2014 Annual Report - Buzzards Bay Coalition


2014 Annual Report - Buzzards Bay Coalition
It is our great pleasure to share this 2014 Annual Report with you – our members and
supporters – whose outstanding support and passion made possible such amazing
achievements over the past year.
We have never been more enthusiastic about the work this
organization does every day to accelerate the protection and
restoration of the Bay. From landmark land preservation around
unique Nasketucket Bay, to collaborative research with cranberry
farmers, on-the-ground demonstrations of innovative nitrogen
pollution reduction, persistent legal defense of oil spill prevention
laws, and dramatic growth in community engagement programming,
the Coalition’s work in 2014 found us reaching all corners of the
Buzzards Bay watershed to improve the quality of our waters and
our communities.
Yet the programs and victories celebrated here in this Annual
Report are but a glimpse of the exciting work taking place every
day at your Buzzards Bay Coalition. We hope you share our pride in this work and the scale
and impact of the Coalition’s accomplishments this year.
This year also saw the completion of the Coalition’s “Strategy 2015-2020: Our Commitment to
Restore Clean Water and a Healthy Buzzards Bay for Everyone.” Over the next five years, the
plan will guide our actions to tackle head-on the challenges facing
the Bay and our local environment through major new initiatives
focused on People, Land and Water.
The theme of “Resilience” binds together our new Strategic Plan’s
natural, human and organizational goals. Resilience to adapt and
endure, to grow and persevere, to restore the Bay and build an
organization so that both can weather new threats and thrive for
generations to come. That is our challenge, but more importantly,
our tremendous opportunity. We are excited about the work
ahead and about the privilege to partner with all of you to make it
happen. Thank you!
In closing, we want to pause to recognize the deep sadness we all feel at the loss of Chip
Morse of Quissett this year. Chip served on the Coalition’s Board of Directors for 11 years and
co-chaired our transformative $11.2 million Campaign for Buzzards Bay between 2008-2011.
He was a dear friend and his impact on this organization and the Bay we protect will be felt
for generations.
Mark Rasmussen
President/Buzzards Baykeeper
On the cover: A local resident shows off the blue crab
she caught on one of our Bay Adventures.
Laura Ryan Shachoy
Chair, Board of Directors
Coalition completes largest land conservation
project on Buzzards Bay in 25 years
Imagine a warm, clear summer morning. You get on your bike, ride a
few miles down a bike trail, and then hop off for a two mile-long hike.
You meander along farmland, through lush forests, over streams, and
across a salt marsh until you reach a beach that looks like it hasn’t seen
visitors in years. In front of you is blue water full of fish and shellfish
with birds soaring overhead.
Now imagine that you, your friends and your family will be able to
enjoy this place forever.
You no longer have to imagine. In December, the Coalition completed
the Nasketucket Bay Land Conservation Project, protecting 416 acres
near Nasketucket Bay in Fairhaven and Mattapoisett. This is the
largest land conservation project on Buzzards Bay in 25 years and it’s
completion makes this vision a reality.
This project also expanded
conservation land around
Nasketucket Woods, including
a trail that links the Mariner
Youth Soccer fields to new
trails at East Fairhaven
Elementary School.
The Coalition is creating a new
hiking trail that connects the
popular Phoenix/Mattapoisett
bike path with the State
Nasketucket Bay State
Reservation is a crown jewel of
the state park system. Because of
this project, the reservation has
nearly doubled in size.
Nasketucket Bay has some of the cleanest water in
Buzzards Bay. This is mainly because of significant
local land conservation efforts. Now, one of the largest
remaining natural areas surrounding Nasketucket Bay
is permanently protected from development that might
have harmed this special corner of the Bay.
Whether you’re paddling the calm waters of the Westport Rivers, sailing out of West Falmouth
Harbor, or fishing in the coves of Wareham, the effects of nitrogen pollution are all around us. To
address this, 2014 was a year of significant action towards tackling the Bay’s biggest pollution
problem. Across the region, a combination of planning, research, and innovative projects crafted
a new path forward to restoring clean water in your community.
On Cape Cod, residents and stakeholders from all
Cape communities participated in an intensive,
year-long effort to create a clean water action plan
– a long-overdue requirement of section 208 of the
Federal Clean Water Act. In October, the Cape Cod
Commission released a draft plan that’s designed to
give communities the tools needed to reduce nitrogen
pollution. The Coalition, which pushed in court for
the plan’s completion, participated in the planning
process and provided detailed comments on the draft.
The final plan is due in spring 2015.
Stopping nitrogen pollution will require many different
solutions. The Coalition and local municipalities are
testing innovative approaches under a new grant
program from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. Through projects at Kingman Marina in
Cataumet and on West Falmouth Harbor, the Coalition
is targeting the biggest source of nitrogen pollution to
the Bay: residential septic systems. These projects will
help residents in these areas tie into advanced nitrogenreducing systems that will significantly reduce pollution
to local harbors. In addition, Fairhaven and Wareham
received grants aimed at reducing nitrogen from their
wastewater treatment plants.
An innovative partnership between the
Coalition and the town of Falmouth will
install 20 nitrogen-reducing septic systems
at homes around West Falmouth Harbor.
At left, a Baywatcher collects important water
quality data in New Bedford Harbor, one of
over 200 locations around Buzzards Bay.
In Carver, Plymouth, and Wareham, the Coalition
continued its work with the UMass Cranberry Station
and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole
to better understand the impact of cranberry bogs
on nutrients in Buzzards Bay. At the same time, our
Baywatchers program – which completed its 23rd
year of monitoring in 2014 – is expanding thanks to a
grant from the MacArthur Foundation. In partnership
with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the
Coalition will lengthen our monitoring season, collect
more data, and better assess how global warming is
exacerbating the Bay’s existing nitrogen problem.
The Coalition is also continuing to fight to keep the
Bay safe from oil spills. More than a decade after
the devastating effects of the Bouchard B-120 spill,
the U.S. Coast Guard and the oil transport industry
are hoping our memories of that event are fading.
In 2014 they unsuccessfully pushed to weaken the
Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention Act, which has
protected the Bay from a major spill for years. The
Coalition and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
are continuing to fight in court to defend the Bay.
In addition, the Coalition has partnered with the
New Bedford Harbor Development Commission,
local public safety agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard,
and commercial fishermen to secure funds for a pilot
project to reduce the chronic “mystery” oil spill
problem in New Bedford Harbor.
The Coalition is bringing
together scientists and
cranberry growers to
better understand the
impact of cranberry
agriculture on nitrogen
in Buzzards Bay.
Buzzards Bay Coalition
is a member of the
Waterkeeper Alliance.
In New Bedford’s busy North End, the sound of traffic fades away as you stroll up to a stone
wall. Just beyond, the Acushnet River flows past sloping meadows and quiet forests. Leaving
the hectic city behind, you make your way along winding paths that cross over the river and
through the woods. Within just a few minutes, you’re standing on the river’s shore watching
ospreys soar overhead, herons fish in the marsh, and fish jump from the water.
After a multi-year restoration effort, you will soon
be able to enjoy this journey yourself at the restored
Acushnet Sawmill. The Coalition removed old
pavement, recreated natural riverbanks, and replanted
dozens of species of native plants and trees. And with
new walking paths, scenic overlooks, interpretive signs,
and a canoe and kayak launch, visitors like you will soon
be able to explore and enjoy this new park in the heart
of the city.
Canoeing, fishing, walking, and birdwatching are just
some of the activities you will be able to enjoy when
the Acushnet Sawmill opens to the public this year.
As the Coalition wraps up the Acushnet Sawmill
restoration, we are taking the lead on another unique
restoration project in Westport. On the western side
of the mouth of Westport Harbor lies a barrier beach
that leads out to the dramatic Point of Rocks, also
known as the Knubble. This barrier beach protects
the Westport River inlet and provides an outstanding
view (see at right) of the entrance to Buzzards Bay.
It’s also a sensitive area with a fragile beach and
dunes that are vulnerable to erosion. Working with
the town, neighbors, and community groups, the
Coalition is coordinating a plan to restore the dunes
and improve access so all Westport residents can
enjoy this special place.
At left, the Coalition and the 300 Committee,
Falmouth’s Land Trust, protected seven acres of
scenic and sensitive coastal land along Black Beach
in West Falmouth.
The Coalition’s efforts to restore the lower Weweantic
River took a major step forward with a grant from the
Bouchard B-120 Trustee Council. The restoration will
remove run-down remnants of an old mill at the mouth
of the Weweantic, allowing migratory fish, as well as
kayakers and fishermen, better access up and down
Buzzards Bay’s largest river.
When measured by acres, 2014 marked one of the most
productive years for land conservation in Coalition
history. The cornerstone of those efforts was the
Nasketucket Land Conservation Project, a collection
of 416 acres of conserved lands in Fairhaven and
Mattapoisett (see program highlight on page 1).
Across the Bay, we also helped protect seven acres of
pristine beach and dune habitat at Black Beach in
West Falmouth (see photo at left).
The Coalition has now protected
over 7,200 acres in the Buzzards
Bay watershed in the last two
decades. In 2014, we added
to our legacy by becoming an
accredited land trust, meeting
high standards for organizational
strength and fiscal responsibility set by the Land
Trust Accreditation Commission. This is the highest
recognition that a land trust can receive, held by less
than 20% of conservation organizations in America.
The Coalition is working with the town of Westport to
restore the Knubble barrier beach and provide access
for all Westport residents.
What makes a classroom a classroom? Is it desks stocked with pencils, paper, and rulers?
Is it four walls covered with posters and chalkboards? Or is it simply a place where curiosity
is fostered, lessons are learned, and discoveries are made? The Coalition is redefining the
classroom for both kids and adults by turning forests, beaches, and salt marshes into resources
for learning and for developing a life-long love of our local environment.
With amazing natural areas spread across the region,
students and teachers don’t need to go far to find
great places to explore. In 2014, more than 3,000
youth discovered Buzzards Bay through one of the
Coalition’s field programs. At Rochester Memorial
School, students and teachers looked for signs of life in
the woods. In Wareham, students searched for crabs
at a salt marsh just steps away from their school. And
in New Bedford, every fourth grader learned how to
identify scallops, quahogs, and oysters at East Beach.
The Coalition is also working to create unique outdoor
learning spaces that both teachers and families can
use. Last fall, the Coalition led East Fairhaven students
on their first outdoor exploration program using
new trails behind their school. They crossed streams,
stood on tree stumps, and discovered a whole world
in their own backyard. The trails – the result of a
collaboration between East Fairhaven Elementary
School, the Fairhaven Community Trails Network,
and the Coalition – are a model for other schools
across the region.
Kids weren’t the only ones who explored the outdoors
in 2014. The Coalition hosted over 50 Bay Adventures
for more than 850 people. Participants snorkeled
through eelgrass, dug for clams, marveled
at seals, and much more.
In 2014, watershed residents discovered blue crabs
(above) and quahogs (at left) and much more on our
Bay Adventure programs.
Fourth graders from New Bedford share their discovery
during a Coalition program.
While our programs continue to grow, so do the
number of places where you can get out and explore.
The Acushnet Sawmill is slated to open in 2015 (see
page 5) and the Nasketucket Bay Land Conservation
Project (see page 1) greatly expanded recreation
opportunities in Fairhaven and Mattapoisett. We
also welcomed over 7,000 people to the Wheeler Bay
Learning Center in New Bedford and our Discovery
Center in Woods Hole.
In New Bedford, the Coalition and local partners
helped expand opportunities for outdoor exploration
and conservation by securing passage of the
Community Preservation Act (CPA). The CPA creates
a dedicated fund of up to $1 million per year for
community preservation projects in the city, from
protecting natural areas to improving access to
the outdoors.
2014 marked the fourth year of our popular Decision
Makers Workshops for business and municipal
officials. We continued to provide solutions to nitrogen
pollution through workshops on nitrogen-reducing
septic systems, communicating about nitrogen
pollution, and protecting clean water while supporting
responsible real estate development.
President’s Circle
$10,000 or more
Michael & Margherita Baldwin
Charles & Christina Bascom
Diane & Norman Bernstein
Peter & Betsy Block
Hans & Susan Brenninkmeyer
David & Victoria Croll
Robert & Joanne Fallon
Tally & John N. Garfield
Dr. Gail Davidson & Tom Gidwitz
Lucius T. Hill III & Wendy Y. Hill
Sharon L. Chown &
Michael T. Huguenin
Rusty & Betsy Kellogg
Elise & George Mock
Ambassador Richard &
Faith Morningstar
James Rathmann & Anne Noonan
Laura Ryan Shachoy &
Jamey Shachoy
Jay & Nancy Smith
Larry Stifler & Mary McFadden
Frederic F. Taylor
Peter Wheeler & Elizabeth Munro
Peter & Rosanne Aresty
Jim Bevilacqua & Connie Bacon
Paul Elias & Marie Lossky-Elias
The Fearons Family
Sam & Gerry Gray
Mrs. Adelaide Griswold
John H. & Corbin Crewes Harwood
Julie & Bayard Henry
George & Helen Keeler
Russ & Wendy Keeler
Sam & Anna Knight
Bill & Noelle Locke
Fred & Louise Makrauer
The Gosnold Society recognizes individuals who support the ongoing
programs and special projects of the Buzzards Bay Coalition with annual
gifts of $1,000 or more. Gifts and pledge payments of $1,000 or more to the
Campaign for Buzzards Bay during calendar year 2014 are also included in
the Gosnold Society and denoted in italics. We thank these leadership donors
for their generosity and commitment to our work, and invite others to join
them in supporting the preservation of Buzzards Bay.
Ian P. & Catherine McDonald
Laura & Ken Morse
Gale Runnells
Norman & Maryellen
Sullivan Shachoy
Geoff & Judy Swett
Robin & John Webb
Richard & Sandra Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett
Bob & Pam Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Bernstein
Jack & Nancy Braitmayer
Rid Bullerjahn
Joseph S. Deitch
Christopher M. Demakis &
Vincent N. Cragin
Dale A. Ferris
Drs. Ken Foreman & Anne Giblin
Jayne Hanley
Jim & Bess Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Jansen
Brendan McCarthy & Elise Bilodeau
Catherine & David Newbury
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nauman
Mr. & Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, III
The John Pollis Family
Mark Rasmussen
Louise C. Riemer
Deborah C. Robbins
Kenneth Shwartz & June Smith
Steven & Ginny Spiegel
Stephen & Alicia Symchych
Anne & Dick Webb
Tom & Robin Wheeler
Robert & Meg Ackerman
Joel Alvord & Lisa Schmid Alvord
Marie & Mike Angelini
Talbot Baker, Jr.
Ian Baldwin
Mrs. Margaret P. Baldwin
Joseph & Pamela Barry
Russell Beede
Wally & Roz Bernheimer
David Berwind
Mike Bingle & Eryn Ament Bingle
Genie & Bob Birch
S.C. & E.D. Blake
Gioia Thomas Browne
Keith & Pamela Browning
Darryl & Janet Buckingham
John K. & Laurie Bullard
Peter & Erin Burlinson
Beth Campanella
Riaz & Cecily Cassum
John & Tess Cederholm
Susan Emmons Cheever
Betsey & Ken Cheitlin
Jeffrey & Jennifer Collins
Mary Coolidge
Molly N. Cornell
Gertrude S. Crittenden
Douglas & Cindy Crocker
Jane & Brian Crowley
Bob & Vickie Cunningham
John C. Decas
Dr. Stephen Dempsey
Annette U. Ewing
The Fine Family
Delia Flynn
Peter & Jennifer Francis
Tom & Jill French
The Frisbie Family
John A. Garraty, Jr.
