0324 – March Newsletter - Minocqua Forest Riders!
0324 – March Newsletter - Minocqua Forest Riders!
M I N O C Q U A Forest Riders Snowmobile Club A Quarterly Newsletter Issue Number 4 - March 2016 Membership Renewal Notice Our membership year begins April 1st and ends March 31st. Any memberships received after receipt of this newsletter will be credited for the 2016-2017 season. The Board of Directors has decided to continue with the New Membership Referral Program. You earn one raffle ticket for each new member you recruit to join our club. Just make sure that your recruit fills in your name at the bottom of their enrollment form. Your ticket(s) will be entered into a merchandise drawing to be held at the annual Kickoff To Snowmobiling Party. There are two ways to renew your membership for the 2016-2017 Snowmobile season: • Visit our Minocqua Forest Riders Website: http://www.minocquaforestriders.org and click on the “Join Us” link on the home page. • Print the form on the last page of this newsletter and mail it to us. Executive Committee Curt Christensen Gus Jones Sharon Harkins Jim Heller Pat Harkins March President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Board of Directors Bruce La Rose Sue Ramirez Bob Rynders Tom Teichmiller Ken Rhode Director Director Director Director Director Appointments Becki Nieze Sue Holle Bob Rynders Travis Behnke Karen Race Communications Map Production Trail Supervisor Equipment Sunshine Page "1 M I N O President’s Report First of all I’d like to thank Cindy & Randy at Albee’s yacht club. Once again they served up their “to die for” Italian beef sandwiches at our February Club Meeting. A big thank you also goes out to Larry at Aberdeen Lodge for hosting our March Club Meeting. Everyone really enjoyed a variety of specially made hors d'oeuvres! I would like to congratulate Bruce La Rose for being elected our new Vice President. He will be replacing Gus Jones whose term ends at the end of March. Thanks Gus for serving in this capacity for the past four years. Congratulations also goes out to Sharen Harkins for being reelected as our Secretary for the next two years. Thanks Sharon for your continued service to the club. C Q U A F O R E S T Board of Directors This year there are three open seats to be filled. Bob Rynders’ and Sue Ramirez’s seats term out at the end of March and Bruce La Rose’s term has one year left. Sue decided not to be considered for appointment. Bob agreed to be considered to continue to serve on the board. Our By-Laws require the president to recommend to the Executive Committee (officers and past p re s i d e n t ) c a n d i d a t e s t o b e considered for appointment. At the club meeting in February, Jerry Larson was nominated for recommendation. The membership was also given the same opportunity to nominate others for recommendation at the March meeting and there were none. I D E R S Season in Review Unfortunately, again this year, the season came to an abrupt halt because of unseasonably warm temperatures in early March. It seemed like every time the trails were improving to excellent condition, warm weather would prevail during weekends when the trails are heavily populated. This resulted in challenging situations for our groomer operators. Thanks to all our groomer operators who provided their services this year to give us a very enjoyable snowmobiling experience. This past week I recommended to the Executive Committee to appoint Bob Rynders to continue serving on the board and Jerry Larson be appointed to fill Sue’s seat. Both of these are three year appointments. I also recommend that Steve Margitan be appointed to