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DREAMSOF HARVEST SOUTH TEXAS DI STRI CT 201 5 So u t h T e x a s DI STRI CT A Message from the South Texas District Superintendent 2014-2015 South Texas Ministers, Greetings to each of you! In your hands, you hold the hopes and dreams of many people who’ve sought God, compared minds, and come to what we’ve concluded as what God would have us do in the near future. None of these items are completely new to you—they’ve been shared in sectional and district conferences, in print, and by email. Yet, we hope that this distilled presentation will help all of us achieve a greater focus on the work that lies before us. Our district began with a dream—a dream that we could somehow curtail the distances between us, involve a greater number of people, accept the diverse revival that God was bringing us, and to embrace the Spanishspeaking revival that was taking place amongst us. In so doing, we obeyed the overriding rule for dreams: if you’re going to dream, dream big. South Texas District, it’s time to dream again.... Over the past eighteen months, we’ve prayed and asked God to reveal what He would have for this district. Our district leaders asked you to give us input through the epic ten-year evaluation study. We’ve met time and again, and we’ve reached that Acts 15:28 moment where it seems good to the Holy Ghost and to us to bring a summary of these thoughts to you for your prayerful consideration. Outside of this introductory section, you will find two additional sections in this material. The first is the summarized presentation of Vision 7—the district’s roadmap for the next seven years (2015-2021). The second is the section plan initially presented to the district at the 2014 District Conference in San Marcos. Vision 7 is a grassroots endeavor that seeks leadership at the local church and individual minister level. The district—departments, ministries, and sections—have purposed to support the local church and individual minister in attaining these objectives. Simply put, Vision 7 is a collaborative effort of STX pastors, churches, and leadership to achieve seven “God-Initiatives” within the local church; and, by extension, the district over the next seven years. The section plan is an outgrowth of the ten-year evaluation study where the majority of STX ministers recommended more sections in the high-growth areas. Meetings in the sections affected most were held to gain input. The basic plan was presented to the 2014 District Conference, graduating the district from 8 to 11 sections. To achieve additional sections, the plan calls for the five existing metro sections in Houston, Austin, and San Antonio to be reconfigured into eight sections—with one, the Eagle Ford Shale section, being considered a “Home Missions” section. Thus, of the district’s future 11 sections, 8 of them will be considered new. This plan in its final form is again being sent to the entire district and will be implemented in early 2015. Yes, it’s time to dream again. The setbacks may be numerous, but the potential to see God at work in a greater way is limitless. May God bless each of us as we lock arms and hearts for the coming harvest! 1 SECTION ONE: Introduction to Vision 7 2 Vision 7 EXPLANATION: 1. Description: Vision 7 is a collaborative effort of STX pastors, churches, and leadership to achieve seven “God-Initiatives” within the local church; and, by extension, the district over the next seven years. 2. Seven “God-Initiatives": We call these “God-initiatives,” because without His help there is simply no way to achieve them. Each is already being done to some extent, but coordinating our efforts on each of these will amplify the results. By the time the seven years has concluded, we are asking for divine assistance to: ü Reach for 1,000 people in ministry training in the Local Churches. This can include training in Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Worship Ministry, Ladies Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Ushers/Hostess training, etc. As more local people are trained, the greater the reach of the local church. ü Further infuse and unite our English- and Spanish-speaking ministries. The South Texas District is unique in that we have a concentration of Spanish-speaking people in our district and a large number of Spanish-speaking ministers and churches. The district has a robust Spanish Ministry that supports all areas of the local church. We cannot let different languages limit our effectiveness, so we will look for ways to infuse and unite these areas. ü Strive for 700 Credentialed Ministers. We presently are just short of 500 credentialed ministers in the district. This means that we will strive to prepare an additional 200 ministers for the work of the Gospel. The chief means is always the local pastor laying his hands on people who could be used in the harvest and mentoring them. Methods such as CTM, Purpose Institute, and Ministry Central will be important in this area. ü Target areas to strengthen our Apostolic presence. The addition of the new sections gives immediate focus to areas that need to be strengthened. The Eagle Ford Shale section will be of concern to all of our churches and ministers. Plus, 24 of the 75 counties in our district still do not have a work of any sort. Each of us can target one or more areas to lend our efforts. ü Grow to 500 works. We presently have a little over 300 works (churches, daughter works, and preaching points). This “God-Initiative” only becomes attainable as we target areas that need strengthening and seek for more laborers in the harvest. ü Reach out to other Apostolics and groups. There are people all around us in this district who are searching for greater fellowship and united efforts. There are denominational pastors who need a friend. Iron must come in contact with iron to be sharpened. Who is within our reach or influence? ü Form a minimum of three regions, and as many functioning sections as needed. Rather than drawing boundaries for regions, the district is moving major events to “regional hub cities” that are within driving distance of our local churches. For example, see the following District Meeting poster. 3 4 Vision 7 IMPLEMENTATION: 1. Objective: Vision 7 organizes the resources available to the local pastor to complement the ministry of the local church. 2. District Support: The District’s role will be to unite its departments, ministries, and sections to develop and distribute all the tools necessary to fulfill the “God-initiatives.” For example, a local church may already have a strong training program, but be unaware of other available resources that could help facilitate the leadership’s desire to accomplish the vision. The district can also arrange meetings and forums where pastors can share insights into what’s working in their churches. 3. Pastoral Implementation: The local pastor will be given the tools to use as he sees fit in the local church. He can select and adapt from the available resources to customize the focus of Vision 7 within his church and community. ü We believe that pastors are the key to the success of Vision 7. ü We believe that God can lead pastors to choose from the “God-initiatives” what is most relevant to the ministry of the local church. ü We believe that the local church will grow as the pastor recruits, trains, and engages people to participate in these initiatives at the local level. 4. Structure: At the district level, Vision 7 operates under the oversight of the district board. Nathan Scoggins, assisted by Tracy Richardson, works with the district superintendent to coordinate the unified efforts of the district departments, ministries and sections. 5 Vision 7 PARTNERSHIP: 1. Objective: Vision 7 operates on a “partnership model.” We first recognize that the audacity of these seven “God-Initiatives” require us to partner with the divine. Much prayer and fasting will need to go into this endeavor. We also recognize that we are collectively partnering with one another—each minister and church must link efforts to achieve these initiatives. And, finally, the South Texas District departments, ministries and sections are committed to support and supply all necessary resources and meetings to the local churches to achieve the initiatives of Vision 7. 