foundation - Davis Applied Technology College
foundation - Davis Applied Technology College
F W E C H A N G E L I V E APPLI ED TECHNOL OGY COL L EGE F OUNDAT ION 550 East 300 South, Kaysville, UT 84037 801-593-2500 | b | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L U N D A T I O N S 2 D AVI S O R E P O R T 0 1 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T M I S S I O Despite her love for the medical field, Emma explored art, theater, and writing while attending Davis High School. After graduating from high school, she enrolled as an English Literature and Acting major at Southern Utah University. “After two years of college, I realized I would be $80,000 in debt with no guaranteed job.” Emma needed a good paying job so she could pay for her degree. She enrolled in the DATC Dental Assisting program because of its good location, modern facilities, Commission on Dental Accreditation, friendly faculty, 95% pass rate and externship opportunities. Emma is paying for her dental assisting certificate through a federal grant, DATC scholarship, parental assistance and evening job. N EMMA PHELPS, Dental Assisting Davis Applied Technology College Foundation’s mission is to provide scholarships, equipment and financial support to the College for technological education that promotes economic growth and student development. “My experience at a technical college validates that you don’t have to attend an ivy league college or university to get a quality education or career. I wish I would have realized that in high school, {when] tuition was free.” Emma plans to work while completing her Bachelors of Arts in English and Creative Writing at the University of Utah. She also wants to complete a Master’s degree and then a Ph.D. in order to become a college professor. d | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T e | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T H F O U N D A T I O N I The Foundation was organized in 1991 with the purpose of assist the S DATC in accomplishing its mission by procuring supplemental resources T in order to promote business involvement, public awareness and community support. Over the ensuing years, Foundation members have worked with O private foundations, corporations and individuals to provide the funds needed to R accomplish its goals. S Y Message from The Foundation Chair............................ 2 N T Foundation Board of Directors...................................... 3 Haven J. Barlow Tribute.............................................4-5 Message from The Foundation Director....................... 6 N T E Message from The Campus President.......................... 7 Financials..................................................................... 8 FY09-FY13 Statistical Summary................................... 9 Golf Tournament....................................................10-11 Allied Health Building Project..................................... 12 O Meeting Scholarship Needs........................................ 14 C D A T C Scholarship Sponsors................................................. 15 FY14 Foundation Goals............................................... 16 Structural Steel and Plate Fabricating........................ 17 DATC Donors.......................................................... 18,20 DATC Partners............................................................. 19 Foundation Mission Statement................................... 21 1 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T L ETTE R FROM F OUND ATION BOARD Lloyd B. Carr DATC Board Foundation Chair B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S David Simmons Dean Collinwood, Vice-Chair Kerry Wahlen Erich Sontag, Secretary/Treasurer Neil Wall We are excited about the progress we have made in 2013. Our annual golf tournament exceeded our goal and netted us $41,498 for our scholarship program. We are most grateful to our sponsors and participants who have made this possible. Barbara Smith, Board Liaison Robyn Rowe Walton Haven J. Barlow Karen Mecham, Foundation Director & Grant Writer Ron Dean Hayley Mitchell, Foundation & Grants Assistant The mission of the foundation is to provide assistance to qualified students who hope to improve their lives through education, but lack the resources to do so. Indeed, “Changing Lives” is exactly what we are about. However, if students are unable to attend because they do not have the financial resources, then we have no opportunity to help them succeed. We are thankful to have been able to assist so many individuals in this regard. Tim Pehrson CHAIR O F Lloyd Carr, Chair D I R E C T O R S The training offered at the DATC is second to none in the nation. Many companies recognize this and openly recruit our students to fill meaningful positions