the parish pump - Cornwall Venue
the parish pump - Cornwall Venue
THE PARISH PUMP November 2012 Edition 373 The Newsletter for the Parish of St Ive Pensilva Park Project Children’s Sponsored Fun Run Over £1300 raised Report Page 11 Parish Councillors Telephone List Stephanie McWilliam (Chairman) Roger Bennison Alan Neal David Waddington Harvey Frith Don Bennett Paddy Long Peter Dipper Pam Carter 01579 389386 01579 363967 01579 362478 01579 362654 01579 363368 01579 382762 01579 364006 Angela Fisher (Parish Clerk) Sarah Hylands - Thorpe (RFO / Manager MH) Sara Rock (Finance Clerk) John Turner (Cornwall Councillor) 01579 363096 01579 363096 01579 363096 01579 362122 01579 362315 01579 362640 Date of Next Parish Council Meeting is Monday 12th November 2012, 7.30pm at St Ive Village Hall 101 Minicom 1800 101 Police Community Officers can be contacted at anytime on 01579 325454 PC Garth Hatt [email protected] or PCSO Bob Anslow [email protected] or PCSO Becky Steed [email protected] Disclaimer St Ive Parish Council would like to point out that the articles appearing in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council. 2 Hello Everyone. Back from my holidays, all refreshed and raring to go. So did we remember to put our clocks back on 28th October? I see we have the 40mph speed limit on Foredown as promised some months ago. Let’s hope it reduces accidents involving animals. I expect we shall see more police activity involving speed cameras though. Sky TV has been installed at Millennium House in The Mel bar. I understand that there are plans to provide a larger TV which will make viewing better. Watch this space, (if you’re interested). A full list of Novembers football matches being broadcast live is on page 30. Other sports are available to watch. Please enquire at the bar. The Pensilva Park Project seems to be gathering momentum. I understand the Disco they recently organised was a huge success. Keep an eye out for further events planned by this group. It is a very worthwhile cause and at the end of the day it is your children or grandchildren who will benefit from all this hard work. Congratulations to The Everhopefuls skittles team who won this years British Championships at Torquay. This was the third time these girls have won this event. Keep it up girls, make it four times next year. The price for advertising in the Pump is being increased from December, the first increase in over 2 years. This is for commercial adverts and will not affect the Bargain Corner section. Please mention the Parish Pump when answering any of the business adverts. Now we have the darker nights, please be aware of pedestrians when driving around the Parish. Nick Horler Editor 3 Parish Council Contact Details (Including Millennium House) Millennium House, Century Square, Pensilva PL14 5NF Parish Clerk and St Ive Parish Council 01579 363096 [email protected] Millennium House and reservations 01579 363096 [email protected] Millennium House Manager 01579 329002 [email protected] Parish Council and Millennium House accounts 01579 329002 [email protected] Parish Pump [email protected] Telephone enquiries to Parish Clerk above Website: Contact details for St Ive Parish Council Anyone wishing to discuss matters of the Parish with the Council should first address their comments/enquiry to the Clerk (Angela Fisher), who will then present them to the Council. Angela can be contacted at 01579 363096, by post or [email protected] For matters relating to Parish Council Accounts, please contact 01579 363096 or [email protected] 2nd Monday monthly: Parish Council Meeting, alternating between St Ive Village Hall and Millennium House (please refer to notice boards for the agenda showing start time and venue each month). Any changes to the regular dates (I.e. Bank Holidays etc.) will be publicised accordingly. 4th Tuesday Monthly: Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting, 7 pm at Millennium House Pensilva, followed by the Parish Council Finance & Administration Committee Meeting commencing at 7.30 in the same venue. 4 Belmont Cottage Higher Road Pensilva PL14 5NQ Tel: 01579 362122 [email protected] Nov 2012 Local Government is going through a period of great change with many challenges facing it because of the reduction in funding from Westminster and increased responsibilities being placed upon it. As I write there is a strong possibility that there will be a further freeze in Council Tax, which can be seen as a good thing for taxpayers, but which is likely to result in even more cuts to the services which we have come to expect. For instance I believe that the Highways Budget is likely to be slashed again. It’s quite a gloomy picture but one which was predicted three years ago. It seems that this is behind the issues raging in Cornwall Council where part privatisation of some services is being promoted. There are differences of opinion in all parties and among the Independents so the outcome of the mid October debate will be very interesting. November will see the election of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) take place. It has been predicted that the turnout will be very low and that there will be little interest in it. Whilst I personally do not think it will add anything to the democratic process, I have to say that it is a really important election giving widespread powers on a whole variety of issues to a single individual. I am still not clear why party politics are playing such a large part but you may like to have a few facts about the new role. The PCC will have control of a huge budget which will cover the whole of Devon & Cornwall. It will cover all Police activities as well as the funding for Community Safety Partnerships (CSP’s). The appointment will be for four years apart from the first one which will last until May 2017. The PCC will set the police precept and appoint the Chief Constable. Decisions about local policing levels and funding for the Safety Partnerships will be in the PCC’s remit and they will be able to direct funding to specific areas right across the two counties. It is therefore vital that the best candidate for the post is selected. Look carefully at the Ballot Paper as the Alternative Vote system will be used so you will have to make a first and second choice. Did you know that Cornwall is still the poorest region in the country despite having had the highest economic growth rate outside London. There are signs that another £400/500 million of European Funding for economic growth will be forthcoming shortly which I hope will be as well spent as the previous grants. After all this heavy stuff I am really pleased that the 40 mph limit has finally been put in place along the roads adjacent to Foredown. Both Cllr Watson from St. Cleer Ward and I have long had the same concerns as many of you over the animal deaths which have occurred particularly during the winter months. I do hope that these will decrease and that motorists will observe the new limits. I have been impressed with the Pensilva Park Project and the enthusiasm of the people leading the initiative. They should be congratulated for their attempt to improve the facilities, particularly for our young people and they deserve our support. John Turner 5 St Ive Parish Council Meeting held at Pensilva on Monday 8th October 2012 Chairman, Stephanie McWilliam, welcomed the recently co-opted councillor Pam Carter who has a declared interest in working with young