Pennsic Traceable Art Project - Æthelmearc College of Heralds


Pennsic Traceable Art Project - Æthelmearc College of Heralds
Pennsic Traceable Art Project
Welcome to the Pennsic Traceable Art Book, edition 3.0.
For those of you who haven’t seen this before, what you have in front of you is a compilation of heraldic art pulled from
submissions in the East Kingdom and Æthelmearc as well as those made at Heralds’ Point at Pennsic. It is in no way
complete, but there are many common charges included. These charges have been scaled to multiple sizes that should
be traceable in most possible positions on the field. They are, however, not designed for use as clip art. Many of them
will likely be much too pixilated or fine-line for that use.
There are many pieces of art that have been procured from the work of many artists. If there are multiple versions of a
charge, the choice of which to use belongs to the person doing the tracing or the submitter. No particular version of a
charge is inherently better than any other; different styles are part of what makes heraldic art interesting.
Speaking of the various artists, I would like to thank them all! This could not have been put together without their work.
Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly who they all are. (I am working on that… so hopefully there will be credit given in
the next edition!) Included in that list are THL Roana d’Evreux, THL Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon, Lord Bressal
MacCulloch, Lady Palotzi Marti, Lady Gisela vom Kreuzbach, Dame Elsbeth Anne Roth, Lady Kolosvari Arpadne
Julia, Lord Thomas Ouswood, Mistress Margaret Makafee, and Tristran Deans. To all of the artists who contributed…
again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
The other people I couldn’t have done this without are those who helped me with scanning and cropping the images.
The majority of that work was done by THL Roana d’Evreux and by Lord Thomas Ouswood. Thank you both! A
number of the items were also cropped from armory that had already been scanned in by multiple people for use in the
LoIs of Æthelmearc and the East Kingdom.
I am always looking for suggestions about how this book can be improved. Please feel free to discuss ideas with me in
person or drop me a line at [email protected].
Thank you,
Ailis Linne
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Table of Contents
Abacus.............................................................. 1
Acorn............................................................. 2-3
Alquerques Board ............................................ 4
Amphora .......................................................... 5
Anchor........................................................... 6-7
Annulet.......................................................... 8-9
Annulet of Chain ............................................ 10
Anvil (1-horned) ............................................ 11
Anvil (2-horned) ............................................ 12
Apple .............................................................. 13
Arm ................................................................ 14
Arm, vested (fesswise) ................................... 15
Armadillo (rampant) ...................................... 16
Armillory Sphere ........................................... 17
Arrow ............................................................. 18
Arrows, Sheaf of ............................................ 19
Astrolabe ........................................................ 20
Axe ............................................................ 21-22
Axe, broad ...................................................... 23
Axe, double-headed ....................................... 24
Axe, pole ........................................................ 25
Axe, throwing ................................................ 26
Badger’s head (erased) ................................... 27
Badger (rampant) ........................................... 28
Badger (statant) .............................................. 29
Balance, hanging ....................................... 30-31
Balance, standing ........................................... 32
Bamboo .......................................................... 33
Banner (flying) ............................................... 34
Barrel.............................................................. 35
Bear’s head (cabossed) .................................. 36
Bear’s head (erased) ....................................... 37
Bear (passant)............................................ 38-41
Bear (rampant) .......................................... 42-43
Bear (statant)................................................... 44
Bee ............................................................ 45-46
Bell............................................................ 47-49
Bell, Vair ........................................................ 50
Billhook .......................................................... 51
Bird (volant) ................................................... 52
Bishop, chess .................................................. 53
Boar’s head (couped) ...................................... 54
Boar’s head (couped close)............................. 55
Boar’s head (erased) ....................................... 56
Boar (passant) ........................................... 57-58
Boar (rampant) .......................................... 59-60
Boar (rampant reguardant)........................ 61-62
Boar, winged (courant) ................................... 63
Book (open) .................................................... 64
Bow or Longbow ............................................ 65
Branch, Ash .................................................... 66
Branch, Olive (fructed) ................................... 67
Branch, Rose ................................................... 68
Bras-arme........................................................ 69
Bread, Loaf of ................................................. 70
Bridge .............................................................71
Broad Arrow ...................................................72
Brush ............................................................... 73
Buckle .............................................................74
Bull’s head (cabossed) .................................... 75
Bull (passant) .................................................. 76
Bull (passant guardant) ................................... 77
Bull (rampant)................................................. 78
Bull (rampant guardant).................................. 79
Bull (statant) ............................................. 80-81
Butterchurn ..................................................... 82
