BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA PRIVATIZATION Sofia, 27 September 2007 Who is dealing with privatization process in B&H? • Privatization is very important process for economic develpopment of BiH which gives the possibility to all local and foreign physical and legal entities to participate in the purchase of the state capital. • B&H is one of the countries with dominant state capital (1999 the private sector share was only 35%.). • Federal Privatisation Agency and 10 Cantonal Privatization Agencies are implementing procedure of privatisation in Federation BiH . • Bank for Investment and Development of RS as well as the Government of RS are responsible for sales of state capital in Republica of Srpska . Privatisation methods The methods of privatization are : • • • • • • • Public offering of Shares - Small privatization scale Sales of State Capital in tender procedure-Large privatization scale Share Sales through Stock exchange Direct negotiation Additional Capital Investment Joint Venture Combination of the above mentioned methods Privatisation and Foreign Direct Investment • • • • • FDI Inflow, In the first six months of 2007, was 1,2 billion € Projection for 2007 is 2 billion € (expected privatisation of 2 rafineries Bosanski Brod and Modriča, Aluminium factory in Mostar, Energoinvest,Sarajevo and investment in Thermo power plant in Gacko) More than 3.5 bilion € (60% of total FDI) have been made trough privatization process Plan for 2007: privatisation of 28 companies (tenders procedure) Expected privatisation of state monopolies: Telecommes, energy utilities – electricity, refineries etc List of the Companies for sale in Large-scale privatization in cooperation with International Advisory Group for Privatization (IAGP) No Company Sector Total capital (TC) State capital (SC) Amount % od TC IAGP 1. ENERGOINVEST , SARAJEVO Metal industry 23.165.022 15.520.564 67,00 USAID 2. AIDA, TUZLA Shoes 11.525.537 11.388.852 98,81 GTZ 3. FABRIKA SODE, LUKAVAC Soda Factory 36.721.234 35.074.860 95,52 GTZ 4. FABRIKA DUHANA MOSTAR, Tobacco factory 19.038.250 12.755.628 67,00 GTZ 5. FABRIKA DUHANA SARAJEVO, Tobacco factory 97.187.630 44.626.262 45,92 GTZ 6. HEPOK, MOSTAR Food processing 18.796.074 12.593.370 67,00 GTZ 7. UNIS Metal industry 52.042.505 34.868.478 67,00 GTZ 8. HIDROGRADNJA, SARAJEVO Construction 70.756.714 47.406.998 67,00 EC 9. AIR BOSNA, SARAJEVO BH Airlines 6.132.914 3.297.706 53,77 Holland Government 10. KRIVAJA, ZAVIDOVIĆI Wood industry 226.959.400 226.959.400 100,00 WB 11. HTP ZENIT BRO NEUM Hotel WB 12. ALUMINIJ dd, MOSTAR Aluminum production WB 13. KTK VISOKO VISOKO, Leather industry 103.924.279 69.629.267 67,00 WB 14. AGROKOMERC,VELIKA KLADUŠA Food processing industry 368.648.134 246.994.250 67,0 0 WB 15. HRVATSKI TELEKOM, MOSTAR Telecomunications 175.233.557 98.975.464 56,48 , SARAJEVO WB Tender Plan for 2007 The Governments of Federation BiH and Government of Republika Srpska announced Public Tender for share sales of the following Companies: •„Energoinvest“ d d Sarajevo (*) •„Hidrogradnja“ d d Sarajevo (*) •„Aluminij“ d.d. Mostar (*) •„UNIS - udružena metalna industrija“ d.d.Sarajevo (*) •„Fabrika duhana Mostar“ d.d. Mostar (*) •„Soda-so holding“ d.d. Tuzla •„Tvornica kartona i ambalaže“d.o.o. Cazin (**) •„Šipad export-import“ d.d. Sarajevo •‘’Poljoprivredni zavod’’ Doboj •‘’Famos Fabrika motora’’ Istočno Sarajevo •‘’Zrak ‘’AD Teslić •‘’Trudbenik’’ AD Doboj •‘’RK Boska’’ Banja Luka •‘’Glas Srpske Grafika’’ Banja Luka •‘’Glas Srpske trgovina’’ Banja Luka •‘’Unis Pretis’’ AD Mokro •‘’Orao’’ Bijeljina •‘’Fabrika specijalnih transmisija’’ Istočno Sarajevo • ‘’Fabrika motora za specijalnu namjenu’’ Istočno Sarajevo •‘’Tehnički remontni zavod’’ Bratunac • ‘’Incel Holding’’ Banja Luka PLAN OF THE SHARE SALES THROUGH STOCK EXCHANGE Agency for privatization of Federation of B&H has planned in 2007 to sale through the Stock exchange the shares of the following companies: •“Interšped”d.d. Sarajevo (*) •“Sarajevo-osiguranje” d.d. Sarajevo (*) •“Fabrika duhana Sarajevo” d.d. Sarajevo (*) •“Bosnalijek” d.d. Sarajevo PLAN OF THE SALES AFTER THE COMPANIES RESTRUCTURING Federal Agency for Privatization has foreseen to announce public invitation for the sales of techno-economic parts of the Companies: • IP “Krivaja” d.o.o. Zavidovići, • “KTK” d.d. Visoko, •“Hepok” d.d. Mostar •‘’Željezara Zenica“ d.o.o. Privatization results for the period 1999- June 2007 in Federation B&H Total number of companies Federation of BiH 1 450 Privatized companies Not privatized companies Result of privatization number % Capital Billion % 28.62 2.82 39.78 number % 1 035 71.38 415 Privatization results for the period 1999- June 2007 in Republika Srpska Total number of companies Republic of Srpska 1 135 Privatized companies Not privatized companies Result of privatization number % Capital Billion % 39.30 3.17 76.30 number % 689 60.70 446 Privatization results in B&H for the period 1999- May 2007 Total number of companies Privatized companies number Not privatized companies % Result of privatization numb er % Capit al Billio n % Federation of BiH 1 450 1 035 71.38 415 28.62 2.82 39.78 Republic of Srpska 1 135 689 60.70 446 39.30 3.17 76.30 TOTAL 2 585 1 724 66.70 861 33.30 5,99 • For more information on present and future privatization you can visit: • for Federation of B&H and • for Republika Srpska Branilaca Sarajeva 21 Phone: ++387 33 278 080 Fax: ++387 33 278 081 E-mail: [email protected]