people and youth groups. Following the national success of the Everhopefuls, the ladies skittle team, the Parish Council accepted that a ‘Well Done’ evening should be hosted at Millennium House in December. Planning for this event is now in progress and those interested and willing to help should contact the Council at Millennium House. During discussion on the current status of the parish website, Cllr. Pam Carter emphasised the up to date advantages of the Facebook ‘system’ of communication. This will be considered for future developments of marketing, information storage and public contact with the council. Correspondence was received from Andrew Collins regarding traffic problems in the vicinity of Amanda Way/St Ive Road junction. Councillors accepted that this is a long standing concern but did not have an immediate remedy. It was pointed out that traffic management is ultimately the responsibility of Cornwall Highways. Remembrance Sunday on 11th November this year coincides with the date of the traditional Armistice date. The Parish Council will cooperate with parish organisations regarding the ceremony being held at the war memorial in front of Millennium House on that date. The Chairman noted that the proposed change in the status of parishes next year could result in St Ive Parish having an election for nine members. Currently the council has a high proportion of co-opted members. The Chairman made a public statement that it would be democratically helpful if the next (2013) council was fully elected by parishioners on the electoral roll. Rod Pascoe Millennium House Needs You!! Millennium House are looking for local people, of all ages, that are interested in helping their community, By Volunteering at Millennium House. If you require any further information please contact: Ruth Hicks or Sarah Hylands-Thorpe 01579 363096 6 A Councillor’s Reasonings Street Lighting Trial: As this Countywide trial comes to a conclusion may I ask you to consider downloading the On-line-response questionnaire , please. If unable to do so please contact me. 40 MPH on Foredown: Drivers from Pensilva to Liskeard will have noticed the newly installed speed limit along Foredown. This is the result of your local Community Speed Watch’s efforts and will be rolled out right across the Moor as soon as funds are available. Clean Cornwall: A new initiative from Cornwall Council encourages us to think again about the amount of litter in our Parish. All the necessary ‘Pickers, bags, tabards and gloves’ are available for individuals to go out and tidy up. Most importantly there is now correct Insurance cover in place and some National rules to govern our activity. We don’t need to form a Group just let me know of your interest and I can let the Project Officer, now based in Bodmin!!!!, know of the Village interest. Thank you for your messages of good will, please keep in touch, Paddy Long…………………. [email protected] ……………………. 364 006 DO YOU SUFFER WITH BREATHING PROBLEMS SUCH AS C.O.P.D.or ASTHMA Do you know someone who does? If so, come along to our breathers group and join other people with similar difficulties for light exercise, a cuppa and a chat Pensilva Village Hall Every Monday 1pm - 3pm First trial session FREE Pensilva Health Centre Continuing to provide high quality care for our patients. Surgery Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6.00pm Appointments 01579 362760 Enquiries 01579 362249 7 Planning Decision notices PA12/0799 Construction of implement shed – Land at Charwell, St Ive Approved PA12/06193 Construction of a new dwelling – Victoria Cottage, Slade Park Road, Pensilva Refused PA12/07689 Proposed extension and alteration to vehicular access Approved – Gate Farm, St Ive Applications Received – discussed at Planning Meeting on 25th September 2012 PA12/07994 Construction of a new agricultural building for Mr John Drake the purpose of livestock housing – Sleeve Farm, St Ive PL14 3NA PA12/08639 Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of new conservatory to front (north) elevation – Sunnybank, St Ive, PL14 3LZ Mr Ronald Lazarus Applications Received – discussed at Parish Council Meeting on 8th October 2012 PA12/08572 Proposed erection of a two storey extension to the Ian Merchant rear of the existing house – Tresain, Charaton Road, Pensilva, PL14 5RG PA12/08833 Proposed new entrance porch to front of existing dwelling – Stone Delph, St Ive, PL14 3NE Mr & Mrs K Greenfield Friends of Pensilva Health Centre ADVANCE NOTICE: This year our Christmas Tea will be held on Friday 7th December, 2.00-4.00 p.m. in Millennium House, Pensilva. We hope to see many of you there. Refreshments are included in the entrance price, which will be £2.00 per person. This year we are including a ‘bring & buy’ table in addition to the raffle, handmade cards and nearly new items. Good quality items would be welcomed for the ‘nearly new’ and the ‘bring & buy’ stalls. We regret that we can accept only a limited number of books and no video cassettes. Small items may be left at the Health Centre; if you would like something collected from you please ring 363699. 8 PENSILVA HEALTH CENTRE PATIENTS PARTICIPATION GROUP HAVE YOU JUST HAD A BABY? FEELING A LITTLE ISOLATED OR UNCERTAIN? OR WOULD YOU JUST LIKE TO ENJOY A CUP OF TEA AND CHAT WITH OTHER MOTHERS? Come and join a new support group starting Fri 9 November at the Health Centre, 1.30pm onwards Enquiries call Ann on 01579 364085 th Struggling with Sight Loss? Cornwall Blind Association offers emotional and practical help to people living with sight loss in Cornwall including: Low Vision: Advice for low vision aids Access Technology: Advice on products Benefits Advice: Assistance to claim entitlements Equipment Demonstration: Advice on gadgets Audio Books: Information on books and equipment Talking Support: Telephone befriending scheme Counselling: For those affected by sight loss Transport: Subsidised travel for some activities Social Clubs and Activities: Links to clubs and activities across the county For more details Telephone 01872 261110 or visit Registered charity number 1108761 9 Pensilva Summer Skittles League MH Dodgers & Gremlins shared the honours this season. Gremlins beat MH Dodgers in the KO Cup final but MH Dodgers won the league with Gremlins in second place. On the last week, Windbags jumped above Neighbours to take third place. First time skittlers Top Shop did not win a league game but they did win their first round cup game. Final League Table P W L PINS MH Dodgers 14 10 4 3713 Gremlins 14 10 4 3678 Windbags 14 9 5 3609 Neighbours 14 10 4 3584 Latecomers 14 7 7 3374 Mis-Shapes 14 5 9 3424 Bodmin Landers 14 5 9 3367 Top Shop 14 0 14 3179 Competitions Winner KO Cup Gremlins Ken Jeffery Memorial Pairs Jenny & Bob Rendle Runner Up MH Dodgers Pete Duligal & Andy Hicks Ladies Singles Alison Berry Jenny Rendle Mens Singles Richard Paul Bill Batten Captains Cup Alison Berry Carly Frost Highest Average Highest Score Highest Spare PTS 171 161 154 153.5 126 119.5 118 61 Ladies: Marlene Carr 65.57 Men: Pete Duligal 72.29 Ladies: Irene Elliott 80 Men: Pat Paris 88 Ladies: Marlene Carr, Anna Cacchione, Jenny Rendle 18 Men: Sylvan Pook, Andy Hassam, Paul Berry, Pete Duligal Pete Elliott, Richard Paul, John Brice 18 10 CAB Article I’ve recently booked a holiday to Greece online. I booked the flights one day and the hotel the next morning but both through the same website. It turns out the hotel has gone bust I’m