View Sale Catalog - Ruble Cattle Services
View Sale Catalog - Ruble Cattle Services
Wisconsin Spring Spectacular Buyers, Join us on Sunday March 14, 2010 in Lancaster for one of the premier Simmental events in Wisconsin for 2010. The genetic lots represent some of the most meaningful cow families in the breed and are sired by smoking hot bulls. The offering includes prospective show heifers. If you have a junior that would like to compete at a Simmental Junior National Classic, it is only a few hours away in Des Moines, IA the week of July 11th. Buy one of the show heifers, and showing at the Classic will be a lifetime memory. The breds and pairs are the matings that will add solid genetics to your herd. It’s been a long winter for most, and the cattle markets are starting to respond upwards. Once the grass is green, owning cattle should be a great investment. Don’t forget about the two bulls and hard-to-acquire semen at the end of the catalog. See you sale day! Marshall Ruble Becks Pine Hills Ranch Ed Beck • 920-892-2027 Ron Buehler Cattle Ron Buehler • 815-947-2028 Sale Consignors Lot 36 Lots 10, 33 & 52 Patsdale Acres Lots 41, 47, 49 & 51 Patrick and Jean Stittleburg • 608-983-2606 Patterson Brothers Simmentals Ron Patterson • 608-215-7615 Lot 44 Cherry Road Beef Lots 32 & 54 Don and Diane Jarvais • 715-752-3288 • 715-630-0811 Provost Farms Karl Provost • 815-693-5960 Lots 19 & 28 Colle Simmentals Lots 13, 14, 20 & 45 Mike and Sue Colle • 920-845-5028 • 920-536-0692 Railview Acres Ross and Linda O’Neil • 815-693-5960 Lots 18 & 21 Crooked Fence Ranch Lots 4, 37, 40 & 43 James McTrusty • 715-759-5889 • 715-923-1729 Ran-Sim Simmentals Ray and Pamela Ransom • 563-382-9408 Damar Farms Sam and Roger Allen • 715-684-9222 Sargeant Farms David Durheim • 320-245-2830 Franklin Cattle Company Dan Franklin • 815-955-7440 Gassman Simmentals Chris Gassman • 920-639-2903 Horseshoe Hollow Simmentals Mike Wheeler • 706-614-5862 HVA Simmentals Jim and Deb Early • 920-639-2903 Lots 9 Lots 27, 31 & 46 Lots 35 & 55 Lot 12 Lots 2, 23, 24, 30 & 50 Spooner Cattle Company Doug and Kaitlin Spooner • 608-897-2414 Lot 34 Sycamore Genetics Stan Carnes • 859-326-1469 Lot 11 Timberland Simmentals Bill Meyer • 715-784-0222 Klein Cattle Company Wayne Klein • 213-834-6079 Lot 8 Timber Springs Farms Bruce & Jeanne Pope • 608-647-7152 Maggle Simmental Farms Lots 6, 39 & 42 Dan and Ben Maggle • 920-743-4277 • 920-493-5277 Lots 3, 4, 22, 36 & 59 Sweetheart Farm Eugene Hassman • 715-854-7872 • 715-587-2132 Lot 7 Lots 16 & 17 Lot 1 Sunny View Farms Lots 5 & 6 Darin and Annette Smith • 217-478-2521 • 217-473-7233 Kory Jacobsen 563-419-4595 Travis Leisgang Cattle Travis Leisgang • 920-833-9739 Lots 25, 38 & 56 Lots 57, 58 & 60A-B Lot 48 Wishing Well Simmentals Lots 15, 29 & 53 LuAnne Ujazdowski • 920-836-3713 • 920-740-2749 Sale Day Information Sale Day Phones: Marshall Ruble, 515-231-3198 Bill Meyer, 715-784-0222 Ron Patterson, 608-215-7615 Consultant: Dalton Lundy, 502-727-5898 Sale Location: Grant County Fairgrounds 916 E. Elm Street Lancaster, WI 53813 Media Reps: Tom Rooney, 515-491-6025 Mike Sorenson, 641-745-7949 Auctioneer: Ken Leonard, 563-880-0472 Sale Schedule: March 13 - View cattle, 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m., Grant County Fairgrounds. Annual meeting, 5:00 p.m., Baymont Inn & Suites, Belmont, WI March 14 - View cattle, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Spring Spectacular Sale, 12:00 noon, Grant County Fairgrounds Directions to Sale Site: Take 129 bypass to County Road A. Go West one mile to the fairgrounds. Motel Accomodations: Baymont Inn & Suites, Belmont, WI: 608-762-6900 Best Western, Lancaster, WI: 608-723-4162 Country Inn, Platteville, WI: 608-348-7373 Liability: Although every precation will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the sales management, auctioneer or owners assume any responsiblity in this matter and disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise, for damages, accidents, lost property, errors in catalog or omissions. As the sale manager, Ruble Cattle Service is only an agent for the seller and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale. Guarantee: All cattle sell fully guaranteed under the Suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association. Sale Terms: Cash or check. All cattle are to be paid for during or immediately after the sale and will not be released until proper settlement has been made. All animals will be sold in accordance with the suggested terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association. Phone Bids: Please contact the sale manager or sale consultant as far ahead of the sale as possible to arrange for absentee bidding. Phone bidding is available, but not guaranteed. Trucking: We will be happy to assist buyers in making the most economical trucking arrangements. EPDs: Please note that EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registrations are transferred. EPDs listed are Spring 2010. Spring 2010 Purebred Simmental Percentile Table % Calving Ease Birth Wt. Weaning Wt. Yrlng Wt. Maternal Calving Ease Milk Maternal WW Stay Carcass Wt. Yield Grade Marb Back Fat Ribeye Area WBS F API ($) TI ($) Avg 7.0 1.1 31.2 55.9 2.7 4.4 20.0 17.7 -2.6 -0.01 0.13 0.01 0.11 -0.13 102 61 Spring 2010 Hybrid Simmental Percentile Table % Birth Wt. Weaning Wt. Yrlng Wt. Milk Maternal WW Carcass Wt. Yield Grade Marb Back Fat Ribeye Area API ($) TI ($) Avg -0.4 26.0 50.7 3.6 16.6 -6.2 0.08 0.31 0.04 -0.01 104 62 3 WSA Spring Spectacular Featured Lot 1 1 4 WSA Spring Spectacular HVA Simmentals 2 HVA Ella Flush Born: 2/9/2006 2334949 Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W Pregnancies and Embryos 920-639-2903 Tattoo: S070 Proj. EPDs 8.7 CE BW -1.0 WW 28.8 YW 46.7 JJ E-MAIL 7K MCE 7.8 HVA EBONY STAR MM 1.7 2232590 HVA SHYLO STAR MWW 16.1 • Where do we begin . . . This outstanding “Dream On” cow offers MARB 0.28 a flawless combination. Depth of body, clean fronted and spring API 123.6 TI 66.3 of rib all in a very moderate frame. Her perfect udder and great