June 2013 Newsletter - Atlantic AME Association


June 2013 Newsletter - Atlantic AME Association
President’s Notes by Ben McCarty
The month of April has always
been the commencement of a
new year from a fiscal point of
view for many of us but it is also
an operational beginning for
many sectors of our industry. The
annual ARAMC has been the
sign of spring and the beginning
of a new year the past thirty-five
years in the Atlantic Region.
The AME’s in our region have
every reason to be extremely
proud of continuing to deliver a
first class conference year after
year. The bringing together of the
delegates, the displayers, the
training session and the networking that takes place which all provide a program that is extremely
beneficial to the AME apprentices and the corporate attendees
as well.
The Moncton Symposum/Conference was another
great success story thanks to the
2013 committee members,
chaired by Jacques Richard and
supported by his hard working
and very valuable committee
Josee Richard—Administration
Karen McCullough-Administration
Evelyn Wood—Special Events
Lacey Scoggins-Master of Ceremonies
Kim Kendall-Displays
Allan Chaulk—Speakers
AME Association Atlantic
2013 President’s Report
In reviewing the past twelve
months, the 2012 ARAMC that
was held in Halifax last year was
no doubt an outstanding event. It
was a tremendous success with a
lot of new initiatives undertaken
with the end result being probably one of our most successful
conventions and without doubt
the most financially successful.
Our congratulations to Anneke
and the fine committee for their
accomplishments in 2012.
I’m sure that 2013 will be another
great success due to the work and
preparation that Jacques and his
committee have put into preparing the ARAMS.
We presented a very successful
and largely attended HPIAM
course in Halifax the day before
the 2012 conference. Many
thanks to Lorne Amos for his
continued support to the association and his expert delivery, as
well as the one he and Dan
Dackombe presented here yesterday. Thanks very much Lorne
and Dan.
Norbert Belliveau, who designed
the present HPIAM course is already working on preparing a
newly revised course which
should be ready for the 2015
ARAMC in Halifax. Many
thanks to Norbert for his continued contribution to the training
being offered by the association.
The 2012 Fall Directors Meeting
was held in Moncton at the
Beausejour hotel providing the
June 2013
meeting space complimentary. I
want to thank our directors, Uli
Huber, Dan Dackombe, Dave
Hall, Jacques Richard, Bob
Pardy, Mel Crewe and Jason Crowell and Anneke Urquhart. Their
participation at the meetings and
their input through the year is
very important and appreciated.
These directors are the people
you should contact with suggestions and/or issues you would
like dealth with. Anneke has done
a great job looking after the financial aspects as well as registrations and memberships etc. I
used to do this myself, so I know
how much work goes in to these
The membership report at the
2012 fall meeting showed an increase in all categories of membership, 97 AMEs, 11 corporate
members, 8 Apprentices and 14
Inside this issue:
President’s Report by
Ben McCarty
Mel Crewe
Sobeys Inc.
Aviation Dept.
799 Barnes Dr.
Halifax Intl. Airport
Halifax, NS B2T 1R8
Tel: 902-873-3997
Fax: 902-873-4602
Dario Mazzorana
President’s Notes cont.
I hope that his trend continues for Atlantic. I believe the Atlantic region has the most robust Association in the
country and I feel confident this will continue.
Unfortunately, the Pacific AME Association is having problems retaining members and has cancelled their 2013
Symposium due to lack of participation from industry and members.
We signed a contract with the Sheraton Hotel in St. John’s for the 2014, which Mel will chair. This is a new
venue in St. John’s for us and I think it will be a big improvement over the Delta which was getting a little complacent in my opinion.
I hope you enjoy the new Hotel next year in St. John’s.
Last fall, Jacques presented a very realistic budget for this 2013 conference which was approved by the directors.
We have every indication that everything is on track and exceeds the budget expectations.
If there was ever any question about Moncton being a successful venue for our symposium, those concerns have
certainly disappeared.
By the way, when we were planning the 2013 conference, we also found a volunteer for a chairperson for the
2015 conference in Halifax, Anneke Urquhart volunteered to take command again...Anneke, we expect great
The Canadian Federation of AME Associations’ (CFAMEA) Annual General Meeting was held in Toronto in
October 2012. I chaired that meeting as president of CFAMEA and Uli represented the Atlantic region.
