The Bear FACts! - CA-C


The Bear FACts! - CA-C
The Bear FACts!
Volume 10
October 2014
Issue 10
On the way Illinois, Neal, Ginny and Denny stopped in Arizona to visit fellow
CA-C members Bob and Kathy Stephens. We miss you guys and gals! Have a
great trip and wishing you safe journeys! See you next year!
It’s Fall Already!!!
(Another Summer Shot To Hell!)
had so many plans for this summer. Just like
our similar to the plans I had for last summer or
all the summers that have preceded it. Where
does the time go? I love summer for the most
part. It provides me with warmth, no rain, dry roads
and strawberries. Yep, strawberries, I love them,
Those funny looking things with their seeds on the
outside taste more like summer than any other fruit.
Now don’t get me wrong I like lots of other things
about summer like cherries, watermelon, oranges
and apples but those strawberries are the true flag
bearer of summer.
That little stand just down the road from your
house has the best strawberries you can find and
where do you go for the taste of summer? The Costco cold room or the area just outside of it. Maybe
you get the two for one deal at Safeway or Raley’s
and yes, those are similar to the berries at that local
stand but they are still not the same.
When you buy berries at the stand you are, in
your own way, taking a special trip that is fun, educational and gastronomically satisfying. Just think of
it this way — you can get on your motorcycle
(making sure that one of the side compartments or
top bag is empty), car, pickup or bicycle and get
yourself over to that strawberry patch. Meet the
nice Hmong lady, immigrant farmer or gentleman
rancher that runs the stand by the road. You can try
to start a conversation about the patch or weather
or dusty road leading you to their place.
Now that summer is over the strawberry shack
has closed and the soil around the place has been
turned over and prepped for the next growing season. All this has made it perfectly clear that I didn’t
get to do all the things I had planned to do this summer and the calendar has closed on that season.
But all is not lost because I live in California and
we don’t have a fall season like most people do—we
just get to have a cooler second summer! Yes that’s
it! I will just transfer all the stuff I didn’t get done on
my summer calendar to the next season in line. You
might call it fall but be realistic, it’s nothing like the
fall everyone else has. Instead of a strawberry stand
I will start going to the produce stand at Sloughouse
and instead of strawberries I will get corn on the
cob, apples, melons and, you guessed it, pumpkins.
Now all I need to do is get everything done by
winter! I need to stay out of Costco though…..they
already are putting out the Christmas decorations
and toys. I tell you I am not ready for WINTER!
Happy riding !
Bob Harris CD CA-C GWRRA Sacramento
Oh Yeah……Nancy says HI!
2014 District Rally
-Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh
ast month California held its District Rally at
Agoura Hills and, thanks to the amazing support of our volunteers, it was a resounding
success. For those of you that attended, you
saw how many different people were involved and
proved once again the adage that “many hands
make light work”. Our amazing sponsors, Dunlop
Tires, JBJ, Law Tigers, and SkyMed provided 4 sets of
tires as grand prizes and StreetMasters provided a
gift certificate to their school. Then Misty Johnson of
Dunlop surprised us with an additional set of tires at
opening ceremonies. We would like to extend special recognition to a few of the instructors that
worked under some restrictive conditions: our newest Trike Instructor, Shirley Machado and her mentor John Boman, and ARC Instructors Jerry Cowen
and Dave Gormley, all 4 of whom had to teach on
modified ranges without the benefit of being able to
set up before the morning of the class; a true testament to their teaching ability. A special thank you to
Ruth Burke for doing such a incredible job on our Tshirts and to Mike Burke, our District Educator who
made sure all of the Rider Education components
came off flawlessly. Also thank you to Mike and
Ruth for handling the Couple and Individual of the
Year Programs.
Showing us how truly amazing and adaptive they
can be, the Gold Angels performed their entire show
on a shortened field which gave the audience a very
up-close and personal experience and a new perspective on just how skilled these riders truly are.
