2013 Phoenix catalogue other
2013 Phoenix catalogue other
WHEEL LCHAIRS ................................................................................................... 4 W WCH101 W WCH102 W WCH103 W WCH103‐1 W WCH108 W WCH111 W WCH112 W WCH117 W WCH118 W WCH119 W WCH120 W WCH121 W WCH122 W WCH123 W WCH124 W WCH125 BENNU I ................................................................................................................ 4 BENNU II ............................................................................................................... 4 GLIDE SERRIES I ........................................................................................................ 5 GLIDE SERRIES II ....................................................................................................... 5 NOVA TRAANSIT ....................................................................................................... 6 NOVA PAEDIATRIC................................................................................................... 6 SILVERBRIIDGE WHEELCH HAIR – TEMPORARY USE ......................................................... 7 SILVERBRIIDGE WHEELCH HAIR – HEAVY DUTY ............................................................... 7 WHEELCH HAIR ......................................................................................................... 8 WHEELCH HAIR ......................................................................................................... 8 SILVERBRIIDGE WHEELCH HAIR ‐ STANDA ARD ................................................................... 9 WHEELCH HAIR ......................................................................................................... 9 WHEELCH HAIR ....................................................................................................... 10 WHEELCH HAIR ....................................................................................................... 10 BEACH WHEELCHAIR ............................................................................................. 11 ALL TERRAAIN WHEELCHAAIR .................................................................................... 11 WHEEL LED WALK KERS ......................................................................................... 12 FFWW201‐2 FFWW201‐3 FFWW202 FFWW203 FFWW203‐1 FFWW207 FFWW210 FFWW210‐1 FFWW211 SILVERBRIIDGE KINGFISHER ..................................................................................... 12 SILVERBRIIDGE STORK ............................................................................................. 12 VOYAGE II ............................................................................................................ 13 . ..................................................................... 13 SILVERBRIIDGE FALCON ..................... SILVERBRIIDGE EAGLE ............................................................................................. 14 DISCOVERRY .......................................................................................................... 14 GUTTER W WALKER ................................................................................................... 15 SILVERBRIIDGE FOREARM M WALKER ........................................................................... 15 PACER ................................................................................................................. 16 WALKI ING AIDS ................................................................................................ 17 W WKA301 FIXED HOPPER FRAME W WITH WHEELS ...................................................................... 17 W WKA301‐1 FIXED HOPPER FRAME ........................................................................................... 17 W WKA302 HOPPER FRAME .................................................................................................... 18 W WKA302‐1 SILVERBRIIDGE HOPPER FRAME ‐ ELITE ..................................................................... 18 W WKA302‐2 BARIATRICC HOPPER FRAAME .................................................................................... 19 W WKA 303 RISING STAR HOPPER FRAAME .................................................................................. 19 W WKA304 QUAD CANE SMALL BASEE ....................................................................................... 