 3W2 Canada, HDR is a full service design firm (416) 252-5679 / (416) 252-9637 specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology [email protected] and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in Howard Rideout Architect Inc. 163 Gough Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 3N9 (416) 410-5855 / (416) 406-2561 [email protected] Habash Architect 38 Amanda Drive Toronto, ON M1V 1C9 (416) 391-3995 / (416) 391-2034 [email protected] Ian Trites Architect 20 Fourth St. Toronto, ON M5J 2B7 (416) 203-0830 / (416) 203-0100 [email protected] the U.S. Hanna E. Regehr - Architect 147 Woodbine Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 3P1 (416) 699-6895 / (416) 690-1261 [email protected] Hanson + Jung Architects 457 Richmond St. W., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M5V 1X9 (416) 340-7373 / (416) 340-0005 [email protected] Heather Asquith Architect 82 Langley Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1B5 (416) 433-1495 [email protected] Helen Vorster Architect 363 Sorauren Avenue, Ste. 306 Toronto, ON M6R 3C1 (416) 531-3993 / (416) 538-8348 [email protected] Hendrik Op’t Root, Architect Ltd. 25 Cole Street, Ste. 1408 Toronto, ON M5A 4M3 (416) 361-1915 [email protected] Ian MacDonald Architect Inc. 80 Spadina Ave., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5V 2J4 (416) 410-4011 / (416) 682-9002 [email protected] IBI Group Architects 30 International Blvd. Toronto, ON M9W 5P3 (416) 679-1930 / (416) 675-4620 IBI Group Architects 103 Church Street, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5C 2G3 (416) 466-3920 / (416) 466-2860 IBI Group Architects 95 St. Clair Avenue West, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M4W 1N6 (416) 924-9966 / (416) 924-9067 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 61 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN IBI Group Architects 230 Richmond St. W., 5th Fl. Toronto, ON M5V 1V6 (416) 596-1930 / (416) 596-0644 J. Margaret McGookin, Architect 14 Prince Rupert Ave. Toronto, ON M6P 2A7 (416) 534-1949 / (416) 534-2845 [email protected] Website currently under construction. Jennifer Turner Architect 63 Delaware Avenue Toronto, ON M5H 2S9 (416) 539-9911 / (416) 539-8384 [email protected] John O’Connor Architect 50 Amelia St. Toronto, ON M4X 1E1 (416) 925-9052 / (416) 925-4068 Icon Architects Inc. 210 - 5000 Dufferin Street Toronto, ON M3H 5T5 (416) 840-9279 / (416) 840-9279 [email protected] Focusing on custom housing, renovation and interior design, with expertise in design for special-needs clients, the firm specializes in the creation of environments that fulfill each client’s unique program. Jenny Francis Design 137 Brock Avenue Toronto, ON M6K 2L5 (647) 999-0258 [email protected] John Robert Carley, Architect Incorporated 234 Eglinton Ave. E., Ste. 504 Toronto, ON M4P 1K5 (416) 481-6889 / (416) 481-6291 [email protected] Jerome Markson Architect Inc. 10 St. Mary Street, Ste. 850 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 322-3887 / (416) 921-2183 [email protected] John Robulack Inc. Architects 4 Prince George Drive Toronto, ON M9A 1X8 (416) 232-2060 [email protected] Ideal City Design Group Inc. 457 Balliol Street Toronto, ON M4S 1E1 (416) 302-3189 / (905) 726-3131 [email protected] Insight Architects 1801 - 1 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M5E 1W7 (518) 256-0200 [email protected] Integra Architect Inc. 2001+ Sheppard Ave. East, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M2J 4Z8 (416) 495-6287 / (416) 494-6435 [email protected] Iori Architects Inc. 49 Jackes Avenue, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M4T 1E2 (416) 964-8333 / (416) 964-8336 [email protected] Isometrica Design 10 Delisle Avenue, Ste. 1013 Toronto, ON M4V 3C6 (416) 832-1278 [email protected] Istvan Lendvay Architect 2 Chatfield Dr. Toronto, ON M3B 1K5 (416) 449-7253 / 449-7253 [email protected] Prisons, prisons, prisons. Author of publications on recommended space requirements. Projects in Canada, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia. Lecturer in Cuba, Council of Europe, Union of International Architects and AIA Ivan S. Franko Architect 5415 Dundas St. W., Ste. 214 Toronto, ON M9B 1B5 (416) 232-0777 / (416) 232-0778 [email protected] Ivan Saleff Architect 192 Spadina Ave., Ste. 212 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 203-2279 / (416) 203-2276 [email protected] J. Christopher Knowles, Architect 116 Bedford Pk. Ave. Toronto, ON M5M 1J1 (416) 486-6386 J. Gorka Architect 261 Willowdale Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 4Z8 (416) 226-9709 / (416) 227-2633 [email protected] 62 Ja Architecture Studio Inc. 174 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 104 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 594-2300 / (416) 594-2301 [email protected] Jackson Eidelberg Architect Inc. 570 Chaplin Crescent Toronto, ON M5N 1E5 (416) 932-3303 / (416) 481-2124 [email protected] Jacob Feikema Architect 280 Clendenan Avenue Toronto, ON M6P 2X3 (416) 604-2891 [email protected] Jacqueline Rhee Architect 14 Harcroft Rd. Toronto, ON M6S 2V9 (416) 769-2770 / (416) 769-2772 [email protected] James Bailey Architect 49 Melbourne Ave. Toronto, ON M6K 1K6 (416) 537-4140 / (416) 537-0405 [email protected] James Belisle, Architect 2 Withrow, Wards Island Toronto, ON M5J 2C3 (416) 203-9161 [email protected] James Ireland Architect Inc. 18 Kingsgarden Road Toronto, ON M8X 1S6 (416) 535-5038 / (416) 535-5038 [email protected] We design country houses and cottages with particular concern for making buildings which discreetly suit their country settings and that make much of the pleasures of rural and waterfront life. James Macdonald, Architect 62 George St. Toronto, ON M5A 4K8 (416) 360-7614 / (416) 360-4548 [email protected] Jet Architecture Inc. 220 Duncan Mill Road, Ste. 316 Toronto, ON M3B 3J5 (416) 398-9774 / (416) 490-9383 [email protected] Jillian Aimis Architect 626 Briar Hill Avenue Toronto, ON M5N 1N2 (416) 488-6575 / (416) 488-8496 [email protected] Jiri Skopek, Architect 165 Kenilworth Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 3S7 (416) 699-6671 / (416) 699-9250 [email protected] Joan Burt, Architect 310 Delaware Avenue Toronto, ON M6H 2T8 (416) 533-0072 [email protected] John Bettio Architect 36 Enderby Rd. Toronto, ON M4E 2S3 (416) 691-8107 / (416) 691-8107 [email protected] John Blums Architect Inc. 200 Brockport Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5C9 (416) 679-1609 / (416) 679-1610 [email protected] John Boone, Architect 51 Arundel Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 3A3 (416) 469-3264 [email protected] Jan Tymstra Architect 36 Burgess Ave. Toronto, ON M4E 1W7 (416) 698-8682 / (416) 698-8682 John C. Houghton Associates Architect 491 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M4V 1B7 (416) 968-9120 / (416) 975-9337 [email protected] JCI Architects Inc. 90 Parklea Drive Toronto, ON M4G 2J8 (416) 256-7630 / (416) 256-2894 [email protected] John Ingrao Architect 23 Westmoreland Ave. Toronto, ON M6H 2Z6 (416) 537-7412 [email protected] Jedd Jones Architect Ltd. 210 Sheldrake Blvd. Toronto, ON M4P 2B5 (416) 429-0996 / (647) 436-8108 [email protected] John J. Ambrus, Architect Bedford Glen Building 40 Sylvan Valleyway, Ste. 516 Toronto, ON M5M 4M3 (416) 444-5750 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a John van Nostrand Architect Limited 317 Adelaide Street West, Ste. 205 Toronto, ON M5V 1P9 (416) 593-6499 / (416) 593-4911 John Vanstone Architect 85 Woodlawn Ave. W. Toronto, ON M4V 1G6 (416) 928-3428 / (416) 928-3428 [email protected] Joseph Barna, Architect 78 Olsen Drive Toronto, ON M3A 3J3 (416) 496-2160 / (416) 496-2160 Joseph Bogdan Associates Inc., Architects 672 Dupont St., Ste. #410 Toronto, ON M6G 1Z6 (416) 531-7717 / (416) 531-4275 [email protected] Award winning practice with expertise in retail, office, institutional, industrial and residential architecture. Specialties include urban design and masterplanning for new communities, mixed-use large scale redevelopment, and sustainability design guidelines. Joseph Kostantin Architect 32 Chiefswood Square Toronto, ON M1W 3J7 (416) 502-0133 / (416) 502-0133 [email protected] Josephine Young Architect 650 Queens Quay West, Unit 1816 Toronto, ON M5V 3N2 (416) 459-1215 / (416) 591-8559 [email protected] JS Barmi Architect 16 Harrison Garden Blvd., Ste. 2802 Toronto, ON M2N 7J6 1-877-899-0001 / (416) 915-6166 [email protected] Julian J. Trasiewicz Architect Inc. 7 Norgrove Cres. Toronto, ON M9P 3C7 (416) 243-3393 / (416) 243-7308 [email protected] Julian Jacobs Architects Ltd. 36 Eglinton Ave. W., 7th Flr. Toronto, ON M4R 1A1 (416) 322-7047 / (416) 322-7146 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Julian Jaffary Architect 578 St. Clements Ave. Toronto, ON M5N 1M6 (416) 256-4776 / (416) 256-0215 [email protected] Keith Loffler McAlpine Architects 10 St. Mary Street, Ste. 402 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 964-1902 / (416) 964-8245 [email protected] Kneider Architects 29 Gervais Drive, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M3C 1Y9 (416) 487-3939 / (416) 487-9518 [email protected] Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc. 83 Harbord St. Toronto, ON M5S 1G4 (416) 972-9385 / (866) 475-7256 [email protected] Kelman Associates Architect 40 Kimbark Blvd., Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M5N 2X7 (416) 366-3535 ext 2 (416) 366-1175 [email protected] Kohn Architects Inc. 116 Spadina Ave., #501 Toronto, ON M5V 2K6 (416) 703-6700 / (416) 703-6704 [email protected] Ken Fukushima Architecture 3300 Bloor Street West, Ste. 3140 Toronto, ON M8X 2X3 (416) 628-5153 / (416) 207-2071 [email protected] Kohn Shnier Architects 110 Spadina Ave., Ste. #900 Toronto, ON M5V 2K4 (416) 504-7508 / (416) 504-7509 [email protected] K.C. Au Architect Inc. 26 Dalhousie St. Toronto, ON M5B 2A5 (416) 574-1523 / (416) 694-7052 [email protected] K & K Architects 50 Mangrove Road Toronto, ON M6L 2A3 (416) 247-9369 [email protected] Kenneth Florence, Architect 74 Farnham Avenue Toronto, ON M4V 1H4 (416) 346-7557 / (416) 964-6263 K. Kawagishi, Architect 60 Shangarry Dr. Toronto, ON M1R 1A6 (416) 757-7657 / (416) 757-4951 [email protected] Kaprielian Verhiel Architects Inc. 77 Mowat Avenue, Ste. 112 Toronto, ON M6K 3E3 (416) 850-4443 / (416) 850-4975 [email protected] Karen Chisvin, Architect 31 Willowbank Blvd. Toronto, ON M4R 1B7 (416) 480-2454 / (416) 481-1635 [email protected] Kasian Architecture Ontario Incorporated 300-85 Hanna Avenue Toronto, ON M6K 3S3 (416) 583-3600 / (416) 583-3610 [email protected] Kathleen Kurtin Architect 124 Wells Street Toronto, ON M5R 1P4 (416) 588-4635 Kathleen West Architect 347 Sorauren Ave., #201 Toronto, ON M6R 2G5 (416) 532-0005 [email protected] Katrina Sochacka, Architect 18A Altamont Rd. Toronto, ON M2M 1S4 (416) 222-8248 Katy Chey 50 Stephanie Street, Ste. 1506 Toronto, ON M5T 1B3 (416) 799-6332 [email protected] Keshiri Design Services 54 Glen Echo Road Toronto, ON M4N 2E3 (416) 219-1342 [email protected] KDS offers experience in intercultural urban design, mid & high-rise hotels and condominiums, theatres, auditorium & arena design, homes, child educational facilities, planning, and interior design. Kevin Manuel Architect Limited 55 Town Centre Crt., Ste. #700 Toronto, ON M1P 4X4 (416) 290-5180 / (416) 439-1627 [email protected] Kearns Mancini Architects Inc. One Atlantic Ave., Ste. #104 Toronto, ON M6K 3E7 (416) 536-5666 / (416) 536-8626 [email protected] Leo Filipp Architect 73 Hay Avenue Toronto, ON M8Z 1G3 (416) 503-4159 / (416) 503-4159 [email protected] Leo Mieles Architect 64A Afton Avenue Toronto, ON M6J 1S1 (416) 820-8156 [email protected] Kregg Fordyce Architect 197 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5T 2C8 (416) 977-5202 / (416) 351-3303 [email protected] Leon Lubelski Architect 700 Lawrence Ave. W., Ste. 365A Toronto, ON M6A 3B4 (416) 783-6878 / (416) 783-6876 [email protected] Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects 322 King St. W., Third Floor Toronto, ON M5V 1J2 (416) 977-5104 / (416) 598-9840 [email protected] Leonardo Romanese Architect 42 Goodmark Place, Unit #5 Toronto, ON M9W 6S2 (416) 674-5006 / (416) 674-9383 [email protected] Khalil U. Syed, Architect 100 McLevin Ave., Ste. #211 Toronto, ON M1B 2V5 (416) 298-4001 / (416) 298-4341 [email protected] Kingsland + Architects, Inc. 219 Dufferin Street, Ste. 308B Toronto, ON M6K 3J1 (416) 203-7799 / (416) 203-7763 [email protected] L.E. Glazer Architect Limited 85 Scarsdale Rd., Ste. #300 Toronto, ON M3B 2R2 (416) 391-0277 / (416) 391-3343 [email protected] Kirkor Architects 20 Martin Ross Avenue Toronto, ON M3J 2K8 (416) 665-6060 / (416) 665-1234 Lapointe Architects 10 St. Mary Street, Ste. 606 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 964-6641 / (416) 964-6643 [email protected] KMA Inc. is a general architectural practice with a specialty focus in the area of secure institutional facilities. We provide a full range of services including architectural, programming, interior design, planning and urban design, and project management services. Additionally, the firm offers Compliance Services for public owners (PDC), Fire and Emergency Services Facilities Design and Construction, Business Case Reports, Real Estate Evaluations and Feasibility Studies. Leads Architects Inc. 91 Glenlake Avenue Toronto, ON M6P 1E3 (416) 516-2500 [email protected] Kongats Architects 80 Spadina Ave., Ste. 302 Toronto, ON M5V 2J3 (416) 504-8998 / (416) 504-6556 offi[email protected] Kyra Clarkson Architect 51 Fulton Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1X7 (416) 466-4709 / (416) 466-4709 [email protected] Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Incorporated 147 Portland Street 442465_Kleinfeldt.indd 1 8/21/09 12:25:42 PM Toronto, ON M5V 2N4 (416) 927-1992 / (416) 960-3940 [email protected] Lawrence Malek Architect 272 Lawrence Avenue West, Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M5M 4M1 (416) 781-6125 / (416) 781-2874 [email protected] Larkin Architect Limited 457 Richmond St. W., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5V 1X9 (416) 504-6054 / (416) 504-3145 offi[email protected] Lawrence Dodd Architect 360 Bloor St. E., Ste. 1011 Toronto, ON M4W 3M3 (416) 968-7654 / (416) 968-3284 [email protected] Lawrence Esco Architect 3 Wideford Place Toronto, ON M2M 4H2 (416) 779-7706 / (905) 881-6923 [email protected] Levente B. Danko Architect 657 Woodbine Avenue Toronto, ON M4E 2J3 (416) 686-7218 / (416) 686-7735 [email protected] Levitt Architect Limited 302 Bridgeland Avenue, Unit 100 Toronto, ON M6A 1Z4 (416) 927-1250 / (416) 927-0336 [email protected] www. Levitt Goodman Architects Ltd. 533 College Street, Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M6G 1A8 (416) 203-7600 / (416) 203-3342 [email protected] Lieux Architects Ltd. 42 Browning Avenue Toronto, ON M4K 1V7 (416) 466-7764 / (416) 466-0771 [email protected] Lin Architect 8 Rondeau Dr. Toronto, ON M2H 1R4 (416) 498-9615 [email protected] Lindy Consulting Limited 48 Bedford Park Avenue Toronto, ON M5M 1H9 (416) 481-8851 / (416) 481-8851 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 63 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN LineBox Studio inc. 1085 Woodbine Avenue Toronto, ON M4C 4C2 (416) 508-9931 / (647) 722-0823 [email protected] M. Shami Architect 88 Dumont St. Toronto, ON M2M 4K1 (416) 540-7178 / (416) 226-6497 [email protected] Martin Associates, Architects 34 Fallingbrook Road Toronto, ON M1N 2T4 (416) 867-8828 / (416) 869-0175 [email protected] LineBox is a fully licensed Toronto and Ottawa based architectural firm that provides a fresh and progressive outlook on how people live, work and play in the architectural context. Specializing in: contemporary residential, sustainably focused buildings, urban infill, modern interiors and custom commercial spaces. Mesbur and Smith Architects 148 Kenwood Ave. Toronto, ON M6C 2S3 (416) 656-5751 / (416) 656-5615 [email protected] M.W. Hall Corporation Architect 2 Croydon Road Toronto, ON M6C 1S7 (416) 920-8105 / (416) 962-6887 [email protected] Massimo A. Fantoni Architect 219 Avenue Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 2J3 (416) 928-3030 / (416) 928-3437 [email protected] MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects Ltd. 19 Duncan St., Ste. #202 Toronto, ON M5H 3H1 (416) 593-6796 / (416) 593-0212 [email protected] Matthew A. Smith 239 Havelock Street Toronto, ON M6H 3B8 (416) 538-8298 [email protected] Mesbur+Smith Architects specializes in entertainment architecture offering substantial expertise in multiplex cinema design, the restoration, renovation and refurbishment of historic theatres, and the conversion of large cinema halls into multiscreen complexes. Our designs incorporate the latest technologies, including equal sightline stadium seating, the best presentation and sound, and lobby planning strategies that can maximize revenues from café areas, bars and food concessions. Lisa A. Rapoport Architect 101 Spadina Ave., Ste. 208 Toronto, ON M5V 2K2 (416) 979-2012 / (416) 979-1283 [email protected] Local Office of Architecture 33 Mill Street, Unit 1408 Toronto, ON M5A 3R3 (647) 343-3357 [email protected] Loh Architects and Associates Inc. One Yonge Street, Ste. 1011 Toronto, ON M5E 1E5 (416) 690-3212 offi[email protected] Lorne Rose Architect Inc. 1140 Sheppard Ave. W., Unit 1 Toronto, ON M3K 2A2 (416) 398-9300 / (416) 398-8956 [email protected] Lukjaniec Architect 38 Wascana Avenue Toronto, ON M5A 1V5 (416) 861-9882 / (416) 360-7026 [email protected] Lundholm Associates Architects 401 Richmond St. W., Ste. #369 Toronto, ON M5V 3A8 (416) 596-7400 / (416) 596-8073 [email protected] Lynch + Comisso Architects Inc. 570 Annette Street Toronto, ON M6S 2C2 (416) 762-2778 / (416) 762-9020 [email protected] Lynne Eichenberg Architect 120 Grace Street Toronto, ON M6J 2S2 (416) 516-8400 / (416) 516-9400 [email protected] M.A. Shoom Architect Inc. 542 Mt. Pleasant Road, Ste. 200a Toronto, ON M4S 2M7 (416) 924-0024 / (416) 924-0024 [email protected] M Architecture Inc., Architect 2 Wellesley Place Toronto, ON M4Y 2K4 (416) 924-3237 / (416) 924-9572 [email protected] M. Paul Halpern, Architect 37 Sutherland Dr. Toronto, ON M4G 1H2 (416) 423-7754 / (416) 423-6098 [email protected] 64 Makow Associates Architect Inc. 3 Bridgman Avenue, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5R 3V4 (416) 944-3510 / (416) 944-3512 [email protected] Makrimichalos Cugini, Architects 1881 Yonge Street, Ste. 400 Toronto, ON M4S 3C4 (416) 489-4646 / (416) 489-6989 [email protected] Maor Cohen Architect Inc. 4950 Yonge Street, Ste. 1010 Toronto, ON (416) 221-9348 / (416) 221-6750 [email protected] Matthew Shuster Architect 36 Greenland Rd. Toronto, ON M3C 1N2 (416) 449-6474 / (416) 449-8441 [email protected] Meta Form Architects Inc. 608 Oriole Parkway Toronto, ON M4R 2C3 (416) 545-1421 / (416) 545-1421 [email protected] Maurizio Trotta Architect Inc. 50 Roselawn Avenue Toronto, ON M4R 1E4 (416) 489-8887 / (416) 489-1637 [email protected] Metropolitan Architects Inc. 62 Glen Echo Road Toronto, ON M4N 2E3 (416) 386-1614 [email protected] McCormack Architects 322 King St. W., Ste. 400 Toronto, ON M5V 1J2 (416) 599-9800 / (416) 599-9300 [email protected] MG Architect 18 Kuhl Avenue Toronto, ON M9B 5X9 (416) 239-1933 [email protected] Maragna Architect Incorporated 273 Glengrove Ave. W. Toronto, ON M5N 1W3 (416) 484-4107 / (416) 484-1817 [email protected] McGillivray Architect 15 Donwoods Grove Toronto, ON M4N 2X4 (416) 425-9298 / (416) 425-2346 [email protected] [email protected] Maria Denegri Architect 191 Concord Avenue Toronto, ON M6H 2P2 (647) 892-4533 [email protected] McMillan Associates Architect Inc. 111 Queen Street East, Ste. 108 Toronto, ON M5C 1S2 (416) 848-1853 / (866) 841-6606 [email protected] Marilyn Ypes Architect Inc. 33 Hathway Drive Toronto, ON M1P 4L6 (416) 223-8385 / (416) 439-8506 [email protected] Mei Associates Inc. 7 St. Dennis Drive, Ste. 701 Toronto, ON M3C 1E4 (416) 953-0606 / (416) 421-0541 [email protected] Mark Nawrocki Architect Inc. 33 Fraser Avenue, Ste. 103 Toronto, ON M6K 3J9 (416) 861-9393 / (416) 861-9773 [email protected] Mel MEKINDA, Architect 78 Wychwood Park Road Toronto, ON M6G 2V5 (416) 587-6085 / (416) 536-7563 [email protected] Mark Stringer Architect 12 Birch Avenue, Ste. 207 Toronto, ON M4W 1C8 (416) 920-7304 [email protected] Marko Plavsa Architect 11 Gentworth Road Toronto, ON M2J 2E4 (416) 502-1308 [email protected] Martha Dorion Architect 139 Farnham Avenue Toronto, ON M4V 1H7 (416) 922-2653 / (416) 922-8951 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Michael A. Faric Architect 308 David Dunlap Circle Toronto, ON M3C 4C1 (416) 486-3527 / (416) 441-1499 [email protected] Michael Bulatovich, Architect 95 Springdale Blvd. Toronto, ON M4J 1W8 (416) 406-1531 [email protected] Michael H. K. Wong Architects Inc. 878 Yonge St., 4th Fl. Toronto, ON M4W 2J1 (416) 921-2331 / (416) 921-2336 [email protected] With representatives in Shanghai, Beijing, and Macau and renowned for innovative, sustainable design, MHKW specializes in large-scale developments and has won many international competitions. Melana Janzen Architect 409 Shaw Street Toronto, ON M6J 2X4 (416) 530-0088 / (416) 530-6911 [email protected] Michael Lafreniere Architect 33 Empire Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 2L3 (416) 278-8644 [email protected] Melillo Architects Incorporated 2938A Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M8X 1B6 (416) 368-4225 / (416) 368-0839 [email protected] Michael Mantzoris Architect 79 Helendale Ave. Toronto, ON M4R 1C6 (416) 513-0152 / (416) 513-0151 [email protected] Mertins Architect 3 Rusty Crestway Toronto, ON M2J 2Y3 (416) 494-5134 / (416) 499-2389 [email protected] Michael Mohelsky, Architect 463 The Kingsway Toronto, ON M9A 3W3 (416) 233-6868 / (416) 233-6868 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Milenov Associates, Architects 63 St. Clements Ave. Toronto, ON M4R 1H1 (416) 482-3733 / (416) 487-4369 [email protected] Milne Architect 426 Sackville Street Toronto, ON M4X 1S9 (416) 944-3487 / (416) 944-3487 [email protected] Milton Katz, Architect 18 Cadillac Ave. Toronto, ON M3H 1R9 (416) 630-3267 / (416) 630-3267 [email protected] Min & Associate Inc. Architect 6013 Yonge St., Ste. #317 Toronto, ON M2M 3W2 (416) 456-1074 / (416) 229-6308 [email protected] Miro J. Nestor Architect 35 Alamosa Dr. Toronto, ON M2J 2N6 (416) 221-3398 / (416) 221-2831 [email protected] Miroslava AleksovaSimjanoska Architect 88 Crossbow Crescent Toronto, ON M2J 3M4 (416) 491-5140 [email protected] MMC International Architects Ltd. 819 Yonge St. Toronto, ON M4W 2G9 (416) 972-1901 / (416) 972-9346 [email protected] MMH Architects Inc. 109 Railside Road, Ste. 101 Toronto, ON M3A 1B2 (416) 492-4949 / (416) 492-7207 [email protected] Modus Architects Inc. #203 - 100 Sunrise Avenue Toronto, ON M4A 1B3 (416) 630-0288 [email protected] Moffet & Duncan, Architects Inc. 5052 Dundas St. W. Toronto, ON M9A 1B9 (416) 239-2775 / (416) 239-6729 [email protected] Mohammed S. Elbadawi Architect 155 Dalhousie Street, PH 61 Toronto, ON M5B 2P7 (416) 619-4422 / (416) 417-1143 [email protected] Monica E. Kuhn, Architect Inc. 12 Sackville Place Toronto, ON M4X 1A4 (416) 966-4411 / (416) 923-0875 [email protected] Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc. 197 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M5T 2C8 (416) 364-8079 / (416) 364-7723 [email protected] Moriyama & Teshima Architects 32 Davenport Road Toronto, ON M5R 1H3 (416) 925-4484 / (416) 925-4637 [email protected] Nexus Architects 214 Merton Street, Ste. 208 Toronto, ON M4S 1A6 (416) 962-8047 / (416) 962-8079 [email protected] Open Architects Inc. 454 Kingston Road Toronto, ON M4L 1V3 (416) 694-0008 [email protected] Morrison Hershfield Architects Inc. 235 Yorkland Blvd., Ste. 600 Toronto, ON M2J 1T1 (416) 499-3110 / (416) 499-9658 Ng Architect 40 Wynford Drive, Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M3C 1J5 (416) 502-2228 / (416) 223-8286 [email protected] Opus Architects Incorporated 19 Brittany Court Toronto, ON M9P 1R9 (416) 240-1202 / (416) 241-6755 [email protected] NGA Architects 130 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 806 Toronto, ON M5V 2L4 (416) 367-8977 / (416) 367-9655 [email protected] Osborne Architect 40 North Hills Terrace Toronto, ON M3C 1M6 (416) 443-1567 [email protected] Nick C. Sgro Architect 1941 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto, ON M1L 2M4 (416) 633-2694 / (416) 633-8619 [email protected] PACE Architects 51 Camden St., Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5V 1V2 (416) 504-5997 / (416) 504-7712 [email protected] Nitin Malhotra Architect 229 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, ON M2N 1N2 (416) 303-4821 / (866) 340-5265 [email protected] Papadopoulos & Pradhan Architects Inc. 251 Consumers Rd., Ste. 1404 Toronto, ON M2J 4R3 (416) 490-0685 / (416) 490-1408 [email protected] Noble Fairlie Architecture Inc., Architects 36 Yarmouth Gardens Toronto, ON M6G 1W4 (416) 536-2648 [email protected] Paradigm Architecture and Design Inc. 2198 Gerrard Street East Toronto, ON M4E 2C7 (416) 686-3624 / (416) 686-5504 [email protected] NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers 175 Bloor St. E., North Tower, 15th Fl. Toronto, ON M4W 3R8 (416) 929-0200 / (416) 929-3635 [email protected] Parkin Architects Limited 1 Valleybrook Drive, 5th Floor Toronto, ON M3B 2S7 (416) 467-8000 / (416) 467-8001 [email protected] Moshe Safdie Associates Ltd., Architects 39 Cuthbert Cres. Toronto, ON M4S 2G9 (416) 427-8456 / (416) 322-9437 [email protected] Moss Sund Inc. 204-260 Carlaw Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 3L1 (416) 972-0601 / (416) 972-0231 [email protected] n ARCHITECTURE INC. 229 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, ON M2N 1N2 (416) 303-4821 / (866) 340-5265 [email protected] Natale and Scott Architects 1558 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON M4L 1E8 (416) 466-5717 / (416) 466-0635 Natale Architect Inc. 5468 Dundas St. W., Ste. 218 Toronto, ON M9B 6E3 (416) 233-1201 / (416) 233-1202 [email protected] Nathanael Gray Architect 70 Rhodes Avenue Toronto, ON M4L 2Z9 (416) 778-4333 [email protected] Neil Ironside - Architect 425 Durie St. Toronto, ON M6S 3G5 (416) 761-9691 / 761-9693 [email protected] Custom residential, new homes, additions and renovations, rural and urban, experience in “Universal Design”(Barrier-free), passive / active solar, geo-thermal, interior design. Nelson Kwong Architect 101 Duncan Mill Road, Ste. G10 Toronto, ON M3B 1Z3 (416) 642-6199 / (416) 642-6765 [email protected] Nelson Wong Architect Inc. 146 Vaughan Rd. Toronto, ON M6C 2M2 (416) 657-1048 [email protected] Netkin Architect 803 - 33 Charles St. East Toronto, ON M4Y 0A2 (416) 521-5995 / (416) 466-8181 [email protected] Northgrave Architect Inc. 66 Gloucester St. Toronto, ON M4Y 1L5 (416) 929-9495 / (416) 929-7270 [email protected] NXL Architects 180 Lesmill Road, Studio 18 Toronto, ON M3B 2T5 (416) 447-1836 / (416) 447-7825 [email protected] O.C.A. Architects Inc. 26 Parkview Gardens Toronto, ON M6P 2W2 (416) 767-1441 / (416) 767-2011 [email protected] Office Eleven 47 Parkdale Road Toronto, ON M6R 1E3 (647) 346-8808 [email protected] OfficeArchitecture Inc. 18 Dacre Crescent Toronto, ON M6S 2W1 (416) 769-8546 [email protected] Oleson Worland Architect 192 Spadina Ave., Ste. #400 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 365-1414 / (416) 365-1853 [email protected] Patrick Fahn Architect Inc. 9 Earl Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1M4 (416) 324-9500 / (416) 324-9970 [email protected] Patrick Johnson Architect 118 Montgomery Ave., Ste. 301W Toronto, ON M4R 1E3 (416) 481-4713 / (416) 481-6249 [email protected] Paul DaCunha Architect Inc. 101 Silverhill Drive Toronto, ON M9B 3W4 (416) 234-9324 / (416) 234-9326 [email protected] Paul Didur Architect Inc. 4180 Dundas St. W., Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M8X 1X8 (416) 928-1041 / (416) 928-1051 [email protected] Paul Dowsett, Architect 1091 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1K7 (416) 619-0848 / (416) 619-0848 [email protected] Paul Johnston Architect 2120 Queen St. East, Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M4E 1E2 (416) 693-6700 / (416) 693-6702 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 65 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Paul Martel, Architect 35 Admiral Rd., Ground Fl. Toronto, ON M5R 2L4 (416) 961-5984 / (416) 961-7404 [email protected]. Perry Liang, Architect 87 Laurentide Dr. Toronto, ON M3A 3E3 (416) 447-3814 / (416) 447-3346 [email protected] Post Architects 279 Victoria Park Toronto, ON M4E 3S6 (416) 694-2566 [email protected] Radeff Architect Ltd. 244 Glenforest Rd. Toronto, ON M4N 2A4 (416) 481-4087 / (416) 481-6719 [email protected] Paul Oberst Architect 55 Rusholme Park Crescent Toronto, ON M6J 2E1 (416) 530-0251 / (416) 862-2716 [email protected] Peter A. Gabor, Architect 2221 Yonge St., Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M4S 2B4 (416) 488-9115 / (416) 488-4575 [email protected] Predrag K. Roman Architect Inc. 150 Burndale Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 1T2 (416) 221-6777 / (416) 221-6777 Radek Kozlowski Architect 135 Westminster Avenue Toronto, ON M6R 1N6 (416) 778-7092 / (416) 778-6077 [email protected] Peter Hamilton, Architects 67 Roxborough Street West Toronto, ON M5R 1T9 (416) 926-8245 / (416) 926-8019 [email protected] Project Management Universe Corporation Architects 24 Millgate Crescent, Ste. B-100 Toronto, ON M2K 1L6 (416) 802-9303 / (416) 227-9654 [email protected] Rafael + Bigauskas Architect Inc. 1140 Sheppard Ave. W., Unit 1 Toronto, ON M3K 2A2 (416) 398-7500 / (416) 398-8956 [email protected] Peter Higgins Architect Incorporated 124 Merton Street, Ste. 204 Toronto, ON M4S 2Z2 (416) 481-6229 / (416) 481-8084 [email protected] PS Architect Inc. 801 Eglinton Avenue West, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5N 1E3 (416) 849-0991 / (416) 849-0992 [email protected] Philip Beesley Architect Inc. 242 Indian Road Toronto, ON M6R 2W9 (416) 766-8284 / (416) 604-3946 [email protected] Pyramid Architect 176 Davenport Road Toronto, ON M5R 1J2 (416) 920-7773 / (416) 966-6887 [email protected] Phillip H. Carter, Architect 789 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M6G 1G1 (416) 504-6497 / (416) 504-6810 [email protected] Quadrangle Architects Limited 380 Wellington St. W. Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 (416) 598-1240 / (416) 598-3123 [email protected] Pillon Architect Inc. 745 Mount Pleasant Rd.,#203 Toronto, ON M4S 2N4 (416) 482-0298 / (416) 482-0216 [email protected] A dynamic practice with expertise across several sectors, including residential, broadcast media, retail and commercial. We believe that architecture should be approached as creative problem solving and are committed to accessible and sustainable design. Plant Architect Inc. 101 Spadina Ave., Ste. 208 Toronto, ON M5V 2K2 (416) 979-2012 / (416) 979-1283 [email protected] Queen’s Quay Architects International Inc. 100 Scarsdale Road, Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M3B 2R8 (416) 203-1022 / (416) 203-2101 Plaston Architect Limited 885 Progress Ave., Ste. UPH-7 Toronto, ON M1H 3G3 (416) 289-6162 / (416) 289-6417 [email protected] R.A. Juknevicius, Architect Ltd. 31 Hartfield Rd. Toronto, ON M9A 3C8 (416) 231-2054 / (416) 231-6163 Paul Raff Studio Incorporated Architect 204 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 365-7800 / (416) 352-5954 [email protected] Paul Reuber Incorporated, Architect 77 Berkeley St. Toronto, ON M5A 2W5 (416) 364-6776 [email protected] Paul Syme, Architect 8 Camden St., Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5V 1V1 (416) 504-2934 / (416) 504-7641 [email protected] Paul Whelan Architect 2 Greencoat Road Toronto, ON M9C 2T8 (647) 273-7358 / (416) 626-6183 [email protected] Paul Yee Architect 45 Riverdale Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 1C2 (416) 463-5491 Paula Bowley Architects Inc. 36 Argyle Street Toronto, ON M6J 1N6 (416) 537-6816 / (416) 537-6776 [email protected] PBK Architects Inc. 60 Harbour Street, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M5J 1B7 (416) 504-6800 / (416) 504-9755 [email protected] PDA Architects 522 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M4S 2M3 (416) 440-0058 / (416) 440-1404 [email protected] Peggy Chiu Architect Inc. 124 Merton Street, Ste. 505 Toronto, ON M4S 2Z2 (416) 487-6333 / (416) 487-6339 [email protected] Pellow + Associates Architects Inc. 20 Victoria St., Ste. #700 Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 (416) 367-4131 / (416) 367-3538 [email protected]. Perkins Eastman Black Architects Inc. 268 King St. W., Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M5V 1H8 (416) 506-1500 / (416) 506-0841 [email protected] 66 Poizner Architect 10 Britain Street Toronto, ON M5A 1R6 (416) 868-0111 / (416) 868-1029 [email protected] Poizner Architects 10 Britain St. Toronto, ON M5A 1R6 (416) 868-0111 [email protected] Post Architects 32 Albany Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 3C3 (416) 516-6064 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a R.E. Barnett, Architect 503 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M4V 1B8 (416) 960-8121 / (416) 960-9460 [email protected] R.H. Carter Architects Inc. 5040 Dundas St. W. Toronto, ON M9A 1B8 (416) 233-5583 / (416) 233-5585 [email protected] Ragotte Architect 55 Braeside Rd. Toronto, ON M4N 1X9 (416) 481-2176 / (416) 481-5819 [email protected] Ragotte Architect specializes in custom residential work, focusing on clients’ needs and responding with creative, sensitive, functional solutions tailored to the unique character, site and economic considerations of the project. raw design inc. 12 Mercer Street, Level 4 Toronto, ON M5V 1H3 (416) 599-9729 / (416) 599-7729 [email protected] Rayman/Architects Inc. 1200 Sheppard Ave. E., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M2K 2S5 (416) 493-9393 / (416) 493-5687 [email protected] Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Architects Inc. 1491 Yonge Street, Ste. 402 Toronto, ON M4T 1Z4 (416) 964-7163 / (416) 964-5817 [email protected] Red Studio Inc. Architects 354 Davenport Road, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5R 1K6 (416) 962-1996 / (416) 962-5028 [email protected] Reich + Petch Architects Inc. 1867 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4S 1Y5 (416) 480-2020 / (416) 480-1881 [email protected] Renaissance Corporation Architect 1246 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M4T 1W5 (416) 413-0031 / (416) 961-7434 [email protected] R. V. Anderson Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Architect 2001 Sheppard Ave. E., Ste. 400 Toronto, ON M2J 4Z8 (416) 497-8600 / (416) 497-0342 [email protected] Reza Aliabadi 116 Newton Drive Toronto, ON M2M 2N1 (647) 885-7392 [email protected] Rachlin Architect Inc. 5300 Yonge St., Ste. #202 Toronto, ON M2N 5R2 (416) 224-1022 / (416) 250-8948 [email protected] Richard H. Shaw Architect Inc. 221 Golfview Avenue Toronto, ON M4E 2K8 (647) 501-6801 / (416) 686-6801 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Richard Librach Architect Inc. 3414 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4N 2M9 (416) 482-9224 / (416) 781-2976 [email protected] Richard Wengle Architect Inc. 102 Avenue Road Toronto, ON M5R 2H3 (416) 787-7575 / (416) 787-0635 [email protected] Richard Williams/Richard Fenner Architect Inc. 10 St. Mary St., Ste. 315 Toronto, ON M4Y 1P9 (416) 923-9566 / (416) 923-9523 [email protected] Ron Shieh Architect 40 Wynford Drive, Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M3C 1J5 (416) 223-3896 / (416) 223-8286 [email protected] Rossini Architect 2 Fieldway Road, Unit 906 Toronto, ON M8Z 0B9 (416) 231-8787 [email protected] Roth Knibb Architects Inc. 886 Queen St. W. Toronto, ON M6J 1G3 (416) 536-2118 / (416) 536-8743 [email protected] Scoler, Lee & Associates Architects Inc. 64 Shuter St. Toronto, ON M5B 1B1 (416) 362-7753 / (416) 362-8519 [email protected] Scolozzi Architect Inc. 260 Adelaide Sreet. East, P.O. Box 119 Toronto, ON M5A 1N1 (416) 469-5329 / (416) 469-5328 [email protected] Scott Associates Architects Inc. 80 Bloor Street West, Suite 1400 Toronto, ON M5S 2V1 (416) 975-5200 / (416) 975-4990 [email protected] Richard Ziegler Architect Inc. 15 Polson Street Toronto, ON M5A 1A4 (416) 461-1494 / (866) 895-1488 [email protected] Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects Inc. 225 Richmond Street West, Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5V 1W2 (416) 204-1399 / (416) 204-1321 [email protected] Scott is known nationally and internationally for its expertise in the planning and design of airport terminal buildings and related facilities, airport commercialization through P3 partnerships, and alternate delivery methods. Rick Wink Architect Inc. 370 Markham St. Toronto, ON M6G 2K9 (416) 515-1082 / (416) 515-1336 [email protected] Rudy Wallman Architect Limited 30 Duncan Street, Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M5V 2C3 (416) 340-1870 / (416) 340-1871 [email protected] Scott Morris Architects Inc. 2 St. Clair Ave. E., Ste. #903 Toronto, ON M4T 2R1 (416) 924-2177 / (416) 924-7398 [email protected] Robert Chang Architect Inc. 225 Richmond St. W., Ste. 201 Toronto, ON M5V 1W2 (416) 204-6287 / (416) 204-1321 [email protected] RVTR 289 Mutual Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1X6 (647) 333-0858 [email protected] SedArc Inc. Architects 124 Glenholme Ave., 1st Fl. Toronto, ON M6E 3C3 (416) 656-7754 / (416) 656-6795 [email protected] S. Vlahovich, Architect 13 Baird Ave. Toronto, ON M4J 1H1 (416) 465-4328 [email protected] Sedun + Kanerva Architects Inc. 22 McGee St. Toronto, ON M4M 2K9 (416) 462-1966 / (416) 462-0678 [email protected] Robert Reimers Architect Ltd. 23A Morton Rd. Toronto, ON M4C 4N7 (416) 699-4044 / (416) 699-3572 [email protected] Saccoccio Weppler Architects Inc. 215 Morrish Rd., Ste. 109 Toronto, ON M1C 1E9 (416) 282-1197 / (416) 282-7697 [email protected] SEED Architect 25 Shudell Avenue Toronto, ON M4J 1C5 (416) 526-3309 / (416) 849-0151 [email protected] Robert Stiff Architect 20 Southlea Avenue Toronto, ON M4G 3L9 (416) 818-9579 [email protected] Sam Salis Architect 170 The Donway West, Suite 411 Toronto, ON M3C 2G3 (416) 421-4067 / (416) 421-3433 [email protected] Selectus Architecture 44 Rumsey Road Toronto, ON M4G 1N8 (416) 488-8820 / (416) 696-7973 [email protected] Robertson Simmons Architects Inc. 1179A King Street West, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M6K 3C5 (416) 203-7677 / (416) 203-7679 [email protected] Sander Gladstone Architect 205 Ridley Boulevard Toronto, ON M5M 3M4 (416) 482-5100 / (416) 482-3096 [email protected] Sergio Brizzi Malekian Architect 143 Steeles Ave. E. Toronto, ON M2M 3Y5 (416) 787-8881 / (416) 787-9222 [email protected] Robin Clarke Architect A8 - 142 Pears Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 1T2 (416) 929-7289 / (416) 924-9067 [email protected] Sandra F. Smith Architects 10 Overdale Road Toronto, ON M6B 3E8 (416) 782-7849 / (416) 782-2011 [email protected] Robin Tharin - Architect Inc. 7 Lurgan Drive Toronto, ON M2N 2G1 (416) 485-4658 / (416) 485-0836 [email protected] Sane Architects Inc. 885 Don Mills Road, Ste. 402 Toronto, ON M3C 1V9 (416) 515-0445 / (416) 515-0446 [email protected] Robert J. McCrea Architect 44 Jackes Avenue, Ste. 2113 Toronto, ON M4T 1E5 (416) 923-3533 [email protected] Romanov Romanov Architects Incorporated 375 Parkside Dr. Toronto, ON M6R 2Z6 (416) 766-8750 / (416) 766-8760 [email protected] Sarah Ifrah Architect Inc. 75 Dufflaw Road, Suite 201A Toronto, ON M6A 2W4 (416) 844-4597 [email protected] Sharon McKenzie Architect 9 Rossmore Rd. Toronto, ON M6G 2M6 (416) 531-5015 / (416) 531-7549 [email protected] Shashi Washikar Architect 65 Heaslip Terrace Toronto, ON M1T 1W8 (416) 292-0650 / (416) 292-0650 Shaw Architect Inc. 47 Victoria Park Ave. Toronto, ON M4E 3S1 (416) 698-7692 [email protected] Shawn Freeman Architect 62 Vermont Ave. Toronto, ON M6G 1X9 (416) 588-7619 / (416) 535-3106 [email protected] Shawn McSweeny Architect 36 Burnhamthorpe Park Boulevard Toronto, ON M9A 1H9 (416) 231-1774 [email protected] Sheldon D. Rosen Architect 175 Cumberland Street, Ste. 1111 Toronto, ON M5R 3M9 (416) 964-6767 / (416) 923-6486 [email protected] Shim - Sutcliffe Architects Inc. 441 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON M5A 1T5 (416) 368-3892 / (416) 368-9468 [email protected] Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects 672 Dupont Street, Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M6G 1Z6 (416) 971-6060 / (416) 971-6765 [email protected] Shore Tilbe Perkins+Will Architects Inc. 672 Dupont Street, Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M6G 1Z6 (416) 971-6060 / (416) 971-6765 [email protected] Sievenpiper Associates Inc., Architects 796 Broadview Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 2P7 (416) 461-0385 / (416) 463-6208 [email protected] Sigmund D.F. Reszetnik Architect Inc. 20 Castleview Avenue, Level 1 Toronto, ON M5R 1Y9 (416) 923-2423 / (416) 923-8816 Simon Davis Architect Limited 220 Douglas Dr. Toronto, ON M4W 2C1 (416) 923-6466 / (416) 923-3067 [email protected] Simon H.K. Ng, Architect 250 Consumers Rd., Ste. 106 Toronto, ON M2J 4V6 (416) 250-8488 / 250-8148 Simona Sund Architect 260 Carlaw Avenue, Ste. 204 Toronto, ON M4M 3L1 (416) 972-0601 / (416) 972-0231 [email protected] Sirlin Giller and Malek Architects 272 Lawrence Ave. W., Ste. #200 Toronto, ON M5M 4M1 (416) 781-6125 / (416) 781-2874 [email protected] SMV Architects 119 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 1200 Toronto, ON M5V 2L1 (416) 506-1600 / (416) 506-0956 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 67 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Snyder & Associates Inc. Ontario Design Centre 260 King Street Ste. 11:55:02 A101 AM 444964_Snyder.indd 1 East, 9/18/09 Toronto, ON M5A 4L5 (416) 966-5444 / (416) 966-4443 [email protected] Stephen R. Pile Architect Inc. 624 King St. W., 2nd Fl. Toronto, ON M5V 1M7 (416) 203-7373 / (416) 203-3144 [email protected] Studio Jonah 8 Glenavy Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 2T6 (647) 218-1240 [email protected] Takvor Hopyan, Architect 20 Pineway Blvd. Toronto, ON M2H 1A1 (416) 222-2639 / (416) 222-2835 [email protected] Stephen Robert Hitchcox Architect 28 Thirteenth St. Toronto, ON M8V 3H4 (416) 252-1846 / (416) 252-0709 [email protected] Superkül Inc., Architect 2208 Dundas Street West Toronto, ON M6R 1X3 (416) 596-0700 / (416) 533-6986 [email protected] Talwood Group Architects 109 Warden Avenue Toronto, ON M1N 2Z5 (416) 230-1010 / (416) 691-0991 [email protected] Sofia Di Sabatino Architect 39 Arundel Ave. Toronto, ON M4K 3A1 (416) 466-7496 / (416) 466-3052 [email protected] Stephen Teeple Architect 5 Camden Street Toronto, ON M5V 1V2 (416) 598-0554 / (416) 598-1705 [email protected] Solares Architecture Inc. 1113 College Street Toronto, ON M6H 1B5 (416) 533-8374 [email protected] Steven Eskind, Architect 51 Dunvegan Rd. Toronto, ON M4V 2P5 (416) 968-7589 / (416) 968-7589 [email protected] soma earth architect 8 Ashstead Place Toronto, ON M2J 3K1 (416) 656-4444 / (416) 656-6333 [email protected] Steven Fong Architect 32 Gibson Ave. Toronto, ON M5R 1T5 (416) 946-0026 [email protected] Spencer R. Higgins Architect Incorporated 720 King Street West, Ste. 215 Toronto, ON M5V 2T3 (416) 922-7507 / (416) 922-1681 [email protected] Spragge + Company Architects 10 Britain Street Toronto, ON M5A 1R6 (416) 955-1441 SSG Architecture Inc. 113 Bond Street, Ste. 202 Toronto, ON M5B 1Y2 (416) 597-3822 / (416) 981-7069 [email protected] Stanford Downey Architects Inc. 3 Church Street, Ste. 600 Toronto, ON M5E 1M2 (416) 868-6036 / (416) 868-6044 [email protected] Stanley E. Sota, Architect 65 Glenaden Ave. E. Toronto, ON M8Y 2L5 (416) 239-8718 / 239-8718 [email protected] Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects 401 Wellington Street West, Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M5V 1E7 (416) 596-6666 / (416) 596-7892 [email protected] Stephen G. King, Architect 235 Kenilworth Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 3S7 (416) 694-8181 / (416) 694-8181 [email protected] Stephen Mann Architect 115 Castlefield Ave. Toronto, ON M4R 1G5 (416) 488-2836 [email protected] 68 Steven Robinson Architect Inc. 181 Rumsey Rd. Toronto, ON M4G 1P4 (416) 571-3143 / (416) 239-6729 [email protected] 25 years of diversified project experience and building types. The firm joint ventures, forms strategic alliances, and consults to architects and clients to participate in ambitious and interesting commissions. Stevens Burgess Architects Ltd. 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Ste. 301 Toronto, ON M4T 1M9 (416) 961-5690 / (416) 972-6417 offi[email protected] Stingray Architects Inc. 55 Barber Green Road, Ste. 100 Toronto, ON M3C 2A1 (416) 441-2010 / (416) 441-0819 [email protected] Stone’s Throw Design Inc. 46 Wroxeter Avenue Toronto, ON M4J 1E6 (416) 463-9735 / (416) 352-7400 [email protected] Stoyanovskyy Architects Inc. 73 Abilene Drive Toronto, ON M9A 2N5 (416) 571-3493 [email protected] Strasman Architects Inc. 1941 Gerrard Street East Toronto, ON M4L 2C2 (416) 588-1800 / (416) 588-1009 [email protected] Stuart Mussells Architect 244 Lisgar St. Toronto, ON M6J 3G7 (416) 534-4322 Studio Architectonic Inc. 427 Empress Avenue Toronto, ON M2N 3V9 (416) 512-0889 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Susan Friedrich Architect Inc. 643 St. Clair Ave. W. Toronto, ON M6C 1A7 (416) 588-3740 / (416) 588-2401 [email protected] Tampold Architects Inc. 1196 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M6J 1J6 (416) 538-4056 / (416) 538-2927 [email protected] Susan Speigel Architect Inc. 299 Rushton Rd. Toronto, ON M6C 2X8 (416) 656-2244 [email protected] Tangram Architect Inc. 60 Truman Road Toronto, ON M2L 2L6 (416) 391-3484 / (416) 391-5130 [email protected] Suu-dda Patkar Architectural Corporation, Architect 5200 Finch Ave. E., Ste. #307 Toronto, ON M1S 4Z5 (416) 297-0730 / (416) 297-1436 [email protected] Tarvo Eistrat Architect 450 Runnymede Road Toronto, ON M6S 2Z1 (416) 767-6611 / (416) 767-6638 [email protected] Suu-dda Patkar Architectural Corporation “is an innovative practice with success in the commercial, residential, religious and healthcare sectors. Founded in 1977, our portfolio extends beyond Ontario including experience and recognition in international architectural competitions. Taylor Hannah Architect Inc. 515 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M4V 1B8 (416) 920-7899 / (416) 920-9986 [email protected] Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co. Architects Inc. 468 Wellington St. W., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 (416) 971-6252 / (416) 971-5420 symbolics architecture+design 233 Belsize Drive Toronto, ON M4S 1M3 (416) 892-9846 / (416) 656-8483 [email protected] Szabo & Fok Architect 345 Bloor St. E., P.O. Box 72575 Toronto, ON M6W 3J6 (416) 722-2014 [email protected] T. M. Sanborn 12 Windley Avenue Toronto, ON M6C 1N2 (416) 658-9926 / (416) 658-9727 [email protected] Tact Architecture Inc. 1664 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M6R 1B2 (416) 516-1949 / (416) 516-5949 [email protected] Tafler Rylett Architects 477A Dupont St. Toronto, ON M6G 1Y6 (416) 535-6070 / (416) 535-7832 Takashi Tsuji, Architect 25 Bayberry Crescent Toronto, ON M2K 1T9 (416) 226-2880 / (416) 222-9551 [email protected] Taylor Smyth Architects 245 Davenport Road, Ste. 300 Toronto, ON M5R 1K1 (416) 968-6688 / (416) 968-7728 [email protected] Taylor/Hazell Architects Ltd. 333 Adelaide St. W., 5th Flr. Toronto, ON M5V 1R5 (416) 862-2694 / (416) 862-8401 [email protected] Taymoore Balbaa Architect 465 Dovercourt Road Toronto, ON M6H 2W3 (647) 818-6577 [email protected] Ted Shepherd Architect Limited 41a Sherwood Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 2A6 (647) 351-7290 [email protected] Teeple Architects Inc. 5 Camden St. Toronto, ON M5V 1V2 (416) 598-0554 / (416) 598-1705 [email protected] Teng M. Chow Architect 115 Autumn Glen Circle Toronto, ON M9W 6B3 (416) 679-9237 [email protected] Terry Fitsialos Architect 79 Lawrence Avenue East Toronto, ON M4N 1S5 (416) 486-1098 / (416) 489-6989 tfi[email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN The Architect Builders Collaborative Inc. 3 Wyandot Avenue Toronto, ON M5J 2E6 (416) 203-1211 [email protected] The Architect Circle 2000 Ltd. 16 Boulton Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 2J3 (416) 860-1002 / (416) 860-1475 [email protected] The Arcop Group, Architects 150 Front St. E., 2nd Fl. Toronto, ON M5A 1E5 (416) 368-6987 / (416) 869-9075 [email protected] ARCOP is committed to excellence, continually evolving and adapting to changes in technology and the built environment. ARCOP maintains the highest standards of architectural practice, recognized by numerous awards/publications. The Kirkland Partnership, Inc., Architects 225 Richmond St. W., Ste. 500 Toronto, ON M5V 1W2 (416) 971-8880 / (416) 977-1327 [email protected] The Ventin Group (Toronto) Ltd., Architects 72 Stafford St., Ste. 200, 2nd Flr. Toronto, ON M6J 2R9 (416) 588-6370 / (416) 588-6327 [email protected] Thomas Brown Architects Inc. 394 King St. E. Toronto, ON M5A 1K9 (416) 364-5710 / (416) 364-4662 [email protected] Thomas Gluck Architect Inc. 9 Magpie Cres. Toronto, ON M2L 2E6 (416) 498-0201 / (416) 498-8577 [email protected] Thomas Marzotto, Architect 9 Bonacres Ave. Toronto, ON M1C 1P6 (416) 284-9189 / (416) 238-3565 [email protected] Thomas Moore Limited, Architect 102 Kippendavie Ave. Toronto, ON M4L 3R5 (416) 698-8005 / (416) 699-5237 [email protected] Tim Lee, Architect 69 Whittaker Crescent Toronto, ON M2K 1K9 (416) 250-0309 [email protected] Tim Wickens Architect 73 Frizzell Avenue Toronto, ON M4J 1E2 (416) 597-3907 / (416) 849-0423 [email protected] Tina Ranieri - D’Ovidio Architect 131 Shaver Avenue North Toronto, ON M9B 4N6 (416) 239-7337 [email protected] Victor Lam Architect 23 Norwood Rd. Toronto, ON M4E 2R9 (416) 690-3912 [email protected] Tom + Fong Architects Inc. 40 Wynford Drive, Ste. 302 Toronto, ON M3C 1J5 (416) 596-8111 / (416) 596-8126 [email protected] Viljoen Architect Inc. 300A Wilson Ave. Toronto, ON M3H 1S8 (416) 630-2255 / (416) 630-4782 [email protected] Tran Architects 219 Fort York Blvd., Ste. 2501 Toronto, ON M5V 1B1 (647) 929-6435 [email protected] Villa Villa Architect Incorporated 28 Shannon Street, Unit 3 Toronto, ON M6J 2E7 (416) 533-7412 / (416) 533-0813 [email protected] Turner Fleischer Architects Inc. 67 Lesmill Rd. Toronto, ON M3B 2T8 (416) 425-2222 / (416) 425-6717 Vogel Architects Inc. 33 Bernard Avenue Toronto, ON M5R 1R3 (416) 944-1846 / (416) 944-8069 [email protected] Turner Fleischer Architects (Manitoba) Inc. 67 Lesmill Road Toronto, ON M3B 2T8 (416) 425-2222 / (416) 425-6717 Voytek Gorczynski Architect 180 Belsize Dr. Toronto, ON M4S 1M1 (416) 830-3160 / (416) 484-6495 [email protected] UCARCHITECT 283 Lisgar Street Toronto, ON M6J 3H1 (416) 536-4977 / (416) 533-8886 [email protected] W.F. Heartwell Architect 526 Euclid Ave. Toronto, ON M6G 2T2 (416) 535-9011 / (416) 535-7986 [email protected] unit a architecture inc., architects 184 Ossington Ave. Toronto, ON M6J 2Z7 (416) 516-4656 / (416) 516-6690 [email protected] W. K. Lim Architect Inc. 141 Portland Street Toronto, ON M5V 2N4 (416) 591-6575 / (416) 591-1010 [email protected] William Weima Architect 14 Kings Park Blvd. Toronto, ON M4J 2B8 (416) 465-2732 [email protected] Urbacon Architecture Inc. 750 Lakeshore Boulevard East Toronto, ON M4M 3M3 (416) 865-9405 / (416) 865-9429 [email protected] Walter Daschko, Architect 79 Thompson Ave. Toronto, ON M8Z 3T5 (416) 237-9498 / (416) 237-1096 [email protected] William Wong Architect 12 Algonquin Ave. Toronto, ON M6R 1K7 (416) 822-9664 / (416) 539-8242 [email protected] Van Driel Architect 67 Corley Avenue Toronto, ON M4E 1T8 (416) 690-3796 / (416) 690-3224 [email protected] Wanda Ely 203 Argyle Street Toronto, ON M6J 1P7 (647) 889-3984 [email protected] WILLIAMSONWILLIAMSON INC. 192 Spadina Avenue, Ste. 215 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 703-9271 / (866) 433-6196 [email protected] Van Elslander Carter Architects Incorporated 168 Ossington Avenue Toronto, ON M6J 2Z7 (416) 533-1142 / (416) 533-1142 [email protected] Warren J. Grossman, Architect 30 Edith Dr., Ste. 110 Toronto, ON M4R 1Y8 (416) 489-0931 / (416) 485-8088 [email protected] Workshop Architecture Inc. 1157 Davenport Road Toronto, ON M6H 2G4 (647) 992-3233 [email protected] Watchorn Architect Inc. 255 Wicksteed Ave., Unit 1A Toronto, ON M4H 1G8 (416) 449-7767 / (416) 449-1803 [email protected] WZMH Architects 95 St. Clair Ave. W., Ste. #1500 Toronto, ON M4V 1N6 (416) 961-4111 / (416) 961-3176 [email protected] Wayne Barrett Architect 708 Gerrard Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1Y3 (416) 469-8000 / (416) 469-8056 XCI Design & Architecture 57 Maughan Crescent Toronto, ON M4L 3E6 (416) 699-9247 / (416) 699-0797 [email protected] VanLe Architect Inc. 2 Billingham Rd., Ste. 302 Toronto, ON M9B 6E1 (416) 909-5714 [email protected] Vesna Bosnar Architect 242 Burbank Drive Toronto, ON M2K 1P8 (416) 520-3994 [email protected] Victor J. Heinrichs Inc., Architect 920 Yonge St., Ste. 608 Toronto, ON M4W 3C7 (416) 599-8744 / (416) 599-2884 [email protected] Wayne Long Architect 23 Lesmill Road, Ste. 305 Toronto, ON M3B 3P6 (416) 385-8171 / (416) 385-8085 [email protected] Wayne Swadron Architect Limited 355 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto, ON M5N 1A3 (416) 486-4800 / (416) 486-6808 [email protected] Weatherston Architects 514 Crawford St. Toronto, ON M6G 3J8 (416) 242-3895 / (416) 242-7085 [email protected] Wes Surdyka, Architect Inc. 3645 Keele St., 2nd Fl., Ste. #108 Toronto, ON M3J 1M8 (416) 630-2254 / (416) 630-5741 [email protected] WGD Architects Inc. 250 The Esplanade, Ste. 302 Toronto, ON M5A 1J2 (416) 595-9955 / (416) 595-0823 [email protected] Wiktor Moskaliuk Architect 29 Ashford Drive Toronto, ON M9B 5X2 (416) 237-0655 / (416) 237-1418 [email protected] William Dewson Architects Inc. 135 Alcorn Avenue Toronto, ON M4V 1E5 (416) 966-6635 / (416) 966-5371 [email protected] Y. Erez Architect Inc. 55 Timberlane Dr. Toronto, ON M3H 1J3 (416) 638-8008 / (416) 638-3861 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 69 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Y.T. Architectural Services Inc., Architect 333 Greenfield Ave. Toronto, ON M2N 3E7 (416) 222-0612 / (416) 512-7828 [email protected] Gabriel Bodor Architect, Inc. 46 Goldring Crescent Unionville, ON L6C 1Y7 (905) 887-6658 / (905) 887-8775 [email protected] Yair Engel Architect 3 Concorde Place, Ste. 2701 Toronto, ON M3C 3K7 (416) 391-4955 [email protected] Keith David Benjamin Architect 30 Hedgewood Drive Unionville, ON L3R 6J6 (416) 816-7130 [email protected] Yim Chan Architect 6 Fitzroy Terrace Toronto, ON M5T 2K3 (416) 977-9756 [email protected] Peter Favot Architect Ltd. 117 Fred Varley Dr. Unionville, ON L3R 1T1 (905) 305-0655 [email protected] Yves Bonnardeaux Architect 226 Havelock St. Toronto, ON M6H 3B9 (416) 537-1788 / (416) 537-1788 [email protected] Zak Ghanim, Architect 31 Curzon Street Toronto, ON M4M 3B3 (416) 466-3091 [email protected] Zak Ghanim, Architect Inc. 31 Curzon St. Toronto, ON M4M 3B3 (416) 466-3091 / (416) 463-6858 [email protected] V. Samuel Iser Architect Inc. 62 Spanhouse Cres. Unionville, ON L3R 4E3 (905) 474-1200 VAUGHAN A.J. Tregebov, Architect 8888 Keele Street, Unit 1 Vaughan, ON L4K 2N2 (905) 738-1226 / (905) 738-1215 [email protected] Abacus Architect Inc. 418 Hanlan Road, Ste. 4 Vaughan, ON L4L 4Z1 (905) 264-5524 / (905) 264-0926 ZAS Architects Inc. 517 Wellington St. W., Ste. 404 Toronto, ON M5V 1G1 (416) 979-9834 / (416) 979-3763 [email protected] ADG Architectural Design Group Inc., Architect and Engineers 401 - 3901 Highway 7 Vaughan, ON L4L 8L5 (905) 850-4400 / (905) 850-7706 Zeidler Partnership Architects 315 Queen St. W., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M5V 2X2 (416) 596-8300 / (416) 596-1408 [email protected] BASE3 Architect Inc. 3100 Steeles Avenue West, Ste. 406 Vaughan, ON L4K 3R1 (905) 760-5696 / (905) 760-1611 [email protected] Zone Architect 1081 Queen St. W. Toronto, ON M6J 1H3 (416) 531-3189 [email protected] Intra Architect Inc. 2501 Rutherford Rd. Building “B”, Ste. 25 Vaughan, ON L4K 2N6 (905) 653-5370 / (905) 653-5372 [email protected] TORONTO (WESTON) Ciro Polsinelli Architect 32 Fern Ave. Toronto (Weston), ON M9N 1M2 (416) 244-5211 [email protected] TOTTENHAM John Hix Architect Ltd. 5831 6th Line, R. R. #3 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 (905) 729-3364 / (905) 729-3364 [email protected] UNIONVILLE onespace unlimited inc. 3700 Steeles Avenue West, Ste. 305 Vaughan, ON L4L 8K8 (416) 848-1245 / (416) 848-1246 [email protected] SRN Architects Inc. 8395 Jane Street, Ste. 203 Vaughan, ON L4K 5Y2 (905) 761-8290 / (905) 738-5449 [email protected] Suriano Design Consultants Inc. 418 Hanlan Road, Unit 4 Vaughan, ON L4L 4Z1 (905) 264-0924 / (905) 264-0926 [email protected] David Johnston Architect Ltd. 8 Maple Lane Unionville, ON L3R 1R2 (905) 479-9992 / (905) 479-9985 [email protected] 70 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a WALLACEBURG Elcon Engineering Wallaceburg Limited, Architect and Engineer 1436 Dufferin Avenue Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2W5 (519) 627-3393 / (519) 627-0101 [email protected] WASAGA BEACH Casaldom Architects 112 - 41st Street South Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 1Z6 (705) 422-0916 / (705) 422-0916 [email protected] WATERLOO ABA Architects Inc. 564 Weber Street North, Ste. 5 Waterloo, ON N2L 5C6 (519) 884-2711 / (519) 884-2289 offi[email protected] Architecture Incorporated, Architect 490 Dutton Dr., Ste. B1 Waterloo, ON N2L 6H7 (519) 746-1003 / (519) 747-0217 [email protected] Gregory M. Ward, Architect 264 Toll Gate Blvd. Waterloo, ON N2L 4M2 (519) 884-3880 / (519) 884-7784 [email protected] iWorld design inc. 465 Columbia Street, Ste. 4 Waterloo, ON N2T 2N3 (519) 885-2283 [email protected] J.C. Daniel Parent, Architect 433 Timbercroft Cres. Waterloo, ON N2T 2J1 (519) 725-9534 [email protected] WELLAND Raffaele A. Belvedere, Architect 60 W. Main St., 2nd Fl. Welland, ON L3C 4Z7 (905) 734-7015 / (905) 734-6928 WHITBY AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. 300 Water Street Whitby, ON L1N 9J2 (905) 668-9363 / (905) 668-0221 [email protected] Barry.Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, Architects, Engineers 250 Water Street Whitby, ON L1N 0G5 (905) 666-5252 / (905) 666-5256 [email protected] Ferdinand Wagner Architect 450 Lyndebrook Rd. Whitby, ON L1N 5R5 (416) 833-5677 / (416) 226-1672 [email protected] Gadzovski Architect 51 Kennett Drive Whitby, ON L1P 1L5 (905) 668-2800 [email protected] Gadzovski Architect is a full service architectural practice, with over 20 years of personal experience in broad ranging work including residential, commercial, industrial and institutional projects. WINDSOR Architecttura Inc., Architects 1361 Ouellette Avenue, Ste. 201 Windsor, ON N8X 1J6 (519) 258-1390 / (519) 258-2921 [email protected] J. L. Cortes Architect Corporation 222 King St. S. Waterloo, ON N2J 1R3 (519) 743-4330 / (519) 743-2930 [email protected] Architectural Design Associates Inc., Architect 1880 Assumption Street, Ste. 100 Windsor, ON N8Y 1C4 (519) 254-3430 / (519) 254-3642 [email protected] J P Arvai Associates 51 - 225 Benjamin Road Waterloo, ON N2V 1Z3 (519) 498-4063 [email protected] Archon Architect Incorporated 1645 Wyandotte St. E., Ste. 300 Windsor, ON N8Y 1C8 (519) 253-1630 / (519) 253-5410 [email protected] Somfay Masri Architects Inc. 3 Father David Bauer Drive, Ste. 103 Waterloo, ON N2L 6M1 (519) 579-0072 / (519) 579-0173 [email protected] Chintan Virani Architect 9898 Holly Crescent Windsor, ON N8R 1Y6 (519) 979-9017 / (519) 979-4909 [email protected] We bring technical knowledge and innovation to a process that integrates aesthetics, cost and sustainability. Our service scope includes project programming, space planning, public consultation, feasibility studies, and construction facilitation. SRM Architects Inc. 145 Columbia Street West Waterloo, ON N2L 3L2 (519) 885-5600 / (519) 885-5653 [email protected] Di Maio Design Associates Architect Incorporated 8045 Wyandotte Street East Windsor, ON N8S 1T2 (519) 945-8663 / (519) 945-6529 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Glos Associates Inc. 3535 North Service Rd. E. Windsor, ON N8W 5R7 (519) 966-6750 / (519) 966-6753 [email protected] MMA Architect Inc. 2885 Lauzon Parkway, Suite 101 F Windsor, ON N8T 3H5 (519) 973-9044 / (519) 973-9052 [email protected] Vijay Vasantgadkar Architect Inc. 3100 Temple Drive, Ste. 200 Windsor, ON N8W 5J6 (519) 988-1855 / (519) 988-1858 [email protected] Hanna Ghobrial and Associates Ltd. 3100 Temple Drive Windsor, ON N8W 5J6 (519) 944-3090 / (519) 944-5636 [email protected] Small firm with over 30 year history of innovative projects across Southern Ontario, highlighting: Condominium, Custom-Private, Non-Profit, & Senior Residential Developments & Additions; + Financial, Medical, Recreational, & Religious Institutional Projects. William Kachmaryk, Architect 41 - 211 Buckingham Windsor, ON N8S 2C5 (519) 988-0142 / (519) 988-0142 [email protected] Innovative Architecture Inc. Architect 4708 Shadetree Cres. Windsor, ON N9G 2T9 (519) 972-1037 / (519) 972-1037 [email protected] Integral Architecture Inc. 3525 Driftwood Drive Windsor, ON N9E 4H2 (519) 919-4770 [email protected] J.P. Thomson Architects Ltd. 1561 Ouellette Avenue Windsor, ON N8X 1K5 (519) 256-3131 / (519) 256-0663 [email protected] L.D. Warren, Architect and Engineer 121 Wyandotte St. W., Ste. 3 Windsor, ON N9A 5W8 (519) 253-0684 / (519) 253-0290 Maged Basilious, Architect 4397 Golfcourse Crescent Windsor, ON N9G 2P4 (519) 969-0086 / (519) 969-9317 [email protected] McLean + Associates/Architects 1570 Wyandotte St. East Windsor, ON N9A 3L2 (519) 977-5512 / (519) 977-5522 [email protected] Passa Associates Inc., Architects 374 Ouellette Avenue, Ste. 802 Windsor, ON N9A 1A8 (519) 252-0775 / (519) 252-8559 [email protected] WOODBRIDGE Flanagan Beresford & Patteson, Architects 70 Silton Road, Unit 1 Woodbridge, ON L4L 8B9 (905) 265-2688 / (905) 265-2685 Randi Glos Architect Incorporated 3535 North Service Road E. Windsor, ON N8W 5R7 (519) 253-6663 / (519) 253-0031 [email protected] Francesco Alaimo Architect Inc. 7872 Kipling Avenue Woodbridge, ON L4L 1Z5 (905) 856-2840 / (905) 856-4912 [email protected] Raymond Masters, Architect 761 Morand St. Windsor, ON N9G 1J1 (519) 969-1054 / (519) 969-1054 [email protected] Mauti Designs Inc., Architects 128 Wallace Street Woodbridge, ON L4L 2P4 (905) 851-2808 / (905) 851-5366 [email protected] Robert Di Maio Architects 1645 Wyandotte Street East, Ste. 300 Windsor, ON N8Y 1C8 (519) 253-1630 / (519) 253-5410 [email protected] Multi-Design Associates Inc., Engineers and Architect 571 Chrislea Rd., Unit 4 Woodbridge, ON L4L 8A2 (905) 856-2530 / (905) 856-2532 Sfera Architectural Associates Inc. Architects 1368 Ouellette Avenue, Ste. 206 Windsor, ON N8X 1J9 (519) 254-2600 / (519) 254-2670 [email protected] Paul Marques Architect Inc. 44 Sylvadene Court Woodbridge, ON L4L 2M4 (416) 821-6112 / (905) 264-8636 [email protected] studio g+G Inc., Architect 1057 Walker Road Windsor, ON N8Y 2N6 (519) 254-8698 / (519) 254-2401 [email protected] Surendra K. Bagga, Architect, Inc. 933 Goyeau St. Windsor, ON N9A 1H7 (519) 971-0429 / (519) 971-3150 [email protected] Stile Architect 29 Lime Drive Woodbridge, ON L4L 5N3 (416) 797-8360 / (905) 264-3985 [email protected] Whitney - Bailey Associates Inc., Architects and Engineers 530 Rowntree Dairy Road, Unit 3 Woodbridge, ON L4L 2H8 (905) 851-0616 / (905) 851-7148 [email protected] WOODSTOCK Dickson Partnership Incorporated, Architects 350 Beard’s Lane Woodstock, ON N4S 7W3 (519) 539-1281 / (519) 539-5297 [email protected] OUT OF PROVINCE ALBERTA Alvin Reinhard Fritz Architect Inc. Norland Coach House, RR8 S28 C-14-5801 1 Ave. S. Lethbridge, AB T1J 4P4 (403) 320-8100 / (403) 327-3373 [email protected] Bennett Architect Inc. 14310-111 Avenue, #202 East Tower Edmonton, AB T5M 3Z7 (780) 451-4376 / (780) 455-4549 [email protected] BKDI Architects Suite 300, 640 - 8 Avnue SW Calgary, AB T2P 1G7 (403) 233-2525 / (403) 262-2055 [email protected] David Hamilton Architect 9834 105 St. Edmonton, AB T5K 1A6 (780) 423-3424 / (780) 425-0535 [email protected] Morrison Hershfield Architects Inc. 17303-102 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 1J8 (780) 483-5200 / (780) 484-3383 Paul Tarjan Architect 1425 Kensington Road N.W. Calgary, AB T2N 3R1 (403) 265-3100 / (403) 237-7486 [email protected] William H. Marshall Architect 215 - 10 Avenue SW, Ste. 301 Calgary, AB T2R 0A4 (403) 264-8700 / (403) 264-8029 [email protected] A wide selection of natural stone and precast concrete products e of t t On rges Visi a’s La plays d is a Cantdoor D Ou Your one stop shop for pond and waterfall kits and accessories • Flagstone • Interlocking • Cultured Stone • Masonry products • Retaining walls • Aggregates • Accessories • Bulk/bag road salt Office and yard: 25 Langstaff Rd. E., Thornhill, Yonge & Hwy 7-407 Manufacturing plant: 12350 Keele St., Maple 416-222-2424 or 905-886-5787 Fax: 905-886-5795 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 468316_BeaverValley.indd 1 2/22/10 9:10:50 402089_valcoustics.indd AM 1 71 10/10/08 12:51:29 PM ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN BRITISH COLUMBIA Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc., Architect 131 Water Street, #109 Vancouver, BC V6B 4M3 (604) 662-8689 / (604) 662-8655 Gowing Architecture 601 W. Cordova Street, Ste. 170 Vancouver, BC V6B 1G1 (604) 4848285 / (604) 484-6070 [email protected] H. S. Chase Architect 4700 Mountain Highway North Vancouver, BC V7K 2Z9 (604) 988-6458 / (604) 988-6451 [email protected] Hughes Condon Marler Architects 1508 West Second Avenue, Ste. 300 Vancouver, BC V6J 1H2 (604) 732-6620 / (604) 732-6695 offi[email protected] J. Robert Thibodeau Architecture + Design Inc. 1645 W 5th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1N5 (778) 330-1139 / (778) 327-6844 [email protected] John E. Gustavson, Architect 576 Seymour St., 4th Fl. Vancouver, BC V6B 3K1 (604) 687-2511 / (604) 687-4203 PBK Architects Inc. 1818 Cornwall Avenue, Ste. 220 Vancouver, BC V6J 1C7 (604) 736-5329 / (604) 736-1519 [email protected] Richard Henriquez Architect 402 West Pender St., Ground Floor Vancouver, BC V6B 1T6 (604) 687-5681 / (604) 687-8530 [email protected] Stanley Paulus Architect 2751 Cultus Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3C 5A2 (604) 339-3904 / (604) 945-5232 [email protected] Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects 111 Dunsmuir St., Ste. 1100 Vancouver, BC V6B 6A3 (604) 696-8000 / (604) 696-8100 [email protected] UDG Architect Ltd. 1140 W. Pender Street, Ste. 600 Vancouver, BC V6E 4G1 (604) 687-2334 / (604) 688-7481 [email protected] MANITOBA 5468796 Architecture 266 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S8 (204) 480-8421 / (204) 480-8876 [email protected] 72 Calnitsky Architect 124 Nassau St. N. Winnipeg, MB R3L 2H1 (204) 453-6441 / (204) 453-3392 Cibinel Architects 420-A Stradbrook Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3L 0J8 (204) 989-8910 / (204) 989-8920 [email protected] Cohlmeyer Architecture Limited 359 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3A 0A6 (204) 943-1394 / (204) 942-4426 offi[email protected] Courtnage Architect 164 Langside St., 2nd Flr. Winnipeg, MB R3C 1Z4 (204) 475-2500 / (204) 452-6831 [email protected] Friesen Tokar Architects 200-300 Waterfront Drive Winnipeg, MB R3B 0G5 (204) 885-9323 / (204) 837-7235 [email protected] Harold Funk Architect Inc. 401 - 55 Donald Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 1L8 (204) 943-5087 / (204) 949-9231 [email protected] LM Architects 500-136 Market Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 0P4 (204) 942-0681 / (204) 943-8676 [email protected] MMP Architects 300-214 McDermot Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S3 (204) 956-0530 / (204) 943-5704 [email protected] Nejmark Architect 2 - 54 Adelaide St. Winnipeg, MB R3A 0V7 (204) 947-3775 / (204) 947-3789 [email protected] Northern Sky Architecture Inc., Architect 103-120 Fort Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 1C7 (204) 943-6767 / (204) 956-7979 [email protected] Number Ten Architectural Group Ontario, Architects 310-115 Bannatyne Ave. E. Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3 (204) 942-0981 / (204) 947-9626 [email protected] Prairie Architects Inc. 200 - 141 Bannatyne Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3 (204) 956-0938 / (204) 943-5597 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Raymond S.C. Wan, Architect Unit #1 - 1250 Waverley St. Winnipeg, MB R8T 6C6 (204) 287-8668 / (204) 287-8388 [email protected] Smith Carter Architects and Engineers Incorporated 1600 Buffalo Place Winnipeg, MB R3T 6B8 (204) 477-1260 / (204) 477-6346 [email protected] Sputnik Architecture 113 Cauchon Street Winnipeg, MB R3L 1X1 (204) 415-3906 / (204) 415-3914 [email protected] Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects 905 Waverley Street Winnipeg, MB R3T 5P4 (204) 489-5900 / (204) 453-9012 Voitec Architect Inc. 516 St. Catherine Street Winnipeg, MB R2J 0N1 (204) 235-0325 / (204) 237-4655 [email protected] NEW BRUNSWICK D.F.S. Architects 85 Charlotte Street, Ste. 403 Saint John, NB E2L 2J2 (506) 634-8377 / (506) 632-1741 [email protected] NEWFOUNDLAND AMEC Architectural Services Ltd. 133 Crosbie Road St. John’s, NL A1A 3C1 (709) 724-1900 / (709) 739-5458 [email protected] Ron Fougere, Architect 2F Bates Hill St. John’s, NL A1C 4B4 (709) 739-8202 / (709) 722-8202 [email protected] NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Pin/Taylor Architects 3502 Raccine Road Yelllowknife, NT X1A 3J2 (867) 920-2728 / (867) 873-3816 [email protected] NOVA SCOTIA AMEC Architectural Services Ltd. V225, 7071 Bayer’s Road Halifax, NS B3L 2C2 (902) 420-8900 / (902) 420-8949 [email protected] Brian MacKay-Lyons Architect 2188 Gottingen Street Halifax, NS B3K 3B4 (902) 429-1867 / (902) 429-6276 [email protected] George A. Cotaras 1660 Hollis Street, Ste. 102 Halifax, NS B3J 1V7 (902) 429-4100 / (902) 423-3063 [email protected] NUNAVUT Livingstone Architect 626 Queen Elizabeth Way, Ste. 201 Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 (867) 979-4180 [email protected] QUEBEC Aedifica Inc., Architects 606 Cathcart Street, Ste. 800 Montreal, QC H3B 1K9 (514) 844-6611 / (514) 844-7646 With a staff of over 115 professionals, Ædifica offers its clients across Canada and the USA widespread expertise in architecture, retail design/rollout, workspace design, building engineering and sustainable design. Allaire, architect 1690 Rue Girouard Ouest Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2Z7 (450) 778-1151 / (450) 778-1594 [email protected] Architectes Lemay et Associés 780 Brewster Avenue, 4th Floor Montreal, QC H4C 2K1 (514) 932-5101 / (514) 935-8137 [email protected] Atelier A. Bellavance, Architect 89 Bromont Blvd. Bromont, QC J2L 2K5 (450) 534-1616 / (450) 534-3116 [email protected] B.J. Drvar, Architect 515 Francois, Ste. 304, Nuns’ Island Montreal, QC H3E 1G5 (888) 884-7941 / (514) 313-5338 [email protected] Beique, Legault, Thuot architectes 480 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ste. 303 Montreal, QC H2Y 3Y7 (514) 288-5050 / (514) 288-8818 [email protected] Brian Elsden Burrows, Architecte 1442 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 300 Montreal, QC H3G 1K4 (514) 937-2444 / (514) 937-9002 [email protected] Campanella & Associes Architecture Design 2494 Henri Bourassa Est, Ste. 202 Montreal, QC H2B 1T9 (514) 383-1886 / (514) 383-5477 [email protected] Claude Sauvageau architecte 276 Saint Jacques Ouest, Ste. 212 Montreal, QC H2Y 1N3 (514) 844-9038 / (514) 844-9045 [email protected] Conrath Architecte 4004 Wellington Montreal, QC H4G 1V3 (514) 876-1616 / (514) 871-2835 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Dan S. Hanganu, Architect 404 Saint-Dizier Montreal, QC H2Y 3T3 (514) 288-1890 / (514) 288-1182 [email protected] Groupe Marchand Architecture & Design 606 Cathcart, Ste. 600 Montreal, QC H3B 1K9 (514) 904-2878 / (514) 906-0806 [email protected] David H. Fish, Architect 400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Ste. 500 Montreal, QC H3A 1L4 (514) 879-1708 / (514) 861-6219 fi[email protected] Heloise Thibodeau Architecte 651 Rue De Louvain Est Montreal, QC H2M 1A7 (514) 334-0831 [email protected] Denis P. Bouchard Architect 1535, chemin Ste-Foy, Ste. 220 Quebec, QC G1S 2P1 (418) 694-9185 / (418) 694-9419 [email protected] Isabelle Bradbury architect.e inc. 1-a rue Ste - Ursule Gatineau, QC J9A 1B5 (819) 770-4056 [email protected] Desmarais Cousineau Yaghjian St-Jean + Associates, Architects 2000 McGill College Avenue, Ste. 600 Montreal, QC H3A 3H4 (514) 847-1117 / (514) 847-2287 [email protected] Jean-Christian Koch, Architecte 286 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Ste. 200 Montreal, QC H2X 2A1 (514) 934-1500 / (514) 934-3010 [email protected] Desnoyers Mercure & Associes, Architecte 655 rue Desnoyers, Ste. 204 Montreal, QC H4C 3E1 (514) 288-4251 / (514) 849-7230 [email protected] Eric Girard 400 Atlantic, Ste. 402 Montreal, QC H2V 1A5 (514) 849-0430 / (514) 849-8049 [email protected] Eric Majer 4099 Hotel-De-Ville Montreal, QC H2W 2G9 (514) 293-4197 / (514) 284-4281 [email protected] Fichten Soiferman Architects 1470, rue Peel, Ste. 550 Montreal, QC H3A 1T1 (514) 849-1277 / (514) 849-1200 [email protected] Fournier Gersovitz Moss et Associés Architectes 1435 rue St-Alexandre, Ste. 1000 Montreal, QC H3A 2G4 (514) 393-9490 / (514) 393-9498 [email protected] Frank G. McGrath, Architect Les Atriums, 680 Victoria, #119 St. Lambert, QC J4P 3S1 (514) 875-4889 / (514) 465-3297 Geiger and Huot Architects 3745 St-Jacques West, Ste. #210 Montreal, QC H4C 1H3 (514) 935-3338 / (514) 935-3375 [email protected] Gerald Labelle Architect 2 - 45th Ave., Ste. #1 Lachine, QC H8T 3G7 (514) 637-3564 / (514) 637-2037 [email protected] Gross Kaplin Coviensky Architectes 7275 St-Urbain Street, Ste. 100 Montreal, QC H2R 2Y5 (514) 737-6255 / (514) 789-4479 [email protected] Jean-Daniel Grob, Architecte 44 Rue Duluth Gatineau, QC J8V 2S6 (819) 351-0153 [email protected] Jean-Marie L’Heureux Architecte 58, Rue Du Geai-Bleu Gatineau, QC J9A 2B2 (819) 772-4043 / (819) 778-7383 [email protected] Lemay Michaud Architects 742 rue William Montreal, QC H3C 1P1 (514) 397-8737 / (514) 397-8739 Line Laurin Architect 1616 Montarville St. Bruno, QC J3V 3T7 (450) 441-1133 / (450) 441-1838 [email protected] Mamfredis Miners Architectes 7275 St-Urbain, Ste. 403 Montreal, QC H2R 2Y5 (514) 388-3451 / (514) 388-1172 [email protected] Manon Renaud 400 Altantic Avenue, Ste. 603 Outremont, QC H2V 1A5 (514) 493-6746 / (514) 493-9093 [email protected] Marcel Landry Architect 77 rue Laurier Gatineau, QC J8X 3V7 (819) 777-1060 / (819) 778-8025 [email protected] Marie-Pier Germain, Architecte 20 Avenue Du Rhone, Ste. 307 Saint Lambert, QC J4S 1X4 (514) 266-5876 [email protected] Julien Architectes 400 Atlantic Avenue, Ste. 905 Montreal, QC H2V 1A5 (514) 274-7171 / (514) 274-0877 [email protected] Mario Allard Architecte 109 rue Principale St. Sauveur, QC J0R 1R6 (450) 227-1886 / (450) 227-3930 [email protected] Karl Fischer Architect 1420 Notre-Dame ouest Montreal, QC H3C 1K9 (514) 933-4137 / (514) 933-0409 [email protected] Martin Frenette Architect 151 Chemin d’Aigremont Ville de Lorraine, QC J6Z 4N7 (450) 965-2213 / (450) 965-2213 [email protected] L. Bedard Architect 400 Avenue Atlantic, #704 Montreal, QC H2V 1A5 (514) 788-1400 / (514) 788-1401 [email protected] Menkes Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architects 1134 Ste. Catherine West, Ste. 1100 Montreal, QC H3B 1H4 (514) 866-7291 / (514) 866-8539 [email protected] [email protected] Lafond Architectes 5325 Jean-Talon Est, Ste. 214 Montreal, QC H1S 1L4 (514) 727-2020 / (514) 448-0458 [email protected] Lapalme Architecte 200 boul. St. Joseph, Ste. 103 Gatineau, QC J8Y 3W9 (819) 595-3626 / (819) 595-5053 [email protected] Latimer Hu, Architect 4210 de Bullion Montreal, QC H2W 2E7 (514) 581-5892 [email protected] Lemay Michaud Architects 111 rue St-Pierre Quebec, QC G1K 4A6 (418) 694-1010 / (418) 694-1100 [email protected] Michael Pitsas, Architect 233 avenue Dunbar, #100 Mount Royal, QC H3P 2H4 (514) 736-0606 / (514) 736-0014 [email protected] Michel G Langlois, Architect 1555 Grand Trunk Montreal, QC H3K 1L6 (514) 934-6346 / (514) 934-1414 [email protected] Miguel Escobar Architect 1117 Ste-Catherine St. W., Ste. 907 Montreal, QC H3B 1H9 (514) 876-9797 / (514) 876-9898 [email protected] Murray Goodz, Architect 5165 Queen Mary Rd., Ste. 507 Montreal, QC H3W 1X7 (514) 489-5791 / (514) 487-6207 [email protected] NFOE Inc. 1255 University St., Ste. 700 Montreal, QC H3B 3W1 (514) 397-2616 / (514) 861-5242 [email protected] Nicolas Maalouf 730 Rue Filiatrault Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 3V4 (514) 737-0845 [email protected] Paul Grenier Architect 310 Victoria Ave., Ste. 301 Montreal, QC H3Z 2M9 (514) 488-4054 / (514) 488-4328 [email protected] Pierre Delisle, Architecte 24 Mont-Royal Ouest, Ste. 804 Montreal, QC H2T 2S2 (514) 286-7557 / (514) 286-2474 [email protected] Pierre J. Tabet architect 167 De Roquebrune Gatineau, QC J8T 7Y6 (613) 797-5375 / (819) 246-4312 [email protected] René Tringali, Architect 1200, de Louvain Street West Montreal, QC H4N 1G5 (514) 382-0571 / (514) 382-9446 [email protected] Renee Daoust, Architect 3575 Boulevard St-Laurent, Ste. 602 Montreal, QC H2X 2T7 (514) 982-0877 / (514) 982-0878 [email protected] Rubin & Rotman Associes, Architectes 270, rue Prince, Studio 200 Montreal, QC H3C 2N3 (514) 861-5122 / (514) 861-5383 [email protected] Sami K. Kerba, Architect 150 Frank Robinson Ave. Gatineau, QC J9H 4B1 (819) 684-7157 / (819) 684-7157 [email protected] Saucier + Perrotte Architectes 7043 Waverly Street Montreal, QC H2S 3J1 (514) 273-1700 / (514) 273-3501 [email protected] Stendel + Reich Architects 3435 rue Stanley Montreal, QC H3A 1S2 (514) 499-0909 / (514) 499-0111 [email protected] Stephane L’Ecuyer Architect 2372 Boul. St-Martin Est, Ste. 200 Laval, QC H7E 5A4 (450) 629-9992 / (450) 629-9994 [email protected] Subhash Chopra, Architect 65 Brunswick Blvd., Ste. 117 Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, QC H4X 2G4 (514) 718-9742 / (514) 487-7679 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 73 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN The Arcop Group, Architects 1244 Ste-Catherine Street West, 3rd Floor Montreal, QC H3G 1P1 (514) 878-3941 / (514) 866-3780 [email protected] Zinno Zappitelli Architects 8410 Rue Bougainville Montreal, QC H4P 2G1 (514) 735-5661 / (514) 735-4242 [email protected] UNITED STATES ARCHIT8 STUDIO 16 Barrett Way Onset, MA 02558 (508) 503-3494 / (508) 503-3495 [email protected] Bohlin & Grauman, Inc. 8 West Market Street, Ste. 1200 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 (570) 825-8756 / (570) 825-3744 [email protected] Brady R. Mueller, Architect 6115 Cahill Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 (651) 789-4122 / (651) 789-4192 [email protected] BSLI, Inc. 101 S. 15th Street, Ste. 200 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 343-1010 / (804) 343-0909 [email protected] Bruns-Pak Architecture 999 New Durham Road Edison, NJ 08817 (732) 248-4455 / (732) 248-3644 [email protected] CAL Architecture, Inc. 1420 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2400 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 623-4646 / (206) 623-4625 contracts&[email protected] CB 2 Architects 500 Liberty Street SE, Ste. 100 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 480-8700 / (503) 480-8701 [email protected] Charles L. Schreckenberger, Architect 1041 W. Market Street Akron, OH 44313 (330) 864-7755 / (330) 864-3691 [email protected] Christopher Wzacny 30150 Telegraph Road, Ste. 114 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 (248) 723-8516 / (248) 723-4810 [email protected] CLR DESIGN, INC. 833 Chestnut Street, Ste. 1000 Philapelphia, PA 19107 (215) 564-0250 / (215) 564-1154 [email protected] Curry Architecture 471 High Street S. E., Ste. 10 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 399-1090 / (503) 399-0565 [email protected] 74 Daniel L. Tessarolo, Jr., Architect 1550 N. Northwest Highway, Ste. 400 Park Ridge, IL 60068 (847) 420-0111 / (847) 298-6933 [email protected] Frank James Greene Architect 158 West 27th Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10001 (212) 563-9154 / (212) 279-1037 [email protected] Daniel Roach, Architect 471 High Street SE, Ste. 10 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 399-1090 / (503) 399-0565 [email protected] Gehry International, Inc., Architects 12541 Beatrice St. Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 482-3000 / (310) 482-3006 David A. Levy & Associates 345 Springside Drive Akron, OH 44333 (330) 666-6767 / (330) 666-8334 [email protected] David A. Thiel, Architect 15 W Seventh Street Covington, KY 41011 (859) 261-5400 / (857) 261-5530 [email protected] David A. Youse, Architect 995 West Third Avenue Columbus, OH 433212 (614) 297-1020 / (614) 291-1020 [email protected] David Lavender Architect 420 South Water Street Marine City, MI 48039 (877) 839-2922 [email protected] David S. Arends, Architect 600 Vine Street, Ste. 2210 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 721-8080 / (513) 721-8181 [email protected] Design Forum Architect, Inc. 7575 Paragon Road Dayton, OH 45459 (937) 439-4400 / (937) 439-4340 [email protected] Edward B. Wyatt 1510 North State East Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 352-3071 / (601) 352-3078 [email protected] Elkus/Manfredi Architects Ltd. 300 A Street Boston, MA 02210 (617) 426-1300 / (617) 426-7502 [email protected] Eric James Hugger Architect 1515 Arboretum Drive, SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 (616) 575-3824 / (616) 464-3997 [email protected] Flad & Associates Architects, Inc. 644 Science Drive Madison, WI 53711 (608) 238-2661 / (608) 238-6727 Forum Architecture 745 Orienta Avenue, Ste. 1121 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 (407) 830-1400 / (407) 830-4143 [email protected] PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Gerald Garapich 3005 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Ste. 200 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 454-5842 / (702) 454-7842 [email protected] Gregory A. Shunick, Architect c/o Manhattan Studio, 41 West 25th St., 7th Flr. New York, NY 10010 (212) 627-9400 / (212) 604-9300 [email protected] Hagy Belzberg Architect 1507 20th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 453-9611 / (310) 453-9166 [email protected] HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. 8404 Indian Hills Drive Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 399-1000 / (402) 399-1339 [email protected] Among the largest healthcare architects in Canada, HDR is a full service design firm specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in the U.S. HDR Architecture Canada, Inc. 1101 King Street, Ste. 400 Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 518-8500 / (703) 518-8500 Among the largest healthcare architects in Canada, HDR is a full service design firm specializing in Healthcare, Science+Technology and Civic, with four offices in Ontario, 20 in the U.S. Hughes Thompson 1430 West Peachtree St. N. W., Ste. 200 Atlanta, GA 30309 (404) 601-4000 / (404) 601-3970 [email protected] J. Howard Nudell Architect 30258 Fox Club Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48331 (248) 324-8800 / (248) 324-0661 [email protected] Jeffrey A. Stewart, Architect 17111 Preston Road, Ste. 130 Dallas, TX 75248 (214) 349-3032 / (214) 349-3035 [email protected] Jerry J. Phillips, Jr., Architect 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Ste. 650 Atlanta, GA 30346 (770) 394-1616 [email protected] Jerry Locati Architect 1007 E. Main Street, Ste. 202 Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 587-1139 / (406) 587-7369 [email protected] Jerry Switzer, Architect 185 Talcott Road Williston, VT 05495 (802) 878-8841 / (802) 878-9350 [email protected] JoeArchitect, Inc. 1422 Delgany Street, Ste. LL1 Denver, CO 80202 (720) 946-3228 / (720) 946-3004 [email protected] John E. Enkemann Jr., Architect 7430 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 48202-2798 (313) 202-7813 / (313) 202-7313 [email protected] Jova/Daniels/Busby, Incorporated 1201 Peachtree Street, NE, Ste. 700 Atlanta, GA 30361 (404) 879-6800 / (404) 879-6858 [email protected] K Architects 2555 Walnut Street Denver, CO 80205 (303) 832-4474 / (803) 832-4476 [email protected] Kathryn Quinn Architects, Ltd. 363 West Erie Street, Ste. 3W Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 337-4977 / (312) 337-6792 [email protected] Kenneth Park Architect 360 Lexington Avenue, 7th Floor New York, NY 10017 (212) 599-0044 / (212) 599-0066 [email protected] Kevin T. Evernham, Architect 16435 N. Scottsdale Road, Ste. 195 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (480) 998-4200 / (480) 998-7223 Lomonaco & Pitts, Architects P.C. 297 River St. Troy, NY 12180 (518) 272-4481 / (518) 272-1605 [email protected] Maryann Thompson Architects 14 Hillside Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140 (617) 491-4144 / (617) 491-3844 [email protected] MATT E. MAJEED, Architect 7100 East Pleasant Valley Road, Ste. 320 Cleveland, OH 44131 (216) 520-1551 / (216) 520-1567 [email protected] Matthew Brinza 2902 Corporate Place, Architectural Department Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 229-7539 Michael J Habel, Architect 302 W. 3rd Street, Ste. 500 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 271-1634 / (513) 271-7017 [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES BY CIT Y/TOWN Michael John McCall, Architect 550 Kearny Street, Ste. 710 San Francisco, CA 94108 (415) 288-8150 / (415) 288-8181 [email protected] Paxton Waters Architecture 14 South Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 566-8332 / (317) 566-8337 [email protected] Shremshock Architects, Inc. 6130 S. Sunbury Road Westerville, OH 43081 (614) 545-4550 / (614) 545-4555 [email protected] TRM Architecture 448 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202 (716) 883-3516 / (716) 883-4740 [email protected] Michael L. Clark 130 East Main Street New Albany, IN 47150-5895 (812) 206-6147 / (812) 949-2396 [email protected] Perkins & Will North America, Inc., Architects 330 N. Wabash Ste. 3600 Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 755-0770 / (312) 755-0775 [email protected] Architecture and engineering firm specializing in retail, restaurant and bank design and rollout work, as well as healthcare and criminal justice facility design. Nationally registered in Canada and the USA. WD Partners, Inc. 7007 Discovery Blvd. Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 634-7000 / (614) 634-7777 Sleeper Street Design, Inc. 51 Sleeper Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02210 (617) 542-1025 / (617) 542-1026 [email protected] WHR Architects Canada, Inc. 1111 Louisiana St., 26th Floor Houston, TX 77002 (713) 665-5665 / (713) 665-6213 [email protected] SmithGroup AEIP International, Inc. 500 Griswold St, Ste. 1700 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 442-8340 [email protected] William Franz Architect 4055 International Plaza, Ste. 100 Fort Worth, TX 76109 (817) 737-8678 / (817) 737-9536 [email protected] SOM Canada, Inc. 224 South Michigan Avenue, Ste. 1000 Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 554-9090 / (312) 360-4545 William J. Beitz, Jr., Architect 41050 W. Eleven Mile Road Novi, MI 48375 (248) 737-0180 / (248) 737-9161 Steven H. Ruiz, Architect 8001 Braddock Rd., 4th Fl. Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 426-9057 / (703) 426-9280 [email protected] William P. McMahon, Architect 670 Mason Ridge Centre Dr., Ste. 220 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 744-5040 / (314) 744-5046 [email protected] Steven J. Bieringer 2902 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 229-7951 / (952) 946-9794 Worth Gardner International Corporation 5888 W. Sunset Road, Ste. 201 Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 869-9354 / (702) 869-9899 [email protected] Michael R. Black 3100 E. Randol Mill Road Arlington, TX 76011 (817) 701-4819 / (817) 633-4153 [email protected] Mitchell C. Smith Architect 1110 112th Ave. N.E., Ste. 500 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 463-2000 / (425) 463-2002 [email protected] Nathan M. Harms Architect 5310 South Alston Avenue, Ste. 220 Durham, NC 27713 (919) 489-9000 / (919) 493-8937 [email protected] Patrick C. Harris, Architect 4801 Emerson Ave., Ste. 210 Palatine, IL 60067 (847) 303-1155 / (847) 303-1164 [email protected] Patrick G. Blees, Architect 219 N Second Street, Ste. 301 Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 547-1300 / (612) 338-2995 [email protected] R. Christian Schmitt 12-A Vanderhorst Street Charleston, SC 29403 (843) 727-3140 / (843) 727-3143 [email protected] Raffaele Franco Greco 2631 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ste. 110 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 (954) 492-3801 / (954) 756-7170 [email protected] Robert F. Vanney Architect 360 North Robert St., Ste. #201 St. Paul, MN 55101 (651) 222-4642 / (651) 222-3034 Robert John Stensland 202 Main Street, P.O. Box 461 Janesville, IA 50647 (319) 987-2101 / (319) 987-2562 [email protected] Rosemary A. McMonigal 1224 Marshall Street, NE, Ste. 400 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 331-1244 / (612) 331-1079 [email protected] SDI HTI - Canada, Inc. 311 Elm Street, Stel. 600 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 241-3000 / (513) 564-0214 [email protected] STV Architects, Inc. 205 West Welsh Drive Douglassville, PA 19518 (212) 614-7637 / (212) 580-1577 [email protected] P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 75 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY # 2M Architects Inc., St. Catharines, ON 3 Sixty Architect Inc., Toronto, ON 3 Stones Architecture and Design, Sean O’Reilly Architect, Lisle, ON 5468796 Architecture, Winnipeg, MB A A. Baldassarra Architect Inc., Concord, ON A. Dagenais & Assoc. Inc. Consulting Engineers & Architect, Embrun, ON A. Duncan Green, Architect, Toronto, ON A. Fazel Architect, Toronto, ON A.J. Tregebov, Architect, Vaughan, ON A. Mark McBurney, Architect, Toronto, ON A. Robert Murphy Architect Inc., Toronto, ON A Todaro Architect, Toronto, ON A-DN Architecture Design Inc., Hawkesbury, ON A-DN Architecture Design Inc., Ottawa, ON AA Bernal Architect, Toronto, ON ABA Architects Inc., Waterloo, ON Abacus Architect Inc., Vaughan, ON ABBARCH Architecture (Ontario) Inc., Toronto, ON Abelman Architect, Richmond Hill, ON ACI Architects Inc., Toronto, ON ACI Wright Inc., Toronto, ON Adamson Associates Architects, Toronto, ON ADG Architectural Design Group Inc., Architect and Engineers, Vaughan, ON Adolfo Spaleta Architect, Goderich, ON AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., Kitchener, ON AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., Markham, ON AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., Whitby, ON Aedifica Inc., Architects, Montreal, QC AGATHOM Co., Toronto, ON Agile Architects, Toronto, ON Agnieszka Wloch Architect, Toronto, ON Ahuva A.R. Woods, Architect, Toronto, ON aipm architects inc., Toronto, ON Akitt, Swanson + Pearce Architects Inc., Mississauga, ON Alan Littlewood Architect, Toronto, ON Alan Maguire Architect, Toronto, ON Alberghini Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Alcaide Webster Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Alex Rebanks Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Alexander Benedek, Architect, Toronto, ON Alexander Wilson Architect Inc., Kingston, ON Allaire, architect, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC Allan Avis Architects Inc., Goderich, ON Allan Barrett Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Allan D. Rae Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Allan Killin Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Allen & Chui Architects Inc., St. Catharines, ON Allen & Chui Architects Inc., Toronto, ON 76 Allen & Sherriff Architects, Inc., Mississauga, ON Allen & Sherriff Architects, Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Allied Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Altius Architecture Inc., Architect, Toronto, ON Alvin Reinhard Fritz Architect Inc., Lethbridge, AB AMEC Architectural Services Ltd., Halifax, NS AMEC Architectural Services Ltd., St. John’s, NL Andre Sherman, Architect, Toronto, ON Andrew Incorporated, Architect, Burlington, ON Andrew Morrison Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Andrew Thorpe Architect, Toronto, ON Andritsos Architect International, Toronto, ON Andrzej Lipinski Architect, Markham, ON Andrzej Wodkiewicz Architect, Toronto, ON Angela Tsementzis Architects, Toronto, ON Angelo Mattia Spadola Architect, Ottawa, ON Angus Skene Architect, Toronto, ON Ann Lawson Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Anna Richter Architect, Toronto, ON Anna Voineskos, Architect, Toronto, ON Anthony Belcher Architect, Toronto, ON Anthony E. Marsh, Architect, Toronto, ON Anthony Kemp Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Anthony Pearson Architect, Nepean, ON Anthony Provenzano Architect, Toronto, ON Antonio Visca Architect, Ajax, ON Antrix, Mississauga, ON Antrix Architects, Mississauga, ON Antti Kotilainen Architect, Toronto, ON Arch-Tech Design & Drafting Inc., Mississauga, ON Archdesign Group Limited, Architects, Toronto, ON Archicana, Nepean, ON ARCHIT8 STUDIO, Onset, MA Architect 1:1, Toronto, ON Architect Bernardo Cascone, Toronto, ON Architect Osama Abo Nassar, Fenwick, ON Architect Ravi Doiphode, Toronto, ON Architect WVK, Mississauga, ON Architectes Lemay et Associés, Montreal, QC Architects Alliance, Toronto, ON Architects Crang and Boake Inc., Toronto, ON Architects + Research + Knowledge Inc., Markham, ON Architects + Research + Knowledge Inc., Toronto, ON architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin Inc., London, ON architects Tillmann Ruth Mocellin Inc., Toronto, ON Architecttura Inc., Architects, Windsor, ON Architectural Design Associates Inc., Architect, Windsor, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Architectural Design Co. Inc., Architect, Concord, ON Architecture ACT Incorporated, Toronto, ON Architecture Incorporated, Architect, Waterloo, ON Architecture Project Management (APM), Toronto, ON Architecture Unfolded, Toronto, ON Architrave Design, Architect, Toronto, ON Archon Architect Incorporated, Windsor, ON Archway and Associate Architect, St. Catharines, ON Archxes Design Inc., Architects, Sunderland, ON AREA, Architects Rasch Eckler Associates Ltd., Toronto, ON Aria Partnership, Toronto, ON Armstrong Molesworth Shepherd Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Arquinextia, Toronto, ON Array International Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Arsenault Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Artful North Architect, Toronto, ON Arthur A. Wrigglesworth, Architect, Toronto, ON Asen Vitko Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Astra Burka Architect, Toronto, ON ATA Architects Inc., Oakville, ON Atelier 292 Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Atelier A. Bellavance, Architect, Bromont, QC Atelier Architect Madunic Inc., Mississauga, ON Atelier Kastelic Buffey Inc., Toronto, ON Atelier Pacific Architecture Inc., Architect, Vancouver, BC Athos Zaghi Architect, Toronto, ON Atkinson Engineering Inc., Consulting Engineers and Architect, Hamilton, ON Atria Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Audax Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON Ava Janikowski Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Avenue Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON AWS Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Axiis Architect Design Inc., Toronto, ON Axiis Architects Inc., Toronto, ON B B+H Architects, Toronto, ON B.J. Drvar, Architect, Montreal, QC B. J. Edmundson Architect Inc., Perth, ON B. R. Kushnir, Architect, Toronto, ON Baird Sampson Neuert Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Baldwin & Franklin Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Balind Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Barrett Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Barrie Vickers Architect, Barrie, ON Barry.Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, Architects, Engineers, Whitby, ON Barry C. McFarquhar, Architect, Toronto, ON Barry Goldman Architect, Toronto, ON Barry J. Hobin & Associates Architects Incorporated, Ottawa, ON Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. Architects, Ottawa, ON Barry R. Cline, Architect, Toronto, ON Barry R. Johnson architect, Guelph, ON Bart Szoke Architect, Toronto, ON BASE3 Architect Inc., Vaughan, ON Battaglia Architect Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Battaglia Associates Inc., Architect, Thornhill, ON BB&R Architect Inc., Goderich, ON BBB Architects Ottawa Inc., Ottawa, ON BBB Architects Toronto Inc., Toronto, ON Beique, Legault, Thuot architectes, Montreal, QC Bemi, Bemi & Associates Architects Ltd., Nepean, ON Benjamin Schultz, Architect, Toronto, ON Bennett Architect Inc., Edmonton, AB Bernard H. Watt, Architect, Toronto, ON Bernard Sin Architect, Toronto, ON Bernatt Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Best Consultants Martin Gerskup Architect Inc., Maple, ON Bill Hurst Architect, Toronto, ON Bill Lobb Architect, Toronto, ON Bird Engineering Ltd., Architect, Bracebridge, ON BJC architects inc., Guelph, ON BKDI Architects, Calgary, AB Black and Moffat Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Bohacek Associates Inc., Ottawa, ON Bohdan M. Chorny Architect, Toronto, ON Bohlin & Grauman, Inc., Wilkes-Barre, PA Bojana Ivanova Architect, Toronto, ON Bortolotto Design Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Boxwood Architects, Toronto, ON Brad Culver, Architect, Toronto, ON Brady R. Mueller, Architect, Inver Grove Heights, MN Breathe Architects, Toronto, ON Brent Robinson, Architect, Toronto, ON Brian Awde Architect, Toronto, ON Brian Clark Architect, Picton, ON Brian Danby Architect, Toronto, ON Brian Elsden Burrows, Architecte, Montreal, QC Brian K. Clark, Architect, Ottawa, ON Brian L. Curtner Architect, Toronto, ON Brian Lee, Architect, Toronto, ON Brian Luey Architect, Oakville, ON Brian MacKay-Lyons Architect, Halifax, NS Brian T. Hogan, Architect, Toronto, ON Brian W. Dickey Architect Inc., Dunrobin, ON Brian Williams Architect, Milton, ON Brisbin Brook Beynon, Architects, Toronto, ON Bronwyn Fitz-James, Architect, Toronto, ON Brown and Storey Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Bruce Fair Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Bruce MacNeill Architect, Cobourg, ON Bruce March Architect, Toronto, ON Bruns-Pak Architecture, Edison, NJ Bryden Martel Architects Incorporated/ Bryden Martel Architectes Incorporee, Ottawa, ON BSLI, Inc., Richmond, VA ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Building Arts Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Building Permit Services By Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Burka Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Byron Carter Architect Inc., Toronto, ON C C. D. Kaltsas - Architect Inc., Cornwall, ON C. Y. Hui Architect, Brampton, ON C. Y. Lee Architect Inc., Toronto, ON C-K Kenneth Chow, Architect, Toronto, ON Caja Hoffmann Architect, Ottawa, ON CAL Architecture, Inc., Seattle, WA Calnitsky Architect, Winnipeg, MB Cameron Architect Inc., Oakville, ON Campanella & Associes Architecture Design, Montreal, QC Cannon Design Ltd., Toronto, ON CannonJohnston Architecture Ltd., Architects, Toronto, ON Cardinal Conley & Associates Inc., Ottawa, ON Caricari Lee Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Carson Brian Cook Architect Inc., St. Catharines, ON Carson Lee, Architect, Toronto, ON Carson Woods, Architects Limited, Toronto, ON Carsten Jensen Architect Inc., London, ON Casaldom Architects, Toronto, ON Casaldom Architects, Wasaga Beach, ON Castellan James + Partners Architects Inc., Sudbury, ON Catherine Friis, Architect, Toronto, ON Catherine Nasmith Architect, Toronto, ON Caughill Consulting Services Inc., Engineer and Architect, Sault Ste. Marie, ON CB 2 Architects, Salem, OR CH2M HILL Canada Architects, Inc., Toronto, ON Chamberlain Architect Services Limited, Burlington, ON Chan Smyth Architect, Toronto, ON Chandler Graham Architects and Designers Inc., Toronto, ON Chapman Murray Associates Architects Inc., Niagara Falls, ON Charles Cosentino Architect, Thornhill, ON Charles G. Bunker Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Charles L. Schreckenberger, Architect, Akron, OH Charles Schwenger Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Charles Simon Architect, Eden Mills, ON Cheryl C. Giraudy Architect, Toronto, ON Chintan Virani Architect, Windsor, ON Chorny Associates Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Chris A. Montgomery, Architect, Toronto, ON Chris Tossell, Architect, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Christopher A. Leggett Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Christopher Fillingham Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Christopher P. Tweel Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Christopher Simmonds Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Christopher Walker, Architect, Toronto, ON Christopher Wallace Architect, Port Hope, ON Christopher Wzacny, Bingham Farms, MI Christopher Z. Tworkowski, Architect, Lakefield, ON Cianfrone Architect Inc., Hamilton, ON Cibinel Architects, Winnipeg, MB Cindy Rendely Architexture, Toronto, ON Ciro Polsinelli Architect, Toronto (Weston), ON Civitas Architecture Incorporated, Architect, Ottawa, ON Claude Sauvageau architecte, Montreal, QC Claudio A. Santon Architect, Toronto, ON Claudio Rabaglino Architect Inc., Thornhill, ON Climans Green Liang Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Clive Brett Smith Architect Inc., Toronto, ON CLR DESIGN, INC., Philapelphia, PA Cohlmeyer Architecture Limited, Winnipeg, MB Cohos Evamy Ontario Inc., Toronto, ON Colbourne & Kembel, Architects Inc., Kingston, ON Cole + Associates Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Colin J. Rabnett Architect, Toronto, ON Colleen M. Reid, Architect, Hamilton, ON Columbine Studios, Architect, Toronto, ON Common Ground Architecture Inc., Oakville, ON Condustar Studio Inc., Toronto, ON Conifer Consultants, Toronto, ON Conrath Architecte, Montreal, QC Coolearth Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON Core Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Cornerstone Architecture Incorporated, Architect, London, ON Costantino + Associates Architect Incorporated, Ottawa, ON Courtnage Architect, Winnipeg, MB Craig R. Elliott . Architect, London, ON Crisante Architect, Toronto, ON CS&P Architects Inc., Toronto, ON CSV Consultants Inc. Architects, Ottawa, ON Curry Architecture, Salem, OR CXT Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Cynthia Zahoruk Architect Inc., Burlington, ON D D.F.S. Architects, Saint John, NB D. Lus Architect Inc., Richmond Hill, ON D. Maniates/Architect, Toronto, ON D’Arcy L. Dunal Architect, Toronto, ON Dadras Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Dan S. Hanganu, Architect, Montreal, QC Daniel B. McNeil, Architect, Toronto, ON Daniel Johnson Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Daniel Karpinski Architect, Toronto, ON Daniel L. Tessarolo, Jr., Architect, Park Ridge, IL Daniel Louis Cusimano Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Daniel Roach, Architect, Salem, OR Daryl Little, Crediton, ON Davenport Architectural Corp., Architect, Barrie, ON David A. Levy & Associates, Akron, OH David A. Thiel, Architect, Covington, KY David A. Youse, Architect, Columbus, OH David Binder Architect, Toronto, ON David C. Rich Architect Inc., Toronto, ON David D. Craddock, Architect, Toronto, ON david ellis architect inc., Sault Ste. Marie, ON David Fujiwara Architect, Toronto, ON David Gilchrist, Architect, Sarnia, ON David H. Fish, Architect, Montreal, QC David Hamilton Architect, Edmonton, AB David J. Bryden, Architect, Ottawa, ON David James Diebel Architect, Tara, ON David Johnston Architect Ltd., Unionville, ON David Lam Architect Inc., Thornhill, ON David Lavender Architect, Marine City, MI David Lieberman Architect, Toronto, ON David Mailing Architect Associates Inc., Ottawa (Stittsville), ON David McConnell - Architect, Markham, ON David Mitchell Architect, Toronto, ON David P. Moore Architect, Toronto, ON David Parrish, Architect and Company, Paris, ON David Peters, Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON david premi Architects inc., Hamilton, ON David S. Arends, Architect, Cincinnati, OH David S. McRobie Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON David Sin Architect, Toronto, ON David Sujitno Tjan, Architect, Richmond Hill, ON David Thompson Architect Limited, Kitchener, ON David V. Snell, Architect, Toronto, ON David Yeung, Architect, Toronto, ON Davidson-Langley Incorporated Architects, Toronto, ON DCSC Limited Architect + Engineer, Thunder Bay, ON de Silva Architect, Oakville, ON Deborah Friesen Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Dejmek Associates Inc., Architect & Engineer, Cambridge, ON Delcan Corporation, Engineers and Architects, Markham, ON Denis Gerald Rioux, Architect, Mississauga, ON Denis P. Bouchard Architect, Quebec, QC Dennis K. Tanaka, Architect Inc., Sharon, ON Derek Crain Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Design Applications, Toronto, ON Design Forum Architect, Inc., Dayton, OH Desmarais Cousineau Yaghjian St. Jean + Associates, Architects, Ottawa, ON Desmarais Cousineau Yaghjian St-Jean + Associates, Architects, Montreal, QC Desmond Roychaudhuri, Architect, Brampton, ON Desnoyers Mercure & Associes, Architecte, Montreal, QC Dextor A. Edwards, Architect, Ottawa, ON Di Maio Design Associates Architect Incorporated, Windsor, ON Diamond and Schmitt Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Diane Whalen Architect, Ottawa, ON Dickinson + Hicks Architects Inc., Orangeville, ON Dickson Partnership Incorporated, Architects, Woodstock, ON Dillon Building Design Ltd., Engineers and Architects, London, ON Dimitri Papatheodorou Architect, Toronto, ON Domus Architects, Toronto, ON Don Bielesch, Architect, Toronto, ON Don Bolton Architect Corporation, Toronto, ON Donald Ardiel Architect, London, ON Donald J. Caunter Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Doris L.K. Cheung Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Doru Vasile Architect, Toronto, ON Douglas B. Pollard Architect, Ottawa, ON Douglas Cardinal Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Douglas Hardie Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Douglas Lawrence Architect, Toronto, ON Douglas Ross Denton Architect + Associates, Hamilton, ON DP STUDIO INC., Toronto, ON Drawing Room Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Dreessen Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Drew Laszlo Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Drew Mandel Architects, Toronto, ON du Toit Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Dubbeldam Design Architects, Toronto, ON Duncan Ross, Architect, Huntsville, ON Dutra Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Dynar Architect + Associates Inc., Kanata, ON Dzikowski Architects Inc., King City, ON E E.I. Richmond Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON E.R.A. Architects Inc., Picton, ON E.R.A. Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Echelon Architectural Services Inc., Ottawa, ON Eco-Revival Consulting Ltd., Toronto, ON Edward B. Wyatt, Jackson, MS Edward J. Cuhaci and Associates, Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Edward Makauskas Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Edward Nicolucci Architect, Toronto, ON Edward Tabachnik, Architect, Toronto, ON Edward Weinberg Architect, Toronto, ON Edward Wojs Architect, Toronto, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 77 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Elcon Engineering Wallaceburg Limited, Architect and Engineer, Wallaceburg, ON Elemental Architects Inc., Mississauga, ON Elevation Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Elizabeth Sisam, Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Elkus/Manfredi Architects Ltd., Boston, MA Ellen Vera Allen, Architect, Toronto, ON ema ARCHITECTS inc., Ottawa, ON Emil Cristescu Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Emmell Architect, Ottawa, ON Endri Poletti Architect, London, ON EPOH Inc. Architects and Consulting Engineer, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Eric Connolly, Architect, Halton Hills (Georgetown), ON Eric Girard, Montreal, QC Eric Haar Architect Inc., Merrickville, ON Eric James Hugger Architect, Grand Rapids, MI Eric Majer, Montreal, QC Ernest A. Cromarty Architect Inc., Kingston, ON Ernest H. Hodgson Architect, Toronto, ON Erskine Dredge & Associates Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Etude Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Eugene Kuan Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Eva J. Gordon Architect, Toronto, ON Evans Bertrand Hill Wheeler Architecture Inc., North Bay, ON F F. Fentiman, Architect, Ottawa, ON F. Manteghi, Architect, Oakville, ON Fabiani Architect Ltd., Burlington, ON Farid Motamedi Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Farrow Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Farrow Partnership Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Favor Robinson Architects, Toronto, ON Fennell Architect, South Porcupine, ON Ferdinand Wagner Architect, Whitby, ON Ferguson Ferguson Architect North, Kimberley, ON Ferguson Ferguson Architect South, Dundas, ON Fichten Soiferman Architects, Montreal, QC Firm Associates Inc. Consulting Engineers and Architect, Toronto, ON Firoz A. Abdulla, Architect, Toronto, ON Flad & Associates Architects, Inc., Madison, WI Flanagan Beresford & Patteson, Architects, Woodbridge, ON Fliess Gates McGowan Easton/ Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Foord & Taylor Limited, Architect, Port Hope, ON Formworks, Inc. Architects, Barrie, ON Fort Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Forum Architect Corporation, Toronto, ON Forum Architecture, Altamonte Springs, FL 78 Fournier Gersovitz Moss et Associés Architectes, Montreal, QC Francesco Alaimo Architect Inc., Woodbridge, ON Francesco Martire Architect, Toronto, ON Francis Leung Architect, Toronto, ON Frank Bandiera Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Frank Broomhead Architect, North Bay, ON Frank G. McGrath, Architect, St. Lambert, QC Frank James Greene Architect, New York, NY Frank Lam, Architect, Toronto, ON Fred Code Architect, Toronto, ON Freeman & Mason, Architect & Engineer Inc., Toronto, ON Friesen Tokar Architects, Winnipeg, MB Furniture Architecture and Design Group, Parry Sound, ON G g. a. christoff/architect, Cornwall, ON G. Bruce Stratton Architects, Toronto, ON G. D. Conway Architect, Ottawa, ON G. Douglas Vallee Limited, Engineers and Architect, Simcoe, ON G. L. Heeringa Ltd., Architect, Stoney Creek, ON G.M. Diemert Architect Inc., Owen Sound, ON Gabriel Bodor Architect, Inc., Unionville, ON Gadzovski Architect, Whitby, ON Gail E. Lamb Incorporated Architect, Lucan, ON Gaito Architects, Toronto, ON Gallant Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Garth Norbraten Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Garwood-Jones & Hanham, Architects, Hamilton, ON Gary Sandor Lichtblau Architect, Toronto, ON Gary Stein Architect, Toronto, ON Gary Watson, Toronto, ON GB Architect Inc., Stratford, ON Gehry International, Inc., Architects, Los Angeles, CA Geiger and Huot Architects, Montreal, QC Geoff Hodgins Architect, Perth, ON Geoffrey Kendall Architect Inc., Toronto, ON George A. Cotaras, Halifax, NS George Friedman, Architect, Toronto, ON George P. Fejes Architect and Engineer, Cambridge, ON George Popper Architect, Toronto, ON George Robb, Architect, Toronto, ON George Thomas Kapelos Architect, Toronto, ON Georgia Angelique Pezoulas Architect, Ottawa, ON Gerald Garapich, Henderson, NV Gerald Labelle Architect, Lachine, QC Gerald Spring Architect Inc., Toronto, ON gh3 inc., Toronto, ON Giancarlo Garofalo Architect Inc., Toronto, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Giannone Petricone Associates Inc., Toronto, ON Giovanni A. Tassone, Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Glenn Piotrowski Architect, Oakville, ON Glenn Piotrowski Architect Ltd., Oakville, ON Global Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Glos Associates Inc., Windsor, ON Goldsmith Borgal & Company Ltd. Architects, Toronto, ON Gordon Cheney Architect Inc., Campbellville, ON Gordon M. Pape, Architect, Toronto, ON Gordon Ridgely Architects and Associates Inc., Toronto, ON Gordon Stokoe Architect, Ottawa, ON Goudar Architects Inc., Markham, ON Gow Hastings Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Gowing Architecture, Vancouver, BC Graff Grguric Architects Incorporated, Stoney Creek, ON Graziani + Corazza Architects Inc., Mississauga, ON grc architects, Ottawa, ON Green Propeller Design Inc., Milton, ON GreenCore Architects Inc., Oakville, ON Greer Galloway Inc., Architect + Engineers, Peterborough, ON Gregg Gordon Architect, Peterborough, ON Gregory A. Shunick, Architect, New York, NY Gregory M. Ward, Architect, Waterloo, ON Gregory Patterson Architect, Toronto, ON Gregory Reuter Architect, Toronto, ON Gren Weis Architect + Associates, Oakville, ON Gross Kaplin Coviensky Architectes, Montreal, QC Groupe Marchand Architecture & Design, Montreal, QC GRS Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Gus Ricci Architect, Oakville, ON Guthrie Muscovitch Architects, Toronto, ON H H. Bradford Green Architect Inc., Thunder Bay, ON H.M. Sardinha Architect Inc., Kingston, ON H. S. Chase Architect, North Vancouver, BC Habash Architect, Toronto, ON Habib Architects Inc., Thunder Bay, ON Hagy Belzberg Architect, Santa Monica, CA Haim Riback, Architect, Thornhill, ON Hamid Kashani Architects, Richmond Hill, ON Hanna E. Regehr - Architect, Toronto, ON Hanna Ghobrial and Associates Ltd., Windsor, ON Hanson + Jung Architects, Toronto, ON Hanson + Jung Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Hardial Dhir Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Hariri Pontarini Architects, Toronto, ON Harish Gupta, Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Harold Funk Architect Inc., Winnipeg, MB Harry Mardirossian, Architect, Toronto, ON Harry Morison Lay, Architect, Toronto, ON HCA Architecture Incorporated Architects, Toronto, ON HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., Kingston, ON HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., London, ON HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., Omaha, NE HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., Ottawa, ON HDR Architecture Associates, Inc., Toronto, ON HDR Architecture Canada, Inc., Alexandria, VA Heather Asquith Architect, Toronto, ON Helen Vorster Architect, Toronto, ON Heloise Thibodeau Architecte, Montreal, QC Heman Shih Architect Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Hendrik Op’t Root, Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Henry Schefter Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Henry Swinkels Architect, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Henry W. Chiu Architect, Toronto, ON HiddenCity Architect, Ottawa, ON High Park Architects, Toronto, ON Hilditch Architect, Toronto, ON Ho K. Sung Architect, Toronto, ON HOK Architects Corporation, Ottawa, ON HOK Architects Corporation, Toronto, ON Honorata P. Roseman, Architect, Ottawa, ON Hossack & Associates Architects Incorporated, Mississauga, ON Howard Rideout Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Hugh H. Taylor, Architect, Haliburton, ON Hughes Condon Marler Architects, Vancouver, BC Hughes Downey Architects, Kingston, ON Hughes Thompson, Atlanta, GA I Ian MacDonald Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Ian S. Malcolm, Architect, Barrie, ON Ian Starkey Architect, Orangeville, ON Ian Trites Architect, Toronto, ON IBI Group Architects, Ottawa, ON IBI Group Architects, Richmond Hill, ON IBI Group Architects, Toronto, ON, International Blvd. IBI Group Architects, Toronto, ON, Church St. IBI Group Architects, Toronto, ON, St. Clair Ave. IBI Group Architects, Toronto, ON, Richmond St. W. Icon Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Ideal City Design Group Inc., Toronto, ON ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Idels Architect Inc., Thornhill, ON Ihor A. Kotowycz, Architect, Grafton, ON Innovative Architecture Inc. Architect, Windsor, ON Insight Architects, Toronto, ON Integra Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Integral Architecture Inc., Windsor, ON Intra Architect Inc., Vaughan, ON Iori Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Irena Bombard Architect Inc., Thornhill, ON Isabelle Bradbury architect.e inc., Gatineau, QC Isometrica Design, Toronto, ON Istvan Lendvay Architect, Toronto, ON Ivan S. Franko Architect, Toronto, ON Ivan Saleff Architect, Toronto, ON iWorld design inc., Waterloo, ON J J.C. Daniel Parent, Architect, Waterloo, ON J. Christopher Knowles, Architect, Toronto, ON J. David McAuley, Architect Inc., Guelph, ON J. David Pounder Limited, Consulting Engineer and Architect, St. Catharines, ON J. Gorka Architect, Toronto, ON j. Guy Monette Architect, Ottawa, ON J. H. Rust Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON J. Howard Nudell Architect, Farmington Hills, MI J. L. Cortes Architect Corporation, Waterloo, ON J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects, Kingston, ON J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects, Ottawa, ON J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects, Sudbury, ON J.L. Richards & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers & Architects, Timmins, ON J. Margaret McGookin, Architect, Toronto, ON J. Milcic Architect, Mississauga, ON J P Arvai Associates, Waterloo, ON J.P. Thomson Architects Ltd., Windsor, ON J.R. Freethy, Architect, Bowmanville, ON J. Robert Thibodeau Architecture + Design Inc., Vancouver, BC J. William Birdsell, Architect, Guelph, ON Ja Architecture Studio Inc., Toronto, ON Jackson Eidelberg Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Jacob Feikema Architect, Toronto, ON Jacqueline Rhee Architect, Toronto, ON James A. Colizza Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON James Bailey Architect, Toronto, ON James Belisle, Architect, Toronto, ON James Farrow, Architect, Ottawa, ON James Fryett Architect Inc., Elora, ON James Ireland Architect Inc., Toronto, ON James J. Koyanagi Architect, Burlington, ON James M. Martin, Architect, Timmins, ON James Macdonald, Architect, Toronto, ON Jan Tymstra Architect, Toronto, ON Jane Thompson Architect, Ottawa, ON Janice van Baaren, Architect, Ottawa, ON Jason C. Flynn Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Jason Pizzicarola Design - Architects Inc., Ridgeway, ON Jauhari Associates, Markham, ON JCI Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Jean-Christian Koch, Architecte, Montreal, QC Jean-Daniel Grob, Architecte, Gatineau, QC Jean-Marie L’Heureux Architecte, Gatineau, QC Jedd Jones Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Jeffery Architect, Barrie, ON Jeffrey A. Stewart, Architect, Dallas, TX Jeffrey Elliott, Architect, Stratford, ON Jeffrey M. Swartz Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Jenka Design Inc., Mississauga, ON Jennifer Turner Architect, Toronto, ON Jenny Francis Design, Toronto, ON Jerome Markson Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Jerry J. Phillips, Jr., Architect, Atlanta, GA Jerry Locati Architect, Bozeman, MT Jerry Switzer, Architect, Williston, VT Jet Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON jh.architecture, Burlington, ON Jillian Aimis Architect, Toronto, ON Jin Architect, Barrie, ON Jiri Skopek, Architect, Toronto, ON Joan Burt, Architect, Toronto, ON JoeArchitect, Inc., Denver, CO Joel Wells Architect Incorporated, Orangeville, ON John Bettio Architect, Toronto, ON John Blums Architect Inc., Toronto, ON John Boone, Architect, Toronto, ON John C. Houghton Associates Architect, Toronto, ON John Clinckett Architect, Kitchener, ON John D. Dorris, Architect, Milton, ON John Donkin Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON John E. Enkemann Jr., Architect, Detroit, MI John E. Gustavson, Architect, Vancouver, BC John G. Davies, Architect, Incorporated, Ottawa, ON John G. Williams Limited, Architect, Richmond Hill, ON John Gittings, Architect, St. Catharines, ON John Hix Architect Ltd., Tottenham, ON John Ingrao Architect, Toronto, ON John J. Ambrus, Architect, Toronto, ON John MacDonald Architect Inc., Kitchener, ON John Mokrycke Architect, Hamilton, ON John Moses Architect Inc., Oshawa, ON John O’Connor Architect, Toronto, ON John Robert Carley, Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON John Robulack Inc. Architects, Toronto, ON John Rutledge Architect, Goderich, ON John Shuki Lau Architect Inc., Markham, ON John van Nostrand Architect Limited, Toronto, ON John Vanstone Architect, Toronto, ON John Willmott Architect, Inc., Oakville, ON John Wong Architect, Mississauga, ON Jonathan Weizel, Architect, Thornhill, ON Jorden & Cook, Architect Ltd., Chatham, ON Joseph Barna, Architect, Toronto, ON Joseph Bogdan Associates Inc., Architects, Toronto, ON Joseph G.A. Colonna Architect Inc., Port Dalhousie, ON Joseph Kostantin Architect, Toronto, ON Joseph Liff Architect, Ottawa, ON Joseph N. Campitelli Architect Inc., Markham, ON Joseph P. Toth, Architect Inc., Amherstburg, ON Josephine Young Architect, Toronto, ON Jova/Daniels/Busby, Incorporated, Atlanta, GA JS Barmi Architect, Toronto, ON Julian J. Trasiewicz Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Julian Jacobs Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Julian Jaffary Architect, Toronto, ON Julian Smith and Associates, Architects, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Julien Architectes, Montreal, QC Jurecka + Associates Architects Inc., Toronto, ON K K Architects, Denver, CO K.C. Au Architect Inc., Toronto, ON K & K Architects, Toronto, ON K. Kawagishi, Architect, Toronto, ON K. Paul Architect, Oakville, ON K. Paul Architect Inc., Oakville, ON Kaj Devai Architect, Dundas, ON Kaprielian Verhiel Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Karen Chisvin, Architect, Toronto, ON Karine Demyanchuk, Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Karl Fischer Architect, Montreal, QC Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc., Brantford, ON Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc., Burlington, ON Kasian Architecture Ontario Incorporated, Toronto, ON Kathleen Kurtin Architect, Toronto, ON Kathleen West Architect, Toronto, ON Kathryn Quinn Architects, Ltd., Chicago, IL Kathryn Vogel Architect Inc., Hamilton, ON Katrina Sochacka, Architect, Toronto, ON Katy Chey, Toronto, ON Katz & Ritchie Architects, Ottawa, ON Kearns Mancini Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Keewatin-Aski Ltd., Consulting Engineers, Architect, Sioux Lookout, ON Keith David Benjamin Architect, Unionville, ON Keith Loffler McAlpine Architects, Toronto, ON Kelman Associates Architect, Toronto, ON Ken Fukushima Architecture, Toronto, ON Kenneth Florence, Architect, Toronto, ON Kenneth Isaac Architect Inc., Oakville, ON Kenneth Park Architect, New York, NY Keshiri Design Services, Toronto, ON Kevin Deevey, architect inc., Ottawa, ON Kevin Manuel Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Kevin T. Evernham, Architect, Scottsdale, AZ Khalil U. Syed, Architect, Toronto, ON Kingsland + Architects, Inc., Toronto, ON Kirkor Architects, Toronto, ON Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Kneider Architects, Toronto, ON Kohn Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Kohn Shnier Architects, Toronto, ON Kojo La-Anyane Architect, Newmarket, ON Kongats Architects, Toronto, ON KRA Architects, Orangeville, ON Kregg Fordyce Architect, Toronto, ON Kuch Stephenson Gibson Malo Architects & Engineer, Thunder Bay, ON Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, Toronto, ON KWC Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Kyra Clarkson Architect, Toronto, ON L L. Alan Grinham Architect Inc., Guelph, ON L. Bedard Architect, Montreal, QC L.D. Warren, Architect and Engineer, Windsor, ON L.E. Glazer Architect Limited, Toronto, ON L. P. Delean, North Bay, ON Lafond Architectes, Montreal, QC Lalande + Doyle Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Landmark Architecture Architect Inc., Caledon, ON Lapalme Architecte, Gatineau, QC Lapointe Architects, Toronto, ON Larisa Brodsky Architect Inc., St. Catharines, ON Larkin Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Larocque Elder Architects, Architectes Inc., North Bay, ON Larry Gaines, Architect, Almonte, ON Larry May Architect, Chatsworth, ON Laszlo Nemeth Associates, Architect, Caledon East, ON Latimer Hu, Architect, Montreal, QC Lawrence Dodd Architect, Toronto, ON Lawrence Esco Architect, Toronto, ON Lawrence Malek Architect, Toronto, ON Leads Architects Inc., Toronto, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 79 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Lemay Michaud Architects, Montreal, QC Lemay Michaud Architects, Quebec, QC Len Ward - Architecture, Ottawa, ON Lennis Trotter, Architect, Oshawa, ON Leo Filipp Architect, Toronto, ON Leo Mieles Architect, Toronto, ON Leon Hui Architect Inc., Thornhill, ON Leon Lubelski Architect, Toronto, ON Leonard Alfred Wood, Architect, Thunder Bay, ON Leonard Koffman, Architect, Ottawa, ON Leonardo Romanese Architect, Toronto, ON Lett Architects Inc., Peterborough, ON Levente B. Danko Architect, Toronto, ON Levitt Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Levitt Goodman Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Lieux Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Liff & Tolot Architects Incorporated, Ottawa, ON lillepold dowling architects, Cambridge, ON Lin Architect, Toronto, ON Linda Chapman Architect, Ottawa, ON Lindy Consulting Limited, Toronto, ON Line Laurin Architect, St. Bruno, QC Line Vision Inc., Alliston, ON LineBox Studio inc., Toronto, ON Lintack Architects Incorporated, Hamilton, ON Lisa A. Rapoport Architect, Toronto, ON Live Architecture, Ottawa, ON Livingstone Architect, Iqaluit, NU LLM International Inc., Architect, Thornhill, ON Lloyd Hunt, Architect, Glen Huron, ON LM Architects, Winnipeg, MB Local Office of Architecture, Toronto, ON Loh Architects and Associates Inc., Toronto, ON Lomonaco & Pitts, Architects P.C., Troy, NY Lorne Rose Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Louis E.J. Cooke, Architect, London, ON Louis Lortie Architecte / Architect, Cumberland, ON Lowell Lo Design Inc., Architect, Richmond Hill, ON Lowry Associates Inc., Brantford, ON Lukjaniec Architect, Toronto, ON Lundholm Associates Architects, Toronto, ON Lyle Architects, North Bay, ON Lynch + Comisso Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Lynne Eichenberg Architect, Toronto, ON M M.A. Shoom Architect Inc., Toronto, ON M Architecture Inc., Architect, Toronto, ON M. B. Finney Limited, Consulting Engineer and Architect, Lindsay, ON M. David Blakely Architect Inc., Nepean, ON M.E. Johnston Architect, Ottawa, ON M.E. McAuley Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON M. Paul Halpern, Architect, Toronto, ON M. R. Neumann, Architect, Burlington, ON 80 M. Shami Architect, Toronto, ON M.W. Hall Corporation Architect, Toronto, ON Macdonald Zuberec Ensslen Architects Inc., St. Catharines, ON MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Maged Basilious, Architect, Windsor, ON Makow Associates Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Makrimichalos Cugini, Architects, Owen Sound, ON Makrimichalos Cugini, Architects, Toronto, ON Malcolm Fox Architect, Kingston, ON Malhotra Nicholson Sheffield Architects Inc., London, ON Mamfredis Miners Architectes, Montreal, QC Manon Renaud, Outremont, QC Maor Cohen Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Maragna Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Marc J. Riva, Architect, Oshawa, ON Marcel Landry Architect, Gatineau, QC Maria Denegri Architect, Toronto, ON Marie-Pier Germain, Architecte, Saint Lambert, QC Marilyn Ypes Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Mario Allard Architecte, St. Sauveur, QC Mark Glassford Architect, Ottawa, ON Mark Nawrocki Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Mark Stringer Architect, Toronto, ON Mark Thompson Brandt, Architect, Ottawa, ON Markham High Tech Inc. Architects, Markham, ON Markham High Tech Inc. Architects, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Marklevitz Architects Inc., Stratford, ON Marko Plavsa Architect, Toronto, ON Marlene R. Scharf Slopack, Architect, Thornhill, ON Marsh Katsios Architect, London, ON Martha Dorion Architect, Toronto, ON Martin Associates, Architects, Toronto, ON Martin Frenette Architect, Ville de Lorraine, QC Maryann Thompson Architects, Cambridge, MA Massimo A. Fantoni Architect, Toronto, ON Master Building Inc., Richmond Hill, ON MATT E. MAJEED, Architect, Cleveland, OH Matthew A. Smith, Toronto, ON Matthew Brinza, Chanhassen, MN Matthew Shuster Architect, Toronto, ON Matthew T. Harvey, Architect, Peterborough, ON Maurizio Martignago Architect, Ottawa, ON Maurizio Trotta Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Mauti Designs Inc., Architects, Woodbridge, ON Mayhew Architects & Consultants Inc., Thornhill, ON McCallum Sather Architects Inc., Hamilton, ON McCormack Architects, Toronto, ON McGillivray Architect, Toronto, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a McKnight Charron Laurin Inc. Architects, Barrie, ON McLean + Associates/Architects, Windsor, ON McMillan Associates Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Mehboob Bangash Architects, Mississauga, ON Mei Associates Inc., Toronto, ON Mel MEKINDA, Architect, Toronto, ON Melana Janzen Architect, Toronto, ON Melillo Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Menkes Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architects, Montreal, QC Mertins Architect, Toronto, ON Mesbur and Smith Architects, Toronto, ON Meta Form Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Metropolitan Architects Inc., Toronto, ON MG Architect, Toronto, ON MGP Architects . Engineer Inc., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Michael A. Faric Architect, Toronto, ON Michael A. Wilson Architect, Stratford, ON Michael Brisson, Architect, Kitchener, ON Michael Brum Architect, Ottawa, ON Michael Bulatovich, Architect, Toronto, ON Michael Cicerani Architects Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Michael Clifford Architect Inc., Creemore, ON Michael D. Allen Architect Inc., Niagara Falls, ON Michael H. K. Wong Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Michael J Habel, Architect, Cincinnati, OH Michael John McCall, Architect, San Francisco, CA Michael Kelly Architect, Ottawa, ON Michael L. Clark, New Albany, IN Michael Lafreniere Architect, Toronto, ON Michael Mantzoris Architect, Toronto, ON Michael Mohelsky, Architect, Toronto, ON Michael Pettes Architect Inc., Oakville, ON Michael Pitsas, Architect, Mount Royal, QC Michael R. Black, Arlington, TX Michael Spaziani Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON Michaela Weiner Architect, Markham, ON Michel G Langlois, Architect, Montreal, QC Miguel Escobar Architect, Montreal, QC Milenov Associates, Architects, Toronto, ON Mills & Associates Ltd., Architect, Oshawa, ON Milne Architect, Toronto, ON Milton Katz, Architect, Toronto, ON Min & Associate Inc. Architect, Toronto, ON Miro J. Nestor Architect, Toronto, ON Miroslava Aleksova-Simjanoska Architect, Toronto, ON Mitchell Architects Inc., Huntsville, ON Mitchell Architects Inc., North Bay, ON Mitchell C. Smith Architect, Bellevue, WA MMA Architect Inc., Windsor, ON MMC International Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON MMH Architects Inc., Toronto, ON MMMC Inc. Architects, Brantford, ON MMMC Inc. Architects, Kitchener, ON MMP Architects, Winnipeg, MB Modus Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Moffet & Duncan, Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Mohammed S. Elbadawi Architect, Toronto, ON momentum architect, Oakville, ON Monica E. Kuhn, Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Montgomery Philip King Architect Inc., Southampton, ON Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Moriyama & Teshima Architects, Ottawa, ON Moriyama & Teshima Architects, Toronto, ON Morris Melamed, Architect, Ottawa, ON Morris Thuemen, Architects, Pembroke, ON Morrison Hershfield Architects Inc., Edmonton, AB Morrison Hershfield Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Moshe Safdie Associates Ltd., Architects, Toronto, ON Moss Sund Inc., Toronto, ON Multi-Design Associates Inc., Engineers and Architect, Woodbridge, ON Murdoch MacPhadyen Architect, Ottawa, ON Murphy & Murphy Architect Inc., London, ON Murray Goodz, Architect, Montreal, QC N n ARCHITECTURE INC., Toronto, ON N.E.W. Architecture Ltd., Peterborough, ON Nadeem Irfan Architect Inc., Markham, ON Natale and Scott Architects, Toronto, ON Natale Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Nathan M. Harms Architect, Durham, NC Nathanael Gray Architect, Toronto, ON Naylor Architect, Markham, ON Naylor Architect Inc., Markham, ON Neil Ironside - Architect, Toronto, ON Neil J. McDonald, Architect Inc., Oakville, ON Nejmark Architect, Winnipeg, MB Nelson Architecture Inc., Architect, Kenora, ON Nelson Kwong Architect, Toronto, ON Nelson Wong Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Nestico Architect Inc., Concord, ON Netkin Architect, Toronto, ON Nexus Architects, Toronto, ON NFOE Inc., Montreal, QC Ng Architect, Toronto, ON NGA Architects, Toronto, ON Nicholas Caragianis Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Nicholas Varias Architect, Oakville, ON Nick C. Sgro Architect, Toronto, ON ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Nicolas Maalouf, Saint-Laurent, QC Nino Rico Inc. Architect, Concord, ON Nitin Malhotra Architect, Toronto, ON Noble Fairlie Architecture Inc., Architects, Toronto, ON NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers, Kingston, ON NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers, Ottawa, ON NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers, Toronto, ON North American Retail Architects Inc. (NARA), Oakville, ON Northern Sky Architecture Inc., Architect, Winnipeg, MB Northgrave Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Nova Architecture Inc., Ottawa, ON Number Ten Architectural Group Ontario, Architects, Winnipeg, MB NXL Architects, Toronto, ON O O.C.A. Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Office Eleven, Toronto, ON OfficeArchitecture Inc., Toronto, ON Oleson Worland Architect, Toronto, ON onespace unlimited inc., Vaughan, ON Open Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Opus Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Orlando Design Services Inc., Mississauga, ON Osborne Architect, Toronto, ON Our Cool Blue Architects, Milton, ON Ovidio Sbrissa & The Architect’s Workshop Inc., Ottawa, ON P PACE Architects, Toronto, ON Papadopoulos & Pradhan Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Paradigm Architecture and Design Inc., Toronto, ON Parker Architects Inc., St. Catharines, ON Parkin Architects Limited, Ottawa, ON Parkin Architects Limited, Toronto, ON Part 9 Design, Brampton, ON Passa Associates Inc., Architects, Windsor, ON Patrick C. Harris, Architect, Palatine, IL Patrick Coles, Architect, London, ON Patrick Fahn Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Patrick G. Blees, Architect, Minneapolis, MN Patrick Johnson Architect, Toronto, ON Paul DaCunha Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Paul Dawson Architect, Flesherton, ON Paul Didur Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Paul Dowsett, Architect, Toronto, ON Paul F. Loreto Architect Inc., London, ON Paul Grenier Architect, Montreal, QC Paul Hastings Architect, Oakville, ON Paul Johnston Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Kershaw Architect, London, ON Paul Marques Architect Inc., Woodbridge, ON Paul Martel, Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Oberst Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Raff Studio Incorporated Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Reuber Incorporated, Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Syme, Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Tarjan Architect, Calgary, AB Paul Whelan Architect, Toronto, ON Paul Yee Architect, Toronto, ON Paula Bowley Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Paula Hamilton Architect, Puslinch, ON Pavan Architects Inc., Markahm, ON Pavlo Tourko Architect, Mississauga, ON Paxton Waters Architecture, Carmel, IN PBK Architects Inc., Cornwall, ON PBK Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON PBK Architects Inc., Sudbury, ON PBK Architects Inc., Thunder Bay, ON PBK Architects Inc., Timmins, ON, Algonquin Blvd. E. PBK Architects Inc., Timmins, ON, Mountjoy St. S. PBK Architects Inc., Toronto, ON PBK Architects Inc., Vancouver, BC PDA Architects, Toronto, ON Pedro Pimentel Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON Peggy Chiu Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Pellow + Associates Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Perkins Eastman Black Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Perkins & Will North America, Inc., Architects, Chicago, IL Perry Liang, Architect, Toronto, ON Perry + Perry Architects Inc., Sudbury, ON Peter A. Gabor, Architect, Toronto, ON Peter Archer & Associates, Architect, Barrie, ON Peter Ciuciura, Architect, Kitchener, ON Peter Darwish Architect, Nepean, ON Peter Favot Architect Ltd., Unionville, ON Peter Hamilton, Architects, Toronto, ON Peter Higgins Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Peter J. Kindree, Architect, Ottawa, ON Peter J. Lesdow Architect, Niagara Falls, ON Peter Mansfield, Architect, Almonte, ON Peter Moy Architect, Ottawa, ON Petroff Partnership Architects, Markham, ON Philip Agar Architect Inc., London, ON Philip Beesley Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Philip Goldsmith Architect, Port Hope, ON Philip Toms Architect, Hamilton, ON Philippe Doyle, Architect, Ottawa, ON Phillip H. Carter, Architect, Toronto, ON Piccini Architect, Port Hope, ON Pierre Delisle, Architecte, Montreal, QC Pierre J. Tabet architect, Gatineau, QC Pillon Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Pin/Taylor Architects, Yelllowknife, NT Plant Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Plaston Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Plethovalent Architecture, Hamilton, ON Poizner Architect, Toronto, ON Poizner Architects, Toronto, ON Popovic Routhier Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Post Architects, Toronto, ON Post Architects, Toronto, ON Prairie Architects Inc., Winnipeg, MB Predrag K. Roman Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Prelude Associates Ltd., Ottawa, ON Pro Vision Architecture Inc., Aurora, ON Project Management Universe Corporation Architects, Toronto, ON PS Architect Inc., Toronto, ON PTAH Consultants Inc. Architects, Spencerville, ON Pye & Richards, Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Pyramid Architect, Toronto, ON Q Quadrangle Architects Limited, Toronto, ON Quantum Architect, Collingwood, ON Quantum Engineering, Penetanguishene, ON Quartek Group Inc. Architects, Engineers, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Quartek Group Inc. Architects, Engineers, Port Colborne, ON Queen’s Quay Architects International Inc., Toronto, ON R R.A. Juknevicius, Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON R. Christian Schmitt, Charleston, SC R.E. Barnett, Architect, Toronto, ON R.H. Carter Architects Inc., Toronto, ON R. Meo & Associates Inc., Architectural & Engineering Consultants, Burlington, ON R. Ritz, Architect, Stratford, ON R. V. Anderson Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers and Architect, Toronto, ON R. Varacalli Architect Inc., Concord, ON R. W. Bruynson Inc., Architect, Hampton, ON R. Waiman Chung, Architect Inc., Markham, ON Rachlin Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Radeff Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Radek Kozlowski Architect, Toronto, ON Radojewski, Architect, Hamilton, ON Rafael + Bigauskas Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Raffaele A. Belvedere, Architect, Welland, ON Raffaele Franco Greco, Fort Lauderdale, FL Ragotte Architect, Toronto, ON RAI Architect Inc., Pickering, ON Raimondo + Associates Architects Inc., Niagara Falls, ON Rajinder Chaku Architect Inc., Brampton, ON Ralph Vandenberg Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Raminder Kanetkar Architect Inc., Guelph, ON Randi Glos Architect Incorporated, Windsor, ON Randy Wilson Architect Incorporated, London, ON raw design inc., Toronto, ON Rayman/Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Raymond Masters, Architect, Windsor, ON Raymond S.C. Wan, Architect, Winnipeg, MB Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Red Studio Inc. Architects, Toronto, ON Reich + Petch Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Reinders + Rieder Ltd. Architects, Consulting Engineers, Brampton, ON Renaissance Corporation Architect, Toronto, ON René Tringali, Architect, Montreal, QC Renee Daoust, Architect, Montreal, QC Reza Aliabadi, Toronto, ON Richard Briginshaw