First Risperdal Trial Ends in Settlement
First Risperdal Trial Ends in Settlement
Page 7: Litigation T H E O L D E S T L A W J O U R N A L I N T H E p h i l a d e l p h i a , F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 U N I T E D S T A T E S VOL 246 • NO. 68 $5.00 First Risperdal Trial Ends in Settlement Six Cases Total Have Settled in the Litigation By amaris elliott-engel Of the Legal Staff T he first trial in which evidence was taken in the mass tort litigation over Risperdal, the antipsychotic drug that plaintiffs have claimed causes males to grow breasts, was settled as part of a group of five cases that resolved this week for undisclosed amounts, according to the plaintiffs’ lawyers and a statement from the drugmakers. The case of A.B. v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals was in its second week of trial before Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Mark I. Bernstein. A staffer in Bernstein’s chambers confirmed the settlement. Plaintiffs co-counsel were Sheller P.C. of Philadelphia and Robert Hilliard of Hilliard Muñoz Gonzales in Corpus Christi, Texas. Hilliard said it was in the best interest of their client to settle because the client needs surgery right away. Defense counsel for that case was Laura H. Smith of Friday Eldredge & Clark in Arkansas and Drinker Biddle & Reath. A jury was set to be picked Thursday in another case in front of Senior Judge Norman Ackerman Bernstein that settled as part of the group of five and was going to be tried by Brian J. McCormick Jr. and Claudine Q. Homolash of Sheller P.C. The first Risperdal case in Philadelphia to resolve settled after a jury was selected. Three of the six cases to be tried were chosen by plaintiffs, and three were picked by the defense, Stephen A. Sheller of Sheller P.C. said. The maker of Risperdal, Janssen, is a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary. “These cases do not settle for low numbers,” Sheller said. “Since the early 1990s, Risperdal has improved the lives of countless people throughout the world who suffer from the devastating effects of serious mental illness,” Janssen said in a statement. As of September 2, there were 86 Risperdal cases pending in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, according to court statistics. Sheller said that his firm has closer to 200 cases total of boys who allegedly grew breasts, or developed pituitary tumors or movement disorders. The Risperdal litigation involves several novel legal issues. Plaintiffs counsel are advancing the theory that Risperdal was negligently designed. The trial in A.B. did not get to that issue. The Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled that drugmakers can be sued for the negligent design defect of their drugs. The case was taken up by the state Supreme Court, where the matter is pending, with oral arguments having taken place in September 2011. Risperdal is not a biological drug for which no other design was possible, Sheller argued, Risperdal continues on 10 Bellwether Trial on Horizon for Porn File-Sharing Suits By Saranac Hale Spencer Of the Legal Staff Of the hundreds of file-sharing suits brought by producers of pornographic movies against groups of John Does across the country, the first to go to trial might be in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania chose a case filed by Malibu Media, challenged 1 8 4 3 - 2 0 1 2 by five defendants, to serve as a bellwether trial that could set a framework for handling similar cases. Following the typical course for cases of this nature, Malibu Media sought the names attached to various Internet protocol addresses that had been part of a peer-topeer file-sharing network called BitTorrent that had allegedly made available videos to which Malibu Media holds rights. Five of the John Does who are defendants challenged their obligation to comply with the subpoenas requesting their names. Typically, after the company that owns the shared video gets the names, it sends letters to the defendants alerting them to the suit and offering a settlement, lawyers for Malibu Media told the court during a hearing last month, according to the opinion. Michael Keith Lipscomb said this week that – INSIDE THE LEGAL – Regional Tension at Satellite Offices . . . . . . . . . 3 When former Barley Snyder partner Sean E. Summers left the Lancaster firm’s York, Pa., office, he told The Legal the move was caused in part by what he perceived as the firm’s lack of commitment to the future of that office. National Man Exonerated, Gets $2 Mil. . . . . . . . 4 A thoughtful judge, a prosecutor willing to consider the possibility that his office got it wrong, a dogged attorney, and a lot of luck, got Michael Clancy out of prison, with a $2 million check in hand. Bankruptcy Update Hijacking of Bankruptcy Cases . . . . . 5 The In re Dorsey opinion provides a positive and practical solution to creditors seeking to shut down the fraudulent practice of property dumping, contributors Rudolph J. Di Massa Jr. and Laura D. Bonner write. Litigation Strategy for Caucuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 When the mediator and the parties plan to rely more heavily on caucuses, counsel should understand what to expect and how best to use that time to make progress in settling their dispute, contributors Judy Weintraub and Harrie Samaras write. Index Experts & Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Public Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Legal Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Postal ID on Page 8 File-Sharing continues on 9 Our Success is Your Success Thank You For Entrusting Us With Your Most Injured Clients • • • • Spinal Cord Injury: $85 million verdict Medical Malpractice: $23.1 million verdict Brain Injury: $22.9 million recovery Amputation Injury: $20.8 million verdict • • • • Motor Vehicle Accident: $13 million recovery Birth Injury: $12 million recovery Drowning Death: $10 million recovery Workplace Death: $10 million recovery | 215 574-2000 Previous awards do not guarantee a similar outcome in current or future cases Matt Casey Joel Feller Rob Ross 2 • THE LEGA L INTELLIGENCER F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 P eople in Elected and appointed Speakers Nevena Simidjiyska, an attorney in the Philadelphia office of Fox Rothschild, was appointed to the steering committee of the American Bar Association’s export controls and economic sanctions committee. In her role, Simidjiyska assists the committee with education, outreach and advocacy in the areas of U.S. export controls and economic sanctions and embargoes. Simidjiyska represents both domestic and international clients in import and export control matters. Melissa R. Chandy, an associate with Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano, authored a speech given to Villanova University School of Law students this past spring for a presentation on key factors in settling workers’ compensation cases. She also authored a speech for the Pennsylvania Association of Justice’s “Annual Update of the Law for Civil Litigators” on the topic of workers’ compensation set for today in Philadelphia. Frank N. Ciprero, an associate with Pond Lehocky, is set to deliver the Pennsylvania Association of Justice’s “Annual Update of the Law Seminar for Civil Litigators” on the topic of workers’ compensation today in Philadelphia. N. Alexander Erlam, in-house general counsel for Vertical Screen Inc., was elected to the Association of Corporate Counsel’s board of directors. The ACC is an organization serving the professional and business interests of its more than 30,000 member attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations and other privatesector organizations. Erlam was officially voted onto the board at the ACC’s annual meeting September 30 in Orlando, Fla. Erlam practices in the area of contracts, privacy, employment law and employer-related immigration law. Erlam has served as the company’s general counsel since 2004. Andrew K. Stutzman, a partner with Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, is set to serve as a co-panelist for the “Consumer Credit Market” presentation at the 2012 Credit Union Attorneys Conference, presented by the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association today in Harrisburg. The conference is geared for attorneys representing or planning to represent credit unions. Stutzman is chair of the firm’s mortgage and lending litigation practice and oversees a team of lawyers who represent financial services and other clients in litigation involving consumer and commercial loan transactions. • the VOL P. 3046 Ne w s The State of Social Security Disability On Sunday’s American Law Journal N o doubt, there’s fraud in the disability system — and it’s a big issue when governments are running deficits. But really how much? At 5:30 p.m. Leventhal Sunday on the Philadelphia CNN-News affiliate WFMZ-TV, The American Law Journal presents “Social Security Disability Claims: Legit? Or Fraud?” Joining host Christopher Naughton are Social Security disability claimant’s attorneys Jess Leventhal of Leventhal Sutton & Gornstein and Alan Polonsky of New Jersey’s Polonsky & Polonsky. Providing the panel with the judicial perspective is former Social Security Administration administrative law judge Roger Schwartz. The program examines a Social Security Administration that is criticized for being both too stringent on initial applicants and then not being tough enough on applicants when it comes to possible fraud. “Four million people receive disability and 62,000 may receive them improperly,” Polonsky Schwartz Polonsky said. “Is it fraud? Overpayment? Oversight? In the end that’s a very small percentage.” The American Law Journal is the weekly talk-feature program airing on the CNN-News affiliate for Philadelphia, WFMZ-TV 69 to Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. In the 2012-13 television season, it airs at 5:30 p.m. Sunday and beginning November 19 is also set to air at 7 p.m. Monday. The program is available on www. as well as iTunes. To view this program, subscribe or view previous programs, visit ALJoniTunes. Next week: “Drugs and Docs: Is a Pharmaceutical Company Paying Your Doctor?” • VOL P. 3047 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 regional THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 3 New s Tension at Satellite Offices Common, Even for Midsized Firms By zack needles Of the Legal Staff W hen former Barley Snyder partner Sean E. Summers left the Lancaster firm’s York, Pa., office, he told The Legal the move was caused in part by what he perceived as the firm’s lack of commitment to the future of that office. But Barley Snyder managing partner Timothy G. Dietrich disputed Summers’ claims, saying the firm continues to view the York office as a part of its future. This clash of viewpoints highlights what law firm consultant Joel A. Rose said is a “common issue” among firms with satellite offices. “We had a situation where a large Midwestern law firm had a satellite office in Palm Beach, Fla., and the partners in that office felt as if they were an outpost rather than a very critical component,” Rose said, adding, “It got to the point where the partners in that office called me and said, ‘We have another large Florida-based law firm that has invited us to join with them.’ One of the reasons they expressed a desire to move is that they felt like an outpost. Ultimately, several partners in that office did go with the Florida-based firm.” Rose said he advises firms to make an Summers Dietrich effort to include partners in their satellite offices in management decisions, by having those partners sit on management committees or inviting them to management committee meetings. In situations where that’s not feasible, Rose said he recommends that firms circulate copies of management meeting agendas and minutes to attorneys in other offices. The goal, Rose said, is for the firm to give lawyers in its satellite offices “a sense that they are really part of the team and part of the operation.” Legal recruiter Frank D’Amore expressed a similar point of view, saying morale among attorneys in offices other than a firm’s headquarters is often largely dependent on the management philosophy of the firm’s leadership. In some firms, the managing partner or members of the management committee make an effort to periodically travel to every office. In other firms, he said, the main office becomes “a distant memory” for the other locations. Firm management is not always to blame, of course, but there are ways firm leadership can address the concerns of attorneys in satellite offices. Legal consultant Robert Denney said tensions between firms and their satellite offices are often borne out of a lack of communication. Law firm management can show its commitment to these offices by physically going to them, sitting down with the attorneys there and listening to their concerns, Denney said. Meanwhile, firms should be candid about what they perceive the functions of their satellite offices to be. While there has been no shortage of examples of disputes arising between large firms and their sometimes faraway satellite offices, Summers’ departure from Barley Snyder serves as evidence that similar tensions can arise at midsized firms, even those whose offices are geographically close. Sources in Central Pennsylvania familiar with the firm were split in their views on Barley Snyder’s York office: Some in the legal community said they did not feel the firm has devoted enough attention to its York office, while others said the firm remains strongly invested in the York market. Summers told The Legal on Monday that he left Barley Snyder to start a new practice because the firm’s York office “has gone through a downward spiral in my opinion and has kind of hit terminal velocity.” Summers announced Monday that he has joined with York solo lawyer Jill Nagy to form Summers Nagy Law Offices. “Frankly, I’m 43 years old, I’m going to be working another 20 years and I don’t see the York office being around anywhere near that long,” Summers said. Dietrich, however, said the firm remains committed to the office. “We just had a new associate start here. The office is doing fine,” Dietrich said, adding, “If you look at the substantial businesses and institutions in this market, we represent a number of them.” Summers told The Legal that a number of attorneys in the York office were “stripped” of their practice group leadership roles recently, but Dietrich contended that the firm simply “realigned” its practice groups in January across all of its offices. “That was a decision we made at a retreat Satellite continues on 9 4 • THE LEGA L INTELLIGENCER F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 NATIONAL VOL P. 3048 N E WS ‘Open-Minded’ Judge, Prosecutor Lead to Exoneration Drug Prosecutions Expected to Drop By 14 Percent By John Caher New York Law Journal A thoughtful judge, a prosecutor willing to consider the possibility that his office got it wrong, a dogged attorney, and a lot of luck, got Michael Clancy out of prison, with a $2 million check in hand. Clancy, 38, who spent more than 10 years in prison for a murder he says he did not commit, said he is among the lucky few wrongfully convicted individuals able to win their freedom, even though there was no physical evidence such as DNA to prove his innocence. His attorney, Ronald L. Kuby, said it was the open-mindedness of Bronx Supreme Court Justice Denis Boyle and Bronx Assistant District Attorney Gary Weil that brought Clancy’s nightmare to an end. “The lesson is the same lesson that has been taught repeatedly, but not learned, and that is that when police, and in this case a prosecutor, focus exclusively on gathering evidence against someone they believe to be guilty and deliberately ignore exculpatory evidence because it doesn’t fit the prosecutorial narrative, innocent people go to prison and guilty people go free,” Kuby said. “Sometimes it is just a series of unfortunate events, and that happens. But this was not. It was a wound entirely inflicted by the prosecution on the criminal justice system.” Now-retired Bronx Assistant District Attorney William Racolin, who prosecuted Clancy in the late 1990s, disputed Kuby’s claim. Racolin, in an interview Tuesday, said that he was aware of a witness who would implicate someone other than Clancy, and promptly notified the defense, and court records indicate that he did exactly that. However, Racolin said the witness would not testify, leaving him with a case with two independent eyewitnesses who identified Clancy as the shooter, and one uncooperative witness of dubious credibility who wouldn’t testify. “I think any prosecutor would have done the same thing, and I think we were right,” Racolin said. “We had two, I thought, good credible witnesses, and we had a jury of 12 people who reached a verdict of guilty.” The case is rooted in a 1997 Easter Sunday murder in which John Bueno was shot inside a Domino’s Pizza store in the Bronx. Detectives believed the shooting was drug-related and dug out photos of several individuals believed to be involved in neighborhood drug trafficking. Clancy’s photo was among them. A 16-year-old Domino’s employee viewed the photo array but did not immediately make an identification. Three days later, however, she was shown the pictures again and identified Clancy as the shooter. A patron of the pizza parlor was shown the same photos and identified Clancy. Later, Clancy was placed in a lineup and both witnesses separately identified Clancy as the man who had killed Bueno. While second-degree murder charges were pending against Clancy, a drug dealer named David Prieto, who had been at Domino’s, By Leigh Jones The National Law Journal Photo by Rick Kopstein Ronald L. Kuby of the Law Office of Ronald L. Kuby. was negotiating with federal prosecutors. Prieto was facing capital murder charges in a narcotics racketeering matter and agreed to cooperate with the federal case, records show. In addition to providing information about the federal matter, Prieto told the assistant U.S. attorney about the Domino’s matter and said that it was not Clancy, but a man named “Drew” who had killed Bueno. The federal prosecutor alerted Racolin and Racolin notified Clancy’s defense counsel, Samuel Karliner. Racolin also suggested to Karliner that “Drew” might be a man named Andrew DeJesus. According to a lengthy decision Boyle wrote in ordering Clancy’s release in 2008, the federal prosecutor, then-Assistant U.S. Attorney Bennett Capers of the Southern District of New York, was concerned that Prieto’s usefulness as a federal witness would be compromised if he testified in the state action and Racolin treated him as a hostile and unbelievable witness. Records show that Prieto’s attorney advised him to not testify in the Clancy case until the federal matter was concluded. Clancy, on the strength of the eyewitness testimony, and without the benefit of Prieto’s testimony, was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced by Boyle to the maximum term, 25-years-to-life. A decade later, Prieto came forward to exonerate Clancy. Boyle in 2008 threw out the conviction on a CPL §440 motion for newly discovered evidence and released Clancy on bail. Boyle noted that Racolin had provided Karliner with the information about Prieto and that Karliner “pursued every feasible avenue towards obtaining the evidence prior to trial which I find now to be newly discovered.” He also noted that Prieto, with his “utterly chilling criminal history,” would likely have been impeached by the prosecution. But the judge, in his decision releasing Clancy, found that the height and build of DeJesus and what Prieto said he was wearing at the time of the shooting “is strikingly consistent” with the description provided by the eyewitnesses. Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson dropped the case against Clancy and obtained an indictment accusing DeJesus of the Bueno killing. DeJesus is slated for trial later this month. Racolin said he does not believe that Prieto, if he had testified, would have made any difference in the outcome of the Clancy trial. “I would have loved to have cross-examined him,” Racolin said. “Considering that Mr. Prieto has an extensive criminal history, one can only imagine the impression he would have made on the jury.” Kuby acknowledged that “Racolin did what he was legally required to do” in providing the defense with information about Prieto. But “Racolin had no interest in meeting with the witness or finding the truth,” Kuby said. “All Racolin had an interest in was obtaining impeachment information to make sure if Prieto ended up testifying that he would be in a position to attack his credibility as a defense witness. ... Racolin not only didn’t pursue the truth but was sufficiently antagonistic to the truth that he made sure the truth would not be heard.” Karliner, Clancy’s trial counsel, said Racolin “was not overly cooperative.” “I always suspected that Racolin knew more and was hiding behind the veil of ‘it’s the feds,’” Karliner said. “Given the evidence he had, what kind of investigation did he do?” Additionally, former federal prosecutor Capers, in an affirmation supporting Clancy’s motion to vacate the conviction, said Prieto “told me information which led me to believe that the Bronx District Attorney’s Office was prosecuting the wrong individual” for the Bueno murder. Capers said he spoke to Racolin at least twice. “The tenor of the conversation stands out to me, because after ADA [Racolin] asked me several questions about Prieto, I had the Exoneration continues on 8 The number of federal drug prosecutions this year is on track to drop by more than 14 percent, according to a Syracuse University research center. During the first 10 months of fiscal year 2012, new prosecutions referred by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency totaled 11,782. At that pace, year-end totals would be 14.4 percent lower than during fiscal year 2011, according to a report issued Monday by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University. The 2012 fiscal year ran from October 1, 2011, through September 30, 2012. The 2012 estimate represents a decline of 16.3 percent compared with five years ago and 14.8 percent compared with 10 years ago. The reason for the decline is unclear. The DEA’s budget for 2012 is slightly higher at $2.04 billion, compared with $2.01 billion in 2011, and the number of positions and agents has remained basically unchanged. A spokesman for the DEA said that he was unaware of any decline in the number of prosecutions. The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers said, through a spokesman, that it had no explanation. TRAC co-director David Burnham said that he could not pinpoint a specific reason for the decline. One reason may be a change in philosophy, said Paul Callan, a criminal defense attorney in New York and former prosecutor in the Kings County, N.Y., District Attorney’s Office. “There’s a shift toward focusing prosecutions on violent crimes and providing rehabilitation for drug offenders,” he said. New Mexico saw the highest rate of prosecutions per capita through July, with 217 per one million people, totaling 364 prosecutions. The state also ranked first a year ago and five years ago. The other top five jurisdictions during 2012 were the Western District of Texas, the Eastern District of Arkansas, North Dakota and Kansas. The federal jurisdiction recording the biggest projected drop in the rate of prosecutions was the Southern District of Texas at 25.3 percent. TRAC’s information reflects the number of defendants charged with offenses referred by the DEA and is based on case-by-case information obtained under the Freedom of Information Act from the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys. TRAC describes its mission as providing nonpartisan information about federal enforcement, staffing and spending. Leigh Jones is a reporter for The National Law Journal, a Legal affiliate based in New York. • F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 5 COURTCOURT RULES RULES VOL P. 3049 B a n k r u p t c y Up d a t e Hijacking of Bankruptcy Cases an Alarming Trend Get the New 2012 Bucks County Court Rules! By Rudolph J. Di Massa Jr. and Laura D. Bonner Special to the Legal A recent decision of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California highlights a troubling phenomenon: borrowers purportedly transferring ownership interests in real Published by The Legal property to bankruptcy debtors unbeknownst Intelligencer, Bucks County to those debtors in order to invoke the protec- Di Massa Bonner tions of the automatic stay. In In reCourt Dorsey, Rules Rudolph J. Di Massa Jr., provides youa partner at No. 12-18895, 2012 WL 3060646 (Bankr. Duane Morris, is a member of the business reorganithezation most current andpractice group. He C.D. Cal. July 26, 2012), the court with held that and financial restructuring a secured creditor was entitled to relief from concentrates his coverage practice in the areas comprehensive ofof commercial the automatic stay pursuant to Section 362(d) litigation and creditors’ rights. newly (4) even though the debtor was not a party adopted, amended and to the fraudulent scheme to delay, rescinded hinder or Laura D. Bonner is ancounty. associate with the firm rules in the and practices in the area of business reorganization defraud the creditor. for Civil and and provided financial restructuring. On March 13, Dana Dorsey filed Rules a petition are for relief Family, under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Criminal, District Justice and Orphans’ Code. Two weeks later, Springleaf Financial index forhadeach section, Springleaf been recorded in 2007, and Services divisions filed a motion followed for relief fromby stayan of Suarez was delinquent on the loan with arunder Sections 362(d)(1), (2) and (4) in an extensive directory of court officials and staff order to foreclose on a parcel of real prop- rears totaling $36,552. and formsCalif. forIneach section a companion On with December 20, 2011, Suarez purportedly erty located in Oxnard, the motion, transferred an ownership interest in the propSpringleaf explained that the original borwritable CD-ROM. rower of a loan secured by a deed of trust erty to an individual named Gloria Becerra on the property was an individual named through a deed that showed that no considAngelica Suarez. The deed of trust in favor eration was paid for the transfer. Becerra had filed a petition for relief under Chapter the transfer from Suarez. Upon the filing of a bankruptcy peti13 of the Bankruptcy Code on November 28, 2011. Becerra’s bankruptcy case was tion, the automatic stay protects the debtor and prevents the deplesubsequently converted tion of estate assets by to a case under Chapter zealous creditors. Under 7 of the Bankruptcy the Bankruptcy Code, a Code, and the court in creditor may move the that case granted relief bankruptcy court for reto Springleaf for leave to lief from the automatic enforce its rights against stay in order to pursue the Oxnard property. TO ORDER: state law collection remSuarez, via a trust, then edies. Section 362(d) of purportedly transferred Call: 800-722-7670 x2453 FAX: 215-557-2301 the Bankruptcy Code an ownership interest the QR code below with your smart phone governs relief from the in the Scan: same property stay, with (d)(1) allowing to Dorsey by way of a Visit: relief for cause, includquitclaim deed that was ing lack of adequate propresumably backdated tection of the creditor’s to March 11. The deed stated that this transfer, as well, was effectu- interest, and (d)(2) allowing relief where the debtor has no equity in the property and the ated for no consideration. Dorsey filed a response to Springleaf’s property is not necessary for the debtor’s motion in her case, stating that she had reorganization. Section 362(d)(4) provides for in rem re“no knowledge of this property, the alleged transferor, or that the fractional interest was lief such that the court’s order is binding for transferred to her.” Dorsey had not listed two years in any bankruptcy case purporting the property on her schedules. She did not to affect the same property. Section 362(d) oppose the motion for relief from stay but (4) provides that a court shall grant relief objected to any finding of bad faith on her part, as she claimed to have no knowledge of Bankruptcy continues on 9 The Dorsey opinion provides a positive and practical solution to creditors seeking to shut down the fraudulent practice of property dumping. Get the New 2012 Bucks County Court Rules! Published by The Legal Intelligencer, Bucks County Court Rules provides you with the most current and comprehensive coverage of newly adopted, amended and rescinded rules in the county. Rules are provided for Civil and Family, Criminal, District Justice and Orphans’ divisions followed by an index for each section, an extensive directory of court officials and staff and forms for each section with a companion writable CD-ROM. TO ORDER: Call: 800-722-7670 x2453 FAX: 215-557-2301 Scan: the QR code below with your smart phone Visit: 6 • THE LEGA L INTELLIGENCER F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 VOL P. 3050 VOL P.3051 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 7 L itigation AWARDS DINNER Litigation The MediationDepartmentS Session: Tips on Strategy for Caucuses 2012 of the ADR By Judy Weintraub and Harrie Samaras Special to the Legal Year List of 2012 Winners October 4, 2012 Crystal Tea Room, Philadelphia, PA caucuses, counsel should understand what to expect and how best to use that time to make progress in settling their dispute. What Happens in Caucuses? During the course of a mediation session, Morgan Lewis & Bockius General mediatorsWinner typically hold several rounds of his is the ninth article in this series Litigationcaucuses that vary deon mediation advocacy. The eighth Large Firm DLA Piper Finalist pending on whether the article, published August 31, disCozen O’Connor Finalist caucus is in the early, cussed the advocacy strategy for the openlate stage of ing joint session. The article continued a LitigationSamaras Weintraub General Hangley Aronchickmiddle Segalor Pudlin the mediation, and counscenario in which the parties, WidgetronicsMidsize Harrie Firm Samaras is&theSchiller founder of ADR & Winner sel should have a stratand DesignMetrics, entered into a con- Law Office of Harrie Samaras and co-founder of Meyer Unkovic & Scott Finalist egy for each stage. In tract containing a dispute resolution clause Advanced Business Law Resources. She focuses her early stage caucuses, the and became embroiled in a dispute over on commercial cases, including disputesWinner inReed Smith Intellectualpractice Property mediator aims to build Widgetronics’ alleged wrongful termination volving intellectual property, business and technology and other commercial contracts. She can be reached at rapport and trust with the of the contract. During the preliminary conProducts Liability / Mass Torts Pepper Hamilton Winner party representatives and ference call with the mediator, the mediator [email protected]. counsel, as well as gain reviewed the process she would be utilizing Morgan Lewis & Bockius Winner Labor and Employment the founder of Weintraub a deeper understanding at the mediation, starting with a joint session Judy Weintraub isSalmanson Goldshaw Finalist of the parties’ underlyand then moving to private caucuses with Legal Services and ACCORD LLC, and co-founder Advanced Business Law Resources. She has more each party. This article provides tips on effec- ofInsurance Reed Smith Winnering interests, strengths, than 25 years’ experience negotiating complex comweaknesses and options. tive advocacy for those caucuses. mercial transactions andMarshall has handled more than 50 are invited to disclose sensitive details While the purposes of a caucusMedical can vary, Malpractice DenneheyParties Winner about the dispute that were not presented in they often include: protecting proprietary or mediations and arbitrations. She can be reached at [email protected]. Action Kessler Topaz Winner the joint session, or possibly the mediation personal information, brainstorming ideas forClass submissions. And parties have an opportunity presenting a proposal, reality testing, discussing confidential business interests, exploring and community mediations), many mediators to express any anger, frustration, hurt or other For more information attend,After please contact: emotions. venting their emotions, and extensively, particularlyand in to options and venting. Although caucuses are do use caucuses feeling satisfied they have been heard, parties not part of every mediation (for example, me- commercial mediations. When the mediator Andre Sutton (757) 721-9020, [email protected] diators use caucuses less frequently in family and the parties plan to rely more heavily on are more likely to listen and consider options T for resolution. In some cases, mediators will begin to convey settlement proposals at this early stage. In the middle stage of caucuses, the mediator aims to create momentum toward settlement by focusing the parties on areas of agreement, their underlying interests and the risks of not reaching agreement. After developing rapport with the parties and learning more about the case, the mediator takes a more active role. For example, the mediator is likely to conduct reality testing and to probe more deeply into the party’s legal weaknesses, its alternatives to settlement, its risks and the other side’s strengths. The mediator also is likely to press the parties for creative options and coach the parties about what might work and not work in the proposals she transmits. In later-stage caucuses, the mediator seeks to close the gap between the parties to obtain resolution by employing various tools and strategies, such as changing the dynamics by Event Sponsors Clients gain a healthy intangible benefit from being able to express their perspectives and emotions even when the mediation does not result in a settlement. Litigation DepartmentS AWARDS DINNER 2012 of the Year October 4, 2012 Crystal Tea Room, Philadelphia, PA List of 2012 Winners General LitigationLarge Firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius Winner DLA Piper Finalist Cozen O’Connor Finalist General LitigationMidsize Firm Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller Winner Meyer Unkovic & Scott Finalist Intellectual Property Products Liability / Mass Torts Labor and Employment Insurance Medical Malpractice Class Action Litigation continues on 8 Reed Smith Winner Pepper Hamilton Winner Morgan Lewis & Bockius Winner Salmanson Goldshaw Finalist Reed Smith Winner Marshall Dennehey Winner Kessler Topaz Winner For more information and to attend, please contact: Andre Sutton (757) 721-9020, [email protected] Event Sponsors 8 • THE LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Litigation continued from 7 meeting with just counsel or just the party representatives, or engaging in range bargaining (getting the parties to move to a certain range) or “what if” scenarios (“If I can get them to X, will you move to Y?”). These caucuses are generally shorter and consist primarily of bargaining until agreement is reached. At that point, the mediator may bring the parties back together, or just meet with counsel, to prepare at least a term sheet of the key terms of the settlement. Effective Advocacy in Caucuses Counsel’s skill in the caucuses is key to reaching a solution that best meets the client’s needs. Effective advocacy consists of good preparation and skillful improvisation, as counsel needs to adjust strategies based on the flow of the discussions. To prepare, consider: • What you want to gain from each caucus; • What information to divulge at each stage; • What information you need from the other party; • What are the likely proposals to make at each stage; • What your client needs to settle; • Whether some subset of participants should participate in the caucus; • The client’s most effective role in the caucuses; and • How to utilize the mediator most effectively. Mediation offers clients more than just an opportunity for settlement discussions. Clients gain a healthy intangible benefit from being able to express their perspectives and emotions even when the mediation does not result in a settlement. Clients can also play an important role in caucuses — as negotiators, factual repositories, strategic planners and risk assessors. Particularly if the client did not actively participate in the opening joint session, counsel should encourage and prepare the client to do so during the caucuses. When the client’s emotions or lack of patience overtake the necessary focus for the mediation, counsel may want to enlist the mediator’s assistance (by way of a private conversation) and/or try to direct the client’s participation to certain discrete topics and tasks. Effective mediation advocates understand mediators are not judges with decision-making authority; they are intermediaries with skills and tools to help the parties negotiate a settlement. These advocates appreciate that while mediators are neutrals who cannot favor one side over the other, they can employ the mediator in a variety of ways to further a client’s interests, including to: Exoneration continued from 4 distinct sense that [he] was not attempting to ascertain Prieto’s credibility, but instead was looking for impeachment information so that he could cross-examine Prieto in the event he was called as a defense witness,” Capers said in the 2007 affirmation. “That impression F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 • Convey information to the other side; • Cushion the information; • Obtain information from the other side; • Explore the other side’s reaction to options and proposals; • Explore hidden interests and issues and develop options related to them; • Present an option as coming from the mediator (thereby preventing “reactive devaluation” of the proposal by the other side); • Endorse a proposal (e.g., telling the other side that he or she views the proposal as fair); • Educate a client with unrealistic expectations; • Provide feedback about what is likely to work/not work in a proposal; • Give his or her opinion regarding a proposal to its proponent; • Coach principals on how to communicate effectively with one another if they meet without their counsel (with or without the mediator) in a joint session; • Provide suggestions on how to break impasse; and • Make a “mediators proposal” (usually only as a last resort). In addition to developing a game plan for the caucuses, counsel needs to prepare the client for the caucuses, by explaining what is likely to happen, the strategy that counsel has developed, the client and counsel’s roles in the caucuses, and the need to keep an open mind and be creative and patient. Counsel should show empathy to their clients regarding the emotional aspects of the controversy. They should focus their clients away from the past and toward the future and on the work necessary for the negotiations. Counsel should also anticipate the questions that the mediator is likely to ask and be prepared to respond to inquiries in each of the following areas: • Strengths, weaknesses and probabilities What are the strengths and weaknesses of the client’s case and those of the other side? What are the estimated probabilities of achieving an adjudicated win and what are the costs of not achieving it or trying to achieve it? • Alternatives/risks If the conflict is not resolved, what are the practical, actual alternatives for each party (best alternative, worst alternative, most likely alternative to a negotiated agreement) and what are the risks of not settling? • Perspectives What is driving the controversy? Why hasn’t the dispute been resolved? What is needed to reach resolution? What information could be provided by either party that might change the perspective of the other party? • Interests What are the underlying business and personal needs and interests of each party? • Options Develop multiple options that your client might be willing to accept for resolution and the rationale for those options, including any supporting objective standards. In preparing a game plan and participating in the caucuses, counsel should keep in mind the following tips: • Try to avoid focusing too heavily on the merits of the case. The mediator is not deciding anything, and disputes are rarely resolved in mediation based on the legal merits. • Establish a relationship of trust with the mediator and be candid. • Ensure the mediator fully understands the client’s case and the factors important to the client in settlement. • Keep an open mind. Be prepared to listen to points raised by the mediator and to respond to points raised by the mediator from your opponent. • Make sure the mediator understands what information disclosed in the caucus the mediator can share with the other party, and what should not be disclosed. You may be willing to allow the mediator to disclose certain information at a later time, or under certain conditions, such as if the other party is willing to provide certain information you have requested. • Be patient and trust the mediator. Mediation takes time. Expect that most of the negotiating will take place in the final hours of the scheduled time. • Keep a pulse on how the client is doing. If the client is getting discouraged, frustrated or impatient, seek help from the mediator. • Before making a settlement proposal, consider how the offer should be presented. The mediator could present the offer as coming from the attorney, from the client, or from the mediator himself. Or the offer could be presented in a joint session with all participants or with some subset. Counsel should assess the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. After the caucus with the mediator is over, and while the mediator is meeting with the other party, counsel needs to utilize this time to prepare for the next caucus. This preparation consists of reviewing what was learned, identifying any information desired for the mediator to obtain from the other side, developing additional options, re-evaluating the client’s goals and strategies, determining the next offer (and who should propose the offer), and considering whether any process changes should be made. The mediator may also have assigned work to be done in the interim. At the end of the day, either the parties will have reached a resolution (the day of the mediation or shortly thereafter), in which case the next step is to document their agreement, or they will have reached an impasse. Our next article addresses the groundwork necessary to prepare the settlement agreement, and our subsequent article will address steps to take in the event of an impasse. • might have been wrong, but it was the impression I was left with.” Racolin said the Prieto implications were thoroughly explored and reviewed throughout the district attorney’s office. “Not only did I speak to the witness, not only did I have the witness produced in my office via court order because the witness was in jail, but the witness refused to speak to me in the presence of his own attorney,” Racolin said. “I made the witness available to the defense counsel. I told the defense counsel when the witness would be in my office. I gave the defense counsel the opportunity to speak to the witness.” Award From the State The settlement approved by Court of Claims Judge Alan Marin is among the largest payouts the state has ever made in a wrongful conviction case, records indicate. Exoneration continues on 9 VOL P. 3052 Copyright © 2012. ALM Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited U.S.P.O. No. 309260 Published daily, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 1617 JFK Blvd., Suite 1750 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-557-2300 Fax: 215-557-2301 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Publisher Hal M. Cohen Associate Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Hank Grezlak Managing Editor Michael A. Riccardi, Esq. Night Editor Jessica Burghaus Digest Editor Leslie Greenfield, J.D. Magazine & Supplements Editor Senior Staff Reporter & Special Projects Editor Staff Reporters Ben Seal Gina Passarella Amaris Elliott-Engel Jeff Mordock Zack Needles Ben Present Saranac Hale Spencer Chief Financial Officer Thomas H. Fiegel Advertising Director Donald Chalphin Account Manager Daniel Krause Account Manager Terri H. Oppenheimer Account Manager Jayne Overturf Law Firm Account Manager Lana J. Ehrlich Legal Notices Coordinator Stephanie Murray Assistant Listings Editor Diane DeAngelo Director of Production Art Director Graphic Designers David Umfer Karen Leddy Louis Bartella Lauren Coyle Mike Jackson Amy Martin Director of Marketing Circulation/Marketing Supervisor Key Account Manager Teri Reagan Tracy Footes Joel Rubin (212) 457-9400 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 ALM Senior Management President & CEO Bill Carter Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Kevin H. Michielsen Senior Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Eric F. Lundberg Senior Vice President/Chief Technology Officer Jeffrey K. Whittle Senior Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer Lenny Izzo Senior Vice President of Sales Vice President of Real Estate Media Vice President/Editor in Chief Newsroom: Display advertising: Classified advertising: Legal listings: Legal notice advertising: Trial listings: Subscriptions/billing/delivery: Site Licenses: Kevin J. Vermeulen Michael Desiato Aric Press 215-557-2486 215-557-2390 347-227-3147 215-557-2464 215-557-2330 215-557-2331 877-256-2472 215-557-2314 The Legal Intelligencer has been designated by the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, the Philadelphia Municipal Court, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania as the official newspaper for the publication of all notices in Philadelphia County. For authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, please contact Copyright Clearance Center at or at 978750-8400. For customized reprints and any additional questions, please contact Kyle Heymann at 347-227-3178 or e-mail: [email protected]. The Legal Intelligencer assumes no responsibility for failure to report any matter inadvertently omitted or withheld from it. Member of Pennsylvania Newspapers Association and American Court and Commercial Newspapers. Hand-delivery customers must notify the circulation department of non-delivery before 10 a.m. to guarantee same-day delivery. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Legal Intelligencer, 4 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201. SUBSCRiPTiON RATES—One Year $650. Six Months $397. Three Months $297. Single Copy $5. Call 877-256-2472 to subscribe. e-mail: [email protected] VOL P. 3053 Exoneration continued from 8 According to a Court of Claims decision in an unrelated case — Baba-Ali v. State of New York — the state through 2009 had compensated at least 60 individuals for wrongful convictions, 19 of whom received more than $1 million. Through 2009, the $2 million award to Clancy was the fifth highest. However, since then there has been at least one higher settlement. In 2010, the state agreed to pay $4.25 Bankruptcy continued from 5 from the stay to a creditor whose claim is secured by an interest in real property subject to the stay if the court finds that “the filing of the petition was part of a scheme to delay, hinder or defraud creditors” and the scheme involved either a transfer of all or part of the ownership interest in the real property, or multiple bankruptcy filings affecting the real property. Accordingly, the Dorsey court explained the three requisites to obtaining relief under Section 362(d)(4): (1) the bankruptcy filing was part of a scheme; (2) the object of the scheme was to delay, hinder or defraud creditors; and (3) the scheme involved either (a) the transfer of some interest in the real property without the creditor’s consent or court approval, or (b) multiple bankruptcy filings affecting the property. The court found that Dorsey’s bankruptcy filing was part of a scheme, even though there was no evidence that the debtor was part of that scheme. Instead, it noted that the facts of the case presented an example of an increasingly common occurrence in our economic climate: A borrower finds a debtor’s name by searching the public bankruptcy records and Satellite continued from 3 last year among all the partners,” Dietrich said. And while Summers said the York office has lost several attorneys in recent years, Dietrich disputed this claim. But in addition to his complaints regarding Barley Snyder’s commitment to the York market, Summers also expressed frustration at the level of control management in the firm’s Lancaster headquarters has exerted over the office. “The reality is life becomes difficult once you are controlled by an out-of-town office which may or may not have different File-Sharing continued from 1 they typically call defendants, rather than sending letters. “Although the court cannot prevent the parties from settling these claims, the court assumes that plaintiff will welcome this opportunity to prove its claims promptly pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 9 million to a mentally-ill Buffalo, N.Y., man, Anthony Capozzi, who spent 22 years in prison for two rapes that, DNA evidence later showed, were committed by someone else. Unlike Capozzi, Clancy did not have the benefit of DNA evidence to prove his innocence. Clancy acknowledged he could have spent the rest of his life in prison if Kuby hadn’t pursued the matter, the judge hadn’t been receptive to reviewing a verdict in his own court and a prosecutor hadn’t been willing to look at new evidence. But Clancy said he never lost hope. “I said to myself, somewhere, somehow, somebody knows the truth and eventually it will come out,” Clancy said. “It took a little while, but thank God it did. I have a lot of people to thank, including the judge. He did something that many judges wouldn’t have done and gave me the opportunity after trial for a hearing.” Clancy said he took a picture of the state’s $2 million check, “with a nice amount of zeroes.” But he said it’s small consolation for the 11 years he spent in Green Haven Correctional Facility in Dutchess County, N.Y., the breakup of his marriage and the fact that while his friends were building families and buying homes he was holed up in a maximum-security prison for a crime he did not commit. “Some might think I won Lotto, but this is not a gift, not something to be celebrated,” Clancy said. “It is a matter of righting a wrong. But it wasn’t worth it. I would rather have those 11 years back.” Assistant Attorney General Robert Schwerdt represented the state. Steven Reed, spokesman for the Bronx District Attorney’s Office, declined comment on the settlement. “Our focus at this time is on prosecuting Andrew DeJesus,” Reed said. John Caher is a reporter for the New York Law Journal, a Legal affiliate. • then backdates and records a deed purporting to transfer to the debtor some interest in the borrower’s property. This act of “property dumping,” or “hijacking” the debtor’s case, allows the borrower to benefit from the automatic stay without suffering the “pain” of filing or subjecting himself or herself to the code’s rules governing debtors. The court first looked to the language of Section 362(d)(4) and determined that the passive voice used in the statute suggests that it does not require that the debtor be involved in the scheme to “delay, hinder or defraud creditors.” The court also looked at the legislative history of Section 362(d)(4), which was added as part of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. That legislative history suggests that one purpose of the BAPCPA, in general, is to curb abuse and misconduct by debtors and others involved in the bankruptcy process. The purpose of Section 362(d)(4), in particular, is to reduce the number of abusive filings. The court further justified its rationale with a comment that its reading of the statute protected the integrity of the bankruptcy system. It also agreed with the conclusion of another bankruptcy judge in the same district in In re Duncan & Forbes Development, 368 B.R. 27 (Bankr. C.D. Cal. 2006). There, the court held that in order to grant relief under Section 362(d)(4), it was not necessary that the debtor create, carry out or be party to the fraudulent scheme. Additionally, the court explained that Section 362(d)(4) does not require any showing of bad faith or misconduct on the part of the debtor, and made it clear that there had been no bad faith or misconduct by Dorsey. Consequently, the fact that the debtor was not involved in the scheme was of no moment; the bankruptcy filing was part of a scheme, and the first element of Section 362(d)(4) was therefore met. The court then easily concluded that the object of the scheme was to delay, hinder or defraud creditors. The court explained that the borrower had been successful in implementing the scheme in order to obstruct the foreclosure process on the Oxnard property. Accordingly, the second element of Section 362(d)(4) was met. Finally, the court found that the scheme included both transfers without consent and multiple bankruptcy filings. The court disagreed with the Duncan court’s determination that the secured creditor’s consent under Section 362(d)(4) applies only if the secured creditor has a right based on contract or other applicable law to require consent or court approval for a transfer of the collateral. Instead, it concluded that under the express language of the statute, a secured creditor may obtain relief so long as it shows that it did not consent to the transfer; the secured creditor need not show that it had a right to require its consent in the first place. In this case, Springleaf filed a declaration stating that the transfer had been made without its consent, and the Dorsey court concluded that this was sufficient to establish a lack of consent for purposes of Section 362(d)(4). Thus, the last element of Section 362(d)(4) was satisfied, and Springleaf was entitled to relief from the automatic stay. The Dorsey opinion sheds light on an issue that is particularly relevant for secured creditors operating in today’s economic environment. Some desperate borrowers have demonstrated that they will go to great (and creative) lengths to avoid foreclosure against their property, including manipulating the bankruptcy process to place as many obstacles as possible in a creditor’s way. The Dorsey opinion provides a positive and practical solution to creditors seeking to shut down the fraudulent practice of property dumping. The opinion does not discuss the potential repercussions for borrowers who orchestrate the scheme; presumably, these borrowers are on the hook for civil — and even criminal — penalties for their actions. • priorities than you have,” Summers said. But Dietrich, who is based in the firm’s Reading office, indicated that Summers was interested in representing plaintiffs in certain cases, which would have potentially violated Barley Snyder’s policies designed to safeguard against conflicts. “What people sometimes perceive as a lack of freedom at a law firm is really just that they want to have a practice that isn’t the one they’re in,” Dietrich said. Summers contended that while he was not and is not looking to switch over to a plaintiffs practice, he took issue with the ability of Barley Snyder’s management in the Lancaster office to veto his client choices, both on the plaintiffs side and the defense side, even when no conflict of interest existed. Denney said disputes over a perceived lack of autonomy in satellite offices are not uncommon, particularly when the satellite office is small and geographically close to the headquarters. “This is not a management rule, it’s sort of just life — the smaller the [satellite] office or the closer it is to the main office, the more control the main office or firm management will have over it,” Denney said. In the end, the answer for some attorneys and firms may simply be to go their separate ways. As for the formation of his new firm, Summers, whose practice focuses largely on commercial litigation, said he has served as co-counsel and referred cases back and forth with Nagy, a municipal and civil rights lawyer, for several years. Summers said merging his practice with Nagy’s “seemed like a logical fit.” “She was ready to grow [her practice] herself anyway so it was an easy combination of skill sets,” he said. Summers said he and Nagy are now turning their attention to hiring an associate-level attorney to their new firm, with plans to add a fourth lawyer either later this year or early next year. Dietrich, meanwhile, said his firm wishes Summers well. “People make career choices,” Dietrich said. “Hopefully, they move on and are happy with what they decide to do.” Zack Needles can be contacted at 215-5572493 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ZNeedlesTLI. • the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the copyright laws, which may, if plaintiff is successful, lead to an injunction enjoining the practices about which plaintiff complains,” Baylson said in Malibu Media v. John Does. “If plaintiff decides instead to continue to ‘pick off’ individual John Does, for confidential settlements, the court may draw an inference that plaintiff is not serious about proving its claims, or is unable to do so,” he said. Among the defenses from the Does is a sworn declaration from John Doe No. 6 stating that he has a wireless Internet router from which he runs two networks — one is secure for six authorized users and the other is open for the use of his guests. The router has a range of 100 feet, which allows his guest network to reach his neighbors, the street in front of his building, and the property behind his building. “If the statements in the sworn declaration of John Doe No. 6 ... are true, then John Doe No. 6, as well as any other similarly-situated defendants, would not be liable and, as prevailing parties in a copyright infringement suit, would be entitled to attorney’s fees and costs from plaintiff,” Baylson said. As he weighed whether or not to quash the third-party subpoenas and sever the defendants, Baylson looked to an opinion issued earlier this year in the Eastern District from U.S. District Judge Mary A. McLaughlin, with which he largely agreed. Baylson denied the defendants’ motions to quash and File-Sharing continues on 10 1 0 • THE LEGA L INTE LLIGE NCE R File-Sharing continued from 9 sever, but he granted them anonymity in the proceedings. “The court finds good cause for ordering such discovery because plaintiff has demonstrated that a subpoena seeking the subscriber information associated with allegedly infringing IP addresses is possibly the only way for plaintiff to identify the proper defendants in these cases and proceed with its claims against them,” Baylson said. He opened his opinion with a reference to the Giuseppe Verdi opera, A Masked Ball, in which a king seeks the names of conspirators plotting to kill him from a gypsy fortune-teller. “Now that the Internet and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure have replaced fortune-tellers as a means of securing information, plaintiff has invoked Rule 45 to secure the identities of the defendants from their respective Internet service providers,” Baylson said. “The court acknowledges, however, that Risperdal continued from 1 and the design defect — that Risperdal raised the level of the hormone prolactin and led to the growth of female breasts in boys — could have been corrected. Other drugs in the same class as Risperdal do not cause abnormal levels of the hormone, Sheller argued. “This product is by far the worst product that raised prolactin,” he said. According to Janssen, the FDA-approved prescribing information for Risperdal does state that the drug elevates the blood levels of prolactin, including with the side effect of males developing breasts and that 2.3 percent of 1,885 children and adolescents with autistic disorder or other psychiatric disorders had the male development of breasts in clinical trials. “This medication is well supported by more than 20 years of extensive research and clinical studies that demonstrate its strong efficacy and safety profile,” Teresa Mueller, a spokeswoman for Janssen, said in an email. Another legal issue is whether Excerpta Medica, which organized continuing medical education regarding Risperdal and which the plaintiffs’ lawyers say misrepresented the benefits and risks of Risperdal for children, F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 VOL P. 3054 the information provided by the ISPs in response to the subpoenas will not necessarily reveal the identities of the actual infringers, but may, with other discovery, lead to the infringers’ identities,” Baylson said. On the issue of severability, though, Baylson noted that there is a split among district judges across the country as well as within the Eastern District. Two Eastern District judges have recently found joinder to be proper in similar cases and two other Eastern District judges have recently found joinder to be improper, according to the opinion. He denied the defendants’ motions to sever without prejudice. “The purpose of the joinder rules is to promote efficiency, not to use federal district courts as small claims collection agencies, by putting economic pressure on individuals who do not have substantive liability,” Baylson said. “A bellwether trial is the best means of testing the viability of plaintiff’s claims, as well as plaintiff’s sincerity in pursuing them,” Baylson said. The plaintiffs have made a reasonable argument alleging copyright infringement and the defendants have produced factual material and memoranda to dispute the theory, Baylson said. He concluded, “The court cannot decide substantive issues on these conflicting documents. Discovery and, ultimately, a trial are necessary to find the truth.” Ronald Smith of Ronald A. Smith and Associates in Philadelphia is representing some of the defendants and said of the opinion, “At the end of the day, it’s an encouragement.” It will “put the plaintiff to the test,” Smith said, “instead of just firing their shotgun against anything that might be standing.” Lipscomb of Lipscomb Eisenberg & Baker in Miami is representing Malibu Media. When asked about the possibility of settling the case, he said of Baylson, “He didn’t say we couldn’t.” Although, he said, defendants are often eager to settle out of court. One declaration submitted in this case asserts, among other things, that “plaintiff has brought suit against numerous unnamed defendants simply to extort settlements,” according to the opinion. Baylson issued a protective order to keep the names of the defendants from becoming public, saying, “The incidence of adult pornography being downloaded onto someone’s computer is not earth-shattering in this day and age, although it can be obscene and embarrassing to many people.” When asked about the phrase in the opinion referring to “picking off” John Does for settlements, Lipscomb said, “What is the purpose of that? To litigate when both sides want to settle?” He said that he and his clients “will try to try this case,” but they would be open to entertaining a settlement offer if it is put forward by the defendants. “I am not currently planning on making settlement offers,” Lipscomb said. Saranac Hale Spencer can be contacted at 215-557-2449 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @SSpencerTLI. (Copies of the 21-page opinion in Malibu Media v. John Does, PICS No. 12-1934, are available from The Legal Intelligencer. Please call the Pennsylvania Instant Case Service at 800-276-PICS to order or for information.) • including allegedly through ghostwritten materials, could face liability. Sheller said he is not aware of another case in which such a medical communications company has faced liability. The plaintiffs are planning on appealing the summary judgment entered in favor of Excerpta Medica, Sheller said. Excerpta Medica’s attorney, Stephen J. Imbriglia of Gibbons P.C., could not be reached immediately for comment. Another legal issue is whether J&J CEO Alex Gorsky must testify regarding his role in the Risperdal marketing strategy. Gorsky was subpoenaed to appear in three cases, McCormick said. Judge George W. Overton, who was to preside over the first case to settle, never ruled on the motion because the case settled, and Judge Arnold L. New, who supervises the court’s mass torts program, ruled regarding Bernstein’s and Ackerman’s trials that Gorsky did not have to appear, McCormick said. Gorsky has been named as an individual defendant in one Texas Risperdal case they just filed, Hilliard said. Hilliard said that both sets of lawyers were able to talk to the jury in A.B. after the settlement, which came while the case was still in the middle of the plaintiff’s presentation of evidence. Hilliard said that some of the jurors told them it was clear that there was off-label marketing of Risperdal, that they were willing to consider a large award, and that it was “about money for the company.” Texas law allows punitive damages regarding children’s injuries if the defendant’s conduct involved a potential criminal offense, and plaintiffs’ counsel argue that off-label marketing is a criminal offense, Sheller said. “We think they were disturbed by the offlabel marketing,” Sheller said. When asked to respond to what the plaintiffs’ lawyers reported the jury as saying, Mueller said in an email, “It wouldn’t be appropriate for us to comment on hearsay or speculation.” During his opening statement, Hilliard said that J&J marketed the antipsychotic drug to children and juveniles as part of a policy to increase the sales of Risperdal beyond the 1 percent of the population that has schizophrenia. However, defense counsel Smith said in her opening statement that the case was about one boy and the decision by his doctor to give him what is viewed as a “miracle” drug. “During the time that it was actively promoted, our company policy was to promote Risperdal for its FDA-approved indication,” Mueller said in an email. “From its initial approval in 1993 through 2002, that indication was the management of the manifestations of psychotic disorders. In March 2002, the FDA approved indication was changed to the treatment of schizophrenia, and in December 2003, the label was expanded to include the short-term treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder.” While J&J has said it is close to pleading guilty to a misdemeanor criminal charge regarding off-label marketing of Risperdal, that pending plea was not given to the jurors in the A.B. case, Sheller said. The drug company representative in the area of North Texas where the plaintiff lived testified that it was “part of a national directive to push symptoms onto kids,” Hilliard said, which meant suggesting to physicians that Risperdal could be used to treat mood and other disorders in children. Hilliard said that until there is a jury verdict in a case at some point it will continue to be very hard to place a value on cases. “I think a jury is really going to hurt Johnson & Johnson at some point,” he said. But Hilliard said it is hard to assess the value of the psychological impact on a boy to grow breasts, including having double mastectomies. “A Texas jury or Pennsylvania jury will eventually let everyone know the level of seriousness,” Hilliard said. Amaris Elliott-Engel can be contacted at 215-557-2354 or [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @AmarisTLI. • Insurance Bad Faith in New Jersey To Order: Call 800-722-7670 x2453 | Visit | Scan the QR code at right VOL P. 3055 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 11 PENNSYLVANIA’S MOST TRUSTED SOURCE FOR LEGAL NEWS & INFORMATION PUBLICATIONS EVENTS The Legal Intelligencer General Counsel Breakfast Diversity Awards Luncheon Delaware Law Weekly 170th Anniversary / Lifetime Achievers Litigation Summit Delaware Business Court Insider Corporate Practices of the Year Philadelphia Bar Reporter (Philadelphia Bar) Lawyers on the Fast Track Philadelphia Lawyer (Philadelphia Bar) Managing Partners Breakfast The Legal Directory (Philadelphia Bar) Custom CLEs and Roundtables SPECIAL SECTIONS 170th Anniversary Issue PaLaw Magazine Top Laterals Boutique Law Firm Guide Lawyers on the Fast Track Best of Litigation Top PA Verdicts For more information please e-mail Don Chalphin at [email protected] or call 215-557-2359. 