in their companies. We also are honored to be the recipient of many in-kind donations from businesses who give us equipment and materials that makes it possible for students to train on state-of-the-art equipment. This ensures they are fully capable of stepping into real working situations to be productive, contributing citizens in our community. Finally, I am grateful to the many business and community leaders with whom I serve who selflessly give their time and talents to meet our challenges. The members of our board supply us with refreshingly new ideas and suggestions. Please consider joining us to help make a difference. I promise you will be amply rewarded. F O U ND AT IO N B OAR D O F D IR E CTO R S Back Row: Neil Wall, Hayley Mitchell, Dean Collinwood, Timothy Pehrson, Russell Galt, Kerry Wahlen, David Simmons, Erich Sontag Front Row: Haven J. Barlow, Lloyd Carr, Robyn Rowe Walton, Barbara Smith, Michael Bouwhuis (President) Pictured on Right: Ron Dean and Karen Mecham 2 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T B O A R D FO U N D AT IO N EM ERI TUS M EM BERS Margaret Anderson Jay Dansie Bruce Jensen Jean Madsen Gary Smith Kent Sulser 3 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T H A V E N J . Haven B A R L O W O F F I C E R . S E N A T O R . H U M A N I T A R I A N . home to more than 90 aircraft and 200,000 visitors. He was also the driving force in the development of Antelope Island State Park. was born on January 4, 1922, in Clearfield, Utah to Jesse B. and Issadora Beck Barlow. His mother was killed in a tragic train accident when he was only 9 months old, causing him to learn self-reliance at an early age. Haven was elected to the Utah State Legislature, where he served consecutively for 42 years from 1953 to 1994. Haven served longer than any other legislator in Utah history, and was the President of the Utah State Senate for six years. After graduating from Davis High School, Haven earned a degree in business administration at Utah State Agricultural College. He joined the U.S. Navy and attended officer’s school at Harvard University. He served as a naval supply and disbursement officer in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during World War II where he received the Philippine Liberation Medal. While serving as a senator and representative, Haven introduced and sponsored legislation that formulated the landscape of education in Utah. He supported the bill that turned Utah State Agricultural College into Utah State University, sponsored the transition of Weber State College into a four-year university, and helped Weber State University construct a Davis Campus in Clearfield. Given Haven’s many accomplishments, there is nothing more admirable than his support for charity. He sponsored legislation to create the Utah Botanical Center, which donates all produce to local food banks. He has donated countless hours and money toward the United Way of Salt Lake, First National Bank of Layton, Utah Symphony, and Davis Applied Technology College. Haven was also President of the Ogden Board of Realtors, Layton Rotary Club, and the Trappers Trail Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He always tells skeptical donors, “If you wind up unhappy about your donations, I will pay you back personally.” Haven and his wife, Bonnie Rae, returned to Layton, Utah after World War II where they reared their family for the next 58 years. Their children include: Jesselie (Scott) Anderson, Heidi (Ted) Harris, Haven Jr. (Amy) Barlow, Duncan (Deborah) Barlow, Stewart (Marie) Barlow and Rachel (Curtis) Richardson. They were also blessed with 35 grandchildren, and currently 24 great-grandchildren. His final quest in education was to create the Utah system of applied technology centers. “My vision for this educational system was to provide flexible skills training leading to long-term employment stability,” says Haven. His interest in helping individuals develop employable skills and improve citizens standards of living lead to the development of the eight applied technology colleges throughout Utah. Haven is a tremendous ambassador for the DATC. His generosity, contribution, dedication and service has touched the hearts of many and made a difference in the lives of those we serve. His significant donation in 2008 gave way to the development of the Haven J Barlow and Bonnie Rae Technology Building. Haven continues to provide on-going scholarship funds for deserving students and is a long-term serving member on the Foundation Board of Directors. In 1949, Haven started the Barlow Realty and Insurance Company, a very successful real estate development company. In 1952, 4 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C Haven created the bill for the Hill Aerospace Museum, which is F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 5 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L Photos Opposite Page: 1. Haven as boy 2. Haven as student at the Utah State University 3. U.S. Navy Officer, Haven J. Barlow 4. Haven and Bonnie Rae Barlow Photos this Page: 1. Haven J. Barlow Building Ribbon Cutting at DATC. Haven is shown with four of his children: Duncan, Heidi, Stewart and Haven Jr. 2. Haven with Governer Huntsman 3. Haven 4. Haven with family. 