2. Communication. As Vision 7 advances in each church, the pastor will encounter setbacks and achievements. The setbacks could spell that additional areas of support are needed. The achievements were given by God to be shared. We need feedback in both of these areas from the local pastor to help us further the development of needed tools and to share in the joy of your successes. Feedback tools will be established to enhance communication. 3. Measurement. We recognize in God’s world, some things can simply not be measured. Yet, the objectives of Vision 7 were designed so that some sort of measurement can take place. In fact, measurements are crucial to making certain that the tools are in place and being utilized. Here are some key vision achievement indicators: ü ü ü ü Unique number of people in ministry training Number of new potential licensees Number of new preaching points and daughter works And so forth Measurements will be set on a sectional level for each year (2015-2021). Our Vision 7 team will establish the benchmarks and will set up a dashboard on to track all of the key vision achievement indicators. We will periodically share snapshots of this dashboard to let all of us know how we’re doing. 4. Celebration. Vision 7 will rejoice in the successes of local churches. Behind each measurement met, is a story of God’s faithfulness and man’s perseverance. We want to share those stories so all of us can celebrate them. We will use the following venues to spread the news: ü ü ü ü ü ü Regional Camp Meetings District Conference Youth, Ladies, Men’s Events Sectional Conferences Online updates VISION Magazine There is no such thing as an insignificant victory, so we intend to celebrate them all! We anticipate as the days, weeks, and months go by, that we will be celebrating more and more what God has done. Each year in the Fall, we want to devote a specific time to give thanks to Him and to each of you for the progress made. 6 Vision 7 FINAL THOUGHTS: 1. Timing. Sessions will be held at the 2015 section, region, and district meetings to share with pastors the tools necessary to effectively implement Vision 7. 2. Spanish Translation. All materials must be translated into Spanish. 3. Additional Information. More information can be obtained by speaking with each presbyter, department/ministry chair, district officials, or Nathan Scoggins and Tracy Richardson. 7 SECTION TWO: Introduction to Section Plan 1. Background. At the close of ten years of our district history, an Evaluation Committee was appointed to study our district and to gain input from the ministers. The committee was co-chaired by David Caruthers and Rene Moreno and surveyed ministers from across the district. The committee listened to the ministers and made a number of recommendations based on their findings. Some of the committee’s findings were: a. The ministers remained committed to part-time district officials. b. The ministers deemed that additional sections were needed in high-growth areas. c. Presbyters of these sections should see themselves as visionary leaders, administrators, and mentors/trainers. d. Greater attention should be given to regional operations. 2. Process of Section Formation. Because of the impending section election conferences, the district board took the evaluation committee findings and recommendations and began implementing them. When it came to the section formation, the district board discussed the possible scenarios and decided that the ministers in the high-growth areas should be consulted. a. We met with the Houston area ministers (GCT, HME, HMW) and discussed numerous scenarios to add a section. They settled unanimously on the option that was presented in the plan to the district conference. The Houston area ministers also gave input on how and when to add another section for the downtown area. b. We met with the Austin-San Antonio area ministers (AHC, SWT) and discussed several scenarios. The ministers chose a scenario that created a section extending between Austin and San Antonio and also envisioned the possibility of an Eagle Ford Shale section if such a Home Missions section was permissible and achievable. c. The section plan was taken to the 2014 District Conference with a discussion of how this would be implemented. The plan was received and passed without a dissenting voice with the understanding that if there were substantial changes in the plan it would be brought back to the district conference. d. Following the district conference, the section plan was sent to the entire district in printed form and by email. e. To clarify the plan for the section between Austin and San Antonio, we later called for an additional meeting with the pastors in that area. Again, a strong majority of the pastors chose to pursue the plan as described to the district conference. f. Throughout the summer of 2014, our board responded to the handful of inquiries about the section plan. In the 2014 Fall Planning Session, the district board made one small change to the section plan (i.e., leaving Travis County intact in the Austin section. This affected a single daughter work). g. Deeming the plan to be nearly identical with what had already been considered by the district conference, the district board finalized the section plan. 3. Number of Sections—Old and New. The basic plan was presented to the 2014 District Conference graduating the district from 8 to 11 sections. To achieve additional sections, the plan calls for the five existing metro sections in Houston, Austin, and San Antonio to be reconfigured into eight sections—with one, the Eagle Ford Shale section, being considered a “Home Missions” section. Thus, of the district’s future 11 sections, 8 of them will be considered new. 4. “New” versus “Old” Sections. As explained in the May 15, 2014 Superintendent’s Update, when a district goes beyond seven sections, it must have the UPCI Executive Board approval. Our district 9 sought approval earlier this year to move beyond eight sections to as many as eleven sections. We also asked for guidance regarding term limits within any of the areas affected. The Executive Board referred this to the General Board for discussion. In constituting a new section, the General Board decided to follow the same type of policy that is used for a new district. Specifically, when a new section is formed, all offices of that section are considered to be new; therefore, preexisting term limits do not apply to them. In other words, any officer holder from an old section who is elected to serve in a new section will become subject to term limits only after four terms of two years each. Any office holder in an unchanged section will remain subject to existing term limits. Since the existing five sections of AHC, SWT, GCT, HME, and HMW had to be substantially modified to permit additional sections, the resulting eight sections are all considered to be “new sections” as defined above. Only existing sections CCB, GCB and RGV are considered to be “old sections” as defined above. 5. Implementation. The new sections will begin operations in the first quarter of 2015. Sectional conferences will be held to elect new officers, who will take office at the 2015 District Conference. The sections that will be reconfigured will have “joint conferences” and then divide up into the new sections to hold elections. DATE January 3 (10 AM) January 10 (10 AM) “Old” Sections CCB AHC, SWT January 24 (10 AM) GCB January 26 (7 PM) GCT, HME, HMW January 31 (9 AM) 6. “New” Sections AMT, EFT, HCT, SMT HME, HMN, HMS, HMW RGV Maps of Section Plan and tentative details of “New” Sections. (See following). 