Wtr2008_JCCCW Newsltr.indd - Japanese Cultural and Community


Wtr2008_JCCCW Newsltr.indd - Japanese Cultural and Community
Heritage Remembered ~ a Gift to the Future
A Publication of the Nikkei Heritage Association of Washington
[email protected]
Final Negotiations with
the Seattle Japanese Language School
By Lori Matsukawa
Board of Directors
Ron Mamiya, President
Lori Matsukawa, Co-Vice
Kip Tokuda, Co-Vice
Karen Akada Sakata,
Corresponding Secretary
Char Ohashi, Corresponding
Arlene Oki, Recording
Kurt Tokita, Historian
Tazue Sasaki
Yutaka Sasaki
Emi Sumida
Manaji Suzuki, M.D.
Kiyoshi Tom Tanaka
Yukiko Tanaka, Ph.D.
Bill Tashima
Calvin Terada
Midori Kono Thiel
Eric Tomita
Karen Yoshitomi
Seattle Japanese Language School, 1913 photograph.
Barbara Mizoguchi,
Executive Director
[email protected]
Renato Pascual, Finance
[email protected]
Paige Wakamatsu,
Development Assistant
[email protected]
The Seattle Japanese Language School (SJLS) Board of Directors is in final negotiations to officially
transfer the school site to the Nikkei Heritage Association of Washington dba Japanese Cultural and
Community Center (NHAW/JCCCW). SJLS President Ken Sato signed a Memorandum of Understanding on January 19, 2008 which would allow NHAW to proceed with grant applications, architectural
drawings, and spending government grants to build the JCCCW. Under the memorandum, NHAW would
Jane Devenport,
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Editor Barbara Mizoguchi
Printer West Coast Printing
control the property while the SJLS would continue to operate the school and have two representatives
on the NHAW Board of Directors. The SJLS originally planned to lease the property to NHAW for one
dollar a year for 99 years. However, government and other funding sources require NHAW to own or have
“site control” in order to access the grants. Speaking for the SJLS board and the larger community,
SJLS board president Ken Sato described it as, “our Super Bowl...Let’s make it happen.”
Letter from the President
2007 was another great year for the
instruction, and young adults group
development of our Japanese Cultural
who organized classes in soroban,
and Community Center of Washington
kiri-e, and Japanese cuisine. We fur-
ther reached out to the community by
hosting children’s games at Seattle’s
After a rigorous selection process, we
Bon Odori and Bellevue’s Aki Mat-
selected the architectural team of Arai
suri. Lastly, we welcomed Japanese
Jackson Ellison, Murakami; Hoshide
foster children who visited the Seattle
Williams, Suyama, Peterson, Deguchi
Mariners baseball team.
and Kenichi Nakano Associates.
Board President Ron Mamiya ,Board Co-Vice
President Lori Matsukawa, and Naoko Ken.
We heightened our profile in the general community hosting a reception and business mixer for
the world reunion of the Fukuoka Kenjin Club (celebrating
its 100th Anniversary) and participants of the Trade Alliance
of Greater Seattle (who had just visited Fukuoka). We also
To learn more about our organization
and the development of our wonder-
ful center, view our website at jcccw.org or call us at (206)
568-7114 to arrange a visit of our site at the historic Seattle
Japanese Language School at 1414 South Weller Street.
featured the North American Taiko Convention, the Okinawa
We look forward with great anticipation in 2008 and hope
Taiko Group, and Japanese entertainer Naoko Ken. There
that you will join us.
was a patrons’ reception and curator tour of Seattle Art
Museum’s opening exhibit “Japan Envisions the West”, art
which had not been seen outside of Japan.
Children and young adults benefit as we continue to partner
Ron A. Mamiya
NHAW/JCCCW Board of Directors President
with the Seattle Japanese Language School, martial arts
Welcome New Staff!
By Lori Matsukawa
NHAW/JCCCW welcomes its
“I look forward to making the
first Executive Director, Barbara
Japanese Cultural and Com-
Mizoguchi-Asahara. Barbara
munity Center a reality,” says
was born and raised in the
Barbara. “Thanks to the diligent
Tacoma area, and graduated
work by the NHAW/JCCCW
from the University of Washing-
Board of Directors, community
ton with a Bachelor’s Degree in
volunteers, and previous staff,
Art History. She has worked for
we are well positioned to launch
Girl Scouts of Western Washing-
into the next phase!” Barbara
ton as the Historic Collections
is assisted by Administrative
Manager and for the Washington
Assistant Jane Devenport,
State Historical Society at the
Fund Development Assistant
Washington State History Mu-
Paige Wakamatsu, and Finance
Paige Wakamatsu, Jane Devenport and Miyuki Mitsumoto
seum in Tacoma as the Public
Manager Renato Pascual who is
Relations Director. She has five years of architecture educa-
recently retired from a successful career in accounting in the
tion and is a Wing Luke Asian Museum Board of Trustee.
non-profit sector.
