2016 Full Classification list
2016 Full Classification list
Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety 1st and Ten A 1-A-Day Delight A B-1 Bomber A Big Splash A Blue Streak SectionClass I-2 I-7 I-7 I-7 II-7 A Burgh Thing A Dog of Flanders A Lady in Blue A Many-splendored Thing A Very Good Boy Aachen Aardvark * Abana Abba Alive Abba Aloft Abba at Large Abba Blue Plus Abba Dabba Do Abba Dew Abba Diane Reeck Abba Double Header Abba Fit Abba Flower Mound II-2 III-1 III-2 II-5b I-4b III-4b II-6a IV-6a IV-4b III-5b III-6a III-4b II-5b II-5b IV-6a IV-6a III-4b IV-6a Abba Fragrant Cloud Abba Irresistible Abba Little Showoff Abba Nova Abba Ready Abba Rough Abba Soul Mate Abba Spellbinder Abba Tops Abba Windows Abbey Pond Cascades II-4B IV-6a V-6A IV-4B III-4b II-2 IV-6b III-5B IV-5B III-5b I-1 Abba Fragrant Backscratcher II-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 15 11.5 medium blue-green 14.5 10.25 12.5 10.25 10.75 7.5 13.25 9.5 11.5 10.6 7.75 11.5 11 9 8 5.9 4.5 9.25 8.5 8 12 13.5 6.5 7 8.5 6 9.5 4.3 6.75 9.5 11.25 6 9 3.1 3.25 4.25 6 4 6 8.5 4.375 4 5.75 3 9.75 5.25 3 6 8 10.5 5.5 9 4 8 11 7 3 1 3 6 9 3 7 1.5 7.5 6 10.5 7.75 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin blue-green with unstable streaks of dark green, light green, greenish-yellow, yellow and creamy white dark green with unstable streaks of light green, bluegreen, greenish-yellow and yellow dark green with unstable streaks of light green, yellow, golden yellow, and greenish yellow dark green streaked with blue and greenish-yellow medium blue-green medium green intensely blue-green dark green blue-green medium blue-green yellow * note corrected width yellow dark green medium green chartreuse dark blue gray medium green light green creamy white white blue green creamy white medium green medium green creamy white chartreuse creamy white to white medium green intensely blue-green slightly blue-green blue green leathery medium green grayish chartreuse with long white lines medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2013 Reg. or Species R. 2002 R. 2001 R. 2003 golden yellow yellow golden yellow thin creamy white white green dark green creamy white to white light chartreuse light chartreuse creamy white golden yellow golden yellow dark green medium green creamy white medium green creamy white white dark green medium green creamy white intensely blue-green chartreuse yellow to creamy white medium golden yellow 2004 R. R. 2009 2010 2004 1999 2005 2005 1991 2010 1990 1990 1990 1990 1998 1999 2010 2010 1990 2010 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1990 2010 1990 1990 2010 2010 2010 1990 1990 2010 2004 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 R. 1 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Abbey Road Abby Abiqua Ambrosia Abiqua Ariel Abiqua Aries Abiqua Big Sky Abiqua Blue Crinkles Abiqua Blue Edger Abiqua Blue Hearts Abiqua Blue Jay Abiqua Blue Madonna Abiqua Blue Shield Abiqua Delight Abiqua Drinking Gourd Abiqua Elephant Ears Abiqua Gold Shield Abiqua Ground Cover Abiqua Hallucination Abiqua Jim Dandy Abiqua Kaleidoscope Abiqua Miniature Abiqua Moonbeam Abiqua Pagoda Abiqua Parasol Abiqua Recluse Abiqua Trumpet Abiqua Zodiac Abracadabra Abraham Lincoln Academy Ametrine Academy Another * Academy Aureate Piffle Academy Beech Leaf Stack Academy Blue Funnel Academy Blue Titan Academy Blushing Chartreuse Academy Blushing Recluse Academy Bonfire Glade Academy Brobdingnagian SectionClass III-4b IV-5B IV-1 III-8 III-3 I-2 III-2 IV-2 IV-2 III-2 III-2 I-2 IV-4B III-2 I-2 II-3 V-1 III-6A V-1 II-6a V-1 III-5B I-2 I-2 II-3 IV-2 III-3 III-5b II-2 II-3 IV-4B II-3 III-3 II-2 I-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 4.5 dark green 4 2.75 dark green 6 4.75 dark green 7 5 slightly blue-green 7 7 greenish yellow 14.5 10.5 intensely blue-green 9.5 6.5 intensely blue-green 4 3.75 powdery blue 4.5 4 blue-green 7.25 5.5 glaucous blue 7 5.75 green 13 10 blue 7 3.5 dark green 7.5 8.25 dark blue 17 11.5 blue green 11.5 7.75 yellow 2.5 2 gray green 8 6 golden yellow 3 1.5 green 9.25 7.25 chartreuse to golden yellow 1.5 0.5 emerald green 7 6.5 blue green 13 11.5 medium blue 16 9.5 blue green 12.5 8 yellow 3 3.75 blue-green 8 5.25 medium to bright golden yellow 8 5.5 slightly blue-green 10.5 7.125 medium blue-green 10 7 greenish-yellow 4 6 medium grayish-green * note corrected length 8.5 10 golden yellow 7 5.5 yellow 11 8 medium blue-green 13 10.5 6.5 3.5 IV-5b III-5B 6.5 9 I-1 9 IV-1 intensely blue-green 4.5 7 medium green dark green 15.5 medium green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white yellow to chartreuse creamy white blue green dark green lime green golden yellow pure white with celadon streaking golden yellow greenish yellow Year Reg. 2014 1990 1987 1999 1999 2008 1999 1987 2009 1987 1988 1988 1999 1989 1999 1987 1988 1999 2009 2009 1988 1987 1989 1987 1989 1987 2009 2012 2009 2005 2004 2006 2015 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. 2009 1999 R R. 2006 R. 1999 2003 R. R. 2 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Academy Celeborn Academy Chetwood Academy Cockcrow Academy Cratered Blue Academy Dark Space Academy Devon Moor Academy Dimholt Academy Fangorn Forest Academy Faux Sedge Academy Fickle Fellow Academy Fire Academy Flaxen Spades Academy Flora Academy Galadriel Academy Gilded Dawn Academy Glowing Embers Academy Gold Codswallop Academy Golden Papoose Academy Grass Clippings Academy Green Bid Paddles Academy Grins Academy Halo Standard Academy Isengard Academy Kakistocracy Academy Lemon Knoll * Academy Lime Vuvuzela Academy Little Prother Academy Lothlórien Academy Mallorn Academy Mavrodaphne Academy Mirkwood Academy Muse Academy Nazgul Academy Nightfall Academy Palantir Academy Purple Orb Academy Redundant Academy Resplendent Froufrou SectionClass II-2 III-1 III-4b III-2 III-2 I-1 III-1 III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 8 medium blue-green 8 5 medium green 7 5 medium green 7.5 7 medium blue-green 7.5 4.5 blue-green 13 10.5 medium green 7 5 medium green 9.5 4 4.25 8.5 8 8 5.5 12 11.5 9 7 8.5 6.5 10 4.5 8 9 9 7 13 5.25 10.5 13 6 8 1.25 7.5 5 7 3.5 6.75 9.5 7 9 6 4 6 2 6 4.5 5.75 5 8 1.75 7 9 4.5 4.5 medium green creamy white with green "grass clipping" streaking light green greenish yellow medium green golden yellow yellow greenish-yellow greenish yellow greenish yellow medium green with light green streaking dark green medium blue-green light green medium green slightly blue-green light green * note corrected size greenish yellow medium green streaked greenish yellow medium green dark green medium green III-1 II-1 II-1 7 8 11 5.5 8 6 medium green dark green medium green 6 5.5 medium green medium green IV-1 III-4B III-1 8.5 6 9 8 6.75 4.5 Leaf Color Margin white medium green V-1 III-7 III-4B III-3 IV-1 II-3 II-3 III-5b III-3 III-3 IV-7 II-1 IV-4b III-4b III-1 III-6B III-1 II-3 IV-7 II-3 II-1 IV-1 III-1 III-6A 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST medium green to gold medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2000 2005 2009 2008 2015 2001 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R. 2008 2011 1997 2002 1999 2000 2008 2008 2006 2004 2005 2015 2008 2015 2003 2005 2006 2015 2011 2004 2003 2000 2003 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 2003 2009 2003 R. R R. 1998 2011 R. R 2003 creamy white golden yellow yellow to white creamy white light green dark green pure white 1997 2015 R. R. R. 3 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Academy Rivendell Academy Rumpled Beast Academy Shiny Vase Academy Smiles Academy Soaring Rugosity Academy Speckled Caddy Academy Speckled Vase Academy Subtle Sally Academy Tousled Turkey Academy Verdant Spades Academy Verdant Verge Academy Weathertop Academy Wonky Balderdash Academy Yellow Vuvuzela Ace Bill Wundram Ace of Spades Achy Breaky Heart Ada Reed Admiral Halsey aequinoctiiantha Aesop Aestival Festival After Midnight Afterglow Afternoon Delight Agawa Age of Aquarius Ahamo Gold Ahwaneeh Aidan Bryden Cleghorn Ain’t Misbehavin’ Akane Akarana Aksarben Alabama Bowl Alabama Gold Aladdins Lamp Alakazaam Alan Titchmarsh SectionClass IV-1 II-2 II-1 IV-4b III-1 V-7 III-7 IV-4b II-2 III-1 V-1 IV-1 II-1 III-3 II-5b III-1 IV-4B IV-3 III-4b IV-1 IV-4B II-3 II-5b II-5b II-5B I-2 III-2 II-3 II-3 IV-5B III-1 III-1 IV-1 I-2 II-2 II-3 III-3 V-5b III-6A Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.5 4.5 medium green 10 8 dark blue-green 13 7.25 medium green 6 3.75 medium green 8 6 medium green 2.5 1.5 light green with green speckiling 7.5 4 slightly blue-green with stippling 3.5 3 medium green 10 9 slightly blue-green 6 5 medium green 2.5 1.25 medium green 7 3.5 medium green 8.75 9.75 medium green 9 5 yellow 9.75 7 dark green 7.5 5.25 dark green 4 3 dark green 4.5 3.25 yellow chartreuse 7 5.25 green 4.5 3.25 4 1.5 medium green 12 6 light yellow 11.5 10 intensely blue-green 10 8 medium green 12 8 dark green 16 9.5 medium blue-green 7 6 medium blue-green 9 7.5 chartreuse 14 8 green 4.5 6.25 dark green 9 6 medium green 8 5.5 medium green 3.5 3 medium green 12 9.25 blue green 11.5 9.5 blue green 11.5 9 5 5.9 9.5 6 .75 8.7 light yellow medium gold medium green yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST green (NO MARGIN) 2005 1996 2009 2012 2003 2007 2011 1970 1990 2006 2012 2010 2009 1988 1986 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R S. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. golden yellow medium green 1996 2008 2006 R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin yellow to white creamy white butterscotch yellow white creamy white creamy white golden yellow yellow golden yellow pale yellow Year Reg. 2005 2015 2001 2008 2015 2008 2008 2015 2001 2003 2003 2005 2006 2015 2008 1993 1996 1988 2009 1986 R. 4 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Alice Gladden Alice in Wonderland Alinghi alismifolia Alison Aliyah’s Grace All Bright II-3 III-6A II-2 III-1 II-3 III-4A IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11 6.5 dark green 12.34 10 medium blue-green 8 5 medium green 7 5 medium green 3.25 2.5 blue 12 11.5 medium blue-green dark blue-green with unstable streaks of medium green, 9.75 7.25 greenish-yellow, pale yellow, yellow and golden yellow 11 7 yellow gold 6 8 golden yellow 12 7 slightly blue-green with gray-green tone 10 3.5 10 9 medium gold 8 6.75 lime green/yellow 5 3 yellow All Star All that Jazz All This and Heaven Too Allan P. McConnell Allegan Emperor Allegan Fog Allegan Gent Allegheny River Allegiance Allen C. Haskell Alley Oop Alleyne Cook Alligator Alley Alligator Hide Alligator Shoes Alma Almost Almost Heaven Aloha Alphabet Soup Alpine Aire Alpine Dream Alston Glenn Alvatine Taylor III-7 I-5A I-7 IV-4B II-1 IV-6A III-4B III-1 III-4B III-7 IV-7 III-5B I-6a I-2 III-5b IV-3 IV-1 II-6a III-5b II-1 III-3 IV-1 III-2 II-5B 10 11 14.25 3 9.75 4.75 7.5 6.5 8.5 7.75 4 8.75 14 17 10.5 4.75 4.5 9 9 8 15 3.5 6.5 10 Variety Alaskan Halo Albert Lea Alex Alex Summers Alexizz Madison Algonquin Alice Blue Gown All Jazzed Up SectionClass II-4B I-2 III-5b III-5B IV-4B I-2 II-7 III-7 14 4.25 4.5 13 11 2 8 3 5.88 4 5 5 2.5 5.5 10 13 5 1.75 3 9 4 8 4 2 6.5 8 medium green streaked white, dark and light green, and yellow dark green dark green with unstable streaks of light green, medium dark matt green dark green greenish white medium green medium green medium green highly variable dark green with creamy streaking dark green speckling variably on white on a white medium blue-green greenish white medium blue-green gray-green streaked dark green yellow gold light green cream dark green light green chartreuse medium green medium blue-green blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white yellow chartreuse creamy white Year Reg. 1997 1999 2008 1989 2005 2007 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. 1998 2001 2003 2000 2004 2015 R. R. R. S. R. R. R. 2005 2006 2003 1980 2000 2000 2000 2005 2004 2009 2001 2003 2012 2009 2009 1995 2005 2012 2015 2013 1980 1982 1998 1990 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2002 medium green creamy white white yellow yellow white dark green green streaked creamy white dark green yellow medium blue-green creamy yellow to white dark green yellow pale chartreuse 2000 R. R. 5 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Am I Blue Amanuma Amazing Grace Amazing Matthew Amber Maiden Amber Tiara Amber Waves of Grain American Beauty American Choice American Dark Angel American Dream American Eagle American Gladiator American Glory Be American Gold Edge American Gothic SectionClass I-2 V-1 II-4B II-4B IV-5B IV-3 I-5B III-7 IV-4b I-1 II-4a II-5b I-5b II-6a IV-5b III-6b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 13 12 intensely blue-green 3 1.875 light green 12 9 dark green 10.5 6.5 green 5.5 4.75 deep green 4.5 3.5 yellow 13.25 10.25 dark green 9 7 medium green streaked 5 4.25 medium green 17 11 dark green 10 7.5 greenish yellow to creamy white 9 7.5 dark green 12.5 11 blue-green 12 8.5 yellow 5.5 4 medium green 9 4.5 medium green American Halo American Hero American Icon American Idol American King of the Woods American Masterpiece American Misty American Mohican Halo American Pie American Ruffled Heart American Sweetheart American Tish Breeder American Yeti Americana * I-4B IV-6a II-5b I-5b I-2 III-6a III-7 II-8 IV-4b III-2 III-6a II-7 I-2 IV-6a 14 6 12 12 19 8 7 10.5 7 10 9 11.75 18 7 10 3.5 8 10 16 7 6 8 3.5 5 7 8.25 15 5 intensely blue-green creamy white with green flecking green medium green intensely blue-green creamy white greenish white streaked, mist with green specks intensely blue-green light green intensely blue-green creamy white medium blue-green with unstable streaks of dark green, intensely blue-green pure white * note corrected sizes Amethyst Chip Amethyst Facet Amethyst Gem Amethyst Jewel Amethyst Joy Amigo IV-2 IV-2 V-1 III-1 II-1 III-5b 4.25 4.875 2.75 8.5 11.5 9 1.88 2.5 1.88 5.5 6.5 6 intensely blue-green intensely blue-green green medium green dark green medium blue-green Amethyst Blue III-2 9 7 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 1998 2002 1999 2003 1988 1998 2003 2000 2007 1999 1999 1999 2007 1999 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. dark green 1999 2009 2004 2005 2007 1999 2005 2000 2007 2000 2002 2002 2007 2006 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. golden yellow 2000 2003 2009 1992 1999 2014 R. R. R R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin white white chartreuse greenish yellow white white golden yellow yellow blue green greenish yellow medium blue-green creamy white dark green yellow greenish-yellow intensely blue-green dark green light green creamy white medium green 2008 1996 R. R. 6 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Amy Aden Amy Elizabeth Amy's Green Amy's Hope An Arrow for Easton An Old Smoothie Anaconda Andorian Andrew Andrew Dennis Andrew Jackson Andrew M. Wright Andrew's Moody Mom Andromeda Andy Murray Andy Taylor Angel Eyes Angel Feathers Angel from Montgomery Angel Harp Strings Angel Wings Angie's Dimples Anglo Saxon Ani Machi Anita Ann Kulpa Anna Boynton Anna Lindh Anna Mae Anne Anne Arett Annie Anthony Antioch Antoinette Aoki Aomori Gold Aomori Gold Star Aomori Select SectionClass III-7 IV-6b IV-1 IV-4a IV-4b IV-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 8 chartreuse - streaked 5.25 3.75 light green 6 4 medium green 6 4 5.75 III-3 8 IV--2 6.1 III-6a 7 III-5b 8 II-2 12.75 III-5b 10 II-2 12 IV-7 6 II-5b 12 IV-1 7 I-6b 13.5 III-5b or III7 IV-5b 4.5 II-7 10.5 I-1 13 III-1 8 IV-5b 5.5 IV-7 6.25 IV-4b 7 III-6a 8.5 IV-6a 6 IV-6a 6.3 26 I-5b IV-5b 6.375 IV-4a 6 III-5b 7 III-5b 7.5 III-4b 10 III-5b 8.5 II-1 10 IV-3 6 IV-6a 7 III-1 8 2.5 1.5 greenish yellow medium green medium green with unstable streaks of blue-green, light 3.25 green, 6 greenish yellow 4.1 intensely blue-green 9 pure white 5.625 medium blue-green 9.25 medium blue-green 6 medium green 7.5 dark blue-green 3.5 streaked green & white 8 medium blue-green 3 dark green 10 green with seasonal variability 4.5 medium green 2.5 medium green 8.5 blue-green streaked green shades, yellow and creamy 9.5 medium green 5 dark green 4.5 medium green 3.375 mottled yellow and green with some streaking 3.75 medium green 6 creamy white 4 pale yellow 4.6 creamy white 15 medium blue green 4.625 dark green 1.5 chartreuse 5 dark green 5.5 medium blue-green 4.5 light green 7 dark green 7 dark green 3 pale yellow 3.5 golden yellow 5 medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium green creamy white white medium blue-green creamy white golden yellow yellow & white golden yellow to creamy white yellow yellow medium green creamy white dark green medium green light green yellow pale yellow creamy white golden to creamy yellow golden yellow yellow golden yellow medium green Year Reg. 1980 2003 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. 2014 R. 2015 2009 2006 2010 2001 2014 2010 2015 2013 1993 2009 2009 2014 2005 1998 2009 2001 2002 2009 1999 2005 2005 2012 2005 1975 2009 2011 1979 2000 1987 2009 2009 2009 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R R R 2000 2003 R. R. 7 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Aomori Setting Sun Aphrodite SectionClass III-1 II-1 Appalachian Spring IV-4b Applause * Apple Court Apple Green Appletini April Clown Aqua Velva Aquarius Aracus Arc de Triomphe Arch Duke Archangel Arctic Circle Arctic Rim Arctic Sunset Arett's Wonder Variety Appalachian Beauty II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5 medium green 11 7.38 green 12 9 6 4 III-4b IV-6a? IV-1 V-1 II-4b III-2 III-3 IV-2 II-5b I-1 III-3 III-4b III-4b III-7 I-2 7 8 4 2.5 6 6.5 8 6 12.75 20 8.5 8.5 9 7.375 14 Aristocrat Arkansas Lad Arlene Mae Savory Armani Arnold Black Artemis Artist's Palette Asahi Comet III-4b II-4b IV-6a I-1 I-3 II-1 V-7 V-4b Aspen Breeze Aspen Gold ASPIRE Astral Bliss At Attention At the Ritz Athena III-4a II-3 IV-6a IV-2 III-1 II-7 II-7 Appetizer Aries Asahi Sunray IV-5b IV-6a V-5b medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow Year Reg. 2009 2009 Reg. or Species R R 2003 R. green creamy white 2004 R. 5 1.5 3 1.75 11 4.75 6 3 9.25 10 7 5.625 5 4.75 12 dark green * note corrected sizes pure white chartreuse light green light to medium green blue green greenish yellow medium blue-green dark green light to medium green golden yellow light green with areas of yellow-green and streaks of medium green streaked with lighter green, pale yellow, greenish yellow blue green creamy white medium green 2006 1998 1982 2009 2008 1983 2009 2009 2000 2000 2003 2002 1993 2005 1986 R. R. R. R R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 7.5 13.5 4.5 12.3 14 9.5 2.25 3 5.5 6 2.5 9.8 9.5 7 0.75 0.5 intensely blue-green medium green pure white dark green pale yellow light green streaked emerald green creamy white white medium blue-green 1997 2005 2009 2015 2004 2001 1986 1984 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 8 10 7 3 9.5 10 11 6 8 4 8.25 6.5 7.25 7.5 golden yellow white chartreuse yellow creamy white slightly blue-green intensely blue-green light green medium green streaked yellow, creamy yellow and light medium green streaked with cream white 2009 1986 2013 2009 2010 2009 2005 R R. R. R R. R R. 3 6.5 5.5 2 3.75 0.75 medium green greenish yellow with green veins emerald green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] yellow creamy white yellow creamy white white light green dark green white yellow green 2007 2012 1984 R. R. R. 8 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Athletic Event Atlantis atropurpurea August Beauty August Fire August Moon SectionClass IV-4b II-5b IV-1 II-5b IV-4b III-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.5 2.5 medium green 13 8 dark green 6.5 3 9 8 dark green 7 3 grayish green 7 6.75 yellow gold 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white golden yellow golden yellow white 2009 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. S. R R. 2003 2007 1986 2012 1992 2014 2009 2010 2009 2000 2005 1998 2005 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. 1996 R. Augustus Aunt Bea Aurora Borealis Aurora's Glow Austin Dickinson Autumn Fire Autumn Frost Autumn Joy Autumn Ridge Avalanche Avery Angel Avocado Awakening Angel IV-4b IV -7 I-5b III-6b III-4b III-3 IV-5b IV-1 IV-4a IV-4b III-4a III-6a III-2 7 4.5 13 7 8 9 6 9 6 6 7 9 10 3 3 11 5 6 7 4 3.25 3 4 4.5 6.5 4.5 medium green medium green streaked greenish yellow, greenish blue green medium green medium green golden yellow intensely blue-green medium green yellow dark green intensely greenish-yellow greenish yellow intensely blue Awesome Illusion Aztec Treasure Azure Chalice Azure Cherub Azure Frills Azure Frost Azure Mediterranean Azure Snow III-7 III-3 II-2 III-2 III-2 II-2 IV-2 II-2 7 7 10 6.5 9 9 6 12.5 6 5 9 5.24 6 13 1 8.25 dark green with unstable streaks of yellow and creamy bright yellow green dark blue green blue to blue-green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green medium blue-green blue green 2002 1987 1996 2002 2010 2006 1999 1991 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Azuretini Babbling Brook Baby Bear Baby Blue Baby Blue Eyes * Baby Boomer Baby Booties Baby Bunting IV-2 I-1 IV-4b IV-2 IV-2 I-7 V-4b IV-2 5.5 14 5.25 5 4 11.75 2 2.75 3.125 9.75 4.25 3 3 10.5 1.5 2.5 medium blue-green medium green medium blue-green medium blue-green medium blue-green * note corrected sizes medium green with unstable streaks of light green, medium green blue 2009 2009 2009 2010 2006 2002 2012 1982 R R R R. R. R. R. R. Awesome Azure Waves V-1 III-2 3 9 1.5 6.5 white Year Reg. 2008 2004 gold greenish yellow, medium green pure white yellow creamy white creamy white speckled, feathery white margin dark green medium green 2010 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2011 creamy white pale yellow creamy white R. R 9 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Baby Doll Baby Kim Baby Toes Bacchanal Bachelor Party Back Bay Backyard Monster Bacon and Eggs Badge of Glory Bailey's Cream Baja White Bali Hai Ballerina Balloons Ballroom Bubbles Baltimore Blues Bam Bam Blue Bamse SectionClass V-6a V-1 V-1 IV-1 IV-4b II-2 I-4b IV-7 II-5b III-4b IV-2 V-3 IV-1 IV-1 I-2 III-2 II-2 I-7 Banana Kid Banana Muffins Banana Pepper Banana Puddin' * Banana Split Banana Sundae Band of Gold IV-3 IV-3 II-3 IV-3 IV-6a II-7 II-5b 4.75 4.5 9.5 2.7 6.5 18 10.25 4.75 4.5 7.8 2.5 3.5 5.5 8.75 yellow light green to medium gold greenish yellow yellow (*Note corrected spelling.) creamy white green streaked dark green Barbara Barbara Elizabeth Hoover Barbara May Barbara White Barbarosa Barndance Barney Fife Barracuda Bashful Polly Battle Star * Bayside Regal Beach Boy IV-2 III-6a III-2 III-3 IV-1 II-3 IV-1 IV-4b I-7 III-5b IV-1 III-6a 3.75 9 8 8 6 11 7 7 12 9 5.5 7.9 2.5 7 5.5 7 3.5 9 3 2.5 11.5 6 3.5 5.9 blue green creamy white medium blue-green chartreuse green golden yellow dark green medium green streaked greenish yellow, golden yellow and creamy dark grey green * note corrected sizes dark green creamy white Variety Banana Boat Banyai's Dancing Girl * IV-6a IV-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.3 1.7 yellow 2.125 2 medium green 2 2 medium green 4.5 4 dark green 6 4 medium green 10 7.5 medium blue-green 18 16 medium green 6 4.75 blue green streaked with dark green, medium green, 11 8 medium green 7 6 medium to dark green 6 4.5 dark green 2.8 1.4 golden yellow 5 2 medium green 7 2 medium green 13.5 11.5 medium blue-green 8 7 intensely blue-green 10.5 9.5 intensely blue-green 12 10 medium green mottled with dark green 6 4 4.5 4 white Intense blue gray * note corrected length Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin intensely blue-green creamy white creamy white golden yellow cream blue green medium green white yellow dark green white yellow blue Year Reg. 2008 2009 2015 1991 2011 2009 2007 2001 2012 2009 2010 2009 1982 1994 2009 2013 2009 2014 Reg. or Species R. R R. R. R R R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R R. R R. 2014 1996 2015 2005 2011 1980 1999 R. R. R. R. R R. R. 1987 2002 2004 1990 2002 2013 1993 2011 2010 2006 2015 2011 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R 1991 1987 R. R. 10 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Beach Party Beam Me Up Scottty Bearnasius Bea's Colossus Bea's Heartstrings Beat This Blue Beatrice Breeder Beaulah Beautiful Dreamer Beauty Queen Beckoning Becky's Choice Bedazzled Beer Belly Blues * Beet Salad Behemoth Belinda Bell Bottom Blues Bella Noche Bellbird Belle of the Ball Belle Vernon Beauty Belle Vernon Pride Bells of Edinborough Bellvile Magic Bellville Bellville Giant Ben Benedict Arnold Benediction Benedict's Heart's Desire Benedict's Jelly Bean Benedict's Regal Rhubarb Benedict's Wild Fire Bengee Benji's gold Bennie McRae Beryl Black Best in Town SectionClass II-2 III-7 III-1 II-1 V-1 II-2 IV-7 IV-5b IV-4b II-6a I-6b III-2 IV-5b II-2 IV-1 I-1 II-3 III-2 III-7 IV-1 II-1 I-1 II-2 IV-1 I-1 II-5b I-2 II-1 III-4b II-3 IV-1 IV-2 IV-4b IV-1 III-3 III-3 III-1 IV-1 II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11 8 medium blue-green 8 7 dark green streak with cream and white 8 6.5 medium green 12.75 7.75 medium green 1.25 1 medium green 10 8.5 intensely blue-green 5 1.5 dark green streaked white, often with an additional 5 2.25 green 6 4 medium green 9 11.75 creamy white 13 11 greenish yellow 8.75 4.25 intensely blue-green 6 4 medium blue-green 10 8 intensely blue-green * note corrected sizes 6.5 3.25 light green 15 10.5 bright green 9 8.5 greenish yellow 8 6.5 medium blue-green 7 5 green streaked greenish yellow, pale yellow, dark green 6.5 4 medium green 10 6.75 medium green 12 10 medium green 13 7 medium blue-green 4.5 3.5 medium green 12 11 dark green 10 9 medium green 18 14 intensely blue-green 11 9 medium green 8.5 7 medium blue-green 8.5 6.75 5 5.5 6 7.25 8 4.5 5 10.75 12 4.25 3 4 4.75 5.25 4 11 3 yellow medium green blue-green medium green medium to dark green yellowish green greenish yellow medium green medium green 8.375 yellow and intensely blue green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white to yellow ivory pure white medium blue-green medium blue-green golden yellow pale yellow greenish white white Year Reg. 2009 2012 2007 2000 2015 2002 2009 1988 2010 2009 2002 2010 1999 2006 2009 1988 2003 2004 2015 2015 1998 2011 2008 1993 2015 2015 2015 2015 1996 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 2010 2010 2010 1999 2013 1989 2011 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R 2006 2014 R. R. 11 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Best Yet Bestman Betcher's Blue SectionClass III-1 IV-1 IV-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.75 4 dark green 5 3.5 medium green 6 4.5 I-1 II-1 IV-1 II-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-4b I-6a III-6a 16 11 5 12 8 4 3 16 7 12 7 2.5 9 3 3 2 12 6 dark green med. green medium green dark green dark green dark green dark green yellow yellow BFF Big and Blue Big Bad John Big Beauty Big Boy Big Daddy Big Deal IV-3 I-2 I-7 I-4b I-1 II-2 I-1 4 13 15.5 16 16.5 10 14 3 10 11.5 12.7 14 7 11 yellow blue medium green streaked with golden yellow or creamy medium green forest green blue green medium green Big Fella Big Gary Big Hearted Big John Big Mama Big Mamma's House Big Mo Big Old Bob Big Pizza Pie Big Point Big Sam I-2 I-2 III-1 I-1 I-2 I-7 I-2 I-2 I-6a II-5b I-1 14.5 12 8 18 18 16.25 14 13 12.25 11.5 14 10 11.5 7 15 14 12 10.5 13 10.75 6.5 10 medium blue-green medium blue-green medium green dark green blue dark blue-green with unstable streaks of greenishdark blue green medium blue-green pale yellow medium green dark green Big Stuff Big Top Big Zach II-1 I-2 I-2 11.5 14.75 12 9 medium green 13.25 dark blue-green 10 slightly blue-green Big Dipper Big Shot II-5b II-3 I-1 10 11 14 9.5 10.5 9 Leaf Color Margin blue green Bethel Big Leaf Bethlehem Betsy King Bette Comfry Bette Davis Eyes Betty Betty Darling Betty's Glory Bewitched Beyond Measure 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Reg. or Species R. R. 1979 2007 1986 2007 1987 1983 1989 2014 2001 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2012 2000 2005 2015 1980 1976 2015 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2012 2009 1983 1986 1976 2003 1990 2005 2001 2013 1986 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2008 2003 2002 R. R. R. 1986 near white green dark green very thin gold edge creamy white medium gold light green Year Reg. 2010 2004 2001 1995 dark blue, medium blue and bluegolden yellow 1992 R. R. R. R. 12 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Bigfoot Bigga Luigi Biggie Biggie’s Breeder Bilben Little Atlantis Bill and Eleanor Bill Brincka Bill Dress's Blue Bill Meyer Bill Modrak Billy Bob Angel Bingo Bippity Boppity Blue Birchwood Blue Birchwood Elegance Birchwood Gem Birchwood Gold Birchwood Green Birchwood Parkys Blue Birchwood Parkys Gold Birchwood Ruffled Queen Birdbeak Birds of Happiness Birth of the Blues Birthday Cake Bitsy Blue Bitsy Gold Bitsy Green SectionClass I-1 II-2 II-1 II-7 V-7 III-6a II-5b V-2 II-2 IV-1 II-1 III-5b IV-2 II-2 I-1 V-1 III-3 I-1 III-2 III-3 II-1 II--3 IV-2 II-7 II-1 IV-2 V-3 V-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 19 12 medium blue-green 9.5 9.5 medium blue-green 9.75 9 dark green 10.75 9.25 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 3 1.5 golden yellow streaked 8.5 7 golden yellow 11.5 8 bright green 2.5 1.75 medium blue-green 10.25 7.25 slightly blue-green 6.25 3.125 medium dark green 9 7.5 dark green 8.5 6 medium green 3.75 3 medium blue-green 10 8 blue green 15.5 12.5 dark green 2.5 1.25 medium green 5.75 6.75 chartreuse yellow 12.5 10 green 7.5 5.5 deep blue green 6.25 5 yellow green 12.5 9 dark green 11 6 yellow 7 4 intensely blue-green 9.125 7.75 blue-green 9 7.5 medium green 5 1.25 medium blue-green 5 0.75 yellow 5 0.75 III-2 IV-4a 9 5 7 2.25 medium blue-green chartreuse gold Black Beauty Black Forest Black Hills Black Jack Chew Black Light Black Pearl Black Thunder II-1 III-1 III-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-6a 10 8 8 7 6.1 5.5 9 9 6.75 7 4 2.9 3.5 6 very dark green medium to light green very deep green dark green dark green dark green creamy white IV-1 5 3 Year Reg. 1998 2002 2003 2004 1998 2001 1988 1999 2011 2002 2010 1993 2009 1986 1986 1989 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 2009 1999 2005 2007 2000 1985 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. white 2000 1986 R. R. dark green 1984 2005 1983 2005 2015 2001 2014 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin dark green bright yellow-green medium gold turning creamy white streaked with light green, medium dark green Bix Blues Bizarre Black and Blue 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST dark green to light blue Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1985 2010 R. R. 13 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Black Tie Affair Blackfoot Blackjack Blade Runner Blast Off Blaue Ruh Blaue Venus Blaufink Blauglut Blaugold SectionClass III-4b IV-3 I-1 IV-4b I-3 II-2 IV-2 IV-1 IV-1 III-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 5 medium to dark green 6 4 yellow gold 15.5 14 dark green 5.75 2.75 medium green 16 13 green gold 12.25 7.75 blue to blue-green 3.25 2.125 blue-green 4.75 3.875 dark green 5.25 4.5 light green 9.25 III-1 III-2 II-3 IV-5b II-4b IV-4a III-5b IV-4b IV-5b I-7 I-7 IV-3 III-3 III-1 III-1 III-1 I-2 I-2 IV-2 IV-2 II-2 6.25 7.25 11.38 6.5 9 4 8 6 6.3 20 15.5 4.5 8.5 6 10 7 15 18 7 7 10 5 5.75 9.5 4.25 8 1.5 7 4.5 4.7 15 13.25 2.5 7.5 5 6 8.5 12.25 12 4 3 8 dark green blue to blue-green greenish yellow blue-green dark green bright metallic yellow light green medium blue-green green greenish yellow with unstable streaks of white dark green with unstable streaks of blue-green, medium golden yellow pale chartreuse greenish yellow medium green medium green medium blue-green blue blue intensely blue-green blue green Blue Beetle Blue Belle Blue Belly Blue Betty Lou Blue Blazes Blue Blazes Splashed Blue Blush III-2 IV-2 II-2 II-2 I-2 I-7 V-2 7 5 9.5 10 13 13 3.75 5.5 3.75 10 9 11 12 1.25 medium blue-green blue green intensely blue-green blue blue intensely blue-green streaked with greenish yellow blue green II-2 11.5 Leaf Color Margin pure white white 6.375 greenish yellow greener near tip Blaumeise Blauspecht Blaze of Glory Blazer Blazing Saddles Blessings Blind Date Blissful Blitz Blizzard Blockbuster Blonde Elf Blondie Blood, Sweat and Tears Bloody Mary Blooming Fool Blu Dort Blue Angel Blue Arrow Blue Baron Blue Bayou Blue Beauty 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 10.25 dark blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2012 1994 1990 2009 1995 2003 2003 2003 2003 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2003 1999 2005 2000 1983 2011 2004 2011 2003 2003 2010 1982 2000 1999 2002 2008 1986 1982 2005 1987 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 1988 2006 1987 1988 2009 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R R. 2003 pale yellow creamy white white pale yellow creamy white with occasional yellow 1986 R. R. 14 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Blue Boy Blue Buns Blue Butterfly Blue Cadet Blue Canoe Blue Canopy Blue Cascade Blue Chiffon Blue Chip Blue Clown Blue Danube * Blue Delight Blue Diamond Blue Dimples Blue Dome Blue Dragon Wings Blue Eyes Blue Fan Dancer Blue Flame Blue for You SectionClass III-2 III-2 IV-2 V-2 IV-2 III-7 III-2 II-2 IV-2 IV-2 II-2 I-2 III-2 III-2 I-2 I-2 IV-2 III-2 IV-4b III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5 blue green 8.5 6 metallic medium blue-green 4.25 2.75 blue-green 2.5 1.75 blue 5.5 3.13 blue green 7 6 blue green streaked 8 4.5 intensely blue-green 11.75 8.25 blue-green 2.75 2.5 intensely blue-green 6 4 intensely blue-green 12 7 blue green *note corrected sizes and section 14.5 10.5 medium blue-green 7.5 4.75 blue green 7 4.5 blue green 18 7 silvery blue 14 9.5 intensely blue-green with a metallic sheen 2.75 2.25 medium blue-green 9 6.5 blue 6 4.5 intensely blue-green 8 7 dark blue green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin never had a margin creamy white Year Reg. 1986 2007 2010 1974 1999 2000 2009 2009 1997 1996 1988 1993 1988 1988 1980 2002 1996 1976 2004 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1991 R. Blue Freckles Blue Frost Blue Genes IV-7 I-2 III-2 5.5 14.5 7 4.5 10.5 6.5 greenish yellow with bluish-green speckling blue green intensely blue-green 2004 1986 2007 R. R. R. Blue Haired Lady Blue Hawaii Blue Hearts Blue Heaven Blue Horizon Blue Hour Blue Ice Blue Ivory Blue Jay Blue Jewel Blue June Blue Lace * Blue Lady Blue Lagoon Blue Lettuce III-2 II-2 IV-2 IV-2 III-2 I-2 IV-2 IV-4b III-2 III-2 III-2 I-2 IV-2 III-2 II-2 9 10 5.25 6 8 13 3.5 6.5 7 8.25 10 22 6 8 10 5 8 4.75 1.5 6 10 3.5 3.5 5 5.75 5 7 4.75 4 8.5 slightly blue-green intensely blue-green medium blue-green blue blue green intensely blue-green intensely blue medium blue-green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green blue blue gray * note corrected sizes intensely blue-green blue gray blue-green 2004 1999 2010 1976 1985 2009 1987 2009 1987 2010 1987 1977 1998 1972 2012 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Blue Gown II-2 9.25 8.75 intensely blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1992 creamy white R. 15 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Blue Lightning Blue Line Blue Lollipop Blue Magic Blue Magoo Blue Mammoth Blue Maui Blue Max Blue Mesa Blue Mist Blue Monday Blue Moon Blue Moonlight Cup Blue Mouse Ears Blue Mouse Ears Supreme Blue Music Blue My Mind Blue Nymph Blue Ox Blue Pearl Blue Pebbles Blue Piecrust Blue Plisse Blue Pointer Blue Regal Blue Ribbon Blue Ribbon for David Lewis Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Mountains Blue Ripples Blue River Blue Rock Blue Saucers Blue Seer Blue Sensation Blue Shadows SectionClass III-7 IV-2 IV-2 II-7 III-7 I-2 IV-2 II-2 III-2 III-7 IV-2 IV-2 I-2 V-2 V-7 II-7 III-2 III-1 I-2 III-2 III-2 I-2 II-2 II-2 III-2 I-2 II-2 I-2 II-5b II-2 II-5b II-2 II-2 II-2 II-2 III-6b(?) 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 4.5 streaked with blue, green, yellow, and cream 6 1 blue 4.5 2.875 medium blue-green 10.2 7.1 medium blue-green, streaked yellow 8.8 6.5 streaked blue, green & yellow 13 11 intensely blue-green 4.5 4.5 slightly blue-green 11 7.5 blue green 10 4 medium blue-green 9.75 6.5 blue-green with center 4 veins unstable, misty white; blue-green 3 15 2.75 2.5 10.5 8 9.5 12.5 8 6.25 12.5 11.5 9.5 7 12 11 12 12.25 12.5 9 10 10 11.5 12 1976 2015 2000 streaked with greenish-yellow, yellow 2007 blue-green to yellow 2001 2003 2009 1999 1994 2010 1986 1990 2010 2009 2012 2011 2009 greenish yellow 2001 2009 yellow 1998 1986 1977 2010 2010 4 7 3.5 2 12 2 2.25 8.25 6.25 5 10 6.25 5.75 9.75 8 7.25 6 10 9.25 10 9.75 9.5 7.5 8.5 8 9.5 8 6 medium blue-green blue intensely blue-green medium blue-green medium green yellow-green to streaky blue-green intensely blue-green medium green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green medium blue-green blue green dark blue green medium blue-green medium blue-green intensely blue-green slightly blue-green medium blue-green medium blue-green blue-green medium blue-green dark blue green blue intensely blue-green medium blue-green blue green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Leaf Color Margin Year Reg. 2005 1987 2010 2013 2015 2010 2006 1998 2009 2003 1998 1980 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 16 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Blue Skies Blue Skirt Blue Sliver Blue Sophistication Blue Spanish Eyes * SectionClass IV-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4.5 I-2 IV-2 III-2 II-7 13 7.25 8.5 12 Blue Star Blue Steel IV-2 I-2 6 12 Blue Tiers Blue Tinge Blue Tips Blue Tooth Blue Troll Blue Umbrellas Blue Urchin II-2 IV-6a II-2 III-2 III-2 I-2 IV-2 11 6 12.25 11.5 8 14 3.5 Blue Vamp Blue Veil Blue Velvet Blue Vision Blue Wedgwood * Blue Whirls Blue without You IV-2 II-2 II-2 III-2 IV-2 II-2 IV-6a 3.5 10.5 10 12 5 14 7 Blue Wu Blue You Bet II-2 IV-2 Blueberry Cobbler Blueberry Pancakes IV-2 II-7 Blueberry Swirl Blueberry Tart Blueberry Waffles * III-7 IV-2 I-2 Blue Splendor * Blue Suede Shoes Blue Valentine Blue Wonder Bluebeard's Castle Blueberry Patch II-2 II-7 IV-2 III-2 9 11.25 4 9.5 2.25 5.5 9 10 blue green blue green blue medium blue-green dark green with unstable streaks of light green, blueintensely blue-green * note corrected sizes 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pale yellow 4 intensely blue-green 10.25 intensely blue-green 9.25 medium blue streaked with yellow Year Reg. Reg. or Species 1970 2010 2003 2002 R. R. R. R. 1998 2009 R. R 1976 2009 2009 2011 1973 1978 2010 R. R R R R. R. R. 2010 2010 1976 1976 1988 1978 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1988 2002 2001 R. R. R. 9 4 8.25 4.5 5 10 3.5 blue greenish yellow medium blue-green powder blue satiny blue blue medium blue-green 2.5 9.25 8 4 6 6 3 medium blue-green blue-green blue blue green blue green * note corrected sizes blue greenish yellow 11 5 9.5 4.75 blue-green medium blue-green 2010 2010 R. R. 5 11 3 8.5 medium blue-green deep blue-green yellow with occasional light green, blue-green streaked with patches of golden-yellow and greenish-yellow streaked pale yellow and greenish white medium blue-green intensely blue-green (*Note corrected spelling.) 2009 2002 R R. 2010 2005 2008 R. R. R. 3 9 II-7 10.5 II-7 10.25 6 4.5 15 medium blue-green 2.125 blue 7 8.5 8.75 5 3 12.5 deep blue-green blue-green with unstable streaks greenish-yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2010 intensely blue-green 2009 2003 2001 R. R R. R. 17 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Bluebird Bluegrass Country Blueper Bluer than Blue Blues in the Night Bluesette Bluestone Bluetini Bluetopia Blushing Bride Blütenspiel Blythe Spirit Bob Koffler Bob Olson Bob Sanders Bob the Builder Bobbie Sue Bocka Bodacious Blue Body and Soul Bogie and Bacall Bohemian Rhapsody SectionClass III-2 I-7 IV-2 II-2 II-7 III-2 I-2 IV-2 III-2 II-1 IV-1 IV-2 IV-7 IV-4b III-7 III-2 II-4b IV-2 I-2 III-4b IV-5b or IVIII-4b Bold and Beautiful Bold and Brassy Bold Edger Bold Intrigue Bold One Bold Ribbons Bold Ruffles I-7 13.25 II-3 12 IV-4b 5 III-4b or 5b 8 III-7 9 III-4b 9 I-2 15 Variety Bojangles Bolt Bombs Bursting in Air Bon Voyage Bonanza Bonnie Bonnie's Bounty Boogie Blues Boogie Woogie IV-5b I-1 III-1 III-2 II-1 III-2 III-8 III-5b IV-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 7 intense blue 12.25 10.25 dark blue-green with occasional greenish-yellow and 3.5 3 intensely blue 9 9 intensely blue-green 10.75 9.25 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 13 4.9 medium blue-green 11.5 13 blue 3.5 2.25 medium blue-green 10 6.25 intensely blue-green 10.5 7 medium green 5 2.75 medium green 8 2.75 blue green 7 3 greenish-yellow, greenish-white, creamy white 3 2 dark green 7.25 5.25 dark green streaked 8 7 intensely blue-green 12.5 9.5 dark green 4 2.5 intensely blue-green 18 12 medium blue-green 8 6 medium green 6.75 3.75 medium green 7 5 dark green 7.5 18 7 12 12 7.75 7 8.5 6 2.5 medium green 10.25 9 3.5 6 6 3.5 12 dark green with unstable central streaks of greenishgolden yellow dark green medium to dark green gold -chartreuse-white green dark green 5 4.5 9 6.25 5.5 7.25 medium green gray green dark green blue green dark green glaucous blue-green 8 1 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white pure white creamy white yellow to creamy white creamy white creamy yellow creamy white creamy yellow to white white medium green medium green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1985 2001 2007 2013 2004 2011 2010 2009 2013 2007 2003 1990 2005 1995 1998 2009 1994 1999 1999 2014 2009 2011 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R 2002 2009 1983 2009 1978 1976 1975 R. R R. R R. R. R. 2012 1980 1997 1987 2000 2005 R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2012 intensely blue-green pale yellow creamy white 1998 R. R. R. 18 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Booka Boots and Saddles Boracay Border Bandit Border Favourite Border Street Borsch 1 Borsch 4 Borwick Beauty Bossy Pants Bottom Line Boundary Waters Bountiful Bounty Bouquet Bows and Arrows Boy Shooting Arrows Branching Out Brandi Nicole SectionClass V-2 IV-6b (?) III-4b IV-4b IV-5B II-4b II-1 III-1 II-6a IV-7 I-5b II-2 IV-1 IV-6a IV-1 II-7 III-2 III-1 III-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.5 2.25 blue green 5 4 blue green 7.5 5.8 light green 5.5 3.75 medium blue-green 3.3 2.3 dark green 11.3 8.4 dark green 11.5 8 light green 9 6.75 medium green 8 8 light chartreuse 6.5 2 streaked yellow and green 20 15 medium green 9.25 9.25 medium blue-green 7 3 medium green 3.1 2.6 creamy white 6.38 3.75 medium green 11.25 6.8 medium green with unstable streaks of light green, 8 4 powder blue 9 6 dark green 8 5 Brandywine Brass Horn Brass Ring Brave Amherst Brave Attempt Bravo Brazen Hussy Bread Crumbs Break Dance Breathless * Breeders Choice IV-1 II-5b II-5b III-4b III-7 III-4b II-3 V-6a III-6b IV-2 III-7 4 11 10 9 9 7 12 2.75 7 4 6 3 8.5 7 6.5 7 5 8 1.75 4.5 4 5 Brenda's Beauty Brenner Pass Brentwood Blues Bressingham Blue Bri Bear Briar Patch Brick Back Bridal Falls III-6a IV-6b IV-4b I-2 IV-1 V-2 III-1 III-4b 8 6 4.5 15 3.5 4 10 8 5 4 2.5 12 2 1.25 4 6 Breeder's Love II-7 10 7.3 mid rib is white medium green dark green dark green dark green intensely blue-green chartreuse - cream - green golden yellow creamy white greenish yellow blue-green * note corrected sizes and section mottled creamy yellow intensely blue-green; streaked with golden yellow, pale yellow and light green light yellow yellow green medium blue-green blue green dark green medium to intensly blue-green dark green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white greenish yellow creamy white blue green pale yellow slightly blue-green medium green golden yellow golden yellow creamy white streaked with yellow, creamy white medium green medium green medium green streaked blue green white creamy white Year Reg. 1986 1983 2008 1992 2004 2008 1999 2005 1988 2012 2003 1999 1971 2015 2009 2002 2011 2012 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. 