Spring 2009 - Series 2 Club
Spring 2009 - Series 2 Club
AWARD WINNING MAGAZINE WORLD C L A S S W E B S I T E www.series2club.co.uk Built TWO Last Spring 2009 Series 2 Club PO B O X 61,Aberdare CF44 4AJ Club Officers Chairman Mark Rumsey Vice Chairman Chris Bentley Secretary Wendy Kempster Membership Secretary Ben Stock Postal Secretary Rob Hancock Treasurer Vaughan Hartridge Magazine Editor Andy Cresswell Shows Co-ordinator VACANT Vehicle Registrations Officer Dave Dutton Historical Records Officer Norman Smith Technical Officer Mark Rumsey Shop Manager Carol Buss Webmaster VACANT Forum Administrator Alan Jones East Midlands: Alex Thorpe T: 07791 257205 after 6pm. . [email protected] Eire: VACANT eire(a>senes2club. co.uk Essex: Bob Sutton T: 01206 563167 [email protected] Europe: Ivan Plachy [email protected] Garden of England: Sean & Hazel Smeeth T: 01732 763900 [email protected] New Forest/Solent: Andrew Orchard T: 02380 814430 [email protected] North America (East): Peter Monk T: (302) 737 0473 . . . [email protected] North America (West): Rich Williams T: (425) 497 9199. . [email protected] Contact Details Chairman: Northern Ireland: VACANT [email protected] [email protected] North Wales/Shropshire: VACANT Club can be contacted by telephone via Vice Chairman, [email protected] Chris Bentley Tel: 07967 027519 North West: Karin Quarrie Club e-mail address: . . . [email protected] T: 01925 722286 [email protected] B2L Editor: [email protected] 29 Orwell View Rd, Shodey Ipswich, Suffolk IP9 1NW Memberships: Tel: 01954 202221 [email protected] Website: www.series2club.co.uk Peak District: North Scotland: Anglia: South Scotland: T: 01354 741286/07855 858279. [email protected] Australia and New Zealand: Len Smyth T: 01768 865631 Central Shires: T: 01604 696132 Cymru: T: 07762 041022 Rowan Gay [email protected] Surrey & Sussex: VACANT [email protected] Simon Maltby Thames Valley: Eric Leuzinger [email protected] T: 01628 528279 [email protected] Gordon Kettell West Midlands: Robert Eastwood [email protected] T: 07799 622414 [email protected] Rob Hancock T: 01685 812213 Patrick Anderson [email protected] South West: T: (61) (3) 5341 3745 . . . [email protected] Borders: Felix Jarvis T: 07914 288 150 . . [email protected] T; 01666 575106 Toby Farlow Gordon Duncan T: 01456 415221 . . . [email protected] Severn Valley: Area Organisers VACANT [email protected] [email protected] Yorkshire: T: 01535 606147 Bob Mulcock [email protected] IMPORTANT Participation at any event or show is at your o w n risk. While the club is happy to draw attention to events which may be suitable, arrangements are made directly w i t h the landowners or organisers even i f the club forwards applications and passes information we do not act as agents for the organisers. I t is a condition o f membership o f the club and participation in any event that the vehicle Owner, Driver and all Passengers are covered by third party insurance and that they agree to absolve and indemnify the club that no Member or Passenger w i l l claim against any other participant i n the event. Organiser or Landowner. We strongly advise you to check that your insurance covers off-road driving and that it is in sound condition.You are reminded that statements and opinions expressed in this magazine and other publications are not necessarily those o f the club or committee. You are strongly advised to obtain independent verification o f data, advice or methods before acting upon them, particularly where safety, finance or legislation is concerned. The Club, Committee, Directors and Contributors are all amateurs and do not accept responsibility for any accident, injury, or damage resulting from an error, or omission given in this magazine, other publications by letter or word of mouth. You should not expect the standard ot advice or service available from commercial or professional organisations. S E R I E S 2 C L U B L T D . C o m p a n y l i m i t e d b y guarantee. D i r e c t o r s : R o g e r H o m e , H e l e n L i p p i t t , and E r i c Leuzinger. R e g i s t e r e d i n E n g l a n d N o . 2 4 5 1 0 2 0 . R e g i s t e r e d O f f i c e : B l i n d e r H o u s e , Flagg, B u x t o n , D e r b y s h i r e . S K 1 7 9 Q G The content of this magazine is copyright 1 duilt r TWO Last Spring 2009 '' ~~«'• —r L Editorial - by Andy Cresswell There is also an article by Geoff Giles o n his 'Italian Job' lookalike, the story o f its restoration and some photos o f its t r i p to Italy, keep an eye o u t i n a future issue for more photos and the itinerary for this superb fund raising t r i p to Italy. Geoff w i l l be receiving the Paddocks & C l u b Shop h a m p e r this issue, hope this is a handy pack o f bits & bobs to help y o u to keep r u n n i n g on y o u r next t r i p Geoff. To have a chance o f w i n n i n g the hamper y o u need to let me have y o u r w r i t e ups for the magazine, m y postman is having i t way too easy, so let's see i f w e can tire h i m o u t before the next issue w i t h the w e i g h t o f the mail bag. Welcome to the Spring issue of 'Built TWO Last*. W e l c o m e to the Spring issue, Inside y o u w i l l find i n f o r m a t i o n o n the major shows this year i n c l u d i n g the b o o k i n g forms, a packed events page and info o n events happening i n some o f the busier areas. T h e front cover p h o t o is o f ' D i d d y ' o w n e d by M a r k and Ian Rumsey; they w o n the prize at the 2008 International to have their m o t o r o n the front cover, thanks to Land R o v e r International for l e t t i n g us use the photo. Inside the rear cover are some super photos o f vehicles captured i n the cold snap that w e had early i n February, thanks to everyone that sent me photos, i f yours is n o t there be assured i t is stored i n m y files and w i l l be used o n another occasion. A 'BIG T H A N K Y O U ' to all of you who have contributed to this issue of 'Built TWO Last'. Material for the magazine to: Editor:'Built T W O Last,' PO Box 61, Aberdare CF44 4AJ Email: [email protected] Articles and photos are welcome in any format, including handwritten. Deadline for material for the next issue is 15 May 2009. 2 As y o u can see from m y p h o t o b e l o w I am a little nearer to getting m y landy sorted, bulkhead is n o w finished, and I have purchased a restored diesel engine to and gearbox to fit i n i t , so only need to concentrate o n the b o d y w o r k now, I've decided to change to a diesel after d r i v i n g a diesel L W B loaned to me by club member Vic S m i t h to use w h i l e m i n e was o f f the road. 'Thanks Vic you're a star! I t drove really well and the engine was as sweet as a nut, so I t h o u g h t I w o u l d get one myself. H o p e to see a l o t o f y o u around at the shows this season especially the International i n Fakenham, N o r f o l k , so don't forget to get those International & shows b o o k i n g forms sent i n . Andy duilt TWO Last Spring Chairman's 2009 Chat... entire worth within 5 years, and the current financial situation means cars are losing value faster than ever. Meanwhile, most Series 2 Land Rovers are still holding their valnp, those same 5 years the Land Rover is unlikely to lose any value. I n fact, even w i t h the current financial climate, chances are the Land Rover will actually increase in value. In these days of financial doom and gloom many of us will be looking to save money. For some that may mean making a hard choice about their future as a Series 2 owner. The apparent savings that can be made by mnning a smaller more modern car can be very compelling when you consider the fuel consumption. Going two or even three times as far on a tank o f fuel is extremely attractive. But that is not the whole story. Believe it or not, for more people than you might imagine, running a Series 2 Land Rover instead o f a small modern car could be the cheaper option. Its all down to those other costs that everyone forgets when working out how much a car costs to run. Take insurance for example, a legal requirement in most parts o f the world these days, and a very sensible precaution everywhere else. A 40 year old Land Rover will often qualify for a cheaper 'classic car' insurance rate from specialist insurance companies which could represent a very significant saving over a modern car. Then there are road taxes, such as the U K tax disc. In the U K old vehicles qualify for a historic rate, which means that tax disc is free, whereas the disc for a modern car is going to cost money. I believe similar schemes operate in other countries around the world. There's also servicing. A Land Rover might need a service every 3000-6000 miles instead o f the 1200018000 miles o f a modern car, but that servicing can be carried out at home for the cost o f the parts, and that could mean a very significant saving compared to main dealer charges for servicing a modern car. And lets not forget the single largest cost on a modern car — depreciation. A modern car can lose almost its Now, I am not suggesting everyone goes out and sells their modern car and tries to live with a Series 2 as their everyday car, for many this would be completely impractical. Whilst I love driving my own Land Rovers and will happily drive them 200 miles or more in a day, I don't think I could do that every day. Land Rovers are also not necessarily practical for those who frequently carry more than one or two passengers, for those who have to use multi-storey car parks or for those who transport the elderly or infirm. But, i f you are in a position where you could sensibly use your Land Rover every day but need to cut motoring costs, it is well worth sitting down and working out the true cost o f running a modern car compared w i t h an old Land Rover. Whilst the fuel costs may be a lot higher, these may be more than balanced out by the savings that can be made on all the other costs like servicing, insurance and depreciation. So, perhaps you might be able to j o i n the ranks o f those who use their Series 2 Land Rover as their main, i f not their only car. And to all those who see you and think you've gone mad by choosing an old Land Rover, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you have the best o f both worlds. You are saving money and driving a Series 2. What more could you ask for? Next time someone stops you and starts moaning that you are driving a 'big gas guzzling 4x4', here are a few things you might like to know. The 88" Series 2 is shorter and narrower than the B M W M i n i . It is also lighter. The 109" station wagon is also not that big compared to a full size people carrier/minivan. The Series 2 may use a lot o f fuel on the road, but that is nothing compared to the oil and resources needed to make a modern car which probably won't last more than 15 years before being scrapped. What this means is the 40 plus year old Series 2 you are driving has quite possibly had less o f an impact on the environment than their small modern eco-car. Oh, and don't forget, the Series 2 is in the region o f 90% recyclable, something that very few modern cars can claim. Mark Rumsey • duilt Spring TWO Last 2009 PUB MEETS Area Anglia Date Venue First Monday each month Tel: Ben Stock 01954 202221 Red Lion, Stretham First Saturday each month from 8 p m Tel: Scott Snowling o n 07923 379365 Waveney Inn, Burgh St Peter Staithe First Tuesday each month from 8 p m Tel: Alan Jones 01603 747956 Fur a n d Feather, W o o d b a s t w i c k , Nr Norwich Borders Last Sunday each month (lunchtime) phone Simon Maltby 017683 51007 before travelling Venue - will vary from month t o month C e n t r a l Shires Last Saturday each month - Contact Gordon on 01604 696132 or check f o r u m TBC First Saturday each month from 2:30pm The Barge, Battlesbridge First Thursday each month from 7:30pm Bricklayers Arms, Little Bentley East M i d l a n d s First M o n d a y each month from 7:30pm Alex Thorpe 07791 257205 The Beckett Arms Corringham, Nr Gainsborough N e w Forest / S o l e n t Contact Andrew Orchard for info 02380 814430 [email protected] Garden of England Second Thursday each month from 7:15pm Sean Smeeth 01732 763900 [email protected] N o r t h West Contact Karin Quarrie o n 01925 722286 Various Meets Peak D i s t r i c t First Saturday each month from 8 p m Phone t o confirm Chris 01298 25151 Grouse Inn on the B6054, above Froggatt Scotland South Second Sunday of month Contact Felix Jarvis 07914 288150 or via forum TBC S o u t h West Last Thursday each month from 7:30pm Contact area organiser to confirm - 07762 041022 The Fox a n d Hounds Inn on the A386 Tavistock t o Okehampton Road Surrey & Sussex Third Wednesday each month at 8 p m Contact Michael Trower o n 01483 283326 (7-9pm) The Barley M o w The Street, West Horsley Leatherhead.Surrey KT24 6HR T h a m e s Valley Second Wednesday each m o n t h at 8 p m The Stag, Heath End Road, Flackwell Heath, nr. High W y c o m b e , Bucks. West M i d l a n d s Third Thursday of every month [email protected] or Robert Eastwood 07799 622 414 The Burnt Post, Coventry Corner of Wainbody Ave N a n d Kenpas Highway (A45) Yorkshire Second Saturday each month from 7 p m Please contact B o b Mulcock on 01535 606147 Please contact B o b or look out for venues in newsletter or on forum Essex HHflfl The Chequers, Heaverham, Kent, TN15 6NP Don't forget, Members are welcome at any Pub Meet, not just the one for their area. 4 duilt TWO Last 5pring 2009 The Club's New Members... 