press tech agri-press 600 solids separator performance test results
press tech agri-press 600 solids separator performance test results
AWM-01-01 PRESS TECH AGRI-PRESS 600 SOLIDS SEPARATOR PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS USING THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TESTING PROTOCOL Robert T. Burns and Lara B. Moody The University of Tennessee Biosystems Engineering & Environmental Science Dept. P.O. Box 1071, Knoxville, TN 37901-1071 INTRODUCTION Confined animal production systems utilizing hydraulic-flush manure collection and transport systems use different methods of solids separation to achieve an effluent low enough in total solids to be recycled as flush water. Mechanical solids separators provide one method of solids reduction for flush systems. The performance of mechanical manure solids separators can vary dramatically with different total solids input concentrations. To properly size and install mechanical manure solids separation units, the separators’ performance characteristics must be known for the manure slurry found at the farm in question. The results of these performance tests provide information a planner can use to estimate the expected through-put of material, the resulting mass of solids to be removed and the total solids (TS) content of the recovered solids expected from a given manure slurry. This is important information when sizing process sumps and solids storage areas; it is critical to selecting a unit that can be operated in the time frame desired by the producer. The nutrient partitioning data can be used by nutrient management planners to estimate the mass of nutrients remaining with the recovered solids. In an effort to provide comparable performance data with a common basis for the selection of mechanical separators, the Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science Department at The University of Tennessee has developed a standard testing protocol for mechanical manure solids separators. This protocol is designed to provide consultants, engineers and producers with separator performance data across a range of manure total solids input concentrations. The University of Tennessee Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science Department has the capability to provide field-scale performance testing of manure solids separators with either dairy or swine manure slurries at two university experiment station locations. The results of the separator performance testing are a comprehensive analysis of the unit, including; pressliquor flow rates over a range of influent total solids (TS) concentrations and the resulting press-cake moisture content, dry-mass capture efficiency, and nutrient partitioning of total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), soluble phosphorus (SP), and potassium (K) between the solids and liquid effluents from the separator. UNIT DESCRIPTION This report presents the results from testing a PressTech Agri-Press 600 screw-press (Press Technology & Manufacturing, Inc., Springfield, OH) preceded by a Bauer Hydro-sieve static screen (Springfield, OH). The Agri-Press 600 screw-press had a 6-inch diameter continuous flight screw. Two screens were tested on the Agri-Press, a 0.006” wedge-wire screen and a 0.125” round perforated screen. The Bauer Hydro-sieve static screen used a 0.060" screen 28" in width and 50 " in length. The static-screen was used to pre-thicken the input slurry fed to the screw-press. Testing was preformed on June 25 – 27, 2001 at The University of Tennessee Dairy Experiment Station in Lewisburg, TN. 1 SEPARATOR TESTING For the separator performance tests with dairy waste slurry, raw dairy manure and bedding were collected and stored for 48 hours prior to testing. Recovered dairy manure solids are used as bedding material at the UT Dairy Experiment Station were the testing was conducted. The manure and bedding mixture was approximately 20% TS. Each performance test began with a 500 gal (1890 L) tank containing waste with approximately 10% TS. To make 10% TS slurry, collected manure and bedding were mixed with dilution water for 30 minutes using an electric paddle stirrer. The manure slurry was then pumped from the tank to the separator system using an air driven diaphragm pump (Model #2150, Graco