1920 Annual Report
1920 Annual Report
ATIOAL 3iI Agicultural and Industril Association of Queensland. Specially Authorised Society. * 4 t i 9 4 4 4 p 9 9 9 of* 9 1]1 t V .S' ROLL, and 0 )NORS 9 V $ ITATI'EME NT S J If 4 t I 4 Ii I 9 1 To be submitted to the * ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, TUESDAY. 1st FEBRUARY. 1921 i iI' '--~ I OFFICES: 3rd Floor, Courier Duidng, Street, Brisbane. ~Queen TELEPHONE 5500. SHOW GROUNDS: Dowen r ~ TELEPHONE-'ly 1651, Park. H R.H. the Prince of Wales at the National A.& I. Association's Exhibition, 28TH Front o', left to right \. .Tliji I ll;Ioi Second BoK, left to right--\Mi. Rot. JO!( e. '.1. NMr. .Lvrai~I c'otrs Il~cutCr .A .Agcnt . JULY, 1920 Ioi. .T.1 illc. G cu W\auli~ I-ca v Adii al ('lijet Inai~uetou c'1;iikoiii. l.1. I'. I'(,uitluiiuili'v Back ow-JI. .1. aiii utar'~~c l I\. K. L. Kj ~cri ii aiuli NI. en 11ic \I I ~'viic. I '. .1. lIo. Sleitnil .i. LjuciiellI~IxIlu II. I. S~. . ~. . ~. 1'iill.. I)et V t Ari T.i e~'i;l Iit I, SIr . 1Iilct . Ii iro, X(loi tlt inC'. Mi'.. \\~.. ffle. \ .I.l~ok MII. (.. B. 1'ikoR.OtJI. j~ __6__ ___ ~___~________ _~_ N~tional _____ __ _~_ ~_ _( _ _ _ ;_~_ ; ~~ ia I and Indust AgrcUtura Asociation of7Queenl. I Patron : His Excellency the Rt. Hon. H. W. BARON FORSTER, J. *1 P.C., K.C.M.G., Governor-General and Commander-in-Cbief of the Commonwealth of Australia. ijis Excellency the Rt. Hon. Sir MATTH EW NATH AN, G.C.M.G., P.C., overnor of Queenmlqnd. COUNCI'L, 1920. President : C.HARLES E. McDOUGAL, REq. V Vice-Presidents : W. M. CHARLE, P'. J. SYMES, Esq. L * Id Ees. Hon. Tresaur: P. FRANKEL, Rleq. Obinnn: E. BAYNE, Esq. Clommittee : W. J. FFLECK, Req. R. T. BELL, eq. J. P. BOTTOMLEY, Req. H. BROOKE~, Req..H. S. CRIBB, Eq. Trutees: Kt. Sir A. S. COWLE, nn VA*.aim4Ba,' J. HIRON, eq. R. JOYCE, Req. J. MACDONALD, eq. A. T. NOYRS, eq. C. R. PICKWORTH, Req U. AlLEY, lnaun! lrsr: IE~ oa Mesrs. OSSOR6NE & wAUGH,. ..i Eeq. I., ".T:' I r SPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICE. NOTICE. ft- that the Annual General -notified that General Members are notified wrill be held in the Association's Meeting will Tuesday, Courier Building, at 3 p.m. on Tuesdy, Offices, (3ourier Offies, 1921. February, 192. 1st FTebruary, * 1. of (3ounil Council Close lose Nominations for Members of 1921. January, 191. 10th January, 10th JT. BAIN, ;.' L ecretary. 4 45th Annual Report OF THE COUNCIL OF THE National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland For the Year 1920. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, OUR COUNCIL have more than ordinary pleasure in submitting their Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year 1920. Perusal of the Financial Statement submitted h iellItWIIll hil in1 Will l h-l/\ IIUW >t th l LllaLb VllU vI ll f/~/yiiit *P UI1 lji h ll *r^ yJV l exceeds by over £10,000 that of any previous one-not excepting the Jubilee Year Show of 1909 with its two weeks gate takings. Weather conditions during Show week were perfect, and possibly influenced the great good nature with which the visitors tolerated the crowding and pushing to which all were subjected. That not one accident, of even a minor nature, was reported speaks volumes for the organisation by the Police Force on the ground, assisted by your own staff. Amongst the visitors were representatives of every State in the Commonwealth and not a few from overseas. Sixteen visiting press representatives and special photographers had opportunity given them of noting the marvellous productivity of Queeneland's soil, and their expressions of astonishment showed how impressed they were with the illimitable possibilities of our State. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Starting the year 1920 with a bank debit of £933/3/5, we have not only paid this amount off, but in addition have expended £6,535/9/7 upon Permanent Improvements, £1,121/17/9 was paid towards the purchase of property in Gregory Terrace, £80 for Folding Chairs, and we finish the year with a bank credit of nearly £1,000. As before stated, the position is very satisfactory. ,1 |, Our revenue totalled £26,312/18/3, the expenditure, including the items previously referred to, amounting to £24,404/13/11. Gate takings were responsible for £11,374, as Members' compared with our next best on record, £7,208. Subscriptions, including nomination fees, total £4,821, as compared with the previous best record of £2,548. Donations to the Prize Fund were of exceptionally generous proportions, totalling within a few shillings of £1,200, as compared with £991, the previous record. Entry Fees increased by nearly £200, Ground Rents by nearly £500, Privileges by £200 and Space Rents by £200. Expenditures were necessarily heavy, as will be noted upon reference to our Statement of Revenue and Expenditure, but every care was exercised in dealing with the various items. i i; ; 3 TIIE PRINCE'S VISIT. The arrival in Queensland of Il.R.I. the Prince of Wales this year, and his visit to our Exhibition, is an epoch in the State's history from which in future prominent events will be dated. Possessed of a personality which charmed all with whom he came in contact, it was universally admitted that Britain could not have choseli a more fitting ambassador than His Royal Highness. He specially honoured your Association by officially opening the Annual Exhibition, and as he devoted several hours of his all too limited time to a close inspection of the primary products and live stock of our State, we cannot other than feel that our 1920 Exhibition will never be forgotten by the Prince, and are sure it will never be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of meeting him there. That it has done : much to advertise our State cannot be gainsayed The Prince, accompanied by his Suite, representatives of the Federal and State Parliaments, and other officials, arrived at the Museum gates at 11 o'clock, on Wednesday, 28th July, and after introduction to members of your Council, immediately entered the Annexes, where lie spent over an hour inspecting the District and One Man Farm exhibits, the Government Displays, and the many displays made by individual exhibitors ! ,k*l ^ f • ^ 4'.. y^t'fWA ^^^'^^^-f~ ..-.- .- and business houses. It was noted that the Prince appeared to be as keenly interested in the individuals responsible for the exhibits as in the exhibits themselves and expressed a wish to meet both the ladies and gentlemen responsible for the wealth Immediately the inspection of of primary products shown. the Annexes exhibits terminated, the Prince, accompanied by his suite, departed by way of the Museum Gardens and entering the Show Grounds at the lower gate was driven twice around the ring where nearly 100,000 Australians gave him a reception of such enthusiastic warmth that we doubt if he will ever forget it. Upon arrival in front of the Grand Stand, the Prince was received by a Naval Guard of Honour and afterwards conducted by your President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman and Members of Council to the dais where he was officially welcomed and presented with a charmingly executed address, beautifully illuminated, and worded as follows:To His Royal Highness, Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester in the Peerage of England, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of C'arrick and Baron of Renfrew in the Peerage of Scotland, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, K.G., P.C., C.M.M.G., G.M.B.E., M.C. May it please Your Royal Highness It is with keenest gratification that, as representatives (of the National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland, we have the honour of welcoming you to Queensland, a State which we justly consider to be one of the richest jewels in the great Empire over which you will one day he ailled upon to rule. In the wealth of her natural resources, Queensland has Ino peer; she is a land of boundless possibilities, with unlimited areas of rich unoccupied agricultural and pastoral lands, a land where every mineral is known to exist, a land rich in forest areas, and with abundance of everything except the hundreds of thousands of people whom our lands are well fitted to support in affluence-ani whom we hope to welcome, in annually increasing numbers, to our sunny shores. At this, our 44th Annual Exhibition, we present for your inspection examples of live stock equalling the best raised in any part of the world, anl the variety and quality of the farm and dairy produce submitted to-day cannot other than impress you with the boundless possibilities of our State. Althougj so young conmmercially, the display of Queensland manufactured goods exhibited in our pavilion is eloquent testimony of the energy and p)erseverance of Queensland manufactures. We do homage to you as representing our Most Gracious bov\ereign, and pray that you will accept assurance of our devotion and allegiance to the Throne. The people assembled here to-day join with the members of our Association in similar assurance. Signed, on behalf of the National Agricultural and S:lstri;l Assu,'iit ion of Queensland. (Si.tied) ('. E. McDOIGALL, President. I':iHNET RAYNES, 'hairman. J. BAIN, Secretary. At exactly noon on Wednesday, 28th July, His Royal Highness stepped to the front of the dais and, after expressing his appreciation of the welcome tendered him, declared our 44th Annual Show officially open-an announcement which was received with the greatest enthusiasm by the thousands present. From the Opening Ceremony, the Prince and party crossed the road to the Live Stock Reserve, where he inspected the fruit and horticultural displays, and expressed with what surprise he viewed the wonderful collection of tropical fruit, and almost more wonderful display of sweet peas and other flowers. OFFICIAL LUNCHEON. The Official Luncheon which, as usual; was held in the Exhibition Concert Hall, was honoured by the presence of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and suite. Amongst those present, in addition to His Royal Highness and staff, were the Lieut-Governor, Mrs. Lennon and Miss Lennon, Mr. C. E. McDougall (President), Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Symes, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Charles, Mr. Ernest Baynes (Chairman), Mr. P. Frankel, Mrs. and Miss Frankel, Mr. W. J. Affleck, Mrs. and Miss Affleck, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bottomley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brookes and the Misses Brookes, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Cribb, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hiron, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce, Mr. John Macdonald, Mrs. and Miss Macdonald, Mr. A. T. Noyes, Mrs. and Miss Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pickworth, Mr. R. Gailey and Miss Gailey, Mr. George Waugh, members of the Ministry of the Federal and State Parliaments. the Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman and Mrs. Maxwell), Sir Pope Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fihelly, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Groom, Sir Brudenell and Lady White, General and Mrs. Grant, General and-Mrs. Cannan, General Glasgow, General and Mrs. Irving, Mr. Justice and Mrs. M'Cawley, Mr. Arthur Feez, K.C., and Mrs. Feez, Mrs. J. D. Henry, Inspector and Mrs. Urquhart, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. IH. G. Gordon (Toowoomba) Colonel and Mrs. Sutton, Colonel and Mrs. Durrant, Bishop Le Fanu, Mrs. William Duncan and Misses Duncan, Mrs. Allan Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Feather, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Colonel and Mrs. Plant, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M'Millan, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Jardine Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Misses U., D., and E. Bell (Coochin), Messrs. F. and B. Bell, Mrs. F. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. G. M-'Connell, Mr. and Miss Gailey, Mr. and Miss Booker, Mr. J. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Sabine, Mr. Peter Murphy, and Mrs. Peter Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cotton (Hidden Vale) and Miss Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. S. Barnes (Canning Downs), Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Washington Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. William Collins and Miss Collins, Colonel and Mrs. Hughes, Commander Ward-Hunt, and Captain Hyde (H.M.A.S. Brisbane), Mr. and Mrs. R. M'Dougall (Cooyar) and Miss M'Dougall, General and Mrs. Roberson (Toowoomba), Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie (Mayor of Lismore), Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brodribb, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain (Secretary), and over 600 State and interstate visitors, representative of the Church, Law, Military, mercantile, pastoral, agricultural, and manufacturing pursuits. A more brilliant gathering has never been assembled under this roof, and those who had the pleasure of attending will long cherish the mem(ory. The only toast honoured was that of "The King," proposed by Mr. (C. E. McDougall, President of the Association, this being a departure from the procedure of past occasions, when, as a rule, too much time was given to speech making. Although the visitors would much like to have heard the Prince speak, it was, in deference to his wishes in this respect that he was not called upon. The brevity of the function had the additional merit of enabling those in attendance to get back in time to view the grand parade which started at 2 o'clock sharp. TIIE PRINCE IN THIE RING. Although himself a breeder of Shorthorns, and probably the owner of some of the best in England, the Prince expressed surprise at the quality of the exhibits taking part in the parade, and we feel sure will associate with his visit to Queensland, the knowledge that he saw some of the best cattle, and witnessed some of the best hunting and high jumping by lady and gentlemen riders that he had the good fortune to see during any part of his tour. Although no special departure had been made in the way of p)reparing a special programme, the Prince was enabled during his all too brief stay on the Show Grounds to see, in addition to the previously enumerated events, exhibitions of trotting, and a demonstration of stock whip and bullock whip cracking by Mr. Dan IIasset, the Champion whip manipulator of Australia. Another engagement compelled the Prince to leave the ground before the afternoon's programme was completed, an engagement which he appeared to very reluctantly keep, for the horse and cattle exhibits appealed to him strongly. The exhibition of high jumping by the lady competitors elicited expressions of astonishment from the Prince and his suite who possibly had never previously seen similar exhibitions of fearAmidst the enthusiastic lesness and skill by lady riders. plaudits of the huge gathering, lie took his departure shortly before 4 o'clock. '~ ' :I '- . .. '. , . * ' .. . *" , 8 'I I IMPROVEMENTS. The improvements carried out this year cost nearly £7,000, and include the completion of the Austral Hall and White City huilding, Forestry Department's building, electric light installation, new Stud Stock Sale Ring (including fourteen feed rooms), fencing of the Family Reserve, transfer and completion of the Horticultural Pavilion, a new Result Board, alteration to turnstyles, erection of cash room, tree planting and tree guards, Nestles' Pavilion and seating accommodation thereon, new Bandstand and Refreshment Room, Septic Tank and Water Closets, Picture Show Operating Box, and electric installation, six new cement troughs, laying on water thereto and drainage and brick floors around each, two automatic drinking fountains, covering 160 cattle stalls with galvanised iron, new vice-regal enclosure in the Grand Stand, new fences, gates and change boxes, between Grand Stand enclosure and roadway, new terraces in front of Dining Hall, formation of roadway from Assembly Paddock to O'Connell Terrace gateway, re-grading and levelling of ground for Side Show purposes near Bowen Bridge Road, and a number of others. TREE PLANTING. One of the first works started by your new Chairman, Mr. Ernest Baynes, was a tree planting scheme, and during the year nearly sixty shade trees have beeiin planted. Although it will be some time before the benefit of this will he experienced, the result will be gratifying to all conlneted with the Show. A bold experiment was attempted in transplanting palms from ten to fifteen years old to a situation in front of the White City Dining Room. Tile transplanting has proved successful, and these well grown trees aid materially to the appearance of the front of this building. The erection of the new Cattle Sale Ring on Machinery lill was primarily resl)onsibl(e for the removal of every exhibit which previously occupied that portion of the ground, to sites lMachinlery and motor car merchants appointed elsewhere. were transferred to an area immediately behind the new Grand Stand, formerly occupied by Side Shows. Side Shows, in turn, were transferred to a section of the grounds which had been specially prepared for the purpose, constructed towards the vicinity of tile Bowen Bridge Road, and refreshment and other tents were transferred in tile majority of instances to the Live Stock Reserve. Tile increased accommnodation for spectators which this transfer permitted was favourably commented upon by those wlho henefitted. * - r 9 STUD STOCK SALE RING. We have previously referred to the Stud Stock Sale Ring. This structure is the largest o fits sort in the Commonwealth, and provides seating accommodation for 500 spectators. Everything has been designed on the most up-to-date lines, and with special regard for the comfort of sellers, buyers, auctioneers and auctioneers' staff, but an additional advantage which the building possesses is that it provides cover for fourteen feed rooms. From both utility and architectural points of view it is a splendid accessory to our ground. FAMILY RESERVE. Recognising that parents accompanied by children had little opportunity of seeing the Show with any degree of comfort, your Council resolved early in the year to establish a Family Reserve where admission could only be obtained by This reserve was parents accompanied by their children. fenced in so that once the children entered with their parents they could not get out, thus permitting tired mothers to allow the little ones to run about on the grass area at the back of the Throughout the week your officers seating accommodation. were overwhelmed with expressions of gratitude from many of these mothers who for the first time had enjoyed the ring events to full measure. Inside the enclosure was erected a light refreshment room with a band stand overhead. This refreshment room is as easily accessible to the parents and children inside the Reserve as to the public outside, the building having been designed with a view to this convenience. TURNSTYLES AND CHANGE ROOM. Although capable of still further improvement, we this year initiated a new turnstyle system with adjoining change counters and cash room, the design placing the whole of the work of the cash system under the observation of your lion. 1TUp to a point the arrangeTreasurer or his next in charge. ments were excellent, tlihe only fault being that not enough turnstyles were available to handle 90,000 people in one day. An effort will be made to overcome this difficulty in connection with our 1921 Show. WHITE CITY DINING HALL. This magnificent building which was only half completed when the influenza epidemic broke out was finished this year at a cost of about £700. The dining facalities equal the best in our State. As an architectural addition to the grounds, the structure cannot be excelled. REVIEW OF EXHIBITS. The limited space which the size of this publication allows us, prevents an extensive review of the various sections. On another page will be found particulars regarding the Champion Awards in the Horse and Cattle Sections at our 1920 Exhibition. Horse Section.-In relation to the Horse Section we cannot do better than repeat the observation of one of our most talented press writers who, in discrihing this section in his newspaper, claimed that "the cream of the Commonwealth was The majority of the noted performers of the represented." Commonwealth were entered in the varoius competitive classes, and it is hard to conceive that we can ever excel the display In the High Jumping made, either in numbers or quality. events existing records were broken, others at the same time being established. Beef Cattle, as usual, had many admirers, and it was almost impossible throughout the week of the Show to get near the stalls. The most aristocratic herds were represented, and only the severity of the drought from which we were just emerging, together with the fear that we had not yet seen the last of it, prevented record sales. Dairy Cattle.-On another page will be found recorded details of our Home Milking and Show Ground Milking Competitions, the figures quoted showing beyond question the wonderful improvement which is contiually going on in Dairy Cattle circles. Tests which would have been considered impossible a few years'ago are accepted now as only what one The responsibility for this improvement is should expect. beyond argument due to the efforts of Agricultural Societies, and the incentive given by them to breeders to raise only the best. Other Live Stock exhibits, such as sheep, swine, dogs, poultry, and pigeons, maiainined their standard of excellence. Farm and Dairy Produce.-lt had been anticipated {hat, due to seasonal conditions, there would necessarily be a falling off in the number of entries received in this section, but to our suprise we found that the exhibits in the aggregate were more numerous than on any previous year. This could only be accepted as an index of the development of the State's agricultural resources-a development which we sincerely hope will continue. Better displays of butter, cheese, and bacon had never previously been seen, and called forth expressions of suprise from those visitors who had no previous knowledge that Queensland was such a huge factor as a world's supplier of these commodities. Horticulture.-We must refer eulogistically to the exceptionally fine display staged in the Horticultural Pavilion above referred to. Visitors from the South who saw for the first time what Queensland can do in the way of growing sweet peas were dumbfounded, hut afterwards expressed themselves with an enthusiasm that must have been pleasing to our horticulturalists. Even II.R.II. the Prince became enthusiastic and was not diffident in expressing the delight which it gave him to see the glorious exhibition submitted for inspection. Machinery and Motor Car Displays were the best seen at our Show for many years, and were a great source of attraction to our agricultural and pastoral visitors. Throughout the week the allotment assigned to machinery and motor cars was crowded with interesting spectators. GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS. The Queensland Government availed themselves fully of the space at their disl)osial for Government exhibits and staged (lislplays of agricultural p)roducts and methods of production which provided a wonderful educational lesson. The Fisheries Department again had an exhibit of unusual worth, representative of the fishing industries of Queensland, and the Forestry Department had an unique display illustrating the value to Queensland of her immense forests, and by means of pamphlet Forestry literature urged the necessity for re-afforestation. work "from the seed to the saw bench," to use the experts own words, formed one of the most attractive displays on the grounds and under expert direction should increase its educational worth annually. MANUFACTURERS' EXHIBITION. The Exhibition made by members of the Queensland (Chamber of Manufactures was meritorious to a degree and quite a revelation to both Queenslanders and Southern visitors who had little idea that goods of the quality exhibited were manufactured in Brisbane. Considering the comparatively short time available to manufacturers, too much praise cannot be awarded to them. Soaps of every merchantable quality were shown, also chemical manufactures, such as perfumes, disinfectants, tar products, etc., saddlery and leather work, footware, samples of Queensland manufactured cement, lime, crockery, earthenware piping, condensed milk and other dairy products, samples of wheaten made flour and by-products, related thereto, brewery manufactures, brushware, scales capable of weighing from one onuce to many tons, barb wire, galvanised iron work of every description, tinware, billiard tables, masonic regalia, specimens of three ply work made from Queensland timbers, iron bedsteads, and furniture artistic in design and of superb finish, were amongst the goods shown. This exhibition was arranged to form one continuous display, occupying the whole of one side of the Annexes with about 100 feet of the end. All together it was a grand display-a brave display-and as we must accept this as a forerunner of the huge businesses which must in due course follow, we feel sure there is a great manufacturing future ahead of Queensland. THANKS TO EXHIBITORS. We again wish to take advantage of the opportunity