Roberta & James Gates
Dr. Jonathan Gertler & Dr. Jane
Clark Gertler
Arthur & Trudy Golden
Steve & Cindy Gormley
Ed & Alice Grayson
Marjorie & Nick Greville
Russ Hansen
Richard & Johanna Harrison
Melissa Haskell & Jeff Graber
Mary Ellen Hawes Lees
The Hayward Family
James N. Heald, 2nd
Richard A. Heald & Eileen
M. O’Brien
Julie & Jordan Hitch
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hollis III
Michael & Deborah Hood
Dr. Chris & Elizabeth Hunt
Dr. Amy Johnson
Gary P. Johnson & Luana Jøsvold
Leonard & Patricia Johnson
Clarke & Cathie Keenan
Rosemary Kotkowski
Nancy & Ted Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Langford
Jack Leary & Joanne Lukaszewicz
Margaret M. Lilly
The Lombard Family
Pete & Vicky Lowell
John & Doris Ludes
D. Lloyd Macdonald
Peter L. Macdonald
Donald MacLean
Tim Mahoney & Pam Donnelly
Mary Jane Malone
Michael Malone & Debra Gayle
Carmine & Beth Martignetti
Ted & Karen Martin
Lucinda Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Masson
Joan & Bob McLaughlin
Kate & Hugh McLean
Richard & Alma Merians
Frederic & Cindy Mock
Susan & Chip* Morse
Robert G. Morse
Mr. Joseph E. Mullaney
Sean & Stacy Mullaney
Johannes & Ria Nagtegaal
All of the Bay protection, restoration, and education achievements featured in this Annual Report were made possible
through the generosity of the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s members – individuals, families, foundations, businesses, and
organizations that support our work on behalf of the Bay and its watershed. The Board and Staff of the Buzzards Bay
Coalition extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who joined us in saving Buzzards Bay in 2014.
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Needham
Chris Neill & Linda A. Deegan
Mark Pankoff & Rebecca Birch
Dr. Elisabeth A. Pennington
Helen & Peter Randolph
Neal & Lynn Ready
John Sherburne Reidy
Margaret & Dick Rhoads
Karl D. Riemer
Henry & Cathy Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John Drake Ross
James Sharpe & Deborah
Stein Sharpe
Mr. & Mrs. J. Adam Sholley
Peter B. Sholley*
James Robert Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons
Jay Stein & Gretchen Fox Stein
Dola Hamilton Stemberg
Galen & Anne Stone
David & Patricia Straus
James W. Swent, III
Tim & Patti Swope
Jim & Kimberly Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Tierney
John Vasconcellos &
William Barr
Sylvia Vatuk & George Rosen
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Vineyard
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walsh
Katherine & Christopher White
Dr. Jeffrey S. Wisch &
Ms. Cindy Crofts-Wisch
Rhonda & Michael Zinner
“Buzzards Bay is a very special place, and we have a real chance
to preserve – and hopefully improve – it. By leaving a legacy gift
to the Coalition, my wish is that our grandchildren and theirs will
see this happen and enjoy all our Bay has to offer.”
– A. Lee Hayes, Legacy Circle Member
Protect the Bay for
Generations to Come
Over the last quarter century, your commitment has
helped us come so far in saving Buzzards Bay. But the
Bay will need a powerful advocate for decades to come.
By remembering the Buzzards Bay Coalition in your
will or estate plan, you will help ensure that the Bay
is protected for future generations.
Once you have provided for loved ones in your will, you
may want to consider a gift of money, stock, or property
to the Coalition. Many different possibilities exist, from
bequests to options with tax and income advantages. We
can help you find the right choice for you and your family
– one that will be a lasting tribute to your concern for the
Bay while guaranteeing the Coalition’s long-term future.
Buzzards Bay
Legacy Circle
William K. Bradshaw*
Gioia T. Browne
Katharine Bullard*
Joseph R. Frothingham, Jr.*
Tally Garfield
John H. Harwood
A. Lee Hayes
Deborah L. Herring
John D. Ross
Angelica L. Russell*
If you have already included the Coalition in your estate plan, please let us know. If you
haven’t and would like more information, contact Marc Bellanger at (508) 999-6363
ext. 202 or [email protected].
Donors who have notified the Coalition of their intention to make a Planned Gift are
included in the Buzzards Bay Legacy Circle.
Benjamin & Deborah Baker
Priscilla W. Ballou
Peggy & Edward Barry
Robert & Virginia Beams
Marc & Suzanne Bellanger
Col. & Mrs. Jonathan Berger
Charles Bergmann
Robert Bernert
Nancy Bernstein &
Dr. Robert Schoen
Christine & Matthew Botica
Jacob F. Brown, II
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark
Claude & Donna Cobert
Charlie & Dianne Cosman
Ron & Alice Curtin
Judith & Murray Danforth
Peter & Patricia Dean
Maureen & Allen Decker
Dr. Gus Dehni
Robert Dorfman
Ian & Kathryn C.B. Duff
George DuPaul & Judith
Rosemary & Stephen Fassett
Dr. Louis E. Fazen &
Ms. Lynn Eckhert
James & Kathy Feeney
Charles W. & Linda Findlay
Peter Fletcher
Holly Gahm
Seth & Dorothy Garfield
Keith Gazaille
Constance B. Gee
Jack & Karen Gierhart
Nelson S. Gifford
Robert & Jane Gleason
Jim D. Glickman
Jeff & Tess Goodwin
Jonathan Green
Dean Hachamovitch
Janet Hadley
Jack & Amy Haley
Jane Hallowell
Betsy Heald
Deborah Herring
Paul & Patricia Hogan
Laurie A. & N. George Host
Keith Howard
Heidi & Arthur Huguley
Hope & David Jeffrey
Richard & Taylor Kane
Steve Kanovsky & Polly Wood
Keith & Mary Kauppila
Mark & Polly Kisiel
Drs. Donald & Joan Korb
Paul Krause & Teri Bernert
Nicholas & Hanne Laird
Sarah A. Laird
Kenneth Lauderdale
Sara & Paul Lehner
William & Winnie Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H.
Joe McDonagh
Laura McDonagh
Colin & Anne McNay
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead
Nawrie Meigs-Brown &
David Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon
Edward F. Murray
Thomas H. Niles
Gerry E. Payette
Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Pierce, Jr.
Gretchen A. Reilly
Crystal & William Ribich
Jim Rosenfeld & Sharon Nolan
Heather & Kitt Sawitsky
Eleanor C. Shanley
Maudie & Kevin Shanley
Gus & Ellie Shaver
Harris Shenker
John Sigel & Sally Reid
Steve & Maria Smith
Mark Snyderman
Robert & Bonnie Stapleton
Edward S. Stimpson
Kristian J. Stoltenberg
Dr. Jennifer P. Stone &
Mr. Jonathan Green
Robert E. Sullivan &
Linn M. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Renke B. Thye
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Tiffany
Lisa Torchiana
Greg Torres & Betsy Pattullo
Fred W. Trezise & Joan Gerster
Ethel R. Twichell
Joan Underwood
William J. Underwood, Jr.
Albertus W. Van Den Broek
Charlotte Wagner
John B. Waterbury, Ph.D.
& Vicky Cullen
Keith & Susan Watson
Stephen & Nancy Weinstein
Catherine Williams
Grant Wilson
Toffer Winslow &
Amy Morse Winslow
Ben & Julie Allen
Thomas & Kara Altshuler
Brendan Annett &
Anne Reynolds
Charles & Peggy Annett
John & Nancy Arcuri
Allen & Karen Ashley
Philip H. Austin
Glenn & Shannon Bachman
Hope L. Baker
David B. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Barker
The Barlow Family
Mr. & Mrs. Milo Beach
Matthew Bedford &
Hope Jansen
Ron Benham
Jean & Arthur Bennett
Frances H. Benton
Celia Bernstein
Allen Berry
Maya Bittar
John & Romayne Bockstoce
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R.
Borden, III
Norm & Lena Bourque
Edward C. Brainard, II
Jane G. Brayton
Stephen Brockman
Marc & Ellen Brown
Larry & Sally Brownell
Nils Bruzelius & Lynne Weil
Emily Burleigh
Amy & Andy Burnes
Bob Busby & Maureen Conte
Dr. Dana Caledonia, D.D.S.
Mr. David C. Cameron &
Dr. Joanne Cameron
James C. Cannell
Steve Carnazza
Wilfred & Joan Carney
Kara & Charles Cella
Carol & Jonathan Chace
Charles E. Cheever, Jr.
Mark Chertok
Jon & Lydia Christensen
Rachel & Tom Claflin
David & Giovanna Clott
Sherilyn & Charles Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Sackett S. Cook
Harold Cooper, III
Henry G. Cosman &
Jane A. Cosman
Paul Costabile
Liz Coxe & David Forney
Loretto & Dwight Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Creamer
Prescott Crocker
Nancy Crosby
Kevin & Candy Crowley
Rose P. Cutler
Ludgero A. da Silva
Dennis Denno
Monroe Denton
Marc & Katie Deshaies
Peter DeWalt & Toby Kyle
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Doubrava
Jill Downing
Donna Z. Eden
David Eikenberry
Frederic A. Eustis III
Helena K. Evans
Deborah & Michael Ewing
Kitty Fassett
Julius & Mette Feinleib
Julius C. Fister
Mrs. Benjamin B. Fogler
Kirk Franklin
Terry & Nina Freiberg
Drs. Bruce & Barbara Furie
Charles Furtado &
Anne Muldowney
Lawton Gaines
John Gallo & Patricia
Will & Laura Gardner
Katharine B. Garfield
Wyatt & Rachel Garfield, Jr.
Dr. Anthony Garro &
Ms. Mary Ann Garro
Karen & Jack Gierhart
Keith Gilbert & Stacy G. Osur
Will & Marguerite Graham
William F. Grant &
Kat Brennan
Paul & Priscilla Gray
Frederic & Jocelyn Greenman
Jan & Toby Hall
Hilary Hamlin
James Hammitt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Harple
Brad & Priscilla Hathaway
James & Kathy Herring
Susan & Andrew Hess
Nancy Hill
Sandra Taven &
Dr. Ronald Hirschberg
Heather Hobler-Keene
James Honohan
Frederic & Johanna Hood
Anne E. Hough
Charles & Jane Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howland
Austin & Felicity Hoyt
Mike Huang
Drs. Edward F.X. &
Susan L. Hughes & Family
Ann Huidekoper &
Joanne Swanson
Clara R. & Dave Hulburt
Kimberly Fletcher &
John Hussey
Mark & Carla Hutker
Susan & Timothy Jackson
Allan Jacobson
Dr. Rachel Jakuba
David Jaye
Dave Jewett
John D. Kelleher &
Viki A. Fowler
Hod & Mary Kenney
David & Jean Kibbe
Dr. Stephen Kiechel &
Mrs. Julia Kiechel
Robert Kleinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Bourne Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Knowles
Karen Kolarik
Jonathan & Deborah Kolb
David C. Korb
Nancy Kress
Nobuko Kuhn
Paul & Joanne Langione
David & Lynne Lapalme
Edith Lauderdale
Ed Lazowska & Raj Reddy
Andrew & Lynn Lees
Russ Lemcke & Meg Becker
Polly & David Leshan
Mona Levenstein
Lennart & Ann Lindberg
Ken Lipman & Evelyn Baum
Jim Lovell
Helen Lozoraitis
Diana & Bruce MacPhail
Martha Maguire
Harry & Catherine Mah
Ron & Barbara Marcks
Thomas & Beverly Marlow
Martha Martin
Alex Mazza
Peggy Bacon & Jack McCarthy
Nancy McHale &
Kathleen Pappalardo
Donald Middleton &
Genia Griffiths
Erica Miller
Morgan & Kathy Mowbray
Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon, Jr.
Jonathan Musselwhite &
Daphne Walker
Fred Muzi
Charles & Louise Nadler
Mark & Sarah Najarian
Edward & Jean Nardi
Gerard Nelson
Kent Nicholas
Alexandra C. Norkin
Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry Norweb III
Jay & Marilyn O’Neil
Peter J. Ouellette
Robert Ouimette
Saul J. Pannell
Suzannah Parker
John & Celeste Penney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
Perkins, Jr.
William & Maura Perkins
Daniel & Susan Perry
Korrin Petersen, Esq. &
Brian Petersen
Will Poole
Jahn & Renee Pothier
Robert M. Pozzo
Mrs. Charles Pratt
Barbara Purser
James Rakowski &
Denise Mengani
James Reber
Kinley T. & Bonnie S. Reddy
Marguerite K. Repass
Cynthia & Jason Ritter & Family
Owen & Dorothy Robbins
Peter & Lucy Robbins
Bryan Robertson & Patricia
Tom & Johanna Robinson
Dana & Alison Rodin
Nathaniel Ross
Lorraine Roy Hawkes
Kissy Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Will W. Saltonstall
Robyn Saur
Mark & Suzannah Schroeder
Frederica See
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Seiler
Jody Seivert
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro
Bill & Dedee Shattuck
Constance C. Shepard
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Shuster
Helen F. Silva
Charlotte & Ray Smith
Mary Smoyer
John D. Spooner
Tom & Judy Stetson
Philip & Joan Stevenson
Lisa & Gregg Stone
Margot Stone
Mary Ann & Brian Storms
Garrett Stuck &
Pamela Coravos
Sharlie Sudduth
Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Sullivan
Arthur & Cindy Sweetser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tatlock
Sally C. Taylor
Dr. D. Terzopoulos
Dexter Cate & Rhea Teves-Cate
Jennifer & Joseph Thompson
Dr. Paul & Ms.
Camilla Thompson
Shari Tishman
Janet & Noah Totten
Samuel & Vivian Trotz
David C. & Nancy P. Twichell
Andy & Debbie van Dam
Lawrence R. Velte
Rebecca & Ethan Watters
Benjamin & Coco Wellington
Eleanor Wendell
Edward & Judith
Westrick & Family
Jay & Melinda Whalen
Anne & Alec White
David & Elizabeth White
Susan Whitehead
Judith Whiteside
Robert & Marina Whitman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M.
Jessica & Phil Whittaker
Prof. Daniel Wigdor
Harry W. Wilcox
S. Jeffress Williams &
Rebecca Upton
Milt & Sue Williamson
Allan Wing
Kay & Paul Wisniewski
Phillip Zamore
Ann & Hans Ziegler
Anonymous (3)
Thomas Ackerman
Edward F. Adamowski
Cori Adams
James & Barbara Adams
Krister & Clarissa Adams
Milton & Marilyn Adams
Guilliaem Aertsen
Joseph A. Agrillo
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Liliane Akyali
Dr. Mark Alexander &
Dr. Lori Wroble
Ann Alden Allen
Lang Allen
Robert & Ann Allen
Arthur Almond
Lynn Alpert
Nicholas C. Alvanos
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Ament
Robert & Alison Ament
David Anderson &
Phoebe Girard
Elaine Anderson
Forbes & Candace Anderson
Holly Anderson
Marc Anderson
Dick & Dana Anderson
Scott & Kate Anderson
Slater Anderson
Alan Andonian
Dr. Richard Andron
Chip & Barbara Angle
Lee Arietta
Elsiedale P. Armstrong
Bill Arning
Martha Arruda
Dennis & Karen Arsenault
Richard Arthur & Sally Fallon
DJ Atkins
Dongwook Audenaerde
Dr. Karl Audenaerde &
Ms. Greta Gabriels
John L. Aumann &
Anna Surma
Gregory & Anne Avis
John & Karen Babbitt
Dr. & Mrs. David S. Babin
Katherine L. Babson, Jr.
Rick Bachand
James Bailey &
Alexandra Callen
James T. Balfour
Indira Balkissoon
Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Robert H. Barker Jr.,
Amanda & Naomi Barker
Benjamin A. Barnes
Kay H. & Marian H. Barney
Kenneth Barron
David & Nancy Barry
Jim & Sheila Barry & Family
Dr. & Mrs. Grover G. Baxley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beardsley
Norm Beauregard
Robert & Virginia Becher
Frederick & Barbara Belanger
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bell
Carolyn Benedict Drew
Arthur Benner
Andy Bennett
Barbara & Albert Bennett
Liz Bennett
Meg Bennett
Gordon & Kate Weber
Nancy Bergeron
Lisa & Gene Bergson
Nina & Don Berk
Fred Best & Frances Best
John & Jane Bihldorff
Dr. Zabeth Billingham
George H. Billings
Carol J. & Francis S. Birch
Donald Blanchette
Dr. Andrew Blazar &
Dr. Beverly Blazar
Gail Blout
Tom & Michelle Blumetti
Charles & Nancy Boit
Bret & Deb Bokelkamp
Peter & Susan Boni
Paul Bonin
Helen Borman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Bosworth
George Boulanger
Susan Bourque
Carl Boutilier & Clara M.
