Autism Update January/ February - Macomb St. Clair Autism Society
Autism Update January/ February - Macomb St. Clair Autism Society
Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society of America Autism Awareness Update SPRING 2011 SUPPORT AUTISM AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Hello everyone! Our Chapter is starting an exciting opportunity for April, which is Autism Awareness Month. We have created a “donation slip” that can be offered to participants who would like to donate a dollar or more to our Chapter for Autism Awareness. These slips can be posted on the walls of stores, schools or businesses, to show your support for Autism Awareness! Our Chapter is going to offer them to various retail outlets in the Macomb & St. Clair Counties. We have created a “kit” to offer to participating retailers/ restaurants/schools. Please see the list below for locations to encourage your patronage to the retailers. You can use this “slip” throughout the year as a visual tool “I SUPPORT AUTISM AWARENESS”. The slips will be available in all four AUTISM RIBBON colors.Thank you for your support of our chapter and children and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders Please contact the Chapter if you would like a “kit” to help us with this project! 586-445-4915 Al’s Hideway Sterling Heights, MI Big Joe’s Shelby Twp., MI Bozymowski Center Something Special Hallmark 51500 Gratiot Chester�eld Township Macomb/St. Clair Chapter’s Out & About Grant Sponsors Class Trip To Lifetown Our class had the opportunity to visit Lifetown in West Bloomfield at the end of March funded by the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society’s “Out and About Recreational Grant”. Throughout the school year our class works on functional skills that students will hopefully incorporate into their everyday lives and although we participate in many activities in the community to practice these skills, the scenarios are somewhat contrived and overwhelming. Lifetown provided an atmosphere that was very “real” for the students in a non-intimidating manner. Students were given real money to use and budget within the time spent in the town. The volunteers were very supportive, understanding and consistent with the rules and philosophy of the trip. What impressed me most was how the students were allowed to travel independently throughout the town without being completely guided by adults. Everything throughout the visit was very well thought out and met many of the students’ individual education goals. This is a trip that I would definitely want to expose my students to again and would highly recommend for other classrooms working on functional skills. I want to thank the Autism Society for giving us such a meaningful venture and bringing the students one step closer to an independent life. Terry Wedge~Teacher of the Mild Cognitively Impaired, Anchor Bay School District. Center for TLC Clinton Township, MI L.A. Fitness Troy, MI Country Inn Restaurant New Baltimore, MI Macomb Academy in Clinton Twp., MI Fieldstone Winery Rochester Hills, MI Mama Vicki’s Coney Island Macomb Twp., MI Fraser High School Fraser, MI McKernan Chiropractic Shelby Twp., MI Gratiot Auto Center Roseville, MI Sensory Systems Clinic PC St. Clair Shores, MI Shannon Stermer PTA St. John’s Hospital PT Services Clinton Twp., MI Strawberry Fields Restaurant Chester�eld Twp, MI Walgreens#5083 Eastpointe, MI Walgreens #5322 Warren, MI Walgreens#4932 Warren, MI Walgreens Clinton Twp., MI Walgreens #5971 Warren, MI Walgreens #4795 Eastpointe, MI UAW Local 2280 Utica, MI April 2011 HAPPY SPRING! by Theresa Gabalis MSCCC/ASA Board President Theresa Gabalis Vice-President Annette Duda Treasurer Steve Taravella Secretary Amy Wallace Directors Michelle Dubiel April Franchy Laura Gayan Roberta Schmidt Lisa Zanoni Newsletter Editor Mary Jo Boughton Our Chapter hopes everyone enjoyed the winter months, but let’s get started on some nice weather! We had a lot going on during the last few months. I hope you were able to join us for some of our April events for Autism Awareness Month! Our Chapter offered a private movie showing of “Rio” at the MJR cinemas in Sterling Heights and also a private swimming outing at the Macomb Parks & Rec. center, along with several “awareness events” around the county. Our Annual “Crop & Craft” Marathon event is scheduled for May 21st