Naoko Ken Concert and Culture Day Make Positive Impact
By Lori Matsukawa
NHAW/JCCCW made its mark as an
rant and Jason Watabe representing
organization dedicated to Japanese
Windemere Real Estate. Fuji TV of
culture with a dazzling benefit concert
Japan will feature Seattle and NHAW/
by Japanese entertainer Naoko Ken on
JCCCW in a documentary of Ms. Ken.
October 12th at Benaroya Hall and our
At Bunka no Hi (Culture Day) some
signature Culture Day “Bunka no Hi”
450 visitors packed into the Seattle
November 4th.
Japanese Language School to enjoy
The Naoko Ken concert was preceeded
by a reception and curator tour of
“Japan Envisions the West” at the
Fumiko Hayashida, 96, (left) and others enjoy
performance by Emma and Kate Inge at
Bunka no Hi.
martial arts demonstrations including kyudo (bow and arrow), ikebana,
games, Wii electronic game, and
Seattle Art Museum for Founding Families and event spon-
traditional odori by young students. The event coincides with
sors Vulcan Inc., Boeing, Nintendo, Highline Community
Bunka no Hi in Japan which is celebrated on the first week-
College, Hyogo Business and Cultural Center, Seattle Art
end in November annually.
Museum, Starbucks, North American Post, Hiroshi’s Restau-
Naoko Ken Documentary Features NHAW/JCCCW
By Lori Matsukawa
Japanese entertainer, Naoko Ken, honors her son in Seattle and highlights
a one-hour documentary. It aired on Fuji TV in Japan on November 30,
2007. The documentary includes footage of Ms. Ken’s benefit concert for the
Japanese Cultural and Community Center last October. She wanted to thank
the people of Seattle for supporting her son, a student at Highline Community
College. Besides the school campus, the documentary includes a visit to an
adult class at the Seattle Japanese Language School, a judo class, the Northwest Nikkei Museum, her meeting with Mimi Gates of the Seattle Art Museum
and Tomoko Matsuno of Uwajimaya, and interviews about the World War II
internment with elders at Nikkei Manor. During the documentary there were
shots of the TV audience members watching the program with lots of tears
shed. NHAW/JCCCW plans to screen the documentary at an upcoming event.
March 7th
Hyogo Speech and Skit Contest at
the Museum of History and Industry
in Seattle. NHAW/JCCCW’s annual
day to volunteer behind the scenes.
For more information, contact 206728-0610 or visit www.hyogobcc.org.
April 18-20th
Cherry Blossom Festival at the
Seattle Center. Come visit or volunteer at the NHAW/JCCCW booth!
May 4th
Asian Pacific Island Heritage Month
at the Seattle Center. Come visit
or volunteer at the NHAW/JCCCW
May 11th
Mother Day Tea at the Seattle
Japanese Language School. More
information to come.
June 28th
Rummage Sale. See newsletter
NHAW presented Naoko Ken with a crystal vase backstage during rehearsal. Present were Board Members Yutaka and Tazue Sasaki, Lillian
Hayashi, Lori Matsukawa, and Intern Miho Kashimura.
Message from the Executive Director
First, I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome as
Our Board of Directors will also be restructuring from 30
NHAW/JCCCW’s new Executive Director! All of you have been
wonderful and hardworking members to nine key members
so gracious as I settle in and I am looking forward to getting
that will be instrumental in providing high profile and fund-
underway with such an exciting organization!
As NHAW/JCCCW wrapped up the end of 2007, there were
successful events such as the Naoko Ken concert, Bunka
raising for NHAW/JCCCW. The soon-to-be former board
members will have the option to join the new Community
Advisory Council.
no Hi, and the year-end fundraising appeal! I want to thank
The rest of the year you can look forward to seeing ongoing
all of you who generously gave to the operating funds. The
and new programs based on a new annual budget.
funds will help with the day-to-day operations of the organization so we can continue to provide you excellent service.
In the meantime, be a part of the action if you have not done
so yet! We would thoroughly appreciate contributions for the
As the new year begins, 2008 will be full of exciting changes!
operations and capital campaign; whether from you, your
The recent announcement of the Seattle Japanese Language
family or friends. If you have any questions about the de-
School negotiating their site over to NHAW/JCCCW will pave
tails, feel free to contact the staff or myself at 206-568-7114
the way for many next steps for us. The Building and Con-
or at [email protected].