Boyce - Pitcairn Family
Robert Brack
Mr. & Mrs. William Braucher
Michelle G. Brewster
Robert & Cynthia Brierly
Ann Briggs
Warren Briggs
Elizabeth Brinkerhoff
Michael Broder
Laura Broekel
Deborah Brooke
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brooks
David A. Brossi
Clint & Judy Brown
David Bruno
Timothy Bruns
Ben & Melissa Bryant
Chris B. & Joanne Bryant
Gwendolen & Stephen Bryant
David & Kathy Bryson
Ken & Wendi Buesseler
Thomas & Sally Buffinton
Dr. Ron Buffman
Peter & Tia Bullard
John Burman & Daina Stinson
Jeffrey Burnett
Bart Bussink
Robert Butters
Mr. & Mrs. Cabral
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Cady
Betsy Cady
Daniel & Kate Calano
Crystal Campbell &
Richard Hilker
David R. Campbell, M.D.
Karyn Campbell
Mark Canha
William Cantor &
Kristen Eastman
Joseph Capella
Barbara & J. Edward Carchidi
Frank & Sheila Carotenuto
John Carroll
Robert Carson
Ken & Sherri Carvalho
Paul Casey
Christophe C. Cassara
Fritz Casselman &
Susan Ashbrook
Rob Cassidy
Derek Cavanaugh
Russell Cavanaugh
Richard Cawley
Jennifer Ceolinski
Dr. Natalie L. Chambers
John & Cindy Chambliss
Abigail Cheitlin
Melvin Cheitlin
Roger Cheitlin
Martine Cherau
Julie & Russ Cherry
John Child
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chipman
Derek & Katie Christianson
George & Emma Christopher
Michael Christopher
Suzanne Church
Bill & Maggie Churchill
Lee & Jacqueline Clark
Peter Clay
Neil Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Cohen
Lynn & Jan Coish
Gretchen & Robbie Colby
Betty Slade & David Cole
John Colella
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius
J. Coleman
Stephen A. Collins
Elizabeth Colt & Peter Simonds
Margo Connolly-Masson &
Roger Masson
Gina Connor
Arthur Conro & Tina Varzeas
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Conway
Dianne Cook
Gloria Cookingham
James & Alice Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. William
H. Coquillette
Andrew Costakes
Margot & Tom Cottrell
Mike & Gretchen Coughlin
Diane Cramphin
Joanna S. Creelman
Frederick G. Crocker, Jr.
Joan Crocker
Cheri Crossley
Lori Crossley
Carl & Gabrielle Cunningham
Fred & Joanne Cunningham
George Curtis
Margaret E. Curtis
Ann M. Cushing
Molly & Chris Cutler
James & Lorraine Cutone
Lewis S.* & Edith Dabney
Rosemary & Bill Dalton
Diane Darcy
Robert & Susan Darnton
Steve & Dori Davis
Thomas G. & Liddy Davis
Holliday Day
Leslie & Helen DeGroot
Laura deBuys
Eileen & Edson deCastro
Wendy DeCicco
Doug & Mary Decker
John R. Decker &
Sherry Showell
Diane Deguzis
David Delancey
Michael & Elsa Deland
Daniel & Christina Delianedis
Kathy Delong
David J. Demello
Stacey DeMello
Roger & Sally Demler
Carol DePillo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Derochea
Douglas & Jacqueline
Desjardins & Family
Dana & Mark Desnoyers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
W. DeVerna
Eryka & Stephen Dewar
Al Dias
Douglas Dick
Bill & Cindy Dillon
David & Frederica Dimmick
Bill & Ellen Dingwell
Helen Dixon
Janet & Kingsley Doe
Thomas Doeppner
Jack Dolan, Esq.
Ellen Donaldson
Scott Doney
William Donkin, III
Richard A. & Weatherly Dorris
James R. & Wendy N. Dorsey
George Dorshimer
Mormor & Morfar Douglas
Jeffrey Dover
Ian & Allison Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Downey
Steve & Carolyn Doyle
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Drinker
Diane Droste
Rodney & Carol Du Bois
Bill & Brenda Dugan
Phil Dunham &
Gudrun Bjarnarson
Craig G. Dunkerley
Thomas Dunlop, Jr.
Peter Dunn
James & Katherine Dunphy
Craig & Carolina Dutra
Carrie Dwight
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Eades
Bruce R. Earle
Emmet Eby, M.D.
Celia M. Echave
Janet S. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Egan
Oliver W. Egleston
Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom
William & Deborah Elfers
Padraic & Ann Elliott
Ann-Marie Ellis
Ellen Emerson, Bruce Kohler,
Dr. Katherine Kohler &
Dr. Jonathan Kohler
Raymond & Jen Emerson
Christine & Joseph Emord
Rob & Pat Engel
Dr. Mary Jane England
David Ennis
Bernadette Ericson
Dr. Ulrich Ernst
Michael A. Esposito &
Cynthia A. Redel
Nicholas & Nancy Everett
As the sun dawned brightly on June 28, 2014, 210 swimmers
swam 1.2 miles across outer New Bedford Harbor to
celebrate clean water in Buzzards Bay. Participants ranging
in age from 12 to 74 showed their support for the Coalition’s
work by raising over $100,000.
Four swimmers rose to meet another exciting fundraising
challenge by raising $5,000 each – a new milestone for the
Buzzards Bay Swim. This achievement by Matt Shenker,
Tony Garro, Dan Vasconcellos, and Bill Muldoon secured a
$10,000 matching gift from longtime swimmer Larry Fish
of Falmouth.
The clear, smooth waters of Buzzards Bay made for
near-record times that morning, with Alex Gallant of
Kirby Aarsheim
Mark Alexander
Judy Allen
Julie Allen
Lee Arietta
Martha Arruda
DJ Atkins
James Balfour
Jonathan Barboza
Kaitlyn Barrack
Grover Baxley
Sonya Beausoleil
Josh Beck
Rebecca Belastock
Halle Berger
Jonathan Berger
James Bernard
Robert Bertrand
George J. Borden
George W. Borden
Renée Bradshaw
Lynne Brolly
Robert Brown
Kathleen Brunelle
Tim Bruns
Robert Butters
Rosanna Byrnes
Halle’ Cabral
Joseph Capella
Peter Carson
Kait Carvalho
Madison Carvalho
Alyssa Charry
Bill Comeau
Gina Connor
Graham Cottrell
Heather Cyr
Kaye Dandrea
Andrea Desjardins
Michelle Dewar
Robert Dewar
Shannon Dinan
Teal Donabella-Pedlow
James Dorsey
Paul Dow
Jill Downing
Haines Duff
Kathryn Duff
Thomas Dunlop
Melissa Dyer
Helen Ederer
Diane Elander-Keys
Oscar Esteves
Catherine Feldkamp
Paul Finneran
Larry Fish
Julius Fister
Kimberly Fletcher
Peter Fletcher
Jane Foster
Patricia Foster
Darren Fraser
Sarah Frost
Grace Galinha
Alex Gallant
Daniel Garber
Manuel Garber
Christopher Garner
Nathan Garner
Anthony Garro
Ivy Gaurkee
Daniel Geiger
Elizabeth Geiger
Emily Girard
Gregory Glavin
Keith Glavin
James Glickman
Alon Goren
Deborah Gove
Genia Griffiths
Colleen Hamilton
Swimmers Matt Shenker, his daughter Maia,
and DJ Atkins of Pocasset.
Lakeville stepping on the beach first with a time of 21:12.
Morgan McCarthy of East Orleans was the fastest female
swimmer with a time of 21:46.
Join us this year for the 22nd Annual Buzzards Bay Swim on
June 20, 2015. You can swim, cheer, volunteer, or participate
as a virtual swimmer. Visit www.savebuzzardsbay.org/swim
to register and learn more.
John Hamilton
Lori Hannan
Nancy Harmon
Alan Harris
Jessica Harris
Ruth Harris
Brienna Harrison
Leslie Hartford
Joe Hebert
Mark Heffner
Jana Hesser
Shannon Hislop
Lauren Hollins
Adam Homoki
Jefferson Hunter
Kevin Hunter
David Jaye
Colleen Johns
Steve Johnson
Sarah Jubinville
Maria Kavanaugh
James Knowles
Emma Knox
Karen Kolarik
David Korb
William Krause
Christopher Land
Natalie Lang
David Lapalme
Marc Laplante
Paula Lazaroff
John Leary
Ashley Leaver
Jacob Levasseur
David Lippin
Colleen Long
Brian Lucey
Dennis Lucey
Roger Maag
Bob Maguire
Paul Maguire
Andrea Marcovici
Leighton Marcovici
Jonathan Mariner
Frank Mark
Charles Marshall
Kevin Mawe
Morgan McCarthy
Douglas McKell
Nicholas McKenna
Scott McKenzie
Ann McNichol
Douglas Medeiros
Mary-Michael Merhige
Don Middleton
Jonah Mikutowicz
Erica Miller
Jocelyn Mitchell
Linda Moffatt
Melissa Morandi
Mia Morgan
David Morowitz
Michael Morrissey
William Muldoon
Janine Myatt
Maureen Nolan
Harris Nusbaum
Douglas Olney
Catherine Olson
Molly Olver
Alexander Orr
Marcie Orr
Benjamin Ostiguy
Brett Pacheco
Gisele Pappas
Christine Parks
Kylie Pasternak
Gerry Payette
Theresa Peck
Brian Petersen
Korrin Petersen
Timothy Pickett
Robert Pike
Allan Pineda
Greta Plante
Kristen Pohlman Chomiak
Richard Porteus
Matthew Poyant
Rome Rapier
Marianne Reardon
Sarah Renaud
Nicole Rico
Bryan Robertson
Laura Robertson
Sarah Robertson
Felicia Rodrigues
Ashleigh Rourke
Tanya Roy
Christopher Schlesinger
Elaine Scholtz
James Shea
Kevin Shea
Maia Shenker
Matt Shenker
David Small
Nancy J. Smith
Katia Sowers
Bob Stevenson
Dana Tatlock
Edwin Tiffany
Andrea Tishman
Shari Tishman
Leslie Trott
Stephanie Trott
Sigrid Usen
Amy Valente
Daniel Vanauken
Daniel Vasconcellos
Nathan Vaughan
Jose Vinagre
Andrew Waine
Cameron Walsh
Liam Walsh
Michael Walsh
Mark Weaver
Jay Weikel
Judith Westrick
Patty White
Maureen Wieler
Bobby Wilkey
Frank Wuest
Michael Young
Libby Allen
William Balfour
Sheila Bernard
Robin Bodeau
James Bradshaw
Blake Brewer
Mike Cerasaro
Jim Fain
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fardy
The Farinon Family
Christian A. Farland, P.E.
John Farrington
Steven Feiner
Kate & David Fentress
S. Warren & Elaine Ferguson
Frank & Nancy Ferreira
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferri
David Ferrucci
Camilla & Matt Field
Philip Field
Jessamyn Finneran
Gian Luca & Angela Fiori
David & Karen Firestone
Jim & Janet Fitzgibbons
Margot Flouton &
Robert Barnes
Barbara Fontaine
Edward Fontaine
Carolyn Fontes
Lindsay Adams Foote
& Donald C. Foote
Margery Forbes
Deborah Forter &
Ben Hansbury
Jonathan L. Foster
Sarah Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Foulkes
David B. Foynes
Eva T. Frank
Peter D. Franklin, M.D.
Darren J. Fraser
Daniel H. Fraunfelter
Jerome Frazel & Nancy Wilder
Jeffrey B. French
Brian Freyermuth &
Amy Holden
Barry Fries
Ellen Fries
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frohman
Sarah Frost
Yudi Fu
Dr. John J. Funkhouser
Stefan & Marya Gabriel
Janet & Andrew Gainer-Dewar
Tena Coley
Bobbie Collins
Mark Collins
Wilson Colucci
Margaret Connolly-Masson
Lynn Connor
Jennifer Costa
Katie Cox
Heather Danila
Stephen Dewar
Ian Duff
Alison Dwyer
Bob Espindola
Ashley Galinha
Jennifer Glickman
Daniel Goodman
Jim Gracia
Kale Haggard
Nathanael Hannah
Laura Hansen
Thomas Hogan
Keith Howard
Allan Ip
David Johns
Max Kelly
Jonathan Keys
Matthew Keys
Matthew Kohler
Donna Lee
Michelle Letendre
Mary Maag
Alyson Mandel
Cindy Masson
Ann P. McNichol
Eve Mercier
Michael R. Morrissey
Lauren Mullineaux
Nicole Noonan
Gary Pasternak
Stasia A. Powers
Christine Quallen
James Reardon
Joanne Reuther
Daniel J. Rivelli
Susan Rivelli
Cecilia Schneider
Joshua Shreve
Peter Simon
Bob Sowa
Morgan Stevenson
Richard Tatlock
William Gaines
Hank Galligan
Frederic Gardner & Sherley
Joan N. Gardner
Joanne Garfield
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.
Garfield, Jr.
Jeff & Betsy Garland
Henrietta Gates
Robert Gates
Atty. & Mrs. David Gay
Sarah & Alan Gayer
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Geagan
John & Alison Geddes
Paul Gelep
Christina & Tom Gelson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter George
Juliane & Ronald Gerace
Vera Converse Gibbons
David Gibbs &
Rosemary Pereira
Anne Giblin, Ph.D.
George Gigas
Carolee Matsumoto &
David Gilbertson
Stephen Gilhooly
Benjamin & Susan Gilmore
William & Joyce Gindra
Dan Ginsburg
Emily R. Girard
Roland Giroux
Elaine Gizzi
Keith J. Glavin
Georgia & Tom Glick
Eric & Jane Godshalk
Judith N. Goldberg
Harvey Goldman &
Debby Coolidge
Robert Goldsborough
Edward A. Gonet, Jr.
Madeleine Gonsalves
Ann B. Goodman
Allan Gordon &
Christine Cowan
Brad & Rebecca Gordon
Edward C. Gordon
Lee & Debbie Gove
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia
Morris Gray, Jr.
Hildegarde F. Greene
Alyssa & Bill Greenwood
Dr.* & Mrs. Kenneth W. Gregg
Thomas & Virginia Gregg
Nicholas & Rosemary Grey
Richard & Evelyn Griffiths
Edward S. Gross
Marvin & Avis Grosslein
Richard Guidelli &
Susan Schlesinger
Patricia Gundersen
Valerie & Insan Gurdal
George Gurney
Brent Hall & Serena
Davis Hall
Cynthia Hallowell
Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton
John Hamilton
Elizabeth & R. Barry Hamilton
Susan & Gib Hammond
David Hancock &
Bernardo Medina
Robert & Gwendolyn Hancock
Bill & Deborah Handschin
Jill M. Hansen
Lea Haratani, Holden Young,
& Kamila Young
Bob & Judy Hardiman
Fred Hare
Michael R. Harkins
Vicki Harrington
Benton Neal Harris
Scott Harris & Karen Horsch
William Harris
Mark Harty
Margaret D. Harwood
John L. Heath
Joe & Elizabeth Hebert
Roy & Clare Heffernan
Mark Heffner
Susan C. Heide
Lisa Heitman
Don Heitzmann
E. Byron Hensley, Jr.
Ted & Judy Herlihy
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Munro Herman
H. James & Carol Herring
Al & Kathy Herzog
Robert E. Hicks
Joyce V. Hiller
Pamela C. & Gregory Hinkle
Eric J. Hintsa & Wei Wang
Denise Coburn Hixon
John & Olivann Hobbie
Susan Hochschild
Pamela & Edward Hoffer
Bob & Susan Hoffman
Gordon & Joanna Hoffstein
Laurie & Matt Hogan
Arthur & Susan Holcombe
Sandra Holmes
Karen Homoki
The Pereira-Honohan Family
Cathleen & Tucker Hood
Constance Horgan &
Peter Quandt
Gabe Houdelette
Kate Houdelette
Tim House & Ann Gary
Andrew Howe
Margaret Howland
Eric Huang
Martin & Diane Hudis
John Hughes
Paul, Beth & Moses Hughes
Charles & Patricia Hulley
Jenny & Gregory Hunt
Jeff & Renee Hunt
Lori Hunt
Jefferson Hunter
Arthur Hurley
Ted & Donna Ingalls
James Iredell
Dr. Thomas W. Irvine
Edward Ivers
Janet Jabbur
Marcy Jackson
Rebecca Jackson
Jane & William Jackson
Laurinda & Amanda Jaffe
Trintje Jansen
David S. Jenney
Paul Walsh
Matthew Weaver
Laurie A. Wilkey
David Wilson
Christine Wood
Corporate Event
Citizens Bank, N.A.