struggling to find a suitable alternative. I’m worried that if I can’t find somewhere to stay I won’t be able to go and won’t get my money back on the flights. What can I do? Thanks to changes in consumer protection - the company you booked your hotel and flight with, even if it is just an online company, might be responsible for sorting this out – depending on how long it was between when you booked the flights and hotel. If it was within 24 hours you will be covered. So in this instance, the company needs to either offer an alternative hotel of the same price or provide a full refund for everything you booked with them. That’s because in April this year, Flight-Plus holidays (this is when you book a holiday through a company where you buy the flights, accommodation or car hire separately from them but all within 24 hours of each other) are now covered under ATOL (Air Travel Organisers Licence) scheme. That means if the company you booked through or the airline, hotel or car hire company goes bust – either before you go on holiday or during your trip - it is up to the company to sort it out for you. For more information visit your local CAB bureau for free, confidential and independent advice, 21 Dean St Liskeard (entrance in Westbourne car park) pop-in Mons – Thurs 10.00 – 12.15 to make an appointment or ring 0844 4994188 Pensilva Park Project Children’s Fun Run Sunday 23rd September Email received from Councillor Paddy Long Fellow Councillors: Clare and her team are to be heartily congratulated with the outcome of their Fun Run on Sunday. It was very well organised and executed despite the atrocious weather! Note, they raised £1306:00 with still some monies to come. They brought together many Families and friends all of whom had a marvellous days fun...........real Civic involvement. Thank you Clare and your team. Best wishes , Paddy PS In a further email I will forward some pictures of the Event and ask Nick if they would be suitable for inclusion in the next Pump. 11 FAMILY BONFIRE NIGHT Monday 5TH NOVEMBER 7:30 TILL MIDNIGHT BONFIRE AND JACKET SPUDS Money raised will go the HEALTH CENTRE and The Pensilva School Swimming Pool Fund FIREWORK ART COMPERTITION Multiple prizes for varied age groups. If anyone has fireworks they would like to bring down before the day. Fire works will be lit after 9pm We can all enjoy the fun. REMEMBERANCE SUNDAY 11th NOVEMBER We are meeting at 10.30 to walk up to the memorial. We will be laying a wreath on behalf of the staff and patrons. Any donations welcome. Please come along and show your respect. For those who have fought and died for our freedom. Details of our Christmas events will be in next months pump 12 Pensilva Primary School School Road, Pensilva, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 5PG Telephone 01579 362546 Email [email protected] Website: Headteacher: Mrs Becky Crispin B.Ed. M.Ed Your school POOL needs you! We’ve held meetings about our plans for the redevelopment of our swimming pool and there are lots of ideas for raising money. We need around £250,000! This is a very significant amount but covers everything from making good the walls and roof, to putting in proper changing rooms, to a new pool, below ground level to enable full access by everyone, to putting in toilets, to providing pumps and drains, to new windows, to ‘green’ electricity enabling us to use the pool all year round... We are committed to raising the money by fund raising as well as through grants and sponsorship. As I write, we’re celebrating the success of a pop-up charity shop in Liskeard at the weekend, raising £779 in one day! It may seem like a mountain to climb, but if everyone gets behind us and helps by donating unwanted goods to sell, buying a raffle ticket here and there, thinking of ideas, giving us contacts of companies we could approach..., we’ll achieve it together. We’re hoping that, with improved facilities, we can open up the pool for use by community groups so you could be enjoying a swim in your village in the future. Please do get in touch if you can help us in any way at all. We have gift cards for sale, like the ones produced by many charities, where a donation is made towards the pool. You have a card to send to a friend or relative to say that you’ve done this on their behalf. They’re £5 each. Please contact us at school if you’d like one. They’re easy to send for Christmas and are the perfect gift for someone local, or someone who learnt to swim in the pool as a child, or someone with children in the village, or relatives... Do you have a skill that you could share with the children? Knitting, painting, gardening, chess...? We’d love to hear from you! It doesn’t need to be a regular commitment. Thanks. Advance Notice! Our Christmas Fair is on Thursday 6th December at 2pm. Please put the date in your diary and come along! Best wishes, Becky Crispin 13 Pensilva History Group The Group held a short meeting on 26th September at Millennium House when the general business of the group was discussed. The Chairman reported a successful exhibition at the Liskeard Show on 8 th September which generated some interest in the Group and queries about some of the exhibits. The Group is adding content to its website about local places and people which you can visit at the following link: Did you know that there were a couple of steamships named after the village? This SS Pensilva was a British cargo steamer built in 1929 and owned by Chellew Navigation Co Ltd. On the 19th November 1939 when on route from Durban for Rouen and Dunkirk carrying 6985 tons of maize she was torpedoed by U-49 and sunk. Next meetings 31st October 7.30 pm There will be an illustrated talk by Dave Warne of the Trevithick Society titled 'Underground in the Cornish Mines'. A donation of £1 will be requested from non-members of the History Group towards our funds. 28th November 7.30 pm. Talk by Jane Mann about being the village doctor’s wife. There is no meeting in December. Contacts Angus Holland 01579 208754. Email [email protected] Sandra Pearson 01579 362598 Email [email protected] Group email address: [email protected] Facebook: The Pensilva History Group is supported by the 14 PENSILVA VILLAGE HALL Pensilva Village Hall collects paper for recycling newspapers, junk mail, catalogues and telephone directories. These can be dropped off at the Village Hall. Thank you to everyone who left paper in the last month but please note we can not recycle brown paper, brown envelopes or window envelopes unless the window has been torn out. Any one wishing to book the hall for Meetings, Birthday Parties or Fund Raisers please contact Peter or Jackie Browning on 01579 363212 or email [email protected] Organisations that meet in Pensilva Village Hall Meeting Times Organisation Contact Person Telephone Mondays 4:00 - 6:00 Brownies Mrs Martha Oliver 01579 362239 Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 Rangers Miss Kirsty Oliver 01579 362982 Kick Boxing Mr Steve Lilley 07773 863518 Wednesday Club Miss June Mills 01579 362407 Tuesdays 7:30 Alternative Wednesdays Thursdays 9.15 - 11.15 Thursdays 6.00 - 7.00 7.00 - 8.00 Tiny Tots Baby & Toddler Beavers & Cubs Cathy 01579 363376 Mr Simon Thorpe 01579 363457 Fridays 4.00 - 5.00 Rainbows Mrs Lynne Bond 01579 362091 Fridays 6.00 - 8.00 Guides Mrs Jackie Browning 01579 363212 Wednesdays 7.00pm and Various Times Snooker Club Mr Philip Bond 01579 362091 15 If you are BEREAVED (it doesn’t have to be