struction Committee will be working with the architects in
developing schematic drawings of the new center, the Fundraising Committee will be submitting pending grants for the
Barbara Mizoguchi
operations and capital campaign, and the Program Commit-
NHAW/JCCCW Executive Director
tee will proceed forward with activities under a new annual
Omoide Book
By Dee Goto and Barbara Mizoguchi
Thanks to Ats Kiuchi, Janet Baba,
and Penny Atcheson, new curricu-
Judy Kusakabe, and Dee Goto for
lum writer, will be available to help
volunteering their time on behalf
teachers use the stories more effec-
of NHAW/JCCCW by providing live
tively with the students. Currently,
presentations, printed books, and
the group is collecting stories for
reader’s guides about their experi-
their fifth book and seeking grants
ences in the internment camps
to published the following year. If
during World War II. Last year,
you or anyone you know is inter-
the group spoke and distributed
ested in helping, sharing a heritage
their books to over 3,000 students
story or finding more information,
in schools throughout Western
contact NHAW/JCCCW Administra-
Washington! They already have
tive Assistant Jane Devenport at
several requests to speak this year
Bunka Koryu Kick-Off
Rummage Sale
By Paige Wakamatsu
By Paige Wakamatsu
2008 will be an exciting year for the new Bunka Koryu Club
Get ready for spring clean-
(Cultural Exchange Club). This club is for young adults (18
ing! Start gathering all of your
and older) who are interested in learning about Japanese or
unwanted items, because on
Japanese-American culture. It will focus on cultural under-
Saturday, June 28th we will be
standing, intergenerational links, and community service.
having a rummage sale at the
Events and activities for the year include: concerts, muse-
NHAW/JCCCW site (1414 South
ums, sporting events, volunteer work, intergenerational cook-
Weller Street, Seattle). We will
ing lessons, restaurant outings, and more. We will also be
be collecting your items* on June
planning different fundraising events to benefit the
26 and June 27 from 9 AM to
9 PM. The rummage sale will
The Bunka Koryu Club is being established to create new
bonds between Japanese-Americans, Japanese Nationals,
and people interested in the Japanese culture. Club members will be immersed in an environment rich in cultural
benefit the NHAW/JCCCW. If you
are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please
contact Paige Wakamatsu at [email protected] or (206)
exchange. To join the club or for more information, please
*Please note that we cannot accept the following: baby
contact Paige Wakamatsu at [email protected] or Jane
furniture or baby car seats (unless it meets federal regula-
Devenport at [email protected]. We can also be reached at
tions), mattresses, large furniture, old microwaves, exercise
(206) 568-7114.
machines, outdated magazines, skis and ski boots,
or bowling balls.
Interview with Bachan
By Paige Wakamatsu
Being a Yonsei (fourth generation Japa-
Sometimes we take our grandparents for
nese-American), I have often wondered
granted, thinking that they have held one
what it would have been like growing up
role in their lifetime: Grandma, Grandpa,
in my Bachan’s (grandmother’s) genera-
Bachan, Jichan (grandfather). We forget
tion, Kibei. (Kibei is the generation of
that they were once high school students
Japanese-Americans who were sent to
with a favorite sport to play or a subject
Japan to have a Japanese education).
to study, and that they, too, had to listen
Would I have been able to leave my par-
and obey their parents.
ents in America to live with my grandpar-
Working at NHAW/JCCCW has inspired
ents in Japan? How would I have adapted
me to learn more about my family and
to returning to the United States after
my heritage. I think it is important for
spending my youth in Japan? What would
Yonsei and Gosei (fifth generation Japa-
my feelings have been during WWII?
nese-Americans) to talk to their grandpar-
This past holiday season, I sat down with
my 93 year-old Bachan, Tomiko Ueno, to
ask her about her life. She told me about
ents, great-aunts, or great-uncles to learn
Tomiko Ueno and her granddaughter,
playing tennis in Japan as a teenager,
about her love for learning Japanese history, and about the
miserable seasickness she would get on the two-week long
boat rides between the United States and Japan. I also
learned that respect, trust, and selflessness have been deep-
about the different roles they have held.
If you would like to learn more about your
family, but are unable to contact your grandparents, greataunts, or great-uncles I would love to help you research your
family’s history. Feel free to contact me at (206) 568-7114
or via email at [email protected].
rooted qualities she possessed since she was a child.
2003 – 2007 NHAW/JCCCW Donors
Thank you for your generosity and vision in helping to create the Nikkei Heritage Association of Washington dba Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington to share and promote Japanese and Japanese-American culture and heritage. This
list acknowledges all donors who have given to the NHAW/JCCCW fund since we incorporated. Thank you for your continued
Yuriko Cottom Legacy
Shea Shizuko Aoki (Mrs. Jiro
Hiro & Dorothy Nishimura
Furuta Lee Foundation &
Moriguchi Challenge Match
Founding Families ($50,000+)
Founding Families Push toward
$1 Million Goal
In the competitive world of
fundraising, people often ask:
“Who supports your project?”
Our answer, “Many people,
and in particular, our Founding
Families.” In 2007, 15 families
stepped forward pledging 3/4
million dollars to the Capital
Fund. They have various reasons
for doing so: to honor their Issei
parents, to support Japanese
culture, to remember the
sacrifices of the Issei and Nisei
who built this community, to
preserve the Japanese Language
School they attended as kids, to
provide a legacy for grandkids
and the broader community to
learn about “things Japanese.”
Thank you to our Founding
Families and Yuriko Cottom
Legacy supporters for their
Arai Toda
Jerry & AC Arai & Corrine Toda
(Mrs. Terrance Toda)
Michael & Tsuchino Forrester
Dee & Sam Goto
Tom & Sally Hirai, Blaine Hirai,
Todd Hirai, & Holly Hirai
Paul & Mary Hosoda, Harry
Kaoru & Haruto Hosoda, and
Mitsuyuki & Nami Ito
Joe & Florence Matsukawa,
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
Blackstock, Lisa & Keith
Matsukawa Chinn, Liane &
Bruce Matsukawa Voss
Chiyo & Hiroshi Nakanishi
Hiro & Dorothy Nishimura
Taro & Lillian Ogawa
Toru & Kiyo Sakahara, David
Sakahara, Julie Sakahara,
April Sakahara, & Michael
John & Reiko Sato
Eric Yap & Masako Tamura,
Mikio Tamura Yap, Risako
Tamura Yap
Calvin & Yvette Terada, Alvin
& Mitsuko Terada, Allan &
Kayoko Terada, Tina TeradaSantos, Jerry Santos, Nicholos
Santos, Lisa Terada, John
Cooke, Faith Cooke, Ronald
T. Terada, Suzuko Terada,
Derrick M. Terada, Justin T.
Terada, Kaya Terada, Nathan
Terada, Mayumi Terada, Troy
Parke, & Emi Parke
Herb Minoru Tsuchiya
Ted & Margaret Yasuda, Roderick
K. Yasuda, Beverly J. Ikeda,
Roxanne G. Guion
$15,000 to $49,999
Joe & Florence Matsukawa
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
Toru & Kiyo Sakahara
John & Reiko Sato
Yukiko Tanaka
Allan & Kayoko Terada, Tina
Terada-Santos, Jerry Santos,
Nicholos Santos Lisa Terada,
John Cooke, & Faith Cooke
Corrine Toda (Mrs. Terrance
Nintendo of America Inc.
South Downtown Foundation
$10,000 to $14,999
Jerry & AC Arai
Kenneth & Marlene Alhadeff
Ronald T. Terada, Suzuko Terada,
Derrick M. Terada, Justin T.
Sally F. Tsutsumoto
4 Culture
Vulcan Northwest Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
Shea Shizuko Aoki (Mrs. Jiro
Bif Douglas Brigman
Michi Broman
Lillian & Roy Hayashi
Ruby Inouye Shu
Masako Murakami
Ted & Carolyn Nakamura
Ted Nakanishi
Kelly T. Saito
April Sakahara & Michael Smith
Kathleen Sakai
Tom & Yoko Sasaki
Yutaka & Tazue Sasaki
Frank & June Sato
Ken & Sarah Sato
Yae & Ronald Sobie
Manaji Suzuki & Neil Barnett
Alvin & Mitsuko Terada
Kip Tokuda & Barbara Lui
Min & Cherrie Tsubota
American Enterprise Investment
Services Inc.
Goto Dental Laboratory Inc.
Japanese American Chamber
of Commerce of Washington
Japanese American Citizens
League Seattle Chapter
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
MIS Northwest Association
Okinawa Kenjin Club
Tulalip Tribes
$1,000 to $4,999
Terie Akada
Gene Akutsu
Lance & Jeanette Akutsu
David Chan & Jane Nakagawa
James & Ikuko Dodobara
Frank S. Fujii
Minoru & Aiko Fujii
Yoshio & Joanne Fujimura
Gene Fujita
Tamotsu & Cheryl Furukawa
Kelly Goto & Gotomedia LLC
Lillian & Roy Hayashi
Fumiko Hayashida
Yutaka Joe & Etsuko Hirayama
Joe & Miyoko Ike
Charles & Lillian Kato
Paul & Miyoko Kawaguchi
Cherry Kinoshita
Albert & Elizabeth Kobayashi
Megumi Kobayashi
Thomas & Janet Kometani
Betty Komura
George & Mary Kozu
Julianne & Yukio Kumasaka
Carolyn Kunihiro
Fusako Kusumi
Steven Lorton
Yoshi Mamiya
Ron & Melanie Mamiya
Tosh & Tomi Mano
Lisa & Keith Matsukawa Chinn
Liane & Bruce Matsukawa Voss
Yukio & Karen Morikubo
Katashi Oita
Tosh & Toshiko Okamoto
Arlene T. Oki
Noriko & Doug Palmer
Lisel Salzer Grossman
Bob & Lucy Sato
Akira Takeda
Irene Tanabe & Mike Burnap
Tom Tanaka & Tina Carter
Elsie L. Taniguchi
Fumie Taniguchi
Kats & Terrie Tanino
Wendy Tokuda-Hall
Jason Watabe
Sallie & Kelly Yamada
Ted & Lilly Yamamura
Margaret Yanagimachi
Barbara Yasui & Bob Hayman
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,
Boeing Company
Boeing Company Gift Matching
Budokan Dojo
First Hill Lions Club
Fukuoka Kenjin Kai
Japan Culture Seminar
Marpac Construction
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation,