Polled disposition make her an outstanding opportunity for someone to reap the rewards that this kind of cow can produce. Her two “All Star” daughters are a perfect example of her ability to produce great offspring. Her showring success has persuaded us to offer this flushing opportunity to the bull of your choice. Pure bred or crossbred, the possibilities could be endless. Flush at seller’s convenience. Buyer pays for all flushing, embryo freezing and bull semen expenses with a guarantee of six #1 embryos and no top. HVA Ella Donor dam of Lot 2 GCF Aces of Fortune SVF Star Power S802 Sire of Lot 3B embryos SAS T101 Sweet S t Meat M t KLS Jazzy 24/7 Spooner Cattle Co. Sire of Lot 3C embryos 3A KLS Jazzy 24-7 Flush BUYER’S CHOICE OF BULL GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L KLS JAZZY 24-7 2269540 LECC JAZZMINE 3B Frozen Embryos Selling 3 or 5 embryos CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STAR POWER S802 2340271 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L KLS JAZZY 24-7 2269540 LECC JAZZMINE Sire of Lot 3D embryos 3C Frozen Embryos Proj. EPDs CE 3 BW 2 WW 35 YW 70 MCE 2 MM 2 MWW 17 MARB .11 API 95 TI 61 Selling 3 or 5 embryos SAS T101 SWEET MEAT SAS T101 SWEET MEAT 2391423 SAS SWEETS STAR R101 GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L KLS JAZZY 24-7 2269540 LECC JAZZMINE 3D Frozen Embryos Proj. EPDs CE 1 BW 3 WW 40 YW 72 MCE 7 MM 1 MWW 18 MARB .17 API 97 TI 63 Selling 3 or 5 embryos BCS ACES HIGH J107 GCF ACES OF FORTUNE 2212804 ZEIS MISS FORTUNE J79 GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L KLS JAZZY 24-7 2269540 LECC JAZZMINE 608-897-2414 EPDs CE 6 BW 2 WW 29 YW 59 MCE 5 MM -1 MWW 14 MARB .11 API 99 TI 57 Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 2 WW 39 YW 68 MCE 6 MM 4 MWW 24 MARB .19 API 109 TI 65 • “24/7” made her mark in the showring, but is also doing it as a donor, averaging 25+ embryos per flush. Sired by the maternal bull 24/7 and out of a great cow that goes back to the great “Anticipation” cow. A pedigree that has many winners from and produces very sound, easy keeping breeding cattle. Selling the right to flush to the bull of your choice. The buyer is responsible for the cost of the flush, freezing, semen for flush and shipping. Open and ready to flush. Guaranteeing 10 transferrable eggs and over 15 will be split. • This is your opportunity to purchase eggs out of “24/7”, many time Champion and Reserve Champion cow on the bottom side and sired by the cow power bull “24/7”. The eggs that are being offered in Lots 3B-D are sired by “Star Power”, “Sweet Meat” and GCF Aces of Fortune. 5 WSA Spring Spectacular SS Ebonys Grandmaster Pregnancies Crooked Fence Ranch 4 Pregnancy 715-923-1729 Dam’s EPDs CE 4.1 PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER BW 1.7 SS EBONYS GRANDMASTER WW 50.2 2281133 SOSF EBONYS JOY L-123 YW 97.8 LRS PREFERRED STOCK 370C MCE 2.3 TJF CANDY J165 MM 17.0 22033604 GFI DELTA DAWN D123 MWW 21.6 • Cattlemen, check out the EPDs on this mating! Progeny should MARB 0.11 be phenotypically great as well. Recipient is solid red purebred API 112.6 Simmental that has conceived first service or embryos four years TI 72.8 Sire of Lot 4 TJF Candy J165 Embryo implanted 6-18-09 in a row. Don’t let this one get away. Dam of Lot 4 SS Ebonys Trademark 085C Sunny View Farms 5 Sire of Lot 5 Pregnancy 217-478-2521 S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 SAV PROVIDENCE 6922 2382891 S A V MAY 7238 GWF EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N DLS SUMMERS JEWEL T704 2382891 KWF SUMMER QUEEN L14 • A.I. bred on 11-19-09 to SAV Providence 6922. • Here is the newest mating on our powerful “Trademark” donor, Summers Jewel T704. “SAV Providence” is the cover bull on the 2010 Schaff Angus Sale catalog, and with good reason. He is just flat awesome. One can only imagine with the predictability of these two lines what the resulting progeny will look like in terms of phenotype. If you are looking for big bodied, goose necked progeny that stand on ample bone and set down a huge foot, then take a look right here. Jump in on the ground floor of this powerful mating, because the payback could be sweet. SAV Providence 6922 Service sire of Lot 5 Sunny View Farms and Maggle Simmental 6 Frozen Embryos 217-478-2521 Selling 5 embryos SIRE: BULL OF BUYER’S CHOICE MEYERS BONUS WS MS BONUS R140 A&B COQUETTE 6033 2283981 • Breeders, here is a genetic opportunity to focus on here at the 2010 Spring Spectacular. We are offering five embryo’s to the bull of your choice and our elite half blood donor, WS Ms Bonus R140. “R140” possesses outcross genetic to all of the major lineage working today in the ever-so-popular SimAngus gene pool. “Ms Bonus” has been the recipient of purple banners from Nebraska to Illinois by judges that were just amazed by her flawless design. From the pasture to the tan bark, “R140” makes them right from the ground up. She carries the green light from the ASA for genetic defects and will be ready to flush immediately following the sale. We will guarantee two pregnancies if the work is done by a certified embryologist. Shipping of embryos will be the buyers responsibility. WS MS Bonus R140 • Donor dam of Lot 6 6 WSA Spring Spectacular Embryos ““Anchor” S Service sire oof Lot 7 Monopoly Miss Yardley T83 Service sire of Lot 7 Donor dam of Lot 7 Kory Jacobsen 7 Frozen Embryos 563-419-4595 Selling 3 Embryos SIRE: BUYER’S CHOICE OF “ANCHOR” OR “MONOPOLY” 3C MACHO M450 BZ 2184077 P DAM: MISS YARDLEY T83 2425447 MISS YARDLEY N130 2212581 P • The donor cow is Miss Yardley T83, a purebred Simmental out of “Macho” and Yardley’s best cow family. The three embryos would be choice of “OCC Anchor” or “Monopoly”. Klein Cattle Co. 8A Frozen Embryos 213-834-6079 Selling 3 or 5 Embryos JS BURNING UP 33R TRIPLE C OPPORTUNITY 2487848 TRIPLE C NO DOUBT N26L HC POWER DRIVE 88H DOUBLE D BLACK CHYNA D 22284581 B&B BLACK LADY 8B Frozen Embryos Selling 3 or 5 Embryos WESTFALL VOYAGER 721P WESTFALL VOYAGER 721P W 22276508 DRAKE SUMMER SISTER HC POWER DRIVE 88H DOUBLE D BLACK CHYNA D 22284581 B&B BLACK LADY 8C Frozen Embryos Selling 3 or 5 Embryos ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 M 22474338 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B Double D Black Chyna Donor dam of Lots 8A-C HC POWER DRIVE 88H DOUBLE D BLACK CHYNA 2284581 B&B BLACK LADY • Choice of three or five embryos sired by your choice of three top Simmental bulls. Seller guarentees one pregnancy from each three embryo package and two from five embryo packages. 