2805 Mr M Mosse Powys 2819 Mr C Calvert Surrey 2806 Mr A Watters Pembrokeshire 2820 Mr D White & Mr R G r o o m Hertfordshire 2807 Mr & Mrs J Thorne N Yorkshire 2821 Mr I Bryson Surrey 2808 Mr R Hunter Hampshire 2822 M r L Purnell West Midlands 2809 Mr P McCafferty London 2823 Mr A Chester Derbyshire 2810 Mr S Bellamy S Yorkshire 2824 Mr & M r s P Milligan Lancashire 2811 Mr P Sanderson W Yorkshire 2825 Mr R Lamb Warwickshire 2812 R Bradshaw-Leather & J Gray 2826 Messrs J & W Gamble Yorkshire Lincolnshire 2827 Mr D Browness Nottinghamshire 2813 Mr P Kueton Czech Republic 2828 Messrs J & I Davies Fife 2814 Mr J Rogers Cumberland 2829 Mr A Robinson Gloucestershire 2815 Mr J Lonndes S Yorkshire 2830 Mr R Lee Essex 2816 M r D Fuller & M r C F a l a m Staffordshire 2831 Mr & Mrs D Whitehouse West Midlands 2817 Mr & Mrs R Mackrill West Midlands 2832 Mr T Groot Norway 2818 Mr G Kershaw Isle o f L e w i s C l u b W e b s i t e We arc redesigning the club's website. N o t all the pages and options are fully operational at the moment. A n y problems contact Alan i n the first instance. N o r m a l service w i l l be resumed as soon as possible. LAND ROVER SERIES 2 CLUB Welcome to the Series 2 Club 'if your Mnges stand proud, then you're one of our crowd t" Lasia-Roysf. We arts a inendiy. iJon-cawpafelwa d - UPCOMING EVENTS This site is currently under going a re-design. You may find some content Is unavailable for a short period of time. m.f^JW- ftai'un.CbrfcriftuK.SKIT Alan Jones 7th -10th August 2009, Fakenham Racecourse, Norfolk This is the 6th International Rally we have organised and this year marks a special one for the Club, we are 25 years old. This time we thought we would use a venue that has well established facilities, that one WOUld expect to find On a C C Club affiliated site. Previously we have taken green field sites and brought facilities onto the field. This puts quite a lot o f extra work and pressure on the committee, and i n actual fact it turns out cheaper to use an established site as opposed to hiring i n the facilities. North Norfolk embraces around 400 square miles at the far eastern tip of England. Its coastline stretches for 43 miles and much o f it is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The diverse landscape includes wide sandy beaches, pine forests, salt marshes and mudflats and as the seasons change the countryside takes on very different qualities. Fakenham is a busy, lively market town situated in mid-Norfolk about 10 miles from the N o r t h Norfolk coast. Everything you could possibly need for the weekend is but 15 minutes walk from the campsite. The camp site is situated to the south of the town over the River Wensum on the national hunt racecourse (the racing programme runs over the winter months). Whilst it is true we have no off-road course this time, there w i l l be every opportunity for you to get your Land Rovers wet and muddy. We are planning a series o f guided green lane runs. Our leaders w i l l guide small groups o f up to five vehicles around the local green lanes, a mixture of old sheep droves and Roman Roads, inter-mingled w i t h fords, some w i l l be quite deep even i f we have a dry summer. The routes w i l l meet up and cross over, so there w i l l be plenty o f chances for meeting the others and for "photo opportunities". Route notes w i l l be available w i t h marked maps, so those wishing to explore on their own can do so. O n the Friday evening we are planning a road-run to Wells-next-the-Sea, which is actually a mile inland now, due to silting, w i t h a fish& chip supper for the early Rally arrivals. Saturday is Green Lane day. In the evening we w i l l be holding our traditional quizzes, Feeling Cyril's Bits and the Pub Quiz. Sunday we w i l l have some traditional 'field' events, including a Gymkhana driving test, bike trials or rides for the children, autojumble and the Vehicle Line-up parade For those staying over to Monday morning we w i l l be providing some B B Q type food and evening entertainment. Don't miss out Pitches are limited so be sure to book your rally weekend early using the booking form opposite. You'll have the option o f arriving early or staying extra days on the rally site for an additional fee, or you could move on to another site/location i n the area to complete your holiday. I f you require help i n booking extra days our Rally Administrator, Julie Stock (01954 202221) can advise and liaise w i t h the camp site. D o n ' t delay, book N O W . 6 Built TWO 5pring Last 2009 S E R I E S 2 CLUB 25th ANNIVERSARY INTERNATIONAL RALLY 2009 Friday 7th - Monday 10th August Fakenham Racecourse, Norfolk, NR21 7NY Booking form Name: Address: Postcode: E-Mail: Telephone: Membership No: Vehicle/s Reg No: Camping Pitch - a camping pitch is a caravan plus awning, a vehicle and a 'pup' tent, or a standard tent. Extra vehicles will have to be parked in the car park. Caravan [J Please indicate: Numbers in party: Adults f Please tick if you require (at Electric hook-up • x £60* = or Tent • Children under 16 [ n o a d d i t i o n a l c o s t b u t first c o m e first s e r v e d ) : Hard standing • Day Pass for Saturday's events and evening entertainment = £20 per vehicle Pay at the gate. Please note: The booking fee is non-refundable and any booking received after July 1st 2009 will be charged at *£75/pitch. Photocopy this form if you don't want to spoil this issue of B2L. B o o k i n g a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t w i l l b e s e n t v i a E-Mail w h e r e p o s s i b l e . Please send completed forms with cheques payable to "Series 2 Club Ltd" to: International Rally, Series 2 Club, PO Box 61 Aberdare CF44 4AJ For further information or if your group does not fit this pricing structure please e-mail the Rally Administrator at [email protected] or call Julie Stock on 01954 202221. 7 duilt TWO Last Spring 2009 Events Calendar 2009 Date Event Contact & Details Contact your local area rep for events around the country. Apr 26th FBHVC Drive-It-Day May 2nd - 3rd Heritage Land Rover Weekend, Gaydon, Warwickshire [email protected] May 3rd Spring Car Show Imperial War Museum Duxford Cambridgeshire Julian Robinson 07854 046392 May 9th - 1 Oth Stoke Goldington Steam Rally [email protected] May 9th - 10th L R O Spring Adventure Show Driffield Showground May 23rd - 24th Thames Valley 'Dirty Weekend', Avalanche Adventures, Sibbertoft, Leicestershire. [email protected] or 07966 578809 May 23rd - 25th A L R C National 2009, Manby Motorplex, Lincolnshire wvvw.alrc.co.uk Jun 6th - 7th l.RW Show, Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire [email protected] Some passes may be available through club use shows form published in next issue. Jun 7th Euston Rural Pastimes Show Euston, N r Thetford Phil Stevenson - 07736 841000 [email protected] Jun 14th Yardley Vintage Vehicle Show Enquiries and exhibitors forms tel: 01604 696132 Jun 20th - 21st Dunsfold Collection Open Weekend. Dunsfold, Surrey [email protected] Some passes may be available through club use shows form published in next issue. Jun 20th - 21st Essex Summer Gamp [email protected] 1 details to follow Jun 27th - 28th Rougham Wings Wheels & Steam Country Fayre &" Custom Car Show Phil Stevenson - 07736 841000 [email protected] Jul 4th - 5th Leafers at t'Pit, National Coal Mining Museum, nr Wakefield. Yorkshire www.leafersatpit.org.uk Jul 11th- 12th Woodcote Steam Rally (nr Reading) [email protected] Jul 11th - 12th Ardingly Vintage & Classic Vehicle Show, South of England Showground, Ardingly, N r Haywards Heath, West Sussex www.ardinglv~vcvshow.org.uk Jul 17th - 19th LRO Show Billing, Billing Aquadrome, Northampton [email protected] Some passes may be available through club — use shows form published in next issue. Jul 17th - 19di L R M Show Newark Showground [email protected] Some passes may be available through club use shows form published in next issue. • • • • • • • • • • • [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • duilt TWO Last Date Jul 22nd - 26th Aug 2nd Aug 7 th - 10th 5pring Event War & Peace Show, the Hop Farm, Paddock Wood, Kent. Classic Car show Imperial war Museum Duxford Cambridgeshire The Series 2 Club 25th Anniversary Rally, Fakenham Racecourse, Fakenham. Norfolk. 2009 Contact & Details BHBHHflf Julian Robinson 07854 046392 [email protected] or club address (see booking form elsewhere in this magazine) Phil Stevenson - 07736 841000 [email protected] Sep 6th Norfolk Gala Day Sep 12th - 13th LRO Show, Peterborough shows@ser ies2club.co.uk Some passes may be available through club use shows form published in next issue. Sep 26th - 27th Abingdon 4x4 Show, Dalton Barracks, nr Abingdon, Oxfordshire [email protected] Note: The Club's Public Liability Insurance cover is limited only to events organised in the UK, therefore overseas members are reminded that, should they propose to hold events, shows, etc. under the Series 2 Club banner in their own country, they will need to arrange PLI cover that meets their local insurance conditions. For UK events, stand managers must also complete a risk assessment. Central Shires news... The December and January pub meets had a very good turn out, at the last meet. It was also nice to welcome two new members who came along, Stuart & Sue. Pub meets are being moved around the area to give everybody a chance to attend, keep an eye on the forum or our new web site, www.centralshiresarea.webs.com, plus there w i l l be regular newsletters e mailed out or sent i n the post for those who don't have access to the internet. There is a road run being planned around some local lanes near to me, on Saturday 28th M a r c h , starting and finishing at the Rose & Crown,Yardley Hastings. I am also organising a one day Vintage Vehicle Show to raise funds for the village football team, also I have some entry forms for some o f the local steam shows, which are: Rushden Cavalcade - May 3rd, 4th & 5th Stoke G o l d i n g t o n - May 9th & 10th L a m p o r t H a l l - May 23rd, 24th & 25th Yardley Vintage Vehicle Show - June 14th Bolnhurst - June 20th & 21st L a m p o r t Railway - July 25th & 26th I f you are interested i n any o f the above, e mail me at centralshires@series2club, or see our website, www.centralshiresarea.webs.com for more details. Gordon Central Shires Area Rep. 9 5uilt TWO Last 5pring 2009 New Forest & Solent news... Events Calendar for 2009 A p r i l 13th (Easter Monday) Spring Vehicle Meet at Wyke D o w n , Andover. Club stand, loads o f other car clubs and auto jumble. Please phone m e for e n t r y f o r m . May 2nd & 3rd Heritage Centre Gaydon weekend. We are planning to go up i n convoy on the Saturday, please phone me for more details etc. May 16th Pub Meet at the 'Alice Lisle' 12.30 June 20th This is the Dunsfold Weekend and we are going again i n convoy on the Saturday. July 4th Our Isle ofWight invasion, we depart Southampton on the 0900 ferry and return on the 5.30 ferry. A great day out for all the family. August Clear due to the International Club event, many other shows and holiday plans. September 12th B B Q at my place 11.30 onwards. Parking in neighbours field. Burgers, bacon, sausages and rolls supplied, please bring your special dietary foods i f required. Just off junction 2 o f the M 2 7 . Please ring me nearer the date for any directions. October London to Brighton run date T B C October 17th Pub meet A l i c e Lisle' 12.30 November 14th Workshop meet at M o n x t o n 11.00 onwards. Also i n November we hope to organise a local Green Lane Day. Andrew Orchard Area Organiser N e w Forest Solent 'Kevin' Plays i n the Snow Libby Kozier shows off one of her family's Motors, Kevin" in front of the Chappel viaduct in Esse*. With a tally of seven Million bricks, it is second only to Battersea power station in being the largest brick built structure in the UK. s 10 Built Spring TWO Last 2009 Shows and Events Update Spring 2009 This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Series 2 Club. We aim to get to as many shows as possible. As always, we w i l l do our very best to negotiate with the organisers o f big shows to obtain passes for our members who wish to exhibit vehicles on the Club Stand. The number o f passes available for each show w i l l vary, but i f you want to go to any o f these shows please send a copy o f the booking form to the Club address. You w i l l need to send a form for each show you wish to attend. We w i l l acknowledge receipt of your booking form and we will also try to give you some indication of your chances o f getting a free pass for that particular show. So, here are the dates of the major Land Rover Shows this year, for local events contact your area organiser: H e r i t a g e L a n d R o v e r W e e k e n d at G a y d o n - 2 n d & 3rd o f M a y L R O S p r i n g A d v e n t u r e , D r i f f i e l d S h o w g r o u n d - 9th & 10th May L R W Show, E a s t n o r C a s t l e - 6th & 7th J u n e L R O Show, B i l l i n g 17th - 19th J u l y L R M Show, N e w a r k S h o w g r o u n d 17th - 19th J u l y L R O Show, P e t e r b o r o u g h - 12th &13th S e p t e m b e r For more information on any o f these shows please check out our website and forum, email [email protected] Land Rover Show Tickets The club attends many of the national shows, sponsored by various Land Rover magazines. You can see from the events calendar just which shows these are. Sometimes the club receives complimentary tickets/passes to these shows. The actual number and nature o f the concession varies between each event. It is the practice o f the club to distribute these tickets as fairly as possible to you, the members, free o f charge. Each show has its own unique character and challenges in mounting a club display stand. For each show the committee w i l l appoint a member to run the stand (stand manager); for larger shows we w i l l need an assistant. These w i l l normally be senior club members (not necessarily committee members) who have local knowledge and experience o f the show's format. I n addition the club shop may attend. These members get the first complimentary tickets. The remaining tickets are then "up for grabs" and this is how the system works. 