2016 NBHA Annual Meeting Minutes - NBHA


2016 NBHA Annual Meeting Minutes - NBHA
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
2016 NBHA National Board Meeting
Nashville, TN – July 30, 2016
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Call to Order - Roll Call – Called to order at approx. 8:05 am
Seating of New Directors
2014-2015 National Meeting Minutes
Review and Acceptance:
sent 7/4/16 electronically to Board & State Directors
President Report
State of the Association Address
Treasurer Report
Treasurer Summary
2015-2016 P&L Statement
1st Vice President Report
2nd Vice President Report
3rd Vice President
Secretary Report
Futurity Report
Profit/Loss, Bank Statement & Futurity Update
Election of Officers
Championship/Classic Trial Nomination & Assignment
Business – Old and New
Some sent electronically
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Marty Robinson
Present X
1st VP
Ray Brown
Present X
2nd VP
Tim Penn
Present X
3rd VP
Chris Gebhardt
Present X
Greg Blair
Present X
Ken Sauer
Present X
Futurity Director
Kevin Western
Ken Tolbert
Present X
Glen Cumbie
Present □
Proxy □ NO VOTE
Jim Bush
Present □
Proxy □ NO VOTE
Dr. Stanley McCain
Present X
Georgie Casey
Present X
Brent Hoehns
Present X
Jim Duncan
Present X
Chris Gebhardt
North Carolina:
Dr. George Najor
Shane Bevel
Robert Ecker Jr.
Rhode Island:
South Carolina:
Scott Turner
Steve Schiber
Proxy Rcvd 7/19/16 – K. Sauer
Tom Waite
Proxy Rcvd 7/11/16 – G. Blair
Proxy Rcvd 7/7/16 – T. Penn
Present X
Proxy Rcvd 7/2/16 – S. Turner
Present X
Proxy Rcvd 7/2/16 – S. Turner
Present X
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
On July 4, 2016 the 2014-2015 National meeting minutes where distributed electronically
to all National Officers and State Directors.
A limited number of hard copies are onsite for review.
Marty Robinson made a motion to accept. Chris Gebhardt seconded and it passed unanimously
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Marty Robinson
Welcome to Nashville and welcome to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the National Bird Hunters Association. As the
sport of field trialing and the various organizations within the sport try diligently to grow and attract participants, we
have had a very successful year. We ran 1584 dogs in our trials this year and while that’s 94% of the previous year we
have had some states become either active or more active again. Oklahoma and Wisconsin really stepped things up while
Alabama, Georgia, Missouri and South Carolina continued to be very solid producers. We also had trials in Iowa,
Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Texas. I would like to urge everyone to continue to be Ambassadors for our
organization and continue to invite anyone with interest to give the NBHA a try. We continue to be the “Shining Star” of
walking organizations and we continue to run the best birddogs while maintaining a level of fairness and integrity second
to none. I want to personally thank everyone who hosted, participated in or attended any NBHA event this past year. It
takes everyone to make the organization successful. I also want to thank our wonderful sponsors who are always so
generous and who, because of their support allow us to remain. This great sponsors are Purina, Garmin, Gun Dog Supple
and Christie Enterprises. We “Salute” you! I also want to say a special word of thanks to all the National Officers, State
Directors and Local Club Officials. Everyone knows that without the efforts and contributions of this group of few
dedicated groups and people, field trials would not be possible. I am pleased to announce that the NBHA is now covered
under an insurance policy. Much hard work has been done by Ken Sauer to work through all the details and fine print to
make this a reality. Ken will share details of the policy along with directions for each club to take in order to take
advantage of the coverage.
Some really big news – and what I believe to be the 1st time in history of field trialing – A walking National
Championship will be held at Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, TN. I think a dream of almost everyone who has ever
run a birddog in a field trial is to run their dog on such famed and historic grounds. When this idea was raised there was
much excitement from everyone regarding this becoming a possibility for us and it has become such an opportunity. We
are scheduled to run our National Walking Shooting Dog Championship at Ames in the spring of 2017. This endeavor will
take an incredible effort from as many volunteers as we can accumulate. We will host a trial that is “World Class” and a
trial we can all be proud of. There will be geographical and logistical challenges that we will have to overcome. At this
point I don’t know if this could come a perpetual location for us or not or if this will be one of those “Once in a Lifetime”
opportunities. I hope everyone is excited about the opportunity of walking one of their dogs over Ames as I am. Ames is
likely considered to be the most “Hallow’ of grounds within the field trial sport. I am happy to answer any questions any
one might have related to us running at Ames so please feel free to ask.
