competition brief - Ctrl+Space Architectural Competitions


competition brief - Ctrl+Space Architectural Competitions
CTRL+SPACE is an online platform that creates and promotes Architectural
In the daily practice of Architecture, Competitions play an important part on the
formative experience. When applied to concrete needs, by the mediation of
context and content, they demonstrate the added value that architectural
discussion can bring to the solution of issues of the community.
We provide a launching platform for a community of architects that have interest
in making a contribution in their specialty field, keep creatively active and give
more visibility to their professional practice. We intend to create an ideas
exchange platform and bring into light emerging talents.
We aim to promote discussion of contemporary architectonic and urban topics
applied to a specific need and context among professionals who are motivated
to the valorization of Architecture.
This is a single stage Ideas Competition with the aim of identifying the best
proposal for the regeneration of a Sports Complex and Park in Warsaw's
Mokotow district - Poland.
This Competition is open to all students and professionals of areas related to
Architecture. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. We invite you to create
innovative solutions to tackle the challenges presented. The winning design will
demonstrate a high degree of expression and creativity in fulfilling the program
requirements, in accordance with the specific design guidelines here presented.
This is an Ideas Competition; therefore all submitted projects should be for
Concept Design. All proposals will be reviewed by an international Jury. The
awarding shall be made in according to the conceptual merit of the works
submited to the Competition.
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
View over the Palace of Culture and Science and Parade Square in central Warsaw
warsaw at a glance
*Written in collaboration with Aleksandra Kedziorek,
Curator, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
All Images courtesy of the Museum of Academy of Fine Arts
Warsaw, a city greatly destroyed by the WW2, is presently bursting with change. Rising
into economical prominence in the set of European capitals, it is still in search of its
spatial identity. Undergoing a rapid transformation, the city has become a battleground
for two clashing visions of urban development: the neoliberal with its appreciation for
the ground value and private initiatives, and a more communal vision, underlining the
importance of public spaces and accessibility of urban infrastructure.
The clash of those two visions became particularly apparent in the case of Skarpa
Warszawska (the Warsaw's Scarp), a natural green belt that crosses the capital and forms
the backbone of Warsaw's landscape. On the one hand, its empty and highly valuable
areas are tempting for developers who are trying to acquire the Scarp's terrain plot by
plot in order to use it for commercial purposes. On the other hand, projects such as
Warszawska Droga Kultury (Warsaw's Road of Culture) by Artur Jerzy Filip, a trial to
create a net of cultural institutions along the green path, attempt to bring it back its
urban and cultural significance, and reveal its potential of a public space.
In the heart of this debate is the Warszawianka sports centre in Warsaw's Mokotow
district. Forming an integral part of the Warsaw's Scarp, the sports centre designed in
1954 is now in a rather poor condition. Sharing its fate with other important pieces of
Warsaw's postwar architectural heritage, stigmatized by the association with the
communist period and often obliterated, Warszawianka is facing an unknown future.
Still used as a public sport complex, it is becoming step by step commercialized, losing
not only its public value, but - with new temporary and rather random sport
infrastructure - also its architectural shape.
Underlining the importance of the spatial concepts lying behind the original project - a
unique piece in Polish architecture history - the competition aims to draw attention to
the current state of this space, question its reuse and challenge participants to propose
new solutions that will enhance the qualities of the location. By drawing the discussion
towards the potential of the space, the present assignment aims to explore the
possibilities of the existing built environment and to engage future architects in the
practices of refurbishment of existing, undervalued structures.
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
Departing from this complex context, the competition raises a question of how
a contemporary relation between the architecture and the landscape can be
established, as well as how the two opposing urban logics can be combined in
one project. Even though this exercise is embedded in a very particular setting
and a complex historical background, the challenge of designing a public
space devoted to sports resonates with the demands of many different
locations. The discussion that will be generated will certainly lay the
groundwork for future challenges and projects.