11 trO n the next page is a 'Show Ticket Request Form'.You fill it out marking which shows you would be interested i n attending and post the form (you can use a photocopy i f you wish) to the club's post box: PO B O X 61, Aberdare, CF44 4AJ to arrive no later than 6 weeks before the date o f the first show on your form. When we know exactly how many tickets for an event we have (and sometimes we are able to negotiate extra tickets nearer to the event, but there is no guarantee o f that) we w i l l allocate tickets on 3 'first come first served' basis. That is the earli er you send m your £ovm. tWo greater your chance o f receiving a pass. We w i l l let you know how near the top o f the queue you are. Nearer the date o f the show you will be informed o f whether you have received a ticket as i t is often unclear from the organisers how many passes we will receive or exactly how these are allocated. Please note that for some events the organisers won't release the tickets until almost the last moment. There are some conditions. • The tickets are for paid-up members only. • You must arrive i n a road-legal Series 2 Land Rover o f some description. • The vehicle does N O T have to be i n pristine condition. • The vehicle must be displayed on the stand as decided by the stand manager and the vehicle ready to be paraded at the show i f required. • We expect help i n manning the club stand for some part o f the show and help i n setting up and packing things away. The stand manager w i l l draw-up a roster and you w i l l be asked to cover at least one slot. These duties are not that onerous. • Vehicles that are 'projects' and not finished (no tax or M O T ) may be allowed to be trailered onto the stand, but only w i t h prior permission from the stand manager and the trailer w i l l need to be parked away from the stand. Normally the complimentary ticket(s) is for one vehicle and a driver (and camping i f the show spreads over several days). Some events allow for a driver and vehicle only, others allow for passengers. Traditionally the Billing show has always been popular and demand for these tickets is very heavy, unfortunately this is one show where we are lucky to get just a few tickets. We will not issue tickets to enable large groups to attend in just one vehicle. We want as many vehicles displayed on the stand as possible, space permitting. Extra passengers will have to book and buy their own tickets. This is fair as the driver and vehicle are getting i n for free, so the overall costs per party are still discounted over the full gate price. I f we have spare tickets then we may be able to help, but this won't be known until the last moment. It is inevitable that some members could have a last minute hitch/problem and they can't attend a show. These things happen. We may be able to pass the ticket to one o f our'reserves' and recycle the ticket that way. We do not want to waste tickets. I f you have been allocated a ticket and then find you can't attend please inform the stand manager or our postal secretary so they can try to pass the ticket on, even i f this is very much at the last minute; we may still be able to re-allocate your pass. Serial non-attendees w i l l not be allocated tickets. We think this is the fairest way to distribute the tickets around the membership, to give everyone a fair chance o f a complimentary show ticket. You may be lucky and get tickets for more than one show! This applies to the larger 'magazine' shows. The club attends many more locally based shows, agricultural, steam rallies and classic car (or commercial vehicle) shows.You are notified of these through the pub meets and/or newsletters by your area rep. Sometimes a 12 ~ l ? Built Spring TWO Last 2009 block booking is made on behalf o f local members and/or complimentary or discounted tickets are available. It is left to the discretion o f the area rep on how these are distributed. There is nothing to stop members from anywhere contacting the local rep and asking i f they can attend a show i n another part o f the country. Conversely, i f you know o f a local event, where Series 2s would be welcome, contact your local area rep and see i f you can't muster a few more members to attend the event and who knows, i f it goes well it could become an annual event for the area to attend. The presence o f the club at these shows is important for many reasons. It's a good advertising/recruitment opportunity for the club. It's a chance to present the club, the vehicles and members to the public; for us to wave our flag and let people know we have a thriving and active club. It also shows that not all 4x4 owners are nasty evil people as the media would have us believe. The stand acts as a focal point for members to come and gather, to have a chat and meet some o f the club's officials. W i t h the presence o f the club shop, members (and the public) have the chance to buy from our range o f stock, on the spot, thus saving on postage. It can be arranged for shop items to be there for you to collect i f you have a special order. Some members use shows as a convenient way o f meeting up to exchange parts or relay those 'essential' eBay purchases. We w i l l always try to accommodate your needs and we w i l l try to do our best, but, sometimes F r o m the C o m m i t t e e , J a n u a r y 2009. Shows Ticket Request Form Please complete a copy of this form for each show you wish to attend. When completed please return to the Club address no later than 6 weeks prior to show: Series 2 Club Ltd. PO BOX 61, Aberdare, CF44 4AJ SERIES 2 CLUB 2009 SHOWS BOOKING FORM Show to attend: Name: Membership No.: Address: Postcode Tel. No.: E-mail address: Vehicle Details (including reg no.) No. of Adults: No. of Children (please specify ages): If you would like to receive your tickets by Recorded Delivery please contact the Postal Secretary to arrange this. For Club Use Only Date received: Ticket Allocated: Application Number: Y/N Ticket sent (date): Rec. Del. No.: 13 duilt TWO Laet 5prin0 2009 It's a Land Rover thing For reasons I am unable to explain there are some vehicles I see and there is some kind of 'pull' to wanting one, two or more! Land Rovers and Morgan sports cars are my 'bete noir'. W h e n I say Land Rover, I mean the ClaSSlC body Style. Later developments such as Range Rover, Discovery have n o t had any 'pull' for me. It is only i n later life that I have been able to indulge my interest i n such vehicles. Back i n the summer o f 1991 I ordered my first Morgan from the factory i n Malvern and waited seven years for delivery, i n 1998 - my 50th birthday. Since I was 20 I have dreamed o f driving 'my' Morgan - custom built just for me. I still immensely enjoy driving that car. That set me off to realise my next dream — a Land Rover. I looked through many o f the magazines, visited many local garages and slowly developed my 'specification' o f what I was looking for. As I looked for the older vehicles I found that the lower priced ones had been cut about by so many previous owners that knowing which spares fitted where would be a problem to a novice like me. I wanted a 'straight' vehicle, just needing standard attention and service. Eventually I found a 1985 SWB 90, petrol engine. It was i n need o f a decent service and the rear cross member replacing (this was reflected i n the sales price), but it was generally dent free and a good runner. I took it to Frogs Island (when they were still i n Brightwell cum Sotwell, not far from me) and asked them to give it a thorough going over. Well, many (many!!) hundreds of pounds later I got it back — but at least I knew it was now a solid vehicle. Our son was about to start at University and as this was relatively local he would continue to live at home and commute. Hence, I 'loaned' h i m my 90 for the duration. By now the vehicle had become named 'Joe 90' as we have Gerry Anderson living close by and he created such characters. Also, our son is 6' 10" tall and he needed some head clearance i n the vehicle. One o f the modifications I had done by Frogs Island was to reduce the height o f the bulk head behind the seats, and to put spacers under the driver's seat runners to lift and move the seat back about three inches. It is interesting that M U D U K now produce very similar spacers. Once David started University I was deprived o f my 'Landy' and so w i t h this gap i n my life I started to want another Landy. By chance I was talking to one o f my work colleagues and he mentioned that the chap who serviced his car was selling his old Land Rover — a Series 2A for ,£1000. This seemed reasonable as the chap had maintained it ready to move some o f his things to Spain, but then decided a left hand drive one would be better and then leave it i n Spain. I went to see the 2A. It was a aquamarine blue 109, diesel, first registered on 15th January 1969 as 'OTJ 510G' - this w i l l become more important later on. It could do w i t h some superficial work (it had been hand painted, which was rough and faded), the seats were i n a poor condition, the footwells had seen better days. A l l things which I felt were 'do-able'. W h e n we went out for a test drive it was a wonderful challenge - real driving — I never knew a gear lever could travel so far from 1st to 4th, and double de-clutching on the way down. I just had to have the machine. O n the way home I found that flat out was some 45 — 50mph and it 'wallowed' around as we drove home from south London. Given the speed and the wallowing I named her 14 Built TWO Laet Spring 2009 'Queenie' after the boat featured i n the film the African Queen. W h y a 'her' and not a 'him' I have no idea, but the 2A was not a 'him' to me, unlike the SWB 90 which was a 'him' to me hence 'Joe 90'. Well, I then found out about the Series 2 club and joined, and had more reason to go to the Sodbury Sortouts and Billing etc. So many Land Rovers, so much 'stuff' that I set about collecting the parts I would need to address some o f the worn out parts on 'Queenie', Some low cost footwells came from Billing, f o l l o w e d by s o m e d o o r posts a « d new door hinges. M y local garage was a one man and his lad type o f place. We agreed a special hourly rate for h i m to fit and weld the footwells and add the do o r posts. T h i s was to take some 6 months as he would only work on the j o b when he had gaps i n his more regular work. Nearly four years later I got 'Queenie' back!!! Still she had been kept under cover and i n the dry all this time. As the wings and doors came off for the footwell work I decided to replace the lower doors and upper part w i t h new ones picked up at various shows as time went by. As the garage had a small spray shop I decided that I would have all the body resprayed 'off car' as it were. I found a good second hand bonnet in better condition, had it shot blasted and got ready for spraying. The windscreen came off and I removed the old, scratched and de-laminating glass. I had the frame re-galvanised and fitted new glass. I obtained all new sealing rubbers, as I had removed all the other glass windows in the rear door and side windows. The roof came off as did the side panels. Once the footwells and door posts were welded in place the slow rebuild started. But this was all so slow. I was then working long hours (in my 'day'job) and so could not get to the garage as frequently as required to keep pushing for progress. Then the owner started to close on Saturday mornings so weekend visits were out. As time passed and more shows and Sortouts were visited the more new or good second hand bits I bought. Then late i n 2004 I had the chance to take early retirement. Great, I thought, now I could visit the local garage and even do a number o f jobs myself (as I do not have the garage space at home and laying out i n the drive under a jacked up Landy is not always the best way to work. In February I was free to launch into finishing'Queenie'. Then the garage owner dropped a bombshell — he was closing the business. This was on a Monday and he was finishing on the Friday! 5 days to rebuild 'Queenie'. The roof and side panels and some assorted other panels still had to be resprayed and then the glass refitted. The new door seals still had to be pop riveted back, the doors fitted. O h , and along the way I had new diesel injectors fitted and a new radiator. I n order to check out the functioning o f the injectors and plugs the garage had started up the engine w i t h the new radiator loosely connected — a big mistake. W i t h vibration the loose radiator became entangled with the fan - end o f a new radiator and fan. This did not come to light until that fateful week when the garage was closing. Thanks to Dingocroft, who are not far away from me and deliver to our area a replacement was soon on site. But my garage declined to pay for the replacement, and as they were closing nothing more for me to do but bite my lip and continue to try and get 'Queenie' completed and back on the road. She had been ' S O R N ' for the few years she had lain i n the garage. Thankfully, even though the garage was closing for business on that Friday he would still be around as he tidied up and sold off his equipment. I was most concerned that i f he was i n the red bailiffs might descend any moment and impound 'Queenie'. O n that final Friday the owner went home for lunch and never reappeared. His lad was helpful, but was left holding the garage keys. We later heard that the owner had been taken to hospital by air ambulance — perhaps closing his own business after so many years had taken their toll. 15 duilt TWO Last Spring 2009 As we still had more work to do on 'Queenie,' I rushed the other body panels over to another spray shop and had them sprayed - at commercial rates! But needs must. Then I had to learn how to get the glass back into the side panels and slide i n the sealing strip lots o f soap and water and a wonderful hand made device borrowed from another garage, who knew I was in a mess w i t h the garage closure. 