which our modest pul)lication l)ermits, to thank our exhibitors. On previous occasions we have referred to the long, arduous and costly work entailed in the preparation of live stock exhibits for our Show. We do not, in mentioning live stock exhibits, wish to infer that an equal amount of trouble is not taken by the most modest exhibitor. Take for instance some of our workers in the Ladies' Sections, who put in day after day for possibly a whole year in the preparation of the beautiful work with which they mean to compete. The owner of poultry, of dogs, or of anything which is shown at our Show, devotes the same care and attention to his exhibit that the owner of a three thousand guinea bull does to his. They are enthusiasts who spell success and whose aim is to produce nothing but the best, thus benefiting Queensland as they do themselves. VISITS TO SHOWS. During the year, official visits were paid by members of Council and your Secretary to 36 Shows, including Sydney, Melbourne, Lismore, Glen limes, Bangalow, Murwillumbah, Atherton, Boonah, Beaudesert, Bundaberg, Beenleigh, Biggenden, Cleveland, Esk, Gympie, Goondiwindi, Ithaca, Ipswich, SKilcoy, Kingaroy, Lowood, Marburg, Maryborough, Nambour, Rivers, Pomona, Rosewood, Rockhampton, Roma, Rocklea, SPine Toowoomba, Toombul, Warwick, Wondai, Woombye, and Zillt: Smere. The reports submitted by the Chairman and Secretary on the management of the Victorian and New South Wales Royal Shows contained valuable information, and from points of comparison have already proved useful to your Association. DI)ISTRICT EXHIBITS, ONE MAN FARM, AND I)ISTRICT FRUIT EXHIBITS. The system which in the past had been adopted for the display of District Exhibits was this year altered. Instead of being erected back to back with high dividing walls between, every court was surronded by avenues which, in addition to facilitating inspection of the exhibits from every viewpoint without having to enter the court, allowed more perfect ventilation and lighting than had previously been the case. The walls of the court were all of one design, the 250ft. of frontage to each main avenue presenting a massive yet open design which was much admired. The taste and ingenuity displayed in the arrangement of the whole decoration lby the various competitors was positively marvellous. It had been decided early in the year that the classification of I)istrict Exhibits should be changed, and that instead of designating them "A" and "B" Grades, the former should be known as "Primary Products and Manufactures," and the latter "Primary Products Only." In the former section four entries were received, the competitors being Central Queensland, Wide Bay & Burnett, West Moreton, In the "Primary Products and South Coast of Queensland. Only" section, there were three competitors, viz.: Fassifern, Gympie, and Kingaroy, with two exhibitors in the One Man Farm competition. IParticulars of the points awarded in these competitions appear on another page. District Fruit Displays.-Our District Fruit Competitions in past years have proved splendid advertisements for the districts exhibiting and have been responsible for the settlement of many people upon the fruit lands extending from the South Coast of our State up to as far north as the Maryborough coastline. We have had as many as six districts competing. Owing to the formation of a Fruitgrowers' Association, it was agreed amongst themselves that the districts embraced in that Association should exhibit as one body. The new body absorbed the majority of the districts who in previous years had competed at our Annual Exhibitions. For a short period this disorganised our efforts, but with a determination to advertise Queensland's capabilities in the direction of raising fruit, we made arrangements with the Fruitgrowers' Association for a display. Outside of this Association, the only two competing districts were the Redlan(ls District (embracing Redland Bay, Cleveland, and a portion of the Wellington Point District) and Central Queensland (Rockhampton District). , ti Brkn~fL- Apart from the Fruit exhibited in the competitiv classes, splendid displays of citrus fruit and vegetables came from the Charleville and Mitchell districts. The display from the Charleville district was organised by Mr. George Espie, the well-known Charleville merchant, and we cannot too highly compliment both Mr. Espie and the growers, for better quality Size, thinness of skin, fruit could not be grown anywhere. The same remarks and flavour left nothing to be desired. apply to the non-competitive display submitted by Mr. J. C. M. Evidently the nature of Lethbridge, of Warren Pt., Mitchell. the soil in both the Charleville and Mitchell districts favours the production of citrus fruit of infinitely superior flavour to A great future for citrus anything raised on the coast. orchards in these districts must exist if we are to judge from the samples submitted. The Fruit was exhibited this year in tile Horticultural Pavilion, a structure measuring 184ft. in length by over 40ft. in width, light, ventilation and other conditions being the most perfect yet established by your Association. It will interest members to learn that although only £750 was promised as Prize Money for the above mentioned competitions, we actually paid £1,140. In thus increasing prize money over the amount stated in our Prize Schedule we carried our a practice which was instituted several years ago of supplementing the District prize money when financial con, ditions warranted it. To the One Man Farm exhibitors £70 was awarded, instead of £60 as had been provided in our Schedule. For the Fruit Displays we paid £250, instead of £50, and to District competitors £820, nstead of £640. In addition to this prize money, the outlay for labour, material, railway freight, cartage, etc., amounted this year to £1,580 which, plus the prize money, makes the total cost of these exhibits £2,720. This may appear a very heavy amount to pay for the District and Fruit Exhibits, but the fact must not be overlooked that it is an expenditure made for the purpose of advertising Queensland, and we feel that the advertisement is well worth the outlay. OBITUARY. SIR IIAMILTON J. GOOLD-ADAMS. It is with sincere regret that we have to refer to the death of our late Governor. Sir Hamilton was a keen supporter of this Association and of .all matters relating to the welfare of agricultural and pastoral pursuits, and was ever ready to place his serrvices at the disposal of our own and other Agricultural Societies, even going \i.Y so far as to act as Judge in Blood Horse competitions, a department in which he was proficient above the average. When leaving Queensland, it was expected by his many friends that he would for years enjoy that rest to which he was entitled as reward for years of Empire service. Instead, we were grieved to learn that he had passed away in Sth. Africa, whilst on his way to England, leaving his wife and family of young Queenslanders to mourn a loss which can only be designated as irreparable. Your Council conveyed to Her Ladyship 'and family sincerest expressions of sympathy. Mr. HARRY BAYNES. No more popular Queenslander, nor more respected business man, than our late old friend and supporter, Mr. Harry Baynes, ever graced the commercial life of our State. For over thirty years he was the head of a great commercial concern, and as a member of your Association, keenly supported every movement connected with its welfare. When conditions permitted, he was liberal almost to extravagance in his support of the Association's efforts on behalf of our primary producers. His death this year was universally regretted. With his wife and family we sympathise most sincerely. Since our last report SIR WILLIAM MacGREGOR. there has passed away a grand old empire builder and a man, who during his stay in Queensland never considered his own convenience or comfort when by means of strenuous labour he was able to assist any movement which had for its aim the benefit of Queensland-we refer to the late Sir Wm. MacGregor, A gentleman who had one time Governor of Queensland. endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact. Another great Australian SIR SAMUEL GRIFFITIIH. has passed away since our last report. All old Queenslanders know that in the early stages of his career, Sir Samuel was a leading Queensland barrister, afterwards Chief Justice of Queensland and in the end Commonwealth Chief Justice. In his early days, Sir Samuel was interested in all matters relating to the welfare of this Association and when Attorney General in a Queensland Parliament drafted a Bill with the express object to make easier the National Association's efforts on behalf of His exalted position in after life our primary producers. prevented him from giving the detailed attention to our Show that he admitted it deserved. To his relatives we convey our sympathies. i i 1 "W__ :9^ *',', "r,' __1_ i___ - _ -. - " ___ .- '. .:" -, t_ _ L * ,T '-'.: ,: ;' _ "' ,I_ . -' .' ,, i ".*,' , " " j .- " ':" _ i_ -',:' . _ _" "- ...-- ^ ~° . . l(i NEW GOVERNOR. On 3rd December last, we had the plleasure of meeting our new Governor, the Right lion. Sir Matthew Nathan, to whom we presented an address w:hich reads as follows:- . . * ;'" i 'hope " 5 To His Excellency, The Right Honourable Sir Matthew Nathan, '.('.. ('.M.(., Governor of Queensland. May it please Your Excellency, On behalf of the National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland, we have plcasure in extending to you a most hearty welcome to Queensland. We are c(onfident that the interests of the primary producers of Queensland, in whose prosperity this Association is specially concerned, will receive sympathetic encouragement at your hands. Permit us, Your Excellency, to fervently express the that your sojoupn in Queensland may prove an enjoyable one, and le a period of your life upon which you may always look back with unnlloyed -pleasure. We have the honour to be, Your Excellency's obedient servants, ('. E. McDOUGALL, President. W. M. CHARLES, Vice-President. ERNEST BAYNES, Chairman of Council. P. .1. SYMES, Deputy Chairman. PHIIIP FRANKEL, Hon. Treasurer. W. J. AFFLECK, E. T. BELL, J. P. BOTTOMLEY, II. BROOKES, Members of S. CRIBB, Council. J. lHIRON, ROBERT JOYCE, .J. MAC)ONALD, A. T. NOYES, 4'. R. PI('KWORTH, i; ; : , -H. ,' - S His Excellency made brief but happy reply, conveying to the representatives of your Council the belief that in His Excellency our primary producers will have a warm friend and keen supplorter. COUNCIL CHAIRMAN. At the first Council Meeting held after the Annual Meeting of 1920, Mr. Ernest Baynes was elected Council Chairman, and in the face of one of the most strenuous years in the history of the Association, has conducted the duties attaching to the position with gratifying success. The list of permanent improvements since Mr. Baynes' appointment are the heaviest ever hitherto conducted in one year. In addition to the duties attaching to this work, we must not overlook the arduous duties connected with the visit of His Royal Highness. Mr. Baynes has been the recipient of congratulations from all parts of the State. , ... .'-..(,... . : ii . .. . - : L ..- - Mr. JOHN MACDONALD. The retiring Chairman, Mr. John Macdonald, who occupied the position for nineteen consecutive years was at the Council Meeting referred to, warmly eulogised by his fellow Councillors for the splendid work conducted by him for the Association during his long term of office, and it was unanimously resolved to place on record in the Minutes the Council's deep appreciation. NEW MEMBER OF COUNCIL. At the Annual Meeting, held in February, 1920, no fewer than thirteen gentlemen were nominated for the six vacancies. The voting resulted in the electon of Mr. Harry Cribb (of the well-known Ipswich firm of Cribb & Foote). Mr. Cribb's varied career as a Show Official, and owner of one of the best trotting studs in the State, peculiarly fits him for a position on our Council. We feel that he will be an acquisition of worth to your Association. ALTERATION OF RULES. A Special General Meeting of members was held on Thursday, 21st August, 1919, at which it was unanimously resolved to alter Rules X., XXIII. and XXIV to permit postal voting, the right of such voting to be enjoyed by all members irrespective of residential mileage from Brisbane. The alteration further provided that the advertisement notifying the Annual Meeting should be published at least twenty-eight days prior to the day appointed for the Annual Meeting (instead of only seven as had previously been the practice). This alteration was first made use of at the Annual Meeting held in February, 1920, and proved highly satisfactory. A few weeks ago (26th November), a Special Meeting was held to consider suggested alterations of Rules I., XV., XVI., XV11., XXIX., XXXI., XXXII., XXXV. and XXXVII. Rule XV., which up to date of the Special Meeting had not provided for the inclusion of the President as a Member of Council, was altered to read "The Council shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents and twelve members elected from the general body of members." Previous to this alteration, the President had no authority to attend meetings of Council, nor take part in the business transacted thereat. 