Gator even thrilled us with a new trick and everyone
was so impressed that we hope he makes it a regular part of the show!
On Saturday, we had over 20 bikes head out on a
ride led by Ken Freeland and more than one member familiar with the area said that they went on
roads they didn’t even know existed. The CD Forum
was well attended as 38 members shared ideas and
not surprisingly, when one chapter expressed a
need there was always another chapter also expressing a similar concern. The beauty of this networking experience is that there is always someone
who has been there, done that, survived it and
could offer advice. Later that
afternoon we discovered that the
Reno Rendezvous
is not an actual
but, rather, just an event where GWRRA is one of
the sponsors. Many of the members were disappointed that it was not a Wing Ding for the West,
but it did make it easier to decide which event to
attend for those that could not make it to Reno and
also to the Region Convention which is being held
just a few weeks prior on Memorial Day weekend in
Tucson, Arizona. Personally, we applaud home office
for sponsoring an event targeting the HarleyDavidson and sport-bike riding community. For
years, we have been experiencing declining membership and have known that if we don’t do something to attract new and younger members, eventually we may all become outriders. Being self employed, we will not be able to make Reno next year,
but if any of you do go, please send us pictures we
can share in our newsletter.
Closing ceremonies was preceded by a hilarious
hypnotist show and any shred of self-respect that
Anita Alkire and the other participants had was graciously sacrificed for everyone else’s entertainment
(look for the video at the Officer’s Conference in
January). At closing ceremonies, Kevin Griffith drew
two tickets for the $1,250 Best Buy gift cards he donated to the District with one card drawn from all of
the Grand Prize tickets and the other one from
those that paid for the dinner show. Kevin’s generous contribution guaranteed that the convention
was a financial success and he has promised to do it
again next year.
October still holds a couple of Chapter Rallies:
Saturday the 18th at CA2N and Saturday the 25th at
CA1F. Pam and I will be there at both of these and
we hope you will too and, by the way, kudos to
CA2W on the success of their event. By thinking out
of the box, they ended up netting more money this
year than in any previous year.
Rogers, Arkansas Ride-in 2014
by Rich James
his was my big ride for 2014. My rides are
usually centered around an event or an area I haven't thoroughly explored. Last year
it was the Northeast, year before the Pacific Northwest Cascades. This year the Rogers, AR
Ride-in on the GL1800Riders web site caught my
eye, especially since there was quite a bit of the
Ozarks I had not ridden.
The Ride-In began on Wednesday April 4th, so I
scheduled five days to get there. Some of the
themes of my rides are to ride in all the continental
states (I picked up the last two, Rhode Island and
Delaware, last year), to visit all the National Parks
(43 of 58 after this ride) and to visit as many Elks
Lodges as I can (535 after this trip). The preliminary
route for this trip was to be Joshua Tree National
Park on the first day, Saguaro National Park near
Tucson, Arizona the second day, Big Bend National
Park (previously visited by car) on the third day,
across Texas the fourth day and into Rogers, Arkansas on the afternoon of April 4th.
East. I don't typically like Interstates but to get
where there's not
much to see or you want to minimize time to get to
your destination they do the job. I’m always trying
to maximize time in interesting places. So lots of
Saturday 4/5/2014 – 498 miles
Left home under cloudy skies at 45 degrees, took
Hwy 99 to Bakersfield then Hwy 58 East over Tehachapi Pass. I visited the Mojave Elks then continued
on to Barstow where I began to ride new roads for
me. I took Hwy 247 to Yucca Valley, California Elks
for the night. I travel with my Aspen Classic camp
trailer which costs me 10-15% gas mileage but I
“camp” at many of the Elks Lodges for a very reasonable fee. The Elks give me secure parking usually
with electric and water, companionship, adult beverages and often food. To travel this way and stay in
a motel every night would be prohibitively expensive for me. I overnight at a motel it every third to
fifth night, usually weather related or for an event.