10 South Texas District UPCI Section Plan 2014-2015 11 Austin Metro Section (AMT) 12 Austin Metro Section (AMT) Ministers (Tentative) (1 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType An Il 5304)Austral)Loop Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Arredondo Guadalupe 8506)Westover)Park San)Antonio TX AMT Ordained Minister Bagliore Anthony 243)Palomino)Cove Jarrell TX AMT Ordained Minister Barnhart Stephen 745)Lyndale)St. Vidor TX AMT General Exempt Bernard David 3603)Del)Robles)Dr Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Bradshaw Mark 1301)Reynolds)St. Goldthwaite TX AMT Ordained Minister Castleberry James PO)Box)66 San)Saba TX AMT Ordained Pastor Castro Mary 2121)Tin)Can)Drive Austin TX AMT General Minister Celey Johnny 1002)Riviera)Dr. Cedar)Park TX AMT General Minister Condrey Robert 103)Tejas)Tr Georgetown TX AMT Ordained Honorary/Exempt Cook Thomas 2911)Goldbridge)Dr. Austin TX AMT Local Minister Currie Kathy 13011)Muldoon)Dr Austin TX AMT Local Minister Darby John 17507)Wiseman)Drive Pflugerville TX AMT Local Minister DeLano Timothy 100)Christopher)Cove Kyle TX AMT Ordained Minister Dobyns Don 61)Family)Circle Hutto TX AMT Ordained Honorary/Exempt Fliehs Dan PO)Box)825 Jarrell TX AMT Ordained Pastor)[)NAM Fowler J.)Douglas PO)Box)542 Burnet TX AMT Ordained Pastor)[)NAM Garcia Rosalinda Fort)Worth TX AMT Local Honorary/Exempt Glover Michael 11316)Jollyville)Rd.)#136 Austin TX AMT Local Minister Gossett Travis 1024)London)Lane Georgetown TX AMT General Pastor Green Steven 14116)A)Harris)Ridge Pflugerville TX AMT General Pastor)[)NAM Groff Alicia 1184)CR)200 Giddings TX AMT Local Minister Groff Donald 1184)CR)200 Giddings TX AMT Local Minister Haggstrom Kenneth PO)Box)670 Florence TX AMT General Pastor Hall Jimmy 13719)Greinert)Dr Pflugerville TX AMT Ordained Minister Hanson Mark 1708)Winners)Ribbon)Cir Pflugerville TX AMT Ordained Minister Harper Chad 17513)Marfa)Lights)Trail Round)Rock TX AMT Ordained Pastor)[)NAM Hernandez Richard 8806)Clarewood)Dr. Austin TX AMT General Pastor Hunt Esther PO)Box)144141 Austin TX AMT General Minister Huslage Hubert 2920)FM)971 Georgetown TX AMT Ordained Pastor Hutson Sanford 6402)McNeil)Dr)#20 Austin TX AMT Ordained Exempt Hutton Roy PO)Box)512 Taylor TX AMT Ordained Pastor)[)NAM Johnson Danny 1900)Walnut)St.)#403 Bastrop TX AMT General Minister Lassiter Arick 7385)Regency)Square)Court Houston TX AMT Local Minister Lee Moon 2505)Durlston)Ct Cedar)Park TX AMT Ordained Pastor)[)DW Lingle Robert 1003)Reynolds Goldthwaite TX AMT Ordained Pastor Lopez Roberto 202)Bell)Star)Ct. Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Lorenzana Elias 12712)Monte)Castillo)Pkwy Austin TX AMT Local Minister Luna Fernando 13812)Briarcreek)Loop Manor TX AMT Local Pastor)[)DW 13 Austin Metro Section (AMT) Ministers (Tentative) (2 of 2) LastName Martin FirstName Derrick Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType 727-Heritage-Springs-Trl Round-Rock TX AMT General Minister McGranaghan Gene 8801C-Schick-Road Austin TX AMT Local Minister Medina Israel 1514-Gulf-Way Round-Rock TX AMT Local Minister Miller Steve 1309-Ridgefield-Loop Austin TX AMT Local Minister Moore John 4800-Amesley-Cove Austin TX AMT Local Minister Moreno Rene 3131-Silkgrass-Bend Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Mullins David PO-Box-176 Goldthwaite TX AMT Ordained Pastor-S-DW Nixon DeMarlon PO-Box-302422 Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Pantages George 2101-S-Lakeline-Blvd-#114 Cedar-Park TX AMT Local Evangelist Reddy Lisa 2701-Di-Santis-Place Cedar-Park TX AMT Ordained Minister Reddy Melvin 2701-Di-Santis-Place Cedar-Park TX AMT Ordained Pastor-S-NAM Rhodes Harold Manor TX AMT General Minister Rios Gerardo 300-S-Brown-St-Lot-#11 LaGrange TX AMT Local Pastor-S-DW Roark Edwin 3910-Seguoia-Trail-W. Georgetown TX AMT General Pastor-S-NAM Robinson Marcus 2200-Butler-Way Round-Rock TX AMT Ordained Minister Rodriguez Carlos 2410-Devonshire-Drive Austin TX AMT Local Minister Rodriguez Raul 5800-Techni-Center-Dr-#322 Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Ruiz Juan 900-Broken-Feather-Trl-#272 Pflugerville TX AMT Local Minister Sanders E. PO-Box-2067 Kyle TX AMT Ordained Minister Shaw Dwayne 1106-Blackburn-Place Round-Rock TX AMT Ordained Pastor Shaw Flo 1106-Blackburn-Place Round-Rock TX AMT General Minister Shaw Joe 1521-Rainbow-Parke-Dr. Round-Rock TX AMT Ordained Pastor Shaw Rodney 3200-Century-Park-Blvd. Austin TX AMT Ordained Pastor Shubert Steven 1123-Thackeray-Lane Pflugerville TX AMT General Evangelist Sifuentes Mario 1507-Hollow-Tree-Blvd. Round-Rock TX AMT Local Minister Simmons Seth 116-Legends-of-Hutto-Trl. Hutto TX AMT General Pastor-S-DW Smith Joshua 605-FM-1431 Marble-Falls TX AMT General Minister Starks Samuel 116-Stallion-Way Liberty-Hill TX AMT Ordained Minister Starks Samuel-(Greg) 7035-Rambollet-Terrace Round-Rock TX AMT Local Minister Stephens Charles 241-Colorado-Dr Cedar-Creek TX AMT Ordained Pastor Tinoco Sergio 702-Mockingbird-Lane Taylor TX AMT Ordained Pastor Tribble Gilbert 7904-Tealwood-Trail Austin TX AMT Ordained Exempt Urban Paul 1328-Lockaline-Loop Pflugerville TX AMT Ordained Minister Williams Jerome 17921-Maxa-Dr Manor TX AMT Ordained Minister Zirpoli Robert 110-Hycrest-Dr -Hutto TX AMT Local Minister 14 Austin Metro Churches & Daughter Works (AMT) (Tentative) Last Name Address County City Section Pastor Church Status Austin First Church UPC 4561 Texas 71 Travis Del Valle AMT Charles Stephens Church Austin Freedom Temple Church 1700 E 13th Street Travis Austin AMT DeMarlon Nixon Church Austin Iglesia Pentecostal 1144 3/4 Gunter St Travis Austin AMT Raul Rodriguez Church Austin Los Pentecostales De Austin 4606 Burleson Rd Travis Austin AMT Rene Moreno Church Austin Minesterios del Nombre 703 Mariposa St Travis Taylor AMT Sergio Tinoco Church Austin Mundo Apostolico Pentec 202 Bell Star Ct. Travis Austin AMT Roberto C. Lopez Church Austin New Life Temple 3601 Goodwin Ave Travis Austin AMT Dwayne Shaw Church Austin New Life United Pentecostal Church 3200 Century Park Blvd. Travis Austin AMT Rodney Shaw Church Austin Praise Jesus Korean UPC 5304 Austral Loop Travis Austin AMT Il An Church Brady First UPC of Brady Hwy 377 North McCulloch Brady AMT Joe E. Shaw, II Church Florence Victory Tabernacle UPC 14400 Highway 195 Williamson Florence AMT Kenneth J. Haggstrom Church Georgetown Apostolic Lighthous 261 CR 250 Williamson Georgetown AMT Donnie Huslage Church Georgetown Hope Fam. Fellowshp 40201 Industrial Circle Williamson Georgetown AMT Travis A. Gossett Church Giddings Calvary United Pentecostal Church 345 Rolling Oaks Dr Lee Giddings AMT Marcus Black Church Goldthwaite Evangelism Center 910 4th Street Mills Goldthwaite AMT Robert Lingle Church Lampasas Apostolic Truth Tabernacle 1801 S Key Ave Lampasas Lampasas AMT Kenneth Dixon Church Church Llano Bethel Tabernacle 401 W Dallas Llano Llano AMT Sid McMahon Manor Nueva Vida Centro de Avi 12753 St Mary Drive Travis Manor AMT Richard D. Hernandez Church Marble Falls United Pentecostal Church 402 Avenue N Burnet Marble Falls AMT David Smith Church Round Rock Lifeline Christian 3942 Upper Passage Lane Williamson Round Rock AMT Paul Jacks Church San Saba United Pentecostal Church 1004 N Cherokee St San Saba San Saba AMT James Castleberry Church Austin East Austin First Church PO Box 17096 Travis Austin AMT Charles Stephens Daughter Work Austin New Life Korean Church 2505 Durlston Ct Travis Cedar Park AMT Moon H. Lee Daughter Work Bastrop UPC (Spanish) 300 S Brown St, Lot #11 Fayette LaGrange AMT Gerardo Rios Daughter Work Bertram Bertram New Life Apostolic Church 554 N Grange St Burnet AMT J. Douglas Fowler Daughter Work Georgetown Los Pentcostls de G 261 CR 250 Williamson Georgetown AMT Rene Moreno Daughter Work Granger Apostolic Lighthouse Church 261 CR 250 Williamson Georgetown AMT Donnie Huslage Daughter Work Hutto New Life Church of Hutto PO Box 1061 Williamson Hutto AMT Seth Simmons Daughter Work Jonestown New Life Fellowship 3200 Century Park Blvd. Travis Austin AMT Rodney Shaw Daughter Work Kyle New Life Sanctuary PO Box 2230 Hays Kyle AMT David T. Mullins Daughter Work Manchaca Apostolic Life Center PO Box 358 Travis Manchaca AMT John Ratka Daughter Work Manor Nueva Vida of Manor 13812 Briarcreek Loop Travis Manor AMT Fernando Luna Daughter Work Austin Centro Familiar Nueva Vida 2810 E 3rd & Broadway Travis Austin AMT Jesse Romero Home Missions Doug Fowler Burnet New Life Fellowship 303 Bluebonnet Dr Burnet Burnet AMT Caldwell Abundant Life Tab 207 W Buck