5. Haven with extended family R E P O R T MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDATION DIRECTOR Changing Lives isn’t just a slogan. Every day at the College I meet people, from facilities management to IT, from student services to program development, and from faculty to administration, who are focused on providing a better educational experience. Nothing stands in the way of student success. The Foundation Board members enhance this atmosphere of excitement with their efforts to ensure there are funds available to every student who needs them. Board Members understand how difficult it is for many students to attend classes while also working full time and often raising a family. I am so proud of our students. Their desire to succeed is palatable. You can feel it as you walk down the halls, see it on their faces, and hear it in their voices. Karen Mecham Foundation Director Most of all, I am grateful for the generosity of our partners and donors. Many companies, foundations, and individuals have stepped up and changed lives with scholarship gifts. Please join us. I am happy to help you be a part of this exciting environment. I can be reached at 801-593-2374 or [email protected]. JESSICA MURRAY, IHC McKay Dee Coumadin Clinic Manager The Davis Applied Technology College celebrated its 35th anniversary on July 1, 2013. A formal community celebration was held during the fall, along with the ribbon cutting for our new Freeport West Extension Center. This flexible training center will provide easy access and expanded opportunities for our Freeport Center/Freeport West employers. In the past year, the institution focused on student retention and will continue to work with the DATC Foundation to develop strategies to deploy additional student support for increased interest in high demand and lower enrollment programs. The Foundation has increased funding for scholarships, and the DATC administration has bolstered tuition waiver support. Freeport West Extension Center I want to express my gratitude to the Foundation Board of Directors for their continued financial support and contributions which strengthens our slogan of “We Change Lives.” While at Layton High school, Jessica enrolled in an anatomy class which led to the nurse assistant program at DATC. After completion, Jessica was hired as a nurse assistant at McKay-Dee Hospital. She soon graduated from DATC’s practical nurse program. “DATC had smaller class sizes, the tuition was less, and [graduates] were better prepared,” said Jessica. As the Chief Administrative Officer, the most gratifying aspect of my job is to watch students who struggle financing their education, and in two years or less, become success stories and productive members of society expressing heartfelt gratitude to the Foundation for their financial support and to the institution for their education. The institution is truly blessed to have a strong group of dedicated men and women that serve on the Foundation Board and have helped literally hundreds of students over the last 18 years. Next, Jessica started the bachelor of nursing (BSN) program at WSU. “I was one of the first bachelor’s degree nursing students to complete research at Weber State and graduate with honors.” She went on to complete the family nurse practitioner (MSN) program at the University of Utah. Jessica is currently a nurse practitioner and Cardiology Coumadin Clinic manager for McKay Dee Hospital. She is also a clinical instructor at DATC, and a teacher assistant for nursing at University of Utah. 6 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 7 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N Michael J. Bouwhuis Campus President A N N U A L R E P O R T F I N A N C I A L S FOUNDATION REVENUES Sarryn Priest, Student of the Month (Year ended June 30, 2013) Sarryn Priest is a Layton High School graduate, Dixie State Scholarship Winner, BYU London and WSU Integrated Studies student. Sarryn is enrolled full-time in WSU and DATC American Sign Language-Interpreting programs. She plans to work as an interpreter to teach her clients, future husband and children the broader perspective of health, family studies and English. Donations$260,093 Investment Income $53,842 Golf Tournament Net Revenues $41,498 Total Revenues $355,433 301% (Year ended June 30, 2013) Administrative