eyeShare Studio Integrating with HP Service Manager


eyeShare Studio Integrating with HP Service Manager
eyeShare Studio
Integrating with HP Service Manager
CONTACT: [email protected]
LEGAL NOTICE .................................................................................................................................... 4
ABOUT AYEHU SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES........................................................................................ 5
ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................... 6
REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 7
HPSM CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 7
MODULE INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................... 8
MODULE OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 8
INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................ 8
MODULE CREATION AND CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................... 8
MODULE GENERAL SETTINGS....................................................................................................... 8
SERVER SETTINGS .................................................................................................................... 10
FORMS................................................................................................................................... 10
FILTER.................................................................................................................................... 11
MAPPING ............................................................................................................................... 13
Fields ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Severity.......................................................................................................................................... 14
State .............................................................................................................................................. 16
VARIABLES USAGE ........................................................................................................................... 17
CONDITION ............................................................................................................................. 17
ACTIVITY ................................................................................................................................ 19
ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................ 19
HPSM NEW ENTRY ................................................................................................................. 20
HPSM QUERY ENTRY............................................................................................................... 20
HPSM UPDATE ENTRY ............................................................................................................. 22
TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................................................... 22
TEST CONNECTION FAILURE ....................................................................................................... 22
NEW ENTRIES ARE NOT PULLED .................................................................................................. 23
ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................. 23
DEFAULT FORMS .............................................................................................................................. 24
CHANGEMANAGEMENT(CHANGE).............................................................................................. 24
Mapping Details ............................................................................................................................ 24
INCIDENTMANAGEMENT(INCIDENT) ........................................................................................... 25
Mapping Details ............................................................................................................................ 25
PROBLEMMANAGEMENT(PROBLEM) .......................................................................................... 25
Mapping Details ............................................................................................................................ 25
ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED FIELDS ................................................................................................. 26
CHANGE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 26
New Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Update Entry ................................................................................................................................. 27
INCIDENT MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 27
New Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Update Entry ................................................................................................................................. 27
PROBLEM MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................... 27
New Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Update Entry ................................................................................................................................. 28
RECOVERY WORKFLOW ............................................................................................................ 29
Legal Notice
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About Ayehu Software Technologies
Ayehu was founded in 2007 to develop and market innovative solutions for the
prevalent problem of network and IT system downtime. Ayehu’s flagship product,
EYESHARE, significantly reduces MTTR by bridging the gap between critical business
situations and relevant human resources.
Contact details:
Ayehu Software technologies, Ltd.
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email: [email protected]
About this Document
This document describes the eyeShare – HP Service Manager integration
components, module configuration and activities.
The following style conventions are used in this document:
Regular text
Calibri Bold
Names of menus, commands, buttons, and other elements of the
User interface.
Calibri Italic
Special terms; the first time they appear.
Notes offering an additional explanation or a hint on how to
overcome a common problem.
Warnings indicating potentially damaging User operations and
explanations on how to avoid them.
The supported version of HPSM required for this integration is HP Service
Manager 9.3, installed on Windows or Linux.
The supported version of eyeShare for this integration is Ayehu eyeShare 4.5
(and above), with an HPSM module license.
The time on the HPSM server must be synchronized with the time on the
server where the eyeShare HP Service Manager module is installed.
HPSM Configuration
1. To allow the eyeShare HPSM module to communicate with the HPSM server,
add External Access service to the HPSM configuration, as follows:
 In the HPSM client go to Tailoring  Web Services  WSDL
 In the Service Name field enter “ExternalAccess” and click Search.
 Verify that the “Object Name” field is also set with “ExternalAccess”.
 Click Add.
2. The HPSM module does not discover fields of which the names contain
spaces and special characters (only alphabetical characters and numbers are
allowed), therefore the captions of such fields must be edited. To edit your
 In the HPSM client go to Tailoring  Web Services  WSDL
 In the Service Name field enter the form name and click Search.
 Go to the Fields tab and edit the caption.
Module Installation
Execute installation file eyeShare - HP Service Manager.exe and follow the
instructions of the installation wizard.
For the complete installation instructions, please refer to the HP Service
Manager Module installation guide.
Module Operation
The HPSM module provides a bidirectional communication channel between HPSM
and eyeShare. Once the module is defined and available, eyeShare pulls new entries
and entries updates, translates them into incidents and displays them in eyeShare
Dashboard. Entries acknowledged in the HPSM console trigger incident closure in
eyeShare, and vice versa (this feature is not supported for all forms).
Integration Architecture
Module Creation and Configuration
Module General Settings
1. In eyeShare Studio, access Configuration  Modules, and click New.
2. In the Module Selection window, select HP – Service Manager.
3. Set the module’s general settings:
In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the new Module (e.g., "HP
Service Module").
In the Description field, enter a description of the new Module.
From the Device field, select the Device on which the Module is installed.
This is the device on which the eyeShare “HP Service Manager Server”
service is installed and not the device where the actual HP Service Manager
server is installed.
In the Port field, enter the port through which the HP Service Manager server
Module operates.
