The Rotater - Rotary Club of Abilene


The Rotater - Rotary Club of Abilene
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The Rotater January 9, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 23 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Jan. 9, 2004
January 9, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Jan. 9, 2004
12:00 Noon
Fairway Oaks Country Club, 34 Fairway Oaks
Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“She Who Must Be Obeyed”
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: TBA
Guest Introductions: Fred Lee Hughes
Song Leader: Paul Lenker
--Speaker-Judge Barbara Rollins
from her book on
Texas Women Judges
Greeters: Bill Cox, Will Dix, Caesar Rangel, Harold
Siglar, Rodney Weeks
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: David Stubbeman
Coming Programs
January Program Chairman:
Jayne Propst
January 16, 2004
Fire Safety Program
January 23, 2004
Representative Bob Hunter
January 30, 2004
President Turner Cariker
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The Rotater January 9, 2003
Rose of Texas”, “Some Day Soon”, and “Granny
December 19, 2003
White Special.”
Today’s meeting was at The Ambassador Suites
Hotel! Rotarian Michael Burke, big chief at this fancy
hotel, put out the red carpet for the annual Spouses’
Christmas Luncheon. It was indeed a very romantic
and lovely place for the occasion.
Our illustrious president rang the bell and the weekly
Rotary meeting got underway. As usual, our leader
asked that cell phones and pagers be turned off. “Mr.
Aggie”, Fred Lee Hughes said the prayer; proud
grandpa Paul Lenker led Rotarians in “Joy to the
World” and then the National Anthem. Our leader and
former Marine led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Bruce
Lampert did a good job of introducing guests.
Faithful Frank Dlugas brought the cash for Dealing for
Dollars. Rotarian of the Year, Gary Glenn won $10
but quickly put it back in the pot! Thanks Gary! There
is now about $700 in the pot.
Peter Fox made an announcement asking for more
volunteers to ring the bell for The Salvation Army at
Wal Mart and Target on Saturday, the 20th.
Marty Pothier presented our exchange student, Cecile
Goffinet, with a Christmas gift from the Rotary Clubs
and Youth Exchange Committee.
Our great Rotary Reader, C. G. Gray, presented a
reading certificate to Elaine Fernandez from Jane
Long Elementary. C. G. and other Rotarians on a
weekly basis go to Jane Long to help students with
their reading. It is a great cause to teach these little
ones the importance of good reading. Ask C. G. how
you can get involved.
As an annual tradition, several gifts were given away
to those present. Some of the contributors were Mike
Weber, Ron Sharp, Michael Burke and Fairway Oaks.
Again, we want to express our condolences to
Rotarian Steve Abel on the tragic death of his daughter
Sarah. Rotarians passed the basket to contribute to a
scholarship fund, which has been established in the
memory of Sarah.
The Chairman of the Day was the grandfather of twin
boys, Paul Johnson. Paul introduced the popular
group, The Texas Fiddlers. This group had its
beginnings at Cooper High School. Now it is an
independent group led by Mark Best.
Two men and seven ladies made up the musical group.
The members were dressed in colorful blue jeans, blue
vests, red bandanas and cowboy boots.
Some of the lively songs they played were: “Cat in
the Hat”, “Big Battles in Cowtown”, “The Yellow
Rotarians present seemed to really enjoy this program.
Thanks, Paul, for bringing The Texas Fiddlers our
--Joe Alcorta
In Memory
Raymond Anthony Bragalone
September 18, 1932 – January 4, 2004
Abilene has become the home of many retired
military. Such is Ray Bragalone who was born in
Campbell, Ohio. After graduating from Memorial
High School in 1950, it was off to Indiana University
for a degree in Criminology. Incidentally, he played
quarterback on the Hoosiers Football Team, and later
played in the Hula Bowl.
While stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Ray met Huda
Hassen of Stamford, Texas, who was working for the
US government at Ft. Sill. Their courtship led to
marriage on February 20, 1960. They are parents of
four children. Jeff and Bob are corporate attorneys in
Dallas; Pam is a software consultant with KPMG
Consulting in Dallas; and Stacey is Program
Coordinator for Oncologist MCE programs at Baylor
Hospital in Dallas. The Bragalones are members at
Holy Family Catholic Church.
Son Jeff and wife have presented to Ray and Huda, a
granddaughter by the name of Annabelle Marie.
Raymond says Annabelle is “beautiful!”
This retired Army Colonel served for 26 years. He had
tours of duty in Europe, Vietnam, Korea, and Hawaii.
He also served on the Army General Staff in the
Pentagon for 3 years, and on the faculty at the Army’s
Command and General Staff College at Ft.
Leavenworth, Kansas for more than 7 years.
Following retirement, Huda brought Ray to Abilene
(1981), where he was a real estate broker.
This Rotarian was proposed for membership by Paul
Johnson and joined the club in September 1986. He
delighted in the fellowship as he associated with so
many friendly Rotarians. He applauded the Club
encouragement given to many community projects. He
also enjoyed being part of the Board of Directors.
Locally, Ray served as President of the Abilene
Chapter of the Retired Officers Association, on United
Way panels, and on the Boards of Multiple Sclerosis,
Abilene Metropolitan Ballet, and The Abilene
Crimestoppers. On the international scale, Ray
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The Rotater January 9, 2003
believed in the Rotary Foundation, as seen in
and taking in new members, then the club will slowly
scholarships and other programs. He became a Paul
Harris Fellow within a few months of joining Rotary.
It is the responsibility of EVERY member to make
This Rotarian was a golf and football enthusiast,
sure that doesn’t happen.
especially involving the Redskins with whom he
became enamored during his tour in the Pentagon.
Share Rotary with your friends, business and church
And, we are happy he became an enthusiast for Rotary
acquaintances - PROPOSE a new member today!
and Abilene.
Ray will be missed. Our sympathies and prayers will
continue with Huda and the family.
Have you proposed a new member this year?
Remember that our club cannot grow unless Rotarians
make proposals!
Ask at the secretary’s table on Friday for a Proposal
Form, or you may call the Rotary office, 529-5805,
and Beth will fax or mail you one.
Fill out the information and return to the Rotary office.
Here is the process:
1) Board approval of the proposal – usually
within the week of receipt.
2) Proposal information sent to the Membership
Committee, C. G. Gray, who will then
contact the proposed new member and invite
them to attend a Rotary meeting where they
will be hosted by the Membership
Committee. After that meeting, they will
provide the proposed new member with
Rotary information such as costs,
responsibilities, etc.
3) If the proposed new member is interested in
becoming a member, then their name is
published in the next newsletter and the club
membership has six days to review the
proposal. If there are no objections, in
writing, received by the office, then the
proposed new member is considered eligible
for introduction to the club.
This process takes from 3 – 5 weeks, depending on
how soon the proposed new member can attend and
get the information.
With membership attrition – members moving, deaths,
serious illnesses and even those who drop out because
of time constraints – if we aren’t constantly proposing
What does ROTARY mean to you?
We will be publishing comments from our members
on what Rotary means to them weekly. Its purpose is
to provide insight into why people join Rotary and
what they are getting out of it. Read these comments
each week and use them to help promote Rotary to
your business acquaintances.
“I joined Rotary because I believed in what it stands
for in the community and the world. It is big enough to
do something to make a difference, to be of service to
others. But, there’s more. The friends I’ve made in
Rotary are extremely important in my life. These are
people I may never have met personally because they
weren’t a part of my church or my profession.
Rotarians are the best of the best, here in Abilene, in
our district and in the world. I am proud to tell people
I am a Rotarian. I am proud I am a member of the best
Club in the world – bar none!”
Myra Rainey
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 254-965-4616
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater January 16, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 24 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: Kay Berry
Guest Introductions: Rod Weeks
Song Leader: Paul Lenker
January 16, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Jan.16, 2004
12:00 Noon
Fairway Oaks Country Club, 34 Fairway Oaks
Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Fire Safety”
--Speaker-Tim Humphrey
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, David Hejl,
Harold Siglar
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Will Dix
Coming Programs
January Program Chairman:
Jayne Propst
January 23, 2004
Representative Bob Hunter
January 30, 2004
President Turner Cariker
Pot is now over $800!
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The Rotater January 16, 2003
judges. Barbara said she started the book in 1995 and
that it has taken a lot of research.
January 9, 2004
On Sunday, January 4, 2004, our club lost a great
Rotarian, Ray Bragalone. President Turner, fighting
back tears and chocking up, led the club in a moment
of silence President Turner shared some personal
anecdotes, which happened between him and Ray.
Later the president apologized and said “Marines do
not cry.” This old writer corrected our president:
“Great men do cry!”
Paul Johnson, who had introduced Ray into the club,
said the prayer. Bruce Lampert led the singing and
President Turner led the Pledge of Allegiance. The
local Aggie, Fred Lee Hughes, did a great job if
introducing guests.
Frank Dlugas brought up the cash in the form of
$814.00. He said 82 tickets were sold in Dealing for
Dollars. David Hejl drew the five of diamonds and
walked away donating the ten dollars back into the
pot. So, Rotarians, be present next Friday and perhaps
you can walk away with more than $400.00 by
drawing the Ace of Spades.
There was an announcement that Rotarian Jack North
got himself a new bride. We wish this Rotarian and his
new wife a lot of happiness. We are sure Jack will
teach his new bride how to “bury her problems!”
The president recognized Lou Murray who was
present after an illness. Lou is playing golf so he is
doing well.
Chairman of the Day was former president Morris
Baker. Morris introduced another excellent Rotarian
by the name of Barbara Rollins. Don’t mess with
Barbara, she is a judge! Old-timer Joel Wilson told
this scribe that “long, long ago,” he was leading the
singing in Quanah, Texas, and that today’s speaker,
Barbara, was playing the piano for the Rotary Club.
Morris said Barbara has been a public school teacher,
a church secretary, a private lawyer, and now she
serves as judge of the #2 County Court at Law. Her
court deals with misdemeanors and small civil cases.
She also serves as one of two Juvenile Judges, and is
Administrative Judge for County Courts.
Judge Rollins’ bailiff and other administrative
assistants were guests of the speaker. Morris said lots
of kind words regarding Barbara’s bailiff.
Barbara’s hobbies are genealogy and writing. Recently
she has completed an electronic book (soon to be
published) for children, which can be read on the
computer. Barbara’s topic was a brief review about her
book, She Who Must Be Obeyed. The book presents
lots of information about women as lawyers and
The friendly and smiling judge said Deborah was the
first woman judge in the Bible found in the book of
Judges. Deborah was a prophetess, a judge, and a
military leader. Barbara added that queens like
Elizabeth I, Victoria, the Queen of Sheba, and
Cleopatra—all had judicial roles as well as other roles
as heads of state.
Listed below are several women, which Barbara
researched. With each one, Barbara had some good
stories to share in addition to their public duties.
Margaret Brent was the first American woman lawyer.
She served in the Maryland Colony between 1642 and
The first woman to practice law in Texas was Frances
Cox Henderson. She was the wife of James Pinkney
Henderson, the first Governor of Texas.
First African-American woman lawyer in Texas was
Charlye Ola Farris. She served as pro tem county
judge of Wichita County in 1953, first AfricanAmerican southern woman on the Bench, and served
as acting judge 78th District Court, 1973.
First Hispanic woman judge in the U.S. in 1983 was
Elma Salinas Ender.
The speaker said Judge Sarah T. Hughes is probably
better known for swearing in President Lyndon
Johnson after the assassination of President Kennedy.
Judge Hughes’ other honors include being appointed
Judge of 14th District in 1935 and she was elected 7
times; she was first woman nominated for president by
a Major Party; and she presided in the famous court
cases of Roe vs. Wade and the Sharpstown Scandal.
Abilene’s first women judges were Josephine “Jo”
Myrick Jameson, who served as Municipal Judge from
January to September 1969; and Joanne “Straus” in the
same position from October 1969 to January 1971.
The Judge did a great job! Thanks Barbara for sharing
with Rotary.
Prexy Turner ended the meeting with the Four Way
--Joe Alcorta
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The Rotater January 16, 2003
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
From Ron Sharp
As I have moved numerous times around the
country, I have found Rotary to be an immediate
contact in a new community where people of like
mind are always available to help you get located and
acclimated. Finding a church home is number one on
my list in a new move, and getting involved with
Rotary is number two. There are few things in life one
can always count on, but those two are tantamount to a
smooth transition. Yes, I think all those wonderful
things Rotary does on an international basis is
absolutely critical work, but those men and women
who fill the room each week are the reason for the
success of Rotary. No matter where you go, Rotary is
always there ready to work for you and the
From Erik Johnson
What Rotary means to me is a chance to help
others. It gives opportunities in the community to be
involved in many different ways. If you are not
interested in the annual weatherization then you may
like to help with the Rotary Reads program. There is
something for everyone. Another endearing quality is
the fellowship. When someone new comes to visit our
group it becomes obvious that we know each other
well enough to give or take an occasional ribbing.
Once more, Rotary International is an
organization that you can be proud to be a part of. It is
a worldwide group that is promoting health,
prosperity, goodwill and friendship. Moreover, you
can be involved in Rotary on many different levels.
Some want to be very involved by becoming an officer
and traveling to meet with Rotarians from other
districts and countries. And, some Rotarians simply
keep up their membership and only make a few
meetings. Either way, just being a member is the key.
Being proposed for Rotary by my father was
a gift. I really appreciate that he wanted me to
participate in an organization that he holds in such
high regard. When you see the gratitude in the faces of
the people our organization has helped and the
appreciation that they have for Rotary, it makes a
year’s worth of dues seem well spent. As time permits,
I enjoy volunteering for different events and programs.
The more involved you are in the group, the more you
will feel that your deeds have made a difference.
From George Dawson
The fellowship each week with the greatest,
smartest, most generous citizens of our community is
why I continue to be a part of Rotary. These friends
are truly the movers and shakers of our local
community in addition to our county and state
agencies. I’m proud to be a part of an organization
that puts so much emphasis on International
Understanding and then does something like Polio
Plus to prove to the world We Care!
Rotary Blood Drive
Friday, January 30, 2004
l:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sears Parking Lot
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 254-965-4616
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater January 23, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 25 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Jan. 23, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: TBA
Guest Introductions: Sam Sloane
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
January 23, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Jan.23, 2004
12:00 Noon
Fairway Oaks Country Club, 34 Fairway Oaks
Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Texas Update”
--Speaker-Dr. Robert D. Hunter
Texas State Representative
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Buzz Rehm,
Harold Siglar
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Dennis Bell
Coming Programs
January Program Chairman:
Jayne Propst
January 30, 2004
President Turner Cariker
Pot is now over $800!
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The Rotater January 23, 2003
window you’ll get it” they should break a window
January 16, 2004
when there’s a fire.
Beginning a day of substitutes, Fred Lee Hughes,
substituting for President Turner, called the meeting to
order and announced Mike Schweikhard, subbing for
Kay Berry, would lead the invocation. Bruce Lampert,
subbing for Paul Lenker (although we found out later,
Paul had asked Bruce to take over the second half of
the Rotary year), led the singing, and Gary Glenn
introduced the guests in the place of Rod Weeks. Joe
Sconiers rather than Frank Dlugas led dealing for
Dollars. Joe announced we sold 63 tickets today for a
total of $866 in the pot. Mike Dickey had the winning
ticket and drew the 5 of clubs. So the pot continues!
C. G. Gray, substituting for himself as president-elect,
announced possibly the shortest board meeting on
record and the election of Frank Dlugas as 2004/2005
Secretary/Treasurer and Myra Rainey as PresidentElect for 2005/2006.
Lee Hamilton from the Southwest Club announced
their Valentine’s Banquet on February 14th at the
Abilene Women’s Club. The 6:30 social hour precedes
a 7:00 dinner. We’re invited to come and bring our
sweethearts for $15.00 each.
Fred Lee recognized Rotarians with January birthdays
including Peter Agnell, Donna Dougherty, Donna
Birchum, Erik Johnson, Greg Kaiser, Barbara Rollins,
Ron Smith, and Joel Wilson.
Jayne Propst, Chairman of the Day, introduced our
speaker, Tim Humphrey, for the program “When
Seconds Count.” Tim was a fireman, then played an
“airplane and power license” before becoming a
spokesman for MasterGuard Fire Safety Programs. He
invited us to learn more about MasterGuard
Corporation at The corporation
sponsors the Shriners Burn Institute and the Fallen
Hero Scholarship Fund. Tim gives Industrial Fire
Safety Programs to a wide variety of groups and
industries. The information he gave us was helpful,
hopefully frightening us into action to protect our
homes and families.
Most people have at least one of five basic
• It won’t happen to me
• There’s plenty of time to escape
• Only large fires kill
• My smoke detector will always go off in time
If we learned only one thing from his presentation,
Tim urged that it be to practice fire drills inside your
home. This is important, not just with our children, but
with our grandchildren and other adults as well. Tell
children despite the normal rule that “If you break that
There are 22 toxic acids in a 4 x 8 section of paneling.
Formica burns yielding cyanide gas. Carpet padding
has H2S gas known as the pet killer, for it stays at the
floor level and one breath kills. Rather than the old
rule of getting your face as near the floor as possible,
you now should keep your face about doorknob level
(12 to 24 inches above the floor) to be above the gas
from the carpet and below the smoke. We don’t live in
farmhouses with open space below board floors
Our homes generally have ionization type smoke
detectors. In fact 94% of Americans have smoke
detectors in the home, yet fire is the leading cause of
deaths. An ionization smoke detector has a 55.8%
probability to fail in a fire. Every 16 seconds there is a
fire in America. We never hear about fire deaths, but
West Nile Virus, which has killed 2, gets wide
publicity. During the time of the war in Viet Nam,
more Americans died in their homes than in the war.
Protect your homes in these ways:
• Get rid of the plug in air fresheners
• Electricity is magnetic, attracting dust.
Vacuum the electrical wall plugs
occasionally, and never have bedding or
couches against them without a child safety
plug installed.
• Get rid of cheap extensions cords.
• Lint ignites like gasoline, so dispose of it
carefully and clean the lint catchers.
• Dispose of old batteries by putting them into
the original packaging, a zip bag, or with
electrical tape over the ends. If they touch an
aluminum can or steel wool, they can ignite.
• Store batteries in their original container.
Fire goes quickly through four stages. The last, after 2
minutes 40 seconds, burns at 1200 degrees. If there are
stuffed animals present, add 200 degrees to the fire.
Practice fire safety drills in your home!
After a presentation of a book and the recitation of the
Rotary Four Way Test, we were adjourned and
substitute day ended.
--Barbara Rollins
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The Rotater January 23, 2003
Outgoing board members are: Michael Burke, Jayne
Propst and Ed Brokaw.
Holdover board members with one year to serve are:
Mike Weber, Gray Bridwell, Barbara Rollins, Frank
Dlugas, and Marty Pothier
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
Newly elected board members with two-year terms
are: Bill Waddill, Peter Fox, Sandi Hugg and George
From David Stubbeman
Rotary means reading with third graders in Rotary
Reads. Rotary means working with high school
students at RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award).