7 WSA Spring Spectacular Embryos Mr NLC Upgrade M U d U8676 Hooks H k Karrie K i 47K Service sire of Lot 9 Damar Farms 9 Frozen Embryos Donor dam of Lot 9 715-684-92222 EPDs CE 8 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 BW 0.7 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 WW 34 2474338 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B YW 65 GW LUCKY STRIKE 147G MCE 3 HOOKS KARRIE 47K MM 11.5 2068555 HOOKS BLACK MANDY 21F MWW 28.7 • All we can say is “WOW”. If you want to “wow” your herd this MARB 0.53 131 would be the lot to buy. Awesome numbers, easy doing, proven API genetics that produce prolifically. Karrie is now a donor at Damar TI 75 Selling 3 Embryos Farms. Her ability to produce embryos again and again is priceless. Her daughters milk well and are keepers in any herd. Her bulls perform and improve herd traits for their owners and lets not forget her #1 son, the Select Sires stud – Triple C Invasion. Sam and I continue to strive for Simmental breed improving genetics as we move to a new program. Damar is excited to be producing genetics of this quality and even though we are in the building stages we are offering to you this “don’t want to miss” opportunity. Matching her with the young but very popular bull Mr NLC Upgrade brings out more than a phenomenal set of numbers. This plan mating is in the top 1% of the breed for two traits, top 3% for three traits, top 4% for one trait and the top 6% for two traits. That is in the top 6% or better in eight different traits. Not every day you find offerings like this one. This offering consists of three embryos with one guaranteed pregnancy if a licensed and certified embryologist puts in the embryos. The Future of the WSA - Our Junior Officers President TJ Swiecichowski, V. President Koty Beth Allen, Secretary Morgan Swiecichowski, Treasurer Kelly DeCoster, Historian Kaitlin Spooner Advisors Denise Beck, Diane Jarvais and Tara Early Ron Buehler Cattle 10 Frozen Embryos 815-947-2028 Selling 3 Embryos LANDRIDGE JET BLACK CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U C 11140615 BDV R52 MS BLACK KNIGHT JJ E-MAIL 7K MISS RBC EXPECTING MAIL M 22233254 LBF ANTICIPATION • Take a look at these genetics. It doesn’t get much better than this. Selling one package of three embryos and guarantee one pregnancy if done by a certified embryologist. • Full sibling embryos to Lot 52. Check out Lot 10’s full sister - Lot 52! Circle Ci l S Leachman L h 600U Sire of Lot 10 8 WSA Spring Spectacular Embryos Sycamore Genetics 11 Frozen Embryos 859-326-1469 Selling 3 Embryos SIRES: “AMIGO” OR “DREAM ON” GW LUCKY DICE 187H DILLONS HSR CLEANSWEEP 2151368 HC HONEYSUCKLE ROSE • Selling choice between two matings of three embryos each. The donor dam, “Cleansweep” is a moderate framed super smooth made female. She is a full sister to the famous “Honeydew” cow that is best known as the dam of “In Dew Time” and “Duracell”. Pick between embryos sired by CNS Dream On, making full siblings to “In Dew Time” and “Duracell”, or the up and coming Genex superstar “Amigo”. Guaranteeing one pregnancy per three embryos if work is done by a certified embryologist. HTP SVF Honeydew Full sister to the Lot 11 donor dam CNS Dream D On O L186 Possible service sire of Lot 11 GCF Mr M Amigo A i Possible service sire of Lot 11 Horseshoe Hollow Simmentals 12 Frozen Embryos 706-614-5862 EPDs CE 10.2 STF MONTANA BLACK KF25 BW 0.8 STF DOMINANCE T171 WW 40.0 2387605 MMP KISS THIS 37L YW 66.9 WLE POWER STROKE MCE 5.3 HTP SVF DEW THE STROKE MM 6.6 2227847 HTP SVF HONEYDEW MWW 26.6 • Dew the Stroke is Homozygous Black and Homozygos Polled. She MARB 0.19 produced a “Built Right” heifer that won her division at the junior API 108.7 show at the North American. The heifer later sold to Sunset View TI NA Selling 3 Embryos at the Cattlemen’s Choice Sale for $14,500. This heifer is now in their donor program. “Dew the Stroke” also produced a bull calf by “Built Right” that sold to Hudson Pine for $4,500 at Larry Rodgers’ sale. Dew the D th Stroke St k Donor dam of Lot 12 “Built Right” heifer “Dominance” Sire of Lot 12 Daughter of the donor dam of Lot 12 9 WSA Spring Spectacular Colle Simmentals Open Heifers 920-845-5028 13 Colle Monica Born: 1/14/2009 2485663 Tattoo: SW18 Polled 1/2 SM, 1/2 AN NORTHERNIMPROVEMENT 4480 B E B JUNEAU 104 13892119 B E B ERICA 963 EPDs NA CE BW -1.3 WW 20.6 YW 44.0 CNS DREAM ON L186 MCE NA RED DREAM MM 6.1 2324127 MFSF CHARM P18 MWW 16.4 MARB 0.24 • BW 84 lbs. • Whether you are looking for an easy going show heifer or a perfect API 100.3 piece to complete your SimAngus breeding program, Colle Monica TI 57.1 will attract your attention. “Monica’s” phenotype highlights the best of both breeds. She combines a sufficient amount of depth with plenty of muscle shape and dimention. “Monica’s” brood cow look will pay dividends when she is put into production. Her easy going attitude and eye appeal would also make her a perfect show heifer for any junior. Colle Simmentals 14 Colle Mikala Born: 2/1/2009 2485660 3/4 SM 1/8 MX 1/8 SS NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W Colle Monica • Lot 13 920-845-5028 Tattoo: TW126 Polled EPDs CE NA BW 1.3 WW 24.4 YW 40.6 BHCS HEAT SEEKER 23G MCE NA COLLE LADY IN RED MM -3.0 2382240 HVA LADY SARA MWW 9.2 MARB 0.29 • BW 76 lbs. 97.5 • Colle Mikala’s dam is an HVA Lady Sara x Heat Seeker daughter, API so as you might guess, this “Dream On” daughter is as fancy as TI 58.4 they come. “Mikala” is a fluid moving and super fronted heifer with a big top. She has plenty of rib shape and muscle to compete in the show ring or