This challenge aims to provide meaningful answers to the following questions:
- How can overlooked urban spaces be regenerated and successfully brought
back into prominence?
- How can a sportive program positively affect the reactivation of this particular
urban sector?
- How are architecture and landscape design able to integrate sports into the
built environment and influence the sportive activity of the community?
- How can the spatial quality and values of the original project be adjusted to
meet present needs? Can the refurbishment become another way of
architectural preservation?
- How can an open space meet the requirements of professional
sports /private sector and cater to the needs of the public? How can these two
apparently opposite visions of development be combined?
Have a better
look over the Site
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
"a spatial-poetic lecture on
the Earth, on the possibility
of coexistence of Nature
and Human Being"
The Warszawianka Sports Centre was designed in 1954 by an interdisciplinary team of
the Art and Research Unit of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. The proposal submitted
for an open competition and developed by architects Jerzy Sołtan and Zbigniew
Ihnatowicz, an engineer Lech Tomaszewski, a painter Wojciech Fangor and a sculptor
Franciszek Strynkiewicz was based on a concept of landscape architecture carved out in
the hill of the Warsaw's Scarp.
Composed of soil, green and concrete, the complex was later described as "a
spatial-poetic lecture on the Earth, on the possibility of coexistence of Nature and
Human Being"; this description by an architect and the designers' friend, Oskar Hansen,
perfectly summarized its mostly immaterial value.
The work on the project - the first and the founding commission for the Art and
Research Unit, later an important actor in Polish design scene - took over ten years, with
a number of versions and masterplans developed between 1956 and 1962. The first
completed phase of construction of the Warszawianka Sports Centre included a stadium
for 7,000 people, grounds pitches, a tennis stadium for 4,000 people, a scorekeepers'
building, and an artificial hill. The implementation of the first phase lasted until 1962. A
second phase of construction included an outdoor swimming pool, a building for in-door
sports games and athletics and the administration offices of the club. The third phase,
consisting of an in-door swimming pool, has never been realized.
Under the direction of Sołtan, Le Corbusier's follower and assistant between 1945 and
1949, Warszawianka became a project abundant in theoretical issues. By its spatial
qualities and intrinsic architectural values, it has since been acknowledged as an
outstanding architectural work that integrated different forms of expression and
different scales of design within one project.
Constituted by a topographic feature - a sequence of terraces that accommodated
different sports' functions - the outdoor recreational facilities were designed to integrate
the climatic conditions of the site. The areas for swimming and sunbathing as well as the
tennis courts were designed to be exposed to the sun but sheltered from the wind.
The artificial hill constructed between the sport facilities had mainly compositional role
and was supposed to serve as a background, visually organizing the variety of sports'
The stadium, of which presently only fragments remain, was shaped like an amphitheater
and directed towards the Vistula River. Sitting in the stadium's niche carved out in the
hill of the Warsaw Scarp, an individual could lean their back on the slope, and thus
metaphorically became an integral part of the landscape - both in the scale of the
sports' centre and, with its connection with the Vistula River that crosses whole Poland,
also in the scale of the country.
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
Spatially, the complex reflected late Corbusian concept of l'espace indicible - an
ineffable space evoking unique, semi-sacral experiences.
space can be updated to serve present needs and bring back its relevance in the
context of the city, as the extremely lauded project that it once was.
The excavation and work in the topography required an extensive use of retaining walls.
Designed by Lech Tomaszewski, these were treated as an engineering exercise as much
as sculpture experiment. The prefabricated elements allowed for considerable savings in
concrete use, ease of installation and no need for maintenance. Likewise, they
introduced a graphical and artistic aspect to the most mundane functional element, as
well as a sustainable and ecological approach, allowing the insects living in the soil still
use the area, undisturbed by human's activities.
On a wider scope, this is a significant discussion in many countries that experienced a
groundbreaking political turn, of what should be done with empty structures of the times
that are already gone: if they should be preserved as historical artifacts, upgraded to
better fulfill current functional demands or simply acknowledge that their time has come
to be dismantled or replaced. How do such structures adapt to a new sociopolitical
This definitively was a modernist approach to what a public open space could be. A
notable project with a strong artistic value built with the plainest of materials. It
departed from an elevated discussion of how could the city be planned for the benefits
of the human and at the same time capture more poetic aspects of the landscape.
Currently in a state of great decay, although still in use, Warszawianka has not been
completely forgotten: a series of voices have been rising in order to reevaluate how this
Warszawianka in the memory of the locals has been reduced to the swimming pools,
when in fact they belong to a wider urban scheme. This assignment plans to rescue the
memory of the place as a broader sportive complex planned in a privileged natural
setting for the wellbeing of the community. Despite its present state, it is still a location
full of intangible qualities, subtle formal gestures that amplify the feeling of communion
with nature and the fellow human being. The competition attempts to preserve those
immaterial values through a new refurbishment project.
A notable project
with a strong artistic
value built with the
plainest of materials.
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
what types of spaces
can be created that
foster physical activity
and play in the most
beneficial way possible?
In socialist times, Poland was very successful in sports at an international level. The
golden age of Polish athletics revolved around football, cycling and boxing. Apart from
great government propaganda, sports were for the common people an opportunity for a
concrete improvement in life and status. For athletes at a higher level it was a chance
to more easily travel outside of the country and experience life in the West.
The themes surrounding this competition deal with a series of subjects that are able to
inspire strategies and shape the solutions in many different ways. An important topic is
the preservation of postwar structures, either buildings or open spaces. The turn from
socialism also set in motion a change in value in the appropriation of space; green
areas are tempting for development of private housing, in particular in spaces that
have been losing its public attraction, as is the case of this Intervention Site.
In the specific case of Warszawianka, the connection with the wider urban scale,
through the green backbone of the city is an opportunity to bring back some of its
former dignity. What is intended is a series of strategies that convey the qualities of
the original project, and contribute to making it visible again in the wider context of
the city. This also suggests the consideration over new uses of neglected public spaces.
The importance of sport in social, economic and spatial terms is continuously
increasing. Sports are a catalyst for urban change. Every four years, after the Olympic
Games, the discussion of Olympic heritage is raised; what will come out of the new
structures and what is the long term impact in the city and the country. On a social
level, sportive activity is proven to have a positive impact in tangible and less tangible
ways. The general health impact is undisputed, but more extensive benefits can also be
found in reduction of health government expenses, improvement of economic activities,
reduction of criminality and criminal behavior.
Reporting back to the sphere of influence of architecture, the issue is presented of
what types of spaces can be created that foster physical activity and play in the most
beneficial way possible. Over an analysis of trends, how are these spaces able to
evolve, keep up with future needs and maintain their functional relevance over time?
Reading sports as a way of self-improvement, in which way can this reflect into a
larger society improvement?
The economical aspect of the intervention should also be taken into consideration.
Strategies should ensure the sustainability of the economic activities and income
generation for this particular sector of the city. A long term scheme should be
presented to repurpose the sportive facilities and subsequently improve activity levels
for the next generation. The winning entry should take into consideration the unique
potential of the location, meet the demands of the functional Program and generate an
intervention strategy that allows for a successful regeneration of the Warszawianka
sports' centre.
c l+space
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
This Competition aims to regenerate the existing structure and constitute a thoughtful improvement to the
Intervention Site. In relation with the conceptual values of the original project, the new sports complex
should be a combination of sport, art/architecture and the landscape, a project that will be fruitful for the
development of the district and give rise to an appealing hub in the context of the city.
The Architectural value of the existing elements must therefore be taken into account. The Scorekeeper's
Building, the Hill, the Pyramid and the overall shape of the Stadium should constitute an integrant part of
the new proposal.
A balance between Sport, Architecture and Nature is expected. Here is envisioned a space that can host
a series of activities and conceptually be connected to contemporary urban discourse. Overall, a
reflection over how a positive impact on the quality of urban life can be accomplished, whether through
an incentive to an active lifestyle or with a more direct contact with wild Nature.
The Program here presented is a suggestion of a set of different diagnosed necessities that should be
fulfilled in order to present a valid solution to this assignment. Two legally protected nature areas, as
marked on the plans, should be left untouched.
A successful design must integrate these conditions as well as consider new configurations of the required
program. Future needs, social, functional and spatial necessities can also be taken into consideration to
construct a distinct and more meaningful proposal. Any additions to the defined Program that constitute in
a definite improvement of the overall scheme are welcomed.
Sportive facilities for professional sports
The project should be able to consolidate economical activities in order to assure its independence and
economical persistence in time. A series of sportive facilities can be sublet to commercial use: Tennis
courts / Football pitch / Volleyball pitch / Athletics course / climbing wall.
Spatial solutions for contemporary sport disciplines could be experimented. One of the demands here
can be the division of the original Stadium into smaller fields, keeping its original layout and structure.
Sportive facilities for informal sports
In order to inspire people to take on sports and be more active, conditions should be created to serve a
broad spectrum of sports and activities. Here can be considered all types of sports that do not require so
rigid structures in order to be practiced, for example: Open-air gym for children and adults;
skateboarding park; cycling lanes; obstacle course for parkour; jogging tracks; yoga;
tai chi; etc. This will serve to test how Architecture can precipitate sport into an integrant part of
everyday living.
Locker rooms – 180 m2
This element aims to replace the prefabricated elements currently in use. It is comprised by entrance
lobby, changing rooms, lockers and showers separated by gender. As a reference, consider the needs of
25-30 simultaneous users of each gender.
Cafe / Restaurant – 100 m2
This element will provide a more relaxed moment and constitute a complement to the overall dynamic
activities, a place for meeting up and socialization. A small kitchen and serving area should be
Exhibition Space – 50 m2
For the preservation of the memory of the place and honor the original project, this is a small gallery
where archival images, a Site Model and other interactive elements can be displayed. This can be a
stand-alone element or integrated with the Cafe area.
Sanitary facilities / Public Toilets – 20 m2
In addition to gender-separated toilets, it is mandatory to consider the needs of disabled users. We strive
for the universality of access to all citizens; all main services of the buildings should therefore be
1. Football Stadium / School
2. Tennis Stadium
3. Scorekeepers' Building
4. Restaurant
5. Tennis Pitches
6. Administration Building
7. Warszawianka Swimming Pools
8. Locker Rooms (football school)
9. Artificial hill
Currently, the thin balance between Nature and built environment has been changed. Nature has become
over the years feral and invasive. This is also an opportunity to test how new ecosystems can be positively
integrated and maintained, how wilder Nature can take its place in the city. On the other hand,
connections should be created to integrate this marginal site into the urban life of the Mokotow district.
The stronger these connections are, the more relevant this Park will be to the district.
The green surfaces could be able to be appropriated by the public for leisure, games or communal
picnics. A successful project should generate a strategy to reduce the seasonality of use of the park and
provide a year-long calendar of activities. Also of significance is the integration of sustainable concepts,
the coexistence of human presence with the local environment, reflecting the values of the original
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
Registration and Project Submission are handled completely
through the Ctrl+Space website and email.
All elements related to the competition should be submitted
in digital format.
The language of the competition is English. All relevant text
should be written in this language.
The entrant individual or team should choose a Registration
Code for which to be identified, composed of two Latin
alphabet letters and four digits, ex. "XX1234". This code will
be mentioned in all the file names submitted in the process.
The process is composed of two elements:
A1 841mm x 594mm
A1 size / horizontal format / 150dpi / JPEG file
This file should be named after the
Registration Code, ex. "XX1234.jpeg"
A4 210mm x 297mm
A4 size / max. 10 pages / pdf file
This file should be named after the
Registration Code, ex. "XX1234.pdf"
Submission will be made through the SUBMIT page in the
CTRL+SPACE website.
1. GO TO
This is a Layout Board with all the information that the
contestant sees fit to adequately communicate their proposal:
plans, sections, 3d visualizations, diagrams or descriptions.
The image must be tagged in the upper right corner with the
Registration Code, in a way that is clear and readable to the
judging committee. Apart from the entrant number and
project name, no other form of identification is permitted.
This document is intended to add more detail and depth to
the solution. This booklet should contain all the information
that the contestant sees fit to adequately communicate their
proposal, textual and graphically.
Horizontal format preferable for readability.
In order to obtain a fair evaluation, anonymity is required. In
any of the submitted documents the names or pseudonyms of
contestants are not allowed. The anonymity of the
participants is guaranteed by the electronic system for
project submission and evaluation.
2. FILL OUT personal / team information
3. ATTACH files (Layout Board + Booklet)
4. SUBMIT and see it fly!
After the valid submission of all files, you will be duly
By submitting a proposal, the contestants approve of the
terms and conditions of this competition.
Warsaw sports park
open ideas competition
Jun. 17th
Sep. 17th
competition TIMELINE
Jan. 17th – Launch of the Competition
Jun. 17th – Jul. 16th – First Stage Registration - 40€*
Aug. 7th – Guided Site Visit
Jul. 17th – Sep. 4th – Second Stage Registration - 60€*
A total fund of 5000€ in prize money will be awarded to winning entries and
awards of merit, distributed in the following way:
Sep. 5th – Sep. 17th – Final Stage Registration - 90€*
Sep. 18th – Sep. 28th – Jury Evaluation
*SITE VISIT - Sunday, August 7th 14:00
A site visit will be available to the participants of the competition, accompanied by a
member of the Modern Art Museum in Warsaw. Please write to [email protected] to
express your interest and to be provided with more information.
First Prize: 3500€
Second Prize: 1000€
Third Prize: 500€
5 Awards of Merit, with no monetary prize
Registration and payment is made through the competition website.
All dates referred have as limit 23:59 GMT.
Upon validation, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered
e-mail with the Documentation Pack - CAD plan, site photographs, maps,
aerial images.
The prizes include bank commissions, taxes and/or paypal commissions.
To all the awarded proposals, online promotion will be made through our
Media Partners, a wide array of websites and blogs operating in the field of
Architecture, Urbanism and Design.
*VAT (23%) included
open ideas competition
A wide range of knowledge in Architecture and Urbanism was taken in account in
order to present a group of professionals with authority in evaluating the subjects
and underlying problematic of the proposed competition. The Jury is composed
by an international group of architects, whose experience and professional path
proves their profound knowledge and ability in Architectural Design.
Bogna Swiatkowska - Founder at Bec Zmiana Foundation - Warsaw, Poland
Tomasz Fudala - Curator at Museum of Modern Art - Warsaw, Poland
The founder of Bec Zmiana Foundation with whom she rolled out a wide number of interdisciplinary projects.
Active promoter of contemporary Polish art, architecture and design. The Associate Curator and the Curator of
the exhibitions staged as part of Synchronicity project in the years 2008-2016 (That Something On The Horizon.
Architecture Of The 21st Century) plus numerous projects rolled out by Bec Zmiana Foundation, including The
Experiment Shall Not Be Continued (2012), Public Collection of Art of the Capital City of Warsaw (2012). The
editor of many publications released by the Bęc Zmiana Foundation. A member of the Board for Architecture at
Warsaw Town Hall. The founder of the national cultural magazine “Notes na 6 tygodni”. Co-founder of
experimental magazine “Format P”. The author of numerous articles, interviews, reports, radio and TV
programmes dedicated to contemporary popular culture.
Tomasz is an art historian and curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Fudala has previously worked at
the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. 2009-2013 he curates WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION festival focused on
urba1n planning and architecture. He is interested in architecture and the history of exhibitions, which was the
subject to his project The Space Between Us (2010). His writings have appeared in of various books and
catalogues including “Monika Sosnowska: 1:1” catalogue of Polish Pavilion at the 52nd International Exhibition of
Art in Venice (2007), “AR/PS the Architecture of Arseniusz Romanowicz and Piotr Szymaniak” (2013), “Mister
Warszawy” (2013) and magazines Domus, Artforum, Odra, Obieg, Czas Kultury, and Autoportret.
Patrick Verhoeven - Principal at Mandaworks - Stockholm, Sweden
Maria Schirmer - Head of Architecture and Construction Dep. of the Mokotow
Patrick's design career spans almost twenty years and includes extensive experience on a variety of city
planning and urban design tasks. Raised and educated in the Netherlands, Patrick's design philosophy has
brought creative leadership to Mandaworks through his interests in sustainable urban design, landscape
sensitivity, and architecture. Patrick has also become an expert in Swedish city planning and urban design as he
has spent nearly fourteen years living, working, and running design offices in Sweden.
Experiences outside of Sweden, especially in China, have also given him the unique opportunity to work with a
variety of urban development projects with high ambitions for sustainability, architecture and landscape
architecture. Patrick now calls Stockholm home with his family and alongside his work at Mandaworks Patrick
continues to teacher at the Royal Technical University of Stockholm (KTH).
district - Warsaw, Poland
Apart from the personal evaluation criteria of each member of the jury,
some other factors of qualification will be as follows:
- Innovation and relevance of the proposal
- Aesthetic quality of the overall project
- Clarity and comprehensibility of the design.
- Functionality, interpretation and application of the proposed program
- Technical quality of the project and feasibility in its construction
The jury's decision shall be final and irrevocable.
*Any contact with any members of the jury is discouraged. All authors of
projects that are proven to have tried to influence the decision of any
member of the jury will be rightfully disqualified.
open ideas competition
The entrant, individual or team, agrees to abide by the rules of the competition as determined by the
Organizer. The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to reject a proposal if it does not
comply with the Submission Requirements.
Registered participants in the competition may address their questions to the
Competition Organizer to: [email protected]
This Competition is open to all students and professionals of areas related to Architecture. Multidisciplinary
teams are encouraged. Work by individuals or teams are accepted, to a limit of four people per team.
The intellectual property rights shall remain the property of the entrant, any disputes that might arise are
of their sole responsibility.
By submitting an entry, the individual or team associated with the work authorizes the competition organizer
to use the work in future promotional activities, with due credits to the authorship.
All questions should be written in English, and will be answered privately by email
and/or publicly in the FAQ section of the website.
It is highly recommendable to regularly consult this section of the website. It may
provide additional information, updated information or clarification to the present
Competition Brief.
This competition will be decided in an open, anonymous process in a single stage by a Jury, whose
deliberation is final and irrevocable.
The Competition Organizer reserves the right to cancel the competition in the cases when fewer than 5
projects have been submitted or all submitted projects fail to comply with the announced terms and
conditions. Upon cancellation of the competition all participants shall be notified within 3 days from the
decision to cancel and properly refunded of their subscription fees.
For this competition are not eligible all people or businesses who have been involved in its organization.
This includes all representatives or employees of the Competition Organizer; jury members or any person
with a close relation to the jury members; any other individual that might influence directly the deliberation
of the jury members.
The payment of the monetary prizes will be made up to 30 days after Public Announcement.
The Competition is governed by the present program; all issues that are not clearly stated will be taken up
to the Jury Committee that will be empowered to decide.
By promoting this Ideas Competition Ctrl+Space – Architectural Competitions does not claim, in any way,
rights or ownership over the plot where the competition takes place. This is private property, under which
we chose to place this investigation for the purpose of ideas discussion. The organizers do not intend to
realize the winning entry.
open ideas competition