finish out Bruce’s term. Our new map boards were also a big success! All season long positive comments were made on Facebook and at map ad sponsor location about how nice they look. Jerry lives down in the Tripoli area and he’s the Area #3 helper (trails 12W & 5), assisting Gordon Murray. Steve is a property owner in the Cedar Falls area and has assisted the club opening gates in that region. The Executive Committee confirmed my recommendations yesterday. Congratulation everyone on your appointments. March R It was also very impressive how well our trails were brushed by our maintenance crews. A big shout out goes to our Area Leaders for coordinating our fall trail-work. Lastly, thanks again Rynders Companies for making our trails safer by grading and straightening them out. Page 2 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S Snowmobiling Through the Eyes of a First Timer MythsofSnowmobiling:ANovice’sView Writteninthespringof2013byGlennSchmidt EditorofUnionLaborNews SinceIhadmanagedtogetthroughmy2irstsixdecadeswithoutsnowmobiling,Ireallydidn’tknowwhatto expectwhenmyfriendCurtinvitedmeuptoMinocquainwinter.AllIhadtogobywerethesometimeswacky mythsthathadaccumulatedinmyhead.Afewofthemprovedtobetrue,theothersnotsomuch. Myth#1Snowmobilingiscold:I’msureitcouldbe,butwiththetemperatureinthemid-twentiesandonlya moderatewindonalateFebruaryday,myriggedupout2itseemedtodothetrick.WaterproofVasquehiking boots,seldom-warnREIrainpantsovermysweatpants,andmyeverydayleathercoatovermyWisconsin sweatshirtseemedtowork.MyfriendCurtwasout2ittedinabrightyellowaccentedsnowmobileensemble withadvertisingthatlookedliketheTourdeFranceonsteroids.Curiously,afterwewentinside,Ifeltthecold more,spendingahalfhourinfrontofthe2ireplacebeforeIgotcomfortable. Myth#2It’sexpensive:Isitreally“aholeinthesnowintowhichyoupourmoney?”Prettymuch.Curtsaid myrentedSki-Dooprobablycostabout$10,000tobuy.Iwasrentingitforthedayforabout$200(abouta thirdofthatwasforgas).Thepricegetsbetterifyourentforalongerperiod.ButaWisconsinfamilyof4 couldprobably2lytoDisneyWorldforaweekforthepriceofrentingmachinesfortheentirefamily. Myth#3It’snotexercise:Trytellingthattomyshoulderandbackmuscles.AttimesitfeltlikeIwas physicallyliftingthemachineintohairpinturnsandridingarodeobroncovermoguls.Ihadexpectedtheseat tobeuncomfortable.Itwasnot.Itdidhelptoleanforwardsothebendinmyelbowscouldabsorbunexpected lurches. Myth#4It’snoisyandpolluting:Yes,yesitis.Likemotorboats,lawnmowers,motorcycles,gas-powered leafblowers,generators,snowblowers,jetengines,andmarchingbands. Myth#5Theridesarefrombartobarthroughfarmpastures:IntheMinocquaareatheroutesareon speciallydesigned,well-markedtrails,throughbeautifulwoodlandsandacrossfrozenlakes.Thetraf2icistwoway,withthemorepopulartrailsfeaturingsurpriseencountersaroundsharpturnswithmachinesgoingthe otherway.Ausefulsystemofhandsignalswarnsoncomingsledsifthereisanyoneelsecomingup.Asfaras thebar-to-barpart,thetrailsarepostedwiththedistanceanddirectionsofvariouswateringspots.We stoppedforlunchinadarkbutfriendlybarknownastheBlackBear. Myth#6It’snotsafe:Ihadarootbeeratthetavern.Withsomanysplit-seconddecisionsrequiredonthe trail,Istayedalcohol-free,butI’mprettysurethat’snotauniversalchoice.Myrentalcamewithahelmetso indomitableIfeltlikeDarthVader.Seriously,itwasclaustrophobic—atleastuntilIadjustedtoit.Ineverdid resolvetheproblemofmyeyeglassesfoggingup.True-goingfasterhelped,butwhenIputthehelmetvisor down(especiallyathighspeed)theproblemworsenedandmyvisionquicklydeteriorated.Leavingthevisor openclearedupthefog,butthreatenedtofreezemyeyesockets.Onthewhole,aslongasIdidn’tdoanything stupid,Ireallyfeltquitesafe. Myth#7SnowmobilinghasalotincommonwithStarWars:Imadethisoneup.It’snotjusttheDarth Vaderhelmetthough.RemembertheSpeederBikesLukeandLeiawereridingontheplanetEndorinReturn oftheJedi?ManyofthetrailsaroundMinocquaarebuiltupabout10or15feet.Onstraightawaysyoufeellike you’re2lying,becauseyouaremuchhigherthangroundlevelwiththetrees. Myth#8Snowmobilingisforrednecks,speedfreaks,andhairythugsimpervioustowinter:Ididn’tsee anybodylikethat. March Page 3 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S AWSC Membership & Trail Pass Quick Facts AWSC Clubs Primary Members Commercial Members Total Membership 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 -2016 596 606 625 24,782 27,477 40,264 1,197 1,188 1,280 25,979 28,665 41,544 This season there were 61,966 ten dollar discounted AWSC trail passes sold. There was an additional 55,381 thirty dollar trail passes sold. This totals 117,347 Wisconsin trail passes purchased this season. This generated approximately $2,277,500 in additional revenue for the state’s fund for snowmobile trail maintenance. The number of Out-of-State trail passes sold has not been reported yet. This seems like great news, right? And it is, however, this total number of passes only represents 50% of all the snowmobiles registered in Wisconsin. Trail passes for the 2016-2017 season will go on sale beginning July 1st. Again, it is recommended that you purchase them sooner rather than later. There were many people frustrated this season because they expected to get their discounted trail pass within a day or two of applying for it. That’s simply not the case. Examine the timeline below and prepare ahead for when to order your passes. Timeline for Securing a Discounted Wisconsin Trail Pass Through Our Club AWSC Number in Hand: After you apply for your Discounted Trail Pass either on line or over the phone from the AWSC, it will arrive in the mail from the DNR up to 5 days after your application. Joining Our Snowmobile Club: Day 1: Your application is received by the club Day 4*: At least twice a week our Treasurer sends applications to the AWSC (3 or more applications are needed to send the request). There’s a 48 hour processing period before your AWSC number becomes active. Apply for your pass through the AWSC. Day 11 **: Your pass will arrive in the mail from the DNR. Day 6: * ** This is the worst case scenario. Your application may be the second or third one received and it’s sent to the AWSC a day or two later, or on the same day. The mailing process takes up to 5 days. Same Day Service: Purchase a full price, $30.00 Trail Pass from a DNR service center. They’ll give you a receipt and you can ride for up to 10 days with it until your sticker arrives in the mail. Purchase trail passes from the AWSC by: Calling their office at (800) 232-4108. Mail them or walk into their office at 529 Trail Side Dr, Suite 100, DeForest, WI 53532. Order online at https://www.awsc.org/Trail-PassRegistration/Order-Passes-Online.aspx. Go to this website for more information about purchasing you pass from the Wisconsin DNR: http://dnr.wi.gov/permits/snowtrailpass.htm. March Page 4 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S The Forest Riders Wall of Fame The following members have given a donation in addition to their regular club dues Bronze Members (up to $49.00) Kempken, Dick & Joan Marcinkowski, Dean & Lola Otwell, Greg & Barb Johnson, Pete & Patty Vickers, Scott & Beth Naylor, Richard & Linda Blazkowski, Peter & Diane Wallenzien, Jerry & Joyce Polich, Jake & Megan Alt, Mark & Lori Jacobs, Kerry Wollenschlager, Mel & Linda Slager, Darrel & Stefanie Stevenson, Ted & Jesse Spears, Jason Schmidt, Tony & Niki