Sunday 4/6/2014 – 448 miles
Started the day by driving through Joshua Tree
NP from north to south exiting onto Interstate 10
Joshua Tree National Park
Interstates today. I visited the Buckeye, Arizona Elks
on my way through Phoenix and on down toward
Tucson. Just west of Tucson is a loop road through
Saguaro National Park I took then ended up for the
night at Casa Adobles, Arzona Elks (in Tucson), for
the night. The Joshua Tree and Saguaro National
Parks were nice to ride through, but not spectacular
like Utah's parks or many others, but national parks
are designated for many reasons.
Monday 4/7/2014 – 495 miles
Today's goal was to ride some roads I'd read
much about. Taking a 360 mile out of the way loop I
left Tucson heading North to Scenic Hwy 77 to Show
Low, Arizona visiting Catalina MT, Arizona Elks and
Pinal MT, Arizona Elks along the way. The latter part
of this Hwy from Globe to Show Low climbed from
3000' to 6500' getting cooler all the time. Then I
took the lower loop Hwy 260 to Eagar, hoping to
drop in altitude but it went to 9,200'! Cold! Turning
South to Alpine, Arizona I picked up a road I'd read
much about. Highway 191 (which I believe had been
named Hwy 666 which they decided to change because they couldn't keep Hwy signs on due to theft.)
This was supposed to be a “world class” M/C road.
Living so near many great roads here in Northern
California I started the road pretty cocky thinking
they'd overstated the roads difficulty, however it
soon lived up to it's reputation. Plus there were
three deer AND four cows on this road, Oh Boy!
Since I'd taken such a long loop I decided against
visiting Silver City, New Mexico and headed for
Lordsberg, New Mexico Elks but the lodge was awful
and closed. I headed to Deming, Elks for the night. A
long day with all the twisty riding.
Tuesday 4/8/2014 – 369 miles
I spend the evenings going over my maps and
doing my journal. Last night I decided I'd gotten
overzealous in my planning for these five days to get
to Rogers, Arkansas. I really like to do about 300350 miles day. I gave up on doing Big Bend National
Park as I couldn't make Rogers in time. As I looked
at the maps I found Guadulupe Mountains National
Park in Texas that I'd not visited before, so change
of plans! Back on I-10 I fueled up in Las Cruces,
then down to El Paso and East on Hwy 180 to the
park. I'd only gone 45 miles on this tank at El Paso
so chose to get gas around the park. I got about 50
miles out on Hwy 180 and checked the GPS for “gas
along my route” and it said “none found”! That
can't be right! So, I checked for “nearest gas” and it
said 135 miles in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Hmm.............! I lowered my speed to 55 and got to
the park. As I entered I told the Ranger, “I know the
most popular question you get.” She asked
“What?”, I said, “Where's the nearest gas!” and she
laughed. Confirming Carlsbad was it she finally
offered that they had an emergency 2 gallons of gas
for $15.00. Being my cheapskate self I determined I
was getting so much better mileage I could make it
to Van Horn, Texas. After a nice visit at the visitors
center I limped into Van Horn at 55 MPH and filled
up with just over 6 gallons for almost 40 MPG pull-
ing the trailer. By the way, I was shocked that with
all the signage on U.S. roads there was no sign for
“No Services” for the next umpteen miles when
leaving on Hwy 180 out of El Paso! From Van Horn I
took the scenic Hwy 118 to Fort Davis, Texas and
stayed overnight at an RV park for a much needed
Wednesday 4/9/2014 – 563 miles
Still a long way to Rogers and two days to get
there. Today I will crossed Texas diagonally Via San
Angelo through Dallas visiting several lodges. The
landscape started bleak and windy but became progressively nicer and less windy as I neared Dallas.
