SABAH TOURIST TRANSPORTATION VIRTUAL GUIDE JESSEKAH INGLANI) This reportis to be sentto fulfrll the criteriaof pursuingthe DegreeBachelorof ComputerScience Faculty Computer Scienceand Information System University Technology Malaysia October2004 m Abstrak sektor pelanconganadalahsalah satu sumberekonomi yang penting bagi Negarakita. Didapati bahawabilangan pelancongsemakinmeningkat setiaptahun. Denganitu, satu sistempembantupelancongyang piawai haruslahdibangunkan.Focus projek adalahuntuk membangunkansatu sistempelanconganberasaskankenderaan, secaraatastalian denganmenggunakanpenggabunganteknologi ASp dan HTML. Besertadenganteknologi ini diaplikasikan denganpenggaturcaraandinamik Floyd warshall dengantujuan untuk mendapatkanjalan terpendekuntuk pelancong. Floyd Warshall merupakansatumethodologi yangjuga dikenali sebagai"allpair shortestpath method". Floyd mempunyaikompleksiti o(n3) menyimpandata dalambentuk matriks, dan data matriks bagi Nodefij] dalam Floyd digunakanuntuk mendapatkanjalan laluan dalam graf. PengaplikasianASP dan Floyd dalam sistemini dijangkaakan menghasilkansatu sistemyang bergunaterutmanyadalam pengiraan jarak terpendekdi antaratempat-tempatpelancongan.Dalam thesisini, implementasi algoritma Floyd bersamadenganpengujian sistem akan dilaporkan. IV Abstract Tourism industry is believed as one of the incomesfor our country. Along with the incrementalamount of tourist, a proper tourist guide is essential.The focus of this project is thereforeto develop a web-basedtransportationvirtual guide using the combinationtechnology of ASP Scripting and HTML, along with the dynamic programmingof Floyd Warshall in the pulpose of finding the best way for tourist to reachto their destination. Floyd Warshall is an all-pair shortestpath method used in searchingthe shortest path within a grapV map. With time complexity of O(n3;, datarepresentand define in matrixesand the predecessor pointerof Node[ij] is usedto extractthe final path within a graph.The combinationof both ASP and Floyd in this systemis expectedto be useful and able to calculatethe bestpath for tourist within the stateof Sabah.Here in this thesis,the Algorithm itself and the implementationprocessof the whole system development, along with the systemtestingwill be revealed. 124 Bibliography t t 1 Hartmut Noltemeier, G. Goos, and J. Hartmanis.Lecture Notesin ComputerScience - "Graphtheoritic Conceptsin ComputerScience", Berlin: Springer-Verlag,1981' ReinhardDiestel. Graduate Textsin Mathematics, "Graph Theory". New York: Springer-V erlag, 1997. Inc., Shimon Even. Graph Algorithms. Technion lnstitute: Computer SciencePress t979. Th, Moore, 8,.F. The ShortestPath ThroughA Maze,Proc.Iternat' Symp' Switching -292' tg57,PartII, HarvardUniv. Press,1959,pp. 285 H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel. Java How to Program, 4thedition. Parentice-Hallnlnc', 2002. Behrouz A. Forouzan,CatherineCoombs,and SophiaChung Fegan.Data Communicationand Networking 2"dedition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2000. 7. David Harms,..ISP,Servlets,and A[y SQL. 8. Azah Kamilah Muda, Mohd Razak Samingan,Norsham Idris, RadziahMohamad' SuhaizanY:aiat,HishamuddinAsmuni, Nor Bahiah Hj. Ahmad, Puteh Saad,Shahliza 125 AbdulHalim, Pengaturcaraanorientasi objek, UML & JAVA, Malaysia:McGraw- HilI,2002. RangkaianLaluan Terpendek 9. MohclFadly bin MohamadMastori,SistemAnalisa BerasaskanWeb,IJniversity BagiDestinasiPelanconganSeluruhNegeriJohor TechnologyMalaysia:ThesisDegreeProject" Algorithns for 10.shashiShekhar,Ashim Kohli, and Mark coyle, Path contputation : ComputerScience Advance Travel er Informati on System (ATIS), Minneapolis Department,University of Minnesota,MN 55455' l l . Danijel Shkocai,Ales Jaklic,Ales Leonardia,and Francsolina, Building Java-client/ Laboratory,Facultyfor CGI-ServerApptication,Slovenia:ComputerVision Computerand InformationScience,University of Ljubljana' t2. Howard Kleiman, l'he Ftoyd-warshallAlgorithtns,TheAP And The zsP, "Not Published". 1 A I -). system,uMuc, CMST 386' carl E. Moris, InJbrmationsystemAnalysis Building August,2002 Kauffman,JuanT' t 4 .chris Ullman, David Buser,Jon Duckett,Brian Francis,John 3'0, wrox PressLtd, 1999 Llibre, David Sussman,BeginningActive server Pages astii e/iavalshortest-p ath/shortest rrath'hml I 5. http:/i \4le1n'.brunel qr'html 16. http:i /wwrv'.c3/l'}" 126 http:/ I s.html com/brewin 22.http://wwwi avatrowered. org/ 23.http://IEEE.Xplorer. 24.http://www.Sabahtravelguide'com 26.httl:llww\ry.g{es.cown'yitginLa'e4ulnl.2n/t-eaqhing/lilc-:htm sp/jspfaq.html 27.httrr://www.esperanto.ore.nzlj .net 28.htn:I lwww.php3 29.
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