Street Burleson Caldwell AMT Cedar Park The Sanctuary 2222 Downing Lane Williamson Leander AMT Home Missions Home Missions Melvin Reddy Home Missions Jarrell Pentecostal Lighthouse 346 Park Meadow Dr Williamson Jarrell AMT Dan Fliehs Home Missions Pflugerville Way of Life 110 W Pflugerville Pky Travis AMT Chad Harper Home Missions Pflugerville Round Rock New Life Church 1609 Chisholm Trl. Ste 500 Williamson Round Rock AMT Steve Green Home Missions Taylor New Life of Taylor UPC 5300 N Main Street Williamson Taylor AMT Roy L. Hutton Home Missions 15 Eagle Ford Shale Section (EFT) 16 Eagle Ford Shale (EMT) Ministers (Tentative) LastName FirstName Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Curi Jason 1200-Fourth-Street Eagle-Pass TX EFT Ordained Pastor-;-NAM Esquibel Robert PO-Box-3750 Laredo TX EFT General Pastor Jeane Lavelle 2200-Cesar-Chavez-Street Uvalde TX EFT Local Minister Moody Audra 180-Oak-Fields-Dr. Floresville TX EFT Local Minister Moody Robert 180-Oak-Fields-Drive Floresville TX EFT General Pastor Raposo Roy 90-Windcrest Floresville TX EFT General Pastor Richardson Tracy PO-Box-421568 Del-Rio TX EFT Ordained Pastor Villarreal Joel 114-Century-Drive-North Laredo TX EFT Local Minister 17 Eagle Ford Shale Section (EFT) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) Last Name Address County City Section Pastor Church Status Del Rio Lighthouse United Pentecostal Church 901 E 1st Street Val Verde Del Rio EFT Tracy Richardson Church Floresville The Turning Point Church Wilson Floresville EFT Roy Raposo Church 1803 Bentwood Dr Laredo La Casa de Israel 1118 Constantinople St Webb Laredo EFT Eduardo Mercado Church Laredo The Pentecostals of Laredo 1820 Boston Webb Laredo EFT Robert Esquibel Church Pleasanton 1st UPC of Atascosa 70 County Road 134 Atascosa Pleasanton EFT Robert Moody Church Uvalde Fountain of Life UPC 2200 Cesar Chavez Uvalde Uvalde EFT Tracy Richardson Church Cotulla The Pentecostals of Cotulla 100 S Front St La Salle Cotulla EFT Robert M. Esquibel Daughter Work Eagle Pass Aposento Alto 406 Bonanza Heights Circle Maverick Eagle Pass EFT Jason Curi Home Missions 18 Hill Country Section (HCT) 19 Hill Country Section (HCT) Ministers (Tentative) LastName FirstName Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Arndt Ray PO+Box+1371 Lockhart TX HCT General Minister Bayer Robert 4207+Fossil+Wood San+Antonio TX HCT Ordained Honorary Brazzel Toby 142+West+Jahn+Street New+Braunfels TX HCT Ordained Pastor Chandler Grady 715+Annika+Way Bastrop TX HCT Ordained Pastor Cruz Crescencio PO+Box+836 Johnson+City TX HCT Local Pastor+Q+DW DoolQClayton Joyce PO+Box+310985 New+Braunfels TX HCT Local Minister Felps Keith 326+Rock+Ridge+Rd Kerrville TX HCT Ordained Pastor Garcia Mariano 758+Andora+Dr. New+Braunfels TX HCT Local Pastor+Q+NAM Griffin Graylyne 7230+Wurzbach+Rd. San+Antonio TX HCT Local Minister Hammer Kerry 105+Joey+Dr Boerne TX HCT General Pastor Hughes Jimmie PO+Box+384 Seguin TX HCT Ordained Pastor+Q+NAM Miller Jerry PO+Box+705 Dripping+Springs TX HCT Ordained Pastor Miller Loren 1200+Hwy.+290+E+Lot+#1 Dripping+Springs TX HCT Ordained Minister Pond Willard PO+Box+606 Lockhart TX HCT Ordained Pastor Romero Jesse 3012+Redbay+Dr Cedar+Park TX HCT Ordained Pastor+Q+NAM Scoggins Nathaniel 20523+Cliff+Park San+Antonio TX HCT Ordained Pastor Sellers Jimmy PO+Box+158 Johnson+City TX HCT Local Minister Slayter Joel PO+Box+113 Schertz TX HCT Ordained Pastor+Q+NAM Steadman Don PO+Box+63 Fredericksburg TX HCT Ordained Pastor+Q+NAM Steele J.+Gregory PO+Box+530 Johnson+City TX HCT Ordained Pastor Suh Sam 810+Highland+Knoll San+Antonio TX HCT Ordained Pastor Tanner Anthony 750+San+Mateo New+Braunfels TX HCT Local Minister Tristan Antonio 175+N+Water+Ln New+Braunfels TX HCT General Pastor+Q+NAM 20 Hill Country Section (HCT) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) Last Name Address County City Section Pastor Church Status Bastrop The Pentecostals 602 Pecan St Bastrop Bastrop HCT Grady Chandler Church Boerne UPC 235 Frey St Kendall Boerne HCT Kerry Hammer Church Dripping Springs 1st Apostolic PO Box 705 Hays Dripping Springs HCT Jerry D. Miller Church Johnson City H.O.M.E. Church 405 Hwy 281 N Blanco Johnson City HCT James G. Steele Church Kerrville Pentecostals 885 Harper Road Kerr Kerrville HCT Keith Felps Church Lockhart Lockhart United Pentecostal Church 6875 Hwy 142 Caldwell HCT Willard Pond Church New Braunfels Greater Life UPC 134 Enchantment Lane Guadalupe New Braunfels HCT Toby Brazzel Church San Antonio HOPE Center 4545 North Loop 1604 West Bexar HCT Nathan Scoggins Church San Antonio Johnson City H.O.M.E. Church (Spanish) 405 Hwy 281 N Blanco Johnson City HCT Crescencio Cruz Daughter Work Junction First Pentecostal Church 885 Harper Road Kerr Kerrville HCT Keith Felps Daughter Work Luling New Life House of Prayer 860 S Magnolia Ave. Caldwell Luling HCT Jesse Romero Daughter Work San Antonio San Antonio Praise Jesus Korean UPC 810 Highland Knoll Bexar Cibolo Revive New Braunfels Mi 758 Andora Dr Guadalupe New Braunfels HCT Sam Suh Daughter Work HCT Mariano Garcia Home Missions Don Steadman Home Missions Charles Stephens Home Missions Fredericksburg Calvary Pentecostal Church 1015 Friendship Lane Gillespie Fredericksburg HCT Rocksprings First United Pentecostal Church 24019 Leathergate Edwards Spring HCT San Marcos Iglesia UPC Luz de Vida 140 Opal Lake Dr Hays Kyle HCT San Marcos The Pentecostals 142 W Jahn Street Caldwell New Braunfels Seguin Life Tabernacle Seguin 747A N Highway 123 Bypass Guadalupe Seguin Home Missions HCT Toby Brazzel Home Missions HCT Jimmie Hughes Home Missions 21 San Antonio Metro Section (SMT) 22 San Antonio Metro Section (SMT) Ministers (Tentative) (1 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Black Marcus PO,Box,1034 Giddings TX SMT Ordained Pastor Bonilla Alfredo 1303,Crumpet,Rd San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor,C,DW Boyd Max 1327,Cresswell,Cove San,Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Caruthers David 4614,Acornridge,Way San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor Caruthers Nathan 5379,Maple,Vista San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Chance Shane 11915,Barkston,Dr San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor,C,NAM Chavez R.,Dennis 7200,S,Presa,#1805 San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor Cox Brandon 430,Wiggins,Creek San,Antonio TX SMT General Pastor,C,NAM Davis Aaron 16303,Chelsea,Place,#926 Selma TX SMT Local Minister Dixon Kenneth PO,Box,1180 Lampasas TX SMT Local Pastor Drost Daniel 4127,Timber,Trail Arlington TX SMT Ordained Pastor,C,NAM Escamilla Homero 6427,Jenny,Dr. San,Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor,C,NAM Escamilla Juan 5863,Bowsprit San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor Gallego Mariano 5442,Congo,Lane San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor,C,NAM Garcia Manuel 114,Hickman,,#101 San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Honorary/Exempt Gonzales Michael 315,Beverly San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Guia Rodolfo 261,Briarwood,Drive San,Marcos TX SMT Ordained Pastor Harp Earl 209,E,New,Braunfels,St Seguin TX SMT General Minister Henderson Wesley 12872,AdkinsCSt.,Hedwig,Rd St.,Hedwig TX SMT Ordained Evangelist Jackson James PO,Box,23257 San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor Jimenez Jose 3737,Fredericksburg,#211D San,Antonio TX SMT General Minister Keller Victor 12402,Independence,Avenue San,Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Kinne Patrick 220,Parkmeadow,Dr Jarrell TX SMT General Minister Lemus Marvin 8764,Port,of,Call,Drive San,Antonio TX SMT Local Minister 23 San Antonio Metro Section (SMT) Ministers (Tentative) (2 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Martinez Jesus 214/Dorsey/St San/Antonio TX SMT General Minister McCall LeRoy 423/E./Mission/Ave. Spokane WA SMT General Pastor/E/NAM Mejia Jesus 8927/Sundrop/Falls San/Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor Melendez Ubaldo 538/West/Bend San/Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor/E/NAM Moore Charlie 12019/Allard/Bluff San/Antonio Tx