- Festival del film Locarno


- Festival del film Locarno
13 July 2016
Via Ciseri 23, ch–6601 Locarno
t +41(0)91 756 21 21 | f +41(0)91 756 21 49
[email protected] | www.pardo.ch
The press kit and stills can be downloaded from our website
Excerpts of some of the official selection’s films are available in broadcast and web quality. In order
to download them, please contact the Press Office ([email protected] / +41 91 756 21 21).
Twitter: @FilmFestLocarno, #Locarno69, @CarloChatrian
1 Introduction by Carlo Chatrian, Artistic Director
2 Introduction by Mario Timbal, COO
3 Official Juries
4 The 2016 Selection
Piazza Grande
Concorso internazionale
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Open Doors
5 Swiss Cinema in Locarno
6 First Features
7 Industry Days
8 Locarno Summer Academy
9 Attachments
The wind
I dedicate this year’s Festival to Michael Cimino and Abbas Kiarostami. Not just in gratitude for the
emotions they gave to the Festival audience, but also because both filmmakers are representative
of the kind of cinema for which Locarno is home from home. Cinema that interprets and transfigures reality, cinema that is not afraid to think big, even when telling stories that are only apparently
“little”, cinema that explores the whole range of tonality, from long shot to the closest of close-ups.
Cinema that is like a gust of wind that carries you away.
Despite its complex organizational machine, the numbers of people and major financial resources
involved, despite its age, the Festival del film Locarno wants to stay light and airy, like the wind.
The wind that seeks to cross frontiers, carrying savors and scents that strike your senses before you
quite realize where they came from.
It may be a case of free association, it may be that you inevitably end up falling in love with a program that you nurtured through a process of incubation lasting for months, but I feel that Locarno
69 is one of the most varied, free, surprising editions to date, both in its guest list and in its line-up
of titles. This program marks a return to the original spirit of the Festival, the spirit that made space
for less well-known film industries and for emerging directors, the spirit that made Locarno an
avant-garde festival, political and poetic, visionary and nonconformist.
The program we have compiled goes right off the beaten track, starting with the major retrospective on German film post-World War II: it covers territory largely unexplored by film historians and is
sure to be revelatory. The Pardo d’onore awarded to Alejandro Jodorowsky also falls outside clearly
established lines, as a tribute to an artist whose output ranges across many disciplines outside the
confines of cinema. Jodorowsky’s words and stories set a keynote for this edition, highlighting the
remarkable connections between biography and art, reality and vision, that have hallmarked his
career. The Excellence Award goes to an actor whose rich and varied filmography deserves fresh critical appraisal. Equally at home in blockbusters, auteur movies, dramas or TV series, the 1950s looks
of Bill Pullman are typical of the Locarno spirit, too.
There is another wind that Locarno must face up to as well, sheltered as it is by surrounding mountains. I mean the wind that is sweeping across lands, across the seas, changing History and causing
some people to shut themselves up at home, barring windows and doors against outsiders. To this
stormy wind that isolates people in their own fears, the films selected for our program respond
with stories that show the ties that bind individuals to communities. It has been said that films are
like bridges: across their span of emotions they bring together different people, sharing stories
and fragments of culture. Such is the case with the filmmaking workshop conceived of by Abbas
Kiarostami in Cuba: we are delighted to present, for the first time, 7 short films that respond, in
various ways, to the final film made by that great, and now sadly deceased, director. The works in
this edition come from Egypt and Thailand, from Bulgaria and Portugal, from Argentina and the
USA: glancing at them all together, I can’t help noticing that their main characters are all somehow
in motion. As if driven by their own interior winds, they move from one end of a continent to the
other, as in the brilliant piece of “Shakespeare retold” by Piñeiro, or without respite through the interstices of the city, like Marija in the film of the same name. They move in spite of themselves, like
the ornithologist of João Pedro Rodrigues or the mother portrayed by Milagros Mumenthaler. They
keep moving even when the film is confined within a single space, as in the gorgeous shots which
track the pathways of seduction traced by Yousry Nasrallah. And if the characters are stuck in hospital, the bed itself will move with its occupant, as in Scarred Hearts. What story does this restlessness
have to tell? Perhaps the desire to see things and people from a different point of view, the feeling
that if the present doesn’t come up to our expectations, then we have to move. The titles selected
for Locarno 69 are wandering films. Films that seek out their subject by plumbing the depths of the
past, as in the fascinating portrait drawn by Anocha Suwichakornpong.
The same phenomenon is at work in the program for the Piazza Grande and in the other sidebars.
This year, as never before, you will see films that investigate both present day issues (for instance
the process of Islamic radicalization in Le ciel attendra) and the traces of History, whether familiar
(Stefan Zweig’s Latin American exile in Vor der Morgenröte) or consigned to oblivion (the disappearance of an Indonesian poet under the Suharto regime in Solo, Solitude, a film of the Concorso Cineasti del presente). It’s not so much a leitmotiv as a steady ground bass, an ostinato accompaniment
that takes various forms (including comedy) but runs through and energizes the whole Festival. Faced with a climate of mistrust towards others, with the spread of violence that seems all around us,
the cinema answers with stories that investigate these anger-stricken territories. The films, starting
with the one we have chosen for the opening night in the Piazza Grande, respond to these winds of
war. The Girl With All the Gifts may look like a genre movie, but behind its vision of a dystopian future deprived of any humanity, in the encounter with the different, the other, it rediscovers the vital
spark that could make new horizons possible. It’s no coincidence that the starting point should be
the affectionate gaze, for which cinema is the perfect mouthpiece, the gaze that recognizes humanity at any latitude and any age.
In the Piazza Grande, in addition to the usual two pre-festival screenings, there will be 16 titles, including two dedicated to film history. The program features long-awaited blockbusters and auteur
films, directorial debuts and works by established masters. One highlight in the fascinating schedule is the welcome return of Ken Loach, recently laureled with the Golden Palm for a film which
we felt it was important to show in the Piazza in a fortunate country such as Switzerland. Another
stand-out moment, on a quite different note, will be the epic tapestry woven by Ashutosh Gowariker in his Mohenjo Daro, the film which will bring the 69th Festival to a close.
The Concorso internazionale features 17 entries, all world premieres. No less than eight of their
directors are women, so we have fallen just one short of perfect gender parity. We are delighted
to be welcoming much appreciated Festival regulars (João Pedro Rodrigues, Tizza Covi and Rainer
Frimmel, Matías Piñeiro, Yousry Nasrallah), young directors who got their first break here in Locarno (Mumenthaler, Tomita), filmmakers whose careers we’ve been following with interest for some
time (Ropert, Jude, Schanelec, Azevedo Gomes) and others that we discovered only during the
selection process (Matuszyńsk, Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov, Koch, Petrova and Suwichakornpong).
The Concorso Cineasti del presente features 15 films, including 13 as world premieres. True to the
principle of choosing imperfection over formal polish, and preferring experimentation, whether in a
classic narrative mode or – even more so – in an innovative code, we have selected films that tell of
the present in all its multi-faceted reality.
The Pardi di domani presents a cross-section of 40 short films, as awesome in their vibrant range as
in the resonance of the stories that inspire them. Divided into two competition categories, Swiss
and international, these films from young talents form a mosaic with a wealth of imagination and
This year Signs of Life features 8 titles, all world premieres. These are films that have taken the role
of pathfinders for the cinema of the future. Around the pivotal figures of a great master such as
Júlio Bressane and a free spirit like Fiona Tan, we have selected films by directors from Syria, the
U.S., Serbia and Israel, all young filmmakers who we are sure will soon be at the center of the critical
In the Fuori concorso section we include films that are all offered as a minor event in their own
right. Each in their own different way, however: the Italian first feature L’amatore is a portrait of a
Fascist-era Milanese architect through his private film archive, with a fine narration orchestrated by
the pen of Antonio Scurati; Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Yann Coridian’s Une jeune fille de 90 ans is a
touching documentary; La natura delle cose is a film that bears witness to a heartrending reality.
The Swiss films at Locarno are the fruit of a very good year: one title in the Piazza Grande, with the
return to Locarno of Frédéric Mermoud, two films in the Concorso, with the return of Pardo d’oro
winner Milagros Mumentahler and the debut of the talented Michael Koch, and two films in the
Cineasti del presente, both with positive links to the Canton Ticino. And there is a Ticino filmmaker
among the 12 Swiss young directors in the Concorso nazionale Pardi di domani, a competition that
explores the very diverse state of the nation’s developing cinema. There are two Swiss films in the
Fuori concorso section as well: Nicolas Wadimoff’s documentary on Jean Ziegler and Jacob Berger’s
film that delves into an unhappy chapter of Swiss history. There will also be an event, with an outstanding line-up, to commemorate Luc Bondy, who died in 2015. To round off the Swiss presence
there will be a tribute to the multidisciplinary master Clemens Klopfenstein and a screening of the
restored version of a film as topical today as it was 25 years ago when it won an Academy Award,
Xavier Koller’s Journey of Hope.
Carlo Chatrian, Artistic Director
A 360-degree Event
If you have a history, you have a future. Whatever its wealth of accumulated experience,
today a film festival with global ambitions must look forward with the attitude of a startup,
ready to grasp every opportunity or tendency introduced by the ongoing changes – above
all technological – that are impacting so heavily on any event connected with the audiovisual
world and with tourism.
This is a period of great change for the Festival del film Locarno. Next year will see major
structural advances, with the inauguration of the Casa del cinema and the refurbished GranRex
theater. But in general this is a time of significant change for all film events of any kind.
Although the digital revolution is radically altering the arena, making all content accessible
anytime and anywhere, there seems to be one element that never goes away – and never
changes either: people like to get together, to enjoy shared experiences. Theaters are natural
venues for this, but the whole range of ancillary activities are important too, together with
the beauty and attractions of our region, turning Locarno into a 360-degree event to be
experienced all-round, in every aspect.
In this context of the value of shared experience at events, Locarno is enhanced this year for
the first time by an official Festival village: laRotonda 2016. Having developed independently
over the years, laRotonda has grown into one of the most popular meeting places of the entire
event. The formula we have worked out for 2016 is based on the recipe that secured its success
so far – themed bars, Street Food and merchandise market – to which we have added initiatives
and new items created specially for laRotonda 2016 by the Festival and its partners. Alongside
the musical entertainment laid on by Rete Tre of Swiss broadcaster RSI, with DJ-sets, live music
and silent party every evening, these new features will include opportunities to discover the
latest trends in productions that use Virtual Reality technology (in collaboration with Geneva
International Film Festival Tous Écrans), to learn more about the Festival and about Locarno
and its region and to take advantage of special offers to enjoy a summer evening with friends.
laRotonda is another of the places where the future is taking us.
A very special thank you is due to all our partners, whose support and enthusiasm make this
event possible, and to everyone working together with us on this 69th Festival.
