ScienMfic achievements from the InfecMous Disease program
ScienMfic achievements from the InfecMous Disease program
SIDA/SAREC‐NICARAGUA 30 YEARS Scien&fic achievements from the Infec&ous Disease program BACKGROUND Scien&fic publica&ons in The University strengthening program in UNAN‐León has supported the development of three scien&fic programs. This poster presents the scien&fic results achieved by the Infec&ous Disease program Structure of research 4 main areas: Infantile diarrhoea - Bacteria - Virus Parasitic infections Antimicrobial resistance Molecular biology Licen&ates Masters Corrales Edelma , 1991 Comparison on the performance of Leishmania major Like and Leishmania braziliensis As antigen for new world Leishmaniasis IgGImmunofluorescence test. Rivera Teresa, 1995 Seroepidemiological and Clinical study of Chagas Chagas´´ disease in Nicaragua. Mayorga-Perez Orlando Mayorga-Perez Orlando,, 1996 Prevalence of antibodies to Hepatitis A, B, C and E viruses in a healthy population in León, Nicaragua. Paniagua Margarita, 1997 Analysis of incidence of infection with Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in a prospective cohort study of infant diarrhea in Nicaragua. Scientific publications 2006-2010 2000-2005 1995-1999 1990-1994 1977-1989 0 20 40 60 80 Number of publications PhD disserta&ons at Karolinska Ins&tutet Cáceres, Mercedes, 1999 Cáceres, Ecological aspects of antimicrobial susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria in Nicaragua Espinoza, Felix, 2004 Rotavirus in pediatric gastroenteritis in Nicaraguan children Téllez Sierra, Aleyda Aleyda,, 2006 Giardiasis in Leon, Nicaragua : Prevalence and protection Bucardo-Rivera, Filemón Bucardo-Rivera, Filemón,, 2008 Pediatric rotavirus and norovirus diarrhea in Nicaragua Leiva, Byron, 2009 Leiva, Amoebiasis : Diagnosis and prevalence in León Nicaragua Vilchez Rugama Rugama,, Bayardo Samuel, 2009 Molecular and phenotypic characterization of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli from Nicaraguan children Amaya-Mayorga, Erick, 2010-09-03 Amaya-Mayorga, Antibiotic resistance in gram negative bacteria affecting children from León, Nicaragua Reyes-Navarrete,, Daniel, 2010-09-10 Reyes-Navarrete Escherichia coli flora and diarrhea in Nicaraguan infants Salazar-Anton, Fernando. 2011-06-17 Immunological and molecular characterization of onchosphere antigens of Taenia solium in Nicaragua SUMMARY During the years of university strengthening the program has involved at least 100 Nicaraguan and Swedish scien&sts and resulted in (soon) 8 master disserta&ons 9 PhD disserta&ons 63 scien&fic interna&onal publica&ons The master program in Microbiology has now started in León reviewed journals 1. Linder E, Marja Isaguilants Isaguilants,, Mats olsson olsson,, Lena Lundin Lundin,, Shervanzindrou Shervanzindrou,, Edelma Corrales, Aleyda Téllez Téllez,, Byron Leiva Leiva,, William Morales, Teresa Rivera and Jose M. Cabrera. Amebiasis in León, Nicaragua: Entamoebae in stool examination and identification of Amebic Liver abscess Cases by Serology and PCR. Archives of Medical Research. Vo. 28, Suppl., pp. S314-S316. (1977) 2. Ralamboson D, Le Bras J, Coulanges P, Deloron P, Dulat C, Ramahatra R, Morales W : Preliminary study of the prevalence of malaria infestation in the Province of Tamatave Tamatave.. Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar. 50(1):9-14.(1982) 3. Celeste BJ, Soares Guimaraes MC S, Ma. Corrales E. Peroxidase antibody test for mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis serology performance indexes and comparison with a fluorescent antibody test. Rev.Ins Rev.Ins.. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 30(6):411-414 novembrodezembro.. (1988) dezembro 4. Tellez A, L. Cortéz Cortéz,, A. Aust-Kettis Aust-Kettis,, G. Huldt Huldt,, J. Jonson and A. Loftenius Loftenius.: .: Antibodies against Entamoeba histolytica antigens in sera from individuals with amoebiasis of different localization. Archives of Medical Research Vo. 21: ( Suppl 1): 63. (1990) 5. Caceres. M., Palmgren Palmgren,, A-C and Nord C. E. Antimicrobial resistance in human anaerobic microflora in Nicaragua and Sweden. Spanish Journal of Chemotherapy 4:151-155. (1991) Cáceres Cáceres.. M., Hedberg Hedberg,, M., Lindqvist Lindqvist,, L., Nord, C.E.:Purification and Characterization of a beta-lactamase beta-lactamase from Bacteroides distasonis distasonis.. Journal of Chemotherapy 3(suppl): 121-124. (1991) 6. Soares Guimaraes MC., Celeste BJ, Ma. Corrales E , Antunes C.Comparison on the performance of Leishmania major Like and Leishmania braziliensis As antigen for new world Leishmaniasis IgGIgG-Immunofluorescence Immunofluorescence test. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 33(6):503-508. (1991) 7. Téllez A., Cortez. L., Kettis A and Huldt G.Amebiasis in Nicaragua: Class Specific Serum Antibody.:Archives of Medical Research Vo. 23, No. 2, pp 261-264, (1992) 8. Benedito A. Peres, UE. Confloneie Confloneie.. Pedro. P. Chieffi Chieffi.. L.M. Gerkien Gerkien,, Edelma Corrales, Carmen S. Guerra y Marcelo M. Brandao Brandao.. Estudo Da Frecuencia de Anticorpos Anti-Toxocara canis em populacho indígena. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 35(Suppl. 10). (1993) 9. Soares Guimaraes MC , Celeste BJ , Ma. Corrales E : Antigenos de L. major-like e L.b. braziliensis Na Reacao de Imnufluorescencia (IgG-IF) Na Leismaniose Mucocutanea. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop Sao Paulo 35(Suppl.10) (1993) 10. Medina EC, Widmalm G, Weintraub A, Vial PA, Levine MM, Lindberg A: Structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharides of Escherichia coli 03 and the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 17-2.Eur J Biochem 224:191-196.(1994) 11. Ratnayake S, Weintraub A, Medina EC. Structural studies of the c 090 O-antigen polysaccharide.Carbohydr Res, 263:209-215.(1994) 12. Rivera T. Palma G. R. y Morales W. Seroepidemiological and Clinical study of Chagas Chagas´´ disease in Nicaragua. Rec. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 37(3): 207-213. (1995) 13. Palma-Guzman Rosário Rosário,, Teresa Rivera B and William Morales G. Domestic vectors of Chagas Chagas’’ disease in three rural communities of Nicaragua. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo 38 (2): 133-140,(1996) 14. Mayorga Mayorga-Perez -Perez Orlando Orlando,, William Morales, Margarita Paniagua and Orjan Strannegard Strannegard.. Prevalence of antibodies to Hepatitis A, B, C and E viruses in a healthy population in León, Nicaragua. Am. J .Trop. Med. Hyg Hyg.. 55(1): 17-21, (1996) 15. Herrmann Björn Björn,, Felix Espinoza, Rosaura Rivera Villegas, George Davey Smith, Angela Ramos, Matthias Egger: Genital chlamydia infection among women in Nicaragua: validity of direct fluorescent antibody testing, prevalence, risk factors and clinical manifestations. Genitourinary Med. 72: 20-26,(1996) 16. Kjellberg A, Urbina F, Weintraub A, Widmalm G.: Structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharide from the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O125.Eur J Biochem 239:532-538 (1996) 17. Staaf M, Urbina F, Widmalm G. Structural studies of of the enteroinvasive Echerichia coli (EIEC ) from the enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli ( ETEC ) O101. Carbohydr Res, 291/127-139.(1996) 18. Espinoza Felix, Margarita Paniagua Paniagua,, Hans Hallander Hallander,, Lennart Svensson Svensson,, Orjan Strannegard Strannegard.. Rotavirus Infections in young Nicaraguan Children. Pediatr Infect Disease Journal 16: 564-71,(1997) 19. Espinoza Felix, Margarita Paniagua Paniagua,, Hans Hallander Hallander,, K.O. Hedlund and Lennart Svensson Svensson.. Prevalence and characteristics of severe rotavirus infections in Nicaraguan children. Annals of tropical paediatrics 17:25-32, (1997) 20. Paniagua M., F. Espinoza, M. Ringman Ringman,, E. Reizenstein Reizenstein,, A. M. Svennerholm Svennerholm,, and H. Hallander Hallander.. Analysis of incidence of infection with Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in a prospective cohort study of infant diarrhea in Nicaragua. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35:1404-1410,(l997) 21. Linder Ewert Ewert,, Marja Isaguliants Isaguliants,, Mats Olsson, Lena Lundin Lundin,, Shervan Zindrou Zindrou,, Edelma Corrales, Aleida Tellez, Byron leiva leiva,, William Morales, Teresa Rivera, and Jose M Cabrera. Amebiasis in León, Nicaragua: Entamoebae in Stool Examination and Identification of Amoebic Liver Abscess Cases by Serology and PCR.Archives of Medical Research 28, Suppl. pp. S314-316, (1997) 22. Tellez A., W.Morales W.Morales,, T.Rivera T.Rivera,, E.Meyer E.Meyer,, B.Leiva B.Leiva,, E.Linder E.Linder:: Prevalence of intestinal parasites in the human population of León, Nicaragua. Acta Tropica 66: 119-125, (1997) 23. Felix Espinoza, Margarita Paniagua Paniagua,, Hans Hallander Hallander,, Lennart Svensson Svensson,, Orjan Strannegard Strannegard:: Rotavirus Infections in young Nicaraguan Children.Pediatr Infect Disease Journal, 16: 564-71. ( 1997) 24. Cáceres Cáceres.. M., Carera Carera,, E., Palmgren Palmgren,, A-C and Nord C. E. Antimicrobial susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria from the intestinal microflora of healthy children and antimicrobial-treated children in Nicaragua. Spanish Journal of Chemotherapy 3:221-228. (1998) 25. Johansen K, Hinkula J, Espinoza F, Levi M, Zeng C, Runden U, Vesikari T, Estes M and Svensson L. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to the NSP4 enterotoxin of rotavirus. Journal of Medical Virology 59:369-377, (1999.) 26. Cáceres Cáceres.. M., Carera Carera,, E., Palma, A., Berrios Berrios,, G., Wintraub Wintraub,, A., and Nord C. E. Antimicrobial susceptibility of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria isolated from mixed infections in Nicaragua. Spanish Journal of Chemotherapy 12:332-339 .(1999) 27. Staaf M, Urbina F, Weintraub A, Widmalm G.: Structural elucidation of the O-antigenic polysaccharide from Escherichia coli O21 and the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 105. Eur J Biochem 266:241-245 (1999) 28. Staaf M, Urbina F, Weintraub A, Widmalm G. Structure elucidation of the O-antigenic polysaccharide from the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 62D1. Eur J Biochem , 262:56-62 (1999) 29. S. Zindrau Zindrau,, P. Hagblom Hagblom,, B. Leiva Leiva,, Téllez A, JM Cabrera, A. Matute and E. Linder. Antibodies against Entamoeba histolytica hemolisin HLY4 in sera from patients with invasive amebiasis amebiasis.. Archives of Medical Research. (2000) 30. Cáceres Cáceres.. M., Zhang, G., Weintraub Weintraub,, A., Nord, C.E.: Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patter of Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis in children with diarrhea in Nicaragua. Anaerobe, june .6:122-126. (2000) 31. Zindrou S, Orozco E, Linder E, Téllez A, Björkman A. Specific detection of Entamoeba histolytica DNA by hemolysin gene targeted PCR. Acta Trop. Feb 23;78(2):117-25.(2001) 32. Hallander HO, Paniagua M, Espinoza F, Askelöf P, Corrales E, Ringman M, Storsaeter J. Calibrated serological techniques demonstrate significant different serum response rates to an oral killed cholera vaccine between Swedish and Nicaraguan children. Vaccine 21:138-145,(2002) 33. Téllez A, Winiecka-Krusnell J, Paniagua M , Linder E. Antibodies in mother´s milk protect children against giardiasis giardiasis.. Scand J Infect Dis 35:322-325,(2003) 34. Malmberg Lovisa Lovisa,, Caroline Fock Fock,, Felix Espinoza, Filemon Bucardo Bucardo,, Ann Christine Syvänen and Kåre Bondeson Bondeson.. Microarrays of genotyping of human group A rotavirus by multiplex capture and type specific primer extension. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 41(11): 5153-5158, (2003) 35. Lovmar L, Fock C, Espinoza F, Bucardo F, Syvänen AC, Bondeson K. Microarrays for genotyping human group a rotavirus by multiplex capture and type-specific primer extension. J Clin Microbiol Microbiol.. Nov;41(11):5153-8 (2003) 36. Mayorga O, M. Egger, M. Zellmeyer and cols. Efficacy of a virosome hepatitis A vaccine in an endemic region in Nicaragua: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Journal Infectious diseases (2003) 37. Larsson EA, Urbina F, Yang Z, Weintraub A, Widmalm G. Structural and immunochemical relationship between the O-antigenic polysaccharides from the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 396/C1 and Escherichia coli O126. Carbohydrate Research, .Jun 1;339(8):1491-6.(2004) 38. Caceres M. Bacteraemia neonatal por Enterobacter multirresistentes productores de Beta-lactamasa Beta-lactamasa de expectro extendido extendido.. Revista Médica Latinoamericana (2004 39. Ali T, Urbina F F,, Weintraub A A,, Widmalm G G.. Structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharides from the enteroaggregative E coli strain 522/C1 and the international type strain from Escherichia coli O 178. Carbohydr Res. 340(12): 2010-4,(2005) 40. Bucardo F F,, Meza-Lucas A, A, Espinoza F, GarciaGarcia-Jeronimo Jeronimo RC RC,, GarciaGarcia-Rodea Rodea R R,, Correa D. D. The seroprevalence of Taenia solium cysticercosis among epileptic patients in Leon, Nicaragua, as evaluated by ELISA and western blotting. Ann Trop Med Parasitol Parasitol.. 99(1): 41-5, (2005) 41. Tellez A, Palm D, D, Weiland M, Aleman J, J, Winiecka-Krusnell J, J, Linder E, E, Svard S. S. Secretory Secretory antibodies against Giardia intestinalis in lactating Nicaraguan women. Parasite Immunol Immunol.. 27(5): 163-9, (2005) 42. Urbina F F,, Nordmark EL EL,, Yang Z, Z, Weintraub A A,, Scheutz F F,, Widmalm G G.. Structural elucidation of the O-antigenic polysaccharide from the enteroaggregative E coli strain 180/C3 and its immunochemical relationship with E. coli O5 and O65. Carbohydr Res. 340(4): 64550, (2005) 43. Leiva Byron, Marianne Lebbad Lebbad,, Jadwiga Winiecka-Krusnell Winiecka-Krusnell,, Isabel Altamirano Altamirano., ., Aleyda Tèllez and Ewert Linder. Overdiagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar in Nicaragua: A microscopic, Triage Parasite Panel and PCR study. Arch Med Res. May;37(4):529-34.(2006) 44. Rodríguez-Díaz J, Banasaz M, Istrate C, Buesa J, Lundgren O, Espinoza F, Sundqvist T, Rottenberg M, Svensson L. Role of nitric oxide during rotavirus infection. J Med Virol Virol.. Jul;78(7):979-85.(2006) 45. Espinoza F, Bucardo F, Paniagua M, Svensson L, Hallander HO, Bondeson K. Shifts of rotavirus g and p types in Nicaragua--20012003. Pediatr Infect Dis J. Nov;25(11):1078-80. (2006) 46. Ruiz-Palacios GM, Pérez-Schael I, Velázquez FR, Abate H, Breuer T, Clemens SC, Cheuvart B, Espinoza F, Gillard P, Innis BL, Cervantes Y, Linhares AC, López P, Macías Macías-Parra -Parra M, Ortega-Barría Ortega-Barría E, Richardson V, Rivera-Medina DM, Rivera L, Salinas B, PavíaRuz N, Salmerón J, Rüttimann R, Tinoco JC, Rubio P, Nuñez E, Guerrero ML, Yarzábal JP, Damaso S, Tornieporth N, Sáez-Llorens X, Vergara RF, Vesikari T, Bouckenooghe A, Clemens R, De Vos B, O'Ryan M; Human Rotavirus Vaccine Study Group. Safety and efficacy of an attenuated vaccine against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis. N Engl J Med. Jan 5;354(1):11-22.( 2006) 47. Bucardo F, Karlsson B, Nordgren J, Paniagua M, González A, Amador JJ, Espinoza F, Svensson L. Mutated G4P[8] rotavirus associated with a nationwide outbreak of gastroenteritis in Nicaragua in 2005. J Clin Microbiol Microbiol.. Mar;45(3):990-7.(2007) 48. Bucardo F, Karlsson B, Nordgren J, Paniagua M, González A, Amador JJ, Espinoza F, Svensson L. Mutated G4P[8] rotavirus associated with a nationwide outbreak of gastroenteritis in Nicaragua in 2005. J Clin Microbiol Microbiol.. Mar;45(3):990-7.