In closing the report for this year, I want to ask everyone to please participate in the meeting and get and all
ideas on the table. It has been my desire during my time as President to strengthen the organization throughout. To
encourage each club and each state to really become as big a part of the organization as they will. It will be a sad day for
me should the organization ever become controlled by a “ruling class” and not controlled by each and every person who
has attached themselves to the organization and who faithfully rides for the NBHA brand. I as that everyone put the
organization ahead of personal agendas because the future of our sport and the future of the NBHA depend on our ability
to do just that. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I hope it’s been earned. I am always accessible
should you ever need anything of me.
Ken Sauer made a motion to accept. Ken Tolbert seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Ken Sauer
First of all I want to thank all the Nat’l Officers for stepping up and making this Organization a first class operation.
There’s not one part of this effort that can be done by just one person. It’s a joint effort and each and every
member/participant really owes the Nat’l Officer’s and State Director’s a big “THANK YOU”. Our positions are completely
voluntary and there are countless hours of record keeping and leadership that goes on behind the scenes without even
one second of not knowing what needs to be done and closure on important items.
We all have to thank Marty Robinson for such great leadership. Ray Brown for working on the Nat’l Championship
Committee. Tim Penn for his countless hours of record keeping and getting the funds distributed for the Nat’l Ad ReImbursement Program distributed. Chris Gebhardt for his effort on the working through social media and the web site.
Now we can’t say enough about Greg Blair and his Secretary position. This involves a great amount of time. He’s done a
wonderful job and I personally know first-hand and do thank him.
A quick update on the 2015 Tax Return. I filed an extension. This one is pretty complicated due to the Nat’l Raffle. Many
forms and I was just not ready by April 15th (which was extended to the 18 th due to our flooding in the Harris County
area). I’m ready now to finish filling out all the forms required and it is due on August 18th, 2016 and will be completed.
On the accounting summary there are comments on some of the items. Here’s a quick summary:
• Sponsorship – We greatly need (not a crisis for now) a corporate sponsor. Purina is wonderful to us and has continually
made the commitment. I sure hope each and every one of the NBHA members support them by using their products. We
better be promoting them! WH Bass Construction needs to be thanked for the past two years of support of $5,000. Over
the past ten plus years I’ve recruited sponsorship and now that 2017 I’m retiring this ride will be over. Need to find
someone who has the resources and where with all to replace this. It’s kept the NBHA afloat during the times of rebuilding from the past. Please take the time to acknowledge them for their support.
• Fund Raising Efforts – Well the Nat’l Raffle that I truly supported, managed, and took ownership of really needed more
effort on the State’s level. In a nutshell this could have contributed ten’s of thousands of dollars. On paper we lost
$3,74.41. Some of the items (costs of goods) we coded to the raffle that were actually sold during the 2015 Summer
Meeting Raffle/Auction so my summary show the major success of the action. Maybe this could be a revenue stream but
we need to make sure we have plenty of attendee’s and plenty of donated items to make this a big success. One major
item was the two horses Fred Smith donated. Whoever handles this auction ahs to be cognoscente of items, cost, and income. Normally this auction/raffle just offsets the Summer Business Meeting expense.
• Expenses/Income – I see reoccurring costs in the neighborhood of around $5,000.00 just for business expenses &
insurance of $2,100.00. Dog taxes are only contributing around $4,000.00 annually. With these numbers we have to find
an additional $4,000.00 just to not move backwards in out bank balances.
• Sponsorship Account – Looks like these a few dollars left over and we should figure out some plan to put this money to
use. I do not support increasing the weekend re-imbursement yet but maybe the State Classic, Regional Ch. To get closer
to what the real ad costs. None of this should be considered until some sort of business plan has been reviewed.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Currently the NBHA has almost $80,000.00 in the bank accounts (Nat’l Account & NBHA Sponsorship Account pending a
check from Purina). Some of the sponsorship account is needed for 2016/2017 funding. This is a far cry from the day
when I was handed this position. Some folks may think I squeeze too much but as a businessman I have to have operating
capital. This mission was not successful by me alone. Maybe for those who surround me for believing in a common goal. I
have to thank the leadership over the past (seems like decades) years.