18 Rule XVI. was altered to provide that at the first meeting of the Council after the Annual General Meeting of Members, a Council Chairman, and a Deputy Council Chairman should be elected for the current year, neither of whomi should hold office for more than five years in succession. Previous to this alter~ation, the ule only provided for the election of a "ermanentl Chairman,'' no liit being placed upon the 1 )eriod of occupation of office. The altered rule further provides thiat the Chairman, if present, shall preside at all mneetings of thle Council and Committees. The alterations to thle other rules enuneratd were only consequential upon the above mentioned. An alteration to Rule Ii., which was intelded to grant the ~ight to firms or corporate bodies to becoe life miembers on payment of a fee of 1/10/-, was rejected. STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCES OF THE COUNCIL. BayeU Joyce, Robt....... 13 Affleck, W. J......14 Macdonald, John. 11 Frankel, P'.........13 Hiron, John....... 12 Bottomley, J* P .. 13 Noyes, A. T........11 Syms, P. J.........9 Pickworth, C:. Ud. 8 Cribb, IL.S........ Charles, W. M.......8 Brookes, Hi.........6 *Bell,E. T.........1 U...... o3 6 8 6 6 4 4 1 3 3 --- -r "" ' to 4 3 31 3 3 1 29 26 25 24 22 35 26 35 28 26 2 19 23 - 14 14 10 20 27 18 9 8 6 1 14 14 18 14 - - 6 - 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 1 1 - 1 - - - - - -- - - - -- 9 -- - 4 - - - 5 -- -- - +Leave of absence granted for twelve months from 9thl March, 1920. RETIRING MEMBERS OF COUNCIL AND AUDITOR. You are called upon to elect officers in place of the following who retire:President : Mr. C. E. McDougall. Vice-Presidents: Messrs. P. J. Symes & W. IM.C=harles. Council: Messrs. W. . Affleck, H. Brookes, J. P. Bottomley, John Iliron, Robert Joyce, arid C. . Pickothl. Auditor : M . R. G. Groom. The closing date for eceipt of nominations for any of the offices enlmerated is 10th JTanuary. 1921. With thle exception of Mr. P. J. Syies as Vice-President, and Mr. R. . Groom as Audito , all the above mentioned gentlemen are eligible for re-electio. Mr. P. J. Syme, retiring Vice-Presidcnt, is eligible for re-election as a member of Council. The follo ing genltlemlen reainl in oflfice for a further twelve monthls :-Mestrsrs. Er~net ItLayes, E. rr Bell, II. S. CribB, P. Frankel, John Macdonald and A. T. Noyes. LEAE OFlt'811W GROUNDS. Early in! the year thet Government introduced the Exhibition Landfs ILeases Act of 1920, in which provision was made for leasing to this Associaltionl the Show Grounds in perpetuity. The Bill was wtell received by !nembers of both Houses and passed with little opposition. We are more than pleased to be able to ae this announcement and feel that members will join with us in thanking the Government for a favour never hitherto enjoyed by this Associatio, notwithstanding 45 years of servie on behalf of the State. 'I ours faithfully,Voi, andt on lh~lf oi, thre Council, E:RNESTL BAYNES, Chairman. Brimbun, 'I 1st. JILIIy. 192~. , Statemnt of INCOME and REC'EITS. 864 [8 Advertiing Weight Gulesng'C tlomuiissioi 1)oiiationls E~ntrya Fe'es* ~at, Turnstyiean (11( randstaiiY:Ll d Receipts Memube~ship subscrip~tions Piileges Rent, U regory Terrare Slunr1y ecits Space'' Its 'roieity * . . 1,448 11,374 4,5,20 911 1 9356 I .,7: £26,312 18 3 L~ ; i 21 EXPENDITURE for Year ending 31st Dec., 1920 EXPENDITURE. Advertising .. . . .. Audit Pees Bank Charge, 5/-; Exchange, £10/0/3 Cartage, Motor and Cab Hire . Commission Catering Districts Exhibits (excluding Prize Mloney) Furniture Fodder .. Fire Protection Freight General Expenses Hire of Furniture .. .. .. Improvements .. Insurance Interest Judges and Stewards Expenses Legal Expenses Lighting License Fee Music at Show Members' Badges Maintenance Material Plant Prize Money Gregory Terrace Property (purchase of) Police Expenses Printing and Stationery .. .. Rates, Water & Sewerage, £57/19/-; Municipal Council, £874/4/1 Rent of City Offices Ribbons and Calico Repairs Stamps Salaries and Wages-Permanent Staff Salaries and Wages, Temporary Staff Show Wages (preparing and cleaning up) Show Expenses Sanitary Expenses Printing Catalogue and Ring Programme, £401/15/-; Printing Schedule, £188/12/Travelling Expenses Timber £ 556 34 10 273 49 891 1,440 79 62 90 5 539 14 6,535 169 318 327 10 35 15 151 94 590 7 257 4,534 1,121 114 444 5 9 / 2 6 7 6 0 19 15 9 19 5 0 10 1 0 2 7 11 12 6 3 17 1 9 0* 9 8 6 4 7 6 77 1 0 11 0 4 0 8 6 3 7 11 0 9 6 6 932 3 232 0 146 11 25 8 133 5 1,912 12 346 8 652 6 422 6 9 13 590 7 208 9 18 10 1st January, 1920 24,404 933 Credit Balance, Bank of Queensland, 31st December, 1920 25,337 975 Debit Balance, Bank of Queensland, s. d. 16 5 13 0 5 3 10 9 / 4 6' £26,312 __~~_~ __ Examined and found correct this irst day of January, 1981. B. G. GROOM, F.C.P.A. B. GBIFFITH OXLEY, F.P.,A. .~~~Z~L~LLI I L __ ILI1 I :31__ ~_~t 14lin I er fl J__Y_ ~ ~41_:_ _ )l~:~:)~_* I_~(*_ 9e~,.~l-ZLh.~;f~~ -I~L~uLI -~~IYCI~1-lil.~C~ i:* rlrl~c 'l*K-t5 YW I dI CHAMPIONS, 1920 SHOW. HORSES. Thoroughbred Stallion cMare ,, Trotting Stallion Maire Draught Stallion ,, Mare obStailhon ,,Mare Harness Pony Stallion Satldle 1'ony Stallion Pony Mare Hack Single HIarness Iorse saddle Pony Uarness IPony). Shorthorn Hull Hereford Bull Cow South Devon Bull c'ow Sussex Bull Cow Aberdeen Angus Bull .. Cow Fat Bullock DAIRY CATTLE. J. II. Fairfax's "Q'IVER OF MARINYA.' Jonas Ilolnmes' "''PRINCE ROY OF LONGLANDS." W. & D. Carr's "LARKSPUR"' (imp.) E. I3urton 's ' 'OX l"ORI) (OLl)EN NOBLE.' Paul Moore's ''LOVELY OF SUNNYSIDE.'' Ayrshire Cow ,, Bull Jersey cow ,,Boll Illawarra Milking Shorthorn Cow Illawarma Milking Short~orn Bull Guernsey Cow ,, C. R. Crowtlhvr s *PLUM Agricultoral College's " YARRA VIEW VI LLAU E BELLE." T. S. Chamipcy 's *' MOONSTONE.'' Nostle & Anglo-Sn iss (onud. Milk Coy.'a "JlCHIIESS 1I1. OF NESTLES.' G. Newman' "OMINION DOMINO'8 I)UTCH BOY." Bull Bull National Cham ion u Buttr Fatt et OF IIILLVIEW. Q 'land Friesian Cow , BEEF CATTLE. Pastoral Coy.'s " WARIROMINE PRINCE OF DARLINGTON I." Lomax Pastoral Coy.'s 'YANDILLA GRAND DUCHESS VIII." J. Sparkes' ''MANSEL LERATOR'(imp.) Mrs. Lumley Hill's '' VIXEN 32nd." Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Cond. Milk Coy.'s ''SPECIAL.' ' Nestle & AngloSwiss Coni. Milk Coy.'s "LAVENDER LADY." J. T. Turnor's 'LOCIH RUFUS VII.'' (imp.) J. T. Turor's "'OAKOVER ROSALIND'' (imp.) G. ('. Clark's '' PROUD PETER O' TOLARNO." G. C. (lark's "S('OTSWOMAN.' W. J. Tompkins. Lomnax 'ow ,, FL (. .Blumne '' "FOREMAST." A. N. Higgins' '' KING COLE.' S. ( . Rceve's 'L'IILACK IBIIBONS." . Elliott's " WIN[)ERMR M E RANGATIRA'' .1. 11. Kilvington 's ''WINSOMEhARONESS'' A. 11. Wriht 's '"1(11 (GLEAM.' .J. Klaasstxn's lDOLLY." II. A. Strong's "'EX('EL If." L. It. Thornton s " LEO 1." I?. C. Fagg's 'UIRLIE.'' Miss K. Armstrong's '' BEN ARNOLD.' Thos. Dwyer's 'ROYAL STATESMAN." U. Baker .Junr. ' 'OSTCARL). H. S. Cribb's "ROOK." Cow B. O'Cofnor's "CHARM OF GLENTHORN" District Exhibits. PRIMARY PR&ODUCTS AND MANUFACTURES. The sle~i liii eliiit umi ( e!t ia I Qtiensta tid won with an aggrcgate total ol 98(l.~ pi~itut ot~ a psihle total of 1435. The other totals w\(i : C -\\ ili~ I~ra andl Burie~t 1 17 pOinlts: XWet Moreton, £34~ poits andlt Sollt Ii ( oa~, 796 piiitfr Sc rv. 7m oo cRi (1).-.-Dairy Produce (170)-Butteri, I box........... C:hese, Egbgs I \\t...... 80 71 20 36 6i :7U ().-Foods 24 341 34 10 12 II;; 1275 42 18( 30 14 11 35 6 109 (180)-- Rtoled andi siok~l I,eef a ni iintton t~nal goods~ and~ sausagljeS, smok~led or 81 3 10 17 4 10 5 6 ishi, smioke!~, pi edcl canned. C~ned melats....... Lardi, tallow aii al~ uinl oils .... All butchris' byp-lroducts. hloney, and~ its bv!-proluets Colc t june ryy Bra, iscuits, sconies and~ caikes 180 (3).-Fruts, resh1 68 31 8 7 6 - 14 7 12 10 10 12 6 8 7 23 110 82" 37 8 6 6 20 14 8j 6 Vegetables, Roots, fresh and prertenred (200)- tiits, atll l iniis..............60il P'resevecl fruits, ja ls, &c .. .. Died~ friuits................... .... 30 reshl vee~~ta Ides, xcet hIotatoes . 20O Prese xcl &LAncd vegtbls, pickls, sauc~s, &........................ 10 P~otatoes................... ....... 40 Roots, all lk uis, anld t Inir p~roducts. arrowroot, &................. 14 tOColiults, Jeatiiits11, and1~ othi' i~ts 6 Vege'(tle Seek.IS.................. 10 30 4 13 4 27 24 11 14 II 7 7 6 31 9 30 29 9 28 13 4 6i 9 3 7 12 5 8 S 128 106 102 119 8 55f 5 9 8 4 (4).-rain, &c. (150)-WAhet, Ilou, bra, [tollar, iacroii, i Maize!, nii'/.ea, ninlst, sta rehi glucose, eornlou~ ....................... 60 Oats, rye, rice, auth~ other mlsn. 10 Barly, marlt, parl arleyv . 20... 410 40 4 4i 'i 8 17 10 61l 66~ 126 96 All woodwork......................20 All mertal and iron wo~k............20 10 8 10 8 15 18 10 15 Leather andI all leather work and trimiing .................... 20 5 10 18 9 ~) .- Manufaecturee and Trades (120)- )46 6 6 ICqA~Llb I~bd~llbc y B L;i Y' . ' ' *e^.;^?* ^ ^ Illl~ll ~L^d~~ ~mRa~lRR AIBIBsadllllI~ T T< * , ' vZ ,,, 20 10 10 10 8 9 4 18 5 4 5 6 7 7 9 7 4 8 7 10 5 7 5 6 120 (6).-Mineral and Building Materials (95)Gold, silver, and precious stones .. 25 Coal, iron, & other minerals & salt 30 Stone, bricks, cement, marble, &c .. 20 Woods, dressed and undressed ...... 20 49 74 78 66 4 19 15 17 15 10 15 20 8 12 20 28 ]4 10 95 38 42 55 72 60 20 10 48 4 12 - 40 12 45 3 8 - 10 30 10 10 3 8 1 14 7 - 150 78 27 91 67 15 6 9 10 4 7 7 6 5 15 3 E5 7 3 9 30 21 18 23 19 20 7 12 15 15 20 7 12 15 15 30 10 50 13 20 20 30 5 10 24 38 34 46 20 10 10 10 10 10 8 5 3 7 18 6 6 8 12 7 6 7 7 10 8 6 (7).-Tropical Products (150)Sugar cane ....................... Sugar (raw and refined) .......... Rum, spirits, and by-products ...... Coffee (raw and manufactured), tea and spices ....................... Cotton (raw) and by-products ..... Rubber .......................... Oils (vegetable) .................. (8).-Wines, &c. (30)Wines ........................... Aerated, mineral and spa waters .... Vinegar and cordials .............. (9).-Tobacco (20)Tobacco, cigar and pipe, in leaf .... (10).-Hay, chaff, &c. (160)Oaten, wheaten, lucerne, & other hay Grasses and their seeds ............ Oaten, wheaten, lucerne & other chaffs Ensilage, and other prepared cattle fodders ...................... Sorghum and millet .............. Commercial Fibres (raw and imanu.) Pumpkins, and other green fodder Hemp and flax . .. . . .. .... . Broom M illet .................... (11).-Wool Scoured Greasy Mohair (110)wool ..................... wool ..................... ............ ............. (12).-Ladles' WorkNeedlework, knitting, fine arts .... School work, maps, writing, &c. ... (1a).-6aectve Arru~gemat ((50)- For effective arrangement of exhibit 2 - 8 2 25 4 4j - - 1 18 - 5 6 9 5 7 6 160 71 105 103 129 40 60 10 20 45 20 45 30 52 40 60 7 9 5 110 65 72 91 105 10 10 7 5 5 7 5 10 5 6 20 182 15 18 11 50 80 80 26 45 - "UH W 1V _1 YLI " ' ' 24 Manufactured woollen & cotton fibre All tin work ..................... Artificial manures ................ Brooms and brushes .............. Manufactures not otherwise enumerated .................. i, " *'^""< : :_C 44 , : PRIMARY PRODUCTS ONLY. In the "Primary Products Only" exhibits, Fassifern won by 18 points from Gympie; the totals being:-Fassifern, 811, and Oympic, The details are as follows:793. n 5 ' S 4'L).-Dairy Produce (170)90 60 20 80 49 8 82 46 12 79 50 14 , 170 (2).-Foods. &o. (120)Hams, bacon, rolled and smoked beef and 50 mutton .......................... 10 Fish, smoked .......................... 15 Lard, tallow, and animal oils ............ Honey, and its by-products .............. 25 Confectionery (home-made) ............. 10 10 Biscuits, bread, cakes, & scones (home-made) 137 140 143 15 6 8 7 8 28 6 14 10 8 30 4 11 16 8 10 44 66 120 (3).-Fruits, Vegetables, and Roots, fresh and preserved (185)Fresh fruits, all kinds .................. 60 13 29 Preserved fruit, jams, &c., preserved by 20 16 17 farm er ................................. 3 5 3 Dried fruit, prepared by farmer ......... 15 20 7 Fresh vegetables, except potatoes ........ Preserved and dried vegetbles, pickles, 9 8 10 sauces ............................. 20 31 40 Potatoes ............................... Roots, all kinds, and their products, 6 8 10 arrowroot, etc. ..................... 