April 2016 - Elizabeth Macarthur High School
April 2016 - Elizabeth Macarthur High School
Elizabeth Macarthur High School Respect, Responsibility, Pride Issue 2—April 2016 From the Principal. 2016 has started off well – we have a new executive team on the P&C. Paul Brooks, Julie Fuller and Fiona Tisdale remain the president, secretary and treasurer respectively , but we welcome, Mrs Pearce, Mrs Mulley and Mrs Clarke as co-Vice Presidents. Their first event is on Monday 4th April with the Dance party to celebrate the end of daylight saving. We hope to see all students there enjoying some down time and having some fun. Congratulations to the Year 12 2015, high achievers who were awarded a certificate at a lovely ceremony at Camden Civic centre by the Mayor Lara Symkoviac and the State Member Chris Patterson. Elizabeth Macarthur High School was well represented with 25 students receiving awards. This was many, many more awards than any other high schools, both public and private received, showing that our students achieve not only great results but a vast number of them received great results in a variety of subjects. Elizabeth Macarthur is also having wonderful success in sport. We came second at the zone swimming carnival and are in the semi finals of the boys basketball, boys cricket, girls cricket and senior table tennis. Congratulations to all students involved. Congratulations as well to the senior leadership team. The Year 12 captains and prefects created the SWAT program, that stands for Stop, Walk and Talk, an anti-bullying initiative that they launched with Year 7 this term. This is an entirely student lead and designed initiative that we are very proud of. Our students leaders in future leaders have been planning and teaching lessons during roll call for some years for PBL. This skill development shows the depth of skills our students bring. This week the school held ANZAC day service and Assembly followed by the school cross country carnival. The captains and leadership team and other students will also march on behalf of Elizabeth Macarthur High school and lay a wreath at the Camden ANZAC Day march where the RSL encourage student participation. The march starts at 10:30am—students should meet at 10am outside the tyre shop. Hopefully you will see them on the day. Miss Kylie Hedger "Shaping the future, by pursuing excellence and creating boundless opportunities." 38 Waterworth Drive, EMAIL: [email protected] NARELLAN VALE NSW 2567 WEB: www.elizabeth-h.schools.nsw.edu.au PH: 4646 1899 FAX: 4647 1569 Page 2 Issue 2—April 2016 From the Deputy Principal Year 7, 9, 11 This term has been a busy one. I attended the Year 7 camp and was impressed by the way in which the Year 7 students took to the physical challenges, being away from home and developing new friendships over the three days. This was an important socialisation opportunity for the students and being able to interact with their teachers outside the classroom to develop important and supportive connections. I enjoyed meeting with parents and care givers of Year 7 and 11 during the information nights conducted earlier this term. It is important to revisit the routines, procedures, school policies and networks that support the child's wellbeing at Elizabeth Macarthur High School. Understanding the ROSA and HSC credentials ensures that students are working on the appropriate school pathway to access careers of their choice. A few Year 11 students are finding their transition into their Stage 6 courses demanding and challenging. Being organised, regular and consistent with their study efforts will ensure that they meet their assessment timeframes. The homework centre provides all students with teacher assistance after school on Monday. It can also provide our students with an appropriate place to study straight after school. Parent teacher night for students of Years 7, 11 and 12 allowed for an open discussion about the transition issues the students are having with High School or the Higher Certificate courses of study. Staff development day for next term will showcase some innovative teaching and learning programs that exist within our community of schools. Narellan Public, Narellan Vale Public, Harrington Park Public and Elizabeth Macarthur High School will meet together for staff to get an overview of how these innovative programs could work with their classes. Leaders of these programs will run training programs for staff in Term 2 across the community of schools to ensure its successful implementation for interested staff. As we head into autumn, it is important that students are wearing the correct and appropriate uniform for the cooler months ahead. Track suit pants, hooded tops and canvas shoes are not part of the school's uniform. Similarly girl’s leggings are not appropriate for general school wear. Mr Martin Toaetolu From the Deputy Principal Year 8, 10,12 I have been delighted with the progress being made by our students at Elizabeth Macarthur High School who have undertaken a vast range of curriculum projects and extra-curriculum activities. As we approach the end of the term many students have completed the first round