at the MISD on Garfield and our Annual “Out & About 5k run/5k walk” at Stony Creek is June 18, 2011! Please keep in mind that we are looking for interested potential board of director candidates for our June elections. Please contact a current board member if you are interested so we can gather your information. We always need volunteers at all of our events, so please let us know if you are available. I would like to especially thank all of our GENEROUS donors for our Sweetheart Ball this year, which was held on February 5th at Penna’s of Sterling. First Michigan Bank, Financial Services of America, and UAW local 2280 were our three prominent GOLD sponsors for this event! THANK YOU! Finally, I would like to encourage all of you to become members of our Chapter. Our membership form is enclosed, with NEW DETAILS on how to join and renew your membership. WE are back to maintaining our membership at the LOCAL level. Unified Membership through the National office was discontinued as of April 30, 2011, so future mailing will be from our local chapter. More info elsewhere in the newsletter. Thanks for your patience! Don’t forget about the annual “Ride for Autism” on August 6, 2011 & our Family Enrichment Weekend at the Lions Club Bear Lake Camp in Lapeer coming up in August! We are also scheduling a “BOWLING FUNDRAISER” for sometime in August before we go back to school in the fall. LOOK FOR DETAILS on our website or Facebook! Thank you everyone, especially our board of directors for your commitment! 7th Annual Crop & Craft for Autism Awareness by Lisa Zanoni Please join us on Saturday, May 21, 2011, for our annual scrapbook marathon! It will be held at the beautiful MISD Building on Garfield, near Hall Road from 8:30am til 7:30pm. Morning snacks, lunch, dinner and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Everyone registered and attending will receive a scrapbooking gift. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 drawing, and many raffle prizes from various scrapbook companies. Don’t miss our scrapbook garage sale, which was a big hit last year, and shop at our on-site store, Remember When. -2- OUT & ABOUT 6 AUTISM RUN/WALK FOR AUTISM AWARENESS 5K RUN & WALK & 1 MILE FUN WALK JUNE 18, 2011 STONY CREEK METRO PARK 8:00 am registration; 9:30am run/walk begins The time is here….Find the application & pledge form in this newsletter or on our website… We need volunteers also. Please see form on website. We are back to Eastwood Beach at Stony Creek! We also want to announce that C & G Newspapers is our Platinum Sponsor this year! Thank YOU, and also to our first Gold Sponsor Suburban Ford of Sterling Heights! T-shirt logo sponsorships available for $250 donation or more. Contact Theresa Gabalis for more info- 5/28/2011 deadline Early registration for t-shirt guarantee is June 5, 2011. Contact the Chapter for more info 586-445-4915 – NEW NUMBER! C & G Newspapers, our platinum sponsor for the walk has 18 direct-mailed, community newspapers. Depending on where you live you probably receive one of our papers. Grosse Pointe Time • Advertiser Times St.Clair Shores Sentinel • Eastsider Warren Weekly • Sterling Heights Sentry Fraser/Clinton Chronicle•Journal Shelby-Utica News•Plus eight additional Oakland County papers. A total circulation of over 600,000 homes Look for the Macomb/St. Clair County Walk for Autism advertisement in your area C&G newspaper. -3- 2011 SWEETHEART BALL DONATIONS SWEETHEART BAKERY PHIL & GAIL TARAVELLA TARAVELLA FAMILY TARGET TEXAS ROADHOUSE THE CUPCAKE STATION VG’S FOOD CENTER VILLA PENNA WAKELY ASSOCIATES INC. ELIZABETH WALKER WALLACE FAMILY WEST MICHIGAN WHITECAPS DRS. SARA WHEDON & RODNEY HULBERT WILDTREE ALL NATURAL FOODS DARLENE WILK MARCIA YATES ZANONI FAMILY ZEHNDERS SPLASH VILLAGE ABBY BROOKES SALON ALADA BEADS ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO BARRELS OF WINE BELLISARIO’S NANCY BERDY-JURBAN ROSE H. BERNIERI KATHI BLACKER JUDY BURKHARDT JANE CAPEK MYERS CHIPPEWA VALLEY HS WOMENS SWIM & DIVE TEAM COMPLETE CARE CHIROPRACTIC CONNOR PARK FLORIST COOKIES BY DESIGN COSTCO COUNTRYSIDE CRAFT MALL DEBBIE DALBIS DAVE & BUSTERS DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS DETROIT LIONS DETROIT PISTONS DETROIT RED WINGS DETROIT ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY DUBIEL FAMILY DUDA FAMILY EDSEL & ELEANOR FORD HOUSE ENGLISH GARDENS LEONARD FEDON, DDS