recent) or are CARING for a sick relative or friend - come along and have a bit of ‘ME TIME’ and chat, share your experiences and relax with other people who may be in a similar situation have a cup of tea or coffee and stay as long as you like. The ‘Carers Group’ meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month 1-3pm in the back room of the Health Centre (please use the side entrance (front door is locked at 1pm). Everybody is welcome, though you must be a patient at Pensilva Health Centre to attend. The group will be getting some independent speakers to come along to give advice and to answer questions on various subjects such as benefits, finance or planning for the future. If you would like to attend, contact Jean or just turn up on the day. No booking necessary. If you know somebody that may benefit from attending please pass this information on to them. Jean Connor on 01 579 363 221 or mobile 07 899 694 670 You can now donate locally in Pensilva. Every Thursday 11.00am - 12.00noon St Johns Church Dry or tinned food Only please 16 ST JOHN’S CHURCH, PENSILVA Services for November 2012 Sunday 4th - 9.30 am Morning Prayer Sunday 11th - 10.45 am Laying of wreaths at the Memorial Stone 11 am Remembrance Service in Church 5 pm Pizza and Praise in Millennium House Sunday 18th - 10.30 am United Café-Style Family Service Sunday 25th - 9.30 am Holy Communion There will be a practice for the Remembrance Day service at 6 pm on Thursday 8 th November. There will be a Benefice Eucharist at St Cleer Church on Sunday 7th at 11am. Every Thursday at 10.30 am there is a short Holy Communion service. A coffee morning is held afterwards, open to all. Saturday 3rd at 7.30 pm a Concert by Liskeard Lady Singers in the church. Donations for Church funds. Light Supper to follow. Saturday 24th at 2 pm there will be an Autumn Bazaar in the church. Stalls, raffle, jewellery, activities, teas. The Prayer Group will meet on Tuesday 30th October and Fridays 16th and 30th at 3.30 pm at 7 Lower Wesley Terrace. Please ring Rev Keith, or Rev Kevin on 363336, if you would like prayer for yourself or someone else. The Fellowship Group will meet on Fridays 9th and 23rd at 7.30 pm in the church. Please do come along to this friendly group. For further details of the Services held in St John’s, if you know of any illness or need in the village, or if you would like your wedding or baptism in the church, please contact one of the church wardens:Geoff Cox – 362698 Maria Parker – 349894 17 PENSILVA METHODIST CHURCH Services at St. John’s Church, Pensilva. Everyone welcome 4th Nov 11th Nov 11.15am 10.45am Community Worship . At Memorial outside Millennium House - Rev Sue Hill 18th Nov 10.30am United Cafe Style All - Age Worship 25th Nov 11.15am Mr. Geoffrey Pearse Afternoon Tea Friday 2nd November - 3pm at St. John’s Church. Bring and Buy, everyone welcome. Pizza and Praise 5pm on Sunday 11th November at Millennium House, informal church for all the family. Bazaaar Saturday 17th November, 2pm at Millennium House, stalls and cream teas. Anyone wanting a table top ring Frances 363718 Food Bank Since starting in September we have delivered 63kg of dry and tinned food to the Liskeard Food Bank for distribution within the Liskeard area which includes Pensilva. THANK YOU You can donate locally in Pensilva Every Thursday -11.00am – 12.00noon St Johns Church Dry or tinned food only please 18 St Ive Methodist Church Preachers for November 2012 Sunday 4th Nov 11:00am 6:00pm Sunday 11th Nov 10:45am; United Remembrance Service at St Ive District Church (No service at Chapel) 5:00pm; Mr D Cooke Miss J Mills Pizza & Praise at Pensilva No evening service at Chapel Sunday 18th Nov 11:00am; Rt Rev Prof Peter Stephens HC No evening service at Chapel Public Issues Sunday 18th November 3 Circuit Event at Saltash Wesley 4:00pm; Afternoon Meeting with speaker Dr Sheila Cassidy 5:30pm; Faith Tea 6:30pm; 3 Circuit Service led by Rt Rev Prof Peter Stephens Sunday 25th Nov 10:30am Sectional Service at Crafthole Methodist Church No morning service at St Ive 6:00pm L A Starting in November The 6:00pm Sunday services at St Ive Methodist Church will be held in the Guild room. (Annexe to the right hand side of the Chapel). All welcome ---------Café Church Tuesday 13th Nov at Chapel Speaker Rev Tom Osborne 7:15pm - 7:30pm Tuesday 27th Nov at Church Speaker Rev Brian McQuillen 7:15pm - 7:30pm 19 St Ive Church Services at 11:15am Every Sunday Nov 4th Holy Communion Rev Margot Davies Nov 11th Remembrance Day Service 10:45 am Start Nov 18th Holy Communion Rev Margot Davies (Lunch to follow) Nov 25th Family Service (Small pets welcome) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other November Events Fri 2nd Coffee, Lunch and Home Produce 10:30 -1pm Good Home Cooked Food, Home Made Cakes Etc, Fresh Vegetables, Local Made Pasties and lots more. Sat 10th Big Breakfast at Millennium House 9am – 3pm Tues 13th Cafe Church in St Ive Chapel 7:30pm Sun 18th Lunch in Church All Welcome only £6 Tues 27th Cafe Church St Ive Church 7:30pm Rev Brian McQuillen “Mission Tour” Baptism can be arranged for 1st & 3rd Sunday of each Month Rev’d Margot Davies Church Wardens 01579 208698 E mail [email protected] Kenneth Willcock Brian Dwelly 01579 362446 01579 364010 Please let the Priest or Churchwarden know of anyone requiring a home or hospital visit 20 Monthly 1 21 Millennium House 90 Eyes Down 7:30pm Over 18’s only 77 Tuesday 6th November CASH PRIZES 88 Next Session Tuesday 4th Decemeber Big Breakfast Millennium House Saturday 10th November 9am to 3pm £5.00 On behalf of St Ive Church 21 9 All Being Well - Monthly Newsletter October finds us engaged in the Iron Man / Iron Woman challenge. That’s the one where we all tell each other why we’re not doing as well as we would like and the winner is whoever has the best excuse. J Only four teams for the October quiz since unfortunately many regulars were away. Even so, a magnificent 100 points from “In for a Laugh” would surely have been enough to beat all comers. In second place with a very impressive 97 was “Three’s a Crowd”. It was close at the bottom too, with “Haven’t got a clue” stealing the wooden spoon by a single point from “Just Us”. The next quiz is on Saturday, December 1st. Mel and Barbs are setting the questions and Raymond will be asking them. For this Christmas quiz half of the proceeds will be going to the Air Ambulance. Please support if you possibly can! The Bridge Gallery Christmas Exhibition and late night opening Friday 16th November & Saturday 24th November You are invited to join us for our Christmas Exhibition and share in a great opportunity to buy some unique gifts for loved ones and friends. We will be open until 8pm and seasonal refreshments will be on offer along with a warm welcome from the artists. New work will be on display from our members and visiting artists and ranges from fine art painting to printing, sculpture, ceramics, jewellery, textiles and cards. We aim to suit all budgets. We would like to thank you for your continuing support and hope you enjoy your visit. (location: follow signs from Harrowbarrow village) Bridge Gallery, Bartletts Bridge, near Cotehele, PL17 8BP. 01579 351499 22 All Being Well Pensilva Health & Fitness Co-operative Ltd Christmas Quiz Night Saturday 1st December 7:30pm Millennium House, Pensilva £5.00 per team of 4 Raffle & Bar Proceeds to Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust and All Being Well