'Queenie' had taken up about half o f the garage for so many years that she had become known to many locals. As the owner had been hospitalised many o f the locals were prepared to help me, as was the 'lad' left holding the keys. Once all the parts were refitted we started her up and I just wondered at the lovely sound o f a diesel running on song, no smoke either - oh! I also had the timing belt replaced whilst the radiator and front end was off. I got her out o f the garage straight away and off for an M O T . This was when I found out that many o f the things I had thought had been done or were O K were not O K . A new rear cross member was required (to replace what was already a replacement from the original), I also had bought parabolic springs along the way and so decided to have these fitted whilst she was at the M O T garage. More welding on some parts o f the chassis, new brake drums on the rear w i t h new wheel brake cylinders. After much expense 'Queenie' was back on the road w i t h a clean bill o f health. One thing I did learn was the risk o f paying up front for such work. As the local garage was small (one man and his lad) I had agreed to pay for consumables and parts that I had not provided. This took the urgency out o f finishing the work. Anyway, by now our son had completed his university course, decided that 'Joe 90' was too thirsty on petrol and his sister 'gave' h i m her old car. I say 'gave' because I had to pay her for the new tyres she had just fitted. So, I now had two Land Rovers on the drive. O h , and by now I had also added a second Morgan — a 1952 +4 drop head coupe. So, w i t h four cars and my usual 'day' car or 'tin top' that made six i f I added my wife's M k 2 M R 2 into the mix. M y wife complained that the driveway looked like a car park. Returning to reading the 'Series 2' magazines cover to cover (remember that I was now retired and had some 'quality' time. I read an article by Mick Outhwaite and reference to his 'OTJ'. Well, 'Queenie' is 'OTJ' as well. I called Mick, and asked h i m i f ' O T J ' was his Land Rover. He said it was. Well, I said, mine is 'OTJ 510G'. "It couldn't be" he said because that was his number, but he would check his was 'OTJ 511G' — sequential numbers, both 2As, both 109s and both diesel, both registered the same day at the same garage in Preston. Well, what a coincidence. Mick explained about his 'OTJ' and that he needed to focus his attention on his forward control rebuild. He also mentioned that 'OTJ' had been referred as 'the Shed' i n an earlier issue of the Series 2 magazine. I did remember this, but did not reference the registration number i n the photo. He said he would sell 'OTJ' at some point to make more space for the forward control. I instantly asked for ^ * first refusal to buy 'OTJ'. Late in 2005 the deal was done and we went to collect the vehicle from near Keighley for the drive south. 16 Built Spring TWO Last 2009 M y friend Tom, and I , had also become involved i n the Italian Job annual event — each year about 70 - 100 Minis drive from the U K to Italy, drive around on various timed stages and navigational trials all i n aid o f various children's charities. As we were both retired we decided to enter the event. O K , but we did not have a classic M i n i . So we bought a classic M i n i Cooper to enter the event i n 2005, enjoyed it so much we entered again i n 2006. Thankfully, Tom keeps the M i n i at his house - so no complaints here about yet another car i n the drive. Tom and I went to a M i n i event up north and from there went over to Silsdon, near Keighley, to meet w i t h M i c k and collect 'OTJ'. Then we drove south. We chose to head directly south through all the small towns and villages as I did not expect to drive fast and planned to take all day. Unlike 'Queenie', 'OTJ' has an overdrive and I was very impressed with the effect. M i c k had obviously done much work on the 2A and she ('she' again??) did not wallow like 'Queenie'. As we drove on south I began to think o f what to call her (she was not a him). 'Queenie 2' did not seem right and she did not need to be second to 'Queenie'. By the time I arrived home, w i t h Tom following i n the M i n i , I had a name ' M o ' . These are Mick's initials — so I had a name and some memento o f the previous owner. ' M o ' has the same problems w i t h the footwells and door posts. Maybe even the bulkhead was shot as well. M y wife is a teacher and at her school they are i n the process of just finishing off a brand new building for their motor mechanics course. I was tempted to undertake a complete rebuild and offered them ' M o ' to learn on i f I provide the parts and on the condition that I could also work on her. I am not that knowledgeable on many o f the Land Rover features and would welcome learning more myself. Or, I keep ' M o ' as a lived in, working, Land Rover to take to shows with 'Queenie'. But I had already been scouring the magazines for bits and pieces and I knew I would not be able to resist a re-build of some kind. Then more recendy, we heard from Eric Leuzinger the Thames Valley Rep that there was a request from a T V production company for Land Rovers of a pre-1977 age. I contacted them and yes they were interested i n 'Queenie' and ' M o ' . So, on a Saturday some time ago, Tom and I drove 'Queenie' and ' M o ' over to a location not far from Burford in Gloucestershire. I drove 'Queenie' and as we got close to the location the engine noise from 'Queenie' changed and another sound was heard towards the rear o f the vehicle. When we arrived Tom said that he could see the rear silencer box hanging off 'Queenie'! There we were ready for a photo shoot with the exhaust hanging off. Out came the Swiss Army knife, cut through the strap and off it came. Actually, I thought that 'Queenie' then ran better, i f a little more noisy! We spent the whole day filming shots Mo" fn action of us driving down country lanes, this way, that way. We also had to be seen posting letters in countryside post boxes that were dated pre-1977.When it got dark there was more filming i n country lanes and driving round a particular farm yard. During the day we were joined by another 2A 109 diesel (1966), a Series 3 88 and four Morris 1000 vans. Apparently there is a Morris 1000 van club!! They have about 600 members. s 17 pPi Built TWO last Spring 2009 It seemed that the programme we were being filmed for was about the Grunwick strike back i n 1977. The factory had been blockaded by U n i o n members and the post office workers union had also blacked Grunwick's packages (they processed photographic films (holiday snaps)). So, a group calling themselves the Freedom Group, went into the factory late one night, took all the mail sacks to this farm in Gloucestershire where many helpers stuck stamps on the envelopes and about 50 Land Rovers and Morris 1000 vans came from all over the country to collect the packages and then post them i n letter boxes up and down trie country — so people would receive their holiday photos. We had re-enacted what was then known as the 'Pony Express'.The programme was broadcast on B B C 4 on 15th March under the title 'Tory! Tory! Tory!' I think this was the second programme i n a series o f three. All our day and early evening time filming and many shots were reduced to not more than 10 seconds — but we had our moment of fame. Tom and I appeared i n the night scene, then driving 'Queenie' along the country lanes, and then Tom posting a letter with the front shot of 'Queenie' i n view. 'OTJ 510G' and 'OTJ 511G featured more i n those few seconds than the Morris Minor vans - so the 2As were great. So, we have come a long way over the last few years, and with any luck I will be able to persuade Tom to j o i n me at some o f the Landy events where we can bring both 'Queenie' and M o ' > f 0 ' completed along to j o i n the other 2As on the Series 2 Club stand. So 'Queenie' was restored to good health. What next? Well, I had decided that ' M o ' needed some serious attention. M y local garage started the work with overhauling the axles, replacing the shocks, brake drums, leaf springs and so on and so on, I am sure many series Landy owners know the situation. I then progressed to my Morgan garage and they added to the work. It became clear that given all this work the chassis itself would need to be replaced. So, I went off in search o f someone who would tackle this seemingly immense task. Eventually I came upon the Land Rover Orphanage and met the \Ao'in Turin enthusiastic Richard Dalton. Everything seemed do'able and we drew up a long (long!) list of parts and things to be done. As it was a body off job I decided to have a full respray at the same time (to match 'Queenie'). s Oh! What I have not mentioned is that along the way Tom and I had now entered our second Italian Job event and as w i t h the first time had w o n the 'Best Dressed' vehicle award voted by the other teams. This was nice and rewarding. So how to do this again? Competitive or what? For those who have seen and watched i n detail the 1969 Italian Job film starring Michael Caine may have noticed that the heist vehicle was a Series Landy (I think that as 18 duilt TWO last Spring 2009 the film was made i n 1969 it could have been a Series 2 or 2A). So, M o would be rebuilt as an Italian Job replica, given some artistic license as M o is a 3 door and the film Landy was a Station Wagon w i t h the windows painted over. Richard Dalton started the rebuild, but as you might expect both his estimates and my purse strings were stretched beyond our expectations! I had entered the 2007 event w i t h the TJ' Landy. I had a new co-driver (Tom had decided driving a M i n i Cooper to Italy and back was one thing, but an old Land Rover was another!) M y new co-driver was a '40 something' brunette (don't tell the Wife!!).Two weeks away i n Italy, what fun.'! A couple of weeks before departure M o was still i n pieces and then my co-driver was rushed off to hospital w i t h a serious illness. A double 'whammy' and so, reluctantly I had to postpone the 2007 entry and slide things back to October 2008 and re-enter. This we did, I found a new co-driver — a man this time — sad or what? ' M o ' was given yet more attention and sucked up more (a black hole for money my Wife claims) and so in late October 2008 we set off for Italy. Many happenings occurred, including me breaking a rear half shaft on day 2! But we returned triumphant to the U K and received our finishers award — A N D the 'Best Dressed' vehicle award — three times out o f three. Guess what — we have entered M o for the 2009 event (the 20th Anniversary of the Italian Job) as well as our M i n i Cooper, so watch out for us i n October/November 2009 on www.italianjob.com.We register i n Turin (another trip onto the Lingotto roof) then Florence, Rome, Imola, Monza and then back to the U K for a gala dinner. Someone has to do it — why? We are raising monies for children's charities in a fun way. TemsrontteLWOltoroof More details of'Mo's adventures are reported i n another write-up to follow soon. Geoff A Giles 19 duilt TWO Laet Spring 2009 Tales from the VRO Office Another success to report! Those o f you who attended last year's Club National at Sibbertoft may remember Chris (Airfield Crash rescue Tender).This truck was demobbed from the Army (yes; it was one of the Tare A r m y ACRT's) and given a 'Y' plate c i v v y registration a n d placed in road tax class P L C I dealt with the vehicle under the 'Proof of Age', so armed with the relevant paperwork Chris attended his local D V L A Office fully expecting them to want to inspect the vehicle, but no, a 1967 registration was issued, with a newV5C and the vehicle placed i n the 'Historic' Road Tax class. After my moan off in the last Tales, it just show what I have always said, every D V L A Office seems to work differently. Whilst on that subject I have another Proof of Age case that suddenly seems 'challenging' at Brighton local Office when it all appeared so straight forward! Bemley's R e d A C R T There does seem to be some confusion regarding theV765 scheme and Proof of Age so I w i l l attempt to explain. T h e V 7 6 5 Scheme. TheV765 Scheme is run by D V L A and is open to all applicants. The scheme is named after the application formV765 and caters for those who wish to re-instate aVehicle Registration Number. When a person has a vehicle displaying a registration but no current D V L A documentation e.g.V5 or V5C Vehicle Registration Document/Certificate, the vehicle does not officially exist as it is not on the D V L A database. The owner can re-instate the vehicle's registration providing they have the required evidence to back their claim. The V765 Form states the application must be accompanied by one o f the following: A) The O l d Card logbook (RF60), B) The original receipt/Invoice for the sale o f the vehicle (note; this does not mean just any old receipt, but the original as when the vehicle was new), C) Pre 1983 MOT/Insurance Certificates, or Tax Discs, D) Library or Archive records. (Copies of original Registration/Licensing Records), Note; B M I H T Gay don Certificates are not accepted as they do not prove the issue o f an original registration mark. I f you don't have any o f these I will refuse to accept your application. I f you do have these I do not want them sent to me in original form, I advise the applicant to attend their local D V L A Office to obtain Forms V765,V55/5 and have all the evidential documentation copied and stamped by D V L A Staff.These copies are now known as 'Certified Copies', these copies are what I need. I also need photographs of the vehicle so I can then understand what I am dealing with, once I am satisfied that the vehicle appears to be the same as the documentation I arrange an inspection by one o f the club inspectors, I should add here that the vehicle must be substantively complete. The reason for the inspection is so we do not get caught out by the actual vehicle not being the one we have the application for, also D V L A require we do not let any 'suspect' vehicles through. Once the inspection has been successfully completed, I accept the application, make up an evidence file comprising o f all the documentation suitably signed and stamped and send it to the V C S / D U P V R M Team at DVLA. I f the application is accepted 20 Built TWO Last Spring 2009 the registration is re-instated and aV5C issued. I f you do not have the evidence we move onto Proof of Age. Proof of Age Proof of Age is a system that dates a vehicle, produces a Certificate that D V L A accept to issue an Age Related registration Mark. This service is generally only open to club members accepting failed V765 applications as I cannot cope w i t h any more. When afi applicant contacts me I w i l l need the following to be able to advise whether the case would be successful or not. A) Photographs o f the vehicle including the suspension, stamped i n V I N on chassis and V I N plate in situ. A) Copies o f any available official documents (V5/V5C, M O T , Insurance Certificate - i f it shows the chassis number. M y main problem is the Stamped in V I N as this is situated o f one the areas on a chassis most prone to corrosion. The main problem that destroys the number is welding patches through/over it, or chopping the affected area off for replacement. Should your vehicle have lost the stamped in V I N , I then have to rely on the serial numbers o f the axles, transmission and engine, coupled with the body fitments that will tie i n with the alleged chassis number. O f course i f the vehicle has been much modified and everything replaced, I would not be able to age a pile o f parts as a whole vehicle ranging over a 30 year period. I f I think we have a good chance o f success I will arrange a club inspector to inspect the vehicle to ascertain the vehicle is the same as the evidence I have been sent relates to, including all the serial numbers i f necessary. I f the vehicle has a Stamped in V I N and is basically correct for that V I N we will have no problem and D V L A will issue a N o n transferable Age Related Registration. I n the case o f vehicles without a Stamped in V I N I am generally successful in assisting the vehicle to be issued with a N o n Transferable Age Related Registration and a new 17 digit V I N . I n both cases your local D V L A will probably wish to inspect the vehicle themselves although this is not always the case as noted i n my opening gambit. The above is a generalisation o f how the V R O Office works but o f course there are always exception which we have to work around. There is a charge to cover costs which at present is .