provide a corner stone in your herd. “Mikala’s” completeness and style would make her effective in either a club calf operation or a percentage herd. This 3/4 blood is sure to please your eye on sale day. Wishing Well Simmentals Colle Mikala • Lot 14 920-740-2749 15 Wishing Well Merrie Born: 2/1/2008 2476317 Purebred MEYERS RED TOP DRAKE HEAT WAVE 2031335 G&L MISS 600U 709D Tattoo: 307U EPDs CE -1.0 BW 4.7 WW 32.8 YW 61.3 CCR AMERITRADE 155J MCE 3.1 TORREY AMERISTAR 307N MM 7.4 2198525 NORTHLAND MISS 927J MWW 23.8 • Wishing Well Merrie is sure to be a portrait of stability. We MARB 0.01 87.0 purchased her dam from Torreys in 2003, and she has consistently API produced and raised quality babies for us every year since. Bred to TI 53.6 Polled the popular sire GWS Ebonys Trademark, “Merrie” stuck on her first service and will calve before sale date. This female will be a solid addition to any herd - and with a little luck, she’ll have a heifer calf at her side! Travis Leisgang Cattle 16 PKL Miss Annie Wishing Well Merrie • Lot 15 920-833-97399 Travis Leisgang Cattle Born: 2/6/2009 2482004 Tattoo: 27W Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 MA 1/8 MX SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF TRIPLE C INVASION R47K 2287392 HOOKS KARRIE 47K EPDs CE NA BW 1.3 WW 16.2 YW 30.7 ALI MCE NA PKL MISS ANNIE MM 2.7 TALC MISS HOOTIE MWW 10.9 • This heifer has club calf momma potential. She stood 4th in a very MARB NA API NA stout class at the Badger Kick Off Classic. TI NA 17 TALC Miss Bella 920-833-9739 Born: 2/8/2009 2482016 Tattoo: 515W Polled Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W HART DOC H331 KFA MISS BERRY 2382220 WBF MINDA K515 • Dark red blaze face heifer that has brood cow written all over her. 10 EPDs CE 12.6 BW -0.3 WW 26.0 YW 40.7 MCE 7.8 MM -1.0 MWW 12.2 MARB 0.34 API 119.2 TI 65.2 WSA Spring Spectacular Railview Acres 18 RVA 90W Born: 2/17/2009 2500642 Purebred CNS DREAM ON L186 DRAKE WINDFALL 2364116 DRAKE RIGHT ABOUT NOW Open Heifers 608-269-5219 Tattoo: 90W EPDs CE 9.5 BW 1.3 WW 32.4 YW 59.6 GW LUCKY DICE 187H MCE 6.5 RVA 25M MM 0.7 2174891 RVA 4K MWW 16.9 • Sired by Drake Windfall, a son of “Dream On” and the National MARB 0.15 Western Grand Champion Female, Right About Now. A black API 109.2 baldy with lots of length, performance and eye appeal. She is from TI 62.8 Polled one of our best cow families. CNS Dream On L186 815-693-59600 Railview Acres Provost Farms Paternal grandsire of Lot 21 21 RVA 97W 19 FCCO Lovely Lady Born: 3/3/2009 2500644 Purebred CNS DREAM ON L186 DRAKE WINDFALL 2364116 DRAKE RIGHT ABOUT NOW 608-269-5219 Tattoo: W97 EPDs CE 9.0 BW 1.1 WW 28.1 YW 48.8 DRAKE BULL 114M NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT MCE 4.8 RVA 59R CAN AM PEG 20 5 MM 3.1 2314825 RVA 18L 2510778 HARMONY HILL PEG MWW 17.2 • This is a classy little heifer that compliments both of our breeds. Her dam has been • Sired by Drake Windfall, a son of “Dream On” and the National MARB 0.11 Western Grand Champion Female, Right About Now. A solid black API 103.9 a consistent producing donor. March calf with plenty of performance and eye appeal. She is from TI 59.3 Born: 8/2/2009 1/2 SM TRIPLE C POWER D/VS 23L TRIPLE C PANDAMONIUM 2373133 TRIPLE C GO GIRL Pending Tattoo: W5 Polled Polled a good cow family and will develop into an outstanding brood cow. HTP SVF In Dew Time Colle Miss Lovely • Lot 20 Sire of Lot 22 Colle Simmentals 920-845-50288 Spooner Cattle Co. 608-897-2414 20 COLLE MISS LOVELY Born: 2/26/2009 2485931 Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W 22 KLS Dew Drop W315 Tattoo: SW51 EPDs Polled CE 9.3 BW -0.6 WW 27.2 YW 48.2 HC POWER DRIVE 88H MCE 8.0 TRIPLEC LOOKING LOVELY MM -0.6 2117251 TCF MAXINE 77H MWW 13.0 • Same cow family, same mating, same result. Once again Triple MARB 0.22 C Looking Lovely has produced a standout female. Colle Miss API 116.8 Lovely is a full sib to the two 2008 Wisconsin Spring Spectacular TI 63.4 Born: 3/15/2009 Pending Purebred CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME 2285555 HTP SVF HONEYDEW Tattoo: W315 EPDs CE 12 BW -0.1 WW 29 YW 50 RHS MACK CCS BLACK JOKER MCE 8 BABY GIRL S326 KLS/KKK MM -1 2345268 WBF DELLA K523 MWW NA MARB -8 • BW 74 lbs. 111 • “Dew Drop” is a solid black daughter of “In Dew Time”. Her API grandam was a past AJSA National Champion Cow/Calf as well TI 74 high selling females, and she possesses just as much firepower. She is big middled and heavy muscled with a sound set of feet and legs. Most of all, “Miss Lovely” is an eye catcher in the show ring. She has been shown successfully, placing first in her class at the World Beef Expo. Her future in the show ring is bright, and more importantly, her genetics have cow written all over them. If you failed to get in on the Lovely cow family in 2008, here is another shot, don’t miss it. 11 Polled as NWSS Champion Cow/Calf. This young lady is stacked on both sides of the pedigree. Long spined, big footed, loads of capacity, free moving all tied up in one package. She will be a good junior show heifer but a better cow in the ends. Look her up sale day WSA Spring Spectacular Open Heifers Spooner Cattle Co. 608-897-2414 26 KLS Ms Climax W45 Born: 4/5/2009 Purebred MEYER 734 MEYERS CLIMAX 50R 2424717 MISS MEYER 17L Pending Tattoo: W45 EPDs 7 CE BW 1 WW 28 YW 50 MSU MAJESTIC LMK R516 MCE 1 KLS SPITFIRE T26 MM 3 2390879 KKK JRS LUCK R24 MWW 18 • A young April “Climax” daughter that has tremendous future. MARB 0.23 105 She is out of a solid black first calf heifer that is sired by the past API Michigan State Bull Test Champion and goes back to the great TI 61 Polled breed matron “302C” on the bottom side. A young female that possesses great spring of rib, big stout boned, moderate frame that is going to be a good show heifer but a better cow. HVA Miss Mi Amara A • Lot L t 23 HVA Simmentals 920-639-2903 23 HVA Miss Amara Born: 3/20/2009 2479775 Purebred HTP SVF IN DEW TIME SAS T101 SWEET MEAT 2391423 SAS SWEETS STAR R101 Tattoo: W059 EPDs CE 9.0 BW 1.5 WW 35.5 YW 58.4 ELLINGSON BLACKPERFECTOR MCE 5.4 HVA MISS MACIE