Architect, Kanata, ON Richard Chmiel Architect & Associates Incorporated, Ottawa, ON Richard G. Butterworth, Architect Inc., Ancaster, ON Richard H. Shaw Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Richard Henriquez Architect, Vancouver, BC Richard J. Turski, Architect, Oakville, ON Richard Librach Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Richard Mann Architect, Oakville, ON Richard Morrison, Architect, London, ON Richard Wengle Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Richard White Architect, Arnprior, ON Richard Williams/Richard Fenner Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Richard Ziegler Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Rick Wink Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Rickson Outhet Architect, Ottawa, ON Robert Beckett Architect Inc., Kemptville, ON Robert Chang Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Robert Di Maio Architects, Windsor, ON Robert F. Vanney Architect, St. Paul, MN Robert J. Dyck, Architect & Engineer Incorporated, Kitchener, ON Robert J. McCrea Architect, Toronto, ON Robert J. Smith Architect, Nepean, ON Robert John Stensland, Janesville, IA Robert Kimpinski Architect Ltd., St. Catharines, ON Robert Reimers Architect Ltd., Toronto, ON Robert S. Glennie Architect, London, ON Robert Segarra Architect Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Robert Stiff Architect, Toronto, ON Robert Taylor Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Robertson Martin Architects Incorporated, Cobourg, ON Robertson Martin Architects Incorporated, Ottawa, ON Robertson Simmons Architects Inc., Kitchener, ON Robertson Simmons Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Robin Clarke Architect, Toronto, ON Robin Tharin - Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Roderick H. Young, Architect, Orillia, ON Roderick Lahey Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON Roman Chmiel Architect, Richmond Hill, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 81 ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Romanov Romanov Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Ron Fougere, Architect, St. John’s, NL Ron Shieh Architect, Toronto, ON Ronald A. Awde Architect, Bethany, ON Ronald Bean, Architect, Stratford, ON Ronald D. Brandon Architect, Elora, ON Rosemary A. McMonigal, Minneapolis, MN Rossini Architect, Toronto, ON Roth Knibb Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Royden Moran Architect, Peterborough, ON RSM Architecture Inc., Architect, Mississauga, ON Rubin & Rotman Associes, Architectes, Montreal, QC Rudy Wallman Architect Limited, Toronto, ON RVTR, Toronto, ON Ryan Company Architect Inc., Richmond Hill, ON Ryszard Gancewski Architect, Kitchener, ON S S.A. Stefanison, Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON S.J. Lawrence Architect Incorporated, Nepean, ON S Monk Architect Inc., Ottawa, ON S. Vlahovich, Architect, Toronto, ON Saccoccio Weppler Architects Inc., Toronto, ON SADP - Architecture, Richmond Hill, ON Salter Pilon Architecture Inc., Barrie, ON Sam Esposto Architect Inc., Hamilton, ON Sam Morgan Architect, Maple, ON Sam Salis Architect, Toronto, ON Sami K. Kerba, Architect, Gatineau, QC Sander Gladstone Architect, Toronto, ON Sandra F. Smith Architects, Toronto, ON Sane Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Sang-man Youn, Architect, Thornhill, ON Sarah Ifrah Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Sarah Lang Architect, Kitchener, ON Saucier + Perrotte Architectes, Montreal, QC Sawchuk Peach Associates - Architects, Sudbury, ON Schoeler & Heaton, Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Scoler, Lee & Associates Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Scolozzi Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Scott Associates Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Scott Morris Architects Inc., Toronto, ON SDI HTI - Canada, Inc., Cincinnati, OH SedArc Inc. Architects, Toronto, ON Sedun + Kanerva Architects Inc., Toronto, ON SEED Architect, Toronto, ON Selectus Architecture, Toronto, ON Sergio Brizzi Malekian Architect, Toronto, ON Sfera Architectural Associates Inc. Architects, Windsor, ON Shahnaz Samuel Architect, Mississauga, ON Sharon McKenzie Architect, Toronto, ON Shashi Washikar Architect, Toronto, ON Shaw Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Shawn Freeman Architect, Toronto, ON Shawn McSweeny Architect, Toronto, ON Sheldon D. Rosen Architect, Toronto, ON Shim - Sutcliffe Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd., Kingston, ON Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners Architects, Toronto, ON Shore Tilbe Perkins+Will Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Shremshock Architects, Inc., Westerville, OH Sievenpiper Associates Inc., Architects, Toronto, ON Sigmund D.F. Reszetnik Architect Inc., Toronto, ON TEN PLUS ARCHITECTURAL LOUVRES BOLAR FOOTGRILLES Since 1998. Tel.: 905.363.2306 Fax: 905.363.2309 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 26-6535 Millcreek Drive Mississauga, ON L5N 2M2 82 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a 448326_TenPlus.indd 1 9/28/09 9:06:59 AM Simon Chamely, Architect, Amherstburg, ON Simon Davis Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Simon H.K. Ng, Architect, Toronto, ON Simona Sund Architect, Toronto, ON Sirlin Giller and Malek Architects, Toronto, ON SJMA Architecture Inc., London, ON Skinner & Skinner Architects Inc., London, ON Sleeper Street Design, Inc., Boston, MA Smith Architect Inc., Huntsville, ON Smith Carter Architects and Engineers Incorporated, Ottawa, ON Smith Carter Architects and Engineers Incorporated, Winnipeg, MB SmithGroup AEIP International, Inc., Detroit, MI SMV Architects, Toronto, ON Snyder & Associates Inc., Toronto, ON Sofia Di Sabatino Architect, Toronto, ON Solares Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON SOM Canada, Inc., Chicago, IL soma earth architect, Toronto, ON Somfay Masri Architects Inc., Waterloo, ON Spectrum Architect, Markham, ON Spencer R. Higgins Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Spiracle Design, Mississauga, ON Spragge + Company Architects, Toronto, ON Spriet Associates Limited, Architects, London, ON Sputnik Architecture, Winnipeg, MB SRM Architects Inc., Waterloo, ON SRN Architects Inc., Vaughan, ON SSG Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON Stafford Haensli Architects Incorporated, Burlington, ON Stafford Haensli Architects Incorporated, Mississauga, ON Stanford Downey Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Stanley E. Sota, Architect, Toronto, ON Stanley Paulus Architect, Coquitlam, BC Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects, Hamilton, ON Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects, Ottawa, ON Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects, Toronto, ON Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects, Vancouver, BC Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects, Winnipeg, MB Stark Architects Inc., Mississauga, ON Stendel + Reich Architects, Montreal, QC Stephane L’Ecuyer Architect, Laval, QC Stephen Blood, Architect, Ancaster, ON Stephen Claude Charron, Architect, Barrie, ON Stephen G. King, Architect, Toronto, ON Stephen J-S Chang, Architect, Dundas, ON Stephen Mann Architect, Toronto, ON Stephen R. Pile Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Stephen Robert Hitchcox Architect, Toronto, ON Stephen Teeple Architect, Toronto, ON Steve McKerroll Architect, Orillia, ON Steven Eskind, Architect, Toronto, ON Steven Fong Architect, Toronto, ON Steven H. Ruiz, Architect, Springfield, VA Steven J. Bieringer, Chanhassen, MN Steven Robinson Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Stevens Burgess Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Stewart + Tsai Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Stile Architect, Woodbridge, ON Stingray Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Stone’s Throw Design Inc., Toronto, ON Stoyanovskyy Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Strasman Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Stuart Mussells Architect, Toronto, ON Studio Architectonic Inc., Toronto, ON studio g+G Inc., Architect, Windsor, ON Studio Jonah, Toronto, ON Studio Linea Architect, Richmond Hill, ON STV Architects, Inc., Douglassville, PA Subhash Chopra, Architect, Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, QC Superkül Inc., Architect, Toronto, ON Surendra K. Bagga, Architect, Inc., Windsor, ON Suriano Design Consultants Inc., Vaughan, ON Susan D. Smith Architect, Ottawa, ON Susan Friedrich Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Susan Speigel Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Suu-dda Patkar Architectural Corporation, Architect, Toronto, ON Svedas Koyanagi Architects Inc., Burlington, ON Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co. Architects Inc., Toronto, ON symbolics architecture+design, Toronto, ON Szabo & Fok Architect, Toronto, ON Szeto Architect, Markham, ON T T. M. Sanborn, Toronto, ON Tact Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON Tafler Rylett Architects, Toronto, ON Takashi Tsuji, Architect, Toronto, ON Takvor Hopyan, Architect, Toronto, ON TAL.VT Architect Inc., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Talo Architect Inc., Guelph, ON Talwood Group Architects, Toronto, ON Tampold Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Tangram Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Tarvo Eistrat Architect, Toronto, ON Taylor Hannah Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Taylor Smyth Architects, Toronto, ON Taylor/Hazell Architects Ltd., Toronto, ON Taymoore Balbaa Architect, Toronto, ON TCA/Thier + Curran Architects Inc., Hamilton, ON Ted Handy and Associates Inc., Architect, Barrie, ON Ted Shepherd Architect Limited, Toronto, ON Teeple Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Temprano & Young Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Teng M. Chow Architect, Toronto, ON ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICES ALPHABETICALLY Terry Fitsialos Architect, Toronto, ON The Architect Builders Collaborative Inc., Toronto, ON The Architect Circle 2000 Ltd., Toronto, ON The Arcop Group, Architects, Montreal, QC The Arcop Group, Architects, Toronto, ON The Hicks Partnership Inc., Oakville, ON The Kirkland Partnership, Inc., Architects, Toronto, ON The Office of Edward D. Russell Architect Inc., Niagara Falls, ON The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects, Brantford, ON The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects, Cambridge, ON The Ventin Group Ltd., Architects, London, ON The Ventin Group (Toronto) Ltd., Architects, Toronto, ON The Walter Fedy Partnership, Architects & Engineers, Kitchener, ON Thomas Brown Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Thomas E. Blood, Architect, Ottawa, ON Thomas Gluck Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Thomas K.K. Yeung, Richmond Hill, ON Thomas Marzotto, Architect, Toronto, ON Thomas Moore Limited, Architect, Toronto, ON Thomas Walker Architect, Mississauga, ON Tim Fanstone Architect, Blue Mountains, ON Tim Lee, Architect, Toronto, ON Tim Wickens Architect, Toronto, ON Tina Ranieri - D’Ovidio Architect, Toronto, ON Tom + Fong Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Tony Gardynik Architect Inc., Pembroke, ON Tran Architects, Toronto, ON Trevelyan Architect Inc., Peterborough, ON TRM Architecture, Buffalo, NY Turner Fleischer Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Turner Fleischer Architects (Manitoba) Inc., Toronto, ON Two Row Architect, Ohsweken, ON U UCARCHITECT, Toronto, ON UDG Architect Ltd., Vancouver, BC unit a architecture inc., architects, Toronto, ON Urbacon Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON URS Architects & Engineers Canada Inc., Markham, ON V V. Samuel Iser Architect Inc., Unionville, ON Van Driel Architect, Toronto, ON Van Elslander Carter Architects Incorporated, Toronto, ON Vanbetlehem Architect Inc., Mississauga, ON VanLe Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Velta Baumanis Architect, Mt. Brydges, ON Venchiarutti Gagliardi Architect Inc., Markham, ON Venerino V.P. Panici Architect Inc., St. Catharines, ON Vermeulen / Hind Architects Inc., Dundas, ON Vermeulen/Hind Architects Inc., Ottawa, ON Veronica Nunn de Pencier Architect, Ottawa, ON Vesna Bosnar Architect, Toronto, ON Victor J. Heinrichs Inc., Architect, Toronto, ON Victor Lam Architect, Toronto, ON Victor P. Pala, Architect Ltd., Hamilton, ON Victor Tarnoy Architect, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Vijay Vasantgadkar Architect Inc., Windsor, ON Viljoen Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Villa Villa Architect Incorporated, Toronto, ON Vincent P. Colizza Architect Incorporated, Nepean, ON Vinters Architect, London, ON Vogel Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Voitec Architect Inc., Winnipeg, MB Voytek Gorczynski Architect, Toronto, ON VYOM Architectural Solutions, Mississauga, ON William Dewson Architects Inc., Toronto, ON William Franz Architect, Fort Worth, TX William H. Marshall Architect, Calgary, AB William Haas Consultants Inc. Architect and Engineer, London, ON William J. Beitz, Jr., Architect, Novi, MI William J. Krohn, Architect, Kitchener, ON William Kachmaryk, Architect, Windsor, ON William P. McMahon, Architect, St. Louis, MO William Weima Architect, Toronto, ON William Wong Architect, Toronto, ON WILLIAMSONWILLIAMSON INC., Toronto, ON WMA Inc., Mississauga, ON Woodman Architect & Associates Ltd., Ottawa, ON Workshop Architecture Inc., Toronto, ON Worth Gardner International Corporation, Las Vegas, NV WZMH Architects, Toronto, ON X XCI Design & Architecture, Toronto, ON Y Y.C. Lee Architect Company Limited, Ottawa, ON Y. Erez Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Y.T. Architectural Services Inc., Architect, Toronto, ON Yair Engel Architect, Toronto, ON Yallowega Belanger Architecture, Sudbury, ON Yim Chan Architect, Toronto, ON Yuri Sura, Architect, Newmarket, ON Yves Bonnardeaux Architect, Toronto, ON Z Zak Ghanim, Architect, Toronto, ON Zak Ghanim, Architect Inc., Toronto, ON ZAS Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Zebroski Associates Ltd., Architect, Hamilton, ON Zeidler Partnership Architects, Toronto, ON Zinno Zappitelli Architects, Montreal, QC Zone Architect, Toronto, ON W W.F. Heartwell Architect, Toronto, ON W. J. P. Construction Designs, Architect, Brampton, ON W. K. Lim Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Walter Daschko, Architect, Toronto, ON Wanda Ely, Toronto, ON Warren J. Grossman, Architect, Toronto, ON Wasylko Architect Inc., London, ON Watchorn Architect Inc., Toronto, ON Watson MacEwen Teramura Architects, Ottawa, ON Wayne Barrett Architect, Toronto, ON Wayne Long Architect, Toronto, ON Wayne Swadron Architect Limited, Toronto, ON WD Partners, Inc., Dublin, OH Weatherston Architects, Toronto, ON Wes Surdyka, Architect Inc., Toronto, ON WGD Architects Inc., Toronto, ON Whitney - Bailey Associates Inc., Architects and Engineers, Woodbridge, ON WHR Architects Canada, Inc., Houston, TX Wicklander Associates Inc., Architect, Sudbury, ON Wiktor Moskaliuk Architect, Toronto, ON Wilcox Architects Incorporated, Lindsay, ON Willem Langelaan, Architect, Mississauga, ON William A. Curtis, Architect, Guelph, ON William A. Scott, Architect, Timmins, ON William D. Hulme, Architect, Ottawa, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 489304_PreCon.indd 1 83 7/29/10 9:28:01 AM ARCHITECTS A Abbass, Hossam El-Din, Nepean, ON Abdolmohammady, Mohsen, Thornhill, ON Abdou, Medhat Abdulla, Firoz A., Toronto, ON Abelman, Leonard, Richmond Hill, ON Abernathy, Roy Lee, Atlanta, GA Abo Nassar, Osama, Fenwick, ON Abrahams, Robert Gregory, Toronto, ON Abrams, Norman, Toronto, ON Adach, Edward Eugene Adair, R. Jamie, Toronto, ON Adams, Gregory Kenji Adams, Stewart N. Adamson, Robert Agar, Philip C., London, ON Agensky, Harry, Toronto, ON Agro, David John, Toronto, ON Aguanno, Andrew, Thornhill, ON Aimis, Jillian, Toronto, ON Aitken, Brian James Akman, H. Zuhal Al Ajlani, Iman, Miami, FL Alaimo, Francesco, Woodbridge, ON Alberghini, Pier Paolo, Toronto, ON Albergo, Angelo D. Alcaide, Vincent Francis, Ottawa, ON Aleksova-Simjanoska, Miroslava, Toronto, ON Aleong-Spry, Cheryl J. Alexander, Gregory Ali, Aquil A. Aliabadi, Reza Alkhaddam, Mazen, Toronto, ON Allaire, Sylvain, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC Allam, M. Nehad, Toronto, ON Allan, Edwin Bruce Allarakhia, Mohsin, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Allard, Mario Allen, Douglas K., Richmond Hill, ON Allen, Ellen V., Toronto, ON Allen, Michael D., Niagara Falls, ON Allen, Robert E. Allen, Valerie Lynn Alsop, William, London, United Kingdom Alter, Lloyd C. Altosaar, Tonu Amantea, Michael Amato, Domenic Ambrus, John J., Toronto, ON Amicone, Dan Amin, Amin Ampas, Elias L. Andersen, Svenn Erik Anderson, James R. Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, Robert Andrew, Brian R. Andrew, Leslie Andritsos, Spiros Luke Angel, Norma Lucia Annan, Midhat Antoniuk, Aleksander, Toronto, ON Antunes, Carlos E. Apostolou, Gloria Applebaum, Edward Applegath, J. Craig Archer, Peter W., Barrie, ON Archondakis, John Ardiel, Donald L., London, ON Arends, David Scott 84 Ariss, J. David Armin, DJ. Armstrong, Lawrence Robert Arnone, Robert P. Arsenault, David M. Arthurs, D’Arcy M. Arvai, James Peter Asadikia, M. Reza Asgharali, Shakil Ahmed, Richmond Hill, ON Ashby, James Edward Asquith, Heather Ann Astle, Wayne C. Atkinson, Cheryl Attard, Michael Weldon, Toronto, ON Au, Duncan M.S. Au, Kwok C., Toronto, ON Au, Michelle Ho Ching Aubry, Richard A. Avis, Allan R. Awde, Brian, Toronto, ON Awde, Ronald A. Azar, Charles, Mississauga, ON Azar, Dory Azar, Loghman, Kitchener, ON Azar, Marchad John Aziz, Rafel H., Toronto, ON B Bachman, Merle Stephen Backewich, Paul Michael Bagga, Surendra K., Windsor, ON Bagworth, Stephen Bahm, Michaela Beatrix Baidoc, Sabin Bailey, James R. B., Toronto, ON Bailey, Scott Edward, Picton, ON Baird, George P., Toronto, ON Bakalov, Albena Emilova Bakker, Joost Balbaa, Jilan Balbaa, Taymoore, Toronto, ON Baldassarra, A. Silvio, Toronto, ON Baldassarra, Antonio Balind, David A. Ballentine, Gregory P. Balmer, John Duff, Toronto, ON Bandiera, Franco, Toronto, ON Banelis, Vaidila Pranas Bangash, Mehboob Khan, Mississauga, ON Barel-Leung, Manon Barhay, Supreet Barkhurst, Neal E. Barmi, Jagdip Singh, Toronto, ON Barna, Joseph Barnett, Robert E., Toronto, ON Barre, Christopher M.F. Barrett, Allan L. Barrett, Charles H. Barrett, Kevin B., Toronto, ON Barrett, Michael Roland Barrett, Wayne M. Barron, R. Scott Barteaux, Pamela A., Fredericton, NB Bartkowski, Ryszard Jan Bartlett, Joel Anthony, Guelph, ON Barton, Virginia A. Basilious, Maged, Windsor, ON Bassi, Kris Bate, Lisa M., Toronto, ON Battaglia, Anthony C. Battaglia, Joseph, Richmond Hill, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Baumanis, Velta M., Mt. Brydges, ON Baxter, Graham James Baytman, Michael I., Ottawa, ON Beamer, Christopher Paul Bean, Ronald Beatty, Rebecca J. Beck, Oliver Anthony Beckett, C. Robert, Kemptville, ON Beckett, Maureen Elaine, Toronto, ON Bedard, Louise, Montreal, QC Beesley, Philip, Toronto, ON Behar, Moiz, Richmond Hill, ON Beinhaker, Philip H., Toronto, ON Beitz, Jr., William J. Bekhit, Nersiana Nassif Belair, Roch C., Sudbury, ON Belanger, Louis W., Sudbury, ON Belcher, Anthony J., Toronto, ON Belisle, James D., Toronto, ON Bellavance, Alan, Bromont, QC Bellehumeur, Guy R. Belvedere, Raffaele Bely, Nathalie Cecile, Toronto, ON Belzberg, Hagy, Santa Monica, CA Bemi, James M., Nepean, ON Benda, Ivana Benedek, Alexander Benes, Kristopher Daniel, Ottawa, ON Benjamin, Keith David Bennett, Robert D. Bentley, Nolan David Berchert, John F. Beresford, John H. Berest, Mark Steven Berg, John Berg, Jonathan William, Toronto, ON Bergen, J. Michael, Troy, NY Berlo, Alexandra Marica Bernal, Andres Arturo Bernatt, Stephen Berrill, Stephen Michael, Windsor, ON Berry, James L. Berton, Peter A. Bertrand, Brian R. Bettio, John J., Toronto, ON Bettio, Walter Bevelander, Pedro A. Beverley-Burton, Rachel F.C. Beynon, Murray Bhattarai, Kishor Bielaska, Wynus Bielesch, Donald J., Toronto, ON Bieringer, Steven John Bigauskas, Andrew R. Bigelow, Jay A. Binder, David Bird, Peter J., Bracebridge, ON Birdsell, J. William, Guelph, ON Birkenshaw, Douglas Frank Birtles, Sarah Elizabeth Bitsakakis, George T., Thornhill, ON Bizios, Georgios, Toronto, ON Blaauw, Sara A., Toronto, ON Black, Chas. Vernon Black, Marie Black, Michael Ray, Arlington, TX Black, Stephen M. Black, Susan Carol Blair, John D., Toronto, ON Blais, Denis C. Blakely, M. David, Nepean, ON Blanchaer, Carl Blees, Patrick Gregory, Minneapolis, MN Blood, Stephen E., Ancaster, ON Blood, Thomas E., Ottawa, ON Blumberg, Mervyn Blumberg, Shirley Blums, John R. Boake, Brian G., Toronto, ON Boaretti, Robert W. Boctor, Mohsen Y. Bodor, Gabriel, Unionville, ON Boelling, Eric John Boey, Fiona Bogdan, Joseph A., Toronto, ON Bogdan, Stasia Marie Bohacek, Radim, Ottawa, ON Bohackova, Yvona, Ottawa, ON Bohlin, Peter Quarfordt, Wilkes-Barre, PA Bolton, Donald J., Toronto, ON Bombard, Irena Bondoc, Corina Gabriela Bonell, Bryan A., Ottawa, ON Boni Bangari, Shuvra Bonnardeaux, Yves, Toronto, ON Bonnett, Derek A., Toronto, ON Boone, John Boraks, Robert, Ottawa, ON Borgal, Christopher Borghese, Natalie M. Borooah, Ronji Bortolotti, Bruno Bortolotti, John P. Bortolotto, Tania, Toronto, ON Bosnar, Vesna Angelina, Toronto, ON Bouchard, Denis Joseph Pierre, Quebec, QC Boucher, Carole Edith Bouliane, Luc Jean-Paul, Toronto, ON Bousfield, Andrew M., Waterloo, ON Bowley, Paula, Toronto, ON Boychuk, Gary-Conrad Boyd, Christopher Boyko, Robert M.J., Toronto, ON Boyle, Ross R.J. Bradbury, Isabelle, Gatineau, QC Bradica, John S. Bradley, William R., Toronto, ON Brandaw, Garth Brandon, Ronald D., Elora, ON Brandt, Mark Thompson, Ottawa, ON Brandts, Elisa Beatrice Brawley-Cunliffe, Wendy, Ottawa, ON Brenyo, Andrew, Hamilton, ON Briginshaw, Richard, Kanata, ON Brinza, Matthew John Brisbin, Brian G. Brisbin, Ritchard Brisson, Michael R., Kitchener, ON Brochu, Andre Emilien Brodsky, Larisa Bronny, Radoslaw Brook, Calvin Broomhead, Jr., Frank Arthur Brough, Robert James Brown, Christopher P. Brown, Deanna Brown, Geoffrey D. Brown, James A., Waterloo, ON Brown, James K., Toronto, ON Brown, Patrick W. Browne, Christopher C. Browne, Sydney E. Brownlie, Brian David Bruce-Payne, Andrew David, North Bay, ON Brum, Michael ARCHITECTS Brun del Re, Claudio Bruni, Anthony Domenic, Ottawa, ON Brunner, Roland, Toronto, ON Brunone, Carmen, Windsor, ON Bruynson, R. W., Hampton, ON Bryan, Dennis L. Bryden, David J. Bubelis, Romas, Toronto, ON Buck, Jodi Bula, William John, Madison, WI Bulatovich, Michael, Toronto, ON Bull, Mary Anne, Ottawa, ON Bunker, Charles G., Toronto, ON Burgener, Peter G., Calgary, AB Burgess, Jane, Toronto, ON Burghout, James Burka, Astra, Toronto, ON Burka, Attila Burnell, Sandra Burns, G. Cameron Burrows, Brian Elsden, Montreal, QC Burstyn, Henry Joshua Burt, Joan, Toronto, ON Burton-Brown, Michael Busby, Peter Butterworth, Richard G., Ancaster, ON C Cadeau, Robert Cadenhead, Charles Denham, Houston, TX Cai, Jie, Mississauga, ON Calnitsky, Edwin S.L. Cameron, James M., Oakville, ON Campanella, Sebastiano, Montreal, QC Campbell, Jeremy Adrian Campbell, Paul Raymond Campitelli, Joseph Nino Capes, Catherine A. Cappe, Lorne, Toronto, ON Caracristi, Paul J. Caragianis, Nicholas Kimon, Ottawa, ON Cardinal, Douglas Joseph, Ottawa, ON Caricari, Giuseppe, Toronto, ON Carley, John R., Toronto, ON Caron, Guy, Montreal, QC Carreno Chao, Mauro Javier, Toronto, ON Carroll, Stephen Carter, Byron, Toronto, ON Carter, David Ian, Toronto, ON Carter, Lawrence, Waterloo, ON Carter, Phillip H., Toronto, ON Carter, Ronald Harry Carter, Stephen E., Burlington, ON Casciato, Nicola Cascioli, Anna Cascone, Bernardo Castel-Branco, Jose M., Toronto, ON Castellan, Dennis Castle, Timothy George Catarino, Sheldon Morao Caudle, Peter William Caughill, M. Bruce, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Caunter, Donald J. Cawker, Ruth Ceppi, Guillermo L. Chakravorty, Nupur, Stittsville, ON Chaku, Rajinder, Brampton, ON Chamberlain, Brian K. Chamely, Simon, Amherstburg, ON Chan, Bonnie Ah-Cheer, Toronto, ON Chan, Carolina Chan, Edward K. Chan, Guillaume Kwong-Ting Chan, Joe Chan, Patrick T.Y. Chan, Serena S.Y. Chan, Simon C. C. Chan, Walton Fan, Toronto, ON Chan, Yim Chan Smyth, Margaret Chandler, John Chang, Robert, Toronto, ON Chang, Stephen J-S, Dundas, ON Chang, Szu-Wen Chang, Wan-Chi Chang Wong, William Chapman, James D. Chapman, Linda Maureen Charowska, Ewa Charron, S. Claude, Barrie, ON Chase, Bradley Stuart, Oakville, ON Chase, Herbert Scott Chatfield, Patrick, Seattle, WA Chaturani, Manish, Mississauga, ON Chau, Jenny Lee Chau, Katie Chauhan, Vipul, Kanata, ON Cheam, Tat-Liang Fabio, Winnipeg, MB Chee, Betty Chen, I-Hsin Chen, Welming Chen, Xiaoyu Calvin, Toronto, ON Chen, Yiqiu, Toronto, ON Cheney, Gordon L. Cheng, M. Wilhelmina Cheung, Doris Lai-Kwan, Richmond Hill, ON Cheung, Ian Yat-Shing, Toronto, ON Cheung, Louis K.C. Cheung, Patrick Pui-Tak Chey, Katy, Toronto, ON Chiao, Wei T., Toronto, ON Chichmanian, Azad, Montreal, QC Chimienti, Johnny Chin, Clifton Chiotti, Roberto A. Chisvin, Karen L., Toronto, ON Chitale, Shashank Chandrashek Chiu, Henry W. Chiu, Paul Yu-Pang, Vancouver, BC Chiu, Peggy P.K. Chlebowski, Jerry Chmiel, Richard A. Chmiel, Roman, Richmond Hill, ON Cho, James Jiann Wey Chodikoff, Ian Chomik, William Michael, Calgary, AB Chong, Winston W. Chopra, Subhash C., Montreal, QC Chorny, Bohdan M., Toronto, ON Chow, C-K. Kenneth, Toronto, ON Chow, John T., Toronto, ON Chow, Ken, Markham, ON Chow, Lena Chow, May Chow, Teng M. Choy, Christopher Wai Yiu, Richmond Hill, ON Choy, Nicholas Yeung Chung Christakis, Harry Charalambos, Toronto, ON Christiansen, Carl Theodore, San Francisco, CA Christie, John E. Christoff, G.A. Chu, Horhon Chu, Peter C-M Chui, David, Toronto, ON Chung, Jaegap, Toronto, ON Chung, Raymond W., Markham, ON Church, Joseph Oliver, Denver, CO Church, Kevin Cianfrone, Angelo R., Hamilton, ON Ciarmela, Giovannino (John) Cibinel, George Cicerani, Michael, Toronto, ON Ciuciura, Peter W., Kitchener, ON Clancey, Shaun Douglas Clark, Brian K., Ottawa, ON Clark, Brian W., Picton, ON Clark, Hugh Fletcher Clark, Michael Lambert Clark, Raymond Stephen, Chicago, IL Clarke, Robin E.C. Clarkson, Kyra Antoinette, Toronto, ON Clarry, Patricia L. Clermont, Alexandre Paul Clewes, Peter R. Clifford, W. Michael Climans, David Clinckett, John Cline, Barry R., Toronto, ON Clinton, Donald G. Clusiau, David H. Code, Fred, Toronto, ON Cohen, Maor Cohen, Nancy Jean Cohen Idoine, Michele Andrea, Toronto, ON Cohen-White, Melissa Roxanne, Stoney Creek, ON Cohlmeyer, Stephen C., Winnipeg, MB Coit, Ken D. Colbourne, Todd M., Kingston, ON Cole, David K., Ottawa, ON Coleman, Donald Kent, Regina, SK Coles, Patrick J., London, ON Colizza, James Colizza, Vincent Collins, David Colonna, Joseph A., Port Dalhousie, ON Colucci, Gregory P. Colussi, David Victor Barton, Toronto, ON Comartin, Charles J. Combe, Lawrence W., Brantford, ON Comeau, Terry, Toronto, ON Comisso, Steven, Toronto, ON Condon, Darryl, Vancouver, BC Conley, Mark G., Ottawa, ON Connolly, Eric Arthur, Halton Hills (Georgetown), ON Conrath, Gary Michael, Montreal, QC Constable, David, Toronto, ON Constantin, Aurel, Toronto, ON Contal, Martin Alvarez Contreras, Monica A. Conway, Gerald Denis, Ottawa, ON Cook, Carson Brian, St. Catharines, ON Cook, Christopher Matthew, Houston, TX Cook, John C., Ottawa, ON Cook, Peter J. Cooke, Louis E.J., London, ON Cooke Wooland, Suzanne Coombs, Richard O. Coppa, John, Richmond Hill, ON Corazza, Enzo Corbett, Douglas, Winnipeg, MB Corey, Mark Adrian, Madison, WI Corredor, Gustavo Cortes, Jorge L., Waterloo, ON Cosentino, Charles Costantino, Domenic A. Costescu, I. Cotaras, George Anthony Cote, Normand Cotnam, Andrew G., Timmins, ON Coulter, Carol-Anne, Toronto, ON Courtnage, Donald F. Couse, Christopher G. Cousineau, Andre Cousineau, Antoine, Montreal, QC Coviensky, Jerry Cowle, John Cowling, Daniel Crabtree, Nicole Louise Craddock, David D., Toronto, ON Craig, Melina Elizabeth, Ottawa, ON Craig, Richard Barry, Ottawa, ON Craik, Robert, Toronto, ON Crain, Derek Cravit, Paul M. Crenson, Bogumila C. Cressman, Robert Scott Cresswell, Geoffrey Crisante, Rosemarie Cristall, Terry I. Cristescu, Emil Cristofaro, Domenic, Amherstburg, ON Critchley, Paul H. Croft, David J., Toronto, ON Cromarty, Ernest A. Crompton, William D. Croswell, Susan L., Kingston, ON Crothers, Robert J., Kingston, ON Cryns, Ingrid M., Toronto, ON Cudlip, Guy L., Pickering, ON Cugini, Cesidio Cuhaci, Edward J. Cui, Honglin Culpeper, Paul R. Culver, Bradley, Toronto, ON Curran, William J.E., Hamilton, ON Currie, Akiko Currie, Robert James Curry, Clifford B. Curtis, William Andrew Curtner, Brian L. Cusimano, Daniel Louis, Toronto, ON Cvornyek, Karen Czoli, Alexander Daniel D D’Abbondanza, Lisa D’Elia, Andre, Toronto, ON Da Silva, M. Alice, Toronto, ON Dabrowski-Sickle, Margaret B. Dabrus, Richard Webb DaCunha, Paul J. Dadras, Mehrzad, Toronto, ON Dagenais, Yves, Montreal, QC Damjanovic-Grujic, Karolina Danby, Brian J. Danelley, Terry W. Dang, Larry J. Daniels, Stanley Lee, Atlanta, GA Danko, Levente B., Toronto, ON Daoust, Renee, Montreal, QC DaPonte, Ricardo Darlington, Robert William Darwish, Peter M. Daschko, Walter, Toronto, ON Davidson, Elizabeth, Toronto, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 85 ARCHITECTS Davidson, Martin S., Toronto, ON Davidson, Theodore, Toronto, ON Davies, John G., Ottawa, ON Davies, Robert S., Toronto, ON Davis, Simon A., Toronto, ON Davis, William A. Davison, Hugh F., Halifax, NS Dawson, Paul, Flesherton, ON de Boer, Grace M., Nashua, NH De Giovanni, Antonietta Linda, Ottawa, ON de Grandmont, Darrell Martial de Grandpre, Jean-Marc, Montreal, QC De Leon, Emilio Atienza, Whitby, ON de Melo, Leonardo Manuel de Pencier, Veronica L. Nunn de Silva, Anthony M., Oakville, ON de Valence, John, Toronto, ON Dearlove, Steven, Priceville, ON deBacker, William M., Toronto, ON DeBortoli, Gianni (John), Mississauga, ON DeCiantis, Frank DeCoursey, M. Elaine Deczkowska, Hanna E. Deevey, Kevin, Ottawa, ON DeFigueiredo, Paul Alexandre, Toronto, ON Deguchi, Fabio, Toronto, ON Deimling, Christopher Lee, Ottawa, ON Dejmek, Ludmila, Cambridge, ON Delean, Lucien P. Delean, Matthew Robert Delisle, Pierre, Montreal, QC Demyanchuk, Karine Anatoliyevna, Richmond Hill, ON Denegri, Maria Dennis, David N. Dennis, Jeffrey Allan Denton, Douglas R. Desai, Samir A., Ottawa, ON Deshaies, Marc R. Deshmukh, Jayashri Bharat DeSimone, John, Hamilton, ON Desmarais, Roger Devai, F. Kaj J. Devaney, F. Lyndon Dewson, William Richard, Toronto, ON Dey, Sudeep Dhar, Ranjit K., Toronto, ON Dhir, Hardial, Toronto, ON Di Carlo, Mauro Di Cienzo, Paolo Panfilo Di Filippo, Deni (Donato) Joseph Di Fonzo, Livio Di Maio, Michele Di Maio, Robert Di Roma, Frank Di Sabatino, John Anthony, Mississauga, ON Di Sabatino, Sofia, Toronto, ON Di Vincenzo, Simon P. V., Vaughan, ON Diakun, Donna Michele Diamond, A.J. Diamond, Arthur William, Aurora, ON Dickey, Brian W. Dickie, Keith Stuart Dickinson, Ivan G. Dickson, Lance Michael Dickson, Leonard W. Didur, Paul, Toronto, ON Diebel, David James Diefenbach, William Lawrence Diemert, Grant M., Owen Sound, ON 86 DiMaria, Charles F. Dionne, Louis Dissinger, Donald Herbert, Philadelphia, PA Djordjevic, Natasa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dobbs, Jeffrey Marvin Dodd, E. Lawrence, Toronto, ON Doerschlag, Christopher Kurt, Dublin, OH Doherty, Elizabeth A., Ottawa, ON Doiphode, Ravi Gajanan, Toronto, ON Dolan, Martin L. Dolan, Paul Edward, Ottawa, ON Dolovich, Pauline Ruth, Toronto, ON Dolyniuk, Tarisha Taralyn, Toronto, ON Domingos, Benny A., Toronto, ON Donaldson, Michael William, Calgary, AB Donkin, John H.E., Ottawa, ON Dorion, Martha A., Toronto, ON Dormer, David Patrick, Bolton, ON Dormody, Jesse David Dorris, John D., Milton, ON Dorsey, Douglas F., Mississauga, ON Douglass, Paul Anthony, Schumacher, ON Dow, David Dowling, Paul J., Cambridge, ON Downey, R. Bruce Downey, Stanford Paul, Toronto, ON Downing, Marcis Peter, Toronto, ON Dowsett, Paul G. Doyle, Gerrie Doyle, Philippe S. Dredge, Michele L. Dreessen, Toon Franciskus, Ottawa, ON Driscoll, Michael William Drolet, Georges, Montreal, QC Dron, Douglas E. Drvar, Bozidar John, Montreal, QC Du, Yun, Shenzhen, Guagdong Province, China du Toit, Roger Dubbeldam, Heather Dubicanac, Tom Dubuc, Michel, Montreal, QC Dudek, Annette Duffie, Daniel A. Dulatas, Avelino H., Iqaluit, NU Dunal, D’Arcy L., Toronto, ON Dunkley, Christopher Dunn, David M., Merrickville, ON Dunn, Gregory M. Duong, Tan Hoi, Toronto, ON Duranai-Khan, Ahmad-Shah, Mississauga, ON Dutra, Dino, Toronto, ON Dyck, Robert J., Kitchener, ON Dyke, Andrew Dykstra, Gregory J. Dzamba, Lubomir Dzikowska, Joanna Dzikowski, Marek A. Dziwinski, Christopher, Kanata, ON E Eames, J. Brian Earle, Stewart William, Toronto, ON Eastman, Mary-Jean, New York, NY Eastwood, Robert A. Eastwood, Timothy Edward, Toronto, ON Eaves, Richard O. Ebrahim, Aminmohamed S. PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Ebrahim, Moez Ecclestone, David Andrew Echols, Russell Mark Eckhardt, Cecily Beata Eckler, David M. Edelstein, Morry Edmundson, Basil J., Perth, ON Edwards, Dextor A., Masham, La Peche, QC Edwards, Perry John, Toronto, ON Efstathiou, George James Eichenberg, Lynne Elizabeth Eidelberg, Jackson M. Eistrat, Tarvo Einar, Toronto, ON El-Behairy, Mohsen El-Khatib, Tarek Elali, Mona, Toronto, ON Elbadawi, Mohammed Saleh Elder, Iris R. Elgie, Stuart Thomas William Ellingham, Ian Elliott, Craig R. Elliott, Jeffrey R., Stratford, ON Ellis, Charmian Deirdre Ellis, David W.P., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Elmes, Ian Richard Ely, Wanda Yin-Yien Embir, Ben Emmell, Jean H., Ottawa, ON Eng, Donna H.F. Eng, Mary Engel, Yair Enkemann Jr., John Edward, Detroit, MI Ensslen, Harald B. Epple, Steven Eric, Seattle, WA Eqbal, David, Aurora, ON Erez, Yechiel, Toronto, ON Erickson, Gary George, Toronto, ON Erskine, J. Gordon, Ottawa, ON Ervin, Natasha Lynne Esco, I. Laurie Escobar, Miguel Eskind, Steven M. Eslahjou, Babak, Toronto, ON Eslami, Mohammad Reza, Toronto, ON Esposti, Craig Esposto, Sam Mark Eustache, Maguy Evans, James R., North Bay, ON Evernham, Kevin Todd, Scottsdale, AZ F Fabiani, Fernando Fahn, Patrick, Toronto, ON Fair, Bruce L. Fairlie, Ian F. Falkner, Amy Alice Falsarella, Davis G., Toronto, ON Fanstone, Tim Fant, Nina Lilian Fantoni, Massimo A., Toronto, ON Fantuz, James Norman, Calgary, AB Faraj, Saad, Cambridge, ON Faraone, Maria, Oxford, Great Britain Faric, Michael A. Farrow, Deborah, Ottawa, ON Farrow, George B.P. Farrow, James W., Ottawa, ON Farrow, Tye Stuart Farrugia, John Joseph Patrick Farwell, Roger J. Favor, Daryl S Favot, Peter, Unionville, ON Favreau, Guy, Montreal, QC Fazel, Alireza, Thornhill, ON Featherstone, John Feikema, Jacob, Toronto, ON Fejer, Patrick Bela, Toronto, ON Fejes, George P. Felczynska-Bronny, Yolanta E. Feldman, Mark E., Markham, ON Feldmann, Adam Gregory Fellows, Tobias Edward, Ottawa, ON Fenech, Philip J. Feng, Xu Fennell, Roger E., South Porcupine, ON Fenner, Richard Fentiman, Frank Ferguson, Christopher Lawrence, Toronto, ON Ferguson, John A. Ferguson, Peter D., Kimberley, ON Ferguson, Sarah Elizabeth, Toronto, ON Ferkul, Jacqueline D. Ferkul, Robert F. Ferrara, Luigi Feuer, Andrew J., Toronto, ON Fichten, Jacob Fiett, Pawel, Ottawa, ON Filarski, Andrew, Toronto, ON Filippov, Lev Leonidovich Fillingham, Christopher