£35 to club members and it does take time. I only have a limited amount o f time to spend on V R O duties; I receive on average 5 e-mails a day requesting assistance, some requiring complex answers and research, many o f which continue on to be full cases. At present I have a number o f Proof of Age and oneV765 case ongoing, so please be patient and i f you phone up and I say "who or what?" bear w i t h me. As a result o f the increased demand for V R O services i n the last year, Bob Sutton has kindly agreed to assist the V R O Office, how this w i l l operate we have yet to finalise but thanks Bob and welcome to V5's,VT20's,V55/5's,V5C's,V890's,V14's,VIN's, SABVIN's "oh look, your eyes are glazing over all ready!" So on to 2009, one success already, another (hopefully) i n Brighton, and a fat envelope from Oxfordshire that has arrived containing at least photograph o f a chassis showing a Stamped in V I N , "Ooooh I get so excited!" (Not again, J) I can be contacted via e-mail: [email protected] or post: - Club address. Thanks as ever to my proof reader Jackie. _ . , _ ' David Dutton [email protected] F J 21 duilt Spring TWO Last 2009 Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs * Report mtmSBmmSm Updates on what is going on in the Historic Vehicle World. E T J P R O P O S A L to b a n paint strippers c o n t a i n i n g DICHLOROMETHANE This subject was raised back in 2006 but at the time no-one had realised the implications of the ban for historic vehicles, for example, only products containing dichloromethane (methylene chloride) are suitable for use on porous surfaces and aluminium. The most well known o f these products is, o f course, Nitromors. In the U K the Health and Safety Executive HSE considered that there was no evidence to suggest that banning D C M would lead to a reduction i n fatalities or serious injuries (the number o f these being so small, or non-existent). It is now the subject o f a Proposal for a Decision i n Brussels. As the number of affected individuals within the vehicle movement is likely to be relatively small we have decided to link up with English Heritage, Fedecrail and Heritage Railway Association who have all made submissions. FIVA w i l l also be looking at the problem i n Europe. FUEL TOPICS E t h a n o l i n petrol Following the articles i n the last two newsletters we have had a number o f letters about the effects o f ethanol in petrol and so we have summarised the main points below. A t concentrations o f less than 5% there is no obligation for the petrol pumps to be labelled at point o f sale, so petrol on sale can be 0% - 5% ethanol. Ethanol is hygroscopic so manufacturers should have been added corrosion inhibitors to it before blending with petrol. Ethanol changes the volatility o f the fuel which although it can give a slight benefit to cold starting this is at the expense o f increased vapour lock problems and hot start problems i n susceptible vehicles. Corrosion could be a problem i f inhibitors are not used. Effects o n t a n k sealants etc Any tank sealant manufactured in USA should not be affected by ethanol (e.g. the Frost brand) as ethanol has been i n USA petrol for some time. To be sure o f avoiding problems customers should check that any such product does indicate it can be used w i t h fuel containing ethanol. Many seals have a 'memory' and may leak when introduced to ethanol when they are old. The same type o f seal may not leak when new. Particles resulting from the breakdown o f tank sealants and moving through the fuel system may also cause problems, although this would be for a finite time (until it has all been washed through). A solvent is available to remove existing tank sealant, Epoxy Remover made by Tank Cure. However the active ingredient i n this product is methylene chloride, aka paint stripper, which is the subject o f a proposed ban — see elsewhere i n this newsletter. Feedback required At present the number o f problems reported is very small i n relation to the number o f vehicles which could be affected. We w i l l be monitoring the situation closely and would like to hear from anyone who is experiencing problems, giving full details o f the vehicle concerned. I f the situation is seen to be more widespread then we w i l l look into the possibility o f further research. 22 3uilt Spring TWO Last 2009 FIVA D E F I N I T I O N O F A N H I S T O R I C V E H I C L E Chris H u n t Cooke Few news items have generated as much correspondence as the report on the definition of an historic vehicle agreed by FIVA, which is: a mechanically propelled road vehicle: which is at least 30 years old; which is preserved and maintained i n a historically correct condition; which is not used as a means o f daily transport; and which is therefore a part o f our technical and cultural heritage. This definition is mostly for political lobbying purposes, and you have to look i n an international context. For example, the E U Commission have given indications that while they are happy to consider legislative exemptions for a reasonably small number o f vehicles, used for relatively low mileages, they would become concerned i f the number o f vehicles or the mileage they covered rose as a percentage o f the total vehicle park. It is hoped that by lifting the defined age to 30 and excluding vehicles used for daily transport, this w i l l be avoided. Some o f the newer members o f the E U from Eastern Europe have a considerable number o f old vehicles i n daily use and the E U would not wish to see them included i n any concessions made for classic car purposes. The adoption o f this definition by FIVA does not mean that individual countries w i l l use it for all purposes, and it is unlikely it w i l l have any impact i n the U K . That is a pity i n some ways because it might get the rolling date forVED exemption moving again. There are no indications at all that the powers that be i n the U K have any thoughts about restrictions on mileage for exemption purposes, and the F B H V C have been very successful i n ensuring that we are able to use historic cars i n the U K w i t h no more restriction than a modern vehicle. There were those who were very wary when the historic V E D exemption first came in, fearing that some restriction might be the quid pro quo. Thankfully, that has not happened. I was at the meeting i n Brussels when FIVA voted on the new definition, and some countries do have real concerns, the Italians for instance currently have a 20 year rule, and were very concerned that their government might take this as a green light to increase that to 30. However, they were eventually persuaded to support the change by the argument i n relation to lobbying the E U W e can assure all members that this definition w i l l not affect the Federation's treatment o f any o f our vehicles; it is a political tool that we can use to our advantage, not a code o f practice. The above articles were taken from the F B H V C Newsletter N o 1. 2009 acknowledged w i t h thanks. I f you have any feedback regarding the Ethanol article above, please forward them to me David D u t t o n at [email protected] or send to the club address. I w i l l forward them to the F B H V C Officer concerned. David Dutton F B H V C Rep J V You & Your Motor I would like to start a 'You &Your Motor' page in the magazine for future issues. This could consist of a couple of photos, maybe 'before' and 'after' shots of your restoration or just a couple of your favourite photos of your motor and a few paragraphs of text either telling us about your landy or maybe how you got into landys in the first place, obviously i f you have more photos or a longer article we are always wining to put them in the magazine. So who is going to be brave, get the ball rolling and let me have the first pages!! Looking forward to seeing what you can come up with. Andy 23 Built TWO Last Spring 2009 Thetford New Years Day Greenlaning 2009 Another year over, another just beginning, and to celebrate Land Rovers from all over Norfolk, Suffolk and beyond converged on a slightly dreary Sainsbury's car park in Thetford. The turn out was excellent, w i t h a great mixture o f vehicles including a Marshall bodied ambulance! After a good chat and the opening and closing o f a good few o f the collected bonnets, the assembled Land Rovers split off into smaller groups and, armed w i t h a map, set off into Thetford Forest, and the lanes. The lanes around Thetford are a good mixture o f sandy tracks, forest roads and some lumpier, bumpier ones to get the old leaf springs flexing! After the first run around in the morning all the Land Rovers converged on a lovely pub, the Deer's Leap in Thetford town centre where a spread of sandwiches and chips awaited (along with a nice cold soft drink)! O f course, this interlude also allowed the pub to fill with the noise of'Landy chat' as the owners discussed the mornings events. Eventually, hunger was satisfied, and thirst quenched and the peace of Thetford was once again disturbed by the sounds o f various Land Rover engines as we once again made our way in groups back out onto the lanes. The group I was i n got around a couple filled hole i n it. This was to prove to be the enthusiastic crossing o f the hole, one o f the loss o f electricity, and led to a lengthy bout 24 more lanes before finding the one with a mud last lane o f the day for us! After an over Land Rover's i n our group suffered a major o f forest fixing. duilt TWO Last Spring 2009 While Scott (whose vehicle had died) and Toby Farlow set about deciding which o f the 'brown wires' was causing the problem, the rest o f us entertained ourselves chatting and watching the procedures as the sounds o f Katie Melua's album drifted over the trees courtesy o f Paul Cupitt and 'Pickles'. After three hours and having re-wired the ignition, the dead Land Rover was resurrected and we were able to head out o f the now totally dark forest and make our various ways home. This event has already become a bit o f an institution within the club especially for the members in the Anglia region. I am sure that I am not alone i n looking forward to the 2010 event! Many thanks again to Alan Jones (Wittsend) for organising this day again, and to everyone who turned out for the day. Phil 25 duilt Spring TWO Last 2009 Belvoir Castle Steam Fair 17th - 18th May 2008 Just as we were thinking that it was about time to try out our newly fitted overdrive by taking 'Will' on a longer trip, Alex Thorpe, East Mids organiser, told us about an interesting steam show at Belvoir Castle in sunny Lincolnshire. A n d so it was agreed that a contingency from Central Shires would set out on the hundred or so mile journey. The trip wasn't without its problems — on arrival at Peterborough services we discovered that one o f our rear tyres had a sizable split and a tyre swap was needed. Halfway through this task, we spotted some security guys purposefully walking our way. We braced ourselves for a grilling, only to find that they themselves were Land Rover enthusiasts who simply wanted to admire the old Series 2s! The rest o f the journey went without a hitch and I must say the overdrive made a considerable difference to the comfort o f longer journeys i n our 1960 SWB W i l l . ' We arrived safely, along w i t h Pete and Chris Day and took the bumpy descent through the castle estate admiring a spectacular display o f rhododendrons into the showground venue. Series 2 Club members who attended made up part o f a Land Rover display organised by Chris Keast to celebrate 60 years o f Land Rover. The vehicles on display were not just the usual Series vehicles, but also some interesting modified Defenders including one adapted to run along railway tracks. This show was quite different from the usual steam shows we attend in our area and it made for a refreshing change. I n particular, there were some fascinating military displays, with different groups taking part in re-enactments in the main arena. I've never seen so many tractors at one show.. .350 I believe and the likes of which I've . never seen before. Somc 26 of the Land Rovers on display 27 duilt TWO Last 5pring 2009 Haulage display Military enthusiasts heading for battle! There were some interesting tractors Boys and their toys A haulage recovery company had also set up an accident scene with huge lorries tipped over. There was even the opportunity to have a go i n a tank i f you were that way inclined! We preferred to watch from the comfort o f the camping area keeping toasty by Pete's camp fire. What more could we ask for... the company of good friends, the great camaraderie o f the Land Rover display, an excellent beer tent and even a stand selling buffalo burgers. It's safe to say that all our requirements for a great weekend were catered for. We were even invited to j o i n i n a toast to Land Rover and the cutting o f the Land Rover cake, generously provided by one o f the Series One owners — I have to say, it's the first time I've eaten bronze green icing! Catriona Crelling Central Shires 28 Built Spring TWO Last 2009 2 on TV Well we know Shaun the sheep has a Landy on TV but for those who are not users of the Forum events went roughly like this. Back i n tiie autumn o f last year I was prompted by a member to look at an item on the Forum. It was seeking a Land Rover w i t h a Harvey Frost recovery crane to be used in an episode o f 'Ashes to Ashes' being filmed for screening i n the spring. The company, Action Cars Ltd, had supplied the main vehicle an Audi and sought for the producer a recovery vehicle that was not sign written and preferably i n blue or white. Many emails and phone calls concluded w i t h Action Cars L t d providing the director w i t h many pictures o f my recovery 109 known as 'Harvey' they downloaded from the club gallery o f member's vehicles. It was confirmed a few days later that 'Harvey' would be fine for the filming. Close friend Nick, a very supportive member o f the club, agreed to come along and help out; little did we know what we were letting ourselves i n for. Our brief, be at an address near the former millennium dome by 0700 on the planned day, just over a hundred miles away. 