Husky, Minneapolis, MN). During the testing, the manure slurry storage tank was agitated using a centrifugal wastewater pump (Model #N267-F, Zoeller Pump Co., Louisville, KY). The Agri-Press unit input rate was limited by the maximum flow-rate that the static-screen could process. All test runs with the Agri-Press were made with the static-screen at full capacity. For this test, the Agri-Press 600 screw-press was operated with a screw speed of 25 rpm. All test runs were made with 33 psi of pressure on the outlet cone. The pressure resulted in a press cake with approximately 70% moisture content, which was the desired press-cake moisture content for this test. If a drier press-cake is desired, the Agri-Press unit can be operated with cone outlet pressures of up to 100 psi. Samples were collected from the influent and effluent points of each unit. These included side-hill influent, side-hill effluent liquor, side-hill effluent cake (same as screw-press influent), screw-press press-liquor, and screw-press press-cake. Test duration at each slurry input TS concentration was based on the time required to recover approximately 50 gal (190 L) of side-hill effluent liquor or press-liquor from the system. Resulting press-cake and liquor volumes were weighed using a Tru-test load cell (Model #703, Tru-test, Mineral Wells, TX). After testing the system at 10% TS, the manure slurry in the tank was diluted to approximately 8% TS, and the system tested again. Subsequently, tests were performed with approximately 6, 4, 2 and 1% TS influents. Samples were analyzed for total and volatile solids using Standard Method 2540. G (Standard Methods, 1998), SP using QuikChem method 12-115-01-1-H (Lachat Instruments, Milwaukee, WI), TP using QuikChem method 13-115-01-1-B (Lachat Instruments, Milwaukee, WI), TKN using QuikChem method 13-107-06-2-D (Lachat Instruments, Milwaukee, WI). RESULTS Press-Tech provided a manure separation system for testing that utilized a static-screen pre-thickening unit and an Agri-Press 600 screw-press unit. The results presented here are for the overall system performance, not the performance of the screw-press alone. The system was tested with both a 0.006” wedge wire screen and a 0.125" round perforated screen installed in the Agri-Press separator. The static-screen unit preceding the Agri-Press was equipped with a 0.060" screen for all tests. Information concerning the performance of the static-screen or screw-press only can be found in Appendices A & B of this report. Appendix A provides the complete data set from the test. Appendix B provides graphs of the data set. System Results with 0.006” wedge wire screen in Agri-Press Unit System testing, while the Agri-Press was equipped with a 0.006" screen, was conducted using dairy manure slurries with TS system input concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 8.5%. The press-liquor flow rate through the separator system increased as influent TS concentration decreased (Figure 1). In this report, press-liquor flow rate is the sum of the side-hill liquor and the screw-press liquor. For flow rates from each device, see Appendix A. The press-liquor flow rate of 44.1 gpm occurred at an influent TS concentration of 1.2%. At a slurry influent concentration of 8.5% TS, the system achieved a press-liquor flow rate of 6.4 gpm. The screw-press maintained a constant press-cake moisture consistency throughout the test (Figure 1). The average TS concentration of the press cake was approximately 30% (± 5%). The dry-mass capture efficiency of the separator system remained fairly constant over the range of slurry influent concentrations tested. The average dry-mass capture efficiency was approximately 32 % (± 8.5%) (Figure 2). Dry-mass capture efficiency was calculated as follows: 2 Dry-mass capture efficiency (%) = min (%TS in ) − m PL (%TS PL ) m (%TS PC ) × 100 = PC × 100 min (%TS in ) min (%TS in ) Where min is mass influent, mPL is mass press-liquor and mPC is mass press-cake. 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 Press Cake TS 50 Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) 100% 60 Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) Press-Liquor Flow Rate Press Cake TS 0% 0% 5% Influent TS Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency 60 100% 50 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 10% 0% FIGURE 1. Press-Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) and Press-cake Total Solids (TS, %) from the Side Hill / Screw-press Separator System (0.006” screen) as a Function of Influent TS (%) Concentration. 