Sun Multisport Events, LLC
Waterkeeper Alliance - Toyota
Official Apparel Sponsor
b Positive Project
Entertainment Sponsor
Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Whaling City Sound
The Johns Family
Carolyn Johnson
Chris Johnson
Janis Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Steve Johnson
Edie Jones
Matt Jones
Adele Franks & Steve Jones
Capt. Barney Jones
John Kaiser
Heather Kaney
The Kantner Family
Ethel A. Kantor
Robert S. Karam
Dennis & Mary Kasper
Jamie Katz & Cynthia Piltch
Peter & Mary Kavanaugh
Michael B. Keating
Amanda Keeler
Whitney & Fred Keen
Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Keene, Jr.
Beth & Bob Kelley
Scott Kellogg
Michael Kelly
Thomas & Anne Kelly
Lisa Kenny & Paul Lelito
Joe & Ellen Keogh
Timothy Keogh
George Kimmerling
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert King, Jr.
Katharine B. King
Edward Kingsbury
Terry Kiser
Dieter & Jacqueline Klein
Leslie Klinger
Charles & Deborah Klotz
James Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Knowles, Jr.
William S.* & Nancy Knowles
C. James Koch &
Cynthia Fisher
Harriet Koch
Sir Hans & Lady Kornberg
Dan Kowal
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Kroll
Peter & Jane Krone
Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Lacerda
Rob & Beth Ladd
Christy & Wayne LaGue
David Laidlaw
Stacy & Marcus LaiFook
James & Nancy Laird
Robert & Linda Lane
Joanna Langdale
David E. Langford
Christopher T. Langlois
Marc & Suzanne Laplante
Louis & Camilla Larrey
Ray E. Larson
Rebecca Lash
Pamela T. & Robert Lasher
Vance & Diane Lauderdale
Charles & Judith Laverty
Andrew Lavoie
Joseph Lazaroff
Paula Lazaroff
Seth & Sarah Lederman
Terry & Kym Lee
Michael & Sarah Lemelin
Admiral John Lemly
John Lesage
Michelle Letendre
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Letendre
Cynthia Letourneau
Jacob Levasseur
Stephen Levesque
Jonathon Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Levine
Joann Lindenmayer
Clayton & Elizabeth Locke
Cynthia & Thomas Longstaff
Sarah Loomis
Mr. & Mrs. Hambleton D. Lord
Joy Lucas
Brian Lucey
Dennis Lucey
Louise Luckenbill
Leo Ludwick
Kristine Ludwig
Michael & Beth Luey
Dr. & Mrs. Edward G. Lund, Jr.
Katherine Luzuriaga
Dr. Jean F. MacCormack
B. Lane & Wendy MacDonald
John E. & Vivian Macedo
Dick & Brenda Macedo
Susan & Tom Maddigan
Catherine Madsen &
Joe Barckett
Bob Maguire
Bettina Borders &
Victor Mailey
Michael & Cynthia Malm
Robert & Theresa Manning
Timothy C. Mannix
Nancy H. Marcoux
Kevin & Cathy Mariner
Amy Marino
Janet R. Markel
Sylvia F. & Gerard Marlio
Douglass Marlow &
Linda DeYoung
Joanna Marlow
Charles & Anna P. Marshall
Kayley E. Marsh-Haupt
Gerard Martin
Nancy Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Matelski
Natalie Mather
Dr. Herbert Mathewson
William & Kristina Matsch
Carl & Sharon Matuszek
Kevin F. Mawe
Vincent Mayer
Dr. & Mrs. W. Brem Mayer
Mary B. Maynard
Edwina McCarthy
Elizabeth McClendon
Alan McClennen, Jr.
Holly & Joe McDonough
Dr. Richard B. McElvein
Timothy W. McEnerney
Alex & Freddy McFerran
Margaret McGetrick
Charles & Kathleen McGowan
Stephen McGowan
Gregor I. McGregor, Esq.
Douglas McKell
Alberta McLean
Mary Anne McQuillan &
Fred Sterner
Dr. Elisabeth McSherry Green
& Dr. Howard H. Green
Kirtland & Susan
Eldredge Mead
Jonathan Meath
Douglas & Sue Medeiros
Mark Medeiros
Peter & Sandra Medeiros
Gretchen Megowen, M.D.
The Mehrez Family
Charles Mello
Mary-Michael Merhige
Lucy Metcalf
Chris Meyer
Lucia Michaud
John & Nina Middleton
Timothy Milbert
Arthur Milliken
Trip & Dora Millikin
John & Nancy Mills
Rich* & Bobbie Miner
Dana & Eileen Miskell
Cynthia Mittelmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Modica
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Molino
Kathleen S. & John W. Molloy
Deborah Monosson
John Wilson Moore
Patricia S. Moore
Philip Moore
Melissa Morandi
Dane & Alice Morgan
Mayo J. Morgan &
Daniel M. Morgan
Elizabeth S. Morse
John Morse & Sonya Driscoll
Christopher Morss
W. Hugh M. Morton
Linton & Jane Moulding
Day O. Mount
Cynthia Mulder
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Muldoon
Thomas Muldoon
Rachel Mullen
Ann & Kevin Mullins
Thomas Muzyka
Janine M. Myatt
David Nanian
Patricia Nanian
Donald A. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Nelson
Mark Nelson
Catharine & David Newbury
Arthur Newhall
Peter & Diana Nicholson
Mary J. Nickerson-Pelan
& Alan Pelan
Capt. Van Noorden
Bouke Noordzij
Aaron & Jessica Novy
Gene Nowak
Beryl Nusbaum
Mitchell Nusbaum
Kurt & Jessie Nygren
Eric & Claudette O’Brien
Edmund O’Connell
Lars & Ruth Olson
Nancy Olson
Robert & Pamela Olson
James & Andrea O’Neil
Maureen O’Neill
James Orr
Claudia & Nelson Ostiguy
Edward Ottensmeyer
Julie Ouellette
Paul & Kate Ouellette
Paula Pace
Brett Pacheco
Capt. Brian Paiva
Kathleen Papineau
Scott Papp
Gisele Pappas
Chul Park
Bruce & Pattie Parker
David & Lois Parker
Christine W. Parks
Ann Parson
Peter & Gretchen Partridge
Kylie Pasternak
Lori Paszko
Davison & Lauren Paull
Richard Payne &
Deborah Siegal
Michael Paynotta
Matthew Pearson
Michael Pellini
Kim Pendergast
Nancy Pendleton
Bruce & Deborah Penn
Janet S. Percival
Mr. & Mrs. William
C. Percival
Phil Pereira
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pereira
Charles Perkins
Dalton Perras
Gilbert Perry & Donna Sachs
Sandy & Arne Peterson
Theresa & Christopher
William E. & Phoebe T.
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Phelps
Russ & Elise Phillips
Natalie C. Phillips
Richard & Eleanor Phillips
Mack & Cathy Phinney
Richard Piccolo
Capt. David Pickett
Carroll Pierce
J. Michael & Katherine
B. Pierce
Gerald & Janet Pietsch
Cindy Pilskaln
Allan & Mary Pineda
Shel Pitney
Kathryn Plazak
Ronald S. Plourde
Kristen Pohlman Chomiak
Christopher & Pamela Polloni
The Porter Family
Richard T. Porteus
Arvidas Poshkus
Karl & Betsy Pothier
Elizabeth Potter
Debra Poutsiaka
Robert Powel Family
Matthew & Erin Poyant
Connor, Madeline &
Brendan Prassas
Chris & Michelle Prassas
James R. Pratt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William C.
Prescott Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis I. Prouty
Paula Press & John Rosenthal
Anthony Prevett
Elaine & Wendel Price
Charles & Christa Primmerman
Doug & Diana Prince
Florence D. Prince
Christine Quallen
Karen Quigley &
Russell Hensel
Representative John F. Quinn
Richard & Catherine Quintal
Stephen D. Rafferty &
Holly L. Wilson
Miriam Ragsdale
Patricia & John Ramey
Jennifer Randall
Beverly Rasmussen
Susan Rau
Laurie A. Raymond
Edward Ready
Bill & Karen Reaman
John Reed &
Helen Hollingworth
John P. Reid & Sarah Traweek
Terrence & Barbara Reideler
Chris Reilly
Pamela Reitsma
Nick Rhind
Donald & Christy Rhoads
Carl & Leslye Ribeiro
David & Susan Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H.
Philip & Patricia Richardson
Carol & Bill Rieken
Samuel C. Riley &
Kristie M. Furrow
John Rist
Dr. Timothy M. Rivinus
Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Robertson
Zoe Robertson
Kristy & Dave Robinson
Felicia A. Rodrigues
Mary & Stan Roller
Marilyn Root
Dr. Elise A. Rose
Roger C. Rosen, M.D.
Jessica Ross
Ashleigh L. Rourke
Conrad Roy
Tanya Roy & Samuel Liss
Perry Russell & Leo Pierre Roy
Cathy Russo
Mike & Sandy Ryer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Saladik
David Salesin &
Andrea Lingenfelter
Walter & Marjorie Salmon
Paul Santucci
Morton T. Saunders
Donna Sawyer
John & Patricia Sawyer
Richard & Loretta Schaefer
Carol Schaengold
Paul & Tina Schmid
Dr. Rick Schnure &
Ms. Christina Hutton
Schofield Family
Dr. Jonathan Schwartz
Louis Secatore
Mr. & Mrs. Lee L. Selwyn
Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Seney
Leslie Sepuka
Joan Shafran & Rob Haimes
Warren & Jane Shapleigh
Ann Sharp
Moira Shea &
William Wittman
Daniel & Deborah Shearer
Daniel Shedd
Caroline & Joseph Sheehan
Matt Shenker and Family
Robin & Tim Shields
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Short
John & Gina Shuck
Larry & Louise Shwartz
Sue & Calvin Siegal
Albert & Joyce Signorella
Jack Silva
Brad Silverberg
Michael Simon
Bob Sinopoli
Scott & Peggy Slade
David & Elizabeth Small
Anne Smith & Bruce Gratz
David Smith
Mr. Howard &
Dr. Nancy Smith
OCTOBER 14, 2012
On a beautiful fall day in October, 130 cyclists took to the
roads of the Buzzards Bay watershed to bike for clean water
during the eighth annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. The
event, which attracts riders of all ages and skill levels, raised
over $75,000 to support the Coalition’s work.
The 75-mile route started at Horseneck Beach in Westport
and passed through farmland, picturesque coastal villages,
cranberry bogs, and New Bedford’s waterfront before
stopping for lunch at Eastover Farm in Rochester. With
additional cyclists joining for a 35-mile option in Rochester,
the route continued over the Bourne Bridge and down
Marc Anderson
Brendan Annett
John Arcuri
Karl Audenaerde
Joe Barckett
Bob Beck
Pamela Beck
Matthew Bedford
Grzegorz Bednarczyk
Ron Benham
Andy Bennett
Robert Bernert
Zabeth Billingham
Rebecca Birch
Marc Boulanger
Margaret Brumsted
Benjamin Bryant
Melissa Bryant
Brendan Buckless
Ed F. Buckley
Emily Burleigh
Jonathan B. Burleigh
Steve Carnazza
Ken Cheitlin
Claude Cobert
Lynn A. Coish
J. D. Somerville
Elizabeth & Edgar Soule
Ekatarina A. Sowers
Paul Sowizral
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Spahr
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Spark
Jody Spark
Daniel A. Sparta
Lynda Spence &
Robert Mittelstadt
Bruce & Sally Spooner
Heather Stefanski
Watershed Ride finisher Deborah Fontaine of New Bedford
Falmouth’s Shining Sea Bikeway before ending in Woods Hole
with a spirited finish line party overlooking Quissett Harbor
and Buzzards Bay.
Whether you’re an avid cyclist or casual rider, join us
Sunday, October 4, 2015 for the ninth annual Watershed Ride.
Visit www.savebuzzardsbay.org/ride for more information.
Richard Cole
Charlie M. Cosman
Dianne Cosman
David Creamer
Gail Davidson
Andrew Dimmick
Paul Dragos
Ian Duff
Lynn Eckhert
Louis E. Fazen
Clara Filice
Peter Fletcher
Barbara Fontaine
Gregg L. Furie
Charles Furtado
Holly Gahm
Lawton Gaines
Elizabeth Gazaille
Keith Gazaille
Tom Gidwitz
Jane Gleason
Robert Gleason
Jim D. Glickman
Jeffrey Gonsalves
Andrea Gosselin
William F. Grant
George Gurney
Robert D. Hancock
Caren B. Harple
John H. Harwood
Melissa Haskell
Laila Hlass
Heather Hobler
Rob Hochschild
Gabe Houdelette
Kate Houdelette
Dave Hulburt
Dave Jewett
Gary P. Johnson
Jerry Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Matt Jones
David R. Kaiser
Jennifer Kaiser
Ned Kaiser
Sarah Kaiser
Russell Keeler
Heather Klimm
David Kneeland
Leslie Knowles
Paul Krause
Jay Lanagan
Kenneth D. Lipman
Bruce MacPhail
Catherine M. Madsen
Frederick Makrauer
Peter L. Makrauer
Gerard Martin
Martha Martin
Alex Mazza
Teah Mazzoni
Daniel McCormack
Joe McDonagh
Laura McDonagh
Peter McGowan
Sandra Medeiros
Johannes Nagtegaal
David Nanian
Gerard Nelson
Anne Noonan
Christopher Ouellette
Dina Pandya
Mark Pankoff
Ann B. Parson
Gerry E. Payette
Felipe Pereira
Korrin Petersen
Richard T. Porteus
Mark Rasmussen
James Rathmann
Michael Rossi
Laura Ryan Shachoy
Will W. Saltonstall
Robyn Saur
Antoinette Steinacker
John & Valerie Stelling
Mary Ellen & Ralph Stephen
Peter J. Sterling
Bob Stevenson
Natalie Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. John W.
Stimpson, Jr.
Clay & Clara Stites
Barbara Stolt
Benjamin B. Stone
Catherine M. Stone
The Stover Family
Paul Strauss
Mark & Nancy Strickland
Rachael Kolb &
Thomas Stritter
Harborne Stuart
Peter Sturges &
Sasha Lauterbach
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Suddard
Maura L. Sullivan, Esq.