1993 1999 2000 1993 2007 1980 2000 2003 2001 2009 1987 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 1992 1972 2013 1984 2009 2014 2010 2012 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2002 2008 R. R. 19 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Bridal Veil Bridegroom Bridgeville Brief Encounter Brigadier Brigham Blue Bright Eagle Bright Feather Bright Glow Bright Lights Brilliance Brilliant Sunset Brim Cup Bri-Sun Broad Avenue Beauty Broad Ripple Broad Street Broadway Broadway Frances Brocade Brodie's Bonanza Broken Hearted Brooke Brooklynn's Baby Doll* Brookwood Blue Brother Bunyan Brother Ronald Brother Stefan Bruce Bruce's Blue Brutus Brutus Buckeye Bryce Bubba Bubbatini Bubbles Bubblicious Bubbling Spring Buckanon Buckaroo SectionClass II-4b IV-1 III-5b III-4b II-2 III-2 II-3 II-8 IV-3 III-6a I-7 II-6a III-4b IV-3 IV-1 IV-5b III-6a III-4b I-5b III-3 IV-1 I-2 III-1 V-3 II-2 I-1 IV-2 II-6a IV-1 III-2 I-1 I-1 III-1 IV-1 IV-2 IV-5b IV-3 II-1 I-2 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 6 grayish blue-green 5 4 dark green 8 4.13 dark green 7 6 medium green 12 7.5 medium blue-green 7 4.75 blue-green 10 8 pale yellow 10.5 8.25 leaf all gold then center turns kight green 4.5 3 light yellow 9 7 golden yellow 13.25 9.75 dark green streaked with light green, medium green, 9 7.25 creamy white 6.5 5 dark green 6 4 yellow 6.5 2 yellowish green 6 2.5 light green 8 6 sandy cream 9.75 6.375 dark green 14 12 intensely blue-green 8 5 greenish yellow 6 4 light green 15 11 medium blue-green 7.5 6.75 green gray 3 1.125 greenish yellow (*Note this is the correct spelling.) 10 8.5 blue green 12 10.25 dark green 6 4 blue green 11 10 yellow 3.25 2.125 medium green 7 5.5 blue 16 13 dark green 13 12 medium green 7.75 5.25 medium green 6 4.5 medium green 3.75 2.125 slightly blue-green 6 4 dark green 3.8 3.3 yellow 11.5 10 dark green 14.5 12 whitish blue 4 3 medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white light green creamy white creamy feathery medium blue-green dark green creamy white yellow gold medium green creamy white yellow medium green creamy yellow Year Reg. 2003 1990 1999 2009 2003 2002 1998 2011 1986 2010 2001 2005 1986 2015 2008 1995 2012 2013 1997 2013 2013 2007 1987 2007 1991 2002 1988 1998 2002 1991 2007 2015 2002 1998 2009 2009 2015 2009 1983 2014 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R R. R. 20 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Buckeye Buckeye Blitz SectionClass I-5b III-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 18 8 14 4.5 green dark green streaked creamy white Buckeye Blue Buckshaw Blue Buckwheat Honey Buffalo Bill Buffy Buggy Wheels Bulletproof Bumblebee Bunchoko Bunker Hill Burgundy Bermudas Burlesque Burnished Brass Busia's Choice Buster Butter and Eggs II-2 IV-2 IV-1 II-2 IV-2 IV-6B III-2 II-3 IV-4b III-7 IV-1 III-6a III-3 IV-3 II-3 IV-7 10 4.5 6 12 4.5 6 7 11 5.5 6.5 6 8 9.75 3.6 10.5 7 8 4.5 2.5 9 2 4.75 5 9.5 2 5 4 4 6 2.4 9.75 2.5 intensely blue-green blue medium green blue-green green greenish-yellow medium blue-green golden yellow medium green streaked blue-green to medium green; not stable light green streaked white to green to blue-green golden yellow yellow to greenish yellow golden yellow streaked greenish yellow Butter Yellow Buttercup Buttercup Baby Butterfly Butternut Hill Buzzard's Bay Bye Bob III-3 II-3 V-3 V-5b II-3 III-2 V-2 6 10.25 2 2 11.5 8 3.5 5 8.75 1.5 1.5 8.5 6 0.8 bright butter yellow golden yellow yellow medium green yellow-green medium blue-green medium blue-green IV-7 IV-6a IV-1 II-7 III-7 I-6a II-7 V-4b II-6a IV-1 6.5 4 7 8.5 9 15 10 2.5 11 4.5 3 3 3.5 8.25 7 12 7 2.25 9 3 streaked medium green and white creamy white medium green medium green streaked medium green with irregular yellow streaking muted yellow pale yellow streaked green green with creamy white streaks golden yellow Butter Rim Cadillac Caesar Caesar Augustus Caesar Salad Cajun Sunrise Calamity Jane Caliban Calico Cat Calico Mouse Ears California Gold Rush calliantha IV-5b IV-6a 6.75 6 3.5 4.5 medium green golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow dark green white blue-green yellow greenish yellow medium green blue green medium green pale green wide creamy white dark green Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2012 R. 2000 R. 1997 1986 1984 2014 1986 2005 2009 2000 2009 2001 2013 2015 2009 2015 2009 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R R. R R. 1982 2010 2014 2012 2001 1999 2015 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2015 2007 2000 2001 2009 2015 2012 2010 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. S. 1986 1998 R. R. 21 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Calypso Camelot Cameo Campfire Canadian Blue Canadian Foreign Affairs Canadian Shield Canby Candelabra Candle Glow Candle Wax Candlelight Candlewood Candy Box Candy Cane Candy Dish Candy Hearts Candy Kisses Candy Striper Cantabi Canterbury Tales capitata Capitol Dome Capitol Hill Capricorn Captain Atom Captain Kirk Captain Teach Captain's Adventure Caravan Carder Blue Cardwell Yellow Carefree Carin's Wedding Carisa Nichole Carl Carl A. Francis Carmen Ohio Carnival SectionClass IV-6a III-2 V-4b II-7 III-2 I-1 III-1 III-6b IV-2 IV-6A IV-1 III-3 II-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 1.5 pure white to creamy yellow 7 5.5 blue green 2.25 2 medium green gray area appears where edge and 11 7.5 medium blue green with many muted yellow streaks 8 6.375 intensely blue-green 17 11.5 light green 7 5 green 9.38 6.38 medium green 4 2 blue-green 6 4 ivory to white 6 2 dark green 8 7 golden yellow 13 8 medium green IV-6a IV-5B IV-1 III-1 III-1 III-7 V-1 IV-7 IV-1 III-1 III-6B II-2 V-7 III-6A III-1 III-4b or IIIIII-3 III-2 II-3 3.6 6 5 6.25 7.25 8 2.75 6 6.5 12 8 9 2.25 8 8.38 7.6 7.5 8.5 10 1.9 2.75 4 5.75 5 5 1.75 3 4 5 6 8 1.25 7 6 5.9 7 7.5 6.5 creamy white dark green dark green medium blue-green medium green medium green streaked medium green dark blue-green with unstable streaks of creamy white V-7 III-5B IV-2 V-6A I-4b II-5B 4.75 7 3.5 4 6 9 1.25 6.75 2.5 0.5 4.5 9 green with white streaks medium blue-green medium blue-green golden yellow variable greens dark green III-3 9 6 pale green dark green intensely blue-green white streaked with green pale yellow dark green multiple shades of green to greenish yellow yellow blue green bright yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin kelly green creamy white light green green to chartreuse medium green yellow gold light green dark green creamy white pale yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1987 1988 2002 2011 2009 2002 1993 2003 2009 1990 1974 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2011 1995 2003 1998 2013 2000 2001 2002 1980 2005 2009 1999 1999 2001 2009 2012 1986 1981 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2012 2000 1991 2004 2015 1986 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2004 1971 golden yellow medium green white yellow R. R. 22 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Carol Carolina Blue Carolina Moon Carolina Sunshine Carolingian Carousel Carriage Wheels Carrie Ann Carry On Cartwheels Carved Complexity Cascade Mist Cascades Cascading Waters Cassandra Cat and Mouse Catch of the Day cathayaa Nakafu cathayana Cathedral Cathedral of Learning Cathedral Windows Catherine Catherine Ann Cathy's Clown Cathy's Spleder* Cat's Meow Cavalcade Cease Fire Celebration Celebrity Celery Satin Celestial Celestial Lightning Celtic Bouquet Celtic Dancer Celtic Uplands Cemetery Road Centennial Center of Attention SectionClass III-4B III-2 III-8 III-5B V-4B IV-5B II-6a V-4B IV-4b III-5B I-3 III-4b III-6A II-6B (?) V-3 V-6a III-6a IV-1 IV-7 II-1 II-6a IV-6a III-2 IIII-1 IV-5B II-4B III-4b IV-6A II-5B IV-3 I-5B III-7 II-1 IV-1 II-1 III-7 I-1 III-6A Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.5 5.5 dark green 7 5.5 blue green 7 6.5 medium green 9 5 medium green 1.5 0.75 green 5 3.75 dark green 9 8 golden yellow 3.5 1.25 medium green 4 3.5 medium green 8.25 6.5 blue-green 15 12 greenish yellow 8 5 dark green 11 4.5 white 11.75 7.5 medium green 3 1 yellow 2 2 greenish yellow 7 5 pale yellow 5.5 6 14 10 5.9 8.5 8 13.5 5 11.5 7 10 10 2.5 15.13 7 9 6.38 10 9 14 7.5 3 3.5 5.5 9 3.9 7.5 7 10.25 3.5 9 5 2 9.5 4.5 14.13 5.5 8 4.5 6.5 5.25 12 7.5 green with unstable streaks of creamy white medium green yellow creamy yellow flames into the margin intensely blue-green medium green dark green (*Note corrected spelling.) light green dark green dark blue gray cream dark green greenish-yellow dark green medium green streaked with greenish-yellow, pale medium green medium green dark green streak with creamy white dark green golden yellow to creamy white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white light green golden yellow white yellow dark green light yellow - white creamy white greenish yellow cream to light green medium green medium grey green, light grey green, slightly blue-green dark green creamy white green blue creamy white golden yellow creamy white pure white green medium gold greenish yellow medium to dark green Year Reg. 1986 2000 1997 1999 2003 1989 2009 1988 2013 2002 2014 2009 1993 2005 1985 2007 2013 2002 2007 2005 2011 1999 2011 2009 1998 1990 2014 1979 1995 2001 2000 2005 2011 2008 2005 2011 1996 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. S. S. R. R. R. R R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. 23 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Center Stage SectionClass IV-6A Centerfold Century One Cerulean Magic Cerveza Chado Chain Lightning II-3 I-1 III-2 II-3 IV-7 IV-6A Challenger Chameleon Champagne Champagne and Caviar Champagne for All II-1 II-4B IV-6A IV-7 IV-6a Champion Chances Are Change of Tradition Changeling Changing Moods Chante's Dark Emerald Chantilly Lace Chariots of Fire Charity I-2 I-2 IV-4B III-5B IV-3 III-7 (?) IV-4B III-4B III-4b III-6b III-3 IV-7 IV-3 III-3 IV-3 II-3 IV-3 V-3 II-1 II-3 IV-3 IV-7 Chalice of Gold Champaign Taste Charles Charlie Charlie’s Angels Charlotte’s Web Chartreuse Chartreuse Piecrust Chartreuse Waves Chartreuse Wedge Chartreuse Wiggles Cheatin Heart Checkerboard II Checkered Cab Cheese Louise Cheesecake II-3 II-4a I-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 4 green streaked 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin Year Reg. Reg. or Species R. R. R R R. R. 1982 R. 10 14 7 9.5 7 4 9 11 6 6.75 3.5 3.5 yellow gold light green intensely blue-green golden yellow green with unstable streaks creamy white creamy white creamy white dark green 1994 1983 2009 2009 2004 1999 12 12 5 5 8 8 7 2.5 4 4.9 dark green dark green light green to yellow dark green streaked white creamy white white to chartreuse dark green creamy white dark green s 1986 1994 1999 2015 R. R. R. R. R. 13.5 13 6 11 3.5 7.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 11 12 2 5 2 5.5 1.5 6 5 gray green blue-green green medium green bright lemon yellow dark green with golden yellow and green speckling medium green to gray green light green dark green 1985 2009 1985 2005 1983 2005 1988 2004 2011 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R 7.5 7.5 4.625 6.5 6.5 6.25 16 5.5 2.5 12 9.5 14 4 5.5 6 3.25 3.5 5.2 2.5 6 1.5 1.5 6.75 7.5 10 1.75 light green golden yellow medium green with yellow streaks greenish yellow yellow to chartreuse golden yellow chartreuse chartreuse deep gold medium green golden yellow greenish yellow streaked white and green 2008 2009 2009 1998 1985 2010 1976 1976 1995 2009 2012 2015 2010 R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 9.75 9.5 14 9.25 7.5 10 golden yellow greenish yellow dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] white white golden yellow creamy white white cream dark green green 2004 2012 2014 R. R. R. 24 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Chelsea Babe Chelsea Ore Cherish Cherries Jubilee Cherry Berry Cherry Bomb Cherry Flip Cherry Tomato Cherub Chesapeake Bay Chesieres Green Christmas Chesieres Jasmin's Hope Chesieres Mountain Lights Chesieres September Frost Chesterland Gold Chickenhearted Chief White Cloud Childhood Sweetheart Chimney Rock China Doll Chinese Gold Chinese Sunrise Chippewa Chiquita Chirp Chi-town Classic Chivalry Chocolate Mint Chocolate Ripple Choctaw Chodai Ginba Choko Nishiki Choko Nishiki Choo Choo Train Chopsticks Chorus Girl Chris Christmas Candy Christmas Charm Christmas Cookies Christmas Cup SectionClass IV-8 IV-6A V-6A IV-7 IV-6A IV-6B III-1 V-6a IV-4B II-2 III-4B III-8 III-6A II-4B IV-8 III-3 II-2 IV-4B III-7 IV-3 IV-3 IV-8 II-6A IV-8 V-1 IV-4b IV-2 IV-1 II-7 II-2 II-1 II-6a II-6a II-3 III-1 III-3 II-3 IV-6A III-4B III-6A IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 3 6 2 yellow green 2.25 2 yellow 6 3 green with unstable white streaking 6 2.5 white 4 1.5 creamy white 8.5 6.5 dark green 3 .75 white 3.25 2.5 bright medium green 10 7 medium blue 8 7 medium green with grey-green streaks 8.5 5.5 blue-green with mid-season light streaking 7 5 pale yellow 11 7.5 light blue-green with grey streaks 6.5 4 light green and gold 8 4.5 greenish yellow 11 10 medium blue-green 5 3 dark green 7.5 7 streaked dark green, greenish yellow to pure white 4 2 chartreuse 7 3 golden yellow 5.5 2.25 medium yellow 12 9 7 4 bright light yellow 2 1.5 medium green 4.675 3.25 medium green 6.5 3.5 dark blue-green 3 3 dark green 11 9 streaked muted yellow, white, dark green, light green 10 8.25 intensely blue-green 9.875 7.125 dark green 13.5 8.5 golden yellow 13.5 8.5 bright yellow to white 12 7 greenish yellow 9.25 6 medium green 5.5 5.5 pale yellow 11 9 golden yellow 6.5 3 pure white 9 5 dark green 9 5 white 4 4 dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green medium green dark green medium green with occasional green dark green white creamy white blue-green medium green with some streaking white creamy white dark green creamy white medium green medium green medium green creamy white dark green Year Reg. 1988 1989 2002 2001 1991 2004 2012 2008 1989 2004 2002 2002 2002 2002 1997 2012 2007 2005 2010 1988 2009 1992 1986 1979 2009 2009 2001 2014 2008 2007 2003 2012 2009 1999 2009 2013 2014 2002 2003 2003 2000 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 25 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Christmas Eve Christmas Gold Christmas Pageant Christmas Tree SectionClass III-6a II-3 II-4B II-4B Chromosphere Chuck's Sweetheart Church Mouse Chutzbah Cinderella Cinnamon Sticks Circle of Light Circular Saw Circus Clown Citation Citratini City Dog City Lights City Slicker Civil War Clambake Clap Your Hands Clarence Clarence Owens Classic Delight Claudia clausa clausa ensata clausa normalis clausa stolonifera III-3 IV-1 V-5b IV-7 III-5B IV-1 IV-4B III-5b II-1 III-4A IV-3 IV-4b II-3 III-5B I-2 III-1 III-2 II-2 I-6A III-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 7 5.375 1.75 5 9 6.75 4.5 7.5 10 9 4 5.75 10 9 15 10 8 10.25 13 7 5.5 6 6 6 6 4.625 3.25 1.5 4 6 4.25 2.5 5 8 7 2.25 1.75 7.5 5 11 6 7 8.5 10 5 3 2.5 2 2.5 2.5 Clayton Burkey Clear Fork River Valley Clearfork Green Clementine Clifford's Broken Heart Clifford's Comet Clifford's Forest Fire Clifford's Polar Moon II-2 I-2 III-1 IV-1 IV-5B IV-8 II-5B IV-6A 10 11 6.5 6 6 6 10 6 8 11 5 4 4 4 8 4 Variety Christmas Tree Gala clavata IV-4B IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9.1 4.1 creamy white 9.75 8.75 golden yellow 10 9.75 dark green 11 6 green 6 5 4 2 medium green golden yellow medium green dark green to slightly blue-green medium green with unstable yellow streaks dark green blue-green to medium green medium green medium green emerald green yellow pale yellow medium green cream dark green blue-gray light green medium blue-green intensely blue-green golden yellow gray green medium green intensely blue-green intensely dark blue-green light green light green green white speckled green slightly blue-green golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green creamy white yellow creamy white greenish yellow medium gold pure white golden yellow white pure white gold translucent dark green white green yellow green Year Reg. 2010 2009 2000 1982 Reg. or Species R. R R. R. 2010 2009 2012 2002 2004 2009 1996 2009 1983 1980 2009 2014 1978 1996 2008 2000 2012 1996 2001 1973 2009 R. R R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R S. S. S. S. 2000 2005 2007 1999 2007 2000 2000 2000 2000 R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 26 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Clifford's Stingray Climax Clokei SectionClass IV-6A I-5B V-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 4 white 12 10 medium green 3 1.25 dark green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin green golden yellow white Cloud Sweeper Cloudburst * Clouded Skies Clovelly Clown Belly Clown’s Collar Clyde Crockett Coach Beets Dotson Coach Jim Brainerd Coach Jim Fox Coach Millboy Miller Coach Paul Castro Coach Terry Paustian Coal Black Coal Miner III-1 III-2 III-2 II-1 III-7 IV-5B II-4b IV-7 IV-7 IV-7 IV-7 IV-7 IV-7 III-1 I-2 10.5 9 7 11 8.25 6 10 5.25 5.5 4 7 7.5 5 5.5 15 5 7 5 9 5.75 4 7.25 2.5 3 3.75 4.25 2.75 1.75 5.5 9 medium green medium blue-green * note corrected sizes medium blue-green with silver sheen medium green dark blue, intensely blue-green to greenish white blue-green medium blue-green white speckling streaked with white and yellow light green with white and yellow streaks dark green streaked creamy white streaked yellow, white and green medium green with yellow and green streaks medium green streaked wiIth green and yellow very dark green black-blue Cobblestones Cobra's Lair Coconut Custard Cody Cogleywood Colesburg Blue Colesburg Sonny Boy Colesburg Wiggles Colin P. Cleghorn Collector's Choice Colonel Murphy Color a la Mode Color Accord Color Fantasy Color Festival I-1 III-2 IV-3 V-1 IV-6A IV-2 III-6a IV-5b II-6a V-1 I-2 III-7 II-7 III-7 IV-6a 14 8.7 4 3 4 5.75 8.5 6 10 1.75 15 8.25 10 10 6 12 3.9 2 1.75 2.5 5 7 2 7.5 .75 11 6.5 8 4 3.3 medium green medium blue-green yellow dark green white speckled green medium blue-green yellow green pure white medium green intensely blue-green creamy white streaked apple green streaked cream - chartreuse - green creamy white III-3 7.75 5.75 greenish yellow variably streaked and mottled green, creamy yellow and chartreuse white Coast to Coast Color Glory Color Me Yellow Color Parade I-5a III-6a II-7 13 9 10.3 10 7 7.6 greenish yellow yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] pale yellow creamy white pale yellow dark green dark green yellow medium green dark green chartreuse - green dark green dark green Year Reg. 2000 2000 Reg. or Species R. R. 2003 2006 2007 2005 2010 2004 2007 2011 2011 2009 2012 2010 2010 2015 2010 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R R. R. R. R. R. 2012 2010 2007 1996 1999 2004 2015 2015 2014 2009 2001 2000 1980 1980 2007 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 2010 R. 2009 2014 1980 2003 R R. R. R. 27 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety SectionClass Color Riot Color Revolt Colorado River Colored Hulk Colorful Sister Colors in Motion III-6b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4.75 2.5 creamy white medium green IV-6b 6.3 light green dark green IV-1 II-7 6.5 4.5 11 7 streaked yellow to gold 9 dark green 7 yellow streaked 3 7 greenish yellow dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of medium green dark green medium blue-green creamy white 4.7 III-4b 8.5 5.75 Commander III-4b 9 6 II-1 III-7 11 9 Compadre Compass Point IV-6a II-7 3.8 15 Con Te Partiro IV-4b 3.5 IV-1 8 3.5 IV-1 6.5 4.5 IV-7 5 Concordia Petite Condor V-1 III-3 (?) Confused Angel Congratulations Connie Confused Connecticut River Connie Sun R. IV-4b 6a Columbus Circle Concord 2010 medium green 12 Compass Rose 2010 Reg. or Species 7 16.125 Comeuppance dark green Year Reg. Leaf Color Margin 9 I-7 Colossal 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 2.5 darkish green medium blue green with creamy white streaks white medium green creamy white dark green 2 8 1.25 4.75 dark green medium gold to medium green II-7 II-6a 12.3 9 8.3 7.5 medium blue-green streaked creamy white creamy white II-5b 12 8 light green IV-2 III-3 8.5 9 3 3 6.5 white streaked with green medium blue-green yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2005 R. 2008 R. 1977 R. 1982 R. 2015 2004 R. R. 2004 R. 2011 2014 medium to dark green R. 2009 2010 2013 2000 R R. R R. R. R. 1996 2002 R. R. dark green 2005 2015 R. R. light gold 1987 R. medium green 1999 2005 2001 R. R. R. 28 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Continental Divide SectionClass I-6a Cookie Crumbs Cool as a Cucumber Cool Blue V-4b II-6a III-2 2.25 14 7 I-2 Variety Conundrum Cool Cat Cool Change I-2 7 10 intensely blue-green III-2 8.375 6.5 IV-4b 5 IV-2 Cordelia IV-4b Corkscrew IV-1 Cornerstone Corona Coronation Cory’s Beauty Cosmic Baby Cosmic Breeder Cosmic Brew Cosmic Brother Cosmic Charmer Cosmic Delight Cosmic Desire Cosmic DNA Cosmic Dreamer Cosmic Eye Candy Cosmic Fantasy Cosmic Flash Cosmic Hippie * I-2 I-5b I-5b II-4b II-7 II-7 II-7 II-5b I-7 II-7 III-7 II-7 II-7 II-7 III-7 III-7 II-7 Corn Muffins 8.75 medium blue-green 12 III-7 Cooltini Corduroy 14.5 medium green creamy white medium blue-green III-2 Coquette 16.5 1.5 6.5 4.5 Cool Dreams Cool Waters Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 14 10 light green to chartreuse 7.5 5 7 5 dark green pure white medium green glaucous blue-green streaked with light green, medium green, dark green, greenish-yellow Year Reg. 2008 Reg. or Species R. 2002 2012 2010 R. R. R. 1995 R. 2012 2005 R. R. 2010 R. 2.875 medium blue-green 2009 R 4 3 15 11 III-3 7.5 6 16 18 12 10 10 10.25 11 9 12.5 10.5 8.25 10.5 10.5 10 11 8.5 10 Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green I-1 7 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 2 12 16 16 7 8.5 7.75 8 10.5 10.75 9.25 5.75 10.25 7.5 9 7.125 7.25 8 intensely blue-green bright green dark green dark green 2010 white - chartreuse creamy white dark green golden yellow medium blue-green light green medium green blue green to yellow streaking streaked dark green, medium blue-green dark blue, streaked slightly blue-green, medium bluemedium green dark green, streaked with medium green greenish streaked light green, greenish white to creamy white streaked medium blue-green, intensely blue-green, medium blue-green with pale yellow streaking streaked dark green, medium blue-green, golden streaked with shades of green, yellow and creamy white streaked light green, greenish yellow to white, with dark green, streaked with greenish yellow to creamy streaked with greenish yellow, creamy white * note Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1987 pale yellow R. 1991 R. 2003 R. 2013 1996 2006 2004 2008 2010 2010 2006 2010 2010 2013 2012 2013 2014 2010 2010 2006 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1983 2009 deep gold pale yellow white R. R. R 29 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Cosmic Hot Mama Cosmic Journey Cosmic Joy Cosmic Kid Cosmic Knuckles Cosmic Lace Cosmic Lady Cosmic Little Elf Cosmic Lovin' Cosmic Mad Scientist Cosmic Miss Fertile Cosmic Moon Cosmic Moonshine Cosmic Paint Shaker Cosmic Passion Cosmic Patchwork Cosmic Pistol Cosmic Prize SectionClass II-7 III-7 II-5b II-7 II-1 III-7 IV-7 IV-7 II-4b III-7 II-7 II-2 II-7 I-7 III-7 II-7 III-7 II-7 Cosmic Rainbow Cosmic Reaction Cosmic River Cosmic Secret Cosmic Sensation Cosmic Shine Cosmic Sister * Cosmic Smiles Cosmic Spotted Cow Cosmic Warrior Cosmic Watercolors Cotillion Cotton Candy Count Dracula Counter Point Country Cousin Country Dreaming Country Gentleman Country Melody Country Mouse II-7 II-4b IV-7 II-7 I-7 II-1 II-7 II-7 II-7 III-7 III-7 V-4b IV-8 III-1 III-4b IV-7 II-2 II-5b III-3 V-4b Variety Cosmic Rain III-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Leaf Color Margin Length Width 10.75 9.25 streaked with pale yellow, greenish white, and creamy 7.75 7.25 streaked dark green, medium blue-green, intensely blue11.5 6.75 dark green yellow 9 8 dark green with white streaking 11.5 9.5 dark green 9 5.75 light green streaked with greenish yellow to greenish white speckling 3.875 3.875 medium green, streaked greenish white to creamy 5.5 3.75 streaked with greenish yellow, greenish white, and 10.25 8 medium green pure white 7.25 6.5 blue-green streaked with pale yellow streaked medium blue-green, intensely blue-green, 11.5 9 10.3 9 blue-green 11 9 blue-green streaked creamy yellow 12.5 10.25 blue-green streaked with yellow and white 9.25 6.125 streaked with greenish yellow, yellow, greenish white, 9.25 7.5 streaked with shades of green, yellow and creamy white 10.25 6 light green streaked with creamy white and pale yellow 10.25 9.5 streaked dark green, greenish yellow to white streaked medium blue-green, pale yellow, greenish 8.5 5.25 white creamy white 10 8 Dark green streaked with yellow 12 9.5 blue-green creamy white 7.25 1.75 streaked with greenish yellow and creamy white streaked intensely blue-green, greenish yellow, pale 10.5 7 16 14.5 medium green, streaked greenish yellow to creamy 9.5 7.5 dark green 9 8 streaked greenish-white and greenish-yellow * note 11 8.5 blue-green streaked with yellow and white 11.5 9 streaked with greenish white, creamy white, and pure 9.5 6 streaked with shades of green, yellow and creamy white 8.25 6.75 streaked with greenish yellow, greenish white, and 2.5 1.13 dark green creamy white 6 4 medium green unusual early season misting and 7.5 5.5 dark green 8 4 green white 7 4 medium green streaked with creamy white 10.75 8.5 intensely dark blue-green 10.25 6.5 medium green creamy yellow 8.5 6.5 greenish yellow 2 1.75 slightly blue-green pure white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2011 2010 2012 2008 2015 2010 2010 2011 2013 2012 2013 2015 2012 2012 2011 2014 2012 2010 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2008 2012 2011 2013 2010 2012 2006 2012 2011 2014 2011 1995 2009 1997 1982 2012 2013 2010 2013 2007 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2013 R. 30 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Country Road SectionClass II-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 8 dark green County Park Courtesy Cousin Lou Ann Cowabunga Cowboy Up Cracker Crumbs Cracker Jack Craig Harlequin Bells Craig's Temptation Crater Lake Crazy for You Cream Cheese Cree Creek Crème Brûlée Crème Solaire Crepe Suzette Crescendo Crescent Moon Crested Reef III-1 IV-1 II-1 III-4a IV-1 IV-6a IV-5b IV-1 IV-1 I-2 III-3 IV-4b II-1 I-2 III-5b III-3 IV-4B II-2 III-4B III-1 6 6.5 10 8.5 6.25 3.5 3 4.25 3 12 9 4 12.5 13 8 8 5 11 6.5 8 5 4 8.875 5.5 4 2 2 3 2 10 7 3.5 9 10 5 5.25 2 9 5.5 6 green medium green light green lime green to yellow medium green yellow medium green dark green medium green intensely blue-green yellow medium green medium green intensely blue-green medium green greenish yellow dark green slightly blue-green medium green pale green chartreuse Cricket Crickett Bailedout Crinkle Cup Crinkled Leather Crinkles Crinoline Petticoats Crispula Crocodile Queen Crocodile Rock Crocodile Smile Cross Stitch Crossing the Rubicon V-1 I-5b III-1 III-2 II-3 I-2 II-4B II-4b IV-1 III-6A I-1 III-3 2.5 16 8 9.5 10 13.5 6 8 7 8 14 7 1.5 14 6 6.25 10 11 12 8 4 6 10.25 5 medium green dark green bright yellow medium blue-green greenish yellow blue green deep green dark green light green creamy white light green golden yellow IV-2 III-7 IV-4B 4 9 3.5 3 7 2.5 Crested Surf Crossroads Bling Bling Crossroads Budgie Crossroads Hurricane Crossroads Oscar IV-4B III-6A 5.5 6 2 6 green yellow slightly blue-green medium blue-green streaked yellow medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white dark green yellow creamy white to white greenish yellow white to creamy white pure white creamy white golden yellow irregular silvery white to chalk-white cream dark green medium blue-green creamy white Year Reg. Reg. or Species 1983 2003 2010 2010 2011 2002 2011 1998 2002 1996 2009 1991 2007 2007 2004 2004 1986 2001 1988 1975 R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 2007 1971 2014 2009 1990 2001 2014 2000 2001 1992 2009 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R 2003 2003 2003 R. R. R. 2000 1990 2003 R. R. R. 31 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Crossroads Parrot SectionClass III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 6 medium green Crossroads Rowdy Crossroads Steve Crossroads Whirlpool Croutons Crown Jewel Crown Prince Crown Royalty Crowned Imperial Crows Landing Fairy Ghost Crows Landing Lime Sorbet Crows Landing Rippled Truffles Crows Landing Standout Crow's Nest Crumb Cake Crumples Crusader Crusty Old Fart Cry Baby Crystal Charm Crystal Chimes III-4B III-5B III-7 V-7 IV-4A IV-6A III-5B III-4B II-1 II-4b III-5b IV-4b IV-4B IV-3 IV-1 III-4B III-1 IV-6A IV-4B III-1 7 8.5 6 2.75 4 4.5 8 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 7 5 3 6 7 8.5 8 6 8 5.5 6 5 1.75 2 2.5 6 6.5 7.5 7.5 5.25 4 2 2.5 4 5.5 5.5 2.25 3 4 medium green medium green slightly blue-green streaked with white streaked green and creamy white chartreuse yellow - cream - green dark green dark green greenish white light green green blue with cream dark green golden yellow medium green dark green dark green greenish yellow medium green dark green Crystal Glaze Crystal Moon Crystal Tiara Cubby Bear Cup of Grace Cup of Joy Cupatini Cupid's Arrow Cupid's Dart Curlew Curlicue Curls Curly Curly Fries Curly Locks Curly Top Curmudgeon II-8 III-4B IV-5A V-7 III-1 III-3 IV-2 IV-6A IV-4B IV-2 II-7 III-1 IV-6A V-3 IV-4B V-1 II-1 12 7.5 3.5 3.13 9 8 5.875 5 6 5 11.75 8 4.75 5.5 5 4 8.5 8 6 3 1.63 7 5 5 3.5 1.75 3.5 7.5 4 1.75 .75 1.25 1.25 8 green light green creamy white medium green splashed dark green golden yellow medium blue-green pure white to creamy white medium green blue green medium green streaked with dark green, light green, medium green white greenish yellow medium green medium green medium green Crystal Fountain II-3 10 7 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white pale yellow cream to white chartreuse pure white creamy white greenish yellow creamy white creamy white white dark green white golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2003 2003 2003 2003 1984 1987 1990 1988 2011 2011 2011 2011 1995 2008 1996 1989 2010 1999 2001 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2000 2002 1998 2000 2009 2011 2009 1988 1997 1988 2001 1990 1991 2008 1989 1985 2010 R. R. R. R. R R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2003 1999 creamy white pale yellow dark green pure white dark green chartreuse to creamy white R. R. 32 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Curtain Call Curve Ball Curves Cute as a Button Cute Little Delores Cutie Cutie Pie Cutting Edge Cuyahoga Cuyahoga Falls Cyberstar SectionClass II-2 III-3 III-5B V-6a IV-3 IV-2 IV-7 II-2 II-5b II-2 II-7 Cyclone Wrestling Cyclops Cynthia IV-1 I-2 I-8 6 20 13 4 17 10 II-5B I-3 II-1 11.5 13 10 9.25 10.5 9 II-1 11 Variety Cyclone IV-6A Dab a Green * III-6A Daisy Doolittle V-4B Daddy Boomer Dahlonega* correct spelling Daily Joy Dale's Blue Gray Dalton's Pick Dan Patch Dana Nicolette Dance with Me Dancing Cobra Dancing Flame Dancing in the Dark Dancing in the Rain Dancing Queen Dancing Stars Dancing with the Stars Dandy Lion Dandy Randy Dandy's Pride III-3 III-5b III-2 III-6A IV-4B IV-4B IV-2 III-6A II-3 IV-6a II-7 II-3 II-1 III-5B Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 6 medium blue-green 7.5 6.5 yellow 6 7.5 dark green 2 1.5 creamy white 4.25 4 golden yellow 7 1.875 medium blue-green 4 2.5 dark green streaked greenish yellow, pale yellow, 11.5 6.5 medium blue-green 10 8.5 blue-green 10 8 medium blue-green 12.4 9.6 dark green with unstable variable streaks of light green, 5 10 1.5 9 7.5 7.5 7 5 3.75 6 7.5 13 7 12.5 10 10 8.75 4 6 6 5.5 5.68 8 2 5.5 2 5 7 4 9.25 8 7.5 5.15 Leaf Color Margin creamy yellow medium green golden yellow creamy white dark green golden yellow * note corrected sizes medium green dark green intensely blue-green streaked blue-green golden yellow medium green 1.125 medium green 8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST yellow creamy white medium blue-green bright yellow Medium green intensely blue-green yellow medium green medium green medium blue-green creamy white yellow to pale yellow creamy white dark green streaked with blue-green, medium green, golden yellow dark green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] greenish yellow and creamy white medium green creamy white pure white dark green medium blue-green golden yellow Year Reg. 1998 2009 2005 2009 2009 2010 2005 1999 2009 2010 2002 Reg. or Species R. R R. R R R. R. R. R R. R. 2011 2005 1984 R R. R. 2005 2014 1973 R. R. R. 1998 R. 2002 2006 2003 2005 2012 2009 2002 2003 2006 2012 2004 2005 2009 2005 2011 2004 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. 33 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Dani Adams Daniel Dapper Jim Dapra's Delight Daredevil Dark Ages Dark Continent Dark Forest Dark Matter Dark Nebula Dark Secret Dark Shadows Dark Star Dark Tower Dark Victory Dark Waters Dartmoor Forest Dauntless Dave David A. Haskell David F. Mahoney David Reath Dawes Dawn Dawn Treader Dawn's Early Light SectionClass II-7 V-2 II-7 V-1 II-5b IV-1 IV-1 III-4B III-1 III-7 II-2 II-6B IV-4B I-1 IV-1 II-1 II-1 II-2 IV-5a I-5B I-2 II-5B III-6A V-3 III-6A II-3 Day Dream Daybreak Day's End Dazzling Deane's Dream Dear Heart Deborah Debutante Deceiver Decorata Deep Blue Sea Deep Pockets Deep Space Nine III-3 II-3 I-5B I-7 III-2 IV-2 III-4b III-7 III-7 IV-4b III-2 II-1 III-5b Variety Dax * IV-6b? Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9.5 8 streaked green & yellow 2 1.5 blue green 9.75 7.12 dark green streaked 0.75 0.63 medium green 10 8 bluish green 6 4.75 dark green 3 2.5 dark green 8 6 dark green 8 7.5 dark green 8 7 medium blue-green streaked 8.5 8.5 medium blue-green 11 7.5 dark green 7 3.5 medium blue-green 13 11 dark green 4 5 medium dark green 12 9 dark green 10 7 dark green 9.5 7 medium blue-green 6 4.5 golden yellow 18 14 medium green 16 14 medium blue-green 12 8 dark green 7 5 creamy white 2.5 1.75 yellow 6 5 pale yellow 9 8 pale yellow 7 8 12 15 13.75 9 4.5 7 8 8 5.375 8 9 8.5 4 5 8 11 8.75 5 3.5 6 6 6 3.875 7 8.5 7 medium green * note corrected sizes yellow gold bright yellow green medium green dark green streaked with blue-green, medium green, intensely blue-green blue green dark green variegated lime green developing unstable streaks of greenishdark green dark blue medium to dark green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow creamy white medium green creamy white chartreuse yellow golden yellow dark green light green dark green variable in width with streaks to the center Year Reg. 2015 1986 1999 2000 2011 2004 2013 2005 2010 1999 2009 2004 1999 1996 1977 2005 2005 2002 2011 1999 2001 1998 2005 2000 2000 1998 2006 1998 1986 golden yellow 1999 2001 2000 1975 creamy white 2015 1978 2003 irregular creamy white with some gray 2002 1994 2005 creamy yellow 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 34 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Deep Waters Dee's Golden Jewel SectionClass II-2 III-3 Delaney Delaware Blue Hen Delaware River Delia Delicious Deliverance Delona's Smile Delta Blues Delta Dawn Delta Desire Delta Pride Deluxe Edition Demetriou's Gold Denali Denim Jacket densa Density Derriere Designer Genes Destiny Devastator Devil's Advocate IV-5b I-2 III-2 IV-6a III-4b IV-5b IV-3 III-2 III-4b II-3 II-7 II-1 III-3 III-4b IV-2 III-1 III-2 IV-1 IV-3 II-5b IV-3 I-6b 4 19 8 3 7.5 6 7 6 8 10.25 11.25 10.5 7 9 5.25 8 8 3.5 6.5 12.5 6.5 18 2.5 12.75 5 2 5 2 4 5 6.5 8.5 8.25 8 5.5 6 4 4.5 6 3 4.5 8 3.25 12 dark green medium blue-green intensely blue-green light yellow medium green medium blue-green yellow intensely blue-green light green to chartreuse medium gold streaked white and gold dark green greenish yellow medium to dark green medium blue-green Devil's Poker Devon Blue Devon Desire Devon Discovery Devon Gold Devon Green Devon Hills Devon Mist Devon Tor Dew Drop Dewed Steel * Dewline Diablo IV-1 IV-2 I-1 IV-1 IV-3 IV-1 II-1 V-1 II-1 IV-4b IV-2 III-4b III-2 6 7 14 6.25 4 6.75 12.25 3.625 10.25 4.5 7 10.25 9 4 4 9.375 2.125 2.25 4.125 9.5 1.5 8 3 3 6 7 medium green blue green light green to yellow-green dark green greenish yellow dark green dark green medium green medium green dark green creamy white medium blue-green * note corrected sizes medium green with areas of light green and gray green pure white intensely blue-green Variety Déjà Blu Devil's Delight IV-5b IV-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 9 intensely blue-green 6.5 8 yellow gold 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 6.5 7 4.5 2 slightly blue-green blue green green bright yellow to yellow medium green bright yellow intensely blue-green green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Leaf Color Margin greenish-yellow to yellow yellow medium green wide creamy white yellow creamy white medium gold creamy white yellow light green golden yellow Year Reg. 2014 1996 Reg. or Species R. R. 2013 2009 2005 1995 2012 2005 2013 2012 2009 2003 2003 1999 2001 2005 2009 1990 2012 2005 2004 2009 2007 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R S. R. R. R. R. R R. 2009 1988 2010 2005 2005 2005 2010 2005 2005 1988 2006 2002 2012 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 2013 R. R. 35 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Diadem Diamond Jubilee * Diamond Necklace Diamond Tiara Diamonds are Forever Diana Remembered Diane Gray Dalton SectionClass IV-5b III-2 IV-4b 6a IV-4b IV-4b III-4b II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.5 4 dark green 8 6 intensely blue-green * note corrected sizes 4.5 2.75 creamy white with some green dotting 4.5 3.5 medium green 4.5 3.5 medium green 7 6 slightly blue-green 9.5 8 dark green streaked creamy white and light green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow dark green white pure white creamy white Dianne Dick Ward Dick's Delight Diddily-squat Dim Sum Dimension X Dimity Dimpled Chad Dinky Donna Dinner Mint Dino Dionysos Dippity Dew Dipsy Doodle Distinction Diva Dixie Chick Dixie Chickadee Dixie Cups IV-7 II-6a IV-4b IV-1 V-3 IV-1 V-1 III-7 IV-6a IV-6a I-5b IV-1 IV-5b IV-7 I-1 I-3 V-4b IV-6a III-2 4 9 3.5 3 1.625 6 1.5 7.25 3.1 3 17.4 5 5 5.5 13.75 12 3.5 4.5 9 2.75 9 2.25 3 0.875 4 0.5 6.25 2.375 2.5 13.3 4 5 2.38 10.25 10 1.5 2.25 7 multi light yellow-green light green medium green yellow gold medium green medium green dark bluish-green streaked with greenish-gold and streaky gold bright yellow medium green medium green intensely blue-green medium green speckled dark green light green to golden yellow medium green yellow with green flecks medium blue-green Dixie Pixie Dixie Queen Dixieland Delight Do Little Do Wop Doctor Bill-Bob Doctor Fu Manchu Doctor Reath IV-4b IV-1 III-5b IV-5b IV-2 II-2 III-1 II-8(?) 3 5 8 6.5 4.5 10 8.5 11 2.5 2.5 5 2.25 3 8 3.75 8.5 slightly blue-green medium green medium green medium green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green dark green blue green mottled white Don Juan Don Quixote IV-6a III-7 5 9 1.5 7 white dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of irregular, green Dixie Joy Domaine De Courson IV-7 I-1 10 18 1.25 10 gold with green flecks medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] dark green pure white green dark green pale yellow golden yellow creamy white creamy white dark green golden yellow yellow blue green Year Reg. 2002 2006 2010 1985 2012 1997 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. 1985 1991 1998 2004 1994 2003 1998 2001 2011 2011 2009 2000 1999 2000 1998 1999 1999 2007 2007 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2004 1982 2007 2005 2007 2009 1998 1997 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. 