Sheet Music collection - California Digital Library
Sheet Music collection - California Digital Library No online items Sheet Music collection, 1890- (Collection PASC 147-M) Finding aid prepared by UCLA Library Special Collections staff; additions by Peggy Alexander; machine readable finding aid created by Caroline Cubé. UCLA Library Special Collections Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1575 (310) 825-4988 [email protected] © 2012 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 1 Title: Sheet Music collection Collection number: PASC 147-M Contributing Institution: UCLA Library Special Collections Language of Material: English Physical Description: 569.5 linear ft.(1139 boxes) Date (inclusive): 1890Abstract: The collection consists of popular American sheet music dating from the mid 19th Century through the 21st Century. The collection continues to grow. Finding aids will be updated periodically. Physical Location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact the UCLA Library Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information. Restrictions on Access COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Open for research. Advance notice required for access. Contact the UCLA Library Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information. Restrictions on Use and Reproduction Property rights to the physical object belong to the UCLA Library Special Collections. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Sheet Music collection (Collection PASC 147-M). UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. Scope and Content The collection consists of popular music from the late 19th Century through the 21st Century. When searching for music used in motion pictures, use the key word, "motion picture." When searching for television music, us the key word, "television." When searching for music used in musicals, use the key word, "musical." Organization and Arrangement The collection is organized into the following series: Series 1. Works in English: Titles: A's Series 2. Works in English: Titles: B's Series 3. Works in English: Titles: C's Series 4. Works in English: Titles: D's Series 5. Works in English: Titles: E's Series 6. Works in English: Titles: F's Series 7. Works in English: Titles: G's Series 8. Works in English: Titles: H's Series 9. Works in English: Titles: I's Series 10. Works in English: Titles: J's Series 11. Works in English: Titles: K's Series 12. Works in English: Titles: L's Series 13. Works in English: Titles: M's Series 14. Works in English: Titles: N's Series 15. Works in English: Titles: O's Series 16. Works in English: Titles: P's Series 17. Works in English: Titles: Q's Series 18. Works in English: Titles: R's Series 19. Works in English: Titles: S's Series 20. Works in English: Titles: T's Series 21. Works in English: Titles: U's Series 22. Works in English: Titles: V's Series 23. Works in English: Titles: W's Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 2 Series 24. Works in English: Titles: X's Series 25. Works in English: Titles: Y's Series 26. Works in English: Titles: Z's Series 27. Works in French Series 28. Works in German Series 29. Works in Italian: Titles: A's Series 30. Works in Italian: Titles: B's Series 31. Works in Italian: Titles: C's Series 32. Works in Italian: Titles: D's Series 33. Works in Italian: Titles: E's Series 34. Works in Italian: Titles: F's Series 35. Works in Italian: Titles: G's Series 36. Works in Italian: Titles: H's Series 37. Works in Italian: Titles: I's Series 38. Works in Italian: Titles: J's Series 39. Works in Italian: Titles: K's Series 40. Works in Italian: Titles: L's Series 41. Works in Italian: Titles: M's Series 42. Works in Italian: Titles: N's Series 43. Works in Italian: Titles: O's Series 44. Works in Italian: Titles: P's Series 45. Works in Italian: Titles: Q's Series 46. Works in Italian: Titles: R's Series 47. Works in Italian: Titles: S's Series 48. Works in Italian: Titles: T's Series 49. Works in Italian (unprocessed) Series 60. Works in Spanish: Titles A's: Series 61. Works in Spanish: Titles B's: Series 62. Works in Spanish: Titles C's: Series 63. Works in Spanish: Titles D's: Series 64. Works in Spanish: Titles E's: Series 65. Works in Spanish: Titles F's: Series 70. Works in Spanish: Titles M's: Series 88. Works in Portuguese Series 88. Works in Spanish (Unprocessed) Series 89. Works in Scandinavian Languages Series 90. Unprocessed Sheet Music Series 91. Sheet Music Periodicals Series 91. Periodicals Subjects and Indexing Terms sheet music. Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 3 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 473 A Propos De Rien. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Claude Dauphin. from the Paramount motion picture "Little Boy Lost" Subjects and Indexing Terms Burke & Van Heusen Inc. Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Box 2 A You're Adorable (The Alphabet Song). 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 8 A You're Adorable (the Alphabet Song). 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 480 Aaron's Party (Come Get It) original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00138 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-177 Box 417 Abacab. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Genesis Box 876 Abe Lincoln Had Just One Country. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1115 Abe Lincoln. 1938. General note 2 copies Box 913 Abe Snake for President. General note box su 116 Box 650 Abelard and Heloise. 18--. Scope and Content Note Op. 249 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1224 Box 650 Abelard and Heloise. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1224 Box 913 Abigail (My Texas Gal). General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 4 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 54 The Abominable Snow Monster. 1964. General note Theme from the "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" television musical spectacular. Box 417 Box 1115 Box 961 Abracadabra. 1982. Abraham Lincoln Lives Again. Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (For Somebody Else). 1929. creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Five copies. Box 392 Absent Minded Moon. 1941. General note 2 copies. On cover: photographs of Benny Goodman and Jan Savitt. Box 471 Absolutely (Story of a Girl). 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00107 Box 875 Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive (Mister In-between). 1944. General note Truesdell gift. From the Paramount motion picture "Here Comes the Waves" Box 392 Accidents Will Happen. 1950. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Mr. Music". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Nancy Olson Box 858 According To You. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Orianthi Box 906 Accross the Sea. General note Box SU 125 Box 859 Ace in the Hole, The. 1936. creator: Dempsey, James creator: Mitchell Music Pub. Co.. creator: Mitchell, George Box 13 Box 23 Across the River. 1927. Across The Alley From The Alamo. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Stan Kenton Box 913 Accross the Sea. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 5 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 417 Action. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Sweet Box 417 Action Speaks Louder Than Words. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Chocolate Milk Box 913 Adam Takes a Wife. General note box su 116 Box 494 The Addams Family. 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme to the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 89-3 Box 650 L'Adieu. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1231 Box 650 L'Adieu. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1231 Box 650 L'Adieu. 18--. Scope and Content Note Op. 18 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1231 Box 859 Adios. 1958. creator: Madriguera, Enric creator: Peer International Corporation. creator: Woods, Eddie Box 913 Adoration. General note box su 116 Box 407 Box 22 Af Bri. 1949. Afgar. 1919. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 6 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 1142 A'Frangesa -- Blue Grass Blues. Scope and Content Note A Frangesa -- Abdul the Bulbul Ameer -- Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Longing to be Near Your Side) -- Adam's Apple -- Adelai -- Adios -- Adios Amor -- Adios Muchachos -- Adios, My Senorita -- Adorable -- Adoration Waltz -- After All -- After All It's You -- After All of These Years -- After It's Over Dear -- After the Storm -- After You've Gone -- After You've Said Good Bye -- Ages and Ages -- Aileen My Darling Come Back to Me -- Ain't Shee Sweet -- Ain't You My Baby Any More -- All Because of You -- All My Dreams Are of You -- All Nuts Don't Grow on Trees -- All Over You -- Aloutte, Pretty Alouette -- Angel Cake Lady -- Angel Child -- Annapolis -- Annie Laurie -- Apple Sauce -- Apres la Guerre -As We Parted at the Gate -- Ashes of Love -- At the Gates of Heaven -- At the Hippodrome -- At the Indian Cabaret -- At the Weeping Widow's Ball -- A Tisket A Tasket -- Atta Baby -Auf Wiedersehen My Dear -- Ay, Ay, Ay -- B.P.O.E. Means Unity -- Babbling Brook -- Babs -Baby: Everybody Calls Her Baby -- Baby Blue Eyes -- Baby Mine -- Baby Won't You Please Come Home -- Babyin' My Baby -- Baby's Prayer Will Soon Be Answered -- Band Played On -- Babara Allen -- Barbara Polka -- Barrel House Blues -- Beautiful Girl -- Beautiful Hudson -- Beautiful Prom Girl of Mine -- Because -- Because You Are You -- Because You Were an Old Sweetheart of Mine -- Because You're You -- Bee Song: You Never Saw a Bee Being All Alone Without Another Bee -- Bees Knees -- Beggary -- Believe Me -- Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms -- Bells of St. Mary's -- Beside an Open Fireplace -- Bessie Couldn't Help It -- Best Sweetheart That I Had Ever Known -- Biddy -- That Big Rock Candy Mountain -- Blue Butterfly -- Blue Diamonds -- Blue Grass Blues. General note Box NSO 1 Box 21 After A While. 1923. creator: Orpheum Music Company. creator: Walsh, James A. General note on cover: photograph of Albert Mitchell and the Arcadia Orch. Box 47 After a Million Dreams. 1929. General note From the William Fox musical movietone "Cameo Kirby." Key word: motion picture. Box 26 Box 23 Box 4 After All. 1939. After Dark On Broadway. 1903. (What Can I Say) After I Say I'm Sorry. 1926. General note Features Bee Palmer on cover. Box 859 After I've Called You Sweetheart (How Can I Call You Friend). 1927. creator: Grossman, Bernie creator: Little, Little Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of F. Donald Miller. Box 913 After I've Said I Love You. General note box su 116 Box 414 After Midnight. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Clapton Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 7 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 913 After Sundown. General note box su 116 Box 4 Box 8 Box 417 After the Ball. After the Ball. After the Fire: Dancing in the Shadows. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of After the Fire Box 913 After the Dancing. General note box su 116 Box 913 After the War is Over. General note box su 116 Box 913 After This is Over. General note box su 116 Box 4 Box 8 Box 913 After Today (You'll Realize). 1922. After Today (You'll Realize). 1922. After Today. General note box su 116 Box 913 After You've Gone Away. General note box su 116 Box 1150 After you Get What You Want You Don't Want It. General note box su 7 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 8 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 1086 Afternoon Dream -- If You Are But A Dream. Scope and Content Note Afternoon Dream: Theme of De Bussy's -- Ah, So Pure -- All My Love -- All the Livelong Day -- Always You -- And Still the Volga Flows -- And That Reminds Me -- Anitra's Boogie -Ave Maria -- Ballad is Born -- Barcarolle -- Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz -- Beloved Friend -Best Years in Our Lives -- Blacksmith Rag -- Blacksmith Song -- Blue Danube -- Blue Danube Waltz -- Breeze and I -- Castle of Dreams -- Century Waltz -- charlestona Mio -Chopin's Polonaise -- Concerto for Two -- Could it Be Magic -- Counting Ev'ry Movement -Brahms Lullaby -- Cradle Song -- Dance and Dream -- Dance of the Hours -- Dance With Me -- Darling I Love You -- Daughter of Silence -- Dawn of Freedom -- Don't You Worry, Don't You Care -- Roumanian Rhapsody no. 1 -- Don't You Know -- Down Thru the Years -Dream Caravan -- Dream Melody -- Ebony Rhapsody -- emperor Waltz -- Enchanted Land -- Encore -- Engagement Waltz -- Every Hour -- Fooled -- For Want of a Star -- Full Moon and Empty Arms -- Garden of Imagining -- Girl With the Light Blue Hair -- Go -- Hawaii Will be Paradise Once More -- Hearts -- Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah -- Here -- I -- I Found You in the Rain -- I Have But One Heart -- I Look at Heaven -- I Remember Mama -- I Think of You -- If You are But a Dream. General note Box SU 2 Box 913 Afterwards. General note box su 116 Box 20 Again. 1948. General note on cover: photographs of of Ida Lupino, Cornel Wilde, Celeste Holm, and Richard Widmark. from the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Road House" Box 456 Again. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-103 Box 543 Again. 1948. General note Dudley Gift. Box 417 Box 525 Against the Wind. 1980. Ah! He Kissed Me When He Left Me. 1869. Box 545 Box 24 Ah Sweet Mystery of Life. 1910. Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life. 1910. General note On cover: photograph of Victor Herbert Box 554 Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life. 1944. creator: Herbert, Victor creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Young, Rida Johnson Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, Naughty marietta. On cover: photograph of Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Box 24 Box 407 Ah, But I've Learned. 1932. Ahin-Ahin. 1923. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 9 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 4 Box 8 Box 525 Box 411 Ahmad (Desert Song). 1935. Ahmad (Desert Song). 1935. Aileen Aroon. 1900?. Ain't Got A Dime To My Name (Ho Ho Hum). 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. from the Paramount motion picture "Road to Morocco" Box 417 Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Angel Box 417 Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Brick Box 417 Ain't Got No Home. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Band Box 418 Box 414 Ain't God Good To Indiana. 1946. Ain't Love A Bitch. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart hugging an unidentified woman Box 417 Ain't Nothing Gonna Keep Me From You. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Teri DeSario Box 409 Ain't That A Kick In The Head?. 1960. General note From the Warner bros. picture "Oceans 11". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Angie Dickinson. Box 913 Ain't But the One. General note box su 116 Box 389 Ain't it Funny. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352440 SonyATV Songs General note SCB SZ 02-32 Box 913 Ain't it a Drag. General note box su 116 Box 394 Ain't Nothing 'Bout You Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01056 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-183 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 10 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 456 Ain't Nothing 'Bout You. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-104 Box 2 Ain't She Sweet. 1927. General note Cover features a photograph of Alice Morley. Box 913 Ain't That a Shame. General note box su 116 Box 874 The Air Man's Victory Song. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 25 Airplanes. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of B.O.B Box 418 Aktenskapsteken. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Zarah Leander. Box 192 Al Di La. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rome Adventure." General note On covers: photographs of Jerry Vale, Janice Harper, Troy Donahue and Angie Dickinson. Four copies, different editions. Box 906 Ala Moana: A Song of Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 13 Box 23 Alabama Moon Song. 1920. Alabama Jubilee. 1955. Box 390 Box 414 Box 21 Alabama Hayride. 1964. Alabama Getaway. 1980. Alabamy Bound. 1925. creator: DeSylva, B.G. creator: Green, Bud creator: Henderson, Ray creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Cantor Box 543 Alabamy Bound. 1954. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 409 Aladdin's Daughter. 1958. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 11 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 407 Box 543 Ale Far Eins. 1931. Alexander's Ragtime Band. 1938. General note On cover: photograph of Irving Berlin. Dudley gift. Box 1150 Alexander and His Clarinet. General note box su 7 Box 1150 Alexander's Ragtime Band. General note box su 7 Box 859 Alexander's Ragtime Band. 1938. creator: ABC Music Corporation. creator: Berlin, Irving Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture production of the same title. On cover: photograph of Irving Berlin. Box 494 Alf (Theme). 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 89-10 Box 859 Alfie. 1966. creator: Bacharach, Burt creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Hall, David S. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Michael Caine. Box 25 Alice In Wonderland. 1924. General note From the United Artists picture "Puttin' On the Ritz". On cover: photograph of Harry Richman. Box 913 Alimony. General note box su 116 Box 1164 Alimony Blues. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 389 Alive. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00663050 Famous Music General note SCB SZ 02-13 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 12 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 48 All About Love. 1956. General note From the motion picture, "Bundle of Joy." Cover features a photograph of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Box 922 All About Tonight. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Blake Shelton. Box 22 Box 543 All Alone. 1911. All Alone. 1924. General note Dudley gift. Box 1150 All Alone. General note box su 7 Box 859 All Alone. 1924. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content Featured in The Music Box Revue. Box 62 All Alone Monday. 1926. General note Featured in the motion picture, "The Cuckoos." Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Lee. Box 414 Box 417 All Along the Watchtower. 1968. All American Girls. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Sister Sledge Box 543 All Ashore. 1938. General note On cover: photograph of Leith Stevens. Dudley gift. Box 859 All at Once. 1985. creator: Almo Music Corp.. creator: Masser, Michael creator: Osborne, Jeffrey Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Whitney Houston. Box 913 All Because of You. General note box su 116 Box 414 All By Myself. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 13 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 417 All By Myself. 1976 January 29. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen. Box 1150 All By Myself. General note box su 7 Box 859 All Dressed up With a Broken Heart. 1946. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Patrick, Fred creator: Reese, Claude creator: Val, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Peggy Lee. Box 4 All For One and One For All. 1941. General note Cover features a photograph of Gracie Fields. Box 8 All For One and One For All. 1941. General note Features Gracie Fields on cover. Box 51 All for the Love of Sunshine. 1970. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Kelly's Heroes." Cover features photographs of Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles and Donald Southerland. Box 394 All For You Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01060 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-181 Box 409 All For One And One For All. 1964. General note From the Warner Bros. picture "Robin And the 7 Hoods". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. Box 456 All For You. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-105 Box 858 All For Love. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Serena Ryder Box 865 Box 865 All For the Love of Mike. 1922. All For You. 1919. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 14 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 875 All For One and One For All. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Gracie Fields Box 913 All For the Love of a Girl. General note box su 116 Box 913 All For You. General note box su 116 Box 1115 Box 418 Box 21 All For One, One For All. 1941. All God's Children. 1971. All Good Gifts. 1971. creator: Columbia Pictures Music Corporation. creator: Schwartz, Stephen General note from the musical "Godspell" Box 913 All Hail to Thee. General note box su 116 Box 414 All I Can Do. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Cars Box 417 All I Know. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Art Garfunkel Box 13 All I Need. 1984. General note Cover features photograph of Jack Wagner. Box 399 All I Need Is A Miracle. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Mike + The Mechanics Box 865 All I Need is the Girl. 1959. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Gypsy." Box 409 All I Remember Is You. 1939. General note 1 copy: "for professional use only"; 1 copy: "Advance copy"; on covers: Del Courtney; Tommy Dorsey; Jimmy Dorsey; Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians; Art Shaw; Pancho. Box 417 All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 15 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 857 All I Want To Do. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of SugarLand Box 580 All in the Wearing. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118414-16 Box 580 All in the Wearing. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118414-16 Box 6 All Jacked Up. 2005. creator: McGehe, Vicky Lynn creator: Rich, John creator: WB Music Corp.. creator: Wilson, Gretchen Box 8 All My Love. 1950. General note French lyric by Henri Contet. Cover features a photograph of Patti Page. Box 555 All My Love. 1948. creator: Durand, Paul creator: Mills Music. creator: Parish, Mitchell Scope and Content French title, "Bolero." On cover: photograph of Patti Page. Box 580 All My Boys. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118418 Box 46 All My Friends Say. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353681 General note Words and music also by Lonnie Wilson and Jeffrey Stevens. Recorded by Luke Bryan. Box 8 All My Love. 1950. General note Features Patti Page on cover. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 16 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 470 All My Life. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-69 Box 543 All My Love. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Patti Page. Dudley gift. Box 859 All My Love, Dear. 1949. creator: Maxwell, Helen Purcell creator: Maxwell, Philip Box 913 All My Life. General note box su 116 Box 409 All My Tomorrows. 1959. General note From the United Artists Picture "Hole In the Head". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 480 All Night Long original sheet music ed.. 1992. General note Publisher no.: PVM00160 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-40 Box 913 All Nite Long. General note box su 116 Box 2 Box 8 All of My Life. 1944. All of My Life. 1944. General note On cover, "Introduced by Kate Smith, Sunday Feb. 4, 1945." Box 13 Box 1150 All of My Life. 1944. All of My Life. General note box su 7 Box 408 Box 8 All of the Time. 1920. All or Nothing at All. 1940. General note Words and music also by Arthur Altman. Cover features photographs of Jimmy Sorsey and Bob Everly. Box 394 All or Nothing. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352376 Rondor Music General note SCB SZ 01-228 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 17 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 394 All or Nothing. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352376 Rondor Music General note SCB SZ 01-228, 229 Box 419 All Out Of Love. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Air Supply Box 8 All Over the World. 1962. General note Cover features a photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Box 389 All Over Me. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352438 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 02-33 Box 922 All Over Me. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Josh Turner. Box 922 All Over Me Original sheet music ed.. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Josh Turner. Box 858 All Summer Long. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Kid Rock Box 409 Box 545 All That I Am. 1961. All That I Ask of You is Love. 1910. General note On cover: photograph of Bessie Wynn. Box 13 Box 27 All the Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers (Down in Quaker Town). 1919. (I Need You) All the Time. 1976. General note On cover: photograph of Eddy Arnold. Box 63 All The World Is Mine. 1947. General note Theme from the "57th St. Rhapsody" in the motion picture "Carnegie Hall." Music also by Wesley Portnoff. Signed by Mischa and Wesley Portnoff. Box 399 All The Things She Said. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Simple Minds Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 18 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 555 All the Things You Are. 1940. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Kern, Jerome creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "Very Warm for May." Box 409 All The Way. 1957. General note From the Paramount picture "The Joker". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 417 All the Gold in California. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 865 All the Time. 1958. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Oh Captain." Box 876 All The Time. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Pat Kirkwood and Van Johnson. From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "No Leave, No Love" Box 922 All the Right Moves. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Onerepublic. Box 418 Box 409 All Things Work Together For Good. 1969. All This And Heaven Too. 1939. General note 2 copies Box 409 All This And Heaven Too. 1939. General note On covers: photographs of Jimmy Dorsey; Gus Steck. Box 913 All This I Miss. General note box su 116 Box 65 All Through The Day. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox Picture "Centennial Summer." 8 copies. Box 417 All You Get From Love Is A Love Song. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Carpenters Box 469 All You Wanted original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-109 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 19 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 758 All You Need is a Quarter. 1960. General note From the musical, "Do Re Mi." Three copies, different covers. Box 913 All You Have to Do is Smile. General note box su 116 Box 857 All-American Girl. 2007. General note on cover: yellow background Box 1006 Box 654 Alla en el rancho grande = My ranch. Allah's Holiday. 1915. General note From the musical play, "Katinka." Box 4 Allegheny Moon. 1956. General note Words and music also by: Dick Manning. Features Patti Page on cover. Box 8 Allegheny Moon. 1956. General note Features Patti Page on cover. Box 876 Allegiance to the Red White and Blue. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of four soldiers saluting the U.S. flag Box 24 Alley Cat. 1962. General note On cover: photograph of Bent Fabric Box 64 Allez-Vous-En, Go Away. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 471 Almost Doesn't Count. 1998. General note SCB SZ00 69 Box 865 Almost Like Being in Love. 1947. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Brigadoon." Box 8 Almost Paradise. 1957. General note Cover features a photograph of Roger Williams. Box 906 Aloha Angel. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 20 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 906 Aloha Beloved. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Don't Say Aloha When I Kiss You Good Bye. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha From Over the Sea. General note Box SU 125 Box 913 Aloha Honey Boy. General note box su 116 Box 906 Aloha ia no o Maui. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Land. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Malihini. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Marimba. General note Box SU 125 Box 913 Aloha Malihini. General note box su 116 Box 906 Aloha Means I Love You. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Nui Loa Dear. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Oe = Farewell to Thee. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Oe Blues. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 21 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 906 Aloha to My Golden West. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Waltz. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Aloha Wau I'a Oe. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Alohaland. General note Box SU 125 Box 543 Alone. 1935. General note Dudley gift. Box 417 Alone At Last. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 8 Alone on an Island With You. 1933. General note Cover features a photograph of Mr. and Mrs. G. Earl Williams. Box 913 Along a Moonlit Way. General note box su 116 Box 1150 Along Came Ruth. General note box su 7 Box 961 Along Came Sweetness. 1928. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Box 13 Along Comes a Woman. 1984. General note Words and Music also by Mark Goldenberg Box 906 Along Hawaiian Shores. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 22 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 961 Along Miami Shore. 1927. creator: Hirsch, Walter creator: Manlowe Music Publishers. creator: Olman, Abe creator: Snodgrass , Harry M. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three copies. On covers: photographs of Doris Gutow and Harry M. Snodgrass. Box 58 Along the Way. 1965. General note From the ABC television musical comedy special, "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood." Box 906 Along the Pineapple Trail. General note Box SU 125 Box 913 Along the Rio Grande. General note box su 116 Box 913 Along the Trail of Love. General note box su 116 Box 913 Alpha Eleven. General note box su 116 Box 8 Box 26 Box 857 Alpine Hut. 1933. Alpine Yodel. 1965. Already Gone. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Sugarland Box 858 Already Gone. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Kelly Clarkson Box 857 Alright. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Darius Rucker Box 913 Altho' We Know That the War is Won. General note box su 116 Box 2 Box 8 Always. 1925. Always. 1946. Material Specific Details note: accordion Box 13 Always. 1925. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 23 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 470 Always. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-68 Box 1150 Always. General note box su 7 Box 494 Always a Friend. 1980. General note Publisher no.: HL00356116 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program, "Who's the boss." General note SCB SZTV 92-5 Box 913 Always and a Day. General note box su 116 Box 913 Always By Myself. General note box su 116 Box 412 Always On My Mind. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Pet Shop Boys Box 913 Always There. General note box su 116 Box 27 Box 913 Always You. 1936. Am I All of Your Future (Or Part of Your Past). General note box su 116 Box 23 Am I Blue?. 1929. General note from "On With The Show" Box 913 Am I Losing You. General note box su 116 Box 913 Am I My Brother's Keeper. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 24 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 389 AM to PM Original Sheet Music Ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01135 Songs of Universal General note SCB SZ 02-31 Box 407 Box 417 Am Yisroel Chay. 1942. Amarillo. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 417 Amarillo By Morning. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait Box 8 Box 13 Amaryllis. 1936. Amazing Grace. 1952. General note Arranged by John Newton Box 414 Amazing Grace (Used To Be Her Favorite Song). 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the Amazing Rhythm Aces Box 414 Amber Cascades. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the group America Box 650 Ambrosia Schottisch. 1857. Scope and Content Note From: Always Cheerful. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1226 Box 650 Ambrosia Schottisch. 1857. Scope and Content Note From: Always Cheeful General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1226 Box 1115 Amen. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Edens Edge on cover. Box 8 America the Beautiful (1976). 1976. General note Also written by Kermit Goell. Cover features a photograph of Charlie Rich. Box 13 America! Let's Go!. 1942. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 25 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 21 America (My Country 'Tis Of Thee). creator: Century Music . General note composer unknown no publishing date from colelction "Famous American Songs" Box 389 America Will Always Stand Original Sheet Music Ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01148 Sometimes You Win Music General note SCB SZ 02-34 Box 399 Box 865 America. 1985. America. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "West Side Story." Box 872 America Depends On You. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 America the Beautiful. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 America We Are Ready. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 913 America (Land of Old Glory). General note box su 116 Box 913 America First. General note box su 116 Box 913 America is a Melody. General note box su 116 Box 913 America Marches On. General note box su 116 Box 913 America United. General note box su 116 Box 876 America! Let's Go!. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of an eagle Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 26 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 872 America's on the March. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 America's Hero MacArthur (Spirit of Victory). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: painting of MacArthur Box 922 American Honey Original sheet music ed.. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum. Box 494 An American Hymn. 1987. Scope and Content Note Main theme of the television series, "East of Eden." General note SCB SZTV 87-1 Box 913 American Legion Air. General note box su 116 Box 913 American Legionnaires. General note box su 116 Box 8 Box 27 American Lullaby. 1932. American Lullaby. 1942. General note On cover: photograph of Johnny Long. Box 8 American Made. 1983. General note Words and music also by Pat McManus. Cover features a photograph of The Oak Ridge Boys. Box 53 American Nation Song. 1977. General note From the television series, "Washington Behind Closed Doors." 2 copies. Box 8 Box 13 (The Original) American Patrol. 1912. American Patrol. 1944. General note Revised and edited by Henry Levine. Box 875 American Patrol. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 American Patrol. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 27 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 876 American Patrol March. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a soldier Box 8 American Pie. 1972. General note Simplified piano solo. Cover features a photograph of Don McLean. Box 1082 American Rhapsody -- Bach Goes To Town. General note Box PS 1 Box 857 American Ride. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Toby Keith Box 857 American Saturday Night. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Brad Paisley Box 6 American Soldier. 2003. creator: Cannon, Chuck creator: Keith, Toby creator: Tokeco Tunes. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Toby Keith. Box 399 American Storm. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Seeger & The Silver Bullet Band Box 913 Americans. General note box su 116 Box 913 America's Quickstep. General note box su 116 Box 913 Americas Unite. General note box su 116 Box 8 Box 24 Box 543 Among My Souvenirs. 1927. Among My Souvenirs. 1927. Among My Souvenirs. 1927. General note Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 28 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 854 Among My Souvenirs. 1927. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Nicholls, Horatio Box 418 Box 409 Amour, Amour. The 'Ampstead Way. 1946. General note From the Universal-International picture "My Heart Goes Crazy". On cover: photograph of Sid Field and Greta Gynt Box 8 An Apple Blossom Wedding. 1947. General note Also written by Nat Simon. Covers feature photographs: of Ginny Simms; Eddy Howard. Box 27 An Apple Blossom Wedding. 1947. General note On cover: photograph of Joan Wilton. Box 66 An Evening With You. 1936. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "Colleen." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Jack Oakie and Joan Blondell. Box 878 An Old Fashioned Christmas. 1964. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2604 Box 878 An Occasional Flight of Fancy. 1965. Scope and Content Note From: Skyscraper, the new musical comedy. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2601 Box 543 Anchors Aweigh. 1943. General note Dudley gift. Box 875 Anchors Aweigh. 1935. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Charles Zimmermann Box 854 Anchors Aweigh. 1930. creator: Lottman, George D. creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Savino, D. Box 56 And Away We Go. 1952. General note Also written by Henry Tobias. As featured on the Jackie Gleason television program. Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 409 And I Love You. 1958. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 29 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 8 And Mimi. 1947. General note Also by Nat Simon. Cover features a photograph of Harry Cool. Box 8 And Roses and Roses. 1965. General note Words and music also by Dorival Caymmi. Cover features a photograph of Andy Williams. Box 913 And So it Goes. General note box su 116 Box 8 And So Little Time. 1944. General note Words and music also by Charles Kenny and Abner Silver. Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 8 And So to Sleep Again. 1951. General note Words and music also by Sunny Skylar. Cover features a photograph of Patti Page. Box 913 And the Bull Walked Around Olay. General note box su 116 Box 2 And Then It's Heaven. 1946. General note Words and music also by Sol Marcus and Al Kaufman. Cover features a photograph of The 3 Suns. Box 8 And Then it's Heaven. 1946. General note Words and music also by Sol Marcus and Al Kaufman. Cover features a photograph of The 3 Suns. Box 8 And Then it's Heaven. 1946. General note Words and music also by Sol Marcus and Al Kaufman. Cover features a photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 24 And This Is My Beloved. 1953. General note From the musical "Kismet" Box 409 And You'll Be Home. 1950. General note From the Paramount picture "Mr. Music". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Nancy Olson. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 30 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 389 Angel. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352430 LBR Music General note SCB SZ 02-30 Box 417 Box 913 Angel Eyes. 1975. Angel Girl. General note box su 116 Box 913 Angel of Devil (Which One Are You). General note box su 116 Box 8 Angel Smile. 1958. General note Words and music also by Billy Dawn Smith and Bert Keyes. Cover features a photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Box 417 Angel, Spread Your Wings. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Judy Collins Box 53 Angela (theme from "Taxi"). 1978. General note Theme from the television series, "Taxi." Box 394 Angels in Waiting Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01101 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-230 Box 394 Angels in Waiting. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352356 Peer Music General note SCB SZ 01-203 Box 22 Angels Never Leave Heaven. 1939. General note from Ernest Binns's "Arcadian Follies" on cover: photograph of Herman Wells and Constance Ray Box 858 Angels on the Moon. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Thriving Ivory Box 876 Angels of Mercy. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Red cover. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 31 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 1150 Angels of Mercy. General note box su 7 Box 418 Box 414 Angels We Have Heard On High. 1972. Angie. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Mick Jagger and Keith Richard Box 414 Angie Baby. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Alan O'Day Box 62 Animal Crackers in My Soup. 1935. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Curly Top." 3 copies. Cover featuers photographs of Shirley Temple, John Boles and Rochelle Hudson. Box 6 Animals. 2005. creator: Kroeger, Chad creator: Nickelback creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Box 555 Anna. 1953. creator: Giordano, F. creator: Hollis Music, Inc.. creator: Vatro, R. Scope and Content From the Lux Film motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Silvana Mangano and Vittorio Gassman. Box 913 Annabelle. General note box su 116 Box 390 Anne's Theme: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 8 Annie Doesn't Live Here Anymore. 1933. General note Lyrics also by Johnny Burke. Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 525 Box 414 Annie Lisle. 1860. Annie's Song. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 8 The Anniversary Waltz. 1941. General note Words and music also by Dave Franklin. Cover features a photograph of Blue Barron. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 32 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 13 The Anniversary Waltz. 1941. General note Music and words also by Dave Franklin Box 390 The Annual Animal Christmas Ball: Big Note Piano Arrangement. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 53 Another Birthday, Another Year. 1957. General note From the NBC television series, "Washington Square." Cover features a photograph of Ray Bolger. Box 913 Another Day. General note box su 116 Box 412 Another Day in Paradise: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 417 Another Goodbye. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Donna Fargo Box 409 Another Human Being Of The Opposite Sex. 1951. General note On cover: photograph of Kitty Kallen Box 63 Another Night Like This. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." 3 copies. Box 404 Another Nine Minutes. 1997. creator: Buppert, Tim creator: Crain, Billy creator: Douglas, Tom creator: Sony/ATV Songs. Box 8 Box 6 Another Op'nin, Another Show. 1949. Another Side of You. 2007. creator: Chamberlain, Carson creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Johnson, Jamey Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Joe Nichols. Box 812 Another Time, Another Place. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kwamina." General note Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 33 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 961 Another Time Another Place. creator: russell, Bob creator: Warren, Harry Box 494 Another World Original sheet music ed.. 1987. General note SCB SZTV 87-2 Box 913 Another World. General note box su 116 Box 417 Answering Machine. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Rupert Holmes Box 409 Box 913 Anthem Of The Clams. 1960. Anticipation Blues. General note box su 116 Box 13 Box 20 Box 26 Box 872 Any Any Any Any Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Today?. 1941. Today?. 1941. Today?. 1941. Today. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1150 Any Bonds Today. General note box su 7 Box 409 Any Man Who Loves His Mother. 1964. General note From the Warner Bros. picture "Robin And The 7 Hoods". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. Box 64 Any Moment Now. 1944. General note From the Universal motion picture "Can't Help Singing." Cover features a photograph of Deanna Durbin and Robert Paige. Box 580 Any Old Place With You. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118446 Box 58 Any Questions?. 1955. General note As sung by Peggy King on the Dragnet television program. Cover features a photograph of Peggy King. 2 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 34 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 20 Any Time. 1949. General note on cover: photographs of Eddy Arnold and Eddie Fisher Box 23 Any Time. 1948. General note on cover: photographs of Eddy Arnold and Eddie Fisher Box 26 Any Time. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Doris Turner Box 409 Any Time At All. 1938. General note On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey Box 409 Box 8 Any Way The Wind Blows. 1946. Anybody's Love Song. 1946. General note Cover features a photograph of Sammy Kaye. Box 57 Anyone Can Move a Mountain. 1966. General note From the Videocraft television musical spectacular, "Ballad of Smokey Bear." 2 copies. Box 758 Anyone Would Love You. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Three copies (two different covers). Box 398 Anything Goes. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Morris Box 414 Anything You Want. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of John Valenti Box 469 Anything. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-60 Box 494 Anything But Love. 1991. General note Publisher no.: VS5748 General note SCB SZTV 91-12 Box 865 Anything You Can Do. 1946. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Annie Get Your Gun." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 35 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 53 Anywhere the Heart Goes (Maggie's theme). 1983. General note Based on a theme from the Warner Brothers television movie, "The Thorn Birds." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 409 Apalachicola, Fla.. 1947. General note From the Paramount picture "The Road To Rio". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. Box 46 Apologize. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 0035698 General note Recorded by Timbaland featuring OneRepublic. Box 8 Apple Blossoms in the Rain. 1944. General note Selection featured in the RKO motion picture, "Seven Days Ashore." Cover features photographs of Freddie Fisher, Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Marcy Mcguire and Gordon Oliver. Box 913 Apple on a Stick. General note box su 116 Box 64 Apple Song. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Box 407 Box 406 The Apple Vendor (Di Epl Farkoifern). 1937. Apple-Jack. 1957. General note on cover: stills from the motion picture "Don't Knock the Rock" Box 57 Theme From "Apple's Way". 1974. General note From the television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 8 April in Portugal. 1953. General note Cover features a photograph of Vic Damone. Box 13 Box 24 Box 8 April in Portugal. 1953. April In Paris. 1948. April Showers Bring May Flowers. 1920. General note Music also by Jack Shilkret. Box 409 April Wants To Dance Again. 1958. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 36 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 21 Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In. 1969. creator: MacDermot, Galt creator: Rado, James creator: Ragni, Gerome creator: United Artists Music. General note on cover: photograph of the 5th Dimension Box 24 Aquarius. 1969. General note From the musical "Hair". French edition. Box 8 Box 13 Box 13 Box 1150 The Nutcracker Suite. Arab Dance. 1925. Arabian Dance. 1961. Arabian Night. 1905. Araby. General note box su 7 Box 913 Arbutus Bloom O'Killarney. General note box su 116 Box 390 Box 8 Arcadian Festival. 1960. Are These Really Mine. 1945. General note Words and music also by David Saxon and Robert Cook. Box 412 Are We Ourselves?. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of The Fixx Box 554 Are You Happy. 1927. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Yellen, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Beth Challis. Box 961 Are You in Love With Me? If Not Why Not. 1927. creator: Piantadosi, Al creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Box 2 Are You Lonesome Tonight. 1927. General note Words and music also by Lou Handman. Cover features a photograph of Alex Hyde. Box 13 Are You Thinking of Me To-Night?. 1927. General note Words and music also by Harry Akst and L.Wolfe Gilbert. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 37 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 543 Are You Playing Fair. 1922. General note Dudley gift. Box 758 Are You Ready, Gyp Watson. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 872 Are You A Soldier's Sweetheart?. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 913 Are You Calling Me. General note box su 116 Box 913 Are You Playing Fair. General note box su 116 Box 913 Are You Proud to be an American. General note box su 116 Box 1115 Box 913 Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not. 2010. Another Day, Another Dream. General note box su 116 Box 8 (I'm a Dreamer) Aren't We All. 1929. General note Selection featured in the motion picture, "Sunny Side Up." Cover features a photograph of Janet Gaynor. Box 8 Aren't You Glad You're You. 1945. General note Selection featured in the RKO motion picture , "The Bells of St. Mary's." Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 409 Aren't You Glad You're You. 1945. General note 4 copies Box 913 Aren't You Glad You're An American. General note box su 116 Box 409 Argentina Skies. 1938. General note On cover: photograph of Hughie Barrett Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 38 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 8 Arlene. 1933. General note Cover features a photograph of Reggie Shields. Box 913 Armistice Forever. General note box su 116 Box 872 Arms For The Love Of America. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1150 Arms for the Love of America (the Army Ordnance Song). General note box su 7 Box 414 Arms of Mary. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Sutherland Brothers & Quiver Box 872 The Army Air Corps. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 409 Box 8 The Army Aviation Song. 1963. Around the Corner. 1930. General note Cover features a photograph of Art Kassel. Box 51 Around the Corner. 1942. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Kathleen." Also written by Earl Brent. Cover features a photograph of Shirley Temple. Box 854 Around the Corner. 1930. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Kassel, Art creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Art Kassel. Box 8 Box 554 Around the World. 1956. Around the World. 1956. creator: Adamson, Harold creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Young, Victor Scope and Content From the show, "Around the World in 80 Days." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 39 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 854 Around the World. 1957. creator: Adamson, Harold creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Young, Victor Scope and Content From Michael Todd's show, Around the World in 80 Days. Box 390 Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do): Easy Piano Arrangement. 1981. General note from the Orion Pictures motion picture "Arthur" Box 398 Box 865 Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do). 1984. Artificial Flowers. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 494 As Days Go By. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6379 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Main title theme from the television series, "Family Matters." General note SCB SZTV 94-9 Box 418 Box 177 As Flows the River. 1962. As I Remember You. 1945. General note Publisher no.: 7513-4 Leo Feist Scope and Content Note From Abbott and Costello in Hollywood. General note X SX 100015 Box 6 As If. 2007. creator: Lindsey, Hillary creator: Schelske, Sara creator: Shanks, John creator: Universal Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sara Evans. Box 8 As Long as I'm Dreaming. 1947. General note Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby, Joan Caulfield and Barry Fitzgerald. The song was featured in the Paramount motion picture, "Welcome Stranger." Box 13 As Long As He Needs Me. 1960. General note From the show, "Oliver." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 40 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 398 As Long As We Got Each Other. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates. theme from the T.V. Series "Growing Pains" Box 409 As Long As I'm Dreaming. 1947. General note From the Paramount picture "Welcome Stranger". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Joan Caulfield, and Barry Fitzgerald. Box 543 As Long as There's Muisc. 1944. General note On cover: photograph of Eddie Fisher. Dudley gift. Box 913 As Long as You're Mine. General note box su 116 Box 922 Box 913 As She's Walking Away. 2010. As the Sunbeams Kiss the West. General note box su 116 Box 913 As the Years Flittered By. General note box su 116 Box 65 As Time Goes By. 1931. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture "Casablanca." Cover features a photograph of Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Dooley Wilson. 2 copies. Box 398 Box 414 As Time Goes By. 1983. As Time Goes By. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Nilsson Box 417 As Time Goes By. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 859 As Time Goes By. 1931. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Hupfeld, Herman Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "Casablanca." On cover: photographs of Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid. Box 390 Box 1164 As Time Goes By: Organ Solo. 1931. As You Rest in His Arms. 1912. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 41 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 913 Ashes of Roses. General note box su 116 Box 13 Ashokan Farewell. 1983. General note Arranged by Dan Coates. Cover features photograph from PBS Series: The Civil War Box 494 Ashokan Farewell. 1990. General note Publisher no.: PS0372 Scope and Content Note From the PBS television series, "The Civil War." General note SCB SZTV 91-2 Box 8 Ask Anyone Who Knows. 1947. General note Words and music also by Sol Marcus and Al Kaufman. Cover features a photograph of Lawrence Welk. Box 758 Asking For You. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Do Re Mi." One cover features a drawing of Phil Silvers. (2 copies, different covers). Box 8 At a Carnival in Venice. 1937. General note Words and music also by Marty Symes and Jerry Levinson. Box 913 At a Little Music Counter (By the Square). General note box su 116 Box 8 Box 8 Box 555 At the Circus March. 1910. At Dawning. 1906. At Dawning (I Love You). 1906. creator: Cadman, Charles Wakefield creator: Oliver Ditson Company. Box 20 Box 27 Box 418 At Dawning. 1916. At Dawning (I Love You). 1906. At Home Over There. 1965. General note 2 copies Box 858 At Last. 1942. General note from the motion picture "Cadillac Records"... on cover: photograph of Beyonce and various other actors from the film Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 42 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 913 (Recuerdo de un Cocktail) At Last My Dream Came True. General note box su 116 Box 913 At Least You Could Save Me a Dream. General note box su 116 Box 876 At Mail Call Today. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Sgt. Gene Autry Box 21 At Peace With The World. 1926. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 1150 At Peace With the World. General note box su 7 Box 8 Box 13 Box 21 At Sundown. 1927. At Sundown Love Is Calling Me Home. 1926. At Sundown (Love Is Calling Me Home). 1927. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 543 At Sundown (Love is Calling Me Home). 1927. General note Dudley gift. Box 854 At Sundown (Love is Calling Me Home). 1927. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 21 At The Ball That's All. 1913. creator: Hill, J.. Leubrie creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 913 At the Beach. General note box su 116 Box 64 At The Codfish Ball. 1936. General note From the Fox motion picture "Captain January." Cover features photographs of Shirley Temple. Box 1150 At the Devil's Ball. General note box su 7 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 43 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 23 Box 26 Box 13 Box 13 Box 13 Box 470 At At At At At At The End Of An Irish Moonbeam. 1922. The End Of A Winding Lane. 1924. the End of the Road. 1924. the 5c and 10c Store. 1919. the Old Cross Road (Where I Fell in Love With You). 1919. the End of the Day. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-67 Box 913 At the End of an Old Bog Road. General note box su 116 Box 913 At the End of the Rainbow (I Found You). General note box su 116 Box 418 At the Foot of the Cross. 1964. General note on cover: photograph of William J. Gaither Box 654 Box 913 (We Can Furnish Up Our Home) At the 5c and 10c Store. 1919. At the Isthmus. General note box su 116 Box 913 At the Mummie's Ball. General note box su 116 Box 409 Box 192 At The Psychological Moment. 1958. At the Rose Bowl. 1936. Scope and Content Note Inspired by the Paramount motion picture, "Rose Bowl." Box 390 At the Sound of the Tone. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of John Schneider Box 417 At This Moment. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Billy Vera Box 494 At This Moment. Scope and Content Note From the television program, "Family Ties." General note SCB SZTV 87-3 Box 417 Attitude Dancing. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 44 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 8 Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear. 1932. General note Also written by Al Goodhart, Ed Nelsona nd Milton Ager. Box 858 August Rush (Piano Suite). 2007. General note from the motion picture "August Rush" Box 66 Aura Lee. 1936. General note From the motion picture, "Come and Get It." Cover features photographs of Joel McCrea and Frances Farmer. 2 copies. Box 8 Box 394 Aurora Tropical = You're You. 1955. Austin Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01111 Talbot Music General note SCB SZ 01-231 Box 57 Automan. 1984. General note Main title to the television series. Also written by Billy Hinsche. Cover features a photograph of Chuck Wagner and Desi Arnaz, Jr. Box 8 Autumn Leaves. 1950. General note French lyrics by Jacques Prevert. Cover features a photograph of Roger Williams. Box 8 Autumn Serenade. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Roy Shield. Box 24 Box 2 Box 554 Autumn In New York. 1949. Autumn Leaves. 1950. Autumn Leaves = Les Feuilles Mortes. 1950. creator: Ardmore Music Corp.. creator: Kosma, Joseph creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Prevert, Jacques Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Roger Williams. Box 913 Autumn Moon. General note box su 116 Box 27 Autumn Nocturne. 1942. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 45 Works in English: Titles: A's. Series 1. Box 859 Avalon Town. 1928. creator: Brown, Nacio Herb creator: Clarke, Grant creator: sherman, Clay & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 13 Box 8 Box 961 Ave Maria. 1940. Awakening. 1924. Away Down South in Heaven. 1927. creator: Green, Bud creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Five copies, different editions. Box 922 September. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Daughtry. Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 1083 B Hap E (Be Happy). General note Box PS 2 Box 407 Box 57 B'tzes Yisroel. Baa Baa Black Sheep. 1977. General note Theme from the Universal television series of the same title. Also written by Pete Carpenter. Box 913 Babita. General note box su 116 Box 470 The Baby Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-66 Box 922 Baby. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Justin Bieber. Box 414 Baby Boy (Big Ole Baby Boy). 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Mary Kay Place Box 418 The Baby Boy. 1974. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 46 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 394 Baby Come Over (This is Our Night) Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01079 Murlyn Songs General note SCB SZ 01-204 Box 398 Baby Come and Get It. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of The Pointer Sisters Box 417 Baby Don't Change Your Mind. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight & The Pips Box 913 Baby, Don't You No No Me. General note box su 116 Box 913 Baby Eyes. General note box su 116 Box 417 Box 961 Baby Face. 1963. Baby, Have You Got a Little Love to Spare. 1947. creator: Harry Warren Music, Inc.. creator: Koehler, Ted creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three copies. On covers: photographs of Woody Herman and Benny Goodman. Box 6 Baby, I Love Your Way. 1975. creator: Almo Music Corp.. creator: Frampton, Peter Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Peter Frampton. Box 414 Baby I'll Give It To You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Seals & Crofts Box 913 Baby Memories. General note box su 116 Box 913 Baby O Mine. General note box su 116 Box 417 Baby Talks Dirty. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Randee St. Nicholas Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 47 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 412 Box 412 Baby, I Love You. 1988. Baby, Walk On. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Matraca Berg Box 13 Babyface. 1926. General note Words and music also by Harry Akst. Box 414 Babyface. 1975. General note on cover: caricature of female dancer Box 23 Bachelor Days. 1916. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 577 Back From Eternity. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: photograph of Robert Ryan, Anita Ekberg and Rod Steiger. Box 471 Back Here. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352179 Box 414 Back Home Again. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 21 (Just Try to Picture Me) Back Home in Tennessee. 1915. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Jerome, William creator: Waterson, Berliin & Snyder Co.. Box 414 Back in the Saddle. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Aerosmith Box 417 Back Of My Mind. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Jags Box 6 Back Packer. 1973. creator: Carl Fischer, Inc.. creator: Grove, Roger Box 654 Box 913 Back to the Carolina You Love. 1914. Back to Home Sweet Home. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 48 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 859 Box 913 Back to Home Sweet Home. 1930. creator: Jackson, William H. Back to the Farm. General note box su 116 Box 922 Back to December. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Taylor Swift. Box 417 Backfired. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Debbie Harry's eyes Box 922 Backwoods. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Justin Moore. Box 414 Bad Blood. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 417 Box 412 Box 858 Bad Blood. 1975. Bad Medicine. 1988. Bad Romance. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Lady Gaga Box 857 Bad Things. 2005. General note Theme from the HBO series "True Blood"... on cover: photograph of Jace Everett Box 471 The Bad Touch Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00055 Box 417 Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Croce Box 877 The Badge From Your Coat. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1083 Badinage. General note Box PS 2 Box 417 Badlands. 1978. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 49 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Badlands. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Dirt Band Box 480 Bag Lady original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00158 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-41 Box 1141 Bagdad Daddies -- You're Just Like a Dream. General note Box NSO A1 Box 54 Baker Street Sketches. 1954. General note Theme music from the Sheldon Reynolds television production, "Sherlock Holmes." Box 390 Box 418 Box 1083 Balalaika Serenade. 1944. Balboa Blues. 1984. Balerico. General note Box PS 2 Box 24 Bali Ha'i. 1949. General note On cover: photograph of Rossano Brazzi and Mitzi Gaynor Box 1083 Balinese Bongos. General note Box PS 2 Box 13 The Ballad of Davy Crockett. 1954. General note From the Disneyland television production "Davy Crockett." Covers feature photographs of Fess Parker and assorted Disney characters. Box 56 The Ballad of Jack and the Beanstalk. 1956. General note From the NBC Producer's Showcase television production, "Jack and the Beanstalk." 2 copies (different covers). Box 57 Ballad of Jed Clampett. 1962. General note Theme song from the CBS television series, "The Beverly Hillbillies." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 57 Ballad of Smokey the Bear. 1966. General note From the Videocraft television musical, "Ballad of Smokey the Bear." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 50 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 58 The Ballad of Davy Crockett. 1954. General note From the Walt Disney television program. Cover features a photograph of Fess Parker. Box 65 The Ballad of Cat Ballou. 1965. General note From the Columbia motion picture "Cat Ballou." Cover features photograph of Nat King Cole. 2 copies. Box 409 The Ballad Of Johnny Cool. 1964. General note From the United Artists Motion Picture "Johnny Cool". Box 13 Ballde Pour Adeline. 1984. General note Cover features photograph of Richard Clayderman. Box 20 Box 13 The Balloon Man. 1948. La Bamba. 1958. General note Adaptation and arrangement by Ritchie Valens. Cover features photograph of Lou Diamond Phillips in the motion picture, "La Bamba." Box 412 La Bamba. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates. Big note arrangment. Box 4 Box 1083 Bamboo. 1950. Banana Boy. General note Box PS 2 Box 913 Bandana. General note box su 116 Box 64 The Bandit. 1953. General note Theme music from the Columbia motion picture "Cangaceiro." Words also by Michael Carr. 3 copies. Box 409 Bang! Bang!. 1964. General note From the Warner Bros. picture "Robin And The 7 Hoods". On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. Box 1083 Banjo Pickaninnies. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 51 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1164 Banjolo Band. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Clock. General note On cover: photograph of Joe Cook and Jack Mclallen. Box 24 Box 417 Barbara Allen. 1937. Barbara Ann. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of The Beach Boys Box 913 Barbar Allen. General note box su 116 Box 1083 Barbecue Rhythm. General note Box PS 2 Box 51 The Bare Necessities. 1964. General note From the Walt Disney motion picture, "The Jungle Book." Covers feature illustrations of assorted Disney characters and a photograph of Walt Disney. Box 13 Box 857 The Barefoot Trail. 1920. Barefoot and Crazy. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Jack Ingram Box 858 Barefoot and Crazy. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Jack Ingram Box 57 Baretta's Theme (Keep Your Eye on the Sparro). 1975. General note Theme from the Universal television series, "Baretta." Cover features a photograph of Robert Blake. Box 1083 Barnyard Blues. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Barnyard Reel. General note Box PS 2 Box 57 Theme From "The Baron". 1966. General note From the ITC television production, "The Baron." Cover features a photograph of Steve Forrest and Sue Lloyd. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 52 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Barracuda. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Heart Box 1083 Barrel House Boogie. General note Box PS 2 Box 409 Box 398 A Barrel Of Monkeys. 1959. Barroom Roses. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Moe Bandy Box 58 Barrump Bump. 1968. General note Theme of the Dom Deluise television program. Cover features a photograph of Dom DeLuise. Box 1083 Bashful Betty. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Basin Street Blues. General note Box PS 2 Box 57 Bat Masterson. 1958. General note From the television production of "Bat Masterson." 2 copies. Box 57 Batman Theme. 1966. General note Theme for the television program, "Batman." 2 copies (different covers, one is a simplified piano solo). Box 412 The Batman Theme. 1989. General note From the motion picture "Batman." Box 1083 Battle at Jutland. General note Box PS 2 Box 872 Battle Cry of Freedom. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 656 The Battle of Prauge. 18--?. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1308 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 53 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 858 Battlefield. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Jordin Sparks Box 875 Be A Hero, My Boy. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 913 Be Bop Baby. General note box su 116 Box 399 Box 389 Be Good To Yourself. 1986. Be Like That Original Sheet Music Ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01131 Songs of Universal General note SCB SZ 02-29 Box 389 Be Like That Original sheet music edition. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01131 Songs of Universal General note SCB SZ 02-29 Box 417 Be My Lady. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Meters Box 545 Box 654 Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee. 1912. Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee. 1912. General note On cover, "As sung by Brice and King." Box 58 (Davy Crockett's Motto) Be Sure You're Right. 1955. General note Also written by Buddy Ebsen. From the television program, "Davy Crockett." Cover features photographs of Fess Parker and Buddy Ebsen. Box 404 Be With You. 1999. creator: Barry, Paul creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Iglesias, Enrique creator: Taylor, Mark Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Enrique Iglesias. Box 48 The Bears Give Me the Bird. 1941. General note From the motion picture, "Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie." Cover features a photograph of Johnny Mack Brown, Fuzzy Knight and Nell O'Day. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 54 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 858 Beat It. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Jackson Box 63 Beat Out That Rhythm On A Drum. 1950. General note From the Otto Preminger motion picture "Carmen Jones." Box 398 Box 913 Beat Street Breakdown. 1984. Beatnick Daddy O. General note box su 116 Box 1083 Beatnik Fly. General note Box PS 2 Box 913 Beatrice Be Mine. General note box su 116 Box 961 Beau Brummel Joe (The Beau of Memphis Town). 1924. creator: Creamer, Henry creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Box 470 Beautiful. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-65 Box 857 Beautiful. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Akon Box 6 Beautiful. 2005. creator: Brickman, Jim creator: Jones, Jamie creator: Kugell, Jack creator: Universal Tunes. Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Wayne Brady and Jim Brickman. Two copies, different covers. Box 4 Box 13 Box 6 Beautiful Blue Danube. 1932. Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz. 1936. Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz. 1932. creator: Freedman, Max C. creator: Morris Music Co.. creator: Parker, Harry creator: Strauss, Johann, II Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 55 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 4 Beautiful Brown Eyes. 1951. General note Cover features the Andrews Sisters. Box 4 Box 480 The Beautiful City. 1927. Material Specific Details note: low voice in E flat Beautiful Day original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01007 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-60 Box 13 Box 46 Beautiful Dreamer. 1937. Beautiful Girls. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353675 General note Words and Music also by Mike Stoller, Ben E. King, Sylvester Jordan, Jr., Jonathan Rotem and Kisean Anderson. Recorded by Sean Kingston. Box 470 Beautiful Goodbye. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-79 Box 906 Beautiful Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Beautiful Hawaiian Love. General note Box SU 125 Box 13 Box 27 Box 470 Beautiful Isle of Somewhere. 1924. A Beautiful Lady in Blue. 1935. Beautiful Mess Original sheet music edition. 2002. General note recorded by Diamond Rio on Arista Nashville Records Box 2 Box 13 Box 26 Box 654 Box 913 Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Ohio. 1918. Ohio. 1937. Ohio. 1918. Ohio. 1918. Brown Eyes. General note box su 116 Box 913 Box 913 Beautiful Kay Loa Isle. Beautiful Lies. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 56 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 913 Beautiful Visions of Life. General note box su 116 Box 1083 Beautiful Girl Waltz. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Beautiful Girls of Vienna. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Beautiful Star of Heaven. General note Box PS 2 Box 1150 Beautiful Faces. General note box su 7 Box 1164 Beautiful Lady, Tell Me. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 494 Beauty and the Beast (theme). 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 89-4 Box 913 Beauty Girl. General note box su 116 Box 24 Box 4 Box 13 Box 555 Beauty Waltz. 1929. Because. 1902. Because. 1937. Because. 1902. creator: Chappell-Harms, Inc.. creator: D'Hardelot, Guy Box 554 Because. 1902. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: D'Hardelot, Guy creator: Teschemacher, Edward Box 417 Because the Night. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Patti Smith Box 418 Because He Lives. 1971. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 57 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 418 Because Of Him. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of "Mom" Speer Box 456 Because I Got High. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01125 Universal General note SCB SZ 01-140 Box 543 Because of you. 1940. General note Dudley gift. Box 858 Because Of You. 2004. General note on cover: photograph of Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson Box 6 Because of You. 2004. creator: Clarkson, Kelly creator: Hodges, David creator: Moody, Ben creator: Smelly Songs. Box 913 Because I Know You Love Me. General note box su 116 Box 913 Because I Worship You. General note box su 116 Box 913 Because I'm in Love. General note box su 116 Box 913 Because It's You. General note box su 116 Box 1150 Because I Love You. General note box su 7 Box 46 Bed. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353692 General note Words and music also by Terius Nash. Recorded by J. Holiday. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 58 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 583 The Bed. Scope and Content Note Ozalid copy General note SCB SY118296. From the musical, "Hair." Box 13 The Bee (L'Abeille). 1937. General note Arranged and fingered by Bernice Manoloff. Box 1083 Beefeater's March. General note Box PS 2 Box 404 Been There. 1999. creator: Black, Clint creator: Blackened Music. creator: Wariner, Steve Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Clint Black. Box 543 Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out the Barrel). 1953. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 859 Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out the Barrel). 1934. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Timm, Wladimir A. creator: Vejvoda, Jaromir Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Happy Felton. Box 1083 Beer Barrel Polka. General note Box PS 2 Box 913 Beer Song = Bier Lied. General note box su 116 Box 13 Before the Next Teardrop Falls. 1967. General note Words and Music also by Vivian Keith. Cover features photograph of Freddy Fender. Box 470 Before I Knew Better. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02077 General note recorded by Brad Martin on Epic Records Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 59 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 874 Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme). 2007. General note On cover: photograph of The Goo Goo Dolls. from the Paramount and Dreamworks motion picture "Transformers" Box 854 Before the Footlights. 1929. creator: Preston, M.L. creator: Theodore Presser Co.. Box 859 Beg Your Pardon. 1947. creator: Craig, Francis creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Smith, Beasley Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Buddy Moreno. Box 1150 Begging For Love. General note box su 7 Box 23 Box 913 Begin The Beguine. 1935. Behind the Cabin Door. General note box su 116 Box 913 Behind Those Swinging Doors (the Doors Sing in the Doors Swing Out). General note box su 116 Box 391 Bei Mir Bistu Shain. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Belle Baker Box 854 Bei Mir Bist du Schon (Means That You're Grand). 1937. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Chaplin, Saul creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Jacobs, Jacob creator: Secunda, Sholom Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture, Love, Honor, and Behave. On cover: photograph of Priscilla Lane and Wayne Morris. Box 1083 Belgium Waltz = Valse Belge. General note Box PS 2 Box 2 Box 913 Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms. Believe Me Dear. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 60 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 922 Believe Original sheet music ed.. 2009. Scope and Content Note CTV promotional theme to the winter olympics, 2010. Box 913 Believing in You. General note box su 116 Box 13 Box 872 Bell Bottom Trousers. 1944. Bell Bottom Trousers. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1083 Bell Boy. General note Box PS 2 Box 913 Bell Potato Chip Song. General note box su 116 Box 22 Box 23 Box 409 The Belle Of New York Lancers. The Belle Of New York. Belle Of The Yukon. 1944. General note From the International Pictures "Belle of the Yukon". On cover: photograph of Randy Scott, Dinah Shore, and Gypsy Rose Lee. Box 1083 Belle of the Season. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Bellos Ojos. General note Box PS 2 Box 865 Bells Are Ringing. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Bells are Ringing." General note On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday. Box 13 Box 555 Bells at Twilight. 1941. The Bells of Avalon. 1927. creator: Cherney, Joseph creator: Mills Music. creator: Parish, Mitchell Box 4 Box 23 Box 913 The Bells of Christmas. 1910. The Bells of St. Mary's. 1917. Bells of the Mission = Las Campanans de la Mision. General note box su 116 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 61 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 913 Bells of Victory. General note box su 116 Box 1083 Bells of Bagdad. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Bells of St. Mary's. General note Box PS 2 Box 4 Beloved. 1928. General note Also written by: Joe Sanders. Cover features a photograph of Wally and Zella. Box 13 Beloved. 1928. General note Music and lyrics also by Joe Sanders. Cover features a photograph of Alice Zeppilli. Box 20 Box 525 Box 57 Ben Bolt or "Oh! Don't You Remember!". Ben Bolt's Reply. 1852. Theme From "Ben Casey". 1961. General note Theme from the television program, "Ben Casey." Cover features a photograph of the male lead. Box 865 Box 854 Ben Hur Chariot Race March. 1894. Ben Hur Chariot Race March. 1894. creator: E.T. Paull Music Co.. creator: Paull, E.T. Scope and Content On cover: Played by Sousa's Band. Box 407 Box 414 Benkshaft. 1923. Bennie and the Jets. 1973. General note on cover: caricature of Elton John Box 480 Bent. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352170 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-1 Box 1083 Berlin Melody. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Bermuda Blues. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 62 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 4 Box 4 Box 13 Beside Still Waters. 1925. Besame Mucho. 1943. Beside a Garden Wall. 1926. General note Music also by Del Delbridge. Cover features photograph of Albert Short. Box 906 Beside the Blue Lagoon. General note Box SU 125 Box 4 Box 874 Porgy and Bess. Bess You is My Woman. 1945. Material Specific Details note: piano transcription Best Days of Your Life. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Kellie Pickler Box 456 Best I Ever Had Original Sheet Music edition. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-106 Box 412 Best of Times. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Peter Cetera Box 480 Best of Intentions. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352208 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 00-178 Box 414 The Best Of My Love. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 21 Box 21 Best Things In Life Are Free (The). The Best Things In Life Are Free. 1927. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: DeSylva, B.G. creator: Henderson, Ray General note from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer picture "Good News" On cover: photograph of June Allison and Peter Lawford. Box 47 The Best Thing for You. 1950. General note From the motion picture,"Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen and George Sanders. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 63 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 414 Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight and the Pips Box 6 Best I Ever Had. 2000. creator: Scannell, Matthew creator: WB Music Corp.. Box 6 Best Man, The. 2004. creator: Johnson, Tim creator: Larsen, Blaine creator: Lee, Rory creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Box 1115 Best Thing I Never Had. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Beyonce on cover. Box 758 The Best Time of Your Life. 1973. General note On item, "From the General Electric Carousel of Progress at Walt Disney World." Key word, musical. Two copies (different covers). Box 394 Best Years of Our Lives Orignal sheet music ed.. 1982. General note Publisher no.: PVM01088 Chrysalis General note SCB SZ 01-205 Box 418 Box 858 Bethlehem...Galilee...Gethsemane. 1970. Better In Time. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Leona Lewis Box 6 Better Days. 2005. creator: EMI Virgin Music, Inc.. creator: Rzeznik, John Box 6 Better Life. 2004. creator: Chi-Boy Music. creator: Marx, Richard creator: Urban, Keith Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Keith Urban. Box 471 Better Off Alone Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00071 Box 1150 Better Times With All. General note box su 7 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 64 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1083 Betty Blue Eyes. General note Box PS 2 Box 4 Betty Co-Ed. 1930. General note Words and music also by Rudy Vallee. Cover features a photograph of Jean Porter. Box 23 Box 1083 Betty Co-Ed. 1930. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. General note Box PS 2 Box 494 Beverly Hills 90210. 1992. General note Publisher no.: VS5901 Scope and Content Note Main theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 92-4 Box 47 Beware. 1942. General note 2 copies. From the R.K.O. motion picture, "Call Out the Marines." Box 63 Beware My Heart. 1946. General note Theme from the "57th St. Rhapsody" in the motion picture "Carnegie Hall." Cover features a picture of Vaughn Monroe. 2 copies. Box 57 Bewitched. 1964. General note From the Screen Gems Inc. television production of the same title. Also written by Jack Keller. Cover features a photograph of the cast. 2 copies. Box 859 Beyond the Blue Horizon. 1930. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Harling, W. Franke creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Monte Carlo. On cover: photographs of Jack Buchanan, Jeanette MacDonald. Box 1083 Beyond the Sea. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 65 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 812 Bianca. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Four copies. Box 13 Box 583 The Bible Tells Me So. 1955. The Bicycle Song. General Physical Description note: manuscript Scope and Content Note From, "High Spirits." General note SCB Sy 118319, 118320 Box 1083 Bicycle Built For Two. General note Box PS 2 Box 859 Bidin' My Time. 1930. creator: Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 creator: Gershwin, Ira, 1896creator: New World Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, Girl Crazy. On cover: photographs of Mickey Rooney, Judy Garland and Tommy Dorsey. Box 6 Big Blue Note. 2004. creator: Emerick, Scotty creator: Keith, Toby creator: Tokeco Tunes. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Toby Keith. Box 51 The Big Blue Sky (is the Place for Me). 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Jumping Jacks." Cover features photographs of Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Mona Freeman. Box 51 The Big Blue Sky (is the Place for Me). 1952. General note Professional copy. From the motion picture, "Jumping Jacks." Box 857 Big Green Tractor. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Jason Aldean Box 417 Big Yellow Taxi. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 66 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Biggest Part of Me. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrosia Box 581 Billie. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8625; 17330-3 Scope and Content Note From: Billie. General note SCB SY 118112 -14 Box 858 Billie Jean. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Jackson Box 25 Billionaire. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Travie McCoy Box 654 Bing Bang Bing 'em on the Rhine. 1918. General note Cover features a photograph of Blanche Ring. Box 1083 Bing Bing. General note Box PS 2 Box 22 Box 57 The Bing Boys On Broadway. 1918. The Bionic Woman. 1976. General note Theme from the Universal television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Lindsay Wagner. Box 22 Box 66 The Bird Of Paradise. 1919. The Bird on Nellie's Hat. 1936. General note From the motion picture, "Come and Get It." Cover features a photograph of Jole McCrea and Frances Farmer. 3 copies. Box 657 The Bird Waltz. 18--?. Scope and Content Note Arranged for harp or piano forte. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1333 Box 1083 Birds and the Brook. General note Box PS 2 Box 525 Birds Await the Day. 1890?. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 67 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 409 Birds Of A Feather. 1941. General note From the Paramount picture "Road To Zanzibar. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, and Bob Hope. Box 53 The Birthday Party of the King. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Box 858 Bittersweet Symphony. 1997. General note on cover: blurred photograph of people walking away from the camera Box 1083 Black and White Rag. General note Box PS 2 Box 398 Box 2 Black Cars. 1984. Black Denim Trousers and Motorcyle Boots. 1955. General note Words and music also by Jerry Leiber. Cover features a photograph of The Cheers and Les Baxter. Box 1083 Black Eyes. General note Box PS 2 Box 417 Box 13 Box 1083 Black Friday. 1975. The Black Hawk Waltz. Black Hawk Waltz. General note Box PS 2 Box 47 The Black Hills of Dakota. 1953. General note 3 copies. From the motion picture, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 414 Black Water. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 1083 Blacksmith Rag. General note Box PS 2 Box 922 Blah Blah Blah. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Ke$ha. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 68 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 857 Blame It. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Jamie Foxx Box 4 Blame it on My Heart. 1945. General note Words and music also by: Morty Berk. Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 859 Blame it on My Youth. 1934. creator: Heyman, Edward creator: Levant, Oscar creator: T.B. Harms Company. Box 555 Blame it on the Waltz. 1926. creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Solman, Alfred Note Operatic edition. Box 4 Box 525 Box 27 Box 1083 Blanca Cabana. Blanche Alpen. 1890?. Blaze Away. 1901. Blaze Away. General note Box PS 2 Box 412 Blaze of Glory. 1990. General note from the motion picture "Young Guns II." on cover: photograph of Jon Bon Jovi Box 858 Bleeding Love. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Leona Lewis Box 13 Box 875 Bless This House. 1932. Bless 'Em All. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of George Formby Box 64 Bless 'Em All. 1940. General note From the Warner Brothers motion picture "Captains of the Clouds." Cover features a photograph of James Cagney and Brenda Marshall. 3 copies. Box 414 Bless My Soul. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Skip Mahoaney & The Casuals Box 554 Bless This House. 1932. creator: Boosey & Hawkes. creator: Brahe, May H. creator: Taylor, Helen Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 69 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 555 Bless You (For Being an Angel). 1939. creator: Baker, Don creator: Lane, Eddie creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 389 Blessed. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352434 Sony/ATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 02-28, 36 Box 4 Box 27 Box 1083 The Blind Ploughman. 1913. The Blind Mendicant. 1937. Blinking Moon. General note Box PS 2 Box 876 The Blond Sailor. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a sailor hugging a girl Box 1083 Blondinetta. General note Box PS 2 Box 859 Blossoms on Broadway. 1937. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. Box 414 Blow Away. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of George Harrison Box 859 Blue Again. 1930. creator: Fields, Dorothy creator: McHugh, Jimmy creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 57 (Theme From) The Blue and the Gray. 1982. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features photographs of the cast. Box 390 Blue Bayou. 1961. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 70 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 554 Blue Bayou. 1977. creator: Acuff-Rose Publications. creator: Melson, Joe creator: Orbison, Roy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt. Box 1083 Blue Birds = Blue Bird Waltz. General note Box PS 2 Box 13 Blue Christmas. 1964. General note Words and music also by Jay Johnson. Box 13 Blue Danube Waltz. 1935. General note Cover features photograph of Walter Blaufuss. Box 859 Blue Danube Waltz. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Castillo, Jerry creator: Strauss, Johann, II Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Walter Blaufuss. Box 24 Blue Danube Waltz. 1935. General note On cover: photograph of Walter Blaufuss Box 1083 Blue Funk. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blue Genius. General note Box PS 2 Box 20 Blue Hawaii. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Vincent Lopez Box 906 Blue Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 71 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 554 Blue Hawaii. 1937. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Waikiki Wedding." On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Shirley Ross. Box 47 Blue Island. 1944. General note 2 copies. From the Republic motion picture, "Call of the South Seas." Cover features a photograph of Janet Martin. Box 906 Blue Lei. General note Box SU 125 Box 1083 Blue Mirage. General note Box PS 2 Box 24 Box 555 Blue Moon. 1943. Blue Moon. 1934. creator: Hart, Lorenz creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Rodgers, Richard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ted Fiorito. Box 1083 Blue Moonlight. General note Box PS 2 Box 414 Blue Morning, Blue Day. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of the group Foreigner Box 859 Blue Orchids. 1939. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Famous Music Corp.. Scope and Content Two copies, different covers. Box 1083 Blue Prelude. General note Box PS 2 Box 854 Blue Prelude. 1933. creator: Bishop, Joe creator: Jenkins, Gordon creator: Keit-Engle, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 72 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 409 Blue Rain. 1939. General note 2 copies Box 1083 Blue Rhythm Be Bop. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blue Rhythm Bounce. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blue Rhythm Ramble. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blue Rhythm Swing. General note Box PS 2 Box 1150 Blue Skies. General note box su 7 Box 417 Blue Sky. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Baez Box 26 Blue Tango. 1952. Scope and Content Note organ solo Box 1083 Blue Tomorrow. General note Box PS 2 Box 20 Box 859 Blueberry Hill. 1940. Blueberry Hill. 1940. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Lewis, Al creator: Rose, Vincent creator: Stock, Larry Box 26 Blue Venetian Waters. 1937. General note From the MGM picture "A Day At the Races" Box 1083 Blue Violins. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 73 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1083 Bluebell Polka. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blueberries. General note Box PS 2 Box 409 Bluebirds In My Belfry. 1944. General note From the Paramount picture "And The Angels Sing". On cover: photograph of Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray, and Betty Hutton. Box 859 Bluebirds in the Moonlight (Silly Idea). 1939. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content Featured in Paramount's full length technicolor cartoon "Gulliver's Travels." Box 859 Blues in the Night (My Mama Done Tol' Me). 1941. creator: Arlen, Harold creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Remick Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture of the same title. On cover: photographs of Priscilla Lane, Betty Field, Richard Whorf. Box 390 Box 1143 Blues Motif. 1971. Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me. 1919. Scope and Content Eight copies. On covers: photographs of Adrian, Nat Mortan, Frank Farron, Herman and Clifton, Emerson, Westervelt, Marshall Montgomery, and Howard and Lewis. Box 1083 Blues Serenade. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Blues Waltz. General note Box PS 2 Box 25 Box 1083 Bluesette. 1963. Bluesette. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Bo La Bo. General note Box PS 2 Box 26 Boating On the Thames. 1940. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 74 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Boats Against the Current. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Box 412 Body. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of The Jacksons Box 22 Box 390 La Bohême. 1904. Bohemian Rhapsody: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 406 Box 872 Boig Zich Shifele. 1938. The Bombardier Song. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 The Bombardier Polka. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Brunon Kryger Box 876 Bombardiers (The Bombardiers' Song). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a blue plane Box 872 Bomber Command. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 57 Bonanza. 1959. General note From the television program of the same title. Also written by Ray Evans. Cover features photographs of Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Parnell Roberts and Michael Landon. 2 copies (different colors). Box 858 Bonfire. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Craig Morgan Box 525 Box 961 Bonny Eloise (the Belle of Mohawk Vale). 1958. Boo Hoo Hoo Ha Ha Ha (I'm in Between a Laugh and a Cry). 1931. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Two copies. Box 414 Boogie Child. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 390 Boogie Woogie. 1944. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 75 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Boogie Woogie Dancin' Shoes. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Claudja Barry Box 469 Boom original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-108 Box 1143 Boo Hoo Hoo (You're Gonna Cry When I'm Gone). 1922. creator: Aaronson, Irving creator: Broadway Music Publishing Co.. creator: Lentz, Al. creator: Link, Harry Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1083 Boomerang. General note Box PS 2 Box 6 Boondocks. 2003. creator: Kirkpatrick, Wayne creator: Roads, Kimberly creator: Sweet, Phillip creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Little Big Town. Box 857 Boots On. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Randy Houser Box 394 Bootylicious. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352353 SonyATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 01-206 Box 1083 Bop Look and Listen. General note Box PS 2 Box 417 Border Town. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Souther, Hillman, Furay Box 390 Born Free: Easy Organ Arrangement. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Dave Kopp Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 76 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1115 Born This Way. 2011. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Gaga Box 1143 Born to be Loved. 1932. creator: Fields, Arthur creator: Hall, Fred creator: Piedmont Music Company, Inc.. creator: Van Cleve, Bert Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Irene Beasley. Box 412 Box 417 Born To Be My Baby. 1988. Born To Be With You. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Sandy Posey Box 480 Born to Fly. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352222 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-2 Box 407 Box 414 Boruch Eloheinu. 1941. The Boss. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Diana Ross Box 1083 Bossa Nova U.S.A.. General note Box PS 2 Box 1143 Bottles of Time. 1927. creator: Millett, Ellie creator: Shaw, Burp Box 66 Boulevardier From the Bronx. 1936. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "Colleen." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Jack Oakie and Joan Blondell. Box 417 Boulevard. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 390 Box 1083 Bouncing the Ball. 1949. Bouncing on the Keys. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 77 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 57 Bourbon Street Beat. 1959. General note Also written by Jerry Livingston. From the Warner Bros. television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Richard Long. Box 144 Bout Time. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" General note SCB SX 113989 Box 1083 Bow Wow. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Bowin' Narrow. General note Box PS 2 Box 1143 Boy From the House Next Door, The. 1928. creator: F.B. Haviland Pub., Co.. creator: McKenna, Wm. J. Box 875 A Boy in Khaki - A Girl in Lace. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 961 Boy Meets Girl. creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Warren, Harry Box 865 The Boy Most Likely to Succeed. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "New Faces of '56." Box 1143 Boy of Mine. 1925. creator: England, Russell J. creator: McClure Music Co.. creator: Smith, Clay Box 1143 Boy on Page 35, The. 1956. creator: Carr, Leon creator: David, Hal creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Cathy Carr. Box 1083 Boy Scout in Switzerland. General note Box PS 2 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 78 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1083 Boy Scouts Parade. General note Box PS 2 Box 57 Boy Wanted. 1954. General note Song from the television production of "Born Yesterday" as part of the "Hallmark Hall of Fame." Cover features a photograph of Mary Martin. Box 51 The Boy With the Wistful Eyes. 1941. General note From the Universal motion picture, "Keep em Flying." Cover features photographs of Abbott & Costello, Martha Raye, Dick Foran and Carol Bruce. Also written by Gene de Paul. Box 1143 Boy Who Stuttered and the Girl Who Lisped, The. 1907. creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Weslyn, Louis Box 6 Boyfriend. 2005. creator: DioGuardi, Kara creator: Shanks, John creator: Simpson, Ashlee Scope and Content On cover: photograph Ashlee Simpson. Two copies, different covers. Box 582 Boys and Girls Like You and Me. 1943. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note Publisher no.: 285-5 General note SCB SY 118107 Box 414 The Boys Are Back In Town. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Thin Lizzy Box 1083 Boys' Brigade. General note Box PS 2 Box 922 The Boys of Fall. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Kenney Chesney. Box 1143 Boys of the U.S.A.. 1918. creator: Hollinshead-Hubbell, Marie creator: Howe, James Hamilton Box 409 The Boys' Night Out. 1962. General note From the MGM picture "Boys' Night Out". On cover: photograph of Kim Novak. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 79 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 57 The Brady Bunch. General note From the television program of the same title. Also written by Frank De Vol. Ozalid copy. Box 6 Brand New Girlfriend. 2006. creator: Allmand, Bart creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Minor, Shane creator: Steele, Jeffrey Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Steve Holy. Box 57 Branded. 1965. General note From the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Chuck Connors. Box 1083 Brasilia. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Brass Buttons. General note Box PS 2 Box 48 Braverman's Waltz. 1968. General note Theme from the Warner Bros.- Seven Arts Motion Picture "Bye Bye Braverman." Box 1083 Brazilian Sleigh Bells. General note Box PS 2 Box 417 Bread and Roses. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Judy Collins Box 469 Break Me original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-107 Box 922 Break Your Heart. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Taio Cruz. Box 27 Breakaway. 1929. General note From Fox Movietone Follies of 1929. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 80 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 412 Breakdance. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Irene Cara Box 417 Breakdown Dead Ahead. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs. Box 417 Breaker Breaker. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Outlaws Box 922 Box 417 Breakeven. 2008. Breakin' Away. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Al Jarreau Box 858 Breath of Heaven. 1997. General note on cover: picture of bright light Box 471 Breathe. General note Publisher no.: HL00352171 Box 6 Breathe (2 AM). 2004. creator: AnniBonna music. creator: Nalick, Anna Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Anna Nalick. Box 480 Breathless original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00132 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-29 Box 398 Brian's Song: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 57 Brian's Song. 1972. General note From the Screen Gems television production of the same title. 2 copies. Box 922 Box 525 Box 1143 Brick by Boring Brick. 2009. The Bridal Ring. 1842. Bride and Groom, The. 1915. creator: Branen, Jeff creator: Lange, Arthur Box 545 The Bridge. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 81 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1083 Bridge of Bardot March. General note Box PS 2 Box 13 Bridge Over Troubled Water. 1970. General note Cover features photograph of Linda Clifford. Box 20 Bridge Over Troubled Water. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Simon & Garfunkel Box 414 Bridge Over Troubled Water. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Clifford Box 4 Bright as a Crhistmas Star. 1951. General note Words and music also by: Frank Stanton. Box 1143 Bright Eyes. 1920. creator: Jerome, M.K. creator: Motzan, Otto creator: Smith, Harry B. creator: Waterson, Berliin & Snyder Co.. Box 1143 Bright Eyes. 1930. creator: Happ, Burton L. creator: Harold Dixon Music Publisher. creator: Healy, Lon Box 1143 Bright Mohawk Valley, The. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sunny Boy Marcus. Box 62 Bright New World. 1969. General note From the motion picture, "The Cross and the Switchblade." Cover features images of the cast. Box 1083 Bright Star Waltz. General note Box PS 2 Box 6 Brighter Than Sunshine. 2003. creator: Hales, Benjamin Keeston creator: Hales, Matthew Nicholas creator: Oliver, Kim creator: Warner/Chappell Music Publishing Ltd.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 82 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1143 Bring Back the Roses (Kathleen Mavourneen). 1918. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Fisher, Fred creator: McCarthy & Fisher, Inc.. creator: McCarthy, Joe Box 456 Bring on the Rain. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352422 Bro 'N Sis Music General note SCB SZ 01-150 Box 390 Box 1083 The British Grenadiers. 1964. British Eighth. General note Box PS 2 Box 471 Broadway. 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352169 Box 543 Broadway Rhythm. 1935. General note Dudley gift. Box 4 (Here Am I) Broken Hearted. 1927. General note Words and music also by: Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Box 4 Broken-Hearted Blues. 1922. General note Photograph of the Oriole Terrace Orchestra on cover. Box 57 Broken Arrow. 1957. General note From the 20th Century Fox television program of the same title. Cover features photographs of John Lupton and Michael Ansara. Box 1143 Broken Dreams. 1927. creator: Breen, May Singhi creator: Kerr, Harry D. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. creator: Spitalny, Maurice Box 22 Broken-Hearted Clown. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Bram Martin Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 83 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1143 Broken Hearted Sue. 1926. creator: Breen, May Singhi creator: Broadway Music Publishing Co.. creator: DeRose, Peter creator: Pasman, Dailey Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1143 Broken Moon. 1920. creator: Callahan, J. Will creator: Lee S. Roberts, Inc.. creator: Roberts, Lee S. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 419 Box 470 Broken Pieces of the Morning. 1973. Brokenheartsville. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-80 Box 57 Bronco. 1959. General note From the Warner Bros. television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Ty Hardin. Box 389 Brotha. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352435 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 02-27 Box 1143 Brother Control Yo'Self. 1935. creator: Myer, Bert creator: T.S. Denison & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: Denison Songs .... Exclusive novelty numbers for musical comedies, minstrels, vaudeville revues and specialities. Box 1143 Brother Ezra and Sister Susan. 1933. creator: Crumit, Frank creator: Curtis, Billy creator: Frank Crumit's Song Company. Box 414 Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 4 Brotherhood. 1950. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 84 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 547 Brotherhood of Man. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 54 The Brothers' Theme. 1968. General note Also written by Nancy Ames. Piano solo. From the television series, "The Smothers Brothers." Cover features a photograph of the Smothers Brothers. Box 4 Box 1143 A Brown Bird Singing. 1922. Brown Eyes. 1924. creator: Mintz, Herbie creator: Schwartz, Phil creator: Sullivan, Jerry Scope and Content On cover: photographs of "Sen" Kaney; Herbie Mintz; Jerry Sullivan; Harold A. Fall, and Wilson J. Wetherbee. Box 13 Box 63 Brown Eyes - Why Are You Blue?. 1925. The Brown Danube. 1947. General note From the United Artists motion picture "Carnegie Hall." Box 1083 Brown Sugar. General note Box PS 2 Box 1083 Brownies' Frolic. General note Box PS 2 Box 20 Box 812 Brush Up Your Shakespeare. 1949. Brush Up Your Shakespeare. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Five copies. Box 1164 Bryn Mawr Girls. 1901. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, "The Red Domino." Box 1143 Box 1143 Bubbles of Constancy. 1924. creator: Brown, Newton Bubbling Over. 1919. creator: Jos. W. Stern & Co.. creator: Kellette, John William Scope and Content Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 85 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 22 Box 6 Bubbly. 1917. Bubbly. 2007. creator: Caillat, Colbie creator: Cocomarie Music. creator: Reeves, Jason Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Colbie Caillat. Box 390 Box 57 Buccaneer. 1971. The Buccaneers. 1956. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 875 Buck Private - John Doe. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 409 Buckskin Beauty. 1956. General note From the Paramount picture "Pardners". On cover: photograph of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Box 1143 Buda. 1921. creator: Doyle, James P. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Harry Slick Four. Box 1083 Buddha (My Own). General note Box PS 2 Box 872 Buddy Boy. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 412 Buenas Noches From a Lonely Room (She Wore Red Dresses). 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dwight Yoakam Box 1083 Bugle Call Rag. General note Box PS 2 Box 6 Building Bridges. 1982. creator: DeVito, Harold creator: Drunk Monkey Music. creator: Willoughby, Larry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Brooks & Dunn. Two copies, different covers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 86 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 417 Bulbs. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Van Morrison Box 1083 Bulldog. General note Box PS 2 Box 1088 Bully of the Town. General note Box PS 3 Box 554 Bumble Boogie. 1946. creator: Fina, Jack creator: Martin Music. Scope and Content Adapted from the "Flight of the Bumble Bee" by Jack Fina. On cover: photograph of Freddy Martin and Jack Fina. Box 1088 Bunch of Roses. General note Box PS 3 Box 48 Bundle of Joy. 1956. General note From the motion picture, "Bundle of Joy." Cover features a photograph of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Box 414 Bungle in the Jungle. 1974. General note on cover: picture of an eagle and "Jethro Tull: War Child" Box 48 Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell. 1969. General note From the motion picture, "Buena Sera, Mrs. Campbell." Cover features photographs of Gina Lollobrigida, Shelley Winters, Phil Silvers, Peter Lawford and Telly Savalas. Box 4 The Burglar and His Child. General note First page only. Cover features a photograph of Eva W. Wallace. Box 22 Box 48 The Burglar's Dream. 1913. The Burglars. Theme. 1971. General note From the motion picture, "The Burglars." Cover features photographs of Omar Sharif, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Dyan Cannon. Box 57 Burke's Law Theme. 1963. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features photographs of Gene Barry, Al Caiola, Wynton Kelly and Cal Tjader. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 87 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 480 Burn. 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352243 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-30 Box 858 Burnin' Up. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The Jonas Brothers Box 51 Buring Bridges. 1970. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Kelly's Heroes." Cover features photographs of Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Don Rickles and Donald Sutherland. Box 13 Box 398 Burning Heart. 1982. Burning Heart. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 1143 Burning Sands. 1922. creator: Meskill, Jack creator: Onivas, D. creator: Richmond-Robbins. Scope and Content On cover, "The answer to "The Sheik." Box 7 Box 390 Box 1143 El Burrito. Burro Ride. 1963. Bury Me Out on the Prairie. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content Five copies. On covers: photographs of Chas. Agnew and The Westerners. Box 48 The Bus Stop Song (A Paper of Pins). 1956. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "Bus Stop." Cover features photographs of Marilyn Monroe and Don Murray. Box 57 Themes From "Bust Stop". 1962. General note From the 20th Century Fox television series. Box 865 A Bushel and a Peck. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Guys and Dolls." Box 1088 Business in F. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 88 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 857 Bust Your Windows. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Jazmine Sullivan Box 48 Buster. 1957. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "The Buster Keaton Story." Cover features photographs of Donald O'Connor, Ann Blyth and Rhonda Fleming. Box 63 Busy As A Beaver. 1954. General note As featured by Judy Canova in the Republic Studios' motion picture "The Carolina Cannonball." Box 409 Busy Doing Nothing. 1948. General note From the Paramount motion picture "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Rhonda Fleming. Box 480 But For the Grace of God original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00175 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-42,43 Box 1150 But She's Just a Little Bit Crazy About her Husband That's All. General note box su 7 Box 48 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Medley. 1969. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Cover features a photograph of Paul Newman and Robert Redford. Box 1150 Butterfingers. General note box su 7 Box 48 Butterflies are Free. 1969. General note From the Columbia motion picture, "Butterflies are Free." Box 547 The Butterfly. 1919. General note Dudley gift. Box 22 Button Up Your Heart. 1930. General note from "The Vanderbilt Revue" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 89 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 404 Buy Me a Rose. 1999. creator: Blue Plate Music Publishing. creator: Dean, Billy creator: Krauss, Alison creator: Rogers, Kenny Box 47 Buzz Me. 1946. General note From the Astor motion picture, "Caldonia." Cover features a photograph of Louis Jordan. Box 4 Box 4 Box 4 Box 13 Box 418 Box 906 By By By By By By a Blue Lagoon. 1946. My Fireside. 1924. the Waters of Minnetonka. 1918. the Moonlight. 1951. And By The Night Will Vanish. 1968. Blue Hawaiian Waters. General note Box SU 125 Box 48 Them from "By Love Possessed". 1961. General note From the United Artists motion picture, "By Love Possessed." Box 859 By the Fireside (In the Gloaming). 1931. creator: Campbell, Connelly & Co., Ltd.. creator: Campbell, Jimmy creator: Connelly, Reg creator: Noble, Ray Box 48 By the Light of the Silvery Moon. 1909. General note 2 copies. Box 545 Box 961 By the Light of the Silvery Moon. 1909. By the River Sainte Marie. 1931. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Multiple copies. On covers: photographs of: Henry Busse, Lafe Cassidy, Jack Denny, Harold Leonard, Guy Lombardo, Will Osborne, Leo Reisman, Luigi Romanelli, and Kate Smith. Box 390 By the Time This Night is Over. 1993. General note on cover: photographs of Kenny G and Peabo Bryson Box 27 By U By O (the Lou'siana Lullaby). 1941. General note On cover: photograph of Kay Kyser. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 90 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 961 By Yonder Moon. creator: Dubin, Al creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content On item, "Hot Version." Box 1143 Bye and Bye. 1921. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Herscher, Lou Box 1143 Bye and Bye. 1921. creator: Bradford, Perry creator: Perry Bradford Music Pub. Co.. Box 543 Bye and Bye Sweetheart. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Herman Kenin. Dudley gift. Box 857 Bye Bye. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Mariah Carey Box 48 Bye Bye Barbara. 1970. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Bye Bye Barbara." Box 48 Bye Bye Birdie. 1963. General note From the Kohlmar-Sidney Production "Bye Bye Birdie" a Columbia motion picture. Box 859 Bye Bye Blackbird. 1926. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Henderson, Ray creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Al Short. Box 13 Bye Bye Blues. 1930. General note Words and Music also by Dave Bennett, Bert Lown, and Chauncey Gray. Box 404 Bye Bye Bye. 2000. creator: Carlsson, Andreas creator: Carlsson, Jake creator: Lundin, Kristian creator: Zomba Music Publishers, Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of *NSYNC. Box 4 Bye Lo. 1919. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 91 Works in English: Titles: B's. Series 2. Box 1088 Bygones. General note Box PS 3 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 396 Ca Plane Pour Moi (Jet Boy Jet Girl). 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Plastic Bertrand Box 48 Cabarabia. 1927. General note As sung and danced by Gilda Gray in her latest Paramount Picture, "Cabaret." Music also by Leon Flatow. Keyword: motion picture. Box 48 Cabaret. 1966. General note From the motion picture "Cabaret." Box 24 Box 48 Cabin In The Sky. 1940. From the musical play "Cabin in the Sky" Cabin in the Sky. 1940. General note From the MGM motion picture "Cabin in the Sky." 2 copies. Box 1088 Cachita. General note Box PS 3 Box 48 Cactus Town (Giddy Up, Pinto). 1942. General note As featured in the Republic motion picture "Cactus Town." Box 57 Theme From "Cades County". 1971. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. 2 copies (different covers). Box 494 Cafe Americain. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6378 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Main title theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-8 Box 396 Cafe Amore. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Spyro Gyra Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 92 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 24 The Cafe Mozart Waltz. 1949. General note From the Selznick-Alexander Korda motion picture "The 3rd Man" Box 57 Cagney & Lacey Theme. 1983. General note Theme to the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 47 Caine Mutiny Theme (Full Speed Ahead). 1954. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "The Caine Mutiny." Cover features a photograph of Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson and Fred MacMurray. Box 408 Box 1088 Cairo. 1920. Cairo Bazaar. General note Box PS 3 Box 1143 Caisson Song (Artillery Song). 1918. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Lloyd, Robert Box 872 The Caissons Go Rolling Along. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Artillery Song). 1921. General note Truesdell gift. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Ten Gentlemen From West Point" Box 876 The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Artillery Song). 1921. General note Truesdell gift. Yellow cover. Box 1088 Caissons Go Rolling Along. General note Box PS 3 Box 24 Cakewalk Your Lady. 1946. General note From "St. Louis Woman" Box 1088 Calcutta. General note Box PS 3 Box 24 Box 1088 Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So Hard). 1945. Caldonia (What Makes Your Big Head So Hard). General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 93 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 47 Calendar Girl. 1947. General note 2 copies. From the Republic motion picture, "Calendar Girl." Cover features a photograph of Jane Frazee and William Marshall. Box 26 Cali-Conga. 1940. General note From the Paramount picture "A Night At Earl Carroll's" Box 47 California. 1946. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "California." Cover features a photograph of Ray Milland, Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Fitzgerald. Box 409 Box 914 California. 1963. California Centennial Song. General note box su 114 Box 47 California Dreamin'. 1979. General note Also written by Michelle Phillips. From the motion picture, "California Dreaming." Box 6 California Girls. 2005. creator: Rich, John creator: WB Music Corp.. creator: Wilson, Gretchen Box 25 Box 547 California Gurls. 2010. California Here I Come. 1924. General note Cover features a photograph of Al Jolson. Dudley gift. Box 409 Box 914 The California Highway Patrol March. 1963. Californa My Way. General note box su 114 Box 47 California or Bust. 1946. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "California." Cover features a photograph of Ray Milland, Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Fitzgerald. Box 396 California Nights. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Sweet Box 391 California Soul. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of The 5th Dimension Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 94 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 47 California Suite. Love Theme. 1979. General note From the Columbia motion picture, "California Suite." Box 57 (I've Come to) California. 1958. General note From the television program, "The Californians." Box 64 Californ-i-ay. 1944. General note From the Universal motion picture "Can't Help Singing." Cover features a photograph of Deanna Durbin. 2 copies. Box 904 California - California Imprints. Scope and Content Note I.O.U. -- I Built a World of Dreams -- I Built My World Around You -- I Can Television (When I See One) -- I Got a Misery -- I Kissed My Angel Goodbye -- I Live For the Sun -- I Only Long for You -- It Shall Come to Pass -- I Surrender, Dear -- I Told My Dreams to a Gypsy -I Wish You Were Here Again -- I'd Like to Rent a Dream From You -- Illusio -- I'm Lost -- I'm Yours, You're Mine -- In a Beautiful Song -- In a Wagon Wheel Tavern -- In California (I'm Waiting for You) -- It Must be in the Cards -- It'll Be Cold This Winter -- It's All Over Now -It's Heaven Any Place -- I'ts Lonesome in Blue Bird Land -- I've Got to Break Myself of You -- Just Be Glad -- Keep Them Smiling -- Kilroy Was Here -- Kittie O'Kildare -- (Let's Keep America) The Land of Liberty -- Land of Liberty -- Let Me Ride the Range -- Little Dog in the Street -- Little Gray Donkey -- Little Rosebud (Pressed Between the Leaves) -- Lolita My Dove -- Look For Love -- Lost in Love -- Love Me To Day -- Lucerne -- Lucky Moon -Lucky rose -- Lullaby Moon -- Luz Maria -- Make Mine Love -- Man Smart (Woman Smarter) -- Marcheta's Sister -- May the Bird of Paradise Fly Up You Nose. General note Box SU 120 Box 914 (I Want a) California Bungalow. General note Box SU 114 Box 914 Californ i ay. General note box su 114 Box 1095 California. General note Box SU 117 Box 914 California Dreamin'. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Earthquake. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Exposition March. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 95 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 914 California For You. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Girl. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Girl (and the Tennessee Square). General note box su 114 Box 914 California Girls. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Golden Land of Destiny. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Golden West Waltz. General note box su 114 Box 914 California, I Want to Rest in Your Arms. General note box su 114 Box 914 California, I'll Be There. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Is Calling Me. General note box su 114 Box 914 California is Calling to You. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Kid and Reemo. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Love. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Lullaby. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 96 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 914 California Ma Ma (Oh, Gee She Surely is a Wonderful Gal). General note box su 114 Box 914 California Moon. General note box su 114 Box 914 California, My Western Home. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Nights. General note box su 114 Box 914 California on My Mind. General note box su 114 Box 914 California on Parade. General note box su 114 Box 914 California or Bust. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Orange Blossom. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Polka. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Poppy. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Poppy Girl. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Rock N Roll. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Sun. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 97 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 914 California Sunbeam. General note box su 114 Box 914 California the Golden State. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Waltz. General note box su 114 Box 914 California Wine Polka. General note box su 114 Box 914 California, You're a Grand Old State. General note box su 114 Box 914 California's Calling Me. General note box su 114 Box 914 California's Spanish Days. General note box su 114 Box 1143 (I'm a) Cake Eating Man. 1922. creator: Riley Robison Music Pub. Co.. creator: Underhill, Edwin H. Box 4 Call Me. 1956. General note Words and music also by: Belford C. Hendricks. Cover features a photograph of Johnny Mathis. Box 2 Call Me Back, Pal O'Mine. 1921. General note Cover features a photograph of Harold Dixon. Box 24 Box 24 Call Me Darling. 1942. Call Me Irresponsible. 1963. General note From the motion picture "Papa's Delicate Condition". On cover: photograph of Jackie Gleason. (1 original, 1 photocopy). Box 409 Call Me Irresponsible. 1962. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Papa's Delicate Condition". On cover: photograph of Jackie Gleason. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 98 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 554 Call Me Irrresponsible. 1963. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Paramount Music Corporation. creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content From the motion picture, "Papa's Delicate Condition." On cover, photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 24 Box 51 Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon. 1937. Call Me Tonight. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 1150 Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon. General note box su 7 Box 47 Call of the Range. 1939. General note From the motion picture, "Call of the Range." Autographed by Ted Sico, Betty Burke and Billy Burke. Box 47 The Call of the Prairie. 1933. General note 3 copies. From the Paramount motion picture, "Call of the Prairie." Box 906 Call of Aloha. General note Box SU 125 Box 1164 Call of Love, The. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Canary. General note On cover: photograph of Lina Abarbanell. Box 1143 Call of Love, The. 1929. creator: Mills Music. creator: Parish, Mitchell creator: Sciapiro, Michel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Giovanni Martinelli. Box 1143 Call Me Back, Pal O'Mine. 1921. creator: Brown, Morgan creator: Dixon, Harold creator: Dixon-Lane Music Publishing Co.. Scope and Content Four copies. On cover: photograph of Harold Dixon. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 99 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 47 Call Out the Marines. 1942. General note 3 copies. Box 1143 Box 1143 Call the Dog. 1929. creator: Woodward, Dorothy Callin' You. 1922. creator: Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge Inc.. creator: Pearlstin, Carl B. creator: Wehrmann, Henry Box 1143 Calling. 1921. creator: Freedman, Max C. creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Squires, Harry D. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 396 Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Carpenters Box 1143 Box 4 (A Real Love Call) Calling You. 1931. creator: Reichel, Fred Calypso. 1975. General note Cover features a photograph of John Denver. Box 1088 Calypso Melody. General note Box PS 3 Box 391 The Calypso Song. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Caulfield. from the Columbia Pictures motion picture "The Petty Girl" Box 7 Box 21 Camelot. 1961. Camelot. 1960. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Lerner, Alan Jay creator: Loewe, Frederick Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture. Box 24 Box 47 Camelot. 1960. Camelot. 1960. General note 3 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 100 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1088 Camptown Races. General note Box PS 3 Box 1143 De Camptown Races. 1940. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Foster, Stephen C. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Escorts and Betty. Box 64 Can-Can. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 1143 Can I Depend on That. 1925. creator: Lavelle, Ray creator: Lavelle, Vincent creator: Morrison & Kahn, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Vincent Lavelli. Box 409 Can I Help It?. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Frankie Masters Box 1143 Can I Sleep in Your Barn Tonight Mister?. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content On cover, title reads, "May I Sleep in Your Barn Tonight Mister?" On cover: photograph of Dan Russo. Box 64 Can It Be?. 1930. General note From the Universal motion picture "Captain of the Guard." Box 396 Can the Can. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Suzi Quatro Box 414 Can This Be Real. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Natural Four Box 1143 Can You Imagine. 1919. creator: A.J. Stasny Music Co. creator: Mayo, Fred creator: Nelson, Ed creator: Pease, Harry Scope and Content Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 101 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1143 Can You Forget. 1921. creator: Frey, Hugo creator: G. Ricordi & Co. Inc.. creator: Walter, Emily Box 390 Can You Read My Mind?: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 922 Can't Be Tamed. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus. Box 24 Box 1143 Can't Buy Me Love. 1964. Can't Feel Jolly Blues. 1921. creator: A.J. Stasny Music Co. creator: Brown, Booker creator: Lee , Washington Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Anna Propp. Box 24 Can't Get Out Of This Mood. 1942. General note From the R.K.O. picture "Seven Days Leave" Box 469 Can't Get You Out of My Head. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-61, 62 Box 6 Can't Help But Wait. 2007. creator: Austin, Johnta creator: EMI Music Publishing, Ltd.. creator: Eriksen, Mikkel creator: Hermansen, Tor Erik Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Trey Songz. Box 64 Can't Help Singing. 1944. General note From the Universal motion picture "Can't Help Singing." Cover features a photograph of Deanna Durbin and Robert Paige Box 396 Can't Put A Price On Love. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Knack Box 24 Box 396 Box 419 Can't Smile Without You. 1978. Can't Smile Without You: Made Easy For Piano. 1978. Can't Smile Without You. 1978. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 102 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 470 Can't Stop Loving You. 1978. General note SCB SZ03-81 Box 471 Can't Take That Away Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00062 Box 24 Can't We Be Friends?. 1929. General note From the musical comedy "The Little Show" Box 859 Box 1143 Can't We Be Friends. 1929. Can't We Be the Same Old Friends. 1921. creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Ringle, Dave creator: Schaffer, Bob Box 24 Can't We Talk It Over. 1931. General note On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters Box 396 Can't You See. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band Box 24 Box 1088 Can-Can. 1953. Canadian Capers. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Canadian Sunset. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Candlelight. General note Box PS 3 Box 24 Box 4 Candlelight And Wine. 1943. Candy. 1944. General note Words and music also by: Joan Whitney and Alex Kramer. Cover features a photograph of the Dinning Sisters. Box 910 Candy. General note box su 43 Box 13 Candy and Cake. 1950. General note Cover features photograph of Mindy Carson. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 103 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 4 Box 580 Candy Cane Lane. 1985. Candy Jag. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118447 Box 7 The Candy Man. 1972. General note Also by Anthony Newley. Box 1088 Canned Heat. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Cannon Ball. General note Box PS 3 Box 872 The Canteen Bounce. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Charlie Spivak Box 1088 Cantilena. General note Box PS 3 Box 13 Box 24 Box 25 Box 656 Cantique de Noel (Christmas Song). 1935. Canto Del Guajiro (Song Of The Cuban Farmer). 1955. Canto Do Engraxate (Samba). Canzonetta: no. 1 in F for Piano. 1897. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1302 Box 657 Capella Waltz. 1851. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1332 Box 24 Capri In May. 1956. General note On cover: photograph of Tony Bennett Box 64 Caprice. 1967. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Caprice." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day. Box 1088 Caprice Futuristic. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 104 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1088 Capricorn. General note Box PS 3 Box 24 Captain Hook's Waltz. 1956. General note On cover: photograph of Mary Martin Box 64 Captain Hornblower Theme. 1951. General note From the Warner Bros motion picture "Captain Horatio Hornblower, R.N." Box 64 Captain Kidd. 1944. General note Inspired by the motion picture "Captain Kidd." Box 64 Captain Swagger (All The Girls Adore You). 1928. General note From the Pathé motion picture "Captain Swagger." Box 414 The Captain and the Kid. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Buffett Box 876 Captains On High (Aviation Song). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of the American flag Box 64 Captains Of The Clouds. 1940. General note From the Warner Brothers motion picture "Captains of the Clouds." Cover features a photograph of James Cagney and Brenda Marshall. Box 876 Captains of the Clouds. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of James Cagney. From the Warner Bros. Motion Picture "Captains of the Clouds" Box 57 Captain Kangaroo March. 1957. General note From the television program, "Captain Kangaroo." Box 64 Car Wash. 1976. General note From the motion picture "Car Wash." Box 456 Caramel. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352416 EMI April General note SCB SZ 01-149 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 105 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 13 Caravan. 1937. General note Music also by Juan Tizol. Box 1088 Caravan. General note Box PS 3 Box 63 The Cardinal (Main Theme). 1963. General note From the Otto Preminger motion picture "The Cardinal." Box 410 (Love Is A) Career. 1959. General note on cover: photographs of Dean Martin, Anthony Fanciosa, Shirley MacLaine, and Carolyn Jones. from the Paramount motion picture "Career" Box 396 Carefree Highway. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 23 Careless Hands. 1949. General note Includes: photograph of MacDuff Williams Box 24 Careless Love. General note photocopy Box 24 Carelessly. 1937. General note On cover: photograph of the King's Jesters Box 63 The Careless Years. 1957. General note From the motion picture "The Careless Years," starring Dean Stockwell and Natalie Trundy. Box 1088 Caribbean Star. General note Box PS 3 Box 910 Caribees. General note box su 43 Box 1143 Carmeline. 1913. creator: Gilbert Music Co.. creator: Healy, Lon Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 106 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 21 Carmen. 1932. creator: Bank's Music House. creator: Bizet, Georges creator: Farnell, George H. Box 1088 Carmen. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Carmen Capers. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Carmencia. General note Box PS 3 Box 1164 Carmencita Shea. 1912. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 21 Carmenella. 1920. creator: C.C. Church & Co.. creator: Polla, William Box 22 Carminetta. 1917. General note Written by Andre Barde & C. A. Carpenter Adapted from the French by Monckton Hoffe Additional numbers by Herman Darewski & Herman Finck Box 63 Carnations Remind Me Of You. 1929. General note Theme Song from the Paramount motion picture "The Carnation Kid." Cover features a photograph of Douglas MacLean and Frances Lee. Box 414 Carnival. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Clapton Box 961 Carnival. 1945. creator: russell, Bob creator: Triangle Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Seven copies, different editions. On covers: photographs of Harry James and Billy Eckstine. Box 4 Carol of the Drum. 1959. General note Cover features a photograph of the Trapp Family Singers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 107 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 2 Carolina Moon. 1928. General note Also written by Joe Burke. Cover features a photograph of Joe Cardullo. Box 13 Carolina Moon. 1928. General note Music and words also by Joe Burke. Cover features photograph of Gene Austin. Box 24 Box 555 Carolina Moon. 1956. Carolina Moon. 1928. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Davis, Benny creator: Joe Morris Music Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Morton Downey. Box 63 Carolina. 1934. General note Featured in the Fox motion picture "Carolina" starring Janet Gaynor and Lionel Barrymore. Box 63 The Carolina Cannonball. 1954. General note As featured by Judy Canova in the Republic Studios' motion picture "The Carolina Cannonball." Box 399 Carolina in the Pines. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Martin Murphey and John McEuen Box 543 Carolina in the Morning. 1922. General note On cover; photograph of Aileen Stanley. Dudley gift. Box 654 Box 1088 Carolina Sunshine. 1919. Carolina Shout. General note Box PS 3 Box 63 The Carousel Waltz. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Carousel." 4 copies. Box 1088 Carousel on a Side Street. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Carrabian Moonlight. General note Box PS 3 Box 414 Carrie. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Cliff Richard Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 108 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 517 Carrie Lee = They Made Her a Grave. 1865. General note SCB SY 1931 Part of the Hogue Collection Box 525 Box 24 The Carrier Dove. 1890?. Carrom's Theme. 1955. General note From the Golden State Productions motion picture "Apache Woman" Box 48 Carry Me. 1972. General note From the Columbia motion picture release, "Butterflies are Free." Box 26 Box 555 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. 1920. Carry Me Back to Old Virginny. 1935. creator: Bland, James A. creator: Calumet Music Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Edna O'Dell. Box 410 Carry Me Back To Laramie. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Vaughn Monroe Box 414 Carry On Wayward Son. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of the group Kansas Box 922 Box 418 Box 1088 Carry Out. 2009. Carry The Banner Of Faith. 1973. Casa Loma Stomp. General note Box PS 3 Box 58 (The Dancing Queen of) Casablanca. 1963. General note Theme music from the television series, "Crane." Original Greek lyrica by A.C. Sakelariou. Cover features a photograph of The Don Riddell Four. Box 65 Casablanca Suite. 1943. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture "Casablanca." Cover features a photograph of Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid. Box 480 Case of the Ex (Whatcha Gonna Do). 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352217 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 00-176 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 109 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 65 Casey Jones. 1909. General note From the motion picture "Casey Jones." Box 65 Casino Royale. 1967. General note From the Columbia Pictures' motion picture "Casino Royale." Cover features photograph of Herb Alpert. 2 copies. Box 65 Box 65 Casper The Friendly Ghost. 1950. Cast A Giant Shadow. 1966. General note From the United Artists motion picture "Cast A Giant Shadow." Cover features photograph of Kirk Douglas. Box 24 Cast Your Fate To The Wind. 1963. General note On cover: photograph of Shelby Flint Box 1088 Cast Your Fate to the Wind. General note Box PS 3 Box 407 Castle in the Sky -- The Wishing Song. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Virginia Gibson and Ward Ellis. theme songs from the motion picture "Once Upon A Honeymoon" Box 396 Castles in the Sand. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Seals & Crofts Box 545 Box 65 (I am Always Building) Castles in the Air. 1919. Cat People (Putting Out Fire). 1982. General note From the RKO-Universal motion picture "Cat People." Box 62 C-A-T Spells Cat. 1955. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Daddy Long Legs." 3 copies (different covers). One cover features a drawing of Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron. Box 396 Cat's in the Cradle. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Harry Chapin Box 414 Cat's in the Cradle: Made Easy for Organ. 1975. General note on cover: picture of two faded blue piano keyboards Box 410 Catalog Day. 1959. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 110 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 64 Catana. 1947. General note Theme from the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Captain From Castile." Box 396 Catching the Sun. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Spyro Gyra Box 410 Box 1088 Cathy. 1962. Cat's Pajamas. General note Box PS 3 Box 396 Caught Up In You. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of .38 Special Box 396 'Cause You Love Me, Baby. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Deniece Williams Box 65 Cavalcade (March-Song). 1933. General note From the Fox motion picture "Cavalcade." Box 1088 Cavaquinho. General note Box PS 3 Box 1089 Cavarde. General note Box PS 4 Box 418 Ce N'Est Pas La Fin Du Monde. 1942. General note on cover: photographs of Zarah Leander and Rose Avril. from the motion picture "Un Grand Amour" Box 22 Box 410 Cécile. 1914. Cela M'est Egal - If It's All the Same to You. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Claude Dauphin. From the Paramount motion picture "Little Boy Lost". 2 copies. Box 658 The Celebrated Tamborine Dance and Polka. 1849. General note Publisher no.: 5 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1365 Box 858 Celebration. 2009. General note on cover: collage consisting of photographs of Madonna Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 111 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 23 Box 1088 Celestial Chimes. 1870. Celestial Rag. General note Box PS 3 Box 390 Box 64 Ceremonial. 1966. C'est Magnifque. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 24 Box 24 Box 1088 C'est Si Bon. 1950. C'est Vrai. 1933. Cha Hua Hua. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Champagne Cocktail. General note Box PS 3 Box 53 A Chance at Love. 1955. General note As introduced on the CBS television program, "Studio One." Cover features a photograph of Paul Weston and Bernadine Read. Box 858 Chances. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of blue car Box 1088 Chanel. General note Box PS 3 Box 471 Change Original sheet music ed.. General note Publisher no.: PVM00049 Box 857 Change. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Taylor Swift Box 54 The Change in Me is You. 1986. General note Theme from the television show, "Santa Barbara." Lyrics also by George McGrath. Box 858 A Change is Gonna Come. 1964. General note on cover: photograph of Sam Cooke Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 112 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 396 Change of Heart. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Box 63 Change Partners. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree" featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 3 copies. Box 859 Change Partners. 1938. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "Carefree." On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 396 Change With the Times. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Van McCoy Box 471 Change Your Mind Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: : PVM00102 Box 396 Changes. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Loggins & Messina Box 414 Changes. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of David Bowie Box 396 Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Buffett Box 4 Box 494 Changing of the Guard at Buckinham Palace. 1966. Changing Keys Original sheet music ed.. 1984. Scope and Content Note Wheel of Fortune Theme General note SCB SZTV 87-4 Box 418 Chanson Triste. General note from the motion picture "Gages Immortelles" Box 1088 Chant of the Weed. General note Box PS 3 Box 407 A Chanukah Folk-Song. 1947. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 113 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 906 Chapel in Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 875 Chaplain of the Sky. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 13 Box 390 Box 398 Box 1143 Chariots of Fire. 1982. Chariots of Fire: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1982. Chariots of Fire. 1984. Charleston Charley. 1924. creator: Austin, Gene creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Mills, Irving creator: O'Hara, Emmet Scope and Content Three copies. Box 13 Charley, My Boy. 1924. General note Words and music also by Ted Fiorito. Cover features photographs of Russ Morgan, Lisa Kirk, Teddy Phillips, Louis Prima, the Andrews Sisters, and Tony Pastor. Box 6 Charlie, Last Name Wilson. 2005. creator: Kelly, Robert creator: Zomba Songs. Box 875 Charlie Was A Sailor. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Johnny Messner Box 58 Charlie's Angels (main title). 1977. General note Also written by Allyn Ferguson. Main title to the television series of the same title. 2 copies (different colors). Box 410 Charlotte Couldn't Charleston. 1964. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Robin and the 7 Hoods" Box 399 Box 13 Charm the Snake. 1985. Charmaine!. 1927. General note Words and music also by Lew Pollack. Box 464 Charmed Life Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Uptown Girls." General note SCB SZMP 04-4 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 114 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1143 Charmina. 1925. creator: Denton & Haskins Music Co.. creator: Jordan, Bayley creator: Rosas, J. creator: Yenomah, Francois Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Violet Palmer. Box 854 Charming. 1929. creator: Grey, Clifford creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Stothart, Herbert Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, "Devil May Care." On cover: photograph of Ramon Novarro. Box 1143 Chase Away My Cares. 1932. creator: Cross, Sylvester L. creator: Meredith, Jennie Irene Box 49 Chasing Cars. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353518 General note Words and music also by Tom Simpson, Paul Wilson, Jonathan Quinn, and Nathan Connolly. Recorded by Snow Patrol. Box 874 Chasing Pavements. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Adele Box 24 Box 854 Chasing Shadows. 1935. Chasing Shadows. 1935. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Davis, Benny creator: Silver, Abner Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Stuart Alby. Box 1088 Chatauqua. General note Box PS 3 Box 390 Chattahoochee. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Alan Jackson Box 1143 Cheatin' Blues. 1925. creator: Morison Blanche Music Co.. creator: Williams, Spencer Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 115 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 51 Checkin' My Heart. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 58 Checkmate Song. 1960. General note From the television series, "Checkmate." 2 ozalid copies. Box 24 Box 555 Cheek To Cheek. 1935. Cheek to Cheek. 1935. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO Radio motion picture, Top Hat. On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 874 Cheer Up Susie. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1143 Cheer Up the Old Folks at Home. 1924. creator: Mitchell, Sidney D. creator: Parker, Hal creator: Pollack, Lew creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content Three copies. On covers, photographs of Bobby Adams, Hal Parker and Joesy Moore. Box 872 Cheer Up, Uncle Sam!. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1143 Cheerie Beerie Re (From Sunny Italy). 1927. creator: Ham, Ho Young, 1868-1954--Arch creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Wayne, Mabel Box 24 Box 961 Cheerio. 1929. Cheerio Cherry Lips Cheerio. 1928. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Box 58 Theme from, "Cheers" (Where Everybody Knows Your Name). 1982. General note Theme from the television series of the same title. Also written by Judy Hart Angeleo. 2 copies. Box 396 Cheeseburger in Paradise. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Buffett Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 116 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1088 Chelsea Bun. General note Box PS 3 Box 24 Cherokee. 1938. General note 3 copies. Box 22 Box 414 Cherry. 1906. Cherry, Cherry. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 13 Cherry Stones. 1950. General note Cover features photograph of Evelyn Knight. Box 24 Box 58 The Chestnut Tree ('Neath the Spreading Chestnut Tree). 1938. Cheyenne. 1956. General note Theme from the Warner Brothers television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Clint Walker. Box 1088 Chiapanecas. General note Box PS 3 Box 418 Chica-Choca. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Greta Garbo. from the motion picture "Tvillingarna" Box 58 Chicago. 1982. General note Theme song from the television program, "Chicago Story." Also written by Jack Conrad. Box 859 Box 1088 Chicago. 1922. creator: Fisher, Fred Chicago Blues. General note Box PS 3 Box 410 Chicago Style. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, and Bob Hope. from the Paramount motion picture "Road to Bali" Box 1088 Chicken Feed. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 117 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1088 Chicken Reel. General note Box PS 3 Box 23 Box 58 Chickery Chick. 1945. Chico and the Man. 1975. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the program's co-stars. Box 410 Chico's Choo-Choo. 1959. General note on cover: photographs from the CinemaScope motion picture "Say One For Me" Box 64 Child Of The Universe. 1968. General note From the motion picture "Candy," Box 6 Box 418 Box 1088 Children's Garland of Christmas Carols for Piano. Children of the Lord. 1959. Chili Sauce. General note Box PS 3 Box 914 Chimes of San Gabriel. General note box su 114 Box 1088 Chimes of Saint Patrick's. General note Box PS 3 Box 390 Box 910 Chimes Through The Mist. 1939. Chimney Corner Dream. General note box su 43 Box 396 China. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of The Red Rockers Box 1088 China Boy. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 China Doll Parade. General note Box PS 3 Box 396 Box 414 China Girl. 1983. China Grove. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 118 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 25 Box 1143 (In A) Chinese Temple-Garden. 1923. Chinese Wedding Bells. 1920. creator: Davis, Wootson creator: Murtagh, Henry creator: The House O'Harmony. Box 854 Ching a Ling's Jazz Bazaar. 1920. creator: Bridges, Ethel creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 58 Theme From, "Chips". 1977. General note Theme from the MGM television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 21 Chiquita. 1928. creator: Gilbert, L. Wolfe creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Wayne, Mabel Box 24 Box 396 Box 1088 Chlo-e (Song Of The Swamp). 1927. Chloe. 1981. Choclo. General note Box PS 3 Box 464 Chocolat. 2000. General note Main title from the motion picture of the same title. SCB SZMP 01-18 Box 1088 Cholita. General note Box PS 3 Box 854 Chong (He Come From Hong Kong). 1919. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Weeks, Harold Box 1088 Chop Sticks. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Chopiano. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Chora Tua Tristeza. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 119 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 177 Chores. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note X SX 100000 Box 13 Box 56 The Chorus from the Kitchen. 1924. Chris's Theme. 1974. General note From the NBC television program, "How to Survivie a Marriage." Box 418 Box 1143 The Christ of Every Crisis. 1962. Christina. 1930. creator: Kendal, A.A. creator: McNeil, Henry E. Box 1143 Christofo Columbo (Thought the World Was Round-O). 1924. creator: Langworthy, Speed creator: Will Rossiter. Scope and Content Four copies. On covers, photographs of Leo Fitzpatrick, and Van and Schenck. Box 412 Christmas Alphabet: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 390 Box 859 Christmas Bash. 1991. Christmas Candles. 1970. creator: Lertzman, Carl M. creator: Musi-Cal Publishing, Co.. Box 26 Box 859 Christmas Island. 1946. Christmas Song, The (Merry Christmas to You). 1946. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Torme, Mel creator: Wells, Robert Box 53 The Christmas Spirit. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Box 410 Christmas is for Children. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Glen Campbell Box 858 Christmas List. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of several glass ornaments Box 414 Christmas Mem'ries. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of a snowy forest Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 120 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 857 Christmas Pipes. 2007. General note on cover: purple and blue patterned background Box 470 Chrome. 2001. General note SCB SZ03-64 Box 470 Chrome. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM02091. Original sheet music edition. General note recorded by Trace Adkins on Capitol Records. Box 58 The Chrysler Theatre Theme. 1963. General note From the television series, "The Chrysler Theatre." Box 1088 Church Mouse On a Spree. General note Box PS 3 Box 407 Box 1143 Chushu Achim, Chushu. 1939. Cielto Lindo = Beautiful Heaven. 1933. creator: Fernandez, C. creator: Freedman, Max C. creator: Morris Music Co.. Scope and Content Five copies, different covers. Box 22 Cigarette. 1935. General note from J. L. Sachs's production "A Royal Exchange" on cover: photograph of Ramon Novarro Box 410 A Cigarette and a Silhouette. 1942. General note 2 copies. Box 1088 Cinderella. General note Box PS 3 Box 858 Cinderella. 2007. General note on cover: light brown and yellow background Box 26 Cinderella Sue. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Jeanne Crain and Cornel Wilde Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 121 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 65 Cinderella Sue. 1946. General note From the 20th Century-Fox Picture "Centennial Summer." 2 copies. Box 65 Cinderella Sue. 1946. General note From the 20th Century-Fox Picture "Centennial Summer." 2 copies. Box 58 Cinderella March. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 2 copies (different covers). Box 58 Cinderella Waltz. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 2 copies (different covers). Box 910 Cindy. General note box su 43 Box 54 Cindy's Birthday. 1962. General note Also written by Jeff Hooven. Recorded by Johnny Crawford (pictured on cover) on the ABC television program, "The Rifleman." Box 555 La Cinquantaime = The Golden Wedding. 1929. creator: Century Music . creator: Gabriel Maire creator: Wilson, Mortimer Scope and Content Transcription by Mortimer Wilson. Box 410 Box 857 Circle This Day on the Calendar. 1966. Circus. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Britney Spears Box 545 Box 555 Ciribiribin. 1909. Ciribiribin. creator: Greenwald, M. creator: Pestalozza, H. Scope and Content English text by E.W.M. Box 23 Box 1088 City Of Laughter City Of Tears. 1920. City Rhapsody. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 122 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 6 City Set. 1967. creator: Lee Roberts Music Publications, Inc.. creator: Verne, Mary Box 54 Ciu Ciu Bella. 1956. General note aA heard in "The secret life of Danny Kaye", presented by "See it now" on CBS television. Cover features a photograph of Danny Kaye. Box 23 Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo). 1947. General note Includes: photograph of Reg Lewis Box 1088 Clap Hands. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Clarinet Marmalade. General note Box PS 3 Box 49 Clarity. 2003. General note Publisher no.: 02500706 General note Recorded by John Mayer. Box 1088 Classical Gas. General note Box PS 3 Box 13 Clayton's Grand March. 1936. General note Arranged, fingered, and edited by Moissaye Boguslawski Box 1088 Clayton's Grand March. General note Box PS 3 Box 875 Cleanin' My Rifle (And Dreamin' of You). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1088 Clementine. General note Box PS 3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 123 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 961 Clementine (From New Orleans). 1937. creator: Creamer, Henry creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Blossom Seeley. Seven copies. Box 1088 Clicquot. General note Box PS 3 Box 583 The Climax. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY118297. Box 858 The Climb. 2009. General note from Hannah Montana: The Movie. on cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus Box 192 Close. 1937. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rosalie." General note 4 copies. On cover: photograph of Nelson Eddy and Eleanor Powell. Box 24 Box 410 Close Enough for Love. 1978. (It Must Be Getting) Close to Christmas. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Glen Campbell Box 554 (They Long to Be) Close to You. 1963. creator: Bacharach, Burt creator: Blue Seas Music, Inc.. creator: David, Hal Scope and Content On the cover: photograph of The Carpenters. Box 583 Close to Your Heart. 1920. Scope and Content Note From Honey Girl, a musical version of "Checkers." General note SCB SY 118324-27 Box 857 Closer. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Ne-Yo Box 410 Closer Than A Kiss. 1958. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 124 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 412 Closer Than Friends. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Surface Box 858 Closer to Love. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Mat Kearney Box 1088 Clown of the Eiffel Tower. General note Box PS 3 Box 1088 Clownland. General note Box PS 3 Box 49 Clumsy. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353716 General note Words and music also by Bobby Troup and Will Adams. Recorded by Fergie. Box 494 Coach. 1990. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 90-2 Box 1143 Coal Miner's Dream, A. 1926. creator: Frank Clark, Inc.. creator: Sherman, Al creator: Tobias, Chas. Box 872 Coast Guard Forever. 1930. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 Coast Guard Victory Song. 1943. General note As sung anTruesdell gift. On cover: photograph of the United States Coast Guard Training Sta. Dance Orchestra Box 912 Coax Me, I'm In Love With You. General note box su 118 Box 906 Cockeyed Daughter (of the Cockeyed Mayor). General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 125 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 906 Cockeyed Mayor of Kaunakakai. General note Box SU 125 Box 854 Cocktails for Two. 1934. creator: Coslow, Sam creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Johnston, Arthur Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Murder at the Vanities. Box 66 Cocoanut Grove. 1938. General note From the motion picture, "Cocoanut Grove." Cover features photographs of Fred MacMurray, Harriet Hilliard, The Yacht Club Boys and others. Box 912 Coffee Time on the Old Rancho. General note box su 118 Box 1150 Cohen Owes Me Ninety Seven Dollars. General note box su 7 Box 396 Cold As Ice. 1977. General note on cover: caricature of Foreigner Box 471 Cold Day in July. 1981. General note SCB SZ00 70 Box 471 Cold Day in July. 1981. General note Publisher no.: PVM00087 Box 389 Cold One Comin' On. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352441 Sixteen Stars General note SCB SZ 02-26 Box 876 Colin Boy. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of Capt. Colin P. Kelly, Jr. Box 66 College Confidential. 1960. General note From the motion picture of the same title. Cover features photographs of Randy Sparks, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Walter Winchell and Mamie Van Doren. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 126 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 66 College Rhythm. 1934. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Rhythm." 5 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Joe Penner, Lanny Ross, Jack Oakie and Helen Mack. Box 66 College Swing. 1938. General note From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. 2 copies. One cover features photographs of George Burns, Gracie Allen, Martha Ray and Bob Hope. Box 854 Colleen O Mine. 1919. creator: O'Shea, Terence creator: Oliver Ditson Company. creator: Strickland, Lily Box 51 Colonel Hathi's March (the Elephant Song). 1966. General note From the Walt Disney motion picture, "The Jungle Book." Also written by Robert B. Sherman. Box 1089 Colonel Bogey. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Colonel Bogey -- Dog On The Radio. General note Box PS 4 Box 412 Color the Children: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 66 Colorado Sunset. 1938. General note From the motion picture of the same title. Box 912 Colorado. General note box su 118 Box 13 Colors of the Wind. 1995. General note Cover from the motion picture Pocahontas. Box 58 Colt 45. 1958. General note From the Warner Brothers television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the program's male lead. Box 66 Coma (Love Theme). 1978. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Coma." Also known as "Sunday's Moon." 2 copies (different covers). Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 127 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 66 The Comancheros. 1961. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture of the same title. Cover features a photograph of John Wayne, Stuart Whitman and Ina Balin. Box 49 Come A Little Closer. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00352998 General note Words and music also by Brett Beavers. Recorded by Dierks Bentley. Box 64 Come Along With Me. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 912 Come Along You Children. General note box su 118 Box 912 Come and Sing With Glenn. General note box su 118 Box 418 Box 20 Box 66 Come Away, My Love. 1970. Come Back to Erin. 1916. Come Back Charleston Blue. 1972. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture. Box 857 Come Back to Me. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of David Cook Box 912 Come Back Dear Girl of Mine. General note box su 118 Box 912 Come Back to Me. General note box su 118 Box 912 Come Back to Me. General note box su 118 Box 912 Come Back to Me and Bring Me Paradise. General note box su 118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 128 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 912 Come Back to Me My Dear. General note box su 118 Box 912 Come Back to My Mountain Again. General note box su 118 Box 922 Come Back Song. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Darius Rucker. Box 1089 Come Back to Sorrento = torna a Surriento. General note Box PS 4 Box 66 Come Blow Your Horn. 1963. General note From the motion picture of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 410 Come Blow Your Horn. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 912 Come, Come, Come (to the land of the beautiful sunshine). General note box su 118 Box 410 Come Dance With Me. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 22 Box 66 Come Down Ma Evenin' Star. 1902. Come Fly With Me. 1958. General note From the MGM motion picture. 2 copies. Cover features a photograph of Frankie Avalon. Box 410 Come Fly With Me. 1958. General note on covers: photographs from the Metro Goldwyn Mayer motion picture "Come Fly With Me" and of Frank Sinatra. Box 396 Come Go With Me. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of The Beach Boys Box 961 Come Home. 1932. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Koehler, Ted creator: Warren, Harry Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 129 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 912 Come Home at Close of Day. General note box su 118 Box 412 Come In From the Rain: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 66 Come Next Spring. 1955. General note From the Republic motion picture, "Next Spring." 2 copies, one cover features images of Ann Sheridan and Steve Cochran. Box 1143 Come On and Rock 'em With me. 1920. creator: Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co.. creator: Morton, Herbert L. creator: Smith, Helen C. Box 396 Come On Over. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 410 Box 412 Box 471 Come On Strong. 1962. Come On In (You Did the Best You Could Do). 1985. Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You). 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352203 Box 480 Come on Over (All I Want Is You) original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00119 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-175 Box 857 Come On Get Higher. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Matt Nathanson Box 857 Come On Over. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Jessica Simpson Box 872 Come On America!. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 130 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1143 Come On Baby. 1928. creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Clare, Sidney creator: Gottler, Archie creator: Pinkard, Maceo Scope and Content Eight copies. On covers, photographs of: Johnnie Clare; Benny Meroff; Freda & Palace; Myrtle Gordon; Arthur Gutow; Dolly Kay; Harold "Scrappy" Lambert, and Johnny Marvin. Box 66 Come September. 1961. General note Theme from the motion picture of the same title. 2 copies: one cover features photographs of Rock Hudson, Gina Lollobrigida, Sandra Dee and Bobby Darin, and one cover features a photograph of Bobby Darin. Box 46 Come So Far (Got So Far To Go). 2007. General note Publisher no.: 28446 General note Lyrics also by Marc Shaiman. Recorded by Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, and Elijah Kelley. On the cover "From the Motion Picture Soundtrack Hairspray." Box 24 Box 58 Come Sunday. 1946. Come to Me. 1957. General note From the television production, "Come to Me." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features a photograph of Johnny Mathis. Box 414 Come To Me. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of France Joli Box 554 Come to Me. 1931. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Sylva, B.G. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Henderson, Ray Scope and Content From the United Artists motion picture, "Indiscreet." On cover: photograph of Gloria Swanson. Box 2 Box 57 Come to the Fair. 1917. Come to Me, Bend to Me. 1947. General note From the ABC television program, "Brigadoon." Cover features a photograph of Robert Goulet. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 131 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 581 Come to St. Thomas's. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8662; M.W. & Sons 17318-4 Scope and Content Note From: Billie. General note SCB SY 118115 Box 912 Come to the Land of Sunshine. General note box su 118 Box 391 Box 48 Come Together. 1969. Come Touch the Sun. 1969. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Cover features a photograph of Burt Bacharach. Box 418 Box 912 Come Under the Palm-Room Tree. 1905. Come United Nations. General note box su 118 Box 418 Box 58 Come Unto Me. 1963. Come Walk the World. 1976. General note Theme from the television series of the same title. Box 410 Box 464 Come Waltz With Me. 1964. Come What May. 2001. General note From the motion picture, "Moulin Rouge." SCB SZMP 01-19 Box 464 Come What May Original sheet music edition.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01085 Almo Music General note From the motion picture, "Moulin Rouge." SCB SZMP 01-21 Box 1164 Come With Me and Paint Paree. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 418 Box 24 Come, Holy Spirit. 1964. Comes Love. 1939. General note From "Yokel Boy". 2 copies. Box 1143 Comfy, My Dear, With You. 1922. creator: Marr, Hannah Kingston creator: Music Service Company. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 132 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 27 Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer. 1943. General note On cover: photograph of Glen Gray. Box 49 Comin' To Your City. 2003. General note Publisher no.: 24606 General note Words and music also by Kenny Alphin. Recorded by Big and Rich. Box 872 Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 875 Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Eddie Cantor Box 876 Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Blue cover. Box 857 Coming Home For Christmas. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of a Christmas tree through a frosty window Box 865 Box 1143 Coming Home. 1944. Coming Home Today. 1925. creator: Netherow, D.I. creator: The Music Exchange. Box 912 Commandments of Love. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Common Oysters. General note Box PS 4 Box 469 Complicated original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02058 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-137 Box 1089 Conception. General note Box PS 4 Box 26 Concerto for Two (A Love Song). 1941. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Moncrieff Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 133 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1089 Concerto in Jazz. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Conchita. General note box su 118 Box 470 Concrete Angel Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM02093 General note recorded by Martina McBride on RCA Records Box 47 Coney Island. 1935. General note 2 copies. Also written by Al Dubin. From the motion picture, "Cain and Mabel." Cover features a photograph of Marion Davies and Clark Gable. Box 961 Coney Island. 1935. creator: Dubin, Al creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three copies. On covers: photographs of George Devron and Luigi Romanelli. Box 859 Confessin' (That I Love You). 1930. creator: Daugherty, Doc creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Neiburg, Al J. creator: Reynolds, Ellis Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 6 Confessions of a Broken Heart (From Daughter to Father). 2005. creator: DioGuardi, Kara creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Lohan, Lindsay creator: Wells, Greg Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lindsay Lohan. Two copies, different covers. Box 859 Confucius Say. creator: Friend, Cliff creator: Lombardo, Carmen creator: Olman Music Corporation. Scope and Content Cover only. On cover: photograph of Jean Brown. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 134 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1088 Congo Train. General note Box PS 3 Box 1089 Congo Train. General note Box PS 4 Box 13 Box 1089 The Connecticut March. 1932. Connecticut March. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Conscience, I'm Guilty. General note box su 118 Box 858 Consider Me Gone. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Reba McEntire Box 922 Consider Me Gone Original sheet music ed.. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Reba. Box 912 Consolation. General note box su 118 Box 410 Constantly. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. from the Paramount motion picture "Road to Morocco" Box 1143 Box 464 Constitution. 1948. creator: Henderson, W.J. Contact Original sheet music ed.. 1997. General note Publisher no.: PV97127 Warner Bros. Publications General note Main title from the motion picture. SCB SZMP 01-15 Box 859 Continental (You Kiss While You're Dancing). 1934. creator: Conrad, Con creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Magidson, Herb Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "The Gay Divorcee." On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 418 Conversion. 1945. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 135 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 910 Conversation While Dancing. General note box su 43 Box 912 Convicted. General note box su 118 Box 865 Cool. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "West Side Story." Box 414 Cool Change. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Little River Band Box 1089 Cool Tango. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Cool Water. General note box su 118 Box 922 Cooler Than Me. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Mike Posner. Box 1089 Cool Motor Scooter. General note Box PS 4 Box 396 Copacabana (At the Copa). 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Barry Manilow Box 419 Copacabana (At the Copa). 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Barry Manilow Box 27 Coquette. 1928. General note From the motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Mary Pickford. Box 555 Coquette. 1928. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the United Artists motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Mary Pickford. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 136 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 912 Coral Isle. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Coral Sunset. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Cornish Rhapsody. General note Box PS 4 Box 914 Coronado. General note box su 114 Box 914 Coronado. General note box su 114 Box 58 Coronet Blue. 1967. General note Theme from the CBS television series of the same title. Box 874 The Corporal Told the Private. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1089 Corrida. General note Box PS 4 Box 1091 Coslow (He-Y). General note Box SU 14 Box 1089 Cosmic Ray. General note Box PS 4 Box 63 Costa Rica. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." Box 1089 Costeno. General note Box PS 4 Box 1143 Cottage for Sale, A. 1930. creator: Conley, Larry creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Robison, Willard Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 137 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1089 Cotton Candy. General note Box PS 4 Box 1143 Could Anybody Ask For More. 1929. creator: Gusman, Meyer creator: Kendis, Gusman & Samuels, Inc.. creator: Kendis, James creator: Samuels, Frank Box 910 Could Be. General note box su 43 Box 471 Could I Have This Kiss Forever Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00077 Box 912 Could I But Pluck a Star. General note box su 118 Box 396 Box 912 Could It Be Magic. 1973. Could It Be. General note box su 118 Box 554 Count Every Star. 1950. creator: Coquatrix, Bruno creator: Gallop, Sammy creator: Pacton Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cove: photograph of Hugo Winterhalter. Box 912 Count the Stars. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Countdown. General note Box PS 4 Box 1143 Counting the Hours (Counting the Days, Counting the Years). 1928. creator: David, Hubert W. creator: Stampa, Reed creator: Worton David Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Marion Harris. Box 13 Country Gardens (Morris Dance). 1937. General note Arranged by Louis Victor Saar and William Baines. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 138 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 396 Country Side of Life. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Wet Willie Box 410 Country Style (Square Dance). 1947. General note 5 copies. Box 857 Country Boy. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Alan Jackson Box 857 Country Man. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Luke Bryan Box 1089 Country Gardens. General note Box PS 4 Box 1115 Box 1143 Country Strong. 2010. Couple Upstairs, The. 1925. creator: Davis, Benny creator: Greer, Jesse creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of organist of the California Theatre, San Francisco, CA., Glen Geoff. Box 1089 Courage. General note Box PS 4 Box 961 Cover a Clover With Kisses. 1931. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Warren, Harry Box 906 Cowards Over Pearl Harbor. General note Box SU 125 Box 414 Cowboy. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Eddy Arnold Box 912 Cowboy Country. General note box su 118 Box 858 Cowboy Casanova. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Carrie Underwood Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 139 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 922 Cowboy Casanova Original sheet music ed.. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Carrie Underwood. Box 389 The Cowboy in Me. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352437 BMG Songs General note SCB SZ 02-25 Box 390 Box 912 Cowboy Song. 1970. Cowboy Sweetheart. General note box su 118 Box 26 Box 912 Cowboys And Injuns. 1939. Cowboy's Life. General note box su 118 Box 912 Cowboys Never Cry. General note box su 118 Box 912 Cowboy's Rose. General note box su 118 Box 874 Cowgirls Dont' Cry. 2007. General note On cover: photograph of Brooks & Dunn Box 414 Coyote. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell ice-skating Box 1143 Cozy and Low. 1928. creator: McLeod, Keith creator: National Broadcasting, Co.. creator: Seymour, Katherine Scope and Content Advertisement on back for Sylvestre Fuel Oil Service. Box 414 Crackerbox Palace. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of George Harrison Box 414 Cracklin' Rosie. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 140 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1089 Cradle of Liberty. General note Box PS 4 Box 471 Crash and Burn Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00057 Box 469 Crawling in the Dark. General note SCB SZ 02-63 Box 49 Crazy. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353477 General note Words and music also by Thomas Callaway, GianPiero Reverberi and Gian Franco Reverberi. Recorded by Gnarls Barkley. Box 456 Crazy. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-107 Box 480 Crazy. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352254 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-45 Box 859 Crazy Bone Rag. 1913. creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. creator: Johnson, Chas. L. Box 480 Crazy For This Girl. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352242 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-31 Box 414 Crazy Love. 1979. General note on cover: line drawing of horse Box 859 Crazy People. 1932. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Monaco, James V. Box 1089 Crazy Rhythm. General note Box PS 4 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 141 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 418 Box 1143 Created In His Image. 1969. Creepy (A Skeleton Jazz). 1922. creator: Belwin Mills Publishing Corp.. creator: Breau, Louis creator: Hoff, Fred creator: Stevenson, E. Box 13 Box 656 The Cricket and the Bumble Bee. 1935. The Cricket and the Grasshopper (caprice). 1894. General note SCB SY 1300 Box 1143 Croon a Melody. 1926. creator: Kamaka, Chas. K. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of the MacDowell Sisters. Box 1143 Croon a Tune. 1924. creator: Glason, Billy creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Pollack, Lew Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Billy Glason. Box 1143 Croonin' Neath the Cotton-Pickin' Moon. 1921. creator: Branen, Jeff creator: Johnson, Frederick, 1904creator: T.S. Denison & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: Denison Songs ... Exclusive novelty numbers for musical comedies, minstrels, vaudeville revues and specialities. Box 1143 Crooning. 1921. creator: Caesar, William R. creator: Dubin, Al creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Weise, Herbert W. Scope and Content Three copies. Box 912 Crooning Moon. General note box su 118 Box 1073 Crosby (A - M). General note Box SU 87 Box 1074 Crosby (I - M). General note Box SU 88 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 142 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1143 (I've Got a) Cross-Eyed Papa (But He Looks Straight to Me). 1923. creator: Du Val, Billy creator: Ingraham, Roy creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Zany, King Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Marion Harris. Two copies. Box 62 Cross My Heart. 1956. General note Title song of the Paramount motion picture of the same title. Cover featues a photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Box 27 Cross Over the Bridge. 1954. General note On cover: photograph of Patti Page. Box 865 Cross Word Mama You Puzzle Me (But Papa's Gonna Figure You Out). 1924. General note On cover: photograph of Freddie Vogt. Box 912 Cross Word Mama. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Crossed Eye Cyclops. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Crossed Hands. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Crossroads. General note box su 118 Box 62 Crosswinds. 1951. General note From the motion picture of the same title. 3 copies (different covers). Cover features images of John Payne and Rhonda Fleming. Box 464 Cruisin'. 1979. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Duets." General note SCB SZMP 01-1 Box 27 Cruising Down the River (On a Sunday Afternoon). 1945. General note On cover: photograph of Blue Barron. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 143 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 858 Crush. 2008. General note on cover: green swirly pattern Box 13 Box 20 Cry. 1951. Cry. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Johnnie Ray Box 470 Cry. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-63 Box 554 Cry. 1951. creator: Kohlman, Churchill creator: Mellow Music Publishing. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnnie Ray. Box 912 Cry Baby. General note box su 118 Box 62 Cry For Happy. 1960. General note From the Columbia Pictures motion picture of the same title. Box 62 A Cry in the Night. 1956. General note From the Warner Brothers motion picture of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Natalie Wood and Edmond O'Brien. Box 399 Cry Just A Little Bit. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Sylvia Box 758 Cry Like the Wind. 1960. General note From the musical, "Do Re Mi." One cover features a drawing of Phil Silvers. (Three copies, different covers.) Box 543 Cry Me a River. 1955. General note Dudley gift. Box 912 Cry of the Wild Goose. General note box su 118 Box 391 Cryin' for the Moon. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Benny Meroff Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 144 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 1143 Crying For the Moon. 1922. creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Wendling, Pete Box 912 Crying. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Crystal (My True Crystal). General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Cuando Surgen los Recuerdos. General note Box PS 4 Box 1150 (I'll See You in) C U B A. General note box su 7 Box 62 Cuban Love Song. 1931. General note From the motion picture of the same title. 5 copies (different covers). Box 62 Cuban Pete. 1946. General note From the Universal motion picture of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Desi Arnaz. Box 859 Cuban Pete. 1936. creator: Hollywood Songs, Inc.. creator: Norman, Jose Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Eddy Duchin. Box 912 Cubanella. General note box su 118 Box 914 Cucamonga. General note box su 114 Box 62 La Cucaracha. 1934. General note From the R.K.O. motion picture of the same title. 2 copies. Cover features a photograph of Steffi Duna and Don Alvarado. Box 1143 Cucaracha, La. 1934. creator: Morris Music Co.. creator: Potter, Harold Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 145 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 912 Cuckoo. General note box su 118 Box 912 Cuckoo Bird Waltz. General note box su 118 Box 910 Cuckoo in the Clock. General note box su 43 Box 1089 Cuckoo Waltz. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Cucusa. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Cumana. General note Box PS 4 Box 62 El Cumbanchero. 1943. General note Featured in the Universal motion picture, "Cuban Pete." Cover features a photograph of Desi Arnaz. Box 1089 Cumparsita. General note Box PS 4 Box 62 The Cup of Fury (Cup of Love). 1919. General note Suggested by the Goldwyn motion picture of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Rupert Hughes. Box 912 Cupid. General note box su 118 Box 396 Curious Mind. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Rivers Box 912 Curly. General note box su 118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 146 Works in English: Titles: C's. Series 3. Box 62 Curly Top. 1935. General note From the Fox motion picture of the same title. 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Shirley Temple, John Boles and Rochelle Hudson. Box 396 Cut the Cake. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of the Average White Band Box 58 Cutter to Houston. 1983. General note From the MGM UA television series, "Cutter to Houston." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 859 Cynthia's in Love. 1942. creator: A.B.C. Music Corp. creator: Gish, Earl creator: Owens, Jack creator: White, Billy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 13 The Czarina. General note Revised by Geo. Schaffer. Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 913 A Dim Skal, A Min Skal. General note box su 116 Box 408 Box 414 Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home). 1963. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart Box 912 Dad Gave My Dog Away. General note box su 118 Box 480 Dad's Room original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00130 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-174 Box 876 Daddy Let's Play Soldier. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a man reading a letter from his son Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 147 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 62 Daddy Long Legs. 1955. General note From the motion picture of the same title. 3 copies (different covers). One cover features a drawing of Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron. Box 62 Daddy Longlegs. 1919. General note On cover, "Inspired by Mary Pickford in Jean Webster's celebrated play, "Daddy Long Legs." 2 copies. Cover features a photograph of Mary Pickford. Box 23 Box 654 Box 396 (He's Got Those Big Blue Eyes Like You) Daddy Mine. 1918. (He's Got Those Big Blue Eyes Like You) Daddy Mine. 1918. Daddy's Home. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Cliff Richard Box 62 Daffy Duck. 1955. General note From the cartoon of the same title. Cover features a drawing of a duck. Box 62 Daffy Duck's Race. 1955. General note From the cartoon, "Daffy Duck." Cover features an illustration of a duck. Box 912 Daintly Brenda Lee. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Dainty Doll. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dainty Miss. General note Box PS 4 Box 525 Daisy Deane. 1863. Box 396 Daisy Jane. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of America Box 144 Dakota. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" General note SCB SX 113991 Box 144 Dakota. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" General note SCB SX 113991. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 148 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 58 Dallas. 1979. General note Theme from the television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 62 The Dam Busters March. 1954. General note From the Associated British motion picture of the same title. 2 copies (different covers). Both covers features images of Richard Todd. Box 62 Dames. 1934. General note From the motion picture, "Dames." 3 copies (different covers). Box 912 Dami tu cuori = Give Me Your Heart. General note box su 118 Box 876 Damn the Torpedoes (Full Speed Ahead). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Eddie Cantor Box 391 Box 1089 Dance. 1992. Dance and Grow Thin. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance Apache. General note Box PS 4 Box 396 Box 27 Dance Away. 1979. Dance Me Loose. 1951. General note On cover: photograph of Aurthur Godfrey with The Chordettes. Box 1143 Dance o Mania. 1920. creator: Bayha, Charles A. creator: Cooper, Joe creator: Gilbert & Friedland, Inc.. creator: Gilbert, L. Wolfe Scope and Content Two copies, different covers. Box 13 Box 555 Dance of the Demon. 1905. Dance of the Honey Bees. 1939. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Richmond, Benjamin Box 24 Box 27 (The Brilliant) Dance Of The Hours. 1921. Dance of the Merry Legs. 1905. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 149 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 1089 Dance of the Demon. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance of the Kutie Kids. General note Box PS 4 Box 1143 Dance of the Kutie Kids. 1919. creator: Chas. E. Raot Music Co.. creator: Roat, Charles E. Box 1089 Dance of the Notes. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance of the Stars. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance of the Tinker Toys. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance of the Wooden Dolls. General note Box PS 4 Box 414 Dance the Night Away. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Van Halen Box 471 Dance Tonight. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352184 Box 480 Dance Tonight original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00094 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-173 Box 912 Dance to the Bop. General note box su 118 Box 414 Dance Wit Me. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Chaka Khan and the group Rufus Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 150 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 414 Dance With You. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Carrie Lucas Box 480 Dance With Me original sheet music ed.. 1954. General note Publisher no.: PVM00178 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-44 Box 396 Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Chic Box 555 The Dancer. 1933. creator: Carl Fischer, Inc.. creator: Littoff, Maxim Box 1078 Dancing -- Dream Kiss. General note Box NSO 3 Box 912 Dancing and Dreaming of You. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dancing Away the Years. General note box su 118 Box 390 Box 57 Dancing Bear. 1954. Dancing Clown. 1951. General note From the CBS television program, "Big Top." Also written by Joseph de Masi. Cover features photographs of Cris Keegan, Joe Basile and Ed McMahon. Box 1089 Dancing Doll. General note Box PS 4 Box 865 Dancing Honeymoon. 1922. Scope and Content Note From the show, Battling Buttler. Box 391 Box 1089 Dancing in a Dream. 1955. Dancing in the Barn. General note Box PS 4 Box 24 Box 912 Dancing In The Dark. 1941. Dancing in the Street. General note box su 118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 151 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 580 Dancing My Worries Away. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118419 Box 580 Dancing My Worries Away. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118420 Box 1089 Dancing Princess. General note Box PS 4 Box 414 Dancin' Round and Round. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 13 Box 1089 Dancing Shadows. 1932. Dancing Tambourine. General note Box PS 4 Box 62 Dancing the Devil Away. 1926. General note Featured in the motion picture, "The Cuckoos." 2 copies. Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Lee. Box 62 Dancing Through Life. 1955. General note From the motion picture, "Daddy Long Legs." 3 copies (different covers. One cover features an illustration of Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron. Box 912 Dancing to the Melody of Love. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Dancing Toys. General note Box PS 4 Box 543 Dancing With Tears in My Eyes. 1930. General note On cover: photograph of Rudey Vallee. Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 152 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 859 Dancing With Tears in My Eyes. 1930. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Dubin, Al creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rudy Valee. Box 854 Dancing With Tears in My Eyes. 1930. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Dubin, Al creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 418 Box 58 Dancing With You. 1942. Daniel Boone. 1964. General note Them from the television series of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 912 Daniel O'Brien and Young Paddy O'Shea. General note box su 118 Box 859 Dardanella. 1947. creator: Bernard, Felix creator: Black, Johnny S. creator: Fisher, Fred creator: Fred Fisher Music Co., Inc.. Box 859 Dardanella. 1960. creator: Bernard, Felix creator: Black, Johnny S. creator: Fisher, Fred creator: Fred Fisher Music Co., Inc.. Box 1089 Danke Schoen. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Danny Bop. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Danse Neapolitaine. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dance Orientale. General note Box PS 4 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 153 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 912 Dante's Inferno. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Danube Waves. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Darby's Ram. General note box su 118 Box 398 Dare Me. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of The Pointer Sisters Box 469 Dare to Dream. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-110 Box 480 Dare to Dream. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00149 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-172 Box 1089 Dark Eyes. General note Box PS 4 Box 859 Dark Eyes. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Manoloff, Bernice creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Men of Notes. Box 912 Dark Moon. General note box su 118 Box 859 Darktown Strutters' Ball. 1945. creator: Brooks, Shelton creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 912 Darling. General note box su 118 Box 912 Darling I'm Crazy About You. General note box su 118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 154 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 408 Box 410 Box 48 Box 63 Darn That Dream. 1939. Darn That Dream. 1939. Dat Ole Debbil Consequence. [1942?]. Dat's Love. 1943. General note From the Otto Preminger motion picture "Carmen Jones." Box 63 Dat's Love. 1943. General note From the Otto Preminger motion picture "Carmen Jones." Box 1150 Dat's a My Gal. General note box su 7 Box 1089 Dawn Dance. General note Box PS 4 Box 13 Box 650 Dawn of To-Morrow. 1927. Dawn Waltz. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1234 Box 650 Dawn Waltz. 18--. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1234 Box 20 The Day After Forever. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. from the Paramount motion picture "Going My Way" Box 21 The Day After Forever. 1944. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 General note from the Paramount picture "Going My Way" on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 410 Box 859 The Day After Forever. 1944. Day After Forever, The. 1944. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Going My Way." On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 13 Day by Day. 1945. General note Words and music also by Axel Stordahl and Paul Weston. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 155 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 20 Box 24 Day By Day In Every Way I'm Getting Better Day By Day. 1923. Day By Day In Every Way (I Love You More And More). 1923. General note on cover: photograph of Ben Black's Band Box 912 Day By Day. General note box su 118 Box 912 Day by Day in Every Way (I Love You More and More). General note box su 118 Box 418 Box 545 Box 910 Day Dreaming. 1924. Day Dreams Visions of Bliss. 1909. Day In Day Out. General note box su 43 Box 912 Day is Dawning: This Side of Heaven. General note box su 118 Box 47 Day Old Bread and Canned Beans. 1957. General note Also written by Damita Joe and Don Hill. Featured in the motion picture, "The Treniers." From "Calypso Heat Wave." Box 758 The Day the Snow is Meltin. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 The Day the Snow is Meltin. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 912 Day Time Night Time and You. General note box su 118 Box 396 Day Tripper. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Anne Murray Box 555 The Day You Came Along. 1933. creator: Coslow, Sam creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Johnston, Arthur Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 156 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 906 Day You Say Goodbye (to Old Hawaii). General note Box SU 125 Box 912 Day You Said Good Bye. General note box su 118 Box 396 Daybreak. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Barry Manilow Box 555 Daybreak. 1942. creator: Adamson, Harold creator: Grofe, Ferde creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content Based on theme of "Mardi Gras" from Mississippi Suite. On cover: photograph of Art Jarrett. Box 414 Daydreamer. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of David Cassidy Box 396 Daylight Katy. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 396 Days of Wine and Roses. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 912 Days of '49. General note box su 118 Box 912 Days of Joy Have Come to Stay. General note box su 118 Box 912 Days of Long Ago. General note box su 118 Box 912 Days of My Youth. General note box su 118 Box 912 Days of San Luis Rey. General note box su 118 Box 418 De Eviga Tre. 1950. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 157 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 912 Deacon Jones. General note box su 118 Box 47 The Deadwood Stage (Whip Crack Away). 1953. General note 5 copies. From the motion picture, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 914 Dear California. General note box su 114 Box 912 Dear Carrie Mae. General note box su 118 Box 13 Dear Heart. 1964. General note Words also by Ray Evans. Cover features photograph of Glenn Ford and Geraldine Page. Box 21 Dear Heart. 1919. creator: C.C. Church & Co.. creator: Goldsmith, Willard creator: Lefavre, Jean creator: Polla, William Box 859 Dear Heart. 1964. creator: Evans, Ray creator: Livingston, Jay creator: Mancini, Henry--Archives. creator: Northridge Music Inc.. Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Glenn Ford and Geraldine Page. Box 23 Dear Hearts And Gentle People. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Benny Strong Box 859 Dear Hearts and Gentle People. 1949. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Fain, Sammy creator: Hilliard, Bob Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dinah Shore. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 158 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 854 Dear Hearts and Gentle People. 1949. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Fain, Sammy creator: Hilliard, Bob Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dinah Shore. Box 912 Dear Heart good Night. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear John Letter. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Little Girl (When I'm With You). General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Little Girl Don't Cry. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Little Girl of Mine. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Little Isle o'er the Sea. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Love. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Mother of Mine. General note box su 118 Box 912 Dear Okie. General note box su 118 Box 24 Box 24 Box 62 Dear Old Chicago. 1924. Dear Old Milwaukee. 1924. Dear Old Daddy Long Legs. 1919. General note On cover, "Selected by and dedicated to Mary Pickford in conjunction with her photoplay [motion picture] of the same name. 2 copies. Cover features photographs of Mary Pickford. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 159 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 545 Dear Old Girl. 1903. General note On cover: photograph of Theodore Morse. Box 812 Dear Old Dublin. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kitty Darlin." Box 912 Dear Old Chinatown. General note box su 118 Box 914 Dear Old Humboldt County. General note box su 114 Box 27 Box 912 Dear One. 1924. Dear One. General note box su 118 Box 414 Dear Prudence. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Katfish Box 876 Dearest One Wherever You Are. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Pauline Geary Box 912 Dearest (You are the Nearest). General note box su 118 Box 410 Dearest, Darest I. 1940. General note on cover: photographs from the Paramount motion picture "Love Thy Neighbor" Box 912 Dearie Listen. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Debutante. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Deck of Cards. General note box su 118 Box 418 Box 858 Deck the Halls. 1972. Decode. 2008. General note from the motion picture "Twilight" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 160 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 758 Dee Lightful is the Word. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 Dee-Lightful is the Word. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 1089 Deenah: My Argentina Rose. General note Box PS 4 Box 494 Deep, Deep Trouble. 1991. Scope and Content Note From the television program, "The Simpsons." General note SCB SZTV 91-11 Box 418 Deep Down South. 1930. General note featured in the Pathe Musical Western Production "Pardon My Gun" Box 1089 Deep Forest. General note Box PS 4 Box 24 Deep in A Dream. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Ozzie Nelson Box 410 Deep in a Dream. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Lou Breese Box 876 Deep in the Land of Axis. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a plane and a pilot's face Box 912 Deep in the Blues. General note box su 118 Box 961 Deep in Your Eyes. 1932. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Four copies. On cover: photograph of William Hall. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 161 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 854 Deep in Your Eyes. 1920. creator: Jacobi, Victor creator: Le Baron, William creator: T.B. Harms Company. Box 396 Deep Inside My Heart. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Randy Meisner Box 21 Deep Night. 1929. creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Henderson, Charlie creator: Vallee, Rudy General note on cover: photograph of Rudy Vallée Box 21 Deep Purple. 1934. creator: DeRose, Peter creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Box 26 Box 543 Deep Purple. 1934. Deep Purple. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Doris Rhodes. Dudley gift. Box 859 Deep Purple. 1939. creator: DeRose, Peter creator: Parish, Mitchell creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content Two copies, different covers. On cover: photograph of Dick Todd. Box 390 Box 854 Deep River. 1942. Deep River. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Smock, Jim Scope and Content On cover: photograph of George Olson and Ethel Shutta. Box 910 Deep South: in My Heart. General note box su 43 Box 912 Deepfreeze Dinah. General note box su 118 Box 875 Defend Your Country. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 162 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 875 Defense March. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of "Dixie" and her Ranch Boys Box 49 Deja Vu. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353520 General note Words and music also by Rodney Jerkins, Shawn Carter, John Webb Jr., Beyonce Knowles, Delisha Thomas, and Kelly Price. Recorded by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z. Box 1089 Delicado (Baiao). General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Delilah. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Delirium. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dengozo. General note Box PS 4 Box 396 Department of Youth. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Alice Cooper Box 414 Dependin' On You. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 875 Der Fuehrer's Face. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 407 Box 407 Box 407 Box 912 Der Hamer Un Der Serp. 1929. Der Internazional. 1917. Der Rebi Elimelech (Humoresque). 1935. Desert Nights: a Nomad Romance. General note box su 118 Box 471 Desert Rose. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352183 Box 1089 Desert Rumba. General note Box PS 4 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 163 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 914 Desert Serenade. General note box su 114 Box 1089 Desert's Dream. General note Box PS 4 Box 396 Desiree. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 396 Desperado. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 408 Box 414 Desperado. 1973. Desperado. 1973. General note on cover: photographs of The Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, and Johnny Rodriguez Box 58 The Destiny Theme. 1957. General note Theme to the television program, "Destiny." Box 758 Destry Rides Again. Piano Selection. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Box 418 Box 961 Det Borjade Med Ett Glas Champagne. 1936. Devil May Care. 1940. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Eleven copies. On covers: photographs of Bob Chester, Bing Crosby, Bobby Byrne, Glen Garr, Cecil Golly, Ray Heatherton, Ray Herbeck, Al Kavelin, and Jonny McGee. Box 912 Devil Ran (When He First Saw His Shadow). General note box su 118 Box 912 Devil to Pay. General note box su 118 Box 396 The Devil Went Down To Georgia. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Charlie Daniels Band Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 164 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 469 The Devil Went Down to Georgia. 1979. General note SCB SZ 02-64 Box 396 Devil's Gun. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of C.J. & Co Box 758 Devotion Operatic Edition. 1921. General note Inspired by the musical, "Devotion." Cover features a photograph of Hazel Dawn. Box 657 The Dew Drop Waltz. 1868. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1330 Box 407 Box 406 Box 407 Box 407 Box 398 Di Alte Kashe (The Ancient Question). 1948. Di Russishe Lach Polke. 1937. Di Shivue (The Oath). 1929. Di Soche. 1945. Diamond in the Dark. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Mark Gray Box 758 Diamond Lil. 1928. General note From the musical of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Mae West. Box 23 (I'm In Heaven When I See You Smile) Diane. 1927. General note incomplete Box 58 Dick Van Dyke Theme. 1970. General note Theme from the television program. Box 912 Did-ee. General note box su 118 Box 414 Did You No Wrong. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of the J. Geils Band Box 912 Did You Ever Kiss a Dream Goodnight. General note box su 118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 165 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 859 Did You Ever See a Dream Walking. 1933. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Sitting Pretty." On cover: photographs of Jack Oakie, Jack Haley and Ginger Rogers. Box 912 Did You Stop to Pray This Morning. General note box su 118 Box 20 Did Your Mother Come From Ireland. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 406 Box 456 Die Altinke Fidele. 1928. Differences. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352385 Sony/ATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 01-148 Box 389 Dig In. 2001. General note Publisher no.: 02500472 Miss Bessie Music General note SCB SZ 02-35 Box 1089 Dill Pickles. General note Box PS 4 Box 469 Dillema original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02067 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-138 Box 469 Dillema original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02067 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-138,139 Box 414 Dim All The Lights. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Donna Summer Box 418 Dime. 1935. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 166 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 912 Dimples (I Love Your Dimples). General note box su 118 Box 22 Dinah. 1925. General note on cover: photograph of Miss Jennie Hartley Box 912 Dinah Lee. General note box su 118 Box 58 Ding a Ling, Ding a Ling. 1965. General note From the ABC television musical comedy special, "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood." 2 copies. Box 912 Ding Dong. General note box su 118 Box 912 Ding Dong Doodle Deedle Do. General note box su 118 Box 859 Dinner For One Please, James. 1935. creator: Carr, Michael creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. Box 1089 Dinner Music For a Pack of Hungry Cannibals. General note Box PS 4 Box 494 Dinosaurs. 1992. General note Publisher no.: HL00353068 Scope and Content Note Main title from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 93-7 Box 6 A Dip in the Pool. 1962. creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. creator: Mana-Zucca Box 408 Box 470 Dippy Doodlums. 1919. Dirty Original sheet music edition. 2002. General note recorded by Christina Aguilera on RCA Records Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 167 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 859 Dirty Hands Dirty Face. 1923. creator: Clarke & Leslie Songs, Inc.. creator: Jolson, Al, estimated 1886-1950 creator: Monaco, James V. Scope and Content Featured in "Bombo" at the Winter Garden, NY, 1923. On cover: photograph of Al Jolson. Box 49 Dirty Little Secret. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00352995 General note Words and music also by Nick Wheeler. Recorded by The All American Rejects. Box 414 Dirty White Boy. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the group Foreigner Box 414 Dis-Gorilla (Part 1). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Rick Dees Box 414 Disco Duck (Part 1). 1976. General note on cover: caricature of Rick Dees head on a duck's body Box 414 Disco Duck (Part 1): Made Easy for Piano. 1977. General note on cover: picture of faded purple piano keyboard Box 56 Disco Lucy (I Love Lucy Theme). 1953. General note From the television series "I Love Lucy." Box 922 Discombobulate Original sheet music ed.. 2009. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Sherlock Holmes." Box 410 Box 470 Discouraged Over You. 1958. Disease. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-62 Box 758 The Dish Washer. 1934. General note On item, "As sung by the celebrated artist Herman Yablokoff in his new musical production, "The Dishwasher." Cover features a photograph of the composer. Box 758 The Disney World March. 1972. General note Keyword, musical. Box 390 Box 418 Distant Chimes. 1969. Distant Shores. 1966. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 168 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 857 Disturbia. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Rihanna Box 1089 Dites Moi = Tell Me. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Ditto. General note Box PS 4 Box 912 Divorce Me C.O.D.. General note box su 118 Box 1089 Dixie Breakdown. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dixie Darlings. General note Box PS 4 Box 1089 Dixie Rube. General note Box PS 4 Box 58 Dixie Showboat. 1951. General note As featured on the television program, "Dixie Showboat." Professional copy. Box 912 Dixieana. General note box su 118 Box 910 Dixieland Band. General note box su 43 Box 13 Dizzy Fingers (Novelty). 1923. General note Arranged by Pietro Deiro. Box 13 Dizzy Fingers. 1923. General note Cover features photograph of Zez Confrey. Box 922 DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Usher. Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 169 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 858 Do I. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Luke Bryan Box 758 Do I Hear a Waltz. 1965. General note From the musical of the same title. Three copies (different covers). Box 961 Do I Love My Teacher (Oh Yes Ma'am). creator: Dubin, Al creator: Warren, Harry Box 859 Do I Love You? (When There's Nothing But Yes in My Eyes). 1925. creator: Christine, H. creator: Francis Salabert, Inc.. creator: Goetz, Ray E. Scope and Content From "Naughty Cinderella." On cover: photograph of Irene Bordoni. Box 58 Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 6 copies (different covers). Box 414 Do It To My Mind. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Bristol Box 49 Do It Well. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353711 General note Words and music also by Anita Poree, Frank Wilson and Ryan Tedder. Recorded by Jennifer Lopez. Box 407 Box 758 Do Not Sleep. 1944. Do Re Mi. 1961. General note From the musical, "Do Re Mi." Piano selection. One cover features a drawing of Phil Silvers, and one cover features a drawing of Max Bygraves. Box 414 Do That Stuff. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of the group Parliament Box 494 Do the Bartman. 1990. General note Publisher no.: HL00355892 Scope and Content Note From the television program, "The Simpsons." General note SCB SZTV 91-6 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 170 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 911 Do Unto Others (As You Would Have Them Do Unto You). General note Box SU 119 Box 46 Do You. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353671 General note Music also by Marcus Allen and Melvin Sparkman. Recorded by Ne-Yo. Box 418 Do You Believe In Magic?. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of The Lovin' Spoonful Box 857 Do You Believe Me Now. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Wayne Box 555 Do You Care. 1941. creator: Campbell Music Co.. creator: Elliott, Jack creator: Quadling, Lew Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Blue Barron. Box 872 Do You Dream?. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 865 Do You Ever Dream of Vienna. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Little Mary Sunshine." Box 858 Do You Feel Me. 2007. General note from the motion picture "American Gangster" Box 7 Box 7 Do You Know the Way to San Jose. Do You Know The Way To San Jose. 1968. General note Cover features photograph of Dionne Warwick. Box 859 Do You Know What it Means to Miss New Orleans. 1946. creator: Alter, Louis creator: DeLange, Eddie creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. Box 410 Do You Know Why. 1940. General note on cover: stills from the Paramount motion picture "Love Thy Neighbor" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 171 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 911 Do You Know That I Love You. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Do You Know What I'm Doin'. General note Box SU 119 Box 399 Do You Want Crying. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Katrina and the Waves Box 410 Do You Wanna Jump, Children. 1938. General note on covers: photographs of Kay Kyser and Al Donohue. Box 396 Do Your Dance (Part 1). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Rose Royce Box 408 Box 58 Do Your Christmas Loving Early. 1993. Dobie. 1959. General note Theme song frmo the "Dobie Gillis" television program. Cover features photographs of the cast. Box 58 Theme From "Doc Elliot". 1973. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Box 419 (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 Box 58 Theme From "Dr. Kildare". 1962. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Music also by Pete Rugolo. Cover features a photograph of Richard Chamberlain. Box 24 Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?. 1969. General note From the Columbia L. P. "Chicago Transit Authority" Box 62 Does Baby Feel Alright. 1956. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Cross My Heart." Cover features a photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Box 410 Does Baby Feel All Right?. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. from the motion picture "Cross My Heart" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 172 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 911 Does You. General note Box SU 119 Box 858 Doesn't Mean Anything. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Alicia Keys Box 414 Dog & Butterfly. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the group Heart Box 1093 Dog Town Blues -- Floreine. General note Box PS 5 Box 58 Dogface. 1959. General note Theme from the Globe-CBS television series, "Dogface." Box 583 Dead End. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118298 Box 21 Doh Ray Me (Or The Music Lesson). 1923. creator: Duncan Sisters. creator: Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd.. General note from "Topsy And Eva". Suggested by "Uncle Tom's Cabin." On cover: photograph of The Duncan Sisters. Box 911 Doin' the New Racoon. General note Box SU 119 Box 554 Doin' What Comes Natur'lly. 1946. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the Rodgers and Hammerstein show, "Annie Get Your Gun." Box 26 Box 874 Doll Dance. 1927. Don't. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Billy Currington Box 410 Don't Be A Do-Badder. 1964. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Robin and the 7 Hoods" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 173 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 6 Don't Bother. 2005. creator: Edwards, Graham creator: Ensign Music Corporation. creator: Shakira creator: Spock, Scott Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Shakira. Box 21 Don't Bring Lulu. 1925. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Henderson, Ray creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Rose, Billy Box 399 Don't Call Him A Cowboy. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Conway Twitty Box 410 Box 6 Don't Call Me - I'll Call You. 1964. Don't Cha. 2005. creator: Callaway, Thomas creator: Notting Hill Music. creator: Ray, Anthony Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Pussycat Dolls. Box 399 Don't Come Around Here No More. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Petty Box 419 Don't Cry Out Loud. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Melissa Manchester Box 23 Don't Do That To The Poor Puss Cat. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Lily Morris Box 418 Box 6 Don't Ever Get A Broken Heart. 1948. Don't Forget About Us. 2005. creator: Austin, Johnta creator: Carey, Mariah creator: Cox, Bryan Michael creator: Dupri, Jermaine creator: W.B.M. Music Corp.. Box 859 Don't Get Around Much Anymore. 1942. creator: Ellington, Duke creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: russell, Bob Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 174 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 396 Don't Give It Up. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Robbie Patton Box 410 Box 412 Don't Give Me a Ring on the Telephone. 1958. Don't Give Candy to a Stranger. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Boone Box 418 Don't Give Up. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Petula Clark Box 418 Don't Give Up On Us. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of David Soul Box 554 Don't Go In the Lion's Cage Tonight. 1939. creator: Gilroy, John creator: Goetz, Ray E. creator: Vogel Music Co., Inc.. Box 418 Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Crystal Gayle Box 396 Don't Let the Flame Burn Out. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Jackie De Shannon Box 418 Don't Leave My Poor Heart Breaking. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Elliot Lawrence Box 418 Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying. 1964. General note on cover: photograph of Gerrard Marsden Box 399 Don't Lose My Number. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Collins Box 412 Box 396 Don't Make Me Over. 1962. Don't Misunderstand Me. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Rossington Collins Band Box 418 Box 872 Don't Say Goodbye. 1953. Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else But Me). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 175 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 555 Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else But Me). 1942. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Stept, Sam H. creator: Tobias, Charlie Scope and Content Two copies. On covers photographs of Lanny Ross and Glenn Miller. Box 859 Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else But Me). 1942. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Stept, Sam H. creator: Tobias, Charlie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bob Crosby. Box 390 Don't Stop. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 396 Don't Stop. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 414 Don't Stop It Now. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the group Hot Chocolate Box 857 Don't Stop the Music. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Rihanna Box 858 Don't Stop Believin'. 1981. General note on cover: picture of a winged scarab Box 874 Don't Steal the Sweetheart of a Soldier. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 13 Don't Take Your Love From Me. General note Introduced and featured by Joan Brooks. Box 874 Don't Think I Can't Love You. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Jake Owen Box 414 Don't Touch Me There. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Tubes Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 176 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 858 Don't Trust Me. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of 3OH!3 Box 398 Don't Underestimate My Love For You. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Lee Greenwood Box 758 Donnybrook. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 Donnybrook. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 911 Don't Be That Way. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Be That Way: Please Listen to Me. General note Box SU 119 Box 545 Don't Bite the Hand That's Feeding You. 1915. General note On cover: photograph of Ed Morton. Box 46 Don't Blink. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353697 General note Words and music also by Chris Wallin. Recorded by Kenny Chesney. Box 580 Don't Do Anything Till You Hear From Me operatic ed.. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118448 Box 911 Don't Do It. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Ever Love Me. General note Box SU 119 Box 914 Don't Get Stopped in Beverly Hills. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 177 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 911 Don't Give Up. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 (When You Feel Like You're In Love) Don't Just Stand There. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Kiss me and Then Say Good Bye. General note Box SU 119 Box 469 Don't Know Why. 2002. General note Publisher no.: HL00352535 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 02-140 Box 911 Don't Leave Me Alone. General note Box SU 119 Box 51 Don't Let This Night Get Away. 1955. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Jupiter's Darling." Cover features a photograph of Esther Williams and Howard Keel. Box 394 Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know Orignal sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01052 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-202 Box 469 Don't Let Me Get Me. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-65 Box 911 Don't Let the Stars Get In Your Eyes. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Make Your Sweet Mama Cry Over You. General note Box SU 119 Box 126 Don't Marry Me. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1038-6 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song. General note SX 105343 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 178 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 289 Don't Marry Me. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1038-6 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song. General note SX 128470, 128471 Box 911 Don't Put a Tax on Love. General note Box SU 119 Box 910 Don't Run Away From the Rain. General note box su 43 Box 469 Don't Say Goodbye. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-111 Box 911 Don't Say Goodbye. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Say Goodbye Forever. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't Start Courtin' a Hotrod. General note Box SU 119 Box 622 Don't Tell Me I've Just Been Dreaming. 1925. General note SCB SY 1140 Box 911 Don't Tell Me That I Can't Have My Dreams. General note Box SU 119 Box 480 Don't Think I'm Not. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352216 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 00-171 Box 865 Don't Wait. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "New Faces of '56." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 179 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 911 Don't Wait. General note Box SU 119 Box 622 Don't You Want a Little Doggie. 1907. General note SCB SY 1141 Box 911 Don't You Notice Anything New. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't You Remember. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Don't You Remember When You Told Me Good-Bye. General note Box SU 119 Box 1115 Don't You Wanna Stay. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Jason Aldean. Box 470 Dontchange. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02094 General note recorded by Musiq on Def Soul Records Box 911 Doo Dee Doo on An Old Kazoo. General note Box SU 119 Box 414 Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of a goat in a stew pot Box 911 Doo Doo. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Doodlebug Song. General note Box SU 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 180 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 494 Doogie Howser, M.D.. 1991. General note Publisher no.: VS5643 Scope and Content Note From the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 91-7 Box 1150 Dorando. General note box su 7 Box 406 Box 911 Dos Lied Fun Arbet. 1935. Dot. General note Box SU 119 Box 398 Double Or Nothin'. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Sylvester Stallone. From the original motion picture soundtrack of "Rocky IV". Box 507 Doubleback. 1990. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Back to the Future Part II." General note SCB SZMP90-8 Box 872 Doughboy War Song: The Infantry. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 13 Down Yonder. 1948. General note Cover features photograph of Joe "Fingers" Carr. Box 910 Down a Long Road. General note box su 43 Box 910 Down Among the Sheltering Palms. General note box su 43 Box 391 Down Boy. 1955. General note from the Columbia Pictures motion picture "Three For the Show" Box 23 Down By The Station. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Perry Como Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 181 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 580 Down by the Nile Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: 16065-4 I Scope and Content Note From the play, The Magic Melody. General note SCB SY 118495-96 Box 654 Down by the Old Mill Stream. 1910. General note Cover features a photograph of Tom Faxon. Box 7 Down In My Heart. 1912. General note Cover features photograph of Chas King. Box 7 Box 865 Down in My Heart. Down in the Depths. 1936. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Red, Hot and Blue." Box 873 Down in the Valley: Hear That Train Blow. 1944. Scope and Content Note From the Universal motion picture, Moonlight and Cactus. General note SCB SX 112716 112717. Box 873 Down in the Valley: Hear That Train Blow. 1944. Scope and Content Note From the Universal motion picture, "Moonlight and cactus." General note SCB SX 112715, 112716, 112717 Box 1150 Down in Chattanooga. General note box su 7 Box 398 Down on the Farm. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Charley Pride Box 906 Down on Hawaii Bay. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Down on Hawaii Bay. General note Box SU 125 Box 914 Down San Bernardino Way. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 182 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 13 Down the River of Golden Dreams. 1930. General note Words and music also by Nataniel Shilkret. Box 21 Down The River Of Golden Dreams. 1930. creator: Klenner, John creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Shilkret, Nathaniel Box 66 Down the Old Ox Road. 1933. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Humor." 4 copies (different covers). Two covers feature photographs of Mary Korman, Richard Arlen, Lona Andre, Bing Crosby, Mary Carlisle, Jack Oakie, Gracie Allen and George Burns. Box 408 Box 911 Down the Old Sheet Music Trail. 1993. Down the Aisle of Beautiful Dreams. General note Box SU 119 Box 22 Down Town East Of Broadway. 1945. General note from Jack Hylton's production "Irene" Box 7 Box 910 Down The Trail to Home Sweet Home. 1920. Down t'Uncle Bill's. General note box su 43 Box 13 Down Under. 1982. General note Music also by Roy Staykert. Box 2 Down Where the Sun Goes Down. 1928. General note Words and music also by Verne Buck. Cover features a photograph of Verne Buck. Box 418 Box 543 Down Where the Watermelon Grows. 1909. Down Where the Sun Goes Down. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Benny Krueger. Dudley gift. Box 7 Down Yonder. 1948. General note Cover features photograph of Del Wood. Box 7 Down Yonder. 1948. General note Covers features photographs of Champ Butler and Del Wood. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 183 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 394 Downtime. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352340 Gravitron General note SCB SZ 01-207 Box 418 Box 58 The Doxology. 1937. Dragnet. 1953. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Jack Webb. 2 copies. Box 58 Dragnet. 1953. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Professional copy. Box 58 Dragnet March. 1953. General note Music to the television program, "Dragnet." Box 396 Draw the Line. 1977. General note on cover: caricature of Aerosmith Box 396 Dreadlock Holiday. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of 10cc Box 2 Dream. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Freddie Martin. Box 7 Dream. 1945. General note Cover features photograph of The Pied Pipers. Box 26 Dream. 1945. General note Professional Copy Box 62 Dream. 1945. General note From the motion picture, "Daddy Long Legs." 2 copies (standard edition and professional copy.) Box 391 Box 910 Dream. 1992. Dream. General note box su 43 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 184 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 859 Dream a Little Dream of Me. 1931. creator: Andree, F. creator: Essex Music, Inc.. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Schwandt, W. Box 911 Dream of Love (And You). General note Box SU 119 Box 910 Dream Awhile. General note box su 43 Box 49 Dream Big. 2004. General note Publisher no.: 24512 General note Recorded by Ryan Shupe & The Rubber Band. Box 911 Dream City. General note Box SU 119 Box 7 Box 2 Dream Clouds. 1925. Dream Daddy. 1923. General note Words and music also by George Keefer. Cover features a photograph of Jules Herbouveaux and his Guyons Paradise Orchestra. Box 7 Dream Daddy. 1923. General note Lyrics and music also by George Keefer. Cover features photograph of Dick Regan and his "little symphony orchestra." Box 1164 Dream, Dream. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Box 911 Dream Eyes. General note Box SU 119 Box 414 A Dream Goes On Forever. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Todd Rundgren Box 911 Dream in a Dream. General note Box SU 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 185 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 7 Dream Kisses. 1927. General note Cover features photograph of Coster and Hewlett. Box 7 Dream Kisses. 1927. General note Cover features photograph of Bob West. Box 1106 Dream Kisses -- Fragrance Of Love. General note Box NSO 4 Box 494 Dream Love. 1993. General note Publisher no.: VS6304 Scope and Content Note As sung on the television program "Another World." General note SCB SZTV 93-13 Box 414 The Dream Never Dies. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Cooper Brothers Box 7 Box 7 Box 7 Box 911 Dream of a Doll. Dream Of A Doll. 1934. The Dream Of Olwen. 1947. Dream of Happiness (And You). General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dream of Love. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dream of Love. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dream of You. General note Box SU 119 Box 412 Dream On Texas Ladies. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Rex Allen Jr. Box 414 Dream On. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Aerosmith Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 186 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 910 Dream Peddler's Serenade. General note box su 43 Box 911 Dream Rose. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dream Shadows. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dream Shadows. General note Box SU 119 Box 396 Dream Street Rose. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 418 Dream Sweet Dreamer (Bee By O). 1970. General note 2 copies Box 543 Dream Train. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Dudley gift. Box 414 Dream Weaver. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Wright Box 7 A Dreamer's Holiday. 1949. General note Cover features photograph of Perry Como. Box 7 Box 865 Box 911 Dreaming Alone in the Twilight. 1919. Dreaming Alone in the Twilight. 1919. Dreaming Days. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreaming of You. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreamland Baby. General note Box SU 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 187 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 7 Dreams Are A Dime A Dozen. 1946. General note Also by James Cavanaugh and Sammy Mysels. Cover features photograph of Andy Russell. Box 54 Dreams are Made for Children. 1958. General note Theme song from the NBC television "Shirley Temple's Storybook" series. Cover features photographs of Shirley Temple. Box 7 Box 7 Box 911 Dreams Have I Dreamed. 1932. Dreams Have I Dreamed. Dreams I've Spun by the Gunnison. General note Box SU 119 Box 1150 Dreams, Just Dreams. General note box su 7 Box 21 Dreams Of Long Ago. 1912. creator: Caruso, Enrico creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. General note from Henry W. Savage's production "The Million" on cover: picture of Enrico Caruso Box 906 Dreams of Old Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Dreams of Old Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 Dreams of My Saddle Days. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreams of My Saddle Days. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreams of You. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreamtime. General note Box SU 119 Box 13 Dreamy Carolina Moon. 1925. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 188 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 66 Dreamy Hawaiian Moon. 1938. General note From the motion picture, "Cocoanut Grove." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Fred MacMurray, Harriet Hilliard, The Yacht Club Boys and others. Box 906 Dreamy Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Dreamy Hawaiian Eyes. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 Dreamy Moon. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Dreamy Moonlight. General note Box SU 119 Box 911 Box 911 Dreary. Dreary. General note box su 119 Box 418 Dreidel. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Don McLean Box 911 Driftin Lazy Like I Take It Eaesy. General note box su 119 Box 64 Drifting Along. 1936. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture "The Captain's Kid." Cover features a photograph of Sybil Jason and Guy Kibbee. Box 391 Box 906 Drifting Cowboy. 1954. Drifting Back to Honolulu. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 Drifting Along. General note box su 119 Box 911 Drifting Along Together. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 189 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 555 Drifing and Dreaming (Sweet Paradise): A Hawaiian Love Song. 1925. creator: L.B. Curtis. creator: Schmidt, Erwin R. Note On cover, photograph of Ted Lewis. Box 414 Driftwood. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Moody Blues Box 47 Drink to the Girl of My Dreams. 1929. General note From the Fox movietone production, "Cameo Kirby." Keyword: motion picture. Box 398 Box 412 Drinkin' and Dreamin'. 1985. Drinkin' My Baby Goodbye. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of The Charlie Daniels Band Box 51 Drinking Song. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." For male chorus (2 copies). Box 910 Drinking Again. General note box su 43 Box 911 Drip Drip Drip (Sloppy Lagoon). General note box su 119 Box 911 Drip Drip Drip (Sloppy Lagoon). General note box su 119 Box 412 Drive: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 469 Drive (For Daddy Gene). 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-66 Box 396 Drive My Car. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Toms Empire Box 414 Driver's Seat. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Sniff 'n' the Tears Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 190 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 414 Drivin' Wheel. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Foghat Box 507 Driving Miss Daisy. 1990. General note SCB SZMP90-10 Box 456 Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me). 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-108 Box 389 Drowning Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01138 Zomba General note SCB SZ 02-24 Box 389 Drowning Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01138 Zomba General note SCB SZ 02-24 Box 1150 Drowsy Head. General note box su 7 Box 911 Drowsy Moon. General note box su 119 Box 911 Dr-r-r-rink (to the Bonnie Lassies). General note box su 119 Box 911 Dr-r-r-rink (to the Bonnie Lassies). General note box su 119 Box 144 Drummin', Drummin', Drummin'. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" / General note SCB SX 113993. Box 144 Drummin, Drummin, Drummin. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" General note SCB SX 113993 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 191 Works in English: Titles: D's. Series 4. Box 418 Box 418 Box 418 Box 906 Dry Bones. 1946. Dry Bones. 1940. Dry Bones. 1939. Duke Kahanamoku. General note Box SU 125 Box 410 Box 58 Duke the Spook. 1943. Theme From "The Dukes of Hazzard" (Good Ol' Boys). 1979. General note Them from the Warner Brothers television program. Box 24 Box 27 Box 13 Dumbell. 1922. Duna. 1914. Dungaree Doll!. 1955. General note Cover features photograph of Eddie Fisher. Box 910 Duration Blues. General note box su 43 Box 396 Dusic. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Brick Box 7 Dust in the Wind. 1978. General note Cover features photograph of Kansas. Box 58 Theme From "Dynasty". 1981. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of cast members. Box 13 The Dying Poet. General note Fingered and revised by Rudolf Thaler. Box 911 Dynamight: Dinah Might. General note box su 119 Box 922 Dynamite. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Taio Cruz. Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 192 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 410 Early American. 1950. General note on cover: photograph from the First Christopher motion picture "You Can Change the World" Box 910 Early Autumn. General note box su 43 Box 64 Early Bird. 1936. General note From the Fox motion picture "Captain January." Cover features photographs of Shirley Temple. Box 20 Box 51 Early Morning Rag. 1983. Earth Angel. 1982. General note From the motion picture, "The Karate Kid, part II." Cover features a photograph of Ralph Macio and Noriyuke Morita. Box 418 Easter Lilies. 1952. General note 2 copies Box 7 Box 1149 Easter Parade. 1933. Easter Parade. General note box su 8 Box 419 Box 25 Box 419 The Easter Robin. 1938. (I'll Be Thinking Of You) Easter Sunday. 1944. Easy. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Commodores Box 389 Easy For Me to Say. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01143 Blackend Music General note SCB SZ 02-37 Box 758 Easy Rider (I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Gone). 1929. General note From the musical, Diamond Lil. Cover features a photograph of Mae West. Souvenir edition. Box 911 Easy Street. General note box su 119 Box 859 Easy Street. 1941. creator: Jones, Alan Rankin creator: Vanguard Songs, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 193 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 583 Easy to be Hard. General Physical Description note: photocopy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118299 Box 7 Ebb Tide. 1953. General note Cover features photograph of Frank Chacksfield. Box 13 Box 25 Box 910 Ebb Tide. 1953. Ebb Tide. 1953. Echo of a Dream. General note box su 43 Box 396 Echoes of Love. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 7 Ecstasy. 1938. General note Cover features photograph of an unknown trumpet player. Box 554 Edelweiss. 1967. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Rodgers, Richard creator: Williamson Music, Inc.. Scope and Content From the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, "The Sound of Music." Box 396 Edge of the Universe. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 1115 The Edge of Glory. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Lady Gaga on cover. Box 13 Box 874 Edna (The Sweetest Little Girl in the World). Ee-nie Mee-nie A.P.O. (Where Did My G.I. Johnny Go?). 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 410 Eee-O Eleven. 1960. General note on cover: photographs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, and Angie Dickinson. from the motion picture "Ocean's 11" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 194 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 922 Eenie Meenie. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber. Box 857 Ego. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Beyonce Box 25 Eight Little Notes. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee Box 922 Eight Second Ride Original sheet music ed.. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Jake Owen. Box 24 8 Themes. 1956. General note From "Around The World In 80 Days" Box 472 The 86th! The 86th: the Fighting Men of the 86th. 1955. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2742 Box 391 Box 7 Eili, Eili. 1918. Either It's Love Or It Isn't. 1946. General note Also by Doris Fisher. Cover features photograph of Humphrey Bogart and Lizabeth Scott. Box 7 Box 7 El Burrito (The Little Burro). 1941. El Rosario. General note Spanish lyrics by M.M. Ponce. Box 389 El Ultimo Adios = The Last Goodbye Original Sheet Music Ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01134 F.I.P.P. International General note SCB SZ 02-44 Box 543 Eleanor Rigby. 1966. General note On cover: photograph of The Beatles. Dudley gift. Box 865 Eleanor. 1922. Scope and Content Note The musical theme of "Horlick's Malted Milk." General note On cover: photograph of Lum & Abner. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 195 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 410 Eleanor, I Adore You. 1940. General note 3 copies. Box 583 Electric Blues. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118300. Box 407 Box 854 Elegie. 1930. Elegie. 1924. creator: Dubin, Al creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Klickmann, F. Henri creator: Massenet, Jules Box 7 Box 390 Box 13 Box 414 Elegy. 1935. Elegy. 1969. Elegy for Mippy II (for trombone alone). 1950. Elena. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Marc Tanner Box 22 The Elephant's Waltz. 1909. General note from "Children At The Circus Box 7 Box 656 The Elf And The Fairy. 1924. The Elfen Waltzes. 18--?. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1307 Box 854 Eli, Eli. creator: Rosenblatt, Josef, Cantor Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Cantor Josef Rosenblatt. Box 758 Ellen Roe. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 Ellen Roe. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 7 Elmer's Tune. 1941. General note Also by Sammy Gallop and Dick Jurgens. Cover features photograph of Dick Jurgens. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 196 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 23 Elmer's Tune. 1941. General note Includes: photograph of Bert Howell Box 859 Elmer's Tune. 1941. creator: Albrecht, Elmer creator: Gallop, Sammy creator: Jurgens, Dick creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Box 7 Elusive Butterfly. 1966. General note Cover features photograph of Jane Morgan. Box 419 Box 555 Elusive Blue. 1980. Embraceable You. 1944. creator: Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 creator: New World Music Corporation. creator: Walter, Cy Box 24 Embraceable You (Danny and Molly). 1930. General note From "Girl Crazy" Box 13 Emilia-Polka. 1939. General note Arrangement by Joseph Elsnic Box 911 Emmy Lou. General note box su 119 Box 396 Emotion. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Helen Reddy Box 396 Emotion. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Samantha Sang Box 22 Box 414 The Empire Parade. 1930. Empty Tables. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 25 Enchanted. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of The Platters Box 911 Enchanted. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 197 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 906 Enchanted Isle, Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 554 Enchanted Island. 1958. creator: Allen, Robert creator: Korwin Music, Inc.. creator: Stillman, Al Scope and Content From the motion picture of the same title. On cove: photograph of Dana Andrews and Jane Powell. Box 54 The Enchanted Melody. 1960. General note Theme from the NBC television Shirley Temple show. Box 911 End. General note box su 119 Box 911 End of a Friendly Day. General note box su 119 Box 414 The End Is Not In Sight (The Cowboy Tune). 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Amazing Rhythm Aces Box 859 England Swings. 1965. creator: Miller, Roger creator: Tree Publishing Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Roger Miller. Box 7 The Entertainer. 1974. General note Arrangement by Ada Richter. Box 13 The Entertainer. 1974. General note Simplified version. Box 20 Box 27 Box 7 The Entertainer. 1974. The Entertainer. 1924. Envy. 1949. General note Covers feature photographs of Fran Warren and Larry Fotine. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 198 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 494 The Equalizer. 1987. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 87-5 Box 911 Equity: Will Always See You Through. General note box su 119 Box 7 Eres Tu = Touch The Wind. 1974. General note Words and Music also by Mike Hawker. Cover features photograph of Mocedades. Box 469 Escape. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-67 Box 469 Escape. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-67, 68 Box 414 Escape (The Pina Colada Song). 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Rupert Holmes Box 7 Estrellita. 1946. General note Arranged by Alfonso Menendez. English lyrics by Elaine de Sincay. Box 1115 E.T.. 2010. General note Publisher no.: 37525 General note Original sheet music edition. Box 854 Etude. 1905. creator: Century Music . creator: Ravina, H. Box 412 Eternal Flame. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of The Bangles Box 391 Box 410 Box 410 Eternal Israel. 1933. Ev'ry Girl is Different. 1944. Ev'rybody Has the Right to be Wrong! (At Least Once). 1945. General note from the new musical comedy "Skyscraper" Box 418 Evangelien. 1929. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 199 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 396 Even Now. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Barry Manilow Box 418 Box 56 Even So, Lord Jesus, Come. 1963. Even When You Cry. 1968. General note From the television series, "Ironside." Cover features a photograph of Raymond Burr. Box 906 Evening in the Islands. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 Evening Song. General note box su 119 Box 1014 The Evening by the Moonlight Dear -- June Brought the Roses. Scope and Content Note In the Evening Moonlight Dear -- In the Evening by the Moonlight Long Ago -- In the Gloaming -- In the Harbor of Home Sweet Home -- In the Heart of a Fool -- In the Heart of the City That Has No Heart -- In the Land of Golden Dreams -- In the Land of Sweet Sixteen -- In the Land Where They Don't Say goodbye -- In the Long, Long, Long Ago -- In the Midst of a Song -- IN the North Woods -- In the Shade of Her Parasol -- In the Shadow of the Old Oak Tree -- In the Shadows -- In the Winter Time -- In Twilight With You -- Indian Cradle Song -- Indian National Guard -- Indian Lullaby -- Indianola -- Innocent Eyes -- Is It A Sin My Loving You -- Is It Gonna Be Long Till You Belong to Me -- Is This the Music of Love -- Isa Lei (A Fijian Melody) -- Isn't it a Shame -- It Ain't Going to Snow -- It Couldn't Be Me -It Might Have Been You -- It Must be True -- It Takes a Mother to Make a Home Sweet Home -- It Will Never Be Dry Down in Havana (No Matter What Happens Round Here) -It's a Small World After All -- It's a Wonderful World -- It's Always Pa or Ma -- It's O.K. Katy With Me -- It's Only a Step from Killarney to Heaven -- I've Found a Wonderful Pal -- I've got a New Mama -- I've Got a Note -- I've Got a Song For Sale That My Sweetie Turned Down) -- I've Got Nothing -- I've Got Rhumbatism -- I've Got the Blues For My Kentucky Home -- I've Got the Mumps -- I've Got the Red White and Blues -- I've Got the Rudy Vallee Blues -- I've Got the Shimmee Blues -- I've had Fifty Seven Varietys of Sweethearts -- I've Lost My Dog -- I've Lost You So Why Should I Care -- I Never Loved Another Girl Like I Love You -- I Waited So Long -- Ivy Cling to Me -- Jazz Baby -- Jene Sais Pa Pa -- Je Vous Aime -- Jealous -- Jealous Blues -- Jeanette -- Jeanie McGreegor -- Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair -- Ji Li Boo -- Jitter Bug -- Joe Turner Blues -- Jolly Young Pro-Hi -- Juke Box Luke -- June I Love No One But You -- June and You -- JUne Brought the Roses. General note scb nso box 10 Box 25 Box 410 Eventually Comes Love. 1944. Ever So Lightly. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole Box 398 Box 911 Evergreen (Love Theme from "A Star Is Born"). 1984. Every Beat of My Heart. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 200 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 396 Every Kinda People. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Robert Palmer Box 859 Every Little Miss Must Have a Mister (and Every Mister Needs a Little Miss). 1922. creator: Bibo, Irving creator: Janssen, Werner creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Wood, Leo Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "Letty Pepper. " On cover: photograph of Charlotte Greenwood. Box 7 Every Little Moment. 1935. General note Cover features photograph of Frances Langford. Box 49 Every Mile A Memory. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353521 General note Words and music also by Brett Beavers and Dierks Bentley. Recorded by Dierks Bentley. Box 7 Box 961 Ev'ry Night About This Time. Every Night in the Week. 1928. creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Box 758 Every Once in a While. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 470 Every River Original sheet music edition. 1997. General note Publisher no.: PVM02085 General note recorded by Brooks & Dunn on Arista Nashville Records Box 961 Every So Often. 1947. creator: Harry Warren Music, Inc.. creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Five different copies. On covers: photographs of Perry Como, Dinah Shore, and Martha Tilton. Box 398 Every Thing Must Change. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Young Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 201 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 911 Every Thought. General note box su 119 Box 911 Every Time the Moon Comes Up. General note box su 119 Box 419 Every Woman in the World. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Air Supply Box 49 Everybody. 2006. General note Publisher no.: 02501107 General note Words and music also by Keith Urban. Recorded by Keith Urban. Box 858 Everybody. 2006. General note Original sheet music edition. Box 906 Everybody Does it in Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Box 418 Box 7 Box 1149 Everybody Gets To Go To The Moon. 1971. Everybody Knew But Me. 1945. Everybody Knew But Me. General note box su 8 Box 859 Everybody Knew But Me. 1945. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 414 Everybody Makes Mistakes. 1982. General note on cover: three photographs of Lacy J. Dalton Box 396 Everybody Needs Love. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Stephen Bishop Box 911 Everybody Picks On Me. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 202 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 865 Everybody Step. 1921. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Alexander's Ragtime Band." General note On cover: photographs of Tyrone Power, Alice Fay, Don Ameche, Ethel Merman and Jack Haley. Box 20 Box 874 Everybody Wants a Key to My Cellar. 1919. Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Kenny Chesney Box 911 Everybody Wish. General note box su 119 Box 911 Everybody's Laughing. General note box su 119 Box 1149 Everybody's Doin It Now. General note box su 8 Box 25 Everyday. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Collins Box 46 Everyday America. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353669 General note Words and Music also by Lisa Carver and Jennifer Nettles. Recorded by Sugarland. Box 470 Everyday Original sheet music edition. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02071 General note recorded by Bon Jovi on Island Records Box 418 Box 859 Everyone Needs Someone. 1951. Ev'ryone Says "I Love You". 1932. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Kalmar, Bert creator: Ruby, Harry Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Horse Feathers. On cover: photograph of the Marx Brothers. Box 13 Everything is Peaches Down in Georgia. General note Additional composer Geo W. Meyer Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 203 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 859 Everything is Peaches Down in Georgia. 1918. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Clarke, Grant creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Meyer, George Scope and Content On item, "War Edition." Box 21 Everything's At Home Except Your Wife. 1912. General note from Klaw & Erlanger's production of "Oh! Oh! Delphine" Box 49 Everything Burns. 2005. General note Publisher no.: 24496 General note From the Wind-up Records release "Fantastic 4: The Album." Recorded by Ben Moody featuring Anastacia. Box 408 Everything Changes. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Kathy Troccoli Box 410 Everything Makes Music When You're In Love. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Carol Lynley, Gardner McKay, and Pamela Tiffin. from the motion picture "The Pleasure Seekers" Box 414 Everything That'cha Do (Will Come Back to You). 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Wet Willie Box 414 Everything's Coming Up Love. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of David Ruffin Box 418 Box 419 Everything Depends On You. 1954. Everything Must Change. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of George Benson Box 470 Everything You Do Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-61 Box 859 Everything Happens to Me. 1941. creator: Adair, Tom, 1913-1988 creator: Dennis, Matt creator: Embassy Music Corporation. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 204 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 857 Everything I Want. 2009. General note From "Hannah Montana: The Movie"... on cover: photograph of Steve Rushton Box 872 Everything Is Oke On Okinawa. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1149 Everything is Rosy Now for Rosie. General note box su 8 Box 471 Everytime You Hear Auld Lang Syne. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00081 Box 471 Everytime You Hear Auld Lang Syne. 2000. General note SCB SZ00 71 Box 7 Everywhere You Go. 1944. General note Words and music also by Joe Goodwin and Mark Fisher. Cover features photograph of Guy Lombardo, Lebert and Carmen. Box 389 Everywhere Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01124 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-23 Box 581 Ev'ry Boy in Town's My Sweetheart. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8632; M.W.&Sons, 17325-4 Scope and Content Note From: Billie. General note SCB SY 118116 Box 859 Ev'ry Time (Ev'ry Time I Fall in Love). 1944. creator: ABC Music Corporation. creator: Jenkins, Gordon Box 7 Box 911 Ev'ry Night About This Time. 1942. Ev'ry Rainy Day. General note box su 119 Box 7 Box 622 Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye. 1944. Ev'ry Time You'd Do It In a Country Town. 1912. General note SCB SY 1142 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 205 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 471 Ex Girlfriend Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00050 Box 583 Exanaplanatooch. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118301 Box 949 Exclusively Yours - Faraway Star. Scope and Content Note Exclusively Yours -- Excuse Me Lady -- Explosion in My Soul -- Express -- Extra (All About That Gal of Mine) -- Eye Full of You -- Eyes -- Eyes (Until You Looked at Me) -- Eyes Aloft -Eyes of Blue -- Eyes of God -- Eyes of Love -- Eyes That Count -- Eyes That Say I Love You -- Eyes That Stole This Heart of Mine -- Eyes Were Never Made for Crying -- (Have You Any Dough for Your Little Boy) Fa Fa Father -- Fable of the Rose -- Fabulous -- Fabulous Character -- Face in the Fireplace -- Face in the Old Family Album -- Face it Girl, It's Over -- Faded Love -- Fado Blanquita = Little White One -- Fagan Love Song -- (I Love You) Fair Dinkum -- Fair Game -- Fair Loraine -- Fair One -- Fair Wind -- Fair Winds and Full Sails -Fairytale -- Fairy Tales -- Fairyland -- Faith Can Move Mountains -- Faith of the Army Airforce -- Faithful -- Faithful to You -- Faithfully Yours -- Fall in Love -- (When You Fall in Love) Fall in Love With Me -- Fall Rain Fall -- Fallen Angel -- Fallen Angel (Are You Sorry?) -- Fallen Apples -- Fallen Leaf -- Fallen Star -- Falling -- Falling in Love All Over Again -Falling in Love in the Fall -- Falling in Love is Easy -- Falling in Love With You -- Falling Leaves -- Falling Off the Edge of the World (Seeing You With Him) -- Falling Star -- False Alarm -- False Friends -- False Love -- Fame -- Family Affair -- Family That Prays Together -- Famous Last Words -- Fancies -- Fancy Dance -- Fancy Nancy Clancy -- Fandango -Fanny Tinkle -- Fantasy -- Fantasy Island -- Far Away Bells -- Far Away Island -- Far Away Places -- Far Beyond the Starry Sky -- Far, Far Away -- Far Out (The Dream Goes On) -Faraway Stars. General note Box NS 53 Box 7 Box 27 Exodus. Exodus simplified arrangement. 1960. Material Specific Details note: piano General note Main theme for the motion picture of the same title. Box 410 Experience. 1947. General note on cover: stills from the motion picture "Road to Rio" Box 545 Experience. 1906. General note On cover: photograph of Hattie Williams. Box 911 Eyes. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 206 Works in English: Titles: E's. Series 5. Box 583 Eyes Look Your Last. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118302 Box 7 Box 414 Eyes of Irish Blue. 1918. Eyes of Silver. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 875 Eyes of the Fleet. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. Box 911 Eyes of You. General note box su 119 Box 1164 Eyes That Come from Ireland. 1906. Scope and Content Note From: Ragged Robin. General note On cover: photograph of Chauncey Olcott. Box 922 I Gotta Get To You. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of George Strait. Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 410 4 For Texas. 1963. General note on cover: photographs of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Anita Ekberg, and Ursula Andress. from the motion picture "4 For Texas" Box 419 The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy). 1966. General note 2 copies. Box 7 Box 412 The Face I Love. Face To Face. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Alabama Box 911 Faded Flowers. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 207 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 396 Fair Game. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Crosby, Stills & Nash Box 911 Fair Isle of Dreams. General note box su 119 Box 758 Fair Warning. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 911 Fairest Flower (in Love's Garden Grew). General note box su 119 Box 7 Fairy Tales. 1949. General note Cover features photograph of Richard Hayes. Box 911 Fairyland. General note box su 119 Box 7 Box 471 A Fairy's Love Song. 1919. Faith in You. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00076 Box 1939 Faithful Forever. 1939. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount animated feature, "Gulliver's Travels." Box 410 The Faithful Heart. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Pat Boone, James Mason, and Arlene Dahl. from the motion picture "Journey to the Center of the Earth" Box 7 Faithfully. 1983. General note Cover features photograph of Journey. Box 922 Box 1164 Faithfully. 1983. The Faithless Daffodil. 1904. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, The Queen of Laughter. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 208 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 46 Fall. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353687 General note Words and music also by Sonny LeMaire and Clay Mills. Recorded by Clay Walker. Box 858 Fall For You. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of John Vesely Box 469 Fall Into Me. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02068 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-141 Box 13 Box 419 A Fallen Star. 1957. Fallen Angel. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Frankie Valli Box 471 Fallin' (Never Felt So Good). 1991. General note SCB SZ00 72 Box 408 Fallin' For You For Years. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Conway Twitty Box 7 Box 13 Box 494 Falling Star. 1903. Falling Waters. 1936. Falling. 1990. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Twin Peaks." General note SCB SZTV 90-6 Box 494 Falling. 1990. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Twin Peaks." General note SCB SZTV 90-6, 7 Box 911 (Tonight My Eyes Are Wet With) Falling Tears. General note box su 119 Box 858 Fame. 1980. General note from the motion picture "Fame." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 209 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 394 Family Affair Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01117 Universal General note SCB SZ 01-177 Box 418 Box 419 Box 470 The Family of God. 1970. The Family of Man. 1971. Family Portrait. 2001. General note SCB SZ03-60 Box 46 Famous in a Small Town. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353699 General note Words and music also by Travis Howard. Recorded by Miranda Lambert. Box 419 Fancy. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Bobbie Gentry Box 410 Box 419 Box 418 Box 615 Fancy Meeting You Here. 1958. Fancy Meeting You Here. 1958. Fancy Pants. 1953. Fanfare Militaire. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1176 Box 396 Fanny Be Tender With My Love. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of the Bee Gees Box 911 Fantastically Foolish. General note box su 119 Box 7 Fantasy Waltzes. 1941. Box 13 Far Away Places. 1948. General note Music and lyrics also by Alex Kramer Box 7 Far Away Places. 1948. General note Also by Alex Kramer. Box 7 Box 49 Far Away Places. Far Away. 2005. General note Publisher no.: 27015 General note Recorded by Nickelback. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 210 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 410 Far Away. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Jane Morgan Box 23 Box 911 The Far-Away Bells. 1926. Fare Thee Well. General note box su 119 Box 910 Fare Thee Well to Harlem. General note box su 43 Box 859 Fare Thee Well to Harlem. 1934. creator: Hanighen, Bernie creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Isham Jones. Box 58 Farewell. 1954. General note As sung by Fess parker on the Disneyland television program, "Davy Crockett." Cover features a photograph of Fess Parker. Box 911 Farewell Dear Heart. General note box su 119 Box 922 Farmer's Daughter. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Rodney Atkins. Two copies (different covers). Box 396 Farthest Thing From My Mind. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Price Box 7 Fascination. 1954. General note Cover features photograph of Dick Jacobs. Box 23 Fascination. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Dick Jacobs Box 911 Fast Freight. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 211 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 580 Fat, Fat, Fatima Operatic ed.. 1921. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "Love Birds." General note SCB SY 118470 Box 911 Fat Gal. General note box su 119 Box 394 Fat Lip Recorded versions guitar. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00663043 EMI April General note SCB SZ 01-176 Box 27 Box 580 Fate Introduced Me to You. 1931. F.D.R. Jones. 1938. Scope and Content Note From, "The Little Dog Laughed." General note SCB SY 118411 Box 859 F.D.R. Jones. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Rome, Harold J. Scope and Content From the musical revue, "Sing Out the News." Box 922 Fearless. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Taylor Swift. Box 390 Box 396 Feather In My Cap. 1957. Feedin' the Fire. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Zella Lehr Box 399 Feel It Again. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Honeymoon Suite Box 396 Feel Like A Number. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Seger Box 858 Feel That Fire. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Dierks Bentley Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 212 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 396 Feel The Need. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Leif Garrett Box 922 Feeling Good. 1964. General note On cover: photograph of Nina Simone. Box 419 Feelin' Alright?. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Joe Cocker Box 49 Feels Just Like It Should. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353516 General note Words and music also by Brett James and Justin Pollard. Recorded by Pat Green. Box 414 Feels Like the First Time. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of the group Foreigner Box 471 Feels Like Love Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00092 Box 13 Box 854 Feels So Good. 1978. Feet Up. 1952. creator: Hawthorne Music Corp.. creator: Merrill, Bob Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Melody Rays. Photocopy. Box 23 Box 7 Box 872 Feldman's 40th Song & Dance Album. A Felicidade. 1959. Fellow Americans, Stand Pat!. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 911 Fellow Americans Stand Pat. General note box su 119 Box 7 A Fellow On A Furlough. 1943. General note Cover features photograph of Andy Russell. Box 911 Fellow on a Furlough. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 213 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 922 Felt Good on My Lips. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Tim McGraw. Box 1115 Felt Good on My Lips. 2010. General note Publisher no.: 8-1 General note Original sheet music edition. Box 20 Ferry-Boat Serenade. 1940. General note on cover: photograph of Dick Gasparre Box 23 Box 7 Box 911 Ferry-Boat Serenade. 1940. Fiddle And I. Fiddle a Delphia. General note box su 119 Box 7 Box 858 Fiddler On The Roof. 1964. Fifteen. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Taylor Swift Box 22 Box 872 The Figaro. Fight for the U.S.A.. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 Fight On Young Soldier. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 Fight On Britain - Fight On!. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 The Fighting Quartermaster Corps. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 The Fighting Wildcat March (On We Go, On We Go, On We Go). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 874 Fighting Men of Uncle Sam. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 The Fighting Engineers. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. As featured in Warner Brothers motion picture "The Fighting Engineers" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 214 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 494 Final Frontier. 1992. General note Publisher no.: 6853FSMX Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Mad About You." General note SCB SZTV 94-11 Box 857 Finally. 2006. General note on cover: photograph of Fergie Box 922 Find Your Love. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Drake. Box 49 Findin' A Good Man. 2006. General note Publisher no.: 26093 General note Words and music also by Brian Maher and Jeremy Stover. Recorded by Danielle Peck. Box 961 Finding the Long Way Home. 1929. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Six copies. Box 24 A Fine Romance. 1936. General note From the RKO radio picture "Swing Time". on cover: photographs of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 27 Box 414 The Finger of Suspicion (Points at You). 1944. Fins. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Buffett Box 414 Fire. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Pointer Sisters Box 857 Fire Burning. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of red illuminated disco ball surrounded by fog Box 396 A Fire I Can't Put Out. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 215 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 396 Fire on the Mountain. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band Box 396 Box 858 Fireflies. 1980. Fireflies. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of a skyline with the words "Owl City" printed Box 758 Fireworks. 1960. General note From the musical, "Do Re Mi.". One cover features a drawing of Phil Silvers. (Three copies, different covers.) Box 922 Box 1115 Firework. 2010. Firework. 2010. General note Original sheet music edition. On cover: photograph of Katy Perry. Box 418 The First Christmas. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Sacred Heart Sisters of California Box 876 First Class Private Mary Brown. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 6 First Cut is the Deepest. 1973. creator: Salafa Music Ltd.. creator: Stevens, Cat Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Cheryl Crow. Box 13 Box 854 First Daffodil of Spring. 1938. First Lady Waltz. creator: McHugh, Jimmy creator: Washington, Ned Scope and Content Printed in newspaper. Birthday salute to Jackie Kennedy. Box 911 First Thing I Do Every Morning. General note box su 119 Box 961 First Time I Kissed You. 1947. creator: Blane, Ralph creator: Harry Warren Music, Inc.. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three different copies. On covers: photographs of Patti Page and Kay Kyser. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 216 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 20 The First Time I Saw You. 1937. General note on cover: photographs of Edward Arnold, Cary Grant, Jack Oakie, and Frances Farmer. From the RKO Radio picture "The Toast of New York" Box 554 The First Time I Saw You. 1937. creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. creator: Shilkret, Nathaniel creator: Wrubel, Allie Scope and Content From the RKO Radio Pictures motion picture, "The Toast of New York." On cover: photographs of Edward Arnold, Cary Grant, Jack Oakie and Frances Farmer. Box 854 Frist Time I Saw You, The. 1937. creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. creator: Shilkret, Nathaniel creator: Wrubel, Allie Scope and Content From the R.K.O. Radio motion picture, "The Toast of New York." On cover: photographs of Edward Arnold, Cary Grant, Jack Oakie and Frances Farmer. Box 494 The First Time I Loved Forever. 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Beauty and the Beast." General note SCB SZTV 89-5 Box 57 Fish. 1956. General note From the Ford Star Jubilee CBS television production, "A Bell for Adano." Cover features a photograph of Barry Sullivan and Anna Maria Alberghettti. Box 4 Box 8 Box 7 A Fishing I Did Go. 1929. (Summer Days at Meadow Brook) A Fishing I Did Go. 1929. Fit As A Fiddle. 1932. General note Music also by Al Goodhart. Cover features photograph of Jeanie Lang. Box 7 Five Minutes More. 1946. General note Cover features photograph of Les Brown. Box 7 Five O'Clock Whistle. 1940. General note Also by Kim Gannon and Gene Irwin. Cover features photograph of Glenn Miller. Box 7 The Five O'Clock Girl. 1927. General note Also by Harry Ruby. Orchestrated by Walter Paul. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 217 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 49 Fix You. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00353018 General note Words and Music also by Will Chapman, Chris Martin and Jon Buckland. Recorded by Coldplay. Box 13 Box 622 Flag of Our Nation Onward to Victory (Patriotic March Song). 1941. Flag of Liberty. 1942. General note SCB SY 1145 Box 875 Flag Of My Country. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 390 Box 7 Flamenco. 1961. Flapperette. 1926. General note Cover features photograph of an unknown artist. Box 26 Flapperette. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Jesse Greer Box 494 The Flash (Theme). 1990. General note Publisher no.: VS5608 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program. General note SCB SZTV 91-5 Box 414 Flashback. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Fifth Dimension Box 13 Box 22 La Lisonjera (The Flatterer). The Fleet's Lit Up. 1938. General note from George Black's musical "The Fleet's Lit Up" Box 910 Fleur de Lis. General note box su 43 Box 51 A Flight of Fancy. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 218 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 875 The Flight of the Bomber B-17. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 922 Flipped Suite Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Flipped." Box 27 The Flirtation Waltz. 1953. General note On cover: photograph of Winifred Atwell. Box 555 Flitting Butterflies. 1947. creator: Brown, Lewis creator: Theodore Presser Co.. Box 391 The Floor. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Gill Box 1094 Florella -- Happy Farmer. General note Box PS 6 Box 1164 The Flower and the Star. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 758 Flower of a Day. 1930. General note Featured in the musical, "Dishonored Lady." Cover features a photograph of Fortunio Bonanova. Box 7 Flowers For Madame. 1935. General note Also by Charles Newman and Murray Mencher. Box 471 Flowers on the Wall. 1966. General note SCB SZ00 74 Box 471 Flowers on the Wall. 1966. General note Publisher no.: HL00352189 Box 7 Box 876 Flying Cloud (Sea Call). 1934. Flying "G" Men (March). General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a plane Box 13 Flying Spray Boat Song. 1903. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 219 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 419 The Flying Trapeze. General note 2 copies. Box 391 FM. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Steely Dan Box 911 Forever is Ending Today. General note box su 119 Box 410 Box 408 Box 859 Fogarty the Great. 1963. A Foggy Day. 1964. A Foggy Day. 1937. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 creator: Gershwin, Ira, 1896Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "A Damsel in Distress." On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire, Joan Fontaine, Gracie Allen and George Burns. Box 22 Fold Your Wings. 1935. General note from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane production "Glamorous Night" Produced by Leonine Sagan Box 47 Follow Me. 1967. General note From "Camelot." Box 394 Follow Me. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352336 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-178 Box 414 Follow Me. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 419 Follow Me. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 456 Follow Me Original Sheet Music edition. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-109 Box 419 Box 875 Follow the Eastern Star. 1953. Follow the Flag, Boys (March). 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 220 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 1164 Follow the Crowd. 1914. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 398 Box 391 Box 396 Follow You Follow Me. 1983. Fool For Your Loving. 1989. Fool For Your Loving. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Whitesnake Box 414 Fool For The City. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Foghat Box 464 A Fool in Love Original sheet music edition.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01016 Universal General note From the motion picture, "Meet the Parents." SCB SZMP 01-28 Box 464 A Fool in Love. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01016 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZMP 01-10 Box 865 A Fool in Love. 1933. General note On cover: photograph of Jo Stafford. Box 7 The Fool On The Hill. 1967. General note Words and music also by Paul McCartney. Cover features photograph of Sergio Mendes & Brasil'66. Box 910 Fool That I Am. General note box su 43 Box 390 Fool to Fall. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Pearl River Box 414 Fool to Cry. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Mick Jagger Box 7 Fooled. 1960. General note Cover features photograph of Perry Como. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 221 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 911 Foolin' Round. General note box su 119 Box 7 Foolish Heart. 1984. General note Words and music also by Randy Goodrum. Cover features photograph of Steve Perry. Box 469 Foolish. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-69 Box 911 Foolish Pride. General note box su 119 Box 910 Fools Rush In: Where Angels Fear to Tread. General note box su 43 Box 911 Football Mad. General note box su 119 Box 396 For A Dancer. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Prelude Box 911 For a Keepsake Darling. General note box su 119 Box 410 For A Moment Of Your Love. 1953. General note from the motion picture "Carnival in Flanders" Box 7 Box 21 For All Time (A Wedding Serenade). 1949. For All We Know (We May Never Meet Again). 1934. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Lewis, Sam M. General note on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 859 For All We Know. 1934. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Lewis, Sam M. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 222 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 464 For Always. 2001. General note From the motion picture, "A.I. Artificial Intelligence." SCB SZMP 01-32 Box 399 For America. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 65 For Every Man There's A Woman. 1948. General note From the Universal-International motion picture "Casbah." Cover features photograph of Yvonne DeCarlo and Tony Martin. Box 911 For Ever, For Ever. General note box su 119 Box 7 For the First Time (I've Fallen In Love). 1943. General note Cover features photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 1164 For Freedom and Ireland. 1900. Scope and Content Note From: The Rebel. General note On cover: photograph of Andrew Mack. Box 872 For God And For Country - and - To The Auxiliary. 1938. General note Truesdell gift. Box 6 Box 26 Box 414 For the Good Times. For It Is My Land And Your Land. 1918. For Love. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Pousette-Dart Band Box 13 For Me and My Gal. 1932. General note Additional words by E. Ray Goetz. Cover features Judy Garland. Box 545 For Me and My Gal. 1917. General note On cover: photograph of Clark & Bergman. Box 758 For My Own. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 For My Own. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 223 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 480 For My Wedding original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00165 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-3 Box 480 For My Wedding original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00165 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-3 Box 2 Box 911 For One in My Life. 1970. For Once in My Life. General note box su 119 Box 555 For Sentimental Reasons. 1936. creator: Heyman, Edward creator: Marlo Music Corp.. creator: Sherman, Al creator: Silver, Abner Box 7 (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons. 1946. General note Cover features photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 13 (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons. General note Cover features photograph of Eddy Howard Box 25 For The First Time ("Come Prima"). 1958. General note On cover: photograph of Polly Bergen Box 6 For the Good Times. 1968. creator: Buckhorn Music Publishers, Inc.. creator: Kristofferson, Kris Box 398 Box 410 For the Love of Him. 1969. For the First Hundred Years. 1944. General note on cover: photographs of Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray, and Betty Hutton. from the motion picture "And the Angels Sing" Box 874 For the Flag, For the Home, For the Family (For the Future of All Mankind). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover, drawing of George M. Cohan Box 1115 For the First Time. 2010. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 224 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 1149 For the Very First Time. General note box su 8 Box 13 Box 64 For You. For You. 1930. General note From the Universal motion picture "Captain of the Guard." 2 copies. Box 469 For You. General note SCB SZ 02-70 Box 414 For You And I. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of 10CC Box 391 Forbidden Love. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Ginger Rogers and Edward G. Robinson. from the Columbia Pictures motion picture "Tight Spot" Box 857 Forever. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Chris Brown Box 399 Forever. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Kenny Loggins Box 7 Forever and Ever. 1948. General note Cover features photograph of Russ Morgan. Box 911 Forever and a Day. General note box su 119 Box 51 Forever and Always. 1948. General note From the 20th Century motion picture, "Jungle Patrol." Also written by Floyd Huddleston. Cover features a photograph of Kristine Miller. Box 911 Forever House. General note box su 119 Box 396 Box 414 Forever In Blue Jeans. 1979. Forever In Blue Jeans. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 225 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 464 Forever May Not Be Long Enough. 2001. General note Publisher no.: GVM01003 Universal Music General note From the motion picture, "The Mummy Returns." SCB SZMP 01-20 Box 390 Forever My Lady. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Jodeci Box 7 Box 412 Forget-Me-Not. 1920. Forget Me Not. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Bad English Box 961 Forget Me Nots in Your Eyes. 1944. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Triangle Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Seven different copies. On covers: photographs of Freddy Martin, George Olsen, and Emile Petti. Box 922 Forget You. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of CeeLo Green. Box 418 Box 911 Forgetful. 1951. Forgetting Me. General note box su 119 Box 412 Forgive Me For Dreaming. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Elisa Fiorillo Box 470 Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-59 Box 911 Forgive Me. General note box su 119 Box 1164 Forgive and Forget. 1912. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 7 Forgiving You. 1947. General note Words and music also by Jack Manus. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 226 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 13 Box 25 Box 911 Forgotten. Forgotten. 1922. Forgotten. General note box su 119 Box 7 Box 914 Forty Nine Shades of Green. Forty Niners. General note box su 114 Box 394 Forty Six & 2 Recorded versions guitar. 1996. General note Publisher no.: HL00663046 EMI Virgin General note SCB SZ 01-175 Box 396 Forty-Second Street. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 419 Forward America. 1941. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Sinchak Box 414 Found A Cure. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ashford & Simpson Box 13 Box 910 Fountain in the Rain. Fountain in the Rain. General note box su 43 Box 872 Four Buddies. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 911 The Four Freedoms. General note box su 119 Box 7 Box 26 Box 414 Four-Leaf Clover. 1925. Four-Leaf Clover. 1897. Four Strong Winds. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Young Box 7 Forty-Nine Shades Of Green. 1956. General note Words and music also by Roy C. Bennett. Cover features photograph of The Ames Brothers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 227 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 543 Forgotten. 1922. General note Dudley gift. Box 554 F'r Instance. 1930. creator: Denniker, Paul creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ozzie Nelson. Box 13 Box 23 Box 1107 Frankie and Johnny. 1933. Frankie Carle's Piano Conceptions. 1931. Frankie And Johnny -- Happy Days. Scope and Content Note Frankie and Johnny -- Frenchy Koo -- Friendless Blues -- Frisco Ball -- From A.M. to P.M. I Love You All the Time -- Fu-Ji -- Gates of Gladness -- Gee But Ain't America a Grand Place -- Gee But I Hate to Go Home Alone -- Georgette -- Georgia Baby -- Georgia Lullaby -- Gift For Making Love -- Giovanna: to Thee I Am Calling -- Girl, Girl, Girl -- Girl of Mine -- Girl of My Dreams -- Girl of My Golden Dream -- Give Me a Day in June -- Give Me an Hour for Tomorrow -- Give Me the Corner, Give Me the Girl -- Give Me the Good Old Days -- Give Me the Sultan's Haren -- Glad Day -- Glow Worm -- Go Down Moses -- Go Home Little Girl Go Home -- Go Your Way and I'll Go Home -- Gob's Parade -- God Be With You Till We Meet Again -- God Bless You everyone -- God Bring Back Our Boys Safe Home Again -God Gives Us One Mother That's All -- God's Greatest Gift -- Going Away -- Golden Gate (Open For Me) -- Golden May Days -- Golodrina (the Swallow) -- Gone: But Still in My Heart -- Gonna Get a Girl -- Good as Gold -- Good Fellow Gal -- Good Little Bad Little You -- Good Mister Santa Clasue Bring Back Mama -- Good Morning Mr. Zip Zip Zip -- Good Bye -- Good Bye Cal Hellow All: C From Cal Leaves Al -- Good Bye Goodluck God Bless You -- Good Bye Little Girl Good Bye -- Good Bye My Lover good Bye -- Good Night -- Goodnight Angeline -Good Night Dearie -- Good Night Good Night -- Gotta Go -- Governor's Pardon (the Prison Clock) -- Grand-Mother's Wish -- Gray Days -- Great Olympic Meet -- Greatest Love of All -Green Eyes -- Gridiron Pep -- Grieving -- Grieving For You -- Grin -- Guardian of the Colors -- Gulf Coast Blues -- Gypsy Dream Rose -- Gypsy Moon -- Gypsy Nights -- Gypsy Weather -- Gypsy Wild Flower -- Hail the Baltimore and Ohio -- Half a Married Man -- Hallelujah I'm a Bum -- Hand in Hand -- Hand Me Down My Walking Cane -- Hangin on the Garden Gate -- Happiness (Where Are You) -- Happiness For You And Me -- Happy (What a Lucky Little Boy Was He) -- Happy -- Happy Butterfly -- Happy Days. General note Box NSO 5 Box 494 Frasier (Theme). 1993. General note Publisher no.: HL00353342 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-10 Box 910 Frasier: the Sensuous Lion. General note box su 43 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 228 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 911 Fraulein. General note box su 119 Box 7 Freckles. 1919. General note Words and music also by Howard Johnson and Milton Ager. Cover features photograph of Nora Bayes. Box 396 Freda Comes, Freda Goes. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Bobby G. Rice Box 456 Free Original Sheet Music edition. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-110 Box 1149 Free. General note box su 8 Box 414 Free (Wanna Be Free). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Deniece Williams Box 911 Free Lancin Again. General note box su 119 Box 414 Free Man in Paris. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell Box 494 Free Your Mind original sheet music edition. 1992. General note Publisher no.: 5805FSMX Scope and Content Note As featured in NBC's Olympic television broadcast. General note SCB SZTV 92-8 Box 389 Freedom. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00385030 MPL Communications General note SCB SZ 02-22 Box 390 Freedom Overspill. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Steve Winwood and an unidentified woman Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 229 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 414 Freedom for the Stallion. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Hues Corporation Box 1149 Freedom Train. General note box su 8 Box 419 Box 407 Box 7 Freedom's Flag. 1940. Freid Fun Erd. 1932. Freight Train. 1957. General note Words and music also by Fred Williams. Cover features photograph of Chas. McDevitt Skiffle Group with Nancy Whiskey. Box 390 Box 7 French Carousel. 1990. Frenesi. 1939. General note English lyrics by Ray Charles and S.K. Russell. Spanish lyrics by Alberto Dominguez. Cover features photograph of Artie Shaw. Box 859 Frenesi. 1941. creator: Charles, Ray creator: Dominguez, Alberto creator: Peer International Corporation. creator: Russell, S.K. Box 410 A Friend of Yours. 1944. General note from the motion picture "A Man Called Sullivan". on cover: photograph of Linda Darnell and Lee Sullivan Box 545 Box 390 Friend O'Mine. 1913. Friends & Lovers (Both To Each Other): Very Easy Piano Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates. From the NBC TV series "The Days of our Lives" Box 390 Friends & Lovers (Both To Each Other): Piano Solo Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates. From the NBC TV series "The Days of our Lives" Box 399 Box 494 Friends: Theme Song from "Kate & Allie". 1985. Friend s and Lovers (Both to Each Other). 1986. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Days of Our Lives." General note SCB SZTV 87-6 Box 911 The Friendship Song. General note box su 119 Box 7 Frisky Frog. 1980. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 230 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 419 Box 419 Box 656 Fritz and Spitz. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go. 1937. Frohe Botschaft = Joyful Message, op. 36. 1908. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1303 Box 46 From a Distance (Christmas Version). 1987. General note Publisher no.: 02501075 General note Cover features a photograph of Bette Midler. Box 911 From a Jack to a King. General note box su 119 Box 25 Box 874 From A Polish Village. 1960. From Broadway to Tokyo. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Bea Wain Box 872 From D Day to V Day (My Prayers Are All For You). 1944. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Thomas Peluso Box 911 From Everywhere. General note box su 119 Box 911 From Heaven to Me. General note box su 119 Box 1149 From Here to Shanghai. General note box su 8 Box 859 From Monday On. 1928. creator: Barris, Harry creator: Crosby, Bing, 1904-1977--Correspondence creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 581 From Someone in France to Someone in Somerset. 1917. General note Publisher no.: H.D.M.P.Co.84. Scope and Content Note From: The better 'ole, or The romance of "old Bill" General note SCB SY 118111 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 231 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 414 From the Inside. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Alice Cooper Box 471 From the Bottom of My Broken Heart Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00033 Box 906 From the Hills Above Pearl Harbor. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 From Twilight Til Dawn. General note box su 119 Box 390 Box 7 Frontier Town. 1969. Frosty The Snow Man. 1950. General note Words and music also by Jack Rollins Box 24 Box 911 Frosty The Snow Man. 1950. Fruit Cake. General note box su 119 Box 876 The Fuehrer's Swan-Song. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a swan with Hitler's face Box 865 Fugue for Tinhorns. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Guys and Dolls." Box 555 Full Moon = Noche de Luna. 1942. creator: Curiel, Gonzalo creator: Curiel, Gonzalo creator: Odette, Marcelene creator: Peer International Corporation. creator: russell, Bob Note On cover, photograph of The Three Suns. Box 396 Box 396 Fun And Games. 1980. Fun Time. 1978. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Joe Cocker Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 232 Works in English: Titles: F's. Series 6. Box 854 Funiculi Funicula. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Denza, Luigi creator: Glickman, Mort H. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Enric Madriguera. Box 7 Box 24 Box 865 Box 410 Funny. 1925. Funny. 1925. Funny Fellow. 1952. Funny Thing. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Tony Bennett. Box 494 The Funny Things You Do. 1990. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television show, "America's Funniest Home Videos." General note SCB SZTV 90-1 Box 872 Furlough's End. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 910 G.I. Jive. General note box su 43 Box 872 G.I. Jive. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 G.I. Jive. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a G.I. Box 876 G.I. Request - Before To-morrow, Teach Me to Love!. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a G.I. Box 391 Box 470 Galil. 1940. Game of Love. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02092 General note recorded by Santana featuring Michelle Branch on Arista Records Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 233 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 396 Games. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Phoebe Snow Box 859 Games That Lovers Play = Eine Ganze Nacht. 1966. creator: Kusik, Larry creator: Last, James creator: Loose, Gunter creator: Miller Music. creator: Snyder, Eddie Scope and Content On cover: Hirschfeld cartoon of Mantovani. Box 396 Games Without Frontiers. 1980. General note on cover: stylized photograph of Peter Gabriel Box 20 The Gang That Sang Heart of My Heart. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Curt Massey Box 543 A Garden in the Rain. 1955. General note Dudley gift. Box 859 A Garden in the Rain. 1928. creator: Dyrenforth, James creator: Gibbons, Carroll creator: Melrose Music Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 22 Garden Of My Dreams. 1918. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 545 Box 48 Garland of Old Fashioned Roses. 1911. The Gay Continental. 1953. General note As sung in "The Caddy" starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis a Paramount Release. Box 390 Box 872 Gay Serape. 1957. Gee Isn't It Great To Be An American!. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 419 Gee! It's Tough To Be A Skunk. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Ziggy Talent Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 234 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 399 Gee, But It's Good To Be Here. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Ethel Merman Box 14 Box 410 The Geisha Girl in Tokio. 1919. The Gentleman in the Next Apartment. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 859 Gentleman Obviously Doesn't Believe. 1935. creator: Carr, Michael creator: Pola, Eddie creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 622 Georgia Land. 1912. General note SCB SY 1146 Box 555 Georgia On My Mind. 1980. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Gorrell, Stuart creator: Peer International Corporation. Box 859 Georgia On My Mind. 1930. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Gorrell, Stuart creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Box 414 Georgy Porgy. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Toto Box 399 Get Back To The Country. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Young Box 470 Get Busy. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-78 Box 414 Get Closer. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Carolyn Willis and Seals & Crofts Box 408 Get It Up. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of TLC Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 235 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 2 Get Out and Get Under the Moon. 1928. General note Lyrics also by William Jerome. Cover features a photograph of Paul Small. Box 394 Get Over Yourself Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01064 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-184 Box 410 Get Rid Of Monday. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 857 Get Smart. 1966. General note From Warner Bros. Pictures' "Get Smart" Box 456 Get the Party Started. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352421 Famous Music General note SCB SZ 01-146 Box 419 Get Together. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of The Young Bloods. 2 copies. Box 414 Get Used To It. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Roger Voudouris Box 391 Box 410 Box 858 Get Your Hair Cut (Short Like Mine). 1935. Get Yourself a Phonograph. 1958. Gettin' You Home. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Chris Young Box 865 Getting to Know You. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the show, "The King and I." Box 758 Ghost of the Blues. 1924. General note From the musical comedy, "Dinah." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 236 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 580 Gianina Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: 16065- F Scope and Content Note From: The Magic Melody General note SCB SY 118497 Box 961 Gid ap Garibaldi. 1927. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Moll, Billy creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Two different copies. On cover: photograph of Waring's Pennsylvanians. Box 390 The Gift of Love: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 390 Box 49 Gigue. 1964. Gimme More. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353709 General note Words and music also by Nate Hills, James Washington and Marcella Araica. Recorded by Britney Spears. Box 412 Box 414 Box 922 Gimme Some Lovin'. 1980. Gimme Some Lovin'. 1980. Gimme That Girl. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Joe Nichols. Two copies. Box 48 Gina. 1956. General note From the film, "Ca Va Barder." Lyrics also by Wylie Grace. Box 419 Gina. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Mathis Box 62 The Girl at the Ironing Board. 1934. General note From the motion picture, "Dames." 2 copies (different covers). Box 23 The Girl From Ipanema (Garôta De Ipanema). 1958. General note English words by Norman Gimbel Box 24 The Girl From Ipanema (Garota De Ipanema). 1963. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 237 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 419 The Girl I Left Behind Me. General note 2 copies. Box 656 The Girl I Left Behind Me (quick step). 1861. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1313 Box 545 Box 410 The Girl in the Bonnet of Blue. 1938. The Girl Most Likely To Succeed. 1959. General note on cover: stills from the motion picture "Say One For Me" Box 23 Girl Of My Dreams. 1927. General note ukelele arrangement by M. Kalua on cover: photograph of Abe Lyman and His Ambassador Orchestra Box 414 Girl Of My Dreams. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the group Bram Tchaikovsky Box 396 Box 410 Box 414 Girl With the Hungry Eyes. 1980. The Girl With the Bells. 1956. Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 389 Girlfriend. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352456 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 02-38 Box 469 Girlfriend original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-66 Box 391 Box 865 Girls All Around Me. 1920. Girls 'n Girls 'n Girls. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "New Faces of '56." Box 876 Girls of the U.S.A.. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of the American flag Box 1164 Girls Run Along. 1912. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 238 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 555 Gitana: Mazurka Brillante op. 156. 1925. creator: Century Music . creator: Grooms, Calvin creator: Heins, Carl Box 49 Give It Away. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353517 General note Words and Music also by Bill Anderson and Buddy Cannon. Recorded by George Strait. Box 414 Give Me An Inch. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ian Matthews Box 480 Give Me Just One Night. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00126 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-169 Box 480 Give Me Just One Night. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352206 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 00-170 Box 555 Give Me Liberty or Give Me Love. 1933. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Torch Singer." On cover: photograph of Claudette Colbert. Box 471 Give Me You. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00051 Box 857 Give Me Your Eyes. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Brandon Heath Box 411 Give Praise! Give Praise! Give Praise!. 1964. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Robin and the 7 Hoods" Box 857 Gives You Hell. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The All-American Rejects Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 239 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 914 Glendale. General note box su 114 Box 914 Glendale Bus. General note box su 114 Box 1164 The Globe Trotter. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Canary. General note On cover: photograph of Lina Abarbanell. Box 48 Gloria. 1960. General note Theme from the motion picture, "Butterfield 8." Cover features photographs of Elizabeth Taylor, Laurence Harvey and Eddie Fisher. Box 914 Glorious Golden State: California Song. General note box su 114 Box 51 Glory of Love. 1986. General note From the motion picture, "The Karate Kid, part II.) Also written by David Foster and Diane Nini. Cover features a photograph of Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki Morita. 2 copies. Box 854 Glory of Love, The. 1935. creator: Hill, Billy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 390 Box 914 Glory of Love (Theme From The Karate Kid Part II). 1986. Glory Song of California. General note box su 114 Box 910 Glow Worm. General note box su 43 Box 555 The Glow Worm = Gluhwurmchen. 1932. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Lincke, Paul Box 398 Box 419 Box 21 Go. 1986. Go 'Way Old Man. 1937. Go Bye-Bye (Darkies' Lullaby). 1895. creator: E. Ascherberg & Co.. creator: Fredericks, Jospeh Box 419 Go Down Moses. 1937. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 240 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 6 Go Go Go. 1967. creator: First Division Publishing Corporation. creator: Glover, David Carr Box 581 Go Home Ev'ry Once in a While. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8628; M.W.&Sons. 17317-4 Scope and Content Note From Billie. General note SCB SY 118117 -18 Box 419 Go Where You Wanna Go. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of The 5th Dimension Box 396 Go Your Own Way. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 419 Box 654 Box 21 God Be With You Till We Meet Again. 1937. God Be With Our Boys Tonight. 1917. God Bless America. 1939. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 23 Box 26 Box 389 God Bless America. 1939. God Bless America. 1966. God Bless America. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352431 Irving Berlin General note SCB SZ 02-16 Box 876 God Bless America. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. Pink cover. Box 1149 God Bless America. General note box su 8 Box 872 God Bless the Boys in Uniform. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 858 God Bless Us Everyone. 2009. General note as heard in Disney's "A Christmas Carol." on cover: photograph of of a scene from the film featuring Jim Carrey as Scrooge Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 241 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 910 God is Love. General note box su 43 Box 857 God Love Her. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Toby Keith Box 56 God's Chosen Country. 1978. General note Theme from the television series, "How the West Was Won." Box 583 Goin' Down. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118303 Box 391 Box 859 Goin' Crazy!. 1986. Goin' Out of My Head. 1964. creator: Randazzo, Teddy creator: Vogue Music Inc.. creator: Weinstein, Bobby Box 1115 Box 412 Goin' to Build My Heaven. 1940. Goin' To Work. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Judy Rodman Box 396 Going Down Slowly. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Pointer Sisters Box 411 Going My Way. 1944. General note on cover: photographs from the Paramount motion picture "Going My Way" Box 859 Going My Way. 1944. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 480 Going Nowhere. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00100 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 00-168 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 242 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 555 Gold and Silver. 1939. creator: Century Music . creator: Lehar, Franz Box 53 Golden Dreams. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Box 419 Box 859 A Golden Dream. 1936. Golden Earrings. 1946. creator: Evans, Ray creator: Livingston, Jay creator: Paramount Music Corporation. creator: Young, Victor Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Ray Milland and Marlene Dietrich. Box 414 Golden Oldie. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Anne Murray Box 408 Box 418 Box 419 Box 914 Golden Golden Golden Golden Sweet Lover. 1978. Summer. 1951. West. 1924. State. General note box su 114 Box 24 La Golondrina (The Swallow). 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Shep Fields Box 854 La Golondrina - The Swallow. 1923. creator: Hirsch, Walter creator: Onivas, D. creator: Robbins-Engel, Inc.. creator: Serradell, Narciso Box 65 The Gondolier's Serenade. 1954. General note Also written by Joseph J. Lilly. From the Paramount motion picture "Casanova's Big Night." Cover features photograph of Bob Hope and Joan Fontaine. Box 389 Gone Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01126 Tenneman Tunes General note SCB SZ 02-21 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 243 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 396 Gone Too Far. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of England Dan & John Ford Coley Box 414 Gone, Gone, Gone. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of a truck on a dirt road with a woman facing away from the camera Box 411 Box 419 Box 525 Box 758 Gonzaga Men. 1951. Good Bye, Liza Jane. Good Bye. 1844. Good Bye. 1923. General note From the musical, "Dew Drop Inn." Box 555 Good Bye. 1935. creator: Jenkins, Gordon creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content Benny Goodman's theme song. Featured in the motion picture, "The Benny Goodman Story." On cover: photographs of Steve Allen and Donna Reed. Box 859 Good Bye Broadway, Hello France. 1917. creator: Baskette, Billy creator: Davis, Benny creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Riesner, C. Francis Box 1149 Good Bye France. General note box su 8 Box 419 Box 865 Good Can Always Happen. 1955. Good Clean Fun. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 419 Good Day Sunshine. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Claudine Longet Box 480 A Good Day to Run original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00174 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-46 Box 411 Good For Nothin' (But Love). 1939. General note on covers: photographs of Dick Stabile and Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 244 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 396 Good Girls Don't. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Knack Box 857 Good Girls Go Bad. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Cobra Starship and Leighton Meester Box 419 Good Hearted Woman. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Waylon & Willie Box 49 Good Is Good. 2005. General note Publisher no.: 24543 General note Words and music also by Jeff Trott. Recorded by Sheryl Crow. Box 1115 Good Life. 2009. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Onerepublic on cover. Box 49 Good Little Girls. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352742 General note Words and music also by Troy Seals. Recorded by Blue County. Box 418 The Good Lord Found It Out. 1954. General note 2 copies. Box 23 Box 418 Box 554 Good Morning Heartache. 1946. Good Morning, Morning Glory. 1950. Good News. 1937. creator: Neil A.K. Kjos Music Co.. creator: Smith, Wm. Henry Scope and Content No. 1005 in the Songs of the People series. Box 20 Good Night, Little Girl of My Dreams. 1933. General note on cover: photograph of William Scotti Box 525 Good Night. 1864. Scope and Content Note From the opera, Martha. Box 543 Good Night. 1923. General note Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 245 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 555 Good Night Sweetheart. 1931. creator: Campbell, Jimmy creator: Connelly, Reg creator: Noble, Ray creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 58 Good Ol' Boys. 1979. General note Theme from the television program, "The Dukes of Hazzard." Box 911 The Good Old Flag. General note box su 119 Box 23 Good Old Timers. General note incomplete Box 6 Good Ride Cowboy. 2005. creator: Brown, Richie creator: Doyle, Bob creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Kennedy, Bryan creator: Neimann, Jerrod Box 554 (On the) Good Ship Lollipop. 1985. creator: Clare, Sidney creator: Schaum Publications, Inc.. creator: Whiting, Richard A. Box 469 The Good Stuff. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-112,113 Box 410 Box 411 Box 414 Good Time Charlie. 1945. Good Time Charlie. 1945. Good Times. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of interior with three men and two women lounging on and around a piano Box 394 A Good Wazy to Get On My Bad Side. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01072 Universal General note SCB SZ 01-208 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 246 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 876 Good-bye, God Bless You ('Til We Meet Again). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Emil F. Isenberg and drawing of a soldier saying goodbye to his family Box 20 Box 389 Good-Night, Good-night Beloved!. 1905. Goodbye. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352429 EMI April General note SCB SZ 02-20 Box 857 Goodbye. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Kristinia DeBarge Box 396 Box 398 Goodbye Girl: Made Easy For Piano. 1978. Goodbye Heartache. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Louise Mandrell Box 414 Goodbye I Love You. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the group Firefall Box 26 Box 414 Goodbye To Vienna. 1944. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Elton John Box 464 Goodbye Original sheet music ed.. 1997. General note Publisher no.: PV97149 Warner Bros. Publications General note From the motion picture, "G.I. Jane." SCB SZMP 01-14 Box 470 Goodbye to You Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM02081 General note recorded by Michelle Branch on Maverick Records. Box 580 Goodbye My Emerald Land. 1911. Scope and Content Note From: The Isle O'Dreams. General note SCB SY 118483 Box 875 Goodbye Dear, I'll Be Back In A Year. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Ronnie Kemper Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 247 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 875 Goodbye Little Girl, Don't You Cry. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photographs of Catherine Yale Baker and her three songs Box 875 Goodbye Mama (I'm Off To Yokohama). 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Goodbye Sue. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Morton Downey Box 859 Goodnight My Love. 1936. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, Stowaway. On cover: photographs of Shirley Temple, Robert Young and Alice Faye. Box 874 Goodnight Soldier. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Judy Canova Box 911 Goodnight Soldier. General note box su 119 Box 877 Goodnight Children Everywhere. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Gracie Fields Box 910 Goody Goody. General note box su 43 Box 21 Goody-Goody. 1936. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Malneck, Matt creator: Mercer, Johnny General note on cover: photograph of Enoch Light Box 859 Goody-Goody. 1936. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Malneck, Matt creator: Mercer, Johnny Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nick Lucas. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 248 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 1149 Goody Goody Goody Goody Good. General note box su 8 Box 398 The Goonies 'R' Good Enough: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 411 Got The Moon In My Pocket. 1942. General note on cover: photographs from the RKO Radio Picture "My Favorite Spy" Box 414 Got To Be Real. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Cheryl Lynn Box 414 Got to Get You Into My Life. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of the group Blood, Sweat & Tears Box 396 Got To Love Somebody. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Sister Sledge Box 469 Gots To Be. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-114 Box 414 Gotta Serve Somebody. 1979. General note on cover: sepia line drawing of railroad work scene Box 480 Gotta Tell You original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00146 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-32 Box 411 Box 404 Grace. 1958. Graduation (Friends Forever). 1999. creator: Deutsch, Josh creator: Fitzpatrick, Colleen creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Colleen Fitzpatrick. Box 22 Box 418 Box 555 The Grand Duke. 1925. Grand Hotel. 1933. Grand Imperial March. 1908. creator: Century Music . creator: Drumheller, C. Box 390 Grand March. 1966. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 249 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 547 Grand Old Ivy. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 419 Box 391 Box 419 Grandfather's Clock. 1937. Grandma in the "Negev". Grandma's Hands. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers. 3 copies. Box 126 Grant Avenue. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1038-6 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song General note SX 105344 Box 126 Grant Avenue. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1038-6 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song General note SX 128474-74 Box 961 Great Big Bunch of You, A. 1932. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Five copies. On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 961 Great Guns. 1949. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three copies, different editions. On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 27 The Greatest American Hero. 1981. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Box 414 Green (Bein' Green). 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 250 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 390 Green Acres: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 494 Green Acres. 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme to the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 89-2 Box 419 Green Tambourine. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of The Lemon Pipers Box 419 Green-Eyed Lady. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Sugarloaf Box 1115 Grenade. 2010. General note Publisher no.: 37234 General note Original sheet music edition. Box 419 Box 1149 Grizzly Bear. 1910. Grizzly Bear. General note box su 8 Box 412 A Groovy Kind of Love. 1966. General note from British film "Buster." Box 414 Growin'. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Loggins & Messina Box 456 Grown Men Don't Cry. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-111 Box 53 Guadalcanal March. 1952. General note From the television program, "Victory at Sea." Box 66 Guess Again. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Collegiate." Professional copy. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 251 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 21 Guilty. 1931. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Whiting, Richard A. General note on cover: photograph of Ruth Etting Box 992 Guilty. General note box su 66 Box 555 Guilty. 1946. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Patti Clayton. Box 859 Guilty. 1946. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tony Martin. Box 412 Guitars, Cadillacs. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dwight Yoakam Box 875 A Guy 24 and a B-29. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 419 A Guy Is A Guy. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Doris Day Box 865 Guys and Dolls. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the show of the same title. Box 555 Gypsy Fiddles. 1933. creator: Keit-Engle, Inc.. creator: Wrubel, Allie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Mickey Alpert. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 252 Works in English: Titles: G's. Series 7. Box 854 Gypsy Fiddles. 1933. creator: Keit-Engle, Inc.. creator: Wrubel, Allie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Mickey Alpert. Box 555 Gypsy Love Song. 1943. creator: Herbert, Victor creator: Levine, Henry creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content Piano adaptation by Henry Levine. Box 547 Gypsy Love Song (Slumber On My Little Gypsy Sweetheart). 1908. Scope and Content Note From "The Fortuneteller." General note Dudley gift. Box 555 Gypsy Love Song (Slumber On My Little Gypsy Sweetheart). 1898. creator: Herbert, Victor creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Smith, Harry B. Scope and Content From "The Fortune Teller." Box 854 Gypsy Love Song (Slumber On My Little Gypsy Sweetheart). 1898. creator: Herbert, Victor creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Smith, Harry B. Scope and Content From "The Fortune Teller." Box 390 Box 1164 Gypsy Rhapsody. 1963. Gypsy Song. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 63 Ha-Cha-Cha. 1934. General note From the Fox motion picture "Caravan." Box 391 Box 411 Box 654 Box 24 Haamini Jom Jawo. 1948. Hadacol. 1959. Haere Ra. Hail To Thee, U.C.L.A.. 1941. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 253 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 419 Hair of Silver, Heart of Gold. 1961. General note 5 copies. Box 391 Box 415 Hakhablanim - Chizbat. 1948. Half a Chance. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon Box 408 Box 20 Half A Sixpence Selection. 1963. Half As Much. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Rosemary Clooney Box 396 Half Moon Silver. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Hotel Box 922 Half of My Heart. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of John Mayer. Box 469 Halfcrazy. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-115 Box 922 Halfway Gone. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Lifehouse. Box 494 Hall or Nothing. 1988. Scope and Content Note Theme from the Arsenio Hall Show. General note SCB SZTV 89-6 Box 875 Hallelu (Judgment Day Is Comin'). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 583 Hallelujah. 1927. Scope and Content Note From, "Hit the Deck." General note SCB SY 118323 Box 858 Hallelujah. 1995. General note on cover: yellow background Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 254 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 859 Hallelujah. 1927. creator: Grey, Clifford creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Robin, Leo creator: Youmans, Vincent Scope and Content From Radio Picture's screen musical comedy, "Hit the Deck." On cover: photograph of Jack Oakie and Polly Walker. Box 911 The Halls of Ivy. General note box su 119 Box 874 Halo. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Beyonce Box 992 Hand in Hand Again. General note box su 66 Box 865 Box 1149 The Hand of You. 1923. Hand That Rocked My Cradle Rules My Heart. General note box su 8 Box 57 A Handful of Stars. 1940. General note Featured in the NBC readio program, "The Big Show." Also written by Ten Shapiro. Cover features a photograph of Meredith Willson. Box 47 Hands Across the Border. 1942. General note 2 copies. From the R.K.O. film "Call Out the Marines." Box 469 Hands Clean. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-116 Box 57 The Hands of Time (Brian's Song). 1972. General note From the television program, "Brian's Song." Box 494 Hangin' With Mr. Cooper. 1992. General note Publisher no.: 0276HSMX Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 93-9 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 255 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 394 Hanging by a Moment. 2000. General note Publisher no.: 02500395 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-197 Box 419 Box 525 Box 48 Hannah Boil Dat Cabbage Down. The Happiest Time is Now. 1845. Happiness Is A Thing Called Joe. 1940. General note From the MGM Picture "Cabin in the Sky." Box 415 Happiness. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Pointer Sisters Box 419 Box 6 Box 581 Happiness. 1967. Happy Christmas Little Friend. Happy. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8626; M.W. & Sons 17321-4 Scope and Content Note From: Billie. General note SCB SY 118119 Box 396 Happy Anniversary. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band Box 391 Box 408 Happy Birthday, Dear Ludwig. 1970. Happy Birthday To You: Big Note Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 412 Happy Birthday To You!: All Organ. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Irwin Box 6 Happy Christmas Little Friend. 1952. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Rodgers, Richard creator: Williamson Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: "The official Christmas seal sale song." Box 517 Happy Days. 1865. General note SCB SY 1932 Part of the Hogue Collection Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 256 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 543 Happy Days and Lonely Nights. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Alice Morley. Dudley gift. Box 859 Happy Days Are Here Again. 1929. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Yellen, Jack Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, Chasing Rainbows. Box 911 Happy Go Lucky. General note box su 119 Box 56 The Happy Heart. 1957. General note From the CBS television production, "Junior Miss." Box 419 Happy Heart. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Andy Williams Box 63 Happy, I Am Happy. 1934. General note From the Fox motion picture "Caravan." Box 415 Happy Man. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Impact Box 1076 Happy Organ -- Jackstraws' March. General note Box PS 7 Box 547 Happy to Keep His Dinner Warm. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 554 Happy Wanderer (Val-De Ri-Val-De-Ra). creator: Moller, Friedr. W. creator: Ridge, Antonia creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Louis Prima. Box 911 The Happy Whislter. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 257 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 391 Happy With the Man. 1950. General note From the Pittsburgh Playhouse Musical "Fifty Grand" Box 26 Box 865 Box 922 Harbor Lights. 1937. The Harbor of Home Sweet Home. 1938. Hard. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Rihanna. Box 859 Hard Hearted Hannah. 1924. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Bates, Chas. creator: Bigelow, Bob creator: Yellen, Jack Scope and Content Introduced by Frances Williams in the Shubert Winter Garden production, "Innocent Eyes." On cover: photograph of Miss Frances Williams. Box 390 The Hard Way. 1945. General note on cover: photographs of Bing Crosby and Betty Hutton. featured in the Paramount motion picture "Duffy's Tavern" Box 411 Hard Way. 1945. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Duffy's Tavern" Box 415 Hard Work. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of John Handy Box 396 Harden My Heart. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Quarter Flash Box 415 Harlem. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Fifth Dimension Box 411 Box 411 Harlem Hospitality. Harmony. 1947. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Variety Girl" Box 507 Harriet's Theme original sheet music ed.. 1989. Scope and Content Note Love theme from "Old Gringo." General note SCB SZMP90-1 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 258 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 854 Has Anybody Seen Our Ship. 1935. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Coward, Noel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence. Box 419 Has Sorrow Thy Young Days Shaded. General note 2 copies Box 396 Box 622 Hasten Down the Wind. 1977. The Hat My Father Wore. 1930. General note SCB SY 1147 Box 49 Hate That I Love You. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353703 General note Words and music also by Tor Erik Hermansen and Mikkel Eriksen. Recorded by Rihanna featuring Ne-Yo. Box 875 Hats Off To MacArthur. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of MacArthur Box 419 Haunting You (Enchanted Spell). 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Malcolm Peters Box 911 Haunting Me. General note box su 119 Box 961 Have a Drink on Me. 1962. creator: Four Jays Music Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Box 507 Have a Heart. 1989. General note As featured in the motion picture, "Heart Condition." SCB SZMP90-3 Box 6 Have a Nice Day. 2005. creator: Bon Jovi, Jon creator: Sambora, Richie creator: Shanks, John creator: WB Music Corp.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 259 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 21 Have A Smile (For Everyone You Meet And They Will Have A Smile For You). 1918. creator: Brennan, J. Keirn creator: Cunningham, Paul creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Rule, Bert General note on cover: picture of Corinne Griffith Box 56 Have Feet, Will Dance. 1958. General note From the CBS television production, "Junior Miss." Box 875 Have I Stayed Away Too Long. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Orange cover. Box 961 Have it Your Way Foolish Heart. 1938. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: Kahal, Irving creator: Lendi, Anthony Scope and Content Three copies. On cover: photographs of Guy Lombardo and Kate Smith. Box 859 Have you Ever Been Lonely (Have You Ever Been Blue). 1960. creator: Brown, George creator: DeRose, Peter creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 23 Box 396 Have You Met Miss Jones?. 1937. Have You Never Been Mellow. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 415 Have You Never Been Mellow: Made Easy for Piano. 1975. General note on cover: picture of faded green piano keyboard Box 419 Box 415 Have You Had A Gethsemane?. 1963. Haven't Got Time for the Pain. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon... two copies Box 858 Haven't Met You Yet. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Buble Box 906 Hawaii. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 260 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 906 Hawaii and You. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaii by Moonlight. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaii (I'm Dreaming of You). General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaii Sing To Me. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaii Will Be Paradise Once More. General note Box SU 125 Box 26 Box 545 Box 545 Box 905 The Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au). 1958. Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au). Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au). 1958. Hawaiian Time. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 Hawaiian Vamp: That Haunting Hula Glide. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 Hawaiian War Chant: Ta Hu Wa Hu Wai. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au). General note Box SU 126 Box 905 Hawaiian Whispers. General note Box SU 126 Box 906 Hawaiian Breezes. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Butterfly. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 261 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 906 Hawaiian Christmas Song. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Dream Boat. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Dream Girl. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Girl O'Mine. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Hospitality. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Love. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Love Chant. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Lullaby. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Memories. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Memory. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Moon. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Moon of Melody. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Nightingale. General note Box SU 125 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 262 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 906 Hawaiian Nights. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Paradise. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Rainbow. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Sandman. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Shores With You. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Star of Love. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Stars Are Gleaming. General note Box SU 125 Box 906 Hawaiian Sunset. General note Box SU 125 Box 911 Hawaiian Breezes. General note box su 119 Box 911 Hawaiian Shores With You. General note box su 119 Box 905 Hawaii's Calling You. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 Hawaii's Charm. General note Box SU 126 Box 411 Box 525 Hazel. 1961. Hazel Dell. 1890?. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 263 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 859 He Ain't Got Rhythm. 1937. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "On the Avenue." On cover: photographs of Dick Powell, Madeleine Carroll, Alice Fay, and The Ritz Brothers. Box 858 He Could Be The One. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus Box 66 He Gives Us All His Love. 1971. General note From the motion picture, "Cold Turkey." Box 419 He Knows Just How Much You Can Bear. General note 5 copies Box 865 Hey, Look Me Over. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Wildcat." General note On cover: drawing of Lucille Ball. Box 480 He Loves U Not original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00172 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-47 Box 480 He Loves U Not original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00172 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-47, 48 Box 758 He Makes Me Feel I'm Lovely. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 He Makes Me Feel I'm Lovely. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 56 He Never Looks My Way. 1956. General note From the NBC Producer's Showcase television production, "Jack and the Beanstalk." Box 1149 He Played on His Fiddle Dee Dee. General note box su 8 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 264 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 910 He Should'a Flip'd When He Flop'd. General note box su 43 Box 419 Box 411 He Touched Me. 1969. He Was A Perfect Gentleman. 1944. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "The Great John" Box 27 He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings. 1941. General note On cover: photograph of Alvino Rey. Box 872 He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Jerry Wald Box 875 He Wears A Pair Of Silver Wings. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Shep Fields. Box 555 He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings. 1941. creator: Carr, Michael creator: Maschwitz, Eric creator: Peter Maurice, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Kay Kyser. Box 419 He Who Loves. 1970. General note 2 copies Box 22 He'd Have To Get Under Get Out And Get Under (To Fix Up His Automobile). 1913. General note on cover: picture of Kitty Flynn Box 875 He's 1-A in the Army and He's A-1 in my Heart. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 419 Box 555 He's Got A Wave In His Hair (And A WAAC On His Hands). 1943. He's My Guy. 1942. creator: de Paul, Gene creator: Leeds Music. creator: Ray, Don Scope and Content On cover: photographs of Helen Forrest and Harry James. Box 419 He's My Uncle. 1940. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 265 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 875 He's My Uncle. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 961 He's Not Worth Your Tears. 1930. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Rose, Billy creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three different copies. On cover: photograph of Ruth Etting. Box 419 He's Our Man. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Wm. "Bill" Froelich Box 415 He's the Greatest Dancer. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Sister Sledge Box 396 Headed For A Fall. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Firefall Box 408 Box 858 Heal the World: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1993. Heal the World. 1991. General note on cover: picture of two hands holding a cracked planet Earth with a bandaid on it. Box 27 Heard it in a Love Song. 1977. General note On cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band. Box 415 Heard It In A Love Song. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band Box 859 Heart and Soul. 1938. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Loesser, Frank Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "A Song is Born." On cover: photograph of Larry Clinton and his orchestra. Box 545 Box 911 The Heart Bowed Down. Heart Broken Sailor. General note box su 119 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 266 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 399 Heart Don't Fall Now. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Sawyer Brown Box 396 Box 1115 Heart Like A Wheel. 1981. Heart Like Mine. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Miranda Lambert. Box 396 Heart of Mine. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Dylan Box 412 Box 415 Heart of Mine. 1988. Heart of the Night. 1979. General note on cover: line drawing of horse Box 415 Heart to Heart. 1979. General note on cover: red and grey hearts Box 494 The Heart to Climb the Mountain original sheet music edition. 1992. General note Publisher no.: 1829HSMX Scope and Content Note As featured in NBC's Olympic television broadcast. General note SCB SZTV 92-7 Box 412 Box 398 Heart Turns to Stone. 1987. (Back to the) Heartbreak Kid. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Restless Heart Box 1091 Heartbroken and Lonely. General note Box SU 14 Box 857 Heartless. 2008. General note on cover: picture of a red heart-shaped balloon broken in half Box 419 Heartlight. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 396 Hearts On Fire. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Randy Meisner Box 412 Hearts on Fire. 1988. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 267 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 876 Heave Ho! My Lads, Heave Ho! (Song of the Merchant Marine). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a medal inscribed with the words "United States Maritime Service" Box 56 Heven. 1985. General note Theme from the television show, "Highway to Heaven." Box 411 Heaven Can Wait. 1939. General note 3 copies. Box 415 Heaven Can Be Anywhere (Twin Pines Theme). 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Charlie Daniels Band Box 49 Heaven, Heartache and the Power of Love. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL0035379 General note Words and music also by Clay Mills. Recorded by Trisha Yearwood. Box 1149 Heaven Watch the Philippines. General note box su 8 Box 49 Heavenly day. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353701 General note Recorded by Patty Griffin. Box 555 Heavenly Hideaway. 1942. creator: Jewel Music Publishing, Co., Inc.. creator: Loman, Jules creator: Rey, Alvino creator: Ricca, Lou Scope and Content On cover: photographs of Alvino Rey and The King Sisters. Box 858 Hedwig's Theme. 2002. General note from the Warner Bros. motion picture "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." on cover: photograph of Harry Potter. Box 464 Hedwig's Theme Original sheet music edition.. General note Publisher no.: PVM01144 Warner-Barham General note From the motion picture, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." SCB SZMP 01-33 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 268 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 56 Heidi. 1955. General note Based on themes of Robert Schumann. From the NBC television spectacular, "Heidi." Box 650 Heimliche Liebe: Gavotte Fuer Piano. 1877. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1232 Box 56 Theme from "The Heiress". 1961. General note Theme to the television series. Cover features photographs of Julie Harris and Farley Granger. Box 412 Hello Again. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of The Cars Box 992 Hello Baby: Hello. General note box su 66 Box 914 Hello California. General note box su 114 Box 554 Hello Dolly. 1968. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Herman, Jerry Box 545 Hello Hawaii. 1915. General note On cover: photograph of Willie and Eugene Howard. Box 905 Hello Hawaii How Are You. General note Box SU 126 Box 622 Hello Hello. 1967. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 1148, 1149 Box 622 Hello L.A., Bye Bye Birmingham. 1968. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 1150 1151 Box 859 Hello Mom. 1942. creator: Dunstedter, Eddie creator: Jones, Arthur V. creator: Loesser, Frank creator: Saunders Publications. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 269 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 961 Hello Montreal. 1928. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Rose, Billy creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Seven copies, different editions. Box 415 Hello Old Friend. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Clapton Box 910 Hello Out There Hello. General note box su 43 Box 876 Hello Private Doe. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a soldier Box 415 Hello Stranger. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Yvonne Elliman Box 1091 Hello Swanee Hello. General note Box SU 14 Box 583 Hello There. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118304 Box 865 Hello There. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Bells are Ringing." General note On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday. Box 1115 Hello World. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum. Box 865 Hello Young Lovers. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the show, "The King and I." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 270 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 22 Hello, Frisco!. 1915. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 419 Hello, Goodbye. 1967. General note on cover: stylized depiction of the Beatles Box 396 Help Is On Its Way. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band. Box 415 Help Me. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell Box 419 Help Me Rhonda. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Rivers Box 469 Help Me Understand. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-117 Box 469 Help Me Understand original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-106 Box 1149 Help Me to Help My Neighbor. General note box su 8 Box 961 Helpless. 1963. creator: Four Jays Music Co.. creator: Shaper, Hal creator: Warren, Harry Box 394 Helplessly, Hopelessly Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01107 Songs of Universal General note SCB SZ01-174 Box 407 Box 56 Hemerel. 1923. Hennesey Theme. 1961. General note From the CBS television program, "Hennesey." 2 copies (one cover features a photograph of Jackie Cooper.) Box 858 Her Diamonds. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of random girl sprawled out against a wall Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 271 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 396 Her Town Too. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of James Taylor and J.D. Souther Box 857 Here. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Rascal Flatts Box 555 Here and Now. 1963. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Coward, Noel Scope and Content From the musical comedy, The Girl Who Came to Supper. Box 411 Box 415 Here Comes Another Song About Texas (PAss the Cotton, Pass the Cotton). 1958. Here Come Those Tears Again. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 419 Here Comes My Baby. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of The Tremeloes. 2 copies. Box 543 Here Comes the Show Boat. 1954. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 858 Here Comes Goodye. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Rascal Flatts Box 875 Here Comes The Navy. 1934. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Lt. Comdr. Oakes Box 910 Here Come the British. General note box su 43 Box 396 Here I Am (Just When I Thought I Was Over You). 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Air Supply Box 555 Here I Am: Broken Hearted. 1927. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Sylva, B.G. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Henderson, Ray creator: Ray, Johnnie Scope and Content On cover, photograph of singer, Johnnie Ray. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 272 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 582 Here I Go Again. 1945. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: Are You With It. General note SCB SY 118101 Box 23 Box 469 Here In My Heart. 1952. Here is Gone. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-72 Box 961 Here We Are. 1929. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Three different copies. Box 758 Here We Go Again. 1965. General note From the musical, "Do I Hear a Waltz?" Two copies (different covers.) Box 858 Here We Go Again. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Demi Lovato Box 419 Here Where There Is Love. 1970. General note 2 copies Box 396 Here, There and Everywhere. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Emmylou Harris Box 419 Here, There and Everywhere. 1966. General note on cover: stylized depiction of the Beatles. 2 copies. Box 854 Here's Hoping. 1932. creator: Adamson, Harold creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lanny Ross. Box 554 Here's Love. 1963. creator: Frank Music Corp.. creator: Willson, Meredith Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 273 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 411 Here's That Rainy Day. 1953. General note 3 copies. Box 910 Here's to My Lady. General note box su 43 Box 394 Hero. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352406 EMI April General note SCB SZ 01-173 Box 408 Hero: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 464 Hero. 2002. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Spiderman." General note SCB SZMP 02-9 Box 857 Box 494 Hero/Heroine. 2006. A Hero's Passing. 1991. General note Publisher no.: VS5740 Scope and Content Note From the television special, "Gary Cooper: American life, American legend." General note SCB SZTV 91-15 Box 1149 He's a Devil in His Own Home Town. General note box su 8 Box 1149 He's a Rag Picker. General note box su 8 Box 51 He's Just Crazy for Me. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 859 He's the Last Word. 1927. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 274 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 859 He's Not Worth Your Tears. 1930. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Rose, Billy creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ruth Etting, Ziegfeld star. Box 469 Hey Baby. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-104 Box 469 Hey Baby original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-104,105 Box 922 Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home). 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Usher. Box 419 Box 622 Hey Diddle Diddle. Hey Diddle Diddle. General note SCB SY 1152, 1726 Box 992 Hey Hey Hazel. General note box su 66 Box 415 Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black). 1979. General note on cover: cartoon of Neil Young with inscription: "Neil Young: A Concert Fantasy. Rust Never Sleeps." Box 554 Hey Look Me Over. 1961. creator: Coleman, Cy creator: Leigh, Carolyn creator: Morley Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content From the Lucille Ball production of Wildcat. Box 859 Hey Mabel. 1942. creator: Merrywood Publishers. creator: Stryker, Fred Box 858 Hey There Delilah. 2005. Physical Description: 8.0 p. General note Publisher no.: 28958 General note Guitar tab edition. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 275 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 858 Hey There Delilah. 2005. General note on cover: photograph of the Plain White T's Box 865 Hey There. 1954. Scope and Content Note From the show, "The Pajama Game." Box 411 Hey You With the Crazy Eyes. 1960. General note on cover: stills from the CinemaScope motion picture "Let's Make Love" Box 20 Hey! Jealous Lover. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 398 Box 396 Hey, Daisy, Where Have All the Good Times Gone?. 1986. Hey, Deanie. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Shaun Cassidy Box 858 Hey, Soul Sister. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of the group Train Box 6 Hicktown. 2003. creator: Alphin, Kenny creator: McGehe, Vicky Lynn creator: Rich, John creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jason Aldean. Box 419 Box 1115 Hickory Dickory Dock. Hidden Away. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Josh Groban. Box 23 The High And The Mighty. 1954. General note from the picture "The High And The Mighty" Box 56 Theme from "The High Chaparral" (All for You). 1970. General note Theme from the television program. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 411 High Hopes. 1959. General note on cover: stills from the UA motion picture "A Hole in the Head" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 276 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 411 High on the List. 1950. General note on cover: stills from the Paramount motion picture "Mr. Music" Box 914 High Sierra. General note box su 114 Box 396 (Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Rita Coolidge Box 47 Higher Than a Hawk (Deeper Than a Well). 1953. General note 2 copies. From the film, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 858 Highland Cathedral. 1992. General note on cover: a large snowflake Box 415 Box 854 Highway 61 Revisited. 1965. Hikin' Down the Highway. 1931. creator: David, Lee creator: Kahal, Irving creator: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Georgie Price. Box 64 Hilda. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Box 56 The Hill Street Blues Theme. 1980. General note Theme from the television series. 2 copies (different covers). Box 22 Hill-Billy Campfire Songs. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Big Bill Campbell Box 415 Hillbilly Heart. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Rodriguez Box 922 Hillbilly Bone. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Blake Shleton. Box 396 Him. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Rupert Holmes Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 277 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 580 The Hinkey Dee. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118421 Box 419 His Invisible Hand. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of The Four Lads Box 411 His Rocking Horse Ran Away. 1944. General note on cover: stills from the Paramount motion picture "And the Angels Sing" Box 419 Box 858 His Will. 1968. History in the Making. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Darius Rucker Box 394 Hit 'em Up Style (Oops). 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352352 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 01-209 Box 394 Hit 'em Up Style (Oops). 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352352 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 01-209 Box 876 Hitler's Funeral March. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: cartoon of Hitler and a small funeral band Box 23 Box 415 H.M.S. Pinafore. 1950. Ho, Ho, Ho (Who'd Be A Turkey At Christmas). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Elton John Box 58 The Hobo Special = The Magnificent Muldoon. 1966 January 26. General note From the television program, "Daisies." Adapted by Randy Rayburn. Lyrics also Robert Stambler. Ozalid copy. Box 1091 Hoiriger Schottische. General note Box SU 14 Box 419 Hojas Muertas (Fallen Leaves). 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Jose Mojica Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 278 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 419 Box 872 Hold 'Em Joe. 1957. Hold Ev'rything ('Til I Come Back to You). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1115 Hold it Against Me. 2011. General note On cover: photograph of Britney Spears. Box 21 Hold Me. creator: Black, Ben creator: Hickman, Art creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. General note incomplete, no publishing date from F. Ziegfeld Jr.'s 14th production of Ziegfeld Follies of 1920. Box 396 Hold Me. 1982. General note on cover: stylized painting of Fleetwood Mac Box 859 Hold Me. 1933. creator: Little, Little Jack creator: Oppenheim, Dave creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Schuster, Ira Box 922 Box 49 Hold My Hand Original sheet music ed.. 2007. Hold On. 2002. General note Publisher no.: HL00352753 General note Words and music also by Joel Madden. Recorded by Good Charlotte. Box 396 Hold On. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Hill Box 415 Hold On. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ian Gomm Box 415 Hold On. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Triumph Box 1115 Hold On. 2009. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Buble on cover. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 279 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 396 Hold On Loosely. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of 38-Special Box 2 Hold Tight, Hold Tight (Want Some Sea Food Mama). 1939. General note Words and music also by Robinson Ware Spotswood. Cover features a photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Box 872 Hold Your Hats On! (Too-dle Oo-dle-oo). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Ben Bernie Box 412 Holding On. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Steve Winwood Box 24 Box 25 Box 396 Holiday For Strings. 1943. Holiday For Strings. 1943. Holiday. 1975. General note on cover: Bee Gees logo Box 411 Holiday For Lovers. 1959. General note on cover: stills from the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Holiday for Lovers" Box 415 Holly Holy. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 54 A Holly Jolly Christmas. 1964. General note From the Videocraft television musical spectacular "Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer." Cover features a photograph of Burl Ives. 2 copies (different covers). Box 396 Hollywood Nights. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Seger Box 6 Box 555 The Holy City. The Holy City. 1892. creator: Adams, Stephen creator: Boosey & Co.. creator: Weatherly, F.E. Box 854 Holy City, The. 1892. creator: Adams, Stephen creator: Boosey & Co.. creator: Weatherly, F.E. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 280 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 910 Holy Smoke: Can't You Take a Joke. General note box su 43 Box 11 Box 399 Home. 1922. Home Again in My Heart. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Box 1149 Home Again Blues. General note box su 8 Box 396 Home Bound. 1977. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Ted Nugent General note From the Fox motion picture "Caravan." Box 494 Home Improvement. 1993. General note Publisher no.: HL00353069 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 93-8 Box 914 Home in Pasadena. General note box su 114 Box 961 Home in Pasadena. 1923. creator: Clarke & Leslie Songs, Inc.. creator: Clarke, Grant creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Five copies, different covers. On covers: photographs of Irving Edwards, Holden and Harron, Gale Sherwood, and Irving and Jack Kaufman. Box 992 (Build Me) A Home in the Gloaming. General note box su 66 Box 47 Home is Heaven, Heaven is Home. 1929. General note Also by Walter Donaldson. From the William Fox musical movietown "Cameo Kirby." Box 2 Box 419 Home on the Range. 1932. Home on the Hillside of Glory. 1954. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 281 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 11 Home Sweet Home Polka. 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Blue Barron. Box 390 Home Sweet Home. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Motley Crue Box 650 Home Sweet Home. 1860. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1233 Box 650 Home Sweet Home. 1860. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1233 Box 858 Home Sweet Home. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Carrie Underwood Box 525 Box 57 A Home That I Love. 1843. Home to Emily (theme from The Bob Newhart Show). 1976. General note From the television program, "The Bob Newhart Show." Cover features a photograph of Bob Newhart. Also written by Henrietta Music. Box 415 Home Tonight. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Aerosmith Box 396 The Homecoming. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Hagood Hardy Box 415 The Homecoming. 1976. General note on cover: picture of two faded green piano keyboards Box 27 The Homecoming Waltz. 1943. General note On cover: photograph of Joy Denny. Box 390 The Homecoming: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 1149 Homesick. General note box su 8 Box 399 Hometown Gossip. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Whites Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 282 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 419 Homeward Bound. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Simon & Garfunkel Box 56 Theme from, "Hondo". 1967. General note Theme from the MGM television series. Cover features a photograph of Ralph Taeger. Box 6 Honky Tonk Badonkadonk. 2005. creator: Davidson, Dallas creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Houser, Randy creator: Johnson, Jamey Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Trace Adkins. Box 11 Honey. 1928. General note Words and music also by Haven Gillespie and Richard A. Whiting. Cover features a photograph of Jules Alberti. Box 27 Honey. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 992 Honey. General note box su 66 Box 555 Honey. 1928. creator: Gillespie, Haven creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Simons, Seymour creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of June Bradley. Box 1115 Honey Bee. 2010. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Blake Shelton on cover. Box 580 Honey Bunch. 1926. Scope and Content Note From, "Lady Be Good." General note SCB SY 118408 Box 25 Honey Bunny Boo. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Van Alexander Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 283 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 905 Honey Hula. General note Box SU 126 Box 48 Honey In The Honeycomb. 1940. General note From the MGM Picture "Cabin in the Sky." Box 11 Honeymoon Town. 1919. General note Music also by Felix G. Rice. Box 56 Theme from "The Honeymooners". 1955. General note Theme to the television series. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 411 Honeymoon Hotel. 1964. General note on cover: stills from the Metro Goldwyn Mayer motion picture "Honeymoon Hotel" Box 56 Theme from "Hong Kong" (Evans' Theme). 1961. General note Frm the ABC television program. Cover features a photograph of Rod Taylor. Box 554 Hong Kong Blues. 1939. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Larry Spier Inc.. Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "To Have and Have Not." On cover: photograph of Hoagy Carmichael. Box 25 Box 905 Honky Tonk Train. 1939. Honolulu. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu (You're the Home of the Moon). General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Blues. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Bundle (Ka Puolo). General note SCB SU 126 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 284 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 21 Honolulu Eyes. 1921. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Violinsky General note from the Shubert's production "The Passing Show" on cover: photograph of the Avon Comedy Four Box 905 Honolulu Eyes. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Honey. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Honeymoon. General note SCB SU 126 Box 419 Box 905 Honolulu Moon. 1923. Honolulu Moon. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Moonlight. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Honolulu Song Bird. General note SCB SU 126 Box 758 Hoop De Dingle. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Three copies. Box 27 Hoop Dee Doo. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 494 Hooperman. 1989. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 89-7 Box 26 Hooray For Love. 1948. General note From the Universal-International motion picture "Casbah" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 285 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 65 Hooray For Love. 1948. General note From the Universal-International motion picture "Casbah." Cover features photograph of Yvonne DeCarlo and Tony Martin. 3 copies. Box 411 Hoot Mon. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, and Bob Hope. from the Paramount motion picture "Road to Bali" Box 56 Hootenanny Saturday Night. 1963. General note Theme from the ABC television program, "Hootenanny." Box 11 Box 396 Hopak. 1962. Hope You're Feelin' Me (Like I'm Feelin' You). 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Charley Pride Box 419 Hopelessly Devoted To You. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 411 Box 411 A Horse That Knows the Way (Back Home). 1943. The Horse Told Me. 1950. General note on cover: still photograph from the Paramount motion picture "Riding High" Box 992 Horses. General note box su 66 Box 47 The Hostess With the Mostes' on the Ball. 1950. General note From the film, "Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen and George Sanders. Box 859 Hot Dogs and Sasparella. 1934. creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Samuels, Walter G. creator: Whitcup, Leonard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Abe Lyman. Box 412 Hot For Teacher. 1984. General note on cover: photographs of Van Halen Box 396 Hot Legs. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 286 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 49 Hot Mama. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352730 General note Words and music also by Tom Shapiro. Recorded by Trace Adkins. Box 858 Hot N Cold. 2008. General note on cover: pink polka dots Box 415 Hot Stuff. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Mick Jagger Box 397 Hot Summer Nights. 1978. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Walter Egan General note From the Fox motion picture "Caravan." Box 415 Hot Summer Nights. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of the band Night Box 56 Theme from "Hotel". 1983. General note Theme from the television series. Box 396 Box 415 Hotel California: Made Easy For Piano. 1978. Hotel California. 1977. General note on cover: blue speckled background Box 525 Box 11 Box 865 The Hour of Parting. 1890?. The House by the Side of the Road. 1927. The House I Live In. 1942. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 390 Box 922 A House Is Not A Home. 1992. The House That Built Me. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Miranda Lambert. Box 1149 Home Again Blues. General note box su 8 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 287 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 1149 How About Me. General note box su 8 Box 859 How About Me. 1928. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 859 How About You. 1941. creator: Freed, Ralph creator: Lane , Burton creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, "Babes on Broadway." On cover: photograph of Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. Box 11 How are Things in Glocca Morra. 1946. General note From the show, Finian's Rainbow. Box 411 How Are Ya' Fixed For Love?. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 961 How Are You Tonight in Hawaii. 1930. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Four copies different editions. Box 46 How 'Bout Them Cowgirls. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353695 General note Words and music also by Ed Hill. Recorded by George Strait. Box 25 How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. 1971. General note On cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 396 How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. 1975. General note on cover: Bee Gees logo Box 411 How Can I Replace You?. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Tony Bennett Box 1091 How Can You Say Good Bye. General note Box SU 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 288 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 394 How Cool Is That. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352398 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 01-172 Box 992 How Could Anything So Good Be Bad. General note box su 66 Box 1091 How Could I Care For Somebody Else: After I've Cared For You. General note Box SU 14 Box 411 How D'Ya Talk To A Girl?. 1966. General note 2 copies. Box 1149 How Deep is the Ocean (How High is the Sky). General note box su 8 Box 2 Box 62 How Do I Love Thee. 1948. How Do You Do It. 1956. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Cross My Heart." Cover features a photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Box 390 How Do You Keep The Music Playing?: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 390 How Do You Talk To An Angel. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of The Heights Box 396 How Do You Keep the Music Playing?. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 411 How Do You Do It?. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. from the Paramount motion picture "Cross My Heart" Box 910 How Do You Say auf Widersehn. General note box su 43 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 289 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 411 How Does Your Garden Grow. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray, and Betty Hutton. from the Paramount motion picture "And the Angels Sing" Box 49 How Far We've Come. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353682 General note Words and music also by Paul Doucette, Kyle Cook and Brian Yale. Recorded by Matchbox Twenty. Box 411 Box 25 How Far Can A Lady Go?. 1958. How High The Moon. 1975. General note From the Broadway Show "Two For The Show" Box 418 Box 46 How I Love Your Beautiful Eyes. 1940. How Long. 1972. General note Publisher no.: 29092 General note Recorded by the Eagles. Box 411 How Long Did I Dream. 1941. General note on cover: photographs from the RKO radio picture "Playmates" Box 48 How Lovely To Be A Woman. 1960. General note From the Kohlmar-Sidney Production "Bye Bye Birdie" a Columbia Pictures Release. Box 859 (You Don't Know) How Lucky You Are. 1946. creator: Cassen, Eddie creator: O'Connor, Desmond creator: Peter Maurice, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Elliot Lawrence. Box 27 How Many Hearts Have You Broken (With Those Great Big Beautiful Eyes). 1943. General note On cover: photograph of Lee Castle. Box 1149 How Many Times. General note box su 8 Box 961 How Many Times Have I Told You. creator: Four Jays Music Co.. creator: Warren, Harry Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 290 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 396 How Much I Feel. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrosia Box 54 How Soon. 1964. General note Theme from the Richard Boone television program. 2 copies (photograph of Richard Boone on one.) Box 47 How to Handle a Woman. 1960. General note From "Camelot." Box 49 How To Save A Life. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00353513 General note Words and music also by Isaac Slade. Recorded by The Fray. Box 547 How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show of the same title. General note Dudley gift. Box 859 (I Never Knew) How Wonderful You Were (Till I Lost You Wonderful One). 1927. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Terriss, Dorothy Box 543 How Ya Gonna Keep em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree?). 1919. General note Dudley gift. Box 389 How You Remind Me Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01140 Warner-Tamerlane General note SCB SZ 02-19 Box 470 How You Gonna Act Like That. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-57 Box 1091 How'd Ya Like to Meet Me in the Moonlight: Aw Come On Let's Do. General note Box SU 14 Box 66 How'dja Like to Love Me. 1938. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Swing." Cover features photographs of George Burns, Gracie Allen, Martha Raye and Bob Hope. 2 copies (different covers). Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 291 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 859 How's Chances. 1933. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 961 Huckleberry Man. 1940. creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Koehler, Ted creator: Warren, Harry Box 910 Huggin' and a Chalkin'. General note box su 43 Box 905 Hukilau Song. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Blues. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Breeze. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Dreams. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Hula Dream Girl. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Hula Moon. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Hula Twist. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Lou. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Love. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 Hula Lullaby. General note SCB SU 126 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 292 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 859 (I've Got the Words, I've Got the Tune) Hummin' to Myself. 1932. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Fain, Sammy creator: Magidson, Herb creator: Siegel, Monty Box 11 Box 411 Humoresque Boogie. 1947. Humpty Dumpty Heart. 1941. General note 3 copies. Box 419 Box 126 Humpty Dumpty. A Hundred Million Miracles. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1037-7 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song. General note SX 105345 Box 126 A Hundred Million Miracles. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1037-7 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song. General note SX 105345 Box 289 A Hundred Million Miracles. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1037-7 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song General note SX 128745, 128746 Box 859 Hundred Years from To Day. 1961. creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Washington, Ned creator: Young, Joseph creator: Young, Victor Box 415 The Hungry Years. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Wayne Newton Box 396 Hurry Sundown. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of The Outlaws Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 293 Works in English: Titles: H's. Series 8. Box 396 The Hurt Doesn't Go Away. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 396 Hurts So Good. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of John Cougar Mellencamp Box 419 Husbands & Wives. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Roger Miller Box 554 Hush Puppy Lullaby. 1962. creator: Boosey & Hawkes. creator: Cacavas, John Box 11 Box 415 Hush Little Baby. 1919. The Hustle. 1978. General note on cover: blue cartoon of five-piece band Box 875 Hut! 2-3-4 (I Love The Marching Song). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 411 Box 471 Hyde Park on a Sunday. 1946. Hymn. 1982. General note Publisher no.: HL00352168 Box 872 Hymn of the United States. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 Hymn of the United States. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Nellie Beatrice Huger Box 390 Hymne: Easy Organ Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Irwin Box 399 Hymne: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 408 Hymne: Advanced Organ. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Irwin Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 294 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 66 I Adore You. 1936. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Holiday." 2 copies (different covers). On cover features a photographs of Jack Benny, George Burns, Gracie Allen, Mary Boland and Martha Raye. Box 543 I Ain't Nobody's Darling. 1921. General note Dudley gift. Box 622 I Ain't Buying. 1967. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 1153 Box 915 I Ain't Gonna Cry No More (I've Got a Brand New Papa and He Treats Me Proper. General note Box SU 22 Box 1091 (I've Got a Dog and a Cat But) I Ain't Got Nobody to Love. General note Box SU 14 Box 1091 I Ain't Got Nobody to Love. General note Box SU 14 Box 389 I Always Liked That Best. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352445 Sony/ATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 02-36 Box 464 I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow. 1953. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "O Brother Where Art Thou?" General note SCB SZMP 02-5 Box 812 I Am Ashamed That Women Are So Simple. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Three copies. Box 419 Box 64 I Am For Uncle Sam. 1943. I Am In Love. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. 2copies. Box 20 I Am Sending Criss-Cross Kisses To Some One's Soldier Boy. 1918. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 295 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 494 I Am Your Child. 1973. General note Publisher no.: HL00353126 Scope and Content Note Featured in the television series, "Murphy Brown." General note SCB SZTV 93-10 Box 415 I Am...I Said. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 2 I Apologize. 1931. General note Words and music also by Al Goodhart and Ed Nelson. Box 27 I Apologize. 1931. General note On cover: photograph of Joan Wilton. Box 554 I Apologize. 1931. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Goodhart, Al creator: Hoffman, Al creator: Nelson, Ed. G. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Champ Butler. Box 20 I Believe. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Jane Froman Box 26 Box 470 I Believe. 