Ole Nielsen was nominated for the position of President and was elected by acclimation. Ole has good background in the industry, he is recently retired after he served as a Technical Inspector with Transport Canada in the
Ontario region for a lengthy period.
Ole has served as vice President last year and is well acquainted with the national association.
I published the minutes of the 2012 CFAMEA AGM in our last newsletter, so you are all aware of the progress
being made in respect to the CFAMEA objections to the Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS).
I spoke with Jeff Phipps (TC Ottawa) last week and he said a meeting between, Jackie Booth (the author of the
SUR 007 dealing with FRMS), Aaron Maquarrie (Director of the Standards Branch) who has replaced Don Sherritt and Jeff Phipps, is scheduled for the next month to discuss NPA 2004-049 (FRMS and SMS). He said if
TCCA decides to proceed with the NPA as written. They will still go out for comments and then decide on a focus group.
CFAMEA is also part of the Working Group which has been tasked with developing regulations for the future of
UAVs—Unmanned Air Vehicles.
Ole Nielsen and I are on the UAVWG. The work so far has not dealt with the regulations in respect to maintenance, which is where our interest will be.
The next meeting of this WG is scheduled for Oct. 8th. in Ottawa.
There should be a fall CARAC meeting which may have some agenda items for the maintenance side of the
Fredericton International Airport
Vector Atlantic
PO Box 150
Brian Thompson, President
ISO 14001
Protecting Our Forests
[email protected]
800 Aerospace Boulevard
Siemon Park, PEI
C0B 2A0
Tel: 902-436-1333
Fax: 902-436-0777
[email protected]
Website: www.vectoraerospace.com
Page 2
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc.
April 19, 2013
The slate of officers for the 2013-2014 terms has been elected by acclimation;
Ben McCarty returned by accalamation.
Uli Huber
Dan Dackombe returned by acclamation
Jason Crowell
Bob Parody
Dave Hall
Mel Crewe returned by acclamation
Jacques Richard returned by acclamation
Review of the 2012 minutes took place and an overview of our membership, an overhead was used to ensure that
those present could see the numbers. The President acknowledged that it is good to see new young member taking a
real interest in the association which looks good for the future of our association.
Also he feels confident that with the participation here in Moncton that this will be a future venue for the conference
in 2016.
He also touched on CFAMEA, and that the Pacific Region will not be having a conference in this year (2013) and
that Quebec still does not have an association.
The president read a letter for the benefit of the meeting from TCCA, concerning NPA 2004-049 and the associated
SUR007 regarding Fatigue Risk Management (FRMS) and the CFAMEA objection to the NPA which would have an
impact on AMOs providing service to 702, 703 and 704 operator. The letter from Jeff Phipps indicated support for
our position but also stated that TCCA would move ahead with implementing the NPA with a further opportunity for
objection from industry.
The proposed operating budget for 2013 was presented by the treasurer Jason Crowell using an overhead to show
Revenue and expense items with the projected balance of $22,847.00 as of Dec. 1st 2013.
A motion to accept the budget was called and was so moved by: Jacques Richard seconded by Bob Pardy, Motion
Jason then asked for two members to come forward to conduct an audit of the accounts books, Lloyd Taylor and
Larry McKay volunteered to carry out the audit and when completed they reported that there were no discrepancies.
Ben explained the membership fees and asked for a motion to keep the current fee’s as is. So moved by Jason Crowell seconded by Mario Morales Motion Carried.
Bursary: will remain $1000.00 motion called to accept, so moved by Jacques Richard seconded by Jason Crowell
Motion carried. The bursary committee for 2013 will be: Jacques Richard (Chair) Bob Whittle and Mario Morales.
Wings & Helicopter Magazine
Each AME Assoc. Member should receive a Free subscription to the
“Wings” and “Helicopter” Magazine.
If you are not receiving it let me know!!
[email protected]
Page 3
Mel Crewe remains the Newfoundland writer for our newsletter and Ben asked for members to send in articles for the
newsletter and invites other writers. Owen Duffley of NSCC will be providing an article for futher newsletters.
Hall of Fame nominations for 2013 will cut off as of July 31st. Nomination form is in this newsletter.
Uli Huber will attend the CFAMEA meeting to be held in Calgary and represent our association at the 2013 AGM in
3-Points Aviation
Action Aero Inc.
Aerotec Engines
Atlantic Avionics
Aviation Solutions
CASP Aerospace
DSS Aviation
Kelowna Flightcraft
Hope Aero
I.M.P. Aerospace &
Kadex Aero Supplies
Morningstar Air Express
Leggat Aviation
Moncton Flight College
Peck Aero
Precision Aero
SkyLink Express
Vector Aerospace
Jet Support Services
Upshot Aviation
Universal Helicopters
Woodlawn Instruments
3 Points Aviation
Action Aero
Hope Aero
Aero Recip
IMP Aerospace &
Aeroneuf Instruments
Jazz Aviation
Aerotec Engines
Kadex Aero
Air Dynamics
L-3 Communications
Land and Sea
Atlantic Avionics
Leggat Aviation
Lycoming Engines
Aviation Solutions
NDT Products
Avtec Aero
Permanon Canada
Bell Helicopters
PPG Aerospace
Q1 Aviation
Cantec Systems
Quantum Aviation
CASP Aerospace
Remote Inspection
Champion Aerospace
Sunwest Aviation
Concorde Batteries
Trikon Technologies
DSS Aviation
Vector Aerospace
Western Avionics
Woodlawn Instruments
Field Aviation
Page 4
2013 ARAMS
The committee formed up in the Fall of
2012 and worked together executing every
little detail of conference planning sight
until the closing of the Conference Friday
afternoon. Congratulations to all of the
Lacey Scoggins did a very professional job
as Master of Ceremonies during the Conference. Is Jacques grooming her for a
chairperson position in 2016?
Keith Whalen, the Associate Director Operations for Atlantic Region gave the
opening remarks and officially opened the
It is very important to include Transport
Canada in our conferences and to invite
active participation.
The AME Association held their Annual
General Meeting, which was open to all
delegates at the conference.
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
News from the Rock
By Mel Crewe
Hello fellow A.M.E.’s, apprentices and corporate members, it’s newsletter time again and a chance to update happenings on this end of the granite planet. The weather has been the big topic of conversation recently. Normally, the May 24th weekend is a time to hook on the trailer and head to the country to enjoy
some R and R. However, Mother Nature had her own plans. The folks in the Gander area received a record
58 cms. of snow and as you travelled eastward, temperatures began to rise and the Avalon Peninsula received its’ usual dose of rain, drizzle and fog. Not to worry, the weather is improving and many operators
are gearing up for a very busy summer season. The guys with the crystal ball are forecasting a very warm
and dry summer. We can only hope their predictions are correct.
Last month, I attended the 35th. Annual Atlantic Region Aircraft Maintenance Symposium held at the
Delta Beausejour Hotel in Moncton, N.B. The Symposium was held from April 17 – 19, 2013. It was an
overwhelming success as there were 41 displayers at the trade show and the technical sessions were well
attended during the two day event. One of the major events at the symposium annually is the Awards Banquet where individuals / companies are recognized for their outstanding contribution to the aviation industry in the Atlantic region.
The Awards presentations were emceed by yours truly and it was an honor to present these awards. The
Roger Richard Memorial Award is presented annually to the retired A.M.E. who has distinguished himself / herself in their aviation career in the Atlantic region. This year’s recipient was Claude Daigle. The
award was presented by Jacques Richard on behalf of the Richard family.
The Newfoundland Government Air Services Memorial Award is presented annually to an individual /
company who has shown outstanding support of the A.M.E. Association ( Atlantic ) Inc. and / or the Atlantic Region Aircraft Maintenance Symposium. This year’s recipient is Atlantic Avionics Inc. of Halifax,
N.S. The award was presented to Uli Huber by yours truly.
The Aviall Canada Ltd. Award is presented annually to an A.M.E. who has distinguished himself / herself during his / her career. This award was not presented this year as no nominations were received. Certainly there must be some deserving individuals out there. Let’s get your nominations in to the committee.
The A.M.E. Association (Atlantic) Inc. bursary award is presented annually to a student from one of the
aircraft maintenance colleges. This year’s recipient is
Conrad Morgan of the Nova Scotia Community College. The award was presented by President Ben
Congratulations to all of this year’s award recipients.
Although the attendance at this year’s symposium was
down slightly, the delegates in attendance enjoyed the
Halifax International Airport - 549 Barnes Road—Enfield,
technical sessions and displays and from all reports,
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the information provided was very beneficial.