Mario Timbal, COO
Official Juries
The Jury of the Concorso internazionale
President: Arturo Ripstein, Director (Mexico)
Kate Moran, Actress (France/United States)
Rafi Pitts, Director (Iran)
Rodrigo Teixeira, Producer (Brazil)
WANG Bing, Director (China)
The Jury of the Concorso Cineasti del presente
President: Dario Argento, Director (Italy)
Angeliki Papoulia, Actress (Greece)
Antonin Peretjatko, Director (France)
Cornelia Seitler, Producer (Switzerland)
Sean Price Williams, DOP (United States)
The Jury of the Pardi di domani
President: Edgar Reitz, Director (Germany)
Marian Álvarez, Actress (Spain)
Julie Corman, Producer (United States)
Shahrbanoo Sadat, Director (Afghanistan)
Nicolas Steiner, Director (Switzerland)
The Jury of the First Feature
Jonathan Romney, Critic (United Kingdom)
Ryan Werner, Programmer and Film marketer (United States)
Chus Martínez, Curator (Spain)
The films of the Juries
The Jury of the Concorso internazionale
Arturo Ripstein
Mexico/Spain – 2015 – 100’
Kate Moran
France/Switzerland – 2013 – 92’
Rafi Pitts
Germany/France/Mexico – 2016 – 118’
Rodrigo Teixeira
FRANCES HA by Noah Baumbach
United States – 2012 – 86’
Hong Kong/France – 2016 – 147’
The Jury of the Concorso Cineasti del presente
Dario Argento
Italy – 1977 – 98’
Angeliki Papoulia
THE LOBSTER by Yorgos Lanthimos
Greece/Ireland/Netherlands /United Kingdom/France – 2015 – 118’
Antonin Peretjako
France – 2016 – 99’
Cornelia Seitler
KÖPEK by Esen Isik
Switzerland – 2015 – 94’ (Panorama Suisse)
Sean Price Williams
EYES FIND EYES by Sean Price Williams and Jean-Manuel Fernandez
France/United States – 2011 – 82’
The Jury of the Pardi di domani
Edgar Reitz
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1963 – 13’ (Retrospettiva)
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 12’ (Retrospettiva)
Marian Álvarez
LA HERIDA by Fernando Franco
Spain – 2013 – 95’
Julie Corman
BOXCAR BERTHA by Martin Scorsese
United States – 1972 – 88’
Shahrbanoo Sadat
Denmark/France/Sweden/Afghanistan – 2016 – 86’
Nicolas Steiner
Germany/Switzerland – 2011 – 72’
The 2016 Selection
Piazza Grande
Concorso internazionale
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Open Doors
Italy – 1970 – 114’
with Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Steffen Zacharias, Dan Sturkie, Gisela Hahn
Production: West Film
World Sales: Rocca delle Macìe - Fam. Zingarelli
With the support of:
GOTTHARD by Urs Egger
Switzerland/Germany/Czech Republic – 2016 – 180’
with Maxim Mehmet, Pasquale Aleardi, Miriam Stein, Carlos Leal, Marie Bäumer, Joachim Król, Max Simonischek, Christoph Gaugler,
Roeland Wiesnekker, Cornelius Obonya, Silvia Busuioc, Walter Leonardi, Anna Schinz, Pierre Siegenthaler, Peter Jecklin
Production: Zodiac Pictures
Co-production: SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, RSI, RTS, ZDF, ORF, MMC Zodiac, Wilma Film
World Sales: Beta Film
World Premiere
With the support of:
Piazza Grande
03.08 THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS by Colm McCarthy – United Kingdom – 2016 – 110’
Excellence Award Moët & Chandon to Bill Pullman
04.08 MOKA by Frédéric Mermoud – France/Switzerland – 2016 – 89’
Premio Raimondo Rezzonico to David Linde
05.08 JASON BOURNE by Paul Greengrass – USA – 2016 – 123’
INTERCHANGE by Dain Iskandar Said – Malaysia/Indonesia – 2016 – 102’
06.08 CESSEZ-LE-FEU by Emmanuel Courcol – France – 2016 – 103’
DANS LA FORÊT by Gilles Marchand – France/Sweden – 2016 – 103’
07.08 PAULA by Christian Schwochow – Germany/France – 2016 – 123’
AM TAG, ALS DER REGEN KAM by Gerd Oswald – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 85’
Presentation Retrospettiva and Pardo alla carriera to Mario Adorf
08.08 LE CIEL ATTENDRA by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar – France – 2016 – 105’
09.08 VOR DER MORGENRÖTE - STEFAN ZWEIG IN AMERIKA by Maria Schrader – Germany/France/Austria – 2016 – 106’
Open Doors presentation
10.08 COMBOIO DE SAL E AÇUCAR by Licinio Azevedo – Portugal/Mozambique/France/South Africa/Brazil – 2016 – 93’
Tribute to Roger Corman
11.08 I, DANIEL BLAKE by Ken Loach – United Kingdom/France/Belgium – 2016 – 100’
TEO-NEOL (The Tunnel) by Kim Seong-hun - South Corea - 2016 - 132’
Vision Award Nescens to Howard Shore
12.08 VINCENT by Christophe Van Rompaey – France/Belgium – 2016 – 102’
POESÍA SIN FIN by Alejandro Jodorowsky – France/Chile – 2016 – 128’
Pardo d’onore Swisscom to Alejandro Jodorowsky
13.08 MOHENJO DARO by Ashutosh Gowariker – India – 2016 – 153’
Award Ceremony
Prix du Public UBS
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 85’
with Mario Adorf, Christian Wolff, Gert Fröbe, Corny Collins, Elke Sommer
Production: Alfa-Film
World Sales: CCC Filmkunst
CESSEZ-LE-FEU by Emmanuel Courcol
France – 2016 – 103’
with Romain Duris, Grégory Gadebois, Céline Salette
Production: Polaris Film
Co-production: Umedia, Fontana
World Sales: Indie Sales
World Premiere, First feature
COMBOIO DE SAL E AÇUCAR by Licinio Azevedo
Portugal/Mozambique/France/South Africa/Brazil – 2016 – 93’
with Matamba Joaquim, Melanie Rafael, Tiago Justino, António Nipita, Sabina Fonseca
Production: Ukbar Filmes
Co-production: Les films de l’Étranger, Urucu Media; Panda Filmes, Ébano Multimedia
World Premiere
DANS LA FORÊT by Gilles Marchand
France/Sweden – 2016 – 103’
with Jérémie Elkaïm, Timothé Vom Dorp, Théo Van de Voorde, Sophie Quinton, Mireille Perrier
Production: Les Films de Françoise, Götafilm
World Sales: Wild Bunch
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
World Premiere
I, DANIEL BLAKE by Ken Loach
United Kingdom/France/Belgium – 2016 – 100’
with Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Dylan McKiernan, Briana Shann, Kate Rutter, Sharon Percy, Kema Sikazwe
Production: Sixteen Films, Why Not Productions, Wild Bunch, Les Films du Fleuve, Le Pacte
World Sales: Wild Bunch
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
INTERCHANGE by Dain Iskandar Said
Malaysia/Indonesia – 2016 – 102’
with Shaheizy Sam, Nicholas Saputra, Prisia Nasution, Iedil Putra
Production: Apparat
Co-production: Sonneratia Capital, MDeC, Seeing Eye Films, Cinesurya
World Sales: Reel Suspects
Swiss distributor: Praesens-Film
World Premiere
JASON BOURNE by Paul Greengrass
USA – 2016 – 123’
with Matt Damon, Alicia Vikander, Julia Stiles, Tommy Lee Jones, Riz Ahmed, Vincent Cassel
Production: Universal Pictures, The Kennedy/Marshall Company
World Sales: Universal Pictures International
Swiss distributor: Universal Pictures International Switzerland
LE CIEL ATTENDRA by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar
France – 2016 – 105’
with Clotilde Courau, Sandrine Bonnaire, Noémie Merlant, Naomi Amarger, Zinédine Soualem
Production: Willow Films
World Sales: Gaumont
Swiss distributor: Agora Films
World Premiere
Piazza Grande
MOHENJO DARO by Ashutosh Gowariker
India – 2016 – 153’
with Hrithik Roshan, Pooja Hegde
Production: Ashutosh Gowariker Productions Private Limited, UTV Software Communications Limited
World Sales: UTV Software Communications Limited
MOKA by Frédéric Mermoud
France/Switzerland – 2016 – 89’
with Emmanuelle Devos, Nathalie Baye, Diane Rouxel, Samuel Labarthe, David Clavel
Production: Diligence Films, Bande à part Films, Tabo Tabo Films, Sampek Productions
Co-production: RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
World Sales: Pyramide International
Swiss distributor: Frenetic Films
World Premiere
PAULA by Christian Schwochow
Germany/France – 2016 – 123’
with Carla Juri, Albrecht Abraham Schuch, Roxane Duran, Joel Basman, Stanley Weber
Production: Pandora Film Produktion, Grown Up Films
Co-production: Alcatraz Films
World Sales: The Match Factory
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
World Premiere
POESÍA SIN FIN by Alejandro Jodorowsky
France/Chile – 2016 – 128’
with Adan Jodorowsky, Pamela Flores, Brontis Jodorowsky, Leandro Taub
Production: Satori Films, Le Soleil Films, Le Pacte
World Sales: Le Pacte
Swiss distributor: Adok Films
TEO-NEOL (The Tunnel) by Kim Seong-hun
South Corea - 2016 - 132’
with Ha Jung-woo, Oh Dal-su, Bae Doona
Production: Showbox
World Sales: Showbox
International Premiere
United Kingdom – 2016 – 110’
with Gemma Arterton, Paddy Considine, Glenn Close, Sennia Nanua, Anamaria Marinca, Fisayo Akinade, Anthony Welsh,
Dominique Tipper
Production: Poison Chef
Co-production: BFI, Creative England
World Sales: Altitude Film Sales
Swiss distributor: Impuls Pictures
World Premiere
VINCENT by Christophe Van Rompaey
France/Belgium – 2016 – 118
with Alexandra Lamy, Spencer Bogaert, Barbara Sarafian, Geert Van Rampelberg, Fred Epaud
Production: A Private View, Les Films de la Croisade, Les Enragés
World Sales: Beta Cinema
World Premiere
Piazza Grande
Germany/France/Austria – 2016 – 106’
with Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa, Aenne Schwarz, Matthias Brandt, Charly Hübner
Production: X Filme Creative Pool, Idéale Audience, Maha Productions, Dor Film
World Sales: Films Distribution
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
International Premiere
Piazza Grande
AL MA’ WAL KHODRA WAL WAJH EL HASSAN (Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces) by Yousry Nasrallah
Egypt – 2016 – 115’
with Laila Eloui, Mena Shalaby, Bassem Samra, Ahmed Daoud, Sabrine, Alaa Zenhom, Mohamed Sharnouby, Lama Kotkot,
Enaam Saloussa, Mohamed Farag, Zeina Mansour, Mohamed Aly Rizk
Production: El Sobky Film for Cinema Production
World Sales: Pyramide International
World Premiere
BANGKOK NITES by Katsuya Tomita
Japan/France/Thailand/Laos – 2016 – 183’
with Subenja Pongkorn, Sunun Phuwiset, Chutlpha Promplang, Tanyarat Kongphu, Sarinya Yongsawat, Hitoshi Ito, Yohta Kawase
Production: KUZOKU
Co-production: Flying Pillow Films, Trixta, Bangkok Planning, Lao Art Media, Les Films de l’Étranger
World Premiere
CORRESPONDÊNCIAS by Rita Azevedo Gomes
Portugal – 2016 – 145’
with Eva Truffaut, Pierre Léon, Rita Durão, Anna Leppänen, Luís Miguel Cintra
Production: C.R.I.M.
World Sales: C.R.I.M.
World Premiere
DAO KHANONG (By the Time It Gets Dark) by Anocha Suwichakornpong
Thailand/Netherlands/France/Qatar – 2016 – 105’
with Arak Amornsupasiri, Atchara Suwan, Visra Vichit-Vadakan, Inthira Charoenpura, Rassami Paoluengtong, Penpak Sirikul, Apinya
Sakuljaroensuk, Waywiree Ittianunkul, Natdanai Wangsiripaisarn
Production: Electric Eel Films
Co-production: VS Service, Survivance
World Premiere
DER TRAUMHAFTE WEG by Angela Schanelec
Germany – 2016 – 86’
with Miriam Jakob, Thorbjörn Björnsson, Maren Eggert, Philip Hayes, Anaïa Zapp
Production: Filmgalerie 451
Co-production: WDR, Arte
World Sales: Filmgalerie 451
World Premiere
GODLESS by Ralitza Petrova
Bulgaria/Denmark/France – 2016 – 99’
with Irena Ivanova, Ivan Nalbantov, Ventzislav Konstantinov, Alexandr Triffonov, Dimitar Petkov
Production: KLAS Film
Co-production: Snowglobe, Alcatraz Films, Film Factory
World Sales: Heretic Outreach
World Premiere, First feature
HERMIA & HELENA by Matías Piñeiro
USA/Argentina – 2016 – 87’
with Agustina Muñoz, María Villar, Mati Diop, Julian Larquier, Keith Poulson, Dan Sallitt, Laura Paredes, Dustin Defa, Gabi Saidón,
Romina Paula, Pablo Sigal, Kyle Molzan, Ryan Miyake, Oscar Williams
Production: Trapecio Cine, Ravenser Odd
Co-production: Cinema Conservancy
World Sales: Trapecio Cine, Ravenser Odd
World Premiere
Concorso internazionale
INIMI CICATRIZATE (Scarred Hearts) by Radu Jude
Romania/Germany – 2016 – 141’
with Lucian Teodor Rus, Ivana Mladenovic, Ilinca Harnut, Serban Pavlu, Marian Olteanu, Alexandru Dabija, Dana Voicu,
Adina Cristescu, Sarra Tsorakidis, Larisa Crunțeanu, Marius Damian, Bogdan Cotlet, Gabriel Spahiu, Alexandru Bogdan
Production: Hi Film Productions
Co-production: Komplizen Film
World Sales: Beta Cinema
World Premiere
JEUNESSE by Julien Samani
France/Portugal – 2016 – 83’
with Kevin Azaïs, Samir Guesmi, Jean-François Stévenin
Production: Alfama Films Production
Co-production: Leopardo Filmes
World Sales: Alfama Films
World Premiere, First feature
KAZE NI NURETA ONNA (Wet Woman in the Wind) by Akihiko Shiota
Japan – 2016 – 77’
with Yuki Mamiya, Tasuku Nagaoka, Ryushin Tei, Takahiro Kato, Michiko Suzuki, Hitomi Nakatani
Production: Nikkatsu Corporation
Co-production: SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, DJANGO FILM Production
World Sales: Nikkatsu Corporation
World Premiere
LA IDEA DE UN LAGO by Milagros Mumenthaler
Switzerland/Argentina/Qatar – 2016 – 82’
with Carla Crespo, Rosario Bléfari, Malena Moiron
Production: Alina film, Ruda Cine
Swiss distributor: Look Now!