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Motoda Foundation
Nichiren Buddhist Church
Ogishima & Associates
Tacoma Hyakudo-Kai
Tanaka Kayo Kyoshitsu
Union Bank of California
Washington Mutual Matching
Gift Program
$100 to $999
Karen Akada Sakata
Hiram & Helen Akita
Sumie Akizuki
Marilyn Akutsu & Ron Tuttle
Marcine Anderson
Anonymous (5)
Vicki Asakura
Shizuko Asato & Family
Janet Baba
Les & Barbara Barnett
Kimiko Hazel Calhoun
Toyo Cary
Yaeko Cella
June & Henry Chen
Jerry & Irene Chihara
David Crandall
Tim Cullinan & Susanna Harada
Ted & Janice Divina
Linda Dong
Stephen Dwyer & Deborah
Shirley Eclipse Chinery
Dwight & Amy French
Michael Fujii
John Gaines
Mimi Gan
Linda Garner
Irene Goto & Stephen Driscoll
Laura Kennedy Gould
Naotake Hakamada
Hamada Family
Ed & Suzanne Hamada
Amy Hara
Toshio & May Harada
Kathy Hasegawa
Fred I. Hasegawa
Kiku Hayashi
Tom Y. Hayashi
Michael Higashi
Yukie Higashi
May Hirai
Suzanne Hittman
Christine Ikeda
Janet Ikeda
Sumiko Ikeda
Tom & Beverly Ikeda
Mitsuko Ishii
Doug & Barb Kanaya
Dale & Norm Kaneko
Yoshi Kanemori
Kazzie & Mits Katayama
Mal & Chizuko Katsumoto
Anne Kawasaki Romero
Sally & Don Kazama
Carolyn Kelly
Senior Consul Yoshiyuki Kimura
Victor & Joanne Kimura
Ats & Beverly Kiuchi
Cindy Lee & Daniel Ko
Elaine Ko & John Foz
Lenore Kobayashi
Miyoko Kodama
Yuriko Kojima
Shinji Kokage
Joseph Kosai
Ellen & Ed Kubokawa
Jan & Ham Kumasaka
Tom & Kimie Kuramoto
Bill & Toni Lampe
Sharon Larson
Ako Lindley
Alan Mack
Don & Kiyo Maekawa
Joe & Mariko Maita
Lawrence Martling
Yukiko Irene Mataka
Frederick & Anne Matsen
Nancy Matsudaira
Jack Matsui
John & Sadako Matsumoto
Masaaki & Mayumi Matsuura
Kazuko McColley
Eleanor & Earl McDaniel
Lily & Arch McMahan
Mitsuye Mihara
Michael & Jocelyn Miller
Sam & Tami Mitsui
Mr. & Mrs. Norio Mitsuoka
Yoshiko & Lynn Miyauchi
Jane Morimoto
Yukiko Moriyama
Robert E. Murakami
Pat Y. Murosako
Ernie & Sanaye Nagai
Masaye & Junzo Nakagawa
Joyce Nakamura
Roger & Theresa Nakanishi
Sharon Nakanishi & Terry Acena
Lorry & Keiko Nakatsu
Harvey & Hisako Nakaya
Anita Nakayama
May Y. Namba
Assunta Ng & George Liu
Madoka & Tsunetaro Nishida
Bill & Irene Nishimura
Jane H. Nishita
Rose & James Nohara
Lisa Noji
Gail Nomura & Steven Sumida
Charlotte Ohashi
Aiko Okamoto
Carol & Robert Okano
Nancy Okawa
Frank & Itsumi Okazaki
Tatemasa & Ruth Oki
Victor Pace
D.J. Pietromonaco
Shigeko Price
Carl Pugliese
Alan & Yukie Quick
Nobuko & Philip Relnick
Warren T. Saito
Karry Sakamoto
Hideo & May Sasaki
Joe & Mary Sasaki
Bob & Donna Sekijima
Masako Sekimoto
Narachiyo Sekine
Joan Seko
Gwen & Mark Shigihara
Stan Shikuma & Tracy A. Lai
Robert Shimabukuro & Alice Ito
Roy & Kazumi Shimizu
Jill Shiraki
Sam & Haruko Shoji
Sheila Siden
Charles & Eleanor Smith
Aki Sogabe
Bobbie & Michel Stern
Kazuko & Carl Stout
Ed & Mitsue Suguro
Mitsu & Herbert Sundvall
Ed & Joanne Suzuki
Emi Suzuki
Joichi Tagami
Christine Takada
Naoko Takagi
Akira Takeda
Hirokuni Tamura
Taeko Taniguchi
Ted & Akico Taniguchi
Bill F. Tashima
Calvin & Yvette Terada
Mayumi Terada, Troy Parke &
Emi Parke
Margaret & Ken Teramoto
Kurt Tokita
Tama Tokuda
Tosh & Dolly Tokunaga
Eric Tomita
Ruth Uyeno
Motoko Walker
Dale Watanabe
John & Joellen Werner
Ron & Judy Woods
Suma Yagi
Ed & Maxine Yakushijin
Iky Ayako Yamada
Alan T. & Joyce H. Yamagiwa
Edwin & Patti Yamaki
George & Wendy Yates
Kari Ann Yokoyama
Isoko Yoshihara
William Yoshimura
Takumi Yoshinaga
Karen & Michael Yoshitomi
Judy Yu
Emma & John Yurish
Jim & Tomi Zumoto
Adobe System Inc.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Cherry Blossom Festival
City Produce Company, LLC
Coca Cola Enterprises Inc.