of assessment tasks in many of their subjects and should be looking forward to the feedback from their teachers about their performance. It is important that all students remember however that the assessment cycle occurs throughout the whole year and a consistent approach is required from all students to ensure they are producing their best results. Year 12 have successfully launched the S.W.A.T. Anti-Bullying Program with our Year 7 cohort. The Year 12 Leadership Team devised this initiative to support the transition of Year 7 into High School and ensure the impact of bullying behaviour is minimised with some fantastic strategies. As a student led program, its focus aims at the needs of students and we are excited about seeing it in action across the school throughout the year. Page 3 Issue 2—April 2016 We have had great success with many of our Year 10 students in a range of sporting activities. Ranging from swimming to touch football. I am regularly inundated with permission notes for students who are representing the school, zone and region in their chosen sport. It was also really encouraging to see the level of participation by Year 10 at the recent merit assembly where the standing room on the stage was extremely tight due to the large numbers of students receiving awards. Well done Year 10! Many Year 8 students attended the recent excursion to the Easter Show. This was offered to students who have successfully engaged in the school’s Merit System this year. Our students who attended had a great day engaging in the activities at the show; especially the students from 8V who had most of their class attend the excursion. Kind Regards Mrs Lyndy Clowry Term 2 2016 Mon Tue Wed Apr 25 26 27 ANZAC Day Camden Staff Development Day Students return May 2 3 4 P & C Meeting 7pm 9 Thu Fri 28 29 5 6 Assembly 10 11 12 13 NAPLAN NAPLAN NAPLAN Athletics Carnival 16 17 18 19 20 Year 7—10 Half Yearly Exams Year 7—10 Half Yearly Exams Year 7—10 Half Yearly Exams Year 7—10 Half Yearly Exams Year 7—10 Half Yearly Exams 23 24 25 26 27 AECG Meeting 6pm National History Competition Proposed calendar for Term 2. See website for updated information Page 4 Issue 2—April 2016 ATTENTION PARENTS & CAREGIVERS Information from Home School Liaison Officer School Attendance Good attendance at school by all students is a high priority at Elizabeth Macarthur HS The law in NSW states that all children between six and seventeen years of age are required to attend school regularly, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to make sure that their children attend each day the school is open for instruction. Regular attendance at school enables students to develop a sense of belonging to a peer group and build important coping and friendship skills. These children are less likely to engage in anti-social behaviour. All children have a right to an education and through regular attendance at school can make the most of educational opportunities leading to happy and successful future. At various times throughout the year, the executive teacher in charge of attendance and/or the HSLO will interview students with identified concerns in their attendance. Concerns with attendance may include- An attendance rate lower than 85% - Unexplained or unjustified absences - Regular lateness / part day absences. - Extended periods of illness. The purpose of an interview is to promote and support improved attendance at school. Please contact the school if you have any concerns about this. Parents are encouraged to work with the school to resolve any attendance concerns to ensure the best outcomes are achieved for all students at school and in their future opportunities. If you are having trouble with your child’s attendance please contact the school or myself as soon as possible. Maree Russell Home School Liaison Officer 46206959 Page 5 Issue 2—April 2016 Elizabeth Macarthur High School is going Mobile Important school information, school newsletters, school notes, important dates and alerts will now be available on your Smart Phone. Our App is FREE and available on both iPhone/iPad from iTunes App Store and Android from Google Play. Search for our school name, Elizabeth Macarthur High School OR EMHS You can use Push Notifications to keep up to date with all new events. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 6 SRC Report Lately, the SRC have been involved with our community. Our members from the SRC participated attended and competed in the Campbelltown challenge walk. Here is a recount written by some of our SRC representatives of the day: On March 13th, a group of students and four teachers entered in the Campbelltown challenge walk. Together as a school team we won a first place plaque. It was a 6km scenic walk up and down hills throughout the Botanical Gardens, with refreshments along the way. It was an early start but overall it was something that shouldn’t be missed. The representatives that attended were: Bradley Martin, Samuel Pape, Tahlia Huygens, Charlene Keomalavong and Tayla Stevenson along with the SRC teacher Ms Bentley and accompanying teachers Ms James and Ms Houghton. Further Announcements SRC nomination