Nicholas & Deborah Sullivan
Paul R. Sullivan
Peter & Nancy Summers
Meagan H. Swanson
Margaret Sweet &
Bernard Giroux
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Symonds
Karoline Szatek
Dr. Jonathan Talamo
Anne Tangen
David A.Tatelbaum
David & Linda Taylor
Emily Taylor
Jamey Shachoy
Victor Simas
James C. Smith
Nancy R. Smith
Dick Soule
Jody Spark
Kenneth Sprague
Theresa Sprague
Farhana Stevenson
Maureen Thomas
Paul Thompson
Andy van Dam
Michael Waugh
Phillip Whittaker
Kathleen Wilbur
Kelly Wilbur
Morgan Williams
Grant Wilson
Logan Wood
Corporate Event Sponsor
Sun Multisport Events, LLC
Entertainment Sponsor
Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Whaling City Sound
Carol & Scott Taylor
David & Pauline Teixeira
Charlotte N. Terry
Rob & Kama Thieler
Maureen Thomas
John & Kathy Thompson
Mary Thorne
William N. Tifft &
Ellen Bruzelius
Coyt & Susan Tillman
Ralph L. Tompkins &
Fran A. Clark
Charles Toomey
Jeanne & Richard Toomey
David & Lynne Toth
Peter & Ann Tower
Bruce W. Tripp
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trippe
Dr. Leslie Trott &
Mrs. Elaine Cumiskey
Stephanie Trott
Richard Tuchman
Thomas & Jean Tullius
Peter & Libby Turowski
Joe & Annie Twichell
Deborah & Jakob Tworek
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ullian
Stephen C. Ullian
Alex Unger
George & Dagmar Unhoch
Alex & Marilyn Urquhart
Sigrid M. Usen
Amy Valente
Dennis Valentino
Frederica & John* Valois
Elisa van Dam
Katrin van Dam
Lori van Dam
Jeanne Van Orman
J. Lee Varvaro
Angela Vasconcellos
Arthur A. & Dolores
M. Vasconcellos
Dan Vasconcellos & Family
Julie Vasil
Arna Vatuk
Dawn C. Ventura
Jeffrey Vogel
Keith von der Heydt &
Theresa McKee
William & Heather Vrattos
Douglas & Madeline Vrona
Andrew Waine
Henry & Marion Wainer
Bradford B. Wakeman &
Wendy Darwin Wakeman
Jeff & Jeanine Wales
Drs. Diana & Chris Walsh
Michael Walsh
Warden Family
Sharon McCarthy & Jim Ware
John & Mallory Waterman
Marie & Kenneth Watts
Mark A. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Webster
Thomas C. Webster, III
Marisa Weiss &
David Friedman
Roger & Elise Wellington
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
V. White, III
Martha White
Natalie White &
Jeremy Crockford
Alex Whiteside
Dr. Cricket Wilbur
Kathleen Wilbur
Patricia Wilbur
Samuel Wilbur
Bobby & Laurie Wilkey
Jack Wilkins
Alice Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Willis
Kate Wilson
Dan & Lisa Winsor
Gordon G. Wisbach, Jr.
Lawrence Wisniewski
William Wittman &
Moira Shea
Margot & David Wizansky
Stephanie J. Woiciechowski
John H. Wolff &
Helen A. Berger
Harvey J. Wolkoff
Sherbie & Tom Worthen
Mary & Redwood Wright
Frank Wuest
Harry J. Yates
Dr. John Yee
Isabel C. Yoder
Mr. Michael T. Young
Stewart & Mandy Young
Adrian & Mary Zaccaria
David & Dena Zack
Linda Zamaitis
Robert & Katy Zappala
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Zeien
Barbara & Anthony Zeimetz
Sandra & Don Zekan
Fred & Jane Zimmerman
Ginia & Peter Ziobro
Michael F. Zito
Anonymous (22)
Carole & Peter Baker
Gerald Baker
Gretchen Baker-Smith
Donald Bamberger
Jonathan P. Barboza
Anne & Robert Barnes
Gregory W. Barnes
Richard Barr
Sam Barrows
Paul Barry
David & Barbara Bates
Bill Battey
Jack & Joan Battey
Peter Baum
Laurent Baxley
Chelsea Baylor
Jim Beahm
Christine Bean
Michael Bean
Wallen Bean
Tom Beatini
Maureen & Robert Beaudoin
Mike Beaudry
Philip & Kate Beauregard
Alan Beausoleil
Lindsay Beausoleil
Sonya Beausoleil
Diane M. Beauvais
Bryan Becotte
Grzegorz & Erin Bednarczyk
Anne H. & Charles Bedser
Nate & Alice Bekemeier
Rebecca Belastock
David & Nancy Belcher
David Belluche
Ellie Bemis
Paul C. Bennett
Magnus & Cindie Aadland
Dorothy & *John Bentley
Molly Aalyson
Raffi Berberian
John Adams
Gunnar V. & Martha A. Berg
Stephen P. Adams
Halle Berger
William & Janet Adams
Jamie Berger-Brinker
Joan Akin
Joel & Barbara Berler
Sally M. Aldrich
Capt. James Bernard
Doria Alfiero Bryant
Patricia Bernard
Scott Alfonse
Diane A. Berube
Ruth Alkons Wolinsky
Russell & Claire Bessette
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Allen, III
Jerri & Allan Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Allen
Lawrence & Wendy Bidstrup
Nina S. Allen
Paula A. Billard
Laura Anderson
Kathleen Billings &
Meribeth Anderson
Hal Oringer
Donna R. Andrieu
Stephen & Barbara Billings
Luean Anthony
Ricardo Bilonick
Paul & Louise Anthony
Jeanne Bird
Mrs. Mary Joan Apjohn
George L. Blackburn
Bruce Applegate
Linda M. Black-Jones
Patricia Apperson
Hugh Blair-Smith
Charley Appleton
Faye Blazar
Olaf Aprans
Jonathan & Heidi Blythe
Lucille Aptekar & Gerry Leader
Bocconcelli-Sayigh Family
Abigail Franklin Archer
Dr. Jesse Boehm
James Arnott
David Bogen & Pamela Spatz
Martha M. Asendorf
Jay Boland
Hope Atkinson
Paul & Caroline Bolick
Kristine Audette
Thomas & Elizabeth Bolton
Rosalind & Rolf Augustin, Jr.
Wendy Bone
Bev Baccelli & Liz DiCarlo
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Borgeson
Marc Boulanger
Joyce Bourdon
Mary Bowker
Richard Bowman, Jr.
Richard W. Bowman
Peter S. Boyce
Charles & Priscilla Bradley
Kathleen Braga
Eric Braitmayer &
Jack H. Haney
William P. Breault
Richard Breed
James & Melissa Bride
Paul & Marilyn Brigham
Jennifer Brindisi
Ed Brody
Lynne E. Brolly
Michelle Brouillard
Cathryn F. Brower
Dot Brown
Mrs. Travis T. Brown
Wendell Brown
John & Sally Browning
Ann-Louise Brox
Stephen M. Brox
Richard Bruce
Robert C. Bruce
Margaret Brumsted
The Bucchere Family
Brendan Buckless
Shawn Buckless
Donald J. Buckley
Ed & Shelley Buckley
Mary Frances Buckley
Seth & Elizabeth Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bullard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Burke
Annie & Jonathan Burleigh
Capt. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bushy
Andy Butler
Ann F. Butler
Alexander Butters
Shirley Butterworth
Mark Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cairns
Ed & Gerrie Callahan
John & Sylvia Camacho
The Camilli’s
Janice E. Campbell
Christine Campe-Price
Anne Cann
Carole Cannan
Nancy Cannan
Mary Canniff
Daniel Caple
Kevin Carbin
Dr. Zoe Cardon
Christopher W. Carey
Ben Carlson
Edward & Ellen Carlson
Mary-Louise “Lou” Carlson
Tom & Connie Carr
Wendy Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Harold J.
Christiann & Joel Caya
Ruth & Dick Cederberg
Eric Cederholm
Louisa Celebrezze
Aurore B. Chace
Rev. Harry Chadwick
Christopher & Anne Chan
Alyssa Charry
Ana Charry
Dora Charry
Richard Charry, Jr.
Meredith E. Chase &
William F. Chase, II
Ashley Chasse
Jessie Cheitlin
Jean & Ed Ciarpella
Robert P. Clancy &
Cynthia M. Clancy
Dianne & Richard Clark
Karen Clark
Patrick Clark
Peter Clark
Tucker M. Clark
Tricia Claudy
Kathy & Greg Clear
Christine Clearwater
Jo Clermont
Carole S. Clifford
Laura Clifford
Leo & Sharon Clifford
Sheila Clifford
Robert H. Clifton
Joseph Cobb
Beth & John Coccio
Albert Coelho
Cassara Coffeen
Susan Cohan
Lawrence B. Cohen
Daniel Cole
Richard Cole
Beth Coleman
Christiane C. Collins
Joseph W. Collins
Robert Collins
Jacqueline Combs Nelson
Bill & Diane Comeau
Mary Comtois
Daniel Conick
William Conley
Bill & Barbara Connolly
Jeanne Connon
Don & Maggie Cook
Mrs. Russell Cookingham
Dan & Kate Cooney
Ed & Betty Cooney
Burton & Kate Corkum
Peter Corley
Amanda Cortes
Claudia Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Coughlin
Alden W. Counsell
Gabriel & Patricia Coutinho
Simonne & Alan Coutinho
Frank Couvares
Charlie Cover
Geoff Cowles
Art & Mary Cox
Philip N. Cox
Daniel Crafton
Melvin & Margery Crain
Richard S. “Chip” Morse
Robert & Alison Ament
Katherine L. Babson
Talbot Baker, Jr.
Marc & Suzanne
Robert Brierly
Fred F. Foulkes
Stephen “Buck” Bailey
Sarah Gayer
David Rich
Gilead Sciences
Gazaway Lemar
Eric Godshalk
Crittenden, Jr.
Sam & Gerry Gray
Mrs. Gertrude S. Crittenden
Betsy Heald
John & Olivann Hobbie
David D. Gammans
Leonard & Patricia
Indira Balkissoon
Thomas D. Carr
William & Winnie Mackey
Classmates at Fairhaven
Ambassador & Mrs.
High School
Richard Morningstar
James Cooney
Peter & Gretchen Partridge
Andrew Costakes
James Reber
Isabel and Sara da Costa
John & Patricia Sawyer
Michael J. Deforge
Jane G. Schweitzer
Evelyn M. Desrosiers
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Ronald Denham
Stimpson, Jr.
John Fernandes and
Jim & Kimberly Taylor
Jane Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Seth Garfield
J. Tierney
Beth M. Hassett-Sipple
Janet & Noah Totten
Mark Kochanek
Keith von der Heydt
Ronald LeBlanc
& Theresa McKee
Mary Lizotte
S. Jeffress Williams
Curtis L. Lopes
& Rebecca Upton
Jean Miller
Stephen Morgado
Samuel C. Newbury
Scott Papp
Catharine & David
Elaine Price
Laurie A. Raymond
N. Gorham Park
Karin A. Roscow
Christine W. Parks
Beverly T. Shavinsky
Lee Ann Wood
In loving memory of
my late husband,
Marguerite P. Foster
Russell Pearson, who
H.O. Peet Foundation
felt the Bay was his
Ernestine Keefe
Roger and Maureen
Shirley Pearson
Rose Weld Baldwin
Margaret P. Baldwin
In 2014, the Buzzards
Bay Coalition received
gifts in loving memory
of the following people
listed in bold.
David Creamer
Keith Creamer
James & Susan Crider
Dr. & Mrs. M.G. Criscitiello
Evelyn T. Crocker
Mrs. Anita H. Croft
Gregory Cronin
James & Edwina Cronin
Atty. Kimberly Cronin
Lori M. Crook
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H.
Howard Crow & Jane Downing
Merritt Crowley
Denise M. Cuneo
Jerome Cura
Ken Curchin
William & Ruth Curry
Thomas Gray Curtis, Jr.
Andy & Mary Cutler
Richard D. Cutler
Walter Czerny, Jr.
Deirdre Dahlen
A.M. Daley
Kathleen C. & Arthur
D. Damaskos
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Damon, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Denis D’Amore
Evan & Ryan Dandrea
Sarah Snyderman
Rebecca Jackson
Cathy Russo
Richard S. “Chip” Morse
Edward J. Zamaitis
Bourne High School
Barbara Carchidi
Daniel J. Coughlin
Diane Darcy
Carol DePillo
Gerald S. Derochea
Gomperts, Penza &
McDermott, LLC
Calvin Gray
Brendan Maddigan
Susan and Tom
Amy Marino
Mary B. Maynard
Fred Niccoli
Marilyn A. Raleigh
Kathleen Sullivan
Lillian Thomas
Marcella P. Unis
Linda Zamaitis
In December, the Buzzards
Bay Coalition lost a strong
advocate and true friend.
As a member of our Board
of Directors for 11 years,
Chip Morse helped to guide
the Coalition with humor,
wisdom, and a passion for
the Bay. As Co-Chair of
the Campaign for Buzzards Bay from 2008 to 2011,
Chip’s efforts helped transform the Coalition into
what it is today. In November, we had the pleasure
of honoring Chip by dedicating the Richard S. “Chip”
Morse Green Roof of the Buzzards Bay Center in
New Bedford – a lasting tribute to Chip’s significant
accomplishments on behalf of the Bay.
Gifts were also
made in honor and
celebration of the
following people
and events in bold.
Lawrence & Emma
George DuPaul &
Judith Brown-DuPaul
David & Linda Hall
Barbara & Anthony
In honor of my family;
past, present, and
Ann Huidekoper &
Joanne Swanson
Terry & Barbara Dane
Carol R. Darcy
John Darwin
John DaSilva
Michelle D’Auteuil
Christopher Davies
Matt & Jen Davitt
John, Sarah, Liza, &
Anna Dawley
Dr. Maria de Sá
Maria De Weer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dean
Wes Deane
Katherine Delehanty
Carol Ann & John Delmonico
Honoring my
goddaughter Rachel
Jakuba’s birthday
Louisa Celebrezze
John H. and Caroline
W. Reardon: My
deceased parents who
loved Buzzards Bay
and taught us to love it.
Maria and Bennett Leon
Joseph J. Reardon &
Robert Kleinberg
Reardon Brothers Trust
In honor of Mark,
Jeanne Sheehy
Tony and Staff
Richard & Lisa Sheehy
Thomas & Judy Stetson
Kelly Wilbur
Peg Megowen
Samuel Wilbur
Gretchen Megowen, M.D.
Richard S. “Chip” &
Susan Morse
Pete & Vicky Lowell
Robert Demanche
Kathleen S. DeMello
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Demeo
Gail & John Densler
Jake Densmore
Gail Denzer
Jack Deppe & Sharri Barrett
Robert J. Dermody
Jeanne Desmarais
Stephen R. Desroches
Mr. & Mrs. John Dewhurst
David Di Biasio &
Natalie Mello
Diane M. Di Stolfo
Carl F. Dierker
Andrew Dimmick
Thomas & Jen Dimmick
Kenneth & Betsey Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Doherty
Lori & Peter Dolce
Elizabeth Grant Donley
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Dorr
Vivian I. & Richard
W. Douglass
John & Zelinda Douhan
Karin Downs
Paul Dragos
Kate Drenckhahn
Lee Drescher
Joey & Clark DuBois
Ken Dubrowski
Mary Jane Ducharme
Storey Duff
Benjamin S. Dunham &
Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham
The Dunn Family
Anne T. Dunning
Jeanne L. Dupre
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DuPre
Susan Dupuis
David Dwyer &
Heather Hawes
C.C. Dyer
Hugh N. Dyer, III & Family
Norma Dyer
Prof. & Mrs. Winthrop Dyer
Aucoot Earles
Marilyn East
Anatol & Carolyn Eberhard
Renae Edge
Bruce W. Edmands
Geoffrey D. Edmunds
Kathy Egan
John & Ruth Elander
George Ellard, Jr.