Expenses 7% $21,401 Donations to DATC Scholarships Awarded $108,544 Equipment$37,824 Other Programs $18,500 Total Donations to DATC $164,868 Total Expenses $186,269 Increase in Cash Donations Increase in Golf Revenue 13% Increase in Scholarships Awarded Students of the Month: Kaitlin Loosle, Pharmacy Technician Program and Mark Parry, Automotive Technology Program F O U N D AT I O N N E T I N C O M E : $ 1 6 9 , 1 6 4 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N FOUNDATION EXPENSES STATISTICAL SUMMARY Fiscal Year FY09 FY10FY11FY12 FY13 Cash Donations $85,133 $54,807$42,618$72,823$219,684* $365,714$234,811$23,013 $184,101 $43,468 In Kind Donations $450,847 $289,618$115,631$256,924 $263,152 Total Donations Golf Net Revenues $38,135 $37,698$31,414$38,771 $41,498 Scholarship Support $134,397$130,024$97,198 $95,668 $108,544 (Funds Redeemed) *Increase in FY13 reflects the beginning of a new capital campaign. Certain amounts presented in the prior years data have been reclassified in order to be consistent with the current year presentation. The financial highlights presented in this report omit disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. A complete copy of the Foundation’s financial statements, which include information which was omitted in this report, is available by contacting the DATC Foundation. 8 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 9 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 1 8 , $41,498 GOLF TOURNAMENT NET REVENUE A SPECIAL THANK YOU The DATC Foundation would like to extend a special thank you to the many sponsors, participants, and donors who made this event such a success and helped raise much-needed scholarship funds. This has allowed the College to offer 63 scholarships to deserving DATC students. As you plan your corporate giving and sponsorship for 2014, please consider supporting this worthwhile and fun event as we host our next tournament on July 30, 2014 at Bountiful Ridge Golf Course. GOLFERS 48 144 SPONSORS FY 2013 GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS HOLE-IN-ONE HOLE/TEE SPONSORS Murdock Chevrolet Stratford Insurance Agency Willey Honda - Bountiful Badham Construction, Inc. Barber Brothers Ford Barlow Corporation Chevron Costco Country Inn & Suites - Bountiful Davis Hospital & Medical Center Farr’s Ice Cream Financial Educational Systems First National Bank of Layton Futura Industries Grease Monkey Hampton Inn/Holiday Inn Express Hexcel Corporation Intermountain Health Care Intermountain Staffing Janicki Industries Kaysville Rotary Lakeview Hospital Merit Medical Murdock Chevrolet Premier Car Wash SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS Air Gas America First Credit Union Central Refrigeration Cutrubus Audi Volkswagon MAJOR SPONSORS SIGN PRINTING SPONSORS DATC Print Center Fusion Imaging BREAKFAST SPONSOR Stone Creek Grill & Catering – Bountiful, UT LUNCH SPONSOR American West Bank Lincoln Electric Jean Madsen Texas Roadhouse – Bountiful, UT G O L F T O U R N A M E N T – J U L Y On July 18, 2012, the Foundation hosted it’s 19th Annual Golf Tournament at Bountiful Ridge Golf Course. With the support of the local community through sponsorships, participants and prize donations, $41,498 was raised to provide scholarships to deserving DATC students. 10 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 11 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C Prime Alliance Bank S&E Quick Lube Utah Education Savings Plan Yesco Zions Bank PRIZE & GIFT SPONSORS Applebees Asay, Dr. Gaylen Barnes and Noble - Bountiful Bite Size Boston’s Browning Burt Brothers - Kaysville CenterPoint Legacy Theatre Cherry Hill Chuck-A-Rama Comfort Inn Costco - West Bountiful Country Inn & Suites DATC Bookstore Deer Valley Dixon Golf F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T Golden Corral Ifrogs J&L Garden Center La’Brett Interiors Lagoon Corporation Lifetime Products Mandarin Restaurant Mejor Que Nada Mikado Restaurant Nutty Guys Ogio International, Inc. Outback Steak House Petzl America Professional Cables Sam’s Club – Layton Smith’s Manufacturing Sports Clips The Medicine Shoppe University of Utah Athletics Ultradent Utah Educational Savings Plan Architect Rendering of DATC Allied Health Building Project A L L I E D H E A LT H B U I L D I N G P R O J E C T ‘‘ Utah and the nation has a huge need for qualified healthcare professionals, and that need continues ‘‘ to grow. DATC is positioned to provide the required educational requirements for these demanding professions. I encourage business leaders and interested individuals to support DATC in building this state-of-the-art facility. – David Simmons, Member of the DATC Board of Trustees AMY CROSLAND, Practical Nurse Program DATC has a reputation for high quality training, especially in the