From the Monitor field, select the Module's monitoring option: select “Yes” if
you wish that eyeShare Server to monitor the Module’s availability.
Click Configure:
Server Settings
To configure the server settings of the HPSM module:
From the Device field, select the Device on which the Module is installed.
In the Port field, enter the port through which the HP Service Manager Server
In the User Name field, enter a name of a user that is a member of the
System Administrator role group.
In the Password field, enter the password for the selected user.
Click Test Connection. If the connection was tested successfully, continue to
the next step - Forms. Otherwise, go to the Troubleshooting section and
search for your error.
You may import HPSM forms, and define their Filters and Mapping. New HPSM
entries are pulled to eyeShare according to the form list and the defined filters.
Entries created in forms that are not added to the list are not pulled.
To add a new form to the list:
Select it from the Forms drop down list, and click Add:
After adding all required forms, click Update.
To load Filters and Mapping settings for 3 default forms, click Load Defaults.
This action will delete previous forms settings. For more information go to
the Default Forms section.
In the Filters window you may determine which entries are pulled from HPSM to the
eyeShare server. You can create several filters, each containing a number of
conditions. The operator between two filters is “Or” and the operator within a filter
is “And”.
To pull all entries from a specific form do not create any filter.
To filter multiple values use a comma (e.g., “value1,value2”).
Click Add to add a new filter and new filter categories, and then click Update:
In the Mapping window you may translate HPSM properties into eyeShare variables
and objects.
The window is divided into three sections: Fields, Severity, and State.
The following checkbox is located at the bottom of the Mapping window:
When checked, every time an alert is updated the rule base is checked to find a
matching rule.
In case of a tag that holds a condition that matches the message properties,
the mapping window is ignored.
In this section you can translate HPSM properties into eyeShare variables. Click
Optional Properties to add eyeShare properties to the list, or to remove them from
The forms loaded by default (when clicking the Load Defaults button from the
Forms Settings window) are already set with a default mapping.
Values of fields with “enum” type (list fields) will not be discovered by the
The module does not pull the values of entry update fields (for example:
Update Type, Update). Do not use them in your mapping selection.
In this section you can translate HPSM severities into eyeShare severities, using one
of two options:
Static Severity: all entries of the specific form open an eyeShare incident with the
selected static severity.
Customized Severity: entries of the specific form open an eyeShare incident
according to the selected form field and its values.
An eyeShare severity can be mapped into several HPSM severities. For example, if
you wish that all Critical and Major HPSM to open as Critical incidents in eyeShare,
enter “1,2” in the HPSM Severity field:
Enter valid values. The values are case sensitive.
In this section you can translate HPSM states into eyeShare states, using one of two
Static State: all entries of the specific form open an eyeShare incident with the
selected static state.
When using a static state, closing the request in HPSM does not close the
eyeShare incident, and vice versa.
Customized State: entries of the specific form open an eyeShare incident according
to the selected form field and its values.
Enter valid values. The values are case sensitive.
When more than one mapping option is selected for the eyeShare “Up” state,
closing the incident from the eyeShare Dashboard changes the selected property to
the first option in the list.
Variables Usage
When the HPSM Module is available, related variables are discovered in eyeShare
and can be used to define conditions or used by any activity.
In eyeShare, the name of the “Severity” HPSM variable is “_Severity”, and
“Service” is “_Service”.
“enum” type value fields (list fields) will not be discovered by the module.
To use HPSM variables in a condition:
 In the condition window select the Variables radio button, and then select
the HPSM Module’s name from the list.
 From the Form field select the relevant form name to discover its fields:
All imported HPSM variables then appear in the Standard Object Type list:
You may add the form to the condition. If you add the form name, change the
condition to “AND” type. Only fields of the specified form will match the condition.
To use HPSM variables in an activity, click the Add Variable button (
) in the
activity (or, alternatively, press Alt+V). From the Type field select the HPSM Module’s
name from the list.
All imported HPSM variables and custom attributes that have already been sent to
eyeShare will then appear in the Name list:
To use the HPSM activities, open the Workflow designer window from eyeShare
Studio, and expand the HP Service Manager category from the toolbox. Then drag
the relevant activity to the designer area.
To learn more about the eyeShare Workflow designer please refer to the eyeShare
Workflow User Guide.
“enum” type value fields (list fields) will not be discovered by the module.
HPSM New Entry
This activity creates a new entry in HPSM. Click Optional Properties to add more
fields or remove them.
Output: The ID of the new entry.
HPSM Query Entry
This activity gets a list of entries according to the selected criteria.
Click the Add button to add more filters to the list, and click Edit to modify existing
The HPSM API does not expose the field’s type, therefore all fields are
considered as string type.
The Query activity is limited to using the operators that are exposed in the
HPSM Advanced search. For example, the “Solution” field can only be searched by
the “Contains” operator.
To filter by the field “AlertStatus” in the Incident form, expose the field “Status”
and name the caption “AlertStatus”. In the default installation the field “Alert.Status”
is exposed and it does not hold the correct information (it can be deleted or its
caption can be renamed).