T., Toronto, ON Finkle, Julie L. Finlayson, Mary Jane Finnamore, Stephen A. Finney, M. Bernard, Lindsay, ON Fischer, Karl Fish, David Henry Fitsialos, Sotere (Terry), Toronto, ON Fitz-James, Bronwyn Fleischer, Russell Fleming, Anne Marie, Toronto, ON Fleming, Derek Andrew, Vancouver, BC Florence, Kenneth E. Flynn, Jason Christopher Foder-Romanov, Anna-Maria Fok, Alex C. Fong, Steven T. Fong, Terry Tien, Toronto, ON Fong, Vanessa Syt Jing, Toronto, ON Foord, Terence, Port Hope, ON Footman, David Edward, Toronto, ON Fordyce, Kregg G., Toronto, ON Forest, Robert J. Foroutani, Sam, Mission Viejo, CA Forte, Michael Paul, Markham, ON Fortin, Jean-Francois, Montreal, QC Fouchard, Richard, Ottawa, ON Fougere, Ronald Gerard, St. John’s, NL Fournier, Alain, Montreal, QC Fox, Malcolm D. Francis, Jenny Yan Nei Frangiadis, Anthi Franke, Sandra Nicole Franke, Simone Franklin, Loretta Hazelton, Thornhill, ON Franklin, Mark A. Franko, Ivan Frankovich, John D. Franz, William Emil, Fort Worth, TX Franzoni, Mauro Fraser, Alan Peter Frederick, Jocelyn Lum, Cambridge, MA Freeman, Malcolm A. Freeman, Shawn, Toronto, ON Freethy, J. Reginald, Bowmanville, ON ARCHITECTS Frenette, Martin Frere, J. Marsh Friedman, George, Toronto, ON Friedrich, Susan, Toronto, ON Friesen, Deborah Friis, Catherine, Toronto, ON Fritz, Alvin Reinhard, Lethbridge, AB Frontini, Andrew Ivo Fry, John P. Fryett, James E., Elora, ON Fujiwara, David K. Fukushima, A. Ken Fukushima, Masaharu Fung, Arnold Wing-Kwong Fung, Carson Funk, Harold George, Winnipeg, MB G Gabiazon, Lucia Laila Cruz, Toronto, ON Gabor, Peter Norman Gabor, Peter A., Toronto, ON Gabriele, Costanzo M. Gacesa, Stevan, Dundas, ON Gadzovski, Toni, Whitby, ON Gagliardi, Ronald D. Gaines, Larry H., Almonte, ON Gaito, Daniel N.K., Toronto, ON Gaito, Lynn Giltrow Gaizutis, Edmund R. Gallant, Murray Gallant, Robert J., Toronto, ON Galvin, Matthew Leo, Toronto, ON Gamboa, Marie Jeanette De Leon Gancewski, Ryszard, Kitchener, ON Gandhi, Hitendra, Richmond Hill, ON Gane, Charles, Toronto, ON Garapich, Gerald, Henderson, NV Garbar, Alla Isaacovna, Richmond Hill, ON Garber, Steven J. Garde, Avinash Vishwanath, Toronto, ON Gardner, Patrick Michael, Las Vegas, NV Gardynik, Anthony A., Pembroke, ON Garofalo, Giancarlo, Toronto, ON Garrido, Catharine Gartner, Leslie Joseph Frederick, Atlanta, GA Garwood-Jones, T.P. Garz, Michael David Gates, Blandford G. Gatt, Christopher B. Gaudet, Walter Gilles, Toronto, ON Gawargy, Thao Phuong Gazic, Ivana Gazzola, Stephen A. Gedruj, Mel Gehry, Frank O. Geiger, Gilla Geldart, Douglas J. Georges, Karam George, Toronto, ON Germain, Marie-Pier Gerrard, William E., Toronto, ON Gerskup, Martin S., Maple, ON Gersovitz, Julia Ghahremani, Kay K. Ghandehari, Hoordad Ghanim, Zak Gharaei, Fatemeh Ghatalia, Girish Giannone, Ralph Gibson, Michelle L. Gilbert, Amanda Lee Gilbride, Kelly L. Gilchrist, David W. Giles, Douglas E. Gillanders, John G. Giller, Marvin Ginn, Katherine M., King City, ON Ginsberg, Stephen Giobbe, Dennis Rino, Toronto, ON Giovinazzo, Giorgio, Welland, ON Girard, Eric, Montreal, QC Giraudy, Cheryl C. Gittings, John D., St. Catharines, ON Gladstone, E. Sander, Toronto, ON Glassford, Mark W. Glauser, Kurt Glazer, Lawrence E. Glennie, Robert St. John, London, ON Glos, Jaroslav L. Glos, Randall M., Windsor, ON Glouberman, Norman Glover, Robert G. Gluck, Thomas, Toronto, ON Goad, James M. Goeller, Rainer Goetz, Vincent Allan Gogan, Paul Clark Gogluska, John W. Gokarn, Kamal R. Goldman, Barry Shawn Goldsmith, Philip M. Gomes, Lloyd Alex, Mississauga, ON Gonera, Katarzyna, Ottawa, ON Gontarz, Mariusz T., Toronto, ON Goodfellow, Philip Rowe Goodman, Dean, Toronto, ON Goodman, R. Craig, Toronto, ON Goodwin, James Robert Goodz, Murray, Montreal, QC Gorczynski, Voytec Gordon, Eva J. Gordon, Gregg, Peterborough, ON Gordon, Robert B.B. Gorka, Jacek A., Toronto, ON Gorley, Timothy B. Gortat, Andrzej M. Goswami, Bhargav, Houston, TX Goudarzi, Mehdi Gow, Valerie, Toronto, ON Gowing, Christopher Patrick, Vancouver, BC Gowing, Wesley Thomas, Orangeville, ON Goyeche, Robert C. Graca, Marcelo Jorge Gradon, Richard R. Graham, Colin E. Graham, Margaret Sarah Grant, Jean-Claude Grauman, Frank William, Philadelphia, PA Gray, Mark William Gray, Nathanael William, Toronto, ON Graziani, Berardo E. Greatrix, Mark John, Vancouver, BC Greco, Antonio Greco, Raffaele Frances, Fort Lauderdale, FL Green, A. Duncan Green, Geordon John, Toronto, ON Green, H. Bradford Green, Robert W. Greenan, John Paul Greene, Frank James, New York, NY Gregersen, D. Brian Gregg, William B. Gregoire, Denis, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Gregoire, Robert Gregory, Victoria E. Grenier, Paul Edward Grey, Heather Sumintra, Toronto, ON Grey, John Michael Ogilvie, Thornhill, ON Grey-Noble, Helen, Toronto, ON Grey-Noble, Norman E., Toronto, ON Grguric, John I. Grice, Gordon Stuart, Toronto, ON Griffin, Charles Howard, Houston, TX Grinham, Lloyd Alan, Guelph, ON Grob, Jean-Daniel, Gatineau, QC Groen, Jason-Emery, Kingston, ON Grolle, Kaj J.E., Nepean, ON Grossi, Jason Michael, Windsor, ON Grossman, Warren J. Grossmann, Robert T. Grotsky, Kenneth Mitchell Gruszecki, Lauren Gupta, Harish, Ottawa, ON Gustavson, John E. Guthrie, G. Randall Gutsell, Ronald C. Gwozdowski, John P. Gyemi, Anthony J. H Haar, Eric C. Haas, Anthony James, Houston, TX Haas, William L. Habash, Nasry Habel, Michael James, Cincinnati, OH Habib, Ahsanul, Thunder Bay, ON Hack, Ahmad El Shazar Hackett, John Haley, Gillian B. Hall, Christopher Hall, Daniel Hall, Daniel Charles Rupert Hall, G. Mitchell Hall, John Patrick Hall, Mark W. Hall, William J., Toronto, ON Halpern, M. Paul Hamacher, Janis Aileen Hamdy, Aly, Toronto, ON Hamilton, David A. Hamilton, Diana Lanczi Hamilton, Paula Louise, Puslinch, ON Hamilton, Peter W., Toronto, ON Hammond, Richard W. Han, Qing Min (Bruce) Handa, Takuma, Toronto, ON Handy, Edward P., Barrie, ON Hanganu, Dan Hanham, Ross Hannah, Dee Dee Taylor, Toronto, ON Hannay, Alison J. Licsik, London, ON Hanning, Jeffery D., Toronto, ON Hansen, Ariane D. Hanson, Heidi, Toronto, ON Hanson, Pat Hanzlik, Kurt Peter, Toronto, ON Hardie, Douglas Hargraves, Peter Edward Frank, Winnipeg, MB Hargreaves, James A. Harhay, John, Toronto, ON Hariri, Siamak, Toronto, ON Harmer, Brian Douglas Harms, Nathan Martin, Durham, NC Harper, Jonathan P. Harper, Troy Andrew Harris, Patrick C. Harris, Paul Elliott Harrison, Christopher Harrison, Janet Louise, Toronto, ON Harrison, Katherine Ann Hartley, Alan Thomas, Vancouver, BC Harvey, Clifford L. Harvey, Matthew T., Peterborough, ON Harvie, Duncan S., Toronto, ON Hassan, Drummond Hassanpour, Hossein, Toronto, ON Hastings, David W. Hastings, Paul Anthony, Oakville, ON Hastings, Philip J., Toronto, ON Hatton, Gordon C., Tokyo, 150-0012, Japan Hauser, Drew, Hamilton, ON Hawes, Jessica Stewart, Toronto, ON Hayward, Scott Craig, Ottawa, ON Hazell, Charles Headland, Louise Melissa Heaney, Jennifer Alane Heartwell, William F., Toronto, ON Heeringa, Gerald L., Stoney Creek, ON Heil, Gregory P., Southfield, MI Heilbrunn, Abraham Heinen, Joanne Louise Heinrichs, Victor J., Toronto, ON Henderson, Joy Kathleen Henriquez, Richard G., Vancouver, BC Henze, Jurgen H. Hercun, Edward Hermon, Catherine Hershfield, E. Ronald, Toronto, ON Hettinger, James L., Burlington, ON Hicks, Mark A. Hicks, William R. Hierlihy, Brian Higgins, Peter J., Toronto, ON Higgins, Spencer R., Toronto, ON Hilditch, Steven, Toronto, ON Hilgers, Lloyd A. Hill, Ian C., North Bay, ON Hill, Martin L., Seattle, WA Hill, Rosaline Judith, Ottawa, ON Hind, Mary Jo Hindi, Rashad, St. Catharines, ON Hinds, Bruce R., Toronto, ON Hitchcox, Stephen R. Hix, John R. Hlobil-Emmenegger, Peggy, Toronto, ON Hoang, Charlie Chuong Hobbs, Jon F. Hobin, Barry J., Ottawa, ON Hodgins, Geoff S. Hodgins, Robert Hodgson, Ernest H. Hoffmann, Alexis Maria Caja, Ottawa, ON Hogan, Brian T., Toronto, ON Hogeboom, Huxley Kenny, Toronto, ON Hollands, David R. Hollett, Philip James Holman, Nicholas Andrew, Stella, ON Hood, Darryl John, Ottawa, ON Hope, Edward Earl, Ottawa, ON Hopewell, Barbara Hopewell, Sarah Hopyan, Takvor, Toronto, ON Hoq, Md. Mominul Horber, Alexander A., Toronto, ON Horne-McQuay, Rhonda L., Kingston, ON Hossack, Peter S., Mississauga, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 87 ARCHITECTS Hotson, Norman Houghtling, Shawn Travis, Kinburn, ON Houghton, John C., Toronto, ON Howie, Trevor Allan Hrovat, John V. Hsueh, Daniel Cheung-Wah Hu, Latimer Huang, James Philip Huddleston, Amy Elizabeth, Perth, ON Hudson, William S.D., Toronto, ON Huether, Robyn Leigh Hugger, Eric J. Hugh, Errol, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hughes, Archie Hughes, Christopher Martin Hughes, Jonathan D., Metcalfe, ON Hughes, Mikaela J., Kingston, ON Hughes, Roger, Vancouver, BC Hughes, W. Paul Huhta, Jeffrey N.L. Hui, Cho Ya, Brampton, ON Hui, Desmond Cheuk-Kuen, Shatin, Hong Kong Hui, Leon, Thornhill, ON Huissoon, Marina S. Hulme, William D. Humphries, Allen N., Pickering, ON Hung, Jenny Ling-Chien Hung, Joseph Hunt, Lloyd J., Glen Huron, ON Hunter, Graham Philip Huot, Eric Hurley, Patricia Leonora, Montreal, QC Hurst, William H.D. Hussar, Paul S., Nepean, ON Hutchings, James Douglas, Winnipeg, MB Hutnik, Robert John, Seattle, WA Hyatt, Jennifer F. I Iafrate, Don Joseph Ibrahim, Hassan Mohamed Hassan, Oakville, ON Icke, Paul Idels, Richard, Thornhill, ON Ifrah, Sarah Hana Inglis Baron, Martin J. Ingrao, John A. Ionescu, Maria-Romeea Ionescu, Petre Cornel, Mississauga, ON Iori, Clelia Iozzo, Giuseppe Joe Ireland, James M. Irfan, Nadeem, Markham, ON Ironside, C. Neil, Toronto, ON Irwin, Stephen V. E. Isaac, Kenneth J. Isaias, Kleanthes, Oakville, ON Iser, Vinod S. Ishii, Margaret Yasuko Iskandar, Adel Isnar, S. T. Istrate, Manuela Ivanova, Bojana J Jacobs, Julian L. Jacobs, Sylvia Joanna Jae, Young-Joon, Toronto, ON Jaeger, Virginia Jaffary, Julian, Toronto, ON 88 Jain, Prishram Jakovic, Rajko James, Brock Winston James, Timothy R. Janikowski, Ava A. Janjusevic, Amra, Ancaster, ON Jansen, Wiepke D. Janssen, Dieter, Toronto, ON Janzen, Melana Leanne, Toronto, ON Jaques, Nadine M., Toronto, ON Jasinski, Jacqueline Irene, Winnipeg, MB Jauhari, Indera Prakash, Markham, ON Jaunkalns, Viktors, Toronto, ON Javidi, Nima Jefferies, David A. Jeffery, John Kerr Jeffrey, Steven J., Toronto, ON Jensen, Carsten S. Jensen, David Allen, Toronto, ON Jesson, David J. Jewitt, Brian J. Jin, Hui Jin, Kelly Yang, Toronto, ON Jin, Roslyn Deana Joannou, William, Toronto, ON Johnson, Barry R. Johnson, Daniel R., Toronto, ON Johnson, G. Patrick, Toronto, ON Johnston, David R.M., Unionville, ON Johnston, Donna M. Johnston, Mary Ellen Elaine, Ottawa, ON Johnston, Matthew, Ottawa, ON Johnston, Paul V. Johnston, Robert James Johnstone, Celia Anne, Toronto, ON Johnstone, Ross A., Toronto, ON Joiner, Tchad Ajay, Ottawa, ON Jokic, Nick Jones, Carolyn Monique, Ottawa, ON Jones, Jedd Jones, Michaela Margaret, Toronto, ON Jones, Phillip, Toronto, ON Jonker, Roland P. Juknevicius, Romualdas Julien, Marc, Montreal, QC Jung, Douglas, Kowloon, Hong Kong Jung, Onah, Toronto, ON Jung, Wilson, Toronto, ON Jurecka, Paul D. Jurewicz, Jerzy Jurkiewicz, Zbigniew K Kaartinen, Rolfe O. Kachmaryk, William, Windsor, ON Kaddoura, Mahmoud Salim Kaderali, A.R. Kafaei, Alireza, Toronto, ON Kahssay, Loulseged Tewolde Medhin, Toronto, ON Kalczak, Dana L. Kalmantis, Evangelo B., Windsor, ON Kaltsas, Christos D., Cornwall, ON Kaminsky, Sanford Kanerva, Seppo, Toronto, ON Kanetkar, Raminder, Guelph, ON Kangas, Kalevi K. Kapelos, George Thomas, Toronto, ON Kapkin, Gaye Kaplin, Richard Kapov, John, Toronto, ON Kaprielian, Laurence G., Toronto, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Kapsa, Jan, Cantley, QC Karadjova, Iana Gueorguieva, Toronto, ON Karp, Myron, Burlington, ON Karpinski, Daniel P., Toronto, ON Kashani, Hamid, Richmond Hill, ON Kashef, Mohamad H. Kasian, Don Kastelic, Simon Robert, Toronto, ON Katsios, Vasile, London, ON Katz, David A., Hudson, QC Katz, Milton Katz, Stephan P. Katzin, Harold J. Kawagishi, Kikuko, Toronto, ON Kayal, Hoda Wassef Kazanczuk, Izabela Kazemi, Sami Hassanen, Toronto, ON Kazerouni, Mansoor H. Kazmierczak, Agnieszka Maria Kearns, Jonathan M., Toronto, ON Keen, John Henry Kelaiditis, Theologos Kelebay, Rachael Kelly, Michael P. Kelman, Harold, Toronto, ON Kembel, Gary M., Yarker, ON Kembel, Heather Clark, Yarker, ON Kemp, Anthony L. Kendall, Geoffrey, Toronto, ON Kennedy, Kimberley Kennedy, Sheldon Craig, Toronto, ON Kerba, Sami K., Gatineau, QC Kerekes, Ladislau L.C.P., Toronto, ON Kerman Pour, Armiss Kershaw, Paul A. Keshiri, Charles Nader Khalaf, Saad Aziz, Windsor, ON Khalil, Hany Khosla, Ramesh Khouzam, Hadi R. Kihlanki, Unto A. Killin, Allan Kilpatrick, Joan F., Toronto, ON Kim, Edward S. Kim, Sylvia Kyu Yuen, Toronto, ON Kimpinski, Robert J., St. Catharines, ON Kinawi, Ashraf, Doha, Qatar Kindree, Peter J., Ottawa, ON King, Jonathan King, Montgomery Philip King, Stephen G. Kingsland, Colin J., Toronto, ON Kinney, James Michael Kinoshita, Gene Kirkland, Ellis Galea Kirkland, J. Michael Kirshenblatt, Steven Kitzul, Terra Lynn Kiung, Thomas Tsung Hong, Toronto, ON Klein, Joanna Colleen Klein, Leslie M. Kleinfeldt, Carol-Jane Klinck, T. Daniel Klufas, Orest A., Vancouver, BC Klym, Glen Rodney, Winnipeg, MB Knafo, Salvador Knapp, Melissa Julie Kneider, E. George, Toronto, ON Knezic, Tomislav Martin, Toronto, ON Knibb, John H. Knipfel, Carl A., Toronto, ON Knoll, Barry W. Knowles, J. Christopher, Toronto, ON Knox, John C., Hamilton, ON Ko, Simon Ko, Youngho Koch, Evelyn E. Koch, Jean-Christian, Montreal, QC Koffman, Leonard Kohlmeier, Blair P. Kohn, Harry Kohn, Martin L., Toronto, ON Kokosky, Christina Darea Kokot, Joseph, Brantford, ON Kolarov, Dimitre Simeonov, Toronto, ON Kolbasenko, Tomasz Krzysztof, Milton, ON Kolev, Rossen Lambov Kolis-Hupa, Barbara Kolt-Wagner, Lexi Jane, Lakefield, ON Kongats, Alar W., Toronto, ON Kordos, Andrea Dianne Korman, Clifford, Toronto, ON Koroluk, Kelly Dawn, Ottawa, ON Koropecky, Mark, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Korrick, Susan L. Kostantin, Joseph George, Toronto, ON Koszta, Waszyl Vitaliy Kotilainen, Antti, Toronto, ON Kotob, Basel, Safat, Kuwait Kotowycz, Ihor A. Kowalski, Richard J. Koyanagi, James J., Burlington, ON Kozlowski, Radek Kraincanic, Olivera Krakow, Debra, Wolfe Island, ON Krapez, Mark Kratky, Ladislav, Toronto, ON Krause, Hans D.E., Dubai, United Arab Emirates Krendler, Andrzej Krendler, Maria Krezel, Grazyna E. Kristof, Andrea M., Toronto, ON Krivosudsky, Matthew, Toronto, ON Krohn, William J. Kronby, Daniel Mark Kruck, Ken Krulac, Daniel Joseph Krykorka, Zuzanna Kuan, Eugene Kubaczkowski, Malgorzata Maja Kubanek, Ian Edward, Toronto, ON Kubbinga, Christopher, Toronto, ON Kuch, Walter E., Thunder Bay, ON Kucharczyk, Roman Wiktor Kuhn, Monica E., Toronto, ON Kuksis, Lauris Kumagai, Geoffrey Gordon Kumar, Shefali, Toronto, ON Kumaraswamy, Nitya Kung, Eric L.C., Toronto, ON Kuo, James Y. Kuo, Steve Shu-Yi Kurkjian, Peter Alexander Kurtin, Kathleen Margerat Kushnir, Bohdan, Toronto, ON Kusmider, Patrick J. Kuwabara, Bruce Kvedaras, Audrey J. Kwan, Philip Kwok, Francis U-Leung Kwok, Jason Weider Kwong, Nelson, Whitby, ON Kyle, Thomas G. ARCHITECTS L L’Ecuyer, Stephane, Laval, QC L’Heureux, Jean-Marie, Gatineau, QC La-Anyane, Seth K. Labelle, Gerald Laberge, Jeffrey, Sudbury, ON Lackovic, Alexander Mark Lacombe, Claude, Toronto, ON Lacoste, Robert Ladouceur, Priscilla Doreen, Oakville, ON Ladyk, Michael Bryan Lafond, Alain, Montreal, QC Lafreniere, Michael Alexander, Toronto, ON Lagerberg, Eric Stephen, Seattle, WA Lahey, Roderick Ian, Ottawa, ON Lai, Nelson C. Lai, Richard Warren Lai, Roger Chun Fai Lajeunesse, Patrick LaLande, Louise C., Ottawa, ON Lam, David Ping-Chuen Lam, Frank L. Lam, Kin Lik Lam, Suzette Lam, Ullman W.C. Lam, Victor, Toronto, ON Lamb, Gail E. Lamontagne, Mona N. Lander, Dwight D.M., Brantford, ON Landry, David E. Landry, Marcel, Gatineau, QC Landry, Norman Donald Lang, Douglas J. Lang, Jennifer Lang, Sarah Langelaan, Ir. J. Willem R. Langlois, Michel Gilles, Montreal, QC Langridge, Mark A. Lapalme, Mathieu, Gatineau, QC LaPierre, Robert Lapointe, Francis Larden, Allan E. LaRocca, Luigi Larocque, Jean P., North Bay, ON Laszlo, Drew Latimer, Gregory Latto, Jeff A., Toronto, ON Lau, Charles Lau, John Shuki, Markham, ON Laurin, Line, St. Bruno, QC Lausch, Linda Lauzon, David B. Lavender, David, Marine City, MI Laverty, Thomas G. Lavoie, Claire, Toronto, ON Lavrisa, Marko Timotej, Toronto, ON Lawal, Mohammed, Minneapolis, MN Lawrence, Douglas S. Lawrence, Shawn J., Nepean, ON Lawrie, Malcolm V. Lawson, Ann Lawson, David I. Lay, Harry M. Lazzari, James Ronald, Cincinnati, OH Le, Mai Thi Hien Le, Trung Van Le Quang, Anh, Montreal, QC Leahy, Stephen P. Leaning, Anthony V. Leaning, Kristina Hagberg, Ottawa, ON LeBlanc, Maurice Robert, Markham, ON LeBlond, Edward Thomas, Winnipeg, MB Lee, Brenda, Toronto, ON Lee, Brian F., Toronto, ON Lee, Carson Lee, Cheol Yong, Toronto, ON Lee, David R., Toronto, ON Lee, Gary H. Lee, Hank Hsin Han, Mississauga, ON Lee, Howard C.H. Lee, Timothy Edwin Lee, Yuk-Cheung, Ottawa, ON Lefebvre, Robert G. Legault, Olivier Leggett, Christopher A. Lella, Matthew C. Lemay, Alain Lemay, Louis-T. Lendvay, Istvan, Toronto, ON Leong, Tina Mun Yin Leong, Yew-Thong Leong-Poi, Jeffrey Mark, Mississauga, ON Lepage, Denise Marie, Ottawa, ON LeRiche, Janouque Marieve Lerinman, Alexey Lesdow, Peter J., Niagara Falls, ON Leshchyshyn, Jurij Letki, Aaron Lawrence, Toronto, ON LeTourneux, Jean-Pierre, Montreal, QC Lett, William P. Lett Jr., William Pittman Leung, Alex Leung, Francis W.C. Leung, Thomas Hugh, Ottawa, ON Levine, Jay H., Toronto, ON Levitt, Clive S., Toronto, ON Levitt, Janna, Toronto, ON Levitt, Sheldon J., Toronto, ON Levy, David Allen, Akron, OH Levy, Heeny A. Lew, James H., Thornhill, ON Lewin, Susan Spencer Li, Ho Kin Li, Xiao Hua Li, Yisen, Toronto, ON Li, Yue Liaghat, Aphrodite Liang, Alice Y. Liang, Carson Liang, Perry, Toronto, ON Librach, Richard Jeffrey, Toronto, ON Lichtblau, Gary Sandor, Toronto, ON Liebe, Janice L., Calgary, AB Lieberman, David J. Liefhebber, Martin, Toronto, ON Liegghio, Bruno Bernard Liff, Joseph, Ottawa, ON Lillakas, Allan E. Lillepold, Marty Lim, Wesley K., Toronto, ON Lin, Doreen Dung-Yuen Lin, Leo H. Lindsey, Mark Shaw, Richmond, VA Lindy, Steven C., Toronto, ON Ling, Daniel H.T. Linley, Rick J., Winnipeg, MB Linneman, Manfred Lintack, Richard F. Lipinski, Andrzej K., Markham, ON Lipowiec-Kepka, Maria, Gatineau, QC Lippa, Dominic A. Lismer, John Joseph Lisowski, Gerald, Sudbury, ON Litovitz, Allan D. Littlewood, Alan Littlewood, Gail Liu, Robert Jen-Lung Livingstone, Ambrose Cameron Llanos, Ana Maria Llewellin, Thomas Picton Lloyd, Nathaniel Laidlaw, Zurich, Switzerland Lloyd-Jones, Peter, Toronto, ON Lo, Lowell O.H., Thornhill, ON Lobb, Bill D., Toronto, ON Lobban, Malcolm S. Lobko, Joe, Toronto, ON Locati, Jerry Dean, Bozeman, MT Lodge, Brian C. Loffler, Keith, Toronto, ON Loh, Joseph C. Lokk, Linda K. Lomonaco, Joseph J. Long, Wayne L. Lopez Forte, Gabriela, Markham, ON Lopreiato, Giovanni Loreto, Lori Loreto, Paul Francis, London, ON Lorimer, Gordon E., Ottawa, ON Lortie, Louis V., Cumberland, ON Losner, Vladimir Lostracco, Mimmo A., Hamilton, ON Losurdo, Nicola Lotfy, Hady Loucks, Donald J., Toronto, ON Louie, Benjamin Yao Bing, Edmonton, AB Lowry, Henry B. Lu, Hongbo, Beijing 100022, China Lubelski, Leon Lucas, Victoria Susan Luciw, Michael A., Sudbury, ON Luckie, Patrick Markus, Mississauga, ON Lue Tam, Anthony Luey, Brian D., Oakville, ON Luhar, Nilesh Chunilal, Mississauga, ON Luk, Wing Chi Christina, Shanghai, China Lukatela, Alka Lukjaniec, Joseph, Toronto, ON Lundholm, Michael E. Lupien, Ryan Jason Lus, Delis, Richmond Hill, ON Lyle, Christopher Michael Lynch Comisso, Mary Ellen, Toronto, ON M Maalouf, Nicolas Macdonald, Donald E., Ottawa, ON MacDonald, Ian D., Toronto, ON Macdonald, James W., Toronto, ON Macdonald, Jeffrey B., Toronto, ON MacDonald, John H. MacEachern, Grant MacEwen, Eric St. Clair, Ottawa, ON MacEwen, Nancy Ruth MacGillivray, Geoffrey D. Mack, Warren R. MacKay, Daniel A., Markham, ON Mackay-Lyons, Brian, Halifax, NS MacKenzie, Daniel MacKenzie, Robert B. Mackey, Aloysius T. Mackowiak, Greg MacLellan, Damian MacMillan, Rooth MacNeill, Bruce C. MacPhadyen, Murdoch A., Ottawa, ON MacPhail, Paul, Georgetown, ON MacSporran, Kenneth, Toronto, ON Madan, Om Prakash, Ottawa, ON Madeira, Anna Christine Madunic, Zarko, Toronto, ON Maguire, E. Alan Mahoney, Anne Mailing, David M., Ottawa (Stittsville), ON Majeed, Matt Emad Majer, Eric Robert Mak, Stephen Makauskas, Edward, Toronto, ON Maki, Haytham Maklenovic-Al-Hamadani, Vesna, Toronto, ON Makow, Stan P., Toronto, ON Makrimichalos, Leo, Toronto, ON Malcolm, Ian S. Malek, Lawrence H. Malekian, Sergio S., Toronto, ON Malhotra, Deshpal S., London, ON Malhotra, Nitin Malisani, Jorge Alberto, Ottawa, ON Mallard, Jennifer Malloy, Robert John, Kingston, ON Maloney, Corinne Clare, Guelph, ON Mamfredis, Vouli Spyridoula, Montreal, QC Mancini, Anthony E. Mancini, Antonio, Orangeville, ON Mandel, Drew Antony, Toronto, ON Manfredi, David Peter Mangat, Raj S. Maniates, D. Mann, Eric Latimer, Toronto, ON Mann, Richard, Oakville, ON Mann, Stephen, Toronto, ON Mansfield, Peter Manteghi, Foulad, Oakville, ON Mantzoris, Michael, Toronto, ON Manuel, Kevin G., Toronto, ON Mar, J. Ronald Maragna, Rocco, Toronto, ON Marando, Carmine Marcantonio, Luigi J., St.Catharines, ON March, R. Bruce Marchand, Alain-Serge Marchand, Michel, Embrun, ON Marchese, Ines Mardirossian, Haroutiun Harry, Toronto, ON Marjara, Amita, Oakville, ON Mark, Robert Marklevitz, Terry C., Stratford, ON Markson, Jerome Marler, Karen, Vancouver, BC Marques, Paul Marriott, Edward James, Halifax, NS Marsh, Anthony E. Marshall, William H., Calgary, AB Martel, Denise Martel, Paul G., Toronto, ON Martignago, Maurizio S., Ottawa, ON Martin, Barry H., Timmins, ON Martin, James M. Martin, Jason Andrew, Kitchener, ON Martin, Kristine L., Toronto, ON Martin, Robert Philip Hugh Martin, Thomas E., Toronto, ON Martineau, Paul Martino, Terence J. Martinovic, Ivan, Toronto, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 89 ARCHITECTS Martins, Paulo, Toronto, ON Martire, Francesco Eraldo Martynowicz, Mark, Hamilton, ON Martyshuk, Gordon Edward Marzotto, Thomas, Toronto, ON Masri, Reema Mast, Kevin Master, Mustafa, Toronto, ON Masters, Raymond Materne, Hagen Hans Matson, Seth N. Matthews, Robert C. Mauti, Brent Jerome, Woodbridge, ON Mauti, Ron, Woodbridge, ON Mawdsley, Stephen J., London, ON May, Lawrence F. Mazzitelli, Joseph McAlister, Daniel F., Toronto, ON McAlpine, Andrew L., Toronto, ON McAlpine, John William McAuley, J. David McAuley, Maureen McBirnie, James B. McBurney, A. Mark, Toronto, ON McCall, Michael John, San Francisco, CA McCallum, Joanne, Hamilton, ON McCann, Bruce D. McCann, Douglas C., Toronto, ON McCarthy, Jeffrey J. McCartney, Shelagh Christine, Toronto, ON McClelland, Michael, Toronto, ON McCluskey, Kevin R., Mississauga, ON McCluskie, Gary C. McConnell, David, Unionville, ON McConnell, Doug McCormack, Christopher, Toronto, ON McCormick, Gary Lee, Winnipeg, MB McCrea, Robert J., Toronto, ON McCreery, William J. McCullam, James Andrew McCulloch, Brian McDonald, Colin Darcy, Windsor, ON McDonald, Neil J., Oakville, ON McDonald, Reginald Michael, Vancouver, BC McEwen Lachance, Dominique McFarlane, Alan Brechin McFarquhar, Barry C., Toronto, ON McGillivray, Ian G. McGookin, Joyce Margaret McGowan, Michael James McGowan, Terence J. McGrath, Frank G. McGugan, Louise A. McGuigan, Paul W., Mississauga, ON McGuigan, Sheila, Toronto, ON McIlmurray, Kevin J. McIntosh, Paul E., Toronto, ON McIntyre, Jason William McKee, Steven W. McKendrick, Lara J., Ottawa, ON McKenna, Marianne P. McKenzie, Sharon, Toronto, ON McKerroll, Steven E., Orillia, ON McKnight, Michael William, Barrie, ON McLaren, Peter D. McLean, Barbara Marie McLean, Gregory M., Windsor, ON McLean, Michael James, London, ON McMahon, Catherine Christina McMahon, William P., St. Louis, MO McMillan, Peter 90 McMonigal, Rosemary Anne, Minneapolis, MN McNeil, Daniel B. McRobie, David S. McSweeny, Shawn, Toronto, ON Medek, Liza Mee, Brian William Meffe, Domenic A., Toronto, ON Mei, Frank Yi Mekinda, Mel M., Toronto, ON Melamed, Morris, Ottawa, ON Melillo, Bruno Paul, Toronto, ON Meng, George Z.Y., Brampton, ON Menzel, William O., Goderich, ON Meogrossi, Gianni Mercure, Christine Merkley, John K., Toronto, ON Merrill, Richard F., Toronto, ON Mertins, Heinz W., Toronto, ON Mesbur, David K. Meschino, Glen, Toronto, ON Metherell, Philip C., Burlington, ON Metwally, Sherif Metzger, George R. Mezzomo, Gordon A., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Miatello, Sara Michasiw, Mark Michaud, Viateur Mieles, Leo Mielnik-Vogel, Barbara Migon, Danuta M. Milchberg, Anne Milcic, Josip, Mississauga, ON Milenov, Aleksandar, Toronto, ON Miller, Geoffrey Frank Miller, J. David Miller, Michael C., Toronto, ON Miller, Stuart D. Mills, Christie Frances Mills, David A.G., Oshawa, ON Milne, Patricia L. Milne, Ronald J. Milosevic, Goran A. Min, Young-Suh Miner, David E. Miners, Robert Cameron, Montreal, QC Miologos, John, Dublin, OH Mirynech, Michael R., St. Catharines, ON Miskucza, Kori Steven, Mississauga, ON Miszkiel, Barbara T. Mitchell, David G., Toronto, ON Mitchell, Paul William, North Bay, ON Mitchell, Robert G. Mitchell, Steven R. Mitchell, William H. Mitta, Aamer Daniel Mitterhuber, Michael A., Burlington, ON Mladenov, Branko, Richmond Hill, ON Mocellin, Riccardo G. Moeller, Brian Douglas Moffat, Donald O. Moffat, Walter Mohacsi, Laszlo Andras, Ottawa, ON Mohammadi, Abdolazim, Toronto, ON Mohan, D. Leslie Mohebbi, Mohammad, Toronto, ON Mohelsky, Michael Moise, Christopher Darcy, Napean, ON Mok, Kenneth T.K., Hong Kong, China Mokrycke, John, Hamilton, ON Molyneux, David J., Toronto, ON Moncarz, Rochelle Marnaux PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Monette, Guy Georges Joseph, Ottawa, ON Monk, Susan Lori Montenegrino, Angelo Montgomery, Chris A., Toronto, ON Montgomery, Terry Montpetit, Thierry Alexandre, Ottawa, ON Moore, David P. Moore, Madeleine Moore, Thomas K., Toronto, ON Moore, Timothy J., Port Perry, ON Moorhouse, Richard A., Toronto, ON Mora Izturriaga, Ruth Alejandra Moran, Royden E. Morden, Grant Leighton, Ottawa, ON Morettin, Diego Morfitt, Neil Andrew Morgan, Jason Peter Morgan, Sam, Maple, ON Moriyama, Ajon K. Moriyama, Jason Moro, Joseph M., Toronto, ON Morris, Gerald Morrison, Andrew Morrison, Richard H., London, ON Morrison, Robin I. Morson, Ivan Mortsch, Alan H., Toronto, ON Moscati, Matthew Peter Moses, John D., Oshawa, ON Moskaliuk, Wiktor Moss, Carolyn, Toronto, ON Moss, Rosanne Motamed, Ahmad, Toronto, ON Motamed, Fariba, Toronto, ON Motamedi, Farid Moxam, Michael A. Moy, Peter R. Mueller, Brady Robert Mueller, Michael, Toronto, ON Muffitt, Andrew Charles, Toronto, ON Muhlfelder, Lewis, Boston, MA Mulalu, Judah Michael Muller, W. Michael, Toronto, ON Mumme, John Mungall, David R. Munn, L. Alan Munro, Neil A. Munteanu, Dan Serban, Toronto, ON Murfitt, Graham R., Ottawa, ON Murphy, A. Robert, Toronto, ON Murphy, Colm P. Murphy, David Ronald, London, ON Murray, David B. Murray, R.W., Niagara Falls, ON Murray, Sarah Jane, Ottawa, ON Muscovitch, Arthur Mussells, Stuart Lyman, Toronto, ON Mychajlowycz, Roman Myers, Richard Ari Myska, Paul G. N Nalezyty, Reginald L. Namisniak, Stephan, Brantford, ON Nankivell, William P. Nash, Diarmuid Michael Nasmith, Catherine E. Natale, Gino, Vaughan, ON Natale, Nolan A., Toronto, ON Nawaz, Tanwir, Ottawa, ON Nawrocki, Mark, Toronto, ON Naylor, Christopher, Markham, ON Neidrauer, Lisa Michelle Nejmark, Josef Nelson, David E., Kenora, ON Nemeth, Laszlo I. Nemeth, Ronald William, Toronto, ON Nessiem, Samer Fouad Iskandar, Hamilton, ON Nestico, Saverio, Concord, ON Nestor, Miro J. Netkin, Bradley S. Neuert, Jon W., Toronto, ON Neumann, Manfred R., Burlington, ON Neumayer, Linda Newby, Derek Noel Newman, Elie Newsome, Craig A., Brantford, ON Ng, Anthony, Toronto, ON Ng, Brigitte Wai Yee Ng, Dennis Wai-Hung Ng, Jeanne Kar Yee Ng, Peter H. Ng, Ricman Kwok Ming, Kowloon, Hong Kong Ng, Robin K.F. Ng, Simon H.K. Ng, Stephen Tin Tat Nicholson, John R., London, ON Nicoll, Gayle L., Toronto, ON Nicolucci, Edward Horatio Nizielski, Andrew J. Niznik, Pawel Noble, Janet Nocon, Elizabeth S. Nogas, Michael George, Burlington, ON Nokes, Christopher Nonis, Steven Daniel Norbraten, Garth Norman, Eric M., Vancouver, BC Northcote, David Henry Northcott, Robert Kenneth, Toronto, ON Northgrave, Paul H., Toronto, ON Nowacki, Ryszard Nudell, J. Howard, Farmington Hills, MI Nyman, Lind S. O O’Connor, John D., Toronto, ON O’Neill, Brian O’Neill Cole, Kathleen, Ottawa, ON O’Reilly, Christopher Patrick O’Reilly, Sean Patrick, Lisle, ON O’Shaughnessy, Maureen O’Sheehan, David O’Sullivan, Philip Peter Oberst, Paul Durfee, Toronto, ON Obuchowicz, Helen Ocampo, Norman L, Niagara Falls, ON Odorico, Carlo Odorico, Renzo Ohi, Elisabeth Ruth Okum, Linda Patricia Oleson, David W. Oliveira, Nelson Oliver, Donald K. Oliver, Douglas Robert, Paris, ON Olson, Wayne G. Ong, Tommy Cheng Hock, Markham, ON Op’t Root, Hendrik Oprise, Sergiu Grigore Orlikow, James Gordon, Winnipeg, MB Orlowska-Jurewicz, Zofia, Ottawa, ON Orr, Ralph E. ARCHITECTS Ortiz, Arnold Orton, Alan Edward Ortved, Peter C. Osborne, Diana L. Osburn, F. John, North Bay, ON Ospalak, David, Toronto, ON Ottenbreit, Barrie J. Ouellette, Kevin P., Mississauga, ON Outhet, Rickson M. Owen, Graham W. P Pace, Thom Padolsky, Barry Leonard Pahlawan, Fadia, Woodbridge, ON Pala, Victor Peter, Hamilton, ON Pan, Hui-Wen Panici, Frank Panici, Venerino Paoli, Pier Paolone, Walter P. Papadopoulos, Georges C., Toronto, ON Papatheodorou, Dimitri, Toronto, ON Pape, Gordon M. Papetti, Deni Paquette, Deo M. Paquette, J. Albert D. Parakh, James Nash Parent, J.C. Daniel, Waterloo, ON Park, Frank H.Y. Park, Kenneth Parker, David T., St. Catharines, ON Parker, Leslie Ann, Toronto, ON Parrish, David R., Paris, ON Parson, Wayne J., Brampton, ON Pascaris, Peter, Toronto, ON Pask, Gary, Toronto, ON Pasqualino, Antonio Cosimo Passa, Joseph M.T. Pastor, Peter H., Toronto, ON Pastore, Franco, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Patel, Dipesh Patel, Pankaj Patkar, K.S., Toronto, ON Patterson, Gregory D. Patteson, W. Mark Patton, Ernest A. Paul, Kamal, Oakville, ON Paul, Sidney B., Toronto, ON Paulus, Stanley Pavan, Roger A., Markham, ON Pavliuc, Vladislav Payne, Thomas C. Pearce, David M.J., Mississauga, ON Pearce, Sarah M. Pearson, Anthony B. Pearson, Christine Peat, Owen D. Pedrosa, Joseph P., Ottawa, ON Pelletier, Francis Pellow, Harry A. Peltekoff, Peter E., Markham, ON Penny, Sheila I. Pepper, John E. Percival, Ann M., Toronto, ON Percival, David Perigny, Michele, MIssissauga, ON Perkins, L. Bradford, New York, NY Perrotte, Andre Perruccio, Annamaria Perry, Christopher J. Perry, Jeffrey G. Pesner, Mark Lawrence Petch, Whitford A., Toronto, ON Peters, David B. Peters, Jerald David, Winnipeg, MB Peterson, David Anand, Toronto, ON Petre, Virgiliu Pettes, Michael Pezoulas, Georgia Pfeffer, James William, Toronto, ON Phelps, George R. Philippe, Jason Nolan, Toronto, ON Phillips, Adrian Phillips, Carol Susan Phillips, Diane E., Ottawa, ON Phillips, Jerry Jais Phillips, Stephen W.K., Toronto, ON Piazza, Philip J. F., Ottawa, ON Piccini, C.L. Reno, Port Hope, ON Piccini, Greg, Vancouver, BC Piccolo, Adriano Nicodemo Pickard, J. Christopher Pienkowska-Roseman, Honorata P. Pietrzakowski, Henry A., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Pile, Stephen R. Pillon, Renzo A. Pilon, Gerald P., Barrie, ON Pilon, Lynn, Santa Monica, CA Pimentel, Pedro Piotrowski, Glenn, Oakville, ON Piraino, Michael D., Sundridge, ON Piskovic, Michael J., Burlington, ON Pitropov, James, Huntsville, ON Pitsas, Michael Pitts, Francis Murdock, Troy, NY Pivetta, Paolo Piwowar, Patricia Jo Pizzicarola, Jason, Ridgeway, ON Plavsa, Marko Ploeger, Steven R. Podgorski, Malgorzata Podreciks, Robert E. Poitras, Michael Poizner, Martin M., Toronto, ON Poletti, Deni, Toronto, ON Poletti, Endri, London, ON Pollard, Douglas B. Pollard, R. T., Wallaceburg, ON Pollit, Alan D. Polo, Marco L., Toronto, ON Poloway, David S. Polsinelli, Ciro Pomeroy, Leslie David, Granton, ON Pomeroy, Scott Pontarini, David, Toronto, ON Pope, Jeremy David Pope, Stephen F., Ottawa, ON Poplak, Percy, Toronto, ON Popovic, Vladimir Aleksandar, Ottawa, ON Popper, George M. Portelli, Frank Joseph Porter, Brian K., Ohsweken, ON Posen, Simeon Possamai, Ranieri Poste, Gregory Ray, Kitchener, ON Postepski, Tomasz J., Vaughan, ON Potter, Frederic Mark, Toronto, ON Potter, John Craig, Toronto, ON Poulin, Patricia Poulin, Roger F., Selangor, Malaysia Pounder, James D., St. Catharines, ON Powe, Gregory G., Washington, DC Prabhu, Neal Sanje, Toronto, ON Pradhan, Arun Wamanrao, Toronto, ON Prange, William Norman Premi, David J. Pretotto, Christopher Clarke Propst, Stephen, Toronto, ON Provencher, Claude Provenzano, Anthony, Toronto, ON Puccetti, Maia Clara, Toronto, ON Pugliese, Gianpiero Antonio, Toronto, ON Pyon, Dennis Q Qiu, Wendy Xiuwen Quance, Mary Anne Quesnel, Zenis A. Quinn, Kathryn Joan Quirion, Georges R., Timmins, ON Quiterio, Paul R Rabaglino, Claudio Raber, Bruce, Vancouver, BC Rabnett, Colin Rachlin, Laura G., Toronto, ON Racine, Sebastien Radeff, Constantine N., Toronto, ON Radley, Adina S. Radojewski, Marek J., Hamilton, ON Radulescu, Gabriela Radulovic, Aleksandar, Winnipeg, MB Rae, Allan D. Raff, Paul L. Ragotte, Stacey A., Toronto, ON Rahbary, Farhad Rahman, Farah D. Raimondo, Emilio, St. Catharines, ON Rajora, Nitasha Rajotte, Joseph-Benoit-Pierre, Toronto, ON Rampton, Richard Glenn William, Oxford Station, ON Rancier, Douglas M. Rania, Samir, Ottawa, ON Ranieri-D’Ovidio, Tina, Toronto, ON Rank, Melanie L. Rankin, Alexander J. Rankin, Gail Rankis, Peter, Toronto, ON Rao, Guy (Gaetano) Rao, Liming, Mississauga, ON Rao Smirnis, Malini Rapoport, Lisa Raspin, Gregory Patrick Rassaf, Mehdi Rassenti, Nicholas Ravens, Jan H., Richmond Hill, ON Ravinsky, Manuel Rawson, Kent, Orangeville, ON Rayman, Toby, Toronto, ON Raymond, Stephane Robert Rebanks, Alexander Basil Redden, Greg A. Reeves, Andrew Derek, Toronto, ON Regehr, Hanna E. Regier, Ferdinand Reich, Anthony J., Toronto, ON Reich, Sheldon M. Reichard, Richard A., Waterloo, ON Reid, Colleen M. Reid, Lindsay Catherine Reimers, Robert G., Toronto, ON Reist, Brent Renaud, Manon Rendely, Cindy Sharon, Toronto, ON Reszetnik, Sigmund D.F. Rethman, Donald J. Reuber, Paul David, Toronto, ON Reuter, Gregory Tyson, Toronto, ON Rheault, Linda Rhee, Jacqueline J. Riback, Haim, Thornhill, ON Ricci, A. Gus, Oakville, ON Rich, David C. Richardson, Andrea G. Richter, Alexander Charles Richter, Anna Rico, Gaetano Nino Rideout, Howard Ridgely, Gordon S., Toronto, ON Ridgway, Peter M., Vancouver, BC Rieder, Joel, Brampton, ON Ries, Steven, London, ON Riese, Martin P. Rioux, Denis G. Ripley, Colin S., Toronto, ON Ritchie, Eric J., Ottawa, ON Ritz, Robert J. Riva, Marc J. Rizkalla, Hany Habib, Brooklyn, NY Rizzardo, Roger Roach, Daniel Shea, Salem, OR Robertson, Danica Joanne Robertson, Grant Robertson, Gregory M. Robertson, Laird A., Kitchener, ON Robertson, Stephen N., Ottawa, ON Robinson, Blair Robinson, Brent M. Robinson, G. Grant Robinson, Gordon B. Robinson, Scott William, Toronto, ON Robinson, Steven, Toronto, ON Robinson, Terrence M. Robulack, John R. Rocchi, Melissa Maria Grace Roche, Geoffrey David Rodgers, John Scott Roebuck, I. Hillel Roehling, Carl David, Detroit, MI Rofael, Medhat Maher Soliman Roll, Shirley Rom Colthoff, Roland Roman, Predrag K., Toronto, ON Romanese, Leonardo Romanin, Randall L. Romanov, John F. Rommel, Timothy M. Rosberg, Wayne Olaf, Toronto, ON