Bulletin for 03-27-2016


Bulletin for 03-27-2016
Missionary of the Month
8:30a—Sunrise Early Service
9:00a —Brunch
No Sunday School Classes
•Thurs. Mar. 31—East Wing
Reserved / PM Schimanski
(Regular Activities are on the back of the bulletin)
▪Apr. 5 — J.O.Y. Group
Potluck Lunch
Food Assignments:
A—F=Salad; G—M =
Dessert; N—Z = Main Dish
Speaker: Warren “Ski” Malanowski
Boise Airport Chaplain
▪Apr. 9 —One Day Spring Bible
Conference “The Times of the
Gentiles” with Dr. Doug Bookman
9:00a to 4:00p— Cost: $20 ($5 each
additional family member)
▪Apr. 10—Deacon’s Meeting
▪Apr. 17—Day Camp/VBS Meeting
▪Apr. 19—Quilting / Pillowcases
▪June 24 — MFBC Family Camping
Trip at Lake Cascade State Park –
Huckleberry Campground—Contact
Byron Henrickson with questions
▪June 27-30 Bible Day Camp / VBS
New Church Directories will be printed this
week. Please make sure the office has your
correct contact information.
Thank You!
March 27:
Greeters: Garten (F) Ham (B)
Ushers: Woody/ James M./ David/ Gary
AM: Brian & Mary Ann Rhom
SS: Amanda Bourn / Kristine Schimdt
PM: Glenda Ham / Linda Morgan
Children’s Church: Christy Ho
LeAnna Setter / Kaila Ho
Sound Booth: Jason Mackenzie (AM)
Tyler Ho (PM)
Security: Luke Perrine (AM)
Mike Munger (PM)
April 3:
Greeters: Luke (F) Granger (B)
Ushers: Woody/James F./Donn/Carl/Alan
AM: Rosy Nelson / Kathy Hamilton
SS: Connie Postmus / Jean McGill
PM: Susan Wyatt / Johsta Hendricks
Children’s Church: Kara Bourn
Hero & Allegra Fife
Sound Booth: Jonathon Knapstad (AM & PM)
Security: Dick Olson (AM)
Elaine Sturm (PM)
Small Groups? Yes!
We have 11 functioning
small groups meeting at
various times & places throughout the month.
Due to limits on space—we could use more
Host Homes as well as sign ups to join! If interested please sign up in the foyer or contact
one of the Fellowship Committee members:
Jim & Carla Michel, Gary & Ginny LaMarque,
Kelly & Jacque Shoemaker, Josh & Kristy
Scott; Carol Barrett, Charlie & Linda Morgan
Don’t forget your food Items for the
Boise Rescue Mission Barrels in the foyer
Resurrection Sunday
Jerry & Angie Berheim
Welcome/ Announcements
Hymn #45—Psalm 16
Hymn #323—At the Cross
Hymn #357—Christ Arose
Prayer / Offering:
Pastor Dave
Hymn #370—Rejoice, the Lord Is King
(Dismiss Children)
Scripture Reading:
Garrett Munger
Message: “A View of the Resurrected
Pastor Randy
Text: Revelation 1:9-19
Closing Hymn:
2016 Summer Camp Schedule
June 27-30 — Family I Camp
July 5-9 — Junior Camp
July 11-16 — Junior High Camp
July 18-23 — Senior High Camp
July 25-30 — Family 2 Camp
August 22-26 — Adult Camp
Deposit Report
Song Leader: Scott Schimanski
Special Music: Schimanski / Ho
Message: “Seeking for a Sign”
Pastor Randy
Text: Matthew 15:29 —16:4
Children’s Ministry Program for ages
2 year old through Kindergarten
“The world is changing. Cultures shift and
change, and we must find new ways to engage
people with the gospel. Questions may change,
and the dynamics of how we interact with people of different generations and varying circumstances may change, but one thing does not
change– and that is the gospel.”
“The Person, power and purpose that raised the
Lord Jesus from the dead is alive and vibrant
and at work in the church right now. “
“As the bride of our crucified and risen Messiah,
we beam a message to a desperate world.
There is hope. There are answers. God provided a way for us to have a relationship with Him.”
“The church, believers in Jesus who gather
together around the cross and the empty tomb,
have a message of hope and life. Through proclaiming our hope, we can be agents of God’s
transforming power when it comes to the destiny of thousands. “
“It is true that you need to be culturally sensitive
when witnessing...but the truth has a way of
cutting through cultural barriers. “
“Life from the dead! That is our hope.”
Bill Toyer
6:00 PM Service
from the Dead
Article in JEWS for JESUS newsletter (March 2016)
10:00 AM Service
Special Music:
•See What a Morning
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of
the heavens to separate the day from the night. And
let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days
and years,” Genesis 1:14
Excerpts from Life
March 27, 2016
Pianist: Lina Sklyarov
Song Leader: Bill Toyer
Gleanings from our Seasons
General Fund Budget: $34,772.92
WEEK: March 20, 2016
General Fund: $7,092.93
Special Fund:
If you are feeling hopeless, we invite you to discover and experience by faith, the hope that is
in Jesus Christ. Please talk to one of our pastors today.
MONTH: March
General Fund: $27,429.92
Special Fund: $2,957.79
He is RISEN indeed!
For review or renewed sermons on the Life of Christ–
the one who is our hope,
visit our sermon archives
online at www.mfbc.org or
scan here.