Since the highways were nice and there was really
not much to see I made time (Hummmmm.....where
is Cadillac Ranch? Well, next time!) I camped at the
Greenville, Texas Elks and was treated to Taco Night
and a Texas Hold'em tournament. Fun night, good
food, good people.
Thursday 4/10/2014 – 356 miles
Continued this morning to Paris, Texas Elks and
on to Idabel, Oklahoma then choosing the scenic
route north on Hwy's 259, 270 then 112 finally connecting up with I-540 up to Rogers, Arkansas. Some
of the group (approximately 80-90 riders expected)
had arrived on Wednesday or earlier today. The hotel was the Hilton Homewood Suites with a rate of
only $74/night and it was great. The hotel offered a
free dinner where most of the group congregated.
Orak, Arkansas General Store
Lots of talk about previous Ride-Ins. I queried about
the “spirited” groups and met the leader of one and
was invited to ride with them tomorrow.
Friday 4/11/2014 – 327 miles
I rode with Macgyver's group of 10 well-matched
riders. I rode sixth and the group kept a brisk pace
all day, the slowest rider never more than ¼ to ½
mile behind. We lunched at Orak General Store.
We had dinner at Monte Ne Chicken Restaurant, a
family style “all you can eat” restaurant.
Saturday 4/12/2014 – 247 miles
After the daily breakfast at the hotel I again rode
with Ray Macqyver's group being moved up to rider
#5. Another great day. I found the Ozark's roads
The GL1800 Riders group
Monday 4/14/2014 – 146 miles
Woke to bad weather and cold, 39 degrees. Had
breakfast and dallied until 10am, then packed and
started to head out but a slight drizzle started again
so back in to wait more. Off at 10:30, the temperature dropped to 36 and stayed there the rest of the
day. Did a few new roads but got to Harrison, Arkansas Elks pretty early, set up the camper, made
sure I had electricity (going to drop to 26 tonight)
then went into the Lodge. There's going to be an
eclipse of the moon tonight at 3am but since it's
going to be 26 degrees I'm not getting up to see It.
Tuesday 4/15/2014 – 262 miles
Off at 8am, 34 degrees, brrrrr! But it is gloriously
clear with blue skies. East on Hwy 62 to Mt Home,
Arkansas then south on Hwy 201 and Push Mt Road
(Hwy 341) a popular M/C road here. Four deer ran
out in front of me here. Now on to Russelville Honda for a look see. Then Hwy 7 to Hot Springs, AR
one of the prettiest rides of the trip plus the farther
South the greener it's getting.........Spring! Camped
at Hot Springs, Arkansas Elks and it's “taco salad
Wednesday 4/16/2014 – 365 miles
very well maintained and also well marked in the
corners. I found the speed signs more conservative
that our California mountain roads. Most can be
taken at about twice the posted speed. Today's
lunch was at Ozark Cafe in Jasper, Arkansas.
Sunday 4/13/2014 – 203 miles
Everyone left this morning and I felt pretty lonely. It's supposed to rain today with a big storm tonight. I decided to stay another night here due to
the pending storm. I explored some new roads
while trying to beat the storm. Made a nice run into
Missouri and then to Eureka Springs Elks and
checked out the Harrison, Arkansas Elks for an overnight stay for tomorrow. All I got was a bit of rain
all day and the weather seemed to clear as I got
back to the hotel at 3pm. By 5pm the storm hit big
Had a bit of a dilemma this morning. I parked
downhill at a restaurant. Upon coming out to back
up, reverse was struggling then the bike shut off. It
started right up again so I helped it with my feet but
as I got the trailer totally jack knifed the bike quit
again and wouldn't restart. Now I'm thinking a
blown fuse or relay in the starting circuit and where
the hell are those fuses and relays. The trailer is
blocking the truck on my right, I can't disconnect it
because I can't put the bike on the center stand and
it's in a bind. Damn! Then I look down and see the
kill switch is off! I must have been hitting it in the
extreme movements to back up! What a relief!