SMT General Minister Moss Tyler 900/Bending/Brooke Schertz TX SMT Local Minister Nino Josh Converse TX SMT General Minister Nix Jonathan 7055/Shadow/Run San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor Patrick Billy 216/N/Upson Devine TX SMT Ordained Pastor/E/NAM Perez Luis 1007/West/Ashy/Place San/Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor/E/NAM Pinales Juan 802/Larry San/Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor/E/NAM Plemons Carey 16127/Caballo/Run Selma TX SMT Local Minister Postell Horace 9038/Clearwood/Path San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Ramos Trinidad 9898/Colonnade/Blvd./#15203 San/Antonio TX SMT General Pastor/E/NAM Rivers Donald 8802/Rustling/Meadows San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Ruiz Guillermo 17418/Canyon/Hollow San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Sanchez David 13435/Sun/Sierra San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Sanchez Ruth 13435/Sun/Sierra San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Sechler Glenn 8242/Shooting/Quail San/Antonio TX SMT General Minister Shaw Joe PO/Box/205 Brady TX SMT General Pastor Sibley Robert PO/Box/104 Castroville TX SMT Ordained Pastor Smith Cody 7114/Walnut/Trace San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Smith David 300/Bridget Marble/Falls TX SMT Ordained Pastor Smith Dustin 3934/Nuttall/Oak/Dr San/Antonio TX SMT General Minister Sorola Carmelo 503/Rotary San/Antonio TX SMT General Minister Stevens Michael 9514/Mustang/Farm San/Antonio TX SMT General Minister Suggett Leon 101/Lemonwood/Dr. Castle/Hills TX SMT Ordained Pastor Tannehill Nathaniel 10800/Green/Hurst San/Antonio TX SMT Local Pastor/E/NAM Tanner Thomas 14122/Edge/Point San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Wallace Timothy 7115/Saybrook San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Williams Maria 9302/Palomar San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Barlow Seth 7771/Joe/Newton/St./#1207 San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Clemons Sylvia 4431/Briardale/St San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Minister Guerrero Eliud 8015/Shumard/Oak/Drive San/Antonio TX SMT Local Minister Gallego Mariano 5442/Congo/Lane San/Antonio TX SMT Ordained Pastor/E/NAM 24 San Antonio Metro Section (SMT) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) Last Name Address County City Section Pastor Church Status Castroville The Jesus Church 2035 Hwy 90 West Medina Castroville SMT Robert J. Sibley Church San Antonio Aposento Alto 941 Cincinnati Ave Bexar San Antonio SMT Rodolfo Guia Church San Antonio Calvary Apostolic Church 13875 Higgins Rd Bexar San Antonio SMT David Caruthers Church San Antonio Christian Apostolic Church PO Box 5512 Bexar San Antonio SMT Kyle Nix Church San Antonio First United Pentecostal Church 350 Utopia Lane Bexar San Antonio SMT James Jackson Church San Antonio Iglesia Fuego Pentecostal 5863 Bowsprit Bexar San Antonio SMT Juan Escamilla Church San Antonio La Piedra Angular 102 N. Acme Road #105 Bexar San Antonio SMT Ubaldo Melendez Church Bexar San Antonio SMT Dennis Chavez Church San Antonio Primera Iglesia Pentecostal Unida 7200 S Presa #1805 Bexar San Antonio SMT Juan Pinales Church San Antonio The Pentecostals Of San Antonio 250 Dinn Drive Bexar San Antonio SMT Leon Suggett Church San Antonio Alpha Y Omega Bexar San Antonio SMT James Jackson Daughter Work San Antonio Roca De Horeb 802 Larry 350 Utopia Lane San Antonio Harvest Tabernacle 215 N Teel Medina Devine SMT Alfredo Bonilla Daughter Work San Antonio Iglesia Pentecostal Betesda 5863 Bowsprit Bexar San Antonio SMT Juan Escamilla Daughter Work San Antonio North Central UPC 350 Utopia Bexar San Antonio SMT James Jackson Daughter Work Universal City First UPC NE 8143 Pat Booker Rd Bexar San Antonio SMT James Jackson Daughter Work Devine Harvest Tabernacle 215 North Teel Medina Devine SMT Billy Patrick Home Missions San Antonio Ashby Revival Cent 1007 West Ashby Place Bexar San Antonio SMT Luis Perez Home Missions San Antonio Crossing Point Church 8111 Mainland, Suite 104-449 Bexar San Antonio SMT Brandon Cox Home Missions San Antonio Iglesia 6427 Jenny Dr San Antonio SMT Homero Escamilla Home Missions Bexar San Antonio New Covenant Fellowship Church 423 E Mission Ave Bexar San Antonio SMT Leroy McCall Home Missions San Antonio Palabra de Vida 120 Comfort St Bexar San Antonio SMT Trinidad Ramos Home Missions San Antonio Revive Ministries 6401 Bandera Road Bexar San Antonio SMT Daniel Drost Home Missions San Antonio The Sanctuary 11915 Barkston Dr Bexar San Antonio SMT Shane Chance Home Missions 25 Houston Metro Sections 26 Houston Metro East Section (HME) 27 Houston Metro East Section (HME) Ministers (Tentative) (1 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City Alba Victor 2257.N..Loop.336.W..Ste..140.#438 Conroe TX 77304 HME General Evangelist Allen Michael 2414.Dewberry.Ln TX 77502 HME General Minister Pasadena State ZIPCode IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Alvarez Agustin 8115.Delwin.St Houston TX 77034 HME Local Minister Amaya Claudio 10901.Mist.Ln..#4106 Houston TX 77070 HME General Evangelist Ambriz Nicholas 8635.Cayton.Avenue Houston TX 77061 HME General Minister Anderson Michael 10023.Sagedale Houston TX 77089 HME Ordained Pastor Artiga Raul 11014.Hillcroft.St. Houston TX 77096 HME General Pastor.U.DW Atchison W..L. 3423.Rolling.Creek.Dr Baytown TX 77521 HME Ordained Pastor Bernardez Carlos 15301.NW.Freeway,.#127 Houston TX 77040 HME Ordained Minister Blackburn Billy 2801.San.Marcos Deer.Park TX 77536 HME General Minister Blackburn Roger 3414.Somerset.Ln Deer.Park TX 77536 HME Ordained Pastor Blackmon Joshua 1303.4th.St Galena.Park TX 77547 HME General Minister Broadway Ted 15646.N.Brentwood Channelview TX 77530 HME Ordained Pastor Burnett Ronald 1401.Wilson.Dr Deer.Park 77536 HME Ordained Minister Houston TX 77015 HME Local Minister 4003.Dappled.Trail Humble TX 77346 HME General Minister Cardona Fernando Carpenter Dwayne TX Castleberry Dan 13103.Barkley.Bend.Ln Houston TX 77044 HME General Pastor Cremeans Brandon 2618.Crestwood.Dr Deer.Park TX 77536 HME General Minister Cuadras Guadalupe 2033.Pickerton Deer.Park TX 77536 HME General Pastor Delgadillo Esmerelda 19414.Climbing.Oaks.Dr. Humble TX 77346 HME Local Minister Delgadillo Gabriel 19414.Climbing.Oaks.Drive Humble TX 77346 HME Local Minister Dobson Donald PO.Box.364 TX 77560 HME Local Minister Hankamer Espinoza Daniel 4206.W.Cedar.Trail.Ct Pearland TX 77584U1735 HME General Pastor.U.NAM Free Charles 11511.Crosby.Frwy.#132 Houston TX 77013 HME Ordained Exempt Gails Tanya 5503.Imperial.Grove.Dr Houston TX 77066 HME Ordained Minister Geary Thomas PO.Box.2645 Cypress TX 77410 HME Ordained Minister Glass Arless 3726.Green.Meadows Pasadena TX 77505 HME Ordained Pastor Golemon James 160.Padgett.Road Hineston LA 71438 HME Ordained Minister Gonzalez Alvaro PO.Box.3327 Baytown TX 77522 HME Local Pastor.U.NAM Grant Jermaine 1901.Marlock.Lane Pasadena TX 77502 HME Local Pastor.U.DW Gregory James 20815.Brandon.Dr New.Caney TX 77357 HME Local Honorary Hernandez George 11414.Sagemorgan.Dr Houston TX 77089U4223 HME Ordained Minister Hernandez Richard 4314.Maple.Gables.Ln. Humble TX 77396 HME General Minister Hood Donald 1909.Winding.Creek Pearland TX 77581U5631 HME Local Minister Hopkins John 2501.Golfcrest.Drive Houston TX 77089 HME Ordained Pastor King Jackie 721.E.Main.St La.Porte TX 77571 HME Ordained Pastor Lee Kerry 15911.Spinnaker.Dr Crosby TX 77532 HME Local Pastor Leija Carlos 205.Shaw.Ave Pasadena TX 77506 HME Local Minister Leslie Sherluff 2009.N.Fisher.Ct Pasadena TX 77502 HME Local Minister Lester Jory PO.Box.125 Crosby TX 77532 HME Local Minister Lewis Jeffry 5423.Fawn.Trail.Ln Humble TX 77346 HME General Minister 1210.Manor.St..