Portage County - Applied Population Laboratory
Portage County - Applied Population Laboratory
Estimated 1940 Housing Density Portage County Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 45 £ ¤ 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 54 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 54 S T 80 S T 10 51 Wood County 73 13 S S T T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 22 S T 73 S T Adams County 73 73 S S T T 22 S T 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County Miles 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1940 - 1980 Housing Density: US Census Partial Block Group Data Hammer, R. B. S. I. Stewart, R. Winkler, V. C. Radeloff, and P. R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing spatial and temporal residential density patterns across the U.S. Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 183-199. http://silvis.forest.wisc.edu/old/Library/HousingData.php Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Estimated 1950 Housing Density Portage County Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 45 £ ¤ 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 54 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 54 S T 80 S T 10 51 Wood County 73 13 S S T T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 22 S T 73 S T Adams County 73 73 S S T T 22 S T 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County Miles 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1940 - 1980 Housing Density: US Census Partial Block Group Data Hammer, R. B. S. I. Stewart, R. Winkler, V. C. Radeloff, and P. R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing spatial and temporal residential density patterns across the U.S. Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 183-199. http://silvis.forest.wisc.edu/old/Library/HousingData.php Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Estimated 1960 Housing Density Portage County Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 45 £ ¤ 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 54 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 54 S T 80 S T 10 51 Wood County 73 13 S S T T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 22 S T 73 S T Adams County 73 73 S S T T 22 S T 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County Miles 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1940 - 1980 Housing Density: US Census Partial Block Group Data Hammer, R. B. S. I. Stewart, R. Winkler, V. C. Radeloff, and P. R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing spatial and temporal residential density patterns across the U.S. Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 183-199. http://silvis.forest.wisc.edu/old/Library/HousingData.php Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Estimated 1970 Housing Density Portage County Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 45 £ ¤ 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 54 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 54 S T 80 S T 10 51 Wood County 73 13 S S T T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 22 S T 73 S T Adams County 73 73 S S T T 22 S T 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County Miles 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1940 - 1980 Housing Density: US Census Partial Block Group Data Hammer, R. B. S. I. Stewart, R. Winkler, V. C. Radeloff, and P. R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing spatial and temporal residential density patterns across the U.S. Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 183-199. http://silvis.forest.wisc.edu/old/Library/HousingData.php Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Estimated 1980 Housing Density Portage County Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 45 £ ¤ 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 54 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 54 S T 80 S T 10 51 Wood County 73 13 S S T T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 22 S T 73 S T Adams County 73 73 S S T T 22 S T 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County Miles 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1940 - 1980 Housing Density: US Census Partial Block Group Data Hammer, R. B. S. I. Stewart, R. Winkler, V. C. Radeloff, and P. R. Voss. 2004. Characterizing spatial and temporal residential density patterns across the U.S. Midwest, 1940-1990. Landscape and Urban Planning 69: 183-199. http://silvis.forest.wisc.edu/old/Library/HousingData.php Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Census 1990 Housing Density Portage County ® Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 51 34 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 10 51 Wood County 80 S T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 S T 73 13 S S T T 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 22 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 45 £ ¤ 73 S T Adams County 0 2.5 10 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County 73 73 S S T T 5 22 S T 15 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 1990 Housing Density: US Census Bureau (census blocks) Miles 20 Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Census 2000 Housing Density Portage County 97 S T 13 S T 97 S T 10 ® Marathon County 97 S T Shawano County 34 S T £ ¤ £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 S T 10 34 S T 10 Portage County 51 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 13 S T 13 S T 173 S T Waupaca County 51 £ ¤ £ ¤ 54 S T 54 S T 161 S T 161 S T 51 Wood County 80 S T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 T 22 S S T 73 S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 22 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 45 £ ¤ 73 S T Adams County 0 2.5 10 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County 73 73 S S T T 5 22 S T 15 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 2010 Housing Density: US Census Bureau (census blocks) Miles 20 Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/ Census 2010 Housing Density Portage County ® Marathon County 97 S T 97 S T 97 S T Shawano County 34 S T 10 £ ¤ £ ¤ 10 110 S T 10 £ ¤ 66 S T 51 S T 51 34 S T 173 S T 73 161 S T 161 S T Portage County Waupaca County 51 £ ¤ £ ¤ 51 54 S T 54 S T 10 51 Wood County 80 S T 49 S T 66 T £ ¤S ¤ £ ¤£ £ ¤ 186 73 13 S S T T 54 S T 54 S T 13 S T 54 13 S S T T 13 S T 13 S T 54 S T 54 S T 22 22 T S TS S T 173 S T 73 S T 173 S T 13 S T 22 S T 80 S T Juneau County Housing Units Per Square Mile 0 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 40 40 - 360 360 or more Roads and Highways circa 2010 45 £ ¤ 73 S T Adams County 0 2.5 10 110 S T 110 S T Waus hara County 73 73 S S T T 5 22 S T 15 Sources: Roads: ArcGIS Streetmap USA, 2010 2010 Housing Density: US Census Bureau (census blocks) Miles 20 Produced at APL by Greg Grube Applied Population Laboratory UW Madison http://www.apl.wisc.edu/