Matching Gifts Program
Fujima Fujimine
Hokubei Senryu Ginsha
Hyogo Business & Cultural
Ikebana International - Chapter
JACL - Lake Washington
JACL Puyallup Valley Chapter
Japan Agricultural Exchange
Council US Branch
Japan Business Association of
Japanese Baptist Church
American Baptist Women
Japanese Community Service
Japanese Language School
Kaze Daiko of Seattle
Kokon Taiko
Konko Church of Seattle
Minidoka Pilgrimage
NW Asian Weekly Foundation
Pacific Northwest Budo
Peninsula Japanese Women’s
Puget Sound Sumi Artists
Regional Taiko Gathering
Safeco Your Gift Plus
Saint Peter’s Episcopal Parish
Seattle Buddhist Women’s
Seattle Chinese Post, Inc.
Seattle Koyasan Church
Seattle Seido Karate
Shakunage Japanese Women’s
Support Club
State of Washington Combined
Fund Drive
Tanpopo No Kai
United Way
Women’s University Club of
Yamato Transport USA
Up to $99
Art & Kay Abe
Rie Anthony
Takao Aoki
Janet & Earl Aoki
Ruth & Takao Aoki
Mas Aoyama
Michael C. Banner
Jonathan & Wendy Bannister
Steven & Fay Beland
Phoebe & Paul Bock
Joan Caine
Claudia Carr
Jean Chen & John Miyamoto
Myra Chin
Ken & Shirley Clark
Maydell Crane
Karin Czulik
Karen De Chadenedes
Miyoko & Edward Delanty
Alice Doi
Ellen Enrico
Roberto Espiritu
Sachiko Fitzpatrick
Kai Fujita
Yukie Fujiwara
Akiko Fuseki
Alice Gautsch Foreman
Alice Gilmore
Mary K. Godefroy
Steven & Randie Gottlieb
Pamela Guinn
Carrie Hewitt
Yoshiko Higo
Lisa & Nathan Hiruki-Raring
Judith Y. Ing-Higashi
Amy Inokoji-Johnson
Nancy & James Ishii - Martos
Henry & Minnie Itoi
Davis Y. Ja
Paul & Gertrude Jone
Patricia Julio
Kyoko Kageyama
George & Fusako Kamihara
Eileen Kanemoto
Connie & Gary Kantzer
Vivian & Mike Katagiri
Wakaba Kato Huffman
Bill & Miya Kawata
Linda Kodama
George & Betty Kometani
Sara Kosugi
Karen & Steven Kozu
Mitsuye & Bill Kunitsugu
Alan Kurimura
Helen & Wan Man Y. Lee
Sanaye & William Maekawa
John Martin, Jr.
Yuki Martley
Lillian Matsudaira
Charlotte Matsudaira
Frances Mauldin
Arlene Mitsui
Nadine Miyahara
Stacy & Victor Mizumori
Megan Moholt
Andy Moniz
Gail Mukai
Kazuo & Michi Murakami
Tama Murotani-Inaba
Mary Jane Murphy
Christine Nakagaki Murphy
Yone Nakako
Kimi Nakanishi
Terry Nakano
Tom Nakashima
Gary & Nancy Nichols
Yaeko Niimi
Yoshitaka Ogata
Aiko Okamoto
Lynne M. Okazaki Vanstone
Wendy Ono
Cynthia Owens
Michael Peskura
Allen Platnick
Betty Ann Polson
Sonoko & John Rhodes
Barbara Ricker
Harold Rubin
Connie Saito
George & Irene Saito
Kane Saito
Michiko & David Sakai
Sharon Tomiko Santos
Joan Sasaki
Ned & Sandra Sato
Haruto & Toki Sekijima
Joana & Michael Shapiro
Ron & Gloria Shigeno
Geraldine L. Shu
Clyde Tahara
Russell Takaki
Kiyoko Takashima
Lilly Takemoto
Maiko Takenaka
Shirlee Taki
Ken Tanase
Midori Thiel
Elsie Tokita
Y. Tokita-Schroder
Paul Tomita
Yukiko M. Trunnell
Christine Tsunahara
Jayna & Sam Umeda
Ann Uomoto
William & Shiz Watanabe
Ruth Wayne
Teresa A. Woon
Alan & Chiye Yabuki
Toshio & Fumi Yasutake
Helen Yee
Lorraine Yu
Julia Zee
ENMA Aki Matsuri
Fujima Mineki
IBM Matching Gifts Program
Nihon Culture Club, SSCC
Nikkei Concerns
Northwest Aerotech Inc.