20 W WKA305 PYRAMID CANE LARGE BBASE ................................................................................... 20 W WKA306 TRIPOD SEEAT WALKING SSTICK .................................................................................. 21 W WKA308‐1 SILVERBRIIDGE FOLDING WALKING STICCK ‐ ELITE ........................................................ 22 W WKA309 SILVERBRIIDGE ADJUSTABBLE WALKING STICK ............................................................. 22 W WKA309‐1 SILVERBRIIDGE ADJUSTABBLE WALKING STICK ‐ ELITE ................................................... 23 W WKA309‐2 SILVERBRIIDGE ADJUSTABBLE WALKING STICK MEN’S ‐ ELITE ........................................ 23 W WKA310 UNDERARRM CRUTCHES ..................... . ..................................................................... 24 W WKA311 FOREARM M CRUTCHES ............................................................................................. 24 W WKA312 GUTTER CCRUTCHES ................................................................................................ 24 W WKA313 UNIFOOT ............................................................................................................. 25 W WKA313‐1 TRIPOD ............................................................................................................... 26 W WKA314 N CANE ............................................................................... 26 SILVERBRIIDGE WOODEN ADDITIONAL TIPPS AVAILABLE .............................................................................................................. 27 April 2013 www.Pho oenixheallthcare.co om.au 1 BATHROO OM AND TO OILET AID DS ..........................................................................28 BTA4 401‐1 BTA4 401‐2 BTA4 402 BTA4 403 BTA4 404‐1 BTA4 404‐2 BTA4 405 BTA4 407 BTA4 408 BTA4 409 BTA4 410 BTA4 411 BTA4 412 BTA4 415 BTA4 416 BTA4 417 BTA4 417‐1 BTA4 418 BTA4 420 BTA4 421 BTA4 421‐1 BTA4 422 BTA4 422‐1 BTA4 423 BTA4 425 BTA4 426 BTA4 427 BTA4 428 TOILET SEAT RAISER ............................................................................................... 28 SILVERBRIDGE OVER TOILET FFRAME ......................................................................... 28 ALUMINIUM TTOILET SEAT RAISER ............................................................................ 29 BENNU TOILETT SEAT RAISER ..................... . ............................................................... 29 BARIATRIC OVER TOILET CHAIR................................................................................ 30 BARIATRIC OVER TOILET FRAM ME .............................................................................. 30 TOILET SURRO OUND ................................................................................................ 31 ALUMINIUM SHOWER CHAIRR .................................................................................. 31 SILVERBRIDGE SHOWER CHAAIR ............................................................................... 32 K‐CARE SHOW WER STOOL ......................................................................................... 32 ALUMINIUM SSHOWER STOOLL.................................................................................. 33 SILVERBRIDGE SHOWER STOO OL ............................................................................... 34 SILVERBRIDGE ROUND SHOW WER STOOL.................................................................... 35 MYCO SWIVELL BATH CHAIR..................................................................................... 35 TUB TRANSFER BENCH ........................................................................................... 36 PLASTIC TUB TTRANSFER BENC CH ............................................................................... 36 PLASTIC TUB TTRANSFER BENCCH ............................................................................... 37 BATH‐BOARD ....................................................................................................... 37 WER COMMODE ................................................................................. 38 BUDGET SHOW MOBILE SHOW WER COMMODEE (KCARE) ..................................................................... 38 MOBILE SHOW WER COMMODEE (OTTOBOCK) ............................................................... 