2009 2004 R R. 2009 1983 1996 R R. R. 36 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Don Stevens Donahue Piecrust Donna Don't Look Back Don't Taz Me Bro Don't Touch My Junk Doreen Dorothy Dorothy Benedict Dorothy's Brass Band Dorothy's Child Dorset Bloodhound Dorset Blue Dorset Charm Dorset Clown Dorset Flair Dorset Glenn SectionClass III-4b III-1 III-5b III-7 III-7 IV-7 IV-3 III-1 III-7 II-3 III -7 IV-2 IV-2 IV-2 IV-7 IV-2 IV-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 7 dark green 9.5 4.75 medium green 7 5.5 medium green 7.5 5 medium green streaked white & pale yellow 9 3.5 medium green streaked white 5.5 3.25 streaked greenish yellow 6 3.25 pale yellow-green 7.75 5.5 dark green 6 6 blue green 8 8 golden yellow 7 6.75 medium green streaked with yellow and white 6 4 intensely blue-green 4 3 blue 5 3 blue green 6.5 4.5 streaked with yellow and white 4.5 3.5 blue green 4.5 2.5 I-3 II-5b III-1 II-7 II-3 I-6a I-1 II-2 III-4b I-2 15 10 8 10.125 10 15 12 11.5 9 16 11 8 6.5 8.75 7.6 12 13 10 6 13 greenish yellow apple green light green light green streaked with greenish-yellow, yellow, pale medium gold greenish yellow dark green slightly blue-green medium green intensely blue-green Dragon Wings Dragonfly Dragon's Blood Dragon's Eye Drama Queen I-1 IV-4b III-1 I-1 II-4b 18 4 8 14 12 11 1.5 6.25 10 8.5 medium green light green medium green light green medium green 7 12 5.9 8 golden yellow medium green Drawn Butter Dream Angel Dream Boat V-3 IV-3 III-3 II-1 3.5 5.375 1.5 2.75 Leaf Color Margin creamy white pale yellow golden yellow greenish gold Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2004 1999 2011 2015 2010 2011 2009 1986 1983 2010 2007 2010 1977 1990 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 R. 1990 greenish-yellow streaked with creamy white Double Eagle Double Edge Double Up Doublemint Doubloons Downpour Dr John Dragon Fire Dragon of the Seas Dragon Slayer Dragon Tails 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST yellow and white medium blue-green white green creamy white white R. 2000 1982 2011 2001 2003 2010 2007 2005 2012 2012 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1996 2012 1998 2008 2011 R. R. R. R. R 2003 2009 R. R 2009 1994 R R. 37 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Dream Catcher Dream On Dream Weaver Dreamboat Annie SectionClass III-4b IV-6a II-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.5 6 dark green 6 3 near white 9 8 pure white II-1 14 8 Dress Blues Dressed in Green Drew's Standard Drill Baby Drill Drip Drop IV-5b IV-1 IV-4b IV-7 IV-5a 7 5 4 7 6.25 3.5 3 3 3 4.2 medium green medium green with unstable streaks of medium green and creamy white intensely blue-green medium green dark green streaked yellow and green chartreuse Duane's Song Dubious Behavior Dubuque University Spartans Ducet Duchess Duke Dumb Blonde Dumbo Dune Boy DuPage Delight Dust Devil Dustin Dustin More Dusty Moon Dutch Flame Dylan's Dilly Eagle Creek Woods * Eagle Lake Overlook Eagle Spirit Eagle's Nest Early to Rise * Earth Angel Earth, Wind, and Fire Ebb Tide Ebony Knight V-3 III-6a II-2 IV-3 IV-4b II-1 III-6a I-1 I-3 II-6a III-4b IV-4b IV-4b III-1 III-7 III-6a II-4a IV-5b IV-4b I-5b IV-8 II-4b I-5b III-5b IV-1 4.5 7 10 5 4 12 3 14 15 11.5 9 5 6 8 7.9 8.25 10 5 5 12 5 12 15.75 11.75 6 1.25 5 7 5 2 9 1.2 11 9 9.5 7 1.5 3 6 3.9 5.13 8 4 3.5 10 3 9 12.5 4.75 3.5 golden yellow greenish yellow blue golden yellow dark green dark green greenish yellow medium green light greenish yellow chartreuse dark green dark green dark green with unstable streaks of creamy white medium green green flamed and streaked into margin light greenish yellow golden yellow *note corrected sizes medium blue-green dark green medium green golden yellow turning to light green * note corrected slightly blue-green dark green dark green dark green Dreamland Drummer Boy IV-7 IV-1 4 5 2 4.75 dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin cream dark green intensely blue-green yellow gold creamy white gold light green to dark green pure white pale yellow blue green creamy white pure white creamy white creamy white dark green creamy white pale yellow-creamy white creamy white golden yellow creamy white, blue-gray where greenish yellow yellow gold Year Reg. 2009 2013 Reg. or Species R R. 2011 R 1996 2003 R. R. 1995 2004 2009 2012 1988 R. R. R R. R. 2012 2012 2011 2004 1982 1988 2001 2007 2009 1990 1999 1988 2003 2012 2011 2008 2006 2013 2003 2000 2006 2002 2003 1997 2000 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1983 R. 38 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Ebony Spires Ebony Towers Echoes Eclipse Eco Mirror Eden's Ruff and Tuff Edge of Glenn Edge of Might Edge of Night Edina Heritage Edina Hornet Edward Elslager Edward Wargo Eggs Benedict Egret Eireann El Capitan El Dorado El Niño (ppaf/cpbraf) Elata Elatior (see also nigrescens Elbridge Gerry Eleanor J. Reath Eleanor Lachman Electra Electric Blue Electric Love Electrifying Electrocution Electrum Stater Elegans Elephant Burgers Elf Bonnet Elfin Cup Elfin Power Elisabeth Elizabeth Campbell Elizabeth DeBird Elizabeth Ingolfsrud Elizabeth Levy SectionClass III-1 III-1 III-2 I-5b III-1 I-2 III-5b I-5b II-2 I-2 II-5b II-4b IV-2 II-7 IV-1 III-1 II-5b I-3 III-4b I-1 II-1 III-5b I-2 IV-6a III-7 III-2 III-1(or 7 III-5b IV-5b III-4a I-2 IV-1 III-1 V-4a IV-4b III-1 III-8 IV-1 II-5b IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 4 dark green 7 5.5 dark green 8 4 medium blue-green 16 11.5 medium blue-green 7.125 5 dark green 16 11 powdery blue-green 7.75 5.5 medium to light green 13.5 11.25 dark green 9 8.5 blue green 12 10.5 blue green 10.8 7 medium green 11 9 medium green 5 4.5 blue green 11.75 8.25 dark green streaked with medium green, light green, 3 2 medium green 8.75 5.75 dark blue green 9 10.5 dark green 12.75 10.75 medium to golden yellow 6.7 4.75 (RHS 188A & 133B) intensely blue green (center) and 10 14 green to sea-green 9.5 6.75 9 7 medium green 18 15 blue green 3.75 2.8 creamy white 7.63 6.12 dark green streaked 8.5 6.875 intensely blue-green 8 4.5 medium green 8.75 6.5 dark green 7 2 medium green 7.5 6.5 medium gold streaked 13 11.25 blue-green 6 4 dark green 9 3.5 dark green 2 1.25 chartreuse 9 1.25 medium green 9 5 green 8 6 yellow 5.5 4 dark green 9.5 6 7 4 medium green golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 1999 2005 2012 golden yellow 2010 2014 2014 shades of green to pale yellow 2007 greenish yellow variably streaked with 2002 1988 1987 medium gold 1996 pure white 2011 1986 2001 1984 1991 creamy white to yellow chartreuse 1987 2009 (RHS155D) pure white 2003 2002 Leaf Color Margin golden yellow dark green variable golden yellow veins are striped white golden yellow yellow white pure white green yellow 2009 2002 1986 1995 2009 2010 1999 1998 2005 1997 1993 2003 1988 1987 1983 1988 2005 2011 2009 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R 39 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Elkhorn Prize Ellen Ellen F. Weissenberger Ellerbroek Ellie Bee Elsley Elsley Runner Elvis Lives Embraceable You Embroidery Emerald Carpet Emerald Charger Emerald City Emerald City Chick Emerald Crater Emerald Crown Emerald Crust Emerald Edger Emerald Elf Emerald Gem Emerald Green Emerald Isle Emerald Mist Emerald Necklace Emerald Paisley Emerald Ripples Emerald Ruff Cut Emerald Scepter Emerald Skies Emerald Tiara Emerald Treasure Emerald Waters Emeralds and Rubies Emerson's Small One Emily Dickinson Eminence Grise Emma Emma Foster Emma Miriam Brown * Emoticon Empress Wu SectionClass IV-1 V-2 II-1 III-5b IV-3 IV-4b V-1 III-2 II-5b II-6b V-3 III-6a I-1 IV-1 II-5b IV-1 II-6a IV-1 V-1 V-3 II-1 V-4a IV-1 IV-8 III-1 IV-1 III-6a IV-6a IV-1 IV-6a II-6a IV-1 V-1 V-1 IV-4b III-2 IV-4b III-3 IV-6a III-3 I-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.5 3.125 medium green 2.75 1.75 blue green 9.5 7.5 blue 8 5.63 dark green 4.5 2 medium gold 6.5 2.88 medium green 2 1.5 green 11 4.5 dusty blue 11 8 medium green 10.5 8.5 light green 3.75 1.25 medium green 9 7 golden yellow 19 14 medium green 4 2.25 medium green 9 7.5 medium blue-green 5.5 4 dark green 12 8.25 creamy white 5.25 3.5 medium green 2 1 light green 2.75 1.5 medium yellow 11 6.5 dark green 4 1.38 light greenish yellow 3.5 2.75 medium green 5 2.5 light green 8.7 6.3 dark green 6 1 emerald green 9 7 golden yellow 4.25 2.625 yellow 5.5 4.5 green 4.5 3.5 yellow 9 7.5 golden yellow 6 2 medium green 3.5 1 medium green 2.5 1.75 green 7 4 medium green 9.1 7 medium blue-green 5 3.5 medium green 7 5 light yellow-chartreuse 6 3 white * note corrected sizes 9.5 6.5 golden yellow 28 25 dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow white pale yellow medium green medium to dark green golden yellow green white dark green dark green light green dark green dark green creamy white white dark green Year Reg. 2005 1987 1986 1996 1996 2009 2009 1995 2013 2010 1998 2010 1996 2009 2013 1990 1988 2009 2013 1991 1996 2008 2003 1994 2012 1981 2003 2003 2009 1988 2000 2011 1994 2009 1987 2012 1999 1985 2006 2005 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 40 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Enchanted Mist Enchantress Enchiladas Encore Endless Summer * Enduring Beacon Enduring Endeavor English Sunrise Enigma Enterprise Envy Eola Salad Bowl Eola Sapphire Eric Eric Smith Eric’s Gold Erie Magic Eros Erotica Error Apparent Ersatz Eruption Eskimo Pie Espresso Essence of Summer Estelle Aden Estrellita Eternal Father Eternal Flame Eternity Eunice Choice Eunice Fisher Euphoria Eureka Lodestar Evelyn McCafferty Evening Blush Evening Gown Evening Magic Evening Prayers Evening Shadows SectionClass V-4b IV-6a II-6a IV-3 III-3 III-3 III-5b IV-3 IV-6b III-6a III-4b IV-3 I-2 III-1 IV-2 II-3 III-5b IV-4b IV-6a V-7 II-1 III-2 III-6a III-1 II-1 III-3 V-3 III-7 III-6a III-1 IV-1 III-1 III-1 III-1 I-2 III-2 IV-4b II-4a II-5b III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.75 2 medium green 3.5 2 white 9.5 7.9 yellow 6 2.75 medium gold 8 5 greenish yellow * note corrected sizes 7.25 4.25 yellow 7.5 5.5 medium blue-green 5 3.5 golden yellow 7.1 3.5 light green 6.75 4.5 creamy white 7.5 5.5 medium blue-green 3.5 2.5 chartreuse light green 18 13 intensely blue-green 7 6 medium green 4 4 blue green 9.5 7 bright golden yellow 9 7 medium green 6 3.1 medium green 6.8 3.6 greenish yellow 3 1.625 cream and green streaks and dots 11.25 7.13 dark green 8 4 intensely blue-green 7.5 5 creamy white 9.5 6 dark green 10.5 8.6 medium green 8 6 gold 2 0.75 clear yellow 10 5 yellow mottled with medium green 7.5 5.5 creamy white 8 6.5 light green 5 1.75 green 7 5 dark green 8.25 4.125 light green 7.5 5 dark green 12 12 blue green 9 5.25 intensely blue-green 6 4 medium green 10 9.25 9 8 7 7 gold dark green medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white green dark geen irregular yellow to creamy dark green dark green creamy white golden yellow white medium blue-green slightly blue-green dark green creamy white white yellow Year Reg. 2015 1988 2015 1995 2006 2009 2009 2003 2010 2009 2013 2004 2004 2015 1988 2004 1999 2015 2012 2005 1996 2007 2004 2009 2004 1978 1995 1999 1999 1995 1988 1985 2002 2004 1975 2013 2004 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 2012 R. R. 1988 R. 41 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Evening Star Eventide Everglades Everlasting Love Evil Woman Ewa Yoto Moto Excalibur Excitation Exotic Dancer Exquisite Exstasy Extreme Eye Candy Eye Catcher Eye Declare Eye Never Eye of the Hurricane Eye of the Storm Faded Genes Faerie Cups Faerie Dust Fagan Fair Dinkum Fair Maiden Fairway Green Fairy Frizzle Fairy Frolic Faith Faithful Heart Fall Bouquet Fall Dazzler Fall Emerald Fall Splendor Fallen Angel Falling Waters Family Crest Fan Dance Fancy Francee Fandango Fantabulous SectionClass IV-1 II-4b II-5b* IV-4b II-5b IV-1 IV-4b IV-3 III-7 II-2 IV-6a IV-6b III-4b IV-8 IV-6a III-6a II-1 IV-1 II-2 IV-2 II-3 III-1 IV-2 III-4b IV-1 V-5b IV-1 III-3 V-6a IV-1 IV-4b II-1 IV-1 I-8 IV-6a IV-1 IV-6a III-3 III-1 III-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.5 2.625 medium green 10 7 green 10.5 9 green * (*Corrected colors.) 5.2 4.5 slightly blue-green 11.25 7.5 dark green 5.5 2.75 dark green 6 3 medium green 7 4 chartreuse to gold 6.5 5.9 medium blue-green 8.5 8 dark blue with a silvery cast 5.5 3.25 creamy white 4.4 2.8 medium blue-green with irregular white line 10 6 slightly blue-green 4 7 7.5 14 5 10 5.5 11 8 7 6 3 5 3.5 10 2.5 8 5 9.5 5 16 6 4.25 7 8 7 9.5 3 4 5 8 4 7 4.5 8.5 5.25 4.25 5 2 1 2.5 8 2 3 2.5 8.5 2.5 10 3 2.75 4 6 6 6.25 yellow gold pale yellow bright yellow light to medium grey-green dark green intensely blue-green medium blue-green golden yellow light green intensely blue-green medium green green dark green light green golden yellow golden yellow dark green medium green medium green medium green emerges white w/green speckling white medium green chartreuse golden yellow medium green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white golden yellow* creamy white pale yellow white streaked creamy white green darker blue-green white medium green dark green creamy yellow narrow, variable, golden yellow medium green white green dark green creamy white Year Reg. 2001 1992 1988 2004 2013 2009 1986 1988 2007 2009 2007 1996 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2005 2013 2008 2014 2012 2010 2010 2005 1993 1993 1990 2006 1997 1999 1999 1986 2009 1997 2011 2000 2009 2012 1987 2009 2008 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R R. R. R R. R. 1996 R. 42 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Fantasia Fantastic Fantasy Island Farewell Party Fascinating Rhythm Fascination SectionClass III-7 I-2 IV-6a II-3 III-7 II-7 Fashionista Fat Boy Fat Cat Fat Cheeks Fatal Attraction III-4a IV-1 I-3 IV-8 (?) III-4a 7 3.1 12.5 3 9 5 5.6 11 2.5 4 medium golden yellow light green yellow gold greenish white (changes color) medium green Faux Finish Faye Coble Feather Boa Feng Shui Fernwood Fertile Crescent Fertile Phyllis Festival IV-7 IV-5b IV-3 III-2 I-1 IV-3 I-2 III-7 5 6 8 7.5 15 6 16 9 4 4 1.25 5 12 4.5 11 7 yellow-green mottled with dark green and blue-green dark green yellow medium blue-green dark green yellow-green blue-green-gray light green streaked Fickle Blue Genes Fiddlesticks Field of Dreams Fiesta II-7 IV-1 IV-4b II-7 9.25 8 4 11 8.5 1 2.5 7.12 medium blue-green streaked dark green medium green medium green streaked Filagree Filagree's Sister Filigree Necklace Final Answer Final Summation Final Victory Fine Points Fingerprint Finlandia Finn's Finest II-7 III-7 IV-7 I-7 I-6a II-5b IV-1 III-6b IV-1 IV-6a 12 9 7 14.25 16 10.3 4.63 9 4.75 5 9 6 3 10.75 12 7.9 3.63 7 1.75 4 blue-green; golden yellow splotching mottled blue-green and golden yellow intensely blue-green with unstable streaking of creamy golden yellow streaked golden yellow medium green green light green dark green greenish yellow Variety Fascinator Faux Chihuly Ffred Fifth Element III-6a III-2 II-1 II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 6 light green 12.5 10.5 blue gray 4 2.25 white speckling 10 7.5 golden yellow 9 6 medium green streaked white and light green 15 5 white - yellow stripes 7.5 9 10 9 6 5.5 8 8 golden yellow moderately blue medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green dark green green pure white creamy white golden yellow green - yellow streaked medium blue-green white intensely blue-green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1998 1988 2002 2010 2014 1978 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. 2011 2006 1996 2005 1999 R R. R. R. R. 2003 1999 1991 2009 1983 2004 2010 1998 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 2000 1999 2004 1999 R. R. R. R. 2009 2009 2003 2000 2008 2012 2009 2009 1997 2008 R R R. R. R. R. R R R. R. 1989 2011 2005 2000 dark green dark green pale yellow golden yellow medium blue-green R. R R. R. 43 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Fire and Brimstone Fire and Ice Fire Dancer Fire Island SectionClass II-7 IV-6a II-6a IV-3 Fired Up Firefighter's Angel Firefly Firestorm IV-7 III-1 IV-4b IV-6a 6.5 8 6 5 4.5 5 2 3 blue-green with white streaks and mottled areas light green medium green yellow Firn Line First Class First Frost First Impressions First Lady First Light First Mate First Strike Fisher Cream Edge Fisher's Green Magic Five O’Clock Somewhere Five O'Clock Shadow Flagship Flamboyant Flame Stitch Flame Tiara IV-4b V-1 III-4b IV-4b IV-5b IV-6a IV-6a IV-6a III-4b II-7 III-6a II-6a III-4b III-7 II-6a IV-7 5.9 2.25 7 5.5 9 3.5 13 4.5 7.5 11 9 10 8 7 9.5 3.2 3.15 1.5 5 3 3 2.8 1.5 2.75 4.75 7 7 8 7 5 7 2.1 blue-green dark green intensely blue-green dark green medium green greenish yellow grayish green (RHS 3/143C) (white) white green marbled mottled golden yellow golden yellow medium blue-green streaked white creamy white with streaks of varying shades of yellow Flaming Arrow Flanders Passion Flanders Spirit Flapjack Flash Dance * Flash Forward Flat Clyde Flatliner Fleeta Brownell Woodroffe Fleeta's Blue Fleeta's Fantasy III-1 III-2 III-1 II-4b IV-7 IV-5b V-1 IV-4b III-5b III-2 IV-6a 9 9.8 9.1 11 4 5.5 2.25 5 8 7 5.5 6 5.5 3.9 8 4 4 1.75 2 5 5.5 4.5 medium green medium blue-green medium green green intensely blue-green streaked * note corrected sizes medium green to slightly blue-green dark green medium green streaked with light and dark green blue green intensely blue-green greenish yellow Variety Fire Opal Fireworks Flamenco Mouse III-4b IV-6a V-6b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 9 blue-green with creamy yellow and white streaks 6 4 pure white 10 9 chartreuse/yellow/white 6.5 4.5 greenish yellow 8 7 1.75 5.5 1.5 1.25 light green creamy white to white slightly blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green blue-green pure white creamy white medium green dark green creamy white yellow becoming white creamy white pale yellow dark green dark green (RHS 3/139A) dark green medium green slightly blue-green dark green greenish-yellow medium green white greenish yellow creamy white chartreuse yellow blue green Year Reg. 2003 1999 2008 1998 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. 2010 2002 1996 2007 R. R. R. R. 2012 2001 2002 1991 2007 2010 2003 2003 1992 1998 2000 2004 2000 1978 1991 2004 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2010 2010 2009 1999 2014 1997 2007 1986 1999 1999 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2001 2012 R. R. R. 44 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Flemish Angel Flemish Baron Flemish Clouds * Flemish Design Flemish Gold * Flemish Master SectionClass II-4b IV-1 I-7 IV-3 IV-3 II-4b Flemish Melody Flemish Milkshake Flemish Sky Flemish Steel Flickering Flames Flint Hill Floppy Disk Floradora Floral Dance Floramora Floratini Flow Swirls Flower Child Flower Power Flower Song fluctuans fluctuans ‘Variegated’ (See Fluted Emerald Glass Fluted Fountain Fond Farewell IV-5b II-1 II-2 Fond Memory III-4b Fond Hope Fool’s Gold Foolish Heart Footlights For Your Eyes Only Fore Sail Forest Canopy Forest Firefly Forest Fireworks Forest Moon Forest Paintbrush IV-1 III-7 IV-2 IV-2 III-6a II-5b II-5b V-1 IV-1 III-1 IV-3 IV-7 III-1 I-1 IV-7 II-1 II-2 III-5b IV-1 V-3 IV-6a IV-4b I-2 IV-6a IV-4a II-3 IV-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11.1 6.9 medium blue-green 6.3 2.5 dark green 10 18 intensely blue-green streaked creamy white * note 6.25 4 yellow 7 4 golden yellow * note corrected sizes and section medium blue-green 11.25 7.875 5.6 7.2 4.7 6.4 8 10.5 12.25 2 6.25 10 3.25 6 9 14 4.5 12 2.2 5.3 2.75 3.5 4 6.5 9.5 1 3.75 6 2 4.5 5.5 10 3.5 9.75 11 9 7.5 13 11.5 7 9 5 3 5 7 14 7 4 9 4 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white greenish white medium green slightly blue-green with pale yellow and greenish yellow intensely blue-green medium blue-green pale yellow light and medium green medium green golden yellow dark greenish-yellow golden yellow light green medium green medium green yellow multi colored medium green gray bright golden yellow with white streaks. 3.8 9 9.5 dark green medium green slightly blue-green-gray golden yellow 4.5 medium green creamy white 6 5 1.25 3.5 3.5 12 4 3 8 3 gray green light green medium green medium gold pure white dark green slightly blue-green yellow to creamy white light greenish yellow yellow medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2009 2009 2009 2014 2006 Reg. or Species R R R R. R. 2008 2008 2004 2010 2003 1999 2003 1978 2013 2012 2009 1978 2007 1987 2009 2015 1999 2002 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R S. S. R. R. R. 2000 R. 2013 1973 irregular yellow gold brighter near the 2002 2002 1995 2013 dark green pure white 2009 2009 medium to dark green 2008 creamy white 2000 greenish yellow 2005 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. 45 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Forest Pebbles Forest Shadows Forest Treasure Forever Frances Forever Green Forever Yours Formal Attire Fort Knox Fort Salonga Fortunei Albomarginata SectionClass IV-4b IV-6a V-4b III-5b III-1 III-4b II-4b III-3 IV-7 III-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 4 dark green 3.5 2 medium green (chartreuse) 4 0.75 medium blue-green 8 7 green 8.5 7.5 dark green 7 5 medium to light green 11 8 dark blue green 8 5 bright yellow 7 3 medium blue-green with unstable streaks of pale 9 5.75 Fortunei Albopicta Fortunei Aurea Fortunei Aureomarginata Fortunei Gigantea Fortunei Hyacinthina Fortunei Obscura Fortunei Rugosa Fortunei Stenantha Fortunei Viridis Foundling Foundry Gold Fountain Fountain Glass Fountain of Youth Fountainhead Fourth of July Fox Lake Foxfire Bamm Bamm Foxfire Destiny's Child Foxfire Divine Winds Foxfire Green Lantern II-8 II-8 III-5b I-1 III-1 III-1 III-1 III-1 III-1 IV-3 I-3 II-1 III-5b IV-4b III-2 IV-1 III-1 III-7 I-5b III-6a III-1 11 9 7.5 14 8.5 8.5 9 8.5 8.75 4.25 12 10 7 5 9 6 9 10 14 9 8 6 9 5.5 10 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 2 10 7.5 5 3 7 1 5.75 6 12 6 6.25 Foxfire Night Skye Foxfire Palm Sunday Foxfire Resurrection Foxfire Rose Red Foxfire Shadow Dancer Foxfire Snake Eyes Foxfire X-Philes II-4b II-5b IV-6b IV-6a I-6a IV-6a II-6a 9 12 7 7 12 3 8 8 6 4 3 10 2 8 Foxfire Irish Moon II-1 9 8 dark green golden yellow greenish yellow green green green green green deep green medium yellow yellow green dark green dark green slightly blue-green dark green light green medium green with centered unstable streaks of medium to dark green creamy white light green creamy pale green dark green medium green medium blue-green creamy white chartreuse white jagged stripe white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white dark green pure white deep gold creamy white creamy yellow creamy white dark green golden yellow white greenish yellow green creamy white greenish yellow light green dark green intensely blue-green dark green intensely blue-green Year Reg. 2009 1999 2013 1996 1994 2015 1988 1989 2003 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1990 2015 1983 2015 2003 2011 1993 2002 2003 2013 2009 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R 2009 2009 2013 2003 2009 2003 2009 R R R. R. R R. R 1987 2003 R. R. 46 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Foxfire Zulu Foxy Cat Foxy Doxy Fragrant Blue Fragrant Blue Ribbons Fragrant Bouquet Fragrant Candelabra Fragrant Flame Fragrant Gold Fragrant Light Fragrant Mist * Fragrant Queen SectionClass I-1 III-5b III-7 IV-2 III-4b IV-4a II-7 III-7 I-3 IV-6a IV-7 III-4b Framingham Express III-1 Variety Fragrant Tot IV-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 15 8 dark green 8.5 7.25 glaucous blue-green 6 5.5 blue green streaked 5 3 blue green 6.5 5 intensely blue-green 6 4.24 light green streaked 10 7 blue green streaked 9 7 yellow, chartreuse, green streak 12 10 deep yellow 5.5 4.3 creamy white 5 3 slightly blue-green w/ creamy dots and streaks * note 8.7 6.7 dark green 4.5 1.5 8 4.5 creamy yellow streaked medium green Fran and Jan Fran Godfrey Franc and Ed Francee Frances Williams Frances Williams Baby Franc's Blueboy Lost Franc's Dark Within Franc's Fight Nite Franc's Green Bomber III-8 I-6a II-2 III-4b I-5b II-3 IV-2 II-6b III-4a I-1 10 16 11 9 12 10 4.5 10 8.25 15 6 12 9 6 10 8 3.5 7 4.25 10.75 yellow greenish yellow intensely blue-green dark green blue green yellow medium blue-green dark green dark green dark green Franc's Trailer Jon Frank Fetch Franklin Pierce Frank's Rocket Franz Radzicki Freckles Fred Wilson Free Jazz Freedom Freising French Kiss I-3 III-5b III-1 I-1 I-2 I-7 II-5b III-1 II-1 IV-1 IV-3 12 7 8.5 14 30.7 13 11 7.3 13.5 4 9 11 4.5 6 11 10.6 10 8 4.2 7.5 1.5 3 bright golden yellow medium green medium green medium to intensely blue-green intensely dark blue-green green with yellow blotches medium blue-green medium green medium green light green greenish yellow Franc's Mor Blue French Quarter III-2 III-3 9.25 7.75 6.75 7 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow creamy white jetting inward green medium green with greenish-yellow pure white green dark green white chartreuse to yellow light green pure white medium blue-green golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2003 2005 1994 1988 2007 1982 1982 1988 1982 2002 2006 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2008 R. 1982 1986 2004 2015 1986 1986 1980 2010 2010 2008 2010 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 2004 2010 1998 2009 2009 2008 2011 1999 2009 2004 R R. R. R. R R R. R R. R R. 2010 light yellow variable greenish yellow with lighter R. 2009 R. R 47 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Frenzy Fresh Friar Fritz SectionClass IV-5b IV-4a 5a I-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 2.5 dark green 5 3.5 chartreuse 13.5 12 dark green Friar Tuck Friday Morning Coffee Fried Bananas Fried Green Tomatoes Fried Guacamole Friendly Dragon Friendly Persuasion Friends I-5a IV-6b III-3 III-1 II-6b I-1 I-5b IV-3 15 4.5 8 8 9 13.5 13 8 11 1.75 6 6 8 9 10 1.5 greenish yellow intensely blue-green yellow gold medium green medium green dark green medium green yellow Frilly Frolic Frilly Lady Frilly Puckers I-2 III-4b II-1 15 8 12 11 5.5 8 slightly blue-green light green dark green Frog Bog III-3 7 5 Frills Fringe Benefit Front Forty II-3 11 II-4b 9.5 V-1 4.25 6.5 7.5 1.13 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow yellow yellow light green light green pale yellow pale yellow dark green greenish-yellow medium green creamy white creamy white I-5b IV-4b III-7 III-5b 12 7.5 8 7.63 10 3.5 7 5.25 medium blue-green medium green drak green streaked with green shades yellow and intensely blue-green yellow white Frosted Jade Frosted June Frosted Mini Hearts Frosted Mini-muffins Frosted Morning Frosted Mouse Ears Frosted Waves Frosty Frosty Morn Frosty the Snowman Frozen Jacket Frozen Margarita II-4b IV-4a V-7 V-4a III-7 V-4b V-6a II-2 III-3 II-7 (?) II-4b III-4a 13 5.3 3.25 2.5 9.5 2.5 4 11.5 6.5 11.25 9.4 8 9 2.8 1.75 2.25 6 2.25 1 10 6 8.5 7.9 6 dark jade green yellow white with green speckling greenish yellow streaked medium green, yellow, white blue-green white blue-green medium gold medium green streaked medium blue-green greenish yellow creamy white white medium green creamy white creamy white creamy white medium green II-4b 11 7 medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Reg. or Species R. R. 2000 2010 1994 1995 2008 2015 2013 2007 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2015 2015 1986 R. R. R. 2008 R. 2008 2004 2010 1999 R. R. R. R. 1978 2007 2010 2000 2008 2006 2000 2009 1993 2000 2011 2003 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. 2015 2010 Frost Giant Frostbite Frosted Comet Frosted Dimples Frosted Evening Year Reg. 2007 2010 creamy white to golden yellow creamy white creamy white creamy white pure white 2010 1996 2008 R. R. R. R. R. 48 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Frühlingsgold Fruit Cup Fruit Loop Fruit Punch Fudge Ripple Fukurin Ko Mame Fukurin Tosayama* Fulda Full Moon Fumiko Funny Bones Funny Face SectionClass IV-6a IV-1 IV-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4.375 1.875 golden green 3.25 3.25 dark green dark green 3 3 IV-8 6 II-7 8 V-5b- early 2.125 V-5b 2.875 II-1 12 IV-2 IV-2 III-2 IV-3 5 5.5 7.5 6 4.25 yellow 12 green streaked creamy white and golden yellow 0.625 medium green medium green with yellow cast (*Note corrected 1.8125 spelling.) 3.75 blue-green 5.25 dark blue green 7.25 intensely blue-green 4 yellow 9 medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green creamy white mottled yellow yellow early, then white Fury of Flame Fused Veins Fuzzy Dice G String Gable's Gold Gadzooks Gaga Gaiety Gaijin Gala Galactic Starburst II-8 IV-6b II-2 III-6a IV-3 IV-6a IV-3 IV-4a V-5b IV-5b III-7 10 4.5 9 8.5 5.25 5 4 8 1.63 8 9.25 7.75 1.5 8 5.5 3.25 1.5 2.5 3 0.63 3 5.75 chartreuse medium green medium blue-green greenish yellow to yellow gold steak greenish yellow pure white light golden yellow yellow green light green medium green medium green streaked streaks lighter green Galaxy Light Gallant Heart III-6a I-2 6.5 13 5.5 11 medium yellow blue-green but with seasonal variability dark green Gamma Ray Gandalf Ganny Sandy Garden Bouquet Garden Center Garden Gate Garden Magic Garden Party IV-6a III-4b IV-4b IV-5b IV-6a III-7 II-7 I-6b 5.25 9 4 6 6 7.5 9 16 4 7 2.75 4 4 4.5 8 10.5 pure white slightly blue-green light green deep green creamy white medium green streaked with golden yellow and creamy blue green, chartreuse, cream, white golden yellow dark green creamy white irregular creamy white edges and Galaxy Game Boy II-7 III-7 12 7.9 8 3.9 creamy yellow mottled green with cream and white flaming and streaking Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] dark green medium green with some white white yellow gold yellow dark green green medium green medium green Year Reg. 2009 2013 Reg. or Species R R. 1999 2006 2005 R. R. R. 2003 1991 2003 2012 R. R. R. R. 1985 1983 2009 1996 2011 2004 2009 1986 1995 1978 1999 R. R. R R. R R. R R. R. R. R. 1991 2009 R. R 1999 1999 2007 1983 2003 2001 1980 2002 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2013 2002 2014 1987 2011 R. R. R. R. R 49 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Garden Treasure SectionClass III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9.5 6.5 medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium gold Year Reg. Reg. or Species 1997 R. Garnet Prince Garnet Spires Gary Rivera Gary Rolls * Gate Keeper Gathering of Eagles Gay Blade Gay Feather Gay Nineties Gay Search Gaynor Miller Gazpacho III-1 III-1 I-2 III-3 II-1 I-7 IV-4b IV-6a IV-4b II-5b II-1 II-7 7.5 10 9 8 15 14.5 7.5 7 4.5 11 9 11.5 5 6 14 5 6 12.75 2.75 2.5 3.5 7 8 8.5 medium green light green medium blue-green greenish yellow * note corrected sizes light to medium green blue-green streaked medium green, light green, gray green pure white creamy white dark green dark green white medium blue-green light greenish yellow can run to center light green light green with unstable streaks of dark green, greenish-creamy white 1991 2005 2006 2006 2012 2005 1988 1983 1994 2004 1993 2003 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Geisha Geisha Limey Streaks IV-6b V-7 3.5 3.75 2 1.25 light green golden yellow with green streaks and mottling 1983 2009 R. R Gekko Gemstone Gene Summers IV-4b IV-2 III-7 3.5 4 10 2002 2005 1978 R. R. R. Genesee Genco Genesee Gypsy Genesee Splashing Genesee Watchtower Geneva Geneva Remembrance Geneva Stark Gentle Giant Gentle Spirit George M. Dallas V-1 IV-7 V-7 IV-1 III-7 III-2 IV-6a I-2 IV-4b III-5b 2.75 5.5 4 6 8.25 8.5 5 13 6 8.5 pure white golden yellow 2000 1999 1999 1999 2010 1996 1999 2005 2009 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R George W. Georgia Sunrise Georgia Sweetheart Gerrie's Gift I-7 I-3 III-6a I-5b 14.25 13 8 17 medium green greenish yellow 2001 2014 2008 2011 R. R. R. R Geez Louise Geisslers Edge Gene's Joy George Smith III-3 V-4b III-6b II-6a 8 2.5 6.5 12 5.5 golden yellow 1.125 medium green 1.875 light green 3 intensely blue-green 4 bold streaked 4.625 green 2 3 1 3 7.5 7 2.5 12 4 5.5 9 10.125 9.5 6 14 medium green creamy white streaked green & creamy white streaked light to medium green streaked blue-green and pure yellow dark green pure white intensely blue-green dark green dark green golden Lime dark green streaked with medium green, light green, golden yellow golden yellow medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] dark green white creamy white with gray-green green dark green glaucous blue green 2010 2005 2010 1983 R. R. R. R. 50 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Gertie Get Nekkid * Ghost Mouse Ghost Spirit Ghostface Giant Streaker Giantland Mouse Cheese Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears Gift of Sight Gig Harbor Gil Jones Gilded Cage Gilded Cup Gilded Teacup Gilded Tiara Gilt by Association Gilt Edge Ginbuchi Tachi Gingee Ginko Craig Ginsu Knife Ginsu Knife Supreme Gitchigumi Glacial Lake * Glacial Towers Glacier Cascade Gladiator Gladys Holly Glamour Glass Slipper Glen Eyeful Tower Glen Fetish Glen Lumenaria Glen Tiara Glen Triumph Glockenspiel Gloria Jean Gloriosa Glorious Gold Glory Glory Hallelujah SectionClass IV-7 IV-1 V-7 IV-7 III-5b I-7 IV-2 IV-3 I-4a III-2 I-4b II-5b III-5b III-5b IV-5a IV-3 II-5b IV-4b IV-3 IV-4b III-4b V-7 (?) I-2 II-2 II-5b III-1 II-5a II-1 IV-6a V-6a II-2 III-3 II-3 IV-5b II-2 IV-1 III-4b IV-4b IV-3 IV-3 II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 4.5 dark green streaked chartreuse green, creamy white 6 3 medium green * note corrected sizes 2 2 pale yellow with green speckles 6 4 green streaked white 8.5 5.5 medium green 15.25 10.75 dark bluish-green with unstable streaks of varying 2.625 2.375 medium golden yellow 1.75 1.75 yellow 13 10 chartreuse to lime 9 5 medium blue-green 12 10 blue green 12 7.75 dark green 7 5.25 dark green 8 6.75 medium green 4 3 greenish yellow 8 3 gold yellow 10.75 9.5 medium blue-green 6 1.875 medium green with stable lighter green streaks on edge 8 1 chartreuse - yellow 6.25 2.25 dark green 10 4 medium green with some streaking of leaf center 9 3 medium green streaked yellow turning to white 14 12 medium blue-green 10 11 medium blue-green * note corrected sizes 10 8 medium green 11 4.5 medium green 12.5 8 greenish-yellow 9.75 6.75 medium green 9.5 2.7 creamy white 4 1.25 pure white 11.5 10 medium blue-green 8 4.25 golden yellow 8.5 8 yellow 3.125 2.75 medium green 11.25 7.75 medium blue-green 3.88 2.88 medium green 8.5 7 medium green 7 4.24 dark green 6 4 yellow 5 5 chartreuse yellow 11 8.5 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green golden yellow white yellow to creamy white golden yellow greenish yellow bright gold yellow medium gold creamy yellow white creamy white yellow turning to white yellow to cream golden yellow dark green dark green with an inner edge of yellow creamy white white yellow Year Reg. 2009 2006 2014 1999 2000 2004 2011 2011 2010 1996 1990 2005 1999 2003 1998 2000 2002 2002 1986 1986 2002 2005 2009 1999 2009 1999 2006 2001 2008 2013 2009 2008 2009 2008 2003 2008 2008 1999 1986 2001 1985 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 51 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Glossy Glory Glowing Sparklers Go Dorothy Go for Broke Goat Hollow Goblin Goddess of Athena Godzilla Go-Go Mom Gold Braid Gold Bug Gold Cadet Gold Coast Gold Cover Gold Cup Gold Dorothy of Richland Gold Drop Gold Edger Gold Edger Supreme Gold Edger Surprise Gold Flush Gold Glory Gold Haze Gold Leaf Gold Pan Gold Piece Gold Rags Gold Regal Gold Ribbon Gold River Gold Seer Gold Spring Gold Standard Gold Vein Gold Vision Gold Waves Gold Wing Goldbrook Goldbrook Genie Goldbrook Glimmer Goldbrook Gold SectionClass I-1 III-1 III-7 IV-4b I-7 IV-1 IV-4b I-1 IV-7 IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 III-3 IV-3 IV-3 II-3 V-3 IV-3 V-3 IV-4b II-4b III-3 III-3 (8) III-3 (8) III-3 II-8 IV-5b IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 III-3 III-8 III-6a III-3 IV-3 II-3 II-5b IV-2 III-6b III-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 15 10 dark green 9 7 creamy white streaked with medium green light green, 7 5.75 streaked with yellow and white 6 2.25 medium green 14.25 11.25 streaked dark green, medium blue-green, yellow to 7 4 grayish green 5.5 3.5 dark green 13 11 medium green 5.5 3.25 medium green with unstable streaks of dark green, 6 4 yellow 3 3 medium gold 8 2 yellow chartreuse 9 7 yellow chartreuse 3 2.5 deep yellow 6 4.5 gold 12 9 yellow gold 2.5 1.75 golden 3.5 2.5 gold 2.375 1.1875 light green-gold 4.5 3 blue-green with streaking from the margin of grey 12 8 medium green 9 6 yellow gold 7 5 golden yellow 7 5 golden yellow 8 6 gold 14 6 dark green 4 6 dark green 7 3.5 yellow chartreuse 5 1.5 pale yellow 6 2 golden yellow 8 6.5 golden yellow 10 6 golden yellow turns green 8 5 creamy yellow No info - R. by BHHS 1988 7.5 5.75 golden yellow 5 3.5 yellow gold 12 8 greenish yellow 10 6.5 medium green 4 4 gray blue 7.25 4.75 pale green 9 7 bright yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white chartreuse creamy white cream to white golden yellow dark green yellow blue-green to dark green Year Reg. 2007 2003 2010 2005 2010 2009 2000 1987 1996 2003 2004 2000 1974 1986 1982 1978 1995 1977 1978 2003 2002 1984 1995 1988 1988 1978 1983 1974 2002 2015 2010 1999 1976 1988 2009 1995 2014 1989 1989 2009 1989 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. 52 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Goldbrook Grace Goldee Golden Age Golden Anniversary Golden Arrow Golden Ballerina Golden Bouquet Golden Bullion SectionClass IV-6a IV-3 III-3 (8) III-8 IV-3 IV-3 III-3 IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4 3 pale yellow 4 3.5 golden yellow 7 5 golden yellow 8.5 5.75 golden yellow (viridescent) 5.5 1.75 yellow gold 5 4.5 greenish yellow 8.5 5.5 yellow 6 4 Golden Cascade Golden Chimes Golden Circles Golden Decade Golden Delight Golden Dome Golden Dove Golden Eagle Golden Empress III-3 III-3 II-5b IV-3 II-3 II-3 I-3 III-5b IV-3 10 8 10.5 6 10 11 16 8 4.5 5 6.5 9 4 9 10 12 7 3.5 Golden Flame Golden Fountain Golden Friendship Golden Gate Golden Gem Golden Girl Golden Gloves Golden Goal Golden Guernsey Golden Hawk Golden Jubilee Golden Maple Golden Medallion Golden Melody Golden Memories Golden Needles Golden Nugget Golden Oriole Golden Pearls Golden Picture * Golden Piecrust IV-3 III-3 III-3 II-3 V-3 III-3 II-3 III-3 III-3 V-3 IV-3 I-3 III-3 III-3 II-3 II-3 IV-3 IV-3 I-3 II-3 I-3 6 14 8 12 2.5 5 9.5 5.5 7 3 3 18 6 7.5 9.25 12 5 7 14 10 18 3 3.5 6.5 8 1.125 9 7 8 5.5 1.25 2 8 5 6.5 7 8 3 3 9 10 15 Golden Fascination IV-3 6 4 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium green yellow green bright greenish yellow yellow blue green medium gold medium gold yellow greenish yellow * note corrected sizes medium to intense blue-green medium yellow yellow bright yellow yellow gold yellow to chartreuse medium yellow gold greenish yellow bright yellow golden yellow golden yellow medium yellow greenish yellow medium gold gold yellow green greenish yellow golden yellow golden yellow yellow yellow greenish yellow yellow gold * note corrected sizes greenish yellow to yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1989 1999 1988 1998 1996 1998 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1984 1979 1998 2003 1994 2005 2006 1998 1990 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1990 1993 1991 1994 2005 1982 2000 2006 1992 1984 1995 1980 1984 2001 2009 2012 1969 1988 2003 1995 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 1989 golden yellow golden yellow 1986 R. R. 53 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Golden Plum Golden Prayers Golden Rajah Golden Ripples Golden Ruffles Golden Rule Golden Samurai Golden Scepter Golden Sculpture Golden Simplicity Golden Spades SectionClass III-8 III-3 III-3 II-3 III-3 II-3 III-5a IV-3 I-3 II-3 V-3 Golden Sunburst Golden Surprise Golden Teacup I-3 IV-3 IV-3 Variety Golden Spider Golden Tiara Golden Tiers Golden Torch Golden Tusk Golden Waffles Golden Wampum Golden Wheels Golden Wiggler Golden Years Goldeneye Goldfinch Goldfinger Goldilocks Goldsmith Goliath Gondola Gone with the Wind Goober Good as Gold Good Golly Miss Molly Good Lovin' Good Night Irene Good Vibrations IV-3 IV-5b V-3 III-6b II-3 III-3 V-3 II-3 V-3 IV-3 III-7 V-4a I-3 III-3 III-3 (8) I-1 I-5b I-4b IV-1 II-3 II-7 V-7 II-4b II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.25 5.75 yellow 10 3 gold 7 6.5 gold 10 7 greenish yellow 14 4 yellow 9.75 8 golden yellow 7.5 6.75 golden yellow 3 2.25 yellow gold 14 10 yellow 13 8 yellow 2.5 1.25 deep yellow 4.5 13 4 5 3 1.5 8 10 14 3 12 3.5 6 6.75 4 3 7 7 13 13.13 14 4 11.75 12 2.5 9 10 3.5 10 2.5 5 2.25 1 6 8 4 .75 6 1.5 4.5 6.5 1 0.75 6 5 9.25 10.25 9.5 3 9.25 9 2 8 8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow bright yellow green yellow green yellow chartreuse bright yellow green light yellow-green green medium gold light gold greenish-yellow to yellow gold golden yellow medium gold dark green streaked yellow golden yellow yellow green golden yellow green medium green dark green dark green pale yellow dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of green with unstable creamy white streaks light green feathering on darker green blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1997 1976 1976 1999 1976 2009 2000 1983 1982 2005 1986 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 1984 1991 1989 R. R. R. 1990 1984 2004 1976 2009 1976 2010 2003 2000 2004 2009 1970 1988 1986 2000 2009 2009 2010 2004 2002 2005 2003 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. 1987 chartreuse and white yellow green pure white yellow creamy white white creamy yellow 1977 R. R. 54 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Goodness Gracious SectionClass III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.5 5.5 dark green Goody Goody Goosebumps Gorgeous George Gorgon Gosan Gold Midget Gosan Gold Mist Gosan Gold Sword Gosan Hildegarde Gosan Leather Strap Gosan Mina Gosan Moon Skirt Gosan Sigi Grey Gosan Sunproof Gotham Gothic Charm Grace McClure Graceland gracillima Grain Belt Gold Granada Granary Gold Grand Boys Grand Canyon Grand Finale Grand Forks Grand Gold Grand Marquee Grand Master V-6a II-3 IV-1 V-1 V-3 IV-7 IV-3 IV-1 IV-1 IV-3 III-4a I-1 II-8 I-2 III-1 III-4b III-6b V-1 II-3 IV-7 IV-8 II-5b II-3 III-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-6a II-4b 2 10.25 7.125 5 1.5 5 7 6 5 3 8 12 13 18 8.5 9 5 2.5 9.75 4.25 6.5 11 11 7 4 4.13 6 12 0.5 8.25 4 1 0.5 3.5 1.2 1.25 1.5 2.5 7 10 8 14 5.5 6 6.5 1 7.75 3.6 4 8 7 5.5 3 3 4.5 9.25 white dark green medium green dark green bright yellow green golden yellow; misty patches of green, sometimes green yellow green bright yellow green dark green on top lighter green below greenish yellow golden yellow grayish green light green changing to greenish gray in sun intensely blue-green dark green dark green dark green Grand One Grand Prix Grand Prize Grand Slam Grand Tiara Grand Total Grandaddy Red Legs Grandchild Granddeur II-7 IV-1 IV-5b III-1 IV-5b I-1 III-2 III-7 III-1 10 6 4.5 7 4 16 8 6 11.5 7 4 3.5 6 2.5 12 3.75 5 4.675 dark green with yellow misting and streaking light green medium green dark green dark green medium green dark green dark green streaked dark green Grand Maw JoAnn III-5b 8 7 golden yellow streaked blue and green yellow gold medium to dark green * note corrected sizes light green dark green blue-green golden yellow creamy white blue-green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow green dark green white creamy white medium green yellow gold pale yellow to light green medium blue-green white creamy yellow pale yellow chartreuse Year Reg. Reg. or Species 1987 1998 2002 2003 1989 2009 1989 1989 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1998 2006 2013 1995 1988 2006 1995 1995 2009 2009 2001 1986 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R R R R R R R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. 