Rode Hwy 270 to Pine Bluff, Hwy 65 to Greenville,
Mississippi, picked up Natches Trace and into
Natchec, Mississippi and stayed in a motel tonight.
way (Hwy's 290/21) to New Braunfels, Texas Elks for
the night. The traffic was awful but I don't like interstates so once in awhile the alternative isn't good
either. The locals at the lodge suggested Rudy's BBQ
for dinner which is a chain but a fun place and it was
good BBQ.
Sunday 4/20/2014 – 333 miles
Bourbon Street, New Orleans!
Thursday 4/17/2014 - 244 miles
Last night I kind of felt the trip is over and spent
an hour planning a pretty direct route home. This
morning, much rested, I changed my mind. As a side
note, lots of people ask me if I'm going alone and
why I take these trips by myself. Can you imagine
changing plans like this with 4/6 riders? I decided to
go to New Orleans. I rode through back roads to
Lake Pontchartrain circling around the east end and
into New Orleans. Spent some time on and around
Bourbon St. Then on to New Orleans, LA Elks for the
night. Visited 4 Lodges today.
Friday 4/18/2014 – 323 miles
Officially on the way home now, but having
gotten a second wind I still have things I want to see
and do. I used I-10 to get into Texas and after visiting Beaumont, Texas Elks (too early to stop) I ended up at Liberty, TX Elks where they were having a
live singer for entertainment tonight. I enjoyed the
singer and met many people. I was even invited to a
birthday party/BBQ tomorrow I thanked them but
Saturday 4/19/2014 – 235 miles
You'll notice my daily mileage is reduced, I'm taking it easier on the way home. I've decided to spend
some time in the “hill country” above San Antonio,
and against the advice of the locals I chose the back
U.S. Post Office, Luckenbach, Texas
I chose a loop through the Hill Country going
through Albert, Luckenback (a real let down), Kerrville, Bandera (The Cowboy Capital of the world)
then into San Antonio. Luckenbach was just a couple of barn wood buildings and looked like a small
movie set for an old western. I expected more after
listening to Willie's song so often! Bandera looked
like a fun town but by that part of the day it was
raining on me so I just cruised through a couple of
times and headed for San Antonio. Since it was still
raining and I've been to San Antonio several times I
headed to Del Rio, Texas. One event today could
have been a catastrophe. As I was changing into rain
gear at a gas stop I took my wallet out of my pants
to transfer it to my rain pants and laid it on the ice
chest on the trailer tongue. As I got on the bike to
leave I noticed I hadn't taken out my rain gloves so I
got off to get into the trunk and there was my wallet! To lose that on a trip would have been awful
and I know better than to leave things out like that!
Because of the weather I opted for a motel tonight.
Monday 4/21/2014 – 544 miles
Since I didn't get to visit Big Bend National Park
on the way out I decided to do so now. Texas is BIG!
From Del Rio I rode Hwy 90 to Marathon then south
on Hwy 385 into the park. I stopped at the visitors
center and planned a side trip to the “window” ( a
vista point between two peaks) and to Castolon Canyon then left the park along the Rio Grande river via
Terlingua to Presidio. This road has very steep
grades, is very rough and twisty and to top it off it
got to 95 degrees, hottest of the trip. Now I headed
north on hwy 67 to Marfa. After such a long hot day
I opted for a motel again. I only found one in town.
Sitting across the street I determined I'd even hate
to pay even $40/night for this run down place, but I
called and was quoted $139 for a single! You've got
to be kidding!! It had been a long day but I opted to
head to Van Horn, Texas where there's a much larger selection of motels. I found a nice one and settled
in for the night.