Puget Sound Energy Employee
Matching Program
Tomo No Kai
Tsubomi Seishin Kan Dojo
City of Seattle ($99,900)
King County ($200,000)
Washington State ($1,200,000)
In-Kind Gifts
Kenneth Alhadeff
Shea Shizuko Aoki (Mrs. Jiro
Bif Douglas Brigman
Billy Fez
Penny & Frank Fukui
Dennis Gartner
Goto Dental Laboratory Inc.
Gary Kobata, Schneider &
Kotobuki Kimono Rentals
John Martin, Jr.
Miyuki Mitsumoto
Norio Mitsuoka
My Green Tea
Jane Nakagawa
Mary Madoka Nishida
Lillian & Taro Ogawa
Krystal Sakagami
Tomio Sakai
Sheila Siden
Russell Takaki
Irene Tanabe
Mika Tanagi
Tom Tanaka & Tina Carter
Dee Todd
Eric Tomita
Jason Watabe
Woodburn Company
Art Oki Manju
Budokan Dojo
Consulate General of Japan
Fuji TV (Japan)
Goto Dental Laboratory Inc.
Highline Community College
Hiroshi’s Restaurant
Hyogo Business & Cultural
Japan-America Society
Ikebana International
Kotobuki Kimono Rentals
My Green Tea
North American Post Publishing
Northwest Taiko Inc.
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Kyudo
Seattle Seido Karate
Vulcan Northwest Inc.
World Lullaby
Named Gifts
In Memory of
Fred Akiyama
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Memory of
Jim Hajime & Mary Akutsu
Gene Akutsu
In Memory of
Steve Arai
Bif Brigman
Lori L. Matsukawa & Larry L.
Charlotte Ohashi
In Memory of
Goruku & Mika Baba
Ted & Margaret Yasuda
In Memory of
Toyoko Fujiyama
Art & Kay Abe
Tama Murotani-Inaba
In Memory of
Masako Goto
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
Dee & Sam Goto
In Memory of
Dick Harada
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Memory of
Sheane Inaba
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Memory of
Judy Ing-Higashi
Michael Higashi
In Memory of
Sachiko Ito Eades
Linda Gardner
In Memory of
Thomas Tadashi Kawahara
Charlotte Ohashi
In Memory of
Donald D. Kazama
Sally Kazama
In Memory of
Masao Kinoshita
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Memory of
Inui Kobayashi
Ruth & Tatemasa Oki
Seattle Chinese Post, Inc.
In Memory of
Tanaka Kayou Kyoshitsu
Fukuoka Kenjin Kai
In Memory of
John Matsudaira
Bif Brigman
Lillian Matsudaira
In Memory of
Aunt Yuki Matsukawa
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Memory of
Robert H. Matsuura
Charlotte Ohashi
In Memory of
Lena Morimoto
Lorry & Keiko Nakatsu
In Memory of
Susie Murosako
Pat Y. Murosako
In Memory of
Kenny Nakatani
Tamotsu & Cheryl Furukawa
In Memory of
Kozo Nakayama
In Memory of
Mary Yaeko Namba
Charlotte Ohashi
In Memory of
Tokuzo & Kono Ogino
Yae & Ronald Sobie
In Memory of
Rose Ogino
Yae & Ronald Sobie
In Memory of
Chobei Oki
Ruth & Tatemasa Oki
In Memory of
Tom T. & Kazue Sakahara
Toru & Kiyo Sakahara, David
Sakahara, Julie Sakahara,
April Sakahara, & Michael
In Memory of
Tom & Tama Sakai
Sally F. Tsutsumoto & Kathleen
In Memory of
Nobi Suyama
City Produce Company, LLC
In Memory of
Mr. & Mrs. Shikao Taketa
Kiyoko Takashima
In Memory of
Sam Shoji
Tamotsu & Cheryl Furukawa
Karen & Steven Kozu
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
Haruko Shoji
Fumie Taniguchi
In Memory of
Sam Taniguchi
Tamotsu & Cheryl Furukawa
Karen & Steve Kozu
Aiko Okamoto
Fumie Taniguchi
In Memory of
George Tsujikawa
Tama Murotani-Inaba
In Memory of
Ben C. Tsutsumoto
Sally, Guy, Jan, Tracy, & Thomas
In Memory of
Patricia & Terrance Uno
Shea Shizuko Aoki (Mrs. Jiro
Aoki) Jack & Midori Kunitsugu
Janice Kunitsugu-Woody Mitzi
Kunitsugu Patty Kunitsugu
In Memory of
Shigeko Uno
Shea Shizuko Aoki (Mrs. Jiro
Lori L. Matsukawa & Larry L.