forms are available from Ms Bentley if any Year 7 students are interested in being a part of the SRC for 2016. It is a great opportunity to put forward ideas to help better the school and also extend and build on your leadership skills. Miss Renee Bentley SRC Coordinator Page 7 Issue 2—April 2016 Welfare Report Welcome Students and Caregivers. It has been a busy term for the Welfare team and we are so thrilled to introduce you to some of the exciting things that we have introduced this year. Our amazing future leaders have launched S.W.A.T. S.W.A.T stands for STOP,WALK and TALK and is a program being introduced to lower the rate of bullying within Elizabeth Macarthur High School. The S.W.A.T leaders have presented this program to members of the school in many different interactive ways including a video, oral presentation, discussions and worksheets. As a result they are now familiar with what it stands for and how to then use it in the case of bullying. It is not the only avenue that we encourage students to take when bullying is occurring as we have many of these programs running in the school already, but we have designed them to all work hand in hand with each other. The S.W.A.T program has already been receiving excellent feedback from students and teachers at the school and in turn we can already see many changes that are occurring for the better within the playground and classrooms. Year 7 will have already been sent home with a sheet with more information of what the program is and how we see it positively changing the school environment. Last week we had two reward excursions to the Royal Easter Show. Students who received a Silver Award this term were invited to attend. Years 7 and 8 went on Monday 21 st March and Years 9 and 10 attended on Tuesday 22nd March. The student’s behaviour was impeccable while travelling to and from the venue and they all commented on how much they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Congratulations to all the students who worked so hard to reach Silver Awards and, in turn, invitations to the reward excursion. At EMHS we praise and reward positive behaviour for learning of students doing the right thing and trying their best. We will be running more reward excursion throughout the year and it is a privilege to reward these hardworking and dedicated students. This term we have also launched ‘Welfare Matters' sessions. The Welfare matters sessions run for 30 minutes and is coordinated with student’s roll call teachers. These will run on a fortnightly basis and are on various days to avoid impacting on the same subjects each time. We have run sessions on how to manage time, how to be more proactive and overall how to improve our student’s morals. Our student’s wellbeing is paramount at EMHS and we have worked hard to make sure all sessions are relevant to each year group and will cover a wide range of topics relevant to their needs. Our merit scheme has been revamped and the new bronze, silver and gold awards are very appealing. The students are all working hard to achieve the new and improved merit awards and we have had many students achieve a gold award already. It is wonderful to see these students strive to achieve and teachers throughout the school have already given out over a 500 merit awards this term! Well done to all the students who have reached these milestones. We hope to see this trend continue so we can keep rewarding positive behaviour for learning and students doing the right thing and trying their hardest. Over the coming weeks we will be updating our website and app to include all things welfare related from Years 7 to 12. We will have useful links for both parents and students. So please, take the time to check out our website and/or app for wellbeing information! Warm regards, Samantha Corscadden Welfare Team Issue 2—April 2016 Page 8 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 9 Page 10 Issue 2—April 2016 Teaching and Learning April Directions The first term is almost over and most of the plans have worked out! There’s the feeling that it is over all too quickly but this month, we have been able to make real inroads into our understanding of students. The key to a lot of our faculty’s work is to help the school in its collective understanding of where students are and what we need to be able to do to best support them. From a range of initiative, it’s worth considering three. The first of these was mentioned last time – the gathering of data using our suite of tests from the Australian Council for Educational Research. The data we are gathering this week will give us a great deal of insight into how your child is learning and where we can best focus our work. Three groups are under the spotlight – Year 7, selective classes and our new entrants across the other years. It makes sense to check on Year 7- data are often old and students change rapidly in these years between primary and high schools. Once we have finished these tests we can pass on our results to staff who will use them to analyse their classes. There’s another initiative using these data and that involves the selective classes. Here, we are