A Guide to Northern California Resources for Individuals with Spinal
A Guide to Northern California Resources for Individuals with Spinal
Spinal Cord InjuryFor Your Information SCI-FYI A Guide to Northern California Resources for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 2nd Edition Driving Educa t ion Finances Health Internet Legal Pa Publ renting icatio Recreat ns ion Res ear ch Sexuality Travel Vocational The Rehabilitation Research Center for Spinal Cord Injury, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center So Many Resources, Its Scary! Spinal Cord Injury For Your Information (SCI-FYI) 2ND Edition A Guide to Northern California Resources for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury The Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center San Jose, CA Copyright © 2001 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI Introduction Welcome to the SCI-FYI II, the second edition of the SCI-FYI (Spinal Cord Injury – For your Information: A Guide to Resources for Individuals with SCI). The first edition was completed in February, 1997 and recently revised in January, 2001. The SCI-FYI is a comprehensive resource guide intended for anyone in Santa Clara Valley needing information on services related to spinal cord injury – from the rehab professional looking for services to help a client, to the individual with a spinal cord injury seeking to improve his or her personal situation. As stated in the previous edition of the SCI-FYI, and as with any directory of community agencies, it will need updating by the time it is published, but the majority of information should remain current and valuable for those seeking resources. All of the agencies listed in the SCI-FYI are also included in the Appendix to help locate information quickly. The SCI-FYI was compiled primarily from information in the Resource Center at the Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI, and continues to include primarily local (Northern California) resources. However, state and national resources that may be of particular importance to individuals with SCI are also included. We do not endorse any of the resources nor make any guarantees regarding the information and services included in this directory. We hope you find that the SCI-FYI meets your needs for a resource that provides information on the range of services for individuals with spinal cord injuries in the Santa Clara Valley area. If you have potential additions or deletions for the SCI-FYI, or have any suggestions for the resource guide, please write, FAX, telephone or e-mail me at the address or phone number below. We hope that future editions of the SCI-FYI will continue to assist you in your efforts to improve the lives of individuals with spinal cord injuries and their families. The SCI-FYI is available free and in its entirety online at <www.tbi-sci.org/scifyi>. Debra L. Burdsall, MPH, OTR SCI-FYI Editor The Northern California Regional Spinal Cord Injury Model System of Care Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 Phone: 408/295-9896 Ext. 24 FAX: 408/295-9913 Toll free: 800/352-1956 e-mail: [email protected] (Funded by Grant #H133N50003 from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information i Acknowledgments We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all of the individuals whose contributions helped make this valuable resource a reality. Christin Corelis spent endless hours working on the first edition of the SCI-FYI - contacting agencies, obtaining information, and word processing. She started with a filing cabinet full of information, created a layout for the resource guide, collected and organized information, and saw the project through into its final stages. The revision of this resource guide would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Sherri Rogers who spent endless hours on the phone contacting the agencies and verifying information. Jerry Wright, Administrator for the Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI, was responsible for the layout, design, and indexing of the revised SCI-FYI. John Hatten was a co-worker at the Traumatic Brain Injury Project and editor of the third and fourth editions of the Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Directory (TBIRD). John’s outstanding work on the TBIRD provided us with a working model for the SCI-FYI, and made the seemingly insurmountable task of compiling such a guide possible in the first place. Diana Harrison from Therapeutic Recreation at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center provided thorough and valuable information on recreation, leisure and transportation resources in the original version of the SCI-FYI. This resource guide was peer reviewed by Tamara Bushnik, PhD, Mary Lou Gustafson, RN, BSN and Kazuko Shem, MD. The time and effort they put forth to give valuable input is much appreciated. The work on the SCI-FYI was made possible through funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Grant #H133N50003. And lastly, those of you who provided us with updated and accurate information should be acknowledged for your contributions to this SCI Resource Guide and, more importantly, for enriching the lives of individuals with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information iii Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v How to Use this Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii Top Ten Resource List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ix 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 2. Assistive Technology Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1 3. Attendant Care Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1 4. Consumer Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 6. Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-1 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1 8. Durable Medical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1 9. Education Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1 10. Financial Aid and Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1 11. Health Related Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1 12. Housing Agencies and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1 13. Independent Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-1 14. Legal and Advocacy Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-1 15. Parenting and Family Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-1 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-1 17. Regeneration and Curative Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1 18. Research and Training Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-1 19. Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-1 20. Resources for Special Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-1 21. SCI Internet Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21-1 22. SCI Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-1 23. Sexuality and Fertility Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-1 24. Support Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24-1 25. Transportation and Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-1 26. Vocational/Prevocational Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-1 A. Index of Agencies/Facilities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information v How to use this directory Finding information •Start with the Table of Contents. •See if you can find the topic that you are interested in. •Look through the chapter to see if there is a resource that can help you. •If you find one, you may want to attach a post-it tab so that you can find the page later. •Write down all of the information that you will need to make your phone call: agency name, telephone number, name of contact person. You may also look up resources in the Index. You can find them listed by their name, and also by the city they are located in (handy if you have issues with transportation). If you are unable to find a resource that will help you in this directory, a good first step would be to call your local Independent Living Center (Chapter 13). They will have a good idea of what is available in your area. A second step would be to call or email us (Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI). We have a SCI resource specialist who may be able to help. Call us at 408/295-9896 extension 24, or email us at [email protected] Preparation for making a phone call When you are making a phone call be sure to prepare in advance so that you have all of the information in front of you and you have paper to write down the information you receive. Before you call, it is very important to know what you want. You will be far more successful if you can make a specific request rather than just asking for “help”. Making the call Introduce yourself and a give a brief description of your situation. Ask about the services that they provide. The most important point is to remember to NOT GIVE UP at the first sign of resistance. Sometimes people either don’t understand your request or are not sure how they can help you. Sometimes you may need to explain your request in several different ways. Many of the agencies/individuals listed in this guide do not work only with individuals with spinal cord injuries. You may need to describe your issues and/or problems. Sometimes an agency may not be able to help you, but the person you are talking with can make other suggestions. You will also find that some of the services are no longer offered, or the agency is no longer in business. Documenting the call You will definitely want to write down: •Who you talked with. •Can they help? •Are you supposed to call back, or do something else to follow-up? •Did they give you other suggestions? Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information vii The SCI-FYI Top Ten List The Top Ten List is a new addition to the SCI-FYI. Here are the most useful and most used resources within the SCI-FYI. These are the resources that we use every week to answer requests emailed to us from around the globe. Compiled at the home office in San Jose, California, here are the SCI-FYI’s top ten resources. Chapter(s) 1. Spinal Cord Injury Information Network (UAB) Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • Excellent resource - very useful • Can access 18 fact sheets with information on a wide variety of topics relevant to SCI. Some fact sheets are available in Spanish 2. Listing of SCI Self-Care Manuals • Six self-care/patient education manuals that are excellent resources for information on bowel, bladder, and skin care, how the body’s systems are affected by SCI, and psychosocial issues • Great tool to use in training a personal care assistant 3. Spinewire Website Website: <www.spinewire.com> • Outstanding website developed exclusively for the SCI community • Features many current articles, SCI related news pieces, including research related news 4. A Guide and Resource Directory to Male Fertility Following Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction (Booklet) Maria J. Amador, BSN, CRRN, Charles M. Lynne, MD, Nancy L. Brackett, PhD, HCLD Miami Project to Cure Paralysis • An excellent comprehensive resource guide to current and reliable information on male fertility following SCI • Available free of charge 9, 21, 22 3, 9 17, 21 23 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information ix SCI-FYI’s Top Ten List Chapter(s) 5. Through the Looking Glasss Berkeley, CA Website: <www.lookingglass.org> • Serves families in which one or more members, whether parent or child, has a disability or medical issue • Clinical and supportive services, training and research 15 6. Silicon Valley Independent Living Center San Jose, CA Website: <www.svilc.org> • Personal care assistant recruitment and referral; training in the management of personal care assistants • Advocacy and legal services • Information and referral regarding available and accessible housing • Counseling, individual and group support • Independent living skills • Vocational services • Residential training program 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 26 7. National Spinal Cord Injury Association Silver Spring, MD Website: <www.spinalcord.org> • Resource Center • SCI Life magazine • In Touch with Kids Network for children with SCI 8. Medline - PubMed, Internet Grateful Med Website: <www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/freemedl.html> • The National Library of Medicine provides two free systems to search medical topics in the MEDLINE database • About 11 million references and abstracts are found in this database x Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 6, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 21 SCI-FYI’s Top Ten List Chapter(s) 9. City of San Jose, Office of Therapeutic Services/ South Bay Wheelchair Athletic Program San Jose, CA Website: <www.ci.san-jose.ca.us/prns) • Sponsor a number of programs for individuals with disabilities • Support groups • Aquatics • Wheels on Fire - Junior Wheelchair Sports Team • Pacific Spartans - Wheelchair Basketball Team • San Jose Sting Quad Rugby Team • Water Wheels Swim Team • San Jose Steamrollers - Power Soccer Team 16 10. Websites for Locating Physicians Website: <www.aapmr.org> Website: <www.certifieddoctor.org> Website: <www.docboard.org> Website: <www.ama-assn.org/aps/amahg.htm 11 Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information xi 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Individuals with SCI are at risk for dependency on alcohol and/or drugs. For many, the substance use may have contributed to their SCI. For others, the loss of control, pain and depression often experienced by individuals with SCI can lead to substance abuse. Most individuals with SCI are in the age range where experimentation with drugs and/or alcohol is common. Many with SCI turn to substance abuse (substances include alcohol and other mind altering drugs, and abuse involves continued use despite the consequences or recurrent use in situations when use is dangerous). The following agencies work with people who are involved with substance abuse and dependence (dependence involves impaired control of the use of the substance, and the continued use despite the consequences). One major problem for people with SCI who use or abuse substances is the danger involved. The use or abuse puts one at risk for further injury. Additionally, complications related to spinal cord injury such as pressure sores, spasticity, and urinary tract infections are more frequent in those who use drugs and/or alcohol. As it is true with many of the other agencies and facilities listed in this resource guide, one type of program may work better than another for an individual person. Substance abuse is treatable, although not always easily. With all that in mind, below are listed many of the organizations and facilities that offer some help in dealing with substance abuse. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 24 hour help line: 408/374-8511 274 E. Hamilton Ave., Suite D Campbell, CA 95008 E-mail: aasanjose.org • 24 hour hotline • Information on AA meetings in Santa Clara Valley Monterey County/Salinas Location 24 hour help line: 831/424-9874 Adult and Child Guidance Center 408/288-6200 FAX: 408/288-6201 380 N. First St., Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 444 Castro St., Suite 122 Mountain View, CA 94041 650/968-3371 • Comadres women’s outpatient polydrug abuse program • Compadres men’s outpatient polydrug abuse program • Counseling services for children, adults, families and the elderly Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 1-1 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Al-Anon 408/379-9375 Meetings and locations: 408/379-1051 • Support groups for those whose lives have been affected by someone’s drinking • Call for locations and meeting times Asian-Americans For Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Substance abuse intervention and treatment program Blossoms Prenatal Substance Abuse Program 408/254-3396 3030 Alum Rock Ave. San Jose, CA 95127 • Outpatient program for pregnant or parenting women C.A.P.S. (Combined Addicts Prevention Services) 408/995-3820 Hotline: 408/998-4200 135 Gish Rd., Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 • 90 day outpatient program • Must go through Gateway (managed care) • Counseling and psychosocial groups Chemical Dependency Institute of Northern California 408/559-2000 800/422-1845 2425 Samaritan Drive San Jose, CA 95124 • Inpatient detox program • Outpatient services 1-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Chemical Dependency Recovery Center 650/940-7250 El Camino Hospital Chemical Dependency Services 2500 Grant Road Mountain View, CA 94040-4378 • Individual counseling, lectures and group therapy sessions • Free ongoing educational series • AA meeting following every educational series • Crisis intervention - stay of up to 24 hrs Cocaine Anonymous 415/821-6155 San Francisco, CA • Participants help each other to abstain from cocaine and other mind altering substances • No counseling treatment or therapy at the sessions Community Health Awareness Council 650/965-2020 P.O. Box 335 Mountain View, CA 94042 • Individual and group counseling • Day treatment program for adolescents Daytop Village 650/325-6466 2560 Pulgas Ave. East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Redwood City location 650/367-9030 • Residential community for chemically dependent adolescents Department of Alcohol and Drug Services 408/299-6141 FAX: 408/279-1843 976 Lenzen Ave., 3rd Floor San Jose, CA 95126 • Information and referral only Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 1-3 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies El Camino Hospital Chemical Dependency Services Care Line: 650/940-7250 800/286-7123 2500 Grant Rd. Mountain View, CA 94040 • Outpatient program Family Health Foundation of Alviso 408/262-7944 P.O. Box 1240 Alviso, CA 95002-1240 • Information and referral Fenix Services Institute 831/722-5914 FAX: 831/722-8311 406 Main St., Suite 403 Watsonville, CA 95076 • Individual and group counseling • Domestic violence counseling Gateway 24 hour phoneline: 800/488-9919 • Managed care referrals for those seeking county supported care • Information and help line Horizon Services, Inc. 510/784-5865 P.O. Box 308 Mt. Eden, CA 94551 • Non-residential and residential programs throughout the Bay Area for men and women recovering from addiction to alcohol or other drugs • Education and support services to individuals dealing with alcohol or other drug related problems Horizon South 408/283-8555 650 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • 3-7 day detox • Residential services 1-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Kids are Special - Eastfield Ming Quong 408/364-4133 FAX: 408/364-4013 251 Llewellyn Ave. Campbell, CA 95008-1999 Website: <www.emq.org> • Children’s and parents’ groups for families with children impacted by substance abuse of parent or caregiver Mariposa Lodge Alcohol Recovery Homes, Inc. 408/463-0131 FAX: 408/463-0337 Detox: 408/463-0122 P.O. Box 21268 San Jose CA 95151-1268 • Residential alcohol/drug program for women Narcotics Anonymous 24 hour phoneline: 408/998-4200 National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency (NCADD) 408/292-7292 FAX: 408/292-9454 24hr Help: 408/292-9945 255 North Market, Suite 175 San Jose, CA 95110 • Crisis intervention help-line: 408/267-4357 • Drug prevention program, youth education program, minors in possession program • Education program for individuals with family members in county treatment Pathway House Residential Treatment Center 408/998-5191 102 South 11th St. San Jose, CA 95112 • Comprehensive treatment program • Individual and group counseling • 12-step self-help groups • Job development Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 1-5 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Pathway Outpatient Program 408/244-1834 1659 Scott Blvd., Suite 30 Santa Clara, CA 95050 • Group, family and individual counseling for adults and adolescents Santa Clara County Central Alcohol Services (Treatment Alternative Program - TAP) 408/299-7280 976 Lenzen Ave., First Floor San Jose, CA 95126-2607 • Individual and group counseling for alcohol abuse Santa Clara County Women’s Treatment Services 408/299-8558 2220 Moorpark Ave., #10 San Jose, CA 95128 • Heroin addiction, detox services, and maintenance center S.M.A.R.T. Recovery (Self Management and Recovery Training) 408/739-7230 40675 Ladero St. Fremont, CA 94539 • Discussion meetings - alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous • Helps individuals cope with drug and alcohol dependency Social Advocates for Youth 408/253-3540 1072 South DeAnza Blvd., Suite A-208 San Jose, CA 95129-3531 • Individual, group and family counseling for all ages • Parenting workshops • Assessments of drug and alcohol use STEPS 408/971-0888 1445 Oakland Rd. San Jose, CA 95112 • Group counseling • Individual counseling • Family counseling • Programs focus on alcohol dependency 1-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Stride Program • Combined drug and alcohol program • Group and individual counseling • Outpatient program East Valley Treatment and Recovery Center 408/270-2587 1675 Burdette Dr., Suite B San Jose, CA 95121 West Valley Treatment and Recovery Center 408/378-7620 375 Knowles Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95032 North County Treatment and Recovery Center 650/328-1441 231 Grant Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306 BOOKS Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention for People with TBI and SCI Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Education and Training Center 312/908-6000 • Education and training book Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Activities for Youth and Adults with Disabilities Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues (SARDI) School of Medicine at Wright State University P.O. Box 927 Dayton, OH 45401 937/259-1384 FAX: 937/259-1395 Website: <www.med.wright.edu/som/sardi/default.html> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 1-7 1. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Inform Yourself- Alcohol, Drugs and Spinal Cord Injury: A Resource Guide for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury and Their Families John de Miranda, Ed.M. Available free of charge from: Paralyzed Veterans of America - Publications Center P.O. Box 753 Waldorf, MD 20604-0753 888/860-7244 301/932-7834 FAX: 301/843-0159 Website: <www.pva.org> You Can’t Change the Past But You Can Choose a Future: The Facts About Spinal Cord Injury, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Resource Center on Substance Abuse Prevention and Disability National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information P.O. Box 2345 Rockville, MD 20847-2345 800/729-6686 FAX: 301/468-6433 • Information about coping and life skills VIDEOTAPES Alcohol & Medications & You (1988) Rehabilitation Research Training Center at Baylor College of Medicine 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 713/797-5944 FAX: 713/797-5982 From Nowhere to Somewhere: Street Drugs and Your Rehabilitation (1988) Rehabilitation Research Training Center at Baylor College of Medicine 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 713/797-5944 FAX: 713/797-5982 1-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Assistive Technology Resources Assistive technology is a broad term referring to the application of technology to assist individuals with SCI and other disabilities achieve independence by providing access to computers, communication devices and environmental controls. Assistive technology can enrich the lives of individuals with SCI by expanding educational and employment options, and assisting with aspects of daily life. Specific equipment consists of high tech tools to help individuals with SCI overcome physical obstacles and may include assistive devices such as specialized computer keyboards, software, joysticks, interactive touch screens, hands-free voice recognition systems, customized switches and other appliances. The first step in determining which type of equipment is appropriate for you is to be evaluated by a professional to determine your individual technology needs, abilities and goals in your environment. Your physical limitations and the skills necessary to use strategies and devices will all be taken into consideration before recommendations for specific equipment are made. The organizations listed below can provide you with information on evaluation and training for assistive technology, as well as specific devices available for individuals with SCI. Abledata 800/227-0216 301/608-8998 8455 Colesville Rd. Silver Springs, MD 20910-3319 • Extensive collection of over 25,000 commercially available assistive technology aids and devices Ablenet 800/322-0956 FAX: 612/379-9143 1081 10th Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 • Designs and manufactures simple to use technology • No assessments Accent on Info 309/378-2961 FAX: 309/378-4420 P.O. Box 700 Bloomington, IL 61702 E-Mail: [email protected] • Publishes magazine 4 times a year; $12.00 subscription • Sell books and products • Information on consumer products Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 2-1 2. Assistive Technology Resources Adaptive Device Locator System Academic Software, Inc 800/842-2357 606/233-2332 331 West Second St. at Broadway Lexington, KY 40507 • Software package listing types of devices on the market and vendors • $195 for package Assistive Device Assessment Program (ADAP) 619/594-6477 6330 Alverado Ct., Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92120 • Assessment only • Speech therapy Assistive Technology (AT) Network 800/390-2699 916/325-1690 660 “J” Street, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95814-2495 Email: [email protected] • Information and referral network that provides free information on: -devices for daily living, -assistive technology funding resources, -assistive technology service providers/suppliers, -assistive technology community resources Augmentative Communication News 831/649-3050 1 Surf Way, #237 Monterey, CA 93940 • Publishes two newsletters • Information and referral services 2-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 2. Assistive Technology Resources C.A.T.S. 916/327-3967 800/390-2699 Assistive Technology Network 660 “J” Street, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95814 • Referrals • Newsletter • Contracts with other agencies Center for Accessible Technology 510/841-3224 2525 Eighth St. Berkeley, CA 94710 E-mail: [email protected] • Computer access evaluations • Resource and training center Center for Computer Assistance to Disabled (C-CAD) 214/800-2223 FAX: 214/800-2224 1950 No. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 4041 Dallas, TX 75207 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <http://www.c-cad.org> • Information and referrals on assistive technology • Training Central Coast Assistive Technology Center 805/549-7420 FAX: 805/549-7423 TDD: 805/549-7424 1150 Laurel Lane #132 P.O. Box 4310 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 E-mail: [email protected] • Non-profit center performs evaluations (OT, SP, and Rehab technicians) Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 2-3 2. Assistive Technology Resources Clearing House for Specialized Media and Technology State Department of Education 916/445-1290 560 “J” St., Suite 390 Sacramento, CA 95814 Website: <www.cde.CA.gov> • Educational catalog of services and devices for K-12 Closing the Gap 507/248-3294 FAX: 507/248-3810 P.O. Box 68 Henderson, MN 56044 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.closingthegap.com> • Publishes a bi-monthly newslettter providing information $29.00/yr. • Publishes a resource directory - $14.95 • Annual conference held in October Communication Aids for Children and Adults Crestwood Company 414/351-0311 6625 No. Sidney Place Milwaukee, WI 53209-3259 • Information on products • Merchandise catalog Davies Medical Center 415/565-6130 FAX: 415/565-6025 Castro and Duboce Streets San Francisco, CA 94114 • Outpatient occupational therapy and rehabilitation • Aptitude testing Department of Rehabilitation 800/390-2699 916/445-8638 TTY: 800/900-0706 830 K Street Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 • Assistive technology evaluations 2-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 2. Assistive Technology Resources Disabled Programmers, Inc (DPI) 408/278-2000 FAX: 408/278-2010 One North First St., Suite 120 San Jose, CA 95113 Website: <www.dpiaccess.org> • Prepares individuals with disabilities for jobs in Information Technology (IT) • Computer Access Lab helps individuals with disabilities evaluate, develop, and implement adaptive technology solutions and the Internet Innotek National Lekoteck Center 847/328-0001 FAX: 847/328-5514 2100 Ridge Ave. Evanston, IL 60201 E-mail: [email protected] • Information on locating assistive devices and adapted toys • Adapted toys for children Leon S. Peters Rehab Center 559/459-6000 Fresno & R Street Fresno, CA 93715 • Acute inpatient and outpatient evaluations Mobility Engineering Sonoma Developmental Center 707/938-6445 P.O. Box 1493 Eldridge, CA 95421 • Must be Developmental Center clients • Adaptive devices • Asssessments • Focus on wheelchairs Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 2-5 2. Assistive Technology Resources Project Link Center for Assistive Technology 800/628-2281 515 Kimball Tower, University of Buffalo 3435 Main St. Buffalo, NY 14214-3079 E-mail: [email protected] • Application of assistive devices • Identify devices for individuals • Information and referral REACH 817/870-9082 FAX: 817/877-1622 TDD: 817/870-9086 1205 Lake St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 E-mail: [email protected] • Newsletter • Information and referral • Advocacy • Independent Living Center RehabTool.Com 281/531-6106 FAX: 281/531-6406 P.O. Box 572190 Houston, Texas 77257 Website: <www.rehabtool.com> Email: [email protected] • RehabTool.com builds augmentative and alternative communication devices, computer access equipment, multilingual speech synthesis and voice recognition software, on-screen keyboards, and cognitive rehabilitation tools • Free product searches and referrals • Quarterly newsletter 2-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 2. Assistive Technology Resources Request Rehabilitation Engineering Center 202/877-1932 TDD: 202/726-3996 102 Irving St. N.W. Washington, DC 20010 Website: <www.nrhatrc.org> • Computer assessment and training program • Virtual Reality research RESNA 703/524-6686 FAX: 703/524-6630 1700 N. Moore St., Suite 1540 Arlington, VA 22209-1903 Website: <www.resna.org> • Information and technical assistance Sacramento Area Easter Seals Society 916/485-6711 3205 Hurley Way Sacramento, CA 95864 • Evaluations and assessments Technical Aid Facilitation (TAF) Tetra Society of North America 604/688-6464 FAX: 604/688-6463 Plaza of Nations, Box 27 770 Pacific Boulevard So. Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5E7 Canada E-mail: [email protected] • Assistive devices that cannot be found commercially Trace Research and Development Center 608/262-6696 FAX: 608/262-8848 TDD: 608/263-5408 S-151 Waisman Center and Department of Individual Engineering 1500 Highland Ave. Madison, WI 53705-2280 Website: <www.trace.wisc.edu> • Information database of products- Co-net • Access Pack- Assistive computer devices Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 2-7 2. Assistive Technology Resources United Cerebral Palsy 925/832-7430 1970 Broadway, Suite 305 Oakland CA 94612 E-mail: [email protected] • Information • Catalogs on assistive technology VIVCO 408/268-1214 6670 Landerwood Ln. San Jose, CA 95120 E-mail: [email protected] • Wheelchair mobility and seating • Develop prototypes for individuals with special needs Worldwide Disability Solution Group Apple Computer Inc. 800/600-7808 408/974-7910 One Infinite Loop, M/538-DS Cupertino, CA 95014 Website: <www.apple.com/disability> FINANCIAL REIMBURSMENT Foundation Center 800/424-9836 212/620-4230 FAX: 212/807-3677 79 5th Ave. New York, NY 10003 Website: <wwwfdncenter.org> • Provide info on funding sources for non-profit organizations 2-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 2. Assistive Technology Resources WRITTEN RESOURCES Adapting PC’s for Disabilities (1996) Joseph Lazarro Addison-Wesley-Longman Publishing Company 800/822-6339 One Jacob Way Reading, MA 10867-3999 Website: <www.aw.com> Assistive Devices for Use with Personal Computers National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 202/707-9275 Library of Congress Washington, DC 20542 Website: <www.loc.gov/nls> • Guide to the different kinds of products available to assist individuals with physical disabilities access information displayed on a computer screen. Assistive Technology for People with Spinal Cord Injury (1996) ABLEDATA 800/227-0216 8455 Colesville Rd., Suite 935 Silver Springs, MD 20910 Website: <www.abledata.com/funding.htm> Computer Resources for People with Disabilities: A Guide to Exploring Today’s Assistive Technology (1996) 800/266-5592 510/865-5282 Hunter House Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 2914 Alameda, CA 94501-0914 Evaluating, Selecting and Using Appropriate Assistive Technology (1996) Jan C. Galvin and Marcia J. Scherer Aspen Publishers, Inc. 800/638-8437 200 Orchard Ridge Dr., Suite 200 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Website: <www.aspenpub.com> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 2-9 2. Assistive Technology Resources Informed Consumer Guide to Information on Funding Assistive Technology (1998) ABLEDATA 800/227-0216 8455 Colesville Rd., Suite 935 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Website: <www.abledata.com/funding.htm> The Trace Resourcebook: Assistive Technology for Communication, Control and Computer Access (1998) Trace Research and Development Center University of Wisconsin 608/263-2309 5901 Research Park Blvd. Madison, WI 53719 Website: <www.trace.wisc.edu> 2-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Attendant Care Resources For many individuals with SCI, part of coming to terms with the spinal cord injury is accepting that as a result of physical limitations, there is now a need to rely on someone else to fulfill some of your needs. Personal assistant services can include a variety of activities which range from assistance with grocery shopping and meal preparation to bathing, bowel and bladder care. The Personal Care Assistant (PCA) is the person who assists the individual with SCI with his or her self-care activities. The PCA is also referred to as an “attendant” or “caregiver” whether the care is being provided by a family member, friend or hired employee. Included in this chapter are resources to assist you with finding, hiring and managing a PCA. A good first step in finding a PCA is to contact your local Independent Living Center (ILC). Attendant care is one of the key services ILCs are funded to provide. Most ILCs keep a listing of potential attendants that may or may not have been first screened by the staff, and some offer classes to train the person with SCI who may need assistance with the hiring and management process. Classes may even be offered for the prospective attendant, who may not be familiar with the issues involved in caring for an individual with SCI. For the ILC nearest you, refer to Chapter 13. In-Home Support Services (IHSS) 408/928-3737 591 N. King Rd. San Jose, CA 95133 • County social services agency • Based on SSI qualifications • Personal Care Assistant (PCA) funding. This office only supplies the money to those who qualify to pay the PCA’s wages. Finding and supervising the PCA is the responsibility of the individual with SCI Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) 713/520-0232 TIRR 1333 Moursund Houston, TX 77019 • Research and Training Center in Independent Living, which has books and manuals available on attendant care Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 3-1 3. Attendant Care Resources Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> Silicon Valley Independent Living Center - Gilroy 408/847-1805 7415 Eigleberry Street, Suite C Gilroy, CA 95020 • Personal Care Assistant recruitment and referral, training in the management of PCAs • Advocacy and legal services • Information and referral regarding available and accessible housing ON-LINE RESOURCES In-Home Support Services Website Website: <www.calhomecare.org> • This website tracks current advocacy efforts, legislative initiatives and events to improve home care worker pay and benefits The DRM WebWatcher Disability Resources Monthly Website: <www.disabilityresources.org/PCA.html> • Online links to many SCI related websites with information on personal care assistants University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Information Network Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • An excellent website where 18 Fact Sheets covering various aspects of spinal cord injury are available free of charge. Select P and choose “Personal Attendant Services” for a variety of on-line documents and other resources, some of which are available in Spanish BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS Attendant Care Services - Fact Sheet #7 Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission 501/324-9624 1120 Marshall Street, Suite 207 Little Rock, AR 72202 3-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 3. Attendant Care Resources Avoiding Attendants from Hell: A Practical Guide to Finding, Hiring and Keeping Personal Care Attendants (1998) Science and Humanities Press 636/394-4950 FAX: 636/394-1381 P.O. Box 7151 Chesterfield, MO 63006-7151 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.sciencehumanitiespress.com> A Checklist for Evaluating Personal Care Assistant Services (1993) Center on Human Policy Syracuse University 200 Huntington Hall Syracuse, NY 13244-2340 Enhancing Independence: A Personal Care Attendant Training Manual Shellie Nazarus, Information Specialist Missouri Model Spinal Cord Injury System Howard A. Rusk Rehabilitation Center 573/882-3341 One Hospital Drive, DC046.00 Columbia, MO 65212 Getting from Here to There - A Manual on Personal Assistance (1996) Catherine D. Ludlum A. J. Pappanikou Center 860/486-5035 249 Glenbrook Rd., U-64 Storrs, CT 06269-2064 Hiring and Management of Personal Care Assistants for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (1999) Debra L. Burdsall, MPH, OTR Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 800/352-1956 x24 408/295-9896 x24 FAX: 408/295-9913 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 Available online at <www.tbi-sci.org> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 3-3 3. Attendant Care Resources Hiring Home Health Caregivers (1995) Helen Susik Impact Publishers 805/543-5911 P.O. Box 1094 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Personal Assistance Service Guide (1998) Utah Assistive Technology Program Center for Persons with Disabilities 435/797-1991 FAX: 435/797-2355 6588 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-6855 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.uatp.usu.edu> Personal Assistance Training Manual (1997) Shepherd Center 404/350-7473 2020 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Personal Care Assistants: How to Find, Hire and Keep Them (1995) Available in English and Spanish Research Department RRTC on Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury Craig Hospital 800/573-4228 303/789-8202 3425 S. Clarkson Street Englewood, CO 80110 Personal Care Assistants - SCI Information Sheet #6 RRTC Training Office - Room 506 University of Alabama at Birmingham 205/934-3283 Spain Rehabilitation Center 1717 6th Ave., South Birmingham, AL 35233-7330 3-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 3. Attendant Care Resources Preventing Secondary Medical Complications: A Guide for Personal Assistance to People with Spinal Cord Injury (1992) UAB - Spain Rehab Center RRTC Training Office - Room 506 1717 Sixth Ave., South Birmingham, AL 35233-7330 A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Managing Personal Assistants (1998) Volume 1: Consumer Guide Volume 2: Agency Guide Research and Training Center on Independent Living (RTC/IL) 785/864-4095 4089 Dole Building University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 Taking Care of Yourself While Providing Care (2000) Richard Holicky, M.A. Craig Hospital Research Department 303/789-8308 3425 Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80110 Website: <www.craighospital.org> • $5.00 • A guide for those who assist and care for their spouses, parents, and other loved ones who have spinal cord injuries ORGANIZATIONS National Database of Educational Resources for SCI The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 713/797-5944 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 • This organization can do a free search to locate materials related to all aspects of the training and management of personal care assistants The Research and Training Center on Independent Living (RTC/IL) University of Kansas 785/864-4095 4089 Dole Building Lawrence, KS 66045 • Offers information and materials on training your personal care assistant Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 3-5 3. Attendant Care Resources AUDIOTAPES Busting Loose to Independence: Through Personal Attendant Services (1989) RRTC in Community Integration for Individuals with SCI Baylor College of Medicine 713/797-5945 FAX: 713/797-5982 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 Available in English and Spanish • A series of four audiotapes that covers every aspect of Personal Care Assistants, from the decision to hire them to the details of finding, keeping and firing them VIDEOTAPES Personal Assistance Services Video Series (1993) The Consumer: Issues and Answers The Provider: On Being a Personal Assistant The Community: A Vision Shepherd Center 404/350-7473 2020 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Attendant Care Basics: An Orientation Partners in Independence: The PCA’s Role in Pressure Sore Prevention One-to-One (maintaining a Good Relationship with your PCA) Available on loan from: Spinal Cord Injury Network International 800/548-2673 3911 Princeton Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95405-7013 Website: <www.spinalcordinjury.org> Personal Assistant Recruitment (1994) Marionjoy Rehabilitation Hospital 26W171 Roosevelt Rd. Wheaton, IL 60189-0795 3-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 3. Attendant Care Resources SELF-CARE MANUALS Self-care or patient education manuals can be a great resource to use when training your personal care assistant. Most of the following manuals have chapters on attendant care, and have detailed chapters on bowel, bladder, and skin care, as well as information on range of motion and exercise programs for individuals with SCI. Pathways to Health: You Do Have A Choice ($7.00) Kenneth A. Gerhart Craig Hospital Research Department 303/789-8202 3425 S. Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80110 Website: <www.craighospital.org> • Focuses on making healthy choices for people living with SCI Spinal Cord Injury Patient Education Manual ($72.00) Aspen Publishers, Inc. 800/638-8437 200 Orchard Ridge Drive, Suite 200 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Contact: Eric Lehto Spinal Cord Injury: A Manual for Healthy Living ($65.00) The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Division of Education 713/797-5944 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 Spinal Cord Injury Homecare Manual ($60.00) Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 201/731-3600 1199 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 Contact: Marilyn Homick, Patient Education Coordinator The Spinal Cord Injury Handbook for Patients and Their Families ($15.45) Richard C. Senelick and Karla Dougherty HealthSouth Press 800/688-0737 9119 Cinnamon Hill San Antonio, TX 78240 Website: <www.healthsouth.com> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 3-7 3. Attendant Care Resources Yes, You Can!: A Guide to Self-Care for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury ($15.00) Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Department; c/o Office Services 800/424-8200 801 N. 