Come along & enjoy the festive fun! Is there anyone out there, or a small group of people, who would like to be part of a steering group to provide a Memory Cafe in the village? The Parochial Church Council of St John's Church is willing to offer the church as a venue, and to provide tea/coffee etc, but they do not have members able to offer their services on the steering group. Interest has already been expressed by several of our older residents (who at present have to travel to Liskeard or Launceston) for a Memory Cafe in Pensilva, and it may be that many others would like to take advantage of it if it were here. If you think you could help, please contact me on 362698 for more details. I do not believe it would be very onerous as there may be little need for fundraising as the venue and refreshments are being offered free. Users of the Cafe could be asked to make a small donation for any materials required for activities. Members of the group could visit other Memory Cafes to get ideas, and training is available. Carolyn Cox 23 Pensilva Post Office Located through the Café on the 1st floor of Millennium House the opening times are: Tuesday Wednesday Friday - 9am to 1pm 9am to 12 noon 9am to 12 noon ANY UNWANTED DVD’S, CD’S AND GAMES WE CAN TURN THEM INTO CASH FOR PENSILVA PRIMARY SCHOOL FUNDS PLEASE GIVE ANY UNWANTED ITEMS INTO SCHOOL RECEPTION OR MILLENNIUM HOUSE RECEPTION PLEASE CONTACT PENSILVA PRIMARY SCHOOL 01579 362546 FOR MORE INFORMATION 24 Pensilva Wednesday Club St Ive Institute & Village Hall Meet in Pensilva Village Hall at 2.30 pm Alternate Wednesdays Every Wednesday 10.30 am until 12 noon Coffee Morning Wed 14th Nov Hazel Shelley The National Trust Every Wednesday 10.30 am until 11.30 am Wed 28th Nov Carol Willcock Home on the farm Travelling Post Office 1st Monday at 7.30 pm St Ive Gardening Club ALL SENIOR CITIZENS WELCOME MOBILE LIBRARY Supporting Guiding & Scouting Activities in Pensilva The County Mobile Library visits Pensilva every TUESDAY afternoon. 200 CLUB 3.50 - 4.05pm Victoria Inn Draw Results for 4.10 - 4.20pm Village Hall Car Park September 2012 1st No. 2nd No. 3rd No. 4.25 - 4.45pm Glen Park 82 Mr T Marshall 81 Ms M Skews 146 Mrs C Collins Thank You for your Support 25 Bus Timetables kindly supplied by a lady in Pensilva 26 Following an e-mailed suggestion, I have reproduced the Local Bus Timetable (service 574) from the Westerngreyhound website. I trust you will find this of some use. For fares and concessions please visit or Tel. 01637 871871. For information regarding free bus travel for older and disabled people, please visit This timetable was correct at time of going to press Editor Callington - Pensilva - Liskeard Bus Timetable 27 PENSILVA W.I. OCTOBER 2012 MEETING The Pensilva W.I. held their Harvest Supper at Millennium House on 10th October. The Harvest Supper is a timed honoured tradition with Pensilva W.I., which spans many years, where each member brings a contribution of food towards the supper and a donated item to put in the Harvest Supper auction, the proceeds of which go towards Pensilva W.I. funds. Jean Hoare, Pensilva W.I. president, opened the meeting by greeting everybody present, promising she would deal with formal matters as quickly as possible so the evening could progress into what turned out to be a very relaxed and enjoyable occasion. After supper the auction commenced, and it turned out to be a very hilarious occasion indeed with those present bidding very “fiercely” for the items being auctioned. Our auctioneer was Gordon Bennett, with Barbara Bennett and Verna Dawe as his very able assistants. All manner of items were auction ranging from bags of vegetables, bags baskets and boxes of fruit, jams, marmalades, sauces, cakes, bottles of drink, tinned soup, and tinned vegetables. It was a very enjoyable evening indeed, and very many thanks to all those who helped to make it a success. Birthdays Pat Anderson, Verna Dawe, Mary Gilbert, Liz Clayton and Mary Smerdon. th Sun. 11 Nov. Mon. 12th Dec Sat. 1st Dec. Thurs. 6th Dec. Diary dates Remembrance service 11 am at Millennium House and afterwards at St. Johns church for the service. Crafts with all types of wool, East Taphouse village hall 10.30 am. Coach trip to Fowey Christmas market leaving Millennium house Cost £6.50.There are a few vacancies left. If you would like to come please ring Normer Brice 362607. W.I. annual carol service at St Petrioc’s church, Bodmin, 2pm. Sat. 8th Dec. Flower demonstration and tea at Barbara Smetherham’s, 2pm. Sun. 9th Dec. Christmas lunch at Elliot House, 12.30 pm for 1 pm. Next meeting Wednesday 14th November at 7.15 pm. Speaker: Sara Green – Tales of my travels. Competition – an old book on Cornwall. Pensilva W.I. is a very friendly W.I. group. If you would like to come along as a guest with a view of becoming a member, please ring Jean Hoare on 01579 362531 or Yvonne Gilbert on 01579 363231. 28 There won’t be just one Santa coming to town this year, but a whole sea of them! Cornwall Hospice Care’s annual Santa Fun Runs take place on Saturday 1st December in Land's End, Saturday 8th December in Padstow and Saturday 15th December in Falmouth. 2011 Santa Fun Runs raised over £32,000 in sponsorship for the independent Cornish charity with 1000 santas taking over the streets of 3 Cornish seaside resorts. Registration is now open for this year's event and organisers are hoping the festive fundraiser will have a record year! ‘‘This year’s Santa Runs will be bigger than ever and we want to get everyone into the festive spirit. 1500 jolly Santas will be running through the streets of Land's End, Padstow and Falmouth’’ said Rose Wiltshire, Cornwall Hospice Care's Major Events Officer . ‘‘Everyone can get involved with Santa Fun Runs; men, women, boys and girls. You can run, jog or walk along the route and have a choice of two distances at each fun run.’’ Spaces for this popular event are limited, so advanced registration is recommended. Registration is £10 for adults and £5 for children, and all santas are encouraged to raise some sponsorship from family and friends. For further information contact Rose on 01726 66868 or via email : [email protected] Echo Centre Charity Concert Presents Westernairs Concert Windband Featuring the newly formed Echo Choir ! & Liskerrett Male Voice Choir Millennium House, Pensilva Sunday 4th November. 