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At this time, I would like to congratulate Chairperson
Jacques Richard and his committee for an excellent job
Your Atlantic Canada Avionics Center
organizing this event. You deserve a well-earned rest.
Quality service & sales for all major brands of equipment.
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Symposium will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in St.
Field support and loaners available
John’s, NL, April 23 - -25, 2014. The organizing com1-800-887-3534
mittee under Chairperson Mel Crewe will be sending
Page 5
News from the Rock …………...cont.
out the registration packages later in the fall and early New Year .Ensure to circle the dates on your calendar to attend the symposium. Come on down and enjoy our famous Nfld. Hospitality.
During the past month since the symposium, I have been sidelined as a result of a fall in which I broke the
femur in my leg. The doctor ensured me that they used quality AN hardware, not to worry. I have been
more or less house bound but I should be mobile in a couple of weeks. I have mastered the walker and now
I am graduating to the cane. With the symposium in the offing, it gives me more time to work on various
duties. I did manage to contact a few operators recently to get some news.
Over on Major’s Path near the airport, Universal Helicopters Newfoundland Limited is kept busy. They
have a Bell 407 based here and also service another Bell 407 operated by Quinlan Bros. Fisheries. When
maintenance is required, maintenance support staff normally comes from their base at Gander. This year
marks the 50th. year of operations and a reunion is scheduled for Gander in October 2013. Information on
the reunion and activities planned are available on their web site. The address iswww.uhnl.nf.ca. If you are
a former employee of the company, make plans now to attend and renew old acquaintances. It sure looks
like it is going to be a great time.
Not all activity for aviation is focused around the airport. Out in Donavan’s Industrial Park in Mt. Pearl,
two companies call this area home. Pro-Arc Fabricating is located on Dundee Avenue and they specialize in
aircraft welding. Most of their business is outside the province but they do a considerable amount of work
for local operators when required. Buffalo Airways of the North West Territories is a big customer. Another
operator who has recently opened shop in this area is Gas Tops Ltd. The company is involved in the calibration of equipment, NDT (Non – Destructive Testing), Oil analysis, and condition monitoring and vibration analysis. Gas Tops is the holder of a Transport Canada A.M.O. and have a mechanical shop and Avionics shop at their facility. They supply services of oil analysis, NDT and calibration to local companies such
as Cougar and Provincial Airlines. Outside of the aviation sector, Gas Tops have contracts with Vale at the
Long Harbour facility and at the Nfld. Refining facility in Come by Chance. The move is definitely paying
off. Good luck in your future endeavours.
Back at the airport, it seems all operators are busy. Over at Cougar Helicopters Inc., the fleet of Sikorsky
92A’s are kept busy supplying the offshore oil platforms. Seven S92A’s are being utilized while this includes one aircraft on SAR standby. This operation is from their main facility adjacent to the terminal
building while the SAR operations are conducted
from their new facility. Besides being a SAR facility, it also serves as the main office building.
In conversation with their Training Supervisor, Bob
Whittle, he informs me the company has been doing
some extensive Fall Restraint Training for all Maintenance crews. There is also some Human Factors
Recurrent Training being conducted for crews that
require the same. All maintenance staff are closely
Barry Sheppard
monitored for training requirements and for update
Director of Maintenance
Air Services Department
My next contact was at Provincial Airlines Limited
where I managed to track down the current Director
Nalcor Energy, Churchill Falls
of Maintenance, Carson Goodyear. Activity at PAL
Phone: 709709-925925-3405
on the airline side of things are extremely busy. The
company currently operate a rather large fleet. The
Email: [email protected]
fleet consists of three (3) Saab 340’s on the schedule service, five (5) DH -8’s on the schedule
Page 6
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
News from the Rock …………...cont.
service, one (1) Saab 340 working out of Halifax, two (2) DH-8’s working out of Montreal. Two (2) DH8’s working out of Curacao in the Caribbean doing offshore surveillance, Six (6) Beech King Air 200’s doing offshore surveillance, one (1) Beech King Air Medevac aircraft on charter to EHS Nova Scotia, one (1)
Citation on contract with Newfoundland Government Health Services ( medevac), one (1) Citation 10
(charter ops.), five (5) DHC-6 Twin Otters at Goose Bay, Lab., three (3) King Air 350’s working out of
Halifax and one Fairchild Metroliner available for charter at St. John’s. Provincial Airlines Limited has just
been awarded the Airline Reliability Performance Award by Bombardier for DeHavilland Dash 8 Series
100 / 200/ 300 aircraft. This award will be presented at a ceremony in Munich, Germany on May 28, 2013.