medical fields. Graduates are in demand around the county and across the Wasatch Front. The result of increased demand for healthcare services and the high rate of retiring skilled workers demonstrates the need for a larger, state-of-the-art facility at DATC to ensure Utah has the workforce it needs to provide quality healthcare. Amy Crosland was accepted into the teacher education program at San Diego State University. She always planned on finishing her teaching certificate, but she married her husband, Robert, and had her first child while going to college. Luckily, she completed her associate’s degree before moving to Utah where her husband planned to complete his schooling. Shortly after, Amy had her second child and Robert put his college plans on hold to work and take care of his young family. Preliminary concept plans have been developed for a 65,000 square foot medical building to be constructed on the main campus. The new building will house all of the 11 health-related programs offered at the College. There will also be a study center and gathering space for multiple training activities. The projected cost of the structure is $21,450,000. “I decided this was the perfect opportunity to go back to college. I wanted a job where I could make a difference, so I enrolled in the nurse assistant program. [It] was the quickest way to get a healthcare job.” After receiving her state certification, Amy began working at a home care facility. “I loved working in home hospice. I enjoyed getting to know the patients and families, but after awhile I got tired of being the low woman on the totem pole. I wanted to be a nurse.” Community support is essential for the success of this capital project because of tight state budgets. Contributors will leave a legacy for their families and neighbors, while providing students with successful careers. If you would like to discuss how you can participate in naming opportunities or to learn more about this exciting project, please contact Karen Mecham, Foundation Director at 801-593-2374. 12 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T “I started my LPN in August. It has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Nursing school really pushes you to the max. I’m so glad I have the support of my family and great nursing friends to help me get through this. The nursing faculty at DATC has played a role in the type of nurse I want to become.” 13 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T M E E T I N G S C H O L A R S H I P N E E D S HEIDI UNDERWOOD, Business Technology Heidi Underwood paid for her college education through a grant and scholarships.“I was so nervous to go back to college, so not having to worry about money relieved me from additional stress,” she said. “College was hard, but I just made it work,” says Heidi. “It takes the whole family to achieve a dream.” MEETING SCHOLARSHIP NEEDS The DATC Foundation provides much-needed scholarship funds for students in a variety of situations. The majority of these students fall within the low to low-moderate income bracket. Without the assistance of scholarships, these students would be unable to attend school or finish their programs. Heidi graduated with a Business Technology Certificate. She will receive her second certificate as an Administrative Professional in 2014. Heidi was hired by the Internal Revenue Service before graduation. In addition to scholarships, the College offers a tuition waiver program which provides waivers to students based on need and/or merit. During the July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013 program year; A total of 430* awards were given to 374 individuals, totaling $115,915. - $85,074 was provided through the DATC Foundation. - $30,841 was provided through institutional tuition waivers. 300 awards were provided to adult students. - 254 awards were allocated through the DATC Foundation. - 48 awards allocated through institutional tuition waiver. 99 awards were made to High School Bridge Scholarship students. - 23 were awarded through the DATC Foundation for a total of $4,730. - 76 were awarded through institutional tuition waivers for a total of $12,861 46 awards totaling $15,536 were allocated to students from “needs-based” designated Foundation scholarship funds. *Each award category is not mutually exclusive. Students of the Month: Justeen Jones, Esthetician Program and Bryon Borges, Automation Technology Program “I encourage my children to get their college education while they’re young,” says Heidi. That sound advice had driven her daughter, Kaitlyn, to attend DATC. Kaitlyn says, “It is kind of weird to think I was going to school with my mom, but she is a good example to me.” THANK YOU TO OUR SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORS DATC would like