2008 2009 1998 1990 1991 2003 2010 1999 2013 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 2003 R R. 55 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Grandeur Grandma's Gem Grandpa's Love Granny's Rouge Grant Park * Grant Wood's Trail Grape Fizz Grass Skirt Grasshopper Gravity Rocks Gray Cole Gray Fox Gray Streaked Squiggles Gray Wolf Greased Lightning Great American Expectations Great Arrival Great Balls of Fire Great Caesar's Ghost Great Desire Great Escape * Great Expectations Great Lakes Great Lakes Gold Great Lakes Green Great Plains Great River Sonata Great Village Great Western Gap Great White Way Grecian Gold Grecian Green Green Acres Green Angel Green Army Man Green Aspen Green Bag Green Beatrice Green Beret Green Blade SectionClass I-7 V-3 IV-5b IV-1 III-1 III-5b or II-1 III-1 III-1 IV-6a I-2 II-1 IV-7 I-2 II-5a II-6a I-5b II-7 II-2 III-1 IV-4b IV-6a II-2 I-3 I-1 I-2 II-5b II-3 II-4b III-7 III-3 III-1 I-1 I-1 II-6a III-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-1 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12.25 10.75 dark green streaked with medium green, light green, 2.75 1.75 greenish-yellow 6.5 4.5 dark green 8 3 light green 9 7 dark green 9 6.5 medium green 11.5 8.5 light green 8.25 5.25 medium green 9 5.5 medium green 6.1 2.1 golden yellow 15 13 blue gray 11 9 slightly blue-green 7 1 gray green streaked 15 12 medium blue-green 12 5.5 golden yellow 10.5 9.5 greenish yellow to yellow 13 10 blue-green 10 9.5 blue streaked with green and yellow 11 6 medium blue-green 10 6 bright green 6 3 intensely blue-green * note corrected sizes 6 4.5 chartreuse 12 12 13.5 16 11 12 11.75 8.5 8 9 16.5 18 10 6.5 5.5 5.5 6.5 6 9 10 12.5 12 9 8 9.125 5.5 6 4 12.5 14 7.5 6 3.125 1.75 5.25 4 gray golden yellow medium green gray blue blue-green yellow medium green medium green with unstable streaks, some broad, of pale greenish yellow chartreuse green medium green dark green greenish yellow dark green green dark green dark green green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2001 2001 yellow 2015 2007 2006 greenish yellow, some streaking to the 2010 2011 2009 2000 blue-green 2015 1985 1998 1978 2013 variable creamy yellow 2005 dark green 1999 creamy yellow 2003 2012 2002 1973 creamy white 2006 dark green 1988 Leaf Color Margin 1973 yellow to creamy white creamy white medium green 2000 2014 1994 2004 2011 2011 2004 1990 1990 1970 1990 2003 1986 2014 1987 2002 2009 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R 56 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Green Cheese Green Cups Green Dome Green Dragonet Green Eclipse Green Eyes Green Feather Green Fingers Green Flash Green Formal Green Fountain Green Furrows Green Gables Green Gold Green Heron Green Ivory Green Jeans Green Kabitan Green Lama Green Lantern Green Lava Green Line Green Marmalade Green Milk Green Moon Green Mouse Ears Green Nature Lady Green Nymph Green Pastures Green Piecrust Green Platter Green Power Green Quarter Green Ripples Green River Green Saucers Green Sheen Green Skies Green Smash SectionClass III-1 III-1 III-1 I-1 II-6a V-6a IV-1 V-1 III-5b II-1 III-1 III-1 I-1 III-4b I-2 IV-4b III-1 IV-1 IV-2 or II-5b III-1 IV-3 III-7 II-1 III-1 V-2 II-1 III-1 II-1 II-1 II-1 IV-1 V-1 III-1 I-1 II-1 I-1 IV--1 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5 medium green 7 5.5 dark green 12 4 green 19 11 dark green 10.25 8.25 medium gold 3 1 creamy white 8 3.5 dark green 5 1 medium green 8 5 medium green 10 7.5 medium green 12 3.5 green 8 6 dark green 15 12 medium green 8.75 5.75 dark green 13.5 10.5 slightly blue-green 4.7 2.75 dark green 8 6 dark green 7 2 medium green 4.25 3.25 slightly blue-green 12 7.5 dark green 9 3.5 light green 6 1 bright yellow green 8 5 green mottled 11.25 10.5 medium green 8 6.5 medium green 2.75 2 medium green 9.5 6.75 dark green 9 5 medium green 10 6.5 light green 10 7.5 medium green 9.75 7 1.5 10 13.5 10 18 5.5 6 7.5 3 1.25 6 9.5 8 12 4.5 2.75 medium green dark green light green light to bright green medium green medium green intense green green green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin light green dark green golden yellow creamy yellow white light green Year Reg. 2009 2003 1980 1999 2002 1990 2009 2002 2009 1971 1979 1981 1997 1986 2009 2011 2005 2003 2000 1993 2015 1987 1987 2009 2009 2004 2007 1999 2010 1986 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2008 1986 1999 1977 1978 2009 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 1997 R. 57 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Green Sparkler Green Spot SectionClass III-1 II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5 dark green 12 8 Green Valley Green Velveteen IV-3 II-1 7 13 4 8.5 Green Whiskers Green Wiggles Green with Envy Greenback Greenhead Badger Blue Greenhead Center Court Greenhead Charlie's Pride Greenhead Golden Pineapple Greenhead Grafton Blues Greenhead Grey's Anatomy Greenie Weenie Greenie Weenie Bikini Greensleeves Greenwood Gregory Ambrose Cleghorn * Gretchen Harshbarger Grey Beauty Grey Ghost Grey Glacier Grey Goose Grey Piecrust Grey Poupon Greybeard Grim Grinning Ghost Grimes Golden Grizzly Bear Groo Bloo Groomsman Groovy Groovy Yellow Ground Master Ground Sulphur Grover Cleveland IV-3 IV-1 V-6a III-6a III-2 II-6a II-6a II-3 III-2 III-2 III-3 IV-1 III-6a IV-1 II-1 III-5b II-2 II-8 III-4b IV-2 I-1 V-5b III-5b V-7 IV-3 II-1 I-2 IV-1 III-7 IV-3 IV-4b V-3 I-2 4.5 8 2.75 7.75 7.5 9.5 9 10 11 7.5 8 5 8 4.75 11 8 9.5 12 8.6 5.5 12.5 2.1 9 2.25 4.125 12.5 13 5 7.25 6.5 8 3.5 15.5 3 1 1.75 6.5 7 8.25 8 6.5 2.75 7 6.75 1.5 7 1.75 8 6 7.5 8 6.6 3.75 12 2 6.5 1 3.375 7.75 10.5 3 5 4.5 2.5 1.25 10 Green Wedge II-1 18 4.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2010 Reg. or Species R. gold medium green 1988 1999 R. R. golden yellow to green with darker green veins bright green greenish white to yellow dark green medium blue-green creamy white greenish yellow golden yellow medium blue-green greyish blue greenish yellow light green creamy white dark green medium green * note corrected sizes dark green greenish gray blue medium blue-green blue green dark green gray green medium blue-green white and green streaks medium gold medium green medium blue-green medium green medium green with some pure white streaking greenish yellow dark green chartreuse - deep yellow blue-green 2009 1979 2000 2001 2009 2012 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 1999 1997 2006 2009 1983 2000 2012 1988 1986 1995 2013 2003 2004 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 1979 1986 2001 R R. R. R. R R. R R R R R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin mottled 1998 deep green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1976 dark green medium green intensely blue-green medium green wide golden yellow creamy white deep gold golden yellow white white R. R. 58 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Grunspecht Guacamole Guardian Angel Guiding Light Gullivar Gum Drop Gummy Bear Gunsmoke Gunther Gunther's Reward Gunther's Rim Gus Gwendlyn Gypsy Rose Gypsy's Boa H. D. Thoreau Hadspen Blue Hadspen Hawk Hadspen Heron Hadspen Mystique Hadspen Pink Hadspen Samphire Hadspen White Hairline Fracture Haku Chu Han Hakuyo Halcyon Halcyon Harmony Half and Half Hallelujah Hallie's Honor Halo Hampshire County Hampshire Farms Going Green Handle with Care Handy Hatfield Hang on Sloopy Hanky Panky Hannah Hannah Hanson SectionClass V-1 III-6a I-6b II-5b I-1 IV-2 V-1 I-2 II-7 II-6b I-5b V-1 IV-5b III-6a IV-1 I-1 IV-2 IV-2 IV-2 III-1 IV-2 IV-8 III-1 II-7 V-6a III-1 IV-2 V-2 IV-6a III-2 III-3 III-5a III-4b III-3 IV-4a III-5b IV-1 IV-6b IV-1 IV-8 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.75 1.625 light green 8 6 yellow gold 16 10 light green 12.25 9 medium and dark green 15 12.5 medium green 4 2.5 green 1.5 1 medium green 14 10 blue green 9.25 8.75 blue-green streaked with pale yellow 10.5 9.5 medium green 15.6 11.3 medium green 3.63 1.13 light green 7 3 medium green 7 4 15 5 4.5 4 10 6 7.5 7.75 11 4.5 8 4 4.25 4.5 8.5 9 8 9.25 7 8 10 6 7 5 5.5 5 1.75 13 3 2.5 1.5 3 3.75 2.75 6.25 7 1.25 4 3 1.25 3.25 6 6 4 6 5 3.5 6 3.5 3 4.5 3.5 pale yellow with pure white band around it light green medium blue-green blue blue blue dark green blue yellow medium to light green slightly blue-green white light green blue medium blue-green pure white intensely blue-green greenish yellow light yellow medium blue-green golden yellow greenish yellow medium green medium green dark green dark green greenish yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green intensely blue-green yellow light green pale yellow golden yellow slightly blue-green Year Reg. 2003 1994 1995 2001 2008 1987 1999 2000 2010 2015 2009 2008 2014 2003 1999 1999 1976 1988 1976 2003 1988 1997 2001 greenish white, with frequent streaks 2003 green 1986 2002 1988 2000 dark green 2014 2010 1999 creamy white 1978 creamy white 1993 2009 white 2015 medium gold 1996 2014 dusty light green with a variable white 2004 2014 1997 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 59 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Hannibal Hamlin Happenstance Happily Ever After Happiness SectionClass II-5b IV-1 II-2 IV-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10.75 6 dark green 7 4 dark green 9 5.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow 7.5 medium blue-green R. with no margin 3.75 blue Happy Happy Accident Happy Birthday Happy Dayz Happy Hearts Happy Valley Hard Ball HarkAway's Mini Gold Harmonica IV-4b IV-6a III-6a IV-6a IV-1 III-4b IV-3 V-3 III-5a 5 3.5 8 6.5 6 10 5 3.5 7 4 2 5 4.5 4.5 6 4 1.6 4.75 medium blue-green creamy white greenish yellow greenish yellow gray green medium blue-green greenish yellow golden yellow greenish yellow creamy white medium blue-green chartreuse dark blue-green Harpoon III-4b 11 3.5 medium green Harrison Harry A. Jacobsen Harry Torbert Hart's Tongue I-2 II-5b III-1 V-8 14 11 8.75 4 11 7.5 4.5 1 blue - dark green blue green dark green chartreuse Harvest Dawn IV-1 5 1.5 dark green Harmony Harriette Ward Harvest Dandy Harvest Delight Harvest Desire Harvest Glow Have a Heart IV-2 II-3 IV-1 3.5 13 8.5 2 9 3.5 blue golden yellow creamy white 2000 R. 1987 1988 2003 1987 R. R. R. R. 1997 R. chartreuse dark green Hawkeye Hawkeye Gold Hazel IV-5b IV-5a IV-3 4 5 4 3.5 4 1.75 medium green greenish yellow canary yellow golden yellow golden yellow Heart and Soul IV-8 3 2.5 light green medium green Headliner I-2 12 10.5 yellow gray green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1976 2000 1997 dark green medium green lemony chartreuse golden yellow 4 R. R. creamy white streaked green and white 3 3 4.5 4.5 9 1988 2002 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 7.75 9 6.5 4.5 III-6a Reg. or Species R R. 2013 2013 2015 2014 1973 1995 2012 2011 1999 IV-1 IV-1 IV-3 IV-3 Hawaiian Luau Year Reg. 2009 2012 dark green R. R. R. 1997 1997 1988 2012 R. R. R. R. 1999 2000 1987 R. R. R. 2000 R. 2011 1986 R R. 60 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Heart Broken Heart of Chan Heart of Gold Heart of Hearts Heart Throb Heart’s Desire Heartache Heartbeat Heartbreaker Heartleaf SectionClass IV-1 IV-1 III-3 III-1 IV-2 III-5b II-3 III-5b II-6a III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4 3.25 medium green 5 3.5 medium green 8 7.5 light green 7 6.5 medium green 6 4 blue 7.5 6.5 medium green 9 8 golden yellow 6.5 5 medium green 10 10 yellow 7 5 medium green Hearts and Flowers Heart's Content Heart's Delight Hearts on Fire Heartsong Heat Lightning Heather Heaven on Earth Heaven Scent Heavenly Constellation Heavenly Green Heavenly Tiara Heavy Duty Heavy Metal Hebe Blue Helen Doriot Helen Field Fisher Heliarc III-7 III-4b IV-1 II-6a IV-4b III-7 III-1 III-3 II-7 II-7 III-1 IV-4a II-1 II-2 IV-2 I-2 IV-1 IV-5b 9 8.5 4 10.5 5 8 8 8.5 10 12.75 8 3.75 9.1 10 4.5 17 10 6 6 6 4.125 6.75 4 4.5 4 6 7 8.5 7 3 7.25 6.5 3.5 14 2.75 4 medium green streaked white green medium green creamy white medium green dark green streaked creamy white dark green lime greenish yellow dark green medium green streaked slightly blue-green yellow dark green medium blue-green medium blue-green blue green gray green medium green Hello There Helonioides Albopicta Henry Payne Her Eyes Were Blue Her Grace Her Royal Hotness Herb Altman Herb Benedict Herbal Tea Herbert IV-1 IV-4b III-1 III-2 I-1 V-7 II-2 II-7 III-3 I-1 4.75 5.5 8.5 7 12.75 3 11.75 10 9 14 3.75 1.5 6 6 10 1.5 9 8 5 10.5 medium green dark green medium to dark green intensely blue-green green streaked white, yellow and green intensely blue-green blue green golden yellow medium green Helios III-7 9 7 light green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin yellow-gold creamy white to golden yellow light green Year Reg. 2002 1987 1996 2011 1982 1999 2009 1971 2012 2007 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. 2009 2009 2002 dark green with medium green jetting 2008 creamy white 1984 2012 2015 2009 yellow chartreuse 1988 2000 1997 creamy white 1998 2013 1993 2010 1982 1970 chartreuse to yellow 1986 R R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 1987 1996 2008 1986 2012 2002 1990 2009 1996 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. yellow to creamy white 2000 creamy white R. 61 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Herbie Herbie Rocks Herifu Herkules Herman's Pride Hermes Hertha Hervester Flamme Hervester Smaragd Hey Jude * Hi Ho Silver Hiawatha SectionClass V-4b IV-1 IV-4b II-1 1-3 III-7 IV-4b IV-6a IV-1 IV-4Bb? Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.5 0.75 dark green 10 1.5 medium green 5.25 2.38 green with some gray-green streaking 11.25 8 dark green 12 10 golden yellow 7 5 medium green with unstable streaks of varying shades 5 2.5 dark green 4.7 2.2 ivory white to cream yellow 5 2.1 medium to dark green 5 3 medium green, streaked * note corrected sizes 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white white white blue-green white IV-4b IV-7 6 4 2.5 2 medium green dark green with unstable streaks of creamy white pure white Hidden Cove Hidden Treasure V-6a IV-4b 3 5 1.5 3.5 light green to yellow medium blue-green green pure white Hideko Tajima Hideout High and Mighty High Country High Diver High Fat Cream IV-7 V-6a I-7 III-6a III-4b IV-7 7 4 13.5 6 7.5 7 3.5 1.5 10.25 5 4.2 3 High Five High Heels High Impact High Kicker High Noon High Radiation High Society High Style High Tide High Wire High, Wide, and Handsome Highland Fling High-rise Hilda Wassmann IV-7 I-7 II-2 III-1 II-3 III-1 IV-6a II-3 III-2 IV-1 I-7 II-4b II-5b IV-4b 7.5 13.25 10 10 11 9.25 5 10 7 6 15.5 10 10.75 6 3.75 10.1 6.75 5 9 4.5 4 8 6 2 10.5 9 7.5 4 Hidden Agenda Hideko Gowen High Fidelity III-3 III-6a III-3 8 8 11 4 7 4.5 greenish yellow yellow green dark blue green medium green with unstable streaked and mottled with pure white dark green dark green with unstable streaks of blue-green and creamy white with some streaking into margin dark green dark green creamy white streaked yellow dark green with unstable streaks of pale yellow and dark green with unstable streaks of light green, medium silvery light green gray blue deep green yellow medium green pure white light yellow-green medium blue-green gray green dark green with unstable streaks of greenish-yellow, medium green medium green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy white intensely blue-green with green area pure white golden yellow white Year Reg. 1995 2005 2009 2003 2005 2004 1988 2009 2015 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. 1997 2002 R. R. 1998 2009 R. R 2004 2006 2003 2004 2005 1976 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2002 2002 2013 1987 2004 2009 2004 1984 2005 1995 2003 2012 2003 1985 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2006 2005 1990 2013 R. R. R. R. 62 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Hillbilly Blues Hillbilly Mountain SectionClass IV-2 II-2 Hime Tokudama Hippodrome Hirao Elite Hirao Grande IV-2 II-4b V-1 III-1 Variety Hime Ogon Iwa Hirao Imperial Hirao Majesty Hirao Monument Hirao Splendor Hirao Supreme Hirao Zeus His Honor Hit or Miss Hoarfrost Hokey Pokey Holiday White Holly's Dazzler Holly's Gold Holly's Green and Gold Holly's Honey Holly's Hybrid Holly's Shine Holly's Velvet Piecrust Hollywood Lights Holy Grail Holy Molé Holy Mouse Ears IV-3 IV-1 (IV-1?) Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 4 intensely blue-green 10 8 slightly blue-green 5.375 4.75 10 4.25 10 5.5 3.75 9 1.25 3.5 medium blue-green intensely blue-green medium green medium green dark green light green light green light green intensely blue-green medium green dark green, very narrow and somewhat random blue green golden yellow white medium green light yellow mottled dark green yellow bright green dark green yellow medium blue-green streak with yellowish-blue and gray greenish yellow creamy white 1.75 13 10.25 5.75 10.25 12.5 14 9 12.75 9 6 8 7 11.5 9 5 8 8 14 5 11 2.25 6 5.5 2.13 6.75 9.75 11.5 6 10.5 6.5 4 4 7 9 6.5 3.5 4 6 10 3.5 9 2 Holy Toledo II-6a 12 9 Hometown Hero Honey Honey Brickle II-2 II-1 IV-3 12 10 6.5 7.5 7 4.5 Homestead II-2 II-7 10 10 Year Reg. 1999 2009 Reg. or Species R. R 2002 2001 1997 1997 R. R. R. R. medium green blue-green 1997 2001 1997 1997 1997 2000 2011 1986 2013 1990 1987 1991 1997 1986 2002 1987 1995 2005 2004 2003 2006 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. dark green 2011 R Leaf Color Margin 3.125 yellow gold II-1 III-1 IV-1 II-1 I-2 I-5b III-5b I-2 III-3 IV-6a III-1 III-3 II-5B III-1 IV-3 III-1 III-1 I-6a IV-7 II-6a V-6a Holy Smokes! 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 7 7 2002 creamy white dark green blue-green light yellow and light green blue green streaked intensely blue-green honey to yellow (really green) golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1998 greenish yellow medium golden yellow medium green yellow gold green medium blue-green 2015 1997 2014 1977 2013 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 63 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Honey Do Honey Hill Balloon Bouquet Honey Hill Blue Blood Honey Hill Bubble Up Honey Hill Eureka Honey Hill Night Light SectionClass V-6a III-1 III-2 III-1 III-3 IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.5 0.938 yellow gold 7.5 5.5 dark green 9.5 6 medium blue-green 9 6.5 intensely blue-green 6.5 6 dark green yellow 4.5 2.5 I-1 III-2 IV-2 IV-1 I-2 III-3 11.5 10 5 6 13 7 11 6 3.5 3 10 6 Yellow turquoise green light turquoise * note corrected sizes and section slightly blue-green dark green intensely blue-green greenish yellow II-3 III-1 IV-4b 12 9 5 8 5.5 3.5 pale yellow dark green slightly blue-green Honey Hill Wayward Heart * Honey Hill Wrinkled Rainslicker Honey Moon Honey Pie IV-2 II-1 IV-3 II-3 5 12.5 3.5 10 5 6.5 2.5 7.5 medium blue-green * note corrected sizes medium green yellow golden yellow Honeycomb Honeysong Honky Tonk Woman Hoopla Hoosier Dome Hoosier Harmony Hoosier Homecoming Hoosier Hysteria Hooter Hope Hoplite Hot and Spicy Hot Button Hot Diggity Dog Hot Flash IV-7 III-4b II-5b III-7 I-1 III-6a III-4a III-2 II-7 V-5b IV-4b III-6b IV-5a III-4a II-8 6 8 10.5 8.5 14 8 6.75 8 11.5 2.5 6 7 4.75 7 11 3 6 10 5 12 6 5.5 5 9 1.5 4 5 4 6 10 green streaked dark green medium green golden yellow with chartreuse, cream and mottled medium green yellow golden yellow medium blue-green streaked with creamy whote and pale yellow medium green light green mixture of chartreuses and dark green lime yellow green to golden yellow medium green streaked Honey Hill Water Ladle Honeybells I-1 II-1 8.5 12 10 4 11 6.5 Leaf Color Margin medium green greenish yellow Honey Hill Pearl Essence Honey Hill Piece o' Pie * Honey Hill Pinking Shears Honey Hill Pins and Needles Honey Hill Pledge Allegiance Honey Hill Pucker Up Honey Hill Shimmer and Shimmy Honey Hill Sidewalk Chalk Honey Hill Stainless Steel Honey Hill Tokens III-4b 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST intensely blue-green medium green Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2003 2003 1999 2003 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2003 2003 R. R. R. 2003 1999 1982 2013 R. R. R. R. 2000 2009 2009 2010 1998 1995 2009 2014 2010 1999 2000 2011 2005 1998 1991 R. R R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 1999 creamy white creamy white (with streaking in medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1994 1999 2003 2003 2003 1999 1999 1986 creamy white yellow medium green white greenish yellow creamy white dark green pale yellow creamy white R. R. R. R. 64 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Hot Kiss Hot Lips Hot Topic Hot Wheels SectionClass IV-6a IV-6a III-7 III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6.375 3.625 yellow 6 2 creamy white 8.5 5.5 greenish yellow splashed pure yellow 7.75 6.75 dark green Hottie Hottsy Tottsy Housatonic How About That Hub City Hubba-hubba Hudson Bay Hudson River Hula Skirt Hulkster Humdinger Humility Hummingbird Wings Humor Humpback Whale Hunter V. Berthelot Hunters Ridge Huron Huron Blue Hurrah Hush Puppie Hutch Hydon Gleam Hydon Sunset Hypnosis hypoleuca I Bluit I Got Rhythm Ice Age Ice Age Trail Ice Castle * Ice Cream Ice Palace Iceberg Iced Lemon III-7 III-3 I-2 I-7 II-1 II-7 III-6a IV-4b IV-3 I-1 IV-6a IV-1 V-3 V-1 I-1 I-1 III-4b I-2 II-2 IV-6a V-5b III-1 V-3 V-3 III-7 4b I-1 IV-2 III-5b III-6a II-7 III-6b IV-6b III-2 II-4b V-4b 9.75 6.5 13 14 10.25 11.25 9 7 8 14 4 5.5 5 2.25 17 14 7 15 9.5 5 2.5 9.5 3 2.5 6.5 14 5 7 9 10 7 3.25 8 12 2.75 Variety Hotcakes III-1 6 6 6.4 5 10.5 10 7.5 9.5 6 3 3 9 2.2 3 1 0.75 15 9 5 10.5 9.5 3.5 0.75 6 1.75 1.5 4.75 10 1.5 9 7 7 6 3.25 6 6 1.125 dark green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green medium green golden yellow medium green with unstable streaks of dark green, bluepale yellow blue green dark green with white streaks and mottled areas medium green dark green streaked with light green, greenish-yellow, creamy white medium blue-green medium green creamy white golden to light yellow dark green yellow gold dark green dark green yellow green meduim green dark green medium green medium blue-green creamy white intensely blue-green blue green creamy yellow blue green medium green yellow light green yellow golden yellow dark green white with green speckling medium blue-green medium green * note corrected sizes pure white misted and streaked light green, gold and creamy white creamy white * note corrected sizes dark green intensely blue-green medium green light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] pale yellow dark green to greenish yellow dark green w/ lighter green area light green creamy white white Year Reg. 2011 1993 2014 2003 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. 2002 2004 1986 2011 2003 2005 2012 2001 2015 2003 1995 1997 1996 1998 2012 2015 2002 2007 1990 1991 2005 1995 1998 1988 2010 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 2010 2009 2002 2003 2006 1998 2003 2000 2005 R 65 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Ichi-ban Icy Halo I'll Have Another Illicit Affair Ilona I'm My Kid's Mom I'm So Blue I'm So Pretty Immense Imp Imperial Dragon SectionClass V-6a I-4b I-5b V-5b III-6a III-7 III-2 III-4a II-1 V-4b III-6b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.5 1.75 white 15 12 medium green 24 14 medium green 2.5 1.5 medium green 7.9 3.9 creamy white 7.25 5.5 medium green with unstable streaks of light green, 7 6 intensely blue-green 9 7 greenish gold 10.5 7.25 green 2 1 dark green 9 6.5 light green Imperial Moth Imperial Palace Imperial Potentate In the Chips Inaho Inca Sun Incognito * Incoming Incredible Hunk Independence Independence Day Indian Feather Indian Hills Indian Princess Indian Summer * Indiana Knight Indiana Moonshine Indianapolis Blue Indigo Indy Fan Favorite Indy Finish Line Indy Parade Lap Indy Winner's Circle * Inland Sea III-7 II-6a III-7 IV-4b IV-6a or III-3 I-5a II-1 I-2 III-5b II-5b IV-6a III-1 II-2 IV-4a III-5b III-6a II-2 IV-2 IV-3 III-6a IV-4b III-6a III-1 9 11.5 7.5 4 6 8.5 13 12.5 16 7 10 5 7 11 6 7.5 7 10 4 4 10 10 10 11.75 7 8.5 5.25 5 3.125 6.5 10 6.5 14 4.7 9 2 5 9.75 4 5.5 6 9 2 3 6 2 6 4.75 III-1 8 6.5 Variety Imperial Majesty Innisglow Innisjade I-1 III-3 15.75 7 10.5 5 bright green medium green with unstable streaks of varying shades yellow streaked slightly blue-green mottled and streaked light green and yellow golden yellow medium green * note corrected sizes dark green medium blue-green dark green medium green dark green streaked dark green blue green golden yellow * note corrected sizes medium green medium gold intensely blue-green steel blue gray greenish yellow creamy to pure white medium green greenish yellow * note corrected sizes dark green golden yellow dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium green creamy white to white greenish yellow golden yellow grayish blue creamy white creamy white dark green medium green creamy white white medium green dark golden-yellow pale yellow with variable green golden yellow creamy white chartreuse light green greenish to medium green creamy white medium green Year Reg. 2003 2014 2012 2003 2011 2003 1999 2003 1991 2006 2011 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R 2004 2009 1999 2000 2005 2000 2006 2004 1998 2001 1998 1992 1989 1998 2006 1990 1996 2007 1984 2014 2005 2005 2006 1998 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 R 2003 2009 R. R 66 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Inniswood Innovation Inspire Greatness Instant Gratification Interstate 71 Intrigue SectionClass III-6a II-1 III-4b IV-6a II-2 IV-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8.5 6.5 greenish gold 12.75 7.25 dark green 8 7 intensely blue-green * note corrected sizes 6 3.5 creamy white 12 8 medium blue-green 6 4.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green creamy white medium green with an inner edge of multi colored IV-1 III-4b 4 7 2.5 5 bright green Iowa Moon Iris Frazier * Irische See III-6a III-6a IV-2 7.5 9 6.25 7 7 4.25 pale yellow yellow * note corrected sizes blue green medium green medium green Irish Eyes Irish Fling Irish Hills Irish Jig Irish Luck Irish Mist Irish Moss III-4b III-5b I-1 IV-4b II-1 IV-6a IV-1 7 7 12 6 13 3.5 5.5 5 5 12 2.5 7.5 4.5 4.5 medium green medium green dark green dark green dark green creamy white medium green creamy white pale yellow Irish Ribbons Irish Spring Iron Curtain Iron Gate Bouquet * Iron Gate Delight IV-4b IV-7 III-2 IV-1 IV-7 7 4 8 4 5 1.25 5 6 7 3 dark green mottled yellow and green blue green deep green * note corrected sizes medium green streaked green and white streaked green Iron Gate Special Iron Gate Supreme Iron Sky Iroquois Island Breeze Island Charm Island Forest Gem Isle Royal III-4b III-7 IV-2 II-2 IV-6a IV-6A II-1 I-1 7.75 10 4.6 11 6 4 10.5 15 4.63 5 2.7 10.5 4 3 8.5 13 green green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green greenish yellow white dark green dark green white Irish Breeze Irish Pastures * Iron Gate Glamour III-6a IV-6a IV-4a II-4b 8 5.75 7 12 5 4.25 3 6 yellow * note corrected sizes golden yellow greenish yellow * note corrected sizes deep green mottled Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R 1986 1988 R. R. 2000 2006 1998 R. R. R. 1999 2012 1996 2012 2007 1994 2004 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1992 1985 2000 1983 1981 R. R. R. R. R. 2009 1980 2012 2007 2014 1997 2009 2000 R R. R. R. R. R. R R. 1978 Invincible Iona Iowa Hawkeye * Year Reg. 1993 1996 2006 2013 2009 dark green green pure white dark green creamy white white medium green green 2006 2009 2006 1981 R. R. R R. R. 67 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Iszat U Doc It Rocks Itasca It's a Jungle Out There Itsy Bitsy Spider Itty Bitty Itty Blue Itty Gold Itty Rainbow Iva Delight Ivory Coast Ivory Necklace Ivory Pixie Ivory Queen Ivory Tower Ivy Parody Iwa Shimizu Iwa Soules J. D.'s Luck Jabulani Jack and Margaret's Keynote Jack Frost Jack of Diamonds Jackpot Jack's Discovery Jack's Gene Jacqueline's Banner Jade Beauty Jade Cascade Jade Lancer Jade Point * Jade Scepter Jadette Jambalaya James A. Garfield James Buchanan James Knox Polk James Madison James Monroe James River SectionClass IV-1 I-4b IV-6a IV-7 V-2 V-6a IV-2 IV-3 IV-7 III-6a II-4b III-4b IV-6a III-6a I-3 III-7 V-7 III-1 II-6a III-6a III-3 III-4b III-5b I-3 III-5b III-1 II-4b III-1 I-1 III-4b I-1 IV-1 V-4b IV-7 III-1 III-3 II-1 IV-1 III-3 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 1.75 green 12.75 10 dark green 7 2 green - streaked 4 1.5 streaked greenish yellow 2.25 0.5 slightly blue-green 2.25 1.875 pure white 3.5 2.25 medium blue-green 3 2.5 golden yellow 3 2 green heavily streaked with white 7 4.5 white with greenish tint 9.5 8 light green 6 5 medium green 6 1.5 near white 8 5 creamy white 12 11 yellow gold 8.66 5.5 blue-green 4 1 green with creamy yellow to white streaking 7.25 6.5 green 11 9 creamy white 9 7 golden yellow 9 6 golden yellow 7 5 variegated 7 14 8 7.3 10 9 18.75 8.5 24 4 2.5 6 8 7.25 10.25 7 8.25 7.25 6 10 6 4.8 8 6.5 10 4.5 9 3 1 4 5.25 5.25 7.25 3.75 5.75 3.5 blue gray yellow gold medium green medium green dark green bright dark green medium to dark green light green jade green * note corrected sizes and section green dark green splashed cream, chartreuse, yellow medium green greenish yellow light green medium green greenish yellow medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white green dark green medium green creamy white creamy white dark green medium blue-green very narrow, creamy white and mottled blue-green medium green white yellow golden yellow pure white white creamy white Year Reg. 2009 2004 1974 2011 2004 2010 2011 2010 2012 2003 1999 2003 1982 2014 1996 2003 2009 2009 2001 2010 2001 1983 Reg. or Species R R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. 1996 2009 2015 1999 1988 2009 2001 1980 1988 1982 1978 2003 2005 2010 2005 2005 2005 R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1985 R. 68 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Jami Jammin Jane Ward SectionClass IV-8 III-7 III-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Leaf Color Margin Length Width 8 2.5 viridescent yellow 7.5 5 dark green with large areas of green speckling on white 8 Janet Janet Day Janet Rugh Janet's Joy Jan's Gift Jarett H. Park IV-6a III-6a IV-7 II-2 IV-6a I-1 7 6.5 5.5 10 5 14 Jason and Katie Java Javelin Jay B. Abendroth III-5b III-1 IV-7 I-2 7 7.5 5.5 13 Jay P. Warren Jayka Jaz Jazz Matazz Jazzy Je me souviens Jean Ferris Ruh Jelly Bean Jelly Belly Jelly Roll Blues Jen JenElaine Jennifer Jennifer Bailey Jennifer's Angel Jerry's Jest Jessica Lynn I-1 III-7 III-3 IV-7 IV-4b II-4b III-6a IV-7 IV-7 II-7 II-4b III-6a IV-4b V-4b II-7 III-7 II-6b Jewel of the Nile III-5b Jason Jay Jay Jetstream Jezebel V-7 I-2 II-2 IV-8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 6 pale yellow Year Reg. 2009 2010 Reg. or Species R R. 1981 1996 2001 2001 2015 2003 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 2003 2001 2001 R R. R. R. greenish yellow 2004 2011 2004 2000 2000 2009 2005 1990 2010 2003 2000 2010 1999 2001 2000 2010 2005 R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. golden yellow 2000 R. dark green 4 5 2.5 8 4 11 chartreuse ivory green streaked with creamy white blue creamy white dark green green dark green 5 6 2.5 10.5 intensely blue-green dark green medium green, streaked with creamy white; unstable medium blue-green creamy yellow 14.5 8 8 5 5 11 8 3 4 9.25 12 8 3.5 2.5 13 8 13 12.5 5 7 4.5 4 8.5 5.875 2.5 2.5 9.25 6 6 1.75 1.375 9 6 8 medium green streaked with shades of green and white with speckling greenish yellow light green streaked light green medium green chartreuse greenish yellow green white light green with some streaking in the center blue-green with unstable streaks of light green, dark dark green greenish yellow medium green medium green dark green streaked various shades of green and yellow some blue a little medium green intensely powder blue-green 8 6.5 4 1.375 medium green with unstable streaks of creamy white 13 11.5 11.5 5 6.5 3 dark green creamy white intensely blue-green medium blue-green green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1999 2002 1994 creamy yellow white creamy white creamy white intense dark green dark green creamy white Dark green, pure white variable creamy white creamy white yellow 2013 2013 R. R. R. R. R. 69 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Jigger's Gift Jilted Lover Jim Cooper Jim Matthews Jim Watkins Jim Wilkins Jiminy Cricket Jimmy Blue Eyes SectionClass III-2 III-5b dark green 10 7.75 8 6.5 bright deep yellow white mottled blue-green blue green streaked II-2 11 9 medium blue-green V-1 JoBob Joe the Plumber Johanne III-3 IV-7 III-2 John D. Barnot John Deere Green and Yellow John Diamond John James John Kulpa John Metzgar John Q. Adams John Tyler John Wargo Johnny Angel Johnny Oh Johnson's Olympic Gold Joker Jolly Green Dwarf Jolly Green Giant John Wells 6 12 10.75 10 8 IV-1 IV-1 V-4b IV-5b IV-2 (?) John Arva 7 I-3 II-6a II-2 III-7 Jimmy MacBlack Jingle Bells Jo Jo Joan Altman Joanne Johnson Job Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 6.5 intensely blue-green 2.25 1 5.5 3 1.5 3.5 3 very dark green dark green medium green light green medium blue-green 7.8 5 7 5.5 2.5 5.5 greenish yellow streaked yellow and green blue green III-1 III-5b III-1 II-1 III-6a II-1 II-3 III-2 IV-1 7.25 7 8 8.5 8 9 11.375 8.25 6 4.5 4.75 7.5 8.5 6 8.2 9 6 2.5 II-3 IV-6a III-3 IV-3b IV-1 I-1 11 4 6 6 3.5 17 7.5 2.25 5 4 5 12 11.8 III-1 8 IV-7 7 5.9 5 2.5 Leaf Color Margin golden yellow blue green light green 4.5 7 3.5 5 5.5 II-2 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST creamy white greenish gold R. R. R. R. 2012 R. butter gold light and dark green chartreuse to light yellow R. R R. R. R R. 2015 2012 1989 R. R. R. 2008 2010 2009 2007 1999 2004 2003 2011 1986 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. 2003 2003 2008 2009 2006 1986 R. R. R. R R. R. 2002 medium green R. 2011 1986 1987 2011 1999 2007 medium green with variably unstable streaks and mottling with cream white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1982 1998 2004 1990 2010 2012 medium green golden yellow greenish yellow pale yellow green medium green medium green Reg. or Species R. 2005 medium blue-green medium green dark green dark green shiny dark green pale yellow to creamy white dark green greenish yellow medium blue-green medium green Year Reg. 2008 R. R. R. 70 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Jon Soucek jonesii Jon's Gem Jordan's Heart Joseph Josephine Joshua's Banner Jotunheim Journey’s End SectionClass III-6b IV-1 V-1 II-4b IV-1 IV-4b II-4a I-2 I-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 7 dark geen 6.5 3 3 1.5 light green 11 7.5 dark green 6 4.75 dark green 3.5 2.5 green 12 7.5 golden yellow 10 12 intensely silvery-blue 14 10 yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin light green creamy white creamy yellow white dark green Joybells Joyce Trott Joyful Jubilation Jubilee Judi's Joy Judy Rocco Judy's Amazing Grace * II-3 IV-6a IV-4b I-5b III-5b IV-7 IV-1 II-2 18 5 7 15 8 7 5.5 11 6.5 3 4 12 4 4 4 7 light yellow creamy white medium green dark green medium green medium green with unstable mottling and blotching light green medium blue-green * note corrected sizes Jujen Jules Julia Julia Ariana Julia Gaede Julia Hardy Julie Ann Julie Morss Julie Wheeler Jumbo * Jumbo Mouse Ears Jumpin' Jack Flash June June Beauty III-4b IV-5b IV-4b IV-7 II-7 I-2 I-1 IV-8 II-7 II-2 IV-2 IV-6a IV-6a II-1 8.5 4.7 4.375 7 10 12 16 6 13 9 3.9 6.25 6 10 4.5 3.9 4.25 3.5 7 10 12.5 4.5 9 10 3.9 4 3.5 7.5 golden yellow medium green dark green medium green with unstable streaks of yellow and yellow green streaked blue medium blue-green light gold dark green mottled with greenish white, and creamy intensely blue-green * note corrected width medium blue-green creamy white light yellow gray green creamy white golden yellow creamy white creamy white June Dove June Fever June Moon June Spirit June's Gold II-8 IV-6a II-4b III-6a IV-3 10.5 5.4 9.5 8 3.38 8.5 2.8 7 4 2.5 blue green golden yellow lime green greenish yellow golden yellow light green dark green white dark green Judy's Surprise June Bug III-3 IV-6a 7 3.5 5 2.5 medium gold golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] dark green creamy white greenish yellow yellow chartreuse and green medium green dark blue green medium green Year Reg. 2015 2009 2011 1990 1987 2009 2006 Reg. or Species R. S. R R R. R. R R. 1980 1988 2003 2000 2009 2003 2004 2006 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2002 2009 1994 2003 1994 1978 1995 1983 2009 1997 2011 2012 1991 1986 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. 1999 2004 1991 2012 2000 R. R. R. R. R. 2004 1996 1999 R. R. R. 71 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Jungle Fever Junior Miss Jupiter Jurassic Park Just for Jane Just So Justa Gigolo Justice Justinian Kabitan Kabuki Ka-ching Kaiapoi Kaitlyn Kalamazoo Kaleidochrome Karamoosh Karen Karen's Delight Karin Kasseler Blue SectionClass IV-7 IV-4b II-5b I-1 II-5b IV-6a III-7 II-7 III-7 IV-6a III-4b I-1 III-2 III-4b III-4b IV-7 III-4b IV-4b II-4a IV-4a IV-2 Kate's Legacy Katherine S Mahoney * Kathleen Kathy Sorensen Kathy-O Kathy's Clown Katie Q Katrina Jo Kayak Kayla Marie Kayleigh's Sunshine Keel Keepsake Kelly Kelsey Kempen Red Twist Kempen Sky High Kempton Run V-4b 6a III-1 IV-1 IV-7 III-7 III-6a IV-5b IV-3 IV-2 IV-7 IV-3 I-2 IV-5b III-2 IV-1 IV-7 IV-2 III-4b Variety Kasseler Gold II-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width white streaked medium gold 6 4 4 2 dark green 9 8 medium to dark -green 17 15 dark green 10 7 dark green 5 2 chartreuse yellow 7.5 6.5 medium green with unstable streaks of creamy white, 12 8 medium green, misted and streaked with creamy yellow 7 5 green with unstable creamy white streaks 5 2.75 chartreuse 7 6 slightly blue-green 13 10 dark green 9 7 intensely chalky blue-green 9 5 medium green 10.2 3.1 medium green 5 2.5 streaked and mottled; green with large sectors of white 7.5 6 dark green 4 3.38 blue green 12 8 golden yellow 5.875 4.125 dark green 4.5 3.75 dark blue-green 9.5 2.5 8 6 5.5 7 8.5 7 8 5.5 6 4 16 3.5 9 5.75 8.75 5.9 8 7 1 6 4 2.5 5 6.5 4 3 3.13 3.5 2.25 13 3 6 2.25 3.875 2.5 5 yellow-gold with green tints creamy white with some green speckles and stripes medium green * note correced sizes green blue, green, yellow, white streaked streaked creamy white and green yellow blue-green light greenish yellow blue green green variably streaked with white golden yellow dark slightly blue-green medium green grayish blue-green dark green medium green with unstable streaks of blue green, intensely blue-green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white golden yellow pale yellow green dark green creamy white with ocassional white creamy white greenish white variable white which turns to cream white white creamy white dark green Year Reg. 2013 1999 2003 2006 2011 1986 2003 2003 2002 1987 2004 2011 2012 1998 2008 2009 2008 1999 2014 2005 2008 2003 2010 2006 1986 2015 1994 dark green with light green inner edge 2008 medium gold 2003 1998 1999 2012 2014 2012 yellow 2007 2009 1996 2014 2015 creamy white 2011 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R 72 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Kenny Love Blue Kenny's Bob SectionClass III-2 IV-8 Kenzie Kerfuffle IV-4b IV-5a Kerry Man Keuka Kiss Keuka Love Kevin Kelley Key Lime Key Lime Pie Key West Key West Sunset Kickapoo Krinkles Kifukurin Hyuga Kifukurin Ko Mame Kifukurin Ubatake kikutii kikutii caput-avis kikutii leuconota kikutii polyneuron kikutii tosana kikutii yakusimensis Kilauea Kilowatt Kim Sue Kinakafu Otome * Kinba Kinbotan Kinbuchi Tachi Kind of Blue King Cobra King Croesus King David King James King John King Lizard I-2 III-1 II-5B III-3 III-3 II-5b I-3 IV-3 III-5b III-5b V-4b V-4B III-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-7 V-1 IV-7 IV-6a II-1 V-5b IV-4b II-2 III-3 II-3 III-2 I-1 II-2 I-1 Kerplunk King Michael III-3 II-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 7 grayish blue-green 3 2.25 11 5 6 6 14.3 7.75 9.25 6 9 11.5 14 7 8 8 2.125 3 9 8 9 9 6 8 8.25 2 6 3 11 1.75 7.25 10 7 11 9 16.25 12 13 13 4 4.5 12 6.5 9 5 5.5 9 11 3 7 5.375 0.625 1.2 4 2.5 3 5 3.5 3 5.5 1 4.5 2 7 0.875 4 8 5 8 6 11.25 9 10 8.75 light green to greenish yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white speckling Year Reg. 2009 Reg. or Species R 2012 R. medium green chartreuse creamy white yellow 2007 2011 R. R medium blue-green dark green intensely blue-green light greenish yellow light yellow-green medium green greenish yellow greenish yellow medium green dark green light to medium green medium green 2015 2002 pale yellow 2002 1996 1990 greenish yellow 2003 1999 2013 2013 greenish yellow irregular chartreuse green with traces 2002 creamy white 2002 creamy white 2002 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. S. S. S. S. S. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. yellow medium green streaked with light green, greenishdark green medium green with yellow streaking greenish yellow (*Note corrected name.) medium green light green dark green lighter green near edge slightly blue-green greenish yellow greenish yellow medium blue-green medium grey green intensely blue-green dark green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] medium green yellow creamy white 2005 2001 1970 2009 2003 2009 2002 2002 1999 2015 2003 2001 1992 2010 2003 1992 R. R. 73 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety King of Spades King of the Hill King Tut Kingfisher King's Black Knight King's Ransom Kingsize Kingwood Center Kinki Kinky Boots Kiowa Kira Kirk’s Gold Kissing Cousin Kit Kat Kite Kitty Hawk Kiwi Black Magic Kiwi Blue Baby Kiwi Blue Flash Kiwi Blue Ruffles Kiwi Blue Sky Kiwi Blue Sunrise Kiwi Canoe Kiwi Cream Edge Kiwi Dreadlocks Kiwi Emerald Kiwi Forest Kiwi Full Monty Kiwi Gold Rush Kiwi Gold Star Kiwi Hippo Kiwi Jordan Kiwi Kaniere Gold Kiwi Milky Way Kiwi Minnie Blue * Kiwi Minnie Gold * Kiwi Pacific Blue Kiwi Parasol Kiwi Spearmint Kiwi Splash SectionClass III-1 I-7 III-3 IV-2 II-1 II-3 I-1 III-6a II-3 IV-4b III-8 III-2 III-3 IV-4b III-6b III-3 III-1 IV-2 IV-7 III-2 IV-2 II-5b IV-2 III-4b IV-7 IV-1 III-7 IV-8 or III-3 IV-3 II-2 IV-2 II-3 I-7 V-2 V-3 II-2 II-2 (?) IV-6a III-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 5 dark green 14 10.5 medium green streaked with light green, blue-green, 8 6 chartreuse 7 3.5 blue 8 9 dark green 12 7.5 greenish yellow 24.25 18.125 dark green 8.5 7.25 yellow gold 10.5 9.625 yellow gold 7 3 medium blue-green yellow to medium green to medium blue 8 6 9 3.5 slightly blue-green 6.5 5 golden yellow 6.25 4.25 dark green 7.13 6.88 light green no Info 8 5 golden yellow 7.25 4.75 dark green 4.7 3.2 intensely blue-green 4 2 green streaked 6 5 medium blue-green 5.5 4.75 medium blue-green 11 9.8 medium blue-green 5.5 4 medium blue-green 7 5.75 pale green 4.4 3 mottled 4.7 3.9 dark green 6.3 5.5 mottled medium blue-green 5.9 3.5 greenish yellow 6.5 5 golden yellow 5 3.25 golden yellow 11.8 9.45 slightly blue green 3.5 2.75 medium blue-green 8.7 7.5 golden yellow 13.8 9.8 medium green streaked 2 1 intensely blue-green * note corrected length 2 2 golden yellow * note corrected width 10 10 intensely blue-green 11.8 6.5 medium blue-green 6.3 2 pure white 7.9 4 streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green creamy white blue-green creamy white blue green streaked greenish yellow white blue green dark and light green pure white Year Reg. 2007 2005 1981 1988 2006 1999 2013 1993 2002 2014 2013 1999 2009 1998 1994 1988 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 2009 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 74 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Kiwi Sunlover Kiwi Sunshine Kiwi Tease Kiwi Treasure Trove Kiwi Waves kiyosumiensis Klaus von Klitzing Klondike Klopping Variegated KL's Choice Knickerbocker Holiday Knight's Journey* Knit Pickin Knockout Ko Mame Ko Seto Kokuryu Komodo Dragon Koneko Kong Konkubine Korean Snow Krinkle Sister Krinkle Twist Krinkled Joy Kris Krinkle Krista Krossa Broad Band Krossa Cream Edge Krossa Regal Kryptonite Kuk's Concoction Kyoto L.E.W. La Donna La Vista Labyrinth Lac de Bretaye Lac Leman Lachman Legacy Lacy Belle SectionClass III-5b IV-3 IV-5a II-5b II-2 III-1 II-6b II-7 III-4b II-4b III-7 IV-4b III-1 IV-6a V-1 II-1 IV-1 I-1 III-7 I-2 III-1 IV-7 II-3 II-2 II-2 II-2 IV-5b III-5b IV-5b I-2 IV-1 III-7 III-1 II-3 IV-2 III-6a IV-7 IV-2 II-2 I-5b IV-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 5.3 medium green 6 4.3 greenish yellow 5.9 3.2 green and golden yellow 9.8 7 medium green 11.8 9 intensely blue-green 8 5 10.2 7.5 green 11 7.5 medium green streaked with yellow, white greenish 7.75 6.25 dark emerald green 12 7 medium blue-green 8 4.25 green with unstable streaks of varying shade white 6 3 dark blue-green (* Note corrected spelling.) 11 4.5 dark green 6 3 creamy yellow 2 0.5625 light green 11 7 medium green with white back 5.25 3.13 light green 13 10 dark green 8.25 6 streaked 15 10 blue green 8.25 5.125 light to medium green 7 3.5 medium streaked with creamy white 10.5 9 yellow 11 9.5 blue-green 10.75 9.5 blue green 10 7 intensely blue-green 3 2 blue green 8.5 4.5 dark blue green 5.25 2.38 light green 15 8 blue gray 4.5 3 dark green 10.5 6 dark green streaked 6.375 5 medium green 12 9.5 chartreuse yellow 3.1 2.375 blue-green 7 5 creamy white 6 4.5 green with white streaks 6 2.75 intensely blue-green 12 8 medium blue-green 12 10 medium green 6.75 3.75 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow creamy white greenish yellow dark green pure white cream creamy white blue green blue-green yellow yellow creamy yellow dark green greenish yellow creamy white Year Reg. 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 2003 2010 1988 2014 2004 2002 2010 1986 2002 2002 2000 2004 1999 1990 2005 1999 2005 2005 1986 2013 1999 1991 1997 1980 2009 1999 2001 2008 2011 1988 2009 2003 2002 2014 1992 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. 