World Premiere
France – 2016 – 90’
with Mélanie Bernier, Bastien Bouillon, Antonin Fresson, Chloé Astor, Swann Arlaud, Serge Bozon
Production: Les Films Pelléas
Co-production: Arte
World Sales: Les Films du Losange
World Premiere
MARIJA by Michael Koch
Germany/Switzerland – 2016 – 100’
with Margarita Breitkreiz, Georg Friedrich, Olga Dinnikova, Sahin Eryilmaz
Production: Pandora Film Produktion
Co-production: Hugofilm Productions
Swiss distributor: Frenetic Films
World Premiere, First feature
MISTER UNIVERSO by Tizza Covi, Rainer Frimmel
Austria/Italy – 2016 – 90’
with Tairo Caroli, Wendy Weber, Arthur Robin, Lilly Robin
Production: Vento Film
World Sales: Be For Films
World Premiere
Concorso internazionale
O ORNITÓLOGO by João Pedro Rodrigues
Portugal/France/Brazil – 2016 – 118’
with Paul Hamy, Xelo Cagiao, Wen Han, Chan Sua Lin
Production: Blackmaria, House on Fire, Itaca Films
Co-production: Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains
World Sales: Films Boutique
World Premiere
OSTATNIA RODZINA (The Last Family) by Jan P. Matuszyński
Poland – 2016 – 122’
with Andrzej Seweryn, Dawid Ogrodnik, Aleksandra Konieczna, Andrzej Chyra
Production: Aurum Film
Co-production: HBO Europe, Mazovia Film Fund, Lightcraft, Universal Music Polska
World Sales: New Europe Film Sales
World Premiere
SLAVA (Glory) by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov
Bulgaria/Greece – 2016 – 101’
with Stefan Denolyubov, Margita Gosheva
Production: Abraxas Film
Co-production: Graal Films
World Sales: WIDE
World Premiere
Concorso internazionale
Cineasti del presente
Cineasti del presente
and Vision Award Partner
Premio speciale della giuria
Cineasti del presente
AFTERLOV by Stergios Paschos
Greece – 2016 – 94’
with Haris Fragoulis, Iro Bezou
Production: Marni Films
Co-production: ERT S.A., Faliro House Productions
World Premiere, First feature
AKHDAR YABES (Withered Green) by Mohammed Hammad
Egypt – 2016 – 72’
with Hiba Ali, Asmaa Fawzy, Jhone Ikram Hanna, Ahmed Hammad, Samia Hammad, Tamer Abdul Hamid, Ikram Hanna, Nabil Samy,
Saad Amer, Basant Khalifa, Ahmed Al Aidy, Mohammed El Hajj, Mohammed Eissa, Mohammed Mokhtar
Production: Film Clinic
World Premiere, First feature
Japan – 2016 – 108’
with Yuya Yagira, Masaki Suda, Nana Komatsu, Nijiro Murakami
Production: Dle.Inc
World Sales: Dream kid. inc, Shochiku. inc
International Premiere
DONALD CRIED by Kris Avedisian
USA – 2016 – 85’
with Kris Avedisian, Jesse Wakeman, Kyle Espeleta, Louisa Krause
Production: Electric Chinoland
International Premiere, First feature
EL AUGE DEL HUMANO by Eduardo Williams
Argentina/Brazil/Portugal – 2016 – 95’
with Sergio Morosini, Shine Marx, Domingos Marengula, Chai Fonacier, Irene Doliente Paña, Manuel Asucan, Rixel Manimtim
Production: Ruda Cine, Un puma
Co-production: RT Features, Bando à parte
World Sales: Ruda Cine
World Premiere, First feature
Argentina – 2016 – 65’
with Xiaobin Zhang
Production: Murillo Cine
World Premiere, First feature
France – 2016 – 82’
with Virgile Hanrot, Dimitri Buchenet
Production: Mezzanine Films
Co-production: Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, M141
World Sales: MPM Film
World Premiere, First feature
I HAD NOWHERE TO GO by Douglas Gordon
Germany – 2016 – 100’
with Jonas Mekas
Production: olddognewtricks, moneypenny filmproduktion
World Premiere
Concorso Cineasti del presente
IL NIDO by Klaudia Reynicke
Switzerland/Italy – 2016 – 80’
with Ondina Quadri, Fabrizio Rongione, Diego Ribon, Sonia Gessner
Production: Amka Films Productions
Co-production: Tempesta
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
World Premiere
ISTIRAHATLAH KATA-KATA (Solo, Solitude) by Yosep Anggi Noen
Indonesia – 2016 – 97’
with Gunawan Maryanto, Marissa Anita, Eduward Manalu, Melanie Subono, Davi Yunan
Production: Kawankawan Films, Limaenam Films, Muara Foundation, Partisipasi Indonesia
World Premiere
L’INDOMPTÉE by Caroline Deruas
France – 2016 – 98’
with Clotilde Hesme, Jenna Thiam, Tchéky Karyo, Bernard Verley, Pascal Rénéric, Marilyne Canto, Lolita Chammah, Tanya Lopert,
Filippo Timi, Renato Carpentieri
Production: Thelma Films
Co-production: Arte France Cinéma
World Sales: Les Films du Losange
World Premiere, First feature
MAÑANA A ESTA HORA by Lina Rodríguez
Colombia/Canada – 2016 – 85’
with Laura Osma, Maruia Shelton, Francisco Zaldua, Clara Monroy, Catalina Cabra, Francisco Restrepo, Juan Miguel Santana,
Juan Pablo Cruz, Valentina Gómez, Alejandra Adarve
Production: RAYON VERT
World Premiere
PESCATORI DI CORPI by Michele Pennetta
Switzerland – 2016 – 64’
Production: Close Up Films
World Premiere, First feature
THE CHALLENGE by Yuri Ancarani
Italy/France/Switzerland – 2016 – 65’
Production: La Bête
Co-production: ring film, Atopic
World Sales: slingshotfilms
World Premiere, First feature
Bolivia/Qatar – 2016 – 80’
with Julio Cesar Ticona “Tortus”, Narciso Choquecallata, Anastasia Daza López, Rolando Patzi, Israel Hurtado, Elisabeth Ramírez Galván
Production: Socavón Cine
Co-production: S.T.M.M.D.H
World Sales: Socavón Cine
World Premiere, First feature
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Pardi di domani Partner
Pardi di domani Partner
Concorso internazionale
A LIÑA POLÍTICA by Santos Díaz – Spain – 2015 – 22’
À NOITE FAZEM-SE AMIGOS by Rita Barbosa – Portugal – 2016 – 24’
ALEPOU (Fox) by Jacqueline Lentzou – Greece – 2016 – 28’
AN AVIATION FIELD by Joana Pimenta – USA/Portugal/Brazil – 2016 – 14’
APARTAMENT INTERBELIC, ÎN ZONA SUPERBĂ, ULTRA-CENTRALĂ (Old Luxurious Flat Located in an Ultra-central, Desirable Neighborhood) by Sebastian Mihăilescu – Romania – 2016 – 18’
AU LOIN, BALTIMORE by Lola Quivoron – France – 2016 – 25’
CILAOS by Camilo Restrepo – France – 2016 – 12’
CLAN by Stefanie Kolk – Netherlands – 2016 – 22’
DEEP BLUE by Joe Nankin – USA – 2016 – 15’
DGIS BOLOMDE (Till the End of the Day) by Anna Sarukhanova – Georgia – 2016 – 15’
EACH TO THEIR OWN by Maria Ines Manchego – New Zealand – 2016 – 19’
ESTILHAÇOS by José Miguel Ribeiro – Portugal – 2016 – 18’
ETAGE X by Francy Fabritz – Germany – 2016 – 14’
HOLD ME (CA CAW CA CAW) by Renee Zhan – USA – 2016 – 11’
KOMMITTÉN (The Committee) by Gunhild Enger, Jenni Toivoniemi – Sweden/Norway/Finland – 2016 – 14’
L’IMMENSE RETOUR (ROMANCE) by Manon Coubia – Belgium/France – 2016 – 14’
LAS VÍSCERAS by Elena López Riera – Spain/France – 2016 – 15’
MANODOPERA by Loukianos Moshonas – France/Greece – 2016 – 26’
NON CASTUS by Andrea Castillo – Chile – 2016 – 21’
NUESTRA AMIGA LA LUNA by Velasco Broca – Spain – 2016 – 15’
ON THE ROPES by Manon Nammour – Lebanon – 2016 – 17’
QUE VIVE L’EMPEREUR by Aude Léa Rapin – France – 2016 – 26’
RHAPSODY by Constance Meyer – France – 2015 – 16’
SETEMBRO by Leonor Noivo – Portugal/Bulgaria – 2016 – 33’
SREDI CHEORNYH VOLN (Among the Black Waves) by Anna Budanova – Russia – 2016 – 11’
TRANZICIJA (Transition) by Milica Tomovic – Serbia – 2016 – 22’
UMPIRE by Leonardo Van Dijl – Belgium – 2015 – 16’
VALPARAISO by Carlo Sironi – Italy – 2016 – 20’
Concorso nazionale
CABANE by Simon Guélat – France – 2016 – 26’
CÔTÉ COUR by Lora Mure-Ravaud – Switzerland – 2016 – 13’
DIE BRÜCKE ÜBER DEN FLUSS by Jadwiga Kowalska – Switzerland – 2016 – 6’
DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS by Norbert Kottmann, Dennis Stauffer – Switzerland – 2016 – 21’
DORMIENTE by Tommaso Donati – Switzerland – 2016 – 18’
GENESIS by Lucien Monot – Switzerland – 2016 – 17’
ICEBERG by Mathieu Z’Graggen – France – 2016 – 37’
LA FEMME ET LE TGV by Timo von Gunten – Switzerland – 2016 – 30’
LA LEÇON by Tristan Aymon – Switzerland – 2016 – 15’
LA SÈVE by Manon Goupil – Switzerland – 2016 – 13’
LES DAUPHINES by Juliette Klinke – Belgium – 2016 – 13’
LOST EXILE by Fisnik Maxhuni – Switzerland – 2016 – 29’
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
300 MILES by Orwa Al Mokdad
Syria/Lebanon – 2016 – 95’
Production: 4 Films Art
World Premiere, First feature
ANASHIM SHEHEM LO ANI (People That Are Not Me) by Hadas Ben Aroya
Israel – 2016 – 77’
with Hadas Ben Aroya, Yonatan Bar-Or, Meir Toledano, Netzer Charitt, Hagar Enosh
World Premiere, First feature
ASCENT by Fiona Tan
Netherlands/Japan – 2016 – 80’
with Hiroki Hasegawa, Fiona Tan
Production: Antithesis Films
World Premiere
BEDUINO by Júlio Bressane
Brazil – 2016 – 75’
with Alessandra Negrini, Fernando Eiras
Production: TB Produções
World Premiere
POW WOW by Robinson Devor
USA – 2016 – 75’
Production: Vins
World Premiere
SVI SEVERNI GRADOVI (All the Cities of the North) by Dane Komljen
Serbia/Bosnia-Herzegovina/Montenegro – 2016 – 100’
with Boban Kaludjer, Boris Isakovic, Dane Komljen
Production: Dart Film, SCCA/pro.ba
Co-production: Code blue, Vizart Production
World Premiere, First feature
RAT FILM by Theo Anthony
USA – 2016 – 82’
Production: Memory
World Sales: Memory
World Premiere, First feature
THE SUN, THE SUN BLINDED ME by Anka Sasnal, Wilhelm Sasnal
Poland/Switzerland – 2016 – 74’
with Rafał Maćkowiak
Production: Wilhelm Sasnal
World Premiere
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
Switzerland – 2016 – 93’
Production: Dreampixies
World Sales: Autlook Filmsales
Swiss distributor: Frenetic Films
World Premiere
L’AMATORE by Maria Mauti
Italy – 2016 – 90’
Production: MP1
World Sales: NEXO Digital
World Premiere, First feature
LA NATURA DELLE COSE by Laura Viezzoli
Italy – 2016 – 68’
Production: Ladoc
World Premiere, First feature
France – 2016 – 85’
with Isabelle Huppert, Louis Garrel, Bulle Ogier, Yves Jacques, Manon Combes, Bernard Verley, Jean-Pierre Malo, Fred Ulysse, Sylvain Levitte, Georges Fatna, Arnaud Mattlinger
Production: Idéale Audience
Co-production: ARTE France, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Maha Productions
World Sales: Doc & Film International
World Premiere
Portugal – 2016 – 80’
with Mariana Dias, António Durães, Ângela Marques, Maria João Pinho, Leonor Silveira, Marcello Urgeghe, Miguel Nunes
Production: Ar de Filmes
International Premiere
Germany – 2016 – 89’
Production: zero one film
World Sales: The Match Factory
World Premiere
Switzerland/Italy/Germany – 1991 – 110’
with Matthias Gnädiger, Necemettin Cobanoglu, Nur Sürer, Nemin Sivas, Yaman Okay, Dietmar Schönherr
Production: Catpics
World Sales: Catpics
Switzerland – 2016 – 72’
with Bruno Ganz, André Wilms, Aurélien Patouillard, Paul Laurent, Baptiste Coustenoble, Steven Matthews, Elina Lowensohn
Production: Vega Film
Swiss distributor: Vega Distribution
World Premiere
UNE JEUNE FILLE DE 90 ANS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Yann Coridian
France – 2016 – 85’
Production: AGAT Films & Cie
Co-production: ARTE France
World Sales: AGAT Films & Cie
World Premiere
Fuori concorso
Tunisia/France/Qatar/Lebanon/United Arab Emirates – 2016 – 94’
Production: Cinetelefilms
Co-production: 13Productions
World Sales: Autlook Filmsales
World Premiere
A BRIEF HISTORY OF PRINCESS X by Gabriel Abrantes – Portugal/France/United Kingdom – 2016 – 7’
A TRAIN ARRIVES AT THE STATION by Thom Andersen – USA – 2016 – 15’
Canada – 2016 – 14’
FESTA by Franco Piavoli – Italy – 2016 – 40’
INDEFINITE PITCH by James N. Kienitz Wilkins – USA – 2016 – 23’
LONGE by José Oliveira – Portugal – 2016 – 37’
THE HEDONISTS by Jia Zhang-ke – China – 2016 – 26’
THE HUNCHBACK by Ben Rivers, Gabriel Abrantes – Portugal/France – 2016 – 30’
Art Basel
Following the program presented by the Festival in Basel in June, the Art Basel film section has curated a program for Locarno.