Rotary means meeting Youth Exchange students from
around the world. Rotary means meeting Group Study
Exchange Team members (young business people)
from other countries. Rotary means raising money for
charities such as the Salvation Army Bell Ringing.
Rotary means donating money to worthy projects
supervised by Rotarians. Rotary means fellowship
with Abilene friends every week. Rotary means
fellowship with Rotarians from up to 166 countries
when attending District and International Rotary
meetings. Rotary means SERVICE ABOVE SELF.
Rotary Blood Drive
Friday, January 30, 2004
l:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sears Parking Lot
Board Positions 2004/2005
President 2004/2005 – C. G. Gray
Past President – Turner Cariker
President-Elect – Myra Rainey
Secretary/Treasurer – Frank Dlugas
Sgt-at-Arms – Marty Pothier
Asst-Sgt-at-Arms - TBA
Director of Meetings – Peter Fox
Director of Social Activities – Mike Weber
Director of Vocational Service – Bill Waddill
Director of Community Service – Sandi Hugg
Director of International Service – Barbara Rollins
Director of Rotary Foundation – George Dawson
Director of Membership Development – Gray
January is Rotary Awareness Month
Take this little quiz and gauge your level of Rotary
1) What is the official Rotary International
theme for 2003/2004?
2) Who is the RI president for 2003/2004?
3) Who is the current RI president-elect?
4) In what year did Paul P. Harris launch the
first Rotary club?
5) In what city?
6) Who were the other three original Rotarians?
7) In what city was the second Rotary club
8) What is the approximate worldwide
membership of Rotary?
9) What is the approximate number of Rotary
clubs worldwide?
10) What are the Four Avenues of Service?
Answers can be found by going to the website of
Rotary International – - where you’ll
find out more about Rotary.
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 254-965-4616
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 5
The Rotater January 30, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 25 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Jan. 23, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: Bill Hollowell
Guest Introductions: Mike Dickie
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
January 30, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Jan. 30, 2004
12:00 Noon
Fairway Oaks Country Club, 34 Fairway Oaks
Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Were We’ve Been &
Where We’re Going”
--Club Assembly—
President Turner Cariker
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Buzz Rehm,
Harold Siglar
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Oris Greever
Coming Programs
February Program Chairman:
Dave Boyll
February 6, 2004
Speaker: Dr. Morris Baker
February 13, 2004
Valentine Event
February 20, 2004
Speakers: Jim Aneff & Charles Schwertner
”The Russian Initiative”
February 27, 2004
Speaker: Bill Core
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The Rotater January 30, 2003
January 23, 2004
President Turner Cariker rang the bell a little early and
the Abilene Rotary weekly meeting got underway. As
usual, the former U.S. Marine barked the orders:
“Please turn off your phones and pagers.” David Hejl
led the prayer.
Our well liked local politician and Rotarian friend,
Texas State Representative Bob Hunter, was speaker
for the day. Texas Governor Rick Perry was in town at
the Texas Workforce Center and he had requested for
Bob to introduce him at a 1:00 p.m. meeting. So,
Turner accommodated Bob by permitting him to speak
early and then to go introduce the Governor.
Former first-ever woman prexy of the club, Jayne
Propst, was chairperson of the day, and she introduced
Bob with lots of nice words.
Don Morris proposed Rotarian Bob for membership in
March 1964 and he has had perfect attendance for
nearly 40 years! He was our president (1983-84), is a
Paul Harris Fellow and was District Governor
Nominee. However his work in the legislature
demanded that he withdraw.
Rotarian Bob has served on the City Council and was
elected as our State Representative in 1986, which
office he still holds. Bob and Shirley have three
children, Kent, Carole, and Les.
Here is a brief report of Bob’s remarks concerning our
great State – Texas:
“Governor Perry will be calling a Special Session of
the Legislature in April to take up public finance since
many districts over the state have reached the $1.50
cap in property tax structure and can no longer provide
for their budgetary needs.
In the reform of our school finance system, which
heavily relies on the property tax, I suggest six
principles, which the Texas Conservative Coalition
strongly feels, must be considered:
1. Direct Connection: Every Texas taxpayer
should have a direct or meaningful say,
unlike our federal income tax system.
2. Inclusion: A system must demonstrate
fairness in its design so it will include all
3. Reality: Even though some people would
like to only tax business and industry,
ultimately all taxes are paid by real, live
people who are the consumers of the state.
4. Economic Growth: Avoid any tax system
that will negatively affect economic
development in our state.
Compliance: The apparatus should be kept
simple so that everyone will understand it and
Transparent: Taxpayers should know what
they are paying and to whom rather than
having to put up with “hidden-from-view”
After Bob’s quick and short speech (a record!), Frank
Dlugas came up with the cash for Dealing for Dollars.
Charles Kitchell was Friday’s winner but he did not hit
the jackpot! Total cash in the pot is now $933.00!! So,
every Rotarian still has a chance to get that nearly
$500 cash!
An announcement was made that it was that time
again for the Rotary Blood Drive which is to take
place on Friday, January 30, at Sears, from 1:00 to
5:00 p.m. President Turner encouraged Rotarians to
donate blood. Immediate past president Ron Sharp
gave a good testimony regarding much needed blood
for a fellow employee.
“Here comes the Judge!” Judge Lee Hamilton,
member of the Southwest Rotary Club, invited
Rotarians to their annual Valentine Banquet, which is
to take place on February 14th at the Woman’s Club.
Cost is $15.00 per person.
President Turner then announced that our own annual
Valentine’s Dinner is Friday, February 13th at Fairway
Oaks. It will be an evening meal and it will take the
place of our regular noon meeting. The meal cost will
be $15.00 per person.
Prexy Turner said that Beth Dlugas would have
discount tickets for the Rotary District Conference,
which is to take place in April. Rotarians can save
$20.00 by buying them early.
Be sure and attend this coming Friday for the Club
Assembly. President Turner will be discussing where
we have been and where we are going.
The meeting came to a close after repeating the Four
Way Test.
Joe Alcorta
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The Rotater January 30, 2003
Announcing Ambassadorial
Scholarships 2005-2006
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
From Gary Glenn
Rotary allows me to give back to the community and
beyond. The whole community supports my family. I
cannot pay each person back individually. Rotary is
one of the vehicles I use to help others. Over the years
I’ve seen so many organizations helped financially
through Rotary that I personally could have only given
a small amount of money (or none at all). I got to be a
part of that. It’s great to work with a bunch of good
folks for the betterment of our community. I’m also
very proud of PolioPlus. I am a polio survivor that was
luckier than most, I was a guinea pig for Oromyison,
and have very few visible signs of that dreaded
disease. It’s great to be a part of an organization that
worships GOD, believes in our GREAT country, and
lends a hand to our fellow man.
Rotary Blood Drive
Friday, January 30, 2004
l:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Sears Back Parking Lot
If you can’t go, please send someone
In your place – give the gift of life!
Abilene Rotary Club
Valentine Dinner
Friday, February 13, 2004
Fairway Oaks Country Club
Reception at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner at 6:45 p.m.
$15.00 per person
Reservations are required
Call Rotary office – 529-5805 to make your
reservation or sign up on Fridays
Academic-Year Grant (up to $25,000 as
Three-Month Cultural Grant (up to $12,000
as needed)
Grants for University Teachers (up to
$22,500 as needed)
Deadlines for applications:
Receipt of Applications at local Rotary Clubs – March 1, 2004
Receipt of Applications from the clubs to District Chair – April 1,
District 5790 Final Selection Interviews – Date to be Decided –
Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene.
Information and Applications available for download
and printing from the Rotary Website at
Rotary International District 5790 reserves the right to
determine the number and types of scholarships/grants
to be awarded based upon availability of funds and
suitability of applicants.
Julian Bridges
District 5790 Ambassadorial Scholar Chairman
Russian Auto Repair & Service
Professionals Coming to Abilene
A delegation of auto repair and service professionals
from Russia will be in the Abilene area from February
26th to March 21st. The delegation is sponsored by the
Abilene Southwest Rotary Club, Abilene Rotary Club
and Abilene Wednesday Rotary Club. While in the
Abilene area, the Russian delegates will receive
training and expert advice in American auto repair and
service practices and techniques from their industry
Thanks to the generous donation of time and effort on
the part of the Abilene Rotary Clubs, training sessions
have been arranged with a variety of auto repair,
service, and production experts.
The Russian Auto Repair & Service Delegation will
travel through Texas with a Russian facilitator and
professional interpreter who will assist in the transfer
of knowledge and ideas between the delegates and
their American hosts. Members of the sponsoring
associations, as well as numerous other community
volunteers will open their homes to the Russian
delegates for their three weeks in the United States.
The upcoming program in the Abilene area has been
organized through the Productivity enhancement
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The Rotater January 30,
Program (PEP), which is administered by the Center
for Citizen Initiatives (CCI), a non-profit, nongovernmental organization based in San Francisco.
“CCI’s (PEP’s) mission is to provide crucial
management training to Russian small business
owners and entrepreneurs in order to boost production
of domestic goods and services. PEP directly targets
private business owners in Russia because this sector
is vitally important to the growth of a healthy market
economy,” said Sharon Tennison, CCI founder and
Upon completion of the PEP program, the Russian
delegates will have documented everything they have
learned and will then share their knowledge with their
colleagues at home, offering seminars to their peers
and participating in “PEP Fellows” business clubs.
The intent is to create a multiplier effect, vital to
promoting democracy along with sustainable
economic growth that will lead to political stability.
The PEP program is funded by the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US
Department of State, participant fees from the Russian
delegates, and volunteer services by American civic
organizations and associations. A modern version of
the Marshall Plan that helped rebuild Europe after
WWII, the PEP program is a citizen-driven project
administered by CCI. Since its founding in 1983, CCI
has successfully organized industry specific training
for over 3,800 Russian professionals through
numerous business training programs. An indisputable
leader in citizen diplomacy, CCI has established seven
offices in Russia that are administered and staffed
solely by Russian citizens who are working to
establish strong business, cultural, and political
relationships between the United States and Russia. As
Sharon Tennison has stated, “At CCI we believe that if
you want a job done well, you must ask the citizens to
do it.”
There are still many opportunities for our local
Rotarians to be involved in this project. Please call
President Turner and let him know you want to be
more involved.
Blane Community Immunization
Blane Community Immunization Grants provide up to
US$1,000 in matching funds to a U.S. Rotary club for
a project designed to improve immunization in their
Our club is working with the Medical Care Mission
and Rotarian Scott Golding to apply for one of these
grants. To date we have received a donation for
$200.00 with an additional $200.00 pledged for this
project for a total of $400.00. The amount we raise
(up to $1,000) can be matched by Rotary International,
if approved for this grant. That would make the
current donation a grant of $800 to the Medical Care
We will continue to accept donations for this Matching
Grant for a couple of months. If the grant is approved,
then you will receive credit towards your Paul Harris
Sustaining Membership for your donation and a match
from R.I., doubling your credit amount.
To make your donation, make your check out to The
Rotary Foundation, Blane Community Immunization
Grant, and give to Beth or mail to the Rotary office –
P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608.
The Texas Rotary Event –
April 22-25, 2004
Leadership Seminar
District Conference 2003-2004
District Assembly 2004-2005
We have teamed up with District 5810 (the Dallas
District) for this year’s very special event. The
Gaylord Texas Resort is now the official name of the
location – they have dropped the word “Opryland” –
but nothing else has changed. Registration materials
are being mailed out to every Rotarian in the district
this January.
District Conference $60 per Rotarian and Spouse
District Assembly $15 per person
Each meal will be separately priced
Golf, Tennis and Leadership Institute will be
separately priced – no, we don’t have the details yet –
but we’re working on them and we are cost conscious)
Badges and discount cards are available for $10
through our Assistant Governors. The $20 discount
applies to registration fee for Texas Rotary Event
(Conference + Assembly). All discount cards have
been extended through February 15th.
Rooms at the Gaylord Texas Resort (regular rate $259)
are $99, but rooms are going fast! Reserve today. 1866-782-7897 or
Our group code is RT104.
Thursday April 22 – Golf at Cowboys Golf Course
(yes, Cowboy’s has been confirmed), Tennis and
welcome dinner.
Page #5 of 5
The Rotater January 30,
Friday April 23 – Leadership Institute – Open to all;
luncheon, Project and Vocational Fair; Hospitality
Room Competition (rather than a sit-down dinner)
Saturday April 24 – District Assembly (morning);
District Conference; Rotary Foundation Dinner
Sunday April 25 – District Conference, Brunch
leadership skills of previous student participants. The
2004 program will be even better!
Other District Projects:
The student participant must be a junior or senior in
Fall 2004. The student should meet certain basic
• Leadership experience or potential,
demonstrated through participation in youth
groups or service activities
• Cooperative nature and willingness to
participate in a group
• Awareness of current events
• Strong communication skills
• Good performance in school and work
• Enthusiasm for sharing new-found skills with
Avoidable Blindness
Give the gift of sight!
Each $20.00 donation funds the supplies needed for a
sight restoring cataract surgery. Rotary doctors,
nurses, etc. donate their time and skills. Our District
goal is $20.00 per Rotarian.
If you would like to donate towards this district
project, please make your check payable to Rotary
Club of Abilene, Avoidable Blindness District Project.
Wheelchair Challenge
Our district has been challenged by District 5810 on
this project, too. Each $75.00 contribution will be
matched by the Wheelchair Foundation to buy and
deliver a new chair. For more information on this
project, you may contact Barbara Carter, District
Chair, 817-261-7899, or
[email protected].
Or you may make your check out to District 5790,
Wheelchair Challenge and give to Beth at one of our
meetings. We will record your contribution and send it
on to the District Chairman.
Books for Africa
The Ade Majiyagbe Memorial Project
Debbie Morton, District Chair
[email protected] or 817-332-3805.
If you have books you’d like to donate, our local
Rotarian, Rodger Haglund, has volunteered to chair
this project for our club. Or you may donate cash,
which helps defray the expense for shipping the books.
Four Way Test Speech Contest
Club level planning should begin in January/February
with the local contest completed sometime in March.
The district contest will be completed and the winners
named by the end of April. This year’s district 4-Way
Speech Contest Chairman is Wayne C. Watson at
[email protected] or 817-737-0191.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award
RYLA in our district has a rich history of being highly
effective in its impact on the attitudes, knowledge and
Our club has approved one Camp RYLA Scholarship
for this year. The Camp will be June 3-6, 2004, at
Texas Woman’s University in Denton, Texas.
Deadline for Student Applications and fee payments
are March 1, 2004.
If you know of a student who has the qualifications
listed above, please pick up an application form from
Beth on Fridays, or you can get the application from
the District Website – under
District Projects.
Rotarians Wanted
Four Way Test Speech Contest Chairman
Camp RYLA Chairman
Chuck Moser Award Luncheon Chairman
Rotarian hosts for the Russian Initiative group
February 26 – March 21, 2004.
If you can fill any of these open positions, please call
the Rotary office – 325-529-5805 and volunteer.
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 254-965-4616
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 4
The Rotater February 6, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 26 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Feb. 6, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Dave Boyll
Invocator: Bill Hollowell
Guest Introductions: Malcolm Coco
February 6, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Feb. 6, 2004
12:00 Noon
Fairway Oaks Country Club, 34 Fairway Oaks
Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
Rotarian Morris Baker
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Bill
Roberson, Harold Siglar
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Michael Burke
Coming Programs
February Program Chairman:
Dave Boyll
February 13, 2004
Valentine Event
February 20, 2004
Speakers: Jim Aneff & Charles Schwertner
”The Russian Initiative”
February 27, 2004
Speaker: Bill Core
Page #2 of 4
The Rotater February 6, 2003
Rotary and our club. To do this, he pulled off his coat
January 30, 2004
and literally rolled up his sleeves.
President Turner Cariker rang the bell and the weekly
“Downtown” Rotary Club meeting got underway. The
president was excited and ready to go! Bill Hollowell
said the prayer; Bruce Lampert led the singing; and
President Turner led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Dickie thought his job of introducing guests was
going to be real easy until some visitors showed up.
Mike did a good job. Joe Sconiers was very
enthusiastic saying that the jackpot was over $1,000!
Today’s winner in Dealing for Dollars was Ron Smith
who won ten dollars! The president said this amount
should begin to bring out the big gamblers! So, who is
it going to be that walks away with $500 or more?
The President announced the Blood Drive, which takes
place today in the parking lot at Sears from 1:00 to
President Turner announced the death of Ms. Emma
Joynor, who was our Rotary Club pianist for many
years. Funeral for Ms. Emma is scheduled for January
31 at 2:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church. All Rotarians
from our club were asked to be honorary pallbearers.
Prexy Turner said our annual Valentine Dinner is
Friday, February 13th at Fairway Oaks at 7:00 p.m.
with the social hour at 6:30 p.m. There will be no noon
meeting on that day.
It was announced that Lou Murray was doing fine
after going through surgery in Dallas this past week.
Chairman of the Day was the president himself. Some
words of introduction from the former Marine were, “I
am good looking!” (There was a little laughter and
joking and the meeting continued). The purpose of the
meeting was, “Where we have been and where we are
The president, in a humorous manner, and with lots of
enthusiasm shared his needs and concerns about
Turner began his remarks about sharing when his old
boss in Amarillo, Texas, gave him a Franklin Planner
and sent him to a sales management meeting. In brief,
Turner was not an organized person. But since that
time our tough president has gone back to the simple
give-away pocket calendar.
Mr. President said there were three urgent things that
need to be taken care of real soon:
1) There is a need for someone to be in charge
of the Chuck Moser Luncheon, which takes
place in May. Sheriff Ted Paup will not be
chairman this year. Turner said most of the
things that are done are already in place and
just need someone to finalize this year’s
2) Someone to be in charge of Camp RYLA. A
counselor or counselors are also needed who
are willing to take some students to this
annual Rotary Leadership Camp for Junior
and Seniors in high school.
3) There is a need for someone to lead in the
Four Way Test Speech Contest, which is
done by high school students.
The President did have one good announcement in
saying that Rotarian “Rogelio” Haglund had
volunteered to promote “educational” books for
Africa. Rogelio cheaply shared that he had volunteered
only because wife Millie had told him he needed to get
rid of some books at home – a storage shed full!
President Turner also reminded Rotarians about the
Immunization Project. A donation of $100 will count
toward a Paul Harris Sustaining Membership with a
match from R.I. if the project is approved.
The President then moved on to the annual fundraiser.
He said there had been some hurt feelings when
Rotary dropped out of the AIRFEST. But, again, he
stressed that Rotary needed to be in a fundraiser where
there is money made and where most of those funds
are then given back to community service projects. He
stressed also that there was never any intent to hurt
anyone’s feelings and that we do feel the AIRFEST is
a good project for our community and that it should
receive our support.
In between remarks from the president, some members
ribbed him or asked him some serious questions. This
writer asked how the committee was doing in
relocating our meeting place. President Turner said
Barney and his committee might have three possible
locations – a new hotel soon to open, the Railhead
Grill, or the Briarstone Manor (The Briarstone has
indicated they were willing to lower their price on
meals and that they were willing to cater at a different
location for $5.50 per meal.)