Now in closing this year I will not be seeking re-election. Ray Brown has showed interest in this position and I support his
nomination. I will be attending trials for a change and not hosting them. That is if we decide that they would like my
involvement with the 2017 Nat’l Championship. I will not go into this alone. Melissa & I are worn out. She’s at the point
where she’s going to quit helping unless we both get some help. What I can say is that I would run the Nat’l Ch. as a
business venture and have specific tasks for everyone. We’ll have to see about this when those who volunteer step up to
the plate. I’m pretty sure I can dig up one more sponsor to make this a big shin dig. I’ll have to see how many more times
I can go to the well.
My real retirement from electrical contracting in happening in 2017. With my daughter making us grandparents in
October of this year my focus is going to become more to family and travel with my wife rather than business and bird
dogs. I’m not quitting just moving my thoughts to those who really have made me who I am today.
NBHA Treasures Summary w/ Notes & Comments
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Profit and Loss Statements printed out and available for review
Ken Sauer noted that we all should look to secure a new sponsor and to possibly use the National CH at Ames
as incentive. Greg Blair made a motion to accept. Ken Tolbert seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Ray Brown
The 2015-2016 National Open Shooting Dog Championship along with the associated events was held March 2-6,
2016 at J. L. Lester WMA near Cedartown, GA. These grounds were used for many years to hold horseback stakes.
However, local NBHA club members and others have helped to enhance the grounds and facilities over the last few years
and are still continuing in that effort. This year’s trial was run by the well-honed team of Marty Robinson, Stanley McCain,
Bruce Mercer, Terry Amberson, Danny Robinson and Oscar Whitt. They had every base covered, so the trial ran smoothly
and efficiently from start to finish. Please join me in thanking them for continuing the tradition of top quality NBHA
National events! Professional handlers were well represented this year. We were fortunate to have entries from Gary
Malzone, Jerry Raynor, Tom Waite and Oscar Whitt, all competing for the coveted title of “National Champion”. Finally,
I'd like to thank the sponsors that helped to make the event a success. They include:
Gun Dog Supply
Christie Enterprises
It was recently announced that the 2016-2017 National Open will be held at the historic Ames Plantation. This is
a unique opportunity for our organization and I’m sure it will be a trial to remember. Special thanks to Marty Robinson
for being the driving force behind making this possible.
While it does meet our goal of a centralized location, it is yet to be determined if Ames can become the
permanent home for this trial in future years. Again, the balancing act of finding suitable grounds, available dates and
clubs willing to host the event has been difficult to achieve.
Thank you again for allowing me to be a part of the NBHA leadership. Please let me know if I can assist you in
any way to help the organization continue to succeed.
Ken Tolbert made a motion to accept. Stan McCain seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Tim Penn
I would like to say thanks to the clubs that work hard and put on great trials. It’s the work prior and following the
trial that makes these events a great success. Timely reporting and acknowledging the sponsors is a key in making the
NBHA better.
NBHA still has some continued improvement opportunities. Always try to include your articles and win
information to the NBHA website, as there are many followers who refer to it daily. We still have some clubs that need to
improve on reporting their trials and sending the essential data in a timely manner. There’s an old saying “a picture is
worth a thousand words”, maybe more, and I believe that’s true in capturing the attention of newcomers to the NBHA
website. So try to include a picture with your articles. Above all try and to include a picture of the sponsor’s banner.
I have been helping with the NBHA Futurity event the last eight years and have seen a very positive event that
just keeps getting better. However, there is more that the NBHA organization participants and membership can do to
support this event. For example, I occasionally view the postings on the internet of dogs for sale. When I see members
and or participants of the NBHA who are advertising their litters of puppies for sale, I wonder why they choose not to
nominate them in the NBHA Futurity. This is very puzzling to me. Remember the litter enrollment in the NBHA Futurity is
a one-time nomination fee, and it’s only $30.00 if done in the first 180 days of whelping. NBHA has a championship that
even will reward a breeder if the winner or runner-up is from an NBHA nominated litter, I know of no other Futurity
program that does this. Please encourage others to nominate their litters.
Our sponsors have provided the NBHA with financial support, actual product, and discount coupons and
certificates. This is a huge amount of revenue opportunity; providing the certificates and coupons are redeemed by all
the participants who win them. NBHA alone could offer this monetary amount that is provided by our sponsors. Thanks
again to the sponsors for this past season, Purina Pro Plan, Garmin, Christie Enterprises, and Gun Dog Supply.
Again, all of our current NBHA sponsors have agreed to continue their current sponsorship support for this next
upcoming field trial season.