1 2 • THE LEGA L INTE LLIGE NCE R F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 VOL P. 3056 DIRECTORY OF EXPERTS & SERVICES Call The Legal Intelligencer today to reserve your listing: 215-557-2359 SMALL BUSINESS FINANCING ADVERTISING SERVICES HANDWRITING EXPERTS PARTY PLANNERS J. 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Detwiler Detwiler Forensic Document Examiners Forensic Document Examiners Forensic Document Examiners 47 Years Experience | Internationally Recognized 47State YearsofExperience | Internationally Recognized the Art Forensic Document Laboratory 47 Years Experience | Internationally Recognized State of the Art Forensic Document Laboratory Specializing in Forensic Graphics and Court State of the Art Forensic Document Laboratory Specializing in Demonstrative Forensic Graphics andIllustrations Court Testimony Utilizing Court Specializing in Forensic Graphics and Court Testimony Utilizing Demonstrative Court Illustrations Testimony Utilizing Demonstrative Court Illustrations 763 W. 763Lancaster W. Lancaster Avenue Avenue Bryn Bryn Mawr, Mawr, PA 19010 PA 19010 Office: Office: 610-527-0900 610-527-0900 PROCESS SERVERS DENNIS RICHMAN’S SERVICES For The Professional, Inc. We are the local TRUSTED PROFESSIONAL PROCESS SERVERS that have been serving the Philadelphia area attorneys since 1973. Specializing in service of complaints in Philadelphia. Service available anywhere in the country. Phone: 215-977-9393 1500 JFK Blvd., Suite 1706, Philadelphia, PA 19102 Email: [email protected] Web Site: RECRUITMENT/PLACEMENT Alevistar Legal Connecting Top Attorneys to Top Law firms in the Philadelphia area since 2003. We’ve got the pulse on the Philadelphia legal market! Partners- Associates- Paralegals- Legal Support Please visit our web site: Please visit our site: | web [email protected] Please visit our web site: [email protected] Phone: 814-793-2377 | | Fax: 914-793-3730 | [email protected] Phone: 814-793-2377 | Fax: 914-793-3730 Phone: 814-793-2377 | Fax: 914-793-3730 Alevistar has been ranked as one of the top executive search firms by the Philadelphia Business Journal each year since 2007 101 W. Elm Street; Suite 360 Conshohocken, PA 19428 Jason Mandel Dir. of Legal Recruitment 610-617-1219 [email protected] Reach over 12,000 attorneys daily with an advertisement in the Experts & Services section. Use this page to target attorneys in the Philadelphia region while watching your budget. Contact an account manager today to start advertising: Jayne Overturf Brian Levinson Managing Partner 610-617-1218 [email protected] [email protected], (215) 557-2492 Dan Krause [email protected], (215) 557-2393 Terri Oppenheimer [email protected], (215) 557-2340 VOL P. 3057 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 13 To Place Your Ad Today Please Call 347-227-3148 | Non-Employment 215-557-2393 | Fax 347-227-3607 Attorneys ATTORNEY High-end boutique corporate and litigation law firm in southern NJ seeking highly competent commercial litigator with at least 10 years' experience in a large law firm to join growing, sophisticated litigation practice that has national client base. An attorney with even a modest book of business creates an ideal opportunity for the candidate to build a client base while having the ATTORNEY ability to earn more than typical large law firm salary. All High-end boutique corporate submittals law willfirm be in mainand litigation tained confidence. Please southern NJinseeking highly reply to: PA Box 28944 competent commercial litigator [email protected] with at least 10 years' experience in a large law firm to join growing, sophisticatedCOMPLIANCE litigation ATTORNEY practice Needed for SE PA base. credit and that has national client collection with firm even to oversee An attorney a Federal compliance modest bookandofState business requirements involving creates an ideal opportunity FDCPA, TCPA, for the candidate to CFPB, build aGLB, BBB, etc. asthe well as clientSAS-70, base while having NJ typand PA. abilityrequirements to earn moreinthan Mustlaw have NJ litigation experiical large firm salary. All ence andwill be licensed in NJ and submittals be mainor AdministratainedPA. in Regulatory confidence. Please tive Law background reply to: PA Box 28944 a plus. Commensurate salary, medical [email protected] and 401k. Please reply to: PA Box 28924 [email protected] COMPLIANCE ATTORNEY Needed for SE PA credit and collection firm to oversee Defense Attorney Federal and State compliance Med/Mal/Work Comp. requirements involving Minimum 3 years experience FDCPA, TCPA, CFPB, GLB, for medium center city firm. SAS-70, BBB, as well Faxetc. Resume to as requirements 215-851-1520 in NJ and PA. Must have NJ litigation experience and be licensed in NJ and PA. Regulatory or Administrative Law background a plus. Commensurate salary, medical Outsource Legal and 401k. Please reply to: PA BoxServices 28924 [email protected] Defense Attorney Med/Mal/Work Comp. Minimum 3 years experience for medium center city firm. Fax Resume to 215-851-1520 Offices For Rent BARLEY SNYDER Spectacular office Attorneys Product Liability space for a sole Litigation Partner Distinguished products lipractitioner and an ability practice group of assistant. firm with a national litigaThe Airlaw Building has third tion practice is offering floor office space available very attractive terms to starting November 1st .This partner-level defense atbeautiful office is privately torney with portable busiserved by an elevator and ness. This firm is eager to includes an adjacent file grow this practice group storage room. Two magnificent in its Philadelphia office, conference rooms for shared so you will receive outuse are included, as is the new standing support. Their kitchen. Reception services are billing rate will probably provided and a parking space be a Product good fit for your cliLiability is negotiable. ents.Litigation If your Partner current firm Contact Cheryl at is not doing well by you, Distinguished products licall about this group great opability practice of 215-545-4220. portunity. There is litigaexcelfirm with a national lent practice long term potential The Airlaw Building has third tion is offering here.attractive J.O. 561479 on floor office space available very terms to www.abelsonlegalsearch. starting November 1st .This partner-level defense atcom or interested beautiful office is privately torney with portable candibusidates may email their reserved by an elevator and ness. This firm is eager to sumethis to abelson@ includes an adjacent file grow practice group F R I D A Y, A U G storage U S T room. 7 , 2 0Two 0 9magnificent its Philadelphia office, conference rooms for shared so you will receive outuse are included, as is the new standing support. Their kitchen. Reception services are billing rate will probably provided and a parking space be a good fit for your cliis negotiable. ents. If your current firm Offices For Rent BARLEY SNYDER Spectacular office space for a sole practitioner and an assistant. Vacation & Leisure Homes VOL P. 5039 Case Digest Writer We are seeking a freelance case digest writer for the Legal Intelligencer/Pennsylvania Law Weekly. This position requires you to provide summaries of state, federal and common pleas court opinions in approximately 550 words on a weekly basis. The ideal candidate will have a JD degree and the ability to meet deadlines. Qualified candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to: [email protected] for immediate consideration. DIGEST EDITOR We are seeking a Digest Editor for the Legal Intelligencer. This position requires writing and editing case summaries of Pennsylvania and federal court opinions for the Pennsylvania Digest Writer Law Weekly. Case This position is also responsible for providing We case are seeking a freelance casestate digest the opinions Legal summaries of Delaware andwriter federalfor court Intelligencer/Pennsylvania Law and Weekly. This position for the Delaware Law Weekly Delaware Business Court requires you to provide summaries of state, federal Insider. In addition to writing case digests, you will workand with Too Many Deps and Arbs? common pleas courtwriters opinions 550 words freelance digest and in beapproximately responsible for producing a Experienced Trial Attorney, on aweekly weeklytotal basis.ofThe ideal candidate will have a for JD degree approximately 45 summaries all three 2500 depositions, PCCP Arand publications. the ability The to meet deadlines. candidates ideal candidate willQualified have awill JD degree, bitrator, handlestrong your organizational and writing skills and the ability to meet should submit a resume and cover letter to: overflow on an hourly basis, deadlines. Qualified resume and l g r e e n candidates f i e l d @ a Experience lshould m . c o submit m in a PI, Products cover letter with salary requirements to: [email protected] for immediate consideration. Liability, MVA. Contact at for immediate consideration. [email protected]. Alternative Dispute Resolution PICS Paralegal is not doing well by you, call about this great opPARALEGAL portunity. There is excel3-5 years litigation experience lent term potential withlong PA & NJ courts. Mature, here. J.O. & 561479 on responsible committed. www.abelsonlegalsearch. Resumes are being accepted com or interested candiat fax 215-271-8910 dates may email their resume to abelson@ Offices For Rent Consultants Paralegal Center City Party Planners 1608 Walnut Street Office (Furnished) 2 W.S. PARALEGAL Business Events optional, Filing & shared Conf. 3-5 years litigation experience Major Social Events Rm. Kitchen. with PA & NJ&courts. Mature, responsible & Help committed. Call- Per 215-545-1720 Need or Resumes areCoordination being accepted Full at fax 215-271-8910 Whims for Rent 29 Bala Ave, Ste. 114 Advertising Services Class A window Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 We are seeking a Digest Editor for the Legal Intelligencer. Phone: 484-562-0067 This position requires writing and editing case summaries of Offices For Rentfor office available Fax: 484-562-0068 FREE PLAN Pennsylvania and federal court opinions forMARKETING the Pennsylvania sublease near Over 50 years Law Weekly. This position is also responsible for experience providing American Adv. Services [email protected] case summaries of Delaware state and federal court opinions 19th & Market. 29 Bala Ave., Ste. Court 114 for the Delaware Law Weekly and Delaware Business Center City Conference room Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Insider. In addition to writing case digests, you will work with 1608 Walnut Street access included. freelance digest writers and be responsible484-562-0060 for producing a E-Mail: [email protected] OfficeHandwriting (Furnished) 2 W.S. weekly total approximately 45 summaries for all three callof today MUST optional, Filing & SEE! shared Conf. publications. The ideal candidate will have a JD degree, strong Rm.Experts & Kitchen. in Parking/Gym organizational and writing skills and the ability to meet (800)-276-PICS WILLIAM J.MANSFIELD,INC. Call 215-545-1720 deadlines. Qualified candidates should submit a resume and building. Suite 1209 - 998 Old Eagle School Road DIGEST EDITOR cover letter with salary requirements to: [email protected] Wayne, PA 19087-1805 for immediate consideration. Legal Advertising since 1935 Corporations * Fictitious Names * Estates * Name Changes * Quiet Titles, etc. (610)254-9980 Fax:(610) 254-9982 Want to reach the best Attorney candidates? is the premier Certified Fed., State & Local Courts J. WRIGHT LEONARD, CDE Center City Location 215-735-4000 Please call (215) 564-2500 Class A window office available for sublease near 19th & Market. FORENSIC CONSULTANTS William J. Ries-Examiner TOLL FREE 1-800-231-7891 THE LEG Winter Haven Florida Beautiful 2 Call The Lega Bedroom Home today to res Contact Cheryl at For Sale 215-545-4220.your listing h Gated 55+ Community. 800-722-767 Vacation & Home Is Fully Home for Sale Furnished. Leisure Homes Great 2nd Home Or For Haven Your Winter Retirement. Florida Medical Consultan For More Beautiful 2 Information Visit WE WELCOME NEW PATIEN Bedroom Home ARE REPRESENTED BY ATT For Sale Or Transplex Center for Medicine and Rehabilitation p 55+for work-related and accide CallGated 814-590-8781 rehabilitation Community. John K. Eshleman, D.O. - Medical D Home Is Fully TRANSPLEX CENTER FOR MEDICINE AND Furnished. 5303 FRANKFORD AVENU PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 Great 2nd Home (215) 831-1404 Class Or For Your #Reserved Retirement. For More Video/Audio Visit 1 x Information 2.44 in. Tape Services Or Video For Business Call30814-590-8781 Seconds to 30 Minutes One-Stop Complete Job, Or Required Segments Casting · Creative · Production 29 Bala Ave., Ste. 114 PI Get the you Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Tel 484-562-0066 Class Fax: 484-562-0068 #Reserved [email protected] PICS is Pen full-text ca Incisiv 1 4 • THE LEGA L INTE LLIGE NCE R F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 VOL P. 3058 Public Notices Estate Notices NOTICE TO COUNSEL Your attention is directed to Section 3162 of the Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code of June 30, 1972 (Act No. 164) which requires advertisement of grant of letters to contain the name and address of the personal representatives. ORPHANS’ COURT OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Letters have been granted on the Estate of each of the following decedents to the representatives named, who request all persons having claims against the Estate to present them in writing and all persons indebted to the Estate to make payment to them (unless otherwise noted all addresses being in Philadelphia): BLYZNIUK, MICHAEL -- Gerae Blyzniuk, Administratrix, 2323 Almond Street, Philadelphia, PA 19125; Leo M. Mulvihill, Jr., Attorney, 2424 E. York Street, Suite 316, Philadelphia, PA 19125. 9-28-3* DODD, CHARLES RAYMOND -- Frederick C. Helder, Executor, c/o Roger F. Perry, Esquire, 734 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147; Roger F. Perry, Attorney, 734 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147. 9-28-3* DUMPHY, MARGARET M., (also known as MARGARET DUMPHY) -- Eileen Moran, Executrix, c/o Frank C. DePasquale, Jr., Esquire, 2332-34 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145; Frank C. DePasquale, Jr., Attorney, DePasquale Law Offices, 2332-34 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. 9-21-3 FRANKLIN, JOHN W. -- Kiane Koch, Administratrix, 2207 E. Norris Street, Philadelphia, PA 19125; Leo M. Mulvihill, Jr., Attorney, 2424 E. York Street, Suite 316, Philadelphia, PA 19125. 9-28-3* HARRIS, JOHN THOMAS -Gwen Harris-Montagye and Kevin J. Ryan, Esquire, Co-Administrators, 220 W. Gay Street, West Chester, PA 19380-2917; Kevin J. Ryan, Attorney, Ryan, Morton & Imms LLC, 220 W. Gay Street, West Chester, PA 193802917. 9-21-3* HARTE, FRANCIS J. -- Michael J. Harte and Theresa Lazorko, Administrators, c/o Gerald L. Bowen, Jr., Esq., 530 Street Rd., Southampton, PA 18966; Gerald L. Bowen, Jr., Attorney, Bowen & Burns, P.C., 530 Street Rd., P. O. Box 572, Southampton, PA 18966. 9-21-3 HEMSLEY, LEE V., (also known as LEE VERNON HEMSLEY) -Helen Richardson, Executrix, c/o Megan McCrea, Esquire, 7169 Germantown Avenue, 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19119; Megan McCrea, Attorney, Ross & McCrea LLP, 7169 Germantown Avenue, 2nd Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19119. 9-21-3 City Council KLEPCZYNSKI, VALENTINE -- Krystyna Trafalski, Executrix, c/o Leon A. Mankowski, Esquire, 2624 E. Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19134; Leon A. Mankowski, Attorney, 2624 E. Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19134. 9-21-3 MAIOCCO, MARIE -- Elizabeth Buthusiem, Executrix, c/o Dan Rosin, Esquire, 822 Pine Street, Suite 2C, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Dan Rosin, Attorney, 822 Pine Street, Suite 2C, Philadelphia, PA 19107. 9-21-3 MURILLO, MIGUEL ANGEL HERNANDEZ, (also known as MIGUEL HERNANDEZ-MURILLO) -- Jose L. Hernandez-Murillo, Executor c/o Stephen J. Labroli, Esquire, Leonard, Sciolla, Hutchison, Leonard & Tinari, LLP, Two Penn Center, Suite 1910, 1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19102; Stephen J. Labroli, Attorney, Leonard, Sciolla, Hutchison, Leonard & Tinari, LLP, Two Penn Center, Suite 1910, 1500 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19102. 10-5-3* RICELLI, JOHN -- Harry Caines, Executor, c/o Kenneth D. Federman, Esquire, 3103 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 19020; Kenneth D. Federman, Attorney, Rothberg & Federman, P. C., 3103 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 19020. 9-21-3 ZNEIMER, SELMA J., (also known as SELMA ZNEIMER) -Carol Ann Keidel, Executrix, c/o Edmund L. Harvey, Jr., Esquire, 1835 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2968; Edmund L. Harvey, Jr., Attorney, Teeters Harvey Gilboy & Kaier LLP, 1835 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2968. 9-21-3 Name Change Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, October Term, 2012, No. 3747. Notice is hereby given that on July 27, 2012, the petition of Lorine Raiford was filed, praying for a decree to change her name to Lorraine Washington. The Court has fixed October 26, 2012 at 11:30 A.M., in Room 691, City Hall, Philadelphia, PA for hearing. All persons interested may appear and show cause if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. 10-5-1* City of Philadelphia City Council Notice Follow The Legal ’s Staff on Of Bills reported from Committees of the Council of the City of Philadelphia on Thursday, October 4, 2012: 120397 An Ordinance continuing the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise Neighborhood Improvement District beyond its termination date in the area bounded generally by the north side of Allegheny Avenue, west side of Memphis Street between Allegheny Avenue and East Westmoreland Street, south side of East Westmoreland Street, properties facing west along the east side of Tulip Street, the north side of Venango Street, and the west side of Amber Street, continuing Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise, Inc. to assess property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and conditions. 120645 An Ordinance amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning," by making, revising, and consolidating certain regulations regarding flood protection, and by further repealing Chapter 101100A of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Development in Defined Flood Plain Areas"; all under certain terms and conditions." Catch up with The Legal ’s reporters and editors, learn of latest breaking news and gain access to exclusive content! EDITORS REPORTERS HGrezlakTLI MRiccardiTLI JessBurghausTLI BSealTLI GPassarellaTLI ZNeedlesTLI BPresentTLI JeffMordockTLI AmarisTLI When your firm has news that is important enough to announce, consider placing an announcement in The Legal Intelligencer! Whatever the announcement, use The Legal Intelligencer’s Professional Announcements to enhance your message. 120725 An Ordinance amending Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Traffic Code," by providing for prohibitions relating to all-terrain vehicles, and for penalties and enforcement, all under certain terms and conditions. MICHAEL A. DECKER Chief Clerk 10-5-1* For the full online version of The Legal Intelligencer To place a Professional Announcement, contact Lana Ehrlich at 215-557-2392 or [email protected] VOL P. 3059 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 L e g a l THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 15 L i s t i n g s COURT NOTIC E S Counsel WEEKLY EMERGENCY JUDGE ASSIGNMENT Civil Procedural Rules Committee 601 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 6200 P.O. Box 62635 Harrisburg PA 17106-2635 FAX 717-231-9526 [email protected] The Emergency Judge handles all emergencies (Civil, Criminal, Orphans’ and Family Court Matters) arising after Court hours. As part of this assignment, Judge Richard J. Gordon, Jr. will perform weddings on Tuesday and Thursday, in Room 410, City Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Friday, October 5, 2012, 5:00 p.m., through Friday, October 12, 2012, 9:00 a.m. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware instituted an annual process to review and consider comments and revisions to its Local Rules. The comment period is October 1, 2012 through October 31, 2012. Any comments should be emailed to the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware at the following email address: [email protected] or emailed to Kimberly LaMaina at [email protected]. All comments received will be discussed by the Local Rules Committee to ascertain if there will be a revision to the Local Rules. Any revisions to the Local Rules will be posted on the Court’s website and will be effective February 1, 2013. Questions for the Local Rules Committee should be addressed to Gregg Galardi at (212) 335-4640, [email protected] or Kimberly LaMaina at (302) 651-3184, [email protected]. SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL PROCEDURAL RULES COMMITTEE Proposed Recommendation No. 256 Proposed Amendment of Rule 1033 Governing Amendments and Rule 2232 Governing Defective Joinder The Civil Procedural Rules Committee proposes that Rules of Civil Procedure 1033 governing amendments and 2232 governing defective joinder be amended as set forth herein. The proposed recommendation is being submitted to the bench and bar for comments and suggestions prior to its submission to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. All communications in reference to the proposed recommendation should be sent no later than November 6, 2012 to: Karla M. Shultz Rule 1033. Amendment (a) A party, either by filed consent of the adverse party or by leave of court, may at any time change the form of action, change a party against whom a claim is asserted, add a person as a party, correct the name of a party, or otherwise amend [his] the pleading. The amended pleading may aver transactions or occurrences which have happened before or after the filing of the original pleading, even though they give rise to a new cause of action or defense. An amendment may be made to conform the pleading to the evidence offered or admitted. (b) An amendment changing the party against whom a claim is asserted relates back to the date of the commencement of the action if, within ninety days after the period provided by law for commencing the action, the party to be brought in by the amendment has received notice of the institution of the action such that it will not be prejudiced in maintaining a defense on the merits and the party knew or should have known that the action would have been brought against the party but for a mistake concerning the identity of the proper party. Note: Notice shall include informal knowledge of the action and is not limited to the service of original process. Defective Joinder. Change of Parties Rule 2232. (a) The cause of action of a person required to join in an action as a party plaintiff by Rule 2228 shall be barred by failing to join therein if the defendant has given such person such notice of the pendency of the action as the court by local rule or special order shall direct. (b) [Joinder of unnecessary parties is not ground for dismissal of an action. After notice to all other parties, a party may be dropped by order of the court whenever the party has been misjoined or no claim for relief is asserted against the party in the action by any other party.] Rescinded. (c) At any stage of an action, the court may order the joinder of any additional person who could have joined or who could have been joined in the action and may stay all proceedings until such person has been joined. The court in its discretion may proceed in the action although such person has not been made a party if jurisdiction over the person cannot be obtained and the person is not an indispensable party to the action. (d) When a plaintiff joins two or more defendants and the evidence does not justify a recovery against all of them, the court shall enter a nonsuit or direct a verdict in favor of any defendant not shown to be liable either jointly, severally or separately, and the action shall continue and determine which of the remaining defendants are jointly, severally or separately liable with the same effect as though the defendants found to be liable were the only ones joined. As in other cases the court may enter judgment notwithstanding the verdict in favor of or against any of such defendants. COMING EVE N TS October 8 Entertainment Law in the Twenty-First Century: Effective Representation in an Ever-Changing Industry (video) The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 9:00 am to 3:30 pm; check-in at 8:30 am Cost: $169 Member; $149 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $189 Nonmember 5 substantive/1 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: October 9 International Arbitration The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 9:00 am to 12:15 pm; check-in at 8:30 am Cost: $279 Member; $259 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $299 Nonmember 3 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: Property Wars: Land Development and Property Rights Litigation The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 8:30 am to 12:45 pm; check-in at 8:00 am Cost: $249 Member; $229 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $269 Nonmember 4 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: Annual U.S. Supreme Court Roundup The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 1:00 pm to 4:15 pm; check-in at 12:30 pm Cost: $139 Member; $119 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $159 Nonmember 3 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: Jenkins Law Library – CLE Seminar Medical Resources on the Internet. The amount of medical information on the Web is constantly growing. Learn to effectively find the needle in the haystack. Topics include: locating and evaluating medical resources on the Web; specific drug, disease, or medical procedure information; expert witness search; doctor or medical specialist background search. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Jenkins Law Library, Computer Learning Center, 833 Chestnut Street, Suite 1220. 2.0 Substantive CLE Credits. The cost is $69 for Jenkins members, $89 for non-members, and $35 for judges/clerks/paralegals. Pre-registration required. October 10 Thorny Issues in Pennsylvania Landlord Tenant Law The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 9:00 am to 1:15 pm; check-in at 8:30 am Cost: $229 Member; $209 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $249 Nonmember 4 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: 16th Annual Family Law Update 4PBI or go to: Jenkins Law Library – CLE Seminar Clinical Decision Making for Attorneys, presented by Darshan Kulkarni, Esq. This course evaluates the process between the introduction of a drug onto the market to the point at which it reaches the patient. The course discusses the various points of contact, change-overs between healthcare workers, evaluates clinical decision making, discusses the package insert and patient package insert and drug evaluations including contra-indications, risks, risk to benefit evaluations, etc. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Jenkins Law Library, 833 Chestnut Street, Suite 1220. 1.0 Substantive CLE Credit. The cost is $29 for Jenkins members, $39 for non-members, and $15 for judges/clerks/paralegals. Preregistration required. Department Of Records As of October 3, 2012,, all instruments left for record to September 28, 2012 are ready for delivery. The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 8:30 am to 1:15 pm; check-in at 8:00 am Cost: $249 Member; $229 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $269 Nonmember 4.5 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-2474PBI or go to: 15Coming Events 34 Superior Court 28 Common Pleas Court 34 Supreme Court 29 Criminal Trial List A Day on Health Law 16 Federal Court 31 Municipal Court 35 Register Of Wills The CLE Conference Center, Wanamaker Building, 10th Floor, Suite 1010 8:30 am to 3:40 pm; check-in at 8:00 am Cost: $299 Member; $279 Member admitted after 1/1/07; $319 Nonmember 6 substantive/0 ethics Pre-registration recommended. For more information contact PBI Customer Service at 800-247- i n s i d e 19, 33 U.S. Bankruptcy Court 16, 33 U.S. Court of Appeals 33 U.S. District Court 1 6 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Court of Appeals CASES LISTED FOR DISPOSITION THE ALBERT BRANSON MARIS COURTROOM 19th Flr. FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 Interstate Outdoor Advertising L.P., Appellant v. Zoning Board of the Township of Mt. Laurel, et al. (ARGUE); 11-3837. Wiest, et al., Appellants v. Lynch, etc., et al. (ARGUE); 11-4257. George v. Rehiel, etc., et al. (ARGUE); 11-4292. Amos, et al., Appellants v. Franklin Financial Services Corp., et al. (ARGUE); 11-4528. CASES LISTED FOR DISPOSITION FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 Olivieri, Appellant v. County of Bucks County, et al. (SUBMIT); 11-4130. Reid, Jr., Appellant v. Transportation Ins. Co., et al. (SUBMIT); 11-4297. Scavone, Appellant v. PA State Police, et al. (SUBMIT); 12-1071. USA v. Flemming, etc., Appellant (SUBMIT); 12-1118. D’Orazio, III, Appellant v. Washington Township, et al. (SUBMIT); 12-1169. USA v. Henderson, Appellant (SUBMIT); 12-1677. DISTRICT COURT NOTICE 1. Counsel shall promptly notify the deputy clerk to each judge before whom he/she has a case listed upon becoming attached for trial in another court. To be accorded recognition, a busy slip, using the designated form, MUST be filed in Room 2609 before 1 p.m. on the day after counsel becomes attached. 2. Cases in the trial pools do not necessarily appear in the order in which they will be called. Counsel should therefore be ready to begin trial upon receiving telephone call notice, subject to the following: (a) Counsel whose cases are in the pools will be given 48 hours’ notice, if feasible, but not less than 24 hours notice to ready for trial with witnesses. (b) It is counsel’s responsibility to check with each judge’s deputy clerk on the status and movement of criminal and civil cases in that judge’s pool. (c) Counsel will not be required to commence trial less than 24 hours after completing trial of another case. J. CURTIS JOYNER Chief Judge J. C. JOYNER, C.J. Courtroom 17A Chambers: Room 17614 Deputy Clerk: Sharon Carter Phone: 267-299-7419 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2006-4517 P. Se Chris Washington-El v.Daivd DiGuglielmo R. J. Henzes MON., DECEMBER 10, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-3367 A. M. Sergio; M. J. Torchia Accu-Fire Fabrication, Inc. v.S.S. Sprinkler, Co., Inc. D. B. Ostrovsky; G. R. Mariano MON., DECEMBER 17, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-506- R. Hsia U.S.A. v.Tony Davis W. J. Honig S. DALZELL, J. Courtroom 15B Deputy Clerk: Eileen Adler Phone: 267-299-7399 TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00411- R. Livermore United States of America v.Joseph Vincent White M. Meehan MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2009-000626-0 T. Zaleski United States of America v.Shermell Mobley M. Isenberg MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00479- R. Hsia United States of America v.Andre Lamont Daniels R. Thompson MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00346- J. Linehan United States of America v.Charles Bryant R. Cipparone Jr.; J. Fioravanti Jr; T. Dreyer Jr; P. McKinney; C. Cinquanto; L. Fish TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00119- A. Eve United States of America v.William Cooper N. V. Tinari MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-451- A. Wzorek U.S.A. v.Joseph Picklo K. N. Scott; S. Patchen Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2011-5820 A. S. Novello Colin Campano v.Yellow Freight and Roadway R. P. Corbin MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-261- A. K. Lunkenheimer U.S.A. v.Randy Tapia M. G. Paul; D. Chavar; W. T. Cannon TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-221- D. J. Ignall U.S.A. v.John Marrone N. V. Tinari; K. C. Edelin Jr. 10:00 A.M. CR2012-400- J. A. Labar U.S.A. v.Leonardo Hernandez M. J. Diamondstein; J. M. Farrell MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-75- K. M. Copeland U.S.A. v.Alexander Mangual M. J. Engle 10:00 A.M. CR2012-81- J. R. Arteaga; P. R. de la Torre U.S.A. v.Arlando Pickett W. R. Maynard On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00362- B. Fitzpatrick United States of America v.David Alan Sprintz C. Laguzzi; P. George MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00155- J. J. Khan; T. J. Wright United States of America v.Patricia Fountain M. J. Engle; M. P. Gottlieb; L. Bozzelli MON., JANUARY 14, 2013 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00467- M. Carrillo United States of America v.Milton Hylton M. Diamondstein MON., NOVEMBER 12, 2012 Trial Pool Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2009-02728 E. D. Raynor Jr.; J. Vaccaro As;teria Vives v.Frank Rodriguez D. Onorato; G. W. Fox; M. Yanoff E. C. ROBRENO, J. Courtroom 11A Deputy Clerk: Ronald Vance Phone: 267-299-7429 FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-005668 D. Lehman; J. Zenstein Steven & Robin Gellar v.State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. Y. Desipio TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2009-000496- J. Han; F. Labor; S. Ercole USA v.Joseph Ligambi, et al E. Jacobs; J. Santaguida; P. Hetznecker; G. Pagano; L. O Connor; M. Grasso; C. Warren M. A. MCLAUGHLIN, J. Courtroom 13A Secretary/Civil Deputy:Cheryl Stormes Phone: 267-299-7600 Courtroom Deputy: Dennis Hartman Phone: 267-299-7609 P. B. TUCKER, J. ______ Courtroom Deputy: Michael Owens Phone: 267-299-7619 L. DAVIS, J. Courtroom 6A ______ Secretary/Deputy Civil: Mia Harvey Phone: (267) 299-7651 Courtroom Deputy Criminal; Donna Croce Phone: (267) 299-7659 C.M. RUFE, J. ______ Scheduling/Deputy Clerk: Velma T. White Phone: (267) 299 -7490 Fax: (267) 299-5077 ESR/Courtroom Deputy: Erica Pratt Phone (267) 299-7499 TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2010-00388-1 N. Winter, AUSA United States of America v.Charles Jackson C. Jackosn, Pro Se; H. Lefeber, Esq. MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2011-727-2 J. Burnes, AUSA; J. Natali, AUSA United States of America v.Sherry West M. Drossner, Esq. WED., OCTOBER 17, 2012 Hearing Status Conference 10:00 A.M. MDL-2342 v.Zoloft Product Litigation ______ FRI., OCTOBER 19, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2011-488- J. Burnes, AUSA; J. Natali, AUSA United States of America v.Lynda Williams S. Patrizio, Esq. MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2011-727-3 J. Burnes, AUSA; J. Natali, AUSA United States of America v.Tamirrah FluEllen S. Adamo, Esq. 2:00 P.M. CR2010-764- N. Leverett, III AUSA; J. Ghose AUSA United States of America v.Juan Sanchez M. Stosic, Esq. TUE., OCTOBER 30, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-619- A. Fisk, AUSA United States of America v.Alexander Rivera S. Patchen, Esq. MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 Hearing Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-706- V. Pratter, AUSA United States of America v.Anthony Haines, et al N. Gorson, Esq.; E. Toplin, Esq. TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2010-212- K. Newton, AUSA United States of America v.Harmon Ford, et al S. Lin, Esq.; R. Madden, Esq. MON., NOVEMBER 19, 2012 Hearing Status Conference 10:00 A.M. MDL-002342 v.Zoloft Product Litigation ______ MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2012-246- K. Newton, AUSA United States of America v.Laddis Taylor VOL P. 3060 D. Cagalia, Esq. 2:00 P.M. CR2011-480- J. Linehan, AUSA United States of America v.Derrick Garvin N. Spizer, Esq. FRI., NOVEMBER 30, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2010-212-3 K. Newton, AUSA United States of America v.Kareem Compton, et al G. Brown, Esq. 2:00 P.M. CR2012-124- J. Burnes, AUSA; J. Natali, AUSA United States of America v.Clarence Cooper R. DeLuca, Esq. MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 2:00 P.M. CR2012-395- L. Magid, AUSA United States of America v.Scott Riepen N. Tinari, Esq. On Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-266- J. Ghose, AUSA United States of America v.Jose RosarioVargas C. Henry, Esq. FRI., DECEMBER 7, 2012 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2012-130- J. Burnes, AUSA; J. Natali, AUSA United States of America v.Corey Lambert D. Shapiro, Esq. MON., JANUARY 7, 2013 Hearing Sentencing 10:00 A.M. CR2012-458- L. Magid, AUSA United States of America v.Terri Thompson T. Frederick, Esq. 11:30 A.M. CR2012-439- L. Magid, AUSA United States of America v.Steven Carroll D. Walworth, Esq. T. J. SAVAGE, J. Courtroom 9A Courtroom Deputy: Harry E. Grace Jr. Phone: 267-299-7599 Judicial Secretary: Roseann Giangiordano Phone 267-299-7480 FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 Non-Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. 2012-1354 J. L. Solnick Dong Won Seo v.James Dickson C. G. Goebel III TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 Civil Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. 2011-7382 R. C. Allen Robert Taylor v.City of Philadelphia N. L. Blackwell THU., OCTOBER 18, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2012-408- A. S. Glenn United States of America v.Deserie Thomas K. C. Edelin Jr.; E. C. Meehan Jr. THU., NOVEMBER 1, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2012-390- M. S. Lowe United States of America v.Patricia Lightsey J. J. McHugh Jr.; M. S. Greenberg THU., NOVEMBER 15, 2012 Civil Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. 2011-7582 M. Cortese; P. G. Geckle Jon Andresen v.County of Northampton D. J. MacMain; T. D. Cummings Non-Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. 2012-1893 J. A. Zenstein; D. K. Lehman Andrew Abruzzese v.General Insurance Co. of America W. O. Krekstein; E. J. Finn J.K. GARDNER, J. Courtroom 4B Edward Cahn U.S. Courthouse Suite 4701 504 West Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18101-1514 Secretary/Civil Deputy: Cheryl Sinclair Phone: (610) 434-3457 Courtroom/Criminal Deputy: Jennifer Fitzko Phone : (610) 391-7019 TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-003641 B. M. Boyer Mark S. Groff v.City of Reading A. B. Adair; C. D. Steere Non-Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-005054 A. H. Drexler Ricker; R. A. O Halloran; L. M. Hoelzle U.S. Bank National Association v.Lighthouse Whitehall Commons, LLC C. Soares; L. P. McKenna Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000194- J. E. Burns USA v.Niyaz Sainudeen T. Henry MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-003989 H. A. Cummins 333 Court Street LLC v.S.A. Comunale Co., Inc. J. M. Campbell On Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-001567 M. S. Kancher; P. D. Hans 7th & Allen Equities v.Hartford Casualty Insurance Company T. S. Coleman; R. D. Gable Jr. Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000024- M. S. Miller USA v.Joseph Matthew Philbert B. B. Cooper CR2012-000273-1 D. J. Ignall USA v.Juan Camilo-Sierra M. S. Fisher CR2012-000273-2 D. J. Ignall USA v.Nairobi Sierra Feliz G. L. Clark CR2012-000273-3 D. J. Ignall USA v.Kevin Kichline B. B. Cooper CR2012-000273-4 D. J. Ignall USA v.Karla Cordova P. Lauer CR2012-000273-5 D. J. Ignall USA v.Jenny Natalis Pena T. Lonardo CR2012-000324- P. De La Torre USA v.Steven D. Warren D. S. Glanzberg CR2012-000401- J. C. Barry USA v.Kallen E. Dorsett, Jr. B. B. Cooper CR2012-000453- T. K. Hinkley USA v.Stephen Christopher Pyle B. B. Cooper CR2012-000456- J. T. Labrum III USA v.Urbano Sanchez-Almonte B. B. Cooper MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 On Trial Non-Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-007705 K. L. Wolgemuth Karen Griffin v.Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston J. P. Hollihan Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000287- S. A. Stephan USA v.John Graham Disney B. B. Cooper CR2012-000478- J. T. Labrum III USA v.Simon Gil B. B. Cooper G.E.K. PRATTER, J. Secretary/Civil Deputy: Rose A. Barber Phone: (267) 299-7352 Courtroom/Criminal Deputy: Mike Coyle Phone: (267) 299-7359 FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2010-321- D. Ignall USA v.Axel Gomez S. Lin; B. Cooper MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-127- E. Abrams USA v.Joan Ryan C. Furlong WED., OCTOBER 17, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2009-02456 K. S. GARGES KATHERINE S. GARGES v.THE PEOPLE J. ADAMS; C. A. PELLEGRINI TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2008-05133 D. P. RUSSO; A. W. CORMIER ROBERT DECKER v.ALLIANT TECHNOLOGIES, LLC N. DEENIS; R. SATTIRAJU Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-670- A. Fisk USA v.Jerome Edwards C. Furlong VOL P. 3061 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 TUE., NOVEMBER 27, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-684- M. Carrillo USA v.Murillo M. Engle; T. Hartzell; R. Panzarella MON., DECEMBER 10, 2012 Scheduling Courtroom Deputy: Nancy DeLisle Phone: (267) 299-7781 ESR/Courtroom Deputy: Adrienne Mann Phone: (267) 299-7789 10:00 A.M. CR2011-223- F. Costello USA v.Anthony Williams J.R. SANCHEZ, J. P. Levin Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 9:30 A.M. CR2012-102- K. Brenner USA v.Jose Reyes J. Feinberg; P. Sosnowski CR2012-136- M. Lowe USA v.Paul Michael Whitman D. Shapiro MON., JANUARY 28, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2008-03589 A. SUH; M. S. DOLUISIO; S. L. RELIFORD ANGEL LUIS GARCIA v.PRIMECARE MEDICAL, INC. J. R. NINOSKY; T. E. BRENNER L. F. STENGEL, J. Courtroom 3B Secretary / Courtroom Deputy: Patricia Cardella Phone: (267) 299-7760 Courtroom Deputy: Laura Buenzle Phone: (267) 299-7769 FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2010-000620- S. L. Astolfi; K. M. Copeland; K. A. Stark USA v.Ramel Moten T. A. Bello; C. G. Furlong CR2012-000361- J. D. Goldstein USA v.Juan Manuel Ramos-Martinez M. J. Meehan TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-004915 N. Sabatine III Jennifer Baker v.Alphonse A. Maffeo G. M. Nace III; H. S. Stevens MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-002253 S. T. Carpenito Paul Durinko v.Big M.Transportation, Inc. J. R. Callan MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-005288 M. A. Dinges Mackenzie Guest v.Oak Leaf Outdoors, Inc. P. C. Lamb; D. L. Mallick; E. J. Appelbaum MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000158- K. S. Marston; A. J. Schell USA v.Elchin Aliyev W. C. Montoya; A. C. Peruto Jr.; A. J. Sagot On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2011-446- M. Cox UNITED STATES v.CLARENCE JONES J. Azzarano Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2009-682- F. Costello; F. Costello; F. Costello UNITED STATES v.CARLETA CAROLINA D. Howard; O. Malone; N. Caravasos MON., NOVEMBER 12, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2012-309- D. Chisholm UNITED STATES v.KATRINA WATERS M. Rotella MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2012-285- V. Gauri UNITED STATES v.WILBUR ROSS H. Lefeber MON., JANUARY 7, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2011-391- A. Schell UNITED STATES v.DERICK ROBERTS M. Wilson MON., JANUARY 14, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 9:00 A.M. CR2012-418- V. P. Pratter; J. Linehan; V. P. Pratter; J. Linehan; V. P. Pratter; J. Linehan UNITED STATES v.ROBERT WHITFIELD J. M. Farrell; C. Reynolds; R. Roberts; A. Jalon; L. Narcisi, III; S. Patrizio; J. Altschuler; A. Schneider FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 Trial Pool 9:00 A.M. 2012-23 B. J. Vonderheide; M. Butler Bennett J. Vonderheide v.Berks County C. D. Steere; T. C. Gallagher; M. E. Butler 10:00 A.M. 2011-7440 J. Upin; J. Spitkovsky Tengood v.City of Philadelphia J. M. Scott; W. R. Maynard; K. E. Chewning Civil Jury Trial P.S. DIAMOND, J. 9:00 A.M. 2009-5874 R. M. Haggerty; M. A. Luber Deck v.City of Philadelphia N. L. Blackwell 2010-2082 R. L. Gary Robert L. Gary v.Gouri Nandan P. G. Lees; R. P. Floyd III THU., OCTOBER 11, 2012 Courtroom Deputy: Margaret Gallagher Phone: 267-299-7349 Civil Deputy: Chris Casper Phone: 267-299-7340 Secretary/Courtroom Deputy: Carol James Phone: (267) 299-7730 ESR/Courtroom Deputy: Marion Scarengelli Phone: (267) 299-7739 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-184- P. LaTorre US v.Handy TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 J. Briskin TUE., OCTOBER 23, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-1635 VanVeen v.Equifax Information On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-364- A. Wzorek United States of America v.Anthony Jenkins T. F. Burke; S. P. Patrizio; M. E. Cedrone; A. C. Emrich MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 ______ TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-658- P. Shapiro US v.Gardner W. Winning; M. Scheib; B. Cooper; R. Roberts TUE., DECEMBER 4, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-248- D. Axelrod US v.Gidelson N. Tinari; C. Laguzzi WED., JANUARY 23, 2013 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial SLOMSKY, J. On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-175- A. J. Schell; A. K. Lunkenheimer United States of America v.A. Forester C. Laguzzi; P. M. DeMaio Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-4441 W. S. Zimolong Aurora Financial Group, Inc. v.S. H. Phillips, Inc. A. W. Hinkle; S. R. Fisher 2011-6881 L. B. Himmelstein; W. T. Lawson, III James Bruzek, Jr. v.Indianapolis Colts, Inc. A. R. Bunker; V. W. Saltz TUE., OCTOBER 23, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2009-156- M. Morgan United States of America v.Ricardo Santiago M. A. Sanchez, Jr.; J. L. Ongay WED., OCTOBER 24, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 17 E. Magarian; K. Carlson; P. Nofer T. N. O’NEILL, JR., S.J. Courtroom 4-A Deputy Clerk: Charles J. Ervin Phone: 267-299-7559 9:30 A.M. CR2012-52- T. M. Zaleski United States of America v.Brian Alfred White M. J. Meehan C. D. JONES II, J. E. V. LUDWIG, S.J. Courtroom 12A ______ Deputy Clerk: Kathryne M. Crispell Phone: 267-299-7589 ______ Secretary/ Civil Deputy: Betty Harper Phone: 267-299-7750 Courtroom/Criminal Deputy: A’iShah L. El-Shabazz Phone: 267-299-7759 Deputy Clerk: Thomas Garrity Phone: 267-299-7319 FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 9:30 A.M. 2008-4856 On Trial Civil Jury Trial R. F. KELLY, S.J. Courtroom 11B On Trial Civil Jury Trial Duchesneau v.Cornell ______ TUE., OCTOBER 30, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2010-700- A. Schell United States v.Kevin White G. Sciola TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2009-602- K. Marston United States of America v.Warren Montgomery B. Wittels TUE., DECEMBER 11, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-1096 Smart v.City of Philadelphia M. S. GOLDBERG, J. ______ Secretary/ Courtroom Deputy; Carole Ludwig Phone: 267-299-7500 Courtroom Deputy: Steve Sonnie Phone:267-299-7509 ______ J.W. DITTER, J. Courtroom Deputy: Stephen J. Iannacone Phone: 267-299-7211 N. L. SHAPIRO, S.J. Courtroom 10A ______ 9:30 A.M. 2011-6085 S. Chung Ashinoff v.Greenwood Gaming A. Kramer MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-7109 R. Trunfio Stewart v.Ofc. Stephens, et al. A. Shoffel MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2012-807 A. Abramson Smith v.General Nutrition Corp. K. Batik MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-2258 S. Lafferty Osborne v.Norfolk Southern Corp. R. Hohn MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-3390 H. Oxman Wages v.City of Chester T. Gallagher MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-382-1 S. Astolfi USA v.Craig J. E. DUBOIS, S.J. Courtroom 12B C. Henry Deputy Clerk: Madeline F. Ward Phone: 267-299-7549 Courtroom Deputy: George V. Wylesol Phone: 267-299-7339 Hearing MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 CR2012-269-1 M. Carillo U.S.A. v.DeLeon-Gonzalez B. Cooper Oral Argument 2011-5347 R. H. Surkin Bongiorno v.Teamsters Local Union No. 115 N. H. Brainard III; Y. B. Montgomery MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 11:00 A.M. CR2012-106-1 F. Miller U.S.A. v.James G. Scutti Hearing 2:00 P.M. CR2011-287-1 D. Axelrod; D. Ingall U.S.A. v.DeFeo J. McMahon WED., OCTOBER 24, 2012 Hearing 11:00 A.M. CR2010-145-2 A. N. Phillips U.S.A. v.Edwards L. E. Weaver III MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2011-3711 G. Williams; B. Cole In Re Prison Overcrowding M. Maguire; A. Shoffel; S. Siegrist THU., NOVEMBER 1, 2012 11:00 A.M. CR2009-475-1 R. J. Livermore U.S.A. v.Jackson P. M. George MON., NOVEMBER 19, 2012 Hearing Trial Pool 2:00 P.M. CR2012-000392-0 E. Abrams AUSA USA v.Dixon L. Savino Esq. 3:00 P.M. CR2012-000450-0 J. Barry AUSA USA v.Serrano T. Henry Esq. WED., OCTOBER 17, 2012 TUE., OCTOBER 23, 2012 11:00 A.M. CR2012-377-1 R. Hsai U.S.A. v.Larocque Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 2:00 P.M. CR2012-000413-0 M. Morgan AUSA USA v.Jiles R. Thompson Esq. FRI., OCTOBER 26, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2007-000348 D. Tschirn Esq.; J. Messa Esq.; J. Robin Esq. Wolfe v.McNeil PPC, Inc. D. Abernathy Esq.; P. Cassisa, Esq.; C. Jones Esq. WED., DECEMBER 5, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-000150-0 D. Wolf AUSA USA v.Epps S. Lin Esq. MON., DECEMBER 10, 2012 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-000041-0 D. Axelrod AUSA USA v.Perez C. Henry Esq. MON., JANUARY 7, 2013 T. Ostander 2010-5347 J. A. Bell IV Loscalso v.Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-000328-0 A. Lunkenheimer AUSA USA v.Roberto Perez L. Narcisi Esq.; L. Savino Esq. CR2012-000320-0 A. Lunkenheimer AUSA; S. Tulante AUSA USA v.Perez L. Narcisi Esq.; L. Esq. Esq. MON., JANUARY 14, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-000282-0 P. Shapiro AUSA USA v.Eddie Thomas L. Weaver Esq. TUE., JANUARY 22, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-000251-0 S. Tulante AUSA; A. Lunkenheimer AUSA USA v.Nelson Rodriguez M. Diamondsteiun Esq. MON., FEBRUARY 4, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-000033-0 USA v.Evens Claude L. Busico Esq.; K. Roberts Esq.; D. Nenner Esq. THU., APRIL 4, 2013 Specially Listed Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-000160-0 R. Lloret AUSA USA v.Henderson M. Paul Esq. Trial Pool 2009-003892 R. Jauregui Esq. Brown v.Davita Dialysis L. Halber Esq.; R. Grimaldi Esq.; S. Peet Esq. 2010-004063 R. Vance Esq. Clark v.Kraft Foods, Inc., M. Malloy, Esq.; J. Barrett Esq. 2011-002916 P. Geckle Esq.; M. Cortese Esq. Womack-Gaither v.City of Philadelphia B. Atkins Esq. 2011-005139 D. McComb Esq. Fialkowski v.Perry C. Ziegler ESq. Misc. 09-5 T. Gallogly Esq. Kaliner v.MDC Systems Corp. D. Concannon Esq.; J. Cohen Esq.; M. Charles Esq Civil Jury Trial 2011-000107 M. Weinstein Esq. C. Boyle Esq.; J. Santarone Esq. R. L. BUCKWALTER, S.J. Courtroom 14A Deputy Clerk: Matthew J. Higgins Phone: 267-299-7369 W. H. YOHN, JR., S.J. Courtroom 14B ______ Deputy Clerk Civil: Rita Polkowski Phone: 215-597-4361 Deputy Clerk Criminal: Thomas McCann Phone: 267-299-7379 FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-473-01 N. J. SCHADLER; E. B. HENSON UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.LEON STANTON S. P. PATRIZIO MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-358- B. K. FITZPATRICK; J. S. GHOSE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.MIKHAIL CALLOWAY F. SARNER MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-713- M. MORGAN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.JOHN ANGELL J. J. GRIFFIN TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2011-345- V. B. WALKER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.TERRANCE MORRIS K. C. EDELIN JR.; C. C. HENRY; L. B. STAPLETON MON., NOVEMBER 19, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-330- N. LEVERETT III UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.KEVIN HANNIG W. C. MONTOYA H. BARTLE, III, S.J. 1 8 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Courtroom 16A F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Phone: 267-299-7439 USA v.Harris E. Toplin; E. Madden Deputy Clerk: Katherine Gallagher Phone: 267-299-7389 WED., OCTOBER 10, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-171- J. Labrum USA v.BEDICS MON., JANUARY 7, 2013 B. SCHILLER, J. ______ Scheduling/Deputy Clerk: Jean Pennie Phone: 267-299-7621 ESR-Courtroom Deputy: Chris Campoli Phone: 267-299-7629 J. Karoly MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 On Trial Non-Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2010-5857 D. Anguerra; R. Heleniak LOHR v.KIMMEL A. Epstein; A. Nemiroff; J. Myers THU., OCTOBER 18, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-279- M. Dubnoff USA v.GEORGES R. Fuschino; W. Brennan THU., NOVEMBER 1, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-455- V. Gauri USA v.RIGGINS T. Egan; S. Patchen TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-457- B. Fitzpatrick USA v.HOWARD E. Toplin; C. Martir MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-394- A. Fisk USA v.FLYING TIGERS J. Lathia; A. Durbin; J. McHugh J.R. PADOVA, S.J. Courtroom 17B Criminal Deputy: Michael Beck Phone: 267-299-7409 Deputy Clerk: Gerrie Keanne Phone: 267-597-1178 TUE., OCTOBER 16, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-185- A. Nguyen United States v.Wiilliam Kelly G. Silver; J. McHugh MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-129- M. McCartney United States v.Edward Bartle, Jr. J. Farrell WED., OCTOBER 24, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-433- C. Diviny United States v.Shanna Bordner S. Patchen MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-327- S. Nazzaro United States v.William W. Hlushmanuk D. Bahuriak MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2011-439- T. Zaleski United States v.Jose Perdomo N. Spizer WED., NOVEMBER 28, 2012 Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2012-1112 W. Coppol; J. Dooley Joseph Daywalt v.RHP Properties, Inc. C. Thomson; T. Trotman MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-154- P. Shapiro United States v.Kealey Som J. McHugh MON., JANUARY 7, 2013 Criminal Jury Trial CR2012-159-2 M. Dubnoff United States v.Haki Whaley D. Walker MON., JANUARY 28, 2013 Criminal Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. CR2012-404- J. Natali United States v.Lynward Brown T. El-Shabazz A. B. BRODY, J. Courtroom 7B Scheduling/Deputy Clerk: Marie O’Donnell Phone: 215-597-3978 ESR-Courtroom Deputy: Jim Scheidt R. SURRICK, J. Deputy Clerk - Michael Finney On Trial Civil Jury Trial Trial Pool ______ M. BAYLSON, S.J. Secretary/Courtroom Deputy: Lynn Meyer Phone: (267) 299-7521 Courtroom Deputy: Lenora Kashner Phone: (267) 299-7529 FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2009-000066-1 A. Lunkenheimer USA v.Madison E. Toplin CR2011-000710- J. Linehan USA v.McIntyre C. Henry; J. Azzarano CR2012-000013- A. Wzorek USA v.Cochrane W. Montoya CR2012-000080- A. Wzorek USA v.Martinez M. T. Wilson Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2012-132 L. Hackett; M. Churchill Chester Upland School dist v.Commonwealth Pa A. Forester TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000148- J. Labrum USA v.Morel B. Wolf; M. Meehan MON., NOVEMBER 5, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR0012-00206-00 L. MAGID USA v.RYAN SEALS S. ADAMO CR2012-000470- M. Lowe USA v.Sherak E. Toplin TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00257- A. Lunkenheimer USA v.Vandergrift M. F. Giampietro; D. F. Bazelon; R. C. Cipparone, Jr. MON., NOVEMBER 19, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000017- T. Moshang III USA v.Thompson W. Cannon MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000163- A. Schell USA v.N Barksy B. Lauria; J. Miller MON., DECEMBER 10, 2012 On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000344- J. Burnes USA v.DIAZ-PEREZ T. Frederick MON., DECEMBER 17, 2012 9:30 A.M. CR2012-000345- J. Arteaga 9:30 A.M. CR2012-00374- T. Zaleski USA v.Watts D. Bazelon 9:30 A.M. CR2011-000465- K. Marson USA v.Wilson D. Cogan; G. Sciolla; C. Warren; M. Neff; G. Newman; A. Halim; K. Kalmbach On Trial Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR2010-000770- T. Stevens USA v.Chambers C. Cinquanto; S. Lacheen; S. Krakower; T. Russeck; K. Nagle; M. Paul C. S. WELLS, CH. M.J. Courtroom 3F Deputy Clerk: Edward Andrews Phone: 215-597-7833 Courtroom 5A Criminal Duty Matters TUE., OCT. 9, 2012 through FRI., OCT. 12, 2012 1:30 P.M. Arraignments THU., OCT. 11, 2012 10:30 A.M. T. J. RUETER, M.J. Courtroom 3C ______ Deputy Clerk: Lisa Tipping Phone: 215-597-0048 WED., DECEMBER 5, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-002563 M. Weisberg Edward Holbrook v.The CIty of Philadelphia N. Blackwell L.K. CARACAPPA, M.J. Courtroom 5A Deputy Clerk: Ian Broderick Phone: 267-299-7640 ______ Deputy Clerk: Chavela Settles Phone: (267) 299-7660 Courtroom 5A Criminal Duty Matters MON., NOV. 5, 2012 through FRI., NOV. 9, 2012 1:30 P.M. Arraignments THU., NOV. 8, 2012 1:30 P.M. FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-667 P. G. GECKLE WAYNE PRATER v.PHILADELPHIA POLICE DEPARTMENT C. H. RIDER MON., OCTOBER 22, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-7107 J. DUTTERA PHILIP DOMINIC v.MAIN LINE HOSPITALS, INC C. LITVIN MON., NOVEMBER 12, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-4160 B. J. HOCKFIELD; J. J. LEVY; M. G. BRADLEY WALTER C. DAVIS, SR. v.BLANE ELIKER J. M. CAMPBELL; G. Bradley MON., DECEMBER 3, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-6267 J. E. MCCAIN III KETURAH ANDERSON v.CITY OF PHILADELPHIA M. M. FENERTY MON., DECEMBER 17, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-4647 J. A. BELL IV; C. A. MACEY JR DARNEY GREENE v.CITY OF PHILADELPHIA C. S. HAVILAND FRI., JANUARY 18, 2013 Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-1925 A. M. DIXON; D. E. SHAPIRO ANN M. DIXON v.ALL STATE INSURANE COMPANY L. E. KERNS MON., JANUARY 28, 2013 On Trial Non-Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-04579 S. F. MARINO THE LOCAL UNION NO. 98 v.RGB SERVICES, LLC M. B. WEISBERG FRI., FEBRUARY 8, 2013 Courtroom 5A Criminal Duty Matters FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 1:30 p.m. T.R. RICE, M.J. On Trial Civil Jury Trial MON., NOVEMBER 26, 2012 MON., FEBRUARY 25, 2013 2009-1908 S. Console; L. C. Mattiacci; A. C. Mackerer; S. M. Saint-Antoine Thomas Burlington v.Fox Television Station T. Johnson; L. Eisenstadt; J. Hoffman 2009-4055 L. Rogers Sky Motor v.Auto Sport Design G. Silver On Trial Criminal Jury Trial MON., JANUARY 14, 2013 9:30 A.M. 2010-2890 D. J. DELUCA; P. A. HUGHES CHARLES M. CAVANAGH v.ELECTROLUX HOME PRODUCTS C. M. NICHOLSON; M. L. YEMMA On Trial Criminal Jury Trial FRI., OCTOBER 26, 2012 9:30 A.M. 2010-3355 STROUD v.BOORSTEIN TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 MON., FEBRUARY 11, 2013 Phone: 267-299-7639 NILES BOLTON ARCHITECTS, INC. D. T. BOLGER; F. S. NOFER; E. SEGLIAS; M. GIOFFRE Criminal Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. CR0012-00262- J. D. Goldstein USA v.Alvarez-Monegro A. J. Sagot On Trial Criminal Jury Trial ______ VOL P. 3062 9:30 A.M. 2007-155 P. BUCCO; J. G. RICHARDS II WAYNESBOROUGH COUNTRY CLUB OF CHESTER COUNTY v.DIEDREICH On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-6571 C. J. CULLETON LAURA SIMMONS v.TRUMBULL INSURANCE COMPANY C. F. DARLINGTON MON., MARCH 18, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-7884 T. M. KOLMAN; W. ELY; L. M. SIEGLE; W. E. ELY JANINE MANNICK v.NEWTOWN FRIEND J. E. FREUND III MON., MARCH 25, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-681 J. M. CONSIDINE JR; G. P. NOEL THOMAS M. HAYES v.KENNETH M. EASTERDAY C. M. SCHWEIZER TUE., APRIL 16, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-6393 W. G. BLASDEL JR; M. S. SCHEFFER CHRYSOULA J. KOMIS v.HILDA L. SOLIS R. MENTZINGER JR MON., APRIL 22, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2012-4053 L. M. SHLAMOWITZ; J. M. LOWTHERT DAWN SMITH v.WAL-MART B. W. BATOFF FRI., JULY 26, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-4608 J. E. HOCKENBERRY; H. L. AUSSPRUNG III LEONA H. CHACKER v.LEE R. SCHACHTER D. L. JULIANA; M. E. MCGILERY; R. C. PUGH; J. A. YOUNG; J. P. MCGLYNN MON., AUGUST 12, 2013 Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2009-0886 Jacob Christine v.City of Allentown ______ D.R. STRAWBRIDGE, M.J. Courtroom 3H Deputy Clerk: Lori K. DiSanti Phone: (267) 299-7790 WED., NOVEMBER 28, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-004568 P. J. MOONEY; R. E. CAMPBELL KIMBERTON HEALTHCARE CONSULTING INC. v.PRIMARY PHYSICIANCARE INC. R. S. TINTNER; S. RESNICK; M. S. OLESH RESTREPO, M.J. Courtroom 3-1 Deputy Clerk: Juanita Davis Phone: 267-299-7690 FRI., OCT. 5, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-0674 N. E. Jokelson Esq; D. E. Jokelson Esq Legendary Art, LLC v.Michael Godard C. D. Olszyk Esq; P. D. Lee Esq. FRI., DECEMBER 14, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-5311 R. M. Paddick Esq.; M. J. Reed Esq. Troy Johnson v.Ridley Township R. P. Didomenicis Esq. H.S. PERKIN, M.J. Courtroom 4A 504 Hamilton St. Room 4401 Allentown, PA 18101-1514 Deputy Clerk: Helen A. Nicholas Phone: (610) 391-7025 THU., DECEMBER 6, 2012 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-004885 D. P. RUSSO ESQ. JEFFREY M. ROGERS v.CITY OF BETHLEHEM S. E. WILD ESQ.; C. M. SCHULTZ ESQ. MON., FEBRUARY 25, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-002058 J. B. FROCK ESQ. CHARLES H. THOMPSON v.MEDMIZER, INC. P. C. TROY ESQ.; L. SHAW ESQ.; G. S. WILLIAMS ESQ. Non-Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-005379 E. D. MCGURK ESQ. LINDA M. TROJECKI v.THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E. D. GILL ESQ. THU., MARCH 14, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-006405 C. J. CULLETON ESQ. LORA DAVIS v.FRANKFORD STREET,LLC C. J. FONZONE ESQ.; C. D. HILLSLEY ESQ.; R. D. BILLET ESQ.; S. E. WILD ESQ. MON., MAY 13, 2013 On Trial Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-007464 A. C. FICZKO ESQ.; D. J. COHEN ESQ.; J. B. ZOURAS ESQ.; R. F. STEPHAN ESQ. RANDY WHITFIELD v.COMCAST CORPORATION M. J. PUMA ESQ. E.T. HEY, M.J. Courtroom Deputy-Secretary: Lara L. Karlson (267) 322-6020. Courtroom 5A Criminal Duty Matters MON., NOV. 26, 2012 through FRI., NOV. 30, 2012 1:30 P.M. Arraignments THU., NOV. 29, 2012 1:30 P.M. FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 On Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-6068 N. Newman Sharon Hymes v.John J. Greico J. J. Greico MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 On Trial 9:30 A.M. 2010-3620 H. Oxman Noah Barber v.Stephen Sheppleman S. McDonough VOL P. 3063 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 L.A. SITARSKI, M.J. Deputy Clerk: Regina M. Zarnowski Phone: 267-299-7810 TUE., OCTOBER 9, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2011-3095 L. K. Chotiner BRENT COLLINSON v.THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ______ MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 10:00 A.M. 2010-2781 A. Karpf; A. R. Karpf TIESHA TABON v.UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA HEALTH SYSTEM T. A. Ewan MON., OCTOBER 29, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-2791 J. R. Lessin SAKEENA S. MYRICK v.COLLINGDALE BOROUGH R. P. DiDomenicis TUE., NOVEMBER 13, 2012 Specially Listed Civil Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. 2011-1464 R. A. Feeney JOSE COLON v.ASHFORD BUCKS COUNTY, LLC V. M. Komarnicki; W. T. McBride A. C. RAPOPORT, M.J. U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building 504 W. Hamilton St. Allentown, PA 18101-1500 Deputy Clerk: Carlene Jones 610-391-7032 M. F. ANGELL, M. J. Courtroom 7 ______ Robert N.C. Nix Building 900 Market Street Suite 211 Phila., PA 19107 610-391-7032Law Clerks: Judith J. Kiesel, Esq.; Leslie L. Stott, Esq. Deputy Clerk: Shelli L. MacElderry Phone 215-597-6079 J. P. HART, M.J. Courtroom 3D ______ Chambers 3006 U.S. Courthouse Philadelphia, Pa. Court Deputy: Deborah Stevenson Phone: 215-597-2733 ______ Bankruptcy Court HEARINGS SCHEDULED DURING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 8, 2012 Before RASLAVICH, Ch. B.J. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Courtroom No. 4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 . 1 10:00 A.M. Brenda Boyd; 07-15188-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Brenda Boyd). 2 Renee & William Hanton; 07-15846-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Renee Hanton, William Hanton) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Renee Hanton, William Hanton). 3 Damon A. Allen; 07-16591-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Damon A. Allen). 4 Alvin Tyler; 07-17077-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Alvin Tyler). 5 Jerome Rollerson; 08-11967-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Robert Neil Braverman (Jerome Rollerson). 5 Jerome Rollerson; 08-11967-SR; (13); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Filed By Jerome Rollerson Represented By Robert Neil Braverman .Attorney: Robert Neil Braverman (Jerome Rollerson). 6 Vontel L. Wright; 08-13001-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Alan M. Bredt (Vontel L. Wright). 7 William C. & Carol H. Barrett; 09-11853SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: John A. Gagliardi (Carol H. Barrett, William C. Barrett). 8 Marva R. Forrest; 09-12478-SR; (13); Amended Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Marva R. Forrest Represented By Michael D. Ward .Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Marva R. Forrest). 9 Richard March; 09-17465-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post Confirmation Filed By Richard March Represented By Stephen J Ross .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Richard March). 9 Richard March; 09-17465-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Richard March). 10 Robert & Venita M. Lucas; 09-18127-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Robert Lucas, Venita M. Lucas). 11 Denise N. Brown; 09-18423-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Alan B. Liss (Denise N. Brown). 12 Gwen L. Pfaff; 09-18631-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Richard F. Weinstein (Gwen L. Pfaff). 13 Denise Turner; 09-18845-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Timothy Zearfoss (Denise Turner). 14 Doreen Martin; 10-13640-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Doreen Martin) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Doreen Martin). 15 Charles Dennis; 10-13688-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Robert Neil Braverman (Charles Dennis). 15 Charles Dennis; 10-13688-SR; (13); Motion To Abate Plan Payments For Five (5) Months Filed By Charles Dennis Represented By Robert Neil Braverman .Attorney: Robert Neil Braverman (Charles Dennis). 15 Charles Dennis; 10-13688-SR; (13); Motion To Abate Plan Payments For Five (5) Months Filed By Charles Dennis Represented By Robert Neil Braverman .Attorney: Robert Neil Braverman (Charles Dennis). 16 Caroline Thomas; 10-14097-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Caroline Thomas). 17 Deborah A. Barone-bucci & Angelo E. Bucci; 10-15045-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Dimitri L. Karapelou (Angelo E. Bucci, Deborah A. Barone-Bucci). 18 Michael T. Williams; 10-15306-SR; (13); Amended Motion Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. LangdonAttorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Michael T. Williams) Attorney: William H Hall (Michael T. Williams). 19 Thanimas A Scott; 10-16102-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 215 North Farson Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19139. 00, Filed By Firstrust Bank Represented By Joshua Isaac Goldman .Attorney: Demetrius J. Parrish (Thanimas A Scott). 20 Michael & Tina L. Ciriello; 10-16162-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Albert J. Scarafone (Michael Ciriello, Tina L. Ciriello). 21 Richard A. Lazer; 10-16471-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: James J. O’Connell (Richard A. Lazer). 21 Richard A. Lazer; 10-16471-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan After Confirmation Filed By Richard A. Lazer Represented By James J. O’Connell .Attorney: James J. O’Connell (Richard A. Lazer). 22 John V Maloney; 10-17916-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Christian A. Dicicco (John V Maloney). 22 John V Maloney; 10-17916-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post-Confirmation Filed By John V Maloney Sr. Represented By Christian A. Dicicco .Attorney: Christian A. Dicicco (John V Maloney). 23 Mark Anthony & Rosa Marie Casasanto; 10-18264-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Mitchell Lee Chambers (Mark Anthony Casasanto, Rosa Marie Casasanto). 23 Mark Anthony & Rosa Marie Casasanto; 10-18264-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Mark Anthony Casasanto, Rosa Marie Casasanto Represented By Mitchell Lee Chambers Jr.Attorney: Mitchell Lee Chambers (Mark Anthony Casasanto, Rosa Marie Casasanto). 24 Debranne D. & Raymond C. Minton; 10-18677-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunded Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Frederick L. Reigle .Attorney: Irwin Lee Trauss (Debranne D. Minton, Raymond C. Minton). 24 Debranne D. & Raymond C. Minton; 10-18677-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Irwin Lee Trauss (Debranne D. Minton, Raymond C. Minton). 25 Carol L & Harry B Wagner; 10-30475-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Carol L Wagner, Harry B Wagner Represented By Michael G. Deegan .Attorney: Michael G. Deegan (Carol L Wagner, Harry B Wagner). 26 Gregory S. Kohler; 10-30660-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Stephen J Ross (Gregory S. Kohler). 26 Gregory S. Kohler; 10-30660-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Gregory S. Kohler). 27 Denise H. Fields; 11-11736-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Denise H. Fields). 28Jane B. & Kevin Thomas Sebesky; 11-12223-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: David L. Marshall (Jane B. Sebesky, Kevin Thomas Sebesky). 29 Valerie Mitchell; 11-12633-SR; (13); Motion To Reconsider Dismissal Of Case Filed By Valerie Mitchell Represented By Michael D. Sayles .Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Valerie Mitchell). 30 Stephen A. White; 11-13149-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunding Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Stephen A. White) Attorney: William H Hall (Stephen A. White). 30 Stephen A. White; 11-13149-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Stephen A. White) Attorney: William H Hall (Stephen A. White). 31 Bernadine K. Wiker; 11-14149-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunded Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Bernadine K. Wiker). 31 Bernadine K. Wiker; 11-14149-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Hess (Bernadine K. Wiker). 32 Thomas & Faith P Stevenson; 11-15321SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunded Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Georgette Miller (Faith P Stevenson, Thomas Stevenson). 32 Thomas & Faith P Stevenson; 11-15321SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (Faith P Stevenson, Thomas Stevenson). 33 Elliot & Margaret Pressman; 11-15331-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Paul S. Peters (Elliot Pressman, Margaret Pressman). 34 Aubrey C. & Laverne E. Powers; 11-15391SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Aubrey C. Powers, Laverne E. Powers) Attorney: William H Hall (Aubrey C. Powers, Laverne E. Powers). 34 Aubrey C. & Laverne E. Powers; 11-15391SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Aubrey C. Powers, Laverne E. Powers) Attorney: William H Hall (Aubrey C. Powers, Laverne E. Powers). 35 John E. & Elaine M. Farnum; 11-15962-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunding Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Elaine M. Farnum, John E. Farnum). 35 John E. & Elaine M. Farnum; 11-15962-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Latzes (Elaine M. Farnum, John E. Farnum). 36 Abdul K Marshall; 11-17212-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay 2010 Chevrolet Truck Traverse - V6 Utility 4D Lt Awd. 00, Filed By Capital One Auto Finance Department Represented By Jeffrey T Grossman .Attorney: Eugene A. Camposano (Abdul K Marshall). 37 Gino & Stephanie A. Dejesse; 11-18973SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Gino Dejesse, Stephanie A. Dejesse). 37 Gino & Stephanie A. Dejesse; 11-18973SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: David M. Offen (Gino Dejesse, Stephanie A. Dejesse). 38 Hugo L. Fuentes & Mayra L. Vasquez; 12-10773-SR; (13); Motion To Approve Modification Of Mortgage Filed By Hugo L. Fuentes, Mayra L. Vasquez Represented By Brad J. Sadek .Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Hugo L. Fuentes, Mayra L. Vasquez). 38 Hugo L. Fuentes & Mayra L. Vasquez; 12-10773-SR; (13); Motion To Modify Plan After Confirmation Filed By Hugo L. Fuentes, Mayra L. Vasquez Represented By Brad J. Sadek .Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Hugo L. Fuentes, Mayra L. Vasquez). 39 Terrance T. Toomer; 12-11093-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Terrance T. Toomer). THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 19 39 Terrance T. Toomer; 12-11093-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Terrance T. Toomer). 40 Robert T. Mcallister; 12-11124-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Daniel T. Mcgrory (Robert T. Mcallister). 40 Robert T. Mcallister; 12-11124-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Daniel T. Mcgrory (Robert T. Mcallister). 41 Satish & Vinutha Marisiddaiah; 12-11354SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunding , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael Gumbel (Satish Marisiddaiah, Vinutha Marisiddaiah). 41 Satish & Vinutha Marisiddaiah; 12-11354SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael Gumbel (Satish Marisiddaiah, Vinutha Marisiddaiah). 42 Russell H. Boyer; 12-11908-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Janet K. Lubon (Russell H. Boyer). 42 Russell H. Boyer; 12-11908-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility & Underfunded Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Janet K. Lubon (Russell H. Boyer). 43 Troy S. Robinson; 12-12086-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 6633 Cornelius Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19138-1923. 00, Filed By Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee For Abfc Asset Backed Securities Series 2005-Wf1 Represented By John Michael Kolesnik . Attorney: David M. Offen (Troy S. Robinson). 43 Troy S. Robinson; 12-12086-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: David M. Offen (Troy S. Robinson). 43 Troy S. Robinson; 12-12086-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Troy S. Robinson). 44 William Taylor; 12-12135-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2010 Nissan Sentra. 00, Filed By Nissan Motor Acceptance Corporation, Servicer For Nissan-Infiniti Lt Represented By William Edward Craig . Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (William Taylor). 45 Gail R. Scott; 12-12983-SR; (13); Objection To Claim Number 3 By Claimant $235991.27. Filed By Gail R. Scott.Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Gail R. Scott). 45 Gail R. Scott; 12-12983-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Failure To Appear Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Gail R. Scott). 45Gail R. Scott; 12-12983-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Stokes E Mott (Gail R. Scott). 46 Pauline A. Hinton; 12-13288-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Pauline A. Hinton). 46 Pauline A. Hinton; 12-13288-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Pauline A. Hinton). 47 Tanya Sue Bland; 12-13352-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Michael Adam Cohen (Tanya Sue Bland). 47 Tanya Sue Bland; 12-13352-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael Adam Cohen (Tanya Sue Bland). 48Henry Nino; 12-13404-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Latzes (Henry Nino). 48 Henry Nino; 12-13404-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Henry Nino). 49 Jasmine L. Gaillard; 12-13452-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Kimberly A. Coleman (Jasmine L. Gaillard). 49 Jasmine L. Gaillard; 12-13452-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Kimberly A. Coleman (Jasmine L. Gaillard). 50 Steven M. & Mary S. Guss; 12-13456-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Mary S. Guss, Steven M. Guss). 50 Steven M. & Mary S. Guss; 12-13456-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Mary S. Guss, Steven M. Guss). 51 Claudia A Thomas; 12-13531-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael P. Kelly (Claudia A Thomas). 51 Claudia A Thomas; 12-13531-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael P. Kelly (Claudia A Thomas). 52Jamilah Perry; 12-13534-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Jamilah Perry) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Jamilah Perry). 52 Jamilah Perry; 12-13534-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Jamilah Perry) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Jamilah Perry). 53Gilbert Wright; 12-13571-SR; (13); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant Wells Fargo Bank, Na. Filed By Gilbert Wright.Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Gilbert Wright). 53Gilbert Wright; 12-13571-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Gilbert Wright). 53 Gilbert Wright; 12-13571-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Gilbert Wright). 54 Portia B. Speakes; 12-13572-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Portia B. Speakes). 54 Portia B. Speakes; 12-13572-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Portia B. Speakes). 54 Portia B. Speakes; 12-13572-SR; (13); Objection To Claim Number 15 By Claimant Bank Of America, Na. Filed By Portia B. Speakes.Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Portia B. Speakes). 55 Douglas J Blaine; 12-13671-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Douglas J Blaine). 55 Douglas J Blaine; 12-13671-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Douglas J Blaine). 56 Ernesta Y. Hospedale; 12-13685-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Latzes (Ernesta Y. Hospedale). 56 Ernesta Y. Hospedale; 12-13685-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Ernesta Y. Hospedale). 57 Kenneth & Bonnie Marrama; 12-13708-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 135 East Levering Mill Road, Bala Cynwyd, Pa 19004-2250. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By John Michael Kolesnik .Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Bonnie Marrama, Kenneth Marrama). 58 Brigitte Viviane Lauletta; 12-13784-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Brigitte Viviane Lauletta). 58 Brigitte Viviane Lauletta; 12-13784-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Brigitte Viviane Lauletta). 59 David J. & Debra K. Pellegrini; 12-13800SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon . Attorney: Diana M. Dixon (David J. Pellegrini, Debra K. Pellegrini). 59 David J. & Debra K. Pellegrini; 12-13800SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Diana M. Dixon (David J. Pellegrini, Debra K. Pellegrini). 60Stephen O. & Rosemarie A. Rees; 12-13827-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Stephen J Ross (Rosemarie A. Rees, Stephen O. Rees). 60Stephen O. & Rosemarie A. Rees; 12-13827-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Rosemarie A. Rees, Stephen O. Rees). 61 Timothy W. & Marie M. Jones; 12-13994SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (Marie M. Jones, Timothy W. Jones). 61 Timothy W. & Marie M. Jones; 12-13994SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By Td Bank Na Represented By Mark A. Cronin .Attorney: Georgette Miller (Marie M. Jones, Timothy W. Jones). 61 Timothy W. & Marie M. Jones; 12-13994SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded, Feasibility, Monthly Operating Report & Business Certification Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Georgette Miller (Marie M. Jones, Timothy W. Jones). 62Yvonne Hogue; 12-14067-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Yvonne Hogue) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Yvonne Hogue). 62 Yvonne Hogue; 12-14067-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice For Failure To Appear Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Yvonne Hogue) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Yvonne Hogue). 63 Mary L. Humphrey; 12-14068-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Mary L. Humphrey). 63 Mary L. Humphrey; 12-14068-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Mary L. Humphrey). 64 Jerry & Towanna D. Williams; 12-14103SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Donald Williford (Jerry Williams, Towanna D. Williams). 64 Jerry & Towanna D. Williams; 12-14103SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Donald Williford (Jerry Williams, Towanna D. Williams). 65 Michael J. & Dawn Slivinski; 12-14117-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: John M. Kenney (Dawn Slivinski, Michael J. Slivinski). 65 Michael J. & Dawn Slivinski; 12-14117-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded & Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: John M. Kenney (Dawn Slivinski, Michael J. Slivinski). 66 Algernon E Henry & Patsy V Robertshenry; 12-14126-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Algernon E Henry, Patsy V Roberts-Henry). 66 Algernon E Henry & Patsy V Robertshenry; 12-14126-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle 2 0 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: David M. Offen (Algernon E Henry, Patsy V Roberts-Henry). 67 Marie L. Wilkins-walker; 12-14181-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Vaughn A. Booker (Marie L. Wilkins-Walker). 67 Marie L. Wilkins-walker; 12-14181-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Underfunded, Feasibility & No Homeowner’S Insurance , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Vaughn A. Booker (Marie L. Wilkins-Walker). 68 Richard & Barbara Hagen; 12-14428-SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Alan B. Liss (Barbara Hagen, Richard Hagen). 68 Richard & Barbara Hagen; 12-14428-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Feasibility Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Alan B. Liss (Barbara Hagen, Richard Hagen). 69 Judith M. Antunes; 12-14625-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 214 Magnolia Drive, Berkeley Township, Nj 08721-3142. 00, Filed By Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Trustee Represented By Jerome B. Blank . Attorney: John M. Kenney (Judith M. Antunes). 70 Garnett Irving & Tracey Grant-irving; 12-16756-SR; (13); Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant Credit Acceptance. Amended Filed By Tracey Grant-Irving, Garnett Irving.Attorney: Michael J. Duffy (Garnett Irving, Tracey Grant-Irving). 71 Mark S. Cooper; 12-17704-SR; (13); Motion To Reconsider Dismissal Of Case Filed By Mark S. Cooper Jr. Represented By Bruce J. Trawick .Attorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Mark S. Cooper). 72 Dominic J. & Dawn A. Raia; 12-17820-SR; (13); Motion To Assume Or Reject Lease Re: 2010 Ford Edge Filed By Cab East, Llc/Ford Motor Credit Company, Llc Represented By Howard Gershman .Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Dawn A. Raia, Dominic J. Raia). 73 Tama L. Lamont; 09-14269-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Real Property Known As 710 Oak Terrace Drive, Ambler, Pennsylvania 19002. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Attorney: Diana M. Dixon (Tama L. Lamont). 74 Jeffrey Robinson; 10-12701-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 3242 North Marston Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19129-1821. 00, Filed By Citifinancial Services, Inc. Represented By D. Troy Sellars .Attorney: Jennifer Schultz (Jeffrey Robinson). 75 Yi Tang; 10-16935-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By Bank Of America, N.A.,Successor By Merger To Bac Home Loans Servicing, Lp Fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing Lp Represented By Kevin T Mcquail .Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Yi Tang). 76 Dennis Johnson; 11-17104-SR; (7); Order To Appear And Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed As The Debtor Has Failed To Appear For A Scheduled Section 341(A) Meeting Although Being Given Two Opportunities To So Appear, Or Failed To File A Motion Seeking Authority To File InterrAttorney: Waverley Madden (Dennis Johnson). 77 Richard J. & Joan E. Ramsdale; 12-11408SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 209 West County Line Road, Hatboro, Pa 19040-1712. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Jerome B. Blank .Attorney: Michael Seth Schwartz (Joan E. Ramsdale, Richard J. Ramsdale). 78 Deborah Peirce; 12-14470-SR; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 4147 Gilham Street, Philadelphia, Pa 191352512. 00, Filed By U.S. Bank National Association As Trustee For 2006Nc1 Ramp Represented By Mario J. Hanyon .Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Deborah Peirce) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Deborah Peirce). 79 Steven L. Gordon; 12-15798-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Failure To Appear Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Steven L. Gordon). 80 Helen Renee Wright; 12-15856-SR; (7); Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Capital One Auto Finance, A Division Of Capital One, N.A. Filed By Capital One Auto Finance, A Division Of Capital One, N.A.Attorney: Wayne R. Cromie (Helen Renee Wright). 81 Troy Whiting; 12-16134-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. Failure To Appear Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Troy Whiting). 82 Perry Mccants; 12-16504-SR; (13); Objection To Claim Number 3 By Claimant Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na. Filed By Perry Mccants Sr.Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Perry Mccants). 83 Stephen C Williams; 12-16580-SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. Failure To Appear Filed By Frederick L. Reigle Represented By Polly A. Langdon .Attorney: David M. Offen (Stephen C Williams). 84 William L. Gilbert; 12-17768-SR; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Servicing Corporation Filed By William L. Gilbert Represented By Scot W. Semisch .Attorney: Scot W. Semisch (William L. Gilbert). 84 William L. Gilbert; 12-17768-SR; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Midland Funding Llc Filed By William L. Gilbert Represented By Scot W. Semisch .Attorney: Scot W. Semisch (William L. Gilbert) . 1 11:00 A.M. Kenneth & Jo Ann I. Belanger; 11-16767- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 SR; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien Filed By Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger Represented By Roger V. Ashodian .Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger) Attorney: Jennifer Song (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger). Kenneth & Jo Ann I. Belanger; 11-16767SR; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger) Attorney: Jennifer Song (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger). Kenneth & Jo Ann I. Belanger; 11-16767SR; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. For Cause, Including Unreasonable Delay By The Debtors That Is Prejudicial To Creditors Under Section 1307 (C) Of The Bankruptcy Code Filed By Robert Goldberg, Individually And As Trustee Of Robert M. Goldberg, M.D, Pa Defined BenAttorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger) Attorney: Jennifer Song (Jo Ann I. Belanger, Kenneth Belanger). Evangelos M. Calombaris; 11-19458-SR; (7); Adv: 2-12-00266Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Evangelos M. Calombaris). Allen Pickens; 12-14726-SR; (13); To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Final Installment In The Amount Of $68.00 Due September 14, 2012.Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Allen Pickens). Field Family Associates, Llc; 12-16331-SR; (11); Application To Employ Dilworth Paxson Llp As Counsel For Debtor Nunc Pro Tunc To September 12, 2012 Filed By Field Family Associates, Llc Represented By Peter C. Hughes .Attorney: Peter C. Hughes (Field Family Associates, Llc) Attorney: Catherine G. Pappas (Field Family Associates, Llc). Juanita V. Perkins; 12-16933-SR; (13); To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Second Installment In The Amount Of $70.00 Due August 23, 2012, And The Third Installment Payment In The Amount Of $70.00 Due September 23, 2012 For A Total Of $140.00 .. Eva K. Moore; 12-17443-SR; (7); To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Second Installment In The Amount Of $100.00 Due September 20, 2012 .. Nicholson Holdings, Inc.; 12-18169-SR; (11); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By Stonebridge Bank Represented By Kristen Wetzel Ladd .Attorney: Gregory R. Noonan (Nicholson Holdings, Inc.). James A. Williams; 12-18665-SR; (13); To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $281.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 12, 2012.Attorney: Bradly E Allen (James A. Williams). Stacey Yvette Sturgis; 12-19054-SR; (13); To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $281.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 25, 2012.Attorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Stacey Yvette Sturgis) 1:30 P.M. Christopher J. Prendergast; 08-15200-SR; (7); Amended Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Filed By Christopher J. Prendergast Sr. Represented By James Edward Hockenberry .Attorney: John M. Kenney (Christopher J. Prendergast) Attorney: James Edward Hockenberry (Christopher J. Prendergast). Valley Club Of Huntingdon Valley, Inc.; 09-18744-SR; (7); Motion To Approve Compromise Under Rule 9019 Between The Trustee And Amy Goldman And Walter Poukish Filed By Terry P. Dershaw Represented By Edward J. Didonato .Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Valley Club Of Huntingdon Valley, Inc.). Clyde Knox; 12-10011-SR; (7); Motion To Reopen Chapter 7 Case . 00 Filed By Clyde Knox Jr. Represented By Self.Attorney: Robert M. Kline (Clyde Knox). Marcus Butler; 12-15121-SR; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2003 Acura 3.2Tl. 00, Filed By Td Auto Finance Llc Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Marcus Butler). Doris L. Bennerman; 12-15395-SR; (7); Motion To Dismiss Case. Failure To Comply With 11 Usc 521 Filed By Terry P. Dershaw Represented By Terry P. Dershaw .Attorney: David J. Averett (Doris L. Bennerman). Joseph C. & Edna Terifay Siter; 12-16323SR; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Target National Bank Filed By Edna Terifay Siter, Joseph C. Siter Represented By Gary E. Thompson .Attorney: Gary E. Thompson (Edna Terifay Siter, Joseph C. Siter). Tabathia Akines; 12-17934-SR; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00,, Or In The Alternative Motion For Adequate Protection Re: 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe Filed By Td Auto Finance Llc Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Attorney: Henry J. Sommer (Tabathia Akines) Before FOX, B.J. Courtroom No. 2 Suite 202 — U.S. Bankruptcy Court 900 Market Street Philadelphia TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 9:30 A.M. . 1 Sharon V Woods; 10-10005-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 3825 Arendell Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa 19114-2819 Filed By Nationstar Mortgage, Llc Represented By D. Troy Sellars .Attorney: Georgette Miller (Sharon V Woods). 2 Michael Shawn Horsey; 10-18276-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 6606 Keystone Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19135-2816 Filed By Us Bank National Association, As Trustee For Structured Asset Securities Corporation Trust 2004-Np2 Represented By D. Troy Sellars .Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Michael Shawn Horsey). 3 Thomasina Bowens; 11-13018-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2006 Nissan Altima Filed By National Auto Finance Company Represented By Regina Cohen . Attorney: Jonathan Krinick (Thomasina Bowens). 4 John Vrolyk; 11-18972-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay In Addition To Motion For Relief From Co-Debtor Stay , Or In The Alternative Motion For Adequate Protection Re: 2010 Hyundai Elantra Filed By Santander Consumer Usa Inc. Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (John Vrolyk). 5 L Robert Frame; 12-10118-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 4 Willow Court, Downingtown, Pa 19335-3400 Filed By Citimortgage, Inc. Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (L Robert Frame). 6 Patrice M. & Theresa M. Desir; 12-14183BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay And Co-Debtor Stay - Re: 2007 Hyundai Entourage Filed By Capital One Auto Finance Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Attorney: Christopher J. Kern (Patrice M. Desir, Theresa M. Desir). 7 Justin L. Alston; 12-15371-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Midfirst Bank Represented By Andrew F Gornall .Attorney: David M. Offen (Justin L. Alston). 8 Craig M. Overton; 11-17111-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay 4134 Cambridge Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19104 Filed By Beltway Capital, Llc, Represented Herein By Its Servicing Agent Represented By Martha E. Von Rosenstiel .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Craig M. Overton) . 1 10:00 A.M. Danielle Lee; 08-10581-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Danielle Lee) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Danielle Lee). 2 Juana C. Lewis; 08-10604-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David M. Offen (Juana C. Lewis). 3 Dereck & Denise Baker; 08-14269-BIF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post Confirmation Filed By Denise Baker, Dereck Baker Represented By Allen B. Dubroff . Attorney: Allen B. Dubroff (Denise Baker, Dereck Baker). 4 Robert C Blain; 08-16768-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Christopher George Cappio (Robert C Blain) Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Robert C Blain). 5 Charles D. Smith; 08-16909-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael A. Latzes (Charles D. Smith). 6 Franklin D. & Pamela G. Jones; 09-11050BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Franklin D. Jones, Pamela G. Jones). 7 James Emerson Dube; 09-11316-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller. 8 Tyrone & Kisha Prince; 09-11817-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Kisha Prince, Tyrone Prince). 9 Edward J & Jill L Fortescue; 09-12545-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Morton J. Grabel (Edward J Fortescue, Jill L Fortescue). 10 Walter Anderson; 09-14214-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: John L. Mcclain (Walter Anderson). 11 Frank J. Urbanski; 09-14255-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: James J. O’Connell (Frank J. Urbanski). 12 Rachel A. Butler; 09-15872-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Rachel A. Butler). 13 Phillip K. & Carmen T. Jackson; 09-16807BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Carmen T. Jackson, Phillip K. Jackson). 14 Wanda L. Saunders; 09-17540-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Mitchell Lee Chambers (Wanda L. Saunders) Attorney: Joseph Basso (Wanda L. Saunders). 15 Edward W. & Sharleen D. Peel; 09-17693BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Edward W. Peel, Sharleen D. Peel). 16 Ronald Condello; 09-17877-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Alan B. Liss (Ronald Condello). 17 Michael I. Ronca; 09-18712-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Michael I. Ronca). 18 Lezley Harriet Dale; 09-18732-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Albert J. Scarafone (Lezley Harriet Dale). 19 Elisha L Minor; 09-18965-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Elisha L Minor). 20 Jeffrey F. & Rebecca J. Miller; 09-19581BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Robert J. Lohr (Jeffrey F. Miller, Rebecca J. Miller). 21 Sharon L. Forde-atikossie; 10-11774-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Sharon L. Forde-Atikossie). 22 Linda A. Inselberg; 10-12471-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Linda A. Inselberg). 23 William L. & Janet L. Renson; 10-13259BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael P. Kelly (Janet L. Renson, William L. Renson). 24 Leroy Mack & Tanya Michelle Andrews; 10-16058-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David M. Offen (Leroy Mack, Tanya Michelle Andrews). 25 Geneva B. Bessellieu; 10-16796-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: William H Hall (Geneva B. Bessellieu). 26 Shawnesha L. Collins; 10-17072-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David B. Spitofsky (Shawnesha L. Collins). 27 Ada M. Simbo; 10-18353-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David B. Spitofsky (Ada M. Simbo). 28 Brenda Iris Martinez; 10-18794-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Brenda Iris Martinez). 29 Tracie E. Rivers; 10-30335-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Christopher George Cappio (Tracie E. Rivers) Attorney: Lucas P Sheehan (Tracie E. Rivers). 30 Darryl Owens; 11-11292-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael A. Latzes (Darryl Owens). 31 Joseph & Julia Collora; 11-11518-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Joseph Collora, Julia Collora) Attorney: Paul H. Young (Joseph Collora, Julia Collora). 32 Inez Nichols; 11-12429-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Mark G. Wolkoff (Inez Nichols). 33 Kimberly K. Johnson; 11-12579-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Paul H. Young (Kimberly Johnson, Kimberly K. Johnson) Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Kimberly K. Johnson, Kimberly Johnson). 34 William & Barbara Curtin; 11-16320-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Barbara Curtin, William Curtin). 34 William & Barbara Curtin; 11-16320-BIF; (13); Motion To Approve Loan Modification Filed By Barbara Curtin, William Curtin Represented By Carol B. Mccullough . Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Barbara Curtin, William Curtin). 34 William & Barbara Curtin; 11-16320-BIF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Barbara Curtin, William Curtin Represented By Carol B. Mccullough .Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Barbara Curtin, William Curtin). 35 Jonathan M. Kandrick; 11-16731-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jonathan M. Kandrick). 36Randy Rhoads; 11-16817-BIF; (13); Confirmation Hearing.Attorney: Jeanne Marie Cella (Randy Rhoads). 37 Diane G. Marrone; 11-17140-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Kenneth E. West (Diane G. Marrone). 38 Konah Johnson; 11-18054-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Christopher J. Kern (Konah Johnson). 39 John R. & Diane L. Morgan; 11-18917-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Daniel P. Mudrick (Diane L. Morgan, John R. Morgan). 40Raghda Zabatt; 11-19378-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Raghda Zabatt) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Raghda Zabatt). 41Kevin Lee Keo; 11-19536-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Allan K. Marshall (Kevin Lee Keo). 42 Michael R. Blue; 12-10086-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Anthony Arechavala (Michael R. Blue). VOL P. 3064 42 Michael R. Blue; 12-10086-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Anthony Arechavala (Michael R. Blue). 43 L Robert Frame; 12-10118-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stephen J Ross (L Robert Frame). 44Lisa Hutchison; 12-10234-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: John G. Gray (Lisa Hutchison). 45 Delores Mcpherson; 12-10374-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Timothy Zearfoss (Delores Mcpherson). 45 Delores Mcpherson; 12-10374-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Timothy Zearfoss (Delores Mcpherson). 46 Frederick J. Mcclain; 12-10658-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Frederick J. Mcclain). 47 Naby & Jacqueline Keita; 12-10813-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Jacqueline Keita, Naby Keita). 47 Naby & Jacqueline Keita; 12-10813-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Jacqueline Keita, Naby Keita). 48 William J & Tina Marie Miller; 12-11271BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Shannon L. Foster (Tina Marie Miller, William J Miller). 49 Richard L. Markward; 12-11330-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael G. Deegan (Richard L. Markward). 50 John C. & Donna Sands Andrew; 12-11356BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stanley E. Luongo (Donna Sands Andrew, John C. Andrew). 51 Linda Gunter-carter; 12-11391-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Linda Gunter-Carter). 52Jason Morris & Almetta Robinson; 12-11393-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Almetta Robinson, Jason Morris Robinson). 53 Nicholas F. & Mary M. Herzog; 12-11462BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael D. Ward (Mary M. Herzog, Nicholas F. Herzog). 53 Nicholas F. & Mary M. Herzog; 12-11462BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Ward (Mary M. Herzog, Nicholas F. Herzog). 54 Roland M. Matthews; 12-11470-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Roland M. Matthews). 55 Joseph A. & Jessica L. Ashby; 12-11474-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Jessica L. Ashby, Joseph A. Ashby). 56 Cengiz & Esme Dogan; 12-11510-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: John M. Franklin (Cengiz Dogan, Esme Dogan) Attorney: Michael P. Gigliotti (Cengiz Dogan, Esme Dogan). 57 Shawna Lonette Mcburnette; 12-11537BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Shawna Lonette Mcburnette). 58 James E & Janet R. Brunt; 12-11548-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (James E Brunt, Janet R. Brunt). 59 Thomas C & Patricia A. Price; 12-11549BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Patricia A. Price, Thomas C Price). 60 Thomas K & Bonnie G Lunny; 12-11697BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Bonnie G Lunny, Thomas K Lunny). 61Stella R. Davis; 12-11698-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Stella R. Davis). 61 Stella R. Davis; 12-11698-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Stella R. Davis). 62 Larry E. & Janet J. Cravetz; 12-11705-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Albert J. Scarafone (Janet J. Cravetz, Larry E. Cravetz). 63 Elizabeth Thomassen; 12-11727-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Robert J. Lohr (Elizabeth Thomassen). 64 Miles Jan & Melynda Lota; 12-11744-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Scott F. Waterman (Melynda Lota, Miles Jan Lota). 65 Eric A. Ritondo; 12-11804-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Eric A. Ritondo). 66 Jose G. Stodomingo; 12-11952-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Jose G. Stodomingo). 67 Tonya Renee Jolley; 12-12978-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Christopher George Cappio (Tonya Renee Jolley) Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Tonya Renee Jolley). 67 Tonya Renee Jolley; 12-12978-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Christopher George Cappio (Tonya Renee Jolley) Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Tonya Renee Jolley). 68 William J. & Kimberly A. Tuthill; 12-13239BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Patricia M. Mayer (Kimberly A. Tuthill, William J. Tuthill). 69 Thomas Mulville; 12-13752-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Thomas Mulville). 69 Thomas Mulville; 12-13752-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Thomas Mulville). 70Justin H. Kim; 12-13805-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Justin H. Kim). 70 Justin H. Kim; 12-13805-BIF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments And For Failure To File Documents Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Justin H. Kim). 71 Kimberly A. Blumenthal; 12-14020-BIF; VOL P. 3065 (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stuart A. Eisenberg (Kimberly A. Blumenthal) Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Kimberly A. Blumenthal). 71 Kimberly A. Blumenthal; 12-14020-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Stuart A. Eisenberg (Kimberly A. Blumenthal) Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Kimberly A. Blumenthal). 72Ray Houston; 12-14289-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Diane E. Barr (Ray Houston). 72 Ray Houston; 12-14289-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Diane E. Barr (Ray Houston). 73Patricia Ellison; 12-14339-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Patricia Ellison). 73 Patricia Ellison; 12-14339-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Patricia Ellison). 74Deborah Garvey; 12-14345-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Deborah Garvey) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Deborah Garvey). 74Deborah Garvey; 12-14345-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Deborah Garvey) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Deborah Garvey). 75 Joseph M. & Florence Bruno Gallagher; 12-14358-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Florence Bruno Gallagher, Joseph M. Gallagher). 76 Kenneth R. & Tracy L. Booth; 12-14359BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Kenneth R. Booth, Tracy L. Booth). 76 Kenneth R. & Tracy L. Booth; 12-14359BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Kenneth R. Booth, Tracy L. Booth). 77 Elmarserecia Neloms; 12-14665-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David M. Offen (Elmarserecia Neloms). 77 Elmarserecia Neloms; 12-14665-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Elmarserecia Neloms). 78 Christopher C Carr; 12-14727-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Christopher Constantine Carr (Christopher C Carr). 78 Christopher C Carr; 12-14727-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Christopher Constantine Carr (Christopher C Carr). 79 James P. & Susan M. Miller; 12-14940-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Richard N. Lipow (James P Miller, James P. Miller, Susan M Miller, Susan M. Miller). 80 Anthony T. Odonnell; 12-14971-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Anthony T. Odonnell). 81 Patrick M & Linda R Muldoon; 12-15117BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Lucas P Sheehan (Linda R Muldoon, Patrick M Muldoon). 82 Keith G. & Kelly J. Sison; 12-15199-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Stanton C. Kelton (Keith G. Sison, Kelly J. Sison). 83 Harold C. & Brigitte K. Pyatt; 12-15277BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: Diana M. Dixon (Brigitte K. Pyatt, Harold C. Pyatt). 84 Justin L. Alston; 12-15371-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Justin L. Alston). 84 Justin L. Alston; 12-15371-BIF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments And For Failure To File Documents Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David M. Offen (Justin L. Alston). 85 Jerry J. Sylvester; 12-15372-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: David R. Black (Jerry J. Sylvester). 86 Claretha M. Rice; 12-15373-BIF; (13); Confirmation HearingAttorney: David M. Offen (Claretha M. Rice). 87Robin Mcdonald; 12-15861-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Diana M. Dixon (Robin Mcdonald). 88 Joseph Howard Hamilton; 12-15927-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Joseph Howard Hamilton). 89 Michael W. Brown; 09-15489-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: Stephen J. Labroli (Michael W. Brown) Attorney: Sarah Ruth Barnwell (Michael W. Brown) 11:00 A.M. . 1 Clemmon L. Brown; 10-19406-BIF; (13); Motion To Approve Loan Modification Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na, S/B/M To Chase Home Finance, Llc Represented By Joseph Patrick Schalk .Attorney: David R. Black (Clemmon L. Brown). 2 Gregory Smith; 11-19215-BIF; (13); Motion To Reconsider Dismissal Of Case Filed By Gregory Smith Represented By Ronald G. Mcneil .Attorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Gregory Smith). 3 Kevin Lee Keo; 11-19536-BIF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant City Of Philadelphia Filed By Kevin Lee Keo .Attorney: Allan K. Marshall (Kevin Lee Keo). 4 Julia C. Lee; 12-10524-BIF; (13); Adv: F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 2-12-00505Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Julia C. Lee). John N. & Denise L. Ferguson; 12-12075BIF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant City Of Philadelphia Filed By Denise L. Ferguson, John N. Ferguson.Attorney: James D. Moran (Denise L. Ferguson, John N. Ferguson). 6 Kevin H. & Anita L. Sumner; 12-17666BIF; (13); Adv: 2-12-00530Attorney: Katherine Schreiber (Anita L. Sumner, Kevin H. Sumner). 7 Janet Legge; 10-13806-BIF; (13); Motion To Reconsider (Related Documents Certification Of Default) Filed By Janet Legge Represented By Keith D. Sklar .Attorney: Keith D. Sklar (Janet Legge) Attorney: Candyce I. SmithSklar (Janet Legge). 8 Jerry Hemingway; 12-17459-BIF; (13); Show Cause Hearing (Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The First Installment Payment In The Amount Of $71.00 Due September 6, 2012.)Attorney: Devon E. Sanders (Jerry Hemingway) Foundation, Inc.) Attorney: Jennifer Song (Scimeca Foundation, Inc.) 5 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 1 . 1 2 3 2:00 P.M. Wayne Diegel; 11-16614-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2604 Fair Oaks Avenue, Hatboro, Pennsylvania 19040 Filed By Nationstar Mortgage, Llc Represented By Ryan A. Gower .Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Wayne Diegel). James R. & Barbara M. Mccormick; 12-13161-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From The Automatic Stay Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association.Attorney: John M. Kenney (Barbara M. Mccormick, James R. Mccormick). Phyllis G. Taylor; 12-14426-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee - 6 Cyl. Utility 4D Laredo 4Wd Filed By Capital One Auto Finance Department Represented By Jeffrey T Grossman .Attorney: Alan B. Liss (Phyllis G. Taylor). Sarah Craig-baxter; 12-18583-BIF; (13); Motion To Extend Automatic Stay Filed By Sarah Craig-Baxter Represented By Michael Gumbel .Attorney: Michael Gumbel (Sarah Craig-Baxter). William H. Lee & Denise R. Boyd-lee; 12-16620-BIF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re 617 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa 19082 Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Kristen D. Little .Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Denise R. Boyd-Lee, William H. Lee). Desiree I. Long; 09-17166-BIF; (13); Certification Of Default Of Order Re:Stipulation Of Settlement Filed By Kassia Fialkoff On Behalf Of Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc .Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Desiree I. Long) 2:30 P.M. Jeffrey L. Leach; 09-14952-BIF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor With Prejudice Filed By William C. MillerAttorney: James P. Mcgarrity (Jeffrey L. Leach). 2 Dawn D Huggins; 12-18359-BIF; (13); Motion To Impose Automatic Stay Filed By Dawn D Huggins Represented By Diane E. Barr .Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Dawn D Huggins) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 9:30 A.M. . 1 Jack M. Bernard; 09-16943-BIF; (7); Objection To Claim Number 2 By Claimant Chase Bank Filed By United States Trustee. Attorney: Mark G. Wolkoff (Jack M. Bernard). 1 Jack M. Bernard; 09-16943-BIF; (7); Objection To Claim Number 7 By Claimant Chase Bank Filed By United States Trustee. Attorney: Mark G. Wolkoff (Jack M. Bernard). 2 Drum Construction Company, Inc.; 11-14857-BIF; (7); Status HearingAttorney: Gregory R. Noonan (Drum Construction Company, Inc.). 