Butterfly .......................................................... 83
Caduceus ......................................................... 84
Caltrop ............................................................ 85
Camel (rampant) ............................................. 86
Camel, one-hump (statant) ............................. 87
Cameleopard (rampant) .................................. 88
Cameleopard, winged (segreant) .................... 89
Candelabra, seven-armed ............................... 90
Candle............................................................. 91
Candlestick ..................................................... 92
Canon ............................................................. 93
Cap, Jester’s ................................................... 94
Caravel ......................................................95-96
Cardpique ....................................................... 97
Carp (haurient embowed) ............................... 98
Carrot .............................................................. 99
Cart ............................................................... 100
Castle of 2 towers ......................................... 101
Castle of 3 towers ......................................... 102
Cat’s head - mountain (couped) ................... 103
Cat (couchant) .............................................. 104
Cat (couchant guardant) ............................... 105
Cat (herissony) ............................................. 106
Cat (passant) ..........................................107-108
Cat (rampant).........................................109-110
Cat (sejant) ............................................111-112
Cat (sejant guardant) .................................... 113
Catamount (passant) ..................................... 114
Catfish (embowed) ....................................... 115
Centaur (passant, blowing a horn)................ 116
Chalice ...................................................117-118
Chatloup (sejant) .......................................... 119
Chatloup, winged (sejant) ............................ 120
Cherries (pair) .............................................. 121
Cinquefoil ..................................................... 122
Club .............................................................. 123
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Table of Contents
Cockatrice (erect) ......................................... 124
Columbine, slipped ............................... 125-126
Comet ........................................................... 127
Compass rose ............................................... 128
Cornucopia ................................................... 129
Crab .............................................................. 130
Crampon....................................................... 131
Crane (in its vigilance) ................................. 132
Crane (volant) .............................................. 133
Crequier........................................................ 134
Crescent........................................................ 135
Crook, Shepherd’s................................. 136-137
Crosier .......................................................... 138
Cross, Bowen ............................................... 139
Cross, Celtic ................................................. 140
Cross, Celtic (equal-armed) ......................... 141
Cross clechy ................................................. 142
Cross, Coptic ................................................ 143
Cross crosslet ............................................... 144
Cross crosslet fitchy ..................................... 145
Cross of ermine spots ................................... 146
Cross flory.................................................... 147
Cross flory, Latin ......................................... 148
Cross formy.................................................. 149
Cross of Jerusalem ....................................... 150
Cross, key..................................................... 151
Cross, of four lozenges ................................ 152
Cross, Maltese .............................................. 153
Cross moline ......................................... 154-155
Cross patonce ............................................... 156
Cross potent ................................................. 157
Cross of Toulouse ................................. 158-159
Crossbow...................................................... 160
Cup ............................................................... 161
Cup................................................................ 162
Cushion .........................................................163
Dagger .......................................................... 164
Daisy .............................................................165
Deer’s head (cabossed) ................................. 166
Deer’s head (couped) .................................... 167
Deer’s head (erased) ..................................... 168
Deer’s head (erased affronty) ....................... 169
Deer’s head, winged (erased) .......................170
Deer - doe (couchant) ................................... 171
Deer (lodged) ................................................ 172
Deer (passant) ...............................................173
Deer (rampant) ...................................... 174-176
Deer (salient) ................................................ 177
Deer (statant or at gaze) ................................ 178
Deer - doe (trippant) ..................................... 179
Deer, winged (segreant) ................................180
Dextrochere ..................................................181
Dice ............................................................... 182
Die ................................................................ 183
Dog’s head – Talbot (erased)........................184
Dog (couchant) ............................................. 185
Dog (couchant guardant) .............................. 186
Dog - Irish Wolfhound (courant) .................. 187
Dog - greyhound (courant) ........................... 188
Dog - border collie (courant) ........................189
Dog - talbot (passant) ........................... 190-192
Dog - rottweiler (rampant) ............................ 193
Dog - mastiff (statant)................................... 194
Dog - terrier (statant) ....................................195
Dog - greyhound (statant) ............................ 196
Dog, winged - talbot (passant) ...................... 197
Dog, winged (sejant)..................................... 198
Dogwood ...................................................... 199