WHERE IS ROCKY II? by Pierre Bismuth
France/Germany/Belgium/Italy – 2016 – 93’
with Robert Knepper, Milo Ventimiglia, Richard Edson, Barry O’Rourke, Tania Raymonde, Roger Guenveur Smith,
Stephen Guenveur Smith
Production: The Ink Connection
Co-production: Vandertastic Films, Frakas Productions, In Between Art Film, Vivo Film
World Sales: Mongrel International
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Pardo d’onore Swisscom
Leopard Club Award
Excellence Award
Moët & Chandon
Vision Award Nescens
Pardo d’onore Swisscom to Alejandro Jodorowsky
LA DANZA DE LA REALIDAD by Alejandro Jodorowsky – France/Chile – 2013 – 133’
LA MONTAÑA SAGRADA by Alejandro Jodorowsky – Mexico/USA – 1973 – 112’
POESÍA SIN FIN by Alejandro Jodorowsky – France/Chile – 2016 – 128’
SANTA SANGRE by Alejandro Jodorowsky – Italy/Mexico – 1989 – 123’
Excellence Award Moët & Chandon to Bill Pullman
Every year the Excellence Award goes to an actor or an actress of international stature.
LOST HIGHWAY by David Lynch – France/USA – 1996 – 134’
ZERO EFFECT by Jake Kasdan – USA – 1998 – 116’
Premio Raimondo Rezzonico to David Linde
CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON by Ang Lee – Taiwan/Hong Kong/USA/China – 2000 – 120’
Y TU MAMÁ TAMBIÉN by Alfonso Cuarón – Mexico – 2001 – 106’
Vision Award Nescens to Howard Shore
ED WOOD by Tim Burton – USA – 1994 – 126’
HUGO by Martin Scorsese – USA – 2011 – 126’
THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS by Jonathan Demme – USA – 1991 – 118’
VIDEODROME by David Cronenberg – Canada – 1983 – 87’
Pardo alla carriera to Mario Adorf
A CAVALLO DELLA TIGRE by Luigi Comencini – Italy – 1961 – 110’
AM TAG, ALS DER REGEN KAM by Gerd Oswald – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 85’
DER ARZT VON STALINGRAD by Géza von Radványi – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 110’
LA MALA ORDINA by Fernando Di Leo – Italy/Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1972 – 97’
NACHTS, WENN DER TEUFEL KAM by Robert Siodmak – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 104’
Tribute to Roger Corman
THE INTRUDER by Roger Corman – USA – 1962 – 84’
THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH by Roger Corman – USA/United Kingdom – 1964 – 87’
Tribute to Jonas Mekas
WALDEN by Jonas Mekas – USA – 1969 – 180’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Tribute to Abbas Kiarostami
Various countries – 2016 – 75’
World premiere
Composed by:
CEIBA by Ramiro Pedraza – 9’
CINCO AÑOS by Martin Snyder – 11’
HEIDI by Fatema Abdoolcarim – 7’
HOJA COLORADA by Kai Tillman – 7’
PASAJERA by Abbas Kiarostami – 9’
PEZCAL by Pablo Briones – 11’
PICCOLO MONDO by Alessandro Focareta – 5’
SE POR ACASO by Pedro Freire – 16’
KHANEH-JE DOOST KOJAST? by Abbas Kiarostami – Iran – 1988 – 83’
Histoire(s) du cinéma: Special Program
KOIBITO-TACHI WA NURETA by KUMASHIRO Tatsumi – Japan – 1973 – 76’
Cinema svizzero riscoperto – Tribute to Clemens Klopfenstein
GESCHICHTE DER NACHT by Clemens Klopfenstein – Italy/Switzerland/Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/France – 1979 – 64’
WERANGSTWOLF by Clemens Klopfenstein – Italy/Switzerland – 2000 – 88’
Cinema svizzero riscoperto – Tribute to Jean-Louis Roy
L’INCONNU DE SHANDIGOR by Jean-Louis Roy – Switzerland – 1967 – 90’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
A DESTRUIÇÃO DE BERNARDET by Claudia Priscilla, Pedro Marques – Brazil – 2016 – 72’
Brazil – 2014 – 15’
VERFLUCHTE LIEBE DEUTSCHER FILM by Dominik Graf, Johannes Sievert – Germany – 2016 – 93’
VERSUS: THE LIFE AND FILMS OF KEN LOACH by Louise Osmond – United Kingdom – 2016 – 96’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
In collaboration with:
With the support of:
Retrospective – Beloved and Rejected: Cinema in the young
Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963
The Retrospective of the 69th Festival del film Locarno is devoted to cinema in the young Federal Republic of Germany. After the
Retrospective dedicated to the Italian production studio Titanus in 2014, the Festival looks again at film in a neighboring country.
The program sets itself the task of shedding new light on a national cinema of major interest in terms of cultural and production
aspects, as well as for the value of the individual films, which were made in a far more cosmopolitan context than is generally
The Retrospective, curated by Olaf Möller and Roberto Turigliatto, is organized in collaboration with the Deutsches Filminstitut,
Frankfurt am Main, and with support from the Cinémathèque suisse and German Films. The Deutsches Filminstitut will also publish a
catalogue edited in English and German, by Olaf Möller and Claudia Dillmann, Director of the Deutsches Filminstitut, to accompany
the program.
The project will involve many prestigious Swiss and foreign institutions that will enable this season of German cinema to circulate
through to 2017. Among the institutions already confirmed, in Switzerland the Retrospective will play at the Cinémathèque suisse in
Lausanne, the Filmpodium in Zurich and the Rex cinema in Bern; in Germany, in addition to the Deutsches Filmmuseum in Frankfurt,
the program will run at the Zeughauskino in Berlin, the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf, the Metropolis Kino in Hamburg and the Caligari
FilmBühne in Wiesbaden; in Portugal at the Cinemateca Portuguesa and in Italy at the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in Turin and the
Trieste-based Festival I Mille Occhi. The journey will conclude in 2017 with screenings at New York’s Film Society of Lincoln Center
and the National Gallery of Art in Washington.
Among the guests related to the Retrospective that will attend Locarno: the German actor Mario Adorf, who will also receive a Pardo
alla carriera during the Festival; the German director Edgar Reitz, president of the Pardi di domani jury, and director Dominik Graf,
who will present his last documentary about the german cinema of this era.
ALVORADA - AUFBRUCH IN BRASILIEN by Hugo Niebeling – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 80’
AM SIEL by Peter Nestler, [Kurt Ulrich] – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 13’
AM TAG, ALS DER REGEN KAM by Gerd Oswald – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 85’
ANSIKTEN I SKUGGA by Peter Weiss, Christer Strömholm – Sweden – 1956 – 14’
AUTOBAHN by Herbert Vesely – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 13’
BANKTRESOR 713 by Werner Klingler – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 89’
BAU 60 by Dieter Lemmel – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1960 – 12’
DAS BEKENNTNIS DER INA KAHR by Georg Wilhelm Pabst – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1954 – 100’
DAS INDISCHE GRABMAL by Fritz Lang – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/France/Italy – 1959 – 102’
DAS KLEID by Konrad Petzold – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1961/1991 – 88’
DAS MAGISCHE BAND by Ferdinand Khittl – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 22’
DAS SPUKSCHLOSS IM SPESSART by Kurt Hoffmann – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1960 – 101’
DAS STACHELTIER [NR. 27]: FREIE MARKTWIRTSCHAFT by Richard Groschopp – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1954 – 5’
DAS UNKRAUT by Wolfgang Urchs – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 11’
DAS VERURTEILTE DORF by Martin Hellberg – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1952 – 107’
DAS WUNDER DES MALACHIAS by Bernhard Wicki – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1961 – 121’
DEN EINSAMEN ALLEN by Franz Schömbs – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 8’
DER ARZT VON STALINGRAD by Géza von Radványi – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 110’
DER CORNET. DIE WEISE VON LIEBE UND TOD by Walter Reisch – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1955 – 104’
DER GLÄSERNE TURM by H. Braun – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 105’
DER HAUPTMANN VON KÖLN by S. Dudow – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1956 – 118’
DER TIGER VON ESCHNAPUR by Fritz Lang – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/France/Italy – 1959 – 96’
DER VERLORENE by Peter Lorre – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1951 – 98’
DER WUNDERTISCH by Herbert Seggelke – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1954 – 10’
DIE PURPURLINIE by Flo Nordhoff – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 14’
DIE ROTE by Helmut Käutner – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/Italy – 1962 – 95’
DIE SPUR FÜHRT NACH BERLIN by Franz Cap – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1952 – 90’
DIE TRAPP-FAMILIE IN AMERIKA by Wolfgang Liebeneiner – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 104’
DURCH NACHT ZUM LICHT by Hans Fischerkösen – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1955 – 4’
EIN ALIBI ZERBRICHT by Alfred Vohrer – Austria – 1963 – 97’
EIN FABELTIER FLIEGT NACH DEUTSCHLAND by Michael Grzimek, Bernhard Grzimek – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1954 – 12’
EIN WAGEN UND SEIN WERK by Curt A. Engel – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1953 – 5’
ENDSTATION LIEBE by Georg Tressler – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 84’
ES GESCHAH AM HELLICHTEN TAG by Ladislao Vajda – Switzerland/Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 98’
ES MUSS EIN STÜCK VOM HITLER SEIN by Walter Krüttner – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1963 – 12’
FAUST by Peter Gorski – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1960 – 128’
FUSSBALL WELTMEISTERSCHAFT 1954 by Gerhard Grindel, Horst Wigankow, Sammy Drechsel – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1954 – 93’
GESCHWINDIGKEIT by Edgar Reitz – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1963 – 13’
HIMMEL OHNE STERNE by Helmuth Käutner – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1955 – 108’
HUNDE WOLLT IHR EWIG LEBEN by Frank Wisbar – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 98’
IM STAHLNETZ DES DR. MABUSE by Harald Reinl – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/France/Italy – 1961 – 89’
JONAS by Ottomar Domnick – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 81’
JUNGENS IN DEN FLEGELJAHREN by Rudolf Werner Kipp – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1956 – 27’
KAHL by Haro Senft – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1961 – 9’
KIRMES by Wolfgang Staudte – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1960 – 102’
KOMMUNIKATION – TECHNIK DER VERSTÄNDIGUNG by Edgar Reitz – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 12’
LABYRINTH by Rolf Thiele – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 94’
LEUCHTFEUER by Wolfgang Staudte – German Democratic Republic (GDR)/Sweden – 1954 – 95’
MACHORKA-MUFF by Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1963 – 18’
MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM by Géza von Radványi – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)/France – 1958 – 95’
MENSCHEN IM NETZ by Franz Peter Wirth – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 98’
MENSCHEN IM WERK by Gerhard Lamprecht – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 27’
MUTTER COURAGE UND IHRE KINDER by Manfred Wekwerth, Peter Palitzsch – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1961 – 149’
NACHTS, WENN DER TEUFEL KAM by Robert Siodmak – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1957 – 104’
NEUE KUNST – NEUES SEHEN by Ottomar Domnick – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1950 – 10’
ÓSMY DZIEŃ TYGODNIA by Aleksandr Ford – Polish People’s Republic/Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1958 – 84’
[PUSCHKIN – WODKA FÜR HARTE MÄNNER. ELCH] by Charles Paul Wilp – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 1’
ROSEN BLÜHEN AUF DEM HEIDEGRAB by Hans Heinz König – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1952 – 82’
SCHAUT AUF DIESE STADT by Karl Gass – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1962 – 85’
SCHICHTEN UNTER DER DUNSTGLOCKE by Herbert Viktor – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1959 – 15’
SCHWARZER KIES [VERLEIHVERSION] by Helmut Käutner – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1961 – 107’
SPIELBANK-AFFÄRE by Arthur Pohl, [Joachim Hasler] – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1957 – 93’
SPOTKANIA W MROKU by Wanda Jakubowska, [Ralf Kirsten] – Polish People’s Republic/German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1960
– 107’
SÜDEN IM SCHATTEN by Franz-Josef Spieker – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 9’
TRAUM IN TUSCHE by Rolf Engler – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1952 – 9’
URLAUB AUF SYLT by Annelie Thorndike, Andrew Thorndike – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1957 – 18’
VERSTUMMTE STIMMEN by Roger Fritz – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1962 – 13’
VIELE KAMEN VORBEI by Peter Pewas – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1956 – 80’
VOM TEUFEL GEJAGT by Viktor Tourjansky – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1950 – 103’
WÄHLE DAS LEBEN by Erwin Leiser – Switzerland/Sweden/Austria – 1963 – 101’
WEG OHNE UMKEHR by Victor Vicas – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1953 – 95’
WEISSES BLUT by Gottfried Kolditz – German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1959 – 88’
WERFTARBEITER by Wolf Hart – Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) – 1951 – 17’
Open Doors
4 – 9 August
Open Doors Partner
With support from the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Open Doors section aims to
help and highlight films and filmmakers from countries in the global South and East, where independent cinema is vulnerable. In
2016 Open Doors will for the first time dedicate itself to exploring eight countries in South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
the Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Starting from this fourteenth edition, the selected region will be further discovered over a three-year period, to increase the
personalized support to the professionals from the 8 countries, both in Locarno and in their own country.