39 BUDGET TRAN NSPORTER .......................................................................................... 39 FREEDOM MOBILE SHOWER CCOMMODE ................................................................... 40 ECONOMY BED DSIDE COMMO ODE .............................................................................. 40 K‐CARE DELUXXE BEDSIDE COM MMODE ........................................................................ 41 K‐CARE BEDSID DE COMMODE .................... . ............................................................... 41 MULTI‐GRIP BATH RAIL .......................................................................................... 42 BATH RAIL ............................................................................................................ 42 BEDROOM M AIDS ................................................................................................43 BDM M501 BDM M501‐2 BDM M502 BDM M502‐1 BDM M503 BDM M504 BDM M504‐1 BDM M504‐2 BDM M505 BDM M506 BDM M508 BDM M508‐1 BDM M509 SILVERBRIDGE ELECTRIC BED D .................................................................................. 43 SILVERBRIDGE ELECTRIC BED D ‐ ELITE ........................................................................ 44 OVER BED TRIAANGLE .............................................................................................. 44 OVER BED TRIAANGLE .............................................................................................. 45 K‐CARE BED CRRADLE .............................................................................................. 45 K‐CARE OVER‐BED TABLE ........................................................................................ 46 INVACARE AUTTOTOUCH OVERR BED TABLE .................................................................. 46 CARE QUIP OVVER BED TABLE .................................................................................. 47 SILVERBRIDGE BED RAILS ........................................................................................ 47 KCARE DROP SSIDE BED RAILS .................... . ............................................................... 48 COBRA BED PO OLE ................................................................................................... 48 SILVERBRIDGE COBRA POLE ‐ ELITE ......................................................................... 49 PILLOW SUPPO ORT .................................................................................................. 49 SEATING............................................................................................................50 STG6 601 STG6 602 STG6 602‐2 STG6 603‐2 STG6 603 STG6 604 2 K‐CARE HI‐LIG GHT CHAIR ........................................................................................ 50 ATAMA HIGH BACK DAY CHAAIR .............................................................................. 50 ATAMA BC2 D DAY CHAIR ......................................................................................... 51 ACTIVE LOW BBACK CHAIR ........................................................................................ 51 K‐CARE UTILITTY CHAIR ............................................................................................ 52 FOOTSTOOL ......................................................................................................... 52 ww ww.Phoen nixhealthc care.com.au SSTG605 SSTG605‐1 SSTG605‐3 SSTG606 SSTG608 SSTG609 HOMESTYYLE LIFT ELECTRRIC CHAIR ............................................................................ 53 TORONTO O ELECTRIC RECLINER ................................................................................. 54 NORDIC ELECTRIC RECLIN NER ................................................................................... 54 KITCHEN SSTOOL .................................................................................................... 55 TUB CHAIR ........................................................................................................... 55 SILVERBRIIDGE MULTIPU URPOSE CHAIR ...................................................................... 56 PRESS SURE CARE E ............................................................................................... 57 P PCS701‐S P PCS701‐D P PCS702 P PCS703‐1 P PCS706 P PCS706‐1 P PCS707 P PCS707 P PCS708 SILVERBRIIDGE OVERLAY SINGLE .............................................................................. 57 SILVERBRIIDGE OVERLAY DOUBLE ............................................................................ 57 SPENCO BBED PAD .................................................................................................. 58 NOVIS DIG GITAL OVERLAYY ....................................................................................... 58 SOFTFORM M PREMIER ACTTIVE MATTRESSS .................................................................... 59 ACCUMAXX MATTRESS ............................................................................................ 59 JFC FOAM M MATTRESS ............................................................................................. 60 SILVERBRIIDGE MEMORYY FOAM MATTRRESS ............................................................... 60 SHEEPSKIN NS .......................................................................................................... 61 PATIEN NT CARE ................................................................................................. 62 P PCC801 P PCC802 P PCC803 P PCC804 P PCC805 P PCC806 P PCC820 P PCC830 P PCC831 P PCC832 P PCC833 P PCC834 SILVERBRIIDGE AIR GEL CUSHION ............................................................................ 62 SILVERBRIIDGE NECK SUPPPORT CUSHIO ON .................................................................. 62 SILVERBRIIDGE D ‐ LUMBBAR CUSHION ...................................................................... 63 SILVERBRIIDGE BOOMERAANG CUSHION ..................................................................... 63 SILVERBRIIDGE WEDGE CUSHION............................................................................. 64 SILVERBRIIDGE RING‐ MEMORY FOAM CUSHION........................................................ 64 SILVERBRIIDGE SOHO BACK A CUSHION ....................................................................... 65 SILVERBRIIDGE AEROSPAACE PILLOW .......................................................................... 65 SILVERBRIIDGE SILICONE GEL PILLOW ........................................................................ 66 SILVERBRIIDGE ADJUSTABBLE PILLOW ......................................................................... 66 SILVERBRIIDGE TRAVEL PILLOW ............................................................................... 67 SILVERBRIIDGE BAYER FO OAM PILLOW ........................................................................ 67 MISCE ELLANEOUS S .............................................................................................. 68 M MIS901 M MIS902 M MIS903 SILVERBRIIDGE E‐BIKE ............................................................................................. 68 BLUE BIRD D SCOOTER .............................................................................................. 68 EXERCISE PEDALS .................................................................................................. 69 www.Pho oenixheallthcare.co om.au 3 Batthroo om and Toilett Aids s BTA A401-1 Toile et seatt raise er Bathroom Zinc trea ated and powder coasted for rust resistance r e Height adjustable e 43 - 57 cm Arms Removab ble seat for f easy cleaning Complim mentary sp plash gua ard Available e in extra wide or folding SWL 100 0 kg BTA A401-2 Silve erbridg ge Ove er toile et fram me Hamm mer finishe ed phosphate trea ated steel frame Galvan nised inte ernally an nd externa ally for enhan nced rust resistanc ce Scratc ch proof Tapere ed winged d armrestts Heightt adjustab ble (26” – 32”) Remov vable sea at Includ des splash h guard and seat cover c lid Suctio on rubber feet SWL 130 1 kg 21 ½”” W x 26”” D footprrint 28 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BTA40 02 Alumin nium toilet t seat s ra aiser BTA40 03 Bennu u toilett seat raiser Bathroom Light w weight aluminium Heightt adjustab ble Remov vable clip p off seat and lid SWL 1 100 kg Designed d with the e carer in mind Access to o all parts s of the patients body for bathing Height ad djustable 49 – 60 cm Padded seat s Stainless s steel SWL 160 0 kg www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 29 BTA A404-1 Bariatric over o to oilet ch hair Bathroom Heightt adjustable armre ests, slide e down to allow side s trans sfer