gathering our staff together to help those teaching that class to provide the work that best suits their needs. The difference here is that we have all the main subject teachers collaborate across faculties to see how needs vary with subject. Last year, we had a number of research projects from that initiative which made significant differences to class teaching. Finally, we like to make sure that every student is given the chance to demonstrate their learning. Often when a student arrives, their data takes longer to assemble. By using our tests, we get a very clear indication of where they might best fit in (it also gives us a great opportunity to talk to these students to see how they are settling in). Next, we move across to our Careers Unit and the work they are doing. Since the last Macchat, Year 10 have been given the opportunity of attending Work Experience. It was pleasing to see such a great percentage take advantage of this offer. Work Experience is a real try-before-you-buy approach to careers; some students have even ended up with jobs at the end! The majority come back with a clearer idea of what they want/don’t want in a career. Both viewpoints are equally useful because the end point is to find out what the best path is, irrespective of how you get there. We have also invited some careers specialists to come into our school to conduct a number of interviews and tests to further explore the real needs of students. It’s pleasing to see such work – research across the world is constantly pointing out the need for students to be organised regarding careers directions. This can only lead to better outcomes for students. Our final project for this term is the new Learning Support Team. We’ve had these meetings for some time but a review at the end of last year, coupled with some visits to other schools, led us to a new model. We have expanded the work of this team in terms of both time and staff. We chair a group of senior staff, taken from a range of roles, in our fortnightly meetings. Cases are presented to us via a system of staff referrals. Once we have outlined the issues, discussions from our team craft strategies and requirements that we gather to find a workable, lasting solution to student issues. The advantage here comes from the breadth of staff perspectives and experiences. We are finding already that it gives us far better outcomes for students. Once the system is up and running, we are looking to expand it to bring in suitable professionals from across our community to give us more help and advice. If you have any queries about any of our work, please contact me. Dr Paul S Ganderton HT Teaching and Learning Issue 2—April 2016 Page 11 LIFE TECHNOLOGY There are some scary and fabulous looking monsters creeping around Life Technology at the moment. All students are engaged and enjoying the hand sewing needed to complete their monster. We will continue on with this theme when we complete Set Design in Term 2. This is all inspired by Monsters Inc. Just a reminder Year 7 Monster design and portfolio are due for marking. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 12 Year 8 students have participated in a number of practical lessons this term such as Chicken and Corn pies, Bow Tie Pasta and Hotcakes with Strawberry Butter. Not only do they develop their skills in the kitchen but they also get to eat their final product. Electronic Recipe Book Assessment Task is due for marking so make sure they are handed in to your teacher on time. Year 9 Food Technology students have participated in a number of practical lessons that relate to the topic of Food in Australia. They have experienced the flavours of multiculturalism, through cooking food from different cultures and how we have adopted and adapted to taste and dishes to accommodate them. The dishes included Spring rolls, Sang Choy Bow and Meatballs with Penne Pasta. Year 9 students were lucky enough to be able to compete in the Camden Show’s cookery sections. Mrs Powell and Miss Tagg did a great job organising the students to prepare their entries. Students either baked scones, pikelets or ANZAC biscuits to enter in the show. All students had fun participating and cooked some great looking scones, pikelets and ANZAC biscuits. No winners this year but watch out Camden Show we are ready for next year!! Issue 2—April 2016 Page 13 Year 10 Food Technology have participated in a number of practical lessons which relate to the unit of work they are studying – Food Service and Catering. They have cooked Steak Sandwiches and Zucchini and Corn Fritters. Most of the Year 10 students have been fortunate to go on work experience and have been exposed to the outside world of work. Since coming back from work experience we have been learning about WHS and employer and employee rights and responsibilities. This is something they have been able to relate back to the workplace and therefore has more meaning to them. Year 11 Food Technology students are finishing off their first unit of Nutrition where they have learnt lots of strange and new words and found out that the working of the inside of our bodies is not pretty. They recently completed their own recipe that is part of their assessment task to provide and dish that fulfils the nutritional requirements of a particular person they are studying. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 14 Year 11 Hospitality students are busy learning the basics of how a commercial kitchen functions. They have been able to make Curry Puff Parcels, using their skills in precision vegetable cuts to prepare the filling. Just a reminder that all students must have their uniform and toolkit purchased by the first practical lesson of Term 2. For new uniforms and toolkits, they should go directly to Unicut in Narellan. Students will also be participating in soup kitchen on the day of the Athletics Carnival as part of their assessment task. Unless they are using the Athletics Carnival as part of assessment, the students must attend on this day as it is a compulsory assessment task. Year 12 Food Technology has been working solidly towards completing a very practical assessment task in the Unit of Work Food Product Development. They have gone through the steps of producing a product that will ultimately be produced and sold. We have has some interesting ideas and products. Congratulations to all the students who have worked so hard on this big task. Year 11 and 12 Hospitality students had a great opportunity to put their skills to use recently when they catered for a Careers Advisors Meeting luncheon held at the school. They prepared sweet and savoury finger foods and sandwiches and demonstrated their great food preparation skills. Students are to be commended for their efforts. Thank you to all the parents who have paid the subject contributions as they are sincerely appreciated and go to covering the cost of food and equipment. If you still need to pay Subject contributions for outstanding Term 1 or upcoming Term 2, could you please do this as soon as possible. Uniform Clothing Pool As the cooler weather is coming and we feel the mornings are cooler, please ensure you have school jumpers that fit and are ready to pull on. If you have any old uniforms that are no longer required, please feel free to donate them to the clothing pool. We sell any excess clothing for a gold coin donation. So if you are short on uniform items come up and have look. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and pleasant holiday and we look forward to working with you and our students in Term 2. Regards Mrs Lyn Robilliard Head Teacher TAS—Life Technology Page 15 Issue 2—April 2016 History, Languages and Social Sciences Gifting wisdom to our next generations, so that each might know and thrive in their worlds. Celebrating Success Year 8 Learn about their World Year 8 produced a 2D or 3D representation of the globe to demonstrate their understanding of a variety of key locations (e.g. continents, lines of latitude and lines of longitude). Many students showed impressive creativity in the task as well as a detailed knowledge of their world. A variety of tasks submitted by Year 8 students in a variety of classes. Year 7 Learn about Time Lines Year 7 students showcased their historical skills by creating a 48 metre timeline. This required them to place a range of historical events in chronological order before using a tape measure to place the events on the timeline. Students were left with the knowledge that history is truly vast. Mirs Flegg’s 7A History class. Year 10 learn about the impact of bush fires and the importance of bush fire plans Year 10 Geography classes have been studying natural hazards and natural disasters. As part of this unit of work, students have been learning about bushfires and the role of various fire agencies, including the practical aspect of creating a bushfire plan. Teacher Joshua Wiggins has brought expert knowledge in his role as a member of his local Community Fire Unit. Students in Miss Silvestro’s class try out some CFU fire safety clothing. Year 8 conduct fieldwork to build key Geography skills Year 8 collected visual information about the local environment through Field Sketching. This allowed students to acquire knowledge about the school environment by observing, mapping, measuring and recording the phenomena before them. Students in Miss Silvestro’s class conducting field sketches. Page 16 Issue 2—April 2016 Year 12 Drama Workshop: Belvoir Street Theatre On Tuesday the 5th of April, Year 12 Drama were thrilled to attend a workshop at The Belvoir Street Theatre, hosted by internationally-acclaimed Director Anna Houdon. Escorted by special guest Teacher, Mr Benjamin Denmeade, the group featured Priya Rai, Nicholas Leech, Olivia Whitehead, Jarryd Guy, KiaraBree Drummond, Darren Mok, and Farah Hamdan. This workshop developed their skills in improvisation, generating and refining ideas, as well as the playfulness of theatre. Joined by students from Camden High, Elizabeth Macarthur demonstrated immense talent and creativity during all the set activities. This workshop was focused on building their skills with starting their Group Performance piece for their HSC, and every one of our students took this opportunity gleefully and thoroughly. Darren joined up with a student