'Harvey' was loaded on to my trailer the night before, strapped down and all the necessary items were also loaded, you know the usual, spare trailer wheel, jack, spanners, various replacement bulbs etc. N i c k arrived at 0500 as agreed and off we went. Despite the wind and rain we were comfortable i n the Discovery and headed for our destination. One problem was my information to the Sat Nav being the wrong tunnel approach road, so we were heading for the Rotherhithe tunnel not the Blackwall tunnel. So some 20 minutes late we were met by a rather anxious Steve from Action Cars Ltd, he directed us to a muddy area on the side o f the river Thames opposite the towering building o f the Canary Wharf. 29 Spring 2009 The site was used by Hansons the aggregate company and massive mountain sized heaps of aggregate were there to prove it. N o w for a whole new experience, being 'on set' as it were, w i t h 'Harvey' unloaded I was asked to drive h i m onto the wharf side, here a team put h i m through 'make up', stripes were added and a metropolitan police crest o f the early 1980's were affixed w i t h Vaseline, orange beacon was changed for a blue one and 'Harvey' was ready on the dockside. It was very cold and regular showers o f sleet seemed to come across the Thames, not down but horizontally. Good bit now, we were told where to go for a cooked breakfast and indeed amidst the many large trailers we found the catering vehicle and a double decker bus converted into a dining room. We were learning a bit more now, 'Ashes to Ashes' was a follow on from a programme called 'Life on Mars' and the first series was we learned a great success.This was for the second series. ( O K Series 2 then I hear you say) Breakfast over, we were requested to return to the dockside. N o w came the bit where the director o f filming wanted 'Harvey' manoeuvred to a specific point on the dock, and it seemed to the inch this way, that way, forward, back, stop!! Cast o f actors, oh yes, fresh from their massive articulated caravans with hydraulic extending sides, driven i n luxury cars to the dock side. One o f the principal female actors hugging a hot water bottle! O h it was cold and wet. Filming started soon after 0800 and there were plenty o f hot beverages on hand thank goodness as we were a long way from the comfort o f the Discovery but needed to be 'on set' as it were in case 'Harvey' had to be moved. H o w many people you ask? Well at least a hundred, you can imagine clapper board, sound, lighting and filming crews... Just to remind you here, we were w i t h no shelter, regular horizontal sleet showers and a bitterly cold wind, filming however continued w i t h seemingly so many takes and re-takes, the story line I regret remains a secret but all credit to the actors for braving the filming given the appalling weather. We learned a lot too, at least I have a rough idea now o f what a 'grip' does. 30 Built TWO Last It was now 1300 or so and after 5 hours o f filming one scene from so many different angles the director seemed satisfied. What now? Well, get 'Harvey' back through the mud and slush o f Hansons depot and load h i m up, not, I hasten to add, before having a rather good, hot meal along w i t h many o f the cast in the bus. Surrey & Sussex news... I am looking to try and reactivate the Surrey & Sussex Area Pub Meets for the Series 2 Club. We w i l l have held the initial meeting by the time you read this; further meetings w i l l be held on the 3rd Wednesday o f the month at: The Barley Mow Pub, T h e Street, West Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey K T 2 4 6 H R This pub is about 5 miles from Jet 10 o f the M25 and 4 miles from the A3. It's about a mile from the A246 Guildford to Leatherhead road so is fairly easily accessible from a wide area. I appreciate that this is not very local for members i n the southern part o f the area but you have to start somewhere! I f anyone i n Sussex has an idea for a meeting or event I'm sure something could be arranged i f sufficient demand warrants it. It may be possible to arrange a get together at somewhere like the Bluebell Railway or Amberley Museum over the summer - any suggestions welcomed. For any other details or information please phone me on 01483 283326 (7.00 - 9.00 pm) or email: [email protected] or send a P M to 'The Colonel' on the S2 Club Forum. Michael Trower S2C M e m . N o . 1196 31 IIJULM mm i 6 FT J^J Built TWO Last Spring 2009 I~L T Land Rover Service Newsletter Info from the Archives (dated May 1963) Anothev excerpt from my Rover Archives collection. H o w many of you knew that the Rover 2286cc Diesel engine was adapted for marine use fey Rustori and Hornsby o f Lincoln? Here is the announcement to Rover Agents. I t e m 171 SUBJECT: REMARKS: RUSTON ROVER MARINE UNITS Rover D i s t r i b u t o r ? and Dealers will be aware that t h e Land-Rover 2^ litre Diese; engine is being used as a marine u n i t , and marketed by Messrs. Ruston and Hornsby of Lincoln, as the Ruston Rcver Marine Engine. The majority of the components o f this engine are exactly as o u r basic 2 | i i t r e Diesel engine. H o w e v e r , there are differences anc t o assist Rover D i s t r i b u t o r s and Dealers w h o may be called upon t o service these units, w e give below full details. Messrs. Ruston and H o r n s b y 2] L i t r e Diesel Engine Unit C o m m e n c i n g Engine N u m b e r : 29600001A Basic E n g i n e 2 | litre Diesel as f i t t e d t o Series HA Land-Rover. LESS Engine feet, o i l pressure s w i t c h , exhaust manifold, fan blade and clutch. Lead f r o m starter m o t o r t o earth. Special Features . Front cover w i t h extended casti ng o r optional engine mounted e q u i p m e n t . Flywheel balanced, less clutch flxings and primary pinion bush. ' O i l cooler' type cran*case sump. 'OH cooler' type oil pressure release valve plug. Cast iron core plugs. f R o v e r P a r t s p e c u l i a r t o t h i s e n g i n e a n d w h i c h r e p l a c e s i m i l a r p a r t s o n t h e basic e n g i n e Engine assembly Cylinder block assembly .... Cylinder head assembly ... Core plug, 1 i n . dia. "] Core plug, 11 i n . dia. ^Cast Iron Core plug, j i n . dia. J Plug for oil pressure release valve Front cover assembly Crankcase sump ... .... Flywheel, balanced .... ... . . ... Injector complete, C A V 5348001 1 1 1 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 534096 541812 600156"! , 536798 ^ engines numbered 542710 2690010'-A onwards 542709 500427" 529155 529826 534463 Modified by Ruston's after delivery 539561 F r o m There are three types of marine engine sold: (1) D i r e c t c o o l e d ( r i v e r o r sea w a t e r ) The cooling w a t e r is circulated around t h e engine t h r o u g h the w a t e r cooled exhaust manifold and overboard. W i t h the direct cooled system no t h e r m o stat is f i t t e d and t h e bypass is removed and t h e facing blanked off by a flange. This change is made by Ruston and Hornsby. (2) Heat exchanger cooled T h e engine c o o l i n g system is a closed c i r c u i t i n c o r p o r a t i n g a heat exchanger. T h e R o v e r engine w a t e r p u m p circulates this coolant. A separate w a t e r p u m p supplied by Ruston and H o r n s b y circulates t h e r a w w a t e r . This p u m p sucks r a w w a t e r t h r o u g h an o i l c o o l e r and delivers t o t h e heat exchanger t h r o u g h t h e w a t e r c o o l e d exhaust m a n i f o l d . F r o m t h e w a t e r cooled exhaust manifold t h e r a w w a t e r is discharged o v e r b o a r d . W i t h this system t h e Rover t h e r m o s t a t is f i t t e d . 32 duilt TWO Laet Spring (1) Keel pfjj^ 2009 cooled T h e keel cooled system is s p l i t i n t o t w o c a t e g o r i e s — (o) As applied to engines up t o and including 3,000 r . p . m . {£>) As applied to engines f r o m 3,001 t o 3,600 r.p.m. Category (a) T h e engine coolant system is a closed c i r c u i t . T h e Rover w a t e r p u m p draws engine coolant f r o m t h e header t a n k and circulates it a r o u n d t h e engine, i n t o t h e w a t e r cooled exhaust manifold and t h e n t h r o u g h t h e keel c o o l e r , w h i c h is a bank of pipes f i t t e d t o t h e o u t s i d e o f t h e hull near t h e boat keel. F r o m t h e keel c o o l e r t h e coolant passes t h r o u g h t h e l u b r i c a t i n g o i l c o o l e r and back t o t h e header t a n k . In this system t h e Rover t h e r m o s t a t is replaced by one supplied by Ruston and H o r n s b y and a r e s t r i c t o r is arranged in t h e bypass pipe by Ruston and Hornsby. Category (b) T h e system is as o u t l i n e d f o r category (a) e x c e p t t h a t t h e l u b r i c a t i n g oil c o o l e r is not i n c o r p o r a t e d in t h e keel cooled system. In this case, Ruston and H o r n s b y f i t a separate w a t e r p u m p t h a t circulates r a w w a t e r t h r o u g h the l u b r i c a t i n g o i l c o o l e r and t h e n o v e r b o a r d . In many installations t h e r a w w a t e r in 1 , 2 and 3 category (b) w i l l n o t be t a k e r d i r e c t l y o v e r b o a - d . T h e r a w w a t e r w i l l be used f o r spray c o o l i n g the exhaust o r c i r c u l a t e d a r o u n d a w a t e r cooled exhaust silencer. Items 1-12 inclusive apply t o all t y p e s . 1. Diesel in e c t o r springs are o f a d i f f e r e n t rating and t h e r e f o r e t h e standard Rover in ectors should n o t be f i t t e d . 2. T h e Diesel i n j e c t o r p u m p is d i f f e r e n t l y rated after d e l i v e r y o f the engine t o Ruston's and t h e r e f o r e t h e standard p u m p is not interchangeable. 3. A l l l o w pressure fuel p i p i n g is Ruston manufactured and d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e standard Rover parts, largely because t h e fuel f i l t e r is m o u n t e d on t h e engine. 4. T h e d i p s t i c k has d i f f e r e n t markings. 5. T h e i n l e t manifold is a Rover p a r t m o d i f i e d . 6. T h e air cleaner is a Ruston i t e m . 7. T h e exhaust manifold is w a t e r c o o l e d . T h e exhaust manifold clamp, Part N o . 500961, is a s t a n d a r d Rover p a r t . 8. T h e feet on t h e c y l i n d e r b l o c k are Ruston designed. 9. T h e oil cooler, pipes and c o n n e c t i o n s on t h e engine are all special. 10. A l l w a t e r p i p i n g on t h e R u s t o n engine is special. 11. T h e e x t e n s i o n shaft and pulley at t h e f o r w a r d end of t h e crankshaft is special. 12. A l l speed c o n t r o l s on t h e engine and g e a r b o x are special. 33 built TWO Spring Last 13. 2009 T h e i n s t r u m e n t panel is a Ruston p a r t b u t some standard Rover c o m p o n e n t s are used. These are as f o l l o w s : (a) W a r n i n g lights (if t h e l u b r i c a t i n g oil pressure indicating l i g h t is f i t t e d , t h e n t h e l u b r i c a t i n g oil pressure s w i t c h is also f i t t e d . This is a R o v e r part.) (b) Heater s t a r t e r s w i t c h . (c) Voltage-controi regulator (d) H e a t e r plug resistance coil. W h e n a t a c h o m e t e r is f i t t e d , the camshaft end cover, l u b r i c a t i n g o i l d r a i n pipe f r o m c o v e r t o crankcase, oil feed pipe t o r o c k e r s and t a c h o m e t e r d r i v e are all special parts. Item 14 applies t o d i r e c t cooled engines o n l y . 14. The w a t e r p u m p assembly is a Ruston part, but t h e t h e r m o s t a t housing, etc., are Rover c o m p o n e n t s . T h e Rover p a r t n u m b e r s used in this application are: 247874 516059 511957 256209 524200 511958 C o r r o s i o n resistant plugs are f i t t e d in t h e c y l i n d e r oiock and exhaust manifold. Item 15 applies t o heat exchanger cooled engines: 15. T h e w a t e r p u m p puiley is special. Item 16 applies t o keel cooled engines: 16. T h e t h e r m o s t a t , w a t e r o u t l e t pipe and r e s t r i c t o r in the bypass pipe are special. 