Dolphin – heraldic (haurient) ....................... 200
Dolphin – heraldic (haurient embowed)....... 201
Dolphin – heraldic (naiant by default) ......... 202
Dolphin – natural (haurient) ......................... 203
Dolphin, winged - heraldic ........................... 204
Domino ......................................................... 205
Dove (displayed) ...................................206-207
Dove (volant).........................................208-209
Dragon’s head (cabossed) ............................ 210
Dragon’s head (couped) ............................... 211
Dragon’s head (erased)................................. 212
Dragon (in annulo) ....................................... 213
Dragon (couchant) ........................................ 214
Dragon (displayed) ....................................... 215
Dragon (passant) .......................................... 216
Dragon (segreant) ..................................217-219
Dragon (sejant) ............................................. 220
Dragon (sejant, wings elevated) ................... 221
Dragon (volant bendwise) ............................ 222
Dragon, Oriental (in annulo) .................223-224
Dragon, Oriental (passant) ........................... 225
Dragon, Oriental (passant bendwise) ........... 226
Dragonfly ..................................................... 227
Drakkar ..................................................228-230
Drop spindle ................................................. 231
Drum, dumbek .............................................. 232
Duck (naiant) ................................................ 233
Eagle’s jambe (erased) ................................. 234
Eagle (displayed) ...................................235-238
Eagle (rising) ................................................ 239
Eagle, two-headed (displayed) ..............240-242
Elephant’s head (couped close) .................... 243
Elephant (passant) ........................................ 244
Elephant (rampant) ....................................... 245
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Table of Contents
Elephant (statant, maintaining a tower) ....... 246
Elephant (statant, trumpeting) ...................... 247
Enfield .......................................................... 248
Ermine spot .................................................. 249
Escallop ................................................. 250-253
Estoile .......................................................... 254
Eyeglasses .................................................... 255
Falcon, belled and jessed (close) ................. 256
Falcon (close reguardant) ............................. 257
Falcon (rising) .............................................. 258
Falcon (striking) ........................................... 259
Falcon on hand, hooded and jessed (close) .. 260
Fan................................................................ 261
Fasre ............................................................. 262
Feather.......................................................... 263
Feather, peacock .......................................... 264
Fer-a-loup..................................................... 265
Ferret (passant reguardant) .......................... 266
Ferret (sejant erect) ...................................... 267
Fireball ......................................................... 268
Fish............................................................... 269
Flame............................................................ 270
Flamingo (close, one leg raised) .................. 271
Fleam............................................................ 272
Fleur-de-Lys.......................................... 273-274
Flute ............................................................. 275
Footprint....................................................... 276
Forget-Me-Not ............................................. 277
Fox’s mask (head cabossed) ........................ 278
Fox (courant)................................................ 279
Fox (passant) ................................................ 280
Fox (rampant)............................................... 281
Fox (rampant reguardant) ............................ 282
Fox (sejant guardant) ................................... 283
Fox (statant) ..................................................284
Foxglove, slipped..........................................285
Fret ................................................................ 286
Frog (sejant) .................................................. 287
Frog (tergiant) ....................................... 288-289
Furison ..........................................................290
Garb .............................................................. 291
Gate ....................................................... 292-293
Gillyflower.................................................... 294
Gillyflower, slipped and leaved .................... 295
Goat’s head (couped) .................................... 296
Goat (passant) ............................................... 297
Goat (rampant or climant) ............................ 298
Goose, double-headed (displayed) ...............299
Gorilla (statant) ............................................. 300
Gout ...................................................... 301-302
Griffin’s head (erased) .................................. 303
Griffin (couchant) ......................................... 304
Griffin (passant) ............................................305
Griffin (segreant) .................................. 306-308
Griffin, male (segreant) ................................ 309
Hammer ................................................ 310-311
Hammer, cross pean ..................................... 312
Hammer, Stone and throwing ....................... 313
Hammer, Thor’s.................................... 314-315
Hammer, War ...............................................316
Hand, dexter (apaumy by default) ........ 317-319
Hand, dexter (fist) .........................................320
Hand, dexter (gauntleted, clenched) .............321
Harp .............................................................. 322
Hawk’s talon (couped).................................. 323
Hawk (close) ................................................. 324
Hawk (close guardant) .................................. 325
Heart .............................................................326
Heart ............................................................. 327
Helmet, Great ............................................... 328
Heron (close) .........................................329-330
Heron (rising) ........................................331-332