2% 4% 6% 8% Influent TS (%) Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency Press Liquor Flow Rate 0% 10% 12% FIGURE 2. Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency by the Side Hill / Screw-press System (0.006” screen) as A Function of Influent Total Solids (%) Concentration. At an influent TS concentration of 8.5%, 11% of the influent manure mass was recovered in the press-cake, on a wet-weight basis. However, 16.6% of the influent SP, 20.9% of the influent TP and 22.3% of the influent TKN were recovered in the press-cake on a wet-weight basis (Figure 3). Because the percentage of nutrients recovered in the press-cake was greater than the percentage of mass recovered in the press-cake, nutrients were being partitioned into the press-cake. As the influent TS concentration decreases, the previous statement is true for all but one case. At 5.2% influent TS, the percentage of recovered SP is slightly less than the percentage of recovered manure mass. This data point may be attributed to sample handling or analyses error. Percentage of influent constituent recovered in the press-cake was calculated as follows: Percentage in press cake = Percentage in Press-Cake Manure mass m PC − constituent × 100 min − constituent SP TP TKN 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% Influent TS 2.4% 1.2% FIGURE 3. Nutrient Partitioning: Percentage of Influent Constituent Recovered in the Press-Cake, on a Wet Basis. 3 System Results with 0.125” round perforated screen in Agri-Press Unit While the screw-press contained the 0.125” screen, the system was tested with TS influent concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 11.8%. The separator system press-liquor flow rate increased as influent TS concentration decreased (Figure 4). The maximum press-liquor flow rate of 34.8 gpm occurred at an influent TS concentration of 1.3%. At an influent concentration of 11.8% TS, the system achieved a pressliquor flow rate of 3.9 gpm. The system maintained a press-cake with a TS concentration of 34% (± 2.4%) while the influent TS range was between 1.3 and 11% (Figure 4). However, at an influent TS of 11.8% the press-cake TS dropped to 16.6%; this was likely the result of an unsatisfactory cake being built after the machine purged during a previous test. Generally, the dry-mass capture efficiency of the separator system increased with an increasing influent TS concentration. With a 1.3% TS influent, the dry-mass capture efficiency was 18%, while at 11.8% TS influent the dry-mass capture efficiency was 32% (Figure 5). Press-Liquor Flow Rate 100.0% 50 80.0% 40 60.0% 30 40.0% 20 20.0% 10 0 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% Influent TS 60 100% 50 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 0.0% 10% 12% 0% FIGURE 4. Press-liquor Flow Rate (gpm) and Press-cake Total Solids (TS, %) from the Side Hill / Screw-press Separator System (0.125” screen) as a Function of Influent TS (%) Concentration. Dry Mass Capture Efficiency 2% 4% 6% 8% Influent TS (%) Dry Mass Capture Efficiency 60 Press-Liquor Flow Rate, gpm Press-Cake TS Press Cake TS Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) Press-Liquor Flow rate 0% 10% 12% FIGURE 5. Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency by the Side Hill / Screw-press System (0.125” screen) as a Function of Influent Total Solids (%) Concentration. When the influent TS concentration was 11.8%, SP and TKN were not preferentially partitioned into the press cake. As indicated above, abnormalities in this run may have been the result of the screw-press purging during a previous test. In all other data sets taken using the 0.125” screen, SP, TP and TKN were preferentially partitioned into the press-cake, as shown in Figure 6. Percentage in Press-Cake Manure mass SP TP TKN 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% Influent TS 2.9% 1.3% FIGURE 6. Nutrient Partitioning: Percentage of Influent Constituent Recovered in the Press-Cake, on a Wet Basis. 