from Camden High to perform a non-verbal piece about love and rejection, which thrilled the audience – and may have made Mr Denmeade cry. Our Students demonstrated, once again, dedication and support towards strong inter-school relationships engaging in high levels of encouragement towards every student who performed. Kiara demonstrated her skill with physical comedy, joining Camden High in a group piece about ‘Control’, whilst Jarryd displayed keen skills in analysis and stagecraft with his insightful comments towards a piece performed by Nick and the Workshop facilitator. Priya and Olivia engaged with every activity with charisma and directorial abilities. Farah effectively worked with every member of her group, experimenting and playing with many different theatrical elements. Although the students returned to School by 7pm, their enthusiasm never waned. They were consistently eager to stay active and in the moment, and were definitely a credit to Elizabeth Macarthur High School. Mr Benjamin Denmeade English Teacher Page 17 Issue 2—April 2016 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 18 Page 19 Issue 2—April 2016 BASKETBALL On Wednesday 24th February our Open Boys Basketball team travelled to Thomas Reddall HS to play our first game in the knockout round. Twice before we have made this journey and twice before we have come away disappointed. The boys were pumped from the get go and we scored the first points of the game. We were ahead at the end of the first quarter and feeling confident. By half time our lead was narrowed by some great shooting by Thomas Reddall. With their in-school cheer squad the sounds were deafening. In the third quarter, we were only ahead by two points with this score holding with some fantastic defence and a brilliant but dubious play by Kyle to stop a sure two points. A disallowed shot with two minutes to go with the score at 44-42 saw the pressure mounting- Ben's dribbling brought us some time and as the clock run down, Ben passed the ball to Brad, who immediately shot the best three pointer of the game to secure out first ever Open Boys win at 47-42. MVP was Frank Rudolph who score 20 of these points in a display of 'individual brilliance' Well done boys- Ben, Codey, Bradley, Frank, Anthony, Darren, Kyle, Jackson, Vathana and Kieran. Sharon Houghton- Coach. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 20 EMHS Sports Reports- Term 1 Zone Swimming- 2nd overall This term has been the beginning of some amazing sporting achievements at Elizabeth Macarthur High School. We had a large amount of swimmers who competed at the zone swimming carnival. Throughout the day there were many successes which lead to EMHS gaining 3 zone age champions: Jake Perry, Alex Maxwell and Natalie Allen. This was the beginning of our success in sporting achievements. Boy’s opens basketball The boys made it to the second round of the boy’s knockout competition after a tough battle Airds prevailed the win with the EMHS boys going down by one at full time. Girls open basketball The girls basketball team went to Central venue played at Minto, going down in the semi-final to Sefton by one basket. Opens girls cricket The opens girls’ cricket team battled it out against Mount Annan on a typical summer’s day. Due to a holistic team effort, the girls came out on top with a win. Triathlon The EMHS teams went to Penrith Lakes where they competed against over 100 teams in each age group. Students were asked to swim 1km, ride 15km and run 3km in a team event each student completed one leg each. All students put in a 100% and worked well as a team doing EMHS proud. Opens boys soccer The open boys beat their all-time rivals, Casula High School on a nail biting finish of penalties. The win sent them into round 2 against Liverpool Boys HS, sending the game into extra time with penalty shots getting them the win again. Open Boys Volleyball The boys went to Leumeah high in the quest to win but unfortunately the boys went down in a tough battle. Girls Tag League Gala Day The day was a great success with four teams competing and two teams making the grand final but falling short and going down to Picton High School. Opens table tennis Our most recent event of success was with the Opens table tennis competition. The boys played Burrawong taking 5 wins out of 6 games Open girls’ soccer The girls played Holsworthy High in a tights affair but the girls walked away with a 3-0 win and moving into round 2. Overall term 1 has been an excellent and exciting term with all sports teams and athletes achieving great results for EMHS. Page 21 Issue 2—April 2016 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 22 Page 23 Issue 2—April 2016 Creative and Performing Arts Wow! What a jam packed and fun filled month we have had so far! Across the board we have had extremely positive feedback from teachers and parents about the fantastic and creative work that our students have been producing in the CAPA faculty. This was evident at our Year 6 into Year 7 information Evening as all the classrooms were displayed with brilliant works and videos of students performing, exhibiting and creating. Students have