Rose, Lorne H. Rosen, Sheldon D. Rosier, William E. Ross, Barbara M. Ross, Duncan D.A., Huntsville, ON Ross, Kenneth Leo, Houston, TX Rossini, Giovanni A. Rostum, N. Eldin, Markham, ON Roth, Paul W. Rothnie, Stuart Norman, Vancouver, BC Rotman, Kalman Stephen, Montreal, QC Round, Anthony William Routhier, Nathalie Rowbotham, Rod L., Vaughan, ON Rowse, Edwin J., Toronto, ON Roy, Julie Roy, Marie-Andree Roychaudhuri, Desmond, Brampton, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 91 ARCHITECTS Roze, Antra K. Rozkowski, Marek Rubarth, Hans G., Ottawa, ON Rubin, Richard Henry, Montreal, QC Rudy, Brian George, Toronto, ON Rughani, Neel Ruiz, Steven H. Ruptash, Susan M., Toronto, ON Russell, A.J., Dunrobin, ON Russell, Clive Russell, Edward D. Russell, Trevor Humbert, Markham, ON Rust, Juergen H. Ruth, McMichael Gordon Ruth, William A. Rutledge, John Andrew, Goderich, ON Ryan, Brenda May, Parry Sound, ON Ryan, G. Duff, Richmond Hill, ON Rylett, Douglas B. Rzeszowski, Wojciech R., Winnipeg, MB S Sa’d, James Lewis Saatgian, Ligia Saavedra, Patrick, Reston, VA Saccoccio, Dana M. Sadeghi, Amirreza, Iqualuit, NU Sadeq, Sadeq Mohamed, Toronto, ON Sadrudin, Samir Safdie, Moshe Sahid, Bill, Oakville, ON Saif, Samy Saleff, Ivan, Toronto, ON Salgado, Claudia Lorena Salis, Sam, Toronto, ON Sampson, Barry W., Toronto, ON Sampson, Peter John, Winnipeg, MB Sampson, Robert Samuel, Shahnaz, Mississauga, ON Sanborn, T. Maureen Sandhu, Bob Mindara Sandori, Paul, Toronto, ON Sane, Arun, Toronto, ON Sangill, Stephen C. Sanjari, Sassan Santamaura, Vincent J., Whitby, ON Santini, Antonio Santini, Denise Angela Santon, Claudio Sanz-Sole, Judith, Toronto, ON Saplys, Linas Bronius, Oakville, ON Sapounzi, Paul John, Brantford, ON Saragosa, Diana Sardinha, Hermano, Kingston, ON Sarin, Vimal Sather, Gregory W. Saucier, Gilles Sauvageau, Claude Sauve, Annie-Claude Manon, Ottawa, ON Savignac Duhaime, Julie Manon Savoia, Carlo P., Mississauga, ON Savu, Gabriela Sawchuk, Oryst Harry, Sudbury, ON Sbrissa, Ovidio, Ottawa, ON Schefter, Henry Schlaepfer, Matthias Schloessin, Thomas P. Schlyter, Kevin B. Schmidt, Andrew Michael Schmidt-Shoukri, Jason Schmitt, Donald R.M. Schmitt, Robert Christian, Charleston, SC 92 Schreckenberger, Charles Louis, Akron, OH Schriever, Fred, Ottawa, ON Schultz, Benjamin Schwenger, Charles R. Scoler, Marcus, Toronto, ON Scolozzi, Francesco Scorgie, Russell J., London, ON Scott, David C. Scott, Deborah B. Scott, Donald F. Scott, Nigel P., St. Catharines, ON Scott, Timothy J., Toronto, ON Scott, William A., Timmins, ON Secker, Charles Robert Sederavicius, Shirley Sederavicius, V. George Sedun, Leonard, Toronto, ON Segarra, Robert Seguin, Joseph Denis Seguin, Pierre-Yves Serafini, Francesco Serbyn, Andrij, Montreal, QC Serino, Sean Michael Serlin, Kalina Sestic, Steve Srecko Seto, Ida Sgro, Nick C., Toronto, ON Shabsove, Maxine Shah, Mahendra N., Thornhill, ON Shahinian, A. Nanette, Toronto, ON Shakespear Miles, Michael Shami, Manouchehr Shantz, R. Cameron Sharma, C.P., Ottawa, ON Sharp, Sheena, Toronto, ON Shaw, Bryan J. Shaw, Richard Henry Shaw, Wendy Sheffield, James Irwin, London, ON Shen, Edward, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Shepherd, Christopher R., Toronto, ON Shepherd, Ted, Toronto, ON Sheps, David G. Sherman, Andre, Toronto, ON Sherman, Elliot W. Sherman, Laurence C., Toronto, ON Shieh, Shuh-Ron, Toronto, ON Shields, Paul A. Shields, Richard W. Shigetomi, Brian Isamu Shih, Heman, Richmond Hill, ON Shim, Brigitte Shnier, John C., Toronto, ON Shoalts, Gerald L. Shoom, Martin Shooner, Anik, Montreal, QC Shore, H. Edward Shremshock, Gerald Stephen, Westerville, OH Shrestha, Bijaya B. Shu, Wilson Y.L., Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Shunick, Gregory Andrew, New York, NY Shuster, Matthew E., Toronto, ON Shwartz, Avshalom, Richmond Hill, ON Siber, Birgit Sickle, Brian Sievenpiper, J.E., Toronto, ON Silbert, Marc M. Silva, Veronica E., Ottawa, ON Simister, Peter A. Simmonds, Christopher M. Simmons, Patrick R., Kitchener, ON Simon, Charles H., Eden Mills, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Simpson, David Sims, Clare Isabel, Toronto, ON Sims, Robert A. Sin, Bernard Sin, David C. K., Toronto, ON Sinclair, Andrew Donald, Toronto, ON Siotor, Igor G. Sisam, David Sisam, Elizabeth Siu, Tung-Chau Andrew, Toronto, ON Skene, Angus Skikiewicz, Richard, Toronto, ON Skinner, Bradley P., London, ON Skinner, Paul M. Skopek, Jiri J., Toronto, ON Slater, Noah Slopack, Marlene S., Thornhill, ON Smeltz, William George, Buffalo, NY Smirnis, Jason James Smith, Clive B. Smith, Graham Mel Bate, Toronto, ON Smith, Harold B. Smith, Julian S. Smith, Matthew A., Toronto, ON Smith, Mitchell C. Smith, Nancy P. Smith, Robert J., Toronto, ON Smith, Robert James, Nepean, ON Smith, Sandra F. Smith, Stanis I.R. Smith, Susan D., Ottawa, ON Smith, Victor R., Toronto, ON Smyth, Robert, Toronto, ON Snell, David, Toronto, ON Snell, Kenneth H. Snell, Robin Snowball, Roger W. Snyder, E. Douglas, Toronto, ON So, Victor W.T. Sobel, Steven Sochacka, Katrina A. Soiferman, Gerald E. Soldera, Peter P. Solomonescu, Armand Solow-Ruda, Guela A., Markham, ON Somfay, Joseph, Waterloo, ON Somlo, Roberta Sommer, Werner, Toronto, ON Sonmezocak, Alkim Sossanpour, Rafie, Montreal, QC Sota, Stanley E., Toronto, ON Soucy, Gaston Antonio Soueid, Ahmad, Alexandria, VA Soules, Jonathon Squire Spadola, Angelo Mattia, Ottawa, ON Spaleta, Adolfo Sparling, Jill Colleen Trower, Ottawa, ON Sparrow, Barrington Douglas Sparrow, Martin Thomas Spataro, Sebastiano, Toronto, ON Spaziani, Michael D. Speigel, Alexander A. Speigel, Susan Spigelski, Caroline Mira, Toronto, ON Spragge, Thomas, Toronto, ON Spriet, Andrew M. Spriggs, Hilary Ann Spring, Gerald A., Toronto, ON Spry, David R. St. Jean, Bruno St. Pierre, Viateur C., Oshawa, ON Stanichevsky, Alejandro, Toronto, ON Stark, John B., Mississauga, ON Starkey, Ian Starkman, Joel C., Toronto, ON Starr, Michael Stas, Nart, Guelph, ON Stavros, David Stechyshyn, Cory Randel, Thunder Bay, ON Stefanison, S.A. Stegenga, Paul William, Alpharetta, GA Stein, Gary Stein, Gerald H., Toronto, ON Steiner, David Stelzer, Kevin Thomas Stendel, Clifford S. Stensland, Robert John, Janesville, IA Stephenson, John K., Thunder Bay, ON Sterling, Mark Steven, John F., Toronto, ON Stevens, Anne Stevens, Karl H., Toronto, ON Stevens, Paul Andrew Stevens, Richard L. Stewart, Grant Stewart, Jeffrey Alan Stewart, Peter D. Stiff, Robert B. Stirton, Scott Stoehr, R. Norman, Altamonte Springs, FL Stokoe, J. Gordon, Ottawa, ON Stone, Allan J. Storey, Elizabeth Kim, Toronto, ON Storms, Todd C. Stoyanovskyy, Orest Strain, Paul J. Strasman, James C. Strasman, Shawn Collin, Toronto, ON Stratford, Gordon C., Toronto, ON Stratton, G. Bruce Strauss, Jeff Adam, Toronto, ON Streith, Peter J. Stringer, Mark Stronghill, Scott Edward Strub, Harold Stupar, Dusan, Hamilton, ON Sula, Claudina C.E., Mississauga, ON Sullivan, Kevin Sullivan, Michael Burke Albert, Montreal, QC Summers, Michael B., Mississauga, ON Sun, Chien Hwa Jimmy, Toronto, ON Sund, Simona Sung, Ho K. Superina, Victoria Sura, Yuri Surdyka, Wieslaw Surtel, Paul R. Sutcliffe, A. Howard Suteir, Mansoor A., Ottawa, ON Sutherland, Patricia Sutherland, Thomas Niel Sutulov, Aleksej Svedas, Anthony V. Swadron, Wayne J. Swart, Robert Swartz, Dennis Turest Swartz, Jeffrey M. Sweeny, Dermot J., Toronto, ON Swinkels, Henry J., Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Switzer, Gary M. Switzer, Jerry W., Williston, VT Sycz, Janusz Syed, Khalil U., Toronto, ON ARCHITECTS Syme, Paul D. J., Toronto, ON Szaflarski, Stanislaw, St. Catharines, ON Szaszkiewicz, Paul Joseph, Toronto, ON Szeto, Alfred Szewczyk, Barbara Szoke, J. Bartley, Toronto, ON Szumacher, Jacek, Toronto, ON Szyplinski, Andrzej W., Richmond Hill, ON T Tabachnik, Edward, Toronto, ON Tabet, Pierre Tadros, Y.M. Tafler, Catherine H. Tai, Chei-Wei, Toronto, ON Tai, Nigel Ping Fun Takacs, Bettina Nury Talasman, Gabriel M. Talvitie, Ron Talwood, Alexander V., Toronto, ON Tam, Rose Yee Mun Tamburri, Ernest, Markham, ON Tampold, Thomas, Toronto, ON Tan, Natalie Hui Chin, Toronto, ON Tan, Philip Hui Lee, Toronto, ON Tanaka, Dennis K., Sharon, ON Tanaka, Susan Reed Tanner, Catharine Taraciuk, Cora Lia, Ottawa, ON Taranu, Alexandru M. Taranu, Carmen Tarazi, Muneer Antone Tardao-Domingos, Rose S. Tarjan, Paul Tarnoy, Victor Tassone, Giovanni Antonio, Toronto, ON Taul, Eneri Tavassoli, Mehrnoush, Windsor, ON Taylor, Heather Taylor, Hugh H., Haliburton, ON Taylor, Jill D. Taylor, Judith E. Taylor, Michael C., Toronto, ON Taylor, Ricky W., Cornwall, ON Taylor, Robert W., Ottawa, ON Taylor, Simon, Yellowknife, NT Taylor, Stephen, Toronto, ON Teeple, Stephen R. Teh, Dan H.T. Temporale, Alexander L., Oakville, ON Temprano, Eliseo, Ottawa, ON Tenenbaum, Sid Teoh, Wen Hui Teramura, Allan, Ottawa, ON Teramura, Daniel T., Toronto, ON Terrence, Bernard P. Terres, Guillermo Teshima, Ted Tessarolo, Jr., Daniel L., Park Ridge, IL Tetlow, Sara M., Toronto, ON Tharin, I. Robin Theriault, Dominique Thibodeau, Heloise, Montreal, QC Thibodeau, J. Robert, Vancouver, BC Thiel Jr., David Anthony, Covington, KY Thier, Michael Karl, Burlington, ON Thivierge, Marc Alfred, Ottawa, ON Thom, Adam James, Toronto, ON Thom, David M. Thom, Michael Frederick, Gloucester, ON Thomas, Charles, Toronto, ON Thomas, Edward J., Fergus, ON Thompson, David Vincent Thompson, Dudley T. Thompson, Hughes William Thompson, Jane S., Ottawa, ON Thompson, Jeremy Matthew, Toronto, ON Thompson, Maryann, Cambridge, MA Thompson, Robert D. Thorpe, Andrew Thuemen, Christopher M., Pembroke, ON Tillmann, Thomas W. Timpany, Trevor Derek Tindall, Robert Jordan Tino, Gerarda M. Tirnanic, Zoran Tite, Martin P., Ottawa, ON Tjan, David Sujitno Tobin, Lisa Sharon Todaro, Alfonso Anthony Todd, Andrew Paul, Montreal, QC Tokue, Rika Tolot, Tino V., Ottawa, ON Tomlinson, Richard Fulmer Toms, Philip, Hamilton, ON Tong, Agnes M. Toomes, T. Martin Topping, Robert Torza, Megan Elizabeth Jane, Toronto, ON Tossell, Christopher, Sault Ste. Marie, ON Toth, Joseph P. Tourko, Pavlo, Mississauga, ON Tovell, Peter H.M. Toyota, Cynthia Jean Tragacheff, Vladimir Trahan, Jean-Francois, Montreal, QC Tran, Anh Viet Tran, Tam Hoang Trasiewicz, Julian J. Travers-Gillespie, David M. Tregebov, Alan Trevelyan, Kenneth W., Peterborough, ON Tringali, Rene, Montreal, QC Trites, Ian Troppmann, Joseph Anthony Trotta, Maurizio Trotter, Lennis W., Oshawa, ON Trottier, Patrick David, Brantford, ON Truong, Huy Minh, Mississauga, ON Trusevych, Anatolij W., Vaughan, ON Tsai, Kenneth Lester, Montreal, QC Tsang, Peter Tsang, Remus S.L. Tsementzis, Angela Tsuji, Takashi Tuchman, Howard A. Tuminan, Hector Alonso, Toronto, ON Tung, Benny Turcotte, Eric, Toronto, ON Turczyn, Roman A., Doha, Qatar Turkewitsch, Bernard E.W. Turner, Jennifer K., Toronto, ON Turner, Michael Kent Turner, Peter F. Turner, Roy H. Turski, Richard J. Turvey, Cameron, Toronto, ON Tweel, Christopher P. Tworkowski, Christopher Z., Lakefield, ON Tymstra, Jan, Toronto, ON U Ujimoto, Jennifer Upiter, Wayne S. V Vadeboncoeur, Jean-Luc, Montreal, QC Vaidya, Jitendra Vaillancourt, Robert Adrian Valdmanis, Martin K. Valens, R. Scott Valentine, William E. van Baaren, Janice Ellen Angus, Ottawa, ON Van Driel, Theo, Toronto, ON Van Dyk, Jamie David, Kitchener, ON Van Elslander, Terence A., Toronto, ON Van Groll, Elroy Van Iderstine, Grant Van Klaveren, Jacobus C., Toronto, ON van Nostrand, John C. Van Rutten, Emmanuelle Ermelinda Fernande, Ottawa, ON van Veen, Anthony, Burlington, ON Van-Ham, Daphne Vanbetlehem, Frank Vandenberg, Ralph A. Vandermaarel, Edward John Vandersluis, Marcel, Mission Viejo, CA Vandertuin, Elizabeth Wilma, Toronto, ON Vanney, Robert Francis Vanstone, John A.H. Varacalli, Rosario Varias, Nicholas Varvarikos, Charles E. Vasantgadkar, Vijay, Windsor, ON Vasile, Doru Vassilev, Krassimir (Kris) D. Veer, Jan Michael, Ottawa, ON Velikov, Ekaterina Ventin, Carlos A. Verenini, Bruno Verhiel, Andy Vermes, Agnes Vermeulen, Fred P., Dundas, ON Vetere, Don Vichos, Emmanuel Vickers, Barrie Murray Vilardi, Settimo Tom, Windsor, ON Viljoen, Kenneth M. Villa, Enrique, Baltimore, MD Vincent, Paul A., Markham, ON Vinters, Aivars, London, ON Virani, Chintan Jayshrikant, Windsor, ON Virdo, Domenico Antonio Visca, Antonio Vishnovsky, Peter, Toronto, ON Vitko, Asen, Toronto, ON Vlahovich, Slobodan Vo, Long Vogel, Jacek, Toronto, ON Vogel, Kathryn Ann, Hamilton, ON Vogt, Heinz H. Voineskos, Anna Voogjarv, Vello I. Vorster, Helen, Toronto, ON Vozoris, Christine Ellie, Toronto, ON W Wa, Sybil Wadsworth, Deborah Lynn Waese, Jessica Wagler, Brent Murray Wagner, Ferdinand Wagner, James R. Wagner, Wayne, Toronto, ON Wainman-Wood, Daphne Waisman, Hagit Walker, Christopher P., Toronto, ON Walker, Scott D. Walker, Thomas D. Wall, John Wallace, Christopher Wallace, Kit Wallman, Rudy P. Wan, Raymond S.C., Winnipeg, MB Wanczycki, Christopher Wang, David, Toronto, ON Wang, George Chung-Chen, Toronto, ON Wang, Qiang Grace Wang, Zhi Ward, Gregory M. Ward, Leonard G., Ottawa, ON Ward, Zoe K. Warne, David, Toronto, ON Warren, Lawrence D. Wasescha, Mark Steven Washikar, Shashikant, Toronto, ON Wassermuhl, Salomon Wasylko, Mykola Watchorn, Garry, Toronto, ON Waters, Mark Paxton Watkins, David Holman, Houston, TX Watkinson, Brian F.J. Watson, Edward (Ted) K., Toronto, ON Watson, Gary Derek, Toronto, ON Watson, Lesley D., Ottawa, ON Watson, Stuart Watt, Bernard H. Wayow, Kendall, Mississauga, ON Weatherston, Jeffrey C. Webb, Alan Granger Webber, Gayle C. Webber, Murray Evan, Toronto, ON Webster, Lynn L. Wege, Kurt H. Weima, William, Toronto, ON Weinberg, Edward Howard, Toronto, ON Weiner, Michaela, Markham, ON Weis, F. Grenville, Oakville, ON Weiss, Kevin Albert, Toronto, ON Weizel, Jonathan R., Thornhill, ON Wells, Joel Geoffery Wells, Stephen R.M., Hawkestone, ON Wellsman, Thomas E. Welter, Art Wengle, Richard B., Toronto, ON Weppler, Paul A. Wertheim, Dagmar, Toronto, ON Weselake, James E. West, Kathleen Whalen, Diane Elizabeth Wheeler, Marcus B. Whelan, Paul G. Whitby, Brent Franklin, Toronto, ON White, John A. White, Richard White, Terrance J. Whiteley, Brent Christopher Wickens, Timothy Michael Wicklander, Stephen R., Sudbury, ON Widawsky, Warren Thomas Wiersma, Elena Alice, Kitchener, ON Wiesbrock, Ralph Wigle, Jane P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 93 ARCHITECTS Wignall, Douglas Scott, Omaha, NE Wijayasiri, Harischandra Wilcox, Glenn A. Wildeboer, Malcolm Peter Marinus, Stittsville, ON Wiljer, Lea Wilke, Erik B., Peterborough, ON Wilkinson, David John, Kitchener, ON Wilkus, Michael John Williams, Brian Williams, J. Richard Williamson, Betsy, Toronto, ON Willmott, John C., Oakville, ON Wilson, Ashley Andrew, Toronto, ON Wilson, J. Alexander Wilson, Matthew D. Wilson, Michael A. Wilson, Peter M. Wilson, Randy, London, ON Wilson, Richard J., Newmarket, ON Wilson, Thomas Robert Wilson, William Edward Wilson-Orr, Lynne Wink, Kenneth Allen Wink, Rick Winter, Edward Ryan Wiseman, Walter Kenneth, Arlington, VA Witalis, Jason Witt, Richard John Wloch, Agnieszka Wodkiewicz, Andrzej, Toronto, ON Wojs, Edward, Toronto, ON Wolfe, Nicole Yvonne Wong, Brenda Dawn, Ottawa, ON Wong, Dathe D., Toronto, ON Wong, Eric C.K., Toronto, ON Wong, Hazel Wai-So Wong, Henry W., Toronto, ON Wong, John S. Wong, Margaret T. Wong, Michael H.K., Toronto, ON Wong, Nelson Wong, Siu-man Wong, Stephen Wah Ching Wong, Terrell Anne, Toronto, ON Wong, Vito Wong, William, Toronto, ON Wood, Cassie Louise Wood, David Courtenay, Toronto, ON Wood, Leonard A. Jr. Woodman, Robert J., Ottawa, ON Woods, Ahuva A.R. Woods, James W. Woods, W. Carson, Toronto, ON Woolf, Jeremy Wormsbecker, Eric C., Barrie, ON Wrigglesworth, Arthur Alfred Wright, James M., Toronto, ON Wright, Paul Michael, Toronto, ON Wright, Troy William, Toronto, ON Wronski, Mark A. Wrublowsky, Robert Anthony Wu, Jason Wunsch, Graham D. Wyatt, Edward Bowden, Jackson, MS Wysocki, Zygmunt Wzacny, Christopher Zene, Bloomfield Hills, MI IN THE SEA OF MEDIOCRITY VERY FEW STANDOUT REPRESENTED BY X WWW.D2S.CA 94 495264_D2S.indd 1 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Xi, Tai Xu, Ti, Toronto, ON Xuereb, Michelle Geraldine 12/2/10 2:26:32 PM Y Yaghjian, Haroutioun Yallowega, Richard Michael Yamashita, James S. Yan, Francis M.Y. Yanchus, Mark W., Dubai, United Arab Emirates Yazar, Hatice Yee, Elaine Ting Yee, Paul Yeh, Winston K.M. Yen, Gary Chen-Yi Yeoh, Dora Yeter, Elcin Yeung, David P.C., Toronto, ON Yeung, Thomas K.K., Richmond Hill, ON Youn, Sang-man Young, Ian Laurence, Ottawa, ON Young, Josephine Young, Richard D. Young, Robert Joseph Young, Roderick H., Orillia, ON Youse, David Allen Youssef, Magid Wagih Fawzi Yousufi, Abdullah Ypes, Marilyn Yu, Matthew Chun-Wai Yu, Wendy Whae-Yee Yuan, David W.M. Yuen, John C.Y. Yuhasz, David M. Z Zaback, Raymond A. Zaghi, Athos, Toronto, ON Zahoruk, Cynthia A. Zaig, Ran Zakarian, Magda Therese, Montreal, QC Zakko, Reid Zalewski, Stan, Toronto, ON Zappitelli, Daniel, Montreal, QC Zarlenga, Salvatore S. Zatylny, Henry Zawadzki, Marek C. Zebroski, Gary W., Hamilton, ON Zee, Barbara Zeidler, E.H., Toronto, ON Zeller, Francisco Javier Zeng, Xiao Hui (Vicki) Zhang, Ping Zhang, Shenshu, Toronto, ON Zhong, Haiguang, Toronto, ON Zhou, Chen Zhu, Liquan, Toronto, ON Ziegler, Richard E., Toronto, ON Zigomanis, Nickolas Zimmer, Garth Steven Zinno, Tony, Montreal, QC Zirone, Mario J. Zlomislic, Milka M. Zone, Baruch, Toronto, ON Zong, Nanhai Zorko, Jozef, Montreal, QC Zothner-Cotic, Viviana Zoukis, Stavros A. Zuberec, Michael Zuker, Alan N. Zupancic, Mirko John Nicholas Zurawel, Peter E. Zvidris, Juris Valdis Zwicker, Mark A., Toronto, ON Zytaruk-Dugger, Carolyn, Palm City, FL LICENSED TECHNOLOGISTS OAA A F L R Acimovic, Dragan, Mississauga, ON Audette, Jean, North Bay, ON Fedko, Grzegorz Finch, Timothy, London, ON Fragale, Anthony Santo Fuoco, Pietro Little, Daryl Ralph, Crediton, ON Reynolds, John Arthur, Toronto, ON Ruszczak, Terry Nicholas B Baker, Ryan Thomas Bejarano, Olga Lucia, Markham, ON Birch, Jason Kenneth, Maxville, ON Boonstra, Luke Allen, Ottawa, ON G Gammond, Jeremiah Lyle, Thunder Bay, ON H Collie, Trent James, North Bay, ON Hales, Steven M., Kitchener, ON Howson, Mark James Eckensviller, Jeffrey William, North Bay, ON Maves, Christopher Steven Mech, Roland David, Stoney Creek, ON O Oke, Christopher Ron, Kitchener, ON C E M J Janecka, Tomas Frank, Toronto, ON S Serravite, Domenico, Toronto, ON Sguigna, Jeremy Louis, Vaughan, ON Simon, Luke H. Spurgeon, Robert Alexander, Mississauga, ON Suriano, Michele, Vaughan, ON P Parkinson, Jeffrey Stuart, Mississauga, ON Primiani, Mark Anthony, Mississauga, ON Prince, Robert George, Hamilton, ON T Tam, Terence Chi Tak Toms, Jeremy Roy, Brampton, ON X Xu, Yi (Jerry), Toronto, ON INTERN ARCHITECTS A Abboud, John, Ottawa, ON Abdel-Nabi, Mohamad Abdolvahabi, Farhad, Richmond Hill, ON Abdulmajeed, Rezkar Mohammed, Hamilton, ON Abidi, Safdar Ali Abood, Reem Abou-Chacra, Maroun Abrosimov, Yelena Adam, Mihai Adelman, Paul W. Adikankwu, Iyke Kaine, Mississauga, ON Afshar, Arash, Toronto, ON Aftab, Nazia P. Ageh, Olajide Ojo Aggarwal, Monica Agha, Yaser Ahmad, Farid, Brampton, ON Ahmad, Shikha A., Toronto, ON Ahmed, Sarwat Syed Ahn, Hyounjung Ahuja, Akhilesh, Mississauga, ON Aitken, Kirk Aktan Gumusay, Mehtap, Toronto, ON Al Mathno, Mohammed Salim, Mississauga, ON Al Mathno, Saba Ghassan Al Nabelsi, Mohammad Al Riffai, Mohammed Al-Hashimi, Firas, Abu-Dhabi Al-Mashta, Sarmad, Montreal, QC Al-Nijaidi, Hazim R., Mississauga, ON Alemzadeh, Mohammad, Toronto, ON Alerasoul, S. Abbas Algenied, Mohamed Ali, Nahla, Brampton, ON Alkasawat, Loloa Almond, Kristy, Toronto, ON Altamiranda, Myriam Z. Alwan, Oruba, Mississauga, ON Aly, Shahnaz J. Amer, Nasser A.A.M., Newmarket, ON Aminian, Katayoun, Toronto, ON Amir Jafari, Mohammad, Ottawa, ON Amir Yar Ahmadi, Mahmoud, Mississauga, ON Amir-Choupani, Froohar, Richmond Hill, ON Amiri Kankari, Parisa, Toronto, ON Amos, Logan W., Toronto, ON An, Woosuk Anastasiu-Daos, Andreea M. Ancheta, Remus, Mississauga, ON Andrawes, Sameh Onsi Farah Andrejin, Maria Antao, Elvis Isac Antoniou, Francine Aqeel, Muhammad Atif Aquilina, Paul Archambault, Eric R. Aref, Ahmed, Kanata, ON Arriojas, Hugo A. Ascenzi, Gene, Toronto, ON Askari, Ramak, Toronto, ON Assatory, Rooben, Thornhill, ON Atchison, Jeffrey Alan, Stratford, ON Atkins, Seth M. Audet, Melisa Augy, Stephanie, Montreal West, QC Ayala, Luisa V. Aylsworth, Jason Paul Azzam, Bassel, Ancaster, ON B Baddour, Joyce Baechler, Mark W. Baek, Howard Namwoo, Toronto, ON Baghdadi, Bamdad, Toronto, ON Bahraminia, Hamidreza Baig, Ghazala Amir, Toronto, ON Baker, Jonathan Shane Ball, Maria Baniasadi, Maryam Banina, Allan, Toronto, ON Bardalez Vasquez, Richard Barker, Scott H. Barnett, Ian R.M. Barone, Rosa Barrada, Amr M. Barsoum, Lina A. Basharat, Neda Bauer, Merike, Toronto, ON Bauer, Ronen David Bauer, Stephen Thomas, Toronto, ON Beamish, Charles, Toronto, ON Bebal, Yasmeen N. Beck Rubin, Gregory A., Toronto, ON Becker, Steven Bedard, Joshua Beevor, Keri M. Belaen, Matthew J. Bellerby, Christine Beltrano, Salvatore Bendersky, Albert Benesh, Halyna Benmor-Mizrahi, Limor Bennedsen, Margaret Bennett, Jeremiah, Toronto, ON Bessai, Thomas Haviland, Toronto, ON Bhatia, Neeraj Bhons, Harpreet Singh, Brampton, ON Bielny, Bartek A. Bielun, Jody M. Biljetina, Michael William Bilson, Carolyn Mary, Fergus, ON Bisaillon, Guy Eric Bishai, Naji Nassef Salama Bisson, Patrick G. Bitar, Hassan Blakeley, Adam J. Blazeka, Damir Blias-Cabezas, John N. Bodunrin, Adetokunbo A. Boiangiu, Costan Boivin, Nadine Bollozos, Johanna A. Bolton, Graham, Toronto, ON Bonhomme, Tommy, Almonte, ON Borcan, Dumitru Borcescu, Nick R., Toronto, ON Borenstein, Allan M. Bortnowski, Vlad Bortolamiol, Rodolfo, Toronto, ON Bou Hadir, Maya Boulanger, Alexandre Boulos, Atef Boxer, Michael, Toronto, ON Boyd, Robert M. Boyle, C. Sheryl Bozovic, Neda, Toronto, ON Breskin, Igor Bridgman, Kevin Bright, Erica J. Brock, Jeffery G. Broomfield, Clive O.B., Orleans, ON Brouwer, Jason A. Brown, Chris H., London, ON Brown, Jeremy Brown, Rowana Lynn Bruce, Kirsty Bryan, Simon W. Brygidyr, Colby G. Budur, Luciana, Toronto, ON Buffey, Kelly Bull, David A., Ottawa, ON Bumanglag, Donovan Burad, Dinesh Sumatilal Burbidge, Christopher D. P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 95 INTERN ARCHITECTS Burgsthaler, Christian, Toronto, ON Burkhart, Ruth A. Burnazovic, Jasna, Toronto, ON Burrows, Steven J. Button, Keith A. C Cabanilla, Orlando Bangot, Etobicoke, ON Cai, Su Rong (Susan) Caliman, Calin Campbell, James, Duntroon, ON Campbell, Neil Derek Campos, Roberto Camposilvan, Chiara Cannon, Renny N. Caravaggio, Paul N., Toronto, ON Carbonneau, Cynthia Carenza, Francesco Carter, Peter D. Carter-Wingrove, Ross Carvalho, Nelson Carydis, Christina Casasanta, Dante, Richmond Hill, ON Casati, Alfredo Casey, Steven Casquenette, Evelyn Cassidy, Megan Cates, Philip Catsaros, Constantinos Elias Cazzin, Tanya Cebulak, Peter W. Cellucci, Claudio Cervini, Mara E. Chak, Wai Ming Chan, Angela Fung-Chi Chan, Hee Sun Harrison Chan, Irene Chan, Jacqueline T-M Chan, Louis Chan, Viviane Chan, Wai Fung, Toronto, ON Chang, Angela Chang, Clementine Chang, Paul Charbonneau, Joy A. Charles, Sapphira Charmsaz, Kamran Charron, Eric A. Chau, Andrew Chi-Ho, Thornhill, ON Chau, Nina Chavoshan, Niloufar Chekhman, Vladimir Chen, Henry Wei-Yu Chen, Shouheng Chen, Xi Chen, Xiaoying Cheng, Aaron Man Hin Cheng, Dominique Cheng, Lang Cheng, Shaowei, Toronto, ON Cheong, Lai In Cherian, Shery Kozhimala, Mississauga, ON Cheung, Alla Ching Shan 96 Cheung, Esther Sze-Wing Cheung, Man-Kit Robert Chi, Po-Chih, Toronto, ON Chibututu, Erinma O. Chien, Gary Chin, Vivian W. Chin, Wai Yan Keenen Chiu, Calvin K. F. Cho, Mar Mar, Richmond Hill, ON Cho, Sung Uk Choe, Thomas Y. Choi, Bora Chou, Johnson Chow, Raymond Christiansen, Coben Chu, Ivan R Chumakov, Evgeni P. Chung, Jack Chung, Sue Jean Chung, Tina My Van Cicvaric, Zvonimir, Toronto, ON Cimo, Antonio Clark, Krista Clark, Susan J. Clarke, Christopher, Toronto, ON Clarke, Magnus P., Toronto, ON Cogan, Michael S. Cohen, Joshua S. Collard, Bradley W. Contractor, Mahmood F. Conway, Michael Cook, Brad Cooper, Paul A., Gatineau, QC Corcoran, Erin L. Cordero, Elsa Cordoba, Claudia Cortese, Fausto Costa, Yakdehikandage Ruwan Court, Jutta Courtney, Mark Ian Couto, David Mathew Covatta, Vincent R., Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Cox, Samuel T., Ottawa, ON Cozzitorto, Claudia Craig, Anna M.E. Craig, Ian Croft, Peter Cubitt, Emma L., Hamilton, ON Culver, Steven E., Toronto, ON Cvjetkovic, Danilo D Da Silva, Catia M.C. Dabrus, Virginia, Toronto, ON Dadson, Leland T., Toronto, ON Daghighi, Marjan Daidzic, Maja, Mississauga, ON Dana, Ladan Daniel, Ann Darcey, Jason J. Dare, Scott M. Darmos, Peter T. Datoo, Tahera Dawood, Wesam PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Dawoud, Mariam Day, Tracy Jean De La Mora Campos, Ana-Francisca de Lasa, Florencia de Paiva, M. Fernando de Silva, Olga De Socio, Nicholas L DeBenedetti, Dino Del Buono, Michael Anthony, Woodbridge, ON Delisle, Daniel M. Derhak, Walter Dhillon, Harinder, Brampton, ON Di Giulio, Stefano Di Gregorio, Betsy Marina, Toronto, ON Di Nardo, Tony, Amherstburg, ON Di Sano, Dino R. Diaz-Rodriguez, Sonia M. Dimitrovska, Zaneta Dinh, Thuan Van, Toronto, ON Dinoi, Fiorella, Milan Diodati, Tony Djilali, Riad, Toronto, ON Djulepa, Sanja Dodampegamage, Thaminda D., Brampton, ON Dodaro, David Sergio Doherty, Gordon Cameron, Toronto, ON Dolan, Donna E. Dombrovskis, Janis Donovan, Scott, Peterborough, ON Doshi, Sejal Douglas, Ian H. Douglas, James David Douglas, Kirsten Dourado, Gerard A., Mississauga, ON Dovell, Cynthia, Toronto, ON Dowling, Catherine M. Doytchinova, Radelina Drmic, Aimee Duckworth-Pilkington, Peter Duncan, Erin A. Durrani, Jamshaid Ali Duynisveld, Kristina N. Dyk, John R. Dykstra, Nathan J., Toronto, ON Dyson, Robert E El Atreby, Lotfy El Masry, Sherine El Serwy, Sarah, Toronto, ON El-Bahrani, Laith El-Gazzar, Nadine El-Hajj, Ibrahim, Richmond Hill, ON El-Kady, Marwa M. El-Kayed, Mazen M., Toronto, ON El-Khoury, Joseph, Toronto, ON Elliott, Catherine Ellis, J. Jordan A., Toronto, ON England, Craig J. England, Kyle T. Eroglu, Nazli Eshraghi, Solmaz Eslami, Pantea, Toronto, ON Esmaeili, Sarvenaz Esposito, Jennifer M., Toronto, ON Esser, Sabrina Estrada, Ileana Gabriela, Toronto, ON Etemad Yousefi, Arash Eum, Taewook Evans, Philip Eweis, Mohamed F Facciponte, Concettina Falcone, Alfredo Farah, Tawfiq Amin Farhat, Modrek, Richmond Hill, ON Farrell, Monika E., Oakville, ON Faustino, Magno Nick G., Mississauga, ON Febres, Gabriel, Sudbury, ON Feldman, Benjamin K. Fernando, R.Rebecca Ferrante, Tatiana Fiet, Gregory Filipetti, John D. Finbow, Aaron Flett, David D. Fong, Steven C-Y Franco, Blanca E., Toronto, ON Franklin, Elysse Franklin, Lawrence Frasca, Antonio French, Katherine Anne Frias Jr., Ambrosio A. Friedman, Jonathan J. Friscic, Hrisjanka Froom, Robert Fruhauf, Frederick Fung, Eric G Gagacev, Nikolai, Stoney Creek, ON Gagachev, Gordica T. Galezowski, Richard J. Gallacher, Gerald A., London, ON Gallant, Michael J. Gallaugher, David E.W. Gallo, Vincenzo, Toronto, ON Garzon Aranguren, Victor A. Gaus, Andrea Gebresselassie, Mahtot T. Geher, Judith Claire Geldart, Jeff J. Gerges, Marian K. Gerth, Andrew, Aurora, ON Gertzbein, Eric J. Ghadirian-Marnani, Nastaran Ghaly, Dina Ghanizadeh, Behnam, Oakville, ON Ghannad, Marjan Ghoneim, Adel, Toronto, ON Giaimo, Joey Gianforcaro, Davide Gibson, Nancy Lynn Gibson, Suzanne A. Giles, Lynden T. Gill, Abel John INTERN ARCHITECTS Gillespie, Brie Gillett, David Giovane, Gilda Girgis, Emad S., Mississauga, ON Gluszczak, Darcy Gomes, Fausto S.G. Gomez Meza, Mitsy M. Goodarzi, Mostafa Goodfellow, Margaret Goudarzi, Bita Goudarzi Sotoudeh, Borna Goudie, Kerri Gould, Kathryn A. Goyzueta, Margarita Z. Gracey, Bryce W. Grant, Colin W. Grant, Michelle K. Gravelle, Mijanou M. Grebenc, Jessica Green, Gillian Green, Thomas C. Gregg, Lisa Grguric, Vera C. G. Grieco, Fabian A. Griffin, Stephen Griffith, Brendan A. Griffiths, Larry Grigorescu, Anca M., Toronto, ON Groh, Sonia Guardia, Javier S. Gucciardi, Michele Guido, Michael, Vaughan, ON Guirguis, Atef E.H, Ajax, ON Guitberg, Victor, Richmond Hill, ON Gunatilake, Chanura Hemantha, Toronto, ON Guo, Yaqing Gupta, Aradhana Gupta, Jayant Gupta, Ravneet Kaur Gupta, Sheelu, Toronto, ON Gurevich, Sergei Gurnham, Richard N. H Habib, Kamal N.A. Habuda, Darko, Belle River, ON Hachimi, Hassan Haddad, Zeid Hadidian, Robert W. Hains, Tamara Julie Haliburton, Jennifer L. Halldorson, Laragh Halter, Jason Hamdy, Omar, Toronto, ON Han, Hee-Won Alice Hancock, Stephen G. Hann, Laura J. Hanna, Ashraf F. Hanna, Nardine Hanna, Teresa Elizabeth, Ottawa, ON Hannah, Gail Hanoudi, Benan B., Oshawa, ON Haque, Tasmin Harmey, Lisa M., Kitchener, ON Harrison, Wayne Hart, Andrew David Harte-Maxwell, Monika Hasan, Imad, Richmond Hill, ON Hasan, Mahmud, Toronto, ON Hashem Nejad, Kambiz Hassan, Aisha Hastings, Darren Havers, Christopher M. Hawryluk, Czeslaw, Hamilton, ON Hayes, James Hayward, Annegret C. He, Wenxi He, Xiao Tong Headon, Todd Heintz, J. David Heintzman, Howard Henderson, Cynthia Henry, Jerel Heppler, Kimberley A. Herischi, Elika Herrera, Andres E., Montreal, QC Hii, Vanessa Hindson, Brad J., Toronto, ON Hippolite, Rick, Toronto, ON Ho, Herman Ho, Jennifer Ho, Wai Cheong Ho Ping Kong, Christine Hodgetts, Geoffrey Hoffman, Erin Holmes, Ralph, Toronto, ON Holownia, Wojciech, Mississauga, ON Hong, Jason S. Hoo, Phoebe Hoot, Samer Hor, Kyung-Sun, Toronto, ON Horvath, Julius Laszlo Horwitz, Mark Hotson, Kai W. Hrelja, Boran Hristova, Jenina M., Kenora, ON Huang, Ken Huang, Shih-Huei Sherry Huang, Wei-Lun Hubel, Tiina Katrin, Toronto, ON Hunter, Carrie E. Hunter, Trent Wayne Huntley, Ben A. Hussain, Mahmood A., Toronto, ON Huynh, Son Van Huynh, Vi Luong Hynes, Renee K. I Ibrahim, Amr, Mississauga, ON Ibrahim, Hany T.A. Ignacio, Emma Luz Tan, Toronto, ON Ikhlassi, Nissan Ilg, Bobby B., Ottawa, ON Illamperuma, Sanjeevanie Imerman, Hayley K. Ing, Tsenye Iordanova, Iordanica, Toronto, ON Iskander, Sandra Islam, M. Hadiul, Toronto, ON Izadi, Shahriar J Jacob, Marco A., Toronto, ON Jafar, Abdulkarim A., Ottawa, ON Jaffar, Mark James, Kevin E. James, Kristin Michelle Jamil, Raid George Jancso, Yvette Jaroszonek, Monika Javadipour, Mania JeBailey, Jacob Jensen, Nathan T. Jensen, Sonya Renee Jerome, Jeffrey Jeronimus, Jon N. Jihad, Abdul Lateef Jim, Henry H. L., Toronto, ON Jin, Bernard S., Toronto, ON Jin, Bryan W. H. Joanis, Sonia John, Niji Johnston, Joanna C. Jomaa, Houssam G., Montreal, QC Jones, Stephen Joong, Patricia Jordan, Holly A. Joshi, Akshay Kumar K Kabashi, Irma M. Kabir Mokamelkhah, Elham, Toronto, ON Kadhim, Bonnie Ban Kaiser, Gwendolyn Kalaeswaran, Gopalakrishnan Kallini, Hany Nessim, Mississauga, ON Kalt, Christina M. Kan, Joseph J. Kangarlou, Vahid Kanno, Tsugumi Kantaroff, Karl Stephen, Maple, ON Kanu, James Kanza, Adam G., Toronto, ON Kao, Brian L.M., Toronto, ON Kapoor, Pradeep Singh, Brampton, ON Karamehmedovic, Vernesa Karatcheff, Vladimir V. Karavelis, Gregory Kareem, Muhammad S., Ottawa, ON Kasprzak, Tomasz, Mississauga, ON Katz, Andrea Maxine Kaur, Swapan Jeet Kazerani, Neda Keliar, Mark, Toronto, ON Kellner, Richard A. Kemp, Richard G., Ottawa, ON Kenyon, Steven E. Keye, Mojidi I. Khalil, Mustafa F., Mississauga, ON Khalili-Moghaddam, Shahram, Toronto, ON Khan, Imran, Toronto, ON Khan, Shafiq Khatri, Hitesh Ratilal, Toronto, ON Khidher, Maissaa Kilcoyne, Mary Catherine Kilday, Heather Kim, Caroline Kim, Kunhyang Kim, Lily J. King, Robert Wm. M. Kirkwood, Alistair Kirollos, Adel F. Klambauer, Peter G. Klassen, William A. Klimi, Kristiano, York, ON Klimitz, Jesse R., Toronto, ON Knezevic, Snezana Knezic, Julia L Knight, Christopher J. Knight, Joseph W. Knizatova, Alena Ko, Vincent P.K., Markham, ON Koehler, Michael, Toronto, ON Kohli, Bhupinder Preet, Kitchener, ON Kolbas, Aleksandar, Kitchener, ON Konidis, George, Toronto, ON Koolwine, Ryan M. Kos, Lukasz Blazej, Toronto, ON Kouladjie, Katayoun Koutsoulias, Michael, Markham, ON Kramer, Anna, Toronto, ON Krickhan, Natasha Krieg, Gordon, Ottawa, ON Krilic, Nevena Kristensen, Kristian M. Kruger, Daryl Mark Ktecha, Anwar, Toronto, ON Kudlats, Jennifer L. Kulig, Paul Kumar, Rohit Kuo, May Kustou, Rafid Kutertan, Ahmet M., Toronto, ON Kwak, Robert Soong-Ho, Toronto, ON Kwan, Wilma L Labonte, Robert, Mississauga, ON Lad, Bindya S. Ladowski, Joanna Laffin, Sam M. Lafreniere, Karine, Timmins, ON Lai, Derrick, Markham, ON Lai, Gordon K.H., Toronto, ON Lai, Ivy W-Y. Lai, Jannie Lai, Wing Yin Ryan Lake, Marilyn Lam, Joanne, Toronto, ON Lam, Kelly W. Y. Lam, Michael S. Lam, Persis Lam, Peter C.Y. Lam, Yvonne Y.S. Lamontagne, Melanie S. Lappas, Paula, Toronto, ON Latifi, Anahita P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 97 INTERN ARCHITECTS Lau, Alan Ngai-Lung Lau, Winda Lavatre, Alankar S., Brampton, ON Lawrence, Nadia N. Lawson, John Thomas Laye, Brian D. LeBlanc, Jason A., Toronto, ON LeBlanc, Stephane R. Leduc, Janie Lee, Christina G.Y. Lee, Claire Y.T. Lee, Donghwan Lee, Donny Lee, Edward W., Toronto, ON Lee, Janet M. Lee, Janice Lee, Joo-Hong, Nort York, ON Lee, Justin J. Lee, Robert J.W., Markham, ON Lee, Sarah Young Lee, Shirley Hsien-Chien Legault, Joel M. Lem, Kelly, Toronto, ON Lennox, James R. Lennox, Sue, Oakville, ON Leppe, Pablo, Penticton, BC Lesisz, Zofia M. Leu, Christine Amy Leung, Ada Leung, Jeff, Toronto, ON Leung, Selina S.Z. Leung, Sukie Shuk Ki Levey, Amanda J. Levin, Dan Lewis, Camille D. Leyten, Veronique, Denfield, ON Li, Shan Li, Tantan Li, Yongling, Richmond Hill, ON Li, Yun, Toronto, ON Libaneo, Adriano L., Toronto, ON Ligers, Kim R.K. Lim, Jay Sze-Leon Lima, Fernando, Burlington, ON Lin, Amy Huey-Zu Lin, Catherine Lin, Edward Lin, Jerry Chien-Chu, Toronto, ON Lin, Lizhou, Verdun, QC Lin, Zhao Kuan Ling, Andrea S. Link, Esther J. Lippert, Seth E. Lippold, Lawrence R. Lister, Richard J. Liu, Cheng Shuan Liu, Honglei, Shenzhen, Guagdong Province Liu, Jacquanline Tsz Kan Lmohamad, Ahmad Ismail Lo, Michael Lo, Vivian Wai Wan Lolley, Christine, Toronto, ON Look Hong, Tracy Love, Ryan M. Lovegrove, Randy A., Guelph, ON 98 Lu, Yingchun Lucassen, Eric, Toronto, ON Ludington, Jordan Luk, Joseph Y.C. Lukachko, Christian Alexander, Toronto, ON Lukas, Ana Lum, Ken, Toronto, ON Lumbao, Rommel A., Toronto, ON Luong, Bach T. Luzar, Brigitte Luzumova, Helma Lysiak, Roman Bohdan M Ma, Ching-Po Ma, Henry Ma, Sheng-Yuan Macaroun, Andrea MacCraken, J. Alan Macdonald, Andrew H., Cambridge, ON Macecek, Andrea MacIvor, William Mackintosh, Charles Andrew Maclaren, Ian MacPherson, Andrew Madonna, Veronica N., Toronto, ON Maggs, Jasmine S. Maguire, John R. Magus, Marianne P., Brampton, ON Mahboubi, Saied, Toronto, ON Maher, Adel M., Mississauga, ON Mahindra, Latha Majzoub, Marwan Issam Malcolm, Evan Tero, Barrie, ON Maletic, Anita Malgueiro, Jorge Manuel Mallinson, James David Mancini, Agata Z. Mancuso, Giampaolo C. Mani, Mani Manios, Mahir L. Manley, John, Pickering, ON Mannion, Andrew Stuart Marcante, Marian Marcoccia, Paul, Woodbridge, ON Mark, Earl Mark, Gary, Toronto, ON Markazi, Mohammed Ali Marler, Bryn M. Maroulis, Nick B. Maroun, Abdo H., Toronto, ON Martin, Edward J. Maruyama, Ky, Toronto, ON Marx, Marie Danielle Mason, Thomas J., Toronto, ON Masood, Himayat Hussain, Toronto, ON Maston, Lia E. Mataj, Artan, Mississauga, ON Mataj, Etleva, Mississauga, ON Matharu, Navjit Singh Matic, Marija Mazzulla, Frank P. McArthur, Jason, Toronto, ON McCaughan, Adam P. PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a McCunn, Meika Deane McDermott, Marta Elizabeth McEvoy, Erick J., Ottawa, ON McGinn, Jon G., Burlington, ON McIntosh, Jay Alexander McIvor, Trevor W. McKee, Kimberley J. McKenzie, Ailan