traducción en los medios de comunicación /media translation
traducción en los medios de comunicación /media translation
TRADUCCIÓN EN LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN /MEDIA TRANSLATION Grado en Lenguas Modernas y Traducción Universidad de Alcalá Curso Académico 2013/2014 3º curso - 2º Cuatrimestre GUÍA DOCENTE Código: Traducción en los medios de comunicación / Media Translation 440028 Titulación en la que se imparte: Departamento y Área de Conocimiento: Grado en Lenguas Modernas Departamento de Filología Moderna. Área de Traducción e Interpretación Carácter: Créditos ECTS: Optativa 8 Curso y cuatrimestre: 3º y 4º curso, 2º cuatrimestre Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez Nombre de la asignatura: Profesorado: Horario de Tutoría: Por determinar Idioma en el que se imparte: Inglés 1. PRESENTACIÓN / INTRODUCTION Nowadays we live in what has been termed “information society”, surrounded by different means which allow us to be updated about what happens both around us and in distant places. Most of the time both access to this information and its spread would be impossible without translation, which is needed in written press, radio, television, internet, etc. Throughout history, the tight relationship between media and translation has resulted in the creation of several theories and ideas about how to develop this translation skill. However, there is a certain agreement when it comes to pinpointing some of the special characteristics or difficulties related to this kind of translation, such as the adequacy of the target text to a plural receiver, the difficulty in transferring the meaning of cultural elements and metaphors, the adaptation to the text type or genre and to the different media, the transfer of the discourse effect, etc. Prerequisites and Recommendations Students are expected to have a B2.1 level of English and Spanish (Common European Framework) when they start the course. 2. COMPETENCIAS / COMPETENCES Generic Competences: 1. To develop and articulate independent and critical thinking based on supporting evidence. 2 2. To show audience awareness and respect for cultural diversity and different opinions as well as academic honesty. 3. To use bibliographic and specialized sources efficiently and correctly. 4. To demonstrate the ability to understand and express oneself, correctly and clearly, at the B2.1 level of the European Framework for Languages as well as to be able to translate from English into Spanish. 5. To develop capacities for self-assessment, self-improvement and team work. Specific Competences: 1. To be able to distinguish and describe the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media. 2. To produce and translate appropriate and adequate texts to be used in the media. 3. To acquire and appropriately use specialized terminology related to media, and to be able to solve terminological difficulties. 4. To effectively locate and manage translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources. 5. To assess translation difficulties specific to media. 3. CONTENIDOS / CONTENTS Total number of classes, credits, hours Contents Translation and media • 1 ECTS (25h) Press translation • 1 ECTS (25h) Translation for radio • 1 ECTS (25h) Translation for TV • 2 ECTS (50h) Digital content • 1 ECTS (25h) Marketing materials • 1 ECTS (25h) News and translation agencies • 1 ECTS (25h) Contents Week 3 01 • Presentation of the subject. Definition of concepts related to media translation. 02 • Media translation trends throughout history. 03 • Introduction to press translation. Cultural awareness 04 • The translation of political discourse 05 • Translation for magazines 06 • Translation for the radio: radio reports, from written to oral communication 07 • Interpretation for the radio: simultaneous, consecutive, voice-over 08 • Multimedia translation 09 • Translation for the TV I: TV reports, news broadcast 10 • Translation for the TV II: documentaries, fiction 11 • Translation for the TV III: subtitling, dubbing 12 • Digital content: translation of webpages 13 • Marketing materials 14 • News and translation agencies 4. METODOLOGÍAS DE ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE.ACTIVIDADES FORMATIVAS / TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS 4.1. Distribution of credits Lectures: 42h Students’ autonomous work: 158h Total hours 200 4.2. Methodology, materials and didactic resources Theory lessons about main theoretical concepts and standard procedures Presentation of contents using materials from textbooks, manuals, reference works and specialized webpages. Lessons combining theory and practice about resources research and application Resources presentation and practice by means of ICTs. 4 Individual assignments to be developed in class Analysis and translation of texts. Individual assignments to be developed outside class hours Elaboration of assignments and tasks outside class hours to be later studied and assessed in class. Group assignments to be developed inside and outside class hours Analysis and translation of texts in groups. Online activities Further practice by means of activities using virtual platforms. 5. EVALUACIÓN / ASSESSMENT Assessment criteria The student: - is able to distinguish and describe the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media, - produces and translates appropriate and adequate texts to be used in the media, - uses specialized terminology related to media and is able to solve terminological difficulties, - is able to locate and manage translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources, - is able to assess translation difficulties specific to media. Assessment procedures All students will be graded according to continuous assessment. Assessment will include different evaluation systems in order to reach an overall continuous and formative assessment. Continuous work and participation will determine the final mark. Students will have to participate actively and effectively in classes as well as in all other online and group activities. 