75 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Lady Amy Lady Gaga Lady Godiva Lady Guinevere Lady Helen Lady in Blue Lady in Waiting Lady Isobel Barnett Lady Jane Lady Liberty's Flame Lady Luck Lady Michelle Ladybug laevigata Lahn Lake Chautauqua Lake Erie Lake Hitchcock Lake Huron Lake Louise Lake Michigan Lake Ontario Lake Superior Lakeport Blue Lakeside a Go Go Lakeside Accolade Lakeside Alex Andra Lakeside April Snow Lakeside Baby Face Lakeside Banana Bay Lakeside Beach Bum Lakeside Beach Captain Lakeside Beloved Lakeside Big Scoop Lakeside Black Mama Lakeside Black Satin Lakeside Blue Cherub Lakeside Blue Confusion SectionClass II-4b IV-7 III-4b IV-6a III-8 III-2 I-2 I-5B II-1 III-3 IV-4b III-3 IV-3 IV-1 V-1 II-2 I-1 II-5b III-1 II-6a III-1 III-1 I-2 I-2 IV-6a IV-1 III-5b III-4a V-5b IV-6a IV-2 II-6a III-4b III-2 III-1 III-1 IV-2 III-2 (?) Lakeside Blushing Gold III-3 Variety Lakeside Blue Jeans II-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11 9 medium green 5.75 2.5 medium green with creamy white streaks 7 5 medium green 7 3 greenish yellow 7 5.75 greenish yellow 6 6 intensely blue-green 12 12 blue gray 18 10 medium green 10 8 dark green * note corrected sizes 9 4.5 golden yellow 6 2.625 medium green 8.5 5.25 greenish yellow 3 3 medium gold 7.5 2.25 3.25 1.125 dark green 11 8.5 medium blue-green 14.5 10.5 dark green 10.75 8.5 blue-green 9 5 medium green 8 8 blue green 8 5 dark green 6 5 medium green 14 9 blue green 16 13 green 3.5 1.75 pure white 7 4 dark green 7 6 bright lime 8 6 yellow to lime 2 1.5 dark green 5 5 yellow 4 4 medium blue-green 10 8 creamy yellow 8 5 medium green 8 5 medium blue-green 7 5 dark green 7 7 very dark green 3.75 3.25 blue green 6 6 intensely blue-green 13 8 9 6.5 intensely blue-green deep gold Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white white dark green cream to yellow creamy white golden yellow to creamy yellow medium green bright yellow cream to white deep gold bright green medium blue-green creamy white Year Reg. 2009 2014 2004 2005 1998 2012 1980 1996 2005 2000 2014 2003 1996 2005 1998 1998 2009 2001 1975 2001 1998 2001 1984 2003 1988 2002 1994 1997 2005 2001 2003 1999 2002 2003 1993 1991 1998 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1996 R. 1995 R. 76 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Lakeside Breaking News Lakeside Breaking Waves Lakeside Bugaboo Lakeside Butter Ball Lakeside Cha Cha Lakeside Charm Lakeside Chatterbox Lakeside Cindy Cee Lakeside Circle O Lakeside Coal Miner SectionClass II-4b III-2 V-5b II-3 III-4b III-1 IV-3 III-4b IV-4b III-1 Lakeside Color Blue Lakeside Contender Lakeside Cricket Lakeside Cup Up Lakeside Cupcake Lakeside Cupid's Cup Lakeside Dark Dancer Lakeside Delight Lakeside Dimpled Darling Lakeside Dividing Line Lakeside Dixie Doll Lakeside Doodad Lakeside Dot Com Lakeside Down Sized Lakeside Dragonfly Lakeside Dream On Lakeside Ebony Echoes Lakeside Elfin Fire Lakeside Elite Lakeside Emerald Lights Lakeside Explosion Lakeside Expo Lakeside Fancy Pants Lakeside Feather Light Lakeside Flame Dance * Lakeside Foaming Sea Lakeside Foiled Plot Lakeside Fresh Prince Lakeside Frosted Mint II-2 II-3 V-5a III-1 IV-6a III-4b III-1 II-3 IV-4b IV-6a IV-6a IV-6a IV-6a V-4a IV-4b II-4b III-1 V-6a III-5b III-1 V-4b III-3 I-5b IV-4b IV-1 II-3 II-1 III-1 II-1 Variety Lakeside Cogwheel IV-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 8 blue green 9 5 medium blue-green 2 0.75 medium green 8.5 8 golden yellow 8 6 light green 7 7 lime green 5 4 yellow 9 7 light green 4 3 slightly blue-green 10 5.5 dark green 6 9 14 1.75 7 4 6 7.5 13 3.25 7 6 5 3 2.25 7 8 8.5 2.5 8 7.5 4.5 7.5 16 7.5 7 12 9 9 11 4 9 8 0.75 7 4 6 4 9 2 3 4 1.5 2.5 1 3.5 8 5 0.75 6 5 1 5.5 9 3 4 8 9 7 9 slightly blue-green intensely blue yellow pure white dark green creamy white slightly blue-green dark green yellow gold bright green white creamy white pure white white yellow medium blue-green medium blue-green dark green white with green speckling blue green dark green medium green greenish yellow soft blue medium green medium green * note corrected sizes yellow green bright green light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white golden yellow creamy white greenish white creamy white yellow gold golden yellow blue green creamy white white dark green blue green dark green dark green white white creamy white dark green yellow pure white yellow creamy white Year Reg. 2000 2003 2000 2002 1994 1994 1998 2002 2005 1998 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2003 1998 2003 1993 1998 1998 2002 1994 2005 2000 2001 1995 1999 2003 1997 2006 2002 2000 2000 1993 1995 2002 2005 1998 2006 2002 2006 2004 1996 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 R. 77 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Lakeside Fruit Loops Lakeside Full Tide Lakeside Gold Point Lakeside Grandee Lakeside Grumpy Green Lakeside Happy Talk Lakeside Hazy Morn SectionClass V-6A I-1 IV-3 II-1 II-1 IV-6a II-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 3.8 1.5 white 15 11 dark green 6 2.1 deep gold 13 8 dark green 10.5 10.5 bright green 4 2.5 creamy white 10 7.5 Light sea green to cadet blue Lakeside Hoola Hoop Lakeside Iron Man Lakeside Jazzy Jane Lakeside Kaleidoscope Lakeside Keepsake Lakeside Khum Kaw Lakeside King Pin Lakeside Knickknack Lakeside Ladyfinger Lakeside Lagoon IV-5b II-1 II-4b IV-7 II-4b I-1 I-1 IV-7 IV-4b I-2 5 10 10 6 10 12 12 3.5 4.5 16 2 7 8 4 8 18 16 2.5 1.5 9 bright medium green very dark green dark green blue green streaked slightly blue-green medium green bright green streaked light green medium blue-green Lakeside Leprechaun Lakeside Lime Tart Lakeside Lime Time Lakeside Little Gem Lakeside Little Tuft Lakeside Little Vamp Lakeside Lollipop Lakeside Looking Glass IV-3 V-1 IV-1 V-1 IV-6a V-1 IV-1 III-1 4 2 3.5 2.5 4 2 3.25 8 3.5 1 2.5 1.5 2 1.5 3 5.5 medium chartreuse Light lime light green medium green yellow gold light lime green dark green dark green I-1 I-2 I-2 II-4b I-1 III-4b III-6a III-6a III-1 IV-4b 15 17 13 12 15 9 9 8.5 9.5 3.5 11 11 10 8.5 12 6 6 5 6 2.5 medium green intensely blue * note corrected sizes slightly blue-green intensely blue-green dark green bright green pure white creamy dark green medium green Lakeside Legal Tender Lakeside Love Affaire Lakeside Maestro Lakeside Magnetic Force * Lakeside Main Man Lakeside Masterpiece Lakeside Maverick Lakeside Meadow Ice Lakeside Meter Maid Lakeside Metered Light Lakeside Midnight Miss Lakeside Miss Muffett IV-5b III-6a 5 9 4 7 slightly blue-green white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green medium green pure white yellow pure white creamy white white creamy white golden yellow green dark green creamy white pure white dark green lime green white Year Reg. 2001 2001 1995 1994 2006 1998 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. 2003 2003 2002 1994 2001 2006 2006 1994 1997 1998 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1991 2002 1998 1993 1997 2006 1993 1997 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 2006 2002 1998 2000 2002 1998 2005 2006 1998 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2002 1999 1997 R. R. R. 78 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Lakeside Missy Little Lakeside Mom Lakeside Neat Petite Lakeside Ninita Lakeside Old Smokey Lakeside Paddywack Lakeside Paisley Print * Lakeside Party Dress * SectionClass IV-4b III-7 V-2 IV-4b II-2 V-6a III-6a* IV-4a Lakeside Penny Pincher Lakeside Peppermint Sticks Lakeside Pillow Talk Lakeside Pin Cushion Lakeside Plum Frosting * Lakeside Premier Lakeside Prime Time Lakeside Prissy Miss Lakeside Prophecy Lakeside Prophecy Fulfilled * Lakeside Ragtime Lakeside Rhapsody Lakeside Ring Master Lakeside Ripples Lakeside Rocky Top Lakeside Round Table Lakeside Roy El Lakeside San Ho Tia * Lakeside San Kao Lakeside Sapphire Pleats Lakeside Sassy Sally Lakeside Scamp Lakeside Shadows Lakeside Shockwave Lakeside Shore Master Lakeside Sir Logan Lakeside Slick Chick Lakeside Small Fry Lakeside Sophistication Lakeside Sparkle Plenty Lakeside Spellbinder IV-5b III-3 II-1 IV-3 III-1 or 8 II-4b III-4b III-4a II-1 II-4b V-4b III-4b I-4b II-1 IV-5b I-1 II-5b III-1 II-6a III-2 II-3 V-4b IV-6a II-5b II-6b II-1 V-5b V-4b IV-6a IV-6a III-6a Variety Lakeside Pebbles III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4.5 3.5 medium blue-green 6.5 5 streaked 2.25 1.75 dull blue green 3 2.5 light green 13 9 smoky blue-green 2.5 1.5 pure white 7 6 green cream markings shoot out from petiole * note 8 4 light green * note corrected sizes 7 3 7 11 4.75 7 10 7 7 10 10 4 8 14 12 5 15 10.5 10 11.5 6 10 2 5 12 10 9 2.5 3 7 5.5 9 7 2 5 9 1.375 5 8.5 6 5 8 8 1 7 11 9 3 13 9 9 8.5 8 8 1.25 3.5 8 8.5 8 1.25 1.5 4 3 7 dark green dark green soft yellow dark green yellow greenish white * note corrected sizes dark green slightly blue-green yellow gold dark green dark green * note corrected sizes medium green medium blue-green medium green medium green dark green medium green medium green light green * note corrected sizes greenish white intensely blue-green golden yellow aqua soft pale blue-green yellow medium green light green dark green bright green medium green creamy white yellow gold creamy white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white dark green green creamy white golden yellow creamy white creamy white creamy white creamy white white creamy white creamy white white medium gold cream green yellow intensely blue-green yellow white medium green medium green dark green Year Reg. 2002 1999 1991 1993 2004 1996 2006 1997 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1998 2005 2004 2002 2006 1994 2002 1997 2002 2006 2000 1995 1998 1991 1999 2002 1994 2006 1995 1996 2002 2005 1990 2001 1998 2002 2004 1998 1995 1995 1997 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 R. 79 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Lakeside Spruce Goose Lakeside Storm Watch Lakeside Surf Rider Lakeside Swan Pon Lakeside Symphony Lakeside Tee Ki * Lakeside Toy Treasure * Lakeside Triple Crown Lakeside Twiddle Dee Lakeside Tycoon Lakeside Un Huh Lakeside Waltz King Lakeside Waterfall Lakeside Whispering Leaves Lakeside Whizzit Lakeside Zesty Zeno Lakeside Zinger lancifolia Landscape One Landslide Lap Dance LaPaloma Larry Englerth Lars of Mars * Last Dance Lasting Impressions Late Jewel Laugh Out Loud Lauman Garden Blue Laura Laura and Darrell Laura Lanier Lauren Lauren's Delight Laurentina Lava Flow Lavender Doll Lavender Lace Lavender Lady Lavender Stocking Laverne and Shirley SectionClass IV-4b IV-1 I-2 I-4b III-6a IV-4a V-4b IV-4b V-1 II-2 I-2 III-6a IV-3 I-2 IV-8 IV-5b V-4b IV-1 IV-1 III-5b V-2 IV-1 II-6a IV-4b III-5b II-7 IV-1 I-6a III-2 II-4b II-5b IV-6a V-3 III-2 V-7 IV-8 III-1 V-1 IV-1 II-1 II-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Leaf Color Margin Length Width 6.5 4 dark green white 6 2.5 very dark green 13 11.5 slightly blue-green 15 8 medium green creamy white 8 6 cream lime green 4 3 greenish yellow * note corrected sizes creamy white 3 1 medium green * note size is correct white 4.5 3.75 greenish yellow 4.5 1.25 medium green 11 9 deep blue-green 12 11 medium blue-green 11 5 cream white blue 5.5 3.5 golden yellow 11 12 blue-green 3.25 2 white with green dots green 7 4 medium green pale yellow 3 1.75 medium green white 6.5 2.5 5 4 gray-green 11 4 slightly blue-green pale yellow 2.5 0.5 medium blue-green 8 3.5 medium green 10.5 9.5 yellow dark green 6 2 dark green * note corrected sizes creamy white 9 7 medium green pale yellow 10.5 9 medium green with unstable streaks of dark green, blue6.5 4 green medium blue-green 15 10 pale yellow 6.25 5.5 medium blue-green 10 8 medium green greenish white 10 9 medium green yellow gold 6 4 greenish gold dark green 3 0.75 medium yellow 8 7 medium blue-green 3.375 1.625 medium to dark green streaked chartreuse yellow and 8 3 green with yellow veins 11 5.5 light green 3.5 1 dark green 4.5 2 medium green 13 7.5 medium green 12 9 medium gold Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 1998 2003 1997 2001 1988 2006 2006 2000 1996 2002 2004 2005 1998 2005 2005 2004 1998 2007 2009 2007 2004 2002 1986 2002 1999 2002 2010 2013 2002 2000 1997 2002 1991 2005 2014 2011 1998 2009 1986 1998 2009 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R 80 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Leading Lady Lean on Me Leapin' Lizard Leather and Lace Leather Belt Leather Coat Leather Sheen Leatherneck Lederhosen Ledi Lantis Lee Armiger Lela's Quilt Lemon Chiffon Lemon Crust Lemon Delight Lemon Frost Lemon Honey Lemon Ice Lemon Leaf Lemon Lime Lemon Meringue Lemon Slice Lemon Sorbet Lemon Twist Lemon Zest Lemonade Lemontini Lenape Leo Leola Fraim Leon Leona Leopard Frog Leprechaun Leprechaun Lace Let Me Entertain You Letha Mae Let's Dance Lettuce Salad Leviathan SectionClass I-5b I-6a IV-1 IV-5b IV-4b III-2 IV-1 II-2 III-2 III-3 IV-2 II-2 II-3 III-5b V-5b V-4b IV-3 IV-3 III-3 V-3 II-3 IV-3 V-4a III-3 IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 I-1 I-3 III-4b IV-1 III-3 IV-7 V-1 III-5b III-1 II-1 IV-4b II-1 I-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 14 10 dark green 16 12 greenish yellow 7 4 medium green 7 4 medium blue-green 4.75 3 dark green 7 6 intensely blue-green 7 3 dark green 10 6.5 medium blue-green 8.25 5.5 blue-green 8 6 deep yellow 5 5 intensely blue-green 12 9 intensely blue-green 12 7 creamy yellow 10.625 5.5 medium green with stable irregular light to gray-green 2.625 1.5 medium green 3.5 1.5 greenish yellow 6.5 4.5 pale lemon yellow 6 4 yellow 8 7 yellow to greenish yellow 3 1 chartreuse gold 11.5 10 light yellow 6 4 yellow 2.75 1.2 greenish yellow 8 5.63 golden yellow 4 1.875 pale yellow 3 5 light yellow 3.75 2.5 golden yellow 16 11 green 15 12 golden yellow 8 6 medium dark green 5.25 6 4 1.75 8.5 7.5 7.5 7 9 12.5 3.25 5 3 1 6 5 10 4 9 10.25 medium green golden yellow golden yellow spotted green green medium green light green to medium green medium green medium green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin gold medium blue-green yellow creamy white stable creamy yellow greenish yellow pure white white white golden yellow pure white Year Reg. 1995 2008 2012 2013 2001 1995 1988 1998 2010 1978 1986 2015 1988 2002 2005 2002 2013 2011 2007 1977 1991 2015 2003 2009 2009 1980 2009 2007 2009 1986 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R R. R R. 2011 2000 1991 2015 2003 2006 2012 2008 1986 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 R. 81 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Liam's Luck Libby Liberty Liberty Bell Libra Light in the Forest Light My Fire Light Show Lighthouse Lightning Bolt Lightning Flash Lights Up Like Butta Li'l Abner Lilac Giant Lilac Love Lillie Lily Blue Eyes SectionClass IV-6a IV-5b I-5b IV-7 III-1 III-7 III-6a I-5b I-3 IV IV-7 V-3 III-3 III-5b II-1 IV-1 V-1 III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 3.25 2 pure white 7 3.5 dark green 12.6 9.8 medium blue-green 5 2 green variegated 7.5 7.5 medium green 8 6 dark green streaked 7 5 pure white 12.5 10.5 medium green 15.5 11.75 yellow-lime 6 2 yellow streaked medium blue-green and creamy white 6 2 5 0.75 yellow 7.5 5 brilliant yellow 7 4.5 medium green 12 9 dull grayish green 5 2.5 medium blue-green 2.5 1.13 light green 9 5.5 IV-1 II-1 V-4b V-1 II-3 II-1 V-4b II-3 5.5 9.5 4 3 10 11 2.75 10.5 4.5 8.5 1 1.5 8 9 1.2 8.5 dark green light green medium green lime to pale green chartreuse green light green medium green light yellow-green Lime Ripple Lime Shag Lime Smoothie Lime Tiara Lime Wrinkles Lime Zest Limelight Limelighter's Glow Limestone Lover Limetini Limey Lisa Limited Edition III-3 IV-1 II-5b IV-1 III-3 IV-1 IV-4a II-1 I-1 IV-1 V-1 III-1 8 4 10 5 7 3.75 4.5 12 9.5 5.25 2 7 6 1.63 7.25 3 5 2.5 3.5 8 14 3.5 1.5 5 greenish yellow light to medium green medium green medium green light greenish yellow dark green green light green medium green light green green very dark green III-1 7.75 6.5 Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green pale yellow golden yellow intensely blue-green yellow creamy white orangy gold intensely blue-green Lily Pad Lime Custard Lime Fizz Lime Knack Lime Krinkles Lime Leader Lime Meringue Lime Piecrust Lime Regal 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2000 2009 2005 2012 1988 2013 2003 1990 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 2011 2009 2008 2011 2010 2009 1988 2000 2002 2009 2009 2001 R R R. R R. R R. R. R. R R R. 2007 white pure white pale green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2008 2003 2000 1985 2011 2000 2014 2005 2003 2009 2013 1986 2001 2003 1983 1999 1999 2009 greenish yellow white R. R 82 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Limon Linda Blue Linda Sue Linde Lionheart Lipstick Blonde Litle Dancer Little Ann Little Aurora Little Bit Little Black Scape Little Blue Little Bo Peep Little Boy Little Boy Blue Little Brother Little Caesar Little Chickadee Little Cyn Little Darling Little Dart Little Dipper Little Doll Little Dragon Little Fellow Little Green Griffonage Little Hobber * Little Hottie Little Jack Frost Little Jay Little Jill Little Jim Little John Little Lemon Drop Little Lites Little Lulu Little Maddie Little Miss Magic Little Miss Sunshine Little Orphan Annie Little Princess SectionClass IV-3 I-2 I-5b III-2 III-6a I-3 V-1 V-4a IV-3 V-1 IV-3 III-1 V-4b I-2 IV-4b III-2 V-6a V-7 II-7 IV-4b IV-1 IV-2 IV-5b I-4b V-3 IV-1 IV-1 V-7 IV-2 V-6a V-7 V-7 I-2 IV-3 IV-6a V-3 V-1 or 7 IV-3 IV-3 III-7 V-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 5 lime, yellow green 16 12 intensely blue-green 12 10 intensely blue-green 8 6.5 gray blue 8 6 pure white 18.5 7 golden yellow 1.375 0.875 medium green 3.75 1 yellow green 4 3 deep yellow 2.25 1.25 medium green 5 4 medium gold 7.5 4 dark green 3.75 1.25 green 12 12 intensely blue 3.5 3.5 medium blue-green 10 5 intensely blue 3 1.5 creamy white 3.88 1.2 medium green streaked 12 8.5 mottled 4.5 3.5 dark green 4.5 1.6 dark green 5 4 medium blue-green 5.5 5 medium blue-green 1.75 1 dark green 1.25 0.5 medium yellow green 3 2.5 medium green 4 4 dark green * note corrected sizes 3 1.5 streaked white, yellow and green 6 2.25 slightly blue-green 3.6 1 creamy white 4 .75 streaked with pure white 3 0.75 streaked 14 11 intensely blue-green 4.5 3.5 greenish-yellow 4 2 creamy white 1.5 0.75 golden yellow 2 1 lime green with green misting 7 2 yellow 4 3 golden yellow 8.125 6.125 blue-green streaked with yellows and creamy white 2.5 1 green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow medium blue-green white creamy white creamy white medium green creamy white yellow to creamy white pure white medium green medium dark green Year Reg. 1983 2007 1999 1983 2009 2012 2013 1988 1978 1999 1995 1976 1991 2001 2004 2008 2000 2000 1998 1994 1995 2005 2009 1999 1990 2005 2001 2012 2010 2004 2010 1986 2000 2005 1993 2003 2006 2004 2008 2005 2009 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R 83 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Little Ralph Little Razor Little Red Joy Little Red Rooster Little Sister Little Slam Bang Little Spark Little Starlet Little Streaker Little Sunspot Little Town Flirt Little Treasure Little Tykes Little White Lines Little Wiggler Little Willie Little Wonder Littlechap Littlest Angel Live Wire Living Water Livonia Lizard Lick Lochness Lochness Blue Lochness Smoke and Fire Locksmith Locomotion Lodestar Lodikito Lois Loleta Powell Lollapalooza London Bridge * London Fog * Lone Trail Gulch Lonesome Dove Lonesome Pine Long Fellow SectionClass V-1 V-3 V-1 V-1 III-3 III-1 IV-4b IV-4a V-7 IV-6a IV-4b IV-6a IV-4b IV-4b V-1 V-4b V-4b V-1 V-6a V-1 II-4b IV-1 IV-1 I-2 I-2 III-7 I-1 IV-2 IV-5b IV-7 III-5b III-7 III-4b IV-6a IV-7 III-7 III-7 II-4b IV-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2 1 medium green 3 1.25 very pale gold 3 1.2 green 3.75 1 medium green 7.625 5.25 yellow-gold 7 5.5 medium green 3.5 1.5 medium green 5 2.5 yellow 3 1 green streaked 3 2 medium gold 5 2.25 medium blue green 4.9 1.9 creamy white 4.25 2.25 dark green 4 2 medium green 3 0.75 light green 3.88 1.5 light green 2.25 1.5 dark green 1.5 1 medium green 2 .75 white 4.5 .5 medium green 9 8 slightly blue-green 9.75 7 12 14 6.75 18 6.5 6 6 7 9 8.5 6 6 7.5 6 11 7 3 1.5 11 11 6.75 10 3 3.5 4.25 6 6 7.5 3 3 4.75 5 8.25 1.75 light green medium green dark blue green intensely blue-green blue-green streaked with light green, greenish yellow, medium green intensely blue-green light green dark green with pale yellow and creamy streaks medium green chartreuse and cream dark green streaked yellow creamy white * note corrected sizes white with green speckling * note corrected sizes streaked with greenish yellow, pale yellow, creamy pure white medium green light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white pure white white medium green creamy white medium blue-green creamy white white white creamy white green creamy white greenish yellow gold to cream blue green creamy white medium green medium blue-green creamy white creamy white to pale-yellow Year Reg. 2002 1988 2004 2002 2003 2010 2014 2011 2009 1996 2008 2008 2005 1988 2005 2009 1989 2004 2009 2009 2009 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R R 2007 1988 1999 2005 2012 1993 1999 2013 2015 1980 1998 2006 2006 2011 2005 1995 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R 1997 R. 84 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Long Meadow Long Tall Sally SectionClass II-3 II-4b Longboard Stringer longipes hypoglauca longipes latifolia longipes sparsa longipes vulgata longissima longissima longifolia Longjohn Look See Lord Rock Lorelei Loretta's Lavender Lorikeet Lorna Lost at Sea Lost World Lottie Lottie Daa Lotus Woods Louie Louie Louie Louis XIV Louisa Louise Ryan Love Bug Love Burst Love Joy Love Nest V-3 IV-1 II-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-2 III-7 III-1 IV-5b II-1 IV-4b V-1 III-2 III-1 IV-5b IV-3 III-1 V-1 III-4b II-3 IV-4b II-5b V-1 II-6a II-7 II-2 Love Pat Love Poem Love Song Love Tap Love You Lovelight Lovely Lauren Lovely Loretta IV-2 IV-3 II-1 II-2 II-5b III-5b III-4b III-3 Love of Life II-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 9 pale yellow medium blue-green 11 8 4.5 5.5 10 5 5.5 5.25 7.5 9 9 6 3 11 5 1.75 8.5 7.5 4 6 9 1.75 10.5 10 5 12 2.5 8 16 9 1.25 3.75 9.5 2.5 3.75 1.25 1 5 6 5 2 7 2.75 0.75 5 6 2.5 4 7 0.5 4.5 8 2 7.75 2 8 7 10 yellow 5 4.3 14.3 10 10 9 7 7.5 5 2 6.2 8 8 7 4.75 5 intensely blue greenish yellow medium green intensely blue-green light green light green medium green greenish gold 9.75 8.5 intensely blue-green streaked medium green medium green medium to dark green medium green dark mat green slightly blue-green dark green dark green greenish yellow light green medium green medium green yellow green intensely blue-green light green medium yellow streaked light blue-green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white pale yellow yellow to creamy white yellow near white white medium green dark blue creamy white golden yellow light yellow gold streaked creamy white Year Reg. 2009 Reg. or Species R 2003 2000 1980 2007 2003 2005 2005 1983 2003 2003 2013 2004 2002 1996 2014 2010 1986 1993 2001 1994 1980 2004 R. S. S. S. S. S. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1978 2015 2010 2013 2011 1992 1998 2002 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2013 1998 R. R. 85 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Lovely Rita Lovely to Behold Lover's Leap Lovey Dovey Lovin' Spoonful Loving Cup Loyalist Lucille Lucille Simpers Lucky Charm Lucky in Love Lucy and Ethel Lucy Vitols Lucy's Breeder Lucy's Crinkles Lullabye Lumberjack Lunar Eclipse Lunar Magic Lunar Night Lunar Orbit Lunar Sea Lush Life Lydia Lydia Scheu Lydia's Buffet Lyme Regis Lynne M Go Blue M. Owen Papuga Ma Breeder Mabel-Maria Herweg Macarena MacBenedict Machete * Mack the Knife Mad About Blue Madame Butterfly Maddren Made from Scratch SectionClass IV-4b II-5b II-6a V-4b V-1 III-2 IV-6a III-1 II-2 III-1 IV-6a I-2 II-6a III-3 II-1 III-3 II-5b III-4a II-6b II-1 III-6a III-5a III-1 V-6a III-3 V-7 IV-6a V-2 I-2 II-1 II-7 III-7 III-7 II-7 or III-1 IV-5b III-2 III-6a I-2 II-8 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4 3 light green 10 6.5 blue green 10 8 creamy white 2 2.5 light green 2.5 1.75 dark green 8 7.5 blue green 6.5 3.75 creamy white 9 5 dark green 11 9 blue green 8.75 6 dull medium green 6 3 creamy white 13 10 medium blue-green 10 9 green yellow 8.25 5.25 light yellow-green 9.5 7.5 dull dark green 10 4 bright yellow 11 9.25 dark green 7 5.5 yellow 8 8 medium green 9 8 dark green 7 5 yellow 7.5 6.5 light golden yellow 8 7 medium green 2 1 greenish white 11 5.5 pale yellow 3 1.5 medium green streaked with creamy white 5.5 2.13 golden yellow 2.5 1.5 blue 13.75 11 slightly blue-green 11.5 6.5 dark green 11.5 9.75 misted and streaked yellow to greenish yellow 6.5 4.75 streaked 9 6 green with large golden streaks and mottled areas 11.25 9.75 medium green with unstable streaks of dark green, light 10 5 medium green * note corrected class 5 2.75 dark green 8 5.5 intensely blue-green 8 15 9 6 13 8 creamy white intensely blue-green multi shades of green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white greenish yellow dark green creamy white dark green light green green greenish-yellow white dark green green chartreuse medium green dark green deep gold medium and dark green white to pale yellow Year Reg. 2011 2000 1995 2002 2007 1970 1998 2001 1990 1986 2009 2009 1989 1991 1991 2004 2005 1985 1994 1998 1991 2009 2012 2009 1999 2008 2009 1986 2009 2003 2008 2009 2012 2002 2004 1996 2009 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R 2012 2005 R. R. 1999 R. 86 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Made You Look Madelynn Mademoiselle Madison Madison Mine Maekawa Maggie May Magic Carpet Magic Colors Magic Fire Magic Island Magic Moment Magic Mountain * Magna Carta Magnificent Michele Magnificent Obsession Maid In The Shade Maid Marian Main Event Maize and Blue Majestic Majestic Glow Majesty Majordomo Malabar Mama Bear Mama's Gold Mama Mia* correct spelling Mammoth Ears Man on the Moon Mañana Mandelbrot Set Mango Salsa Mango Tango Manhattan Maniac Maple Leaf Maraschino Cherry Marble Rim Marbled Bouquet SectionClass III-5a I-2 III-6a III-2 III-2 III-1 I-1 V-5b IV-7 II-5b IV-6a II-2 I-2 IV-6a III-2 I-7 III-5a IV-6a III-3 III-7 III-4b IV-3 II-5b III-2 III-5b I-3 II-3 III-5b I-2 III-7 III-1 II-1 IV-3 III-6a II-1 II-6b II-5b IV-1 IV-4b II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5 pale yellow 12 10 10 8 9 16 3.5 4.5 10.4 4.7 9 17 5.75 9 13.75 9 5.5 9 8 10 5.5 12 11.5 8.5 12 11 7 16 9 7.75 12 7 7 11 10 12 7 4.75 10 10 3.75 5 7 7 13 1 3 7.6 2.75 8 13 4.5 7 12 7 4.5 7 5.5 6 4.5 9 5.25 4.5 10 7 4.5 12 7 5.9 8 4 8 8 8 9 3 3.25 7 intensely blue-green pure white intensely blue-green medium blue-green medium green dark green dark green green and white streaked medium green yellow medium blue-green medium blue-green * note corrected sizes white blue medium green streaked greenish yellow creamy white yellow green streaked dark green light gold medium green metallic blue medium green greenish yellow golden yellow dark green medium blue-green medium blue-green with creamy yellow streaks dark green light to medium green yellow yellow light green medium green green dark green medium green green marbled Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow dark and medium green Year Reg. 2000 2007 1999 2011 2011 2009 2001 golden yellow 1998 2005 yellow 2004 blue 2011 2015 2003 dark green with greenish yellow inner 2001 2005 1999 pale yellow 2009 medium green 2000 2015 2000 creamy to pure white 2005 1982 pale yellow 1999 2004 golden yellow 2009 2009 1999 creamy yellow 2009 2009 2009 2001 2011 2011 medium green 2007 1994 light green 2010 chartreuse 1972 dark green 1999 creamy white 1986 1988 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R R R R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 87 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Marbled Cream Marbled Cream Elite Marbled White Marcella March for Life Mardi Gras Margaret Margaret Eyre Margaret Mary Tiara * SectionClass III-7 II-6a III-7 IV-7 V-1 I-4b V-1 II-5b IV-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.75 4 dark green marbled 9.5 7 creamy white 11 5.5 dark green with creamy white streaks 3 2.25 medium green 3.25 0.88 dark green 14 11 medium to dark green 3 0.75 medium green 8 8 dark green 3 3 medium to dark green * note corrected width Marge Margey Margie Weissenberger Margie's Angel Margin of Error Margrit Anna Mariachi Marie Curie Marilyn Marilyn Monroe Marine Marion Bachman Mark Anthony Marla II-1 V-1 V-2 III-6a IV-4b IV-4a II-5b II-2 IV-3 III-1 IV-4b III-6a I-6b IV-6a 10.25 1.5 2.5 9 5.5 4.25 10 11.25 6.5 6.75 6 8 12 5.5 8 0.75 1 6 3.25 3.25 8 8.25 3.5 5.5 3.8 5 10 3.25 medium green medium green blue green yellow medium green golden yellow medium green grayish blue-green bright yellow light green streaked blue & green light yellow-green light green to greenish-gold white with dark green veins Marlu's Carrie Lynn Marlu's Clayton Marlu's Eliza June Marlu's Elliot Marlu's Evelyn Lucile Marlu's Marla Jean Marlu's Marshall Marlu's Ronald Wayne IV-1 II-3 IV-1 V-1 V-3 V-3 II-2 III-3 4.5 10.5 4.25 3 4 2.5 12 6 2.75 6.5 1.75 1 1 2.25 8 5 medium green greenish yellow dark green medium green greenish yellow greenish yellow slightly blue-green greenish yellow Marnie's Delight * Marquette Park Marquis Martin Van Buren III-6a III-5b IV-1 III-1 7 8 4 9.5 5 6.5 2.5 4.75 greenish yellow and yellow * note corrected sizes medium green medium dark green medium green Marlene Marlu's Sandra Jill III-3 IV-3 10.5 4.5 7.5 1.75 golden yellow golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green creamy white with unstable streaking creamy white creamy yellow white translucent dark green creamy white white chartreuse creamy white streaked dark green medium green dark green dark green bright gold Year Reg. 1985 1999 2009 2002 2001 2001 1987 2007 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 1996 1998 1986 2007 1995 1999 2010 2002 1990 2005 2015 1992 2004 2003 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2006 2003 1982 2005 R. R. R. R. 2001 2005 2014 R. R. R. 88 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Martini SectionClass IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 3.5 medium green Maruba Iwa Marvelous Millie Mary Jo* Mary Lou Mary Marie Ann Mary Mary Mary Scholl Mary Schwartzbauer Marýke Lokike Masquerade Master Class Mastodon Matilda Matrix Matthew Braedon Matthew J. Walton Maui Blue Surf Maui Buttercups Maui Hana IV-5b II-2 IV-2 II-2 IV-8 III-4b III-6a I-6b IV-2 V-6a I-2 I-2 IV-4b IV-6a II-1 II-1 III-7 IV-3 II-1 6 10 5 10 4.5 8.5 10 15 4.3 3.75 16 14 7 4.5 7 10 7.25 5 12 4.5 8 3.75 8.25 2.25 4.5 6 12 1.4 1.5 13 11 4 2.75 11 9.25 6.25 5 8 medium green intensely blue-green deep blue green blue yellow dark green greenish yellow light green to greenish white slightly blue-green white slightly blue-green medium blue-green light medium green creamy white dark green dark green blue-green with unstable streaks of varying shades of medium yellow light green Maurice Mason May May Moon V-1 IV-3 IV-3 2 5.5 3.5 1.25 4 2 medium green greenish yellow yellow turning green IV-8 5.75 3 III-6a II-6b III-2 II-6a III-5b V-6a II-7 III- 9.5 10 8 10 9.25 4 12.25 7.5 Maui Rains May T. Watts Maya Mayan Moon Mayville Me and My Shadow Mean Joe Green Mean Mama Medieval Age Medusa Megacup Megan IV-1 I-4a III-5b 7 12 8 4 10 7 5.625 8 5.25 7 6.25 1 9.5 6.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow *Note this is the correct spelling. green creamy white medium blue-green green streaking to center green irregular light green to creamy white medium green dark green yellow Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2009 2009 1987 1986 1982 2009 1999 2008 2008 2009 2012 2009 2007 2003 2006 2001 2004 1991 1991 R R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2013 1999 1999 R. R. R. 2009 1991 white 1985 R R. R. yellow green 1996 R. yellow with green markings light green blue-green yellow gold green creamy white dark green streaked medium green blue-green medium blue-green 2003 2003 2008 1995 2004 1993 2000 2011 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] golden yellow dark green yellow medium green golden bronze 2009 R 89 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Megan's Angel SectionClass I-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 13 10 dark green Melissa Anne Mellow Yellow Memento Memories Memories of Dorothy Mentor Gold Merci Marci Merle Merlin Merry Christmas Merry Men Merry Sunshine Merry-go-round Mesa Fringe Mesa Verde Metallic Sheen Metallica Meteor Shower Metropolis Michael S. Flaherty Michael T. Rozanski Michael's Legacy Michael's Mud Pie Michigan Gold Midas Mouse Midas Touch III-7 II-3 III-3 IV-4b II-5b IV-4a IV-4b I-1 III-5b III-4b IV-6a III-4b I-1 I-1 I-2 I-2 IV-2 III-7 I-1 III-1 I-2 IV-4b I-2 II-3 V-3 II-3 6 9.5 6.5 4 10 7 4 12.25 7 7 4 8 14 15.75 11 14 7.5 8 18 7 11.5 3 13 11 2 9 5.5 6.75 6 1.75 7 1.5 3 10.5 5.5 5 2 6.5 10 9.5 14 10 3.5 5 11 5.75 10.5 2.25 10 7 1.5 8 green streaked golden yellow greenish gold medium green with lighter green streaking medium green bright yellow intensely blue-green dark green medium blue-green medium green creamy white medium green dark green medium green blue-green blue green dark blue green streaked medium green & white medium green yellow to light green slightly blue-green dark green slightly blue-green bright lemon yellow greenish yellow deep yellow Midnight Dream Midnight Express Midnight Hour Midnight Mistress Midnight Moon Midnight Oil Midnight Ride Midnight Storm Midnight Sun Midori-no-ya I-2 I-2 I-2 III-7 IV-8 IV-1 IV-1 IV-7 I-3 IV-1 13 13 15.5 9 6 6.5 6 6 16 5.1 11.3 10 9.5 7 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 12 1.25 dark blue-green slightly blue-green intensely blue-green streaked dark greeen and yellow dark green dark green dark green dark green with irregular streaking yellow gold medium green Middle Ridge III-6a 13 4.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white gold and creamy white creamy white pale yellow creamy white medium green creamy white white green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2000 2010 2001 2002 2002 1978 2009 2007 2003 2003 2002 1998 1999 2000 2004 1999 1991 2015 2004 2014 2004 1999 2002 1984 2014 1978 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2015 1996 2009 2015 2005 2004 2004 2005 1996 2004 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 1979 irregular yellow becoming creamy R R. 90 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Midsummer Night's Green * Midwest Gold Midwest Magic Midwest Majesty Mighty Min Mighty Mini Mighty Mite Mighty Moe Mighty Moe Supreme Mighty Mouse Mighty Special Mikado Mikawa-no-Yuki Mike Mike Shadrack Miki Mildred Seaver * Mildred's Smile Milk and Honey Milkmaid Millard Fillmore Millennium Millennium Magic Millie's Memoirs Million Dollar Baby Ming Dynasty Ming Jade Ming Treasure Mingo Mini Mouse Mini Skirt Minimoon Minna Blue Minnesota Nice Minnesota Weather Minnesota Wild Minnie Bell Minnie Klopping minor minor ‘Alba’ Mint Chip SectionClass II-1 II-3 III-6a III-3 V-1 IV-5b IV-1 V-6a V-6a IV-4b IV-7 I-1 IV-1 I-2 II-5b II-3 IV-4b III-3 III-4b IV-7 III-1 I-2 II-3 III-5b II-7 I-2 II-1 II-5b III-1 V-1 V-4b V-2 IV-2 IV-8 V-7 II-4b V-4b IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 8 medium green * note corrected sizes 12 9 yellow 8 6 golden yellow 9 7 chartreuse gold 1.75 0.875 medium green 2.5 2.5 medium blue-green 4 3.25 medium green 2.25 2.125 creamy white 1.5 1 creamy white 2.5 3.25 slightly blue-green 2.5 2.5 medium blue-green with greenish yellow streaking 22 16 green 8.5 3 medium green 13 12 medium blue-green 9 9 medium green 11.5 8.5 medium yellow 5 5 blue green * note corrected length 9 6 bright yellow 9 4.5 medium green 5 3.5 medium green streaked with light green, creamy white, 10 6 medium green 17 14 intensely blue-green 12 8.5 golden yellow 7 6.5 medium green 9.75 7 bright yellow streaked with blue-green light green, 12 11 slightly blue-green 12 9 malachite green 10 7 light green 7 5.2 medium green 1 1 medium grey-green 2 1.75 slightly blue-green 2.25 1.75 medium blue-green 5.75 1.75 medium blue-green 6.5 4.5 varied 3 1.5 dark green 10 8 dark green 3 1 green 4.5 3.5 dark green 5 3 5 3 4.5 2 medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green greenish yellow medium blue-green medium green creamy white medium gold creamy white golden yellow blue-green yellow creamy white dark green pure white white to creamy yellow Year Reg. 2006 1969 1999 1983 2013 2013 2004 2009 2015 2006 2013 1982 1997 2010 2001 1991 1981 2007 2003 2012 2010 1995 1999 1999 2005 1999 1987 1999 2007 2006 2013 1992 1997 1997 1980 2013 1985 1975 2011 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. S. R 91 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Mint Condition Mint Julep Minuet Minute After a Rainy Sunset Minuteman Minutini Mira Mirth Mischief Mishima Fukurin Koba Miss American Pie Miss Ellie Fish Miss Grace Miss Halley Miss Linda Smith * Miss Maddie Miss Missey Miss Ruby Miss Saigon Miss Shamim Miss Tokyo Missie Mouse Mississippi Delta Mississippi Gold Mississippi Mist Mississippi Mud Mississippi River Missouri River Missy Mister Gee Mister Watson Mistress Mabel Misty Dawn Misty Gold Misty Mary Ann Misty May SectionClass III-4b III-4a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width medium green 9.5 6.5 6.5 III-4b 8.5 IV-7 or 4a 6 IV-4b 6 V-1 2.125 II-1S 11.75 IV-8 4 I-2 14 IV-4b or IV- 6.5 II-1 13 II-3 11 III-1 8 IV-6a 6 IV-2 6 IV-7 7 V-7 4 IV-1 6.5 II-4B 9.5 III-1 7 I-4b 13 (I-5b) V-1 3.5 I-2 13 II-3 11 IV-2 6.5 I-2 12.5 II-1 12 III-2 8.5 V-3 2.5 V-7 3.5 IV-6a 6 III-4b 8.5 III-1 9 III-7 10 II-7 10 IV-7 8 5.5 4 4 4 1.5 7.75 2.5 11 3 6 9.5 4 3 4 4 1.5 4.5 9 5 9.5 1.38 12 8 4 10.5 9 5.5 0.63 1.5 3.75 5.75 6 6 8 1.75 greenish yellow medium green multi-colored green, light green, yellow dark green pale green medium green light green with green veins intensely blue-green olive green medium green yellow medium green yellow medium blue-green * note corrected sizes dark green streaked green, white streaked and speckled medium green medium dark green light green medium green medium green intensely blue-green golden yellow medium blue-green medium blue-green medium yellow-green dark blue-green medium yellow streaked golden yellow medium green medium green green speckling dark green streaked streaked misted cream and green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white white white white creamy white medium green creamy yellow to white intensely blue-green white creamy white creamy white to yellow slightly blue-green dark green creamy white Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2000 R. 2013 R. 1990 2010 1994 2009 R. R. R. R 2004 R. 2001 1998 2009 2008 2015 2005 2003 2006 1999 2006 2005 1999 2015 1996 1998 2003 2014 2000 2005 2005 1992 1995 1999 1995 2004 1996 2000 2008 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 92 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Misty Morning Misty Regal Misty Waters Miyazaki Moby Dick SectionClass IV-1 II-6a II-2 IV-6a I-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4 3.25 light green 13 7.25 yellow gold 12.5 9 blue green 5 2.5 green speckling on white 15 12 Modern Dance Mogul Mohegan Mojito Molly Molly Morris Mom's Girl Mona Lisa Monet Money Honey Monica's Golden Crinkles Monitor Monkey Fist Monochrome Monopoly Monsoon Monster Babe Monster Ears montana III-7 IV-1 I-2 II-1 III-1 II-3 II-7 II-1 IV-6a III-3 II-3 I-1 III-7 IV-3 IV-7 I-6a I-2 IV-1 II-1 9 5.5 11 10 9 10 10.75 11 5 7.5 9 15 7.5 4.5 3 12 11 6.25 12 4.5 4.5 11 7 5.125 6.5 8.5 9 3 4 7.5 13 4 3 2 10 11 4.75 8.5 montana ‘Transiens’ montana 'Aureomarginata' montana macrophylla montana ovatolancifolia Montreal Montreal Blue Ice Storm II-1 II-5b I-1 II-1 III-1 I-2 11 12 16 11 13 19 8 8 12 8 3 16 Monument Circle Mood Indigo Moolah Moon Dance II-8 II-2 IV-8 III- 11 10 3.5 9 9 8 2.5 6.5 montana ‘Liliiflora’ Monty Python II-1 IV-7 11 7 medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green medium green medium blue green with creamy white streaks bright green medium blue-green medium green medium green light yellow golden yellow dark green with unstable streaks of light green, medium medium green chartreuse intensely blue-green yellow golden yellow dark green streaked yellow medium green streaked yellow green medium blue-green green Year Reg. 1986 1996 1986 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. 2014 1988 1998 2009 2005 2014 2003 2005 2011 2003 1999 2009 1999 2011 1998 2005 2000 2014 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. S. 1999 8 4 R. S. dark green yellow green light green intensely blue-green green and golden yellow streaked variable intensely blue-green dark green yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] light green greenish yellow creamy white 1983 2007 S. R. S. S. R. R. 1995 1996 2013 2011 R. R. R. R 1987 2009 R 93 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Moon Glow Moon Lily Moon Maiden Moon Monster Moon over Lake Erie Moon River Moon Shadow Moon Split Moon Waves Moongate Flying Saucer Moongate Little Dipper Moonlight Moonlight Madness Moonlight Mirage Moonlight Sonata Moonrise Moonshine Moonstruck Mop Top More Elegant Morning Angel Morning Glow Morning Light Morning Star Moscow Blue Mosel Mossy Stone Mother Lode * Moulin Rouge Mount Daisen Mount Everest Mount Fuji Mount Holyoke Mount Hood Mount Hope Mount Royal Mount Tom Mountain Dew Mountain Haze Mountain King SectionClass III-4a III-3 II-3 II-2 III-5b IV-4b IV-6a III-5b III-3 IV-2 IV-1 III-4a I-5a (?) III-6b I-2 III-5b II-3 IV-6a V-1 I-1 III-1 I-3 IV-6a IV-6a II-2 III-1 I-1 III-7 IV-6b II-1 II-4b I-1 IV-5b III-4b III-5b II-1 II-4b II-4a II-6a II-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5.5 golden 6 5.5 yellow gold 10 7 greenish yellow 9.5 8.13 blue-green 8.875 6.75 dark green 4.75 4 dark blue green 4 1.5 creamy white variegated 8.2 6.6 dark green 10 5 medium gold 5 3 medium blue-green 4.5 3.5 medium green 9 5 green gold 15.25 9.25 golden yellow 8 5 medium green 12 11 medium blue-green 9 7 light green 10.5 9 chartreuse 6.5 3 yellow 2.5 .5 dark green 19.5 14.25 medium blue-green 6 5 dark green 13 12 yellow 5.5 3.5 pale yellow 6.3 4.7 light yellow 10 8 blue green 6.75 4.75 medium green 15 11 medium green 6 8 dark green with unstable streaks of light medium dark 7 3.1 medium green 12.5 8.5 dark green 11 15 6 6 8 13 10 11.75 11.75 10 9 8 3 5 6 9 10 6.5 8 8 dark green dark green green emerald green medium green light green medium green medium gold yellow to creamy white medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white greenish yellow white green golden yellow white light yellow gold light green pale yellow blue-green to dark green dark green dark green dark green then white inner margin pure white highly variable, golden yellow green medium yellow creamy white white dark green Year Reg. 1977 1993 2011 2009 2005 1991 1988 2010 1994 1996 1996 1977 1999 2002 2004 2010 1988 2009 2009 2001 2000 2004 2000 2011 1986 2008 2009 2003 2010 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. 