auditioned and been selected for our 2016 Dance School Spectacular Team. School Spectacular is a program that has proven to be a success in previous years as students work amongst the greatest talents in the state to devise a professional showcase recognized Australia wide. Congratulations to all those students selected as part of the team and good luck in your upcoming audition. Nicholas Leech has also been selected to audition for the first round of featured vocalists for School Spectacular. Congratulations to Nicholas on his achievement! Sadly, this term we say goodbye to our wonderful Dance and Drama teacher who has been an integral part of the EMHS CAPA faculty for a number of years now. Miss Brown leaves us to start her new role as Dance teacher at Katoomba High School. She has made a big impact on the world of dance at Elizabeth Macarthur students and made a difference in the life’s of many young performers. Who could also forget her cameo in the 2014 production of Back to the 80’s? We wish Miss Brown the best of luck and hope she comes back and visits us often! Important upcoming dates to remember: 1. Year 11/ 12 Art Express Excursion-30th of March 2016. 2. Art Attack Art Show 1st of December 2016. 3. Musical rehearsals every Thursday afternoon 3:15-5pm all students are welcome to participate. 4. 2567 Showcase 4th of August 2016. 5. Popstars the Musical 10th, 11th and 12th of August 2016. We aim for extraordinary results with all of our students in the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty. To assist us developing your sons and daughters, it is essential that each student in our classes has the appropriate equipment for each lesson. The basic required materials for each subject can be found on our website and include such things as workbooks, pens, pencils, erasers, a USB drive etc. Please check with your child and the website to ensure that all students are prepared for each lesson. It is vital that students who are studying Photography, Video & Digital Imaging and Visual Design bring their own personal External Hard Drive or USB to school as the student files, and school network do not support large PSD or video files. Miss Kristy Pugliano Head Teacher of Creative and Performing Arts Issue 2—April 2016 Page 24 Dance and Drama The Combined Dance Ensemble and Aboriginal Dance Group have just sent off their audition tapes for this years’ Schools Spectacular. I wish them well through the application process and look forward to hopefully receiving some very positive news in May. Fingers crossed!! In addition to this, the ensemble group has been invited to Harrington Park Public School to showcase a performance for their 2016 Harmony Day. These great opportunities help build such a positive rapport and connection with our local feeder schools, and just like them, we feel very fortunate to have these opportunities to display out talents to young and enthusiastic students. All elective Dance classes have submitted some amazing assessment tasks this term. It is so wonderful to see the fantastic work that can be accumulated over the 11 week period. I am very proud of each students’ achievements and look forward to what the rest of the year has in stall for them. Year 12 Drama students are off to Belvoir St Theatre to complete a GDP workshop to finish off this term that will kick-start their final HSC practical component. There are some brilliant ideas being thrown about from all students as to how they might approach this task so I am very hopeful that through some industry professional guidance, the outcome is going to be spectacular!!!! I am writing my last Mac Chat address and would like to sincerely thank the students, parents, staff and community for a fantastic three and a bit years that I have been the appointed Dance/Drama Teacher here at EMHS. I have made many wonderful memories with each of my students through curricular and extra-curricular activities over this time. I will cherish these into my next journey at my new appointment. I wish you all every success into your future years at Lizzy Mac and hope that you all take a little CAPA with you in all that you do. Kindest regards, Miss Brown Visual Arts 8V Visual Art Class 'The Art of Storytelling'. In this work, students created artworks that told a story using Aboriginal symbols and their own. They looked at the work of David Malangi and his use of symbolism in story telling to inspire their positioning and use of dots to emphasise their designs. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 25 Year 11 Photography 11 Photo have had some success this term within Experimental Photography. Inspired by 6 month Pinhole photographers, they experimented with long exposure pinholes and captured images over a month in the landscape of the school to capture some stunning images. Music In Week 7, Nicholas Leech represented the school at the State Solo Music Camp. On this camp, he worked with the top singers from around the state on performance delivery, presentation, ensemble blending and networking. Representatives from The Arts Unit stated that Nicholas was an asset to his group on camp and he was a wonderful ambassador for the school. Nicholas is also through the first round of auditions for the Schools Spectacular as a featured artist. Well done Nicholas. At the beginning of this term, Ms Masi formed a new singing group at Lizzie Mac. These students have been singing works across the genres of musical theatre, pop and Motown. The group has recently applied to be a part of the Schools Spectacular- please wish them the best of luck for this application. Page 26 Issue 2—April 2016 Year 7 and 8 music classes are currently submitting their first assessment for the year. Year 7 classes have composed a programmatic melody and narrative and performed them to their class while Year 8 classes have worked in groups to devise their own radio shows as part of their ‘Music of the Media’ unit. Our Year 12 music class have worked really hard on their popular music topic this term. As well as submitting a composition for marking, most students have performed in assembly to improve their performance practice. STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK NEWSLETTER ITEM FOR APRIL MAKING GREAT STUDY NOTES With the end of term approaching it is time to think about study notes. But why now? Well many students wait until just before examination time to even consider their study notes then there is no time to learn them and no time to practise the skills of the subject. If you know you will have tests later in the year, then a smart thing to do is to get all of your Term1 study notes up to date during the holidays. Can you imagine coming back Term 2, you haven’t done your study notes for Term 1 and you get slammed with new work – it becomes impossible to catch up! So make a smart decision and ensure you have all of your Term1 study notes complete by the end of the term. You can learn more about making great study notes in the SUMMARISING unit of www.studyskillshandbook.com.au by logging in with these details: Username: Password: Top 5 tips to improve your notes: POINTS: Avoid long sentences and focus on key points. TABLES: Use tables wherever you can to create structure. KEY WORDS: Pull out keys words (as shown in this list). HIGHLIGHT: Make sure the key content stands out (but don’t go crazy with colour). Page 27 Issue 2—April 2016 STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK NEWSLETTER ITEM FOR APRIL MAKING GREAT STUDY NOTES With the end of term approaching it is time to think about study notes. But why now? Well many students wait until just before examination time to even consider their study notes then there is no time to learn them and no time to practise the skills of the subject. If you know you will have tests later in the year, then a smart thing to do is to get all of your Term1 study notes up to date during the holidays. Can you imagine coming back Term 2, you haven’t done your study notes for Term 1 and you get slammed with new work – it becomes impossible to catch up! So make a smart decision and ensure you have all of your Term1 study notes complete by the end of the term. You can learn more about making great study notes in the SUMMARISING unit of www.studyskillshandbook.com.au by logging in with these details: Username: Password: Top 5 tips to improve your notes: POINTS: Avoid long sentences and focus on key points. TABLES: Use tables wherever you can to create structure. KEY WORDS: Pull out keys words (as shown in this list). HIGHLIGHT: Make sure the key content stands out (but don’t go crazy with colour). FEEDBACK: Show your notes to teachers, parents and friends so they can suggest ways to improve them. Issue 2—April 2016 Page 28 Easter show Recount On Monday 21st March it was a rainy day at Olympic Park but Year 7 and Year 8 will managed to have a great time at the Sydney Royal Show. The day started off rainy and cold early in the morning at Campbelltown Station and once we had arrived at the show it was the same. Students who had received 5 Bronze awards or who showed exemplary behavior so far this term received a note being invited to attend with school the Royal Easter Show. The day was a blast of fun despite the rain, as by the end of the day everyone had their jumpers off when the sun came shining out. Throughout the day students went on thrilling rides, bought extravagant show bags, went and looked at the agriculture aspects of the show and went and watched cool shows. By the end of the day everyone had, had a ton of fun and enjoyed themselves at the show. Also rumour has it that Ms. James had a total of 11 showbags for teachers back at school. The day was a big success thanks to all the teachers that organized the great trip. Alexis Costlow Year 8 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 29 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 30 Page 31 Issue 2—April 2016 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 32 Page 33 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 34 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 35 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 36 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 37 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 38 Issue 2—April 2016 Page 39 Issue 2—April 2016