10 8 6 Cocoanuts, peanuts, and other nuts ...... 4 7 10 Vegetable seeds ....................... 79 Butter ....................... Cheese ................................ Eggs .................................. ......... (4).-Grain, &c. (150)Wheat, flour, bran, pollard, macaroni, and other meals prepared therefrom .......... Maize, maizena, meal, starch, glucose, cornflour ............................... Barley, malt and pearl barley ............ Oats, rye, rice, and their meals .......... (5).-Woods (40)Dressed and undressed Wattle bark ................ (6).-Hid . ................ ........... 16 3 13 7 34 8 6 5 185 89 121 119 60 40 35 22 60 20 10 45 10 5 48 12 8 55 10 7 150 100 103 94 20 20 10 10 10 11 10 10 40 20 21 20 20 16 15 13 20 16 15 13 (SO)- Must be free from otensive smell ........ 27 . 26 (7).-Tropical Products (115)-....... Sugar Cane ................. . . . ... . Coffee, tea, and spies ...... Cotton (raw), and by-produ,.ts .......... , .. 75 10 30 2 1 4 55 1 6 19 2 10 115 7 ti i1 7 12 14 9 7 26 9 8 7 lij a 7 40 10 60 20 10 10 10 10 10 25 6 35 9 9 7 7 7 9 26 5 37 10 6 5 6 4 7 33 7 45 15 9 8 9 4 8 lU0 114 1uli 4 (it) 10 33 40 6 110 70 10 10 5 7 6 5 5 10 20 12 11 15 50 40 25 50 1230 681 793 811 (8).-Minerals (50)Gold, silver, and precious stones .......... Coal, iron, and other minerals and salts .. 25 25 50 (9).-Tobacco - (20)- Tobarco (cigar and pipe) in leaf ........ (10)I.-Hay Chaff, &c. (180)Oaten, wheaten, and oth,'r hay ....... Grasses, and other seeds ................ Oaten, wheaten, lucerne, and other chaffs Eneilage, and other prepared cattle fodders Sorghum and millet .................... Commercial fibres ......... ............. Pumpkins, and green fodder ........... ........ Hemp and flax ............. ............ Broom millet ........... (11).-Wool,&c. (110)Scoured wool ................ Greasy wool ............. ...... ... M ohair ....... .... .. .. . . .... . . . . :34 47 8 34 52 7 93 (12).-Ladles' Work (20)-Needlework, knitting, fine arts ........ School work, maps, writing, &c .......... :(13).- -Effective Arrangement ((50)F'or effective arrangement of exhibit ...... Totals ......................... t i I ; r: sl~su~.~rs~bn~crra~~~,Yr~uiiiF~*~rj - .: i -aY;~YliYWi~I~I- 27 ONE FAEM BEHIBITS. In the One Farm Exhibits, Mr. Wm. Hughes, of New South Wales, was the winner, scoring 283 as against 273 gained by Mr. J. Donges, of Drayton. 00 (1).-Dairy Produce (50)Butter, 61b. .................... Cheese, 1 large. or 2 snall Eggs, 1 dozlAn......... ........ . ................... 20 .i ............................. 18 15 1 33 36 12 8 6 4 5 4 5 2 15 4 9 0 1 3 4 60 41 36 (2).-Foods (60)20 Hams, 151b., bacon, 15b. ................... 10 Cured, smoked, spiced beef and mutton ........ .. 10 . .... ........ Honey, 121h. ............. 5 ... ..... Beeswax, 61b. .................... Bread, 21b. loaves, scones, 1 dozen............ .5 5 Confectionery and sweets. 31b. ................ Lard, tallow, oils 20 10 (3).-Fruit, Vegetables, and Boots, fresh and preserved (143)15 Fresh fruits, all kinds ...................... 25 5 Dried fruits ..................... 10 11 ....... 15 Preserved fruits and Jlnm ....... 15 10 Fresh vegetables ............................ 15 Pickles, sauces, etc. ....... ...................... 10 25 15 ......... Potatoes, S61bs., and roots........... 5 ... 10 Table pumpkins, squashes, nmarrow ............. 2 Cocoanuts and nuts ................... ........ 3 3 5 Vegetables end garden seeds ................ 0 5 .. ............ Arrowroot, 11b.............. 0 ......... ....... Cassava, 31b.. 0 5 ...... Ginger, 1b. .................. I ......... ... Sugar beet .... 143 (4).-Grains, &c. (70)Wheat ........ Maize 5 ... ................ . ......... 77 20 ............ 10 15 Barley .. Oats, rye, awl rice ........................ 70 (6).-Tropical Products (b).. Sugar cane, 24 stalks or 1 stool ..... . Cotton in seed, 101b., long staple ...... ....... .. ....... Coftee, 101b. .............. (6).-Tobaoco (10)Tobacco leaf, dried, 511. /I .... .. 30 .10 5 0 45 0 10 00 10 li.i 0 0 55 I 1. 28 (7).-Hay, Chaff, &c. (117)Hay, oaten, wheaten, lucerne, &c............. Grasses and their seeds ................... . Chaff, oaten, wheaten, lucerne ................ Ensilage, any form .......................... Cattle fodder, including pumpkins ............ Sorgham and millet ......................... . ......... ..... ....... Hemp, 51b. .......................... ........ Flax, 51b . Cow pea seed, 71b. .......................... .. Broom millet, 1011. .................... . . (8).-Wool (25)Greasy, 5 fleeces ............................ M ohair ..................................... (9).-Drinks, etc. (10)Temperance drinks, 6 bottles .. ............. 20 10 20 15 15 10 5 5 7 10 10 8 0 4 6 8 0 4 6 4 6 7 0 0 0 7 4 4 5 8 117 67 47 20 5 0 0 12 0 25 0 12 10 4 8 10 10 10 9 0 8 6 0 8 30 5 17 4 14 2 (10).-Women's and Children's Work (30)Needlework, knitting, fine art ................. School work, maps, writing, etc .............. Fancy work ................................ Miscellaneous articles of Commercial value .......... in nnt ...................... 2 (0 Time and labour-saving, useful articles, made on farm" 10 Effective arrangement of exhibits ................ 10 4 6 0 9 590 271 283 Plants and flnwers Totals .................................. ... S. ~iFgl~f*r~m'~'sw "f",. * " ; * '"'~~"r';~ r- s 29 Milking Tests. The results of the various Milking Tests are appended hereto. COW, 4 years old and over, averaging the greatest daily yield of Commercial Butter for 48 hours. Lactation points allowed. lb. Milk Com. Butter lb. Milk Com. Butter (1). B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorn. M 34.15 1.627 M 29.0 1.640 28.10 B 28.10 1,818 E 1.680 Total: 121.3 lbs. milk, yielding 6.765 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points, nil. (2). H. Marquardt & Son's Champion. M 24.4 1.252 M 20.10 1.005 20.9 E 19.15 1.077 E 1.158 Total: 85.6 lbs. milk, yielding 4.492 lbs. commercial butter. Lacttion points, 9.9. (3). Paul Moore's Lovely of Sunnyside. 27.14 1.165 M 27.12 , 1.230 M E 24.6 1.135 E 23.9 1.063 Total: 103.9 lbs. milk, yielding 4.593 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points, 2.9. COW, 4 years and over, avcragin Stihe greatest yield of Commercial Hutter for 48 hours. No lactation po lints. Com. Com. lb. Milk Test Butter lb. Milk Test Butter (1). B. O'Connor's Charm of Glentholrm. 1.640 4.8 29.0 M 34.15 4.0 1.627 M 1.680 5.0 28.10 E 28.10 5.4 1.818 E Total: 121.3 lbs. milk, yielding 6. 765 lbs. commercial butter. (2). Paul Moore's Lovely of Sunnysiide. M 27.12 3.8 1.230 M 27.14 3.6 1.165 E 23.9 3.9 1.063 E 24.6 4.0 1.135 Total: 103.9 lbs. milk, yielding 4.593 lbs. commercial butter. (3). M. Lawrence's Princess of City View. M 29.10 2.6 .896 M 28.3 3.5 1.147 E 26.5 3.8 1.173 E 27.0 4.2 1.330 Total: 111.2 lbs. milk, yielding 4.546 lbs. commercial butter. COW or HEIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest daily yield. of Commercial Butter for 48 hours. No lactation points. (1). W. F. Hammel's Violet. 2..0 M 3.8 1.030 1.145 4.1 M 23.14 I: 21.5 4.5 1.126 1,278 5.0 2112 E Total, 89.15 lbs. milk, yielding 4.579 lbs. commercial butter. (2). B. O'Connor's Tulip. M M 19.0 4.0 .880 E E 16.2 4.2 .795 Total: 70.6 lbs. milk, yielding 3.657 18.4 4.6 .982 17.0 5.0 1.000 lbs. commercial butter. (3). M. Lawrence's Present of Oity View. 16.6 3.8 .725 M 17.5 3.4. .679 M .766 E 14.11 4.1 .698 E 14.5 4.6 Total: 68.11 lbe. milk, yielding 2.868 lbs. commercial butter. ,' Bersup P - - w r~ssi ~sr ; 30 COW or HEIFER, under 4 years, averaging the greatest yield of Commercial Butter for 48 hours. Lactation points allowed. Com. Butter lb. Milk Com. Butter lb. Milk (1). W. F. Hammel's Violet. 1.030 23.0 M 1.145 23.14 M 1.126 21.5 E 1.278 21.12 E Lactabutter. commercial lbs. 4.579 yielding milk, Total: 89.15 lbs. tion points, nil. ** (2). B. O'Connor's Tulip. .982 18.4 M .880 19.0 M 1.000 17.0 E .795 16.2 E Total: 70.6 lbs. milk, yielding 3.657 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points, nil. (3). M. Lawrence's Present of City View. .725 16.6 M .679 17.5 M .766 14.5 E .698 14.11 1 Total: 62.11 lbs. milk, yielding 2.868 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points, 4.4. COW, yielding the largest supply of milk in 48 hours. lbs. Milk Test lbs. Milk Test (1). B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorn. (2). M. Lawrence's Princess of City View. 26.5 E Total: 111.2 lbs. milk. t83 35 27.0 4.2 27.11 25.5 3.1 3.8 E 3.8 4.8 5.0 29.0 28.10 M E 4.0 34.15 M 5.4 28.10 E Total: 121.3 lbs. milk. (3). B. O'Connor's Eva II. of Hill View. M 2.6 27.0 M E 3.3 25.1 E Total: 105.1 lbs. milk. NATIONAL CHAMPION BUTI'ER FAT TEST, for Cow (any breeding), averaging the greatest yield of butter fat for 48 hours. lbs. Milk lbs.Milk lbs. Milk lbs.Milk (1). B. O'Connor's Charm of Glenthorn (Illawarra). M M 28.10 E 34.15 E 29.0 28.10 Total: 121.3 lb. milk, yielding 6.76 lbs. commercial butter. 'Lactation points, nil. i: ".' Winner, 1918:-H. Benbow's Joyce; 122.12 lbs. milk, yielding 5.903 lbs. commercial butter. Lactation points, nil. n l*;'A l 'fTt1 -- T liii ii'' ** * 11•'i ~~~"IL~BP16~bibP"s~--L~kitu~P~W~ssl~apu 1 ' " :Pi~L~bWii~yi L~Y~Y~~EY~LPIYI-I I I 31 HOME MILKING COMPETITIONS. COWS or HEIFERS in all competitions averaging the greatest daily yield of Butter Fat for 48 hours, under babcock test, milk to contain on an average not less than 3 per cent. of butter fat. AYRSHIRES. (1). Jonas Holmes' Tidy B. 5th of Invercauld. lbs. Milk Test Com. Butter lbs. Milk Test Com. Butter 1.05 M 22j 3.8 1.00 M 23 3.8 4.0 .98 .98 E 21 E 21 4.0 Total: 88 lbs. milk, yielding 4.01 lbs. commercial butter. JERSEYS. (1). P. T. Green's Silver Crescent. M 5.0 1.06 M 20 5.7 1.34 18 E 14 4.0 .65 E 16 5.6 1.06 Total: 68 lbs. milk, yielding 4.11 lbs. commercial butter. (2). W. 8. Conochie's Brookland Mabel. E 4.4 .41 E 8 4.6 9 4.4 M 5.0 .53 .. M E 4.8 .39 E 8 4.6 lbs. milk, yielding 2.65 lbs. commercial butter. Total: ILLAWARRAS. (1). J. H. Wade's Alma of Wadedale. 2.03 5.4 M 32 30 5.2 1.84 M 1.88 6.4 E 25 27.5 5.5 1.75 E Total: 114.5 lbs. milk, yielding 7.50 Ibs. commercial butt or. (2). S. Mitchell's Model of Rosenthal. 36 3.6 1.47 M 1.51 M 35 3.6 1.47 35 3.6 1.50 E E 38 3.4 Total: 144 lbs. milk, yielding 5.95 lbs. commercial butter . (3). M. Lawrence's Princess of City View. M Noon Night Total: 3.6 211 M .85 3.8 19 3.9 Noon 21 1.00 4.0 21j 4.4 Night 14j .67 . 3.8 15 112k lbs. mIilk, yielding 5.125 lbs. commercial butter. .90 .96 .745 (4). H. Marquardt & Son's Champion. E M N Total: 16 19 17 1061bs. 3.7 E 18 .69 3.7 4.0 20 M 1.03 4.6 16 4.4 .84 N 4.2 milk, yielding 5.09 lbs. commercial butter. FBIEBIANS. .78 .93 .. 82 (1). P. P. Falt's Dairymaid. 31 3.6 1.30 M 3.0 1.15 M 33 1.13 4.4 1.19 E E 22 4.6 22 Total: 108 lbs. milk, yielding 4.77 lbs. commercial butter. (2). 8. H. Hosking's Duchess of Hanover o f Brry. 21 3.3 .81 M .81 20.5 3.4 M 3.6 .738 Noo)n 17.5 .78 3.8 Noon 17.5 17.5 3.8 .78 N .73 3.7 17 N Total: 111 lbs. milk, yielding 4.64 lbs. commercial butter. (3). Geo. Newman's Colantha Wild Rose. 27 4.0 1.86 M 1.09 3.8 24j M 23 4.2 1.13 E 1.08 4.1 221 E Total: 97 lbs. milk, yielding 4.56 lbs. commercial butter. (4). 8. H. Hosking's Moyts ~fLi It. GOwthifn M 3.4 .' .50 3.6, 17.5 M L5 .£) 3.6 Nooin 13.5 M 3.7 Noon 12 3.8 .60 N 135 4N 3.6 14 N Total: 85i Ibs. milk, yielding 3.58 lbs. oommeroial butter. '**'* f'l ^.<. -r:~.-y:j7---E'ur- .. .ic .~ n. I ,,r .i. * List of Prize Donors, 1920 Show. £ Meat Australian Export 5. '1. Club .. 2 Cu] Os 50 0 Department of Iefence .. 50 0 .. 50 0 50 35 0 0 29 4 25 0 . Coy., Ltd. Queensland Turf Clark, James .. Perkins & Coy., Ltd. Cadell, W. T. (trophy) .. .. Kodak (Aust.), Ltd. Brisbane Newspaper Coy., .... Ltd. (trophy) .... Shaw, E. J. .. LiUnited Queensland censed Victuallers' Assni. McDougall. C. E. ... .. Trenerry. H. S... See, J. C. M. Allan & Stark, Brisbane 0 0 20 0 15 15 Coy., .. .. Ltd. Ltd. . .. McWhirters. Ltd... Chambers, C. W.. Moreheads, Ltd. Caldwells Wines. Fenwick & Coy. Hardy Bros., Ltd. Berry, Henry & . . Isles & Co., . ... .. . . Ltd. 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 12 .. (trophy) Co., Ltd. Australiani Estates 15 12 12 Ltd... Anning, J. M. Coy., 0 Tranways Coy., Brisbane Newspaper Finney, 0 22 21 20 .. . . .. Ltd. 25 & . . 10 10 .. 10 10 M. .. 11 11 10 10 10 .. .. (trophy) Burns, J. Duhig, Archbishop . . . . . Gailey, Richard Horden, Anothony & Sons Logan, 0. 1). Murray, John & hons Newman, George (Cup) .. "Pastoral Review" Sydney . Reid, Mi's. John .. Steele, lCd ward . . .10 Stewart. Alex. & Sons, Ltd. Slade, W. I. Whittinghliami, 110n. A. I. M.L.C. ... . .. Wiley, Mrs. ( Lennron Iii.) Mainmniteiti. 1'ty., Ltd.. White, C. E. D. Wildridge, J. & Sniclali (Brisbane), Ltd. .. Dalgety & Coy., Ltd.. Hutton, J. C. Pty., Ltd... .. .. Hart, T. H. PLoton, A. C. Bottomley, J. . i'.P. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1O 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Dewar & Sons, John English, Scottish & Australian Bank, Ltd.. Fanning, J. J. Farmers' Co-op. Distribu ting Coy. of Qld., Ltd. Farmers' publishing Coy. Ltd. (Farmers' Gazetto) Fox, Matt. J. Gilbey's )rv Gin Prop. (loldsborough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Hill, Mrs. Lumley Ioey, Fry & ('oy. 5. & Cog., lAt l. Ioffnuni. Iowes Bros. & Cog., It . Labour I)nily Newspaper Coy., Ltd. Lonilon 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 8 8 8 7 8 0 6 6 Btik of Auostialiui Blros. MtLctaggart Midson, Moore. 10 10 10 10 8 .. Brishane Gas Co. Chapmans, Ltd. (troilhy) Chapmnntn & Snelling Brewery & Castlemaine Q.G. & Coy.. Ltd. Chn rles, W. M. Collins, Mrs. W. Cotton, A. J. Collins & Sons, John Campbell, James & Soits, Ltd. Australian Hardware Coy. Australian Mercantile Land & Finance Coy., Ltd. .. . . Barnes & Coy., Ltd. Beirne, T. C. & Coy.. Ltd. . . .. Blume, E. (1. Brodrlbb. Mrs. F. K. New Zealand I oaI1 & M.A. Coy., Ltd. Walker, I. E. & Coy. achiine (o. Singer Sewing (trophy) Anning. E. W. Australian Baink of ('ontornerce, Ltd. Baynes, IC. (trophy) Bell, R. A. Irowrn. Thomas & Sons, Ltdl. IBank of Auistrala sia HIaink of New South WVales K... lirod ri b., F. IBirt & Coy., Ltd... Ltd. Queensland, Bank of Brisbane Daily Mail, Ltd. Baynes, Tatd. Murray. A. .J M\rs. C. I. Murray, 1). & W., Ltd. Mci )onnrell & IEr st, Ild. McCoonnel & Kirk . New Zealand Insurance ('o. Neg)1e & ,Arglo-Swiss Cond. Milk Coy. Overells, Ltd. Murray-Prior, T. II. Queensland Ilekeejper s Association :T - - o 33 LIST OF PRIZE DONORS continued" Queensland Meat Export Coy., Ltd. Queensland National Bank Ltd. Queensland Pine Coy. Q'land Primary Producers' Co-operative Agency, Ltd., Brisbane Quinlan Gray & Coy. Proprietors Red Seal Rum Reid & Coy., Ltd., Robt. Rich, E. & Coy., Ltd. Rural Industries (Queensland), Ltd. Rowe's, Ltd. Ryan & Delaney .. Storle, J. Junr. (trophy) Surgical Supplies, Ltd. (trophy) Seppelt, B. & Sons, Ltd. .. "Sydney" Daily Telegraph" "Sydney Morning Herald" Telegraph Newspaper Coy., Ltd. Thurlow, R. W. & Co., Ltd. Thornhill Pastoral Coy... Tindal & Son Union Bank of Australia, Ltd. Walker & Hall (trophy) Wills, George & Coy. .. Williamson, Ltd., J. C. . Williams, Sidney & Coy... Wills, W. D. & H. O., (Australia), Ltd Winchcombe Carson, Ltd. M'ckav. J.J. P.F.A. Quarterley Magazine Ross, R. P. . . Stock & Station Journal Scott, J. R. Anderson, D. W. L. Commercial Banking Coy. of Sydney, Ltd. Commercial Bank of Australia, Ltd. . Cribb & Foote Foggitt, Jones & Coy. Foley Bros. "Jersey Enthusiast" Paul & Gray, Ltd. Laycock, Littledike & Coy. Papworth, A. C. . Queensland Brewery, Ltd. Stewart & Walker Sturmfels, Ltd. (trophy) Spencer, A. Stumm, C. Wildman, A. D. Bayard & Co. Briggs, J. & Sons (trophy) Chicago Jewellery Coy... City and Suburban Parcel Delivery Coy. Clark, G. C. Davey-Halliday Company, Ltd. Day, Victor Elllott Bros., Ltd. Foy & Gibson, Pty., Ltd. Gallagher, M. J .. Haynes, C. Lysaght, John (Au.), Ltd. McGregor, Robt. & Coy. . . Nissen, F. W. O'Shea, Hon. T. J. . . Olympic Cafe Proprietors Paxton, A. Powell, C. A. .. J'errett, H. S. Queensland Grazier and Wool Produce Journal Rhoades & Coy .. Siemon & Sons . Storey & Ramsay .. Symes, P. J. Stewart Dawson & Coy. (trophy) Watson, R. G. Australian Sugar Producers' Association.. Soden, J. Junr. (trophy) Hall, IF. R .. Thomas, Mrs. Lewis Gordon & Gotch (trophy) Watson, Ferguson & Coy. Ltd. Bourke, P. W. Bracker, A. E. Bassingthwaighte, C. 0. . Browne, F. A. Briggs, F. W. Baulch, J. Cusack, Thos. Carter, D. S. Donaldson, Archbishop Edwards, Dunlop & Coy. Ltd. Printing Coy. Exchange Finlayson, W. F .. Fresh Food & Ice Coy . Green, J. Gough, George & Sons, Ltd. Hardgrave, Mrs. J. Holmes, Mrs. M. (Belfast Hotel) Jackson, J. & Coy., Ltd. Joyce Bros. Judd, A. King, J. Lahey's, Ltd. Lissner, Mrs. E. (Albert Hotel) Mackay & Coy. (trophy) Major, G. W. Moffatt, Geo. Cowell, Sidney G. (McGuffle & Coy.) Morcoms, Ltd. McCook Bros. McLeod, A. (trophy) Nutting, J. B. Roberts, Mrs. (British Empire Hotel) Stewart, C. (Criterion Hotel) Taylor, Dr. W. F. . Worker Newspaper Co. Ltd. Joyce, Robt. Powell, Mrs. C. A. Webster, Geo. L. Devoy, J. N. Young, Geo. £ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 17 1 11 1 11 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lo 10 10 10 _______1___*_____a______________________ IJ :CI_1 I_/a __?_~R 314 LIFE MEMBERS. pleok, W. J., National Mutual Life Assn.. Queen street. oher, R: S., Gracemerei, Rockhampton. libald, R. J., Brisb;ane Milling Coy , outh Brisbane. .~A~mold, F. J., C/o Wm. A dams & Coy.. Ltd., Sldward & Mary Str'eets. -Arvier, Mrs. C. A., Melb ourne. iUadger, J. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Ltd., Countess Stree t. bIawnes, Chas. Edward, Canning Downs. Warwick. BSrnett, H. Wallace, C, o S. Wallace Barnett, John Cooke & Coy., Eagle St. ~anett, S. Wallace, Jo hn Cooke & Coy., Eagle Street. peu, Ernest, Brisban e. tiq, Robert, Kenilw orth, Eumundi. er, M., Park Avenute, East Brisbane. an, Thomas, Garfleldi, via Jericho. ne, Hon. T. C., M.L.C., Brunswick St., Valley. Coochin, Coo )chin M.L.A., T., Bel, . Boonah. Robert A., Trans continental Hotel, j1l George Street. ;ni am in, David, Creek Street. TyP. T., Henry Be trry & Coy., Ltd., 8 Collins Street, Melbourne. J. E., Perkins & Cloy., Ltd., Mary St. ley, H. V., Boundar: y Street, West End katock, S., Northan npton Downs, Blackall. :rake, Walter J., Stanl ey Street, South Brisbane. BSItge,C. H., Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Ltd.. Queen Street. F. K., "Kurt-owah," Gladstone *04rodribb, Road, South Brisbar ie. *tookes, H., Glentanner, Dalveen. Iron, Mrs. I. L.. Bo wen Terrace, New 5 'arm Bzown, John Junr, 20: 2 Bowen Terrace, New Farm. ~~parig, 0. E., CommeIrcal Union Chambers, Eagle Str .eet. Usiton, Arthur, Commetrcial Union assurance Coy., Ea gle Street. a~nell, R., Nanango. ASdII, W. T.. Deepwat er, New England, Now south Wales. J., Royal Hotel, Queen Street. S bell, Victor F'. J. James Campbell ne, Ltd., Creek Street. E. 8., Indooroo pilly. R, A., Longpock et Road, Indoorooiy E., Longreach Building, North slwrr, A OuiiW. B. Longreac.h Building, North Chae., Dia mantina Hospital, ro wall Street, So uth Brisbane. ie, A. W., Mark ets, Turbot Street. an. U., Wlokham Street, Valley. A. R., Warrington, Inglewood. ., Kerr Street, Toowong. eKerr Streiet, Toowong. 7 . H., Kerr Stre et, Toowong. ~-~"i~uw~ ~hhn. Comino, T. S., Turbot Street. Corrie, Douglas M., 113 Pitt Street, Sydney. Corrigan, 13. V., Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hills. Cory G. C., Toowoomba. Cotton, A. J., Hidden Vale, Grandchestr. Couldery, W. H.. "Walingham." Elizabeth Bay, Sydney. Cowley, Sir A. S., Toowong. Cowlishaw. Hon. J., M.T.C., Bowen Hills. Cribb, H. S., Ipswich. Delaney, J. T., [Delaneys Hotel, South Brisbane. I)eLittle, F. W., New Zealand Loan & M. A. Coy. Ltd., Eagle Street. Delpratt, J. H., Tambourine House, Bronfleet. Demack, W. H., Post tice, Bulimba. Devoy. J. N., Quinlant Gray & Coy.. Lid., Adelaide Street. Doyle, M. W. Moggill. Elliott, E. 11., Elliott Bros. Ltd., Eagle St. Evans, Chas., Windermere Road, Hamilton. Fauset, T. F., Eagle Street. Ferguson, James, Queen Street. Fielding. (G. A., McWhirters, Ltd., Vallsy. Finlayson, MI. H., Tutbot Street. Finlayson, W. F., Turlbot Street. Finucan, M., Matrket Street. Fletcher, D. Sear., Eurella, S. & W Rail. way. Fletcher, P., Eurella. S. & W. Railway Forster, G. C. D.. E.S.C.A., Ltd.. Edward Street. Forster, Miss I). M., Sutherland Avenue, Ascot. Fortescue, B., Q'land Brewery Ltd., Petries Bight. Fox, George, Yeronga. Frankel, Philip, Edward Street. Fraser, D. M.. Mundooluni, Beaudesert. Gailey, Richard, Courlier Buildings, Queen Street. Gailey, Richard Junr., Courier Buildings, Queen Street. Gorrie, A., Ermington Park, Ermington, New South Wales. Gould, S. G., Hooper & Harrison, Elizabeth Street. Gray, Hon. 0. W., M.L.C., Quinlan Gray & Coy., Ltd., Adelaide Street. (iunn, Donald, 3oolarnel Station, Goondiwindi. Hardgrave, Philip, Wellington Point. Hart, B., c/o F. M. Hart & Co., Wharf St. Harte, A. E., Queen Street. Hayes, J. A., Park Parade, Sandgate. Hayes, Owen, Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. Hemming, H. B., Harding Chambers, Adelaide Street. Hewitt, Geo., 846 Queen Street. Hill, Mrs. E. Lumley, Bellvue House, Bellevue. Hill, Robert S., "Warwickahire," Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. Hiron, John, Toowong. Hollis, W., Hooper, George, Esher, Westwood. OICllllli ~i~uur~v-~uurUr~P~P~rWI~L~P~~YI~P ~R... ~ it ~;;b~g~b~i~E~L BYP)*y;~;~~i~ . 35f LIFE MEMBERS continued. Irving, J. Washingtn, MI.IC..S.L., Anni Street. Jackson, George F:. lobrt Jackson. Llt., Eiale Street. Jackson, James T., Riobet Jackson, Ltd., Eagle Street Itoad. Jewell, . A., "G:lenview,." Anlneley South Bribne. .lames, Cnada C'ycle & .ltcvz Johnston, Agency Ltd., Creek Street. Johnston, X., Mlarkets, Tu~bot Street. Jollffe. i. A, Oford Sti'eet, ulimba. Jones D. 0,. 5., Teebar. Broweejia. Jost, J. P'.. .Iotale, ankey . Keating. (Jenige F'., ,ry Wa Sticet, V~lle. K~ing, WV.M., Queeni Steet. RI.Iobet St~et, 'Loowon. KingsburJ , J. Kilaasse, C. ~.,"Sedg noot,'' Queens Roa, Hailton. Kilausn, C. . It.. 'Sedglnoo,," Quen's ilaasseri. .Jams, "Seg~iiooi','" Quee's ltd. -lamee. io a.:l~ll~r.' Ue~' ~~ Klaassen .1j. 8, "Se~lxiio," Queen's Itoa. Ikoilton. Laidlaw, H. I"., Gievy Stret, th. Brline. Lane, Dr. Mlorganl, Un',ion Tutee Chmbers~ Queen Street. Lees, Gilbe~t, Thos. B~othwick & Son., Lt., W'hrf Stret. ~oet Vale itchell. lethbridge, J;. F'.. Lomax, Athurit1., Ynd tilla. Long, T. T. T., &l o chamerls, .\ lcS; b & Mecali, Adlelaide Street. Lord, Arthur B., Victoiai Dot'ns. 1\iorven. Lord, E. F., Eskdle, Esk. Lord, Roert ., Vic~to~ia I owns. Morven. Ch'tbrers. Mlacdonald, Joh. Uioicn Bik Queen Steet. P'lace. I'clster Macdonaldl, DUua, StN via InewAh. Macky, Hi. S., "Caiwnore Wood,' Galloway's Hill. Marks, Dr. A. H., 109 W'ickhainl Terra:ce.. t~eet, South Mildeon, Arthut', Ednonstone Brisbale. M\otfatt, Geo~ge, Toork, 1-am itot. Monteith, enry~, 334-U-81 Queen SI et't. Hills, Blackl. Murray, Gavin H., own Murry, N. H., Beaconsel, Ilfiacounbe. E. WY.. Mouit BisJbae, Isk. -MeConnel, McCulou1, .Miss . It., c 'o D,. fl McCullouh, 80 Queenl Stret. McCullough,, 1). B., 80 Queen St~eet. McDonald, Harry,~~BynesJ, Yaamba, Sttion. Yaamba McDougall, C. E., Lyndhurstet XWnrwick. (l ittie MlcQill, Walter, Aanor, St~eet. McLeod, A., Elizbeth McLeod, U. W., Fenwik & Coy., Edtward Street. & Co., Edwardl~ MeIeod, J. J. W., Fenlwick Street. MoLeod, Scott, Terrica Station, Inglewooc. Noble, H. ., Eagle Street. Hornsby's Buildinga, NoysmArthr ~t., ~arry, 93 Margarutet Streetf. O'Relly, Oxle , . UIitlith. 864-6( Queen Street. Pegler, Hanrry. Coonin Station, Quilpie. l'euuuy, J., Iealty Dev~lopment Coy., Queen Streret. Petrry, G. H., Albert Street. Tabrgalba. Beaudesrt. Pe~sse De BJu~gh, PikWOuth, C. H., Singer Sewing Machine ('os., Qdueeni Steet. l-'oi ntol, A.. 'Danore,' La~itside Road, Hamilton. Turbot St P~ratt, Thoes., Fruit Exchange, Halite, I.. toma Street. I :Lcmsy . . L,., Ha trow, 'amhbooya. Reid, M~s. John, Co J. c'. Hutton Ppt~ L~td.. Itoma Stret. Ridley, It. P., Co S. X. Iiley, "Loch Lottotd,''l 011'ile I ~t.. Ma;rrlckville. I(tbv. XV. A., South It~itish Insurance Coy., Queen Stree. 1-oets, '. A.. Netles &' Anglo-Swiss Cod. M\ilki Coy., Anln Street. Robertsn, H-., 'Halwy~l,' bbott Street, New Farml. Stret. Wooloowin. Rss A. H., W~ride & M. Riyn. Mi., d/o Austua:lina~ Esta~tes Coy. Ltd., C~eek Street. Sabine, F. W., Geolrge Wills & Coy., Ltd., Whar'f Steet. Savae, A. H., C, o X. F:. Savage, Uniofi Bak Chmber. Q.ueent St~eet. Savag. WV. B., Unioni Bank Chambers, Queenl St~eet. & Co., Ltd., Eagle Selpelt, . A., Sepeit Street. Snooiu F., ailwa'. Stores. Countess St. Simpon, G:eorg.e M., "Stonehenge," T.P.O., Northern Mail. New South Wales. South, F. L,., Kodak~l trust.) Ltd.. Queen St. Lyndle. Dlby. Sprkes, .lame, Stephlen. Hon. X.. .L.C., "Waldheim." Ipw~ith~ Road. Anneley. Steen, I., C'/o W. I. Scott, Queen Street. Hio. NS. J., .. C., Southport. Steens, teart, A\. L., Alexandler Stewart & Sons, Ltd., Queen St~eet. Stewa~t, A. D.. Bald ilsb. Stewart & Stew~rt, John K.. Alexander ;ons. Ltd., Queen Street. Taylor. J., Clifo~d House, Toowoomba Cpt. R. S., Eale Street. Ta lor , Ta~lor, T. McI., Moreheds Ltd., Mary St. Tima, . W., Strthpine. Tinm, W. D., Strthp~ne. Tunly, Xm. J., Joyce Bro., Ltd., Stanley Street, South ~ribnie. Watson, (I. W.. Tandawanna, Bungunys." Watson, Richard .. Inns of Court, Adelaide Street. Webster F". HI., Mary'? Stret. Weedlon. War~en. "Iln isfa II, Wiahaxm White, John, Crricks ILt., Saul Street. Whittlngham, Hon. A. .. Hamilton. Willims., John, Railway Traffic Offce Roma Street. Wilson, Harold H.. ayndh. Witham, W. L., Rose Street, Anner~y. *d ceileJ. E.. "Mlolonga."' Bnk Ra4. * Young, ~~1E"~T : ~ I '~,:: ;-Tt r 36 'r I, lil ANNUAL MEMBERS, 1920. Abbott, T. J., Messrs. Grainger & Faulkner, Bingleton, N.S.W. Abel W., Ravenworth, Widgee, Woolooga. E. G., 187 Queen Street. e, E. H., Chief Secretary's George Street. 