2:30pm Raffle Tea, Coffee & Snacks Tickets £4.00 Available from Echo Centre, Liskeard or call 01579 341070 or Jan Elliott 01579 344362 29 Now that Sky TV has been installed in The Mel bar you can follow all your favourite football teams whilst enjoying a drink with mates Live Football at The Mel November Sat 3rd Sat 3rd Sun 4th Mon 5th Sat 10th Sun 11th Sun 11th Sat 17th Sat 17th Mon 19th Sat 24th Sat 24th Sun 25th Sun 25th Tue 27th Wed 28th Man Utd v Arsenal West Ham v Man City Liverpool v Newcastle West Brom v Southampton Aston Villa v Man Utd Man City v Tottenham Chelsea v Liverpool Arsenal v Tottenham Norwich v Man Utd West Ham v Stoke Sunderland v West Brom Aston Villa v Arsenal Swansea v Liverpool Chelsea v Man City Aston Villa v Reading Wigan v Man City 12.45pm 5.30pm 4.00pm 8.00pm 5.30pm 1.30pm 4.00pm 12.45pm 5.30pm 8.00pm 12.45pm 5.30pm 1.30pm 4.00pm 8.00pm 8.00pm Plus Champions League and Europa Cup Matches 30 Advance notice - Best of British NEW YEARS EVE FAMILY PARTY December 31st 7:30 till late Millennium House, Pensilva Contact Karen on 01579 362196 for further details and tickets!! CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAYRE Sunday 2nd December Millennium House Table space available in 4ft or 6ft lengths £2.00 per ft For more information or bookings Tel. Ruth 01579 363096 31 Hi all, We have had a very busy month with the Park Project. Firstly, we had a very successful Sponsored Fun run on 23rd September raising in excess of £1400.00. This is a fantastic amount which just proves that this village wants and needs a new park. We even made the front page on the Cornish Times. The children were amazing on the day, running in extremely wet conditions but all were determined to run to the end! I would like to thank our youth volunteers – Michelle Gilbert, Brennan Wright and Michael Gilbert – all stayed til the last runner had finished and even ran the last lap with Grace Davidson who was determined to run 50 laps only to be beaten by Rev Kev who ran 125 laps whilst collecting the cones! I would also like to thank Millennium House, Proper Cornish, Liskeard Cycles and Pensilva Stores for their kind contributions. I would also like to thank Paddy Long from the Parish Council for his support on the day. The day would not have been a success without the PPP committee and volunteers who helped with stalls, refreshments and in particular standing in the rain marking laps and cheering on the children. Thank you everyone!! We also held a Jamie Oliver party which raised over £300. A big thank you to Donna Burns, our Jamie at Home consultant who donated every penny of her commission to our cause! Also thanks to Karen Lawrence who organised the event. Karen also hosted a Chocoholics party at her house which has raised in excess of £80. Thanks Karen for all your efforts! Thanks to Hayley who even got us mentioned on Pirate FM! We have been holding many consultations around the village and at events so we now have a good idea of what the community would like in our play park. We are working with designs as we speak and are still negotiating prices so watch this space! With regards to funding we have a meeting with a potential funder on 22nd October so we are keeping fingers crossed for this!! We have also met with John Turner, Cornwall Councillor who is giving us his full support and advice. You may notice we have collection pots at Pensilva Stores and Millennium House Bar – please support us! If anyone has any fundraising ideas or donations for raffles etc, please get in contact. Our e-mail address is [email protected]. Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th November 8pm at Millennium House. You are all welcome to attend. Kind regards, Clare Lambert Chair, Pensilva Park Project Pensilva Village Hall We are planning to have a jumble sale on Saturday 10th November so if you have any jumble, white elephant or bric-a-brac start looking it out now and ring Jackie on 363212 we can collect. 32 33 34 Mark Fitch CHIMNEY SWEEP ● Brush & Vac ● No Mess ● Professional Affordable Service ● Discount on Multiple Chimneys Covering all S.E. Cornwall Tel: 01579 343899 Mobile: 077734 62643 FIONA'S MOBILE HAIR DRESSING Local, friendly, professional Call Fiona on 07837472924 or 01579362897 20% off first appointment 35 Pensilva Stores Mon-Sat. 7:00 AM. – 9:30 PM. Shop Local For All Sunday 8:00 AM. – 9:30 PM. Your Local Need Fantastic Special Offers every month!!! (See store leaflets) Come and Check out our great deals on Wines and much much more!!! Free Weekly Delivery to Pensioners in the village (over £10 Spend) New in Store - Local Meat from Local Butcher, Fresh Home made Bakery Local Hand made butter and Clotted Cream, Yum ! ! This is one village shop you don’t want to lose ! Higher Road, Pensilva, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 5NQ Tel: 01579 362547 36 37 Whealtor eat drink sleep Book now for a mouth-watering Christmas lunch / dinner served in our private dining room, just perfect for a family get together or a works meal …………. ardennes pate or parsnip and pear soup succulent roast butter basted turkey or housebaked mushroom and cranberry nut roast served with chestnut stuffing, braised red cabbage, glazed carrots, brussel sprouts, peas, roast potatoes and rich gravy housebaked Christmas pudding mulled port jelly and sweet biscuits glittering white chocolate baked cheesecake cheese platter housebaked mince pie, tea or coffee £13.95 commencing 1st December - 23rd 01579 363401 Wheal tor is situated at the top of Pensilva, on the left hand side as you drive towards Upton Cross from Liskeard. Open every day from 12pm except Mondays 38 An advert this size only costs £7.50 including VAT per month Cornish United Care Professional care company providing quality care in the comfort of your own home E-mail Marilyn Stacey & Anna Kaiser parishpump@btconnect [email protected] For more details 07817331016 / 07799422253 01579 348580 MONSIEUR DECORATEUR General Property Maintenance Internal & Exterior Painting Woodwork Roof Repairs Glazing, Tiling etc. Power Washing Exterior Walls, Patios etc. References Available No Job Too Small Call Tim 07762 477542 39 J. H. Simmons FERN LODGE Boarding Kennels & Cattery Painting & Decorating ● Fully insured and licensed ● Individual care and attention ● All diets cared for ● Early morning walks, late evening Strolls & plenty of playtime ● Quiet rural setting ● Dog Training ● Knowledgeable & friendly staff ● Collection & delivery service. Interior & Exterior No Job Too Small References Available For more information Please call John 01579 362688 Come and visit our on site pet shop Vast variety of Dog and Cat food Top names all at competitive prices. FREE delivery service inside the parish! 7 East Park, Pensilva Tel: 01579 363030 Golberdon Road, Pensilva Head to Toe Mobile hair & beauty service Beauty treatments Waxing, Facials, Eyebrow/Lash tints, Massage Manicure, Pedicure, Minx Nails, Spray Tans False lashes, individual or strips. 10% off your first treatment Call Charlotte for prices on 07768952692 Hair Cuts, Colouring, Perms, Blow dry, Wedding hair, and Re styles. Call Vicky for prices on 07899801252 40 Need Somewhere to Stay? Between Homes ? Are Family/Friends Visiting ? 20 Years Experience Honest and Reliable ST. IVE Long Term Stays Short Breaks Open all Year Call 07957 891706 Call Jackie on 01579 362216 41 42 43 EcoCleaners for a safe and healthy environment at home DOG GROOMING 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE eco-friendly cleaning agency offering regular domestic service: weekly, 2-weekly or 4-weekly SMALL and MEDIUM Dogs Groomed to Your Request 01503-241166 LISKEARD AREA Inquiries Welcome [email protected] Call Patricia: 07517 658862 Bruce Jack Upholsterer of Fine Furniture Traditional & Modern For all aspects of Upholstery and Loose Covers, including fabric sales, contact Bruce on; 01822 834433 or visit our website at 44 Dunmere Road Garage, Dunmere Road, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 2QN Telephone and Fax Number: 01208 77989 SAT 3 NOV SUN 18 NOV 19/24 NOV FRI 30 NOV SAT 1 DEC SUN 16 DEC BRIDGEWATER CARNVAL HOLIDAY ON ICE SPEED FOKSTONE TURKEY & TINSEL with excursions inc france TAVISTOCK DICKENSIAN EVENING CLARKS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING VILLAGE MOUSEHOLE & ANGARRACK LIGHTS (optional Christmas supper) FOR BOOKINGS & ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT 01208 77989 More details on NICOLA GREENE KPS HPC Registered Chiropodist/Podiatrist KEASON PLANT SERVICES Home Visit Practice treating