4 CONCLUSIONS The University of Tennessee testing protocol developed for mechanical manure solids separators was used to quantify the performance of a manure solids separation system consisting of a Bauer Hydro-sieve static screen followed by a PressTech Agri-Press 600, using both a 0.006” wedge wire screen and a 0.125” round perforated screen. The 0.125" perforated screen produced higher press-liquor flow rates than did the 0.006” wedge-wire screen with the exception of the lowest total solids (TS) influent (~ 1% TS). Press-liquor flow rates for this system vary with influent TS concentration and screen size. The flow rates ranged from 3.9 to 44.1 gpm at influent TS concentrations of 11.8 and 1.2%, respectively. The 0.125” screen maintained a higher TS concentration press cake than the 0.006” screen. The average press-cake TS concentration was 34% from the 0.125” screen and 30% from the 0.006” screen. The dry-mass capture efficiency was greater and more consistent when the Agri-Press had the 0.006” screen in place; the average capture efficiency was 32% throughout the testing. When the 0.125” screen was in place the dry-mass capture efficiency varied with influent TS concentration. At 1.3% TS influent, the dry-mass capture efficiency was 18%, while at 11.8% TS influent the dry-mass capture efficiency was 32% The Agri-Press preferentially partitioned nutrients into the press cake using both screens. The percentages of nutrients recovered from the press-cake during the tests were greater than the percentage of solids recovered in the press-cake. VENDER CONTACT INFORMATION Press Technology & Manufacturing 2300 Columbus Avenue Springfield, OH 45503 Phone: 937-327-0755 Fax: 937-327-0756 REFERENCES Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Wastewater Treatment, 20th Edition. 1998. Clesceri L.S., A.E. Greenberg, A.D. Eaton eds. United Book Press Inc., Baltimore, Maryland. Disclaimer Statement Use of trade or brand names or companies in this publication is for clarity and information; it does not imply approval of the product or the vendor to the exclusion of others that may be of similar, suitable composition, nor does it guarantee or warrant the standard of the product. A State Partner in the Cooperative Extension Service The Agricultural Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, age, national origin, sex or disability and is an Equal Opportunity Employer. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and county governments cooperating in furtherance of Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Agricultural Extension Service Charles L. Norman, Dean 5 APPENDIX A 6 Wet Wt. mass in PC dry mass of eff. wet basis Dry Wt. of Eff. capture eff. (lb) % (lb) % Sample Identification # Screen Size inches 11 16 21 26 31 Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 78.3% 77.1% 74.7% 82.6% 76.2% 186.51 322.74 558.00 502.70 472.68 13 17 22 27 32 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 6.1% 4.2% 3.4% 1.9% 0.9% 82.1% 74.4% 76.2% 68.9% 83.3% 154.00 204.00 451.00 450.00 450.00 9.38 8.52 15.40 8.65 3.97 12 18 23 28 33 Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 12.0% 11.7% 11.8% 10.3% 8.7% 74.4% 84.3% 87.1% 89.5% 91.6% 32.51 118.74 107.00 52.70 22.68 3.89 13.90 12.64 5.44 1.97 14 19 24 29 34 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 4.7% 3.6% 2.8% 2.0% 1.5% 68.0% 63.7% 70.5% 71.7% 71.9% 12.51 91.74 82.00 41.70 16.68 0.59 3.31 2.27 0.83 0.25 15 20 25 30 35 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% 2.4% 1.2% 28.7% 31.8% 27.7% 23.4% 36.7% 86.9% 88.3% 90.2% 92.7% 94.0% 20.00 27.00 25.00 11.00 6.00 5.74 8.60 6.92 2.58 2.20 Initial TS %TS %VS 7 11% 8% 4% 2% 1% 15.86 21.77 28.76 11.84 5.67 36.22% 39.49% 24.06% 21.77% 38.84% Vol of eff. (gal) Run time (min) Flow rate (gpm) 22.36 38.70 66.91 60.28 56.68 3.10 3.73 4.18 2.05 1.27 7.21 10.37 16.01 29.40 44.63 18.47 24.46 54.08 53.96 53.96 3.10 3.73 4.18 2.05 1.27 5.96 6.56 12.94 26.32 42.49 1.50 11.00 9.83 5.00 2.00 3.10 3.73 4.18 2.05 1.27 0.48 2.95 2.35 2.44 1.57 System Flow Rate 6.44 9.51 15.29 28.76 44.06 SP TKP TKN mass % removed g in PC conc. mg/L mass g % removed in PC conc. mg/L mass g % removed in PC 583 410 290 148 90 4936 6012 7343 3374 1924 1126 764 919 345 161 9532 11189 23275 7881 3449 20.9% 21.2% 10.0% 9.1% 12.3% 3320 2676 1589 860 263 28110 39215 40247 19620 5633 22.3% 22.7% 22.7% 13.4% 30.2% 