Hops ............................................................. 333
Horn, Drinking ............................................. 334
Horn, Hunting............................................... 335
Horse’s head (couped) .................................. 336
Horse (courant) ............................................. 337
Horse (passant) ......................................338-339
Horse (passant reguardant) ........................... 340
Horse (rampant).....................................341-344
Horse (rampant reguardant) ......................... 345
Horse (salient) .............................................. 346
Horseshoe ..................................................... 347
Hourglass ...............................................348-349
House ............................................................ 350
Hummingbird (volant, wings addorsed)....... 351
Ivy, Orle of ................................................... 352
Ivy, Vine of .................................................. 353
Janus Head.................................................... 354
Key ............................................................... 355
Knife ............................................................. 356
Knot, Bowen................................................. 357
Knot, Lacy .................................................... 358
Knot, quatrefoil ............................................ 359
Knot, Stafford ............................................... 360
Knot, trefoil ...........................................361-362
Knot, Wake................................................... 363
Kraken .......................................................... 364
Label ............................................................. 365
Lace bobbin .................................................. 366
Lambda ......................................................... 367
Lamp, Arabic ................................................ 368
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Table of Contents
Lantern ......................................................... 369
Leaf .............................................................. 370
Leaf, holly .................................................... 371
Leaf, ivy ....................................................... 372
Leaf, maple ........................................... 373-374
Leaf, oak ...................................................... 375
Leaf, oak and fructed ................................... 376
Letter “Y” batarde ........................................ 377
Lighthouse.................................................... 378
Lightning bolt............................................... 379
Lily ........................................................ 380-381
Lines of Division................................... 382-383
Lion’s head (cabossed) ................................ 384
Lion’s head (couped) ................................... 385
Lion’s head (erased)..................................... 386
Lion’s head (jessant-de-lys) ......................... 387
Lion (couchant) ............................................ 388
Lion (dormant) ............................................. 389
Lion (passant)............................................... 390
Lion (passant guardant)................................ 391
Lion (rampant) ............................................. 392
Lion, qeue-forchy (rampant) ........................ 393
Lion, tail-nowed (salient) ............................. 394
Lion (sejant, dexter forepaw raised) ............ 395
Lion, winged (passant) ................................. 396
Lion, winged (segreant) ............................... 397
Lobster ......................................................... 398
Lotus ............................................................ 399
Lotus, affronty.............................................. 400
Lunel ............................................................ 401
Lymphad (default) ................................ 402-403
Lymphad (under sail) ................................... 404
Lynx (rampant) ............................................ 405
Lyre ....................................................... 406-407
Mace, Spiked ................................................ 408
Maiden .......................................................... 409
Mallet ............................................................ 410
Martlet .......................................................... 411
Mascle ................................................... 412-413
Mascle ployé ................................................. 414
Mask, comedy ............................................... 415
Maunche .......................................................416
Melusine .......................................................417
Menorah ........................................................ 418
Merman ......................................................... 419
Mermaid (in her modesty) ............................ 420
Mistral ........................................................... 421
Monkey (passant) ......................................... 422
Monkey (rampant) ........................................ 423
Monkey (statant) ...........................................424
Monkey, winged (passant) ............................ 425
Moon (in her plentitude) ............................... 426
Moose (passant) ............................................427
Mortar and pestle ..........................................428
Mouse (couchant) ......................................... 429
Mouse (rampant)........................................... 430
Mouse (statant) ............................................. 431
Mullet (5 points by default) ..........................432
Mullet of 6 points ......................................... 433
Mullet of 7 points ......................................... 434
Mullet of 7 points (voided and interlaced) ... 435
Mullet of 4 greater and 4 lesser points .........436
Mullet of 8 points ......................................... 437
Mullet of 9 points ......................................... 438
Musical note ................................................. 439
Needle ...........................................................440
Needle (threaded) ......................................... 441
Noisette .........................................................442
Octopus......................................................... 443
Opinicus (segreant) ...................................... 444
Otter (passant) .............................................. 445
Owl (close guardant) .............................447-450
Owl (displayed) ............................................ 451
Owl (striking) ............................................... 452