Tuesday 4/22/2014 – 659 miles
I should learn not to plan the next day's ride in
the evening after a long hot day! Again, last night, I
planed a fairly straight route home. However, today,
feeling rejuvenated, I changed plans again. Not
much choice for leaving here other than I-10
through El Paso and Las Cruces, New Mexico but I
veered off onto scenic Hwy 125 west to visit Silver
City Elks. Now Hwy 90 to Lordsburg, NM. My map
Oatman, Arizona Motel
shows I haven't ridden Hwy's 70, 188 and 260 and
these look pretty interesting so I headed diagonally
across AZ visiting a few more lodges and riding some
beautiful roads! My destination for the night was the
beautiful view from the RV sites at the Sedona, Arizona Elks lodge. A great day of riding!
Wednesday 4/23/2014 – 517 miles
Leaving Sedona up Hwy 89A through Gold Canyon
is always beautiful and with yesterdays and today's
routes I've skirted the Phoenix heat. But again not
much choice except I-40 to continue toward home.
I'd been to Oatman, Arizona several times but always visiting there so I exited the Interstate. Since it
was mid week and early in the season I figured Oatman would be pretty quiet. Wrong! It's the beginning of the motorcycle rally at Laughlin, Nevada and
there are already hundreds of bikes (Harleys mostly)
headed to and in Oatman. Made the day interesting.
A scan of the map shows I'd not ridden Hwy 66
south out of Oatman, another new road for me. My
last gas in AZ was $3.35/gal, the first gas in California
is $4.99 in Needles! Hello California! Is it really that
much more expensive to deliver gas to Needles than
to Kingman (I know – there's a different tax structure – but still!)? Now its I-40 and Hwy 58 to overnight at the Bakersfield Elks.
Thursday 4/24/2014 – 284 miles
Home today. Pretty straight forward, Hwy 99. My
red bike had performed flawlessly again. I thought it
was starting to use a little oil with 150,000 miles on
it but when I bought a quartt of oil in Rogers to top it
off I found it to be completely full. Everything was
going fine until I looked in the rear view mirror in Elk
Grove and I thought I'd lost the vinyl cover off the
camper which is held on with a long elastic cord
around it's perimeter. The cord had broken (this
happened about 10,000 miles ago, must be a design
flaw) but the cover was held on in the back. I tied it
off and proceeded on home. I pulled off the freeway
near home to fill with gas and found oil all over the
front wheel! The fork seal had failed! I guess this trip
is over!! Total miles per the odometer is 7,386 and
per the Garmin 7,387.9. A difference of .025%! I visited 3 new National Parks, 23 new Elks Lodges (535
now) and 7 states. Met many great people, rode
1000's of miles of world class twisties and had mostly great weather doing it.
Now, where to next???
Normal Skills Are Usually Enough...
Used by permission from:
nce upon a time, when the weather was
clear and people were out traveling on
a freeway in their cars or on their motorcycles, a man in a pickup truck found
himself needing to be one lane to his right and almost missing his chance to change lanes.
He moved across the gore point, (the striped area marking a part of the freeway that must not be
driven on) riding his brakes - just in case. And, of
course, it was the case - a blue car was approaching
him in the lane to his right and if he continued moving, there would be a collision. He stopped his truck
with only a small part of his front-end encroaching
in the fast lane of the freeway.
Meanwhile, the driver of the blue car slammed
on her brakes to avoid a collision. Seeing that she
could simply swerve around the stopping truck, the
driver of the blue car released her brakes and proceeded to begin a swerving maneuver to the right.
At least one second after the car driver had ap-
plied her brakes, the rider of a motorcycle, who
was behind her in the lane to her right and whom
she had just passed, slammed on his brakes in an
effort to avoid a collision with the blue car encroaching on his lane. Seeing that he could simply
swerve around the stopping car, he began veering
to the right to begin that maneuver.
That's when things turned ugly
Unlike the car driver, the motorcyclist did not
release his brakes before veering to the right. Also unlike the car, the motorcycle was not
equipped with ABS. The motorcycle's rear brake
had locked, and the rear tire was skidding when
he started to move to the right. The rear end of
the motorcycle yawed severely in a clockwise direction.
