Impiantistica italiana
Impiantistica italiana
Organo ufficiale dell’Associazione Nazionale di Impiantistica Industriale ANIMP Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizione in abbonamento postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In. L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art I, comma I, DCB Milano IMPIANTISTICA ITALIANA Anno XXVII n° 5 SETTEMBRE-OTTOBRE 2015 Anno XXVIII - NUMERO 5 Settembre-Ottobre 2015 Speciale ICT per l’impiantistica Shale production will lead to a permanent surplus with oil&gas supply Strumenti e strategie di “National Content” nella filiera impiantistica Intervista ad Andrea Claudio Gemme Presidente ANIMP Speciale “ICT per l’impiantistica” SISCO MANAGEMENT & SYSTEMS MILEMATE! your EPC project controller Sisco’s mission is to design, develop and supply process and project control systems that guarantee a suitable management method for technical and commercial activities associated to the construction phases, the production of goods and services. Sisco offers management services and own specific software packages, integrating them within on-going projects of significant interest e complexity. Within this framework, Sisco operates by providing solutions that are able to meet the demands of our customers by doing the following: • analyse their requirements and rationalize their critical issues; • carry out “what-if” analysis by outlining more than one option to simulate possible effects; • provide optimized solutions. This approach allows avoiding technical inconsistencies and minimizing economic deviations from the project targets. This is achieved thanks to the use of custom software applications and to the support of qualified personnel. Sisco’s goal is to fit the right method smoothly into the client’s business. The way we meet this goal is by being in tune with the customers’ needs, sharing their main purposes, planning growth and streamlining their management. Minimize the inputs and maximize the reporting MILEMATE! is the application that manages all aspects relating to the project control activities. Born from multiple worldwide experiences in the EPC projects management, MILEMATE! is the indispensable solution designed to meet any needs for the physical progress, accounting reporting, quality documentation management and the handover procedure for each job. MILEMATE! is useful for any project providing endless logical views and progress weighing methods; his goal is to minimize the inputs and maximize the reporting according to all project’s stakeholders requirements. With MILEMATE! is possible to easily manage: • physical progress; • accounting progress (for active and passive lump sum projects); • quality certificates monitoring (mechanical completion activities); • pre-commissioning and commissioning handover checkpoints; • accounting work in progress status (for active and passive unit rates projects); • yield analysis; • project costs; • scheduler that allow satisfying any kind of needs about micro scheduling or periodic look-ahead planning requirement. What can MILEMATE! do MILEMATE! is designed to help companies to control the EPC project phases. It can accomplish this goal by applying the physical progress measurement method, managing the job active and passive accounting status and, at the same time, tracking all the required certificates for mechanical completion oriented to the pre-commissioning and commissioning hand over procedures. Thanks to his flexibility, MILEMATE! can organize the projects according to their technical and operating requirements, by setting up several hierarchical 100 Impiantistica Italiana - Settembre-Ottobre 2015 Speciale “ICT per l’impiantistica” structures through which is possible to monitor the earned progress. These endless logical views can be arranged in a multi-level layout. To each element of them is possible to assign a relative weight (percentage, physical quantities or shares of lump sum contractual amounts) that allows to evaluate the project according to different criteria. In this way, it is possible to monitor the contract from every point of view by handling the information once, without forgetting any stakeholders’ requirements. The entities can be characterized through several attributes, which are defined at different levels (enterprise, project or class). These attributes allow exploring and analyzing the project according to the relevant aggregated views. Through a powerful reporting system, MILEMATE! can compare planned, actual, earned and forecast data by browsing each attribute or structure. MILEMATE! is able to handle the manpower and the physical quantities that represent the work to be realized (expected, actual, earned and “to com- plete”). In each of these contexts is achievable any kind of analysis and comparison between the yields. Thanks to the documental module, it is possible to manage a certificated progress in order to meet the needs related to the handover procedures. Each document is viewable from both the list and the progress grid. The “not applicable” feature allows to exclude the not needed steps: in this case, MILEMATE! recalculates the planned and the actual information in order to ensure the progress reports coherence. Main features are: • Direct Oracle Primavera® interface; • Web portal for main inquiry; • Microsoft Excel® import and export utilities; • Multiple WBS management; • Multiple projects management; • Responsibility management; • BIM processor (IFC* files) STR VISION Piattaforma gestionale specializzata per il mondo AEC Il Building Information Modeling (BIM) è un innovativo approccio progettuale ed esecutivo, una rivoluzione nel modo di pensare e realizzare opere di ingegneria e architettura. Completa, funzionale, interfacciabile: STR Vision è la piattaforma gestionale specializzata per il mondo AEC, una soluzione specialistica particolarmente performante per il settore EPC e dell’engineering. In particolare, STR Vision CPM è il modulo per la progettazione, programmazione e direzione lavori e la gestione del cantiere. È uno strumento completo, che permette di integrare il modello tridimensionale del progetto con tutte le informazioni relative a strumenti, attrezzature, risorse umane, nonché le altre attività necessarie alla materiale realizzazione dell’opera. Tutto questo assicurando parallelamente un accurato controllo e gestione delle informazioni tecniche ed economiche in tutte le fasi di esecuzione, in termini sia previsionali sia consuntivi. Il modulo si integra con i principali ERP e con Oracle Primavera per un migliore controllo dei progetti e una migliore gestione delle commesse. STR Vision interviene all’interno del processo BIM in numerose delle fasi che riguardano la progettazione, costruzione e manutenzione di un’opera; in particolare, le funzioni di maggiore rilievo sono relative a computazione, programmazione dei lavori, analisi dei costi e budget, nonché al controllo tecnico ed economico degli stati di avanzamento di un progetto / commessa. Questo eccezionale livello di controllo è garantito dalla massima interoperabilità dei nuovi moduli del software STR Vision che, grazie alla filosofia di base dell’adozione dello standard IFC, sono in grado di dialogare con tutti i più diffusi software di progettazione assistita oggi utilizzati dal mercato, consentendo al progettista di continuare a lavorare con gli strumenti che preferisce e utilizzare la piattaforma gestionale STR per il controllo dei tempi (4D) e dei costi (5D). Inoltre, grazie allo sviluppo degli applicativi “mobile” di STR Vision CPM è possibile portare il BIM in cantiere per la raccolta di informazioni (li- Impiantistica Italiana - Settembre-Ottobre 2015 101