Congratulations on this wonderful achievement.
On the maintenance side of things, Myles Caines is Quality Assurance Manager, Robert Glasgow is Production Manager, David Coffin is Planning Supervisor, Dion Heffern is Avionics Supervisor, Wayne Green
is Purchasing Manager and Cora Lee Quinlan is Stores Manager. It is the excellent work of the management team as well as the support of the maintenance team that ensures the overall success of the airline.
Congratulations to all the staff on this great accomplishment.
Provincial Airlines Ltd. Is a large operation and operate from the following hangers. Hanger 1, 2, 3, 4 and
6. They also operate an FBO from Hanger 1 and is rated one of the top FBO’s in the country.
Nestled away in the corner of Hanger 2 is Skylink Express who operate a Beech 1900 on a courier service
between Moncton and St. John’s for the banks. The aircraft are on a daily service and Engineers Dwight
Collins and Jason Lundrigan perform their maintenance tasks when the aircraft are on lay-over. Keep up the
good work fellas.
My next contact was at the Canadian Coast Guard Helicopter Section where I spoke with Senior Helicopter
Engineer Tim Sheppard. Tim and his staff of engineers are busy getting ready for their regular Arctic summer deployment. Engineers from Ottawa, Shearwater and St. John’s (Guy Beazley) will handle the Arctic
assignment while the three newly hired engineers at the St. John’s base will handle shipboard assignments
around the island and Labrador. Brian Osmond, Chris Hann and Dan Ennis have recently returned from
training courses in Texas and Ottawa. Not to worry fellas, you will have your sea legs in no time. Over on
the west coast at the Stephenville, engineer Gerard “Jed” Sampson continues to maintain the BO-105 that is
based there. Jed is like the Energizer bunny, just keeps on ticking. Have a safe summer!
My next contact was with the Director of Maintenance, Corey Russell at Provincial Aerospace. He informed me that the company is continuing to diversify operations with the aerospace and airline sectors becoming separate entities. Provincial Aerospace are currently performing Heavy Maintenance checks on the
Bombardier DH-8, Series 100-200 and 300. They are also performing “B” checks on CL-415’s and modifications on CL-415’s operated by foreign governments. While operations are slow locally, crews are currently doing a medevac conversion on a Beech King Air B-200. This work is being completed for an Emergency Health Services contract in Nova Scotia. The success of Provincial Aerospace is a testament of the
work performed by its’ crews. Under the direction of Corey Russell, his team consists of the following:
Quality Assurance Manager, Sandy Hayward; MRO/MOD Production Managers Jody Garland (Structures),
Phil Thorne (Mechanical) and Sean Hickey(Avionics). On line Maintenance Manager Darrin Tucker is responsible for keeping the crews at their maximum performance.
On a sad note, Mr. Jim Quirk, engineer with E.P.A. and CP Air in Gander and Halifax passed away recently
after a brief illness. Since retiring and moving to St. John’s, Jim opened the Windsock Lounge on Water
Street and it was a pleasure to drop in and visit . The club was well decorated with aircraft models and
memorabilia from the old EPA days. On behalf of the Association and ARAMS committee, I would like to
extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family. His obituary is in the newsletter.
This concludes my report at this time and have a safe summer and look forward to hearing from all of you
in the fall.
Page 7
Awards Presentation
Ben McCarty presents the 2013
AME Association $1000 Bursary to
Conrad Morgan a student at
NSCC, Dartmouth, N.S.
Mel Crewe presents the 2013 Roger
Richard Memorial Award to Claude
Daigle. Allan Chaulk accepted the
award on behalf of Claude.
Mel Crewe presents the Nfld Gov’t
Air Service Award to Atlantic
Avoinics—Uli Huber accepted the
award on behalf of the company.
Page 8
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
It’s Tournament Time!
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc.
19th Annual
Golf Tournament
2 Person Team Scramble
To be held at Granite Springs Golf Club
Halifax, N.S.