#1 Longoria Ulysses Houston TX 77015 HME Local Minister Lopez Christopher 14302.Holly.Park.Dr Houston TX 77015 HME Ordained Minister Lopez John Richmond TX 77469 HME Ordained Pastor 707.N.3rd.Street 28 Houston Metro East Section (HME) Ministers (Tentative) (2 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State ZIPCode Macey Ronald 255-West-Thorn-Way Houston TX 77015 IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType HME Ordained Pastor Madden Gary 10023-Rustic-Gate-Rd La-Porte TX 77571 HME General Exempt MarreroDChoe Victor 11007-Dogwood-Ct. La-Porte TX 77571 HME General Minister Marrerobatista Jose 11007-Dogwood-Ct La-Porte TX 77571 HME Ordained Minister Martin Kevin 7023-Fuchsia-Lane Humble TX 77346 HME Ordained Pastor Martinez Martin 11503-Davenwood-Dr Houston TX 77089 HME Local Minister Matzar Rolando 2911-Metcalf Houston TX 77017 HME General Minister McClain O.-Wayne 4302-Valparaiso Pasadena TX 77504 HME Ordained Pastor McClain Orlin 1316-Carpenter-Ave. Pasadena TX 77502 HME Ordained Pastor McDaniel Jon-Paul 10414-Kirkdale-Dr. Houston TX 77089 HME General Pastor McDonald Benny 2009-Pickerton Deer-Park TX 77536 HME Local Minister Mendizabal Jorge 4419-Fountain-Creek-Ct Pasadena TX 77505 HME Ordained Pastor 903-Heathfield-Drive Channelview TX 77530 HME Ordained Minister Houston TX 77049 HME Local Minister Friendswood TX 77546 HME Ordained Pastor-D-DW Mendizabal Samuel Meraz Miguel Monday Wayne 107-Clearview-Ave Morales Ignacio 14302-Holly-Park-Dr Houston TX 77015 HME Ordained Pastor-D-NAM Moreland Roger 1501-Wilson-Dr. Deer-Park TX 77536 HME Ordained Minister Murphy Ernest 11415-Harbour-Lake-Court Humble TX 77396 HME Ordained Minister Parker Chad 7803-Uvalde-Road Houston TX 77049 HME Ordained Minister Polanco Luis 11602-Tierra-Ridge-Ct Houston TX 77034 HME Ordained Pastor Roch Lester 5622-Arbor-Vitae Houston TX 77092 HME Ordained Pastor Rodriguez Manuel 13117-Flagstaff-Ln Houston TX 77049 HME Local Minister Saravia German 531-Barbara-Mae-Blvd Houston TX 77015 HME General Pastor Sauceda Isaac 2801-Park-Shadow-Ln Deer-Park TX 77536 HME Ordained Pastor Sauceda Nicholas 2801-Park-Shadow-Ln Deer-Park TX 77536 HME Local Minister Sciscoe Jason 1605-Shamrock-Lane Deer-Park TX 77536 HME Ordained Pastor Scott John 19710-Oakhall Humble TX 77346 HME Ordained Pastor Senteno Marco 14510-Wadebridge-Way Houston TX 77015 HME Local Pastor Sheppard John 211-Wickhamford-Way Houston TX 77015 HME General Minister Silguero G 10623-Sageberry-Dr Houston TX 77089 HME Ordained Pastor Smith George 3809-Washington Pasadena TX 77503 HME Ordained Minister Stewart Tesfaye 2935-Blue-Jay-Circle Humble TX 77396 HME Local Minister Torres Alfred 15326-Streatham-Circle Channelview TX 77530 HME Ordained Pastor Twentier James 2412-Evening-Star-Drive Pearland TX 77584 HME Ordained Evangelist Ulmer Michael PO-Box-1513 Montbelvieu TX 77580 HME Ordained Minister Urbina Benny 10731-Dusty-Trail-Dr. Houston Tx 77086 HME Local Minister Velasquez Javier 7331-Arcadia-Dr Pasadena TX 77505 HME General Minister Villanueva Octavio 1142-Pennygent-Ln Channelview TX 77530 HME Ordained Pastor Waddel Stephen 2634-S.-Houston-Rd. Pasadena TX 77502 HME General Minister Walker David PO-Box-670083 Houston TX 77267 HME Local Evangelist Wallrath Robert 7422-Nodding-Pines-Ln Houston TX 77044D2722 HME Ordained Minister Whitmire Glen 3125-FM-1010 Cleveland TX 77327 HME General Minister Wilkins Lance 1200-Remagen-Rd Seaside CA 93955 HME General Minister Willhoite J.-Mark 6211-Bayou-Blvd Baytown TX 77521 HME Local Pastor-D-NAM 29 Houston Metro East Section (HME) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) LastName Address1 City IndSection_ FamPastor_sName IndChurchStatus Baytown(Harvest(Temple 3105(Rollingbrook(Dr Baytown HME W.(L.(Atchison Church Baytown(Templo(de(Fe 703(W(Main Baytown HME Mauricio(Ramirez Church Channelview(Templo(Pentecostal(Amisadai(Inc. 15000(Woodforest(Blvd. Channelview HME Octavio(Villanueva Church Channelview(United(Pentecostal 15646(N(Brentwood Channelview HME Ted(Broadway Church Crosby(The(Pentecostals(of(Crosby 15911(Spinnaker(Dr Crosby HME Kerry(D.(Lee Church Deer(Park(Springs(of(Life(UPC 1111(Center(Street Deer(Park HME Roger(Blackburn Church Deer(Park(Tabernaculo(de(Restauracion 3708(Ramsey Pasadena HME G.(A.((Cuadras Church Houston(Apostolic(Tabernacle 5547(Cavalcade Houston HME Lester(Roch Church Houston(Christ(Church(Inc. 12815(Fuqua Houston HME Michael(Anderson Church Houston(Christian(Life(&(Fam(C 618(Baca(Street Houston HME Alfred(Torres Church Houston(Fuego(Apostolico PO(Box(751057 Houston HME Gus(Silguero Church Houston(Royalwood(Church 7803(Uvalde(Road Houston HME Ron(Macey Church Houston(Springs(Of(Life 3601(Murdock Houston HME Jimmy(T.(Lewis Church Houston(Tab(de(Vida(/(Hopkins 7902(Baltimore(St Houston HME John(Hopkins(II Church Houston(United(Family 14510(Wadebridge(Way Houston HME Marco(Senteno Church Huffman(Christ(Tabernacle(UPC 2713(Huffman^Eastgate(Rd Huffman HME John(Scott Church La(Porte(Victory(Tabernacle 721(E(Main(St La(Porte HME Jackie(King Church Pasadena(Apostolic(Temple(UPC 2630(Allen(Genoa Pasadena HME Orlin(McClain Church Pasadena(Divine(Restoration(Apostolic(Church 925(Davis(St Pasadena HME Isaac(Sauceda Church Pasadena(Mundo(Pentecostal 1008(S(Main(St Pasadena HME Jorge(Mendizabal Church Pasadena(Tabernaculo(De(Vida(South(Houston 11602(Tierra(Ridge(Ct Houston HME Luis(Polanco Church Pasadena(The(Church(Triumphant 1030(Strawberry(Rd Pasadena HME Jason(Sciscoe Church Waller(UPC 2606(Sherwood(Hollow(Ln Kingwood HME Dan(Castleberry,(Jr. Church Friendswood(Pentecostals PO(Box(3104 Pasadena HME Jason(Sciscoe Daughter(Work Galena(Park(Divine(Restoration PO(Box(1858 Pasadena HME Isaac(Sauceda Daughter(Work Highlands(Divine(Restoration(A PO(Box(1858 Pasadena HME Isaac(Sauceda Daughter(Work Houston(Apostolic(Rev.(Ctr.(SW 9694(S(Kirkwood(Rd(A Houston HME Alfred(Torres Daughter(Work Houston(Cloverleaf(Templo(Pentecostal(Amisadai 15000(Woodforest(Blvd Channelview HME Octavio(Villanueva Daughter(Work Houston(Iglesia(Avivamiento 12409(Hillcroft(Ave Houston HME Raul(Artiga Daughter(Work Houston(Life(Tabernacle 7902(Baltimore(St Houston HME Wayne(Monday Daughter(Work Houston(Mundo(Pentecostal(DW 1008(Main(St Pasadena HME Jorge(Mendizabal Daughter(Work Houston(Royalwood(Cloverleaf 7803(Uvalde(Rd Houston HME Ron(Macey Daughter(Work Houston(Sharpstown(CLFC 15326(Streatham(Cir Channelview HME Alfred(Torres Daughter(Work Houston(ThePentC(Atascocita(NW 3448(Atascocita(Road Humble HME Kevin(Martin Daughter(Work Kingwood(Royalwood(Pent(Church 7803(Uvalde(Road Houston HME Ron(Macey Daughter(Work La(Porte(Divine(Restoration(Ap PO(Box(1858 Pasadena HME Isaac(Sauceda Daughter(Work Liberty(Templo(Pentecostal(Amisadai 15000(Woodforest(Blvd Channelview HME Octavio(Villanueva Daughter(Work Pasadena(Fairmont(Pky(UPC PO(Box(3104 Pasadena HME Jason(Sciscoe Daughter(Work Pasadena(Mundo(Pentecostal 1008(Main(St Pasadena HME Jermaine(Grant Daughter(Work South(Houston(Divine(Restorati PO(Box(1858 Pasadena HME Isaac(Sauceda Daughter(Work Waco(Tabernaculo(de(Vida 7902(Baltimore(St. Houston HME Santos(Echegoyen Daughter(Work Baytown(Life(Changing(Church 6211(Bayou(Blvd Baytown HME Mark(Willhoite Home(Missions Houston(Iglesia(Pentecostal(El(Dios(Viviente 1013(Maxey(Rd Houston HME Ignacio(Morales Home(Missions Houston(Promise(Church(of(Houston 4206(W(Cedar(Trail(Ct Pearland HME Daniel(Espinoza Home(Missions Humble(The(Pentecostal(Church(Of(Atascocita 3448(Atascocita(Road Humble HME Kevin(Martin Home(Missions 30 Houston Metro North Section (HMN) 31 Houston Metro North Section (HMN) Ministers (Tentative) LastName FirstName Address1 City Ainsworth Caleb 144152Shannon2Ridge2Rd. Houston TX 77062 HMN Local Minister Ayala Ruben 148192Peachmeadow2Lane Channelview TX 77530 HMN General Minister Bourn JJ 77342Allegro2Dr Houston TX 77040 HMN Ordained Pastor Burris J.2A. PO2Box21505 Austin TX 78767 HMN Ordained Evangelist Cain Aaron 232182Whispering2Willow2DrSpring TX 77373 HMN Local Minister Cain Kevin 48072Treaschwig2Rd TX 77373 HMN General Pastor Camarillo Joseph 178022Dappled2Walked2WayCypress TX 77429 HMN Ordained Pastor Cecil Jeremy 221102Bridgebrook2Dr Spring TX 77373 HMN Ordained Pastor2V2DW Cornish James 79022Wolfield2Lane Houston TX 77071 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Cosme Florentino 198112Deep2Dale2Dr Humble TX 77338 HMN General Minister Fauss David 206382Harvest2Hill2Ln Houston TX 77073 HMN Ordained Pastor Fruge Edward 1342Wick2Willow2Drive Montgomery TX 77356 HMN Ordained Minister Gilstrap Robert 