The Open Doors program will consist not only of the international co-production platform, Open Doors Hub, and the Open Doors
Screenings, open to the Festival public, but also of a development lab for upcoming talented producers: Open Doors Lab.
Open Doors Screenings
The Open Doors Screenings (3 – 13 August) will show to the Festival public a selection of short and feature films that are particularly
representative of the region’s filmmaking.
This year the selection will focus on four countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar.
The program will include work by both emerging young talents and directors already established in the international arena. The
selection will explore the range of contemporary work in the region, apart from the 1934 Burmese film Mya Ganaing by Maung Tin
MAUNG, restored by MEMORY! International Film Heritage Festival (Yangon) in collaboration with the Cineteca of Bologna.
On Sunday August 7, following the screening of the film The Monk, a roundtable discussion will cover the subject of Youth in
Myanmar and the role of cinema in a transition phase. The event is part of the initiative Democracy without borders, organized in
collaboration with the Swiss Foreign Ministry’s Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The screening will be introduced
by Pio Wennubst, deputy director of the SDC.
Feature Films:
ARE YOU LISTENING! (SHUNTE KI PAO!) by Kamar Ahmad Simon – Bangladesh – 2012 – 90’
HEMA HEMA: SING ME A SONG WHILE I WAIT by Khyentse Norbu – Bhutan/Hong Kong – 2016 – 96’
HIGHWAY by Deepak Rauniyar – Nepal/USA – 2012 – 75’
MYA GANAING (The Emerald Jungle) by Maung Tin Maung – Myanmar – 1934 – 93’
RETURN TO BURMA by Midi Z – Taiwan/Myanmar – 2011 – 84’
TELEVISION by Mostofa Sarwar Farooki – Bangladesh – 2012 – 106’
THE BLACK HEN (KALO POTHI) by Min Bahadur Bham – Nepal – 2015 – 90’
THE MONK by The Maw Naing – Myanmar/Czech Republic – 2014 – 95’
UNDER CONSTRUCTION by Rubaiyat Hossain – Bangladesh – 2015 – 88’
Short Films:
3 YEAR 3 MONTH RETREAT (LO SUM CHOE SUM) by Dechen Roder – Bhutan – 2015 – 20’
720 DEGREES by Ishtiaque Zico – Bangladesh – 2010 – 5’
A FORGOTTEN STORY by Tashi Gyeltshen – Bhutan – 2010 – 7’
CHANDRA by Asmita Shrish, Fateme Ahmadi – Nepal/United Kingdom/China – 2015 – 15’
I AM TIME di Mahde Hasan – Bangladesh – 2013 – 10’
INSEIN RHYTHM by Soe Moe Aung – Myanmar/Germany – 2013 – 11’
SIDE GLANCES OF DRAGON by We Ra Aung – Myanmar – 2014 – 17’
SWEETIE PIE by Sai Kong Kham – Myanmar/Germany – 2011 – 7’
THE CONTAGIOUS APPARITIONS OF DAMBAREY DENDRITE by Bibhusan Basnet, Pooja Gurung – Nepal – 2013 – 18’
THE CONTAINER by Abu Shahed Emon – Bangladesh/South Corea – 2012 – 15’
THE MONK IN THE FOREST by Karma Wangchuk – Bhutan – 2015 – 11’
THE SHAME (LAAZ) by Sushan Prajapati – Nepal – 2015 – 20’
Open Doors
Open Doors Hub: the co-production platform
The co-production platform Open Doors Hub (4 – 9 August) aims to encourage financing of projects that would be hardly feasible
From around a hundred applications received from South Asia, 8 projects were selected. The platform offers the projects’ directors/
producers an opportunity to have contact with potential partners, especially those from Europe, via individual meetings. During the
first two days, the teams will also participate in a pitch training workshop run by Sibylle Kurz.
At the end of the Open Doors Hub’s five days of activity, a number of awards will be attributed. A prize worth 50,000 CHF is funded
through the Open Doors initiative in collaboration with the Swiss production support fund Visions Sud Est (which is also supported
by the SDC) and the municipality of Bellinzona. The CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée) will offer an award worth
8,000 Euros and ARTE will fund a prize of 6,000 Euros.
Open Doors Lab: training for 8 producers/director-producers
For its first edition, Open Doors Lab (4 – 9 August) will train the spotlight on 8 emerging producers, from Bangladesh, Bhutan,
Myanmar and Nepal, who are contributing to the development of independent filmmaking in their region and to the discovery of
new talents.
The eight participants will benefit from five days of a tailor-made program, built around the needs of one of their projects, chosen
to provide a practical working basis. Group and individual sessions will alternate to cover topics such as project development,
international financing and co-productions, distribution, marketing, international sales and post-production, from an international
perspective. The producers will also participate in networking activities with guests of the Festival and its Industry Office.
The workshop will be led by producer Paul Miller with support from a pool of international and Asian professionals, in close collaboration
with the training bodies EAVE (whose PUENTES workshop will be held in Locarno for the third time) and the TorinoFilmLab. The
organizations will also offer a plenary session on digital marketing (introduced by Sarah Calderón), a round table on public and private
financing resources in Europe and worldwide (moderated by Jean des Forêts) as well as consultations on script-writing.
Some of the Lab sessions will also be open to Hub participants to create synergy between the two sessions. Other opportunities for
meetings are planned with the Festival program and its partners during the year, such as in Yangon with the Myanmar Script Fund
created by the MEMORY! International Film Heritage Festival.
Finally, the Winterthur International Short Film Festival will choose one filmmaker from the participants in the Open Doors Hub &
Lab, Pardi di domani and the Filmmakers Academy, to take part in the Residency established in collaboration with the Villa Sträuli.
Open Doors is organized in close collaboration with the Locarno Festival’s Industry Office and enjoys support from numerous
European and Asian organisations such as ACE (Ateliers du Cinéma Européen), EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs),
Producers Network Marché du Film (Cannes Festival), TorinoFilmLab, Clinik.Kathmandu, MEMORY! International Film Heritage
Festival and Yangon Film School, Bangladesh Federation of Film Societies, Bhutan Film Trust and the Winterthur International Short
Film Festival. Open Doors also benefits from the invaluable contribution of Paolo Bertolin, festival programmer and specialist in film
from the Asia-Pacific region.
The selected Open Doors Hub projects:
CINEMA, CITY AND CATS by Ishtiaque Zico, Bangladesh
CRAVING (TA KHU THAR LO CHIN THE) by Maung Okkar, Myanmar
DAY AFTER TOMORROW by Kamar Ahmad Simon, Bangladesh
HOUSE OF MY FATHERS by Suba Sivakumaran, Sri Lanka
THE CINEASTE by Aboozar Amini, Afghanistan
THE RED PHALLUS by Tashi Gyeltshen, Bhutan
The eight producers and directors-producers who will participate in the Open Doors Lab:
Aadnan Imtiaz Ahmed, Kino-Eye Films, Bangladesh
Abu Shahed Emon, Batayan Productions, Bangladesh
Rubaiyat Hossain, Khona Talkies, Bangladesh
Jigme Lhendhup, Evolving Artists, Bhutan
We Ra Aung, Green Age Film Production, Myanmar
Thu Thu Shein, Third Floor Production, Myanmar
Wang Shin Hong, Myanmar Montage Productions, Myanmar
Min Bahadur Bham, Shooney Films Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
Open Doors
Swiss Cinema
in Locarno
The Swiss Films of the 2016 selection
GOTTHARD by Urs Egger
Piazza Grande
MOKA by Frédéric Mermoud
Concorso internazionale
LA IDEA DE UN LAGO by Milagros Mumenthaler
MARIJA by Michael Koch
Concorso Cineasti del presente
IL NIDO by Klaudia Reynicke
PESCATORI DI CORPI by Michele Pennetta
THE CHALLENGE by Yuri Ancarani
Pardi di domani – Concorso nazionale
CÔTÉ COUR by Lora Mure-Ravaud
DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS by Norbert Kottmann, Dennis Stauffer
DORMIENTE by Tommaso Donati
GENESIS by Lucien Monot
LA FEMME ET LE TGV by Timo von Gunten
LA LEÇON by Tristan Aymon
LA SÈVE by Manon Goupil
LOST EXILE by Fisnik Maxhuni
Signs of Life
THE SUN, THE SUN BLINDED ME by Anka Sasnal, Wilhelm Sasnal
Fuori concorso
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
WÄHLE DAS LEBEN by Erwin Leiser
Histoire(s) du cinéma
GESCHICHTE DER NACHT by Clemens Klopfenstein
WERANGSTWOLF by Clemens Klopfenstein
Film delle giurie
KÖPEK by Esen Isik
Semaine de la critique
CAHIER AFRICAIN by Heidi Specogna
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
Panorama Suisse
Panorama Suisse presents a selection of ten Swiss films that have been produced this year, such as festival successes, audience
favorites and films that have not been released yet in cinemas. Film lovers from all over the world have the opportunity to discover
current Swiss filmmaking in its own dedicated program at the Festival del Film Locarno.
This year, a commission joining the Solothurn Film festival, the Swiss Film Academy and SWISS FILMS is responsible for the film
The selection:
ALOYS by Tobias Nölle – Switzerland/France – 2016 – 91’
AMATEUR TEENS by Niklaus Hilber – Switzerland – 2015 – 92’
BEI WIND UND WETTER by Remo Scherrer – Switzerland – 2016 – 11’
CALABRIA by Pierre-François Sauter – Switzerland – 2016 – 117’
KÖPEK by Esen Isik – Switzerland – 2015 – 98’
LATE SHIFT by Tobias Weber – Switzerland/United Kingdom – 2016 – 90’
NICHTS PASSIERT by Micha Lewinsky – Switzerland – 2015 – 92’
RAVING IRAN by Susanne Regina Meures – Switzerland – 2016 – 84’
RIO CORGO by Maya Kosa, Sergio da Costa – Switzerland/Portugal – 2015 – 95’
THE CHINESE LIVES OF ULI SIGG by Michael Schindhelm – Switzerland – 2016 – 93’
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
Schools without borders – Young auteurs in training in Switzerland and Italy
The Festival del film Locarno, as usual, is devoting a day to exploring the output of various institutions involved in training for film and
television in the Cantone Ticino. The program for this year offers an overview of the most recent work produced at CISA (International
Academy of Audiovisual Sciences), Academy of Architecture of USI (Università della Svizzera italiana), SSS_AA (Scuola specializzata
superiore d’arte applicata) and CSI (Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana). The CSC Foundation (Experimental Cinematography Centre)
is also invited, as it has been for some years now.
CISA is a specialized higher educational institution for film and television: at the end of the first two years – in which students come
to grips with image-making via practical projects – a Designers in Visual Design (Film) diploma is awarded, while in the post-diploma
year students specialize in screenwriting, production, direction, cinematography, sound and editing, obtaining a federally recognized
post-diploma as Cinema/Television Filmmaker. On this occasion CISA presents graduation films and those made at the end of the
two-year course. In addition there will be also be a live music accompaniment to three montages made by CISA students, based on
archival film material supplied by the Cinémathèque suisse in Lausanne, «set to music» by participants in the CSI’s Master’s degree
in Composition, run by Nadir Vassena. The Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana aims to promote and disseminate musical culture
throughout Italian Switzerland, through both foundation and professional teaching, as well as the promotion of artistic activity.
Mendrisio’s Academy of Architecture has for several years hosted workshops related to the course Styles and cinema techniques run
by Marco Müller: Filming architecture is a campus workshop, led by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, which has resulted in a collection of
short film pieces. The students are called upon to produce a personal interpretation of the spaces of a contemporary Ticinese piece of
architecture, analyzed through the medium of film: the dual scholastic gym in Chiasso, designed by Baserga Mozzetti Architetti.
The SSS_AA is located in the Centro scolastico per le industrie artisrtiche in Lugano. It summarizes its mission as offering professional
training in design and project planning, the use of hardware and software in computer animation, web design and industrial design.
The curriculum develops skills in all these areas over a two-year course and a period of professional placement prior to the diploma
exams. A number of 3D computer animation short films will be shown at Locarno.