MARCIE FEGER FIELDSTONE WINERY DR. BARBAR FISHER KIM & JOSEPH FURWA FRANCHY FAMILY GABALIS FAMILY GAYAN FAMILY GORDON FOOD SERVICE GRAND RAPIDS CHILDRENS MUSEUM GREAT SKATE HEAD OVER HEELS SALON HEART LAKE RESORT HENRY FORD MUSEUM JO JAMES CINDY JENSEN KINGSWOOD LANES FRANK & DIANE KRYCIA FRANK & CHARLENE LIJANA LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LOVERS LANE LUCIANO’S MACOMB CENTER FOR PERF. ARTS MALOOF JEWELRY & GIFTS MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY PART. CREEK MARVINS MARVELOUS MECH. MUSEUM MJR /MARKETPLACE CINEMA 20 MORLEY CANDY MAKERS MOTOR CITY CASINO PAT & ANNE MULRENIN NINO SALVAGGIO BOB & STEPHANIE NOWAK LINDA O’BRIEN ORIENTAL TRADING CO. INC. ROMEO THEATRE ROZ & FRIENDS SALON SAM’S CLUB NANCY SAVAGE JOHN & KATHLEEN SCHANBECK SCHMIDT FAMILY VERA SKALSKI SOMETHING SPECIAL HALLMARK SPARTAN CARBIDE ������������������������������ � ����������������� � ��������������������� ����������������������� ��������������������������� � � ������������������������������ ������������������ ����������������� ���������������������� �������������������������� �������������������� ����������������������� The Chapter would also like to acknowledge these individuals who made donations to the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the ASA during the last quarter. Chippewa Valley High School Girls Swim Team ASA Bounce for America & Pump It Up MGM Joanne Cwiklinski • Donald MacDonald -4- Sweetheart Ball 2011 By Annette Duda It looked like a Winter Wonderland with the beautifully decorated trees and lights at the Sweetheart Ball 2011. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner, as always, at Penna’s, danced to the Nightline Band, and made silly faces in the Photo Booth. To view the photos, visit (go to Gallery and search by “Sweetheart Ball 2011”) and you can view all the photos taken that night. Thank you to all of our wonderful Board Members who assisted with the auction items and door prizes, who helped set up, clean up, and got donations to make this Ball successful. � � If you donated an auction item, gave a monetary donation, or attended this event, we couldn’t have done it without you. Your support and charitable assistance is overwhelming and very much appreciated! THANKS TO OUR GOLD SPONSORS: Financial Services of America First Michigan Bank UAW Local 2280 Ford Motor Company SPECIAL THANKS TO: Connor Park Florist-Centerpieces Fieldstone Winery-Bottle of wine on every table Phil & Gail Taravella-Donation of an IPAD that was raffled off Bellisario’s Florist-Created the entrance & decorations of chair covers Alpha Delta Pi Sorority-Oakland University-Assisted with set up & selling of tickets Chippewa Valley HS Women’s Swim & Dive Team-assisted with set up Sweetheart Bakery-Sterling Heights-Desserts Marcie Feger & Crew-Puzzle Piece Cookies Amy Wallace-Video before dinner Michelle Dubiel-Fish Bowl Raffle Theresa Gabalis-Assisting with EVERYTHING SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR!!! ------------------------------------- TEAR off ------------------------------------Services/Programs needed in Macomb County SURVEY Tell us what you think? Is there a need for specific services &/or programs in Macomb County that are not currently available or offered to families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders? Please let us know so we can partner with local providers to start a partnership for resources etc.. Please drop this in the mail to: Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter/ Autism Society - SURVEY P.O. Box 182186 Shelby Township, Michigan 48318 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name___________________________ Phone Number____________email address __________________ -5- Saturday June 18, 2011 9:30a.m 5K Run & Walk and 1 Mile Fun Walk The Macomb/St. Clair Chapter of the Autism Society of America supports the efforts of educators to provide recreational opportunities for children affected by autism. Donations raised during the event will be used to fund recreational grants for special education classrooms and to create outings sponsored by our Chapter for children and their families in Macomb and St. Clair Counties. OUT & ABOUT 6 AUTISM RUN/ WALK FOR AUTISM AWARENESS Starting Time: 5K run starts at 9:30a.m. Walks start at 9:40a.m. Registration times: 8:00a.m.-9:15a.m. Location: Stony Creek Metro Park 4300 Main Park Road, Shelby Twp. MI 48316 Main Park Rd. is off of 26 mile/west of M-53 Follow park signs to Eastwood Beach. 5K Run & Walk are on a cross country course. Fun Walk is 1 mile. Strollers allowed on the Fun Walk only. No Pets allowed on the Run or Walks. Course: Registration Fees: Pre-registration through June 5th includes a T-shirt. If you register AFTER June 5th a t-shirt or size is not guaranteed. Adults, $16.00 • Kids 12 & under, $8.00 Race Day Registration Fees (T-shirt not guaranteed) Adults, $20.00 • Kids 12 & under, $10.00 Checks or Cash Only. Entry fees are non-refundable. Make checks payable to: MSCCC/ASA All entrants are responsible for $4.00 park entrance fee. Pledges are welcome. Download pledge sheets at Awards: Run: Male and Female overall winner. Awards to top male and female in each age group. Run Age Groups: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-up. Awards ceremony following the race. Send Entries To: Macomb/St.Clair Chapter of the ASA c/o Laura Gayan, 47821 Concord, Macomb, Michigan 48044 Information: Leave message for Theresa Gabalis @ 586-445-4915 This event has been reviewed for the phtsical activity content and has been endorsed by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports. This does not reflect endorsement of the sponsoring organization or the products used. Make a donation of $250 or more & get your team or company logo on back of our Walk T-shirt. Deadline 5/28/11 one application per participant - please make copies Out & About 6 4-Autism Run/Walk for Autism Awareness Last Name June 18, Saturday, June 20,2011 2009 First Name Street Address State Zip Code E-mail City/Town Phone Number T-Shirt Size: Adult S M L XL Youth S M L Event: Runner (circle one) Larger sizes available at $2.00 extra Age on Race Day Sex: M F Total Amount Enclosed $ Walker I can’t participate but enclosed is a contribution of $ Make Checks Payable to MSCCC/ASA In consideration of my participation in this event, I for myself, executors and administrators waive all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Macomb/ St. Clair Chapter of the ASA, the sponsors of this event,their agents, representatives, sucessors, and assignees for any injuries suffered by me at said event, or which may arise out of my traveling to, participating in,and returning from the event. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to compete in this event. I also agree to let the MSCCC/ASA use any photos taken of me during this event for awareness and promotional purposes. Signature: (ALL must Date: sign - If entrant is under 18 years old parent must sign) -6- The mission of the Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter- Autism Society to enhance the lives of persons and families affected by autism. To accomplish this, resources will be used to promote awareness. Application for Membership Name________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address ________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) _____________________ Interest: Parent ( ) Relative ( ) Other ( ) Occupation ____________________________ Occupation ____________________________ New Membership ( ) Annual Renewal ( ) Membership Category: Total Fee Newsletter (MSCCC/AS newsletter only, no membership discounts) $10.00___ Household Membership (Household includes: up to 2 Adults & all children in household only) $25.00___ Please make Checks Payable to: MSCCC/AS Mail Check and Form to: MSCCC/AS P.O. Box 182186 Shelby Township, MI 48318-2186 586-445-4915 (new number) Pictures may be taken at Macomb/St Clair County Chapter events. The pictures may be used in the future for autism awareness (web site, brochures, etc.). Your signature here only means that we have your permission to use any pictures taken of your children and/or family for autism awareness. Signature______________________________________________________________________ -7- To help us serve the needs of families better, please provide the Chapter with the following information: Child’s name affected with autism_________________________________________________ Age__________ Sex__________ Child’s name affected with autism_________________________________________________ Age__________ Sex__________ Siblings (name, age, sex): 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________________________ Please let us know what information or help you currently