2012 Crossroads Annual Report


2012 Crossroads Annual Report
for you,
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Guided by the founding principles of life, learning, and compassion,
Methodist Health System provides high-quality, integrated care to improve
and save the lives of individuals and families throughout North Texas.
Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Methodist Charlton Medical Center,
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center, Methodist Richardson Medical
Center, Methodist Midlothian Health Center, and Methodist Family Health
Centers and Medical Groups are part of the not-for-profit Methodist Health
System, which is affiliated by covenant with the North Texas Conference of
The United Methodist Church. Learn more at MethodistHealthSystem.org.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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lives matter
at Methodist
There is a driving motivation behind the care offered at Methodist Health
System: to improve the health and well-being of those we serve. We’re
committed to being a place where extraordinary clinicians can work with
advanced technology in a comforting environment to ultimately improve and
save lives.
At the heart of this objective is a crystal-clear understanding that we cannot do
it without partners like you. Your unceasing generosity toward the Methodist
Health System Foundation keeps the gears of our hospitals and clinics turning
steadily every minute of every hour of every day, all year long. Each breath,
each heartbeat, each movement is a miracle in itself, and therefore each
deserves nothing less than our best.
We want neonatal intensive care unit babies like Scott and Lauren Blue’s twin
daughters to have tender, expert care during such a vulnerable stage of life.
We want trauma patients like William McCraney to have physicians who will
fight for their quality of life. And because we know that wellness goes beyond
the physical, we want people like Billy and Patty Hall to know that Methodist
cares about their spiritual and emotional well-being, too.
This year’s Crossroads includes these and other inspiring stories, each a
reflection of your generosity. Thank you for valuing our patients’ lives as much
as we do. Your support is truly a foundation upon which we can sustain our
legacy of providing quality, compassionate health care.
R. Stephen Folsom
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE
R. Stephen Folsom
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
President and CEO
Methodist Health System Foundation
Chairman of the Board
Methodist Health System Foundation
President and CEO
Methodist Health System
Senior Vice President of External Affairs
Methodist Health System
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
Trevor Rees-Jones,
2011 Robert S. Folsom
Leadership Award recipient
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to service
The Methodist Health System Foundation’s seventh annual Robert S. Folsom
Leadership Award honored esteemed Dallas businessman and philanthropist
Trevor Rees-Jones on Oct. 5, 2011.
Former President and Mrs. George W. Bush served as honorary chairs, and
James B. Francis Jr. was the event chair. More than 700 supporters attended
the dinner and were delighted with the evening’s surprise master of ceremonies,
Karl Rove. As he recognized Rees-Jones, Rove described him as a true
Texas and Dallas icon who has cultivated an enduring legacy of generously
supporting people in need.
The event raised more than $1 million to benefit Methodist Health System’s
pastoral care ministries. Methodist’s chaplains, seminarians, and religious lay
workers of all faiths provided more than 134,000 pastoral visits last year alone.
In 2006, Jan and Trevor Rees-Jones founded the Rees-Jones Foundation for
the primary purpose of sharing their resources with the underserved people of
North Texas. It was particularly meaningful to the Rees-Jones family to have
2011’s Folsom event proceeds directed toward a program that so appropriately
reflects the mission of their foundation.
— Trevor Rees-Jones,
2011 Robert S. Folsom
Leadership Award recipient
“As stewards, we’re called to share our resources and to provide for
others spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally,” Rees-Jones said
in his acceptance speech. “Let us remember that Methodist strives each
day to provide quality, compassionate health care to those most in need
in southern Dallas. It is also an extraordinary privilege to accept an award
that bears the name of Robert Folsom, whose life certainly epitomizes the
essence of servant leadership.”
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James B. Francis Jr.; former President George W. Bush; April Box Chamberlain, CFRE;
and R. Stephen Folsom
Jan and Trevor Rees-Jones, Nancy Ann Hunt, and Toni Brinker
— April Box Chamberlain, CFRE,
Foundation president and CEO
Karl Rove with Marilyn and Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
Award recipients • 2005 Robert S. Folsom • 2006 Nancy Ann Hunt • 2007 Troy Aikman
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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R. Stephen Folsom and
Margaret Folsom
Trevor Rees-Jones, former President George W. Bush, and James B. Francis Jr.
Honoring people who change lives
The Robert S. Folsom Leadership Award was created in 2005 to recognize
people whose demonstrated commitment and excellence in community
leadership emulate the achievements of former Dallas mayor Robert S. Folsom.
Recipients are selected for their accomplishments in making a lasting, positive
change in the Dallas community and inspiring others to follow in their paths.
For more information, call the Methodist Health System Foundation at
214-947-4555 or visit www.MethodistHealthSystem.org/Folsom.
Ashlee and Chris Kleinert
• 2008 Laura Bush • 2009 Norman Brinker • 2010 Pat and Emmitt Smith • 2011 Trevor Rees-Jones
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
Billy Hall is grateful to the
Rev. Jericho Nyatoro, who ministered
to him in his time of need. With the
funds raised by the 2011 Robert S.
Folsom Leadership Award event, our
Clinical Pastoral Education program
can help Methodist Health System
clergy and seminarians enhance their
pastoral skills and ministerial training.
Patients, families, and the hospital
staff all benefit from the diverse
denominations and experiences that
chaplains bring to Methodist.
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a second
chance at
Ever since Billy Hall had contracted hepatitis C 12 years ago, his liver had been
under attack. As the years passed, the need for a new liver became imminent,
but all he and his wife, Patty, could do was wait.
Meanwhile, a new music minister, the Rev. Jericho “Jerry” Nyatoro, had arrived
at their church. Because of Mr. Hall’s condition, the couple could no longer
attend Sunday services, so they listened to them on the radio.
It wasn’t until 2011 that the couple finally met Nyatoro — at Methodist Dallas
Medical Center. “Brother Jerry walked into the room, and when I heard his
voice, I looked at Billy and said, ‘We know him. We listened to him on the
radio,’” Mrs. Hall says. Sure enough, the same pastor who had ministered to
them for years via radio was now serving them in person as a chaplain resident
in Methodist’s Clinical Pastoral Education program.
“We’d been praying for the Lord to send us somebody when we were here to
pray with us and read the Bible,” Mrs. Hall says.
Nyatoro pastored the Halls in the months to come, visiting them when
Mr. Hall was in the hospital. He also called weekly and sent encouraging
reading materials. On July 1, 2012, when the Halls got the call that a liver
was ready, Nyatoro was one of the first people they contacted with the good
news. He was also in the intensive care unit with them before the surgery,
offering prayers and support.
Thousands of patients find similar encouragement and support from the
many seminarians and clergy of various denominations serving throughout
Methodist Health System. Recognizing the vital role of ministry in health
care, Trevor Rees-Jones, recipient of Methodist Health System Foundation’s
2011 Robert S. Folsom Leadership Award, designated the event proceeds to
Methodist’s pastoral care ministries.
— The Rev. Carole Somers-Clark,
vice president of
Nyatoro’s presence reminded Mr. Hall of encouraging words his father had
left him before he died years ago: “Billy, don’t ever give up, because God has
never given up on you.”
pastoral services
“Dad was right,” Mr. Hall says. “Sometimes I get a little emotional because of how
long I waited, but God has always stayed close to me. He never left my side.”
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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the light
of her
Juanita Vega and her fiancé, Freddie Cabrera, wanted to have a family someday.
They had a plan: First comes marriage, then come the babies. Things didn’t go
according to plan, however. “The baby came first,” says Vega, smiling as she
reflects on her adorable daughter, Katelyn Nicole Cabrera, born May 30, 2012.
Last autumn, when Vega learned she was pregnant, fear overshadowed
happiness. Although the couple had the support of their families, they knew
little about what medical care they could get or afford. Vega sought help from
the Methodist Dallas Medical Center Golden Cross Academic Clinic, designed
to provide a medical home for people in need of affordable health care.
Vega was referred to the clinic’s Life Shines Bright Pregnancy Program. Winner
of the Texas Hospital Association’s 2011 Excellence in Community Service
Award, Life Shines Bright embraces and builds upon the Centering Pregnancy®
model to promote healthy pregnancies and prevent preterm births.
“It was wonderful,” Vega says. “They gave individual attention to each girl,
helped us understand how to make healthy choices and what to expect during
our pregnancy, and prepared us to become parents.”
Since the program launched in 2009, the Methodist Health System Foundation
has raised almost $4 million for the program. In November 2011, the Foundation’s
support helped to establish a brand-new home on the clinic’s fourth floor. In past
years, the program’s sessions had taken place in a waiting area, with constant
interruptions and limited privacy. On the renovated fourth floor, two dedicated
classroom spaces offer privacy for participants to talk openly during group
discussions and for one-on-one consultations with a certified nurse practitioner.
With healthy, happy Katelyn brightening their days, Vega and Cabrera are
excited for their future, including their wedding on Nov. 24, 2012.
“Thanks to Life Shines Bright, our daughter had the best start in life,” Vega says.
“And we know how to make the right choices as our family looks to the future.”
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
The Life Shines Bright
Pregnancy Program helped
Juanita Vega, 23, give her
daughter, Katelyn Cabrera,
here 3 months old, a
healthy start.
The $9.1 million
expansion and
renovation of the
Methodist Mansfield
Women's Pavilion
was intended to
accommodate the
growing Mansfield
community. The
Blue family was no
exception. Preterm
babies Isabella (left)
and Bennett Blue,
shown here at 8 months
old, are healthy and
happy, surrounded by
their loving parents
and siblings.
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welcoming life
For weeks, Scott Blue had teased his wife, Lauren, that she wasn’t just pregnant
with baby No. 5, but baby No. 6, as well.
Neither could believe it when he turned out to be right: The Blue family was
indeed expecting twins. They also couldn’t believe it when those bundles of joy
arrived eight weeks too soon.
“There had been no complications throughout the pregnancy, and the
doctor said things were going great,” Mrs. Blue says. “We hadn’t even given
thought to the possibility that our babies might need to be in the neonatal
intensive care unit [NICU].”
The Blues walked into Methodist Mansfield Medical Center at 11 a.m. on
Christmas Day, and by 1:45 p.m., Isabella (Bella) and Bennett (Bennie) had made
their grand entrance. Both, however, weighed less than 4 pounds and required
specialized care in the hospital’s newly renovated and expanded Women’s
Pavilion. As part of the expansion project, the hospital’s level IIIA NICU was
better equipped to help premature infants grow strong and healthy.
THAN $850,000
“Methodist Mansfield’s NICU is phenomenal,” Mr. Blue says. “It seemed like there
were 50 people taking care of our daughters. We knew they were in good hands.”
The Blues’ delivery experience was also enhanced by the new, larger patient
rooms that can be used for both labor and delivery and are designed to help
moms recover more easily and accommodate visitors.
The Blues welcomed Bella and Bennie home after 29 days in the NICU. Almost
a year later, the babies have caught up with other infants their age and have
experienced no developmental delays. Bella is still the feistier of the two, and
Bennie is as good-natured as ever.
When Dec. 25 rolls around this year, it will definitely be a merry first Christmas —
and a happy birthday — for the Blue family babies.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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life change
Veronica Phaikoh and her husband are both self-employed. While they
have always worked hard to provide for their family, their budget never
allowed for health insurance. That left Phaikoh without adequate resources
to control her diabetes.
IN 2012 ALONE,
$29,000 AND
OF $493,000.
Years passed without proper treatment for her diabetes. Then one day in
May 2009, she had to have emergency surgery at Methodist Dallas Medical
Center for a condition called perforated diverticulitis. As she recovered, her
physician discovered Phaikoh had extremely high blood sugar and counseled
her to get her diabetes under control. That required medications costing upward
of $1,000 a month — money the Phaikohs didn’t have.
Bridging the gap
The hospital referred her to the Methodist Dallas Golden Cross Academic
Clinic, home to the MedAssist Program. Fully funded by the Golden Cross
Division of the Methodist Health System Foundation, this program provides
uninsured and low-income patients with medications free of charge while a
social worker applies to pharmaceutical companies for long-term prescription
drug assistance. The program also employs a clinical pharmacist and dietitian
to help patients manage their chronic diseases.
Through the MedAssist Program, Phaikoh received insulin shots and testing
supplies, as well as health education to learn how to better manage her diabetes.
“I didn’t even know that a program like MedAssist existed, that would give you
so much help if you didn’t have insurance,” says Phaikoh, 47, who has lived in
Oak Cliff most of her life. “It was like a crash course in diabetes.”
The power of knowledge
Three years later, the discipline of managing diabetes comes easily to Phaikoh,
thanks to the assistance she received from the MedAssist Program. She monitors
her diet, checks her blood sugar regularly, and never misses a dose of insulin.
“People go without medicine because they don’t have the funds to get
everything they need,” Phaikoh says. “MedAssist changes your life, in a
sense. Having the knowledge and supplies I need to control my diabetes —
it changes everything.”
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
Veronica Phaikoh has her diabetes
under control, thanks to the MedAssist
Program at the Methodist Dallas
Golden Cross Academic Clinic.
MedAssist helped her obtain the
medicine and supplies she needed and
taught her how to manage her disease.
Page 17
an d
The paramedics still remember the accident, almost three years ago, when
they found William McCraney and his destroyed motorcycle on the side of
northbound Interstate 35 — and 6 inches of his shinbone on the other side.
McCraney had been hit by a truck, miles from his home in Denton and even
farther from Methodist Dallas Medical Center. But it was to that hospital — one
of only three adult trauma centers in Dallas County — that CareFlight brought
the then-25-year-old nursing student. He couldn’t be more grateful.
“I think God had his hand in all of it,” says McCraney, now 27. “CareFlight
could have taken me to one of the other trauma centers, but then I
wouldn’t have had someone with Dr. Mani’s expertise. My experience at
Methodist Dallas has been great.”
While it appeared that McCraney would lose his leg, Usha Mani, MD,
independently practicing traumatologist on the medical staff, had hope that a
procedure called distraction osteogenesis could prevent that.
“A bad injury does not always equal a bad result,” Dr. Mani says. “You don’t
throw in the towel, and you don’t give up.”
— William McCraney
And so began the long, unpredictable journey to regrow McCraney’s leg. This
process, lasting well over two years, required endless diligence from both
McCraney and Dr. Mani, but it paid off. Today, McCraney has his life, his leg,
and a positive outlook on the future.
“I truly believe that God used this to increase my faith and that He gave Dr. Mani
the wisdom and patience needed to save my leg,” McCraney says. “I think some
doctors would have just said, ‘We’ve tried,’ and given up. Not everyone gets to
say they witnessed a miracle, let alone be the one to experience the miracle.”
Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are
independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System or Methodist Dallas Medical Center.
LEFT: When William McCraney, here with his wife, Brenda, was in a motorcycle accident, orthopedic trauma experts at Methodist
Dallas fought to save his leg. With the new Sammons Tower, the hospital will be even better prepared to serve patients like McCraney.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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The Charles A. Sammons Trauma and Critical Care Tower is scheduled to open in 2014.
— Chris Kleinert, BrightER
capital campaign chair
The BrightER capital campaign committee (front row, from left): Traci Ford Owen;
George Shafer; Dawn Moore; Bill Davis; Methodist Foundation President and CEO
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE; Honorary Campaign Co-Chair Nancy Ann Hunt;
Campaign Chair Chris Kleinert; Honorary Campaign Co-Chair Ray Hunt; Susan Wells;
and Ossa Fisher; (back row) Rob Little; Pete Chilian; James Collet; Methodist Board
Chair Levi Davis; Rob Bertino; Colin McGrady; Zac Hirzel; Mary Cochran; and Methodist
Foundation Vice President for Development Kathryn Allen. Not pictured: Allie Beth
Allman, Matt Hildreth, Pete Schenkel, Natalie Jenkins Sorrell, Jeff Staubach,
W. Kelvin Walker, and Methodist Foundation Board Chair R. Stephen Folsom.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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Chris Kleinert, BrightER capital campaign chair; April Box Chamberlain, CFRE, Methodist Foundation president and CEO; Ray
and Nancy Ann Hunt, BrightER capital campaign honorary chairs; and R. Stephen Folsom, Methodist Foundation board chairman
A brighter future for Dallas
Each year, Sept. 11 is a day for remembering the heroism of first responders
who were willing to give their all to save lives. Because of Methodist Dallas
Medical Center’s commitment to ensuring that the highest-quality medical care
is available when needed most, the hospital chose that date to break ground on
a new trauma and critical care tower dedicated to the same purpose.
The Methodist Dallas emergency department staff treats more than
60,000 patients within a 150-mile radius annually, including 1,500 trauma
patients. As one of only three adult trauma centers in Dallas County — and the
only one in southern Dallas — it plays an essential role in caring for the county’s
2.5 million residents.
To help support the construction of the Charles A. Sammons Trauma and
Critical Care Tower, the Methodist Health System Foundation publicly launched
a $20 million capital campaign, titled “BrightER — Saving Lives. Serving
Dallas.” The Sammons Dallas Foundation committed a $5 million lead gift to
successfully kick off the campaign.
Set to open in 2014, the $108 million, 248,000-square-foot tower will be able to
accommodate more than 90,000 emergency and critical care patients a year.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
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A legacy
Beverly Abercrombia
Teresa Ackerson
Candace R. Adams
Joan M. Adams
Susie and John L. Adams
Melba Addison
Eric Adjei
Maria Aguilar
Mary Ann Agustin
Kolawole A. Akinnigbagbe
Steven Akins
Susana Alarcon
Jon Albrecht
Ella Alexander
Leo Alexander
Melanie Algermissen
Lindsay Alidina
Valerie Alidina
Kathryn Allen
Kimberly N. Allen
Opal Allen
Allie Beth and Pierce Allman
Nelda A. Allstot
Ruth and Ken Altshuler
Monica Alvarez
Linda M. Amie
Cole Anderson
Valerie Anderson-Turner
David G. Andrews
Teresa Annis
Rose Aono
Dr. and Mrs. Antonio C. Arazoza
Peta Noreen Arcinue
Megan Arkbuckle
Brian Asmussen
Diane Atwell
Maria Purisima Austria
Dr. Arturo E. Aviles
Myrtle W. Bailey
Joseph Baker
Linda L. Baker
Simeonette D. Ballesteros
Mary Banner
Michael Barber
Venizia Barber
Doris D. Barnes
Ken Barr
Gerry Barrere
Elise Barrett
Karen Barrett
Delores Bates
Rene Batson
Mary Baty
Kathleen Beathard
Tamara Beaumont
Dr. and Mrs. Ned Beiser
Bonnie F. Bell
Joyce and Selly Belofsky
Kiah Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Don R. Benton
Gail and Ron Berlin
Steven G. Bernstein, MD
Khushali Bhatt
Angel Biasatti
Nancy and Mike Bierman
Kathy and Gene Bishop
Shannon Bishop
John Black
Celena Blackwood
Joyce M. Blanks
Chris S. Bliss
Donna Boatwright
Leonard S. Bocian
Brenda and Bill Bogart
Janice Bolinger
Erin Boren
Brenda Brinker Bottum
Jennifer Bowie
Janet M. Brady
Ruby Branch
Kipling Braun
Christopher Brewer
Mary and Bennie Brigham
Katherine D. Britt-Price
Charles A. Brizius Jr.
Diana Brooks
Susan and Patrick Brosnahan —
Westpark Capital Fund
Alyssa Brown
Amanda Brown
Ann and J. W. Brown
Bob Brown
Jeanne Brown
Theresa Brunner
Nancy and Ed Buchtel
Katura Bullock
Ruth Bunton
Carmen Burkett
Margie Burleson
Todd Burns
Joanne Burton
Robert Bush
Elizabeth L. Byars
Dani Cagle
Linda Caldwell
Brannon Calvert
Brandy Cambron
Carrie Camin
Cheryl Campbell
Gregory and Zenola Campbell
Randall and Linda Canedy
Nicole Carignan
Lindsey Carnley
Charles Carpenter
Carolyn Carr
Asenet Carrillo
Cynthia B. Carter
Demetria Carwile
Maria Casarin
Shelisa Casey-Bailey
Tiffiny Cash
Eunice Castaneda
Jimmy Castellanos
Dr. Jose Castillo-Lugo
David Cathcart Jr.
Wendy Cave
Angelica Cerrato
Brian Chaddick
April and John Chamberlain
Michael T. Chappell
Jessica Ida Chavera
Chipo Chibende
Kaci Choate
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
Sarah Choi
Susan Christopherson
Jana Clamp
Channon Clark
Chris Clark
Vanessa Clay
Stella T. Click
Angelique Cobb
Kyllan Cody
Sarah Cohen
William R. Cohrs
Felicia Coleman
Gladys M. Coleman
Lori and John Collins
Sheila M. Collins
Susan V. Collins
Tamara Collins
Shelley L. Colon
Kelly and Brock Compton
Mary F. Connolly-Smith
Sandra R. Connor
The Conrad family
Shoshanna E. Conway
Shelley Cook
Tabatha Coons
Stan and Tammy Copeland
Ann and Walt Coughlin
Belinda R. Covarrubias
Gladys Covert
Melanie and Patrick Cowlishaw
Patricia A. Cox
Chad Crager
Kimberly Crager-Hunt
Julie and Clay Crawford
Donna Crimmins-Bonnell
Jerome Crittenden
Debra Culmer
Stephanie Cunningham
Jennifer Curran
Claude Cutshaw
Jannica Daniell
Schequita Daniels
Dr. Michael and Patricia Daves
Greg Davidson
Jonathan S. Davis
Larry and TL Davis
Loretta and Levi Davis
Tanya L. Davis
Mary DeBardeleben
Margaret Debose
Tracey Deegar
Amanda Delaise
David Delgado
Archa Dennis
Nancy Denton
Laura Boyd DeSmeth
Jesus Diaz
Pat and Dub Dickson
Lauren and Sam Dillard
Lee Dinkel
Julie Do
Julie Dodd
Deborah Donnell
Cynthia L. Dormier
Rudy and Georgia Dorrough
Regina Dotson
Ruby Douglas
Archie R. Drake
Deidre Drake
Sarah Drew-Watson
Mark Driscoll
Eunice Duckett
Rich Dudley
Lori Duke
Sonya Dulingel
Ruth Dull
Joy and Harold Duncan
Ernest L. Dunn, MD
Brenda Dupree
Philip Duvall
Cleburn Eardley
Dianne Early
Stephen Earwood
Evelina M. Echols-Sutton
Dan R. Eddy III
Eric Edelmann
Dr. Robert E. Edmonson
Beverly Edwards
Laura Edwards
Pamela D. Edwards
Theresa Edwards
Mavis S. Ehly
Kenneth Ertle
Alma L. Escalante
Sara Escalera
Carol and Ed Esstman
Kathryn and Lance Etcheverry
H. Craig Evans
Pastor Michael and
Mrs. Lisa Evans
Pame and Roy Gene Evans
Clerisse Ewelike
Kosunarty Fa, MD
Carla and Bill Fahey
Paul Farrow
Anne Faupel
Rebecca A. Ferlet
Nadine Ferrier
Kelly Fincher
Kelly Finley
Jim Fite
Nicholas L. Flacy
Bridget Flaherty
Katherine Flesher
Vertilia Flippin
Kenya Florence
Martina M. Flores
Folsom family
Frank Ford
Kelli and Jerry Ford
Nita and John Ford
Joe B. Fortson III
Jacqueline Foslin
Moe Fotoohi
Pearl Garza Fracchia
Sonia Franco
Chris Frazier
Janet L. Frazier
James Freeland
Glennes Freeman
Lewis Friedland
Lakisha D. Fulbright
Kay and Duncan Fulton
Mary Fulton
Kris Galloway
Juan Garcia
Christopher Gardner
Gloria M. Garza
Susan Gassaway
Dr. and Mrs. Larry (Mickey)
Linda B. George
Pam Gessling
Kristine A. Gianan
Zelda Gibbs
Rick Gillis
Sue Ginn
Carol and Don Glendenning
LaKolyia S. Glover
Monica Gomez
Jose Luis Gonzalez
Raquel Gonzalez
Toppy and Tony Goolsby
Lara Gordon
Grady, Tracy, and
Robert Gossard
Wayne Gossard, MD
Brittnay Gossett
Susybelle L. Gosslee
Meg Grace
Stanley V. Graff
Lora Graham
Mystyne-Mari V. Grant
Sheila and Jody Grant
Kathy Gray
Candace Green
Linda C. Green
Lynn M. Green
Keith Griffin
Kristi Griffith
Jean and Richard Griner
Allen Groves
Gretchen Grubbs
Dawn Gulley
Arti Gupta, MD
Isabell Haggar
Carol A. Hague
Marie C. Hale
Caroline Halfmann
Amelia A. Hall
Linda L. Hall
The Rev. Mary Stewart Hall
Rachell Hall
Thomas L. Hall
Harriet Halsell
Ralph D. Hambrick
Jill Hamilton
Nikki Hamilton
Shelly L. Hamilton
L. Francine Hamza
Patrick Hanegan
T. J. Hardaway
Jan and Terry Harmon
DeEtta Harrell
Linda S. Harris
Anita Harrison
William R. Hart
Amanda Hartley
Dr. C. Robert Hasley Jr.
Frances Hatleberg
Sarah and Jody Hawn
Valerie Hayes
Kathleen E. Hazlett
Steve and Kay Head
Jan and Fred Hegi
Susan D. Hellman
Juanita Hernandez
Deborah L. Hickman
Janice A. Higdon
Karen Higdon
Ronda Higgins
Mary K. Hill
Richard Hinkley
Steven Hirsh
Barbara H. Hitt
Felicia Hlavaty
Linda D. Hockett
Craig D. Hodges/Hodges
Capital Management
Esther Holsworth
Connie Hope
Linda and Ron Hopton-Jones
Priscilla and Doug Horn
Hazel Hosey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Houser
Thomas B. Howard Jr.
Katelyn Howell
Rachel Howell, PhD
Mary and Albert Huddleston
Eleanor Huff
Kendall Huff
Shannon Huggins
Vester T. Hughes Jr.
Eurayna Hunt
Kathryn Hunt
Nancy Ann and Ray Hunt
Leigh K. Hunter, MD
Lori S. Hutchison
Robin Hutchison
Elinore and Michael Hutton
Dr. Amber Hyde
Laura and John Irvine
Kathleen M. Ivanovskis
Camille F. Jackson
Connie Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Jackson
Francis Jackson
Marcus J. Jackson
Phillip R. Jackson
Anjaryl D. Jacobs
Margaret E. James
Jimmie Janes
Pam and Mark Jaudes
Beth Johnson
Dr. Brett A. Johnson
Delores A. Johnson
Cheryl Jones
Gene and Jerry Jones
Kathleen Jones
Lisa Jones
Sarah D. Jones
Darrell E. Jordan
Sheen M. Jose
Rita Joslin
Javier Jurado
Barbara Kallenbach-Watson
Wayne Keatts
Vicki Keca
Arnette Kelley
Lyda J. Kelly-McCormack
Deanna Kenard
Windy Kendrick
Bernnie Kennedy
Dorothy Kennington
Teresa Kerr
Dotty and George Kilpatrick
Leontyne King
Kay Kirby
Tim B. Kirby
Ashlee and Chris Kleinert
Ruth and Harold Kleinman
Tim Klepper
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Klingenstein
Tamara Klutts
Richard Knight Jr.
Steven Knight
Debra Knipe
Mary Knoblock
Christopher O. Kolleade
Debra Kresh
Abigail Kubin
Linda and Terrence Kurtz
Carolyn L. Ladymon
Jerry Laird
Troy D. Laird
Judy Laister
Rebecca Lamberth
Teresa Land
Khrystal Landrum
Joan McMurrey Lane
Celia C. Lara
Karen Lashley
Fran Laukaitis
Richard Lawhead
Laura Lawrence
Scott Layman
Jan Lea
Gloria A. Lechuga
David Ledbetter
Alicia D. Lee
Ulondia D. Lee
Elizabeth Leermakers
Lacye Lemke
Erik and Jessica Leopard
Stephanie Leopard
Stuart Lee Leslie
Christine Leveridge-Walker
Annie Marie Levier
Freda Levy, MD
Katrina Lindley
Gayle Lindsey
Glenda Lindsey
Melissa Lish
Glenda B. Llamas
Douglas C. Loberg
Kalinda S. Longino
Mandi M. Longoria
Gloria Lopez
Maria Lopez
Kimberly Lord
Ian D. Love
Chona C. Lu
Donna Luginbill
Matthew Luna
Reynaldo Luna
Rebecca and Bobby Lutz
Edie and Bo Lycke
Bobby B. Lyle
Katherine Glaze Lyle
Leslie and Chuck Lynch
Deanna S. Lynn
Sondra A. Mach
Ruby Macy
Stephen Maffei
Esther Magee
Sherrie Mahoney
Michelle Maiolini
Janice Malecky
Arceli L. Mandes
Pamela Mann
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L.
Jorge Mariano
Claudia R. Marin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Marshall
William Marshall
Karla and Sergio Martinez
Petra Martinez
Rosario Martinez
Kandy Masters
Mr. and Mrs. James Mathis
Malcolm Mathis
Karen and Charles W. Matthews
Julia Maxwell
Mary L. Mayo
Ashlee R. McAdams
Stephanie L. McAnally
Daniel McClellan
Linda A. McClellan
Melanie D. McClure
Jennifer McDougal
Kathryn L. McFarlane
Rhonda McGaughey
Shameka McGhee
Mary M. McHam
Sharon A. McHenry
Duane McKown
Gail L. McLauchlan, MD
Paula A. McMahan
Melody McMichael
Tina M. McNabb
Pamela McNutt
Ellen and John McStay
Regina McSweeney
Jacqueline McWilson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Meador
Bill Meals
Annie Medford
Maria I. Medina
Anh Meinschein
Cindy Melis
Sonia Mendez
Eleanor Mendosa
Cynthia Mickens
Frank Mihalopoulos
Jackie Milam
Carolyn Miller
Jacqueline Miller
Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis Miller
Linda Miller
Paula Miller
Lashun D. Mills
Robert M. Milone
Sandra Minatra
Elsa Miranda
Dr. Charles D. Mitchell
Jim Kent Mitchell
Melissa Mitchell
Jacey Moffett
Shirley Moler
Andrea Molina
Leticia Monjo
Ramona Montalvo
Rochelle Montgomery
Sharon R. Montgomery
Peggy and James Moody
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Moody —
Methodist Moody
Brain and Spine Institute
Stephan Moore
Steven and Dawn Moore
Melinda C. Morgan
Elijah O. Moriango
Cathy Ogle Morris
Stacie Morris
Mike Moses
Monica Mote
Robert Moura
Traci Moxley
Jana Munoz
Margarita Munoz
Keva R. Munson
Lisa G. Murphy
Dr. Adam Myers
Latoya A. Nash
Albert Naylor
Carolyn and David Neal
Julia C. Nelson
Dr. David A. Nesser
Quoc Nguyen
Huong Nhoy-Reaves
Sarah Nicholas
Aaron Nichols
Mark Nichols
Katherine Nimz
Helen and Charles Nixon
Ramona Norris
Lori Novak
Rosa Nyaoga
Erle Nye
Severino O’Campo
Barbara Odom
Cynthia J. Ogle
Cheryl O’Neal
Jessica O’Neal
Ladelle Ong
James O’Reilly
Kelly Osborne
Stephanie Overstreet
Traci and Sean Owen
Alicia D. Owens
Cheri Owens
Melissa Paredes
Colleen M. Parker
Peggy Parker
Divya Patel
Anthony Paterniti
Audry Patterson
Sheron Patterson, DMin
Steve and Karen Payton
Maegan Peace
Frank Pearce
Daniel B. Pearson III, MD
Tonya Pena
Gregory Pennings
James M. Perez
Wanda B. Perkins
Douglas Petty
Hai Pham
Mary A. Philips
John P. Phillips
Marci and John Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Phipps
T. Boone Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Pierce Jr.
Tammy Pikey
Huldah P. Pimentel
Larry Pinske family
Monica Pitcher
Ray L. Pollock
Patti and Benton J. Poole
Jerilyn Pope
Richard Poquiz
Maricela V. Portugal
Mary B. Power
DeRae K. Prabhu
Stephanie Prater
Joslyn Pribble
Kelli Price
Mickey Price
Lakeytra Primas
Scott P. Prosser
Caren H. Prothro
Norman and Alise Prothro
Cathy Pruett
Sheng Pulse
Susie Purdon
Karla Ramberger
Christina Ramirez
Maria Ramirez
Rosie Ramirez
Severo Ramos
Johnnie Rattler
Jordan Rayborn
Elaine and Mike Redden
Stafford L. Redvine
Rebecca Reeb
Michael Reeder
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor D.
Jeanne Reeves
Kaylin Reis
Tamara Reiter
The Rev. Caesar Rentie
Tyneesia Reynolds
Peggy R. Rhodes
Angela Riggin
Patrice M. Riley
Darla and Charles P. Ripley
Amber Rivera
Alan Roach
Janet Robertson
Judy G. Robinson
Laura Robinson
Cheryl Rodenfels
Sandra Rodriguez
Christine Rodriquez
Rufus Rodriquez
To err is human, to forgive is divine. Please call the Methodist Health System Foundation at 214-947-4555 with any errors or omissions.
Mariann Rogers
Carol and Ross Romary
Elizabeth Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth
Pam Rudnicki
Sam Ruffing
Jean L. Russo
Deborah Ruth
Barbara and Warren Rutherford
Suzanne and William S. Sager
Thomas Charles Sain
Severing Sakouhi
Betty Salazar
Joe Salazar Jr.
Alyson Sanders
Latoya N. Sanford
Juan Santana
Pamela Santone, DO
Debbie and Michael Schaefer
Pat and Pete Schenkel
Kim and Randy Schlieker
Barbara T. Schmidt
Jennifer Schmieder
Dr. Allen and Elaine Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schondau
George R. Schrader
Rob and Shelly Schulz
Dr. Armond Schwartz
Candace L. Scott
Linda H. Scribner
Jamie Scurria
Carol Seay
Jodee L. Sedalnick
Laura L. Seiter
Jesse Seligson and
Nancy Gladstone
Joyce Sellars
Shirley and George Shafer
Rachel Shagena
Natasha Shannon
Billy Shaw
Tina M. Sherrill
Donnie and Teresa Sherwood
Mary Janet Sherwood
Anupkumar Shetty, MD
Peggy Shewmaker
Karin Shivers
Julia Short
Ellen Shotwell
Fred and Debbie Siena
Buntrabe Sillah
Tom Simas and Midas+
Cindy Brinker Simmons
Harold Simmons
Nancy Simon
Margie Sims
Virginia Skeen
Lynn Skinner
Jennifer Slack
Katie Frank Slack
Brenda Slade
Petra Slay
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sloan
Alma Jean Smith
Brian Smith
Felicia L. Smith
Lisa Smith
Mary Jayne Smith
Nikisha Smith
Steven Smith
William L. Smith Jr.
Sharon and Joe Snayd
James R. Sollock
Carole and Ron Somers-Clark
Donna Sousa
Betsy and Jim Sowell
Sandra Sparks
Jane Anne Spelce
Debbie Spence
Earl Spooner
Donna Spradling
— Continued on page 22
Page 22
— Continued from page 21
Gladys M. Sprague
Alice Stacey
Debra K. Stafford
Jennifer L. Steege
Karen Stewart
Danielle Stokes
Melody Stokes
Beth M. Stone
Pamela Stoyanoff
Barbara Stradley
Cortilla L. Strhan
Misty Stroud-Martinez
Robert N. Suter
James N. and Judy C. Swafford
Melissa L. Swain
Greg M. Swalwell and
Terry Connor
Michele D. Swanner
Jane Swanson
James C. Swartz
Deboray K. Sweeney
Roena and Charles Tandy
Anita Tanton
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Tarnasky
Danan Tasby
Cameka S. Tatum
Linda S. Taylor
Mary E. Taylor
Mary and Mike Terry
Peter W. Teubner
Randall Thomas
Willie T. Thomas
Christy Thompson
Marion Thompson
Thomas Tierney
Christina Tillotson
Latonya Tippens
Jacqueline Tischler
Heather Toman
Dee Collins Torbert
Luis R. Torres
Rebecca Torres
Susan J. Torres
Jessica Trahan
Bernadette Trail
Eileen A. Treuting
Velvet Trotter
Aleisha Turner
Margaret Turner
Dr. and Mrs. R. Gerald Turner
Carrie J. Urista
Katharine J. Usrey
Charles C. Uzuegbunam
Marti VanRavenswaay
Joe Vaughan
Gregoria Velasquez
Ruben L. Velez, MD
Kacie Vick
Ernesto V. Villegas
Manh T. Vo
George Vollmuth
Kathleen and W. Frank Walker
Stephen Walker
Elizabeth Wallace
Katy Wallner
Margaret M. Walton
Connie Wang
Christina Washington
Felicia I. Washington
Rod and Cheryl Washington
Terrie Washington
Susan Watkins
Ellen Watson
Lauren Watters
David Wauters
Kelly Wauters
Colandra D. Weaver
Teresa Weaver
Stephanie Webb
Edward S. Weil Jr.
David P. Wells
Susan Wells
Dr. Mary Welp
Jill Wernersbach
Jim West
Rosena Wheeler
Susan Whitaker
Maggie White
Mark Whitfield
Felecia Whitley
Vicki Wiechern
Darrell J. Wigfall
Richard Wilck
Diane and Don Wilcox
Russell S. Wilcoxen
Carolyn Wiley
Amy Wilkerson
Wendy Willey
Jennifer Williaford
Brandi M. Williams
Carla Williams
Deborah A. Williams
Esther L. Williams
Iris Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald
Robert L. Williams
Susan Williams
Debbie Willingham
Denton A. Wilson Jr.
Stacye Wilson
J. Michael Winsor
Vicki Wiseman
Jennifer L. Witt
Angeline Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Woodall
Wendi Wooley
Summer E. Woolverton
Dorothy Wordlaw
Joe Wright
Serena Wright
Dee and Charles Wyly family
Eylonda Wynn
Julie Yarbrough
Martha E. Young
Robert and Nancy Young
Lisa A. Yvon
Joseph Zachary
Brenda J. Zachery
Mary M. Zaman
Christina M. Zevallos
Alford Media Services, Inc.
American Academy of
Family Physicians
AmniSure International, LLC
Anesthesia Consultants of
Dallas, LLP
Austin Commercial, LP
Avita Drugs, LLC
Bank of Texas, N.A.
Bell Helicopter Italy Team
bkm Total Office of Texas
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Texas, Inc.
Boardwalk Auto Group and
Scott and Gina Ginsburg
Bridgett Hammers Music
E. V. Brown Memorial Golf
Tournament Fund of The
Dallas Foundation
Burford & Ryburn, LLP
Horace C. Cabe Foundation
The Canterbury
Episcopal School
Centerre Healthcare Corporation
Eiland Collins Foundation
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Comerica Bank – Texas
Community Hospice of Texas
Corporate Meeting Services
Costco Wholesale #636
Crystal Charity Ball
Desoto Nursing & Rehab Center
Diana Raines Photography
Dodge & Cox
Elsmere Foundation
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Theta
Pi Chapter
ExxonMobil Matching
Gift Program
Family First Hospice, Inc.
The Fisher Family Foundation
FMR Communications, Inc.
Folsom Properties, Inc.
Francis, Orr & Totusek, LLP
Glenda Kay’s Gifts & Collectibles
Grace Presbyterian Village
Grand Bank
City of Grand Prairie
J. M. Haggar, Jr. Family
Meredith Hatch Foundation
Haynes and Boone Foundation
Healthcare Art Consulting, LLC
The Hirsch Family Foundation
Humana, Inc.
Hunt Consolidated, Inc./Hunt
Oil Company
Stephanie Erwin Hunt and
Hunter L. Hunt Philanthropic
Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Institute of Healthcare
Executives and Suppliers
J&S Air, Inc.
Bradie James Foundation
56 Fund of The Dallas
Juliette Fowler Homes Inc.
Junior League of Dallas
K & L Senior Services, LLC
I-Flow Corporation
Kleinert Family Philanthropic
Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Dallas County
Laboratory Physicians
Lancaster Nursing &
Rehabilitation Center
Life Uniform
Locke Lord
Lockton Dunning
Benefits Company
Mansfield Area Chamber
of Commerce
Women’s Division
Mansfield Rotary
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD,
FACHE, and Methodist
Health System staff
March of Dimes Foundation
McShan Florist
The Medline Foundation
Methodist Central Business
Methodist Charlton Medical
Center Auxiliary
Methodist Charlton Medical
Center employees
Methodist Dallas Medical
Center Accounts Payable
Methodist Dallas Medical
Center Auxiliary
Methodist Hospitals of
Dallas Guild
Methodist Hospital School of
Nursing Alumni Association
Methodist Mansfield Medical
Center Auxiliary
The David B. Miller Family
Morris & Dickson Co., LLC
Morrison Healthcare
The Lupe Murchison
Mike A. Myers Foundation
Nexion Health
Ngozi Hospice Care, Inc.
The Traci and Sean Owen
Family Foundation
Owens & Minor
Park Manor Health and
Rehabilitation Center
The Sarah and Ross Perot Jr.
Pharos Capital Group, LLC
Phillips Productions, Inc.
Positive Promotions, Inc.
The Leo Potishman
The Aileen and Jack Pratt
Preston Road Church of Christ
Vin & Caren Prothro Foundation
Radiological Consultants
RD&F Advertising
Robertson, Griege & Thoele
Edward W. Rose III Family
Fund of The Dallas
Rowling Foundation
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Seegers Foundation
Siebert Brandford Shank &
Co., LLC
Smart Circle International, LLC
William T. and Gay F. Solomon
Advised Fund of The Dallas
Southwest Colon and
Rectal Clinic
Spacelabs Healthcare, Inc.