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The Rotater February 6, 2003
we are open for ideas and suggestions. The board
meets every third Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Ben E.
The lively and interesting meeting came to a close by
reciting RI’s Four Way Test.
--Joe Alcorta
(Members listen intently at the Club Assembly)
President-Elect C. G. Gray gave a brief report on club
membership. He jokingly said that since he became
Membership Chairman, only four have dropped out.
He said there are now 120 active Rotarians; 6 on
leave; and 2 soon to be inducted; 1 reinstatement and a
few others new proposals.
The president then gave his testimony as to why he
became a Rotarian when he arrived here from
Amarillo. He said when he moved to Abilene he knew
no one. In fact, he said he had met his best friend
(Mike Weber) here at Rotary. He reminded Rotarians
of how special it is to receive 100% Attendance
Certificates. He said this encouraged him to set a goal
for 100% attendance.
Former president and past district governor, Spike
Harris, had an answer to our declining membership –
If each Rotarian would propose and bring in a new
member from today until June 1st the problem would
be solved! The president readily agreed and said,
“There you have it Rotarians, everyone propose one.”
The president gave a report on the Flag Project. He
said it was making money but we needed to sell 50
more flags to finish out the 100 flags put together for
this year. He said if we could get to 200 flags, then the
club would again have money to help out when called
on for funds for special projects.
He concluded by saying “The Russians are coming.”
He was asking for help with a dinner he and Mike
Weber are preparing for the delegation of Russians on
February 28th at Fairway Oaks. Bruce Bixby
volunteered to help (Turner was relieved! He thought
Bruce was about to complain again!) The Russians are
a delegation of auto repair and service that are coming
to the U.S. to learn more about the subject.
Bob Test came up with an idea. Bob said, “Why don’t
we advertise in the newspaper and radio for
membership. Maybe we could have some testimonies
about what Rotary means, etc. etc.” The president said
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
We are out of replies – Please send in your comments!
Email to: [email protected].
Abilene Rotary Club
Valentine Dinner
Friday, February 13, 2004
Fairway Oaks Country Club
Reception at 6:30 p.m.
Dinner at 6:45 p.m.
$15.00 per person
Reservations are required
Call Rotary office – 529-5805 to make your
reservation or sign up on Fridays
Page #4 of 4
The Rotater February 6, 2003
Common Ground
Did You Know?
“It helps us really, truly to be a part of the family of
Rotary by acknowledging that when so many different
people come together, so many things happen,” says
Rester Samse, a member of RI’s Membership
Development and Retention Committee. “Just in
conversation, there’s so much to be learned.”
One reason Rester Samse and others find interaction
across generations rewarding is that members of each
age group bring different attitudes, views, and
communication styles to every new situation. At its
best, generational blending enhances creativity and
boosts productivity. Whether members are developing
a new service project or revamping a longstanding
fundraiser, cross-generational collaboration can yield a
stronger product.
Clubs with a diverse membership reap benefits all
around, says Sam Greene, vice chair of the
Membership development and Retention Committee,
past RI director, and a member of the Rotary Club of
Westlake Village, California. Greene’s Club puts new,
younger members together with older members and
encourages small gatherings where members of all
generations can ask questions and get to know one
another. “When we put these older members with the
younger members, they really feed off of each other,”
says the 78-year-old Greene. The younger members
are just fascinated with the backgrounds of some of
these older members, and the older members are even
more fascinated with the younger members – what
they’re doing at work and their perspectives on
Greene and Rester Samse believe that a club’s
membership should reflect the composition of the
community at large. While it may take extra effort,
they say, clubs that represent their communities’
demographics are better prepared to serve.
“If we are Rotarians want to continue to truly have an
impact in the world in a positive way, we need to be
able to stay in touch with what others are thinking and
feeling and sense the needs of our communities.” Says
Rester Samse. “In order to do that appropriately, I
think we need to involve people of all ages to get a
better sense of what their needs are.”
So, take a look at our club membership – are we
diverse enough? If not, then what can you do about it?
Did you know that when you carry and use the Rotary
International MasterCard credit card you help support
The Rotary Foundation every time you make a
purchase at no additional cost to you?
Did you know that for each new credit card issued,
your club would receive $25.00?
We received a $25.00 Voucher recently from MBNA
Marketing Systems because one of our members had
applied for and received the Rotary International
MasterCard, and it was a pleasant surprise.
Do the math; if at least 100 members carried this card,
then the club could possibly receive $2500. What a
great fundraiser – no work, no extra donation from the
member – just carrying this particular credit card.
Think about it. This Incentive Program is limited, so
act now if interested.
For more information and how to apply – go to
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 254-965-4616
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater February 13, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 27 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Feb. 13, 2004
February 13, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Feb. 13, 2004
6:30 pm – Reception
7:00 pm – Dinner
Tickets are $15.00 per person
Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
Chairman of the Day: Mike Weber
Invocator: Vince Swinney
Special Event – Valentine Dinner Theater
“Annual Rotary
Valentine Dinner”
There will not be a noon meeting at Fairway on
Coming Programs
February Program Chairman:
Dave Boyll
February 20, 2004
Speakers: Jim Aneff & Charles Schwertner
”The Russian Initiative”
February 27, 2004
Speaker: Bill Core
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater February 13, 2003
things to say about Morris. Paul called him a “personal
LAST FRIDAY – February 6, 2004
friend,” and a great volunteer who attacks projects
with a passion. Paul gave a mini history of how Morris
President Turner Cariker rang the bell and the weekly
grew up in Ranger and was the first Black man to
Abilene Rotary Club meeting got underway. The
graduate from a white high school in Ranger.
President asked that all cell phones and pagers be
turned off.
Former President Ed Brokaw said the prayer; Don
Etter and Lou Murray were remembered in the prayer.
Bruce Lampert led the singing; President Turner led in
the pledge; and Malcolm Coco did a good job of
introducing guests.
One of the guests present was the new bride of Jack
North, Sandie. We wish Jack and Sandie the best. This
writer sat by Sandie and she quickly told some “good”
stories about Jack.
Dave O’Conner was the winner in Dealing for Dollars
but no Jackpot! Frank Dlugas said that the pot now
has $1,057.00. Not Bad! Who is going to hit the
jackpot? The idea is to draw the Ace of Spades and the
winner gets over $500.00!
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Rotarians whose
birthday is in February. Our “leader”, Myra Rainey,
and our other “leader”, Beth Dlugas, was among that
group, and it was said that Durward Young had turned
88. Two other February birthdays are Ed Brokaw and
C. G. Gray. Happy Birthday to these fine Rotarians.
President Turner announced the District Rotary
Conference. He said Rotarians would get a great deal
by staying at Opry Land, a brand new resort opening
soon. Rooms normally rent for $259.00; Rotarians can
reserve them for this special occasion for only $99.00!
The dates of the Conference are April 22 to 25. Our
president also announced that he would not be
participating in the District Conference Golf
Tournament because the fee was too high!
The Annual Rotary Valentine Dinner was announced
for Friday, February 13th, at Fairway Oaks. The
President and Mike Weber are the leaders of this
event. Rotarians are to make their reservations “pretty
pronto”! The meal will be in the evening and there will
be no noon meeting that day.
On February 28th the Russians are coming! Any
Rotarian who can help is to call Beth, Turner, or Mike
Weber. Let’s all pitch in and make this a great event.
“Mr. Rotary Leader” did it again! C. G. Gray
presented a Certificate of Reading accomplishment to
Jonathan Jeter, a first grader at Jane Long Elementary.
C. G. was really proud of this youngster.
Paul Lenker, past president, was chairman of the day
and he introduced another former president who was
the speaker – Morris Baker. Paul had a lot of good
From Ranger it was to Cisco Junior College, to
McMurry College, to Harvard, where he earned a
Master’s Degree in psychology, and then to Ohio State
(yeah, Morris is a buck-eye) to earn his Ph.D. in
clinical psychology.
The ultimate compliment was when Paul pulled out a
red sweater and wrapped it around his shoulders, as
was the custom of Morris when he was Rotary
president. All in fun! Hey, Rotary is supposed to be
Morris’ topic was the Community Action Program of
Taylor County where he serves as its director. Morris
began by stating the purpose of CAP.
“To aggressively act to eliminate the causes of poverty
in the communities which we have pledged to serve by
providing services and activities that will result in the
education of physical, economic and psychological
barriers to self-sufficiency. These initiatives will be
targeted to low-income individuals, families, and
Even though it is labeled the CAP of Taylor, it serves
the following counties: Brown, Callahan, Comanche,
East Land, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Shackelford,
Stephens, Stonewall, and Throckmorton.
The CAP started medical transportation, which
became Citilink. It also started programs on family
planning and meals on wheels.
Current programs are: Weatherization, emergency
food, head start and early head start, transitional
housing, free tax preparation, and individual
development accounts.
Morris said CAP brings about 5 million dollars worth
of business to the city. It has a payroll of about
$300,000, which employs 12 people including here, in
Breckenridge, and in Colorado City.
Thanks Morris for the good information on this
worthwhile organization which has served thousands
of people here in Abilene.
President Turner ended the meeting by leading us in
the Four Way Test.
--Joe Alcorta
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater February 13, 2003
Ed Brokaw – February 27
C. G. Gray – February 10
Myra Rainey – February 10
Beth Dlugas – February 13
Durward Young – February 19
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
We are out of replies – Please send in your comments!
Email to: [email protected].
Youth Exchange Update
Rotary District Youth Exchange Officer and our
fellow Rotarian, Peggy McConnell, spent the past
weekend, February 5-8, attending the South Central
Rotary Youth Exchange (SCRYE) Conference in
Tulsa, OK. The Conference includes 11 states
participating in SCRYE and the meetings are
educational for club and district youth exchange
committee members.
Our exchange student, Cecile Goffinet, also attended
the Conference along with other students from the 11
states. This is a highlight of the students’ year where
they get to meet other exchange students from all
around the globe. When these students conclude the
conference by joining hands with the Rotarians and
sing “It’s a Small World”, there are no dry eyes in the
If you are interested in learning more about the Youth
Exchange Program, please contact Peggy. She needs
some more committee members and it is a very
rewarding service for Rotarians.
Thanks, Peggy, for all your efforts and time in
developing the Youth Exchange Program!
Rotary membership makes sense. Rotary’s networking
opportunities could help the new generation of
businessmen and women grow their business, thus
creating a new generation of Rotarians. But, so many
of them don’t know how to get into a Rotary club.
They wonder if there are secret rituals or something.
A sales trainer told a sales staff at a seminar that the
reason most salespeople fail is because they never ask
for the order. Time and again, salespeople do a good
job of greeting their customer and building a rapport, a
great job of explaining the product features, but then
fail to close the sale.
Many of us make the same mistake in Rotary. We tell
prospective members who we are and what we do, but
then we don’t close the loop by inviting them to join.
Why is that? Is it the fear of rejection in case the
person says “No.”, perhaps? Embarrassment at moving
from the conversation mode to the more
confrontational selling mode? Or is it just because as
leaders in our organizations we tend to feel in control
of things, and when we ask an open question such as
“Will you join my Rotary club?” we are no longer
certain of the answer? It is probably a combination of
all three reasons.
Regardless of the reason, let’s not continue to make
those mistakes. Invite someone to join you in your
Rotary Club and make a difference in the community
and in the world.
Remember, they can’t join until YOU ask them to.
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater February 20, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 28 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Mike Weber
February 20, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Feb. 20, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“The Russian
Invocator: Vince Swinney
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: TBA
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Dick Burton
--Speakers-Jim Aneff &
Charles Schwertner
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Mike Dickie,
Harold Siglar
Coming Programs
February Program Chairman:
Dave Boyll
February 27, 2004
Speaker: Bill Core
March Program Chairman:
Spike Harris
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater February 20, 2003
LAST FRIDAY – February 13, 2004
The Annual Rotary Valentine Dinner was held on
Friday, February 13, 2004, in the evening at Fairway
Oaks Country Club. President Turner Cariker and
Director Mike Weber were in charge of the event.
Myra and Beth admit to being a little apprehensive
when both Turner and Mike said “Not to worry, they’d
take care of everything!” But, take care of everything
they did and it was a wonderful evening!
Spouses were greeted at the door and presented a long
stemmed rose for the occasion, the tables were
decorated with cute little Teddy Bears holding
Valentines, and the meal was outstanding! We were
served a salad, steak AND chicken, roasted new
potatoes and fresh green beans. Then we had our
choice of dessert along with coffee and tea.
After enjoying the meal and the great fellowship at our
tables, President Turner and Mike concluded the
evening by asking questions relating to how well
spouses knew one another. Prizes went to those who
answered first – a box of valentine candy. The table
decorations were also given as prizes. Past President
Joe Alcorta shared some insight into Women’s Needs
and Men’s Needs.
Thank you, Turner and Mike, for providing us with
such an enjoyable evening and the opportunity to
spend it with great company! Thank you, David
Schmidt and Fairway Oaks, for the outstanding meal!
--Myra Rainey
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
We are out of replies – Please send in your comments!
Email to: [email protected].
Thank You’s Received
“Thank you for honoring Ray with the Rotary Wheel
Floral arrangement. Rotary was very dear to Ray, as
well as all his Rotarian friends. Your thoughtfulness
and expression of sympathy will always be treasured.”
Thank You, Huda Bragalone and Family
“Thank you for your gift in memory of Sara Abel. It
has been received by The Community Foundation of
Abilene and placed in the Sara Abel Memorial
Scholarship Fund.”
Nancy E. Jones, President
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater February 27, 2003
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 29 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, Feb. 27, 2004
February 27, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Feb. 27, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Cycling Texas”
Chairman of the Day: Ted Paup
Invocator: Mary Lois Duke
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: Vince Swinney
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
--Speaker-Rotarian Bill Core
Ticket Taker: Oris Greever
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Ed Brokaw,
Harold Siglar
Coming Programs
March Program Chairman:
Spike Harris
The Pot continues to grow!!!
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater February 27, 2003
LAST FRIDAY – February 20, 2004
Former President Joe Alcorta called the meeting to
order, telling us the first full week in March is
presidentially designed Foreign Language Week. He
taught us the phrase Me gusta! In all its variations,
then called on Malcolm Coco to lead the invocation.
Paul Lenker stepped up to lead the “Star Spangled
Banner” and asked Joe how to say, “Turn off your cell
phones and pagers” in Spanish. Joe said it in Spanish
but needed to say it in English as well, for Ron Sharp
was next, introducing the guests until his own cell
phone ringing interrupted him!
Joe Sconiers officiated for Dealing for Dollars offering
a chance at a pot of $1,170 after 59 tickets were sold.
From the 35 remaining cards, Jeff Clement, a guest
involved with Star Auto Dealership, pulled the six of
C. G. Gray announced his son gave him worry beads
to commemorate his upcoming presidency of the club.
C. G. asked that we contact former members of the
club to recruit them to rejoin and swell our ranks
above the present number.
Joe said C. G. has instigated a bulletin board and
George Dawson is the first honoree. The article about
his being awarded the Golden Cane was displayed.
(Read more about this award in this newsletter).
Dave Boyll, as chairman of the day, introduced two
people we already knew well, Jim Aneff and Charles
Schwertner. Charles, besides being a Rotarian, is
retired from Dyess after three trips to Viet Nam. He
holds a B.B.A. from McMurry, an M.A. from HardinSimmons, and another M.A. from the University of
Alabama where he is also a candidate for a Ph.D. He
owned the Tye Truck Wash and is a past president of
the Southwest Rotary Club.
Jim Aneff is Assistant District Governor and District
Governor elect for the 2005-2006 year. He is president
of Texas Land Development Company and vice
president of Mexico Engineering and Steel Company.
He has made three trips to Russia, the Far East, and
Siberia, helping to form two Russian Rotary Clubs.
The subject of the program was the PEP Program,
more formally called the Productivity Enhancement
Program. Jim gave some background, telling of PEP
being formed in 1995. In 1997 then Abilene Mayor
Gary McCaleb heard a presentation and came home to
recruit Jim to help bring PEP to Abilene. The three
Rotary Clubs then, as now, came together to take on
the massive project. Abilene was the first city and ours
was the first group of Rotary Clubs in Texas to do it
and our efforts have become a model for many towns
that have followed us. Ted Paup’s article is widely
circulated to describe the event.
PEP is partially funded by the State Department after
being modeled on the post World War II Marshall
Plan. Over five thousand Russian entrepreneurs and
businessmen from more than four hundred cities have
participated. Rotary is the ideal group to bring them
into a learning environment because we are business
people in the community. Because there are no social
services in Russia now, it is important for these
citizens to see what we do through Rotary.
A second PEP group will come to Abilene next week
and stay for three weeks. Our club will host a welcome
party on Saturday evening, February 28. The group,
involved in auto repair and service, will tour the GM
Plant in Arlington, a rare treat even for people living
near there. We still need some host families for some
of the eleven men.
Participants from our club include, Malcolm Coco,
locating businesses to work with the team; Peggy
McConnell, responsible for securing the host families;
Dave Boyll, providing the training syllabus; and Bill
Page, coordinating transportation. Our guests, Jeff,
Beau and Kim represent the Star Dealership who is the
principal sponsors.
Taylor County has 40,700 titles issued to owners
annually and a total of 114,300 automobiles registered
here. Forty percent of them are under warranty. Russia
has about twenty million vehicles, the same as the
state of Texas, but they are much older.
If you want to affect Russian/American relations,
please call Peggy at 677-6331 to volunteer to host
during some or all of the three week period.
Barbara Rollins
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater February 27, 2003
Currently, this outstanding individual is a retired
family practice physician and is the medical director
for Hospice of the Big Country.
YOU are cordially invited to all
of the Russian Social Events!!
Friday, February 28. 2004
Welcome at Airport
2:11 p.m.
This humble, quiet medical doctor has been a Rotarian
since November, 1959, when Elwin Skiles proposed
him. Next year he will serve on the board of directors.
George and his lovely wife, Dorothy, have four adult
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Welcome Reception
Hosted by Rotary Club of Abilene
Fairway Oaks
7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Party at the Ball Ranch
6:30 p.m. - ?
7 couple minimum per club ($12/person)
Please attend and bring non-Rotarians!
Good Membership opportunity!!!
RSVP: Deonna Galbraith – 690-9121
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Pot Luck Supper
Bring Your Family Favorite!!!!
J.V. Johnson’s House
#25 Muirfield
RSVP: 695-3615
What Rotary means to me
Comments from our members…
We are out of replies – Please send in your comments!
Email to: [email protected].
Rotary Office Information:
George Dawson Honored
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Fellow medical doctors honored Rotarian George
Dawson by receiving the Gold-Headed Cane at the
Taylor-Jones-Haskell County Medical Society annual
fund-raising event. This honor is considered to be the
most prestigious award that can be received by any
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
According to the Abilene Reporter-News, “The GoldHeaded Cane Award originated in London in the early
1600’s and was introduced to the local medical society
by Dr. Vard Shoultz of Abilene and Dr. Knox Pittar of
Anson in the early 1960s.