Monday, August 19th, 2013
Tee Time: 12:30
Please be at course by 11:45 pm
Please register before August 1st, 2013 so we can make the necessary
arrangements at the Golf Club.
TEAM MEMEBERS NAMES (Two members per team)
(Please Print)
Team Captain:________________________________Phone:______________________
All Green Fees and Cart Rental to be paid by Credit Card when Registering.
Green Fee: - $49.00 HST included/per person
Cart Rental: - $20.00 per person
Credit Card Number:____________________________
Expiry Date:____________________________________
Send Registration to:
Ben McCarty
126 Gulliver Drive, Fredericton, N.B. E3A 3C5
Ph: 452452-8251
Email: [email protected]
Page 9
Technical & Regulatory Presentations at the 2013 ARAMS:
Lycoming Engines General Maintenance and New Products—Jeffrey Schans
Root Cause Analysis Workshop—Dave Alston
Your Hearing is Valuable (Argus Hearing Center) - Dr. Heidi Eaton & Chantal Arsenault, M.CLSc. Aud©
A look at Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) System and Installation—Pat Smith, GasTOPS
Propeller Care & Maintenance—Terry Hope
Rolls-Royce Model 250 Technical Update—Jim Taylor
Learn from Accident Investigations (TSB) - TSB
Part Design Approval (PDA): Regulatory, Certification and Manufacturing Perspectives—Maurice Clark, 3
Points Aviation & Paul Garner, TC
Displayers Luncheon
A noon luncheon was sponsored by the displayers & exhibitors.
Patrick Greene spent a very considerable
amount of time and effort to convert our
many old worn scrap books from 1979
to present into a CD.
Coffee Breaks were sponsored by
Peck Auto Gears
Aerotec Engines
Morningstar Air Express
Atlantic Avonics
DSS Aviation
3 Points Aviation
Kadex Aero
Action Aero
IMP Aerospace/Defence
Hope Aero
The CD was shown during the Wednesday evening reception and during the
awards banquet and was a big hit. It is a
great collection of photos and documents that bring back many memories of
past years.
If there is sufficient interest we may
have copies made and in any event we
hope to have it displayed on our website.
Many thanks to Pat for his contribution
to the Association, it is much appreciated.
The association presented Patrick with a
Rosewood Clock in appreciation for his
contributions to the AME Association.
Many thanks Patrick!
James Patrick Quirk (April 6, 1935-May 21, 2013)
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of a wonderful man at the Health Science Complex surrounded
by his loving friends on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Jim was predeceased by his parents Ellen and Arthur Quirk and his
brother Patrick. Left to celebrate his life; his siste Mary (Norman) Peddle, special friend Ann Black (her husband, Paul
and their children Holly, Erin and Adina), Paul and Sonja Walsh, his son Jim (Olga Lucia) and daughter Pam. As well
as many cousins and a circle of close friends, especially George Furey, Don Nolan and Wally Collins. A special thank
you to the staff at the Health Sciences Complex and the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Center for their care during Jim’s
brief illness. Resting at Caul’s Funeral Home, LeMarchant Rd. Cremation has taken place. Funeral liturgy was be held
on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 10 a.m. from Caul’s Chapel. In lieu of flowers, donations in Jim’s memory may be
made to a charity of choice.
Page 10
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
2013 ARAMS Awards Banquet
The AME Association and ARAMC honoured the 2013 Award Recipients in two categories:
The Roger Richard Memorial Award
The Newfoundland Government Air Services Memorial Awards
There were no nominations for the Aviall Canada Award this year
The Roger Richard Memorial Award is presented annually to the retired AME who has distinguished himself/herself
during their career.
The recipient of the Roger Richard Memorial Award is Claude Daigle.
This years recipient was born in Kent Co., N.B. and began his aviation career in April 1974 with the Moncton Flight
College under the guidance of Mr. Tom Gallant His A.M.E. Cat. “A” application was submitted in March 1977 and
he was issued his licence in February 1978.
He began working as an Airworthiness Inspector in 1979 and continued in this role until his retirement a few years
In 1989, he served as an advisor to the Fredericton Department of Advanced Education and Training.
For many years, he was the “GO-To” inspector at T.C. Aviation when it came to training/mentoring new inspectors in
the required on the job training.