need: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Please let us know if you would like to help the Chapter in anyway. (Making awareness ribbons, phone calls, passing out info packets, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you have an idea that the chapter could consider doing in the future? ______________________________________________________________________________ -8- Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter - Autism Society Parent Assistance Grant MEMBERSHIP UPDATE By Annette Duda Our ‘Parent Assistance Grant’ period will be open from May 1, 2011 – June 1, 2011. This Grant will be available to parents to assist with payment for treatment or therapy for their child affected by Autism. All Grant Requests must be postmarked by June 1, 2011 to be considered. We are offering a $250.00 Grant for Non-Members and $250.00 & $500.00 Grants for Members.One per family. If you received a Parent Assistance Grant in the Fall of 2010, you are not eligible for this Grant. Grants are paid directly to the provider, no exceptions. To learn more and to download the Application, please visit our website at In our last newsletter, we told you that our Chapter would be changing over to a “Unified Membership” with the National Autism Society and that all new memberships and member renewals would go thru National. Unfortunately, the Autism Society has decided to end the Unified Membership Program due to lack of participation among all the Chapters across the U.S. As of May 1, 2011, the Membership will be as follows: Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society Membership ONLY: Household Membership: (Household includes up to 2 adults & all children in household only) -$25.00 In Memory of Jean Salera a donation was made to the Chapter by Dona Frederick If you wish to join the National Autism Society, you can visit Their Household Membership rate is $40.00. If you have already renewed with us or with National in the past few months, you are still a member of both. In the future, however, you will receive notices from both groups. If you wish to become a member of the Michigan State Chapter, please download as ASM membership application at A new Membership form is attached in this newsletter for your convenience and they will also be available on our website at : Any questions, please contact the Chapter at 586-445-4915. 2011 Film Camp Ages 10-18 DESCRIPTION: Join Joey Travolta and his staff from Hollywood in creating and starring in your own short film. You don’t want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! DATES: Monday - Friday, August 15 - 26 TIME: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. AGES: 10 - 18 years LOCATION: Oakland University, Pawley Hall - Rochester, MI COST: $500 Registration forms are available website: www. Email: [email protected] Phone: 248-370-2424 / Fax: 248-370-4242 When Mon Aug 15 10am – 3pm Eastern Time Where LOCATION: Oakland University, Pawley Hall - Rochester, MI. “Out & About Bowling” League! Well we concluded our sixth session of bowling at Kingswood Lanes in Clinton Township. The kids had such fun each week with their familes and friends! Be sure to watch on our website for the Fall League Sign Up sheet which will be available in late August. We will begin again in mid-September. We would like to thank everyone at Kingswood Lanes, especially Len, Fabrizia, Renee & Dave for all their support, and we can’t forget to thank the gals at the Snack Bar! SEE you in the Fall. Thank you for your continued support! Autism Society National Conference by Amy Wallace On July 6-9, 2011, parents, therapists, educators, exhibitors, and others will gather in Orlando, Florida at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center for the 42nd Annual Autism Society National Conference. The event hosts a variety of speakers addressing a wide range of issues including early intervention, education of those affected by autism, biomedical interventions, communication, and more. The hope is for attendees to learn about supports available to those with ASD. For more information about this event, please see go to Our Chapter’s phone number has recently changed. The new contact number is 586-445-4915. -9- Looking for Camps and Other Summer Options for Children? Try these resources we found at The Friends Of Different Learners 2011 Camp Fair. Autism ASK 4345 Meigs Ave. Ste. A Waterford, MI 48329 248-618-1275 The mission of Autism ASK is to provide advocacy, support and knowledge to the autism spectrum community. • Blue Sky Darlene Garrison, Barry Feldman P.O. Box 25 Milford, MI 48381 248-545-8181 Together with YMCA Camp Ohiyesa, Camp Blue Sky provides an outdoor day camp for the special needs population and is staffed with experienced and quali�ed adult counselors • Camp Grace Bentley 1877 Maryland Blvd. Birmingham, MI 48009 248-792-7017 Residential camp for children with special needs. • Birmingham PS Disability Awareness Workshop 550 W. Merrill St. Birmingham, MI 48009 248-646-5172 The Disability Awareness Workshop (DAW) is a hands-on, activitybased workshop to help students understand the challenges of daily living for individuals with disabilites. • Center for ASD, Summer B.L.A.S.T. Program 640 N. Woodward #203 Birmingham, MI 48009 248-723-4273 Behavior, Language, Auditory, Sensory Therapies, 8 week program, ages 3-6 2011 WISH LIST HUGE SUCCESS by Laura Gayan Center for Speech and Language Beverly Gough 1635 W. Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084 248-816-7000 Speech and language, auditory processing center • Easter Seals - Michigan Kathie Klingensmith 2399 E. Walton Blvd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326 586-524-2005 Easter Seals - Michigan’s mission is to create solutions that change lives of children and adults with disabilities or other special needs, and their families. • Crawl, Walk, Jump, Run Therapy Clinic Maureen Kijek 43239 Schoenherr Sterling Heights, MI 48313 586-323-2957 Intensive physical, occupational and speech therapy • Eton Academy Pete Pullen 1755 Melton Birmingham, MI 48009 248-642-1150 Independent school, grades 1-12, specializes in educating students with learning challenges. • Dutton Farms, Inc. Michele Smither 2270 Dutton Rd. Rochester, MI 48306 248-818-0270 Vocational and daily living skills program where we strive to develop a sense of accomplishment to our students, bring support to their parents and inspire our community, • FAR, Camp FAR Out, Camp Far Away Arlene Kass 1669 W. Maple Rd. Birmingham, MI 48009 248-646-3347 Therapies in the arts• One of the many ways that we spend your hardearned fundraising dollars is through our annual teacher “Wish List” Grant. The purpose of this grant is to fund educational materials for students affected by autism in any classroom setting, including the general education classroom, resource room, speech/occupational/physical therapy room, or Autistic Impaired classroom. A portion of the “Wish List” Grant Program funding was raised through the Chapter’s “Annual Crop 4 Autism” fundraiser. Our next marathon crop is May 21, 2011 at the Macomb Intermediate School District building! This year we were thrilled to be able to donate over $15,000 in items to 30 area Macomb/St. Clair classrooms. Items ranged from books to sensory items to bean bag chairs to camcorders to iPad2’s. Yes, iPad2’s! We purchased six iPad2’s for area teachers to use with their students. It’s been very exciting for us as a chapter to learn more about the iPad2 and the many applications or “apps” that are available for our kids on the spectrum. We also purchased an iPad2 for the chapter. So, if you attend one of our support meetings you’ll have the opportunity to use our iPad2 and see some of the apps that may be able to help your child. Some of the teachers that received the iPad2’s will be attending our May 19th support meeting to report their success stories. We look forward to hearing from these grant recipients and learning all that we can about this great new technology. -10- Friendship Circle Tzvi Schectman 6892 W. Maple Rd. W. Bloom�eld, MI 48322 248-788-7878 Programs for kids with special needs • Judson Center, Autism Connections Ann Patronik 4410 W. 13 Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 248-837-2021\autism_ connections • Fowler Center for Outdoor Learning (The) Lynn Seeloff 2315 Harmon Lake Rd. Mayville, MI 48744 989-673-2050 Year round camp for individuals with special needs (ages 6 and up). • For additional resources go to: http://www. 14100 Telegraph Rd. Taylor Michigan 48180 Only 200 Event shirts will be available on Event Day More Information, Updates & Pre-registration Forms visit: Contact Us: [email protected] *All proceeds benefit Macomb County / St Clair and Autism Connection @ the Judson Center* Mail Pre-Registration Forms w/Checks to: Ride For Autism P.O. Box 40346 Redford, Michigan 48239 -11- 7th Annual {� Sponsored by: Marathon Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society of America } Saturday, May 21, 2011 8:30 am – 7:30 pm *SCRAPBOOKING GIFT for all scrappers who register and attend. *DOOR PRIZES *50/50 DRAWING *RAFFLE PRIZES *Morning Snacks, Lunch, Dinner and refreshments provided. *On-site Scrapbook store *Fun & Games Macomb Intermediate School District Building 44001 Garfield Rd., Clinton Township, MI Cost: $40 (Fee is non-refundable) Once again, we are fortunate to hold our annual crop at the beautiful MISD building. Join us to work on your project, crop or craft! The MISD has ample parking and is wheel chair accessible. There is a 3'x5' table for each cropper with padded chairs in a room that is brightly lighted and carpeted. For more information log onto our website at: Have any questions? Contact 586-445-4915. Leave message. We will return your call To register, send the form below along with your registration fee Use one registration form per person. REGISTER EARLY – SPACE IS LIMITED Name:___________________________________________________ (Checks made payable to Check no:_________________________________________________ MSCCC/ASA) to: Address:_________________________________________________ "Autism Scrapbook Marathon" Phone #__________________________________________________ 39695 Clearview Seated with:_______________________________________________ Harrison Township, MI 48045 E-mail____________________________________________________ (Note: e-mail addresses will be used to provide updates and crop announcements only) YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER by May 7, 2011 The Macomb/St. Clair Chapter of ASA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization -12- -13- MSCCC/ASA Events April 28, 2011 - “Living with Autism” conference – Keynote speaker: Eileen Garvin - author of How to Be a Sister. May 2, 2011 – Parent Advisory Meeting – MISD 44001 Garfield -Clinton Twp., MI 7pm. May 7, 2011 – On My Own of Michigan – Fun Run 2011 – May 7, 2011 - Walk for Autism Acceptance - Autism Society of Michigan - Hawk Island Park-Lansing, MI- May 19, 2011 - Monthly Support Meeting - “IPAD in the Classroom - Autism Applications” - St. Ephrems Church - 7pm. May 21, 2011 - Annual Crop Marathon for Autism - MISD - flyer on May 21, 2011 - Bowl for Autism - flyer at - Total Sports - Harrison Township, MI. June 4, 2011-10am – 1pm.Special Sensory Friendly Showing of Kung Fu Panda 2. Tickets cost $4-6 depending on location. For more info, please visit June 16, 2011-Election/� June 18, 2011 - “Out & About Autism” 5k run/5k walk - Stony Creek Metro Park. Registration form @ – Pre-reg. dead line. June 5, 2011 for t-shirt guarantee. $16 early reg. cost; $20 day of event reg. cost. Pledge forms available online also and appreciated! SIBLING OUTING – COMING IN JUNE – WATCH WEBSITE FOR DETAILS! July 6 – 10, 2011 – National Autism Society of America Conference – Orlando, Florida – July 23, 2011 - Autism Society Wayne County 2011 5K walk - Belle Isle Park, in Detroit Michigan off of Jefferson Ave & Grand Blvd.- Register 11am, Walk 12am August 6, 2011- Ride for Autism – www for details- PROCEEDS benefit Macomb/St. Clair County Chapter. August 19, 2011 –FAMILY BOWLING FUNDRAISER – Kingswood Lanes – Flyer available in July @ -contact @ 586-445-4915 if interested in sponsorship or to reserve a lane! August 26 – 28, 2011 – Family Enrichment Weekend – Lions Club Bear Lake, Lapeer MI – details to come @ website The Macomb/St. Clair County monthly support meetings are held at St. Ephrem’s Catholic Church Activity Hall, 38900 Dodge Park (corner of 17 Mile Rd. & Dodge Park) For up-to-date information about events consult our website @ www. or follow us on Facebook. REMINDER! Please do not forget, our Chapter is co-hosting a parent support meeting at the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Warren, the first Wednesday of every month. The group meetings are rotating locations between the church hall and Kennedy Elementary in the Van Dyke School district. Please watch our website for the location of each meeting. Macomb/St.Clair County Chapter of the Autism Society of America P.O. Box 182186 Shelby Twp., MI 48318-2186 Out & About Autism 5K Run & 5K Walk June 18, 2011