Edward Elliott
Lauran Emerson
Gary & Margaret Enos
Marie Esten
Oscar Esteves
Jonathan Ettinger
Robert D. Eustis
Barbara E. Evans
Daniel Evans
David & Nan Evans
Colin Everett
Dr. John Everett
John W. Everton
Donald Facey
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
L. Fardy, Jr.
Jane & Bill Farran
Marie-Ann Farstad
Temple Fawcett
Mark Feinstein
Gerald & Judith Feldman
Michael Fenlon
Emily L. Ferguson
Mary Ferreira
Marcia Ferrigno
Arthur & Cynthia Fertman
Bill & Liz Field
Clara Filice
Mr. & Mrs. David Filipek
Anna Finco
Alice Finn
Matt Fitzpatrick
Ellen Flavin
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Flynn
Erin Foley
Jody Foley
Lauren Folino
Joan Fontaine
Chuck & Lauren Fontaine
Anthony Forbes
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Forbes
Nicholas Forcier
Ned C. Forrester
Patricia Foster
Francis & Sandra Fox
Peggs Francis
Marcia Franklin
Dianne Freed
Kathy Frey
Don & Joanne Friar
David & Patricia Frothingham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Fuller
Eric Furie
Gregg Lawrence Furie
Laurel Furumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fusco
Mike & Bridget Gabriel
Jenness Gabris
Gregory Gadren
Alan R. Gagnon
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
A. Gagnon
Arthur G. Gaines
Ken Gaines
John Gallagher
Christine Gallant
Dominic Galotti
Mary & Lew Gamerman
Dorothy Gammans
Jim R. Gammans
Debra J. Gammerman
Satish Gandhi
Robert M. Gaouette
Manuel Garber
Elizabeth Gardner
Joshua Gardner
Kassia Garfield
Rebecca Garfield
Jodi Garie
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Garro
Robert A. Gaspar
Virginia Gay
Judith P. Gaylord
Elizabeth Gazaille
Lucille T. Gelinas
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Arthur Gerard & Joan Fortin
Linda Gerard
Paul & Laurene Gerrior
Rocky Geyer
Joseph & Anne Giani
Mary Ann Giannone
Jim & Laurel Giarusso
Cushing Giesey
Timothy & Leila Gillespie
Michael Gilman
Dianne Gingras
Elizabeth Gladfelter
Rashi Glazer
Philip A. Goddard
Arik Goff
Arthur Gold
Cathy Gonsalves
David & Rachel Gonsalves
Jeffrey Gonsalves
Jan & Chris Goodman
Peter & Marne Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop
Millie Gordon
Dr. Alon Goren
Michael Gorr
Andrea Gosselin
Daniel Gould
Noe & Janet Gouveia
Abigail Gove
James & Sara Gowing
Barbara M. Gracia
Robert & Rita Grady
Curtis Graham
Victoria Graham
Leah Granger
Peter Grant & Sharon
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gray, III
Melinda G. Gray
Roger Gray
Margot Green
Elaine & H. Bryan Greene
Roger Greene
Richard Greenough
Peter & Tracy Greenwood
John Gregg
James Griglun
Dr. Donald Guadagnoli
Rene & Karen Guenette
Maolin Guo
Beth Gustin & Clayton Fuller
Mitchell Guttman
Andrew Hadley
Rebecca A. Hajjar
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Hale
Lia Haley
Michael & Kathleen J. R. Haley
Donald B. Hall
Joanna Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Hall
Valerie Hall
Lisa Halvorson
Jeffrey & Alexia Hamilton
Reed A. Hamilton
Teresa Hamm
George & Barbara Hampson
Susan H. Hampson
Mr. David A. Hancock &
Dr. Lua Hancock
Patricia Hancox
Margot Hand
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hannan
Janeen & Steven Hansen
Cynthia Hanson
Joleen Hanson
Maureen Harlow-Hawkes
& Arthur Hawkes
Joseph & Helen Harrington
Alan & Jessica Harris
Anne R. Harris
Jeff Harris
Rabbi Barry & Shoshana
John & Maria Hartwell
Jonathan Harvey
Beth Hassett-Sipple &
Steven Sipple
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hathaway
John & Jessica Hauser
Peter Hawes & Family
A. Lee Hayes
Catherine A. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hayward
Wayne Hayward
William & Kate Heald
Carl Hefflefinger
Andrew Heist
Ann & Jerry Heller
Bette & Bob Helm
Ralph Helmick & Nan Niland
Michelle & Erik Helms
Jane & Bart Henderson
Matthew Henderson
Siobhan Henebury
Ralph E. Herbst
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Herlihy
Suzanne & Fred Herriman, Jr.
Elizabeth Hibbard
Donna M. Hickox
Sheldon & Elizabeth Hill
Charlie & Penny Hiller
Prof. Michael Hillinger
John & Peggy Hilsabeck
Peggy-Ann & John R.
Susan Hirshlag
Robert Hlady & Jean Sheets
I. Jerry Hlass
Michele Hlass
Joe Hobin
Rob Hochschild
Jeffrey Hodge
Alison Hodges
Chris Hoffman
Thomas & Kathleen Hogan
Christopher Hollins
Adam Homoki
Claude, Lyn & Nathaniel
Genya & Sam Hopkins
Michael Hopper
Henry Horenstein &
Christiane Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hortsman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hostnik
Mr. & Mrs. Greg
W. Houdelette
Barbara Howard
L. Damon Howard, III
Selena T. Howard
Ellen Howland
Judy Huber
Marcia Hudgins
Paul Huehmer
David Hughes
Paul & Diana Hughes
Ming-Tai Huh
Al & Joanne Humphrey
Bob & Pam Humphrey
Peter Hunt
Andrew Hunter
Kevin Hunter
Pamela Hunter
Lenny Hyman
Josef Idoine
Ruthanne & John Igoe
Alden Irons
Deanna Jackson
Gail Jackson
Molly Jacobsen
Kristi Jacobson
Eva & Stan Jakuba
Oliver J. Janney
Hilary Jansen
Thomas & Barbara Jansen
Gary Jaroslow &
Nancy Parmentier
Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins
Suzanne L. Jenkins
George A. Jennings
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Jensen
Samantha Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Jepson
Caroline Johns
Connie Johns
Bill & Ginny Johnson
Cora Johnson
Gordon & Lois Johnson
Greg & Nancy Johnson
Jerry & Cindy Johnson
Keith R. Johnson
Paul & Judith Johnson
Peter Johnson
Andrew Jones
Barbara Woll Jones
E. Owen Jones
Richard S. Jones
Mark & Teresa Kaeterle
& Family
Ellen M. Kahler
David & Jennifer Kaiser
Ned Kaiser
Sarah Kaiser
Paula A. Kandarian
Keith Kane & Beth Whitney
Bruce Kantor
Carol Karafotis
Phil Karber
Sia Karplus
Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. Katz
Sally Katz & David Price
Elena Kavanaugh
Elizabeth Kavanaugh
Zachary Kavanaugh
Woody & Janie Kay
Felicia Kazer
Janice & Paul Kechijian, MD
Patricia Keenan
Barbara & Tom Keith
Patricia Kelleher
Paul & Marilyn Kelleher
Karen Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley
Joseph & Susan Kelliher
Jerry & Beth Kelly
James & Julianne Kelly
Sarah Kelly
Christine Kelly-Vereda
Judith L. Kennedy
Claire V. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenney
Barbara L. Keough
Rebekah Kepple
James D. King
Kevin King
Michael King
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. King
Robin King
Deena Kinsky
Crawford Kirkpatrick
Paul H. Kirshen &
Bettina Burbank
Ms. Emily Kissell &
Dr. Peter Markow
Sally Klaus
David Kleinschmidt &
Katherine L. Olney
Heather Klimm
David Kneeland
Bill & Deb Knowlton
Judy Knox
Kathleen Knutsen
Dr. Ann Koczera
Prof. Jocelyne Kolb
Wayne & Helene Koles
Miriam Konz
Andrew Kotsatos
Clancy Krause
Dr. & Mrs. William Krause
Michael & Kim Krawshuk
Karina Krepp
Robert S. Kretschmar
April Kroll
Reynold Kulchar
Darrell Kulesza
Pe Kutcher
Bob & Pam La Crosse
Jim & Nancy Lacerda
Marie Lacy
Philip LaFond
Dave Lafreniere
Dr. Denise LaGasse
Mark & Susan Lally
Heather LaMarre
Paul & Susan Lambert
Jay Lanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Land
Anne Landry
Pixie Lang
Joanna Lau
Mr. & Mrs. G. Lauderdale
Randy & Marijean Lauderdale
William & Susan Laurence
Susan Laverty
Lisa Lavina
Robert Lawrence
Dr. Michael Leahy
Donna Leaver
Gerald Leavy
Susan Leclair
David & Hallie Lee
Henry & Carol Leeds
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lentini
Holly Leon
Lisa Lerer
Dr. Jennifer O. Letitia, M.D.
Dr. & Mrs. Clinton Levin
Capt. Edward H. Levine
Michael Lewandowski
Edward & Nancy Lindholm
Laurence Lippsett
Prof. & Mrs. Lewis Lipsitt
Douglas & Kim Livolsi
Mary & Ernest Lizotte
Steven Lohrenz
Curtis L. Lopes
Robert & Mary Lorenzo
Jim & Carol Lukas
Clare & Philip Lund
Maureen & Phil Lynch
Roger & Mary Maag
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Mrs. Karyn Machado
Margaret-Mary Maciel
Russell Mack
William A. Macleod
D’Arcy G. MacMahon &
Ivy Smith MacMahon
Carlton & Alice Macomber
Brendan Maddigan
Stephanie Madsen
John Magnan & Annie Jonas
Deborah & Gary R. Magoon
Linda Maguire
Lori Maguire
Robert Maguire
Lesley Mahoney
Mina Makarious
Peter Makrauer
Melanie Maletta
Jan, Rena, Olivia &
James Maliszewski
Helen Mallon
Candace Malloy
Joseph Mancieri
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mann
Theresa Manning
George Mansfield
Rick Mansfield
Christine Marcolini
Anthony & Judy Mark
Annette Martel
Anne-Marie Martin
Linda Martin
Richard Martin
Florence Martocci
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Martyna
Richard & Kathy Marx
Samuel Marx
Edward Mascioli &
Barbara Weinberg
Shirley A. & Walter E. Massey
Cynthia Masson
John R. Masson &
Michel J. Jodoin
Roger Masson & Margo
Connolly Masson
Hank Mastey
Douglas W. Materne
Steve E. Matthews &
John Fuller
Catherine & Dennis Maxey
Donna H. Maxfield
Jennifer Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Alec May
Sheila R. May
Charles Mayhew
Marilyn & Myron Mazer
Teah Mazzoni
Susan & Thomas J. McAvoy
Patrick McBride
Sybil McCarthy Hadfield
Debra McCarthy
Catherine McClintock
Daniel McCormack
Donald McCormack
Charles & Rebecca
Mark & Susan McCusker
Kristina McDavid
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McGee
William & Janet McGinnis
Patricia McGovern
Peter McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGowan
Julie McGrath
Chuck & Karen McHugh
Ian McHugh & Liz Garvey
Shelley McKay
Sally & Stuart McKenzie
David & Leslie McKinley
Laura E. McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. William J.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P.
Mary McNamara
Cynthia S. McNaughten
Ann P. McNichol
David & Barbara McPhelim
Kathleen McShane
Bryan McSweeny
James & Diane Medeiros
Rose Marie & Richard
S. Medeiros
Jeff & Karen Meeks
Cheryl Mehos
Sarah P. Meigs
Carol L. Mendonca &
George Mendonca
Dr. Nancy Menzel
Charles & Lucy Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Michel G. Methot
Zachary Midwood
James Milkey
Marissa Miller
Joe Mills
Dr. David Milstone
Lindsay P. Mis
Mariah Mitchell
Smoky Moak &
Eileen Melancon
Linda Moffatt
Bunny Mogilnicki
Elizabeth Molodovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Monchik
James & Susan Mooney
Marian Moore &
Susan O’Connor
Councilor Linda Morad
Emily & John Morgan
Dr. Kristen Morgan
Allison B. Morse
Julie Morse & Brian Gallagher
Rick Moseley
Paul Moses
Paula Mueller
Sara Mullan
Ann Marie Mullane
Joan Hall & Jeffrey Mullin
Michael & Elizabeth Mulroy
KC Murphy
R & K Murphy
Stephanie Murphy
Betts Howes Murray &
F. Wisner Murray
Brendan & Maggie Murray
Maureen Murray
Donald Myers
Paul Naiman & Sandra Smith
Richard N. Nakashian
Jack Nassau
Elizabeth & Lewis Nassikas
Joanann Natola
Marie Nelson
Andrea Newman
Capt. James Newman &
Ms. Deb Coulombe
Fred Niccoli
Humphrey T. &
Carol L. Nichols
William & Cynthia Nickel
Dr. Ian Nisbet
Phyllis Nobel
Robert Nocon
John Nolan
Melissa Nolte
Bill Norman
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman
Nathaniel Novod
Andrea Nygren
Ghislaine Nygren
Marjorie & Frank O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan O’Brien
Stuart O’Brien
Carol O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. O’Connor
Tom O’Connor
Catherine Offinger
Carol O’Hare
Thomas Olival
Richard & Mary Olmsted
Douglas Olney
Kathy Olney
Jeff & Hillary Olsen
William Oram
Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Rourke, Sr.
Prof. Joseph O’Rourke &
Ms. Marylynn Salmon
Alexander T. Orr
Carl Orr
Benjamin J. Ostiguy
Mark O’Sullivan
Edward & Christine Pacewicz
Stefano Pacini
John Palmer
Bonnie Pandya
Dina Pandya
Michael Papetti
Laura Pardee
Dr. Richard Parent
Catherine J. Park
Betty & Frances Parker
Greg Parkinson
Paul Parkosewich
Ann Parks
Pauline Parks
Robert Parslow
Gary & Pamela Parsons
Stuart & Katharine Parsons
Andrew Partridge
Pasco-Anderson Family
Theresa A. Pasley
Judith Pasquill
Judith A. Pastorio
Shirley Pearson
Charles Peck
Theresa Peck
Judith & Thoru Pederson
Douglas & Marianne Peebles
Pamela J. Peirce
Susan Pellerin
Tracy Pennoyer
John A. Penta
David & Joan Pepin
Richard S. Perkins, III
Thomas Perkins
John & April Perkoski
Laura & Frank Perrine
Jeanne Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Perry Jr.
Janice R. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters
Pete Petrillo
Dr. Louis Petrovic
Bertha Petruski
Doug & Alice Pfeninger
Mary Pickett
Steven Pickup
Joan W. Pierce
Alicia Pimental
Carolyn C. Pimental
William & Sarah Pinney
Gayle Pinshaw
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Place
Greta E. Plante
Charles C. J. Platt
Richard A. Pline
Al & Maren Plueddemann
Elaine R. Podradchik
Bonnie & Steve Pohlig
Anna Polvino
Jeff Pontiff
Barbara E. Porter
Priscilla Porter
Dr. Aubrey J. Pothier, Jr.
The J.P. Powels
William Powell
Sean & Stasia A. Powers
Sheila Powers-Converse
John Pozega
Miles D. Pratt
Frank Press
Dr. Donald L. Price &
Mrs. Helen A. Price
Neal Price
Richard & Carolyn Price
Michael Pridham
Anne Prisco & Stephen Sergi
Sheila Puckett
Raymond Pugliese
Dr. John Purser
Timothy & Nancy Putnam
Terrance Quinn
Barbara Rachelson &
Don Loeb
Armando Ragas
Marilyn A. & Harry D. Raleigh
Aamir Ramjoo
Dr. Alvan W. Ramler &
Mrs. Leslie Ramler
The Ramsdell Family
David Randall
Kim A. Randall
Maria Rapier
Rome A. Rapier, Esq. &
Gayle Rapier
Mary Rapoza
Sonny Rapozo
Corinna Raznikov &
Ronald Wisner
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Re
Robert & Elizabeth Reardon
Chuck & Heidi Redington
Janet Reed
Janet & Richard Reed
Mary E. Reed
Bill & Martha Reed
Lee Reichman
Sarah Renaud
Richard K. Renner &
Janet A. Friskey
Jeannine Renz
Jack & Cynthia Reynolds
Geo Rheaume
Richard J. Rheaume, P.E.
James Ribeiro
Mary Jane Richard &
Jack Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Richardson
Alice Richmond &
David Rosenbloom
Marshall A. Ries, Jr.
Dr. Neil L. Ringler
John Rinn
Fred & Lois Rioles
Daniel P. Ristuccia
Bonnie L. Ritz
Richard & Janice Robbins
Elizabeth A. Roberts
Noel & Ann Roberts
Christiane Robinson
James Robitaille
Frederick J. Rocco
Janytzabell Rodriguez-Ramos
Justin R. Rohn
Bruce Rose
Ted & Wendy Rose
Philip & Paula Rose
Dr. M.C. Rosenfield
William Ross
Michael Rossi
Lee Rossiter
William & Paige Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf
Mr. & Mrs. James J.
Rourke, Jr.
