Retail Unit
Retail Unit
Retail Unit To let 37 Byres Road, Glasgow Excellent west end location on busy Byres Road Lock up shop unit with electrically operated shutters Rental offers £12,500 per annum exclusive invited Net internal area 507 sq ft 37 Byres Road, Glasgow Glasgow - Byres Road EET 4 DWEL LINGS 3 LE 89 UN IB AR BE R HA IR M O ES VIN T G AG 87 81 OFFICES M O 49 45 41 43 UR H YR BA E RY R DE INDIA SHO N P MA T/A R GGCOS NO RO C T 35 N ST RE ET 37 OS S V BL ES ING AIR T HA HA AG H IR IR TH SA ENL DRE STU E ND EY W S DIO EE W S B SING IC C 35 DA LC R COUNCIL CHURCH STREET 53 24 GE RIE PA N BA TRY KE R 57 E 59 61 FIC BE E TS M Y LA C F LIN BE TN TH L 63 65 - 67 BY RE S VA O CA SU UT N TA PER LE T T KE JU AW ICE AY OF OFF ICE 8 C BA OM R MO & RE N R ST OO 71 A M - 7 URA S 7 NT 14 CHA 12 10 NCE LLOR STRE ET CH A CA GR IP Y R AH S SP A AR MS ES RO AD 18 IS CLO ALT 24 16 - H EA EU & W N I BURN ING MONK TATT EY OO WES CYCLT END REPA ES & IRS 22 - 3 UN IV ER S CA ITY FE FISTAK TH GOLD CHINE EN HOUS SE T/A E MORT FIN AD GAGE AD VICE V BROK S PU ERAG RV E DWEL LING S DWEL LINGS 91 83 ELIE STR EET BNP Paribas Real Estate 10/5/2011 TH E FO ADV R IC MO E RT CEN G T E GR FIN AGE RE AH ADV S 31 STORE 23 25 29 T FO H AM W ELE NE AIR UR D AS P PL BA RY CH HON US C E N E HA ME LEA HAU S NIN S IR NS DR R G ES OO SIN M VA G O C 20 19 16 13 0 12 L M G OF TA AIR FIC KE INIS E AW TO NY AY RE M AC ST AU AR RA O NIS NT -1 4 RO AD UR W AN ILL T IA BE M TT HIL IN 14 11 7 RE ST VA AU CA RA NT NT FA F RM FO ROZ FO O EN OD D C S IN HA PA D IA T N N I4 RE O 1 T/A ST 6 A 22 21 CA RT RID UT AN LE T G CO E W T TH M OR OM P E Q LD AS UIP H JE AR W K EL INS LE R TORNES S STREET SEE GLASGOW - PARTICK CROSS PLAN Rental and lease terms 50 metres Location The subjects are located on the west side of Byres Road between it’s junctions of Chancellor Street and Dalcross Street. Occupiers in the vicinity include Tony Macaronis, Thomas Harkins the Jewellers, William Hill, Farmfoods and many others. Rateable value £11,000 NAV/RV VAT Prices are quoted exclusive of VAT (if applicable). Description The subjects comprise of a ground floor retail unit within a traditional four storey sandstone tenement building under a pitch and slated roof. The subjects benefit from an electronically operated roller shutter door and window. There is a WC located in the rear of the property. Floor areas We calculate the net internal floor area of the subjects to be as follows: Ground floor Our clients are seeking rental offers over £12,500 per annum exclusive of Vat and rates, for a full repairing and insuring lease of negotiable length incorporating upwards only rent reviews. 47.10 sq m (507 sq ft) Legal costs Each party to bear their own. The tenants will be responsible for stamp duty, stamp duty land tax and registration dues in the normal manner. Viewing and further information Name: Paul Hamilton Telephone: 0141 222 2777 Email: [email protected] Publication date March 2011 Hamilton Chartered Surveyors for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: (i) the particulars and plan are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct at the date of first issue but any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the employment of Hamilton Chartered Surveyors has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property; (iv) all prices and rentals are quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. Prospective purchasers/lessees must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction.