Montana Bighorn Sheep Areas and USFS Domestic Sheep and/or
Montana Bighorn Sheep Areas and USFS Domestic Sheep and/or
Montana Bighorn Sheep Areas and USFS Domestic Sheep and/or Goat Grazing Allotments 1 1/ 10/ 14 Kootenai NF Flathead NF Havre ( ! Kaniksu NF Legend ( ! Kalispell Malta ( ! Montana Bighorn Sheep (2011) Glasgow Couer d'Alene NF ( ! Flathead NF Ge ne r al( Entir e )Dis tr ibution Lewis And Clark NF ND Lolo NF Great Falls Dakota Prairie Grasslands ( ! St. Joe NF 15 § ¦ ¨ Lolo NF Bigh or n Sh e e p Ar e as USFS Lands (FS) Domestic Grazing Allotments FS: Sh e e p Dr iv e w ay s( AZ,NM,&WYOnly) FS:Dom e s ticGr azingAllotm e nts : Sh e e p/ GoatsPr e se nt( activ e ) Helena NF MT ( Missoula ! 90 § ¦ ¨ Clearwater NF Adjacent State Sheep Data Helena Lolo NF ( ! _ ^ He len aN F FS:Vac antDom e s tic Gr azingAllotm e nts Lewistown ( ! Land Ownership/Administrative Boundaries FSRe gionalBound ar ie s Lewis And Clark NF FSAd m inis tr ativ e Land s Helena NF Nez Perce NF te Bit Bitterroot NF NF ot o r r De NF ge d o erl Salmon-Challis NF 94 § ¦ ¨ Gallatin NF ( ! Butte Billings Bozeman ( ! ( ! 90 § ¦ ¨ Montana Bighorn Sheep Data Description: 2011 Bighorn Occupied Habitat. Bighorn sheep general (entire) distribution. Custer NF Gallatin NF Salmon ( ! Beaverhead NF ( ! Challis Boise NF Ga lla tin Custer NF Custer NF Custer NF Mapsar e ac ollabor ativ e pr od uctf r om th e U SFS,BLM,WAFWAWild Sh e e p Wor k ingGr oup. NF Sheridan Shoshone NF 15 § ¦ ¨ GI Sd ataand pr od uc tac c ur ac ym ayv ar y .Th e ym aybe :d e v e lope d f r om s our c e sofd if f er ing acc ur ac y ,ac c ur ate onlyatc er tain s c ale s ,bas e d on m od e lingorinte r pr e tation,inc om ple te w h ile be ingc r e ate d orr e v is e d ,e tc .U s ingGI Spr od uctsf orpur pos e soth e rth an th os e f or w h ich th e yw e r e c r e ate d ,m ayy ie ld inacc ur ate orm is le ad ingr es ults. Th e For es tSe r v ic e ( FS)m ak e snoe x pr e ss e d orim plie d w ar r anty ,inc lud ingw ar r antyof mer c h antabilityand f itne s s,w ith r e spe c ttoth e c h ar ac te r ,f unc tion,orc apabilitie softh e d ataorth e irappr opr iate ne s sf oranyus er ’ spur pose s .Th e For es tSe r v ice ( FS)r es er v e sth e r igh ttoc or r ec t,upd ate ,m od if y ,orr e place ,GI Spr od uctsbas e d on ne w inv e ntor ie s ,ne w or r e v is e d inf or m ation,and ifne c e ss ar yin c onjunc tion w ith oth e rf eder al,s tate orloc alpublic age ncie sorth e publicin ge ne r alasr e quir e d bypolicyorr e gulation.Pr e v iousr ec ipie ntsof th e pr od uctsm aynotbe notif ie d unle s sr e quir e d bypolicyorr e gulation. ( ! Thunder Basin NG Cody ( ! Sawtooth NF AllOth e rFe d e r aland Tr ibalLand s ( ! Beaverhead NF Payette NF Grand River NG Miles City Deerlodge NF DOI :BLM Manage d Land s ID Bighorn NF Targhee NF Buffalo Sundance ( ! ( ! Gillette Salmon-Challis NF Black Hills NF ( ! Bridger-Teton NF Worland Rexburg ( ! ( ! WY DataSour c es : NationalFor es tSy ste m d ata,activ e s h e e p/ goatallotm e nts ,&v ac antc attle allotm e ntss patiald ata2014;tabulard ataJuly2014;BLM land sc om pile d f r om ind iv id ualstate SMAlay er s( 1 1/ 10)&upd ate d ( 2/ 12) ;BI A,NPS,U SFS,and U SFWSland s , d ow nload e d f r om NI LSliv e s tr e am ( 2/ 12) ;Bigh or ns h e e p d ata–ind iv id uals tate d atacom pile d in c oope r ation w ith th e We s te r n Ass oc iation ofFis h and Wild lif e Age nc ie sWild Sh e e p Wor k ingGr oup. Newcastle ( ! Idaho Falls ( ! Targhee NF 25 § ¦ ¨ Jackson 0 Thunder Basin NG ( ! Shoshone ( ! 84 § ¦ ¨ 86 § ¦ ¨ Pocatello Caribou NF Riverton ( ! Pinedale U pd ate d byU SFSAMSETEU ,Lucr e tiaYSm ith 1 1/ 1 1/ 14 ( ! ( ! Nebraska NF ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! 20 µ 40 80 Mile s
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