Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid
Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid
Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Therapy Case A 50-year-old 50 kg. man was diagnosed with duodenal cancer with gastric outlet obstruction. T 37.1c, P 88/min, R 18/min, BP 100/60 mmHg. He appeared moderately dehydrate. NG tube insertion revealed large amount of old food particle in his stomach. Urine specific gravity was 1.030. His laboratory results were Na+ 120 mEq/l, K+ 3.0 mEq/l, Cl95 mEq/l, HCO3- 29 mEq/l. How should we prepare this patient for an operation? Topic 1) Content and composition of GI tract secretion 2) Sodium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 3) Potassium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 4) Impact of electrolyte abnormalities on organ systems Topic 1) Content and composition of GI tract secretion 2) Sodium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 3) Potassium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 4) Impact of electrolyte abnormalities on organ systems Content and composition of GI tract secretion ECF volume deficit is the most common fluid disorder in surgical patients The most common cause of volume deficit in surgical patients is loss of GI fluids Vomiting Nasogastric suction Enterocutaneous fistula Diarrhea Composition of GI secretions Type Volume (mL/24h) Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) HCO3 (mEq/L) Stomach 1000-2000 60-90 10-30 100-130 0 Small intestine 2000-3000 120-140 5-10 90-120 30-40 Colon vary 60 30 40 0 Pancreas 600-800 135-145 5-10 70-90 95-115 Bile 300-800 135-145 5-10 90-115 30-40 IV fluid choices IV Fluid Dextrose (g) Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) Others (mEq/L) Osmolarity (mOsm/L) NSS - 154 - 154 - 308 109.4 Lactate 27.7 272.7 RLS - 130.4 4 Acetar - 130 4 108.7 5%D W 50 - - - Acetate 28 - 5%D N/2 50 77 - 77 - 273.4 252 406 GI secretions & IV Fluids 5%D-N/2 + KCl 20 mEq/L Na (mEq/L) K (mEq/L) Cl (mEq/L) HCO3 (mEq/L) 60-90 10-30 100-130 0 Type Volume (mL/24h) Stomach 1000-2000 Small intestine 5%D-N/2 2000-3000 120-140 + KCl 5-1030 mEq/L 90-120 Colon vary RLS, Acetar RLS, Acetar 60 30 RLS, Acetar 30-40 40 0 Pancreas 600-800 135-145 5-10 70-90 95-115 Bile 300-800 135-145 5-10 90-115 30-40 Topic 1) Content and composition of GI tract secretion 2) Sodium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 3) Potassium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 4) Impact of electrolyte abnormalities on organ systems Sodium Principle cation of ECF Total body Sodium Reflexes ECF volume NOT serum Sodium level Hyponatremia /Hypernatremia = change in ratio between total body Na and free water Serum Sodium Serum sodium = Total body Na Free water Hyponatremia = Hypernatremia = Total body Na Free water Total body Na Free water Volume can be high, normal, low Hyponatremia Sodium depletion Dilution from excess ECF free water Excess of other solutes relative to free water Catagorize by volume status Hyponatremia Volume status High -Increase intake -Postop ADH secretion -Drugs (antipsychotic, TCA, ACEI) Normal Hyperglycemia/ma nnitol -Increase plasma lipids/protein (pseudohypoNa) Low Decrease Na intake -low Na diet, tube feeding Increase Na loss -SIADH GI loss -Water intoxication (TUR syndrome) -Vomiting, NG suction, diarrhea -Diuretics Renal loss -Diuretics -Primary renal disease -Cerebral salt wasting Hyponatremia Symptoms & Signs Serum Na control ECF osmolarity and effect intracellular water cell edema CNS : headache, confusion, hyperreflexia/hyporeflexia, seizure, coma, increased ICP Musculoskeletal : weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps GI : anorexia, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea Cardio : hypertension, bradycardia (if increase ICP) Tissue : lacrimation, salivation Renal : oliguria Hyponatremia Treatment Stop & correct causes High, normal ECF vol restrict free water Low ECF Vol IV isotonic saline Not exceeding 0.25-0.5 mEq/L/hr (6-10 mEq/d) Too rapid correction in chronic hyponatremia central pontinemyelinolysis Severe permanent neurologic disorder Spastic quadriparesis, pseudobulbar palsy, depressed consciousness Calculation Na deficit = (140 – serum