Baggywrinkle - Port Townsend Yacht Club


Baggywrinkle - Port Townsend Yacht Club
Volume 115 Issue 5
Port Townsend Yacht Club
May 2015
May Watch
Watch Captains: Katie &
Phil Harbegger; Crew:
Bill & Margaret Taylor,
Dean Brock and Sinead
May Events
PTYC Opening Day
Prep.—Fri., May 1, @
the Clubhouse
 PTYC Opening Day
Cruise to Boat Haven—
Fri.-Sun., May 1-3,
Cruise Captain Duane
Madinger (see Page 10)
PTYC Opening Day
Breakfast.—Sat., May 2,
8:45am @ the
Clubhouse (see Page 9)
 PTYC Opening Day
Boat Parade—Sat., May
2, 12:30pm on the Port
Townsend waterfront
Fleet Captain Duane
Madinger (see Page 11)
PTYC Opening Day
Ivar’s Clam Chowder
Potluck—Sat., May 2,
4:00pm @ the
Clubhouse (see Page 12)
(Continues on Page 5)
Board Meetings are always
open to any member. This is
your Yacht Club and we hope to
see you there.
Commodore’s Column:
“We Don’t Just Go Boating…”
What an absolutely great bunch you are! What you,
the members of The Port Townsend Yacht Club,
manage to accomplish in addition to going boating is
absolutely amazing! When Cindy and I joined PTYC,
we had no idea of the number of hours the members
of PTYC contribute to the club and the community
throughout the year.
The actions of a group, which is probably known as a “bunch of
boaters,” may be generating so much more in terms of service
hours, than actual “time on the water”, is wonderful to behold!
As I write this, 22 of your fellow members just completed putting in
95 volunteer hours at Mystery Bay State Park on Marrowstone
Island. These folks showed up at 9 o’clock this morning and by the
time they were done, the park really sparkled. You should take a
look sometime – the view across the water, toward the beautiful,
snow-capped Olympic
Mountain Range, is worth
the short drive. It is also a
neat place for a short cruise
and all night stay tied to the
dock. A fine lunch was
prepared by Paul Happel,
Sue McKay, Duane &
Houlton Madinger with Carl
Sidle doing dogs on his
grill. This deed was once
Earth Day Cleanup at Mystery Bay State Marine Park
again coordinated by Paul
Happel and Chelcie Liu.
And this is just one service
PTYC members perform
each year. AND… we
witnessed the debut of the
large, new PTYC burgee
made by Paul Happel for
the club to display at events
and cruises! To top it all off,
when we were eating lunch,
a lady came over to the tables and thanked us profusely for making
the park they use so neat, clean and attractive! (continues on p. 5)
Page 2
May 2015
TUESDAY, May 12, 2015
Social @ 6:30PM, Program @ 7:00PM,
Meeting @ 7:45PM
“East Jefferson Fire and Rescue”
Speaker: Bill Beezley, Public Information Officer
Bill wil speak on General Safety and Fire
Extinguisher use. He will provide a safety
card for each boat!
Be sure to make our Tuesday, May 12th meeting, to
learn more about general boating safety.
PTYC Members Are Invited to a Gala !!
Invitation to the NW School of Wooden Boat Building GALA
“Building on Tradition”
The Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding is hosting "Building on
Tradition," Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 6 p.m. at the Northwest Maritime Center.
This is the school's first-ever GALA—celebrating 34 years of boat building
history ,with an evening full of wonderful food, beverages, auctions, games
and music. Please join the fun and help support the boat school's mission by
attending their first fundraising Gala.
This is also an excellent opportunity to visit one of our frequent choices of
schools for PTYC Scholarship recipients.