Paul Rowland
Brian Rowley
Michele Roy
Claudette Roy-Viall
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Rubino
Don & Susan Rudnick
George Rudolph
William & Andrea Rugh
Anne-Marie Runfola &
Ken Kostel
Michael Russell
Tina Ruyter
Mike & Toby Ryan
Susan G. Ryan
Tanja Ryden & Thomas
J. H. Peirce
Kari Sachs
Richard Sailor & Mary
Charles A. Salisbury
Carol Salmanson
Bill & Tinker Saltonstall
Bob & Barbie Sanderson
Charles & Renate Sands
Nicholas Santos
Tony Sapienza
Mary I. Savignano
Benjamin L. Scaife
Mr. Schaefer
Roland & Marjie Scharfspitz
Robert Schisler
Helen Chin Schlichte
C. Schmitt
Julia Schneider
Andrea & Scott Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Schuyler
Carol Q. Schwamb
David Schwentker
Michael A. Sciaraffa
Anne K. Scott
Jane Scott
Leigh Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott
Stephen Sedgwick
John Seibert
Richard Settele
Dr. Daniela Sever
Fred D. Shane
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shanley
Jane Shapira
Beverly T. Shavinsky
Dianna Shaw
Donna Shea
John & Kathy Sheehy
Richard & Lisa Sheehy
John & Deborah Shemo
Donna Sherman
Brownie & Pam Sherman
Christopher R. Sherwood
& Patty White
Richard & Janet Sherwood
Lily Shih
Harry & Anne Shoemaker
Patricia Shoyinka
Sharon E. Shustack
Anne D. Silveira
Augustine & Beverly Silveira
Victor & Kathy Simas
Kevin Simon
Mrs. Blaise Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sine, Jr.
Robert Skilton
Alan & Sandra Slavin
Stephen S. Sloan &
Erin Rowland
Anne Marie Small
Mrs. Robert W. Small
Alfred J. Smialek
Walter Smietana &
Wanda Francis
Charles Smiler
David & Rosemary Smith
Peter Smith
Philip Smith & Lisa Bright
Sarah Smith
Stephanie Sonnabend
Jim Soukup
Dick Soule
Karen Sowa
Jeffrey & Gail Spear
Pete & Cindy Spengler
Karl & Connie Spilhaus
Peter B. & Nancy E. Spindler
Susan B. Spooner
Theresa & Kenneth Sprague
Lisa A. St. Laurent
Nicole & Marc St. Pierre
Clare St.Onge
Paul & Tammy Staiger
Barry & Margo Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. George E.
Richard Sterling
Dr. Wendy Stern
Judith & Robert Sterns
Farhana Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
W. Stickney
Diane Stillman
Elizabeth Stites
Roseann & Steve Stoehr
Andrea & Roger Stokey
Penelope Straker
Albert H. Strange, Jr.
Rebecca Stratos
Michael Strickman
Jean S. Stripinis
Mr. & Mrs. John Strittmatter
Beth & W. Douglas Strubeck
Adrienne Stuart
Dr. George Studzinski
Lewis A. Suber
Robert & Jean Sudduth
Scott Sudduth
Margaret Sulanowska
Delia Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sullivan
Mike & Ellen Sullivan
Scott & Lee Sullivan
Spencer Sullivan
Suzanne Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Surprenant
Donna Sutherland Steele
Janet Sutta
Elisabeth C. Swan
Lori Sweeney
Carol Sweet
Faith Sweetser Barry
Graham Swett & Grace Miller
Jone H. Swift
Douglas Swoish
Pamela Szatek
Michael & Deanna Szymczak
William & Karen Tafuri
Jean Talbert
Peter & Jane Talbot
Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.
Alden Tangen
Nina Tannenwald
Cynthia Tardif
David & Cheryl Tartakoff
Sir Dick Tatlock
Edmond & Olga Tavares
Heather & Dennis Tavares
Janine Tavares
Dr. & Mrs. Barton Tayer
Dr. Kathleen Taylor &
Mr. Bruno Notari
Lane & Virginia Taylor
Viola Taylor
Joseph & Jean Tellier
Admiral Jeremy Tenenbaum
Edward Thal, Jr.
Richard Tharin
Bill Tharion
Dr. Edward R. Thieler
Robin Lepore & Andrew
Megan Thomas
Dr. John W. Thompson, Jr.
Julie Thompson
Alicia Thoms
Howard & Nancy Tinkham
Neil & Carol Titcomb
Josh E. Tobin & Stacie Yellen
John & Nancy Todd
Mr. & Mrs. James Tomlinson
Claire Tompkins
Christopher & Dena Torino
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Towers
Barbara Traban
Margaret Weymouth Trainer
Kathie A. Trainor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tranchin
Christine Trifari
David Trinks
Joan Tripp
Robert & Sally Truslow
Eric T. Turkington
Curtis Ullman
Sherry Ustas
Carol Vail & Jim Lukas
Ivan & Virginia Valiela
Betje Van Dam & Fritz Noack
Alison & Edward Van Keuren
Faramarz Vaziri
Bill & Judy Veno
Peggy Verronneau
Philip Viall
George R. Vigeant
Sam & Hilary Vineyard
Ann E. Vogel
Arthur & Joanne Voorhis
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Vose
Christine & Michael Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Waine
Marcia Waldron
Wayne Walega
Jeanne & Emery Walker
Janet & LaVerne Wallace
Ann & Jerry Walls
Robert J. Walsh &
Carol Goodman
Tao Wang & Xiang-Yang Guo
Elizabeth Ward
Jill Ward
Michael Waters
Helga Watkins
William D. Watling, Jr.
Michael Waugh
Patricia Waugh
Janice Weber & John Newton
Nancy Weber
Phil Weinberg
Kimberly Adams Weiss &
Douglas M. Weiss
Sally Weitzel
James Welt
Lee Wheeler
Anne Whitaker
Christopher White &
Jennifer Greenman
Jean L. White
John & Linda Whitehead
Caroline Whitney
Anne & Jeremy Whitney
Simon Whitten
Orville Wiens
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiklund
Kelly Wilbur
Richard Wilhelmsen
Thomas Wilhelmsen
John & Connie Wiliszowski
Carolyn Willard
Maryl Willcox
Sandra Willett
Morgan Williams &
Laila Hlass
John Willoughby
Helen & Albert Wilson
Michele Wilson
Janet Wing
Dr. Douglas Wingrove &
Dr. Theresa Wingrove
Dr. Susan Witt
Logan Wood
Robert & Ann Wood
Kinder Woodcock
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Woodley
Jim & Shirley Woodward
Katharine &
George Woodwell
John & Travis Woolcott
David & Sarah Wordell
John Wortham &
Cynthia Johnson
John & Lois Wurts
Frederick C. Wyse
Paul Yandoli
Ray & Mary Yarmac
Joseph W. Yates
King Lam Yee
Matt York
Nancy York
Robert & Judith Yorke
Lawrence Yu
Martha Yules
Kathleen Zaffino
Mr. & Mrs. James Zahansky
John & Regina Zakotnik
Dr. Bertram Zarins &
Dr. Laima Zarins
ABC Disposal Services, Inc.
$5,000 and above
Ann M. Borges, LLC
Edson International
Beverly Yacht Club Inc.
Foley Hoag, LLP
Burr Brothers Boats, Inc.
Goodwin Procter, LLP
Capeway Veterinary Hospital
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
of Fairhaven, Inc.
Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Chase Farm Veterinary
Reynolds DeWalt
Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.
Costux Corp.
Crockford Media
Strategies, Inc.
Cuttyhunk Shellfish
Kingman Yacht Center
Farms, Inc.
Sylvia & Company Insurance
Cuttyhunk Water Taxi:
Agency, Inc.
Division of Triton Sea
Waterkeeper Alliance - Toyota
Enterprises Inc.
Destination Soups
DG Service Company, Inc.
Environmental Operating
Cornell Dubilier Electronics
Solutions, Inc.
Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Farland Corporation Inc.
Mahoney’s Lumber
First Citizens’ Federal
Nye Synthetic Lubricants
Credit Union
Lauren Francis Title
Cooper Insurance Agency, Inc. Gaspar’s Sausage Co., Inc.
Fairhaven Lumber
Lars V. Olson Fine
Flagship Roofing &
Homebuilding, Inc.
Sheetmetal Co., Inc.
Main Street Formals
Frank Corp. Environmental
McGowan Marine
McGregor & Legere, PC
Gurney’s Saw Mill, Inc.
Moby Dick Marina, Inc.
Hawthorn Medical Associates Obsession Boat Sales
Hodgson Pratt & Associates
One By One Companies
Holmes and McGrath, Inc.
Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc.
Marshall Marine Corporation Patriot Party Boats, Inc.
Northeast Marine Pilots, Inc. Pilgrim Belle Cruise &
Richard Renner Architects
Whale Watch
The Wood Lumber Co.
Pocasset Hardware
Polymertech Inc.
Prime Engineering, Inc.
Quissett Harbor Boatyard, Inc.
Boutique Fitness
R.P. Valois & Company, Inc.
Brennan and Fournier
Rose Alley Ale House
City of New Bedford
Sea Fuels Marine Services, Inc
Water Department
Takeoffs, Inc.
Custom Cabinetry Designs
Warrior Fuel Corp.,
Decas Cranberry Products, Inc.
Home Heating Oil
Imtra Corporation
Jim’s Organic Coffee
New Bedford Thread
The 300 Committee, Inc.
Company, Inc.
Acushnet River Safe Boating
Onset Bay Marina &
Club/USCG Aux 65
Yacht Sales
Aptucxet Garden Club
Quissett Yacht Club, Inc.
of Bourne
Saltonstall Architects
Buzzards Bay Rowing
The Chart Room
Club, Inc.
Thomas P. Crotty &
Duxbury Cruising Club
Associates PLLC
Falmouth Garden Club
Tierney Law Offices
Garden Club of Buzzards Bay
Elaine Zellen
Erik & Linda Zettler
Arlene Ziencina
Mitchell Ziencina
Garden Club of Greater
New Bedford
Knollmere Beach Association
Land Trust Alliance
Mattapoisett Friends Meeting
Mattapoisett Land Trust
Mattapoisett Lions Club
Monument Beach Civic
Associates, Inc.
The Nature Conservancy
North Falmouth Village
Sippewissett Association
Stellwagen Alive!
The Nature Conservancy
The New Bedford
Whaling Museum
Wareham Garden Club
Wareham Land Trust
Waterkeeper Alliance
Westport Land Conservation
Trust, Inc.
YMCA Southcoast
Joshua Zimmerberg &
Teresa Jones
Josh Zimon
Peter & Heather Zine
Peter and Rosanne Aresty
Baker Root Family
Foundation, Inc.
Beck Foundation
The Benevity Community
Impact Fund
The W. & R. Bernheimer
Family Foundation
Keith N. Browning Foundation
The Bullerjahn Family Fund
Patrick Carney Foundation
Cassum Family Foundation
Community Foundation of
Southeastern Massachusetts
- Henry H. Crapo
Foundation Fund
Community Foundation of
Southeastern Massachusetts
- Jim & Bess Hughes
Community Foundation of
Southeastern Massachusetts
- New Bedford
Education Fund
$50,000 and above
Community Foundation of
The 1772 Foundation
Southeastern Massachusetts
Bafflin Foundation
- SEEAL Fund
The Croll Foundation
Enable Hope Foundation
Rathmann Family Foundation Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden
Esther Simon Charitable Trust
Frisbie Family Foundation
Arcadia Charitable Trust
Garfield Foundation c/o
Beech Tree Trust
Baldwin Brothers, Inc.
The Boston Foundation
Adelaide C. Griswold Trust
The William C. Bullitt
Harken Foundation
Foundation, Inc.
Harwood Family Fund
Community Foundation of
Alexander Host
Southeastern Massachusetts
Foundation Inc.
-Women’s Philanthropy
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Kenwood Foundation
Fields Pond Foundation, Inc.
Ladera Foundation
Fish Family Foundation
Little Island Trust
Gidwitz Family Foundation
LP Charitable Trust
The Julia & Seymour Gross
The Ludes Family Foundation
Foundation, Inc.
The Nelson Mead Fund
Horizon Foundation, Inc.
Network for Good
Island Foundation, Inc.
New Crossways Foundation
JC Kellogg Foundation
New England Grassroots
McCormick Family Fund
Environmental Fund
Morningstar Family
Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Normandie Foundation
The Outdoor Foundation
The Norweb Foundation
Rochester Area Community
H.O. Peet Foundation
The Pennyghael
Rose Family Foundation
Foundation, Inc.
Sheehan Family Foundation
Reardon Brothers Trust
The Weatherlow Foundation
The Rhode Island Foundation
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr.
The James O. Robbins
Family Charitable Lead
Anonymous (3)
Annuity Trust
Mike Zolotas
Claire Zopf, Esq.
Rod & Ruth Zwirner
Anonymous (20)
Robbins Nest Foundation
Sholley Foundation, Inc.
The Esther Simon
Charitable Trust
The Spartanburg County
Stifler Family
Foundation Trust
Tao Jones Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Greater
New Bedford, Inc.
The Waldo Trust
Alfred N. Watson Family
The Westport Fund
Harvey and Dorothy White
Charitable Trust
Willow Creek Charitable
Anonymous (3)
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Benjamin Moore & Co.
Double-Matching Gift
Biogen Idec Foundation
Embrace Home Loans
FM Global
GE Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
The Hanover Insurance
Group Foundation, Inc.
IBM Matching Grants Program
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Markem-Imaje Corporation
MFS Investment Management
Microsoft Matching
Gifts Program
Morgan Stanley
Community Affairs
Natixis Global Asset
Management - Employee
Matching Gift
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Verizon Foundation
Barnstable County Department
of Health and Environment
Barnstable County
Sheriff’s Office
Bouchard 120 Trustee Council
Bourne Recreation Authority
Bristol County Sheriff’s Office
Protecting clean water is a community endeavor. At its 26th
Annual Meeting in Falmouth on May 15, the Buzzards Bay Coalition
recognized individuals and groups from across the Buzzards Bay
watershed for their contributions to protecting and restoring the
Bay during the last year. They received the Buzzards Bay Guardian
Award, the highest honor granted by the Coalition.
John Ross of West Falmouth received a Guardian Award
for his leadership on cleaning up nitrogen pollution in West
Falmouth Harbor.
The Wankinquoah Rod and Gun Club in Middleborough was
honored for conserving 350 acres of woods, ponds, and wetlands
in the Weweantic River watershed.
Rich Packard of the Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental
Protection was honored for his work to reduce the likelihood and
impact of oil spills in Buzzards Bay.
In addition to the Guardian Awards, the Coalition honored students
and teachers from Old Colony and Greater New Bedford Regional
Vocational Technical High Schools as Volunteers of the Year for
lending their carpentry, electrical, and plumbing skills to the
renovation of a visitor center at the Acushnet Sawmill.
John Ross (second from right)
pictured with Coalition President
Mark Rasmussen, Coalition
Board Chair Laura Shachoy,
and David Cash, Commissioner
of the Massachusetts Dept. of
Environmental Protection.
Members of the Wankinquoah
Rod and Gun Club with Coalition
President Mark Rasmussen
(at left) and Vice President of
Watershed Protection Brendan
Annett (second from right).
Rich Packard (center) with
Coalition President Mark
Rasmussen and Senior Attorney
Korrin Petersen.