McKibbin, Cara J., Toronto, ON McLennan, Ryan Angus McMillen, Jin-Yi McNabb, Timothy McNally, Graham J. McNeil, Peter J. McQuillan, Christopher Medina, Luis Francisco, Quebec City, QC Mediodia, Agnes G. Meera, Gyana Meinhard, Doron Menikgama, Ayesha Mera, Mircea E., Toronto, ON Mesher, Deborah Marie Mestito, John M. Metwally, Moataz Bellah M. Michail, Angie Miedzik, Andrzej Mill, R. Bruce Miller, Anne E. Miller, Michael J. Miller, Otto Mirahmadi, Nazanin, Toronto, ON Miron, Sylvio, Cumberland, ON Misbah Ur Rehman, Ahmed, Mississauga, ON Miskin, Andra Hiran Mitchell, Camille A. Mitchell, Glenn A. Mitchell, Ryan J.M Moayerian, Sayeh, Edmonton, AB Moeini Taleghani, Ramin, Woodbridge, ON Moffitt, Lisa Marie Mohajer, Maryam, Richmond Hill, ON Mohammadi, Lida Moini, Ali, Toronto, ON Molek, Joseph Mon, Paul, Toronto, ON Monjazeb, Golchehr Monti, Curtis A. Morales, Dana, Toronto, ON Moreira-Smith, Maria Moreno, Carlos Morozova, Irina V. Moryoussef, Anya Mostofian, Ahmad, Richmond Hill, ON Moussaoui, Youssef M. Movilla, Katherine M. Mugalvalli, Mahindra Chandrasekh, Dubai Mugattash, Nasser E.I., Mississauga, ON Mugford, Ricky Mulji, Nazia Muller, J. Matthew Mullin, G. Peter Mulpur, Reshma Sukumar Munawar, Mustafa, Toronto, ON Munoz Puente Arnaiz, Carla Murphy, C. Alan Myers, Joanne Beth N Naddaf, Pedrum, Thornhill, ON Naim Ibrahim, Ehab Nakamura, Hajime Nan, Lucian Naqvi, Nina Nassif, Hatem Omar, Toronto, ON Nates, Claudia Ndirangu, Daniel Andrew, Milton, ON Neagu-Wierzbicki, Madalina Nedialkov, Ivaylo Kirilov Nekhil, Adel A. Nelson, Jason Nemeskeri, Thomas Ng, Alan D. Ng, Brian, Toronto, ON Ng, Man Fu Ngo, Thomas Nguyen, Kelly Huong Nicholas-Schmidt, Michael A., Toronto, ON Niknam Fard, Ladan Nin Hernandez, Cecilia Maria Nishimura, Riki Norman, Jennifer J. Noufaily, Farid J. Nucifora, Francesco Nwanyanwu, Chidi C. Nwanyanwu, Erica U. O Obaid, Suhail Ogunkeye, Akinlolu O. Ohri, Vikas, Brampton, ON Oikawa, Grant Ojutalayo, Maria, Oakville, ON Olano, Ramon Magno P., Maple, ON Olejar, Miloslav Omidi, Azin Onufrak, Eva Onufrei, Alexandra Corina Opie, Kael Orimoloye, Segun Tokunbo Ortiz, Eduardo A. Ortwein, Andrew Osborn, Nicola Ottaviani, Tonino, Toronto, ON Ouellette, Joseph R. Ovcina, Erkan, Toronto, ON P Paden, Elizabeth R. Pai, Jayalaxmi Pakdaman-Hamedani, Yekta Pal, Sanjoy, Mississauga, ON Palazov, Sevdalin Palfy, Otto, Thornhill, ON Palma, Jose M. Paluszkiewicz, Gerwazy, Toronto, ON Panahandeh-Kafifar, Amir INTERN ARCHITECTS Panaitescu, Cristina Elena Panaitescu, Dan Panalaks, Miyako Panchuk, Neal T., Toronto, ON Panou, Katie L. Panziera, Simone Papineau, Leslie K. Papoi, Gabriella Pappalardo, Marta A. Paradiso Testa, Katy Pardalis, Alex Parente, Carlo Parezanovic, Isidora Parham, Mehran Patel, Sonal Jagdishkumar Pattison, Gregory Akira, Mississauga, ON Pavicevic, Boris, Toronto, ON Pavlich, Z. Robert, Toronto, ON Pavlovicz, Milosh Pavone, Michelle K. Pawlowski, Sylvia K. Payne, Kristine Paz, Cecilia, Thornhill, ON Pearson, Andrea J. Pecoskie, Erica Peirce, A. Nicole Peixoto, Michael E. Peng, Hui Perdue, Justin Pereira, Trevor X. Pereklita, Dmytriy, Toronto, ON Perin, Maria Perna, Angelo Persano, Sebastiano Peterson, John Petkovic, Nadezda Petricone, Giuseppina Pezeshki, Bahram Phelan, Oliver J. Phillips, Paul W. Pickard, Joanne, Toronto, ON Pieterse, Ian M. Pillon, Cindy M., Amherstburg, ON Pisharoty, Raka Mukherjee Pistone, Mario S. Pitman, Mark Pitts, Juliet Plouffe, Vincent Plumpton, John, Toronto, ON Poida, Diana R., Pickering, ON Poirier, Marie A. Pollock, Stephen Pommer, Christopher F. Poon, Chi Luen Poon, Jowenne Popa, Ilinca, Toronto, ON Porovic, Jelena, London, ON Prasanna, Nivedita, Mississauga, ON Pressacco, Danny Prochazka, Caroline Jane Pruss, Andrew M. Przygodzki, Jacek Pukier, Joanne, Toronto, ON Pushkar, Nadia Olga Putman, Michael J. Q Qiu, Qing Quijano, Sigfrido Qureshi, Zubair Ahmed, Brampton, ON R Raees Mohammadian, Sahar Rafinejad, Hamid R. Rahmani, Alma Rahmanian, Yaser, Toronto, ON Rahnamaei, Ahad, Toronto, ON Raja, Mazhar I., Cambridge, ON Rajani, Nadeen Rakocevic, Goran, Toronto, ON Ramasubramanian, Viswam Ramirez, Alfonso M., Toronto, ON Ramirez, Marina M. Rasevic, Rajka, Ottawa, ON Rashidkhani, Mehrdad Rashvand, Shahram, Newmarket, ON Rasor, James, Toronto, ON Rassekh, Sara, King City, ON Razavi Rezvani, Seyed Jafar Reed, Graeme Rennaiye, Abayomi O. Resendes, Emanuel, Toronto, ON Ria, Gianni Riad, Abraham, Chatham, ON Rice, James D., Kitchener, ON Richard, Sabrina G. Richer, Isabel Renee-Lisa Rietta, Michael R. Rijkhoff, Dennis T. N. J. Ristic, Ivana Rix, Catherine A. Robbins, David A. Roca, Alfredo Manuel Rocha, Ana Catalina Rocha, Paulo Rodriguez, Veronica Rodriguez Diaz, Julio Rogers, Allison Rolleston, Heather Roman, Irene Romero, Hector, Sebringville, ON Roopra, Inaara C. Rosen, Mark T., Kanata, ON Ross, Gregory Ross, Tony J. Rotundo, Frank Rouffer, Michelle Rubio-Reyes, Carlos A. Ruddy, John Rudzik, Ewa Ruiz, Nicolas Russell, Eva Ryan, Matt S Sadeghi, Amin, Toronto, ON Sadeghi, Pedram Safarzadeh, Titka, Toronto, ON Saha, Bini Sakanovic, Dinko, Ottawa, ON Salach, Amber SM., Sudbury, ON Salehi, Nazli Salib, Youssef R. Salih, Rasti Salik, Patricia Salimpour-Karimi, Shohreh, Thornhill, ON Sanie, Siamak Sanz, Deanna Louise Sapala-Hoppe, A. Vanessa, London, ON Sapounzi, Lilia Saravandi-Rad, Golbou Sargeos, Sameh Hakim, Hamilton, ON Sarkozy, Tymea, Toronto, ON Sasaki, David P., Oakville, ON Savanis, Lucy Savic-Brkic, Jelena, Toronto, ON Scarlat, Florin, Toronto, ON Scarpazza, Filippo, Glenburnie, ON Scasserra, Raffaele Schafrick, Gina Alexandra Scherk, Leah E. Scholes, Jennifer Schumacher, Michael S. Schumacher, T. Dan, Waterloo, ON Scoler, Allan D. Scott, Michael David, Toronto, ON Seddighi, Titka Sedyka, Margaret Seegmiller, Matthew Sehatzadeh, Geeve, Toronto, ON Sekikawa, Karen A. Selazek, Briar Semple, Bruce R., Toronto, ON Semple, Heather Sequeira, Monica Serbanescu, Luminita Seto, Thom D. Seydoux, Dominique Shafaei, Khodayar Shahatit, Maher S. Shahbazi Moghaddam, Azar Shajari, Babak, Toronto, ON Shakeri-Nezhad, Ali, Toronto, ON Shan, Wenjiao Sharp, William T. Shean, Richard W. Sheffield, Amy Sherriff, Brian Richard, Mississauga, ON Shijaku, Ilir, Toronto, ON Shirshekar, Sanaz Shnier, Erin Shortt, Robert W. Shostak, Robert D. Shukor, Issam Shum, Leroy Lee-Chi Shvets, Alexander A. Sibbald, Bronwyn C. Sibma, Walter Simionescu, Cristian G. Simionopoulos, George Sin, Courtney H.W. Sin, Rachel Sin, Welland T., Toronto, ON Singh, Major Singh, Sanskriti Sipka, Olivera, Toronto, ON Sirkin Hummel, Athene Skinner, Donald L. Skura, Matthew D. Smith, Aaron Smith, Andrew K., Cobourg, ON Smith, Barry W. Smith, Daniel R. Smith, Jessie E., Ottawa, ON Smith, Kieron D., Toronto, ON Smoka, Maan M. E., Windsor, ON Solari, Walter, Toronto, ON Solowski, Sean J., Toronto, ON Somborac, Natasha Lise, Toronto, ON Soosalu, Rein Sopher, Charles Sopinka, Steve James Soppelsa, Alessia M. Soryal, Amgad A.F., Welland, ON Spagnuolo, Sam Speth, Kristin L. Spodek, Zale Sproul, Anthony O., Ottawa, ON St-Pierre, Vivian Stamenovic, Natasa, Toronto, ON Stanwick, M. Sean Stepanek, Naoki Stewart, Graeme J. Stiff, Elizabeth J. Stoddart, Eryn A M Strazimiri, Skerdi, Dubai, Stryjewska, Agnieszka B., Toronto, ON Suen, Po, Toronto, ON Sule, Joshua, Mississauga, ON Sullivan, Christopher A. Sun, Martin, Toronto, ON Sweers, Jason J. Swerdfeger, Nicholas B. Syed, Nurul Basir, Toronto, ON Szabo, Michael, Toronto, ON Szabo, Susan C. Sztaba, Marcin L., Toronto, ON T Tadrissi, Saeed, Toronto, ON Tahmasbi, Reza Tahmoresi, Mahmoud, Toronto, ON Tai, Sai Hong Talebzadeh, Arezoo, Toronto, ON Tam, Adrienne Tang, Fan-Ju Susan Tavakkolian, Mohammad Mehrdad Tawadros, Myriam Tayona, Nova Teng, Hui Terra, Steven Terzis, Johnny, Toronto, ON Thacker, Christopher, Waterloo, ON Theodore, Peggy Thian, Regina LT Thiruvampalam, Sivakumaran, Toronto, ON Thomas, Kevin Thompson, Kenzie B. Thomson, Kirsten Mary, Toronto, ON P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 99 INTERN ARCHITECTS Tiburcio, Diana M. Tikhomirova, Irina V. Tillson, Susan Timpany, Tyler Ting, Shirley Vai Tiron, Diana, Toronto, ON Tomas, Eric E. Tonini, Jill A. Torfakh, Shahrouz Tosheff, Tiffany Toussaint, Sabine Touw, Katrina Townson, Douglas S. Travaglini, Marco Trcka, Lubos Treacy, Michael Trinh, Chi-Man Trotter, Adam D. Truesdale, Titania Tsang, Man Yi Mandy Tse, Vera Ka-Bo Tseng, Shan Chih, Toronto, ON Tsui, Matthew Tsuk, Nicholas Tsung, Gloria Tak Ling Tunon-Marshall, Katya Turbic, Nermina, Toronto, ON Turk, Jonah, Thornhill, ON Turnbull, Geoffrey A., Toronto, ON Twine, James M. U Udoh-Orok, Edem O., Brampton, ON Udoh-Orok, Eno Ecoma Ul Haq, Mansoor, Mississauga, ON Ulfig, Roland E. Unis, Robert P., LaSalle, ON Unterthiner, Richard Ursin, Siri Katrine Ursomarzo, Tania 100 V Vacca, Andria Vaid, Abhay Valencia, Jose Van Den Ham, Douglas Mark Van Rooy, Peter, Toronto, ON Van Ziffle, Eric G. Vandermaas, Marco Vassilev, Yassen Kroumov Vela, Linda Verbanac, Donald Verbel, Alejandro Vergara, Manuel Vermeulen, Stephanie Johanna, Toronto, ON Vigers, Jill Villani, Benjamin Villegas, Isabella Visentin, Luca Vo, Lam T., Mississauga, ON Vohrah, Sunil (Neil) Voicu, Gheorghe S.D. Vokac, Barbora Votruba, Michael W., Toronto, ON Vrabec, Daniel Vrachas, Elektra Vriend, Christopher W Wachala, Alina Wah, Jason Zhen-Shan Wang, Frank Wang, Hong, Toronto, ON Wang, Qiyou Warden, Christopher James Warren, J. Douglas, Toronto, ON Warshawski, Magdalena J. Wassermuhl, Beth Watson, Darcie, Toronto, ON Watson, Susan M., Toronto, ON PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Weber, Bruno Anthony Wegner, Christopher Wei, Fei, Guelph, ON Wei, Rebecca E. Weller, Alexander James Westman, Deborah Whitley, Danielle K. Wiebe, Hendrik T., Toronto, ON Wiens, Helga D. Willson, Ian Edward Wilson, Junior F., Mississauga, ON Wilson, Nancy-Ann, Toronto, ON Wolfe, David Wolff, Graham, Kitchener, ON Wolos, Yara Vanessa Wong, Alice S.Y. Wong, Anthony Boon-Leong Wong, April Y-T. Wong, Edward S.C., Toronto, ON Wong, Francis, Toronto, ON Wong, Howard Wong, Janice K. Wong, Mandy A. Wong, Phoebe Ying-Lei Woo, Kin Mei Wood, J. Grant, Toronto, ON Woods, Gregory H. Wu, Harvey Wu, Lauren Mei Hsuan Wu, Paul G. T. Wu, Rufina N.F Wulff, Ricardo J. Wung, Kristy X Xie, Hongling Xu, Jianguo, Toronto, ON Xu, Yi Y Yagod, Maier, Jerusalem, Israel Yakivchyk, Romanna, Toronto, ON Yang, Dewei Yates, Deborah Yazdani, Orang Yee, David Yeung, Cherry Yeung, Martin C.K. Yeung, Sandy Pui San Ying, Joanne Yoon, Bo Young Yoshida, Jennifer Akiko Younes, Hassan Khalil, Toronto, ON Young, Alana E. Young, Deanna L. Youssef, Youssef F., Brampton, ON Yu, Wei Hong Yurga, Emre, Toronto, ON Z Zadrad, Ahmadreza Zagaria, Antonio Zahed-Zahedani, Seyed Mehdi Zakaryan, Vahe, Toronto, ON Zanjani, Siavash Zarakol, Melodi Zarififar, Niloofar Zavolta, Giulio, Sherman Oaks, CA Zhang, Chun Zhang, Hao Zhao, Zheng, Toronto, ON Zhou, Rui Zingaro, Joe Zografos, Constantine Zouari, Sonia, Ottawa, ON Zwart Hielema, Karen STUDENT ASSOCIATES A G Acimovic, Dragan Adams, Drew S. Alves, Paulo Anderson, Kyle, Londesborough, ON Andrachuk, James Aslan, Emir A. Avis, Steven Galachiuk, Meghan E. Galway, Abraham Gauthier, Martin R. Gignac, Danielle M. Graves, Jim Gregory, Benjamin D. Gumushdjian, Darius A. B H Baechler, Amber R. Bailey, Shawn M., Kenora, ON Ballantyne, Brian Barei, Andrea, Guelph, ON Bell, Kathryn E. Benedicto, Teddy E. Bootsma, Michael D. Boutari, Stephanie A. Brady, Adam P., Keswick, ON Brander, Adam D. Breg, Justin F. Brown, Liam Burke, S. Meaghan Hagens, Jared Harispuru, William G. Hartney, Matthew D. Hau, Bernard, Toronto, ON Hellwig, Andrew, St. Catharines, ON Herljevic, Daniel Ho, Kimchi Holmes, Lauren H. Hunt, Gordon L. Huynh, Linda My Van C Campbell, Brynne H. Chan, Alexander Chan, Derek H.F. Charlton, Darcy James, Ottawa, ON Chen, Melinna Chintraruck, Pavika Cho, Dionysus R. Chow, Christina Wing-Sum Christou, Geoff G. Cifuentes, Julio, Toronto, ON Coelho, Robert Compeau, Matthew R. Conti, Miklos Crane, Craig Cuda, Raimondo P. Cummings, Jonathan, Thornhill, ON D Dehnadfar, Pegah, Toronto, ON Desroches, Ivan Di Donato, Anthony B. Di Giuseppe, Frances Donnelly, Stephen Dopheide, Samantha J. Durst, Dylan, Peterborough, ON E Eady, Michael Ebner, Sarah E. F Fard, Ali F. Fearman, Carolyn Dawn, Oakville, ON Fernandez, Virginia I. Ferreira, Jamie V. Ferwerda, Wilfred James I Martins, Hugo Mateljan, Rick McConnachie, David, Ottawa, ON McIntosh, P. Jason McLachlin, Ian R. McTavish, Daniel J., Toronto, ON Miao, Bi-Ying Micacchi, Robert William Miller, Sarah A. Mills, Matthew, Thunder Bay, ON Mistry, Reena Mitanidis, Timothy D., Toronto, ON Mnatzakanian, Tzoline Mohammed, Crystal Motyer, Amanda G. Murphy, Andrea G. N Nagy, Andrea L. Neal, William J., Burlington, ON Neves, Elisia Margarida Gomes Ng, Cherie W., Toronto, ON O J O’Carroll, Aisling M. O’Reilly, Morgan G. Oswald, Samantha W. Jakab, Timea Jarvis, Anna P K Kobayashi, Alan Duncan, Waterloo, ON Kohbodi, Seyedeh Parisa Kuzan, Katherine N. Pai, Chang-Ping Patterson, Nicholas Pavlov, Ventzislav P. Poon, Amy T. Pridham, Hudson K. Puiatti, Andrew J. L Lai, Leon Lok Hin Lai, Rebecca Hiu-Chun Lam, Andrea Wing-San Lariviere, Martin A.J., Chatham, ON LeClair, Justin Lee, John J Lee, Ken Ching-Wah, Markham, ON Lee, Yuen Ying Serena Lenson, Michelle Lent, Clayton A., Thunder Bay, ON Liefl, Jessica Lim, Jonathan Y.F. Lin, Leo Mu Yi Lin, Michael CC Lisoy, Kevin M. Longo, Mark A. Los, Tina M. Lucas, Katelyn M. Lui, Elaine Yan Ling Ma, Anne Wing Yan Ma, Han MacKellar, Caileigh S. Malka, Daniel J. Martin, Brian A. T Tam, Eric Chi Ho, Toronto, ON Tanfield, John Tang, Sue Anne Tchouprikova, Ekaterina Telfer, Christopher W., Essex, ON Thind, Rashpal S., Dundas, ON Towell, Jessie Trussell, Michael Ryan Tse, Cindy Ho Yan, Toronto, ON U Urbanik, Brian Anthony V Ianni, Laura Issaeva, Ekaterina, Toronto, ON M Somerville, Sara Stirling, M. Ryan, London, ON Stitt, Ryan B. Storus, Matthew Strobel, Sebastian Sturgess, Danya E. Q Quieta, Janice L. R Radev, Sophia C. Ramundi, Sonia G. Ravens, Anne Reid, Eric S., Ancaster, ON Rhee, Janette Riddell, Eric Robinson, James B. Rogan, Ronald Craig, Cambridge, ON Rogers, Sarah D. M. Ross, Kristin M. Routh, Simon A. Rozwadowski, Donata, Toronto, ON Van Dyke, Jeremy A. Van Lin, Robert A.R. Vanderwal, Shelley Marie Vane, Alvin Vangjeli, Sonja Veenstra, Anna-Joy Vos, Stacie A. W Wang, Rui, Woodbridge, ON Wat, Timothy Wun-Ming, Calgary, AB Waterfall, William James Watson, Michael, Ottawa, ON Williamson, John C. R. Willison, Stephen E. Wilson, Allan Wesley Winters, Michael D. Wong, Kenneth Wong, Queenie Ying-Sze Wu, Wing-See X Xiong, Keyu Y Yau, Joseph, Toronto, ON Yeung, Priscilla Tsz Ling Yeung, Ryan Lok-hin Yu, Anita S Z Santopinto, Ya’el Sendrowicz, Katherine Shaban, Mae, Toronto, ON Shi, Joe Silva, Larry M., Toronto, ON Slade, Andrew C.B., Clarksburg, ON Snell, Ashley Carlene, St. Catharines, ON Snyder, Elyse D. Zepf, Diana Zhen, Mengdi Zhu, Ningxin P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 101 RETIRED MEMBERS A Abel, John N. Adlaf, Rudolph Ahuja, Vijay Srichand Akman, Erju, Chantilly, VA Anderson, Paul S. Andrews, Edson Ania Blecua, Juan, Anchorage, AK Apollonio, Bruno Archer, Rodney W., Toronto, ON Au, William P.K. Cropley, Graeme H. Cumming, Michael J. Hunt, Brian R. Hunter, D. Lee, Stowe, VT D I Dallaire, Jean Damanis, Viktor Deutsch, Bernard, Phoenix, AZ Dewairy, Samir (Sam) Helmy Doucette, Richard John Duda, Klaus P. Dunker, Klaus Ip, Charles Ip, Peter Y.F. B E Baker, Richard Charles Baldwin, Edward R. Barake, Antoine Barel, Paul C.J. Bastien, Michel Becker, Paul David Bentley, Thomas G., Georgetown, ON Berglund, Bruce A. Bianco, Ernesto Birston, Paul E. Blache-Fraser, Robert I., St. Clair Black, Douglas C., Toronto, ON Bobaljik, John, Toronto, ON Bolland, Paul J., Dunnville, ON Boreskie, Michael Bowman, Denis Mortlock, Caledon, ON Bowron, John Shields Boyd, Malcolm R., Saint John, NB Boyko, Myron E., Toronto, ON Brock, John C. Brock, Peggy Ann Brown, Terence L. Browne, Robert James Coates, Orillia, ON Bruce, Andrew S. Bunten, Ekkehard Alfred Burns, Lori Anne Easton, David Ross Ebrahimi, Ben, Toronto, ON Edwards, James C., Ottawa, ON Ellis, Brian Edward, North Vancouver, BC Esar, Michael S. Esslemont, John Ross C Cameron, Jane E. Carruthers, James Colin, West Vancouver, BC Celikoz, Abraham Chadha, Bal Raj Challies, George B. Chan, Nancy C.P. Leung, Toronto, ON Chan, Robert C.L., Toronto, ON Chiao, Heather Lynette Chiu, S.K. (Alex) Chong, Anthony Chi-Tat Choubak, Feridoun, Toronto, ON Christoff, Terrance Peter Chui, Leonard L. Cochrane, Kenneth John, Toronto, ON Cody, David Colaco, Irineau C.A. Cooper, Arnie O., Winnipeg, MB Coote, Peter, Oakville, ON Cote, Micheline, Inverness, CA Coupland, David R. Crone, Norman Scott 102 F Fekete, Thomas L. A., Thornhill, ON Ferguson, Robert B. Ferrant, Theodore F. Fowell, James E. Franovic, Vladimir, Ottawa, ON Fraser, John Robert Friesen, Rudolph P. Fry, Gregory S.G. Fyfe, Robin Hamilton G Gagnon, Marc L., Newcastle, ON Galanyk, E.A. Galdins, George, Toronto, ON Galea, Joseph M. Gardonyi, Janos Gauthier, Helene Gavrilescu, Andrei Gilbert, Gordon W. Glickman, Melvyn J., Toronto, ON Godel, Sydney L., Montreal, QC Goodwright, Alan R., Ottawa, ON Gosselin, Yves Robert, Ottawa, ON Graham, Suzanne Crysdale, Toronto, ON Greenbaum, Toby Greenberg, Charles D. Greenfield, Robert Harry Grinnell, Ian Ross Grunsky, G. Michael H Habib, Daphne Hakimi, Dalya G.S. Hanna, Brian A. Harasti, Paul G., Guelph, ON Hartley, Ian Hately, Larry William Hill, Robert G. Hogg, Michael R.M., Ottawa, ON Hume, George F. Hung, H. Henry PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a J Jacoby, Alan Jakovac, Vladimir Janzen, Paul R. Jarvi-Dunker, Marjut Johnson, Ian R., Oakville, ON K Kanga, Dinshaw D., Toronto, ON Kassum, Navroz, Toronto, ON Kavanagh, Lawrence J. Keen, Kenneth L. Keenberg, Ronald Douglas, Chelsea, QC Khattab, Hossam T. King, James W. Kirst, Frank J. Klassen, Herbert Korsal, Bilgin Kowalski, Nancy, Toronto, ON Kowbel, Bruce H. Kruis, Leo, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 3JH L Landau, Aaron Lang, Gerald Leung, Gabriel Paul, Toronto, ON Levine, Allan M., Thornhill, ON Lienert, David P. Lilholt, Per, Oakville, ON Limmert, Richard Arthur Ling, Frank C.F. Lipson, Aaron M. Litt, David Edward London, Kenneth Lowry, Rob Luk, Shing Yip McQuire, Curtis C.M., Toronto, ON Mendell, Mark R. Mertins, Detlef Metz, William B., Ottawa, ON Middleton, Charles Mincoff, Lionel, Cote St. Luc, QC Mitchell, Derek W., Hamilton HM FX Moeller, Charles H. Mohaupt, Wolfgang G. Morris, Michael Richard, Fort St. John, BC Moskovic, Robert, Mount Royal, QC Murray, Kevin A. N Narale, Arvind Nevins, Paul J. Ng, Lawrence S. Nightingale, Paul Leslie, Toronto, ON O Okamura, George K., Toronto, ON Okun, Hershel B., Toronto, ON Oman, Karl Overstrom, Carl-Eric, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Ozdamar, M. Kenan P Pajovic, Joseph Panzini, Michelange, Montreal, QC Papaurelis, Laurence L. Pastor, Frank J., Toronto, ON Perks, Christina, Toronto, ON Perry, Ronald G. Piccaluga, Aldo Pickersgill, J. Bruce, Toronto, ON Plumb, Helga, Toronto, ON Posliff, Robert J. Potter, Paul William Q Qureshi, Naeem U.H. M R Maceluch, Walter J. MacInnis, Garfield A Mannell, Steven Stuart, Halifax, NS March, Ronald John, Waterloo, ON Marko, Victor S., Kelowna, BC Marley, R.W., Toronto, ON Martineau, Lucie Nicole Mason, Terence J. Matus, Vladimir McDonald, James B.A. McElwain, Peter H., Katy, TX McKibbin, Brian C. McKinnon, Robert E. McLaren, Brian L. McLean, John Edward McMahon, Francis A. McQuarrie, Lenard B., Phoenix, AZ Radosevic, Dragan Rana, Rajendra S., Burlington, ON Randev, Ash Rankin, W. Keith, Winnipeg, MB Rasch, Bernard Montgomery Reynolds, Katherine H., St. Augustine, FL Richards, Idwal David Richards, Thomas F., Port Lambton, ON Richardson, William D. Richter, Manuel, Thornhill, ON Ridsdale, Cameron C. Rose, Mary Rosen, Theodore A. Ross, Michael H. Roze, Andris E. Rusz, Mary Elizabeth, New York, NY Ruthig, Ingrid C. RETIRED MEMBERS S Salter, William Millet Sandrock, Sharla Dawn Santos, Edgardo V. Saroli-Palumbo, Anna, Montreal, QC Schwartz, Skip Seligman, Seymour A.J. Senior, Desmond John Seymour, Alan V., England Shapiro, Marilyn H. Sheff, Gerald Shepherd, Paul W. Sherazy, Nehad Gamal Shinkoda, Taizo Shukla, Jack Shukla, Raji Silva, Patricio A. Silverberg, J., Toronto, ON Skourides, Alexandros Smedley, Gordon J., Sault Ste. Marie, ON Smith, Robert E. Sobiski, Kenneth C., Leith, ON Speirs, Alastair G., Ottawa, ON Steele, Robert E., Toronto, ON Stefanovic, Cedomir, Toronto, ON Strazdins, Herbert Sum, Robert Ping-Sun, Toronto, ON Sun, Thomas Szuberwood, Brian C., Newmarket, ON Tong, Henry, Irvine, CA Tory, M.J. Tim, Toronto, ON V Vachon, Jacques, Ottawa, ON Vallee, G. Douglas Vicaruddin, Khaja, Edmonton, AB Voisey, Donald A. W T Tamm, Toomas Tammer, Aida Evelyn Tawadros, Magdi A. Taylor, David W. Taylor, Shashikant Tokar, Brian W. Tomaszewski, Gregory Z. Wakayama, H. Peter, Toronto, ON Walker, Albert Watkin, David Lawrence, Calgary, AB Wayne, Susan J. Webster, Robert Gordon, Ottawa, ON Wellen, Mortimer F., Westmount, QC White, W.R. Wilkinson, James B. Wolfe, Richard Wong, David S. Woo, Leslie E. Wood, Edward H. Wright, Julianne, Ottawa, ON Wright, Norman A. Wuest, Eren R. Y Yang, Charles K.N. Yarker, Douglas W., Victoria, BC Z Zdanowicz, Andrew Zennaro, Alberto LIFE MEMBERS A C Akitt, Alan Davison Allward, James L. Anderson, Robert W. Ang, Kenneth K.L. Ankowicz, George W. Armstrong, W.G. Arnett, James Lawrence Atkins, Brian T.E. Atkinson, Lloyd R. Carrothers, Gerald A.P. Cartwright, Barry John Cash, Donald, Lunenburg, NS Chalmers, William G., Oakville, ON Chapman, Donald Nelson, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Chapman, Howard Dennison Charles, James Morrow Christie, Margaret Connidis, Andrew J. Consiglio, Graeme Cesare, Ottawa, ON Couchman, John Charles Craig, James Basil, Ottawa, ON Cripps, Robert Gordon Critchley, Norman Willis B Baker, B. A., Toronto, ON Baker, Langton G. Balogh, Joseph L., Colllingwood, ON Bartha, Julius Bebris, Eriks Becker, J. Keith Becksted, Robert Walter Beecroft, Harvey Taylor Bemi, George Edward Berkowitz, Saul M. Berns, Marcus M., Toronto, ON Bett, Malcolm J. Bindhardt, Klaus D. Bona, John S. Booth, Geoffrey Booth, Richard R. Borowiecki, W.P. Boyce, William Young Melvil Bregman, Sidney Briggs, Robert Edward Brooks, Brian M. Brown, Douglas B. Burgoyne, Reginald Vernon Blac Butler, Anthony, Hamilton, ON D Daniel, Peter Daniels, John Henry Davies, Gerald A., Toronto, ON De Pesthy, Joseph L., Toronto, ON Dibben, Adele Donaldson, J.M. Dorval, Charles Dunlop, Daniel Turnbull, Burlington, ON Dunlop, Earl R. Duschenes, Rolf E Elken, Ants, Toronto, ON Etherington, Alfred Bruce, Honolulu, HI F Flack, Edric C. Flanagan, Walter A. Flanders, John Fliess, Henry Foster, Kenneth Henry Fox, Saul, Calgary, AB Freedman, Gerald S. Fullerton, Edward Wilson Furuya, Zenbei, Thornhill, ON G Gabor, Emil Gatszegi, Tibor M., Ottawa, ON Gerskup, Joseph Gillespie, Bernard J., Toronto, ON Gitt, Manfred, Toronto, ON Glaister, Ronald M. Goering, Peter L.E. Graham, Robert J. Greenberg, John Greer, William Newton Griffiths, Anthony J. Gross, Mortimer D. H Hagadorn, Larry F., St. Catharines, ON Halko, L.A., Toronto, ON Hallford, Donald G. Hanley, A. Douglas Hanna, Alan H. Hanna, Saad F. Harkness, John J. Heaton, A. McD., Ottawa, ON Heck, Geoffrey Charles Heinonen, Stanley F., Toronto, ON Hillier, Lloyd Ernest Hogg, Alan D. Hollingsworth, W. G. Hopper, Frederick Houlbjerg, Vagn, Toronto, ON Hubicki, John M. Huget, Leonard Martin, Dundas, ON Humphreys, Barbara Alice I Ind, Charles P., Edmonton, AB J Jarosz, George A. Jarrett, Claude Stephan Johnson, Douglas Cumming Jones, Michael H.V. K Kalin, Isadore Kembar, Ross, Lakefield, ON Keywan, James Walter Kobayashi, Ronald S., Markham, ON Konopacki, T. Korulis, Gaston Kozma, Paul O. Kurland, Jerry A., Longwood, FL Kyles, Lloyd D. L Laikve, Guido E. Lambert, Martin James Lambert, Phyllis Lambooy, Nicolaas, Belleville, ON Langmead, L.S. Lanik, Edward I. Lazic, Vera Leslie, Richard R., Ottawa, ON Levec, Frank Lewandowski, W.J. P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 103 LIFE MEMBERS Lobban, William Love, John B. Nelson, Lorne T. Nesbitt, William Harold M O Macdonald, Edward A. Malik, Dharam P., Toronto, ON Mann, George Alexander, Toronto, ON Mar, Jack Bing Marien, Andre Marinoff, Ivan A. Mark, Gilbert Marsh, Victor Martin, H. Ian Martin, William Thomas Matsui, Ichiro Roy May, John Sinclair May, Manfred J. Mayer, Walter E., Toronto, ON Mayne, Frank E., Brockville, ON McIntyre, Donald Badger McLean, J. Malcolm, Ottawa, ON McRoberts, A. Norman Medwecki, Joseph A. Mill, F. Thomas Moffet, William J. Moriyama, Raymond Murray, Bruce Robert, Elmvale, ON Murray, George P., Toronto, ON Murray, Timothy V., Ottawa, ON Olson, J. Julien Owen, Kingsley R. P Pacek, Joseph Patel, Kanti M. Patterson, David C. Pencak, L. Petroff, Henry Polson, Gordon F., Markham, ON Poray-Swinarski, Mathew W. Praetorius, Wolfgang, Markham, ON R Rankin, Donald G. Rankin, John C. Ranta, Pentti John, Thunder Bay, ON Rebanks, Leslie, Toronto, ON Ritchie, Donald George Riva, Aldo Robbie, Roderick G., Toronto, ON Rolph, Anthony P. Ross, Alistair Ruchlewicz, MFS Ruebsam, Ingo, London, ON N S Sagan, Stanley J. Sai-Chew, D.M. Sharon, Hanoch, Ottawa, ON Sharp, Lionel C. Shaw, John N. Shelley, Charles I. Shenkman, Stanley R. Sherriff, Wallace E., Mississauga, ON Sherwood, James H. Shulman, Wilfred Soter, Emery I. Stafford, Paul M.W. Starczewski, Henry Stasios, Nicolas, Toronto, ON Stecura, Ihor Stefura, John Stevens, David C. Stevenson, Glenn A.A. Stewart, Herbert Stickel, Ruth-Margrit Stirling, Ronald J., Toronto, ON Stoker, Patrick McG. Stokes, Peter John Stone, Norman R. Stutz, Hans L., Ottawa, ON Sullivan, John S. Sweetman, Rollick, Richmond Hill, ON T Tameanko, Marvin M. Tampold, Elmar Taylor, Alexander R. Nagy, Sandor, Ottawa, ON Nelson, Earl A. Taylor, Arthur F. Thompson, Fred S. Tisch, Fedor, Toronto, ON Tymoshuk, John, Hamilton, ON U Underhill, D.M. V Vahi, Ernest van Ginkel, Blanche L. W Waisman, Allan H., Vancouver, BC Walker, Howard V., Barrie, ON Wark, Ronald L.M. Warren, Alan P. Weir, John Walter Wells, John Malcolm Westren, J. Hugh, Toronto, ON Wilkes, Peter G. Wilson, George D. Wise, Richard C.S. Wong, Boe D. Wong, Jacob Wood, James W., Toronto, ON Z Zuk, Radoslav, Montreal, QC HONORARY MEMBERS A F M R Abram, George S. Allen, C. Michael Arnold, Jeanne Ayres, Kelly Fram, Stephen, Flesherton, ON McKnight, Ronald A. Miller, Maxwell J., Toronto, ON Mitchell, Lorne S., Collingwood, ON Morgan, David Rayman, Irv Richardson, Peter Roberts, Alfred C. Robertson, Derry M., Picton, ON N T Hall, Barbara Harris, Daphne Nathwani, Rashmi, Toronto, ON Neville, G. Douglas, Port Hope, ON Nixon, Harry Teron, William K P Kehoe, Timothy Parks, Brian Pellicano, France, Kingston, ON Pigott, Jean B Brunner, P. John, Toronto, ON C Cameron, Christina Clasby, Phyllis Cohen, Howard E. Crombie, David G Gretton, Robert H L Lee, Douglas H., Toronto, ON Leitch Crase, Martha J.S. 104 PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a Y Yolles, Morden Z Zeidler, Margaret INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ACOUSTICAL DISTRIBUTORS COLLEGES LIFTS ROOFING OAS ........................................... 27 Georgian College .......................... 14 Savaria Concord Lifts Inc ............... 52 All Weather Roofing........................ 4 ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERS CONCRETE CONTRACTORS LIGHTING HGC Engineering Ltd. .................... 39 Concrete Floor Contractors Comac Corporation/ Valcoustics Canada Ltd. ................. 71 Association of Canada ............... 51 NOVA Hand Dryers .................... 26 D2S Inc ...................................... 94 ALUMINUM DOORS/WINDOWS/ CONCRETE FLOORING/FINISHING CURTAIN WALLS Tri-Con Concrete Finishing LOUVRES Commdoor .................................. 39 Co. Ltd ................................... 34 Ten Plus Architectural Mac Tech Systems Inc ................... 32 Products Ltd. ........................... 82 CONCRETE PRODUCTS ARCHITECTS Pre-Con ...................................... 83 MARBLE & GRANITE AREA, Architects Rasch Eckler Interstone Marble Associates Ltd. ........................ 57 CONCRETE RESTORATION & Granite Ltd........................... 16 Dreessen Architect Inc. ................. 50 Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 MOULDINGS & HDR Architecture CONSTRUCTION LAW SERVICES Associates, Inc. .................. 42, 61 Aird & Berlis, LLP ......................... 52 MILLWORK PRODUCTS Alexandria Moulding ..................... 40 HOK Architects Corporation ........................ 50, 61 CONSULTING ENGINEERS NATURAL STONE PRODUCTS M & E Engineering Ltd. ................. 19 Beaver Valley Stone Ltd. ............... 71 Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc. ......................... 63 COPPER Interstone Marble & Granite Ltd........................... 16 Canadian Brass & Copper Co........... 36 ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS Valcoustics Canada Ltd. ................. 71 CUSTOM WOODWORKING NOISE & VIBRATION CONTROL D & H Custom Woodworking ........... 47 Valcoustics Canada Ltd. ................. 71 ARCHITECTURAL ADHESIVES & SEALANTS PAINTING SERVICES DECORATIVE CONCRETE Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 Euclid Canada .............................. 47 Ontario Painting Contractors Association ............................. 48 ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENT SELLING BUSINESS SERVICES RADIANT HEATING Ontario General Contractors AMR Group .................................. 39 Association ............................. 48 Power Plant Supply Company ......... 27 ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS READY-MIX CONCRETE DOORS & FRAMES DuRock Alfacing Baillargeon Doors Inc. .................. 39 Lafarge Canada Inc. ...................... 35 International Ltd...................... 15 ROOF DECKING - METAL ELEVATORS ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS Cambridge Elevating Inc................ 47 Epic Metals Corp. ......................... 47 & EXTERIOR WALL CLADDING Delta Elevator Company Ltd. ............ 5 SYSTEMS ENGINEERED WOOD MANUFACTURERS Durabond Products Limited ............Outside Back Cover Nordic Engineered Wood ................ 27 ROOFING AND SIDING PANELS Canadian Brass & Copper Co........... 36 SOUND & VIBRATION CONTROL Armtec | Durisol .......................... 51 SPECIALTY AGGREGATES/SANDS Coloured Aggregates Inc. .............. 48 STONE MASONRY VENEERS Brampton Brick Limited ............. Inside Front Cover StoneRox/Bradstone ..................... 44 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 TERRA COTTA Canadian Brass & Copper Co........... 36 TILES Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 WATERPROOFING Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 WHEELCHAIR LIFTS Delta Elevator Company Ltd. ............ 5 WINDOWS & DOORS Golden Windows Ltd. .................... 48 Pella Windows and Doors of Ontario ............................... 44 Strassburger Windows and Doors ............................... 52 WINDOWS/THERMAL BARRIERS Azon U.S.A., Inc. ......................... 30 Canadian Brass & Copper Co........... 36 ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL Canamould Extrusions Inc.............. 28 ENGINEERING SERVICES Decommissioning Consulting ARCHITECTURAL GLASS Services Ltd............................. 52 Sarah Hall Studio, Inc. .................. 52 EXTERIOR STONE DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL MOULDING/ StoneSelex Inc............................. 33 INTERIOR PLASTER Canamould Extrusions Inc.............. 28 FENCES & GATES Contemporary Mouldings Inc. ......... 26 Ameristar Fence Products .............. 40 FIBRE CEMENT SIDING AS-BUILT FLOOR PLAN SPECIALISTS BAM Canada ................................ 14 James Hardie Building Products .............Inside Back Cover BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS FLOORING Comac Corporation/ NOVA Hand Dryers .................... 26 Goodfellow Inc ............................ 51 InterfaceFLOR Canada ................... 43 BIKE RACKS Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 Bike Rack Mfg. & Dist. Co. ............105 Tri-Con Concrete Finishing Co. Ltd ................................... 34 BRICK MANUFACTURERS / SUPPLIERS Brampton Brick FOOTGRILLES Limited ............. Inside Front Cover Ten Plus Architectural Hanson Brick Canada ...................... 6 Products Ltd. ........................... 82 BRONZE GATES Canadian Brass & Copper Co........... 36 Tymetal Corporation ..................... 31 BUILDING CODE CONSULTANTS GREEN BUILDING LMDG Building Code Better Buildings Partnership ............ 8 Consultants Ltd. ....................... 39 HOME COMFORT CARPET Reliance Home Comfort ................. 22 Mapei Inc. .................................. 14 HVAC PRODUCTS CHUTES SYSTEMS Tek-Mor Incorporated...................... 3 RECYCLING/WASTE/LINEN Wilkinson Chutes Canada ............... 51 INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS Arxx Building Products.................... 9 CLADDING SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE/ Concrete Cladding Systems Ltd. HARDSCAPE PRODUCTS Manufacturers of Synstone Wall Cladding ............. 43 Brampton Brick Limited ............. Inside Front Cover Specializing in Bicycle Parking Systems 1-800-236-7820 416-927-7499 P R O F I L E S 2 0 1 1 | MEMBER SHIP GUIDE of t he ON TAR IO A S S OC I AT ION OF ARCHI T EC T S 494600_BikeRack.indd 1 105 10/4/10 11:34:04 AM January S M T W T F S February S M T W T W T F S June S M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 January S M T W T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 T F S 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 T W T F S F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 1 8 15 22 29 106 T S T F F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 1 8 15 22 29 February S M T W T T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 June S M T W T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 October S M T W PROF IL E S 2011 | w w w.o aa .on .c a 7 14 21 28 T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 T W 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 T W T November S M T W 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 March S M F S 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 T 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24/31 25 26 27 28 T F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 April S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August S M 7 14 21 28 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 December S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 2012 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July S S M 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 F March S M July S S M 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 October S M T W 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 September S M T W T W 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 May S M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 May S M T 2011 T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November S M T W 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 April S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August S M T W 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 December S M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 1 8 15 22 29 IF THERE WERE A UNIVERSAL CLIMATE, A UNIVERSAL SIDING WOULD MAKE SENSE. 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