Jandarma Lojistik Komutanlığı


Jandarma Lojistik Komutanlığı
Jandarma Birliklerinin lojistik desteði Jandarma Lojistik Komutanlýðý ve baðlý birimleri vasýtasýyla saðlanmaktadýr. Bu
komutanlýðýn kuruluþunda bulunan; Jandarma Dikimevleri, Jandarma Genel Komutanlýðýnýn ihtiyacý olan üniforma ve
giyime yönelik üretimlerini; Jandarma Basýmevi, kitap, yayýn ve yönergelerin basým iþlerini; Jandarma Ordudonatým Ana
Tamir Fabrika Komutanlýðý, araç, silah ve özel malzemelerin bakým ve onarým desteðini; Jandarma Muhabere Ana Depo
ve Fabrika Komutanlýðý ise Jandarma teþkilatýndaki muhabere cihaz ve sistemlerini, depolama, bakým-onarým,
yenileþtirme ve teknik eðitim faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir. Jandarma Ýstihkam Ana Depo Komutanlýðý, Ýstihkam sýnýfý
malzemelerin depolama ve daðýtýmýný, jeneratörlerin bakým ve onarýmýný, fensteli üretimini, harita ve askeri coðrafya
belgelerinin ikmalini saðlar. Birliklerin, temin ve tedarik edilen ihtiyaçlarýnýn birliklere ulaþtýrýlmasýnda bu komutanlýk
bünyesinde bulunan ulaþtýrma imkânlarýndan istifade edilmekte, merkezden yapýlan alýmlar ise Jandarma Birliklerine
yine bu komutanlýk bünyesinde bulunan ulaþtýrma filosuyla sevk edilmektedir.
The Gendarmerie Logistics Command, together with its subordinate units, provides logistics support to the Gendarmerie
units. Under that Command are the Gendarmerie Directorate for the Manufactory of Clothes which undertakes to prepare
the uniforms and clothes required by the Gendarmerie General Command; the Gendarmerie Printing Office Directorate
which prints the books, publications, and guidelines; the Gendarmerie Ordnance Main Repair and Factory Command
which provides maintenance and repair services for vehicles, weapons, and special materials; the Gendarmerie
Communications Main Depot and Factory Command which is responsible for the storage, overhaul, and renovation of the
communication equipments and systems as well as the technical training activities for those systems. The Gendarmerie
Engineering Main Depot Command is responsible for the storage and distribution of engineering materials, the overhaul
services of generators, production of fences, supply of maps and geographical documents. The transporting facilities of
that Command are used for delivering the supplies to the relevant units and the goods purchased by the Headquarters are
conveyed to the relevant units with the fleet of that Command.