Mailing Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
“The award pays tribute to outstanding members of the
medical profession for their contributions to the
practice of medicine and the community.”
This Rotarian graduated from medical school in 1956,
and after serving our country for two years, he began
his practice here in Abilene in 1959.
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater March 5, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 30 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, March 5, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Spike Harris
March 5, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, March 5, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Air Force Role
in Iraq”
Invocator: Joe Sconiers
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: TBA
Col. Jack Wylie
Dyess AFB
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: TBA
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Bill
Hollowell, Harold Siglar
Coming Programs
March Program Chairman:
Spike Harris
March 12, 2004
Chuck Cowell
President, First National Bank
March 19, 2004
David Polnick
Superintendent of Schools
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater March 5, 2004
While stopping in Brady he was offered water, food,
LAST FRIDAY – February 27, 2004
and money. Bill shared that there are still a lot of good
folks out there that are willing to give you a hand.
President Turner Cariker rang the bell and the weekly
Abilene Rotary meeting got underway. Mary Lois
Duke said the prayer; Bruce Lampert led the singing;
and the president led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vince Swinney did a good job of introducing guests.
Frank Dlugas said there was $1,188.00 in Dealing for
Dollars. Former mayor of Abilene and former PDG
won ten bucks. So, Rotarians, there is still a chance to
come back next Friday and buy that ticket to win the
nearly $600 the winner will take!
An announcement was made that the Rotary Rescue
Board was meeting after the meeting. Another
announcement was made regarding the arrival of the
Russians. They were to have arrived on Friday,
February 27th at 2:00 p.m. There are several activities
planed for the visitors from Russia. Plan to be a part of
that – see schedule of activities below! Any Rotarian
can invite the Russian visitors to their homes or to
their businesses. They can take them out to dinner, for
a tour, or for some cultural activity.
From Brady he set out for Fredericksburg and then to
Hondo. From Hondo to Three Rivers it is 110 miles. It
was around Hondo that he had a good scare. It turned
dark pretty quick and he was still 20 miles away from
Three Rivers. Suddenly he ran into thousands of
fireflies, which lit up the place for a while!
From Three Rivers to Corpus Christi is “only 71”
miles and his goal. It encouraged him much to know
that his daughter and wife would be waiting for him.
And they were. Bill said that he wept like a baby for
sometime. (He said Aggies do cry! It helps to make
them men!) It was a wonderful feeling that he had
accomplished this trip and words could not explain
how he felt.
Bill, we are proud of you!!! His age? Well, he is over
40!!! Thanks, Ted, for asking Bill to tell “his story.”
The president led in the Four Way Test and the
meeting was adjourned.
Chairman of the day, “Sheriff” Ted Paup, introduced
speaker and fellow Rotarian Bill Core. Ted said he and
Bill met at Texas A&M a few years ago. Ted bragged
on Bill for a while. He said Bill had earned a BBA
degree in finance in 1974 and then had added an MS
in economics in 1976 from that famous university. For
several years our speaker was the owner of Abilene
Instrument Maintenance, which was an oil field and
industrial instrumentation business.
Sally, Bill’s wife, is a veterinarian and they have three
adult children. Bill enjoys riding the bicycle and that is
what he shared with the Rotarians. He says he enjoys
riding for mental health, which helps to get rid of
some stress. While riding he tries to solve some
problems and then he uses that time also to catch up
on his prayer life. Not bad!
His recent trip covered from Amarillo to Corpus
Christi. His daily schedule covered about 100 miles
per day. His first adventure was from Amarillo to
Childress, which covered 110 miles. On this day he
fought a 40-mile per hour wind. Wow!
The next day covered from Childress to Paducah. The
problem and challenge her? Nothing between these
two towns except Guthrie, which has a small
convenience store! No food there!
In his daily journeys Bill says he has to plan for water,
food and rest. The third day journey was from
Aspermont to Abilene, which was only 65 miles, and
then to Brady, which is 105 miles.
Joe Alcorta
YOU are cordially invited to all
of the Russian Social Events!!
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Party at the Ball Ranch
6:30 p.m. - ?
7 couple minimum per club ($12/person)
Please attend and bring non-Rotarians!
Good Membership opportunity!!!
RSVP: Deonna Galbraith – 690-9121
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Pot Luck Supper
Bring Your Family Favorite!!!!
J.V. Johnson’s House
#25 Muirfield
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater March 12, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 31 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, March 12, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Spike Harris
March 12, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, March 12, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“Banking in
West Texas”
Invocator: TBA
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: Rodney Weeks
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
--Speaker-Chuck Cowell
President, First National Bank
Ticket Taker: TBA
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Bill Waddill,
Harold Siglar, James Parrish
Coming Programs
March Program Chairman:
Spike Harris
March 19, 2004
David Polnick
Superintendent of Schools
March 26, 2004
Dr. Ayyub
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater March 12, 2004
Currently Colonel Jack Wylie is the inspector general
of the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess Air Force Base. He is
LAST FRIDAY – March 5, 2004
responsible for the 7th Bomb Wing’s complaints and
fraud, waste and abuse programs. Additionally, the
“El Presidente” Turner rang the bell and the weekly
Colonel is responsible for planning all wing exercises
meeting of the Downtown Abilene Rotary Club got
to prepare the wing to execute its assigned missions
underway. Mike Schweikhard said the prayer; Bruce
and for major headquarters inspections, response to
Lampert led the singing; President Turner led in the
major attacks, accidents and natural disasters.
pledge. Joe Sconiers did a great job of introducing
several guests.
Frank Dlugas said 57 tickets were sold in Dealing for
Dollars. The big pot is up to over $1,200! There was
some question concerning the winner since it was a
lady guest of “El Presidente.” But…since they did not
win the big bucks, they threw the winnings back into
the pot.
President Turner asked for prayer for Myra Rainey
who had gone to the hospital for some health concerns.
President-Elect C. G. Gray announced that there was
to be a new member orientation on Saturday morning
for new members. He again made a plea for Rotarians
to call former members of this club and invite them
back. Praises went to Morris Baker who had called
David Bell who was present. Everett Woods was also
to be present, but at the last moment he had a conflict.
He should be back next week.
Mary Lois Duke had the privilege of introducing a
new member. Major Parrish graduated from the
Salvation Army in 1968. He and his wife were
commissioned as Second Lieutenant. For 35 years he
has served with the Salvation Army in Oklahoma,
Arkansas and Texas. For 28 of those years he has been
a Rotarian.
The Colonel began his Air Force career in 1974 and
graduated from pilot training the following year.
“Sheriff” Ted Paup added to the introduction when he
got up and said that Rotarians Bill Core, Bill Ehrie, the
Colonel, and he were all Texas A&M graduates of the
class of 1974!
Colonel Wylie began by saying; “We are in Iraq for
the right reason.” He said that the big problem is that
there is not an established government. He talked a
little about the role of the council, which is serving as
Iraq’s governing body.
Colonel Wylie then spent some time telling about the
missions that are deployed using the B-1B and the C130’s. He told Rotarians the capabilities of the B-1B.
He said the aircraft has been much improved and does
not deserve the criticism the media has given it.
The Colonel concluded his speech by applauding the
enlisted men and women. He said today’s recruits are
much smarter and better trained. He said Master
Sergeants in our army are equipped and trained to do
what many officers do in other militaries in the world.
Our president led us in the Four Way Test and the
meeting was adjourned.
After the introduction, the new member said he liked
Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self.” He said he was
also proud of the PolioPlus Campaign. He added,
“Thank you for the invitation to join, and I will serve
you well.”
Joe Alcorta
President Turner expressed thanks to Mike Weber for
all the help he has been to him, especially last
Saturday with the meal to feed the Russians. Thanks,
Mike, for all you do!
B. C. Roberson was also recognized for the items and
picture that he placed on the Rotary Bulletin Board.
Lots of pictures of “Old Rotarians” were displayed.
Our young presidente made it a point to let everyone
know that he was not born yet when those pictures
were taken!
Popular Rotarian and PDG Spike Harris was Chairman
of the Day. He introduced Colonel Jack Wylie, Jr. The
topic was “Air Force’s Role in Iraq.”
Update on Myra…..
Thank you so much for your concern and your prayers.
I was really scared last Friday when I went to the
emergency room with chest, arm and jaw pain. The
good news was that it was not a heart attack. It was a
warning, however, and one that will require some
follow up testing. For right now, I am doing more
resting and trying not to let the stresses in my life do
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater March 12, 2004
had fun, were entertained, bought something that they
any more damage. I do appreciate the calls I received
will cherish, enjoyed the satisfaction of helping a
checking on me – friends are good medicine!!!
worthy endeavor and – don’t knock it – on April 15
will be able to deduct from their income taxes at least
part of the cost of their pleasure!
YOU are cordially invited to all
of the Russian Social Events!!
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Party at the Ball Ranch
6:30 p.m. - ?
7 couple minimum per club ($12/person)
Please attend and bring non-Rotarians!
Good Membership opportunity!!!
RSVP: Deonna Galbraith – 690-9121
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Pot Luck Supper
Bring Your Family Favorite!!!!
J.V. Johnson’s House
#25 Muirfield
A successful fund-raising event should be so satisfying
to the participants that they will want to return next
year. It should inspire them to praise the occasion to
their friends, expanding the base of potential
participants. Finally, if the participants have a
pleasurable, satisfying experience at your fund-raiser,
it will increase their respect for your organization and
the causes it espouses.
Did your volunteer workers enjoy the experience?
The success or failure of a benefit event is determined
by the dedication, enthusiasm, and energy of the
volunteer workers who plan and organize it, and who
do the work. It is not enough to plan an event that will
be fun for the participants; it must be a happy
experience for the workers as well.
Did your event expand your membership?
Many organizations find themselves unable to carry
out their plans and objectives due to finances. An
unfortunate percentage of voluntary organizations leap
from financial crisis to financial crisis. Those that
survive and attain consistent solvency have several
things in common with each other. For the most part,
they are those with the wisdom and energy to identify
their long-term financial needs, develop a strong
membership base, win community support for their
objectives and confidence in their ability, and carefully
plan and organize a schedule of fund-raising activities
that will enable them to grow and prosper.
The more successful organizations rely heavily on
neighborhood fund raising, carried out by volunteers
and on special events that are planned and manned by
their members. And, there’s another reason, too. Such
events, if they are well planned, effectively managed,
and exciting, are an excellent source of new members
for the organizations.
How do you measure the success of a fund-raising
event? Obviously, the first criterion is money. Was the
event profitable? But, there are other considerations
that are equally important:
Was the event enjoyable for the participants?
It is almost a rule of thumb that the best fund-raising
events are those in which the participants come away
feeling that they got something for their money. They
The events you schedule should be a major and
continuing source of new members. These new
members will expand your capacity to schedule everlarger events and will replace members who find other
interests or leave town.
Obviously, you will attract new members if you
demonstrate through your events that yours is a “fun
group” to be with. But remember, different people
join organizations for different reasons. Use your
events to “sell” the purpose of your organization.
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater March 19, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 32 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, March 12, 2004
March 19, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, March 19, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
“A.I.S.D. Update”
Chairman of the Day: Spike Harris
Invocator: John Harris
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
David Polnick
Introduction of Guests: Fred Lee Hughes
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Bill Hollowell
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Kim Bosher, Bill Cox,
John Harris, Harold Siglar, James Parrish
Coming Programs
March Program Chairman:
Spike Harris
March 26, 2004
Dr. Ayyub
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater March 19, 2004
A special thanks to Dave Boyll and other Rotarians
LAST FRIDAY – March 2, 2004
who were responsible for the Russians coming over to
the U.S.
President Turner rang the bell and the weekly
Downtown Abilene Rotary meeting got underway.
“Mr. Rotarian of the Year,” Dave Boyll said the
prayer. In his prayer he included Rotarian Walton
Strange who is in the hospital. Kay Berry was pinch
hitter for Bruce Lampert in the singing category.
Prexy, former tough Marine, led in the pledge to the
U.S. flag. Rod Weeks did a great job of introducing
several guests.
Frank Dlugas did the Dealing for Dollars. Frank said
62 tickets were sold and that the pot now stands at
$1,240.00. Today’s winner took ten dollars--the pot is
still there for the taking. Who is going to do it?
President-elect and Mr. Rotary Reader, C.G. Gray, had
the honor of introducing Kim Bosher as a new Rotary
member. Kim is associated with Star Family of
Dealerships. Kim and her husband Mike have three
children. This new Rotarian has already been working
as she and her family hosted some of the Russian
It was good to have Rotarian Lou Murray back after a
short illness.
Former Rotarian Laura Ellis wrote a note and said she
missed the Rotarians in Abilene. Dr. Laura is
“suffering” as she is teaching piano in Florida.
Our local politician and faithful Rotarian, Bob Hunter,
was responsible in acquiring a certificate of welcome
to the Russians from the Texas House of
Representatives. Each Russian visitor was called by
name and as he received the certificate said a few
words of appreciation.
All Russian visitors who were here in Abilene to learn
more about automobiles and banking had many words
of praise for the U.S., Texas, Abilene, and Rotarians.
Each Russian said he was thankful for the opportunity
of coming to the U.S. Each one thanked the Rotarian
or family who hosted them. Peter Agnell received
many nice kind words.
Here are a few sentences and phrases the visitors said:
“Thank you for a warm welcome,” It is good that we
have become friends,” “My dream has come true,” “I
want to tell you how much I love you; hope to see you
more than once,” “You are helping us in our
business,” and “When we return to Russia we will
keep smiling like you do here in Abilene.”
Interpreting for the Russian group was Ms. Elena
Goldberg who lives in St. Petersburg. She told this
writer that her job in Russia is interpreting. She also
confessed she knew a little Spanish.
“Popular” PDG Spike Harris was chairman of the day
and he introduced Chuck Cowell who spoke on
“Banking in West Texas.” Chuck is the CEO of First
National Bank.
In a nutshell, Chuck, said interest rates were down!!!!
And that the banking industry was a challenge as
everybody was competing for customers. The banker
said people want to know when interest rates are going
to go up....His answer: “Nobody knows"
He talked about “Check 21" which President Bush
signed to law in October of 2003.
To make a point about the economy the speaker
quoted: “It is as hard to come back from somewhere
you have never been, as it is to reach a destination you
do not have!”
The positive and strengths Chuck brought about
Abilene were the following:
A) A good system of education with ACU,
HSU, McM, TSTC, and Cisco JC, and TTU.
B) Dyess AFB contributes with 14% of the
Abilene population; and the base has several new and
upcoming projects.
C) Abilene has a great medical system in
Hendrick, Abilene Regional, Cancer Center, WTRC,
SMRS, and the Abilene State School.
D) In manufacturing Abilene has RenTech
Boilers, Tiger Boats, Hirschfield Steel, Fehr Foods,
Bandag, ABTEX Beverage, and Southwest Coca Cola
Of course most speakers that talk about economy will
always talk about the water challenge. Chuck said
water would be a constant challenge.
President Turner led us in RI Four-Way Test and the
meeting ended.
Joe Alcorta
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater March 19, 2004
YOU are cordially invited to all
of the Russian Social Events!!
Only ONE social event remains!
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Pot Luck Supper
Bring Your Family Favorite!!!!
J.V. Johnson’s House
#25 Muirfield
Rotarians’ March Birthdays!
Tom Boecking – March 11
Bill Core – March 24
Russell Dressen – March 26
Doug Eichorst – March 3
Steve Glenn – March 10
Bill Hollowell – March 26
Sandi Hugg – March 3
Paul Johnson – March 29
Charlie Kitchell – March 26
Lou Murray – March 29
Paul Ruska – March 19
Mike Weber – March 22
If we have missed anyone, please give Beth a call at
529-5805 so we can correct our club records.
Thank you so much for the beautiful floral
arrangement you sent to Emma’s service. She loved
you all so much and looked forward to her time with
you each week for so many years. You honor us by
honoring her with your gift.
The Family of Emma Joynor
Focus Group Preference Sheets
This Friday, March 19th, and again on March 26th, we
will have Focus Group Preference Sheets available at
the club meeting for the 2004/2005 Rotary year. We
need every club member working in some area.
Please look over the Focus Groups and select the one,
or more than one if you would like, that you would
like to serve on this coming year. There really IS
something for everyone in Rotary!
President-Elect C. G. Gray will be attending the
President Elect Training Seminar in Fort Worth on
March 26-28. When he returns he and the incoming
board of directors will be ready to complete club
assignments and prepare goals and objectives for
2004/2005 – Rotary’s Centennial year!!!
Don’t be left out – sign up!
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater March 26, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 33 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, March 26, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Ed Brokaw
Invocator: Claude Hicks
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: Bill Stevens
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Dennis Bell
March 26, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, March 26, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club,
34 Fairway Oaks Blvd., Abilene, TX. 79606
--Speaker-Dr. Nazm Ayyub
Sylihet, Bangladesh
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Kim Bosher, Bill Cox,
Mike Schweikhard, Harold Siglar, James Parrish
Coming Programs
April 2, 2004
Dr. Rodger Haglund
April 9, 2004
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater March 26, 2004
would encourage Rotarians to sell another 50 flags. In
case you have forgotten, Rotary sells the flags and
Jalabad Project
then sets them out in yards on special occasions. It is a
great and patriotic project. Come on Rotarians, fly a
The Rotary Club of Abilene received a grant from
flag! And show the world you are proud of America!
Rotary International ($10,000) to provide the
opportunity for a doctor from Sylihet to come to Texas
Speaker of the day was Dr. David Polnick, Abilene
and train in physical therapy so that he can supervise
Independent School Superintendent. His topic was the
the staff and work with volunteer therapists at the
upcoming school bond election. There were handouts
Jalabad Disabled Rehabilitation Center in Syllhet,
on the table to explain the propositions. In brief they
Dr. Nazm Ayyub arrived last August and has been
attending classes at Hardin-Simmons University and
observing therapy at Hendrick Rehab Hospital. He has
lived in a dorm room at HSU during his stay here.
Rotarians Ed Brokaw and Greg Kaiser have been his
advisers and taken care of the doctor during his stay.
He will be leaving at the end of this month. Come and
hear his program on Friday!
LAST FRIDAY – March 19, 2004
President Turner rang the bell and the weekly Rotary
meeting got underway. John Harris said the prayer;
Bruce Lampert led the singing; and the president led
the pledge to the flag. Fred Lee Hughes, Aggie, former
mayor, and former club president, as always did a
great job of introducing guests!
The president is getting anxious! He announced the
Focus Group Preference Sheets for 2004/2005 were on
the tables. He asked that you fill out one and return to
the president, Myra or Beth.
“Happy Birthday” was sung to Rotarians who had a
birthday during the month of March. The president
recognized Everett Woods who was present and a
former member of this club. The Prexy thanked Morris
Baker for inviting Everett. Another former member,
David Bell, was present last Friday, thanks again to
Morris Baker. Let’s work hard and get these two men
back again.
PDG Spike Harris had the privilege of introducing a
new member by the name of Randy Piersall. Randy is
associated with Elliott-Hamil Funeral Home. Randy is
home grown as he graduated from Cooper High
School and Abilene Christian University. Randy and
his wife worship at Highland Church of Christ. They
have two children. Randy, welcome to Rotary!