The CSC Foundation (with which CISA has a long-standing collaborative relationship) is the major Italian-speaking institution for
teaching, research, experimentation and conservation in film, covering documentaries, fiction films, commercials and animation, and
operates through the National Film School and the National Film Archive. They will be showing a selection of recent work made by
students from various campuses (L’Aquila, Milan, Roma, Palermo, Turin).
Domenico Lucchini, Coordinator
CISA, Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive
ImaginaSon project:
OLD FORBO by Davide Curti – 2016 – 6’32”
PROGETTO CimaNorma by Carlo Bettelini – 2016 – 3’32”
VIAGGIO NEL PASSATO by Evelin Liguori – 2016 – 6’13”
70 ANNI DI UNITAS by CISA Lab, institutional video – 2016 – 5’
L’IMMERSIONE by Luca Ramelli, documentary – 2016 – 13’19”
TOBIAS by Anna Schmid, Clara Kiskanç Fischer, Amanda Caprara and Alessio Di Naro, documentary – 2016 – 8’20”
Institutional video FORBO Giubiasco by CISA Lab, institutional video – 2015 – 11’32”
TRATTI by Clara Kiskanç Fischer and Amanda Caprara, fiction –10’50”
OLTRE IL CONFINE by Daniele Lucca, fiction – 2016 – 12’07”
PROTOCOLLO UMANO by Massimiliano Piozzini, fiction – 2016 – 16’50”
Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio
THE MARKER by Sharon Armetti, Giovanni Gandini, Stefano Larotonda and Svetlana Naudiyal – 2016 – 2’56”
JEU DE LIGNES by Francesco Battaini, Tommaso Casalini, Gaia Castelli, Michele Gandolfi and Federico Muratori – 2016 – 3’16”
DAI LORO OCCHI by Alexandra Zervudachi – 2016 – 4’06”
ECHO by Szabolcs Bordás, Giulio Branca, Federico Farinatti, Chan-Woo Park and Marco Triaca – 2016 – 4’43”
ANIMAUX by Ester Galluccio, Stefano Gariglio, Philip Henestrosa and Francesca Schiavello – 2016 – 4’30”
INDETERMINANCY by Stephan Lando, Marina Montresor and Francesca Zecca – 2016 – 04’31’’
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
SSS_AA, Scuola specializzata superiore d’arte applicata
PETTEGOLI by Viktoria Dehtevica, 3D animation – 2014 – 2’00”
LA SFIDA by Lorena Iuva, Elisa Nigra, Zeno Pallone, Aline Rotilio and Sascha Saez, 3D animation – 2015 – 3’42”
Cortissimi – 3D animation – 2016 – 5’53”
MALEDETTE BATTERIE by Ilaria Fumagalli
QUESTIONI DI MISURA by Claudia Ranzoni
MOGLI EFFICIENTI by Mathyas Baggio
MARY POPPINS by Davide Ciulla
LA VENDETTA by Catia Sofia Fonseca Gomes
CSC, Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
OLTRE LO SCHERMO by Marco Bonaschi and Guido Tabacco (CSC Lombardia) – 2016 – 50”
iAPP by Stefano Teodori (CSC Lombardia) – 2015 – 45”
NON FARTI FOTTERE by Giovanni Iavarone (CSC Lombardia) – 2015 – 8’30”
DOVE L’ACCOGLIENZA È DI CASA by Giulia Canella and Giovanni Iavarone (CSC Lombardia) – 2015 – 45”
CARTIERE TOSCOLANO 1381 by Vincenzo Campisi (CSC Lombardia, in colaboration with Fondazione Valle delle Cartiere Toscolano
Maderno e Stabilo) – 2016 – 1’30”
#SonsOfGod#VOX by Stefano Teodori and Monica Fenu (CSC Lombardia) – 2016 – 1’13”
Spot CSC by Valentina Landenna (CSC Lombardia), spot – 2016 – 45”
L’AQUILA RAPPRESENTA by Giovanni Soria (CSC Abruzzo) – 2015 – 17’
I MORTI NON SONO TRANQUILLI by Andrea Sorini (CSC Lazio) – 2015 – 14’30”
LA LEGGENDA DEL CASTELLO DI ACI by Ruben Monterosso and Federico Savonitto, (CSC Sicilia) – 2016 – 6’31”
UN GRAN SILENZIO by Ruben Monterosso and Federico Savonitto, (CSC Sicilia) – 2016 – 7’23”
MERLOT by Marta Gennari and Giulia Martinelli (CSC Piemonte), animated short film, digital animated drawing – 2016 – 5’40”
EIDOS by Elena Ortolan and Alberto Comerci (CSC Piemonte), animated short film – 2016 – 4’33”
CISA, Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive
HOTEL DÜSSELDORF by Riccardo Silvestri – 2015 – 35’
WINDOW by Massimiliano Piozzini – 2015 – 6’
ASCOLTAMI MORIRE by Riccardo Sirignano – 2015 – 9’
GLI 8 ELEMENTI by Vittorio Castellano – 2015 – 18’
FIN DU VACC by Giovanni Greggio – 2015 – 0’24”
Accademia di architettura
100 TESTE 100 OPINIONI by Matteo Frangi, Lara Monacelli, Marina Rondini – 2015 – 08’25”
IN BILIC by Giorgio Della Marianna, Joseph Redpath, Alessandra Tararà, Marija Urbaite – 2015 – 04’20”
GIOCHERANNO... by Giulia Brembilla, Elia Rossi, Nadia Ruseva, Barbara Stallone, Michele Taborelli – 2015 – 05’23”
AUTOMA ORGANICO by Alessio Crespi, Virginia Granata, Alessandro Sebastiani, Valentina Tonelli – 2015 – 03’07”
PET IN FUGA by Tuia Giannesini, Valentina Luvini, Andrea Pompili, Elisabetta Vito – 2015 – 04’13”
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
First Features
Swatch First Feature Award eligible films
Piazza Grande
CESSEZ-LE-FEU by Emmanuel Courcol
Concorso internazionale
GODLESS by Ralitza Petrova
JEUNESSE by Julien Samani
MARIJA by Michael Koch
Concorso Cineasti del presente
AFTERLOV by Stergios Paschos
AKHDAR YABES (Withered Green) by Mohammed Hammad
DONALD CRIED by Kris Avedisian
EL AUGE DEL HUMANO by Eduardo Williams
L’INDOMPTÉE by Caroline Deruas
PESCATORI DI CORPI by Michele Pennetta
THE CHALLENGE by Yuri Ancarani
Fuori concorso
L’AMATORE by Maria Mauti
LA NATURA DELLE COSE by Laura Viezzoli
Sings of Life
300 MILES by Orwa Al Mokdad
ANASHIM SHEHEM LO ANI (People That Are Not Me) by Hadas Ben Aroya
RAT FILM by Theo Anthony
SVI SEVERNI GRADOVI (All the Cities of the North) by Dane Komljen
First Features
Industry Days
6 – 8 August
With the support of:
Quo Vadis?
The number of festivals continues to increase, just like the number of films produced. Festivals were
meeting places where people shared a communal experience and discovered films before their theatrical release. Today more than ever, festivals remain important meeting places both for professionals and audiences alike, but unfortunately, they are also often the only place where auteur cinema
can be discovered. In short, festivals now increasingly stand as actual distributors.
But how did this tendency come about? Is it the fault of the exhibitors, distributors and even buyers
who are no longer willing to take risks? Or is it that filmmakers and producers do not know how to
interest audiences? Or does the blame lie with audiences, who, apart from attending festivals as
events, prefer the convenience of home viewing, as and when they choose?
Nobody can offer a definitive answer to these questions, but everyone is well aware of the changes in consumer attitudes, particularly in the case of the younger generation. While the festival as
an event still attracts audiences, cinemas are struggling and the distribution of auteur films is in
trouble. Films are on screens so briefly that they do not have enough time to create a “buzz”. But
given the number of films produced, why on earth should exhibitors keep playing a film if it does
not attract, when they have at their disposal such an enormous choice of titles that might appeal to
a wider audience?
This prompts another question: why does the supply of films (auteur or other) exceed demand to
such a degree? How does such an unprecedentedly large number of films continue to be produced
when statistics prove that only a small percentage of them will ever actually reach the public? Even
though consumption habits have changed with the advent of VOD, this does not solve the problem:
most of what is on offer consists of films that have already had a theatrical release or been shown at
festivals. It is extremely rare to see films on offer that have not been screened somewhere else first.
This indicates that VOD platforms are not replacing, but simply offer additional outlets to national
distribution, at least for the time being.
Thus, even with increased opportunities to see films, as well as the greater number of films produced, one cannot say that there is a commensurate growth in audience numbers.
Films are part of the culture. One might start with the principle that culture should exist and should
be supported. On this point at least everyone agrees. But if funding culture implies public funding,
then even more so films should be available to share with an audience. So then does it really make
sense to support such a large number of films if nobody can see them?
Let's stop pointing the finger at distributors, exhibitors, sales agents and/or festivals, and take a
moment to think about the production system as a whole.
Obviously, without films, there would be no distributors or cinema exhibitors, no sales agents or
VOD platforms, and certainly no festivals. These entities were created to support culture, to enhance its circulation and connection with audiences. And likewise, without these entities, these “supports”, films would hardly have an existence.
We believe that one of the roles of the Industry Days is precisely to raise such issues, which reflect
the state of the market, and to prompt discussion and a search for solutions to the benefit of auteur
cinema, which we at Locarno so strongly defend. This year the running theme is once again distribution, but considered from another perspective: that of the whole system of production.
Long live independent cinema!
Nadia Dresti, Artistic Director Delegate, Head of International
Industry Days
Industry Days Initiatives
StepIn (Friday August 5 and Sunday August 7)
StepIn is an initiative designed as an interdisciplinary and international exchange think tank for
distribution, exhibition and sales professionals of auteur cinema. Selected industry key players are
invited to take part in closed working sessions to discuss the state of the film industry and propose
practical ideas and strategies to overcome the challenges they are facing. The session will be followed by a public debriefing open to all the accredited professionals on Sunday August 7, where
the participants will present a summary of their discussions and answer questions from the audience. StepIn is organized in partnership with Europa Distribution, Europa International and Europa
Cinemas. The 2016 edition of StepIn brings the opportunity for a partnership with Telefilm Canada
and SODEC for a special focus on North America and more specifically on Canada. StepIn will kick
off with a discussion with Hussain Amarshi (CEO, Mongrel Media Inc.) and Cameron Bailey (Artistic
Director, Toronto International Film Festival) moderated by Ira Deutchman (Independent Producer,
Professor, Columbia University School of the Arts). Project Manager: Hayet Benkara
StepIn.ch (Saturday, August 6, 14:30)
StepIn.ch, initially designed as a one-time conference to address the exit of Switzerland from the
Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the European Union in 2014, quickly became a platform for
Swiss and European film professionals to discuss specific challenges faced by the Swiss film industry. For its 3rd edition, StepIn.ch invites distributors, producers, television professionals, cinema
operators and institutional leaders to debate the current opportunities for Swiss-produced feature
films to reach venues and audiences in Switzerland and abroad. Are our models of financing, producing and broadcasting still relevant and adequate for facing contemporary challenges? With the
participation of Bero Beyer (Artistic Director, International Film Festival Rotterdam), Carolle Brabant (Executive Director, Telefilm Canada) and Christian Jungen (Film critic, NZZ am Sonntag) and
the moderation by Emmanuel Cuénod, Artistic Director of the Geneva International Film Festival
Tous Ecrans, partner of StepIn.ch.
Alliance for Development (August 6 – 8)
Alliance for Development’s concrete aim is to encourage early stage co-development and long-term
organic cooperation between France, Italy and Germany, supported by their respective film institutions: CNC, MiBACT and FFA. 9 projects were chosen among the bilateral co-development funds
existing between the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC, France), the Ministero
dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (MiBACT, Italy) and the Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA,
Germany). Switzerland, as their natural co-producing partner, hosts this new annual rendez-vous
supported by the Federal Office of Culture in the context of the MEDIA compensatory measures.