59232Sawyer2Bend2Lane Spring TX 77379 HMN Ordained Minister Gonzalez Arturo 32172Wardmont2St Houston TX 77093 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Hepner Russel 222302Singleleaf2Ln Tomball TX 77375 HMN Ordained Pastor2V2NAM Hernandez Fernando 36102Hollybrook2Lane Houston TX 77039 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Isaza Jesus 26422Royal2Sage2Dr Houston TX 77088 HMN Ordained Pastor2V2NAM Johnson Myrick 54062McCracken2Rd Houston TX 77032 HMN Ordained Pastor Leyva Justin 91072Godstone2Lane Spring TX 77379 HMN General Evangelist Mayorquin Porfirio 27102Wilson2Rd2#112 Humble TX 77396 HMN Ordained Pastor2V2NAM McMahon Daniel 6012East2Collins Llano TX 78643 HMN Ordained Minister McMahon Sid 4012W2Dallas Llano TX 78643 HMN Ordained Minister Minton Terry 199022Doversgreen2Ln Spring TX 77388 HMN Local Minister Needham Horace 224222Bergman2Dr Magnolia TX 77355 HMN Local Pastor Ortega Angel 102342Revelstoke2Dr. Houston TX 77086 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Ossa Isaias 12232Cross2Draw2Dr Houston TX 77067 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Ramirez Rogelio 309272Lake2Rd. Waller TX 77484 HMN Local Pastor2V2NAM Rios Joseph 52032Auckland2Dr Sugar2Land TX 77478 HMN Ordained Pastor Sarreon Gumaro 139212Reeveston2Rd Houston TX 77039 HMN Ordained Pastor Schuessler Carl 22182Cherry2Lane Pasadena TX 77502 HMN Local Pastor2V2NAM Simoneaux Tremayne 8222Spring2Source2Pl. Spring TX 77373 HMN Ordained Pastor Smith Stanley 11192Chateau2Woods2Pkwy2Dr Conroe TX 77385 HMN General Pastor2V2NAM Tavira Cornelio 119252Bauman2Rd TX 77076 HMN Ordained Pastor2V2NAM Spring Houston State ZIPCode IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType 32 Houston Metro North Section (HMN) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) LastName Address1 Cypress'My'Father's'House City IndSection_ FamPastor_sName IndChurchStatus Cypress HMN Horace'Needham Church Church Houston'Bethel'Tabernacle 1020'FM'1960'Rd'East Houston HMN David'Fauss Houston'Gospel'Truth'UPC 1624'W'34th'St Houston HMN Tremayne'Simoneaux Church Houston'Iglesia'Pentecostal'UnidaNBethel 13921'Reeveston'Rd Houston HMN Gumaro'Sarreon Church Houston'Iglesia'Torre'Fuerte 10911'Bauman'Rd Houston HMN Cornelio'Tavira Church Houston'The'Sanctuary 4400'Fulton'St Houston HMN J.'J.'Bourn,'Jr. Church Humble'The'Church'of'Humble 8819'Will'Clayton'Pky Humble HMN Myrick'K.'Johnson Church Spring'Gospel'Truth'UPC 5506'Pecangate'Dr. Spring HMN Kevin'Cain Church Houston'Bethel'NW'Fellowship 1020'FM'1960'East Houston HMN Stanley'Smith Daughter'Work Houston'Bethel'Tab 1020'FM'1960'Rd'E Houston HMN DFauss/Jeremy'Cecil Daughter'Work Baytown'Templo'Pentecostal 1306'Harbor'St Baytown HMN Alvaro'Gonzalez Houston'Alief'UPC 8007'Leamont Houston HMN Houston'Authentic'Revival'Chur 2311'Canal'St'Suite'230 Houston HMN Carl'Schuessler Home'Missions Houston'Centro'de'Predicacion 10234'Revelstoke'Dr Houston HMN Angel'Ortega Home'Missions Houston'Iglesia'de'Jesuchristo'La'Roca 2642'Royal'Sage'Dr Houston HMN Jesus'Isaza Home'Missions Houston'Iglesia'Tabernaculo'de'Vida 10322'Pear'Oak'Dr Houston HMN Rogelio'Ramirez Home'Missions Houston'IPUI'Tabernaculo'de'Vida 1223'Cross'Draw'Dr Houston HMN Isaias'Ossa Home'Missions Houston'Jersey'Village'UPC 10234'Revelstoke'Dr Houston HMN Angel'Ortega Home'Missions Houston'Los'Testigos'de'Jesucr 3610'Hollybrook Houston HMN Fernando'Hernandez Home'Missions Houston'Pentecostal'Revival'UPC 1604'Kowis Houston HMN Arturo'Gonzalez Home'Missions Humble'Iglesia'Pentecostal'pan'de'Vida 2710'Wilson'Rd'#112 Humble HMN Porfirio'Mayorquin Home'Missions Spring'Signs'&'Wonders'PC 22230'Singleleaf'Ln. Tomball HMN Russell'Hepner Home'Missions Home'Missions Home'Missions 33 Houston Metro South Section (HMS) 34 Houston Metro South Section (HMS) Ministers (Tentative) (1 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State ZIPCode IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType Aguinaga Jorge 2017/Fairwood/St Pearland TX 77581 HMS Ordained Minister Ashcraft J./Craig 2601/First/St Bay/City TX 77414 HMS Ordained Evangelist Bannarbie Sylvester 7810/Chase/Wood/Dr Missouri/City TX 77489 HMS Local Minister Barnett Barclay 5402/Ryan/Acres Pearland 77584 HMS Ordained Minister TX Boone Darrell PO/Box/1904 Deer/Park TX 77536 HMS General Minister Borgeson Sue 2609/Evergreen/Dr. Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister Brister Mickel 122/Bennett/Dr West/ColumbiaTX 77486 HMS Ordained Minister Bussey Travis 2309/Marys/Creek/Ct Pearland 77581 HMS General Minister TX Campos Gloria 160/Corkwood Lake/Jackson TX 77566 HMS General Minister Campos Hector 160/Corkwood/St Lake/Jackson TX 77566 HMS Ordained Pastor Castorina Joseph 2811/25th/Ave./North Texas/City TX 77590 HMS Ordained Minister Cecil Terry 714/Harold/Lane Baytown TX 77521 HMS Ordained Minister Childs Fred 3911/Beechwood/Dr. Pearland TX 77584 HMS Ordained Minister Clark Matt 12309/11th/Street Santa/Fe TX 77510 HMS Local Minister Coon Gregory 675/Don/Anderson/Road Huntington TX 75949 HMS General Minister Creekmore Terry PO/Box/58282 Webster TX 77598 HMS General Pastor Custer Thomas 14130/Patricia/Ln Alvin TX 77511 HMS Ordained Pastor Davis Richard 3916/Secretariat/Drive Florissant MO 63034W3407 HMS Ordained Minister DiNello Philip 606/Sycamore Sweeny TX 77480 HMS General Pastor/W/NAM Eller Shaun 1904/Stonegrove/Cr. Pearland TX 77581 HMS Ordained Minister Ellis Mary 404/Fallow/Ln Friendswood TX 77546 HMS Ordained Minister Evans Ronald 841/Live/Oak Clute TX 77531 HMS Local Pastor/W/DW Flores Mark 13403/Gospel/Way Houston TX 77085 HMS General Pastor/W/DW Gonzalez Mike 9022/Easthaven Houston TX 77075 HMS Ordained Pastor Guevara Rolando 4602/Tulip/Ln Fresno TX 77545 HMS General Pastor/W/NAM Guidroz Ronald 3529/Avenue/O/1/2 Gurley Lawrence PO/Box/394 Galveston TX 77550 HMS Ordained Evangelist Pearland TX 77588W0394 HMS Ordained Pastor Hammond Joel 200/E./Brazoswood,/#2122 Clute TX 77531 HMS Ordained Minister Harris Michael 150/North/Park/Plaza/Dr./#225 Kingwood TX 77339 HMS Ordained Evangelist Harrison Richard 7723/Pecanwood Hitchcock TX 77563 HMS Local Minister Hilton Jack 707/Huntington/Lane Friendswood TX 77546 HMS Local Minister Hodges Travis 6016/Dublin/Lane Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister Hughes James 2612/Evergreen Pearland TX 77581 HMS Ordained Evangelist Hughes Mark 5110/Sandy/Meadow League/City TX 77573 HMS Ordained Pastor Jeane L./M. 8540/Avenue/L Santa/Fe TX 77510 HMS Ordained Pastor Jeane Lavelle 415/Meadow/Run/Dr Friendswood TX 77546 HMS Local Minister Jenkins Hughes 15302/O'Hara/Dr Missouri/City TX 77489 HMS Ordained Pastor Johnson Charles 2018/Fairwood/St Pearland TX 77581 HMS Ordained Pastor/W/DW Johnson Danny PO/Box/715 West/ColumbiaTX 77486 HMS Ordained Pastor Kennon Ricky 2375/Ave/D San/Leon 77539 HMS Ordained Pastor/W/NAM TX Kowacich Gordon 4875/Dellwood/Ln Beaumont TX 77706 HMS General Minister Leatherwood Brian 11409/Harris/Avenue Pearland TX 77584 HMS General Minister Long Landon 2111/Savanna/Ct./N League/City TX 77573 HMS General Minister Lopez John 11114/Sagegale/Dr Houston TX 77089 HMS Ordained Pastor Lopez Marco 2407/Scarlatti Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister 35 Houston Metro South Section (HMS) Ministers (Tentative) (2 of 2) LastName FirstName Address1 City State ZIPCode IndSection_ IndLicenseLevel IndMinisterType McLean Brian 1908.Oak.Top.Drive Pearland TX 77581 HMS General Minister Medina Tyler 2023.Stonecrest.Way Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister Milan Refugio 312.Azalea Lake.Jackson TX 77566 HMS Local Pastor.M.DW Minton John 1407.15th.Ave.North Texas.City TX 77590 HMS Local Minister Monk Jeffery 8800.Glacier.Ave..#326 Texas.City TX 77591 HMS Local Minister Morton Arnold PO.Box.122 Hitchcock TX 77563 HMS Ordained Pastor Nelson William 4027.CR.778 Liverpool TX 77577 HMS General Exempt Paul Ryan 4710.Broadmoor.Drive League.City TX 77573 HMS Local Minister Pereira Clifford 3515.Ellies.Gt.Lane Manvel TX 77578 HMS Local Minister Plant Shawn 3328.Avenue.P Galveston TX 77550 HMS Ordained Pastor.M.NAM Porter Lary 4726.Westchester Pasadena TX 77505 HMS Ordained Minister Quintanilla Danny 2104.Kildare Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister Quintanilla Sonia 2104.Kildare Pearland TX 77581 HMS Local Minister Raynes Jarryd 5001.Red.Oak.Ln. Texas.City TX 77591 HMS General Minister Reynolds Jeff 926.Redway.Lane Houston TX 77062 HMS Local Pastor.M.DW Reynolds Joseph 1810.FM.517.East Dickinson TX 77539 HMS General Pastor.M.DW Richardson Robert 11666.Gulf.Pointe.Drive Houston TX 77089 HMS Ordained Minister Rios Pablo 2418.Straight.Creek Houston TX 77017 HMS Ordained Pastor.M.NAM Sanmiguel Ramon 10310.Collin.Park Houston TX 77075 HMS General Pastor.M.NAM Sawyer Robert 57.Shady.Oak.Court Alvin TX 77511 HMS Ordained Minister Schaefer Kenneth 20..CR.726 Angleton TX 77515 HMS General Minister Shelton Darren 1035.Stevenwood.Lane Alvin TX 77511 HMS Ordained Pastor Smith Jeffrey PO.Box.758 Lake.Jackson TX 77566 HMS Ordained Pastor Smith Myron 3116.Colony.Drive Dickinson TX 77539 HMS Ordained Pastor.M.NAM Stephens Horace 7330.N.Redfish.Dr Hitchcock TX 77563 HMS Ordained Pastor.M.NAM Swanson Wesley 9914.Sagemark.Dr Houston TX 77089 HMS General Pastor.M.DW Sylvester Rick 8435.Peekskill Houston TX 77075 HMS Ordained Pastor.M.NAM Taylor Benjamin 205.23rd.St..North Texas.City TX 77590 HMS Local Minister Taylor Jeremy 435.Southern.Oaks.Dr. Lake.Jackson TX 77566 HMS General Minister Walea Tyler 2412.Dixie.Farm.Rd Pearland TX 77581 HMS Ordained Minister Wedgeworth Michael PO.Box.1447 Texas.City TX 77592 HMS Ordained Pastor Williams Harold 141.Shady.Lane West.ColumbiaTX 77486 HMS Ordained Pastor Williams Joel 3234.Hunters.Glen.Dr. Missouri.City TX 77459 HMS General Pastor 36 Houston Metro South (HMS) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) Last Name Address County Section Pastor Church Status Alvin&Hope&Tabernacle 414&S&7th&Street Alvin HMS Darren&Shelton Church Brazoria&New&Life&Tabernacle 221&E&Texas&Street Brazoria HMS Harold&Williams Church Clute&Primera&Iglesia 438&Hardy&St Clute HMS Hector&Campos Church Clute&The&Rock&Church 540&S&Main&St Clute HMS Jeff&Smith Church Galveston&Abundant&Life&Church 5801&Avenue&S Galveston HMS Arnold&Morton Church Houston&Casa&De&Oracion&UPC 9028&Easthaven&Blvd Houston HMS Mike&Gonzalez Church Missouri&City&New&Abundant&Life 7510&Chasewood&Dr Missouri&City HMS Hughes&Jenkins Church Missouri&City&One&Church 3234&Hunters&Glen&Drive Missouri&City HMS Joel&Williams Church Pearland&First&Church 1850&Broadway&St Pearland HMS Ken&Gurley Church Santa&Fe&The&Pentecostals&of&Santa&Fe 8540&Avenue&L Santa&Fe HMS L.M.&Jeane/T.&Custer Church Seabrook&New&Life&Praise&Center 1401&1st&Street Seabrook HMS Terry&Creekmore Church Texas&City&First&Love&UPC 2420&36th&Street&North Texas&City HMS Mike&Wedgeworth Church Webster&Greater&Life&Church 1655&FM&528&Rd Webster HMS Mark&Hughes Church West&Columbia&The&Lighthouse 501&W&Brazos West&Columbia HMS Danny&Johnson Church Alvin&Tabernacle&de&la&Esperanza 414&S&7th&Street Alvin HMS Darren&Shelton Daughter&Work Angleton&Tabernaculo&De&Refugi 650&W&Henderson&Rd Angleton HMS Refugio&Milan Daughter&Work Danbury&Primera&Iglesia&UPC Main&Street Danbury HMS Hector&Campos Daughter&Work Freeport&Primera&Iglesia PO&Box&1165 Clute HMS Hector&Campos Daughter&Work Freeport&The&Rock&Church 2024&Skinner&St Freeport HMS Jeff&Smith Daughter&Work Galveston&Turning&Point&Spanis 3328&Avenue&P Galveston HMS Mark&Flores Daughter&Work Houston&The&Potter 11114&Sagegale Houston HMS John&Lopez Daughter&Work La&Marque HMS Joe&Reynolds Daughter&Work La&Marque&First&Love&Church Lake&Jackson&The&Rock&Church PO&Box&758 Lake&Jackson HMS Jeff&Smith Daughter&Work League&City&The&Crossing PO&Box&1847 Dickinson HMS Myron&Smith Daughter&Work Needville&The&Lighthouse PO&Box&216 West&Columbia HMS Danny&Johnson Daughter&Work Pearland&FC&Clear&Lake 1850&Broadway Pearland HMS Jeff&Reynolds Daughter&Work Pearland&FC&Pearland/Manvel PO&Box&394 Pearland HMS Charles&Johnson Daughter&Work Pearland&First&Church&/&West PO&Box&394 Pearland HMS Ken&Gurley Daughter&Work Pearland&FirstChurch&Deaf&Min 1850&Broadway Pearland HMS Wesley&Swanson Daughter&Work Richwood&The&Rock&Church PO&Box&1148 Clute HMS Jeff&Smith/Ron&Evans Daughter&Work Bacliff&Living&Water&Pentecostal&Church 2375&Avenue&D San&Leon HMS Ricky&Kennon Home&Missions Dickinson&The&Crossing 1837&FM&517&Rd&E Dickinson HMS Myron&Smith Home&Missions Fresno&Iglesia&Pentecostal&Unida&De&Fresno 4602&Tulip&Ln Fresno HMS Rolando&Guevara Home&Missions Galveston&Turning&Point 3328&Ave.&P Galveston HMS Shawn&Plant Home&Missions Hitchcock&Simply&Jesus&UPC 6918&Fourth&St Hitchcock HMS Horace&Stephens Home&Missions Houston&Spirit&Of&Life&Apostol 8435&Peekskill&Lane Houston HMS Rick&Sylvester Home&Missions Sugar&Land&City&Fellowship 2601&First&Street Bay&City HMS J.&Craig&Ashcraft Home&Missions Sweeny&Christ&Temple 122&N&Main&Street Sweeny HMS Phillip&DiNello Home&Missions Webster&Fuente&De&Vida 1655&FM&528 Webster HMS Ramon&Sanmiguel Home&Missions 37 Houston Metro West Section (HMW) 38 Houston Metro West Section (HMW) Ministers (Tentative) 39 Houston Metro West Section (HMW) Churches & Daughter Works (Tentative) Last Name Address County Section Pastor Church Status Brookshire)Tabernacle)UPC 902)Otto Brookshire HMW Samuel)Taylor Church Hempstead)Tabernaculo)de)Vida 211)10th)St Hempstead HMW Higinio)Laz Church Houston)Iglesia)Gracia)Pentecostal)Unida 504)Travis)St Richmond HMW Federico)Carmona Church Houston)Int'l)Christian)Church PO)Box)440896 Houston HMW Toyohiro)Nishi Church Houston)Life)Family)Church 15914)Telge)Rd Cypress HMW Joseph)Camarillo Church Houston)New)Covenant)Tabernacl 13700)Beechnut)St Houston HMW Akin)Bandele Church Houston)New)Life)Pentecostal)Church 13334)Somersworth Houston HMW Dan)Castleberry,)Sr. Church Houston)Pent)West)Houston 6689)Barker[Cypress)Rd Houston HMW Scott)T.)Lewis Church Houston)Pentecostals)of)Hiram)Clark 13231)Remme)Ridge)Lane Houston HMW Cecil)Green Church Houston)Tab)De)Gracia)Y)Misercordia 15014)Tara)Ridge)Oak)Ct Houston HMW Ramon)Martinez Church Houston)Tab)de)Nueva)Vida 240)Turner)Dr. Houston HMW Juvenal)Fuentes Church Houston)Tab)de)Vida 15111)Summer)Sunset)Dr Humble HMW Jose)Gamez Church Houston)Tab)de)Vida)/)Burnett 8809)Bissonnet)St Houston HMW John)Burnett Church Houston)Tab)de)Vida)/)Gordon 11906)N)Garden Houston HMW Daniel)Gordon Church Houston)Tab)de)Vida/J)Martinez 9727)Derrik)Dr. Houston HMW Jaime)Martinez Church Katy)Primera)Iglesia)Apostolic 19402)Montclair)Meadow Katy HMW Manuel)Villarreal Church Katy)The)Pentecostals)of)Katy 1941)Westborough Katy HMW Rob)McKee Church Richmond)Life)Sanctuary)Church 707)N)3rd)St Richmond HMW John)Lopez Church Rosenberg)Iglesia)De)Jesus)UPC 3806)Avenue)I,)Ste)20 Rosenberg HMW Ralph)Herrera Church Spring)Branch)Remanente)Pentec 1660A)North)Gessner Houston HMW Jose)Guevara Church Sugar)Land)Christian)Life)Church 203)Hartwood)Ct Sugar)Land HMW DuWayne)Turnbow Church Houston)Greenspoint)UPC 12500)North)Fwy,)Ste)215 Houston HMW Houston)New)Life)Sanctuary)UPC 630)Benbrook)Dr Houston HMW Martin)Villarreal Daughter)Work Houston)Pent)West)Houston)NW 6689)Barker[Cypress)Rd Houston HMW Scott)Lewis Daughter)Work Houston)Tab)de)Vida)NW/Burnett 8809)Bissonnet Houston HMW John)Burnett Daughter)Work Katy)Los)Pentecostales)de)Katy 1941)Westborough Katy HMW Rob)McKee Daughter)Work Richmond)Christian)Life)Church 11122)S)Hwy)6 Sugar)Land HMW DuWayne)Turnbow Daughter)Work Spring)Branch)Primera)Iglesia 6689)Barker)Cypress)Rd Houston HMW Scott)Lewis Daughter)Work Houston HMW Antonio)Mendoza Daughter)Work Spring)Branch)Touch)Of)Life Daughter)Work Houston)Apostolic)Church 371)Tealwood)Dr Houston HMW Israel)Kang Home)Missions Houston)Iglesia)de)Jesus 2418)Straight)Creek Houston HMW Pablo)Rios Home)Missions Houston)Restoration)of)Bible 7900)W)Fuqua)Dr Missouri)City HMW Vyamungu)Rukata Home)Missions Houston)Southwest)UPC 7902)Wolfield)Ln Houston HMW James)E.)Cornish Home)Missions Houston)Way)Of)Life)UPC 4615)Sundown)Ct Missouri)City HMW Benny)Hibler Home)Missions Katy)Tabernaculo)Pentecostal)Jesus)es)el)Rey 3123)Painted)Meadow Katy HMW Jose)Turcios Home)Missions Richmond)Pentecostal)Life)Cent PO)Box)580 Richmond HMW Wayne)Collins Home)Missions Stafford)UPCI 310)Morton)Street)#244 Richmond HMW Curley)Ellis,)III Home)Missions 40