Moneyman, Frank Dlugas, was in charge of Dealing
for Dollars. Frank said 86 tickets were sold and that
the pot is at $1,393.00. A visitor of Marty Pothier’s
won ten bucks, so the pot is still there for the taking!
President Turner made a pitch for the flag project. He
said Memorial Day was around the corner and that he
Proposition 1 would be $49,500,000 for
improvements to 16 elementary schools, 3
middle schools and the 2 high schools.
Proposition 2 is for $27 million. The funds
would be used for renovations, additional
classrooms, improvements at Shotwell
stadium; and improving the infrastructure for
Proposition 3 is the construction of a new
high school, one high school for grades 1012. If this proposition passes, the
superintendent would recommend that
Madison, Mann, Clack and Franklin be
changed into 6th and 7th grade middle schools.
The 9th grade would be moved away from
high school; and then have one 8th and 9th
grade campus for all students or an 8th grade
center and a 9th grade center.
Dr. Polnick said the school district has been losing
students and that it will continue to lose students. He
said by the year 2008, AISD will have lost 500 to 600
students. This loss will cost the district millions of
The speaker also said that when you lose students,
then you also cut back on teachers and then the
schools will lose programs. He wants the public to be
aware of what will happen if the district is not
prepared for the future.
He mentioned that by the year 2008, Cooper High
would have lost 450 students. To balance the two high
schools, new boundaries would have to be chosen. He
said this was not fun!!!
From the handout: “If the voters approved all three
propositions, the total amount of the bond issue would
be $129.5 million. If this is paid out in equal payments
over 15 years for renovations and upgrades and 20
years for the new high school, it would cost our
average homeowner approximately 29.75 cents on the
tax rate if we paid for this ourselves without any state
help. This would cost our average homeowner
approximately $138.62 per year or $11.55 per month
more than they are currently paying.
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater March 26, 2004
Rotarians asked several questions of the
Rotary Office Information:
The meeting ended by reciting RI Four Way Test.
Joe Alcorta
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene
P. O. Box 7108
Abilene, TX. 79608
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Focus Group Preference Sheets 2004/2005
This Friday, March 19th, and again on March 26th, we
will have Focus Group Preference Sheets available at
the club meeting for the 2004/2005 Rotary year. We
need every club member working in some area.
Please look over the Focus Groups and select the one,
or more than one if you would like, that you would
like to serve on this coming year. There really IS
something for everyone in Rotary!
President-Elect C. G. Gray will be attending the
President Elect Training Seminar in Fort Worth on
March 26-28. When he returns he and the incoming
board of directors will be ready to complete club
assignments and prepare goals and objectives for
2004/2005 – Rotary’s Centennial year!!!
Don’t be left out – sign up!
Thanks to EVERYONE who helped with the Russian
Initiative!! The Russians departed on Sunday, March
21st and they took with them many impressions.
Projects like this one are so important in the peace
process – people to people – country to country.
Host families, business hosts, and those who attended
the social functions have made a difference.
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater May 7, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 38 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, May 7, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Peter Fox
Invocator: TBA
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: David Stubbeman
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
May 7, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, May 7, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club, Abilene,
“Center for
Contemporary Arts”
Richard Metzger
Ticket Taker: Oris Greever
Kristen Anderson, Randy Pearsall, Randy Smith, Bill
Cox, Harold Siglar, James Parrish, Everett Woods
Coming Programs
May 14, 2004
Chuck Moser Day
May 21, 2004
Speaker: David Bell
West Texas Water District
May 28, 2004
Speaker: Roy Pitcock
Subject: Oil
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater May 7, 2004
for the day. Lately she has been living with Rotarian
Raymond Blasingame and his family.
LAST FRIDAY – April 30, 2004
Cecile did a great job of telling Rotarians what
she has done during her stay here in Abilene. She has
President Turner Cariker rang the bell at Briarstone
been attending Abilene High School. She admired
Manor and the meeting was off to a good start. People
very much the school spirit with sports.
at Briarstone had invited the club to come to their
With a slide presentation she shared about
facilities and see some of the improvements that have
Belgium, her family, and her activities here in
taken place. Rotarians are to vote on or before May
America. She said it rains a lot in Belgium, so that was
7th to decide if they wish the club to remain at
one reason she liked Abilene---because it does not rain
Fairway Oaks or for it to move back to the Briarstone.
So, Rotarians, be sure and vote!
She enjoyed a football game at Texas Tech in
As usual, right before the meeting started, the
Lubbock, and her trip to Disney World in Florida. She
president requested very nicely that cell phones be on
also enjoyed the Alamo in San Antonio which inspired
the off position. PDG Claude Hicks said the prayer;
her to see the movie. ...and then there was skiing in
Bruce Lampert led the singing; and the president led
New Mexico and Colorado.
the pledge to the flag. Doug Eichorst did a good job of
She participated in Interscholastic League
introducing guests.
competition in theater in Midland. The group did not
The president announced that our leader, Myra
go to state; and in a way she said she was glad because
Rainey was having a heart cauterization test done and
now she could attend the Abilene High School prom!
asked for prayer.
The colorful exchange student had a lot of humor in
The prexy also requested that Rotarians turn in
her talk. Another thing she said she truly enjoyed was
their Preference Sheet for the coming year. In this
having a checking account!
sheet, Rotarians can request to be on certain
But, as a normal young teenager, she said she
committees, etc.
did miss her Mom’s cooking.
Well, since John Harris ran off with the pot last
She ended her talk by expressing thanks to her
Friday at around $800.00 (the pot was at $1600;
house parents and Rotary for making her trip possible.
winner gets half, the club the other half), the club had
to pinch in with $250.00 to start again in Dealing for
Joe Alcorta
Dollars. Paul Johnson started this second go round by
winning ten dollars!
An announcement was made requesting
volunteers to help with a hamburger cookout to salute
Vote on Facility to be taken on
Dyess personnel and other military people on
Friday, May 7, 2004.
Saturday, May 15th at Nelson Park near the zoo.
Mike Dickie enjoyed a free lunch, and served
as a waiter at Enrique’s Restaurant. Mike was
encouraging people to donate to the Boys and Girls
Club as Enrique’s was donating 50% of the profits on
that day.
Rotary Office Information:
The president again gave a push for the project
with the American flags. He gave credit to Randy
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Turner, Joe Sconiers, Mike Weber, and Burl Harris for
Phone: 325-668-4632
their past involvement. He also mentioned one of our
Fax: 940-864-5119
Rotarians who has purchased 30 flags for his
Email: [email protected]
neighborhood. Now, Rotarians, that is an idea. Buy
several for your neighborhood.
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
During the program, again, PDG David
Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Stubbemann asked our president some questions
Email: [email protected]
regarding Rotary. These questions were regarding
Rotary’s involvement with young people. The
Club Mail Address:
president answered David by telling him what Rotary
Rotary Club of Abilene
does for young people. Turner talked about the
P. O. Box 7108
mentoring program, Camp RYLA, Rotary Read,
Abilene, TX. 79608
scholarship for athletes, the exchange program, etc.
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
etc. Nice going, Turner!!!
Chairperson for the day was Peggy McConnell
who is very active with the student exchange
program. She introduced Cecile Goffinet, our
Exchange Student from Belgium, who was the speaker
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater May 14, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 39 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
May 14, 2004
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
This Week’s Program – Friday, May 14, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club, Abilene,
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, May 14, 2004
“Chuck Moser Day”
Chairman of the Day: President Turner Cariker
Invocator: Mike Schweikhard
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: None
--Speaker-Al Pickitt
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Oris Greever
Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Mary Lois Duke, James
Parrish, Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth, Everett
Coming Programs
May 21, 2004
Speaker: David Bell
West Texas Water District
May 28, 2004
Speaker: Roy Pitcock
Subject: Oil
We will be moving back to The Briarstone on
Friday, June 4, 2004. The vote taken last week was
53 to move back and 23 to stay at Fairway. There
were many not voting. We believe this is a
mandate for being more centrally located.
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater May 14, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – May 7, 2004
As Rotarians arrived for the meeting, they were handed a
ballot to vote on staying at Fairway Oaks or returning to
Briarstone Manor. Today, May 7th was the deadline for
President Turner rang the bell and the weekly Abilene
Downtown Rotary Club meeting got underway. The
president very kindly asked that cell phones and pagers be
turned off. Oris Greever said the prayer; Bruce Lampert lead
the singing; and the president lead in the pledge to the flag.
Recently married Jack North did a good job of introducing
Morris Baker brought out the money bag with a little over
$300.00 in the pot of Dealing for Dollars. Believe it or not,
but Paul Johnson again had the winning ticket....and he gave
everyone a scare by drawing the Ace of Diamonds!
The president again announced that the club needs to sell at
least 30 more flags before they are put out again on May
31st. He also requested for helpers to put out the flags, but
more important to pick up the flags.
President Turner had a great honor in introducing Oris
Greever and Frank Dlugas as two new Paul Harris Fellows.
The Paul Harris Fellow is named in honor of the founder of
Rotary in Chicago back in 1905. A contribution of $1,000 to
the Rotary Foundation is one of the requirements in
becoming a Paul Harris Fellow. Scholarships for worthy
students and vaccines for polio are two areas where the
money is used. Oris and Frank are certainly worthy of the
honor as they are two faithful, committed Rotarians. Frank is
always present on Fridays helping with registration or
whatever is needed.
Newcomer, Peter Fox, was chairman of the day and he
introduced Richard Metzger who was the speaker for the
day. Richard’s topic was informing Rotarians about The
Center for Contemporary Arts.
Richard started out by telling Rotarians some of the things
The Center for Contemporary Arts presents to the public.
The Center is very much involved with the Paramount
Theater, the Grace Museum, and the Abilene Philharmonic
Richard then gave a brief testimony of how he lost many
years out there in the world because he was not interested in
the classroom It was through this experience that he learned
that children need to learn in different ways.The Center
gives many classes, especially for the under serve.
The Center has had so much success with the Art Walk that
community people from Lubbock and Sweewater have come
to The Center to ask for help as how their cities may do the
same thing.
Richard also credited citizens of Abilene for volunteering in
many projects and activities.
The speaker said the staff of The Center was small and that
they were always looking for more new members.
Membership fees being at $40.00. The Center is located at
220 Cypress, one block from the Grace Museum.
The vote to stay or to move was announced. Fifty-three
Rotarians voted to move back to the Briarstone; and 23
voted to stay. So, on June 4th, Abilene Rotary will return to
the Briarstone. So, Rotarian, whichever way you voted, let’s
be united as we return to the Briarstone. It is now (it is
always) a good time to invited someone for the Friday
This coming Friday, may be a little crowded because of the
program, so be early to find a seat! Bob Kuykendall
requested permission from the president to tell “a little
history of Cinco de Mayo.” The meeting ended by reciting
RI Four-Way Test.
Joe Alcorta
Thank You’s Received
Dear Rotary Club members,
Your thoughtfulness in sending the Rotary Wheel to Farrel’s
memorial was very much appreciated by me and our family.
Farrel had so many good friends in Rotary and it was a
special part of his life for nearly fifty years. I have good
memories of those days that I will not forget. Thank you all
for your concern.
Sincerely, Marian Reeder
----------------------------------------To my anonymous Paul Harris Benefactor,
I want to thank you for the honor you bestowed on me in
making me a Paul Harris Fellow. Rotary is an important part
of my life because of the friendships I have made by being a
member. Also because of all that Rotary does locally and
Internationally. Especially Rotary's work to eradicate Polio,
because of the fact as a seven year old boy I lost my father to
the disease.
Thank you again,
Frank Dlugas
Rotary Office Information:
For several years, The Center, now has sponsored the Art
Walk which tries to encourage Abileneans to come to town
and visit the museum, see a little culture, and at the same
time shop at the local businesses which stay open late on Art
Walk days.
The Center for the last 10 years has displayed art work and
photography of well know people. The public, and especially
school children are encouraged to attend.
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater May 21, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 40 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, May 21, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Peter Fox
Invocator: TBA
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: None
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
May 21, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, May 21, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club, Abilene,
“West Texas Water
--Speaker-David Bell
Ticket Taker: Michael Burke
Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Mary Lois Duke, James
Parrish, Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth, Everett
Coming Programs
May 28, 2004
Speaker: Roy Pitcock
Subject: Oil
We will be moving back to The
Briarstone on Friday, June 4, 2004.
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater May 21, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – May 14, 2004
The 6th Annual Chuck Moser Day lived up to the
promise of the other five and raised the bar for the next one.
President Turner called the meeting to order and Mike
Schweikhard led the invocation. Robert Laird, called upon to
lead the National Anthem, commented on being a good
Baptist who went to a Church of Christ school before joining
the Presbyterian church, therefore being unsure of the proper
pitch. He did fine, though, then President Turner led the
We quickly inserted Dealing for Dollars so as not
to let Rotary business interfere with the great plans for the
whole community, or at least those many representatives
attending. Peter Agnell took away $10 and without further
delay President Turner introduced the speaker, Al Pickett.
championships, a feat accomplished by only four schools in
the state’s largest classification.
Moser was 34 years old when he came on Friday
the 13th of February. Born in Chillicothe Missouri, he
coached at McAllen seven years before coming to Abilene
where he replaced Pete Shotwell. Shotwell resigned to
become athletic director for AISD with the addition of
Cooper High School.
Moser won state championships with teams from
three different schools.
The first year here the record was 7-2-1 and the
team got second in district rather than the predicted 5th. The
next year, 1954, they began winning state, and repeated in
1955, 1956, and 1957. They were district champions in the
“Little Southwest Conference” six years in a row from 1954
through 1959. Only the Permian teams of the 1980’s
accomplished the same.
Moser was more than a winning coach, he
produced good men, creating no pass/no play long before it
was institutionalized. He was the right man at the right place
and the right time.
Nita Slaton from the Community Foundation of
Abilene presented the Chuck & Doris Moser Scholarship
Award to Lance (Evan) Miller of Wylie High School who
lettered in Football, Baseball, and Track in 2003 and 2004.
Needing no introduction but deserving one, Picket
received one. He worked for the Abilene Reporter-News
fifteen years before leaving three years ago and founding
Picket Publications. He has a radio talk show on KWKC,
teaches at Hardin-Simmons, and produces the West Central
Texas Oil Activity Index. He has written Wylie: Surviving
and Thriving for 100 Years. The topic of his speech was his
book to be published in August, Team of the Century: The
Greatest High School Football Team in Texas, meaning of
course the teams coached by Chuck Moser at Abilene High
in the 1950’s.
Al said to be careful when Ted Paup calls. Six
years ago the call was about Chuck Moser Day and he’s
been on the committee ever since. Three years ago it was
Nancy, Ted’s wife, suggesting the defunct Abilene High
Hall of Fame be made into the TSTC Big Country Athletic
Hall of Fame. He’s been involved in that as well and is
excited about the additions to be made Monday: Bob
Harrison, Hershel Kimbrell, Grant Teaff, Jerry Tubbs, Max
Williams, Chuck Hughes (posthumous) and Bill Hart
(Lifetime Media Achievement Award).
Another dangerous call came about six months ago
from Glenn Dromgoole, his former boss, now with
McWhiney Foundation/State House Press suggesting the
book about the Moser Abilene High teams. Al spent six
months looking at microfilm of the 53-59 team and games to
write his 240 page book. There were 49 wins in a game, the
nation’s longest winning streak, and three consecutive state
Burrell McKelvain, Provost of TSTC West Teas
Abilene and Breckenridge introduced the TSTC West Texas
Abilene 2003-2004 Scholarship Recipients and those present
stood. The recipients were:
Connie Baca
Jake (Jacob) V.
Tod Gathings
Donna Hallibruton
Brian Bramlett
Rolanda D.
Cynthia M. Castillo
Laverne L. Coke
Natalie Comer
Amanda Cooper
Ann M. Cox
Michael D. Faraci
Dennis Hayes
Dena Jones
Jennifer Keith
John Klemp
Anna M. Martinez
Cheryl Mobley
Steven Fekety
Jason Moore
Michelle D. Phillips
Daniel R. Podlevski
Shirley Rappe
Jessica D. Sanders
Peggy J. Schroyer
Andrew Shawhan
Daryl R. Smith
Christina Testa
Katherine A.
Danielle Wylie
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater May 21, 2004
With the presentation of the speaker’s book for
Rotary Reads and the recitation of the 4-Way Test, the
meeting was adjourned.
New Paul Harris Fellows
Jimmy Keeling, Head Football Coach for HardinSimmons introduced the Girl’s Chuck Moser Coach of the
Year Award. She is Hardin-Simmons’ former player and
second year basketball coach, Shanna Briggs. Her team has
gone to the playoffs both years and his year they were one
game away from the final four.
Oris Greever and Frank Dlugas received their Paul Harris
Fellow Awards on Friday, May 7, 2004 at the club meeting.
Our Sympathy Extended
Our thoughts, prayers and sympathy is extended to Rotarian
Morris Baker who lost his sister, Annice Mays, this past
week. A memorial service is planned for Annice on Friday,
May 21, at 2:30 p.m. at Macedonia Baptist Church.
Rotary Flag Project – call and order your flag
service today. The next Flag Day will be Memorial Day,
May 31.
Kent LeFevre, Superintendent of Jim Ned School
District, presented the Boy’s Chuck Moser Coach of the
Year Award in absentia. Brad McCoy was deeply honored,
but since he was also coach for the girls’ track teach for Jim
Ned and they were participating in state, he needed to be
with his athletes, which is the attitude that makes him coach
of the year. His proud father accepted the award for him
while his mother sat in the group and smiled.
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1
The Rotater May 28, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 41 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
May 28, 2004
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
This Week’s Program – Friday, May 28, 2004
12:00 Noon, Fairway Oaks Country Club, Abilene,
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, May 28, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Bill Core
Invocator: Mike Dickey
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: Bill Stevens
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ticket Taker: Oris Greever
--Speaker-Roy Pitcock
Immediate Past President
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
Graham, Texas
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Bill Cox, Will Dix, James Parrish,
Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth, Everett Woods
Coming Programs
We will be moving back to The
Briarstone on Friday, June 4, 2004.
LAST FRIDAY – May 21, 2004
No notes were taken due to the noise level at the meeting.
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater June 4, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 42 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
June 4, 2004
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
This Week’s Program – Friday, June 4, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, June 4, 2004
“State of the City”
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: Ron Sharp
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: TBA
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
--Speaker-Norm Archibald
Ticket Taker: TBA
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, George Dawson, James Parrish,
Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth
Coming Programs
June 11, 2004
“From Runnymede to Me: Eight Hundred Years
of Common Law.”
Speaker: Barbara Rollins
June 18, 2004
Speaker: Ken Haggert
Breckenridge, Texas
We will be moving back to The
Briarstone on Friday, June 4, 2004.
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater June 4, 2004
count was 1163 up 12% from the past week. In 1985, there
were over 17,000 operators and in 2003 we were below
LAST FRIDAY – May 21, 2004
President-Elect C. G. Gray presided over the last meeting at
Fairway Oaks. Mike Dickey led the prayer. Bruce Lampert
led the singing. Then the President-elect led in the pledge to
the flag and Paul Lenker did a great job of introducing
Mr. Money-Bags, Frank Dlugas, presided over Dealing for
Dollars. The jackpot is rather low since John Harris won it
all about two weeks ago. Thirty-six tickets were sold today
and the pot is at $171.00. “Little brother” of John Harris,
Burl, had this Friday’s ticket and won a total of $20.00 with
the Queen of Hearts.
Several announcements were made: Our Rotary Club will
be participating in the celebration of Rotary’s Centennial by
doing different projects. The periodic Rotary Blood Drive
was scheduled for Saturday, May 29th at Sears’s parking lot.
There is to be an emphasis by our district regarding the
children of Nicaragua. More information about that by
President-elect C. G. Gray in the coming weeks.
Chairman of the day was Bill Core who introduced our
speaker, Roy Pitcock, Jr. Bill said Roy was a graduate of
Graham High School and supposedly grew up along with
Steve Abel in the same town.
Our speaker attended Texas Christian University. He is a
third generation in and Assistant Vice President of Pitcock,
Inc., an independent oil and gas company that is family
owned. Roy is immediate past president of the Texas
Alliance of Energy Producers.
Bill said his daily prayer is to meet someone who makes a
difference. He said Roy was one of those persons who make
a difference every day. He said our speaker has represented
us well in Austin and in Washington, dealing with oil and
gas matters.
Roy said that oil prices have surged close to $42.00 a barrel
and the average price ($27.82) for the previous 12 months) is
the highest it has been over the 10-year history of the Index.
Natural gas prices have exceeded $4 for 16 consecutive
months (and have exceeded $5 for seven of those months).
The February rig count (484) was the highest since August
2001 and the average rig count for the previous 12 months
has surpassed its previous high in 2001.
Texas energy production employment for the prior two years
was revised in early March, and the revisions indicate more
jobs were added in the energy sector than had been
previously estimated. Seasonally adjusted oil and gas
employment in February is about 2.4% higher than February
of a year ago, and oil and gas support employment, which
includes most exploration activity, is over 3% higher than
the February 2003 estimate.
Is there any oil activity now? Well there are some active
areas such as the Barnett Shale in Fort Worth, Denton, and
Kent and Dickens Counties, but there is not the drilling
boom of the past such as the 80’s where the average rig
count in Texas was over 1300. On may 14th the total US Rig
What has happened to this Industry? Why are people getting
out of the industry? Price volatility, which has a domino
effect from producers to white and blue-collar workers to
colleges. We have seen Natural Gas become the primary
objective instead of oil – this hurts areas like Abilene where
production is primarily oil. Every increasing local, state, and
federal rules and regulations are also a major factor.
Operators just get tired of all the paperwork.
Price volatility hurts producers and consumers. This is why
the speaker believes we must continue to lobby for a
National Energy Bill. For three years now Congress has
struggled unsuccessfully to put together a new national
energy policy that would reduce price volatility and our
dependence upon foreign oil.
Since the House first passed an energy package in 2001, for
example, the average price of gasoline has gone from $1.34
per gallon to more than $1.90 today; the cost of home
heating oil has escalated by 33%; the cost of clean-burning
natural gas has increased by 92%; we have had electricity
blackouts; and the U.S. has sent over $300 billion to OPEC
and other foreign nations to meet our energy needs. Our
speaker said he keeps hoping Washington will finally get the
--Joe H. Alcorta
Membership Proposal
The following new member has been proposed. If no
objections are received, in writing, by Friday than he
will be considered eligible for membership:
Kevin Christian
Office of the Governor-West Texas Office
Rotarian in the Capitol of Texas Rotary Club –Austin
Proposed by: Bob Hunter
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 2
The Rotater June 11, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 43 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, June 11, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Jayne Propst
Invocator: Steve Abel
June 11, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, June 11, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
“Fron Runnymede to
Me: Eight Hundred
Years of Common Law”
Song Leader: Morris Baker
Introduction of Guests: Bruce Bixby
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
--Speaker-Barbara Rollins
Judge, County Court-at-Law #2
Ticket Taker: TBA
Greeters: Kristen Anderson, Sandi Hugg, James Parrish, Randy
Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth
Coming Programs
June 18, 2004
Speaker: Ken Haggert
Breckenridge, Texas
June 25, 2004
(If you have a program you’d like to hear or
present, please call Jayne Propst at 325-668-3015 –
as of this writing, she was still looking for a
program for this date)
Page #2 of 2
The Rotater June 11, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – June 4, 2004
Resignations Received
(The meeting notes were not received as of publication
time – they will be printed next week)
It has been requested that we print resignations so that
members may know who has moved or dropped out of
club. So, we will start doing this again.
Resignations Received through June 7:
Bill Hollowell – no reason given
Vince Swinney – business commitments
Lou Murray – other commitments and circumstances
beyond his control (he may rejoin at some point)
Mary Lois Duke – retiring
Members Going on Medical Leave
We need to keep these members in our prayers:
Past President Jayne Propst (left) with Cecile Goffinet,
2004 youth exchange student from Belgium, at the
club meeting Friday, June 4th. Cecile has spent the
past week with Jayne and Jenna while her current host
family was gone. She has been living with Raymond
and Colleen Blasingame for the past few months.
Barney Barnhill
Cecile left for a tour of the Western United States on
Monday, June 7th. She will return to us on the 24th for
a few days. She will return home to Belgium after
spending a year here on the 27th of June.
It was good to see Durward Young back last Friday.
He has been on Medical Leave for the past few
Member returning from Medical
Remember – Membership is Everyone’s
Business and Responsibility!!
Membership Proposals
The following new members have been proposed. If
no objections are received, in writing, by Friday than
they will be considered eligible for membership:
Robert Parham
Proposed by Patty Knight
Tim Lancaster
Hendrick Medical Center
(Rotarian from Brownwood)
Proposed by Patty Knight
If you have a new member you’d like to propose, pick up a
Proposal Form from the secretary’s table at club on Friday.
Be sure and invite former members to reinstate whenever
you see them around town. There are several who had
indicated they would return when we moved closer to
All that is required to be reinstated is for them to either call
or show up and fill out the Reinstatement Request form. If
they left as a member in good standing, that is all there is to
Propose a New Member Today!
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Beth is on vacation June 7 – 11, 2004 – Please contact Myra for
information during this week.
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 4
The Rotater June 18, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 44 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, June 18, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Ted Paup
June 18, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, June 18, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
"The State of Rural
Tourism in Our Area"
Invocator: Bruce Bixby
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: TBA
Registration Assistant: Peter Fox
Ken Haggart
Echo Productions
Albany, Texas
Ticket Taker: TBA
Kristen Anderson, George Dawson, James Parrish,
Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth
Coming Programs
June 25, 2004
Joe Alcorta
“Five Points of a Happy Life”
July 2, 2004
July 9, 2004
Change-Over of Club Officers
July 16, 2004
Page #2 of 4
The Rotater June 18, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – June 11, 2004
President Turner Cariker rang the bell and the weekly
meeting of the Abilene Downtown Rotary Club got
underway. The president himself said the invocation and
included prayer for the family of former U.S. President
Ronald Reagan, who died about a week ago.
Morris Baker, wearing a T-shirt advertising the play
“Ragtime”, led the singing; and President Turner led in the
pledge to the flag. Bruce Bixby did an excellent job of
introducing guests. Miss Jenna Propst, daughter of past
president Jayne, did Dealing for Dollars. Mike Schweikhard,
drawing the four of hearts won ten dollars! The pot is slowly
climbing again. It is around $300.00.
The president publicly thanked our local friendly politician
Bob Hunter who had given Turner a brand new “Texas
Rotarian Erik Johnson, proud father of twin boys, had the
honor of introducing Chris Jensen as a new Rotarian. Chris
is married and has two children. Chris was born in England,
but came back to the states to graduate from Cooper High
School, and to obtain a degree from North Texas State. Chris
is with First Financial in communications and marketing.
Chris said he is looking forward to becoming part of Rotary.
Prexy Turner announced that Monday is Flag Day and that
help was needed to set and pick up the flags.
President-Elect C. G. Gray made an announcement
regarding the Club Assembly for this coming Tuesday, June
15, at the Abilene Country Club. This meeting is to make
final plans for the coming year. Officers and committee
chairmen need to attend.
First-ever lady president (and a good one!), Jayne Propst,
announced a golf tournament to help raise funds for the
March of Dimes. Sponsors are needed; the friendly Rotarian
said sponsorship begins at $150 and can go up to $5,000.
Rotarian golfers can sign up to play for September 22-25.
More information will be coming concerning sponsorships
sales our club has agreed to help with for the tournament.
The president recognized Betty Hukill as a returning
member. Welcome back, Betty!
The Prexy introduced Rotarian Barbara Rollins with a few
words. He said Barbara told him, “Turner, shut up, sit down
and eat your fish.” When a “Judge” tells you that, that is
what you do!
Judge Barbara Breedlove Rollins graduated “cum laude”
from McMurry with teaching fields of English and Spanish.
In 1979 she earned the Doctor of Jurisprudence (with
honors) at U.T. in Austin. Judge Rollins comes from a
Rotary family! Her father and both grandfathers were
members of the Quanah Rotary Club, and Barbara played the
piano for Rotary as a high school student.
At present our friendly Rotarian is Judge of the #2 County
Court at Law. She also serves as one of two Juvenile Judges,
and is Administrative Judge for County Courts. Barbara’s
hobbies are genealogy and writing. Her speech today: “From
Runnymede to me: eight hundred years of common law.”
Our Rotarian speaker began by asking, “What do these three
kings of England have in common?”….
Ethelbert, King of the English (860-865)
Stephen, King of England (1135-1154)
John, King of England (1199-1216)
Answer: None of them had “the first” after the name
because none had a second or subsequent to follow them for
some good reason.
From these three and other high English personalities our
friendly judge shared some history, some laws, and funny
Our speaker said, “Stephen’s reign was one of the darkest
chapters in English history. Stephen had promised to
recognize his cousin Matilda as Henry I’s lawful heir, was
unwilling to yield the crown to a woman.” After a few
battles, Matilda’s boy, Henry II was to be king.
King John was a grandson of Matilda and son of Henry II.
King John got excommunicated from the Catholic Church,
gave England to the Pope as a bribe to get back into the
church, and then warred against the Pope and the King of
Some funny laws that came to be known as common law
from the nobles at “Runnymede” read: “54. No one shall be
taken or imprisoned on account of the appeal of a woman
concerning the death of another than her husband.
“40. To none will we will, to none deny or delay, right or
The Magna Carta came to existence and then the Pope
nullified it. The Magna Carta was reissued in 1225. Twentyseven of the 64 clauses of the Magna Carta mention sheriffs.
The judge concluded by relating stores how the court
systems came into being. And how important trial by jury is.
She said, “The best legal system in the world won’t continue
to work, however, unless you and I as citizens valiantly
protect it. How can we do that? It’s jury SERVICE not jury
The president concluded the meeting by leading Rotarians in
repeating the Rotary Four Way Test.
Joe H. Alcorta, Editor
Membership Proposals
The following new members have been proposed. If
no objections are received, in writing, by Friday than
they will be considered eligible for membership:
Jay Hobbs
Alzheimer’s Association
Proposed by Derral Reed
Page #3 of 4
The Rotater June 18, 2004
Patricia (Pat) Clark
Merrill Lynch
Proposed by Erik Johnson
The group reviewed plans for the year – of which you will
be hearing more about soon
If you have a new member you’d like to propose, pick up a
Proposal Form from the secretary’s table at club on Friday.
Be sure and invite former members to reinstate whenever
you see them around town. There are several who had
indicated they would return when we moved closer to
All that is required to be reinstated is for them to either call
or show up and fill out the Reinstatement Request form. If
they left as a member in good standing, that is all there is to
Exchange Student Leaving
Barbara Rollins and Erik Johnson
Cecile Goffinet, our exchange student from Belgium, is on a
bus tour now. She will arrive back in Abilene on the 22nd
and will leave for home on the 27th.
We will have a come and go Good-Bye Party for her on
Thursday, June 24th, 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., at 2409
Campus Court.
You are all invited to come and say good-bye to Cecile.
On Friday, June 11th, Betty Hukill reinstated her
membership in the club. She has also already accepted a
committee position! Betty is the Executive Director at the
Paramount. Welcome back, Betty!
George Dawson and Jayne Propst
Remember – Membership is Everyone’s
Business and Responsibility!!
Propose a New Member Today!
Club Assembly 2004
President-Elect C. G. Gray held a Club Assembly for club
officers, directors and committee chairmen for the coming
Rotary year on Tuesday, June 15th, at the Abilene Country
Those attending were:
Joe Alcorta, Kim Bosher, George Dawson, Beth and Frank
Dlugas, Gary Glenn, John Harris, Erik Johnson, Peggy
McConnell, Randy Piersall, Marty Pothier, Jayne Propst,
Myra Rainey, Barbara Rollins, David Stubbeman and Bill
Waddill. Also attending was our new Assistant District
Governor, Dave Mason.
Joe Alcorta, Kim Bosher, Peggy McConnell, Randy Piersall
Page #4 of 4
The Rotater June 18, 2004
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Bill Waddill, David Stubbeman, Beth and Frank Dlugas
President C. G. Gray and ADG Dave Mason
Marty Pothier, John Harris and Gary Glenn
Page #1 of 4
The Rotater June 25, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 44 -
“Rotary 2003/2004: “Lend A Hand”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, June 25, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Ron Sharp
Invocator: David Hejl
June 25, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, June 25, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
“The Five F’s of
Living a Balanced
Song Leader: Bruce Lampert
Introduction of Guests: Bruce Lampert
Rotarian Joe Alcorta
Registration Assistant: Randy Piersall
Ticket Taker: TBA
Kristen Anderson, Malcolm Coco, James Parrish,
Randy Piersall, Harold Siglar, Jerry Whitworth
Coming Programs
July 2, 2004
July 9, 2004
Change-Over of Club Officers
July 16, 2004
Page #2 of 4
The Rotater June 25, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – June 18, 2004
President Turner “with gusto” rang the bell and the weekly
meeting for the Abilene Downtown Rotary Club got
Bruce Bixby prayed the most unique prayer. He said that
lately he has been surrounded by his two and four-year-old
grandchildren at his home, and that Rotarians were going to
hear the prayers of a two and four-year-old. The prayer was
very simple and very touching.
Trail passed through the area. So, tourists all over the world
will want to come and see Texas and U.S. history right
before their eyes.
Ken also mentioned that Frontier Texas is already a great
success here in Abilene, and he says that possibly the
Wildcatter Ranch and Frontier Texas could become a
partnership. Both, Frontier Texas and the Wildcatter are
close to the metropolis to attract tourists.
There were some good questions from Rotarians.
President Turner ended the meeting by presenting to Jane
Long Elementary a book in honor of speaker Ken Haggart.
Bruce Lampert led the singing and President Turner led in
the pledge of allegiance. Bruce also did a great job of
introducing guests.
Joe Sconiers had the moneybag in Dealing for Dollars. “El
Doctor” Rodger Haglund was this week’s winner. The pot is
slowly climbing, it is at $269.00.
It was announced that Thursday, June 24th, there is to be a
farewell party for exchange student Cecile Goffinet from
Belgium. The party is at 2409 Campus Court, from 7:00 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m. Raymond said “no gifts” she has no room!
There was good news again in Rotary as Tim Propst was
reinstated as a member. Welcome back, Tim! Betty Hukill
came back last week. Hey, Rotarians, let’s make it three in a
Chairman of the Day was Aggie, Sheriff and Past President,
Ed Paup. Ted introduced Ken Haggart who spoke about rural
tourism in our area. Ken graduated from Graham High
School, and then got those big degrees from Texas A&M in
petroleum engineering. Upon graduating he was
commissioned as a 2nd Lt. In the U.S. Army, and was
honorably discharged as a captain in 1978.
For a while our guest speaker worked for Sun Oil Co. and
then promoted to Midland District Reservoir Engineering
Mgr. In 1977. Two years later he moved back to his
hometown of Graham to work for Echo Production. He is
very active in his community; he and his wife Alice have
four grown children.
The speaker said he and other citizens from Graham have
asked, “What are our small towns going to do to survive?”
They began to look at their strengths. Graham has 1)
Western culture, 2) Outdoor activities (hunting, fishing, near
Possum Kingdom Lake, and 3) a relaxed rural setting.
So, the small rural town of Graham and Echo Production
decided to build a guest ranch called The Wildcatter Ranch.
It sits on 4300 acres of land outside of Graham. The ranch
has an outdoor restaurant, a swimming pool, barns and
stables, and miles and miles for hiking and riding horses.
Other activities will include Chuck wagon meals, working
cattle, and cowboy music. In the future, cabins will be built
so people can stay overnight.
The speaker told of the importance of the location of the
ranch. Many scenes in “Lonesome Dove” and “Sons of Katie
Elder” took place in this area. The famous Goodnight Cattle
Joe H. Alcorta, Editor
On Friday, June 18th, Tim Propst reinstated his
membership. He is associated with Clear Fork
Roofing. Welcome back, Tim!
Remember – Membership is Everyone’s
Business and Responsibility!!
Propose a New Member Today!
Fundraising Event
The Rotary Club has joined with the March of Dimes to
promote the Second Annual Abilene Open – Pro Am
Tournament on September 22, 2004 at Fairway Oaks
Country Club. The event’s major sponsor is First National
The “Tight Lies” Tournament will benefit the Big Country
March of Dimes. Our participation will be to finish selling
the sponsorships for the Tournament. Our club will keep
20% of the sponsorships we sell. So, the Tournament will
also be a fundraising event for the club.
Jayne Propst is our Fundraising Chairman and she is looking
for a Rotary sales team of about 10 people. We need to sell
about $40,000 in sponsorships and there are many
opportunities from $5,000 all the way down to $150.
Sales packets will be ready for the team members on Friday,
July 9th. If you can help in this project, please call Jayne at
325-668-3015 and volunteer.
Page #3 of 4
The Rotater June 25, 2004
Rotary Family Picnic
The annual Rotary Family Picnic is scheduled for Saturday,
July 17, 2004. Director Mike Weber and Picnic Chairman
Mary Lois Duke have worked out a very special evening at
the Abilene Dragstrip!
Harlow’s will serve a BBQ Plate (including 2 meats,
vegetables, dessert (banana pudding) and drink in the VIP
Lounge at the Dragstrip.
The cost for age 10 and up is $15.00 per person – under age
10 is $8.00. This INCLUDES your meal, track entry fee and
pit pass PLUS entry in the drawing.
Harlow will start serving at 5:30 p.m.
An information sheet and reservation form will be mailed to
every Rotarian the first week of July. If you would like to
go ahead and make your reservation, though, you may call
Beth at the Rotary office, 529-5805.
Volunteers Needed for Flag Project
July 4th Holiday
If you can help put out or take in the flags on the July 4th
holiday, please call President Turner Cariker at 725-2427.
Help either way will be appreciated!
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater July 9, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 1-
“Rotary 2004/2005: “Celebrate Rotary”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, July 9, 2004
Chairman of the Day: President Turner Cariker
Invocator: John Harris
July 9, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, July 9, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
“Change-Over of
Club Officers &
Song Leader: James Parrish
Introduction of Guests: Ron Sharp
Registration Assistant: Gary Glenn
Ticket Taker: Randy Piersall
Greeter: Kevin Christian
President Turner Cariker
President C. G. Gray
Presentation of Perfect Attendance
Certificates for 2003/2004
Rotarian of the Year Award
Coming Programs
July 16, 2004
July 17, 2004
Club Family Picnic at the
Abilene Dragstrip – more information inside!
Celebrate Rotary
Service to Club and Community
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater July 9, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – June 25, 2004
Former President Ron Sharp called the meeting to order
pointing out it is the last week Turner is president since we
don’t meet for the Forth of July weekend and July 9 is the
changeover. However, there was a reason in that Turner’s
father-in-law passed away last Sunday. He wasn’t simply
avoiding any farewell pranks.
David Hejl noted Myra’s mother and daughter have medical
problems and need our prayers, as does Barney Barnhill.
David led the invocation, then Kay Berry “The Star
Spangled Banner” and Ron the pledge. Peter Fox introduced
guests. It was our Foreign Exchange Student Cecile
Goffinet’s last day with the club, and she expressed her
appreciation while Peter praised Peggy’s hard work with the
Frank Dlugas came to the front for Dealing for Dollars
saying we collected $44 for a total of $303. Barbara Rollins
drew the six of clubs, leaving the pot to grow.
When running a marathon with Ken Leggett, at the
20th mile Joe was about to die. He said, “Kenny, give
me a scripture.” When Leggett said all he knew was
John 3:16, Joe said, “Well, let me have it.”
Besides reading the Bible, we should go to church. Go
join the hypocrites. There’s no perfect church. If you
find one and join it, then you’ve ruined it.
Fitness. If you’re going to live a balanced life, be
healthy. Eat less. Exercise more. Seventy-five percent
of Americans are over weight. Go to the track at the
high school and walk. Start slow and build. Drink lots
of water. Beer doesn’t count, nor do tea and coffee.
Take vitamins and antioxidants. Make health a
priority. Don’t feel guilty about the time you use for
Finances. Joe wants us to do as he says, not what he
does. Today, he’s broke. Unless you’re filthy rich,
make a budget. If you’re planning a wedding, start
with a budget. For every request, ask if it can be
worked into the budget, and don’t budge.
Joe said he didn’t intend to preach, though he’d put his hand
on the Bible and we could tell he was speaking truth. He
didn’t want to preach because he knew Dr. McGraw would
correct anything he said.
Instead of starting with jokes, Joe told three funny stories
about Fred Lee Hughes. They were on the City Council
together in the early 70’s. When sued to get single-member
districts, Fred Lee looked around and noted the makeup of
the Council: A “Mesican”, a black man, a woman, a Jew, a
senior citizen, and an Aggie. He said, “Sir, I don’t see how
you’re saying we don’t include all people here.”
Family. The Bible says the man is the head of the
house, responsible for the family, that a MAN will
leave his father and mother and go to the wife. Don’t
live with Mom and Dad!
The secret to a good family is time. Love is spelled “TI-M-E.”
Paul Johnson introduced our newest member, Pat Clark, a
broker with Merrill Lynch. He has degrees from Colorado
State, Troy State, and another university. Both he and his
wife Dee are retired from the United States Air Force. They
were delighted to come to Abilene although they had never
been stationed here, finding it a good place to be.
Ron introduced Joe Alcorta to give the program. As Joe
came with his Bible, Ron said he would pass the offering
Testament, perhaps with the 1st or 3rd epistle of John
since they’re short and good. Don’t just read it,
memorize it.
An automobile is the worst investment. You drive
around the block and lose 20% of the value. If you’re
over your head, change the car or home you have.
God’s way of taking care of you is not the lottery.
Fun. How do you spend Saturday and Sunday? Stores
used to be closed on Sunday for rest, play, and fun.
Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy your home, your
children, your grandchildren. If you don’t know their
birthdays, you don’t know them. Laughter is good
medicine. Read books that make you laugh.
Once in Executive Session the Council retreated to a cabin in
Brownwood. Fred Lee, intent on having fun, saw a reporter
for the Abilene Reporter-News and realizing they were being
watched said, “Who in the duh duh invited her?” Howard
Oliver was mayor, cabin in Brownwood, Retreat.
Joe closed by reading Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem, “What
is Success?”
At a public hearing regarding covering Sears Park, a speaker
stood, speaking Spanish. After a lengthy presentation, Fred
Lee turned to Joe and said, “Joe, will you translate for us? Is
this guy for it or against it?”
Ron indicated if we didn’t want to get in the weather for
fitness at the school track, he knew of a store with good
treadmills. Bob Kuykendall asked if they were open on
The program topic was Living a Balanced Life.
Acknowledging the probability of stepping on toes, Joe
noted we were not to talk about politics or religion. He
wondered what else people talked about and went ahead.
There are Five F’s for a balanced life:
Faith. You must have faith in God. Proverbs 3, 5, and
6. trust in the lord How strong is your faith? Increase
faith by reading the Bible. Pick a translation you like
and read it. He suggested starting in the New
With a request for help to put the flags up next week and the
4-Way Test, we were adjourned.
Barbara Rollins
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater July 9, 2004
Nicaragua Project
Incoming president C. G. Gray has presented the Nicaraguan
Project to the Rotary Board. In brief, the central small
sountry of Nicaragua has suffered a lot of damage with a
recent earthquake, and many homes were destroyed.
The government is willing to give citizens land so they can
rebuild their homes. The government will provide ten hens
and some seeds for a garden.
Our club will participate by donating $2,500 which will help
to build one house and garden. If each Rotarian will
contribute $25.00 the goal will be reached rather easy. The
2004/2005 Rotary Club Board has already given their
donation kicking off the fundraising which needs to be
completed by August 31, 2004.
President C. G. Gray and the board hope to present the
District Governor, Tom Sheriff, a check for $2,500 when he
visits the club.
Next March, C. G. Gray and other Rotarians will travel to
Nicaragua to help with the building.
Okay, Rotarians, let’s do it! How about this Friday?!!!
Joe Alcorta
Nicaragua Project Chairman
The First Four Rotarians –
Paul Harris is pictured second from left
Rotary Family Picnic
The annual Rotary Family Picnic is scheduled for Saturday,
July 17, 2004. Director Mike Weber and Picnic Chairman
Mary Lois Duke have worked out a very special evening at
the Abilene Dragstrip!
Harlow’s will serve a BBQ Plate (including 2 meats,
vegetables, dessert (banana pudding) and drink in the VIP
Lounge at the Dragstrip.
The cost for age 10 and up is $15.00 per person – under age
10 is $8.00. This INCLUDES your meal, track entry fee and
pit pass PLUS entry in the drawing.
Fundraising Event
Harlow will start serving at 5:30 p.m.
The Rotary Club has joined with the March of Dimes to
promote the Second Annual Abilene Open – Pro Am
Tournament on September 22, 2004 at Fairway Oaks
Country Club. The event’s major sponsor is First National
An information sheet and reservation form will be mailed to
every Rotarian the first week of July. If you would like to
go ahead and make your reservation, though, you may call
Beth at the Rotary office, 529-5805.
The “Tight Lies” Tournament will benefit the Big Country
March of Dimes. Our participation will be to finish selling
the sponsorships for the Tournament. Our club will keep
20% of the sponsorships we sell. So, the Tournament will
also be a fundraising event for the club.
Jayne Propst is our Fundraising Chairman and she is looking
for a Rotary sales team of about 10 people. We need to sell
about $40,000 in sponsorships and there are many
opportunities from $5,000 all the way down to $150.
Sales packets will be ready for the team members on Friday,
July 9th. If you can help in this project, please call Jayne at
325-668-3015 and volunteer.
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater July 16, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 2-
“Rotary 2004/2005: “Celebrate Rotary”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
July 16, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, July 16, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, July 16, 2004
Chairman of the Day: N/A
Invocator: John Harris
Song Leader: N/A
Introduction of Guests: N/A
Registration Assistant: N/A
Ticket Taker: N/A
Greeter: N/A
Abilene Rotary Family Picnic
at the Abilene Dragstrip!
Saturday, July 17, 2004
5:30 p.m. – Meal will be served
(Harlow’s BBQ)
Celebrate Rotary
Service to Club and Community
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater July 16, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – July 9, 2004
President Turner took the podium for the final meeting of his
Rotary year and as usual, asked that all cell phones be turned
off during the meeting. John Harris gave the invocation. The
Star Spangled Banner was led by Bruce Lampert followed
by the Pledge led by President Turner.
Joe Sconiers presided over the drawing in Dealing for
Dollars. The Pot is over $300 and no one went away a big
winner again, so the pot continues to grow.
As is the usual custom at the Change-over Meeting,
President Turner had a few remarks to say regarding the year
just completed. President Turner said that it had been a hard
year with the loss of several Rotarians from our club and the
Southwest Club. He also said that there had been some
changes made and that change is always difficult. He said
the board had made some difficult decisions during the year.
After his remarks, President Turner, with the assistance of
Beth and Myra, presented Perfect Attendance Certificates.
He was proud of these Rotarians and said it was a goal he
had committed to when he joined. He has four years of
perfect attendance.
Recognized were:
Four Years – Turner Cariker and C. G. Gray
Five Years – Peggy McConnell and Frank Dlugas
Six Years – Dennis Bell
Thirteen Years – Marty Pothier
Fourteen Years – Will Dix
Sixteen Years – Tom Boecking
Eighteen Years – Doug Eichorst
Twenty Years – Russell Dressen and Ed Brokaw
Twenty-One Years – Dave Boyll
Twenty-Three Years – Myra Rainey
Thirty-Three Years – Peter Fox
Forty Years – Dick Burton and Bob Hunter
Fifty-One Years – Orval Filbeck
Fifty-Six Years – Joel Wilson
Fifty-Eight Years – B. C. Roberson
President Turner then had the privilege of presenting the
Rotarian of the Year Award to Will Dix. Will has taken on
the responsibility of the club’s Weatherization Project for
several years and the president said that the board never had
to worry about whether the project would be taken care of or
not – it always is! Will has good attendance and has
participated in other club projects such as our fundraising
events. Rotarian Will Dix well deserved this award.
President Turner then turned the gavel over to incoming
President C. G. Gray, who presented President Turner with
the outgoing president gifts – plaque and diamond pin.
President C. G. then introduced his incoming board of
directors and asked them to introduce their committee
chairmen. He then talked about the coming year and the
goals and objectives his board has set for the club.
Membership will be a big part of the focus for the year. With
that said, he introduced a new member, Joe West. Joe is the
General Manager at Star Dodge-Hyundai. He was proposed
by Kim Bosher of the same company. President C. G. said
that Myra Rainey and Joe Sconiers would be working on the
Membership Campaign and that the board had approved a
plan to make it financially rewarding for new members and
their proposers.
Another big project will be the Nicaragua Project. President
C. G. asked each person present to put his or her name on a
piece of yellow sticky note and place it on a $20.00 bill. If
every Rotarian puts in $20.00 we can have the $2500 needed
by September 1st. He wants to present the check to the
District Governor when he comes for his club visit.
With no further business, President C. G. adjourned the
meeting and the changeover is complete.
Family of Rotary – Known Ill
Rotarian Barney Barnhill is at home, but according to our
last report he isn’t doing very good. He is in serious
condition. Please remember Barney and his family in your
Membership Campaign 2004/2005
New members are the key to the success of the Rotary Club
of Abilene. This year we have an exciting “Rollback”
Promotion that will reward you for your promotion efforts
while offering an attractive incentive for new members.
The promotion is quite simple. When you as a member
sponsor AND bring in a new member, your dues and the
new member’s dues can be reduced to the “Rollback” rate.
Reinstatements of former members do not count in this
special promotion. However as soon as the former member
is reinstated, he or she is qualified to participate in the
promotion, too.
To QUALIFY for the “Rollback” rates, the new member’s
annual dues MUST be paid in advance. At that time, the
proposing member will be given a “credit” on his or her
account for $100.00. ONLY ONE “Rollback” credit per
member. Those members already receiving a discount on
their dues will receive either their current discount or the
rollback credit, whichever gives them the best rate.
If the new member does not elect to pay the annual dues in
advance, then their rate will not be discounted and the
member will not receive a credit.
The “Rollback” rate will be $349.00 annually. The regular
rate is $449.00 annually. When we reach a total of 200
members, ALL dues will be reduced to the “Rollback” rate.
This is a very attainable goal – especially if everyone brings
in just one new member.
Effective with this promotion, the initiation fee has also been
rolled back to $75.00. Reinstated members are not charged
another initiation fee.
The District goal is a net membership increase of 4%. If this
promotion is successful and we reach 200, then our net
increase will be much better than that!
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater July 16, 2004
This Membership Promotion and goal has a high priority
with the board, but it requires the efforts of all club
members. It is time for all club members to get busy and
promote the best Rotary Club in the world to others.
What are you waiting for? Pick up a Proposal Form or call
the Rotary office and one will be faxed or mailed to you.
Nicaragua Project
Incoming president C. G. Gray has presented the Nicaraguan
Project to the Rotary Board. In brief, the central small
country of Nicaragua has suffered a lot of damage with a
recent earthquake, and many homes were destroyed.
The government is willing to give citizens land so they can
rebuild their homes. The government will provide ten hens
and some seeds for a garden.
Our club will participate by donating $2,500, which will
help to build one house and garden. If each Rotarian will
contribute $25.00 the goal will be reached rather easy. The
2004/2005 Rotary Club Board has already given their
donation kicking off the fundraising, which needs to be
completed by August 31, 2004.
include family members in social events and service
projects, Rotary becomes a satisfying and viable way for
members to enrich their lives.”
The president will host celebrations focusing on specific
topics in various parts of the world. The first of eight
celebrations is scheduled for Taegu, Korea, November 15,
on community concerns. Click on Events at
for more information on the 2004-05 Presidential
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
President C. G. Gray and the board hope to present the
District Governor, Tom Sheriff, a check for $2,500 when he
visits the club.
Next March, C. G. Gray and other Rotarians will travel to
Nicaragua to help with the building.
Okay, Rotarians, let’s do it! How about this Friday?!!!
Joe Alcorta
Nicaragua Project Chairman
Celebrate Rotary
With President Estess
R.I. President Glenn E. Estess, Sr. launched the Rotary
Centennial year of 2004-05 by asking Rotarians worldwide
to Celebrate Rotary. With this festive RI theme, the
president is encouraging clubs and districts to commemorate
this special year through service, fellowship, membership
growth, and increased support of The Rotary Foundation.
In stressing the need for more hands to do Rotary’s good
work, the president says: “Our centennial will create
excitement – and a lot of positive publicity. This will
generate interest in Rotary among potential members,
making the coming year an ideal time to strengthen our
Estess is asking Rotarians to focus service efforts on three
key areas – literacy, health, and water management – and to
continue to strengthen the family of Rotary. “The family of
Rotary committees will remain an essential part of our
efforts to retain members,” he told incoming district
governors at the International Assembly in February. “When
club’s promote an atmosphere of concern and caring and
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater July 23, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 3-
“Rotary 2004/2005: “Celebrate Rotary”
July 23, 2004
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
This Week’s Program – Friday, July 23, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, July 23, 2004
“Young Audiences”
Chairman of the Day: Morris Baker
Invocator: John Harris
Song Leader: Major James Parrish
Dr. Victoria Spangler
Executive Director
Introduction of Guests: Ron Sharp
Registration Assistant: Gary Glenn
Ticket Taker: Randy Piersall
Greeter: Kevin Christian
Program Chairman – Frank Dlugas
July 30, 2004
Frontier Texas!
Speaker: Jeff Salmon
August 6, 2004
Speaker: Celia Danforth
August 13, 2004
Chairman: Dave Boyll
Celebrate Rotary
Service to Club and Community
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater July 23, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – July 17, 2004
Director Mike Weber and his wife, Bonnie, delivered the
Harlow’s BBQ meal to the VIP Lounge at the Abilene
Dragstrip. Past President Turner Cariker presided and asked
Director Peter Fox to lead in prayer after announcing that
Barney is at home and in need of our prayers.
The picnic was attended by 27 Rotarians and their spouses –
just the right number for the air-conditioned VIP Lounge
where we watched fast cars and visited with one another.
Thanks Rotarian Burl Harris for hosting the club picnic at
your Dragstrip!
If the new member does not elect to pay the annual dues in
advance, then their rate will not be discounted and the
member will not receive a credit.
The “Rollback” rate will be $349.00 annually. The regular
rate is $449.00 annually. When we reach a total of 200
members, ALL dues will be reduced to the “Rollback” rate.
This is a very attainable goal – especially if everyone brings
in just one new member.
Effective with this promotion, the initiation fee has also been
rolled back to $75.00. Reinstated members are not charged
another initiation fee.
(See pictures, courtesy of Rotarian and Photographer Marty
Pothier, on page three)
The District goal is a net membership increase of 4%. If this
promotion is successful and we reach 200, then our net
increase will be much better than that!
Thank You
This Membership Promotion and goal has a high priority
with the board, but it requires the efforts of all club
members. It is time for all club members to get busy and
promote the best Rotary Club in the world to others.
“It was a great honor and complete surprise to receive
the Rotarian of the Year Award. This award must be
shared equally with each and every member (including
spouses and children) who volunteered over the last 7
years to help with the Abilene Volunteer
Weatherization Program. With your dedication and
selflessness our Abilene Rotary Weatherization Team
was able to complete a successful program to help
many low-income, elderly and disabled Abilenians be
warmer and more comfortable in their homes. Again,
I would like to express my sincere appreciation and
thank the Abilene Rotary Club and look forward to
working with this service project in the future.”
Nicaragua Project
Thank you,
Will Dix
The government is willing to give citizens land so they can
rebuild their homes. The government will provide ten hens
and some seeds for a garden.
Membership Campaign 2004/2005
New members are the key to the success of the Rotary Club
of Abilene. This year we have an exciting “Rollback”
Promotion that will reward you for your promotion efforts
while offering an attractive incentive for new members.
The promotion is quite simple. When you as a member
sponsor AND bring in a new member, your dues and the
new member’s dues can be reduced to the “Rollback” rate.
Reinstatements of former members do not count in this
special promotion. However as soon as the former member
is reinstated, he or she is qualified to participate in the
promotion, too.
To QUALIFY for the “Rollback” rates, the new member’s
annual dues MUST be paid in advance. At that time, the
proposing member will be given a “credit” on his or her
account for $100.00. ONLY ONE “Rollback” credit per
member. Those members already receiving a discount on
their dues will receive either their current discount or the
rollback credit, whichever gives them the best rate.
What are you waiting for? Pick up a Proposal Form or call
the Rotary office and one will be faxed or mailed to you.
Incoming president C. G. Gray has presented the Nicaraguan
Project to the Rotary Board. In brief, the central small
country of Nicaragua has suffered a lot of damage with a
recent earthquake, and many homes were destroyed.
Our club will participate by donating $2,500, which will
help to build one house and garden. If each Rotarian will
contribute $25.00 the goal will be reached rather easy. The
2004/2005 Rotary Club Board has already given their
donation kicking off the fundraising, which needs to be
completed by August 31, 2004.
President C. G. Gray and the board hope to present the
District Governor, Tom Sheriff, a check for $2,500 when he
visits the club.
Next March, C. G. Gray and other Rotarians will travel to
Nicaragua to help with the building.
Okay, Rotarians, let’s do it! How about this Friday?!!!
Joe Alcorta
Nicaragua Project Chairman
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater July 23, 2004
2004 Rotary Club Picnic Pictures
Rotary Office Information:
Myra Rainey, Executive Director
Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email: [email protected]
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608
Page #1 of 3
The Rotater November 19, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 20-
“Rotary 2004/2005: “Celebrate Rotary”
November 19, 2004
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
This Week’s Program – Friday, Nov. 19, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, November 19, 2004
“Dyess Update”
Chairman of the Day: Paul Johnson
Invocator: Ray Ferguson
Song Leader: James Parrish
William “Bud” Redman
Vice Wing Commander
Dyess AFB
Introduction of Guests: Ted Paup
Registration Assistant: Derral Reed
Ticket Taker: Randy Piersall
Greeters: Kay Berry/Randy Piersall
Program Chairman – Frank Dlugas
Friday, November 26, 2004
Thanksgiving Holiday
Celebrate Rotary
Service to Club and Community
Page #2 of 3
The Rotater November 19, 2004
LAST THURSDAY – November 12, 2004
President C. G. rang the bell and the Abilene Rotary Club
meeting got underway. The president said he wanted to
share “good news” first because he also had some “bad
news” to follow.
The “good news” was a very nice thank you letter from
Karla McKenzie. She was thanking our club for the Pontiac
automobile and several items for the home she had received.
It, indeed, was a heart-warming letter. (See it elsewhere in
this bulletin).
The president asked Myra Rainey to light the Centennial
Rotary Candle. Myra, as always, did a great job (as a
“leftie”). Don Etter said the prayer, and pinch hitter Ron
Smith led the singing with Millie at the piano. C. G. led the
pledge of allegiance. Former president Ron Sharp did a great
job of introducing guests.
Frank Dlugas said there was $1,041.00 in the Dealing for
Dollars pot. Visitor Ben Woods was asked to draw a
number, and sure enough, he drew number880, which
belonged to his dad, Everett Woods. Everett got real close!
He drew the two of spades! As most of you know, it is the
Ace of Spades that wins it all.
Happy Birthday was sung to the following Rotarians: Ralph
Bridwell, Rodger Haglund, John Harris, David Hejl, Austin
King, Patty Knight, Jack North, Marty Pothier, and Mike
Then…came the “bad news.” President C. G. announced
that Myra Rainey, our executive director for 24 years, had
“retired.” She, however, has agreed to stay on and help the
board with financial reports and other reports that need to be
sent to RI and the government. C. G. asked Myra to come to
the podium. In brief, Myra said (her complete letter is
printed in this bulletin elsewhere):
“I have learned that Rotarians are the most caring people in
the world. Rotary has become a part of my family. I have
seen this club give over $400,000 back to the community.
We have been good neighbors to our surrounding Rotary
friends, but family issues are a priority and I have decided to
spend more time with my mother who is in poor health.”
The board has elected Peter Fox to be the incoming president
(Myra was also president-elect).
Frank Dlugas was chairman for the day and he introduced
Kent Brown, executive director of the Texas Trails Boy
Scout Council. Kent came to Abilene from Jackson, Florida.
He id he joined the Boy Scouts at the age of 11 and that the
Scouts had taught him how o play with matches (safely). He
gave accolades to Rotarians as he said many of his Scout
leaders had been Rotarians.
The speaker invited Rotarians to the Distinguished Citizen
Award Dinner given by the Texas Trails Boy Scout Council
for former mayor Grady Barr. The celebration is to take
place on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Civic Center. For more information call 672-1711.
Kent said he was familiar with Camp RYLA and he would
love to do that camp here in Abilene. Kent introduced Gary
Stevenson who is a Boy Scout leader and a board member.
Gary has been in Scout work for a long time. Gary is
technical media director at Hardin-Simmons University.
Gary recognized about 8 Rotarians who had made it to the
rank of Eagle Scouts. He then shared different things related
to Boy Scout work. The first thing he said was that the
Abilene Council and Comanche has combined to become
Texas Trails Boy Scout Council. The Council is governed by
a 50-member board (twenty members are from Taylor
County). The staff is composed of one executive director
(Kent Brown), three district executives, one camp ranger,
one office manager, and one registrar.
The primary program for Boy Scouts is teaching leadership
skills, developing strong values and character. There are
several different types of programs for all ages. There are the
Venture Scouts, Explorers, and Learning for Life. There is
strong encouragement for parents to participate with the
boys; and older boys are encouraged to teach the younger
The National Jamboree is a place where once a year Scouts
from all over the U.S. come together. The National Council
provides for insurance, supplies, program invitations, serve
as a resource center, and have big adventure bases. Finances
are provided by Scouts, friends of the Scouts, popcorn sales,
United Way and other activities.
Joe H. Alcorta
End of an Era
In 1980, then President, Don Etter, and the Personnel
Committee of this club were in the process of hiring an
executive secretary. They wanted to hire a young, good
looking professional person with an I.Q. of at least 138 who
had a good education with 10-12 years in accounting and
administrative experience. Also, this person should have a
good personality, a good sense of humor and, by all means,
good skills. Well, as luck would have it, they could not find
anyone who met the criteria, so they hired me. I guess it
turned out all right because with hard work, ethics, loyalty
and, to a lesser degree, modesty, I am coming to the end of
24 years of Rotary service.
Rotarians are the most delightful, effective and caring people
one could ever hope to know and work with. It wasn’t long
before my work was not so much a job as it was a way of
life. A way of life that included my entire family. The kids
started out helping get The Rotater in the mail, then
volunteering in other community projects.
The club has done well during most of this era. Membership
grew from 170 to 260. Growth gives vitality to the club that
is needed and it gives potential new leadership. During this
era, our club started a major fundraising effort through
Abilene Motor Sports, giving away more than $400,000.00
in community service projects and grants. Other very
successful programs have been started such as Rotary Reads
and Rotary Rescue. Now, I don’t take any credit for those
programs, but have been very humbled to be a part of the
organization that does that kind of work in their community.
Page #3 of 3
The Rotater November 19, 2004
This club has been an upbeat, positive factor in the City of
Abilene and is greatly respected for its good deeds and
community service. The club is a good neighbor to other
Rotary Clubs in the area and to the clubs in the District.
The Rotary office and equipment has changed over these
years. The club scrapped the hand-cranked adding machine
and went electronic. The Club was able to do this in the
same way any other successful business does it, by using
good practices in management and adhering to a wellstructured budget.
After logging nearly 24 years, I have decided to “hang it
up.” Budget constraints and personal situations have dictated
this retirement a few months earlier than I had planned. And
with those conditions and changes, it also makes it
impossible for me to serve as your President next year. That
was something I had looked forward to and felt would be
such an honor, however, sometimes God has other plans for
us. He certainly had for me. He has given my mother and me
more time together. And that has to take a high priority in
my life.
There was an era before me and there will be an era after me,
but the time we have spent together has been one of the most
challenging and satisfying experiences I could have ever
had. Rotary has brought a dimension to my life and has
connected me with a bigger world. The values for which
Rotary stands – Service Above Self – gives me greater
ability to be Christ’s hands and feet on earth than I could be
by myself. Rotary and Rotarians DO make a difference. I
am grateful to call myself a Rotarian.
Before I close, I want to say that even though our club has
experienced some setbacks these past couple of years, it is
still a GREAT Club, because it has a GREAT core of
members. We also have some wonderful new members. I
see that we are at a plateau where we can go forward and be
greater, or we can let apathy overcome us. I know that we
are beginning to go in the right direction again and that with
sincere and dedicated effort you will again soar above the
clouds and be the envy of the district. My challenge to you is
‘Get back to the work of Rotary!”
This has been great and I had fun doing it. Thanks for the
opportunity and thank all of you for your love and
friendship. I will miss the weekly contact with you.
However, I’m not completely riding off into the sunset, I
will continue to work for the board on a contract basis and
my retirement party isn’t until June.
I love you all.
Rotary Office Information:
Beth Dlugas, Executive Secretary
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Fax: 325-529-5805
Email: [email protected]
Club Mail Address:
Rotary Club of Abilene, P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX.
Year End Donations
There are several Rotary Programs, which are in need of
donations. As you consider your year-end contributions,
please consider the following. Donations to these three
Rotary Programs are tax deductible.
Rotary Rescue, Inc. – needs automobiles and cash. Make
checks payable to Rotary Rescue, Inc. and mail to the Rotary
Rotary Foundation – supports the many Rotary
humanitarian projects around the world. Your donation will
count towards your Paul Harris Fellowship. Make checks
payable to The Rotary Foundation and mail to the Rotary
Abilene Rotary Club’s Endowed Scholarship Fund – this
fund is still a small fund. Interest from the fund is to be used
for local scholarships. The funds are kept in the Charitable
Foundation. Make your check out to the Abilene Charitable
Foundation and mail to the Rotary office.
Thank You Note Received
Dear Rotary Club Members,
I’m writing to tell you all what a blessing you have been to
me and my two babies. First I’d like to thank each and
everyone of you for the 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix that I’m so
proud to call mine. Every time we get in it my oldest
daughter says, “This is our new car Mama.” She still carries
around the snapshot that Jayne gave us of the car before we
saw it.
After you gave me the most wonderful gift of transportation
you came to my rescue again. By helping me turn my project
apartment into a real home. Thanks to you we eat at a
kitchen table after we cooked in the microwave. We are
warm at night from the blankets and sheets. I love the
beautiful picture that now hangs in my dining room.
It makes my heart feel good to know that you’ll took a
genuine interest in my welfare. Thank you so much. I’ll
never forget all of the amazing things you’ve done for me.
God bless you, Rotary Club of Abilene.
Karla Mackenzie
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The Rotater December 3, 2004
The Rotater
Online Issue No. 21
“Rotary 2004/2005: “Celebrate Rotary”
Masthead Photo:
“B-1 Over Abilene”
by Rotarian & Photographer:
Marty Pothier
Rotarians on Duty
Friday, December 3, 2004
Chairman of the Day: Frank Dlugas
Invocator: Peter Fox
Song Leader: TBA
December 3, 2004
This Week’s Program – Friday, Dec. 3, 2004
12:00 Noon, The Briarstone Manor, 101 Eplen’s
Court, Abilene, TX.
Concerts in
Introduction of Guests: Bob Test
Registration Assistant: TBA
Ticket Taker: Randy Piersall
Celia Danforth
Greeters: TBA
Program Chairman – Frank Dlugas
December 10, 2004
Chairman: Turner Cariker
December 17, 2004
Christmas Luncheon
Fairway Oaks Country Club
December 24, 2004
Celebrate Rotary
Service to Club and Community
December 31, 2004
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The Rotater December 3, 2004
LAST FRIDAY – November 19, 2004
“El Presidente” C. G. Gray rang the bell and the weekly
Rotary meeting got underway. B. C. Roberson, a Rotarian
for 59 years, with perfect attendance, lit the Centennial
Rotary Candle. Ray Ferguson said the prayer; pinch hitter
Ron Smith led the singing of the Star Spangled Banner; and
the president led in the pledge of allegiance.
Former president Ron Sharp, in spite of a few hecklers, did a
great job of introducing guests. Mr. Money Bags, Frank
Dlugas, did Dealing for Dollars. The pot now stands at
$1,109! President C. G. was the winner of $10.00 by
drawing number 921.
Our president presented us again with good news as he
called “Flippo” to the podium and declared him a Paul
Harris Fellow. A fellow Rotarian, who wishes to remain
anonymous, contributed the $1,000 so this fine man could
become a Paul Harris Fellow. The recipient said, “ I don’t
know what I could tell you people. We have missed you
while you were gone, and we are delighted to have you
President C. G. had more good news. The Abilene ReporterNews will have a special section in February 2005, about the
history of our Rotary Club to continue the celebration of 100
years of Rotary. Any Rotarian who would like to advertise in
this section needs to turn information in by December 3rd.
The president also assigned a few Rotarians to write some
articles on different topics. Those articles are due by
December 19th. Don’t worry about style or grammar. The
ARN will have a writer to edit the articles.
(Editor’s Note: I would also like for you to email me or
send any story from the past and in February I would like to
have a special edition of The Rotater.)
On February 23, the three local Rotary Clubs will meet
together at the Abilene Country Club for the Centennial
Paul Johnson was chairman of the day and he introduced
Col. William “Bud” Redman who was the speaker. Colonel
William C. Redman is the Vice Commander of the 7th Bomb
Wing at Dyess Air Force Base.
Col. Redman was commissioned through Air Force Officer
Training School program in 1980 after he served 3 plus
years as a T-38 Crew Chief. Col. Redman’s most recent tour
of duty was as vice-commander, Air Force Command and
Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Center, Langley Air Force Base, VA. The Colonel has 3000
hours in various fighter and bomber aircraft, with 275
combat hours. The speaker and his wife have two young
In brief the colonel talked about his most recent missions in
the Middle East and the relationship between Dyess and
Abilene. It was all “good!” He described Dyess as a great
place. He gave the new gym at Dyess a five star. He said
housing needs a little work, but he feels Dyess will have new
houses by the year 2007. He said housing was very
important because 65% of the military people on base are
He also shared a little information of his next assignment,
which is to take him and 600 men in B-1s to Diego Garcia.
On this assignment they will carry 24 different precision
weapons, which can be used in a moment’s notice. The crew
will drop bombs in Pakistan and Afghanistan as they are
The friendly and humorous Colonel used the podium to
speak as a military man and then would step to his right to
express a personal opinion as a civilian. As a civilian, he
said, “Dyess is here to stay!” (Bravo!) He bragged much on
the B-1 and said, “It even has a bath room!” He also told the
audience that an aircraft takes about 20 years to be fully
developed to its capabilities.
He bragged on Abilene. The young Colonel said: “I feel like
I can call anyone here in Abilene if I need something.” He
also said that Dyess personnel are involved in about 150
projects, which do include the city of Abilene. He also
commented that Dyess is working hard in advising military
personnel to retire here in Abilene.
The speaker ended his talk by saying, “I am very happy to be
here. I can’t thank you enough for what you do for us at
Dyess and our country.”
When our president asked the speaker to sign the book,
which is given to Jane Long Elementary School, the Colonel
answered, “Will an “x” do because I am from Tennessee.
Joe H. Alcorta
In Memory of Sonny Hermann
Ernest J. (Sonny) Hermann was born on September 8, 1916
in Abilene. This native son graduated from St. Joseph’s
Academy, Abilene, Texas, in 1935, after which he attended
ACU for three years.
Sonny married Frances Gorham of Austin on February 15,
1942. At that time he was a cadet at Kelly Field. The
Hermann’s are the parents of two daughters and one son.
Frances Ann (Robson) has been a school counselor at Katy
High School for 30 years. She and her husband have two
sons; one working on a Master’s at Texas A&M, and the
other son working in Boston.
Peggy Marie (Sonneneberg) lives in Graham, Texas, where
her husband is a dentist. Peggy has taught school and
recently became a dental hygienist. Peggy and her husband
have three sons. The older has completed a tour with the
Marines; the second one is at Texas A&M; and the third is in
Graham High School. Peggy is presently president of the
Graham Rotary Club.
Son, Ernest J., was a medical doctor at Rosenberg, and
passed away in 1988.
In bragging about his grandsons, Sonny says that the five of
them together weigh 1,250 pounds. He said, “They are pretty
good sized fellows.”
The Hermann’s attend Sacred Heart Church.
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The Rotater December 3, 2004
Just recently, Sonny and Frances celebrated 60 years of
From 1941 to 1946, Sonny was in the U.S. Air Force as a
navigator/Bombardier, serving in the Mediterranean area. He
flew the B-26’s. He did his first work with Wooten Grocery,
beginning in 1937. After an interval in the military, he
resumed work with Wooten until 1946, when Kimbell took
over and that continued until 1975. He then worked for
himself in the Wholesale Food supply until 1982 when he
sold his business to Drayton McLaine who is now owner of
the Houston Astros. Since his retirement, he began the Food
Bank and was a sales consultant with Kraft, out of Dallas.
Sonny’s wife, Frances, was with the public schools for about
20 years, after which she was with McMurry College for 5
years. He also taught classes at Dyess Air Force Base.
Rotary has been big business with this Paul Harris Fellow.
Beginning in 1950, he was in the Snyder club for two years,
followed by the same at Stamford. He joined this club in
1954, being proposed by Hiram Arrant. He was
secretary/treasurer for two years. He has been to six
international conventions – Montreal, Toronto, Honolulu,
Dallas, Birmingham (England), and Munich. He likes our
fellowship; work in the local community, and the world
activities. He has proposed about 25 people for Rotary
membership, 12 in one year.
Sonny probably has the record for the number of Paul Harris
Fellows. Sonny is a Paul Harris Fellow himself, then his
wife Frances, and his daughter Peggy. Sonny says he likes
close to $500 to complete the Paul Harris for the other
daughter, Frances Ann.
Sonny’s community activities include membership in the
Retired Officer’s Association, membership chairman for the
Air Force Association, first chairman of the Food Bank (and
founder), R.S.V.P board membership, 11 years on the Board
of Adjustments, and 15 years on the executive board of the
Boy Scouts. He also was a member of the “Red Coats” for
the Chamber of Commerce. And for years he helped with the
annual barbecue dinner for Dyess Air Force Personnel.
Year End Donations
There are several Rotary Programs, which are in need of
donations. As you consider your year-end contributions,
please consider the following. Donations to these three
Rotary Programs are tax deductible.
Rotary Rescue, Inc. – needs automobiles and cash. Make
checks payable to Rotary Rescue, Inc. and mail to the Rotary
Rotary Foundation – supports the many Rotary
humanitarian projects around the world. Your donation will
count towards your Paul Harris Fellowship. Make checks
payable to The Rotary Foundation and mail to the Rotary
Abilene Rotary Club’s Endowed Scholarship Fund – this
fund is still a small fund. Interest from the fund is to be used
for local scholarships. The funds are kept in the Charitable
Foundation. Make your check out to the Abilene Charitable
Foundation and mail to the Rotary office.
Rotary Club Office Information
Executive Secretary – Beth Dlugas
Office Phone: 325-529-5805
Office Fax: 325-529-5805
Email Address: [email protected]
(Call Beth for information concerning attendance, club
meetings, programs, committees and membership.)
Accounting – Myra Rainey
Office Phone: 325-668-4632
Fax: 940-864-5119
Email Address: [email protected]
(Call Myra if you have questions concerning your club
Club Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 7108, Abilene, TX. 79608