Shortly thereafter the blue car regained her
original lane position and proceeded on her way completely unaware that she had nearly had a
collision with the motorcycle. Indeed, she never
even knew that the motorcycle was there.
The motorcycle, meanwhile, did a lowside immediately followed by a highside. The motorcyclist was ejected from the bike when it hit the
ground during the lowside and was not thrown
into the air in the subsequent highside. Both
the motorcycle and the rider slid to a stop
two lanes to the right of where they had
No vehicle collided with another vehicle,
and no other vehicle ran over the rider while
he was on the ground.
But the motorcyclist died at the scene.
The driver of the pickup truck caused this
string of incidents to occur. He was never
identified as he left the scene - possibly unaware of the motorcyclist and his traumatic
The driver of the car was identified (she
was followed by another vehicle, told what
had happened, and returned to the scene).
She was later sued for causing the death of
the motorcyclist..
That case determined that the driver of
the car was NOT responsible for the death of
the motorcyclist - he was. It was shown during trial that the motorcyclist had used im-
proper braking, had failed to observe the imminent traffic problem posed by the encroaching
pickup truck (the motorcycle's brake lights
should have come on at about the same time as
those of the blue car), and had attempted to
aggressively brake and swerve at the time.
It was brought up that the driver of the car
should have been aware of the motorcycle that
was near her in the right lane. She, however,
claimed that she had looked to the right before
swerving and saw that there was nothing there.
She claimed that if she had been about to
swerve to the left, she would of course have
checked to see if a faster moving car was approaching her in the left lane, but that since she
was traveling faster than traffic to her right, and
that she had to make an emergency move, she
made that move without bothering to see if a
car was approaching her on the right.
The jury seemed satisfied with the logic.
Guess Who???
October 1 — Bob Harris
October 15—Paul Barber
October 28—Gordon Flowers
October 2 - Gary & Kathy Conklin
Pctpber 6—Lee & Peggy Marshall
October 7—Tom & Barbara Jeffries
October 30—Jill Young
October 2014
2 Dinner Ride
Trike Course
Habanero Hots
Reno, NV
L2 @ 6 PM
L6 @ 7:30 AM
9 Dinner Ride
OZ Sushi
2414 E. Kettleman
L2 @ 6 PM
Business Mtg.
Chapter Visit
CA2-N Rally
Collegetown &
5:30 Dinner
L2 @ 7:30 AM
6:00 Meeting
Chapter Meeting
Elks #6
Florin & Riverside
8:30 Breakfast
21 Dinner Ride 22
25 Day Ride
USS Hornet
Bond Rd.
Breakfast Enroute
Elk Grove
L4 @ 8 AM
6:30 PM
9:00 Meeting
November 2014
Day Ride
Dinner Ride
Castle AFB
Atwater, CA
Fish & Chips
Breakfast enroute
1900 Fruitridge Rd
L2 8 AM
6:30 PM
10Business Mtg. 11
Collegetown &
Hole in the Head
Veteran;s Day
Bodega Bay
L4 @ 9 AM
5:30 Dinner
6:00 Meeting
Chapter Meeting
18 Dinner Ride 19
Elks #6
Florin & Riverside
Florin Mall
8:30 Breakfast
6:30 PM
9:00 Meeting
Day Ride
Sonora Light
29 Elk Grove
Coldstone EG Blvd
L2 @ 1 PM
Waterman Rd
4 PM
Capital City Wings
Departure Locations
Interstate 80 @ West El Camino Blvd.
(2738 El Centro Rd—49’r Truck Stop)
Hwy 99 @ Laguna Blvd.
(8296 Laguna Blvd.)
Folsom Blvd. @ Power Inn Rd.
(8098 Folsom Blvd.)
Interstate 80 @ Enterprise Blvd.
(4800 West Capitol Ave.)