Na) x TBW 2 = (140 – serum Na) x 60 x BW 2 100 Eg. Serum Na 120 mEq/L, BW 50 kg Na deficit = (140 –120) x 60 x50 = 300 mEq 2 100 Na to be corrected = (130 –120) x 60 x50 2 100 = 150mEq/d Hypernatremia Water loss is most common cause (renal & non-renal) Gain Na in excess of water Can be associate with increase, normal or decrease ECF volume Hypernatremia Volume status Ur Na >20 mEq/L UrOsm> 300 mOsm/L High -Iatrogenic Na administration -Mineralocorticoid excess Ur Na <20 mEq/L UrOsm< 300 mOsm/L Normal Non-renal water loss Skin, sweat GI loss Renal water loss -Renal disease Low Non-renal water loss Skin, sweat GI loss Renal water loss -Renal tubular disease -Aldosteronism -Diuretics -Osmotic diuresis -Cushing’s disease -Diabetes insipidus -Diabetes insipidus -CAH -Adrenal failure Hypernatremia Symptoms & Signs Water shift from ICF into ECF cell shrinkage Only in patients with impaired thirst, restricted access to fluid CNS : restlessness, lethargy, ataxia, irritability, tonic spasm, delirium, seizure, coma (cell shrinkage subarachnoid hemorrhage) Musculoskeletal : weakness Cardio : Tachycardia, hypotension, syncope (hypovolemia) Tissue : dry sticky mucous membrane, red swollen tongue, decreased saliva, tears Renal : oliguria Metabolism : fever Hypernatremia Treatment Hypernatremia with dehydration IV isotonic saline until contracted ECF restored Then free water administration Consideration : not too rapid decline in serum Na and osmolarity cerebral injury due to cellular swelling Not exceed 8-10 mEq/d Central DI DDAVP (1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin) IV or intranasal Calculation Total body Napre Serum NaprexTBWpre Serum Naprex 60 xBWpre 100 = Total body Napost = Serum NapostxTBWpost = Serum NapostxTBWpost Eg. Serum Na = 160 mEq, BW = 50 kg Serum Naprex 60 xBWpre = Serum NapostxTBWpost 100 160x (60/100) x50 = 140xTBWpost TBWpost = 34.28 kg, TBWpre = (60/100)x50 = 30 kg Water deficit = 4.28 L Calculation Total body Napre Serum NaprexTBWpre Serum Naprex 60 xBWpre 100 = Total body Napost = Serum NapostxTBWpost = Serum NapostxTBWpost Eg. Serum Na = 160 mEq, BW = 50 kg Serum Naprex 60 xBWpre = Serum NapostxTBWpost 100 160x (60/100) x50 = 150xTBWpost TBWpost = 32 kg, TBWpre = (60/100)x50 = 30 kg Water to be administered = 2 L / day Topic 1) Content and composition of GI tract secretion 2) Sodium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 3) Potassium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 4) Impact of electrolyte abnormalities on organ systems Potassium Average dietary intake 50-100 mEq/d (1-2 mEq/kg/d) 98% of total body K+ is in ICF Only 2% in ECF, but important and need to be controlled in narrow normal range 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Renal excretion ranges 10-700 mEq/d Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system (RAAS) control K+ excretion in kidney Hyperkalemia K+> 5.0 mEq/L Increase intake •Oral supplement •IV supplement •Red cell lysis after blood transfusion •Endogenous load (Hemolysis, Rhabdomyolysis, Crush injuries) Increase releasing from ICF Impaired excretion •Acidosis •Rapid rise of extracellular osmolality (hyperglycemia, mannitol) •Succinylcholine in muscle disuse atrophy •K+ sparing diuretics (spironolactone, triamterene) •ACEI •Beta blockers •Cyclosporin, tacrolimus •Renal failure Hyperkalemia Signs & Symptoms Alteration of resting cell membrane potential impaired depolarization &repolarization GI : nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, diarrhea Neuro: weakness, paralysis, respiratory failure Cardio : EKG change, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest Tall peak T (symmetrical T wave) Flat P wave Prolong PR interval Widen QRS complex sine wave Ventricular fibrillation, asystole EKG Hyperkalemia Treatment Stop all infusion of potassium EKG change : immediate effective therapy 10% Calcium gluconate 10 mL IV in 3-5 min Reduce risk arrhythmia, antogonize depolarization effect 7.5% NaHco3 50-100 mEq IV in 10-20 min Buffer ECF H+, shift H+ out & K+ in 50% glucose with insulin (RI) 10 units IV Increase Na/K/ATPase, pump K+ into cell No EKG change : effective therapy within hours Potassium-binding resin :Sodium polystyrene sulfonateKayexalate 