Personal lnforrnation Date (moryo-
Personal lnforrnation Date (moryo-
O Trimble Dental lnc. Personal lnformation Rev 01/04/08 WglCOme tO OUf familloun,., practiceandthankyourorselectingusroryourdental treatment. To gather the information that is needed to establish you as a patient we would ask you to fili out the form below completely. lf you have any questions or need assistance, please ask, and we will be happy to help' Personal lnformation Name (lr/iddle (First) (Last) Birth lnitial) Date- Age - SS# Phone (cell/Page Phone (H) Date (nickname) Family lviembers Name(s) and Relationship(s) -- State Driver License No. State City Home Address _ Zip How Long at present Address lfyouareastudent,pleaselistparentsname(s)andaddress(es) Employment lnformation [/lay we call you at Your Occupation City Address State How Long have you been employed there tulltime Spouses Name SS# Soouses ext Work Phone Your Employer part time Work? yes ZiP - Date_ Birth phone Emolover - Emergency Contact lnformation Nearest relative not living with you Phone Phone ln case of an emergency please contact How Did You Find Us Referred by Yellow pages Reference information from your lnsurance provider Referred by a health care professional B o tr B Other (over) KP:R6 Personal lnforrnation Date (moryo- no Trimble Dental lnc. Financial Agreement Rev 01/04//08 OUR OFFICE POLICY is that payment is kindly required for att expenses at each visit. Below are the options that we have available for payment, please initial your selection _ Check or Cash 5% Discount _Credit Card Expiration (prease circle): Date:_ - for payment in fuil at day of service MESter Card or Visa Name on Card: Signature Account Number: Dental lnsurance 1. 2. Expenses not covered by your insurance company are required to be paid in full by you on the day of your visit. o This would include any deductible amount, co-payment, non-covered services and products, etc. Your contract is between your insurance company and you. We have no part in that. . lnsurance is a benefit that you or your employer has purchased for you and typically does not cover all . charges and may have annual coverage limits. Our concern is in you, not the insurance company. Treatment that we provide is determined by your dental needs and conditions, NOT by your insurance coverage. Authorizations 1. I hereby authorize Trimble Dental to release any information requested by my insurance company(ies) acquired in the course for treatment. 2. I understand that I am personally financially responsible for ALL charges regardless of my insurance 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. situation and ask Trimble Dentalto bill my insurance company.for me. I understand that I am expected to pay, at the time of each visit, the portion of my charges that my insurance company would pr:obably not cover, and that I will be required to pay the insurance portion of my charges after 45 days if it is unpaid by my insurance company. I understand that my account will be considered PAST DUE after 45 days and a finance charge of 1.S%/month will be added to my account. I understand that I am responsible for any charges incurred with collection/legal{ees by this office if I default on my account. I understand that a $25 charge will be incurred for all returned checks. I understand that if I am using my credit card for payment, I authorize Trimble Dental to bill my credit card directly. I hereby authorize and direct my insurance benefits to be paid directly to this office. I understand if I fatl2 appointments or cancel 3 appointments within 48 hrs of the appointment, I may no longer be considered a patient of the practice and that this is at the discretion of Trimble Dental. I have read and understand the above Print Patient Name Print Legal Guardian Name Patient Signature Legal Guardian Signature Date Date