Spinal Elements, Inc.
SRP Medical
Sunset 1965 Reunion
Surgical Associates
TC Group Matching
Gifts Program
Texas Woman’s University
Tiffany & Co.
Tolleson Wealth Management
Tom Thumb Good Neighbor
Trinity Industries, Inc.
Ultimate Fundraisers
United Way of Metropolitan
Dallas, Inc.
United Way of the Midlands
Ussery Printing
Vibra Healthcare
Vitas Hospice Services, LLC
Walgreens Infusion Services
Agape Memorial United
Methodist Women
Axe Memorial United
Methodist Church
Charleston United
Methodist Church
Christ United Methodist Church
United Methodist Women
Custer Road United
Methodist Women
Doubl-Aires Sunday School
Class of First United
Methodist Church
Elmwood United
Methodist Church
Fellowship United
Methodist Church
First United Methodist
Church – Denton
First United Methodist
Church – Duncanville
First United Methodist
Church – Irving
First United Methodist
Church – Plano
First United Methodist
Church – Richardson
First United Methodist Church –
Sulphur Springs
First United Methodist
Church – Whitesboro
First United Methodist
Women – Dallas
Forestburg United
Methodist Church
Goshen United
Methodist Church
Highland Park United Methodist
Church 2x2 SS Class
Highland Park United
Methodist Church Promises
Sunday School Class
Highland Park United
Methodist Women
Joy Class of St. Andrew
United Methodist Church
Kessler Park United
Methodist Church
Lone Star United
Methodist Church
Lovers Lane United
Methodist Church
North Texas Conference
United Methodist Women
Plymouth Park United
Methodist Church
Salem-Kinser United
Methodist Church
Schreiber Memorial United
Methodist Women
St. Andrew United
Methodist Church
Tira United Methodist Church
Trietsch Memorial United
Methodist Church
Umphress Road United
Methodist Church
University Park United
Methodist Women
Walnut Hill United
Methodist Church
Walnut Hill United
Methodist Women
Wheatland United
Methodist Church
White Rock United
Methodist Church
Donors listed gave $100 or more in fiscal year 2012.
2012 Crossroads Annual Report
Methodist Health
System Foundation
Board of Trustees 2012
R. Stephen Folsom, Chair
Pete Schenkel, Vice Chair
April Abney Bright, Crystal Charity
Ball Representative
Billy R. Allen
Selwin Belofsky
William J. Bennett, MD
Don R. Benton, DMin
Phil H. Berry Jr., MD
Nancy S. Bierman
John Randall Canedy
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE
John M. Collins
Stanley R. Copeland, DMin
J. Walter Coughlin
Levi H. Davis
Robert E. Edmonson, MD
Robert S. Folsom
John R. Ford
Joe B. Fortson
Jerome Garza
Rick Gillis
Helen Goblirsch, Junior League of Dallas
Stanley V. Graff
David H. Hitt
Craig D. Hodges
Thomas B. Howard Jr.
Nancy Ann Hunt
Michael L. Hutton
Darrell E. Jordan
George H. Kilpatrick
Ashlee Kleinert
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
Helen S. Nixon
Traci Ford Owen
D. Michael Redden
Warren L. Rutherford
Pete Schenkel
Carol Paris Seay
Paul R. Seegers
George A. Shafer
Charles C. Tandy, MD
Michelle Thomas
R. Gerald Turner, PhD
Roderick Washington
Susan Wells
Julie Yarbrough
4% Indigent
The Methodist
more than
$4 million in
fiscal year
Methodist Health System
Board of Directors 2012
Levi H. Davis, Chair
Greg A. Campbell
John Randall Canedy
John M. Collins
R. Stephen Folsom
John R. Ford
Joe B. Fortson
Pearl Garza Fracchia
Duncan Fulton
Larry W. George, DMin
Richard W. Griner
C. Robert Hasley Jr., DMin
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
Stephen E. Mueller, MD
Sheron C. Patterson, DMin
Daniel B. Pearson III, MD
Kenneth G. Pritchett
Norman G. Prothro
Pete Schenkel
Allen R. Schneider, DO
George R. Schrader
George A. Shafer
Joe Snayd
James N. Swafford
Ruben L. Velez, MD
W. Kelvin Walker
Julie Yarbrough
Methodist Health System
Foundation Golden Cross
Division Board of Trustees
Julie Yarbrough, Chair
Jim Atkins
The Rev. April Johnson Bristow
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE
John M. Collins
Russ Delatour
Joy Duncan, Foundation Staff Representative
Alina Esquivel
Judge Dennise Garcia
Roslyn Thibodeaux Goodall
Michael L. Hutton
Tricia Loe
George David Neal
Alys Richards
The Rev. Linda Roby
W. Kelvin Walker
Methodist Health System
Foundation staff
Consulting directors
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE, President and CEO
Kathryn Allen, Vice President, Development
Joy Duncan, Vice President, Development
Ashley Davis, Donor Relations and Annual
Fund Coordinator
Emily Elolf, Project Coordinator
Linda Weeks, Executive Assistant
Susan Whaley, Research and Database Coordinator
Selwin Belofsky
Jerry B. Burnett
Robert S. Folsom
Harold F. Kleinman
Paul R. Seegers
Photos in Crossroads are by:
Andrew Baldwin
Danny Turner
J. Brent Winn Photography
Methodist Health System Corporate Officers
Stephen L. Mansfield, PhD, FACHE
President and CEO
April Box Chamberlain, CFRE
President and CEO, Methodist Health System Foundation
Senior Vice President of External Affairs, Methodist Health System
Jonathan S. Davis, FACHE
President, Methodist Charlton Medical Center
Laura Irvine, FACHE
President, Methodist Dallas Medical Center
John Phillips, FACHE
President, Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
Michael O. Price
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Affairs Officer
Michael J. Schaefer
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Pamela Stoyanoff
Executive Vice President, Operations
P.O. Box 655999
Dallas, TX 75265-5999