(2007) 49. Linhares AC, Velázquez FR, Pérez-Schael I, Sáez-Llorens X, Abate H, Espinoza F, López P, Macías Macías-Parra -Parra M, Ortega-Barría Ortega-Barría E, RiveraMedina DM, Rivera L, Pavía-Ruz N, Nuñez E, Damaso S, Ruiz-Palacios GM, De Vos B, O'Ryan M, Gillard P, Bouckenooghe A; Human Rotavirus Vaccine Study Group. Efficacy and safety of an oral live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis during the first 2 years of life in Latin American infants: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study. Lancet. Apr 5;371(9619):1181-9.(2008) 50. Bucardo F, Nordgren J, Carlsson B, Paniagua M, Lindgren PE, Espinoza F, Svensson L. Pediatric norovirus diarrhea in Nicaragua. J Clin Microbiol Microbiol.. Aug;46(8):2573-80. (2008) 51. Nordgren J, Bucardo F, Dienus O, Svensson L, Lindgren PE. Novel light-upon-extension real-time PCR assays for detection and quantification of genogroup I and II noroviruses in clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol Microbiol.. Jan;46(1):164-70 (2008) 52. Lebbad M, Ankarklev J, Tellez A, Leiva B, Andersson JO, Svärd S. Dominance of Giardia assemblage B in León, Nicaragua. Acta Trop.Apr;106(1):44-53.(2008) 53. Leiva B, Clasdotter E, Linder E, Winiecka-Krusnell J. Free-living Acanthamoeba and Naegleria spp. amebae in water sources of León, Nicaragua. Rev Biol Trop. Jun;56(2):439-46.( 2008) 54. Linder E, Lundin M, Thors C, Lebbad M, Winiecka-Krusnell J, Helin H, Leiva B, Isola J, Lundin J. Web-based virtual microscopy for parasitology:: a novel tool for education and quality assurance. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. ;2(10):e315.(2008) parasitology 55. Lebbad M, Ankarklev J, Tellez A, Leiva B, Andersson JO, Svärd S. Dominance of Giardia assemblage B in León, Nicaragua. Nicaragua.Acta Acta Trop. Apr;106(1):44-53. (2008) 56. Amaya E, Caceres M, Fang H, Ramirez AT, Palmgren AC, Nord CE, Weintraub A. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase beta-lactamase-producing -producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal intensive care unit in León, Nicaragua. Int J Antimicrob Agents. Apr;33(4):386-7 (2009) 57. Bucardo F, Kindberg E, Paniagua M, Grahn A, Larson G, Vildevall M, Svensson L. Genetic susceptibility to symptomatic norovirus infection in Nicaragua. J Med Virol Virol.. Apr;81(4):728-35. (2009) 58. Vilchez S, Reyes D, Paniagua M, Bucardo F, Möllby R, Weintraub A. Prevalence of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli in children from León, Nicaragua. J Med Microbiol Microbiol.. May;58(Pt 5):630-7.( 2009) 59. Reyes D, Vilchez S, Paniagua M, Colque P, Weintraub A, Möllby R, Kühn I. Diversity of intestinal Escherichia coli populations in Nicaraguan children with and without diarrhoea. J Med Microbiol Microbiol.. Dec;58(Pt 12):1593-600. (2009) 60. Vilchez S, Lundborg M, Urbina F, Weintraub A, Widmalm G. Structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharides from the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 94/D4 and the international type strain Escherichia coli O82. Carbohydr Res. Dec 14;344(18):2528-32. (2009) 61. Amaya E, Caceres M, Fanc H, Torres Ramirez A, Palmgren AC, Nord CE, Weintraub A. Antibiotic resistance patterns in gramnegative and gram-positive bacteria causing septicemia in newborns in León, Nicaragua: correlation with environmental samples J Chemother.. 2010 Feb;22(1):25-9.(2010) Chemother 62. Nordgren J, Bucardo F, Svensson L, Lindgren PE. Novel Light-Upon-Extension Real-Time PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection, Quantification and Genogrouping of Group A Rotavirus. J Clin Microbiol.Mar 10. (2010) 63. Svensson L, Kindberg E, Nordgren S, Carlsson B, Mollby R, Paniagua M. Asymptomatic Norovirus infections in Nicaraguan children and its association with viral properties and histo histo-blood -blood group antigens. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal accepted 2010