all your foot care needs: BSc (hons) Podiatry McHs ● Nail Cutting ● Corns and Calluses ● Thickened Nails ● Dry Cracked Skin ● Verrucae ● Foot Pain ● Diabetic Foot Assessments Wound Care T: 01579 590027 T: 01752 291565 M: 07786164205 E: [email protected] Moordown Works, St Ive Mini Digger & Dumper Hire 01579 383933 45 SEASONED LOGS MJ ROOFING CONTRACTORS and GENERAL BUILDER MIXED LOAD or HARDWOOD Tel Jonathan Specialist in all roofing from new roofs to missing slates Free Estimates Mobile 07966 070725 or 01579 363157 TEL: 01579 363700 07763 930821 Also tree/hedge work undertaken 46 47 Computer Tamer Home help for all your Computing needs. Down to earth, jargon-free tuition, advice, repairs, troubleshooting & installation. Puzzled by email setup, anti virus, backing up photos or any other aspect of using your machine? Need that computer set up or repaired? Need a website designed or updated? For all this and more call Tony for a free chat about your needs. Then I can visit you at your home. No call out fee if a local visit, just a reasonable hourly rate. Talk to you soon. Gift vouchers available 01579 320547 [email protected] 48 Avalennek, Caradon Town, Upton Cross, Liskeard Cornwall PL14 5AR Telephone 01579 363598 Mobile 01901 538132 [email protected] HOG ROAST EQUIPMENT HIRE AND MEAT SUPPLY Hog Roasts For Those Special Occasions Self Catering or Hassle Free Service Everything done to your special requirements CHRIS ROUNSEVELL TRADITIONAL BUTCHER KEEP IT TIDY D. Hall Painter & Decorator General Property Maintenance including Decorating, plus Electrical Interior & Exterior Painting Kitchens & Bathrooms Wall & Floor Tiling Covering all General Household Maintenance HONEST PRICE for QUALITY work. No Job Too Small Kit Rickard 18 Higher Glen Park Pensilva Derek Hall Phone: 01579 363378 Mobile: 07855 699071 Mobile: 07974 066 292 Tel: 01579 362 783 Email:[email protected] 49 WHY VISIT CALLINGTON Friendly staff who want to help Choice of independent specialist shops Cheap car parking First hour repayable with purchase at Co-Op * ELECTRICAL GOODS * CYCLES * GIFTS * CARDS * * CORNISH PASTIES * RESIDENTIAL ART COURSES * * FINE DINING RESTAURANT * NEWSAGENTS * * ANTIQUES & CURIOS * PET SHOPS * HARDWARE * * BRIDAL WEAR * OPTICIANS * BABY & TODDLER CLOTHES * CARPET SHOP * ACCOUNTANTS * SOLICITORS * There is so much more - Visit to see for yourself CALLINGTON TRADERS ASSOCIATION SHOP LOCAL AND KEEP CALM 50 CORNWALL PET SERVICES HOME BOARDING FOR DOGS DOG WALKING HOME VISITS Situation: Between Liskeard & Callington Home Boarding for Dogs - Safe home environment, off road walking House calls to suit your family pet Dog walking Fully insured Police checked Chris Day Birchill Quethiock Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 3SQ Tel. 01579 340438 - Mob 07805879606 Email - [email protected] 51 DAVID HEWETT GARDEN SERVICES LAWN MOWING / GRASS CUTTING STRIMMING HEDGE CUTTING CLEARING etc/etc FREE QUOTES Tel. 01579 363796 [email protected] 01579 384094 52 You may place an ad for sale up to £50 Free of Charge. There is a £5 charge for items over £50. Please contact the Parish office on 01579 363096 or email [email protected]. Please let us know when your item has sold. John Lewis 'Winnipeg' dropside wooden cot £30 Hauck travel cot £20. Townsend ladies bike £40.00 01579 363314 01579 362581 Poker/card table, Used once £25.00 ONO. Scholl Lumbar support cushion, never used £10.00. Foot warmer & massager, never used £15.00. 01579 362822 Bosch Cordless Jug Kettle (S.Steel) TWK6831GB £29.99 Bosch Allstar Steam Iron Self-Clean TDA5610GB £32.00 Tescos Finest Contemporary Crystal Fruit Bowl £25.00 ALL NEW AND UNOPENED Tel: 01579 347674 V-FIT 07PMC Programmable Magnetic Upright Exercise Bike - Has a 13 programme excercise monitor which includes a variety of functions including hand grip pulse, BMI (body fat) calculator and many more, all explained in accompanying user manual which also includes exercise info. Has (unused) water bottle attached to frame for use when exercising. Absolutely superb, very sturdy machine of excellent quality with a maximum user weight of 18 stone. Brand new condition, virtually unused, & ready to go. A genuine bargain which would make an ideal Christmas present. Asking just £140 ovno. (RRP is £280) Car roof bars. Paddy Hopkirk make. Fully adjustable to fit most cars, especially estates, with roof rails. £30 Please enquire weekdays only. 01579-382298 or Butchers Arms. New Laminated work surface 1600x600 speckled effect £20.ono 07976 570914 Petrol Cement Mixer Working but needs attention, Cleaning, engine overhaul, £50.00 01579 362064 Please contact 07713 160831 or 07845 974304 if interested. If no reply please leave message & details and we will call you back. WANTED Pond Weed for new pond 01579 384029 53 Pink Pine Toddler Bed good condition suit 18mths-4years. Frame only £30 or with mattress & duvet £40 01579 363443 Morphy Richards Breadmaker. Only used a few times £10 01579 362912 Large Coffee Table Glass Top 37” x 18” £10.00 01579 363033 Z Tec Folding Wheelchair Bought March 2011 for £170.00 £50.00 01579 362911 “BT Décor” telephone – colour white Offers to St Ive Parish Council 01579 363096 Bi Folding door for 4ft Shower Cubicle £10.00 01579 363626 Pink DS Light: With Charger & Case, Good Condition £35 Selection of Games, 3 for £10 Call for details 01579 383134 Wanted Hauck Travel Cot Red / Black Never used £35 01579 349446 Ride on Mower Rough Cut Mower 01579 363283 Conservatory Cane Suite 2 Seater settee, 1 chair Peaches/Cream 18 months old, Space needed £35 No Offers 1 pair Damask dusky pink curtains with tie backs. 72” x 48” £25 2 pairs Damask blush pink weighted curtains with tie backs 72” x 54” £25 each pair 1 pair beige floral pattern curtains with tie backs. 72” x 84” £25 1 Chair dusky pink cintique £25 Shop Till electric with Euro button Complete with keys and spare till rolls £25 01579 347908 Inflatable Clown Bouncer 8 ft X 8 ft X 6 ft. Comes with blower to inflate and stability pegs. Suitable for ages 3-10 yrs. Used but in excellent condition. Cost £100 new, will accept £30 ONO. Contact Rachel on 01579 363834 or 07512104732. 01579 363930 Edwardian reproduction pedestal Dining Table 5’ x 3’5” £50 01579 383298 54 Fax/Phone/Copier combo machine. Suitable home or office. 20.00 Glass fronted 60’s china cabinet with Double door storage below. Specs:1cm/3ft. wide; 29cm/12” deep. 101cm/40” high, inc. 20cm/8” high legs. £30.00 Table top Fridge/Cooker combo. Suitable office, caravan, etc. £30.00 01579 345783 Wanted Large walling or hedging stone even if recovered from old building walls or other structures Sensibly priced Creosote from 5 litres to 100 litres For Sale 15 Golf Clubs, 6 Golf Balls, 2 all weather L/H gloves and carrying bag £40.00 2 boxes of 1.4, mainly yellow, cartridges in 27 calibre strips for Trifix BT160, BT400 and BT 60m nail guns and 3 boxes of Profix Cartridge Tool Nails. £25.00. Approximate 30 gallon tough Blue Nylon Barrel with air tight fastening top and heavy duty rubber lid. £20.00 2 light weight none ferrous metal tubes with white protective coating, 1 - 11 ft long x 2,½” dia, 1 - 11 ft long x 2” dia ideal for barrier, blocking drive way or horse jumps. £15.00 3 reels galvanised strong garden wire, ( not wire mesh) estimated combined lengths 50 meters. £15.00 Tel 01579 - 384658 Bratz Moon Chair in excellent condition - main colour pink. £5.00. Matching curtains also available £10.00. Tel: 01579 363834 / 07512 104732 AIR HOCKEY TABLE 3’ 6” x 7’ good condition £25 POOL TABLE 3’ x 6’ good condition £20 TRAMPOLINE 16’ hardly used £49 01579 363067 Free local delivery. Binatone large button telephone.Unused still in box. Cost £35 will accept £20. Black & Decker Garden Blower/Hoover. Vgc £30 ono Cool/hot box for Car/caravan 12volt, Halfords 35 litre. £30 ono. Golf Clubs,Mens,Eagle Tour. £50 ono Golf Bag and Trolley £25 ono Golf Clubs,Ladies, Midi. £50 ono. Golf Bag and Trolley. £25 ono. Golf Clubs,Mens,Left Handed suit beginner,with bag and extra John Daley Hippo clubs .