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 527 331 318 141 88 3682 3062 6517 2877 1801 782 617 561 215 157 5465 5712 11487 4389 3214 2225 2073 1626 300 425 15556 19204 33290 6129 8690 Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 550 442 397 393 268 812 2382 1931 940 275 934 1321 1043 799 697 1379 7124 5067 1912 718 2841 4811 2337 2870 1900 4194 25934 11351 6867 1956 14 19 24 29 34 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 573 137 327 136 140 325 569 1219 258 106 985 751 573 1219 265 560 3128 2133 2308 200 2447 3615 1775 850 268 1390 15054 6606 1610 203 15 20 25 30 35 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 903 1162 261 286 612 820 1425 297 143 167 2198 1932 2052 1438 1563 1996 2369 2329 718 426 6911 7249 8061 5258 6245 6275 8885 9149 2626 1701 Sample Identification # Screen Size inches 11 16 21 26 31 Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 13 17 22 27 32 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 12 18 23 28 33 conc. mg/L 16.6% 23.7% 4.0% 4.2% 8.7% 8 Sample Identification # Screen Size inches conc. mg/L K mass g % rem in PC conc. mg/L NH3 mass g % removed in PC 11 16 21 26 31 Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 2962 2016 1457 815 365 25077 29545 36911 18609 7838 10.0% 11.1% 6.2% 0.8% 3.2% 679 1650 424 265 111 5752 24177 10749 6044 2391 19.3% 7.8% 8.8% 5.0% 6.7% 13 17 22 27 32 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 3507 1531 2141 865 363 24519 14177 43837 17663 7420 929 596 573 231 129 6492 5517 11741 4729 2638 12 18 23 28 33 Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 2498 2200 2040 1153 478 3687 11862 9912 2759 492 1042 942 733 346 517 1538 5079 3560 827 532 14 19 24 29 34 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 2696 967 1583 1001 519 1531 4028 5892 1896 393 1913 87 142 130 265 1087 361 530 245 200 15 20 25 30 35 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 0.006 wedgewire 2751 2675 2032 294 927 2498 3279 2306 147 252 1220 1531 836 601 587 1108 1877 949 300 160 9 Sample Identification # Screen Size inches Initial TS 36 46 51 56 61 Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 37 47 52 57 62 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 38 48 53 58 63 Wet wt. mass in PC of eff. wet basis Dry Wt. of Eff. (lb) % (lb) %TS %VS 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% 76.8% 79.0% 79.9% 83.7% 80.7% 419.50 828.90 610.12 522.04 489.85 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% 8.3% 4.8% 3.7% 2.3% 1.0% 73.5% 72.4% 73.6% 74.6% 58.5% Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% 17.8% 13.9% 13.1% 12.0% 10.0% 39 49 54 59 64 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% 40 50 55 60 65 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% 2.9% 1.3% Flow rate (gpm) 49.39 91.37 29.33 15.34 6.25 50.30 99.39 73.16 62.59 58.74 10.00 6.05 2.37 2.08 1.68 5.03 16.43 30.87 30.09 34.96 115.00 468.00 430.00 465.00 466.00 9.57 22.52 15.89 10.87 4.77 13.79 56.12 51.56 55.76 55.88 10.00 6.05 2.37 2.08 1.68 1.38 9.28 21.75 26.81 33.26 81.1% 87.5% 87.2% 90.2% 92.5% 304.50 360.90 180.12 57.04 23.85 54.05 50.07 23.60 6.85 2.38 6.8% 4.6% 3.5% 2.0% 2.7% 70.0% 72.7% 92.9% 69.9% 77.2% 208.50 291.90 150.12 50.04 20.85 14.24 13.29 5.25 1.02 0.57 25.00 35.00 18.00 6.00 2.50 10.00 6.05 2.37 2.08 1.68 16.6% 30.9% 33.6% 34.6% 36.7% 80.5% 88.2% 89.7% 92.2% 93.6% 96.00 69.00 30.00 7.00 3.00 15.93 21.31 10.09 2.43 1.10 2.50 5.79 7.59 2.88 1.49 System Flow Rate 3.88 15.06 29.35 29.69 34.75 10 23% 8% 5% 1% 1% dry mass capture eff. Vol of eff. Run Time % (gal) (min) 32% 23% 34% 16% 18% SP mass % removed g in PC conc. mg/L TKP mass g % removed in PC conc. mg/L TKN mass g % removed in PC 672 590 298 137 55 12806 22209 8249 3239 1226 1230 836 642 250 112 23424 31449 17784 5925 2499 24.7% 20.3% 26.9% 20.7% 9.4% 4056 1861 832 604 248 77254 70022 23053 14326 5504 19.2% 27.2% 42.8% 16.3% 19.3% 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 1699 523 297 213 62 8872 11119 5805 4502 1304 2313 680 561 332 147 12074 14459 10959 7017 3110 3626 1604 1556 489 211 18931 34081 30376 10325 4461 Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 654 346 346 315 264 9041 5662 2827 815 286 1397 1046 806 8055 520 19319 17141 6592 20860 563 4678 3466 2629 2353 1156 64675 56793 21499 6094 1252 39 49 54 59 64 