1989 2009 1983 1992 1983 1995 2003 1990 2012 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1996 R. 94 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Mountain Pride Mountain Snow Mountain Sunrise Mountaineer Mourning Dove Mouse Capades Mouse King SectionClass I-2 II-4b II-3 II-1 III-5b V-4b V-6b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 15 11.25 medium green 14 8 green 11 6 golden yellow 12 8.5 dark green 8 4 medium blue-green 2 2 medium blue-green 2 1.5 dark green Mouse Tracks Mr Blue Mr Z Mr. Big Mrs. Minky Muffie V-7 IV-2 III-2 I-1 IV-3 V-4b 2.5 6 7.5 15.75 6 2.5 2.25 4 6 10.5 3 1.5 slightly blue-green streaked with creamy yellow to blue-green intensely blue-green dark green medium yellow medium green Munchkin Munchkin Fire Muppett Muriel Seaver Brown Murmurs Murphy's Golden Marge Mustang Mustang Sally Mutant Ninja Muted Moon IV-1 V-3 IV-3 II-2 II-2 III-3 IV-1 III-1 IV-7 III-5b 4.375 2 6 12 10 7.5 3 9 5 8 2.875 .5 4.25 8 8 4.5 2 6 4 6 medium green greenish yellow greenish-yellow slightly blue-green medium blue-green golden yellow green dark green dark green streaked with very irregular yellow light dark green My Blue Heaven My Child Insook My Claire My Cup of Tea My Darling My David My Fair Katie My Fine Feathered Friend My Friend Nancy III-2 II-6a IV-5b or IVIII-4a IV-1 II-3 III-3 II-7 II-4b 6 10 6 7.5 5 12 7.5 10 10 5 8 4 5.25 3.1 8.5 5.25 8 8 medium blue-green pure white medium green deep greenish-yellow light green golden yellow greenish yellow medium green streaked with yellow feathers medium green Mumsie Mutley's Rest My Gal Sal III-1 I-6a IV-7 9.5 14 6 6 11 4.5 dark green light green bright golden yellow with creamy white streaks Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST greenish yellow creamy white Year Reg. 2010 1988 1999 2002 2005 2013 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. creamy white to white 2009 2005 2014 2010 1993 1996 R R. R. R. R. R. light green 2003 2009 2007 1984 2000 2001 2002 2008 2009 1995 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 1997 1995 2005 2002 2001 2009 1998 2012 1991 R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin white medium green medium blue & dark green dark green yellow to cream white creamy white yellow white 2014 1999 2001 2009 R. R. R. R 95 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety My Girl My Heart My Julie SectionClass IV-4b IV-1 II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 4 medium green 6.5 4.5 medium green 9.38 8.5 My Laura My Love Dorothy My Lucky Star My Man Mark My Marianne My Mom My Old Flame My Romance My Secret III-6a III-6a V-6a I-1 IV-4b III-7 IV-4b IV-4b IV-5b 6 7.5 4 17.5 6 9 6 5 5 5 6 1 12.25 4 6.25 1.5 4 2.25 Mystic Mystic Mouse IV-7 V-6b 6 2.5 3.75 1.9 IV-1 IV-1 II-1 IV-7 IV-3 II-2 III-3 (8) IV-7 IV-1 III-6a II-2 I-2 II-4b IV-3 V-4b IV-1 III-1 III-1 IV-7 IV-5b V-7 5.25 3.25 10.25 5.5 6.5 11 7 7 5 9 9 15 11 5 2.25 5.5 9 7.25 6 7.25 2.5 2.5 2.5 6.25 1.5 3.5 8.75 5 4 4 5.5 7.5 11 7 1.3 1.5 3.5 5.5 7.5 3.5 2.75 2 Mystery Mom Mystic Star Nagaeto nakaiana Nakaimo Nanc Nancy Nancy Gill Nancy Lindsay Nancy Minks Naomi * Natalie Nate the Great Nathan Hale Nathan Nirvana Nathan's Legacy National Treasure National Velvet Navajo Neat and Tidy Neat Splash Neat Splash Rim Needlepoint II-7 III-2 10 8 9.5 7 blue-green to dark green greenish yellow pure white green edge white medium green medium green dark green streaked yellow light green medium green medium green blue green streaked with light green, medium green, dark green, yellow, greenish-yellow, creamy white dark green streaked slightly blue-green medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2012 2007 Reg. or Species R. R. variable streaked white pure white greenish yellow 2010 1995 2012 2009 1999 2008 2012 2010 1999 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. medium blue-green 2000 2010 R. R. 2010 R. S. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin creamy white yellow medium green medium blue-green blue-green creamy white light green medium dull green medium green with unstable streaks of creamy white golden yellow medium blue-green dull mat gold cream dark green * note corrected sizes creamy white medium blue-green blue-green dark green greenish yellow medium to dark green dark green medium green blue green dark green green green with gold speckles Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy white blue green medium blue-green creamy white creamy to pure white creamy white creamy white 2009 2005 2004 1986 2003 2005 2009 1988 1983 2006 2002 2003 2009 2003 2007 2009 1990 2007 1980 1978 1986 2013 R R. R. 96 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Needle's Eye Neeta Nefertiti Nellie Grey Nello and Patrasche Nemesis Neon Glory Neptune * Nesmith's Giant Neutrino Neutron Star New Moon New Tradition New Wave Newberry Gold Ngaire Dawn Niagara Falls Niagara on the Lake Nicholas James Nick Balash Nickelodeon Nicola Nifty Fifty Night and Day Night at the Opera Night before Christmas Night Flight Night Music Night Shades Night Shift Night Train Nightfall Nightlife nigrescens nigrescens 'Elatior' (also Niki Mouse Nikkma Nine Nine Nine Nippers No Frills SectionClass V-6a III-5b III-6a IV-1 III-1 II-6a IV-6a II-2 II-1 V-4b V-1 III-6a IV-6a IV-1 II-3 III-1 I-1 II-7 IV-3 III-1 II-5b IV-1 II-4b II-4b III-5b IV-6a III-2 III-2 IV-7 II-6a III-2 I-2 III-1 II-2 II-1 V-6a III-2 I-1 V-1 III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 2.25 1.875 pale yellow 7.5 7 dark green 8.5 7 golden yellow 6 3.25 light green 10.6 4.3 medium green 7.5 3.9 yellow 6 4 golden yellow 13 7 medium blue-green * note corrected sizes 11.25 9.25 dark green 2.75 1.75 medium green 2.8 1.4 dark green 8 6 yellow gold 6 2 white 5 3 lime green 9 8 yellow gold 9 5 green 15 9 dark green 12 9.5 green with unstable streaks of yellow and golden 6 3 yellow gold 7.5 4.5 dark green 14 6.5 medium green 5 3 bright medium green 12 8 blue green 11 10 dark green 8 6.5 slightly blue-green 8 3 creamy white 8.3 5.8 slightly blue-green 6 5 intensely blue-green 6 4.75 dark green streaked 12 8 deep yellow 9 7 intensely blue-green 12 10 medium blue-green 8.5 6 dark green 10.5 8.5 9.5 6.75 medium green 1.6 1.1 yellow 8 6 medium blue-green 12 10 dark green 2 2 dark green 5.75 6 blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin light green yellow dark green dark green intensely blue-green creamy white dark green green greenish yellow yellow creamy white pale yellow medium green dark green blue-green Year Reg. 2013 1999 2003 2002 2010 2010 2007 2006 1994 2011 2011 1995 1988 1988 1996 2013 1991 2003 1996 1994 1998 1984 1986 2000 2014 1994 2015 2009 2000 1991 2005 2014 2004 2015 2015 2012 2006 1991 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. 97 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Noah's Ark Noah's Rainbow Nobility Noble Eagle Noel Nokogiriyama * None Lovelier Nonsuch Nooner Nordatlantik Nordic Racer North Hills North Pacific High North Point North Wind Northern Exposure Northern Halo Northern Heritage * Northern Iowa Wrestling Northern Lights Northern Mist Northern Mystery SectionClass I-1 IV-7 IV-6a III-7 V-6a III-1 III-5b I-2 III-4b II-2 V-7 III-4b I-2 III-2 III-6b I-4b I-4b II-7 III-7 II-6a II-6a I-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 16 13 dark green 6 3.5 streaked 5 3 creamy white 8.75 6.75 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 4 1 white 9 5 dark green * note corrected sizes 7.9 6.9 medium green 20 8 medium blue-green 9 7 dark green 10 8.5 intensely blue-green 4 1.25 blue green streaked 9 6 dark green 12.5 9.75 medium blue-green 7 5 deeply blue-green 6.5 5.5 dark green 13 11 medium blue-green 12 10 blue green 9 9 medium green streaked * note corrected sizes 10 6 streaked green, white and yellow 10 8 creamy white 11 10 green speckled 12 10 misted and mottled green and white Northern Star Northern Sunray II-5b II-6a 11 12 10 8 Northland Queen II-7 9.5 8 medium blue-green with unstable streaking and mottling of varying shades golden yellow and cream Norwalk Chartreuse IV-3 6 3 greenish yellow Not So Nougat Now Now and Then Nuestra Señora de Atocha Nuki Girl Number Nine IV-6a 4.5 V-7 III-6a III-7 3.2 7.25 6.75 I-2 III-2 15 8.9 III-3 8 3.5 1.5 5.5 5 7 medium blue-green white golden yellow creamy white with green speckling misted yellow streaked with yellow and greenish white golden yellow 12.25 slightly blue-green 4.5 grayish blue Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST blue green dark green Year Reg. 2009 1997 2000 2004 1983 2006 2003 1996 1991 1997 1999 1986 2001 1998 2008 1997 1984 1999 2012 1984 1988 Reg. or Species R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. chartreuse gold blue green 1993 1987 R. R. 2004 R. 1995 R. 2004 2010 2010 R. R. R. 2009 2015 R R. Leaf Color Margin creamy white medium blue-green green greenish yellow creamy yellow white white creamy white turning to medium to creamy white creamy white medium blue-green dark green dark green 2009 2009 2009 R R R 98 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Number One Nutty Professor NYPD Blue Oakview Oasis Oberland Advanced Technology Oberland Colourful Noise Oberland Spring Air Obsession Occupy Wall Street Ocean Isle * Oceans Blue October Sky Odd Ball Ode to Joy Odyssey Ogon Amagi Iwa Ogon Hime Tokkudama Ogon Sudare Ogon Tachi Ogon Tsushima Oh Audrey Oh by Gosh Oh My Heart Oh! Susanna Oh! Them Golden Slippers O'Harra Ohh! Alpha Ohh! Blue Beacon Ohh! Blue Bounty Ohh! Blue Bruiser Ohh! Blue Otto Ohh! Charlotte! Ohh! Laurel Ohh! Lovilia Ohh! Ludell Ohh! Valeria Ohh! Viola OHS Calamari OHS Love in the Mist SectionClass IV-2 I-4b III-5b IV-1 III-2 II-4b III-7 IV-6a IV-7 (?) IV-4b I-5b I-2 III-2 IV-2 I-7 III-7 II-8 IV-3 IV-3 III-3 IV-3 III-4b III-5b III-1 IV-3 III-3 V-3 II-3 II-2 II-2 I-2 III-2 II-3 IV-3 II-3 III-2 II-3 III-3 IV-6a II-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 4 blue green 14 10 dark green 8.5 7.25 blue-green 4.5 2.75 blue green 8 7 intensely blue-green 10.25 7 light green 7 4.75 dark green streaked white and creamy white 6.25 2.75 creamy white 4 2 medium green streaked 5 3 medium blue-green 13 11 medium blue-green * note corrected sizes 14.5 12 medium to intensely blue 8 4 intensely blue-green 4 2.25 slightly blue-green 12 10 blue-green with unstable streaks of white 9 5.5 dark green streaked 11.5 8 variable golden yellow to medium green 3.75 2.75 greenish yellow 6 2.5 greenish yellow 10 5.25 greenish yellow 6.5 3.125 green-yellow-gold 8.5 7 light green 7.75 5.75 light green 6 5.5 dark green 4.5 4.3 greenish yellow 8.9 6.9 golden yellow 3.13 1.63 chartreuse to medium golden yellow 12 8 greenish yellow 9 8.5 intensely blue-green 9 8 intensely blue-green 12 10 medium blue-green 7 5.5 blue-green 10.5 9 green yellow 4.5 1.5 greenish yellow 10 6.5 yellow 6 11 6.5 7 9 6 7.5 4.8 1 9 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white greenish yellow white medium green very dark green white golden yellow pure white greenish yellow intensely blue-green yellow golden yellow creamy white white misted Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1987 2004 2004 1987 2012 2013 2013 2013 1998 2012 2006 2009 2008 1995 2004 1999 2009 2002 2002 2002 2002 2013 2000 2001 2015 2002 2009 2009 2013 2011 2011 2009 2012 2009 2015 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R R R R. R R. 2009 2015 2008 2008 R R. R. R. 2009 medium green blue-green R 99 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Oil Paint okamotoi Okaydokey SectionClass IV-7 IV-1 III-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6.625 4.375 dark green with greenish yellow streaks 4.5 2.75 9.5 6 golden yellow Leaf Color Margin dark green Okazaki Okefenokee Okobaji Old Bill Old Black Magic Old Cadillac Old Coot Old Faithful Old Glory Old Gnarly Old Hump Back Old Smoky Olga’s Shiny Leaf Olive Baily Langdon Olive Branch Olive Oil Olympic Edger IV-1 III-5b III-2 I-2 III-1 II-2 III-1 II-1 III-6a I-2 II-2 I-1 IV-1 I-5b IV-6a II-3 IV-4a 4.75 9.75 8.25 17 8.25 12 10 12 8 14 12 15 5.375 15 6.25 11 4 1.75 6 6 12 7.5 9.5 6 8 7.5 11 9 13 2.375 12 4.19 7 3 Olympic Glacier Olympic Gold IV-4a III-3 6 8 4 5.5 dark green pale yellow Olympic Torch Omatsu-san Nishiki III-3 IV-3 9 4.25 6 2.75 greenish yellow yellow-green On Golden Pond On Parade I-5b IV-6a 14.5 3 10.5 2 medium green creamy white On the Border On the Marc Once upon a Time One and Only One Fine Day One Man's Treasure III-4b IV-6a II-7 II-3 III-5b III-1 8 5 9 11 7 6.5 4.5 1.5 7.5 8 5 5.5 medium green pure white greenish yellow medium green medium blue-green with unstable golden yellow streaks pale yellow medium green yellow dark green Olympic Fab Five Olympic Sunrise On Fire On Stage II-3 IV-6a IV-7 III-6a 11 7 6.5 10 10 3.5 4.5 6 medium green green medium blue-green medium blue-green very dark green slightly blue-green green medium green golden yellow intensely blue-green blue green medium green medium green dark green greenish yellow light green greenish yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST golden yellow golden yellow dark green light green medium green creamy white white with green speckling yellow to creamy white intensely blue-green blue green with gold streaks and mottled areas blue-green white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] greenish yellow medium green green Year Reg. 2013 2009 Reg. or Species R. S. R 2002 2009 2008 2012 1999 1998 2004 1991 1999 2009 1999 2014 2004 1999 2008 1996 1999 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 1986 R. R. 2009 2002 R R. 2005 2003 R. R. 2007 1999 2002 2015 2012 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2012 2005 2011 1986 R. R. R R. 100 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Only You Ooh La La OOME Open Hearted Opipara Ops Oracle Orange Crush Orange Joy Orange Marmalade Orange Rose SectionClass IV-4b II-6a II-7 I-2 II-5b V-4b I-1 II-4a IV-3 III-6a IV-6a Orinoco Flow Orion's Belt Orphan Child Oshima Silk Osprey Otome No Ka Ototo San Out of the Blue Outer Limits Outer Space Outhouse Delight Outrageous Outrageous Dragon Outrigger Ovalwood Over the Moon Over the Rainbow Over the Waves Owen Online Oxheart Ozark Welcome Pacer pachyscapa Pacific Blue Edger Pacific Sunlight Pacific Sunset Pacifica Pagoda II-1 II-4b IV-1 III-4b III-2 IV-1 IV-4b I-7 IV-7 IV-4b IV-7 I-7 II-7 II-7 II-2 II-4b II-7 IV-2 IV-6a III-1 III-6a III-1 II-1 IV-2 III-3 IV-4b I-2 III-2 Variety Orange Slices IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 2 medium green 8.75 7.75 creamy white 10 8 streaked 14 12 intensely blue-green 10.25 6.5 dark green 2.5 2 light green 12 14 medium green 10.5 9.25 golden yellow 5 1.5 deep yellow 7.5 5.5 yellow 5 2.5 greenish yellow 6 13.5 11 4 7 7.5 4.25 6.25 12.75 6 4 5 13 12 10.5 11 10 10.5 6.5 6 6 7 7 9 3.25 9 5 13 7 4.5 8 8 3.5 4.5 4.25 2.125 2 11.5 4 2 1.5 10 8.75 7.75 9 7 8.25 4 4 5 5 4.5 7.5 3 7 4 11 5 bright gold medium green dark green medium green medium green blue light green dark green blue-green with unstable streaks of medium green, grayish green striped light green white speckled green heavily streaked and mottled dark green; yellow and dark green, streaked greenish white to creamy white medium green streaked medium blue-green medium green heavily streaked with a rainbow of colors from dark medium blue-green golden yellow light green yellow dark green blue-green yellow medium blue-green medium blue-green blue Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white dark green creamy white creamy white creamy white medium blue-green dark green pure white pure white white streaked white yellow pure white dark green medium green creamy white Year Reg. 2012 2000 2009 1999 2002 2001 2003 2000 1979 2002 2012 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2002 2003 2000 2009 1988 2002 1990 2003 2000 2003 1998 2009 2010 2000 2012 2010 2005 2010 1998 1976 2004 2000 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R R. R. R. R. 2003 2009 1998 2003 2004 1988 R. 101 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Paint Master Paintbrush Painted Lady Paisley Art Paisley Border Palace Guard Pale Gold Pale River Pals PAL's First Blue PAL's Plymouth Rock SectionClass II-2 II-7 IV-7 I-7 III-4b III-2 II-1 IV-3 III-4b III-4b III-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11.125 8.125 medium blue green with greenish white streaks 14 5 chartreuse 4 1.75 green streaked 31 5.9 streaked dark green and creamy white 7.1 6.1 dark green 7 6 medium blue-green 10.5 8.75 pale yellow 6.5 3.5 light green changing to pale yellow 7 5.5 light green 8 4 medium blue 7.5 5.5 Pamela Lee Pamela San Martin Panache Pandemonium Pandora IV-6b V-5a IV-6a IV-7 IV-1 4.5 3.25 3.5 3.5 6 3 1.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 Pandora's Stripe Panning for Gold Papa's Gold Paper Lantern Paradigm Paradise Restored Parhelion Parisian Silk Parky's Perfection Parky's Prize V-6a III-3 III-3 III-2 II-6b III-1 I-4b III-2 IV-6a IV-5b 2.5 9.5 6.5 8.5 11 7 15 5.75 4.75 5 Partridge Gold Party Favor Party Popper Party Time Passionate Pink Passionate Purple Pastels Pastures New Pat Raeder IV-8 IV-2 IV-7 IV-2 II-3 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-7 4 6 4.7 5 9.5 9 4.5 3.75 6 Pandora's Box Parthenon V-6a III-6a 2 7.75 golden yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2014 1976 1984 2012 2012 2011 1997 2014 2015 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 2007 1988 1999 2009 2014 R. R. R. R R. dark green greenish yellow 2012 2009 2000 2015 1999 2010 1997 2009 2002 1999 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. variable cream white with light green 2004 2000 2011 1995 2011 2005 2015 1997 2011 R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R Leaf Color Margin green creamy white creamy white creamy white white very dark green pure white golden yellow green with white streaks and mottled areas light green medium green golden to yellow green slightly blue green 1.5 6.5 5.5 4 9 4.75 12 5.25 3.375 4 white greenish yellow golden yellow slightly blue-green light green dark green light green intensely blue-green light greenish-gold medium green blue-green 3.25 3.5 2.75 4 7.5 3 1.8 2.75 5.25 greenish yellow with dark blue-green spots - slightly medium blue-green blue with green and white stripes dark green golden yellow dark green pastel green medium green dark green 1.5 5 creamy white white speckling Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] slightly blue-green dark green creamy white light green 2008 1996 2010 R. R. R. 102 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Patent Leather Pathfinder Patience Plus Patricia Patrician Patricia's Paragon Patriot Patriot Colors Patriot Games Patriot's Fire Paul Bunyan Paul Revere Pauline Pauline Brac * Paul's Glory Pay Day Peace Peace Offer Peace Pipe Peach Salsa Peacock Peacock Feathers SectionClass III-1 IV-6a IV-6a IV-5b IV-5b II-2 III-4b III-2 IV-6b IV-4a II-2 III-6a IV-1 IV-2 IV-6a III-3 IV-4b III-6a IV-6b IV-3 III-7 III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6.5 4.75 medium green 5 5 creamy white 6 3 golden yellow 5.125 3.5 slightly blue-green 4 2 light green 10 8 medium blue-green 7 5 dark green 7 5 medium blue-green 6.5 3 light green 7.5 3.75 greenish yellow 11.5 8.75 slightly blue-green 7 5.5 creamy white 6 2.25 dark green 4 4 blue green * note corrected sizes 6.25 4.5 yellow 11.5 5.5 yellow 5 1.5 blue green greenish yellow 6.5 5 4.5 6 3 4.5 8 5.25 7.5 5.75 Peacock Strut Peanut Pearl Buttons Pearl Lake * III-2 IV-6a V-1 IV-1 9 3.5 2.75 5 6 2 1.38 5 Pearly Gates II-4b 10 7 Pearl Necklace Pebble Beach Pebble Creek Pebbles * Peedee Absinth Peedee Apollo Peedee Dew Catcher Peedee Elfin Bells IV-7 IV-7 I-1 II-2 IV-3 IV-3 II-3 IV-1 4.25 7 12 10 3.5 6 10 4.5 2.75 4 10.5 10 2.5 2 8.5 2.25 creamy white and dark green streaked pale yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green dark green greenish yellow golden yellow white dark green pure white dark green blue green white margin medium green with light green 2013 in between dark green 2005 2013 dark green streaked with light green, greenish-yellow, medium blue-green slightly blue-green creamy white medium green medium green * note corrected sizes medium green with unstable streaks of varying shades of yellow medium blue-green blue green lime green intensely blue-green * note sizes are correct light yellow-green gold light green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2001 1999 1999 2005 1999 1999 1991 2005 2009 1996 2009 2003 1987 1986 1987 2003 1987 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 R. 2005 medium green and dark green streaks 2002 2009 1982 R. R. R R. creamy white R. 2009 2004 2012 1972 2013 2007 1990 1996 1992 1987 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 103 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Peedee Gold Flash Peedee Granny Smith Peedee Graymulkin * Peedee Laughing River Peedee Picotee Peedee Spring Fever Peedee Treasure Peek-A-Boo Peek-a-boo Purple Peepshow Peerless Peg O' My Heart Pegasus Peking Pelham Blue Tump Pennies from Heaven People's Choice Peppermint Cream Peppermint Ice Peridot Perky Permafrost Permanent Wave SectionClass IV-6a III-2 IV-1 IV-4b IV-3 IV-6a IV-3 IV-2 IV-2 III-7 III-1 III-3 IV-6a IV-3 IV-2 V-1 I-1 IV-6a IV-6a IV-1 IV-4b III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Leaf Color Margin Length Width 5 2 bright yellow green 9 7 light blue 4 4 gray green * note corrected sizes 7 3 medium grey green pure white streaked 5.5 3.25 yellow green 4 1.75 creamy greenish white dark green 4 2 bright yellow green 7.5 3 blue 7 3 medium blue-green 8 6 dark green with unstable streaks of light green, greenish11.25 5.25 medium green 9 7 greenish yellow 5.25 3.75 pure white center stripe green 5.375 4.375 greenish yellow 3 2.5 blue green 2.5 2.25 light green 14.5 13 blue green 4.63 4.25 bright golden yellow chartreuse 6 3.38 creamy white various shades of green 4 2.5 dark green 4.5 2.25 medium green creamy white 7 5 blue-green III-1 16 3.5 medium green Persephone Pert Peter Pan Peter Ruh Peter the Rock III-3 IV-3 IV-1 III-5b III-1 8.5 5.5 8 9 8.25 6 2 2.5 7 6.5 greenish yellow yellow gray green medium to dark green light green Pete's Impression Pete's Multi Color Pete's Mystery Pete's Passion Pete's Slon-he Petite Gold Petticoat Junction Petticoat Pink III-7 I-7 IV-6a II-6a V-1 IV-3 II-2 IV-1 Perry's True Blue Pete's Design II-2 I-4b 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 12 16.6 7 12.3 golden yellow steel blue medium blue-green 11 4.75 intensely blue-green with creamy white streaks 14.375 10.125 dark green with golden yellow streaks 6.25 4.125 greenish yellow 11.75 8 yellow gold 2.1 2 medium green 3.5 2.75 strong yellow green 10 6.5 medium blue-green 6.25 4.5 light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1987 1992 1987 1992 1992 1990 1989 1976 2011 2002 2001 2015 2001 2005 1986 2009 1998 2009 1994 1995 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. 1989 R. 1999 2012 1980 2003 1991 R. R. R. R. R. 2013 2014 2013 1997 2015 1970 2013 2001 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 1981 golden yellow creamy white medium green blue green 2015 R. R. R. 104 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Pewter Frost Pewter Platter Pewterware SectionClass II-2 II-2 IV-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 7 intensely blue-green 12 9.5 intensely blue-green 5.5 4.87 PG-13 Phantom Philadelphia * Photo Finish Phyllis Phyllis Campbell Pianissimo Picadello Picasso Piccadilly Circus Pie à la Mode Pie in the Sky Piece of Cake Piecrust Power Piecrust Promise Pied Piper Piedmont Gold Piedmont Honey Piedmont Special Pike's Peak Pilgrim Pilgrim's Progress Pillow Talk Pin Stripe IV-4b II-1 III-2 III-8 III-3 III-8 II-6b IV-4b IV-5b III-1 II-4b II-7 IV-5b I-2 II-6b IV-4a III-3 II-7 II-5b IV-3 IV-4a IV-4b III-4b III-7 4 10 6 8 7.8 7 11 5.4 5 8 10 10.75 6 14.5 10 4 8 11 10 5 4.5 4.5 7 8 1.75 7.5 6 6.5 7 5 7 3.6 3 3.75 8 9.75 3.5 12.25 7.5 2.5 6 9 8.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 6 6 Pinani Splash Pineapple Juice IV-6a IV-3 5.5 6.5 Pin Stripe Sister Pineapple Poll Pineapple Punch Pineapple Ripple Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Pineapple Zest Pink Lemonade Pink Panther II-7 IV-1 III-8 or III-5b IV-5b III-6a IV-3 IV-3 IV-7 10 Leaf Color Margin medium green dark green intensely blue-green * note sizes are correct green & white variegated yellow yellow marbling light green medium blue-green intensely blue-green dark green medium to dark green blue-green with unstable streaks of light green, dark medium green medium green medium green yellowish green deep yellow yellow to golden yellow bluish green golden yellow light green light green medium green white - cream - green striped pure white 5 3 greenish yellow golden yellow intensely blue 3 dark green creamy yellow to creamy white 8 8.75 3.5 6.5 9 4.5 5 3 3 3.75 1.75 3 2.5 10 medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST streaked yellow and white green medium green golden yellow golden yellow yellow white streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] green greenish yellow creamy white chartreuse creamy white pale yellow dark green creamy white streaked with slightly blue-green to bright gold creamy white creamy white creamy white variable shades of green creamy yellow dark green green Year Reg. 1996 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. 2009 1995 2006 1988 2015 1988 2004 1995 2011 2005 2010 2003 2014 2010 2000 1998 1982 2007 2003 2009 1997 2000 2009 1983 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. 2010 2003 R. R. 2005 R. 1999 2009 1988 2007 1999 2010 2004 1998 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 105 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Pinky Pin-up Pinwheel Pioneer Piper Cub Pipin the Short Pisces Pistache Pistachio Cream * Pistachio Glow * Pit Bull Pitch Black Pitter Patter Pitty Pat Pixie Dust Pixie Moonstone Pixie Power Pixie Vamp Pizzazz Placemat Plain Jane Planet X Planetary Streaker plantaginea plantaginea ‘Aphrodite’ (See plantaginea ‘Stenantha’ plantaginea ‘Venus’ (See plantaginea japonica Plaschken Platinum Nugget Platinum Tiara Play it Again, Sam Playboy Plebe’s Blues Plug Nickel Plum Nutty Plum Pudding Pluto SectionClass IV-2 IV-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 4.5 dark blue green 6.4 4 pure white 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green Year Reg. 1990 Reg. or Species R. 1983 1984 2002 2003 2011 2007 2005 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. S. S. S. S. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. 2010 IV-7 I-1 IV-3 V-4b IV-1 III-6b IV-1 4 13 7 1.5 8 7 6 1.5 9 3.5 1 1.5 5 5 variegated medium & dark green jade green bright yellow medium green dark green fog-like light green medium green * note corrected width II-2 III-1 V-5b IV-1 V-7 IV-2 V-7 4a V-4B III-4b I-2 III-3 III-6b II-7 III-1 10 7 2.5 5.5 3 4.5 3.75 2.5 7.5 12 8 7 12.25 10 7.5 7 1.5 4 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 5.25 11 7 5.75 8.5 6 blue-green dark green medium green pale yellow light green greenish yellow with green and yellow speckling medium blue-green white with green speckling medium green medium green creamy white blue green white medium blue-green greenish yellow medium green intensely blue-green dark green with unstable streaks of medium green, blue- 2014 2010 2007 2010 2009 2015 2010 1996 1986 1990 2007 2005 2003 III-1 IV-1 III-3 IV-4a IV-7 IV-1 IV-7 IV-1 III-1 IIIII-2 9 5.5 8 4.5 6 6.5 3.5 3.5 8 8 11 4.75 1.6 7.13 3.5 3 4 2.125 2 5 7 9 medium to dark green light yellow yellow green medium green with yellow to creamy white streaaked medium green slightly blue-green with unstable streaks of varying dark green medium green dark green intensely blue-green 2010 2009 1987 2010 2015 2004 2003 2011 2011 2015 III-3 III-1 8 10 8 white green light yellow * note corrected sizes 1990 6 Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] white R. R. 106 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Pocketful of Sunshine SectionClass III-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 5.5 greenish yellow Leaf Color Margin medium green Poke Sally Poker III-4b IV-2 6 6.8 5.25 4.4 Polar Vortex Polish Prince Polished Emeralds Polished Jade Polly Bishop Polly Mae Pollyanna Polychrome Ponytail Pooh Bear Popcorn * Popo Porcelain Porcelain Vase IV-4b III-4b III-1 IV-1 I-2 IV-1 IV-1 IV-7 III-7 IV-6a III-6a V-2 IV-6a III-6a 5 7.5 8 7 20 6 4 5 9 3.25 6 1.75 3.5 9 4 5 5 4 6.5 1.5 2 2.5 6 2.5 6 1.5 3 6 variable dark and light green dark green medium green dark green medium green blue bright green medium green dark green streaked medium green with streaks of golden yellow bright golden yellow creamy white * note corrected sizes slightly blue-green creamy white greenish yellow Post-it IV-3 5.5 4.7 yellow Pot Scrubber Potomac Glory Potomac Pride Pounamu Powder Blue Powder Keg Powderpuff Power of Prayer Prairie Angel IV-1 II-6a II-1 III-1 I-2 II-7 IV-2 IV-6a IV-1 5.5 12 12 8.5 14 10 5 7 5.5 4.5 8 7 6.5 11 8 4 2.75 2.75 medium green greenish yellow medium blue-green light pale green blue green blue-green with creamy white and green streaks and intensely blue-green golden yellow medium green Prairie Dazzler Prairie Fire Prairie Glow Prairie Lightning Prairie Magic III-3 IV-3 IV-3 II-7 III-5b 7 7 6.25 11 8 5 3.5 4.5 8 6.5 golden yellow deep gold yellow-gold pale yellow, green and golden yellow streaked to center medium green medium gold Polar Night Poseidon Pot Black Prairie Dawn II-8 II-4b IV-7 III-5b 11 10 6 7 10 6.5 4 5.5 dark green slightly blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST pale green creamy white cream white green blue green dark & light green dark green white dark green/black with streaking medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2011 2009 R R 2012 2013 dark green with unstable streaking to yellow R. 2014 2012 2014 1993 1977 1982 1983 1998 2009 1988 1999 1993 2013 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. 2012 R. 2009 2002 1995 2013 1998 2010 2002 2002 2000 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 1994 2002 2005 2003 R R. R. R. R. 2010 2015 dark green R. 2009 R. R. R 107 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Prairie Moon Prairie Rainbow Prairie Sky Prairie Spring Prairie Sum Shine Prairie Sunset Prairieland Memories Prairies Zephyr Praise Him Prawdzik Sunfish Praying Hands Precious Metal President's Choice Prestige and Promise Pretty Kitty Pretty One Pretty Peggy Pride and Joy Prima Donna Primal Fear Primal Instinct Primal Scream Prime Meridian Prince Michael Prince of Darkness Prince of Wales Princess Anastasia Princess Diana Princess Hannah Princess Johnnie Princess Kendra Princess of Karafuto Princess Pat Princess Wu Wu Principal's List Private Dancer Pro Tek Tor Prom Queen Promised Land Proud Sentry SectionClass II-3 III-7 III-2 III-3 I-3 III-6a III-3 II-5b II-7 III-6a IV-5b V-3 I-2 III-6a IV-4b II-7 III-3 II-6b I-5b II-4b I-4b II-7 I-6a III-3 III-6a I-2 II-6a IV-6a IV-3 III-6a III-3 IV-4b II-4b I-8 I-7 IV-2 II-2 III-5b IV-7 IV-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9.5 7 yellow 9 6 streaked dark green and gold 7 6 powdery blue 10 6 yellow 13 10 yellow 10 6 golden yellow 7.5 6 medium gold 11 8 medium blue-green 9.5 8 slightly blue-green with yellow, creamy streaks 9.5 6.5 creamy yellow 7 2.25 dark green 3 1.5 golden yellow 14 12 blue green 7 5 golden yellow 6.5 4 medium green 10 8 yellow to light green streaking 7 5 greenish yellow 12 9 light green 14 10 dark green 11 14 12 12 8.5 7 20 10 7 5.5 7.25 7.5 5.75 10 15 13 5.6 14 6 7 9 7 11 8 10 4.25 7 14 9 4 2.5 4.25 6.5 2.5 8.75 12 10.5 4.9 8 9 4 3.25 medium green medium blue-green medium blue-green creamy white greenish yellow creamy, flame-like medium blue-green yellow gold yellow gold greenish yellow white golden yellow deep green dark green slightly blue-green intensely blue-green with unstable streaks of creamy medium blue-green medium to intense blue yellow green with unstable streaks of varying shades white medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2007 2009 2005 2010 2009 dark green 2009 2003 chartreuse 2011 2009 green streaked into center and blue at 2004 yellow gold 1996 2009 1983 dark green 2008 creamy white 1999 2008 1999 dark green 2010 yellow gold 1995 Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white irregular creamy white streaking medium green 2009 2009 2009 2005 2003 dark green 2009 2012 intensely blue-green 1998 medium blue-green 1997 2003 light and dark green 2007 2007 creamy white 1984 creamy white 2007 2013 2003 2009 2007 medium blue-green w/ medium green 2006 2004 yellow 2008 Reg. or Species R. R R. R. R R R. R R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 108 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Psalms Puck Pucker Up Puckered Giant Puddles and Bumps Pugie's Pride pulchella Pulsar SectionClass III-4a IV-1 II-3 I-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 6 yellow-green 5.5 4 medium green 9 7.5 greenish yellow 12 10 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white lustrous blue Year Reg. 2004 2003 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R. 2000 R. R. S. R. 1999 R. 1983 4 2.4 1.5 9.25 yellow 2010 2001 IV-6a 7.75 5.1 2.5 11.25 dark green blue green variably streaked with dark green and Pumpkin Pie III-1 IV-7 V-1 II-4b yellow medium green 2010 Punky IV-6a 4.5 3.5 yellow Purbeck Mist Purbeck Ridge Pure Heart Pure Intentions Purgatory Purple and Gold Purple Ben Purple Boots Purple Bouquet Purple Charmer Purple Dwarf Purple Essence Purple Flame Forever Purple Flush Purple Heron Purple Lady Finger Purple Moon Purple Mountain Majesties Purple Passion Purple Perfection Purple Profusion Purple Rain Purple Robe Purple Verticulated Elf pycnophylla 6 4.5 medium green IV-2 III-2 V-3 III-6a 4 8 2.25 8 2.75 4 1.5 5.5 medium blue-green blue pale yellow yellow IV-3 III-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-3 III-2 III-1 IV-1 III-3 II-5b IV-1 IV-2 IV-1 III-2 V-3 IV-2 III-1 6 8.25 5.75 5.5 5.5 3 6.5 9 7 9.4 10 6.75 10.25 5 6.5 5 9 4 4.75 8 2 3.88 3.3 5 2.5 2.5 3.75 6.25 5 5.7 0.75 5.75 7.5 2.625 2 3 5 1 3.375 6 gold green medium green dark green medium green green medium green pale yellow intensely blue-green medium green medium to dark green yellow Dark blue-green medium green dark blue-green medium green medium blue green yellow green intensely blue-green III-1 7 7 dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy white blue green slightly blue-green blue-green and then medium green greenish yellow R. R. 2005 1988 2009 2011 R. R. R R 1976 2009 2004 1986 1993 1983 2005 1988 2010 2010 1982 2010 2002 2005 2010 1986 2008 1990 2003 R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. 2012 R. 109 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Quaker Lady Qualifying Queen Quark Quasar Queen Isabella Queen Josephine Queen of Hearts Queen of Islip Queen of the Hill Queen of the Seas SectionClass III-3 II-1 IV-1 I-1 V-4b IV-4b II-4b II-6a I-7 II-2 Queen of the Universe Quesadilla Quest Question Mark Queue II-5b II-7 IV-3 IV-4b IV-1 Quiet Nights Quiet Water Disturbed Quiet Waters Quill Quilted Cup Quilted Hearts Quilted Skies Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 4.5 golden yellow 11 6 medium green 6 2 medium green 14 13 medium green 3 2 medium green 6 4 dark green 10 8 medium green 10 10 light yellow-green 13 9.5 dark green streaked with light green, medium green, 11.5 9 medium blue-green 11 10 4 4 3 9 8 1.5 2.5 2 III-1 II-1 III-4b V-2 III-2 II-2 I-2 10 11 7 4.5 12 11.25 13.25 5 9 5 1.25 5 9.5 10.75 medium green dark green medium green medium blue-green blue green dark green silvery blue Quilting Party Quinnipiac Quite Pleasing I-1 IV-4b II-6a 15 4 8.5 10 3 8 bright green slightly blue-green pure white Racing Stripes Radiance Radiant Edger Radiant Star Radio Waves Ragtime Rain Dancer Rain Forest Rain Forest Shooting Stars III-7 II-3 IV-5b IV-5b IV-1 I-3 II-5b IV-1 IV-6a 8.5 9.75 4 3.25 4.5 13 12 6 5.5 7 8 3 3 1.5 12 9.5 3 5 medium green streaked with golden yellow, yellow, medium yellow medium green dark green light green bright gold dark green medium green golden yellow Quicksilver Quilting Bee Rachel III-4b IV-1 II-5b 9 4.25 9 6 3 8 medium green bright green with yellow to creamy white streaks and golden yellow dark green white medium grayish green medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white yellow white blue green yellow creamy white creamy white pure white dark green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1999 1999 2015 2013 2013 1991 1983 1990 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2011 2010 2004 1999 2005 R R. R. R. R. 2012 2002 2008 2009 1980 1989 1985 R. R. R. R R. R. R. 1980 2004 2013 R. R. R. 2005 1980 1990 2007 2004 2013 2007 1996 2008 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2001 2000 1999 creamy white medium green with an inner edge of variable golden yellow chartreuse greenish yellow blue-green greenish yellow dark green 2005 R. R. R. R. 110 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Rainbow Delight Rainbow Falls Rainbow Glenn Rainbow's End Rainforest Sunrise Rainmaker Rainy Day Raleigh Remembrance Ralph's Legacy Rapture Rascal Raspatini Raspberries and Cream Raspberry Beauty Raspberry Meringue SectionClass IV-7 II-7 III-7 IV-6a IV-6a I-1 IV-6a III-3 IV-7 IV-3 III-6a V-1 IV-5b III-1 IV-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4.75 3.25 streaked with creamy white and yellow 11.75 8.5 dark green streaked with medium green, light green, 8 5 greenish-yellow streaked with creamy white 6 4 yellow to creamy white 5 5 golden yellow 15 11 medium green 9 3 greenish white 8.75 4.5 bright gold 7 3 medium green streaked 6.75 4.38 greenish yellow 9 6 light yellow 3.25 1.5 medium green 6 3.5 medium green 8.5 4 light green 5.5 3 greenish yellow Raspberry Parfait Raspberry Sorbet Ratty Raucous Ruffles Raven Raving Beauty Ravinia Ray of Hope II-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-2 III-1 II-3 IV-4a IV-7 9.25 7 4.5 9.5 6 12 4 5.25 7 3.75 4 6 5.5 9 2 2 medium green green bright green slightly blue-green dark green golden yellow yellow medium green with streaks of cream throughout Razzle Dazzle Razzmatazz Razz'n Rick Ready Freddy Rebecca rectifolia rectifolia ‘Albiflora’ rectifolia ‘Chionea’ rectifolia australis rectifolia pruinosa rectifolia sachalinensis Red Baron Red Bull Red Cadet Red Corvette IV-1 III-4b II-7 I-1 III-3 IV-1 IV-1 IV-4b IV-1 IV-2 NIT III-1 II-1 V-2 III-1 5.5 10.5 11 13 8.875 6 6 5 6 5.5 3.5 6 8 11 4.875 2.75 2.75 2.75 4 3 medium green medium green creamy white dark green medium gold Rays of Sunshine II-5b 12 10.5 9.5 3 8 6 3.25 7.4 1.9 4 medium green dark green medium green slightly blue-green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin shades of medium and dark green medium green medium green dark green greenish yellow dark green creamy white yellow creamy white medium green streaked with pale Year Reg. 2010 2001 2005 2005 2003 2009 2014 2003 2000 2000 1991 2009 2004 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. 1998 1999 2013 2008 1993 2003 2013 2005 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1987 2013 2009 2010 2004 R. R. R R. R. S. S. S. S. S. S. R. R. R. R. 2003 1990 2001 2010 2005 2015 R. R. 111 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Red Hot Flash Red Hot Poker Red Legs SectionClass IV-6b IV-4b IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 2 grayed medium green (RHS color 144C) 6.5 4.5 dark green 8 3.5 dark green Red Neck Heaven Red October Red Rover Red Ryder Red Sails in the Sunset Red Sox Red Stepper Red Stilts Red Wing Reddy Eddy Red-hot Mama Redolent Nosegay Reefed Sails Reflected Glory Reflections Regal Chameleon Regal Glory Regal Heir Regal Promenade Regal Providence Regal Rhubarb Regal Ruffles Regal Rumor Regal Skies Regal Splendor Regal Supreme Regal Tot Regal Twist Regalia III-1 III-1 III-1 IV-1 IV-3 III-1 IV-1 IV-1 III-6a IV-1 I-7 III-4a IV-4b I-6b III-4b III-6a III-7 II-7 II-7 II-6b IV-1 II-2 III-7 II-2 II-4b II-4b IV-3 IV-6a III-6b 10 8 8 4 6 7 5 9.6 7 7.5 12.25 7.5 5 13 8 10 6 11 12 12 7 18 8.25 13 14 11.7 4 7 9 5 4.25 5 2 2.25 4.5 3 3.1 4.5 3 10.25 5 2.5 11 6 6 5.75 7 7 7 4 6 5 9 7 6.1 3 3 4 meduim green medium green medium green dark green greenish yellow dark green medium green medium green pale greenish white dark green Dark green variably streaked dark green celadon streaks dark green green dark glossy green greenish white medium green streaked throughout with dark green, medium blue-green with unstable streaks and mottling blue green streaked blue green deep green gray green medium green with unstable streaks of pale yellow and intensely blue-green bluish gray slightly blue-green golden yellow creamy white light green Rembrandt Blue Remember Me Rememberance Renaissance II-2 IV-6a III-5b III-7 11 6.5 7 8 10 3.25 6.5 6 dark blue creamy white intensely blue-green variegated Reginald Kaye Rendezvous * correct spelling III-2 IV-4b 8 6 5.5 4 dark green slightly blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. 2004 2005 Reg. or Species R. R. med. blue-green blue green 1998 2009 2015 2001 2004 2009 1996 2011 2009 2010 2001 1999 1994 2015 2005 2000 2001 2003 1994 1994 1983 1980 2003 1999 1987 2008 2010 2007 1992 R. R R. R. R. R R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. medium green golden yellow creamy yellow 1983 2001 2015 1983 R. R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin dark green (RHS color 143A) creamy white dark green greenish-yellow, yellow, pale yellow, creamy white creamy white light green creamy white slightly blue-green medium blue-green creamy white to creamy yellow creamy white creamy white 1999 2003 2014 R. R. R. 112 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Resonance Restless Sea * Resurrection Galaxy Retread Revelations Reverend Mac Reverie Reversed Revolution SectionClass IV-4b III-2 III-7 IV-8 III-6b III-2 III-6a II-6a III-6a Rhapsody in Blue Rhein Rhinestone Cowboy Rhino Rhino Blue Rhino Hide Rhubarb Pie Rhythm and Blues Ribbon Candy Rich Uncle Richard Taylor Richland Blue Richland Charmer III-2 IV-1 II-8 (4b) ? III-4b II-2 II-6a III-1 IV-2 IV-7 II-3 III-1 II-2 III-6a 7.5 4.625 10.25 8 8 8 9 4.75 III-6a III-4a III-1 IV-a III-4b III-1 III-4b IV-5b III-4b I-2 III-1 I-1 IV-7 IV-3 IV-1 Variety Rhapsody Richland Gold Richland Gold Splash Richland Gold's Moonlight Richland Green Splish Richland Reward Richland Royal Princess Richland Royal Purple Richland Surprise Richland White Edge Richmond Richmond Blue Rickrack Riding High Right Around Morning Sunrise Righteous Rays Rim Rock II-4b IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 1.75 green 8 4 blue-grey/green * note corrected sizes 6.75 5.5 dark green streaked 6 2 white 8 4.5 light green 6.2 5 medium blue-green 8.5 6 creamy white 12 9 yellow 7.5 4 creamy white and green speckled 12.25 6.75 green 9.5 8.5 11 6.5 7 2.25 9 4 8 8 6 2.25 small 7 4.38 7.5 5 intensely blue-green medium green medium green streaked medium green intensely blue-green bight green-gold medium green medium blue-green inconsistently variegated chartreuse with creamy white greenish yellow bright green intensely blue-green greenish yellow 6 8 8.5 7 7.5 7 8 6 8 13.25 7.5 13 4 5.5 4 5 6 6.5 4 4 4.5 6 3.5 6 10.5 4 12 6 3 2.5 golden yellow golden yellow medium green greenish yellow medium green green dark green medium green light green blue-green medium green dark green streaked green , greenish yellow, cream, and white golden yellow medium dark green 6 4 pale yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white medium green slightly blue-green green dark green white pure white pure white blue dark green blue-green with irregular white creamy white yellowish white creamy white creamy white greenish yellow creamy white white edge Year Reg. 1976 2006 1999 2000 1993 2011 2003 1978 2000 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 1995 2003 2000 2000 2010 2007 2001 2004 2009 2002 2009 2007 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. 