Utilities - Palm Beach
Utilities - Palm Beach
STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE OFFICE USE ONLY REIEIUED 2rl1E FEB 21 11134 TtlH 1. Full Name of Committee Telephone Keep The Lights On Palm Beach 561-588-8021 l\ilailing Address (include city, state and zip code) 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S, Palm Beach, FL 33480 Street Address (include city, state and zip code) 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 2. Affiliated or Connected Organizations (includes other committees of continuous existence and political committees) Name of Affiliated or Connected Organization Mailing Address 3. Area, Scope and Jurisdiction of the Committee Support the Town of Palm Beach Undergrounding lssue 4. Nature of Organization or Organization's Special lnterest (e.9., medical, legal, education, etc.) Utilities 5. ldentify by Name, Address and Position, the Custodian of Books and Accounts (include treasurer's name) E. Llwyd Ecclestone 2784 South Ocean Blvd.,401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 Gerald Frank 2784 South Ocean Blvd.,401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 DS-DE 5 (Rev.06/11)- Rule 15-2.017 (continued on reverse side) 6. List by Name, Address and Position, Other Principal Officers, lncluding Officers and Members of the Finance Committee, lf Any (include chairman's name) Full Name Mailing Address Committee Title or Position E. Llwyd Ecclestone 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 Gerald Frank 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 Chairman Treasurer 7. List by Name, Address, Office Sought and Party Affiliation Each Candidate or Other lndividual that this Committee is Supporting (if none, please indicate) FullName Office Sought Mailing Address Party NONE 8. List Any lssues this Committee is Supporting: List Any lssues this Committee is Opposing: Town of palm Beach Undergrounding lssue NONE 9. lf this Committee is Supporting the Entire Ticket of a Party, Give Name of Party NONE 10. ln the Event of Dissolution, What Disposition will be Made of Residual Funds? Donate to a 501 (c) organization 11. List all Banks, Safety Deposit Boxes, or Other Depositories Used for Committee Funds Name of Bank or Depository & Account Number Wells Fargo Account No.: TBD Mailing Address 255 S. County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480 12. List all Reports Required to be Filed by this Committee with Federal Officials and the Names, Addresses and Positions of Such Officials, lf Any Report Title Dates Required to be Filed Form 990 srArE oF Annual r, E. Llwyd Ecclestone , Mailing Address Ogden, UT IRS Palm Beach Florida Organization is Name & Position of Official COUNTY , certify that the information in this Statement of true and correct. x ,, \rz\tu \ DS-DE 5 (Rev. 06/11) - Rule l5-2.017 Date page2 OFFICE USE ONLY REGISTERED AGENT STATEMENT OF APPOINTMENT (Section 1 06.022, F.S.) RETEIUES :rllE El E originat Appointment E an.nn" of Mailing Address cn"ng" n FEE':3 11134 Ttli'{ i of Appointment anrnn" of Physical Address Registered Agent and Office lnformation Name Telephone Gerald Frank 561-588-8021 Street Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd.. 401S City State Zip Code Palm Beach FL 33480 Mailing Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S City State Zip Code Palm Beach FL 33480 I accept this appointment and confirm that I am familiar with and accept the obligations of the position as set forth in Section 106.022, F.S. I also understand that I may resign this appointment by executing a written statemgnt of resignation qaf filing it with the applicable filing officer. of Registered Agent 'z/ez,' I Date / / Former Registered Agent and Office lnformation (for changes only) Telephone Name Street Address Zip Code State City Committee or Organization Information Name of Committee or Organization Keep The Liqhts On Palm Beach Street Address Telephone 2784 South Ocean Blvd., 401S 561 -5BB-8021 City State Zip Code Palm Beach FL 33480 E. Llwyd Ecclestone Printed Name of Chairperson Form DS-DE 41 (revised 6/'11) Drt" ulu,\tL ' n-r+FEl fa I-Li- lri t lr't-L r': trEL APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR POLITICAL COMMITTEES (Sections r06.011(1) and 106.021(1), F.S.) OFFICE USE ONLY CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: E tr original Appointment of Treasurer tr tment of Treasurer Deputy Treasurer 2. Telephone 1. Committee or Organization (561 Keep The Lights On Palm Beach a. Emai(ytional) 3. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer Gerald Frank ) 5BB-8021 5. Telephone (optional) - (561 ) 588-8021 [email protected] 6. Mailing Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd.,401 S, Palm Beach FL 33480 7. Street Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd.,401 S, Palm Beach FL 33480 8. The following bank has been designated as the tr Primary Depository t] Secondary Depository 10. Street Address 9. Name of Bank Wells Fargo 255 S. County Road 11. City 13. Zip Code 12. State Palm Beach 33480 FL 15. Name of Chairman (Print or Type) 14. Signature x E. Llwyd Ecclestone Campaiqn Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment Gerald Frank , do hereby accept the appointment as (Please Print or Type) treasurer or deputy treasurer for Keep The Lights On Palm Beach (Committee or Organization) UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S ACCEPTANCE OF APPOINTMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED ARE TRUE. Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 6 (Rev. 7/'t0) RETEIUE} APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY FOR POLITICAL COMMITTEES :BLE FEE 2E 11r:{+ THH (Sections 106.011(1) and'106.021(1), F.S.) OFFICE USE ONLY CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: tr n original Appointment of Treasurer I Reappoin tment of Treasurer 1. Committee or Organization Deputy Treasurer 2. Telephone (561 Keep The Lights On Palm Beach 3. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer ) 588-8021 5. Telephone (optional) 4. Email (optional) (561 ) 588-8021 E. Llwyd Ecclestone 6. Mailing Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd ., 401S, Palm Beach FL 33480 7. Street Address 2784 South Ocean Blvd ., 8. The following bank has been designated as 401 the E 9. Name of Bank Primary Depository tr Secondary Depository 10. Street Address Wells Fargo 255 S. County Road 11. City 13. Zip Code 12. State Palm Beach x 33480 FL ^h/,urh, 14. Signature ' E. S, Palm Beach FL 33480 15. Name of Chairman (Print or Type) E. Llwyd Ecclestone Cambaiqn Treasurer's Acceptance of Appointment Llwyd Ecclestone , do hereby accept the appointment as (Please Print or Type) treasurer or deputy treasurer for Keep The Lights On Palm Beach (Committee or Organization) UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING CAMPAIGN TREASURER'S ) .L /LL / z'ot I , Date DS-DE 6 (Rev.7/10) re of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer rl trtr t/