Elk Grove Blvd & Interstate 5
(9615 West Taron Drive)
Sierra College Blvd & Interstate 80
(4211 Sierra College Blvd. North side of freeway)
Sunrise Blvd & White Rock Blvd.
(11250 White Rock Blvd.)
8672 W. Stockton Blvd., Elk Grove, CA
CA-C Annual Christmas Party!
December 13th — 5 PM
Tom & Barbara Jefferie’s Home
9957 Wyatt Ranch Way
Elk Grove
Potluck Dinner
(Club will provide Ham & Turkey)
Please call Barbara with what you will be bringing
Gift Exchange!
Dinner & Drinks!
Casual Attire
Fun & Frolicking!
Meeting Date/Time
Chapter Director
Meeting Location
3rd Sunday
Bob and Nancy Harris
Elk’s Lodge
6446 Riverside Blvd.—Sacramento
Lance & Dee Wilson
Jim & Karen Miller
Greenhouse Café
1169 Commerce Center Drive—
Burgers & Beer
72-772 Dinah Shore, Rancho Mirage
Cliff Kennish
Diane & Jerry Danton
Paramount Elks Lodge
8108 E. Alondra Blvd.—Paramount
Home Town Buffet
10910 Foothill Blvd.—Rancho
The Broken Yolk Café
1851 Garnet Avenue—San Diego
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Meeting
1st Saturday
8:30 Breakfast
9:15 Meeting
3rd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
4th Sunday
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
3rd Sunday
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
2nd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
Last Saturday
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
2nd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
2nd Sunday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
3rd Saturday
7:30 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
2nd Sunday
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Meeting
1st Sunday
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Meeting
3rd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
3rd Sunday
7:30 Breakfast
8:00 Meeting
1st Sunday
8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
1st Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
4th Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
2nd Saturday
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
4th Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
2nd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
8:15 Meeting
2nd Saturday
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Meeting
3rd Saturday
Tammy Burmeister
(Pacific Beach Area)
George & Norma Mocabee
Ken Freeland
Bob & Barbara Dowdy
International House of Pancakes
Steven & Rebecca Bodden
Len & Carolyn Foley
Robin & David Black
Michael & Gayle Davis
Joel Jolitz
Mike & Barri Critzman
Dave & Molly Munger
Ginger & Danny Merritt
Greg & Kay Boyajian
Alex & Marcy Ageev
Steve & Karen Palatino
212 Madonna Road—San Luis Obispo
Pepper Steak
26589 Highland Ave. Highland
Grandma BB’s Café
539 Vista Bella—Oceanside
American Legion Post 295
5646 Corporate Dr., Cypress
Hometown Buffet
1008 East 17th St., Santa Ana
Carrow’s Restaurant
2401 Harbor Blvd.—Ventura (Park in back)
17772 Wika Road—Apple Valley
Baker’s Square
936 North H Street—Lompoc
Home Town Buffet
40390 Margarita Road—Temecula
Old Salles Cafe
2082 North J St., Tulare
Home Town Buffet
2050 Diamond Blvd.—Concord
Benicia Grill
4760 East 2nd St., Benicia
546 Baseline Rd. Glendora
8330 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
Canoga Park
Kenneth & Linda Stark
Pine Tree Restaurant and Lounge
19601 Hess Ave., Sonora
Don & Beth Kuellmer
Dave Wilson
Black Bear Diner
5100 Hopyard Rd., Pleasanton
Vittles Restaurant
2nd Sunday
8:00 Breakfast 8:30 Meeting
2385 North St., Anderson
3rd Saturday
Charlie & Debra Porzio
Steve & Teri Rippe
Hometown Buffet
212 Ranch Drive—Milpitas
Yosemite Falls Cafe
4020 N. Cedar Avenue—Fresno
8:00 Breakfast
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Meeting
8:45 Meeting
1st Saturday
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 Meeting