He is well versed in the inspection/certification of amateur built aircraft in the region and has assisted many builders
in achieving the goal of completing an aircraft to the highest standards and increasing the level of safety among home
He has approached life with the same level of enthusiasm as he had for his work. His mental and physical conditioning have always been important to him. An avid cyclist and hiker, it was quite common to see his venturing off to
Fundy Park with his bedroll and tent for an overnight excursion in the woods. He is also a perfectionist in the hobby
of woodworking and has created many pieces of beautiful wood work.
He is an unassuming individual, one who is always able to lighten the atmosphere with his quick wit and a story.
Jacques Richard presented this award to Claude on behalf of the Richard Family.
Meet and Greet Evening at Conference
Page 11
2013 ARAMS Awards Banquet (continued)
The Newfoundland Government Air Services Memorial Award is presented annually to an individual or corporation who has shown outstanding interest in support of the AME Association Atlantic Inc. and/or the ARAMS.
The 2013 winner of the Newfoundland Government Air Services Memorial Award was Atlantic Avonics of Halifax,
Nova Scotia.
We are very pleased to offer this token of our appreciation to Atlantic Avonics and their staff for their outstanding
financial, human resource support and continuous contributions made by the company, for the countless hours donated by Brenda, Sheila, Trevor and all of their technical staff, for committee work, photography, technical training
and also Brenda’s amazing work during each Halifax Conferences. Not to mention Uli’s offering of time and expertise by serving as VP AME Association, chairing several ARAMCs in Halifax and representing your region at the
Annual CFAMEA meetings in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg and Toronto.
Uli Huber accepted the Newfoundland Government Air Services Memorial Award on behalf of Atlantic Avionics.
Mel Crewe, made the presentation on behalf of the Newfoundland Government Air Services.
AME Association Bursary
The $1000.00 bursary is presented annually to a student who is graduating from an Aircraft Maintenance Program at
a College in the Atlantic Region, who has demonstrated academic and technical excellence during his/her college
This years winner is Conrad Morgan from NSCC in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
Our sincere congratulations to the award winners and congratulations to the Bursary winner and good fortune in his
Lorne Amos & Dan Dackombe presented the 2013 HPIAM
course at the Beausjour Hotel in Moncton on Wednesday, April
The following persons attended the course
Ken Scott Branch
Paul Hawkins
Andy Merrithew
Peter Kwan
Shawn McLure
Nick Baker
Bob Whittle
Evelyn Wood
Brent Taylor
The next HPIAM will be presented in St. John’s at the Sheraton
Hotel on Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
The 2015 course scheduled for Halifax in 2015 will be a completely new format with updated case studies.
at the
Page 12
AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
CCNB Camput de Dieppe
The aircraft maintenance two year program currently offered by CCNB Campus de Dieppe
will close at the end of the current program year in September 2013.
The college has experienced a very low graduation to intake ratio for this program
(approximately 5 to 12) over recent years. This coupled together with problematic placement
of students after graduation (particularly in New Brunswick), the selection of satisfactory
students capable of successfully completing the course and the high cost of maintaining
training equipment has made the continuation of the program unsustainable. The fact that the
cost of the course delivery is significant and the large amount of the college campus is dedicated to the program makes it hard to justify graduating 5 students every two years.
The college is going to consider the future of the program and a final decision whether or not
to completely abandon the Aircraft Maintenance Program will be made before 2014. I find it
very sad to see this facility not be in a position to continue to offer this training to persons
wishing to pursue a career in aircraft maintenance, which is certainly in demand on a national basis.
Originally the aircraft maintenance program was offered in English at the NBCC Moncton
campus and later moved to Dieppe as a unilingual French program. One can’t help but wonder if the original program had continued serving residents of New Brunswick from both
linguistic backgrounds, we might still have a robust program similar to that offered in Halifax and Gander.