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 3-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Consumer Resources The following organizations may be useful for individuals with SCI in dealing with consumer issues. Keep in mind, as with any other consumer item, the tremendous individuality among the SCI population. Therefore, what may be helpful to one individual may not be useful for another, depending on the specific situation and need. Billy Defrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center 408/293-2429 175 Stockton San Jose, CA 95126 Website: <www.defrank.org> • Group meetings for gay and lesbians with disabilities California Children’s Services 408/299-5891 FAX: 408/971-3538 720 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Funds medical services for individuals with SCI if the injury occurred before age 21 Consumer Affairs State of California 916/445-1254 • Offer information and referral for consumer issues Help Santa Clara County Directory of Health and Human Services Website: <www.HelpSCC.org> • A comprehensive online directory of county-wide government and non-profit services in Santa Clara County Medic Alert Foundation 209/668-3333 2323 Colorado Ave. Turlock, CA 95382 Website: <www.medicalert.org> • Offers Medic Alert bracelets/necklaces, which can inform emergency medical personnel of medical complications Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 4-1 4. Consumer Resources Mental Health Advocacy Project 408/294-9730 800/248-MHAP FAX: 408/293-0106 111 W. Saint John St., Suite 315 San Jose, CA 95113 • Free legal services for individuals with mental or developmental disabilities Pacific Bell Universal Lifeline 800/310-2355 • Telephone services for low income households Pacific Gas and Electric 800/743-5000 TDD TTY: 800/652-4712 • Medical baseline rate for individuals with special heating/cooling needs or life support devices Small Claims Advisory Santa Clara County 408/792-2881 • Answers questions about small claims court • Provides assistance with filling out forms 4-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Agencies Below you will find some services that are available for people in crisis from the repercussions of SCI. SCI can have a devastating effect on the individuals who experience it and their families. Often, a prompt referral to a professional who has experience working with the SCI population is necessary. If you feel yourself or another individual is in any need for help with a crisis situation, please call one of the listings below. Be prepared to give a complete description of the problem, so that the agency can help quickly and effectively. With the current economic situation in the county, the state and the country, there is often not enough funding at times for these agencies, and some may change by the time you read this. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at the Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI. Finding a professional or agency who understands and is sensitive towards the needs of those with SCI is difficult and these professionals and agencies should be cultivated, used again (and again), and referred to others with similar needs. If you feel that your life or the life of your family member is in danger, the fastest assistance could come from emergency services or the police, accessible by dialing 911. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 24-hr hotline: 408/374-8511 274 E. Hamilton Ave., Suite D Campbell, CA 95008 Monterey County/Salinas 24-hr hotline: 831/424-9874 Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Mental health program Crisis Line for the Handicapped 24-hr: 800/426-4263 24-hr TDD: 800/421-4327 P.O. Box 24791 San Jose, CA 95154 • Serves California and Nevada • Volunteer peer counseling, support, and information and referral Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 5-1 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health COUNSELING AND ASSESSMENT Access Program (Acute Crisis Care & Entry Into System Services) 408/299-5800 Central Mental Health Center 2221 Enborg Ln. San Jose, CA 95128 • Assessment and referral only • Will see individuals in crisis and escort over to Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS) Adult and Child Guidance Center of Santa Clara Valley 408/288-6205 380 North First St., Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 • Counseling services for children, adults, families, and the elderly • Domestic violence counseling Central Mental Health Center 408/885-6220 2221 Enborg Ln. San Jose, CA 95128 • Day treatment and counseling for mental health consumers Community Psychotherapy Institute 408/244-1362 940 Saratoga Ave., Suite 105 San Jose, CA 95129 • Individual counseling • Domestic violence counseling • Parenting program Hope Rehabilitation Services Counseling Center 408/282-0402 FAX: 408/282-0400 1555 Parkmoor Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Provides services to those who are autistic, have cerebral palsy, seizures, mental retardation or traumatic brain injury • Counseling center 5-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco 415/543-6222 TDD: 415/543-6698 FAX: 415/543-6318 649 Mission St., 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 • Peer counseling services Next Door 408/279-7550 FAX: 408/279-7562 1181 N. 4th St., Suite A San Jose, CA 95112 • Psychotherapy and support group Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) Salinas Adult School 831/753-4268 FAX: 831/753-4276 20 Sherwood Place Salinas, CA 93906 • Must live in the Salinas Valley • Counseling • Independent living skills San Jose Veterans Center 408/993-0729 278 N. Second St. San Jose, CA 95112 • Veterans counseling center for post-traumatic stress disorder Santa Clara County Psychological Association 408/253-1151 510/790-2371 650/321-7789 P.O. Box 8165 Fremont, CA 94537-8165 • Referrals to psychologists Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 5-3 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Department of Psychology 408/885-4440 751 So. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> • Individual and group support counseling • Counseling for families, spouses and significant others Suicide and Crisis Central County: 408/279-3312 North County: 650/494-8420 South County: 408/683-2482 • Hotlines for individuals in crisis CRIME VICTIMS Victim Witness Assistance Program 408/295-2656 777 No. First St., Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95112 E-mail: [email protected] • Crisis intervention and advocacy for crime victims Victims of Crime Resource Center 800/842-8467 • Legal referrals and information for victims of crime • Referrals to local Victim Witness Assistance offices for compensation under the Victims of Crime Act 5-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health DEATH AND DYING Aris 408/293-2747 1550 The Alameda, Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95126 Website: <www.aris.org> • Support agency for individuals with AIDS and HIV • Shared housing • Emotional support • Prevention and education programs Centre for Living with Dying 408/980-9801 554 Mansion Park Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 • Offers support to help individuals cope with the trauma of an illness or death of a loved one • Crisis intervention • Support for grief, mourning, suicide and trauma • Healing Hearts Program for children and adolescents • Seniors Linc - seniors living in crisis Disabled and Alone Life Services For the Handicapped 800/996-0066 352 Park Ave., South, Suite 703 New York, NY 10010 • Assists families in planning for the death of a caregiver El Camino Hospital “Living With Loss” 800/216-5556 2500 Grant Rd., Ground Floor - Meeting Room “A” Mountain View, CA 94040 • Support group for individuals dealing with loss due to the death of a family member, loved one or friend • 2nd & 4th Monday, 3:00 - 4:30 PM KARA 650/321-5272 457 Kingsley Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 • Adult individual and group counseling • Counseling for children and teens Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 5-5 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Asian Women’s Home shelter for abused women and children • Domestic violence prevention and treatment Battered Women’s Hotline for Lesbians, Bisexuals and Straight Women 24-hr hotline: 415/864-4722 Community Solutions 24-hr hotline: 408/638-4118 24-hr hotline: 408/637-SAFE • Shelter for battered women and their children • Domestic violence counseling and support groups • Legal advocacy and assistance • Domestic violence prevention and education programs • Batterers intervention program Community United Against Violence 24 hr hotline: 415/333-4357 415/777-5500 973 Market St., Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 • Support for battered gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals • Advocacy and legal assistance • Counseling and support groups • Emergency assistance • Information and referral Emergency Shelter Program 24-hr hotline: 510/786-1246 22634 Second St., Suite 205 Hayward, CA 94541 • Serves Alameda county • Shelter facilities • Support groups and counseling 5-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Next Door 24-hr hotline: 408/279-2962 408/279-7562 1181 N. 4th St., Suite A San Jose, CA 95112 • Therapy and support groups • Emergency shelter • Parenting classes for women • One-to-one counseling for men • Legal clinic for restraining orders San Francisco Network for Battered Lesbian and Bisexual Women 415/281-0276 • Information and referral services San Mateo County Battered Women’s Services 24-hr hotline: 650/312-8515 • Legal advice • Counseling services • Support groups • Shelter facility Santa Cruz County Women’s Crisis Support 24-hr hotline: 831/429-1478 • 24-hr crisis counselors Shelter Against Violent Environment (SAVE) 24 hr hotline: 510/794-6055 • Fremont and Alameda county Support Network for Battered Women 24-hr hotline: 650/940-7855 650/940-7850 444 Castro St., Suite 305 Mountain View, CA 94041 • Legal support • Therapy and counseling • Support groups • Referral to emergency housing for battered women and their children • Emergency shelter Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 5-7 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Women and Their Children’s Housing (W.A.T.C.H.) 408/271-9422 P.O. Box 361358 Milpitas, CA 95036 • Transitional housing for battered women and their children for up to two years MENTAL HEALTH Access Program (Acute Crisis Care & Entry Into System Services) 408/299-5800 Central Mental Health Center 2221 Enborg Ln. San Jose CA 95128 • Assessments • Collaborates with the Emergency Psychiatric Services Alliance for Community Care 408/261-7777 2001 The Alameda San Jose CA 95126-1136 Website: <www.alliance4.org> • Provides counseling for individuals diagnosed with a mental illness Hope Rehabilitation Services Counseling Center 408/282-0402 1555 Parkmoor Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Counseling (i.e. marriage, parenting, individual) for the physically and mentally disabled Mental Health Advocacy Project 408/294-9730 111 W. St. John St., Suite 315 San Jose, CA 95113 E-mail: [email protected] • Provide legal services to all mental health diagnoses • Patient’s rights, economic issues (SSI), and landlord/tenant rights 5-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 5. Crisis Intervention, Counseling, & Mental Health Mental Health Association of San Francisco 415/241-2926 1119 Market Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94103 • Non-profit advocacy group that works with city and local governments to make sure individuals receive entitled service Santa Clara County Mental Health 408/885-5770 645 South Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Counseling, group counseling, medication issues • Will see individuals in crisis and escort over to Emergency Protective Services Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 5-9 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Disability Related Organizations The organizations listed below work in some way to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. Some of the organizations offer services for persons with specific disabilities; however, not all specialize in the needs of individuals with SCI. Often, organizations that are not designated specifically to provide services for persons with SCI and their families do not understand the unique needs of people with SCI. You can help by gently educating the facility/person about the issues commonly experienced by individuals with SCI. American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses 718/803-3782 FAX: 718/803-0414 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Jackson Heights, NY 11370-1177 Website: <www.aascin.org> • Membership organization for spinal cord injury nurses American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers 718/803-3782 FAX: 718/803-0414 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Jackson Heights, NY 11370-1177 Website: <www.aascipsw.org> • Membership organization for spinal cord injury psychologists and social workers American Chronic Pain Association 916/632-0922 P.O. Box 850 Rocklin, CA 95677 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.theacpa.org> • Provides information on support groups • Education on coping skills American Paraplegia Society 718/803-3782 FAX: 718/803-0414 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Jackson Heights, NY 11370-1177 Website: <www.apssci.org> • Membership organization for physicians and researchers treating spinal cord injuries Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 6-1 6. Disability Related Organizations American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) 404/355-0772 FAX: 404/355-1826 2020 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Website: <www.asia-spinalinjury.org> • Professional association for physicians and other clinicians working in the field of SCI research, prevention and medicine American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP) 903/236-7079 FAX: 903/757-7456 P.O. Box 1586 Longview, TX 75606-1586 • Information and support network Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (formerly American Paralysis Association) 973/379-2690 800/225-0292 FAX: 973/912-9433 500 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 Website: <www.paralysis.apacure.org/crf> • Encourages and supports research to find a cure for paralysis caused by SCI • Supports non-profit organizations seeking to improve the quality of life of individuals with SCI California Rehabilitation Association (CRA) 916/441-5844 980 Ninth St., #420 Sacramento, CA 95814-2724 Website: <www.calrehab.org> • Trade association representing rehabilitation facilities Disability Resources, Inc. 516/585-0290 Four Glatter Lane Centerreach, NY 11720 Website: <www.disabilityresources.org> • Publishes monthly newsletter that includes resources on various topics related to disability 6-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 6. Disability Related Organizations Heath Resource Center 800/544-3284 202/939-9320 FAX: 202/833-4760 One Dupont Circle, NW, #800 Washington, DC 20036-1193 E-mail: [email protected] • Disseminates information on education for persons with disabilities International Medical Society of Paraplegia (US Office) 713/797-5910 713/799-7017 c/o T. Giles 1333 Moursund Ave. Houston, TX 77030 • Professional organization for physicians working with people with SCI International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN) 314/534-0475 FAX: 314/534-5070 4207 Lindell Blvd., Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63108-2915 • Newsletter subscription $17.00/annually Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation 800/925-2873 972/248-7100 FAX: 972/248-7313 16415 Addison Rd., Suite 550 Addison, TX 75001 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.kwnpf.org> Steve Palermo Chapter 800/513-3700 913/451-3700 FAX: 913/338-0003 11350 Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Suite 200 Leawood, KS 66211 • Fundraising efforts to facilitate a cure for paralysis Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 6-3 6. Disability Related Organizations Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 800/782-6387 305/243-6001 FAX: 305/243-6017 P.O. Box 016960, R-48 Miami, FL 33101 Website: <www.miamiproject.miami.edu> • Clinical research on SCI and paralysis • Provide information to consumers National Easter Seal Society 800/221-6827 888/854-6444 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1800 Chicago, IL 60606 E-mail: [email protected] • Call for the Easter Seal office nearest you • Educational evaluation services • Technological assistance • Vocational evaluation, occupational therapy and training • Psychosocial evaluation and counseling • Recreational and social services National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 202/205-8736 FAX: 202/205-8515 330 “C” Street, SW, Rm. 3430 Washington, DC 20202-2701 Website: <www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/NIDRR> • Funds research in the field of rehabilitation National Organization on Disability (NOD) 202/293-5960 FAX: 202/293-7999 910 16th Street N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20006 •Referrals to services 6-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 6. Disability Related Organizations National Rehabilitation Association 703/836-0850 FAX: 703/836-0848 TDD: 703/836-0849 633 S. Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Website: <www.nationalrehab.org> • Non-profit organization for professionals in the field of rehabilitation • Offer two publications, continuing education, and conferences National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 800/346-2742 301/562-2400 FAX: 301/562-2401 1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 800 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Website: <www.naric.com/naric> • Information and referral • Collection of reference articles • Library of information National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> • Resource Center • Membership • SCI Life magazine • In Touch with Kids Network for children with SCI Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 6-5 6. Disability Related Organizations National SCI Hotline 800/526-3456 410/448-6623 FAX: 410/448-6627 2200 Kernan Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.scihotline.org> • Information and referral • Peer support National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center 205/934-5049 FAX: 205/934-2709 UAB School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham Spain Rehabilitation Center 1717 6th Ave. S., Room 544 Birmingham, AL 35249 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • Since 1977 has directed the collection, management and analysis of the extensive NIDRRfunded SCI National Database Paralysis Care Network 219/483-2100 FAX: 219/484-5059 3320 North Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46805 • Provides educational resources to enhance quality of care Paralysis Society of America 888/772-1711 FAX: 703/684-6048 515 King St., Suite 420 Alexandria, VA 22314 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.psa.org> • Membership organization for individuals who have sustained a SCI • Provides information, services and advocacy 6-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 6. Disability Related Organizations Paralyzed Veterans of America 800/273-6789 202/872-1300 801 Eighteenth St., NW Washington, DC 20006 Website: <www.pva.org> • Organization that works to improve healthcare and rehabilitation and advocates for the civil rights of paralyzed veterans and all individuals with paralysis President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities 202/653-5044 1111 20th Street, NW, Suite 636 Washington, DC 20036 • Provides information regarding employment • Distributes publications on employment and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Rehabilitation International 212/420-1500 FAX: 212/505-0871 25 East 21st Street New York, NY 10010 E-Mail: [email protected] • Information and resources San Luis Obispo County Access (SLOCO Access) 805/543-3276 P.O. Box 4834 1150 Laurel Lane, Suite 132 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Website: <www.slonet.org/~access/> • Organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities on the Central Coast • Community education, advocacy, information and social activities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 6-7 6. Disability Related Organizations Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> • Personal care assistant recruitment and referral; training in the management of personal care assistants • Advocacy and legal services • Information and referral regarding available and accessible housing • Counseling, individual and group support • Independent living skills • Vocational services • Residential training program • Newsletter - The Dispatch Spina Bifida Association of America 800/621-3141 202/944-3285 4590 McArthur Blvd. N.W., Suite 250 Washington, DC 20007-4226 Website: <www.sbaa.org> • Information and referral Spinal Cord Injury Network International 800/548-2673 707/577-8796 FAX: 707/577-0605 3911 Princeton Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95405-7013 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcordinjury.org> • Information and referral • Video lending program 6-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 6. Disability Related Organizations Spinal Cord Society 218/739-5252 218/739-5262 FAX: 218/739-5262 Wendell Rd. Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Website: <users.aol.com/scsweb> • Funds SCI research • Newsletter World Institute on Disability (WID) 800/695-4005 510/763-4100 FAX: 510/763-4109 510 16th Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612-1500 Website: <www.wid.org> • Research and policy organization • No direct client services Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 6-9 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Driving Evaluation and Equipment For many individuals with SCI, driving can become a reality given the array of driving equipment and vehicle modifications available today. Driving is an important skill in our society. Often individuals with SCI can relearn this skill through specialized driver’s training. The first step in the process of learning to drive with a SCI is to receive a thorough evaluation to determine what you need in terms of your individual needs for basic driving set-up, specific modifications, and driving equipment. Your positioning requirements will also be taken into consideration. Once you have been evaluated, you will need to receive training to ensure that you are able to use the recommended adaptive driving equipment properly, and can be safe on the road. It is important to seek out an agency with experience in evaluating and training drivers with SCI, and that the staff have up-to-date knowledge of the options available for adaptive driving equipment, as well as expertise and skill as a driver trainer. Listed below are several agencies that provide evaluation of driving capabilities, as well as behind the wheel training. You will also find a listing of dealers that install adaptive equipment in vehicles, in addition to agencies to contact for information on financial reimbursement for vehicle modifications. DRIVER ASSESSMENT FACILITIES Adaptive Driving Aid 800/371-4243 408/866-7237 3155 Williamsburg Dr. San Jose, CA 95117 Sam Graf: Rehabilitation Driver Consultant • Driver evaluations based out of the client’s home and, when appropriate, using the client’s own car • Driver evaluation, education and training • Mobile on-site evaluations from Santa Rosa to Monterey • Adaptive equipment installation • Prospective clients must have a driver’s license or temporary permit Apex Driving School 415/252-7760 P.O. Box 22342 San Francisco, CA 94122 • Driver assessment/evaluation, education and training • Classroom instruction • On road instruction • Licensing assistance Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 7-1 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists 608/884-8833 FAX: 608/884-4851 P.O. Box 49 Edgerton, WI 53534 Website: <www.driver-ed.org> • Professional organization • Consumers can search membership directory database to locate adaptive driving specialists in the area which they live Chrysler Automobility Program 800/922-3826 P.O. Box 3124 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3124 • Purchase or lease an eligible Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, or Jeep vehicle and the Chrysler Motors Corporation will reimburse you for a portion of the conversion costs • Please call for details John Muir Therapy 925/947-5300 x33423 1981 N. Broadway, Suite 180 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 • Two part program: Classroom and road training • Physician referral required • Must have current driver’s license Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Adaptive Driving Evaluation Program 408/885-5613 751 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Wheelchair/scooter evaluations • Attendant operated van assessments • Car assessments • Van assessments, including high tech • Driver training • Certified to provide services to individuals who drive from a wheelchair 7-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment Veterans Administration Medical Center Palo Alto Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department 650/493-5000 x65624 3801 Miranda Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 • Veterans only • Must register with the VA hospital • Driver assessment/evaluation, education, and training • Device prescription • Classroom and on-road instruction MOBILITY EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS Access Development Co. 707/585-6226 FAX: 707/585-6229 323 Sutton Place Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Website: <www.access-development.com> • Hand controls, wheelchair carriers & lifts • Passenger vans and vehicle modifications • Installation and repair Access Options, Inc. 408/722-6804 FAX: 408/722-0236 49 Hangar Way, Suite 1 Watsonville, CA 95076 San Jose Location: 1255 Alma Court San Jose, CA 95112 Website: <www.accessoptions.com> • Hand controls, wheelchair carriers & lifts • Passenger vans and vehicle modifications Adaptive Driving Aid 800/371-4243 408/866-7237 3155 Williamsburg Dr. San Jose, CA 95117 Sam Graf: Rehabilitation Driver Consultant • Hand controls, wheelchair carriers & lifts • Vehicle modifications Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 7-3 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment Adaptive Driving Systems 805/549-7996 3534 Empleo San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 • Vehicle modifications and adaptive equipment Driving Specialties Ltd. Website: <www.drivingspecialities.com> • Offers vehicle conversions with adaptive equipment 707/553-1515 215 Commercial St. Vallejo, CA 94589 559/252-9738 2727 N. Grove Industrial Dr., Suite 141-B Fresno, CA 93727 916/635-2765 2216 Cemo Circle, Suite A Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Freedom Access 916/338-4094 5710 Auburn Blvd., Suite 10 Sacramento, CA 95841 • Vehicle conversions with adaptive equipment • Home modifications including grab bars, lifts for stairs, etc. Mobility Systems, Inc. 510/540-0295 800/943-7333 1715 64th St. Emeryville, CA 94608 Website: <www.mobilitysystems.com> • Hand controls, wheelchair carriers & lifts • Passenger vans and vehicle modifications 7-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment New Ability Driving Systems 800/287-LIFT 408/435-8005 2470 Kruse Dr. San Jose, CA 95131 • Vehicle conversion with adaptive equipment Nor-Cal Mobility 800/225-7361 916/893-1111 1298 Nord Ave Chico, CA 95926 Website: <www.norcalmobility.com> • Offers vehicle conversions with adaptive equipment and lifts South Bay Mobility 408/988-1926 FAX: 408/988-1914 1940 Lafayette St., Unit 1 Santa Clara, CA 95050 • Vehicle modifications • Hand controls, wheelchair carriers & lifts DRIVER ASSESSMENT ASSOCIATIONS American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) Indiana University of PA, Highway Safety Center, R & P Building Indiana, PA 15702-1093 • Professional organization which represents traffic safety educators American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 800/729-2682 4720 Montgomery Lane Bethesda, MD 20824-1220 Website: <www.aota.org> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 7-5 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists 608/884-8833 FAX: 608/884-4851 P.O. Box 49 Edgerton, WI 53534 Website: <www.driver-ed.org> • Consumers can search membership directory database to locate adaptive driving specialists in the area which they live VEHICLE MODIFICATION REIMBURSEMENT Chrysler Automobility Program 800/255-9877 P.O. Box 3124 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3124 Website: <www.automobility.com> Department of Rehabilitation • See Chapter 24 for an office located nearest to where you live Ford Motor Corporation Mobility Motoring Program 800/952-2248 P.O. Box 529 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Website: <www.ford.com/showrooms/pavilion/> General Motors Corporation Mobility Assistance Center 800/323-9935 100 Renaissance Center P.O. Box 100 Detroit, MI 48265-1000 Website: <www.gm.com> Saturn Mobility 800/553-6000 Website: <www.saturncars.com> Volkswagon Mobility Access Program 800/444-8987 3800 Hamlin Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 7-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 7. Driving Evaluation and Equipment BOOKS The Disabled Drivers Mobility Guide 800/926-4222 AAA Traffic Safety and Engineering 1000 AAA Drive Heathrow, FL 32746-5080 VIDEOS The Road to Independence: Adapted Driving Options 404/350-7760 c/o The Assistive Technology Center Shepherd Center 2020 Peachtree Rd., NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 7-7 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Durable Medical Equipment Durable medical equipment (DME) refers to specialized equipment that is necessary for individuals with SCI to maximize their independence. DME includes wheelchairs, wheelchair cushions and accessories, positioning equipment, bath equipment, standing frames, walkers, hand splints and leg braces. Before you purchase any equipment such as a wheelchair cushion, new wheelchair, splint or brace, it is important to be evaluated by a therapist to determine the appropriate equipment to meet your individual needs. With your therapist, you should be given an opportunity to try out various types of equipment to experiment with different fits and styles before making a decision or purchase. When seeking out a DME vendor, it is important to look for a qualified equipment specialist who has experience with people with SCI. The vendor should have an awareness of the specific needs of individuals with SCI, and knowledge of the latest equipment options available. If problems arise with your durable medical equipment, you should contact the vendor from whom you purchased the equipment. If your manual or electric wheelchair should need servicing, it is important to have the repairs done by a qualified equipment specialist who has experience working on custom wheelchairs. The following is a list of durable medical equipment vendors in the Bay Area. This list is in no way an endorsement. As with other consumer organizations listed in this resource guide, several should be investigated before making a DME purchase. VENDORS Abba Medical Services, Inc. 408/371-8747 FAX: 408/371-8743 2634 Union Ave. San Jose, CA 95124 Website: <www.abbamed.com> • Dealer for all major brands of mobility aids • On site repair facility • Provides custom equipment Brannons Medical 408/448-3000 FAX: 408/448-2076 2052 Lincoln Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 • Rents and sell medical supplies Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 8-1 8. Durable Medical Equipment American Medical and Equipment Supply, Inc. 408/559-5800 FAX: 408/559-5808 3725 Union Ave. San Jose, CA 95124 • Full service repair department • Custom fitted wheelchairs and seating system • Provide evaluation equipment for therapists and clients • Pick up and delivery available • Member of National Registry of Rehab Technology Suppliers Apria Healthcare, Inc. 408/432-0950 2040 Corporate Court San Jose, CA 95131 • Durable medical equipment provider California Rehabilitation Equipment 408/739-5750 FAX: 408/739-6408 295 E. Washington Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94068 Website: <www.ca-rehab.com> • Multi-service provider • In-house repair facility • Rental equipment • Special orders • Free estimates • Installation of home access equipment Lincare, Inc. 408/286-1026 800/801-9001 1370 Tully Rd., Suite 504 San Jose, CA 95122 • Provide oxygen, C-packs, and wheelchairs M & M Home Medical 408/747-0181 1237 Reamwood Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94088 • Medical equipment provider 8-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 8. Durable Medical Equipment National Seating and Mobility, Inc. 408/920-0390 FAX: 408/920-0392 1226 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Delivers, adjusts and provides detailed training and instruction on all products • Participates in patient and family education classes • Member of California Association of Medical Product Sellers, National Association of Medical Product Suppliers (NAMES), NAMES-Rehab., Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America • Custom products Rehab Specialists, Inc. 408/298-5155 650/965-8282 FAX: 650/966-8108 2557 Wyandotte St. Mountain View, CA 94043 Watsonville Area: 831/724-5544 FAX: 831/724-3334 446 Westridge Dr. Watsonville, CA 95076 • Provides services and repairs at both locations • Mobile units provide scheduled and emergency service calls • In-home demonstrations of rehab equipment Shield Healthcare 800/675-8840 4701 Doyle St., Suite 15 Emeryville, CA 94608 • Carry medical supplies, including disposable supplies Western Rehab Systems 800/675-7342 1014 Broadway Vallejo, CA 94590 • Carry medical supplies for in-home use Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 8-3 8. Durable Medical Equipment Wheelchairs of Berkeley 510/549-8727 FAX: 510/540-1210 2911 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA 94705 San Francisco Area: 415/284-9424 FAX: 415/512-8845 590 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94105 • Customization of products • Free pickup service and delivery • Repair • Demonstration equipment available SPLINTS AND BRACES Center for Independent Rehabilitative Services (CIRS) 408/995-0144 FAX: 408/995-5199 2211 Moorpark Ave., Suite 315 San Jose, CA 95128 • Fabricates and repairs upper and lower extremity splints and braces 8-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Education Resources Education is often an important issue for individuals with SCI. Frequently, the person with spinal cord injury is young and may not have completed his or her education. Job retraining may be necessary if the individual is unable to pursue the same type of employment he or she had prior to injury. For those individuals with SCI interested in obtaining a high school diploma or GED, the first step is to contact Adult Education in the area in which you live. If you do not want to obtain a GED and do not have a high school diploma, community college may be an option. The community colleges have taken the lead in providing educational resources for people with physical impairments, including those with spinal cord injuries, through their Disabled Students Programs. Through Disabled Student’s services at most colleges and universities students can receive assistance with notetaking, tutors, and can obtain materials to help get the most out of their education. English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are provided in several different types of settings such as schools, cultural centers, and community organizations. Local classes can be found through many Adult Education programs. In addition to the resources listed below, the California State Department of Rehabilitation is an excellent resource for information on assistance in pursuing your educational goals. See Chapter 24 for more information on the State Department of Rehabilitation. Also included in this chapter is a section on Patient Education Resources. Included in this listing are several excellent SCI self-care manuals, as well as websites that feature various topics related to SCI education. Heath Resource Center 800/544-3284 202/939-9320 One Dupont Circle N.W., #800 Washington, DC 20036-1193 Website: <www.heath-resource-center.org> • Collects and disseminates information about post-secondary education for people with disabilities Independence Adult Education Center 408/928-9300 625 Educational Park San Jose, CA 95128 Website: <www.aenet.esuhsd.org> • GED, ESL, literacy and vocational programs Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-1 9. Education Resources Kings Regional Occupation Program 559/589-7026 FAX: 559/589-7007 1144 West Lacey Blvd. Hanford, CA 93230 Website: <www.kings.k12.ca.us> • Classes in vocational education Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) 831/753-4268 20 Sherwood Place Salinas, CA 93906 • ESL, GED, HS diploma, exercise, arts and crafts San Jose Adult Education Center Campbell: 408/947-2300 Downtown San Jose: 408/947-2311 Metropolitan: 408/723-6450 Eastside Adult Education: 408/923-2306 Website: <www.metroed.net> • English as a Second Language classes, high school completion and general education classes Santa Clara Library Literacy Alliance 408/453-6711 1290 Ridder Park Dr., Mail Code 206 San Jose, CA 95131 • Project works with both immigrants (without English skills) and native English speakers who want to learn to read • Act mostly as a referral service • Also have ESL classes ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSES Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Ste 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Senior and youth ESL 9-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9. Education Resources Casa Macsa 408/928-1155 130 N. Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc. 408/971-0888 P.O. Box 610968 San Jose, CA 95161 • Provide ESL classes to facilitate entry into a job training program • Remedial ESL classes Literacy Alliance Literacy Hotline: 408/453-6711 100 Skyport Dr., #206 San Jose, CA 95110 • Hotline program that helps both immigrants and native English speakers • Work with local literacy programs through the local libraries, referring to programs in the client’s local area • ESL classes Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation (VIVO) 408/532-7755 FAX: 408/532-1699 2260 Quimby Rd. San Jose, CA 95122 • ESL classes for refugees and also translator services for Vietnamese • Fee for service basis • Primarily used for lawyers and other professionals Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-3 9. Education Resources DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES The purpose of disabled student services is to provide academic and personal support for students with disabilities. Their goal is to make campus classes, facilities and services accessible to students with disabilities and to promote both student independence and “barrier free” education. COMMUNITY COLLEGE HIGH TECH CENTER SITES IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA High Tech Centers have computers and training. Alan Hancock 805/922-6966 x 3380 FAX: 805/928-7905 800 South College Dr. Santa Maria, CA 93454-6368 E-mail: [email protected] Canada College Disabled Students’ Program 650/306-3490 FAX: 650/306-3457 4200 Farm Hill Blvd. Redwood City, CA 94061-1099 American River College 916/484-8791 FAX: 916/484-8674 4700 College Oak Dr. Sacramento, CA 95841-4286 Chabot College Disabled Students’ Program 510/786-6660 FAX: 510/782-9315 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545-2447 E-mail: [email protected] Butte College 530/895-2455 FAX: 530/895-2235 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Chico, CA 95965-8303 E-mail: [email protected] Cabrillo College Disabled Students’ Program 831/479-6379 FAX: 831/479-6393 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003-3198 E-mail: [email protected] 9-4 City College of San Francisco Disabled Students’ Program 415/452-5482 FAX: 415/452-5565 50 Phelan Ave., R323 San Francisco, CA 94112-1898 E-mail: [email protected] College of Alameda Disabled Students’ Program 510/748-2328 FAX: 510/769-6019 555 Atlantic Ave. Alameda, CA 94501-2109 E-mail: [email protected] Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9. Education Resources Columbia College 209/588-5132 FAX: 209/588-5104 11600 Columbia College Dr. Sonora, CA 95370 E-mail: [email protected] College of Marin Disabled Students’ Program 415/485-9621 FAX: 415/457-4791 885 College Ave. Kentfield, CA 94904-2551 E-mail: [email protected] College of San Mateo Disabled Students’ Program 415/574-6118 FAX: 415/574-6680 1700 West Hillsdale Blvd. , Bldg 16, Room 151 San Mateo, CA 94402-3757 E-mail: [email protected] College of the Redwoods Disabled Students’ Services 707/476-4280 FAX: 707/476-4418 7351 Tompkins Hills Rd. Eureka, CA 95501 College of the Sequoias Disabled Students’ Services Program 209/730-3805 FAX: 209/730-3803 915 So. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93291 E-mail: [email protected] College of the Siskiyous 530/938-5297 FAX: 530/938-5227 800 College Ave. Weed, CA 96094-2806 E-mail: [email protected] Contra Costa College 510/235-7800 x 220 FAX: 510/236-6768 2600 Mission Bell Dr. San Pablo, CA 94806-3195 Cosumnes River College 916/688-7275 FAX: 916/688-7330 8401 Center Parkway Sacramento, CA 95823-5799 Cuesta College 805/546-3148 FAX: 805/546-3930 P.O. Box 8106 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8106 E-mail: [email protected] De Anza College High Tech Training Center Program 408/864-8923 FAX: 408/864-5492 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014-5797 E-mail: [email protected] • Assistive Technology Training Center Diablo Valley College Disabled Students’ Program 925/685-1230 x607 FAX: 925/685-1829 321 Golf Club Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-5 9. Education Resources Evergreen Valley College Disabled Students’ Program 408/274-7900 x6632 FAX: 408/239-0316 3095 Yerba Buena Rd. San Jose, CA 95135-1598 Feather River College 530/283-0202 x297 FAX: 530/283-3757 570 Golden Eagle Ave. Quincy, CA 95971-6023 Foothill College Disabled Students’ Program 415/949-7017 FAX: 650/917-1064 12345 El Monte Road Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-4599 E-mail: [email protected] Fresno City College Disabled Students’ Program 559/442-8237 559/485-7304 1101 E. University Ave. Fresno, CA 93741 E-mail: [email protected] Gavilan College Disabled Students’ Program 408/848-4871 FAX: 408/848-4865 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd. Gilroy, CA 95020 Hartnell College Disabled Students’ Program 831/755-6760 FAX: 831/755-6751 156 Homestead Ave. Salinas, CA 93901-1697 9-6 Kings River College 209/638-0322 FAX: 209/638-5040 995 North Reed Ave. Reedley, CA 93654-2099 Lake Tahoe College 530/541-4660 x264 FAX: 530/541-7852 College Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-4524 Laney College Disabled Students’ Program 510/464-3428 FAX: 510/464-3418 900 Fallon Street Oakland, CA 94607-4893 Las Positas College 925/373-4908 FAX: 925/443-0742 3033 Collier Canyon Rd., Bldg. 1500 Livermore, CA 94550-9797 E-mail: [email protected] Lassen College 530/251-8895 FAX: 530/257-8964 P.O. Box 3000 Highway 139 Susanville, CA 96130-3000 Mendocino College 707/468-3031 FAX: 707/468-3120 P.O. Box 3000 Ukiah, CA 95482-0300 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9. Education Resources Merced College Disabled Students’ Program 209/384-6155 FAX: 209/384-6013 3600 “M” Street Oakland, CA 95348-2898 Merritt College Disabled Students’ Program 510/436-2516 FAX: 510/436-2512 12500 Campus Dr. Oakland, CA 94619 Mission College Disabled Students Program 408/748-2730 FAX: 408/496-0462 3000 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95045 E-mail: [email protected] Modesto Junior College Disabled Students’ Program 209/575-6225 FAX: 209/575-6582 435 College Ave. Modesto, CA 95350 Monterey Peninsula Junior College Disabled Students’ Program 831/646-4070 FAX: 831/646-4171 980 Fremont Street Monterey, CA 93940-4799 E-mail: [email protected] Ohlone College Disabled Students’ Program 510/659-6140 FAX: 510/659-6040 43600 Mission Blvd. Fremont, CA 94539-0390 San Joaquin Delta College Disabled Students’ Program 209/954-5330 FAX: 209/954-5600 5151 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95207-6370 E-mail: [email protected] San Jose City College Disabled Students’ Program 408/288-3788 FAX: 408/971-36412 2100 Moorpark Ave. San Jose, CA 95128-2799 E-mail: [email protected] Santa Rosa Community College Disabled Students’ Program 707/527-4906 FAX: 707/524-1768 1501 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4395 E-mail: [email protected] Shasta College 530/225-4710 FAX: 530/225-4968 1065 North Old Oregon Trail Redding, CA 96049-6006 Sierra College 916/781-0599 FAX: 916/781-0455 5000 Rocklin Rd. Rocklin, CA 95677-3397 Skyline College 650/738-4280 FAX: 650/738-4260 3300 College Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066-1698 E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-7 9. Education Resources Solano Community College Disabled Students’ Program 707/864-7256 x301 FAX: 707/864-0361 4000 Suisun Valley Rd. Suisun, CA 94585-3197 E-mail: [email protected] Vista College Disabled Students’ Program 510/841-8431 x221 FAX: 510/841-7333 2020 Milvia St. Berkeley, CA 94704 West Valley College Disabled Students’ Program 408/741-2117 x6752 FAX: 408/867-4882 14000 Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 E-mail: [email protected] Yuba College 530/741-6992 FAX: 530/741-3541 2088 North Beale Rd. Marysville, CA 95901-7699 E-mail: [email protected] UNIVERSITIES Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 805/756-1395 San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 CSU Bakersfield 661/664-2011 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 CSU Chico 530/898-5959 First Street and Normal Ave. Chico, CA 95929 CSU Fresno 559/278-2811 5241 North Maple Ave. Fresno, CA 93704 CSU Hayward 510/885-3868 Hayward, CA 94542 CSU Humboldt 707/826-4678 Arcata, CA 95521 CSU Monterey Bay 831/582-3518 100 Campus Center Seaside, CA 93955 CSU Sacramento 916/278-6955 6000 J Street Sacramento, CA 95819 San Francisco State University 415/338-2472 1600 Holloway Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132 9-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9. Education Resources San Jose State University 408/924-6000 One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192 University of California, Berkeley 510/642-0518 230 Golden Bear Center Berkeley, CA 94723 Santa Clara University Disabled Students’ Services 408/554-4111 Benson Center 203 Santa Clara, CA 95053 University of California, San Francisco 415/476-4318 500 Parnassas Ave, UCSF San Francisco, CA 94122 Sonoma State University 707/664-2166 1801 East Cotati Ave. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 University of California, Santa Cruz Disabled Students’ Services 831/459-2089 146 Hahn Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Stanford University Disability Resource Center 650/723-1066 123 Meyer Library Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 SCI EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES SELF-CARE MANUALS Pathways to Health: You Do Have A Choice ($7.00) Kenneth Gerhart Craig Hospital Research Dept. 303/789-8202 3425 S. Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80110 Email: [email protected] Website: <www.craighospital.org> • Focuses on making healthy choices for people living with spinal injuries Spinal Cord Injury Information Network University of Alabama at Birmingham Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • Excellent website where 18 Fact Sheets covering various aspects of spinal cord injury are available free of charge Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-9 9. Education Resources Spinal Cord Injury Patient Education Manual ($72.00) Aspen Publishers, Inc. 800/234-1660 7201 McKinney Circle Frederick, MD 21704 Website: <www.aspenpub.com> The Spinal Cord Injury Handbook for Patients and their Families ($15.45) Richard C. Senelick and Karla Dougherty HealthSouth Press 800/688-0737 9119 Cinnamon Hill San Antonio, TX 78240 Website: <www.healthsouth.com> Spinal Network: The Total Wheelchair Resource Book - 3rd Edition ($49.95) Miramar Communications 800/543-4116 FAX: 310/ 317-9533 P.O. Box 8987 Malibu, CA 90265 Website: <www.newmobility.com> Spinal Cord Injury: A Manual for Healthy Living ($65.00) The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Division of Education (713) 797-5944 1333 Moursund B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 Spinal Cord Injury Homecare Manual Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 1199 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 Contact: Marilyn Homick, Patient Education Coordinator Yes, You Can!: A Guide to Self-Care for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury ($15.00) Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Department; c/o Office Services 800/424-8200 801 N. 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Website: <www.pva.org> 9-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 9. Education Resources National Database of Educational Resources for SCI The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 713/797-5944 1333 Moursund B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 • Also available in Spanish SCI Homecare Manual Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/885-2000 751 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 VIDEOTAPES AND SOFTWARE Take Control: A Multimedia Guide to SCI for Consumers, Family and Staff Education (1998) Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission 501/296-1792 1501 North University, Suite 400 Little Rock, AR 72207 Website: <www.state.ar.us/ascc> The Return to Yourself (1996) Paralysis Care Network 219/483-2100 3320 N. Clinton Fort Wayne, IN 46805 E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury Network 800/548-2673 707/577-8796 Fax: 707/577-0605 3911 Princeton Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95405 • This organization has a program that loans out informational videotapes to individuals with SCI and their families free of charge Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 9-11 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Fiancial Aid and Assistance Finances remain a very difficult area for those with SCI. Sometimes the family is already in a financial crisis when the spinal cord injury occurs. Other times the injury brings on financial problems by loss of income or the additional burden of medical bills. Whatever the situation, any assistance that can be found is greatly needed. This section includes agencies and resources that help people with credit counseling, offer counsel with the various financial difficulties that are often encountered, and agencies that provide financial benefits counseling (e.g. help with applying for Supplemental Secuity Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), etc. or appealing adverse determinations). Also included are resources that can help with obtaining MediCal and MediCare. California Children’s Services 408/299-5891 FAX: 408/971-3538 720 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Medical service up to age 21 • Benefits counseling, direct aid, insurance assistance, and financial case management • Santa Clara County office Christopher Sampson Foundation 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite 740 Burbank, CA 91502 • Can assist with covering the costs of services and equipment for individuals who have endured catastrophic injury and are unable to pay for what they need • Prefer written requests for information on application process California Consumer Credit Counseling Service • This service offers money management and counseling for people with credit problems • Free debt counseling sessions which last about an hour; for this session they need information which must be completed before the client sees a counselor. Counseling sessions may be done by phone • Assistance to those clients whose bills are too large by helping set up a debt repayment plan Santa Clara Valley Office: 408/988-7881 FAX: 408/988-0911 1825 De la Cruz Blvd., Suite 204 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 10-1 10. Financial Aid and Assistance California Consumer Credit Counseling Service (cont.) East Bay Office: 510/729-6966 333 Hegenberger Rd., Suite 710 Oakland, CA 94621-1462 San Francisco and the Peninsula Office: 415/788-0288 77 Maiden Lane, Third Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 Sacramento Office: 916/638-5037 1130 Sun Center Dr., Suite E Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Fresno Office: 559/454-1700 4969 East McKinley, Suite 107 Fresno, CA 93727 Mid-Counties Office: 209/956-1170 1776 March Lane, #420 Stockton, CA 95207 North Valley Office: 530/223-6908 5609 Bechelli Lane, Suite 1 Redding, CA 96002 Central Office Disability Advocates 800/660-0449 1012 19th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 • Advocates for Social Security and SSI claims 10-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 10. Financial Aid and Assistance Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos 650/968-0836 204 Stierlin Rd. Mountain View, CA 94043 • Senior services • Financial assistance Disabled and Alone Life Services for the Handicapped, Inc. 800/995-0066 212/532-6740 352 Park Ave. South, #703 New York, NY 10010 Website: <www.hsca.org/disabledandalone.html> • Planning for the disabled following the death of a caregiver Employment Development Department (EDD) 408/436-5600 FAX: 408/452-7684 SDI Office- San Jose Mailing: P.O. Box 637, San Jose, CA 95106-0637 Office: 297 West Hedding, San Jose, CA 95110 • EDD administers the State Disability Insurance (SDI) Program Homeowners and Renters Assistance California Franchise Tax Board 800/852-5711 TDD: 800/822-6268 • Information on tax options for persons with disabilities Internal Revenue Service Office of the Chief Counsel 1111 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5112 Washington, DC 20224 • Tax incentives for improving accessibility (tax credit/deduction) • Publications and forms: 800/829-3676 TDD: 800/829-4059 • Questions: 800/829-1040 TDD: 800/829-4059 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 10-3 10. Financial Aid and Assistance Life Planning for Persons with Disabilities 916/334-7817 Donald Morford 6801 Silverthorne Circle Sacramento, CA 95842 E-mail: [email protected] • Free seminars • Life planning (trusts, wills, financial) • Litigation for issues dealing with life planning MediCare Information 800/952-8627 • Eligibility information • Medicare pays for physician visits, ambulance transportation, x-rays, but will not pay for dentists, hearing aids, or glasses (except for cataracts) • Medicare will also pay for preventative care, such as mammograms and prenatal care National Association of Protection and Advocacy 202/408-9514 Office on ADA US Department of Justice 800/514-0301 P.O. Box 66118 Washington, DC 20035-6118 • Answer questions on the American with Disabilities Act Public Guardian Office (Conservatorship) 408/299-6540 FAX: 408/293-6904 1075 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA 95116 • Acts as conservators in cases of mental incompetency (decided by Superior Court) Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 202/442-8400 • Job training for individuals with mental or physical disabilities 10-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 10. Financial Aid and Assistance San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services 800/675-8437 225 West 37th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403 • Adult Protective Services • Veterans services • Case management • In-home support Santa Clara County Social Services Department Information in MediCal, AFDC and food stamps General Assistance: 408/928-3650 591 North King Rd. San Jose, CA 95133 North County office: 650/988-6100 100 Moffett Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043 Central office: 408/441-5100 1725 Technology Dr. San Jose, CA 95110 Senter Road office: 408/299-2982 1870 Senter Road San Jose, CA 95112 East Valley office: 408/928-3100 1670-H Las Plumas Ave., Suite 8 San Jose, CA 95133 South County office: 408/686-8734 80 Highland Ave San Martin, CA 95046 Mission City office: 408/556-1700 1880 Pruneridge Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 Valley Medical Center: 408/299-6393 751 S. Bascom Ave., H-25 San Jose, CA 95128 Social Security and MediCare Information 800/772-1213 TDD: 800/325-0778 Social Security Disability Advocates 800/660-0449 2116 6th Street Sacramento, CA 95818 • Represent individuals who have been denied benefits Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 10-5 10. Financial Aid and Assistance SSI Advocacy Program 408/928-3640 591 North King Rd. San Jose, CA 95133 • Social Worker/Advocacy Worker on duty • Assists disabled General Assistance clients with accessing the Social Security System U.S. Veterans Administration 800/827-1000 Department of Veteran Affairs Regional Office Oakland Federal Building 1301 Clay Street Oakland, CA 94612-5209 Website: <www.va.gov> • Offer benefits counseling to veterans Victim Witness Assistance Program 408/295-2656 777 North First St., Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95112 • Provides compensation to victims of crime Victims of Crime Resource Center 800/842-8467 • Legal referrals and information to victims of crime and referrals to local Victim Witness Assistance Offices for compensation BOOKS Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families Reference Service Press 916/939-9620 5000 Windplay Drive, Suite 4 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 • 350 pages: $40.00 10-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 10. Financial Aid and Assistance Dollars for College: The Quick Guide to Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities Elizabeth Olson 800/306-9942 J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company 200 W. Madison, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60606 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.fergpubco.com> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 10-7 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Health Related Services Included in this chapter are organizations and agencies that offer services to assist with the health and medical needs of persons with SCI. These services can range from attendant care (attendants are those that help with the day-to-day needs of people with disabilities, including personal care, shopping, housekeeping, driving, laundry, etc.) to nursing care to actual medical services. The Independent Living Centers listed in Chapter 13 offer attendant care issues as one of the five core services they are funded to provide. Most have a department for the express purpose of assisting individuals with disabilities find and train attendants to do personal services. The Silicon Valley Independent Living Center in the Santa Clara Valley area has an independent living specialist dedicated to all the aspects of building and sustaining a working relationship between the employer (with the disability) and the employee (the attendant). Alta Bates Rehabilitation Center 510/204-4411 FAX: 510/548-5265 2001 Dwight Way Berkeley, CA 94704 • Outpatient services • Health clinic • Outpatient services Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Outpatient services • Counseling California Children’s Services 408/299-5891 FAX: 408/971-3538 720 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Medical services for those injured before the age of 21 Community Hospital and Rehabilitation Center of Los Gatos 408/866-4020 FAX: 408/866-4077 815 Pollard Rd. Los Gatos, CA 95030 • Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 11-1 11. Health Related Services Easter Seals at Timpany Center 408/295-0228 FAX: 408/275-9858 730 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Aquatic physical therapy • Land therapy Health Care to the Homeless 408/279-6244 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 201 San Jose, CA 95128 • General health screening; preventative care for children • Perinatal, immunization, information and referral • Health education • Social services and case management In-Home Support Services (IHSS) 408/441-5858 1725 Technology Dr. San Jose, CA 95110 • Must have MediCal to be eligible for services • County social services agency program • Attendant care funding John Muir Rehabilitation Center 925/988-7595 1601 Ygnacio Valley Rd. Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Linkages/Multipurpose Senior Service Program (MSSP) 415/750-4141 Institute on Aging 3626 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 • Case management for disabled adults over 18 • Careplanning for persons over 65 • Adult daycare 11-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 11. Health Related Services Medshares - San Jose 408/452-1224 FAX: 408/452-1266 2025 Gateway Place, #260 San Jose, CA 95110 • Intermittent skilled nursing care and attendant care Medshares - Gilroy 408/848-6825 FAX: 408/848-3956 7855 Wren, Suite D Gilroy, CA 95020 • Intermittent skilled nursing care and attendant care Mills Peninsula Hospital Center for Rehabilitation 650/696-4300 FAX: 650/696-4984 100 So. San Mateo Dr. San Mateo, CA 94401 • Outpatient services Mt. Diablo Facility of Rehabilitation 925/682-6343 490 Golf Club Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 • Outpatient services • Adult day health care • Vocational services North Coast Rehabilitation Center 707/542-2771 151 Sotoyome St. Santa Rosa, CA 95405-4869 • Inpatient and outpatient services Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 11-3 11. Health Related Services Patient Advocate Foundation 800/532-5274 FAX: 757/873-8999 753 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite B Newport News, VA 23606 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.patientadvocate.org> • Serves as a liaison between patients and their insurers, employers and other creditors to help people resolve insurance, job discrimination and/or debt crisis matters resulting from their illness REACH Foothill College Reach Program 650/354-8380 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 • Mobility training classes • Living skills classes Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/295-9896 x24 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 • Maintains a directory in the Resource Center of physicians who have treated former SCI patients in areas throughout Northern California • It is in no way an endorsement of any of the physicians listed Salinas Adult School Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) 831/753-4268 20 Sherwood Place Salinas, CA 93906 • Classes in Adaptive Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy 11-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 11. Health Related Services San Jose State University Occupational Therapy Clinic 408/924-3070 1 Washington Square San Jose, CA 95128 • Occupational therapy services for any physical or psychological disability • Self-referral or MD referral • $100.00 per semester (or sliding scale) • Twice per week, 1 hour, 15 minutes of therapy • Available September - December and February - May Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Rehabilitation Clinic 408/885-5920 FAX: 408/885-4728 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95128 • Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services • Women’s clinic for women with disabilities St. Mary’s Hospital Rehabilitation Center 415/750-5744 450 Stanyan St. San Francisco, CA 94117-1079 • Outpatient rehabilitation • Orthopedic and sports PT clinic • Chemical dependency clinic Stanford University Hospital Rehabilitation Center 650/723-4000 300 Pasteur Dr. Stanford, CA 94305 • Outpatient rehabilitation Therapy in Your Home 408/358-0201 Los Gatos, CA 95030-6335 Website: <http://members.home.net/TIYH> • Provide therapy services in your home on a private pay basis Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 11-5 11. Health Related Services University of California Davis Medical Center Rehabilitation Department 916/734-7041 2315 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 • Outpatient rehabilitation • Orthotics, psychology, & social services HOME HEALTH AGENCIES Alexian Home Care 408/729-2806 FAX: 408/729-2861 1565-D Mabury Rd. San Jose, CA 95133 Mid Peninsula Home Health 415/949-3029 FAX: 415/949-4317 201 San Antonio Circle, #135 Mountain View, CA 94040 Continue Care 408/374-6655 FAX: 408/374-4347 1390 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 O'Connor Home Health Care 408/947-2724 FAX: 408/947-7299 105 North Bascom Ave, Suite 205 San Jose, CA 95128 Home Health Plus 408/986-1801 FAX: 408/986-0354 2005 De La Cruz Blvd., #271 Santa Clara, CA 95050 Olsten Home Health Services 408/261-2801 FAX: 408/961-9202 1101 S. Winchester Blvd., #M250 San Jose, CA 95128 Interim Health Care 408/943-9441 FAX: 408/943-0105 2150 North First St., Suite 455 San Jose, CA 95131 Staff Builders Health Care 408/271-1600 FAX: 408/271-1601 1190 South Bascom Ave., Suite 240 San Jose, CA 95128 Matched Caregivers 650/321-2273 FAX: 650/321-1150 211 Town and Country Palo Alto, CA 94301 Stanford Home Care 650/723-1600 FAX: 650/723-3267 Hoover Pavilion 211 Quarry Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94305 11-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 11. Health Related Services Visiting Nurse Association 831/475-8644 FAX: 831/688-1146 1041 41st Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95062 We Care Personal Services 408/998-4457 FAX: 408/998-4486 265 Meridian Ave., Suite 5C San Jose, CA 95126 LOWER COST HOME HEALTHCARE OPTIONS Rates as of January 2001. Continue Care 408/374-6655 • $165.00 shift - 24hrs. Geriatric Home Care Specialists 408/354-8996 • $15.50 -16.50/hr Loving Hands Homecare 408/266-8331 • $155.00/day Special Home Needs 408/985-8666 • $16.00/hr. - 8 hours shift Valley Health Network 408/254-4650 • $115.00/day - 24hrs. We Care Personal Services 408/998-4457 • $125.00/day plus meals Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 11-7 11. Health Related Services WEBSITES FOR LOCATING PHYSICIANS American Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) Website: <www.aapmr.org> • Assists in locating a physiatrist by specialty in your area American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service Website: <www.certifieddoctor.org> • Find physicians certified by one or more of the ABMS member boards Administrators in Medicine (AIM) DocFinder Website: <www.docboard.org> • Locate health professionals licensed by AIM’s 20 or so participating medical boards American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Select On-Line Doctor Finder Website: <www.ama-assn.org/aps/amahg.htm> • Find any licensed doctor of medicine or osteopathy OTHER WEBSITES National Center on Physical Activity and Disability Website: <www.ncpad.org> • Promotes healthy lifestyles for people with disabilities by disseminating the latest information, providing resources, and conducting research on physical activity and disability. 11-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Housing Agencies and Resources Housing remains one of the most vexing and difficult issues for those with SCI. Housing is difficult and expensive for anyone to find, and when one adds complications of having special needs, accessibility requirements and low income, finding affordable and accessible housing becomes an even more formidable task. The agencies and organizations listed below can help. Included in this chapter are agencies and services that can offer help with information or housing referrals. You might begin your search for accessible housing by contacting your local Independent Living Center (ILC). See Chapter 13 for a listing of ILC’s throughout Northern California. The ILC staff may keep listings of accessible housing units in the area, or may be able to guide you to some local publications that have such listings. To locate an ILC near you, contact the Independent Living Research Utilization Project (ILRU) at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR), 2323 S. Sheppard, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77019, 713/520-0232, or the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), 1916 Wilson Blvd., Suite 209, Arlington, VA 22201, 703/525-3406. HOUSING INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) 651/645-7271 800/466-7722 FAX: 651/645-0541 2550 University Ave., Suite 330 St. Paul, MN 55114 • A non-profit organization that provides accessible, affordable housing and support services for adults with mobility impairments and/or brain injuries Aris 408/293-2747 1550 The Alameda, Suite100 San Jose, CA 95126 • AIDS and HIV support agency offering emotional and practical support to those with AIDS and HIV and their family members • Shared housing and listings of rooms for rent with other people with HIV/AIDS Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Housing information and referral Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 12-1 12. Housing Agencies and Resources California Fair Employment and Housing Department 408/277-1264 • Offers assistance with discrimination and harassment in housing or employment, including acts of violence and discrimination in public services Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara 408/275-8770 FAX: 408/280-0358 505 West Julian St. San Jose, CA 95110 • This agency provides subsidized rent for qualified individuals • Currently closed to new applicants due to the large wait list Housing for Independent People (HIP) 408/283-2200 888 N. First St., Suite 201 San Jose, CA • Non-profit housing developers for people with special needs, including those with physical disabilities • Housing referral McLaughlin House 408/993-0453 1558 McLaughlin Ave. San Jose, CA 95122 Contact: Carmen Mestas - Manager • Shared housing for individuals with SCI Mid-Peninsula Housing Management Vivente I 408/279-2706 2400 Enborg Ln. San Jose, CA 95128 • Accessible apartments - 29 total • Eligibility requirements: Must be low income and mobility impaired • Wheelchair dependent • Must be resident of Santa Clara County and demonstrate the capability to live independently and manage your own household 12-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 12. Housing Agencies and Resources Milpitas Housing Services 408/946-6582 FAX: 408/720-0810 1055 Sunnyvale Saratoga, Suite 3 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Website: <www.mediate4us.com> • Dispute resolution between landlord and tenant • First time homebuyer assistance • Subsidized housing Palo Alto Mediation Program Mountain View: 650/969-0495 Palo Alto: 650/856-4062 430 Sherman Ave., Suite 308 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Website: <www.housing.org> • Assists in tenant/landlord mediation National Accessible Apartment Clearinghouse 800/421-1221 201 W. Union St., Suite 220 Alexandria, VA 22314 Website: <www.aptsforrent.com/naac> • Maintains a national registry of apartment units designed to accommodate wheelchair users Project Match 408/287-7121 FAX: 408/287-3764 555 Meridian Ave., Suite C San Jose, CA 95126 • This program provides referrals for shared housing - matching those persons seeking to share their home with those who are seeking a place to live • Must have independent living skills in order to participate in program Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible and Universal Design in Housing Website: <www.design.ncsu.edu/cud> • Federally funded program that conducts research leading to new scientific knowledge and new or improved methods, procedures and devices to benefit people with disabilities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 12-3 12. Housing Agencies and Resources Salvation Army Corps 408/720-0420 1161 S. Bernardo Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Gilroy: 408/848-5373 San Jose: 408/998-2064 • Provides rental assistance Salvation Army - Social Services 408/282-1165 359 North 4th Street San Jose, CA 95112 • Rent and utilities assistance • Emergency food • Information and referral • Specific zip codes served Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> • Provides information and referral regarding available, accessible housing options and a computer list of available housing • Residential Training Program provides comprehensive independent living skills training in a live-in situation (single family home). It addresses self-care and homemaking skills, community mobility, personal assistant management, social skills and pre-vocational development Wheelchair Accessible Home Clearinghouse 610/942-3266 Website: <www.waccess.org> • Website that lists realtors who specialize in accessible homes • Classified advertisements listed 12-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 12. Housing Agencies and Resources FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR HOMEBUYERS Fannie Mae Consumer Resource Center 800/7-FANNIE 202/752-7124 Website: <www.fanniemae.com> • HomeChoice is a single-family mortgage loan developed by Fannie Mae to meet the needs of low and moderate income individuals with disabilities or those that have a family member with a disability in the household • Will provide a list of lenders HOME MODIFICATIONS Handyman Connection 408/294-5900 1460 Tully Rd. San Jose, CA Fremont: 510/440-0199 • Group of retired handymen that will build ramps, install grab bars, etc. for a reasonable rate BOOKS: Building For A Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes (1994) Margaret Wylde, Adrian Baron-Robbin and Sam Clark The Taunton Press 800/888-8286 Newton, CT 06470-5506 Website: <www.taunton.com> The Accessible Housing Design File (1991) Ronald L. Mace John Wiley and Sons 800/225-5945 One Wiley Dr. Somerset, NJ 08875 Website: <www.wiley.com> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 12-5 12. Housing Agencies and Resources Planning for Access: A Guide to Planning and Modifying Your Home (1996) Eastern PVA Publications Department 800/444-0120 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Jackson Heights, NY 11370-1177 Website: <www.epva.org> Residential Remodeling and Universal Design: Making Homes More Comfortable and Accessible (1996) HUD User 800/245-2691 P.O. Box 6091 Rockville, MD 20849 Website: <www.huduser.org> Ramps and Accessible Thresholds (1997) ABLEDATA Fact Sheet #27 ABLEDATA 800/227-0216 8455 Colesville Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Website: <www.abledata.com/ramps.htm> VIDEOTAPES: Building and Remodeling for Accessibility (1993) PBS Hometime (Show #4056) HomeTime Video Publications, Inc. 800/489-9955 4275 Norax Dr. Chaska, MN 55318 Website: <www.hometime.com> 12-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Independent Living Independent Living Centers (ILC’s) offer services to all individuals who are disabled, including information and referral, general counseling, mobility training, attendant care referral, peer support services, advocacy and paralegal assistance and financial counseling. In addition to these general services, independent living centers also offer a variety of vocational-related services, including employment counseling, employment readiness assistance, training in specific occupations, and job referral and placement. Some ILC’s also offer residential training programs. For specific information about the services your local independent living center offers, contact the ILC nearest to where you live. To locate an ILC near you, contact either of the following two organizations: Independent Living Research Utilization Project (ILRU) at 713/520-0232 (<www.ilru.org>) or National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) at 703/525-3406 (<www.tsbbs08.tnet.com>). INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTERS Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc. 650/595-0783 FAX: 650/595-0261 875 O’Neill Ave. Belmont, CA 94002 Central Coast Center for Independent Living Salinas office: 831/757-2968 FAX: 831/757-5549 234 Capitol St., Ste A Salinas, CA 95901 Center for Independent Living 209/276-6777 FAX: 209/276-6778 TDD: 209/276-6779 3475 West Shaw, Ste 101 Fresno, CA 93711 Community Resources for Independence 707/528-2745 FAX: 707/528-9477 2999 Cleveland Ave., Suite D Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Ukiah Office 707/463-8875 FAX: 707/463-8878 1040 N. State St., Suite E Ukiah, CA 95482-3414 E-mail: [email protected] Center for Independent Living 510/841-4776 FAX: 510/841-6168 2539 Telegraph Ave. Berkeley, CA 94704 Website: <www.cilberkeley.org> Central Coast Center for Independent Living 831/462-8720 FAX: 831/462-8727 1395 41st Ave Suite B Capitola, CA 95010 E-mail: [email protected] Fort Bragg Office 707/964-6714 FAX: 707/964-1761 310 E. Redwood Ave. Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 13-1 13. Independent Living Community Resources for Independence Napa Office 707/258-0270 FAX: 707/258-0275 1040 Main St., Suite 301 Napa, CA 94559 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 510/881-5743 FAX: 510/881-1593 439 A Street Hayward, CA 94541 E-mail: [email protected] Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living 209/521-7260 FAX: 209/521-4763 221 McHenry Blvd. Modesto, CA 95354 Website: <www.drail.org> San Joaquin ILC: 209/477-8143 4555 Precissi Lane Stockton, CA 95207 Mother Lode ILC: 209/532-0963 975-A Morningstar Sonora, CA 95370 FREED 800/655-7732 530/272-1732 FAX: 530/272-7793 154 Hughes Rd., Suite1 Grass Valley, CA 95945 E-mail: [email protected] 13-2 Humboldt Access Project 707/445-8404 FAX: 707/445-9751 812 Sixth Street Eureka, CA 95501 Independent Living Center of Kern County 805/325-1063 FAX: 805/325-6702 1927 Eye St. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Independent Living Center 805/963-0595 FAX: 805/963-1350 1927 Eye Street Santa Barbara, CA 93301 Independent Living Resource Center 805/925-0015 327 East Plaza Drive, #3A Santa Maria, CA 93454 Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco 415/543-6222 FAX: 415/543-6318 649 Mission St., Third Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Independent Living Resource of Contra Costa County 925/363-7293 FAX: 925/363-7296 3200 Clayton Rd. Concord, CA 94519 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 13. Independent Living INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTERS (continued) Independent Living Services of Northern California 530/893-8527 FAX: 530/893-8574 555 Rio Lindo Ave., Suite B Chico, CA 95926 E-mail: [email protected] Independent Living Services of Redding 530/242-8550 1411 Yuba Street Redding, CA 96001 E-mail: [email protected] Marin Center for Independent Living 415/459-6245 FAX: 415/459-7047 710 Fourth Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Placer Independent Resource Services 530/885-6100 FAX: 530/885-3032 11768 Atwood Rd., Suite 29 Auburn, CA 95603 Resources for Independent Living 916/446-3074 FAX: 916/446-2443 1211 H Street, Suite B Sacramento, CA 95814 E-mail: [email protected] Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> Gilroy office: 408/847-1805 7415 Eigleberry Street, Suite C Gilroy, CA 95020 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) 916/325-1690 FAX: 916/325-1699 660 “J” Street, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95814 E-mail: [email protected] • Act as advocate for all ILC’s in California (for federal and state issues) Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 13-3 13. Independent Living Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc. 408/971-0888 408/971-2789 P.O. Box 610968 San Jose, CA 95116 • Home Access Program (home modifications) • Handyworker Program to do minor home repairs (for home owners only) • Provide payment assistance for households experiencing energy-related emergencies Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) 713/520-0232 The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research 2323 S. Sheppard, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77019 Website: <www.ilru.org> • National center for information training, research and technical assistance for independent living National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) 703/525-3406 1916 Wilson Blvd., Suite 209 Arlington, VA 22201 E-mail: [email protected] • Training for independent living • Information on ADA, 704 reports, rural transportation Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 800/352-1956 408/295-9896 FAX: 408/295-9913 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 Website: <www.tbi-sci.org> • Community education • Information and referral service • InterAct newsletter • Peer support program 13-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 13. Independent Living CAREGIVER RESOURCE CENTERS Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center 831/424-4359 Intake & Information: 800/624-8304 FAX: 831/459-8138 40 Central Ave. Salinas, CA 93901 Hollister Office: 800/624-8304 • Information and referral • Family consultation services Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center 916/971-0893 800/635-0220 5713-A Marconi Ave. Carmichael, CA 95608 • Support groups • Financial counsel • Legal assistance Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 800/445-8106 415/434-3388 690 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • Offers support and assistance to caregivers Redwood Caregiver Resource Center 707/542-0282 800/834-1636 FAX: 707/575-4910 P.O. Box 1556 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 • Caregiver support • Legal assistance • Counseling services • Respite care Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 13-5 13. Independent Living ORGANIZATIONS PROVIDING SERVICE DOGS Assistance Dog Institute 707/585-0300 FAX: 707/585-0445 P.O. Box 2334 Rohnert Park, CA 94927-2334 E-mail: [email protected] Canine Companions for Independence 800/572-BARK P.O. Box 446 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.caninecompanions.org> Delta Society - National Service Dog Center 800/869-6898 289 Perimeter Rd, East Renton, WA 98044 E-mail: [email protected] Independence Dogs, Inc. 610/358-2723 146 State Line Rd. Chadds Ford, PA 19317 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.ndept.com/idi PAWS With A Cause 800/253-PAWS 1235 100th Street, Southeast Byron Center, MI 49315 E-mail: [email protected] Support Dogs, Inc. 314/892-2554 3958 Union Rd. St. Louis, MO 63125 E-mail: [email protected] 13-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 13. Independent Living Helping Hands - Monkey Helpers for the Disabled 617/787-4419 1505 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02135 Website: <www.helpinghandsmonkeys.org> • Non-profit agency dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with quadriplegia by training capuchin monkeys to assist them with daily activities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 13-7 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Legal and Advocacy Services Individuals with SCI, often as a result of their injury, have problems or issues that require qualified professional advice, ranging from paying for medical services, to ensuring that their rights to fair housing, employment and access are protected. This chapter includes legal and advocacy services and books that are available for persons with SCI. The agencies listed below have experience working with disability issues. Adult Protective Services 408/928-3860 591 N. King Rd. San Jose, CA 95133 • Advocates for dependent adults • Abuse reporting agency American Civil Liberties Union 415/621-2488 1663 Mission St., Suite 460 San Francisco, CA 94103 • Free legal advice on civil liberty issues Asian Law Alliance 408/287-9710 184 E. Jackson St. San Jose, CA 95112-5153 • Free legal advice to people of any nationality in Santa Clara County • Legal representation for immigration, housing, domestic violence and public benefits issues • Translation services, as available, for people who speak Vietnamese, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Laotian California Rural Legal Assistance 415/777-2752 631 Howard Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94105-3907 • Assistance with wage claims, unemployment, and state disability • 15 branches throughout California Branches: 2115 Kern Street, Suite 370 Fresno, CA 93721 209/441-8721 7949 Wren Ave., Suite B Gilroy, CA 95021 408/847-1408 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 14-1 14. Legal and Advocacy Services California Rural Legal Assistance Branches (cont.) 117 South Lake St. Madera, CA 93638 209/674-5671 After Hours: 209/674-5672 818 “D” Street P.O. Box 2600 Marysville, CA 95901 530/742-5191 After Hours: 530/742-5194 2424 “K” Street Sacramento, CA 95816 916/446-7901 3 Williams Rd. Salinas, CA 93905 831/757-5221 1160 Marsh Street, Suite 114 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805/544-7997 1020 15th Street, Suite 11 Modesto, CA 95354 209/577-3811 After Hours: 209/577-3814 2050 G South Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454 805/922-4563 215 S. Coast Highway, Suite 201 Oceanside, CA 92054 619/966-0511 725 Farmers Lane, Suite 10 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707/528-9941 1732 Spring Street Paso Robles, CA 93446 805/239-3708 242 N. Sutter, Ste 411 Stockton, CA 95202 209/946-0605 After Hours: 209/946-0629 Catholic Charities Immigration Program 408/468-0100 Spanish: 408/944-0691 Vietnamese: 408/944-0362 2625 Zanker Rd, Suite 201 San Jose, CA 95134 • Visas and petitions for low income immigrants 14-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 14. Legal and Advocacy Services Central Coast Center for Independent Living 831/462-8720 FAX: 831/462-8727 1395 41st Ave., Ste B Capitola, CA 95010 234 Capitol St., Ste A Salinas, CA 93901 831/757-2968 FAX: 831/757-5549 • Information and referral • Advocacy Client Assistance Program (CAP) Dept. of Rehabilitation Ombudsman 916/322-5066 800/952-5544 830 “K” Street Mall, Room 308 Sacramento, CA 95814 • CAP advocates between the consumer and the Department of Rehabilitation to help resolve problems such as those related to consumer’s rights and responsibilities and personality conflicts between the consumer and counselor Disability Rights Advocates 510/451-8644 FAX: 510/451-8511 449 15th Street, Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94612-2821 • Non-profit law center for people with disabilities • Legal representation for people with disabilities • Publishes consumer handbooks Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 14-3 14. Legal and Advocacy Services Disability Rights Education of Defense Fund (DREDF) 800/466-4232 202/986-0375 1629 “K” Street, NW, Suite 803 Washington, DC 20009 Website: <www.dredf.org> 2212 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510/644-2555 • Information and referral on disability rights, laws and policies • Legal representation to adults and children with disabilities involving their rights to employment, education, transportation, housing and access to public accommodation • ADA training Friends Outside 408/295-6033 551 Stockton Ave. San Jose, CA 95126 • This organization helps with people who are in jail or prison Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco 415/543-6222 FAX: 415/543-6318 649 Mission Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 • Advocacy/human rights • Attorney referrals • San Francisco residents • ADA discrimination Kato and Feder 415/974-5715 685 Market Street, Suite 490 San Francisco, CA 94105 • General civil practice with a focus on the legal issues facing people who are elderly or disabled 14-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 14. Legal and Advocacy Services La Raza Centro Legal 415/575-3500 474 Valencia Street, Suite 295 San Francisco, CA 94103 • Referrals and free legal service for low-income persons • Spanish speaking Legal Aid Society of Santa Clara County 408/998-5200 480 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95112 Mailing: P.O. Box 103 San Jose, CA 95103-0103 Website: <www.legalaidsociety.org> • Immigration services • Help with housing discrimination • Family law • Special education Robert Ludlow, Esq. 831/475-5592 365 Lake Ave. P.O. Box 1184 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 • Attorney with a specialized interest in traumatic brain injury & SCI Mental Health Advocacy Project 408/294-9730 FAX: 408/293-0106 111 W. St. John St., Suite 315 San Jose, CA 95113 E-mail: [email protected] • Provides services to those who have a mental health diagnosis, are developmentally disabled, or have a traumatic brain injury • Patient rights • Landlord/tenant rights • Economic rights Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 14-5 14. Legal and Advocacy Services Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center 800/949-4232 2168 Shattuck Ave., Suite 301 Berkeley, CA 94704 • ADA information line Patient Advocate Foundation 800/532-5274 FAX: 757/873-8999 753 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite B Newport News, VA 23606 