17. W h e n t h e engine is f i t t e d w i t h a Parsons a u t o m a t i c g e a r b o x t h e oil c o n n e c t i o n block b e t w e e n the l u b r i c a t i n g oil f i l t e r and the c y l i n d e r block is special. For items 1 and 2, replacements should be o b t a i n e d f r o m Ruston and H o r n s b y d i r e c t , t h r o u g h t h e local Ruston dealer o r C . A . V . A g e n t . A l l modifications and new design e q u i p m e n t referred t o in items 3 t o 17 are supplied by Ruston and H o r n s b y L t d . , and any replacements can be o b t a i n e d from them. Kent area news... Events Calendar for 2009 A p r i l 12th Willesborough Windmill, nr Ashford (Easter Sunday) May 2nd - 4th Kent County Show (with Invicta Land Rover Club), Paddock Wood* June 13th - 14th Wrotham Classic Steam and Transport Rally, Wrotham* June 20th - 21st Dunsfold Collection Open Weekend, nr Godalming (S2C event) July 4th Bigg July 12th Darling Buds Show, nr Ashford* Aug Series 2 Club International Rally, Fakenham, Norfolk 7th - 10th i n H i l l Festival, Biggin H i l l O c t 4th London to Brighton Land Rover R u n * Dec Christmas meal - details to be added (provisionally Sat 19th) *Note: Those planning to attend these events need to inform the Area Co-ordinators in advance so that the appropriate number of places can be arranged on the club stand. Sean & Hazel Smeeth Area Organisers, Garden o f England 34 Built TWO 5pring last 2009 'Sa/Ty' Photos Kent Area Rep Sean Smeeth using his Land Rover 'Saffy'for what only Land Rovers do best Spring 2009 A member writes... It will come as no surprise to many of you to hear that progress on the rebuild of my 1966 2A IWB has been very slow to say the least. Members may recall we acquired 'Captain Flack' a few years ago and bought a new galvanised chassis to p u t it o n . The bodywork was i n very good condition, but the chassis was a goner! The vehicle's name was chosen when we discovered to our surprise that it had originally been a Crown vehicle, used as a fire tender support vehicle on the Windsor Castle estate. Having grown up i n the era o f Camberwick Green, we decided to pay tribute to the Trumpton Fire Brigade. A flurry o f enthusiasm left 'Captain Flack' i n numerous heaps around the cowshed, whilst the new chassis sat proudly on axle stands for all to see. What can we say — we have no excuse other than too many shows, not enough cash, not enough days in the week, you've heard it all before. year. A n d so, we have vowed to spend one day o f every weekend working on the vehicle. So far progress has been slow but steady, the rear springs were i n reasonable condition, so they have been cleaned up and re fitted. The front springs were no longer serviceable, possibly because this originally petrol-engined 2A had been fitted with a diesel engine for several years. Since we plan to return 'Captain Flack' to petrol power we tried to source new front springs for a petrol L W B to no avail. To avoid any further delay, we have just fitted new front springs for a LWB diesel - we don't think it w i l l make much difference, but i f the landy points skywards, we'll just fit a winch! By the time this issue lands on your doorstep, we hope to be the proud parents o f a rolling chassis. The back axle has been completely stripped and rebuilt. O n inspection, 36 duilt 5pring TWO Last 2009 Brian found the front axle to be i n a better state than the rear although it did sport a mastic diff gasket! Adding insult to injury, it was leaking! Obviously this w i l l need to be sorted. I n the meantime, I w i l l be working on cleaning the petrol engine Chris Bentley has very kindly donated to the project. The dogs and I w i l l all be thanking h i m when we don't find ourselves w i t h bleeding eardrums from the noise from the tractor like diesel 'Captain Flack' came with! Don't get me wrong, the diesel engine is i n good nick, but a petrol one w i l l be so much nicer for our requirements. The bulkhead has been sand blasted, footwells repaired and door pillars replaced. A n original Zenith carb has been completely fettled by Carburettor Exchange. We even bought new door tops from Rocky Mountain at our 2007 Kelmarsh National. The next big outlay is going to be for a new loom and all the bits and bobs for a new brake system — it's frightening how quickly all those small items add up to hundreds o f pounds!! The cowshed is incredibly cluttered w i t h not only this rebuild project, but also Brian's 1960 series 2, a trike, a Brockhouse trailer, grain feeder, bale lifter, other trailers, a triumph bike, a family of farm cats, the odd mouse and a pheasant! Every time we need to work on 'Captain Flack', ' W i l l ' , Brian's SWB, must first be moved half way out o f the building. Better that than working on a cold driveway mind you! Space is tight at the moment. Atleastthe neighbours are friendly. Well, wish us luck in our project, I ' m sure we'll see many o f you at the various shows throughout the year.You never know, we may even manage to bring 'Captain Flack' to Fakenham. Cat Crelling Central Shires 37 Built TWO 5pring Last 2009 yjarr^r^-Tzr-v 1 Crossword Across 1. Stop Head Side Fairy... {6) 3. The only place t o get an early 2.25 petrol engine. (8) 8. Club joiner not h a p p y with chassis strengthening. (5,6) 9. Rev Arnold loves Wilks' Willys. 0) 10. Knight Rider's C K D car. (3) 12. Below Swansea? Surely not. (5) 14. Plenty of these in 1. Across. (6) 16. Extraordinary indicator. (6) 18. Impound knackered engine. (5) 20. Used with a matching cotter as a fastening. (3) 21. Not 13 D o w n . (4, 5) 23. Airport data, can leak. (8, 3) 24. Canine transmission. (8) 25. Milky sap, of a bush? (6) Down 1. Olden Ale, birthplace. (8) 2. What ecologically sound glass boats d o . (11) 4. Windscreen sunscreen. (5) 5. Holding d o w n many a canvas tilt. (9) 6. Leap or leaf? (6) 7. Herbert's tool to clean his Land Rover. (6) 8. A Land Rover? Surely not. (3) 11. Keeps y o u cool o n safari. (8,3) 13. Had banker used this, may have halted downfall. (4,5) 15. Upholder of the LR heritage. (8) 17. Cold knees as electrical problems manifest. (6) 19. Trick Rodney into believing small e n d is big e n d . (6) 21. Fishing in carburettor reservoir. (5) 22. 2.25 petrol has 72. (3) Answers on page 48 Sunday 14th June 2009 how T h e Football Field, C h u r c h Lane, Yardley Hastings, Northampton. (A428 Bedford to Northampton R o a d ) Supporting Yardley United Football C l u b Open from 9.30 till 4.30 A day of transport & farming of days gone by F R E E PARKING Adults , £ 2 . 5 0 , Senior Citizens & Children ,£1.50 Family (2+2) , £ 6 . 0 0 Dogs welcome, but must be on a lead at all times. Cars, tractors, military & commercials, fire engines, stationary engines, motorbikes, birds of prey, kids rides, tombola stall, refreshments available plus m u c h more*. Enquiries and exhibitor forms call: 01604 696132 * A l l exhibits attend subject to availability & weather conditions * Held in conjunction with Yardley United Football Club & The Land Rover Series 2 Club 38 Built Spring TWO Last 2009 'The Nail' A Poem by Steve Pickard Member 2163 You're the best by far Y o u can't s e e m to stop You're m y favourite c a r Y o u r d o o r hinges drop Y o u b a n g a n d rattle Y o u s m o k e far too m u c h Y o u feed m y cattle Y o u ' v e a heavy old c l u t c h Y o u leak like a sieve I ' m sure that y o u live Your wipers don t work I ' m g o i n g berserk Y o u s e l d o m break d o w n You're m y p r i d e a n d j o y Y o u get m e to t o w n You're m y favourite toy Y o u go t h r o u g h the fields You're the greatest o f fun Y o u go up a n d d o w n hills Snow, r a i n or s u n Y o u let i n the water Y o u never s e e m to fail I love y o u like a daughter I ' m i n awe o f ' T h e N a i l ' • Thames Valley Area Camping & Offloading Weekend Sibbertoft ( L E 1 6 9UJ) 22-24 M a y 2009 D o n ' t forget to book your place o n the above event, places are still available a n d M a r k C o x o n w i l l n e e d y o u r deposits as s o o n as possible. I f you need more information please contact either: Mark C o x o n (Boggy) v i a the club f o r u m or E r i c L e u z i n g e r (Loz2286) v i a r thamesvalley@ser Ies2 club. co. uk or o n 07966 578809 39 Built Spring TWO Last 2009 Scotland South.. • New Area Rep. H i Folks. Felix here, taking over from Jim Leslie as area rep for Scotland South. Jim did a Sterling j o b as the first area rep for our fledgling chapter, taking us from noching to something after that historic moment i n the Hawes Inn i n Dalmeny (near Edinburgh under the Forth Bridge). Sadly for us (maybe not for Jim) he has moved up north to take up his ancestral seat and manage his estates with the deer and w i l d haggis near to the Arctic Circle. So that leaves me to carry on his good works and nurse my fellow affected i n the coming years, hopefully keeping them amused and active. For my own part I contracted the illness, a mere boy o f 18, when I purchased a '59 SWB with an M O T and full tank of petrol from some bloke out at a fuel station i n rural Glasgow for the sum of £ 3 8 0 quid. I drove it everywhere on my 5 quid a week dole money until I went to U n i and needed to pay for food and other luxuries. Alas it had to go. Many years pass and time comes to sell off the family pile for the old man moving abroad. Among the decaying debris I came across some pics o f the old heap and promptly purchased 'Mabel.' So here we are now. Where do we go from here? Well hopefully we w i l l take the club stand to a few events up here during the summer and recruit some more members. We intend to be at the following shows: 1. Scottish A l l Rover Rally - Thirlestane (lauder) - 23rd-24th May 2. 35th Scottish Transport Extravaganza - Glamis Castle - 11th-12th July 3. Bigger Rally - Bigger - 16th August 40 duilt TWO Last 5pring 2009 and possibly.... 4. 21st Annual Vintage Rally - Brucefield Ladybank Fife - 22nd-23rd August 5. Farming Yesteryear - Scone Palace - 12th-13th September I am very interested to hear from members who can bring their vehicles to any o f these events, especially i f you don't normally attend, to go on the stand so I can let the organisers know what size plot we need. Felix Jarvis South Scotland Area 25th Anniversary of the Series 2 Club This year sees the 25th Anniversary of our club and the club would like to mark this someway in the Autumn issue of the magazine. It w o u l d be nice i f any o f the early members w h o are still out there could maybe tell us o f something o f how the club came to life and memories o f those early days. I f anyone knows o f someone w h o may not now be a club member but maybe w i l l i n g to share some o f their memories w i t h us I w o u l d appreciate i f you could contact them or let me have their contact details. Has any one any photos o f early club events or get together's that they could scan for me for the magazine. Editor 41 duilt TWO Last 5pring 2009 Dorset & Devon Autumn Adventures A Day of Discovery (or Series 2's) Jackie and I needed to get away from the constantly ringing telephone and 20-30 emails a day. Having been involved i n some local (to us) issues which had recently been finalised, we hit our normal escape plan and headed for West Dorset/East Devon via my sisters and fellow 2 club member, my nephew, Tom (just to make sure I didn't totally miss out on Land Rovers. We arrived at our accommodation, an annexe to a farmhouse near Honiton in Devon. Smallicombe farm specialised i n rare breeds o f pigs, cattle and fowl and living up to its description o f rare breed, one o f the two Land Rovers on the farm was turbo diesel 110" hi cap, not that many made, let alone survive, especially w i t h the turbo 2.5 still fitted (not one o f Land Rover's best power units). This was 'protected' by a good covering o f bird droppings, moss and some quite odd vegetation. The chassis was red rust but reasonably sound, the bulkhead had seen better days although I have seen much worse, but the tub was water tight, evident by the amount of water it contained. Next day we explored the local lanes (yes, i n our famous off roading Ford C-max) and discovered this gem o f a Series IIa across the valley. Having stopped and admired the vehicle I waited for someone to come out as a Border Collie within was sounding the alarm. As no-one appeared I photographed it and we continued on our way to Colyton. Before reaching Colyford we came across a Series Two at Heathhayne. This is getting better all the time I thought - amid loud sighs from Jackie! The main purpose o f our first outing was to find the easiest way to the A3052 coast road then continuing to Sidmouth to the sea, never expecting to be dosed up with medication for my incurable 'Serioustwoitus'. We neared our destination but turned off to Sidmouth on one o f the side roads to find the last prize o f the day, this lovely Series Two -early Ha complete w i t h a Series 2 Club Radiator badge. Well, the sea view was great but the Series 2's were better! O h yes, one more i n Bridport, a late IIa Marshall Ambulance i n drab grey and stickers but no photos. Dave 42 Dutton duilt Spring TWO Laet 2009 Questions & Answers Mark Rumsey has kindly offered to help us with a questions and answers page. I f you have a question you would like to see answered in the magazine please send it to the magazine address (see editorial) or e-mail mark direct on [email protected] Please mark all questions 'Built Two Last Q&A'. All correspondence will be replied to as quickly as possible to ensure y o u don't need to wait until the next issue o f the magazine for your answer. Its t i m e to p u t s o m e s e r i o u s w o r k i n t o the L a n d R o v e r s a g a i n , so I ' m b a c k w i t h s o m e s e r i o u s answers to s o m e serious q u e s t i o n . L e t s start w i t h s o m e t h i n g f r o m overseas. Q H i , I am in South Africa and have got 2 series 3 with 2.25 petrol motors in and a TD5. We are farmers here, i n Underberg, Natal. I am buying a series 2a and have a choice o f putting in a 2.5 defender motor[petrol] or a 2.25 diesel that was overhauled 15000kms ago. The vehicle w i l l be used for farm use and the diesel would be better, as we have diesel i n tanks on the farm M y question is is the motor a reliable one, O R A R E T H E Y PROBLEM ENGINES??? W h i c h one would you go for??? Many thanks. J B W r i g h t (via email) A Personally I would go for the diesel engine. If the engines were in the same condition the petrol would probably last longer. However, the diesel has not done much since it was overhauled and will be in almost as new condition. These engines are very reliable i f they are properly maintained and will cover up to 200,000kms on regular servicing with perhaps a timing chain at about 100,000kms. I f they are abused, however, they can fail early, sometimes in a very big way. To make sure the engine is reliable, make sure you change the oil regularly, that is at least every 10,000kms, or preferably sooner i f you are doing lots of low speed driving or heavy work, and use a good quality 20W/50 oil. Also make sure you change the fuel filter regularly and keep the cooling system in good condition. These engines will not tolerate running without water, cracking the cylinder head i f run for more than a minute or two with no cooling. It is true the petrol is less likely to suffer i f the oil is not changed or it is allowed to overheat, but it is also likely to suffer carburettor and electrical problems that will not affect the diesel at all. So, i f you keep a check of the oil and water the diesel is actually going to be more reliable. We run two 2.25 diesels, one in a 109" Series 2A and one in a Series 2B forward control and they have generally proved to be very reliable. The engine in the