Panther, continental (rampant) ..................... 453
Panther, continental and winged (sejant) ..... 454
Panther, English (passant) ............................ 455
Panther, English (rampant guardant) ............ 456
Panther, English (sejant) .............................. 457
Panther, English (sejant guardant) ............... 458
Panther, English (statant) ............................. 459
Panther – natural (rampant) .......................... 460
Panther – natural (rampant guardant) ........... 461
Passion Nail .................................................. 462
Pavillion ....................................................... 463
Pawprint, bear............................................... 464
Pawprint, non-clawed ................................... 465
Peacock (close) ......................................466-468
Peacock (in its pride) .................................... 469
Pegasus (segreant) ................................470-471
Penguin (close) ............................................. 472
Pheon .....................................................473-475
Pheonix (rising from flame) ..................476-477
Pineapple ...................................................... 478
Pitcher........................................................... 479
Plow .............................................................. 480
Pomegranate ................................................. 481
Pomegranate (slipped and leaved)................ 482
Popinjay ........................................................ 483
Poppy ............................................................ 484
Portcullis....................................................... 485
Praying Mantis ......................................486-487
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Table of Contents
Quatrefoil ..................................................... 488
Quill pen....................................................... 489
Rabbit’s head (cabossed) ............................. 490
Rabbit’s head (erased).................................. 491
Rabbit or Coney (couchant) ......................... 492
Rabbit or Coney (courant) ........................... 493
Rabbit or Coney (rampant) ................... 494-495
Rabbit or Coney (salient) ............................. 496
Rabbit or Coney (sejant) .............................. 497
Rabbit or Coney (sejant, forepaw raised) .... 498
Rabbit or Coney (sejant erect reguardant) ... 499
Ram’s head (cabossed) ......................... 500-501
Ram’s head (erased)..................................... 502
Rapier ........................................................... 503
Rat (rampant) ............................................... 504
Raven (close) ........................................ 505-506
Raven (displayed) ........................................ 507
Raven (migrant) ........................................... 508
Raven (volant)....................................... 509-510
Recorder ....................................................... 511
Reremouse or Bat .................................. 512-513
Rooster (close) ............................................. 514
Rooster (crowing, wings elevated) .............. 515
Roundel ........................................................ 516
Rose - heraldic ............................................. 517
Rose, slipped and leaved – heraldic ...... 518-519
Rose, slipped and leaved - garden......... 520-522
Rudder .......................................................... 523
Russian Firebird (rising) .............................. 524
Salamander – natural (tergiant) .................... 525
Scimitar ........................................................ 526
Scissors (open) ............................................. 527
Scorpion ....................................................... 528
Scroll (open)................................................. 529
Seadragon (erect) .................................. 530-531
Seahorse – heraldic (erect) ................... 532-534
Seahorse - natural ........................................ 535
Sealion (erect) ....................................... 536-537
Sea serpent (undulent) .................................. 538
Sea turtle - natural (tergiant) ......................... 539
Seaunicorn (erect) .........................................540
Seawolf - erect .............................................. 541
Seeblatt .........................................................542
Shofar............................................................ 544
Simurge (close) ............................................. 545
Simurge (rising) ............................................ 546
Skull ...................................................... 547-548
Snail .............................................................. 549
Snake (in annulo) .......................................... 550
Snake (nowed) ...................................... 551-552
Snake (glissant)............................................. 553
Spade ............................................................ 554
Spear ............................................................. 555
Spearhead...................................................... 556
Spider .................................................... 557-558
Spiderweb .....................................................559
Sprig, Beech.................................................. 560
Sprig, Elder ...................................................561
Sprig, Elderberry (slipped and fructed) ........ 562
Sprig, Holly .................................................. 563
Sprig, Oak (fructed) .............................. 564-565
Sprig, Rowan ................................................ 566
Sprig, Strawberry (fructed) ........................... 567
Spoon ............................................................ 568
Spur ....................................................... 569-570
Spur, winged ......................................... 571-572
Squirrel (sejant erect)............................ 573-574
Squirrel (statant) ........................................... 575
Stag’s Attire.................................................. 576
Strawberry – flower ...................................... 577
Strawberry – fruit ......................................... 578
Sun (in his splendor) .................................... 579
Sun .........................................................580-581
Sunburst ........................................................ 582
Swallow (volant) .......................................... 583
Swan (naiant)................................................ 584
Swan (rousant).............................................. 585
Swan (volant) ............................................... 586