Heightt adjustable legs Suctio on rubberr tips Extra wide poly ymer seatt anti-slip p surfac ce SWL 350 3 kg 30 BTA A404-2 Bariatric over o to oilet fra ame Remov vable arm ms Max user weigh ht 200 kg g www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BTA40 05 Toilet surrou und BTA40 07 Alumin nium Showe S er chair Heiight adjus stable 42 – 54 cm Currved seatt for drain nage SW WL 100 kg g www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bathroom Zinc treate Z ed and po owder coa ated for rust r re esistance H Height adjjustable 63 6 – 78 cm m 31 BTA A408 Silverbridge Shower S r Chairr Hammer finished H f p phosphate e treated s steel fram me G Galvanise ed interna ally and externally f enhan for nced rust resistanc ce S Scratch proof T Tapered w winged arrmrests H Height ad djustable 46 – 59 cm c (26”3 31”) S Suction ru ubber fee et S SWL 130 kg Bathroom 2 ½” W x 26” D at bottom 21 m BTA A409 K-ca are sho ower stool s Zinc trreated an nd powder coated for rust re esistance Heightt adjustab ble SWL 100 1 kg 32 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au Alumin nium showe s r stooll Light weig L ght H Height ad djustable R Removab le padded d waterprroof seat S SWL 100 kg Bathroom BTA41 10 www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 33 BTA A411 Silverbridge Shower S r Stooll Hamm mer finishe ed phosphate treated steel frrame Galvan nised inte ernally an nd extern nally for enhanced e rust resista ance Scratc ch proof Tapere ed winged d armrestts Heightt adjustab ble 50 – 6 66 cm Suctio on rubber feet SWL 130 1 kg Option nal adjusttable backrest Bathroom 21 ½”” W x 21½ ½” D foottprint Seat 1 16” x 8” 34 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BTA41 12 Silve erbridg ge Rou und Sh hower Stool He eight adju ustable 38 8 – 63 cm m Lig ghtweightt Suction rub bber feet BTA41 15 Myc co swiv vel bath cha air ost baths s Fits in mo Rotates 360 3 o Armrests s Stainless s steel frame Hire www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bathroom WL 90 kg SW 35 BTA A416 Tub b trans sfer be ench Bathroom He eight adjustable 44 4 – 56 cm m Pad dded seat Pad dded backrest Gra ab bar for left or right r side Op ptional open front panel p SW WL 100 kg g 36 A417 BTA Plas stic tub transfer be ench Blow moulded d Anti s skid Cut o out soap dish d Heigh ht adjusta able 45 – 57 cm SWL 130 kg www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BT TA417-1 Plastic c tub transfe er benc ch BT TA418 Bath h-boarrd Bathroom Three piece e blo ow mould d An nti skid He eight adju ustable 45 5 – 56 cm m SW WL 100 kg g Adjjustable to t fit mos st baths Strrong plasttic construction Han ndle Cutt out soap p dish SW WL 100 kg g www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 37 BTA42 20 Bu udget showe er commode Bathroom Zinc trreated and powderr coated for f rust resista ance Front breaking b castors Attend dant prope elled Swing up arms Lift up toilet sea at SWL 110 kg BTA42 21 Mo obile shower s r comm mode (Kcare ( e) Stainless s steel frame Self or atttendant propelled Swing up p arms Adjustable swing away a foottrests Rear whe eel breaks s SWL 120 kg Options: Open or c closed fro ont seat Reinforce ed plastic seat Machine made sea at Hand-ma ade padde ed seat Stainless s steel cas stors 38 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BT TA421-1 Mobile e show wer com mmode e (otto obock)) BT TA422 Budget tra ansporrter Alu uminium alloy a Sw wing Away y armrests wing away y removab ble footre ests Sw sily conve erted from m commo ode to Eas sho ower chair to whee elchair Com mfortable e padded seat Larrge plastic c pail with h lid SW WL 90 kg www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bathroom Sta ainless ste eel frame e Sta ainless ste eel castorrs (locking g) Sec curity arm ms Slid de back fo ootrest Pad dded or handmade e seat Self or atten ndant pro opelled SW WL 150 kg 39 BTA42 22-1 Free edom mobile m e show wer com mmode e Bathroom Stainless s steel Open front and ba ack for ea asy access Lockable castors Flip up armrests Removab ble backre est SWL 130 0 kg 40 BTA42 23 Ec conomy Beds side co ommode Zinc treated and powder p co oated for rust resis stance Padded b back Padded removable e seat cov ver Plastic to oilet seat Top lift out pan Adjustable height 46 – 59 cm SWL 110 kg www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BT TA425 K-ca are deluxe bedside e comm mode BT TA426 K-ca are bed dside comm c ode Zin nc treated d and pow wder coate ed for rus st res sistance Sw wing up arrmrests Squ uare mou ulded toile et seat Adjjustable Height H Sw wing out bowl with handle and lid SW WL 110 kg g www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bathroom Cushioned arms s rests Fold ba ack cushio oned seatt cover Cushioned back k Zinc treated and d powderr coated for f rust resistance Adjusta able height Modestty panel on o three sides s SWL 110 kg 41 BTA42 27 Mu ulti-grip bath h rail Bathroom Three convenien c nt grippin ng places Knurled d finish fo or safety Chrome plated steel s able clam mp Adjusta 42 BTA42 28 Ba ath rail Adjusttable widtth clamp www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au Bedrroom m aids s BDM501 Silverbridge e Electrric Bed d Easily dis sassemble ed for transport Elevating g head Knee break High-low function Locking castors c T Two Rails s T Telescopiic stainles ss steel IV V pole with 4 hook ks Bedroom Overall bed size L2140mmx xW960mm www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 43 BDM M501-2 2 Silve erbridg ge Elec ctric Bed B - Elite Easily disassem mbled for transportt Head rise break Knee b High-low functiion (300m mm-620m mm) ng castors s Lockin Full be ed length Rails Telesc copic stain nless stee el IV pole e with 4 hooks Bedroom Option n: Over bed b lifting pole 44 BDM M502 Over bed triangle Powde er coated Free standing s Tubula ar steel Adjusttable chaiin length www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BDM502-1 Over bed b triiangle BDM503 K-care e bed c cradle Supports bed-clothes clearr of feet and a legs 0mm heig ght Fixed 600 www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bedroom Powder coated Free sta anding Tubular steel Adjustab ble chain length Feet to reduce slipping 45 BDM M504 K-ca are ove er-bed d table e Bedroom Adjustable A e height A Adjustable e table an ngle T Tubular stteel base M Mounted o 4 swiv on vel c castors L Laminated d particle board w with raised edges 46 BDM M504-1 1 Inva acare autoto a ouch ov ver bed table e Powderr coated steel s column and base b Light fin nger tip pressure p i enough is h to adjus st table he eight (30’’- 41 ½ ’’) ’ Four sw wivel casters www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BDM M504-2 2 Care e Quip over bed ta able Bedroom Lightweight mobile L e table S Suitable to t use ove er bed or chair A Adjustable e table he eight and angle R Raised lip edge pre events ite ems from s slipping off table to op U shape base b enab bles the ta able to b positio be oned close er to the chair c and d u user F Fitted with h 4 swive el castors P Powder co oated mild steel c constructi ion BDM M505 Silve erbridg ge Bed d Rails s Polished alumin nium T6 treated t fo or strengtth 500 m mm x 600 mm www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 47 Bedroom BDM M506 Kcarre drop side bed ra ails er coated steel Powde Fit und der mattrress Attend dant operrated Rail le ength 900 0mm BDM M508 Cobra bed d pole Single e grip han ndle Suitab ble for use e of any size s bed 48 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au BDM508-1 Silverbridge e Cobra a Pole - Elite e DM509 9 Pillo ow support BD Metal frame e Nyllon coverr Adjjustable angle a www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Bedroom Suitable for use with w any size bed Aluminium T6 trea ated for extra e strength 49 Sea ating STG6 601 K-care K Hi-ligh ht Chair Seating Ad djustable height 40 0 – 53 cm m Hig gh back Padded arm mrests Padded cushioned viinyl Variety of c colours STG6 602 Attama High H Back Da ay Cha air Contoured for lu umbar and d neck supportt Height adjustablle s fram me Powderr coated steel Padded armrests s ece ergon nomically designed d One pie shell Fully we elded tub bular stee el frame Availab ble in a va ariety of colours c SWL 13 30 kg 50 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au ST TG602-2 Atama a BC2 day ch hair ST TG603-2 Active e Low back b chair c Seating Feature es a three e segment back cushion n which ca an be adjusted to suit ind dividual re equiremen nts The frame is fully welded and the leg height is i adjusta able Adjjustable height h Low w back Pad dded armrests Pad dded viny yl cushion n Varriety of co olours www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 