Masako Murakami
Geraldine L. Shu
In Memory of
Yasutaro Warashina
Tatemasa & Ruth Oki
In Memory of
Taul Watanabe, co-founder
with Scott Oki of the Japanese
American Chamber of
Commerce of Washington State
Japanese American Chamber
of Commerce of Washington
In Memory of
Takeo Yagi
Suma Yagi
In Memory of
Frank Yokoyama
Charlotte Ohashi
In Honor of
Robert Espiritu
Roberto Espiritu
In Honor of
Lillian Hayashi
Sumie Akizuki
Miyoko & Edward Delanty
Dwight & Amy French
Joe & Miyoko Ike
Bill & Miya Kawata
George & Mary Kozu
Julianne & Yukio Kumasaka
Harvey & Hisako Nakaya
Ted & Akico Taniguchi
Steven & Fay Beland
In Honor of
Emi Nomura Sumida &
Kyle Suzuki
Dale & Norm Kaneko
In Honor of
Lori Matsukawa
Cherry Kinoshita & Seattle
Chinese Post, Inc
Michael Peskura
Women’s University Club of
In Honor of
Monica Itoi Sone
Bif Brigman
In Honor of
Wendy Tokuda-Hall
Lori L. Matsukawa & Larry L.
In Honor of
Tosh Okamoto’s Award
from the Emperor
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Honor of
Yaruko Akamine’s 70th Birthday
Takao Aoki
In Honor of
Richard Okata
Mas Aoyama
Happy Birthday to
Suzanne Hittman
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
In Honor of
Ann Kawasaki Romero
Bif Brigman
In Honor of
George Kozu’s 80th Birthday
Lynne Okazaki Vanstone
In Honor of
Tazue K. Sasaki’s Order of
the Rising Sun Award
In Honor of
Lori Matsukawa’s Birthday
Michael Banner
Claudia Carr
June & Henry Chen
Ken & Shirley Clark
In Honor of
Ken Sato
Frederick & Anne Matsen
Mas Aoyama
Ellen Enrico
Furuta Lee Foundation
Mimi Gan
Alice Gautsch Foreman
Mary Godefroy
Dee M. Goto
Judith & Michael Higashi
Suzanne Hittman
Carolyn Kelly
Cindy Lee & Daniel Ko
Shinji Kokage
Wan Man Y. Lee
Henry & Helen Lee
Sanaye & William Maekawa
Ron & Melanie Mamiya
Tosh & Tomi Mano
Eleanor & Earl McDaniel
Sam & Tami Mitsui
Arlene Mitsui
Nadine Miyahara
Stacy & Victor Mizumori
Tomio & Jenny Moriguchi
Jane Morimoto
Tama Murotani
Yone Nakako
Assunta Ng & George Liu
Jane Nishita
Tosh & Toshiko Okamoto
Arlene T. Oki
Carl Pugliese
Dr. & Mrs. Bob K. Sekijima
Irene Tanabe & Mike Burnap
Ken & Keiko Tanase
Elsie Taniguchi
Kip Tokuda
Jayna & Sam Umeda
William & Shiz Watanabe
Teresa A. Woon
Judy Yu
In Honor of
Suma Yagi’s Birthday
Tosh & Tomi Mano
In Honor of
Tomio Moriguchi’s Emperor’s
Joseph Kosai
To Honor
Ken Sato on Father’s Day
Gwen & Mark Shigihara
To Celebrate Tomio & Jenny Li
Moriguchi’s Wedding
Vivian & Mike Katagiri
Joseph Kosai
Lori Matsukawa & Larry
To Celebrate
Kenichi & Sarah Sato’s
55th Wedding Anniversary
Gwen & Mark Shigihara
Art & Helene Yorozu’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Yutaka & Tazue Sasaki
In Honor of
Manaji Suzuki & Neil Barnett’s
Barbara Barnett
Boeing Company Gift Matching
Steven E. Gottlieb
Naotake Hakamada
Ed Hamada
Kazzie Katayama
Ron A. Mamiya
Lawrence Martling
May Y. Namba
Gary Nichols
Arlene T. Oki
Dr. & Mrs. Victor Pace
D.J. H. Pietromonaco
Emi Suzuki
John Werner
Edwin Yamaki
Emma & John Yurish
In Appreciation of
Bif Brigman
Sheila Siden
In Appreciation of
Irene Tanabe
Ron & Judy Woods
If corrections are needed,
contact Paige Wakamatsu at
(206) 568-7114 or paigew@
1414 South Weller Street
Seattle, WA 98144
To share and promote Japanese and Japanese-American culture and heritage.
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