September usually starts off the trial season for the NBHA. When I send the reimbursement checks and Purina
Pro Plan coupons, I always look at the American Field ad to determine how many coupons to send out. Please list all
stakes for each day to get the appropriate amount of coupons for your trial. Remember to advertise your ads early, and
always support our sponsors and promote their products as the products of choice.
Thanks and have a great field trial season!
Ray Brown made a motion to accept. Ken Sauer seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
2015-2016 3rd VICE PRESIDENT
Submitted by Chris Gebhardt
I want to thank all of the officers and state directors for placing their trust in me to assist with our on line
presence and assisting with the Futurity program. I have worked hard alongside Greg Blair in maintaining and developing
the NBHA website, our Facebook page, and our general on line presence on sites like the Field Trialer and Cover Dog
Message Board. Together we have kept the internet updated with trial information, running orders, and winners along
with the write ups and photos. It is incredibly important for the growth of our organization to keep the information
stream as current as humanly possible. The field trial community in this age demand instant gratification and information.
Greg and I have helped keep this going strong. It is imperative that all trial chairmen provide us with information as
quickly as possible before, during, and after the trials. I recommend all trial chairmen appoint a person at each trial to
send updates, photos, and results to Greg or myself during the event and/or as soon as possible after so we can provide
this information to the web. We can post these updates almost instantly for people playing along at home or on the road.
It is also very important for those of you that are comfortable on line, to post comments and updates on our posts. Greg
and I do not want to look like the only two people involved in the NBHA.
The NBHA website is still continuing growth in the number of hits per month and our Facebook page has
continued to gain followers. We had 400 follow the first year and as of today it is 2,224 viewers around the world. Our
weekly post reach is averaging 750 people and this is the slow time of the year for trial information and input. I project
these numbers to continue to grow as more people discover our sites and begin to frequent them for information. I have
also worked with the Futurity program again this year ensuring that all of our Futurity litter nominations are uploaded to
the NBHA website. All nominated litters I have received through the 32nd Futurity are current at this time. I look forward
to working with our new director on nominations and on new ideas to increase awareness of the program and hopefully
build on the success of the past.
Thanks again to you all and I look forward to another great year. Good luck with your dogs!
Ray Brown made a motion to accept. Tim Penn seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Greg Blair
First and foremost a huge thank you goes out to each and every trial chairperson who took the time (and
probably money) to put on an NBHA trial.
Dog Numbers – this year we were under last year’s numbers by 6%, with a total of 1584 dogs (2015=1681,
2014=1832, 2013=1640 and 2012=1410). My assumption is that this is due in part to weather related cancellations and
states not hosting many/any trials. States like Indiana, Kentucky, Texas and in small part North Carolina and Iowa
continue to support the NBHA but their numbers are down. On the flip side we saw good participation in new areas like
Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. If we can pick up the lost trials and ENCOURAGE these new areas, our dog numbers should
be able to get back to the 2014 mark. I have personally had calls from Michigan and Illinois individuals wanting to know
more about the NBHA and looking to the possibility of running trials. I also believe that the pre-announcement of our
2017 National CH will increase numbers. With my new position at Purina, it has allowed me to be in contact with a lot of
people as well as new venues, and there is now a buzz going on for the NBHA. I look forward to this next step.
EDFs – It is imperative that all chairpersons promptly fill out the EDFs for your trials. They must be completed
and sent to the Secretary in a timely manner. Please make SURE they are filled out so we can READ them. This year we
had dogs with multiple placements, written in with different names – basically spelled wrong. The end of the year
HOY/DOY point tallies are wrong due to the improper EDFs submissions. Also make SURE your dog fee is included in the
Website Updates – our website continues to be hosted at Gun Dog Central. They have been very good partners
for us; they are responsive and understand our needs. After I enter the EDF information, they manage the trial results,
pull database reports and work closely with me on any and all updates needed.
National Supporters – Last year we initiated a new advertising program asking supporters to advertise on our
NBHA website for $100. In exchange they received a post and link website to their website. For the first year we had four
kennels, one foundation and one field trial club take advantage of this program. I still believe this could be a good
opportunity for the supporters and us, but honestly I have dropped the ball and not followed through on the existing
supporters. Please pass the word.
Thank You – I would personally like to thank the entire national board for their support and ability to work
together. One of the things I really like about this team is that each member seems to recognize the importance of
professional promotion and marketing. I honestly feel, this team is dedicated in taking the NBHA to the next level!