For more information and to buy tickets, go to or call
PTYC Member Christina Pivarnik
Volume 115, Issue 5
under CRUISES at:
Fleet Captain Duane Madinger
2014 Victoria, BC Cruise Potluck
Page 3
Page 4
CALENDAR (continued from page 1)
May Events: (continued from page 1)
Board Meeting—Wed., May 6, 1:00pm @ the
General Meeting—Tues., May 12, 6:30pm @
the Clubhouse
June Watch:
Watch Captains: Fred & Ilona Bell; Crew:
Brandy, Oleathia & Genoa Buntin, Paul Happel
& Sue McKay, Rick & Sandi Rezinas, and Paul
&Catherine Snider
June Events:
Board Meeting—Wed., June 3, 1:00pm @ the
General Meeting—Tues., June 9, 6:30pm @
the Clubhouse
Cruise “Round Whidbey”—Wed.,—Wed,
June 10—17, Dale & Susie Moses Cruise
Captains (see Page 13)
May 2015
HELP Wanted
A volunteer Club
member to enter data
into a MS Excel
document for tracking
clubhouse rentals.
The database is
already set up. You
would extract 5 pieces of information
from the rental agreements and enter the
info into the appropriate titled column.
Please contact Rear Commodore Craig
Kurath: [email protected] or Commodore
Gerry Walsh:
[email protected]
Remuneration and Benefits
too lavish to mention here!
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 5
Commodore’s Column (concludes)
“We Don’t Just Go Boating…”
At every meeting it seems that there are sign-up sheets on tables and passed around on
clipboards with opportunities to be of service as well as for going boating. Many members have
already answered the call to serve as Watch Captains and Crew for our monthly meetings, while
others work tirelessly in the background to the benefit of all of us.
Speaking of tireless work behind the scenes, your club now has a new
website, an idea born over a year ago, which has now become a reality. No
one, except the small group of people led by Macy Galbreath and Ilona Bell,
have any idea of the literally hundreds of hours they worked to create our
new “”. When you see them, please tell them how much you
appreciate their time and effort. A “Thank you”, is always appreciated.
Last month I wrote that Spring Cleaning was upon us and sure enough, your clubhouse was
cleaned by member volunteers who swarmed the place as usual.
Okay, enough cheerleading for this month, now I want to ask that if someone asks, or if you hear of
a plea for help, please think how this might be your opportunity to be of service. Heck, you could do
something like tending bar, manning a table of clipboards, helping to clean up after meetings, help
run a cruise, work at the Garage Sale, help find program speakers or even volunteering to do a
program yourself, just as Harry Dudley, Steve Froggett, Jess Schefstrom and Rick Rezinas did for
the Saturday Safety Seminar on April 11th. The coordinators were Tim Loika and Rick Rezinas.
Tim and Kathy Loika even captained the Watch for the general meeting the following Tuesday!
There is always need for more of us to do wonderful things for each other and the community and
ultimately for ourselves.
We are so proud of PTYC and feel privileged to belong. Thank you again, Vince and Mary Ann, for
inviting us to join!
To paraphrase the old Irish blessing:
May there always be work for your hands to do
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May your heart be filled with gladness to cheer you.
“May the frost never afflict your spuds.”
Gerry Walsh, Commodore
Volunteer for Event Committees
to make 2015 better than ever!
Contact Commodore Gerry Walsh
(360) 301-3037
[email protected]
Page 6
May 2015
APRIL Recreation Boaters of Washington (RBAW) Report
Your Representatives Working for You
Habitat Conservation Plan
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has backed off the plan
to require stringent new regulations for overwater structures, that has
and will affect not only yacht clubs but other marine businesses that
would have been required, at great financial cost, to relocate docks
to allow for more water under boats at lower tides. After bills were
introduced in both the Senate and the House to require the DNR to
restart the comment period, since it was a travesty at best the first
time around, the director of DNR has now pulled the plan and will
restart the process and/or reevaluate whether it is necessary. The House and Senate bills will not
go forward at this time. RBAW will be a stakeholder at the table in this process!
Vessel Records Privacy – SSB 5397
The bill is progressing nicely with no objection in both Houses. It has passed the Senate and is up
for a second reading in the House Rules Committee. This will give boat owners the same privacy
to their records with the Department of Licensing that vehicle owners enjoy.