3 Barbara Mckinney; 12-14946-BIF; (7); Show Cause Hearing (Why Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Appear At Scheduled Meeting Of Creditors.)Attorney: David P. Cross (Barbara Mckinney). 4 Adam C Petersheim; 12-16058-BIF; (7); Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Matco Tools Filed By Adam C Petersheim. Attorney: Cynthia E. Reed (Adam C Petersheim). 5 Paul J. & Donnamarie T. Weaver; 12-16375BIF; (11); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By The Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Company, National Association As Grantor Trustee Of The Protium Master Grantor Trust Represented By Keri P Ebeck .Attorney: Shannon L. Foster (Donnamarie T. Weaver, Paul J. Weaver). 6 Marim Leschinsky; 12-17784-BIF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 510 Brookside Lane, Hillsborough, Nj 08844-4822 Filed By Fifth Third Mortgage Company Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Attorney: James V. Monaghan (Marim Leschinsky) 10:00 A.M. . 1 Scimeca Foundation, Inc.; 10-13662-BIF; (11); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Filed By Ciena Capital Funding, Llc Represented By John J. Winter .Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Scimeca Foundation, Inc.) Attorney: William H Hall (Scimeca . 1 11:00 A.M. Joseph G. Clark; 94-18265-BIF; (7); Motion To Approve Interim Distribution Filed By Gary F Seitz TrusteeAttorney: James J. Rahner (Joseph G. Clark). Eddie L. & Barbara J. Baker; 12-12059-BIF; (7); Motion To Dismiss Case Cannot Accomplish Bankruptcy Goal Filed By Barbara J. Baker, Eddie L. Baker Represented By Ronald G. Mcneil .Attorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Barbara J. Baker, Eddie L. Baker). Lance M. & Heather B. Cobb; 12-15963BIF; (7); Motion To Extend Time To File Complaint To Discharge Or Motion To Dismiss Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Kevin P. Callahan .Attorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Heather B. Cobb, Lance M. Cobb) 2:00 P.M. Gregory D & Abby L Olsen; 12-11891-BIF; (7); Motion For Sanctions For Violation Of The Discharge Injunction By Navy Federal Credit Union Filed By Abby L Olsen, Gregory D Olsen Represented By Stephen J RossAttorney: Stephen J Ross (Abby L Olsen, Gregory D Olsen) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 . 1 1 9:30 A.M. Thomas G Drauschak; 12-17697-BIF; (11); Adv: 2-12-00544Attorney: John E. Kaskey (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: David L. Braverman (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: Peter J. Leyh (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: Walter Weir (Daniel Piazza, Vincent Piazza) Attorney: Jeffrey P. Bryman (Richard J. Meado. Thomas G Drauschak; 12-17697-BIF; (11); Adv: 2-12-00544Attorney: John E. Kaskey (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: David L. Braverman (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: Peter J. Leyh (Thomas G Drauschak) Attorney: Walter Weir (Daniel Piazza, Vincent Piazza) Attorney: Jeffrey P. Bryman (Richard J. Meado FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 9:30 A.M. . 1 Tommy Edmond M. George (Tommy Michael D. Vagnoni (Tommy Angela Lynn Baglanzis (Tommy Before FRANK, B.J. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Courtroom No. 1 900 Market St. Philadelphia TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 10:00 A.M. . 1 Aisha T Rousseau; 07-15720-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael J. Halprin (Aisha T Rousseau). 2 Kathleen Kelleher; 08-10084-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Sherri Dicks (Kathleen Kelleher). 3 Keith C. & Robin A. Landis; 08-14128ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Keith C. Landis, Robin A. Landis). 4 Jeffrey & Karen Stevens; 08-17700-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Jeffrey Stevens, Karen Stevens). 5 Peter Kozak; 09-11868-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Peter Kozak) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Peter Kozak). 6 Dennis S. & Joanne R. Deitsch; 09-12075ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Christopher George Cappio (Dennis S. Deitsch, Joanne R. Deitsch) Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Dennis S. Deitsch, Joanne R. Deitsch). 7 Anthony T & Dorothy M Harrigan; 09-13338-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Kimberly A. Coleman (Anthony T Harrigan, Dorothy M Harrigan). 8 Janette I. Van Horn; 09-13350-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: John L. Mcclain (Janette I. Van Horn). 9 Deina D. Mclaughlin; 09-13731-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Deina D. Mclaughlin). 10 Robin Y. Wilson; 09-15803-ELF; (13); THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 21 Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Margaret Emelia Robinson (Robin Y. Wilson). 11Phyllis Mccloud; 09-15984-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: James D. Moran (Phyllis Mccloud). 12 John W. Scott; 09-16238-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (John W. Scott). 13 William C. Latimer; 09-16695-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Seymour Lackier (William C. Latimer). 14 Denise Roach; 09-16852-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Alan M. Bredt (Denise Roach). 15 Henry Murray; 09-17087-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Donald Williford (Henry Murray). 16 Thomas D Prohigh; 09-19432-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael P. Kelly (Thomas D Prohigh). 17 Frank F & Deborah A Lamotta; 10-10001ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Lawrence S. Rubin (Deborah A Lamotta, Frank F Lamotta). 18 Sherman B. Brooks; 10-11730-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Sherman B. Brooks). 19 Delores E. Cardwell; 10-13621-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Christopher J. Kern (Delores E. Cardwell). 20 Joseph Mccawley; 10-14128-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Joseph Mccawley) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Joseph Mccawley). 21 Vincent G & Judith D. Tomes; 10-14494ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Judith D. Tomes, Vincent G Tomes). 22 Victor Innamorato; 10-15598-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Victor Innamorato). 23 Richard & Dawn L Dunham; 10-15991ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Scott F. Waterman (Dawn L Dunham, Richard Dunham). 24 Ronald W. & Debra L. Whitmire; 10-16840ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Debra L. Whitmire, Ronald W. Whitmire). 25Edwin R. Alvarez & Miriam Alvarez Rodriguez; 10-17040-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael D. Hess (Edwin R. Alvarez, Miriam Alvarez Rodriguez). 26 Marjorie S Duval; 10-18330-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Marjorie S Duval). 27 Malachi M Moore; 10-18950-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Clair M. Stewart (Malachi M Moore). 28 Tamara Nicole Bordley; 10-19017-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Robert H. Holber (Tamara Nicole Bordley). 29 Geraldine A. Frankunas; 10-30469-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michele Perez Capilato (Geraldine A. Frankunas). 30 Joni Rothman; 10-30878-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Joni Rothman). 31 Stephanie Reeves; 11-11654-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Stephanie Reeves) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Stephanie Reeves). 32 Mario P. & Loretta Delvecchio; 11-15859ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Robert F. Datner (Loretta Delvecchio, Mario P. Delvecchio). 33 Etta Williams; 11-17315-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (2 Motions)Attorney: Alan D. Budman (Etta Williams). 33Etta Williams; 11-17315-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Alan D. Budman (Etta Williams). 34Leonard S. & Michele J. Bergman; 11-17320-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Leonard S. Bergman, Michele J. Bergman). 35 Haliburton Kennith & Sharon Denise Lewis; 11-17907-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Haliburton Kennith Lewis, Sharon Denise Lewis). 36 Mark Reber; 11-18040-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Mark Reber). 36Mark Reber; 11-18040-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Mark Reber). 37 Joann Pettit; 11-18490-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: David M. Offen (Joann Pettit). 37Joann Pettit; 11-18490-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Joann Pettit). 38 Merdina Edwards; 11-18771-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David J. Averett (Merdina Edwards). 39 Ronald R. Makl; 11-19160-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Ronald R. Makl). 39 Ronald R. Makl; 11-19160-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Ronald R. Makl). 40 Daniel F. O’brien; 11-19654-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Daniel F. O’Brien) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Daniel F. O’Brien). 41 Clare B. Bowersox; 12-10454-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: John A. Gagliardi (Clare B. Bowersox). 41 Clare B. Bowersox; 12-10454-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: John A. Gagliardi (Clare B. Bowersox). 42 Cheryl D. Watson; 12-10936-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Stokes E Mott (Cheryl D. Watson). 42 Cheryl D. Watson; 12-10936-ELF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (2 Motions)Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Cheryl D. Watson). 43 David C. Wall; 12-11132-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (David C. Wall). 43David C. Wall; 12-11132-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (David C. Wall). 44 Patrick J. Houston; 12-11193-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Hess (Patrick J. Houston). 44 Patrick J. Houston; 12-11193-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael D. Hess (Patrick J. Houston). 45Roslyn Curry; 12-11229-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (Roslyn Curry). 46 Zina S Robinson; 12-11277-ELF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Vern Anastasio (Zina S Robinson) Attorney: Steven P Kelly (Zina S Robinson). 47 Pamela Lenora Wheeler; 12-11295-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Georgette Miller (Pamela Lenora Wheeler). 47 Pamela Lenora Wheeler; 12-11295-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (Pamela Lenora Wheeler). 48 Joseph A. & Sandra Octavia Bullock; 12-11350-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Joseph A. Bullock, Sandra Octavia Bullock). 48 Joseph A. & Sandra Octavia Bullock; 12-11350-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: David M. Offen (Joseph A. Bullock, Sandra Octavia Bullock). 49 Philip Stephen Wallace; 12-11353-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Philip Stephen Wallace). 50Veronica Lyons; 12-11691-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Veronica Lyons). 12-11691-ELF; (13); 50Veronica Lyons; Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Veronica Lyons). 51 Abu Bakar; 12-11863-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Abu Bakar). 51Abu Bakar; 12-11863-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Abu Bakar). 52 Thomas Henry & Margaret O’donnell; 12-11992-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Margaret O’Donnell, Thomas Henry O’Donnell) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Margaret O’Donnell, Thomas Henry O’Donnell). 53Harry J. Serad; 12-12013-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Harry J. Serad). 53 Harry J. Serad; 12-12013-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Harry J. Serad). 54 Edward Garcia & Patricia April; 12-12584ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Edward Garcia, Patricia April). 55 Maureen E. Leneghan; 12-13031-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Albert J. Scarafone (Maureen E. Leneghan). 55 Maureen E. Leneghan; 12-13031-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Albert J. Scarafone (Maureen E. Leneghan). 56Richard Lee & Vanessa Gutekunst; 12-13120-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Richard Lee Gutekunst, Vanessa Gutekunst). 56Richard Lee & Vanessa Gutekunst; 12-13120-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Richard Lee Gutekunst, Vanessa Gutekunst). 57 Dorothy M. Nazmy; 12-13138-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David R. Black (Dorothy M. Nazmy). 58 Keith W. & Marcia L. Fawcett; 12-13248ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Marc H. Pachtman (Keith W. Fawcett, Marcia L. Fawcett). 59 Angela M. Weary; 12-13302-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Jay S. Lowenthal (Angela M. Weary). 60Marcel Boyce; 12-13484-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Howard L. Schwartz (Marcel Boyce). 60Marcel Boyce; 12-13484-ELF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (3 Motions)Attorney: Howard L. Schwartz (Marcel Boyce). 61Talissa Mccoy; 12-13494-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Talissa Mccoy). 61 Talissa Mccoy; 12-13494-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Talissa Mccoy). 62 Cheryl Petit De Mange; 12-13578-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Raymond M. Kempinski (Cheryl Petit De Mange). 62 Cheryl Petit De Mange; 12-13578-ELF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (2 Motions) Attorney: Raymond M. Kempinski (Cheryl 2 2 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Petit De Mange). 63Kenneth Faison; 12-13739-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Kenneth Faison). 64 Chris M. Monroe; 12-13796-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Chris M. Monroe). 65 Veronica & Frank J Pszoniak; 12-13817ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Timothy P. Walsh (Frank J Pszoniak, Veronica Pszoniak). 65 Veronica & Frank J Pszoniak; 12-13817ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Timothy P. Walsh (Frank J Pszoniak, Veronica Pszoniak). 66 Wadener N. Francois; 12-14221-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Robert F. Datner (Wadener N. Francois). 67 Sharron C. Thompson; 12-14337-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Sharron C. Thompson). 68Michael Adams; 12-14375-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Michael Adams) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Michael Adams). 69 George T. Smith; 12-14382-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Christopher Bokas (George T. Smith). 69 George T. Smith; 12-14382-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Christopher Bokas (George T. Smith). 70 Patricia A Gibson; 12-14465-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (Patricia A Gibson). 71 John G. & Colleen M. Powaserys; 12-14472ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Bradly E Allen (Colleen M. Powaserys, John G. Powaserys). 71 John G. & Colleen M. Powaserys; 12-14472ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Bradly E Allen (Colleen M. Powaserys, John G. Powaserys). 72 Daniel T. Scaringi; 12-14574-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Daniel T. Scaringi). 72 Daniel T. Scaringi; 12-14574-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Daniel T. Scaringi). 73 Brian Scott Jensen; 12-14613-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael W. Gallagher (Brian Scott Jensen). 74 Prince James Mcneil; 12-14667-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David M. Offen (Prince James Mcneil). 75Paul H Brown; 12-14672-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Robert Captain LeiteYoung (Paul H Brown). 75 Paul H Brown; 12-14672-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Robert Captain LeiteYoung (Paul H Brown). 76 Larhonda D. Sallad-stevens; 12-14732ELF; (13); Confirmation. 77 Shirley Houston; 12-14778-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Shirley Houston). 78 Barbara Ann Panetta; 12-14779-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Barbara Ann Panetta). 79 Gloria E. Stancil; 12-14816-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Halprin (Gloria E. Stancil). 79 Gloria E. Stancil; 12-14816-ELF; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments & For Failure To File Documents (2 Motions)Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Gloria E. Stancil). 80Jeanette Ramos; 12-14974-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Brad J. Sadek (Jeanette Ramos). 81 William J. Kelly; 12-15039-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Robert Edward Angst (William J. Kelly). 82 Brian S. & Barbara A. Sacks; 12-15069-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Daniel W. Mccartney (Barbara A. Sacks, Brian S. Sacks). 83 Shannon Marie Erb; 12-15108-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: John A. Digiamberardino (Shannon Marie Erb). 84Yelena Bautista; 12-15141-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Diana M. Dixon (Yelena Bautista). 85John F Quinto; 12-15223-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Anthony Arechavala (John F Quinto). 86Elease Brooker; 12-15235-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Elease Brooker). 86Elease Brooker; 12-15235-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Elease Brooker). 87 Jay B & Jaimie Gwen Johnson; 12-15237ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Matthew R. Nahrgang (Jaimie Gwen Johnson, Jay B Johnson). 88 Richard Christ; 12-18022-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Theodore M. Costa (Richard Christ). 89Mary Oxendine; 12-18611-ELF; (13); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $281.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 11, 2012.Attorney: Kenneth E. West (Mary Oxendine). 90 Valerie J. Sydnor; 12-18660-ELF; (13); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $281.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 12, 2012.Attorney: Daniel W. Mccartney (Valerie J. Sydnor). 91 Catherine Ali; 12-10193-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Catherine Ali). 91Catherine Ali; 12-10193-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Catherine Ali) . 1 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 1:00 P.M. Barbara Ann Panetta; 12-14779-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 1 By Claimant Discover Bank. Filed By Barbara Ann Panetta. Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Barbara Ann Panetta). 1 Barbara Ann Panetta; 12-14779-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 4 By Claimant Oak Harbor Capital Vi, Llc. Filed By Barbara Ann Panetta.Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Barbara Ann Panetta). 2 Karen A. Taylor; 12-14350-ELF; (13); Motion To Determine Value Of Property Filed By Karen A. Taylor Represented By Zachary PerlickAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Karen A. Taylor). 3 Zina S Robinson; 12-11277-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Vern Anastasio (Zina S Robinson) Attorney: Steven P Kelly (Zina S Robinson). 3 Zina S Robinson; 12-11277-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Vern Anastasio (Zina S Robinson) Attorney: Steven P Kelly (Zina S Robinson). 4 Chevon D. Young; 12-11092-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Chevon D. Young). 4 Chevon D. Young; 12-11092-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments & For Failure To File DocumentsAttorney: Michael D. Sayles (Chevon D. Young). 5 Patricia M. Lowe; 12-10687-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Patricia M. Lowe). 5 Patricia M. Lowe; 12-10687-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Patricia M. Lowe). 5 Patricia M. Lowe; 12-10687-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim #10 By Claimant The Commonwealth Of Pa. Dept. Of Revenue Filed By Patricia M. Lowe.Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Patricia M. Lowe). 6 Rita A. Johnson & George D. Thomas; 12-10517-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Georgette Miller (George D. Thomas, Rita A. Johnson). 6 Rita A. Johnson & George D. Thomas; 12-10517-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Georgette Miller (George D. Thomas, Rita A. Johnson). 7 Julie Erin Ganz; 12-10225-ELF; (13); Hearing To Consider Whether This Case Should Be Dismissed Or Re-Converted To Ch. 7.Attorney: Mark Blank (Julie Erin Ganz). 8 Celestine Jones; 11-19752-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Vern Anastasio (Celestine Jones). 8 Celestine Jones; 11-19752-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 7 By Claimant Seterus, Inc. Filed By Celestine Jones.Attorney: Vern Anastasio (Celestine Jones). 8 Celestine Jones; 11-19752-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Vern Anastasio (Celestine Jones). 9 Eric Holte; 11-19077-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (2 Motions)Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Eric Holte). 9 Eric Holte; 11-19077-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Erik B. Jensen (Eric Holte). 10 Lewis & Elaine Heftel; 11-18538-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 25 By Claimant Bank Of America. Filed By Elaine Heftel, Lewis Heftel.Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Elaine Heftel, Lewis Heftel). 10 Lewis & Elaine Heftel; 11-18538-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Elaine Heftel, Lewis Heftel). 10 Lewis & Elaine Heftel; 11-18538-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Elaine Heftel, Lewis Heftel). 11 Carter C. Borden; 11-17787-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Carter C. Borden). 11 Carter C. Borden; 11-17787-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Gary E. Thompson (Carter C. Borden). 12 Francis J. Morell; 11-17318-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments (2 Motions). 12 Francis J. Morell; 11-17318-ELF; (13); Confirmation. 13 Evon A. Eberhart-harris; 11-17284-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Stokes E Mott (Evon A. Eberhart-Harris). 13 Evon A. Eberhart-harris; 11-17284-ELF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant Justice Fed. Credit Union. Filed By Evon A. Eberhart-Harris.Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Evon A. Eberhart-Harris). 13 Evon A. Eberhart-harris; 11-17284-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Stokes E Mott (Evon A. Eberhart-Harris). 14 Ronald J Hughes; 11-17270-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Ronald J Hughes). 14 Ronald J Hughes; 11-17270-ELF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Ronald J Hughes). 15 Darlene Jefferson; 11-16145-ELF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan After Confirmation Filed By Darlene Jefferson Represented By Michael A. CataldoAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Darlene Jefferson) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Darlene Jefferson). 16 Anna H. Johnson; 11-14504-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Anna H. Johnson). 16 Anna H. Johnson; 11-14504-ELF; (13); Motion To Abate Plan Payments For Months , Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Anna H. Johnson Represented By Zachary PerlickAttorney: Zachary Perlick (Anna H. Johnson). 17Clifton B & Kathleen T Crawford; 11-10449-ELF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan PaymentsAttorney: Shawn J. Lau (Clifton B Crawford, Kathleen T Crawford). 17Clifton B & Kathleen T Crawford; 18 19 20 21 11-10449-ELF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post-Confirmation Under Section 1329 Filed By Clifton B Crawford, Kathleen T Crawford Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Clifton B Crawford, Kathleen T Crawford). George Michael Hepp; 10-19668-ELF; (13); Motion To Reconsider Dismissal Of Case And Reinstate Chapter 13 Case Filed By George Michael Hepp Represented By Michael A. CataldoAttorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (George Michael Hepp) Attorney: William J. Maffucci (George Michael Hepp) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (George Michael Hepp). Carol L. Lee; 10-14469-ELF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Carol L. Lee Represented By William H Hall Iv.Attorney: William H Hall (Carol L. Lee). Lisa Ann Grotkowski; 09-10855-ELF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Lisa Ann Grotkowski Represented By Zachary Perlick .Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Lisa Ann Grotkowski). Herbert Wayne Norton; 12-19075-ELF; (13); Debtor’S Certification Of Exigent Circumstances Filed By Alexander G. Tuttle On Behalf Of Herbert Wayne Norton. Attorney: Alexander G. Tuttle (Herbert Wayne Norton) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 . 1 10:00 A.M. William R. Goode; 09-14147-ELF; (7); Adv: 2-12-00506Attorney: Stephen John Devine (William R. Goode) Attorney: Gary F Seitz (Gary F. Seitz). 2 Hae S. Chang; 10-11860-ELF; (7); Adv: 2-11-00445Attorney: Joseph Vaccaro (Hae S. Chang) Attorney: Sam Y. Hwang (Hae S. Chang) Attorney: Mark Alan Haas (Hae S. Chang) Attorney: John C. Kilgannon (Korman Commercial Properties, Inc.) Attorney: Beth Stern Fleming (Korman Commercial Properties,. 3 Karen M. Delaney; 11-16368-ELF; (7); Motion To Reopen Chapter 7 Case Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: James V. Monaghan (Karen M. Delaney). 4 Anthony J. Vigilante & Kathleen A. Whitevigilante; 11-17806-ELF; (7); Motion To Redeem Property Of The Estate Filed By Anthony J. Vigilante Represented By Jon M. Adelstein .Attorney: Michael H. Kaliner (Anthony J. Vigilante, Kathleen A. WhiteVigilante) Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Anthony J. Vigilante, Kathleen A. White-Vigilante). 5 Leroy G. & Margaret E. Emel; 12-15461ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay On 12 South Duke Street, Millersville, Pa 17551 Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner .Attorney: Alaine V. Grbach (Leroy G. Emel, Margaret E. Emel). 6 James Cunningham; 12-15740-ELF; (7); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Third Installment In The Amount Of $75.00 Due September 13, 2012.Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (James Cunningham). 7 Hung Nguyen; 12-16038-ELF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. Filed By Hung Nguyen Represented By Siana Newman .Attorney: Siana Newman (Hung Nguyen). 8 Bayard Sales Corporation; 12-16339-ELF; (7); Motion Of Lynn E. Feldman, Esquire, Chapter 7 Trustee, For Entry Of An Order Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 105(A) And Rule 9019(B) Of The Federal Rules Of Bankruptcy Procedure Establishing Procedures For Settling Certain Claims Filed By Lynn E. Feldman ReAttorney: Gregory Francis Vizza (Bayard Sales Corporation). 9 Barbara J. Rizzuto; 12-17105-ELF; (7); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The First Installment In The Amount Of $76.50 Due September 7, 2012Attorney: Irwin Lee Trauss (Barbara J. Rizzuto). 10 Son Doan; 12-17126-ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Matthew TaeAttorney: Darin Michael King (Son Doan). 11 Tyrone & Paula L. Williams; 12-17199ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2007 Dodge Durango Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., D/B/A Wells Fargo Dealer Services, Inc. Represented By William Edward Craig .Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Paula L. Williams, Tyrone Williams). 12 Mary L Ferguson; 12-18075-ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 528 Fort Washington Avenue, Fort Washington, Pa 19034 Filed By E*Trade Bank Represented By Joshua Isaac Goldman .Attorney: Robert M. Kline (Mary L Ferguson). 13 Jennifer Mcdermott; 12-18280-ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Freedom Mortgage Corporation Represented By Marisa Myers Cohen .Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Jennifer Mcdermott). 14 Cora M. Morrisey; 12-18321-ELF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc Filed By Cora M. Morrisey Represented By David R. Black . Attorney: David R. Black (Cora M. Morrisey). 14 Cora M. Morrisey; 12-18321-ELF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc Filed By Cora M. Morrisey Represented By David R. Black . Attorney: David R. Black (Cora M. Morrisey). 14 Cora M. Morrisey; 12-18321-ELF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc Filed By Cora M. Morrisey Represented By David R. Black . Attorney: David R. Black (Cora M. Morrisey). 15 Preston Wakefield; 12-18488-ELF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 7973 Rugby Street, Philadelphia, Pa Filed By Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, As Trustee For Ameriquest Mortgage Securities Inc., Asset- VOL P. 3066 Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-R12 Represented By Elana Brooke Fle. 16 Leo & Bernice Mclaughlin; 12-18715-elf; (7); Hearing To Consider Whether This Case Should Be Dismissed For Failure To Comply With 11 U.S.C. Section 109 (H) And To Consider The Reasonableness Of Any Compensation Received By Debtors’ CounselAttorney: Nathan Snyder (Leo Mclaughlin, Bernice Mclaughlin). 17 Thomas F. Reardon; 12-18940-ELF; (7); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $306.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 21, 2012.Attorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Thomas F. Reardon). 18 Susan Shaw; 12-18941-ELF; (7); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $306.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 21, 2012.Attorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Susan Shaw). 19 Darren Gabriel & Stacey Alisa Nardo; 12-18971-ELF; (7); Hearing To Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee In The Amount Of $306.00 Or File An Application For Installments Due September 21, 2012. Attorney: Kenneth E. West (Darren Gabriel Nardo, Stacey Alisa Nardo) . 1 11:00 A.M. Lower Bucks Hospital; 10-10239-ELF; (11); Stipulation By Lower Bucks Hospital And Between Advanced Nursing Staffing Inc. Stipulation And Order Regarding Claim Of Advanced Nursing Staffing Inc. Filed By Robyn F. Pollack On Behalf Of Lower Bucks Hospital.Attorney: Jeffrey Charles Hampton (Lower Bucks Hospital) Attorney: Adam H. Isenberg (Lower Bucks Hospital) Attorney: Robyn F. Pollack (Lower Bucks Hospital) Attorney: Maryjo Bellew (Lower Bucks Hospital) Attorney: Melissa W. Rand (Lower Bucks. 2 John N. Irwin; 10-14407-ELF; (11); Motion To Compel The Filing Of Post Confirmation Reports And Pay Statutory Fees, Or In The Alternative Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: Jeffrey Kurtzman (John N. Irwin) Attorney: Kathryn Evans Perkins (John N. Irwin). 3 Anthony Theotiss Alston; 10-17756-ELF; (11); Final Application For Compensation Of Ominsky& Ominsky, P.C. For Charles M. Mccuen, Attorney, Period: 6/1/2011 To 8/17/2012, Fee: $37,550.00, Expenses: $3,456.81. Filed By Charles M. MccuenAttorney: Charles M. Mccuen (Anthony Theotiss Alston). 3 Anthony Theotiss Alston; 10-17756-ELF; (11); Final Application For Compensation For Donald T. Forrest, Accountant, Period: 6/1/2011 To 3/31/2012, Fee: $2,000.00, Expenses: $. Filed By Charles M. Mccuen, Donald T. ForrestAttorney: Charles M. Mccuen (Anthony Theotiss Alston). 4 Land Conservancy Of Elkins Park, Inc.; 10-19522-ELF; (11); Motion To Prohibit Use Of Cash Collateral Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 363(C)(2) Or Grant Adequate Protection Under 11 U.S.C. Section 363(E) Filed By The Dominican Congregation Of St. Catherine Dericci Represented By Michael J. Cordone .Attorney: Edmond M. George (Land Conservancy Of Elkins Park, Inc.) Attorney: Michael D. Vagnoni (Land Conservancy Of Elkins Park, Inc.). 5 Bkb Community Development Corporation; 12-10613-ELF; (11); Motion To Dismiss Case. , Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: Sharon N. Harvey (Bkb Community Development Corporation). Bkb 5 Community Development Corporation; 12-10613-ELF; (11); Motion To Approve Second Amended Disclosure Statement Filed By Bkb Community Development Corporation Represented By Sharon N. Harvey .Attorney: Sharon N. Harvey (Bkb Community Development Corporation). 6 Cornwall Properties, Inc.; 12-12914-ELF; (11); Motion To Dismiss Case. , Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: Barry A. Solodky (Cornwall Properties, Inc.). 6 Cornwall Properties, Inc.; 12-12914-ELF; (11); Motion To Approve Disclosure Statement And Plan Voting Procedures Filed By Cornwall Properties, Inc. Represented By Barry A. Solodky .Attorney: Barry A. Solodky (Cornwall Properties, Inc.). 7 Alcorn Corp; 12-13742-ELF; (11); Motion To Dismiss Case , Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Fi Led By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: John E. Kaskey (Alcorn Corp) Attorney: David L. Braverman (Alcorn Corp). 8 Phoenix Horizons, Inc.; 12-14344-ELF; (11); Motion To Dismiss Case , Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 Filed By United States Trustee Represented By Dave P. Adams .Attorney: David B. Smith (Phoenix Horizons, Inc.) Attorney: Robert M. Greenbaum (Phoenix Horizons, Inc.). 9 Alson Alston; 12-15871-ELF; (11); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2836-38 W. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa Filed By Citibank, N.A. Represented By Jeffrey T Grossman . Attorney: Richard H Agins (Alson Alston). 10Five Ponds Lp; 12-17171-ELF; (11); Debtor’S Motion Requesting Authority To A) Use Cash Collateral B) Provide Adequate Protection To Parties With Interest In Cash Collateral C) Honor Warranty Claims Filed By Five Ponds Lp Represented By Albert A. Ciardi Iii.Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Five Ponds Lp) Attorney: Jennifer E. Cranston (Five Ponds Lp) Attorney: Daniel S. Siedman (Five Ponds Lp). 10 Five Ponds Lp; 12-17171-ELF; (11); Motion To Sell Filed By Five Ponds Lp Represented By Albert A. Ciardi Iii.Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Five Ponds Lp) Attorney: Jennifer E. Cranston (Five Ponds Lp) Attorney: Daniel S. Siedman (Five Ponds Lp) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 10:00 A.M. . 1 Stanley R. Heleva & Michelle T. Pauls; 10-18335-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2523 Cedar Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19125 Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association Represented By Leslie J. Rase .Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Michelle T. Pauls, Stanley R. Heleva) Attorney: William H Hall (Michelle T. Pauls, Stanley R. Heleva). 2 Doreen L & Kevin L Grant; 10-19855-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 908 Rowland Avenue, Cheltenham, Pa 19012 Filed By U.S. Bank National Association Represented By Mary F. Kennedy .Attorney: Georgette Miller (Doreen L Grant, Kevin L Grant). 3 Mark & Lisa Zolna; 11-12460-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Represented By Marisa Myers Cohen . Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Lisa Zolna, Mark Zolna) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Lisa Zolna, Mark Zolna). 4 Troy K. Grant; 11-14522-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Nova Bank Represented By Jenifer G Fowler .Attorney: Sherri Dicks (Troy K. Grant). 5 Ruby J. Johnson; 11-17911-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2010 Ford Edge Filed By Ford Motor Credit Company, Llc Represented By Howard Gershman . Attorney: Gary E. Thompson (Ruby J. Johnson). 6 Anita F. Legette; 12-11183-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Gmac Mortgage, Llc. Represented By D. Troy SellarsAttorney: John M. Kenney (Anita F. Legette). 7 Harry J. Serad; 12-12013-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 4115 Whiting Rd, Philadelphia, Pa Filed By Metlife Home Loans, A Division Of Metlife Bank, N.A. Represented By Brian E. CaineAttorney: Ellis B. Klein (Harry J. Serad). 8 Marceline R. Adams; 12-14028-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Hsbc Bank Usa National Association C/O Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc Represented By Steven K. Eisenberg .Attorney: William H Hall (Marceline R. Adams). 9 Teresa Pinto; 12-14377-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Bcp Holdings (Usa), Inc. As Successor In Interest To Millenium Bcpbank C/O Nicola G. Suglia, Esquire Represented By Nicola G. Suglia . Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Teresa Pinto). 10 Tomika & Saeed N Bryant; 12-14841-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2005 Ford Explorer Filed By Capital One Auto Finance Represented By Linda S. Fossi . Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Saeed N Bryant, Tomika Bryant). 11 John Wilhelm; 12-14963-ELF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 39 Lawrence Street, Lyons, Ny 14489-1445 Filed By Cco Mortgage Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Attorney: Timothy Wilfong (John Wilhelm). 12 Ruth Barreto; 12-18508-ELF; (13); Motion To Extend Automatic Stay Filed By Ruth Barreto Represented By Michael D. Ward .Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Ruth Barreto). 13 Scott J. Curley; 12-18595-ELF; (13); Motion To Extend Automatic Stay Filed By Scott J. Curley Represented By Michael P. Kutzer . Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Scott J. Curley). 14 Kevin Lewis Ketner; 12-18627-ELF; (13); Motion To Extend Automatic Stay Filed By Kevin Lewis Ketner Represented By Michael D. Hess .Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Kevin Lewis Ketner). 15 Jeffrey J. Tenore; 12-18813-ELF; (13); Motion To Impose Automatic Stay Filed By Jeffrey J. Tenore Represented By Joseph F. Claffy .Attorney: Joseph F. Claffy (Jeffrey J. Tenore) . 1 1:00 P.M. Universal Marketing, Inc.; 09-15404-ELF; (7); Adv: 2-11-00544Attorney: Aris J. Karalis (Universal Marketing, Inc.) Attorney: Robert W. Seitzer (Universal Marketing, Inc.) Attorney: Stephen M. Packman (Charles R. Goldstein) Attorney: Douglas G. Leney (Charles R. Goldstein) Attorney: Patrick W Carothers FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 9:00 A.M. . 1 Erik Charles & Sarah Helen Batipps; 10-31221-ELF; (7); Adv: 2-11-00450Attorney: Stephen M Hladik (Erik Charles Batipps, Sarah Helen Batipps) Attorney: Paul Brinton Maschmeyer (Marvin Krasny) Attorney: Scott M. Rothman (Deutsche Bank National Trust Company As) Before FEHLING, VOL P. 3067 B.J. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Courtroom No.1 400 Washington St. Reading, Pa. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 . 1 9:30 A.M. Latif Matt & Roxanne Bonser; 07-20395REF; (13); Motion Under The Lead Case 07-20395 To Recognize Stay Relief Orders Entered In The Us Bankruptcy Court For The Southern District Of New York And To Reactivate Adversary No. 11-2080 Filed By Roxanne Bonser.Attorney: David F. Dunn (Latif Matt, Roxanne Bonser). 2 David A Kochard; 09-20573-REF; (13); Hearing On Debtor’S Response To Certification Of Default Of The Stipulation Of Settlement By Gmac Mortgage, LlcAttorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (David A Kochard). 3 Gregory Benjamin Scheffler; 09-22088REF; (7); Objection To Application To Employ Filed By Trustee Robert H. Holber Filed By M&T Bank .Attorney: Kevin K. Kercher (Gregory Benjamin Scheffler). 3 Gregory Benjamin Scheffler; 09-22088REF; (7); Objection To Application To Employ Filed By Trustee Robert H. Holber Filed By Gregory Benjamin Scheffler .Attorney: Kevin K. Kercher (Gregory Benjamin Scheffler). 4 Bayyinah J. Ismail; 09-22870-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 2305 Jamie Court, Easton, Pa 180408786 Filed By Bac Home Loans Servicing, L.P. F/K/A Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Represented By John Michael KolesnikAttorney: Robert Glazer (Bayyinah J. Ismail). 5 Terrance Peter Pacheco; 10-21781-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay (1311 Foxview Drive, Bethlehem, Pa 18017) Filed By Essa Bank & Trust Represented By J. Zac Christman .Attorney: Kevin K. Kercher (Terrance Peter Pacheco). 6 Richard A. & Donna K. Hinkle; 10-22311REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By U.S. Bank National Association As Trustee For Rasc 2005Ks5 Represented By Joshua Isaac GoldmanAttorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Donna K. Hinkle, Richard A. Hinkle). 7 Glen & Alicia S.a. Miller; 10-22952-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2007 Nissan Armada Filed By Santander Consumer Usa Inc. Represented By Linda S. FossiAttorney: George M. Lutz (Alicia S.A. Miller, Glen Miller). 8 James J. & Jean E. Childs; 11-20193-REF; (13); Motion To Vacate Order Dated August 24, 2012 For Relief From The Automatic Stay Re Medallion Bank Filed By James J. Childs Jr., Jean E. Childs Represented By David S. Gellert .Attorney: David S. Gellert (James J. Childs, Jean E. Childs). 9 Anna Marie Mest; 11-20329-REF; (13); Motion To Re-Impose Automatic Stay Filed By Anna Marie Mest Represented By John Everett Cook .Attorney: John Everett Cook (Anna Marie Mest). 10 Chad E. Gordon; 11-20820-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Real Property Known As 32 Saw Mill Rd., Wernersville, Pennsylvania 19565 Filed By Beneficial Consumer Discount Company Represented By Linda S. FossiAttorney: John A. Digiamberardino (Chad E. Gordon). 11 Robert Mcfarland; 11-21164-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By M&T Bank Represented By Marisa Myers CohenAttorney: Stephen J Ross (Robert Mcfarland). 12 Theodore E. Wingenroth & Charmaine Cepeda Wingenroth; 11-21876-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 225 Shenks Ferry Rd, Conestoga, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Et Al Represented By Stuart Isaac SeidenAttorney: Jacques H. Geisenberger (Charmaine Cepeda Wingenroth, Theodore E. Wingenroth). 13 William & Candace Keck; 11-22342-REF; (13); Amended Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant Metlife Home Loans. Filed By Candace Keck, William Keck .Attorney: George M. Baurkot (Candace Keck, William Keck). 13 William & Candace Keck; 11-22342-REF; (13); Amended Objection To Claim Number 6 By Claimant Ally Financial. Filed By Candace Keck, William Keck .Attorney: George M. Baurkot (Candace Keck, William Keck). 13 William & Candace Keck; 11-22342-REF; (13); Amended Objection To Claim Number 1 By Claimant The Honesdale National Bank. Filed By Candace Keck, William Keck . Attorney: George M. Baurkot (Candace Keck, William Keck). 14 Franklin E & Yesenia Santana; 11-22480REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 3204 Earl Street, Reading, Pa 19605-2228 Filed By Bank Of America, N.A. Represented By Mario J. HanyonAttorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Franklin E Santana, Yesenia Santana). 15Robert Thomas & Stephanie Dianne Salvatori; 11-22992-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 15 By Claimant Portfolio Recovery Associates, Llc (Claim #15). Filed By Robert Thomas Salvatori.Attorney: Andrew J. F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Shaw (Robert Thomas Salvatori, Stephanie Dianne Salvatori). 16 Sally Lee Abruzzese; 11-23101-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 3 By Claimant Pa Department Of Revenue. Filed By Sally Lee Abruzzese.Attorney: John Everett Cook (Sally Lee Abruzzese). 17 Harry & Marie Bethie Destine; 12-10802REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 2701 Beacon Drive, Reading, Pa 19608-1798 Filed By Us Bank National Association, As Trustee For Bnc Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-2 Represented By Jerome B. Blank .Attorney: Clemson N. Page (Harry Destine, Marie Bethie Destine). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 7 By Claimant Internal Revenue Service. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 8 By Claimant Salisbury Township School District. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 9 By Claimant Allentown School District. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant City Of Allentown. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy. Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 2 By Claimant Pennsylvania Department Of Revenue. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 11 By Claimant New Tripolli Bank. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy. Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 12 By Claimant New Tripoli Bank. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy. Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 18 Afaf Atiyeh Darcy; 12-11150-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 13 By Claimant New Tripoli Bank. Filed By Afaf Atiyeh Darcy. Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Afaf Atiyeh Darcy). 19 Angel Sucuzhanay; 12-11588-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay 2063 West Broad Street Bethlehem Pa 18018 Filed By Seterus, Inc. Represented By Martha E. Von Rosenstiel. Attorney: Barton Knochenmus (Angel Sucuzhanay). 20 Douglas R. Wolf; 12-11684-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 738 North 19Th Street, Allentown, Pa 18104-4041 Filed By Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas As Trustee For Ramp 2005Sl1 Represented By D. Troy Sellars . Attorney: David Hopkins Ealy (Douglas R. Wolf). 21 Gerald A. & Christine Hamilton; 12-12014REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara Filed By American Suzuki Financial Services Company Represented By Regina CohenAttorney: Steven F. Dunbar (Christine Hamilton, Gerald A. Hamilton). 22Dolores Plum; 12-12047-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 11 By Claimant Jp Morgan Chase Bank Filed By Dolores Plum.Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Dolores Plum). 23 Bryan J. Stewart; 12-12387-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2006 Land Rover Lr3 Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Represented By William Edward CraigAttorney: Joseph T. Bambrick (Bryan J. Stewart). 24 Randy Scott & Joanne Louise Ingram; 12-12933-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 2 By Claimant Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania. Filed By Joanne Louise Ingram, Randy Scott Ingram.Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Joanne Louise Ingram, Randy Scott Ingram). 24 Randy Scott & Joanne Louise Ingram; 12-12933-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 1 By Claimant Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Filed By Joanne Louise Ingram, Randy Scott Ingram.Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Joanne Louise Ingram, Randy Scott Ingram). 25 Barbara Ann Mullikin; 12-14654-REF; (7); Application To Proceed In Forma Pauperis To Reopen Case Filed By Barbara Ann Mullikin Represented By Lori A. Molloy .Attorney: Lori A. Molloy (Barbara Ann Mullikin). 25 Barbara Ann Mullikin; 12-14654-REF; (7); Motion To Reopen Chapter 7 Case Ifp Requested. 00 Filed By Barbara Ann Mullikin Represented By Lori A. Molloy .Attorney: Lori A. Molloy (Barbara Ann Mullikin). 26 Desiree Rose Cotignola; 12-14774-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association Represented By Marisa Myers CohenAttorney: James Kutkowski (Desiree Rose Cotignola). 27 James A. Creedon; 12-14958-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Debtor And Co-Debtor Regarding Real Property Known As 1483 Ironstone Drive, East Earl. Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank Na Represented By Anthony R. Distasio. 28 Jeffrey Raymond & Jessica Anne Hinkle; 12-15281-REF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2012 Chevrolet Sonic Filed By Americredit Financial Services Dba Gm Financial Represented By William Edward CraigAttorney: George M. Lutz (Jeffrey Raymond Hinkle, Jessica Anne Hinkle). 29 Sharon Lynne Cobb; 12-15410-REF; (7); Hearing Continued On Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Household Finance Consumer Discount Co Filed By Household Finance Consumer Discount Company.Attorney: Andrew J. Shaw (Sharon Lynne Cobb). 30 Craig James & Sherry Lee Coyle; 12-16358- REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 4620 Henry St, Easton, Pa 18045 Filed By Pnc Bank, N.A. Represented By Elana Brooke FlehingerAttorney: Andrew J. Shaw (Craig James Coyle, Sherry Lee Coyle). 31 Robert W Maul; 12-16556-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Gmac Mortgage, Llc Represented By Joshua Isaac GoldmanAttorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Robert W Maul). 32 Angelo Corrado Homes, Inc.; 12-16562REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Fulton Bank Represented By Scott F. Landis .Attorney: Frederick L. Reigle (Angelo Corrado Homes, Inc.). 33 Letcher W Potter; 12-16787-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 1305 East 7Th Street, Bethlehem, Pa 18015 Filed By Gmac Mortgage, Llc Represented By Joshua Isaac Goldman .Attorney: David W. Tidd (Letcher W Potter). 34 Jorge Enrique Rivera & Cheryl Lynn Glovas; 12-17163-REF; (7); Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Pnc Bank Filed By Pnc Bank, Cheryl Lynn Glovas, Jorge Enrique Rivera.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Cheryl Lynn Glovas, Jorge Enrique Rivera). 34 Jorge Enrique Rivera & Cheryl Lynn Glovas; 12-17163-REF; (7); Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And American Honda Finance Corporation Filed By American Honda Finance Corporation.Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Cheryl Lynn Glovas, Jorge Enrique Rivera). 35 Forrest Jason Tolley; 12-17223-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay 18 Rollingview Lane, Denver, Pa 17517. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, Na Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner .Attorney: David S. Gellert (Forrest Jason Tolley). 36 Richard & Shannon Simononis; 12-17325REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay 11 West 2Nd Street, Bethlehem, Pa 18015. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner .Attorney: Harry J. Newman (Richard Simononis, Shannon Simononis). 37 Lland Co Inc.; 12-17337-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2011 Chevrolet Silverado Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Represented By William Edward Craig . Attorney: Dexter K. Case (Lland Co Inc.). 38 Thomas H Dalton; 12-17500-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay 841 Locust Street, Reading, Pa 19604 Filed By Us Bank National Association, As Trustee For Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc. Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner.Attorney: David Johnson (Thomas H Dalton). 39 Joshua Dean & Heather Lynn Moser; 12-18081-REF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay On 3929 North Alabama Avenue, Reading, Pa 19605 Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Kimberly A. BonnerAttorney: Joseph T. Bambrick (Heather Lynn Moser, Joshua Dean Moser). 40 Richard L. Modavis; 12-18410-REF; (13); Application To Pay Filing Fee In Installments Filed By Richard L. Modavis Iii Represented By Self.. 41 Matthew S. & Samantha A. Germano; 12-18840-REF; (7); Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay Filing FeeAttorney: James Kutkowski (Matthew S. Germano, Samantha A. Germano) 10:30 A.M. . 42Schuylkill Valley Engineering, P.c.; 12-19104-REF; (11); Status Conference & Directing That Debtor File Its Plan And Disclosure Statement On Or Before 12/21/2012.Attorney: Paul H. Herbein (Schuylkill Valley Engineering, P.C.) 11:00 A.M. . 43Trinity Innovative Enterprises, Llc; 09-20579-REF; (7); Adv: 4-10-02089Attorney: David F. Dunn (Trinity Innovative Enterprises, Llc) Attorney: Edward J. Didonato (Mary T. Martin, Trustee) Attorney: Ely Goldin (Mary T. Martin, Trustee) Attorney: Jason Christopher Manfrey (Mary T. Martin, Trustee) Attorney: Todd J WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 . 1 9:30 A.M. Harry T. & Nancy Gordon; 12-10740-REF; (7); Adv: 4-12-00333Attorney: Stephen Mccoy Otto (Harry T. Gordon, Nancy Gordon) Attorney: Amy Beth Good (Harry T. Gordon, Nancy Gordon) Attorney: Stephen G. Welz (Richard J Gordon) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 . 1 9:00 A.M. Arthur Dale & Terry Lee Baker; 07-20899REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Robert Glazer (Arthur Dale Baker, Terry Lee Baker). 2 Jamie L. Farkas; 07-21133-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: John J. Keller (Jamie L. Farkas). 3 Oyewale D. Akinrefon; 09-20556-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: George M. Lutz (Oyewale D. Akinrefon) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Oyewale D. Akinrefon). THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 23 4 Curtis L. Stone; 09-20776-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: George M. Lutz (Curtis L. Stone) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Curtis L. Stone). 5 John F. & Amy L. Gilbert; 09-20846-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Amy L. Gilbert, John F. Gilbert). 6 Catherine R. Schadler; 09-21185-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Charles Laputka (Catherine R. Schadler). 7 Patricia Ann Bauer; 09-22614-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Patricia Ann Bauer). 8 Michael G. & Deborah A. Steslow; 09-22901-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Deborah A. Steslow, Michael G. Steslow) Attorney: George M. Lutz (Deborah A. Steslow, Michael G. Steslow). 9 Lillian & Richard Amador; 09-23113-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: James Kutkowski (Lillian Amador, Richard Amador). 10 Manuel A Molina; 10-20176-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: James Kutkowski (Manuel A Molina). 11 Bradley J. & Julie A. Starner; 10-21298REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: John Everett Cook (Bradley J. Starner, Julie A. Starner) Attorney: David W. Tidd (Bradley J. Starner, Julie A. Starner). 12 Dixie J. Stewart; 10-21358-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Dixie J. Stewart) Attorney: George M. Lutz (Dixie J. Stewart). 13 Marvin L. Moyer; 10-21596-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Charles Laputka (Marvin L. Moyer). 14 Michael A. Strohl; 10-22521-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: William Hronis (Michael A. Strohl). 15 Lance Rentschler; 10-22810-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Lance Rentschler). 16 Desiree Rose Cotignola; 12-14774-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: James Kutkowski (Desiree Rose Cotignola). 16 Desiree Rose Cotignola; 12-14774-REF; (13); Motion To Dismiss CaseAttorney: James Kutkowski (Desiree Rose Cotignola). 17 Joseph Terfinko; 12-15612-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: James Kutkowski (Joseph Terfinko). 18 Robert Van Der Groef; 12-15613-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: James Kutkowski (Robert Van Der Groef). 19 Shawn & Heather Campbell; 12-15676REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Harry J. Newman (Heather Campbell, Shawn Campbell). 20Earl Buss; 12-15696-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Earl Buss). 21 Yesenia Tavarez; 12-15697-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: John Everett Cook (Yesenia Tavarez). 22 Drew P. & Linda M. Rupell; 12-15706-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Drew P. Rupell, Linda M. Rupell). 23 Veronica Griffith James; 12-15717-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Charles Laputka (Veronica Griffith James). 24Mildred Farrow; 12-15749-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Paul Edward Trainor (Mildred Farrow). 25 Francis F. Peters; 12-15829-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David S. Gellert (Francis F. Peters). 26 Angela Maria Perkins; 12-15851-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Angela Maria Perkins). 27Donald David & Lori Ann Frantz; 12-15889-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Marc Kranson (Donald David Frantz, Lori Ann Frantz). 28 Thomas J. Raub; 12-15949-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David W. Tidd (Thomas J. Raub). 29 Paul A & Tammy J Skibo; 12-15976-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David W. Tidd (Paul A Skibo, Tammy J Skibo). 30 Michelle F. Haverty; 12-15986-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Robert M. Davison (Michelle F. Haverty). 31Calogero & Linda Marie Messina; 12-16041-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David W. Tidd (Calogero Messina, Linda Marie Messina). 32 Mark & Veronica Pinto; 12-16101-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michelle Dewald (Mark Pinto, Veronica Pinto). 33Jacqueline Luna; 12-16103-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: David W. Tidd (Jacqueline Luna). 34 James Alonzo & Donna Marie Walden; 12-16227-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Mark C. Van Horn (Donna Marie Walden, James Alonzo Walden). 35 Anthony John Heiser; 12-16253-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Anthony John Heiser). 36Brian Scott & Vanessa Lynn Laible; 12-16283-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Demetrios Tsarouhis (Brian Scott Laible, Vanessa Lynn Laible). 37 Barry D. & Carol A. Oswald; 12-16378REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Barry D. Oswald, Carol A. Oswald). 38 Julio & Penny D. Cruz; 12-16399-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: George M. Lutz (Julio Cruz, Penny D. Cruz). 39 Barbara J. Kahler; 12-16400-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael P. Giles (Barbara J. Kahler). 40 James E. & Heather M. Russell; 12-16437REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Heather M. Russell, James E. Russell). 41Stephen J. & Marcie R. Ziegenfus; 12-16456-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Marcie R. Ziegenfus, Stephen J. Ziegenfus). 42 John Dais & Tomeco S Nash; 12-16535REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Harry J. Newman (John Dais, Tomeco S Nash). 43 Joseph J. Kirchkesner; 12-16586-REF; (13); ConfirmationAttorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Joseph J. Kirchkesner) 9:30 A.M. . 44 Gary David Reeser; 09-21189-REF; (13); Motion To Sell Real Estate Located At 29 Critter Place, Blandon, Pa 19510 As A Short Sale Free And Clear Of Liens And Encumbrances, And To Permit Distribution Of Sale Proceeds Filed By Gary David Reeser Jr. Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Gary David Reeser). 45 Ayman Elsamanoudy; 09-22700-REF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Ayman Elsamanoudy, Ayman Elsamanoudy Represented By Brenna Hope Mendelsohn . Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Ayman Elsamanoudy). 46 Hulda Malvoisin; 12-10101-REF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 3 By Claimant Citimortgage, Inc., Et. Al. Filed By Hulda Malvoisin.Attorney: Matthew S. Connor (Hulda Malvoisin). 47 John J. Cassel, M.d., P.c.; 12-10368-REF; (7); Motion To Compel Turnover Of Documentation From Debtor Filed By David Alan Eisenberg Represented By Andrew J. Shaw .Attorney: John R.K. Solt (John J. Cassel, M.D., P.C.). 48 Barbara J. Prosser; 12-10977-REF; (13); Adv: 4-12-00524Attorney: Paul H. Herbein (Barbara J. Prosser). 49 Joseph P. & Mary Louise Regina Potter; 12-15498-REF; (13); Motion For Authority To Proceed With 341 Meeting Filed By Joseph P. Potter, Mary Louise Regina Potter Represented By Brenna Hope Mendelsohn .Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Joseph P. Potter, Mary Louise Regina Potter). 50 Mark R. & Jodie L. Weyandt; 12-15564REF; (13); Motion To Sell Free And Clear Of Liens Filed By Jodie L. Weyandt, Mark R. Weyandt Represented By Miguel M. Debon .Attorney: Miguel M. Debon (Jodie L. Weyandt, Mark R. Weyandt). 51 Jacklyn Kline; 12-15710-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Citibank (South Dakota) Na Filed By Jacklyn Kline Represented By Brenna Hope Mendelsohn .Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Jacklyn Kline). 51 Jacklyn Kline; 12-15710-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Filed By Jacklyn Kline Represented By Brenna Hope Mendelsohn .Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Jacklyn Kline). 52 Mary K. Fry; 12-15714-REF; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 522(F) Filed By Mary K. Fry Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Mary K. Fry). 52 Mary K. Fry; 12-15714-REF; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With Cach Llc Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 522(F) Filed By Mary K. Fry Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Mary K. Fry). 52 Mary K. Fry; 12-15714-REF; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With Capital One Bank Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 522(F) Filed By Mary K. Fry Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Mary K. Fry). 