1953. I Believe. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-77 Box 471 I Believe. 1998. General note Publisher no.: PVM00089 Box 471 I Believe. 1998. General note Publisher no.: PVM00089 Box 419 Box 397 Box 397 I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary. 1969. I Believe in Father Christmas. 1975. I Believe In Love. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Kenny Loggins Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 296 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 554 I Believe in Music. 1972. creator: Cassey, Chuck creator: Davis, Mac creator: Screen Gems-Columbia Music, Inc.. Box 547 I Believe in You. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 419 Box 389 I Believe What the Bible Says. 1968. I Breathe In, I Breathe Out. 1997. General note Publisher no.: HL00352439 Sony/ATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 02-40 Box 469 I Breathe In, I Breathe Out. 1998. General note SCB SZ 02-73 Box 418 Box 872 I Budapest. 1938. I Came Here to Talk for Joe. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Gene Krupa Box 876 I Came Here To Talk For Joe. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Carl Ravazza Box 47 I Can Do Without You. 1953. General note From the motion picture, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 554 I Can Dream, Can't I?. 1937. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Fain, Sammy creator: Kahal, Irving Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters, and Gordon Jenkins. Box 397 I Can Feel The Fire. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Ron Wood Box 910 I Can Spell Bananna: But I Never Know When to Stop. General note box su 43 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 297 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 397 I Can Stand A Little Rain. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Price Box 858 I Can Wait. 2007. General note from the motion picture "Hairspray" Box 859 I Can't Begin to Tell You. 1945. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Monaco, James V. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "The Dolly Sisters." On cover: photograph of Betty Grable, John Payne and June Haver. Box 49 I Can't Believe It's Me. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 02501102 General note Words and music also by Rockie Lynne. Recorded by Rockie Lynne. Box 992 I Can't Believe It's True. General note box su 66 Box 21 I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me. 1926. creator: Gaskill, Clarence creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: McHugh, Jimmy General note from "Gay Paree" on cover: photograph of Winnie Leightner Box 47 I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me. 1926. General note 4 copies. Also written by Jimmy McHugh. From the motion picture, "The Caine Mutiny." Cover features a photograph of Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson and Fred MacMurray. Box 26 Box 20 I Can't Be Bothered Now. 1937. I Can't Do Without You. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Irving Berlin Box 865 I Can't Do Without You. 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Irving Berlin. Box 1149 I Can't Do Without You. General note box su 8 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 298 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 854 I Can't Do Without You. 1928. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 398 Box 859 I Can't Drive 55. 1984. I Can't Escape From You. 1936. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Robin, Leo creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Rhythm on the Range. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Frances Farmer. Box 758 I Can't Forgive Myself (For Giving Myself to You). 1934. General note From the musical, "Divine Moment." Cover features a photograph of Peggy Fears. Box 555 I Can't Get Enough of You. 1931. creator: Goodwiin, Joe creator: Shay, Larry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Morton Downey. Popular Edition. Box 859 I Can't Give You Anything But Love. 1928. creator: Fields, Dorothy creator: McHugh, Jimmy creator: Mills Music. Scope and Content From the Columbia Pictures motion picture, "Born Yesterday." On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday, William Holden and Broderick Crawford. Box 992 I Can't Go On This Way. General note Box 45 Box 398 Box 915 I Can't Hold Back. 1984. I Can't Realize You Love Me. General note Box SU 22 Box 397 I Can't Say Goodbye To You. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Terry Gregory Box 397 I Can't Tell You Why. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 419 I Can't Tell You Why. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 299 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 399 I Can't Wait. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Stevie Nicks Box 11 (Although I Know That You Don't Care a Bit) I Care a Lot About You. 1945. General note Words and music also by tony Nocella and Herbert Weymann. Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 415 I Cheat the Hangman. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 419 I Come To Thee. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmie Pierson Box 543 I Concentrate on You. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Dudley gift. Box 24 Box 397 I Could Kick Myself (For Getting A Kick Out Of You). 1938. I Could Never Miss You (More Than I Do). 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Lulu Box 411 Box 411 I Could Get Along With You. 1958. I Could Have Told You. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 419 Box 419 Box 419 I Could Hardly See the Road For the Tears. 1972. I Could Never Outlove the Lord. 1972. I Could Waltz Forever. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Caruso Box 456 I Could Not Ask For More Original Sheet Music edition. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-112 Box 25 Box 397 I Couldn't Stay Away From You. 1948. I Couldn't Say No. 1983. General note on cover: photographs of Robert Elliss Orrall and Carlene Carter Box 411 I Couldn't Care Less. 1959. General note on cover: stills from the CinemaScope motion picture "Say One For Me" Box 415 I Couldn't Be Me Without You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Rodriguez Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 300 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 23 I Cross My Fingers. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Percy Faith Box 554 I Cross My Fingers. 1949. creator: Farrar, Walton creator: Kent, Walter creator: United Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Percy Faith. Box 469 I Cry. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-74 Box 411 Box 456 I Did It For The Missus. 1958. I Did It. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-113 Box 456 I Did It Original Sheet Music edition. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-113, 114 Box 858 I Didn't Know My Own Strength. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Whitney Houston Box 583 I Dig. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118305 Box 412 Box 390 I Dig Rock and Roll Music. 1967. (Everything I Do) I Do It For You: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates. from the motion picture "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves' Box 858 I Do Not Hook Up. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Kelly Clarkson Box 1091 I Don't Believe You. General note Box SU 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 301 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 857 I Don't Care. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Fall Out Boy Box 6 I Don't Care. 2005. creator: Cartagena, Joseph creator: Garrett, Sean creator: Storch, Scott creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Box 23 I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Tony Martin Box 6 I Don't Feel Like Loving You Today. 2005. creator: Berg, Matraca creator: Collins, Jim creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gretchen Wilson. Two copies, different covers. Box 1091 I Don't Know Whether to Laugh or to Cry over You: the Hysteria Song. General note Box SU 14 Box 66 I Don't Have to Dream Again. 1936. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "Colleen." Cover features photographs of Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, Jack Oakie and Joan Blondell. Box 49 I Don't Know What She Said. 2005. General note Publisher no.: 26104 General note Words and music also by Kent Blazy and Cory Batten. Recorded by Blaine Larsen. Box 26 I Don't Know Why (I Just Do). 1946. General note "advanced artist copy" Box 856 I Don't Need You Easy Piano. 1981. General note On item: Recorded by kenny Rogers. Box 469 I Dont' Paint Myself Into Corners original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM02069 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-142 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 302 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 554 I Don't See Me in Your Eyes Anymore. 1949. creator: Benjamin, Bennie creator: Laurel Music Co.. creator: Weiss, George Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 411 I Don't Think I'm In Love. 1966. General note 2 copies. Box 412 I Don't Wana Live Without Your Love: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 49 I Don't Wanna Be in Love (Dance Floor Anthem). 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353718 General note Words and music also by Joel Madden and Don Gilmore. Recorded by Good Charlotte. Box 415 I Don't Want Nobody Else (To Dance With You). 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Narada Michael Walden Box 470 I Don't Want To. 1996. General note SCB SZ03-34 Original sheet music edition. Box 859 I Don't Want to Get Thin. 1929. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Yellen, Jack Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. motion picture Honky Tonk. On cover: photograph of Sophie Tucker. Box 21 I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire. 1941. creator: Benjemen, Bennie creator: Cherio Music Publishers Inc.. creator: Durham, Eddie creator: Marcus, Sol creator: Seiler, Eddie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Tucker. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 303 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 555 I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire. 1941. creator: Benjemen, Bennie creator: Cherio Music Publishers Inc.. creator: Durham, Eddie creator: Marcus, Sol creator: Seiler, Eddie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Tucker. Box 859 I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire. 1941. creator: Benjemen, Bennie creator: Cherio Music Publishers Inc.. creator: Durham, Eddie creator: Marcus, Sol creator: Seiler, Eddie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Tucker. Box 415 I Don't Want To Talk About It. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart Box 525 Box 555 I Dream of All Things Free. 1843. I Dream of You (More Than You Dream I Do). 1944. creator: Embassy Music Corporation. creator: Goetschius, Marjorie creator: Osser, Edna Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Dorsey. Box 390 I Drove All Night: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 470 I Drove All Night. 1989. General note SCB SZ03-76 Box 289 I Enjoy Being a Girl. 1958. General note Publisher no.: 1035-6 Scope and Content Note From: Flower Drum Song General note SX 128477-128479 Box 11 I Fall in Love With You Ev'ry Day. 1946. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 304 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 66 I Fall in Love With You Every Day. 1938. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Swing." Cover features photographs of George Burns, Gracie Allen, Martha Raye and Bob Hope. 2 copies (different covers). Box 66 I Feel Like a Feather in the Breeze. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Collegiate." Three copies (different covers). Once cover features a photograph of Joe Penner, Jack Oakie, Ned Sparks and Frances Langford. Box 865 I Feel Pretty. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "West Side Story." Box 412 I Feel the Earth Move. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Martika Box 2 Box 419 Box 494 I Found You in the Rain. 1941. I Found A Friend. 1953. I Found Love. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6405 Scope and Content Note From the ABC television series, "All My Children." General note SCB SZTV 94-1 Box 1113 I Found A Wonderful Friend -- Wonder Who's Danwing With You To-Night. General note Box NSO 7 Box 2 Box 859 I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes). 1939. I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes). 1939. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Famous Music Corp.. Box 419 I Get Around. 1964. Box 11 I Get the Blues When it Rains. 1928. General note Cover features a photograph of Ted Claire. Box 397 I Go Crazy. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Davis Box 412 I Got Dreams. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Steve Wariner Box 11 I Guess I'll Get the Papers and Go Home. 1946. General note Words and music also by Dick Rogers and Hal Kanner. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 305 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 859 I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan (The Blue Pajama Song). 1932. creator: Dietz, Howard creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Schwartz, Arthur Box 859 I Guess I'll Have to Dream the Rest. 1941. creator: Block, Martin creator: Green, Harold creator: Martin Block Publishing Co.. creator: Stoner, Mickey Box 20 Box 580 I Guess I'll Have To Telegraph My Baby. 1934. I Guess I'm More Like Mother Than Like Father operatic ed.. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118449-50 Box 915 I Guess It Wasn't Meant to Be. General note Box SU 22 Box 1091 I Guess it Had to Be That Way. General note Box SU 14 Box 875 I Had A Little Talk With The Lord. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 812 I Hate Men. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Eight copies. Box 11 I Hate to Lose You. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Box 857 I Hate This Part. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The Pussycat Dolls Box 51 I Have a Dream. 1955. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Jupiter's Darling." Cover features a photograph of Esther Williams and Howard Keel. Box 1006 I Have a Rancho Grand = Alla en el rancho grande. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 306 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 11 I Have But One Heart. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Vic Damone. Box 26 I Have Dreamed. 1951. General note From the musical "The King and I" Box 758 I Have My Own Way. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 I Have My Own Way. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 390 I Have Nothing: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Whitney Houston Box 192 I Have the Love. 1954. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On cover: photograph of Ann Blyth, Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas. Box 54 I Have You to Thank. 1957. General note From the television program, "Ruggles of Red Gap." Box 11 Box 397 I Hear You Calling Me. 1908. I Hear You Now. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Jon & Vangelis Box 654 Box 11 Box 419 I Hear You Calling Me Tennessee. 1914. I Heard You Cried Last Nigth (And So Did I). 1943. I Honestly Love You. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton John Box 177 I Hope the Band Keeps Playing. 1945. General note Publisher no.: 7503-3 Leo Feist Scope and Content Note From Abbott and Costello in Hollywood. General note X SX 10016 Box 471 I Hope You Dance. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352176 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 307 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 47 I Just Can't Do Enough for You Baby. 1950. General note 2 copies. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Call Me Mister." Cover features a photograph of Betty Grable and Dan Dailey. Box 391 I Just Can't Say Goodbye. 1922. General note on cover: photograph of Erving Plummer. as featured in Zero and Vivian Cosby's Revue Box 858 I Just Call You Mine. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Martina McBride Box 2 Box 11 I Just Feel Like Something Good is About to Happen. 1974. I Just Kissed Your Picture Goodnight. 1942. General note Cover features a photograph of Phyllis Jeanne. Box 11 Box 397 Box 415 I Just Said Good Evening. 1947. I Just Want To Be Your Everything: Made Easy For Piano. 1977. I Just Want to Be Your Everything. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Andy Gibb Box 470 I Just Wanna Be Mad. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-27 Box 857 I Kissed A Girl. 2008. General note on cover: pink background with a lipstick mark Box 51 I Know a Dream When I See One. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Jumping Jacks." Cover features photographs of Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Mona Freeman. Box 875 I Know Now. 1937. General note Truesdell gift. From the Warner Bros. motion picture "The Singing Marine" Box 11 Box 758 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (But I Know Who Holds My Hand). 1950. I Know Your Kind. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 857 I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho). 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Pitbull Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 308 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 554 I Learned a Lesson I'll Never Forget. 1944. creator: Davis, Joe creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Long. Box 872 I Left My Heart at the Stage Door Canteen. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. from the all-soldier show "This is the Army" Box 1149 I Left My Door Open and My Daddy Walked Out. General note box su 8 Box 1149 I Left My Heart in Dixieland. General note box su 8 Box 11 I Like Dreamin'. 1976. General note Cover features a photograph of Kenny Nolan. Box 922 I Like It. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Enrique Iglesias. Box 1149 I Like Ike. General note box su 8 Box 1149 I Like It. General note box su 8 Box 25 I Like Myself. 1955. General note From the MGM Cinema Scope picture "It's Always Fair Weather." Box 411 I Like To Lead When I Dance. 1964. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Robin and the 7 Hoods" Box 56 I Like the Wide Open Spaces. 1951. General note Also written by Royal Foster and Charles Wick. Featured on the Ken Murray Television Show. Cover features a photograph of ken Murray and Laurie Anders. 3 copies (different colors). Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 309 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 480 I Lost It original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00142 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-4 Box 914 I Lost My Heart in Palm Springs (When I Found You). General note box su 114 Box 992 I Lost My Heart in Monterey: When I Found You. General note box su 66 Box 876 I Love A Soldier. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a soldier in front of a tank and a girl sitting at a piano Box 654 Box 49 I Love Her and She Loves Me. 1918. I Loved Her First. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353514 General note Words and music also by Elliot Park. Recorded by Heartland. Box 555 I Love How You Love Me. 1961. creator: Kolber, Larry creator: Mann, Barry creator: Screen Gems-Columbia Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bobby Vinton. Box 11 Box 56 I Love Life. 1923. I Love Lucy. 1953. General note From the television series of the same title. 2 copies (different covers). Cover features a photograph of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Box 21 I Love No One But You. 1927. creator: Henry Waterson Inc.. creator: Spitalny, Phil General note on cover: photograph of Jesse Crawford Box 64 I Love Paris. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 2 I Love Thee. 1937. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 310 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 51 I Love to Walk in the Rain. 1938. General note From the motion picture, "Just Around the Corner." Male vocal arrangement. Box 580 I Love to Go Swimmin' With Wimmen Operatic ed.. 1921. General note Publisher no.: M.W.& Sons. 16384-3 Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, Love Birds. General note SCB SY 118471 Box 583 I Love to Fox Trot. 1920. Scope and Content Note From Honey Girl, a musical version of Checkers. General note SCB SY 118328-30 Box 622 I Love the Simple Folk. 1966. General Physical Description note: o General note SCB SY 1154 Box 915 I Love the Land of Old Black Joe. General note Box SU 22 Box 389 I Love You. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352450 EMI April General note SCB SZ 02-41 Box 469 I Love You. 1994. General note SCB SZ 02-103 Box 914 I Love You, California. General note box su 114 Box 63 I Love You, I Hate You For Making A Fool Of Me. 1929. General note As sung by Carmel Meyers in the First National Vitaphone motion picture "Careers." 3 copies. Box 11 Box 411 I Love You in Spite of it All. 1926. I Love You In Technicolor. 1938. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 311 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 192 I Love You More. 1941. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rookies on Parade." General note On cover: photograph of Bob Crosby, Ruth Terry, Gertrude Niesen and Eddie Foy, Jr. Box 62 I Love You So Much. 1926. General note Featured in the motion picture, "The Cuckoos." 3 copies. Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Lee. Box 11 I Love You So Much it Hurts. 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Don Large. Box 1115 I Love You This Big. 2011. Scope and Content Note Recorded by Scotty McCreery. Photograph of McCreery on cover. Box 49 I Love You This Much. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352733 General note Words and music also by Don Sampson and Jimmy Wayne. Recorded by Jimmy Wayne. Box 11 Box 875 I Love You Truly. 1906. I Love You - I Love You - I Love You: Sweetheart Of All My Dreams. 1926. General note Truesdell gift. From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" Box 554 I Loved You The (As I Love You Now). 1928. creator: Axt creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Macdonald, Ballard creator: Mendoza Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Joan Crawford. Box 47 I Loved You Once in Silence. 1960. General note From "Camelot." Box 6 I Melt. 2001. creator: Levox, Gary creator: Major Bob Music, Inc.. creator: Mobley, Wendell Lee creator: Thrasher, Neil Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Rascal Flats. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 312 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 865 I Met a Girl. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Bells are Ringing." General note On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday. Box 854 I Miss a Little Miss (Who Misses Me in Sunny Tennessee). 1930. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Davis, Coots & Engel, Inc.. creator: Seymour, Tot Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Charles Dameron. Box 469 I Miss My Friend. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-119 Box 469 I Miss My Friend. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-119 Box 25 I Miss You So. 1947. General note On cover: photograph of Paul Anka Box 469 I Need a Girl (Part One). 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-120 Box 419 Box 419 I Need His Love. 1957. I Need To Be In Love. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Carpenters Box 469 I Need You. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-75 Box 854 I Never Dreamed. 1927. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Shapiro, Ted Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Fred Waring. Box 48 I Never Felt This Way Before. 1956. General note From the motion picture, "Bundle of Joy." Cover features a photograph of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 313 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1149 I Never Had a Chance. General note box su 8 Box 3 I Never Knew. 1925. General note Cover featurs a photograph of Milton Watson. Box 1149 I Never Knew. General note box su 8 Box 1091 I Never Knew What the Moonlight Could Do. General note Box SU 14 Box 27 I Never Mention Your Name (Oh No). 1943. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 580 I Never Met Before a Girl Like You. 1913. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 13104-3 Scope and Content Note From Rida Johnson Young's play "Macushla." General note SCB SY 118484 Box 545 Box 25 Box 62 I Never Thought I'd Miss You As I Do. 1904. I Only Have Eyes For You. 1934. I Only Have Eyes For You. 1934. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "Dames." 6 copies (different covers). One cover features a photograph of Art Garfunkel. Box 415 I Only Have Eyes For You: Made Easy for Piano. 1963. General note on cover: picture of faded purple piano keyboard Box 854 I Passed By Your Window. 1917. creator: Brahe, May H. creator: Enoch & Sons. creator: Taylor, Helen Box 910 I Pray. General note box su 43 Box 545 I Promise You. 1938. I Puritani. 18--. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1237 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 314 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 21 I Remember You From Somewhere (Somewhere In My Dreams). 1930. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Warren, Harry Box 858 I Run To You. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum Box 874 I Run To You. 2007. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum Box 27 I Said My Pajamas (and Put on My Pray'rs). 1950. General note On cover: photographs of Fran Warren and Tony Martin. Box 858 I Saw God Today. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait Box 412 I Saw Him Standing There. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of Tiffany Box 21 I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. 1952. creator: Connor, Tommie creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. General note on cover: photograph of the Beverly Sisters Box 419 I Saw the Light. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Todd Rundgren Box 412 Box 758 I Say A Little Prayer. 1967. I Say Hello. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 875 I Sent A Letter To Santa (To Watch Over Daddy For Me). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Eddie Allen Box 3 Box 3 Box 554 I Shall Meet You. 1918. I Shall Not Pass Again This Way. 1924. I Shall Not Pass Again This Way. 1924. creator: Effinger, Stanley S. creator: Theodore Presser Co.. creator: Underwood, Ellen H. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 315 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 6 I Should Have Cheated. 2005. creator: Cole, Keyshia creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Jones, Daron creator: Parker, Quinnes Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Keyshia Cole. Box 389 I Should Be Sleeping. 2002. General note Publisher no.: HL00352458 EMI April General note SCB SZ 02-43 Box 397 I Shoulda Loved Ya. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Narada Michael Walden Box 812 I Sing of Love. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Two copies. Box 406 I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Elvis Presley. from the motion picture "Wild in the Country" Box 397 Box 2 I Started A Joke. 1975. I Still Get a Thrill (Thinking of You). 1930. General note Cover features a photograph of Walter Pontius. Box 554 I Still Get Jealous. 1947. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Styne, Jule Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "High Button Shoes." Box 419 I Still Love You. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Paul Box 583 I Still Get Jealous. 1947. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From, "High Button Shoes." General note SCB SY 118321 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 316 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1091 I Still Belong to You. General note Box SU 14 Box 25 I Surrender, Dear. 1931. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 419 Box 397 I Talked With God. 1940. I Thank You. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of ZZ Top Box 399 I Think I'm In Love. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Keith Stegal. Box 471 I Think I'm in Love With You. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352196 Box 471 I Think I'm in Love With You. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352196 Box 471 I Think I'm In Love With You. 1999. General note SCB SZ00 76 Box 411 Box 910 I Thought About You. 1939. I Thought About You. General note box su 43 Box 875 I Threw a Kiss in the Ocean. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 I Threw a Kiss in the Ocean. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1149 I Threw a Kiss in the Ocean. General note box su 8 Box 858 I Told You So. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Carrie Underwood Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 317 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 21 I Tore Up Your Picture When You Said Goodbye (But I Put It Together Again). 1928. creator: Donnelly, A. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Morse, Dolly Box 23 I Tore Up Your Picture When You Said Good-Bye (But I Put It Together Again). 1928. General note no cover Box 471 I Turn to You. 1996. General note Publisher no.: PVM00056 Box 555 I Understand. 1941. creator: Gannon, Kim creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Wayne, Mabel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey. Box 63 I Used To Be Color Blind. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree" featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 2 copies. Box 1164 I Used to Believe in Fairies. 1907. Scope and Content Note From: Ragged Robin. General note On cover: photograph of Chauncey Olcott. Box 3 I Walked In (With My Eyes Wide Open). 1944. General note From the 20th Century Fox picture, "Nob Hill." Cover features photograph of George Raft and Joan Bennett. Box 51 I Wanna Be Like You (the Monkey Song). 1966. General note From the Walt Disney motion picture, "The Jungle Book." Box 64 I Wanna Get Next To You. 1977. General note From the motion picture "Car Wash." Box 394 I Wanna Talk About Me. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352409 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 01-169 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 318 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 399 I Wanna Say Yes. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Louise Mandrell Box 415 I Wanna Be Your Lover. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Prince Box 858 I Wanna Make You Close Your Eyes. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Dierks Bentley Box 876 I Wanna Marry A Bombardier. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Dick Stabile Box 910 I Wanna Be Around. General note box su 43 Box 910 I Wanna Be In Love Again. General note box su 43 Box 1115 I Wanna Go. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Britney Spears on cover. Box 24 Box 580 I Want A Daddy Who Will Rock Me To Sleep. 1919. I Want a Lonely Romeo operatic ed.. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118451-52 Box 399 I Want Everyone To Cry. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Restless Heart Box 470 I Want it That Way Original Sheet Music edition. 1999. General note SCB SZ03-31 Box 394 I Want Love. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352408 Happenstance General note SCB SZ 01-168 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 319 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 21 I Want The Whole World To Love You. 1936. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Marks, Gerald General note additional chorus for piano accordion arranged by Pietro Deiro on cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 57 Theme From "The Asphalt Jungle" (I Want to Love You). 1962. General note From the M.G.M. television series. 2 copies (different covers). Box 397 I Want To Learn A Love Song. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Harry Chapin Box 418 I Want To Be The Drummer. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Davis and Jack Haley. From the motion picture "Scandals" Box 545 I Want to Go Back to Michigan (Down on the Farm). 1914. General note On cover: photograph of Mae Francis. Box 547 I Want to Be Happy. 1924. Scope and Content Note From the show, "No No Nanette." General note Dudley gift. Box 858 I Want to Know What Love Is. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Mariah Carey Box 876 I Want To Be A Captain. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of stick figure soldiers and a stick figure captain Box 1149 I Want to be in Dixie. General note box su 8 Box 1149 I Want to go Back to Michigan (Down on the Farm). General note box su 8 Box 20 I Want You. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Edithe-Helena Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 320 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 415 I Want Your Love. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Chic Box 471 I Want You To Need Me Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00063 Box 865 Box 1149 I Want You All For Me. 1925. I Want You for Myself. General note box su 8 Box 23 I Was A Florodora Baby. 1920. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 622 I Was Aviating Around. 1913. General note SCB SY 1155 Box 21 I Was Never Meant For You. 1912. creator: Barth, Lee creator: Hutchison, Ed. creator: Lusby, Ruby creator: Shapiro Music Publishing Co.. General note from Ed Hutchinson's production of "A Night On A Roof Garden" on cover: photographs of Ruby Lusby and Willie Dunlay Box 397 I Was Only Joking. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart Box 65 I Watch The Love Parade. 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. Box 471 I Will ... But. 1999. General note Publisher no.: 02500313 Box 471 I Will Love Again. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00091 Box 471 I Will Love Again. 1999. General note SCB SZ00 79 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 321 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 397 I Will Still Love You. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Stonebolt Box 419 Box 25 I Will Serve Thee. 1969. I Wish (Quero-Te Assim). 1957. General note On cover: photograph of The Platters Box 480 I Wish original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00156 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-5 Box 25 Box 554 I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate. 1962. I Wish I Didn't Love You So. 1947. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Loesser, Frank Scope and Content Two copies. From the Paramount motion picture, "The Perils of Pauline." On cover: photograph of Betty Hutton and John Lund. Box 3 Box 494 I Wish I Had a Record (of the Promises You Made). 1949. I Wish I Knew. 1990. General note Publisher no.: 7568ISMX Scope and Content Note From the television program, "The Trials of Rosie O'Neill." General note SCB SZTV 91-13 Box 411 Box 411 I Wish I Were Irish. 1958. I Wish I Were Somebody Else. 1951. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole Box 419 I Wish That You Would Love Me. 1964. General note on cover: photograph of Kathy Kersh Box 876 I Wish That I Could Hide Inside This Letter. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Joan Brooks. Two copies. Box 1091 I Wish That I Could Stop Remembering. General note Box SU 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 322 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 394 I Wish You Were Here. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00663049 EMI April General note SCB SZ 01-167 Box 397 I Wish You Well. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 470 I Wish You'd Stay. 2001. General note SCB SZ03-55 Box 859 I Wished on the Moon. 1935. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Parker, Dorothy creator: Rainger, Ralph Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bing Crsoby. Box 390 I Won't Let You Down. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Wopat Box 1149 I Wonder. General note box su 8 Box 525 Box 865 I Wonder If She Loves Me. 1844. I Wonder What It's Like. 1960. General note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 21 I Wonder What's Become Of Sally. 1924. creator: Ager, Milton creator: Ager, Yellen & Bornstein, Inc.. creator: Yellen, Jack General note on cover: photograph of Al Jolson Box 26 I Wonder What's Become Of Sally. 1924. General note On cover: photograph of Van and Schenck Box 555 I Wonder Where My Baby is To-Night. 1925. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Kahn, Gus Note On cover: photograph of Adele Rowland. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 323 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 915 I Wonder Where My Baby is To Night. General note Box SU 22 Box 859 I Wonder Where My Baby is To-Night. 1935. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Kahn, Gus Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tom Morris. Box 992 I Wonder Where My Buddies Are To Night. General note box su 66 Box 1118 I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now -- I'll Remember Your Eyes. General note Box NSO 8 Box 992 I Won't Give Up: Till You Give In. General note box su 66 Box 471 Box 758 I Won't Mind. 1996. I Wouldn't Bet One Penny. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 I Wouldn't Bet One Penny. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 192 I Wouldn't Care. 1932. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "La Ronde des Heures." Box 21 I Wouldn't Change You For The World. 1931. creator: Jones, Isham creator: Newman, Charles creator: Olman Music Corporation. General note on cover: photograph of Lew Conrad Box 411 I Wouldn't Trade Christmas (And All That Jolly Jazz). 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 456 I Would've Loved You Anyway Original Sheet Music edition. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-121 Box 25 (If I Knew You Were Comin') Id 've Baked A Cake. 1949. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 324 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 554 (If I Knew You Were Comin') I'd 'Ve Baked a Cake. 1949. creator: Hoffman, Al creator: Merrill, Bob creator: Robert Music Corp.. creator: Watts, Clem Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Eileen Barton. Box 25 Box 419 Box 411 I'd Climb The Highest Mountain (If I Knew I'd Find You). 1926. I'd Do It All Over Again. 1969. I'd Like To Hitch A Ride With Santa Claus. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby with Gary, Phillip, Dennis, and Lindsay Crosby Box 415 I'd Really Love to See You Tonight. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of England Dan and John Ford Coley Box 554 (Day After Day) I'll Always Love You = Querida Mia. 1950. creator: Evans, Ray creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Livingston, Jay Scope and Content From the Paramount motion Picture, "My Friend Irma Goes West." On cover: photograph of John Lund, Corinnne Calvet, Diana Lynn, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Marie Wilson. Box 24 Box 25 Box 399 I'll Be Around. 1970. I'll Be Home For Christmas. 1943. I'll Be Good. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Rene and Angela Box 412 I'll Be Loving You. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Lee Greenwood Box 412 I'll Be Your Everything: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 875 I'll Be Home For Christmas (If Only In My Dreams). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 555 I'll Buy That Dream. 1945. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Magidson, Herb creator: Wrubel, Allie Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photographs of Jack Haley, Marcy McGuire, Glenn Vernon and Jeffreys. From the RKO Pictures motion picture, "Sing Your Way Home." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 325 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 20 Box 875 I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You). 1928. I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You). 1928. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Irene Dunne and Spencer Tracy. Featured in the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer motion picture "A Guy Named Joe" Box 555 I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You). 1925. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd.. creator: Turk, Roy Scope and Content Featured in the motion picture, "A Guy Named Joe." On cover: photographs of Irene Dunne and Spencer Tracy. Box 397 I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Croce Box 406 I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Croce Box 858 I'll Just Hold On. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Blake Shelton Box 554 I'll Lend You Everything I've Got Except My Wife. 1938. creator: Havez, Jean creator: Vogel Music Co., Inc.. creator: Von Tilzer, Harry Box 392 I'll Make A Man Of The Man. 1964. General note 2 copies Box 23 I'll Never Be The Same. 1932. General note Includes: photograph of Lew Stone Box 26 Box 554 I'll Never Love Again (La Borrachita). 1946. I'll Never Love This Way Again. 1977. creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Jennings, Will creator: Kerr, Richard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dionne Warwick. Box 392 Box 406 I'll Never Waltz Again, Without You. 1964. I'll Never Love This Way Again. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Dionne Warwick Box 412 I'll Never Fall In Love Again. 1969. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 326 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 392 Box 397 I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her. 1965. I'll Play For You. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Seals & Crofts Box 875 I'll Pray For You. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Brad Reynolds Box 26 I'll Remember April. 1941. General note The Theme melody of Ten Universal Pictures Box 877 I'll Remember You My Darling. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Jack Hylton Box 390 I'll Still Be Loving You: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1987. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 415 I'll Still Love You. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Weatherly Box 20 I'll Take You Home Again Pal O' Mine. 1923. General note on cover: photograph of McFarland and Palace Box 392 I'll Take The Blame. 1955. General note On cover: photograph of Kitty Kallen Box 20 Box 554 I'll Wait For You. 1919. I'll Walk Alone. 1944. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Mayfair Music Corp.. creator: Styne, Jule Scope and Content From the Universal motion picture, "Follow the Boys." On cover: photograph of Dinah Shore. Box 406 Box 397 I'm A Woman. 1963. I'm Alive. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Gamma Box 858 I'm Alive. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Kenny Chesney Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 327 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 22 I'm All Alone (But I'm Not Lonely). 1941. General note on cover: photograph of Bebe Daniels Box 408 Box 419 Box 26 Box 554 I'm I'm I'm I'm All In. 1934. Almost Home. 1966. Always Chasing Rainbows. 1946. Always Chasing Rainbows. 1918. creator: Comstock, F. Ray creator: Elliott, William creator: Gest, Morris creator: McCarthy & Fisher, Inc.. Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "Oh Look." Box 397 I'm Always On A Mountain When I Fall. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Merle Haggard Box 397 I'm Coming Out. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Diana Ross Box 412 I'm Down To My Last Cigarette. 1964. General note on cover: photograph of K.D. Lang. Box 406 I'm Dreaming. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Jennifer Warnes Box 555 I'm Following You. 1929. creator: Dreyer, Dave creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Macdonald, Ballard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of the Duncan Sisters. Box 854 I'm Following You. 1929. creator: Dreyer, Dave creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Macdonald, Ballard Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, It's a Great Life. On cover: photograph of The Duncan Sisters. Box 419 Box 875 I'm Free. 1968. I'm Getting Tired So I Can Sleep. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. From the all-soldier show "This Is The Army" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 328 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 554 I'm Glad I Waited For You. 1945. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Styne, Jule Scope and Content From the Columbia motion picture, "Tars and Spars." On cover: photograph of Alfred Drake and Janet Blair. Box 406 I'm Gonna Make You Love Me. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Diana Ross & The Supremes and the Temptations Box 406 I'm Gonna Make You Mine. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Lou Christie Box 408 I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles): Easy Piano Arrangement. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 412 I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of Willie Nelson. Box 415 I'm Gonna Love You. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Glen Campbell Box 875 I'm Gonna Love That Guy (Like He's Never Been Loved Before). 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Kay Armen. Two copies. Box 876 I'm Gonna Rise. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of black slaves picking cotton Box 415 I'm In Love. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Aretha Franklin Box 406 I'm In You. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Peter Frampton Box 397 Box 23 I'm Just Wild About Harry. 1979. I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover. 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Al. Short Box 25 I'm Moody. 1963. General note On cover: photograph of Jack Jones Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 329 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 399 Box 392 I'm Not The One. 1982. I'm One of Your Admirers. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Carnival in Flanders". Box 406 Box 22 Box 877 I'm Put-Put-Puttin' On the Dinky Links All Day. 1930. I'm Saving My Kisses For Someone. 1912. I'm Sending You the Siegfried Line (To Hang Your Washing On). 1939. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Ambrose Box 22 Box 415 I'm Sitting On Top Of The World (Just Rolling Along, Just Rolling Along). 1925. I'm So Anxious. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes Box 419 Box 25 Box 406 I'm So Glad I Found an Altar of Prayer. 1966. I'm Sorry. 1952. I'm Stone In Love With You. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of The Stylistics Box 412 I'm The One Mama Warned You About. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Mickey Gilley Box 399 I'm Through With Love. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Box 22 I'm Thru With Love. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrose Box 25 I'm With You. 1931. General note From the Ziegfeld Follies. On cover: photograph of Helen Morgan and Harry Richman Box 854 I'm Yours. 1930. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Green, John W. creator: Harburg, E.Y. Box 555 It's An Old Southern Custom. 1935. creator: Friend, Cliff creator: Magidson, Herb creator: Meyer, Joseph creator: Movietone Music Corp.. creator: Yellen, Jack Scope and Content From the Fox film, George White's Scandals of 1935. On cover: photographs of Alice Fay and James Dunn. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 330 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 406 Box 392 Box 397 I've Always Been A Dreamer. 1973. I've Been Here Before. 1967. I've Been There. 1980. General note on cover: stylized photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 415 I've Been Lovin' You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the band Easy Street Box 419 Box 419 Box 876 I've Been on the Mountain. 1969. I've Been To Calvary. 1960. I've Been Drafted (Now I'm Drafting You). 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of a soldier with a girl sitting on his lap Box 397 I've Done Everything For You. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Rick Springfield Box 21 I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling. 1929. creator: Link, Harry creator: Rose, Billy creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. creator: Waller, Thomas Box 392 I've Got To Fall In Love Again. 1951. General note On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 392 Box 406 I've Got To Get Somewhere With You. 1959. I've Got To Get A Message To You. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 877 I've Got Sixpence. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Georgie Wood and Dolly Harmer Box 397 I've Had Enough. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Wings Box 392 I've Just Got To Get Out Of The Habit. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of the Andrews Sisters Box 419 Box 22 I've Just Seen Jesus. 1964. I've Lost The Best Pal I Had. 1922. General note on cover: photograph of Jess Jacobson Box 418 I.O.U.. 1930. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 331 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 464 The Ice Age Theme Original sheet music ed.. 2002. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Ice Age." General note SCB SZMP 02-8 Box 407 Box 2 Ich Veis Nit. 1938. I'd Climb the Highest Mountain If I Knew I'd Find You. 1926. General note Words and music also by Sidney Clare. Box 177 I'd Like to Baby You. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick From Punkin Crick." General note X SX 100001, 100002 Box 654 I'd Love to Live in Loveland (With a Girl Like You). 1910. General note Cover features a photograph of Maud Lambert. Box 525 Box 525 Box 525 I'd Offer Thee This Hand of Mine. 1890?. I'd Offer This Hand of Mine. 1848. Ida May. 1853. Scope and Content Note Companion song to Lilly Dale. Box 859 Idaho. 1942. creator: Mills Music. creator: Stone, Jesse Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Alvino Rey. Box 27 Box 11 (If I Knew You Were Comin') I'd 've Baked a Cake. 1950. If. 1934. General note Lyrics also by Stanley J. Damerell. Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 11 If (If I Hadn't the Right to You). 1950. General note Lyrics also by Stanley J. Damerell. Cover features a photograph of Vic Damone. Box 399 Box 408 If. 1971. If. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Janet Jackson Box 26 If (If I Hadn't the Right To You). 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Jo Stafford Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 332 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 654 If All My Dreams Were Made of Gold I'd Buy the World For You. 1911. General note Lyrics also by C.F. Quigley. Cover features a photograph of Al. G. Field. Box 411 If Anything Happened To You. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Keene Box 47 If Ever I Would Leave You. 1960. General note From "Camelot." Box 876 If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany!. 1918. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Ray Samuels Box 1115 Box 411 If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away. 2011. If I Be Your Best Chance. 1966. General note 2 copies. Box 915 If I Can't Have You (I Want to Be Lonesome, I Want to Be Blue). General note Box SU 22 Box 910 If I Could Have My Way. General note box su 43 Box 910 If I Could Only Read Your Mind. General note box su 43 Box 20 Box 464 If I Didn't Care. 1939. If I Didn't Have You. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352424 Walt Disney General note From the motion picture, "Monsters." SCB SZMP 01-34 Box 922 If I Die Young Original sheet music ed.. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of The Band Perry. Box 406 Box 406 If I Ever Lose This Heaven. 1973. If I Ever Make You Cry. 1970. General note 2 copies Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 333 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 494 If I Ever Fall in Love Again. 1989. Scope and Content Note From the television series, "As the World Turns." General note SCB SZTV 89-1 Box 456 If I Fall You're Going Down With Me Original Sheet Music edition. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-115, 116 Box 654 Box 20 If I Forget You. 1933. If I Give My Heart To You. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Doris Day Box 25 Box 859 If I Had A Hammer (The Hammer Song). 1962. If I Had a Talking Picture of You. 1929. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: DeSylva, B.G. creator: Henderson, Ray Scope and Content on cover: photograph of Janet Gaynor. From the motion picture, "Sunny Side Up." Box 654 Box 545 Box 850 If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live. 1908. If I Had a Thousand Lives to Live. 1908. If I Had My Druthers. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 118410 Box 922 If I Had You. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Adam Lambert. Box 854 If I Had You. 1928. creator: Campbell, Connelly & Co., Ltd.. creator: Campbell, Jimmy creator: Connelly, Reg creator: Shapiro, Ted Scope and Content On cover, "The Prince of Wales' Favorite Fox Trot." Box 26 If I Had You On A Desert Island. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of John O'Connor Box 406 Box 411 If I Knew You Were There. 1968. If I Look Like I Feel. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Benny Meroff Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 334 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 63 If I Loved You. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Carousel." 6 copies. Box 397 Box 857 If I Never Sing Another Song. 1980. If I Never See Your Face Again. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Maroon 5 Box 397 If I Only Knew. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Box 415 If I Only Could. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Rowans Box 875 If I Only Had Wings. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 415 If I Should Love Again. 1981. General note on cover: sketch of Barry Manilow Box 480 If I Should Fall Behind original sheet music ed.. 1992. General note Publisher no.: PVM00136 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-33 Box 415 If I Were Only a Child Again. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Curtis Mayfield Box 865 If I Were a Bell. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Guys and Dolls." Box 1091 If I Were King. General note Box SU 14 Box 391 Box 758 If It Be My Fate.... 1951. If It Isn't Ev'rything. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 If It Isn't Ev'rything. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 335 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 25 If It Makes You Happy. 1996. General note On cover: photograph of Sheryl Crow Box 922 If It's Love. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Train. Box 20 Box 456 If Love Were All. 1923. If My Heart Had Wings. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-117 Box 470 If She Don't Love You Original Sheet Music edition. 1997. General note SCB SZ03-33 Box 392 Box 411 If Spring Were Only Here To Stay. 1946. If Spring Were Only Here To Stay. 1946. General note on cover: still photographs from the Technicolor motion picture "London Town" Box 392 If That Doesn't Do It!. 1951. General note On cover: photograph of Doris Day Box 470 If That Ain't Country Original sheet music edition. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02078 General note recorded by Anthony Smith on Mercury Records Box 11 Box 408 If the Folks Down Home Could See Me Now. 1906. If There Were More People Like You. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of The Hole in the Wall Gang Box 758 If There Were not Any Men. 1923. General note From the musical, "Dew Drop Inn." Box 494 If This Isn't Love. 1989. Scope and Content Note From the television program, "As the World Turns." General note scb SZTV 91 10 Box 858 If Today Was Your Last Day. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Nickelback Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 336 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 922 If Today Was Your Last Day Original sheet music ed.. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Nickelback. Box 874 If U Seek Amy. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Britney Spears Box 915 If We Never Should Meet Again. General note Box SU 22 Box 915 If We Should Meet Again. General note Box SU 22 Box 390 If Wishes Came True: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 555 If You Are But a Dream. 1941. creator: Bonx, Nat creator: Fulton, Jack creator: Jaffe, Moe creator: Jimmy Campbell Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey. Box 507 If You Asked Me To. 1990. Scope and Content Note Love theme from the original motion picture, "License to Kill." General note SCB SZMP90-11 Box 543 If You Believed in Me. 1929. General note Dudley gift. Box 21 If You Can't Have The Girl Of Your Dreams. 1930. creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry creator: Young, Joe Box 406 If You Could Read My Mind. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 456 If You Can Do Anything Else. 1997. General note SCB SZ 01-118 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 337 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1149 If You Don't Want Me (Why Do You Hang Around). General note box su 8 Box 397 If You Ever Change Your Mind. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Price Box 419 Box 419 If You Knew How I Love You. 1938. If You Know The Lord. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of George Beverly Shea Box 543 If You Knew Susie (Like I Know Susie). 1954. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 406 Box 397 If You Leave Me Now. 1976. If You Need Me. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 415 If You Only Believe (Jesus for Tonite). 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Michel Polnareff Box 392 If You Please. 1943. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Dixie". On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. Box 11 If You See Sally. 1927. General note Lyrics also by Ray Egan. Box 392 If You Stub Your Toe On The Moon. 1948. General note From the Paramount motion picture "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." On Cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Rhonda Fleming. Box 397 If You Should Sail. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Nielsen/Pearson Box 915 If You See Sally. General note Box SU 22 Box 654 Box 2 If You Talk in Your Sleep Don't Mention My Name. 1911. If You Were the Only Girl. 1929. General note Covers feature photographs of Joan Brooks and Perry Como. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 338 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 11 If You Were the Only Girl. 1929. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 859 If You Were the Only Girl. 1929. creator: Ayer, Nat D. creator: Grey, Clifford creator: Mutual Music Society, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 415 If You Wanna Get to Heaven. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils Box 392 If You're Ever In My Arms Again. 1937. General note On covers: photographs of George Hall and Glen Gray. Box 1164 If You'll Remember Me. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: Ragged Robin. General note On cover: photograph of Chauncey Olcott. Box 46 If You're Reading This. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29114 General note Words and Music also by Brad Warren and Brett Warren. Recorded by Tim McGraw. Box 470 Ignition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-75 Box 922 Box 1149 Ignorance. 2009. Ike For Four More Years. General note box su 8 Box 412 Iko Iko. 1989. General note From the original motion picture soundtrack "Rain Man." on cover: photograph of Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. Box 915 I'll Be Happy When the Preacher Makes You Mine. General note Box SU 22 Box 418 Il Pleut Sans Treve. General note on cover: photograph of Zarah Leander. from the motion picture "Paramatta" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 339 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 2 I'll Always Remember. 1942. General note Lyrics also by Walter Kent. Cover features a photograph of Abe Lyman. Box 622 I'll Be Back in Me Low Back Car. 1915. General note SCB SY 1156 Box 1091 I'll Be Close to You. General note Box SU 14 Box 1091 I'll Be Close to You. General note Box SU 14 Box 11 I'll Be Home for Christmas (If Only in My Dreams). 1943. General note Words and music also by Walter Kent and Buck Ram. Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 11 I'll Be Seeing You. 1938. General note Covers feature photographs of Hildegarde and Freddy Martin. Box 859 I'll be Seeing You. 1938. creator: Fain, Sammy creator: Kahal, Irving creator: Williamson Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Freddy Martin. Box 11 I'll Be There For You. 1994. General note Theme from the television program, "Friends." Lyrics also by Marta Kauffman, Phil Solem, Danny Wilde and Allee Willis. Cover features a photograph of the cast of the television program. Box 47 I'll Bet on You. 1934. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Call it Luck." Cover features a photograph of Pat Paterson. Box 56 I'll Buy It. 1957. General note From the CBS television production, "Junior Miss." 2 copies. Box 11 I'll Close My Eyes. 1946. General note Cover features a photograph of Dinah Shore. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 340 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 27 I'll Close My Eyes. 1946. Scope and Content Note Professional copy. Box 11 I'll Dance at Your Wedding. 1947. General note 2 copies. Cover features a photograph of Tony Martin. Box 905 I'll Fly to Hawaii. General note SCB SU 126 Box 11 I'll Get By (As Long as I Have You). 1943. General note Featured in the motion picture, "A Guy Named Joe." Cover features a photograph of Irene Dunne and Spencer Tracy. Box 859 I'll Get By (As Long as I Have You). 1943. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Turk, Roy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Irene Dunne and Spencer Tracy. From the MGM motion picture, "A Guy Named Joe." Box 2 I'll Give You Back Your Kisses (If You'll Give Me Back My Heart). 1922. General note Lyrics also by Irving Bibo. Music also by Ira Schuster. Cover features a photograph of the McCarthy Sisters. Box 56 I'll Go Along With You. 1956. General note From the NBC Producer's Showcase television production, "Jack and the Beanstalk." Box 11 I'll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You in My Arms). 1947. General note Words and music also by Hal Horton and Tommy Dilbeck. Cover features a photograph of Eddie Fisher. Box 11 I'll Keep the Lovelight Burning (in My Heart). 1949. General note Words and music also by George Weiss. Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 63 I'll Know It's Love. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." 3 copies. Box 64 I'll Love Like Robert Taylor (Be My Greta Garbo). 1967. General note From the motion picture "Camille." Photocopy of original. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 341 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 992 I'll Love You More for Losing You a While. General note box su 66 Box 580 I'll Miss You Old Ireland God Bless You Good Bye Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 16066-3 Scope and Content Note From the play, "Macushla." General note SCB SY 118485 Box 1149 I'll Miss You in the Evening. General note box su 8 Box 11 I'll Never Be Free. 1950. General note Words and music also by George Weiss. Cover features a photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 859 I'll Never say "Never Again" Again. 1935. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Woods, Harry Box 859 I'll Never Smile Again. 1939. creator: Lowe, Ruth creator: Sun Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey. Box 580 I'll Putcha Pitcha in the Papers. 1931. Scope and Content Note From, "Third Lille Show." General note SCB SY 118445 Box 2 I'll Remember April. 1950. General note Words and music also by Gene DePaul and Pat Jonston. Box 11 I'll See You Again. 1929. General note From the musical comedy, "Bitter Sweet." Box 859 I'll See You in C U B A. 1920. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 51 I'll See You in My Dreams. 1924. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Keep Your Powder Dry." Cover features photographs of Lana Turner, Laraine Day and Susan Peters. 2 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 342 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 51 I'll Si Si Ya in Bahia. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 47 I'll Sing You a Thousand Love Songs. 1936. General note 2 copies. Also written by Al Dubin. From the motion picture, "Cain and Mabel." Cover features a photograph of Marion Davies and Clark Gable. Box 1116 I'll Still Be Waiting Dear -- In The Dusk. General note Box NSO 9 Box 1149 I'll Take You Back to Italy. General note box su 8 Box 11 Box 854 I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen. 1908. I'll Take You Home Again Pal O'Mine. 1922. creator: Dixon, Harold creator: Joe Mittenthal Inc.. creator: Sacre, Claude Scope and Content On cover: photograph of John Steel. Box 1091 I'll Take Care of You. General note Box SU 14 Box 1091 I'll Think of You. General note Box SU 14 Box 1164 I'll Think of You. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 418 Illusion. 1952. General note from the motion picture "Illusion in Moll" Box 581 I'm a One Girl Man. 1928. General note Publisher no.: 8627; M.W. & Sons 17319-3 Scope and Content Note From: Billie. General note SCB SY 118120 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 343 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 456 I'm a Slave 4 U. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352417 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 01-145 Box 389 I'm a Survivor Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01120 Murrah Music General note SCB SZ02-18 Box 469 I'm Alive original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02062 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-143 Box 64 I'm All I Need. 1969. General note From the motion picture "Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe And Find True Happiness?" Box 394 I'm Already There. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352334 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-198 Box 394 I'm Already There. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352334 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-198, 199 Box 48 Box 915 I'm Alright (Theme from "Caddyshack"). 1980. I'm Always Thinking of Someone Who's Never Thinking of Me. General note Box SU 22 Box 859 I'm Always Chasing Rainbows. 1918. creator: Carroll, Harry creator: McCarthy, Joseph creator: Miller Music. Scope and Content From the motion picture, "The Dolly Sisters." On cover: photograph of John Payne, Betty Grable, and June Haver. Box 1149 I'm Beginning to Miss You. General note box su 8 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 344 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 543 I'm Building a Sailboat of Dreams. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Blue Barron. Dudley gift. Box 910 I'm Building Up to an Awful Let Down. General note box su 43 Box 859 I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You. 1934. creator: Bassman, George creator: Mills Music. creator: Washington, Ned Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Dorsey. Box 859 I'm Goin' Back to Whur I Come From. 1942. creator: Bob Miller Music Publisher, Inc.. creator: Robison, Carson Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Carson Robison. Box 64 I'm Going Down. 1977. General note From the motion picture "Car Wash." Box 622 I'm Going to Follow the Boys. 1917. General note SCB SY 1157 Box 1149 I'm Going Back to the Farm. General note box su 8 Box 469 I'm Gonna Be Alright. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-118 Box 470 I'm Gonna Getcha Good Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-58 Box 469 I'm Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin' Song). 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-102 Box 859 I'm Gonna Move to the Outskirts of Town. 1942. creator: Leeds Music. creator: Razaf, Andy creator: Weldon, William Box 654 I'm Growing Fond of You. 1907. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 345 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 555 I'm Happy When You're Happy. 1931. creator: Baer, Abel creator: Davis, Benny creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 914 I'm Headin' For California. General note box su 114 Box 859 I'm Hummin', I'm Whistlin', I'm Singin'. 1934. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 583 Box 583 I'm Hung. I'm Hung. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SY SCB 118306 Box 922 I'm In. 1998. General note On cover: photograph of Keith Urban. Box 1091 I'm in Heaven When I'm in Your Arms. General note Box SU 14 Box 192 I'm In Love. 1948. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance on the High Seas." General note On cover: photograph of Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore and Doris Day. Two copies. Box 812 I'm In Love. 1924. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kitty's Kisses." Box 543 I'm In the Mood For Love. 1935. General note Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 346 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 859 I'm in the Mood For Love. 1935. creator: Fields, Dorothy creator: McHugh, Jimmy creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Every Night at Eight." On cover: photographs of George Raft, Alice Fay, Frances Langford and Patsy Kelly. Box 2 I'm Just a Vagabond Lover. 1929. General note Words and music also by Leon Zimmerman. Cover features a photograph of Rudy Vallee. Box 65 I'm Just That Way. 1934. General note From the Fox motion picture "The Cat's Paw." Cover features photograph of Harold Lloyd. Box 394 I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352355 Sony/ATV General note SCB SZ 01-210 Box 394 I'm Like a Bird original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01103 Nelstar General note SCB SZ 01-171 Box 914 I'm Longing For My California Home. General note box su 114 Box 914 I'm Longing For My California Home. General note box su 114 Box 583 I'm Losing My Heart to Someone. 1920. Scope and Content Note From Honey Girl, a musical version of Checkers. General note SCB SY 118331-33. Box 389 I'm Movin' On Original Sheet Music Ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM02001 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-42 Box 58 I'm Naive. 1965. General note From the ABC television musial comedy special, "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Reiding Hood." 2 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 347 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1149 I'm Not Afraid. General note box su 8 Box 27 I'm On My Way to Dublin Bay. 1915. General note On cover: photograph of Aubrey Gittleman. Box 992 I'm on My Merry Way. General note box su 66 Box 1149 I'm on My Way Home. General note box su 8 Box 57 I'm Part of You. 1956. General note From the Ford Star Jubilee CBS television production, "A Bell for Adano." Cover features a photograph of Barry Sullivan and Anna Maria Alberghettti. Box 992 I'm Paving My Way to Your Heart. General note box su 66 Box 1149 I'm Playing With Fire. General note box su 8 Box 859 I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket. 1936. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "Follow the Fleet." On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 915 I'm Satisfied to Step Aside. General note Box SU 22 Box 915 I'm Satisfied to Step Aside. General note Box SU 22 Box 812 I'm Seeing Rainbows. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kwamina." General note Two copies. Box 27 I'm Sitting On Top Of the World. 1965. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 348 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 915 I'm So Dissappointed in You. General note Box SU 22 Box 758 I'm So Glad My Mamma Don't Know Where I'm At. 1918. General note Popular Edition, and artist's copy. From the musical, "Doing Our Bit." Box 915 I'm So in Love. General note Box SU 22 Box 1164 I'm So Weary. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Canary. General note On cover: photograph of Lina Abarbanell. Box 859 I'm Stepping Out With a Memory To-Night. 1940. creator: Magidson, Herb creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Wrubel, Allie Box 3 Box 654 I'm Still Yours (Tho You're No Longer Mine). 1938. I'm Sure Young to Marry Yet. General note Manuscript. Box 51 I'm Takin' the Jungle Trail. 1937. General note From the Universal motion picture, "Jungle Jim." Box 65 I'm That Way About You. 1931. General note From the Radio motion picture "Caught Plastered." Box 64 I'm The Captain's Kid. 1936. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture "The Captain's Kid." Cover features a photograph of Sybil Jason and Guy Kibbee. Box 582 I'm the Great Big Pot of Potsdam. 1918. General note Publisher no.: H.D.M.P.Co. 264 Scope and Content Note From: As You Were. General note SCB SY 118106 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 349 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 859 I'm Thru With Love. 1931. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Livingston, Fud creator: Malneck, Matt creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Paul Whiteman. Box 915 I'm Tickled to Death That You're Irish. General note Box SU 22 Box 915 I'm Tickled to Death That You're Irish. General note Box SU 22 Box 389 I'm Tryin'. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01147 Pacific Wind Music General note SCB SZ 02-14 Box 394 I'm Tryin'. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352395 Almo General note SCB SZ 01-170 Box 470 I'm With You. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-74 Box 470 I'm With You Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-36 Box 859 I'm Yours. 1930. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Green, John W. creator: Harburg, E.Y. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bert Lown. Box 392 Imagination. 1940. General note On cover: photograph of Lawrence Welk Box 415 The Immigrant. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 350 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 392 The Impatient Years. 1955. General note On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 53 Impossible. 1956. General note Closing theme of the NBC television Sunday night show, "Impossible." Cover features photographs of Jayne Mansfield, Hal March and Carol Haney. Box 58 Impossible. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 3 copies (different covers). Box 922 Impossible. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Shontelle. Box 21 The Impossible Dream (The Quest). 1965. creator: Darion, Joe creator: Leigh, Mitch creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. General note from the motion pciture, "Man Of La Mancha." Box 26 The Impossible Dream (the Quest). 1965. General note From the musical play "Man of La Mancha" Box 658 Impromptu in C# minor, op. 28 no. 3. 1898. General note Publisher no.: 14178 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1363 Box 859 In the Blue of Evening. 1942. creator: Adair, Tom, 1913-1988 creator: Associated Music Publishers, Inc.. creator: D'Artega Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye. Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 Box 3 In In In In In the the the the the Cotton Fields. 1931. Garden of To-Morrow. 1924. Luxembourg Gardens. 1931. Middle of the House. 1956. Valley of the Moon. 1933. General note Cover features a photograph of Mildred Bailey. Box 3 In Years That Be. 1926. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 351 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 915 In a Bamboo Garden. General note Box SU 22 Box 910 In a Cafe in Montmartre. General note box su 43 Box 21 In A Kingdom Of Our Own. 1919. creator: Duncan, William Cary creator: Goetzl, Anselm creator: M. Witmark & Sons. General note from the Cohan & Harris production "The Royal Vagabond" Box 2 Box 2 In a Little Garden (You Made Paradise). 1927. In a Little Spanish Town (T'was on a Night Like This). 1926. General note Cover features a photograph of Cordini Trio. Box 470 In a Little While. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-56 Box 992 In a Little Front Parlor: on an Old Back Street. General note box su 66 Box 859 In a Mist. 1956. creator: Beiderbecke, Bix creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Box 25 Box 1164 In A Monastery Garden. 1915. In a Month or Two. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 547 In a Persian Market. General note Dudley gift. Box 1087 In A Persian Market -- My Reverie. General note Box SU 3 Box 758 In a Quaint Little English Town. 1932. General note From the musical revue, Dilly Dally. On cover, "Property music department Columbia Pictures. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 352 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 2 In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town. 1932. General note Words and music also by John Siras and Little Jack Little. Cover features a photograph of Alice Joy. Box 3 Box 389 In an Old Fashioned Town. 1914. In Another World. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352428 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 02=17 Box 406 In Between the Heartaches. 1965. General note 2 copies. Box 554 In Colonial Days. 1947. creator: Carl Fischer, Inc.. creator: Taylor, Edna Box 857 In Color. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of blurry grey sky with crisscrossing wires and a human silhouette Box 407 Box 464 In Der Kuznie. 1938. In Dreams. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM02005 New Line Tunes Scope and Content Note Featured in "The Breaking of the Fellowship." The Lord of the Rings. General note SCB SZMP 02-1 Box 905 In Fair Hawaii. General note SCB SU 126 Box 57 In Finding You, I Found Love. 1983. General note From the Warner Bros. television production, "Bare Essence." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 57 In Finding You, I Found Love. 1983. General note From the Warner Bros. television production, "Bare Essence." Also written by Billy Goldenberg. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 415 In France They Kiss on Main Street. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell Box 419 In God's Tomorrow. 1963. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 353 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 905 In Hawaii (I'll Wait For You). General note SCB SU 126 Box 992 In June. General note box su 66 Box 65 In Love In Vain. 1946. General note From the 20th Century-Fox Picture "Centennial Summer." 7 copies. Box 854 Box 875 In Love-land We Will Meet. 1926. creator: D'Elia, Henrietta In My Arms. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1149 In My Harem. General note box su 8 Box 922 In My Head. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Jason Derulo. Box 876 In My Heart Next To Mother. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a heart with portraits of two women inside Box 581 In My Little Coup. 1925. Scope and Content Note From: Barbara Lee. General note SCB SY 118108 Box 27 In My Merry Oldsmobile. 1968. Material Specific Details note: piano solo Box 58 In My Own Little Corner. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 2 copies. Box 915 In My Own Backyard. General note Box SU 22 Box 406 In My Way. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Elvis Presley. from the Cinemascope motion picture "Wild in the Country" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 354 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 858 In Noctem. 2009. General note from the motion picture "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." on cover: photograph of Harry Potter Box 914 In Old California With You. General note box su 114 Box 554 (I Left My Heart) In San Francisco. 1954. creator: Cory, George creator: Cross, Douglass creator: General Music Corporation Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tony Bennett. Box 21 In Santa Margherita. 1938. creator: Morrow, Morton creator: Scher, Fred creator: World Wide Music Co., Ltd.. Box 872 In Step With Uncle Sam (A Defense March). 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 905 In Sunny Hawaii. General note SCB SU 126 Box 543 In the Evening by the Moonlight. 1937. General note Dudley gift. Box 915 In the Evening. General note Box SU 22 Box 26 In the Garden Of To-Morrow. 1924. General note 2 copies Box 545 Box 554 In the Garden of My Heart. 1908. In the Garden of My Heart. 1908. creator: Ball, Ernest R. creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Roma, Caro Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 355 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 854 In the Gloaming. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Harrison, Annie Fortescue creator: Smock, Jim Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Harry Kogen. Box 854 In the Land of Rip Van Winkle. 1950. creator: Royal Crown Music Co.. creator: Walker, Bon creator: Walsh, George Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Bon Walker, George Walsh and Joe Skriocki. Box 23 Box 66 In The Land Where The Shamrock Grows. 1919. In the Middle of a Kiss. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Scandal." 6 copies (different covers). One cover features a photograph of Arline Judge. Box 397 In the Midnight Hour. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Cross Country Box 406 Box 543 In the Midnight Hour. 1967. In the Mood. 1959. General note Dudley gift. Box 547 In the Mood. 1959. General note Dudley gift. Box 915 In the Middle of the Night. General note Box SU 22 Box 1164 In the Night. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 25 In The Summer Of His Years. 1963. General note Written for a BBC Television Tribute to the Late President John F. Kennedy Box 192 In the Still of the Night. 1937. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rosalie." General note 9 copies, all different covers. On some covers: photograph of Nelson Eddy and Eleanor Powell. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 356 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 23 Box 554 In The Twilight. 1930. In the Twilight. 1930. creator: Carl Fischer, Inc.. creator: Goldman, Edwin Franko creator: Morse, Dolly Scope and Content Adapted from the popular march, "On the Mall." Box 419 Box 23 Box 654 Box 415 In In In In the Upper Room. 1962. The Valley That The Sunshine Never Leaves. 1904. the Wild Wood Where the Blue Birds Sweetly Sing. 1909. Thee. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the Blue Oyster Cult Box 391 Box 905 In These Arms. 1993. In Waikiki. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 In Waikiki. General note SCB SU 126 Box 406 Box 865 In Your Arms. 1951. The Inch Worm. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Hans Christian Anderson." General note On cover: photograph of Danny Kaye. Box 471 Incomplete. 2000. General note SCB SZ00 75 Box 471 Incomplete. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352195 Box 56 The Incredible Hulk. 1977. General note Theme from the Universal television series. 2 copies (piano solo, easy piano solo). Box 392 Incurably Romantic. 1960. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Let's Make Love" Box 392 Incurably Romantic. 1960. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Let's Make Love". On cover: photograph of Marilyn Monroe an Yves Montand. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 357 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 464 Independent Woman (part 1). 2000. General note From the motion picture, "Charlie's Angels." SCB SZMP 01-6 Box 865 Independent. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Bells are Ringing." General note On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday. Box 525 Box 23 Box 192 India May. 1866. Indian Love Call. 1924. Indian Love Call. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On cover: photographs of Ann Blythe, Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas; Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddie. Box 397 Indian Love Call. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Stevens Box 854 Indian Love Call. 1924. creator: Friml, Rudolf creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Harbach, Otto creator: Harms Inc.. Box 406 Box 2 "Indian Reservation" (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian). 1967. Indian Summer. 1939. General note Cover features a photograph of Eddy Rogers. Box 397 Indian Summer. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Poco Box 910 Indian Summer. General note box su 43 Box 390 Box 543 An Indian War Scout. 1945. Indiana (Back Home Again in Indiana). 1944. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 654 Box 25 Box 392 Indiana. 1917. Indiff'rent. 1957. Indiscreet. 1958. General note From the Warner Bros. Film "Indiscreet". On cover: photograph of Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. (2 copies) Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 358 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 494 Indy's Jazz. 1992. General note Publisher no.: 4870ISMX Scope and Content Note From the television series, "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles." General note SCB SZTV 92-11 Box 872 Infantry Blue. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 22 Innamorata. 1919. General note cover missing Box 469 Insatiable. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-76 Box 399 Insatiable Woman. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Isley, Jasper & Isley Box 554 Inseparable. 1976. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Jackson, Chuck creator: Yancy, Marvin Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Natalie Cole. Box 412 Inside A Dream. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Jane Wiedlin Box 624 Inspiration. 1931. General note Photocopy SCB SY 1082 Box 1149 International Rag. General note box su 8 Box 25 Box 464 Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall. 1944. Into the West Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King." General note SCB SZMP 04-5 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 359 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 464 Into the West Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King." General note SCB SZMP 04-5 Box 858 Into the Night. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Carlos Santana and Chad Kroeger Box 874 Invasion March (Marche Envahissement). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 922 Box 406 Invincible Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Invitation to a Broken Heart. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Toni Arden. 5 copies. Box 865 Box 865 Box 406 Invocation to Life. 1921. Iola. 1938. Ireland. 1930. General note 3 copies Box 555 Ireland is Ireland To Me. 1915. creator: Ball, Ernest R. creator: Brennan, J. Keirn creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: O'Hara, Fiske Box 525 Box 545 Box 397 Box 554 Irene = Whether I Love Thee. 1890?. Iris. 1923. Irish Blessing. 1980. Irma La Douce. 1958. creator: Breffort, Alexandre creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Monnot, Marguerite Box 56 Iron Horse Theme. 1967. General note From the television production of the same title. Cover features a photograph of the program's male lead. Box 922 Iron Man. 1974. General note On cover: photograph of Black Sabbath. Box 56 Ironside. 1972. General note Theme from the Universal television series of the same title. Cover features an image of Raymond Burr. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 360 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 391 Irresistible. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Cathy Dennis Box 394 Irresistible. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352346 EMI General note SCB SZ 01-211 Box 49 Is It Any Wonder?. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353526 General note Words and music also by Richard Hughes and Tom Chaplin. Recorded by Keane. Box 525 Box 399 Is It Any Body's Business. Is It Love. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Mr. Mister Box 2 Is it Ture What They Say About Dixie. 1936. General note Words and music also by Sammy Lerner and Gerald Marks. Box 1091 Is This the Music of Love. General note Box SU 14 Box 3 Box 910 I'se Got No Use Foh Show Folks. 1901. Island Queen. General note box su 43 Box 905 Island Serenade. General note SCB SU 126 Box 23 Isle D'Amour. 1913. General note from Ziegfeld's Follies on cover: picture of Jose Collins Box 859 Isle of Capri. 1934. creator: Grosz, Will creator: Kennedy, Jimmy creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Xaiver Cugat. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 361 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 854 Isle of Capri. 1934. creator: Grosz, Will creator: Kennedy, Jimmy creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Xavier Cugat. Box 854 Isn't It Heavenly. 1933. creator: Harburg, E.Y. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Meyer, Joseph Box 859 Isn't It Romantic. 1932. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Hart, Lorenz creator: Rodgers, Richard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Maurice Chevalier. From the Paramount motion picture, "Love Me Tonight." Box 915 (Oh Maw Oh Paw) Isn't She the Sweetest Thing. General note Box SU 22 Box 392 Isn't That Just Like Love. 1940. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Love Thy Neighbor". On over: photographs of movie cast. Box 859 Isn't This a Lovely Day (To be Caught in the Rain?). 1935. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, Top Hat. On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 392 It Could Happen To You. 1944. General note From the Paramount motion picture "And The Angels Sing". Box 859 It All Comes Back to Me Now. 1940. creator: Broadcast Music, Inc.. creator: Kramer, Alex creator: Whitney, Joan creator: Zaret, Hy Box 406 Box 406 It Could've Been Worse. 1959. It Don't Matter To Me. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Bread Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 362 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 507 It Don't Mean a Thing (If it Ain't Got That Swing) original sheet music ed.. 1932. General note SCB SZMP90-2 Box 392 It Gets Lonely Early. 1965. General note On cover: drawing of Frank Sinatra Box 21 It Goes Like This That Funny Melody. 1928. creator: Caesar, Irving creator: Friend, Cliff creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. General note on cover: photograph of Ed Lowry Box 859 It Had to Be You. 1939. creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Jones, Isham creator: Kahn, Gus Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "Show Business." On cover: photographs of Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, Joan Davis and Nancy Kelly. Box 859 It Happened in Hawaii. 1941. creator: Dubin, Al creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Wayne, Mabel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bob Smith. Box 47 It Happened, It's Over, Let's Forget It. 1941. General note 2 copies. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Cadet Girl." Cover features a photograph of Carole Landis and George Montgomery. Box 389 It Happens Every Time Original sheet music edition. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01105 Zomba General note SCB SZ 02-12 Box 874 It Happens. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Sugarland Box 905 It Happened iat Waielae. General note SCB SU 126 Box 905 It Happened in Hawaii. General note SCB SU 126 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 363 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 905 It Happened in Honolulu. General note SCB SU 126 Box 392 It Hasn't Been Chilly In Chile. 1946. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Cross My Heart". On cover: photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Box 62 It Hasn't Been Chilly in Chile. 1956. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Cross My Heart." Cover features a photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Box 415 It Hurts So Good. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Millie Jackson Box 23 Box 27 It Is No Secret (What God Can Do). 1950. It Isn't Fair. 1933. General note On cover: photograph of Harry Grunden and Elizabeth Spicer. Box 1164 It Isn't the Moonlight. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Clock. General note On cover: photograph of Joe Cook and Jack Mclallen. Box 397 It Keeps You Runnin'. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 415 It Keeps You Runnin'. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon Box 859 It Looks Like Rain in Cherry Blossom Lane. 1937. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar Box 915 It Made You Happy When You Made Me Cry. General note Box SU 22 Box 53 It Might Have Been. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 364 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1091 It Might Have Been You. General note Box SU 14 Box 415 It Must Be Love. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Alton McClain & Destiny Box 471 It Must Be Love. 1978. General note Publisher no.: PVM00073 Box 406 It Must Be True. 1930. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 859 It Must Be True. 1930. creator: Arnheim, Gus creator: Barris, Harry creator: Clifford, Gordon creator: George Wagner Songs. Scope and Content Two different copies. On covers: photographs of Bing Crosby. Box 507 It Must Have Been Love. 1990. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Pretty Woman." General note SCB SZMP90-12 Box 812 It Never Was Anywhere You. 1938. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Knickerbocker Holiday." General note Two copies. Box 812 It Never Was You. 1938. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Knickerbocker Holiday." General note Four copies. Box 914 It Never Rains in Southern California. General note box su 114 Box 914 It Never Rains in Sunny California. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 365 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 397 It Only Hurts For A Little While. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Margo Smith Box 406 Box 56 It Seems Like Only Yesterday. 1974. It Takes a Theif. 1969. General note From the television series of the same title. Box 582 It Takes a Woman to Take a Man. 1948. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: As the Girls Go General note SCB SY 118104 Box 419 Box 418 Box 859 It Took A Miracle. 1948. It Was A Dream. 1886. It Was So Beautiful. 1932. creator: Barris, Harry creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Freed, Arthur Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Loyce Whiteman. Box 65 It Was Written In The Stars. 1948. General note From the Universal-International motion picture "Casbah." Cover features photograph of Yvonne DeCarlo and Tony Martin. 2 copies. Box 419 Box 857 It Will Be Worth It All. 1966. It Won't Be Like This For Long. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Darius Rucker Box 392 Box 858 It's 1200 Miles From Palm Springs To Texas. 1958. It's a Business Doing Pleasure With You. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Tim McGraw Box 392 It's A Darn Good Thing. 1962. General note From the Paramount motion picture "My Six Loves". Cover features photograph of Debbie Reynolds. Box 392 Box 392 It's A Fine, Old Institution. 1958. It's A Good Thing I Don't Care. 1957. General note On cover: photographs of James Van Heusen and Johnny Burke Box 406 It's A Heartache. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Bonnie Tyler Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 366 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 874 It's a K.O. for Tokyo. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Dr. Herbert L. Clarke Box 874 It's a Law-aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-ong Way Back Home. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 397 It's A Sin When You Love Somebody. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Glen Campbell It's All About You (Not About Me). 1999. creator: Almo Music Corp.. creator: Karlin, Kenneth creator: Lumpkins, Heavynn creator: Schack`, Carsten Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tracie Spencer. Box 397 It's All in the Game. 1912. General note on cover: photograph of Tom T. Hall Box 26 It's All So New To Me. 1935. General note From the Fox motion picture "Curly Top" Box 20 It's Almost Tomorrow. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Jo Stafford Box 391 It's Alright. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Chante Moore Box 392 It's Always You. 1941. General note On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 392 Box 874 It's Always You. 1941. It's America. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Rodney Atkins Box 392 Box 26 It's Anybody's Spring. 1945. It's As Simple As That. 1946. General note "artist copy" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 367 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 555 It's Been a Long, Long Time. 1945. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Styne, Jule Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sally Stuart. Box 392 It's Better In The Dark. 1956. General note On cover: photograph of Tony Martin Box 24 It's D'Lovely. 1936. General note From the motion picture, "Red, Hot, and Blue." Box 859 It's Dark on Observatory Hill. 1934. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Spina, Harold Box 859 It's Funny to Everyone But Me. 1939. creator: Lawrence, Jack creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Messner. Box 406 Box 398 It's Got To Be A Minstrel Show To-Night. 1902. It's Great To Be Single Again. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of David Allan Coe Box 397 Box 858 It's In Every One Of Us. 1980. It's In Every One Of Us. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of microphone and piano keyboard Box 419 Box 859 It's Judy. 1968. It's Just a New Spanish Custom. 1934. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "We're Not Dressing." On cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, Carole Lombard and Ethel Merman. Box 419 Box 397 It's Just Like My Lord. 1967. It's Like We Never Said Goodbye. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Crystal Gayle Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 368 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 859 It's Love, Love, Love. 1943. creator: David, Mack creator: Kramer, Alex creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. creator: Whitney, Joan Box 6 It's My Life. creator: Friese-Greene, Tim creator: Hollis Songs Ltd.. creator: Hollis, Mark David Box 392 It's Nice To Go Trav'ling. 1958. General note On cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 419 Box 25 Box 397 It's No Wonder. 1969. It's Not For Me To Say. 1956. It's Not A Wonder. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band Box 854 It's Only a Paper Moon. 1933. creator: Arlen, Harold creator: Harburg, E.Y. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Rose, Billy Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Take a Chance. On cover: photograph of June Knight and Buddy Rogers. Box 397 It's Only Rock 'n Roll. 1974. General note on cover: caricature of Mick Jagger Box 406 Box 406 Box 415 It's Only the Good Times. 1959. It's Our Anniversary Day. 1933. It's Over. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 25 It's Raining Outside (Chove La Fora). 1957. General note 2 copies Box 406 It's Such A Pretty World Today. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Eddy Arnold Box 392 It's The Dreamer In Me. 1938. General note On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 369 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 859 It's the Natural Thing to Do. 1937. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Johnston, Arthur creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Double or Nothing." On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Mary Carlisle. Box 392 Box 859 It's The Only Way To Travel. 1962. It's the Talk of the Town. 1933. creator: Joy Music, Inc.. creator: Livingston, Jerry creator: Neiburg, Al J. creator: Symes, Marty Box 406 It's Time To Sing A Goodnight Song. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee Box 392 Box 876 It's Your Life. 1959. It's Your Job And My Job. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of line of soldiers and Uncle Sam Box 480 The Itch original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01001 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-49 Box 406 Itchycoo Park. 1967. General note on cover: photographs of The Small Faces Box 406 It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Tillotson Box 3 It's a Sin to Tell a Lie. 1936. General note Cover features a photograph of Connie Gates. Box 47 It's a Lovely Day Today. 1950. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen and George Sanders. Box 545 Box 580 It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary. 1912. It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow. 1940. General note SCB SY 118469 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 370 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 992 It's a Long Time Between Kisses. General note box su 66 Box 48 It's a Whistle-in' Kinda Mornin'. 1953. General note As sung in "The Caddy" starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis a Paramount motion picture. "For Professional Use Only" Box 580 It's a Wonderful World After All. 1921. Scope and Content Note From the one act comedy, "Little Miss Vamp." General note SCB SY 118412 Box 580 It's a Wonderful World After All. 1921. Scope and Content Note From the one act comedy, "Little Miss Vamp." General note SCB SY 118412, 118413 Box 910 It's About Time. General note box su 43 Box 62 It's All So New to Me. 1935. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Curly Top." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Shirley Temple, John Boles and Rochelle Hudson. Box 64 It's All Right With Me. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. 2 copies. Box 27 It's Always You. 1941. General note On cover: photograph of The Three Suns. Box 417 It's Always Something. 1999. General note SCB SZ00 78 Box 471 It's Always Something. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352192 Box 471 It's Always Something Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00068 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 371 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 394 It's Been Ahile Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01074 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-212 Box 471 It's Gonna Be Me. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00074 Box 64 It's Julep Time in Dixieland. 1937. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Can This Be Dixie?" Box 192 It's Magic. 1948. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance on the High Seas." General note On cover: photograph of Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore and Doris Day. Seven copies, different editions. Box 865 It's Me. 1953. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Me and Juliet." Box 456 It's My Time original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM01040 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-119 Box 865 It's Never Quite the Same. 1958. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Oh Captain." Box 27 It's Raining Sunbeams. General note From the Universal motion picture, "100 Men and a Girl." On cover: photographs of Deanna Durbin, Leopold Stokowski, Mischa Auer and Adolphe Menjou. Box 905 It's Snowing in Hawaii. General note SCB SU 126 Box 56 It's Such a Happy Day. 1963. General note Background theme of the Jackie Gleason "American Scene Magazine" on the Jackie Gleason television program. Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 992 It's Tulip Time in Holland: Two Lips Are Calling Me. General note box su 66 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 372 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 66 It's You. 1929. General note From the Universal motion picture, "College Love." 3 copies. One cover features a photograph of George Lewis and Dorothy Gulliver. Box 192 It's You or No One. 1948. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance on the High Seas." General note On cover: photograph of Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore and Doris Day. Three copies, different covers. Box 865 It's You. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "The Music Man." Box 192 I've a Strange New Rhythm In My Heart. 1937. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rosalie." General note Two copies, different covers. Box 812 I've Come To Wive it Wealthily in Padua. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." Box 859 I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling. 1929. creator: Link, Harry creator: Rose, Billy creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. creator: Waller, Thomas Box 27 Box 555 I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Cocoanuts (Roll or Bowl a Ball a Penny a Pitch). 1949. I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams. 1938. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Monaco, James V. creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Sing You Sinners." On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Fred MacMurray and Donald O'Connor. Box 859 I've Got a Right to Cry. 1946. creator: Liggins, Joe creator: Recordo Music Publishers. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Hank Williams Jr. Box 915 I've Got a Ten Day Pass for a Honeymoon With the Girl I Left Behind. General note Box SU 22 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 373 Works in English: Titles: I's. Series 9. Box 1149 I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now. General note box su 8 Box 859 I've Got My Captain Working For Me Now. 1919. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 859 I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. 1937. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "On the Avenue." On cover: photographs of Dick Powell, Madeleine Carroll, Alice Fay and The Ritz Brothers. Box 992 I've Got the "Blue Ridge Blues". General note box su 66 Box 915 I've Got the Girl (Oh Those Lips, Oh those Eyes, Oh Can't You See?). General note Box SU 22 Box 859 I've Got to Pass Your House to Get to My House. 1933. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. Scope and Content Featured in the Paradise Revue. Box 525 Box 456 I've Left My Snow Clad Hills. 1890?. I've Seen It All Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-120 Box 1164 I've Waited Long for Thee. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 1120 You Tell Me Your Dream I'll Tell You Mine -- You Wouldn't Fool A Friend. General note Box NS 353 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 397 Jack and Diane. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of John Cougar Mellencamp Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 374 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 397 Jackie Blue. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Box 398 Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile). 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Van Morrison Box 407 Box 65 Jacob's Dream. 1934. Jacqueline. 1957. General note From the Columbia motion picture "The Case Against Brooklyn." Cover features photographs of Darren McGavin, Maggie Hayes and Bobby Helms. Box 758 Jacqueline. 1959. General note From the musical, "Dr. Willy Nilly." Box 456 Jaded. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-122 Box 3 Box 1077 Jalousie. 1926. Jalousie -- Love. General note Box PS 8 Box 910 Jamboree Jones. General note box su 43 Box 415 James Dean. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles. Box 397 Jane. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Jefferson Starship Box 47 Japanese Girl Like 'Merican Boy. 1950. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Call Me Mister." Box 992 Japanese Sandman. General note box su 66 Box 1115 Jar of Hearts. 2010. General note Publisher no.: 37231 General note Original sheet music edition. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 375 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 1115 Box 865 Box 418 Box 20 Jar of Hearts. 2010. Jazz Legato. 1944. Jazz Up Your Lingerie. Jazzman. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Carole King Box 3 Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair. 1939. General note Cover features a photograph of Jack Spratt. Box 415 Jeans On. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of David Dundas Box 915 Jefferson David. General note Box SU 22 Box 470 Jenny From the Block. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-37 Box 494 Jeopardy. 1984. Scope and Content Note Theme to the game show of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 87-7 Box 554 Jerry (You Warra a Warrior in the War). 1909. creator: Baskette, Billy creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: O'Neil, Dannie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Clark and Bergman. Box 406 Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Yerushala'im Shel Zahav). 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Fisher Box 397 Jesse. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon Box 391 Jessica. 1962. General note from the United Artists Motion Picture "Jessica" Box 397 Jessica. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Allman Brothers Box 419 Jesus. 1966. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 376 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 419 Box 6 Jesus, I Believe What You Said. 1966. Jesus Take the Wheel. 2005. creator: James, Brett creator: Lindsey, Hillary creator: Sampson, Gordi creator: Sony/ATV Tunes. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Carrie Underwood. Box 419 Box 543 Jesus Remembers When Others Forget. 1941. Jet. 1951. General note Dudley gift. Box 397 Box 494 Jet Airliner. 1977. The Jetsons (Main Title) Original sheet music ed.. 1987. Scope and Content Note Main title to the animated series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 87-8 Box 469 Jezebel. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-101 Box 3 Jim. 1941. General note Cover features a photograph of Dinah Shore. Box 622 Jimmy Newman. 1969. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 1158 Box 859 (I Got Spurs) Jingle Jangle Jingle. 1942. creator: Lilley, Joseph J. creator: Loesser, Frank creator: Paramount Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "The Forest Rangers. " On cover: photograph of Fred MacMurray and Paulette Goddard. Box 54 Jingle Jingle Jingle. 1964. General note From the Videocraft television musical spectacular "Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer." 2 copies. Box 397 Jive Talkin'. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 377 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 392 Joanne. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of woman Box 47 Jody. 1957. General note Also written by Ravon Darnell. From, "Calypso Heat Wave." Box 392 Joey. 1962. General note Title theme of "Joey Bishop Show" Box 56 John Barleycorn. 1956. General note From the CBS television program, "High Tor." 2 copies (one cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby). Box 408 John Deere Green. 1994. General note on cover: photograph of Joe Diffie Box 1115 The John Galt Theme. 2011. Material Specific Details note: piano solo Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, Atlas Shrugged. Box 406 Box 406 Box 865 Box 874 John Hardy's Wife. 1944. Johnny Angel. 1960. Johnny Appleseed. 1946. Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Kenny Baker Box 874 Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 875 Johnny Doughboy Polka. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 56 Johnny Shiloh. 1962. General note Theme song to the television series of the same title. Also written by Robert B. Sherman. Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 874 Johnny Whistles In His Sleep. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 875 Johnny Zero. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 378 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 406 Join the Party. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Claire Trevor. featured in the Fox motion picture "Song and Dance Man" Box 397 Jojo. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 406 Jolene. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Dolly Parton Box 580 Jolly Me operatic ed.. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118454 Box 876 Jolly Molly Pitcher. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a woman next to a cannon emblazoned with the words "Molly Pitcher" Box 876 The Jolly Yanks. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of four soldiers Box 1092 Jolson. General note Box SU 93 Box 397 Jose Cuervo. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Shelly West Box 3 Josephine. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Marvin Frederic. Box 27 Josephine. 1937. General note On cover: photograph of Wayne King. Box 554 Josephine. 1937. creator: Bivens, Burke creator: Kahn, Gus creator: King, Wayne creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 379 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 914 Joshua Tree. General note box su 114 Box 419 Box 419 Box 419 Box 390 Box 56 The Joy in Serving the Lord. 1960. Joy in the Camp. 1964. Joy, Real Joy. 1966. Juanita. 1964. Judd, For the Defense. 1967. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover features a photograph of Carl Betz and Stephen Young. Box 517 Judith = Beneath the Ramparts of Bethula. General note SCB SY 1933 Part of the Hogue Collection Box 192 Judy. 1928. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance of the Underworld." General note On cover: photograph of Mary Astor. Five copies, different editions. Box 56 Julia. General note Theme to the television series of the same title. Photocopy. Box 415 Jump. 1976. General note From the Warner Bros. film "Sparkle." On cover: photograph of Aretha Franklin. Box 51 Jumpin' Jack Flash. 1968. General note Also written by Keith Richards. From the Twentieth Century Fox motion picture, "Jumpin' Jack Flash." Cover features a photograph of Aretha Franklin and Keith Richards. Box 471 Jumpin, Jumpin. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00095 Box 874 Jumpin' With a G.I. Gal!. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 854 June Breezes. 1921. creator: Miles, Walter E. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. Box 63 June Is Bustin' Out All Over. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Carousel." 3 copies. Box 23 June Night. 1924. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 380 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 622 June Night. 1921. General note SCB SY 1159 Box 25 Box 412 Box 1091 June Night (Just Give Me A June Night, The Moonlight And You). 1950. Jungle Love. 1977. Jungle Land. General note Box SU 14 Box 915 Junior. General note Box SU 22 Box 56 Junior Miss. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of the same title. 2 copies. Box 874 Junk Ain't Junk No More ('Cause Junk Will Win the War). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 859 Just a Gigolo. 1929. creator: Caesar, Irving creator: Casucci, Leonello creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. Box 3 Box 3 Box 922 Just a Little House of Love. 1918. Just a Little Love Song. 1922. Just the Way You Are. 2010. General note Two copies (different covers). Box 554 Just A-Wearyin' For You. 1901. creator: Carrie Jacobs-Bond & Son. creator: Jacobs-Bond, Carrie, 1862-1946--Archives. creator: Stanton, Frank Box 20 Box 21 Just a Bird's-Eye View (Of My Old Kentucky Home). 1926. Just A Bird's-Eye View (Of My Old Kentucky Home). 1926. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 875 Just A Blue Serge Suit. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 915 Just a Bird's Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home. General note Box SU 22 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 381 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 1157 Just a Blue Serge Suit. General note Box SU 9 Box 24 Box 419 Box 543 Just A Closer Walk With Thee. 1950. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. 1967. Just a Cottage Small (By a Waterfall). 1925. General note On cover: photograph of John McCormack. Dudley gift. Box 857 Just A Dream. 2008. General note on cover: blue-green-grey background Box 1115 Just a Dream. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Nelly. Box 469 Just a Friend original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02072 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-144 Box 875 Just A Faded Picture (Of That Mother Of Mine). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Just a Faded Picture (Of That Mother Of Mine). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a soldier kissing a girl and a locket with a picture of his mother Box 910 Just a Fair Weather Friend. General note box su 43 Box 1091 Just a Few Thrills Ago. General note Box SU 14 Box 22 Box 1115 Just A Girl That Men Forget. 1923. Just a Kiss. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Lady Antebellum on cover. Box 1115 Just a Kiss. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Lady Antebellum on cover. Box 622 Just a Lonely Cowhand. 1937. General note SCB SY 1160 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 382 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 992 Just a Little Bit of Dreaming. General note box su 66 Box 555 Just a Little Closer. 1930. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Meyer, Joseph creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture, "Remote Control." On cover: photograph of William Haines. Box 1157 Just a Little Longer. General note Box SU 9 Box 1157 Just a Little While. General note Box SU 9 Box 27 Just a Prayer Away. 1944. General note On cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye. Box 875 Just A Prayer Away. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Emil Vandas Box 397 Box 543 Just a Song Before I Go. 1977. Just a Wearyin For You. 1901. General note Dudley gift. Box 20 Just an Old Love of Mine. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour Box 51 Just an Innocent Affair. 1948. General note From the Columbia motion picture, "Kentucky Jubilee." Columbia Pictures copy. Box 394 Just Another Girl Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01047 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-200 Box 915 Just Another Night. General note Box SU 22 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 383 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 51 Just Around the Corner. 1925. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Just Around the Corner." Includes ukulele and banjo symbols. Box 480 Just Be a Man About It original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00128 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-6 Box 2 Just Because. 1937. General note Words and music also by Joe Shelton and Sid Robin. Cover features photograph of Frankie Yankovic, dick Stabile, Eddy Howard and The Shelton Brothers. Box 406 Box 47 Just Because. 1937. Just Blew in From the Windy City. 1953. General note 2 copies. From the film, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 1115 Box 857 Just Can't Get Enough. 2010. Just Dance. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Lady Gaga Box 49 Just Fine. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353725 General note Words and music also by Christopher Stewart, Phalon Alexander and Terius Nash. Recorded by Mary J. Blige. Box 51 Just For You. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 192 Just For You. 1936. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On cover: photograph of Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Box 812 Box 25 Box 865 Just Good Friends. 1919. Just In Case You Change Your Mind. 1958. Just in Time. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Bells are Ringing." General note On cover: photograph of Judy Holliday. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 384 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 389 Just Let Me Be In Love Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01146 Hamstein Cumberland Music General note SCB SZ 02-15 Box 456 Just Let Me Be in Love. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352423 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 01-144 Box 51 Just Like a Woman. 1923. General note From the motion picture, "Just Like a Woman." Also written by Milt Hagen. Cover features photographs of Marguerite De La Mott, George Fawcett and Ralph Graves. Box 915 Just Like a Melody Out of the Sky. General note Box SU 22 Box 854 Just Like a Melody Out of the Sky. 1928. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Donaldson, Walter Box 412 Just Like Jesse James. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Cher Box 21 Just Like The Will O' The Wisp. 1919. creator: A.J. Stasny Music Co. creator: Brothers, J. Stanley creator: Stevens, Vernon J. Box 392 Just My Luck. 1945. General note on covers: photographs of Vaughn Monroe and Bing Crosby. Box 915 Just Once Again. General note Box SU 22 Box 470 Just One Dream. 2001. General note SCB SZ03-28 Box 1091 Just One More Chance. General note Box SU 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 385 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 56 Just Our Luck. 1983. General note Theme from the Lorimar television series of the same title. Also written by Joseph Conlan. Box 494 Just Over the Brooklyn Bridge. 1991. General note Publisher no.: 6873JSMX Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series, "Brooklyn Bridge." General note SCB SZTV 92-6 Box 392 Box 412 Just Plain Lonesome. 1942. Just Remember I Love You. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Firefall Box 910 Just Remember. General note box su 43 Box 25 Box 545 Just Say I Love Her (Dicitencello Vuie). 1952. Just Some One. 1907. General note On cover: photograph of Maude Lambert. 2 copies. Box 21 (Oh The Whippoorwill Sings In The Sycamore) Just The Same. 1927. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Fisher Box 51 Just the Way You Are. 1984. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Just the Way You Are." Cover features a photograph of Kristy McNichol. Box 406 Just the Way You Are. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Billy Joel Box 915 (Oh, the Whippoorwill Sings in the Sycamore) Just the Same. General note Box SU 22 Box 622 Just to Know You Love Me As I Love You. 1927. General note SCB SY 1161 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 386 Works in English: Titles: J's. Series 10. Box 915 Just to Mend Mamma's Heart. General note Box SU 22 Box 21 Just Try To Picture Me Back Home In Tennessee. 1915. General note on cover: picture of Al Jolson Box 27 Just Walking in the Rain. 1953. General note On cover: photograph of Johnny Ray. Box 397 Just What I Need. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Cars Box 412 Just What I Needed. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Cars Box 469 Just What I Do original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-121 Box 1164 Just You Alone. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 51 Justine. 1969. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Justine." Easy piano arrangement. Box 51 Just For You. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Professional copy. Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 859 K-K-K-Katy. 1918. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: O'Hara, Geoffrey Scope and Content War Edition. Box 555 Ka Lu A. 1921. creator: Caldwell, Anne creator: Kern, Jerome creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content From the musical comedy, Good Morning Dearie. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 387 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 859 Ka Lu A. 1921. creator: Caldwell, Anne creator: Kern, Jerome creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "Good Morning Dearie." Box 905 Kahala. General note SCB SU 126 Box 624 Kalamazou. 