Breitrick, Dennis & Julie Straw, Brad & Betsey Hoffman, Donald & Barbara Carani, Rich & Carol Kazol, William & Maureen Bobbe, Jeffrey & Kelly Linzmeier, Marcel & Nancy Dettlaff, Tim & Anne Drancik, Michael & Karen Schroeder, Eric Hackman, Henry & Deb Hare, David & Jennifer Darrow/DeHaven, Rich/Stacy Gustafson, John Kasprzyk, Dave Salyards, Ronald & Katerine Osterling, Steve Sankowski, Steve & Maureen Saeman, Charles & Barb Hautz, Robert & Laura Culler, Paul & Carrole Field, Michael & Eva Rigney, Jim & Cheryl Drancik, Scott & Amber Roecker, Leonard & Crystal Hill, Robert & Renee Cooper/Briody, Donald/Audrey Reilly, Andrew Fliris, John & Cindy Stoklosa, Michael & Karen Silver Members ($50.00 to $99.00) Jasiek, Bonnie & Jeff Meier, Kristopher Jasiek, Nathan Stansfield, Bill & Molly Sciano, Daniel & Deni Rosen, Scott & Susan Weigel, Brennen & Kelly Pivotto, Gary & JoAnn Spire/Albrecht, Steve & Marti Wesch, Matt & Amanda Norman, Kevin Sazama, Steve & Nancy Garrets, Bill & Deb Johnson, Grant & Mary Jordan, James & Kimberly Schultz, Mike & Karen Mushall, Mark & Janet Alesauskas, Adam & Anne Schmidt, Greg & Dawn Andersen, Richard & Diane Bennett, Mark & Gail Miller, Jim & Karen Malak, Dan Eaton, Robert & Juliet Lepak, Allen & Maria Grobelny, Walter & Frances Gold Members ($100.00 to $249.00) Hayes, Patrick & Karen Murray, Sheila Martin, Billy & Marge Sheets, Randy Erion, Jim & Barb Parr, Jack Becker, Robert & Darlene Ruwe, Mark Templeton, Rodney Milwaukee Camp Bar Schultz, Al & Christie Priesgen, Tony & Rochelle Pecosky, Dan & Kristy Seversin, Michael & Lisa Platinum Members ($250.00 or more) Massarelli, Joe & Margie Lakeland Rotary Breakfast Club March Pittenger, Dave & Kris Lakeland Rotary Lunch Club Rynders Companies Chamber Ambassadors Page 5 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S The Legends We honor our lifetime members Bishop, Bob & Jean Flintrop, Keith & Sharon Linzmeier, Marcel & Nancy Olp, Jeanne Rogne, Gene & Judy Zanski, Diane Duesing, Melda Giron, George & Kathy Marshall, Ed Pagel, Ed Spire/Albrecht Steve & Marti Fahning, LaVerne Koenen, Bev Naylor, Richard & Linda Race, Dale & Karen Stansfield, Bill & Molly Welcome to Our Club The following people are new members to our club Heim/Bennett, Duane/Tracy Bauer, Paul & Susan Donahue, Saun & Tracie Goetter, Robert & Denise Londergon, Don & Katherine Price, William & Beth Rhode, Kenneth & Kim Schultz, Al & Christie Rogowski, Mike & Gail Cirrincione, Dan & Carol Ann Plagenz, Brittany Becker, Robert & Darlene Doehla, Zak & Paige Otwell, Greg & Barb Merletti, Robert Ford, Jerome & Evelynn McHenry, Brian Slater, Dennis & Michelle Krieg, Eric Rewerts, Kevin & Suzanne Magnuson, Tom & Kathy Hall, Ralph & Beverly Warning, Jim & Bernadine Phillips, Scott & Stacy Rafford, Richard & Pamela Pfeifer, Jeff & Sally Quilan, Harry & Gayle Hansen, Stephen & Whitney Jasiek, Bonnie & Jeff Lindner, Greg & Carrie Zales, Tom Knight, Jay Pittenger, Dave & Kris Haggard, Robert & Cynthia Schaffer, Peter Kramer, Charlie & Lana Fernandez, Edward & Yvette Schert, Buzz Martin, Daniel Norman, Kevin Blank, Jim Roark, Richard & Shannon Schultz, Jonathan & Donna Salyards, Ronald & Katerine Willett, Alex & Amanda Pietrowski, Scott & Lisa Skotnicki, Doug & Anita Jackson, Kevin & Aimee Dienhart, James & Angela Eicher, Robert & Sue Ann McCarthy, Patrick & Erin Salgren, Jeff & Konnie Bobbe, Jeffrey & Kelly Yung, Brian & Paula Roth, Rick & Stephanie Mainland, Mick & Geri Spinazola, Scott Polich, Jake & Megan Polich, Michael & Barbara Polich, James & Peggy Gearhart, James Polich, Wayne & Ester Jensky, Alan Beaudry, Steven Slager, Jason & Theresa Czerwinski, Jon& Kelly