Marine Tourism Bill – SB 5878
This bill is doing well in the Senate and has cleared the Senate Ways and Means
Committee. If passed all the way through both Houses and signed by the
Governor, it could be huge boon to the local boatyard economy and provide extra
jobs/income from boat repairs and restoration on out of state commercial or
corporately owned boats for longer periods of time without tax penalties. We are
presently losing much needed income to Canadian boatyards for these vessels.
Proposed Sales Tax on Vehicle and Vessel Trade-Ins
Neither the House nor Senate Operating Budgets include a proposal advanced
by the Governor to place a sales tax on vehicle and vessel trade-ins.
Linda Newland,
RBAW Director
and representative
from PTYC.
Just a reminder: Our Baggywrinkle newsletter is not
published printed in the peak summer months of July & August.
Be sure to check our website:
for the latest updates.
Ahoy fellow PTYC Members!
Doug and I are looking to share a 26’-35’ Catalina sailboat (or
If you are looking for a partner in your boat or would
consider buying a boat together, please contact Doug & Ellen Frick:
(206)218-4749 or [email protected]
[email protected]
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 7
2015 Port Townsend Yacht Club Officers
Commodore: Gerry Walsh
Vice Commodore: Bruce Painter
Rear Commdore: Craig Kurath
Fleet Captain: Duane Madinger
Secretary: Mary Schefstrom
Treasurer: Craig Cholvin
Trustee: Jess Schefstrom
Trustee: Tim Loika
Past Commodore: Macy Galbreath
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 75 Port Townsend, WA 98365
Street Address: 2503 Washington Street
Membership: [email protected]
Rentals: [email protected]
Reciprocals: [email protected]
Information: [email protected]
Baggywrinkle Editor: [email protected]
Cruises: [email protected]
2015 PTYC Clubhouse Spring Clean
See more photos on line in the GALLERY at:
Page 8
May 2015
PTYC Member Paul Happel used his professional photographer skills to
update the Past Commodore photos in the main room. It took around 80
hours for Paul to complete this project, that included:
1. Scanning all of the past commodore photos.
2. PhotoShop® in new backgrounds, to replace the washed out color on
the photos.,
3. Digitally cleaning up the photos.
4. Printing the photos at COSTCO
5. Mounting the photos on new foam core backing.
6. Cleaning the frames and glass.
7. Laser aligning their placement on the wall.
NOTE: The most recent photos were in good shape, except for cleaning
the glass and frames.
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 9
Page 10
Shop at our ‘on-line’
PTYC Ship Store!
May 2015
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 11
Page 12
May 2015
A thinking of you card was sent to Doug Frick.
PTYC’s Fair Winds Committee offers support to club members who are facing
challenges and losses in their lives. If you know of a club member our
committee should contact, please call Sandy Curtis at (360) 732-6851 or
Mary Ann Verneuil at (360) 379-4002.
Mary Ann Verneuil
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 13
Page 14
May 2015
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 15
Page 17
May 2015
PTYC Boating Seminar Series
Volume 115, Issue 5
PTYC Annual Chili Cook-Off
Page 16
Page 18
May 2015
T-37 Annual
Regional Racing
T-37 sailors, WOW! What a
day for T-37 Championship
Nice northerly all day, sunny
and warm. The wind was light
in the morning, but always
strong enough to keep us
moving. Wind velocity
increased continuously
throughout the day.
We completed six races
before our lunch break and an
additional nine between 12:45
and 2:30.
We just can’t help boasting
about this. Our PTYC fleet
sailors (Lucas Hurt, Satch
Yarbrough, and Dan Darrow)
went to yesterdays Regional
T37 Championship and
brought home 1st, 4th and
7th places, respectively, out
of a field of 19 boats. Our
guys won 10 of the 15
races. Job well done
Now the East Siders know we
are serious; perhaps they’ll
come over and start playing
on our water before the 2016
Regionals in
Port Ludlow.