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.patientadvocate.org> • Organization serves as a liaison between patients and their insurers, employers and/or creditors • Helps people resolve insurance, job discrimination and/or debt crisis matters resulting from their illness or disability Protection and Advocacy 800/776-5746 510/839-0811 FAX: 510/839-5780 449 15th, #401 Oakland, CA 94612 • Legal assistance for mental health consumers • Must have a mental illness or emotional impairment and/or have been released in the last 90 days from a mental health facility Redwood Caregiver Resource Center 707/542-0282 P.O. Box 1556 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 • State funded agency that offers counseling, respite care and legal aid San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services 800/675-8437 225 W. 37th Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403 • Adult Protective Services • Public guardians • Case management • In-home support 14-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 14. Legal and Advocacy Services Schneider and McCormac Attorneys at Law 415/440-3440 415/440-3640 FAX: 415/342-0763 1700 California Street, Suite 340 San Francisco, CA 94104 • Civil litigation with an emphasis on disability rights work • Ask for Social Worker/Advocacy Worker on duty • Assists disabled General Assistance clients to access Social Security System Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> Gilroy office: 408/847-1805 7415 Eigleberry Street, Suite C Gilroy, CA 95020 • Bilingual (Spanish) and attorney-directed representation in public benefits appeals as well as individual and system advocacy for an integrative, barrier-free community U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division 800/514-0301 • ADA information line available 24 hours/day • ADA publications available Victim Witness Assistance Program 408/295-2656 777 North First Street, Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95112 E-mail: [email protected] • Crisis intervention • Emergency assistance • Resource and referral • In-court support • Education on the court system Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 14-7 14. Legal and Advocacy Services Victims of Crime Resource Center 800/842-8467 University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law 3200 5th Ave. Sacramento, CA 95817 • Legal referrals and information to victims of crime and referrals to local victim Witness Assistance Offices for compensation under the Victims of Crime Act BOOKS Addressing Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities: Self-Help and the Civil Rights Lawyer Contact: Thomas E. Frankovich 415/673-2733 One Daniel Burnham Court, Suite 391C San Francisco, CA 94109 • Concise 14 page paper that can assist advocates in making factual determinations • Includes case examples and samples of letters and telephone documentation Legal Rights for the Catastrophically Ill and Injured Rosenstein and Romano, P.C. 800/331-4134 610/279-3900 Commonwealth Bank Plaza 2 West Lafayette Street, Suite 120 Norristown, PA 19401 • Book is free 14-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Parenting and Family Resources For the individual with SCI who has children, life can pose many unique challenges. The following is a list of organizations that provide services and/or resources for parents with disabilities, or for parents of children with disabilities. Beach Center on Families and Disabilities 785/864-7600 University of Kansas 3111 Hayworth Lawrence, KS 66045 • Information and referral • Newsletter Exceptional Parent Magazine 877/372-7368 P.O. Box 2079 Marion, OH 43305 • $36 for 1 year (12 issues) • Focus on children with special needs • Resources and referrals Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 800/445-8106 415/434-3388 690 Market Street, Suite 601 San Francisco, CA 94104-5107 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • Information and referral • Support groups Matrix: A Parent Network and Resource Center 415/499-3877 94 Galli Drive, Suite C Novato, CA 94949 Website: <www.matrixparents.org> • Information and referral • Parent to parent support training Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 15-1 15. Parenting and Family Resources National Family Caregiver Association 800/896-3650 301/942-6430 10605 Concord Street, Suite 501 Kensington, MD 20895 • Caregiver-to-caregiver peer support network • Educational materials for caregivers • Quarterly newsletter National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) 800/695-0285 P.O. Box 1492 Washington, DC 20013 Website: <www.nichcy.org> E-mail: [email protected] • Special focus on children (birth to age 22) • Personal responses to questions from parents and service providers • Publications and referrals to other organizations and agencies • Information available in Spanish • Technical assistance to parent and professional groups • Resource guides available that describe agencies and organizations that provide assistance to families of children with disabilities The PACER Center 4826 Chicago Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55417-1098 E-mail: [email protected] • Quarterly newsletter with excellent resources and information Parents Helping Parents 408/727-5775 690 Market Street, Suite 600 3041 Olcott St. Santa Clara, CA 95050-3222 Website: <www.php.org> • Support groups • Parenting classes • Newsletter 15-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 15. Parenting and Family Resources Through the Looking Glass 510/848-1112 2198 6th Street, Suite B Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.lookingglass.org> • Parenting with a disability newsletter • Clinical and supportive services, training and research • Serves families in which one or more members, whether parent or child, has a disability or medical issue University of British Columbia, School of Nursing Consultation Resource Service for Women with Disabilities 604/822-7444 T206-211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC Canada Well Spouse Foundation 800/838-0879 212/644-1241 P.O. Box 28876 San Diego, CA 92198-0876 • Newsletter that covers counseling issues ON-LINE RESOURCES National Father’s Network Website: <www.fathersnetwork.org> • Website dedicated to providing support and resources for fathers and families of children with special needs • Offers articles, photos, special section for service providers National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) Website: <www.npnd.org> • National advocacy group that provides late-breaking news, legislative information, and other items of interest to parents on its website, by e-mail or FAX National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities (NTA) Website: <www.dssc.org/nta> • Federally funded program that promotes the transition of youth with disabilities toward desired postschool experience • Fact sheets, newsletter, model program information and other resources for educators, employers and parents Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 15-3 15. Parenting and Family Resources Sibling Support Project Website: <www.chmc.org.departmt/sibsupp> • Website packed with resources and ideas for siblings of children with disabilities, their parents and service providers • National directory of sibling support programs • Newsletter BOOKS Adaptive Baby Care Equipment: Guidelines, Prototypes, and Resources (2000) Through the Looking Glass 800/644-2666 510/848-1112 2198 6th Street, Suite B Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.lookingglass.org> • $30.00 Adaptive Parenting Idea Book (1999) Through the Looking Glass 800/644-2666 510/848-1112 2198 6th Street, Suite B Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.lookingglass.org> • $30.00 Disability, Pregnancy and Parenthood International (Quarterly Newsletter) Arrowhead Publications 1 Chiswick Staithe London W4 3TP England E-mail: [email protected] 15-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 15. Parenting and Family Resources Families Are Important: An Early Childhood Guidebook for Families of Young Children with Disabilities (1997) Maria Anderson PACER Center 952/838-9000 FAX: 952/838-1099 8161 Normadale Minneapolis, MN 55437-1044 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.pacer.org> • $5.00 Inclusion and Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide (1996) Julie Klauber and Avery Klauber Disability Resources, Inc. 516/585-0290 4 Glatter Lane Centerreach, NY 11720-1032 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.disabilityresources.org> • $10.00 Mother to Be: A Guide to Pregnancy and Birth for Women with Disabilities (1991) Demos Medical Publishers 800/532-8663 386 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Website: <www.demospub.com> • $29.95 softcover • $39.95 hardcover Ordinary Families, Special Children: A Systems Approach to Childhood Disability 800/365-7006 FAX: 212/966-6708 Guilford Publications, Inc 72 Spring St. New York, NY 10012 Website: <www.guilford.com> • $19.95 + $4.00 shipping and handling for paperback • $42.00 + $4.00 shipping and handling for hardcover Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 15-5 15. Parenting and Family Resources Pregnancy and Women with Spinal Cord Injury (1998) SCI Information Sheet #14 RRTC Training Office, University of Alabama at Birmingham 205/934-3283 Room 529 Spain Rehabilitation Center 1717 6th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35233-7330 Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> Reflections from a Mud Puddle: Helping Children Cope and Grow (1998) Marcella Fisher Anderson Boyds Mill Press 800/949-7777 910 Church St. Honesdale, PA 18431 • Collection of short stories and essays that aims to present difficult life situations within a child-friendly context • $14.95 softcover + $4.50 postage and handling The Special- Needs Reading List: An Annotated Guide to the Best Publications for Parents and Professionals (1998) Wilma Sweeney Woodbine House 800/842-7323 301/897-3570 FAX: 301/897-5838 6510 Bells Mill Rd. Bethesda, MD 20817 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.woodbinehouse.com> • Comprehensive guide to books and other resources • Focuses on specific issues such as disability awareness, sexuality, advocacy • Describes resources for 23 different disabilities, including resources for siblings and peers • $18.95 + postage and handling 15-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 15. Parenting and Family Resources Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs (1997) Donald Meyer Woodbine House 800/842-7323 301/897-3570 FAX: 301/897-5838 6510 Bells Mill Rd. Bethesda, MD 20817 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.woodbinehouse.com> • Collection of essays written by children age 4 - 18 which offers their perspectives on what it is like to grow up with a brother or sister with a disability • $14.95 softcover + $4.50 postage and handling NEWSLETTERS Disability, Pregnancy, and Parenthood International 45 Beech St., 5th Floor London, England EC2P2LX Email: [email protected] Parenting with a Disability Through the Looking Glass 800/644-2666 2198 Sixth St., Suite 100 Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.lookingglass.org> Parenting with a Disability Bulletin Center for Independent Living Toronto 205 Richmond St. West, Suite 605 Toronto, Ontario M5V IV3 Canada Email: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 15-7 16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment The individual with a spinal cord injury may no longer be able to pursue recreational activities in the same way as before the injury, but there are still many options for recreation and leisure. With a little imagination, creativity and planning, new ways can be found to enjoy favorite leisure activities. Swimming is one activity that is readily accessible to individuals with SCI in the local community. In this section of the resource guide, accessible pools in the area are listed. Also, if there is a specific sport that interests you, listings for various national and local wheelchair sports and recreational organizations are included. Finally, accessible museums and theaters in the Bay area are described and listed below. ACCESSIBLE POOLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE POOLS Cabrillo College 831/479-6266 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003 • Outdoor pool • 82 degrees • Hoyer lift De Anza College 408/864-8873 21050 McClellan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 • Outdoor pool • 82 degrees • Lift Gavilan College 408/847-1400 x4741 5055 Santa Teresa Gilroy, CA 95020 • Outdoor pool • 83 degrees • Lift Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-1 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment San Jose City College 408/288-3746 2100 Moorpark Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 • Outdoor pool • 83 degrees • Lift Santa Rosa Community College 707/527-4470 1501 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95401 • Indoor pool • 83 degrees • Lift West Valley College 408/867-2200 x2420 14000 Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070 • Outdoor pool COMMUNITY POOLS Betty Wright Swim Center 650/494-1480 3864 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA • Indoor pool • 88-90 degrees • Ramp Community Association for Rehabilitation 650/494-0550 525 East Charleston Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94306 16-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment Kernes Memorial Pool 831/372-1240 15 Portola Ave. Monterey, CA 93940 • Indoor pool • 92 degrees • Lift • Special programs Mills Hospital Pool 650/696-4315 El Camino and Crystal Springs San Mateo, CA • Indoor pool • 90 degrees • Ramp RCH, Inc. 415/665-4100 FAX: 415/665-7543 207 Skyline Blvd. San Francisco, CA • Indoor pool • 92 degrees • Ramp Salinas Municipal Pool 831/758-7301 920 N. Main St. Salinas, CA 93906 • Indoor pool • 85 degrees • Lift • Lessons Timpany Recreation and Aquatics Center 408/267-0200 1730 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Indoor pool • 92 degrees • Accessible • Lessons, Exercise, Open Swim Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-3 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment YMCA POOLS Central YMCA 408/298-1717 1717 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 • Indoor and outdoor pool • 85 degrees • Ramp El Camino YMCA 650/969-9622 2400 Grant Ave. Mountain View, CA 94040 • Outdoor pool • Need to individually transfer Palo Alto Family YMCA 650/856-9622 3412 Ross Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303 • 2 indoor pools • 85 degrees • No lifts or ramps Peninsula Family YMCA 650/286-9622 1877 S. Grant St. San Mateo, CA 94402 • Indoor pool • 83 degrees • Lift Santa Rosa YMCA 707/545-9622 1111 College Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95404 • 2 indoor pools • 85-90 degrees • Lift 16-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment Sequoia YMCA 650/368-4168 1445 Hudson St. Redwood City, CA • Indoor pool • 85 degrees • No lifts Southwest YMCA 408/370-1877 13500 Quito Rd. Saratoga, CA • Indoor pool • 82-84 degrees • Lift LOCAL SPORTS AND RECREATION RESOURCES Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors 415/281-0212 P.O. Box 77212 San Francisco, CA 94107-7212 • Offers people with disabilities and families and friends the opportunity to go sailing, learn to sail or volunteer to help bring sailing to others • 3 boats • $24.00/yr membership includes boat use, club events, including free drop-in classes and a bimonthly newsletter Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP) 510/849-4663 830 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.borp.org> • Sports and recreation activities for individuals with disabilities of all ages • Recreation referrals and consultations • Serves the San Francisco Bay Area Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-5 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment City of San Jose Office of Therapeutic Services 408/267-0200 FAX: 408/267-2834 5730 Chambertin Drive San Jose, CA 95118 Website: <www.ci.san-jose.ca.us/prns) • Sponsor a number of programs for individuals with disabilities • Support groups • Aquatics • Summer camps for children with disabilities Creativity Unlimited Diquisto Center 408/559-1847 FAX: 408/559-1842 2715 Union Ave. San Jose, CA 95124 • Fine arts program for individuals with disabilities Disabled Sports USA of Northern California 916/722-6447 6060 Sunrise Vista Drive, Suite 2540 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 • Multiple recreational activities • Publish a newsletter Ventures Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC) 415/474-7662 Fort Mason Center, Bldg. C San Francisco, CA 94123 • Offer outdoor programs; whitewater rafting, cross country skiing and sea kayaking • Also publish newsletter Guardian Rehabilitation Center 408/356-2191 16412 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos, CA 95032 • Aquatic therapy 16-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services Accessible Recreation Activities and Programs (ARAP) 650/780-7311 1120 Roosevelt Ave. Redwood City, CA 94061-1499 • Offer trips, hikes, fitness classes, movies and lunches to their members • Publish quarterly ARAP update which details their activities Red Morton Center Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services 650/780-7311 1120 Roosevelt Ave. Redwood City, CA 94063 • Offer trips, fitness classes, dance classes, art classes and other activities Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> • Group recreational/social activities, events and information regarding accessible community resources South Bay Wheelchair Athletic Program City of San Jose, Office of Therapeutic Services 408/267-0200 FAX: 408/267-2834 5730 Chambertin Dr. San Jose, CA 95118-3302 • Wheels on Fire - Junior Wheelchair Sports Team • Pacific Spartans - Wheelchair Basketball Team • San Jose Sting Quad Rugby Team • Water Wheels Swim Team • San Jose Steamrollers - Power Soccer Team Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-7 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment NATIONAL SPORTS/RECREATION ASSOCIATIONS Survivors Art Foundation P.O. Box 383 Westhampton, NY 11977 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.survivorsartfoundation.org> • Non-profit organization aiming to provide entertainment, education, exposure to the arts and raising public awareness while mainstreaming survivors with physical and mental disabilities into the arts AMPUTEE SPORTS Disabled Sports USA 301/217-0960 451 Hungerford Dr., Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 Eastern Amputee Athletic Association 516/826-8340 2080 Ennabrock Rd. North Bellmore, NY 11710 ARCHERY Wheelchair Archery, USA 5295 Highway 78, Suite D P.O. Box 204 Stone Mountain, GA 30087 BASKETBALL Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association 613/841-1824 1600 James Naismith Dr. Gloucester, Ontario K1B5N4 Website: <www.cwba.ca> National Wheelchair Basketball Association Website: <www.nwba.org> 16-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment BOWLING American Wheelchair Bowling Association 954/491-2886 6264 N. Andrews Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 E-mail: [email protected] GOLF Association of Disabled American Golfers 303/922-5228 FAX: 303/922-5257 P.O. Box 280649 Lakewood, CO 80228-0649 E-mail: [email protected] National Amputee Golf Association 800/633-NAGA P.O. Box 5801 Coralville, IA 52241-5801 MULTISPORT Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association 613/841-1824 1600 James Naismith Dr. Gloucester, Ontario K1B5N4 Website: <www.cwba.ca> Disabled Sports USA 301/217-0960 451 Hungerford Dr., Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 U.S. Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association 401/874-7465 251 W. Independence Way Kingston, RI 02881 Website: <www.uscpaa.org> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-9 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Wheelchair Sports, USA 719/574-1150 3595 E. Fountain Blvd., Suite L-1 Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Website: <www.wsusa.org> QUAD SPORTS Power Soccer Bay Area Outreach Recreation Program 510/849-4663 830 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA 94710 Website: <www.pinter.com/BORP> RACQUET SPORTS National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis 949/361-3663 940 Calle Amanecer, Suite B San Clemente, CA 92672 RECREATION American Handcycle Association 619/596-1986 1744 Pepper Villa Dr. El Cajon, CA 92021-1214 E-mail: [email protected] North American Riding for the Handicapped Association 800/369-RIDE P.O. Box 33150 Denver, CO 80233 Website: <www.narha.org> Parapalegics On Independent Nature Trips (POINT) 214/827-7404 4144 N. Central Expy., Suite 515 Dallas, TX 75204 16-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment ROAD RACING International Wheelchair Road Racers Club, Inc. 203/967-2231 30 Myano Ln. Stamford, CT 06902 SKIING Disabled Sports USA 301/217-0960 451 Hungerford Dr., Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 U.S. Disabled Ski Team 435/649-9090 P.O. Box 100 Park City, UT 84060 Website: <www.usskiteam.com> SOFTBALL National Wheelchair Softball Association 651/437-1792 1616 Todd Ct. Hastings, MN 55033 TRACK AND FIELD Wheelchair Athletics of the USA 203/967-2231 30 Myano Ln. Stamford, CT 06902 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-11 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment WATER SPORTS/RECREATION American Canoe Association 703/451-0141 7432 Alban Station Blvd., Suite B-232 Springfield, VA 22150 Website: <www.paddler.org> Aqua Sports Association for the Physically Challenged 619/953-8777 830 Broadway, Suite 10 El Cajon, CA 92021 Handicapped Scuba Association 714/498-6128 1104 El Prado San Clemente, CA 92672 E-mail: [email protected] National Ocean Access Project Disabled Sports USA 301/217-9843 P.O. Box 10726 Rockville, MD 20849-0726 U.S. Rowing Association 800/315-4769 201 South Capitol Ave., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46225 U.S. Wheelchair Swimming 508/946-1964 229 Miller St. Middleboro, MA 02346 WEIGHTLIFTING U.S. Wheelchair Weightlifting Federation 215/945-1964 39 Michael Place Levittown, PA 19057 16-12 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment ACCESSIBLE MUSEUMS Behring Auto Museum 925/736-2277 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Circle Danville, CA 94506 • Hours: Wed - Sun 10am-5pm • Admission: $7 adults, $4 students and seniors • Accessibility: Ramped in front; elevators inside for two floors of exhibits California Academy of Sciences 415/750-7145 Golden Gate Park San Francisco, CA • Hours: Daily 10am-5pm (Summer hours are 9am-6pm) • Admission: $8.50 adults; $5.50 youth (12-17), students, and seniors; $2.00 children (4-11) • Accessibility: All exhibits are accessible except the swamp area in the Steinhart Aquarium • Elevators California Antique Aircraft Museum 408/683-2290 12777 Murphy Ave. San Martin, CA 95046 • Hours: T-Th and Sat & Sun 11am-4pm • Admission: Free, donation requested • Accessibility: Several buildings Children’s Discovery Museum 408/298-5437 180 Woz Way San Jose, CA 95110 Website: <www.cdm.org> • Hours: T-Sat 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun 11am-4pm; Closed Mondays • Admission: $6.00 adults, $4.00 children • Accessibility: Elevators, all exhibits accessible Cupertino Historical Society Museum 408/973-1495 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 • Hours: Wed-Sat 10am-4pm • Admission: Free • Accessibility: Automatic door in front; ground floor exhibits accessible Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-13 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Cupertino Nature Museum 408/777-3149 22221 McClellan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 • Hours: Sat 10am-2pm • Admission: Free • Accessibility: Ramped in front, exhibits on one level Monterey Bay Aquarium 831/648-4888 831/648-4800 886 Cannery Row Monterey, CA Website: <www.montereybayaquarium.org> • Hours: Daily 10am-6pm • Admission: $15.95 adults, $13.95 seniors/students, $7.95 children 3-12 and disabled • Accessibility: Completely accessible except for the mezzanine level of the sea otter exhibit. Video monitors display shows/events on this level • Free wheelchair rental • Limited disabled parking Museum of Modern Art 415/357-4000 151 3rd St. San Francisco, CA 94103 • Hours: T,W,F, Sat, Sun 11am-6pm, Th 11am-9pm • Admission: $8.00 adults, $5.00 seniors/students • Accessibility: Ground level entrance, elevators to 4 floors San Francisco Wax Museum 415/885-4975 Jefferson St. San Francisco, CA Website: <www.waxmuseum.com> • Hours: M-Sun 9am-12 midnight • Admission: Free for disabled • Accessible: Recently remodeled to be made accessible 16-14 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment History Museums of San Jose 408/287-2290 1650 Senter Rd. (Kelly Park) San Jose, CA 95112 Website: <www.serve.com/sjhistory> • Hours: T-F 12pm-5pm, Sat & Sun 12pm-5pm • Admission: $6.00 adults, $5.00 seniors; $4.00 children • Accessibility: Some buildings accessible San Jose Museum of Art 408/294-2787 110 S. Market St. San Jose, CA 95113 • Hours: T-Sun 10am-5pm, Th 10am-8pm • Admission: $7.00 adults, $4.00 seniors and children • Accessibility: Ramped on right of building, elevators The Tech Museum of Innovation 408/294-8324 201 S. Market St. San Jose, CA • Hours: Daily 10am-5pm • Admission: $9.00 adults, $7.00 children • Accessibility: All exhibits are wheelchair accessible, including the IMAX theatre • Elevator Triton Museum of Art 408/247-9340 1505 Warburton Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95050 • Hours: T 10am-9pm, W-Sun 10am-5pm • Admission: Free • Accessibility: Accessible- one floor of exhibits is carpeted ACCESSIBLE THEATRES American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) 415/834-3200 30 Grant Ave. San Francisco, CA 94108 • Accessibility: Recently remodeled to be completely accessible Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-15 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Berkeley Greek Theatre 510/642-9988 UC Berkeley Campus Gailey Ave. and Hearst St. Berkeley, CA • Tickets: Bass customer service or at box office in person • Accessibility: Ramped in front, Reserve (back of section) or general seating Civic Auditorium 415/974-4060 99 Grove St. San Francisco, CA 94102 • Tickets: Bass customer service • Accessibility: 24 locations, 6-10 seats each, elevator Club Figazi 415/421-4222 2678 Green St. San Francisco, CA Beach Blanket Babylon • Accessibility: main floor ramp Concord Pavilion 925/671-3285 2000 Kirker Pass Rd. Concord, CA 94521 • Tickets: Bass customer service or Concord Ticket Center Cow Palace 415/469-6065 2600 Geneva Ave. Daly City, CA Website: <www.cowpalace.com> • Accessibility: Box seats available for wheelchair users • Tickets: Bass customer service, through the box office, or Tickets.com • Box office hours: M-F 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-430pm 16-16 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment Curran Theatre 415/551-2000 445 Geary St. San Francisco, CA 94108 Website: <www.bestofbroadway-sf.com> • Accessibility: Main floor only, no accessible restrooms • Tickets: Bass customer service Davies Symphony Hall 415/864-6000 201 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 • Accessibility: main floor and all levels; one attendant seat also • Tickets: Bass customer service The Filmore 415/346-3000 1805 Geary St. San Francisco, CA • Accessibility: Have several places for wheelchairs • Tickets: Bass customer service • Need to call theater at least two days in advance to let them know you are coming Flint Center 408/864-8816 De Anza College 21250 Stevens Creek Cupertino, CA 95014 Golden Gate Theatre 415/551-2000 6th and Market St. San Francisco, CA Website: <www.bestofbroadway-sf.com> • Accessibility: Main floor only accessible • Tickets: Call Bass customer service Marines Memorial Club 415/673-6672 Box Office: 415/771-6900 609 Sutter St. San Francisco, CA 94102 • Accessibility: yes Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-17 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Montgomery Theatre 408/277-3900 W. San Carlos and S. Market San Jose, CA • Accessibility: 6 seats in back, main floor • Tickets: Bass customer service Mountain Winery 408/787-1429 17831 Pierce Rd. Saratoga, CA 95070 • Accessibility: Hilly. Reserve seating. Accessible by removing folding chair Orpheum Theatre 415/551-2000 Hyde and Market St. San Francisco, CA Website: <www.bestofbroadway-sf.com> • Accessibility: No elevator - only main floor is accessible • Tickets: Bass Customer Service Paramount Theatre 510/465-6400 2025 Broadway Oakland, CA • Accessibility: yes • Tickets: Bass Customer Service Redwood Amphitheatre at Paramount’s Great America, Santa Clara Santa Clara, CA 95054 408/988-1776 x8153 • Accessibility: seating in center rear (Sec. W) • Tickets: Bass Customer Service San Jose Center for Performing Arts 408/277-3900 255 Almaden Blvd. San Jose, CA 95113 • Accessibility: 8 seats per performance in row 27 (4 seats and 4 companion seats) • Tickets: Bass Customer Service 16-18 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 16. Recreation, Leisure & Entertainment San Jose Civic Auditorium 408/277-3900 145 W. San Carlos St. San Jose, CA 95113 • Accessibility: Main Floor seating (changes with each event) • Tickets: Bass Customer Service Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium 831/420-5260 307 Church St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 • Accessibility: Seating on main floor • Tickets: Bass Customer Service Shoreline Amphitheatre 650/967-3000 Box Office: 650/967-4040 Mountain View, CA 94043 • Accessibility: Top and bottom of reserve section • Tickets: Bass Customer Service Theatre on the Square Box Office: 415/433-9500 450 Post St. San Francisco, CA 94102 • Accessibility: three seats per show • Tickets: Through box office Warfield, The 415/567-2060 982 Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102 • Accessibility: Main floor and balcony for wheelchair user and one guest • Tickets: Bass customer service and at door before the show • Call theater and let them know you are coming Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 16-19 16. Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment SPORTING EVENTS 3-Com Park (San Francisco 49ers) 415/467-1994 415/656-4900 Jamestown and Harney Way San Francisco, CA Website: <www.sf49ers.com> • Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible seating available throughout the park on most levels • Accessible elevator • Tickets: 49er ticket office (415/656-4900) M-F 9am-5pm, Ticketmaster Oakland Coliseum (Oakland A’s & Oakland Raiders) 510/569-2121 700 Coliseum Way Oakland, CA Website: <www.stadianet.com> • Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible seating in several areas of the stadium • Tickets: Coliseum box office M-F 10am-6pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Tickets.com Pac Bell Park (San Francisco Giants) 415/972-2222 Willie Mays Plaza San Francisco, CA Website: <www.sfgiants.com> • Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible seating available on all levels of the ball park • Park provides escorts to wheelchair users free of charge to assist with seating and transportation within the ball park. Must call 415/947-3395 to arrange for this service prior to arriving at the game • Tickets: Giants box office (415/972-2000) open on game days only, 2 hours prior to game; Giants Dugout stores San Jose Arena (San Jose Sharks) 408/287-9200 Santa Clara St. and Autumn St. San Jose, CA Website: <www.sjarena.com> or <www.sjsharks.com> • Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible seating available on all levels for wheelchair user and one guest. Specify need for wheelchair accessible seating when ordering tickets • Tickets: San Jose Arena ticket office M-F 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat 9:30am-1pm, Ticketmaster 16-20 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Regeneration and Curative Research Over the past several years, with several high profile individuals sustaining spinal cord injuries, there has been a lot of attention given to finding a cure for SCI. Many groups representing individuals with SCI have lobbied hard for increased funding for curative research, and as a result more federal monies have been dedicated to this area of research. There are several excellent websites with links to other sites providing information on curative research. If you have access to the Internet, these are an excellent place to start in the process of gathering information. On a cautionary note, be aware of organizations that claim to cure spinal cord injury, or those that claim that they can get individuals with SCI to walk again. At this point in time (2001) there is no cure available for spinal cord injury. Many of the “walking” programs are very costly, most insurance companies do not pay for such services, and the end result can be both financially and emotionally devastating. This is not to say that there are not some excellent programs out there, just beware, and ask a lot of questions before taking such a step. SCI RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS American Paraplegia Society 718/803-3782 FAX: 718/803-0414 75-20 Astoria Blvd. Jackson Heights, NY 11370 Website: <www.apasci.org> • Organization dedicated to improving the quality of medical care delivered to persons with SCI • Goals are to advance SCI-related patient care, promote research related to SCI and provide a forum for the review of scientific findings Californians for Cure Website: <www.californiansforcure.com> Contact: Glenda Berg 707/778-6128 E-mail: [email protected] Karen Miner 707/678-6160 Don Reed 510/790-0901 • Group of activists lobbying for state funding for SCI research • Welcome the involvement of other individuals with SCI Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 17-1 17. Regeneration and Curative Research Center for SCI Research Craig Hospital 303/761-5281 303/789-8490 3425 S. Clarkson Street Englewood, CO 80110-2899 Website: <www.craig-hospital.org> Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation 800/225-0292 973/379-2690 500 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 Website: <http://paralysis.apacure.org/crf> • Encourages and supports research to find a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders • Also supports non-profit organizations seeking to improve the quality of life of people with SCI Karolinska Institute 011-46-8/728-6400 SE-171-77 Stockholm, Sweden Website: <www.info.ki.se> E-mail: [email protected] • Large university involved in research ranging from fundamental research in molecular biology to public health science and care research Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation Main Office: 800/925-2873 972/248-7100 FAX: 972/248-7313 16415 Addison Rd., Suite 550 Addison, TX 75001 Steve Palermo Chapter 800/513-3700 913/451-3700 FAX: 913/338-0003 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.kwnpf.org> • Established to facilitate a cure for paralysis caused by injury to the spinal cord and/or brain 17-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 17. Regeneration and Curative Research The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 800/782-6387 305/243-6001 FAX: 305/243-6017 P.O. Box 106960, Mail Locator R-48 Miami, FL 33101 Website: <www.miamiproject.miami.edu> • Research center dedicated to finding more effective treatments, and ultimately, a cure for paralysis that results from spinal cord injury Paralyzed Veterans of America SCI Education and Training Foundation 202/416-7655 801 Eighteenth St. NW Washington, DC 20006 Website: <www.pva.org> • Committed to providing funds for grants to institutions, agencies and organizations - grants that will improve the knowledge and abilities of health professionals, people with spinal cord injury or disease and those who are significant to them • Annual deadlines for applications are December and June Reeve Irvine Research Center 949/824-1379 949/824-2676 University of California, Irvine 252 Irvine Hall Irvine, CA 92697-1379 Website: <www.reeve.uci.edu> E-mail: [email protected] • Supports the study of trauma to the spinal cord and diseases affecting it • Research emphasizes the development of therapies to promote the recovery and repair of neurological function Spinal Cord Research Center University of Manitoba 436 Basic Sciences Medical Building 730 William Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 3J7 Website: <www.scrc.umanitoba.ca> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 17-3 17. Regeneration and Curative Research Spinal Cord Society 218/739-5252 218/739-5261 FAX: 218/739-5262 Wendell Rd. Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Website: <http://users.aol.com/scsweb> • Funds research for spinal cord injuries, provides physician referrals • Newsletter Thumbs Up - The Mike Utley Foundation 800/294-4683 602/224-0909 FAX: 602/943-2397 2432 W. Peoria Ave., Suite 1162A Phoenix, AZ 95029 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.mikeutley.org> • The goal of the Foundation is to find a cure for spinal cord injuries • Committed to providing financial support of selected research, rehabilitation and education programs on spinal cord injuries • Provides motivational and emotional support for individuals who have been disabled with such injuries SCI REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTERS (RRTC’s) The Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTC’s) are centers of national excellence. RRTC’s serve as national and regional resources for providers and individuals with SCI, significant others, and advocates. RRTC’s carry out research activities by conducting coordinated and advanced programs of research in rehabilitation, as well as training activities for rehabilitation personnel. There are three RRTC’s that focus on SCI. RRTC in Community Integration for Individuals with SCI Baylor College of Medicine TIRR 800/732-8124 713/797-5940 FAX: 713/797-5982 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 E-mail: [email protected] • Maintains a database of educational resources on spinal cord injury for people with SCI, their families and health care providers 17-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 17. Regeneration and Curative Research RRTC on Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury Los Amigos Research and Education Institute, Inc. 562/401-7402 FAX: 562/401-7011 800 West Annex 7601 E. Imperial Hwy Downey, CA 90242 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.agingwithdisability.org> • Federally funded research and training center RRTC on Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury Spain Rehabilitation Center UAB Training Office 800/UAB-8816 205/934-3283 FAX: 205/975-4691 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <http:main.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=8762?