To encourage a stronger Swiss involvement, 3 Swiss projects looking for German, French and Italian
co-producers were selected to join the initiative as special guests. The chosen teams (director/producer) will come to the Locarno Industry Days to present and discuss their projects in a tailor-made
program, including individual meetings with potential partners, plenary sessions, panels, discussions and networking activities. Alliance for Development is a crossroad for French-, German- and
Italian-language film professionals which allows them to test their market potential and to find
natural opportunities for early-stage creative and financing partnerships. Project Manager: Lucas
Industry Days
First Look on Polish Cinema (August 6 – 8)
Locarno’s works in progress sidebar, designed as a springboard for the films of the future, will be
focusing this year on Polish Cinema, one of Eastern Europe’s most thriving film industries. The
initiative, organized in collaboration with the Polish Film Institute and with the support of Fundacja Polskie Centrum Audiowizualne boasts, this year, a jury composed by Kerem Ayan (Istanbul
International Film Festival), Cameron Bailey (Toronto International Film Festival) and Bero Beyer
(International Film Festival Rotterdam) that will hand out the First Look award on August 8 sponsored by Cinelab Romania worth 65'000 Euros in in post-production services, and an award offered
by Le Film Français in advertising worth 5'500 Euros. Initiated in 2011, First Look presents films in
post-production from a different country each year, among which the successful Sand Storm by
Elite Zexer (Israel, 2015), The Second Mother by Anna Muylaert (Brazil, 2014) and To Kill a Man by
Alejandro Fernandez Almendras (Chile, 2013). Project Manager: Markus Duffner
Match Me! (August 6 – 8)
Match Me! provides an informal networking platform for upcoming producers with projects in development. This year, thanks to partnerships with Cinema do Brasil, CinemaChile, IMCINE, SE-YAP
and Israel Film Fund, up to three emerging producers per country will be in Locarno with the possibility to expand their networks of contacts through a tailor–made matchmaking service and a series
of professional lunches with international and Swiss industry key players, the latter in strong presence thanks to a cooperation with SWISSFILMS. The selected producers will have the opportunity
to introduce their works in Locarno to potential co–producers, funds or sales companies. Project
Manager: Markus Duffner
Industry Academy (August 3 – 9)
The Locarno Industry Academy, first held in 2015, is an industry training program for young professionals working in international sales, marketing, distribution, exhibition and programming, created to help them understand the challenges of the movie industry and gives them the opportunity
to broaden their networks of contacts while building bridges between different markets. Following
its successful launch last year, and thanks to the support of major international partners, the event
now includes an initial phase of the Locarno Industry Academy International, which to date has featured three pilot events, held in Morelia, Mexico at the FICM in October 2015, in Brazil at Cinema do
Brasil's BOUTIQUE in December 2015, and in New York at the New Directors/New Films Festival in
collaboration with the Film Society of Lincoln Center in March 2016. Project Manager: Marion Klotz
"Transilvania Pitch Stop goes to Locarno"
The Industry Days and Transilvania Pitch Stop partner-up for the third time, giving the chance to the
Transilvania Pitch Stop' winners to join the Locarno professionals. Through a dedicated matchmaking service they have the opportunity to further develop their projects during the Industry Days.
Industry Days
With the support of:
Industry Days
Parallel Initiatives
FOCAL – "From Producers to Producers"
Locarno's annual invitation for a peer to peer exchange with producers will focus this year on the
risks and opportunities for smaller European countries to produce successful films internationally,
with a focus on the Danish film market. The Danish Film Institute abolished automatic funding five
years ago, creating what is now established as a solid market-oriented model. Claus Ladegaard,
Head of Film Funding at DFI, will present the current scheme and discuss the selection and funding
criteria, as well as the effective results, along with Danish producer Louise Vesth (Zentropa Productions). Per Neumann, founder and CEO of European Film Bonds, will present strategic opportunities for successful co-productions. The debate will include a broad scopes of themes, including
the attractiveness of small countries, such as Denmark and Switzerland, as co-producers.
Doc Alliance Selection Award
Discovering new film talents has become an inherent part of the brand of the European Doc Alliance
Selection Award awarded by the independent Doc Alliance platform uniting seven key European
documentary festivals since 2008. CPH:DOX, Docs Against Gravity FF, Doclisboa, DOK Leipzig, FID
Marseille, Jihlava IDFF and Visions du Réel each nominate a candidate among emerging filmmakers
in their competition. The Doc Alliance Selection Award, which includes a 5'000 Euros prize, is awarded by the seven documentary festivals. It represents a key project which aim is to support quality
documentary projects as well as looking for new solutions of their public presentation. The Award
will be announced, Sunday August 7 during the Industry Days, and the chosen film will be available
at the Digital Library.
PUENTES’ seventh edition returns in Locarno, bringing to the festival 14 selected professionals and
an expert team from Europe and Latin America. Throughout the 6 years of its existence, PUENTES
has become the most relevant workshop for European-Latin American co-productions with exceptionally good results: 69% of the finalized PUENTES projects got an international sales agent on
board, and over 84,6% of the projects have a successful festival career. PUENTES is organized by
EAVE in partnership with the Industry Days and the Open Doors initiative of the Festival del film
Locarno, Mutante Cine and Ventana Sur and with the support of the Creative Europa MEDIA programme of the European Union.
Industry Days
Locarno Summer Academy
3 – 13 August
With the support of:
Locarno Summer Academy
Founded in 2010 with the aim of helping develop the abilities of emerging talents, the Locarno
Summer Academy is a Festival del film Locarno training project for young directors, professionals,
students and film critics. The Academy was born from a desire to build on Locarno’s attributes as
a site of productive encounters, exchange of views and reflection on film, taking full advantage of
the Festival’s infrastructure and its numerous guests.
A hundred promising young talents from all over the world are selected and invited to participate in
one of the Locarno Summer Academy’s five initiatives: Filmmakers Academy, Critics Academy, Industry Academy, Documentary Summer School and Cinema&Gioventù. The program offers a range
of training options, spanning from general film education, training in film criticism for young journalists, to workshops for the upcoming generation of industry professionals and emerging directors
working on their first film.
The Locarno Filmmakers Academy (3 – 13 August) offers fifteen filmmakers, from the best film
schools all over the world, daily meetings with directors, producers and other internationally known
figures in the film industry. Guests who have held masterclasses in previous editions include:
Werner Herzog, Abel Ferrara, Lav Diaz, Pedro Costa, Agnès Varda, Víctor Erice, Aleksandr Sokurov and Michael Cimino. Since 2014 six young talents selected for the Cannes Festival’s Résidence
Cinéfondation also participate.
The Locarno Critics Academy (3 – 13 August) is designed for ten aspiring film critics who, as well as
meeting established members of the critical community and the film world, will have an opportunity to work under the editorial guidance of Eric Kohn (Indiewire), Brian Brooks (Film Society of Lincoln Center), Ruedi Widmer (ZHdK), Florian Keller (ASJC) and Adrian Nicca (Cineman.ch), covering
the Festival with articles and reviews that will be published on PardoLive, Criticwire, Filmcomment.
com, Cineman.ch and, from 2016, also in Filmbulletin. The program also allows for additional meetings with journalists attending Locarno, round tables with Festival guests and meetings with other
professionals. The Critics Academy is a joint initiative with Indiewire, in collaboration with the Film
Society of Lincoln Center in New York and The Swiss Film Journalists Association and is supported
by the Federal Office of Culture.
The Locarno Industry Academy (3 – 9 August), is an initiative organized by the Industry Office of the
Festival del film Locarno. The Locarno Industry Academy was first held in 2015, since then designed
and organized by the Project Manager Marion Klotz. This workshop aims at helping young industry
professionals in international sales, marketing, distribution, exhibition and programming, to understand the challenges of the movie industry and giving them the opportunity to broaden their
networks of contacts, while building bridges between different markets. Following its successful
launch last year, and thank to the support of major international partners, the event now includes
an initial pilot phase of the Locarno Industry Academy International, which to date has featured
three events, held in Mexico in October 2015 during the Morelia Festival, in Brazil in collaboration
with Cinema do Brasil in December 2015 and in March 2016 in New York in collaboration with the
Film Society of Lincoln Center, during the New Directors/New Films Festival.
The Locarno Summer Academy has two further initiatives: the Documentary Summer School (8 – 12
August) and Cinema&Gioventù (2 –13 August).
The 17th edition of the Documentary Summer School, is organized by the Università della Svizzera italiana and the Festival del film Locarno in collaboration with the Semaine de la Critique, and
involves twenty-five university students from film, television and communications departments all
over the world. It covers topical issues in documentary film, from both an academic and practical
production perspective. A particular attention is dedicated to ethnical issues.
Locarno Summer Academy
Now in its 57th edition, the Cinema&Gioventù initiative is open to 33 students from high schools,
vocational schools and universities in Switzerland and northern Italy. The participants have the
opportunity to experience the Festival from the inside, and play an active role within it, as members
of the youth juries and as privileged audience, attending official screenings, meeting filmmakers,
actors and experts within the sector. Cinema&Gioventù is a project of the Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport (DECS) of the Cantone Ticino, organized by Castellinaria. International Young Film Festival in Bellinzona.
The Locarno Summer Academy enjoys the support of the Ernst Göhner Stiftung (Zug), the Prof.
Otto Beisheim-Stiftung (Baar) and the Fondation Assistance Internationale (Rome).
Locarno Summer Academy
Summer Academy Partners
Filmmakers Academy
Critics Academy
Zurich University of the Arts
Centre for Publishing in the Arts
Industry Academy
Documentary Summer School
Locarno Summer Academy
Il villaggio del Festival del film Locarno
from 31 July to 14 August 2016
Food-district | Outdoor-market | Virtual reality
Free entry
06.08. FIJI // DJ SET
Every day, live radio PardoOn from 6 to 9 pm hosted by Rete Tre
Schweizerischer Verband Der FilmJournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten (SVFJ)
Association Suisse des Journalistes
Cinématographiques (ASJC)
Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti
Cinematografici (ASGC)
PREMIO SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique
Il premio SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique, del valore di CHF 8'000, è conferito al regista e al
produttore del film vincitore.
Le Prix SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique, est constitué d’une somme de CHF 8’000 octroyée au
réalisateur et au producteur du film gagnant.
Der von der SRG SSR gestiftete Preis der Semaine de la Critique im Wert von 8000 Franken geht
an den Produzenten und den Regisseur des besten Films.
PREMIO Zonta Club Locarno
La giuria ufficiale della Semaine de la critique attribuisce anche il “Premio Zonta Club Locarno", del
valore di CHF 2'000, al film che meglio promuove l'etica ad alti livelli”.
Le jury officiel de la Semaine de la critique décerne aussi le prix "Premio Zonta Club Locarno",
d’une somme de CHF 2'000, au film qui exprime au mieux l'engagement social.
Die Jury der Semaine de la critique vergibt zudem den «Premio Zonta Club Locarno» im Wert von
2000 Franken für einen Film, der sich durch besonderes soziales Engagement auszeichnet.
Ruth Dreifuss (CH)
Nicholas Elliott (US)
Carlo Ciavoni (IT)
[email protected]
Schweizerischer Verband Der FilmJournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten (SVFJ)
Association Suisse des Journalistes
Cinématographiques (ASJC)
Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti
Cinematografici (ASGC)
Semaine de la critique – 27. Edizione
La SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE è una sezione indipendente del Festival di Locarno. Dal 1990 è organizzata
dall'Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti Cinematografici e presenta 7 documentari molto particolari.
La SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE est une section indépendante du Festival de Locarno. Elle est organisée
depuis 1990 par l’Association Suisse des Journalistes Cinématographiques et présente un programme de 7
films documentaires très particuliers.
Die SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE ist eine vom Schweizerischen Verband der Filmjournalistinnen und
Filmjournalisten organisierte unabhängige Sektion des Internationalen Filmfestivals Locarno. Seit ihrer
Gründung 1990 zeigt die Semaine jedes Jahr eine Reihe von sieben herausragenden Dokumentarfilmen aus
aller Welt.
Bezness As Usual – Alex Pitstra – prima internazionale
Netherlands / Tunisia, 2016 – v.o. Dutch; 90'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 05.08, 11.00
Sea Tomorrow – Katerina Suvorova – prima mondiale
Kazakhstan / Germany, 2016 – v.o. Russian, Kazakh; 88'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 06.08, 11.00
Cahier africain – Heidi Specogna – prima mondiale
Switzerland / Germany 2016 – v.o. multi; 117'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 07.08, 11.00
Monk of the Sea – Rafał Skalski – prima internazionale
Poland, 2016 – v.o. Thai; 64'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 08.08, 11.00
El Remolino – Laura Herrero Garvín – prima internazionale
Mexico, 2016 – v.o. Spanish; 73'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 09.08, 11.00
Secondo Me – Pavel Cuzuioc – prima mondiale
Austria, 2016 – v.o. Italian, Russian, German; 79'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 10.08, 11.00
Komunia – Anna Zamecka – prima mondiale
Poland, 2016 – v.o. Polish; 70'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 11.08, 11.00
Sponsors and Partners
del Cantone Ticino (Svizzera)
We would also like to thank
in alphabetical order
Comune di Ascona
Comune di Bellinzona
Comune di Brione s/Minusio
Comune di Brissago
Comune Cugnasco-Gerra
Comune di Gambarogno
Comune di Gordola
Comune di Losone
Comune di Minusio
Comune di Muralto
Comune di Orselina
Comune di Ronco s/Ascona
Comune di Tenero-Contra
Comune di Terre di Pedemonte
Archivio di Stato, Bellinzona
Centro Didattico Cantonale Ticino (DECS)
Centro sportivo nazionale della gioventù
di Tenero (UFSPO)
Cinémathèque française
Cinémathèque suisse
CISA (Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze
Audiovisive Pio Bordoni)
CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image
CSIA (Centro scolastico per le industrie artistiche)
Dipartimento del Territorio del Cantone Ticino
Ente Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Locarnese
e Vallemaggia
GastroLago Maggiore e Valli
Gastro Ticino
Hotelleriesuisse sezione di Ascona e Locarno
Liceo Cantonale di Locarno
MEDIA Desk Suisse
Meteo Svizzera
MiBACT – Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività
Culturali e del Turismo
Presenza Svizzera
Regierungsrat des Kantons Bern
SAMS (Scuola d’arti e mestieri della sartoria Lugano)
Scuola Media di Locarno
SPAI (Scuola Professionale Artigianale Industriale)
STA (Scuola specializzata superiore di tecnica
dell’abbigliamento e della moda)
Stadt Bern Präsidialdirektion
SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della
Svizzera Italiana)
SVFJ (Schweizerischer Verband der
Filmjournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten)
Svizzera Turismo
USI (Università della Svizzera italiana)
Argus der Presse
ARTE France
Bellevue Palace Bern
Boutique Farfalla
CHC Business Solutions
Clear Channel Svizzera SA
Collegio Papio
Deutsches Film Institut
Dr. Albert Gnägi
FFA – Filmförderungsanstalt
Film und Video Untertitelung
FOFT – Federazione Ortofrutticola Ticinese
Ghisla Art Collection Locarno
Gioielleria Bucherer, Locarno
Gastronomie & Tourisme
Heineken Switzerland AG
Hôtel du Lac Locarno
Jannuzzi Smith – London | Lugano
Kursaal Locarno SA
Le film français
Marcel Nauer
Museo Castello San Materno
Nüssli AG
Paranoiko pictures
RailAway AG
Rapelli SA
Rezzonico Editore
SIX Payment Services
Stardrinks AG
Tamaro Drinks SA
Teatro San Materno
Transpalux (Suisse) SA
4IT Solutions
Member of:
Enjoying together
Unique moments at the Festival del film Locarno.