Seefeldt, Rich & Lisa Dettlaff, Tim & Anne Ill, Jeffrey & Sheryl Wagner/Livingston, Brian & Karissa Jops/MacAlister, Patrick & Elaine March Dudek/Cumpton, Christopher & Carol Wesch, Matt & Amanda Hall, Dennis & Geraldine Bauer, Erik & Pamela Isensee, Susan & Glenn Zaar, Mark & Gina Race, Kevin & Stephanie Parker, Robert & Soda Neuman, Paul & Samantha Osterling, Steve Meier, Khristopher Reilly, Dennis & Chris Milburn, Mike Haggard, Scott Bloczynski, Pat Kozlowski, Jeff & Jenny Mooney, Michael & Kathleen Seemann, Guy & Cathie Sankowski, Steve & Maureen Van Heest, James & Magaret Kendzior, Ken & Heidi Mahn, Marty & Cheri Vintika, Ray & Jori Hernon, Mark Larson, Jerold Scaino, Daniel & Deni Hermes, David & Dellene Caldwell, Lawrence & Pamela Spewachek, Aron Black, Michael & Karen Alt, Mark & Lori Field, Michael & Eva Theis, Wade & Teri Radlinger, Scott & Donna Beane, Greg & Carrie Merkel, Brad & Allison Page "6 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S Welcome to Our Club The following people are new members to our club Paggi, Michael & Mary Rich, Brian & Angela Kootstra, William & Anna Springer, Scott & Susan Drancik, Scott & Amber Beane, Rick & Cindy Pritchard, Jeffrey Williams, Bill & Amy Templeton, Rodney Dutton, Charles & Elizabeth Handrick, Joe & Sue Winger, John & Bonnie Behnke, Travis Gruber, Stacy Rosen, Scott Jr Stover, Peggy & Todd Schroeder, Eric Techel, Jack & Nancy Booth, Brian Kresch, Jeff & Peggy Malchow, Steve & Bonnie Klubertanz, Kevin & Barbara Ottinger, Jack & Nancy Weigel, Brennen & Kelly Fleischman, Dennis & Deb Pivotto, Gary & JoAnn Henze, Pete & Jennifer Mushall, Mark & Janet Cisna, William & Kimberly Rademacher, David & Colleen Smith, Christopher Willoughby, Jeff & Katie Reilly, Andrew Benson/VanSkyhawk, Julie/Dean Jansen, Scott & Toni Weaver, Scott & Theresa Guinea, William & Katherine Springer, Chad & Bridy Royle, Jeffrey & Kathryn Rohowetz, Edward & Debbie Johnson, Daniel & Jessica Anetsberger, Michael Enloe, Blake & Katie Stinger, Chad & Denise Casey, Brian Stevens, Mike & Jodi Trace, Rich & Teresa Roecker, Leonard & Crystal Kuchelmeister, Kurt & Brianna Coners, John & Mary Immer, Paul & Carol Trapp, Keith & Laurie Anetsberger, Jason Hall, Brandon & Sarah Glandt, Brian & Jill Dziubla, David & Jennifer Behnke, Robert & Becky Stinger, Kent & Tammy Slager, Darrel & Stefanie Hill, Robert & Renee Verbeckmoes, Todd & Kimberly Dahl, Bill & Mari Gustafson, John Sliker, William & Sharon Hill, Robert & Catrina Steinke, Michael & Kelly Krivachek, Shawn & Carmen Fliris, John & Cindy Nelson, Mike & Christine Smith, Peter & Lori Samuels/Weinreich, Donna/Kaye Blenker, Daniel & Bonnie Feils, Tom & Kim Soupkup, Michael & Mary Ellen Lee, Tom & Debby Gehin, Neal & Brenda Sperling, James & Rhyan Hare, David & Jennifer Hecht, Jason & Eileen Graff/Ahern, Doug/Deb Labadie, Garrett & Cindy Barry/Sheehan, Andy/Kim Finses, Dave & Laura Szamocki, Steve & Heather Gabrielson, Eric Ceranski, Jeremy Cooper/Briody, Donald/Audrey Brooks, Bryan & Tess Klinko, Jason & Kristina Grauvogl, Jim & Donna Stevenson, Ted & Jesse Darrow/DeHaven, Rich/Stacy Eckert, Thomas & Tammy Bansemer, Joseph & Lori Lee, Russell Brandenburg, Max & Michelle Smith, Tanner & EmmaLee Cooksey, Jon & Janeth Spears, Jason Beck, Scott & Caryn Pack, Tony & Cheryl Klug, Al & Peggy Orlebeke, Jerrad & Patricia Anderson, Todd & Charlotte Alesauskas, Adam & Anne Grobelny, Walter & Frances Noreen, Dave & Kelly Gibbs, Sean Visit Us In The Cloud Like us on Facebook by typing “Minocqua Forest Riders Snowmobile Club” into the Search box. Find us on the World Wide Web at: http://www.minocquaforestriders.org. We encourage you to