1919. General note SCB SY 1098 Box 406 Box 25 Kaleidoscope. 1968. Kansas City (AKA K.C. Loving). 1952. General note On cover: photograph of The Beatles Box 920 Kansas City Kitty. General note Box SU 23 Box 922 Box 1157 Karazhan. 2010. Kate Have I Come Too Early, Too Late. General note Box SU 9 Box 56 Kate McShane. 1975. General note Theme from the Paramount television series of the same title. Box 51 Kathleen Mavourneen. 1919. General note Inspired by the William Fox motion picture, "Kathleen Mavourneen." Cover features photographs of Theda Bara. Box 51 Kathy O. 1958. General note From the Universial International motion picture, "Kathy O." Cover features photographs of Dan Duryea, Jan Sterling and Patty McCormack. Box 51 Kathy O. 1958. General note From the Universial International motion picture, "Kathy O." Cover features photographs of Dan Duryea, Jan Sterling and Patty McCormack. Also written by Ray Joseph and Jack Sher. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 388 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 51 Katie. 1979. General note From the motion picture, "Just You and Me Kid." Cover features a photograph of George Burns and Brooke Shields. Box 471 Katie Wants a Fast One. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352211 Box 875 Keep 'Em Flying!. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 51 Keep a Little Dream Handy. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Jumping Jacks." Cover features photographs of Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Mona Freeman. Box 392 Box 1157 Keep A Prayer In Your Heart. 1947. Keep Away From the Fellow Who Owns the Automobile. General note Box SU 9 Box 554 Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge. 1924. creator: Goodwin, Ida Cheever creator: Harper, Bruce creator: Home Town Coolidge Club. Scope and Content The official campaign song of the Home Town Coolidge Club of Plymouth, Vermont. Box 874 Keep Mum Chum. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 397 Keep On Tryin'. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Poco Box 415 Keep On Smilin'. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Wet Willie Box 859 Keep Sweeping the Cobwebs Off the Moon. 1927. creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Levant, Oscar creator: Lewis creator: Young Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Stillwell and Frazer. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 389 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 397 Keep the Five. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Kenny Loggins Box 654 Box 875 Keep the Love Light Burning in the Window Til the Boys Come Marching Home. 1917. Keep The Yanks In The Tanks Rolling On. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Keep The Cross, America!. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of the American flag and a cross Box 397 Keep This Train A-Rollin'. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 872 Keep Your Chin Up Uncle Sam. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 859 Keep Your Head Down Fritzie Boy. 1918. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Rice, Gitz Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lieutenant Gitz Rice. Box 872 Keep Your Mouth Shut and Listen. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 992 Keep Your Eyes Down Mary: You're a Big Girl Now. General note box su 66 Box 7 Keepin' Good Company. 1986. General note Arranged by Cathy Duncan Box 7 Box 859 Keepin' Good Company. Keepin' Out of Mischief Now. 1932. creator: Con Conrad, Music Publisher, Ltd.. creator: Razaf, Andy creator: Waller, Thomas Box 992 Keepsakes. General note box su 66 Box 23 Keith Prowse 2nd Song & Dance Album. 1929. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 390 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 51 The Kentuckian Song. 1955. General note From the motion picture, "The Kentuckian." Cover features a photograph of Burt Lancaster and Kim Bennett. Box 51 The Kentuckian Song. 1955. General note From the motion picture, "The Kentuckian." Cover features a photograph of Burt Lancaster and Dianne Foster. Box 51 The Kentuckian Song. 1955. General note From the motion picture, "The Kentuckian." Professional copy. Box 555 Kentucky. 1943. creator: Broadcast Music, Inc.. creator: Prichard, Henry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 415 Kentucky Woman. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 545 (We'll Have a Jubilee in My Old) Kentucky Home. 1915. General note On cover: photograph of Bert Wilcox. Box 545 Box 6 Kentucky U.S.A.. 1923. Kerosene. 2005. creator: Earle, Steve creator: Lambert, Miranda creator: Sony/ATV Songs. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Miranda Lambert. Box 51 The Key (to Your Heart). 1958. General note From the Columbia Pictures motion picture, "The Key." Cover features a photograph of William Holden and Sophia Loren. Box 51 Khartoum. 1966. General note From the motion picture, "Khartoum." Cover features drawings of Charlton Heston and Laurence Olivier. Box 397 Kick It Out. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Heart Box 407 Kiddus. 1946. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 391 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 397 The Killing of Georgie. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Rod Stewart Box 397 Killing Me Softly With His Song. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 397 Box 397 Box 392 Killing Me Softly With His Song. 1973. Killing Me Softly With His Song. 1972. Kind'A Peculiar Brown. 1943. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Dixie" Box 392 Kind'A Peculiar Brown. 1943. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Dixie." Cover features photograph of Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. Box 21 King For A Day. 1928. creator: Fiorito, Ted creator: Remick Music Corporation. Box 859 King For a Day. 1928. creator: Fiorito, Ted creator: Lewis creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Young Box 419 Box 56 The King Is Coming!. 1970. King Kong Theme. 1966. General note From the ABC television series, "King Kong." 2 copies (different covers). Box 415 King Kong (Your Song). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Peter Ferrara and Bobby Pickett Box 922 King of Anything. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Sara Bareilles. Box 914 King of California. General note box su 114 Box 554 King of Kings (theme). 1961. creator: Mozsa, Miklos creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content Theme to the MGM motion picture of the same title. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 392 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 415 King of Nothing. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Seals & Crofts Box 58 King of the River. 1955. General note From Walt Disney's television production, "Davy Crockett." Box 58 King of the River. 1955. General note From the television production, "Disneyland." Box 22 Box 397 The King's Horses (And The King's Men). 1930. Kings and Queens. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Aerosmith Box 56 King's Crossing. 1982. General note Theme from the Lorimar Productions television series of the same title. Box 920 Kinky Kids Parade. General note Box SU 23 Box 407 Box 406 Kirchen Gloken. 1925. Kiss an Angel Good Morning. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Charley Pride Box 21 Kiss And Make Up. 1927. creator: Bogate, Al creator: Hoefle, Carl creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Miller, Ned General note on cover: photograph of Frank Leave Box 888 Box 888 Kiss And Remember. Kiss And Run. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Peggy King Box 888 Kiss And Say Goodbye. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the Manhattans Box 888 Kiss By Kiss (I'm Falling In Love With You). 1931. General note three copies Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 393 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 888 (Give Me) A Kiss For Tomorrow. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Frankie Laine Box 470 Kiss From a Rose. 1994. General note SCB SZ03-30 Box 888 A Kiss For You. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Gene Kardos Box 888 A Kiss From Angelina. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Glenn Lee Box 888 A Kiss From Cora. 1961. General note two copies Box 888 Box 888 Box 910 A Kiss From You. 1925. A Kiss From Your Lips. 1928. Kiss From You. General note box su 43 Box 888 A Kiss Goodnight. 1945. General note Twelve copies featuring different photographs on cover: Woody Herman (2), Johnnie Johnston (2), Elliot Lawrence, Monica Lewis, Don Saxon, Freddie Slack, Connie Haines, Eddie Stone, Dinah Shore (2) Box 888 The Kiss I Can't Forget. 1925. General note three copies Box 888 The Kiss I Stole From You. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Robert Simmons Box 543 A Kiss in the Dark. 1922. General note Dudley gift. Box 888 A Kiss In The Moonlight (And The World Began). 1933. General note two copies, one with drawing of Eddie Duchin on cover Box 888 A Kiss In The Night. 1944. General note English lyric by Martyn Mayne Spanish lyric by Manuela Garcia-Yniguez Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 394 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 49 Kiss Kiss. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353712 General note Words and music also by Faheem Najm. Recorded by Chris Brown. Box 888 (Kiss Me) A Kiss Like Yours. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of June Valli Box 888 Kiss Mama-Kiss Papa. 1922. General note Six copies with different covers featuring photographs of: Abbot and White, Beck and Stone, MacFarlane and Palace, Al Herman. Box 58 Kiss Me. 1985. General note From the television series, "The Cosby Show." Also written by Bill Cosby. Box 888 Kiss Me (And Then Say Goodnight). 1926. General note two copies with different color covers on cover: photographs of Herb Wiedoft and His Cinderella Roof Orchestra Box 888 Kiss Me (While We Say Goodnight). 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Georgie Robbins Box 545 Kiss Me Again. 1915. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, "Mlle. Modiste." Box 888 Kiss Me And Kiss Me And Kiss Me. 1959. General note English lyric by Al Hoffman and Dick Manning. Italian lyric by Luciano Beretta. on cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 888 Kiss Me Big. 1953. Box 888 Box 888 Box 888 Box 888 Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Me Caress Me. Me Dear. 1923. Me, Dear. 1919. Me Good-Bye. 1920. General note Two copies, different covers. Box 888 Kiss Me Good Night. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Jesse Crawford Box 876 Kiss Me Good-Night Sergeant-Major. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Percy Faith and drawing of very tall soldier leaning on a sergeant Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 395 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 20 Kiss Me Goodnight. 1924. General note on cover: photograph of Ben Bernie Box 555 Kiss Me Goodnight, Not Goodbye. 1931. creator: Furthman, Jules creator: Hanley, James F. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. Scope and Content From the Fox motion picture, "Merely Mary Ann." On cover: photographs of Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. Box 888 Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Mary McCoy Box 20 Box 654 Kiss Me Kiss Your Baby. 1974. Kis Me My Honey, Kiss Me. 1910. General note Cover features a photograph of Little Amy Butler. Box 888 Kiss Me, My Sweetheart. 1930. General note two copies Box 888 The Kiss Me Polka. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Henri René Box 874 Kiss Me Thru the Phone. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Soulja Boy Box 47 Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1939. General note From the Paramount film, "Cafe Society." Cover features a photograph of Madeleine Carroll, Fred macMurray and Shirley Ross. Box 47 Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1939. General note Professional copy. From the film, "Cafe Society." Box 47 Kiss Me With Your Eyes. General note Cover features a photograph of Don Jose. On cover, "As featured by Don Jose and his orchestra at the Lido Ballroom, Shanghai, China. Box 888 Box 888 Kiss Me Good-Bye (With A Smile). 1924. Kiss Me Goodnight. 1949. General note two copies with different covers on cover of one: photograph of Anne Shelton Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 396 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 888 Box 888 Kiss Me Goodnight. Kiss Me Goodnight. 1932. General note Twelve copies. One copy with green cover and photograph of Morton Downey. Four copies with brown cover and photograph of Morton Downey. Two copies with photograph of Ruth Etting. One copy with photograph of Arthur Tracy. One copy with plain black and white cover. Three copies with blue cover. Box 888 Kiss Me Goodnight. 1931. General note Two copies, one with cover, one without. Box 888 Kiss Me Goodnight. 1924. General note Five copies. One copy with photograph of Ben Bernie on cover. One copy with photograph of Charles Dornberger on cover. One copy with photograph of Lora Marie Harrington and Her Famous "Gypsy Wayfarers" on cover. One copy with photograph of Paul Reese on cover. One copy without photograph on cover. Box 888 Kiss Me Goodnight. 1935. General note four copies, three different covers. One with photograph of Guy Lombardo. Two with photograph of Xavier Cugat. Box 888 Kiss Me In One Long Caress. 1938. General note on cover: picture of Olive White Box 888 Kiss Me Just Once More (You Know I Want You To). 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Worth and his Orchestra Box 888 Kiss Me Like You Used To. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Dick Jurgens Box 888 Kiss Me Now (We'll Get Acquainted Later). 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Steve Lawrence Box 888 Kiss Me Once More. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Tito Guizar Box 888 Kiss Me Sweet. 1924. General note two copies, two different covers Box 888 Box 888 Box 888 Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1929. Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1923. Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1929. General note four copies, one with Raymond B. Eldred autograph and photograph of Blanch Sweet on cover Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 397 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 888 Kiss Me With Your Eyes. 1923. General note three copies, each with a different photograph on cover: Beth McCoy, Helen Bell Rush, Grace La Rue Box 25 Box 888 Kiss Of Fire. 1952. Kiss Of Fire. 1952. General note six copies with four different cover two with cover featuring photograph of Tony Martin Box 888 The Kiss That Made A Fool Of Me. 1930. General note two copies, one with drawing of Benny Ross on cover Box 888 Box 888 The Kiss That Made You Cry. 1918. The Kiss That You've Forgotten (Is The Kiss I Can't Forget). 1931. General note four copies on cover: photograph of Ben Alley Box 471 Kiss This. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352202 Box 888 A Kiss To Remember. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Smokey Rogers Box 888 A Kiss To Remember. 1944. General note five copies, each with a different photograph: Joan Brooks, Joe Frasetto, Dean Hudson, Guy Lombardo, Lawrence Welk Box 888 Box 888 A Kiss To Remember. 1928. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye. 1966. General note English lyrics by Dee Marak Box 888 The Kiss You Left Behind. 1924. General note English words by Al Dubin French words by Ch. A. Abadie Box 920 Kiss Your Little Baby Good Night. General note Box SU 23 Box 888 Kiss-Crazy Baby. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Ralph Marterie Box 888 Kiss-Kiss-Kissin' In The Corn. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Dick Jurgens Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 398 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 854 Kiss Waltz. 1930. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Dubin, Al creator: M. Witmark & Sons. Scope and Content From the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone production, Dancing Sweeties. On cover: photograph of Grant Withers and Sue Carol. Box 888 Kissable Baby. 1931. General note four copies, three different covers Box 865 Box 888 Kisses (The Sweetest Kisses of All). 1918. Kisses (The Sweetest Kisses Of All). 1918. General note four copies, three different covers on cover of two copies: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 888 Kisses From You. 1925. General note on cover: photograph of Glad Moffat Box 888 Kisses From You. 1921. General note on cover: photograph of Edith Clifford Box 888 Box 888 Kisses Of Love. 1921. Kisses Sweeter Than Wine. 1951. General note two copies with photograph of Jimmie Rodgers on cover one copy with photograph of the Weavers on cover one copy with different cover Box 888 Kissin' Bug Boogie. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Jo Stafford Box 888 Kissin' Game. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Dion Box 888 Kissin' My Baby Good-Night. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 888 Kissin' On The Phone. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Anka Box 412 Kissing My Love. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 399 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 888 Kissing Games. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Julia Sanderson & Frank Crumit Box 888 Box 888 Kissing In The Moonlight. 1931. Kissing My Love. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 888 Box 888 Kissing Time. 1922. The Kissing Dance. 1955. General note English lyric by Al Stillman French lyric by Bernard Michel on cover: photograph of Frankie Carle Box 888 Box 889 Box 889 The Kissing Dance. 1950. Kitchen Man. 1929. The Kitchen Stove. 1923. General note on cover: photographs of Leviathan Band and Nelson Maple Box 889 Box 889 Kitchy-Kitchy-Koo. 1944. Kitchy-Mi-Koko Isle. 1937. General note three copies, each with different cover on cover of one: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 889 Kites. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of the Rooftop Singers Box 26 Box 889 Kitten On The Keys. 1921. Kitten On The Keys. 1922. General note om cover: photograph of Zez Confrey Box 1091 Kitten on the Keys. General note Box SU 14 Box 889 Box 889 The Kitten With The Big Green Eyes. 1940. Kitty. 1919. General note two copies Box 889 Box 812 Kitty. 1922. Kitty Darlin'. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kitty Darlin." Box 889 Kitty Donohue. 1921. General note three copies, two different covers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 400 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 889 Kitty Doyle. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Dino, Desi & Billy Box 889 Kitty From Kansas City. 1949. General note two copies, different covers. One with photograph of Rudy Vallée on cover. Box 889 Kitty In A Basket. 1954. General note on cover: photographs of Jimmy Boyd and Gayla Peevey Box 889 Kitty Lives In Brooklyn. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Korn Kobblers Box 889 Kitty Who?. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Kitty Kallen Box 812 Kitty's Kisses. 1925. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kitty's Kisses." General note Two copies. Box 889 Kiwanis Builders. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Marie A. deLorimier Box 407 Klayne Lichtelach. 1927. General note 2 copies. Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Klown Kapers. 1928. Knee Deep In The Blues. 1957. Kneeling Near A Window Sin's Dark Sea. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of the Musical Moores Box 889 Knick Knacks On The Mantel. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Ted Fio Rito Box 407 A Knife, a Fork, and a Spoon. 1941. General note on cover: photograph of James Stewart and Paulette Goddard, and Horace Heidt and His Musical Knights Box 390 Box 889 Knight's Tale. 1970. Knock At The Door. 1924. General note three copies Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 401 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 889 Box 889 Knock Him Down Whiskey. 1953. Knock, Knock Who's There?. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Mary Hopkin Box 889 Knock, Knock-Who's There?. 1936. General note seven copies, each with different photograph on cover: Carl Ravazza, Al Roth, Hal Munro, Vincent Lopez, Frank Fay, Frank Dailey, Jolly Coburn Box 899 (I'm Gonna) Knock, Knock, Knock (On The Old Front Door). 1922. General note on cover: photograph of Patricola Box 889 Knock Me A Kiss. 1942. General note three copies, each with different photograph on cover: Gene Krupa, the King Sisters with Alvino Rey, Louie Jordan Box 889 The Knock Song (I Hear You Knockin'). 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Tommy Dorsey Box 889 Knock Three Times. 1970. General note two copies Box 857 Knock You Down. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Keri Hilson Box 889 Box 392 The Knocked Out Nightingale. 1957. Knockin' On Your Own Front Door. 1944. General note From the Paramount motion picture "And The Angels Sing." Cover features photograph of Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray, and Betty Hutton. Box 889 Knothole. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of the Carlisles Box 858 Know Your Enemy. 2009. Physical Description: 10.0 p. General note Original sheet music edition (piano vocal chords). Box 889 Box 889 A Knowing Look. 1960. Knowing Me, Knowing You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Abba Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 402 Works in English: Titles: K's. Series 11. Box 889 Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So). 1955. General note two copies Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Ko-Ko Joe. 1971. Ko-Ko-San. 1919. Ko-Woon. 1917. General note on cover: photograph of Laura Millard Box 889 Box 391 Box 391 Kokomo. 1923. Kol Nidre. 1923. Kol Nidre. 1915. General note 2 copies. Box 889 Korean Mud. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Elton Britt Box 407 Box 471 Kruim A-Nu (Tattered Are We). 1936. Kryptonite Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00061 Box 889 Box 889 Box 419 Box 415 Kuli-Kuli. 1957. Kulu Ipo (My Sweetheart). 1936. Kum Ba Yah (Come By Here). 1968. Kung Fu. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Curtis Mayfield Box 889 Kung Fu. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Curtis Mayfield Box 889 Kung Fu Fighting. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Carl Douglas Box 889 Kwela-Kwela. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Hayes Box 399 Kyrie Eleison: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 403 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 418 L'Amour Est Mon Seul Reve. 1942. General note on cover: photographs of Zarah Leander and Rose Avril. from the motion picture "Un Grand Amour" Box 889 Box 56 L. David Sloane. 1967. La La La La La La La La. 1963. General note Background theme of the Jackie Gleason "American Scene Magazine" on the Jackie Gleason television program. Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 889 La, La, La (If I Had You). 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Bobby Sherman Box 494 LA Law (main title). 1987. Scope and Content Note Main title to the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 87-9 Box 407 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 La Marseillaise. 1917. Laddie. 1919. Laddie. 1942. Laddie Boy. 1925. Laddie Boy. 1917. General note on cover: photograph of Will D. Cobb Box 889 Box 406 Box 889 Box 854 Laddie Laddie Laddie Laddie Boy He's Gone. 1923. in Khaki (The Girl Who Waits At Home). 1915. O' Mine. 1923. Mine. 1919. creator: Oliver Ditson Company. creator: Strickland, Lily Box 889 The Ladies (Or I Learned About Women From 'Er). 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Crumit Box 54 Ladies in the Sky. 1957. General note From the Walt Disney ABC television production, "The Saga of Andy Burnett." Box 889 Ladrón. 1928. General note English lyrics by Carol Raven Box 397 Lady. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Styx Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 404 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 412 Lady. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band Box 889 Box 554 Lady. 1967. Lady. 1980. creator: Brockman Muisc. creator: Richie, Lionel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Kenny Rogers. Box 397 Lady (Put the Light on Me). 1977. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Brownsville Station General note Background theme of the Jackie Gleason "American Scene Magazine" on the Jackie Gleason television program. Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 889 Lady (Put The Light On Me). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Brownville Station Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 The Lady And The Baby. 1976. Lady Bump. 1975. The Lady By The Name Of Lou. 1927. The Lady From 29 Palms. 1947. General note two copies, different photographs on cover (Tony Martin, the Andrews Sisters) Box 889 Box 394 Lady Georgia (Sweet Georgia Rose). 1920. Lady (Hear Me Tonight). 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01059 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-201 Box 889 The Lady I Love. 1932. General note Several copies, each with different photograph on cover: Keller Sisters and Brother Lynch, Paul Whiteman (two copies), Nell Roy, George Olsen, Ruth Etting, Brook Adams Box 889 The Lady Likes To Love. 1937. Box 889 Box 889 Lady Lou. 1933. Lady Love. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of the Klowns Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Lady Lovely. 1944. Lady Luck. 1960. Lady Luck. 1955. Lady Madonna. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 405 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 394 Lady Marmalade. 1974. General note Publisher no.: HL00352330 Hal Leonard. General note SCB SZ 01-195 Box 889 Box 889 Lady Marmalade. 1975. Lady Of Madrid. 1935. General note two copies, different covers Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Lady Of The Morning. 1929. Lady Of The Nile. 1925. Lady, Play Your Mandolin. 1930. General note three copies on cover: photograph of Nick Lucas Box 889 Box 854 The Lady Sings The Blues. 1956. Lady Sings the Blues. 1956. creator: Ludlow Music, Inc.. creator: Wilder, Alec Box 412 The Lady Takes the Cowboy Every Time. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band Box 889 Lady! Why Do I Love You Like This?. 1933. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmie Joy Box 889 Box 889 Lady's Man. 1952. Laff It Off!. General note on cover: photographs of Fred Waring, Tom Waring, and Waring's Pennsylvanians Box 20 Laisse Aller La Musique. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Eric et Stone Charden Box 889 Box 889 Box 876 The Lake Erie. 1933. Lalapaloosa Lou. 1925. Lalapaluza Lu. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of female soldier saluting and winking Box 390 Box 922 Box 889 Lament. 1959. Lament of the Highborne Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Lament To Love. General note five copies, different photograph on each cover: Les Brown, Henry Jerome, Jerry Wald, Russ Morgan, Chuck Foster Box 25 Box 391 Lamento Borincano (Cancion Tipica). 1931. Lamidbar - A Palmachnik Seeks the Morrow. 1949. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 406 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 889 The Lamp Is Low. 1939. General note on cover: photograph of Ozzie Nelson Box 889 Lamp Of Memory. 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Grace Johnston Box 889 The Lamp Of Alladin. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Art Gillham Box 889 The Lamp Of Memory. 1939. General note two copies, one with photograph of Woody Herman on cover, other with photograph of the 3 Suns on cover. Box 889 Lamplight. 1934. General note two copies, different covers Box 1147 Lamplighter's Serenade. General note box su 12 Box 889 Land Beyond The Sun. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Sons of the Pioneers Box 889 Box 890 Box 408 Box 889 Box 889 Land O' Lingo Blues. 1925. The Land O' Romance. 1922. Land of Just Beyond. 1920. (Call Me Back To Our) Land Of Dreams. 1927. (Come To The) Land Of Make Believe. 1930. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Roberts Box 889 Land Of Cotton Blues. 1923. Box 889 Land Of Dreams. 1919. General note two copies Box 889 Land Of Dreams. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Hugo Winterhalter Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Land Land Land Land Land Land Of Of Of Of Of Of Drowsy Waters. 1927. Evangeline. 1920. Hope And Glory. 1902. Liberty. 1940. Liberty. 1937. Love (Come My Love And Live With Me). 1949. General note two copies, different covers. One with photograph of Nat "King" Cole on cover. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 407 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 889 Box 889 Land Of Lullaby Dreams. 1921. Land Of Make-Believe. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye Box 889 The Land Of Broken Dreams. 1923. General note three copies Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 Box 889 The The The The The The Land Land Land Land Land Land Of Of Of Of Of Of Bye And Bye. 1923. Liberty. 1939. Love And Happiness. 1920. Lullaby (Go To Sleep My Pickaninny Babe). 1919. Make-Believe. 1919. Make-Believe. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Stevens Box 890 Box 890 Box 890 Box 890 (Will You Meet Me In The) Land Of Siskiyou. 1927. Land Of Mine. 1921. Land Of My Dreams. 1919. Land Of My Sunset Dreams. 1923. General note seven copies Box 890 Box 890 Box 890 Land Of Remembered Dreams. 1920. Land Of The Yellow Moon. 1926. The Land Of Sleepy Water. 1929. General note two copies, one with photograph of Guy Lombardo on cover, one without Box 890 Box 890 Box 397 The Land We Love. 1939. The Land Where The Roses Never Fade. 1917. Landlord. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight and the Pips Box 890 Box 397 The Landlord Blues. 1919. Landslide. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 890 A Lane In Spain. 1926. General note 15 copies Box 890 Box 890 The Language Of Love. 1961. The Language Of Love. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Cindy and Lindy Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 408 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 890 The Language Of Love. 1932. General note two copies, different photographs on cover: Rudy Valée, Ozzie Nelson. Box 890 The Language Of Love. 1929. General note four copies, one artist copy without cover, three with different photographs on the cover: Larry Funk, Rudy Vallée, Buddy Fisher Box 890 Box 890 Lani Kai (Heavenly Sea). 1940. Lannagin's Shillalah. 1941. General note on cover: photograph of the King's Men Box 890 (Glow Little) Lantern of Love. 1921. General note four copies on cover: picture of Nippo San of Japan Box 7 Lara's Theme From "Doctor Zhivago". 1965. General note Cover features photograph from the film. Box 389 Laredo Original sheet music edition. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01129 Mark Hybner General note SCB SZ 02-11 Box 890 The Large, Large House. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Mike Pedicin Quintet Box 854 Largo (From the New World Symphony). 1936. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Dvorak, Anton creator: Glickman, Mort H. Box 890 Laroo, Laroo, Lilli Bolero. 1948. General note Six copies, each with different cover. One without photograph on cover. Two different covers with photograph of Vic Damone. Two different covers with photograph of Perry Como. One with photograph of Frankie Carle on cover. Box 890 Las Vegas. 1962. General note on cover: photograph of Damita Jo Box 890 Box 890 Box 890 Box 890 Las Vegas. 1954. Las Vegas. 1953. Las Vegas. 1951. The Lass With The Delicate Air. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of Evelyn Knight Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 409 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 890 The Last Blues Song. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Helen Reddy Box 890 The Last Cent. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Napoleon & his Rosemont Orchestra Box 415 Last Child. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Aerosmith Box 392 The Last Dance. 1959. General note Cover features photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 397 Last Dance. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Donna Summer Box 890 The Last Dance (Before We Part). 1929. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Gene Austin Box 890 Box 49 The Last Dance (Of The Ball). 1927. Last Day Of My Life. 2006. General note Publisher no.: 26149 General note Words and music by Tim Ryan. Recorded by Phil Vassar. Box 890 Last Dollar. 1930. General note on cover: photograph of Don Avlon Box 1115 Box 890 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.). 2010. The Last Game Of The Season (The Blind Man In The Bleachers). 1973. General note on cover: photographs of Kenny Starr and David Geddes Box 865 Box 890 The Last Hour. 1917. The Last Kiss. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Milton Watson Box 920 Last Little Mile is the Longest: When You're Longing For Home Sweet Home. General note Box SU 23 Box 890 Last, Lonely And Wretched. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Baez Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 410 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 890 Last Love. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Jenkins Box 890 The Last Mile Home. 1949. General note four copies, three different covers photographs on cover: Jo Stafford, Bing Crosby, Sammy Kaye (two copies) Box 865 Box 890 Last Night When We Were Young. 1936. (Why Couldn't It Last) Last Night. 1939. General note 21 copies, each with different photograph on cover (one without): Barry Winton, Waldo Mayo, the Ross Trio, the Jesters, Jimmy Walsh, Wayne Van Dyne, Jack Shannon, Ozzie Nelson, Lyn Murray, Glenn Miller, Bill McCune, Little Jack Little, Sammy Kaye, Woody Herman, Ted Fio Rito, Al Donahue, Ben Cutler, Del Courtney, Bubbles Becker, Blue Barron Box 890 Last Night. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of Peggy Marshall Box 890 Box 890 Last Night. Last Night (When I Dreamed You Had Gone). 1920. General note two copies Box 890 Box 890 Last Night A Mircale Happened. 1939. Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me. 1928. General note two copies, different covers Box 890 Box 890 Last Night I Said A Prayer. 1941. Last Night On The Back Porch (I Loved Her Best Of All). 1923. General note 18 copies, 15 different covers eleven copies with photograph on cover: Margaret Young, Aileen Stanley, Joe Ryan, Larry Reilly, Harry Rappi, Patricola, Welder Sisters, Eddie White, Dolly Kay, Winne Lightner, Phil Vilani Box 1091 Last Night's Gardenias. General note Box SU 14 Box 397 Last of the Singing Cowboys. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band Box 890 Last Of The Rumbas (La Ultima Rumba). 1936. General note English lyric by Wyngard & Weitzner Spanish lyric by De Armo on cover: photograph of De Karlo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 411 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 890 The Last Rose From Your Wedding Bouquet. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Chaw Mank and his Blue Ribbon Dance Band Box 543 The Last Round Up. 1933. General note On cover: photograph of Billy Hill. 2 copies.Dudley gift. Box 890 The Last Round-Up. 1940. General note five copies, three different covers one without photograph one with photographs of George Olsen and Joe Morrison three with photograph of Billy Hill Box 890 Box 890 Last Song. 1973. The Last Song And Dance. 1957. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Kay Starr Box 20 The Last Thing I Want Is Your Pity. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Charlie Spivak Box 456 The Last Thing on My Mind. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-123 Box 890 The Last Thing On My Mind. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 20 Last Time I Saw Her. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Glen Campbell Box 890 Last Time I Saw Him. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Diana Ross Box 890 The Last Time I Saw Paris. 1940. General note two copies, different covers and photographs on cover: photograph of Kate Smith, Hildegarde Box 890 The Last Time I Saw You. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Les Brown Box 890 The Last Trip On The Old Ship. 1939. General note two copies with differen covers on cover of one: photograph of Barry Winton Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 412 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 890 The Last Two Weeks In July. 1939. General note three copies, each with different photograph on cover: Al Donahue, Kay Kyser, Gray Gordon Box 891 The Last Waltz. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Engelbert Humperdinck Box 891 The Last Waltz. 1953. General note two copies, one without photograph, one with photograph of Webb Pierce on cover Box 891 The Last Waltz With You (Was The Sweetest Waltz Of All). 1925. General note two copies with different photograph on cover: Jones & Hare, Edith Carpenter & Ingram Grace Box 891 Box 406 The Last Water Hole. 1951. The Last Word in Lonesome is Me. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Arnold Box 891 Last Year's Girl. 1933. General note four copies, each with different photograph on cover: George Olsen, Ozzie Nelson, Abe Lyman, Teddy Black Box 891 Latch!. 1945. General note on cover: photographs of Freddie Mann and Randy Brooks Box 398 Box 891 Box 891 Box 891 Box 1164 Late in the Evening: Easy Piano. 1980. Later On. 1919. Latin Magic. 1949. Latin Quarter Twist. 1962. A Laugh With a Tear In It. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: Ragged Robin. General note On cover: photograph of Chauncey Olcott. Box 21 Laugh Clown Laugh. 1928. creator: Fiorito, Ted creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. Box 891 Laugh! Clown! Laugh!. 1928. General note four copies, two different covers Box 859 Laugh Clown Laugh. 1928. creator: Fiorito, Ted creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 413 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 Laughin' At You. 1924. General note three copies Box 392 Laughing Tony. 1943. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Dixie." Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. Box 891 Laughing At Life. 1930. General note Seven copies, different photograph on cover of each: Bert Lown (three copies), Marty Stone, Freddie Rich, Leo Reisman, Vincent Lopez Box 891 Laughing Boy. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Buddy Stewart Box 891 Box 891 Box 891 Laughing Eyes Don't You Cry. 1926. Laughing Marionette. 1929. Laughing On The Outside (Crying On The Inside). 1946. General note Six copis. One without photograph on cover. One with photograph of the Four Aces on cover. Four with the following photographs on cover: Andy Russell and the Pied Pipers, Dinah Shore, Sammy Kaye, Teddy Walters, Vicnent Lopez, Monica Lewis, Jerry Wald, Enoch Light, the Merry Macs Box 891 Box 891 Box 891 Laughing Rose. 1949. Laughing Water (Ha, Ha, Ha). 1919. Laughing Water, Stop Your Crying. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Arthur Nealy Box 891 The Laughing Polka. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Russ Morgan Box 891 The Laughing Samba. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of the Andrews Sisters Box 891 The Laugh's On Me. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of the Delta Rhythm Boys Box 415 Laughter in the Rain. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 415 Laughter in the Rain: Made Easy for Organ. 1975. General note on cover: picture of two faded purple piano keyboards Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 414 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 Laughter In The Afternoon. 1935. General note two copies, different covers Box 891 Laughter In The Rain. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 891 The Laughter And The Tears. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Nancy Wilson Box 891 Laura. 1933. General note on cover: photograph of Meredith Leckrone, Harold Garret autograph Box 859 Laura. 1973. creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Raksin, David Box 494 Laura Palmer's Theme. 1990. Scope and Content Note Love theme from the television series, "Twin Peaks." General note SCB SZTV 90-8 Box 891 Box 891 Laurel. 1965. Lauretta. 1928. General note two copies Box 891 Box 909 Lawd Amighty, Pappy. 1941. Lawd, I Give You My Children. General note Box SU 44 Box 891 Lawdy, What A Gal. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Merle Travis Box 22 Lawrence Wright's 36th Song And Dance Album. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Sydney Kyte Box 412 Lay Down Sally. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Clapton Box 891 Lay Down (Candles In The Rain). 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Melanie Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 415 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 Lay Down The Gun. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Glaser Brothers and Tompall Box 891 Lay Down Your Arms. 1956. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Anne Shelton Box 23 Box 891 Box 891 Lay My Head Beneath A Rose. 1926. Lay My Head Beneath A Rose. 1936. Lay Somethin' On The Bar (Besides Your Elbows). 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Louis Jordan Box 891 Lay Your Head Upon My Shoulder (When You Cry). 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Lois Nettles Box 891 Lay Your Little Head On My Shoulder. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Foy Willing Box 1091 Lay Your Head on My Shoulder. General note Box SU 14 Box 406 Lay, Lady, Lay. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Dylan Box 412 Layla. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Derek and the Dominos Box 891 Lazy. 1924. General note two copies, different photograph on each: Jack Lewis and his Orchestra, Ben Bernie and his Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra Box 1157 Lazy. General note Box SU 9 Box 1115 Lazy -- Little Rendezvous In Honolulu. General note Box NSO 12 Box 891 Lazy As The Day Is Long. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 416 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 A Lazy Day In The Sun (Just Readin', Fishin', Dreamin'). 1934. General note Two copies. One without photograph, one with photograph of Eric Sagerquist Box 891 Lazy Day. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Spanky & Our Gang Box 891 Lazy Day. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Ella Fitzgerald Box 891 Lazy Day. 1932. General note American lyrics by Gus Kahn American melody by Grace Le Boy-Kahn English lyrics by Earl Martin English melody by George Posford on cover: photograph of Isham Jones Box 891 Box 891 Lazy Dreams. 1960. Lazy Gondolier. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Mantovani Box 891 Box 891 Box 891 Lazy Holiday. 1944. Lazy John. 1947. Lazy Kentucky Moon. 1930. General note on cover: Berton Bellis autograph Box 891 Lazy Lady Boogie (Lazy Lady Blues). 1946. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Count Basie Box 891 (I Know A) Lazy Lane. 1930. General note three copies on cover: photograph of Eddie Lane Box 891 Lazy Little Me. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Artie Shaw Box 891 Box 920 Lazy Louisiana Moon. 1948. Lazy Lou'siana Moon. General note Box SU 23 Box 891 Lazy Mary. 1958. General note two copies English words by Lou Monte Italian words and music by Paolo Citorello on cover: photograph of Lou Monte Box 891 Lazy Mississippi. 1920. General note three copies Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 417 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 909 (Love's Got Me in a) Lazy Mood. General note Box SU 44 Box 891 Box 2 Lazy Rhapsody. 1943. Lazy River. 1931. General note Words and music also by Sidney Arodin. Cover features a photograph of Tommy Reynolds. Box 891 Lazy River. 1931. General note Three copies, each with different cover. One without photograph on cover, tow with: Ted Weems, Hoagy Carmichael Box 891 Lazy River (Flowing To The Southland). 1926. General note Four copies, each with different cover. One without photograph, three with: Russ Wildery & Bill Sheehan, Mathew Phalen, Carl Caul Box 891 Lazy River Reverie. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Harris Box 1147 Lazy River. General note box su 12 Box 891 Box 891 Box 1115 Box 891 Lazy Serenade. 1949. Lazy Silv'ry Moon. 1932. The Lazy Song. 2010. Lazy Waters. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Julian Woodworth Box 891 Lazy Waves Of Nassau. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Lou Breese Box 891 Box 891 Lazy Weather. 1936. Lazy Weather. 1927. General note two copies Box 891 Box 909 Lazyacre Lullaby. 1960. Lazybones. General note Box SU 44 Box 2 Lazybones. 1933. General note Words and music also by Hoagy Carmichael. Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 418 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 Lazybones. 1933. General note four copies, three different covers. on cover: photograph of Mildred Bailey (two different photos on two different copies), Casa Loma Orchestra (two copies, same photo) Box 1147 Lazybones. General note box su 12 Box 555 Lazybones. 1933. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of the Casa Loma Orchestra. Box 854 Lazybones. 1933. creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ted Weems. Box 20 Le Soleil Ca Vient D'Italie. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Yves Heuze Box 418 Le Ven M'A Dit Une Chanson. General note on cover: photograph of Zarah Leander. from the motion picture "La Habanera." 2 copies. Box 391 Box 622 Le'or Hazichronot. 1951. Lead Kindly Light. 1935. General note SCB SY 1143 Box 891 Lead Me To That Rock. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of the Four Knights Box 891 Lead To My Heart. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Josephine Culbertson Box 399 Box 891 Box 891 Box 390 Leader of the Pack. 1964. Leading Me On. 1925. The League Triumphant. 1920. Lean On Me: Very Easy Piano Arrangement. 1987. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 419 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 412 Lean On Me. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 858 Lean On Me. 1972. General note on cover: picture of piano keyboard Box 891 Box 891 Lean On Me. 1972. Leanin' On The Ole Top Rail. 1939. General note 15 copies, 14 with photographs on cover: Bobby Byrne, George Auld, Teddy Powell, Joe Sanders, Ozzie Nelson, Russ Morgan, "Deke" Moffitt, Waldo Mayo, Henry King, Art Kassel, Chuck Foster, Shep Fields, Eddy Duchin, Blue Barron Box 891 Leaning On The Lamp Post. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Herman's Hermits Box 891 Box 891 Box 891 Box 66 Leap For A Man, Girls It's Leap Year. 1920. The Leap Year Waltz. 1943. Leaping Lena!. 1928. Learn to be Lovely. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Collegiate." Cover features a photograph of Joe Penner, Jack Oakie, Ned Sparks and Frances Langford. Box 66 Learn to Croon. 1933. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Humor." 2 copies (different covers). Box 1091 Learn to Croon. General note Box SU 14 Box 20 Box 20 Learnin' My Latin. 1956. Learnin' the Blues. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 891 Box 891 (I'm) Learning (To Love You). 1921. Learning. 1920. General note on cover: photograph of Sophie Tucker Box 891 Learning. 1958. General note on cover: drawing of Xavier Cugat Box 891 Learning. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Tommy Weir Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 420 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 891 Learning (I'm In Love With You). 1925. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Gregory Box 891 Learning To Love. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Peggy King Box 397 Leather and Lace. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Stevie Nicks Box 891 Box 891 Leave A Little Love Dream. 1932. Leave It To Love. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 891 Leave It To The Moon. 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Vivian Ingraham Box 891 Leave It To Your Heart. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of the Ames Brothers Box 22 Box 390 Leave Me With A Smile. 1921. Leave Me Lonely. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Morris Box 891 Box 891 Leave Me Alone. 1961. Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Helen Reddy Box 891 Leave Me This Little Ring. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Ramblin' Red Ross Box 891 Leave Me With A Smile. 1921. General note 12 copies, two different covers Box 1091 Leave Me a Beautiful Melody. General note Box SU 14 Box 891 Box 892 Box 892 Box 892 Leave Leave Leave Leave My Woman Alone. 1956. the Door Partly Open. 1955. The Laughing To Me. 1957. Us Go Root For The Dodgers, Rodgers. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of the Dodgers baseball team Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 421 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 892 The Leaves Mustn't Fall. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Moon Mullican Box 892 Box 892 Box 406 The Leaves of Love. 1966. Leavin' Town. 1946. Leaving on a Jet Plane. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Peter, Paul and Mary Box 892 Leaving on a Jet Plane. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Peter, Paul and Mary Box 415 Leaving, on a Jet Plane. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 892 Left All Alone with My Dreams. 1928. General note With ukulele arrangement by A. J. Franchini. Box 892 Left Right Out Of Your Heart (Hi-Lee Hi-Lo Hi-Lup-Up-Up). 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Patti Page Box 892 (I'd Be) A Legend in My Time. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of Don Gibson Box 397 The Legend of Wooley Swamp. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Charlie Daniels Band Box 622 Legion Forever. 1928. General note SCB SY 1162 Box 892 Box 892 The Legion on Parade. 1932. The Legionnaire Hymn. 1946. General note First page reads "Dedicated to the American Legion of the U.S.A. / Adapted by the 17th Dist., Sept. 20th, 1946, Los Angeles, Calif." Box 892 Lei Lani ("Wreath of Heaven"). 1927. General note With ukulele arrangement by May Singhi Breen. Box 892 Lei-Mana. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Kinney Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 422 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 892 Box 22 Leilani (Hawaiian Lullaby Song). 1936. A Lemon In The Garden Of Love. 1906. General note from Geo. Edwards's "The Spring Chicken" Box 892 Box 892 Box 892 A Lemon in the Garden of Love. 1906. Lemon Twist. 1956. Lemon Twist. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Bobby Troup Box 657 Lena. 1866. Scope and Content Note Piano variations on "Beautiful Lena." General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1318 Box 892 Box 892 Lena, My Sweet Verbena. 1933. Lend Me Your Eyes, Pretty Baby. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Jack Cohen and Marty Joyce Box 892 Lend Your Leisure to Your N.R.C. (Dedicated to the Men and Women of Northrop Aircraft). 1954. General note The back cover features a photograph of the Pied Pipers, who recorded the song on Capitol. Box 892 Box 397 Lenore (Waltz Song). 1930. Leona. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Wet Willie Box 892 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Dylan Box 406 Leprechaun Lulaby. 1949. Box 892 Less Than Tomorrow (But More Than Yesterday). 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Hamish Menzies Box 892 Lest You Forget. 1923. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Zafaro Box 892 Let Me Miss You Sweet Papa. 1923. General note on cover: photograph of Vaughn De Leath Box 892 Let 'Em in. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the Wings Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 423 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 892 Let A Little Pleasure Interfere With Business. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Ernie Vallee Box 892 Let By-Gones Be By-Gones. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 892 Let Come What May. 1945. General note Piano arrangement by Chuck Kraemer. Box 892 Let Come What May. 1941. General note Back cover features specimen page of "I'm Allergic To Love" (1941), composed by Julian Eichler. Box 892 Let Freedom Ring. 1943. General note Piano score by Eddie Gordon. On cover: photograph of Max Condon. Box 892 Box 892 Let Freedom Ring. 1940. Let Her Go. 1948. General note Words and music also by Irving Bibo. On cover: photograph of Art Mooney. Box 892 Let Her In. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of John Travolta. song was recorded by Travolta on Midland Int'l Records. Box 892 Let Him Go, Let Him Tarry. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Evelyn Knight Box 27 Box 470 Let It Be. 1970. Let it be Christmas. 2002. General note Publisher no.: HL00352561 General note recorded by Alan Jackson on Arista Records. Box 892 Let It Be. 1952. General note Also composed by Henri Woode. On cover: photograph of Leo Brown. Box 892 Box 892 Let It Be. 1970. Let It Be Me (Je T'Appartiens). 1960. General note English lyric by Mann Curtis French lyric by Pierre Delanoe on cover: photograph of Don and Phil Everly Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 424 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 49 Let It Go. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353679 General note Words and music also by Melissa Elliott, Cainon Lamb, Jack Night, Kimberly Jones, and James Mtune. Recorded by Keyshia Cole. Box 892 Let It Rain. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Mathis Box 892 Box 920 Let It Rain. 1924. Let it Rain, Let it Pour: I'll be in Virginia in the Morning. General note Box SU 23 Box 892 Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!. 1955. General note six copies, one with out photograph on cover five with: Griff Williams, Hal McIntyre, Woody Herman, Chuck Foster (two copies) Box 397 Let Me Be Your Angel. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Stacy Lattisaw Box 406 Let Me Be Lonely. 1970. General note 2 copies Box 406 Box 892 Let Me Be the One. 1970. Let Me Be The First To Kiss You Good Morning (And The Last To Kiss You Good Night). 1924. General note four copies Box 892 Let Me Be The One. 1935. General note two copies, different covers Box 892 Let Me Be There. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Be Your Baby. 1978. Let Me Be Your Eyes. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Timmy Thomas Box 892 Let Me Be Your Lover. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Dell Campo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 425 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 892 Let Me Be Your Rain-Beau. 1922. General note two copies with different covers Box 892 Let Me Be Your Sweetheart Once Again. 1946. General note two copies, one without photograph, one with photograph of the Andrews Sisters on cover Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Belong To You. 1961. Let Me Borrow An Hour Of Tomorrow. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye Box 20 Box 545 Box 892 Box 892 Let Let Let Let Me Me Me Me Call Call Call Call You You You You Mine. 1934. Sweetheart. 1910. Mine. 1934. Sweetheart (I'm In Love With You). 1937. General note 16 copies, six different covers Box 892 Let Me Down Easy. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Christy Lane Box 892 Let Me Dream. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Count Basie & the Mills Brothers Box 920 Let Me Day Dream. General note Box SU 23 Box 920 Let Me Day Dream. General note Box SU 23 Box 1115 Let Me Down Easy. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Billy Currington. Box 865 Let Me Entertain You. 1959. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Gypsy." Box 892 Box 892 Box 26 Let Me Fix Your Tie. 1930. Let Me Forget. 1928. Let Me Go, Lover!. 1953. General note On cover: photograph of Joan Weber Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 426 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 397 Let Me Go. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Parker, Jr. Box 397 Let Me Go, Love. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Nicolette Larson Box 892 Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Give You One Last Kiss. 1956. Let Me Go, Devil!. 1953. Let Me Go, Lover!. 1953. General note five copies, four different covers. On cover of one copy: photograph of Joan Weber Box 892 Let Me Hear You Sing Again. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Joyce Marcheta Foreman Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Hold You In My Arms (Before We Say Good-Bye). 1927. Let Me Hum A Hymn To Her Tonight. 1931. General note three copies Box 892 Box 892 Let Me In. 1951. Let Me Know. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Slim Willet Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Lead The Way. 1958. Let Me Linger Longer In Your Arms. 1924. General note three copies, two different covers on cover of once copy: photograph of Eva Shirley Box 892 Let Me Live And Love You (Just For To-Night). 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Nick Lucas Box 892 Let Me Love You. 1955. Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Love You Once Again. 1934. Let Me Love You Once Before You Go. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Barbara Fairchild Box 892 Let Me Love You To-Night. 1941. General note 18 copies, 17 with different picture on cover: Don Pedro, Lawrence Welk and Jayne Walton, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Richards, Liza Morrow, Don McGrane, Chucho Martinez, Vincent Lopez, Sammy Kaye, Eddie Heywood, De Marlos, Alan Dale, Xavier Cugat, Les Brown, Joan Brooks, Carol Ames, Paul Allen Box 892 Let Me Make Love To You. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of the O'Jays Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 427 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 892 Box 892 Let Me Off Uptown. 1941. Let Me Out Of The Stable. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Rosalind Paige Box 892 Box 398 Let Me Remember. 1924. Let Me Serenade You. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Three Dog Night Box 892 Box 892 Box 892 Box 859 Let Let Let Let Me Me Me Me Shake The Hand That Shook The Hand Of Sullivan. 1944. Show You The Way To Happyland. 1926. Sing A Hymn To Her Tonight. 1931. Sing and I'm Happy. 1929. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the Columbia Pictures motion picture, "The Jolson Story." Box 892 Let Me Take You By The Hand. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of Sonny Clements Box 892 Box 20 Box 892 Let Me Turn To Dust In Dixie. 1924. Let Me Whisper. 1938. Let Me Whisper. 1938. General note American lyric by Edward Heyman Box 892 Box 892 Let My Home Be Your Home. 1924. Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Carl Smith Box 892 Let That Be A Lesson To You. 1932. General note four copies, each with different photograph on cover: Isham Jones (two copies), Arthur Jarrett, Ben Bernie Box 412 Let The River Run: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note theme from the motion picture "Working Girl." on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 412 Let the Song Last Forever. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Hill Box 419 Long About Evenin. 1935. General note 3 copies Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 428 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 543 Let the Rest of the World Go By. 1919. General note Dudley gift. Box 891 Box 892 Let The Bells Keep Ringing. 1958. Let The End Of The World Come Tomorrow (As Long As You Love Me Today). 1926. General note two copies Box 892 Box 892 Let The Fire Fall. 1952. Let The Four Winds Blow. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Fats Domino Box 892 Let The Good Things Happen. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Evelyn Knight Box 892 Box 892 Let The Good Times Roll. 1960. Let The Rest Of The World Go By. 1919. General note five copies, two different covers Box 894 Let The Song Last Forever. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Hill Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 543 Let Let Let Let Let The Sun Shine In. 1961. The U.N. Banner Be Unfurled (To All The Nations Of The World). 1953. Them Sleep. 1926. Them Talk. 1959. There Be Love. 1940. General note Dudley gift. Box 894 Let There Be Love. 1940. General note Eight copies, photographs on the cover of five: Tony Sacco, Mal Hallett, Joni James, Abe Lyman Box 894 Let There Be Peace On Earth (Let It Begin With Me). 1955. General note three copies, each with different cover Box 894 Let There Be You. 1956. General note three copies, each with different cover Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 622 Let Let Let Let Us Us Us Us Be Sweethearts Again. 1924. Be Sweethearts To-night. 1929. Forgive And Forget. 1919. Have Peace. 1939. General note SCB SY 1144 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 429 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 412 Let Us Love. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 894 Let Us Waltz As We Say Goodbye. 1934. General note Sixteen copies, ten different covers with photographs on cover: Pat Barnes, Lee Sims, Geo. C. Goforth, Eddie Hanson, Lewis Meehan, Rosell Sisters, Henri Therrien, Rose Vanderbosch Box 894 Let Your Heart Make Up Your Mind. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Jerry Cooper Box 894 Let Your Lips Tell Me. 1961. General note German Lyric by Kurt Feltz. English Lyric by Irving Caesar Box 894 Let Your Love Walk In. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of the De Castro Sisters Box 894 Let Your Smile Be Like The Sunshine. General note two copies, different covers Box 392 Box 875 Let's All Meet At My House. 1958. Let's Bring New Glory To Old Glory. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 20 Let's Dine Alone Tonight. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Ruth Sylvia Keil Box 397 Let's Do It Again. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Staple Singers Box 859 Let's Face the Music and Dance. 1936. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO motion picture, "Follow the Fleet." On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 397 Let's Get Crazy Tonight. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Rupert Holmes Box 399 Let's Get Crazy Tonight. 1978. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 430 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 876 Let's Get Together. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of an American and an Englishman shaking hands Box 397 Let's Go. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Cars Box 876 Let's Go!! Let's Get Started To-day!!. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of Abraham Lincoln. Box 399 Box 874 Let's Have Some Fun. 1977. Let's Help the Red Cross Save a White Cross. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Eddie Cantor Box 419 Box 872 Let's Just Praise the Lord. 1972. Let's Keep a "V" in Ev'ry Heart. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 392 Let's Make Love. 1959. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Let's Make Love." Cover features photograph of Marilyn Monroe. Box 408 Box 392 Let's Make the Most of a Beautiful Thing. 1988. Let's Not Be Sensible. 1962. General note From the Melnor Film's Ltd. motion picture "Panama & Frank's: The Road to Hong Kong" Box 392 Box 392 Box 876 Let's Not Be Sensible. 1962. Let's Sit This One Out. 1962. Let's Take the Long Way Home. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, and Sonny Tufts. From the Paramount motion picture "Here Come the Waves." Box 894 Let's All Be Good Pals Together. 1919. General note three copies on cover: photograph of Frances Kennedy Box 894 Box 894 Let's All Get Together. 1924. Let's All Play Geography. 1937. General note two copies, different covers Box 894 Box 894 Let's All Say A Prayer Tonight. 1953. Let's All Sing Like The Birdies Sing. 1932. General note five copies, three different covers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 431 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 894 Let's All Sing Together. 1940. General note three copies, each with different photograph on cover: Glenn Miller, Kay Kyser, Guy Lombardo, Box 894 Box 894 Let's Be Dreamers (In Love). 1932. Let's Be Sweethearts Again. 1947. General note two copies Box 894 Let's Be Thankful. 1934. General note three copies, different photographs on each cover: the Heat Waves, Gertrude Niesen, Stanley Myers Box 894 Let's Beat Out Some Love. 1943. General note two copies, different covers on cover of one copy: photograph of Louie Jordan Box 894 Box 894 Let's Begin Again. 1937. Let's Begin The Happy Ending. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Harv and Esther Box 894 Let's Bend An Elbow. 1933. General note on cover: photograph of Reis and Dunn Box 894 Let's Both Say We're Sorry. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie Box 894 Let's Bowl (The Bowling Song). 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Vincent Box 894 Box 859 Let's Break The Good News. 1938. Let's Bring New Glory to Old Glory. 1942. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Twentieth Century Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Box 894 Let's Call It All A Dream. 1934. General note two copies, different photographs on cover: Ruth Etting, Abe Lyman Box 894 Let's Capture Our Rapture Today. 1944. General note on cover: photographs of Johnny Long and Marilyn Day Box 894 Let's Cook Up Some Jive. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Zenith Sisters Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 432 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 894 Let's Dance. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Del Courtney Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Let's Let's Let's Let's Let's Dance. 1922. Dance And Dream. 1936. Dance The Old Fashioned Waltz. 1931. Dance Tonight. 1942. Dine Alone Tonight. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Ruth Sylvia Keil Box 894 Let's Disappear. 1939. General note two copies, different covers Box 64 Let's Do It, Let's Fall In Love. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 894 Let's Do It Again. 1950. General note two copies, different photographs on cover: Guy Lombardo, Frankie Carle Box 894 Let's Do Something About It. 1939. General note on cover: photograph of Pinky Tomlin Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Box 894 Let's Let's Let's Let's Let's Let's Do Something Diff'rent Tonight. 1930. Don't 'N Say We Did. 1929. Dream. 1929. Dream This One Out. 1940. Dream Together. 1953. Dress For Dinner Tonight. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Little Jackie Heller Box 894 Let's Drift Away On Dreamer's Bay. 1931. General note two copies Box 894 Let's Drink To Happiness. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 543 Let's Face the Music and Dance. 1936. General note Dudley gift. Box 894 Let's Fall In Love Again. 1951. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 433 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 909 Let's Fly. General note Box SU 44 Box 894 Let's Forgive And Forget (And Start Over Again). 1926. General note two copies, different photograph on cover: Frank Richardson, Olive O'Neil Box 894 Box 991 Let's Forgive, Let Us Love And Forget. 1918. Let's Forget (and be Sweethearts Again). General note Box SU 67 Box 894 Box 471 Let's Gather 'Round The Old Piano. 1934. Let's Get Married. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352180 Box 894 Let's Get A Hit (For Ol' L.A.). 1957. General note Milo Sweet signature on cover Box 894 Let's Get Away From It All. 1941. General note four copies,three different covers Box 894 Let's Get Friendly. 1931. General note seven copies Box 894 Let's Get It On. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Marvin Gaye Box 894 Box 894 Let's Get It Over. 1944. Let's Get Married. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Gloria Hart Box 894 Box 66 Let's Get Together. 1941. Let's Give Three Cheers for Love. 1934. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Rhythm." 3 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Joe Penner, Lanny Ross, Jack Oakie, and Helen Mack. Box 894 Let's Give Love Another Chance. 1933. General note four copies, different covers Box 894 Let's Go. 1924. General note from Eldridge Minstrel Open Chorus And Finale Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 434 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 894 Let's Go Around Together. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Dinah Washington Box 894 Box 894 Let's Go Bowling. 1952. Let's Go Calypso. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Rusty Draper Box 894 Let's Go Down To Cradle Town. 1921. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Clark and Bergman Box 894 Box 894 Let's Go Fishin'. 1953. Let's Go Fishing (My Dear). 1920. General note two copies, different covers Box 894 Let's Go For Broke (Pau Pau Pau Pilikia). 1935. General note three copies Box 894 Let's Go Out In The Open Air. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Seger Ellis Box 894 Box 894 Let's Go Out To The Movies. 1950. Let's Go Places And Do Things (You Know What I Mean). 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Harry Wham & His Orchestra Box 894 Let's Go Rockin' On The Moon. 1936. General note on cover: Yvonne Carmel signature Box 894 Let's Go Steady For The Summer. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of the Three G's Box 894 Let's Go To A Movie. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Adolph L. Goebel Box 894 Let's Go To Church (Next Sunday Morning). 1950. General note three copies, each with different cover on cover of one copy: photograph of Jimmy Wakely and Margaret Whiting Box 894 Let's Go To Cuba. 1920. General note on cover: photograph of Brock Sisters Box 894 Let's Go To The Mardi Gras. 1938. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 435 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 894 Box 894 Let's Go! U. S. A.. 1941. Let's Go, Joe. 1942. General note Two copies, different covers. On cover of one copy: photograph of Joe Frasetto Box 914 Let's Go To Santa Monica. General note box su 114 Box 894 Let's Grow Old Together. 1939. General note two copies, one with photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Will Oakland on cover, one without Box 894 Let's Grow Old Together. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Vincent Lopez Box 900 Let's Harmonize -- Liechtensteiner Polka. Scope and Content Note Let's Have a Batch of Biscuits -- Let's Have a Party -- Let's Have An Old Fashioned Christmas -- Let's Have Another One (Before We Say Goodnight) -- Let's Have Breakfast in Bed -- Let's Help the Irish Now -- Let's Honeymoon Again -- Let's Incorporate -- Let's Jog Along -General note Box NS 146 Box 56 Let's Make it Christmas All Year 'Round. 1957. General note From the CBS television production, "Junior Miss." Box 471 Let's Make Love. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352201 Box 471 Let's Make Sure We Kiss Goodbye. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00034 Box 920 Let's Talk About My Sweetie. General note Box SU 23 Box 922 The Letter Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "The Town." Box 413 Box 408 Box 406 Levon. 1971. Lil' Darlin'. 1958. Liberation, Now!. 1970. General note 4 copies Box 408 Liberty Fanfare. 1986. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 436 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 875 Liberty. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 24 Lida Rose. 1957. General note From the musical "The Music Man" Box 415 Lido Shuffle. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 901 Lie De Lie Song -- Lilah. Scope and Content Note Lie De Lie Song -- Lies -- Lies, Nothing But Lies -- Life Begins When Love Begins -- Life Begins With Love -- Life Can be Beautiful -- Life Gets Tee Jus Don't It -- Life is a Dream -Life is a Song (Let's Sing it Together) -- Life is But a Dream Without You -- Life is But a Moment -- Life is Just a Song -- Life of the Party -- Life Story of Hank Williams -- Life Without You: I Just Can't Imagine Life Without You -- Lift Every Voice and Sing -- Let High Our Flag -- Light a Candle in the Chapel -- Light House Blues -- Light My Fire -- Light That Failed -- Light Up the World With Sunshine -- Light Wine and Beer -- Light Your Little Lamp of Love For Me -- Lighthouse -- Lights and Music -- Lights are Low, the Music is Sweet -Lights of Paris -- Lights Out (Close Your Eyes and Dream of Me) -- Like a Brook Gets Lost in a River -- Like A Dream -- Like a Harp of Gold -- Like a Leaf in the Wind -- Like a Little Daisy = Como una Margarita -- Like a Melody of Old (You Linger in My Heart) -- Liek a Romance in a Story -- Like a Rosebud -- Like a Ship in the Night -- Like a Thief in the Night -- Like an Open Door -- Like I Loved Nobody Before -- Like I Mean -- Like Knights of Old -Like Maad -- Like Takiing Candy From a Baby -- Like You -- Like Young -- Likeable But Changeable -- Lil Farina Everybody Loves You -- Lil Liza Jane -- Lil Red Riding Hood -- Lila -- Lilac Chiffon -- Lilac Tree -- Lilacs in the Rain -- Lilah: Sugar Baby of Mine. General note Box NS 147 Box 2 Liebestraum = Dream of Love. 1935. General note Cover features a photograph of Charles Gaylord. Box 854 Liebestraum = Dream of Love. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Castillo, Jerry creator: Liszt, Franz creator: Smock, Jim Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Charles Gaylord. Box 390 Lies. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of EMF Box 922 Box 398 Life After You. 2009. Life and Breath. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Climax Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 437 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 413 Life Beyond L.A.. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrosia Box 415 Life Beyond L.A.. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrosia Box 865 Life Does a Man a Favor. 1958. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Oh Captain." Box 470 Life Goes On. 2002. General note Publisher no.: : PVM02086 General note recorded by LeAnn Rimes on Curb Records Box 470 Life Happened. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-51 Box 390 Life in One Day: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 399 Life In A Northern Town. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of The Dream Academy Box 399 Life in One Day. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Howard Jones Box 415 Life in the Fast Lane. 1977. General note on cover: blue speckled background Box 857 Life in a Northern Town. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of SugarLand Box 177 Life is a Beautiful Thing. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note X SX 100003, 100004. Box 25 Life Is A Song (Let's Sing It Together). 1935. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 438 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 854 Life is a Song (Let's Sing it Together). 1935. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Young, Joe Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Frank Parker. Box 392 Box 392 Life Is For Livin'. 1958. Life Is So Peculiar. 1950. General note From the Paramount Picture "Mr. Music." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Nancy Olson. Box 525 Box 390 A Life on the Ocean Wave. 1840?. Life's A Dance. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of John Michael Montgomery Box 413 Life's Been Good. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Joe Walsh Box 48 Life's Full Of Consequence. 1943. General note From the MGM picture "Cabin in the Sky." 2 copies Box 48 Life's Full Of Consequence. 1943. General note From the MGM picture "Cabin in the Sky." Advance artist copy. Box 965 Box 909 Life's Garden. 1914. Life's So Complete. General note Box SU 44 Box 470 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. General note SCB SZ03-54 Box 394 Lifetime. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352401 Sony/ATV Tunes General note SCB SZ 01-166 Box 47 The Light of My Life (Went Out Last Night). 1942. General note 3 copies. From the R.K.O. film, "Call Out the Marines." Box 415 Light of the Stable. 1975. General note on cover: reproduction of Nativity scene painting Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 439 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 857 Light On. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of David Cook Box 469 Light the Fire Within. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-77 Box 876 Lights Out. 1935. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of two lovers meeting in the moonlight Box 909 Lights of Home. General note Box SU 44 Box 418 Box 622 Like A Brook Gets Lost In A River. 1957. Like a Bird on the Wing. 1945. General note SCB SY 1163 Box 64 Like A Cannonball. 1984. General note From the motion picture "Cannonball Run II." Music also by Milton L. Brown and Snuff Garrett. Box 412 Like A Prayer. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Madonna Box 390 Like Flames. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Berlin Box 470 Like I Love You. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02088 General note recorded by Justin Timberlake on Jive Records Box 920 (Nobody Loves My Baby) Like My Baby Loves Me. General note Box SU 23 Box 399 Like No Other Night. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of 38 Special Box 397 Like Old Times Again. 1974. General note on cover: stylized photograph of Ray Price Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 440 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 392 Like Someone In Love. 1944. General note From the motion picture "Belle of the Yukon" Box 555 Like Someone in Love. 1944. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content From the International Pictures motion picture, "Belle of the Yukon." On cover: photographs of Dina Shore, Randy Scott and Gypsy Rose Lee. Box 397 Like Strangers. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Gail Davies Box 399 Like To Get To Know You Well. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Howard Jones Box 406 Like To Get To Know You. 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Spanky and our Gang Box 6 Like We Never Loved at All. 2005. creator: McGehe, Vicky Lynn creator: Rich, John creator: Sacks, Scott creator: WB Music Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Faith Hill. Box 857 Like You'll Never See Me Again. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Alicia Keys Box 21 Lili Marlene. 1943. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: David, Mack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Featured in the motion picture of the same title. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 441 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 879 Lili Marlene -- Listening. Scope and Content Note Lili Marlene -- Lillette -- Lillian -- Lillie Waltz -- Lilly's Lament to Cell 29 -- Lily Belle -- Lily of Hill billy Valley -- Lily of the Valley -- Limbo Rock -- Linda -- Linda Brown -- Lindy and Me -Lindy Lady -- Ling Ting Tong -- Linger a Little Longer -- Linger a Little Longer in the Twilight -- Linger Awhile -- Linger Here With Me -- Linger in My Arms a Little Longer Baby -- Linger Longer -- Linger Longer Lou -- Lingering Down the Lane -- Lingering Lips -Lingering Memory -- Lingring on Your Doorstep -- Lion and Albert -- Lions Sleep Tonight (Wimoweh) -- Lip -- Liparte (The Language of Love) -- Lips of Wine -- Lipstick and Candy and Rubbo Sole Shoes -- Lipstick on Your Collar -- Lipstick on Your Lips -- Lipstick Paint a Smile On Me -- Lipstick Powdre n Paint -- Lisa -- Listen In -- Listen Man to Uncle Sam Who Says We Can -- Listen My Love -- Listen to My Lonely Heart -- Listen to My Love Song -Listen to the German Band -- Listen to the Mocking Bird -- Listening. General note Box NS 148 Box 1039 Lili Marlene -- Listening. Scope and Content Note Lili Marlene -- Lili Marlene (Lady of the Lamplight) -- Lillette -- Lillian -- Lillie Waltz -- Lilly's Lament to Cell 29 -- Lily Belle -- Lily of Hill Billy Valley -- Lily of the Valley -- Limbo Rock -Linda -- Linda Brown -- Lindy and Me -- Lindy Lady -- Ling Ting Tong -- Linger a Little Longer -- Linger a Little Longer in the Twilight -- Linger Awhile = Reste Encore un Peu -Linger Here With Me -- Linger in My Arms a Little Longer Baby -- Linger Longer -- Linger Longer (in My Arms) -- Linger Longer Lou -- Lingering Down the Lane = Ah, le Petit Vin Blanc -- Lingering Lips -- Lingering Memory -- Lingring on Your Doorstep -- Lion and Albert -- Lion Sleeps Tonight (wimoweh) -- Lip -- Liparte (the Language of Love) -- Lips of Wine -Lipstick and Candy and Rubber Sole Shoes -- Lipstick on Your Collar -- Lipstick on Your Lips -- Lipstick, Paint a Smile on Me -- Lipstick, Powdre n Paint -- Lisa -- Listen In -- Listen Man (to Uncle Sam Who Says We Can) -- Listen My Love -- Listen to My Lonely Heart -Listen to My Love Song -- Listen to the German Band -- Listen to the Mocking Bird -Listening. General note Box NS 148 Box 418 Box 650 Lily Marlene. 1940. Lily of the Valley. 18--. Scope and Content Note Mazurka. Op. 14 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1235 Box 914 Lily of Laguna. General note box su 114 Box 397 Limelight. 1981. General note on cover: photographs of Rush performing live Box 26 Linda. 1946. General note On cover: photograph of Lawrie Brooks Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 442 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 1157 Lindy. General note Box SU 9 Box 21 Linger A Little Longer In The Twilight. 1932. creator: Campbell, Jimmy creator: Connelly, Reg creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Woods, Harry General note on cover: photograph of Jane Froman Box 543 Linger Awhile. 1923. General note On cover: photograph of Elsie White. Dudley gift. Box 22 Box 922 Box 580 Lingering. 1921. Lion's Pride Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Lips, Lips, Lips Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: 16065-3 E Scope and Content Note From: The Magic Melody. General note SCB SY 118498 Box 49 Lips Of An Angel. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00353530 General note Words and music also by Ross Hanson, Llyod Garvey, Mark King, Michael Rodden, and Brian Howes. Recorded by Hinder. Box 406 Lipstick and Candy and Rubber Sole Shoes. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Julius La Rosa Box 50 Liquid Dreams. 2000. General note Publisher no.: 02500376 Cherry Lane Music General note SCB SZ 01-50 Box 854 Lisbon Antigua (In Old Lisbon). 1954. creator: Dupree, Harry creator: Galhardo, J. creator: Portela, Raul creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. creator: Vale, A. do Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nelson Riddle. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 443 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 20 Box 398 The Lisbon Story. 1943. Listen to the Music. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 6 Listen to Your Heart. 1988. creator: Gessle, Per creator: Jimmy Fun Music. creator: Persson, Mats Scope and Content On cover: photograph of DHT. Box 413 Listen to a Country Song. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Lynn Anderson Box 1091 Listening. General note Box SU 14 Box 903 Lita -- Little Dead Eye Dick. Scope and Content Note Lita -- Little Alabama Coon -- Little Alarm Clock -- Little Altar Boy -- Little Americans -Little Angel -- Little Angel With a Dirty Face -- Little Annie Rooney -- Little Ant's Refrain -Little Baby Curls -- Little Baby Feet -- Little Band of Gold -- Little Beer, a Pretzel and You -A Little Bell Rang -- A Little Birch Canoue and You -- A Little Bird Told Me -- A Little Bit Bad -- A Little Bit Independent -- Little Bit Longer -- Little Bit Now -- Little Bit of Happiness Will Go a Long Way -- Little Bit of Heaven Sure They Call it Ireland -- Little Bit of Soap -- Little Bit of Sunshine is a Little Bit of Heaven -- Litte Bitty Pretty One -- Little Bitty Tear -- Little Black Hen: Easter Song -- Little Black Book -- Little Black Buggy With the Big Red Wheels -- Little Black Sheep -- Little Blue Man -- Little Boat: o Barquinho -- Little Boat of Dreams -Little Bo Peep Has Lost Her Jeep -- Little Boxes -- Little Boy -- Little Boy and the Old Man -Little Boy Blew His Top -- Little Boy Blues -- Little Boy in Corduroy -- Little Boy Little Girl -Little Boy Lost -- Little Boy of Mine -- Little Boy With the Toy Piano -- Little Boys -- Little Boy's Christmas -- Little Boy's Prayer -- Litte Bronze Lady in the Harbor -- Little Brown Betty -- Little Brown Gal -- Little Brown Gate -- Little Brown Gingerbread Man -- Little Brown Jug -- Little Buffalo Bill -- Little Bunch of Shamrocks I am Holding in My Hand -Little Bunch of Sweetness -- Little By Little -- Little by Little and Bit by Bit -- Little by Little Your're Breaking My Heart -- Little Cabin in the Cascade Mountains -- Little Cafe Down the Street -- Little Chap With Big Ideas -- Little Child Daddy Dear = The Little boy and the Old Man -- Little Child -- Little Children -- Little China Girls -- Little Coat of Tan -- Little Coco Palm -- Little Consideration -- Little Cooperation -- Little Coquette -- Little Cotton Dolly: Plantation Lullaby -- Little Country Flapper Winding Around My Heart -- Little Cowboy -Little Darlin -- Little Darlin, Little Angel -- Little Dead Eye Dick. General note Box NS 149 Box 21 A Little Street Where Old Friends Meet. 1932. General note on cover: drawing of Ruth Etting Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 444 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 48 Little Bit of Rhythm (In The Best Of Us). 1946. General note Featured by the Cabin Kids in the educational picture entitled "Cabin Kids." Also written by Harry Pincus and Sammy Cahn. Box 58 Little Blue Riding Hood. 1953. General note Themes from the television program, "Dragnet." Cover features a photograph of Stan Freberg. Box 412 A Little Bit Closer. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Wopat Box 858 A Little Bit Longer. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The Jonas Brothers Box 865 Box 875 Little Bluebird of My Heart. 1925. Little Bo-Peep Has Lost Her Jeep. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 991 Little Black Buddy. General note Box SU 67 Box 1115 A Little Bit Stronger. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Sara Evans. Box 419 A Little Child Shall Lead Them. 1965. General note 2 copies Box 580 The Little Church Around the Corner Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 16065-3 D Scope and Content Note From: The Magic Melody. General note SCB SY 118499-500 Box 27 The Little Drummer Boy. 1960. Scope and Content Note organ solo. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 445 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 580 A Little Dream That Lost It's Way Operatic ed.. 1921. General note Publisher no.: M.W.& Sons. 16383-3 Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, Love Birds. General note SCB SY 118472-3 Box 897 Little Devil -- Little Mama Doll. Scope and Content Note Little Devil -- Little Did I Know -- Little Dobe Schack -- Little Dogie Stray --Little Door, a Little Knock, a Little Key -- Little Donkey -- Little Drummer Boy -- Little Dutch Mill -- Little Fairy Waltz -- Little Firefly -- Little Flower -- Little Ford Rambled Right Along -- Little French Mother Goodbye -- Littel Gad a Bout -- Little Gal in Caliente -- Littel Genius -- Little Gettin Used To -- Little Girl -- Little Girl (Don't Say Goodbye) -- Little Girl, a Little Boy, a Little Moon -- Little Girl Come Dry Your Tears -- Little Girl Dressed in Blue -- Little Girl From Who Knows Where -- Little Girl = Watch Hope and Wait Little Girl I'm Coming Back to You -Little Girl Like You -- Little Girl Lost -- Little Girl My Dreams are Calling You -- Little Girl With the High High Heels -- Little Golden Locket -- Little Gray Mother O'Mine -- Little Green Apples -- Little Green Gate to Heaven -- Little Gren Valley -- Little Green Winding Lane -- Litty Grey Sweetheart of Mine -- Little Guppy -- Little Guy Who Looks Like You -Little Heart O'Mine -- Little Heaven of the Seven Seas -- Little Jack Frost Get Lost -- Little Jo Daugher of the North -- Little Joe -- Little Joe and His De-Vaux -- Little Joe Carew -- Little Johnny Chickadee -- Little Kind Treatment (is Exactly What I Need) -- Little King of Toyland -- Little Kiss Goodnight -- Little Kiss is a Kiss is a Kiss -- Little Kisses -- Little Lady make Believe -- Little Lane = Caminito -- Little Leaguer -- Little Less of Moonlight (a Little More of You) -- Little Like Lovin -- Little Locket of Long Ago -- Little Log Cabin of Dreams -- Little Loneliness -- Little Lonely One -- Little Lonesome Mother -- Little Lost dog (Don't be Afraid to Cry) -- Little Lost Rolling Stone -- Little Love (Will Go a Long Way) -- Little Love (Can Go a Long Way) -- Little Love Game -- Little Love is a Dangerous Thing -- Little Love Kiss -Little Love Song -- Little Love Will Go a Long, Long Way -- Little Lovin' -- Little Lucy (Let Down YOur Hair Tonight) -- Little Malamute -- Little Mama Doll. General note Box NS 150 Box 525 Box 27 Box 480 Little Eva's Vision. 1852. In a Little Gypsy Tea Room. 1935. A Little Gasoline. 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352240 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-35 Box 480 A Little Girl original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00140 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-36 Box 622 The Little Girl Dressed in Blue. 1935. General note SCB SY 1164 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 446 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 920 Little Hunka Love. General note Box SU 23 Box 406 Box 419 Little Jack Horner. Little Jesus. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of The Sacred Heart Sisters of California Box 622 Little Jack Horner. General note SCB SY 1165, SX 1807 Box 56 A Little Love, a Little While. 1956. General note From the CBS television program, "High Tor." 2 copies (one cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby). Box 390 Box 469 Little Lead General. 1951. A Little Less Conversation. 1968. General note Publisher no.: HL00352527 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 02-145 Box 406 Little Mary Brown. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Mick Lucas Box 865 Box 865 Little Mary Sunshine. 1960. Little Mary Sunshine. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, Little Mary Sunshine. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 447 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 898 Little Man Who Wasn't There -- Little Sir Echo. Scope and Content Note Little Man Who Wasn't There -- Little Man With a Candy Cigar -- Little Man You've Had a Busy Day -- Little Mary Brown -- Little Miss Belong-to-no-one -- Little Miss Irish -- Little Miss Jealousy -- Little Miss Lonesome -- Little Miss No One -- Little Miss Stuck Up -- Little Mohee -- Little Morning Star -- Little Moth Keep Away From the Flame -- Little Mother -Little Mother of the Hills -- Little Mousie -- Little Music in the Moonlight -- Little Musicians (Bavarian Wedding March) -- Little Mustard Seed -- Little Nightie on the Line -- Little Nobody -- Little Old Churchh in England -- Little Old Church in the Valley -- Little Old Fashioned Music Box -- Little Old Garden (Sanctuary) -- Little Old Lady -- Little Old Lady of Threadneedle Street -- Little Old Log Cabin -- Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane -- Little old Mill (Went Round and Round) -- Little Old Rag Doll -- Little Old Red School House -- Little Old Sandman -- Little Old Shanty on the Claim -- Little Ole Winedrinker Me -- Little on the Lonely Side -- Little One -- Little One I Love Best -- Little Orphan Annie -- Little Pal -- Little Pal of Long Ago -- Little Pal of Mine -- Little Pal of the Alley -- Little pal Where Are You Tonight -- (There's a) Little Picture Playhouse in My Heart -- Little Rackateer -- Little Rag Baby Doll -- Little Rag Doll (With the Shoe Button Eyes) -- Little Rag Doll -- Little Rain Must Fall -- Little Rascal -- Little Redheaded Boy -- Little Red Riding Hood (Is a Grown Up Lady Now) -- Little Red Rooster -- Little Robin Told Me So -- Little Rose of My Heart -- Little Secrets -- Little Senorita -- Little Serenade = Piccolissima Serenata -- Little Shepherd Boy -- Little Shepheard of My Dreams -- Little Shoemaker = Le Petit Cordonnier -- Little Silver Lady (With Your Heart of Gold) -- Little Sir Echo. General note Box NS 151 Box 920 Little Miss Okeechobee Oh Be Mine. General note Box SU 23 Box 922 A Little More Country Than That Original sheet music ed.. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Easton Corbin. Two copies (different covers). Box 580 Little Nellie Kelly. 1922. General note SCB SY 118444 Box 22 Little Old Lady. 1936. General note from Vincente Minelli's musical "The Show Is On" Box 854 Little Old Lady. 1936. creator: Adams, Stanley creator: Carmichael, Hoagy creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. Scope and Content From Vincent Minelli's musical, The Show is On. On cover: photographs of Beatrice Lillie and Bert Lahr. Box 1157 Little Old Church in England. General note Box SU 9 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 448 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 909 Little Old Cross Road Store. General note Box SU 44 Box 555 Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Hays, Will S. creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Smiley Burnette. Box 27 Box 391 Box 1164 The Little Old Church in the Valley. 1931. Little Old-Fashioned Home. 1934. Little Old New York. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 390 Box 397 Little Pedro. 1960. Little Queen. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Heart Box 26 Box 390 Box 889 Box 920 Little Red Wagon. 1937. Little Rhapsody. 1990. The Little River Band. 1978. Little Rover: Don't Forget to Come Back Home. General note Box SU 23 Box 1114 Little Rosewood Casket -- Many Years. General note Box NSO 13 Box 2 Box 543 Little Star. 1923. Little Sir Echo. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Horace Heidt. Dudley gift. Box 543 Little Skipper. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians. Dudley gift. Box 21 Little Street Where Old Friends Meet. 1932. creator: Joe Morris Music Co.. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ruth Etting. Box 622 A Little Sunshine = O Sole Mio. 1923. General note SCB SY 1166 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 449 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 902 Little Skipper -- Lo Nah. Scope and Content Note Little Skipper -- Little Sleepy Head -- Little Small Town Girl (With the Big Town Dreams) -Little Soldier Man -- Little Spanish Dancer -- Little Star -- Little Street Where Old Friends Meet -- Little Sun Showers -- Little Sweetheart of the Mountains -- Little Sweetheart of the Ozarks -- Little Sweetheart of the Prairie -- Little Things -- Little Things in Life -- Little Things Mean a Lot -- Little Things That Mean So Much -- Little Thoughts -- Little Threads of Silver (Peeping Thru the Gold) -- Little Tin Solider (the Little Rag Doll) -- Little Tin Soldier and the Doll From France -- Little Toe Dancer -- Little Town in the Ould Country Dance -Little Toy Piano -- (If They'd Only Fight Their Battles With) Little Toy Soldier Men -- Little Toy Town Parade -- Little Train = Die Kleine Bimmelbahn -- Little Toy Village -- Little Train a Chuggin in My Heart -- Little Violet -- Little While -- Little While Longer (and You'll Be Home) -- Little White Church on the Hill -- Little White Cloud That Cried -- Little White Duck -- Little White Lies -- Little White Light -- Little White Lighthouse -- Little Willy -- Little Woman -- Little Wooden Church on the Hill -- Little Wooden Nickel (With a Hole in the Side) -- Little Wooden Soldiers Go to War -- Little Words of Kindness -- Little Yellow House -- Little You Know -- Littlest Angel -- I'll Have to Live and Learn -- Liveley Ones -- Living a Life of Dreams -- Living Back Sreet For You -- Livin Dangerously -- Lviing For Only You -Living For the Day -- Living in a Dream -- Lviing in a House Divided -- Livin in a Palace of Blues -- Living in Doubt -- Living in the Material World -- Livin in the Sunlight, Lovin in the Moonlight -- Living is Dying Without You -- Livin it Up -- Living Next Door to Alice -- Living Proof -- Living Sea -- Living With a Dream of You -- Liza I'll Be Waiting When the Sun Goes Down -- (I'm Waiting For You) Liza Jane -- Lo and Behold -- Lo Do De O -- Lola Lo -- Lola Lu Lu -- Lo La You'd Be So Good to Me -- Lo Lo Lita (the Girl Friend of the Army) -- Lo Nah. General note Box NS 152 Box 909 Little Too Far. General note Box SU 44 Box 915 Little Town Called Home Sweet Home. General note Box SU 22 Box 1157 Little Things in Life. General note Box SU 9 Box 859 Little Things in Life. 1930. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 1164 Little Tommy Murphy. 1900. Scope and Content Note From: The Rebel. General note On cover: photograph of Andrew Mack. Box 412 Little Walter. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Tony! Toni! Tone! Box 390 The Little White Duck: Big Note Arrangement. 1950. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 450 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 21 The Little White House (At The End Of Honeymoon Lane). 1926. creator: Dowling, Eddie creator: Hanley, James F. creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. General note from the musical "Honeymoon Lane." On cover: photograph of Eddie Dowling. Box 920 Little White House, a Little White Lady. General note Box SU 23 Box 413 Little Willy. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Sweet Box 21 Little White Lies. 1930. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Donaldson, Walter Box 2 Little White Lies. 1930. General note Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman. Box 920 Little White Lies. General note Box SU 23 Box 555 Little White Lies. 1930. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Donaldson, Walter Scope and Content Two copies. On covers: photographs of Ethel Merman and Will Osborne. Box 554 Little White Lies. 1930. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: Donaldson, Walter Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dick Haymes. Box 47 The Little Wooden Whistle Wouldn't Whistle. 1938. General note From the film, "Cafe Rendezvous." Box 1115 Box 64 Live a Little. 2010. Live And Let Live. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 399 Live Every Moment. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of REO Speedwagon Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 451 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 858 Live Like We're Dying. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Kris Allen Box 51 The Live Oak Tree. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman (2 copies, 2 different covers). Box 51 The Live Oak Tree. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Professional copy. Box 399 Live To Tell: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 46 Livin' Our Love Song. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353686 General note Words and music also by Glen Mitchell and Tim Galloway. Box 415 Livin' Ain't Livin'. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Firefall Box 469 Living and Living Well. General note SCB SZ 02-78 Box 494 Living by the Beat. 1985. Scope and Content Note Theme to the television series, "Dance Fever." General note SCB SZTV 87-10 Box 857 Living for the Night. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait Box 6 Living in Fast Forward. 2005. creator: Murphy, David Lee creator: Rutherford, Rivers creator: Universal Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Kenny Chesney. Box 413 Living in the Past. 1972. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 452 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 415 Living in the U.S.A.. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Steve Miller Box 415 Living Next Door to Alice. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Smokie Box 56 Living One Day at a Time. 1956. General note From the CBS television program, "High Tor." 2 copies (one cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby). Box 412 The Living Years: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 899 Load is Heavy-- Lonely Troubadour. Scope and Content Note Load is Heavy and I'm Ready to Go -- Load Out -- Loaded Pistol -- Loaded Pistol and Loaded Dice -- Loaded With Love -- Loafin on a Lazy Day -- Loafin on a Lazy River -- Loafin Time -- Loch Lomond -- Lock a Little Sunbeam Down in Your Heart (and Throw the Key Away) -- Lock Up Your Heart -- Locoed -- Log Cabin Lullaby -- Logical Song -- Lo Ki -Lolinda -- Lolita -- Lollipop -- Lollipop Tree -- Lollipops and Roses -- Lollipops to Lipstick -London I Love -- Londonderry Air -- Lone Ranger -- Lone Star -General note Box NS 153 Box 23 A Load Of Hay. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Gussey Box 398 The Load-Out. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 909 Lock the Barn Door. General note Box SU 44 Box 412 The Loco-Motion. 1962. General note on cover: photograph of Kylie Minogue Box 415 Locomotive Breath. 1976. General note on cover: grey caricature of man playing flute Box 418 Loin De Toi. 1933. General note from the motion picture "Moi Et L'Imperatrice" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 453 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 494 Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6376 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Main title theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-7 Box 877 London Pride. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Noel Coward Box 413 London Town. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Wings Box 415 London Town. 1978. General note on cover: "Easy Big Note Piano Solos" Box 525 Box 58 The Lone Starry Hours. 1900?. Loneliness of Evening. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. Box 406 Loneliness Remembers (What Happiness Forgets). 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Dionne Warwick Box 21 Lonely = J'ai pas su y Faire. 1922. creator: Cartoux, P. creator: Costil, E. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Yvain, Maurice General note popularly known as "J'ai Pas Su Y Faire" English translation by Leo Robin Box 406 Box 415 The Lonely Bull. 1963. Lonely Boy. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Andrew Gold Box 991 Lonely Baby. General note Box SU 67 Box 397 Lonely Days. 1970. General note on cover: Bee Gees logo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 454 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 399 Lonely Days. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 390 Box 66 Lonely is the Night. 1986. Lonely Lane. 1933. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "College Coach." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features a photograph of Dick Powell. Box 1091 Lonely Melody. General note Box SU 14 Box 397 Lonely Night (Angel Face). 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Captain & Tennille Box 415 Lonely People. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of the band America Box 415 Lonely People: Made Easy for Piano. 1975. General note on cover: picture of faded blue piano keyboard Box 580 Lonely Romeo: Selection Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: 850-12 General note SCB SY 118468 Box 415 Lonely Wind. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of a sign saying "Kansas" in a field Box 893 Lonely Waltz. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Freddy Martin Box 893 Box 893 Lonely Wind. 1979. Lonely Wine. 1950. General note two copies, on cover of one: photograph of Bill Darnel Box 415 Lonesome Loser. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of the Little River Band Box 893 (I'm A) Lonesome Cry Baby. 1923. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Aileen Stanley Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 455 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 893 Box 893 Box 893 Box 893 A Lonesome Boy's Dream. 1930. Lonesome. 1954. Lonesome. 1925. Lonesome. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Vinni De Campo Box 893 Lonesome. General note on cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye Box 893 Lonesome. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Marion Loveridge Box 893 Lonesome. 1925. General note two copies Box 893 Lonesome. General note three copies Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome. 1926. Lonesome (As Can Be). 1924. General note two copies on cover: photograph of Brooke Johns Box 893 Lonesome (For You). 1925. General note on cover: photograph of Wayne & Glaum Box 893 Lonesome (Gee, I'm Awf'ly Lonesome). 1925. General note three copies Box 893 Lonesome And Blue. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Frances Wayne Box 893 Lonesome And Blue. 1932. General note Nine copies, five different covers. Photographs on covers: Dell Reed, Herbert Foote, Mark Fisher, Ben Bernie Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome And Blue. 1920. Lonesome And Sorry. 1926. General note Thirty-one copies with several diverent covers. Photographs on covers: Phil Brito, Frances McCann, Austin Wylie, Bernard Weber, Leo Terry, Taylor & Hawks, Lou Raderman, Harry Pollack, Parnassus Trio, Pacific Comedy Four, Jack Naldi, Edward Meikel, Harold Leonard, Drury Lenington, Arthur Kluth, Henri A. Keates, Sammy Kahn, Elsie Huber, Art. Henry, Jack Haush and Marie Patri, Four Pals, Edwards and Lilyan, Jim Dempsey, Del Castillo, Charlie Boyden, Nita Bernard, B. B. B., Adler Weil & Herman Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 456 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 893 Lonesome At Twilight. 1923. General note on cover: photograph of Milton Charles Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Baby Blues. 1928. Lonesome Blues. 1918. General note two copies Box 893 A Lonesome Boy's Letter Back Home. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Sam Lanin Box 893 Lonesome China Boy. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Whiteman Box 893 Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Cowboy. 1957. Lonesome Cowboy. 1936. Lonesome Days. 1945. General note Mana-Zucca signature on cover Box 893 Lonesome For You. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Sondra Steele Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome For You. 1920. Lonesome Gal. 1951. General note Theme song from the "Lonesome Gal" program Box 893 Lonesome Girl (You Won't Be Lonesome Long). 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Locust Sisters Box 893 Lonesome Guitar. 1936. General note two copies, different photograph on cover: Herman Middleman, Andre Kostelanetz Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Heart. Lonesome Hours. 1921. General note four copies Box 21 Lonesome In The Moonlight. 1928. creator: Baer, Abel creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Russell, Benee General note on cover: photograph of Mickey Albert Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 457 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 893 Lonesome In The Moonlight. 1928. General note seven copies, each with different photograph on cover: Ray West, Milton Slosser, Dick Robertson & Ed Smalle, Al Kvale, Lou Kruger, George Hall, James De Luca Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Isle. 1921. Lonesome Lane. 1930. General note Two copies. One with photographs of Mary Alice Gentry and Edythe Turnham and her Dixie Aces on cover, one without photograph Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Lou. 1924. Lonesome Lover. 1930. General note six copies, different photographs on cover: Leo Reisman, Guy Lombardo, Lew Conrad Box 893 Lonesome Lullaby. 1936. General note two copies Box 893 Lonesome Mamma. 1922. General note ukelele arrangement by May Singhi Breen four copies, two with photograph of Rita Gould, one with photograph of Eddie Jackson & Dot Taylor, one without photograph Box 893 Lonesome Me. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of George Hall Box 893 Lonesome Me. General note Four copies. Three copies with photograph of Bill Foley's Keystone Serenaders on cover. One copy with photograph of Constance Mering on cover. Box 893 Lonesome Melody. 1932. General note two copies, one with photograph of Wayne King, one without Box 893 Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Melody O' Mine. 1926. Lonesome Moon. 1924. Lonesome Number One. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Don Gibson Box 893 Lonesome Old House. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Don Gibson Box 893 Lonesome Pal. 1924. General note two copies, different photographs on cover: Herbert L. Straub, Fred Shaw Box 893 Box 893 Lonesome Rose. 1931. The Lonesome Road. 1928. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 458 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 893 Box 895 The Lonesome Song. 1953. Lonesome That's All - Looking in the Window. Scope and Content Note Lonesome That's All -- Lonesome Tonight -- Lonesome Town -- Lonesome Trail -Lonesome Waltz -- Lonesomeness -- Lonesomest Girl in Town -- Long About Evenin -Long About Evening -- Long About June -- Long About Midnight -- Long About Sundown -Long Ago -- Long Ago Day -- Long Ago Last Night -- Long and Lonesome Road -- Long As I Can See the Light -- Long Black Veil -- Long and Winding Road -- Long Boy -- Long Distance Love -- Long Green -- Long John -- Long Live America -- Long Live Love -- Long Live the Future -- Long Lonely Nights -- Long Long Ago -- Long Long Way From Home -Long May We Love -- Long Tall Sally -- Long Time Looking -- Long Time, No See Baby -Long Way Was the Right Way -- Long White Robe -- Longest Time -- Longest Walk -Longest Way Round is the Sweetest Way Home -- Longfellow Serenade -- Longing -Longin' -- Longin' For Missouri -- Longing For You -- Look Around: Take a Look at Me -Look at That Girl -- Look at the Little Kitty Kat -- Look at the Yanks -- Look at Those Eyes -Look Away -- Look Down -- Look For My True Love -- Look for Your Rainbow -- Look Homeward Angel -- Look in My eyes Pretty Woman -- Look in the Looking Glass -- Look in the Mirror and See Just Who I Love -- Look in the Mirror (Give Yourself a Kiss For Me) -Look in the Morror and find the REal -- Look on thee Bright Side -- Look Out Below -- Look Out the Window (the Winter Song) -- Look Sweeter ina Sweater -- Look the Other Way -Look Up (the Sun's in the Sky) -- Look Up -- Look Up, America -- Look Up and Smile -- Look What Followed Me Home Tonight: Mama Can't I Keep It -- Look What My Boy Got in France -- Look What Thoughts Will Do -- Look What You've Done -- Look What You've Done With Your Eyes -- Look Who's Here -- Look What You've Done With Your Dong Gone Dangerous Eyes -- Lookin' Ahead -- Lookin' Around For Someone -- Looking at the World Thru Rose Colored Glasses -- Looking Back -- Lookin' Back -- Looking Back to See -Lookin' For the Lost Chord. General note Box NS 155 Box 1091 Lonesome Butterfly. General note Box SU 14 Box 418 Box 418 Box 406 Long About Evenin. 1931. 'Long About Evenin'. 1931. The Long and Winding Road. 1970. General note 2 copies. Box 914 Long Beach for Mine. General note box su 114 Box 914 Long Beach: Out Where the Sung Goes Down. General note box su 114 Box 389 The Long Goodbye Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01152 Universal General note SCB SZ 02-10 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 459 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 415 Long Hard Ride. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Marshall Tucker Band Box 874 Long Live America: The Savior of Democracy. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Lewis A. Bedard Box 415 Long May You Run. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Stills-Young Band Box 397 The Long Run. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 397 Long Tall Glasses. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Leo Sayer Box 398 Long Train Runnin'. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 397 Long, Long Way From Home. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Foreigner Box 415 Longfellow Serenade: A Neil Diamond Classic. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 7 Box 390 Look on the Bright Side. Look Away: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 415 Look Away. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of a cabin Box 21 Look In The Mirror And See Just Who I Love. 1927. creator: Goetz, Coleman creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Stept, Sam H. General note ukulele arranged by M. Kalua on cover: photograph of Aileen Stanley Box 415 Look Into Your Heart. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Aretha Franklin Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 460 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 65 The Look Of Love. 1967. General note From the Columbia Pictures' motion picture "Casino Royale." Covers feature photographs of Isaac Hayes, Jack Jones and Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66. Box 392 The Look of Love. 1962. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 7 Box 876 Look on the Bright Side. 1984. Look Out Below. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Two copies. Box 920 Look Out, Here Comes My Cookie. General note Box SU 23 Box 464 Look Through My Eyes Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note Theme to the motion picture, "Brother Bear." General note SCB SZMP 04-3 Box 392 Box 392 Look To Your Heart. 1955. Look To Your Heart. 1955. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 397 Look What You've Done To Me. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 56 Looka Me. 1956. General note From the NBC Producer's Showcase television production, "Jack and the Beanstalk." Box 494 Lookin' for the Funniest People. 1992. General note Publisher no.: VS5944 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program, "America's funniest people." General note SCB SZTV 92-3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 461 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 896 Lookin' Out My Back Door -- The Love Bug Will Bite You. Scope and Content Note Lookin' Out My Back Door -- Lookin' Out the Window Wearin' Out the Carpet -- Lookin Out the Window -- Looking Through the Eyes of Love -- Lookin' Through the Windows -Looking Through My Dreams -- Looks Like a Beautiful Day -- Looky Looky Looky Here -Loop-de-loo -- Loop-de-loop Mambo -- Loop-de-loop -- Loose Feet -- Lora Belle Lee -- Lord Be With You -- Lord Has Given Me a Song -- Lord is a Busy Man -- Lord is Counting On You -- Lord is My Sheperd -- Lord Made a Peanut -- Lords of the Air -- Lorelei -- Loretta -Lorraine -- Losing Hand -- Losing You -- Lost (A Wonderful Girl) -- Lost -- Lost a Scottie Named Skippy -- Lost Again -- Lost and Found -- Lost Chord -- Lost Her in the Sun -- Lost in a Dream -- Lost in Your Arms -- Lost Love -- Lost My Gal Again -- Lost My Loot in Las Vegas -- Lost My Pal -- Lost Soul -- My Lost Sweetheart -- Losted -- Lot's O'Mama -- Lotta Lovin' -Lotus Tree -- Lou -- Lou-Anna -- Loud Speakin' Papa -- Louella -- Louisse You Tease -Louisiana Waltz -- Louisiana -- Louisville Lou: That Vampin' Lady -- Lousiana Lullaby -Loveable Lady of the Night -- Love (My Heart is Calling You) -- Love (Your Spell is Everywhere) -- Love -- Love Ain't Blind No More -- Love america (or Leave It Alone) -- Love Among the Roses -- Love and Devotion -- Love and Kisses -- Love and Laughter -- Love and Passion -- Love and the Weather -- Love and the World Loves With You -- Love at First Sight -- Love Bird -- Love Blooms But Once -- Love Blossom Lane -- Love Bones -- Love Bound -- Love Bug -- Love Bug Leave My Heart Alone -- Love Bug Will Bite You (If You Don't Watch Out). General note Box NS 156 Box 397 Lookin' For Love. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 406 Lookin' With My Eyes - Seein' With My Heart. 1970. General note 2 copies Box 415 Lookin' for a Love. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Young and Crazy Horse Box 20 (Across the Breakfast Table) Looking at You. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Al Jolson Box 25 Box 878 Looking At The World Thru Rose Colored Glasses. 1926. Looking For Yesterday. 1940. General note SX 2535; SX 2536. Part of: Jimmy Van Heusen Collection Box 878 Looking for Yesterday. 1940. General note part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. Box 878 Looking for Yesterday. 1940. General note part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2535, 2536 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 462 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 406 Looks Like We Made It. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Barry Manilow and an unidentified woman. Box 412 The Lord Bless You and Keep You: All Organ. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Irwin Box 419 Box 650 Lord, Don't Move the Mountain. 1958. Lorena. 1867. General note SCB SY 1222 Clarence H. Hogue Collection. Box 650 Lorena. 1867. Scope and Content Note SCB SY 1222 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection Box 415 Lose Again. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt Box 397 Losing Control. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Jay Ferguson Box 5 Box 391 The Rose Maid. Lost a Heart. 1913. Lost. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Ohman's Music Box 857 Lost. 2007. General note on cover: black background Box 909 Lost. General note Box SU 44 Box 909 Lost. General note Box SU 44 Box 854 Lost Chord. 1925. creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Proctor, Adelaide A. creator: Sullivan, Arthur Box 399 Lost in the Fifties Tonight (In the Still of the Night). 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Ronnie Milsap Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 463 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 415 Lost In Music. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Sister Sledge Box 865 Box 6 Lost in the Stars. 1946. Lost Without You. 2003. creator: Benenate, Bridget creator: Gerrard, Matthew creator: WB Music Corp.. Box 48 A Lot Of Livin' To Do. 1960. General note From the Kohlmar-Sidney Production "Bye Bye Birdie" a Columbia Pictures Release. 5 copies. Box 470 A Lot of Things Different. General Physical Description note: 1 score (5 p.) ; 31 cm. General note Publisher no.: HL00352568 Box 415 Lotta Love. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Nicolette Larson Box 406 Box 6 Louie Louie. 1957. Louisiana 1927. 1975. creator: Newman, Randy creator: WB Music Corp.. Box 397 Louisiana Lou and Three Card Monty John. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Allman Brothers Band Box 920 Lou'siana. General note Box SU 23 Box 991 Lovable. General note Box SU 67 Box 6 Box 6 Box 6 Love is Blue. Love's Way. L.O.V.E.. 2005. creator: DioGuardi, Kara creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Shanks, John creator: Simpson, Ashlee Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ashlee Simpson. Two copies, different covers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 464 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 62 Love. 1970. General note From the motion picture, "The Cross and the Switchblade." Cover features images of the cast. Box 413 Love. 1970. General note on cover: photographs of The Lettermen Box 419 Box 456 Love. 1970. Love. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-124 Box 406 Love (Can Make You Happy). 1968. General note on cover: photograph of Mercy. 2 copies. Box 26 Box 555 Love and Flowers. 1908. Love and Flowers. 1908. creator: Aldrich, F. creator: Century Music . Box 878 Love and Marriage. 1955. Scope and Content Note From the NBC TV producer's showcase, "Our Town." General note part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2537, 2538. Box 878 Love and Marriage. 1955. General note SX 2537, SX 2538. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. Box 1079 Love And Devotion -- Moose The Moochie. General note Box PS 9 Box 1157 Love and the Weather. General note Box SU 9 Box 56 Love at Home. 1965. General note Theme song of "The King Family Show" which aired on ABC television. Box 469 Love at First Sight. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352529 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 02-146 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 465 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 469 Love at First Sight. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352529 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 02-146 Box 470 Love at First Sight. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM02076 General note recorded by Kylie Minogue on Capitol Records Box 464 A Love Before Time. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352322 Hal Leonard General note From the motion picture, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." SCB SZMP 01-17 Box 397 (Shu-doo-pa-poo-poop) Love Being Your Fool. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Travis Wammack Box 580 Love Birds: Selections Operatic ed.. 1921. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 16429-11 General note SCB SY 118482 Box 1164 The Love Blue. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Canary. General note On cover: photograph of Lina Abarbanell. Box 555 Love Came Calling. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. creator: Zamecnik, J.S. Box 931 Love Came Into My Heart - Love Letters in the Sand. General note Box NS 157 Box 397 Love Comes To Everyone. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of George Harrison and a baby Box 415 Love Don't Live Here Anymore. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Rose Royce Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 466 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 857 Love Drunk. 2009. General note on cover: orange and yellow patterned background Box 397 Love Finds Its Own Way. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight & The Pips Box 547 Love From a Heart of Gold. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the Show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 857 Love Game. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Lady GaGa Box 413 Love Gonna Pack Up. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of The Persuaders Box 415 Love Has No Pride. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt Box 415 Love Has No Pride. 1973. General note on cover: intersecting purple lines Box 412 The Love In Your eyes. 1989. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Money Box 415 Love in C Minor (Part 1). 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Cerrone Box 415 Love in the Shadows. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Sedaka Box 878 Love in the Air. 1937. General note SX 2539, SX 2540, SX 2541, SX 2542. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. Box 878 Love in the Air. 1937. General note part of the Jimmy Van Heusen collection. SCB SX 2539, 2540, 2541, 2542 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 467 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 555 Love in Bloom. 1934. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Rainger, Ralph creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "She Loves Me Not." On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 63 (Love Is A) Career. 1959. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Career" starring Dean Martin. Box 390 Love Is A Wonderful Thing: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 397 Love Is All. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Roger Glover Box 27 Box 6 Love is Blue = L'Amour est Bleu. 1968. Love is Blue = L'Amour est Blue. 1968. creator: Cour, Pierre creator: Popp, Andre creator: Societe Nouvelle Des Editions Musicales. Box 47 Love is Back in Business. 1951. General note From the film, "Call Me Mister." Cover features photograph of Betty Grable and Dan Dailey. Box 394 Love is Enough Orignal sheet music ed.. 1997. General note Publisher no.: PVM01063 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-196 Box 859 Love is Just Around the Corner. 1934. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Gensler, Lewis E. creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Here is My Heart. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Kitty Carlisle. Box 62 Love is the Darndest Thing. 1956. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Cross My Heart." 3 copies. Cover features a photograph of Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 468 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 412 Love Is My Decision. 1988. General note Theme from the motion picture Arthur 2 on the Rocks. on cover: photograph of Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli. Box 415 Love is a Rose. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt Box 415 Love Is Alive. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Wright Box 418 Box 494 Love is the Thing (So They Say). 1937. Love Is. 1993. General note Publisher no.: VS6124 Scope and Content Note From the television show, "Beverly Hills, 90210" soundtrack. General note SCB SZTV 93-4 Box 865 Love is a Dancing Thing. 1935. Scope and Content Note From the show, "At Home Abroad." Box 878 Love is a Bore. 1964. Scope and Content Note From Les Poupess de Paris. General note part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2543 Box 878 Love is a Bore. 1964. General note From Les Poupes de Paris. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2543 Box 878 Love is a Four Letter Word. 1958. General note Written especially for the Sands Hotel Copa Room show in Las Vegas. SX 2544 Box 878 Love is a Four Letter Word. 1958. Scope and Content Note Written especially for the Sands Hotel Copa Room show in Las Vegas. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2544. Box 878 Love is the Darndest Thing. 1946. Scope and Content Note From the show, Cross My Heart. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2545. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 469 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 878 Love is the Darndest Thing. 1946. General note From: Cross My Heart. SX 2545 Box 398 Love Is Like Oxygen. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Sweet Box 854 Love is Like a Firefly. 1937. creator: Forrest, Chet creator: Friml, Rudolf creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. creator: Harbach, Otto creator: Wright, Bob Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, "The Firefly." On cover: photograph of Jeanette Macdonald and Allan Jones. Box 909 Love is a Merry Go Round. General note Box SU 44 Box 1164 Love is King. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 920 Love Letters. General note Box SU 23 Box 554 Love Letters. 1945. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Heyman, Edward creator: Young, Victor Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Jennifer Jones and Joseph Cotton. Box 21 Love Letters In The Sand. 1931. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Kenny, Charles creator: Kenny, Nick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Joe Sandess. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 470 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 859 Love Lies. 1940. creator: Freed, Ralph creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Meyer, Joseph creator: Sigman, Carl Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Messner. Box 930 Love Lies - Love Tale of Alsace Lorraine. General note Box NS 158 Box 27 Box 27 Box 922 Love Light Bay. Love Light Bay. 1919. Love Like Crazy Original sheet music ed.. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Lee Brice. Box 857 Love Lockdown. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Kanye West Box 859 Love Locked Out. 1933. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Kester, Max creator: Noble, Ray Box 22 Love Makes The World Go Round. 1938. General note from George Black's production "These Foolish Things" Box 192 Love Makes the World Go Round. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "La Ronde." General note Two copies. Box 21 Love Me. 1929. creator: Aivaz, T. creator: Lenoir, Jean creator: Morse, Dolly creator: Publications, Francis-Day. General note from Déjà French lyrics by Jean Lenoir English lyrics by Dolly Morse Box 415 Love Me. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Yvonne Elliman Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 471 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 65 Love Me As I Am. 1951. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Caught In The Draft." Cover features photograph of Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. 2 copies. Box 65 Love Me As I Am. 1951. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Caught In The Draft." "For Professional Use Only." Box 554 Love Me Forever. 1935. creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Schertzinger, Victor Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Grace Moore. Box 1164 Love My Little Kickapoo Too. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Clock. General note On cover: photograph of Joe Cook and Jack Mclallen. Box 920 Love Me Or Leave Me. General note Box SU 23 Box 2 Love Me Tonight. 1932. General note Lyrics alos by Ned Washington. Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 415 Love Me Tonight. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Blackjack Box 65 Love Me True (Love Theme from "Cast A Giant Shadow"). 1966. General note From the United Artists motion picture "Cast A Giant Shadow." Cover features photograph of Kirk Douglas. Box 26 Box 394 Love Me With All Your Heart Cuando Calienta El Sol. 1961. Love of My Life original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01112 Universal General note SCB SZ 01-165 Box 470 Love of My Life. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-53 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 472 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 543 Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses. 1919. General note Dudley gift. Box 397 The Love She Found In Me. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Morris Box 555 Love in a Home. 1956. creator: Commander Publications. creator: de Paul, Gene creator: Mercer, Johnny Scope and Content From the original musical comedy, Li'l Abner. Box 415 Love So Right. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of the BeeGees Box 49 Love Song. 2006. General note Publisher no.: 02501091 Box 54 The Love Song from Beauty and the Beast. 1957. General note Ozalid copy. From the "Beauty and the beast", Shirley Temple television storybook series . Box 192 Love Song of the Waterfall. 1936. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance of the West." General note On cover: photograph of Eddie Dean. Box 397 A Love Song. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Anne Murray Box 397 Love Song. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of The Oak Ridge Boys Box 406 Love Song. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Lesley Duncan Box 17 Theme from "Love Story". 1970. General note Arranged for piano by John Brimhall. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 473 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 554 Love Story (Theme). 1970. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Lai , Francis creator: Mancini, Henry--Archives. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Henry Mancini. Box 858 Love Story. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Taylor Swift Box 929 Love Tales - The Lover's Waltz. General note Box NS 159 Box 397 Love That Got Away. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Firefall Box 65 Love Theme From "The Carpetbaggers". 1964. General note From the Paramount motion picture "The Carpetbaggers." Box 65 Love Theme from Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. 1955. General note From the M-G-M motion picture "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof." 2 copies. Box 397 Love the World Away. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 399 Love the One You're With. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Stephen Stills Box 406 Love To Be With You. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Doris Day. item signed by Martin Broones Box 415 Love to Love You, Baby. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Donna Summer Box 859 Love Thy Neighbor. 1934. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, We're Not Dressing. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 474 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 397 Love Will Keep Us Together. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Captain & Tennille Box 399 Love Will Get You Through Times With No Money. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of The Girls Next Door Box 415 Love Will Keep Us Together. 1978. General note on cover: orange cartoon of five-instrument band Box 878 Love Will Find a Way, They Say. 1966. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2546 Box 878 Love Will Find a Way, They Say. 1966. Scope and Content Note from the Feuer and Martin production Walking Happy General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2546 Box 878 Love Won't Let You Get Away. 1958. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2547 Box 878 Love Won't Let You Get Away. 1958. General note On cover, "As recorded by Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney for RCA Victor". SCB SX 2547. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. Box 859 Love, You Funny Thing. 1932. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Turk, Roy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Kate Smith. Box 398 Love, Reign O'er Me. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Who Box 406 Box 858 Love, Sweet Love. 1956. Lovebug. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The Jonas Brothers Box 22 The Loveliness Of You. 1937. General note from "You Can't Have Everything" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 475 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 397 Lovely Day. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 543 Lovely Lady. 1935. General note Dudley gift. Box 865 Lovely Laurie. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 47 Lovely Night to Go Dancing. 1947. General note From the Republic film, "Calendar Girl." Cover features a photograph of Jane Frazee and William Marshall. Box 58 A Lovely Night. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. 4 copies (different covers). Box 397 Lovely One. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Jacksons Box 58 Lovely Then Lonly Now. 1966. General note Them from the television program, "Death of a Salesman." Music also written by Irving Robbins. Cover features a photograph of the cast. 2 copies (1 for electric organ). Box 554 Lovely to Look At. 1935. creator: Harback, Otto creator: Kern, Jerome creator: T.B. Harms Company. Scope and Content From the RKO Radio motion picture, "Roberta." On cover: photographs of Irene Dunne, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. Box 555 Lover, Come Back to Me = Cuando Vuelvals A Mi. 1947. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Romberg, Sigmund Scope and Content From the musical romance, "The New Moon." Spanish version by Johnnie Camacho. Box 922 Lover, Lover. 1992. General note On cover: photograph of Jerrod Niemann. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 476 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 412 Lover Of The Simple Things. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of Mickey Rooney Box 397 Box 858 A Lover's Holiday. 1980. Lovers in Japan. 2008. General note on cover: red and yellow background with "Lovers in Japan" scrawled over it Box 878 Love's a Riddle. 1939. Scope and Content Note from] Swingin' the dream, a musical variation of Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2548. Box 878 Love's a Riddle. 1939. General note From Swingin the Dream, a musical variation of Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2548 Box 934 Love's A Precious Thing - Lovin' Spree. General note Box NS 160 Box 525 Box 654 Box 545 Box 547 Love's Delight. 1865. Loves Golden Star, op. 66. 1907. Love's Old Sweet Song (Just a Song at Twilight). 1924. Love's Sweet Dream. 1912. Scope and Content Note Op. 111 General note Dudley gift. Box 419 Box 6 Box 878 Lovest Thou Me (More Than These?). 1962. Loving You Has Made Me Bananas. Lovin' is Livin'. 1965. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2549 Box 878 Lovin' is Livin'. 1965. General note From the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2549 Box 935 Lovin' Starts Where Friendship Ends - Ma, I Miss Your Apple Pie. General note Box NS 161 Box 406 Loving Arms. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Sammi Smith Box 389 Loving Every Minute. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 477 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 389 Loving Every Minute. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01145 Zomba General note SCB SZ 02-09 Box 394 Loving Every Minute. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352399 Sony/ATV Songs General note SCB SZ 01-164 Box 6 Loving You Has Made Me Bananas. 1960. creator: Curtis Music Enterprises. creator: Marks, Guy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Marks. Box 415 Lowdown. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 391 Lozt Mich Leben. 1941. General note on cover: photograph of Hymie Jacobson Box 406 Box 920 Lucille. 1976. Lucille. General note Box SU 23 Box 865 Luck Be a Lady. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Guys and Dolls. Box 1115 Box 471 The Luckiest. 2001. Lucky. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00116 Box 480 Lucky 4 You. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00188 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-51 Box 406 Lucky Love. 1952. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 478 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 555 Lucky in Love. 1927. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Sylva, B.G. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Henderson, Ray Scope and Content From the collegiate musical comedy, "Good News." Box 53 The Lucky One. 1983. General note From the television program, "An Uncommon Love." Cover features a photograph of Laura Branigan. Box 415 Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds: Made Easy for Piano. 1975. General note on cover: picture of faded blue piano keyboard Box 48 Lullaby in Blue. 1956. General note From the film, "Bundle of Joy." Cover features a photograph of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Box 554 Lullaby of the Leaves. 1932. creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Petkere, Bernice creator: Young, Joe Box 525 Box 47 The Lunatic. 1844. The Lusty Month of May. 1961. General note From "Camelot." Box 413 Luv n' Haight. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Sly Stone Box 6 Luxurious. 2004. creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Isley, Ernie creator: Isley, Marvin creator: Isley, Rudolph Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gwen Stefani. Box 21 Lyin' Eyes. 1975. creator: Frey, Glenn creator: Henley, Don creator: Warner Bros. -- Archives. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Eagles. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 479 Works in English: Titles: L's. Series 12. Box 415 Lyin' Eyes. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 892 The Lesson. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Vikki Carr Box 415 The Living Sea. 1973. General note on cover: the sea Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 758 M T Pocket Blues. 1923. General note From the musical, "Dew Drop Inn." Cover features a photograph of James Barton. Box 22 M-O-T-H-E-R (A Word That Means The World To Me). 1915. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Dolan Box 543 Ma. 1921. General note Dudley gift. Box 865 Ma Blushin Rosie. 1940. Scope and Content Note From the Columbia motion picture, "Jolson Sings Again. Box 1089 Ma Corina. General note Box PS 4 Box 928 Ma Ma Loa - The Major Rings the Gong. General note Box NS 162 Box 19 Box 407 Box 413 Ma Rag Time Baby. 1898. Ma Tovu. MacArthur Park. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Donna Summer Box 415 MacArthur Park. 1975. General note on cover: faded green picture of piano keyboard Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 480 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 554 MacArthur Park. 1973. creator: Canopy Music, Inc.. creator: Webb, Jimmy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Donna Summer. Box 872 MacArthur's March: I Shall Return. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: drawing of MacArthur Box 875 MacArthur's Here Again. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of MacArthur and photographs of Ralph F. Bragg and Lt. Alice Zwicker Box 876 MacArthur The Man. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of Douglas MacArthur Box 391 Box 407 Box 415 The Maccabiah March. 1950. The Machine. 1930. Machines. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of John LiVigni Box 412 Mack the Knife: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 525 Box 580 Mackerel Catchers. 1861. Macushla Asthore: Pulse of My Heart Operatic ed.. 1919. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 16058-5 Scope and Content Note From Macushla. General note SCB SY 118486-87 Box 874 Mad. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Ne-Yo Box 415 Made to Love You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Wright Box 413 Box 398 Madman Across the Water. 1970. Madonna/Angel: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Madonna Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 481 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 922 Magic. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of B.O.B. Box 1164 Magic Boat of Dreams. 1904. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, The Queen of Laughter. Box 471 The Magic of Love. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00001 Box 905 Magic of Hawaii. General note Box SU 126 Box 878 The Magic Window. 1953. Scope and Content Note from the Paramount picture Little boy lost General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2550 Box 415 Magical Mystery Tour. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Ambrosia Box 397 Magnet and Steel. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Walter Egan Box 674 Mah Lindy Lu. 1920. General note SCB SX 2862 Box 525 Box 51 Maid of Athens. 1890?. The Maiden of Guadalupe. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 64 Maids On Parade. 1930. General note From the Universal motion picture "Captain of the Guard." "Professional Copy." Box 874 Mail Call. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 398 Box 390 Box 758 The Main Event. 1979. Main Street. 1962. The Main Street Electrical Parade. 1979. General note On item, "Theme from the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Parade." Keyword, musical. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 482 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 27 Mairzy Doats. 1943. General note On cover: photograph of Freddy Martin. Box 876 Mairzy Doats. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of The Merry Macs Box 494 Major Dad Theme. 1989. General note Publisher no.: HL00120834 Scope and Content Note From the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 91-14 Box 6 Make a Move on Me. 1981. creator: Farrar, John creator: John Farrar Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Olivia Newton John. Box 6 Box 46 Make Believe. (You Want To) Make A Memory. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353642 General note Words and music also by Richie Sambora and Desmond Child. Recorded by Bon Jovi. Box 943 Make a Circle - Mama Kicki Papa Wacki. General note Box NS 163 Box 397 Box 24 Box 6 Make A Little Magic. 1980. Make Believe. 1921. Make Believe. 1982. creator: Hudmar Publishing Co., Inc.. creator: Paich, David Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Toto. Box 25 Make Believe (You Are Glad When You're Sorry). 1949. General note On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Carmen Cavallaro Box 6 Make it Snappy. 1970. creator: Carl Fischer, Inc.. creator: Olson, Lynn Freeman Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 483 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 390 Make It With You: Easy Organ Arrangement. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Dave Kopp Box 399 Make It Better (Forget About Me). 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Petty Box 415 Make Love To Me. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Helen Reddy Box 415 Make Love To Your Mind. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 26 Make Someone Happy. 1960. General note From the motion picture "Do Re Mi" Box 758 Make Someone Happy. 1960. General note From the musical, "Do Re Mi.". Two covers feature a drawing of Phil Silvers. (Five copies, different covers.) Box 406 Make the World Go Away. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Donny and Marie Osmond Box 874 Make Way for the New Day. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1091 (Old Man Hard Times) Make Way for Kid Prsperity. General note Box SU 14 Box 878 Make With the Kisses. 1939. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2551, SX 2552 Box 878 Make With the Kisses. 1939. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2551, 2552. Box 909 Make With the Kisses. General note Box SU 44 Box 397 Make Yours A Happy Home. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight and the Pips Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 484 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 865 Box 58 Make Yourself at Home. 1929. Makin' Up For Lost Time (The Dallas Lovers' Song). 1985. General note Song written for the television program, "Dallas." Cover features photographs of Gary Morris and Crystal Gayle. Also written by Dave Loggins. Box 920 Makin' Whoopee. General note Box SU 23 Box 415 Makin' It. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of David Naughton Box 415 Makin' Love. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Poco Box 399 Makin' Up For Lost Time (The Dallas Lovers' Song). 1985. General note on cover: photographs of Garry Morris and Crystal Gayle Box 412 Makin' Whoopee!. 1928. General note From the original motion picture soundtrack "The Fabulous Baker Boys." Box 397 Making A Good Thing Better. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Olivia Newton-John Box 878 Making Believe You're Here. 1958. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2553. Box 878 Making Believe You're Here. 1958. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2553 Box 939 Mama Like You and a Pap Like Me, A. General note Box NS 164 Box 1115 Box 991 Mama's Song. 2009. Mammy's Little Coal Black Horse. General note Box SU 67 Box 6 The Man in the Iron Mask. 1988. creator: Glennie-Smith, Nicholas creator: U/A Music, Inc.. Scope and Content From the United Artists motion picture of the same title. Cast photograph on cover. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 485 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 6 The Man on the Flying Trapeze. 1933. creator: Morris Music Co.. creator: Potter, Harold Box 554 The Man on the Flying Trapeze. 1933. creator: Morris Music Co.. creator: Potter, Harold Box 940 Man on the Flying Trapeze - Many Happy Returns of the Day. General note Box NS 165 Box 878 A Man and His Music. 1965. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. Frank Sinatra on cover. SX 2554 Box 878 A Man and His Music. 1965. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. On cover, photograph of Frank Sinatra. SCB SX 2554 Box 418 The Man Between Theme. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of James Mason, Claire Bloom, and Hildegarde Neff. from the motion picture "The Man Between" Box 27 A Man Called Peter. 1955. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture of the same title. On cover: photogaphs of Richard Todd, Jean Peters and Darryl Stewart. Box 1147 Man Could Be a Wonderful Thing. General note box su 12 Box 397 Box 26 Box 922 Man Gave Names To All The Animals. 1979. The Man I Love. 1947. The Man I Want To Be. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Chris Young. Two copies (different covers.) Box 470 Man to Man. 2000. General note SCB SZ03-52 Box 876 Man to Man (Infantry Song). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photographs of soldiers in the field Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 486 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 49 The Man With The Bag. 1954. General note Publisher no.: HL00353723 General note Words and music also by Irving Taylor and Dudley Brooks. Box 878 The Man With the Golden Arm. 1955. Scope and Content Note From, "The Man With the Golden Arm." General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2555. Box 878 The Man With the Golden Arm. 1955. General note From the film of the same title. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2555 Box 21 The Man With The Mandolin. 1939. creator: Cavanaugh, James creator: Redmond, John creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. creator: Weldon, Frank Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Horace Heidt. Box 6 Manana (is Soon Enough For Me). 1948. creator: Barbour, Dave creator: Barbour-Lee Music Corporation. creator: Lee, Peggy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour. Box 543 Mandalay. 1924. General note On cover: photograph of the Abe Lyman Orchestra. Dudley gift. Box 854 Mandalay. 1924. creator: Arnheim, Gus creator: Burtnett, Earl creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Lyman, Abe Scope and Content On cover: photograph of the Abe Lyman Orchestra. Box 25 Mandolino. 1961. General note On cover: photograph of Tony Williams Box 909 Mandy is Two. General note Box SU 44 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 487 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 583 Manhattan Beggar. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118307 Box 622 Manhattan Serenade. 1930. General note Poem by Howard Johnson. SCB SY 1167 Box 944 Many Many Stars -- The Marines Hymn. General note Box NS 166 Box 19 Box 63 Maple Leaf Rag. 1899. Maracas. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." Box 397 Marathon Man. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Box 1144 Marcelina -- Momsy. General note Box NSO 14 Box 6 March of the Wooden Soldiers. 1962. creator: Clef Music Publishing Corporation. creator: Jessel, Leon Box 6 Box 53 Marche Russe. March of the Elephants. 1977. General note From the television series, "Washington Behind Closed Doors." 2 copies. Box 56 The March of the Ill Assorted Gurards. 1956. General note From the NBC Producer's Showcase television production, "Jack and the Beanstalk." Box 876 March "The Dam Busters". 1954. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of a soldier with planes flying overhead. From the Associated British motion picture "The Dam Busters" Box 643 Box 872 Marcheta (A Love Song of Old Mexico). 1913. Marching Along Together. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Barry Wood Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 488 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 872 Marching on to Victory. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey Box 876 Marching and Singing. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of female soldier singing into a microphone Box 418 Marcia Della Cinghia (Tira D'un Bus La Cinghia). 1964. General note from the motion picture "I Compagni" Box 909 Mardi Gras. General note Box SU 44 Box 397 Box 415 Margaritaville: Made Easy For Piano. 1977. Margaritaville. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmy Buffett winking Box 543 Margie. 1920. General note Dudley gift. Box 622 Margie Adair. 1922. General note SCB SY 1168 Box 6 Marianne. 1929. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Turk, Roy Box 865 Maria. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "West Side Story." Box 25 Box 471 Maria Elena. 1941. Maria Maria Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00059 Box 390 Box 399 Mariachi Band. 1964. Marianne. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Stephen Stills Box 1157 Marie. General note Box SU 9 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 489 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 555 Marie. 1928. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Irving Berlin. Box 54 Mariko. 1980. General note Love theme from the Paramount television motion picture, "Shogun." Box 6 Box 25 Box 545 Box 872 The Marine's Hymn. 1942. creator: Schaum, John W. The Marines' Hymn. 1942. The Marine's Hymn. 1919. The Marines' Hymn. 1932. General note Truesdell gift. featured in the Twentieth-Century Fox motion picture "To the Shores of Tripoli" Box 875 The Marines' Hymn. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 941 Marion - Mary's Little Boy Chile. General note Box NS 167 Box 875 Mairzy Doats. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Wendell Hall Box 507 Marooned Without You. 1990. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Joe Versus the Volcano." General note SCB SZMP90-13 Box 406 Marrakesh Express. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Crosby, Stills & Nash Box 58 Marriage Type Love. 1957. General note From the CBS television production of Rodger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella. Box 20 Box 922 Married I Can Always Get. 1956. Marry Me. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Train. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 490 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 47 Marrying for Love. 1950. General note From the motion picture, "Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen, and George Sanders. Box 177 Marshmallow Moon. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note x SX 100005, 100006 Box 555 Matchmaker. 1964. creator: Bock, Jerry creator: Harnick, Sheldon creator: Sunbeam Music, Corp.. Scope and Content From the musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." Box 6 Mary Ann. 1927. creator: Davis, Benny creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Silver, Abner Box 920 (What Are You Waiting For?) Mary. General note Box SU 23 Box 413 Box 525 Box 654 Mary Had A Little Lamb. 1972. Mary Maid Green. 1857. Mary Queen of Scots. 1907. General note Cover features a photograph of Vesta Victoria. Box 545 Box 21 Mary 'Tis Your Wedding Day. 1921. Mary's A Grand Old Name. 1932. creator: Cohan, George M. creator: Vogel Music Co., Inc.. General note from the Warner Bros. motion picture "Yankee Doodle Dandy." On cover: photographs of George M. Cohan and James Cagney. Box 48 Mary's Theme. 1979. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch and Sundance, the Early Years." Box 932 Mas Que Nada - Maybe Tomorrow. General note Box NS 168 Box 25 (Song From) "MASH". 1970. General note From the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture "MASH" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 491 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 408 Box 20 Box 6 The Mask Waltz. 1950. Massa's in de Cold, Cold Ground. 1890. The Matador. 1981. creator: Morris, Bob creator: Pfrimmer, Don creator: Pi-Gem Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sylvia. Box 909 Matador. General note Box SU 44 Box 399 Material Girl: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 494 Matlock (theme). 1991. General note Publisher no.: VS5756 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 91-19 Box 6 Mattinata. 1898. creator: G. Ricordi & Co. Inc.. creator: Marras, Mowbray creator: Panzacchi, Enrico creator: Tosti, F. Paolo Box 545 Box 905 May Day Carol. 1920. May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii. General note Box SU 126 Box 464 May It Be. 2001. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring." General note SCB SZMP 02-4 Box 26 May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 878 May the Best Man Win. 1959. Scope and Content Note From Nellie Bly. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2556 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 492 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 878 May the Best Man Win. 1959. General note From Nellie Bly. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2556 Box 20 Maybe. 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Perry Como and Eddie Fisher Box 192 Maybe. 1983. Scope and Content Note Them to the motion picture, "Romantic Comedy." General note On cover: photograph of Dudley Moore and Mary Steenburgen. Box 406 Box 554 Maybe. 1958. Maybe. 1935. creator: Flynn, Allan creator: Madden, Frank creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gene Krupa. Box 397 Maybe Baby. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Susie Allanson Box 66 Maybe God is Tryin' to Tell You Somethin'. 1986. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "The Color Purple." Box 1157 Maybe I Love You Too Much. General note Box SU 9 Box 415 Maybe I'm Amazed. 1970. General note on cover: blue and green stripes Box 991 Maybe It's the Moon. General note Box SU 67 Box 399 Maybe My Baby. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Louise Mandrell Box 27 Box 48 Maybe Sometime. 1926. Maybe This Time. 1972. General note From the motion picture, "Cabaret." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 493 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 412 Maybe That's All It Takes. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Don Williams Box 937 Maybe We'd Still Be Sweethearts - Mean Music. General note Box NS 169 Box 412 Maybe Your Baby's Got the Blues. 1987. General note on cover: photograph of The Judds Box 391 Box 1157 Mazl Tov. 1931. Me. General note Box SU 9 Box 6 Box 25 Me and My Arrow. Me And My Arrow. 1971. General note On cover: photograph of Nilsson Box 6 Me and My Arrow. 1970. creator: Dunbar Music, Inc.. creator: Nilsson Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nilsson. Box 872 Me and My Uncle Sam. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Vaughn Monroe Box 1157 Me and My Melinda. General note Box SU 9 Box 872 Me and That Old Gang of Mine. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Roy Starkey Box 406 Me Japanese Boy "I Love You". 1970. General note 2 copies Box 878 Me n You n the Moon. 1956. General note From Pardners. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2557 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 494 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 878 Me 'n' You 'n' the Moon. 1956. Scope and Content Note From, Pardners. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2557 Box 404 Me Neither. 1999. creator: Dubois, Chris creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Paisley, Brad creator: Rogers, Frank Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Brad Paisley. Box 19 Box 1115 Meadow Lark Rag. 1916. Mean. 2010. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Taylor Swift on cover. Box 25 Mean To Me. 1929. General note On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters Box 938 Mean to Me - Mellow Southern Moon. General note Box NS 170 Box 56 Meantime. 1962. General note From the television production, "Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall." Box 6 Meditation. creator: John Church Company. creator: Morrison, C.S. Box 19 Box 23 Box 525 Box 654 Medic Rag. 1910. Medley Of National Airs. 1926. Meet Me by Moonlight. 1890?. Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland. 1909. General note Cover features a photograph of Reine Davies. Box 56 Melancholy Serenade. 1954. General note Theme song from the Jackie Gleason television program. Piano edition. 2 copies (different colors). Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Box 51 Melissa. 1969. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Justine." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 495 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 21 Mello Cello. 1921. creator: Maurice Richmond Music Publishers, Inc.. creator: Moret, Neil creator: Williams, Hank Scope and Content On cover: photograph of dance team, Dorothy Dickson & Carl Hyson. Box 406 Box 933 Mellow Yellow. 1966. Melodi D'Amour - Metro Polka. General note Box NS 171 Box 63 Melody Divine. 1929. General note As sung by Carmel Meyers in the First National Vitaphone motion picture "The Careless Age" with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Box 905 Melody Moon of Hawaii. General note Box SU 126 Box 23 Melody Of Love (Hold Me In Your Arms, Dear). 1942. General note on cover: photograph of the Four Aces Box 25 Box 62 Melody Of Love. 1961. Melody of Spring. 1947. General note From the M.G.M. motion picture, "Cynthia." Cover features photographs of Elizabeth Taylor, George Murphy, S.Z. Sakall, and Mary Astor. Box 19 Box 25 Melody Rag. 1911. Memories Are Made Of This. 1955. General note On cover: photograph of Dean Martin Box 415 Memories Don't Leave Like People Do. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Jones Box 654 Box 23 Box 470 Memories of Mother. 1923. Memories Of You. 1930. A Memory Like I'm Gonna Be. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02097 General note recorded by Tanya Tucker on Tuckertime Records; Box 406 Box 872 Memphis By Mornin'. 1933. Men of Iron: Marching Song of the U.S. Armored Command. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 496 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 905 Men of Oahu. General note Box SU 126 Box 872 Men of the A.T.S. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Chris Bergman Box 469 Mendocino County Line. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-100 Box 854 Menuet (a L'Antique). 1924. creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Klickmann, F. Henri creator: Paderewski, I.J. Scope and Content Op. 14, no. 1 Box 656 Mephistopheles Galop. 1864. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1311 Box 418 Merci, Mon Ami. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Zarah Leander. from the motion picture "Premiere" Box 857 Mercy. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Aimee Duffy Box 399 Box 20 Merry Christmas!. 1979. The Merry-Go-Round Broke Down. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Russ Morgan Box 878 The Merry Go Runaround. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, Road to Bali. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2558 Box 878 The Merry Go Runaround. 1952. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount picture, "Road to Bali." General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2558. Box 47 A Merry O Cheerie Drinking Song. 1934. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Call it Luck." Box 418 Merry-Go-Round. 1971. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 497 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 583 Mess O' Dirt. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118308 Box 412 Box 875 Message to Michael. 1963. Message of Love. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 936 Mexicali Moon - Millions of Roses. General note Box NS 172 Box 390 Box 27 Box 51 Mexican Carnival. 1961. Mexican Hat Dance. 1933. Mexico. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Souther, Hillman, Furay Band Box 415 Mexico. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of James Taylor and two other musicians live in concert Box 919 Mexico City. General note Box SU 24 Box 63 Mi Vida. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." 2 copies. Box 854 Mia Bella Rosa = My Beautiful Rose. 1928. creator: Koehler, Ted creator: Magine, Frank creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 25 Michelle. 1965. General note On cover: photograph of John Lennon Box 469 The Middle. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-122 Box 909 Midnight. General note Box SU 44 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 498 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 27 Midnight Cowboy. 1969. General note From the United Artists motion picture of the same title. Box 415 The Midnight Oil. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Barbara Mandrell Box 416 Midnight Rider. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Gregg Allman Box 397 Midnight Show. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Bobby Vinton Box 413 Midnight Show. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Bobby Vinton Box 919 Midnight Waltz. General note box SU 24 Box 991 Might Blue: a Mighty Blue Blues. General note Box SU 67 Box 408 Box 554 Mighty Guys (Are Gentle Guys). 1978. Mighty Lak' a Rose. 1901. creator: John Church Company. creator: Nevin, Ethelbert creator: Stanton, Frank Box 25 Box 545 Box 494 Mighty Lak' A Rose. 1949. Mighty Lak' a Rose. 1901. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6382 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Main theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-14 Box 54 The Mighty Sons of Hercules. 1963. General note Theme music from the television series, "Sons of Hercules." Also written by Ted Lehrman, Peter Reiner. Box 23 The Mikado. 1911. General note from the collection "The Immortal Gilbert And Sullivan Operas" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 499 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 6 Mike. creator: Davis, Benny creator: Greer, Jesse creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 878 Milady. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount picture, "Mr. Music." SCB SX 2559. Box 878 Milady. 1950. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Mr. Music." Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2559 Box 876 Milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Ginny Simms and George Murphy. From the MGM motion picture "Broadway Rhythm." Box 945 Milord - Mistakes. General note Box NS 173 Box 25 Box 397 Mimi. 1932. Mind Bender. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Stillwater Box 909 Mind if I Love You. General note Box SU 44 Box 390 Box 919 Mindframes. 1988. Mindin My Business. General note Box SU 24 Box 922 Mine. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Taylor Swift. Box 21 Mine Alone. creator: Bonheur, Theo creator: London, Famous & Co.. General note no publishing date Box 48 Mine to Love. 1953. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "The Caddy." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 500 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 407 Minhog Chodosh (Naye Modes). 1940. General note 2 copies Box 397 Minstrel in the Gallery. 1975. General note on cover: Jethro Tull logo Box 406 Box 854 The Minstrel Boy. Minuet in G. 1924. creator: Beethoven, Ludwig van creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Klickmann, F. Henri Box 416 Minute By Minute. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Box 406 Box 407 Box 53 Mir Shmieden. 1928. Mir Trogen A Gesang Motto. 1931. The Miracle of Faith. 1973. General note As heard on the Oral Roberts television contact special, "Spring is Special." Box 6 Box 922 Box 46 Mischievous Pixie. Misery. 2010. Misery Business. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29048 General note Words and music also by Josh Farro. Recorded by Paramore. Box 6 Miss Misery. 1997. creator: BMG Music Publishing. creator: Smith, Elliott General note From the Miramax motion picture, "Good Will Hunting." Box 406 Miss America!. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Bert Parks Box 66 Miss Celie's Blues (Sister). 1986. General note From the Warner Bros. motion picture, "The Color Purple." Box 857 Miss Independent. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Ne-Yo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 501 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 878 Miss Jemima Walks. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount picture, "Dixie." General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2560 Box 878 Miss Jemima Walks By. 1943. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Dixie." Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2560 Box 6 Miss Me Baby. 2005. creator: Cagle, Chris creator: Powell, Monty creator: Universal Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Chris Cagle. Box 20 Box 25 Miss You. 1929. Miss You. 1929. General note On cover: photograph of Rudy Vallee Box 397 Miss You. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Rolling Stones Box 470 Miss You. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-73 Box 394 Mrs. Steven Rudy Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01075 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-215 Box 456 Mrs. Steven Rudy. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-125 Box 919 Missin Mississippi. General note Box su 24 Box 391 Box 394 Missing: Advanced Piano Solo. 1982. Missing You Orignal sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01070 Zomba General note SCB SZ 01-213 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 502 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 394 Missing You. 2000. General note Publisher no.: 02500404 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-179 Box 408 Missing You Now. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Bolton Box 19 Box 878 The Mississippi Rag. 1897. Mississippi Moon. 1958. Scope and Content Note From The Flop Parade. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2561. Box 878 Mississippi Moon. 1958. General note From The Flop Parade. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2561 Box 19 Box 946 Missouri Rag. 1907. Mister - The Moment of Truth. General note Box NS 174 Box 63 Mister Beebe. 1944. General note From the Columbia motion picture "Carolina Blues." Words and music also by Dudley Brooks. Box 494 Mr. Belvedere (Theme). 1987. General note SCB SZTV 87-12 Box 583 Mr. Berger. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118309 Box 6 Mischievous Pixie. 1959. creator: Benford, Robert T. creator: Pro Art Publications, Inc.. Box 878 Mister Booze. 1964. General note From Robin and the 7 Hoods. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2562, SX 2563 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 503 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 878 Mister Booze. 1964. Scope and Content Note From the film, "Robin and the Seven Hoods." General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2562, 2563. Box 1164 Mr. Drummer. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 878 Mister Music. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2564 Box 909 Mister Meadowlark. General note Box SU 44 Box 919 Mister Meadowlark. General note Box SU 24 Box 63 Mister Snow. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Carousel." 2 copies. Box 554 Mister Tap Toe. 1952. creator: Dehr, Richard creator: Gilkyson, Terry creator: Miller, Frank creator: Montclare Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Doris Day. Box 397 Mistrusted Love. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Mistress Box 397 Misty. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 397 Misty. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Erroll Garner Box 397 Misunderstanding. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Genesis Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 504 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 27 Mockin' Bird Hill (Tra La La TWittle Dee Dee Dee). 1949. General note On cover: photograph of Patti Page. Box 19 Mocking Bird Rag. 1912. General note on cover: photograph of Gene Greene Box 615 Grand Fantasia on the Popular Theme The Mocking Bird. 1864. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1175; 1298; 1451 Box 469 Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-79 Box 406 Box 580 Moishelach Un Schloimelach. 1941. Molley O'Malley and Me Operatic ed.. 1921. General note Publisher no.: M.W.& Sons 16518-3 Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, Love Birds. General note SCB SY 118474 Box 51 The Moment of Truth. 1984. General note From the Columbia Pictures motion picture, "The Karate Kid." Cover features a photograph of Ralph Macchio and Noriuki Morita. Lyrics also by Peter Beckett. Box 25 Moments To Remember. 1955. General note On cover: photograph of The Four Lads Box 554 Moments to Remember. 1955. creator: Allen, Robert creator: Beaver Music Publishing Corp.. creator: Stillman, Al Scope and Content On cover: photographs of The Four Lads. Box 66 Moments Like This. 1938. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Swing." Cover features photographs of George Burns, Gracie Allen, Martha Raye and Bob Hope. 2 copies (different covers). Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 505 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 942 Moments - The Moon Won't Talk. Scope and Content Note Moments: Jewels of Memory -- Moments (I Shared With You) -- Moments in the Moonlight -- Moments to Remember -- Moments With You -- Momi-lu -- Momma: Johnny Stop, Please Don't -- Mommie Dear -- Mommy -- Mommy darlin' -- Mommy Please Stay Home With Me -- Mon Homme = My Man -- Mona -- Mona Loa Rose -- Mo-na-lu -- Monastery Bells -Monavanna -- Monday Morning -- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I Love You -- Money -Money Back Guarantee -- Money Honey -- Money is the Root of All Evil -- Money, Marbles and Chalk -- Money, Money, Money -- Money Tree -- Monkey Doodle -- Monkey's on a String -- Monk's No Kin to Me -- Monna Vanna -- Monopoly -- Monsieur -- Montana -Montego Bay -- Montezuma-Land -- Montmartre Rose -- Moochi -- Mood I'm In -- Mood Indigo -- Mood That I'm In -- Moody River -- Moon -- Moon and My Love and Me -- Moon and You -- Moon and You and I -- Moon at Sea -- Moon Beams -- Moon Dear -- Moon Dream Shore -- Moon-Glow -- Moon in the Parlor -- Moon is a Silver Dollar -- Moon is Back in Business -- Moon is Grinning at Me -- Moon is High -- Moon is in the Sky -- Moon Love -Moon Mist -- Moon Nocturne -- Moon of Desire -- Moon on My Pillow -- Moon Over America -- (Give Me the) Moon Over Brooklyn -- Moon Over London -- Moon Over Montgomery -Moon Over Sun Valley -- Moon Peeps Over the Hill -- Moon River -- Moon Talk -- Moon Time -- Moon Was Yellow (and the Night Was Young) -- Moon Won't Talk. General note Box NS 175 Box 21 Mona Lisa. 1931. creator: Carter, Desmond creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Sullivan, Henry General note from John Murray Anderson's production "Bow Bells" Box 64 Mona Lisa. 1949. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Captain Carey, U.S.A." Cover features photograph of Alan Ladd and Wanda Hendrix. 10 copies. Box 555 Mona Lisa. 1949. creator: Evans, Ray creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Livingston, Jay Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Captain Carey, U.S.A." On cover: photographs of Wanda Hendrix and Alan Ladd. Box 446 Monday Morning Quarterback. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 406 Monday, Monday. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of The Mamas and the Papas Box 65 Monica (Love Theme From "The Carpetbaggers"). 1964. General note From the Paramount motion picture "The Carpetbaggers." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 506 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 51 Monkey Dance. General note Ozalid. From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Box 418 Box 446 The Monkey Song. Monkey See-Monkey Do. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Melissa Manchester Box 390 Box 406 Monkeys in the Trees. 1939. Monte Carlo or Bust!. 1969. General note on cover: stills from the motion picture "Monte Carlo or Bust!" Box 914 Monterey Oh Monterey. General note box su 114 Box 64 Montmart'. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Can-Can," starring Frank Sinatra, Shirley McLaine, Maurice Chevalier, and Louis Jordan. Box 6 Box 6 Box 554 Moon Dreams. Moonlight. Moonlight and Shadows. 1936. creator: Hollander, Frederick creator: Popular Melodies Inc.. creator: Robin, Leo Scope and Content From the Paramount Pictures motion picture, "The Jungle Princess." On cover: photographs of Dorothy Lamour, Ray Milland and Harry Bloom. Box 6 Box 878 Moonlight Revels. The Moon Came Up With a Great Idea. 1952. General note On cover: Peggy Lee. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2565 Box 878 The Moon Came Up With a Great Idea. 1952. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2565 Box 909 Moon Country (is Home to Me). General note Box SU 44 Box 1147 Moon Country (is Home to Me). General note box su 12 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 507 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 991 Moon Deer: Indian Love Song. General note Box SU 67 Box 909 Moon Dreams. General note Box SU 44 Box 6 Moon Dreams. 1928. creator: Oliver Ditson Company. creator: Strickland, Lily Box 758 Moon in My Window. 1965. General note From the musical, "Do I Hear a Walt?" Three copies (different covers). Box 909 Moon in the Mulberry Tree. General note Box SU 44 Box 27 Box 24 Box 905 Moon Love. 1939. Moon Mist. 1935. Moon of Hawaii. General note Box SU 126 Box 1145 Moon of Japan -- My Land. General note Box NSO 15 Box 905 Moon of Waikiki. General note Box SU 126 Box 914 Moon Over Monterey. General note box su 114 Box 24 Box 555 Moon River. 1961. The Moon Shines on the Moonshine. 1920. creator: Bowers, Robert Hood creator: DeWitt, Francis creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bert Williams in blackface. Box 25 Box 948 Moon-Marketing. 1924. The Moonbeam Express - Moonlight on the Mississippi. General note Box NS 176 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 508 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 854 Moonbeam Kiss Her For Me. 1927. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Walter Pontius. Box 446 Moondance. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Van Morrison Box 878 Moonflowers. 1952. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount picture, "Road to Bali." General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2566. Box 878 Moonflowers. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Road to Bali." Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2566 Box 878 Moonflowers. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Road to Bali." Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2566 Box 21 Moonglow. 1934. creator: DeLange, Eddie creator: Hudson, Will creator: J.R. Lafleur & Son, Ltd.. creator: Mills, Irving General note on cover: photograph of Valaida Box 408 Box 878 Moonglow. 1934. Moonland: a fantasy. 1939. General note From Swingin' the Dream. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2567 Box 878 Moonland: a fantasy. 1939. Scope and Content Note From: Swingin' the dream, a musical variation of Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2567 Box 6 Moonlight. 1924. creator: Conrad, Con creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Freidlander, Wm. B. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 509 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 22 Moonlight And Roses. 1926. General note adapted from Edwin H. Lemare's "Andantino In D-Flat" Box 24 Moonlight And Roses. 1924. General note on cover: photograph of Madam Bernice De Pasquale Box 654 Moonlight and Roses. 1925. General note Also written by Neil Moret. Cover features a photograph of Herb Weidoft. Box 543 Moonlight and Roses (Brings Mem'ries of You). 1925. General note Dudley gift. Box 51 Moonlight and Shadows. 1936. General note Also written by Frederick Hollander. From the Paramount motion picture, "The Jungle Princess." Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Lamour and Ray Milland. 2 copies. Box 545 Moonlight and Shadows. 1936. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture, "The Jungle Princess." General note On cover: photograph of Dorothy Lamour and Ray Milland. Box 878 Moonlight Becomes You. 1942. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2568 Box 878 Moonlight Becomes You. 1942. Scope and Content Note As sung in the Paramount picture Road to Morocco General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2568, 2569 Box 878 Moonlight Becomes You. 1942. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2568 Box 878 Moonlight Becomes You. 1942. General note As sung in the Paramount motion picture, Road to Morocco. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2568, SX 2569 Box 905 Moonlight in Hilo. General note Box SU 126 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 510 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 991 Moonlight in Maryland. General note Box SU 67 Box 905 Moonlight in Waikiki. General note Box SU 126 Box 21 Moonlight On The Colorado. 1930. creator: King, Robert A. creator: Moll, Billy creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 25 Box 412 Moonlight On the Colorado. 1957. Moonlight on Water. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Laura Branigan Box 947 Moonlight on the Nile - Mother Dear. General note Box NS 177 Box 543 Moonlight on the Ganges. 1953. General note Dudley gift. Box 6 Moonlight Revels. 1922. creator: Andre, Claude creator: Theodore Presser Co.. Box 6 (There Ought to be a) Moonlight Savings Time. 1931. creator: Kahal, Irving creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Richman, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Harry Richman. Box 446 Moonlighting. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Leo Sayer Box 654 Box 19 Box 51 Moonlit Waters. 1927. Moonshine Rag. 1916. Moonshine Over Kentucky. 1938. General note From the motion picture, "Kentucky Moonshine." Cover features photographs of Tony Martin, Marjorie Weaver, Slim Summerville, John Carradine, and Wally Vernon. 2 copies. Box 66 Moonstruck. 1933. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Humor." 2 copies (different covers). Box 406 Moose March. 1921. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 511 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 19 Box 1164 Moose Rag. 1908. Mootching Along (at the Cotton Ball). 1914. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 6 More. 1956. creator: Alstone, Alex creator: Glazer, Tom creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 6 More. 1962. creator: Anthony, Lawrence creator: Ciorciolini, M. creator: Newell, Norman creator: Oliviero, N. creator: Ortolani, R. General note Theme from the film "Mondo Cane." For piano four hands. Box 1115 Box 471 More. 2010. More Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00067 Box 64 More And More. 1944. General note From the Universal motion picture "Can't Help Singing." Cover features a photograph of Deanna Durbin and Robert Paige. Box 416 More And More. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Carly Simon Box 25 More Than Yesterday. 1945. General note On cover: photograph of Vaughn Monroe Box 46 More Than A Memory. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29112 General note Words and music also by Lee Bruce and Kyle Jacobs. Box 390 More Than Physical. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Bananarama Box 390 More Than Words Can Say: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1990. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 512 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 394 More Than That Orignal sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01066 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-180 Box 394 More Than That. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352349 Sony/ATV General note SDB SZ 01-214 Box 446 More Than I Can Say. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Leo Sayer Box 446 More Than Just the Two of Us. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Sneaker Box 469 More Than a Woman. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-80 Box 878 More Than Likely. 1962. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2570 Box 878 More Than Likely. 1962. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2570 Box 878 More Than One Way. 1965. Scope and Content Note Theme theme from Skyscraper, the new musical comedy . General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2571. Box 878 More Than One Way. 1965. General note Theme from Skyscraper. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2571 Box 865 Box 390 Box 399 Box 406 El Morenito = Dark Eyed Lover. 1934. Morning and Evening. 1990. Morning Has Broken. 1971. The Morning After the Night Before (The Morning After the Dance). 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Margie Coates Box 416 Box 446 Morning Has Broken. 1971. Morning Has Broken: Made Easy For Piano. 1971. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 513 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 909 Morning Star. General note Box SU 44 Box 1080 Morning Air -- Omeomi. General note Box PS 10 Box 416 The Morningside of the Mountain. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Donny & Marie Osmond Box 25 Box 1091 Morocco. 1938. Mose. General note Box SU 14 Box 446 The Most Beautiful Girl. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 580 Most Gentlemen Don't Like Love. 1938. General note SCB SY 118409 Box 480 Most Girls. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352210 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-10 Box 24 Box 54 The Most Happy Fella. 1956. The Most Wonderful Day of the Year. 1964. General note From the Videocraft television musical spectacular "Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer." Box 6 M-O-T-H-E-R (A Word That Means the World to Me). 1943. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Morse, Theodore Box 654 Box 413 Mother. 1922. Mother Earth. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Rush Box 869 Mother Goose is So Old Fashioned - Mussolini's Letter to Hitler. General note Box NS 178 Box 26 Box 27 Mother Machree. 1910. Mother Machree. 1910. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 514 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 854 Mother Machree. 1910. creator: Ball, Ernest R. creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Olcott, Chauncey creator: Young, Rida Johnson Box 192 Mother Never Told Me Why. 1941. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rookies on Parade." General note On cover: photograph of Bob Crosby, Ruth Terry, Gertrude Niesen and Eddie Foy, Jr. Box 27 Box 406 Mother of Pearl. 1920. Mothers of America (You Have Done Your Share!). 1918. General note on cover: photograph of Eva Tanguay Box 854 Mother's Croon, A. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. creator: Walt, Edward J. Box 413 Motorcycle Mama. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Sailcat Box 6 Mountains. 1930. creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. creator: Rasbach, Oscar Box 22 Box 49 The Mountaineers. 1909. Mountains. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL0353525 General note Words and music also by Paul Nelson and Richie McDonald. Recorded by Lonestar. Box 192 The Mounties. 1924. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On covers: photographs of Ann Blythe, Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas; Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Box 192 The Mounties. 1924. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On cover: photograph of Ann Blyth, Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas. Box 399 Move Away. 1986. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 515 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 872 Move It Over. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 877 Move It Over. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Geraldo Box 456 Move On. 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352276 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-89 Box 416 Move Your Boogie Body. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Bar-Kays Box 19 Box 446 Movie Rag. 1913. Mozambique. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Dylan Box 878 Mr. & Mrs. Nobody. 1951. General note On cover: Bing Crosby. Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SX 2572 Box 878 Mr. & Mrs. Nobody. 1951. Scope and Content Note On cover, photograph of Bing Crosby. General note Part of the Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2572. Box 1147 Mr. Bluebird. General note box su 12 Box 875 Mr. Tojo We're Coming. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Mr. and Mrs. America. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of a soldier and a couple exchanging war bonds Box 446 Mr. D.J.. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of T.G. Sheppard Box 419 Mr. Military Man. 1943. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 516 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 875 Mud In His Ears. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 483 Mud on the Tires. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352864 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-100 Box 622 Muddy Mississippi Line. 1969. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy General note SCB SY 1169 Box 25 Box 1089 Mujer (Cancion Criolla). 1964. Mujer Perjura. General note Box PS 4 Box 57 Multiplicity (I am What People Think of Me). 1978. General note Lyrics also by Dan Witt. As heard on the television special, "Benji's Very Own Christmas Story." Cover features a photograph of Benji. Box 494 Murphy Brown. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6375 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note End credit theme to the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-2 Box 446 Muscles. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Jackson Box 6 Muskrat Ramble. 1937. creator: Haggart, Bob creator: Melrose Music Corp.. creator: Ory, E. Box 406 Music. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Carole King Box 854 Music Box. creator: Century Music . creator: Liebich, I. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 517 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 406 Music Box Dancer: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Mills Box 554 Music Box Dancer. 1979. creator: Mills, Frank creator: Music Box Dancer Publications, Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Frank Mills. Box 413 Music Everywhere. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Tufano/Giammarese Box 909 Music From Across the Sea. General note Box SU 44 Box 1091 Music in the Moonlight. General note Box SU 14 Box 399 Music is Love. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of David Crosby Box 413 Box 543 The Music Never Stopped. 1975. The Music Stopped. 1943. General note Dudley gift. Box 24 Box 24 Box 6 Box 416 Music To Watch Girls By. 1967. Music, Maestro, Please!. 1938. Muskrat Ramble. Muskrat Love. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of America Box 6 Must Be Nice. 2005. creator: Jennings, Lyfe creator: Sony/ATV Tunes. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lyfe Jennings. Box 950 Must Have You - My Blue Moon. General note Box NS 179 Box 416 Must Of Got Lost. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of the J. Geils Band Box 6 My Blue Danube. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 518 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 7 Box 394 My Reverie. My Baby. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352345 Jobete General note SCB SZ 01-216 Box 878 My Baby Loves to Swing. 1962. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2573 Box 909 My Baby Likes to Be-Bop (and I Like to Be-Bop Too). General note Box SU 44 Box 919 My Baby Just Cares For Me. General note Box SU 24 Box 1091 My Baby is Driving Me Wild. General note Box SU 14 Box 446 Box 177 My Baby's Baby. 1979. My Beloved. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note X SX 100007, 100008 Box 876 My Beloved is Rugged. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Donna Dae Box 919 My Best Girl. General note Box SU 24 Box 1157 My Bird of Paradise. General note Box SU 9 Box 758 My Blackbirds are Bluebirds Now. 1938. General note Cover features a photograph of Robbins & Jewett. From the musical, "Doin' Nuttin." Box 555 My Blackbirds are Bluebirds Now. 1928. creator: Caesar, Irving creator: Friend, Cliff creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jack Osterman. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 519 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 6 My Blue Danube. 1932. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Strauss, Johann, II Box 622 My Blue Ridge Mountain Home. 1927. General note SCB SY 1170 Box 21 My Blue Heaven. 1927. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Whiting, George General note on cover: photograph of Gene Austin Box 919 My Blue Heaven = Un Coin de Ciel Bleu. General note BOX SU 24 Box 954 My Blue Ridge Mountain Home - My Cookie and Me. General note Box NS 180 Box 872 My Bomber and I. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 483 My Boo. 2004. General note Publisher no.: HL00352849 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-101 Box 876 My British Buddy. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of two soldiers Box 654 Box 914 My Cabin in the Desert. 1945. My California. General note box su 114 Box 914 My California. General note box su 114 Box 914 My California Home. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 520 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 914 My California Moon. General note box su 114 Box 914 My California Paradise by the Sea. General note box su 114 Box 914 My California Rose. General note box su 114 Box 654 Box 21 My Canoe (Indian Song). 1935. My Castles In The Air Are Tumbling Down. 1919. creator: C.C. Church & Co.. creator: Lamb, Arthur J. creator: Polla, William Box 65 My Cavalier (El Caballero). 1928. General note Theme song from the motion picture "The Cavalier." Box 406 My Cherie Amour. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Stevie Wonder Box 1147 My Christmas Song For You. General note box su 12 Box 955 My Country - My First Sweetheart. General note Box NS 181 Box 654 (Tia Da Da Tia Da Da) My Croony Melody. 1914. General note On cover, "Adapted from the popular Maxixe." Cover features a photograph of Hendricks and Padula. Box 26 My Cup Runneth Over. 1966. General note From the motion picture "I Do! I Do!" Box 494 My Dad Can't Be Crazy Can He: Nicky's Theme. 1989. General note Publisher no.: 8236MSMX Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program. General note SCB SZTV 91-3 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 521 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 875 My Daddy (You're Just My Daddy To Me). 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 26 My Dancing Lady. 1933. General note From the MGM production "Dancing Lady" Box 654 Box 554 My Darling. 1927. My Darling, My Darling. 1948. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Loesser, Frank Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "Where's Charley?" On cover: drawing of Ray Bolger. Box 914 My Darling She Won't Come to California. General note box su 114 Box 525 Box 654 Box 27 Box 875 My My My My Dear Old Home. 1855. Dear. 1933. Dream of Tomorrow. 1943. Dream of Tomorrow. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 878 My Dream Sonata. 1956. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2574 Box 905 My Dream Girl of Honolulu. General note Box SU 126 Box 406 My Elusive Dreams. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Jones Box 878 My English Into French Dictionary. 1958. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2575 Box 480 My Everything original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01003 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-52 Box 419 Box 416 My Faith Still Holds. 1972. My Father's Song. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Barbra Streisand Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 522 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 494 My Favorite Year Original sheet music ed.. 1982. Scope and Content Note Featured in the daytime drama, "Santa Barbara." General note SCB SZTV 89-8 Box 446 My Feet Keep Dancing. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Chic Box 446 My First Day Without Her. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Dennis Yost Box 922 Box 855 My First Kiss. 2010. My Flame Went Out Last Night - My Heart Stops. General note Box NS 182 Box 991 My Foolish Heart. General note Box SU 67 Box 416 Box 23 My Forbidden Lover. 1979. My Friend. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of "Eddie" from "Coke Time" Box 464 My Funny Friend and Me. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352238 Wonderland General note From the motion picture, "The Emperor's New Groove." SCB SZMP 01-7, SCB SZMP 01-29 Box 464 My Funny Valentine. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352238 Wonderland General note SCB SZMP 01-29 Box 991 My Future Just Passed. General note Box SU 67 Box 23 Box 865 (Oh Gee Say Gee You Ought To See) My Gee Gee From The Fiji Isles. 1920. My Gentle Young Johnny. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 914 My Golden California. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 523 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 58 My Goose is Cooked. 1957. General note As featured in the C.B.S. Television series, "December Bride." Cover features a photograph of Joel Grey. Also written by Lee Wainer. Box 66 My Grandfather's Clock in the Hallway. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Collegiate." 2 copies. One cover features a photograph of Joe Penner, Jack Oakie, Ned Sparks and Frances Langford. Box 876 My Guy's Come Back. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Geraldo Box 876 My Guy's Come Back. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Benny Goodman Box 483 My Happy Ending. 2004. General note Publisher no.: HL00352829 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-102 Box 905 My Hawaiian. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 My Hawaiian Home. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 My Hawaiian Song of Love. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 My Hawaiian Song of Love. General note Box SU 126 Box 905 My Hawaiian Souvenirs. General note Box SU 126 Box 554 My Heart Cries For You. 1950. creator: Faith, Percy creator: Massey Music Company, Inc.. creator: Sigman, Carl Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dinah Shore. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 524 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 47 My Heart Isn't In It. 1942. General note Artist copy. From the Columbia picture, "Calling All Stars." Box 469 My Heart is Lost to You. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-123 Box 862 My Heart Tonight is Somewhere in France -- My Little Girl. General note Box NS 183 Box 878 My Heart Goes Crazy. 1946. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 3576, 2577 Box 878 My Heart Goes Crazy. 1946. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 3576, 2577, 2578 Box 878 My Heart is a Hobo. 1947. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture, Welcome Stranger. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2579 Box 878 My Heart's Wrapped Up in Ghingham. 1944. Scope and Content Note From: And the Angels Sing. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2580 Box 919 My Heart and I Decided. General note Box SU 24 Box 905 My Hilo Girl. General note Box SU 126 Box 419 Box 905 Box 991 My Home Is In A Southern Town. 1938. My Honolulu Sweetheart. My Ideal. General note Box SU 67 Box 1147 My Introduction to Love. General note box su 12 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 525 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 654 My Irish Molly O. 1905. General note On cover, "As sung by Miss Blanche Ring of the Frank Daniels Comic Opera Co. in Chas. B. Dillingham's Production of the musical farce, "Sergeant Brue." Cover features a photograph of Blanche Ring. Box 25 Box 63 My Isle Of Golden Dreams. 1939. My Joe. 1943. General note From the Otto Preminger motion picture "Carmen Jones." Box 878 My Kind of Town. 1964. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2581, 2582 Box 878 My Kind of Town. 1964. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture: Robin and the Seven Hoods. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2581, 2582 Box 922 My Kinda Party. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Jason Aldean. Box 580 My Land. 1919. General note Publisher no.: M.W.&Sons 11407-3 Scope and Content Note From Macushla. General note SCB SY 118488-89 Box 49 My Last Name. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352745 General note Words and music also by Harley Allen. Recorded by Dierks Bentley. Box 545 Box 858 My Life and Thine. 1907. My Life Would Suck Without You. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Kelly Clarkson Box 858 My Life Would Suck Without You. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Kelly Clarkson Box 21 My Lips Tell The World It's All Over (But My Heart Says "I Still Love You"). 1931. creator: Friend, Cliff creator: Olman Music Corporation. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 526 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 469 My List. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-99 Box 25 (Won't You Ride In) My Little Red Wagon. 1948. General note On cover: photograph of Dick Thomas Box 545 Box 861 My Little Girl. 1915. My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii - My Melancholy Baby. General note Box NS 184 Box 861 My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii - My Melancholy Baby. General note Box NS 184 Box 919 My Little Bimbo: Down on the Bamboo Isle. General note Box SU 24 Box 12 Box 56 My Lov'd One, Rest. 1908. My Love Song to You. 1954. General note Introduced on the Jackie Gleason television show. Cover features photographs of Jackie Gleason and Bob Manning. Box 480 My Love Goes On and On original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00171 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-37 Box 878 My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose. 1959. General note Publisher no.: SH 4283-3 Scope and Content Note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, Jules Verne's Journey to the center of the Earth. General note Jules Verne's Journey to the center of the Earth SCB SX 2583 Box 1164 My Love is For Thee. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 554 My Mad Moment. 1930. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Whiting, Richard A. Scope and Content From the Paramount Publix motion picture, "Let's Go Native." On cover: photographs of Jack Oakie and Jeanette MacDonald. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 527 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 919 My Mammy: the Sun Shines East, the Sun Shines West. General note Box SU 24 Box 1091 My Mammy's Tears. General note Box SU 14 Box 919 My Man From Caroline. General note Box SU 24 Box 872 My Man in the Service. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 953 My Melody of Love - My Pet. General note Box NS 185 Box 865 My Miss Mary. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Tenderloin." Box 21 My Missouri Home. 1930. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Little, Little Jack Box 919 My Mom. General note Box SU 24 Box 2 My Mother's Waltz. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 20 My Mother's Waltz. 1945. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 57 My Mother's Weddin' Day. 1947. General note From the ABC television program, "Brigadoon." Cover features a photograph of Robert Goulet. Box 865 Box 408 Box 416 My Mother. 1946. My Music Book. 1978. My Music. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Loggins & Messina Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 528 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Mysterious Mister Zilch. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 919 My Nanky Panky Poo. General note Box SU 24 Box 27 My Ohio Home. Scope and Content Note With ukulele and banjo-uke. Box 654 Box 6 My Old Home Church. 1927. My Old Friend. 2004. creator: BMG Music Publishing. creator: McEwan, Steve creator: Wiseman, Craig Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tim McGraw. Box 909 My Old Man. General note Box SU 44 Box 25 Box 876 My One And Only Love. 1953. My Own America. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Barry Wood Box 51 My Own Home (Jungle Book Theme). 1966. General note From the Walt Disney motion picture, "The Jungle Book." Box 876 My Own United States. 1919. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of a bald eagle carrying a red white and blue ribbon in its talons Box 622 My Pal of Sigma Nu. 1925. General note SCB SY 1171 Box 483 My Perogative Orignal sheet music ed.. 1988. General note Publisher no.: PVM04087 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-103 Box 22 Box 952 My Piano-Accordion. 1936. My Picture of Love -- My Sorority Sweetheart. General note Box NS 186 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 529 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 418 Box 20 My Pledge. 1938. My Prayer. 1939. General note on cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 1164 My Rainbow Girl. 1918. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "The Rainbow Girl." Box 58 My Red Riding Hood. 1965. General note From the ABC television musical comedy special, "The Dangerous Christmas of Red Riding Hood." 2 copies. Box 1147 My Resistance is Low. General note box su 12 Box 7 My Reverie. 1938. General note Melody based on Claude Debussy's "Reverie". Cover features photograph of an artist, probably Larry Clinton. Box 21 My Road. 1924. creator: Connelly, Marc creator: Gensler, Lewis E. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Kaufman, George S. General note from the Wilmer &; Vincent musical "Be Yourself." Box 991 (Where is) My Rose of Waikiki. General note Box SU 67 Box 1162 My Sacrifice. General note SCB NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sahara Rose. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sailor Boy. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sally (Just the Same). General note Box NSPC 58 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 530 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Scanidnavian Gal. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Schoolday Sweetheart. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Seashore Girl. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sentimental Heart. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 25 My Serenade. 1957. General note On cover: photograph of The Platters Box 1162 My Serenade. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 446 Box 1162 My Sharona. 1979. My Shawl. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 876 My Shining Hour. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Fred Astaire and Joan Leslie. From the R.K.O. motion picture "The Sky's the Limit" Box 406 My Shy Violet. 1968. General note on cover: drawings of the Mills Brothers Box 1162 My Silent Love. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 854 My Silent Love. 1932. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Heyman, Edward creator: Suess, Dana Box 1154 My Silent Mood. General note Based upon Recollection of Music by Chopin. Box SU 4 Box 1154 My Silent Mood. 1939. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 531 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Sin. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 20 Box 27 My Sister and I. 1941. My Sister and I. 1941. General note Inspired by the best seller of the same title, by Dirk van der Heide. Box 1162 My Sister and I. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 878 My Six Loves. 1958. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture of the same title. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2584, 2585 Box 878 My Six Loves. 1958. General note Part of: Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2585 Box 1162 My Skylark Love. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 406 Box 1162 My Soldier of the Sky. 1944. My Soldier Boy. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sombrero. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Son Bill. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1154 My Song For You. Scope and Content Note Based upon Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Box 1162 My Song For You. 1942. My Song My Love. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 406 My Soul is a Witness. 1971. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 532 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 951 My Spanish Bird of Paradise - My Wishing Song. General note Box NS 187 Box 406 Box 1162 My Special Angel. 1954. My Spies Tell Me. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Star and Sun. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Stormy Weather Pal. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Stradivarious (You Make Me Laugh, You Make Me Cry). General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sugar Is So Refined. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 47 My Sugar is So Refined. 1946. General note From "Calypso Heat Wave." Box 909 My Sugar is So Refined. General note Box SU 44 Box 1162 My Sugar Takes Me With a Grain of Salt. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Summer Girl and I. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sunday Baby. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sunflower Sue. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 543 My Sunny Tennessee. 1921. General note Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 533 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 854 My Sunny Tennessee. 1921. creator: Kalmar, Bert creator: Ruby, Harry creator: Ruby, Herman creator: Waterson, Berliin & Snyder Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Eddie Cantor. From the production of The Midnight Rounders of 1921. Box 21 My Sunshine Rose. 1920. creator: C.C. Church & Co.. creator: Lefavre, Jean creator: Polla, William Box 1162 My Swanee Home. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 63 My Sweet Helene.. 1929. General note As sung by Carmel Meyers in the First National Vitaphone motion picture "Careers." Box 416 My Sweet Lady. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Cliff DeYoung Box 654 Box 1157 My Sweet. 1926. My Sweetie. General note Box SU 9 Box 1162 My Sweet. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweet Little Music Box. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweet Sicilian Maid. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweet Swiss Sweetie. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweet Tooth Says I Wanna. General note Box NSPC 58 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 534 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Sweet Virginia. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweetheart Serenade. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Sweetie Turned Me Down. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Swiss Girl. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Tell Tale Heart. General note SCB NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Tell Tale Heart. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Temptation. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Thrill. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Tia Juana Juanita. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Time is Your Time. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Time Will Come Some Day. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Topic of Conversation. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1154 My Tormented Heart. General note Box SU 4 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 535 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1154 My Tormented Heart. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Sarah Vaughan Box 914 My Tournament Queen: Tournament of Roses Song. General note box su 114 Box 1162 My Treasures. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Troubles Are Over. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Truly Truly Fair. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 12 My Twilight Song. 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Eve Young. Box 1154 My Twilight Dream. Scope and Content Note Based on Chopin's Nocturne in E flat. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 My Twilight Dream. 1939. General note three copies Box 1162 My Two Front Teeth. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 876 My U.S.A.. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of a bald eagle carrying American flags Box 62 My Universe is You. 1932. General note From the Unity Pictures motion picture, "The Crossing." Cover features a photograph of George K. ARthur. Box 1162 My Very Good Friend the Milkman. General note Box NSPC 58 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 536 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Victory. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 905 My Wahine and Me. General note Box SU 126 Box 21 My Wandering Fiddle Man. 1920. creator: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Ltd.. creator: Hazell, Rupert General note from the revue, "Jig-Saw." Box 1162 My Wedding Day. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Weeping Willow's Smiling Just For Me. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Whistle Won't Be Dry. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Whole Day is Spoiled. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 27 My Wife is on a Diet. 1929. General note On cover: photograph of Charles Tobias. Box 1157 My Wife's Gone to the Country: Hurrah Hurrah. General note Box SU 9 Box 26 Box 1162 My Wild Irish Rose. 1899. My Wild Irish Rose. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Wild Irish Rose of Killarney. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 543 My Window of Dreams. General note Cover only. Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 537 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 1162 My Wish Came True. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Wishing Song. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Woman. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 413 My World. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 1162 My Wubba Dolly. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Young and Foolish Heart. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Ziegfeld Follies Girl. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 My Zulu Lu. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 1162 Mysterious Tango. General note Box NSPC 58 Box 25 The Mystery Of You. 1957. General note On cover: photograph of The Platters. 2 copies. Box 494 Mystery. 1980. General note Publisher no.: HL00292019 Scope and Content Note Theme from the PBS television series. General note SCB SZTV 92-9 Box 1162 Mysterious Night. General note Box NSPC 58 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 538 Works in English: Titles: M's. Series 13. Box 464 Mystic River Theme Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note SCB SZMP04-1 Box 1154 No Greater Love. 1941. General note two copies, different covers Box 25 (You've Got) The Magic Touch. 1956. General note On cover: photograph of The Platters. 2 copies. Box 25 The Men Behind The Man Behind The Gun. 1942. General note On cover: photographs of the American Theatre Wing Box 25 Box 494 The Moon Was Yellow (El Amor Llamo). 1947. Wings (Main Title) original sheet music edition. 1991. General note Publisher no.: 2895WSMX Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 91-9 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 991 No. General note Box SU 67 Box 391 19th Nervous Breakdown. 1966. General note on cover: photograph of The Rolling Stones Box 407 Box 406 Box 16 Na-A-Le Leartzenu (On To Our Land). 1935. A Nacht. 1952. Nadia's Theme (The Young and the Restless). 1971. General note Also by Perry Botkin, Jr. Box 398 Nadia's Theme (The Young and the Restless): Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 398 Nadia's Theme (The Young and the Restless): Piano Solo Arrangement. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 539 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 6 Naked. 2005. creator: Babbs, Durrell creator: Dixon, Antonio creator: EMI April Music Inc.. creator: Thomas, Damon Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Marques Houston. Box 878 Name it and it's Yours. 1961. General note Publisher no.: 3027-3 General note Part of: Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2586 Box 580 The Name of Kelly. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118422-24 Box 580 The Name of Kelly. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118422-23 Box 991 Nan O'Shanter. General note Box SU 67 Box 650 Nancy Till Schottisch. 1853. General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1228 Box 650 Nancy Till Schottisch. 1853. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1228 Box 878 Nancy (With the Laughing Face). 1944. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2587 Box 878 Nancy (With the Laughing Face). 1944. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2587, 2588 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 540 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 494 The Nanny Named Fran original sheet music edition. 1993. General note Publisher no.: 6753NSMX CPP/Belwin Scope and Content Note From the television program, "The Nanny." General note SCB SZTV 94-12 Box 16 Box 23 Box 23 Narcissus. 1891. Nature Boy. 1948. Nature Boy. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Eden Ahbez Box 25 Box 1091 Nature Boy. 1948. Nay Nay Neighbor. General note Box SU 14 Box 1154 Near To You. Scope and Content Note Based in Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Box 23 Near To You. 1946. Near You. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Francis Craig Box 25 Near You. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Francis Craig Box 25 Box 1147 The Nearness Of You. 1937. Nearness of You. General note box su 12 Box 654 Box 959 Neath the Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Marie. 1907. Nebraska Moon - New Kid in Town. General note Box NS 189 Box 446 The Need To Be. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Weatherly Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 541 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 464 Need to be Next to You Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00152 Warner Bros. General note From the motion picture, "Bounce." SCB SZMP 01-2 Box 23 Box 415 Need You. 1949. Need You Bad. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ted Nugent Box 858 Need You Now. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum Box 878 Nellie Bly. 1959. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2589 Box 580 Nellie Kelly I Love You. 1922. Scope and Content Note From, "Little Nellie Kelly." General note SCB SY 118425-28 Box 20 Nesting Time. 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Arthur Gutou Box 922 Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Scope and Content Note From the Twilight Saga Eclipse motion picture soundtrack. Box 399 Never. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Heart Box 413 Never Been To Spain. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Three Dog Night Box 446 Never Be The Same. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Christopher Cross Box 858 Never Far Away. 2008. General note on cover: photographs of Jim Brickman and Rush of Fools Box 413 Never Gonna Fall In Love Again. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 542 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 415 Never Gonna Fall In Love Again: made easy for piano. 1976. General note on cover: indeterminate purple art Box 1115 Box 456 Never Gonna Leave This Bed. 2010. Never Had a Dream Come True. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-126 Box 471 Never Let You Go. 1999. General note SCB SZ 00 63 Box 471 Never Let You Go. 1999. General note SCB SZ00-63 Box 390 Never Met A Man I Didn't Like: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1991. General note from the motion picture "The Will Rogers Follies: A Life in Revue" Box 416 Never My Love. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of Blue Swede Box 446 Never My Love. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of The Addrisi Brothers Box 858 Never Say Never. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of The Fray Box 1115 Never Say Never. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Justin Bieber. Box 51 Never Swat a Fly. 1930. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Cover features a photograph of El Brendel. 2 copies Box 51 Never Swat a Fly. 1930. General note Also by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Ukelele arrangement. Artist copy. From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Box 51 Never Swat a Fly. General note Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Ozalid copy. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 543 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 51 Never Swat a Fly. 1930. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Box 57 Never to Know. 1955. General note As introduced on the television program, "Appointment with Adventure." Cover features a photograph of Denise Lor. Box 391 The Never Ending Story. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Limahl Box 446 Nevertheless. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Allman Brothers Band Box 554 Nevertheless (I'm in Love With You). 1931. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Kalmar, Bert creator: Ruby, Harry Scope and Content From the MGM motion picture, "Three Little Words." On cover: photographs of Fred Astaire, Rred Skelton, Vera-Ellen and Arlene Dahl. Box 20 Box 469 New Big-Note Song Hits. 1950. A New Day Has Come. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-81 Box 858 New Divide. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Linkin Park Box 413 New Girl Now. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Honeymoon Suite Box 416 Box 863 New Kid In Town. 1977. A New Kind of Man - Night Shades. General note Box NS 190 Box 65 A New Love Is Old. 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. Box 1091 New Moon and an Old Serenade. General note Box SU 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 544 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 1147 New Orleans. General note box su 12 Box 12 The New soft Shoe. 1952. General note Also composed by Dave Ringle. Box 872 A New Train in the Sky. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo Box 914 New Year's Day in Passadena. General note box su 114 Box 446 Box 446 New York Mining Disaster 1941. 1975. Next Time. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Fogelberg Box 878 Next Time. 1956. General note Publisher no.: 1280-3 Scope and Content Note From: The Pleasure Seekers. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2590, 2591 Box 1157 Next to Your Mother, Who Do You Love. General note Box SU 9 Box 418 Nice Cup Of Tea. 1937. General note on cover: photographs of Gitta Alpar, Binnie Hale, and Nelson Keys. from the coronation revue "Home and Beauty" Box 413 Nice To Be With You. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of The Gallery Box 408 Box 6 Nice Work If You Can Get It. 1964. Night Shadows. 1967. creator: Bilohrud, Ihor creator: Summy-Birchard Company. Box 390 Box 398 Night Clouds. 1969. Night Fever: Made Easy For Piano. 1978. General note From the motion picture "Saturday Night Fever." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 545 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 63 The Night is Filled With Music. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree." "For Professional Use Only." Box 63 The Night is Filled With Music. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree." Box 63 The Night Is Filled With Music. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree" featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. 3 copies. Box 63 The Night is Filled With Music. 1938. General note From the RKO Radio motion picture production "Carefree." "Standard Edition." Box 399 Night Moves. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Marilyn Martin Box 878 The Night of the Quarter Moon. 1959. General note Publisher no.: 1123-3 Scope and Content Note From: Night of the Quarter Moon. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2592 Box 446 The Night Owls. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band Box 25 Box 956 Night Shall Be Filled With Music. 1952. Night Shall Be Filled With Music - Ninety Nine Years. General note Box NS 191 Box 96 The Night That Rock and Roll Died (Almost). 1959. General note SCB SX 116798 Box 399 The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down. 1970. General note on cover: photograph of Joan Baez Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 546 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 878 The Night That Rock and Roll Died. 1959. General note Publisher no.: 8106-5 Scope and Content Note From: Say One For Me General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SC 2593 Box 878 The Night That Rock and Roll Died. 1959. General note Publisher no.: 8106-5 Scope and Content Note From: Say One For Me General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SC 2593, 2594 Box 65 The Night Was Made For Love. 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. 2 copies. Box 12 Box 23 The Night Wind = The Sunbeam and the Rose. 1918. The Night Wind. 1907. General note from "Five Little Tone-Stories" Box 25 Box 19 Night Wind. 1934. Nightingale Rag. 1914. General note on cover: photograph of Lester Sill Box 23 Box 547 A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. 1940. A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square. 1950. General note Dudley gift. 2 copies. Box 416 Nights Are Forever Without You. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of England Dan and John Ford Coley Box 446 Nights on Broadway. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Bee Gees Box 25 Nightshift. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of the Commodores Box 857 Nine in the Afternoon. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Panic at the Disco Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 547 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 480 911. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352235 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-23 Box 49 1973. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353706 General note Words and music also by Mark Batson. Recorded by James Blunt. Box 470 10 Somethin'. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-50 Box 414 99. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Toto Box 960 Ninon - No One Knows. General note Box NS 192 Box 857 No Air. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Jordin Sparks Box 857 No Boundaries. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Kris Allen Box 413 No Chance. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Moon Martin Box 554 No Foolin'. 1927. creator: Buck, Gene creator: Caesar, Irving creator: Friml, Rudolf creator: Hanley, James F. creator: Harms Inc.. Scope and Content From Ziegfeld's American Review of 1926 (Glorifying the American Girl). Box 397 No Fun Aloud. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Glenn Frey Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 548 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 1154 No Greater Love. Scope and Content Note Theme from Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto no. 1 General note Box SU 4 Box 471 No Me Dejes de Querer Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00114 Box 25 No Moon At All. 1949. General note on cover: photograph of Jerry Vale Box 394 No More (Baby I'ma Do Right) Orignal sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01023 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-185 Box 412 No More One Time. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Jo-El Sonnier Box 872 No More Coffee in the Pot. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1147 No More Toujours l'Amour: Hoya Hoya. General note box su 12 Box 878 No News Today. 1958. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2595 Box 854 No No NOra. 1923. creator: Erdman, Ernie creator: Fiorito, Ted creator: Kahn, Gus Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ruth Etting. Box 46 No One. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353700 General note Words and music also by Kerry Brothers, Jr. and George Harry. Recorded by Alicia Keys. Box 64 No One. 1959. General note From the motion picture "The Captain's Table." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 549 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 654 Box 958 No One Knows. 1926. No One Knows But the Red, Red Rose - Nobody Will Know But Me. General note Box NS 193 Box 1154 No Other Love. 1950. General note five copies. on cover: photograph of Jo Stafford Box 1154 No Other Love. Scope and Content Note Adapted from Chopin's Etude in E major. General note Box SU 4 Box 446 No Reply At All. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Genesis Box 446 No Secrets. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Angel City Box 469 No Such Thing. 2001. General note Publisher no.: 02500543 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 02-136 Box 858 No Surprise. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Daughtry Box 545 Box 446 Box 583 No Surrender. No Time For Talk. 1983. No Time is a Good Good Bye Time. 1967. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Here's Where I Belong." General note SCB SY 118317 Box 25 Box 446 No, No, Nora. 1923. Noah (Walk With the Lion). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 446 Nobody. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 550 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 812 Nobody But You. 1919. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "Lala Lucille." Box 6 Nobody Gonna Tell Me What to Do. 2005. creator: Mullins, Tony creator: Nichols, Tim creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. creator: Wiseman, Craig Box 1164 Nobody Knew. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 16 Box 21 Nobody Knows (And Nobody Seems to Care). 1919. Nobody Knows (And Nobody Seems To Care). 1919. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 27 Box 543 Nobody Knows (and Nobody Seems to Care). 1919. Nobody Knows (and Nobody Seems to Care). 1919. General note Dudley gift. Box 1157 Nobody Knows (and Nobody Seems to Care). General note Box SU 9 Box 456 Nobody Wants to be Lonely original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01020 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-90 Box 957 Nobody Worries Bout Me - November Rose. General note Box NS 194 Box 991 Nobody Worries Bout Me. General note Box SU 67 Box 412 Nobody's Angel. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Crystal Gayle Box 46 Nobody's Perfect. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353667 General note Words and music also by Robbie Nevil. Recorded by Hannah Montana. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 551 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 582 Nobody's Heart But Mine. 1948. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: As the Girls Go. General note SCB SY 118105 Box 16 Box 2 Box 16 Box 27 Noche de Ronda. 1935. Nola. 1915. Nola. 1959. Nola. 1916. Scope and Content Note Piano duet, four hands. Box 25 Non Dimenticar (Don't Forget). 1952. General note From the Lux Film Production "Anna" Box 19 Nonette Rag. 1912. General note on cover: photograph of Nonette Box 1154 Norah Girl (Londondery Air). General note Box SU 4 Box 854 Normandy. 1925. creator: Britt, Addy creator: Henry Waterson Inc.. creator: Little, Little Jack creator: Robinson, Russel Box 494 Northern Exposure (Main Title). 1991. General note Publisher no.: HL00120861 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 92-1 Box 878 Not as a Stranger. 1955. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2596 Box 878 Not as a Stranger. 1955. Scope and Content Note From: Not as a Stranger. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2596 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 552 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 399 Not Enough Love in the World. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Don Henley Box 416 Not Fade Away. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Tanya Tucker Box 857 Not Meant to Be. 2008. General note on cover: brown background Box 922 Not Myself Tonight. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Christina Aguilera. Box 49 Not Ready To Make Nice. 2005. General note Publisher no.: 26044 General note Words and music also by Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines and Dan Wilson. Recorded by Dixie Chicks. Box 858 Note To God. 2006. General note on cover: photograph of Charice Box 483 Nothin' But Love Makes Sense. 2004. General note Publisher no.: HL00352859 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-104 Box 922 Nothin' On You. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of B.O.B. Box 874 Nothin' To Die For. 2005. General note On cover: photograph of Tim McGraw Box 16 Nothing Else to Do (But Sit Aroud and Think About You). 1926. General note Words and music also by Joe Goodwin and Larry Shay. Cover features photograph of Louis Panico. Box 399 Nothing But Your Love Matters. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 553 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 446 Nothing to Lose. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of UK Box 483 Nothing on But the Radio Orignal sheet music ed.. 2003. General note Publisher no.: PVM04077 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-105 Box 812 Nothing More to Look Forward To. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kwamina." General note Two copies. Box 878 Nothing in Common. 1958. Scope and Content Note From: Paris Holiday. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2597, 2598 Box 408 Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 19 Box 390 Box 65 Notoriety. 1913. Notturno. 1966. Un Nouveau Sourire. 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. Box 22 Box 962 Novelty Land. 1943. Now - Numbers on the Brain. General note Box NS 195. Box 878 Now and Again. 1963. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2599 Box 390 Now I Pray For Rain. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Neal McCoy Box 2 Now is the Hour (Maori Farewell Song). 1946. General note Words and music also by Clement Scott and Dorothy Stewart. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 554 Works in English: Titles: N's. Series 14. Box 16 Now Is the Hour (Maori Farewell Song). 1913. General note Words and music also by Clement Scott and Dorothy Stewart. Cover features Bing Crosby. Box 27 Now is the Hour (Maori Farewell Song). 1946. General note On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 554 (Where Are You?) Now That I Need You. 1949. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Loesser, Frank Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "Red Hot and Blue." On cover: photograph of Betty Hutton and Victor Mature. Box 878 Now We're Getting Somewhere. 1958. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2600 Box 877 Nurise! Nursie!. 1939. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Randolph Sutton Box 967 The Nurny Song - Oh Dear! She's Wonderful, Beautiful. General note Box NS 196 Box 494 NYPD Blue. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6339 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-6 Box 469 Only a Woman Like You original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-98 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 1164 One Look, One Word. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Box 2 Box 2 O Ask of the Stars Above You. 1928. O Ask of the Stars Beloved. 1922. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 555 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 12 Box 12 Box 16 O Beauty, Passing Beauty. 1937. O Dry Those Tears. 1901. O Perfect Love (Wedding Song). 1932. General note Arranged by H. Clough-Leighter. Box 654 Box 2 Box 16 O Sammie! Get Your Gun, Right Away. 1918. O Sole Mio = My Sunshine. 1936. O Sole Mio (There's No Tomorrow). 1964. General note Special organ arrangement. Box 22 Box 525 Box 399 Box 416 Box 24 'O Sole Mio!. 1925. O Woudl I Were a Boy Again. 1840. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. 1968. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. 1968. The Object Of My Affection. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Jimmie Grier Box 25 The Object Of My Affection. 1934. General note On cover: photograph of Jimmie Grier Box 922 Obliviate Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Part I. Box 857 Obsessed. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Mariah Carey Box 47 (Dance to the Music of) The Ocarina. 1950. General note From the motion picture, "Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen and George Sanders. Box 47 (Dance to the Music of) The Ocarina. 1950. General note 2 copies. From the motion picture, "Call Me Madam." Cover features a photograph of Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Vera Ellen and George Sanders. Box 555 (Dance to the Music of) The Ocarina. 1950. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the musical, "Call Me Madam." On cover, drawing of Ethel Merman. Box 914 October in Oxnard. General note box su 114 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 556 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 21 Odds And Ends (Of A Beautiful Love Affair). 1969. creator: Bacharach, Burt creator: Blue Seas Music, Inc.. creator: David, Hal Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dionne Warwick. Box 58 Ode to Angelique. 1970. General note From the Dan Curtis television series, "Dark Shadows." Box 654 Box 654 Box 876 An Ode to Death Valley. 1928. O'er the Sea. 1955. Off to London Town. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of soldiers marching toward Big Ben Box 654 Box 389 Oh. 1948. Oh Aaron Original sheet music edition. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01127 Zomba Songs General note SCB SZ 02-08 Box 144 Oh, Benjamin Harrison. 1967. Scope and Content Note From: "The one and only, genuine, original family band" / General note SCB SX 113997. Box 64 Oh Brandy Leave Me Alone. 1949. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Captain China." Box 1164 Oh Cecilia. 1912. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Movies. Box 966 Oh Death Where is Thy Sting - Oh How I Miss You Tonight. General note Box NS 197 Box 27 Box 583 Oh Dem Golden Slippers. 1933. Oh Great God of Power. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118310 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 557 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 26 Oh Helen!. 1918. General note On cover: photograph of Henry Lewis Box 978 Oh How I Need You Joe -- O Saviour. General note NS box 198 Box 1157 Oh How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning. General note Box SU 9 Box 62 Oh! How We Love Our Alma Mater. 1926. General note Featured in the motion picture, "The Cuckoos." Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Lee. Box 66 Oh How We Love Our College. 1929. General note From the Universal motion picture, "College Love." 2 copies. One cover features a photograph of George Lewis and Dorothy Gulliver. Box 1164 Oh Lonely Heart. 1898. General note On cover: photograph of Andrew Mack. Box 23 Oh Marie, Oh Marie (Maria, Mari). 1935. General note on cover: photograph of Shep Fields Box 654 Box 654 Box 554 Oh Mr. Dream Man (Please Let Me Dream Some More). 1911. Oh Mr. Dream Man (Please Let Me Dream Some More). 1911. Oh! Mother I'm Wild. 1920. creator: Johnson, Howard creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Nelson, Eddie creator: Pease, Harry Box 1164 Oh My, I'm All Excited. 1913. Scope and Content Note From: The Red Canary. General note On cover: photograph of Lina Abarbanell. Box 16 Oh My My. 1973. General note Words and music also by Ringo Starr. Cover features photograph of Ringo Starr. Box 27 Oh My Pa Pa = O Mein Papa. 1953. General note On cover: photograph of Eddie Fisher. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 558 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 21 Oh! Oh! Delphine. 1912. creator: Caryll, Ivan creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: McLellan, C.M.S. Scope and Content From the musical comedy of the same title. Box 555 Oh Promise Me. 1889. creator: De Koven, Reginald creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. creator: Scott, Clement Box 981 Oh Say Can You Swing -- The Oklahoma Polka. General note Box NS 199 Box 2 Box 577 Oh That We Two Were Maying. 1888. Oh, the Scenery Was Absolutely Grand. 1900. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Miss Florrie Forde. Box 555 Oh! What it Seemed to Be. 1945. creator: Benjamin, Bennie creator: Carle, Frankie creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. creator: Weiss, George Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Frankie Carle. Box 878 Oh! You Crazy Moon. 1939. General note Publisher no.: 18072-3 General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2602 Box 878 Oh! You Crazy Moon. 1939. General note Publisher no.: 18072-3 General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2602, 2603 Box 446 Box 398 Box 875 Oh, Darlin'. 1980. Oh! Darling. 1969. Oh! They're Makin' Me All Over In The Army. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 909 Ohio. General note Box SU 44 Box 406 Oif'n Boidem Shloft Der Dach. 1928. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 559 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 407 Box 19 Box 23 Box 51 Oif'n Pripetshok. 1934. That Oily Rag. 1917. Oklahoma!. 1956. The Ol' Spring Fever. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 446 Ol' 55. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 977 Ola -- The Old Kitchen Kettle. General note Box NS 200 Box 6 Box 1115 The Old Master Painter. Old Alabama. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Brad Paisley on cover. Box 547 Old Black Joe. 1904. General note Dudley gift. Box 20 Old Chelsea Selection. 1943. General note on cover: photograph of Richard Tauber Box 577 Box 656 Old China. 1900?. Old Colony Caprice. 1899. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1301 Box 1091 Old Curiosity Shop. General note Box SU 14 Box 23 The Old Fashioned Way (Les Paisirs démodés). 1973. General note English words by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn on cover: photograph of Charles Aznavour Box 51 (There's Something About an) Old Fashioned Girl. 1930. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Ukelele arrangement. Cover features a photograph of El Brendel. Box 51 (There's Something About an) Old Fashioned Girl. 1930. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine. " Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Ukelele arrangement. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 560 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 51 (There's Something About an) Old Fashioned Girl. 1930. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Organist copy. Box 51 (There's Someting About an) Old Fashioned Girl. General note From the motion picture, "Just Imagine." Also written by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Ozalid copy. Box 53 An Old Fashioned Christmas. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Box 554 Old Fashioned Girl. 1922. creator: Jolson, Al, estimated 1886-1950 creator: Richmond-Robbins. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Al Jolson. Box 19 Box 991 Old Folks at Home. 1905. Old Folks at Home. General note Box SU 67 Box 876 Old Glory On Parade. 1952. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: drawing of three soldiers carrying an American flag Box 980 Old Lace -- The Old Sow Song. General note Box NS 201 Box 1157 Old Maids Ball. General note Box SU 9 Box 413 Old Man. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Young Box 1147 Old Man Harlem. General note box su 12 Box 27 The Old Master Painter. 1949. General note On cover: photograph of Mel Torme. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 561 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 6 The Old Master Painter. 1949. creator: Gillespie, Haven creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Smith, Beasley Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Mel Torme. Box 16 The Old Oaken Bucket. 1936. General note Arranged by Jerry Castillo. Cover features photograph of the Prarie Ramblers. Box 2 Box 16 Box 1147 The Old Piano Roll Blues. 1950. The Old River Boat. 1965. Old Skipper. General note box su 12 Box 872 Old Soldiers Never Die (They Just Fade Away). 1951. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Lt. Barry Drewes Box 16 The Old Spinning Wheel. 1933. General note Cover features photograph of Little Jack Little. Box 555 The Old Spinning Wheel. 1933. creator: Hill, Billy creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Joe Morrison. Box 854 Old Spinning Wheel. 1933. creator: Hill, Billy creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ozzie Nelson. Box 979 The Old Spinning Wheel -- On a Little Street in Singapore. General note Box NS 202 Box 20 Box 909 Old Time Rock & Roll. 1977. Old Tri Delta. General note Box SU 44 Box 555 Old Vienna = Alt Wien. 1933. creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. creator: Godowsky, Leopold Box 19 Old Virginia Rag. 1907. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 562 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 483 Older Than My Years Orignal sheet music ed.. 2004. General note Publisher no.: PVM04063 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-106 Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." 6 copies. Box 390 Box 48 ¡Ole!. 1965. Ole Aunt Mariar. 1932. General note From the motion picture, "Business and Pleasure." Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." "For professional use only." Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." 4 copies. Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." 4 copies. Box 64 Ole Buttermilk Sky. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." Cover features a photograph of Hoagy Carmichael. 5 copies. Box 1147 Ole Buttermilk Sky. General note box su 12 Box 16 Box 418 Olga. 1918. Om Var Herre Vill. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Zarah Leander. from the motion picture "Gabriella" Box 64 On A Little Island By A Sunlit Sea. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Box 982 On a Little Sailboat -- On the Old Ohio Shore. General note Box NS 203 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 563 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 470 On a Mission. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-72 Box 25 Box 27 Box 416 On A Slow Boat To China. 1948. On a Slow Boat to China. 1948. On And On. 1974. General note from the motion picture "Claudine." on cover: photograph of Gladys Knight and the Pips Box 909 On Behalf of the Visiting Fisherman. General note Box SU 44 Box 408 On Broadway (Su' L' Boul'vard). 1923. General note on cover: photograph of Mistinguett Box 16 Box 1096 On Miami Shore (Golden Sands of Miami). 1919. On Miami Shore -- Peter Gink. General note Box PS 11 Box 399 On My Own: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 27 Box 27 On The Avenue. 1947. On The Avenue. 1947. General note Two copies. Box 416 On the Border. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Al Stewart Box 1115 On the Floor. 2011. General note On cover: photograph of Jennifer Lopez. Box 1154 On The Isle Of May. 1940. General note four copies. Box 1154 On the Isle of May. Scope and Content Note Based on Tchaikovsky's D major string quartett, andante contabile movement. General note Box SU 4 Box 22 On The Mississippi. 1913. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 564 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 909 On the Nodaway Road. General note Box SU 44 Box 854 On the Nodaway Road. 1935. creator: Bates, Chas. creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Mercer, Johnny Scope and Content Photocopy. Box 664 On the Oregon Trail. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Other Side of the Rainbow (On Happy Go Lucky Hill). General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Other Side of the Moon. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Outgoing Tide. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Outside Lookin In. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Outskirts of Paree. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Painted Desert: an Indian Legend. General note box NS 204 Box 577 On the Piano. 1904. Scope and Content Note On cover: photograph of Wallis Arthur. Box 664 On the Planet of Love. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Rainbow Trail. General note box NS 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 565 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 On the Riviera. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Road Back Home. General note box NS 204 Box 545 Box 664 On the Road to Home Sweet Home. 1917. On the Road to Mandalay. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Road to Monterey. General note box NS 204 Box 21 Box 664 On The Road To Rainbow Bay. 1929. On the Road to Rainbow Bay. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Sands of Time. General note box NS 204 Box 416 On the Shelf. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Donny & Marie Box 664 On the Shores of Aloha Land. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Shores of Avalon. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Shores of Avalon. General note box NS 204 Box 664 (I've Got You) On the Spot. General note box NS 204 Box 543 On the Sunny Side of the Street. 1957. General note 2 copies. Dudley gift. Box 664 On the Shores of Honolulu. General note box NS 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 566 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 On the Shores of Italy. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Shores of Puget Sound. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Silvery Sands of Waikiki. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Shores of the Golden West. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the South Sea Isle. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the South Side of Chicago. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Street of Regret. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Strings of My Lonesome Guitar. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Subway. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Sunshine Trail. General note box NS 204 Box 51 On the 10:10. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Cover features photographs of Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman. Box 51 On the 10:10. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Just For You." Professional copy. Box 664 On the Trail of My Memories. General note box NS 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 567 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 On the Trail to Santa Fe. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Umpah Isle. General note box NS 204 Box 664 (When the Moonlight Fell) On the Waterfall. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Way to Monterey. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On the Wedding Santa Fe. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On to Victory: St. Mary's College. General note box NS 204 Box 664 On Top of Old Smoky. General note box NS 204 Box 554 On Top of Old Smoky. 1951. creator: Folkways Music Publishers, Inc.. creator: Seeger, Pete Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Weavers. Box 991 (I Don't Want to be Sitting) On Top of the World Alone. General note Box SU 67 Box 664 On Treasure Island. General note box ns 204 Box 664 On Wings of Love. General note box ns 204 Box 664 On Wisconsin. General note box ns 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 568 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 On With Our Might: The Serviceman's Creed. General note box ns 204 Box 664 On With Roosevelt. General note box ns 204 Box 664 On With the Dance. General note box ns 204 Box 872 On With Our Might! The Serviceman's Creed (March Song). 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 664 On Your Next Birthday. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once. General note box ns 204 Box 664 (As the Grain Needs the Rain, So I Need You) Once Again. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Again. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Again. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once and Only Once. General note box ns 204 Box 878 Once and For Always. 1948. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2605, 2606, 2607 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 569 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 878 Once and For Always. 1948. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture, "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2605, 2606, 2607 Box 664 Once Around the Moon. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Before. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Every Life time = Romance de Amor. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Ev'ry Minute. General note box ns 204 Box 2 Once in a While. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 20 Once in a While. 1937. General note on cover: photograph of Tommy Dorsey Box 408 Once in a Lifetime. 1920. General note on cover: photograph of Kitty Gordon Box 664 Once in a Blue Moon. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once in a Blue Moon. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once in a Lifetime. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once in a Lifetime (Only Once). General note box ns 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 570 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 Once in a Lovetime. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once in a While. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once in May. General note box ns 204 Box 758 Once Knew a Fella. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 664 Once More. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once More. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once More in My Arms (Let Me Hold You). General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once More With Feeling. General note box ns 204 Box 878 Once More the Blue and White. 1950. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount motion picture, "Mr. Music." General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2608 Box 664 Once On a Windy Day. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once T Around the Park. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once There Lived a Fool. General note box ns 204 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 571 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 664 Once to Every Heart. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once to Ev'ry Heart. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Upon a Time. General note box ns 204 Box 56 Once Upon a Time Long Ago. 1956. General note From the CBS television program, "High Tor." 2 copies (one cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby). Box 580 Once Upon a Time Operatic ed.. 1919. Scope and Content Note From: The Magic Melody. General note SCB SY 118501-3 Box 664 Once Upon a Lullaby. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Upon a Midnight. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Once Upon a Moon. General note box ns 204 Box 909 Once Upon a Summertime = La Valse des Lilas. General note Box SU 44 Box 664 Once We Were Lovers. General note box ns 204 Box 664 Ondine. General note box ns 204 Box 471 The One Original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00075 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 572 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 144 The One and Only, Genuin, Original Family Band. 1967. Scope and Content Note From the show of the same title. General note SCB SX 113999. Box 545 The One and Only. 1904. General note On cover: photograph of Doris Mitchell. Box 664 One and Only. General note box ns 204 Box 664 One And Two and Three. General note box ns 204 Box 664 One and Two and Three and Four: Rock A Bye. General note box ns 204 Box 664 One Ararbian Night. General note box ns 204 Box 664 One Bad Apple: Don't Spoil the Whole Bunch. General note box ns 204 Box 48 (It Takes A Lot Of Little Likes To Make) One Big Love. 1953. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "The Caddy." Box 664 One By One. General note box ns 204 Box 664 One by One the Roses Died = Motivo d'Amore. General note box ns 204 Box 464 One Day I'll Fly Away. 1980. General note Publisher no.: HL00352347 Irving Music General note From the motion picture, "Moulin Rouge." SCB SZMP 01-22 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 573 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 545 One Day When We Were Young. 1938. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "The Great Waltz." General note On cover: photograph of Luise Rainer, Fernand Gravet and Miliza Korjus. Box 554 One Day When We Were Young. 1939. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Strauss, Johann, II creator: Tiomkin, Dimitri Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Miliza Korjus. Box 865 One Day We Dance. 1960. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Wildcat." General note On cover: drawing of Lucille Ball. Box 876 One Day Nearer to Victory. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 922 One Dream. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Sarah McLachlan. Box 360 One Hundred Ways to Lose a Man. General Physical Description note: photocopy Scope and Content Note From "Wonderful Town." General note SX 142374 Box 673 One For Another. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One For the Money. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One For the Wonder. General note Box NS 205 Box 876 One For All - All For One. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of an enormous crowd of people Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 574 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 673 One Girl. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Girl. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One God. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Golden Hour With You. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Good Turn Deserves Another. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Hamburger For Madame. General note Box NS 205 Box 865 One Hand, One Heart. 1957. Scope and Content Note From the show, "West Side Story." Box 673 One Has My Name the Other Has My Heart. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 (In Mem'ry of) One Hour of Love. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Hour Ahead of the Posse. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Hour With You. General note Box NS 205 Box 991 One Hour With You. General note Box SU 67 Box 673 One Hurt Deserves Another. General note Box NS 205 Box 2 The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else). 1924. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 575 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 580 One I Love, Two I Love operatic ed.. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118455-56 Box 673 One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else). General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One I Love Just Said Good Bye. General note Box NS 205 Box 408 Box 673 The One in a Million to Me. 1923. One in a Million. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One in a Million Like Mary. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One in a Million You. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One in Love. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One in the World. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 (Let Me Be) The One in Your Heart. General note Box NS 205 Box 65 One Kiss Of Love. 1938. General note From the motion picture "Castillos en el Aire (Castles in the Air)" Spanish lyrics by Jaime Salvador. Box 673 One Kiss. General note Box NS 205 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 576 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 555 One Kiss. 1928. creator: Hammerstein, Oscar, II creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Mandel, Frank, 1884-1958 creator: Romberg, Sigmund Scope and Content First page only. Box 673 One Kiss Away From Heaven. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Kiss in a Million. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Kiss Too Many. General note Box NS 205 Box 48 One Last Kiss. 1960. General note From the Kohlmar-Sidney Production "Bye Bye Birdie" a Columbia motion picture release. Box 673 One Last Kiss. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Last Time. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Less Bell to Answer. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Life. General note Box NS 205 Box 51 One Little Kiss. 1934. General note From the R.K.O. motion picture, "Kentucky Kernels." Also written by Harry Ruby. Cover features a photograph of Wheeler and Woolsey, and Mary Carlisle. Box 51 One Little Kiss. 1934. General note From the R.K.O. motion picture, "Kentucky Kernels." Also written by Harry Ruby. Professional copy. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 577 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 53 One Little Boy. 1956. General note From the Alco Hour television spectacular, "The Stingiest Man in Town." Based on Charles Dickens' "Scrooge." Box 673 One Little Candle. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Candle on a Two Layer Cake. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Date With You. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Dream of Love. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Dream of Love. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Girl. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Girl at a Time. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Hour. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Kiss Did the Trick. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Kiss From You. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Kiss Good Bye: A Flower Lei. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Quarrel. General note Box NS 205 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 578 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 673 One Little Raindrop. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Smile. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Smile and One Little Kiss. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Smile and One Little Kiss. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Tear is an Ocean. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Thing at a Time. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Thought of Me. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Tree (on Christmas Night). General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Twosome. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little WAC. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Word Led to Another. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Little Word Led to Another. General note Box NS 205 Box 391 One Lonely Night. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of REO Speedwagon Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 579 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 673 One Look at You. General note Box NS 205 Box 1164 One Look, One Word. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Box 390 One Love. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Carlene Carter Box 673 One Love. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Love in My Lifetime. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Love One Heart. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Love Too Many. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Loving Caress. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Mad Night of Love = Nocturno de amor. General note Box NS 205 Box 446 One Man Band. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Leo Sayer Box 673 (I've Got a) One Man Woman. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Man Band. General note Box NS 205 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 580 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 673 One Man Parade. General note Box NS 205 Box 878 One Man's Love Song (is Another Man's Blues). 1959. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2609 Box 673 One Meat Ball. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Million Dollars. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Million Times a Day. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Mint Julep. General note Box NS 205 Box 673 One Minute to One. General note Box NS 205 Box 65 One Moment Alone. 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. Box 970 One Moment More - Only a Midnight Adventure. General note Box NS 206 Box 991 One Moment More with You. General note Box SU 67 Box 399 One More Night: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 456 One More Day. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM01031 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-91 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 581 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 456 One More Day (With You). 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352263 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-92 Box 554 One More Kiss. 1946. creator: DeLange, Edgar creator: Myrow, Josef creator: Triangle Music Corporation. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "If I'm Lucky." On cover: photographs of vivian Blaine, Perry Como, Harry James and Carmen Miranda. Box 854 One More Kiss Then Goodnight. 1931. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Joe Morris Music Co.. creator: Tobias, Charlie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Vincent Lopez. Box 1147 One Morning in May. General note box su 12 Box 545 One Night of Love. 1934. Scope and Content Note From the Columbia motion picture, "One Night of Love." General note On cover: photograph of Grace Moore. Box 991 One Night in Rome. General note Box SU 67 Box 446 One of These Nights. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 1154 Box 1154 One Red Rose Forever. 1942. One Red Rose Forever. Scope and Content Note Based on Op. 5, no. 3 General note Box SU 4 Box 20 The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart). 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 25 The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart). 1936. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 582 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 494 One Shining Moment. 1987. General note Publisher no.: HL00353019 Scope and Content Note Theme from the CBS NCAA championship television series. General note SCB SZTV 93-1 Box 857 One Step at a Time. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Jordin Sparks Box 1154 One Summer Night. Scope and Content Note Adapted from a melody by Dvorak. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Box 483 One Summer Night. 1927. One Thing Orignal sheet music ed.. 2003. General note Publisher no.: PVM04067 Warner Bros. Publications General note SZ 05-107 Box 6 One Wish. 2005. creator: Daniels, LaShawn creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Jerkins, Rodney creator: Norwood, Raymond Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ray J. Box 583 1000 Years Old Man. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 18311 Box 857 Box 46 One Time. 2009. 1,2,3,4. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353704 General note Words and music also by Sally Saltman. Recorded by Feist. Box 470 One Two I Love You Original Sheet Music edition. 1997. General note SCB SZ03-35 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 583 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 399 One Vision. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Queen Box 456 Once Voice Original Sheet Music edition. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-127 Box 471 One Voice. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352198 Box 12 Box 494 One World. 1945. The One World. 1991. General note Publisher no.: VS5745 Scope and Content Note Theme song from the television program, "The Global Forum." General note SCB SZTV 91-16 Box 46 Online. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353680 General note Words and music also by Chris DuBois and Kelley Lovelace. Recorded by Brad Paisley. Box 545 Box 1019 Only a Leaf of a Rose. 1924. Only A Moment Ago – An Orchid to You. Scope and Content Note Opus One -- Or Have -- Orange Blossom Lane -- Orange Blossom Special -- Orange Blossom Time -- Orange Colored Sky -- Orange O -- Oranges -- Orchid for the Lady -Orchid to You. General note SCB NS box 207. Partial contents. Box 577 Only a Tiny Band of Gold. 1899. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Kate Carney. Box 525 Box 25 Only a Wreath of Oaken Leaves. 1885. Only Because. 1957. General note On cover: photograph of The Platters. 2 copies. Box 922 Box 543 The Only Exception. 2009. Only For You. 1929. General note On cover: photograph of Earl Burtnett's Biltmore Trio (Bill Seckler, Eddie Bush and Paul Gibbons). Dudley gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 584 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 922 Only Girl (In the World). 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Rihanna. Box 471 Only God Knows Why Original sheet music ed.. 1998. General note Publisher no.: PVM00082 Box 464 Only Hope. 1999. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "A Walk to Remember." General note SCB SZMP 02-3 Box 64 Only One. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Cover features photograph of Victor Mature and Louise Platt. Box 64 Only One. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Box 446 Only One Love In My Life. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Ronnie Milsap Box 446 Only the Lucky. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Walter Egan Box 878 Only the Lonely. 1958. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2610 Box 878 Only the Lonely. 1958. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2610, 2611 Box 446 Only Time Will Tell. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Asia Box 416 Only Women Bleed. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Alice Cooper Box 12 Only You (And You Alone). 1955. General note Also composed by Ande Rand. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 585 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 6 Only You. 2005. creator: BMG Songs, Inc.. creator: Christy, Lauren creator: Edwards, Graham creator: Spock, Scott Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Josh Kelley. Box 554 Only You (And You Alone). 1955. creator: Ram, Buck creator: Rand, Ande creator: Wildwood Music, Inc.. Box 20 Only You And Lonely Me. 1926. General note on cover: photograph of Ben Bernie Box 25 Only You (And You Alone). 1955. General note On cover: photograph of of Ringo Starr Box 416 Only You Can. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Fox Box 857 Only You Can Love Me This Way. 2009. General note on cover: black background Box 872 Onward to Victory. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 446 Oo-la-la, Too Soon. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Sarah Dash Box 21 Oo-Solo-Mi' (I Give My Soul To You). 1919. creator: Clarke, Grant creator: McCarthy & Fisher, Inc.. creator: Monaco, James V. Box 446 Ooh Boy. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Rose Royce Box 25 Box 446 Box 390 Open Arms. 1981. An Open Letter to the President (I Believe in America). 1981. Open Your Heart. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Madonna Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 586 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 22 Box 19 Box 22 Box 413 Opera Gems From Standard Operas. 1912. Operatic Rag. 1914. Operatic Medley. 1936. Ophelia. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Band Box 878 Opposites. 1965. Scope and Content Note From: Skyscraper General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2612, 2613 Box 469 Oops (Oh My) original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-124 Box 16 Orange Blossom Lane. 1941. General note Words and music also by Mitchell Parish and Nick Kenny. Cover features photograph of Vaughn Monroe. Box 914 Oranges. General note box su 114 Box 969 Orchids For My Love, Tonight - Our Victory Song. General note Box NS 208 Box 876 Orders From Headquarters. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of the American flag Box 469 Ordinary Day original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02070 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-135 Box 812 Ordinary People. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kwamina." General note Two copies. Box 22 Organ Grinder's Swing. 1936. General note on cover: photograph of Evelyn Dall Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 587 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 408 Organdy Days. 1924. General note on cover: photograph of Mistinguett Box 657 Oscar Wilde Galop. 18--?. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1325 Box 407 Box 398 Ot Azoi Neit A Schnaider. 1937. The Other Side of the World. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Chaka Khan. From the motion picture soundtrack "White Nights." Box 446 Box 471 The Other Woman. 1975. Otherside. 1999. General note SCB SZ00 64 Box 56 Oudt Comes Oom-pa-pa. 1955. General note Based on themes of Robert Schumann. From the NBC television spectacular, "Heidi." Box 5 Box 876 Our Waltz. 1943. Our Allies Were Convoying. 1946. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 Our Boy Is Coming Home Today. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 20 Our Bungalow of Dreams. 1927. General note on cover: photograph of Bob West Box 23 Box 57 Our Director. 1938. Our Dream. 1953. General note As featured on the television program, "Bride and Groom." Box 1164 Our Dream of Love is O'er. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Box 16 Our Great L.B.J.. 1965. General note Cover features photograph of Solomon Goldstein. Box 446 Our House. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Madness Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 588 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 554 Our House. 1970. creator: Giving Room Music. creator: Nash, Graham Box 922 Our Kind of Love Original sheet music ed.. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum. Box 922 Our Kind of Love. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Lady Antebellum. Box 1154 Our Love. 1939. General note five copies Box 1154 Box 1154 Our Love. Our Love. Scope and Content Note Based on Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet. General note Box SU 4 Box 25 Our President Of 1933. 1936. General note On cover: photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Clyde L. Guy. Box 577 Our Society. 1900?. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Fred Harvey. Box 49 Our Song. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353551 General note Recorded by Taylor Swift. Box 25 Our Town. 1941. General note Official Golden Jubilee Song 1891-1914. Dedicated to the City of Duquesne, Pa. Box 473 Box 878 Our Town. 1955. Our Town. 1955. Scope and Content Note From the show of the same title. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection. SCB SX 2614 Box 875 Our V For Victory. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 589 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 8 Our Waltz. 1943. General note Vocal edition. Lyrical setting by Nat Burton. Cover features a photograph of Nat Burton. Box 26 Our Waltz. 1943. General note On cover: photograph of David Rose Box 971 Our Waltz - Outside the Nashville City Limits. General note Box NS 209 Box 654 Box 5 Box 5 Box 390 Our Out Out Out Wedding Day. 1927. of the Dusk. 1927. of the Dusk to You. 1922. Goin' Cattin'. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Sawyer Brown and "Cat" Joe Bonsall Box 858 Out Here On My Own. 1979. General note from the motion picture "Fame" Box 857 Out Last Night. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Kenny Chesney Box 25 Box 25 Box 8 Box 8 Box 412 Box 416 Out Out Out Out Out Out Of Nowhere. 1931. Of Space. 1934. of the Dusk. 1927. of the Dusk to You. 1922. Of The East. 1941. Of The Darkness. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Crosby and Nash Box 446 Out of Work. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Gary U.S. Bonds Box 876 Out There Somewhere. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: picture of a bald eagle emblazoned with the words "Victory Edition" Box 473 Out With Somebody Else. 1959. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 413 Outlaw Man. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of David Blue Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 590 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 483 Outrageous Orignal sheet music ed.. 2003. General note Publisher no.: PVM04069 Warner Bros. Publications General note SZ 05-108 Box 16 Outside of Heaven. 1952. General note Cover features photograph of Eddie Fisher. Box 25 Outside Of Heaven. 1952. General note On cover: photograph of Eddie Fisher Box 5 Box 963 Over the River and Into the Woods. 1962. Over a Bottle of Wine - Pal of My Cradle Days. General note Box NS 210 Box 416 Over and Over. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Joe Walsh Box 483 Over and Over. 2004. General note Publisher no.: HL00352861 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-109 Box 874 Over Land and Over Sea (Song of the American Air Force). 1937. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Alexander De Seversky Box 446 Over My Head. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 391 Over Niagara in a Barrel of Love. 1950. General note From the Pittsburgh Playhouse Musical "Fifty Grand" Box 8 Over the River and Into the Woods. 1962. General note From Leonard Sillman's "New Faces of '62." Box 413 Over the Hills and Far Away. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Led Zeppelin Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 591 Works in English: Titles: O's. Series 15. Box 483 Over the Rainbow. 1995. General note Publisher no.: GVM04003 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-110 Box 577 Over the Wires. 1901. Scope and Content Note On cover: photograph of Jim Elvo. Box 654 Over There. 1917. General note On cover, "successfully introduced by Nora Bayes." Box 858 Over The Rainbow. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Jim Brickman Box 49 Over You. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353693 General note Words and music also by Howes, Brian. Recorded by Daughtry. Box 469 Overprotected original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-82 Box 406 Ov'nt Klangen. 1945. Box 19 The Oyster Rag. 1910. Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 909 P.S. I Love You. General note Box SU 44 Box 26 Box 398 P.S. I Love You. 1961. P.S. I Love You. 1934. General note on cover: photograph of Tom T. Hall Box 390 Pachelbel Canon in D: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 16 Box 1147 Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile!. 1915. Pagan Star. General note box su 12 Box 390 Pagoda. 1969. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 592 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 922 Box 25 Paint it Black Original sheet music ed.. 1966. Paisaje De Catamarca. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Rodolfo Gimenez Box 473 Pakistan. 1954. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 5 Pal of Mine. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Joe Frasetto. Box 8 Pal of Mine. 1945. General note Also written by Joe Lock. Cover features a photograph of Joe Frasetto. Box 5 Box 8 Box 25 Box 964 Pal Pal Pal Pal of My Dreams. 1923. of My Dreams. 1923. Of My Dreams. 1923. of My Dreams - The Paper Boy's Song. General note Box NS 211 Box 555 The Pal That I Loved Stole the Gal That I Loved. 1924. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Nelson, Ed. G. creator: Pease, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Healy and Cross. Box 554 Palace Garden. 1967. creator: Belwin Mills Publishing Corp.. creator: Glover, David Carr Box 5 Box 8 Pale Moon: an Indian Love Song. 1920. Pale Moon: an Indian Love Song. 1920. General note Concert edition. Box 16 Palesteena. 1920. General note Also by J. Russel Robinson. Arranged by Geo. F. Briegel. Box 26 Box 555 La Paloma = The Dove. 1922. La Paloma = The Dove. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Costillo, Jerry creator: Yradier, Sebastian Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gene Krupa. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 593 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 416 Paloma Blanca. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The George Baker Selection Box 577 Box 19 Box 1147 Panama Johnnie. 1911. Panama Rag. 1904. Papa Treetop Tall. General note box su 12 Box 583 Papa Won't You Dance With Me. 1947. General Physical Description note: oz Scope and Content Note From, "High Button Shoes." General note SCB Sy 118322 Box 554 Papa, Won't You Dance With Me?. 1947. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Styne, Jule Scope and Content From the musical comedy, "High Button Shoes." Box 858 Paparazzi. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Lady Gaga Box 5 Paper Doll. 1915. General note Cover features a photograph of the Mills Brothers. Box 8 Paper Doll. 1953. General note Cover features a photograph of the Mills Brothers. Box 25 Paper Doll. 1915. General note On cover: photograph of the Mills Bros. Box 965 Paper Doll - Passport to the Future. General note Box NS 212 Box 51 The Parachute Jump. 1952. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Jumping Jacks." Cover features photographs of Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Mona Freeman. Box 2 Box 16 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers. 1969. Parade of the Clowns. 1925. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 594 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 16 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers. 1905. General note Easy arrangement by Pietro Deiro, Jr. Box 16 Box 555 Parades. 1955. Paradise. 1928. creator: Kerr, Harry D. creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. creator: Zamecnik, J.S. Scope and Content Love theme from the Paramount motion picture, "The Wedding March." Box 473 Box 473 Pardners. 1956. Pardners. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. from the motion picture "Pardners" Box 192 Pardon Me Madame. 1936. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Rose Marie." General note On cover: photograph of Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. 2 copies. Box 909 Pardon My Southern Accent. General note Box SU 44 Box 473 Paris Holiday. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Hope, Fernandel, Anita Ekberg, and Martha Hyer. From the motion picture "Paris Holiday." 2 copies. Box 473 Paris Holiday. 1958. General note from the motion picture "Paris Holiday." Box 547 Paris Original. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." General note Dudley gift. Box 408 Paris Selection. 1928. General note on cover: photograph of Irene Bordoni Box 19 Box 577 Parisian Rag. 1910. Parody Dolly Gray. 1900. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawings of Reilly and Taylor. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 595 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 416 Part Time Love. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Kerry Chater Box 413 Part-Time Love. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Elton John Box 865 Box 416 Parting Kiss. 1926. Party. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Van McCoy Box 483 Party For Two Orignal sheet music ed.. 2004. General note Publisher no.: PVM04084 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-111 Box 858 Party in the U.S.A.. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus Box 412 Box 577 Partyman. 1989. Pas Redouble. 1900?. Scope and Content Note Fron the Grand National Ballet, Victoria and Merrie England. Box 21 Pass That Peace Pipe. 1947. creator: Blane, Ralph creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Edens, Roger creator: Martin, Hugh General note from the motion picture, "Good News." On cover: photograph of June Allyson and Peter Lawford. Box 5 Passe. 1946. Scope and Content Note Cover features a photograph of John Laurenz. Box 8 Passe. 1946. General note Also written by Carl Sigman and Joseph Meyer. Cover features a photograph of John Laurenz. Box 408 Passin' Me By. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of The Pharcyde Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 596 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 1157 Passion Flower. General note Box SU 9 Box 390 Box 16 Box 57 Passionate Kisses. 1993. Patches. 1919. Paths of Paradise. 1955. General note Featured on the General Electric CBS television program, "The Big Shot." Cover features a photograph of Johnnie Ray. Box 27 Patricia. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 23 Box 23 Box 5 Box 654 Box 8 Box 416 Box 473 Paul Jones. Paul Revere (Won't You Ride For Us Again?). 1918. (There'll be) Peace in the Valley (For Me). 1951. Peace. 1938. (There'll Be) Peace in the Vally for Me. 1951. Peace Train. 1971. Peace, Brother!. 1939. General note 3 copies Box 19 Box 413 Peaceful Henry. 1901. Peaceful Easy Feeling. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Eagles Box 19 Box 394 Peacherine Rag. 1901. Peaches & Cream. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352331 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-186 Box 25 The Peanut Vendor (El Manisero). 1928. General note On cover: photograph of Stan Kenton Box 25 Box 21 The Peanut Vendor (El Manisero). 1928. Peanuts and Popcorn Two Step. 1909. creator: DeLancey, J. creator: McKinley Music Co.. General note from the colelction "Children At The Circus" Box 650 Pearl Schottisch. 1859. Scope and Content Note From Twinkling Stars General note Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1229 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 597 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 650 Pearl Schottisch no. 23. 1859. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1229 Box 19 Box 909 Peek-a-Boo Rag. 1914. Peekaboo to You. General note Box SU 44 Box 6 Peg. 1977. creator: ABC/Dunhill Music, Inc. creator: Becker, Walter creator: Fagen, Donald Box 25 Peg O' My Heart. 1913. General note On cover: photograph of Danny O'Neill. Box 25 Box 555 Peg O' My Heart. 1913. Peg O' My Heart. 1947. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Fisher, Fred creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Buddy Clark. Box 543 Peggy O'Neil. 1921. General note Dudley gift. Box 2 Peggy O'Neil. 1921. General note Also by Ed. G. Nelson and Gilbert Dodge. Cover features a photograph of Clara Morton. Box 21 Peggy O'Neil. 1921. creator: Dodge, Gilbert creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Nelson, Ed. G. creator: Pease, Harry Box 413 Peggy Sue. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of The Beach Boys Box 968 Penetration - The Photograph on the Piano. General note Box NS 214 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 598 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 554 Pennies From Heaven. 1936. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Johnston, Arthur creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content From the motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 5 A Penny a Kiss a Penny a Hug. 1950. General note Cover features a photograph of the Andrews Sisters. Box 5 Penny Serenade. 1938. General note Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 8 A Penny a Kiss, a Penny a Hug. 1950. General note Words and music also by Ralph Care. Cover features a photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Box 8 Penny Serenade. 1938. General note Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 26 A Penny A Kiss A Penny A Hug. 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Les Welch and Maggie Fitzgibbon Box 543 Penny Serenade. 1938. General note Dudley gift. Box 16 Box 399 Pensees d'Amour. 1916. People are People. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Depeche Mode Box 874 People Are Crazy. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Billy Currington Box 408 People Everyday. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Arrested Development Box 399 Box 446 People Get Ready. 1985. People In Love. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of 10cc Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 599 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 456 People Like Us original sheet music ed.. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM01041 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ01-93 Box 446 People of the South Wind. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Kansas Box 391 Box 26 Box 5 Box 8 Box 16 Box 23 Box 24 Pepino the Italian Mouse (Pepin'o Surigile Italiano). 1990. Perdoname Mi Vida. 1963. A Perfect Day. 1916. A Perfect Day. 1934. A Perfect Day. 1910. A Perfect Day. 1910. The Perfect Song. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Amos 'N' Andy Box 473 A Perfect Married Life. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 865 (This is Quite a) Perfect Night. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "New Faces of '56." Box 758 Perhaps. 1965. General note From the musical, "Do I Hear a Waltz?" Two copies (different covers). Box 6 Perhaps Love. 1980. creator: Cherry Lane Music Publishing Co., Inc.. creator: Denver, John Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Placido Domingo. Box 8 Perhaps Love. 1980. General note Cover features a photograph of Placido Domingo. Box 20 Perhaps Love. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Placido Domingo Box 5 Perhaps Love -- Annie's Song. 1981. General note Cover features a photograph of Placido Domingo. Box 19 Box 19 Perpetual Rag. 1908. Persian Lamb Rag. 1908. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 600 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 473 Personality. 1945. General note 3 copies. Box 555 Personality. 1945. creator: Burke & Van Heusen Inc. creator: Burke, Johnny, 1908-1964--Correspondence creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, "The Road to Utopia." On cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. Box 907 Personalities. Scope and Content Note Unprocessed General note box SU 106 Box 398 Box 577 (Theme From) The Persuaders. 1971. Perverted Proverbs = Tupperny Philosophy. 1900?. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Fred Albert. Box 16 Box 16 Peter and the Wolf. 1951. Peter Cottontail. 1950. General note Words and music also by Jack Rollins. Box 909 Peter Piper. General note Box SU 44 Box 991 Peter Piper. General note Box SU 67 Box 20 Petite Fleur. 1958. General note on cover: photographs of Petula Clark and Sidney Bechet Box 555 Petite Waltz = La Petite Valse. 1950. creator: Claire, Phyllis creator: Duchess Music Corporation. creator: Ellington, E.A. Box 5 Petticoats of Portugal. 1956. General note Cover features a photograph of Dick Jacobs. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 601 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 8 Petticoats of Portugal = Rapariga do Portugal. 1956. General note Words and music also by Mel Mitchell and Murl Kahn. Cover features a photograph of Dick Jacobs. Box 416 Phantom Writer. 1977. General note on cover: stylized drawing of Gary Wright Box 654 Pharisee and Sadducee. General note Manuscript. Box 56 Phfft! You Were Gone!. 1969. General note As featured on the CBS television show, "Hee Haw." Cover features a photograph of Archie Campbell. Box 6 Photograph. 2005. creator: Kroeger, Chad creator: Nickelback creator: Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.. Box 390 Box 577 Phrygian Toccata. 1964. The Phyllis Tango. 1913. Scope and Content Note From the musical play, The Girl from Utah. Box 5 Pianissimo. 1947. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 8 Pianissimo. 1938. General note Words and music also by George Weiss. Cover features a photograph of perry Como. Box 972 Pianissimo -- Plantation Lullaby. General note Box NS 215 Box 412 Piano in the Dark: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 1157 Piano Man. General note Box SU 9 Box 577 Box 654 Box 654 Piccadilly March. 1909. Piccaninny's Hushabye. 1929. The Piccaninny Chile. 1935. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 602 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 20 Piccolo Pete. 1929. General note on cover: photograph of Ted Weems Box 555 Piccolino. 1935. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the RKO Pictures motion picture, "Top Hat." On cover: photographs of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Box 577 Box 64 Pick o' the Basket. 1897. Pick, Pick, Pickaninny (Pick Dat Cotton). 1936. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Can This Be Dixie?" Cover features a photograph of Jane Withers. Box 446 Pick Up the Pieces. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Average White Band Box 56 Pick Yourself a Star. 1955. General note Based on themes of Robert Schumann. From the NBC television spectacular, "Heidi." Box 654 Box 654 Box 654 Box 654 Box 494 Pickaninny Sandman. 1927. Pickaninny Sleep Song. 1911. Pickaninny's Sandman. 1928. Pickaninny's Slumber Song (A Southern Lullaby). 1919. Picket Fences (theme). 1993. General note Publisher no.: VS6272 Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 93-11 Box 5 Pickin' 'em Up and Layin' 'em Down. 1924. General note Cover features a photograph of the Benson Orchestra of Chicago under the direction of Don Bestor. Box 8 Pickin' 'em Up and Layin' 'em Down. 1924. General note Cover features a photograph of the Benson Orchestra of Chicago under the direction of Don Bestor. Box 19 Box 19 Pickled Beets Rag. 1909. Pickles and Peppers. 1906. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 603 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 554 Picnic. 1956. creator: Allen, Steve creator: Columbia Pictures Music Corporation. creator: Duning, George W. Scope and Content Theme from the motion picture of the same title. On cover: illustrations of William Holden and Kim Novak. Box 857 Picture to Burn. 2006. General note on cover: photograph of Taylor Swift Box 857 Pictures of You. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of The Last Goodnight Box 446 Box 483 Pieces of Love. 1983. Pieces of Me. 2004. General note Publisher no.: HL00352809 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-112 Box 483 Pieces of Me Orignal sheet music ed.. 2004. General note Publisher no.: PVM04060 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-113 Box 21 The Pied Piper Of Hamelin. 1931. creator: Carter, Desmond creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Gay, Noel General note from the musical "Hold My Hand" Box 51 Pig Foot Pete. 1941. General note From the Universal motion picture, "Keep em Flying." Cover features photographs of Abbott & Costello, Martha Raye, Dick Foran and Carol Bruce. Also written by Gene de Paul. 2 copies. Box 51 Pig Foot Pete. 1941. General note From the Universal motion picture, "Keep em Flying." Also written by Gene de Paul. Advance artist copy. Box 5 Pigalle. 1947. General note Cover features a photograph of Johnny Desmond. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 604 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 8 Pigalle. 1949. General note French lyric by Georges Ulmer and Geo Koger. Cover features a photograph of Johnny Desmond. Box 62 Pigalle. 1947. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Curtain Time." Box 19 Box 446 Pigeon Wing. 1909. Pilot of the Airwaves. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Charlie Dore Box 413 Pinball. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Brian Protheroe Box 5 Box 8 Box 16 Box 854 The Pine (a Slight Mistake). 1902. The Pine (A Slight Mistake). 1902. The Pines. 1984. Pink Elephants. 1932. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Keit-Engle, Inc.. creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 27 The Pink Panther. 1963. General note Title song from The Mirisch, G & E Production, a United Artists release. Box 22 Box 398 Pins And Needles. 1919. Pins and Needles. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of The Whites Box 390 Box 390 Box 19 Box 20 Box 876 Pirate Pete. 1960. Pirates Bold. 1939. Pitter-Patter Rag. 1910. The Pixies' Goodnight Song. 1906. Plant A Little Garden (In Your Own Back Yard). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Jan Garber Box 5 Box 394 Play to Me, Gypsy (the Song I Love). 1932. Play. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01067 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-187 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 605 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 394 Play. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01067 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-187, 188 Box 984 Play a Simple Melody - Please Sing Me a Song. General note Box NS 216 Box 1157 Play a Simple Melody. General note Box SU 9 Box 555 Play, Fiddle, Play. 1932. creator: Altman, Arthur creator: Deutsch, Emery creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Lawrence, Jack Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Emery Deutsch. Box 416 Play Me. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 446 Play On Love. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Jefferson Starship Box 446 Play Something Sweet (Brickyard Blues). 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Three Dog Night Box 1154 Play That Song of India Again. Scope and Content Note Music adapted from Rimsky-Korsakoff's theme. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Play That Song Of India Again. 1921. General note five copies Box 494 Play the Game. 1990. General note Publisher no.: VS6297 Scope and Content Note From the HBO television movie "And the band played on." General note SCB SZTV 93-14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 606 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 8 Play to Me, Gypsy (the Song I Love). 1932. General note English version by Jimmy Kennedy. Box 5 Playmates. 1940. General note Cover features photographs of Hal Kemp and the Smoothies. Box 8 Playmates. 1940. General note Cover features photographs of Hal Kemp and The Smoothies. Box 66 Playmates. 1960. General note From the motion picture "College Confidential". Cover features photographs of Randy Sparks, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Walter Winchell and Mamie Van Doren. Box 16 Pleasant Dreams. 1959. General note Cover features photograph of David Allen. Box 19 Box 456 Pleasant Memories. 1909. Please. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-128 Box 874 Please Don't Leave Me. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Pink Box 922 Please Don't Go. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Mike Posner. Box 973 Please Don't Cry -- Poor Girl. General note Box NS 217 Box 464 Please Remember Original sheet music ed.. 2002. General note SCB SZMP 02-7 Box 416 Please, Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 473 The Pleasure Seekers. 1965. General note 2 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 607 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 53 The Plymouth Rock. 1956. General note From the NBC television series, "Washington Square." Cover features a photograph of Ray Bolger. Box 473 Pocketful of Miracles. 1961. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "Pocketful of Miracles" Box 857 Pocketful of Sunshine. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Natasha Bedingfield Box 5 Box 5 Poinciana. 1936. Poinciana (Song of the Tree). 1936. General note Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 2 Poinciana. 1936. General note Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 8 Poinciana = Song of the Tree. 1936. General note Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 8 Box 446 Poinciana = Song of the Tree. 1936. Material Specific Details note: piano Point of Know Return. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Kansas Box 19 Box 874 Poison Ivy. 1908. Pokerface. 2008. General note On cover: photograph of Lady GaGa Box 22 Box 54 Polaire. 1910. Theme from "Police Woman". 1974. General note Theme from the Columbia Pictures television series. Cover features a photograph of William Shatner. Box 22 Box 5 Box 8 The Policeman's Holiday. 1911. Polka Militaire. 1912. Polka Militaire. 1912. Material Specific Details note: cornet, trombone, piano Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 608 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 656 Polka No. 11. 1861. Scope and Content Note From Les Fleurs Americaines Pour la Piano. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1304 Box 473 Polka Dots and Moonbeams (Around a Pug-Nosed Dream). 1940. General note 3 copies Box 656 Polka Russe. 1858. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1310 Box 56 The Poll Parrot Song. General note As sung on the Howdy Doody television show. Box 1154 Box 1154 Polonaise For Two. 1945. Polonaise for Two. Scope and Content Note Based on Polonaise, op. 53 General note Box SU 4 Box 5 Box 5 Box 57 Pomp and Circumstance. 1901. Pomp and Circumstance. 1901. Ponderosa. 1962. General note From the television program, "Bonanza." Cover features a photograph of Lorne Greene. Box 5 The Poor People of Paris. 1954. General note Cover features a photograph of Les Baxter. Box 8 The Poor People of Paris = Jean's Song. 1954. General note Cover features a photograph of Les Baxter. Box 974 Poor Humpty Dumpty -- Praying For You. General note Box NS 218 Box 554 Poor John. 1906. creator: Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd.. creator: Leigh, Fred W. creator: Pether, Henry E. Box 63 Poor Little Rhode Island. 1944. General note From the Columbia motion picture "Carolina Blues." 3 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 609 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 63 Poor Little Rhode Island. 1944. General note From the Columbia motion picture "Carolina Blues." Box 63 Poor Little Rhode Island. 1944. General note From the Columbia motion picture "Carolina Blues." Box 1164 Poor Little Rich Girl's Song. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photograph fo Joe Cawthorn. Box 446 Poor Man's Son. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Survivor Box 1147 Poor Old Joe. General note box su 12 Box 398 Poor Poor Pitiful Me. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt Box 399 Box 654 Box 144 Pop Life. 1985. Poplars. Popo the Puppet (part 2). General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From, "On the Riviera." General note SCB SX 113943. Box 144 Popo the Puppet: part 2. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: On the Riviera. General note SCB SX 113943 Box 473 (The Toys Gave a Party for) Poppa Santa Claus. 1950. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 416 Popsicle Toes. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Franks Box 19 Porcupine Rag. 1909. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 610 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 5 Port-au-Prince. 1956. General note Cover features a photograph of Nelson Riddle. Box 8 Port-au-Prince. 1956. General note Cover features a photograph of Nelson Riddle. Box 812 A Porter's Love Song to a Chambermaid. 1932. Scope and Content Note From the show, Kitchen Mechanics Review. General note On cover: photograph of Freddy Bergin. Two copies (different covers). Box 19 Porto Rico. 1910. General note on cover: photograph of Aida Overton Walker Box 446 Portrait (He Knew). 1978. General note on cover: sketches of the members of Kansas Box 473 The Possibility's There. 1955. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 19 Box 413 Possum Rag. 1907. Postcard. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Who Box 446 Postcard. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Who Box 407 Potpourri (Jewish Folk Songs). 1929. General note 2 copies Box 615 Potpourri. 1881. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, Olivette. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection. SCB SY 1172 Box 658 Potpourri from H.M.S. Pinafore Saalfield's universal ed.. General note Publisher no.: 113-9 General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1364 Box 23 La Poupée. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 611 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 456 Pour Me Original Sheet Music edition. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-129 Box 5 Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Smile, Smile, Smile). 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 8 Powder Your Face with Sunshine. 1948. General note Words and music also by Stanley Rochinski. Cover features photographs of the composers and Guy Lombardo. Box 19 Box 8 Powder Rag. 1908. Powder Your Face with Sunshine. 1948. General note Cover features photographs of the composers and Guy Lombardo. Box 26 Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Smile! Smile! Smile!). 1948. General note On cover: photograph of The Four Guardsmen Box 399 Box 20 Box 8 Power to the People. 1971. Practising Up On You. 1930. The Prager Perfect Song. 1916. General note Poem by James Whitcomb Riley. Box 5 Box 8 Box 872 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. 1942. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. 1942. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!!. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Two copies. Box 5 Box 5 Box 5 Box 8 The Prayer Perfect Song. 1916. The Prayer Perfect Song. 1916. Prayer. 1938. Prayer. 1938. General note Poem by Grace Noll Crowell. Cover features a photograph of Grace Noll Crowell. Box 874 The Prayer of Every Army Nurse: The Nurse's Prayer. 1948. General note Truesdell gift. on cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 471 Prayin for Daylight Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00079 Box 471 Prayin' For Daylight. 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352178 Box 5 The Preacher and the Bear. 1911. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 612 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 8 Box 975 The Preacher and the Bear. 1911. The Preacher and the Bear -- A Prison Without Walls. General note Box NS 219 Box 413 Precious and Few. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Sonny Geraci Box 991 Precious. General note Box SU 67 Box 446 Pregnant Again. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Loretta Lynn Box 16 Preludes for Piano. 1927. General note Includes: (I) Allegro ben ritmato e deciso, (II) Andante con moto e poco rubato, and (III) Allegro ben ritmato e deciso. Box 1157 President's Melody. General note Box SU 9 Box 5 Pretend. 1952. General note Cover features a photograph of Ralph Marterie. Box 8 Pretend. 1952. General note Also written by Cliff Parman and Frank Lavere. Cover features a photograph of Ralph Marterie. Box 16 Pretend. 1952. General note Also by Cliff Parman and Frank Lavere. Cover features photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Box 26 Pretend. 1952. General note On cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole Box 555 Pretend. 1952. creator: Brandom Music Co.. creator: Douglas, Lew creator: Lavere, Frank creator: Parman, Cliff Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 613 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 416 The Pretender. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 5 Box 5 A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody. 1919. Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes. 1944. General note Cover features a photograph of Joan Brooks. Box 5 Box 8 Pretty, Pretty, Please. 1943. Pretty, Pretty, Please. 1943. General note Advance artist copy. Box 858 Pretty Amazing Grace. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 25 Box 8 Pretty Eyed Baby. 1943. A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody. 1919. General note Standard edition. Box 922 Pretty Good at Drinkin Beer. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Billy Currington. Box 8 Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes. 1944. General note Cover features a photograph of Joan Brooks. Box 22 Box 650 Pretty Kitty Kelly. 1920. Pretty Little Sarah. 1867. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1239 Box 65 Pretty Mandolin (Tic-A-Tic-A-Tic). 1954. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Casanova's Big Night." Cover features photograph of Bob Hope and Joan Fontaine. Box 65 Pretty Mandolin (Tic-A-Tic-A-Tic). 1954. General note From the Paramount motion picture "Casanova's Big Night." "For professional use only." Box 905 Pretty Red Hibiscus. General note Box SU 126 Box 398 Pretty Vacant. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Sex Pistols Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 614 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 857 Pretty Wings. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Maxwell Box 1115 Price Tag. 2011. Scope and Content Note Photograph of Jessie J on cover. Box 22 Box 418 Pride Of The Regiment. 1910. Priere A La Nuit. 1943. General note on cover: photographs of Lucienne Delyle and Zarah Leander. from the motion picture "Le Foyer Perdu" Box 22 Box 875 A Princess Of Kensington. 1925. Priority March. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Henry Biagni Box 5 Prisoner of Love. 1931. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 5 Box 8 Prisoners of Love. 1920. Prisoner of Love. 1931. General note Also written by Clarence Gaskill and Russ Columbo. Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 8 Box 16 Prisoners of Love. 1920. Prisoner of Love. 1931. General note Words and music also by Clarence Gaskill and Russ Columbo. Cover features photograph of Perry Cuomo. Box 16 Prisoner of Love. 1931. General note Cover features photograph of Russ Columbo. Box 25 Box 26 Prisoner Of Love. 1931. Prisoner Of Love. 1931. General note On cover: photograph of Perry Como Box 976 Prisoner of Love -- Put on Your Slippers and Fill Up Your Pipe. General note Box NS 220 Box 20 Private Dancer. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Tina Turner Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 615 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 5 The Prize Waltz. 1934. General note Cover features a photograph of Frances Langford. Box 8 The Prize Waltz. 1934. General note Also written by Al Goodhart and Al Hoffman. Cover features a photograph of Frances Langford. Box 54 Theme from "Producers' Showcase". 1957. General note Theme from the NBC television spectaculars. Box 858 Prom Night. 2009. General note from the motion picture "My Sister's Keeper." on cover: photograph of Cameron Diaz and Abigail Breslin. Box 456 Promise. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352259 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-94 Box 412 Promises. 1988. General note on cover: photograph of Randy Travis Box 858 Prop 8: The Musical. 2008. General note on cover: picture of 2 wedding cakes Box 46 Proud of the House We Built. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 28963 General note Words and music also by Ronnie Dunn and Terry McBride. Recorded by Brooks & Dunn. Box 49 A Public Affair. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353512 General note Words and music also by Greg Kurstin, Sam Watters, Nickolas Ashford, Valerie Simpson, Lester Mendez, Louis Biancaniello, and Johnta Autin. Recorded by Jessica Simpson. Box 1157 Pullman Porters on Parade. General note Box SU 9 Box 991 Pump Song. General note Box SU 67 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 616 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 390 Box 577 Box 5 Box 8 Box 391 Box 5 Box 8 Box 413 Pumpkin Eater. 1956. Punch and Judy Quadrille. 1900?. Pure as Snow. Pure as Snow = Edelweiss. Purim Song. 1950. Purple Pansies. 1929. Purple Pansies. 1929. Purple Rain: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 177 Purt' Nigh, But Not Plumb. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note X SX 100009 Box 5 Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey. 1937. General note From the 20th Century Fox film, "Coney Island." Cover features photographs of Betty Grable, George Montgomery and Cesar Romero. Box 5 Put Your Hand in the Hand. 1970. General note Cover features a photograph of Anne Murray. Box 876 Put Another Nail in Hitler's Coffin!. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: cartoon of Uncle Sam nailing Hitler into a coffin Box 192 Put 'em in a Box (Tie 'em Up With a Ribbon and Throw 'em in the Deep Blue Sea). 1948. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance on the High Seas." General note On cover: photograph of Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore, Doris Day, and Oscar Levant. Seven copies. Box 473 Box 48 Put It There, Pal. 1945. Put on a Happy Face. 1960. General note From the Kohlmar-Sidney Production "Bye Bye Birdie" a Columbia Pictures Release. Box 1007 Put Put Put Went the Evinrude -- Rags to Riches. General note Box NS 221 Box 56 Put That Sawdust Back on the Floor. 1952. General note Also written by Harry Gitter and Marty Reide. Featured by Jackie Gleason on the Jackie Gleason television show. Cover features a photograph of Jackie Gleason. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 617 Works in English: Titles: P's. Series 16. Box 20 Put the Blame on Me. 1946. General note on cover: photograph of Rita Hayworth Box 8 Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey. 1937. General note Cover features photographs of Betty Grable, George Montgomery, and Cesar Romero. From the 20th Century Fox picture, "Coney Island." Box 1115 Put You in a Song. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Keith Urban. Box 8 Put Your Hand in the Hand. 1970. General note Cover features a photograph of Anne Murray. Box 1147 Put Yourself in My Place, Baby. General note box su 12 Box 654 Box 1097 Pythian Song and March. 1929. Peter Piper -- Rosalie. General note Box PS 12 Works in English: Titles: Q's. Series 17. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 1164 The Faithless Daffodil. 1904. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera, The Queen of Laughter. Box 408 Box 54 Quaker Maid. 1952. Theme from "Quark". 1977. General note From the Columbia Pictures television series, "Quark." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 64 Que Voulez Vous?. 1940. General note From the motion picture "Captain Caution." Box 416 Queen of My Soul. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Average White Band Box 1164 Queen's Mate. Scope and Content Note From the comic opera of the same title. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 618 Works in English: Titles: Q's. Series 17. Box 58 Quentin's Theme. 1969. General note From the Dan Curtis television series, "Dark Shadows." 2 copies. Box 657 Qui Vive = Ganz's Galop de Concert, op. 12. 1869. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1328 Box 16 Box 16 Box 1154 Quiet. 1926. Quiet. 1926. Quiet Hill. Scope and Content Note Adapted from Debussy's Beau Soir. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 The Quiet Hill. 1952. Box 390 Quiet Lagoon. 1971. Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 6 Box 416 Raccoons, book one. Race Among the Ruins. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 407 Box 391 Rachamono Deonei. 1938. Rachem - Mercy - Pieta. 1919. General note 2 copies Box 654 Rackety Coo. 1915. General note From the musical play, "Katinka." Box 46 Radio Nowhere. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29111 General note Recorded by Bruce Springsteen. Box 19 Rag De Luxe. 1913. General note on cover: photograph of Roy Barton Box 19 Box 19 Box 19 Rag Pickers Rag. 1904. Rag Time Chimes. 1911. The Rag With No Name. 1911. General note on cover: photograph of Brink and Camp Box 19 Rag-Time Jim. 1912. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 619 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 19 Box 19 Box 19 Box 27 Ragging the Scale. 1915. Ragging the Waves. 1917. The Raggy Fox Trot. 1915. Rags to Riches. 1935. General note On cover: photograph of Johnny O'Connor. Box 543 Rags to Riches. 1953. General note On cover: photograph of Tony Bennett. Dudley gift. Box 1011 Ragtime Cowboy Joe -- The Ramshackle Shack. General note Box NS 222. Box 19 Box 674 The Rah-Rah Boy. 1911. Rain. 1927. General note Publisher no.: SH 363-4 Robbins Music Corp General note SCB SX 2861 Box 5 Box 8 Box 865 The Rain. 1916. The Rain: op. 12, no. 1. 1916. The Rain in Spain. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "My Fair Lady." Box 25 Rain Is A Good Thing. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Luke Bryan Box 399 Rain on the Scarecrow. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of John Cougar Mellencamp Box 21 (On the Road to) Rainbow Bay. 1929. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. creator: Woods, Harry Box 416 Rainbow In Your Eyes. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Leon and Mary Russell Box 5 Box 8 Box 48 The Rainbow of Love. 1917. The Rainbow of Love. 1918. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. 1969. General note 2 copies. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Cover features a photograph of Paul Newman, Robert Redford and Katharine Ross. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 620 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 48 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. 1969. General note Brimhall piano series. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Box 48 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. 1969. General note Glen Campbell guitar solo for all guitars. Arranged and transcribed by Vincent Bredice. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Cover features photographs of Glen Campbell, Paul Newman, Robert Redford and Katharine Ross. Box 390 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 412 Box 470 Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head. 1969. Raining on Sunday. 1998. General note SCB SZ03-71 Box 416 Rainy Day People. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 413 Box 413 Box 469 Rainy Day People: Made Easy For Piano. 1975. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35. 1966. Rainy Dayz. 2002. General note SCB SZ 02-83 Box 1115 Raise Your Glass. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Pink. Box 416 Raised on Robbery. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Joni Mitchell Box 406 Box 391 Raisins and Almonds. 1962. Rambler Rose. 1922. General note on cover: photograph of Vivian Cosby. As featured in Zero and Vivian Cosby's Revue. Box 1164 Rambler Rose. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Box 413 Ramblin' Man. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Allman Brothers Band Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 621 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 413 Box 19 Box 1164 Ramblin' Rose. 1962. Rambling Mose. 1903. Ramona. 1916. Scope and Content Note From the novel by Helen Hunt Jackson. Box 1164 Box 19 Box 1006 Ramona I Love You. 1916. Ramshackle Rag. 1911. Rancho Grand, Alla en el -- Red Hot Mama. General note Box NS 223. Box 1006 Box 1006 Box 1006 Box 1006 Box 1006 Box 446 Ranco Pillow. El Rancho Rock. El Rancho Vegas. Ranger's Serenade. Rango You and Me. Rapper's Delight. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of The Sugarhill Gang Box 399 Box 418 Raspberry Beret. 1985. Reach For Tomorrow. 1960. General note on cover: photograph of Burl Ives and Shelley Winters. from the motion picture "Let No Man Write My Epitaph" Box 446 Box 16 Box 20 Box 26 Box 1157 Reach Out. 1980. Reaching for the Moon. 1930. Reaching for the Moon. 1930. Reaching For The Moon. 1930. Reaching For the Moon. General note Box SU 9 Box 399 Reaction to Action. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Foreigner Box 49 Ready, Set, Don't Go. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353728 General note Words and music also by Billy Ray Cyrus. Recorded by Billy Ray Cyrus with Miley Cyrus. Box 394 Real Life (I Never Was the Same Again) Original Sheet Music edition. 2001. General note SCB SZ 01-163 Box 390 Box 446 The Real Love. 1991. Real Love. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Doobie Brothers Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 622 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 446 Real Man. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Todd Rundgren Box 54 The Real McCoys. 1958. General note Theme from the television series, "The Real McCoys." Cover features a photograph of Walter Brennan, Richard Crenna and Kathy Nolan. Box 63 A Real Nice Clambake. 1945. General note From the 20th Century-Fox motion picture "Carousel." Box 6 Real Thing, The. 2005. creator: DioGuardi, Kara creator: Frederiksen, Marti creator: K'stuff Publishing. Box 5 (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 1976. General note Cover features a photograph of Blue Oyster Cult. Box 8 (Don't Fear) The Reaper. 1976. General note Recorded by Blue Oyster Cult on Columbia Records. Box 483 The Reason Orignal sheet music ed.. 2003. General note Publisher no.: PVM04039 Warner Bros. Publications General note SZ 05-114 Box 407 Box 391 Reb Dovidl. 1941. Reb Levi Yitzchok's Kaddish (The Kaddish of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok). General note Handwritten notes on item. Box 54 The Rebel. 1959. General note From the ABC television series, "The Rebel." Cover features a photograph of Nick Adams. Lyrics also by Andrew Fenady. Box 24 Box 446 Rebel March (University of Mississippi). 1942. Rebel, Rebel. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Bowie Box 446 Rebels Are We. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Chic Box 5 Recess Time. 1911. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 623 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 8 Box 654 Box 470 Recess Time. 1911. Recollections of Home. 1924. The Red Original Sheet Music edition. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-49 Box 858 Red Light. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of David Nail Box 1010 Red Light, Green Light. 1956. creator: Benell Music Co.. creator: Weisman, Al creator: Weisman, Ben Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Coney Island Kids. Box 1010 Red Lips and Red Wine. 1950. creator: Benedict, E. creator: Brandon, D. creator: Colonial Music Publ. Co.. creator: Glass, J. creator: Zajc, F. Scope and Content On cover: Frankie Zeitz. Box 1010 Red Lips Kiss My Blues Away. 1927. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Henry Waterson Inc.. creator: Monaco, James V. creator: Wendling, Pete Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Adler, Weil & Herman (California Humming Birds), Cogert & Motto (the Human Jazz Band), John E. Frenkel ("The Breezy Boy from the Gulf"), Heller and Riley, Danny Hope, the Kramer Twins, the Meryl Sisters, Mildred Parisette, Fred Robbins, and Al Shayne. Box 1010 Red Man Blues (The Injun). 1938. creator: Gordon V. Thompson, Limited. creator: Sutton, Harold F. Scope and Content Includes dance instructions. On cover: photograph of The Da Costas. Box 2 Red Moon. 1922. General note Music also by Max Kortlander. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 624 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1010 Red Moon. 1932. creator: Brown, Lew creator: De Martini, Henri creator: Kortlander, Max creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Traver, John Scope and Content Four copies. On cover: photograph of Wayne King. Box 1010 Red Moon of the Caribbees = Cancion del Mar. 1941. creator: Drake, Ervin creator: Lenk, Harry creator: Marroquin, Jose Sabre creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. creator: Zorrilla, J.A. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Reynolds. Box 1010 Red Nose (Where Did You Get That Nose?). 1924. creator: Brown, Lew creator: Davidson, Morris creator: Scott, Leo creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 1010 Red Nose Pete. 1924. creator: Freedman, Max C. creator: Link, Harry creator: Skidmore Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies. On covers: photographs of the Harry Spindler Orchestra and Ted Weems and his orchestra. Box 1010 Red Opu. 1935. creator: Anderson , R. Alex Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Del Courtney. Box 19 Box 19 Box 1010 Red Pepper. 1910. Red Raven Rag. 1915. Red, Red Ribbon. 1953. creator: Joy, Dorothy creator: Theodore Presser Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Mariners. Box 1010 Red, Red Roses (and Pale White Moonlight). 1931. creator: Coslow, Sam creator: Famous Music Corp.. Scope and Content Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 625 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 19 Box 1010 Red River. Red River Moon. 1945. creator: Klenner, John creator: McEnery, Dave creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Red River Dave (a.k.a. Dave McEnery). Box 1010 Red River Polka. 1950. creator: Caron, Allan creator: Mellow Music Publishing. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Slim Wilson. Box 1010 Red River Rose. 1958. creator: Connor, Tommie creator: Duchess Music Corporation. creator: Reine, Johnnie Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of The Ames Bros. Box 555 Red River Valley. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Manoloff, Nick Scope and Content From the Republic Film motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Gene Autry. Box 1010 Red River Valley. 1930. creator: High, Freeman creator: Vincent & Howard, Ltd.. Scope and Content Several copies. On covers: photograpsh of the Beverly Hill Billies, the Prairie Ramblers, Lou Breese, The Ranch Boys. Box 1010 Red River Valley. 1941. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Pearson, N.E. Box 1010 Red River Valley. 1933. creator: Morris Music Co.. creator: Potter, Harold Scope and Content Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 626 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1010 Red River Valley. 1929. creator: Meyers, Vic creator: Weeks, Harold creator: West Coast Music Publishers. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Elmore Vincent. A special broadcasting arrangement. Box 1010 Red River Valley. 1928. creator: Hakins, Richard creator: Triangle Music Corporation. Box 1010 Red River Valley. creator: Canadian Music Sales. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Wishart Campbell. Box 1010 Red Rose. 1937. creator: Craig, Francis creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Francis Craig. Box 1010 Red Rose Leaves. 1918. creator: Daniels & Wilson Music Publishers. creator: Morris, Victoria Box 1010 Red Rose of Love Bloom Again. 1920. creator: Gladwin, J. Stanton creator: Kirk, William F. creator: Oliver Ditson Company. Box 1010 Red Rose of Spain. 1923. creator: Caesar, Irving creator: Caputo, D. creator: Harms Inc.. Box 1010 Red Rose of the Dawn. 1939. creator: Santly-Joy-Select, Inc.. creator: Showers, Earl Box 1010 Red Roses. 1945. creator: Cobey, Lew creator: Crocca, Wm. creator: Mills Music. Box 1010 Red Roses (For My Lady). 1955. creator: Kriegsmann, James creator: Lowell Music Corp.. creator: Walters, Douglas Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 627 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1010 Red Roses and Little White Lies. 1955. creator: Colby, Robert creator: Melamed, Lou creator: Trinity Music, Inc.. Box 859 Red Roses for a Blue Lady. 1948. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bert Kaempfert. Box 1010 Red Roses For a Blue Lady. 1948. creator: Brodsky, Roy creator: Mills Music. creator: Tepper, Sid Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Fred Waring, Eddie Ballantine, Dick Jurgens, Guy Lombardo, Perry Como, Henry Jerome, John Laurenz, Frankie Masters, Vaughn Monroe, Arthur Godfrey, and Bert Kaempfert. Box 1010 Red Roses For My Blue Baby. 1945. creator: Dupre, Jimmy creator: Mills Music. creator: Nelson, Ed. G. creator: Pease, Harry Box 24 Box 1010 Red Sails In The Sunset. 1935. Red Sails in the Sunset. 1935. creator: Kennedy, Jimmy creator: Peter Maurice, Inc.. creator: Williams, Hugh Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Guy Lombardo, Ray Noble, Fred Waring. Nine copies all different covers. Box 1010 Red Silk Stockings and Green Perfume. 1947. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Hilliard, Bob creator: Mysels, Sammy creator: Sanford, Dick Scope and Content Ten copies. On covers: photographs of Terry Allen, The Andrews Sisters, Eddie Howard, Sammy Kaye, Ray McKinley, Tony Pastor, Jack Smith, Alys Robi, and Claude Thornhill. Box 1010 Red Skies in the Night. 1938. creator: Hart, Don creator: Irwin Dash Music Co.. creator: Noel, Art creator: Parker, Ross Scope and Content Three different copies. On cover: photograph of Russ Morgan. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 628 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 858 Red Umbrella. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Faith Hill Box 1010 Red We Want is the Red We Got (in the Old Red, White and Blue). 1950. creator: Kennedy, Jimmy creator: Odette Music Corp.. creator: Reichner, Bickley Box 22 Red, White And Blue. 1937. General note from "Swing Is In The Air" Box 1010 Red, White and Blue. 1944. creator: Edwards Music Co.. creator: Magnus, Russ Scope and Content Official theme song of Red, White and Blue Network. On item: Suggested by Captain Gordon HIttenmark ... Morale Branch War Department. Box 1010 Red White and Blue Christmas. 1953. creator: Commercial Music Co.. creator: Edwards, Jack Box 1010 Red White and Blue Sunset. 1943. creator: Barris, Harry creator: Variety Music, Inc.. creator: Whiteman, Loyce Box 1010 Red Wing (An Indian Fable). 1939. creator: Chattaway, Thurland creator: Paull Pioneer Music Corp.. Scope and Content Four copies, two different covers. Box 1010 Redeeming Love. 1963. creator: Gaither, Gloria creator: Gaither, William J. Box 1010 Redemption. 1929. creator: Lewis Music Publishing, Co.. creator: Parish, Mitchell creator: Perry, Sam A. Box 1010 Redhead. 1936. creator: Franklin, Irene creator: Green, Burt creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content On item: M.G.M. Library. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 629 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1010 Rednecks, White Socks and Blue Ribbon Beer. 1973. creator: Holyfield, Wayland creator: Jack Music, Inc.. creator: McDill, Bob creator: Neese, Chuck Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Russell. Box 654 Box 413 The Redwoods. 1937. Reelin' and Rockin'. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Chuck Berry Box 416 Box 1010 Reelin' in the Years. 1973. Reflections. 1967. creator: Dozier, Lamont creator: Holland, Brian creator: Holland, Eddie creator: Jobete Music Co.. Box 1010 Reflections in the Water. 1933. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Loeb, John Jacob creator: Webster, Paul Francis Scope and Content Four copies. On covers: photographs of Abe Lyman, Donald Novis, Lanny Ross, and Veronica Wiggins. Box 1010 Reflections of You = No Hea Ia Oe. 1931. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Gilbert, L. Wolfe creator: Pollack, Lew Scope and Content Hawaiian love song. Two copies. Box 1010 Refrigeratin' Mama (Papa's Gonna Make You HOt). 1926. creator: Triangle Music Corporation. creator: Wasserman, Walter Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Whispering Pianist, Art Gillham. Box 1010 Refugee = Flichtling. 1939. creator: Capano, Frank creator: Hays, Billy creator: Merl, Maurrie creator: Richter, Wm. B. creator: Tin Pan Alley. creator: Wong, Howard Scope and Content Lyrics in Yiddish, Spanish and Chinese. On cover: photograph of Dr. William B. Richter. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 630 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 391 Box 1010 Regards From Your Friends. 1921. Regular Fellows. 1925. creator: Owens, Billy C. creator: Tenney, Jack B. creator: W.A. Quincke. Box 577 A Regular Flipity Flop. 1900?. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Harry Freeman. Box 1010 Regular Man. 1952. creator: Porgie Music Corp.. creator: Sullivan, Jeri Box 857 Rehab. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Rihanna Box 54 Reilly. 1983. General note Theme from the Thames television series, "Reilly Ace of Spies." Cover Features a photograph of Sam Neill. Arranged by Harry Rabinowitz. Box 1010 Reindeer Boogie. 1953. creator: Ernest Tubb Music, Inc.. creator: Faircloth, Peanut creator: Snow, Hank creator: Volkmar, Cordia Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Hank Snow. Box 1010 (Look at the) Reindeer Rock. 1955. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Edwards, Sherman creator: Raleigh, Ben Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jimmy Boyd. Box 1010 (Where There's a Will, There's) Relatives, Relatives. 1948. creator: Berman, Sid creator: Duchess Music Corporation. creator: Onflick, Sid creator: Stutz, Elwood Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Barry Sisters. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 631 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1010 Relax. 1951. creator: Cochran, Dorcas creator: Gabriel, Wiga creator: Hill and Range Songs, Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies, different covers. Box 1010 Relax. 1940. creator: Dennis, Matt creator: Vanguard Songs, Inc.. Scope and Content Three different copies. On covers: photographs of Frankie Masters and Six Hits and a Miss. Box 413 Relay, The. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Who Box 1010 Relay, The. 1973. creator: Fabulous Music, Ltd.. creator: Townsend, Pete Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Who. Box 1010 Release Me. 1954. creator: Four Star Music Co.. creator: Miller, Eddie creator: Williams, Dub creator: Yount, Robert Scope and Content Three copies, different covers. On covers: photographs of Jimmy Dean and Engelbert Humperdinck. Box 16 El Relicario = My Toreador. 1926. General note English version by Wm. Cary Duncan. Bin 1010 El Relicario = Shrine of Love. 1934. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Padilla , Jose creator: Raven, Carol creator: Wilkinson, Chas. E. Scope and Content Seven copies. Box 1010 Remarkable Girl. 1929. creator: Creamer, Henry creator: Handman, Kent & Goodman, Inc.. creator: Handman, Lou Scope and Content Two copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 632 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 2 Remember. 1925. General note Cover features a photograph of Irving Berlin. Box 1009 Remember. 1972. creator: Blackwood Music, Inc.. creator: Nilsson, Harry Scope and Content From the Apple motion picture, "Son of Dracula." Box 1009 Remember. 1924. creator: Fields, Buddy creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Simons, Seymour Scope and Content Two copies. On covers: photographs of Charles Granese and Nora Kelly. Box 1009 Remember. 1921. creator: Earl, Mary creator: Magine, Frank creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Sizemore, Arthur Scope and Content Four copies, one artist copy. Box 1009 Remember. 1925. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content Eleven different copies. Box 1157 Remember. General note Box SU 9 Box 1009 Remember (I'll Never Forget). 1923. creator: Hall, Cliff creator: Kamnetz, Ed creator: The Artists Publishing Co.. Box 1009 Remember Boy, You're Irish. 1931. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Scanlan , Wm. J. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 633 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Remember F.D.R.. 1945. creator: Eddie, Rrod creator: Edwards Music Co.. creator: Edwards, Jack creator: Potter, Harold Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Box 1009 Remember Gay Vienna. 1943. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Friedlander, Wm. B. creator: Frydan, Camilla Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dennis Day. Box 1009 Remember I Love You. 1928. creator: Clapp, Sunny creator: Mills Music. Scope and Content Two copies. On covers: photographs of Rudy Valle and his Collegians and Abe Lyman and His Ambassador Orchestra, Los Angeles, CA. Box 1009 Remember I'm Your Pal. 1925. creator: Clare, Sidney creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Klages, Raymond creator: Monaco, Jimmie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sam Ash. Box 1009 Remember Last Night. 1939. creator: Drew, Hollis creator: Schloemp, Herta Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Texas Warblers. Box 1009 Remember Me. 1932. creator: Kahn, Gus creator: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corp.. creator: O'Brien, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Morton Downey. Box 1009 Remember Me. 1938. creator: Brainard, Wally creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. creator: Jones, Richard M. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Connie Boswell. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 634 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Remember Me to Mary (If She Still Remembers Me). 1928. creator: Green, Bud creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Stept, Sam H. Scope and Content Three copies. On covers: photographs of Paul Ash and Harry Reser. Box 1009 Remember Me to My Home Town. 1924. creator: Flood, John A. creator: Grant, Arthur R. creator: Metro Music Co.. Box 1009 Remember Me, Wherever You Go. 1955. creator: Barnes, Jessie creator: Rotter, Fritz creator: Weiss and Barry, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tony Alamo. Box 1009 Remember Mother's Day. 1949. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Ryan, Ben creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. creator: Violinsky, Solly Box 872 Remember Pearl Harbor. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 5 Box 8 Remember Pearl Harbor. 1941. Remember Pearl Harbor. 1941. General note Also composed by Sammy Kaye. Box 1009 Remember Pearl Harbor. 1941. creator: Kaye, Sammy creator: Reid, Don creator: Republic Music Corp.. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1009 (We'll Always) Remember Pearl Harbor. 1941. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Marks, Gerald creator: Mills Music. creator: Raskin, Willie Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 635 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Remember September. 1925. creator: Carney, Al creator: Chas. E. Roat Music Company. creator: Hill, George Scope and Content On cover: The Harmony Girls (Grace Ingram, Edith Carpenter). Box 1009 Remember the Day. 1942. creator: Paskman, Dailey creator: Reisfeld, Bert creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 1009 Remember the Rose. 1921. creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Mitchell, Sidney D. creator: Simons, Seymour Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1009 Remember Waikiki. 1951. creator: Kinney, Ray creator: Souvenir Songs. creator: Vanderburg, Gordon Scope and Content On cover: photographs of Ray Kinney, Danny Stewart's Waikiki Beach Boys, and Roy Sang's Hawaiianaires. Box 8 Box 5 Box 25 Box 1009 Remember Remember Remember Remember When. When. When. When. 1945. 1945. 1945. 1945. creator: Addy, Mickey creator: Campbell Porgie Inc.. creator: Ram, Buck Scope and Content Six copies, different back covers. On back covers: photographs of Victoria Cordova, Marion Loveridge and Randy Brooks. Box 483 Remember When it Rained. 2003. General note Publisher no.: HL00352848 Hal Leonard General note SZ 05-115 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 636 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Remember Your Promise (Say the Bells of St. Thomas). 1952. creator: Carr, L.N. creator: David, H.L. creator: Pickwick Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Fred Waring, and Keith and Sylvia Textor. Box 1009 Remember You're Mine. 1957. creator: Lowe Music Corp.. creator: Lowe, Bernie creator: Mann, Kal Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Pat Boone. Box 54 Remington Steele. 1982. General note Theme from the MTM Enterprises television series. Box 416 Box 446 Reminiscing. 1979. Reminiscing. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of The Little River Band Box 1009 Reminiscing. 1930. creator: Leslie, Edgar creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Four copies. On covers: photographs of Guy Lombardo and Harry Kogen. Box 1009 Reminiscing (Through the Years). 1939. creator: Kalmar and Ruby Music Corporation. creator: Meyer, Sol creator: Scharf, Walter creator: Sudy, Joseph Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Joseph Sudy. Box 23 Box 1009 Rendez-Vous. 1903. Rendezvous. 1958. creator: Discant, Mack creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Meyer, Joseph Box 1009 Rendezvous. 1932. creator: Goldstein, Nat creator: Gunsky, Maurice creator: Villa Moret, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 637 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 (Tonight We Have a) Rendezvous. 1954. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: Cornell, Nick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Marla Terry. Box 1009 Rendezvous. 1953. creator: Dorchester Music Corp.. creator: Freed, Ruth creator: Kaye, Buddy creator: Spielman, Fred Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tony Martin. Box 1009 Rendezvous in Rio. 1941. creator: Dominguez, Alberto creator: Merton, Marjorie creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Dorsey. Box 1009 Rendezvous With a Rose. 1948. creator: Dyer, Deb creator: Jay Dee Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Deb Dyer. Box 1009 Renee Waltz. 1951. creator: Archibald, Fred creator: Mills Music. creator: Schine, Hildegarde creator: Williams, Glenn Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 1009 Reno Masquerade. 1946. creator: Berman, Arthur creator: Bierman, Bernard creator: Manus, Jack creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Perry Como. Box 1009 Reno, Nevada (the Biggest Little City in the World). 1954. creator: Church, Edwin T. creator: Edwin T. Church Music Publishers. Box 1009 Repasz Band. 1929. creator: Lincoln, Harry J. creator: Mills Music. creator: Sherwood, Ray Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 638 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Repeat After Me. 1956. creator: Boye, Henry creator: Fairway Music Corp.. creator: Stryker, Fred Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Russ Amo. Box 858 Replay. 2009. General note on cover: green background Box 5 Requiem. 1904. Scope and Content Note Sing Me a Song of a Lad That is Gone -- Requiem -- The Unforgotten -- The Stormy Evening -- Evensong -- The Country of the Camisards. General note Six songs from "Underwoods" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Box 1154 Request Waltz. Scope and Content Note Founded on Pomone Waltz. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Box 8 The "Request" Waltz. 1943. Requiem. 1904. Scope and Content Note Six songs from "Underwoods." Sing Me a Song of a Lad That is Gone -- Requiem -- The Unforgotten -- The Stormy Evening -- Evensong -- The Country of the Camisards. Box 758 Requiem for Everyone. 1962. General note From the musical review, "Dime a Dozen." Box 483 Rescue Orignal sheet music ed.. 2004. General note Publisher no.: PVM04057 Warner Bros. General note SZ 05-116 Box 412 Box 1009 Reservations For Two. 1987. Reserved. 1956. creator: Joy, Leonard creator: Miller Music. creator: Simms, Alice Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Gisele MacKenzie. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 639 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Respect. 1967. creator: East Memphis Music Corporation. creator: Redding, Otis Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Aretha Franklin. Box 1009 Respect Yourself. 1971. creator: East Memphis Music Corporation. creator: Ingram, Luther creator: Rice, Mack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Staple Siingers. Box 1009 Rest in My Arms. 1925. creator: Burtnett, Earl creator: Kerr, Harry D. creator: sherman, Clay & Co.. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1009 Rest of the World Don't Want You (Go Back to Mother and Dad). 1923. creator: Dreyer, Dave creator: Gerber, Alex creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Meyer Davis. Box 1009 Restless. 1935. creator: Coslow, Sam creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Satterfield, Tom Scope and Content Two copies. Box 390 Restless Heart. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Peter Cetera Box 1009 Restless Heart. 1953. creator: Keith, Marilyn creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Spence, Lew Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Slim Whitman. Box 416 Box 1009 The Restless Years. 1973. Resurrection Morn. 1972. creator: Gaither, Gloria creator: Gaither, William J. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 640 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Bin 1009 Retreat (Cries My Heart). 1952. creator: Boyer, Anita creator: Farnsworth, Nancy creator: Furtado, Tommy creator: Porgie Music Corp.. Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Billy O'Connor. Box 5 Return to Me. 1957. General note Cover features a photograph of Dean Martin. Box 5 Box 1009 The Return (They are Here). 1919. Return My Heart. 1956. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Edwards, Sherman creator: Raleigh, Ben Box 1009 Return of Abdul Abulbul Amir. 1930. creator: Crumit, Frank creator: F.B. Haviland Pub., Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Frank Crumit. Box 1009 Return of Barnacle Bill The Sailor. 1929. creator: Luther, Frank creator: Robison, Carson creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Box 1009 Return of the Gay Caballero. 1929. creator: Crumit, Frank creator: F.B. Haviland Pub., Co.. creator: Klein, Lou Box 8 Return to Me. 1957. General note Cover features a photograph of Dean Martin. Words and music also by Danny Di Minno. Box 8 Box 471 The Return: They are Here. 1919. Return to Pooh Corner Original Sheet Music Ed.. 1993. General note Publisher no.: PVM00006 Box 1009 Returning Cowboy. 1946. creator: East Coast Music Publications. creator: Libonate, George creator: Lynch, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Smokey Warren. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 641 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Reuben and Rachel. 1912. creator: Birch, Harry creator: Gooch, William creator: White Smith Music Publishing, Co.. Box 51 Reuben, Reuben, I've Been Swingin'. 1938. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Kentucky Moonshine." Cover features photographs of Tony Martin, Marjorie Weaver and the Ritz Brothers. Box 1009 Reunion in April. 1934. creator: Lewis, Al creator: T.B. Harms Company. creator: Waring, Tom Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tom Waring and his Pennsylvanians. Box 1009 Revelation. 1935. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Lawnhurst, Vee creator: Seymour, Tot Box 1009 Revenge. 1961. creator: Benday Music Corp.. creator: Benton, Brook creator: Ewald, Marnie creator: Hall, Oliver Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Brook Benton. Box 1009 Reverend Mr. Black. 1963. creator: Peters, Jed creator: Quartet Music, Inc.. creator: Wheeler, Billy Edd Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Kingston Trio. Box 577 Reverie. 1900?. Scope and Content Note Transcription of the song, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke or Framed in Oak. Box 1009 Reverie. creator: David, Lee creator: Prima, Louis creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Scope and Content Music is incomplete. On cover: photograph of Alexander Bunchuk. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 642 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Revolution. 1968. creator: Lennon, John creator: McCartney, Paul creator: Northern Songs, Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Beatles. Box 1009 Reward Reward. 1955. creator: Miller Music. creator: Oken, Eugene creator: Williams, Jack creator: Ziffer, Fran Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Janet Lord Box 407 Box 5 Rhapsodie Chassidic. 1929. Rhapsody in Blue. 1939. General note Piano adaptation by Henry Levine. Box 8 Rhapsody in Blue. 1939. General note Piano adaptation by Henry Levine. Box 16 Rhapsody in Blue. 1924. General note Paraphrased and Arranged by Henry Levine. Box 27 Rhapsody in Blue. 1939. General note Piano adaptation. Box 398 Rhapsody in Blue. 1924. General note on cover: photograph of Eumir Deodato Box 554 Rhapsody in Blue. 1996. creator: Gershwin, George, 1898-1937 creator: Warner Bros. -- Archives. creator: Zizzo, Alicia Scope and Content Restored to Gershwin's original manuscript by Alicia Zizzo. Includes the addendum to the 2 piano/4 hands edition and the fully restored piano manuscript. Box 1009 Rhapsody of Fisherman's Wharf. 1956. creator: Hurlburt, Glen creator: Leeds Music. creator: McRitchie, Greig Box 19 Rhapsody Rag. 1911. General note on cover: photograph of Budd L. Cross Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 643 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Rheumatiz. 1937. creator: Alston, Bessie M. creator: Paine Publishing Co.. Box 446 Rhiannon. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 21 Rhinestone Cowboy. 1974. creator: 20th Century Music Corp. creator: Weiss, Larry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Glen Campbell. Box 1009 Rhinestone Cowboy. 1074. creator: Century Music . creator: Weiss, Larry Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Glen Campbell. Box 1009 Rhumba Boogie. 1951. creator: Hill and Range Songs, Inc.. creator: Snow, Hank Scope and Content Three copies. Box 1009 Rhumba Cardi. 1940. creator: Eaton, Malcolm creator: Gamse, Albert creator: Romero, Ricardo creator: Words and Music, Inc.. Box 1009 Rhumba Man (Start Shakin' Those Shakers). 1935. creator: Raymond, Harold creator: Rothberg, Bob creator: Simon, Nat Box 1009 Rhyme Your Name (The Rhyming Game). 1940. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Evans, Redd creator: Mann, Dave Box 1009 Rhymes. creator: Jack O'Hagan Music Pty., Ltd.. creator: Sarony, Leslie Box 1009 Rhymes. 1932. creator: Lawrence Wright Music Co.. creator: Sarony, Leslie Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 644 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 66 A Rhyme For Love. 1936. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Holiday." 2 copies (different covers). On cover features a photographs of Jack Benny, George Burns, Gracie Allen, Mary Boland and Martha Raye. Box 1009 Rhythm and Romance. 1935. creator: Broadway Music Publishing Co.. creator: Johnson, J.C. creator: Schwartz, Nat creator: Whiting, George Scope and Content Five copies. On covers: photographs of The Pickens Sisters, Frankie Masters, Enric Madriguera, Glenn Lee, and Dick Fidler. Box 1009 Rhythm in My Heart. 1933. creator: Burton, Val creator: Findlay, Hal creator: Jason, Will creator: Sam Fox Publishing Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Phil Harris. Box 1009 (If I Had) Rhythm in My Nursery Rhymes. 1935. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Chaplin, Saul creator: Lunceford, Jimmy creator: Raye, Don creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content 10 copies. On covers: photographs of Babs Ryan, Fred Martin,Guy Lombardo, Henry (Hank) Halstead and Connie Boswell. Box 1009 Rhythm is Our Business. 1935. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Kaplan, Saul creator: Lunceford, Jimmy creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Box 16 Box 1009 Rhythm Machine. 1978. Rhythm 'n' Blues (Mama's Got the Rhythm, Papa's Got the Blues). 1955. creator: Kaye Music Corp.. creator: Kaye, Buddy creator: Loman, Jules Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The McGuire Sisters. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 645 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 144 Rhythm of a New Romance. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note Production routine, part 2. From the production, "On the Riviera." General note SCB SX 113946. Box 144 Rhythm of a New Romance (production routine). General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: On the Riviera. General note SCB SX 113946 Box 922 Rhythm of Love Original sheet music ed.. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Plain White T's. Box 1009 Rhythm of the Rails. 1939. creator: Bell Music Company. creator: Finley, Chester Box 398 Rhythm of the Rain. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Jacky Ward Box 416 Rhythm of the Rain. 1969. General note on cover: photograph of Jacky Ward Box 1009 Rhythm of the Rain. 1963. creator: Gummoe, John creator: Sherman Devorzon Music Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Cascades. Box 1009 Rhythm of the Waves. 1941. creator: Koki, Sam creator: Miller Music. creator: Stewart, Dan K. Box 1009 Rhythm Rag. 1925. creator: Robison, Willard Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Paul Whiteman. Box 1009 Rhythm Saved the World. 1936. creator: Cahn, Sammy, 1913-1993--Correspondence creator: Chaplin, Saul creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 646 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1009 Rhythm Train. 1937. creator: Brooks, Shelton creator: Vogel Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photographs of Tom Waring, Fred Waring, Johnnie Davis, Rosemary and Pricilla Lane, Gene Conklin and Poley McClintock. Box 66 Rhythmatic. 1935. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "Collegiate." 2 copies. One cover features a photograph of Joe Penner, Jack Oakie, Ned Sparks and Frances Langford. Box 473 Box 1008 Rhythmitis. 1958. Ribbons and Bows. 1938. creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Lewis, Sam M. creator: Meyer, Geo. W. creator: Wendling, Pete Box 1008 Rica Pulpa. 1942. creator: Grenet, Eliseo creator: Robbins Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Carlos Ramirez. Box 1008 Rice. 1955. creator: David, Mack creator: Morley Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content Four copies, different editions. Box 1008 Rice is Nice. 1968. creator: Kama Sutra Music, Inc.. creator: Leka, Paul creator: Pinz, Shelley Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Lemon Pipers. Box 1008 Rich Man, Beggar, Pauper, King (They're Neighbors). 1930. creator: Harms Inc.. creator: Newman, Charles creator: Shay, Larry Box 54 Rich Man Poor Man. 1976. General note Theme from the Universal television series. Piano solo. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 647 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Rich People of Brooklyn. 1956. creator: Pockriss, Lee creator: Vance, Paul creator: World Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye. Box 1008 Richest Man in the World, The. 1955. creator: Bryant, Boudleaux creator: Showcase Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Eddy Arnold. Box 19 Box 1008 Box 5 Richmond Rag. 1908. Rickett's Hornpipe. The Rickety Rickshaw Man. 1943. General note Cover features a photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 1008 Rickety Rickshaw Man, The. 1943. creator: Drake, Ervin creator: Melody Lane Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content Five copies. On covers: photographs of Frank Sinatra, Vera Massey, Eddy Howard and Ervin Drake. Box 8 The Rickety Rickshaw Man. 1943. General note Cover features a photograph of Eddy Howard. Box 1008 Rickety Stairs. 1921. creator: Bargy, Roy creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. creator: Moriarty, George creator: Straight, Charley Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1008 Rickety Tickety Melody. 1954. creator: Milford Music, Co.. creator: White, Edward R. creator: Wolfson, Mack Box 464 Ricordo Ancor (Pelagia's Song) Captain Corelli's Mandolin. 2001. General note SCB SZMP 01-31 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 648 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Ricoshet. 1953. creator: Coleman, Larry creator: Darion, Joe creator: Gimbel, Norman creator: Sheldon Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Teresa Brewer. Box 49 The Riddle. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353455 General note Recorded by Five for Fighting. Box 1008 Riddle Song, The. 1951. creator: Ben Bloom Music Corp.. creator: Monath, Norman Box 1008 Riddles. 1937. creator: Capano, Frank creator: Gindhart, Tom creator: Tin Pan Alley. Box 446 The Ride. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of David Allan Coe Box 874 Ride. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Martina McBride Box 1008 Ride Away Laughing (a Legend of Custer's Last Stand). 1954. creator: Altman, Arthur creator: Reid, Don creator: Remick Music Corporation. Box 1008 Ride Captain Ride. 1970. creator: ATM Music. creator: Konte, Frank creator: Pinera, Carlos Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Blues Image. Box 1008 Ride My See Saw. 1968. creator: Lodge, John creator: Palace Music Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Moody Blues. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 649 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Ride, Ranger, Ride. 1936. creator: Cross & Winge, Inc.. creator: Spencer, Vern (Tim) Scope and Content Official ranger song of the Texas Centennial, 1836-1936. On cover: photograph of The Sons of the Pioneers. Box 1008 Ride, Red, Ride. 1935. creator: Millinder, Lucky creator: Mills, Irving creator: Milsons Music Publishing Corp.. Box 446 Box 54 Ride Like the Wind. 1980. A Ride on a Rainbow. 1957. General note From the television program, "Ruggles of Red Gap." Box 192 Ride on Vaquero. 1929. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance of Rio Grande." General note Four copies. Box 1008 Ride, Russians, Ride. 1943. creator: Klenner, John creator: Knipper, Lev creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. Box 1008 Ride With Me. 1971. creator: Bonfire, Mars creator: Manitou Music. Box 5 Riders in the Sky (A Cowboy Legend). 1949. General note Cover features a photograph of Burl Ives. Box 8 Riders in the Sky. 1949. General note Cover features a photograph of Burl Ives. Box 23 Box 1008 Riders In The Sky. 1949. Riders in the Sky. 1949. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Jones, Stan Scope and Content Seven copies, different covers. On covers: photographs of Bing Crosby, Derry Falligant, Peggy Lee, Burl Ives and Vaughn Monroe. Box 456 Ridin'. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-130 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 650 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Ridin' Alone on the Prairie. 1939. creator: Harold Flammer, Inc.. creator: Jones, Lee Box 1008 Ridin' and Singin' a Song. 1945. creator: Berens, Norm creator: Burch, Si creator: Peerless Songs, Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Happy Perryman. Box 1008 Ridin' Around in the Rain. 1934. creator: Austin, Gene creator: Lombardo, Carmen creator: Select Music Publications, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Guy Lombardo. Box 1008 Ridin' Down the Arizona Trail. 1936. creator: Davis, Jimmy creator: Jenkins Music Company. creator: Mitchell, Charles Box 872 Ridin' Herd On A Cloud. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Sgt. Ginny Simms Box 1008 Ridin' Herd on a Cloud. 1943. creator: Botkin, Perry creator: Bushallow, Jon creator: Saunders Publications. creator: Schwartz, Bernie Scope and Content Two copies. On covers: photographs of Sgt. Ginny Simms and Bing Crosby. Box 1008 Ridin' on the Steamer JS. 1925. creator: Jarrett, Harry E. creator: Shattinger Piano & Music Co.. Box 1008 Ridin' on the Wings of Song. 1944. creator: F.E. Whitney Publications. creator: Whitney, Frank Box 922 Ridin' Solo. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Jason Derulo. Box 1008 Ridin' the Rainbow. 1962. creator: Gladys Music, Inc.. creator: Weisman, Ben creator: Wise, Fred Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 651 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Ridin' to Glory on a Trumpet. 1936. creator: McCoy, Clyde creator: Warner/Chappell Music Publishing Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Clyde McCoy. Box 1008 Ridin' to Tennessee. 1954. creator: Bowman, Doc creator: Dailey, W. creator: Johnstone-Montei, Inc.. creator: Sminote, Tedd Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Teddy Phillips. Box 1008 Ridin' up the River Road. 1935. creator: Donaldson, Douglas & Gumble, Inc.. creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content Four copies. On covers: photographs of Dick Robertson and Jack Ryan; The Rhythm Girls; Ulderico Marcelli, and Carol Deis. Box 865 Box 1008 Riding Along. 1946. Riding on a Rainbow. 1941. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Graham, Berkeley creator: Mills, Carley Box 1008 Ridiing Over Sage Brush Plains. 1943. creator: Dail, John creator: Zoeller Music Co.. creator: Zoeller, Lou E. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tex Atchison. Box 1008 Riffin' at the Bar B Q. 1939. creator: Coles, Nat creator: Davis & Schwegler. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of King Cole and his NBC Swing Trio. Box 19 Box 1008 Rig-A-Jig Rag. 1912. Riga Rose (Russian Love Song). 1923. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Friedland, Anatol creator: Harms Inc.. Box 1008 Right About Now. 1950. creator: Myrow, Josef creator: Roberts, Allan creator: Supreme Muisic Corporation. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 652 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Right Across the Way. 1931. creator: Ahlert, Fred creator: Olman Music Corporation. creator: Turk, Roy Scope and Content Two copies. Box 446 Right Back to Where We Started From. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Maxine Nightingale Box 1008 Right Back Where We Started From. 1976. creator: ATV Music, Ltd.. creator: Edwards, Vince creator: Tubbs, Pierre Box 1008 Right Down in the Middle of the Road. 1943. creator: Robbins Music Corporation. creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jimmy Dorsey. Box 1008 Box 6 Right in My Arms. 1948. creator: Putman, Frank Right Here. creator: Lewis, Aaron creator: Mushok, Michael creator: WB Music Corp.. creator: Wysocki, Jonathan Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Staind. Box 494 The Right Kind of Love. 1992. General note Publisher no.: HL00120888 Scope and Content Note From the soundtrack of the television program, "Beverly Hills 90210." General note SCB SZTV 93-2 Box 1008 Right Kind of Love, The. 1943. creator: Goell, Kermit creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Wayne, Mabel Scope and Content Two copies. . Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 653 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Right Kind of Man, The. 1953. creator: Baer, Abel creator: De Sylva, Brown & Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gilbert, L. Wolfe Box 1008 Right Next Door to Tennessee. 1948. creator: Dilbeck, Tommy creator: Hill and Range Songs, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Dilbeck. Box 1008 Right Now. 1931. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Robinson, Russel creator: Russell, Benee Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Maurice Chevalier. Box 1008 Right Now. 1940. creator: Fisher, Fred creator: Fred Fisher Music Co., Inc.. creator: Kern, Jerome Box 857 Right Now (Na Na Na). 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Akon Box 1008 Right or Wrong. 1928. creator: Gillespie, Haven creator: Sizemore, Arthur creator: Triangle Music Corporation. Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Merle Johnston, Irene Frederick and Al Mason (the Strumming Crooners). Five different copies. Box 1008 Right or Wrong. 1927. creator: Hughston, Peggy creator: Krausgrill, Walter creator: sherman, Clay & Co.. creator: St. Claire, Ernest Box 1008 Right or Wrong (I Love You). 1928. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Davis, Benny creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. creator: Rose, Billy Scope and Content Three copies. On covers: photographs of MIller & Farrell, Marie Nestle and Art Landry. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 654 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Right or Wrong (I'll Be With You). 1961. creator: Combine Music Corp. Inc.. creator: Jackson, Wanda Box 1008 Right Out of a Dream. 1947. creator: Duane, Harry creator: Mecum, Dudley Box 416 Right Place Wrong Time. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Dr. John Box 64 The Right Somebody To Love. 1936. General note From the Fox motion picture "Captain January." Cover features photographs of Shirley Temple. Box 64 The Right Somebody To Love. 1936. General note From the Fox motion picture "Captain January." "For Professional Use Only." Box 64 The Right Somebody To Love. 1936. General note From the Fox motion picture "Captain January." Box 1008 Right to Happiness. 1919. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Greene , Abbey creator: Jerome H. Remick & Co.. Box 1008 Right Thing to Say, The. 1962. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: Conn, Chester creator: Gallop, Sammy Scope and Content On cover: photographs of Nat "King" Cole. Box 456 Right Where I Need To Be. 2000. General note SCB SZ 01-131 Box 1008 Rika Jika Jack. 1946. creator: Dawson, Eli creator: George Adams Music Pub. Co.. creator: Hagen, Walter creator: Sullivan, Marie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Stan Kenton. Box 19 The Rinaldo Rag. 1909. General note on cover: photograph of Rinaldo Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 655 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 473 Ring-a Ding Ding!. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 1008 Ring a Ding a Ding. 1956. creator: Charles, Gordon creator: Dominion Music Publishing Corp.. creator: Towne, Billy Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Sands. Box 1008 Ring a Round a Rosie ('Round the Moon). 1932. creator: Heaps, Seldon N. creator: Morgan Publishing Co.. creator: Morgan, Eleanore Box 63 Ring Down The Curtain. 1954. General note Based on the Love-Theme from the RKO motion picture "Carnival Story." Lyrics also by Philip Moody. Box 1008 Ring Down the Curtain, I Can't Sing Tonight. 1944. creator: Brennen, Robert H. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Story, Pauline B. Box 416 Box 446 Ring My Bell. 1979. Ring My Bell. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Anita Ward Box 1008 Ring My Bell. 1979. creator: Knight, Frederick creator: Two Knight Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Anita Ward. Box 1008 Ring My Phone. 1957. creator: Central Songs, Inc.. creator: De Haven, Frank Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tommy Sands. Box 1008 Ring of Fire. 1963. creator: Carter, June creator: Kilgore, Merle creator: Painted Desert Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Cash. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 656 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Ring on Little Bell. 1955. creator: Beechwood Music Corp.. creator: Carstens, Nico creator: De Waal, Anton Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Henri Rene. Box 1008 Ring Out Big Ben. 1943. creator: Barry, Marilyn creator: Michael Keane, Inc.. creator: Shilkret, Jack Box 1008 Ring Telephone Ring. 1940. creator: Advanced Music Corp.. creator: Ram, Buck creator: Tinturin, Peter Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Bachelors and Charleen. Box 1008 Ring Telephone Ring. 1954. creator: DeVol, Frank. creator: Johnstone-Montei, Inc.. creator: Norvas, Bill Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Jaye P. Morgan and Frank DeVol. Box 758 Ring on the Finger. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Two copies. Box 473 Box 1008 Ring the Bell. 1958. Ring the Bell. 1943. creator: Newell, Roy creator: Superior Music Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Reggie Childs. Box 525 Box 1008 Ring the Bell Softly. 1866. Ringo. 1964. creator: Blair, Hal creator: Don Robertson Music Corp.. creator: Robertson, Don Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lorne Greene. Box 1008 Rings. 1919. creator: Handman, Lou creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Sullivan, Alex Scope and Content Four copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 657 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Rio. 1946. creator: David, Mack creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Santiago, Oswaldo creator: Vermelho, Alcyr Pires Box 1008 Rio. 1935. creator: Crossing, Cyril creator: Drew, Don creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. Box 1008 Rio Grande Rancho. 1943. creator: Moulton, Maude S. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gene Autry. Box 1008 Rio Nights. 1922. creator: A.J. Stasny Music Co. creator: Thompson, Fisher creator: Vincent, Elmer Box 1008 Rip Van Winkle. 1945. creator: Handy, George creator: Leeds, Howard creator: Levinson, Bob creator: Remick Music Corporation. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 577 Rip van Winkle Galop. 1900?. Scope and Content Note Cover only. Box 1008 Rip Van Winkle Slept With One Eye Open. 1918. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Fisher, Fred creator: McCarthy & Fisher, Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1008 Rippin' It Off. 1927. creator: Gordon, Stubby creator: Lewis Music Publishing, Co.. creator: Squires, Harry D. Box 5 Box 8 Box 577 Rippling Waves. 1909. Rippling Waves. 1909. Rippling Water. 1911. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 658 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 Rise and Shine. 1970. creator: Cedarwood Publishing, Co., Inc.. creator: Perkins, Carol Scope and Content ON cover: photograph Tommy Cash. Box 16 Box 51 The Rise of Rosie O'Reilly: When June Comes Along with a Song. 1923. Rita. 1937. General note Also written by Lee Zahler. From the motion picture, "Jungle Menace." Cover features a photograph of Frank Buck. Cover autographed by Lee Zahler. Box 1008 Rita Marie (Havan Love Song). 1933. creator: Hambitzer Music House. creator: Henderson , John D. creator: Henderson, Phyllis F. Box 416 (Everybody Wanna Get Rich) Rite Away. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Dr. John Box 1008 River = Le Colline Sono in Fiore. 1965. creator: Angiolini, R. creator: Shuman, Earl Box 1008 River = Sciummo. 1953. creator: Concina, C. creator: Mellin, Robert creator: Robert Mellin Inc.. Box 1008 River and Me. 1930. creator: Dubin, Al creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Warren, Harry Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1008 River Boat. 1959. creator: Anderson, Bill creator: Tree Publishing Co., Inc.. Box 1008 River Chanty. 1954. creator: Anderson, Maxwell creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Weill, Kurt Box 390 Box 1115 River Deep - Mountain High. 1967. River Flows in You. 2001. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 659 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 River in the Moonlight. creator: Beadell, Eily creator: Henry Spitzer Music Publishing Co., Inc.. creator: Tollerton, Nell Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Freddy Martin. Box 1008 River of Dreams. 1949. creator: Encore Music Publications, Inc.. creator: Larson, Les. H. Box 857 River of Love. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait Box 858 River of Love. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of George Strait and various musicians performing live Box 1008 River of Love. 1973. creator: ABC/Dunhill Music, Inc. creator: Moore, Daniel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of B.W. Stevenson. Box 1008 River of Love. 1936. creator: Frank, Frank creator: Lyman, Olin creator: Munk, Harold creator: Munk, Wilfred Box 1008 River of Smoke. 1950. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Hilliard, Bob creator: Sigman, Carl Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Fred Waring and Burl Ives. Box 1008 River of Romance. 1937. creator: English, Granville creator: G. Schirmer, Inc.. Box 1008 River River. 1952. creator: Hub Music Co.. creator: Oakland, Ben creator: russell, Bob Box 1008 River Road Two Step. 1951. creator: King, Pee Wee creator: Stewart, Redd creator: Vanguard Songs, Inc.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 660 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1008 River Seine. 1949. creator: Holt, Alan creator: La Farge, Guy creator: Monod, Flavien creator: Remick Music Corporation. creator: Roberts, Allan Scope and Content Three copies. Box 1008 River Shannon Moon. 1923. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Smith, Walter Wallace Scope and Content Seven copies. On covers: photographs of Stuart Barrie (organist of the Missouri Theatre), Francis D. Ingalls (of the Strand Theatre, Worcester, MA), Julius K. Johnson (of the Rialto Theatre, Omaha, NB), Enrico Leide (of the Howard Theatre, Atlanta, GA), Henry Murtagh (organist of Grauman's Metropolitan Theatre, Los Angeles), Guy Redmond (of the Melba Theatre, Dallas, TX). Box 19 Box 854 River Side Rag. 1911. River Stay 'Way From My Door. 1931. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Woods, Harry Box 1013 River, Stay 'Way From My Door. 1931. creator: Dixon, Mort creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: Woods, Harry Scope and Content Twenty five copies. On covers: photographs of Julian Woodworth, Tommy Weir, Arthur Tracy, Singin' Sam, Shaw and Brunet, Baby Rose Marie, Luigi Romanelli, The Piano Twins, Jack Miller, H.S. Maurer, Vincent Lopez, Wayne King, Little Jack Little, Aunt Jemima, Peter Higgins, Gene & Glenn, Ruth Etting, Joe Darcy, Ray Bretz & Ted Weitz, Nita Bernard, and Dave Abrams. Box 1013 River's Takin' Care of Me. 1933. creator: Adams, R. Stanley creator: Greer, Jesse creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Scope and Content Four copies. On covers: photographs of Kate Smith, The King's Jesters, Glen Gray and Connie Boswell. Box 1147 Riverboat Shuffle. General note box su 12 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 661 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1019 Riveter's Rag, The. 1919. creator: Coburn, Richard creator: Hatch, Coburn and Rose. creator: Rose, Vincent Scope and Content Three copies. Box 408 Box 413 Riviera Rose. 1924. The Road. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Danny O'Keefe Box 1013 Road, The. 1973. creator: Cotillion Music, Inc.. creator: O'Keefe, Danny Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Danny O'Keefe. Box 1013 Box 1013 Road I Passed Along, The. 1938. creator: MacFarlane, Thomas Road I Walk Alone, The. 1970. creator: Pam , Michael creator: Segal's Publications. creator: Segal, Charles Box 1013 Road is Long, The. 1970. creator: Ensign Music Corporation. creator: Griffin, Don creator: Strickland, Jerry Scope and Content On cover: photograph of David Soul. Box 186 The Road is Open Again. 1933. General note Two copies. SCB SX 115919-20. Box 1157 Road That Leads to Love. General note Box SU 9 Box 1013 Road That Leads to You. 1938. creator: Keegan, Celia creator: La Bonte, Henri Box 27 Box 473 On The Road To Mandalay. 1932. The Road to Bali. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour. from the motion picture "Road to Bali" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 662 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Road to Happiness. 1958. creator: Ardmore Music Corp.. creator: Weidler, Warner Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Beavers. Box 473 The Road to Hong Kong. 1962. General note 2 copies. from the motion picture "The Road to Hong Kong" Box 473 Box 473 The Road to Morocco. 1942. The Road to Morocco. 1942. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, and Dorothy Lamour Box 1013 Road to Paradise. 1922. creator: Heustis, Reed creator: Jockers & Heustis. creator: Jockers, Monroe M. Box 876 The Road To Victory. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: pictures of American bonds Box 1013 Road to Victory. 1943. creator: Loesser, Frank creator: Saunders Publications. Scope and Content Published by the request of the United States Treasury Dept. in connection with the Third War Loan. Box 1013 Roam On (Little Gypsy Sweetheart). 1927. creator: Kahal, Irving creator: Snyder, Ted creator: Waterson, Berliin & Snyder Co.. creator: Wheeler, Francis Scope and Content Six copies. On covers: photoraphs of Jack Irving, the Goodrich Silvertown Quartette, Sid Hall, Bob Brose and Milton Berle "The Wayward Youth." Box 1013 Roamin' Around. 1925. creator: Clay, Sonny creator: Jack Mills, Inc.. creator: Wiedoeft, Herbert Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Herb Wiedoeft and his Orchestra at the Cinderella Roof, Los Angeles. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 663 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Roamin' For Romance. 1932. creator: Cook, Mercer creator: De Sylva, Brown & Henderson, Inc.. creator: Robinson, J. Russel Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1013 Roamin' in the Gloamin'. 1911. creator: Francis, Day & Hunter, Ltd.. creator: Lauder, Harry Box 1013 Roamin' Thru the Roses. 1930. creator: DeRose, Peter creator: O'Flynn, Charles creator: Santly Bros., Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: Pauline Haggard. Box 1013 Roamin' to Wyomin'. 1923. creator: Clare, Sidney creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies, different covers. On cover: photograph of Erdody's Canary Cottage Players. Box 1013 Roaming. 1921. creator: Bargy, Roy creator: Straight, Charley Box 54 The Roaring Twenties. 1960. General note Also written by Jerry Livingston. From the Warner Brothers television program, "The Roaring Twenties." Box 1013 Robber (Stealer of Hearts). 1955. creator: Davis, Sheriff "Tex" creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Phelps, Willie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dick Williams. Box 413 Robbie's Song for Jesus. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Anne Murray Box 1013 Robbin' the Cradle. 1959. creator: Bellusci, Anthony J. creator: Wonder Music Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tony Bellus. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 664 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Robin and a Rainbow and a Red, Red Rose. 1951. creator: Lowe, Jules creator: Republic Music Corp.. creator: Sachs, Jerome Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye. Box 1013 Robin Hood. 1955. creator: Official Music Co., Inc.. creator: Sigman, Carl Box 1013 Robin Hood. 1944. creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Miketta, Bob creator: Prima, Louis Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Louis Prima, Del Courtney, and Les Brown. Box 1013 Robins and Roses. 1936. creator: Burke, Joe creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Leslie, Edgar Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Ben Bernie, Ray Block, The Blue Flames, Basil Fomeen, Bernie Cummins, Al Donahue, Dorothy Dreslin, Emerson Gill, Harvey Hammond, Alan Leafer, Guy Lombardo, Red McKenzie, Fred Palmer, Ray Pearl, Carl Ravazza, Lois Ravel, Twin City Foursome, and Bing Crosby. Box 5 Box 8 Box 1013 Robins Return. 1936. Robins Return. 1936. Roc a Chicka. 1957. creator: MacPherson, Warner creator: Old Charter Music Pub., Co., Inc.. Box 1013 La Roca de La Laguna = The Rock in the Lake. 1957. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Jimenez, Manuel creator: Paul, Olga creator: Pedreira, Jose E. Box 1013 Rock-a-Beatin' Boogie. 1954. creator: Haley, Bill creator: Myers Music. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bill Haley and his Comets. Box 1013 Rock-a-Billy. 1957. creator: Deane, Eddie V. creator: Harris, Woody creator: Oxford Music Corporation. Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of Guy Mitchell. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 665 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Rock-a-Billy Gal. 1957. creator: Colby, Robert creator: Criterion Music Corp.. creator: Wolf, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dick Jacobs. Box 5 Box 8 The Rock-a-by Train. 1923. The Rock-a-by Train. 1923. General note On cover, "To Ella Van Huff." Box 5 Rock a Bye Moon. 1932. General note Cover features a photograph of Ethel Shutta. Box 8 Rock a Bye Moon. 1932. General note Also written by: Fred Steel and Morton Lang. Box 991 Rock a Bye Time. General note Box SU 67 Box 413 Rock and Roll. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Led Zeppelin Box 1013 Rock and Roll Parts 1 & 2. 1972. creator: Duchess Music Corporation. creator: Glitter, Gary creator: Leander, Mike Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Gary Glitter. Box 1013 Rock and Roll is Here to Stay. 1957. creator: Singular Publishing Co.. creator: White, David Box 1013 Rock 'n Me. 1976. creator: Miller, Steve creator: Sailor Music. Box 1013, Box 1013 Rock 'n Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life). 1973. creator: Johnson, Kevin creator: Tree Publishing Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Mac Davis Box 416 Box 446 Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy. 1979. A Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy. 1978. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 666 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 416 Rock n'Roll Heaven. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Righteous Brothers Box 1013 Rock n Roll March. 1955. creator: Chait, Charlotte creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: White, Edward R. creator: Wolfson, Mack Box 1013 (We Want a) Rock and Roll President. 1956. creator: Colby, Robert creator: Redd Evans Music Company. creator: Wolf, Jack Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Treniers. Box 1013 Rock & Roll Runaway. 1975. creator: Anchor Music, Inc.. creator: Carrrack, Paul creator: Harris, Phil creator: King, Alan Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ace. Box 413 Rock & Roll Stew. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Traffic Box 26 The Rock And Roll Waltz. 1955. General note On cover: photograph of Kay Starr Box 1013 Rock and Roll Waltz, The. 1955. creator: Allen, Shorty creator: Sheldon Music, Inc.. creator: Ware, Dick Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Kay Starr. Box 1013 Rock and Roll Wedding. 1956. creator: Brandt, Eddie creator: Motola, George creator: Simon House, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 667 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Rock & Rye Polka (Mister Rock an' Rye). 1940. creator: Colby, Richard creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. creator: Wellington, Larry Scope and Content Two copies. On cover: photograph of "Happy" Harry Harden. Box 1013 (We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock. 1953. creator: De Knight, Jimmy creator: Freedman, Max C. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bill Haley and The Comets. Box 1013 Rock Around Mother Goose. 1956. creator: Bennett, Roy C. creator: Hampshire House Publ., Corp.. creator: Tepper, Sid Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1013 Rock Hearted Mama. 1956. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Thomas, Joe Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Dick Williams Box 1013 Rock Island Line. 1956. creator: Donegan, Lonnie creator: Essex Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Lonnie Donegan. Box 1013 Rock it For Me. 1938. creator: Werner, Kay creator: Werner, Sue creator: Words and Music, Inc.. Scope and Content Two copies. Box 1013 Rock Love. 1954. creator: Glover, Henry creator: Jay & Cee Music Corporation. Scope and Content On covers: photographs of Elaine Gay and Teresa Brewer. Box 64 Rock Me. 1968. General note From the motion picture "Candy." Cover features a photograph of the band Steppenwolf. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 668 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Rock Me Baby. 1972. creator: Clinger, Peggy creator: Cymbal, Johnny creator: Pocket Full of Tunes, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of David Cassidy. Box 1013 Rock Me in a Cradle of Kalua. 1931. creator: Bryan, Alfred creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. creator: Wendling, Pete Scope and Content Six copies. On covers: photographs of Kate Smith, Jack Denny, Ben Bernie, and Smith Ballew. Box 413 Rock Me On The Water. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Linda Ronstadt Box 1013 Rock Me to Sleep in an Old Rocking Chair. 1926. creator: Forster Music Publisher, Inc.. creator: Taylor, Tell Scope and Content Four copies, two different covers. On cover: photograph of Neighbor Jim. Box 1013 Rock Me to Sleep in My Rocky Mountain Home. 1930. creator: Brown, George creator: Calumet Music Co.. creator: Howard, Fred creator: Raskin, Willie creator: Vincent, Nat Scope and Content Five copies, different covers. On covers: photographs of Tex Fletcher, and Elmore Vincent, the Texas Troubadour. Box 1013 Rock Me to Sleep in the Rockies. 1945. creator: Klages, Raymond creator: Mills Music. creator: Robinson, Russel Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Roy Rogers. Box 446 Rock Music. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Jefferson Starship Box 26 Rock Of Ages. 1917. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 669 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1013 Rock of Gibraltar. 1952. creator: Gilkyson, Terry creator: Montclare Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Frankie Laine. Box 1013 Rock On. 1974. creator: Essex, David creator: Jeff Wayne Music Ltd.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of David Essex. Box 1013 (Georgia Gibbs') Rock Right. 1956. creator: Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. creator: Edwards, Sherman creator: Raleigh, Ben Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Georgia Gibbs. Box 1971 Rock Steady. 1971. creator: Franklin, Aretha creator: Pundit Music, Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Aretha Franklin. Box 416 Rock the Boat. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Hues Corporation Box 456 Rock the Boat. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352403 Black Fountain General note SCB SZ 01-143 Box 1013 Rock the Boat. 1974. creator: High Ground Music. creator: Holmes, Wally Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Hues Corporation. Box 446 Rock the Casbah. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of The Clash Box 57 Rock With Me. 1983. General note From the Lorimar television series, "Boone." Cover features a photograph of the male lead. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 670 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 470 Rock You Baby. 2002. General note SCB SZ03-70 Box 1013 Rockabilly Party. 1957. creator: Hoffman, Al creator: Manning, Dick creator: Planetary Music Publishing Corp.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Hugo & Luigi. Box 413 Rocket Man. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Elton John Box 1115 Rocketeer. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Far East Movement. Box 54 The Rockford Files. 1974. General note Theme from the Universal television series. Cover features a photograph of James Garner. Box 16 Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. 1958. General note Cover features photograph of Brenda Lee. Box 1147 Rockin' Chair. General note box su 12 Box 446 Rockin' Into the Night. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of 38-Special Box 413 Rocking Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Johnny Rivers Box 413 Rocky Mountain High. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of John Denver Box 991 Rocky Mountain Moon. General note Box SU 67 Box 57 Rodeo. 1952. General note From the CBS television program, "Big Top." Also written by Joseph Basile and Joe De Masi. Cover features a photograph of Joe Basile. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 671 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 64 Rogue River Valley. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." Box 64 Rogue River Valley. 1946. General note From the motion picture "Canyon Passage." 2 copies. Box 416 Rolene. 1979. Scope and Content Note on cover: photograph of Moon Martin Box 446 Roll Me Away. 1983. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Seger Box 413 Roll Over, Beethoven. 1956. General note on cover: photograph of Electric Light Orchestra Box 922 Roll With It. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Easton Corbin. Box 416 Roller Derby. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Leon Russell Box 473 Box 1115 Rolling in Rainbows. 1958. Rolling in the Deep. 2011. General note On cover: photograph of Adele Adkins. Box 2 Box 25 Box 47 Romance. 1934. Romance. 1944. Romance. 1929. General note Also by Walter Donaldson. From the William Fox musical movitone, "Cameo Kirby." Keyword: motion picture. Box 47 Romance. 1929. General note 5 copies. Box 47 Romance. 1929. General note Also by Walter Donaldson. Box 63 Romance in Carnegie Hall. 1947. General note Adapted from Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto for the motion picture "Carnegie Hall." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 672 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1154 Romance In Carnegie Hall. 1947. General note from the production "Carnegie Hall. On cover: photographs of Marsha Hunt, William Prince, and D'Artega. Box 1154 Romance in Carnegie Hall. Scope and Content Note Adapted from Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. General note Box SU 4 Box 1012 The Romance of the Rose -- Rose of Monterey. General note Box NS 229 Box 192 Romanoff and Juliet (Theme). 1961. Scope and Content Note Theme from the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: photograph of Peter Ustinov and Sandra Dee. Box 57 A Romantic Guy, I. 1941. General note Theme song of the television program, "The Bob Cummings Show." Also written by Richard Uhl and Frank H. Stanton. Box 192 Rome Adventure. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: Troy Donahue and Angie Dickinson. Box 58 Rome Will Never Leave You. 1964. General note Sung by Richard Chamberlain in the "Dr. Kildare" television series. Cover features a photograph of Richard Chamberlain. Box 58 Rome Will Never Leave You. 1964. General note Sung by Richard Chamberlain in the "Dr. Kildare" television series. Artist copy. Box 192 Romeo and Juliet (Love Theme). 1968. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On covers: photographs of Henry Mancini, Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. 7 copies, different covers. Box 473 Romeo Smith and Juliet Jones. 1941. General note on cover: caricatures of actors from the RKO radio picture "Playmates" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 673 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 16 Romeo's Tune. 1976. General note Cover features photograph of Steve Forbert. Box 192 La Ronde = Merry Go Round. 1954. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "La Ronde." General note Two copies Box 494 Room Enough For Two. 1987. Scope and Content Note Theme to the television series, "My Sister Sam." General note SCB SZTV 87-11 Box 5 Box 8 Box 54 Room Full of Roses. 1949. Room Full of Roses. 1949. Theme from "Room 222". 1969. General note From the 20th Century Fox television series. Box 26 Box 54 Root Beer Rag. 1975. Roots. 1977. General note Theme from the David L. Wolper television production. Box 398 Roots: Made Easy For Piano. 1977. General note Theme from the David L. Wolper TV Production, "Roots" Box 192 The Roots of Heaven. 1958. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note Two copies. Box 192 Rosalie. 1937. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note Three copies, different covers. On cover: photograph of Nelson Eddy and Eleanor Powell. Box 5 Rosanna. 1982. General note Cover features a photograph of Toto. Box 8 Rosanna. 1982. General note As recorded by Toto on Columbia Records. Box 7 El Rosario. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 674 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 192 The Rosary. 1898. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: photograph of Jane Novak and Robert Gordon. Box 192 The Rose. 1979. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On cover: photograph of Bette Midler. 2 copies. Box 399 Box 5 The Rose. 1984. (I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden. 1970. General note Cover features a photograph of Lynn Anderson. Box 5 Box 5 Box 5 Box 5 Box 398 Rose Dreams. Rose O'Day. 1941. Rose of an Hour. 1922. The Rose of Tralee. 1933. The Rose: Piano Duet Arrangement. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 876 Rose Ann of Charing Cross. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Blue Barron and cartoon rendition of a nurse Box 875 Rose Ann of Charing Cross. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Abe Lyman Box 656 Rose Atherton Polka. 1858. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1315 Box 456 Rose Bouquet. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-132 Box 8 Rose Dreams. 1914. General note Poem by J.R. Shannon. Box 8 (I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden. 1970. General note On cover, "Recorded by Lynn Anderson on Columbia Records." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 675 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1154 Rose I Bring You. Scope and Content Note Adapted from Braga's Serenata. General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 The Rose I Bring You. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Jan Peerce Box 758 Rose Lovejoy of Paradise Alley. 1959. General note From the musical, "Destry Rides Again." Three copies. Box 192 Rose Marie. 1924. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture of the same title. General note On covers: photographs of Ann Blyth, Howard Keel and Fernando Lamas, Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. Box 547 Rose Marie. 1924. General note Dudley gift. Box 8 Rose O'Day: the Filla-Ga-Dusha Song). 1941. General note Also written by Al Lewis. Box 20 Box 8 Box 8 Rose O'Day (The Filla-Ga-Dusha Song). 1941. Rose of an Hour. 1922. The Rose of Tralee. 1933. General note On cover, "As sung by John McCormack." Box 16 Box 654 Box 654 The Rose of Tralee. 1943. Rose of the Silvery Moon. 1927. Rose of the Silvery Moon. 1927. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank G. Gracia. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 676 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1018 Rose of My Dreams – Rosetime in Ireland. Scope and Content Note Rose of My Dreams -- Rose of My Heart -- Rose of No Man's Land = La Rose Sous les Boulets -- Rose of Old Castile -- Rose of Rio -- Rose of Romany -- Rose of St. Mary's -- Rose of Santa Fe -- Rose of Santa Rosa -- Rose of Sunny Italy -- Rose of the Alamo -- Rose of the Evening -- Rose of the Moonlight -- Rose of the Mountain -- Rose of the Mountain Trail -Rose of the Rio Grande -- Rose of the Rockies -- Rose of the Valley (Be Mine) -- Rose of Tokio -- Rose of Tralee -- Rose of Virginia -- Rose of Washington Square -- Rose Room -Rose Rose I Love you -- Rose So Rare -- Rose You Wore -- Rosebuds -- Rosemary -- Roses -- Roses and Wine -- Roses are Forget Me Nots Reminding Me of You -- Roses are Red My Love -- Roses are Twilight -- Roses Bring Sweet Thoughts of You -- Roses Brought Me You. General note SCB NS box 230 Box 5 Rosemary. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Freddy Martin. Box 8 Rosemary. 1945. General note Also written by John Jacob Loeb. Cover features a photograph of Freddy Martin. Box 5 Box 5 Roses. 1950. Roses in the Rain. 1947. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Box 8 Box 8 Roses. 1950. The Roses Brought Me You. 1925. General note Also written by Al Sherman. Box 408 Box 413 Roses and You. 1921. Roses and Love Songs. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Price Box 446 Roses and Love Songs. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Ray Price Box 1158 Roses and Thorns Waltzes. General note Box PS 13 Box 1158 Roses at Twilight. General note Box PS 13 Box 5 Box 27 The Roses Brought Me You. 1925. Roses For My Love. 1971. General note On cover: photograph of songstress, Charlie Branch (in drag). Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 677 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 8 Roses in the Rain. 1947. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Lyrics also by Fred Wise. Box 23 Roses Mean You, To Me. 1910. General note on cover: photograph of Geo M. Davis Box 16 Box 543 Roses of Picardy. 1916. Roses of Picardy. 1916. General note Dudley gift. Box 1157 Roses of Yesterday. General note Box SU 9 Box 1017 Rosetta -- Runaround. Scope and Content Note Rosetta -- Rosewood Spinet -- Rosie -- Rosie Lee -- Rosie Marie and Me -- Rosie O'Ryan Sure I Love You -- Rosie the Redskin -- Rosie the Riveter -- Rosie's in Love Wid a Real Buy (And Dat Real Guy is Me) -- Rosie's T.V. Song -- Rosita -- Rosy Cheeks -- Rosy Cozy Waltz -- Rotation Blues -- Rough Sketch of a Painted Lady -- Roulette -- Roumania -- Round and Round -- Round Evening -- Round Her Neck She Wears a Yeller Ribbon For Her Lover Who is Fur Fur Away -- Round Midnight -- Round My Heart -- Round My Indiana Home -- round My Old Deserted Farm -- Round on the End and High in the Middle -- Round Round the Christmas Tree -- Round the Bend of the Road -- Roundabout -- Meadows Rout 9 on the Turnpike -- Get Your Kicks on Route 66 -- Roving Kind -- Rovin Vaquero -- Row Row Rosie -- Row Row Row -- Royal Garden Blues -- Rub a Dub Dub -- Rubber Ball -- Rubberband Man -- Rubber Bands and Bits of String -- Rubenville Blues -- Rumble a rhumba -- Ruda -- Ruby Duby Du -- Ruby Lips and Emerald Eyes -- Ruby Pearl Just a Diamond in the Rough -Ruby's Lounge -- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer -- Rudy Your Love Songs Reach My Heart -- Rugged But Right -- Rules of the Road -- Rum and Coca Cola -- Rumba Boogie -Rumble Boogie -- Rumba Rumba -- Rumble Boogie -- Get Em in a Rubble Seat -- Rumor Man -- Rumors Are Flying -- Rumple Stilts Kin Oh Could He Sew -- Rumpus Room -- Run -Run Boy -- Run Darlin' Don't Walk -- Run Home to Ma Ma -- Run Joe -- Run Joey Run -- Run Samson Run -- Run Steven Run -- Run to Him -- Runaround. General note SCB NS Box 231 Box 1158 Rosette. General note Box PS 13 Box 27 A Rosewood Spinet. 1948. General note On cover: photograph of Sammy Kaye Box 48 Box 872 Rosie. 1960. Rosie the Riveter. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 678 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 543 La Rosita. 1923. General note Dudley gift. Box 654 Rosita (a Spanish Serenade). 1923. General note On cover, "Inspired and dedicated to Mary Pickford's characterization of Rosita, the Street Singer." Box 991 Rosy Cheeks. General note Box SU 67 Box 413 Box 391 Rotten Peaches. 1971. Roumanishe Kretshme. General note Sung by Max Rosenblatt in "Hello Molly" Box 5 Round and Round. 1957. General note Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 8 Round and Round. 1957. General note Words and music also by Joe Shapiro. Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 25 Box 413 Round Midnight. 1944. Roundabout. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Yes Box 20 Box 51 Rounds & Rounds. 1962. Rounds and Spheres. 1972. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Kansas City Bomber." Cover features a photograph of Raquel Welch. Box 54 Theme from "Route 66". 1960. General note 2 copies (different covers). Box 54 Theme from "Route 66". 1960. General note From the television program, "Route 66." 2 copies (different covers). Box 5 The Roving Kind. 1950. General note Cover features a photograph of the Weavers. Box 16 The Roving Kind. 1950. General note Words and music also by Arnold Stanton. Cover features photograph of The Weavers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 679 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 21 Row Row Row. 1912. creator: Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co.. creator: Jerome, William creator: Monaco, James V. Scope and Content From the Ziegfeld Follies. Box 26 Row, Row, Row. 1912. General note On cover: photograph of Harry Von Tilzer Box 8 The Roving Kind. 1950. General note Words and music also by Arnold Stanton. Cover features a photograph of The Weavers. Box 1158 Royal Trumpeters. General note Box PS 13 Box 25 Ruby. 1953. General note From the motion picture "Ruby Gentry". Box 51 Ruby Duby Du. 1960. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Key Witness." Cover features a photograph of Joanie Summers. Box 51 Ruby Duby Du. 1960. General note From the MGM motion picture, "Key Witness." Cover features a photographs of Jeffrey Hunter Pat Crowley, Dennis Hopper, Joby Baker and Susan Harrison. Piano solo. Box 922 Rude Boy. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Rihanna. Box 5 Box 8 Box 24 Box 27 Rudolph Rudolph Rudolph Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. 1949. the Red-Nosed Reindeer. 1949. The Red-Nosed Reindeer. 1949. The Red-Nosed Reindeer. 1949. General note 2 copies. (1 piano/vocal. 1 simplified piano solo). Box 54 Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. 1949. General note From the television color spectacular. Box 63 Rumba-Bomba. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 680 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 63 Rumba-Bomba. 1946. General note From the Twentieth Century-Fox motion picture "Carnival in Costa Rica." 2 copies. Box 5 Box 8 Rumors are Flying. 1946. Rumors are Flying. 1946. General note Words and music also by George Weiss. Cover features a photograph of Perry Como. Box 16 Rumors Are Flying. 1946. General note Words and music also by George Weiss. Cover features photograph of Bennie Benjamin. Box 394 Run. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352419 Almo General note SCB SZ 01 162 Box 473 Run For Your Life!. 1965. General note from the new musical comedy 'Skyscraper' Box 22 Run, Rabbit, - Run!. 1939. General note from George Black's "The Little Dog Laughed" on cover: photograph of Billy Cotton Box 192 Run, Run, Run. 1948. Scope and Content Note From the motion picture, "Romance on the High Seas." General note On cover: photograph of Jack Carson, Janis Paige, Don DeFore and Doris Day. Three copies. Box 416 Run To Me. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Candi Staton Box 26 Box 58 Runaround Sue. 1961. Runaway. 1961. General note From the television series, "Crime Story." Also written by Max Crook. Cover features a photograph of Del Shannon. Box 399 Runaway Go Home. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Box 390 Runaway Train. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Soul Asylum Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 681 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 408 Runaway Train: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 1016 Runaway -- Sailboat in the Sky. Scope and Content Note Runaway -- Runaway Boy -- Runaway Boy -- Running a Temperature -- Runnin Back to Saskatoon -- Running Bear -- Running Between the Rain Drops -- Runnin Out of Fools -Running Scared -- Running Through My Mind -- Runnin Wild -- Rural Rhythm -- Russian Love Song (on a Tchaikovsky Air) -- Russian Lullaby -- Russian National Anthem -- Rustic Ann -- Rusty Dusty Blues -- Rusty Hinge -- Rutza Rutza = Hurry Hurry -- Rye Whiskey -- S Been a Long Time in Between Time -- S.O.S. Stay on the Sidewalk -- Everytime They Play the Sabre Dance -- Sack Dress -- Sacramento -- Sacred -- Sacred Hour of Love -- Sad -Sad n Blue -- Sad Eyes -- Sad Hawaiian Sea -- Sad Mood -- Sad Movies Make Me Cry -- Sad River = Rio Triste -- Sad River Blues -- Sad Song -- Sad Teardrops at Dawn -- Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang -- Sadie Brady -- Sadie Green the Vamp of New Orleans -- Sadie Harrovitch Tell Me Which is Which -- Safari -- Sagamore -- Sahara Butterfly -- Sahara Moon -- Saigon Bride -- Sail Along Silvry Moon -- Sail On -- Sail On Little Dream Boat -- Sing All YOur Ships in the Ocean Blue and Sail on the Ship of Love -- Sailboat in the Moonlight -Sailboat in the Sky. General note SCB NS Box 232 Box 446 Running Back. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie Money Box 446 Running on Empty. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Jackson Browne Box 25 Running With The Night. 1983. General note On cover: photograph of Lionel Richie Box 399 Running Up That Hill. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Kate Bush Box 390 Rush Rush: Easy Piano Arrangement. 1991. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 1154 Box 1154 Russian Love Song. 1922. Russian Love Song. Scope and Content Note On a Tchaikovsky air. General note Box SU 4 Box 26 Russian Lullaby. 1927. General note 2 copies. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 682 Works in English: Titles: R's. Series 18. Box 1157 Russian Lullaby. General note Box SU 9 Box 21 Russian Lullaby. 1926. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Box 19 Box 857 Russian Rag. 1918. Russian Roulette. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Rihanna Box 5 Rustic Chapel. 1936. Box 8 Box 5 Box 8 Box 5 Box 8 Box 615 Rustic Chapel. 1936. Rustic Dance. 1939. Rustic Dance. 1939. Rustle of Spring. 1905. Rustle of Spring, op. 32, no. 3. 1905. Ruth Hall Schottisch. 1886. General note HOG Clarence H. Hogue Collection SCB SY 1174 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Arrangement note Arranged alphabetically. Box 473 The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World. 1966. General note on cover: still photograph from the motion picture "The 2nd Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World" Box 857 7 Things. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus Box 417 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle). 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Gary Toms Empire Box 577 Reverie. 1900?. Scope and Content Note Transcription of the song, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke or Framed in Oak. Box 1115 S & M. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Rihanna. Box 407 Box 407 Box 418 Box 407 Box 25 S'Loifen S'Yogen. 1927. S'u Sheorim. Sa Skon Som En Saga (Was Kann So Schon Sein Wie Deine Liebe?). 1932. Sabbath Song. 1943. Sabor A Mi. 1959. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 683 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 11 Sabre Dance. 1948. General note Transcribed for piano by Oscar Levant. Box 1147 Sad Cowboy. General note box su 12 Box 56 Sad is the Life of the Sailor's Wife. 1956. General note From the CBS television program, "High Tor." Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 24 Box 758 Sad River (Rio Triste). 1960. Sad Was the Day. 1961. General note From the musical, "Donnybrook." Box 865 Sad Was the Day. 1961. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Donnybrook." Box 473 Box 16 Box 11 Sad-Eyed Baby. 1963. Saddle Boy Boogie. 1952. Sadie Green the Vamp of New Orleans. 1926. General note Also written by Johnnie Dunn. Cover features a photograph of the Mason Dixon Trio. Box 1157 Sadie Salome: Ho Home. General note Box SU 9 Box 54 The Saga of Andy Burnett. 1957. General note From the Walt Disney ABC television production of "The Saga of Andy Burnett." Box 47 Said I to My Heart, Said I. 1946. General note 2 copies. From the film, "California." Cover features a photograph of Ray Milland, Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Fitzgerald. Box 859 Sailin' on the Robert E. Lee. 1931. creator: McCaffrey, James creator: Ringle, Dave creator: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.. creator: West, Eugene Scope and Content On cover: drawing of Harry Goldfield. Box 413 Sailing: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 684 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1024 Sailing – Samuel is Giant. Scope and Content Note Sailing -- Sailin' Along the Ohio -- Sailin Away on the Henry Clay -- Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay -- Sailing Home -- Sailin On -- Sailing on a Moonbeam -- Saling on the Nile -- Salin' on the Robert E. Lee -- Sailing to the Moon -- Saling With My Dreamboat -Sailor (Your Home is the Sea) -- Sailor With the Navy Blue Eyes -- She Was Just a Sailor's Sweetheart -- Sailor's Women -- Sails -- St. Bernard Waltz -- Saint Catherine -- St. James' Infirmary -- St. James Infirmary (Or The Gambler's Blues) -- St. Mary's in the Twilight -- St. Therese of the Roses -- Saints Rock n Roll -- Sakur, Sakura = Cherry Blossom -- Salem Town -- Salem Wonderland -- Sally (Shame on You) -- (I Wonder What's Become of) Sally -- Saly and Irene and Mary -- Sally and the Baby -- Sally Doesn't Care -- Sally Green: The Village Vamp -- Sally in Our Alley -- Sally Long -- Sally Lou -- Sally of My Dreams -- Sally Rose -- Sally's Not the Same Old Sally -- Sal-o-May = Salome -- (When They Play That Old) Salomy Melody -- Saloon -- Salt -- Salt Water Cowboy -- Salt Water Tears -- Salt Your Sugar -- Salud, Dinero y Amor = Hearth, Wealth and Love -- Sal Lu Ta -- Salute -- Salute the Flag -- Salvation Lassie of Mine -- Sam -- Sam the College Leader Man -- Same as We Used to Do -- Same Little Chapel -- Same Little Words -- Same Love That Made Me Laugh -- Same Old Blues -- Same Old Dear Old Place -- Same Old Line -- Same Old Me -- Same Old Moon (Same Old Juen But Not the Same Old You) -- Same Old Moon (Same Old Sky) -Same Old Moon -- Same Old Shillelagh -- Same Old Story -- Same Old Sweetheart -- Same Sweet You -- Same Time The Same Place Tomorrow Night -- Samoa -- Samoan Whaleboat Chant -- Samovar Serenade -- Sampaguita -- Sample Song -- Sam's Got Him -- Sam's Life -- Sam's Song (The Happy Tune) -- Samuel is a Giant. General note SCB NS box 233 Box 654 The Sailor Boy's Dream. General note Cover only. Box 875 The Sailor With The Navy Blue Eyes. 1931. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Charlie Spivak Box 2 Box 54 (She Was Just) A Sailor's Sweetheart. 1925. Main Theme from "The Saint". 1966. General note From the television production, "The Saint." Cover features a photograph of Roger Moore. Box 58 St. George and the Dragonet. General note Themes from the television program, "Dragnet." Cover features a photograph of Stan Freberg. Box 555 St. James' Infirmary. 1930. creator: Mills Music. creator: Primrose, Joe Note On cover: photograph of Irving Mills. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 685 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 554 Sally of My Dreams. 1928. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Kernell, Willaim Scope and Content Theme song of the William Fox motion picture, "Mother Knows Best." On cover: photograph of Madge Bellamy. Two copies. Box 16 Sally's Not the Same Old Sally (I Left on the Ozark Trail). 1925. General note Cover features photograph of Lee Sims. Box 11 Salt Water Cowboy. 1944. General note Cover features a photograph of Connie Haines. Box 875 Salt Water Cowboy (A United States Marine). 1944. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Connie Haines Box 16 Salvation Lassie of Mine. 1919. General note Words and music also by Chick Story. Box 54 Theme from "Sam Benedict". 1962. General note An MGM television series in association with NBC. Box 19 Box 11 Sam Fox Trot. 1915. Sam, the Old Accordion man. 1927. General note Cover features a photograph of Maurie Sherman. Box 27 Sam's Song (The Happy Tune). 1950. General note On cover: photograph of Kitty Kallen Box 46 Same Girl. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353662 General note Words and music also by James "Rayshawn" Smith adn Ronnie Jackson. Recorded by R. Kelly with Usher. Box 416 The Same Love That Made Me Laugh. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Bill Withers Box 390 Same Ol' Love. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Ricky Scaggs Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 686 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 22 Same Old Moon. 1917. General note from Ziegfeld Follies Box 473 Box 473 Same Old Song and Dance. 1958. Same Old Song and Dance. 1958. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 581 Samoa Sam (Love Me Some More). 1927. Scope and Content Note From: Bare Facts of 1927. General note SCB SY 118110 Box 11 Sam's Song (the Happy Tune). 1950. General note Cover features a photograph of Bing Crosby. Box 859 San Antonio Rose. 1940. creator: Bourne Co.. creator: Wills, Bob Box 6 San Francisco Suite. 1948. creator: Knowlton, Dorothy G. creator: Willis Music Co.. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 687 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1023 San – Save Your Kisses for Me. Scope and Content Note San -- San Antonia: the City of So Many Charms -- San Antonio Rose -- San Fernando Valley -- San Francisco Valley -- San Francisco on a Sunny Day -- San Leandro is Where My Heart Is -- San Salvador -- San Toy -- Sanctuary -- Sand and the Sea -- Sand Hills -Sand man of Lullaby Land -- Sands of Time -- Sandy -- (Happy Go Lucky) Sandy -- Sandy, the Sandman -- Sandy's Tune -- Santa -- Santa, Bring My Daddy Back to Me -- Santa Marta -- Santa Rosa Lea Rose -- Santa Rosa Rose -- Santa's Usin' Zebras Now -- Sante -Santiago Rosas -- Santiago Rosas -- Santiago -- Santu -- Sapphire of the Tropics -- Sara -Sarah Come Over Here -- Sarah From Syracuse -- Sarah Kelly From Plumb Nelly Way Down in Georgia -- Sarie Marais -- Saria -- Sarong -- Saskatchewan -- Sassin the Boss -Satan, I'm Here -- Satan Takes a Holiday -- Satin Sheets -- I Can't Get No Satisfaction -Satisfaction Guaranteed -- Satisfied -- Satisfied Mind -- Satisfy My Hunger -- Saturday -Saturday Dance -- Saturday Date -- Saturday Evening Post -- Saturday in the Park -Saturday Morning Confusion -- I'm Saving Saturday Night For You -- Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night in the Week -- Saturday Night -- Saturday Nite -- Saturday Night at the World -- Saturday Night in Lahaina -- Saturday Night in Tia Juana -- Saturday Night Polka -Saturday Night Till Monday Morning -- Saturday Rag -- Saturday Sunshine -- Saturday's Kisses -- Saucer Eyes -- Sauntering Along With Susan -- Sausalito -- Savage in My Soul -Savage Sue -- Savages -- Savannah: the Georgianna Blues -- Savannah Stomp -- Save a Little Corner in Your Heart For Me -- Save a Little Dream For Me -- Save a Little Sunbeam (for a Rainy Rainy Day) -- Save a Rainy Day For Me -- Save All Your Kisses For Me -- Save Me (From Being Lonesome) -- Save Me -- Save My Soul -- Save the Bones for Henry Jones (Cause He Don't Eat No Meat) -- Save the Daylight for Somebody Else (But Save the Moonlight For Me) -- Save the Last Dance For Me -- Save the Last Waltz For Me -- Save Your Confederate Money, Boys (the South Shall Rise Again) -- Save Your Kisses For Me. General note SCB NS box 234 Box 399 Sanctify Yourself. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Simple Minds Box 11 The Sand and the Sea. 1955. General note Also written by Hal Hester. Cover features a photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Box 554 Sand and the Sea. 1955. creator: Hester, Hal creator: Parker, B. creator: Winneton Music Corporation. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Nat "King" Cole. Box 19 Box 547 Sandcastle: A Day by the Sea. 1966. Sandmannchen = The Little Sandman. 1910. General note Dudley gift. Box 54 Sanford and Son. 1972. General note Theme from the television program of the same title. Cover featuers a photograph of the series co-stars. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 688 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 914 Santa Barbara. General note box su 114 Box 914 Santa Barbara. General note box su 114 Box 16 Box 859 Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town. 1934. Santa Clause is Comin' to Town. 1934. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Gillespie, Haven creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 555 Santa Claus is Comin' To Town. 1962. creator: Coots, J. Fred creator: Gillespie, Haven creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 24 Box 27 Box 391 Box 446 Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town. 1934. Santa Clause is Comin' to Town. 1959. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town. 1962. Sara. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 446 Box 446 Box 1115 Box 19 Box 11 Box 11 Box 24 Box 909 Sara: Made Easy for Piano. 1980. Sartorial Eloquence (Don't You Wanna Play This Game No More). 1980. Sascha Pascha Yascha It's All the Same. 1943. Sassafras Sam. 1908. Sassy Frassi. 1975. Satan Takes a Holiday. 1937. Satin Doll. 1964. Satin Doll. General note Box SU 44 Box 19 Box 11 Satisfied. 1904. Saturday Date. 1948. General note Cover features a photograph of Jack Owens. Box 11 Saturday Night (is the Loneliest Night in the Week). 1944. General note Cover features a photograph of Eileen Barton. Box 11 Saturday Night(is the Loneliest Night in the Week). 1944. General note Cover features a photograph of Frank Sinatra. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 689 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 177 Saturday Night in Punkin Crick. 1951. Scope and Content Note From the Paramount film, "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick." General note X Sx 100010 Box 416 Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting). 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Elton John Box 446 Saturday Night. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Bay City Rollers Box 914 Sausalito Summernight. General note box su 114 Box 446 Savannah Nights. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Johnston Box 580 Save a Little Daylight For Me operatic ed.. 1919. Scope and Content Note From, "A Lonely Romeo." General note SCB SY 118457-58 Box 49 Save Room. 2006. General note Publisher no.: 02500961 General note Words and music also by Will Adams, Jessyca Wilson, Buddy Buie, and James Cobb Jr. Recorded by John Legend. Box 20 Save the Last Dance For Me. 1931. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Whiteman Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 690 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1022 Save Your Sorrow – Say Not Love is a Dream. Scope and Content Note Save Your Sorrow -- Savin' All My Lovin' Up For You -- Savin' Myself for Bill -- Saving Up My Time (To Spend on You) -- Saw Mill River Road -- Saw Your Eyes -- Sawing a Woman in Half -- Saxophone -- Saxophone blues -- Saxophone Man -- That Saxophone Waltz -Saxophones -- Say a Little Prayer for Me -- Say a Prayer for Peach Each Day -- Say Aghapo -- Say Arabella -- Say "au revoir" My Dear -- Say "Bye Bye" But Never "Good Night" -- Say Good Mornin' Nellie -- Say Goodbye -- Say, Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose -Say Hello to the Folks Back Home -- Say Hey -- Say Hey, Willie Mays -- Say Ho, San Jose and Flying Spartans Away -- Say It -- Say It After Me (I Love You) -- (I Don't Believe it But) Say It Again -- Say It Again -- Say It In a Nutshell -- Say It Isn't So -- Say it Over Again = Para que Sufras -- Say it While Dancing -- Say it With a Red Red Rose -- Say it With a Smile -- Say it With a Ukulele -- Say it With Diamonds -- Say it With Flowers -- Say it With Kisses -- Say it With Liquor -- Say it With Music -- Say it With Sables --Say it With Your Heart -- Say It's Not the Last time -- Say Lucy Who -- Say Maybe -- Say Me -- Say Mister Have You Met Rosie's Sister -- Say Not Love is a Dream. General note SCB NS box 235 Box 872 Savin' Myself For Bill. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Sergeant Ginny Simms and other cast members of "Johnny Presents" Box 24 Saving All My Love For You. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of of Whitney Houston Box 399 Saving All My Love For You: Very Easy Piano Arrangement. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 390 Saving Forever For You. 1992. General note on cover: photograph of Shanice. from Beverly Hills 90210 Soundtrack Box 20 Box 413 The Savoy American Medley. 1924. Saw A New Morning. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of The Bee Gees Box 16 (In Spain They) Say "Si Si". 1935. General note Lyrics also by Francia Luban. Cover features photograph of Glenn Miller. Box 872 Say A Pray'r For The Boys Over There. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Len Hopkins Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 691 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 554 Say a Pray'r For the Boys Over There. 1943. creator: Magidson, Herb creator: McHugh, Jimmy creator: Southern Music Pub. Co., Inc.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Deanna Durbin and Joseph Cotten. From the Universal Pictures motion picture, "Hers to Hold." Box 49 Say Goodbye. 2005. General note Publisher no.: HL00353531 General note Words and music also by Bryan Michael Cox and Kendrick Dean. Recorded by Chris Brown. Box 446 Say Hello. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Frank Sinatra Box 857 Say Hey (I Love You). 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Michael Franti Box 859 Say It (Over and Over Again). 1940. creator: Famous Music Corp.. creator: Loesser, Frank creator: McHugh, Jimmy Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, Buck Benny Rides Again. On cover: photographs of: Jack Benny, Phil Harris, Ellen Drew, Dennis Day, and Rochester. Box 1157 Say It Isn't So. General note Box SU 9 Box 11 Say it Over Again = Para que Sufras. 1945. General note Music and Spanish lyrics by Osvaldo Farres. Cover features a photograph of Xavier Cugat. Box 11 Box 21 Say it With Music Standard. 1921. Say It With A Kiss. 1938. creator: M. Witmark & Sons. creator: Mercer, Johnny creator: Warren, Harry General note from Warner Bros. motion picture "Going Places." On cover: photograph of Dick Powell and Anita Louise. Box 63 Say It With A Solitaire. 1929. General note As sung by Carmel Meyers in the First National Vitaphone motion picture "The Careless Age" with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 692 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1157 Say It With Music. General note Box SU 9 Box 446 Say Maybe. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 473 Say One For Me. 1959. General note on cover: still photographs from the motion picture "Say One For Me" Box 1021 Say Persianna Say – A Scottish Soldier. Scope and Content Note Say Persianna Say -- Say Si Si = Para Vigo Me Voy -- Say Something -- Say Something Nice About Me -- Say Something Sentimental -- Say Something Sweet to Your Sweetheart -- Say That You Care For Me -- Say That You Were Teasing Me -- Say the Word -- Say the Words I Love to Hear -- Say When -- Say Where Do You Live -- Say Wonderful Things -Say Yes -- Say Yes or No -- Say Joh -- Say You Care -- Say You do -- Say You Haven't Sacrificed at All -- Say You Love Me Truly -- Say You Say Me -- Say You'll Be Mine Again -Say Young Lady -- Sayonara = Let's Say Goodbye -- Scalawag -- Scandal of Little Lizze Ford -- Scandinavia (Sing Dose Song and Make Dose Music) -- Scanlan's Rose Song -Scarborough Fair -- Scarecrow: Scared t'go't' Bed -- Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair) -- Scat Song -- Scatter Brain -- Scatter Your Smiles -- Scattered Toys -- Scattin at the Kit Kat -Scene of the Crime -- Scented Violets -- Schani = Johnny -- Schnickelfritz -- Schnick Schnack -- Schnitzel Bank Whittle Bench -- Schnitzel Bank -- Schnozzola -- Schoene Madel = Pretty Girl -- School Day Ring Ring Goes the Bell -- School Day Sweethearts -- School Days When We Were a Couple of Kids -- School of Love -- School's Out -- Scissor Grinder Serenade -- Scotch and Soda -- Scotch Collie Jean -- Scottish Samba -- Scottish Soldier Green Hills of Tyrol. General note SCB NS box 236 Box 473 Say Something Sentimental. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Red Norvo Box 12 Say You, Say Me. 1985. General note Easy piano edition. Cover features a photograph of Lionel Richie. Box 416 Say You'll Stay Until Tomorrow. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Tom Jones Box 446 Box 872 Say, Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose. 1973. Say, How Do You Get That Way. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. Box 991 Sayonara: Japanese Farewell. General note Box SU 67 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 693 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 66 Says My Heart. 1938. General note From the motion picture, "Cocoanut Grove." 3 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Fred MacMurray, Harriet Hilliard, The Yacht Club Boys and others. Box 12 Scarborough Fair. 1968. General note Adaptation by Albert Gamse. Box 554 Box 16 Box 412 Box 12 Scarborough Fair. 1972. creator: Walter Kane Publications. Scarf Dance = Der Scharpentanz. 1891. Scarlet Ribbons (For Her Hair). 1949. Scatter Brain. 1939. General note Music also by Frankie Masters. Cover features a photograph of Frankie Masters. Box 26 Scatter-Brain. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Frankie Masters Box 22 Box 416 The Scent Waltz. School Boy Crush. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Average White Band Box 413 School's Out. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Alice Cooper Box 413 Scorpio. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Dennis Coffey Box 19 Scotch Rye. 1909. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 694 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1015 Scotty, My Pal -- Sentimental Feeling. Scope and Content Note Scotty My Pal -- Scotty's Farewell -- Scouts of America -- Scrap of Paper -- Scrub Me Mama, With a Boogie Beat -- Scusami -- Se Piangi, Se Ridi -- Sea -- Sea Breaze = Paumana -- Sea of Heartbreak -- Sea of Love -- Sea of My Dreams -- Seabreeze -- Seafair Shuffle -Sealed With a Kiss -- Search Me, Lord -- Searching -- Searching For Someone Like You -Searchin' -- Searching for Words -- Searching for You in My Dreams -- Seasons Greetings a Cheerful Hello -- Season's Greetings to You -- Season's Greetings With a Mistletoe Kiss -Seasons in the Sun = Le Moribond -- Seat Yourself in a Seat of Health -- Seattle Town -Sechs Tage Lang -- If I Only Had a Second Chance -- Second Choice -- Second Ending -Sedond Fiddle -- I am Dead in Love with a Second Hand Gal -- Second Hand Heart For Sale -- Second Hand Heart -- Second Hand Love -- Secret -- Secret Kisses -- Secret of Happiness -- Secret of My Success -- Secretary Song -- Secretly -- Secrets -- See a Pin, Pick it Up -- See You Around -- See You at the Seafair -- See You Later Alligator -- See You Tomorrow So Long For Now -- Seein is Believin -- Seein the Right Love Go Wrong -- Seeing You Again Did Me No Good -- Seek, Seek, Seek -- Seek, Strike, Destroy -- Seems I've Done Something Wrong Again -- Seems Like a Month of Sundays Since I Saw You Saturday Night -- Seems Like Old times -- See Saw = Ca Chum-bam-be -- Seminola -- Semper Fidelis -- Semper Paratus = Always Ready -- Send a Letter Home to Mother -- Send a Little Smile to Some One -- Send Back My Honeyman -- When You come to the End and Need One True Friend Send For Me -- Send for Me -- Send Me a Bluebird With Beautiful Blue Eyes -- Send Me Flowers While I'm Living -- Send Me the Pillow You Dream Of -- Send Me Your Love for Christmas -- Send My Baby Back to Me -- Send Ten Pretty Flowers to My Girl in Tennessee -- Send This Purble Heart to My Sweetheart -- Senor -- Senor Ba Bez -Senora -- Senorita Pepita -- Senorita's Bouquet -- Sensational -- Sentimental -Sentimental Baby -- Sentimental Cabby -- Sentimental Day Dreams -- Sentimental Eyes -Sentimental Feeling. General note SCB NS box 237 Box 865 Scratch My Back. 1956. Scope and Content Note From the show, "New Faces of '56." Box 19 Box 399 Sea Weeds Rag. 1910. The Search is Over: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 399 The Search is Over: Simplified Piano Arrangement. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 24 Box 56 Searchin'. 1957. Seattle. 1968. General note Also composed by Ernie Sheldon. From the Screen Gems Inc. television production, "Here Come the Brides." Cover features a photograph of the cast. Box 413 Box 874 Sebastian. 1971. Second Chance. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Shinedown Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 695 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 859 Second Hand Rose. 1965. creator: Clarke, Grant creator: Fred Fisher Music Co., Inc.. creator: Hanley, James F. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Barbra Streisand. Box 464 Secondhand Lions Original sheet music ed.. 2003. Scope and Content Note Theme to the motion picture of the same title. General note SCB SZMP 04-2 Box 12 Box 473 Box 12 Box 394 The Second Minuet. 1929. The Second Time Around. 1960. Second Waltz. 1933. Second Wind. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352357 EMI Blackwood General note SCB SZ 01-217 Box 473 Box 16 Box 54 A Second-Hand Turban and a Crystal Ball. 1956. Le Secret. 1916. Secret Agent Man. 1965. General note As sung by Johnny Rivers on the C.B.S. television show, "Secret Agent Man." Also written by Steve Barri. Cover features a photograph of Patrick McGoohan. Box 412 Box 47 The Secret Garden. 1990. Secret Love. 1953. General note 3 copies. From the motion picture, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Doris Day and Howard Keel. Box 47 Secret Love. 1975. General note Spanish lyric by Freddy Fender. From the motion picture, "Calamity Jane." Cover features a photograph of Freddy Fender. Box 398 Secret Love: Piano Solo Arrangement. 1984. General note on cover: photograph of Dan Coates Box 446 Secret Love. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Freddy Fender Box 473 The Secret of Christmas. 1959. General note on cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, Debbie Reynolds, and Robert Wagner. from the motion picture "For Me" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 696 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 418 The Secret Ways. 1961. General note on cover: photograph of Richard Widmark and Sonja Ziemann. From the motion picture "The Secret Ways." Box 12 Box 922 Secretly. 1943. Secrets. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of OneRepublic. Box 857 See You Again. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Miley Cyrus Box 12 Seems Like Old Times. 1946. General note Words and music also by John Jacob Loeb. Cover features a photograph of Georgie Auld. Box 391 Seems Like Old Times. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Diane Keaton. Featured in the Academy Award Winning Motion Picture "Annie Hall" Box 859 Seems Like Old Times. 1946. creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. creator: Loeb, John Jacob creator: Lombardo, Carmen Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Michael Zarin. Box 985 Seminola. General note Box SU 63 Box 23 Semper Fidelis. 1945. General note revised by John Bach Box 876 Semper Fidelis March. 1945. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: cartoon rendition of a drum majorette leading a band Box 875 Semper Paratus (Always Ready). 1928. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 Send A Great Big Salami to Your Boyfriend in the Army. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 12 Send in the Clowns. 1976. General note From the show, "A Little Night Music." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 697 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 16 Send in the Clowns. 1973. General note From "A Little Night Music." Box 583 Sentimental Ending. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118312 Box 1020 Sentimental Fool – Seven Years with the Wrong Woman. Scope and Content Note Sentimental Fool -- Sentimental Gentleman From Georgia -- Sentimental Journey -Sentimental Me -- Sentimental Melody -- Sentimental Music -- Sentimental Polka -Sentimental Rhapsody -- Sentimental Souvenirs -- Sentimental Sweetheart -- Sentimental Touch -- Sentimiento Gaucho = Heartbroken Gaucho -- September of My Years -September Rose -- Sequoia Hymn -- Serenade -- Serenade (Music Played on a Heartstring) -- Serenade Blues -- Serenade For a Wealthy Widow -- Serenade of the Bells -- Serenade to a Jerk -- Serenade to a Lemonade -- Serenade to a Pullman Porter -- Serenade to Love -- You're My Serenade to Spring -- Serenading the Moon -- Serenata de la Fiesta -Sergeant Flagg and Sergeant Quirt (I'll Tell the Cock Eyed World) -- Sergeant Jock McPhee -- Sermonette -- Serpentine Fire -- Settin by the Fire -- Settin in the Woods on Fire -Seven -- Seven and Seven Is -- Seven Beers With the Wrong Woman -- Seven Bridges Road -- Seven Day Weekend -- Seven Come Heaven -- Seven Days -- Seven Days In Barcelona -- Seven Little Stars and the Man in the Moon -- Seven Little Steps to Heaven -Seven Lonely Days -- Seven Nights a Week -- Seven or Eleven (My Dixie Pair o Dice) -Seven Rooms of Gloom --Seven Songs for Seven Days -- Seven Times Seven is Forty Nine -- Seven to Five it's Love -- 720 in the Books -- Seven Wonders of the World -- Seven Years With the Wrong Man -- Seven Years With the Wrong Woman. General note SCB NS box 238 Box 859 Sentimental Gentleman From Georgia. 1932. creator: Mills Music. creator: Parish, Mitchell creator: Perkins, Frank Scope and Content On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Box 24 Sentimental Journey. 1944. General note on cover: photograph of Les Brown. Box 446 Sentimental Lady. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of Bob Welch Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 698 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 6 Sentimental Me. 1950. creator: Cassin, Jimmy creator: Knickerbocker Songs, Inc.. creator: Morehead, Jim Scope and Content On cover: photograph of the Ames Brothers. Box 12 Sentimental Me. 1950. General note Also composed by Jimmy Cassin. Box 872 Sentinels of Freedom. 1941. General note Truesdell gift. Box 12 Box 22 Box 416 September Song. 1938. September Morn. 1915. September Morn. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 26 Box 812 September Song. 1938. September Song. 1938. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Knickerbocker Holiday." General note 8 copies. Box 473 The September of my Years. 1965. General note on cover: stylized drawing of Frank Sinatra Box 12 Box 16 Serenade (Music Played on a Heartstring). 1948. Serenade. 1940. General note Arranged by Louis Iorio for the Piano-Accordian. Cover features photograph of Louis Iorio. Box 21 Serenade. 1925. creator: Donnelly, Dorothy creator: Romberg, Sigmund creator: T.B. Harms Company. General note from "The Student Prince in Heidelberg" Box 26 Serenade. 1925. General note From the MGM picture "The Student Prince". On cover: photograph of Ann Blyth and Edmund Purdom Box 12 Serenade of the Bells. 1947. General note Words and music also by Al Goodhart and Al Ubrano. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 699 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 876 Sergeant Sally Is Coming Home On Leave. 1941. General note on cover: photograph of Bunny Doyle Box 26 Box 469 Serment, On Les Faur Monnoyeurs. 7 Days original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note SCB SZ 02-84 Box 20 Seven Lonely Days. 1953. General note on cover: photograph of Georgia Gibbs Box 473 Box 473 Seven Nights a Week. 1957. Seven Nights a Week. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby Box 16 Seventeen. 1955. General note Words and music also by Chuck Gorman and Boyd Bennett. Cover features photograph of Boyd Bennett. Box 1027 Seventeeny Stars – Shake Your Booty. Scope and Content Note When You and I Were Seventeen -- Seventeen -- Sextet from Lucia -- Sh! Baby's Asleep -Sha-sha -- Sha! Shtill! -- Shabby Old Cabby -- Shack in the Back of the Hills -- Shack We All Adore -- I will Be Your Shadow in the Street -- Shadow Lane -- Shadow Love -- Shadow on My Heart -- Shadow Time -- Shadow Woman -- Shadows (or Why Must Shadows Fall) -Shadows -- Shadows in the Canebrake -- Shadows in the Moonlight -- Shadows of Love -Shadows of Night -- Shadows of Yesterday -- Shadows on the Garden Wall -- Shadows on the Moon -- Shadows on the Sand -- Shadows on the Swanee -- Shadows Will Fade Away -Shadrack -- Shake -- Shake Down the Stars -- Shake Hands With a Millionaire -- Shake Hands with Santa Claus -- Shake Hands With Your Uncle Mike -- Shake Me I Rattle (Squeeze Me I Cry) -- Shake, Rattle and Roll (who's Got Me) -- Shake Rattle and Roll -Shake That Fat -- Shake That Thing -- Shake the Hand of the Man Who Shook the Hand of Mister Callahan -- Shake Shake Shake Shake Your Body. General note SCB NS 239 Box 12 Seventh Heaven. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Simone Simon and James Stewart. Box 24 Seventy Six Trombones. 1957. General note From the musical "The Music Man" Box 49 S.E.X.. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353524 General note Recorded by Lyfe Jennings. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 700 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 49 S.E.X.. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353524 General note Recorded by Lyfe Jennings. Box 49 Sexy Love. 2006. General note Publisher no.: HL00353506 General note Words and music also by Mikkel Eriken and Tor Erik Hermansen. Recorded by Ne-Yo. Box 473 Sha-Sha. 1938. General note on cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters Box 471 Shackles (Praise You). 1998. General note SCB SZ00 65 Box 471 Shackles (Praise You). 1998. General note Publisher no.: HL00352163 Box 446 Shadow Dancing. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Andy Gibb Box 446 Box 473 Box 49 Shadow Dancing: Made Easy for Piani. 1978. Shadow Sweetheart. 1938. Shadow Of The Day. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353736 General note Words and music also by Joe Hahn, Brad Delson, Rob Bourdon, Chester Bennington, and Dave Farell. Recorded by Linkin Park. Box 25 Box 58 Shadows Of The Night. 1939. Shadows of the Night (Quentin's Theme). 1969. General note From the Dan Curtis television series, "Dark Shadows." Box 21 A Shady Tree. 1932. creator: Donaldson, Walter creator: Leo Feist, Inc.. Box 473 Shake Down the Stars. 1940. General note on cover: photograph of Dinah Shore. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 701 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 473 Shake Down the Stars. 1940. General note on cover: photograph of Eddie LeBaron. Box 859 Shake Down the Stars. 1940. creator: Bregman, Vocco & Conn, Inc.. creator: DeLange, Eddie creator: Van Heusen, Jimmy 1913-1990 Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Sleepy Hall. Box 416 Shake It. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ian Matthews Box 857 Shake It. 2007. General note on cover: picture of space with colorful inscriptions "Shake It" and "Metro Station" Box 6 Shake It Off. 2005. creator: Austin, Johnta creator: Carey, Mariah creator: Dupri, Jermaine creator: Rye Songs. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Mariah Carey. Two copies, different covers. Box 446 Box 416 Shake It Up. 1981. Shake Your Rump To The Funk. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Bar-Kays Box 416 Shakedown Cruise. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Jay Ferguson Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 702 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1026 Shall They Plead in Vain == The Sheik of Chicago. Scope and Content Note Shall They Plead in Vain -- Shally Go Shee -- Shame On Me -- Same On You -- Same, Shame, Shame -- Shamrock the Shannon and You -- Shamrocks and You -- Why Did I Tell You I Was Going to Shanghai -- Shanghai Dream Man -- Shanghai Honeymoon -- Shanghai Lullaby -- Shanghai Rose -- Shanghai Shuffle -- Shangri La -- Shannon the Shamrocks and You -- Shanty Boat on the Mississippi -- Shapiro, Townsend and Stone -- Share Croppin Blues -- Share Your Lips With Me Cherie -- Sharing -- Sharing My Love With You -Shattered Dreams -- Shawl of Galway Grey -- Sh Boom Life Could Be a Dream -- She -She Believes in Me -- She Called Me Baby -- She Came Rollin' Down the Mountain -- She Can't -- She Did It -- She Didn't Do Magic -- She Didn't Know She Kept on Talking -- She Didn't Lay That Pistol Down -- She Didn't Say Yes, She Didn't Say No She Only Said Maybe -- She Doesn't Laugh Like You -- She Doesn't Live Here Any More -- She Don't Wanna -She Fell in the Fall of the Year -- I Can't Believe She Gives It All To Me -- She Had to Go and Lose it at the Astor -- She Has a Little Dimple on Her Chin -- She Has the Face of an Angle But She's Full of the Devil at Heart -- She is Just a Klondike Nugget -- She is Ma Daisy -- She is More to be Pitied Than Censured -- She is Still a Mystery -- She is the Sunshine of Virginia -- I Meet Her in the Moonlight But She Keeps Me in the Dark -- She Kept on Talking She Didn't Know -- She Knows Her Onions -- She Knows -- She Knows It -She Lived Next Door (to a Firehouse) -- She Looks -- She Loves Me She Loves Me Not -She Made a Monkey Out of Me -- She Married a Clarinet -- She May Be Somebody's Baby -- She May Have Seen Better Days -- She Never Knew Me -- She of the Black Coffee Eyes -- She Picked it up in Mexico -- She Only Wants to Do Her Own Thing -- She Really Meant to Keep it (Till She Married) -- She Said and I Said -- She Said Yes Yes Yesterday -- She Sang Aloha To Me -- She Serves a Nice Cup of Tea -- She Still Comes Around to Love What's Left of Me -- She Walks in Her Husband's Sleep -- She Was Bred in Old Kentucky -She Was Five and He Was Ten -- She Was Happy Till She Met You -- She Was Just a Sailor's Sweetheart -- She Wears Red Feathers and a Huly Huly Skirt -- She Was Only Seventeen He Was One Year More -- She Wears My ring -- She Went Havana -- She Went to Old St. Mary's I Went to Notre Dame -- She Will Still Be Standing in the Harbor -- She Wore a Little Jacket of Blue -- She Works Hard for the Money -- She'd Rather Be With me -Sheeksa The Queen of Araby -- Sheik of Araby -- Sheik of Chicago. General note SCB NS 240 Box 675 Shh Here Comes My Sugar. General note Box NS 242 Box 555 Shame on the Moon. 1982. creator: Coolwell Music. creator: Crowell, Rodney Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Bob Seeger and the Silver Bullet Band. Box 12 Shanghai Breezes. 1981. General note Cover features a photograph of John Denver. Box 16 Shannon. 1975. General note Cover features photograph of Henry Gross. Box 922 Box 413 The Shaping of the World Original sheet music ed.. 2010. Shattered. 1978. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 703 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 857 Shattered (Turn the Car Around). 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Oar Box 416 Shaving Cream. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Benny Bell Box 49 Shawty. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353696 General note Words and music also by Maurice White, Verdine White, Eddie Del Barrio, Christoper Gholson, and Algernod Washington. Recorded by Plies featuring T-Pain. Box 480 She Bangs. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352231 Hal Leonard General note SCB SZ 01-38 Box 27 She Blinded Me With Science. 1982. General note On cover: photograph of Thomas Dolby Box 394 She Couldn't Change Me Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01082 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-218 Box 394 She Couldn't Change Me Orignal sheet music ed.. 2001. General note Publisher no.: PVM01082 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 01-218, 219 Box 446 She Did It. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Eric Carmen Box 6 She Didn't Have Time. 2005. creator: Bunch, Pat creator: Curb Songs. creator: Witt, Nicole Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Terri Clark. Box 65 She Didn't Say "Yes". 1931. General note From the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture "The Cat and the Fiddle." Cover features a photograph of Ramon Novarro and Jeanette McDonald. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 704 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 6 She Don't Telll Me To. 2005. creator: DiPiero, Bob creator: EMI Blackwood Music Inc.. creator: Rutherford, Rivers creator: Shapiro, Tom Box 6 She Let Herself Go. 2005. creator: Dillon, Dean creator: Phillips, Kerry Kurt creator: Sony/ATV Songs. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of George Strait. Box 413 She Loves To Be In Love. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Charlie Box 456 She Misses Him. 1999. General note SCB SZ 01-133 Box 854 (She Walks Like You She Talks Like You) She Reminds Me of You. 1934. creator: De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc.. creator: Gordon, Mack creator: Revel, Harry Scope and Content From the Paramount motion picture, We're Not Dressing. On cover: photograph of Bing Crosby and Carole Lombard. Box 545 Box 21 She Sang Aloha To Me. 1915. She Shall Have Music. 1935. creator: Cinephonic Music Co., Ltd.. creator: Goodhart, Al creator: Hoffman, Al creator: Sigler, Maurice Scope and Content from the Twickenham Films motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Jack Hylton. Box 12 Box 391 She Stoops to Conquer. 1892. She Used To Be Somebody's Baby. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of The Gatlin Brothers Box 446 She Used To Sing On Sunday. 1982. General note on cover: photograph of Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 705 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 469 She Was or. 2002. General note Publisher no.: PVM02054 Warner Bros. General note SCB SZ 02-134 Box 857 She Wolf. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Shakira Box 858 She Wouldn't Be Gone. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Blake Shelton Box 473 Box 473 She's From Missouri. 1943. She's From Missouri. 1943. General note on cover: photographs of Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour. Box 399 Box 21 She's Not Just Another Woman. 1971. Sheba. 1923. creator: David, Worton creator: Lawrence Wright Music Co.. creator: Nicholls, Horatio Box 54 Shebang. 1966. General note From the television production, "Shebang." Also written by Steve Venet and Toni Wine. Box 543 The Sheik of Araby. 1921. General note Dudley gift. Box 583 Sheila Franklin. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118313 Box 12 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. 1935. General note Cover features a photograph of Ben Bernie. Box 12 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. 1930. General note Added lyrics by Wm. J. McKenna. Added music and arrangement by Merle T. Kendrick. Box 859 She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain. 1935. creator: Calumet Music Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Ben Bernie. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 706 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1025 She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain – She's That Kind of a Girl. Scope and Content Note She'll Be Comin Round the Mountain -- She'll Be There -- Shelly Made Me Smile -- Shelter From the Sun -- Shelter of Your Arms --Sheltered By the Stars, Cradled by the Moon -Shenandoah Rose -- Shenandoah Valley -- Shenandoah Waltz -- Shepherd -- Shepherd of My Heart -- Shepherd of the Air -- Shepher of the Stars -- Shepherd Serenade -- Sherezade Sweet Sherazade Send the Rest of Those Stories to Me -- Sherry -- She's a Corn Fed Indiana Girl But She's Mama to Me -- She's a Daddy's Girl -- She's a Fool -- She's a Good Little Girl (Yes She Is) -- She's a Gorgeous Thing -- She's a Great, Great Girl -- She's a Lady -- She's a Mean Job -- She's a Newe Kind of Old Fashioned Girl -- She's a Rose That Grows in Your Heart -- She's a Typical Tip From Tipperary -- She's a Very Good Friend of a Friend of a Friend of a Very good Friend of Mine -- She's a Woman -- She's a Wonderful Mother to Me -- She's Drivin' Me Wild -- She's Everybody's Sweetheart But Nobody's Gal -- I got a Woman Crazy For Me She's Funny That Way -- She's Got a Great Big Army of Friends Since She Lives Near the Navy Yard -- She's got a Way -- She's Got an Awful Lot of What I Need a Lot of Now -- She's Got Em -- She's Got Great Ideas -- She's Got It -- She's Got the Cutest Eyes -- She's Got to Be a Saint -- She's Got You -- She's In Love With You -- She's Just a Black Sheep of Angels -- She's Just a Plain Old Fashioned Girl -- She's Just Like Sal -She's Just My Style -- She's Just Too Sweet for Words -- She's Just What the Doctor Ordered -- She's Leavin Bonnie Please Don't Go -- She's Lovely -- She's Mine, All Mine -She's My Baby -- She's My Girl From My Own Home Town -- She's My Girl Oh What a Diffrence That Makes -- She's My Girl -- She's My Sheba, I'm Her Shiek (I'm His Sheba, He's My Sheik) -- She's My Sister's Baby -- She's Neat -- She's Not There -- She's Out of My Life -- She's Perfect -- She's Shimmyin on the Beach Again -- She's So Different She Keeps Me Guessing All the Time -- She's So Nice -- She's Something Spanish -- She's Still My Baby -- She's that Kind of a Girl. General note SCB NS box 241 Box 23 Box 12 Box 12 Box 416 The Sheperd Boy. Shepherd Boy. 1907. Sheridan's Ride. 1922. Sherry. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of The Keane Brothers Box 47 She's a Good Neighbor. 1941. General note 2 copies. From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Cadet Girl." Cover features a photograph of Carole Landis and George Montgomery. Box 991 (I Got a Woman, Crazy For Me) She's Funny That Way. General note Box SU 67 Box 675 She's the Girl From the Rocky Mountains. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 She's the Heart of Dixieland. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 707 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 She's the Mother of Peggy O'Neal. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 She's the Sister of Annabelle Lee. General note Box NS 242 Box 985 She's the Sweetest Girl in Kankakee. General note Box SU 63 Box 675 She's Too Good to be True. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 She's Too Skinny (Much Too Skinny For Me). General note Box NS 242 Box 675 She's Wonderful. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shh The Old Man's Sleepin. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 SHHHH Don't Wake the Baby. General note Box NS 242 Box 12 The Shifting, Whispering Sands. 1950. General note Cover features a photograph of Billy Vaughn. Box 16 The Shifting, Whispering Sands. 1950. General note Cover features photograph of Billy Vaughn. Box 675 Shifting Whispering Sands. General note Box NS 242 Box 416 Shilo. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 675 Shilo. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 708 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Shim Me Sha Wabble. General note Box NS 242 Box 24 Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble. 1932. General note on cover: photograph of Benny Goodman Box 675 Shimmie Shake. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shimmie Waltz = Valse di Shimmie. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shimmy Nods From Chaminade. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shina No Yoru: Shee Na No Youra=China Nights. General note Box NS 242 Box 12 Shine. 1924. General note Lyrics also by Lew Brown. Cover features a photograph of Herb Wiedoft and his orchestra. Box 675 Shine. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shine a Little Love. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shine Hallelujah Shine. General note Box NS 242 Box 446 Shine On Silver Moon. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of MMarylin McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr. Box 675 Shine on Harvest Moon. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 709 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Shine on Rocky Mountain Moonlight. General note Box NS 242 Box 19 Box 675 Shine or Polish. 1914. Shinin On. General note Box NS 242 Box 446 Shining Star. 1980. General note on cover: photograph of The Manhattans Box 675 Shining Star. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ship Ahoy. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ship Ahoy. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ship at Sea. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ship of Fools. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ships. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Ships That Pass in the Night. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shirley. General note Box NS 242 Box 407 Box 389 Shivas Zion. 1945. Shiver. 2000. General note Publisher no.: HL00352432 EMI April General note SCB SZ 02-07 Box 406 Shleser. 1935. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 710 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Shoeboot's Serenade. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoemaker's Holiday. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoemaker's Serenade (Ticky Ticky Tee). General note Box NS 242 Box 54 Shogun. 1980. General note Main title from the Paramount television motion picture of the same title. Box 675 Shoo Be Doo Be Doo Da Day. General note Box NS 242 Box 12 Box 675 Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy. 1946. Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoo Shoo Baby. General note Box NS 242 Box 554 Shoo Shoo Baby. 1943. creator: Leeds Music. creator: Moore, Phil Scope and Content From the Universal motion picture, "Three Cheers For the Boys." On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Box 872 Shoo-Shoo Baby. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of The Andrews Sisters. Featured in the Universal motion picture "Three Cheers for the Boys" Box 675 Shoo Shoo Shoo Sh La La: Daddy's Lullaby. General note Box NS 242 Box 53 Shoot it Again. 1955. General note From the television program, "the U.S. Steel Hour." Cover features a photograph of Teresa Brewer. Box 675 Shoot it Again. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 711 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Shoot Your Shot. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shooting Star. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shop Around. General note Box NS 242 Box 577 The Shop Walker = Walk This Way, Step This Way. Scope and Content Note Dan Leno's celebrated pantomime patter song. Box 675 Shoppin Around. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shopping For Love. General note Box NS 242 Box 914 Shores of Old California. General note box su 114 Box 675 Short and Sweet. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Short Changed in Love. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Short Shorts. General note Box NS 242 Box 16 Short'nin' Bread. 1950. General note Swing transcription by Stanford King. Box 24 Box 12 Shortn'nin' Bread. 1939. Shot Gun Boogie. 1951. General note Cover features a photograph of Tennessee Ernie. Box 675 Shot Gun Boogie. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 712 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Shot Gun Polka. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shotgun. General note Box NS 242 Box 543 Should I. 1957. General note Dudley gift. Box 675 Should I Be Sorry. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Should I Come Back to You. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Should I Wait (Or Should I Run to her). General note Box NS 242 Box 858 Should've Said No. 2006. General note on cover: photograph of Taylor Swift Box 49 Shoulda Let You Go. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL00353720 General note Words and music also by Rodney Jerkins. Recorded by Keyshia Cole introducing Amina. Box 675 Shoulder to Cry On. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoulder to Shoulder (South Side High). General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoulder to Weep On. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Should've Never Let You Go. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 713 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 (Run Up the Steps Knock at the Door) Shout Hallelujah! Cause I'm Home. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shout Sister Shout. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shout Wherever You May Be (I Am An American). General note Box NS 242 Box 27 Shout! Wherever You May Be I Am An American. 1940. General note On back cover: photograph of Maurice Seymour Box 875 Shout! Wherever You May Be: I Am An American. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Shout! Wherever You May Be - I Am An American. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 554 Shout Wherever You May Be (I Am An American). 1940. creator: Cunningham, Paul creator: Edwin H. MOrris & Company, Inc.. creator: Schuster, Ira creator: Whitcup, Leonard Box 675 Shoutin in That Amen Corner. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shoutin to the Sun. General note Box NS 242 Box 19 Box 675 The Shovel Fish Rag. 1907. Shoveling Coal. General note Box NS 242 Box 857 The Show. 2008. General note on cover: red cartoon of piano and guitar in a forest Box 675 Show and Tell. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 714 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Show Folk. General note Box NS 242 Box 408 Show Me Love. 1993. General note on cover: photograph of Robin S. Box 675 Show Me a Man. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me How. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me The Face of a Mother. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me The Face of a Mother. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me the Way. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me the Way Back to Dixie. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me the Way Back to Your Heart. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me the Way to Be Happy. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me the Way to Get Out of This World (Cause That's Where Everything Is). General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Me The Way to Go Home. General note Box NS 242 Box 416 The Show Must Go On. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of The Three Dog Night Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 715 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 Show Must Go On. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Must Go On the Same. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Some Emotion. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show That Fellow the Door. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Show Your Medals, Mother Malone. General note Box NS 242 Box 909 Show Your linen, Miss Richardson. General note Box SU 44 Box 675 (There's Gonna Be a) Showdown. General note Box NS 242 Box 16 Box 446 Shower of Stars = Pluie D'Etoiles. 1909. Shower the People. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of James Taylor Box 675 Shreveport Blues: An Ode to My Home Town. General note Box NS 242 Box 675 Shrimp Boats (a Comin' There's Dancin' Tonight). General note Box NS 242 Box 12 Box 675 The Shrine of St. Cecilia. 1940. Shrine of Saint Cecilia. General note Box NS 242 Box 875 The Shrine of Saint Cecilia. 1940. General note Truesdell gift. Box 675 Shrine Song. General note Box NS 242 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 716 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 675 (I'm Proud to be a) Shriner. General note Box NS 242 Box 407 Box 1030 Shterendel. 1927. Shuffleboard Bloos – Signpost. Scope and Content Note Shuffle Board Blues -- Shurtleff Spirit -- Shut My Mouth I Ain't Talkin -- Shut That Gate -Shut the Door They're Comin Through the Window -- Gotta Get Some Shut Eye -- Shutters and Boards -- Shy -- Shy anne of Cheyenne -- Shy as a Violet -- Shy Coquette -- Si Petite -Si Senorita -- Si, Si Some More = Noche de Ronda -- Siam and You -- Siam soo -- Siboney -- Sicilian Tarantella -- Siciliana Rosa -- Sicily -- Sick Sober and Sorry -- Side by Side -- Side By Side By the Sea Side -- Side Saddle -- Sidewalk Serenade -- Sidewalk Sweethearts -Sidewalk Waltz -- Sidewalks of New York, East Side, West Side -- Sirra Madra = Luna Gitana -- Treasure of Sierra Madre -- Sierra Sue -- Siggie's Waltz -- Sighing Just for You -Sighing Pines -- Sighs -- Sign of the Times -- Signs of Spring -- Signpost. General note SCB NS 243 Box 909 (Gotta Get Some) Shut Eye. General note Box SU 44 Box 46 Shut Up and Drive. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353670 General note Words and music also by Carl Sturken, Gillian Gilbert, Peter Hook, Stephen Morris and Bernard Summer. Recorded by Rihanna. Box 46 Shut Up and Drive. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29021 General note Words and Music also by Peter Hook, Bernard Sumner, Gillian Gilbert, Evan Rodgers, and Carl Sturken. Recorded by Rihanna. Box 858 Shuttin' Detroit Down. 2009. Physical Description: 8.0 p. General note Original sheet music edition (piano vocal chords). Box 858 Shuttin' Detroit Down. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of John Rich Box 1164 Shy Little Violet Blue. 1908. Scope and Content Note From: The Queen of the Moulin Rouge. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 717 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 12 Siboney. 1929. General note Cover features a photograph of Grace Moore. Box 22 Box 857 The Sidewalks Of New York (East Side, West Side, All Around The Town). 1932. Sideways. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Dierks Bentley Box 54 Sierra. 1974. General note Theme of the Universal television series, "Sierra." Cover features a photograph of the stars of the program, James G. Richardson, Ernest Thompson, Jack Hogan, Mike Warren and Susan Foster. Box 543 Sierra Sue. 1939. General note On cover: photograph of Jan Savitt. Dudley gift. Box 20 Box 1029 Sigmund Romberg Song Album - Book II. 1928. S'Il Vous Plait – Sin. Scope and Content Note S'Il Vous Plait = If You Please -- Silence -- Silencio -- Silence is Golden -- Silent Lips -Silent Treatment -- Silhouettes -- Silky Sullivan-- Silly Dreamer -- Silly Dreamer -- Silly Milly -- Sill Old Moon -- Silly Song -- Silver and Gold -- Dreaming Down on Silver Bay -Silver Bell -- Silver Bells -- Silver Canoe -- Silver Drew on the Blue Grass To Night -- Silver Dollar -- Silver Haired Mother -- Silver-Haired Sweetheart -- Silver Head -- Silver Lady -There Must Be a Silver Lining That's Shining For Me -- Silver Moon -- Silver Pony -- Silver Rose -- Silver Sands of Love, Naughty Hawaii -- Silver Shield -- Silver Song Bird -- Silver Spurs on the Golden Stairs -- Silver Stars Purple Sage, Eyes of Blue -- Silver Threads Among the Gold -- Silver Threads and Golden Needles -- Silver Swanee -- Silver Wedding Waltz -- Silver Wings in the Moonlight -- Silversan -- Silvery Arizona Moon -- Silvry Colorado -- Silvery Hair -- Silvry Moon -- Silvery Moonlight -- Silvry Mountain Moon -Silvery Susquehanna -- Silvery Wings in the Sunset -- Similua: See Me Lo -- Simonetta -Simple and Sweet -- Simple Aveu -- Simple Man -- Simple, Simple, Simple -- Simpel Gimpel -- Simple Song -- Simple Thing as Love -- Simply Grand -- It's No Sin. General note SCB NS 244 Box 20 Box 406 Box 12 Box 24 The Silent Waterlily. Silent! Be Still!. 1938. Silhouette. 1988. Silhouettes. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Herman's Hermits Box 54 Silver and Gold. 1964. General note From the Videocraft television musical spectacular "Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer." 2 copies. Box 12 Box 19 Box 27 Box 398 Silver Bell. 1910. Silver Buckle. 1910. Silver Bells. 1950. Silver Moon. 1927. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 718 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 12 Box 16 Silver Nymph = Ninfa Argentina. 1925. Silver on the Sage. 1938. General note Words and music also by Ralph Rainger. Cover features photograph of Joan Bennett and Randolph Scott. Box 12 Box 26 Box 12 Silver Threads Among the Gold. 1929. Silver Threads Among the Gold. 1915. Silver Wings in the Moonlight. 1943. General note Words and music also by Leo Towers and Sonny Miller. Cover features a photograph of Charlie Spivak. Box 16 Box 872 Silver Waves. 1956. Silver Wings. 1944. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 Silver Wings in the Moonlight. 1943. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of George Olsen Box 876 Silver Wings in the Moonlight. 1943. General note on cover: picture of a girl looking out of a window in the moonlight Box 12 Box 654 Box 471 Simple Confession. 1924. Simple Confession = Simple Aveu. 1905. Simple Kind of Life Original sheet music ed.. 2000. General note Publisher no.: PVM00101 Box 22 Box 62 Simple Melody. 1914. The Simple Things in Life. 1935. General note From the Fox motion picture, "Curly Top." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features photographs of Shirley Temple, John Boles and Rochelle Hudson. Box 494 Simpsons Theme. 1990. Scope and Content Note Theme from the television program of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 90-5 Box 12 (It's No) Sin. 1951. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 719 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1028 Since an Angel Like Mary Lovers a Devil Like Me – Swing Katie. Scope and Content Note Since an Angle Like Mary Loves a Devil Like Me -- Since December -- Since First You Smiled on Me -- Since He Traded His Zoot Suit For a Uniform -- Since I Fell For You -- Since I Fell in Love With You -- Since I Found You -- Since I Gave My Heart to You -- Since I Made a Business of Love -- Since I Met You Baby -- Since I Met You Sweetheart -- Since I Saw the Light -- Since I Went Away From Mary -- Since it Started to Rain in Lovers' Lane -Since I've Been in Heaven -- Since I've Found My Baby -- Since Katy the Waitress Became an Aviatress -- Since Maggie Became Marguerite -- Since Mother Bobbed Her Hair Sister Hasn't Got a Chance Since Mother Bobbed Her Hair -- Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down -- Since My Darling Went Away -- Since Nellie Came Back From the City -- Since Nelly Got the Gong -- Since Sally Left Our Alley -- Since She Turned Seventeen -- Since Them Hillbillies Moved Down to the Holler -- Since They're All Playing Miniature Golf -- Since We Can't All Be Sweethearts -- Since We Fell Out of Love -- Since We Put a Radio Out in the Henhouse -- Since When Have You Been Low Downing Me -- Since You Are Mine -- Since You Broke My Heart -- Since You Called Me Sweetheart -- Since You Came Along -- Since You Crept Into My Heart -- Since You Gave Your Heart to Another You Took the Heart Out of Me -- Since You I've Found -- Since You Said, Uh Huh to Me -- Since You Went Away -Since You Went Away Dear Old Pal -- Since You Whispered I Love You -- Since You've Gone -- Since Yussel Learned to Yodel He's a Yiddishe Mountaineer -- Sincerely -Sincerely I Do -- Sincerely Yours -- Sing -- Sing a Little Love Song -- Little Sing a Ling Sing a Little Low Down Tune -- Sing a Little Song -- Sing a Little Swing Song -- Sing a New Song -- Sing a Song -- Sing a Song of College Days -- Sing a Song of Romance and You'll Wake Up the Love in My Soul -- Sing a Song of Swanee -- Sing a Spell (the Musical Spelling Bee) -- Sing a Yodeling Song Swiss Chalet Polka -- Sing Again That Sweet Refrain -- Sing Along -- Sing America Sing -- Sing an Old Fashioned Song to a Young Sophisticated Lady -- Sing Another Chorus Please -- Sing College Boy -- Sing Everybody Sing -- Sing Gypsy Sing -Sing Her a Love Song -- Sing High Sing Low -- Sing It Again -- Sing It's Good For You -Sing Kate Sing -- Sing Katie But Leave the Piano Alone. General note SCB NS 245 Box 22 Since Arrah Wanna Married Barney Carney. General note on cover: photographs of Jack Drislane, Theodore Morse, and Flemen & Miller Box 398 Since I Fell For You. 1948. General note on cover: photograph of Charlie Rich Box 412 Box 1154 Since I Fell For You. 1948. Since My Love Has Gone. 1952. General note on cover: photograph of Tony Bennett Box 1154 Since My Love Has Gone. Scope and Content Note Based on Verdi's melody, La Traviatta, Act III, Addio del passato. General note Box SU 4 Box 446 Since You Been Gone. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Head East Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 720 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 446 Since You Been Gone. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Rainbow Box 991 Since You Went Away (Dear Old Pal). General note Box SU 67 Box 24 Sincerely Yours. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Freddie ? Box 446 Sing. 1972. General note on cover: photograph of The Carpenters Box 51 Sing a Song of Harvest. 1938. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Kentucky Moonshine." Cover features photographs of Tony Martin, Marjorie Weaver and the Ritz Brothers. Box 51 Sing a Song of Harvest. 1938. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Kentucky Moonshine." Artist copy. Box 1147 Sing a Song of Nonsence (Pocketful of Love). General note box su 12 Box 54 Sing Along. 1959. General note Theme song of the television program, "Sing Along With Mitch." Cover features a drawing of Mitch Miller. Box 1147 Sing it Way Down Low. General note box su 12 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 721 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1033 Sing Little Birdie Sing – Sittin Around. Scope and Content Note Sing Little Birdie Sing -- Sing Loo -- Sing Low Sweet Harriet -- Sing Me a Baby Song -- Sing me a Hill Billy Song -- Sing Me a Love Song 'Neath Blue Hawaiian Skies -- Sing Me a Song -- Sing Me a Song of Hawaii -- Sing Me a Song of Old Erin -- Sing Me a Song of the South -Sing Me a Song of the Southland -- Sing Me a Song of Texas -- Sing Me an Old Fashioned Hymn -- Sing Me an Old Mountain Song -- Sing Me Love's Lullaby Love's Lullaby of Dreams -- Sing Me O Sole Mio -- Sing Me Something Sentimental -- Sing Me The Rosary The Sweetest Song of All -- Sing Me To Sleep Dear Old Mother Mine -- Sing Me To Sleep With a Chinese Lullaby -- Sing of the Studebakers -- Sing on Brother Sing -- Sing Our Song of Love -- Sing Sing Sing With a Swing -- Sing Sing Sing Sing So The Can Hear You -- Sing Song Girl (Little Yella Cinderella) -- Sing Song Man -- Sing Song Swing -- Sing That Song to Me -- Sing To Me -- Sing to Me of Love = Parlatemi d'Amour -- Sing Your Way Home -Singapoo: Song of the East -- Singapore -- Singapore Sorrows -- Singer -- You'll Never Go Wrong Breezing Along Singing a Song of Love -- Singing Between Kisses -- Singin Down the Road -- Singing Hills -- Singing in the Rain -- Singin in the Saddle -- Singing Lesson -Singing My Love to You -- Singing Myself to Sleep -- Singin on the Air -- Singin River -Singing Sands of Alamosa -- Singin the Blues Till My Daddy Comes Home -- Singing the Blues -- Singing the Boogie -- Singin to Hide My Tears -- Single Saddle -- Sink All Your Ships in the Ocean Blue and Sail on the Ship of Love -- Sinner Am I -- Sinner Kissed an Angel -- Sinner Man -- Sinner or Saint -- Sinner's Prayer -- Sinnin Again -- Sioux City Sue -Underneath the Sip Sip Sippy Moon -- Sipping Cider by the Zuyder Zee -- Silver Wise -Sipping Cider Thru a Straw Thipping Thider Thru a Thtraw -- Down Around Sip Sip Sippy Shore -- Siren Dream -- Siren of a Southern Sea -- Sissy -- Sister Golden Hair -- I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate -- Sister of the Girl I Love -- sister Theresa's East River Orphanage -- Sittin Alone at the Table -- Sittn an Waitin -- Sittin and Whittlin -- Sittin Around. General note SCB NS 246 Box 12 Box 23 Box 1147 Sing Me to Sleep. 1910. Sing Me To Sleep. 1902. Sing Me a Swing Song (and Let Me Dance). General note box su 12 Box 554 Sing My Heart. 1939. creator: Arlen, Harold creator: Crawford Music Corporation. creator: Koehler, Ted Scope and Content From the R.K.O. Radio Pictures motion picture, "Love Affair." On cover: photograph of Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer. Box 16 Box 20 Box 406 Sing Out (Buffalo Gals). 1973. Sing, Robin Sing. 1906. Singin' Wheels. 1940. General note An entertaining Sound Motion Picture about EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS Box 27 Singing The Blues. 1954. General note On cover: photograph of Guy Mitchell Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 722 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 416 Sinner Man. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Sarah Dash Box 12 Sioux City Sue. 1945. General note Cover features a photograph of Dick Thomas. Box 857 Sissy's Song. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Alan Jackson Box 398 Box 416 Sister Golden Hair: Made Easy For Piano. 1975. Sister Golden Hair. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of America Box 399 Box 446 Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves. 1985. Sisters of the Moon. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Fleetwood Mac Box 494 Sisters. 1994. General note Publisher no.: VS6377 Warner Bros. Publications Scope and Content Note Main title theme from the television series of the same title. General note SCB SZTV 94-5 Box 399 Sit Yourself Down. 1971. General note on cover: photograph of Stephen Stills Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 723 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1032 Sittin Around On Sunday – Skyscraper Sky. Scope and Content Note Sittin Around on Sunday -- Sitting at the Table Opposite You -- Sittin By the Fire With You -- Sitting by the Window -- Sittin in a Corner -- Sittin in a Tree House -- Seve Little Girls Sitting in the Back Seat -- Sittin in the Balcony -- Sittin in the Dark -- Sittin in the Movies Holdin Your Hand -- Sittin in the Sand a Sunnin -- Sittin in the Sun -- Sittin in the Window -Sittin on a Five Barred Gate -- Sittin on a Log Pettin My Dog -- Sittin on a Rainbow -- Sittin on the Curb Stone Blues -- Sittin on the Moon -- Sitting on the Stairs Counting the Stars -Sinnin Up Waitin For You -- Sittin' Up With Susan -- Six Feet of Papa -- Six Lessons From Madame La Zonga -- Six O'Clock -- Six P.M. -- Six Times a Week (And Twice on Sunday I Get a Kiss by the Garden Gate -- Six Weeks of Summer (Christmas Every Other Year) -Sixteen Reasons Why I Love You -- Sixteen Teens -- Sixteen Tons -- Sixty Minute Man -Sixty Seconds Every Minute I'm in Love With You -- Sixty Seconds Got Together -- Sixty Two Ladies in Sea Green Pajamas -- Size 12 -- Skating Down the Old Mill Stream Where We Used to Drift and Dream -- Skatin We Will Go -- Skeezix -- Ski da me rink a doo Means I Love You -- Ski Ride Polka -- Skin Tight, Pin Striped Purple Pedal Pushers -- Skinnie Minnie Fish Tail -- Skinny Minnie -- Skip a Rope -- Skipper of My Dream Boat -- Skirts Skokiaan -- Skooku -- Skunk Song -- Sky Anchors -- Sky Birds -- Skybird -- Sky Blue -- Sky Fell Down -- Sky Fell Into the Street -- Sky Full of Dreams -- Sky Hight -- Sky High Honeymoon -- Sky is Extra Blue Just For me Just For You -- Sky Without the Stars -- Skye Boat Song Over the Sea to Skye -- Skylark -- Skyscraper Sky. General note SCB NS 247 Box 47 Sittin' On a Rainbow. 1930. General note 2 copies. Also written by Dan Dougherty. Theme song from the Columbia film, "Call of the West." Cover features a photograph of Dorothy Revier. Box 991 Sittin on the Curbstone. General note Box SU 67 Box 20 Box 54 Sittin' in the Sand A-Sunnin'. 1936. The Six Million Dollar Man. 1976. General note Theme from the Universal television series. Cover features a photograph of Lee Majors. Box 399 Size Seven Round (Made of Gold). 1985. General note on cover: photographs of George Jones and Lacy J. Dalton Box 577 Skating at Olympia. 1900?. Scope and Content Note On cover: drawing of Walter Munroe. Box 12 Box 875 Skipping Fingers. 1944. Sky Anchors (Naval Aviation Song). General note Truesdell gift. Box 876 Sky Anchors (Naval Aviation Song). 1942. General note on cover: photograph of seven war planes Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 724 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 473 Box 909 Sky High. 1959. Skylark. General note Box SU 44 Box 1147 Skylark. General note box su 12 Box 472 Skyscraper: Theme. 1965. Scope and Content Note From the Broadway musical. General note Jimmy Van Heusen Collection SCB SX 2743 Box 1036 Slam Bam – Sleepy Time Talk. Scope and Content Note Slam Bam -- Slang -- Slanthe -- Slap 'er Down Again Paw -- Salp Leather: the Song of the Gun -- Slaves of a Hopeless Love Afair -- Sleep -- Sleep: Come On and Take Me -- Sleep Babyb Sleep -- Sleep Buddy Boy Sleep -- Sleep My Child = Shloof mein Kind -- Sleep My Darling Sleep: Within My Arms -- Sleep, My Heart -- Sleep On My Baby Sleep On -- Sleep Soldier Boy -- Sleep Song -- Sleep Happy: I'm a Sleep Happy Guy -- Sleep Walk -- Sleeping Beauty -- Sleeping Beauty's Wedding = Dornroeschen's Brautfahrt -- Sleepin' in a Bed of Lies -- Sleepy -- Sleepy Baby -- Sleepy Baby: Dream of Me -- Sleepy Bye -- Sleepy Clouds -- Sleepy Dark Night -- Sleepy Eyes -- Sleepy Flower -- Sleepy Head -- In the Sleepy Hills of Tennessee -- Down Among the Sleepy Hills of Tennessee -- Sleepy Hollow Where I First Met You -- Sleepy Hollow -- Sleepy Hollow Days -- Sleepy Hollow Home -- Sleepy Lagoon -Sleepy Little Space Cadet -- Sleepy Little Village Where the Dixie Cotton Grows -- Sleepy Lullaby -- Sleepy Rio Grande -- Sleepy River Moon -- Sleepy Serenade -- Sleepy Stars in Hawaii -- When It's Sleepy Time Down South -- Sleepy Time Gal -- Sleepy Time in Sleepy Hollow -- Sleepy Time in Topsy Turvy Town -- Sleepy Time Talk. General note SCB NS 248 Box 12 Box 24 Box 1013 Slaughter on Tenth Avenue. 1936. Slaughter On Tenth Avenue. 1936. Slaughter on Tenth Avenue. 1936. creator: Chappell & Co., Inc.. creator: Rodgers, Richard Scope and Content From the motion picture of the same title. On cover: photograph of Richard Egan, Jan Sterling and Julie Adams. Box 16 Sleep. 1923. General note Cover features photograph of Waring's Pennsylvanians. Box 26 Box 20 Box 446 Sleep! Dream! Awake!. 1925. Sleep, Little Baby / Rest From Desire. Sleepin' With the Radio On. 1981. General note on cover: photograph of Charly McClain Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 725 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 12 Box 27 Sleepy Hollow Tune. 1924. Sleepy Head. 1926. General note On cover: photograph of Paul Ash Box 991 Sleepy Hollow Days. General note Box SU 67 Box 12 Box 19 Box 26 Box 19 Box 12 Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Lagoon. 1940. Lou. 1906. Lagoon. 1940. Sidney. 1907. Time Gal. 1925. General note Music also by Richard A. Whiting. Lyrics also by Raymond B. Egan. Cover features a photograph of Ferdinand Steindel. Box 991 Sleepy Time Gal. General note Box SU 67 Box 1035 Sleepy Town – A Smile Will Go A Long Way. Scope and Content Note Sleepy Town -- Sleepy Town Express -- Sleepy Town Train -- Sleepy Valley -- Sleepy Willows -- Sleigh Bell Serenade -- Sleigh Bells -- Sleigh Bells in the Snow (Old Santa's Shouting Cheerio) -- Sleigh Ride -- The Chicks I Pick are Slender, Tender and Tall -- Slide Kelly Slide -- Slightly Out of Tune = Desafinado -- Slip of the Lip Can Sink a Ship -Slipping Around -- Slippin Away -- Slippin Into Darkness -- Slipping Thru My Fingers -- Slow and Easy -- Slow But Sure -- Slow Dancin' Don't Turn Me On -- Slow Down -- Slow Down, Baby Slow Down -- Slow Drag -- Slow Eyes -- Slow Freight -- Slow Poke -- Slow River -Slow Train Through Arkansaw -- Slowly But Surely -- Slue Foot -- Slumber On -- Slumber Time For Roses -- Slumberland -- Smack Dab in the Middle -- Small Talk -- Small Town -Small Town Gal -- Small World -- Smarty -- Smarty Pants -- Smile -- Smile Let Me See Your Smile Sweetheart -- Smile a Kiss -- Sile a Little -- Smile a Little Bit -- Smile a Rose, a Kiss -Smile All the While -- Smile and Keep Smiling -- Smile and the World Smiles With You, Weep and You Weep Alone -- Smile as We Say Aloha -- Turn That Frown Upside Down Smile at the Cock Eyed World -- Smile Away the Blues -- Smile Away Your Tears -- Smile Darn Ya Smile -- Smile for Me -- Smile in the Morning -- Smile Me a Spring -- Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile Smile Smile -- If You Smile Smile Smile -- Smile Sweetheart Smile -- Smile Through Your Tears -- Smile When You Speak of Texas -- Smile Will Go a Long Long Way. General note SCB NS 249 Box 654 Box 16 Box 473 Box 446 Sleepytime Soldier Boy. 1939. Sleigh Ride. 1948. Sleighride in July. 1944. Slide On Over. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Gordon Lightfoot Box 12 Slightly Out of Tune = Desafinado. 1962. General note Lyrics also by Jessie Cavanaugh. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 726 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 582 Slightly Perfect. 1945. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From: Are You With It. General note SCB SY 118102 Box 1156 Slightly Fantastic. General note Box PS 14 Box 416 Slip Away. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Ian Lloyd Box 446 Slow Dancer. 1974. General note on cover: photograph of Boz Scaggs Box 446 Slow Dancing. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Funky Kings Box 12 Slow Poke. 1951. General note Words and music also by Redd Stewart and Chilton Price. Cover features a photograph of Redd Stewart and Pee Wee King. Box 16 Slow Poke. 1951. General note Words and music also by Redd Stewart and Chilton Price. Cover features photograph of Pee Wee King and Redd Stewart. Box 416 Slow Ride. 1976. General note on cover: photograph of Foghat Box 446 Box 1156 Slow Train. 1979. Slow Walk. General note Box PS 14 Box 62 Sluefoot. 1955. General note From the motion picture, "Daddy Long Legs." 2 copies (different covers). One cover features an illustration of Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron. Box 16 Slumming on Park Avenue. 1937. General note Cover features photographs of Dick Powell, Madeleine Carrol, Alice Faye, and the Ritz Brothers. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 727 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 19 Box 909 Sly Sal. 1906. Small Petrushka. General note Box SU 44 Box 473 Box 399 Box 857 Small Things. 1958. Small Town Girl. 1985. Small Town Southern Man. 2007. General note on cover: photograph of Alan Jackson Box 857 Small Town USA. 2009. General note on cover: photograph of Justin Moore Box 858 Small town USA. 2003. General note on cover: photograph of Justin Moore Box 909 Smarty Pants. General note Box SU 44 Box 858 Smile. 2009. General note on cover: wooden background Box 922 Smile Original sheet music ed.. 2009. General note On cover: photograph of Uncle Kracker. Box 20 Smile A Little Bit. 1925. General note on cover: photograph of Harry Coleman and Gladys Hart Box 1164 Smile a Little, Smile For Me. 1917. Scope and Content Note From: Rambler Rose. General note On cover: photographs of Julia Sanderson and Joseph Cawthorne. Box 12 Smile, Darn Ya Smile. 1931. General note Lyrics also by Jack Meskill. Box 473 Smile Right Back at the Sun. 1947. General note on cover: photographs of Joan Caulfield and Bing Crosby. from the motion picture "Welcome Stranger" Box 473 Smile Right Back at the Sun. 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Bing Crosby. from the motion picture "Welcome Stranger" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 728 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 473 Smile Right Back at the Sun. 1947. General note on cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, Joan Caulfield, and Barry Fitzgerald. from the motion picture "Welcome Stranger" Box 16 A Smile Will Go A Long Way. 1923. General note Also by Harry Akst. Cover features photograph of Henry Santrey. Box 12 A Smile Will Go a Long Long Way. 1923. General note Also written by Harry Akst. Cover features a photograph of Henry Santrey. Box 554 A Smile Will Go a Long Long Way. 1923. creator: Akst, Harry creator: Davis, Benny creator: Waterson, Berliin & Snyder Co.. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Henry Santrey. Box 1031 Smile With Me – Snuggled on Your Shoulder. Scope and Content Note Smile With Me -- Smile You Miss -- Smile Your Troubles Away -- Smiles -- Smiles and Tears -- Smiles of Silver and Kisses of Gold -- Smilin -- Smiling -- Smiling Eyes -- Smiling Faces Sometimes -- Smiling Lips -- Smiling Moon -- Smiling Skies -- Smilin Through -- Smoke and Perfume = Quand Je Vous Vois -- Smoke Dreams -- Smoke From a Chimney -- Smoke From a Distant Fire -- Smoke on the Water -- Smoke Rings -- Smoke, Smoke, Smoke: That Cigarette -- Smoke Tree Ranch -- Smoke Your Troubles Away -- Smokey the Bear -Smokin in the Boys Room -- Smoking in the Dark -- Smoky Morning -- Smoky Valley -Smootch -- We're Gonna Have Smooth Sailing -- Snafu -- Snake Charmer -- Snakes Hips -Snap It Up -- Snatch and Grab It -- Sneak -- Sneakin' Up on You -- Sneezing Song: I Love You, I Love You Kachoo -- Snooky Cookie -- Snoops the Lawyer -- Snoopy Versus the Red Baron -- Snootie Little Cutie -- Snoqualimine Jo Jo -- Snora: How Can She Snora -- Snowball -- Snow Bound -- Snowbird -- Snowfall -- Snow Deer -- Snowdrifts and Gardenias -Snowflakes -- Snowy Snowy Mountains -- Snuggled on Your Shoulder: Cuddled in Your Arms. General note SCB NS 250 Box 654 Box 1156 Smiles. 1918. Smiles. General note Box PS 14 Box 1156 Smilin' Through. General note Box PS 14 Box 16 Smilin' Through. 1919. General note Cover features photograph of Norma Talmadge. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 729 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 24 Smilin' Through. 1918. General note 3 copies Box 12 Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette). 1947. General note Words and music also by Tex Williams. Cover features a photograph of Tex Williams. Box 1156 Smoke. General note Box PS 14 Box 23 Smoke Clouds. 1917. General note from Ernest C Rolls' Empire Theatre production "Topsy Turvy" Box 12 Box 24 (When Your Heart's on Fire) Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. 1933. (When Your Heart's On Fire) Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. 1941. General note for piano solo Box 577 Smoke, Smoke, Smoke. 1900?. Scope and Content Note Founded on Herbert Shelley and Colet Dare's song, "Framed in Oak." Box 24 Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette). 1947. General note on cover: photograph of Phil Harris Box 1156 Smokey Mokes. General note Box PS 14 Box 416 Smokin In The Boys Room. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Brownsville Station Box 399 Smokin' in the Boys Room. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Motley Crue Box 471 Smooth. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00663026 Box 399 Smooth Operator. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Sade Box 12 Smuggler's Song. 1911. General note Poem by Rudyard Kipling. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 730 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 399 Smuggler's Blues. 1985. General note on cover: photograph of Glenn Frey Box 12 Box 24 The Snake Charmer. 1937. Snooky Ookums. 1913. General note From the MGM motion picture "Easter Parade". on cover: photograph of Judy Garland and Fred Astaire Box 19 Box 1156 Snow Ball. 1906. Snow Crystals. General note Box PS 14 Box 1156 Snow Shoes. General note Box PS 14 Box 1147 Snowball. General note box su 12 Box 391 Box 12 Box 473 Snowbird. 1970. Snowfall. 1941. The Snowman. 1950. General note on cover: photographs of Bing Crosby, and Gary, Phillip, Dennis, and Lindsay Crosby. Box 990 Snuggles - So Now I Know. General note Box NS 251 Box 66 So Be It. 1960. General note From the motion picture "College Confidential". Cover features photographs of Randy Sparks, Steve Allen, Jayne Meadows, Walter Winchell and Mamie Van Doren. Box 12 So Blue. 1927. General note Also by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Cover features a photograph of Mrs. Jesse Crawford. Box 473 So Help Me (If I Don't Love You). 1938. General note 3 copies Box 473 So Help Me (If I Don't Love You). 1938. General note on cover: photograph of Paul Sabin Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 731 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 446 So In Love. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of Curtis Mayfield Box 812 So In Love. 1949. Scope and Content Note From the show, "Kiss Me Kate." General note Eight copies. Box 24 So It Always Will Be. 1963. General note on cover: photograph of Don and Phil Everly Box 446 So Long. 1978. General note on cover: photograph of Firefall Box 2 So Rare. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Mary Small. Box 12 So Rare. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Jimmy Dorsey. Box 12 So Rare. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Hughie Barrett. Box 12 So Rare. 1937. General note Cover features a photograph of Jan Savitt. Box 1034 So Rare – Solitude. Scope and Content Note So Rare -- So Red the Rose -- So Round So Firm So Fully Packed -- So Sad: To Watch Good Love Go Bad -- So Sad the Song -- So Shines My Love -- So Shy -- So Strange -- If I Hadn't Been So Sure of You -- So Sweet -- So Sympathetic -- So Tall a Tree -- So That's the Kind of Girl You Are -- So the Story Goes -- So This is Heaven -- So This is Love -- So This is Paris -- So Thrilled -- So Tired -- So Weary -- So What's New -- So You Left Me For the Leader of a Swing Band -- So You Wanna Fall in Love -- So You're the One -- Sob Sister Sadie: the Vamp Cry Baby -- Sobbin Blues -- Socko the Smallest Snowball -- Soda Pop Hop -- Soft and Low -- Soft Green Seas -- Soft Hearted -- Soft Lips -- Soft Sands -- Soft Shoe Song: the Dance My Darlin Used to Do -- How's About Another Little Soft Squeeze Baby -Soft Summer Breeze -- Soft White Hands -- Soft Winds -- Softly -- Softly and Tenderly -Softly As I Leave You -- Softly My Love -- Softly, Softly -- Mientras la Noche Llega = Softly Steals the Night -- Sold to the Man With the Broken Heart -- Soldier Boy -- Soldier Dreams of You Tonight -- Soldier Let Me Read Your Letter -- Soldier on the Shelf -- Soldiers and Martial Music -- Soldier's Dream of Home Sweet Home -- Soldier's Farewell -- Soldier's Guitar -- Soldier's Last Letter -- Soldier's Life -- Soldiers of God: Official Chaplan's March -Soldier's Return -- Solfeggio: Do Re Mi -- Solid as a Rock -- Solitaire -- Solitude. General note SCB NS 252 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 732 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 583 So Sing the Children. General Physical Description note: ozalid copy Scope and Content Note From the musical, "Hair." General note SCB SY 118314 Box 46 So Small. 2007. General note Publisher no.: HL 00353685 General note Words and music also by Luke Laird and Hillary Lindsay. Recorded by Carrie Underwood. Box 46 So Small. 2007. General note Publisher no.: 29040 General note Words and music also by Hillary Lindsay and Luke Laird. Recorded by Carrie Underwood. Box 555 So This is Love. 1923. creator: Goetz, Ray E. creator: Harms Inc.. Scope and Content From the play, "Little Miss Bluebeard." On cover: photograph of Irene Bordoni. Box 1154 Box 1154 So This Is Venice. 1923. So This is Venice. Scope and Content Note Adapted from Ambrose Thomas' Carnival of Venice. General note Box SU 4 Box 12 So Tired. 1943. General note Also written by Jack Stuart. Cover features a photograph of Russ Morgan. Box 56 So Until I See You. 1961. General note Midnight theme of the Jack Paar television show. Cover features a photograph of Jose Meles. Box 413 So Very Hard To Go. 1973. General note on cover: photograph of Tower of Power Box 66 So What. 1936. General note From the Paramount motion picture, "College Holiday." 2 copies (different covers). On cover features a photographs of Jack Benny, George Burns, Gracie Allen, Mary Boland and Martha Raye. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 733 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 858 So What. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Pink Box 859 So What's New. 1966. creator: Almo Music Corp.. creator: Lee, Peggy creator: Pisano, John Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Vic Dana. Box 473 Box 473 So Would I. 1946. So Would I. 1946. General note on cover: photographs from the motion picture "My Heart Goes Crazy" Box 446 So You Win Again. 1977. General note on cover: photograph of Hot Chocolate Box 469 Soak Up the Sun. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-96 Box 469 Soak Up the Sun original sheet music ed.. 2001. General note SCB SZ 02-96,97 Box 54 The Theme from "Soap". 1977. General note Theme from the television series. Box 543 Soap. 1915. General note Dudley gift. Box 19 Box 456 Soap Bubbles Rag. 1907. Sober. 1993. General note Publisher no.: HL00663044 EMI Virgin General note SCB SZ 01-161 Box 858 Sober. 2008. General note on cover: photograph of Pink Box 1156 Soft Summer Breeze. General note Box PS 14 Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 734 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 12 Softly, As In a Morning Sunrise. 1928. General note From the musical, "The New Moon." Box 413 Softly Whispering I Love You. 1967. General note on cover: photograph of the English Congregation Box 20 Softly, As I Leave You. 1962. General note on cover: photograph of Eydie Gorme Box 23 Box 390 Solace. 1974. Solace. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Scott Joplin Box 473 Sold to the Man with the Broken Heart. 1957. General note on cover: photograph of Tony Bennett Box 624 Soldier on the Shelf. 1930. Scope and Content Note From the MGM motion picture, "Grand Hotel." Box 875 A Soldier Dreams (Of You Tonight). 1942. General note Truesdell gift. On cover: photograph of Kate Smith Box 872 A Soldier's Prayer. 1942. General note Truesdell gift. Box 872 Soldiers of God (Official Chaplains' March). 1943. General note Truesdell gift. Box 1156 Soldiers of Peace. General note Box PS 14 Box 543 Solfeggio (The Do Re Mi Song). 1954. General note On cover: photograph of Robert Maxwell. Dudley gift. Box 54 Solid Gold. 1980. General note From the television series, "Solid Gold." Box 54 Solid Gold. 1980. General note From the television series, "Solid Gold." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 735 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 446 Box 12 Box 1156 Solid Rock. 1980. Soliloquy. 1926. Soliloquy. General note Box PS 14 Box 16 Solitaire. 1951. General note Words also by Carl Nutter. Cover features photograph of Tony Bennett. Box 446 Solitaire. 1975. General note on cover: photograph of The Carpenters Box 446 Box 416 Solitaire: Made Easy for Piano. 1972 & 1975. Solitary Man. 1979. General note on cover: photograph of Neil Diamond Box 12 Solitude. 1934. General note Lyrics also by Irving Mills. Cover features a phtoograph of Ina Ray Hutton. Box 16 Solitude. 1934. General note Piano transcription by Norman Ellis. Box 24 Box 408 Box 1154 Solitude. 1934. Solitude. 1934. Solo. Scope and Content Note Based on Chopin's waltz in C sharp minor General note Box SU 4 Box 1154 Solo. 1951. General note on cover: photograph of Buddy Morrow Box 1156 Solteron. General note Box PS 14 Box 12 Somebody's Lyin'. 1948. General note Also written by Ben Trace and Clem Watts. Cover features a photograph of Al Trace. Box 24 La Sombra De Tu Sonrisa. 1965. General note on cover: photograph of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. From the MGM and Filmways motion picture "The Sandpiper" Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 736 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 995 Some Ambitious Mama's Hangin' Round My Papa -- Somebody Loses Somebody Wins. General note Box NS 253 Box 19 Box 854 Some Blues (For You All). 1916. Some Day. 1919. creator: A.J. Stasny Music Co. creator: Burtnett, Earl creator: King, Walter Box 993 Some Day Baby -- Someone's Stollen My Sweet Sweet Baby. Scope and Content Note Box NS 255 Box 12 Some Day I'll Make You Glad. 1918. General note Cover features a photograph of Ruth Roland. Box 865 Box 48 Some Day, Some Way. 1940. Some Day Soon. 1956. General note From the film, "Bundle of Joy." Cover features a photograph of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Box 391 Some Day Who Knows. 1922. General note on cover: photograph of Vivian Cosby. as featured in Zero and Vivian Cosby's Revue. Box 991 Someday You'll Be Sorry. General note Box SU 67 Box 26 Some Enchanted Evening. 1949. General note From the musical "South Pacific" Box 1156 Some Jazz. General note Box PS 14 Box 1156 Some Kind a Earthquake. General note Box PS 14 Box 654 (You'll Miss Your Little Dad Dad Dad) Some of These Days. 1910. General note Cover features a photograph of Ethel Barney. Box 1164 Some Other Evening. 1885. Scope and Content Note From the musical comedy, "A Rag Baby." Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 737 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 1156 Some Shape. General note Box PS 14 Box 20 Box 24 Some Sunny Day. 1922. Some Sunny Day. 1922. General note From the 20th Century Fox motion picture "Alexander's Ragtime Band". on cover: photograph of Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, and Don Ameche Box 27 Box 859 Some Sunny Day. 1922. Some Sunny Day. 1922. creator: Berlin, Irving creator: Irving Berlin, Inc.. Scope and Content From the 20th Century Fox motion picture, "Alexander's Ragtime Band." On cover: photographs of Tyrone Power, Alice Fay, Don Ameche, Ethel Merman and Jack Haley. Box 471 Some Things Never Change. 1999. General note Publisher no.: PVM00085 Box 471 Some Things Never Change. 1999. General note Publisher no.: HL00352173 Box 12 Somebody Loves You. 1932. General note Cover features a photograph of Charlie Agnew. On cover, "Theme adapted from "I Want the Twilight and You" by Charles H. Maskell." Box 16 Somebody Loves You. 1932. General note Cover features photograph of Roxanne. Box 854 Somebody Loves You. 1932. creator: DeRose, Peter creator: Joe Morris Music Co.. creator: Tobias, Charlie Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Tom Dick & Harry. Box 22 Somebody's Wonderful Girl. 1919. General note from Ned Wayburn's "Joy-Bells!" Box 23 Box 62 Somebody Up There Likes Me. 1956. (If'n You Dont') Somebody Else Will. 1957. General note From the motion picture "The D.I." (Drill Instructor. Cover features a photograph of Jack Webb. Sheet Music collection, 1890(Collection PASC 147-M) PASC 147-M 738 Works in English: Titles: S's. Series 19. Box 391 Somebody's Out There. 1986. General note on cover: photograph of Triumph Box 525 Box 654 Somebody's Darling. 1865. Somebody Else It's Always Somebody Else. 1910. General note Cover features a photograph of Hale O'Riley. Box 654 Box 922 Somebody That I Know and You Know Too. 1908. Somebody To Love. 2010. General note On cover: photograph of Justin Bieber. Box 985 Somebody Nobody Knows. General note Box SU 63 Box 991 Somebody's Wrong. General note Box SU 67 Box 994 Somebody Loves You -- Someday. General note Box NS 254 Box 16 Someday, Somewhere (We'll Meet Again). 1928. General note Cover features photograph of Dolores Del Rio. Box 859 Someday Sweetheart. 1939. creator: Melrose Music Corp.. creator: Spikes, Benjamin creator: Spikes, John C. Scope and Content On cover: photograph of Johnny Richards. Box 577 Someone. 1904. Scope and Content Note Cover only. Box 24 Box 394 Someone To Watch Over Me. 1940. Someone To Call My Lover. 2001. General note Publisher no.: HL00352361 EMI Ap
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