52 Mary K. Fry; 12-15714-REF; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With American Express Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. Section 522(F) Filed By Mary K. Fry Represented By Shawn J. Lau .Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Mary K. Fry). 53 Fox Chase Restoration, Llc.; 12-16147REF; (11); Motion To Dismiss/Withdraw Document ) From Bankruptcy Proceedings Filed By Fox Chase Restoration, Llc. Represented By Stuart A. Eisenberg (Related Document(S)54 Marcelo Bento Alves; 12-16365-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Filed By Marcelo Bento Alves Represented By George M. Lutz . Attorney: George M. Lutz (Marcelo Bento Alves). 54 Marcelo Bento Alves; 12-16365-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Main Street Acquisition Corp., Assignee Of Hsbc Bank Of Nevada, N.A. Filed By Marcelo Bento Alves Represented By George M. Lutz .Attorney: George M. Lutz (Marcelo Bento Alves). 55 Sandra B. Hulvat; 12-16526-REF; (7); Motion To Dismiss Debtor For Failure To File Documents Filed By David Alan Eisenberg. Attorney: John R.K. Solt (Sandra B. Hulvat). 56 Candace Lynn Deck; 12-16853-REF; (7); Motion To Dismiss Debtorfor Failure To File Documents Filed By David Alan Eisenberg. Attorney: James Kutkowski (Candace Lynn Deck). 57 Kathleen Marie Porter; 12-16854-REF; (7); Motion To Dismiss Debtor For Failure To File Documents Filed By David Alan Eisenberg. Attorney: James Kutkowski (Kathleen Marie Porter). 58 Thomas Frank Wetzel; 12-16855-REF; (7); Motion To Dismiss Debtor For Failure To File Documents Filed By David Alan Eisenberg. Attorney: James Kutkowski (Thomas Frank Wetzel). 59 Dane A & Michele M. Houck; 12-18206REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Countryside Fuel Service Filed By Dane A Houck Jr., Michele M. Houck Represented By Brenna Hope Mendelsohn .Attorney: Brenna Hope Mendelsohn (Dane A Houck, Michele M. Houck). 60 Joan M. Bowe; 12-18259-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Cavalry Spv I, Llc, As Assignee Of Hsbc Bank Nevada, N.A. Filed By Joan M. Bowe Represented By Shawn J. Lau . Attorney: Shawn J. Lau (Joan M. Bowe). 61 Teresa A. Fretz; 12-18349-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien Filed By Teresa A. Fretz Represented By Paul H. Young .Attorney: Paul H. Young (Teresa A. Fretz). 62 Suzanne M. Baver; 12-18507-REF; (7); Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The Filing Fee Of $306.00.Attorney: Kathleen D. Dautrich (Suzanne M Baver). 63 Lawrence J. & Judy A. Santos; 12-18525REF; (13); Motion To Determine Value Of 2 4 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Property Filed By Judy A. Santos, Lawrence J. Santos Represented By Kevin K. Kercher . Attorney: Kevin K. Kercher (Judy A. Santos, Lawrence J. Santos). 64Patrick S. & Brenda L. Linderman; 12-18758-REF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Cach, Llc Filed By Brenda L. Linderman, Patrick S. Linderman Represented By David S. Gellert .Attorney: David S. Gellert (Brenda L. Linderman, Patrick S. Linderman). 65 Adam V & Allison A Rompilla; 12-18834REF; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With Citibank (South Dakota) Na Filed By Adam V Rompilla Sr., Allison A Rompilla Represented By Michael J. Mccrystal .Attorney: Michael J. Mccrystal (Adam V Rompilla, Allison A Rompilla). 66 Cambridge Search Llc; 12-19353-REF; (7); Order To Appear And Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure Of Debtor To File This Case Through An Attorney. 11:00 A.M. . 67 Carter P. & Sarah C. Reese; 12-19376-REF; (11); Chapter 11 Status ConferenceAttorney: Dexter K. Case (Carter P. Reese, Sarah C. Reese) Before FITZSIMON, B.J. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Courtroom No. 3 900 Market Street Philadelphia WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 . 1 9:30 A.M. Joseph E. & Cecilia A. Mccarthy; 08-10279JKF; (13); Objection To Certification Of Default Filed By Creditor Phh Mortgage Corporation Filed By Cecilia A. Mccarthy, Joseph E. Mccarthy .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Maria C. Palladino (Cecilia A. Mccarthy, Joseph E. Mccarthy). 2 Tracy Nanette Duckery; 09-12408-JKF; (13); Motion To Reconsider Order Of July 11, 2012 Filed By Tracy Nanette Duckery Represented By Zachary Perlick .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Tracy Nanette Duckery). 3 Ralph A Miller, Iii; 09-16041-JKF; (7); Motion For 2004 Examination (Motion For An Order Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Bankruptcy Procedure 2004) Filed By Bonnie B. Finkel Represented By Jeffrey Kurtzman . Attorney: Jeffrey Kurtzman (Bonnie B. Finkel) Attorney: Corinne Michelle Samler (Bonnie B. Finkel) Trustee: Bonnie B. Finkel (, Bonnie B. Finkel) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Ralph A Miller, Iii) Attorney: Roger J. Harrington (Ralph A Mill. 4 Michael Geiger; 10-10513-jkf; (7); Objection To Claim Number 1 By Claimant Inova Federal Credit Union. Filed By Robert H. Holber.Attorney: Dexter K. Case (Robert H. Holber) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Robert H. Holber) Trustee: Robert H. Holber Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Kenneth E. Aaron (Michael Geiger) Attorney: George M. Conway (United. 4 Michael Geiger; 10-10513-jkf; (7); Objection To Claim Number 4 By Claimant Chase Home Finance, Llc. Filed By Robert H. Holber.Attorney: Dexter K. Case (Robert H. Holber) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Robert H. Holber) Trustee: Robert H. Holber Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Kenneth E. Aaron (Michael Geiger) Attorney: George M. Conway (United. 4 Michael Geiger; 10-10513-jkf; (7); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant Inova Federal Credit Union F/K/A Bayer Federal Credit Union. Filed By Robert H. Holber. Attorney: Dexter K. Case (Robert H. Holber) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Robert H. Holber) Trustee: Robert H. Holber Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Kenneth E. Aaron (Michael Geiger) Attorney: George M. Conway (United. 4 Michael Geiger; 10-10513-jkf; (7); Objection To Claim Number 12 By Claimant Bank Of The West. Filed By Robert H. Holber. Attorney: Dexter K. Case (Robert H. Holber) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Robert H. Holber) Trustee: Robert H. Holber Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Kenneth E. Aaron (Michael Geiger) Attorney: George M. Conway (United. 5 Tenx Biopharma, Inc.; 10-18968-JKF; (11); Motion For Final Decree Filed By Tenx Biopharma, Inc. Represented By Richard M. Beck .Attorney: Edmond D. Johnson (Tenx Biopharma, Inc.) Attorney: Richard M. Beck (Tenx Biopharma, Inc.) Attorney: Corinne Michelle Samler (Tenx Biopharma, Inc.) Attorney: Kathryn Evans Perkins (Tenx Biopharma, Inc.) Attorney: James G Mcmillan (Te. 6 Wjo, Inc.; 10-19894-JKF; (11); Motion For Protective Order — Tristate Capital Bank’S Motion For Protective Order Pursuant To Rule 7026 Of The Federal Rules Of Bankruptcy Procedure Filed By Tristate Capital Bank Represented By Jennifer R. Hoover, Michael Jason Barrie .Attorney: Paul Brinton Maschmeyer (Alfred T Giuliano) Attorney: Robert W. Seitzer (Alfred T Giuliano) Attorney: James J. Hollawell (Alfred T Giuliano) Attorney: James C Veith (Alfred T Giuliano) Trustee: Alfred T Giuliano Attorney: F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Ho. William & Susan Mccollian; 11-10251-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2005 Ford Explorer. 00, Filed By Ford Motor Credit Company, Llc Represented By Howard Gershman .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael Seth Schwartz (Susan Mccollian, William Mccollian). 8 Joseph E. Fisher; 11-10424-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2004 Ford F150. 00, Filed By Ford Motor Credit Company, Llc Represented By Howard Gershman .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Joseph E. Fisher). 9 Maglyn E Melendez; 11-14429-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2003 Ford Expedition. 00,, Motion For Relief From Co-Debtor Stay Filed By Santander Consumer Usa Inc. Represented By Linda S. Fossi . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Maglyn E Melendez). 10 John H. Haggerty; 12-11501-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 107 E Chestnut Street, Souderton, Pa 18964. 00, Filed By Pnc Bank, National Association Represented By Elana Brooke Flehinger . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ann Hook Belknap (John H. Haggerty). 11 Mitchell R. Epps; 12-13278-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2323-25 Mifflin Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19145. 00, Filed By Bayview Loan Servicing, Llc Represented By Martin S. Weisberg .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Mitchell R. Epps). 12 Gwendolyn Lewis; 12-13540-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 320 North 40Th Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19104. 00, Filed By Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc Represented By Kassia Fialkoff .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Gwendolyn Lewis). 13 Selvin V. Robin; 12-14312-JKF; (7); Amended Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 41 Elm Street, Coatesville, Pa 193202703 Filed By Bank Of America, N.A. Represented By Mario J. Hanyon (Counsel). Trustee: Michael H. Kaliner Attorney: Rochelle N. Bobman (Selvin V. Robin). 14 George L. Bruce; 12-14572-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 103 Dorp Circle, Norristown, Pa 19401-1775. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. S/B/M To Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc. Represented By Joseph Patrick Schalk .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Gary E. Thompson (George L. Bruce). 15 Kimberly Veronica Stevens; 12-15361-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00,, Or In The Alternative Motion For Adequate Protection Re: 2008 Dodge Charger Filed By Auto Finance, A Division Of American Credit Acceptance Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Kimberly Veronica Stevens). 16 David J. & Robin M. Miller; 12-15408-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By American Heritage Federal Credit Union Represented By Michael Troy Freedman . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David J. Averett (David J. Miller, Robin M. Miller). 17 Mary J. Spalding; 12-15414-JKF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Capital One Filed By Mary J. Spalding Represented By Marc H. Pachtman .Trustee: Gary F Seitz Attorney: Marc H. Pachtman (Mary J. Spalding). 17 Mary J. Spalding; 12-15414-JKF; (7); Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Filed By Mary J. Spalding Represented By Marc H. Pachtman .Trustee: Gary F Seitz Attorney: Marc H. Pachtman (Mary J. Spalding). 18 Independence Pointe Commercial Development, L.p.; 12-15468-JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By National Capital Management, L.P. Represented By Kerry S. Schuman .Attorney: Blake Daniel Roth (Independence Pointe Commercial Developme). 19 Albert Wayne Christian; 12-16230-JKF; (13); Motion To Determine Value Of Property Filed By Albert Wayne Christian Represented By Mark S. Keenheel .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Mark S. Keenheel (Albert Wayne Christian). 20 Thomas A. & Lori L. Reilling; 12-16313JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 223 South State Street. 00, Filed By Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. Represented By Gregory Javardian .Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Lori L. Reilling, Thomas A. Reilling). 21 John Fairey; 12-16417-JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 861 North 7Th St, Philadelphia, Pa 19123. 00, Filed By Homeward Residential, Inc., F/K/A/ American Home Mortgage Servicing, Inc. Represented By Kassia Fialkoff .Trustee: Terry P. Dershaw Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (John Fairey). 22 John D. Welder & Susan R. Seidmanwelder; 12-17107-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2006 Kropf Rv. 00, Filed By Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company Represented By Douglas J. Smillie .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Christopher George Cappio (John D. Welder, Susan R. Seidman-Welder). 23 Lisa & Michael Allen Demers; 12-17179JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 201 Tatnall Avenue, Norwood, Pa 19074-1627. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By D. Troy Sellars .Trustee: Terry P. Dershaw Attorney: Jeanne Marie Cella (Lisa Demers, Michael Allen Demers). 24 Barnet H. Woodland; 12-17723-JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2010 Honda Accord. 00, Filed By Honda Lease Trust Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Trustee: Robert H. Holber Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Barnet H. Woodland). 25 Paul W. Young & Fern L. Shaw; 12-17908JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay . 00, Filed By The Bank Of New York Mellon By Its Attorney In Fact Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc Represented By Steven K. Eisenberg .Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Alaine V. 7 Grbach (Fern L. Shaw, Paul W. Young). 26 Karen Tappenden; 12-17916-JKF; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 3421 Indian Queen Ln, Philadelphia, Pa 19129. 00, Filed By Pnc Bank, National Association Represented By Elana Brooke Flehinger .Trustee: Robert H. Holber Attorney: David H. Lang (Karen Tappenden). 27 Mark J. & Julie Sobon; 10-30328-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: Property Address 514 Sunnemeade Avenue, Warminster, Pa 18974-4640. 00, Filed By Police And Fire Federal Credit Union Represented By Mario J. Hanyon .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Kenneth G. Harrison (Julie Sobon, Mark J. Sobon). 28 Camille M Sydnor; 12-14132-JKF; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re:Property Address 3738 North Marshall Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19140-3245. 00, Filed By Jpmorgan Chase Bank, National Association Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Camille M Sydnor) 11:00 A.M. . 1 Joshua Hill, Inc.; 03-33836-JKF; (11); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . , Or In The Alternative Motion To Dismiss Case. Inabilty To Consumate Plan And Administrative Insolvency Filed By United States Trustee Represented By George M. Conway .Attorney: Michael H. Kaliner (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Albert George Bixler (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Marc A. Zaid (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Robert P Stein (Joshua Hill, Inc.). 1 Joshua Hill, Inc.; 03-33836-JKF; (11); Motion For Relief From Stay To Permit Tax Sale Of Debtors Property On Joshua Road, White Marsh Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. 00, Filed By Montgomery County Tax Claim Bureau Represented By Charles A. Shea Iii.Attorney: Michael H. Kaliner (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Albert George Bixler (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Marc A. Zaid (Joshua Hill, Inc.) Attorney: Robert P Stein (Joshua Hill, Inc.) 1:00 P.M. . 1 Debra M. Fioravanti; 11-18705-JKF; (7); Adv: 2-12-00089Trustee: Terry P. Dershaw Attorney: Daniel P. Mudrick (Debra M. Fioravanti) Attorney: Rowan Keenan (I.F. March Sons Company) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 9:30 A.M. . 1 Andrew J. Quinlan; 07-10356-JKF; (13); Hearing Regarding The Response Of Knarf Lending To The Final Cure Payment And Completion Of Payments Under The Plan Filed By Andrew J. Quinlan Represented By Robert H. Holber .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Robert H. Holber (Andrew J. Quinlan) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 2 Pierrette Nix-pearson; 07-10612-JKF; (13); Motion For Determination Of Final Cure And Mortgage Payment Re: Rule 3002.1 Filed By Pierrette Nix-Pearson Represented By Jennifer Song .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Pierrette Nix-Pearson) Attorney: Jennifer Song (Pierrette Nix-Pearson). 3 Leon A. & Jane E. King; 07-15578-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Attorney: William C. Miller (William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Jane E. King, Leon A. King) Attorney: Jack K. Miller (William C. Miller). 4 Brian J. Nixon; 07-16163-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Jeffrey C. Mccullough (Brian J. Nixon). 4 Brian J. Nixon; 07-16163-JKF; (13); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . 0 Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Jeffrey C. Mccullough (Brian J. Nixon). 5 Anthony H & Rasheika L Gamble; 07-17120-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Christopher George Cappio (Anthony H Gamble, Rasheika L Gamble) Attorney: Tudor Mihai Neagu (Anthony H Gamble, Rasheika L Gamble). 6 Julia A. Welsh; 08-11496-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Attorney: William C. Miller (William C. Miller) Attorney: Teresa Brady (Julia A. Welsh) Attorney: Jack K. Miller (William C. Miller). 7 Claudie Mae Manley; 08-15724-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Claudie Mae Manley). 8 Anna Marie Strunk; 08-16307-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: David A. Scholl (Anna Marie Strunk) Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (Anna Marie Strunk). Lawrence R Wenger; 08-18496-JKF; (13); ***Certification Of No Answer Filed - Motion To Modify Plan Filed By Lawrence R Wenger Represented By Michael P. Kelly .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kelly (Lawrence R Wenger). 10 Tracy Nanette Duckery; 09-12408-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Tracy Nanette Duckery). 11 Patricia A Hodnett; 09-12431-JKF; (13); Second Motion To Modify Plan And Truncate Claim Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Lawrence S. Rubin (Patricia A Hodnett). 12 Claudette Kelly-sullivan; 09-13388-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Claudette Kelly-Sullivan) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Claudette KellySullivan). 13 William Fitzpatrick; 09-19417-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: David H. Lang (William Fitzpatrick). 14 Bernard R & Michele Haines; 10-10133JKF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post Confirmation Filed By Bernard R Haines, Michele Haines Represented By Jeffery A. Fournier .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Bernard R Haines, Michele Haines). 15Wanda P. Sewell & Louis F. White; 10-10581-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Louis F. White, Wanda P. Sewell). 16 Wendy Ann Lewis; 10-12633-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Paul J. Winterhalter (Wendy Ann Lewis) Attorney: Corinne Michelle Samler (Wendy Ann Lewis) Attorney: Paul Harry Mandal (Wendy Ann Lewis). 16 Wendy Ann Lewis; 10-12633-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Paul J. Winterhalter (Wendy Ann Lewis) Attorney: Corinne Michelle Samler (Wendy Ann Lewis) Attorney: Paul Harry Mandal (Wendy Ann Lewis). 17 Glenn G. Senavitis; 10-15602-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael P. Kelly (Glenn G. Senavitis). 18Jean Levito; 10-16789-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jean Levito, Jean Levito). 18 Jean Levito; 10-16789-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jean Levito, Jean Levito). 18 Jean Levito; 10-16789-JKF; (13); Adm: 10-16789-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jean Levito, Jean Levito). 19 Michael J Delfin; 10-18300-JKF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan After Confirmation. Filed By Michael J Delfin Represented By Waverley Madden .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Waverley Madden (Michael J Delfin). 20 Jonathan Alan Ryan; 10-19445-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Sherri Dicks (Jonathan Alan Ryan, Jonathan Alan Ryan). 20 Jonathan Alan Ryan; 10-19445-JKF; (13); Adm: 10-19445-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Sherri Dicks (Jonathan Alan Ryan, Jonathan Alan Ryan). 21 Mark L. & Svitlana B. Eberhardt; 11-11592JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: W. J. Winterstein (Mark L. Eberhardt, Svitlana B. Eberhardt). 21 Mark L. & Svitlana B. Eberhardt; 11-11592JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: W. J. Winterstein (Mark L. Eberhardt, Svitlana B. Eberhardt). 21 Mark L. & Svitlana B. Eberhardt; 11-11592JKF; (13); Objection To Application For Compensation Filed By Debtor Mark L. Eberhardt, Joint Debtor Svitlana B. Eberhardt Filed By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: W. J. Winterstein (Mark L. Eberhardt, Svitlana B. Eberhardt). 22 Etta H. Miller; 11-13205-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Marc H. Pachtman (Etta H. Miller). 23 Wyatt Mack & Elizabeth Jane Higginbotham; 11-13209-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael A Siddons (Elizabeth Jane Higginbotham, Wyatt Mack Higginbotham). 24Harold Dinnall; 11-13596-jkf; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Harold 9 VOL P. 3068 Dinnall, Harold Dinnall). 24 Harold Dinnall; 11-13596-jkf; (13); Adm: 11-13596-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Harold Dinnall, Harold Dinnall). 24 Harold Dinnall; 11-13596-jkf; (13); Adm: 11-13596-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Harold Dinnall, Harold Dinnall). 25 Todd & Karen Mcnear; 11-14308-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Karen Mcnear, Todd Mcnear). 25 Todd & Karen Mcnear; 11-14308-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Karen Mcnear, Todd Mcnear). 26 Loretta Marie Badman; 11-14644-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-14644-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Loretta Marie Badman, Loretta Marie Badman). 26 Loretta Marie Badman; 11-14644-JKF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan Post-Confirmation Filed By Loretta Marie Badman Represented By Thomas L. Lightner .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Thomas L. Lightner (Loretta Marie Badman, Loretta Marie Badman). 27 Nikita Yefimenko & Yevgeniya Dobkina; 11-14832-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Nikita Yefimenko, Yevgeniya Dobkina). 27 Nikita Yefimenko & Yevgeniya Dobkina; 11-14832-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Nikita Yefimenko, Yevgeniya Dobkina). 28 Gary Farber; 11-15288-JKF; (13); Motion To Modify Plan And Remit Arrears Filed By Gary Farber Represented By Michael P. Kelly . Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kelly (Gary Farber, Gary Farber). 28 Gary Farber; 11-15288-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-15288-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kelly (Gary Farber, Gary Farber). 29 Melanie Marie Williams; 11-15381-JKF; (13); Motion To Approve Mortgage Loan Modification Filed By Melanie Marie Williams Represented By Bruce J. Trawick .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Melanie Marie Williams). 30 Paul D. & Linda E. Swearingen; 11-15737JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Linda E. Swearingen, Paul D. Swearingen). 30 Paul D. & Linda E. Swearingen; 11-15737JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Michael D. Hess (Linda E. Swearingen, Paul D. Swearingen). 31 Viviane Deleeuw; 11-16182-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Viviane Deleeuw). 32 James R. Barkley; 11-16382-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John S. Digiorgio (James R. Barkley, James R. Barkley). 32 James R. Barkley; 11-16382-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-16382-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John S. Digiorgio (James R. Barkley, James R. Barkley). 33James G. Nord; 11-16439-JKF; (13); Application For Administrative Expenses Filed By James G. Nord Represented By Zachary Perlick .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Zachary Perlick (James G. Nord). 34 Robin Woods; 11-17077-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Georgette Miller (Robin Woods, Robin Woods). 34 Robin Woods; 11-17077-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-17077-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Georgette Miller (Robin Woods, Robin Woods). 35Ki Nam Kim; 11-17493-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Kyong T. Kim (Ki Nam Kim). 35 Ki Nam Kim; 11-17493-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Kyong T. Kim (Ki Nam Kim). 36 Linda J. Geib; 11-17564-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: David W. Mersky (Linda J. Geib). 36Linda J. Geib; 11-17564-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: David W. Mersky (Linda J. Geib). 37 Scott Alexander Jefferson; 11-17684-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Scott Alexander Jefferson). 37 Scott Alexander Jefferson; 11-17684-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . VOL P. 3069 Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Scott Alexander Jefferson). 38Linda Merritt; 11-18134-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Eugene A. Camposano (Linda Merritt, Linda Merritt). 38 Linda Merritt; 11-18134-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-18134-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Eugene A. Camposano (Linda Merritt, Linda Merritt). 39 Julio M. Ramirez; 11-18175-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-18175-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Julio M. Ramirez, Julio M. Ramirez). 39 Julio M. Ramirez; 11-18175-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Julio M. Ramirez, Julio M. Ramirez). 40 Louis J Dugan; 11-18299-JKF; (13); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . 0 Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Matthew R. Nahrgang (Louis J Dugan). 40 Louis J Dugan; 11-18299-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Matthew R. Nahrgang (Louis J Dugan). 40Louis J Dugan; 11-18299-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Matthew R. Nahrgang (Louis J Dugan). 41 Latoya Marie White; 11-18311-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Latoya Marie White). 41 Latoya Marie White; 11-18311-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Latoya Marie White). 42 Seye E. Fatokun & Abosede A. Fateru; 11-18363-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Abosede A. Fateru, Seye E. Fatokun). 42 Seye E. Fatokun & Abosede A. Fateru; 11-18363-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Abosede A. Fateru, Seye E. Fatokun). 43 Cory B. & Lesley A. Bordley; 11-18559JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Howard L. Schwartz (Cory B. Bordley, Cory B. Bordley, Lesley A. Bordley, Lesley A. Bordley). 43 Cory B. & Lesley A. Bordley; 11-18559JKF; (13); Adm: 11-18559-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Howard L. Schwartz (Cory B. Bordley, Cory B. Bordley, Lesley A. Bordley, Lesley A. Bordley). 44 Michael Paul Lowe; 11-18592-JKF; (13); Adm: 11-18592-JkfTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Maram M Jafar (Michael Paul Lowe, Michael Paul Lowe) Attorney: Dave P. Adams (United States Trustee). 44 Michael Paul Lowe; 11-18592-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Maram M Jafar (Michael Paul Lowe, Michael Paul Lowe) Attorney: Dave P. Adams (United States Trustee). 45 Loren C. Boone; 11-18631-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Loren C. Boone). 46 Luther Williams; 11-18924-JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 2 By Claimant Bank Of America(Chase Records Center). Filed By Luther Williams Sr.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Luther Williams) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Luther Williams). 47 Lorenzo & Alycia Harris; 11-19133-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jeanne Marie Cella (Alycia Harris, Lorenzo Harris). 47 Lorenzo & Alycia Harris; 11-19133-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jeanne Marie Cella (Alycia Harris, Lorenzo Harris). 48 Julie A. Stasinchak; 11-19156-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Julie A. Stasinchak). 48 Julie A. Stasinchak; 11-19156-JKF; (13); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . 0 Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Julie A. Stasinchak). 49 Thomas J. Higgins; 11-19183-JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant National City Mortgage Company. Filed By Thomas J. Higgins.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael W. Gallagher (Thomas J. Higgins). 49 Thomas J. Higgins; 11-19183-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael W. Gallagher (Thomas J. Higgins). 49 Thomas J. Higgins; 11-19183-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael W. Gallagher (Thomas J. Higgins). 50 Louis Joseph Pavoni; 11-19232-JKF; (13); Motion To Convert Case To Chapter 7 . 0 Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Richard J. Weitzman (Louis Joseph Pavoni). 50 Louis Joseph Pavoni; 11-19232-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 William C. Miller) Attorney: Richard J. Weitzman (Louis Joseph Pavoni). 50 Louis Joseph Pavoni; 11-19232-JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 8 By Claimant Christopher’S Auto Parts. Filed By Louis Joseph Pavoni.Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Richard J. Weitzman (Louis Joseph Pavoni). 51 Leon D & Shernette D Hayward; 11-19285JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Leon D Hayward, Shernette D Hayward). 51 Leon D & Shernette D Hayward; 11-19285JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Leon D Hayward, Shernette D Hayward). 52 Donald C. & Patricia M. Mckee; 11-19468JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Donald C. Mckee, Patricia M. Mckee). 53 Stephen C & Amy R. Kressler; 11-19480JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Fred Barakat (Amy R. Kressler, Stephen C Kressler). 54Sonia Rodriguez; 11-19530-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Sonia Rodriguez). 54Sonia Rodriguez; 11-19530-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Sonia Rodriguez). 55 Soy Thomas & Ruby Soy; 11-19588-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Julius E. Crawford (Ruby Soy, Soy Thomas). 56 Thomas & Lorraine Ann Jones; 11-19696JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Lorraine Ann Jones, Thomas Jones). 56 Thomas & Lorraine Ann Jones; 11-19696JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Lorraine Ann Jones, Thomas Jones). 57Mary S. Cullen; 11-19722-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Mary S. Cullen). 57 Mary S. Cullen; 11-19722-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Mary S. Cullen). 58 John & Sarah Delricci; 12-10160-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (John Delricci, Sarah Delricci). 58 John & Sarah Delricci; 12-10160-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (John Delricci, Sarah Delricci). 59Christopher J & Danielle M Gettis; 12-10161-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Christopher J Gettis, Danielle M Gettis). 59Christopher J & Danielle M Gettis; 12-10161-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Christopher J Gettis, Danielle M Gettis). 60 Dean Everett Jennings; 12-10204-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Dean Everett Jennings). 61 April E. Seward; 12-10293-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (April E. Seward). 62 Crystal M. Lewis; 12-10310-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Crystal M. Lewis). 62 Crystal M. Lewis; 12-10310-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Crystal M. Lewis). 63 Anthony B. Davis; 12-10311-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Gregory R. Noonan (Anthony B. Davis). 63 Anthony B. Davis; 12-10311-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Gregory R. Noonan (Anthony B. Davis). 64Kenya Harris; 12-10462-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Kenya Harris). 65 Asefash Tesfai; 12-10510-JKF; (13); Motion To Approve Loan Modification Filed By Asefash Tesfai Represented By Zachary Perlick .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Asefash Tesfai). 65Asefash Tesfai; 12-10510-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Asefash Tesfai). 12-10543-JKF; (13); 66James Keith; ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (James Keith). 67 Mamadou Selle Diallo; 12-10622-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Mamadou Selle Diallo). 67 Mamadou Selle Diallo; 12-10622-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Mamadou Selle Diallo). 68 Brian M. & Chrissy Zanczuk; 12-10702JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Brian M. Zanczuk, Chrissy Zanczuk). 68 Brian M. & Chrissy Zanczuk; 12-10702JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Brian M. Zanczuk, Chrissy Zanczuk). 69 Jeffery O. Brubaker & Lisa V. Locke; 12-10825-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Wayne R. Cromie (Jeffery O. Brubaker, Lisa V. Locke). 70 Evaristo U. Evangelista; 12-11015-JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant Internal Revenue Service. Filed By Evaristo U. Evangelista.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Evaristo U. Evangelista). 71Jennifer M. & Anthony L. Nichols; 12-11096-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Fred Barakat (Anthony L. Nichols, Jennifer M. Nichols). 72James Bower; 12-11130-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Robert J. Lohr (James Bower). 73 George C. & Denise Little; 12-11168-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Denise Little, George C. Little). 73 George C. & Denise Little; 12-11168-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Denise Little, George C. Little). 74 James G. & Stacie L. Wolfenden; 12-11255JKF; (13); Motion To Reinstate Case Filed By James G. Wolfenden, Stacie L. Wolfenden Represented By Lawrence S. Rubin .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Lawrence S. Rubin (James G. Wolfenden, Stacie L. Wolfenden). 74 James G. & Stacie L. Wolfenden; 12-11255JKF; (13); Motion To Reconsider Order On Motion For Relief From Stay As To M&T Bank Filed By James G. Wolfenden, Stacie L. Wolfenden Represented By Lawrence S. Rubin .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Lawrence S. Rubin (James G. Wolfenden, Stacie L. Wolfenden). 75 John G. Hunter; 12-11403-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (John G. Hunter) Attorney: Jennifer Song (John G. Hunter). 75 John G. Hunter; 12-11403-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Roger V. Ashodian (John G. Hunter) Attorney: Jennifer Song (John G. Hunter). 76 Thomas P. Dougherty; 12-11565-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Thomas P. Dougherty). 76 Thomas P. Dougherty; 12-11565-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Thomas P. Dougherty). 77 Gwendolyn D. Mitchell; 12-11730-jkf; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: United States Trustee Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Gwendolyn D. Mitchell). 78 Andrew W & Sandra J Kontra; 12-11746JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Andrew W Kontra, Sandra J Kontra). 78 Andrew W & Sandra J Kontra; 12-11746JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Andrew W Kontra, Sandra J Kontra). 79 Jose M. & Tiffany Aponte; 12-11858-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Jose M. Aponte, Tiffany Aponte). 79 Jose M. & Tiffany Aponte; 12-11858-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Jose M. Aponte, Tiffany Aponte). 80 Shante F. Sizer; 12-12000-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Gary E. Thompson (Shante F. Sizer). 80Shante F. Sizer; 12-12000-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Gary E. Thompson (Shante F. Sizer). 81 Vanessa Renee Porter; 12-12016-JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 10 By Claimant Phh Mortgage Corporation. Filed By Vanessa Renee Porter.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Vanessa Renee Porter). 81 Vanessa Renee Porter; 12-12016-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Vanessa Renee Porter). 81 Vanessa Renee Porter; 12-12016-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Vanessa Renee Porter). 82 Chervon Patrice Harvey; 12-12064-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Chervon Patrice Harvey). 82 Chervon Patrice Harvey; 12-12064-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 25 Make Plan Payments , Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Diane E. Barr (Chervon Patrice Harvey). 83 Valarie V. Fogle; 12-12216-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Valarie V. Fogle). 83 Valarie V. Fogle; 12-12216-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Valarie V. Fogle). 84Carmen Saez; 12-12270-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Carmen Saez). 84 Carmen Saez; 12-12270-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case. See Attached Motion Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Carmen Saez). 85 George W & Christy L Michael; 12-12537JKF; (13); Objection To Claim Number 5 By Claimant Deutsche Bank National Trust Company. Filed By Christy L Michael, George W Michael Iv.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael Gumbel (Christy L Michael, George W Michael). 86 Regina Ruth Mcinnis; 12-13055-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Regina Ruth Mcinnis). 87Mary Terrill; 12-13056-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Mary Terrill). 88 Deborah Jean Gunton; 12-13068-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael Seth Schwartz (Deborah Jean Gunton). 89 James A Pringle; 12-13086-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Teresa Brady (James A Pringle). 90 Robert Alexander & Lynnette Dmuchowski; 12-13108-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Matthew R. Nahrgang (Lynnette Dmuchowski, Robert Alexander Dmuchowski). 91 Richard C. Burger; 12-13140-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David R. Black (Richard C. Burger). 92 Christopher R & Nancy M Jamison; 12-13189-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Janet K. Lubon (Christopher R Jamison, Nancy M Jamison). 93 Joanne Thornton; 12-13306-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller). 94 Fernaondo Arzeno; 12-13701-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John M. Franklin (Fernaondo Arzeno) Attorney: Michael P. Gigliotti (Fernaondo Arzeno). 95 Kimberly Martinez; 12-13764-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Kimberly Martinez) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Kimberly Martinez). 95 Kimberly Martinez; 12-13764-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Kimberly Martinez) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Kimberly Martinez). 96 Michael & Phyllis Melendez; 12-13765JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Michael Melendez, Phyllis Melendez) Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Michael Melendez, Phyllis Melendez). 97 Donald E. Baldwin; 12-13806-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Donald E. Baldwin). 97 Donald E. Baldwin; 12-13806-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Donald E. Baldwin). 98 Patrick V. Gibbons; 12-13820-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David H. Lang (Patrick V. Gibbons). 98 Patrick V. Gibbons; 12-13820-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David H. Lang (Patrick V. Gibbons). 99 Jerraud Elton Banks; 12-14239-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Jerraud Elton Banks). 100Jamal Walton; 12-14306-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jamal Walton). 100Jamal Walton; 12-14306-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Jamal Walton). 101Michael Allen & Debra Denise Johnson; 12-14307-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David R. Black (Debra Denise Johnson, Michael Allen Johnson). 102Lagracia H. Jones; 12-14336-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Lagracia H. Jones). 102Lagracia H. Jones; 12-14336-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Lagracia H. Jones). 103Debra G Roberts; 12-14341-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Debra G Roberts). Michelle Renee & James Frederick 104 Quarles; 12-14384-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (James Frederick Quarles, Michelle Renee Quarles). 104 Michelle Renee & James Frederick Quarles; 12-14384-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (James Frederick Quarles, Michelle Renee Quarles). 105Christopher Wurts & Jana Mazur-wurts; 12-14523-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael G. Deegan (Christopher Wurts, Jana MazurWurts). 106Talisa R. Douglas; 12-14666-JKF; (13); ConfirmationTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Talisa R. Douglas). 107Anne G. Cameron; 12-14802-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor(S) For Failure To File Documents Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Anne G. Cameron). 108Lynne Dougherty; 12-15491-JKF; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller2 .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Lynne Dougherty) Before COLEMAN, B.J.: U.S. Bankruptcy Court Courtroom No. 5 Chamber Rm. No. 214 900 Market Street Philadelphia TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2012 10:00 A.M. . 1 Kenneth J. & Kelly Ann Olschewske; 12-10226-MDC; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Wells Fargo Dealer Services, Inc. Represented By Karina Velter .Trustee: Robert H. Holber Attorney: Stanton M. Lacks (Kelly Ann Olschewske, Kenneth J. Olschewske). 2 Amy Lynn & Aboubacar S. Traore; 12-15363-MDC; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay On 122 Shisler Avenue, Aldan, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner .Trustee: Lynn E. Feldman Attorney: David R. Black (Aboubacar S. Traore, Amy Lynn Traore). 3 Jay Leon & Diana Lee Nauman; 12-16114MDC; (7); A) Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Ally Financial F/K/A Gmac Filed By Ally Financial F/K/A Gmac. Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Cynthia E. Reed (Diana Lee Nauman, Jay Leon Nauman). 3 Jay Leon & Diana Lee Nauman; 12-16114MDC; (7); B) Pro Se Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Ally Financial F/K/A Gmac Filed By Ally Financial F/K/A Gmac. Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Cynthia E. Reed (Diana Lee Nauman, Jay Leon Nauman). 4 Joseph J & Carol P Farley; 12-16236-MDC; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2856 Shire Drive. Filed By Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. Represented By Gregory Javardian .Trustee: Terry P. Dershaw Attorney: Patrick Daniel Mcdonnell (Carol P Farley, Joseph J Farley). 5 Mark A & Marie E Mclane; 12-16303MDC; (7); Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Toyota Motor Credit Corporation Filed By Toyota Motor Credit Corporation. Trustee: Robert H. Holber Attorney: George Kotsopoulos (Marie E Mclane, Mark A Mclane). 6 Joel Everett & Holly Sue Templin; 12-16904-MDC; (7); Reaffirmation Agreement Between Debtor And Toyota Motor Credit Corporation Filed By Toyota Motor Credit Corporation.Trustee: Michael H. Kaliner Attorney: Robert H. Holber (Holly Sue Templin, Joel Everett Templin) Attorney: Robert H. Holber (Holly Sue Templin, Joel Everett Templin). 7 Ralph Eugene Williams; 12-17336-MDC; (7); Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed For Failure To Pay The First Installment Payment In The Amount Of $76.50 Due September 1, 2012.Trustee: Lynn E. Feldman. 8 Eric Hernandez; 12-18032-MDC; (7); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 503 Garrison Woods Drive #3, Stafford, Va Filed By Virginia Housing Development Authority Represented By Leslie J. Rase .Trustee: Michael H. Kaliner Attorney: Stanley E. Luongo (Eric Hernandez). 9 April L. Martin; 12-18579-MDC; (7); Exhibit D - Debtor Has Not Received Counseling And Requests A Temporary Waiver Due To Exigent Circumstances . Filed By April L. Martin . Trustee: Bonnie B. Finkel 11:00 A.M. . 1 Interstate Equities, Inc.; 09-17219-MDC; (11); Motion To Reopen Chapter 11 Case Filed By Bmb Corporation Represented By Jeffrey M. Carbino .Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Interstate Equities, Inc.) Attorney: Jennifer E. Cranston (Interstate Equities, Inc.) Attorney: Adrienne N. Anderson (Interstate Equities, Inc.). 2 Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-mdc; (11); A) 2 6 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER 2 2 2 3 3 Motion For Relief From Stay Motion By Bucks County Bank For Relief From Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. 362, For Adequate Protection Under 11 U.S.C. Section 363(E) And To Prohibit Use Of Cash Collateral Under 11 U.S.C. Section 363(C)(2) With Regard To TAttorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorney: Janet L. Gold (Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Thomas Daniel Bielli (Gelt Financi. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-mdc; (11); Adm: 11-15826-MdcAttorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorney: Janet L. Gold (Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Thomas Daniel Bielli (Gelt Financi. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-mdc; (11); Adm: 11-15826-MdcAttorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorney: Janet L. Gold (Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Thomas Daniel Bielli (Gelt Financi. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-mdc; (11); Adm: 11-15826-MdcAttorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorney: Janet L. Gold (Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Thomas Daniel Bielli (Gelt Financi. American Architectural, Inc.; 12-15818MDC; (11); A) Motion To Extend Exclusivity Period For Filing A Chapter 11 Plan And Disclosure Statement Filed By American Architectural, Inc. Represented By Robert W. Seitzer .Attorney: Aris J. Karalis (American Architectural, Inc., Advanced Acquisitions, Llc) Attorney: Robert W. Seitzer (Advanced Acquisitions, Llc, American Architectural, Inc.) Attorney: Linda Alle-Murphy (American Architectural, Inc.). American Architectural, Inc.; 12-15818MDC; (11); B) Motion To Extend Time To Assume, Assign Or Reject An Unexpired Lease Of Non-Residential Real Property With Advanced Acquisitions, Llc Filed By American Architectural, Inc. Represented By Robert W. Seitzer .Attorney: Aris J. Karalis (American Architectural, Inc., Advanced Acquisitions, Llc) Attorney: Robert W. Seitzer (Advanced Acquisitions, Llc, American Architectural, Inc.) Attorney: Linda Alle-Murphy (American Architectural, Inc.) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2012 10:00 A.M. . 1 Francis Summerill; 11-14056-MDC; (7); Motion To Reopen Chapter 7 Case Filed By Arthur Dilworth Represented By Joseph A. Diorio .Trustee: Lynn E. Feldman Attorney: John P. Attiani (Francis Summerill). 2 Lori M Weiner; 12-15077-MDC; (7); Motion For Contempt Sanctions And Attorney’S Fees Filed By Lori M Weiner Represented By Alfred Abel .Trustee: Marvin Krasny Attorney: Alfred Abel (Lori M Weiner). 3 Marvin E. & Debra L. Druckemiller; 12-18072-MDC; (7); A) Motion To Avoid Lien With Cavalry Spv I, Llc Filed By Debra L. Druckemiller, Marvin E. Druckemiller Represented By Mitchell A. Sommers .Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Debra L. Druckemiller, Marvin E. Druckemiller). 3 Marvin E. & Debra L. Druckemiller; 12-18072-MDC; (7); B) Motion To Avoid Lien With Discover Bank Filed By Debra L. Druckemiller, Marvin E. Druckemiller Represented By Mitchell A. Sommers .Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Debra L. Druckemiller, Marvin E. Druckemiller). 3 Marvin E. & Debra L. Druckemiller; 12-18072-MDC; (7); C) Motion To Avoid Lien With Midland Funding Llc Assignee Of Bank Of America Filed By Debra L. And Marvin E. Druckemiller Represented By Mitchell A. Sommers .Trustee: Christine C. Shubert Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Debra L. Druckemiller, Marvin E. Druckemiller) . 1 1 1 1 11:00 A.M. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-MDC; (11); A) Motion To Approve Disclosure Statement Filed By Gelt Properties, Llc Represented By Jennifer E. Cranston .Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorn. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-MDC; (11); B) Motion To Use Cash Collateral (As To Vist Bank) Filed By Debtor Gelt Properties, LlcTrustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorn. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-MDC; (11); C) Motion To Compel Accounting And Turnover Of Cash Collateral Filed By Vist Bank Represented By Barry W. Sawtelle . Trustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorn. Gelt Properties, Llc; 11-15826-MDC; (11); Adm: 11-15826-MdcTrustee: United States Trustee Attorney: Axel A. Shield (Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt Financial Corporation, Gelt F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Properties, Llc) Attorney: Albert A. Ciardi (Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Properties, Llc, Gelt Financial Corporation) Attorn. 2 American Architectural, Inc.; 12-15818MDC; (11); Motion To Use Cash Collateral Pursuant To 11 U.S.C. 363(C) And Fed.R.Bankr.P. 4001, (Ii) Authorizing Aai Debtor To Pay Pre-Petition Payroll And (Iii) Granting Other Related Relief Filed By American Architectural, Inc. Represented By Aris J. Karalis .Attorney: Aris J. Karalis (American Architectural, Inc.) Attorney: Robert W. Seitzer (American Architectural, Inc.) 1:00 P.M. . 1 American Music Theater Festival, Inc.; 10-18687-mdc; (11); A) Confirmation HearingAttorney: Matthew A. Hamermesh (American Music Theater Festival, Inc.) Attorney: Michael D. Vagnoni (American Music Theater Festival, Inc.). 1 American Music Theater Festival, Inc.; 10-18687-mdc; (11); Adm: 10-18687-MdcAttorney: Matthew A. Hamermesh (American Music Theater Festival, Inc.) Attorney: Michael D. Vagnoni (American Music Theater Festival, Inc.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012 . 1 9:30 A.M. Dennis J. & Terry S. Brennan; 07-13586MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. MillerTrustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Bradly E Allen (Dennis J. Brennan, Terry S. Brennan). 2 Laurie A. Yantch; 07-15690-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John M. Kenney (Laurie A. Yantch). 3 Gerald Thomas; 07-16137-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Nathan Snyder (Gerald Thomas). 4 Keith R. & Stephanie A. Borzillo; 07-16236MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: George M. Lutz (Keith R. Borzillo, Stephanie A. Borzillo) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Keith R. Borzillo, Stephanie A. Borzillo). 5 Gregory Daryl & Melissa Ann Walton; 07-17557-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John A. Digiamberardino (Gregory Daryl Walton, Melissa Ann Walton). 6 Denise Twyman; 08-12205-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Cibik2 (Denise Twyman) Attorney: Michael A. Cataldo2 (Denise Twyman). 7 Amy M. Thomas; 08-13406-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Patricia M. Mayer (Amy M. Thomas). 8 Lillie M. Jackson; 08-13655-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Lillie M. Jackson). 9 James R. & Sharon L. Heileman; 09-10387MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stanton M. Lacks (James R. Heileman, Sharon L. Heileman). 10 Glenn Ellis; 09-17004-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Debtor Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Attorney: William C. Miller (William C. Miller) Attorney: David R. Black (Glenn Ellis) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 11 Carlos A & Isabel M. Cuervo; 09-18667MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller (, William C. Miller) Attorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Carlos A Cuervo, Isabel M. Cuervo). 12 Carol J. & Lawrence A. Daley; 10-11394MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James V. Monaghan (Carol J. Daley, Lawrence A. Daley). 13Lenora Riley; 10-18646-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Lenora Riley). 13 Lenora Riley; 10-18646-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Lenora Riley). 14 Linda Aye; 10-19844-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Linda Aye). 15 Bangalie M. Jomandy; 10-31010-MDC; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By Trustee William C. MillerTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Bangalie M. Jomandy). 16 Michael R. Torres; 11-10485-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: William D. Schroeder (Michael R. Torres). 17 Darwin E. & Laura L. Dobson; 11-11840MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Darwin E. Dobson, Laura L. Dobson). 17 Darwin E. & Laura L. Dobson; 11-11840MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Darwin E. Dobson, Laura L. Dobson). 18 Angela L. Murphy; 11-12808-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Cas Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller. Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Demetrius J. Parrish (Angela L. Murphy) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 18 Angela L. Murphy; 11-12808-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Demetrius J. Parrish (Angela L. Murphy) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 19 Kerry T. Mcdowell; 11-12977-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (Kerry T. Mcdowell). 20 Bertram W. Todd; 11-13105-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Bertram W. Todd). 21 Galen & Colleen Bieber; 11-13453-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Colleen Bieber, Galen Bieber) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 21 Galen & Colleen Bieber; 11-13453-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Colleen Bieber, Galen Bieber) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 22 Rory & Patricia Dixon; 11-17891-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller. Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Patricia Dixon, Rory Dixon). 22 Rory & Patricia Dixon; 11-17891-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ellis B. Klein (Patricia Dixon, Rory Dixon). 23 Ernestine M. Tucker; 11-18178-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Ernestine M. Tucker). 23 Ernestine M. Tucker; 11-18178-MDC; (13); Amended Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Ernestine M. Tucker). 24 Allene M. Johnson; 11-18361-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Allene M. Johnson). 25 Jacqueline Carol Caza; 11-18365-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Jacqueline Carol Caza). 26 Kenneth Bernard Tadlock; 11-18577MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller. 26 Kenneth Bernard Tadlock; 11-18577MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller. 27Steven M & Beth Anne Grandizio; 11-18710-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Beth Anne Grandizio, Steven M Grandizio) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 27Steven M & Beth Anne Grandizio; 11-18710-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Beth Anne Grandizio, Steven M Grandizio) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 28 Catherine M. Gossin; 11-18862-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Richard F. Weinstein (Catherine M. Gossin) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 28 Catherine M. Gossin; 11-18862-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller. Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Richard F. Weinstein (Catherine M. Gossin) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 29 Saunja M. Johnson; 11-18937-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Saunja M. Johnson) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 29 Saunja M. Johnson; 11-18937-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Saunja M. Johnson) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 30 Michele R Gilbert; 11-19749-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Michele R Gilbert) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 30 Michele R Gilbert; 11-19749-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Halprin (Michele R Gilbert) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 31Lillian King; 11-19774-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Lillian King). 31 Lillian King; 11-19774-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Ward (Lillian King). 32 Kevin Edward Ryder; 12-10033-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Kevin Edward Ryder). 32 Kevin Edward Ryder; 12-10033-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Kevin Edward Ryder). 33 Marie C. Quintiliano; 12-10625-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David B. Spitofsky (Marie C. Quintiliano). 33 Marie C. Quintiliano; 12-10625-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David B. Spitofsky (Marie C. Quintiliano). 34 Jacqueline R. Robinson; 12-10659-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Jacqueline R. Robinson). 35 Verdell R. Reese; 12-10812-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Verdell R. Reese). 35 Verdell R. Reese; 12-10812-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: James D. Moran (Verdell R. Reese). 36Jimi D Colon; 12-11022-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Candyce I. Smith-Sklar (Jimi D Colon) Attorney: Keith D. Sklar (Jimi D Colon). 37 Hollie Direnzo; 12-11236-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Timothy P. Walsh (Hollie Direnzo). 38 Richard J. & Stacey Wilson; 12-11339MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David R. Black (Richard J. Wilson, Stacey Wilson). 39 Robert E. Denver; 12-11472-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Brad J. Sadek (Robert E. Denver). 40 Stephen P Dellaira; 12-11546-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Stephen P Dellaira). 41 Anthony K. Rafetto & Mickenly Plumb; 12-11575-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Daniel W. Mccartney (Anthony K. Rafetto, Mickenly Plumb). 42 Tyeaste T. Rainford; 12-11654-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Tyeaste T. Rainford). 43 Robert G. & Mary L. Williams; 12-11971MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jon M. Adelstein (Mary L. Williams, Robert G. Williams). 44Ioan Piuleac; 12-12130-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael P. Kutzer (Ioan Piuleac) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 45 Ida M. Maiden; 12-12712-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Ida M. Maiden). 46Jason E. Mills; 12-12824-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Jason E. Mills). 47 David W. Kendall; 12-12971-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Hess (David W. Kendall) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 48 Brian L. & Kelley J. Hollow; 12-13591MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Brian L. Hollow, Kelley J. Hollow) Attorney: Jacqueline M. Chandler (William C. Miller). 49 Paul D. Tinges; 12-14184-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David B. Spitofsky (Paul D. Tinges). 50 Judy M. Hoyle; 12-14338-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Judy M. Hoyle). 51 Pauline Boneparte; 12-14355-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Timothy Zearfoss (Pauline Boneparte). 52 Fortune F. Mayard; 12-14514-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Fortune F. Mayard). 53 Terry L. Riggs; 12-14521-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael J. Veneziani (Terry L. Riggs). 54 John V. & Julia A. Mcbride; 12-14530MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael A. Latzes (John V. Mcbride, Julia A. Mcbride). 55 John Edward & Tiffani Louise Peace; 12-14547-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (John Edward Peace, Tiffani VOL P. 3070 Louise Peace). 55 John Edward & Tiffani Louise Peace; 12-14547-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (John Edward Peace, Tiffani Louise Peace). 56Diane Ray; 12-14668-MDC; (13); Confirmation HearingTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Diane Ray). 57 Mark R. Rose; 12-15485-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Mark R. Rose). 58 Gerald S. Minor; 12-15492-MDC; (13); Motion To Dismiss Case For Failure To Make Plan Payments Filed By William C. Miller Represented By William C. Miller .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Erik B. Jensen (Gerald S. Minor) 10:30 A.M. . 1 Esdras Mangual; 07-13899-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re 837 Anchor Street, Phila, Pa , Filed By Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc Represented By John Michael Kolesnik .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Esdras Mangual). 