80% attendance is compulsory. Exceptionally, those students who have been recognized as eligible for final evaluation in the terms of article 10 of the “NORMATIVA REGULADORA DE LOS PROCESOS DE EVALUACIÓN DE LOS APRENDIZAJES” (passed on 24-03-2011) may sit for a final exam which will include questions on all topics covered in class as well as translation activities. A translation assignment will also be compulsory to pass the subject. Those students who have not passed the first exam, either through continuous or final evaluation, will have the right to be assessed again in June by a similar exam to the final, including questions on theoretical concepts and practical activities. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Those students who commit plagiarism in any of the activities will get a fail mark in the corresponding activity. 5 The set of standard and formal criteria devised by the Department of Filología Moderna will be taken into account in the assessment in order to obtain a passing mark. Evaluation is based on students’ continuous work. Global evaluation is developed into the following criteria: - Students’ participation in theoretical and practical lessons o Participation implies attendance as well as participation in discussions about theoretical issues and practical tasks and assignments to be completed in class. - Participation in online activities o Participation implies regular visits to the virtual platform, continuous checking of uploaded materials, virtual tasks and assignments completion and participation in fori. - Exam o Students will have to sit for an exam consisting of the translation of two texts, one from English into Spanish, and another one from Spanish into English. - Individual assignments completion o Assignments to be completed outside the classroom and handed in on a given date. - Group assignment completion o Students will have to carry out a translation project in group. Grades criteria Sobresaliente (A): The student: - efficiently distinguishes and describes the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media, - efficiently produces and translates appropriate and adequate texts to be used in the media, - correctly uses specialized terminology related to media and efficiently solves terminological difficulties, - successfully locates and manages translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources, - assesses translation difficulties specific to media and is able to solve them. Notable (B): The student: - distinguishes and describes most of the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media, - produces and translates appropriate and adequate texts to be used in the media, - uses specialized terminology related to media and manages to solve most of the terminological difficulties, - locates and manages a good amount of translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources, - assesses translation difficulties specific to media. Aprobado (C-Pass): The student: 6 - distinguishes and describes some of the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media, - produces and translates texts to be used in the media, although they may need to undergo a thorough revision process before using them in the real market, - uses specialized terminology related to media, and tries to solve terminological difficulties, - locates and manages some translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources, - assesses translation difficulties specific to media. Suspenso (F –Fail): The student: - fails to distinguish and describe the distinctive features of the different texts used in the media, - the texts the student produces and translates are neither adequate nor appropriate to be used in the media, - does not use specialized terminology related to media, and is not able to solve terminological difficulties, - is not able to manage translation resources, from parallel texts, to glossaries, dictionaries, specialized webpages, or other tools and resources, - fails to assess translation difficulties specific to media. 6.BIBLIOGRAFIA / BIBLIOGRAPHY Basic bibliography Bielsa, E. & S. Bassnett (eds.) (2009) Translation in Global News, London & New York: Routledge Conway, K. & S. Bassnett (eds.) (2006) Translation in Global News. Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Warwick, Warwick: University of Warwick Cortés, C. Hernández Guerrero, M.J. (eds) (2005) La traducción periodística, Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Gambier, Y. & H. Gottlieb (eds.) (2001) (Multi) Media Translation, Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company Hernández Guerrero, M.J. (2009) La traducción periodística, Bern: Peter Lang Hurtado, S. (2003) El uso del lenguaje en la prensa escrita, Valladolid: Secretariadode Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid Schäffner, C & S. Bassnett (eds.) (2010) Political Discourse, Media and Translation, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Valdeón, R. A. (ed.) (2010) Translating Information, Oviedo: Ediuno Web sites C3%B3n 7 Additional bibliography Bell, A. (1991) The Language of News Media, Oxford: Blackwell Fairclough, N. (1995) Media Discourse, London: Arnold Fowler, R. (1991) Language in the News, Discourse and Ideology in the Press, London: Routledge 8
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