MM 5.0 2148875 HVA MISS MACIE MWW 22.7 • “Amara” is one sweet heifer!! She has lots of body depth, spring of MARB 0.19 rib and a great disposition, which is something any junior showman API 113.5 can appreciate. It is hard to find the balance and symmetry that this TI 64.7 Polled prospect heifer displays. We have several “Sweet Meat” daughters, and they all look great. It was hard to let “Amara” go, but we wanted to bring a special show prospect to the spring sale. Maternal sister to our flush lot being offered today, HVA Ella. HVA Simmentals 24 HVA Miss Adalyn Born: 4/1/2009 2479783 Purebred PPSR NOPHALT 20H SAS/ASF ALL STAR 2205951 SAS ASF LYNETTE K531 Mi Sweet Miss S t Sally S ll • Lot L t 27 920-639-29033 Franklin Cattle Co. 815-955-7440 27 Miss Sweet Sally Tattoo: W059 EPDs Polled CE 3.5 BW 1.7 WW 38.4 YW 61.3 MAAS TRUE DREAM 404P MCE 5.9 HVA MISS AMAYA MM 8.5 2382523 HVA MISS ABIGAIL MWW 27.7 • HVA Miss Adalyn is an April 1st “All Star” daughter that has MARB 0.10 depth and lots of rib. “All Star” does a fantastic job making great API 100.2 heifers, and “Adalyn” looks the part. Her dam, HVA Miss Amaya, TI 62.9 Born: 4/24/2009 Purebred TRIPLE C POWER D/VS 23L TRIPLE C PANDAMONIUM 2373133 TRIPLE C GO GIRL Pending Tattoo: W3 Polled BH RIGHT TIME WBF SALLY K430 2062996 WBF COW 679 • “Sally” is a big, strong, high volume heifer. This cow family is very consistent in producing high quality cattle. is a very moderate frame, and I expect “Adalyn” to grow the same way. Look her up on sale day for your next show prospect or replacement heifer. She will do a great job for you. She was too shy on picture day at our farm, so you will to look her up at the sale barn. Ran-Sim Simmentals 563-382-94088 Franklin Cattle Co. 25 Ran-Sim Working Girl Born: 4/5/2009 2503508 Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K 2081939 C&D TRACY Tattoo: W23 EPDs Polled CE 13.0 BW 0.7 WW 32.8 YW 57.3 FC POKEMAN MCE 2.7 RAN-SIM TWILA T40 MM 5.9 2410548 RAN-SIM PHOEBE MWW 22.3 • Nice “Shear Force” daughter out of a great cow family. Very gentle MARB 0.33 API 126.0 heifer. Will make a nice addition to any herd. TI 68.0 28 FCCO Miss Lila Born: 5/2/2009 Purebred TRIPLE C POWER D/VS 23L TRIPLE C PANDAMONIUM 2373133 TRIPLE C GO GIRL Pending 815-955-7440 Tattoo: W4 Polled HART SUB ZERO FRANKLINS LADY MICK J475 2043460 BH MISS MICK 40B • “Lila” is a very correct, sound heifer with excellent phenotype and bone. She is the right kind and should fit well in any program. 12 WSA Spring Spectacular Open Heifers FCCO Miss Izzy • Lot 31 Wishing Wi hi Well W ll Star St • Lot L t 29 Wishing Well Simmentals 29 Wishing Well Star Born: 5/20/2009 2487554 Purebred CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STAR POWER S802 2340271 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 920-740-2749 Franklin Cattle Co. 31 FCCO Miss Izzy Born: 6/12/2009 Pending 3/4 SM, 1/4 AN TRIPLE C POWER D/VS 23L TRIPLE C PANDAMONIUM 2373133 TRIPLE C GO GIRL Tattoo: 307W EPDs Polled CE 1.0 BW 2.1 WW 34.3 YW 60.1 CCR AMERITRADE 155J MCE 5.7 TORREY AMERISTAR 307N MM 3.1 2198525 NORTHLAND MISS 927J MWW 20.3 • Here is your opportunity to purchase a May heifer calf that will MARB 0.07 96.1 not only provide you with an awesome Junior Show prospect but API will also enhance your herd for years to come. Star has style to TI 59.3 815-955-7440 Tattoo: W6 Polled CMSC JOKERS R LUCKY FCCO MS DELILAH 2415483 CAN AM PEG • “Izzy” is a very fancy, stylish heifer who is moderate framed, naturally thick and deep sides. She has a lot of extension in that front end. “Izzy” will make some youngster a great show heifer and will be an even better cow. burn, a sweet disposition and a great future as a cow. And her blaze face - an always popular addition - is sure to catch your eye. Come check her out! HVA Lady Skyla • Lot 30 HVA Simmentals 30 HVA LADY SKYLA Born: 5/20/2009 2479779 Purebred CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STAR POWER S802 2340271 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 920-639-2903 I f Infrared d • Sire Si off Lot L t 32 Cherry Road Beef 715-752-3288 32 CRB Splash Tattoo: W040 EPDs CE 0.5 BW 5.2 WW 43.1 YW 72.9 TRIO BLACK BEAR 6D MCE -0.7 HVA LADY SARA MM 20.8 2122185 HVA LADY CASIE MWW 13.3 • Flashy and fancy . . . You need to watch for this “Star Power” MARB 0.14 91.9 daughter. “Skyla” sure is one eye catching female with that baldy API face. Her growth rate is excpetional considering she is a May baby TI 62.0 Polled Born: 2/24/2009 2484979 1/2 SM 3/8 CA 1/8 SS BHCS HEAT SEEKER 23G INFRARED 2303128 DDCS DRAKE 271 CRB BAILEY CRB SPOOK 2123673 and continues to just get better and better. It’s hard to part with “Skyla” being that she is out of one of our favorite cows HVA Lady Sara. It won’t take you long to spot her on sale day!! 13 CRB VELVET Tattoo: W25 Polled EPDs CE NA BW 2.7 WW 7.2 YW 15.3 MCE NA MM .2 MWW 6.8 MARB 0.18 API 65.0 TI 34.0 WSA Spring Spectacular Bred Heifers KKK Blended Whiskey R38 HTP SVF In I Dew D Time Ti Sire of Lot 33 Service Sire of Lot 36 Ron Buehler Cattle 815-947-20288 Gassman Simmentals 563-735-5910 33 RBC Whiskey Girl Born: 1/11/2008 2433509 3/4 SM 1/4 MA IRISH WHISKEY KKK BLENDED WHISKEY R38 2283426 DOUBLE D BLK CHYNA Tattoo: RBC184U Polled EPDs CE NA BW 1.8 WW 30.9 YW 57.0 JJ E-MAIL 7K MCE NA MISS RBC EXPECTING MAIL MM -0.6 2233254 LBF ANTICIPATION MWW 14.8 MARB 0.13 • Pasture exposed from 5-20-09 to 6-22-09 to RBC Black Gold. 91.0 • This bred heifer has two well-known grandams in the great API TI 58.2 “Chyna” and “Anticipation”. 