30 g +20% Sorbitol 50 mL oral or rectal Bind K+ into gut lumen Calcium polystyrene sulfonate: Kalimate 30 g +water 100 mL Hemodialysis Hypokalemia K+< 3.5 mEq/L Inadequate intake •Dietary •K+ free IV fluid •K+ deficient TPN K+ Excessive excretion •Hyperaldosteronism •Medications (diuretics) •Mg depletion cause renal K+ wastage GI loss •Direct loss of K+ (diarrhea, fistula) •Renal loss of K+ (gastric fluid from vomiting or high NG output) Intracellular shift •Metabolic alkalosis •Insulin therapy Hyp0kalemia Signs & Symptoms GI : Ileus, constipation Neuro: decreased reflexes, fatigue, weakness, flaccid paralysis with respiratory compromise Cardio : EKG change, arrhthymia, cardiac arrest (higher risk in patients with digoxin) Depressed T waves U waves Atrial tachycardia with or without block Atrioventricular dissociation VT, VF EKG Hypokalemia Treatment Potassium supplement : IV , oral Consideration ECF volume status, renal perfusion Mg depletion Correct K+ before correct acidosis with HCO3 (eg. DKA) HCO3 will worsen hypoK+ Limitation Not exceed 0.3 mEq/kg/hr (BW 50kg, 15 mEq/hr) If rate exceed 5 mEq/hr , should have EKG monitoring High concentrate K+ irritate periphral vein : > 60 mEq/L need central venous access Potassium supplement IV form KCl K2HPO3 10 mL = 20 mEq 20 mL = 20 mEq Oral form Elixir KCl 15 mL = 20 mEq M. Potassium Citrate 15 mL = 10 mEq Addi-K tab 10 mEq/tab Topic 1) Content and composition of GI tract secretion 2) Sodium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 3) Potassium abnormalities : diagnosis and management 4) Impact of electrolyte abnormalities on organ systems Impact of electrolytes on organ systems Sodium Control ECF osmolarity fluid shift from ICF Cell dehydration/ cell swelling Brain function Potassium Control cell membrane resting potential Conduction in nerve, muscle esp. heart Case A 50-year-old 50 kg. man was diagnosed with duodenal cancer with gastric outlet obstruction. T 37.1c, P 88/min, R 18/min, BP 100/60 mmHg. He appeared moderately dehydrate. NG tube insertion revealed large amount of old food particle in his stomach. Urine specific gravity was 1.030. His laboratory results were Na+ 120 mEq/l, K+ 3.0 mEq/l, Cl95 mEq/l, HCO3- 29 mEq/l. How should we prepare this patient for an operation? Problems 1. Dehydration 2. Hyponatremia 3. Hypokalemia 4. Hypochloremic 5. Alkalosis 6. Gastric outlet obstruction Gastric outlet obstruction Not like others gut obstruction that also fluid loss from small intestine, bile and pancreatic fluid Loss of only gastric fluid : high in H+, Cl- Dehydration Hypochloremic alkalosis Renal H+reabsorption H+reabsorption / K+ excretion RAAS Na+ reabsorption / K+ excretion Hypo K+ K+reabsorption / H+ excretion Paradoxical aciduria Hyponatremia Volume status High -Increase intake -Postop ADH secretion -Drugs (antipsychotic, TCA, ACEI) Normal Hyperglycemia/ma nnitol -Incr plasma lipids/protein (pseudohypoNa) -SIADH -Water intoxication (TUR syndrome) -Diuretics Low Decrease Na intake -low Na diet, tube feeding Increase Na loss GI loss Renal loss -Vomiting, NG suction, diarrhea -Diuretics -Primary renal disease -Cerebral salt wasting Hypokalemia Inadequate intake •Dietary •K+ free IV fluid •K+ deficient TPN Excessive K+ excretion •Hyperaldosteronism •Medications (diuretics) •Mg depletion cause renal K+ wastage GI loss •Direct loss of K+ (diarrhea, fistula) •Renal loss of K+ (gastric fluid from vomiting or high NG output) Intracellular shift •Metabolic alkalosis •Insulin therapy Management Volume replacement with isotonic solution NSS is preferred to correct hypoNa and hypoCl Eg. NSS 1000 mL IV 300 mL/hr Potassium replacement After adequate urine output (0.5 ml/kg/hr) Eg. Add IV KCl 40 mEq in IV fluid 1000 mL Close monitoring of urine output Retained foley catheter Serial F/U of electrolyte after correction Take Home Message Total body Sodium ECF volume ; ≠ Serum Sodium Hyponatremia /Hypernatremia Change in ratio between total body Na and free water Categorize by volume status iden cause correct Potassium control cell membrane potential, effect multiple organ systems Need to control in normal range Gastric outlet obstruction HypokalemicHypochloremic, Metabolic alkalosis with paradoxical aciduria