Buzzards Bay Project National
Estuary Program
Cape Cod Commission
City of New Bedford
Department of Public
City of New Bedford
Fire Department
City of New Bedford Harbor
Development Commission
City of New Bedford Harbor
Trustees Council
City of New Bedford
Mayor’s Office
City of New Bedford Office of
Environmental Stewardship
City of New Bedford
Police Department
City of New Bedford
Port Authority
Greater New Bedford
Regional Vocational
Technical High School
Massachusetts Attorney
General’s Office
Massachusetts Department of
Conservation & Recreation
Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection
Massachusetts Department
of Fish and Game
Massachusetts Division
of Conservation Services
Massachusetts Division
of Ecological Restoration
Massachusetts Division
of Fisheries & Wildlife
Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries
Environmental Police
Massachusetts Executive
Office of Energy &
Environmental Affairs
Massachusetts Land Initiative
for Tomorrow - MassLIFT
Massachusetts Office of
Coastal Zone Management
Mattapoisett River Valley
Water Supply Protection
Advisory Committee
Old Colony Regional
Vocational Technical
High School
Town of Acushnet Building
Town of Acushnet
Conservation Commission
Town of Acushnet Department
of Public Works
Town of Acushnet Selectmen
Town of Bourne Selectmen
Town of Dartmouth Selectmen
Town of Fairhaven
Community Preservation
Town of Fairhaven
Conservation Commission
Town of Fairhaven
Department of Planning
& Economic Development
Town of Fairhaven
Department of Public Works
Town of Fairhaven Fire
Department & EMS
Town of Fairhaven
Harbormaster & Shellfish
Town of Fairhaven Police
Town of Fairhaven Recreation
Town of Fairhaven Selectmen
Town of Falmouth
Department of Public Works
Town of Falmouth Selectmen
Town of Gosnold Harbor
and Wharf
Town of Gosnold Shellfish
Town of Marion Recreation
Town of Mattapoisett
Community Preservation
Town of Mattapoisett
Conservation Commission
Town of Mattapoisett
Town of Mattapoisett
Highway Department
Town of Mattapoisett
Town of Mattapoisett Water
and Sewer Department
Town of Wareham Board
of Health
Town of Wareham
Conservation Commission
Town of Wareham
Town of Westport Selectmen
United States Army Corps
of Engineers
United States Coast Guard
United States Coast
Guard Auxiliary
United States Environmental
Protection Agency
United States Fish &
Wildlife Service
United States National
Oceanic & Atmospheric
United States National
Park Service
USDA/Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Jon Aborn
Charley Appleton
Karl Audenaerde
Toby Baker
Maureen Beaudoin
Alan Bedard
Mary Ann Benner
Russell Bessette
Fred Best
Jim Bevilacqua
Caitlin Bien
Robert Black
David Boettiger
Jamie Bogart
Paula & Len Boutin
Clint Brown
John H. & Sally Browning
Ed Carey
Roberta Carvalho
Lynda Cashin
Jennifer Cheyne
Gale Clark
Dr. Maureen Conte
Brendan Cormier
Dave Curtin
Alan Daniels
Robert Dermody
John Dixon
Jeff Doubrava
Ken & Linda Duffy
Diane Durant
Deb Ewing
Amber Ferreira
Jessamyn Finneran
Newman Flanagan
Erika Fox
Sarah Frade
George Funnell
Jim Gammans
Seth Garfield
Tom Gidwitz
Richard, Deb & Alex Golen
James Goodman
Alyce Granas
Chris Greer
Matthew Grossi
Margot Hallgren
George Hampson
Thomas Harvey
Priscilla, Brad & David
Susan Hirshlag
Joanne & Al Humphrey
Jay (George) Jenkins
Jerelle Jesse
Beth Josephson
Jerry Kelly
Stephen Kirk
Jona Koka
Peter Kulberg
Karen Kullen
Edith Lauderdale
Sally Ann Ledbetter
David & Polly Leshan
Jeannine Louro
Kathleen & Bruce MacLeod
John Macrel
William Mansfield
David Modest
Stan Morton
Paula & Steve Mueller
Paul Naiman
Nichole Nuttall
Alexandra Marie Olmsted
Brian O’Rourke
Marshall Otter
Christine Parks
Mike Pascarella
Christopher Paul
Stefanie Paventy
Dalton Perreira
Mack & Cathy Phinney
Martha Plummer
Larry Portner
Miranda Prevost
Sue Ries
Debbi Rogers
Abigail Rottler
James Rourke
Kate & Tom Schmitt
Katherine Shachoy
John Shannon
Ellie Shaver
Ken & Brady Shwartz
Larry Shwartz
Becky Snow
Nancy Spindler
Paul Sullivan
Ellen & Mike Sullivan
Bob Sullivan
Chris Tholke
Lee Tripp
Joan Underwood
Barbara Watson
JC Weber
Lee Wheeler
Rick Whidden
Patty White
Jessica Whiteley
Jim Whitin
Catherine Williams
Kinder Woodcock
John Woodley
Sam Gray
Joanna Hall
Mary Hamilton
Cynthia Hanson
Robert Hardiman
John Harwood
Melissa Haskell
John Dixon
Mary Ellen Hawes Lees
George Funnell
A. Lee Hayes
Michael Oleksak
Heather Hobler
James Rourke
Tom Hogan
Jon Howard
Karyne Hubert
Delana Baldwin, Community
Tony Ionno
Larry Jaquith
Zoë Foster, Community
Nancy Jordan
Russ & Wendy Keeler
Kelly Wilbur, Legal
Kathrin Koedderitz
John Kokoszka
From office work to
Rebecca Kuklinski
community outreach and
Michael Labossiere
more, we could not do our
Dianna Labrec
work without the following:
Cheryl Lamb
Larry Langlois
Susan Laventure
Cindie Aadland
Donna Lee
Lisa Allen
Hal Leeds
Phil Arcouette
Cindy Letourneau
Matt Arsenault
Mike Lewis
Blair Bailey
Frank Lopes
Arthur & Jean Bennett
Jennifer Lynch
Dee Dee Bentley
Leanne MacDonald
Halle Berger
Greg MacGowan
Diane Berube
Di & Bruce MacPhail
Robert Black
Gary Magoon
Peter Bolton
Gregory Magoon
Leonard Boyce
Cindy Masson
Henry Boyer
Roger Masson
Brendan Buckless
Debra McCarthy
Charlie Buckley
Elsa McGilvray
Robert Cassidy
Dexter Cate & Rhea Teves-Cate Lisa McGreavy
Brennan McIntyre
David & Mary Ceolinski
Regina McIntyre
Susan Cheever
Jason Medeiros
Betsey Cheitlin
Sandy Medeiros
Kevin Childs
Matt Mello
Jan Coish
Maria Mendonca
Joe Collins
Colleen Millett
Trudy Crowley
Smoky Moak
Nathan Dalva-Baird
Richard S. “Chip” Morse*
Maureen Decker
Kelli Munroe
Robert Demanche
Maureen Nolan
Mike Desrosiers
Lori & Alyssa Nolin
Dave Dimmick
Alexandra Olmstead
Deb Dixon
Peter Ouellette
Bobby Doyle
Denell Pepin
Deb Ewing
Luis Pereira
Bob Fitzpartrick
Steve & Janet Peters
Carolyn Fontes
Sharon Pinho
Alec Forbes
Jen Pires
Lucie Fraga
Donald Rei
Mary Lou Frey-Nicholson
Pam Reitsma
Mandy Furtado
John & Martha Ross
John & Tally Garfield
Laura Ryan Shachoy
Tom Gidwitz
Brian Santos
Dave Gilbert*
Ayanna Scott
Ceirra Gilmore
Elizabeth, Jennifer, Matthew, Jane Scott
Joseph Scott
Rachel & Sam Golden
Fred Best
Merilee Kelly
William Mansfield
MJ Welling
Katherine Shachoy
Daniel Sherman
Larry Shwartz
Molly Silva
Samantha Smith
Bill Sooter
Susan Spooner
John Sullivan
Lorene Sweeney
Dick Tatlock
Sandy Tavares-Perry
Emmanuel Thevenin
David Toth
Henrietta Tranum
Debra VanHall
Arthur & Dolores
Michelle Vecoli
Caity Walsh
Crickett Warner
Mike Waugh
Tom Weaver
Mary Jane Welling
Kelly Wilbur
Roger Williams
James Wilson
John York
Nancy York
Boy Scout Troop 31
Boy Scout Troop 46
Global Learning
Charter School
Goodwin Proctor
MA Commonwealth Corps
MassLIFT AmeriCorps
Our Sisters School
Tabor Academy Community
Service Club
Troop & Crew 56, Cambridge
UMass Dartmouth
YMCA Southcoast
IN-KIND <$500 or
Undeclared Value
Len Boyce
Kevin Childs
Dave Gilbert*
Russ & Wendy Keeler
Sarah Tolan
Corporations &
ABC Disposal
Amanda Quintin Design
Apple & Eve
Artisan Bake Shop
b Positive Project
Blount Fine Foods
Bourne Scenic Park
Brewer Banner Designs
Bristol County Blueprint Co.
Buzzards Bay Brewing Co.
Cape Cod Potato Chip
Chadwick’s Awards Unlimited
Chase Canopy
Crapo Hill Landfill
Crystal Ice Company, Inc.
Cuttyhunk Shellfish
Farms, Inc.
Dana’s Kitchen
Dunkin’ Donuts - State Road
New Bedford
Dunkin Donuts - Fairhaven
Eastern Mountain Sports
Eastover Farm
Edible Arrangements
Ella’s Restaurant
Fairfield Inn & Suites
New Bedford
WBSM Fun107
Gilly’s Cycling Adventures
Health Management
Resources Corp.
Horizon Beverage Company
Hungry Heroes of Fairhaven
Jim’s Organic Coffee
Landfall Restaurant
M&C Café
Marshall Marine Corporation
Mr. Cesspool, LLC
New York Bagel
Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub
Not Your Average Joe’s
Panera Bread
Patriot Party Boats
Penske Truck Rentals
New Bedford
Pie in the Sky Bakery & Café
Quissett Harbor House
Land Trust
REI Cranston (Store #110)
Road ID
South Shore Auto Detailing
SouthCoast Hospitals
Sperry Tent
Spirits, Inc.
State Fruit Food Services, Inc.
Stir Crazy Restaurant
TD Bank
The Artisan Kitchen
The Chart Room
The Edge Seafood & Lounge
Tow Boat U.S.
Travessia Urban Winery
Tremblay’s Bus Co. LLC
Westport Rivers Vineyard
and Winery
Yesteryear Cyclery
YMCA Southcoast
We make every effort to
list all 2014 volunteers and
donors of $30 or more.
If there is an error in this
listing, we sincerely apologize.
Please let us know if you
find an error by contacting
Donna Cobert, Director
of Membership, at
508-999-6363 x209.
FISCAL YEAR 2014 (JULY 1, 2013 – JUNE 30, 2014)
The Buzzards Bay Coalition continues to benefit from the increasing support of our loyal members
and supporters. As of June 30, 2014, the Coalition’s financial position remains strong with net assets
of almost $8 million, and a $2 million endowment fund.
Support for Coalition core programs increased again this year by 13% and our signature Buzzards Bay
Swim and Watershed Ride events generated a 35% increase in income. This increased engagement with
the community will ultimately support our other fundraising efforts, particularly by
attracting additional members, volunteers, and donors.
Operationally, thanks to your generous support, we closed the 2014 fiscal year with a
small surplus. As planned we drew down funds from the Campaign for Buzzards Bay
(2008-2011) to fund program growth and initiatives envisioned by the Campaign.
It was this draw down which resulted in the $398K deficit shown in our Financial
Reports. We will see a similar accounting loss in the coming fiscal year as reserves
raised through the Campaign continue to be spent as planned. We strive to make
every dollar count, and we are proud to be able to say that 87% of every dollar raised
or earned in FY2014 went directly into Bay protection and restoration programs.
The Coalition has a very capable and dedicated staff and most generous supporters. This is a very
dynamic and exciting organization. I am very confident we will continue to be a strong force for
Buzzards Bay’s preservation.
Copies of audited financial statements are available on our website and upon request.
Samuel P.M. Gray
Investment and Other Income
Total Expenses
Increase in Net Assets
Government Grants
Total Revenue
Program Services
The FY2014 Financial Statements were audited by the firm of Alexander Aronson Finning CPAs, Westborough, MA.
Dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of
our irreplaceable Bay and its watershed. We work to improve the health of the
Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research and advocacy.
Board Of Directors
Laura Ryan Shachoy, Esq., Chair, Marion
Richard Morse, Esq., Vice-Chair, Woods Hole
Samuel Gray, Treasurer, Wareham
Russ Keeler, Clerk, Rochester
Mark Rasmussen, President, Fairhaven
Leadership Council
Margie Baldwin, Marion
Phil Beauregard, Esq., New Bedford
Tem Blessed, New Bedford
Darryl Buckingham, Quissett
John Bullard, Westport
Derek Christianson, Dartmouth
David Croll, Marion
Trudy Coxe, Jamestown, RI
Fred Danforth, Mattapoisett
Joanne Fallon, West Falmouth
Laurell Farinon, Acushnet
John Farrington, PhD, Woods Hole
Larry Fish, West Falmouth
Natalie Garfield, Dartmouth
Mark Rasmussen,
President/Buzzards Baykeeper
Korrin Petersen, Esq., Senior Attorney
Rachel Jakuba, PhD, Science Director
Tony Williams, Director of
Monitoring Programs
Watershed Protection
Brendan Annett, Vice-President,
Watershed Protection
Allen Decker, Esq., Director of
Land Protection
Sara DaSilva Quintal, Restoration Ecologist
Matt Spinner, Stewardship Director
Hans Brenninkmeyer, Dartmouth
Weatherly Dorris, Woods Hole
Paul Elias, Naushon
Tom Gidwitz, Dartmouth
John Harwood, Esq., Westport
Melissa Haskell, Dartmouth
Samuel Knight, Esq., Dartmouth
Jay Lanagan, New Bedford
Chris Neill, PhD, Falmouth
David Wojnar, Acushnet
Scott Zeien, Cataumet
Seth Garfield, Cuttyhunk Is.
Anne Giblin, PhD, Falmouth
Tim Gillespie, Westport
Kirby Gilmore, Rochester
Jessica Harris, Marion
Mary Ellen Hawes Lees, Dartmouth
A. Lee Hayes, Marion
Andy Herlihy, Dartmouth
Lucius T. Hill, West Falmouth
Mike Huguenin, Mattapoisett
Gary Johnson, Mattapoisett
Rusty Kellogg, Dartmouth
Jeff Lafleur, Plympton
Bill Locke, Cataumet
Lloyd MacDonald, Esq., Dartmouth
Mary McFadden, Esq., Wareham
Kendra Medina, Marion
Mark C. Montigny, New Bedford
Michael Moore, PhD, Marion
Jon Mueller, Esq., Annapolis, MD
Elizabeth Munro, Cataumet
Jim Rathmann, Westport
Chris Reddy, PhD, Falmouth
Jack Reynolds, Westport
Cathy Roberts, Mattapoisett
Tim Shields, Marion
Steve Smith, Assonet
Hilary Vineyard, Mattapoisett
John Waterbury, PhD, Woods Hole
Tom Wheeler, West Falmouth
George Woodwell, PhD, Woods Hole
Community Engagement
Rob Hancock, Vice-President,
Community Engagement
Alicia Pimental, Communications and
Outreach Manager
Meghan Gahm, Outdoor Educator
Seasonal Staff
Wayne Thompson, Boat Captain
Rich Marx, Boat Captain
Cynthia Hanson, Discovery Center Manager
Alexandra Olmsted, Discovery Center Manager
Laura Hansen, Baywatchers Monitoring
Summer Assistant
Marc Bellanger, Vice-President, Development
Donna Cobert, Director of Membership
Harry Yates, Development Assistant
Finance and Administration
Stefanie Fournier, Vice-President,
Finance and Administration
Lynn Coish, Administrative Assistant/
Volunteer Coordinator
Sandy Jarjoura, Bookkeeper
Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper.
Service Members
Brendan Buckless, Commonwealth Corps
Environmental Educator
Tanya Creamer, Commonwealth Corps
Environmental Educator
Sarah Gossett, Community Engagement
Coordinator, MassLIFT AmeriCorps
Jaimie Holmes, Land Steward, MassLIFT
Winter 2013-14
Bay Adventures
114 Front Street New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740
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New Bedford, MA
Permit No. 375
[email protected]
114 Front
Front Street
New Bedford,
Bedford, MA
MA 02740
a Bay
Bay Adventure
Adventure with
with the
Take a
Coalition this
this winter!
uzzards Bay
Bay Coalition
side for
for a
a full
full list
list of
of programs
See reverse
reverse side
or visit
visit www.savebuzzardsbay.org
_Working.indd 1
Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper.
Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper.
• A Bay shoreline defined by safe
swimming beaches, open shellfish
beds, and stretches of scenic natural
areas for all to enjoy.
• Healthy waters that support abundant
fish, shellfish, and wildlife populations.
• A Bay safe from the threats of oil
spills, industrial and sewer discharges,
and ocean dumping.
• A watershed where rivers, streams,
inland forests, and wetlands that
buffer the Bay are protected.
12/4/13 1:10 AM

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