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 828 481 317 227 175 7838 6377 2161 515 166 1152 855 465 383 436 10906 11334 3171 869 412 3355 2578 943 1058 794 31758 34158 6428 2402 752 40 50 55 60 65 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 586 879 891 765 881 2555 2752 1213 243 120 1327 2037 3512 3862 1720 5782 6383 4783 1227 234 3411 6070 7245 7352 7806 14868 19016 9868 2336 1063 Sample Identification # Screen Size inches 36 46 51 56 61 Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in Side Hill in 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 37 47 52 57 62 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 38 48 53 58 63 conc. mg/L 19.4% 12.4% 14.7% 7.5% 9.8% 11 Sample Identification # 36 Side Hill in 46 Side Hill in 51 Side Hill in 56 Side Hill in 61 Side Hill in Screen Size inches 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 conc. mg/L 3839 2825 1389 70556 408 K mass % removed g in PC 73122 7.5% 106306 6.1% 38465 6.2% 167221 0.0% 9073 1.5% conc. mg/L 1528 1149 108 325 51 NH3 mass g 29104 43237 2996 7694 1133 37 47 52 57 62 Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor Side Hill liquor 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 3839 2332 1624 5517 292 20045 49554 31707 116476 6183 1528 665 384 89 117 7978 14123 7489 1868 2467 38 48 53 58 63 Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake Side Hill cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 3790 1581 1953 1802 495 52389 25898 15967 4666 536 2060 630 879 645 253 28482 10321 7189 1670 274 39 49 54 59 64 Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor Screw Press liquor 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 2566 2302 1708 1391 507 24291 30501 11641 3161 480 558 115 545 441 61 5283 1521 3711 1001 58 40 50 55 60 65 Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake Screw Press cake 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 1264 2068 1757 1471 988 5510 6478 2393 467 134 333 1053 600 450 543 1453 3300 817 143 74 12 % removed in PC 5.0% 7.6% 27.3% 1.9% 6.5% APPENDIX B 13 Percentage of Total Solids (TS) in Press Cake from Bauer Side Hill and Agri-Press (0.006" screen) 60 100% Press Liquor Flow Rate Press Cake TS 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 0% 2% 4% 6% Influent TS 14 8% 10% 0% 12% Press Cake TS Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) 50 Percentage of Total Solids (TS) in Press Cake from Bauer Side Hill and PressTech AgriPress (0.125" screen) 100.0% 60 Press-Liquor Flow rate Press-Cake TS 80.0% 40 60.0% 30 40.0% 20 20.0% 10 0 0% 2% 4% 6% Influent TS 15 8% 10% 0.0% 12% Press Cake TS Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) 50 Dry Mass Capture Efficiency by Bauer Side Hill and PressTech Agri-Press (0.006" screen) 60 100% Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency Press Liquor Flow Rate (gpm) 50 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 0% 2% 4% 6% Influent TS (%) 16 8% 10% 0% 12% Dry-Mass Capture Efficiency Press-Liquor Flow Rate Dry Mass Capture Efficiency from Bauer Side Hill and PressTech Agri-Press (0.125" screen) Press-Liquor Flow Rate Dry Mass Capture Efficiency 60 Press-Liquor Flow Rate, gpm 50 80% 40 60% 30 40% 20 20% 10 0 0% 2% 4% 6% Influent TS (%) 17 8% 10% 0% 12% Dry Mass Capture Efficiency 100% Total Solids (TS) in Press Liquor vs. Influent with use of 0.006" Screen Screw Press Liquor Side Hill Liquor 9.0% 8.0% Press Liquor TS 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% Influent TS 18 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% Total Solids (TS) in Press Liquor vs. Influent with use of 0.125" Screen Screw Press Liquor Side Hill Liquor 9.0% 8.0% Press Liquor TS 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% Influent TS 19 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% Nutrient Partitioning in Agri-Press Using 0.006" Screen: Percentage of Influent Constituent in the Press-Cake Manure mass SP TP TKN 50% Percentage in Press-Cake 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 8.5% 6.7% 5.2% Influent TS 20 2.4% 1.2% Nutrient Partitioning in Agri-Press Using 0.125" Screen: Percentage of Influent Constituent in the Press-Cake Manure mass SP TP TKN 80% Percentage in Press-Cake 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 11.8% 11.0% 4.8% Influent TS 21 2.9% 1.3%