share your snowmobiling experiences by emailing club related pictures, along with captions, to [email protected]. March Page 7 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S Meet our Sponsors While on the trails or lodging and shopping in the area, please patronize these businesses that support our club! Minocqua, Woodruff & Arbor Vitae Area Aberdeen Lodge Off Hwy 51 at Twin Pines Rd (715) 543-8700 See Website for Winter Hours Slo’s Pub 10599 Big Arbor Vitae Drive (715) 358-3006 Brandy Lake BP 8729 Highway 51 North (715) 356-9011 Monical’s Pizza Restaurant 360 Highway 51 North (715) 358-9959 PJ’s Burger Barn 397 Highway 51 North (715) 356-7655 Stingrays Bar and Grill 134 Highway 51 North (715) 356-3097 Ron Hallstrom Sports & Marine Hwy 47 East (715) 356-5551 Rocky Reef Brewing Company Downtown Woodruff (Hwy 47) (262)339-1230 www.rockyreefbrewing.com Subway 8759 Highway 51 North (715) 356-1112 Inside Walmart (715) 358-3100 McDonalds Highway 51 and Highway 70 (715) 356-4004 The Thirsty Whale 453 Park (715) 356-7108 Minocqua Sport Rentals 9568 Highway 70 (715) 356-4661 The Boathouse 305 W. Park Avenue (715) 358-3999 Minocqua Yamaha Marine 9724 Highway 70 (715) 356-3272 Polecat & Lace Downtown Minocqua (Hwy 51) (715) 356-3335 NAPA Auto Parts Highway 70 (715) 356-5279 Kusek’s Red Steer Supper Club 8230 Highway 51 South (715) 358-2282 Trig’s 9750 Highway 70 West (715) 356-9456 Albee’s Yacht Club South End of Bridge, Highway 51 (715) 356-1366 Lakeland Stor-All 9616 Wisconsin (Hwy 70W) (715) 356-4560 Minocqua Area Chamber of Commerce Highway 51 South (715) 356-5266 (800) 44-NORTH All Things Jerky 8621 Hwy 51 N (715) 356-0170 Northwoods Inn & Suites 8730 Highway 51 715-356-9541 Best Western Plus Concord Inn 320 Front St (715) 356-1800 Minocqua Brewing Company 238 Lakeshore Drive (715) 356-2600 A Pub Menu With A Gourmet Twist Minocqua Pizza Company 8023 Highway 51 South (715) 356-5200 Island City Lanes & Lounge 8085 Highway 51 South (715) 356-7779 The Waters of Minocqua 8116 Highway 51 South (877) 992-8377 Ryden’s Marine Inc. 7020 Highway 51 (715) 356-6288 Hazelhurst Area Chef Rene’s at Timber Ridge 10031 Timber Ridge Road (715) 356-7070 Call for Winter Hours The Hazelhurst Pub 6617 US Hwy 51 S (715) 356-9400 Closed Monday R & R Motorsports 6829 Highway 51 (715) 358-5349 Whitman’s Cocktail Lounge 6930 Hwy 51 (715) 356-3397 Closed Monday March Jacobi’s of Hazelhurst Cedar Fall Rd (715) 356-5591 The Watering Hole Cantina & Grill 6244 Highway 51 at Highway Y (715) 356-BEER Page 8 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R S Meet our Sponsors While on the trails or lodging and shopping in the area, please patronize these businesses that support our club! Pike Lake & Lac du Flambeau Area Historic Moose Jaw Resort N 15098 Shady Knoll Road (715) 762-3028 Closed Wednesday Harvey’s Northernaire Bar & Grill N14492 Shady Knoll Rd (715) 762-4520 Closed Monday and Tuesday The Cricket 14465 Hwy 70 W (715) 588-9020 Closed Tuesday Lake of the Torches Casino and Resort Highway 47, Lac du Flambeau 1-888-599-9200 Minocqua Winter Park 12375 Scotchman Lake Rd (715) 356-3309 Idle Hour Resort N14516 Shady Knoll Road (715) 762-3872 Closed Tuesday Riverside Bar & Grill W727 Hwy 70 W (715) 762-2211 Willow Flowage East Willow Flowage West Lake Tomahawk Area The Edge Bar & Grill 5507 County Highway Y (715) 358-8387 Closed Monday and Tuesday Indian Point Resort 13552 Indian Pt Rd (715) 564-2417 Closed Monday Smiley’s Pub & Sports Bar 7233 Bradley Street (Hwy. 47) (715) 277-2345 Fast Friendly Service Little Rice Resort 4660 County Highway Y (715) 453-3190 Closed Wednesday Boyle’s Resort on Willow Lake 5181 