35 U49P Born: 3/25/2008 2450571 Purebred ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC SUPERIOR S6018 2372107 EBS JOKERS CAREN Tattoo: U49P EPDs CE 5.3 BW 1.8 WW 36.1 YW 68.2 NICHOLS BLK DESTINY D12 MCE 2.4 P49 MM 10.6 2271208 LRS MS TREMOR 049K MWW 28.7 MARB 0.05 • A.I. bred on 7-2-09 to HTP SVF In Dew Time. • A very stout made female with a square hip and excellent feet and API 106.0 legs. “In Dew Time” will work on her. TI 62.7 Polled PHR Joan J • Lot L t 36 EAH Isotope I t U239 • Lot L t 35 920-892-2027 Sweetheart Farm 715-587-21322 Becks Pine Hills Ranch 34 EAH ISOTOPE U239 Born: 3/14/2008 2477892 Purebred HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K WS BEEF MAKER R13 2289889 DCR MS RIBEYE N72 Tattoo: U239 EPDs Polled CE 8.1 BW 2.5 WW 54.4 YW 97.5 RAB GREEN LIGHT GO J2746 MCE -1.0 EAH HOURGLASS N162 MM 6.7 2208906 H85 MWW 33.9 • “Isotope” is a deep bodied, good natured, red heifer. She is a MARB 0.24 great genetic package: Top 1% for WW, YW, MWW, CW and API 117.3 TI. By crossing Isotope with “Autobaun”. The genetics have been TI 77.4 preserved, and previous “Autobaun” calves have looked good and performed well for me. 36 PHR JOAN Born: 4/10/2008 2438231 Purebred Polled SAS/ASF ALL STAR SAS/ASF ALL STAR 2205951 SAS ASF LYNETTE K531 Tattoo: U84 EPDs CE 5.7 BW 1.1 WW 35.3 YW 54.0 3C FULL FIGURES C288 BLK MCE 5.6 CRB MURTLE MM 9.2 2205951 CRB MORIAH MWW 26.9 MARB 0.18 • A.I. bred on 5-8-09 to GWS Ebonys Trademark GN. • This “Allstar” daughter should make an exciting cow prospect. API 107.8 Her “Trademark” calf should be a good mating. She has a super TI 64.2 disposition. Will have calf at side on sale day. Make sure you do not pass this one by. 14 WSA Spring Spectacular Bred Heifers Mytty In Focus Crooked Fence Ranch Service Sire of Lot 37 37 U79 Born: 4/4/2008 2468852 Purebred SAS/ASF ALL STAR SAS/ASF ALL STAR 2205951 SAS ASF LYNETTE K531 Triple C Sweet-N-Neat L405 Dam of Lot 39 715-923-17299 Maggle Simmental Farms Tattoo: U79 EPDs Polled 6.0 CE BW 4.6 WW 46.1 YW 71.3 CNS DREAM ON L186 MCE 7.7 P60 MM 5.4 2266469 G61 MWW 28.4 MARB 0.19 • A.I. bred on 6-25-09 to Mytty In Focus. • Nice black “All Star” our of a very good “Dream On” cow. Bred API 102.9 to the popular Angus bull, Mytty In Focus. Due early April 2010. TI 66.0 920-743-4277 39 Maggle’s Sweetie U404 Born: 4/27/2008 2431894 Purebred LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C TRIPLE C MAJIC MAN M211 2156388 FF MS FRAULEIN F166 Tattoo: U404 EPDs CE 2.6 BW 0.2 WW 27.1 YW 59.1 HC POWER DRIVE 88H MCE 5.6 TRIPLEC SWEET-N-NEATL405 MM 8.8 2132958 TRIPLE C SWEETHART B397 MWW 22.3 MARB 0.08 • A.I. bred on 7-28-09 to Silverivas El Capitan 6510. • Here is a nice bred heifer from our long time donor, Triple C API 101.4 Sweet-N-Neat. She is bred for a late April/early May calf to the TI 58.9 Polled outstanding Angus sire, “Silveiras El Capitan”. This is a really exciting mating. Crooked Fence Ranch 40 U78 Born: 5/1/2008 2468851 Purebred TRIPLE C MACHO MAN P271 TRIPLE C MACHO MAN P271 2270019 TRIPLE C POWER KISSES Ran-Sim Simmentals Polled 563-382-94088 Patsdale Acres 38 Ran-Sim Miss U37 Born: 4/25/2008 2457993 Purebred Polled CNS DREAM ON L186 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR 2252968 HS REFLECTIONS J34 Tattoo: U78 EPDs CE 4.5 BW 0.5 WW 33.3 YW 64.5 TRIPLEC EL PODEROSO REY MCE 4.0 TRIPLE C SUGER BABY N320 MM 8.8 2245521 KAPPES H. ARAPAHOE K125 MWW 25.4 MARB 0.15 • A.I. bred on 7-20-09 to “Dream On”. • Here’s a good, thick, moderate framed heifer. Due 5-1-10 to API 113.5 “Dream On”. Should make a good one, bull or heifer. TI 64.5 SAS/ASF All Star Sire of Lot 37 715-923-1729 Tattoo: U37 EPDs CE 1.3 BW 4.9 WW 37.1 YW 58.5 B H RISING SUN 312C MCE 3.5 LBF FERN F339 MM 2.4 1911064 LBF FERN F339 MWW 21.0 MARB 0.04 • A.I. bred on 6-16-09 to Top Gun R244. 82.4 • Nice polled red heifer bred to “Top Gun”. Ultrasound showed that API the heifer calf should be an excellent show calf and dam is our TI 56.3 41 Patsdale Ellie Born: 5/2/2008 2468503 Purebred WLE POWER STROKE SS GOLDMINE L42 2106737 GW MISS LUCKY BUCK 858G 608-983-2606 Tattoo: U-8 EPDs CE 12.4 BW -0.7 WW 16.6 YW 24.5 HART DOC H331 MCE 3.9 TSFS EMILY MM 6.5 2219770 LBF GEMMA G408 MWW 14.8 • A.I.bred on 7-19-09 to Invasion. Pasture exposed from 8-2-09 to MARB 0.18 API 102.2 10-16-09 to HCC Great Heritage. • This sound female has cow stamped all over her. She will make a TI 57.0 oldest cow on the farm, and she’s still producing good calves. This heifer is on our THE program. great addition to your herd. 15 Polled WSA Spring Spectacular Bred Heifers PBS True T Dream D U8101 • Lot L t 44 WS MS Bonus B R140 Dam of Lot 42 and is the donor for Lot 6 Maggle Simmental Farms 920-743-42777 Patterson Brothers Simmentals 608-215-7615 42 DLS/MFS Sweet Baby Rey 44 PBS True Dream U8101 Born: 5/6/2008 2466097 3/4 SM, 1/4 AN HC POWER DRIVE 88H TRIPLEC EL PODEROSO REY 2117256 JSF FIESTA Tattoo: U849 Polled EPDs CE 6.3 BW 0.6 WW 34.4 YW 70.9 MEYERS BONUS MCE 4.5 WS MS BONUS R140 MM 4.1 2283981 A&B COQUETTE 6033 MWW 21.3 MARB 0.30 • Pasture exposed from 8-10-09 to Maggle’s Magnitude. • We are offering an outstanding bred heifer out of our donor, WS Ms API 107.2 Bonus, that was a many-time champion. This heifer is bred to our TI 68.2 Born: 8/31/2008 2481167 Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W Tattoo: U8101 EPDs CE 10.6 BW 0.3 WW 27.7 YW 46.8 3C PATRICK P4522 BKL MCE 5.8 PBS PATRICIA S6103D MM 1.6 2403095 PBS COW K8 D MWW 15.5 • A.I. bred on 11-25-09 to BMR Explorer. Pasture exposed on 1-1-10 MARB 0.26 API 106.1 PBS Red Brother. • PBS True Dream U8101 is as stout and broody as they come. She TI 64.0 Polled has production written all over her. With Dream On as her sire, you know what you can expect. If you trace the maternal side back, you will find Meyer 734. So think about the possibilities. We A.I.’ed True Dream to heifer sexed BMR Explorer to have a 90% chance of a heifer calf. We are only parting with her as we don’t have any room for more fall cows. Check her out sale day! You won’t be disappointed. 