2009 1999 1999 2014 1999 1999 1999 1999 2004 2009 1999 2014 2009 2003 1982 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. 2009 1987 R R. 113 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Ring Around the Moon * Ring of Fire Ringmaster Ringtail Rip Curl Ripple Effect Rippled Elf Rippled Honey Rippled Treasure Rippling Rhythm Rippling Waves Riptide Risa Rise and Shine * Rising Star Rising Sun Rising Tide Risky Business River Nile River of Gold Riviera Sunset Rix Pix Robb's Dream SectionClass III-6a II-5b IV-4b III-1 IV-1 IV-6a IV-1 IV-1 III-1 III-1 I-1 III-1 V-1 II-3 II-4a III-3 III-4b III-6a I-2 I-3 IV-5b IV-3 II-7 Roberta Robert's Rapier Robin Hood Robin's Pride Robust Giant Robyn Duback Rock and Roll * Rock Concert Rock Happy III-5b III-6a II-6b I-2 II-1 IV-6b 5b I-2 IV-7 IV-1 7 9 11 14 11 6.25 11 9.5 5.75 6 5 10 10 6.625 4.5 12 3 3.75 medium blue-green golden yellow medium green and white band light green medium green intensely blue-green light to medium green medium green greenish yellow intensely blue-green * note corrected width intensely blue-green streaked with shades of blue-green light green 2008 1996 2000 2000 2005 2010 1999 2009 1992 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. V-1 II-2 III-2 IV-3 III-1 4 10 7 5 8 0.75 9 5.75 3 6 blue gray green medium blue-green medium blue-green yellow medium green 1982 2009 2010 2014 2012 R. R R. R. R. Variety Robert Frost Rock Island Line Rock Master Rock of Ages Rock of Gibralter Rocket City Rocket's Red Glare II-4b V-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 9 greenish yellow * note corrected sizes 11.75 8.75 dark green 6 4 intensely blue-green 10 4 medium green 6 3.75 medium green 6 2 greenish yellow 6.63 2.25 green 5.25 2.5 light green 8.125 5.875 medium green 9 6.5 medium green 14 11.25 dark green 6 5 blue green 3.2 1.7 medium green 11 9 golden yellow * note corrected sizes 10 7 golden yellow 10 5.5 lemon yellow 10 6 dark pruinose blue green 7 5.5 pure white 12 12 blue 15.5 9.5 yellow 6.25 4.25 medium green 4.5 4.5 yellow 11 8.3 medium green streaked with creamy white and white 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 10 1.25 8.5 0.75 Leaf Color Margin intensely blue-green yellow creamy white medium blue-green pale yellow creamy white to chartreuse medium green orange yellow dark blue green creamy yellow to near white medium green creamy white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2004 1999 2011 2005 2005 2008 2009 2005 2010 1998 1986 1987 2006 2006 2013 1988 1984 2002 1983 2014 2008 2015 2011 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R 1988 2001 R. R. 114 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Rocknoll Blue Dwarf Rocky Fork Rocky Mountain High Rocky Road Rod’s Gold Roderick Roller Coaster Roller Coaster Ride Romaine Ron Damant SectionClass V-2 III-2 III-5b III-1 III-3 I-2 II-7 IV-4b III-1 III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 3.5 0.88 medium blue-green 8 6 intensely blue-green 8 5.5 green 7.5 7 dark green 7 5 golden yellow 18 13.5 medium blue-green 11.5 8.5 dark green occasionally streaked with yellow 6 2.25 8.7 6.3 7 7 medium green medium green medium blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin chartreuse yellow creamy white greenish yellow to pale yellow Year Reg. 1996 2003 1991 1988 1999 2004 2001 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2011 R 2005 2004 R. R. Rookie Mouse Roostertail Rosanne Roscoe Roseann Walter * Rosebud Rosedale Alligator Tail Rosedale Babe Rosedale Barnie Rosedale Big Bopper Rosedale Black Hole Rosedale Black Ice Rosedale Blend Master Rosedale Blunder Bus Rosedale Bright and Sassy Rosedale Brush Marks Rosedale Buddy Holly Rosedale Butter Run Rosedale Catcher's Mitt Rosedale Daisy Mae Rosedale Dandy Brandy Rosedale Dewy Rosedale Dough Boy V-1 II-7 V-3 I-2 II-5b II-1 IV-4b II-2 III-1 I-1 I-2 III-2 III-7 III-7 II-3 IV-7 I-1 III-7 II-2 III-2 IV-7 II-2 II-1 1.6 10.5 4 12 12 12 6 10 6 14 13 7 6 7 11 5 14 7.5 9 8 6 8 10 1.4 9 1 10 8 9 1.25 10 5 13 10 7 5 6 9 2.5 14 5 9 6 4 8 8 green dark blue- green with unstable streaks of creamy white yellow medium blue-green medium blue-green * note corrected sizes chartreuse gold medium green dark green pure white medium blue-green dark green medium green medium blue-green intensely blue-green streaked streaked golden yellow dark green streaked creamy white medium green streaked medium blue-green medium blue-green streaked light green streaked cream medium blue-green medium green 2015 2002 1999 1999 2006 1992 1999 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. Rosedale for Pete's Sake Rosedale Frosted Malt Rosedale Gee Wilikers IV-4b III-1 IV-7 5 8 5 4 6 2.5 light and medium green streaked light green and white streaked 1999 1999 2000 R. R. R. Rosedale Elizabeth Stratton III-3 9 6 golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy white 1999 R. 115 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Rosedale Gee-whiz Rosedale Genevieve Rosedale Glacier Ice Rosedale Golden Arches Rosedale Golden Candlestick Rosedale Golden Chalice Rosedale Golden Chips Rosedale Golden City Rosedale Golden Cufflinks Rosedale Golden Dipper Rosedale Golden Egg Rosedale Golden Fleece Rosedale Golden Goose Rosedale Golden Hercules Rosedale Golden June Bug Rosedale Golden Lining Rosedale Golden Teapot Rosedale Golden Trout SectionClass IV-7 II-3 IV-1 III-3 II-3 II-3 IV-3 II-3 III-3 II-4a III-3 II-3 I-3 II-3 II-3 II-3 II-3 II-3 Rosedale Golden Washboard Rosedale Grant Wood Rosedale High Flyer Rosedale Houdini Rosedale Jack of Hearts Rosedale Jack of Spades Rosedale John Stratton Rosedale Knox Rosedale Leaping Lizards Rosedale Lela Mae III-3 IV-7 III-7 IV-7 III-7 III-7 I-2 I-3 IV-4b II-6a 7 3.5 8 5 7 7 13 15 6 9 5.5 2.5 6 3.5 6 6 10 8 2.5 9 yellow streaked dark green streaked creamy white streaked streaked streaked intensely blue-green yellow dark green golden yellow Rosedale Little Puddle Rosedale Lost Dutchman Rosedale Marbled Swirl Rosedale Marsha Axmear Erb Rosedale Misty Pathways Rosedale Mixmaster Rosedale Moonshine Delight Rosedale Mr. Blue Jeans III-1 III-3 III-7 III-7 III-5b II-7 III-5b I-2 8 7 7 6.25 8 9 7 15 7 6 5 5 6 7.5 7 13 dark green golden yellow streaked intensely blue-green streaked dark green streaked medium green intensely blue-green Variety Rosedale Golden Unicorn Rosedale Lion's Mane II-3 IV-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 2.5 streaked 10 9 golden yellow 6 3 medium green 9 7 golden yellow 9 8 golden yellow 10 9 golden yellow 5.5 5 yellow 10 10 golden yellow 7 6 yellow 10 9 greenish yellow 7 6 golden yellow 9 9 golden yellow 12 11 golden yellow 10 8 golden yellow 11 8 golden yellow 9 8 yellow 9 9 yellow 10 7 greenish yellow 10 6 9 3 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white yellow pure white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2000 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2000 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 creamy white blue green dark green golden yellow golden yellow 2000 R. R. 116 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Rosedale Mrs. President Rosedale My Love Rosedale Old Maid Rosedale Oriole Rosedale Paddy Wagon Rosedale Pebbles Rosedale Pickles Rosedale Pie-eyed Rosedale Queen Mum Rosedale Rain Catcher Rosedale Richie Vallens Rosedale Rip Van Winkle Rosedale Robert Hackbarth Rosedale Rosette Rosedale Scrambled Eggs Rosedale Shady Lady Rosedale Soup Bowl Rosedale Spoons Rosedale Stitched in Silk Rosedale Streaked Zipper Rosedale Sugar Time Rosedale Tablespoons Rosedale Terraced Hills Rosedale Thunderheads Rosedale Tie-dyed Rosedale Tractor Seat Rosedale Viagra Rosedale Waterwheel Rosedale Yellow Brick Road Rosie Posie Rossing's Pride Rostraver Heritage Rotini Rotunda Rough and Ready Rough Knight Rough Waters Roughrider Roundabout Roundhouse Blues SectionClass II-2 IV-4b III-7 III-7 IV-4b II-1 II-1 IV-7 IV-4b I-1 I-4b(?) I-1 II-3 III-2 II-3 III-7 II-1 III-2 III-1 II-7 IV-4b II-3 III-1 II-7 III-7 I-1 III-3 III-7 II-6a IV-4b III-6b II-1 III-2 III-1 I-7 II-2 III-2 III-4b IV-2 II-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 8 blue green 5 5 green 7 6 streaked 6 5 streaked 4 2 dark green 10 9 medium green 9 9 medium blue-green 5 3 streaked 3.5 2 medium green 12 10 dark green 16 14 dark green (with margin) 12 12 medium green 11 10 yellow 6 5 medium blue-green 9 8 golden yellow 7 5 streaked 10 10 dark green 7 6 intensely blue-green 7 7 dark green 9 8 streaked 5 1.75 dark green 10 9 golden yellow 7 8 medium green 9 8 streaked 6 5 streaked 14 12 medium green 10 6 greenish yellow 8 5 streaked 10 7 variable creamy white 4.87 3.37 dark green 8 4 light green 9.5 7.5 medium green 9.5 6 medium blue-green 6 6 medium green 12.75 11.75 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 8.5 8 medium blue-green 8 7 blue gray 8 4.5 medium green 5.5 4.5 blue green 10 9 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pure white creamy white creamy white margin color not R. pure white medium blue-green creamy white medium green creamy white Year Reg. 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 2000 1999 1999 2000 1999 1994 1993 2009 2009 1988 2004 2013 1969 2008 1969 1998 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 117 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Route 66 Roxsanne Roxy Moxy Roy Klehm Royal Accolade Royal Bells Royal Charm Royal Charmer SectionClass II-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10 8 II-8 IV-4b II-6a III-6b III-5b IV-1 III- 7.875 2 11 8.5 10 5 7.5 5.875 5 9 4 4 4 4.6 8 6 2.5 11 10 8.25 9 8 10 4 6 3 2 13 8 5 7 5 8 2.5 Royal Wedding Royalty Roy's Pink Rubber Ducky Rubies and Ruffles Ruby Ruby Benedict Ruby Slippers Ruffed Up Ruffian III-6a IV-2 V-7 I-2 II-7 III-1 III-1 III-4b II-4b IV-6a IV-7 (IV-8) III-4b V-3 III-1 IV-1 IV-4b IV-1 III-6a IV-1 III-3 IV-1 6.75 3 8.5 4.75 5 4.25 6.5 5 9 5 5.5 1.5 4.5 2.5 3 2.25 6 4 7 3 Ruffled Pale Face Ruffled Petticoats Ruffles Ruffles Galore Rumpelstiltskin IV-1 I-1 II-1 II-2 III-5b 4.25 14 12.5 10.5 9 3 10 7.5 7 6 Royal Flush Royal Golden Jubilee Royal Lady Royal Mouse Ears Royal Quilt Royal Rainbow Royal Rhubarb Royal Standard Royal Super Royal Tapestry Royal Tiara Royal Wave Ruffled Mouse Ears IV-5b IV-2 7 3.5 2.75 3 2 2.5 medium golden yellow greenish yellow greenish white w/dark green streaks greenish yellow chartreuse streaked medium green light green medium green green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white dark green green golden yellow white streaking into leaf center yellow yellow dark green medium blue-green streaked with greenish-yellow frosty blue near white medium green medium green medium green medium blue-green pure white dark green medium green dark yellow green light green dark green medium green cream white medium green yellow dark green creamy white slightly blue-green streaked with pure white dark green creamy white creamy white with some streaking yellow green greenish yellow creamy white blue green medium blue-green light green medium green medium green blue-green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2005 2006 2007 1986 1999 2003 2011 R. R. R. R. R. R. R 2004 1986 2004 1988 1978 2005 1986 2000 2002 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2014 1982 2009 1996 2009 2013 1991 1999 2009 2009 R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R R 2002 1998 1986 2009 1997 R. R. R. R R. 2005 1985 2004 2011 light green to yellow R. R. R. R 118 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Run Around rupifraga Russ O'Harra Russell Lee Rusty Bee Ruth Ruth Reed Mraz Rutherford Birchard Hayes Ryans Big One S.S. Geisha Sabertooth Sabrina's Smile Sacramento Sadi Sagae Saginaw Sagittarius Sailors' Warning Sails at Sunset Sails Ho Saint Elmo's Fire Saint Sebastian Saint Stephen Saishu Jima Saishu Yahato Sito Saketini Salem Sally and Bob Sally Hoffman Salsa Salty Blue Salty Dog Salus Salute Sam Spade SectionClass IV-1 III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 4 2.5 green 15 medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin 7 4.5 II-5b IV-1 IV-2 I-1 III-3 (or 1 I-2 IV-7 IV-2 11 6 7 14.5 8.5 15 5 5 8 3 4 12 6 12.5 2.5 3 medium blue-green light green medium blue-green medium green yellow-green blue green green with gold streaking slightly blue-green light green II-5b III-3 II-5b IV-1 II-3 IV-7 II-6a III-6a IV-4a II-1 12 7.5 12.5 3 10 5 11.25 7 4 10 9.5 6 9.5 2 8 2 9 4.5 7 7 dark green golden yellow dull yellow green light green greenish yellow dark green streaked greenish yellow creamy white streaked bright yellow medium green golden yellow V-1 3.5 1.25 medium green I-1 III-5b I-6a IV-4b IV-1 II-3 I-7 IV-5b III-7 III-2 IV-6a IV-3 III-2 IV-4b 20 10 12 5 4.5 11 12 5 8 10 4 5 8 6.5 4.5 10 2.25 3.25 6 10.5 2 7 6 3.5 3.5 4 3.5 green to gray green creamy white to white green pale yellow-green greenish yellow green streaked medium green light green intensely blue greenish yellow golden yellow intensely blue-green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy yellow bright pale yellow dark green blue green pure white medium green white pale yellow dark blue-green with medium green medium green yellow to creamy white Year Reg. 2010 1999 Reg. or Species R. S. R. 1999 1998 2014 2012 2010 1982 2008 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 2000 1996 2009 2009 1995 2001 1995 1995 2011 R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R 2002 R. 2009 2010 2009 2009 2000 1994 2014 2002 2011 2003 2004 1995 2002 R R. R R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 119 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sam-Tina Gold Samual Blue Samurai Sanctuary Sand Pebbles SectionClass IV-8 III-2 I-5b III-2 III-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6 4 light green 8.5 6.5 powdery blue 14 11.875 medium blue-green 9 5.75 intensely blue-green 8.38 4.5 Sand Storm Sandhill Crane Sandra Santa Claus Sapphire Pillows Sara Sarah Fackey Sarah Farmer Sarah Jane Sarah Katherine Sarah Kennedy Sarah Tilmam Sarah's Sister Sara's Sensation Saratoga Sunrise Sasquatch Sassy Satin Beauty Satin Bloomers Satin Doll Satin Flare Satisfaction Saturday Morn Saturday Night Fever Savannah Savannah Emerald Savannah Supreme Saw Mill Saybrook Surprise Sayuri Scally Cap Scaredy Cat * III-6a IV-4b III-4b IV-4b III-2 III-3 III-5b III-5b III-5b IV-1 IV-4b III-3 III-5b II-5b II-3 I-2 IV-4b I-1 IV-5b III-6b II-1 III-5b II-3 II-3 II-4b II-1 II-7 V-7 II-6a III-1 III-1 III-3 8 9 9 6 7.5 9 9 8 7 8 5.5 7 8 11 10 13.75 4 12 4.75 7 10 9 8 7 11 10.75 11 2 9 12 8 8 7 1.5 6 3 7.5 7 6.5 5.5 6 3 2.4 5 6 9 8 11.25 3 11 2.38 5 7 7 8 9.5 7.5 6.5 7 0.75 7.5 5 4.25 4 Scarlet O'Hara IV-1 4.5 3 Scarlet and Gray III-1 8 4 medium green streaked green and golden yellow sand medium green dark green green intensely blue-green deep gold medium green dark green streaked medium green light green dark green yellow green green greenish yellow medium blue-green bright medium green medium green dark green streaked creamy white, medium green blue green dark green golden yellow greenish yellow dark green medium green heavily streaked, green and creamy white light green streaked golden yellow medium green medium green golden yellow * note corrected sizes dark green yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow dark green margin with a lime green creamy white creamy white white yellow yellow gold pure white yellow yellow creamy white to near white creamy yellow to white dark green yellow creamy white creamy white slightly blue-green Year Reg. 1998 1981 2010 2013 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. 2013 2004 2015 2003 2011 1994 2010 1975 1997 2005 2004 2009 2015 1998 2012 1998 1987 1986 2009 2012 1971 2000 2015 2009 1999 2003 2003 1999 1998 2007 2003 2006 R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1996 R. 2009 2010 R R. 120 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Scarlet Ribbons Scheherazade Schneekoppe Schwarzer Ritter Scooter Scorpio SectionClass IV-4B III-2 IV-1 III-1 IV-4b II-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5.75 2.75 medium green 10 4 intensely blue-green 6 4 medium green * note corrected sizes 7.75 5.75 dark green 6 4 dark green 10 Sea Angel IV-4b Sea Beacon III-4b Sea Blue Leather Sea Blue Monster Sea Bunny Sea Current II-2 I-2 III-3 III-1 11 13.25 10 9 11 10.75 6 7 Sea Dream III-4a 12 4.5 Sea Aquarius Sea Blue Sea Dragon 5 9 2.5 I-2 14 12.5 II-2 10 7.5 I-1 7 17.25 6 white to creamy white Year Reg. 2002 2012 2006 2008 1990 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. green white 2009 R medium blue-green creamy white dark green medium blue-green blue green 13.25 medium to dark green green yellow I-1 I-1 II-3 III-3 II-1 III-3 III-3 I-3 II-2 III-3 IV-4b II-2 12 20 10 10 13 9 8.25 16 8.75 9.5 5 10.5 7 9 7 5 8 5 5.5 8 8.5 6.5 2.5 9 dark green dark green bright yellow green medium green deep bright yellow chartreuse to golden light chartreuse green blue green greenish yellow dark green intensely blue-green Sea Lotus Leaf Sea Mermaid Sea Mist Sea Monster II-2 II-3 II-6a I-1 9.5 9.5 9 26 10 8 7.5 11 green medium golden yellow chartreuse bright green III-7 14 3 Leaf Color Margin pure white blue-green * note corrected sizes blue-green green medium green Sea Drift Sea Ebony Sea Fire Sea Foam Sea Frolic Sea Gold Sea Gold Dust Sea Gold Star Sea Grotto Sea Gulf Stream Sea Gull Sea Hero Sea Lightning 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST ivory white creamy white with a celadon dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2010 2009 2004 1978 R R. R. 2009 2009 1986 2001 R R R. R. 1984 R. 2009 R 1978 1991 2004 1978 2004 1985 2009 1984 1991 1999 2004 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R 1985 2009 2009 1978 R. R R R. 1981 pale green R. R. 121 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sea Nautilus Sea Nymph Sea Octopus Sea Peridot Sea Prize Sea Sapphire Sea Slate II Sea Sprite Sea Sunrise Sea Thunder Sea Waves Sea White Gold Sea Wiggles Sea Yellow Sunrise Searchlight Seaside Splendor Second Wind SectionClass III-3 IV-5b III-1 III-3 III-7 II-2 II-2 IV-6a IV-7 III-6a II-3 II-3 IV-3 IV-3 III-7 III-7 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 5.5 light golden yellow 7.5 2.75 dark green 12 3 mat green 7.5 6.75 medium to bright yellow 8.5 5.5 light green streaked and mottled creamy white, yellow 10 8.5 intensely blue-green 12 8.5 medium blue-green 6 1 chartreuse 8 3 green streaked 8 4.5 creamy yellow to white 10 9 chartreuse to medium golden yellow 10 7 creamy golden yellow 6 1.5 pale yellow 6 4 yellow 6 5 dark green with unstable white streaking 6 9 intensely blue-green with unstable streaks of greenish 6.5 4.5 12 9 Secret Love IV-5b 4.7 See Saw IV-4b Seducer Seersucker Semperaurea (also Sieboldiana Seneca Sentimental Journey Sentinels September Moon September Sun September Sunrise September Surprise September White Serapis Serendipity Serendipity Singer Serene Serenity Sergeant Pepper dark green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST creamy white Year Reg. 2009 2009 1981 2009 2009 2009 2009 1978 1982 2009 2009 1999 1981 1985 2001 2003 Reg. or Species R R R. R R R R R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow green dark green 1991 R. 3 intensely blue-green pale yellow 2004 R. 6.25 2.75 medium dark green white 1986 R. I-3 IV-6a I-5b (IIV-1 II-3 III-6a III-6a III-6a IV-2 IV-7 III-2 10 2.75 12 5 8.5 7.5 6 8.5 6 4.5 8 16 2.25 10 2 8.5 6 5 7 4.5 2.5 6 yellow green greenish yellow light green dark green chartreuse yellow golden yellow yellow green medium blue-green streaked blue 2003 2000 2004 1986 2012 1985 2009 1997 2010 2000 1978 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. III-6b III-1 III-5b 8 10 6 6.5 5.5 5 chartreuse green medium green medium green 1983 1986 2001 R. R. R. II-5b III-1 IV-5b 7.5 3.75 6.5 2.25 dark green dark green pale greenish-yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] golden yellow light green greenish yellow dark green faint green margin medium green dark blue-green with streaks to the center emerald green greenish yellow 2004 2004 2004 R. R. R. 122 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Serpentine Seto No Aki Seven-Eleven Seventh Heaven Shade Beauty Shade Fanfare Shade Finale Shade Master Shade Parade Shades of Mercy Shadow Waltz Shadow Wood Ruffles Shadow's Web Shady Affair Shady Choice Shady Lady Shady Lover Shaharazade SectionClass IV-3 IV-1 V-1 III-7 IV-4a III-4a IV-4b II-3 IV-4a IV-4b II-5b III-3 III-5b III-2 IV-1 II-5b IV-4b II-5b Shalimar Shall We Dance Shapur's Sceptre Shark Skin Shark's Tooth Sharmon Sharon's Choice Sharp Dressed Man Sharp Shooter Shawmut Shazaam Sheila Macqueen Shell Bell Shelleys Shells at Sea Shenandoah Abbey Shenanigans Sherborne Profusion III-7 IV-6a IV-1 III-1 V-2 III-8 IV-7 III-6a IV-1 III-4b III-5b III-7 IV-5a IV-5b IV-1 III-2 II-7 IV-2 Variety Shake My Bootie V-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.3 5 greenish yellow 6.25 4.0625 dark green 4.75 1.25 light green 7 6 medium to dark green streaked 8 1.5 deep yellow 7.5 5 green 5 3 dark green 12 9 deep yellow 3 3 yellow 4 2.25 dark green streaked 9 8 medium green 6 5 golden yellow 6 5 greenish yellow 8 6 blue-green, glaucous 7 3.5 medium green 10 7 medium green 5 4.5 medium green 12 7 dark green 3.25 10 7 7.5 9.5 2 8.25 7 10.5 8.5 8.5 8 7 4.5 8 6.5 8 9.375 4 1.75 3 3 3 6.5 2 6 2 6 3.25 7 4 5 3 3 4 7 7.5 3 streaked yellow and green variegated light yellow light green light green medium grayish green variegated medium green streaked with golden yellow and creamy pure white medium green dark blue green dark green streaked greenish yellow medium green green medium blue-green streaked yellow and white blue Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white white creamy white creamy white (emerges pale green) white light green medium blue-green pale yellow creamy white yellow creamy white dark green blue green medium green pure white yellow golden yellow yellow gold Year Reg. 2015 2002 1996 1994 1982 1986 2005 1982 2005 1998 1995 2013 2000 2003 1998 2009 2005 2014 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. 1983 2012 2003 2009 2005 1986 2014 2005 1993 1999 2007 2000 1999 1988 1980 2000 2010 1988 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2012 R. 123 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sherborne Songbird SectionClass II-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 6.5 III-2 III-2 IV-2 V-4a III-3 II-1 IV-4b II-1 III-1 7 8.75 4.5 2 7 10 6 10 10 5 5 3.25 1.1 6 9.5 3 8.5 6 blue blue blue light green greenish yellow to yellow medium green medium blue-green dark green medium green Shining Tot Shiny Penny Shirley Shirley Levy V-1 IV-3 III-6a IV-3 2 3.5 7 6 0.5 2 4.5 3.5 gray green gold golden yellow greenish yellow Shirley Wade III-3 7 Shirley Vaughn Shirofukurin Hime Iwa Shocking Chartreuse Shoehorn Shogun Short and Sweet Show Off Show Piece Showboat Showtime Si Senor Pablo sieboldiana sieboldiana ‘Amplissima’ (See sieboldiana ‘Elegans’ (See sieboldiana ‘Hypophylla’ (See sieboldiana ‘Mira’ (See ‘Mira’) sieboldiana ‘Semperaurea’ (see sieboldiana glabra sieboldiana 'Mira' sieboldii ‘Alba’ II-1 II-5b 11 11 7.75 9 5 V-4b III-3 III-1 II-4b V-7 IV-1 IV-4b II-4b III-4b II-1 I-2 2.125 7 9.5 9.675 3.25 5.875 6.5 9.5 8 9.25 14 0.875 5 3.5 6.75 1.75 4.375 4.5 7.5 6 7.5 12 II-1 I-2 IV-1 10 11.75 5 8 7.75 2 Leaf Color Margin blue Sherborne Swallow Sherborne Swan Sherborne Swift Shere Khan Sheriff of Nottingham Sherwood Forest She's a Dancer Shimmering Silk Shine On Shining Image 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST pure white white medium green yellow to creamy white deep green chartreuse medium green medium green light blue-green with unstable streaks of varying shades medium green greenish yellow dark green dark green dark dark green greenish white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1988 1988 1988 1995 2012 1993 2011 1996 2012 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. 1982 1997 1998 1999 R. R. R. R. 2008 R. 2009 medium to dark green medium green - See 'Mira' Reg. or Species 1988 green yellow Year Reg. creamy white creamy white white 2009 2002 1982 2008 2010 2004 2010 1998 1993 1987 2011 1987 R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R S. S. S. S. S. S. S. R. S. 124 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety sieboldii ‘Albomarginata’ sieboldii ‘Bunchoko’ (See sieboldii ‘Kabitan’ (See ‘Kabitan’) sieboldii ‘Kifukurin’ sieboldii ‘Mediopicta’ Sight for Sore Eyes Silberpfeil Silent Witness Silk Kimono Silver and Gold Silver Anniversary Silver Award Silver Bay Silver Bowl Silver Chalice Silver Creek Sunshine Silver Dust Silver Giant Silver Lance Silver Light Silver Load Silver Mine Silver Moon Silver Rim Silver Spoon Silver Spray Silver Streak Silver Tiara Silver Tongued Devil Silverado Silverdale Silvery Slugproof Simply Irresistible Simply Sharon Singin' the Blues Singing in the Rain * Sir Lancelot Sir Richard SectionClass IV-4B Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 5 2 IV-5B IV-7 IV-3 IV-2 IV-6B II-4B III-4B I-2 I-2 III-2 I-2 II-4B IV-8 (IV-1) III-2 I-2 IV-4B IV-2 III-6B (?) V-7 III-2 II-2 4.5 5 7 4 5 13 7 14 13.75 7 12 10.5 7 7.25 14 6 5.75 8 1 7 13 2 2.25 4 2.25 4.5 9 5.5 13 12.25 6.63 10.5 8.75 3 5.5 13.5 1.5 4.675 5 0.75 5.5 5.5 III-4B 8 6 V-6A IV-6A IV-6A IV-2 IV-4B IV-2 III-2 III-6a I-6B II-2 II-5B IV-7 II-7 4.5 4.5 3 5.5 4.5 6.75 7 8 12 12 9 3.75 9 1 1.75 2.5 3 1.75 3.625 5 4 10 9 8 1.75 8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin Year Reg. Reg. or Species S. S. S. streaked green and yellow greenish yellow medium blue-green medium green medium green to gray green medium gold intensely blue-green blue green intensely blue-green blue green light green medium green medium blue-green silvery blue gray dark green intensely blue-green greenish white medium green powdery medium blue-green silvery blue light green creamy white green and white creamy white white dark green white light green white white intensely blue-green medium green blue-green slightly blue-green yellow yellow medium blue-green slightly blue-green * note corrected sizes dark green streaked with greenish-yellow and creamy medium green with creamy white streaks dark green green blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] white chartreuse blue-green blue-green pale yellow 2013 2005 1997 1999 1995 1999 1986 1999 1986 2005 1996 1995 1987 1982 2013 1999 1999 2007 1980 S. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1991 R. 1985 1986 1988 2011 1987 2003 1996 2014 2004 2007 2006 2005 2002 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 125 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sissy's Siberian Eyes Sitting Pretty Sizzler Skinny Dippin * Skookumchuck Sky Blue Waters Sky Dancer Sky High * Sky King Sky Kissed Skylight Skyrocket SectionClass I-7 IV-6A Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 13 10 streaked medium green medium blue green, creamy 7 1.5 creamy yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin green Year Reg. 2012 Reg. or Species R. 1987 R. II-7 IV-1 II-2 II-5B III-2 I-2 III-1 II-2 II-2 III-3 10.5 6 9 11.5 7 13 9 9 9.5 7.5 7.25 2 8 9.75 6.8 13 4 7.75 8 6 dark green with unstable streaks of medium green, light medium glaucous green * note corrected sizes medium blue-green blue-green pale yellow medium blue-green blue-green * note corrected sizes medium green blue gray intensely blue-green intense golden yellow 2002 2006 1998 2005 2003 2005 2009 1991 2001 1999 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. Skyward Slammin Sleeping Beauty Sleepy Hollow I-4B III-7 IV-4B IV-6B 14.75 8 6.5 5.5 10.5 6 3.75 4 dark green creamy white medium green with yellow streaks and mottled areas of intensely blue-green creamy white dark green medium green 2000 2010 1997 2003 R. R. R. R. Slightly Royal Slim and Trim III-4B V-2 9 3 5 1.75 green medium blue-green 2004 2010 R. R. Slurpy Small Parts Small Sum Small Talk Small World Smash Hit Smiley Face Smiling Sailor Smiling Susan Smoke Signals Smokerise Frosted Vase IV-2 V-1 II-3 V-3 V-1 III-6a IV-3 V-3 III-1 III-2 II-4b 3.5 2 9 2.5 3 7 4.5 2.5 6 9 11.25 1.75 1 8 1 1.5 5 3.5 1 6 5 8.75 medium blue-green medium green yellow gold medium yellow dark green golden yellow yellow yellowish green to gold green intensely blue-green gray green 2010 2006 1996 1991 2013 2012 2011 1996 2013 2008 1994 R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. Smokey Mountains Smokey Tokey Smooth Operator IV-2 II-2 I-1 4 11.25 18 3.5 8.75 11 intensely blue-green medium blue-green medium green 2012 1998 2012 R. R. R. Skywalker Slick Willie Slim Polly Smokey * I-2 IV-1 IV-1 III-1 12 5 4 9 10 4.25 1.5 4 medium blue-green dark green pure white green dark green * note corrected sizes Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2011 1996 1986 dark green white 2006 R R. R. R. 126 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Smooth Sailing Smoothie Smuggler’s Cove Snake Eyes Snakeskin Boots Sneak Preview Sno Cone Snow Bunting Snow Cap Snow Crust Snow Flakes Snow Flurry Snow Mound Snow White Snowbird Snowbound Snowden Snowdrift Snowstorm So Big So Nice So Sweet Soaring Eagle Soft Focus Soft Shoulders Soft Touch Solar Eclipse Solar Flare Solar Mouse Solid Gold Solo Flight Sombrero Some Like It Hot Something Blue SectionClass II-7 III-1 IV-1 III-6b I-5b IV-3 IV-6a II-5b II-4b I-4b IV-1 IV-7 IV-1 IV-6a IV-4b IV-4b II-2 III-6a IV-1 I-2 III-7 III-4b I-7 III-3 III-4b IV-1 III-4b I-3 V-3 II-3 IV-1 I-2 III-7 III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 13.5 7.25 greenish yellow with unstable streaks of dark green 9 4 dark green 6 3 medium green 7 5 light green 13 10 medium blue-green 7 4 yellow 6.5 3.25 pure white 11 7.1 medium blue-green 10 8 blue green 14 8.75 medium green 5.5 2.5 medium green 6.5 1.25 white spotting 5.63 2.63 dark green 5.5 3 white 5 2 medium green 5 5.25 light green 11.375 7 blue green 8 5 white 5.5 2 medium green 11.75 10.5 blue-green 8 4 medium green streaked with yellow 7 4.5 green 12.75 10.5 dark blue-green with unstable streaks of medium green, 8.5 5.5 golden yellow 8 4 dark green 4 3 medium green 8 6 medium green 14 12 deep yellow to chartreuse 2 1.75 pale yellow 11 6.75 golden yellow 8 2.25 dark green 14 11 blue green 7 6 medium green with white and grayish white streaks 7 6.5 7 5 Something Different Something Else III-6b II-3 8 10 Song Sung Blues Songbird I-7 IV-7 13.5 4 Something Good III-6a blue green 4 8 bright yellow green golden yellow 9.5 2.5 dark blue-green with unstable streaks of varying shades blue-green streaked with greens, greenish-yellow, pale golden yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green medium green golden yellow dark green pale yellow creamy white to white white green pure white creamy white dark green white creamy white pure white dark green medium green Year Reg. 2002 1999 2009 2005 2015 2010 2009 2015 1980 1985 1986 1973 1997 1983 2000 2002 1988 1985 1980 2010 2015 1986 2002 2009 1995 1977 2012 1981 2013 2012 2001 1991 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1990 2009 R. R 2004 2005 R. R. 1991 2000 R. R. 127 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sookai SectionClass II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11 III-1 III-4b South Pacific Southern Blues Southern Comfort Southern Lights Southern Pride Space Odyssey I-1 III-2 IV-1 II-6a IV-5b I-2 12 7.5 6.5 9 6 16 10 6.5 4.5 8.8 4 12 medium green intensely blue-green medium green yellow, blue & green streaks light green intensely blue-green Spacious Skies Sparkle Sparkler I-2 III-7 IV-6a 14 7.5 4.5 11 4.5 1.5 intensely blue-green green and white streaked and mottled pure white Sparky Spartacus Spartan Arrow Spartan Flash Spartan Gem Spartan Glory Spartan Spear Special Angel Special Blend Special Forces Special Gift Special Item Special Occasion Spellbound Spike Jones Spilt Milk Spinach Patch Spinach Soufflé IV-4b II-5b IV-1 III-7 IV-1 I-4b III-4b II-6a III-7 IV-7 IV-1 II-2 III-1 III-4a IV-1 III-7 II-1 II-5b 6 12.5 3 6.75 6 14 10.5 10 8.3 4.5 5 12 8 7 8.5 9 11.5 8 1.75 8 2.5 4.5 2.5 11 4.5 7 5.3 3.75 4 9.5 4 5 3.25 7 9 8 green medium green dark green streaked dark satin green light green medium green greenish yellow slightly blue-green with pale yellow and creamy streaks blue-green heavily streaked with yellow gray green medium blue-green dark green medium yellow light to medium green slightly blue-green streaked dark green slightly blue-green Spaceship Sparkling Burgundy Spingarn's Japan IV-1 III-1 IV-1 V-1 4.5 8 5.5 1.75 4 6 slightly blue-green with irregular grayish cast Sophie Sophisticated Lady Soul Brother 8 8 8 4 5.5 3 1 dark green medium green medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin pale yellow creamy white blue & green chartreuse dark green olive green medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2015 2000 R. R. 2009 2014 1992 2015 1982 1997 R R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2009 2012 R. R R. 1987 2007 2000 1998 1989 2000 2012 2013 2010 2011 1973 1999 2003 2005 2002 1999 2009 2006 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 2002 2002 2011 dark green yellow yellow pure white near white blue-green blue-green white golden yellow 1982 2000 R. R. R R. R. 128 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Spinnaker Spinners Spinning Wheel Spirit of St Louis * Spit Shine Spitfire Splashed Leather Splendid Reign Splendid Sarah Splendor Splish Splash Sportscaster SectionClass I-1 III-4b 7 5 Leaf Color Margin I-6a I-1 III-1 IV-7 11.5 20 7 3 10.5 12 6.5 2 medium to bright yellow medium green * note corrected sizes medium green light green with unstable white streaks blue-green III-5b II-4b II-6a 10 10 12.5 5.5 9 8.25 green light green greenish yellow mottled greenish gold creamy white dark green II-7 10.75 8.5 I-3 15 III-7 III-7 Sporty IV-7 Spring Back Spring Break Spring Fever Spring Fling Spring Grove Spring Ivory Spring Lace Spring Sensation Spring Shower Springdale Pride Sprite Spritzer Spumoni Spun Silk Spun Sulphur Squash Blossom Squash Casserole Squash Edge Squiggles Squire Rich Squirt III-1 III-4b II-8 III-5b II-1 IV-8 V-6b IV-8 III-2 I-1 IV-7 III-7 III-7 III-3 IV-3 II-5b II-3 II-5b III-6a III-3 V-5b Spotlight Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 12 12 medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 8 9 4.4 9 9 11.25 9 9.5 6 4 6 7 14 7 10 9.5 7 4 9 11 12 7 9 1.75 4 6.5 green streaked green - streaked 1.4 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of yellow and creamy white Light green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 4.5 4.5 6.75 6 7.625 2 1.38 4.5 5.5 10 2 5 6.25 5 3.5 7.25 6 9.25 5 5.5 .875 light green light green yellow becoming chartreuse dark green medium green ivory light green yellow intensely blue-green medium green dark green with pale yellow streaking white light green with unstable streaks of varying shades of yellow to green yellow sulphurous yellow medium blue-green medium gold blue-green with some variation white bright golden green medium green 9.5 creamy white medium gold Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1994 Reg. or Species R. 2009 2006 1986 2002 R R. R. R. 2001 2005 2000 R. R. R. 2004 R. 1988 1996 1980 creamy white medium green green greenish yellow greenish yellow dark green yellow R. R. 2004 R. 2009 2000 2005 2000 2002 1982 1998 1991 2007 2014 2012 1986 2004 1990 1986 2005 1995 2001 1978 1988 2014 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 creamy white R. R. 129 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety St. Nicholas Stained Glass Stairway to Heaven Standard Bearer Standard Deviation Standard's Bands Standing Ovation Standing Tall Stand-up America Star Power Star Spangled Banner Star Struck Starboard Light Starburst Stardust Stardust Memories Stargazer Starker Yellow Leaf Star-kissed Starlight Starry Starry Night Stars and Stripes Starship Statue of Liberty Status Quo Steaking Sandy Stearn's Beauty Steel Canopy Steely Dan Stefan Edward Steffi Stellar by Starlight Step Brother Stephen Sterling Medallion Stetson Steve Moldovan SectionLeaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Class Length Width III-1 9.5 5 medium green II-6a 10.5 7 golden yellow III-4a or 7? 9.25 5.75 medium green streaked with white III-2 7 6 pale blue IV-7 5 3 light green streaked III-5b 8 6 medium green I-4b I-7 II-5b I-3 II-7 III-6a II-3 IV-4b II-3 III-3 III-4b I-8 III-5a V-6a IV-1 IV-7 IV-4b (IV-5b) II-1 IV-7 IV-7 III-2 II-2 IV-2 II-2 IV-4b II-7 I-1 V-2 III-2 III-5b I-2 12 10 12.75 10.75 14 9.25 5.5 11 7.5 13 7 8 13.5 8 3 5.5 5.5 11.75 9.25 10 7.25 6.5 7 2.25 9 5 5 9.75 12 1.5 4 4.5 11 5.625 6.5 4.75 10 5.5 8 7 11.75 12 1.75 7.25 7 7 3.625 1.5 6.5 8 4 8.25 4 8.25 11 1 6.5 4.5 6 14.5 4.5 12.5 dark green medium green with unstable streaks of varying shades dark green yellow blue-green with unstable streaks of dark green, gold dark yellow medium green yellow gold golden yellow medium green yellow green chartreuse white dark green medium blue-green streaked medium green dark green medium blue with creamy white streaks streaked yellow, green and white blue green blue green metallic medium blue-green intensely blue-green dark green dark green streaked dark green blue green intensely blue-green medium green intensely blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin dark green white dark green pale yellow creamy white greenish-yellow medium blue-green creamy white creamy white golden yellow dark green creamy white pure white yellow gold Year Reg. 2007 1999 2008 2009 1998 2010 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. 2004 2005 2009 2002 1995 1994 1973 1998 2014 2007 1989 2006 1973 2000 2000 R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2007 2013 2012 1995 2000 2007 1998 2008 2000 2011 1986 2012 1997 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 1987 2004 2004 R. R. R. 130 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Steven P. Register Stiff Upper Lip Stiletto Still Waters Stimulation * Stimulus Package SectionClass II-1 II-2 V-4b III-2 III-1 III-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9 9 medium green 10 8 blue-green 7 0.75 8.75 4 8 8 green 6.5 5 medium blue-green dark green * note corrected sizes medium green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white Sting Stingray Stirfry Stitch in Time Stolen Ability Stone’s Yellow Leaf Stone's Valentine Stonewall Storm Stormcloud Stormy Lakes Stormy Seas Stormy Weather Straight Flush IV-6a II-1 III-1 IV-5b III-1 III-3 V-3 I-1 IV-2 III-1 II-2 II-2 II-1 II-3 6.3 15 6.5 4.5 9 7.25 2.75 13 6.25 9 11 10.5 10 10.5 4.7 7 5 4 6 5.25 1.75 12 4.25 6 9 7.5 7.5 6.5 creamy white medium green dark green dark green medium green yellow green yellow-green green medium blue-green dark green medium blue-green blue-green medium green golden yellow dark green Stratosphere Strawberry Banana Smoothie Strawberry Delight Strawberry Parfait Strawberry Ripple Strawberry Surprise Strawberry Yogurt III-6a IV-3 III-1 IV-3 III-7 II-5b IV-2 9 6 8.25 6.5 8.5 10.75 4.5 6 3.5 5.25 3.5 6.25 7.75 2 light green I-7 13.75 9.5 golden yellow yellow medium green yellow dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of slightly blue-green medium blue-green dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of yellow Straka Gold Streaker Ahoy Streaker Heaven Streaking Buck Naked Streaking Frenzy Streaking Party Streaky Streak I-3 II-7 III-7 II-7 II-5b II-7 14 10.25 7 10.25 11.25 9.25 12 7.5 4.5 9.5 7.75 8.5 deep gold golden yellow irregular golden yellow medium blue-green streaked Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Reg. or Species R. R. 2010 2006 R. R. 2011 2000 1990 2004 2010 1989 2004 2001 2011 2010 2009 2004 2004 2004 R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. 2001 2008 1998 2004 2004 2008 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R 2009 R 1987 2011 1994 2004 medium blue-green with yellow streaking dark green streaked with yellow dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of medium green Year Reg. 2004 2010 bright yellow 2009 2004 2005 1999 R. R R. R. R R. R. R. 131 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Streets of Gold Strike it Rich Striker String Bikini String of Pearls Strip Poker Striped Canvas Striped Weasel Stripped Naked Stripper Striptease Stud Muffin Sub Four Subcrocea Sublime Lime Subterranean Pool Subtlety Sue Sugar and Cream Sugar and Spice Sugar Babe Sugar Daddy Sugar Mama Sugar Pie Sugar Plum Sugar Plum Fairy Sugar Snap Suliban Sultana Sultan's Smoke Sum and Substance Sum and Subtle Sum Cup-o-Joe Sum It Up Sum Like it Hot Sum More Magic Sum of All Sum Piecrust Sum Streaker SectionClass I-3 III-3 IV-4b III-6a III-7 III-5b IV-7 III-7 III-6a IV-4b IV-6a IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 11 12 golden yellow 9 6 greenish yellow 4 1.75 medium green 7.5 4.25 golden yellow 8.5 6.5 medium green streaked with dark green, light green, 9 5 dark green 6 3 medium green streaked 8.5 3.9 slightly blue-green with creamy white streaks 7.5 6 pure white 6.7 3.3 medium green 6 4 chartreuse 4.5 4.25 yellow 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white dark green greenish yellow dark green with a variable yellow creamy white dark green V-1 IV-3 IV-3 III-2 2.4 5 6 8.5 1.2 1.5 3.5 6.75 dark green yellow green greenish yellow intensely blue-green IV-6a III-4b III-4b IV-4b II-4b IV-6b V-4b III-1 V-1 II-5b IV-7 IV-5b I-7 I-3 I-6a II-4b(?) I-5b I-7 II-1 I-5b I-1 III-7 5 9 8 5 10 6 3.5 8 4.5 9 6 4 10.75 18 12 11.25 16 15.5 9.5 16 14.75 8 3.5 4.5 6 2 7.5 4.5 1.5 6.5 1 8 3.25 2.5 8 15 10 8.5 12 11 10 12 10.5 4.5 pure white medium green dark green creamy white medium to dark green creamy white medium green creamy white blue-green creamy white creamy white medium green medium green pure white medium green dark green dark green golden yellow multicolored streaking in tones of green yellow and dark green light chartreuse medium green variably streaked with blue-green, dark chartreuse gold golden yellow pale green medium green streaked creamy white medium green greenish yellow medium green with unstable streaks of greenish-yellow, medium green medium to dark green golden yellow medium green bright golden yellow streaked with light green, greenish- IV-5a 5 4 light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] golden yellow Year Reg. 2006 2014 2000 2000 2001 2004 1996 2008 2004 2002 1991 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 1987 2009 1999 R R. R R. 1999 1984 2003 1996 2003 2004 1998 2011 1987 2011 2013 1988 2001 1980 2009 2000 1999 2003 2006 2003 1999 2005 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 2003 R R. 132 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sum Sunfish Sum Total Sum Upper Crust Sum Zero Sumi Summa Cum Laude * Summer Breeze SectionClass I-5b I-5b II-4a I-1 I-2 I-5b III-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 16 14.5 light green 15 12 dark green 11.75 7.75 greenish yellow with unstable streaks of varying shades 12 10 dark green 13 12 silvery blue 14 13 light green * note corrected sizes 8.5 7 dark green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow creamy white pale yellow golden yellow Summer Dress Summer Fragrance Summer Gold Summer Joy III-3 IV-4b IV-3 III-6a 10 7.5 6.25 7 6 3.75 3.5 6 brassy green yellow deep green greenish yellow white Summer Lovin Summer Music Summer Olympics Summer Palace Summer Rainbow Summer Rapture III-5b III-6a III-3 II-5b II-4b I-3 7 7 9.5 10 11 8 5 6 6.25 8 9 6 dark green white bright gold light green dark green bright yellow gold dark green III-6a I-5b 8 16 6 10 greenish yellow greenish yellow dark green pale yellow Summer Love III-3 Summer Ripples IV-4b Summer Snow II-4b Summer Serenade Summer Showcase Summer Squall Summer Storm Summer Warrior Summer Wedding Summer Wind Sumsational Sun Banner Sun Catcher Sun Chaser Sun Disk Sun Drop III-2 III-6b II-3 III-3 II-4b I-6a II-5b IV-3 I-7 III-3 IV-5b 7 4.5 12 7.5 7.5 12 8.5 11 14 12 6 11.5 8 4 5.5 1.88 8 5 6 6 6.5 7 11 9 3.5 10.75 8 4 golden yellow green dark green intensely blue-green dark green greenish yellow yellow dark green golden yellow medium green bright yellow dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of greenish yellow medium green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] creamy white blue green streaked pale yellow creamy white white white light to medium green creamy white dark green golden yellow pale yellow Year Reg. 2004 1991 2004 2011 1983 2006 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. 