Boyle Road (715) 564-2446 Closed Monday & Tuesday (Gas) Shamrock Pub & Eatery 7235 Bradley Street (Hwy 47) (715)277-2544 Closed Wednesday Willow Haven Bar & Grill 4877 Haven DR. (715) 453-3807 Bucksnort Resort 5129 Boyle Road (715) 564-2262 Closed Monday and Tuesday (Gas & Oil) Willow Wood Lodge 4950 Willow Dam Road (715) 453-4929 Gas; Closed Monday West Willow Flowage Mc Naughton Lizzy T’s Tamarack Tap 5533 Highway 47 (715) 277-2131 Located on Corridor Trail 12/17 Highway 70 Corridor West County Line Station 11800 Hwy 70 West (715) 358-0591 Jenz’s Lake Placid Inn 1520 County Road F (715) 356-4202 Open for Breakfast Every Day Serving Dinner Friday through Tuesday Norwood Pines Supper Club 10171 Highway 70 West (715) 356-3666 March Black Bear Bar and Grill 11045 Highway 70 West (715) 358-2116 Closed Tuesday Serving Breakfast Mama’s Supper Club 10486 Highway 70 West (715) 356-5070 Open 7 days a week Rustic Pines Pub 11758 Hwy 70 West (715) 356-0038 Closed Monday & Tuesday Island City Dray, Inc. F13474 Highway 70 (715) 356-3118 Musky Shores Resort 8329 Schroeder Rd on Squirrel Lake (715) 356-5054 Gas & Oil Closed Monday & Sunday (except holidays) Wegner’s Lazy Days Resort 1713 E. Fence Lake Road (715) 356-620 Page 9 M I N O C Q U A F O R E S T R I D E R MFR Club Application Ride the Best Trails S Join the Best Club Complete the Form Please Print Neatly! Refer a new member to our club for a chance to win gift certificates worth $100.00 or more. Each referral is worth 1 ticket in a raffle drawing for the prize(s). The more referrals you make, the better chance you have to win! Include the name of the current MFR club member making the referral at the bottom of this form. The Drawing will be held at the December Kickoff to Snowmobiling Party. I/we agree to participate in fundraising events and raffles. This is a (check one): New Membership for 20 _____ to 20 _____ (complete referral at the bottom) Renewal Membership for 20 _____ to 20 _____ Applicant’s Information: Member’s Full Name: _________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Complete only if this is a new membership or if this information has changed: Email Address (provide this to receive an Email Newsletter and Current Club Updates): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Street ______________________________________________ ________ _________________ City State Zip Code Primary Phone Number: __________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: __________________________________________ Information About Yourself (optional; to be used by the club in case we’re in need of your expertise): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation/Expertise/Interests Would you be interested in volunteering to help the club (check all that apply)? __________ Grooming Trails __________ Trail Maintenance __________ Work at Fundraising Events __________ Leadership Role Membership Type and Payment Information: Family Membership: Donation (for equipment and trail maintenance): Already an AWSC Member? Total: Make out your check Payable To: Mail this form and your check to: $ 35.00 (includes AWSC membership) $ _______________ $ _______________ (subtract $10.00) $ _______________ Minocqua Forest Riders Minocqua Forest Riders Snowmobile Club P.O. Box 1161 Minocqua, WI 54548 ****************************************************************************************************************************** New Member Referral Made By: ______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ This information will not be sold to third party venders March Page " 10
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