Again, today's
NW Regionals
turned out to
be one of the
best days of
T-37 sailing
we've had.
PTYC Member Michael Machette
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 19
2015 New PTYC Members
Michael & Jane Asbury
Dean Brock & Sinead Marron
Debbie & Bob Williams
Pete & Helen Leenhouts
Claudia & Bob Dubuque
Pamela & Gary Baillargeon
Page 20
May 2015
Let’s give it up for the folks who continue to make things happen!
Paul Happel for his creation of the large, new burgee for use at club events
and cruises.
 Chelcie Liu and Paul Happel for coordinating the Mystery Bay Clean up.
To all 22 people who worked at the Mystery Bay Clean up.
To the new website committee led by Macy Galbreath and Ilona Bell with
members Oleathia Buntin, Jess Schefstrom and Rick Rezinas.
 To Rear Commodore Craig Kurath for coordinating the Clubhouse clean up
and all the volunteer workers who showed up.
 Craig Cholvin for quietly and competently toiling with the club finances.
 Paul Happel for rejuvenating the Past Commodore Photo Wall portraits.
Bruce Painter for completing the 2015 club “Roster” book. A huge job!
To all of the PTYC ers who make it all happen every month.
Volume 115, Issue 5
PTYC Earth Day Clean-Up at Mystery Bay State Marine Park
Nautical Items for Sale
'86 SABRE 32 RACER/CRUISER: Excellent like
new condition. NEW UNIVERSAL ENGINE 2013—
ONLY 100 HOURS. New transmission/New
Exhaust/New Gauges. Additional PICTURES/
VIDEOS and specs see: http:// $49,500
Contact: Ed Cooper (360) 698-3562 or
[email protected]
'82 GRAND BANKS 42’: Harry & Zoe Ann's
Classic Tri-Cabin "ZOE ANN" with Twin
Ford-Lehman 120s; Naiad fin stabilizers;
Updated Interior; Radar; etc. Been in fresh
water (Lake Union) since 2007. Just moved
to Port Hadlock. Asking $139,900
Contact: Harry Dudley (360)385-1368
Page 21
Page 22
May 2015
The following companies support PTYC with Line Ads below and links to their company websites
in the right side-bar at: Thank you for supporting them by keeping business local when
making your decisions about boat maintenance, repairs, marine services and purchases:
ADMIRAL SHIP SUPPLY, INC. Bob Frank, (new) Owner Weekly orders and deliveries from
Seattle’s FISHERIES SUPPLY ( 305 10th Street, Port
Townsend, WA 98368 Located in Port of Port Townsend’s Boat Yard 79-9921
Fax: (360) 379-9947
[email protected]
EDENSAW WOODS, LTD. Jim (Kiwi) Ferris, WP Offering over 60 species of domestic and
exotic wood. Plywood, veneers, flooring, tools, SmartWood: SW-COC-51 and woodworking
211 Seton Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Direct (360) 344-4646, (360) 3857878, Fax (360) 385-5215, Toll Free (800) 745-3336 [email protected]
Mobile Service - Complete
Maintenance & Repair Diesel - Gas - Outdrives - All Systems - Electrical Haulouts - Bottom Paint Prop & Shaft P.O. Box 956 Port Hadlock, WA 98339
(360) 301-4871 (360) 379-4906-cell
[email protected]
GOLD STAR MARINE Located in the historic seaport of Port Townsend, Washington, Gold Star
Marine is a full-service boatyard where “customer service” is taken seriously. Our craftspeople
have the experience, skills, and dedication to get the job done right. When Accidents Happen . . .
Gold Star will get you back on the water. Fiberglass, wood, Metal . . . We do it all !