Chris Gebhardt made a motion to accept. Ken Tolbert seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Kevin Western
National Bird Hunters Association Futurity, Jerry D. Kilgore Puppy Classic, and Open Invitational Championship
Event as a whole was held at Whetstone Wildlife Management area east of Columbia at Williamsburg, MO from
March 17th – 20th
Event drew 11 Futurity entries, 16 Puppy Classic entries, & 27 Championship entries. This was the largest draw in
four years since we have been hosting with tightened guidelines and criteria.
No support was requested from the National NBHA. (Financial information attached)
This is the fourth year in Missouri and I believe our efforts are starting to pay off, this shows in our numbers. I
believe there has to be a continued and ongoing effort to create financial stability with this event. Because this
event has specific and exclusive qualification we are going to have to work twice as had to achieve numbers and
profitability. I believe the team in place is up for the task.
Mike Otinger of Georgia, owner of last year’s futurity winner and Jack Glover owner of last year’s Puppy Classic
winner sponsored a fish fry Friday evening. This is becoming a well-attended tradition that I believe we will want
to continue. We had over 40 in attendance for this evening event.
The sponsors were amazing. Purina Pro Plan and their representative Dean Reinke supplied Pro Plan
Performance for all the winners as well as samples of Pro Plan and Purina hats for all who attended. Garmin
provided e-collars to the winner of the Futurity, Puppy Classic and Championship. Christie Enterprises provided
certificates to all the winners in all stakes, and Gun Dog Supply donated a number of gift certificates for the
raffle and drawings. The NBHA and the Futurity Board of Directors thank our sponsors as they make the trial
more rewarding and prestigious with their support.
Missouri Bird Hunters continue to support this event by contributing $400 total to the winner and runner up of
the Invitational Championship if the winner and runner up are from a Futurity Nominated litter. This year’s
Champion was from a nominated litter. The breeder of the Champion was Brian Casey. We welcome any State or
regional organization to follow the Missouri Bird Hunters in helping promote the NBHA Futurity.
The futurity team sponsored a giveaway. To enter all one needed to do was nominate their litter. Garry Malzone
won the prize this year of a year’s supply (12 bags) of Purina Pro Plan dog feed. Unfortunately we did not see an
increase in nominated litters so we may not do this promotion for the 2017 season. We need the support of the
field trial community, especially the NBHA directors, officers, and membership to see continued success and
growth for the futurity. If we cannot grow the litters nominated we have no hope for the future of this event.
We were able to secure the traditional print. We were able to secure this print for about $375 and I believe that
it was a good quality so we will be using this service in the future. I would ask that the National support the
Futurity with the purchase of this print. I can do the legwork of coordinating getting it ordered and delivered
I wanted to ask the board for their continued support for the donated Stud Fees at the annual auction to
automatically be able to nominate their litters in the Futurity. If you purchase a stud fee at the NBHA summer
meeting auction then you will be able to nominate your litter in the NBHA Futurity at no cost.
Bank Account Balance 6-7-20160 = $5,015.77
Overall we had a very successful event. We need everyone’s support. Even if you are not able to make the event then
please support the Futurity by nominating your litters. For only $30.00 you can support our Futurity and have your litter
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Greg Blair made a motion to accept. Ray Brown seconded and it passed unanimously.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
The current President is Marty Robinson
Marty holds a term expiring in 2017.
No action is needed.
The current 1st Vice President is Ray Brown
Ray holds a term expiring in 2016. Position is responsible to Chair the 2016-17 National Championship trial.
Take nominations and elect a 1st Vice President.
Greg Blair expressed interest and was nominated. Marty Robinson made a motion to accept. Ken Sauer seconded. Stan
McCain made a motion to close nominations & Chris Gebhardt seconded and it passed unanimously.
The current 2nd Vice President is Tim Penn
Tim holds a two year term expiring in 2016.
Take nominations and elect a 2nd Vice President.
Tim Penn and Scott Turner were nominated. Marty Robinson made a motion to close nominations & B. Powell seconded.
Scott Turner was elected by a vote of 8-6.
The current 3rd Vice President is Chris Gebhardt
Chris holds a two year term expiring in 2017.
No action is needed.
The current Secretary is Greg Blair
Greg holds a two year term expiring in 2016.
Take nominations and elect a Secretary.