to honor and express sincere gratitude to the following foundations and sponsors who provided scholarship funding this year. Ruth and John Bamberger Memorial Foundation George & Dolores Eccles Foundation R. Harold Burton Foundation Haven J. Barlow Family Foundation DATC Foundation Golf Tournament JEPS Foundation DATC Institutional Tuition Waiver Program Questar Educational Foundation Davis County Commissioners’ Cup Transportation Alliance Bank Duane and Francie Meacham Wells Fargo Foundation Additional contributions have been provided by other sources such as DATC employees and United Way. 14 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T 15 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T S O I Progress is being made for funding of the Allied Health Building that will house state-of-the-art facilities to train the medical teams of the future. Over the next three years, two million dollars needs to be raised to demonstrate to the Legislature that Davis County citizens recognize the need for this addition to the DATC campus. Today, the project is searching for generous philanthropists willing to put their support behind the fundraising effort. In recognition of their gifts, they will be able to leave their name on the building or interior facilities as a legacy for their family or business. F OTHER GOALS 1 4 Re-engaging former donors: The Foundation appreciates all its donors and would like to meet with past donors who may want to be a part of this new medical building project. There is nothing like re-uniting with friends and neighbors for a common goal. F Y Recognizing alumni: Do you know a past student or graduate of DATC who has excelled in his or her field? Let’s honor their achievements and bring them back into the family. Please send their story to us so they can be contacted. 16 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N – Ron Dean, CEO STRUCTURAL STEEL AND PLATE FABRICATING Located in North Salt lake, the SS&PF focus is in mining and petrochemical. The business provides quality work within strict safety and time limits. Today SS&PF products are located around the world. With more than 80,000 square feet of production floor, the facility is equipped to handle any need. It possesses the storage, inventory, and processing capabilities to respond quickly to a customer’s specifications. O U N D A T N E W A L L I E D H E A LT H B U I L D I N G ‘‘ More than ever, you can make a good living with your hands. Ron Dean, CEO, started his business career in 1968 as a blacksmith. “My specialty was wrought iron furniture, but the real opportunities were in structural steel, so in 1976 I started Structural Steel and Plate Fabricating.” He had a partner at the beginning but now he works with his two sons, Brian and Taylor to expand and grow SS&PF. N G O A L The annual DATC golf tournament is scheduled for July 30, 2014 at the Bountiful Ridge Golf Course. This exciting event draws a full roster of teams so don’t miss out. Plan now to join us for a great day of golf, lunch and amazing prizes. This is also a great way to promote your support for DATC students by sponsoring a hole/tee. You and/or your business will receive recognition in our marketing materials. Major sponsors who contribute from $1,000 to $10,000 also receive recognition in all media coverage. Profits from the tournament provide scholarships for DATC students. ‘‘ 2014-15 GOLF TOURNAMENT A N N U A L R E P O R T Ron and his sons believe in education. “More than ever, you can make a good living with your hands,” Ron says. “There was a time when the equipment was manually operated. Now, everything is done by computer.” For this reason, the company encourages its employees to head back to school and is willing to reimburse for tuition. Ron also serves on the DATC Foundation Board. His passion for the college supports the annual golf tournament and reaches out to other business people to participate and increase the availability of scholarships so more students can be successful. 17 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T COLLEGE PARTNERSHIPS COLLEGE DONORS A Genos L300-M 4-Axis CNC Machine MB 5000H 4-Axis CNC Machine G6 X1000 OSP 3-Axis CNC Machine Okamoto Grind-X 3-Axis CNC Grinder R S F O U N D A T I O N 3 Differentials 1 AC Machine 2 Electronic Boards 2 Sets of Tools E D A T C 4 Volvo Trucks 2 Mack Trucks 12 Engines 4 Transmissions N 2 0 1 3 CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT T Summers Family United Way of Salt Lake Warren Pugh Family Wells Fargo Foundation (Additional donors on page 20) | CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT R General Motors Services GE OEC Healthcare Jensen, Dr. Bruce, DDS Questar Educational Foundation 18 $3,500,000 A Partnership Level ($25,000 to $49,999) Big O Tires Mrs. Kay Blood