'beroromble, Jack, Rocklea. Lbercromble, W. Office, W. Commelcial Bank of Sydney, Queen Street. berdeen, M. C., 79 Gladstone Rd., South S Brisbane. A'braham, T. C., Rothwell's Ltd., Edward Street. , ms, J. JH., Brunswick Street, Valley. m^son, ., "Spinny Moor," Dora Street, Add, D., Roma Street. Street. ltson,eG. H. M., Kodak Buildings, Queen S -Aduett, B. J. J., Annerley Road, Annerley. jAleck, W. J., Grasmere, Petrie. * ern, George, Sandy Creek, Kilcoy. Miles, W., Mary Street. Ilken, A. G., Custom House. Alers, R. A., Woodside, Charleville. Acooek, H., Toorak Road, Hamilton. Ader, E. H., Old Sandgate Rd., Albion. Alder, J., Commissioner's Office, Railway Dept., George Street. Aler, J. A., "Alton," St. Lucia Road, Toowong. Alder, O. E., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Alexander, Allan, Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elisabeth Street. Alexander, E. C., Avon Cottage, Fourth Avenue, Sandgate. Alexander. R. A., Fruit Exchange, Turbot Street. Altord, John, C/o G. Curr, Dundee, N.S.W. Allan, D. N., Q'land Primaly Producers Co-op. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Allan, James, Allan & Stark, Ltd., Queen Street. Allan, Dr. Marshall, Wickham Terrace. Allen A. E., Corner Eagle & Mary Streets. Allen. C. A., C/o E. F. Broad,Ltd., 41 Edward Street. Allen, James D., Allendale, Morven. Allen, Joseph, Markets, Turbot Street. "len, R. J., Gray's Road, Hamilton. Alen, T. M., F. Crago & Sons, Ltd., Ellsabeth Street. D. F., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. .ABan, J. Jnr., Guy Street, Warwick. Ml rnS. L. H., 26 Preston House, Queen St. 4lom, S. R. F., Fitsroy Buildings, Adelaide Street. Sllport, R. K., Sayers Allport Propty., Ltd., Macquarle Street, Sydney. ,. I ro., J.. C/o Wunderlich, Ltd., Amelia ;Ai5Pan, . o Street, Valley. L. QG., Rees Avenue, Coorparoo. ,W. G., "Hilloroft," Dornoch Terrace "al 'hgate Hill. Norman, Dublin Street, Clayfleld. ijMO, O. L., "Sydenham," Wickham Ter. rMerson, A., Oriental Hotel, Albert St. f; - ,* * ?-*"..t\ ' . Anderson, A. B., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty.. Ltd., Roma Street. Anderson, Alexander, Junction Road, Clayfield. Anderson, Dr. A. Gerard, Windsor Road, Red Hill. Anderson, Chas., Junr., William Street, off Gregory Terrace. Anderson, D. W. L., 343 Queen Street. Anderson, F. J., "Kynnersley," Junction Road, Clayfield. Anderson, James, "Bagot Ville," Wellington Street, Wooloowin. Anderson, J., Central Telephone Exchange, G.P.O., Brisbane. Anderson, John, Fairview, Southbrook. Anderson, T. G., Corner Annerley Rd. and Louis St., Annerley. Anderson, V., Gordon St., Coorparoo. Anderson, W. S., 341 Queen Street. Andrews, A., 155 Fortescue Street, Spring Hill. Andonara, A., Olympic Cafe, Queen Street. Andrew, F. W., Sydney Street, New Farm. Andrews, B., Municipal Markets, Roma St. Andrews, S., Ashgrove, Tallebudgera. Anderews, T. R. L., Andrews Street, Cannon Hill. Angas, C. H., Collingrove, Angaston, South Australia. Anning, Eric W., Lancaster Rd., Ascot. Anning, J. M., C/o Australian Estates & M, Coy.. Ltd. Creek Street. J., Southport. Appel, HIon. . Archdall, M. H., Lower Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Archer, Allister, Archer Bros., Gracemere. Archer, John, Torsdale, Gladstone. Archer, J. W., Mt. Moriah, Kilcoy. Archer, L., Lutwyche Rd., Lutwyche. Archer, W., Lutwyche Rd., Lutwyche. Archibald, J., Albion Post Office. Archibald, J. E., Maryborough. Archibald, R. J., Brisbane Milling Coy., South Brisbane. Arkell, James C., "Nyoola," Alderley. Arkell, W., Markets, Turbot Street. Armstrong, J., Race View, Charleville. Armstrong, Miss Kate, Disputed Plains, Lismore, N.S.W. Armstrong, Miss M., Disputed Plains, Lismore, N.S.W. Armstrong, W. A., Eagle Chambers, Eagle Street. Armstrong, W. D., Parliament House, Brisbane. Arnold, W. E. N., Toohey Street, off Logan Road, South Brisbane. Arnold, W. H., Railway Dept. George St. Arthur, J., Braeside, Barcaldine. Arthy, C., Adelaide Street. Ash, F. W., Commonwealth Buildings, Adelaide Street. Ash, H., C/o Samuel Allen & Sons, Albert Street. Ash, J. B., Adelaide Street. ~~~ ;-:'*,~ F ''' . ii~~".' ' / > '::n.i :- .^'**. * ' , : 37 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Ashburn, J. M., New Sandgate Road, Clayfleld. Ashby, A. P., Savoy Hotel, Edward St. Ashby, H. 0., 80 Wickham St., Valley. Ashby, James, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd., George Street. Ashworth, Herbert, C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. Asprey, B., Stevenson Street, Ascot. Asprey, J. L., Tattersall's Club, Adelaide St. Astill, Alfred, Moorooka, South Coast Line. .\therton, J. H., Mivd Station. Miva. Atkin, J. T., Brisbane Scale Works, South Brisbane. Atkin, W. H., Walnut Street, South Wynnum. Atkins, E., Brunswick Street, Valley. Atkins, F. J., Coorada Station, Taroom. Atkinson, G. F. H., Richmond River Timber Coy., South Brisbane. Atkinson, H. W., Fitzroy Chambers, Adelaide Street. Atthow, A. R., Avoca, Linville. Atthow, G. A., Clayfleld. Atthow, G. E., Arrababy. Moore. Atthow, W., C/o Miss M. Logan, Pineview, Kilcoy. Atthow, W. H., C/o A. Langdan, Adelaide Street, Clayfleld. Austin, H. L., Eli Elwah, Hay, N.S.W. Austin. W. H., Lamington Terrace, South Brisbane. Axon, A. E., 296/298 Queen Street. \ylwin, A. M. Ayscough, E. L., Grosvenor Road, Indooroopilly. Rach. Richard, Salopian Park, Oakey. Hackhouse, W., Killarney South. Bacon. Wm., Clermont. Ilagnell, T. C., Canungra. Bailey, C. E., C/o Chas. Willert, 454 Edwarl Street. Halley, C. H., Scott's Road, Kelvin Grove. Hailey, J., Thomas Street, Red Hill. Bailey, P. J., "Deereen," Woombye. Iallev, Robert James, Nevertire, Many Peaks. Haines, J. E., Hotel Wickham, Valley. Baker, Enoch. Wickham Street, Valley. Ilaker, E. S., Logan Road, South Brisbane. BFaker, G., Binda, Armidale, N.S.W. lBaker, Percy N., "Kooyong," Adelaide St., Clayfleld, :Haker, R., Caboolture. Haldwin, D., New Sandgate Road. Clayfleld. I:aldwin, Maurice, Q'land Turf Club, Creek Street. Hale, A. W., "Kensington." Windsor. Hall, Henry, Rosebank, Many Peaks. Ball, H. B., Merrivale St., South Brisbane. Hall, J. E., Rosebank, Many Peaks. Ialmer, A. S., Sandy Creek, Bromelton. liamberry, J. N., Maryvale, Elbow Valley, via Warwick. lanks, J. F., Blackall. Hranke, W. E., Hipwood Road, Toorak Road, Hamilton. Ianff, John, Coominya. Harber, T. M., C/o Brabant & Co., Charlotte Street. Harbour, James, I.S.O., Glenken, Biarra, BEk. Harbour, James Junr., Glenken, Blarra, BUk. Barker, G. H., 225 Albert Street. Barker, J. W., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. Barkley, H., Stone's Corner, Coorparoo. Barlow, A. C., John Cooke & Coy., Eagle St. Barlow, T., Oxford Street, Bulin ba. Barltrop, Wm. H., Jackson St., Hamilton. Barnes, C. G., Bolivia Station, Bolivia, N.S.W. Barnes, F. J. W., Roma Street. Barnes, John H. S., Canning Downs, Warwick. Barnes, Hon. W. H., Roma Street. Barnes, W. J., Cedar Grove. Barnes, Walter Thomas. 154 Edward St. Barnett, F. G., Maynard Street, Woolloongabba. Barnett, E. J., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Blackall. Barnett, J. G., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd., Roma Street. Barnett, R. J. S., Barlow Street, Clayfleld. Barnsley, F., Hurstville, Sydney. Barron, A. C., Howes Bros. & Coy., Roma Street. Barron, J., "Wyalla," Kedron. Barron, P. R., Princess Street, Taringa. Barrow, C. W., 99-101 Wharf Street. Barry, John A., Union Street, Nundah. Barry, James, 375 George Street. Barry, M. J., Queen Street. Barry, T. T., 556 Petrles Bight, City. Blarstow, C. B., 142 Charlotte Street. Barstow, E., Highgate Hill. South Brisbane Barter, George, Merivale Street, Souht Brisbane. Bartlett, G. A., Latrobe Terrace, Paddington. Barton, E. J. T., 25 Town Hall Chambers, Queen Street. Barton, R. G., Toweran Station, Lowmead. Bashford, Henry, Ann St, Maryborough. Bassett, S. S., Romaville Vineyards, Roma. Bassingthwaigthe, Charles O., Niagara, via Bell. Bassingthwaighte, E., Jinghi Jinghi, Jondowae. Bassingthwaighte, E., Diamondy, Jondowae. Bassingthwaighte, George E., Rosevale, Jondowae. Bassingthwaighte, H. V., Diamondy, Jondowae. Bassingthwaighte, Muir, Jinghi Jinghi, Jondowae. Bates, J. W., Maryborough. Bates, R. W., Quirk's Lighting & E., Ltd., 24-28 Wharf Street. Bates, W. A. A., Fernleigh, Lakeside. Bath, Thos., 97 Broadway, East Camberwell, Victoria. Batt, W. T., Norman Street, Wooloowin. Bathe, George, Bristol Street, West End. Bauer, T. F., C/o Mulcahy's Garage, Gotha Street, Valley. Baulch, Chas., Kullee, via Laidley. Baulch, John, Lake Claredon, Gatton. Baxter, R., Australian Estates & M. Coy., Creek Street. Bayard, G. A., Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. Baynes, Arthur, Adelaide Street. Baynes, W. S., C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. ) _ __lmL_ ~_ ~ 3E ~~ -~~ i_ i = i 3-L-- --- _-----------5 -i L= _ ^ =__5a -i2~i~ ~l : ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. 5 Rockhampton. s. T., Marsden Street, Clayfield. Li. Treasury Dept., Queen Street. T. R., Beamish & Taylor, Union | Aan Cham hPrc Qniian Bentley, R. H., South Coast Dairy Coy., Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. Bere, H. S., Southport. Bergn, B., Toomoo, Hillside Crescent, Hamilton. Bergin, Hugh P., Albert Street. Berkman, G., "Marple," Park Road, South Brisbane. Berry, A. E., Costin Street, Valley. Berry, P. B., Booth & Coy., Isles, Love Buildings, Adelaide Street. Bertram, W., M.L.A., Parliament House, Brisbane. Besley, F. W., Besley & Pike, Alfred St., ', alley. Best. John, Winifred Street, Clayfleld. Betty, C. H., Russell Street, Toowoomba. Beynon, Walter, Inns of Court, Adelaide Street. Bick, E. W., lIotanic Gardens, Brisbane. Bick. W. T., Bowen Bridge Road. Biddle, R. E., Yerongpilly, S. C. Line. Biddies, P., Home Park, Netherby, N. C. L. Biddulph, F. W., Mindoon, Palmwoods, North Coast Line. Biggs, Henry, 135 Edward Street. Biggs, James S., Globe Hotel, Adelaide St. Biggs, T. W., Celtic Chambers, George St. Biggs, T., Elizabeth Street. Billlington, R., Hamilton. Billington, W. H., Walmer, Warra. Birch, Fred., Stanley Street, Taringa. Birch, James, Thomson Bros. & Birch, Ltd., George Street. Bird, John, Pullen Vale, via Indooroopilly. Bird, R. S., 18 Wickham Street, Valley. Birkbeck, G. H., James Street, Wooloowin. Birley, Arthur, London Bank Chambers. Creek Street. lirley, L., Main St., Kangaroo Point. Biscoe, Robt., McLennan Street, Albion. Bishop, Wallace. Swan Road, Taringa. ilssell, A. H. H., 95-97 Eagle Street. Black, A., Pajingo Station, Charters Towers. Black, Hugh, Grand Hotel, Beaudesert. Black, John, 121 Queen Street. Black, Robert, Courier Buildings, Queen Street. *Black, Stathe, Cafe Ithaca, Queen Street. Blr.ck, .\V R., Union IlaniK Chamoers, Queen Street. Blacklock, G. H , Hornsby & Sons, Ltd., Queen Street. Blacklock, H., Australian Disinfectant Coy., Rothwell's Chambers, Edward St Blacklock, W., Hendra. Blackwood, A., 246a George Street. Blair, A. W. B. Shafeton Avenue, Kangaroo Point. Blakey, W., Wellington Street, Wooloowin Bland, C. E., Manly. Blank, C., Bowen Bridge Road. Blanshard, F. D., Swallow & Arlell, Ltd., Adelaide Street. Bligh, Arthur C. V., Condamine Plains, Brookstead. Bliss, R. L., C/o Robert Reid & Coy., Edward Street. Blocksidge, O. H., Queen Street. Bloos, Chas., "Wrotham," Junction Road, Ifendra. Blume, E. G., Stanley Hall, Ascot. Blundell, P. A., Q'land Trustees Ltd., *treat ard, E. J., 10 New Zealand Chambers, Queen Street. lardmore, E. R., Dalgety's Buildings. Blisabeth Street. arup, James, Winifred & Drane Streets. Clayfield. asley, A. H., Campbell's Building, <'-er S*reet E. R., Wilston Road, Newmarket. R. H., Wilston Road, Newmarket. Thos., Warwick. r. H., 52 Queen Street. LslU, .. , KenllworLn, Euinunii. ittie, Miss E. I., Girls' School, Warwick. Ittle, J. A., Gisborne Park, Gisborne. i^ <,*+t ri r, James R., Dunbarton, Taroom. r, W. J., Coorado, Taroom. sann, W., Mulgowie, via Laidley. oled, E. J., Isaac Street, Paddington. , W. W., Mundubbera. . J. G.. Marston. Wondai. P., Racecourse Road, Ascot. lorif, C., Bunjurgen, via loonah Jonah, Q'land Machinery Coy., ert Street. R., Bank of New South Wales, Valley. B.ll, A., Ann Street, Valley. Albert, Chermslde Street, Hendra. :.ll, Bell, A. G., Light Street, Bowen Hills. 'Bell, Major B. C., Coochin Coochin, Boonah Be11, E. Austin, London Bank Chambers. Queen Street. Bell. Miss E. G., Coochin Coochin, Boonah. 