Stan McCain expressed interest and was nominated. Greg Blair made a motion to accept. Chris Gebhardt seconded. Ray
Brown made a motion to close nominations & Ken Tolbert seconded and it passed unanimously.
The current Treasurer is Ken Sauer
Ken has held a two year term expiring in 2016.
Take nominations and elect a Treasurer.
Ray Brown expressed interest and was nominated. Ken Sauer made a motion to accept. Bruce Mercer seconded. Chris
Gebhardt made a motion to close nominations & Marty Robinson seconded and it passed unanimously.
The current Futurity Director is Kevin Western
Kevin holds a permanent position.
No action is needed unless he retires.
It was determined by President Marty Robinson to hear the Futurity discussion, which is on the agenda, prior to this
election. See notes in Old Business section for Futurity discussion. Larry Carpenter, Bruce Mercer and Brian Casey were
nominated for the two positions of Co-Directors. Larry asked that his name be removed from consideration. Greg Blair
made a motion to accept. Chris Gebhardt seconded. Greg Blair made a motion to close nominations & Ken Tolbert
seconded. Vote was held and it passed 11-3.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
2014-2015 Location and Dates Listed for Reference
National Free For All
Cooper Black, SC
Feb. 16-19, 2017
2015-‘16 – Camp Robinson – 3/8/16 – Rained out
National Amateur Invite
Grove Springs, MO
Feb. 10-12, 2017
Ames Plant. – Grand Junction, TN
March 1, 2017
Rend Lake, IL
March 28- Apr 3, 2017
2015-‘16 – Prattville, AL – 12/10/15
National Open
2015-‘16 – Cedartown, GA – 3/1/16
NBHA Futurity
2015-‘16 - Williamsburg, MO - 3/17/16
National Open Invite
Rend Lake, IL
March 28- Apr 3, 2017
2015-‘16 - Williamsburg, MO - 3/20/16
National Amateur
Cedartown, GA – JL Lester WMA
Feb. 2-5, 2017
2015-‘16 – Grovespring, MO – 2/12/16
Southeast Regional
Cooper Black, SC
Oct. 21-comp., 2016
2015-‘16 - Cooper Black, SC – 11/20/14
North Central Regional
Cedartown, GA – JL Lester WMA
Jan. 27-31, 2017
Jett Pepp, AL
Dec. 8-comp., 2016
Ingersoll Rand Ranch, OK
March 17-19, 2017
Portage, WI – Pine Island
April 5-8, 2017
Whetstone, MO
March 24-26, 2017
2015-‘16 – West End, NC - 2/8/16
Mid South Regional
2015-‘16 – Oneota, AL – 11/12/15
Western Regional
2015-‘16 – Hubbard, TX – 4/6/16
Northeast Regional
2015-‘16 - Portage, WI – 5/4/16
Midwest Regional
2015-‘16 – Booneville, MO – 12/4/15
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
KY Amateur Classic
Dec 14-comp., 2016
Feb. 9-12, 2017
North Carolina
Sulfur, OK
Rhode Island
South Carolina (1)
South Carolina (2)
Texas (1)
Texas (2)
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
At the 2011-2012 meeting a motion was made that on rules/changes we not to utilize committees but to have an open discussion, and
then votes would be cast for final decisions. This process allows for input from all represented States and makes better use of time.
National Championship Grounds Committee Update – Committee
a. Ray Brown gave an updated. A permanent location has not been secured. Work continues to
proceed to that goal. Ames is an option – depending on how the 2017 event goes. Other
locations are still being considered. Ray Brown and possibly Greg Blair are planning on reviewing
grounds in Central TN owned in part by David Williams. Mr. Williams currently hosts the Carroll
County AA trial on these grounds and it is regarded as some of the top grounds to hold trials on.
Evaluate the future of the NBHA Futurity – Bruce Mercer/Stan McCain – See attachment page 19
a. Bruce Mercer expressed concern that we as an organization should not be satisfied with the
level of entries and nominations our Futurity has secured. His evaluation below, outlines those
concerns. The floor was open to discussion and pros and cons were discussed on how it has
been run and how it “could” be run. After a lengthy discussion Bruce made a motion that we
elect co-directors, and have a rotating site – dependent on the directors. Gary Vitali seconded
the motion. The motion was put to a vote and it passed 11-3. The nomination for co-directors
then proceeded (outlined previously in the Election of Officer section). It is to be noted that the
Futurity co-director that hosts the upcoming Futurity will sit on the board of directors the year
before their trial. For example. Brian Casey will sit on the 2016-17 board and represent the codirectors because he will chair the futurity in 2017 in Rend Lake, IL. Then Bruce Mercer will sit
on the 2017-18 board and represent the co-directors because he will chair the futurity in 2018 in
the Southeast.