Cummins Rocky Mountain First National Bank $2,000,000 P Rolls Royce Gear Systems Roy & Elizabeth Simmons Simmons Family Foundation, The Swanson Family Foundation, The Taricco Corporation The Boeing Company Thermo King Corporation Transportation Alliance Bank Val & Edith Green Foundation Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. Wall, Neil J. William Child Family Foundation, The C Globus Relief Grow Utah Ventures Hartwig Inc. Haven J. Barlow Haven Barlow Corporation Kevin S. Garn Properties Lincoln Electric Company Mack Truck Corporation Merit Medical Systems MOOG Inc. Okuma America Corporation Polaris Industries Primavera Systems, Inc. T Champions of Technology ($50,000 and Above) Alan and Jeanne Hall Foundation American Express Alliant Techsystems, Inc.(ATK) ATS Industrial Supply Bamberger Foundation, The Barlow Family Foundation, The Bowman’s Market Burton Foundation, The Carr Printing Davis County Commission Davis Hospital & Medical Center Ed Kenley Ford George & Dolores Eccles Foundation D The College would like to express its gratitude to the many donors, sponsors, foundations, partners and individuals who have provided both financial and in-kind support. Their contribution has truly made a difference in the lives of the students we serve in addition to enhancing the programs and training at the College. The Foundation acknowledges the tremendous value of ongoing partnerships with local and international corporations. Total equipment allocation to the institution exceeded 4 million dollars. The partnerships also attract federal grant dollars. Employers and students both need state-of-the-art training facilities to ensure graduates can compete in a high-tech work place. Partnership donations of equipment and services will continue to be a significant goal for the upcoming year. If you would like to learn how you or your company can participate, please contact Karen Mecham, Foundation Director at 801-593-2374 for more information. A N N U A L $500,000 $400,000 CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT Torchmate Plasma Table w/Hi-Def Cutter Wire Fed Welders 11 Triumph Motorcycles 4 ATV’s System 5 Robotic Welder TIG Welders 2 Indian Motorcycles 4 Side-by-Sides MIG Welders 7 Snowmobiles Engines Vernon Pipe Cutter R E P O R T 2 VRTEX 360 Virtual Welders All partner equipment consigned July 2012 - June 2013 COLLEGE DONORS Technician Level Participant Level ($10,000-$24,999) ($1,000-$9,999) Arnold Machinery Autoliv ASP, Inc. Bank of the West Mike & Shirley Bouwhuis Monte & Lanette Brough BD Medical Boyd & Beverley Jensen Ltd Partnership Louis & Ellen Callister Citigroup Contractors HVAC Supply Davis County Commission Delonne Anderson Family Foundation Freeport Center Associates Holicim (US), Inc. Holmes Family Foundation Hospira ICU Medical, Inc. Katherine W. & Ezekiel R. Dumke, Jr. Foundation Robert & Caroline Madsen Northwest Research Otter Island Foundation Sharee Paulsen Questar Educational Foundation Rocky Mountain Power Foundation Rocky Mountain Raceways David Simmons Sullivan/Schein Dental Technical Training Systems The Gallery Etc. W. Mack & Julia S. Watkins Foundation Zions First National Bank BMA Management Support Corp. Bradley & Julie Walters Family Fund Brett Miller Landscaping Callister Nebeker & McCullough CampusBookRentals Centennial Bank Cobblecreek Management Eli & Maryann Crowther Cutrubus Motors Jay B. Dansie DATC Employees Davis Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Dr. Dennis L. DeDecker EA Gaming Early Run Investments, LLC Electrical Wholesale Supply David & Sally M. Ellison Emerson Electric Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Financial Education Systems Frontline Public Involvement Garner Machine Golden West Credit Union Gramoll Construction Grease Monkey Hampton Inn Liza & Bland Hoke Holiday Inn Express Holly Refinery Intermountain McKay Dee Hospital ING Financial Services ITT Exelis Jackson National Life Insurance 20 | 2 0 1 3 D A T C F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L Jeps Foundation Trust Edward Jones Kroger Co. Lakeview Association of Insurance Layton Rotary Club Logistic Specialties Madsen Family Trust Deanna Miles Sunny Mitchell Jamie Moore John & Carol Morgan Murdock Chevrolet David J. Nelson Racheal & Jeremy Olson Kristyn & Michael Ostermiller Jessica Payne Rhinehart Oil Richard Dunkley & Associates Inc. Neka Roundy Reinhard & Irene Ruf Lorrie & Shawn Sheets Barbara Smith Superba Inc. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Transwest Sales & Distributing Tropical Sportswear International Corporation United Way of Northern Utah Utah Defense Alliance Utah Petroleum Association Weber State University Willey Honda Tom & Alice Kaye Wineger Gary M. Wright R E P O R T
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