1/2 blood Simm/Angus bull from “Magnitude” going back to our “Made Fine” cow family. This calf should be really good. CNS Dream D On O L186 Colle C ll Miss Mi Minnie Mi i • Lot L t 45 Service Sire of Lot 43 920-845-5028 Crooked Fence Ranch 715-923-17299 Colle Simmentals 43 Shorty Born: 6/8/2007 2416348 Purebred SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF TLSR RANGER R97 2318115 HPF MS TAILOR MADE D039 Tattoo: T76 EPDs Polled CE 6.5 BW 0.5 WW 31.6 YW 57.1 TRIPLEC EL PODEROSO REY MCE 1.2 TRIPLE C SUGER BABY N320 MM 4.4 2245521 KAPPES H. ARAPAHOE K125 MWW 20.1 MARB 0.17 • A.I. bred 6-29-09 to “Dream On”. • Long sided and clean fronted heifer out of a “Preferred Beef” son. API 110.2 Due early April to “Dream On”. TI 63.3 45 Colle Miss Minnie Born: 10/6/2008 2475254 Purebred NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 2144976 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W Tattoo: MU11 EPDs CE 10.5 BW 0.1 WW 29.7 YW 53.1 G&L AVALANCHE 149F MCE 7.9 MFSF DRAKE MINNIE P41 MM 2.3 2224059 DRAKE-DANNER MINNIE MWW 17.2 MARB 0.24 • A.I. bred on 12-29-09 to “Navigator”. • Here is a fall bred heifer that has experience in the show ring. Colle API 113.9 Miss Minnie has won her division several times, and she has placed TI 64.9 16 Polled fourth of eight in a highly competitive class at Junior Nationals. Two of her full sisters have also performed extremely well in the show ring, being many time champions and now are some of the more impressive cows in our herd. As evident in her photo, “Miss Minnie” is as long sided and sweet fronted as you will find in the breed. The Drake Minnie cow family is proven to win at shows, and you’ll find out why on sale day. WSA Spring Spectacular Franklin Cattle Co. Bred Cows 815-955-74400 46 SS Pattis Choice LL257 Born: 9/10/2007 2135836 Purebred BH BLACK HERKS EDGE 759G JF BH CHOICE PLUS 909J 2017137 NICHOLS KELLY 75U Invasion Tattoo: LL257 EPDs Polled 5.2 CE BW 2.5 WW 27.7 YW 48.6 BURNS BULL X339U MCE 2.0 ES XS U-NIGHT EE96 MM 6.1 1833085 MS HIGH BRED 170X MWW 19.9 • Pasture exposed from 6-22-09 to 8-30-09 to Triple C Pandamonium. MARB -0.01 86.6 • “Patti” is an attractive baldy cow who has consistently produced API stylish, high quality calves. It is onlly that we hav elost pasture TI 53.8 and must cut back that we sell her. Her breeding to Triple C Pandamonium (Sweepstakes Champion) could be a quick payback. S Service sire to Lots 47, 49 aand 50 Patsdale P dl A Acres 608-983-2606 49 Patsdale Kitty Born: 2/20/2006 2363518 Purebred Polled KSU MANHATTAN 38J KSU MANHATTAN 38J 2025304 MISS FUTURE K 23C Tattoo: S-4 EPDs CE 2.9 BW 2.8 WW 35.7 YW 63.2 GFI HF EXPLOSION G023 MCE 2.5 RBC LADY IN RED MM 3.6 2025304 MLS MISS JAYCEE MWW 21.4 • A.I.bred on 6-27-09 to “Invasion”. Pasture exposed from 7-15-09 MARB -0.01 API 80.6 to 10-16-09 to HCC Great Heritage. • This cow has a beautiful udder along with a great disposition. She TI 58.1 will be a ggreat asset to add to yyour herd. HVA Eden Star LLot 50 SS Goldmine G ld i L42 Sire of Lot 47 Patsdale Acres 47 Patsdale Electra Born: 4/3/2007 2419020 Purebred Polled WLE POWER STROKE SS GOLDMINE L42 2106737 GW MISS LUCKY BUCK 858G 608-983-26066 Tattoo: T8 EPDs CE 12.4 BW -0.4 WW 18.4 YW 27.1 HART DOC H331 MCE 3.9 TSFS EMILY MM 6.1 2219770 LBF GEMMA G408 MWW 15.3 • A.I. bred on 6-27-09 to “Invasion”. Pasture exposed from 7-15-09 MARB 0.18 API 102.3 to 10-16-09 to HCC Great Heritage. • Here is a correctly made, powerfully constructed cow that will TI 57.7 make a great addition to your herd. Timber Springs Farms 48 TSFS Gillie Born: 3/1/2006 2364343 Purebred PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER 1930631 PVF-BF MABELLE C131 608-647-7152 Tattoo: S22 EPDs CE 4.4 BW 1.8 WW 34.6 YW 61.5 BLACK BEAR MCE -0.8 TSFS GIGI MM 1.4 2074399 LBF GENA G0049 MWW 18.7 • Pasture exposed from 5-31-09 to 9-14-09 to TSFS Davie Crockett. MARB -0.11 99.0 • TSFS Gillie is one of many young cows out of our best cow API families that are bred to the TSFS Liddy/LBR Crockett bull we TI 55.7 Polled HVA Simmentals 920-639-2903 50 HVA Eden Star Born: 2/7/2007 2382524 Purebred LRS PREFERRED STOCK 370C SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF 2050715 SRS G733 GLIMMER Tattoo: T060 EPDs 5.3 CE BW -1.0 WW 23.7 YW 46.4 JJ E-MAIL 7K MCE 1.9 HVA EBONY STAR MM 6.7 2232590 HVA SHYLO STAR MWW 18.6 MARB 0.20 • A.I. bred on 6-21-09 to Westfall Voyager. • HVA Eden Star is a daughter out of “Preferred Beef”. His presence API 113.4 in the Simmental breed, although short, produced some very good TI 61.5 Polled daughters. “Eden’s” moderate fram, great udder and depth of body makes her a very balanced cow. “Eden’s” pedigree along with her 6-21-09 breeding to “Westfall Voyager”, the Grand Champion Bull at the 2008 NAILE should make her April baby a real eye opener. Don’t miss this young “Preferred Beef” cow on sale day. “Eden” is a maternal sister to our flush cow, HVA Ella. Patsdale Acres 51 Patsdale Brandy Born: 1/29/2004 Purebred BOZ REDCOAT KSU MANHATTAN 38J 2025304 MISS FUTURE K 23C 2247043 608-983-2606 Tattoo: P5 EPDs CE 3.9 BW 2.2 WW 32.5 YW 60.3 HCC BLACK LOGIC MCE 1.6 HCC NATALIE L MM 11.9 1961104 BGV NICHOLE MWW 28.1 sold, but wisely kept an ineterest in. We are waiting impatiently to see all the results. “Davie” is long, wide, top 1% REA and an excellent disposition. • A.I. bred on 5-26-09 to “Invasion”. Pasture exposed from 6-13-09 MARB 0.06 Selling “Gillie” was a hard decision, but we still have her grandam at age 13. API 76.3 to 10-16-09 to HCC Grand Heritage. • This is a powerful female with a good disposition and is a great TI 59.6 17 milker. Polled WSA Spring Spectacular C Circle S L Leachman 6 600U SSire of Lot 52 Ron Buehler R B hl C Cattlel 52 RBC U Got Mail Born: 1/4/2006 2324739 Purebred LANDRIDGE JET BLACK CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U 1140615 BDV R52 MS BLACK KNIGHT 815-947-2028 Cow/Calf Pairs Cherry Road Beef 715-752-3288 54 CRB Lydia Born: 1/11/2008 2431855 Purebred Polled WHEATLAND BULL 131L SAND RANCH HAND 2290140 SAND LUCKY CHARMER Tattoo: U10 EPDs CE 10.6 BW 0.6 WW 27.6 YW 52.4 CRB BAILEY MCE 1.9 CRB LEXI MM 3.0 2152255 CRB LIZZIE MWW 16.8 • If you are looking for an easy keeping cow, moderate framed, MARB 0.14 sound uttered cow, look for CRB Lydia. Along with Lydia comes API 102.9 a blazed faced heifer calf sired by “Star Power”. CRB Latoya was TI 61.3 born on 1-20-10. This pair would be an added value to anyone’s herd. She is worth taking time to check out. Tattoo: RBC 113S Polled EPDs CE 7.1 BW 0.3 WW 31.6 YW 60.9 JJ E-MAIL 7K MCE 3.1 MISS RBC EXPECTING MAIL MM 5.0 2233254 JJ E-MAIL 7K MWW 20.8 • This granddaughter of the great “Anticipation” cow and the well MARB 0.24 known “600U” bull sells with a blended “Whiskey” heifer calf at API 125.6 side (born 1-15-2010). TI 66.0 • Full sibling to the Lot 10 embryos. Mytty M tt In I Focus F Angus sire of Lot 55 Gassman Simmentals 563-735-5910 55 U49S Born: 2/20/2008 2450569 1/2 SM 1/2 AN S A F FOCUS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS 2326312 MYTTY COUNTESS 906 Tattoo: U49S Polled CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U C&D TRACY 1987064 Wishing Wi hi Well W ll Sadie S di • Lot L t 53 Wishing Well Simmentals • Sells with a 2-6-10 calf at side by “Conservative. • Dam is the dam of Hooks Shear Force 38K. 920-740-27499 Ran-Sim Simmentals 53 Wishing Well Sadie Born: 1/19/2008 2476316 Purebred Polled CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME 2285555 HTP SVF HONEYDEW BETSY Tattoo: 26U EPDs CE 11.0 BW -0.2 WW 26.0 YW 45.1 GW LUCKY BREAK 047G MCE 7.7 MISS SASSPARILLA MM -0.8 2137003 WW MS SASSAFRAS MWW 12.2 • This is a pair that is hard to part with. The Sassafras cow family has MARB 0.22 provided us with several champions and high sellers, and this first- API 107.9 calf heifer and her daughter are made from the same mold. Sadie TI 61.9 563-382-9408 56 RBC MISS PRECIOUS 85P Born: 11/9/2004 2261271 Purebred SRS FRANCHISE F601 RBC LOVER BOY 55N 2212282 RBC MISS FANCY FREE Tattoo: RBC85P EPDs CE 3.5 BW 4.9 WW 42.4 YW 76.3 PPSR NOPHALT 20H MCE 0.7 WBF COW F533 MM 0.6 2087661 WBF COW F533 MWW 21.8 MARB -0.05 • A.I. bred 11-5-09 to BF OK 34 Daytona. 73.7 • Cow sells with “In Dew Time” heifer calf born September 4, 2009. API Calf is weaned and will be sold separately. Definitely a show TI 54.8 Polled bred on the first service, calved unassisted and is milking heavy. quality heifer cow is confirmed to 11-5-09 A.I. date. She’s an easy keeper who will be a productive member of your herd for years to come. Who wouldn’t want that in a female? The GWS Ebonys Trademark heifer calf, born January 5th, that comes at her side is an added bonus. Calf’s projected EPDs are in “Mating EPDs” section on page 2. 18 WSA Spring Spectacular Spooner Cattle Co. 59 Bulls and Semen KLS Mack 24/7 608-897-2414 EPDs CE 7.0 BW 3.2 WW 47.1 YW 86.5 GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L MCE 2.6 KAPPES PAIGE P267S MM 1.0 2135631 KAPPES TIZCAT I286 MWW 24.6 MARB -0.08 • A bull that is truly hard to part with! 24/7 is a very massive ribbed, 92.1 big footed, thick muscled, long spined bull that has transmitted that API TI 63.4 to his calves. In January, his maternal sister was Reserve Grand Born: 1/28/2006 2345263 Purebred GW LUCKY DICE RHS MACK CCS BLACK JOKER 2209082 CC BLACK MISTRESS SAS/ASF All Star St Timberland Simmentals Sire of Lot 57 57 TLSR Big Star Born: 2/18/2009 Pending Purebred PPSR NOPHALT 20H SAS/ASF ALL STAR 2205951 SAS ASF LYNETTE K531 715-784-0222 Tattoo: W171 EPDs CE 5.5 BW 1.5 WW 39.4 YW 67.3 TRIPLE C LUCKY ONE N97E MCE 6.4 TRIPLE C LUCKY ONE N97E MM 10.7 2204171 TRIPLE C LUCKY ONE N97E MWW NA • “Big Star” is a solid black son of SAS All Star out of “N97E”, a MARB 0.09 104 full sibling to the Whispering Hills herdsire, Triple C Majic Man. API TI 65 This bull is very docile and has balanced EPDs. This mating has Polled worked every time with siblings at Stoney Ridge, Sweetheart Farm and Timberland Ranch. Tattoo: S128 Polled Cow/Calf in Denver. As a first calf heifer, her bull weighed 1,000 lbs at eight months old with a 78 lbs. birth weight. Truly production in whole cow family. Heterozygous Black. A bull that we used on heifers, cows and had great luck. He will add muscle, body dimension, big foot and yet in a pretty moderate framed package. Definitely a don’t miss female maker. Timberland Simmentals 715-784-0222 60A 3C Macho M450 BZ 60B 3C Macho M450 BZ Born: 4/17/2002 Purebred Born: 4/17/2002 Purebred MR BLACK GX 6W MEYER RANCH 734 1390632 MISS GX 728R 2184077 Tattoo: M450 Polled 2184077 Tattoo: M450 Polled CIRCLE S LEACHMAN 600U 3C CROCUS H112 B 2047441 3C CROCUS F759 B • Selling two lots of 5 units each. • Semen stored at Hawkeye Breeders, Adel, IA. EPDs CE 0.6 BW 2.9 WW 39.4 YW 65.6 MCE 2.5 MM 4.9 MWW 24.6 MARB 0.21 API 94.3 TI 65.0 Featured Donation Semen TNT Ever Ready R232 Lot 61 semen MR R NLC Upgrade U d U8767 • Lot L t 58 Semen S Timberland Simmentals 715-784-0222 BBillll GGraber b 58A 58B MR NLC Upgrade U8767 Born: 3/5/2008 Purebred 2474338 Tattoo: U8767 Polled MR NLC Upgrade U8767 EPDs CE 8.5 BW 0.8 WW 43.9 YW 83.9 GLS MOJO M38 MCE 2.2 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B MM 7.8 2383520 GFI DARLA M410 MWW 29.8 • Offering two lots of two units each of this limited supply sire. Very MARB 0.33 few units will be sold this year and the embryos have been selling API 124.0 well from UPGRADE! TI 75.0 Born: 3/5/2008 2474338 PurebredG151 NICHOLS LEGACY NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 2171761 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 Tattoo: U8767 Polled 61 Andy Van Aernam TNT Ever Ready R232 EPDs CE 15.1 BW -2.1 WW 33.6 YW 64.3 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 MCE 2.7 RC MISS LEGACY 058N MM 2.9 2217317 RC MISS DESPERADO 049K MWW 19.7 • In the year 2011 Wisconsin Simmental will be hosting the North MARB 0.43 Central Regional. We have two families that have come forward with API 143.9 TI 76.7 a donation of semen to be auctioned off at the State Sale with proceeds Born: 2/23/2005 2321654 Purebred Polled WLE POWER STROKE HC HUMMER 12M 2174450 LBR DESTINYS DREAM K830 Tattoo: R232 to go to the 2011 North Central Regional fund. The Bill Graber and Andy Van Aernam families have each donated 5 units of TNT Ever Ready R232 ASA# 2321654 He is an upcoming popular Hummer Son who is being used by several large breeders. Bill and Andy only have good things to say about this bull. We would like to thank the Grabers and the Van Aernam families for this donation. PRESORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. First Class Mail: Time Dated Material! TO: Please bring this catalog along with you to the sale.
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