Hall of Fame Nomination, Discussion, Voting – See pages 20-21
Oscar Whitt
i. Stan McCain – Georgie & Brian Casey
Stan McCain read the nomination letter below on their behalf of nominating Oscar Whitt for the
NBHA Hall of Fame. As outlined in the NBHA Bylaws, the Nominating Committee did receive the
nomination 14 days prior to the meeting. The Committee’s recommendation to the Board was
to accept this nomination and induct Oscar Whitt into the NBHA Hall of Fame. Their only
(positive) concern is that Oscar is not done winning yet and his HOF plaque may be “outdated”
when he finally does retire.
c. It was noted by the committee that we currently have 2 submissions for the 2017 Hall of Fame
discussion. Bobby Phillips and Sebrof’s Alpha Chief (PM). More details to follow.
d. Ken Tolbert also asked that Ron Kimberly be nominated on his behalf. More details to follow.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Select date and location for the 2015-2016 National Business Meeting
Mention was made that States should have the opportunity to host the meeting, if desired
Tim Penn made a motion that since our 2017 National CH will be at the Ames Plantation in
Grand Junction, TN we should host our 2017 meeting in Memphis, TN. Chris Gebhardt seconded
the motion and it passed unanimously.
Marty Robinson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at approx. 1:15 pm. Greg Blair seconded and passed
unanimously. Meeting was adjourned.
1. Futurity Evaluation as per Bruce Mercer
2. 2016 Hall of Fame Nominations
a. Oscar Whitt
3. 2015-2016 Event/Dog Total List – By Date – sent 7/4/16 electronically
4. 2015-2016 Event/Dog Total List – By State – sent 7/4/16 electronically
5. 2015 National Meeting Minutes – sent 7/4/16 electronically
6. 2015-2016 Main Account Reconciliation – Ken Sauer
7. 2015-2016 Sponsorship Account Statement – Ken Sauer
8. 2015-2016 Main Account Profit/Loss – printed out and available for review
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Submitted by Bruce Mercer
The Future of the NBHA Futurity
As an active and concerned member of NBHA, I think we need to evaluate the declining participation related
to the NBHA Futurity in attempts to enhance NBHA as a whole, through its most prestigious juvenile stake.
Limited participation and extremely low entries continue to plague what should be the crown jewel trial in
juvenile stakes. I suggest this topic be presented to the NBHA Board of Directors for review, with
recommendations of proposed changes to enhance this stake, and be voted on during the 2016 Summer
I recommend we examine current practices, and provide alternatives in attempt to salvage what is a
drastically declining stake. It has become a continued pattern to only draw 11-14 derbies. These numbers
reflect more of a thirty minute weekend derby stake. We should not accept these low entries to be considered
suitable, therefore alternatives are imperative for the survival and revival of this stake.
Participation over the past several years is listed below.
2016 Futurity – 11 Dogs in Futurity, 16 Puppies - Williamsburg MO
2015 Futurity – 11 Dogs in Futurity, 12 Puppies – Williamsburg MO
2014 Futurity – 14 Dogs in Futurity, 14 Puppies – Williamsburg MO
2013 Futurity – 12 Dogs in Futurity, 14 Puppies – Williamsburg MO
2012 Futurity – 17 Dogs in Futurity, 8 Puppies – Percy Priest, TN
2011 Futurity – 15 Dogs in Futurity, 15 Puppies - Percy Priest, TN
Topics of examination may include the following:
Regional Location
Time of Year
Opportunity for Revolving Leadership-Similar to Other Board of Director Bi-Annual Terms
Innovative Ideas to Increase Participation
Potential Changes to Existing Practices
I don’t feel the NBHA Futurity can continue at its current pace without jeopardizing its existence. I feel topics
related to the Futurity is worthy of discussion, and presentation before the Board of Directors and State
Directors for voting during the Summer Meeting.
Please note, these concerns are not related to any person associated with the Futurity or NBHA in any way.
Bruce Mercer.
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
Oscar Whitt - Submitted to Hall of Fame Committee via Stan McCain and Georgie & Brian Casey
Among those in the field trail community held in high esteem, Oscar Whitt is right up there at the top of the
list. And rightly so, for the Alabama trainer and handler is among the sport’s most respected participants.