2900 Washington Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Located in Port of Port Townsend’s Boat
Yard (360) 385-3054
HADLOCK BUILDING SUPPLY Start your projects off right with quality tools, products and
expert advice from our True Value Hardwarians. Like us on Facebook for weekly specials,
savings, and give-aways at:
901 Ness’ Corner Rd., P.O. Box 869, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 (360)385-1771 (360)385-1980
HENERY DO-IT BEST HARDWARE Matthew & Tara Henery, Owners Walking distance from
Port of Port Townsend’s Boat Yard A wide variety of stainless steel hardware, housewares and
other marine supplies. 218 Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA 89368
(360) 385-5900
FAX (360) 385-5901
[email protected]
See our Calendar of Events (in the right side-bar):
Volume 115, Issue 5
Page 23
HOMER SMITH INSURANCE, INC. Complete Business, Personal and Marine Insurance
Northwest Health & Financial Services, LLC A Division of Homer Smith Insurance, Inc. providing
Life, Health, Retirement Plans, Long Term Care and Medicare Supplements 804 Water Street,
Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3711 Fax (360) 385-3726
PORT HADLOCK MARINA Strategically located between Port Ludlow to the south and Port
Townsend to the north, Port Hadlock Marina provides unprecedented access to the best boating
in Puget Sound. Our modern, well maintained Marina has all the modern amenities and is
located adjacent to 600' of beachfront with a terrific lawn and picnic area and moorage for
medium and large boats. and keep up with us on (360) 385-6368.
PORT LUDLOW MARINA, Moor your vessel at one the most serene harbors in the Puget
Sound. Secure, protected moorage available! 36’ slips $310.00 per month. 40’ slips at $345.00
per month. No tax! That’s your total monthly payment! Call the marina office for details.
PORT TOWNSEND CANVAS COMPANY Daniele & Jeff Johnson, owners. Located near
Point Hudson with access from the Skateboard Park lot. We specialize in custom marine canvas
and upholstery. We have a wide variety of canvases, fabrics, and vinyl boat glass for you to
choose from. Free estimates within a 20 mile radius. "Let us cover your assets!" .
P.O. Box 1814, 410 Washington St., Port Townsend, WA. [email protected].
SEA MARINE YACHT SERVICE Point Hudson, WA We are a complete Marine Service
Center Come Visit our NEW SHOW ROOM with the latest in Marine Products FREE HaulOut & FREE Lay-Days with scheduled work Call for details ABYC Master Technician, Complete
Joinery Shop, Electrical Systems, Mechanical, Repower, Plumbing, Paint & Finish
Jackson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Toll Free (800) 952-6962
(360) 385-4000
[email protected]
The “Small-Town” Wine Shop with the “Big-City”
Selection! Everyday value wines from 2 for $7 Rare & older vintages! Special orders!
We Ship! Open 7 days a week 10:30 am till at least 7:00 pm Open even later on weekends &
holidays and during Summer Wine Tastings 1st & 3rd Fridays :
1010 Water St. Port Townsend, WA—Just a few steps from the Ferry!
(360) 385-7673 1-888-MAX-WINE (1-888-629-9463)
See more photos in the GALLERY at:
Boat Photos
in Yacht Club
If you would like
to have a photo
of your boat on
the gallery wall,
please send me
a boat picture
with its name and your name. Don’t try to make
it to-size because I will scan in any prints and
resize them. You may also e-mail a boat picture
in .jpg format.
Contact: Paul Happel at 379-9119 or
[email protected]
DEADLINE for next issue is May 20th
Please e-mail any photos in .jpg format and articles
longer than 2 or 3 lines as a separate attachment to:
[email protected]
Look for our event photos and News items on our
website —
Editor for June is Ilona Bell
Baggywrinkle Committee Members:
Ilona Bell
Katherine Buchanan
Betty Petrie
Sandi Rezinas
Ed Cooper
Mary Schefstrom
Craig Kurath
Cindy Walsh
A very special THANK YOU
to all Baggywrinkle contributors!
PTYC— located on the Port Townsend Waterfront across from West Marine:
P.O. Box 75
2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Port Townsend
Yacht Club
P.O. Box 75
Port Townsend, WA