1990 1983 1998 1998 R. R. R. R. 2004 1998 2004 2010 2010 2003 R. R. R. R. R. R. 1998 2009 R. R 2007 2012 2000 2009 2012 2010 1999 2004 2004 2004 R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 2010 2009 1978 1999 R. R. R R. R. 133 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sun Glow Sun Goddess Sun Kissed Sun Power SectionClass III-3 I-3 IV-4a II-3 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 5 yellow 13 10 yellow to yellow green 5.5 5 greenish yellow pure white 10 7.5 light chartreuse Leaf Color Margin Year Reg. 1974 2010 2003 1986 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. Sun Safari Sun Shower Sun Worshipper * Sunami Sundance Sunday Morning Sundowner Sunfish Bett Sunfish Blue Sunfish Stripe Sunlight Sunlight and Shadows II-3 III-3 IV-3 II-1 III-4b III-3 II-2 II-7 I-2 III-8 II-3 II-7 12 8 7 11.75 9 9 10.25 12 17 8 9.5 12 9 6 3 7 6 6 7.5 8 14 5.5 6.75 7.5 yellow bright yellow yellow * note corrected sizes medium green green golden yellow blue-green chartreuse mottled streaking into margin intensely blue-green gold medium gold streaked green and yellow 2014 2007 2006 1990 yellow cream 1984 2012 2005 dark green 2004 2004 dark green with a narrow white streak 2004 2001 green 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R Sunlight Cinderella Sunlight Sister Sunny Delight Sunny Disposition II-6a I-3 II-3 IV-3 9.5 11.75 10 6 7.5 11.5 8 4 golden yellow yellow green to chartreuse golden yellow greenish yellow dark green 2000 1986 2000 2001 R. R. R. R. Sunny Side Up Sunny Smiles Sunny Tiara * IV-3 IV-5b IV-3 8 5.75 4 3.5 4.5 2 golden yellow light green greenish yellow * note corrected sizes creamy yellow 2007 2001 2006 R. R. R. Sunnybrook III-5b 8.5 6.5 blue green yellow 1987 R. IV-1 II-(?) I-3 IV-6a III-7 III-4a IV-5b IV-7or (4b) 5.25 8 17.5 6.3 8.75 9 6 7 3.25 8 10.5 4.7 7 5 4 2.625 1999 2000 2009 2011 2005 1982 1980 2002 R. R. R R R. R. R. R. Sunlight Child Sunny Isle Sunnybrook Sunshine Sunrise Crinkles Sunrise Serenade Sunset Grooves Sunset Strip Sunshine Glory Sunshine Kid Sunspray V-3 IV-8 2 6.75 0.5 2.5 light yellow yellow to yellowish green golden yellow medium green greenish yellow restless flamed yellow blue-green streaked with light green, greenish-yellow, yellow streaked dark green with unstable streaks of creamy white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 1991 1997 very dark green white creamy white R. R. 134 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Super Bowl Super Hero Super Nova Super Star Super Streak Supersonic Supreme Court Justice Supreme Expectations Surf and Turf Surf’s Up Surfer Dude Surfer Girl Surprise Surprised By Joy Surrender Susan-elizabeth Susie Chamberlain * Susy Suzuki Thumbnail Suzy Q Swamp Monster Swamp Thing Swan Lake Sweet and Low Sweet and Sour Sweet Bo Peep Sweet Chariot Sweet Christy Sweet Diversion Sweet Dreams Sweet Home Chicago Sweet Jill Sweet Lucy Sweet Marjorie Sweet Serenity Sweet Standard Sweet Sunshine Sweet Susan Sweet Tater Pie SectionClass II-3 III-4b I-6a I-7 IV-7 I-5b I-5b I-6A II-1 III-3 III-1 V-1 IV-1 V-6a IV-4b III-2 II-1 IV-1 V-1 II-1 I-1 III-5b II-2 V-7 III-7 IV-1 I-5b IV-7 III-7 III-6a IV-6a IV-6a IV-7 III-1 II-4b III-7 IV-3 III-1 IV-3 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 10.5 7 13.5 13.13 4 12 14 12.75 11.5 9 10 3 6.75 2 6 7.5 14 7 1.75 12 11 9 11.5 3.25 7.8 6.5 14 5 8 7 4.75 6 6 8 10.5 8.5 5 9 7 10 5 9 9.25 2 12 10 10.25 9.75 6 6.25 1.5 3.75 1.5 4 6 9 3.25 1 9 11 5.5 7.5 1.5 5.9 4.5 10 2.25 6 4.5 3.25 4 3 4 6.25 4.24 4.5 5 3.5 golden yellow dark green golden yellow medium green streaked white dark green dark green yellow medium green golden yellow medium green medium green dark green white medium green intensely blue-green medium green dark green green medium green dark green medium green blue green light blue-green with unstable streaks of varying shades medium green streaked with pale yellow, creamy white dark green medium green streaked light green & white medium blue-green with unstable streaks of varying white yellow-green cream to white medium green streaked medium mat green medium green green streaked medium gold medium green medium waxy gold Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin white blue green green medium gold golden yellow blue-green green streaked creamy to pure white golden yellow pale yellow green blue-green chartreuse - green white white Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2005 1999 2000 1982 1996 2015 2002 1999 2009 2007 2000 1986 1998 2005 2001 2006 1986 1987 2009 1991 2005 1998 2004 2008 2009 2009 1999 2004 2009 2002 1986 2000 1983 1990 1984 1997 1986 1995 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 R. 135 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Sweet Thing Sweet William Sweet Winifred Sweetie Sweetness Swirling Hearts Swiss Lady Swizzle Sticks Swoosh Sybil Sydney Sydney's Spunk Synergy TNT T Rex Table Six Taffeta Taj Mahal takahashii Take the Green Path Tall Boy Tall Twister Tall, Dark, and Handsome Tambourine Tamiami Blue SectionClass III-4b II-7 IV-1 III-4a IV-1 II-1 IV-6a IV-1 IV-7 IV-6a III-5b IV-4b III-5b III-6a I-1 IV-4b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7.5 4 medium dark green 11 7 dark green with unstable and variable streaks of 5 3.5 medium green 8 5 yellow to bright chartreuse 7.75 3.75 medium green 10.75 7 medium green 6.3 5.88 6 5.5 7.5 4 9 9 18 5.25 4 3.5 6 2.5 7 7 14 green variegated white medium green medium green medium green chartreuse to medium golden yellow medium green two-toned green yellow creamy white chartreuse to golden yellow dark green deep green white green dark green bright green medium green dark green 4.88 5 2.5 10 5* 7 9 2 12 III-2 10.5 4.5 15 III-3 IV-6a IV-5b 8.5 7 5.125 6.75 4 3 Tappen Zee II-4b 9 7.5 Tara Tardiflora Hybrida III-6a III-4b IV-1 8 8 5.25 white irregular, intensely blue-green with light green streaks Tangerine Tangerine Tango Tango Tango Twist creamy white white 9 15 7* 7 16 12 15.5 6 Leaf Color Margin 4.3 IV-1 I-6a III-1* III-1 I-1 IV-1 I-1 II-4b 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST 6 6 2 medium green Year Reg. 2004 2004 1984 1988 2003 2002 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. 2009 R 2005 R. 1978 2002 2009 2007 2012 2010 1999 R. R. R R. R. R. R. glaucous green 1991 2009 medium green creamy white 2012 1983 1973 2012 1987 R. R S. R. R. R. R. deep golden yellow orange yellow dark green with grey spots 2013 blue-green greenish yellow 1998 2013 2005 R. R. R. R. medium green white 2004 R. slightly blue-green blue-green creamy yellow blue green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] white medium green creamy white 2003 2012 2000 1992 R. R. R. R. R. 136 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety tardiva Tarheel Blue Tarnished Tassels Tatted Lace Tattletale Gray Tattoo * Taurus Tea and Crumpets Tea at Bettys Tea Ceremony Teacher's Pet Tears of Joy Teaspoon Teatime * Technicolor Teeny-bopper Teeny-weeny Bikini Telly's Treasure Templar Gold Temple Bells Temple Great Temple of Heaven Ten Karat Gold Tennessee Grady Tenryu Tenryu Nishiki Tentacles Tequila Sunrise Terminator * Terra Marie Terre Haute Terry Terry Wogan * Tet-A-Poo Thai Brass SectionClass IV-1* III-2 IV-7 IV-7 IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6.63* 3* green 7 5 intensely blue 3.5 2.75 metallic blue 6 4 medium green with unstable streaks and variable 6 II-2 IV-7 12 3 IV-5b or IVIV-5b II-1 II-4B V-1 IV-1 III-5b II-7 V-7 V-6a III-7 II-3 IV-1 II-2 III-6a III-3 V-7 III-2 II-5b IV-1 IV-3 II-7 IV-3 IV-1 II-4b III-2 (?)I V-2 II-3 4 5.9 11 10.5 2 3.25 7 10 1.625 2.25 6.75 12 6.5 10.75 7 8.75 3 8.75 10 5 8 11 8 5 12 8 1.5 13 II-2 9 4 9 3 8.5 3 3.5 9 6.5 0.5 3 6 7 1.125 1.88 4.5 6.5 3.5 8 5.5 5.75 .5 5.75 6.88 1.5 3.5 11 3 2.5 8.5 5 .75 8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium green medium blue-green golden yellow * note corrected sizes intensely blue-green medium green medium green dark green to blue-green blue green medium green medium green dark green * note corrected sizes medium green streaked with light green, greenish medium green streaked with yellow pale yellow dark green with unstable streaks of blue-green, medium greenish yellow medium green blue green creamy white golden yellow streaked yellow light green green dark green yellow medium blue-green with unstable streaks of light green, golden yellow medium green green yellowish medium blue-green (???) * note corrected medium blue-green greenish yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2013 1987 2002 Reg. or Species S. R. R. R. 2000 1998 R. R. 2009 2009 2009 2000 2005 1998 2006 2005 2001 2000 2002 2004 1992 1986 2012 2008 2011 2002 2009 1996 2004 2003 2007 2009 2002 2006 2010 1972 R R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. 1990 green streaks creamy yellow to white pale yellow creamy white golden yellow medium green medium green greenish yellow white 2009 R. R 137 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Thank You SectionClass III-4a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 7.5 slightly blue-green Thanksgiving The Ambassador The Big Easy The Devil’s Edge The Enforcer The Fonz The Gambler The Gathering The General The Godfather The Green Hornet The High Life The Hulk The King The Leading Edge The Mamas and the Papas III-4a IV-4b I-2 III-6b III-7 III-1 III III-2 III-1 I-1 I-7 III-1 I-1 II-4b II-5b II-7 7.5 4 18 8 7.75 9 9 9 8 14 14.75 7 18 9 12.25 9.25 4.5 2.5 14 6 5 5.75 7 7 7 12 11.5 6 15 8 9.6 7 greenish yellow medium green slightly blue-green dark green blue-green with creamy white streaks dark green pale green turns golden yellow medium blue-green medium green dark green medium green with unstable streaks of varying shades medium green medium green medium green medium green light green with unstable streaks of medium green, The Perfect Storm The Queen The Right Stuff * The Sun King The Twister The Wind Blew Thea Thelma M. Pierson Thelonius Then Theodore Roosevelt These Colors Don't Run Thomas Jefferson Thor Three Coins Thriller Thrills and Frills Thumb Nail Thumbelina Thumbs Up Thunder Boomer IV-7 II-6a I-7 I-3 IV-1 IV-2 III-7 II-3 IV-2 IV-4b I-3 II-7 II-3 II-1 III-5b III-2 II-5b V-1 IV-4b IV-4b II-2 5 9 12 12 5.5 7 7 13 5 6 15.75 9.25 10.5 10.25 10 7 10 0.75 3 4 11 4 8 12 12 1.75 4.25 5 5.5 4 4.25 9.75 7 8.5 7.75 4.5 6 7 0.5 2 3 8 dark green streaked yellow creamy white to white dark green streaked with blue-green, medium green, golden yellow dark green medium blue-green blue green streaked bright yellow slightly blue-green dark green yellow-green light green with unstable streaks of medium green, yellow-gold dark green medium green variable blue green medium green green medium green medium green medium blue-green The Minnesota Mafia III-3 7 5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white pure white pale green cream to creamy white greenish yellow yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2000 2013 2015 2009 2009 2012 2014 2014 2012 1998 2004 2012 1998 2007 2002 2002 R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2005 2007 2001 1999 1986 2010 1985 1988 2009 2010 2001 2002 2001 1994 2000 2015 2012 1982 1996 1999 2007 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2007 2009 medium green creamy white pale yellow yellow creamy white pure white R. R 138 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Thy Kingdom Come tibae Tic Tac Tickle Me Pink * Tidal Pool Tiddlywinks Tidewater Tiffney's Darth Vader Tiffney's Godzilla Tiffney's Gold Digger Tigger Tijuana Brass Tilt-A-Whirl Timber Blaze Time Traveler Time Tunnel Timeless Beauty Timeless Treasure Timothy Timothy C. Morgan Timothy J. Wright Tinker Bell Tinker Blue Tiny Bubbles Tiny Tears Tish Titanic Titanium To the Point Tobacco Road Tokudama Tokudama Aureonebulosa Tokudama Flavocircinalis Tokudama Flavoplanata Tom Boy Tom Gannon Tom Schmid Tomo Yuki Tomoko Tom's Baby SectionClass III-1 V-6a III-3 I-2 V-4b II-2 III-1 I-5b III-3 IV-7 II-3 IV-2 III-3 IV-7 III-5b IV-6a I-1 IV-5b III-6a IV-3 IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 V-1 II-2 I-5b IV-2 III-1 II-6a II-a III-6a III-5b III-6a III-3 III-7 II-4b II-4b IV-2 II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 6 medium green green 2 0.75 creamy white 7 5 golden yellow * note corrected sizes 12 11 gray blue-green 3.5 1.25 medium green 12 6 intensely blue-green 10.5 5 dark green 17 14 medium green 10.5 6 greenish yellow 6.5 10 7 8.5 5 8 3.9 16 3.75 8 4 4 4.25 4.5 1 9.5 13.5 6.78 6.8 13 8 7 7.75 6 8.25 8 11.5 12 5.5 10 4 8 2.5 4.8 4 6.25 2.4 13 2.75 5.5 3 1.5 2.875 1.5 0.75 8 12 4.25 6 9 8 6.5 7 5 6.75 4.75 7.5 8 4.25 8 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium green creamy white gold medium green streaked bright brassy gold medium blue-green yellow streaked with creamy white and medium green medium green white medium green dark green to medium green creamy white yellow medium green medium blue yellow medium green intensely blue-green dark green intensely blue-green medium green golden yellow greenish yellow blue green medium yellow golden yellow medium green, pale yellow streaked dark green medium to dark green blue-green greenish yellow with unstable streaks of yellow, golden Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2012 2004 2006 2002 1989 2003 1999 1996 1999 2000 greenish yellow golden yellow dark blue golden yellow medium blue-green greenish yellow light green blue green yellow blue green pure white pure white 1988 2013 2015 2010 2001 2011 2011 1998 2005 2015 1986 2010 2008 1977 2002 1999 2000 2015 2010 1987 1987 1987 2010 2005 1995 2005 2003 2003 Reg. or Species R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 139 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Tom's Dream Tongue Twister Tonto Too Darn Hot Toots Top Banana Top Brass Top Dog Top Hat and Tails Top Number Topaz Topaz Tiara Topo Gigio Topsy-turvy Torchlight Torchy Tornado Glenn * Tortifrons (Synonym: Kogarashi Tortilla Chip Tossed Salad Tot Tot Total Justice Totally Awe Sum Totally Wacky Toto Touch of Class Touch of Green Touch the Sky Touchdown Touche Tough Hombre Toutatis Tower of London Towering Inferno Remembered Toy Soldier Tracy's Emerald Cup Trade Wind Trafalgar Square Trail of Tears Trailblazer Trail's End SectionClass IV-7 IV-1 IV-4b III-3 II-5b II-6a II-3 II-3 I-7 II-1 IV-2 IV-6a III-7 II-7 IV-4b IV-4b IV-7 IV-1 III-3 I-1 V-1 II-6 III-7 II-1 III-4b IV-6a III-1 II-5b IV-1 III-7 IV-7 III-3 III-3 II-7 IV-4b II-3 III-7 IV-1 III-7 III-4b I-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 4 streaked and mottled medium green, pale yellow, and 6 2.5 dark green 4 2 dark green 9 7 pale yellow 9.5 6.75 dark green 8 8 pale yellow 13 7 brassy golden yellow 10 8 pale yellow 13.5 13 blue green streaked with medium green, light green, 10 8 gray green 6 4.5 intensely blue-green 4 3.5 yellow to greenish yellow 8.5 4.5 dark green with golden yellow streaks 9.5 9.25 dark green streaked 5.5 4.5 dark green 4.5 2 dark green 7 3 streaked with greenish-white and greenish yellow * 4.125 1.5 dark green 9 6.5 yellow 11.75 10.5 medium to dark green 1.5 0.75 blue 11 7 white 7 5 light green sometimes all white 14 6 medium green 6 5 medium green 5.5 4.5 yellow 7 7 dark green 10.75 9.25 dark green 5 4 medium green 10 4 medium green streaked creamy white 5.5 4.5 medium green, with unstable streaks of dark green, 7 5 greenish-yellow with bluish tint 8 5 creamy yellow 10.75 9.25 slightly blue-green streaked with light green, greenish4 3 medium blue-green 9 8 dark green 8.5 6.5 dark green streaked with white 4.75 2.75 dark green 9 5.5 green streaked with yellow 8 6 dark green 13 13.5 blue green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white greenish yellow dark green medium green white creamy white mottled lighter green with a flat dark green variable with light green greenish-yellow with 0.5 inch 91.3 creamy white intensely blue-green greenish yellow creamy white greenish yellow creamy white Year Reg. 2003 2008 2002 2009 1998 1983 2013 2009 2005 1971 2004 1998 2009 2000 1990 1995 2006 2002 2002 2009 1978 2014 2003 2002 2009 1999 2015 2001 2009 2005 2003 2004 2009 2001 2000 1997 1994 2005 1999 1999 1978 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 140 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Tranquility Transformer Treasure Treasure Island Tremont Afterglow Triangulation Trifecta Trill Triple Ripple Trisha's Sunny Paradise Tristesse Triumph Trixi Tropic Sunset Tropic Thunder Tropical Dancer Tropical Storm Tropicana True Blue True Heart True Love Tsuma Tjima tsushimensis Tucker Blues * Tucker Charm Tucker Friendly Folk Tucker Irish Heart Tucker Pucker Tucker Tigers SectionClass III-5b I-6a II-3 IV-1 IV-3 IV-4b IV-6a II-1 II-5b V-3 II-1 III-4b V-4b IV-6a III-3 III-4b IV-5b II-4b II-2 II-2 III-2 IV-7 II-2 IV-1 I-1 IV-1 II-2 II-1 Tucker Tiny Tot V-1 Tucker Top Cat Tucker Valentine Tucker Wave Tucker Welcome Tuff Howard Tunisian Dream Tupelo Honey IV-6b II-1 V-5b I-1 III-1 II-2 II-3 Tucker Tommy Little I-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 7 5 medium blue-green 15 11 creamy white 10 9 chartreuse 5 3 medium green 6 3.5 greenish yellow 4.75 3.5 medium green 5 4 creamy white, streaked with greenish yellow 11.5 6.13 medium green 9.75 7.75 blue-green 3.5 1.5 golden yellow 11.8 7.3 light green 8 6.5 medium green 3 1 medium green 6 4 golden yellow 8.5 7 greenish yellow 8.8 5.9 medium green 6 4 medium green 9.125 7.125 pale green 12 9 blue 10 10 medium blue-green 12 5 intensely blue 6.25 4.25 streaked with medium green, yellow, and greenish green 10 11 very blue * note corrected sizes 5 4.5 dark green 14 10.5 dark green 4 3 dark green 10 9.5 medium blue-green 12.5 9.5 16 11 2 6.25 10 4 13 7.25 12 13 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium gold to deep gold dark green creamy white medium green greenish yellow pure white creamy white dark green creamy white golden yellow creamy white light green 1 dark green 4.5 8.5 1 11 5.5 9 8 dark green green dark green dark green dark green blue-green yellow dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 1995 2009 1981 1998 2013 2012 2008 2009 2005 2012 2010 2002 2006 2012 2012 2008 2007 2010 1978 2013 1979 2010 1991 1993 1991 1993 1993 Reg. or Species R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. 1995 R. 1993 1991 1995 1991 2010 2005 2011 R. R. R. R. R. R. R 1993 medium green light green 1991 R. R. 141 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Turbo Blue Turbulent Seas * Turnabout Turner Junction Turtle Dove Tutti-frutti Tutu Tuxedo Tweeny SectionClass II-7 II-1 IV-5b I-2 V-2 III-6a II-1 III-6a V-1 Twilight Twilight Time Twilight Zone Twinkle Toes Twirlatini Twist and Shout II-5b III-2 IV-7 IV-3 IV-2 I-2 10 8 8 6 4.75 12 Twist of Fate Twist of Lime III-2 V-6a 9 3 Twizzler Two if by Sea Two Step Tyler John IV-2 III-6a III-5b III-7 Typhoon Variety Tweety Bird Twist of Dwarf Twisted Sister Tyler's Treasure Tyre Ugly Duckling Uguis Uju Ulee's Gold * Ultramarine Ultraviolet Light Ulysses S. Grant Unbridled Passion IV-3 V-6a II-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 9.5 9 dark blue-green with unstable streaks of varying shades 10 10 medium green * note corrected sizes 6 1.5 medium green 13 10.5 blue-green 2 1.25 blue green 7.25 6.25 creamy white 11.5 8.5 medium green 9 5.5 creamy white 1.5 0.75 medium green 4 3 8.5 2.5 7.5 4 3.5 1 3 13 6 1 8.5 II-5b 9.5 1.8 4 3.5 5.3 II-5b 10 7 5 9.25 9.5 5 7 9 8 13.5 9.5 dark green blue-green medium green streaked chartreuse medium blue-green blue green 1.375 white 9 8 9 10 IV-7 III-4a III-3 IV-5b III-3 III-2 III-3 I-2 II-4b medium gold 8 2 5 4.5 3 5 6 5 11.25 7 blue green dark yellow blue-green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin golden yellow light green streaked dark green medium gold medium green dark green dark blue-green pure white bright green streaked blue, green & yellow medium green yellow dark green yellow medium green pale yellow streaked white and green greenish yellow yellow dark green golden yellow * note corrected sizes intensely blue-green yellow blue green light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2004 1999 2001 2003 2000 2000 2009 2010 1989 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. 1997 2004 1999 1973 2010 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R. 2000 1991 R. R. 2015 2012 1987 2015 R. R. R. R. 2010 R. 1997 2010 2009 1999 2005 1999 2009 yellow 2011 2006 2003 1989 2001 creamy white with occasional celedon 2004 creamy white R. R. R R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. 142 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Unchained Melody SectionClass I-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 14 11.5 medium green Uncle Albert Uncle Hirsch Uncle John Undertow Unducosa Undulata Undulata Albomarginata undulata Erromena Undulata Univittata Unexpected Company Unexpected Pleasure I-1 IV-5b IV-2 IV-1 III-1 IV-6a III-4b III-1 IV-6a III-6b III-4b 14 5 4 7 8.5 6 7.5 8.25 5.5 6 9.5 9 1.75 3.5 2.5 6.25 4 4.75 4.5 3.75 5 4.5 light green medium blue-green intensely blue-green medium green medium green creamy white dark green medium green white greenish yellow medium green Unforgettable Unique Uniquely Go Big or Go Home Uniquely Rails to Trails Unruly Child Unruly Troll Unsinkable Molly Brown Upbeat Uppa Echelon Upper Crust Uptown Girl Urajiro Amagi Iwa III-5b II-1 I-2 I-2 III-1 II-2 I-6b II-1 III-2 III-6a III-1 II-1 8.5 11.5 15.5 16 8 10 16.5 13.75 9 8 9 11 7.25 8.75 14.5 15 4 8 13.5 7 7 4.5 6 7 dark green green medium blue-green medium blue-green dark green medium blue-green dark green medium green intensely blue-green greenish yellow medium green dark green Urban Cowboy Urchin Uzu-no-mai Va Va Voom Valencia Valentine Lace Valerie's Vanity Valley’s Dancing Lady Valley’s Dancing Water Valley’s Iron Lady Valley’s Petticoat Valley’s Red Raider III-7 IV-1 V-1 IV-6a IV-4b IV-1 IV-1 III-2 IV-1 IV-2 IV-2 IV-2 7 5 2.5 3 4 6 6.25 7.9 4.7 6.3 5.9 3.9 5.75 1.25 1.5 3 3 4.5 4 5.5 2.4 4.7 4.7 1.8 medium green with yellow and white streaks medium green medium green yellow streaked blue green medium green dark green slightly blue-green medium green slightly blue-green medium blue-green medium blue-green Unexpected Song Urajiro Izu Iwa I-1 III-1 15 6.5 11 5.5 dark green 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin greenish yellow yellow dark green creamy white dark green dark green creamy white golden yellow light green dark green dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2008 2008 2000 2012 1986 2001 1987 1987 1987 2005 2000 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1999 1991 2014 2014 2012 2014 2013 2000 2013 2004 2007 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R 2009 2013 2009 2004 1995 1970 1991 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 R R. R R. R. R. R. R R R R R 2000 2000 2009 dark green creamy white R. R. R 143 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Valley’s Sand Dance Valley’s Tonkatsu Valley’s Toss the Boss Valley’s Wave Ripple Valley’s White Beach Valley’s White Suit Valley's Blue Buggle Valley's Big Freeze Valley's Blind River Valley's Blue Print Valley's Blue Rider Valley's Bossanova Valley's Bull's Eye Valley's Cathedral Valley's Chute-the-Chute Valley's Cover Lady Valley's Crazy Diamonds Valley's Curly Wurly Valley's Dandy Valley's Dolce Vita Valley's First Bite Valley's Glacier Valley's Goldstriker Valley's Hot Legs * Valley's Ice Giant Valley's Lemon Ice Valley's Lemon Limbo Valley's Love Birds Valley's Love Buzz Valley's Love Cats Valley's Lucky Gambler Valley's Magnum Valley's Paparazzi Valley's Pavlova Valley's Poker Face * Valley's Ratatouille Valley's Red Scorpion SectionClass IV-2 IV-1 IV-1 III-1 III-1 III-2 IV-2 I-2 III-1 III-2 III-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 3.9 1.8 medium blue-green 7.9 3.5 medium green 5.9 3.5 dark green 7.9 4.7 medium green 11.8 4.7 medium green 6.3 5.1 slightly blue-green 4.7 1.8 medium blue-green 21.3 13.8 intensely blue-green 9.8 5.9 dark green 8.3 4.3 intensely blue-green 6.7 5.9 10.6 11.4 11.8 4.3 7.9 7.1 5.9 7.9 1.6 3.5 dark green dark green dark green golden yellow dark green II-2 III-1 I-7 11.4 7.9 13.8 8.3 4.8 9.9 medium blue-green medium green streaked blue, green, yellow & white III-5b II-3 IV-1 I-2 IV-3 II-3 IV-3 I-2 I-7 III-3 I-2 III-2 IV-3 III-1 III-7 III-1 7.1 9.9 4 15.8 5.9 9 5.9 12.3 15 9.5 18.5 9 7.9 8 7.9 9 5.1 4 4 10.6 4.3 5.5 3.1 10.6 9 4 11.4 5.1 3 8 6.8 7.1 intensely blue-green golden yellow light green * note corrected sizes intensely blue-green golden yellow golden yellow yellow medium blue-green streaked yellow, green & blue golden yellow intensely blue-green intensely blue-green yellow light green * note corrected sizes streaked blue & white medium green II-1 4.8 11 4.4 7.9 Leaf Color Margin medium blue-green II-1 II-1 II-1 IV-3 IV-4b IV-7 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST streaked green, yellow & white light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Year Reg. 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2015 2010 2010 Reg. or Species R R R R R R R. R. R. R. 2015 2015 2008 2008 2015 R. R. R. R. R. 2015 2015 2015 R. R. R. 2008 2015 2010 2015 2008 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2010 2015 2015 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 2010 white yellow 2015 2015 R. R. R. 144 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Valley's Roadrunner Valley's Secret Cove Valley's Shipwreck's Cove Valley's Small Change Valley's Space Cowboy Valley's Sushi Valley's Vanilla Sticks Valley's Witness Valor Van Wade Van Wade Blue Vanguard Vanilla Chip Vanilla Cream Velvet Bows Velvet Glove Velvet Moon Velvet Shadows Venessa Venetian Blue Venetian Dream Venetian Star ventricosa ventricosa 'Aureomaculata' ventricosa 'Aureomarginata' Venucosa Venus venusta Vera Verde Verkade's One Verkade's Two Verna Jean Veronica Lake Versailles Blue Vicki Aden Victoria Falls Victory Viette's Yellow Edge Vilmoriniana SectionClass IV-2 V-6a II-1 V-1 III-2 III-4b IV-2 III-1 I-1 IV-5b II-2 I-3 IV-4b V-3 V-1 III-4b III-5b III-6b V-1 IV-2 III-2 III-2 III-1 II-8 II-4b III-1 II-1 V-1 IV-4B IV-1 IV-2 IV-4b IV-4b I-2 III-7 I-2 I-5b III-5b IV-1 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 6.3 2.8 medium blue-green 2.4 1.2 white 11.8 1 7.5 8.3 4.3 7.1 14 5.5 10.625 18 3.5 2 3 9 8.5 9 3 6 7.5 8 9 9 12 7 10.5 2 7 3.25 4 4.24 4 13 9 16 14 8.5 5 6.3 .6 5.1 3.9 2.8 4.8 9 3.5 9.125 14 2 1.5 1.75 7 7 5.5 1.75 3 5.5 6 7 7.5 8 5 7.5 1.5 1.25 3 3 2.5 3 10.5 6 13 10 6 3.5 light green medium green intensely blue-green medium blue-green intensely blue dark green medium green dark green intensely blue-green greenish yellow medium green light lemon green light green medium green dark green intensely blue-green medium green medium blue-green intensely blue-green intensely blue-green multi dark emerald green medium green medium green dark green medium green slightly blue-green light lime green slightly blue-green medium blue-green blue green streaked medium blue-green medium green dark green light green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin green white creamy yellow creamy white greenish white golden yellow medium green dark green yellow creamy white ivory creamy white creamy yellow yellow Year Reg. 2010 2008 Reg. or Species R. R. 2008 2015 2008 2008 2015 2014 1990 2003 2003 2011 1986 2010 2013 2003 2011 1999 2003 2009 2009 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R S. R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. 2010 1987 1986 1986 1993 1990 2000 2000 1990 1993 2000 1980 2009 2003 1986 1999 R. 145 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety SectionClass Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width Vina Violetta Virginia Reel Virgo Viridian Viva Las Vegas Vivacious Vivian Vivid Voila Volleyball Fame Voluptuous Valerie Vortex Vulcan Vuvuzela Wagner's Petite Wagon Wheels Wagtail Wahoo Walden Green Wallstreet Classic Waltzing Matilda Waning Moon War Bonnet War Paint War Party War Path Warwick Ballerina Warwick Choice Warwick Comet Warwick Cup Warwick Curtsey Warwick Delight Warwick Edge V-3 III-1 IV-5b IV-4b III-1 I-6a III-7 III-4b I-7 III-3 II-7 II-1 III-7 6a III-6a IV-4b 6a V-1 III-5b IV-2 IV-7 V-1 IV-5b IV-5b II-3 IV-6a I-6a II-2 IV-1 II-1 II-4b III-6a III-2 IV-5b IV-6a IV-4b 2.9 6 4.25 6 8 12 7.5 7.25 13.25 8 11 9.5 8 8 4.5 1 7 4 5 2.5 4.5 4.25 10 4 15 14 4.5 9.75 10 6 7 5 5.5 4 3 7.75 1.75 3 6 10 5 4.75 9.5 6 8 9 6 7 2 0.5 6 3 4 1.25 4 3 7 3 9 7 3 7.5 8 6 6 4.13 3.38 3.25 greenish-yellow dark green dark green light green medium green white medium green with creamy yellow to white streaked dark green medium green streaked with dark green, blue-green, pale yellow medium green, streaked medium green and white dark green white with green speckling white golden yellow dark green grey green blue blue green streaked dark green green streaked slightly blue-green golden yellow yellow & light green golden yellow intensely blue-green (Registrant notes that size should III-4b or IIIIV-3 II-1 9.25 4 12 3.63 2 8 dark green greenish yellow * note corrected sizes light green Vim and Vigor Warwick Essence Warwick Sheen Wasabi * Wassup I-1 I-2 19 12 13 10 dark green green medium green pure white medium blue-green green creamy white medium blue-green medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Year Reg. Reg. or Species 2006 2006 2014 2011 2009 2004 2010 1993 2005 2012 2009 2009 2010 2007 2010 1985 1971 1988 1976 1999 2000 2012 1999 2013 2005 2000 2005 2009 1993 1999 1993 2009 2009 1993 R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R R. creamy white often streaking into the 2009 2006 2000 R R. R. Leaf Color Margin pale yellow white dark green pure white dark green dark green light green chartreuse creamy yellow golden yellow dark green medium green pure white dark green golden yellow dark green often streaking into the pure white 2000 1993 R. R. 146 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Watercolours Waterford Watermark Waterworks Wave Runner Waving Winds Waving Wuffles Wayne Wayside Blue Website Wedding Band Wedding Belle Blues Wedding Night Weihenstephan Well Shaked Weser West Point Hanky Wet Crocodile What's up Doc Wheaton Blue Whimsey Whipped Cream Whippersnapper Whirlaway Whirligig Whirling Dervish Whirlwind Whirlwind Flame Whirlwind Romance Whirlybird Whiskey Sour White Bikini White Butterflies White Ceiling * White Charger SectionClass I-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 18.1 15 I-2 III-5A IV-7 II-5a IV-5b III-1 IV-5b II-2 II-1 V-5b IV-7 IV-7 IV-1 IV-7 IV-1 V-1 II-1 V-5b II-2 II-3 IV-6a 14 7.1 5 12 6.5 8 6 10 9 2.5 6 5 5.875 5.9 5.25 2.5 8 3 10 9.75 6 10 5.9 2 9 3.5 4 4.5 7.25 8 1.5 4.8 3.5 2.75 4.9 2.378 1.75 8 2 7 7.5 2.75 IV-6a IV-6a III-4b IV-8 (variable) IV-6a III-6a 4.7 6.5 9 3.1 4.5 7 V-4b III-2 IV-3 III-6a IV-2 IV-1 II-1 2.63 4.5 6 7 6.75 6 9 6.25 6 10 1.19 Year Reg. Reg. or Species green 1983 2005 2003 2007 1991 1995 1999 1989 1999 2009 2015 2011 2003 2009 2003 2010 2012 2014 1999 2000 1988 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. pure white creamy white to chartreuse to medium green dark green dark green dark green creamy white 2004 2009 2003 R. R R. pure white creamy white dark green dark green 2014 2009 R. R 2002 2002 2011 2006 1986 R. R. R R. R. mottled green and golden yellow slightly blue greenish yellow medium green with unstable streaks of light green and greenish yellow dark green medium green medium green green light green green streaked blue-green, green & yellow heavily streaked, green yellow white dark green medium green streaked greenish yellow and creamy dark green medium green dark green dark green medium blue-green golden yellow white medium green 2 multi 4.75 blue 4 6 3.5 5.5 4.3125 4 7.5 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST yellow clean white medium blue-green dark green dark green * note corrected sizes Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] Leaf Color Margin yellow with a darker green band yellow creamy white greenish yellow yellow creamy white pale yellow creamy white dark green dark green 2000 1994 1989 2010 R. R. R. R. 147 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety White Christmas SectionClass IV-6a Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8.5 2.75 creamy white White Colossus White Dove White Edger White Elephant White Feather White Heron White Hot White Knight White Lightning White Line fever White Linen * White Magic White Mule White Necklace White On White Princess White Ray White Shoulders White Surprise II-6a V-4b II-1 III-6a IV-8 III-1 IV-5a III-1 IV-4a IV-6a IV-4b III-6a IV-1 III-4b II-4b IV-1 IV-6a II-4b IV-7 10 3 10.5 9.5 6 11 3.5 8.625 5 6 6 6 4.5 10.5 11 4.63 8 10 8 8 1.25 6.25 6 2 4 3 5.125 3.25 4 3 5 1.5 5 7 2.5 3 7 3.5 yellow and white medium green medium green white creamy white dark green creamy white medium to light green light green white medium green * note corrected sizes white medium green dark green green medium green moss green green streaked White Trumpets White Vision White Wall Tire White Wedding Whitewater Whizzer Who Dat Whoopee Whopper Whybblue Wide Brim Wiggle Worms Wild Bill Wild Blue Yonder Wild Card Wild Thing Wild World of Sportsman IV-1 II-3 III-7 V-4b IV-7 III-1 II-7 III-7 I-7 III-2 II-5b I-5b II-7 I-5b III-4b III-1 IV-7 5.5 10 11 4.75 6 7.5 10 9 12.25 9.5 20 10 10 16 8 8.5 4 2 8 5 1.25 1 4.5 8 7 10.75 4.5 4.5 20 7.5 10.25 4 4 2.5 light green golden cream creamy white medium to dark green white with green speckling medium green whitish yellow base color with green between the veins yellow streak dark green light blue-green green green dark green with golden yellow and lighter green blue-green medium green medium green dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades White Swan V-6a 3 1.25 pure white Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin Year Reg. medium green 1999 medium green 1995 dark green pure white Reg. or Species R. 1978 1995 2010 medium green, lighter green between 2007 2005 2001 pale yellow 1998 2004 pure white 1994 dark green to medium blue-green 2013 creamy white 2008 green and gold 1978 1998 pure white 1999 irregular white 2009 2009 1974 near white 1988 dark green 1995 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R. 1983 1978 1995 2012 2002 2010 2010 1980 2002 2013 1979 2009 2009 2001 2012 2009 2004 R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R R. R. R R. white white greenish yellow white creamy yellow to white margin greenish yellow creamy white R. 148 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Wildfire Will of Fortune Willamette William Bedard William Henry Harrison William Lachman Willy Nilly Wilson Wilson Lake Wily Willy Winchester Wind River Gold Winfield Blue Winfield Gold Winfield Mist Wings of a Prayer Wings of Angels Wings of Faith Winners Circle Winning Colors Winning Edge Winsome Winter Frost Winter Snow Winter Warrior Wintergreen Winter's Edge Wishing Well Witches Brew Witching Hour Witten Lodge Wizard's Turban Wogon Wolcott Wolverine Wonder Woman Wonderful Wonderful Life Wonderland Wood Monster Wooden Nickel SectionClass III-3 II-1 III-1 V-4b II-3 III-7 II-1 IV-4b II-2 IV-1 I-3 I-3 III-2 IV-3 IV-8 (?) III-4b I-2 I-1 IV-4b III-6a III-4b IV-4b III-2 I-4a III-4b III-4b IV-5b II-2 II-2 II-4b II-2 V-6a IV-3 II-8 III-5b IV-7 V-3 IV-7 IV-4b I-1 II-5b Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 5.75 golden yellow 12 8 medium blue-green 8 5.75 light green 3.5 1.25 dark green 12.25 7.5 greenish yellow 5 6.25 blue green streaked 11 8.25 gray green 7 4 medium blue-green 11.5 9.5 medium blue-green 5 2 dark green 13 11 yellow 8 21 bright golden yellow 7 5 intensely blue-green 6.875 4.125 yellow gold 5 3.75 misted blue-green and white 8.5 4 dark green 12 14 medium blue-green 16 9 medium green 5 4 medium green 8 6 golden yellow to light chartreuse 7.25 6 blue green 3.5 2.5 medium green 8.5 6 intensely blue-green 20 15 greenish yellow 8 6 dark green 6.5 5.5 medium green 6 4 light green 11 9 intensely blue-green 12 9 vivid green 10 8 medium green 12 9 slightly blue-green 3.25 1.25 creamy white 6.25 3 bright yellow 10 8 variegated 10.25 5.5 slightly blue-green streaked medium green and cream 3 2 2.5 1 yellow 5.1 3 intensely blue-green with golden yellow streaks 4.5 3 medium green 14 12 medium green 9 8 dark green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white blue-green pure white creamy white with streaking to the medium green yellow creamy white white creamy white creamy white greenish yellow creamy white light green yellow gold creamy white with some streaks greenish yellow Year Reg. 1999 2003 2003 2004 2010 1981 1996 2009 2010 1998 2013 2009 1999 2002 2003 2009 2006 1999 2004 2012 1988 1996 2013 2003 2005 1994 2007 2011 1981 2012 2015 1996 1986 1982 1995 2013 2005 2015 2005 2011 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. 149 of 152 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Woodland Blue Woodland Elf Woodland Green Woodland Lime Woolly Mammoth Work of Art World Class World Cup * Worldly Treasure Wrede, White and Blue Wright Falling Water Wrinkles and Crinkles Wylde Green Cream X Factor Xanadu Xanadu Paisley Xela Xerxes Xmas X-rated X-ray Xtraordinary Yaburitsugi Yang Yankee Blue Yarden Yellow Snow Yellow Bird Yellow Blade Yellow Boa Yellow Brick Road Yellow Comet Yellow Emperor Yellow Eyes Yellow Fever Yellow Flame Yellow Flash Yellow Highness Yellow Jacket Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Yellow Prize Yellow Ribbons Includes all hostas registered through 2015 SectionLeaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Class Length Width II-2 12 9.5 intensely blue-green V-4b 1.5 1 light green III-1 7 5 dull medium green II-1 10.5 9 pale whitish lime II-5b 12 9 blue-green IV-6a 4.5 3 creamy white III-2 7 5 medium blue-green III-3 9 6 golden yellow * note correctedd sizes III-1 6 6 dark green IV-2 6 4.5 slightly blue-green II-3 12 8 yellow III-1 9.5 5.75 green IV-6a 4 3.5 yellow gold II-2 11 9 slightly blue-green IV-6a 4 3 creamy white III-7 8.25 7.5 light green splashed III-5b (6b) 8 6.5 medium green V-7 3 1.25 dark green with unstable white streaks III-4b 8 6.5 green V-6a 5 0.62 pure white IV-6a 7 1 greenish white III-1 8 6 dark green III-1 8 4.5 dark green III-6a 9 4.5 golden yellow III-2 10 6 medium blue-green IV-3 4.5 1.5 yellow III-3 9 7 light yellow IV-3 6 2.5 golden yellow IV-3 10 1.5 bright yellow V-1 2.5 1.5 yellow to medium green IV-3 5.5 3.5 golden yellow II-3 12 8 light yellow V-3 2.5 1 yellow gold IV-3 5 4 golden yellow II-6a 10 7 yellow II-8 10.25 8.25 light green II-3 12 7 pale yellow green IV-4a 4 1.5 light green IV-6b 5 2.5 medium green IV-4a 5 3 streaked yellow, green and white IV-3 5 1.75 yellow Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white medium gold dark green medium green slightly blue-green greenish yellow creamy white medium green; stable variegated medium green blue-green green yellow creamy white light green white Year Reg. 1993 2005 1990 2013 2003 2002 2009 2006 2005 2005 2008 1985 1996 2013 2000 2000 2003 2002 2000 2001 2000 2010 2009 2002 1999 2008 1991 2009 1991 2014 2008 1987 1999 2009 1999 1997 1990 1998 2005 2008 1999 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 150 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Yellow River Yellow Splash Yellow Splash Rim Yellow Submarine Yellow Surprise Yellow Waves Yellowtail Yes, Sir! Yesterday's Memories Yikes Stripes Yikes! More Stripes * Yin yingeri Yojimbo Yorick Yosemite Valley Yoshie You Lie You Light Up My Life You're So Vein You're Welcome Yucca Ducka Do Yukon Gold Yuma Za Za Zoom Zackary Taylor Zager Blue Zager Giant Puckered Zager Green Zager Green Rim Zager's Pride Zager's Tokudama Zager's White Edge Zany Janie Zebra Stripes Zebson Zeppelin Zest of Lemon Zeus' Fury Zimmerman Thunder Zipper SectionClass I-5b IV-7 IV-5b IV-3 IV-8 IV-3 III-6b III-1 II-6b IV-8 I-7 III-4b IV-1 I-1 IV-4b I-3 III-1 III-1 II-4b IV-1 II-2 IV-4b III-3 II-2 II-3 II-3 III-2 III-2 III-1 IV-8 II-5b II-1 IV-4b II-7 IV-7 I-5a III-2 III-1 III-7 IV-1 V-2 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 13 10 medium green 6 2 green gold splashed 7.5 3.75 green 4 1.5 chartreuse to golden yellow 5.5 3 olive green 4.5 2.5 light yellow 7.5 5.5 golden yellow 10.5 5.5 medium green 11 8 greenish-yellow 7 3.75 medium blue-green with white veins 13.5 11.75 dark green with unstable streaks of varying shades of 7 5 blue-green 5.5 3 17 13 medium green 7 4 dark green with grey-green 15 10 yellow 8 4.75 green 8.5 5.5 dark green 10.25 7.75 dark green 3 2.5 dark green 11 9 slightly blue-green 7.5 2 medium green 9 7 golden yellow 8.5 8.5 medium blue-green 11 7 lime to deep yellow 8.5 8.25 yellow-gold 9.5 5.75 blue green 9 7 green 8.5 6 green 7 4 grassy green 9.5 7 blue gray 8.75 9.5 dark green 7.5 3.75 deep forest green 13 6.5 streaked 6 3.5 pure white mottled with green speckles and veins 12 11 greenish yellow 9 6.5 medium blue-green 8.5 5.3 light green 9 7 dark green with unstable streaks of medium green, 6 3.5 dark green 4.25 0.75 medium blue-green Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin medium yellow marbled creamy white blue-green dark green (*Note corrected name.) creamy white creamy white with green undertones creamy white creamy white dark green chartreuse near white medium green golden yellow Year Reg. 1993 1976 1986 2009 1983 1978 2005 2009 2005 2007 2004 2002 2003 2005 2010 2010 2009 2003 2012 2011 2000 2015 2007 2003 2001 1987 1989 1987 1987 1987 2003 1980 2009 2005 1998 2009 2015 2002 2008 2004 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R R. R. R. R R. R. R. R. S. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R R. R. R R. R. R. R. 151 of 152 Includes all hostas registered through 2015 AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY Variety Zippity Do Dah Zippy Zepps Zitronenfalter Zodiac Zoe's Zesty Zephyr Zounds Zowie Zuzu's Petals Zydeco Zypunic Finale ZZZZ, a Sleeping Beauty SectionClass III-4b III-7 IV-8 III-4a IV-7 I-3 IV-4a IV-5a II-5b IV-4b II-7 Leaf Leaf Leaf Color Center Length Width 8 4.5 medium green 7.5 5 medium blue-green with unstable streaks of golden 6.5 4.5 light green 7.5 5.88 greenish yellow 6.25 2.5 light green with white and very light green streaking 12 10 chartreuse gold 4.5 3 golden yellow 6 4.5 light green 9.75 7.25 dark blue-green 7 1 dark green 11.25 9.5 medium green with unstable streaks of blue-green, 2016 CLASSIFICATION LIST Leaf Color Margin creamy white creamy white variable dark green pure white yellow yellow white* Year Reg. 2000 2003 2003 2000 2011 1978 2000 1999 2003 2013 2002 Reg. or Species R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. R. *=corrected Please send suggested corrections to: [email protected] 152 of 152
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