Oscar’s dedication to the sport can be seen in the effort that goes into developing dogs. He begins them in an
annual puppy program and carries them forward as derbies and shooting dogs.
Oscar was born October 22, 1948 in Attalla, Alabama. He graduated from high school in 1967. Oscar entered
the Marine Corp April 8, 1968 and spent 2 two years in the Marines with 13 months in Vietnam. When he
came back home in 1970 he married Patricia Ann Duncan. He has been married 46 years. He has two children,
Byron Whitt and Hope Whitaker, and one grandchild, Ellie Ann Whitaker who is three years old.
Oscar is a great competitor, but always exhibits the highest degree of sportsmanship. We all have enjoyed the
stories that Oscar shares about the dogs he has handled and specific field trials. No doubt we have all had a lot
of laughs at the jokes he shares at the gatherings during the trials. Oscar makes it a point to congratulate
those that place in events. As a sportsman it sometimes is a rarity to see one that is so passionate about field
trailing but yet passionate about His Christian faith.
Oscar Whitt has always been passionate about bird dogs. From the time when he was a bird hunter in the
early 1960’s and later when the wild birds seem to vanish, Oscar became passionate about field trialing. He
entered his first trial in an Amateur Derby horse back stake and placed 2nd with 6 dogs participating. His
setter had 6 finds for the placement.
Oscar attended the first meeting to organize the NBHA east of the Mississippi River. It was hosted by the late
Jerry Kilgore in Laverne TN. Dan Smith had the idea starting in Arkansas for a walking field trial, with a back
course and a bird field. The next year in 1981 Oscar ran the first field trial in Alabama hosted by the Etowah
County Pointer and Setter Club.
He has been active with the National Bird Hunters Association and field trialing for over 35 years. He had to
limit his participation for several years because of his job with the railroad and raising a family. Making sure his
children had a college education of course limited the funds available for field trialing.
He has been blessed to have had success as a part-time trainer and better success as a full time trainer after
retiring after thirty eight years on the same job. His retirement gave him the opportunity to spend more time
working dogs and traveling to and from many Championships and Classics. Oscar has judged the National
Amateur Invitational and The North Central Championship (1988).
He has been the Alabama Director for several years and has chaired The National Amateur Championship, The
National Amateur Invitational and the Mid-South several times, and of course many club trials and Classics.
Oscar has won or placed in every NBHA Championship except the Mid-West. His placements are as follows :
two time Runner-up at the NBHA National Championship, once in Conway and once in Patrick; the National
Open invitational twice and Runner-up twice; Mid-South six times and Runner-up four times; Southeastern
three times and Runner-up three times; North Eastern (North Carolina) one time; (US Compete- One
Championship and one Runner-up; the North Central three times in a row with three different dogs; 2015
Futurity and the Kentucky Derby Classic (first), Alabama Classic and the Georgia, and South Carolina Classic;
2016 National Meeting - www.nbhadog.org
The Palmetto (SC) Open Shooting Dog Classic. The dogs he has trained have won the National Amateur
Invitational four times.
Oscar has won many Regional and National handler of the year awards, many Open Shooting Dog and Open
Derby handler of the year. Many of the dogs he has handled have won Dog of the year. Oscar has been Top
Open Handler of the Year for four years 2012 thru 2015 and he is hoping for a fifth. In all there have been 15
Open shooting dog Champions; 14 Runner-ups; and two first place Futurities; and 4 Amateur (DOGS)
Champions from his string.
It is our pleasure to recommend Oscar Whitt for the National Bird Hunters Hall of Fame. Oscar is a great friend
and mentor to many in the sport. He is most deserving of this award because of his participation as a longtime handler receiving numerous awards, having been a state officer for many years, having been a mentor to
numerous owners and individuals in the sport, and exhibiting the highest degree of personal integrity and
Dr. Stanley McCain
Marty Robinson
Dr. Jim Crook
Email from Georgie Casey:
Just wanted to send you a note before the upcoming banquet. I would like to nominate Oscar Whitt for the
hall of fame. He is one of the hardest working guys I've seen on the circuit. He has definitely proven himself
with 15 championships and 14 runner up championships under his belt. He has become such a great friend
and mentor to Brian and I. As clients, we have seen first-hand the love and commitment he has for this sport.
Please consider Oscar for this year's hall of fame.
Thanks, Georgie