2 Robert J. Harrison; 09-17869-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 134 West Gorgas Lane, Phila, Pa , Filed By Ocwen Loan Servicing, Llc, Et Al Represented By Leslie J. Rase .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Ronald G. Mcneil (Robert J. Harrison). 3 Connie L. Kise; 10-17292-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Wells Fargo Financial Pennsylvania, Inc. Represented By Keri P Ebeck .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: John A. Digiamberardino (Connie L. Kise) Attorney: Jennifer R. Alderfer (Connie L. Kise). 4 Ira N. Edels; 10-18580-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 1830 Earlington Road, Havertown, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Mario J. Hanyon .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Ira N. Edels). 5 Germaine T. Wright; 10-19718-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 7033 Forrest Avenue, Phila, Pa Filed By Pnc Mortgage, A Division Of Pnc Bank Et. Al Represented By Andrew F Gornall .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael D. Sayles (Germaine T. Wright). 6 Linda Aye; 10-19844-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2008 Toyota Camry Solara., Filed By Toyota Lease Trust, Toyota Motor Credit Corporation Represented By Steven B. Kantrowitz .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Bruce J. Trawick (Linda Aye). 7 Thomas J. & Eileen M. Flanagan; 10-30174MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 3 Colonial Drive, Perkiomenville, Pa 180749759. 00, Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Jerome B. Blank .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Eileen M. Flanagan, Thomas J. Flanagan). 8 Michael A. Human; 11-10105-MDC; (13); A) Motion To Reconsider Order On Motion For Relief From Stay Filed By Michael A. Human Represented By Zachary Perlick . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Michael A. Human). 8 Michael A. Human; 11-10105-MDC; (13); N) Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 5608 North 11Th Street, Philad, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Zachary Perlick (Michael A. Human). 9 Brian M. & Lisa M. Ciampitti; 11-10407MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 12 Wyncroft Drive, Media, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank Na Represented By Matthew Gregory Brushwood .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David R. Black (Brian M. Ciampitti, Lisa M. Ciampitti). 10 Trecey C. Carrington; 11-10739-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 3734 Merrick Road, Phila, Pennsylvania Filed By Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Represented By Linda S. Fossi .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: David M. Offen (Trecey C. Carrington). 11 Darwin E. & Laura L. Dobson; 11-11840MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay On 118 Forest Road, Cherry Hill Filed By Bac Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Represented By Kimberly A. Bonner .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Robert L. Stauffer (Darwin E. Dobson, Laura L. Dobson). 12 William & Brenda J. Robinson; 11-12973MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2309 Parkview Avenue, Willow Grove, Pa Filed By Citimortgage, Inc. Represented By Jerome B. Blank .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Georgette Miller (Brenda J. Robinson, William Robinson). 13 Kent D Gray; 11-14047-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2009 Honda Accord. Filed By American Honda Finance Corporation Represented By William Edward Craig .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Mitchell A. Sommers (Kent D Gray). 14 Robert J. & Barbara A. Jardel; 11-14626MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 389 2Nd Street Pike, Filed By Trumark Financial Credit Union, Et Al. Represented By Gregory Javardian .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Carol B. Mccullough (Barbara A. Jardel, Robert J. Jardel). 15 Lenore C. Sears; 11-16684-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 6501 North 7Th Street, Phila, Pa Filed By Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Jerome B. Blank .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Alan B. Liss (Lenore C. Sears). 16 Dennis J. Alenovitz; 11-17188-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 137 Pumpkin Hill Road, Glenmoore, Pa Filed By Wells VOL P. 3071 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Fargo Bank, N.A. Represented By Mario J. Hanyon .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Michael H. Kaliner (Dennis J. Alenovitz). 17 Stephen P Dellaira; 12-11546-MDC; (13); A) Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 60 Black Rock Road, Yardley, Pa Filed By Central Mortgage Company Represented By D. Troy Sellars .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Stephen P Dellaira). 17 Stephen P Dellaira; 12-11546-MDC; (13); B) Objection Filed By Debtor To Claim #3 By Claimant Central Mortgage Company.Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Jeffery A. Fournier (Stephen P Dellaira). 18 Richard Garcia; 12-11933-MDC; (13); Motion To Approve Loan Modification With Indy Mac Mortgage Services Filed By Richard Garcia Represented By Rozalyn LandisburgTrustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Rozalyn Landisburg (Richard Garcia). 19 Jermaine & Nicole Brown; 12-14292-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re: 2003 Lincoln Navigator. Filed By Capital One Auto Finance Represented By Jeffrey T Grossman .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stephen J Ross (Jermaine Brown, Nicole Brown). 20 James E. & Diane D Lindsey; 12-14647MDC; (13); Motion To Avoid Lien With Cavalry Portfolio Services, Llc. As Assignee Of Cavalry Spv I, Llc. As Assignee Of Chase Washington Mutual Filed By Diane D Lindsey, James E. Lindsey Represented By Scott F. Waterman .Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Scott F. Waterman (Diane D Lindsey, James E. Lindsey). 21 Sayed Khalifa; 12-15052-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay Re:1048 River Rd, Trenton, Nj , Filed By Onewest Bank, Fsb Represented By Elana Brooke Flehinger . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Candyce I. Smith-Sklar (Sayed Khalifa) Attorney: Keith D. Sklar (Sayed Khalifa). 22 Sean L. Wiggins; 12-17700-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay In Ejectment. Filed By Bank Of America, N.A. Represented By Marisa Myers Cohen .Trustee: William C. Miller. 23 Byudeen Twyman; 12-18659-MDC; (13); Motion For Relief From Stay 917-919 Avenue Of The State, Delaware County, Pa, Filed By Delaware County Tax Claim Bureau Represented By Stephen Vincent Bottiglieri . Trustee: William C. Miller Attorney: Stokes E Mott (Byudeen Twyman) Digiamberardino. Gwendolyn Ann Gast; 12-17555-s; John A. Digiamberardino. Joanna R Martinez; 12-18474-e; Lucas P Sheehan. Judith A. Hibshman; 12-18626-j; Mitchell A. Sommers. Lori L. Spicer; 12-18482-m; Mitchell A. Sommers. Robin Jean Young; 12-13012-s; John A. Digiamberardino. Rodney K. Matthews; 12-18302-e; John A. Digiamberardino. Samuel Martinez; 12-18474-e; Lucas P Sheehan. 11:30 A.M. FRI., OCT. 12, 2012 . 1 Christine K. Andress-nye; 12-18645-MDC; (13); Hearing To Dtermine If Exigent Circumstances Merit A Temporaty Waiver Of The Credit Counseling RequrementsTrustee: William C. Miller FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 . 1 10:00 A.M. Tuan Anh Ly & Tien T. Thai; 11-14652MDC; (7); Adv: 2-11-00756Trustee: Marvin Krasny Attorney: Jonathan J. Sobel (Tien T. Thai, Tuan Anh Ly) Attorney: Stephen H. Cristal (Chau B Tran) Bankruptcy Court Meetings of Creditors Scheduled Lancaster Marriott Penn Square TUE., OCT. 9, 2012 Chapter 7--Christine C. Shubert, Trustee 9 A.M. John Michael Rupp; 12-17846-e; Michael D. Hess. 10 A.M. Amy Renee Westhafer; 10-17460-s; Jacques H. Geisenberger. Betty J Kuhns; 12-18282-m; Elizabeth A. Bartlow. Carolyn M Waltz; 12-18258-s; Elizabeth A. Bartlow. FuYong Kha; 12-18641-s; Joan Marie Etzweiler. Jacqueline Kha; 12-18641-s; Joan Marie Etzweiler. Jennifer A. Patterson; 12-18472-b; David W. Mersky. Kevin M Shaab; 12-18277-s; Elizabeth A. Bartlow. Sean Michael Westhafer; 10-17460-s; Jacques H. Geisenberger. Shirley A. Gehr; 12-18642-m; Thomas William Fleckenstein. Tammi L Shaab; 12-18277-s; Elizabeth A. Bartlow. 11 A.M. Angela M. Spencer; 12-18492-j; John A. Digiamberardino. Belinda G. Matthews; 12-18302-e; John A. 12 P.M. Adam Felsinger; 12-17545-j; Alaine V. Grbach. Angel R. Ortiz; 12-18345-j; Alaine V. Grbach. Chris M. Powers; 11-17418-j; Alaine V. Grbach. James Warmkessel; 12-18352-m; Alaine V. Grbach. Lourdes E. Abreu; 12-18404-m; Alaine V. Grbach. Otis M. Everett; 12-18025-m; Alaine V. Grbach. Patricia A Gribbin; 12-18278-j; Alaine V. Grbach. Raquel Tirado-Ortiz; 12-18345-j; Alaine V. Grbach. Rodney A. Shank; 12-18392-s; Alaine V. Grbach. Sharon L. Brown; 12-18229-s; Alaine V. Grbach. Thomas G. Brown; 12-18229-s; Alaine V. Grbach. 1 P.M. Jeffrey L. Yoder; 12-16887-m; Alaine V. Grbach. Megan E. Fitzkee; 12-18650-j; Alaine V. Grbach. Tammy M. Jeffries; 12-18432-s; Alaine V. Grbach. 2 P.M. Dennis M. Rakers; 12-18029-s; Alaine V. Grbach. Hai Son Nguyen; 12-18082-b; George M. Lutz. Linda L. Hilton; 12-18202-b; Alaine V. Grbach. Chapter 7--Michael H. Kaliner, Trustee 8:30 A.M. Brian Lawrence George; 12-17958-r; P. Gregory Dolan. Heather Lee Trunk; 12-18333-r; P. Gregory Dolan. Helena Hill; 12-17861-r; Jose C Campos. Jessica Sue Cruz; 12-16957-r; Andrew J. Shaw. Kathleen L Heinemann; 12-17161-r; Scott M. Wilhelm. Laura L Monteverde DeWalt; 11-21072-r; Christopher George Cappio. Laura L Monteverde DeWalt; 11-21072-r; Lucas P Sheehan. Melody Frey; 12-16960-r; Robert M. Davison. Neil D DeWalt; 11-21072-r; Christopher George Cappio. Neil D DeWalt; 11-21072-r; Lucas P Sheehan. Vedette Jacqueline Balzora; 12-17003-r; John Everett Cook. 9 A.M. Everett Lamar Doutt; 12-17850-r; John Everett Cook. Kaitlin Leigh Hornak; 12-18247-r; Suzanne Fields. Kimberly A. Doutt; 12-17850-r; John Everett Cook. Kristin Keretz Mayrosh; 12-18292-r; John Everett Cook. Larry L Laubach; 12-18367-r; Kim M. Diddio. Sara E Laubach; 12-18367-r; Kim M. Diddio. 9:30 A.M. Leann M Tauber; 12-17859-r; Lynn E. Feldman. Princess Rosario; 12-18011-r; Lynn E. Feldman. Richard L. Ruh; 12-18439-r; Steven F. Dunbar. Robert August Tauber; 12-17859-r; Lynn E. Feldman. William A. Brown; 12-18163-r; Lynn E. Feldman. 10 A.M. Jerome V Driscoll; 12-18184-r; Robert Glazer. Joanne M. Hess; 12-18170-r; William Hronis. Kathleen M. Lenox; 11-23002-r; Robert Glazer. Lorenzo A A.M.brosini; 12-18199-r; Robert Glazer. Matthew J. Hess; 12-18170-r; William Hronis. 10:30 A.M. Anthony Dean Fatzinger; Thomas L. Lightner. Janet Barbara Pluchinsky; Thomas L. Lightner. Maria Ines Misevicius; Thomas L. Lightner. Raphael Simone Marsh; 12-18173-r; 12-17560-r; 12-17966-r; 12-17969-r; Thomas L. Lightner. Robert Victor Misevicius; 12-17966-r; Thomas L. Lightner. Stephen Ira Marsh; 12-17969-r; Thomas L. Lightner. 11 A.M. Alana Lutz; 12-17856-r; Barton Knochenmus. Diana Farooq; 12-18303-r; William Kurt Malkames. Jay Anthony Cimerol; 12-18419-r; Charles Laputka. Lynne M Walls; 12-18417-r; Michael J. Mccrystal. 11:30 A.M. Alicia Lynn Yorkey; 12-14912-r; David A. Nicholls. Frederick E George; 12-18192-r; Tudor Mihai Neagu. Teresa A. Fretz; 12-18349-r; Paul H. Young. Velvete Jane Mikel; 12-18436-r; Lori A. Molloy. 12 P.M. Brian Joseph Panella; 12-18191-r; Zachary Zawarski. Frances C. Buonanno; 12-18219-r; Stephen J. Palopoli. Joseph L. Bauer; 12-18214-r; Stephen J. Palopoli. Norma L. Bauer; 12-18214-r; Stephen J. Palopoli. Susan M. Altschuler; 12-18178-r; Jason M. Rapa. 12:30 P.M. Anne R. Allen; 12-18378-r; David W. Tidd. Carolyn Anastasia Headley; 12-18194-r; David W. Tidd. Coleen S. Mouer; 12-18395-r; David W. Tidd. Diann Lou Altenbach; 12-18412-r; David W. Tidd. 1 P.M. Lansford E. Costello; 12-18241-r; Scott M. Wilhelm. Martin Holguin; 12-18334-r; David A. Vaida. Susan L Mordan; 12-18236-r; Scott M. Wilhelm. Virginia A. Cressman; 12-18237-r; Scott M. Wilhelm. 1:30 P.M. Eliezer Velez; 12-18354-r; Eric Shawn Reinert; 12-18383-r; Andrew J. Shaw. Karen Jimenez; 12-18356-r; Luis Jimenez; 12-18356-r; Marisol Velez; 12-18354-r; Roy S Benasaraf; 12-18438-r; David B. Schwartz. 2 P.M. Electroplating Technologies, Ltd; 12-18336-r; Robert J. Birch. Chad William Heckman; 12-18209-r; David W. Tidd. Fazil Manzoor Qureshi; 12-17108-r; Mark C. Van Horn. Jacqueline Marie Fernsler; 12-18290-r; Kate A. Kitz; 12-17258-r; John R.k. Solt. Matthew P. Kitz; 12-17258-r; John R.k. Solt. Rahat Qureshi; 12-17108-r; Mark C. Van Horn. Theodore Rocco Mayo; 12-17138-r; David A. Eisenberg. 2:30 P.M. Cornerstone Cabinets, Inc.; 12-16332-r; Charles Laputka. Cheryl Lynn Glovas; 12-17163-r; Thomas L. Lightner. Eric Herman; 12-16104-r; Barton Knochenmus. James Thomas Mccooe; 07-21255-r; Thomas L. Lightner. Jorge Enrique Rivera; 12-17163-r; Thomas L. Lightner. Bourse Building B104 Suite B-104 111 S. Independence Mall East Fifth and Market Streets WED., OCT. 10, 2012 Chapter 13--William C. Miller, Trustee 9 A.M. Erik C. Truxon; 12-16486-e; Alan B. Liss. Francetta E. Jones; 12-16579-m; David M. Offen. James M. Cureton; 12-16648-j; Brad J. Sadek. Melissa Truxon; 12-16486-e; Alan B. Liss. Modupe Dacia Lawanson; 12-14190-m; David M. Offen. Otto J Brown; 12-16578-m; David M. Offen. Theresa A. Fuiman; 12-16468-m; Brad J. Sadek. 9:30 A.M. Gregori Phelan; 12-15464-e; Ellis B. Klein. Jennifer Phelan; 12-15464-e; Ellis B. Klein. John C. Paxson; 12-16485-m; Diana M. Dixon. Johnnie R Wiggins; 12-16096-e; Diane E. Barr. Phyllis D. Rockmore; 12-16089-j; Diane E. Barr. Shanelle C Thornton; 12-13274-j; Michele Perez Capilato. Shaun C. Adamczyk; 12-16599-m; Diana M. Dixon. THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 27 Tyreese Thornton; 12-13274-j; Michele Perez Capilato. 10 A.M. Landisburg. Shan A. Stephens; 12-14565-e; Michael Seth Schwartz. 10:30 A.M. Edwin V Berg; 12-16427-b; Stephen J Ross. Jesse R Fleming; 12-16423-j; Stephen J Ross. Karen M Fleming; 12-16423-j; Stephen J Ross. Kimberly Barkley; 12-16462-j; Stokes E Mott. Lauren C. Felton; 12-13379-b; Christian A. Dicicco. Leroy Duane Butcher; 12-16534-b; Shannon L. Foster. Patricia Ann Garr; 12-14427-j; Michael Seth Schwartz. Sadie Perez; 12-16657-e; Carolyn Veronica Lewis; 12-16086-m; Charles W. Boohar. Darlene J. Havens; 12-15569-m; Ellis B. Klein. Darlene J. Havens; 12-15569-m; Paul H. Young. Edward Wesley Jones; 12-16411-m; Erik B. Jensen. Joanne Thornton; 12-13306-j; Lynne Dougherty; 12-15491-j; Ellis B. Klein. Vilma Rivera; 12-15507-j; Ellis B. Klein. William David Lewis; 12-16086-m; Charles W. Boohar. Colin Nation; 12-15661-m; Eugene J. Malady. Doreen Nation; 12-15661-m; Eugene J. Malady. Keri Krapsho; 12-16652-b; Harvey Iseman. Phyllis G. Taylor; 12-14426-b; Alan B. Liss. Sangoak Park; 12-16082-m; Hae Yeon Baik. Tanya E. Brown; 12-16435-m; Erik B. Jensen. Tarah M. Toth; 12-16467-e; Gary E. Thompson. 11 A.M. Anna Eileen Thompson; 12-16583-b; Lauren G. Buchanan. Gail Romoa Scott; 12-16671-b; John L. Mcclain. Harry D. Thompson; 12-16583-b; Lauren G. Buchanan. Kimberly Martinez; 12-13764-j; Michael A. Cataldo2. Kimberly Martinez; 12-13764-j; Michael A. Cibik2. Lorelys P Mendez; 12-16650-b; Kimberly A. Coleman. Michael Melendez; 12-13765-j; Michael A. Cataldo2. Michael Melendez; 12-13765-j; Michael A. Cibik2. Patrick J. O’Brien; 12-16511-m; John A. Gagliardi. Patrick V. Gibbons; 12-13820-j; David H. Lang. Phyllis Melendez; 12-13765-j; Michael A. Cataldo2. Phyllis Melendez; 12-13765-j; Michael A. Cibik2. Robert Hay; 12-16670-b; John L. Mcclain. Shirley Downes; 12-14562-e; Timothy Zearfoss. 11:30 A.M. Arthur M. Dilworth; 12-15093-b; Joseph A. Diorio. Charles Payne; 12-14671-j; David M. Offen. Diane M. Scott; 12-15950-j; Daniel P. Mudrick. Gerald Lee Roberts; 12-16575-j; Michael A. Cataldo2. Gerald Lee Roberts; 12-16575-j; Michael A. Cibik2. John Schickling; 12-16623-e; Michael A. Cataldo2. John Schickling; 12-16623-e; Michael A. Cibik2. Lesby Rodriguez; 12-16555-e; Michael A. Latzes. Maria Roberts; 12-16575-j; Michael A. Cataldo2. Maria Roberts; 12-16575-j; Michael A. Cibik2. Mary Jane DiGravio; 12-16560-b; Michael A. Cataldo2. Mary Jane DiGravio; 12-16560-b; Michael A. Cibik2. Paul M. McLaughlin; 12-16634-b; Michael A. Latzes. Rosalyn C Payne; 12-14671-j; David M. Offen. 12 P.M. Carol A Krynski; 12-15256-b; Stephen J Ross. Herbert C Hauls; 12-16113-e; Michael D. Sayles. James A Krynski; 12-15256-b; Stephen J Ross. Kathleen Rowley Skinner; 12-16570-b; Michael P. Kelly. Kemberley D. Camp; 12-14610-b; Michael A. Latzes. Laura Brown; 12-16111-e; Michael D. Sayles. Maryse Goda; 12-16506-m; Michael D. Sayles. Michele M Reeder; 12-16480-e; Michael P. Kelly. Minnie Pearl McBride; 12-14790-j; Michael A. Latzes. Steven Skinner; 12-16570-b; Michael P. Kelly. Tyrone McBride; 12-14790-j; Michael A. Latzes. Walter Cook; 12-14353-b; Zachary Perlick. Walter R Reeder; 12-16480-e; Michael P. Kelly. 12:30 P.M. Cheryl David; 12-16659-j; Robert Neil Braverman. Diane C Bates; 12-16481-b; Scott F. Waterman. Ebony P Clements; 12-16595-e; Mitchell Lee Chambers. Lawrence M. Giacobbe; 12-14624-m; Michael Seth Schwartz. Lynn Marie Hanrahan; 12-16090-j; Michael P. Kutzer. Nana Y. A.M.oh; 12-16450-j; Rozalyn 1 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Anthony Kubicek; 12-15628-e; Richard N. Lipow. Christopher Wurts; 12-14523-j; Michael G. Deegan. Jana Mazur-Wurts; 12-14523-j; Michael G. Deegan. Nevin Dougherty; 12-15579-b; Christopher George Cappio. Paul H Brown; 12-14672-e; Robert Captain Leite-young. Sharon D. Farmer; 12-14564-j; Michael J. Halprin. FRI., OCT. 12, 2012 Chapter 13--Frederick L. Reigle, Trustee 10 A.M. Albert P. Schleyer; 12-17985-s; David L. Marshall. Christine Ellis; 12-18048-s; Georgette Miller. Dawn A. Raia; 12-17820-s; Michael J. Halprin. Dawn K. Schleyer; 12-17985-s; David L. Marshall. Dominic J. Raia; 12-17820-s; Michael J. Halprin. Helen Wagner; 12-16491-s; Ellis B. Klein. Helen Wagner; 12-16491-s; Paul H. Young. John J. Breslin; 12-17745-s; John M. Kenney. Kevin J. Fitzpatrick; 12-17291-s; Ellis B. Klein. Lorraine E. Knauss; 12-17482-s; Jennifer Song. Lorraine E. Knauss; 12-17482-s; Roger V. Ashodian. Lorraine E. Knauss; 12-17482-s; William H Hall. Maria R. Leon; 12-14965-s; Zachary Perlick. Mark C. Cain; 12-18218-s; John G. Gray. Patricia T. Breslin; 12-17745-s; John M. Kenney. Peter Kourahanis; 12-17011-s; Michael Gumbel. Wilfredo Garcia; 12-18053-s; Christian A. Dicicco. Yolanda I. Marcano; 12-17869-s; David J. Averett. 11 A.M. Alisa M. Fox; 12-17794-s; David H. Lang. Cynthia C. Trout; 12-18340-s; John L. Mcclain. Jason E. Garner; 12-18100-s; Daniel W. Mccartney. Jennie M. DiSanto; 12-17471-s; Zachary Perlick. Keith A. Walker; 12-12476-s; Zachary Perlick. Lisa Ann Boughman; 12-17613-s; Michael A. Latzes. Marguerite Cox; 12-17848-s; Michael A. Latzes. Michael Odell Tunstall; 12-17461-s; William B. Sanderson. Nelson Machine; 12-14777-s; Zachary Perlick. Patricia O’Brien; 12-18096-s; Stephen J Ross. Timothy J. Trout; 12-18340-s; John L. Mcclain. 12 P.M. Adelaida Cruz; 12-17523-s; Peter D Schneider. Bobby J. Garrett; 12-17993-s; Brad J. Sadek. David M. Malosiecki; 12-18208-s; Brad J. Sadek. Eugene C. Bailey; 12-16673-s; Diana M. Dixon. Frances Ivette Sanchez; 12-16832-s; David P. Cross. Jane A. Malosiecki; 12-18208-s; Brad J. Sadek. Jason R. Sible; 12-15192-s; Jon M. Adelstein. Jose H. Baez; 12-17523-s; Peter D Schneider. Lisa G Mottes; 12-16765-s; Kenneth E. West. Noris Flores; 12-14808-s; Michael A. Cibik2. Robert S. Daggett; 12-17533-s; Michael Seth Schwartz. Rose M Dalterio; 12-17838-s; Scott F. Waterman. Stephen Dalterio; 12-17838-s; Scott F. Waterman. 1 P.M. Amanda Whitney; 12-17451-s; Barbara Q Thim; 12-16677-s; Timothy Wilfong. Bruce W Thim; 12-16677-s; Timothy Wilfong. 2 8 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Dennis Patrick Geraghty; 12-17698-s; Fausto G. Sichetti; 12-16737-s; Gary E. Thompson. Francine Sichetti; 12-16737-s; Gary E. Thompson. Garnett Irving; 12-16756-s; Michael J. Duffy. Joseph B. Colameco; 12-11140-s; Robert H. Holber. Joshua Tyler Yerkes; 12-15599-s; Jeffery A. Fournier. Patricia Colameco; 12-11140-s; Robert H. Holber. Peter Starr Northrop; 12-16644-s; Harvey Iseman. Ted C. Baker; 12-14751-s; James D. Moran. Tracey Grant-Irving; 12-16756-s; Michael J. Duffy. 833-Chestnut St. TUE., OCT. 9, 2012 Chapter 11-3 P.M. S & P Conveyors, Inc.; 12-18326-j; Thomas Daniel Bielli. WED., OCT. 10, 2012 Chapter 7--Bonnie B. Finkel, Trustee 8 A.M. Dorothy J. Teefy; 12-13838-s; Alan D. Budman. William J Teefy; 12-13838-s; Alan D. Budman. 9 A.M. Cora M. Morrisey; 12-18321-e; David R. Black. Elizabeth A Sestito; 12-18487-s; Alfonso G. Madrid. Robin L. Yiaski; 12-18322-e; David R. Black. Sybil D. Kane; 12-18481-j; Jon M. Adelstein. William T. Berchtold; 12-18320-s; David R. Black. 10 A.M. Amanda Ojeda; 12-18325-e; Michele Perez Capilato. Babna Karim; 12-18603-b; David J. Averett. Berna T Swift; 12-18328-m; Michele Perez Capilato. Gwendolyn Sutton; 12-13607-b; Yalonda Evette Houston. John R. Bendig; 12-18467-s; Ann Hook Belknap. Karim Ulla; 12-18603-b; David J. Averett. Kenrick E Swift; 12-18328-m; Michele Perez Capilato. Margaret S Brown; 12-18375-m; Anthony Arechavala. 11 A.M. Daisy D. Powell; 12-18572-m; Robert Neil Braverman. Leeloni Velazquez; 12-18530-j; Kimberly A. Coleman. Mary Ann R Henderson; 12-18599-m; Mitchell Lee Chambers. Michael F Henderson; 12-18599-m; Mitchell Lee Chambers. Michael W Markowski; 12-18532-j; Kimberly A. Coleman. Traci L. Burd; 12-18607-s; Rochelle N. Bobman. 12 P.M. Angela Armenta; 12-18540-e; Scott F. Waterman. Irene Rose Hoffman; 12-18478-e; Robert F. Datner. Joseph A. Lloyd; 12-18396-b; Steven P Kelly. Miguel Armenta; 12-18540-e; Scott F. Waterman. Patricia B. Williams-Diaw; 12-18358-s; Carolyn Elaine Johnson. Traci Lynn Little; 12-18536-e; Michael A. Latzes. 1 P.M. Alfina Evans; 12-18479-j; Seth P. Maltzman. Annette Segarra-Moreno; 12-18539-s; Brenna Hope Mendelsohn. Bruce Lee Huberman; 12-18586-s; Waverley Madden. Carmen L Valdera; 12-18585-e; Waverley Madden. Douglas J. Moreno; 12-18539-s; Brenna Hope Mendelsohn. Purnima Som; 12-18589-s; Waverley Madden. 2 P.M. Angel Louis Carey; 12-18351-m; Siana Newman. Eddiesteen Burno; 12-18476-b; Stokes E Mott. Edwana L Smith; 12-18361-b; Georgette Miller. Guitteau Momperousse; 12-18363-b; Georgette Miller. Robert E Smith; 12-18361-b; Georgette Miller. Scott Cummings; 12-18569-s; Zachary Perlick. 3 P.M. F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Colleen Breslin; 12-18327-j; Kenneth E. West. Deborah J. Layne; 12-18484-m; William B. Sanderson. Derrick D. Pinto; 12-18577-e; Michael Seth Schwartz. Joseph A. Cantello; 12-18471-e; Stephen J Ross. Michael Samuel Valik; 12-18387-j; 4 P.M. Joseph Manning; 12-18397-s; Alan B. Liss. 4:30 P.M. Lori P. Kollar; 12-15356-m; Allan K. Marshall. 5 P.M. April Milburn; 12-17963-s; Ralph D. Friedman. Darnell Smith; 12-17948-s; Brandon Wind. Chapter 7--Lynn E. Feldman, Trustee 9 A.M. Deborah McKeon; 12-16311-b; Gregory R. Noonan. Joseph McKeon; 12-16311-b; Gregory R. Noonan. Kenneth Wasekanes; 12-16360-s; Martin B. Katz. Richard Groo; 12-15830-b; Martin B. Katz. Stanley R Alexander; 12-17326-b; Scott F. Waterman. 9:30 A.M. Ann Pagano; 11-18358-b; Jennifer Song. Ann Pagano; 11-18358-b; Roger V. Ashodian. Ann Pagano; 11-18358-b; William H Hall. Deborah Lynn Nelson; 12-18421-e; Teresa Brady. James B. Yoo; 12-18443-b; Hae Yeon Baik. Linda C Monaco; 12-18635-e; Anthony Arechavala. Sarah H. Yoo; 12-18443-b; Hae Yeon Baik. 10 A.M. Bryan K Myers; 12-18618-e; Alfred Abel. Christine Ann Finazzo; 12-18620-b; Alfred Abel. Herman J. Harris; 12-18498-e; Scott F. Waterman. Mary R Towey; 12-18622-m; Alfred Abel. Michael Forman; 12-18499-b; Alfonso G. Madrid. Susan Ellen Gehman; 12-18619-m; Alfred Abel. Wagner F. Encarnacion; 12-18647-j; Michael A. Cibik2. Wayne C. Glasker; 12-17236-e; Scott F. Waterman. 11 A.M. Daniel E. Gonzalez; 12-18614-m; David J. Averett. David J Baradgie; 12-18329-j; Michele Perez Capilato. Joseph Richard Pettit; 12-18613-e; David J. Averett. Noelle D Baradgie; 12-18329-j; Michele Perez Capilato. Scott Weisbrod; 12-17518-j; Michael A. Latzes. William Stratton; 12-18402-b; Thomas F. Grady. Yolanda M Lewis; 12-18452-b; Thomas F. Grady. 12 P.M. Darryl Williams; 12-17409-j; Erik B. Jensen. Dawn L. Maloney; 12-18398-m; Lee M. Herman. Dorothy A. Jeter; 12-18444-s; Kenneth G. Harrison. James A. Maloney; 12-18398-m; Lee M. Herman. Katrice L Brooks; 12-18617-j; David P. Cross. 1 P.M. Amy L Engdahl; 12-18335-s; Tudor Mihai Neagu. Anthony L. Dalesio; 12-18330-e; John Francis Murphy. Barbara J. Baker; 12-12059-b; Ronald G. Mcneil. Dorothy Gibbs; 12-14429-m; Alan B. Liss. Eddie L. Baker; 12-12059-b; Ronald G. Mcneil. Harry Graves; 10-30514-e; Alan B. Liss. Kelly M. Bolden; 12-18449-e; Robert Captain Leite-young. Nicholas Salvatore Caruso; 12-17387-e; Catherine Guido. Norman Peterson; 12-18510-e; Allan K. Marshall. Susan M. Dalesio; 12-18330-e; John Francis Murphy. 2 P.M. Alfred H. Wilkinson; 12-18337-m; Brenna Hope Mendelsohn. Anthony J. Hayash; 12-18331-s; Kenneth E. West. Bernice A. Beard; 12-18500-j; Michael Seth Schwartz. Boris L. Goldberg; 12-17371-m; Emanuel R. Kosacci. Carolyn Williams; 12-18551-b; Michael D. Sayles. Donna M Daniels; 12-18497-s; Joshua Louis Thomas. Michelle Jones; 12-18553-s; Michael D. Sayles. Tamara L. Wilkinson; 12-18337-m; Brenna Hope Mendelsohn. Wayne Jones; 12-18553-s; Michael D. Sayles. 3 P.M. 28th Street Silver Apple Land Trust, Tarani Johnso; 12-18549-m; Bayard Sales Corporation; 12-16339-e; Gregory Francis Vizza. Alvin E. Williams; 12-17398-j; James P. Mcgarrity. Crystal Kosteleski; 12-18554-s; Bruce J. Trawick. Crystal L Aukett; 12-18399-e; Alexander G. Tuttle. Diane Nelk; 12-18445-m; Alexander G. Tuttle. Dorothy M Nelk; 12-18446-b; Alexander G. Tuttle. Melanie Reed; 12-18401-b; Alexander G. Tuttle. Sharon J. Butler; 12-15790-m; Diana M. Dixon. Chapter 13 Meeting Room Meeting Room 2901 St. Lawrence Ave. Reading, Pa. Batiz v.Big Kmart et al. A. J. Keenan; S. J. Wall 0061206-3865S. H. McLaughlin Colleran et al. v.Herman et al. 0071206-3867B. M. Marchese; J. M. Cohen; J. M. Marrone; M. D. Pomerantz ______ Tucker et al. v.Einstein Medical Ctr. Philadelphi D. N. Camhi; J. P. Brien; M. A. Schumaker 0081206-3869V. P. Bucci II Moore et al. v.Brandywine Cira Post Office, Lp et al. G. F. Lipski; S. E. Diamond 10 A.M. 0011005-1060R. Land Suarez v.General Motors Corp. et al. J. A. Livingood 0021205-3813____________ Robinson v.Boozer et al. V. V. E. A. V. 10:30 A.M. Damon P. Ellingson; 12-14986-e; Michael D. Hess. Dorothy I. Fawber; 12-15595-m; Michael D. Hess. Eugene R. Wagner; 12-16967-m; Mitchell A. Sommers. James L. Megilligan; 12-14914-j; Michael D. Hess. Laurie L. Wagner; 12-16967-m; Mitchell A. Sommers. Norman E. Fawber; 12-15595-m; Michael D. Hess. Paula J. Ellingson; 12-14986-e; Michael D. Hess. 11 A.M. Dominick J Scarchello; 12-17520-j; Cynthia E. Reed. Gerald Dunlap; 12-17652-m; Michael A. Cataldo2. Gerald Dunlap; 12-17652-m; Michael A. Cibik2. Nancy Dunlap; 12-17652-m; Michael A. Cataldo2. Nancy Dunlap; 12-17652-m; Michael A. Cibik2. Nichole R. Thompson; 12-16968-e; Michael D. Hess. Nicole R. Scarchello; 12-17520-j; Cynthia E. Reed. Quetcy Rosa; 12-16996-b; Michael D. Hess. common pleas court Day Forward list Case Management Program Room 613 City Hall Any questions regarding the Day Forward Case Management Program should be directed to Barbara Koch, Civil Case Management Center, 613 City Hall, 215-686-3710. FRI., OCTOBER 5, 2012 9 A.M. 0011206-3816J. C. Penberthy, III Contempeloniol Ent v.Peerless Ins Co. et al. P. A. Carlos; S. . Gioffre 0021206-3821M. A. Defino Gagliardi et al. v.Staves et al. W. D. Longo 0031206-3850K. S. Saffren Eaton v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0131110-4780R. Pinto Montgomery v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. S. J. Finley 0141110-4782R. Pinto Story v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0151110-4787R. Pinto Wandel v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0161110-4789R. Pinto Young v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0171110-4790R. Pinto Ruiz v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0181112-2038R. Pinto Barnes-Tobler v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia ______ 0191112-2040R. Pinto Turner v.Centro Properties Group et al. K. M. Ashdale 0201112-2044R. Pinto 0031206-0098D. S. Liss 0041206-3872T. R. Hough 0051206-3879D. J. Chapman Chapter 13--William C. Miller, Trustee 10 A.M. Balistrere v.Stefanyk et al. D. J. Stipanovich 0061206-3881M. F. Greenfield Jackson v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia Keper v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0211112-2051R. Pinto Schuurmann v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0221201-0289R. Pinto Laforest v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia Hairston v.Boulevard Properties et al. ______ 0231203-1853J. H. Penneys McNally v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportatio G. R. Buck 0241204-2161R. C. Leite-Young 0071206-3885P. J. McNamara 11 A.M. 0011206-0141N. E. Jokelson Watson v.Riemer L. H. Rosenau 0021206-3888A. Starker; M. . Van Der Veen Ballentine et al. v.Nationwide Property & Casualty B. J. Vance 0031206-3893B. M. Saul Steeples v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportati G. R. Buck 0041206-3898M. I. Simon Molan v.Muligan et al. J. L. Gilman 0051206-3901M. I. Simon Cooke v.Zheng R. E. Jellen 0061206-3917G. C. Zumbano Saunders v.Lundy Law et al. J. B. McCarron 0071206-3922K. M. Malloy Reiss et al. v.Cobel 0081206-3923J. D. Jackson ______ Nickey v.Isuzu Motors, Ltd. et al. D. P. Ziemba; E. A. Gray; J. D. Oley; R. F. Michaleski; T. A. Kuzmick MON., OCTOBER 15, 2012 9 A.M. 0010807-2446P. D. Winebrake; R. A. Santillo Cotteta v.Siemens Medical Solutions Usa C. P. Short; H. F. Reichner; S. A. Begley; S. E. McClure 0020908-3497D. Fein; M. C. Bryce; M. T. McKeever; W. B. Igoe Citimortgage Inc. v.Francis D. L. Braverman; P. J. Leyh 0031011-0702D. P. Matthews; R. J. Peppelman; R. Pinto Slater v.Hoffman-La Roche Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0041103-2974R. Pinto Gardner v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0051104-2117R. Pinto White v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0061104-2649R. Pinto Grills v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0071104-2651R. Pinto Boatright v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0081104-2653R. Pinto Chesnick v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0091104-2656R. Pinto Demara v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia Henry v.Morrell F. C. Love; J. H. McCarthy 0101105-3685R. Pinto Douglass et al. v.Joel D. Pomerantz, P.C. et al. A. P. Schmidt; F. Roller; M. K. Mc Grath May; M. I. Moses; R. L. Brenner; S. T. 0111105-3763R. Pinto 0041206-3852B. W. Smalley; D. K. Jenkins O`neal 0051206-3861J. W. Craynock Markocki v.Huppert et al. C. L. Brennan; E. A. Weiss; J. M. Doyle; J. V. Conroy; M. E. McGilvery; V. Tasich; W. H. Pugh FRI., OCT. 12, 2012 Derek W. Ghee; 12-17407-m; Alaine Grbach. Gwyn Dee Martin; 12-17092-j; Alaine Grbach. Isaac O Ongosi; 12-16990-j; Cynthia Reed. James L. Blymier; 12-16946-b; John Digiamberardino. Valetta G. Ghee; 12-17407-m; Alaine Grbach. VOL P. 3072 Richards v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. C. Purwin; E. F. Koschineg; S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia Batcher v.Wolters Kluwer Health Inc. et al. S. J. Finley; S. J. Imbriglia 0121110-4776R. Pinto Gambrell v.McNally D. Veneziale Lecompte v.McStravick 0251101-5038A. J. Schneider ______ Brookhouser v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transport P. J. Scott-Sedley 0261204-3694N. L. Palazzo Labb et al. v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportat P. J. Scott-Sedley 0271204-4092M. Pfeiffer; P. D. Doran City National Bank,Acquirer of Certain Assets From/c ______ 0281205-2601M. T. Leabman Hanratty et al. v.McDonald’s Restaurants of Pennsyl M. A. Lockett 0291206-2597J. M. Rosenbaum Renfroe v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportatio E. Merrigan; J. W. Rubin; W. G. Brown 0301207-3224R. D. Hurd Floyd v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation E. Merrigan; J. W. Rubin; W. G. Brown 10 A.M. 0011104-2246M. O. Pansini MacK et al. v.Laganelli L. R. McDowell 0021110-2175D. T. Lewbart Allstate Insurance Company v.Kochut P. D. Haskin 0031110-2914J. J. Urban Degrazia v.New Century Transportation Inc. et al. J. E. Toczydlowski; N. P. Petro 0041112-2031A. K. Marshall Marshall v.Goodall 0051204-1377M. R. Paglione Crowley v.Figueroa et al. 0061204-2633E. J. Linder Le et al. v.Nguyen 0071206-0767W. J. Campanale Williams v.Perrin et al. ______ ______ ______ ______ 0081206-0933L. K. Hill; S. B. Ayres Davis v.1900 Chestnut Street Corp. et al. C. B. Sessa; M. H. Myers 11 A.M. 0010907-3138J. A. Mattiacci; J. T. Dooley; W. J. Coppol O’connor et al. v.Memphis Flats et al. D. J. Maher Jr; Z. R. Magid; J. A. North; J. J. Snyder; J. A. Gorman; M. A. Capriotti; M. G. Sabo; P. C. Lamb; P. R. Kulp 0021003-6479W. J. Coppol O’connor v.Memphis Street, L.P. et al. D. J. Maher Jr; C. J. Genesio Lux; H. Villari; J. A. North; J. J. Snyder; J. Goldberg; K. L. Beitler; M. A. Capriotti; M. B. Pullano; M. G. Sabo; M. J. Dunn; P. C. Lamb; P. R. Kulp; P. D. Priore; T. J. Schellhorn; Z. R. Magid 0031004-0157W. J. Coppol O’connor et al. v.Memphis Street, L.P. et al. D. J. Maher Jr; C. J. Genesio Lux; H. Villari; J. A. North; J. J. Snyder; J. Goldberg; K. L. Beitler; M. A. Capriotti; M. B. Pullano; M. G. Sabo; M. J. Dunn; P. C. Lamb; P. R. Kulp; P. D. Priore; T. J. Schellhorn; Z. R. Magid 0041112-2415B. M. Gross Atkinson et al. v.Philadelphia Industrial Developme D. M. Rothman; F. M. Brehm; M. P. VOL P. 3073 F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Oconnor; P. T. Kaczynski; S. Kirby 0051112-2544V. A. Booker Graham v.Jabez Expediting & Logistics Inc. et al. E. L. Kates; G. Vokolos 0061202-1407E. Tolan Jones v.Duchatelier K. J. Fox; K. R. McNulty 0071204-1193J. J. McCreesh Marton v.Marton G. Morris 0081204-1394A. R. Kaufman Woodley v.Burgh ______ 0091205-2201H. C. Legome Gall v.Bassler ______ 0101206-0481S. M. Lafferty Holbrook v.National Railroad Passenger Corporatio D. J. Gillin; Y. J. Brunetti 0111206-0971J. E. Fine Capitanio v.Patel B. E. Akard 2 P.M. 0010909-0002J. N. Zervanos Ibrahim et al. v.Cutler Assoc. Inc. et al. G. P. Voci; J. Baginski; J. Koko; L. K. Peltonen; M. E. Conroy; S. M. Liero; T. J. Wehner; W. J. Mundy 0021204-2820E. L. Berger Friends Select School v.Klinisova ______ 0031204-3055L. Glass Samuels v.Watts et al. T. D. Summerville 0041206-3211T. M. Law Levin et al. v.Ng et al. 0051207-0749G. A. Smith ______ Ryan v.Bergeron et al. C. S. Toomey; D. J. Kain; M. F. Schleigh 0061207-0750J. Duckworth; R. S. Goggin, III MacArtney v.New Jersey Transit Rail Operations, I J. A. Thiry; S. A. Scheuerle 0071207-0753B. D. Kent Londergan v.Fishbein et al. M. S. Marrone 0081207-0784R. J. Baccari McMillan v.Markow et al. A. J. Keenan 3 P.M. 0011207-0802M. T. Rooney Nam et al. v.Transito et al. S. L. Frank 0021207-0825J. Marano Heller et al. v.Cervino et al. C. M. Schweizer; D. J. Ryan, Jr. 0031207-0826M. F. Greenfield JOHNSON, J. (ex F) PECHKUROW, J. (C) Courtroom Down (F) Courtroom--F COOPERMAN, J. (M,T, only) Courtroom Down (ex F) Courtroom--G NOCELLA, J. Courtroom--H IRVINE, J. (ex Th,F) Courtroom--Fourteen MATTHEWS, J. (ex W,F) Courtroom Down (Th,F) Courtroom--I MASTER LANGENBERG (M,W,F) MASTER CARSEN (Th) Courtroom Down (T) Courtroom--J MASTER WAHL Courtroom--K OLSZEWSKI, J. (C) DOUGHERTY, A.J. (F only) Courtroom Down (ex F) Courtroom--L MASTER CARSEN (M,W,F) MASTER LANGENBERG (T,Th) Courtroom--M WRIGHT, J. Courtroom--O COVINGTON, J. (ex F) Courtroom Down (F) Courtroom--S DUMAS, J. (ex F) Courtroom Down (F) YSC-MASTER FERNANDES 0041207-0827M. F. Greenfield DOMESTIC RELATIONS/ FAMILY COURT BUILDING 34 S. 11TH ST. 0051207-0828M. F. Greenfield Courtroom--One MURPHY, S.J. Pipic v.Gorbovets C. L. Groff Livingston v.Southeastern Pennsylvania Transporta W. G. Brown Mutan v.Joseph 0061207-0829J. Greshes ______ Bodkin v.Dipaola et al. D. Hinerman Augustine; L. A. Bove; P. A. Dorn 0071207-0836C. J. Culleton David et al. v.Mansaray J. A. Godin 0081207-0838D. L. Hessel; R. Arreola Lewis et al. v.Oganesyan et al. K. O. Agyeman; M. S. Berger FAMILY COURT DIVISION OCT. 5, 2012 ADMINISTRATION AND MISCELLANEOUS Courtroom 314, 1801 VINE ST. DOUGHERTY, A.J. JUVENILE BRANCH FAMILY COURT BUILDING 1801 VINE ST. Youth Study Center YSC MASTER Courtroom--A GORDON, J. Courtroom--B ASSIGNMENT PENDING Courtroom--C REBSTOCK, J.(ex F) Courtroom Down (F) Courtroom--D REYNOLDS, J. Courtroom--E Courtroom--Two FORD, J. (ex M,F) Courtroom--Three CHEN, J. (Th,F only) JACKSON, J. (M,W) ROCA, J. (T) Courtroom--Four ROCA, J. (M,Th only) Courtroom--Five JACKSON, J. (ex M,W) Courtroom--Six THOMPSON, J. (ex T,Th) Courtroom--Seven JOHNSON, J. Courtroom--Eight McLAUGHLIN, J. (ex F) Courtroom--Nine SUMMERS, J. (out) FORD, J. (M) THOMPSON, J. (T,Th) ROCA, J. (W) Courtroom--Ten JOSEPH, J. Courtroom--Eleven RODGERS, J. Courtroom--Twelve family court trial diviSION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 Room B, 1801 VINE STREET DIBONA, J. Bailey, Troy (Conner, Daniel) Brown, Shakiea A. (Sobel, Jonathan J.) Carr, Malik R. (Def. Assoc.) Cherair, Khadidja (Def. Assoc.) Croswell, Steffon (Def. Assoc.) Delgado, Edwin (Def. Assoc.) Jenkins, Chuck D. (Zawrotny, Edward M.) Johnson, Umar (Def. Assoc.) Lanier, Darryl (Greshes, Jason) Lopez, Eliezer (Def. Assoc.) Minnick, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Moses, Erica L (Dagher, Angelina Louise) Ortiz, Cruz (Def. Assoc.) Ortiz, Miguel (Def. Assoc.) Paige, Michelle (Def. Assoc.) Rivera, Dawn (Def. Assoc.) Rivera, Genesis (Def. Assoc.) Sarano, Ernesto (Def. Assoc.) Winkfield, Lawrence (Def. Assoc.) Woodson, Lexus (Def. Assoc.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 Room B, 1801 VINE STREET DIBONA, J. Bankhead, Safiyah (Giampietro, Michael F.) Brown, Brian (Def. Assoc.) Cousette, Sharita (Def. Assoc.) Dowtin, Cedale Green, Samuel (Def. Assoc.) Hart, Kevin (Cevallos, Daniel Louis) Harvey, Casie (Evarts, Christopher J.) Hedgepeth, Marcus (Def. Assoc.) Marshall, Thomas (Jensen, Erik Bruce) Mccune, Jason (Rossman, Mariana) Messie, Tremon (Dunleavy, James A.) Neal, Sharron (Def. Assoc.) Pedraza, Jacinte (Def. Assoc.) Pennington, William (Def. Assoc.) Pope, Kailif (Def. Assoc.) Rorie, Kamilah A. (Def. Assoc.) Sanabria, William (Rivera, Edwin R.) Thorpe, Quamir (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Jermanine Young, Latief S. (Def. Assoc.) CRIMINAL TRIAL DIVISION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 Room 502 BRINKLEY, J. Allen, Quine (Def. Assoc.) Barr, Thomas G. (Krasner, Lawrence Samuel) Bond, Kelvin (Castagna, Carolyn Ann) Carter, Brian (Def. Assoc.) Finch, Charles (Def. Assoc.) Gardner, Emmanuel (Nattiel, Willie Lee Jr.) Garfield, Lamar (Rainey, Debra Denise) Joyner, Rhonda (Def. Assoc.) Juah, Alvina (Rainey, Debra Denise) Lyons, Thomas (McMonagle, Brian J.) Muhammad Jamal, Muhammad Jama (Gessner, Michael M.) Robinson, Tamatha L (Def. Assoc.) Say, William (Nattiel, Willie Lee Jr.) Walls, Willie (Def. Assoc.) Room 504 PATRICK, J. Allender, Richard Anderson, Aaron Maurice Atkins, Cedric Brown, Omar B. Buckman, Rachel (Def. Assoc.) Burbage, Patricia (Def. Assoc.) Cerino, Louis Fann, Rachel (Prendergast, James E.) Foster, Cynthia Free, Stephen Fuller, Gregory (Def. Assoc.) Hackman, Charles (Def. Assoc.) Hampton, Keesha Johnson, Rahshawn (Def. Assoc.) Kamal, Justin Lewis, Michael Lyn, Richard Malik, Khurram (Def. Assoc.) Massey, Develle (Def. Assoc.) Morales, Carlos (Def. Assoc.) Ocasio, Juan (Def. Assoc.) Parks, Sojourner Riley, Maurice Zamir Rivera, Luis (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez-gonza, Victor Rogers, Jerome L. Sasastume-rosal, Juan Seivwright, Kevro Smith, Eric Turner, Melanie (Def. Assoc.) Underwood, Derrick Wali, Imani (Def. Assoc.) White, Colleen Room 507 SARMINA, J. Bennett, Malik (Sturm, Cheryl J.) Coker, James (Cotter, John P.) David, Michael (Wolfe, J. Matthew) THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 29 Lewis, Kevin M. (Medway, F. Michael) Mason, Lenwood (Egan, Patrick Joseph) Room 601 MAZZOLA, J. Aviles, Nestor (Santaguida, Joseph C.) Baez, Miguel (Def. Assoc.) Bautista, Gustabo (Bowers, Peter C.) Boulware, Taom S. (Parkinson, Michael Patrick) Clark, Terrance Fredrick (Phillips, Christopher Peter) Daniels, Victor (Def. Assoc.) Davenport, Karlesio (Seidel, Stephen A.) Jones, Donte J (Def. Assoc.) Martinez, Gabriel (Montoya, William Christopher) Meadows, James (Def. Assoc.) Pichaldo, Josue (Stefanski, Anthony E.) Rodriguez, Luigi (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Rodriguez, Moises (Perri, Fortunato N. Jr.) Room 602 HILL, J. Croussett, Maury (Rivera, Raul I.) Diaz, Victor A. (Shuttleworth, Brad Victor) Ferreira, Jose A (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Hill, Micheal (Conroy, Edward A.) Jacobs, Robert L. (Def. Assoc.) Nieves, Jose (Mandell, Lee) Polk, Charles (Def. Assoc.) Sanders, Derry D (Defender Association - Child Advocacy Unit) Walker, Ross M (Defender Association - Child Advocacy Unit) Webb, Arthur (Caserio, Christopher B.) Room 605 GORDON, J. Adams, Quentin (Fiore, Todd R.) Diaz, Benjamin (Def. Assoc.) Kenkelen, Joel (Kramer, Max Gerson) Room 607 BYRD, J. Ciceron, Ronald (Cherniack, Emily Beth) Green, Demetrius (McCullough, Timothy P.) Harris, Raheem (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) Hartwell, Timothy (Mandell, Lee) Hartwell, Timothy J. (Mandell, Lee) Morris, Aaki (Def. Assoc.) O Brady, Chris (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Howard K (Def. Assoc.) Room 702 WOGAN, J. Barnes, Rashi (Warren, Christopher D.) Clark, Jamal (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Lopez, Wilfredo (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Lynch, Chris (Def. Assoc.) Mcghee, Nathaniel (Laguzzi, Carina) Ross, Quanishia (Long, Lloyd Everett III) Williams, Jalil (Def. Assoc.) Room 704 POWELL, J. Bell, Tracey (Def. Assoc.) Burnett, Gregory (Serota, Stephen H.) Foster, Reginald Terrel (Def. Assoc.) Goodman, Lisa (Steenson, Derek Alan) Harris, Jason (Humble, Brian Francis) Johnson, Thomas (Def. Assoc.) Kelty, Orlando (Cacciamani, Kathryn Coviello) Kirtz, Shawn (Def. Assoc.) Mcduffy, Morris (Shaffer, Zachary Cryder) Mcglond, Antoine (Maurer, Richard Hans) Mike, Joseph (Fitzpatrick, Thomas Odell) Moore, Stanley H H. (Gessner, Michael M.) Nibblins, Larry (Perez, Mia Roberts) Rushdi, Ummad (Spade, Eric F.) Stevens, Dominique (Giampietro, Michael F.) Tyler, Kenisha (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Wilson, Tracy (Donovan, James M.) Room 705 MEANS, J. Allen, Clarissa (Def. Assoc.) Barksdale, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Baskerville, Ronald (Hoban, Patricia M.) Belois, Daniel (Def. Assoc.) Bonilla, Hiram Carodine, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Cruz, Andres (Def. Assoc.) Davis, Ann (Def. Assoc.) Davis, Lashantell (Silver, Gary Scott) Dixon, Diana (Def. Assoc.) Eleancing, Santiago (Def. Assoc.) Fields, Kenneth (Def. Assoc.) Gambardello, Linda Marie (Def. Assoc.) Gill, Aaron (Def. Assoc.) Hassell, Brandon (Giuliani, Richard J.) Hill, Jason (Def. Assoc.) Hilton, Robert (Def. Assoc.) Iagovino, Joel (Walsh, John M.) Jiles, Colthilda A A. (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Emmit (Voci, Anthony Joseph Jr.) Jones, Lamar (Greshes, Jason) Leake, James J. (Def. Assoc.) Lester, Adonius (Def. Assoc.) Lloyd, Alan (Def. Assoc.) Lloyd, Stephen (Def. Assoc.) Maruchi, Rochelle (Def. Assoc.) Mcbride, Brandon (Def. Assoc.) Mitchell, Curtis (Def. Assoc.) Neild, Donna Marie (Cacciamani, Kathryn Coviello) Oveida, Tyreese (Scott, Norman Orville) Ray, Diana (Def. Assoc.) Reed, Raheem (Bennett, Althia O.) Rivera, Juan (Feinstein, Larry) Robinson, Kendale (Feinberg, Jonathan Howard) Robinson, William (Burke, Thomas F.) Rodriguez, Julio (Def. Assoc.) Shamsid, Marzuwg (Def. Assoc.) Simms, Marquez (Montoya, William Christopher) Smith, Karon (Def. Assoc.) Walker, Daniel (Def. Assoc.) Whitney, Bryant (Hueston, Colin Richard) Wilkins, Lamar (Montoya, William Christopher) Williams, Christopher L. (Santaguida, Joseph C.) Woodruff, Brandon (Fiore, Todd R.) Wright, Aleta D. (Bokas, Christopher G.) Room 707 GEROFF, J. Brown, Brandon (Kadish, Jason Christopher) Price, James (Dobrosky, Holly C.) Ramos, John (Rudenstein, David Scott) Ramos, Wilfredo Redd, Melvin (Perri, Fortunato N. Jr.) Redding, Khalil (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) Sams, Rashan H (Def. Assoc.) Smith, Earle (Perri, Fortunato N. Jr.) Room 802 BUTCHART, J. Butler, Lotoya D. (Chisholm, Donald II) Francis, Stephen (Mirsky, Kenneth L.) Henderson, Adam (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) Hicks, Nathaniel (Elbert, John B.) Room 805 DJERASSI, J. Dejesus, Luis (Scott, Norman Orville) Edens, Titus (Def. Assoc.) Gleaves, Marquis (Azzarano, Jeffrey) Leamy, Donovan A (Def. Assoc.) Looney, Donald (Cotter, John P.) Reid, Jamal (Def. Assoc.) Stroman, Tanikah R R. (Def. Assoc.) Suggs, Hansen (Def. Assoc.) Room 807 RANSOM, J. Hubert, James Richardson, Wilbur R. (Kramer, Max Gerson) Room 808 CARPENTER, J. Bayne, Kyle (Belmont, David) Bennet, Malachi (Def. Assoc.) Bennet, Malachi J. (Def. Assoc.) Bush, Tyree D. (Quinn, Michael P.) Carter, Naimah (Def. Assoc.) Chaney, Andre (Def. Assoc.) Gilliard, Wesley (Def. Assoc.) Hill, Mustafa (Johnson, Carl Reginald) Johnson, Benjamin (Def. Assoc.) Johnson, Terrence (Lynch, Robert Thomas) Mercado, Iran (Def. Assoc.) Moreno, Javier Pomples (Def. Assoc.) Reeds, Scott (Def. Assoc.) Rivera, Alex (Def. Assoc.) Singleton, Dontae (Def. Assoc.) Terlonge, Clifford D. (Graves, Michael John Jr.) Thomas, Jason (Def. Assoc.) Tynes, Angelo O (Def. Assoc.) Room 902 WRIGHT-PADILLA, J. Abrokwa, Rickadmus (Henry, Todd Edward) Brown, Montez (Fishman, Brian M.) Clerger, Jean M M. (Shuttleworth, Brad Victor) Room 905 COHEN, J. Barabin, Adonis X Collazo, Ricardo (Def. Assoc.) Duncan, Marvin (Santaguida, Joseph C.) Horvoth, Tracy D (Montroy, Andrew David) Reid, Samuel (Rutkowski, John P.) Salvatore, James (Def. Assoc.) Shaw, Kafiyf (Def. Assoc.) Velez, Saul (Def. Assoc.) Wilson, John W. (Def. Assoc.) Room 907 MINEHART, J. Feggins, John (Stern, Douglas Nathaniel) Greene, Andre (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Jones, Tyrone (Whitmore, Charlotte Haldeman) Permenter, John (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez, Peter (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez, Raymond (Kenny, Thomas) Room 908 MCDERMOTT, J. Johnson, Lyndel (Kauffman, Earl G.) Watson, Keith (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Room 1001 COLEMAN, J. Brown, Edward (Def. Assoc.) Centeno, Alberto (Scarpello, Joshua E.) Feliciano, Jesus (Def. Assoc.) Hall, Shanita Sherrill (Hark, Richard Quinton) Mcdonald, Vincent (Def. Assoc.) Ortiz, Raynaldo R (Tinari, Nino V.) Rogers, Eric (Def. Assoc.) Rogers, Eric L. (Def. Assoc.) Shaw, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Apollo (Def. Assoc.) Room 1002 TRENT, J. Evans, Raheem (Def. Assoc.) Green, Maurice D (Seidel, Stephen A.) Hatchett, Wayne (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) Jones, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Lewis, Malik (McLaughlin, Brandi L.) Tucker, Kenneth (Diamond, Harold) Watkins, Andre (Voci, Anthony Joseph Jr.) Room 1004 PALUMBO, J. Candio, Kervin (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Coleman, David A. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) English, Gary (Def. Assoc.) Forkpa, Milton (Def. Assoc.) Hill, Anthony M. (Weil, Joshua A.) Nascimento, Nelson (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Salles, Jessica 3 0 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER Room 1005 CEISLER, J. Devaughn, Dioul (Bryn, Elayne) Romani, James (Def. Assoc.) Sdeung, Rothmoony (Maloumian, Richard Charles) Watson, Marvin (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Room 1008 ERDOS, J. Avergun, Josef (Prosmushkin, Greg) Room 1102 BRIGHT, J. Corrigan, Terry Maxwell, Kevin A. (Lammendola, James Anthony) Smack, Donald (Cacciamani, Kathryn Coviello) Toliaferro, Gary (Strutin, Mitchell S.) Zepprinans, Dalonzo Montez (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Room 1104 ARRAIGNMENTS T/C Bell-marbley, Ashyra Benton, Shelly (Grey, Daine Arthur Jr.) Blair, Derrick (Angle, William Eugene) Bradley, John Brockington, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Brown Jr, Shamere Brown, Norman (Def. Assoc.) Cannon, Andrea (Def. Assoc.) Carberry, Christopher Jose Centeno, Jose (Bowers, Peter C.) Davis, Christopher (Server, Gary Sanford) Dimatteo, Robbie Raymond El, Nequia Figuerroa, Wayne (Def. Assoc.) Fleysh, Leon Floyd, Edward (Def. Assoc.) Gaines, Alexander (Def. Assoc.) Gaponenko, Dmitriy Garret, Gerald K (Def. Assoc.) Getz, Michael Goldwire, Amin (Def. Assoc.) Hall, Marvin Himamy, Sparkle (Weil, Joshua A.) Hoskins, Hakeim (Def. Assoc.) Hoyt, John E. Hussain, Ahmad Ianelli, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Inc, Regal Isaku, Eldian Ivey, Wayne (Diamondstein, Michael Jay) Jackson Jr, James Janahis Ii, Paul Jerry, Octavious (Hall, Judge) Johnson, Randy (Steinberg, S. Philip) Johnson, Shaquir (Borum, Trevan) Jones, Mya (Dagher, Angelina Louise) Knight, Kyree Laboy, Edgar Leopold, Michael (Def. Assoc.) Li, Rongkai Lopez, Juan Lynch Sr, James Mcatee, Christina (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Mcdanllie, Carla (Def. Assoc.) Mclean, Tevon K. (McLaughlin, Brandi L.) Mcquillar, Terrance Mejia, Monica Miller, Robert (de Marco, Perry Paul Jr.) Miller, Takisha (Belmont, David) Miller, Yeekedah (Sobel, Jonathan J.) Moshons, David (Def. Assoc.) Ngwa, Edmund Oliver, Sharonda M. Oquendo, Carlos (Giuliani, Richard J.) Oquendo, Carlos L. (Giuliani, Richard J.) Peace, Eugene (Walker, David Michael) Pettus, Kendrick Rondal Pichardo, Thomas (Krasner, Lawrence Samuel) Ramos, Jeremy J. (Fishman, Brian M.) Rashidi,, Babatunde,raski Riddick, Eric M. (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez, Edwin (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Rodriguez, Hilario (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Rose, Ronald (Parkinson, Michael Patrick) Rose, Ronald Anthony Jr Santiago, Pedro (Def. Assoc.) Santos, Jose M (Def. Assoc.) Scott, Kareem (Azzarano, Jeffrey) Small-carson, Rodney (Petrone, Anthony J.) Smith, R Anthony Stanley, Paul (Phillips, Christopher Peter) Tashi, Erion Thenon, Tracey (Def. Assoc.) Thompson, Nickia (Def. Assoc.) Tisdale, Antonia J. (Def. Assoc.) Tran, Anthony (Tinari, Nino V.) Truong, Phong Vincent, Sonja Washington, Evangeline (Def. Assoc.) Wesley, Rasheeda Latrease Williams, Andre (Humble, Brian Francis) Wright, Kendall Room 1105 LERNER, J. Freeman, Tyesheed (Chotiner, L. Kenneth) Jones, Sade S. (Def. Assoc.) Maldonado, Shelton (Def. Assoc.) Neugent, Zachary (Def. Assoc.) Powers, Daquan (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Scott, Nafis (Def. Assoc.) Tucker, Warren E (Def. Assoc.) Room 1107 DEFINO NASTASI, J. Aikens, Palmer (Def. Assoc.) Canty, Steven Jaquell (Def. Assoc.) Coen, Ian (Def. Assoc.) Cummings, Dallas (Def. Assoc.) Donaldson, Sam (Wallace, Michael E.) Green, Amar (Def. Assoc.) Johnson, Marcleese (Steinberg, S. Philip) F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Nurse, William S S. (Rudenstein, David Scott) Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) Vasquez, Angel A (Bozzelli, Lawrence J.) Room 1108 TEMIN, J. Williams, Maleek (Strutin, Mitchell S.) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2012 Room 501 BELOFF, J. Ellis, Wyatt (Def. Assoc.) Feliciano, Nilson (Def. Assoc.) Mathis, Julius K K. (Cevallos, Daniel Louis) Morrison, Richard (Feldman, Gary Mark) Owens, Nelson (Mincarelli, Louis Anthony) Rodriguez, Narciso (Def. Assoc.) Simon, Christopher (Cotter, John P.) Valentin, Andis (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Mario L (Def. Assoc.) Zachmann, Thomas (Frumer, Marc J.) Room 502 BRINKLEY, J. Beckwith, Christine (Def. Assoc.) Betancourt, Christophe (Def. Assoc.) Butler, Robert (Def. Assoc.) Graham, Kelvin (Def. Assoc.) Harris, Basil R R. (Datner, Robert Frederick) Holloway, Edward E. (Kramer, Max Gerson) Hurd, Stephen (Def. Assoc.) Perez, Daniel (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Rubio, Daniel (Def. Assoc.) Walsh, John (Laguzzi, Carina) Zuccarello, Mark (Maynard, Wayne R.) Room 504 PATRICK, J. Baker, Trummel Banks, Linell (Def. Assoc.) Blake, Bethany L. Brady, Daniel (Def. Assoc.) Branch, Clarence (Def. Assoc.) Brinkley, Frank (Shuttleworth, Brad Victor) Burrus, Marc Pierrre (Baritz, Cory Matthew) Cermigano, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Clemento, Jack Co Inc, Alexander Deleo, Michael S (Salaman, Drew) Dixon, Tamika (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Duffy, Michelle (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Duvall, Justin Ferguson, Tamaqua Figueroa, Miguel (Def. Assoc.) Gilkin, John (Def. Assoc.) Glenn, Eric B. (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) Gorby, Debra (Bozzelli, Lawrence J.) Jackson, Allie (Sanita, Amato T.) Jackson, John (Def. Assoc.) Jenkins, Terrance Jennings, Rakeem Johnson, Steven (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Jessica Knopman, Martin (Def. Assoc.) Korey Jr, William Leach, Lorna R. (Def. Assoc.) Leuzzi, Mark Sr (DeFino, Michael A.) Lion, Nicholas W. (van der Veen, Michael T.) Logiurato V,, Anthony J Lopez, Mayra J. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Lurye, Fiana Mack, Brian (Sigman, Scott Philip) Mansurov, Azizjon Miller, William H H. (Def. Assoc.) Mitchell, Sean Moseley, Kenyatta M Owens, Richard (Dougherty, Kevin M.) Pennington, Hakeem Rivera, Brian (Def. Assoc.) Ruiz, Emmanuel Santiago, Miranda Scott, Bernard R R. (Def. Assoc.) Smith, William (Bozzelli, Lawrence J.) Smith, William J. (Bozzelli, Lawrence J.) Swanson, Cornelius Tatro, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Thacs, Hien (Sobel, Jonathan J.) Vazquez, Rafael (Def. Assoc.) Watson, Isaiah A Jr A. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Wiggins, Rashon (Della Rocca, John Charles) Wiggins, Rashon A. (Della Rocca, John Charles) Williams, Khadijah Williams, Khadijah M. (Def. Assoc.) Woo, Mark (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Room 505 NICHOLS, J. Emery, Brandon (Def. Assoc.) Gonzalez, Miguel (Def. Assoc.) Herbert, Aaron (Def. Assoc.) Ireland, Juan (Def. Assoc.) Kaminski, Thomas (Def. Assoc.) Kornegay, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Long, Terrance (Def. Assoc.) Martinez-urbina, Jose (Stosic, Michael Elias) Petty, Jason (Def. Assoc.) Scotching, Khalil (Fish, Illon Ross) Sharp, Dakota (Def. Assoc.) Soto, Johnathan (Def. Assoc.) Room 507 SARMINA, J. Black, Darryl D (Rudenstein, David Scott) Parks, Paul (Cherniack, Emily Beth) Room 508 DUBOW, J. Fleming, Nickolas A. (Def. Assoc.) Smith, Michael R (Def. Assoc.) Sullivan, Shirlen (Keaney, Francis X.) Williams, Lavisha N (Walker, Jeremy Marcus) Williams, Roderick (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) Room 601 MAZZOLA, J. Breedy, Jenne R (Server, Gary Sanford) Lowe, Shawn (Def. Assoc.) Parker, James (Def. Assoc.) Room 602 HILL, J. Bowens, Edith (Hickman, Shirley Jones) Colon, Juan (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Hall, Lamont (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Harris, Patrick (Levin, Peter Alan) Keller, George (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Mitchell, Mario (Nenner, David Scott) Moses, Arnold (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Shaw, Damien M. (Tinari, Nino V.) Sutton, Rudolph R (Young, Kenneth Alan) Room 604 KENNEDY, J. Bonsell, Christopher (Def. Assoc.) Campbell, Charles (Geary, Raymond C.) Deloach, David (Burke, Thomas F.) Godizano, Randolph (Def. Assoc.) Hernandez, Crystal (Def. Assoc.) Maisonet, Melissa (Def. Assoc.) Majors, Jermaine (Def. Assoc.) Marquez, Roger (Santaguida, Joseph C.) Miller, Louis (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) Santiago, Juanita (Gessner, Michael M.) Taylor, George (Cross, David Patrick) Ward, Robert (Smith, Billy J.) Room 605 GORDON, J. Johnson, Darien (Alva, Jeremy-Evan) Williams, Antonio (Gamburg, Robert Marc) Room 607 BYRD, J. Johnson, Daniel Rasheed R. (Wallace, Michael E.) Lee, Darnell (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) Parker, Timothy (Def. Assoc.) Watson, Richard (Def. Assoc.) Room 608 EHRLICH, J. Agresta, Stephen (Caudo, Michael Anthony) Astillero, Todd (Def. Assoc.) Ballard, Michael R. (Def. Assoc.) Blackmon, Dymond O. (Wade, Harry Calvin III) Bridges, Waverly (Def. Assoc.) Bruce, Utani (Def. Assoc.) Cairo, Humberto V (Def. Assoc.) Collins, Angelo (McDermott, Michael I.) Davis, Damen (Def. Assoc.) Day, Lavar (Russeck, Tobi Ann) Kolosowsky, Peter (Nastasi, Joseph P.) Lewis, Nasir J (Marcial, Basil David) Moore, David (Def. Assoc.) Moore, George J (Driscoll, Raymond C.) Morse, Darron (Reilly, William J.) Patterson, Brandon (Def. Assoc.) Rosales, Jose (Hinrichs, Mark Aaron) Skinner, Joseph (Def. Assoc.) Torres, Kristopher (Yacoubian, George Setrag Jr.) Wood, Thomas (Green, Joseph II) Wright, Leon (Reilly, William J.) Room 701 SHIRDAN-HARRIS, J. VOL P. 3074 Isaac, Leevan (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Jones, Randy (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Randy L. (Def. Assoc.) Martin, Jackie (Def. Assoc.) Mason, Matthew (Sciolla, Guy R. II) Minniefield, Chauncey (Silver, Gary Scott) Moore, Tyrell D (Def. Assoc.) Nobblen, William (Def. Assoc.) Rios, Louis (Def. Assoc.) Sample, Charles (Moore, Richard B.) Simmons, Rashiek Terron (Shaffer, Zachary Cryder) Stewart, David (Rainey, Debra Denise) Stokes, Khalil (Def. Assoc.) Summers, Anwar (Sciolla, Guy R. II) Taber, Edward (Glassman, David Jay) Taylor, Carl (Major-Trunfio, Rania Maria) Taylor, Vincent K. (Bryn, Elayne) Teague, Jarrel (Def. Assoc.) Torres, Johnathan (Def. Assoc.) Valdivia, Jose (Def. Assoc.) Way, Clifford (Rudenstein, David Scott) West, Quinton (Nenner, David Scott) Williams, Amara (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Lewis (Def. Assoc.) Room 707 GEROFF, J. Baker, Edgar (Glanzberg, David Seth) Butler, Kareem (Fish, Illon Ross) Davis, Ozzie (Bryn, Elayne) Dickerson, Kyle (Cherniack, Emily Beth) Fassett, Darnell (Fishman, Brian M.) Fassett, Darnell S. (Fishman, Brian M.) Grant, Franz (Tinari, Nino V.) Hart, Daniel T T. (McMahon, John J. Jr.) Moten, Terrell (Thornton, Cynthia Ann) Rone, Michael (Gay, Andrew G. Jr.) Sam, Thavirak (Epstein, Jules) Steven, Tracy Stokes, Justin (Def. Assoc.) Vitale, Pasquale (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Kyle J (Strutin, Mitchell S.) Room 801 ANDERS, J. Foster, Dante (Def. Assoc.) Hayes, Ralph Abdulla (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Qadir S. (Mischak, David B.) Larose, Jeanclaude (Berardinelli, James F.) Santiago, Dennis (Link, Robert Patrick) Spurgeon, Carl (Burke, Thomas F.) Travillion, Allen (Def. Assoc.) Tyson, Daniel (Def. Assoc.) Washington, Kevin (Maynard, Wayne R.) Williams, Brian (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Williams, Dwight M. (McGill, Thomas L. Jr.) Room 802 BUTCHART, J. Brignol, Junior (Alva, Jeremy-Evan) Brooks, Anthony (Greenblatt, Ronald) Ceaser, James (Grey, Daine Arthur Jr.) Clark, Steve (Lento, Joseph D.) Drayton, Kareem (Grey, Daine Arthur Jr.) Houghton, Angela Y. (Keenheel, Mark S.) Robinson, Hasan (Def. Assoc.) Room 804 FOGLIETTA, J. Andrews, Shawn (McDermott, Michael I.) Bracey, Stephen (Smith, Ronald Allan) Brown, James (Def. Assoc.) Cain, Casseem (Def. Assoc.) Edwards, William (Chisholm, Donald II) Hall, Terry (Def. Assoc.) Mom, David (Tunnell, Anthony R.) Playfair, Patrick Euwan P. (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) Winston, Johnny L (Gambone, Alfonso) Blackwell, Kimberly (Def. Assoc.) Brown, Maceo L. (Def. Assoc.) Butts, Kaseem (Muench, Robert Walter) Ford, Calvin (Def. Assoc.) Gibson, Jermaine (Turner, Alexandre Neuerburg) Kelly, Terrance (Def. Assoc.) Oliver, John (Mischak, David B.) Smith, Nolan (Cogan, Dennis J.) White, Steven (Giampietro, Michael F.) Room 702 WOGAN, J. Room 805 DJERASSI, J. Baylor, Fareed (Gamburg, Robert Marc) Burton, Jerome (Talmadge, Alexander Z. Jr.) Canavin, Diana (Gessner, Michael M.) Curry, James (Fish, Illon Ross) Dover Jr, Charles (Burke, Thomas F.) Felts, Andre Michael M. (Lee, James Ephraim) Myers, Ricky (Liss, Perry Brandon) Paverette, Mathew (Gamburg, Robert Marc) Ross, Marcus Scott, Elijah (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) Swain, Justin (Def. Assoc.) Wiliiams, Hakim (Pinto, Nicholas V.) Wilson, Kevin (Funt, James Adam) Room 704 POWELL, J. Baker, Ronny (Def. Assoc.) Blakely, Zena (Def. Assoc.) Butler, Thelma (Dixon, Robert) Daughteridge, Bobby (Def. Assoc.) Davis, Faheem (Mincarelli, Louis Anthony) Hanible, Ronald (Def. Assoc.) Omar, Jamaladdin (Def. Assoc.) Taylor, Vanessa (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Curtis A. (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Jason (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) Williams, Robert (Walsh, John M.) Room 705 MEANS, J. Allen, Clarissa (Def. Assoc.) Bass, Wykeem (Def. Assoc.) Bolden, Kevin (Earl, Douglas) Bonilla, John (Def. Assoc.) Cheeseboro, Rashad (Def. Assoc.) Colon, David (Def. Assoc.) Cooper, Terrell Maurice M. (Montoya, William Christopher) Dion, Dave (Lento, Joseph D.) Espinosa, Anthony (Def. Assoc.) Gee, Russell (Def. Assoc.) Hall Jr., Thomas (Def. Assoc.) Hall, Thomas Hill, Lavond (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Benson, Nikita (Def. Assoc.) Cannon, James (Def. Assoc.) Diggs, Ronald (Def. Assoc.) Felder, Barry (Def. Assoc.) Harris, Terrell (Def. Assoc.) Hester, Gregory (Def. Assoc.) Payne, Zymir Z. (Def. Assoc.) Richardson, Rashad (Turner, Alexandre Neuerburg) Schadler, Kathy Ann (Def. Assoc.) Woodard, Maurice (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) Room 807 RANSOM, J. Childress, Marcus (Def. Assoc.) Day, Jomo (Def. Assoc.) Lark, Basir (Reynolds, Coley OBrien) Tucker, Raymond (Farrell, J. Michael) Room 901 WOELPPER, J. Armstead, Darrin (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Bennett, Keith (Tinari, Eugene P.) Burton, Martez (Voci, Anthony Joseph Jr.) Bush, Darrin (Dolfman, Douglas Lee) Bush, Timare (Mischak, David B.) Downey, Willard L. (Def. Assoc.) Gentry, Keenan (Trimble, Robert Eugene) Gonzalez, Luis (Fiore, Todd R.) Holmes, Isaac (Datner, Robert Frederick) Mcintyre, Jacquelyn (Def. Assoc.) Pitts, James (Link, Robert Patrick) Talley, Jerome (Alva, Jeremy-Evan) Wright, Victor (Fiore, Todd R.) Room 902 WRIGHT-PADILLA, J. Clerger, Jean M M. (Shuttleworth, Brad Victor) Kelsey, Leslie (Bennett, Althia O.) Williams, Dennis (Def. Assoc.) Wilson, Lloyd Abdul (Popper, Howard D.) Room 905 COHEN, J. Brown, Patrick (Cherniack, Emily Beth) Chenault, Bruce (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) Daniels, Nate (Def. Assoc.) Dawson, Jeffrey (Hamilton, Warren R.) Hamilton, Dexter (Def. Assoc.) Johnson, Gerald L (Wolfe, J. Matthew) Jones, Quincy (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Mobley, Peter (Bryn, Elayne) Turner, Vicent (Rudenstein, David Scott) Wholey, David (Def. Assoc.) Room 907 MINEHART, J. Feggins, John (Stern, Douglas Nathaniel) Greene, Andre (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Hygrant, Saleem (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Tyrone (Whitmore, Charlotte Haldeman) Richburg, Emerson (Bryn, Elayne) Room 908 MCDERMOTT, J. Bradley, Ronnie (Mandell, Lee) Brice, Shannon T. (Mincey, Kevin V.) Johnakin, Melvin Outlaw, Annette J. (Alva, Daniel Paul) Room 1004 PALUMBO, J. Harris, Kahyan (Smith, Billy J.) Jenkins, John (Def. Assoc.) Mclean, Lester (Def. Assoc.) Patel, Jay (Kurian, Varghese Madathil) Patterson, Khaliq (Def. Assoc.) Winczuk, Anthony E. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Room 1005 CEISLER, J. Burrell, Cinqueta (Bello, Thomas Alvin) Hyman, Frank (Bryn, Elayne) Kennedy, Sara D. (Beggin, Carla A.) Lugas, Matthew (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Lugas, Stephen A. (Lynch, Robert Thomas) Milano, David (Def. Assoc.) Perdue, Phillip (Diamondstein, Michael Jay) Tyler, Mark (Def. Assoc.) White, Shelron T. (Pomerantz, Gerald Jay) Room 1007 BRONSON, J. Colon, Pedro (Server, Gary Sanford) Leavy, Muhammed D. (Def. Assoc.) Lindsay, Marlon (Quinn, Michael P.) Roane, Omar (Laguzzi, Carina) Room 1008 ERDOS, J. Benson, Mellissa A. (Zawrotny, Edward M.) Clarke, Rodney Pannell, Emmanuel (Def. Assoc.) Washington, Amanda R. (Gamburg, Robert Marc) Room 1102 BRIGHT, J. Day, Kenny (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) Day, Kenny L (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) Jackson, Kevin (Grey, Daine Arthur Jr.) Johnson, Allan (Def. Assoc.) Room 1103 BROWN, J. Brooks, James (Def. Assoc.) Brown, Quintin (Def. Assoc.) Cannedy, Nate (Def. Assoc.) Coney, Steven (Def. Assoc.) Cuadrado, Javier (Birley, Kevin Thomas) Dupree, Nicholas (Morris, Glen Richard) Farrell, Edward (Greenblatt, Ronald) Gibbs, Tyrone (Markey, Shawn P.) Gonzalez, Jose A (Def. Assoc.) Jones, Micahel (de Marco, Perry Paul Jr.) Klose, Jesse A (Def. Assoc.) Loor, Alberto (Def. Assoc.) Marrero, Luis (Def. Assoc.) Mccall, Rashia (Laver, Steven G.) Rodriguez-perez, Josue (Irwin, Darryl A.) Rogers, Raheem (Def. Assoc.) Sammons, Craig (Def. Assoc.) Stokes, Lamont Suarez, Nicholas (Def. Assoc.) Terrell, Richard (Fiore, Todd R.) Watson, Christopher (Def. Assoc.) Watson, Christopher J. (Silvestro, Maia Mariel) Room 1104 ARRAIGNMENTS T/C Adderley, Alexander (Def. Assoc.) Ali, Nasif (Def. Assoc.) Anderson, Trequan (Def. Assoc.) Baker, Torey (Def. Assoc.) Barnes, Tyree Bean, De-juan (Alvarez, Daniel Anthony) Bowman, Jerome A (O’Riordan, Daniel John) Bradley, Vance (Def. Assoc.) Briscoe, Nathaniel C. Brooks, Blanche Campbell, Wadivah (Schultz, Joseph Todd) Carr, Rashad (Borum, Trevan) Coleman, Tamikka Colon, Mike Covington, Samuel (Def. Assoc.) Cruz, Matthew Davila-delgado, Hector (Def. Assoc.) Davis, Joyce Davis, Marquita S Diaz, Hector (Diamondstein, Michael Jay) Dong, Zhong Edwards, Gregory (Def. Assoc.) English, Latoya Fert, Zhanna Frazier, Carnell (Alvarez, Daniel Anthony) Galarza, Richard (Def. Assoc.) Gantt, Tanesha (Kotik, Michael) Garcia, Santiago Gomez-hernandez, Jason (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) Gonzalez, Jonathan VOL P. 3075 Grant, Allison Hankins, Hassan (Brown, Stephanie Julia) Henry, Travis (Shuttleworth, Brad Victor) Hernandez, Hector (Def. Assoc.) Hizam, Mustafa M. (Morris, Glen Richard) Jackson, Mitchell (Def. Assoc.) Jefferson, Asmar Malik Johnson, Tonya Langston, Leroy Long, Joseph (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) Marrow, Edwin Mcneal, Deaone Mcneal, Miykinge (Ciancaglini, William Joseph) Merritt, Irish J. (Dolfman, Douglas Lee) Montalban, Carlos (Def. Assoc.) Morgan, Derrek Myers, Vincent E. Niamansulu, Olili Phelan, Wayne (Vigilante, Theodore J.) Ramsey, Cheryl (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez, Javier (Def. Assoc.) Rodriguez, John Rodriguez-river, Juan Rodriquez, Waldemar (Montroy, Andrew David) Rojas, Israel J. (Hoy, Richard W.) Sanabria, Jonathan (Russeck, Tobi Ann) Sanders, Grayling (Frisby, Jonathon Mark) Serrano, Ezequiel (Stefanski, Anthony E.) Smith, Dawyne (Def. Assoc.) Spears, Kasha S. (Greshes, Jason) Staley, Eric C. (Perri, Fortunato N. Jr.) Stanley, Jerome (Humble, Brian Francis) Sterling, Terris Tendziegloski, Ricky (Def. Assoc.) Thompson, Jordan (Newman, George Henry) Toro, Gary Tyler, William (Diamondstein, Michael Jay) Valentine, Amy Walker, Connie L. (Def. Assoc.) Williams, Darrell Williams, Ronald Worthy, Dimetry (Def. Assoc.) Zhang,, Yun Qing Zogar, Seazon (Def. Assoc.) Room 1105 LERNER, J. Bermudez, Joshua (McMonagle, Brian J.) Corley, Radeem (Def. Assoc.) Peart, Dondre (Johnson, Carl Reginald) Walton, Andrea (Tinari, Nino V.) Room 1106 WOODS-SKIPPER, J. Alston, Khaliaf De (Cotter, John P.) Brown, Lamarr M. (Major-Trunfio, Rania Maria) Burton, Dandre (Def. Assoc.) Chamberlain, Carnell E (Rodrigues, Sondra R.) Grant, Brian (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) Hall, John (Newman, George Henry) Johnson, Rasheed (Def. Assoc.) Kibunga, Ian (Alva, Daniel Paul) Kibunga, Ian M. (Alva, Daniel Paul) Kibunja, Ian (Def. Assoc.) Moore, Robert (Def. Assoc.) Russo, Diane (Def. Assoc.) White, Melvin (Bello, Thomas Alvin) Room 1107 DEFINO NASTASI, J. Bratcher, Dyjuan W W. (Def. Assoc.) Burgess, Tim (Def. Assoc.) Jefferies, Triz (Marsh, James T.) Nottage, Ray (Def. Assoc.) Woodson, Eric K. (Def. Assoc.) Room 1108 TEMIN, J. Dunphy, Edward R R. (Farrell, J. Michael) Johnson, Kareem (Montroy, Eric John) Tran, Cam Luong (McMahon, John J. Jr.) MUNICIPAL COURT CRIMINAL LISTINGS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 Room 404--TO BE ASSIGNED 10:30 A.M. 1 Adams, Nathan J J. (Kellis, Steven Ernest) 2 Barna, Michael (Def. Assn.) 3 Beckham, Terry (Def. Assn.) 4 Billups, Tyriq (Def. Assn.) 5 Blasius, John (Def. Assn.) 6 Castelli, Daniel (DeFino, Michael A.) 7 Crespo, David 8 Crozier, Nicholas (Def. Assn.) 9 Dangerfield, Carla (Def. Assn.) 10 Debiasi, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 11 Dickson, Edward (Def. Assn.) 12 Dimick, Nicholas J J. (Def. Assn.) 13 Dudek, Raymond J. (Def. Assn.) 14 Dudek, Raymond J. (Def. Assn.) 15 Fisher, Shavon (Def. Assn.) 16 Gillis, Aki Terrell (Def. Assn.) 17 Gonzalez, Carmen (Def. Assn.) 18 Harris, Dontay (Def. Assn.) 19 Hill, Jacqueline (Def. Assn.) 20 Hill, Walter J. (Def. Assn.) 21 Holden, Tiara (Def. Assn.) 22 Johnson, Deambra (Def. Assn.) 23 Jones, Barbara Theresa (Def. Assn.) 24 Kromah, Lasana A. (Def. Assn.) 25 Lavery, Nicole (Def. Assn.) 26 Mander, Earl V. (Def. Assn.) 27 Matthews, Terrence (Def. Assn.) 28 Maxi, Fadel (Def. Assn.) 29 Muhammad, Kharee 30 Murph, Taurhn 31 Neal, Christopher A. (Def. Assn.) 32 Perea, Adalberto (Def. Assn.) F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 33 Phillips, Omar 34 Ranson, Devon (Def. Assn.) 35 Reese, Kenneth (Def. Assn.) 36 Ricks, Jarvis (Def. Assn.) 37 Rivera, Antonio J. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 38 Rodriguez, Carlos (Def. Assn.) 39 Roe, Stephen (Def. Assn.) 40 Royster, Darryl (Def. Assn.) 41 Santiago, Giovanni (Sobel, Jonathan J.) 42 Schafferman, Richard 43 Sharpness, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 44 Simpson, Quinella (Def. Assn.) 45 Smith, Daniel (Def. Assn.) 46 Sokowski, Walter (Def. Assn.) 47 Story, Jacob (Def. Assn.) 48 Thomas, Prentice (Rainey, Debra Denise) 49 Trunk, Karen Ann (Def. Assn.) 50 Vernon, Derrek (Def. Assn.) 51 Washington, Alexandria (Prosmushkin, Greg) 52 Weber, Amanda (Def. Assn.) 53 Westerfer, Eric 54 Woods, Anthony L. (Def. Assn.) Room 405--SHUTER, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Ellmaker, Peter J J. (Def. Assn.) Room 406--DENI, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Bobrek, John J. (Neff, Marc) 2 Casey, Ronald G 3 Casey, Ronald G G. (Def. Assn.) 4 Cooper, Marvin (Def. Assn.) 5 Cunningham, Kyle (Nix, Michael L.) 6 Dorsey, Brian W (Def. Assn.) 7 Dutill, William H H. (Def. Assn.) 8 Ervin, James 9 Footman, Nedrick 10 Franks, Napoleon (Def. Assn.) 11 Fuller, Herbert G (Def. Assn.) 12 Goodman, Larry (Russo, Joseph James) 13 Hathaway, Rodney (Def. Assn.) 14 Hill, Herbert R (Def. Assn.) 15 Hogans, Lionel (Def. Assn.) 16 Isaac, Saeed 17 Jackson, Nafeesa B. (Def. Assn.) 18 Johnson, Lamont (Def. Assn.) 19 Johnson, Paul E. (Vigilante, Theodore J.) 20 Lang, Donte L. (Chotiner, L. Kenneth) 21 Lawson, Christopher S. (Def. Assn.) 22 Lawson, Vernon L. (Def. Assn.) 23 Lewis, Tommie (Scarpello, Joshua E.) 24 Losasso, Vincent Paul (Def. Assn.) 25 Mccants, Jeffrey (Def. Assn.) 26 Mcmenamin, James L (Def. Assn.) 27 Mcmenamin, James L (Def. Assn.) 28 Navarron, Juan A. (Def. Assn.) 29 Pope, Austin J (Def. Assn.) 30 Rivera, Luis P. (Def. Assn.) 31 Rivera, Luis P. (Def. Assn.) 32 Rivera, Luis P. (Def. Assn.) 33 Rivera, Luis P. (Def. Assn.) 34 Rivera, Luis P. (Def. Assn.) 35 Robinson, Johnnie (Def. Assn.) 36 Ross, Richard (Def. Assn.) 37 Ross, Richard (Def. Assn.) 38 Sidberry, Lionel 39 Simone, Nicholas (Def. Assn.) 40 Simone, Nicholas (Def. Assn.) 41 Stokes, Melvin (Def. Assn.) 42 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 43 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 44 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 45 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 46 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 47 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 48 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 49 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 50 Truluck, Andre (Klamo, John Andrew) 51 Truluck, Andre S. (Klamo, John Andrew) 52 Upshaw, Thomas (Def. Assn.) 53 Upshaw, Thomas 54 White, Kevin (Def. Assn.) 55 Wiacek, F P P. (Def. Assn.) 56 Wilson, Kenneth (Ahmad, Wadud) 57 Wilson, Monte (Coker, Derrick W.) Room 506--O’NEILL, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Battle, Jamal (Tinari, Nino V.) 2 Brown, Rosalind (Firestone, Amanda Barrie) 3 Colon, Carmen (Ben Ari, Arik Tzvi) 4 Domingivez, Clare (Def. Assn.) 5 Duran, Nicolas (Bezpalko, Orest II) 6 Fowler, Latanya N N. (Kellis, Steven Ernest) 7 Garth, Gowdy (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) 8 Gonzalez, Daniel (Def. Assn.) 9 Greene, Travaris (Def. Assn.) 10 Gross, Scott (Def. Assn.) 11 Gross, Scott (Def. Assn.) 12 Haynes, Jackie L (Def. Assn.) 13 Hill, Katrina (Def. Assn.) 14 Ingram, Maurice A. (Def. Assn.) 15 Ireland, John 16 Ireland, John 17 Ireland, John 18 Jennings, Elijah A. (Def. Assn.) 19 Johnson, Bethany (Marsini, John F.) 20 Kennedy, Alvin R (Def. Assn.) 21 Knox, Jonathon D D. (Bahuriak, David Stephen Jr.) 22 Lamont, Darrell L. (Spirt, H. David) 23 Lawrence, Brennan (Def. Assn.) 24 Leverette, Steven (Def. Assn.) 25 Leverette, Steven (Def. Assn.) 26 Leverette, Steven W. (Def. Assn.) 27 Marquez, Antonio (Def. Assn.) 28 Mays, Shawn (Def. Assn.) 29 Mays, Shawn (Sciolla, Guy R. II) 30 Mccafferty, Kareem (Def. Assn.) 31 Mccrory, Lamar (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) 32 Medina, Stacy M M. (Kellis, Steven Ernest) 33 Miller, Rhonda (Def. Assn.) 34 Peterson, Kevin (Def. Assn.) 35 Ramos, Evan (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 36 Robinson, Eric A. (Def. Assn.) 37 Skipworth, Courtney E. (Def. Assn.) 38 Skipworth, Courtney E. (Def. Assn.) 39 Slemmer, Melissa M (Brown, Jerome Michael) 40 Solomon, Matthew (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 41 Spencer, Charles (Yanks, Harvey A.) 42 Spina, Luke (Mungello, Mark D.) 43 Townsend, Roberto (Def. Assn.) 44 Williams, Baba (Def. Assn.) Room 603--DELEON, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Allen, Clarissa (Def. Assn.) 2 Allen, Lewis W. (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) 3 Andino, Luis (Giuliani, Richard J.) 4 Arroyo, Samuel (Laguzzi, Carina) 5 Bellerjeau, Andrew C (Def. Assn.) 6 Blas, Charlie (Def. Assn.) 7 Boyd, Kareem Jason (Def. Assn.) 8 Brown, Vernon (O’Hanlon, Stephen Thomas) 9 Calloway, Troy (Johnson, Carl Reginald) 10 Chico, Anthony (Taylor-Smith, E. Natasha) 11 Colon, David (Def. Assn.) 12 Colon, Joshua (Def. Assn.) 13 Cortez, Angel (Weil, Joshua A.) 14 Davis, Walter L. (Def. Assn.) 15 Dejesus, Dangelo (Irwin, Darryl A.) 16 Delacruz, Josmil (Def. Assn.) 17 Donnelly, John (Def. Assn.) 18 Foreman, Clinton (Def. Assn.) 19 Frazier, Maleek 20 Freeland, Shelby (Def. Assn.) 21 Glover, Leondard C. (Def. Assn.) 22 Gomez, Jesus (Belmont, David) 23 Guzman, Victor (Conner, Daniel) 24 Harrington, James (Def. Assn.) 25 Jackson, Kevin (Def. Assn.) 26 Lopez, Mario (Def. Assn.) 27 Martinez, Joel (Def. Assn.) 28 Mccoy, Leon (Def. Assn.) 29 Mcquillen, Caitlin F. (Shingles, Evan) 30 Mouzon, Donnell (Meehan, Edward C. Jr.) 31 Muniz, Pedro 32 Ortiz, Israel (Dagher, Angelina Louise) 33 Ortiz, Israel (Dagher, Angelina Louise) 34 Perry, Anthony (Def. Assn.) 35 Phillips, Nathaniel (Def. Assn.) 36 Rivera, Moises (Def. Assn.) 37 Rodriquez, Tom (Def. Assn.) 38 Rosario, Josue (Def. Assn.) 39 Rosario, Josue (Def. Assn.) 40 Santiago, Jeremiah (Def. Assn.) 41 Santiago, Jose (Def. Assn.) 42 Sanuck, Michael (Def. Assn.) 43 Singleton, Montae (Maran, Mary Therese) 44 Smith, Shawn (Def. Assn.) 45 Thompson, Christopher (Def. Assn.) 46 Thorne, Klye (Stefanski, Anthony E.) 47 Torres, Christian J J. (Def. Assn.) 48 Vasquez, Edwin 49 Vasquez, Edwin 50 Velasquez, Justin (Def. Assn.) 51 Walker, Shawn M (Def. Assn.) 52 William, Markell (Marsh, James T.) 53 Wilson, Michael (Bowers, Peter C.) 54 Windley, Daquawn 55 Xavier, Leon (Rainey, Debra Denise) Room 606--EUBANKS, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Barbosa, Christian M (Stewart, Clair Michelle) 2 Berry, Rafiq (Def. Assn.) 3 Burns, Thomas (Def. Assn.) 4 Carter, Patricia (Def. Assn.) 5 Clayborn, Omar 6 Covington, Michael (Def. Assn.) 7 Curran, Marc (Def. Assn.) 8 Derstine, Matthew (Bigham, Francis Edward) 9 Ellis, Tyreke (Def. Assn.) 10 Hallman, Matthew F. (Def. Assn.) 11 Harris, Jennifer (Def. Assn.) 12 Jastrzemski, Eugene (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 13 Johnson, John (Def. Assn.) 14 Kerrigan, Bridget (Def. Assn.) 15 Kissman, Andrew (Def. Assn.) 16 Kurcuk, Turgay (Def. Assn.) 17 Lavery, Robert (Def. Assn.) 18 Long, Richard 19 Mak, Andrea L. (Santucci, Daniel Joseph) 20 Marino, Louis (Alva, Jeremy-Evan) 21 Mcchesney, Lucas (Alvarez, Daniel Anthony) 22 Mejia, Waleska (Azzarano, Jeffrey) 23 Moore, Andre D. (Def. Assn.) 24 Moore, Lisa (Def. Assn.) 25 Muhammad, Saiyd 26 Oleary, Bethany (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 27 Orlando, Agosto (McDermott, Michael I.) 28 Orlando, Agosto (McDermott, Michael I.) 29 Ortiz, Juanita (Parrish, Demetrius John Jr.) 30 Perez, Benjamin (Bowers, Peter C.) 31 Phillips, Joseph (Flores, Margaret Mary) 32 Raymond, Kim (Def. Assn.) 33 Roane, Mark (Def. Assn.) 34 Rojas, Juan (Pagano, Gregory Joseph) 35 Street, Kellyann (Def. Assn.) 36 Torres, Jason (Hauser, Mark Damian) 37 Torzone, Patricia M. (Def. Assn.) 38 Vanderveur, John (Def. Assn.) 39 Walker, John (Dolfman, Douglas Lee) 40 Williams, Kevin 41 Wright, Timothy (Def. Assn.) 42 Zapata, Augusto (Def. Assn.) Room 703--WASHINGTON, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Bailey, Brandon 2 Bracey, Ricky (Bruno, James S.) 3 Brown, Leroy (Tinari, Eugene P.) 4 Edmonds, Linda (Fegan, Deborah Ann) 5 Edwards, Alkeria (Adams, Mark Wayne Franklin) 6 Edwards, Alkeria (Adams, Mark Wayne Franklin) 7 Eubanks, Tyree (Turner, Alexandre Neuerburg) 8 George, Donte (Levant, Robert Jeremy) 9 George, Donte (Levant, Robert Jeremy) 10 George, Donte (Levant, Robert Jeremy) 11 George, Donte (Levant, Robert Jeremy) 12 Goods, Ernest (Def. Assn.) THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 31 13 Harris, Devon (Def. Assn.) 14 Johnson, Jerome (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) 15 Johnson, Jerome (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) 16 Jones, Brianna (Stroeber, M. L.) 17 Jones, Brianna (Stroeber, M. L.) 18 Jones, Micahel 19 Jones, Micahel 20 Mack, Janine (Capone, Joseph P.) 21 Mebane, Marquise (McKenzie, David Craig III) 22 Myung, Joesph (Def. Assn.) 23 Palmer, Kim (Def. Assn.) 24 Palmer, Kim (Def. Assn.) 25 Pouncy, Terrell (Def. Assn.) 26 Quarles, Kevin (Def. Assn.) 27 Ransom, Tyneia (Def. Assn.) 28 Ransom, Tyneia (Def. Assn.) 29 Sidibe, Dian (Walsh, John M.) 30 Smith, Maliq (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) 31 Smith, Maliq (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) 32 Swinton, Jamal (Furlong, Vincent William) 33 Trout, Elizabeth A. (Def. Assn.) 34 Tyler, Kaleem (Def. Assn.) 35 Wood, Vercell 36 Youmans, Vivan (Def. Assn.) Room 706--MOSS, S.J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Anderson, Calvin (Grube, Keith Steven) 2 Babb, Jaymes (Def. Assn.) 3 Blue, Clyde Sonny (Def. Assn.) 4 Bowens, Maya (Cannon, William T.) 5 Brown, Tanselia (Def. Assn.) 6 Brunett, Dennis K. (Tinari, Eugene P.) 7 Butler, Tyrone (Smith, Ronald Allan) 8 Cameron, Nakola T. (Sobel, Jonathan J.) 9 Campbell, Fatimah (Shields, John Edward Jr.) 10 Capps, Wanda (Steenson, Derek Alan) 11 Cook, Darnell (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 12 Coursey, Sylvia Carolyn (Def. Assn.) 13 Curry, Alfred (Def. Assn.) 14 Freeman, Robert (Def. Assn.) 15 Gardner, William (Hughes, Evan T. L.) 16 Garland, Tyreek (Def. Assn.) 17 Gordon, Paul (Def. Assn.) 18 Griffin, Jalil (Def. Assn.) 19 Griffin, Jason (Def. Assn.) 20 Headon, Muran (Hoof, Bobby) 21 Hightower, Richard S. (Def. Assn.) 22 Hodges, Dante (Copoulos, Mark) 23 Holland, Ameer (Elmore, Berto M.) 24 Jacobs, Edward R 25 Jergins, Rasheen (Def. Assn.) 26 Johnson, Jenneh (Def. Assn.) 27 Jones, Ronald (Turner, Dennis Irwin) 28 Little, Cory (Gray, Edward E.) 29 Malik, Ibn (Elmore, Berto M.) 30 Mason, Tyreek (Joseph, Arnold C.) 31 Mcknight, Julius (Def. Assn.) 32 Mcneely, Brenda (Gay, Andrew G. Jr.) 33 Melton, Jessica S S. (McDermott, Michael I.) 34 Morgan, Dennis (Cole, Andrew Wesley) 35 Nadie, Abdus (Def. Assn.) 36 Noel, Torrence (Def. Assn.) 37 Palmer, Kim (Def. Assn.) 38 Riley, Keith C. (Def. Assn.) 39 Rodriguez, Teresita (Def. Assn.) 40 Sanders, Kevin (Javie, Jason David) 41 Saoy, Vun (Def. Assn.) 42 Shaw, Tyrique (Def. Assn.) 43 Sheppard, Jacora (Della Rocca, John Charles) 44 Simms, Eula (Kotik, Michael) 45 Stenson, Leo (Rodney, Wayne Anthony) 46 Wilcher, Myeshia G. (Def. Assn.) 47 Williams, Dominique (O’Donnell, Joseph H. Jr.) 48 Woodson, Frederick (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) Room 803--SEGAL, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Davis, Ellen M M. (Def. Assn.) 2 Ellis, Tawanna (Def. Assn.) 3 Fenning, Shante (Meehan, Brian P.) 4 Gallman, Benjamin (Peruto, A. Charles Jr.) 5 Gallman, Benjamin (Peruto, A. Charles Jr.) 6 Hill, Tracey 7 Jean-pierre, Peterson (Def. Assn.) 8 Lewis, Ameer 9 Lewis, Cory (Mincarelli, Louis Anthony) 10 Lowe, Greg R R. (Senoyuit, Michael III) 11 Melton, Tennisa (Def. Assn.) 12 Moore, Iesha N N. (Johnson, Carl Reginald) 13 Pardue, Angela (Brumbach, Marissa Joan) 14 Pressley, Hairston (Liss, Perry Brandon) 15 Tillmon, Trasi N N. (Def. Assn.) 16 Vasquez, Stephanie (Mandell, Lee) 17 Workolo, Forkpayeah (Cooper, Jeffrey M.) Room 806--STACK, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Allen, Roberta (Def. Assn.) 2 Boone, Milton (Def. Assn.) 3 Brown, Charife (Holden, Jill Janette) 4 Brown, Shantae (Holden, Jill Janette) 5 Brown, Tyreek (Johnson, Carl Reginald) 6 Burry, Tarik Curtis (Def. Assn.) 7 Carey, Aaron (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) 8 Curry, Jermaine (Def. Assn.) 9 Fairnot, Omarr 10 Fowler, Anthony F. (Def. Assn.) 11 Gibbs-wilson, Javon (Def. Assn.) 12 Graaf, Marvin 13 Groover, William 14 Hall, Monica T. (Def. Assn.) 15 Hammond, Derrick (Def. Assn.) 16 Hammond, Derrick (Def. Assn.) 17 Harris, Derrick T. (Capuano, Gina A.) 18 Hearns, Anthony (Earl, Douglas) 19 Howard, Monique (Def. Assn.) 20 Hyman, Robert C. (Def. Assn.) 21 Ingram, Darrell (Def. Assn.) 22 Johnson, Edward (Def. Assn.) 23 Knight, Kyree C C. (Kellis, Steven Ernest) 24 Manzo, George (Def. Assn.) 25 Mccants, Ricky (Alvarez, Daniel Anthony) 26 Mcneal, Tyreek (Def. Assn.) 27 Miller, Roosevelt (Def. Assn.) 28 Moore, Tyrone 29 Payne, Zymir (Def. Assn.) 30 Pryor, Alfonso (Def. Assn.) 31 Robinson, Derrick (Lambert, Michael Christopher) 32 Shepherdson, Kathi (Ciancaglini, William Joseph) 33 Smith, Terrence (Def. Assn.) 34 Snaith, Todd Christopher (Def. Assn.) 35 Stafford, William (Def. Assn.) Room 903--GEHRET, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Adams, William (Smith, Randolph C.) 2 Alicea, Hector (Goldman, Randolph L.) 3 Allison, Andrew (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 4 Altersitz, Charles A (Shingles, Evan) 5 Boomer, Devin (Brumbach, Marissa Joan) 6 Boomer, Devin (Brumbach, Marissa Joan) 7 Brame, Basil 8 Campbell, Michael (Def. Assn.) 9 Cardullo, Peter (Gamburg, Robert Marc) 10 Carmelo, Raymond (Def. Assn.) 11 Carter, Kimberly (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) 12 Chatmon, Robert (Def. Assn.) 13 Daniels, Victor (Giusini, Vincent John) 14 Davis, Marcelino (Weil, Joshua A.) 15 Decena, Carlos (Def. Assn.) 16 Devan, Lionel (Caserio, Christopher B.) 17 Fleming, Clifton (Foster, Venus) 18 Fogan, Kenneth Lamont (Def. Assn.) 19 Garraty, Philip J. (Trigiani, Joel P.) 20 Ggodwin, Byron (Def. Assn.) 21 Huggins, Donald O O. 22 King, David (Def. Assn.) 23 King, David (Def. Assn.) 24 Kirkland, Kary (Def. Assn.) 25 Kirkland, Kary 26 Lopera-goana, Damian (Santiago, Jennifer Ann) 27 Lopera-goana, Damian (Santiago, Jennifer Ann) 28 Love, Phillip (Allen, Reginald C.) 29 Mcallister, Danielle 30 Mcallister, Danielle 31 Morris, John Thomas (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) 32 Nelson, Nate (Gaspero, James Jr.) 33 Oakman, Wesley (O’Connor, John Joseph Jr.) 34 Osipowicz, Karol (Capone, Joseph P.) 35 Pressley, Mark (Def. Assn.) 36 Price, Alan (Bruch, Jeffrey C.) 37 Scott, Glen E. (Pitt, Robin Colley) 38 Serrano, Carmen (Def. Assn.) 39 Simon, Idris K K. 40 Speller, Octivious G G. (Def. Assn.) 41 Stewart, Ryan P. (Trigiani, Joel P.) 42 Toole, Aaron (Gottlieb, Jay Samuel) 43 Ward, Kenneth (Def. Assn.) 44 Watts, Carolyn E (Brumbach, Marissa Joan) 45 Webb, Taliah N (Gessner, Michael M.) 46 Williams, Andre V. (Def. Assn.) 47 Williams, Geneva (Cacciamani, Kathryn Coviello) 48 Williams, Yakisha (Yeager, Brian Claude Jr.) 49 Wise, Jamal (Def. Assn.) Room 906--BRADY, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Adams, Elise (Def. Assn.) 2 Bonner, Antonio (Rutkowski, John P.) 3 Brown, Lonnie (Def. Assn.) 4 Butts, Sabriya (Def. Assn.) 5 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 6 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 7 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 8 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 9 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 10 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 11 Cedotal, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 12 Clark, Latisha (Def. Assn.) 13 Clay, Ozia (McKenzie, David Craig III) 14 Daughtry, Jerome (Def. Assn.) 15 Davis, Damen (Def. Assn.) 16 Davis, Ernest (Mandell, Lee) 17 Davis, Lamar (de Marco, Perry Paul Jr.) 18 Grainger, Shakyera (Brandeis-Roman, Tracy) 19 Harrod, Walter (Sammons, Damian Montriece) 20 Hutchins, Sylvester (Def. Assn.) 21 James, Kareem (Maran, Mary Therese) 22 Jordan, Ronnie (Def. Assn.) 23 Kamara, Mohamed (Hinrichs, Mark Aaron) 24 Kayed, Muhammed 25 Lockwood, Austin (Kadish, Jason Christopher) 26 Manning, Keith (Def. Assn.) 27 Mccray, Darryl C (Harrison, W. Fred Jr.) 28 Michaels, Adam (Dixon, Robert) 29 Micheaux, Jamie S. (Dixon, Robert) 30 Mitchell, Andrew (Def. Assn.) 31 Muhammad, Labeeban (Sagot, Allan Jeffrey) 32 Nixon, Nicholas (Alboum, Samuel) 33 Palmer, Elmor (Birley, Kevin Thomas) 34 Parker, Thelonius (Cogan, Dennis J.) 35 Payton, Thomas (Def. Assn.) 36 Reddy, Jerry Bruce (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) 37 Scott, Robert (Lisinichia, Evan Teske) 38 Shadding, Harold (Def. Assn.) 39 Thomas, Taiwan (Walsh, John M.) 40 Vargas, Jaime (Def. Assn.) 41 Venson, Carl (Hauser, Mark Damian) 42 Warfield, Fajri (Def. Assn.) 43 Williams, Shawn (Scarpello, Joshua E.) 44 Wolf, David (Bozzelli, Lawrence J.) Room 1003--WILLIAMS, J. 8:30 A.M. 1 Alexander, Lance L L. (Def. Assn.) 2 Alston, Randy T. (Def. Assn.) 3 Branch, Andre (McLaughlin, Brian Edward) 4 Brewington, Michael (Def. Assn.) 5 Chalmers, Aaron (Burke, Colin) 6 Coffey, Thomas (Def. Assn.) 7 Collier, Brenna (Muench, Robert Walter) 8 Collman, Ijada (Moyer, Ruth Ann) 9 Daulerio, Jamie 10 Deans, Deion L (Def. Assn.) 3 2 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER 11 Deans, Dion 12 Degnan, Robert (Def. Assn.) 13 Dougherty, Stephen (Def. Assn.) 14 Edwards, Tracie (Def. Assn.) 15 Felder, Terrance (Hurley, Eileen J.) 16 Felder, Terrance (Hurley, Eileen J.) 17 Frattara, Ashley L. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 18 Frattara, Ashley L. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 19 George, Donald (Def. Assn.) 20 Gibson, Jestina (LaTour, Pierre III) 21 Gniewek, Cynthia (Def. Assn.) 22 Green, Charles (Def. Assn.) 23 Greer, Joseph Anthony (Fegan, Deborah Ann) 24 Henderson, Dionne (Hetznecker, Paul Joseph) 25 Hill, Khaim (Tarpey, Timothy J.) 26 Holbrook, Harold J. (Chotiner, L. Kenneth) 27 Kridla, Joseph (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 28 Leksyuk, Mykhaylo (Def. Assn.) 29 Lester, Angelo (Def. Assn.) 30 Macintosh, James (Def. Assn.) 31 Mitchell, Lenward S. 32 Mojica, Jose (Def. Assn.) 33 Muniz, Gullermo (Def. Assn.) 34 Orozco, Joiner J J. (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 35 Paredes, Jose (Def. Assn.) 36 Paredes, Jose (Def. Assn.) 37 Polkowski, Elizabeth (Def. Assn.) 38 Reinsel, Sean (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 39 Rivera, Lionel (Def. Assn.) 40 Rodriguez, Albert (Def. Assn.) 41 Vazquez, Carlos (Leotta, Claire) 42 Williams, Antwine (Hurley, Eileen J.) 43 Worsley, Ebby (Def. Assn.) 44 Xhelo, Julian (DiClaudio, Scott) Room 1006--MEEHAN, J. 9:30 A.M. 1 Andrews, Jeffery (Def. Assn.) 2 Baker, Brandon (Shaffer, Zachary Cryder) 3 Baker, Brandon (Shaffer, Zachary Cryder) 4 Barry, Christopher (Def. Assn.) 5 Bey, Terrance (Def. Assn.) 6 Brantly, Jory (Turner, Alexandre Neuerburg) 7 Cabrera Jr., Luis A (Def. Assn.) 8 Chavez, Carlos (Def. Assn.) 9 Chavez, Carlos (Def. Assn.) 10 Coley, Lamont T. (Def. Assn.) 11 Davis, Lucas J. (Savino, Louis Theodore Jr.) 12 Davis, Mikal (Def. Assn.) 13 Davis, Preston (Def. Assn.) 14 Eason, Eric M. (Def. Assn.) 15 Echols, John (Def. Assn.) 16 Echols, John (Def. Assn.) 17 Echols, John (Def. Assn.) 18 Garrick, Abena (Def. Assn.) 19 Garrick, Dineshia (Russeck, Tobi Ann) 20 Glumson, George (Def. Assn.) 21 Gold, Richard (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 22 Gold, Richard (Kelly, Joseph Kevin) 23 Gonzalez, Pedro (Turner, Dennis Irwin) 24 Good, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 25 Good, Joseph (Def. Assn.) 26 Johnson, Shelly (Def. Assn.) 27 Luke, Kareem (Gamburg, Robert Marc) 28 Matthews, Samual (Def. Assn.) 29 Mccarthy, Katie (Def. Assn.) 30 Mcmullen, Beth Ann (Def. Assn.) 31 Mcmullen, Keith (Def. Assn.) 32 Mickens, Shakerra (Def. Assn.) 33 Moody, Venessa (Def. Assn.) 34 Munford, Nyema (Def. Assn.) 35 Munford, Nyema (Def. Assn.) 36 Okupinski, Edward Jr 37 Phillips, Haniyyah (Def. Assn.) 38 Pinckney, Kaneshia (Def. Assn.) 39 Reeder, Joshua (Def. Assn.) 40 Reeds, Scott (Def. Assn.) 41 Rodriguez, Lisandro (Giuliani, Richard J.) 42 Rodriguez, Lisandro (Giuliani, Richard J.) 43 Rodriguez, Rafael (Medway, F. Michael) 44 Ross, Rymeek (Def. Assn.) 45 Smith, Corey (Def. Assn.) 46 Smith, Shannon M (Def. Assn.) 47 Spady, Ronald (Johnson, Shaka Mzee) 48 Toledo, Luis (Goldman, Randolph L.) 49 Varela, Obed (O’Connell, James J.) 50 Williams, Ashley M. (Def. Assn.) CIVIL LISTINGS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 1-TO BE ASSIGNED 9 A.M. 1 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Polan 2 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Franklin Town Corp. 3 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Young 4 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Nichols 5 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Northeast Real Estate 6 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Cohn 7 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Harwath 8 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Santiago 9 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Frierson 10 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. O Rourke 11 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Gregg 12 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Davis 13 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wideman 14 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Johnson 15 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Welsh Grant Corp 16 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ellis 17 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wake 18 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Borck 19 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Warfield 20 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Canterino 21 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Thomas 22 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Lublin 23 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ayrdale Crescent 24 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Jackson 25 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Goodwill Baptist Church 26 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Dye F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 27 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wojtylak 28 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Thompson 29 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Raudenbush 30 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Adu 31 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Parchment 32 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Gwyn 33 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Rotchford 34 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. De Angelo 35 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Richardson 36 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Burrows 37 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Christopher Group Llc 38 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Bradshaw 39 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Barnett 40 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Bmmr Holdings Llc 41 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Smedley 42 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ukranian American Citizen’s Association 43 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Lester 44 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Speakes 45 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Allen 46 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Bethell 47 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Hernandezcastillo 48 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Villari 49 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Burroughs 50 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Dridi 51 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wiegand 52 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Sullivan 53 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Johnson 54 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Fitzgerald 55 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Brown 56 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Calzadilla 57 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Carey 58 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wingfield 59 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Matlock 60 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Green 61 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Richardson 62 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Roman 63 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Dogopolov 64 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Lockings 65 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Jackson 66 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Grier 67 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Porter 68 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Chavis 69 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Mc Kenna 10 A.M. 1 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Breeze Eastern Corporation 2 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Takara Belmont Usa Inc 3 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Simmons And Simmons Restaurant Services Llc 4 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Sbg Management Services Inc 5 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Callahan Chemical Company 6 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Terumo Medical Corporation 7 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Swissray International Inc 8 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. El Provocon Restaurant 9 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Inc 10 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Professional Disposables International Inc 11 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Dubois Chemicals Inc. 12 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Hart 13 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Hart 14 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Barthelemy 15 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ablotta 16 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Stewart 17 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Javier 18 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Javier 19 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wireless Network Group 20 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Munilla 21 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Munilla 22 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ferry 23 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Ferry 24 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Square Circle Realty Llc 25 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Square Circle Realty Llc 26 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Hudson News Distributors Llc 27 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. K-flex Usa L.l.c. 28 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Kaaga Technologies Inc 29 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Key Municipal Finance 30 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Vocollect Healthcare Systems 31 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Empirix 32 Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, City Of v. Dorsey 33 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Karnak 34 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Kbr Technical Services Inc 35 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Wimberly 36 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Niserbaum 37 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Niserbaum 38 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Richards 39 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Garden State Surveying Engineering And Planning Of 40 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Mazer Wholesale Inc 41 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Group Investment Inc 42 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Coria Laboratories Ltd 43 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Moss 44 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Herrington 45 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Bruker Daltonics Inc 46 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Bruker Axs Inc 47 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Rtc Industries Inc 48 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Thompson 49 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Thompson 50 Com. of Pa., City of Phila. v. Intelistaf Healthcare Inc 11:30 A.M. 1 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Conway 2 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Bracy 3 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Caceres 4 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Kerins 5 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Edwards 6 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Carmichael 7 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. White 8 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Norcum 9 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Powell 10 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Fetters 11 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Larry 12 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Sorg 13 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Cooper 14 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Wells 15 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Speero 16 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Johnson 17 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Evans 18 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Williams 19 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Packerson 20 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. White 21 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Hepburn 22 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Marchetti 23 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Rizzo 24 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Mills 25 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. Wilson Capital Investment Llc 26 City Of Phila., Rev. Dept. v. North 2nd American Streets Llc 1 P.M. 1 City of Phila. v. Waller Sheila 2 City of Phila. v. Doyles Design Inc 3 City of Phila. v. Boyd Alberta 4 City of Phila. v. Harry’s Enterprise Ltd 5 City of Phila. v. Uko Michael Jacob Ikpatt &CA 6 City of Phila. v. Ramdas Surrendranath 7 City of Phila. v. Ricardo Diana 8 City of Phila. v. Quaye Ismaila 9 City of Phila. v. Iakimenko Andrei 10 City of Phila. v. Spence Linda Jean 11 City of Phila. v. Keene & Carney Funeral Home In 12 City of Phila. v. Ingram Jan Q 13 City of Phila. v. Scott Brenda 14 City of Phila. v. Dunn James C 15 City of Phila. v. Perkins April 16 City of Phila. v. Tender Yvonne 17 City of Phila. v. Engelmann Peter B & Francis A 18 City of Phila. v. O’neill John M 19 City of Phila. v. Tull Donna T 20 City of Phila. v. Bolden Atiya S 21 City of Phila. v. Wiggins Shaun T 22 City of Phila. v. Ars Simmens Associates Inc 23 City of Phila. v. Degife Berhanu 24 City of Phila. v. Jefferson & Daughters Inc 25 City of Phila. v. Delacruz Ana M 26 City of Phila. v. Arnold-derry Francelia 27 City of Phila. v. Brown Pelis Llc 28 City of Phila. v. Platinum Builders Contracting 29 City of Phila. v. Tomar Investments Inc 30 City of Phila. v. Tillery Candis 31 City of Phila. v. Nothing But Grub 32 City of Phila. v. Austin Vernessa 33 City of Phila. v. Brito Cristian J 34 City of Phila. v. Steves Auto Repair 35 City of Phila. v. Wavelink 36 City of Phila. v. Foster Susan-anne 37 City of Phila. v. Ortiz Whitney 38 City of Phila. v. Belafia Adil 39 City of Phila. v. Aita Anthony L 40 City of Phila. v. Amaker Terence L 41 City of Phila. v. Robinson Clayne A 42 City of Phila. v. 4 Wheels Auto Repair & Body Sh 43 City of Phila. v. Hancock Craig 44 City of Phila. v. Coleman Ronald N 45 City of Phila. v. First Lincoln Financial Inc. 46 City of Phila. v. American Dream Group Invest Ll 47 City of Phila. v. Tilema Doalus 48 City of Phila. v. Rogers Wilfred 49 City of Phila. v. Tran Lethuy T 50 City of Phila. v. Marroletti Alfred 51 City of Phila. v. Sheinman Provision Co 52 City of Phila. v. May Harry 53 City of Phila. v. Carswell Essie M 54 City of Phila. v. Mc Coy Ronnie 55 City of Phila. v. Orocofsky Louis J 56 City of Phila. v. Ledwith James M 57 City of Phila. v. Karasiewicz Stefan 58 City of Phila. v. Vongnarath Phetsamone 59 City of Phila. v. Phu Young 60 City of Phila. v. Emery & Bey Funeral Home Inc 61 City of Phila. v. Ross Earl V 62 City of Phila. v. Depalma Salvatore 63 City of Phila. v. Chaney Edward J Sr 64 City of Phila. v. Lee Deborah Y 65 City of Phila. v. Locks Limited 66 City of Phila. v. Powell Robert 67 City of Phila. v. Floyd Ruth Naomi 68 City of Phila. v. Tc Auto Tires & Brakes 69 City of Phila. v. B Symmetrix Enterprise Solutio 70 City of Phila. v. Ramos Angel 71 City of Phila. v. Creamer Joanne M 72 City of Phila. v. Alberti Frank 73 City of Phila. v. Shankin Daniel 74 City of Phila. v. Levan Gail 1:15 PM 1 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Jackson 2 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Jean 3 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Coppola 4 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Thompson 5 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Williamssheppard 6 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Brown 7 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Massi 8 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Gopie 9 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. South 55th St Lp 10 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. South 55th St Lp 11 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. South 55th St Lp VOL P. 3076 12 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Siyam 13 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Washington 14 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Brooks 1:30 P.M. 1 City of Phila. v. Kim Young K 2 City of Phila. v. William English 3 City of Phila. v. Sampheng Sam 4 City of Phila. v. Red Bell Brewing Co Inc 5 City of Phila. v. Red Bell Brewing Co Inc 6 City of Phila. v. Dougherty Katie Do Pc 7 City of Phila. v. Porretta Realty Associates 8 City of Phila. v. Porretta Realty Associates 9 City of Phila. v. Genzi Inc 10 City of Phila. v. Pennick Regina 11 City of Phila. v. Four Partners Inc 12 City of Phila. v. Sacerdote Nicholas Jr 13 City of Phila. v. Franklin Michael J 14 City of Phila. v. Allied Trust Realty Llc 15 City of Phila. v. 1711 Partners Lp 16 City of Phila. v. Lee Jessie 17 City of Phila. v. Hopkins Gary 18 City of Phila. v. Carter Edward A 19 City of Phila. v. Digulielmo Peter 20 City of Phila. v. David Crespo 21 City of Phila. v. Stein-silverman Family Prtnrsh 22 City of Phila. v. Pagan Carmen J 23 City of Phila. v. Mancino Raymond V 24 City of Phila. v. Howard & Howard 25 City of Phila. v. Laureano Amy 26 City of Phila. v. Aguero Ramon 27 City of Phila. v. D’addesi Michael Sr 28 City of Phila. v. D’addesi Michael Sr 29 City of Phila. v. Jackson Eddie 30 City of Phila. v. Vargas Porfilio A 31 City of Phila. v. Gasiorowski Leon A Jr 32 City of Phila. v. Kissling Kevin 33 City of Phila. v. Sheridan William Jr 34 City of Phila. v. Burgess Stephan 35 City of Phila. v. Forester Philip 36 City of Phila. v. Jean Paul Jemima 37 City of Phila. v. Arroyo Maria D 38 City of Phila. v. Albanese Dominic 39 City of Phila. v. Ten Stone Properties Llc 40 City of Phila. v. Ten Stone Properties Llc 41 City of Phila. v. Yohannes Afework 42 City of Phila. v. Lux Harry & Robert 43 City of Phila. v. Chung Choong Ok 44 City of Phila. v. Carroll Martin 45 City of Phila. v. Selormey Aku 46 City of Phila. v. Daniels Jonetta 47 City of Phila. v. Ali-hasan Muhammad Estate Of 48 City of Phila. v. Ali-hasan Muhammad Estate Of 49 City of Phila. v. Mannys Inc 50 City of Phila. v. Urso Juanita 2:30 P.M. 1 City of Phila. v. William J Faust Pc 2 City of Phila. v. 1900 Campus Walk Inn Management Llc 3 City of Phila. v. Acevedo 4 City of Phila. v. 3200 Kensington Avenue Lp 5 City of Phila. v. 5229 Market St Lp 6 City of Phila. v. Wienckowski 7 City of Phila. v. Abreu 8 City of Phila. v. Top Dog Movers Inc 9 City of Phila. v. Rivera, Jr 10 City of Phila. v. Waltek Infoserv Consulting Inc 11 City of Phila. v. Wolkoff 12 City of Phila. v. Tiziou 13 City of Phila. v. Aleeha Sobia Inc 14 City of Phila. v. Adebiyi 15 City of Phila. v. Ljachin, Jr 16 City of Phila. v. Albert 17 City of Phila. v. Adrien 3-TO BE ASSIGNED 8:45 A.M. 1 Ginark Investments And Management v. Orenstein 2 Khatri v. Green 3 Welsh 2007 Associates Lp v. Bumbalow 4 King Godfrey Lp v. Richardson 5 King Godfrey Lp v. Gentner 6 King Godfrey Lp v. E. Williams 7 King Godfrey Lp v. Liggins 8 Wideman v. Syders 9 Watts-jones v. Sherard 10 Watts-jones v. Dawson 11 Perdue v. Robinson 12 Forline v. Gentile 13 Anderson v. Mckinney 14 Harrod v. Wise 15 Zhai v. Conner 16 Pierrelus v. Brown 17 Prince v. Gumby 18 Russell v. Mckee 19 Moss v. Henderson 20 Sawyer-hodge v. Washington 21 Crown Two Penn Center Associates Limited Partnersh v. Frank Branella, P.c. 22 Hancock Manor Corporation v. Bechtel 23 Hancock Manor Corporation v. Treichak 24 Residence At Girard Court Llc v. Kelly 25 Residence At Girard Court Llc v. Mcnair 26 Residence At Girard Court Llc v. Custis 27 Residence At Girard Court Llc v. Welch 28 Residence At Girard Court Llc v. Robinson 29 Demarco v. Mcpherson 30 Walker v. Flaherty 31 Ciferni v. Lynch 32 Chalmers v. Workman 33 Mermelstein v. Fripps 34 Haral Leasing Co v. O’shea 35 Haral Leasing Co v. Mozi 36 Haral Leasing Co v. Hilbert 37 Martha Company Ii Llc v. Colbert 38 Homemart Real Estate Inc v. Waters 39 Duffey v. Watson 40 Green Real Estate Investments Llc v. Bradford 41 Susser v. Cooper 42 Enon Toland Apartments v. Andres 43 Tripod Group Llc v. M. Sweeney 44 Walsh v. Brower 45 Lublin Corp Realtors v. Mcghee 46 Walsh v. Mccloud 47 Sierra v. Weisser 48 Sterling Investment Corp v. Cigars 49 Onyx Management Group v. Mcgrath 50 Bright Hope A Non-profit Corp v. Joseph R Kosinki 51 A Aaba Acquisitions Corp Agt v. Williams 52 Big Beginnings Llc v. Davis 53 Goldstein v. Walker 54 Walker v. Smith 55 Brotman v. Amaro 56 Belris v. Myers 57 Gay v. Robertson 58 Zuino v. Riley 59 Reimer v. Tiechoski 60 Sheng v. Wingate 61 Guo v. Elgasim 62 Levine v. King 63 Dilo v. Sparrow 64 Magness v. Barkley 65 Jackson v. Grant 66 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Hill & Occupants 67 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Brandon & Occupants 68 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Barthle & Occupants 69 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. White & Occupantrs 70 Yeudakimenka v. Zaid 9 A.M. 1 Lee v. Anderson & All Other Occupants 2 Waltivy Group Holding, Llc v. Thompson 3 Dejesus v. Lemos 4 Yang v. Edwards And All Occupants 12:45 P.M. 1 Carrasquillo v. Rivera 2 Galloway v. Bellany 3 Vokolos v. Olli 4 Vokolos v. Seddon 5 Flores v. Gamble 6 Bohrer v. Reddi 7 Dormeus v. Smith 8 Enwereji v. Hines 9 Carden v. Rutherford 10 Darbauze v. Disanto-wong 11 Coudoux v. Brown 12 Brothers Property Llc v. Frye 13 Ascension Manor Inc. v. Smith 14 Peruto v. Turner 15 Peruto v. Williams, And All Other Occupants 16 Peruto v. Stewart, And All Other Occupants 17 Stevenson Terrace Apts v. Myatt And All Occs 18 Dorsett Court Realty Co L v. Gordon And All Occs 19 Admiral Court Realty Co Lp v. Segree And All Occs 20 Neighborhood Restorations Lp Xvii v. Stevens And All Occs 21 Neighborhood Restorations Lp X v. Fortune And All Occs 22 Neighborhood Restorations Lp Xvi v. Moore And All Occs 23 Neighborhood Restorations Lp Xvi v. Registre And All Occs 24 Choi v. Wallace 25 Peruto Properties, Llc v. Lee 26 Peruto v. Taylor, And All Other Occupants 27 Haverford Place, Llc v. Stuckey, And All Other Occupants 28 Golf View Apartments, Llc v. Jones, And All Other Occupants 29 Khatri v. Clayton 30 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Bowie & Occupants 31 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. West & Occupants 32 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Merriweather & Occupants 33 Oxford Portfolio Llc v. Hardy & Occupants 34 Tran v. Chase 35 Century 21 Target Realty, Llc v. Hansen Financial, Inc. 36 Simmons v. Friedman 2:00 P.M. 1 Gonzalez v. Smith 2 Windsor Estates Apts Lp v. Taylor 3 Edgewood Manor Assoc Ii Lp v. Williamson 4 Schellomar Capital Inc v. Jackson 4-SHIELDS, J. 9 A.M. 1 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Rosenberg 2 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Suleman 3 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Pelham Park Apartments 4 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Li 5 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Superior Gents Enterprises, Incorporated 6 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Beale 7 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Kao 8 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Hauptman 9 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Guokas 10 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Residential Equity Associates L.l.c. 11 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Keystone Lofst Associates 12 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Platts 13 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Williams 14 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Duchossois 15 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Dawkins 16 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Chen 17 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Thach 18 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Nelson 19 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Philadelphia Authority Forodin Market Partners 20 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Caton House Real Estate Ltd. 21 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. 1300 North Second Limited 22 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Otero 23 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Gibson 24 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Rajavong 25 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Paxson 26 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. S3 Enterprises L.l.c. 27 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Glib2 Inc. 28 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Varghese 29 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Rivera 30 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Tanksley VOL P. 3077 31 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Catherine L. Pembleton Inc. 32 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Gronczewski 33 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Solis 34 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Dones 35 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Fletcher 36 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Clark 37 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Laurel 38 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Sullivan 39 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Varona 40 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Nguyen 41 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. 10551 Decatur Road Investments 42 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Marcellino 1 P.M. 1 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Zheng 2 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Ellis 3 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Flores 4 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Meredith 5 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Paradis 6 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Weems Trustee 7 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Delany 8 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Havul 9 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Ma 10 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Vickers 11 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Goldwire 12 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Mitros 13 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Jackson 14 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Hisham 15 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Marin 16 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Phillips 17 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Suriel 18 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Mahon 19 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Green 20 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Heavyweight Management L.l. 21 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Otero 22 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Casey 23 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Vicenty 24 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Simmons 25 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Chher 26 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Atid Property Mgmt 27 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Econome 28 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Ciccone 29 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Payne 30 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Sabato 31 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Robinson 32 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Soto 33 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Valentine 34 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Braun 35 City Of Phila.: Dept. Of L&I v. Henderson 5-TO BE ASSIGNED 1 P.M. 1 Midland Funding Llc v. Harcum 2 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Wilson 3 Cavalry Portfolio Services, Llc, As Assignee Of Ca v. Sinko 4 Cavalry Portfolio Services, Llc, As Assignee Of Ca v. Wortham 5 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Fenner 6 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Miller 7 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Smith 8 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Hinds 9 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Williams 10 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Wiggins 11 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Ward 12 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Brinson 13 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Aversa 14 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Anderson 15 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Hathaway 16 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Robinson 17 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Santiago 18 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Anderson 19 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Ramos 20 Cavalry Portfolio Services, Llc, As Assignee Of Ca v. Ramirez 21 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Zamanov 22 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Pirela 23 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Russell 24 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Minyard 25 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Leuzzi 26 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Nguyen 27 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Robinson 28 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Soveral 29 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Koob 30 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Defino 31 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Jones 32 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Simiriglio 33 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Reed 34 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Yudhi 35 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Froukh 36 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Holland 37 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Jackson 38 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Mcglonn 39 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Hartsfield 40 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Gomaa 41 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Frazier 42 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Yollin 43 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Redd 44 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Redd 45 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Manzari 46 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Jumarang 47 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Pressley 48 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Becker 49 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Itelman 50 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Bandish 51 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Hartbauer 52 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Togay 53 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Ortiz 54 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Pratt 55 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Fuller 56 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Obrien 57 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Brown 58 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Aldameer F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 59 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Rheubottom 60 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Tu 61 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Jackson 62 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Swint 63 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Fulforth 64 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Dawson 65 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Sossah 66 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Diggs 67 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Sghyar 68 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Anderson 69 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Ferrence 70 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Morse 71 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Mckill 72 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Hobbs 73 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Miller 74 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Barnes 75 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Borden 76 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Isaac 77 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Dungee 78 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Torres 79 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Hinton 80 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Gongar 81 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Cantor 82 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Shaheen 83 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Gongar 84 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Beltran 85 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Faison 86 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Mccall 87 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Ruming 88 Four Seasons Investments, Llc v. Cardona 89 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Morsillo 90 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Green 91 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Gibson 92 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Caffey 93 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Brahmbhatt 94 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Hassan 95 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Ramirez 96 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Schmeltzer 97 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Jude-alston 98 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Heljenek 102 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Mcmullin 103 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Cohen 104 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Heard 105 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Vandever 106 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Custer 107 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Coleman 108 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Bonk 109 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Nguyen 110 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Pickron 111 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Fornwalt 112 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Waters 113 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Klurfeld 114 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Ciuckis 115 N.b.a. Credit Union v. Sposato 116 Lackawanna College v. Bradley 117 St. Joseph’s University v. Bennett 118 St. Joseph’s University v. Leaphart 119 St. Joseph’s University v. Murphy 120 St. Joseph’s University v. Peterkin 121 St. Joseph’s University v. Presley 122 St. Joseph’s University v. Sellers 123 Holy Family University v. Wallace 124 Drexel University v. Ojomo 125 Drexel University v. Darboe 126 Drexel University v. Austin 127 Drexel University v. Waters-strachan 128 Drexel University v. Thompson 129 Drexel University v. Thinnes 130 Drexel University v. Singh 131 Drexel University v. Pope 132 Drexel University v. Loesch 133 Drexel University v. Jones 134 Drexel University v. Ntaka 135 Drexel University v. Hood 136 Drexel University v. Seya 137 Drexel University v. Abdul-rahim 138 Drexel University v. Ali 139 Drexel University v. Ayala 140 Drexel University v. Carrillo 141 Drexel University v. Edmunds 142 Drexel University v. Ellis 143 Drexel University v. Davis 144 Drexel University v. Jiwanmall 145 Drexel University v. Melton 146 Drexel University v. Wilkerson 147 Drexel University v. Mcbride 6-TO BE ASSIGNED 9:15 A.M. 1 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Wal Lane Assoc Ltd 2 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Wal Lane Assoc Ltd 3 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Wal Lane Assoc Ltd 4 City Of Phila., Bur. of Adm. Adj. v. Ace Financial Group Llc 5 Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg Llp v. Twardy 6 Boyle v. Remus 7 American Executive Centers, Inc. v. Levant 8 Portfolio America Asset Management, Llc Assignee O v. Liu 9 Discover Bank, Through Its Servicing Agent, Db Ser v. Smith 10 Rosser v. Mcgriff 11 Dmitry Karagodsky, P.c. v. Landa 12 Dmitry Karagodsky, P.c. v. Ananikyan 13 Dmitry Karagodsky, P.c. v. Zagranichny 14 Livergood v. Smith 15 Disston Chiropractic & Rehabilitation v. Allstate Insurance Company 16 Boulevard Autogroup, Llc v. Torres 17 Boulevard Autogroup, Llc v. Davis 18 Boulevard Autogroup, Llc v. Cole 19 Lantigua v. Brown 20 Winkfield v. Smith 21 Carvelli v. West 22 Kotha v. Smith 23 Malvern Hall Condominium Association v. Kohn 11 A.M. 1 Patterson v. Berean College 1:15 PM 1 Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg Llp v. Twardy 2 Erie Insurance Exchange A/s/o Lynn M. Jones v. Foster 3 Naval Square Condominium Association v. Williams 4 Krekstein v. Shirazi 5 Nextdep Legal Services v. Wilson & Johnson 6 Nextdep Legal Services v. Law Offices David Lockard 7 Nextdep Legal Services v. Spear, Greenfield 8 City Of Philadelphia, Police Department v. Center City Proprietors Association 9 Park Plaza Condominium Association v. Franklin 10 Tilghman-henry v. Williams 11 Bw Homes,llc, v. Dargan 12 Evans Eagle Burial Vaults,inc. v. Khadijah Alderman Funeral Services,inc 13 Jannetta v. Kovler 14 Floyd v. Bradford 15 Portlock v. Allstate Insurance Company 16 Mdl Restoration, Inc v. Martino 2:00 P.M. 1 Deeb Blum Murphy Frishberg & Markovich, Pc v. Robbins DISTRICT COURT DISPOSITION OF CASES ON THE GENERAL TRIAL LIST Before R. B. SURRICK, J. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v.GLENROY HINDS;continuance. Before D. R. STRAWBRIDGE, M.J. AQILA THOMAS v.BALA NURSING & RETIREMENT CTR.;settlement. Court of Appeals OPINIONS FILED SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 BY SCIRICA, J.: Gary v. PA Human Relations Commission; 12-2257; Court will summarily affirm. SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 BY GARTH, J.: USA v. Ware; 12-1330; Court will reverse and affirm District Court orders. BY FISHER, J.: Garrus v. Secretary of the PA Dept. of Corrections; 09-3586; Court will reverse the District Court’s order. Zhuleku v. Atty Gen. of the US; 12-1063; court will deny petition for review. BY VANASKIE, J.: USA v. Mitan; 10-2192; Court will affirm. District Court MEMORANDA AND ORDERS SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 BY RUFE, J.: Wilson v. Burke, M.D., et al; 09-2961; Motions will be granted. BY JOYNER, C.J.: Diaconu v. Skyline Transportation; 12-0663; Motions are granted. Dicesari v. Asset Acceptance LLC; 11-6815; Motion to dimiss is granted. SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 BY SCHILLER, J.: Cerecino v. Kim’s Grocery Store, et al; 11-6787; Court denies the motion. CIVIL ACTIONS The defendant’s name appears first, followed by the name of the plaintiff, the number, the nature of the suit and the name of plaintiff’s attorney. THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 33 SEPTEMBER 17, 2012 Larry Holmes: Robert Holmes--J & J Sports Productions, Inc.; 12-05317; U.S.C.A. Cable Communications; T. P. Riley. ABM Industries, Inc.--Charmaine Mitchell; 12-05318; Job Discrimination; A. R. Karpf. The Nat’l Football League--Maxwell A. Jones; Von Mansfield; 12-05308; Diversity; C. K. Johns. NCO Financial Systems, Inc.--Alfred Freeman; 12-05312; Fair Debt; C. T. Kimmel. NCO Financial Systems, Inc.--Levi Brush; 12-05311; Fair Debt; C. T. Kimmel. The Philadelphia Prison System--Timothy Kenner; 12-05321; Prisoner Civil Rights; P. P.. Philadelphia Prison System: Commissioner Louis Giorla--Robert Johnson; 12-05322; Prisoner Civil Rights; P. P.. Michael J. Astrue--Joanne Henderson; 12-05316; Review of HHS; R. Savoy. Pfizer, Inc.: LLC--SRP; Greenstone, Catherine C. Paprocki; 12-05315; Airline Crash; W. R. Smith, III. Fernando Suarez: Joselito Vinas--CRE Venture 2011-1, LLC; 12-05314; Diversity; G. G. Johnson. Brian J. Patton--Amin A. Rashid; 12-05313; Petition for Writ; P. P.. Northampton County: Northampton County Council Members--Demar Edwards; 12-05323; Prisoner Civil Rights; P. P.. C. R. Bard, Inc.--Goldie Brown; Shantel Brown; 12-05324; Notice of Removal; M. S. Katz. Bankruptcy Court PETITIONS FILED SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 (PHILADELPHIA) Chapter 13 Lorraine McGovern, 344 Francis Street, Drexel Hill, PA; 12-18898; no summaries listed; M. A. Cibik2, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Chapter 7 David J. Farrow, 108 Fulton Britton Road, Peach Bottom, PA; 12-18899; no summaries listed; D. W. Mersky, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Howard L. McIntyre, Jr. d-b-a Howard L. McIntyre Abstracting, 3 Laurelgate Place, Millersville, PA; 12-18901; no summaries listed; E. A. Bartlow, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. Chapter 13 Helen C. O’Neal, 128 Folcroft Avenue, Folcroft, PA; 12-18902; no summaries listed; M. P. Kutzer, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. Kenneth M. Silverwood, 237 Glenwood Road, King of Prussia, PA; 12-18904; no summaries listed; D. W. McCartney, Jr., atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Lazaros E. Tsaousidis, 125 Heather Road, Upper Darby, PA; 12-18905; no summaries listed; G. Kotsopoulos, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Augustina Francis, 126 W. 23rd Street, Chester, PA; 12-18906; no summaries listed; P. P., atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Marla R. Wilmore, 5727 Woodbine Avenue, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18907; no summaries listed; E. B. Jensen, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Domenic L. Mariani and Catherine E. Mariani, 2543 Irvington Road, Drexel Hill, PA; 12-18909; no summaries listed; M. Gumbel, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Janet E. Distler, 3378 Holicong Road, Mechanicsville, PA; 12-18910; no summaries listed; J. M. Adelstein, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Mary Ann Wood, 2109 Madison Street, Chester, PA; 12-18911; no summaries listed; G. Miller, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Francis Joseph Werner, 1038 Platt Avenue, Folsom, PA; 12-18912; no summaries listed; P. P., atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Chapter 7 Larry L. Duvall, Jr. and Connie L. Duvall, 881 Hornig Road, Lancaster, PA; 12-18913; no summaries listed; M. D. Hess, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Chapter 13 Charlene R. Benson, 1254 Unruh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18915; no summaries listed; M. A. Cataldo2, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Chapter 7 James Herbert, 4622 Old York Road, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18917; no summaries listed; P. P., atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Mary A. Landis, 222 4th Street, Pennsburg, PA; 12-18918; no summaries listed; P. P., atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Bruce R. Shoemaker, 35 Kurtz Road, Schwenksville, PA; 12-18920; no summaries listed; L. P. Sheehan, atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Chapter 13 Sython Sythong and Khamchanh Phosouvanh, 217 Ashby Road, Upper Darby, PA; 12-18922; no summaries listed; T. Zearfoss, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Rhea A. Gaines, 1419 N. 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18923; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Peter Pham, 2132 S. 64th Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18924; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Leonardo Mosquera, 3208 Gilham Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18925; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Jennifer M. Timlin, 539 Gia Circle, Apt. A, Clifton Heights, PA; 12-18926; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Lydia D. Settles, 6203 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18927; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. Chapter 7 Rhoda S. Landis, 197 Hill Road, Green Lane, PA; 12-18928; no summaries listed; J. O. Gingrich, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Inel Jackson, 5943 Chester Avenue, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18929; no summaries listed; T. Zearfoss, atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Chapter 13 Margaret Pierre-Quainoo, 10803 Stevens Road, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18930; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Peter J. Czop, 3281 Memphis Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18931; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. Erica N. Hand, 6447 Belfield Avenue, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18932; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Vanessa Ruffin, 1506 North Myrtlewood Street, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18933; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Alisha Y. Wright, 3653 N. 21st Street, 2nd Floor Rear, Philadelphia, PA; 12-18934; no summaries listed; D. M. Offen, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Chapter 7 Adelle Gillespie, 17-5 Valley Road, Drexel Hill, PA; 12-18935; no summaries listed; J. J. Rahner, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. Chapter 13 Keith B. Bell, 908 Clifton Avenue, Sharon Hill, PA; 12-18936; no summaries listed; J. E. Crawford, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 (PHILADELPHIA) Chapter 7 Soon H. Kwak, 276 W. Chelsea Circle, Newtown Square, PA; 12-18937; no summaries listed; Z. Perlick, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Chapter 13 Andrea Kimberley Gonzalez, 909 Spencer Drive, Croydon, PA; 12-18938; no summaries listed; M. S. Schwartz, atty.; M.D. Coleman, B.J. Franklin Scot Zang and Kathleen A. Zang, 250 W. Ridley Avenue, Ridley Park, PA; 12-18939; no summaries listed; P. P., atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Chapter 7 Thomas F. Reardon, 812 Finch Drive, Bensalem, PA; 12-18940; no summaries listed; S. M. Lacks, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Susan Shaw, 3158 Clive Avenue, Bensalem, PA; 12-18941; no summaries listed; S. M. Lacks, atty.; E.L. Frank, B.J. Chapter 13 Jeff Choizi, 2806 Devon Hill Lane, Drexel Hill, PA; 12-18942; no summaries listed; Z. Perlick, atty.; S. Raslavich, B.J. Chapter 7 Katherine S. Hall, 1217 Leiper Street, Eddystone, PA; 12-18944; no summaries listed; L. S. Rubin, atty.; B.I. Fox, B.J. Bridget M. Merkey, 373 Walnut Street, Denver, PA; 12-18945; no summaries listed; J. J. Schibinger, atty.; J.K. FitzSimon, B.J. SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 (READING) Chapter 7 Lois Cooke Edwards, 12-19090; no summaries listed; D. W. Tidd, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 (READING) Chapter 7 Debra J. Buck, 12-19120; no summaries listed; J. R. K. Solt, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Heidi C. Groff, 12-19121; no summaries listed; T. M. Neagu, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Chapter 13 William C. Bogart and Linda Ann Bogart, 12-19122; no summaries listed; D. W. Tidd, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Chapter 7 Richard M Schwab abd Kathleen D Schwab, 12-19131; no summaries listed; D. B. Schwartz, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Arthur J Obenrader, Jr, 12-19133; no summaries listed; D. B. Schwartz, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Jean Hagendorf, 12-19136; no summaries listed; L. M. Finlayson, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Edward J Wetzel, 12-19138; no summaries listed; W. K. Malkames, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Amanda B. Burnisky, 12-19141; no summaries listed; D. S. Gellert, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Chapter 13 Kyle Ryan Henninger and Angela M. Henninger, 12-19142; no summaries listed; J. E. Cook, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. Chapter 7 Jamie Horinko and Karen Horinko, 12-19146; no summaries listed; R. M. Davison, atty.; R.E. Fehling, B.J. ADVERSARY ACTIONS The defendant’s name appears first in heavy type, followed by the name of the plaintiff, the number, the nature of the suit and the name of plaintiff’s attorney. OCTOBER 2, 2012 (PHILADELPHIA) Bank of America N.A.: Green Tree Consumer Discount Company -- Keith G. Sison: Kelly J. Sison; 12-00619; to determine validity, priority, or extent of a lein or other interest in 3 4 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN property; S. C. Kelton, III. (READING) BSI Financial Services, Inc. -- Douglas S. Stump; 12-00620; to determine validity, priority, or extent of a lein or other interest in property; M. A. Sommers. One Main Financial -- Douglas S. Stump; 12-00621; to determine validity, priority, or extent of a lein or other interest in property; M. A. Sommers. Bankruptcy Court ORDERS OF DISMISSAL SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Daniel J. Schaffer; 12-18943-ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Katrina Beverly; 12-18037-elf. SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 In re Adrian Fields; 12-15042-elf. In re Adrian A. Dobie; 08-17484-elf. In re Alton Kenan; 11-17804-elf. In re Andrea Jones; 10-30510-elf. In re Barrington Davidson; 12-12620-elf. In re Brenda Jones; 08-14895-elf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 STEPHEN In re Charles F. Willis; 12-17615-sr. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Joy G Palackalody; 11-19590-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Karen Lee Price; 11-21761-ref. In re Kenneth A. Wolf; 09-22287-ref. In re Kenneth Earl Shiffert; 12-11459-ref. In re Lonnie Goodwin; 12-12974-ref. In re Marta L. Quinones; 12-12811-ref. In re Michael G. Monticchio; 12-13893-ref. In re Paul L. Smith; 11-22291-ref. STEPHEN In re Francis C. McCafferty; 12-18385-sr. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Gene Carl Benckini; 12-18074-ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Grace H Smith; 12-13655-elf. In re Heidi Diehl; 11-12323-elf. In re Ivan M. Samson; 08-10431-elf. In re James Elwood Carr; 11-12978-elf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Joseph F. Fitzgerald; 12-18547-sr. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Karen McNamara; 11-19101-elf. In re Migdalis Hernandez; 11-13283-elf. In re Paul L. Johnson; 11-17903-elf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Pola Yu; 12-18567-sr. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Sandra Maduike; 12-12527-elf. In re Shwanna Harris; 12-13565-elf. In re Sojeong Ham; 12-12213-elf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Stephen William Duncan; 12-18376-sr. In re Taneshia Barnes; 12-18085-sr. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Thomas J. McGarvey; 12-11355-elf. In re Troy D. Prater; 11-18849-elf. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Valorie E. Nixon; 12-17634-jkf. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re William J. Schmidt; 07-13846-elf. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX In re Ammon Barnett; 11-18857-bif. In re Catherine S. Kratz; 12-14004-bif. In re Evelyn Reamer; 10-30761-bif. In re Frederick W. Melhuish; 11-17852-bif. In re John Chapman, P.O.A. for Gloria Chapman; 12-18346-bif. In re Latasha Dickens McClain; 12-11806-bif. In re Leonard M. Wakefield; 12-18486-bif. In re Margaret C. Davis; 10-15946-bif. In re Margaret M. Long; 11-18391-bif. In re Oumou Thomas; 10-18008-bif. In re Robert Laporte; 10-30144-bif. In re William R. Getz; 12-13658-bif. SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Pleasure Enterprises 3, LLC; 12-18031-sr. In re Alfie Pelzer; 10-14710-sr. In re Brian Lee Finnegan; 12-12107-sr. In re Darren Brown; 12-11128-sr. In re Denise Esposito; 12-18795-sr. In re Jenna F. Robbins; 11-18367-sr. In re Jennifer Maldonado; 09-19988-sr. In re Ninious E. Randall; 12-18755-sr. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re BCA Childcare Ctr, Inc.; 12-15926-bif. In re DVM Health Properties, LLC; 11-10913bif. In re David V. Martini; 11-10784-bif. DEBTORS DISCHARGED SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Alice Fortunato; 12-15400-ref. In re Allan Scott Werner; 12-13100-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Andrea Taitelman; 12-16108-jkf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Bryan K Schneider; 12-15511-ref. In re David W. Basham; 12-16168-jkf. In re Debra A. Bohus; 12-14957-ref. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Dianne C. Condon; 12-15348-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Dorothy Mae Clare; 12-15311-ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re George Thomas Hammond; 12-13070-elf. In re Hyun Yun Jeon; 12-16048-elf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Jacklyn Kline; 12-15710-ref. In re James R Baer; 10-22000-ref. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Jeffrey Snyder; 11-18290-mdc. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Jennifer Ann Schuler; 12-14354-elf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re John J. Manailovich; 12-12862-ref. In re Judith Ann Stevens; 12-12420-ref. In re Kathleen M McBride; 12-15767-ref. In re Jack H Undercuffler; 11-20150-ref. In re Jeffrey A. Bylina; 10-20275-ref. In re Jorge A. Rodriquez; 12-13862-ref. In re Bruce Roberts; 10-22073-ref. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Charmane Russell; 12-15979-mdc. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Daniel Scott Selig; 11-16159-jkf. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Eddie Barriner; 07-11116-elf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Eileen M Sharper; 11-17739-mdc. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Eric M. Kleinfelter; 12-15957-jkf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Grace M. Cameron; 07-11996-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re H. Thomas Newhard; 12-14743-ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Harry Eisenhauer; 12-16167-elf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Jane M Srygley; 12-15024-ref. In re Joellie Columbo; 12-15143-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re John William Courtleigh; 12-15737-jkf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Kimberlee Lewellen Greenleaf; 12-15041ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Leo J Breslin; 11-15249-elf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Lois M. Ritti; 12-15827-mdc. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Mansoor A. Malik; 12-16098-elf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Martha Elizabeth Gallardo; 12-15200-ref. In re Michael Timothy Hetherington; 08-21322-ref. In re Pablo T. Peralta; 12-15071-ref. In re Robert D Adams; 12-14897-ref. In re Robert W Mayer; 12-15292-ref. In re Ronald D. Lindberg; 12-15207-ref. In re Rose A. Prickler; 12-14977-ref. In re Rosemary Anfuso; 12-15070-ref. In re Sandra Ann Traupman; 12-15067-ref. In re Mary L Rivera Walker; 11-22431-ref. In re Michael Arthur Groff; 12-15014-ref. In re Robert Muscatell; 12-15305-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Audrey Runnette Barton; 12-14719-bif. In re Eric B. Davis; 12-14919-bif. In re Eric L. Barnes; 12-15156-bif. In re James Woltemate; 12-15349-bif. In re James P. Toner; 07-11454-bif. In re John S. Siegfried; 12-15276-bif. In re Joseph P Schlener; 12-11799-bif. In re Katrina Nelson Johnson; 12-15919-bif. In re Robert G. Lamont; 11-18246-bif. In re Thomas B Zukey; 12-15836-bif. SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 In re Snezana Litvinovic; 12-11349-jkf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Suzanne M Morgan; 12-12842-ref. In re Suzanne M. Morgan; 12-12842-ref. In re Tara Marie Strawn; 12-15301-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Vincent E. Caldwell; 12-15443-jkf. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Sharon Lee Pearson; 12-15759-jkf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Stephen J. Ittershagen; 10-30336-mdc. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX In re Robert L. Belchic; 12-15347-bif. SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN STEPHEN In re Andrew M Musser; 12-15784-sr. In re Alfred Joseph Stoudt; 12-15315-ref. In re Allison Lind; 12-15512-mdc. In re Angelina A. Alkhasyan; 12-16066-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Cameron W. Hollos; 12-15870-ref. In re Candice M. Baldwin; 12-15404-jkf. In re Dianne Blair; 12-15221-ref. In re Dorothy M. Fallon; 12-15321-ref. In re Doured H Yazigi; 12-14782-ref. In re Granville A Sayler; 12-14692-ref. In re Granville A. Sayler; 12-14692-ref. In re James A. Reichard; 12-15072-ref. In re Bonnie Faye Anderson; 12-13406-elf. In re Carmen M. Richards; 12-15895-ref. In re Charles David Peters; 12-15906-jkf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Cynthia A. Bridges; 12-15251-ref. In re David R Thomas; 12-14508-ref. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH In re Javontae Lee Williams; 12-15434-mdc. In re Janet Davis; 12-16016-sr. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Joseph Collins; 12-15669-elf. STEPHEN In re Julianna VanHarskamp; 12-16139-sr. In re Kimberly Ann Bonenfant; 12-15877-ref. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Margo Alleyne; 12-15897-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Helena Hanna; 12-12419-mdc. In re Arthur C. Lawrence; 09-18416-sr. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Lena M Krzeminski; 12-16070-sr. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN STEPHEN JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re James McGarrity; 12-18524-bif. In re Phil R Smith; 12-17185-bif. SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 In re Fox Chase Restoration, LLC.; 12-16147ref. In re Alicia Mary Howard; 12-13314-ref. In re Cathy L. Bacourt; 08-20772-ref. In re Harry Destine; 12-10802-ref. In re Youn Soon Chung; 12-14594-sr. In re Leonard V. Qualtiere; 12-14872-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX STEPHEN JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH In re Tamara Carmella Battle; 12-10092-sr. In re Tina M. Pekarski; 08-14395-sr. In re Yanara Coto; 12-16059-mdc. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Daniel G Smith; 12-14717-bif. In re Duwand Marie Wright; 12-15929-bif. In re Landis V. Kreider; 12-15537-bif. In re Linda K. Jones; 12-15969-bif. In re Shirley A. Richardson; 12-14697-bif. SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 In re Ilyse Gwen Agi; 07-13681-bif. In re Michael P. Squillace; 09-10241-bif. SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 In re Richard E. Keenhold; 12-17592-ref. In re Richard L. MoDavis; 12-18410-ref. In re Sherif M Gowayed; 12-17943-ref. In re Tracy A. Wagner; 11-20668-ref. In re Robert W Wolfe; 12-17556-ref. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Tanisha Dashawn Green; 12-14742-ref. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX In re Preston Wakefield; 12-18488-elf. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re David A. Tocci; 11-16953-jkf. In re Deborah Natal; 12-14487-jkf. In re Susan Marie Zimmer; 12-14469-sr. In re Steven C. Heitz; 12-15062-jkf. In re Veronique Charles; 12-15956-jkf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON STEPHEN JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Christine Rizzuti; 12-18156-jkf. In re Christopher Kosachuk; 12-16438-jkf. In re Corey J. King; 10-14144-elf. In re Dale Lynn Weik; 11-17191-elf. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH VOL P. 3078 JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Lisa Burciaga; 12-14942-ref. STEPHEN In re Mary Ellen Enterline; 12-15754-sr. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Maurice S. Brown; 12-15904-jkf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Michael R. Ward; 12-15764-mdc. In re Phillip W Brown; 12-16097-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Sonya Rosado; 12-14652-ref. STEPHEN In re Kelly Pushkar; 12-14788-ref. In re Kelsie Morales McMickle; 12-15055-ref. In re Kenneth Christopher Landis; 12-14285ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re Matthew M. Kulp; 12-16046-elf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Michele Lorraine Ager; 12-15051-ref. In re Misty Hampton; 12-15188-ref. In re Nathan D Armbuster; 12-15180-ref. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Nayde N. Cruz-Herrera; 12-15522-sr. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re Rahsaan Walker; 12-14982-mdc. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Regis Terrence Marren; 12-15198-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON In re Renee C. Rollins; 12-11946-jkf. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Robert Vaughn; 12-15505-ref. JUDGE JEAN K. FITZSIMON JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Alexander Calderon; 12-15446-ref. In re Constantin Visan; 12-14996-ref. In re Dyke Sterling Yeager; 11-20436-ref. STEPHEN In re Gregory Bevilacqua; 12-15002-sr. In re Maria Isabel Ortega; 12-15506-ref. In re Penny Ann Oswald; 12-15246-ref. In re Raymond George Boutin; 12-15336-ref. CHIEF JUDGE RASLAVICH STEPHEN In re Richard J. Brown; 07-16172-sr. JUDGE RICHARD E. FEHLING In re Richard Wayne Potvin; 12-15026-ref. JUDGE ERIC L. FRANK In re William Edward Grier; 07-13505-elf. JUDGE MAGDELINE D. COLEMAN In re William Scott Haldeman; 12-14952-mdc. JUDGE BRUCE I. FOX In re Cesar C Ortiz; 12-15873-bif. In re Denise M Schaub; 12-15032-bif. In re John A. Recker; 12-15843-bif. In re Joseph Lavan; 12-15752-bif. In re Joyce S. Robinson; 12-15672-bif. Supreme Court ORDERS & DECREES August 30, 2012 PER CURIAM Sadusky, Petitioner v. H,H. Fessler Knitting Co., Inc.; 544 MAL 2011; The Petition for Allowance of Appeal is Denied. Com. v. Maldonado, Petitioner; 323 MAL 2012; The Petition for Allowance of Appeal is Denied. Com. v. Bess, Petitioner; 287 EAL 2012; The Petition for Allowance of Appeal is Denied. Partners v. Irex Corporation, et al; 13 EAP 2012; Appellees’ Application for Reargument is hereby Denied. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, Petitioner v. Bureau of Workers’ Compensation; 145 EAL 2012; The Petition for Allowance of Appeal is Denied. Milton-El, Petitioner v. Superintendent; 87 EM 2012; The “Motion/Application for Reargument” is Denied. Superior Court OPINIONS FILED/ JUDGMENT ORDERS September 13, 2012 JUDGMENT ORDER PER CURIAM September 10, 2012 Com. v. Northan; 1556 EDA 2011; Affirmed. In the Interest of: B.N., a Minor; 1643 EDA 2011; Reversed/Remanded; Comments: Jurisdiction relinquished. Com. v. Wright; 2116 EDA 2011; Affirmed; Comments: Jurisdiction relinquished. In the Matter of: E.S. Appeal of: D.S.; 2561 EDA 2011; Affirmed. Com v. Molina; 2861 EDA 2011; Affirmed. Com. v. Puccella; 290 EDA 2012; Discontinued; Comments: Petition to withdraw as cousel is granted. Petition to proceed with appeal is denied. Pro se petition to discontinue is granted. Jurisdiction relinquished. Com. v. Pierre; 317 EDA 2012; Affirmed. Com v. Jones; 610 EDA 2012; Affirmed. Com v. Lyles; 1052 EDA 2011; Reversed/ Remanded; Comments: For further proceedings. Jurisdiction relinquished. ORDERS & DECREES Per Curiam Com. v. Austin; 644 EDA 2012; The Appellant’s petition for an extension of time to file briefs is Granted until November 5, 2012. Com. v. Carter; 2734 EDA 2011; The Commonwealth’s petition for an extension of time to file briefs is Granted until November 13, 2012. No further extensions will be granted. Com. v. Ortiz; 484 EDA 2012; The Commonwealth’s petition for an extension of time to file briefs is Granted until November 13, 2012. Com. v. Tejada; 904 EDA 2011; The Appellant’s Motion entitled “Application to make the August 6th, 2012 Order issued for the above captioned matter Interlocutory by it Certification Pursuant to 42 PA C.S.A.702,” the motion is Denied. Cramer v. Cramer; 2263 EDA 2012; Consideration of the Request for Extension, the docketing statement may be filed by October 12, 2012. Egan v. USI Mid-Atlantic, Inc. et al.; 1013, 2109 EDA 2012; Appellants’ motion to consolidate the appeals at Nos. 1013 and 2109 EDA 2012, is Granted. Appellants’ motion to stay the briefing schedule, is Granted. The certified record in this matter is hereby Remanded to the trial court for a period of 60 days so that the trial court may issue a Pa. R.A.P. 1925(a) opinion with regard to the substantive issues on appeal and for completion of the record to include any necessary materials from the 2008 matter in the trial court. Upon return of the certified record, the Prothonotary of this Court is directed to re-establish the briefing schedule. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC v. Alston; 1793 EDA 2012; Appellant has filed a motion to proceed in forma pauperis, wherein he indicates that he has filed for bankruptcy protection. Accordingly, this appeal is hereby Stayed in accordance with the automatic stay provision of the United States Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. ß 362. The parties shall be responsible for notifying this Court that; (1)The stay pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code is no longer in effect due to the issuance of an order by the Bankruptcy Court either lifting the automatic stay or providing for severance of any parties, in which case this Court will proceed with this appeal; or (2) This appeal has been rendered moot by conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings. APPEALS FILED In Re: J.M.P.; 2406 EDA 2012; from order of; Northampton Cty; No. 2011-0070; J. Pizarro. In Re: J.M.P.; 2405 EDA 2012; from order of; Northampton Cty; No. 2011-0070; A. Cordts. Bbvacompass Bank v. Meade; 2404 EDA 2012; from order of; Wayne Cty; No. 644-Civil-2011. Com. v. Hatcher; 2403 EDA 2012; from order of; Phila Cty; No. CP-51-CR-1012841-2001. Com. v. North; 2402 EDA 2012; from order of; Phila Cty; No. CP-51-CR-0012176-2007; J. Brown. In Re: Estate of Malcolm Campbell, Deceased; 2401 EDA 2012; from order of; Montgomery Cty; No. 08-X0648; S. Carroll. In Re: Estate of Rita C. Allen, Deceased; 2400 EDA 2012; from order of; Phila Cty; No. 20110473; C. Dunn. Com. v. Guions; 2399 EDA 2012; from order of; Phila Cty; No. CP-51-CR-0005374-2010. Commonwealth Court ORDERS & DECREES September 06, 2012 By Krimmel, J. PER CURIAM Ruffin, Petitioner v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board; 1380 C.D. 2012; Petitioner’s request for extension of time to file briefs, and it appearing that said request is not opposed, said request is granted and petitioner’s brief shall be filed on or before September 26, 2012. By Leadbetter, J. Walker, Petitioner v. City of Harrisburg; 569 M.D. 2011; The parties, the application of Harrisburg City Council and its members for clarification and reconsideration of order limiting right to legal representation is hereby Granted In Part. The Court hereby grants reconsideration of its order of August 7, 2012, pertaining to payment of Council’s attorneys’ fees so that the Court may further consider the issues of Council’s right to legal representation and payment of attorneys’ fees, which were originally raised in Council’s emergency application for special relief. Walker, Petitioner v. City of Harrisburg; 569 M.D. 2011; Petition for Issuance of a Writ of Mandamus. In the Motion and during a telephonic hearing regarding the Motion held today, September 6, 2012, the Receiver, City Council and the City each indicated it wishes to raise issues on reconsideration of this Court’s August 27, 2012 Order. In addition, the parties indicated that they wish to engage in a dialogue in an effort to forge a cooperative approach for addressing the challenging financial issues facing the City of Harrisburg. After considering the Motion and the arguments of the parties, the Court hereby Grants reconsideration of the Court’s August 27, 2012 Order. Nothing in this order shall be construed as any indication that the Court deems there to be any merit in any arguments that the parties may raise on reconsideration of the Court’s August 27, 2012 Order. By Leavitt, J. In Re: Legion Insurance Company; 1 LEG 2002; The Petition for Approval of Commutation, Settlement and Release Agreement by and between Legion Insurance Company (In Liquidation) and Global Reinsurance Corporation of America (formerly Gerling Global Reinsurance Corporation of America and Constitution Reinsurance Corporation), 7 Times Square, 37th Floor, New York, NY 10036, filed by Michael F. Consedine, Insurance Commissioner of Pennsylvania, in his official capacity as Statutory Liquidator of Legion Insurance Company (In Liquidation), to which no objections have been presented, it is hereby Ordered that the Petition is Granted and the Commutation, Settlement and Release Agreement is Approved. In Re: Legion Insurance Company; 1 LEG 2002; The Petition of Michael F. Consedine, Insurance Commissioner of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in his official capacity as the Statutory Liquidator (Liquidator) of Legion Insurance Company (In Liquidation) for Leave to File Commutation, Settlement and Release Agreement and Confidential Affidavit Under Seal, it is hereby Ordered that the Petition is Granted. The Prothonotary of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania shall file (1) the Commutation, Settlement and Release Agreement and (2) the Confidential Affidavit, marked as “Sealed Exhibit A” to both VOL P. 3079 the Petition for Leave and the Petition for Approval, Under Seal, taking all necessary and appropriate precautions to prevent the public disclosure of the Commutation, Settlement and Release Agreement and the Confidential Affidavit until further order of this Court. Wilkerson, Petitioner v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole; 1686 C.D. 2012; Petition for review addressed to this Court’s appellate jurisdiction. The Public Defender of Somerset County is appointed to represent petitioner in the above-captioned action. Petitioner’s counsel shall enter an appearance for petitioner within 30 days of the date of this Order. Okey, Petitioner v. Covert; 529 M.D. 2012; Petitioner’s petition for writ of mandamus, and petitioner having failed to name the Commonwealth government or an officer thereof so as to vest this court with original jurisdiction, 42 Pa. C.S. ß761; Mickens v. Jeffes, 453 A.2d 1092 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1983); Opie v. Glascow, Inc., 375 A.2d 396, 398 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1977), this matter is transferred to the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County. Com. v. Odorizzi; 1344 C.D. 2012; Petitioner having failed to comply with the defect correction notice dated August 7, 2012, this matter is dismissed. Henry, Petitioner v. Wetzel; 519 M.D. 2012; Respondents’ Application to Stay Time for Filing a Responsive Pleading, the application is granted. Wesley, Petitioner v. Wetzel; 359 M.D. 2012; Petitioner having failed to comply with this court’s order of August 14, 2012, this matter is dismissed. Petitioner’s Motion to Transport is dismissed as moot. Kunkelman, Petitioner v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole; 627 C.D. 2012; Petitioner’s Petition for Fourteen Day Extension of Time for Filing Brief, the extension is granted. Petitioner’s brief is due on or before September 18, 2012. Wooten, Petitioner v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole; 528 M.D. 2012; Respondent’s preliminary objection alleging improper service, and it appearing that service of the petition for review has not been made on respondent as required by Pa. R.A.P. 1514(c), petitioner shall serve his petition for review on respondent and the Attorney General in person or by certified mail as required by Pa. R.A.P. 1514(c) and file with this court a certificate of service of same within 14 days of the entry of this Order or respondent’s preliminary objection pertaining to service will be sustained and the petition for review will be dismissed as a matter of course. Hellams, Petitioner v. Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole; 1141 C.D. 2012; Petitioner’s Petition for Extension of Briefing Schedule, which we treat as a petition to supplement the record and for stay of briefing schedule, the petition is granted. Respondent is directed to file and serve a supplemental record consisting of the “CD disk” admitted into evidence at the violation hearing held on November 18, 2011 within 14 days of entry of this order. The briefing schedule is stayed pending the filing of the supplemental record. Johnson, Petitioner v. Dept. of Corrections; 518 M.D. 2012; Respondents’ preliminary objection in the nature of a demurrer and petitioner’s response thereto, the demurrer is sustained, and the petition for review is dismissed. The Department of Corrections is statutorily authorized to deduct money from an inmate account for the collection of courtordered costs, fines, and restitution; the law does not impose prior court authorization as a threshold condition; and an inmate is not entitled to a hearing on the issue of his ability to pay. Petitioner does not dispute that he was ordered to pay costs as part of his criminal sentence. When the sentencing judge has authorized the imposition of costs, the Department of Corrections may collect those costs in the physical absence of the court order. Curry, Petitioner v. Wetzel et al.; 209 M.D. 2012; Respondents are hereby directed to file an answer or otherwise plead within 30 days of entry of this Order. Lusick, Petitioner v. Cohen; 549 M.D. 2012; Petitioner’s motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis, which motion also seeks waiver of this Court’s filing fee, the motion is granted. This Court’s filing fee is waived, and petitioner shall proceed in conformity with Pa. R.A.P. 2187(c). Respondents are hereby directed to file an answer or otherwise plead within 30 days of entry of this Order. Smith, Petitioner v. Pa. Dept. of Corrections et al.; 275 M.D. 2012; Respondents are directed to file an answer to the amended petition for review or otherwise plead within 30 days of F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 entry of this order. Hill, Petitioner v. Com. et al.; 53 M.D. 2012; Petitioner’s motion to vacate judgment which the court treats as an application for reconsideration of this court’s decision of August 15, 2012, reconsideration is denied as untimely filed. Sharrieff v. Beard; 32 C.D. 2012; Appellant’s Application for Reargument En Banc Brief for Appellant, appellant shall file eight additional copies of the application and twelve copies of the court’s decision of August 17, 2012 by September 20, 2012 or the application for reargument will be dismissed. Orphans’ Court Division ORDERS AND DECREES BY O’KEEFE, ADM.,J. OCT. 2, 2012 Estate of Tracy Mansell, (dec’d); Matter placed on November deferred audit list to be called on November 5, 2012 at 10am in room 414 City Hall;H. Mondoll. Estate of Constance Thorpe, (an AIP); Citation awarded; returnable October 30, 2012 at 9:30am in Room 414 City Hall; H. Soloman. Estate of Timothy Young, Jr., (a minor); Petition for leave to compromise minor’s action is granted; H. Pressman.= Estate of Kiara Young, (a minor); Petition for leave to compromise minor’s action is granted; H. Pressman. Estate of Charelle Young, (a minor); Petition for leave to compromise minor’s action is granted; H. Pressman. Estate of Aniyahlyn Beckham, (a minor); Petition for leave to compromise minor’s action is granted; S. Berk. Estate of Sierra Bendig, (a minor); Petition for leave to compromise minor’s action is granted; K. Levinson. ORDERS AND DECREES BY CARRAFIELLO, J. OCT. 2, 2012 Estate of Naseem Byard, (a minor); Contempt hearing November 5, 2012, 10am in Room 415 City Hall; P. P. Estate of Lukisha Carroll, (an AIP); Petition for allowance is granted; K. S. Barry. In Re: Philadelphia HEalth Care Trust, NP; Discovery stipulation approved; P. M. Northen. Estate of Roberta Pettaway, (an AIP); Final decree issued; R. W. Smith. Estate of Laura Wilson, (dec’d); Decree Nisi issued; C. M. Stewart. ORDERS AND DECREES BY HERRON, J. OCT. 2, 2012 Estate of Isabel Goncalves, (a minor); 60 day extension granted; R. Stoloff. Estate of Henrique Goncalves, (a minor); 60 day extension granted; R. Stoloff. Estate of Naesha Nieves, (a minor); Petition held under advisement for 60 days; P. P. Estate of Singheakhraypop Kwan Thuy, (a minor); Petition held under advisement for 30 days; E. Linder. Estate of Khramnoy Gino Thuy, (a minor); Petition held under advisement for 30 days; E. Linder. Estate of Mateo Maldanado-Collazo, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action granted; G. Barry. Estate of Jaydon Frederick-Foster, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action granted; C. Giddings. Estate of Troy Sanders, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action granted; J. Turchi. Estate of Shani Clark, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action granted; A. Krantz. Estate of Tyler Checkovage, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action is granted; A. Green. Estate of Tori Garcia, (a minor); Petition for leave to settle or compromise a minor’s action granted; J. Pumphrey. Estate of Lemual A. Frye, (Intervivos Trust); Citations issued; returnable in 45 days; N. Tinari. Estate of Rydiah K. Rhoden, (a minor); Petition to appoint guardian grantedl P. P. Estate of Fifty-Ninth Street Baptist Church, Nonprofit, Oral argument scheduled for October 24, 2012 at 3pm in Room 416 City Hall; P. Boldin. Estate of Kathryn Biersdorf, (an AIP); Amended order issued; J. Tyler. Estate of Barbara P. Rogers, (Intervivos Trust); PEtition to terminate trust marked withdrawn; S. Harmon. Estate of Edna Irby, (an AIP); Petition to proceed in forma pauperis granted; P. P. Estate of Shirlee Terrell, Testamentary Trust, Amended decree issued; D. Parrish. Estate of Alfred Whitney Rogers, (dec’d); Attachment issued returnable November 5, 2012 at 11am in Room 416 City Hall; A. Paul. Estate of Alberta Rogers, (dec’d); Attachment issued returnable November 5, 2012 at 11am in Room 416 City Hall; A. Paul. Register of Wills WILLS PROBATED The number of the Will (of the current year unless otherwise indicated) appears first, followed by the name of the testator in heavy type, the place of death, date of death, name and address of other executor or administrator, c.t.a. and name of attorney, where given. 3659 Kiki Schiller a/k/a Kiki Schiller Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 19, 2012; Bernard Faigenbaum; 8 Seven Springs Rd., Wayne PA, 19087; Bernard D. Faigenbaum. 3684 Deborah A. Gilmore-Griffin a/k/a Deborah Griffin Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Dec. 25, 2011; Andrea N. Toritto; 520 Collings Ave, Apt B507, Collingswood, NJ, 08107. 3688 John Christina 2927 S. Carlisle St, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA; Sep. 02, 2012; John Christina, Jr.; 2628 Bancroft St., Philadelphia, PA, 19145. 3703 Edward T. Piotrowski a/k/a Edward Thomas Piotrowski Temple Hospital, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 24, 2012; Patricai Ann Hueber; 955 Easton Road, Apt F73, Warrington, PA, 18976; Laura C Schmidt. 3690 M. Robert Ackelsberg a/k/a Robert Ackelsberg Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 27, 2012; Marilyn Kramer Ackelsberg; 600 E. Cathedral Rd, Apt. D-307, Philadelphia, PA, 19128. 3691 Jean Setleis Chandler Hall, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 31, 2012; Lisa S. Blum; 1728 Aidenn Lair Road, Dresher, PA, 19025; Joseph H. Wagner. 3691 Jean Setlesi Chandler Hall, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 31, 2012; Amy Geboff; 897 Aviary Bay Ct., Longwood, Fl, 32750; Joseph H. Wagner. 3693 Florence Downs a/k/a Florence B. Downs, Florence Virginia Scullin Downs Vitas, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 15, 2012; Joseph M. Downs; 33 Blue Flax Lane, Langhorne, PA, 19047. 3697 Wilhelmina E. Hines Hospice of The Valley-Gardiner, Philadelphia, PA; Jan. 30, 2012; Thomas J Hines; 3931 Netherfield Rd., Philadelphia, PA, 19129; Elinore O. Kolodner. 3719 Gerda Cattell a/k/a Gerda Merritt 4435 Richmond St. -Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 16, 2012; Wendi Dull; 3702 Poppy Drive, Philadelphia, PA, 19136; Patricia M Dugan. 3719 Gerda Cattell a/k/a Gerda Merritt 4435 Richmond St. -Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 16, 2012; Charles T. Merritt; 4435 Richmond Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19137; Patricia M. Dugan. 3716 Ann Soklove 9896 Bustteton Ave. -Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 23, 2012; Ellen Soklove; 11 Frederick Ave, Maple Shade, NJ, 08052; Justin H Brown. 3700 Cora Lee Abner 2126 E. William St., Philadelphia, PA; Jun. 13, 2010; Geraldine McCoy; 7906 Caesar Place, Philadelphia, PA, 19153. 3702 Dolores Fitzgerald a/k/a Dolores A. Fitzgerald Holy Redeemer Hospice, Philadelphia, PA; May. 24, 2012; Raymond F. Fitzgerald; 3311 Glenview Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19149. 3727 Jeanette E. Harris a/k/a Jeanette Harris Mercy Fitzgerald-Darby, Philadelphia, PA; Jun. 23, 2012; Joseph L. Smith; 2919 S. 66th St., Philadelphia, PA, 19142. 3720 Margaret T. Jones Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 22, 2009; Donna L. Wyche; 358 E. Mechanic Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19144. 3738 Valeria D. Ford a/k/a Valeria Ford Penn Hospice at Rittenhouse, Philadelphia, PA; Sep. 01, 2012; Richard H. Knox; 100 South Court Notices continued from 15 (e) In any action to enforce a joint liability, the entry of a judgment against one or more of the defendants shall not bar recovery in the same action against the other defendants or bar recovery in a separate action against the defendants named in the first action but not served. (f) In any action to enforce a joint and several liability, the entry of a judgment against one or more of the defendants shall not bar recovery against the other defendants in the same or separate actions or bar recovery in a separate action against any other person jointly and severally liable with the defendants. (g) In a separate action instituted under the authority or subdivision (e) or (f) of this rule, the person against whom a judgment has been previously entered shall not again be joined as a party. THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 35 Broad Street, Suite 2226 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, PA, 19110; Richard H Knox. 3722 Diane Louise Ruh a/k/a Diane Ruh Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 27, 2012; Linda Batchelor; 302 North Chester Pike, Apartment A, Glenolden, PA, 19036. 3731 Katherine A. Hope a/k/a Katherine Hope Voorhees Center, Genesis, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 13, 2012; Oliver E. Hope; 308 Ave Avenue, Somerdale, NJ, 08083. 3740 Grace Mobley a/k/a Grace M. Mobley 922 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA; Sep. 16, 2012; Richardeane Mobley; 217 Avondale St., Philadelphia, PA, 19139. 3742 Desirre Llona Stewart a/k/a Desirre Stewart, Desirre R. Stewart St. Joseph’s Villa, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 28, 2012; Erin A Randolph; 23 Van Riper Avenue, Rutherford, NJ, 07070. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION The number of the letter (of the current year unless otherwise indicated) appears first, followed by the name of the decedent in heavy type, the place of death, date of death, name and address of other executor or administrator, c.t.a. and name of attorney, where given. 3667 James D. Gould a/k/a James D. Gould, Sr. 2826 Woodhaven Road., Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 11, 2012; James D. Gould, Jr.; 2826 Woodhaven Road, Philadelphia, PA, 19154; Robert W Costigan. 3669 Robert L. Jones, Sr., a/k/a Robert L. Jones Hospital at The University; Philadelphia, PA; Dec. 20, 2002; Wilma Jones; 5937 Latona Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19143. 3670 Patricia Jusufi Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 12, 2012; Jusuf Jusufi; 3179 Edgemont St., Philadelphia, PA, 19134. 3678 Eugene J. Gallagher Aria HealthFrankford, Philadelphia, PA; May. 21, 2011; Jesse Gallagher; 2130 Loney St., Philadelphia, PA, 19152. 3672 Otis Boone, Jr. a/k/a Otis Boone Albert Einstein Med. Center, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 16, 2012; Minnie L. Boone; 4927 N. Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19141. 3680 Regina H. Smith a/k/a Regina Smith Fairview Nursing Home, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 13, 2012; John B. Day; 8711 Prospect Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19118. 3673 Fara Coleman 3601 Olive Street, Phila PA, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 15, 2012; Lorine E. Oliver; 1515 Hemberger Way, Apt. 1605, Philadelphia, PA, 19121. 3305 Mary E Amato 913 Naudain Avenue, Claymont, New Castle County, DE; Feb. 25, 2012; Annell Brewster; 913 Naudain Avenue, Claymont, DE, 19703; Joseph P McGowan. 3305 Mary E Amato 913 Naudain Avenue, Claymont, New Castle Country, DE; Feb. 25, 2012; Lisa Masciantonio; 2703 Marklyn Drive., Wilmington, DE, 19810; Joseph P McGowan. 3685 Ralph Nardello Aria, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 09, 2012; Joseph Nardella; 4803 Knorr St., Philadelphia, PA, 19135. 3730 Karen Elizabeth Taylor 1338 S. Bancroft St., Philadelphia, PA; Nov. 03, 2010; Lisa Taylor; 538 E. Tulpehocken St., Philadelphia, PA, 19144. 3729 John Taylor 4951 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA; Sep. 24, 1996; Lisa Taylor; 538 Tulpehocken St., Philadelphia, PA, 19144. 3710 Joan E. Poole 319 E. Gorgas Lane, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 16, 2012; Booker T. Poole, Jr.; 319 E. Gorgas Lane, Philadelphia, PA, 19119. 3689 Harvey Williams Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 25, 2012; Anthony Williams; 2445 N. 56th Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19131. 3699 Moses Walker, Jr. Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 18, 2012; Wayne S. Lipscomb; 924 Summit St, Darby, PA, 19023. 3708 Lillian Gomez VNA Hospice of Greater, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 20, 2012; Salvadore Gomez; 4921 Keyser St., Philadelphia, PA, 19144. 3705 Floyd Chance University of, Philadelphia, PA; Feb. 21, 1995; Michelle R. Chance; 2220 Ellsworth St., Philadelphia, PA, 19146. 3706 William B. Sweeney Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 15, 2012; Cecelia M. Sweeney; 1412 Deal Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19124. 3709 Rose Anne Marshall a/k/a Rose Marshall 2224 E. Cambria Street, Philadelphia, PA; Sherman Marshall, Jr.; 2224 East Cambria Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19134. 3721 Charles A. Riddick a/k/a Charles Riddick Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; May. 08, 2007; Ann Riddick; 1712 Morris Street, Philadelphia, PA, 1945. 3734 Virginia L. Cofield a/k/a Virginia Cofield Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 12, 2012; Eli Cofield; 1986 Longlake Drive, Reiterstown, MD, 21136; Fincourt B Shelton. 3728 Stephanie Miller Campbell a/k/ Stephanie Miller Hospital of The University, Philadelphia, PA; Aug. 23, 2011; Samuel Campbell; 1139 S. 18th St., Philadelphia, PA, 19146. 3735 Timothy J. Clark, Sr. a/k/a Timothy Clark Aria Frankford Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; Jun. 18, 2012; Sophie E. Wisniewski; 3237 Byberry Road, Philadelphia, PA, 19154. 3732 Harry Truman Waston a/k/a Harry T. Waston 2542 S. 76th St., Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 06, 2012; Marcella Zito; 580 Fairway Terrace, Philadelphia, PA, 19128. 3726 Patricia Gallagher Aria Health Torresdale, Philadelphia, PA; Jul. 11, 2012; Noreen Cassidy; 3563 Byrne Road, Philadelphia, PA, 19154. 3733 Ronald Peters a/k/a Robert Peters, Ronald M. Peters Vacchcs-Fresno, Fresno, CA; Apr. 29, 2010; Charles A Halpin; Suite 2226, Lan Title Bldg, Broad And Chestnut, Philadelphia, PA; Charles A Halpin. INVENTORIES FILED Name of decedent appears first in heavy type, followed by name of accountant’s attorney. Randolph Washington; Robert F. Kuhn, Esq. James J. Brennan Sr Ann L. Bradshaw; Joseph A. Bellinghieri John A. Naimoli; Alan F. Markovitz Esq. Helen Lewis Ruth Ann Lane Marion Fogle; William M Labkoff Esq. Clarence Freeman, deceased; Allen Cohen Somershoe, Dorothy May; Joseph P McGowan Stanley Grant; Charles C. Bratton, II Father Daniel E. Donovan; Joseph J. Baldassari, Esq. Alice Marie Jones Bruce G. Weintraub; Jeanne M. Sninski, Esq. Thelma Sargent Casey, Dawn; Robert J McDonnell, Esq. Anne M. McGarrigle; Michelle C. Berk, Esq. Albert J. Rosenspitz Melvina Valletti Spencer, Thaddeus G; Jay E Kivitz Bruce Thomas Dennis Thomas Hill; Frederick M. Nice, Esq. Sidney William Camyers, Sr. Joshua Young; Joseph M. Marrone, Esq. Ethel Brooks Margaret M. Patterson Clmira M. Galgon Owen William Riley; Lewis A. Walder Emma Nork Pearl Thomas Beatty Lorraine Gleaves; Vinh Su Julius Zaharchuk O’Neill, Margaret Mary; Robert W Costigan. Explanatory Comment The Civil Procedural Rules Committee is proposing the amendment of the Rule 1033 and the rescission of subdivision (b) of Rule 2232. I. Currently, the Rules of Civil Procedure and case law do not permit an amendment changing the party against whom a claim is asserted to relate back without a showing of concealment when the statute of limitations has expired. Rule 1033 is being amended to expressly permit amendments changing the party against whom a claim is asserted to provide for such amendments to relate back to the date of the commencement of the action if within ninety days after the period provided by law for commencing the action, the party to be brought in by the amendment has received notice of the commencement of the action such that it will not be prejudiced in obtaining a defense on the merits, and the party knew or should have known that the action would have been brought against the party but for a mistake concerning the identity of the proper party. Consider the following example: An accident occurs on March 30, 2010. A complaint is filed 3 6 • TH E LEGA L INTELLIGENCER F R I d a y, O C T O B E R 5 , 2 0 1 2 Court Notices continued from 35 on March 26, 2012 and service is made on April 16, 2012. The complaint mistakenly identifies the driver who allegedly caused the accident as Robert Young of 2012 Fifth Avenue. However, the actual driver is Richard Young, who is Robert Young’s eighteen-year-old son and resides with him at 2012 Fifth Avenue. As a result of the service of the complaint, Richard Young is aware of the action, that he should have been named as the defendant, and that the complaint mistakenly identifies his father as the driver. Under the current Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure and case law, the statute of limitations would bar a court from permitting the plaintiff to file an amended complaint changing the party against whom the plaintiff asserted his personal injury claim. The proposed amendments to Rule 1033 would permit the plaintiff to amend the complaint to change the party to Richard Young because within ninety days after the expiration of the statute of limitations, he received notice of the commencement of the action such that he will not be prejudiced in maintaining a defense on the merits and he knew that but for a mistake on the part of the defendant, the action would have been brought against Richard. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and a majority of states have rules of procedure governing the relation back of amendments, which are similar to those in this proposed recommendation. The Committee unanimously favors the promulgation of this proposed amendment because the interests of justice are served by a rule of civil procedure permitting a party to correct a complaint that mistakenly names the wrong party when there is no prejudice to the party brought in by the amendment. VOL P. 3080 II. Rule 1033 is being amended to specifically state that an amendment may add a person as a party. It is the practice of litigants and trial courts to refer to Rule 1033 when a party seeks to amend a pleading to add another party. The purpose of this amendment is to eliminate any uncertainty as to whether a motion to amend a pleading to add an additional party is governed by Rule 1033. There is no conflict between this proposed amendment and Rule 2232(c) because the latter addresses the question of when a court may order the joinder of any additional person. III. The Committee is proposing the rescission of subdivision (b) of Rule 2232 addressing the joinder of an additional party. The provision is unnecessary because if a party has been misjoined or no claim for relief is asserted, a dismissal should be sought through the rules governing preliminary objections, judgment on the pleadings, and summary judgment. If a plaintiff wants to drop a defendant, it should use the rules governing the discontinuance of an action. By the Civil Procedural Rules Committee Diane W. Perer Chair DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES To advertise, please contact Daniel Krause at 215.557.2393 or [email protected] Offering Comprehensive Real Estate Services: Chris DeCaro, ABR Associate Broker Prudential Fox & Roach •Sales •Leasing •BrokersPriceOpinions •ExpertTestimony 215.429.2735 direct [email protected] Visit to search the entire database of currently listed properties 530 Walnut St. • Suite 260 • Philadelphia, PA 19106 • 215.627.6005