To filter multiple values use a comma (e.g., value1,value2). To search for values
that contain the comma character, use a quotation mark (e.g.,
“LastName,FirstName”). When using the quotation mark multiple values cannot be
searched for.
Output: a result set of all matching entries.
HPSM Update Entry
This activity updates an existing entry in HPSM. Click Optional Properties to add
more fields or remove them.
According to the selected form, a list of actions will be available for you to choose
from. For example: Update, Close, Resolve, etc.
Output: Success/Failure.
Test Connection failure
1. Error: “Could not connect to net.tcp://ServerName: 11019./ The connection
attempt lasted for a time span…” ( “ServerName” represents the device you
have listed in the General Settings window).
Explication and/or Solution: HPSM Module is not installed on “ServerName”,
or service “eyeShare HPSM” is not running. If the specified server is incorrect
then select the correct server where the component is installed. If the server
name is correct then start the service (or restart it if it is already started). If
the service does not exist install it on the selected server.
2. Error: “Error checking services”
Explication and/or Solution: This error indicates a timeout while waiting for a
response from HPSM. This may occur due to wrong user name or password, a
temporary network problem or any other delay.
3. Error: “Unable to connect HPSM”
Explication and/or Solution: This error may occur due to an internal problem
in HPSM, for example: the maximum number of connection was exceeded.
For additional details, access the HPSM Module logs under C:\Program Files
(x86)\eyeShare\eyeShare HP Service Manager Server\Logs.
New entries are not pulled
Error: New entries created in HPSM are not pulled by the module.
Explication and/or Solution: Verify that time is synchronized between the HPSM
server and the server where the eyeShare HPSM module is installed.
Error: An Activity displays the error “Unable to communicate with HPSM module”.
Explication and/or Solution: the HPSM module is down. Go to “Test Connection”.
Default Forms
Three default HPSM forms can be loaded with their Mapping definitions by clicking
Load Defaults:
The HPSM field names are pulled from the Caption name as defined in the
HPSM server, and are case sensitive. Only field names with special characters require
defining a caption.
The Incidents form is the only form supporting closing of entries in HPSM from
the eyeShare Dashboard.
This form pulls new entries from the Change Management Console.
Mapping Details
eyeShare Property
HPSM Property
External ID
This form pulls new entries from the Incidents Console.
Mapping Details
eyeShare Property
HPSM Property
External ID
This form pulls new entries from the Problems Console.
Mapping Details
eyeShare Property
BMC Remedy Property
External ID
Activities Recommended Fields
This section details the recommended fields in the New Entry and Update Entry
activities for the Default Forms. These fields include the mandatory required by HP
Service Manager version 9.30 and several other fields required by other HP Service
Manager versions (indicated with “*”).
Change Management
New Entry
To create a new Change Request (Default category) use
ChangeManagement(Change) form.
The mandatory fields of this form are loaded automatically once the form is selected:
Assignment Group
Initiated by
Risk Assessment
Requested End Date
Planned Start
Planned End
Update Entry
To update an existing change request use the ChangeManagement(Change) form.
The mandatory field for this form is:
 ChangeID
Incident Management
New Entry
To create a new incident use the IncidentManagement(Incident) form.
The mandatory fields for this form will be loaded automatically once the form is
Assignment Group
Update Entry
To update an existing incident use the IncidentManagement(Incident) form.
The mandatory fields for this form are:
 Incident ID
 Journal Updates
Problem Management
New Entry
To create a new problem use the ProblemManagement(Problem) form.
The mandatory fields for this form will be loaded automatically once the form is
Update Entry
To update an existing problem use the ProblemManagement(Problem) form.
The mandatory fields for this form are:
To update an entry in the Problem Management form, do the following:
1. In the HPSM Management console go to Tailoring  Document Engine 
2. In the "File name:" field, Enter "rootcause" and click Enter.
3. Go to the Activities tab, and uncheck "Require update if an activity record is
NOT generated?".
4. Click Save.
Recovery Workflow
If you want to trigger a workflow when an entry is closed, select the relevant option
from the following list and perform the following steps:
The closed record complies with the original record’s condition:
1. In eyeShare Studio, go to Rules, and open the relevant rule.
2. Add a recovery workflow to the row of the original condition.
For Example: If the condition to execute a Workflow when getting a new
entry is “Title = Software problem”, then the Workflow in the Workflow field
is executed when the entry is opened, and the Workflow in the Recovery
Workflow field is executed when the entry is closed.
The closed record does not comply with the original record’s condition:
1. In eyeShare Studio, go to Rules, and open the relevant rule.
2. Create a new condition that complies with the closed entry.
3. Add a recovery workflow to the new condition.
For Example: if the condition to execute a Workflow when getting an entry is
“Status = open”, the Workflow in the Workflow field will be executed when
the entry is opened; however, closed entries do not comply with this
condition. In this case, add another condition – “Status = closed” - and add a
recovery Workflow executed when the entry is closed.