UBS has been supporting
the Festival del film Locarno
for over 30 years
UBS’s commitment to the Festival
del film Locarno, which started as a
local sponsorship, has helped the
event develop into an important cultural
happening over the last three decades. The festival is not only one of
the most important international
film festivals, it also ranks as one of
Switzerland’s top events. This puts
it on par with the likes of Art Basel, the
Montreux Jazz Festival, Weltklasse
Zurich and Athletissima Lausanne, which
are also supported by UBS.
UBS Media Relations
Tel: +41-44-234 85 00
[email protected]
© UBS 2016. All rights reserved.
Prix du Public UBS
Since 1994, UBS has also been the title
sponsor of the “Prix du Public UBS”,
the only award of the festival directly
designated by the audience of the
Piazza Grande. The winner of last year’s
prize worth 30,000 Swiss francs was
a German production entitled “Der
Staat gegen Fritz Bauer” by Lars
Eve of the Festival “Prefestival”
Thanks to the support of UBS, visitors can benefit from a free screening
in the Piazza Grande on 31st July.
UBS at laRotonda with Paymit
UBS Paymit is the cashless app which
permits to send and request money
in a simple, speedy and secure way,
with no transaction charges. The
app is available for everyone, regardless
of where the user’s bank account is.
During the 69th Festival del film Locarno,
UBS Paymit will be the official payment partner at laRotonda.
Enjoy unique movie moments with Swisscom, main sponsor of the
Festival del film Locarno
Around 164,000 film buffs from all over the world will gather in the Piazza Grande for the 69th time
from 3 to 13 August, when Locarno will become the world’s movie capital. Swisscom is supporting
the Festival del film Locarno as its main sponsor for the 20th time.
This year’s ‘Pardo d’onore Swisscom’ will be presented to Alejandro Jodorowsky, Chilean director,
actor and author of a number of surrealist films, whose best known works include ‘Fando and Lis’,
‘The Mole and ‘The Holy Mountain’. He was also a source of inspiration for blockbusters such as ‘Alien’
and ‘Blade Runner’. Alejandro Jodorowsky will receive the ‘Pardo d’onore Swisscom’ in the Piazza
Grande on Friday 12 August.
The unique atmosphere of the Festival del film Locarno on the shores of Lake Maggiore, surrounded
by mountains, is always inspiring. Fittingly, therefore, visitors to this year’s edition can go back in time
in the modern-looking ‘Grand Hotel Swisscom’ in laRotonda, where they can round off the evening by
indulging in old times and toasting great movies in a large cocktail and wine bar. Meanwhile, the
exclusive silent disco in the ‘Grand Hotel Swisscom’ provides top entertainment into the early hours
(open daily from 1.00 until 3.00).
Once again, Swisscom will ensure that communication runs smoothly at this year’s festival by
equipping the press centre with state-of-the-art infrastructure and wireless Internet access to enable
the 900 or so media representatives to send their data around the world.
Further information:
Bern, 07. Juli 2016
Press release
Frankfurt am Main
Retrospective catalogue „Beloved and Rejected: Cinema in the Young
Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963“
1963 “
English and German editions, 416 pages each
To be published on 28 July 2016
Cinema in the young Federal
combative, and lively –
surprisingly different from
the way established views
and judgements describe it.
Superficial and inconsequential? Uninterested in
dealing with urgent societal
problems or the working
through of German guilt?
Oriented towards kitsch and
putative mainstream tastes?
predictable? A very different
picture emerges from the 33
texts in this book which
occasion of the 2016 Festival
del film Locarno. Polyphonic
and outspoken, the authors here explore the diversity of filmmaking during
the Adenauer years. As a result, a comprehensive panorama of the era and
its cinema emerges, large parts of which have yet to be discovered.
Deutsches Filminstitut
Deutsches Filmmuseum
Schaumainkai 41
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Leitung: Frauke Haß
Tel. 069 961 220-222
Fax 069 961 220-579
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rainer Knepperges, for example, states: “The films of the 1950s and early
1960s are surprisingly brazen, erotic, brash, frivolous, vulgar, and bizarre –
contrary to their reputation.” And Dominik Graf ends his essay by saying:
“The points of breakage in the German film are also its continuity. The
alleged provincialism was in fact its infinite strength. Its ‘falsehoods’ were a
very novel way of acting truthfulness – and that is the honest reason why it is
possible to – really – love the strange West German post-war film.”
Editors: Claudia Dillmann, Olaf Möller
Publisher: Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF, Frankfurt am Main
ISBN: 978-3-88799-090-9 (English) // 978-3-88799-089-3 (German)
Softcover, stitched binding, 416 pages, 270 stills, production stills and poster
illustrations from the archive of the Deutsches Filminstitut and other archives
24,80 € // 27,00 CHF
From 28th July at www.shop-filmmuseum.de and in stores
Review copies may be ordered immediately by e-mail to
[email protected]
The catalogue is
is made
possible through the
support of the
Georg und Franziska
Hochschulstiftung, the
de s
Deutschen Filminstituts
and by German
Ge rman Films.
F ilms.
Carlo Chatrian:
Chatrian Preface
Olaf Möller:
Möller Adenauer Country
Claudia Dillmann:
Dillmann The Pact with the Audience. The Production Conditions of the Adenauer
Miguel Marías:
Marías Translucent Cinema. Ludwig II – Shine and Ending of a King
Lars Henrik Gass:
Gass Re-Signed Findings. Manifestos before Oberhausen
Ralph Eue:
Eue “In the Spirit of Building for Tomorrow”. Re-Education through Film
Rolf Aurich, Wolfgang Jacobsen:
Jacobsen Creators of Useful Images. Rudolf Werner Kipp, Ekkehard
Scheven, Herbert Viktor, Raphael Nußbaum
Fabian Tietke:
Tietke Lifting the Nightcap. The West German Animation Film from 1945 to 1963
Rudolf Worschech
W orschech:
orschech The New in the Old. Camera Work in the 1950s
Fritz Tauber:
Tauber Heimatfilm. Systematising a Phenomenon
Jörg Gerle:
Gerle The Green Conscience. Nature and Film: An Attempt at Symbiosis
Uwe Mies:
Mies Khaki, Pipe, Suit, Firmly Parted Hair. Germany Sends Stars into the World – and
Thus Creates a Few
Dominik Graf:
Graf “Dogs, Do You Want To Live Forever?” Images of Masculinity and Performance
Styles in West German Post-War Film
Stefanie Plappert:
Plappert Visions of the Little Happiness in Big Failure. Victor Vicas’ German Feature
Films, 1953–1963
Werner Sudendorf:
Sudendorf Detours to the Melodrama. Giving Sacrifice Purpose
Rainer Knepperges:
Knepperges Mama’s Cinema is Alive (and Kicking)
Stefanie Mathilde Frank:
Frank Strange Continuities? Remakes of Interwar Feature Films in the Late
Christoph Huber
Huber: The Simmel Complex. Popular Fictional Literature and the Cinema of the
Adenauer Era
Peter Ellenbruch:
Ellenbruch Crime Pays! The West German Crime Thriller 1950–1963
Hervé Dumont:
Dumont Robert Siodmak in the Federal Republic
Marcus Stiglegger:
Stiglegger Out of the Graves, Out of the Rubble… The German War Film in the 1950s
Fabian Schmidt:
Schmidt Person Unknown. Frank Wisbar’s West German Films after 1957
HT Nuotio:
Nuotio Merry Ghosts, Hidden Memories. West German Nachkriegskino in Finland
Marco Grosoli:
Grosoli The Professor, The Tourist, and The Bombshell. The Young Federal Republic of
Germany in Italian Cinema
Chris Fujiwara:
Fujiwara The Federal Republic of Germany in American and British Films
Ralf Schenk:
Schenk Between Worlds. Attempts at Inter-German Co-Production in the Midst of the Cold
Andreas Goldstein:
Goldstein Historical Subjects. Notes on DEFA and its “West Films” in the 1950s and
Early 1960s
Elisabeth Streit:
Streit Onwards and Do Not Forget. The Unrealised Projects of Lorre and Brecht
Carolin Weidner:
Weidner Young German Literature and the Film Industry
Jürgen Dünnwald:
Dünnwald 13 Minutes of Film History. The Collaboration of Peter Weiss and Christer
Jennifer Lynde Barker:
Barker “Dort und Hier”. Hans Fischerkoesen in the 1950s
Norbert Pfaffenbichler:
Pfaffenbichler “Painter and Occasional Chemist”. The Avant-Garde Filmmaker Franz
Thorsten Krämer:
Krämer A Subversive in the System. The Film and Television Director Michael
Cinémathèque suisse at the Festival del Film Locarno
An historic partner of the Festival del Film Locarno, every year Cinémathèque suisse makes copies
from its collections available to the Festival and collaborates on several programs.
Homage to Clemens Klopfenstein, August 3 and 4
Clemens Klopfenstein will have the place of honour this year in the
« Panorama Suisse » section. Cinémathèque suisse will present
Geschichte der Nacht (1979), a film the director shot over 150 nights,
capturing the atmosphere of a dozen European cities at night. The film
was restored in 2015 by Cinémathèque suisse from the original reversal
film, in collaboration with the filmmaker, the Cinegrell laboratory and the
University of Basel. Rounding out the homage, a 35mm print of Clemens
Klopfenstein’s WerAngstWolf (2000), from the archives of Cinémathèque
suisse, will be screened.
Geschichte der Nacht will also be shown this autumn in Lausanne.
L’Inconnu de Shandigor by Jean-Louis Roy, August 12
Jean-Louis Roy’s first feature film (1967) will be screened at Locarno
in a restored digital edition, in the presence of the director and part
of the crew. The 4K digital restoration was carried out in 2015 by
Omnimago, under the supervision of Cinémathèque suisse, using
the original 35mm negative and 35mm optical sound. Colour grading
was monitored by the director, who hoped to recreate the original
atmosphere of the film, highly contrasted and dark. This event is
taking place in the context of the release of a DVD co-published by
Cinémathèque suisse and Radio Télévision Suisse, bringing together
ten hours of previously unreleased material related to the Groupe 5
filmmakers (Claude Goretta, Jean-Jacques Lagrange, Jean-Louis Roy,
Michel Soutter, and Alain Tanner). The DVD will be unveiled to the public
for the first time in Locarno, before the preview in Lausanne on
September 27. A cycle of films dedicated to Groupe 5 is scheduled
for October at Cinémathèque suisse and on RTS.
Loved and Rejected : the Cinema of the Young Federal Republic
of Germany, from August 3 to 13
Cinémathèque suisse is collaborating with the major retrospective
of this 69th edition, dedicated to post-war German cinema. A wide
selection of films produced and directed between 1949 and 1963 will
be shown during the festival and then, immediately afterwards, in the
theatres of Cinémathèque suisse, from August 25 through the end
of October. This retrospective is a continuation of the collaboration
between Cinémathèque suisse and the Festival del Film Locarno,
following the retrospectives dedicated to Sam Peckinpah, Titanus,
Otto Preminger, George Cukor, and Vincente Minnelli.
Cinémathèque suisse in brief
According to the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), Cinémathèque suisse is currently the sixth most important film
library in the world for the extent, diversity, and quality of its collections. Its archives comprise more than 85,000 film titles
in every format and length, 3 million photographs, and 300,000 posters. Its library contains more than 20,000 books, 720,000
periodicals, and 9,000 screenplays. This heritage represents a priceless treasure : the collective memory of the country.
Cinémathèque suisse is responsible for collecting, preserving, restoring, and developing that heritage through screenings,
research, and publications of all kinds.
[email protected] / + 41 58 800 02 00 / www.cinematheque.ch
Our partners:
Official Airline: