Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Dear Friends and Supporters: The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) looks forward to hosting you, our valued supporters, at the 42nd Annual Legislative Conference (ALC), September 19-22, 2012 in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme – Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations – is reflective of the role that the Foundation and its dedicated supporters play in helping the Foundation fullfil its mission to develop leaders, inform policy and educate the public. As in previous years, we will offer great choices of issue forums and opportunities to share and exchange information on how to make our country and our world a better place for all people. We expect to engage more than 10,000 elected officials, business and industry leaders, community leaders, media, emerging leaders and everyday Americans in policy forums and general sessions. Proceeds from ALC go toward supporting the Foundation’s mission. ALC enables CBCF the opportunity to address critical challenges facing the African-American community and the country at large. In addition to providing in-depth forums that discuss these issues, we are returning with the popular Networking Luncheon, Emerging Leaders series and Avoice panels that explore the legislative history of African Americans in Congress. We will also highlight the work of our interns, scholarship recipients and performing arts scholars and conduct a host of free health screenings. We invite you to visit our Exhibit Showcase where over 200 companies, large and small, will gather to display their products and where you can have your favorite author sign a book at the Authors Pavilion. By participating in ALC, you will be exposed to a network of individuals from around the country and the world who share similar interests. You will be able to engage in dialogue regarding policy and legislation, and directly interact with government officials about health, economic development, education and other issues that affect your lives. We invite you to register early to obtain significant discounts. Please visit the CBCF website often for the latest information about ALC ’12. We look forward to seeing you! A. Shuanise Washington Chair, Board of Directors Elsie L. Scott, Ph.D. President & CEO Mereda Davis Johnson, Esq. Chair, CBC Spouses Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s (CBCF) 42nd Annual Legislative Conference. This event will take place in the heart of our nation’s Capital, September 19-22, 2012, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. This year’s theme, Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations, embodies the spirit and mission of CBCF as it works to nurture and develop African-American leaders who will have a dynamic impact on future generations through advocacy and service to all. It is also indicative of the work undertaken by the African-American members of Congress to ensure that government fulfills its responsibility to protect and empower those who have been marginalized and shut out of the American Dream. ALC is one of the premier conferences that specifically addresses the current issues and conditions facing people of color, nationally and internationally. It is a time for our community to come together, present ideas, and establish an action agenda for the coming year. There are a number of challenges we currently face as Americans but we are imbued with the hope and promise of better days to come. This year, in accordance with our theme, we hope to inspire a new generation of leaders to become politically engaged and actively involved in the well-being of their communities. Please review the brochure, register early and be sure to attend what promises to be an exciting and thought-provoking ALC. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to seeing you at ALC! Sincerely, Rep. Gwen S. Moore Member of Congress Honorary ALC Co-Chair Rep. André Carson Member of Congress Honorary ALC Co-Chair Conference Highlights Four days of solution-centered sessions focusing on issues that significantly impact African Americans. As part of CBCF’s mission to educate the public, the conference offers more than 70 policy sessions that are open to the public. Modest registration fees are charged and tickets are required for access to some sessions. Proceeds from ALC fund CBCF’s many educational, scholarship and research programs. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to interact with policy experts and to support CBCF’s mission to develop leaders, inform policy and educate the public. Future Focus Series The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference begins with a day devoted to high-powered symposiums centered on black America’s future. The Center for Policy Analysis and Research (CPAR), CBCF’s research arm, has organized dynamic sessions that cover information about empowerment, education and health issues disproportionately impacting the African-American community. During these sessions, you will interact with some of the brightest, most innovative thinkers on topics relevant to African Americans. The Struggle Continues: Equity and Black Empowerment in the 21st Century This panel will center on race relations and current challenges to achieving social equity for African Americans given the election of the nation’s first black president. What is black empowerment today? How do African Americans effectively mobilize and organize for their interests? How do they contribute to change for the collective good? How is success defined and measured and how has it changed from the civil rights era? Is racism still alive and well? This frank conversation will bring together a panel of political experts, social activists and forum participants to discuss the evolution of discrimination, empowerment, civic engagement and equity, as well as symbolic versus substantive progress for African Americans. Session Track: Civic Engagement In Search of a Black Solution: What do WE Do about HIV/AIDS? Sponsored by George Curry National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service It has been 30 years since the first reported case of HIV/AIDS was documented. A disease that began in the United States and impacted white gay men has now become an epidemic in black communities affecting both men and women, young and old, straight and gay. The disease is a leading cause of death for African Americans. Join us and our Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative partners as we discuss the historic successes and challenges of African-American health and explore the solutions and best practices used in our communities committed to fight for good health. Reception to follow. Session Track: Health & Wellness 4 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations Before It’s too Late: Preventing Stroke among African Americans A Health & Wellness Luncheon Sponsored by African-American adults are 50 percent more likely to have a stroke than white adults and twice as likely to die from it. Furthermore, blacks tend to experience stroke at earlier ages than their white counterparts. African-American stroke survivors are also more likely to become disabled and have difficulty with daily activities following a stroke. There are several risk factors related to stroke, including obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and smoking—nearly all of which disproportionately affect African Americans. Strokes can lead to paralysis, vision and language problems, memory loss and other impairments. During this session, attendees will learn about the warning signs of a stroke, life-saving measures, and how to reduce the chances of stroke by committing to a healthier lifestyle and working proactively with medical providers. Panel will include neurophysiologist Dr. Richard Benson, Michelle Williams of Destiny’s Child fame and family physician Dr. Rani Whitfield. Limited-capacity event; please RSVP to [email protected]. Session Track: Health & Wellness Dr. Richard Benson Neurophysiologist Michelle Williams Dr. Rani Whitfield Family Physician Breaking Barriers 3: Government, Leadership and Sustainability for Black Male Achievement Sponsored by Ivory A. Toldson, Ph.D. CBCF Sr. Research Analyst More than five years after The New York Times released the article, “Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn,” many organizations, civic leaders, philanthropists and activists have provided an unprecedented number of resources that have developed black male initiatives. Black male programs have provided an unprecedented amount of resources to help black males achieve educational, social and economic success, but the measurable impact of these initiatives is subject to scrutiny. In addition, a new report by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights suggests that deep and persistent opportunity gaps continue to threaten black male achievement and the long-term sustainability. This forum will feature leaders on black male initiatives who have leveraged internal and external resources to build sustainable programs for black male achievement. It will examine programs and government partnerships and proposes strategies to sustain the long-range development of black male success. During the forum, CBCF senior research analyst Dr. Ivory Toldson will release preliminary findings from his new report “Breaking Barriers 3: Plotting the Path to College and Career Readiness among School-age African-American Males”. Session Track: Education & Labor Register Now! • • 5 CBCF Presents For more than three decades CBCF has partnered with the CBC Spouses to help young people and disadvantaged persons reach their educational objectives. The Community Breakfast has fed, clothed and provided critical health screenings for more than 2,000 individuals since its inception. African-American students from across the country have expressed their views on various historical topics through the Spouses Essay Issue Forum & Contest. Thousands of deserving African-American students have received vital financial support through the CBCF/CBC Spouses scholarships. Event Host Susan L. Taylor Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine 16th Annual Celebration of Leadership in the Fine Arts Issue Forum & Essay Contest Community Breakfast & Health Fair Since 1999, high school sophomores and juniors from the districts of congressional members have been invited to participate in an essay contest and issue forum. Students are asked to write an essay on a topic that is relevant and important to the African-American community. Winners are invited to the Annual Legislative Conference to participate in an issue forum that provides an arena to identify, challenge and engage participants in critical dialogue. This year’s essay contest topic is about childhood obesity and the barriers to maintaining healthy lifestyles. Each year, the CBC Spouses and CBC members team up to serve breakfast and provide clothing, toiletries, health screenings and health fair resources to more than 400 homeless individuals from the Washington, D.C. area. This program is an essential initiative that raises community awareness on ways to address the immediate and ongoing needs of homeless individuals. Session Track: Special Events Thursday, September 20 7:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. Location: TBD Session Track: Health & Wellness 6 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations The Celebration of Leadership event recognizes the contributions of individuals who have influenced our history and inspired generations. This special event recognizes the significant contributions of African Americans in the fine arts and raises scholarship funds for students who have demonstrated an exceptional level of talent in the arts. This year’s confirmed honorees are Grammy winner Dr. Bobby Jones, Jr., host of “Bobby Jones Gospel”; acclaimed theater director and producer Kenny Leon; and renowned author Tayari Jones. The evening will be hosted by Susan L. Taylor, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and Founder, National Cares Mentoring Movement. Honorees Dr. Bobby Jones GRAMMY winner Kenny Leon Theater Director/Producer Tayari Jones Author Session Track: Special Events Wednesday, September 19 8:00 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. National Museum of Women in the Arts 1250 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC Roundtable with Young Elected Officials, Policy Professionals and the Obama Administration The 2012 Roundtable with Young Elected Officials, Policy Officials and the Obama Administration is designed to infrom young professionals about the tools and resources needed to be successful advocates, legislators and policy makers. Young elected officials, policy professionals 40 and under, as well as a select group of AfricanAmerican leaders from the Obama administration, will gather to engage in this vital conversation. A moderator will facilitate a discussion about accessing federal resources; communicating effectively with White House and other federal officials; monitoring and accessing federal funds; promoting civic engagement in local communities; and building and sustaining an exceptional career in public policy. Session Track: Emerging Leaders By Popular Demand The Black Party Honoring Emerging Leaders 2012 will see the return of the “party with a purpose”— CBCF’s signature Black Party. This year, the event will focus on honoring young people making a difference in their communities through advocacy, public service, and civic engagement. The event also will feature up-andcoming musical talent, Hors d’oeuvres will be served.Good people, good vibes and good tunes provided by DJ Rico of Majic 102.3 FM... be there! A ticket is required for admission. Tickets may be purchased online and on-site at the convention center. DJ Rico of Majic 102.3 FM Session Track: Emerging Leaders Friday, September 21 9:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Howard Theatre EMERGING LEADERS Series Emerging Leaders Town Hall Presented by IMPACT Sponsored by During this year’s Emerging Leaders Town Hall, young professionals will engage with a group of select panelists in candid and thoughtful discussions about the pressing concerns of the AfricanAmerican community. Acknowledging the role that emerging leaders play in advocating for and affecting change, strategies will also be identified to help young leaders navigate the political process, influence public policy and excel in corporate America. Session Track: Emerging Leaders The Instant Apprentice Power Luncheon Emerging leaders will have lunch with African-American executives and leaders in business, government, education, sports and nonprofit organizations. During this high-energy event, participants will have access to powerbrokers by becoming their “instant apprentices.” Industry leaders will give advice on how to gain a competitive advantage in today’s market, tap into one’s entrepreneurial spirit and enhance leadership skills. This is a limited-capacity event for Emerging Leaders Series registrants only. RSVP at conference registration is required. Session Track: Emerging Leaders Thursday, September 20 12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Walter E. Washington Convention Center Ready. Set. Engage! Our Voice, Our Vote Presented by CBCF Alumni This panel will explore different forms of civic activism. Beyond the electoral process and fighting for racial equity, how can everyday Americans steer clear of barriers that impede civic engagement and a shared sense of the American dream? Elected officials, nonprofit executives and community organizers will give session participants the tools they need to combat voter suppression, address disenfranchisement, and encourage strong voter turnout and civic participation in the 2012 election and beyond. Session Track: Emerging Leaders Register Now! • • 7 Last year, the session highlighted the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the national memorial erected in his honor. This year, entrepreneurship and the expansion of small business will be examined as Americans look for pathways to survive in a challenging economy. The session will focus on diversifying and directing procurement opportunities to minority suppliers. The U.S. government and major U.S. corporations spend millions of dollars each year securing supplies and services. How can small and minority businesses position themselves to participate in projects and contracts designed to improve supplier diversity? For business owners, budding entrepreneurs, contractors and corporate and government executives interested in expanding their supplier diversity programs/ offerings, this is a session that should not be missed. ISSUE FORUMS & Braintrusts [PARTIAL LISTING OF PRIOR YEAR’S SESSIONS] Civic Engagement/Civil Rights/Judicial • • • • • • • • The Black Vote: An Underused Instrument of Power Judiciary BRAINTRUST: Advancing the Civil Rights Agenda Real Gang Prevention: The Youth Promise Act Is the New Right Wrong for People of Color? In It To Win It: GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Bridging the Gap Between African Americans and Immigrants of the African Diaspora Shut Out: Evaluating Madison Avenue for Disparity in Advertising, Media and Creative Services Ex-Offenders Forum: Upward Economic Mobility, the Intersecting of Policy and Opportunity Community Outreach & Reinvestment • A Call to Action: Celebrating the Importance of Fatherhood • Black Elected Officials Roundtable • Powerful Women, Powerful Legacies • African American Blogs and Bloggers: The New Voice on the Street • TRANSPORTATION BRAINTRUST Shifting into Drive: Opportunities for Diversity with the New Surface Transportation Assistance Act • Essay Contest Issue Forum A Healthy Change: How America’s Youth Can Grow into a Healthier Tomorrow • Community Rebirth: Reality, Responsibility and Rising • Image of Blacks in America: Is It Our Image or Theirs? Arts and Culture • • • • • • • • Homelessness Among African–American Veterans Veteran’s Affairs BRAINTRUST: Supporting Our Troops, Preserving Their Families Diversity in the U.S. Military Education & History • • EDUCATION BRAINTRUST Educational Success: High Performing Schools in Black Communities Underground Railroad 10 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations Faith Leaders Roundtable Economic Security & Small Business • • • • • Working Class Prosperity and African Americans: The Economics of Foreclosure, Credit Cards and Wages Restructuring the Revolution: Doing Business with DHS Appropriations: The Priorities, The Process Banking Issues Forum ECONOMIC BRAINTRUST: Navigating Through the Federal Recruitment Process and Marketing Yourself When Seeking a Federal Career Energy & Environment • • • • Defense, Veterans & Homeland Security Young, Gifted and Black BRAINTRUST: Our Girls - Our Promise: Be a Part of the Solution The Impact of Hip Hop on American Politics Breaking Down Barriers: Creating a Progressive Black Agenda for the 21st Century The Reel Deal: Creating Meaningful Opportunities for African Americans and Africans in the Film and Television Industries • GREEN ROUNDTABLE BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Moving Towards Restoration & Long Term Recovery Green is the New Black: How We Should Capitalize on the Opportunities of this New Environmental Industry Environmental Justice BRAINTRUST: Securing Our Future: Using New Technology to Reduce America’s Dependence on Foreign Fuel Energizing Minority Participation in the New Energy Economy How Climate and Energy are Shaping U.S. Policy and Perceptions from a Global Perspective Entrepreneurship & Business • • • • • • Government Procurement Fair Money Matters: Leaving A Financial Legacy Exploring Minority Business Opportunities With the Federal Government Pipeline to Prosperity: Creating Sustainable Partnerships for Minority Businesses Minority Wealth Management BLACK Man in the WHITE House: Is this the Beginning of a Post-Racial Society, Part II? Foreign Policy & International Relations • • • • • • Africa and the Diaspora: From Slave Ships to Partnerships Haiti: Finding the Path to Redevelopment The Future of United States and Africa Relations FOREIGN AFFAIRS BRAINTRUST: Africa Forging Ahead Investing in Africa African Globalism Committee: Building Upon Generations Past and Present Health & Wellness • • • • • • • • • • • Healthy Living on a Dime Food Deserts: Building Healthy Choices In Urban America Beyond a National AIDS Strategy: Next Steps in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Black America Health Care Reform: Where Do We Go From Here? Moving America Towards Affordable Health Care for All CHILD WELFARE BRAINTRUST: Poverty Changes the Face of Child Welfare CBCF and CBC HEALTH BRAINTRUST Pajama Bottom Hair, Conventional Tresses, and Treasured Locks: Black Women and Their Hair Factors That are Plaguing our African-American Youth: Childhood Obesity and Missing and Exploited Children Community Health Centers “Fit for Life”: Making Nutritional Choices for a Healthier Lifestyle Golf: Educational and Personal Advantages for Minority Youth Science & Technology • • SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRAINTRUST: Believing by Seeing Government 2.0 - The Next Wave in Social Interaction and New Media Technologies Register Now! • • 11 SPECIAL sessions Avoice Presents: To Be or Not to Be… Engaged Civically, That Is! Avoice will examine the role of civic engagement in monumental legislation sponsored by African-American members of Congress. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Bill exhibit is the starting point for a retrospective and contemporary look at the role public advocacy plays in the legislative process. AVOICE STUDENT WORKSHOP To celebrate the 2012 Black History theme , “Black Women in Culture & History,” join is us for an intensive workshop for high school students focusing on the legislative contributions of the AfricanAmerican women of congress. By invitation only. Session Track: Civil Rights, Judiciary & History Session Track: Education & History SOJOURNER TRUTH… CONTINUING THE LEGACY SERIES “Our Vote, Our Voice” Be the Brand: YOU! In this fourth installment of the “Sojourner Truth… Continuing the Legacy” series, an inter-generational panel of women will explore the implications of continued and sustained civic engagement and leadership across generational lines, voter suppression policies, and strategies for strengthening the voice of black women across the world as we move toward the important and historic 2012 election. Session Track: Civil Rights, Judiciary & History Friday, September 21 Walter E. Washington Convention Center 12 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations This opening event will help you launch your networking experience during CBCF’s 42nd Annual Legislative Conference. Utilize this event to showcase your most marketable skills to exchange ideas with emerging leaders and seasoned professionals. This is your opportunity to learn how to best navigate the upcoming days of the ALC! This is an invitation only event, for first- and second-year attendees only. Session Track: Special Events Thursday, September 20 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. PRELIMINARY Schedule Conference schedule is subject to change. All events are at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center (WEWCC) unless otherwise noted. Consult conference web site at for updated content. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Registration & Ticketing Location: WEWCC 7:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. CBC Spouses Community Breakfast Location: Off-Site 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Registration & Ticketing Location: WEWCC 7:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Registration & Ticketing Location: WEWCC 12:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. CPAR Future Focus Location: WEWCC 8:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Registration & Ticketing Location: WEWCC 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sessions Location: WEWCC 7:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M. Prayer Breakfast* Location: WEWCC (Hall D) 8:00 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. CBC Spouses 16th Annual Celebration of Leadership in the Arts* Location: Nat’l Museum of Women in the Arts 8:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. New Attendee Welcome† Location: WEWCC 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Exhibit Showcase Location: WEWCC (Hall E) 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Exhibit Showcase Location: WEWCC (Hall E) 9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. National Town Hall Location: WEWCC (Ballroom A) 12:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. General Session Luncheon Location: WEWCC 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Faith Leaders Location: WEWCC 12:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Exhibit Showcase Location: WEWCC (Hall E) 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. CBCF Chair’s Reception† Location: WEWCC 10:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sessions Location: WEWCC 12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. EMERGING LEADERS Instant Apprentice Lunch Location: WEWCC 9:00 P.M. – 1:00 A.M. Black Party* Location: Howard Theatre 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. VIP Reception† Location: WEWCC Key Dates May 7 Online Registration & Housing Open July 20 Early Registration Discount Ends August 6 Registration Cancellation Deadline Last day to cancel with a refund Housing Closes September 6 Pre-Conference Discount Ends Last day to register via fax September 7 Regular Registration Rate Begins September 19 ALC ’12 Begins On-site Registration Opens ˆ ˆ 12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Networking Luncheon Location: WEWCC 6:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. Phoenix Awards Dinner* Location: WEWCC (Hall D) ˆ 12:30 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sessions Location: WEWCC 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Leadership Reception† Location:Off-Site (*) Ticketed Events Tickets will be available for sale at the ticket counter in the registration area until event/session capacity is reached. (†) Invitation Only Event. 8:00 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. Gospel Extravaganza Location: United House of Prayer For All People 8:00 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. Jazz Concert Location: WEWCC ˆ ( ) Limited Capacity Event. Attendees must declare their intention to attend this event on their registration form. General registration is not a guarantee of entrance for these specific events. Register Now! • • 13 conference information Save up to 33% off! the regular rate when you register by July 20! THE 2012 ANNUAL LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE will take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, located at 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW, Washington, DC, 20001. For more information about the convention center or directions, please visit Registration Categories Discount Registration Rates Early Registration Discount ends July 20 Pre-Conference Registration Discount ends September 6 Regular Registration Begins September 7 Standard Registration Package ($75 EARLY / $90 PRE-CONFERENCE / $100 REGULAR) This package excludes the Instant Apprentice Power Luncheon but includes: • Conference Portfolio • Souvenir Conference Journal • Invitation to the CBCF Chair’s Reception • Invitation to New Members Reception (open to first-year or second-year attendees only) • Registrant badge that provides admission to the Issue Forums and Braintrusts, National Town Hall Meeting, Exhibit Showcase, Gospel Extravaganza and Jazz Forum & Concert • Choice of either the Networking Lunch or General Session Luncheon (both events available until capacity is reached) Standard Registration Plus ($600 EARLY / $675 PRE-CONFERENCE / $750 REGULAR) This package is the Standard Registration package plus: • Phoenix Awards Dinner ticket 14 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations Ultimate Package ($625 EARLY / $700 PRE-CONFERENCE / $800 REGULAR) This package includes the Standard Registration package plus: • Phoenix Awards Dinner ticket • Prayer Breakfast ticket Corporate Representative Registration Package ($200 EARLY / $225 PRE-CONFERENCE / $250 REGULAR) This package is the Standard Registration package plus: • General Session Luncheon (until capacity is reached) • Invitation to Leadership Reception Senior Registration Package ($35) This is a discounted Standard Registration for seniors who are at least 62 years young. To qualify for this registration package, seniors must present valid identification at registration check-in. Please note that the Networking Lunch and the General Session Luncheon are not included in the Senior Registration Package. Seniors wishing to attend either the Networking Luncheon or General Session Luncheon must register for the Standard Registration Package or purchase a ticket to either the Networking Luncheon or the General Session Luncheon. Individual Tickets Individual tickets are available for the Celebration of Leadership, Networking Luncheon, the Black Party, General Session Luncheon, Prayer Breakfast and the Phoenix Awards Dinner. Individual tickets may be purchased in advance and on site until event capacity is reached. Review the registration form for individual ticket prices. Emerging Leaders Registration Packages All Emerging Leaders packages consist of the Standard Registration Package (excluding the Networking Lunch) plus: • Emerging Leaders Journal • Instant Apprentice Power Luncheon (until capacity is reached) Emerging Leaders | Professional Package ($125 EARLY / $140 PRE-CONFERENCE / $150 REGULAR) The package is the Emerging Leaders package plus: • General Admission ticket to the Black Party (until capacity is reached). Emerging Leaders | Student Package ($40 EARLY / $50 PRE-CONFERENCE / $50 REGULAR) Discounted registration fee offered to students who provide valid student identification at registration check-in. This package does not include a ticket to the Black Party. There are a limited number of upgrades available. Emgering Leaders--Student registrants, who are 21 and over and would like to attend the Black Party may do so for an additional charge of $55. Registration & Ticketing REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE ALL OFFICIAL CONFERENCE MATERIALS including, the Souvenir Conference Journal, registration badge and invitation to the CBCF Chair’s Reception. A conference badge is required to enter all CBCF non-ticketed events, including the National Town Hall Meeting, Jazz Concert, Gospel Extravaganza and Exhibit Hall Showcase. Many of the Sponsor Packages include conference registrations. Once sponsor payment has been received, you will receive instructions for registering your company representatives. Registration and ticket purchases can be made through any of the methods below. 1. Online registrations will be accepted through September 7 at Registration fees will be charged according to the staggered fee schedule. See registration form for details. 2. Phone registrations accepted at (877) 585-6018. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. (EST) through September 14. 3. Fax your completed form to (703) 574-8332 by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on September 6, 2012. 4. Mail your completed registration form to: CBCF Registration Center C/O J. Spargo & Associates, Inc. 11208 Waples Mill Rd., Suite 112 Fairfax, VA 22030 To ensure receipt, it is strongly encouraged that registration forms are mailed on or before September 6, 2012. Forms postmarked after September 6 but before September 13 will be charged the higher on-site registration fee. Forms postmarked after September 13 run the risk of not being received and therefore cannot be processed. Methods of Payment Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express), checks and money orders (made payable to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.) will be accepted as payment for ALC sponsorship, registration fees and event tickets. Will Call Available for Phoenix Awards Dinner and Prayer Breakfast tickets. CBCF is happy to provide will call service to Sponsors as a means to have tickets distributed to individual guests. It is important to note the following: • Sponsor must specify the name of the individual who is to pick up the ticket(s). • Photo identification is required to retrieve tickets from Will Call. • The Will Call desk is located in the main lobby of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. • The Will Call desk will promptly close 60 minutes after the published start time of the program. Please note that ALC hotels may also offer will-call service. It is important that your guests are specifically notified of the Will Call location for their respective tickets. Sponsor Tickets Tickets purchased by Friday, August 3 for event tables will be available to the purchaser, at CBCF headquarters September 7–17. Tickets purchased after August 3 will be available for pick up at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in the Sponsors’ Suite beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, through 1:00 p.m. Saturday, September 22, 2012. Cancellation Policy Registration cancellation requests must be submitted in writing and received by CBCF no later than Monday, August 6, 2012, to receive a registration refund. Cancellations will not be accepted via phone. No refunds will be granted for cancellation requests received by CBCF after 5 p.m. (EST) on Monday, August 6, 2012. To ensure proper processing, cancellation requests must be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 703-574-8332 For eligible cancellation requests, CBCF will issue refund checks within 30 days following the conference. Refund checks will be issued for the registration amount minus a $25 processing fee. Register Now! • • 15 hotels GRAND HYATT MARRIOTT METRO CENTER RENAISSANCE HOTEL 1000 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 (800) 233-1234 (202) 582-1234 Distance: .4 miles from Convention Center 775 12th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 (800) 228-9290 (202) 898-9000 Distance: .5 miles from Convention Center 999 Ninth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 (800) 468-3571 (202) 898-9000 Distance: .2 miles from Convention Center Rates Single: Double: Triple: Quad: Rates Rates $288.00 $288.00 $313.00 $313.00 Reservations Reservations are filled on a firstcome, first-served basis. Hotel rates do not include local taxes, which are 14.5% per room per night. To receive the conference rate, be sure to mention Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. Please have your credit card and any hotel rewards information ready at the time you make your reservations. Hotel reservations can be made online or by telephone. Online Hotel reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly or online through the ALC web site at Select “ALC ‘12” then select “Hotels & Travel”. Contributing Photographer: Imagine Photography & Lewis Myrie Photography Single: Double: Triple: Quad: $254.00 $254.00 $265.00 $265.00 Housing Deadlines & Cancellations Reservations made after Monday, August 6, 2012, are not guaranteed to receive the ALC discounted rate and are subject to hotel availability. Each reservation requires a deposit of one night’s room and tax. The deposit will be charged when the reservation is made and become non-refundable on September 10, 2012. No more than two reservations may be made in one name or guaranteed on one credit card. Single: Double: Triple: Quad: $248.00 $258.00 Call hotel for quote Call hotel for quote airports RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL (DCA) 6.5 miles from convention center Drive time: approximately 15 minutes WASHINGTON DULLES INT’L (IAD) 26 miles from convention center Drive time: approximately 50 minutes BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON THURGOOD MARSHALL INT’L (BWI) 31.5 miles from convention center Drive time: approximately 50 minutes Graphics Design by: FLOW Group, LLC | I|B VisualConcepts 16 • 42nd Annual Legislative Conference • Inspiring Leaders | Building Generations ATTENDEE REGISTRATION ONE FORM PER PERSON REQUIRED September 19—22, 2012 Sponsors and Exhibitors should use Walter E. Washington Convention Center Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Form Washington, D.C. REGISTER ONLINE AT: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Prefix First Name Family/Last Name Suffix Gender: Male/Female __________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name Address Suite/Apartment Number _________________________________________________________________________________________ City State/Province ZIP+4Postal Code Country _________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone & Extension Cell Phone Emergency Contact (Name): _____________________ Fax Email Emergency Contact (Phone):__ _______________ In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, please check here if you require special services and specify on next page of form Who is your Congressional Representative?: _________________________________ At what hotel are you staying?: _________ Highest Level of education completed: __High School __College __Masters __ Ph.D. Age: __ Under 18 __18-25 __26-35 Annual Income: __ $0-$14,999 Occupation: __$15,000-$29,999 __ $30,000-44,999 __$45,000-$54,999 __ $55,000-69,999 __ $70,000-$84,999 __ $85,000-99,999 __ $100,000 or above __Corporate Representative __Business Owner __Elected Official __ Student __Educator __Grassroots Organizer __Non-Profit __Employee __Health Practitioner __ Religious Leader __Lobbyist Industry __Government Employee __ Retiree __Other: _______________________________________________________________ Registration Packages Early (See brochure or visit for package descriptions) (Ends July 20) __ Standard __ Standard Plus (a) __ Ultimate (a) __ Corporate (a) __ Senior (for seniors 65 years young or more. Valid ID required) __ Senior-Lunch UPGRADE (choice of Networking or General Lunch) __ Emerging Leader—Professional (b) __ Emerging Leader—Student (b)* __ Emerging Leader—Student BPX UPGRADE Pre-Conf Regular $90 $675 $700 $225 $35 $65 $140 $50 $105 $100 $750 $800 $250 $35 $75 $150 $50 $105 $75 $600 $625 $200 $35 $55 $125 $40 $95 (a) (Ends Sep. 6) (Starts Sep. 7) Attendees purchasing the Standard, Standard Plus, Ultimate, Corporate, or Emerging Leaders Packages have one lunch meal session included. Please RSVP below: (a) For Standard, Standard Plus, Ultimate, or Corporate please SELECT ONLY ONE: ____Networking Luncheon (no add’l fee) OR ____ General Session Luncheon (no add’l fee) (b) I am registering as an Emerging Leader and would like to attend the Instant Apprentice Power Luncheon: ___ Yes (no add’l fee) ___ No *This registration package does not include the Black Party tickets. Tickets (Additional tickets NOT included with your registration package) __ Celebration of Leadership __ General Session Luncheon __ Prayer Breakfast __ Prayer Breakfast Table (10 seats) __ Phoenix Awards Dinner __ Individual Black Party Ticket (BPX) __ BPX 3.0 VIP (Black Party) VIP Access Early (Ends July 20) $75 $45 $50 $500 $750 $65 $200 Pre-Con (Ends Sep. 6) $100 $50 $55 $550 $750 $75 $225 Total Registration and Ticket Fees $__________ Payment Information (forms without payment will not be processed) ___Check made payable to CBCF, Inc. ___ Purchase Order (Govt. only—copy of P.O. required) Charge the following credit card: Credit Card # ___American Express ___MasterCard ___Visa Exp. Date Name on Card Authorized Signature Your signature authorizes your credit card to be charged for the total payment due CBCF reserves the right to charge the correct amount if different from the total listed. Regular (Starts Sep. 7) $100 $55 $60 $600 $750 $85 $250 __36-45 __46-55 __56-61 __62 or over How did you learn about this conference? __ Bus Ad __ CBCF Website __ Email __ Magazine Ad __ Newspaper Ad __ Previous Attendee __ Radio Announcement __ Text Message __ Word of Mouth __ Attended Previously __ CBCF Facebook Page __ Other What is your main reason for attending? __ Develop Leads for New Business __ Educational Opportunities __ Entertainment __ Exhibits—Job Fair __ Exhibits—Learn about new products/services __ Interact with Congressional Members __ Networking Opportunities __ Participate in Issue Forums If you are a CBCF Alumnus, indicate the program. __ I am not a CBCF Alumnus __ Congressional Fellow __ Public Health Fellow __ Intern (Summer) __ Intern (Emerging Leaders) __ Intern (Communications) __ Scholarship Recipient (Visual Arts) __ Scholarship Recipient (Performing Arts) __ Scholarship Recipient (Health) Contributions: (detailed information on page 2) CBCF Internship & Fellowship Program $ ___________ Center for Policy Analysis & Research (CPAR) $ ___________ CBCF Scholarship Fund $ ___________ Cancellations and Refunds: All cancellation requests must be received in writing by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on August 6, 2012. Requests must be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 703-631-1167. Cancellations will not be accepted by phone. A processing fee of $25.00 will be applied to all cancelled registrations. CBCF Registration Center Phone: 877-585-6018 11208 Waples Mill Rd., Suite 112 Fax: 703-574-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Fairfax, VA 22030 ATTENDEE REGISTRATION - Page 2 September 19—22, 2012 Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, D.C. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name Family/Last Name In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, please specify further any special services or needs you may require: __ Deaf or hearing impaired __ Blind or visually impaired __ Wheelchair bound __ Dietary restriction (specify) _____________________________________ __ Other __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate Airline Used: __ AirTran Airways __ SkyWest Airlines __ United Airlines __ American Airlines __ US Airways __ Continental __ World Airways __ Delta Airlines __ Other __ Frontier Airlines __ JetBlue Airlines __ Did not fly Indicate the number of ALCs you have attended: __ First ALC __ 2nd __ 3rd __4-9 __ 10-14 __ 15-19 __ 20 or more To assist you in quickly finding the policy sessions of greatest interest to you, ALC has categorized each session into specific tracks. Please indicate which tracks are of interest to you and we will send any content updates as they arise: __ Budget, Appropriations and Taxation __ Business, Economic Development & Wealth Creation (Energy & Environment and Technology/Infrastructure) __ Civil Rights, Judiciary & History __ Community Outreach / Civic Engagement __ Foreign Affairs & National Security __ I'm not interested in any particular session. __ Education & Labor Would you be willing to participate in a focus group or survey to help CBCF improve the ALC? Were you referred by another conference attendee? __ Yes __ Yes __ Emerging Leaders __ No __ No If yes, please indicate name of attendee _________________________________________________________ Detailed Information Regarding Contributions Options (from page 1) CBCF Internship & Fellowship Program CBCF Leadership Institute for Public Service offers scholarships, internships and fellowships to inspire the next generation of leaders. Through the Leadership Institute, CBCF fellows and interns have opportunities to work on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies, attend seminars led by policy experts, and gain first-hand views of leadership at its best by working with and learning from the African-American members of Congress and other leaders in Washington, D.C. Recognizing that leadership development must also be supported in local communities, the CBCF Leadership Institute awards scholarships to students who demonstrate extraordinary leadership ability through their community service, academic talent and financial need. Consistent with CBCF's mission, the CBCF Leadership Institute for Public Service is dedicated to preparing tomorrow's leaders today. Center for Policy Analysis & Research (CPAR) As part of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the Center for Policy Analysis and Research identifies, analyzes, and disseminates policy-oriented information critical to advancing the African-American community toward economic independence, education, and health equity. Quality research and policy analysis are essential for crafting effective policies that meet the needs of African Americans and other underserved populations. Policymakers must have good information in order to assess the viability of existing policies and to formulate new ones that effectively address social problems. Despite this need, there are relatively few existing resources from which policymakers can receive information from an African-American perspective. CPAR was established to facilitate evidence-based policymaking and positively influence public discourse on important issues. CBCF Scholarship Fund CBCF has awarded scholarships to talented students for over 20 years. Scholarship recipients have gone on to successful careers in government, non-profit and private sectors. Each year, CBCF awards more than 700 scholarships to students across the United States. For more information on individual scholarship programs, visit the CBCF Scholarship page. Registration & Ticketing: REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE ALL OFFICIAL CONFERENCE MATERIALS, including the Souvenir Conference Journal, registration badge and invitation to the CBCF Chair’s Reception. A conference badge is required to enter all CBCF non-ticketed events, including the National Town Hall Meeting, Jazz Concert, Gospel Extravaganza and Exhibit Hall Showcase. Cancellations and Refunds: All cancellation requests must be received in writing by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on August 6, 2012. Requests must be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 703-574-8332. Cancellations will not be accepted by phone. A processing fee of $25.00 will be applied to all cancelled registrations. All donations are non-refundable. CBCF Registration Center Phone: 877-585-6018 11208 Waples Mill Rd., Suite 112 Fax: 703-574-8332 Fairfax, VA 22030 E-mail: [email protected] FileÊName:ÊÊCBCF-ALC12-Tag 1720 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 FileÊName:ÊÊCBCF-Tag FileÊName:ÊÊALC11-Tag FileÊName:ÊÊALC12-Tag FileÊName:ÊÊCBCF10-Tag FONTÊUSED:ÊÊTaglineÊÊ=ÊUtopiaÊSemiboldÊItalic ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊALCÊÊÊÊÊÊ=ÊUtopiaÊRegularÊ Printed on recycled paper
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