Sword ........................................................... 587
Thimble ........................................................ 593
Thistle, slipped and leaved ....................594-595
Thread, Spool of ........................................... 596
Tongs, blacksmith’s ..................................... 597
Torch ............................................................ 598
Torque .......................................................... 599
Tower ....................................................600-602
Tree (couped) ............................................... 603
Tree (blasted)................................................ 604
Tree (blasted and eradicated) ................605-606
Tree (eradicated) .......................................... 607
Tree, oak and fructed (couped) .................... 608
Tree, oak and fructed (eradicated)................ 609
Tree, orange and fructed (couped) ............... 610
Tree, pine (couped) ...............................611-612
Tree, willow (couped) .................................. 613
Tree, yew (couped) ....................................... 614
Trees, Hurst of .............................................. 615
Trefoil (slipped by default) .......................... 616
Triangle ........................................................ 617
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Table of Contents
Triangle (voided) ......................................... 618
Trident .......................................................... 619
Trillium, barbed and seeded ......................... 620
Triquetra....................................................... 621
Triskelion ..................................................... 622
Trumpet ........................................................ 623
Tulip, slipped and leaved ............................. 624
Turtle (tergiant) ............................................ 625
Tyger – heraldic (rampant) .......................... 626
Tyger – heraldic (sejant) .............................. 627
Tyger – heraldic (statant) ............................. 628
Unicorn’s head (couped) ....................... 629-630
Unicorn’s head (couped close)..................... 631
Unicorn’s head (erased) ........................ 632-633
Unicorn (couchant) ...................................... 634
Unicorn (passant) .................................. 635-637
Unicorn (rampant) ................................. 638-640
Unicorn (salient) ......................................... 641
Unicorn, winged (segreant) ......................... 642
Urchin, spikes impaling grapes (rampant) ... 643
Urchin (statant) ............................................ 644
Violet............................................................ 645
Vol......................................................... 646-650
Wasp ............................................................ 651
Water-bouget................................................ 652
Weasel (passant) .......................................... 653
Weasel (rampant) ......................................... 654
Wheat, sheaf of ............................................ 655
Wheel ........................................................... 656
Wheel, Catherine.......................................... 657
Wolf’s head (cabossed) ................................ 658
Wolf’s head (couped) ................................... 659
Wolf’s head (couped and ululant) ................ 660
Wolf’s head (erased) ............................ 661-662
Wolf (couchant) ............................................ 663
Wolf (courant) .............................................. 664
Wolf (passant)............................................... 665
Wolf (rampant) ..................................... 666-667
Wolf (sejant, dexter forepaw raised) ............668
Wolf (statant) ................................................669
Wolf (ululant) ...............................................670
Wolf, winged (segreant) ............................... 671
Wolf, winged (ululant) ................................. 672
Woolpack ...................................................... 673
Wreath .......................................................... 674
Wreath, Laurel ...................................... 675-676
Wreath of Thorns .......................................... 677
Wyvern (sejant) ............................................ 678
Yale (rampant) .............................................. 679
Yarn, Balls of or Clews ................................680
Yarn, Quill of ................................................ 681
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Thistle, slipped
and leaved
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Thistle, slipped
and leaved
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Thread, Spool of
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tongs, blacksmith’s
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree (couped)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree (blasted)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree (blasted and
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree (blasted
and eradicated)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree (eradicated)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, oak and
fructed (couped)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, oak and fructed
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, orange and
fructed (couped)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, pine (couped)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, pine
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, willow
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tree, yew
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Trees, Hurst of
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Trefoil (slipped
by default)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Triangle (voided)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Trillium, barbed
and seeded
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tulip, slipped
and leaved
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Turtle (tergiant)
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tyger – heraldic
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tyger – heraldic
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.
Original Artist: ______________________________
Currently Unknown
Tyger – heraldic
Pennsic Traceable Art, edition 3.0 - Compiled and edited by Ailis Linne. © by Erin E Childs, 2004-2007; all rights reserved.
This work may be duplicated in whole or in part for SCA use provided copyright credit is given and no changes are made.

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