51 STG G603 K-Ca are utility ch hair Seating A Adjustable e height Lo ow back Suitable fo or dining//table use e Padded armrests Padded cushioned vinyl v V Variety of colours STG G604 Foottstool Angled d Padded Heightt adjustab ble 52 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au ST TG605 Hom mestyle e lift electric chair Seating Wa all saving mechanis sm 2 and a 3-way y electric lift/reclin ner Tim mber Fram me Sid de Pocket Batttery back k-up SW WL 120 kg g Subject to availability. O Order form m available for custtom made ch hairs. www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 53 STG G605-1 Toro onto ellectric recliner Seating Electric c recline & lift Segmented/adju ustable ba ack suppo ort rolls y back-up p Battery Fully welded me echanism Head and arm covers ockets Side po SWL 10 00 kg 54 G605-3 3 Nord dic ele ectric recline r r STG Full electric rec cline and lift Batterry back-up Compa act design, head and a arm co overs Three segmentt back cushio on Excelle ent lumbe er supporrt www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au ST TG606 Kitchen sttool Adjustab ble heightt Padded cushioned c d vinyl se eat and ba ack High arm mrest (not padded) ST TG608 Tub chair Tiltt to sit or sleep pos sition Sofft cushion n of air fo or pre essure relief Loc ckable cas stors x 4 Eas sy to clea an Adjjustable leg rest Dettachable head restt Inc cludes tab ble, footre est and d head cu ushion SW WL 150 kg g www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au Seating Available e colours Peach Green 55 Seating STG G609 Silve erbridg ge Multipurp pose ch hair Suitab ble for us indoor (k kitchen, lo ounge) orr outdoorr (patio, garden) g Seat depth d 56 cm Seat width w 55 cm c Heightt adjustab ble aluminium legs s 46 – 56 6 cm UV res sistant pla astic seatt Easy tto clean One piece mould – no sharp edge es Available colours Blue Red Yellow w 56 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au Pres ssure e Care e PCS70 01-S Silverbridge e Overllay Sin ngle PCS70 01-D Silverbridge e Overllay Do ouble Pressure Care Single be ed Egg crate e profile Memory foam bute the body b weig ght to aid Redistrib relaxation and relieve pres ssure Double bed sized Memory foam f Washable e cover www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 57 Pressure Care PCS702 Spenco be ed pad d Hollow co ore fibres and a brreathable cotton/p polyester flame f rettardant co over The silico one coatin ng lubrica ates each fibre to reduce r friction whiile preven nting moisture penetrattion or rettention One side is breath hable, opp posite side is wate erproof. PCS703-1 Novis Digiital ove erlay Overall Height H 115 5mm Overall Length 2000mm Overall Width W 88m mm Moderate e Pressure e Care Cycle Tim me 12 Min nutes SWL 150 kg 58 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au PCS70 06 Softfo orm pre emier active e mattrress Pressure Care The e unique design fe eatures an n alternatting air in nset benea ath the ca astellated d foa am insert of the ma attress Ap pump will assess in ndividual patient’s weights and adjust levels of o inflatio on acc cordingly Air cells alte ernate on a ten minute cycle beneath the foam inert, delivering d ga verry low impact at th he point of o change e PCS70 06-1 Accum max Ma attress s placement Mattress rep Con ntrolled release va alve syste em 4-w way stretc ch top cov ver Hea avy Duty Bottom Pattented He eel Pillow with heel slope www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 59 PCS707 JFC foam mattre ess Pressure Care The Baye er viscoela astic foam m contourrs to the body and d relieves pressure e PCS707 Silverbridge Memory M y Foam m Matttress ms to ang gles in adjustable beds b Readilly conform Contours to the e body an nd relieve es pressurre elastic foa am Viscoe 60 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au PCS70 08 Sheep pskins Pressure Care Medical grad de sheeps skins Hellp to redu uce the risk of pres ssure sorres and ca an be use ed in beds s, wheelchairs or chairs s Hig gh temperrature (grreen) for industria al laundry y www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 61 Pattient Care e PCC801 Silve erbridg ge Air Gel Cu ushion n Patient Care Confo orms to and a retain ns user’s profile Unifo orm high level pres ssure relie ef Three e layer cu ushion – high h dens sity foam