forward control is now very worn and difficult to start and is now due for replacement, but it has never let us down. Q H i I hope you w i l l be able to help me with my problem. Could you please tell me i f it is possible to inspect and remove the selector shafts and forks on my series 2a Land Rover without actually removing the whole gear box. A t first I lost all my gears but I have now removed the rear propeller shaft and 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th seem to turn but I cannot get reverse. I would be very grateful i f you have any suggestions to help me. Thank you. S. Lawry (via email) A It is possible to get at the selector shafts from above quite easily. First, remove the floor plates and tunnel cover to expose the top of the gearbox. Next remove the gear lever. N o w remove the two black brackets from each side of the box held on by two small bolts. These hold the detent springs and balls for the 43 duilt TWO Laet reverse and 3rd/4th selector shafts. Recover the rubber seal, and i f you can get them out remove the springs and balls. Next remove the brass plug located between the two brackets then remove the lst/2nd selector shaft detent spring and ball i f you can. Chances are you will be able to remove the spring, but not the ball. I f this is the case find a long thin magnet to pull it out, but don't worry i f you can't get it out. N o w undo the two bolts holding the back end of the gearbox top cover to the transfer box and remove the two nuts holding the cover to the gearbox. I f you could not get the ball out of the hole, put the magnet back in to hold it as you lift off the top cover, taking care not to disturb the other balls (if they are still in there) and the detent plungers between the shafts. Take care whilst doing this as you do not want to lose the balls or plungers, and you certainly don't want one to fall inside the gearbox otherwise the only way to get it out will be to remove and strip the box. Reassembly, as they say, is the reverse of dismantling. M y guess is your problem is just dirty detent balls and plungers sticking in the grooves and a good clean should sort it out. Q I am currently restoring my Series I I , which is a 1968 model. I would like to purchase some new tyres for the car, as the old ones are extremely worn. I would like to purchase some all-terrain tyres so that when I have finished restoring her I can take her on a trip. M y friend has a modern Defender (TD5) and she recently bought a set o f BF Goodrich A l l Terrain tyres. However, I wasn't sure i f they would be appropriate for a Series I I (and i f I would need new wheels for them as well). A Scott-Bayfield (via email) A You can put almost any tyre on a Series 2 that will fit a Defender, but they don't always work that well. The best sizes are the original cross ply sizes, that is 6.00x16 and 7.50x16, the latter also being available as a radial. Good modern alternatives are the 205/80R16 and the 235/85R16.You can go bigger if you want, but you don't really gain anything except heavy 44 Spring 2009 steering. In terms of wheel rims, 6.00x16 tyres go on the original 5" wide SWB rims and 7.50x16 and 205/80R16 on the 5.5" wide LWB rims. The 235/85 really needs to go on a wider rim such as the 6.5" FC/130 rim or 8 spokes. It is possible to get the 235/85 onto a 5.5" LWB rim, but the tyre is a bit pinched and tends to be a little unstable on road and does not wear evenly. Similarly, putting a 205/80 or a 7.50 onto a 5" rim can have the same problems. When it comes to tread patterns the BFG AT is a good tyre for mosdy road use with the occasional light off road outing and works extremely well on a Series Land Rover for that mix of driving. It is very hard to recommend a tyre as there are so many factors that influence the type of tyre that is right for you. I f you want originality in terms of look and/or performance you have to stick with a chunky cross ply, but that means you have to live with the noise and skittish handling. I f you want good on road performance and are not too worried about originality a more modern AT type tyre radial would be better. Apart from those specifically branded as all terrain there are also a few other mixed use tyres about such as the 7.50x16 Avon Rangemaster which has good on road manners without sacrificing as much off road performance as some AT tyres. If you are going mosdy off road, you want something chunkier, which means either the original cross plys again or a modern mud tyre. Size is also an issue. Taller tyres give more ground clearance off road and give higher gearing, but do blunt performance and can sometimes make towing more difficult. Also, wider and taller tyres generally mean a bigger turning circle unless you use wheel spacers or rims with extra offset to push the tyres out. Overall you have to decide what you want out of the tyres to find the best compromise for you. Q The fuel gauge on my 1962 has suddenly developed a problem. A t rest it reads normally, after about 4 miles it waves frantically. I have checked the earth at the sender, when shorted to earth at the sender the gauge goes to empty, i f the sender is open circuit the gauge reads full as usual. duilt Spring TWO Last I suspect the voltage stabiliser unit but how do I check it please? Thank you. D Allen (via email) A This is a very common problem, and actually very easy to fix. Firstly, its not a voltage regulator problem as the fuel gauge used up to 1966 does not use a voltage regulator. Instead the early system uses a balanced gauge that is not sensitive to the voltage like the later gauges. It also reads instantly when the ignition is switched on and the needle will move around as the fuel sloshes in the tank. This is normal behaviour. When the gauge goes bouncy like yours, flicking frantically to full, the problem is in the sender. Replacement senders for these early gauges are no longer available, and it is not possible to use the later sender as that just makes the gauge work backwards. Fortunately this is not a problem as the fault in the sender is almost always dirt and grime. Remove the plate from beneath the seat and remove the four screws securing the top cover on the sender and remove the cover. You will now see a wire wrapped bobbin with one or two sliding contacts. Using some electrical contact cleaner, carefully clean the wire wrapped bobbin and 2009 contacts. I f you need to rub the bobbin, use only a cotton bud or soft nylon toothbrush taking care not to damage or dislodge the wire. The sliding contacts can be cleaned carefully using fine emery paper, but again be careful not to damage anything. Once this is cleaned up you should find the gauge bounces less or stops bouncing completely and reads the fuel level correctly at all times, allowing for some movement as the fuel sloshes around. WARNING Advice and replies to technical questions are being given by amateurs. None of the Committee, Directors or branch representatives are professional motor mechanics. Their advice is based upon their experience which is not comprehensive. Please be aware that any action you take, or do not take on your vehicle after reading this magazine is entirely up to you and at your own risk. Neither the Club, It's directors nor Officers will accept any liability for any loss or injury you suffer after reading the advice given. Essex Area news... Hopefully things will he warming up by the time you are reading this copy of the magazine. Only last weekend the Essex group Christmas meal took place at Chequers i n Goldhanger (nr Maldon).A wonderful meal with a fantastic group o f people, even the ones we let in from south o f the river! Good food, fine ales and great company. What more could you want? The same again next year I hear you cry. Don't worry, I have it pencilled in already. W i t h thoughts o f warmer weather and long summer evenings I have to remind you o f the planned events for the summer. Our world famous summer camp is a must, so get i n touch and I ' l l give you all the details you need. We are also attending the Aldham Olde Tyme Rally again this year. It's held over the 6th and 7th June, we w i l l be camping but don't worry i f you can only manage one day (you don't have to camp). Get i n touch as soon as you can and I ' l l include you i n our group display. We w i l l also be attending other one day shows and events, so look out for the newsletter (I'll try and get one out i n the spring), check this magazine, look on the club website or give me a call (number i n the front o f this magazine). I f the weather proves a little kinder than the last couple o f years then I intend to get a few more green lane days organised, let me know i f you'd be interested. Bob 45 TWO Spring Last Club Shop Technical Publications on CD-ROMS Price (incl P&P) CD-ROM-LHP-20 Covers the Series II model 1958 to 1961 CD-ROM-LHP-21 Covers the Series IIA & IIB from 1961 to 1971 £19.00 £19.00 Each CD-Rom has original Workshop Manuals, Parts Catalogues and Owners Handbooks. Complete contents are listed on Series 2 Club website. The CD-Roms for other Land Rover models can be ordered from the Club shop. Boiler Suit With Club Logo Fleece J a c k e t with Club Logo Blue & Green state chest size Green - m to xxxxl £33.00 £23.10 Polo Shirt w i t h Club Logo (old style) - Green - s £13.80 Safari shirt w i t h Club Logo Polo Shirt w i t h Club Logo Khaki - m to xxl £24.80 T-Shirt w i t h Club Logo - Green - chiids 9-11 £10.40 Baseball Cap Sweat Shirt w i t h Club Logo Green - s to xl £17.70 £8.85 Coasters W i n d o w Stickers HI III UNO LAST Available as External or Internal in the styles above £1.50 46 set of four £6.10 2009 duilt TWO Last Spring 2009 pi Club Shop Drawstring Bag Umbrella £4.65 £18.00 Bottle Opener Teddy Bear wearing a Tee Shirt with S2C Logo. - £7.00 £3.90 Stainless Steel Radiator Badge 'ROVER, Series 2 Club Brass Badge • • ' • •• - : £7.50 rwi/0 £8.30 Key Ring - L R brass £5.00 Pen £1.00 W i n d o w Sticker - S2c .84 Hoodies w i t h Club Logo £18.50 including postage Names can n o w be added t o g a r m e n t s f o r a £1 charge • Post and packing charges (for U K destinations) are included in all the above prices. What you see is what you pay. • Overseas purchasers, please contact the Shop Manager for further information. • Discounts may be available against P&P for multiple or large orders. Contact the Shop Manager for further information. Please send order plus cheque made payable to the 'Series 2 Club Ltd' to the shop address: P O Box 201, R u n c o r n , W A 7 3 W S 47 at duilt — Winter Last 2003 Odds & Sods Mo&ti? Series (But For sale Heavy Duty Swing Away Wheel Carrier For Sale Heavy Duty • Hard top 88: Plain £ 5 0 • Side Windowed £ 5 0 • Body 109 Exceptional Body-Pickup • Seat Frames 88/109 • 88 Body • Axles & Diffs • Bonnets • Seat Box Swing Away £90 Wheel £20 & £30 Carrier for £30 (4.7) S2 canvas or from £ 1 0 hardtop from £ 1 0 Truckcab. £30 • Front Panels 2 & 2a • Dated Wheel rims £20 • Hydraulic P.T.O. Kit • F / R Lights, Misc • Grilles - Mesh • Engines, Petrol £20 • Gearbox £io • Some Deep Sill Panels 88/109 £20 • Windscreen Assys, glazed £10 • Wing Panels: New 330426,330427 • Apron Panels 332640 • Much More Please enquire LWB Deluxe Bonnet with spare wheel insert. each £ 1 0 Contact Rob Hancock £75 on 01685 812213 before 8.30 pm from £ 2 from £ 1 0 £150/Pr £10 L . Stafford Dovey Mem No: 1043 Tel: 01597 810058 BBBBBBB Q Q Q I QBBBBBBBBB Li D El B H B BBBFBBBP BOP Li B B BB B BBBB E BBBBBB B BB BB B BBBBBP B PBBB B BB B B B EBP BBBBBBBB B BBBB B BBBBBBBBBB B a o B O B BBBEBEB B UUP D I R E C T O R Y Doing a rebuild? Just trying to get your old shed through the MOT? Planning some modiftcatiotis? Some particular parts can be difficult to find. Some of the following contacts may be of use to you. We don't warrant the suppliers included here: you will still need to satisfy yourself that their products or services are up to scratch. CHASSIS: Richard's Chassis 01709 577477 www.richardschassis. co. nk Designa Chassis 01302 341153 www.designa-chassis.co.uk ENGINES: Turner Engineering (4 cylinder engines) 01342 834713 . www.turner-engineering.co.uk Steve Parker (engine conversions) 01706 854222 www.steve-parker.co.uk TRANSMISSIONS: L E G S 01691 653737 www.legs.co.uk Ashcroft Transmissions 01582 496040 www.ashcroft-transniissions.co.uk SUSPENSION: Rocky Mountain (parabolic springs) www.parabolicsprings.com BRAKE AND CLUTCH: Automec 01280 822818 www.automec.co.uk ELECTRICAL: Auto Sparks (wiring looms) 0115 949 7211 www.autosparks.co.uk Vehicle Wiring Products 0115 9305454 www.vehicle-wiring-products.co.uk Holden Vintage and Classic L t d 01885 488000 www.holden.co.uk Auto Electric Supplies 01584 819552 www.autoelectricsupplies.co.uk j^-jj. FUEL SYSTEM: carburettor Exchange 01525 371369 www.carbex.demon.co.uk Burlen (Zenith Carbs) 01722 412 500 www.burlen.co.uk CORROSION MANAGEMENT: Rustbuster 01733 558161 www.rust. co.uk NUTS AND BOLTS: Screwfix 0500 414141 www.screwfix.com Namrick 01273 736963 www.namrick.co.uk TRIM AND HOODS: E x m o o r T r i m 01984 635060 www.exmoortrim.co.uk LaSalle (interior trim) 01974 831659 http://freespace.virgin.net/lasalle.trim Woolies T r i m 01778 347347 www.woolies-trim.co.uk GENERAL PARTS: Chris Perfect Components 01570 423206 www.chrisperfect.com Paddock Spares 08454 584499 www.paddockspares.com D L S 01629 822185 www.dls-uk.co.uk Dunsfold 01483 200567 www.dunsfold.com Brookwell 01626 832555 www.brookwell.co.uk MISCELLANEOUS: Baines (rubber mouldings) 01892 543311 www.coh-baines.co.uk Speedy Cables (instrumentation & control) 01639 732213 www.speedycables.com Gower Oaks (instruments) 01639 732299 www.gower-oaks.co.uk Vintage Plates (number plates) 01942 820181 www.mgm-spares.co.uk/vintage-plates Framptons (number plates) 023 9226 4755 www.pl8s.co.uk TOOLS: Frost Auto Restoration Techniques 01706 658619 www.frost.co.uk John Craddock 0845 3444 111 www.johncraddockltd.co.uk Imperial Tool Company 08707 605 163 www.imperial-tool.ltd.uk Dingocroft ( O E M parts) 01494 448367 www.dingocroft.co.uk Difflock 0845 125 9407 www.difflock.com This information has been takenfromthe Club website, if you have any other companies you think should be included on the list please contact the Webmaster. If you prefer to write in, send details to the editor at the usual address and they can be fonvarded to him.