A Peculiar Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1
A Peculiar Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1
A Peculiar Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 < 1 night Tomoki Morokuma (University of Tokyo) M. Tanaka et al. 2014, ApJ Letters, 793, L26 (radio-loud) narrow-line Seyfert 1 ‣ “narrow” broad emission lines ‣ <2000 km/s ‣ small supermassive black holes ‣ 105-8 Msun SMBH ‣ rare population ‣ 15% of broad-line AGN (SDSS) ‣ high Eddington ratio = high accretion rate ‣ Lbol/LEdd>0.1 ‣ growing SMBH ‣ weak [OIII]: [OIII]/Hbeta<3 ‣ small amplitude of variability(?) ‣ radio-quiet ‣ Only ~7% of NLS1 are radio-loud (R>10). SDSS J1100+4420 (KISS14k) ‣ rapid optical “flare” discovered ‣ high-cadence SN survey Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS; TM+2014) ‣ Kiso Schmidt (1.05m) + KWFC (4 deg2 FoV) ‣ supernova shock breakout !?!?!? Follow-Up Observation (1): Optical w/ Subaru ‣ optical imaging & spectroscopy w/ Subaru/FOCAS (TM+, S14A-164) ‣ “narrow” broad emission lines (MgII, Hbeta) ==> 2x107 Msun SMBH ‣ no changes of power-law indices (spectral slopes) ‣ strong [OIII] emission lines ([OIII]/Hbeta>7) SDSS J1100+4420 (KISS14k) ‣ “narrow” broad emission lines ‣ <2000 km/s: v(MgII)=2070km/s, v(Hbeta)=1900km/s ‣ smaller supermassive black holes (SMBHs) ‣ 105-8 Msun SMBH: 2x107 Msun SMBH ‣ rare population ‣ 15% of broad-line AGN (SDSS) ‣ high Eddington ratio = high accretion rate (Lbol/LEdd>0.1): Lbol/LEdd~0.3 ‣ growing SMBH ‣ weak [OIII]: [OIII]/Hbeta<3: high L([OIII]). [OIII]/Hbeta~7 ‣ small amplitude of variability(?): rapid optical “flare” ‣ radio-quiet ‣ Only ~7% of NLS1 are radio-loud (R>10). ‣ radio-loudness R~3000 ‣ extended radio emission: ~100 kpc? ‣ SED consistent with previous gamma-loud/radio-loud NLS1s SED: Archival/new data from radio to gamma-ray radio IR/opt X-ray gamma-ray Fermi/2FGL Swift similar SED to gamma-loud NLS1 Follow-Up Observation (2): radio w/ JVN Japan VLBI Network (JVN) http://www.astro.sci.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/jvn/ August 2, 2014 (UT) 8 GHz Yamaguchi, Hitachi, Usuda aims flux measurement (==> monitoring) spectral shape morphology ~ 100 mJy (preliminary) Nature of KISS14k ‣ very radio-loud ‣ short (~hours) time scale variability in optical ‣ constant optical spectral slope during luminosity change ‣ ==> relativistic jet ‣ Extended (~100 kpc) radio structure ‣ SED consistent with other gamma-loud/radio-loud NLS1 ‣ (#) Origin of high [OIII] luminosity? extended narrow line region? ‣ (#) faint host?: fainter than -21.5 mag ‣ star-forming, not similar to blazer host galaxies Follow-Up Observation (3): radio (JVN), IR-optical (OISTER) multi-wavelength monitoring (over 1 month, Oct-Nov 2014) Optical and Infrared Synergetic Telescopes for Education and Research (OISTER): optical & NIR http://oister.oao.nao.ac.jp 10 institutes (9 universities), 13 telescopes Japan - South Africa - Chile Japan VLBI Network (JVN): radio Summary ‣ We detected a rapid optical flare from a radio-loud NLS1 in our high-cadence supernova survey KISS. ‣ Optical spectra ‣ “narrow” broad emission line: ‣ v(MgII)=2070km/s, v(Hbeta)=1900km/s ‣ 2x107 Msun SMBH ‣ high [OIII] luminosity: [OIII]/Hbeta~7 ‣ origin? ‣ very radio-loud: R~3000 ‣ extended (~100 kpc) emission ‣ Simultaneous observations over wide wavelength range are required. ‣ coordinated observation of OISTER (optical) & JVN (radio) ‣ High-resolution interferometric observation will be done soon.
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