£30 ono. 01579-362607 SAMSUNG SF-375TP Plain Paper Inkjet Fax/Copier Can be used as desk phone/ answerphone. Complete with speakerphone and phonebook facility. Hardly used. High spec. £50 01579 382282 Epson C40 Plus Printer £10 2 BMW Wheel Trims 185/55/R16 £20 each 01579 362318 Cat Box £5 01579 363200 55 Very nice 3 Branch Ceiling Light Fitting As new £20 Some very nice mirrors. Various sizes. Cheap prices 01579 362684 Genuine PEUGEOT Roof-Bars and twin cycle carrier to fit a PEUGEOT 307 Never used £50.00 01579 383915. Quality chocolate brown carpet off cut. 5 7" x 13' plus. Used to store boxes for two weeks only, otherwise never fitted. £10.00 Buyer collects from Pensilva. Argos hand blender (white), with instructions, and a slightly tatty box. Hardly used and in excellent condition. £2.50. Argos food processor. Complete, and in good condition, as used only once, with instructions, but no box. Please Note, Chopper plastic plunger slightly damaged after falling out of the kitchen cupboard, but still usable. £5.00. Ash effect desk and shelving storage unit with keyboard shelf. Good condition and ideal for coursework or working from home. 43” (110cms) long x 19” (49cms) deep x 30” (77cms) high. £10.00. Three old farm house style wooden dining chairs. Average - good condition for age. £5.00 Electric fire,coal effect/,brass front/wood mantle surround £40. Winnie the pooh highchair/converts to table&chair/wood frame/upholstered £25 7" digital photo frame(new)ideal gift £20 BABYLISS shiatsu bath spa (new -boxed) £20 NO7 facial spa centre( new-boxed) £20 HOMEDICS full body massage mat (boxed) was £50--accept £25 Bubble foot spa (boxed) £10 KIDS PLAYMAT-snakes and ladders(still in sealed packaging)was £14.99--accept £7.50 KIDS PLAYMAT-hopskotch-pink (still in sealed packaging) was £14.99---accept £7.50 ROCKET DOG flipflops/black wedge/red bead detail (new still in box) was £40accept £20 07743416676 Cornish Ekornes Stressless in Pampas. Good condition but arm ends looking tired. Buyer collects. £35. 01579 362950 Haynes Service & Repair Manuals Vauxhall Corsa March 1993 to 1997 (K to R reg) Petrol £4 Ford Mondeo Diesel 1993 to 1996 (L to N reg) £3 Both in very good condition 01579 362207 Electric Heater ( wall mounted or free standing ) new, never used £ 10.00 Tel 01579 363674. Valor Gas Fire Coal or Log Radiant Convector Near New £50.00 Jack LaLanne Power Juicer/Chopper Unused £50.00 01579 348142 07900 467 134. 56 Deadline for the Parish Pump is STRICTLY 15th of every month Contact Parish Office on 01579 363096 E-mail [email protected] and use “Parish Pump” In the subject heading. All ads must be in font size 16 or larger to ensure it is readable as it is reduced from A4 size to the size of the current publication. Ads to be sent as word or Publisher doc (text ads), Pub, Tiff or Jpeg (picture ads). Please contact the Parish Office for Ad Placement Specifications. Advertising Prices (from January 2011) including VAT at 20% Add Size Per Month Annually Savings ¼ Page £ 7.50 £ 81.00 £ 9.00 ½ Page £15.00 £162.00 £18.00 Full Page £25.00 £270.00 £30.00 The 10% discount for 12 months advertisement paid in advance is subject to the ad remaining unchanged for the fixed period. Millennium House Next Market Sat 10th November 57 What’s on in St Ive Parish ? WHAT’S ON WHEN CONTACT DETAILS MILLENNIUM HOUSE Aikido Thursday 7:00pm Antique & Collectors Fair 4th Sunday Monthly 10:00 - 4:00 Badminton Club Mon & Tues 7:30pm. Fr. 8.00pm 01579 320741 (Phil) Book Exchange Daily 01579 363096 Country Dancing Alternate Thursdays 8.00 - 10.00pm 01579 382402 Ray Buckingham Farmers Market 2nd Sat Monthly 9:30 - 12:30 01579 363096 Fitness Pilates Monday 9:30 - 10:30am 07850 473428 (Dianne) Friday Club Friday Hearing Aid Maintenance 1st Wednesday 10.00 - 12.30 01752 228657 Karen Squire Ladies Netball Friday 09:15 - 10:15am 07985 387472 Pensioners Lunches Tuesday 12:00 - 2:00pm 01579 363096 Short Mat Bowls Thursday 7:00pm Tai Chi Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00pm 07949763256 (Bob) Village History Group Last Wednesday Monthly 7:30pm 01579 208754 (Angus) Wildlife Group 1st Thursday Monthly 01579 362539 ( Hilary) Woman’s Institute 2nd Wed Monthly 7:15pm 01579 362531 (Jean Hoare) Yoga Wednesday 7:00pm 01579344464 Zumba Fitness Classes Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30pm 07850 646207 (Sarah) PENSILVA VILLAGE HALL Beavers Thursday 5:30pm 01579 363457 Simon Thorpe Breathers Group Monday 1.00pm - 3.00pm 01579 345989 Pauline Brownies Monday 4:00 - 6:00pm 01579 362239 Martha Oliver Cubs Thursday 6:30pm 01579 363457 Simon Thorpe Girl Guides Friday 6:00 - 8:00pm 01579 363212 Jackie Browning Pensilva Wednesday Club Wednesday 2:30pm 01579 362407 Miss J Mills Rainbows Friday 4:00 - 5:00pm 01579 362091 Lynne Bond Rangers For Info 01579 362982 Kirsty Oliver Pensilva Snooker Club Wed 7:00pm + Various times 01579 362091 Phillip Bond Tiny Tots Thursday 9:15 - 11:15am 01579 363376 Cathy PENSILVA SCHOOL Pensilva Pre-School Monday-Fridays 9-12.00 noon 58 07890 023 924 Penny Drake What’s on in St Ive Parish ? ST IVE INSTITUTE Art Classes Wednesday Afternoons 01579 344831 Yvette Wiltshire Art & Craft Group Tuesday 1:00 - 5:00pm 01579 362216 (Jackie) Coffee Morning Wednesday 10:30 - 12:00 Gardening Club 1st Monday monthly 7:30pm Post Office Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30 St Ive Snooker Club Monday & Thursday 7:00pm 01579 382762 01579 382315 R Bunkum St Ive Institute available for hire. £3 per hour. This includes the use of the kitchen & electric (excluding wall heaters which operate on a £1 coin meter) Contact Jill Ede 01579 384095 ST IVE & DISTRICT GARDENING ASSOCIATION Monday 5th Nov. 7:30pm at St Ive Village Hall. Advice on Garden Security by Bob Anslow All Welcome Meetings are held in St Ive Village Hall 1st Monday in the month at 7.30pm Visitors and new members are always welcome to join us. ART AND CRAFT GROUP We are a small friendly informal group who enjoy doing art and craft. If you paint or do any type of craftwork and would like to join us we would love to welcome you. There is no ‘teaching’ but help/advise is always forthcoming!. We meet at St. Ive Institute Hall from 1.00pm to 5.00pm Tuesday afternoons. Only £3.00 for the afternoon plus 50p for tea/coffee and biccies. If you are interested please give Jackie a call on 01579 362216. We look forward to meeting you. 59 Millennium House Hot & Cold Lunches Snacks & Drinks All day Breakfast Jacket Potatoes Bacon Rolls Chocolate Hot & Cold drinks And much more Salads Quiche Chips Cakes Opening Hours PLEASE NOTE NEW OPENING TIMES Mon, Wed & Fri 9.00am - 2pm Tues & Thurs 12.30 - 5.30pm Millennium House 01579 363096 Millennium House Licensed Bar Free House Opening Hours Mon - Thu Friday Saturday Sunday 5 pm to 11 pm 4 pm to 11 pm - 12 noon to 11 pm - 12 noon to 11 pm Millennium House 01579 363096 60
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