SMITH, Ernest James—79, of Dartmouth. August 1933—March 2013. With heavy hearts we an
nounce the passing of Ernest in Dartmouth General Hospital on March 26, 2013. He was a wonderful husband,
father, grandfather and brother. Ernie was born in Halifax to the late Hendry Smith and Barbara (Pettipas)
Smith-Hatch. Grieving is his best friend and wife of 59 years, Jacqueline (Vaughn) Smith. He was a proud dad
of sons, David, Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. Dale (Linda), Dartmouth, Kenneth (Lisa), Eastern Passage; grandchildren, Christopher (Andrea), Jason Amanda, Shannon, Evan of Dartmouth; Angela, Rachel, Kevin of Edmonton,
Alta; half-brothers and sisters, Wayne Hatch, Lake Echo; Ken (Linda) Smith Belnan; Dorothy Smith,
Shubenacadie. He started his career with Firey Aviation, he then worked to get his licence as an AME. This
took him to airlines in Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia. He retired from Transport Canada as an Aircraft
inspector at Halifax Airport. Upon retiring he shared his knowledge helping to restore the Firefly and Swordfish, which he saw fly. He was an honorary member of the Experimental Aircraft Association (Valley Chapter).
He was a life member of the Photographic Guild of Nova Scotia. His family has many photos he took over the
years. Ernie’s wish to have his brain donated to the Neurological branch of Dalhousie to help others with Corticobasal Degeneration, a rare form of Parkinson’s, has been fulfilled. Cremation has taken place, visitation will
be held on Thursday, April 4 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Memorial service Friday, April 5, at 1:30 p.m. both in Atlantic Funeral Home, 771 Main St., Dartmouth. Family flowers only. In (lieu of flowers, donations to the Parkinson Society of Canada, Maritime Division or Lung Association of Nova Scotia would be greatly appreciated.
On-line condolences may be made by visiting www.atlanticfuneralhomes.com (Dartmouth Chapel).
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AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
AME Association Atlantic
126 Gulliver Drive
Fredericton, N.B. E3A 3C5
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Hello from the Aviation Institute of the Nova Scotia Community College. We were asked to write a series
of articles about our facilities and the type of training available at the Aviation Institute. Well, first off we
currently offer 2 year programs in Aircraft Maintenance or Avionics and a 1 year program in Structures.
Aviation training at the Nova Scotia Community college (NSCC) began with a one year Aircraft
Maintenance Technician (AMT) course at the Dartmouth Regional Vocational School in Dartmouth, NS in
1989. NSCC assumed responsibility for pilot training from CASA in 1998 when financial difficulties with
the organization arose. This training was being conducted at 12 Wing Shearwater. In 2001, the 1 year
maintenance program relocated from the Akerley Campus to Shearwater. Then in 2005 it became a 2 year
Transport Canada approved program. Finally in 2008, the Aviation Institute, as it is known today moved to
our current facility which offers considerably more space at 375 Pleasant Street, Unit #100 Dartmouth, NS.
Aviation Institute current facility Dartmouth, NS
As for what’s happened recently at the Aviation Institute, we just finished hosting the 2013 Nova Scotia
Skills Competitions for Aircraft Maintenance on April 5.
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AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. Newsletter
2013 Skills Competition Nova Scotia, Aircraft Maintenance winners from left to right:
Bronze – Devin Smith, Silver – Conrad Morgan and Gold- Nathanial Levy
Hangar Facilities
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AME Association
(Atlantic) Inc.
President: Ben McCarty—Tel: 506) 452-8251
126 Gulliver Drive
Fredericton, NB
Vice President: Uli Huber—Tel: (902) 873-3534—Fax: (902) 873-4531
Phone: 506-452-1809
Fax: 506-452-8251
[email protected]
Email: [email protected].
Email: [email protected]
Treasurer: Jason Crowell—Tel: (902) 873-3100—Fax: (902) 873-3101
Email: [email protected]
Secretary: Dan Dackombe: Tel: (506) 859-0404
Email: [email protected]
Director: Mel Crewe: Tel: (709) 579-2013
Email: [email protected]
Why Not Be Part of It.
Have a Say in Your
Director: Dave Hall: Tel: (506) 648-3535
Email: [email protected]
Director: Bob Pardy: Tel: (709) 758-4802—Fax: (709) 758-4823
WE are on the
Email: [email protected]
Director: Jacques Richard: Tel.: (506) 863-4618
Email: [email protected]
Flight College
1719 Champlain St.,
Dieppe, N.B. E1A 1V2
Jason Crowell
Director of Maintenance
Tel: 506-857-3080
Fax: 506-855-1422
Jacques Richard
Ph: (902) 873-3100 * Cell: (902) 497-9977 * Fax: (902) 873-3101
[email protected]
740 Windgate Drive, Beaver Bank, NS, B4G 0A6
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