> • Federally funded rehabilitation research and training center RESEARCH RELATED WEBSITES Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (CORD) University of British Columbia Website: <cord.ubc.ca> • An interactive group of research laboratories dedicated to the study of the developing and adult nervous system and its repair, and rehabilitation after injury or disease • Website includes information on how the CORD is organized, scientists and clinicians involved with organization, and summaries of some the research programs Cure Paralysis Now E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.cureparalysis.org> • Site dedicated to all who are involved with or affected by spinal cord injury, especially researchers and clinicians in multi-disciplinary fields of study that may relate to the advancement of healing or cure of spinal cord paralysis Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 17-5 17. Regeneration and Curative Research SpineWire Website: <www.spinewire.com> • The Spinewire website is an excellent general website for the SCI community • Includes a special section, called “Wise-wire”, which features frequent briefs from well-known SCI researcher, Dr. Wise Young 17-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Research and Training Organizations The organizations listed in this chapter provide resource and/or training information relevant to spinal cord injury for consumers, significant others and professionals working with individuals with SCI. Several agencies that focus on the prevention of spinal cord injury are listed, as well as organizations that provide training materials and resources on a consumer and/or professional level. Finally, several excellent sources for obtaining information on various aspects of SCI, as well as other disabilities, are included in this section of the resource guide. For additional information related to training an individual with SCI on aspects of SCI care, please refer to Chapter 9 (Education Resources) where several excellent SCI self-care manuals, as well as websites that feature various topics related to SCI education are listed. American Indian Rehabilitation Research and Training Center 520/523-4791 Institute for Human Development Northern Arizona University P.O. Box 5630 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5630 Website: <www.nau.edu/~ind/> • Conducts research and training to improve rehabilitation services for American Indians • Addresses a broad range of issues ranging from determining the needs of American Indians with disabilities to improving the provision of rehabilitation services American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) 404/355-9772 FAX: 404/355-1826 2020 Peachtree Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Website: <www.asia-spinalinjury.org> • Professional organization for physicians and other clinicians working in the field of spinal cord injury research, prevention and care delivery Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care and Cure 800/342-0330 1310 Ford Building Detroit, MI 48226 Website: <www.fscip.org> • Educational group dedicated to the prevention, care and cure of SCI through public awareness, education and funding research Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 18-1 18. Research and Training Organizations Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Project 916/453-2000 Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children 2425 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 • Provide comprehensive rehab services to children with SCI Spinal Cord Injury Network International 800/548-2673 707/577-8796 FAX: 707/577-0605 3911 Princeton Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405-7013 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.sonic.net/~spinal> • Non-profit organization that provides information and referral services • Video lending program Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) 713/520-0232 2323 South Shepherd, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77019 Website: <www.ilru.org> • Information and resource materials • Publications Center for Injury Prevention 415/821-8209 San Francisco General Hospital Building One, Rm. 300 San Francisco, CA 94110 Website: <www.trauma.fdn.org> • Injury Prevention Network newsletter 18-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 18. Research and Training Organizations Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 800/STANDUP 305/243-6001 1600 Northwest 10th Ave. R-48 Miami, FL 33136 Website: <www.miamiproject.miami.edu> • Comprehensive research center dedicated to finding more effective treatments and a cure for SCI • Rehabilitation and clinical programs • Newsletter • Information Model SCI Systems Compendium of Education and Training Materials The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 800/732-8124 713/797-5945 FAX: 713/797-5982 1333 Moursund, B-107 Houston, TX 77030 • Database containing over 400 educational materials on SCI • Retrievals of up to 2 subject areas free of charge National Clearing House of Rehabilitation Training Materials 800/223-5219 Oklahoma State University 5202 W. Richmond Hill Dr. Stillwater, OK 74078-4080 Website: <www.ncchhrtm.okstate.edu> • Information and referral • Research materials National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 800/346-2742 301/562-2400 1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 800 Silver Springs, MD 20910 Website: <www.naric.com> • Library and information center on disability and rehabilitation Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 18-3 18. Research and Training Organizations Paralysis Care Network 219/483-2100 3320 No. Clinton St. Fort Wayne, IN 46805 • Provides educational resources to enhance quality of care Paralyzed Veterans of America Education and Training Foundation 202/416-7655 801 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 • Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine in conjunction with the Paralyzed Veterans of America Education and Training Foundation had developed clinical practice guidelines for many topics related to SCI such as autonomic dysreflexia, bowel care, etc • Also help finance, support and distribute other SCI related educational materials Rehabilitation International 212/420-1500 FAX: 212/505-0871 25 East 21st Street New York, NY 10010 E-mail: [email protected] • Federation of 120 organizations leading disability prevention and rehabilitation service development in 80 nations Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Resource Line 800/352-1956 x24 408/295-9895 x24 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 • Free access to information and resources related to spinal cord injury in Northern California 18-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 18. Research and Training Organizations SCI MODEL SYSTEMS OF CARE Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems of Care are centers designated by the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Each of the 16 centers listed below has been recognized for their expertise in the treatment of spinal cord injury. Each has been funded by NIDRR as Model Systems based on providing a continuum of care which includes five key components: • Emergency medical services • Expertise in treating trauma • Comprehensive rehabilitation program • Vocational and Psychological counseling services • Community reintegration services Model systems also conduct research and collect data relevant to SCI. In order to gain and maintain expertise in treating SCI, designated systems are expected to provide care to a significant volume of individuals with SCI. National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 202/205-9194 Medical Science Program M.E. Switzer Building, Room 3430 303 “C” Street Washington, DC 20202 Website: <www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/NIDRR> Spain Rehabilitation Center 205/934-3450 University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294 Rancho Los Amigos Hospital 310/940-7448 Room 130 HB 7601 East Imperial Highway Downey, CA 90242 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/ 885-2000 408/295-9896 751 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 18-5 18. Research and Training Organizations Craig Hospital Rocky Mountain SCI Center 303/789-8000 3425 Clarkson Street Englewood, CO 80110 University of Miami 305/324-3174 P.O. Box 016960, R-64 Miami, FL 33101 Shepherd Center Georgia Regional SCI Center 404/352-2020 2020 Peachtree Rd., NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Boston University Medical Center 617/638-7300 1 Boston Medical Center Boston, MA 02118 University of Michigan Model SCI Care System 313/936-7175 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation RMNI-2A09-0497 300 N. Ingalls Building Ann Arbor, MI 48109 University of Missouri, Columbia 573/882-8847 One Hospital Drive Columbia, MO 65212 Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 201/731-3600 1199 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 18-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 18. Research and Training Organizations Mount Sinai School of Medicine 212/241-1191 One Gustave Levy Place Box 1240 New York, NY 10029 Jefferson Medical College Thomas Jefferson University 215/928-6579 11th & Walnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19107 University of Pittsburgh 412/365-4861 3471 Fifth Ave. Liliane Kaufman Building, Suite 901 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Medical College of Virginia 804/828-9328 401 N. 12th Street Richmond, VA 23298 The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Texas Medical Center 713/797-5910 1333 Moursund Ave. Houston, TX 77030 University of Washington Rehabilitation Medical Center 206/543-8171 RJ-30 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 18-7 19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Resource Directories/Services This is the chapter to utilize when you have called several agencies for assistance and you find out they are no longer in business, not providing that particular service any more, or are not exactly what you are looking for. The resources listed in this chapter maintain relatively up-todate listings on the various services for their particular specialty or population. The Independent Living Centers (see Chapter 13) also provide information and referral services for disability-related issues. RESOURCE DIRECTORIES Database on Spinal Cord Injury Educational Resources Published by: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 713/797-5944 FAX: 713/797-5982 TIRR Division of Education 1333 Moursund Houston, TX 77030-3405 • Contains information on videotapes and non-published materials (pamphlets, booklets and manuals) related to spinal cord injury. A free printout of resources (including title, description, cost, etc) is limited to two areas • Compendium of all materials is available for $55.00 • Supported by a grant from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Directory of Human Services for Santa Clara County United Way of Santa Clara County 408/247-1200 1922 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 • $40.00 if picked up • $45.00 if mailed Directory of California Respite Resources Published by: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 415/434-3388 FCA Publications Orders 690 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • Lists locations for caregiver respite • $15.00 including shipping Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 19-1 19. Resource Directories and Services Directory of California Support Groups Published by: Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 415/434-3388 FCA Publications Orders 690 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • $25.00 including shipping Disability Resources Monthly Published by: Disability Resources, Inc. 631/585-0290 Four Glatter Lane Centerreach, NY 11720 Website: <www.disabilityresources.org> • Monthly newsletter that monitors, reviews and reports on resources for independent living Help Santa Clara County Directory of Health and Human Services Website: <www.HelpSCC.org> • A comprehensive online directory of county-wide government and non-profit services in Santa Clara County NARPPS National Directory of Rehabilitation Professionals Published by: National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector (NARPPS) 508/820-8889 1661 Worcester Rd., #203 Framingham, MA 01701 • Used by professionals for referrals New Mobility Magazine Published by: No Limits Communications 888/850-0344 P.O. Box 220 Horsham, PA 19044 • Monthly magazine focusing on the needs of individuals who use wheelchairs • Lots of articles and resource listings pertaining to SCI • 12 issues per year, $27.95 subscription 19-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 19. Resource Directories and Services Santa Clara County Multicultural Community Information Directory (2nd Edition) Resources for Families and Communities Published by: JC Publications 408/247-9417 P.O. Box 28613 San Jose, CA 95159 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.communityhelp.com> • Lists resources from all aspects of community including government, city, county, non-profit, church and private sectors INFORMATION RESOURCES Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 800/445-8106 415/434-3388 FAX: 415/434-3508 690 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • Organization that serves families and caregivers through education, research services and advocacy Information and Referral Services, Inc. 408/345-4532 FAX: 408/243-0285 1245 S. Winchester Blvd., #200 San Jose, CA 95128 • Information and referral for seniors in Santa Clara County National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800-HelpLine 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 19-3 19. Resource Directories and Services Office of Minority Health Resource Center 800/444-6472 301/587-9704 FAX: 301/589-0884 P.O. Box 37337 Washington, DC 20013-7337 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.omhrc.gov> • National resource and referral center that collects and distributes information on health statistics, health promotion, preventative health services and health education resources relating to American Indian, Alaska Native, African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic populations Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 800/526-7234 P.O. Box 6080 Morgantown, WV 26506-6080 • Job modification information National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 800/346-2742 301/562-2400 1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 800 Silver Spring, MD 20910-5633 Website: <www.naric.org> • Information and referral • Customized data searches to answer questions Parents Educational and Resource Link Services (PEARLS) 408/277-5415 408/277-5337 4 North 2nd Street San Jose, CA 95113 • Information and referral • Parenting courses and counseling Parents Helping Parents 408/727-5775 3041 Olcott Street Santa Clara, CA 95054-3222 Website: <www.php.com> • Support groups, parenting classes, and information and referral services for parents of children with disabilities 19-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 19. Resource Directories and Services Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/295-9896 x24 800/295-9896 x24 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.tbi-sci.org> • Information and referral services for SCI in Northern California Santa Clara County Psychological Association 408/253-1151 510/790-2371 415/321-7789 P.O. Box 8165 Fremont, CA 94537-8165 • Psychological referrals United Way First Call for Help 408/248-4636 P.O. Box 2 Santa Clara, CA 95052 • Bay Area Information and Retrieval System (BAIRS) • Health and human services database for Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties Women with Disabilities Resource Center National Women’s Health Information Center 800/994-9662 202/205-2551 Website: <www.4woman.gov> • Offers summaries about critical health issues for a variety of disabilities • Information on federal and state legislation and regulations pertaining to disabled individuals, news about medical research, statistical information, and information for health care professionals on what they can do to improve health care access for women with physical limitations World Institute on Disability (WID) 510/763-4100 FAX: 510/763-4109 510 16th Street., Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612 • Disability public policy, advocacy, information and referral Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 19-5 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Resources for Special Populations This chapter is concerned with agencies that work with special populations: e.g. women, children and teens, ethnic minorities, high quadriplegics, and veterans. They are arranged below by group served. Many of these agencies, although they may have a nationality in their name and work with primarily that population, will work with those from other populations as well. ASIAN AMERICANS Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95128 • Youth center program • DUI program • Mental health program • Senior health project • Staff includes physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, marriage, family & child counselors, teachers and juvenile justice/recreation specialists Santa Clara County Asian Law Alliance 408/287-9710 184 E. Jackson St. San Jose, CA 95112-5153 • Offer free legal advice to people of any nationality in Santa Clara County • Also offer legal representation in immigration, housing, domestic violence and public benefits areas for limited or non-English speaking individuals • Translation services, as available, for individuals who speak Vietnamese, Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin, Laotian, Korean and Japanese Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation (VIVO) 408/532-7755 FAX: 408/532-1699 2260 Quimby Rd. San Jose, CA 95122 • Offers four programs; help in applying for General Assistance, employment services to assist individuals from immigrant backgrounds (all nationalities) to train and find jobs, interpreting for social services (fee for service) and a youth program for at-risk kids • English as a second language (ESL) for refugees Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-1 20. Resources for Special Populations West Valley Japanese-American Senior Center 408/253-0458 1545 Teresita Dr. San Jose, CA 95129 • Provides services to Japanese residents of the West Valley area who are 70 or older CHILDREN/TEENS California Children’s Services 408/299-5891 FAX: 408/971-3538 720 Empey Way San Jose, CA 95128 • Medical service up to age 21 Sacramento Branch: 916/653-8271 FAX: 916/653-8271 714 “P” St., Room 350 Sacramento, CA 95814 San Francisco Office: 415/904-9690 415/904-9699 FAX: 415/904-9698 185 Berry St., Lobby 6, Suite 255 San Francisco, CA 94107 Community Solutions 408/779-2113 15850 Concord Circle, Suite B Morgan Hill, CA 95037 • Counseling, case management • Drug and alcohol treatment • Domestic violence shelter and counseling services Daytop Village 650/592-0866 750 El Camino Real Belmont, CA 94002 • Residential community for chemically dependent adolescents 20-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 20. Resources for Special Populations Kara 650/321-5272 457 Kingsley Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 • Bereavement group for children Kids are Special - Eastfield Ming Quong 408/364-4133 FAX: 408/364-4190 251 Llewellyn Ave. Campbell, CA 95008-1999 • Children’s and parents’ groups for families with children impacted by the substance abuse of a parent or caregiver GAY AND LESBIAN Billy Defrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center 408/293-2429 175 Stockton Ave. San Jose, CA 95126 • Offers a support group for physically challenged lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals MINORITY GROUPS Office of Minority Health Resource Center 800/444-6472 301/587-9704 FAX: 301/589-0884 P.O. Box 37337 Washington, DC 20013-7337 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.omhrc.gov> • National resource and referral center that collects and distributes information on health statistics, health promotion, preventive health services and health education resources relating to American Indian, Alaska Native, African American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and Hispanic populations Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-3 20. Resources for Special Populations NATIVE AMERICANS American Indian Education Center 408/615-7008 FAX: 408/937-5265 1320 Civic Center Drive Santa Clara, CA 95050 • Tutoring for grades K-12 Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley Dental Dept: 408/445-3410 Education Dept: 408/445-3430 Human Services: 408/445-3245 Medical Dept: 408/445-3400 Women/infants/children: 408/445-3420 1333 Meridian Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 • Provides assistance with food and clothing PARENTS AND FAMILIES Beach Center On Families and Disabilities 785/864-7600 University of Kansas 3111 Hayworth Hall Lawrence, KS 66045 • Information and referral services • Newsletter Exceptional Children’s Foundation 323/290-2000 3750 Martin Luther King Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 • Information and referral • Support groups Exceptional Parent Magazine 877/372-7368 P.O. Box 3000 Denville, NJ 07834 Website: <www.eparent.com> • Provides info, support, ideas, encouragement and outreach for parents of children with disabilities (and the professionals that work with them) 20-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 20. Resources for Special Populations Family Caregiver Alliance 800/445-8106 415/434-3388 FAX: 415/434-3508 690 Market Street, Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 Website: <www.caregiver.org> • Organization that serves families and caregivers through education, research services and advocacy National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) 800/695-0285 FAX: 202/884-8441 Box 1492 Washington, DC 20013-1492 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.nichcy.org> • Personal responses to questions from parents and service providers, referrals to other organizations and agencies, information searches, technical assistance to parent and professional groups and a wide variety of resource guides, bibliographies and other publications • Many publications available in Spanish Matrix: A Parent Network and Resource Center 415/884-3535 94 Galli Drive, Suite C Novato, CA 94949 • Information and referral • Parent to parent support training Parents Educational and Resource Link Services (PEARLS) 408/277-5415 408/277-5337 4 North 2nd Street San Jose, CA 95113 • Information and referral • Parenting courses and counseling Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-5 20. Resources for Special Populations Parents Helping Parents 408/727-5775 3041 Olcott Street Santa Clara, CA 95054-3222 Website: <www.php.com> • Support groups, parenting classes, and information and referral services for parents of children with disabilities PORTUGESE AMERICANS Portugese Organization for Social Services and Opportunities (POSSO) 408/293-0877 1115 E. Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95116 • Translation • Programs for individuals over 60 • Nutrition, brown bag meals, and day trips SPANISH SPEAKING Adult & Child Guidance Center of Santa Clara Valley 408/288-6205 FAX: 408/288-6201 380 North First Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 • Comadres women’s outpatient polydrug abuse program • Compadres men’s outpatient polydrug abuse program Catholic Charities Immigration Program 408/944-0691 2625 Zanker Rd., Suite 201 San Jose, CA 95134 Website: <www.csj.org> • Consultation services • $25.00 non-refundable cost Disability Assistance Advocates 408/224-6898 1425 Spruance Ct. San Jose, CA 95128 • Offers bilingual Spanish/English representation for Social Security initial application, reconsideration appeal, and hearings. They charge a percentage of the award, and do not charge you unless you win 20-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 20. Resources for Special Populations Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) 408/928-1122 FAX: 408/928-1169 130 N. Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 • Adult day care for seniors and job training program • Referrals to ESL classes La Raza Centro Legal 415/575-3500 474 Valencia St., Suite 295 San Francisco, CA 94103 • Referrals and free legal services to low-income individuals VENTILATOR USERS International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN) 314/534-0475 Gazette International Networking Institute 4207 Lindell Blvd., Suite 110 St. Louis, MO 63108-2915 • Resource directory guide to health professionals, ventilator and related equipment manufacturers, service and repair facilities WOMEN Adult & Child Guidance Center of Santa Clara Valley 408/288-6205 FAX: 408/288-6201 380 North First St., Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 • Comadres women’s outpatient polydrug abuse program • Compadres men’s outpatient polydrug abuse program • Counseling services • Domestic violence counseling Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-7 20. Resources for Special Populations Breast Health Access for Women with Disabilities (BHAWD) Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 510/204-4866 FAX: 510/204-5892 2001 Dwight Way, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Website: <www.bhawd.org> • Free clinical breast exams and breast self-exam education • Educational workshops • Counseling services • Referral to accessible mammography Planned Parenthood 408/287-7526 1691 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 • HIV testing • Birth control • Abortion and premarital appointments • General medical appts for adults and kids Rehab. Inst. of Chicago Health Resource For Women 312/238-1051 312/238-8003 FAX: 312/238-1205 345 East Superior Street, Room 106 Chicago, IL 60611 E-mail: [email protected] • Ob-Gyn with accessible equipment • Housing • PCA referral • Birth control and prenatal care • Health and advocacy issues • Peer support Support Network for Battered Women 650/940-7850 Crisis Line: 800/572-2782 444 Castro Street, Suite 305 Mountain View, CA 94041 • Domestic violence counseling, help with restraining orders and shelter for women and children 20-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 20. Resources for Special Populations UCP of the Golden Gate 510/832-7430 1970 Broadway, Suite 305 Oakland, CA 94612 Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, Marin counties • Referrals to women’s health practitioners and clinics who work with women and disabilities • Coordination of individual and group support, primarily by women with disabilities, about women’s health issues • Lending library on women’s health and disability issues and instruction in Ob-Gyn self help care workshops Women with Disabilities Resource Center National Women’s Health Information Center 800/994-9662 202/205-2551 FAX: 703/560-6598 8550 Arlington Blvd., Suite 300 Fairfax, VA 22031 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.4woman.gov> • Offers summaries about critical health issues for a variety of disabilities • Information on federal and state legislation and regulations pertaining to disabled individuals, news about medical research, statistical information, and information for health care professionals on what they can do to improve health care access for women with physical limitations Women’s Clinic for Women with Disabilities Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/885-5920 FAX: 408/885-4728 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95128 • Accessible exam rooms with multi-positioning exam table • Preventative health care • Educational materials • Physiatrist, nurse practitioner, and OB-GYN on staff Women’s Community Clinic 408/287-4090 696 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA 95112 • Gynecological services Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-9 20. Resources for Special Populations Books/Newsletters for Women Women with Physical Disabilities: Achieving and Maintaining Health and Well-Being (1996) Danuta M. Krotoski, Margaret A. Nosek and Margaret A. Turk Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 800/638-3775 410/337-9580 FAX: 410/337-8539 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.brookespublishing.com> P.O. Box 10624 Baltimore, MD 21285-0624 Table Manners: A Guide to Pelvic Examination for Disabled Women and Health Care Providers Susan Ferreyra and Katrine Hughes Planned Parenthood Golden Gate 815 Eddy Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94109 VETERANS Bay Area and Western Paralyzed Veterans of America 650/855-9030 FAX: 650/855-9019 3801 Miranda Ave. Bldg. 5, Room 101C Palo Alto, CA 94304 • Membership organization open to veterans of the armed forces with spinal cord injury or disease • Sports programs are open to anyone who has a mobility impairment California Department of Veterans Affairs Cal-Vet Farm and Home Loans 800/952-5626 • State Veterans services • Life disability coverage • Provides information on ordering Cal-Vet loan program application packets and brochures 20-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 20. Resources for Special Populations San Jose Veterans Center 408/993-0729 278 North Second Street San Jose, CA 95112 • Outpatient clinic for veterans • Veterans readjustment counseling services and psychotherapy U.S. Veterans Administration 800/827-1000 Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office 1301 Clay Street, North Tower Oakland, CA 94612-5209 • This office provides veteran benefits information Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center (PAVA) 650/493-5000 3801 Miranda Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 Vets Next Step Center 650/493-5000 x2396 3801 Miranda Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 • Vocational counseling and job placement Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 20-11 21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index SCI Internet Resources The Internet has dramatically increased access to information, research and support for everyone, and individuals with spinal cord injury are no exception. The Internet is a well equipped tool for obtaining information as there are thousands of web sites, databases, mailing lists, chat rooms and other online resources related to various aspects of spinal cord injury. One thing to keep in mind when navigating the Net - resources found on the Internet can vary in terms of accuracy, usefulness, quality and user-friendliness. One way to begin checking into the quality of information on a given site is to first check Disability Resources’ online FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) for guidance on evaluating a site (“Evaluating Disability Information on the Internet”, <www.disabilityresources.org/EVALUATE.html>). The Internet also provides a wealth of self-help information related to managing one’s own health. Some of this information is accurate, and some is not. Keep in mind that obtaining information about your health via the Net should not replace, but rather augment, the advice of a medical professional and/or comprehensive physical exam. This chapter is designed to assist not only the person with a spinal cord injury in accessing resources on the Internet, but also family members, caregivers, rehabilitation professionals and anyone who would like to know more about spinal cord injury. If you are new to the Net, you might consider starting with <www.learnthenet.com>, an excellent website for those just beginning to access information via the Internet. As with all of the resources listed in this guide, we do not endorse any of these services nor make any guarantees regarding the services available at any of these sites. Have fun and happy surfing !!! INTERNET INDEXES Indexes (also called Meta sites) are guides to other web sites. Most indexes are organized by topic and include clickable links to the sites they list. The following indexes are useful in identifying and organizing the wealth of SCI on-line resources. Spinal Cord Injury Information Network University of Alabama at Birmingham <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • Organizes and links to a wealth of resources such as books, organizations, other web sites on various topics related to SCI • Topics include subject areas, such as medical, international and rehab centers, type of content, which include publications, audiovisuals and listings by states and organizations Virtual Paraplegia <www.mt.net/~russa/> • Personal home page of Regina Martin, PhD and Russ Anderson • Straightforward, categorical approach to SCI web sites Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 21-1 21. SCI Internet Resources The DRM WebWatcher - Spinal Cord Injury <www.disabilityresources.org/SCI.html> • Listing of the Disability Resources Monthly favorite SCI web sites DRM Guide to Disability Resources on the Internet <www.disabilityresources.org> • Constantly growing guide to the best disability resources online • Separate pages on over 400 disability related topics, as well as individual guides to agencies and organizations in each of the 50 states Healthfinder <www.healthfinder.org> • The federal government’s gateway to health and medical information • Directs the user to selected online publications, databases, web sites, support and self-help groups, government agencies and non-profit organizations that offer reliable information National Institutes of Health <www.nih.gov/health> • Provides information on where to go to learn more about hundreds of diseases • Links to many other useful resources National Library of Medicine <www.nlm.nih.gov> • Official site of the National Library of Medicine offers access to more than 40 online databases • Provides a direct link to Medline, which contains references to numerous medical papers and abstracts • Information tends to be technical in nature, but very current and comprehensive SCI Ring <www.tbi-sci.org/sciring> • Links SCI web pages together for easier Internet navigation DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION SITES ABLEDATA <www.abledata.org> • Online database that contains descriptions and ordering information for over 24,000 assistive devices 21-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 21. SCI Internet Resources CanDo.com <www.cando.com> • Well designed website for anyone with a disability • Offers news, channels, shopping, adaptive tools and accessories Craig Hospital Rocky Mountain Model Spinal Cord Injury System <www.craig-hospital.org/rehab/> • Outstanding set of modular educational tracts covering a variety of topics from osteoporosis to medications, fatigue, spasticity, personal care assistants and many more • Also features a health assessment profile for individuals with spinal cord injury called the WRAP (Wellness and Risk Assessment Profile) Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System <www.nwu.edu/spine/> • This site has a unique pictoral representation of the continuum of patient care for the individual with spinal cord injury Model Construct for Community Integration in Spinal Cord Injury <www.mcw.edu/spinal/> • This site offers a comprehensive bibliography on SCI and information on how to receive the newsletter, BackWords • Also lists the collaborative research projects that the Wisconsin system is involved in Mount Sinai Model Spinal Cord Injury System <www.mssm.edu/rehab/homepage.html> • Offers a description of Mt. Sinai’s programs for SCI rehabilitation Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System <www.metrohealth.org/clinical.norscis/default.asp> • This site contains a good selection of information and some great pictures • Features Tips and Tidbits section which allows individuals to send in tips about how to function independently with a disability University of Washington Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System <www.depts.washington.edu/rehab/sci> • Great site with information and links to other sites of interest • Spinal Cord Injury Update is an excellent newsletter for both professionals and consumers Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 21-3 21. SCI Internet Resources Shepherd Hospital Georgia Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System <www.shepherd.org> • Offers a wealth of information, including two online newsletters, Shepherd Clinical Review and Spineline. National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) <www.naric.com> • This organization is funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) to serve anyone, professional or layperson, who is interested in disability and rehabilitation • Contains information regarding literature, organizations, timely information and research in 5 databases • Also lists projects funded by NIDRR National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) Website: <www.nichcy.org> • Web site devoted to providing information on disabilities for families, educators and other professionals • Focuses on children and youth (birth to age 22) • Services include personal responses to specific questions, publications, referrals to other disability organizations and information searches of their own library and databases • Information also provided in Spanish New Mobility <www.newmobility.com> • Well established cross-disability magazine • Contains superb articles and a virtual online community Ourtools.com <www.ourtools.com> • Interactive web site providing a mix of information, resources, references, product presentations and online discussion groups to people with physical limitations and their caregivers • Offers solutions to leading an active lifestyle • Assistive devices can also be purchased through this web site Rehab International <www.rehab-international.org> • A federation of national and international organizations working for the “prevention of disability, the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the equalization of opportunities within society.” • Composed of 200 organizations in 90 nations across the world 21-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 21. SCI Internet Resources EMPLOYMENT RELATED SITES Department of Rehabilitation <www.rehab.cahwnet.gov> • The mission of the Department of Rehab is to “assist Californians with disabilities to obtain and retain employment and maximize their ability to live independently in the community” • This website provides information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other services of the Department of Rehabilitation including education, vocational training, and job announcements The Monster Board <www.monster.com> Careerpath <www.careerpath.com> • These useful sites can help you create an electronic version of your resume for posting or sending to potential employers • Also posts job listings Job Accommodation Network (JAN) <www.jan.wvu.edu/english/homeus.htm> • This site includes a host of resources and information regarding employment for individuals with disabilities National Job Opportunities - Diversity Direct <www.jwtworks.com> • Listing of professional job openings from over a dozen major national corporations • Job seekers with disabilities can obtain a free copy ONLINE RESUME/JOB BANKS The following organizations offer online resume posting and/or job listings for individuals with disabilities via their websites: Challenge 2000 <www2.interaccess.com/netown> Diversity Direct National Job Opportunities Listing <www.diversitydirect.com> Independence Bank <www.ind-bank.org> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 21-5 21. SCI Internet Resources National Business and Disability Council <www.business-disability.com/home.asp> New Mobility’s Jobline <www.newmobility.com/jobline> University of Minnesota Disability Service Careers Online <http://disserv3.stu.umn.edu/COL> LEGAL/ADVOCACY RELATED SITES Disability Advocacy Clinic <www.disabilityac.com> • A “cyberoffice”: which provides non-attorney representatives (paralegals) to assist in SSI and SSD cases in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and California • DAC provides a “gateway” between the SSA and claimants with disabilities • Included in the web site are frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding SSI/SSD, DAC profile, DAC staff, litigation, DAC links and DAC history LEISURE, RECREATION AND TRAVEL SITES ArtDis - Art and Disabilities Home Page <http://thecity.sfsu.edu/~artdis/> • Information for artists with disabilities and organizations that are composed of and/or work for them • Includes a bulletin, calendar of events, and directory of art centers for people with disabilities Accessible Travel <www.mossresourcenet.org/travel.htm> • Provided by MossRehab ResourceNet, this is an information service for the traveler with a disability • Includes travel tips, travel agencies, information on airlines, trains, and buses, hotels/motels, van and car rental companies, government resources, newsgroups and mailing lists Access Tours, Inc. <www.disabilityproducts.com/accesstours> • Site geared toward accessible travel 21-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 21. SCI Internet Resources AccessAble Travel Source <http://dbserver.access-able.com/agents.cfm> • Maintains a database of travel agents around the world Emerging Horizons <www.emerginghorizons.com> • Online newsletter about accessible travel • Consumer oriented newsletter - accepts no advertising in order to present an unbiased view of accessible travel options • Features foreign and domestic destinations, accessible lodging, recreation, travel tips and lots of resources Follow Me Outdoors <www.angelfire.com/tx/followmeoutdoors/> • Site listing fun activities and recreational resources GORP (Great Outdoors Recreational Program) <www.gorp.com/gorp/eclectic/disabled.htm> • Provides information on outdoor resources for people with disabilities Half the Planet.com <www.halftheplanet.com> • Provides access to goods, services and information related to the practical demands of living with a disability • Offers a wide range of services including e-commerce, classified advertising, chat, bulletin boards, links and archives designed for the disabled community MEDICAL SITES WebMD <www.webmd.com> • One of many sites that provide medical information on a host of different topics • Also consists of community groups which are linked by common interests • Great site to ask medical questions, but always check with your physician before trying a new treatment or remedy Mayo Health Clinic Health Oasis <www.mayohealth.org> • Site operated by the Mayo Clinic • Comprehensive guide to 8,000 prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including facts on side effects, drugs that should not be taken simultaneously Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 21-7 21. SCI Internet Resources MedicineNet <www.medicinenet.com> • This site features a medical dictionary and an index of diseases and treatments • Edited by doctors for the general public Medline - PubMed, Internet Grateful Med <www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/freemedl.html> • The National Library of Medicine provides two free systems to search medical topics in the MEDLINE database • About 11 million references and abstracts are found in this database Medscape <www.medscape.com> • Consumer friendly health news website that provides access to medical information and news in an easy to read manner • Also offer the CBS HealthWatch “personal health information and tools” which allows you to personalize the health information you receive Pharmaceutical Information Network <www.pharminfo.com> • The glossary on this site provides definitions for common and uncommon maladies, as well as links to other sources US Food and Drug Administration <www.fda.gov/cder/drug.htm> • This site is run by the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research • Provides information on newly approved prescription drugs, as well as those sold over the counter SCI SPECIFIC SITES National Spinal Cord Injury Association <www.spinalcord.org> • Connects the world of SCI and unites available support and resources together • Individuals living with SCI can read about others who successfully faced the same challenges Paralinks <www.paralinks.net> • The electronic magazine for people with spinal cord injury 21-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 21. SCI Internet Resources Paralyzed Veterans of America <www.pva.org> • Provides links to other SCI related sites, as well as information about the organization and its activities The Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury <www.tbi-sci.org> • Homepage for the Model System for TBI & SCI at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center • Website contains information on the TBI and SCI Projects including community activities, peer support, research and resources • The TBIRD (Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Directory) and SCI-FYI (Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information) can be accessed through this site • SCI Ring is also found on this site - a tool which links SCI web pages together and has over 100 sites to explore Spinewire <www.spinewire.com> • Outstanding web page made exclusively for the SCI community • Features many current articles and SCI-related news pieces • Also have a special section called “Wise-wire” which features frequent newsbriefs from noted SCI researcher, Dr. Wise Young Wheelweb.com <www.wheelweb.com> • Exceptional website for individuals with spinal cord injury • Site is rich with content relevant to SCI REGENERATION & RESEARCH The following websites feature SCI cure-related information, such as the latest in regeneration research efforts, trials, experimental drug treatment for spinal cord injury, etc. The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis <www.miami.edu/miami-project> Cure Paralysis Now <www.cureparalysis.org> Spinal Cord Society <http://users.aol.com/scsweb> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 21-9 21. SCI Internet Resources OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Link2Care <www.Link2Care.net> • Internet program to support family caregivers • Provides online information, services and connections to caregiving families on demand, utilizing existing community services • Provides access to a personal profile and action plan, an information library, consultation with medical and legal experts, moderated support groups and a database of local community resources • Administered by Family Caregiver Alliance National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) <www.npnd.org> • Website of a national advocacy group which provides late-breaking news, legislative information, and others items of interest to parents Wired on Wheels <www.wiredonwheels.org> • Website dedicated to sharing information on accessibility • Lets visitors check a restaurant’s accessibility before they visit • Consumers can submit their own ratings and reviews • Site examines such accessibility specifics as parking, bathrooms, service communication, transportation and physical layout CHAT SITES If you are interested in real-time conversation with a real person, you might want to visit a chat site. There are countless topics and groups available. You can decide to chat in a public auditorium or in a private room for you and another guest. New Mobility <www.newmobility.com> SCI Connection <www.sciconnection.com> Talk City <www.talkcity.com> • Web site completely devoted to chatting 21-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index SCI Publications Included in this chapter of the resource guide are journals and magazines that relate to living with a disability. Some of the publications listed below are specific to spinal cord injury and others deal with a variety of different disabilities. The articles included in these publications may relate to new adaptive equipment and wheelchair options, sexuality, relationships, employment, education, legislation and/or attendant care. Ableware Maddak Inc. 973/628-7600 6 Industrial Rd. Pequannock, NJ 07440 • Home health and rehab products for help with daily living Accent on Living 800/787-8444 P.O. Box 700 Bloomington, IL 61702 E-mail: [email protected] • $12 year (4 issues) • General interest magazine for individuals with physical disabilities Access to Recreation, Inc. 800/634-4351 8 Sandra Ct. Newbury Park, CA 91320 • Recreational equipment for the physically challenged Active Living: The Health, Fitness and Recreation Magazine for People with a Disability 905/957-6016 FAX: 905/957-6017 2276 Rosedene Rd. St. Ann’s, ON L0R 1Y0 E-mail: [email protected] • Health, fitness, and recreation (just like the title...) Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 22-1 22. SCI Publications American Rehabilitation Magazine Federal Rehabilitation Services Administration 202/205-8296 330 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20201 • 4 issues per year • $8.00 - subscription • Information about various programs for individuals with disabilities Employment in the Mainstream Mainstream, Inc. 301/891-8777 6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 240 Takoma Park, MD 20912 Website: <www.mainstream-mag.com> • Information on vocational issues and how they affect individuals with disabilities InterAct Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 800/352-1956 x24 408/295-9896 x24 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.tbi-sci.org> • Information on the activities of the Rehab Research Center International Ventilators User Network News Gazette International 314/534-0475 FAX: 314/534-0475 4207 Lindell Blvd., #110 St. Louis, MO 63108 E-mail: [email protected] • Quarterly • $17.00 • Covers diverse issues such as travelling, coping, etc. 22-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 22. SCI Publications New Mobility No Limits Communications 800/543-4116 888/850-0344 x108 P.O. Box 220 Horsham, PA 19044 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 Website: <www.newmobility.com> • 12 issues per year • $27.95 - subscription • A magazine for wheelchair users Paraplegia News PVA Publications 602/224-0500 2111 E. Highland Ave., Suite 180 Phoenix, AZ 85016-4702 Website: <www.pva.org> • SCI news, government issues, etc. Progress in Research Christopher Reeves Paralysis Foundation 800/225-0292 500 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 Rehabilitation Gazette Gazette International 314/534-0475 FAX: 314/534-5070 4207 Lindell Blvd. #110 St. Louis, MO 63108 E-mail: [email protected] • Semi-annual • $12.00 subscription • A general disability newsletter dealing with such issues as accessibility, resources, government, etc. Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 22-3 22. SCI Publications Sports and Spokes PVA Publications 602/224-0500 2111 E. Highland Ave., Suite 180 Phoenix, AZ 85016-4702 • Lists wheelchair sporting events Ventures Disabled Sports USA of Northern California 916/722-6447 6060 Sunrise Vista Dr., Suite 2540 Citrus Heights, CA 95610 • A biannual newsletter covering disabled sports WE Magazine 800/WE-MAG26 372 Central Park West, Suite 6B New York, NY 10025 Website: <www.wemagazine.com> • A lifestyle magazine for people with disabilities, their families, and friends BOOKS AND MANUALS There are several excellent resource manuals for individuals with spinal cord injury. Some of these list resources, both on the national and local level, and others are compiled of general information pertinent to spinal cord injury. The self-care manuals listed below can be useful when training personal care attendants, as they have detailed chapters, which are often illustrated, that cover various aspects of self-care including bowel, bladder, respiratory and skin care, as well as issues pertaining to sexuality, psychological considerations and attendant care. The National Spinal Cord Injury Association, New Mobility magazine, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham website are great resources for the most recent books, manuals, pamphlets and booklets related to SCI. National Resource Directory National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> 22-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 22. SCI Publications Pathways to Health: You Do Have a Choice (2000) Kenneth A Gerhart Craig Hospital Research Dept. 303/789-8202 3425 S. Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80110 Email: [email protected] Website: <www.craighospital.org> • $7.00 • Focuses on making healthy choices Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information: A Guide to Resources for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury (2nd Edition) Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury 800/352-1956 x24 408/295-9896 x24 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 Website: <www.tbi-sci.org/scifyi> • Yes, you are reading the SCI-FYI right now Spinal Cord Injury Information Network University of Alabama at Birmingham Website: <www.spinalcord.uab.edu> • Excellent website where 18 Fact Sheets covering various aspects of spinal cord injury are available free of charge. Spinal Cord Injury Patient Education Manual ($72.00) Aspen Publishers, Inc. 800/234-1660 7201 McKinney Circle Frederick, MD 21704 Website: <www.aspenpub.com> The Spinal Cord Injury Handbook for Patients and their Families ($15.45) Richard C. Senelick and Karla Dougherty HealthSouth Press 800/688-0737 9119 Cinnamon Hill San Antonio, TX 78240 Website: <www.healthsouth.com> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 22-5 22. SCI Publications Spinal Cord Injury: A Manual for Healthy Living ($65.00) The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Division of Education 713/797-5944 1333 Moursund B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 SCI Homecare Manual Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 408/885-2000 751 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 Taking Care of Yourself While Providing Care (2000) Richard Holicky Craig Hospital Research Dept. 303/789-8308 3425 S. Clarkson St. Englewood, CO 80110 Website: <www.craighospital.org> • A guide for those who assist and care for their spouses, parents, and other loved ones who have spinal cord injuries Yes, You Can!: A Guide to Self-Care for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury ($15.00) Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Department; c/o Office Services 800/424-8200 801 N. 18th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 Website: <www.pva.org> National Database of Educational Resources for SCI The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 713/797-5944 1333 Moursund B-107 Houston, TX 77030-3405 • Also available in Spanish 22-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 22. SCI Publications VIDEOTAPES AND SOFTWARE Take Control: A Multimedia Guide to SCI for Consumers, Family and Staff Education (1998) Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission 501/296-1792 1501 North University, Suite 400 Little Rock, AR 72207 Website: <www.state.ar.us/ascc> The Return to Yourself (1996) Paralysis Care Network 219/483-2100 3320 N. Clinton Fort Wayne, IN 46805 E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 22-7 23 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Sexuality and Fertility Resources Sexuality and fertility are two of the hottest topics related to SCI. Unfortunately, they are two issues that are often not discussed at length in the rehabilitation setting, especially in recent years, given the decreasing lengths of stay. Some health care professionals are not comfortable discussing sex, and often the individual with SCI is focused on becoming as independent as possible in other aspects of daily living while in rehab. In this chapter, we have compiled some excellent resources on sexuality - some that are specific to individuals with SCI, and others that focus on various disabilities. In recent years, more attention has been focused on fertility issues faced by individuals with spinal cord injuries. Over the past decade, speciality clinics have been opened that deal specifically with the fertility issues faced by men with SCI. In addition to listing those clinics in California, we have also included some other valuable resources and places to go for more information on fertility. To better address the needs of women with SCI, women’s clinics have also become popular (See Ch. 20). SEXUALITY AND FERTILITY ORGANIZATIONS The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) 312/644-0828 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1717 Chicago, IL 60611 American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 205/978-5000 FAX: 205/978-5005 1209 Montgomery Highway Birmingham, AL 35216-2809 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.asrm.org> • Provides a listing of books related to fertility and maintains patient information resources on their website California North Bay Fertility Association 707/575-5831 1111 Sonoma Ave., Suite 214 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Date-Able (Dating Service) 301/657-DATE 35 Washington Circle, Suite 205 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 • Emphasis on mixing disabled and non-disabled singles • Activities, newsletter Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 23-1 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources FertiCare Personal High Amplitude Vibrator Available from: Integrated Leadership Technology Service, Inc. (ILTS) 706/855-6351 FAX: 706/855-6391 P.O. Box 1813 Evans, GA 30809 E-mail: [email protected] • Vibrator manufactured specifically for ejaculation in men with SCI • Requires a doctor’s prescription • May be purchased from the above distributor The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc. 703/379-9178 FAX: 703/379-1593 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.inciid.org> • Provides infertility information The Miami Project Male Fertility Program University of Miami School of Medicine 305/243-7108 FAX: 305/243-6017 E-mail: [email protected]/mfrp Website: <www.scifertility.com> • One of the leading Male Fertility programs in the US • Involved in fertility research • Excellent resource for information on male fertility issues for SCI RESOLVE - The National Infertility Association 617/623-0744 1310 Broadway Somerville, MA 02144 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.resolve.org> • This organization is a national infertility support group that provides resource information related to infertility The Sex Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) 212/819-9770 130 W. 42nd Street, Suite 2500 New York, NY 10036 23-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources CALIFORNIA CLINICS OFFERING ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES FOR MEN WITH SCI: Center for Assisted Reproductive Medicine UCLA Medical Center - Santa Monica 310/319-4462 FAX: 310/319-4123 1250 16th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 E-mail: [email protected] Center for Male Reproductive Medicine 310/277-2873 FAX: 310/286-2139 2080 Century Park, East, Suite 907 Los Angeles, CA 90067 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.MaleReproduction.com> UCLA School of Medicine 310/206-8164 FAX: 310/206-5343 66-131 CHS Los Angeles, CA 90095 E-mail: [email protected] Northern California Fertility Medical Center 916/773-2229 FAX: 773-8391 406 Sunrise Ave., Suite 310 Roseville, CA 95661 Website: <www.ncfmc.com> Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area 925/867-1800 3160 Crow Canyon Rd, Suite 150 San Ramon, CA 94583 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 23-3 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources Stanford University Medical Center 650/723-6024 650/725-5546 FAX: 650/723-0765 Dept. of Urology, S-287 300 Pasteur Drive Stanford, CA 94305-5118 Contact: Stewart W. McCollum, M.D. VA Healthcare Systems, San Diego 619/543-2628 FAX: 619/543-6573 3350 La Jolla Village Drive, #112F San Diego, CA 92161 E-mail: [email protected] UCSF Mount Zion Urology Faculty Practice Male Fertility Clinic 415/353-7344 FAX: 415/353-7252 2330 Post Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94115 E-mail: [email protected] Urological Physicians of San Diego Sharp Rehabilitation Center 619/299-0670 619/223-4462 4033 Third Ave., #400 San Diego, CA 92103 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.urologyrx.com> 23-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources BOOKS A Guide and Resource Directory to Male Fertility Following Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction (2000) Maria J. Amador, BSN, CRRN, Charles M. Lynne, MD, Nancy L. Brackett, PhD, HCLD Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 305/243-7108 FAX: 305/243-6017 P.O. Box 016960, Mail Locator R-48 Miami, FL 33101 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.scifertility.com> • An excellent comprehensive resource guide to current and reliable information on male fertility following SCI • Information presented summarizes the Miami Project’s research and the excellent work of many others who have studied and treated infertility in men with SCI • Available free of charge at the above phone number or website • Will also be available in Spanish via the website Finding Love and Intimacy (1994) Robert Mauro Accent Special Publications 800/787-8444 FAX: 309/378-4420 P.O. Box 700 Bloomington, IL 61702 In Sickness and Health: Sex, Love and Chronic Illness (1996) Lucille Carlton Bantam-Doubleday-Dell 800/323-9872 FAX: 847/768-7095 2487 S. Wolf Rd. Des Plaines, IL 60018 Website: <www.bdd.com> Let Me Count the Ways: Discovering Great Sex Without Intercourse (1998) Marty Klein and Riki Robbins Penguin Putnam Books 800/526-0275 FAX: 800/227-9604 405 Murray Hill Parkway East Rutherford, NJ 07073-2136 E-mail: [email protected] Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 23-5 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources Mother-to-Be: A Guide to Pregnancy and Birth for Women with Disabilities (1991) Judith Rogers and Moleen Matsumura Demos Medical Publishers 800/532-8663 212/683-0072 FAX: 212/683-0118 386 Park Ave. S. New York, NY 10016 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.demospub.com> Reproductive Issues for Persons with Physical Disabilities (1993) Florence P. Haseltine, Phd, MD, Sandra S. Cole, PhD and David B. Gray, PhD Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 800/638-3775 410/337-9580 FAX: 410/337-8539 P.O. Box 10624 Baltimore, MD 21285-0624 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.brookspublishing.com> Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury: Answers to Your Questions (1997) Stanley H. Ducharme and Kathleen M. Gill Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 800/638-3775 410/337-9580 FAX: 410/337-8539 P.O. Box 10624 Baltimore, MD 21285-0624 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.brookspublishing.com> Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Everyday Practice (1999) Elaine Cooper and John Guillebaud Radcliffe Medical Press 011/44-1235-528-820 FAX: 011/44-1235-528-830 19 Marcham Rd. Abingdon, Oxon OX14 1AA United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] 23-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources Sexual Concerns When Illness or Disability Strikes (1989) Carol L. Sandowski Charles C. Thomas Publishers 800/258-8980 217/789-8980 FAX: 217/789-9130 2600 S. First St. Springfield, IL 62704-9265 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.ccthomas.com> Sexual Function in People with Disability and Chronic Illness: A Health Professional’s Guide (1997) Marca L. Sipski and Craig J. Alexander Aspen Publishers, Inc. 800/638-8437 301/417-7500 FAX: 301/417-7650 200 Orchard Ridge Drive, Suite 200 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Website: <www.aspenpub.com> NEWSLETTERS PeopleNet 516/579-4043 257 Center Lane Levitown, NY 11756 E-mail: [email protected] • Personal ads for individuals with disabilities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 23-7 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources PAMPHLETS Male Reproductive Function after Spinal Cord Injury (Factsheet #10) (1996) National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> Sexuality in Males with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI InfoSheet #3) (1993) RRTC Training Office Spain Rehabilitation Center 205/934-3283 FAX: 205/975-4691 1717 6th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35233-7330 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcorduab.edu> Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury (Factsheet #3) (1996) National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> 23-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 23. Sexuality & Fertility Resources VIDEOTAPES Sexuality Reborn (1993) Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 800/435-8866 FAX: 973/243-6869 1199 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange, NJ 07052 • This videotape was developed for individuals with SCI and their partners • Features four real couples who share and demonstrate the emotional and physical aspects of sexuality after SCI • Contains some very explicit sexual scenes WEBSITES Sexual Health Network <www.sexualhealth.com> • Provides easy access to sexuality information, education, counseling, therapy, medical issues, and other sexuality resources for individuals with disabilities, illness or health related problems DRM WebWatcher’s Sexuality Page <www.disabilityresources.org/SEX.html> • Provides links to other websites related to sexuality and disability Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury Bibliography Medical College of Wisconsin Website <www.mcw.edu/spinal/bibliography.html> • Comprehensive bibliography of SCI related articles Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 23-9 24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Support Groups This chapter lists the current known SCI support groups in the greater Bay Area as of the date of publication of this SCI-FYI. Because groups are constantly changing and new groups are forming, a good way to find a new group (after calling the contact number) is to call the resources listed in Chapter 19. It has been our experience in referring individuals to these groups that some of them have somewhat irregular schedules; it is best to call the contact person(s) first to check the schedule, to determine if this is the best group for yourself/family member/friend/client, and to introduce yourself or the prospective member to the facilitator so s/he will be expecting you/him/her at the meeting. There is an organization that refers individuals to support groups for a wide variety of topics called the Bay Area Self-Help Network at 800/222-5465 or 415/921-4044. Your local Independent Living Center will also have some type of support group, though it may not be limited to individuals with SCI. Support groups offered through ILCs are usually open to individuals with various disabilities. Please help keep this information up to date. If you find that any information has been changed, let us know by calling the Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI at 408/295-9896 x24 or email us at [email protected] Barn Builders - Peer Support for Farmers with Disabilities 800/825-4264 317/494-5088 Breaking New Ground Resource Center Purdue University 1146 Agricultural Engineering Bldg. West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146 Connections - SCI Support Group Enloe Rehabilitation Center Contact: Nancy Jo 530/332-3213 340 W. East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 • Meets monthly on Wednesdays from 6 - 7pm Easter Seals-Oakland SCI Support Group 510/835-2131 2757 Telegraph Ave. Oakland, CA 94612 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 24-1 24. Support Groups Family and Caregiver Support Group Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Contact: Dan Mayclin, Ph.D. 408/860-7883 (pager) • Includes family, caregivers and friends • Meets every other Thursday at 6:30pm at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - Rehabilitation Conference Room 751 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 Happy Wheelers 209/823-2087 • Support group for individuals with SCI in Manteca, Stockton, Modesto, Tracy and outlying areas • Call for more information PDQ (Physically Disabled Queers) 408/293-2429 Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center 175 Stockton Ave. San Jose, CA • Support group for physically challenged lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals San Luis Obispo County Access (SLOCO Access) 805/543-3627 1150 Laurel Lane, Suite 132 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Website: <www.slonet.org/~access/ • Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Graduate restaurant in San Luis Obispo SCI Support Group 209/442-6000 x5783 Fresno Community Hospital and Medical Center Fresno & R Street Fresno, CA 93715 • Contact- Alan Roup • SCI Peer Support group • Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:30 PM • Activities, guest speakers 24-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 24. Support Groups National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> • In Touch with Kids - Program for children with SCI • Peer Support through pen pals • Local chapters Participants in Progress 916/456-1837 P.O. Box 162426 Sacramento, CA 95816 • Peer support/support group for individuals with disabilities • Coordinates outings on a monthly basis Physically Unlimited 408/370-5010 • Peer support/social activity group for individuals with disabilities in the San Jose area • Meets 3rd Saturday of every month Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Psychology Department 408/885-4440 751 S. Bascom San Jose CA 95128 • Peer Support group • Patient’s Family Group • Teen group Spinal Cord Injury Support Group Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI Contact: Rich Patterson, M.S. 408/295-9896 x12 800/352-1956 x12 • Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month • Meets at Cypress Senior Center 403 S. Cypress Ave. San Jose, CA • 7pm - 8:30pm Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 24-3 24. Support Groups Spinal Cord Injury Women’s Group Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI Contact: Janie Whiteford, M.S. 408/295-9896 x42 800/352-1956 x42 • Meets the 4th Friday of the month at the Rehabilitation Research Center 950 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 2011 San Jose, CA 95128 • 12:00am - 2:00pm • Lunch provided Trauma/Injury Support Group San Francisco General Hospital Contact: Yigal Ben-Haim, PhD 415/206-8000 1001 Portero Ave. San Francisco, CA 94110 • This support group provides information about care at home after being in a hospital and provides an opportunity for members to talk with others and gain emotional support. This is not specifically a SCI group, but pertinent issues are addressed such as emotional issues, body image and disability issues and adjustment to loss, as well as relationships with family and friends Women with Disabilities Support Group Central Coast Center for Independent Living, Salinas Contact: Alma Almanza 831/757-2968 • Meets third Thursday of the month, 2 - 4 pm 24-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Transportation and Travel Resources Transportation is one of those services that is difficult to access, yet so important for many individuals with spinal cord injury. There has been an increase in paratransit programs in many of our cities, yet there are still many problems. Some cities don’t have good services for wheelchairs, especially during non-standard (evenings or weekends) hours; others have trip limits (number of trips/month or destinations); others will only transport to and from medical appointments; others require advance notice. With all of these restrictions, accessing these transportation resources can be challenging. As with many of the other resources listed in this guide, it helps to be clear, concise and persistent when dealing with these organizations. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Information and Referral Services 408/345-4532 800/255-9333 1275 S. Winchester Blvd., Suite A San Jose, CA 95128 • County-wide paratransit information AMBULANCE SERVICE American Medical Response 650/652-5300 800/847-3148 1616 Rollins Rd. Burlingame, CA 94010 • Ambulance services for the Greater Bay Area Bayshore 408/244-3300 370 Hatch Drive Foster City, CA 94404 • Pick-up from Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco counties and will transport anywhere in California BayTrans 408/565-9000 • Transport anywhere 7 days, 24hrs. • Round-trip $70.00 + $3.00 a mile • One-way $35.00 + $3.00 a mile • Visa, Mastercard, MediCal, cash, check Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-1 25. Transportation & Travel Resources California Medical Transport (CMT) 408/977-0911 • Transport anywhere by guerney • Round-trip $80.00 + $2.50 mile • One-way $40.00 + $2.50 mile • Visa, Mastercard, cash, check, insurance with authorization number 1st Call Plus 408/287-2273 • Local transportation only • 7 days a week with one day notice • Round-trip $60.00 + $1.00 mile first 10 miles, $2.00 additional mile • One-way $40.00 + $1.00 mile first 5 miles, $2.00 additional mile • Check or cash payment MV Transportation 408/292-3600 • Service area includes all of California SPECIALIZED DOOR-TO-DOOR SERVICE (Paratransit) Community Service Agency of Mountain View/Vantrans Program 650/968-0851 204 Stierlin Rd. Mountain View, CA 94043 • Provides escorted transportation via staff and volunteers to residents of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Mountain View who qualify for the service. Call the office for enrollment and information. Transports both ambulatory and persons in wheelchairs. Register by phone. Minimum fee: $6.00 each way.1 - 2 month waiting list Outreach 408/436-2865 To schedule rides: 408/436-4860 Gilroy Senior Center: 408/683-2688 Milpitas Senior Center: 408/942-2476 97 E. Brokaw Rd., Suite 140 San Jose, CA 95112 • Serves residents of Santa Clara County. Taxi service is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Van service is available to those who use a wheelchair and are unable to ride in a taxi. Serves South County residents from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Call the office to enroll. There may be a waiting list for service. Need to give 1 working day notice prior to scheduled appointment. Languages spoken are: Tagalog, French, Greek, Italian, Native American dialects, Spanish and Vietnamese 25-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Protrans 408/448-7449 2423 Meridian Ave. San Jose, CA 95124 • Serves Santa Clara County Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) 408/321-2300 800/894-9908 3331 North First Street, Bldg. B San Jose, CA 95134 • Provides information on buses and the Regional Transit Connection Discount Card Program Mobility Training Program (Bus) 831/423-3868 Santa Cruz Metro Transit District 920 Pacific Ave., Suite 21 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Website: <www.scmpd> • Training in riding the bus system TRAVEL RESOURCES Agencies Accessibility Travel Services 610/873-5759 1042 Hopewell Rd. Downingtown, PA 19355 Access First Travel 800/557-2047 781/322-1610 239 Commercial Street Malden, MA 02148 E-mail: [email protected] Access Tours 800/929-4811 P.O. Box 499 Victor, ID 80455 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-3 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Accessible Adventures 888/880-0222 802/496-2252 P.O. Box 888 Village Square RT 100 Waitsfield, VT 05673 Website: <www.AccessibleAdventures.com> Accessible Journeys, Inc. 800/846-4537 610/521-0339 FAX: 610/521-6959 35 West Sellers Ave. Ridley Park, PA 19078 Website: <www.disabilitytravel.com> ADA Vacations Plus 800/778-7953 651 N. W. 31 Street Miami, FL 33127 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.adavacationsplus.com> Alaska Welcomes You! Inc. 800/349-6301 907/349-6301 P.O. Box 91333 Anchorage, AK 99509 Website: <www.accessiblealaska.com> Alternative Leisure Company, Inc. Trips Unlimited 781/275-0023 9 Elmbrook Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 Website: <www.alctrips.com> Arizona Raft Adventures 800/786-RAFT 520/526-8200 4050 E. Huntington Dr. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Website: <www.azraft.com> 25-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center 970/453-6422 P.O. Box 697 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Website: <www.boec.org> Challenge Alaska 907/344-7399 907/563-2658 P.O. Box 110065 Anchorage, AK 99511-0065 Cruise Planners 800/801-9002 603/942-5697 70 Garland Rd. Nottingham, NH 03290 Website: <www.Love2cruise.com> Discovery Hills Travel 800/750-5975 760/744-6536 886 Overlook Circle San Marcos, CA 92069 Website: <www.discotravel.com/ruby> Easy Access Travel 800/920-8989 909/372-9595 5386 Arlington Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 E-mail: [email protected] The Enabled Traveler 916/364-1365 Tuff Tours P.O. Box 276244 Sacramento, CA 95827-6244 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-5 25. Transportation & Travel Resources International Cruise Concepts 800/772-7998 303/797-3404 P.O. Box 163 Littleton, CO 80160 Medically Escorted Cruises and Tours 877/226-3218 954/491-2223 915 East Cypress Creek Rd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 Website: <www.assistedtravel.com/home.html> National Ability Center 435/649-3991 P.O. Box 682799 Park City, UT 84068-2799 Website: <www.nationalability.org> Neverland Adventures 800/717-UCAN 619/696-6068 715 “J” Street, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92101 Website: <www.neverland-adventures.com> Travel Turtle Tours 800/453-9195 203/746-5577 240 Main St. Danburn, CT 06810 TRIPS Inc. 800/686-1013 541/686-1013 960 East 19th Street Eugene, OR 97403 Website: <www.tripsinc.com> 25-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Wilderness Inquiry 800/728-0179 612/379-3858 1313 5th Street SE P.O. Box 84 Minneapolis, MN 55414-1546 Website: <www.wildernessinquiry.org> Worlds of Travel 770/698-8444 Four Winds Travel and Tour Co. 9 Dunwoody Park, Suite 11 Decatur, GA 30338 OTHER TRAVEL RESOURCES Organization for the Promotion of Access and Travel for the Handicapped 813/932-0916 P.O. Box 15777 Tampa, FL 33684 • Organization that promotes accessible travel accommodations for travelers with disabilities Mobility International USA 541/343-1284 P.O. Box 10767 Eugene, OR 97440 • Non-profit organization dedicated to integrating international exchange programs for persons with disabilities • Publish quarterly newsletter Travel Industry and Disability Exchange (TIDE) 818/343-6339 5435 Donna Ave. Tarzana, CA 91356 • Non-profit organization dedicated to the development and expansion of travel by people with disabilities • Operates Nautilus Tours which specializes in independent travel and tours for wheelchair travelers • $15.00 annual membership • Publish quarterly newsletter - Tide’s In Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-7 25. Transportation & Travel Resources BOOKS, NEWSLETTERS AND MAGAZINES Access America Northern Cartographic, Inc. P.O. Box 133 Burlington, VT 05402 • An atlas and guide to the national parks for visitors with disabilities Access Amtrak: A Guide to Amtrak Services for Travelers with Disabilities (1998) Office of Amtrak Access 800/USA-RAIL 202/906-2121 FAX: 202/906-2500 2W, 60 Massachusetts Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 Website: <www.amtrak.com> • Free guide that provides information about reservations, discounts, ticketing, accessible coaches, sleeping accommodations, meals, service animals and other concerns of travelers with disabilities Access to Travel Magazine 888/439-4146 P.O. Box 43 Delmar, NY 12054 Website: <www.accesstravelmag.com> Easy Access to National Parks The Sierra Club Guide for People with Disabilities Miramar Communications P.O. Box 8987 Malibu, CA 90265-8987 Emerging Horizons C & C Creative Concepts 209/599-9409 P.O. Box 278 Ripon, CA 95366 • Quarterly newsletter 25-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Fodor’s Great American Vacations for People with Disabilities (1996) Anto Howard and Donna Comacchio Fodor Travel Publications 800/733-3000 Random House Order Department 400 Hahn Rd. Westminster, MD 21157 Website: <www.randomhouse.com> The Handicapped Travel Newsletter P.O. Box 269 Athens, TX 75751 • $10.00 per year The Itinerary Subscription Dept. P.O. Box 1084 Bayonne, NJ 07002-1084 Open World Society for the Advancement of Travelers with Handicaps 212/447-1928 347 Fifth Ave., Suite 610 New York, NY 10016-5010 Website: <www.sath.org> • Quarterly publication Over the Rainbow Mobility International USA 541/343-1284 P.O. Box 10767 Eugene, OR 97440 • Quarterly newsletter Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-9 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Travel After Spinal Cord Injury National Spinal Cord Injury Association Fact Sheet #15 800/962-9629 301/588-6959 FAX: 301/588-9414 The Zalco Building 870 Georgia Ave., Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.spinalcord.org> Travel Notes Accessible Journeys, Inc. 800/846-4537 610/521-0339 FAX: 610/521-6959 35 West Sellers Ave. Ridley Park, PA 19078 Website: <www.disabilitytravel.com> • Quarterly newsletter The Very Special Traveler TVST P.O. Box 756 New Windsor, MD 21776 A World of Options: A Guide to International Exchange Community Service and Travel for Persons with Disabilities (1997) Christa Bucks Mobility International USA 541/343-1284 P.O. Box 10767 Eugene, OR 97440 • Ideas and resources to promote the involvement of people with disabilities in international exchange programs 25-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources ON-LINE RESOURCES Accessible Traveler’s Database Project Action 800/659-6428 202/347-3066 700 13th Street, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 Website: <www.projectaction.org> • Lists accessible van rental companies, private bus tour companies with accessible vehicles, accessible taxis, and information on airport transfers, hotel shuttles and travel agencies in areas throughout the US AccessAble Travel Source Website: <www.dbserver.accessable.com/accessable/agents.cfm> • Database of travel agents around the world Accessible Travel Section Moss Rehab ResourceNet Website: <www.mossresourcenet.org/agencies.htm> • Maintains a list of specialized travel agencies Everybody’s Airline Directory Website Website: <www.everybody.co.uk> • Lists the world’s major airlines and information on their arrangements for passengers with disabilities Global Access Travel Website: <www.globalaccess.com.au> • On-line information service for people with disabilities looking to travel to Australia ACCESSIBLE VAN RENTALS Priceless Rent-A-Car Accessible Transportation Department 800/662-8322 x403 Website: <www.pricelesscar.com> Rainbow Wheels 800/910-VANS Website: <www.rainbowwheels.com> • Nation-wide rentals • Short or long term Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-11 25. Transportation & Travel Resources Wheelers East, Inc. 800/862-7475 215/647-4090 FAX: 215/296-7203 • Van rentals in Pennsylvania, Washington, DC, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, New York and Virginia Wheelchair Getaways 800/642-2042 Website: <www.wheelchair-getaways.com> • Nationwide rentals • Short and long term rentals AIR TRAVEL All airlines are mandated by law to be wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair travelers are entitled to all the comforts and accommodations of non-wheelchair travelers. Assistance boarding and deboarding the plane as well as proper storage of your wheelchair should be arranged prior to departure date. Each airline may have slightly different reservation procedures, so a list of the major airlines with reservation numbers is included below. If you are traveling with an attendant or using a ventilator, make sure the airline is clear about all your needs. • • • • • • • • • Alaska American Continental Delta Northwest Southwest TWA United USAir 25-12 800/426-0333 800/433-7300 408/280-5353 800/221-1212 800/225-2525 800/435-9792 800/221-2000 800/241-6522 800/428-4322 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 25. Transportation & Travel Resources BUS Greyhound bus line is accessible to wheelchair travelers. Reservations need to be made 48hrs. in advance but four to seven days is preferred. Once reservations are made, the disabled services department needs to be informed of your travel dates, times and special needs. Companions or attendants travel free. • Greyhound Bus lines 800/231-2222 (English) 800/531-5332 (Spanish) Reservations: 800/231-2222 Disabled services: 800/752-4841 TRAIN Each train is mandated to have at least four available accessible compartments. The rooms are bigger and have larger bathrooms. Accessible compartments sleep two. If the dining car is on the second deck, you will need to “order in.” • Amtrak 800/872-7245 CRUISE Cruise ships are also a viable mode of transportation. The cabins are larger and all the decks are wheelchair friendly. See travel agencies for more information on reservations and cruise destinations. Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 25-13 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index Vocational & Prevocational Services The services listed in this chapter can assist the individual with SCI in learning skills for a career, provide assistance with the job seeking process, and/or obtain job placement (vocational). Additional services that the following organizations may be able to provide include assisting the individual with SCI with learning about work attitudes, habits, and the social skills necessary for work success (prevocational). Since most persons with SCI are injured at a young age before they have a career path established, there is bound to be some uncertainty as to vocational direction. The injury can complicate the situation, as most are young and exploring new options;‘having the rug pulled out’ from under you with a SCI and then being pulled backwards into a ‘prevocational’ activity naturally has repercussions and some counseling may be in order. For those people who are not yet ready for paid work, volunteer work is an excellent avenue to explore. The Volunteer Exchange can match the volunteer’s needs (type of work, location, hours) with their database and locate organizations who are seeking volunteers. A major resource for those with SCI is the Department of Rehabilitation (DR). They supply diagnostic evaluations, counseling and case management, and they will fund those services deemed reasonable for return to work, including training, testing, job referrals, and job coaching. The Department of Rehabilitation also pays for supplies, transportation to training, tools needed for the job, and license or union fees. To be eligible for DR services, one must have a vocational objective, a medically diagnosed disability which prevents entering or return to employment, and a reasonable expectation that the services DR provides will enable the person to go to work. The list below includes our local programs that provide vocational/prevocational services, as well as several national resources for vocational information. Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 408/975-2730 2400 Moorpark Ave., Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95128 • English as a second language classes Bay Area Coalition for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (BACED) 650/617-8340 P.O. Box 8007 San Jose, CA 95155-8007 Website: <www.deanza.fhda.edu/programs/cdep/scccedbaced.html> • A network of local non-profit agencies, public agencies and educational institutions dedicated to increasing competitive employment of individuals with disabilities • This is achieved through professional development, employer/consumer training and networking of BACED member agencies Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-1 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Career Action Center 408/253-1385 10420 Bubb Rd., Suite 100 Cupertino, CA 95014 Website: <www.careeraction.org> Career Development and Employment Program 408/864-8923 De Anza College High Tech Training Center Program 21050 McClellan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Website:<www.deanza,fhda.edu/Programs/Special/cdep%20homepage/cdep.html> • Offer vocational/functional evaluation, career exploration, job placement assistance, ADA/legislation training, and additional resources and referrals to the community. They also post employer job listings at no cost to the employer Crossroads Employment Services 916/457-1900 3823 “V” Street, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95817 Website: <www.osb.net/crossroads> • Must have a case open with the State Department of Rehabilitation • Job skills, placement, and training Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc. 408/971-0888 FAX: 408/971-2893 P.O. Box 610968 San Jose, CA 95161 • Two vocational training programs • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes • Job placement program for refugees • General Equivalency Diploma (GED) program for those on Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Employment Development Department (EDD) 916/653-0707 722 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 • Labor exchange service • Job placement 26-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Governor’s Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons 916/654-8055 FAX: 916/654-9821 800 Capitol Mall-MIC41 Sacramento, CA 95814 Website: <www.gcedp.org> • Information and referral The Graham Consulting Group Southern California: 831/685-1673 FAX: 831/685-1675 33 Morehouse Drive La Selva Beach, CA 95076 Northern California: 1901 So. Bascom, Suite 250 San Jose, CA 95010 • Vocational evaluation Institute of Career Development (Division of Goodwill) 408/998-5787 FAX: 408/283-9093 1080 North Seventh St. San Jose, CA 95112 Website: <www.goodwillsanjose.com> • Work adjustment, evaluation, training and placement ILR Program on Employment and Disability Cornell University 607/255-2906 FAX: 607/255-2763 102 ILR Extension Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 Website: <www.ilr.cornell.edu/PED/ADA/> • Offers a selection of brochures about employment issues relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Topics range from pre-employment testing and screening to working effectively with individuals with disabilities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-3 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 800/ADA-WORK 800/232-9675 918 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Suite 1 P.O. Box 6080 Morgantown, WV 26506-6080 Website: <http://Janweb.icdi.wvu.edu/english/whatis.htm> • This is an international toll-free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations/modifications and the employability of people with functional limitations. Calls are answered by consultants who understand the functional limitations associated with disabilities. They can offer the caller comprehensive and up-to-date information about accommodations and strategies Limited Examination and Application Program (LEAP) 916/445-0538 x300 801 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814-4806 • The State Personnel Board’s LEAP Program helps persons with disabilities secure State Jobs. Your Department of Rehabilitation counselor can help you with the application, examination and hiring process Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) 408/928-1122 FAX: 408/928-1169 130 N. Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 • Job training/assistance program National Job Opportunities - Diversity Direct JWT Specialized Communications 800/676-7080 x300 6500 Wilshire Blvd., 21st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90046 Website: <www.jwtworks.com> • Listing of professional job openings for over a dozen major national corporations. Job seekers with disabilities can obtain a free copy 26-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Nova Bridge Program 408/730-7775 FAX: 408/732-8526 6505 West Olive Ave., Suite 550 Sunnyvale, CA 95086 • Job placement - Santa Clara and San Mateo counties Occupational Solutions 408/448-4098 FAX: 408/448-4099 1723 E. Hamilton Ave., Suite M San Jose, CA 95125 • Vocational testing and evaluation, work tryouts, ergonomic and work station assessments, adaptive device assessment and training, functional capacity assessments, reconditioning and work hardening, job analysis, and reasonable accommodation assistance Palo Alto Health Care System (Veterans) 650/493-5000 x2396 3801 Miranda Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 • Counseling and job placement assistance for veterans Peninsula ReCare 650/697-8924 FAX: 650/697-5010 1764 Marco Polo Way Burlingame, CA 94010 • Vocational rehabilitation services • Department of Rehab and Regional Center Programs President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities 202/376-6200 FAX: 202/376-6205 1331 “F” Street, NW, Suite300 Washington, DC 20004-1107 Website: <www.pcepd.gov> • Offers a wealth of free publications related to employment for individuals with disabilities Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-5 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Project Hired 408/557-0880 FAX: 408/557-0710 270 Franklin Mall Santa Clara, CA 95050 E-mail: [email protected] Website: <www.impactonline.org/prohired> • Project Hired (Helping Industry Recruit Employees With Disabilities) assists individuals with disabilities to secure jobs appropriate to their qualifications and career goals. They also maintain a range of services for job placement and career development Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) Salinas Adult School 831/753-4268 FAX: 831/753-4276 20 Sherwood Place Salinas, CA 93906 • Independent living skills classes Santa Clara County Committee For Employment of the Disabled P.O. Box 8007 San Jose, CA 95155-8007 Website: <www.deanza.fhda.edu/programs/cdep/scccedbaced.html> • Local chapter of the California Governor’s Committee for Employment of People with Disabilities Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 408/894-9041 FAX: 408/894-9050 2306 Zanker Rd. San Jose, CA 95131 Website: <www.svilc.org> Gilroy office: 408/847-1805 7415 Eigleberry Street, Suite C Gilroy, CA 95020 • Vocational preparation and placement assistance 26-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Vet Center 408/993-0729 278 N. Second St. San Jose, CA 95112 • This is an outpatient clinic for veterans, with an emphasis on Vietnam Veterans. Offers counseling and deals with issues around marriage and family stress, depression, and also has an Employment Development Department Employment Specialist available four days per week Vocational Program - Goodwill Industries of Sacramento 916/395-9000 6648 Franklin Bl. Sacramento, CA 95823-1095 • Need to be referred to program by private counselor or DR Volunteer Center Alameda County/Tri-Valley 510/419-3970 FAX: 510/419-3975 660 13th Street, Suite 200 Oakland, CA 94612 Hayward Office 510/538-0554 FAX: 510/538-9317 21455 Birch Street Hayward, CA 94541 Pleasanton Office 925/462-3570 333 Division Street Pleasanton, CA 94566 • Match volunteers with volunteer opportunities Volunteer Center of Contra Costa County 925/472-5760 FAX: 925/472-5780 1820 Bonanza, #100 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-7 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Volunteer Center of Marin County 415/479-5660 FAX: 415/479-9722 650 Los Gallinas San Rafael, CA 94903 Volunteer Center of Napa County 707/252-6222 FAX: 707/226-5179 1820 Jefferson Street Napa, CA 94559 Volunteer Center of Sacramento and Yolo Counties 916/567-3100 1783 Tribute Rd., Suite D Sacramento, CA 95826-3221 Volunteer Center of San Mateo County 650/342-8001 FAX: 650/342-1399 800 S. Claremont, #108 San Mateo, CA 94402 Volunteer Center of San Francisco 415/982-8999 FAX: 415/982-0890 425 Jackson Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Volunteer Center of Sonoma County 707/573-3399 FAX: 707/573-3380 153 Stoney Circle, Suite 100 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Petaluma Branch: 707/762-0111 Sonoma Branch: 707/996-4644 Volunteer Exchange 408/247-1126 FAX: 408/247-5805 1922 The Alameda, #211 San Jose, CA 95126 • Links community members to volunteer opportunities in Santa Clara County 26-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Volunteerism Project 415/772-7393 Volunteer Hotline: 800/CARE-123 FAX: 415/391-8302 50 California, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94111 ON-LINE RESOURCES The following websites contain resume posting services or job banks for individuals with disabilities. Challenge 2000 <www2.interaccess.com/netown> Diversity Direct National Job Opportunities Listing <www.diversitydirect.com> Independence Bank <www.ind-bank.org> National Business and Disability Council <www.business-disability.com/home.asp> New Mobility’s Jobline <www.newmobility.com/jobline> University of Minnesota Disability Service Careers Online <disserv3.stu.umn.edu/COL> Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-9 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services BOOKS How to Kick Ass and Win: A Consumer’s Guide to Getting Services and Equipment from the State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency by Using the Appeals Process (1991) Barbara Bradford Knowlen Barrier Breakers 612/521-5317 4239 Camp Rd. Oriskany Falls, NY 13425 Off to Work Curriculum HDI Publishers 713/682-8700 FAX: 713/956-2288 P.O. Box 131401 Houston, TX 77219 VIDEOTAPES Disclosing Abilities (1995) Instructional Materials Laboratory, University of Missouri 800/669-2465 314/882-2883 FAX: 573/882-1992 2316 Industrial Drive Columbia, MO 65202 • Designed to help individuals with disabilities have successful job interviews Enable - People with Disabilities and Computers Website: <www.microsoft.com/enable/productions> Everyone Can Work Video HDI Publishers 713/682-8700 FAX: 713/956-2288 P.O. Box 131401 Houston, TX 77219 26-10 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION LOCATIONS IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA The mission of the Department of Rehabilitation is to assist people with disabilities in obtaining and retaining meaningful employment and living independently in their communities. The Department of Rehabilitation develops, purchases, provides and advocates for programs and services in vocational rehabilitation, habitation, and independent living with a priority on serving persons with all disabilities, especially those with the most severe disabilities, including SCI. District Office 408/277-1355 FAX: 408/277-1402 FAX: 408/277-1270 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Rm. 324 San Jose, CA 95113-1479 Chris Longoria Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Representative 408/725-2914 Senior Rehabilitation Counselor West San Jose Branch 1471 Saratoga Ave., Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95129 Antioch 925/754-7700 3656 Delta Faire Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509 Crescent City 707/464-6129 950 Front Street Crescent City, CA 95531 Auburn 530/823-4040 610 Auburn Ravine Rd., Suite G Auburn, CA 95603 Elk Grove 916/686-8420 8920 Emerald Park Dr., Suite D Elk Grove, CA 95624 Berkeley 510/883-6000 1936 University Ave., Suite 150 Berkeley, CA 94704 Eureka 707/445-6300 310 Third Street Eureka, CA 95501 Chico 530/895-5507 470 Rio Linda Ave., Suite 4 Chico, CA 95926 Fremont 510/794-2458 39155 Liberty St., Suite F-630 Fremont, CA 94538 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-11 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Fresno 209/445-6011 2550 Mariposa Mall, Suite 2000 P.O. Box 24001 Fresno, CA 93779-4001 Fairfield 707/428-2080 2750 North Texas, Suite 210 Fairfield, CA 94533 Grass Valley 530/273-9529 970 E. Main St., Suite100 Grass Valley, CA 95945-5845 Hayward 510/782-8105 1316 West Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94545-1408 Menlo Park 650/688-6380 800 Menlo Ave., #122 Menlo Park, CA 94025-4784 Modesto 209/576-6220 1317 Oakdale Rd., Suite 520 Modesto, CA 95355-3364 Napa 707/253-4924 1001 2nd Street, #245 Napa, CA 94559 Oakland 510/622-2764 1515 Clay St., Suite 119 Oakland, CA 94612 26-12 East Oakland 510/577-6829 7700 Edgewater Drive, Suite 120 Oakland, CA 94621 Placerville 530/626-0900 344 Placerville Dr., #11 Placerville, CA 95667-3920 Pleasant Hill 925/602-3953 2285 Morello Ave. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-1896 Redding 530/224-4708 1900 Churn Creek Rd., Suite 100 Redding, CA 96002-0292 Redbluff 530/529-4270 705 Pine Street Redbluff, CA 96080-3743 Richmond 510/232-7062 12810 San Pablo Ave Richmond, CA 94805-1356 Roseville 916/774-4400 151 North Sunrise Ave., Suite 601 Roseville, CA 95661 Sacramento 916/322-8500 2225 19th Street Sacramento, CA 95818-1690 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI 26. Vocational & Prevocational Services Northeast Sacramento 916/263-6600 5777 Madison Ave., #1050 Sacramento, CA 95841-3377 Stockton 209/948-7700 4555 Precissi Lane, Suite 1 Stockton, CA 95207-6273 South Sacramento 916/262-1575 700 Franklin Blvd., #625 Sacramento, CA 95823-1820 Susanville 530/257-6073 170 B Russell Ave. Susanville, CA 96130-4299 San Bruno 650/737-2606 801 Traeger Ave., Suite 120 San Bruno, CA 94066-3045 Ukiah 707/463-4791 625 Kings Court, Suite A Ukiah, CA 95482 San Francisco 415/904-7100 185 Berry St. , Lobby 7, Suite 180 San Francisco, CA 94107 Vallejo 707/648-4010 480 Redwood Street, Suite 40 Vallejo, CA 94590 San Mateo 415/358-4161 1500 Fashion Island Blvd., #104 San Mateo, CA 94404-1576 Woodland 530/668-6824 115 Main Street Woodland, CA 95695-3097 San Rafael 415/454-7960 3010 Kerner Blvd. San Rafael, CA 94901 Yreka 530/842-1662 1288 S. Main St. Yreka, CA 96097-3439 Santa Rosa 707/576-2233 50 “D” Street, #425 Santa Rosa, CA 95404-4764 Yuba City 530/741-4591 1237-B Live Oak Blvd. Yuba City, CA 95991-2998 South Lake Tahoe 530/541-3226 2489 Lake Tahoe Blvd., #4 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7732 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information 26-13 A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A. Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Agencies Assistive Technology Resources Attendant Care Resources Consumer Resources Crisis Intervention, Counseling and Mental Health Agencies Disability Related Organizations and SCI Associations Driving Evaluation and Equipment Durable Medical Equipment Education Resources Financial Aid and Assistance Health Related Services Housing Agencies and Resources Independent Living Legal and Advocacy Services Parenting and Family Resources Recreation, Leisure and Entertainment Resources Regeneration and Curative Research Research and Training Organizations Resource Directories/Services and Information Resources Resources for Special Populations SCI Internet Resources SCI Publications Sexuality and Fertility Resources Support Groups Transportation and Travel Vocational/Prevocational Services Index A. Index A A. J. Pappanikou Center 3-3 The Sex Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) 23-2 AAA Traffic Safety and Engineering 7-7 Abba Medical Services, Inc. 8-1 Abingdon, OX, UK Radcliffe Medical Press 23-6 Abledata 2-1, 2-9, 2-10, 12-6, 21-2 Ablenet 2-1 Accent on Info 2-1 Accent Special Publications 23-5 Access Development Co. 7-3 Access First Travel 25-3 Access Options, Inc. 7-3 Access Program (Acute Crisis Care & Entry Into System Services) 5-2, 5-8 Access Tours 25-3 Access Tours, Inc. 21-6 AccessAble Travel Source 21-7, 25-11 Accessibility Travel Services 25-3 Accessible Adventures 25-4 Accessible Journeys, Inc. 25-4, 25-10 Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) 12-1 Accessible Travel 21-6 Accessible Travel Section 25-11 Accessible Traveler’s Database 25-11 ADA Vacations Plus 25-4 Adaptive Device Locator System Academic Software, Inc. 2-2 Adaptive Driving Aid 7-1, 7-3 Adaptive Driving Systems 7-4 Addison, TX Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation 6-3, 17-2 Addison-Wesley-Longman Publishing Company 2-9 Administrators in Medicine (AIM) DocFinder 11-8 Adult & Child Guidance Center of Santa Clara Valley 1-1, 5-2, 20-6, 20-7 Adult Protective Services 14-1 Al-Anon 1-2 Alameda, CA College of Alameda 9-4 Hunter House Publishers, Inc. 2-9 Alan Hancock 9-4 Alaska Welcomes You! Inc. 25-4 Alaskan Airlines 25-12 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 1-1, 5-1 Alexandria, VA National Accessible Apartment Clearinghouse 12-3 National Rehabilitation Association 6-5 Paralysis Society of America 6-6 Alexian Home Care 11-6 Alliance for Community Care 5-8 Alta Bates Rehabilitation Center 11-1 Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 20-8 Alternative Leisure Company, Inc. 25-4 Alviso, CA Family Health Foundation of Alviso 1-4 American Airlines 25-12 American Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) 11-8 The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) 23-1 American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses 6-1 American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers 6-1 American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service 11-8 American Canoe Association 16-12 American Chronic Pain Association 6-1 American Civil Liberties Union 14-1 American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) 16-15 American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) 7-5 American Handcycle Association 16-10 American Indian Education Center 20-4 American Indian Rehabilitation Research and Training Center 18-1 American Medical and Equipment Supply, Inc. 8-2 American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Select On-Line Doctor Finder 11-8 American Medical Response 25-1 American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 7-5 American Paraplegia Society 6-1, 17-1 American River College 9-4 American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 23-1 American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) 6-2, 18-1 American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP) 6-2 American Wheelchair Bowling Association 16-9 Amtrak 25-13 Anchorage, AK Alaska Welcomes You! Inc. 25-4 Challenge Alaska 25-5 Ann Arbor, MI University of Michigan 18-6 Antioch, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Apex Driving School 7-1 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 8-2 Aptos, CA Cabrillo College 9-4, 16-1 Aqua Sports Association for the Physically Challenged 16-12 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-1 A. Index Arcata, CA CSU Humboldt 9-8 Aris 5-5, 12-1 Arizona Raft Adventures 25-4 Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission 3-2, 22-7 Arlington, VA National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) 13-4 RESNA 2-7 ArtDis - Art and Disabilities Home Page 21-6 Asian Law Alliance 14-1 Asian-Americans For Community Involvement (AACI) 1-2, 5-1, 5-6, 9-2, 11-1, 12-1, 20-1, 26-1 Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2-9, 3-7, 9-10, 22-5, 23-7 Assistance Dog Institute 13-6 Assistive Device Assessment Program (ADAP) 2-2 The Assistive Technology Center 7-7 Assistive Technology (AT) Network 2-2 Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists 7-2, 7-6 The Assistive Technology Center 7-7 Association of Disabled American Golfers 16-9 Athens, TX The Handicapped Travel Newsletter 25-9 Atlanta, GA American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) 6-2, 18-1 Shepherd Center 3-4, 3-6, 18-6 Auburn Hills, MI Volkswagon Mobility Access Program 7-6 Auburn, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Placer Independent Resource Services 13-3 Augmentative Communication News 2-2 B Bakersfield, CA CSU Bakersfield 9-8 Independent Living Center of Kern County 13-2 Baltimore, MD National SCI Hotline 6-6 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 20-10, 23-6 Bantam-Doubleday-Dell 23-5 Barn Builders - Peer Support for Farmers with Disabilities 24-1 Barrier Breakers 26-10 Battered Women’s Hotline for Lesbians, Bisexuals and Straight Women 5-6 Bay Area and Western Paralyzed Veterans of America 20-10 Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors 16-5 Bay Area Coalition for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (BACED) 26-1 A-2 Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP) 16-5 Bayonne, NJ The Itinerary 25-9 Bayshore 25-1 BayTrans 25-1 Beach Center on Families and Disabilities 15-1, 20-4 Bedford, MA Alternative Leisure Company, Inc. 25-4 Behring Auto Museum 16-13 Belmont, CA Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc. 13-1 Daytop Village 20-2 Berkeley Greek Theatre 16-16 Berkeley, CA Alta Bates Rehabilitation Center 11-1 Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 20-8 Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP) 16-5 Berkeley Greek Theatre 16-16 Breast Health Access for Women with Disabilities (BHAWD) 20-8 Center for Accessible Technology 2-3 Center for Independent Living 13-1 Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Disability Rights Education of Defense Fund (DREDF) 14-4 Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center 14-6 Power Soccer 16-10 Through the Looking Glass 15-3 University of California, Berkeley 9-9 Vista College 9-8 Wheelchairs of Berkeley 8-4 Bethesda, MD American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) 7-5 Betty Wright Swim Center 16-2 Billy Defrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center 4-1, 20-3, 24-2 Birmingham, AL American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 23-1 National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center 6-6 RRTC on Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury 17-5 RRTC Training Office 23-8 Spain Rehabilitation Center 3-4, 3-5, 18-5 University of Alabama at Birmingham 6-6 Bloomfield Hills, MI Chrysler Automobility Program 7-2, 7-6 Ford Motor Corporation Mobility Motoring Program 7-6 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Bloomington, IL Accent on Info 2-1 Accent on Living 22-1 Accent Special Publications 23-5 Blossoms Prenatal Substance Abuse Program 1-2 Books The Accessible Housing Design File 12-5 Access America 25-8 Access Amtrak: A Guide to Amtrak Services for Travelers with Disabilities 25-8 Adapting PC’s for Disabilities 2-9 Adaptive Baby Care Equipment: Guidelines, Prototypes, and Resources 15-4 Adaptive Parenting Idea Book 15-4 Addressing Discrimination Against Persons With Disabilities: Self-Help and the Civil Rights Lawyer 14-8 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention for People with TBI and SCI 1-7 Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Activities for Youth and Adults with Disabilities: Substance Abuse Resources and Disability Issues (SARDI) 1-7 Avoiding Attendants from Hell: A Practical Guide to Finding, Hiring and Keeping Personal Care Attendants 3-3 Building For A Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes 12-5 Computer Resources for People with Disabilities: A Guide to Exploring Today’s Assistive Technology 2-9 Directory of California Respite Resources 19-1 Directory of California Support Groups 19-2 Directory of Human Services for Santa Clara County 19-1 Disability, Pregnancy and Parenthood International 15-4 The Disabled Drivers Mobility Guide 7-7 Dollars for College: The Quick Guide to Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities 10-7 Easy Access to National Parks 25-8 Enhancing Independence: A Personal Care Attendant Training Manual 3-3 Evaluating Selecting and Using Appropriate Assistive Technology 2-9 Families Are Important: An Early Childhood Guidebook for Families of Young Children with Disabilities 15-5 Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families 10-6 Finding Love and Intimacy 23-5 Fodor’s Great American Vacations for People with Disabilities 25-9 Getting from Here to There - A Manual on Personal Assistance (1996) 3-3 A Guide and Resource Directory to Male Fertility Following Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction 23-5 Hiring Home Health Caregivers 3-4 How to Kick Ass and Win: A Consumer’s Guide to Getting Services and Equipment from the State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency by Using the Appeals Process 26-10 In Sickness and Health: Sex, Love and Chronic Illness 23-5 Inclusion and Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide 15-5 Inform Yourself- Alcohol, Drugs and Spinal Cord Injury: A Resource Guide for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury and Their Families 1-8 Legal Rights for the Catastrophically Ill and Injured 14-8 Let Me Count the Ways: Discovering Great Sex Without Intercourse 23-5 Mother to Be: A Guide to Pregnancy and Birth for Women with Disabilities 15-5, 23-6 National Database of Educational Resources for SCI 9-11 National Resource Directory 22-4 Off to Work Curriculum 26-10 Ordinary Families, Special Children: A Systems Approach to Childhood Disability 15-5 Pathways to Health: You Do Have A Choice 3-7, 9-9, 22-5 Personal Assistance Service Guide 3-4 Personal Assistance Training Manual 3-4 Planning for Access: A Guide to Planning and Modifying Your Home 12-6 Pregnancy and Women with Spinal Cord Injury 15-6 Ramps and Accessible Thresholds 12-6 Reflections from a Mud Puddle: Helping Children Cope and Grow 15-6 Reproductive Issues for Persons with Physical Disabilities 23-6 Residential Remodeling and Universal Design: Making Homes More Comfortable and Accessible 12-6 Santa Clara County Multicultural Community Information Directory 19-3 SCI Homecare Manual 9-11, 22-6 Sexual Concerns When Illness or Disability Strikes 23-7 Sexual Function in People with Disability and Chronic Illness: A Health Professional’s Guide 23-7 Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury: Answers to Your Questions 23-6 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-3 A. Index Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Everyday Practice 23-6 The Special- Needs Reading List: An Annotated Guide to the Best Publications for Parents and Professionals 15-6 Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information: A Guide to Resources for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 22-5 The Spinal Cord Injury Handbook for Patients and Their Families 3-7, 9-10, 22-5 Spinal Cord Injury Homecare Manual 3-7, 9-10 Spinal Cord Injury Patient Education Manual 3-7, 9-10, 22-5 Spinal Cord Injury: A Manual for Healthy Living 3-7, 9-10, 22-6 Spinal Network: The Total Wheelchair Resource Book 9-10 Table Manners: A Guide to Pelvic Examination for Disabled Women and Health Care Providers 20-10 Taking Care of Yourself While Providing Care 3-5, 22-6 The Trace Resourcebook: Assistive Technology for Communication, Control and Computer Access 2-10 Views from Our Shoes: Growing Up with a Brother or Sister with Special Needs 15-7 Women with Physical Disabilities: Achieving and Maintaining Health and Well-Being 20-10 A World of Options: A Guide to International Exchange Community Service and Travel for Persons with Disabilities 25-10 Yes, You Can!: A Guide to Self-Care for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury 3-8, 9-10, 22-6 You Can’t Change the Past But You Can Choose a Future: The Facts About Spinal Cord Injury, Tobacco, and Other Drugs 1-8 Boston University Medical Center 18-6 Boston, MA Boston University Medical Center 18-6 Helping Hands - Monkey Helpers for the Disabled 13-7 Brannons Medical 8-1 Breast Health Access for Women with Disabilities (BHAWD) 20-8 Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center 25-5 Breckenridge, CO Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center 25-5 Buffalo, NY Project Link: Center for Assistive Technology 2-6 Burbank, CA Christopher Sampson Foundation 10-1 Burlingame, CA American Medical Response 25-1 A-4 Peninsula ReCare 26-5 Burlington, VT Northern Cartographic, Inc. 25-8 Butte College 9-4 Byron Center, MI PAWS With A Cause 13-6 C C & C Creative Concepts 25-8 C.A.P.S. 1-2 C.A.T.S. 2-3 Cabrillo College 9-4, 16-1 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 9-8 California Academy of Sciences 16-13 California Antique Aircraft Museum 16-13 California Children’s Services 4-1, 10-1, 11-1, 20-2 California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-1 to 10-2 California Department of Veterans Affairs 20-10 California Fair Employment and Housing Department 12-2 California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) 13-3 California Medical Transport (CMT) 25-2 California North Bay Fertility Association 23-1 California Rehabilitation Association (CRA) 6-2 California Rehabilitation Equipment 8-2 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-1 to 14-2 Fresno 14-1 Gilroy 14-1 Madera 14-2 Marysville 14-2 Modesto 14-2 Oceanside 14-2 Paso Robles 14-2 Sacramento 14-2 Salinas 14-2 San Francisco 14-1 San Luis Obispo 14-2 Santa Maria 14-2 Santa Rosa 14-2 Stockton 14-2 Californians for Cure 17-1 Campbell, CA Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 1-1, 5-1 Kids are Special - Eastfield Ming Quong 1-5, 20-3 Canada College 9-4 Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association 16-8 Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association 16-9 CanDo.com 21-3 Canine Companions for Independence 13-6 Capitola, CA Central Coast Center for Independent Living 13-1, 14-3 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Career Action Center 26-2 Career Development and Employment Program 26-2 Careerpath 21-5 Caregiver Resource Centers Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 13-5 Redwood Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Carmichael, CA Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Casa Macsa 9-3 Catholic Charities Immigration Program 14-2, 20-6 Center for Accessible Technology 2-3 Center for Assisted Reproductive Medicine UCLA Medical Center - Santa Monica 23-3 Center for Computer Assistance to Disabled (C-CAD) 2-3 Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc. 13-1 Center for Independent Living 13-1 Center for Independent Rehabilitative Services (CIRS) 8-4 Center for Injury Prevention 18-2 Center for Male Reproductive Medicine 23-3 Center for SCI Research 17-2 Center on Human Policy 3-3 Centerreach, NY Disability Resources Monthly 19-2 Disability Resources, Inc. 6-2, 19-2 Central Coast Assistive Technology Center 2-3 Central Coast Center for Independent Living 13-1, 14-3, 24-4 Central Mental Health 5-2 Central Office Disability Advocates 10-2 Central YMCA 16-4 Centre for Living with Dying 5-5 Chabot College 9-4 Chadds Ford, PA Independence Dogs, Inc. 13-6 Challenge 2000 21-5, 26-9 Challenge Alaska 25-5 Charles C. Thomas Publishers 23-7 Chaska, MN HomeTime Video Publications, Inc. 12-6 Chemical Dependency Institute of Northern California 1-2 Chemical Dependency Recovery Center 1-3 Chesterfield, MO Science and Humanities Press 3-3 Chevy Chase, MD Date-Able 23-1 Chicago, IL J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company 10-7 National Easter Seal Society 6-4 Rehab. Inst. of Chicago Health Resource For Women 20-8 The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) 23-1 Chico, CA Butte College 9-4 Connections - SCI Support Group 24-1 CSU Chico 9-8 Department of Rehabilitation Enloe Rehabilitation Center 24-1 Independent Living Services of Northern California 13-3 Nor-Cal Mobility 7-5 Children’s Discovery Museum 16-13 Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation 6-2, 17-2, 22-3 Christopher Sampson Foundation 10-1 Chrysler Automobility Program 7-2, 7-6 Citrus Heights, CA Disabled Sports USA of Northern California 16-6, 22-4 City College of San Francisco 9-4 City of San Jose Office of Therapeutic Services 16-6 Civic Auditorium 16-16 Clearing House for Specialized Media and Technology: State Department of Education 2-4 Client Assistance Program (CAP) 14-3 Closing the Gap 2-4 Club Figazi 16-16 Cocaine Anonymous 1-3 Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (CORD) 17-5 College of Alameda 9-4 College of Marin 9-5 College of San Mateo 9-5 College of the Redwoods 9-5 College of the Sequoias 9-5 College of the Siskiyous 9-5 Colorado Springs, CO Wheelchair Sports, USA 16-10 Columbia College 9-5 Columbia, MO Instructional Materials Laboratory, University of Missouri 26-10 Missouri Model Spinal Cord Injury System 3-3 University of Missouri, Columbia 18-6 Communication Aids for Children and Adults Crestwood Company 2-4 Community Association for Rehabilitation 16-2 Community Health Awareness Council 1-3 Community Hospital and Rehabilitation Center of Los Gatos 11-1 Community Psychotherapy Institute 5-2 Community Resources for Independence 13-1 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-5 A. Index Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 13-2 Community Service Agency of Mountain View/Vantrans Program 25-2 Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos 10-3 Community Solutions 5-6, 20-2 Community United Against Violence 5-6 Concord Pavilion 16-16 Concord, CA Concord Pavilion 16-16 Independent Living Resource of Contra Costa County 13-2 Connections - SCI Support Group 24-1 Consumer Affairs State of California 4-1 Continental Airlines 25-12 Continue Care 11-6, 11-7 Contra Costa College 9-5 Coralville, IA National Amputee Golf Association 16-9 Cornell University 26-3 Cosumnes River College 9-5 Cow Palace 16-16 Craig Hospital 18-6, 21-3 Craig Hospital Research Dept. 3-5, 3-7, 9-9, 22-5, 22-6 Creativity Unlimited Diquisto Center 16-6 Crescent City, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Crime Victims Victim Witness Assistance Program 5-4 Victims of Crime Resource Center 5-4 Crisis Line for the Handicapped 5-1 Crossroads Employment Services 26-2 Cruise Planners 25-5 CSU Bakersfield 9-8 CSU Chico 9-8 CSU Fresno 9-8 CSU Hayward 9-8 CSU Humboldt 9-8 CSU Monterey Bay 9-8 CSU Sacramento 9-8 Cuesta College 9-5 Cupertino Historical Society Museum 16-13 Cupertino Nature Museum 16-14 Cupertino, CA Career Action Center 26-2 Career Development and Employment Program 26-2 Cupertino Historical Society Museum 16-13 Cupertino Nature Museum 16-14 De Anza College 9-5, 16-1 De Anza College High Tech Training Center Program 26-2 Flint Center 16-17 A-6 Worldwide Disability Solution Group: Apple Computer Inc. 2-8 Cure Paralysis Now 17-5, 21-9 Curran Theatre 16-17 D Dallas, TX Center for Computer Assistance to Disabled (C-CAD) 2-3 Parapalegics On Independent Nature Trips (POINT) 16-10 Daly City, CA Cow Palace 16-16 Danburn, CT Travel Turtle Tours 25-6 Danville, CA Behring Auto Museum 16-13 Database on Spinal Cord Injury Educational Resources 19-1 Date-Able 23-1 Davies Medical Center 2-4 Davies Symphony Hall 16-17 Dayton, OH School of Medicine at Wright State University 1-7 Daytop Village 1-3, 20-2 De Anza College 9-5, 16-1 De Anza College High Tech Training Center Program 26-2 Death and Dying Aris 5-5 Centre for Living with Dying 5-5 Disabled and Alone 5-5 El Camino Hospital:“Living With Loss” 5-5 KARA 5-5 Decatur, GA Worlds of Travel 25-7 Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Delmar, NY Access to Travel Magazine 25-8 Delta Airlines 25-12 Delta Society - National Service Dog Center 13-6 Demos Medical Publishers 23-6 Denver, CO North American Riding for the Handicapped Association 16-10 Denville, NJ Exceptional Parent Magazine 20-4 Department of Alcohol and Drug Services 1-3 Department of Rehabilitation 2-4, 7-6, 21-5 Department of Rehabilitation in No. CA 26-11 to 26-13 Chris Longoria 26-11 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Antioch 26-11 Auburn 26-11 Berkeley 26-11 Chico 26-11 Crescent City 26-11 District Office 26-11 East Oakland 26-12 Elk Grove 26-11 Eureka 26-11 Fairfield 26-12 Fremont 26-11 Fresno 26-12 Grass Valley 26-12 Hayward 26-12 Menlo Park 26-12 Modesto 26-12 Napa 26-12 Northeast Sacramento 26-13 Oakland 26-12 Placerville 26-12 Pleasant Hill 26-12 Redbluff 26-12 Redding 26-12 Richmond 26-12 Roseville 26-12 Sacramento 26-12 San Bruno 26-13 San Francisco 26-13 San Mateo 26-13 San Rafael 26-13 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Representative 26-11 Santa Rosa 26-13 South Lake Tahoe 26-13 South Sacramento 26-13 Stockton 26-13 Ukiah 26-13 Vallejo 26-13 Woodland 26-13 Yreka 26-13 Yuba City 26-13 Des Plaines, IL Bantam-Doubleday-Dell 23-5 Detroit, MI Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care and Cure 18-1 General Motors Corporation Mobility Assistance Center 7-6 Diablo Valley College 9-5 Directory of California Respite Resources 19-1 Directory of California Support Groups 19-2 Directory of Human Services for Santa Clara County 19-1 Disability Advocacy Clinic 21-6 Disability Assistance Advocates 20-6 Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living 13-2 Disability Resources Monthly 19-2 Disability Resources, Inc. 6-2, 19-2 Disability Rights Advocates 14-3 Disability Rights Education of Defense Fund (DREDF) 14-4 Disabled and Alone 5-5, 10-3 Disabled Programmers, Inc (DPI) 2-5 Disabled Sports USA 16-8, 16-9, 16-11 Disabled Sports USA of Northern California 16-6, 22-4 Disabled Student Services 9-4 to 9-8 Discovery Hills Travel 25-5 Diversity Direct National Job Opportunities Listing 21-5, 26-9 Domestic Violence Asian-Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) 5-6 Battered Women’s Hotline for Lesbians, Bisexuals and Straight Women 5-6 Community Solutions 5-6 Community United Against Violence 5-6 Emergency Shelter Program 5-6 Next Door 5-7 San Francisco Network for Battered Lesbian and Bisexual Women 5-7 San Mateo County Battered Women’s Services 5-7 Santa Cruz County Women’s Crisis Support 5-7 Shelter Against Violent Environment (SAVE) 5-7 Support Network for Battered Women 5-7 Women and Their Children’s Housing (W.A.T.C.H.) 5-8 Downey, CA Rancho Los Amigos Hospital 18-5 RRTC on Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury 17-5 Downingtown, PA Accessibility Travel Services 25-3 Driving Specialties Ltd. 7-4 DRM Guide to Disability Resources on the Internet 21-2 The DRM WebWatcher - Spinal Cord Injury 21-2 The DRM WebWatcher Disability Resources Monthly 3-2 DRM WebWatcher’s Sexuality Page 23-9 E East Palo Alto, CA Daytop Village 1-3 East Rutherford, NJ Penguin Putnam Books 23-5 Easter Seals at Timpany Center 11-2 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-7 A. Index Easter Seals-Oakland: SCI Support Group 24-1 Eastern Amputee Athletic Association 16-8 Eastern PVA Publications Department 12-6 Easy Access Travel 25-5 Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc. 9-3, 13-4, 26-2 Edgerton, WI Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists 7-2, 7-6 The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc. 23-2 El Cajon, CA American Handcycle Association 16-10 Aqua Sports Association for the Physically Challenged 16-12 El Camino Hospital Chemical Dependency Services 1-4 El Camino Hospital:“Living With Loss” 5-5 El Camino YMCA 16-4 El Dorado Hills, CA Reference Service Press 10-6 Eldridge, CA Mobility Engineering: Sonoma Developmental Center 2-5 Elk Grove, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Emergency Shelter Program 5-6 Emerging Horizons 21-7 Emeryville, CA Mobility Systems, Inc. 7-4 Shield Healthcare 8-3 Employment Development Department (EDD) 10-3, 26-2 The Enabled Traveler 25-5 Englewood, CO Center for SCI Research 17-2 Craig Hospital 18-6 Craig Hospital Research Dept. 3-5, 3-7, 9-9, 22-5, 22-6 RRTC on Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury 3-4 English as a Second Language 9-2 to 9-3 Enloe Rehabilitation Center 24-1 Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC) 16-6 Eugene, OR Mobility International USA 25-7, 25-9, 25-10 TRIPS Inc. 25-6 Eureka, CA College of the Redwoods 9-5 Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Humboldt Access Project 13-2 Evans, GA FertiCare Personal High Amplitude Vibrator 23-2 Evanston, IL Innotek: National Lekoteck Center 2-5 A-8 Evergreen Valley College 9-6 Everybody’s Airline Directory Website 25-11 Exceptional Children’s Foundation 20-4 Exceptional Parent Magazine 15-1, 20-4 F Fairfax, VA National Women’s Health Information Center 20-9 Women with Disabilities Resource Center 20-9 Fairfield, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Family and Caregiver Support Group 24-2 Family Caregiver Alliance 20-5 Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 13-5, 15-1, 19-1, 19-2, 19-3 Family Health Foundation of Alviso 1-4 Fannie Mae Consumer Resource Center 12-5 Feather River College 9-6 Federal Rehabilitation Services Administration 22-2 Fenix Services Institute 1-4 Fergus Falls, MN Spinal Cord Society 6-9 FertiCare Personal High Amplitude Vibrator 23-2 The Filmore 16-17 1st Call Plus 25-2 Flagstaff, AZ American Indian Rehabilitation Research and Training Center 18-1 Arizona Raft Adventures 25-4 Flint Center 16-17 Fodor Travel Publications 25-9 Follow Me Outdoors 21-7 Foothill College 9-6 Ford Motor Corporation Mobility Motoring Program 7-6 Fort Bragg, CA Community Resources for Independence 13-1 Fort Lauderdale, FL Medically Escorted Cruises and Tours 25-6 Fort Wayne, IN Paralysis Care Network 6-6, 18-4, 22-7 Fort Worth, TX REACH 2-6 Foster City, CA Bayshore 25-1 Foundation Center 2-8 Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care and Cure 18-1 Framingham, MA NARPPS National Directory of Rehabilitation Professionals 19-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector 19-2 Frederick, MD Aspen Publishers, Inc. 22-5 FREED 13-2 Freedom Access 7-4 Fregus Falls, MN Spinal Cord Society 17-4 Fremont, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Ohlone College 9-7 S.M.A.R.T. Recovery (Self Management and Recovery Training) 1-6 Santa Clara County Psychological Association 5-3, 19-5 Fresno City College 9-6 Fresno Community Hospital and Medical Center 24-2 Fresno, CA California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-1 Center for Independent Living 13-1 CSU Fresno 9-8 Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Driving Specialties Ltd. 7-4 Fresno City College 9-6 Fresno Community Hospital and Medical Center 24-2 Leon S. Peters Rehab Center 2-5 SCI Support Group 24-2 Friends Outside 14-4 Ft. Lauderdale, FL American Wheelchair Bowling Association 16-9 G Gaithersburg, MD Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2-9, 3-7, 23-7 Gateway 1-4 Gavilan College 9-6, 16-1 Gazette International 22-2, 22-3 General Motors Corporation Mobility Assistance Center 7-6 Georgia Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System 21-4 Geriatric Home Care Specialists 11-7 Gilroy, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-1 Gavilan College 9-6, 16-1 Medshares - Gilroy 11-3 Salvation Army Corps 12-4 Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 3-2, 14-7, 26-6 Global Access Travel 25-11 Gloucester, Ontario Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association 16-8 Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association 16-9 Golden Gate Theatre 16-17 GORP (Great Outdoors Recreational Program) 21-7 Governor’s Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons 26-3 The Graham Consulting Group 26-3 Grass Valley, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 FREED 13-2 Greyhound Bus lines 25-13 Guardian Rehabilitation Center 16-6 H Half the Planet.com 21-7 Handicapped Scuba Association 16-12 Handyman Connection 12-5 Hanford, CA Kings Regional Occupation Program 9-2 Happy Wheelers 24-2 Hartnell College 9-6 Hastings, MN National Wheelchair Softball Association 16-11 Hayward, CA Chabot College 9-4 Community Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 13-2 CSU Hayward 9-8 Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Emergency Shelter Program 5-6 Volunteer Center Alameda County/Tri-Valley 26-7 HDI Publishers 26-10 Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Project 18-2 Health Care to the Homeless 11-2 Healthfinder 21-2 HealthSouth Press 3-7, 9-10, 22-5 Heath Resource Center 6-3, 9-1 Heathrow, FL AAA Traffic Safety and Engineering 7-7 Help Santa Clara County 4-1, 19-2 Helping Hands - Monkey Helpers for the Disabled 13-7 Henderson, MN Closing the Gap 2-4 History Museums of San Jose 16-15 Hollister, CA Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Home Health Agencies 11-6 to 11-7 Home Health Plus 11-6 Homeowners and Renters Assistance 10-3 HomeTime Video Publications, Inc. 12-6 Hope Rehabilitation Services Counseling Center 5-2, 5-8 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-9 A. Index Horizon Services, Inc. 1-4 Horizon South 1-4 Horsham, PA No Limits Communications 19-2, 22-3 New Mobility Magazine 19-2, 22-3 Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara 12-2 Housing for Independent People (HIP) 12-2 Houston, TX Database on Spinal Cord Injury Educational Resources 19-1 HDI Publishers 26-10 Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) 3-1, 13-4, 18-2 International Medical Society of Paraplegia (US Office) 6-3 Model SCI Systems Compendium of Education and Training Materials 18-3 National Database of Educational Resources for SCI 3-5, 22-6 Rehabilitation Research Training Center at Baylor College of Medicine 1-8 RRTC in Community Integration for Individuals with SCI 3-6, 17-4 The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 3-7, 9-10, 9-11, 18-7, 19-1, 22-6 HUD User 12-6 Humboldt Access Project 13-2 Hunter House Publishers, Inc. 2-9 I ILR Program on Employment and Disability 26-3 Impact Publishers 3-4 In-Home Support Services (IHSS) 3-1, 11-2 In-Home Support Services Website 3-2 Independence Adult Education Center 9-1 Independence Bank 21-5, 26-9 Independence Dogs, Inc. 13-6 Independent Living Center 13-2 Independent Living Center of Kern County 13-2 Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) 3-1, 13-4, 18-2 Independent Living Resource Center 13-2 Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco 5-3, 13-2, 14-4 Independent Living Resource of Contra Costa County 13-2 Independent Living Services of Northern California 13-3 Independent Living Services of Redding 13-3 Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley 20-4 Indianapolis, IN U.S. Rowing Association 16-12 Information and Referral Services 25-1 A-10 Information and Referral Services, Inc. 19-3 Innotek: National Lekoteck Center 2-5 Institute of Career Development (Division of Goodwill) 26-3 Instructional Materials Laboratory, University of Missouri 26-10 Interim Health Care 11-6 Internal Revenue Service 10-3 International Cruise Concepts 25-6 International Medical Society of Paraplegia (US Office) 6-3 International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN) 6-3, 20-7 International Wheelchair Road Racers Club, Inc. 16-11 Internet Resources The DRM WebWatcher 3-2 ABLEDATA 21-2 Access Tours, Inc. 21-6 AccessAble Travel Source 21-7, 25-11 Accessible Travel 21-6 Accessible Travel Section 25-11 Administrators in Medicine (AIM) DocFinder 11-8 American Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) 11-8 American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service 11-8 American Medical Association (AMA) Physician Select On-Line Doctor Finder 11-8 ArtDis - Art and Disabilities Home Page 21-6 CanDo.com 21-3 Careerpath 21-5 Challenge 2000 21-5, 26-9 Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (CORD) 17-5 Craig Hospital 21-3 Cure Paralysis Now 17-5, 21-9 Department of Rehabilitation 21-5 Disability Advocacy Clinic 21-6 Diversity Direct National Job Opportunities Listing 21-5, 26-9 DRM Guide to Disability Resources on the Internet 21-2 The DRM WebWatcher - Spinal Cord Injury 21-2 DRM WebWatcher’s Sexuality Page 23-9 Emerging Horizons 21-7 Everybody’s Airline Directory Website 25-11 Follow Me Outdoors 21-7 Georgia Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System 21-4 Global Access Travel 25-11 GORP (Great Outdoors Recreational Program) 21-7 Half the Planet.com 21-7 Healthfinder 21-2 Help Santa Clara County 19-2 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index In-Home Support Services Website 3-2 Independence Bank 21-5, 26-9 Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 21-5 Link2Care 21-10 Mayo Health Clinic Health Oasis 21-7 MedicineNet 21-8 Medline - PubMed, Internet Grateful Med 21-8 Medscape 21-8 The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 21-9 Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System 21-3 Model Construct for Community Integration in Spinal Cord Injury 21-3 The Monster Board 21-5 Mount Sinai Model Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 National Business and Disability Council 21-6, 26-9 National Center on Physical Activity and Disability 11-8 National Father’s Network 15-3 National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) 15-2, 20-5, 21-4 National Institutes of Health 21-2 National Job Opportunities - Diversity Direct 21-5 National Library of Medicine 21-2 National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) 15-3, 21-10 National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 6-5, 18-3, 19-4, 21-4 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 21-8 National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities (NTA) 15-3 New Mobility 21-4, 21-10 New Mobility’s Jobline 21-6, 26-9 Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Ourtools.com 21-4 Paralinks 21-8 Paralyzed Veterans of America 21-9 Pharmaceutical Information Network 21-8 Rehab International 21-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury 21-9 Rocky Mountain Model Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 SCI Connection 21-10 SCI Ring 21-2 Sexual Health Network 23-9 Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury Bibliography: Medical College of Wisconsin Website 23-9 Shepherd Hospital 21-4 Sibling Support Project 15-4 Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information 22-5 Spinal Cord Injury Information Network 3-2, 21-1 Spinal Cord Society 21-9 SpineWire 17-6, 21-9 Talk City 21-10 University of Minnesota Disability Service Careers Online 21-6, 26-9 University of Washington 21-3 US Food and Drug Administration 21-8 Virtual Paraplegia 21-1 WebMD 21-7 Wheelchair Accessible Home Clearinghouse 12-4 Wheelweb.com 21-9 Wired on Wheels 21-10 Women with Disabilities Resource Center 19-5 Irvine, CA Reeve Irvine Research Center 17-3 Ithaca, NY Cornell University 26-3 ILR Program on Employment and Disability 26-3 J J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company 10-7 Jackson Heights, NY American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Nurses 6-1 American Association of Spinal Cord Injury Psychologists and Social Workers 6-1 American Paraplegia Society 6-1, 17-1 Eastern PVA Publications Department 12-6 JC Publications 19-3 Jefferson Medical College 18-7 Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 19-4, 21-5, 26-4 John Muir Rehabilitation Center 11-2 John Muir Therapy 7-2 John Wiley and Sons 12-5 JWT Specialized Communications 26-4 K KARA 5-5, 20-3 Karolinska Institute 17-2 Kato and Feder 14-4 Kensington, MD National Family Caregiver Association 15-2 Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation 6-3, 17-2 Steve Palermo Chapter 6-3, 17-2 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-11 A. Index Kentfield, CA College of Marin 9-5 Kernes Memorial Pool 16-3 Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 3-7, 9-10, 18-6, 23-9 Kids are Special - Eastfield Ming Quong 1-5, 20-3 Kings Regional Occupation Program 9-2 Kings River College 9-6 Kingston, RI U.S. Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association 16-9 L La Raza Centro Legal 14-5, 20-7 Lake Tahoe College 9-6 Lakewood, CO Association of Disabled American Golfers 16-9 Laney College 9-6 Las Positas College 9-6 Lassen College 9-6 Lawrence, KS Beach Center on Families and Disabilities 15-1, 20-4 Research and Training Center on Independent Living (RTC/IL) 3-5 Leawood, KS Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation Steve Palermo Chapter 6-3 Legal Aid Society of Santa Clara County 14-5 Leon S. Peters Rehab Center 2-5 Levittown, PA U.S. Wheelchair Weightlifting Federation 16-12 Lexington, KY Adaptive Device Locator System Academic Software, Inc. 2-2 Library of Congress 2-9 Life Planning for Persons with Disabilities 10-4 Limited Examination and Application Program (LEAP) 26-4 Lincare, Inc. 8-2 Link2Care 21-10 Linkages/Multipurpose Senior Service Program (MSSP) 11-2 Literacy Alliance 9-3 Little Rock, AR Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission 3-2, 22-7 Littleton, CO International Cruise Concepts 25-6 Livermore, CA Las Positas College 9-6 Logan, UT Utah Assistive Technology Program 3-4 Londonderry, NH American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) 7-5 A-12 Longview, TX American Syringomyelia Alliance Project (ASAP) 6-2 Los Altos Hills, CA Foothill College 9-6 Los Angeles, CA Center for Male Reproductive Medicine 23-3 Exceptional Children’s Foundation 20-4 JWT Specialized Communications 26-4 National Job Opportunities - Diversity Direct 26-4 UCLA School of Medicine 23-3 Los Gatos, CA Community Hospital and Rehabilitation Center of Los Gatos 11-1 Guardian Rehabilitation Center 16-6 Stride Program 1-7 Therapy in Your Home 11-5 Loving Hands Homecare 11-7 Robert Ludlow, Esq. 14-5 M M & M Home Medical 8-2 Maddak Inc. 22-1 Madera, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Madison, WI Trace Research and Development Center 2-7, 2-10 Mainstream, Inc. 22-2 Malden, MA Access First Travel 25-3 Malibu, CA Leonard Group 22-3 Miramar Communications 9-10, 25-8 Marin Center for Independent Living 13-3 Marines Memorial Club 16-17 Marion, OH Exceptional Parent Magazine 15-1 Marionjoy Rehabilitation Hospital 3-6 Mariposa Lodge Alcohol Recovery Homes, Inc. 1-5 Marysville, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Yuba College 9-8 Matched Caregivers 11-6 Matrix: A Parent Network and Resource Center 15-1, 20-5 Mayo Health Clinic Health Oasis 21-7 McLaughlin House 12-2 Medic Alert Foundation 4-1 Medical College of Virginia 18-7 Medically Escorted Cruises and Tours 25-6 MediCare Information 10-4 MedicineNet 21-8 Medline - PubMed, Internet Grateful Med 21-8 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Medscape 21-8 Medshares - Gilroy 11-3 Medshares - San Jose 11-3 Mendocino College 9-6 Menlo Park, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Mental Health Advocacy Project 4-2, 5-8, 14-5 Mental Health Assn of San Francisco 5-9 Merced College 9-7 Merritt College 9-7 Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) 20-7, 26-4 Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 6-4, 18-3, 23-5 The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 17-3, 21-9 The Miami Project Male Fertility Program 23-2 Miami, FL ADA Vacations Plus 25-4 Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 6-4, 18-3, 23-5 The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis 17-3 The Miami Project Male Fertility Program 23-2 University of Miami 18-6 Mid Peninsula Home Health 11-6 Mid-Peninsula Housing Management 12-2 Middleboro, MA U.S. Wheelchair Swimming 16-12 Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System 21-3 Mills Hospital Pool 16-3 Mills Peninsula Hospital 11-3 Milpitas Housing Services 12-3 Milpitas, CA Women and Their Children’s Housing (W.A.T.C.H.) 5-8 Milwaukee, WI Communication Aids for Children and Adults Crestwood Company 2-4 Minneapolis, MN The PACER Center 15-2 Ablenet 2-1 Wilderness Inquiry 25-7 Miramar Communications 9-10, 25-8 Mission College 9-7 Missouri Model Spinal Cord Injury System 3-3 Mobility Engineering: Sonoma Developmental Center 2-5 Mobility International USA 25-7, 25-9, 25-10 Mobility Systems, Inc. 7-4 Mobility Training Program (Bus) 25-3 Model Construct for Community Integration in Spinal Cord Injury 21-3 Model SCI Systems Compendium of Education and Training Materials 18-3 Modesto Junior College 9-7 Modesto, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living 13-2 Modesto Junior College 9-7 The Monster Board 21-5 Monterey Bay Aquarium 16-14 Monterey Peninsula Junior College 9-7 Monterey, CA Augmentative Communication News 2-2 Kernes Memorial Pool 16-3 Monterey Bay Aquarium 16-14 Monterey Peninsula Junior College 9-7 Montgomery Theatre 16-18 Morgan Hill, CA Community Solutions 20-2 Morgantown, WV Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 19-4, 26-4 Mount Sinai Model Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 18-7 Mountain View, CA Adult and Child Guidance Center 1-1 Chemical Dependency Recovery Center 1-3 Community Health Awareness Council 1-3 Community Service Agency of Mountain View/Vantrans Program 25-2 Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos 10-3 El Camino Hospital Chemical Dependency Services 1-4 El Camino Hospital:“Living With Loss” 5-5 El Camino YMCA 16-4 Mid Peninsula Home Health 11-6 Rehab Specialists, Inc. 8-3 Santa Clara County Social Services Department 10-5 Shoreline Amphitheatre 16-19 Support Network for Battered Women 5-7, 20-8 Mountain Winery 16-18 Mt. Diablo Facility of Rehabilitation 11-3 Mt. Eden, CA Horizon Services, Inc. 1-4 Museum of Modern Art 16-14 MV Transportation 25-2 N Napa, CA Community Resources for Independence 13-2 Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Volunteer Center of Napa County 26-8 Narcotics Anonymous 1-5 NARPPS National Directory of Rehabilitation Professionals 19-2 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-13 A. Index National Ability Center 25-6 National Accessible Apartment Clearinghouse 12-3 National Amputee Golf Association 16-9 National Association of Protection and Advocacy 10-4 National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector 19-2 National Business and Disability Council 21-6, 26-9 National Center on Physical Activity and Disability 11-8 National Clearing House of Rehabilitation Training Materials 18-3 National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency (NCADD) 1-5 National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) 13-4 National Database of Educational Resources for SCI 3-5, 22-6 National Easter Seal Society 6-4 National Family Caregiver Association 15-2 National Father’s Network 15-3 National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis 16-10 National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) 15-2, 20-5, 21-4 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 6-4, 18-5 National Institutes of Health 21-2 National Job Opportunities - Diversity Direct 21-5, 26-4 National Library of Medicine 21-2 National Ocean Access Project 16-12 National Organization on Disability (NOD) 6-4 National Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND) 15-3, 21-10 National Rehabilitation Association 6-5 National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 6-5, 18-3, 19-4, 21-4 National SCI Hotline 6-6 National Seating and Mobility, Inc. 8-3 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 6-5, 21-8, 22-4, 23-8, 24-3, 25-10 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800-HelpLine 19-3 National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center 6-6 National Transition Alliance for Youth with Disabilities (NTA) 15-3 National Wheelchair Basketball Association 16-8 National Wheelchair Softball Association 16-11 National Women’s Health Information Center 19-5, 20-9 Neverland Adventures 25-6 New Ability Driving Systems 7-5 New Mobility 19-2, 21-4, 21-10, 22-3 New Mobility’s Jobline 21-6, 26-9 A-14 New Windsor, MD The Very Special Traveler 25-10 New York, NYDemos Medical Publishers 23-6 Disabled and Alone 5-5, 10-3 Foundation Center 2-8 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 18-7 Rehabilitation International 6-7 Society for the Advancement of Travelers with Handicaps 25-9 The Sex Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS) 23-2 WE Magazine 22-4 Newbury Park, CA Access to Recreation, Inc 22-1 Newport News, VA Patient Advocate Foundation 11-4, 14-6 Newton, CT The Taunton Press 12-5 Next Door 5-3, 5-7 No Limits Communications 19-2, 22-3 Nor-Cal Mobility 7-5 North American Riding for the Handicapped Association 16-10 North Bellmore, NY Eastern Amputee Athletic Association 16-8 North Coast Rehabilitation Center 11-3 Northeast Ohio Regional Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Northern California Fertility Medical Center 23-3 Northern Cartographic, Inc. 25-8 Northwest Airlines 25-12 Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Nottingham, NH Cruise Planners 25-5 Nova Bridge Program 26-5 Novato, CA Matrix: A Parent Network and Resource Center 15-1, 20-5 O O'Connor Home Health Care 11-6 Oakland Coliseum 16-20 Oakland, CA California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Disability Rights Advocates 14-3 Easter Seals-Oakland SCI Support Group 24-1 Laney College 9-6 Merced College 9-7 Merritt College 9-7 Oakland Coliseum 16-20 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Paramount Theatre 16-18 Protection and Advocacy 14-6 UCP of the Golden Gate 20-9 United Cerebral Palsy 2-8 U.S. Veterans Administration 10-6, 20-11 Volunteer Center Alameda County/Tri-Valley 26-7 World Institute on Disability (WID) 6-9, 19-5 Occupational Solutions 26-5 Oceanside, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Office of Amtrak Access 25-8 Office of Minority Health Resource Center 19-4, 20-3 Office on ADA 10-4 Ohlone College 9-7 Olsten Home Health Services 11-6 Organization for the Promotion of Access and Travel for the Handicapped 25-7 Oriskany Falls, NY Barrier Breakers 26-10 Orpheum Theatre 16-18 Ourtools.com 21-4 Outreach 25-2 P Pac Bell Park 16-20 The PACER Center 15-2Pacific Bell Universal Lifeline 4-2 Pacific Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center 14-6 Pacific Gas and Electric 4-2 Palo Alto Family YMCA 16-4 Palo Alto Health Care System (Veterans) 26-5 Palo Alto Mediation Program 12-3 Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center (PAVA) 20-11 Palo Alto, CA Bay Area and Western Paralyzed Veterans of America 20-10 Betty Wright Swim Center 16-2 Community Association for Rehabilitation 16-2 KARA 5-5, 20-3 Matched Caregivers 11-6 Palo Alto Family YMCA 16-4 Palo Alto Health Care System (Veterans) 26-5 Palo Alto Mediation Program 12-3 Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center (PAVA) 20-11 REACH (Foothill College) 11-4 Stanford Home Care 11-6 Stride Program 1-7 Veterans Administration Medical Center Palo Alto 7-3 Vets Next Step Center 20-11 Pamphlets Attendant Care Services - Fact Sheet #7 3-2 A Checklist for Evaluating Personal Care Assistant Services 3-3 Hiring and Management of Personal Care Assistants for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 3-3 Male Reproductive Function after Spinal Cord Injury 23-8 Personal Care Assistants - SCI Information Sheet #6 3-4 Personal Care Assistants: How to Find, Hire and Keep Them 3-4 Preventing Secondary Medical Complications: A Guide for Personal Assistance to People with Spinal Cord Injury 3-5 Sexuality After Spinal Cord Injury 23-8 Sexuality in Males with Spinal Cord Injury 23-8 A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Managing Personal Assistants 3-5 Paralinks 21-8 Paralysis Care Network 6-6, 18-4, 22-7 Paralysis Society of America 6-6 Paralyzed Veterans of America 3-8, 6-7, 9-10, 18-4, 21-9, 22-6 Paralyzed Veterans of America - Publications Center 1-8 Paralyzed Veterans of America SCI Education and Training Foundation 17-3 Paramount Theatre 16-18 Parapalegics On Independent Nature Trips (POINT) 16-10 Parents Educational and Resource Link Services (PEARLS) 19-4, 20-5 Parents Helping Parents 15-2, 19-4, 20-6 Park City, UT National Ability Center 25-6 U.S. Disabled Ski Team 16-11 Participants in Progress 24-3 Paso Robles, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Pathway House Residential Treatment Center 1-5 Pathway Outpatient Program 1-6 Patient Advocate Foundation 11-4, 14-6 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 20-10, 23-6 PAWS With A Cause 13-6 PDQ (Physically Disabled Queers) 24-2 Penguin Putnam Books 23-5 Peninsula Family YMCA 16-4 Peninsula ReCare 26-5 Pequannock, NJ Maddak Inc. 22-1 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-15 A. Index Periodicals Ableware 22-1 Accent on Living 22-1 Access to Recreation, Inc. 22-1 Access to Travel Magazine 25-8 Active Living The Health, Fitness and Recreation Magazine for People with a Disability 22-1 American Rehabilitation Magazine 22-2 Disability Resources Monthly 19-2 Disability, Pregnancy, and Parenthood International 15-4, 15-7 Emerging Horizons 25-8 Employment in the Mainstream 22-2 Exceptional Parent Magazine 20-4 The Handicapped Travel Newsletter 25-9 InterAct 22-2 International Ventilator Users Network News 22-2 The Itinerary 25-9 New Mobility 19-2, 22-3 Open World 25-9 Over the Rainbow 25-9 Paraplegia News 22-3 Parenting with a Disability 15-7 Parenting with a Disability Bulletin 15-7 PeopleNet 23-7 Progress in Research 22-3 Rehabilitation Gazette 22-3 Sports and Spokes 22-4 Travel After Spinal Cord Injury 25-10 Travel Notes 25-10 Ventures 22-4 The Very Special Traveler 25-10 WE Magazine 22-4 Pharmaceutical Information Network 21-8 Philadelphia, PA Jefferson Medical College 18-7 Phoenix, AZ PVA Publications 22-3, 22-4 Thumbs Up - The Mike Utley Foundation 17-4 Physically Unlimited 24-3 Pittsburgh, PA University of Pittsburgh 18-7 Placer Independent Resource Services 13-3 Placerville, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Planned Parenthood 20-8 Planned Parenthood Golden Gate 20-10 Pleasant Hill, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Diablo Valley College 9-5 Mt. Diablo Facility of Rehabilitation 11-3 Pleasanton, CA Volunteer Center Alameda County/Tri-Valley 26-7 Pools, Accessible 16-1 to 16-5 A-16 Portugese Organization for Social Services and Opportunities (POSSO) 20-6 Power Soccer 16-10 President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities 6-7, 26-5 Priceless Rent-A-Car 25-11 Project Action 25-11 Project Hired 26-6 Project Link Center for Assistive Technology 2-6 Project Match 12-3 Protection and Advocacy 14-6 Protrans 25-3 Public Guardian Office (Conservatorship) 10-4 PVA Publications 22-3, 22-4 Q Quincy, CA Feather River College 9-6 R Radcliffe Medical Press 23-6 Rainbow Wheels 25-11 Rancho Cordova, CA California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 Driving Specialties Ltd. 7-4 Rancho Los Amigos Hospital 18-5 RCH, Inc. 16-3 REACH 2-6 REACH (Foothill College) 11-4 Reading, MA Addison-Wesley-Longman Publishing Company 2-9 Red Morton Center Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services 16-7 Redbluff, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Redding, CA California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 Independent Living Services of Redding 13-3 Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) 26-12 Shasta College 9-7 Redwood Amphitheatre at Paramount’s Great America, Santa Clara 16-18 Redwood Caregiver Resource Center 13-5, 14-6 Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services 16-7 Redwood City, CA Canada College 9-4 Daytop Village 1-3 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Red Morton Center: Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services 16-7 Redwood City Parks, Recreation & Community Services 16-7 Sequoia YMCA 16-5 Reedley, CA Kings River College 9-6 Reeve Irvine Research Center 17-3 Reference Service Press 10-6 Rehab International 21-4 Rehab Specialists, Inc. 8-3 Rehab. Inst. of Chicago Health Resource For Women 20-8 Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) 5-3, 9-2, 11-4, 26-6 Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Accessible and Universal Design in Housing 12-3 Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Education and Training Center 1-7 Rehabilitation International 6-7, 18-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury 3-3, 11-4, 13-4, 18-4, 18-5, 19-5, 21-9, 22-2, 22-5, 24-3, 24-4 Resource Line 18-4 Rehabilitation Research Training Center at Baylor College of Medicine 1-8 Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 10-4 Renton, WA Delta Society - National Service Dog Center 13-6 Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area 23-3 Request Rehabilitation Engineering Center 2-7 Research and Training Center on Independent Living (RTC/IL) 3-5 RESNA 2-7 RESOLVE - The National Infertility Association 23-2 Resource Center on Substance Abuse Prevention and Disability: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information 1-8 Resources for Independent Living 13-3 Richmond, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Richmond, VA Medical College of Virginia 18-7 Ridley Park, PA Accessible Journeys, Inc. 25-4, 25-10 Ripon, CA C & C Creative Concepts 25-8 Riverside, CA Easy Access Travel 25-5 Rocklin, CA American Chronic Pain Association 6-1 Sierra College 9-7 Rockville, MD Disabled Sports USA 16-8, 16-9, 16-11 HUD User 12-6 National Ocean Access Project 16-12 Resource Center on Substance Abuse Prevention and Disability: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information 1-8 Rocky Mountain Model Spinal Cord Injury System 21-3 Rohnert Park, CA Assistance Dog Institute 13-6 Sonoma State University 9-9 Roseville, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-12 Northern California Fertility Medical Center 23-3 RRTC in Community Integration for Individuals with SCI 3-6, 17-4 RRTC on Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury 3-4, 17-5 RRTC on Secondary Conditions of Spinal Cord Injury 17-5 RRTC Training Office 23-8 S S.M.A.R.T. Recovery (Self Management and Recovery Training) 1-6 Sacramento Area Easter Seals Society 2-7 Sacramento, CA The Enabled Traveler 25-5 American River College 9-4 Assistive Technology (AT) Network 2-2 C.A.T.S. 2-3 California Children’s Services 20-2 California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) 13-3 California Rehabilitation Association (CRA) 6-2 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Central Office Disability Advocates 10-2 Clearing House for Specialized Media and Technology: State Department of Education 2-4 Client Assistance Program (CAP) 14-3 Cosumnes River College 9-5 Crossroads Employment Services 26-2 CSU Sacramento 9-8 Department of Rehabilitation 2-4, 26-12, 26-13 Employment Development Department (EDD) 26-2 Freedom Access 7-4 Governor’s Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons 26-3 Head and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Project 18-2 Life Planning for Persons with Disabilities 10-4 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-17 A. Index Limited Examination and Application Program (LEAP) 26-4 Participants in Progress 24-3 Resources for Independent Living 13-3 Sacramento Area Easter Seals Society 2-7 Social Security Disability Advocates 10-5 University of California Davis Medical Center 11-6 Victims of Crime Resource Center 14-8 Vocational Program - Goodwill Industries of Sacramento 26-7 Volunteer Center of Sacramento and Yolo Counties 26-8 Salinas Adult School 26-6 Salinas Municipal Pool 16-3 Salinas, CA California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Central Coast Center for Independent Living 13-1, 14-3, 24-4 Del Mar Caregiver Resource Center 13-5 Hartnell College 9-6 Rehabilitation Education Assistance Program (REAP) 5-3, 9-2, 11-4, 26-6 Salinas Adult School 26-6 Salinas Municipal Pool 16-3 Women with Disabilities Support Group 24-4 Salvation Army - Social Services 12-4 Salvation Army Corps 12-4 San Antonio, TX HealthSouth Press 3-7, 9-10, 22-5 San Bruno, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Skyline College 9-7 San Clemente, CA Handicapped Scuba Association 16-12 National Foundation of Wheelchair Tennis 16-10 San Diego, CA Assistive Device Assessment Program (ADAP) 2-2 Neverland Adventures 25-6 Sharp Rehabilitation Center 23-4 Urological Physicians of San Diego 23-4 VA Healthcare Systems, San Diego 23-4 Well Spouse Foundation 15-3 San Francisco General Hospital 24-4 San Francisco Network for Battered Lesbian and Bisexual Women 5-7 San Francisco State University 9-8 San Francisco Wax Museum 16-14 San Francisco, CA American Civil Liberties Union 14-1 American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) 16-15 Apex Driving School 7-1 Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors 16-5 California Academy of Sciences 16-13 California Children’s Services 20-2 A-18 California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-1 Center for Injury Prevention 18-2 City College of San Francisco 9-4 Civic Auditorium 16-16 Club Figazi 16-16 Cocaine Anonymous 1-3 Community United Against Violence 5-6 Curran Theatre 16-17 Davies Medical Center 2-4 Davies Symphony Hall 16-17 Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Directory of California Respite Resources 19-1 Directory of California Support Groups 19-2 Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC) 16-6 Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 13-5, 15-1, 19-1, 19-2, 19-3, 20-5 The Filmore 16-17 Golden Gate Theatre 16-17 Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco 5-3, 13-2, 14-4 Kato and Feder 14-4 La Raza Centro Legal 14-5, 20-7 Linkages/Multipurpose Senior Service Program (MSSP) 11-2 Marines Memorial Club 16-17 Mental Health Assn of San Francisco 5-9 Museum of Modern Art 16-14 Orpheum Theatre 16-18 Pac Bell Park 16-20 Planned Parenthood Golden Gate 20-10 RCH, Inc. 16-3 San Francisco General Hospital 24-4 San Francisco Network for Battered Lesbian and Bisexual Women 5-7 San Francisco State University 9-8 San Francisco Wax Museum 16-14 Schneider and McCormac Attorneys at Law 14-7 St. Mary’s Hospital Rehabilitation Center 11-5 Theatre on the Square 16-19 3-Com Park 16-20 Trauma/Injury Support Group 24-4 UCSF Mount Zion Urology Faculty Practice Male Fertility Clinic 23-4 University of California, San Francisco 9-9 Volunteer Center of San Francisco 26-8 Volunteerism Project 26-9 Warfield, The 16-19 Wheelchairs of Berkeley 8-4 San Joaquin Delta College 9-7 San Jose Adult Education Center 9-2 San Jose Arena 16-20 San Jose Center for Performing Arts 16-18 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index San Jose City College 9-7, 16-2 San Jose Civic Auditorium 16-19 San Jose Museum of Art 16-15 San Jose State University 9-9 San Jose State University Occupational Therapy Clinic 11-5 San Jose Veterans Center 5-3, 20-11 San Jose, CA Abba Medical Services, Inc. 8-1 Access Options, Inc. 7-3 Access Program (Acute Crisis Care & Entry Into System Services) 5-2, 5-8 Adaptive Driving Aid 7-1, 7-3 Adult & Child Guidance Center of Santa Clara Valley 1-1, 5-2, 20-6, 20-7 Adult Protective Services 14-1 Alexian Home Care 11-6 Alliance for Community Care 5-8 American Medical and Equipment Supply, Inc. 8-2 Apria Healthcare, Inc. 8-2 Aris 5-5, 12-1 Asian Law Alliance 14-1 Asian-Americans For Community Involvement (AACI) 1-2, 5-1, 5-6, 9-2, 11-1, 12-1, 20-1, 26-1 Bay Area Coalition for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (BACED) 26-1 Billy Defrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center 4-1, 20-3, 24-2 Blossoms Prenatal Substance Abuse Program 1-2 Brannons Medical 8-1 C.A.P.S. 1-2 California Children’s Services 4-1, 10-1, 11-1, 20-2 Casa Macsa 9-3 Catholic Charities Immigration Program 14-2, 20-6 Center for Independent Rehabilitative Services (CIRS) 8-4 Central Mental Health 5-2 Central YMCA 16-4 Chemical Dependency Institute of Northern California 1-2 Children’s Discovery Museum 16-13 City of San Jose Office of Therapeutic Services 16-6 Community Psychotherapy Institute 5-2 Continue Care 11-6 Creativity Unlimited Diquisto Center 16-6 Crisis Line for the Handicapped 5-1 Department of Alcohol and Drug Services 1-3 Department of Rehabilitation 26-11 Directory of Human Services for Santa Clara County 19-1 Disability Assistance Advocates 20-6 Disabled Programmers, Inc (DPI) 2-5 Easter Seals at Timpany Center 11-2 Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc. 9-3, 13-4, 26-2 Employment Development Department (EDD) 10-3 Evergreen Valley College 9-6 Expressions Unlimited 19-1 Family and Caregiver Support Group 24-2 Friends Outside 14-4 The Graham Consulting Group 26-3 Handyman Connection 12-5 Health Care to the Homeless 11-2 History Museums of San Jose 16-15 Hope Rehabilitation Services Counseling Center 5-2, 5-8 Horizon South 1-4 Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara 12-2 Housing for Independent People (HIP) 12-2 In-Home Support Services (IHSS) 3-1, 11-2 Independence Adult Education Center 9-1 Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley 20-4 Information and Referral Services 25-1 Information and Referral Services, Inc. 19-3 Institute of Career Development (Division of Goodwill) 26-3 Interim Health Care 11-6 JC Publications 19-3 Legal Aid Society of Santa Clara County 14-5 Lincare, Inc. 8-2 Literacy Alliance 9-3 Mariposa Lodge Alcohol Recovery Homes, Inc. 1-5 McLaughlin House 12-2 Medshares - San Jose 11-3 Mental Health Advocacy Project 4-2, 5-8, 14-5 Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) 20-7, 26-4 Mid-Peninsula Housing Management 12-2 Montgomery Theatre 16-18 National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency (NCADD) 1-5 National Seating and Mobility, Inc. 8-3 New Ability Driving Systems 7-5 Next Door 5-3, 5-7 O'Connor Home Health Care 11-6 Occupational Solutions 26-5 Olsten Home Health Services 11-6 Outreach 25-2 Parents Educational and Resource Link Services (PEARLS) 19-4, 20-5 Pathway House Residential Treatment Center 1-5 PDQ (Physically Disabled Queers) 24-2 Physically Unlimited 24-3 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-19 A. Index Planned Parenthood 20-8 Portugese Organization for Social Services and Opportunities (POSSO) 20-6 Project Match 12-3 Protrans 25-3 Public Guardian Office (Conservatorship) 10-4 Rehabilitation Research Center for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury 3-3, 11-4, 13-4, 18-4, 18-5, 19-5, 22-2, 22-5, 24-3, 24-4 Salvation Army - Social Services 12-4 Salvation Army Corps 12-4 San Jose Adult Education Center 9-2 San Jose Arena 16-20 San Jose Center for Performing Arts 16-18 San Jose City College 9-7, 16-2 San Jose Civic Auditorium 16-19 San Jose Museum of Art 16-15 San Jose State University 9-9 San Jose State University Occupational Therapy Clinic 11-5 San Jose Veterans Center 5-3 Santa Clara County Asian Law Alliance 20-1 Santa Clara County Central Alcohol Services (Treatment Alternative Program - TAP) 1-6 Santa Clara County Committee For Employment of the Disabled 26-6 Santa Clara County Mental Health 5-9 Santa Clara County Multicultural Community Information Directory 19-3 Santa Clara County Social Services Department 10-5 Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) 25-3 Santa Clara County Women’s Treatment Services 1-6 Santa Clara Library Literacy Alliance 9-2 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 9-11, 20-9, 22-6, 24-2 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Adaptive Driving Evaluation Program 7-2 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Department of Psychology 5-4, 24-3 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Rehabilitation Clinic 11-5 Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 5-4, 6-8, 12-4, 13-3, 14-7, 16-7, 26-6 Social Advocates for Youth 1-6 South Bay Wheelchair Athletic Program City of San Jose, Office of Therapeutic Services 16-7 Spinal Cord Injury Support Group 24-3 Spinal Cord Injury Women’s Group 24-4 SSI Advocacy Program 10-6 Staff Builders Health Care 11-6 A-20 STEPS 1-6 Stride Program 1-7 The Tech Museum of Innovation 16-15 Timpany Recreation and Aquatics Center 16-3 United Way of Santa Clara County 19-1 Vet Center 26-7 Victim Witness Assistance Program 5-4, 10-6, 14-7 Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation (VIVO) 9-3, 20-1 VIVCO 2-8 Volunteer Exchange 26-8 We Care Personal Services 11-7 West Valley Japanese-American Senior Center 20-2 Women’s Clinic for Women with Disabilities 20-9 Women’s Community Clinic 20-9 San Luis Obispo County Access (SLOCO Access) 6-7, 24-2 San Luis Obispo, CA Adaptive Driving Systems 7-4 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 9-8 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Central Coast Assistive Technology Center 2-3 Cuesta College 9-5 Impact Publishers 3-4 San Luis Obispo County Access (SLOCO Access) 6-7, 24-2 San Marcos, CA Discovery Hills Travel 25-5 San Martin, CA California Antique Aircraft Museum 16-13 Santa Clara County Social Services Department San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services 10-5, 14-6 San Mateo County Battered Women’s Services 5-7 San Mateo, CA College of San Mateo 9-5 Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Mills Hospital Pool 16-3 Mills Peninsula Hospital 11-3 Peninsula Family YMCA 16-4 San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services 10-5, 14-6 Volunteer Center of San Mateo County 26-8 San Pablo, CA Contra Costa College 9-5 San Rafael, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Marin Center for Independent Living 13-3 Volunteer Center of Marin County 26-8 San Ramon, CA Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area 23-3 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Santa Barbara, CA Independent Living Center 13-2 Santa Clara County Asian Law Alliance 20-1 Santa Clara County Central Alcohol Services (Treatment Alternative Program - TAP) 1-6 Santa Clara County Committee For Employment of the Disabled 26-6 Santa Clara County Mental Health 5-9 Santa Clara County Multicultural Community Information Directory 19-3 Santa Clara County Psychological Association 5-3, 19-5 Santa Clara County Social Services Department 10-5 Central office 10-5 East Valley office 10-5 General Assistance 10-5 Mission City office 10-5 North County office 10-5 Senter Road office 10-5 South County office 10-5 Valley Medical Center 10-5 Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) 25-3 Santa Clara County Women’s Treatment Services 1-6 Santa Clara Library Literacy Alliance 9-2 Santa Clara University 9-9 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center 9-11, 20-9, 22-6, 24-2 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Adaptive Driving Evaluation Program 7-2 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Department of Psychology 5-4, 24-3 Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Rehabilitation Clinic 11-5 Santa Clara, CA American Indian Education Center 20-4 California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-1 Centre for Living with Dying 5-5 Home Health Plus 11-6 Mission College 9-7 Parents Helping Parents 15-2, 19-4, 20-6 Pathway Outpatient Program 1-6 Project Hired 26-6 Redwood Amphitheatre at Paramount’s Great America, Santa Clara 16-18 Santa Clara County Social Services Department 10-5 Santa Clara University 9-9 South Bay Mobility 7-5 Triton Museum of Art 16-15 United Way First Call for Help 19-5 Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium 16-19 Santa Cruz County Women’s Crisis Support 5-7 Santa Cruz, CA Robert Ludlow, Esq. 14-5 Mobility Training Program (Bus) 25-3 Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium 16-19 University of California, Santa Cruz 9-9 Visiting Nurse Association 11-7 Santa Maria, CA Alan Hancock 9-4 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Independent Living Resource Center 13-2 Santa Monica, CA Center for Assisted Reproductive Medicine UCLA Medical Center - Santa Monica 23-3 Santa Rosa Community College 9-7, 16-2 Santa Rosa YMCA 16-4 Santa Rosa, CA Access Development Co. 7-3 California North Bay Fertility Association 23-1 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Canine Companions for Independence 13-6 Community Resources for Independence 13-1 Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 North Coast Rehabilitation Center 11-3 Redwood Caregiver Resource Center 13-5, 14-6 Santa Rosa Community College 9-7, 16-2 Santa Rosa YMCA 16-4 Spinal Cord Injury Network 9-11 Spinal Cord Injury Network International 3-6, 6-8, 18-2 Volunteer Center of Sonoma County 26-8 Saratoga, CA Mountain Winery 16-18 Southwest YMCA 16-5 West Valley College 9-8, 16-2 Saturn Mobility 7-6 Schneider and McCormac Attorneys at Law 14-7 School of Medicine at Wright State University 1-7 SCI Connection 21-10 SCI Model Systems of Care Boston University Medical Center 18-6 Craig Hospital 18-6 Jefferson Medical College 18-7 Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, Inc. 18-6 Medical College of Virginia 18-7 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 18-7 Rancho Los Amigos Hospital 18-5 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI and SCI 18-5 The Shepherd Center 18-6 Spain Rehabilitation Center 18-5 The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research 18-7 University of Miami 18-6 University of Michigan 18-6 University of Pittsburgh 18-7 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-21 A. Index University of Washington 18-7 SCI Ring 21-2 SCI Support Group 24-2 Science and Humanities Press 3-3 Seaside, CA CSU Monterey Bay 9-8 Seattle, WA University of Washington 18-7 Sequoia YMCA 16-5 Service Dogs 13-6 Sexual Health Network 23-9 Sexuality and Spinal Cord Injury Bibliography Medical College of Wisconsin Website 23-9 Sharp Rehabilitation Center 23-4 Shasta College 9-7 Shelter Against Violent Environment (SAVE) 5-7 Shepherd Center 3-4, 3-6, 18-6 Shepherd Hospital 21-4 Shield Healthcare 8-3 Shoreline Amphitheatre 16-19 Sibling Support Project 15-4 Sierra College 9-7 Silicon Valley Independent Living Center 3-2, 5-4, 6-8, 12-4, 13-3, 14-7, 16-7, 26-6 Silver Spring, MD ABLEDATA 12-6 National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 6-5, 19-4 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 6-5 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 800HelpLine 19-3 Silver Spring, MD ABLEDATA 2-10 National Spinal Cord Injury Association 22-4, 23-8, 24-3, 25-10 Silver Springs, MD Abledata 2-1, 2-9 Silver Springs, MD National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) 18-3 Skyline College 9-7 Small Claims Advisory Santa Clara County 4-2 Social Advocates for Youth 1-6 Social Security and MediCare Information 10-5 Social Security Disability Advocates 10-5 Society for the Advancement of Travelers with Handicaps 25-9 Solano Community College 9-8 Somerset, NJ John Wiley and Sons 12-5 Somerville, MA RESOLVE - The National Infertility Association 23-2 Sonoma State University 9-9 A-22 Sonora, CA Columbia College 9-5 Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living 13-2 South Bay Mobility 7-5 South Bay Wheelchair Athletic Program City of San Jose, Office of Therapeutic Services 16-7 South Lake Tahoe, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Lake Tahoe College 9-6 Southwest Airlines 25-12 Southwest YMCA 16-5 Spain Rehabilitation Center 3-4, 3-5, 18-5 Special Home Needs 11-7 Spina Bifida Association of America 6-8 Spinal Cord Injury - For Your Information 22-5 Spinal Cord Injury Information Network 9-9, 21-1, 22-5 Spinal Cord Injury Network 9-11 Spinal Cord Injury Network International 3-6, 6-8, 18-2 Spinal Cord Injury Support Group 24-3 Spinal Cord Injury Women’s Group 24-4 Spinal Cord Research Center University of Manitoba 17-3 Spinal Cord Society 6-9, 17-4, 21-9 SpineWire 17-6, 21-9 Springfield, IL Charles C. Thomas Publishers 23-7 Springfield, NJ Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation 6-2, 17-2, 22-3 Springfield, VA American Canoe Association 16-12 SSI Advocacy Program 10-6 St. Ann’s, ON Active Living The Health, Fitness and Recreation Magazine for People with a Disability 22-1 St. Louis, MO Gazette International 22-2, 22-3 International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN) 6-3, 20-7 Support Dogs, Inc. 13-6 St. Mary’s Hospital Rehabilitation Center 11-5 St. Paul, MN Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) 12-1 Staff Builders Health Care 11-6 Stamford, CT International Wheelchair Road Racers Club, Inc. 16-11 Wheelchair Athletics of the USA 16-11 Stanford Home Care 11-6 Stanford University 9-9 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Stanford University Hospital Rehabilitation Center 11-5 Stanford University Medical Center 23-4 Stanford, CA Stanford University 9-9 Stanford University Hospital Rehabilitation Center 11-5 Stanford University Medical Center 23-4 STEPS 1-6 Stillwater, OK National Clearing House of Rehabilitation Training Materials 18-3 Stockholm, Sweden Karolinska Institute 17-2 Stockton, CA California Consumer Credit Counseling Service 10-2 California Rural Legal Assistance 14-2 Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living 13-2 San Joaquin Delta College 9-7 Stone Mountain, GA Wheelchair Archery, USA 16-8 Storrs, CT A. J. Pappanikou Center 3-3 Stride Program 1-7 East Valley Treatment and Recovery Center 1-7 North County Treatment and Recovery Center 1-7 West Valley Treatment and Recovery Center 1-7 Suicide and Crisis 5-4 Suisun, CA Solano Community College 9-8 Sunnyvale, CA Milpitas Housing Services 12-3 Salvation Army Corps 12-4 Sunnyvale, CA California Rehabilitation Equipment 8-2 M & M Home Medical 8-2 Nova Bridge Program 26-5 Support Dogs, Inc. 13-6 Support Network for Battered Women 5-7, 20-8 Survivors Art Foundation 16-8 Susanville, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Lassen College 9-6 Syracuse, NY Center on Human Policy 3-3 T Takoma Park, MD Mainstream, Inc. 22-2 Talk City 21-10 Tampa, FL Organization for the Promotion of Access and Travel for the Handicapped 25-7 Tapes Busting Loose to Independence: Through Personal Attendant Services 3-6 Tarzana, CA Travel Industry and Disability Exchange (TIDE) 25-7 The Taunton Press 12-5 The Tech Museum of Innovation 16-15 Technical Aid Facilitation (TAF) Tetra Society of North America 2-7 The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) 3-7, 9-10, 9-11, 18-7, 19-1, 22-6 Theatre on the Square 16-19 Therapy in Your Home 11-5 3-Com Park 16-20 Through the Looking Glass 15-3 Thumbs Up - The Mike Utley Foundation 17-4 Timpany Recreation and Aquatics Center 16-3 Trace Research and Development Center 2-7, 2-10 Trauma/Injury Support Group 24-4 Travel Industry and Disability Exchange (TIDE) 25-7 Travel Turtle Tours 25-6 TRIPS Inc. 25-6 Triton Museum of Art 16-15 Turlock, CA Medic Alert Foundation 4-1 TWA Airlines 25-12 U U.S. Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association 16-9 U.S. Department of Justice 14-7 U.S. Disabled Ski Team 16-11 U.S. Rowing Association 16-12 U.S. Veterans Administration 10-6, 20-11 U.S. Wheelchair Swimming 16-12 U.S. Wheelchair Weightlifting Federation 16-12 UCLA School of Medicine 23-3 UCP of the Golden Gate 20-9 UCSF Mount Zion Urology Faculty Practice Male Fertility Clinic 23-4 Ukiah, CA Community Resources for Independence 13-1 Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Mendocino College 9-6 United Airlines 25-12 United Cerebral Palsy 2-8 United Way First Call for Help 19-5 United Way of Santa Clara County 19-1 University of Alabama at Birmingham 6-6, 9-9 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-23 A. Index University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury Information Network 3-2 University of British Columbia, School of Nursing Consultation Resource Service for Women with Disabilities 15-3 University of California Davis Medical Center 11-6 University of California, Berkeley 9-9 University of California, San Francisco 9-9 University of California, Santa Cruz 9-9 University of Miami 18-6 University of Michigan 18-6 University of Minnesota Disability Service Careers Online 21-6, 26-9 University of Missouri, Columbia 18-6 University of Pittsburgh 18-7 University of Washington 18-7, 21-3 Urological Physicians of San Diego 23-4 US Food and Drug Administration 21-8 USAir 25-12 Utah Assistive Technology Program 3-4 V VA Healthcare Systems, San Diego 23-4 Vallejo, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Driving Specialties Ltd. 7-4 Western Rehab Systems 8-3 Valley Health Network 11-7 Vancouver, British Columbia Technical Aid Facilitation (TAF) Tetra Society of North America 2-7 University of British Columbia, School of Nursing: Consultation Resource Service for Women with Disabilities 15-3 Vet Center 26-7 Veterans Administration Medical Center Palo Alto 7-3 Vets Next Step Center 20-11 Victim Witness Assistance Program 5-4, 10-6, 14-7 Victims of Crime Resource Center 5-4, 10-6, 14-8 Victor, ID Access Tours 25-3 Videos The Return to Yourself 9-11, 22-7 The Consumer: Issues and Answers 3-6 Alcohol & Medications & You 1-8 Attendant Care Basics: An Orientation 3-6 Building and Remodeling for Accessibility 12-6 The Community: A Vision 3-6 Disclosing Abilities 26-10 Enable - People with Disabilities and Computers 26-10 Everyone Can Work Video 26-10 A-24 From Nowhere to Somewhere: Street Drugs and Your Rehabilitation 1-8 Partners in Independence: The PCA’s Role in Pressure Sore Prevention 3-6 Personal Assistance Services Video Series 3-6 Personal Assistant Recruitment 3-6 The Provider: On Being a Personal Assistant 3-6 The Road to Independence: Adapted Driving Options 7-7 Sexuality Reborn 23-9 Take Control: A Multimedia Guide to SCI for Consumers, Family and Staff Education 9-11, 22-7 Vietnamese Voluntary Foundation (VIVO) 9-3, 20-1 Virtual Paraplegia 21-1 Visalia, CA College of the Sequoias 9-5 Visiting Nurse Association 11-7 Vista College 9-8 VIVCO 2-8 Vocational Program - Goodwill Industries of Sacramento 26-7 Volkswagon Mobility Access Program 7-6 Volunteer Center Alameda County/Tri-Valley 26-7 Volunteer Center of Contra Costa County 26-7 Volunteer Center of Marin County 26-8 Volunteer Center of Napa County 26-8 Volunteer Center of Sacramento and Yolo Counties 26-8 Volunteer Center of San Francisco 26-8 Volunteer Center of San Mateo County 26-8 Volunteer Center of Sonoma County 26-8 Volunteer Exchange 26-8 Volunteerism Project 26-9 W Waitsfield, VT Accessible Adventures 25-4 Waldorf, MD Paralyzed Veterans of America - Publications Center 1-8 Walnut Creek, CA John Muir Rehabilitation Center 11-2 John Muir Therapy 7-2 Volunteer Center of Contra Costa County 26-7 Warfield, The 16-19 Washington, DC Accessible Traveler’s Database 25-11 Disability Rights Education of Defense Fund (DREDF) 14-4 Federal Rehabilitation Services Administration 22-2 Heath Resource Center 6-3, 9-1 Rehabilitation Research Center for TBI & SCI A. Index Internal Revenue Service 10-3 Library of Congress 2-9 National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY) 15-2, 20-5 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 6-4, 18-5 National Organization on Disability (NOD) 6-4 Office of Amtrak Access 25-8 Office of Minority Health Resource Center 19-4, 20-3 Office on ADA 10-4 Paralyzed Veterans of America 3-8, 6-7, 9-10, 18-4, 22-6 Paralyzed Veterans of America SCI Education and Training Foundation 17-3 President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities 6-7, 26-5 Project Action 25-11 Rehabilitation International 18-4 Request Rehabilitation Engineering Center 2-7 Spina Bifida Association of America 6-8 Watsonville, CA Access Options, Inc. 7-3 Fenix Services Institute 1-4 Rehab Specialists, Inc. 8-3 We Care Personal Services 11-7 WebMD 21-7 Weed, CA College of the Siskiyous 9-5 Well Spouse Foundation 15-3 West Lafayette, IN Barn Builders - Peer Support for Farmers with Disabilities 24-1 West Orange, NJ Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation 3-7, 9-10, 18-6, 23-9 West Valley College 9-8, 16-2 West Valley Japanese-American Senior Center 20-2 Western Rehab Systems 8-3 Westhampton, NY Survivors Art Foundation 16-8 Westminster, MD Fodor Travel Publications 25-9 Wheaton, IL Marionjoy Rehabilitation Hospital 3-6 Wheelchair Accessible Home Clearinghouse 12-4 Wheelchair Archery, USA 16-8 Wheelchair Athletics of the USA 16-11 Wheelchair Getaways 25-12 Wheelchair Sports, USA 16-10 Wheelchairs of Berkeley 8-4 Wheelers East, Inc. 25-12 Wheelweb.com 21-9 Wilderness Inquiry 25-7 Winnipeg, Manitoba Spinal Cord Research Center University of Manitoba 17-3 Wired on Wheels 21-10 Women and Their Children’s Housing (W.A.T.C.H.) 5-8 Women with Disabilities Resource Center 19-5, 20-9 Women with Disabilities Support Group 24-4 Women’s Clinic for Women with Disabilities 20-9 Women’s Community Clinic 20-9 Woodland, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 World Institute on Disability (WID) 6-9, 19-5 Worlds of Travel 25-7 Worldwide Disability Solution Group Apple Computer Inc. 2-8 Written Resources Assistive Devices for Use with Personal Computers 2-9 Assistive Technology for People with Spinal Cord Injury 2-9 Informed Consumer Guide to Information on Funding Assistive Technology 2-10 Y Yreka, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Yuba City, CA Department of Rehabilitation 26-13 Yuba College 9-8 Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information A-25