base,, memory y foam co ore with a gel/air adjus stable bla adder top Remo ovable wa ashable synthetic cover c Non-slip base Valve e allows c client to adjust a the e inner press sure to su uit person nal posturre and hip support Size: 40 x 40 cm 16” x16” 40 x 45 cm 16” x 18” 45 x 50 cm 18” x 20” PCC802 hion Cush Silve erbridg ge Nec ck Sup pport Remov vable was shable co over Perfec ct for trav velling or curling up witth a book k – relieve es pressu ure, preve ent stiffne ess Size: m x 28 cm x 7 cm 28 cm 62 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au 03 PCC80 Silverbridge e D - Lumbarr Cushion Helps red duce neck k and bac ck fatigue; promotes good posture p Washable e cover PCC80 04 Silverbridge e Boom merang g Cushion Rem movable washable w e cover Ag great multti-position nal body pillow for at home or on the e go Patient Care Size: 20 cm x 11 cm x 40 4 cm Size: 60 cm x 40 cm x 12 cm www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 63 PCC805 Silve erbridg ge Wedge Cushion n Removable R e washab ble cover Enhanced postural support Fo or anyone e with back proble ems, ea ases pres ssure on the t coccy yx Patient Care Size: 40 cm x 40 0 cm x 9 cm -4.5 cm PCC806 hion Cush Silve erbridg ge Ring- Memory Foam F Remov vable was shable co over Minimizes pressure, redistrributes eight evenly, reduce es the pre essure on n legs and lo ower back k; helps one o sit comfo ortably forr extende ed period ds Size: 40 cm m externall diamete er 12 cm m internal diameterr 64 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au 20 PCC82 Silverbridge e Soho Back Cushio on PCC83 30 Silverbridge e Aeros space pillow Patient Care Enco ourages correct posture Conttours to spine s Lightt weight & portable Adjustable AB BS frame Wash hable, bre eathable polyesterr knit cove er Highly re esilient Gel foam beads Maintains s shape Unique design Fast heatt dissipation Excellentt memory y formatio on Size: 62 cm x 42 cm x 6 cm www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 65 PCC831 Silve erbridg ge Silicone gel g pillow Silico one “cooling” Layerr Memo ory foam Remo ovable wa ashable cover Reactts to yourr body temp perature and a mould ds to your shape Patient Care Size: m x 30 cm m x 10 cm m 50 cm PCC832 Silve erbridg ge Adjjustablle pillo ow Contoured and height adjusttable by 3 layers, made from moulded memo ory foam Size: 57 cm m x 36 cm x 6 cm 66 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au PCC83 33 Silverbridge e Trave el Pillow Enhanced neck support s Small portable p size PCC83 34 e Bayer foam m pillow w Silverbridge Top qualiity Bayer ® memory foam Long lastting Patient Care Size: 49 cm x30 x cm x 7 cm Size: 62 cm x 36 cm x1 11 cm www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 67 Mis scella aneo ous Miscellaneous MIS901 68 Silve erbridg ge e-b bike Pedal assist or fu ull powerr m ion batte ery Lithium MIS902 Blue e Bird Scoote er www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au Exerrcise Pedals P Set heightt A Adjustable e straps A Adjustable e resistance Can be use ed for arm m or leg ex xercises Miscellaneous MIIS903 www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au 69 Miscellaneous 70 www w.Phoenix xhealthca are.com.a au kkg 0.01 1.00 6.35 4 40 5 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 90 1 100 1 110 1 120 1 130 1 140 1 150 Sto one Pou unds (lb) 1.00 0.07 2.21 0.16 1.00 1 14.00 88 6 110 8 132 9 154 1 11 176 1 13 198 1 14 221 1 16 243 1 17 265 1 19 287 2 20 309 2 22 331 2 24 Lengtth conve ersions inches -> > mm mu ultiply by 25.4 mm-> inches divid de by 25.4 10 mm in n 1 cm 1000 mm m in 1 m 12 inches s in 1 ft 3 ft in 1 yard y Weight conversi c ions kg -> lb multiply by 2.21 kg -> stone divid de by 6.35 5 lb -> kg divide by y 2021 stone -> kg multiply by 6.3 35 14 lb in 1 stone ht Limit SWL = Safe Weigh www.P Phoenixhe ealthcare.com.au mm inches 6.3 0.25 12.5 0.50 18.8 0.75 25 1 50 2 125 5 150 6 200 8 300 12 400 16 450 18 500 20 550 22 750 30 800 32 925 37 975 39 1025 41 71 cm feet and in nches incches 152 5' 6 60 155 6 61 5'1" 157 5'2" 6 62 160 5'3" 6 63 163 5'4" 6 64 165 5'5" 6 65 168 5'6" 6 66 170 5'7" 6 67 173 5'8" 6 68 175 5'9" 6 69 178 5'10" 7 70 180 5'11" 7 71 183 6' 7 72 198 6'6" 7 78 213 7' 8 84 244 8' 9 96 274 9' 1 108 366 12' 1 144 Conversions Con nvers sions s
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