3Bll, J. D., James Campbell & Sons. Ltd.. Creek Street. Norman M., Adelaide Street. P., Strathpilne. 1, Richard, Carthona, Emu Park, via 3.1t, krnlh < ,'Ttnn Roy M., Eskdale South. Esk. T. A., Gladstone Road, South Brishane V. Douglas, Coochin Coochin, Boonah. Mrs. Win., ('iarthona, Emnu Il'rk t ocKnampon. li William, Makerston Street. 1 W. H., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. lgrove, W. G., Barlow Street, Clayfield. nett, A. R., 151 Queen Street. nett, F. H., C/o George Wills & Coy., Wharf St. Be n nett, F. J.. Vulture Street, Sourt' Brlsbane. "BnRnett, G. F. C., Dornoch Terrace. WoNst Bnd ' Fitzroy Buildings. et. t. lion Bank Chambers, araba Road, via Gympie isular Station, via I tters & Benson, Wickham Q'land Trustees, Ltd., iriemont Mallow, via LitJi).,ZK.MJkl L~-Y~C~*III~I Queen Street. l -^; .*"& ^^.li**l -,. &A7 JtAia I~~~iZ\/ IPYY*~1IYI P : '...l!,/...*. IIYaLIEU~L~~j~J L ;,*' . .- . / rL*UJI*iZ*I.~ ~Zli.- ~iYirl. I I 39 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Blundell, R. P. Major, Swan Road, Taringa. Blythe, A. G., Winton. Boden, E. H., Butler Street, Albion. Boden, J. L., Rifle Range, Enoggera. Bolton, Chas, Charlton Street, Ascot. Bolton, J. M., Custom House, Queen Street. Bond, G. G., Waterton Street, Annerley. Bond, G. I., Australian Hardware Coy., Queen Street. Bond, L. M., Perry Bros., Albert Street. Bonnell, E. J., Cooroy. Bonney, N., D'Aguilar, Kilcoy Line. Bonnor, Chapman, Lincoln Hills, Wilson's Downsfalls, N.S.W. Booker, Charles J., Woolooga, Theebine. Booker, Desmond, "Rertholie," Moray St.. New Farm. Booth, Charles C., 61 Queen Stieet. Booth, E. Bell, Brisbane Tramways C(oy.. Ltd., Countess Street. Booth, John, Ascot. Booth, W., Racecourse Road, Ascot. Borton, F., Burren Downs, Jondowae. Borton. M. W., Toowoomba. Bostock, H. A., Ipswich. Bothwell, J., Norman IPark. Bott, Chas. F., 71 Ann Street, City. Bottomley, C. 1'., Coronella, Warra. Bottomley, J. P., Ipswich. Bouchard, A. C., Howard Street, Bayswater Bouchard, T. W., Bouchard & Holland. Queen Street. Boultbee, Bernard, 334 Queen Street. Boulton, E. H., Orministon, Cleveland Line. Bourke, Norman, Richmond. North Queensland. Bourne, H., Leichhardt Street, Valley. Bourne, J. F., Leichhardt Street, Valley. Bowcher, F., 105 Eagle Street. Bowden, J., Sherwood. Bower, Win., "Longlield," Mlulluiniinby, N.S.W. Bowly, Chas., Parbury House, Eagle St. Bowman, D. J., \Varasdale, Charleville. Bowman, F. J. M., Albany DownsR Mitchell. Bowman, H., Eagle Street, City. Bowman, T. J. Bowman, W. R., 377 Queen Street. Bowser, E. A., Manly. Bowser, W. H., O'Connelltown Quarries. Windsor. Boyce, A. L. E. C., Australian Mercantile L. & F. Coy., Creek Street. Boyd, A. J., Cameron Street, West. End. Boyd, W., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Boyes, John W., Agnes Street, Torwood. Boyle, M. A., Thorn Street, Ipswich. Brabazon, C. J., Elderslie Station, Wintoni. Bracker, A. E., Edgecumbe, Texas. Bracker, H., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. Bracker, L., Cobba-da-manna. Bracker, W., Lasbrook, Cobba-da-manna. Bracker, W. R., Cobba-da-manna. Bradb'urn, W. J., Allen Street, Hamilton. Bradbury, A. E., Hanson Terrace, Nundah. Bradfield, E. V., Villlers Street, New Farm. Bradfleld, H. J., Vlllliers Street, New Farm. Bradford, E. E., Bank of New South 'ales, Fortitude Valley. Bradford, F. W., 146 Arthur Street, New Farm. Bradley, F., Bradley & Holland, Albert Square. Bradley John. Jackson St., Indooroqpilly. Bradly, W., "Arwin Tell," Mackay Street, WIndsor. Brady, A. B., Department of Public Works, George Street. Brady, T., 464 Leichhardt Street, Valley. Brake, Albert, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Brake, W., Burleigh Heads, S. C. Line. Brake, W. T., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Brake, W. T. H., Lewis Street, off LoganRoad, South Brisbane. Brazier, Fred., 96 Vulture Street West, South Brisbane. Brenan, J. O'N., Immigration Office, Brisbane. Brennan, H. D., King Street, ThompobR Estate. Brennan, Wm., Croftby, Coochin. Brentnall, Hon. F. T., Coorparoo. Brett, B. C., E. S. & A. Bank Chambers, Eagle Street. Brett, J. F., E. S. & A. Bank Chambers, Eagle Street. Bretz, A., McLennan Street, Albion. Brewer, E., Eudlo, N. C. Line. Briggs, C. K., State School, Belmont. Briggs, F. W., Politic, Aramac. Briggs, J., Briggs & Son, George Street. Briggs, P. A., Edward Street. Bright, C. A., McMaster Street, Nundah. Broad, H. W., E. F. Broad, Ltd., 41-43 Edward Street. Broadbent, A., Roma Street. Brockhurst, S., Wooloowin. Lrockway, Dr. A. B., "Thrums," Wickham Terrace. Brodie, D. F., Laguna, Augathella. Brodie, W. H., Union Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Bromfleld, Merragallan, Atherton. Bromiley, C. H., McGregor Street, Wilston. Brook, J. W., Queen Street Brook, R., Lakeside. Brookes, W., Bundaberg. Broom, A. M., Booyan, via Moorland, N.C.L Broom, Norman W., "Miara," via Yartran North Coast Line. Brosnan, John, Kodak Buildings, Queen Street. Brosnan, T. J., Charlton Street, Ascot. Brosnan, T. P., Royal Wine Cafe, Queen Street. Brotherton, H., Junction Road, Clayfield. Brown, B. Percy, Jordan Terrace, Bowe Hills. Brown. H. R. S.. Bank of Queensland, Valley. Brown, F. U., Mooroombin, Box 23, Toogoolawah. Brown, George, Brown & Broad, Ltd., . Newstead. Brown, (G. E., Brown's Creek, Narangbf. North Coast Line. Brown, G. H., Tambo. Brown, G. M., Taringa. Brown, Horace A., Fourth Avenue, Wilator Brown, H. R., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street.. Brown, J. W., "Ulenelg," Killcoy. *. Brown, J. W., The Springs, Laldley. Brown, M., Nudgee. Brown, Norwood, Australian Bank of. Commerce, Queen Street. Brown, Robert, Busacott & Coy., Petr Bight. Brown, T. O., Thos. Brown & Sons, U Eagle Street. AQ 40 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. IM W., Jeay Street, Bowen Hills. Wm, Barron, 37 Hill Street, gory Terrace. A. J., Durnam Downs, rjoma. F. A., Beaconsfield, Roma. 1 Graham R. Dr., Preston House, in Street. H., Land Court of Queensland, rge Street. J. A., Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide t Bt. L. J.,Mvarmaue, ualoy. ~e1?i( I. S., The Palms, Wellington Pt. ol. R. Spencer, Junction Road, 1i Junction. 45O Wm., Blackall. A., Foggitt, Jones & Coy., t Street. P1nncn, J. u., uepartment of Agriculture & Stock. William Street. Dr. R., "Craigaton," Wickham ce. H., Jelbyn, Beaudesert. H., Parbury House, Eagle Street , D., Esk. , G., Toowoomba. Nigel G., Biarra, Esk. {i, , W. A., Morayfield, N. C. Line. , W. H., Graceville. T., 41 Bartley Street, off lam Terrace. a., Sanitarium Health Food Coy.. rd Street. Butterworth, H., Lapraik Street, Albion. Butterworth, S., Brown Street, New Farm. Buzacott, W. J., New Sandgate Road, Clayfleld. Byerley, A. C., Gladstone Road, South Brisbane. Byers, John, Stafford Road, Kedron. Byram, H. W., Moray & Sydney Streets, New Farm. Byres, R. G., Thos. Brown & Sons, Ltd., Eagle Street. Byrne, Edward, C/o Mrs. J. Cruse, Bridge Street, Albion. Byrne, George. Byrne, G. R., Town Hall, Queen Street. Byrne, J., Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. Byrne, W. H., Brunswick Street, Valley. Byron, E. M., Allison Street, Mayne. Cahill, Major W. G., Newmarket. Cain, J., Madowla Park, Picola, Vic. Cain, W. C., Madowla Park, Picola, Vic. Caine, C. J., "Bowenville," Ascot. Cairns, A., Short Street, Norman Park. Caldercoat, E. J. W., "Winterburn," Moreton Street, New Farm. Callaghaq, J. I., C/o Perkins & Co., Mary Street. Callaghan. J. V., 602 Brunswick Street, New Farm. Callaghan, M., Grand Hotel, Esk. Cambage, W., Cooroy. Cameron, Dr. A. Donald, 97 Wickham Terrace. Cameron, I). A., Woodlands, Mitchell. Cameron, D. C. K., United Pastoralists Assn., Union Bank Chambers, Queen St. Cameron, I)Dr. J. A., East Street, Ipswich. Cameron, John, "Montpelier," Wickham Terrace. Cameron, J. B., Beachmont, via Nerang. Cameron, J. G., "Lochlel," Toorak Road, Hamilton. Cameron, Kenneth B., "Coomoomie," Miles. Cameron, Dr. M. L., Vulture & Stephens Streets, South Brisbane. Cameron, Pearson W., Nicholas Street, Ipswich. Cameron, Robert, Monomby, Cooladdie, S. W. Railway. Cameron, T. H., Anakie. Cameron, Stuart, W., Brisbane Real Estate Mart., opp. G. P. O. Cameron, W. F., Brisbane Real Estate Mart., opp. G. P. O. Campbell, A. D., Albion Bakery, Albion. Campbell, A. W., Q'land Primary Producers Co-op. Agency, Ltd., Eagle Street. Campbell, Colin, International Agency Coy., Edward Street. Campbell, C., Water Street, Red Hill. Campbell, C. B., Guthrlie Street, Rosalie. Campbell, C. W., Sawmills, Albion. Campbell, E., Wonbah, Bundaberg. Campbell, E. T., 331 Queen Street. Campbell, G. P., James Campbell & Sons, Ltd., Creek Street. Campbell, Hugh, "Dalmin," Hurdcotte St., Enoggera. Campbell, John H., Jaccondal, Barcaldine. Campbell, J. K., 46 Jane Street, New Farm. Campbell, M. P., The Brisbane Soap Coy., W- MSi II Ballevne an lln W., Creek Street. C. W., Kooralbyn, Beaudesert. S5 John, Canning Downs South, vick. Iwuy, uioin xenry, aao yueen ntreet. Wpnard, J. E., Bowen Bridge Road. piaett, E. G., Inverleigh, Normanton. ia«ett, H. D., Collnton: tt, J. F., Normanby Estate, Harrispille. R. J., A.M.E. Coy., Ltd., Eagle St. l A. C., Burrell, Fenton & Coy., *Rma Street, Dw, James, Crows Nest. Wil, W. R., Byrne Estate, Uowen SBrildge Road. . O., Edward Street. E., Wanora. S]H., Warwick Butter & Dairying 7., Mill Hill. J. J., 197-9 Elizabeth Street. U, R. E., "Hillside," Vulture Street, t Bribane. .,Outridge Printing Coy., Queen St. ett, '/U ar uiltu.Ia LU., aUlI l. V., 36 Alfred Street, Valley. ., Gayndah. N., Ideraway, Gayndah. iI L., Bundaberg. Oakwood, Bundaberg. , Targinnie, Yarrum, N.C.L. ston Street, Kingsholme. r. J., ancaster Rtoaa. AScot. Yimbun. Staghurst, W. Roy., mm " T A l -I * T .B0v5Gry/ * * Roau, wVels .UnU, us F Brisbane. , Maroochydore, via Yardina. 0. F., J. Kitchen & Sons, Ltd., Ith Street. Bowen Bridge. , Mayfleld Street, Ascot. . Campbell, T., Wonbah, Bundaberg. W., Mayfleld Street, Ascot. Campbell, Mrs. W. H., Upper Gleneig St., Hamilton. South Brisbane. t'." '*-^^ ^-*4.. 2. . -I 41 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Canham, Elijah, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Caniffe, B. F., Conveyancer, Queen & Eagle Streets. Cannan, J. H., I.O.A., 353 Queen Street. Cannan, J. K., I.O.A., 353 Queen Street. Cannon, David, "Como," Yeronga. Cannon, W., Cannon & Cripps, George St. Caporn, H. M., W. Adams & Coy., Ltd., Edward & Mary Streets. Capper, J., "Oakwall," Newmarket Road, Windsor. Capper, N., "Oakwall," Newmarket Road, Windsor. Cardell, E. S. Jtinr., Stock Inspector. Charleville. Carfoot, Thos., Alderley. Carige, Henry, Netley. Deeford, Dawson Valley Line. Carlson, A. A. H., York Street, Nundah. Carmlchael, J. H., C/o "Moana," Moray Street, New Farm. Carne, H. B., Wynnum South. Carpenter, E. R., Rockhampton. Carr, B. J., Longreach Buildings, North Quay. Carr, W., Brisbane Street, Toowong. Carr, W. T. H., Indooroopilly. Carrick, W. P., C/o Fenwick & Coy.. Edward Street. Carroll,.Dan, Birch & Carroll, Strand Buildings, Queen Street. Carroll, J., O'Connelltown, Windsor. Carroll, W. F., Day's Road, Wilston. Carse, W. J., Barlow Street, Clayfleld. Carter, D. S., 99 Queen Street. Carter, H. C., Yarraman North, N.S.W. Carter, Major H. R., Main Street, Kangaroo Point. Carter, H. T., Kedron Park Rd, Wooloowin. Carter, J. E., 142 Charlotte Street. Carter, W. H., Kitchener Road, Ascot. Carvosso, Dr. A. B., North Quay. Carvosso, A. C., 18 Arthur Street, New Farm. Carvosso, W. H., Arthur St., New Farm. Cary, J. Cassidy, F. P., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Caswell, Clive, Cannindah, Many Peaks. Cavanagh, T. J., Survey Office, George St. Cawdell, W. A. H., E. S. & A. Bank, Queen Street. Chaille, H. M., Blinkbonnie, Esk. Chalice, H. J., C/o F. K. Brodribb, Gladatone Road, South Brisbane. Chalk, Joseph, "Kla Ora," Ilfracombe, Q. C. R. Chalk, J. D., C/o Birt & Co., Ltd., South Brisbane. Chalk, J. E., Howard Street, Bayswater. Chambers, Claude W., Preston House, Queen Street. Chambers, George D., Jordan Terrace, Bowen Hills. Chambers, L. M. A., Belmont. Champney, T. S., Cedar Grove, Beaudesert Line. Chandler, J. B., 169 Elizabeth Street. Champman A. E., "Walmer," Enoggera Road, Kelvin Grove. Chapman, B. F., C/o New Zealand Loan & M. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Chapman, F. G., "Walmer," Enoggera Rd., Kelvin Grove. I__ ___Of*t__i~_____i_______Z___ Chapman, Heinry A., Queen Street. Streetl Chapman, J. F ., George & Adelaide Queen Street. Chapman, R. V.. inley, Chapman & Snellini Chapman, St eet. Eagle Str Chapman, W. J., C/o Robert, Reid & Coy Toowoom ba. Charles, T. D. , Inglewood. N. C. Line. Charles, S. M ., Gootchie, N. C. Line. I., Gootchie, Charles, W. IV H. M. Russell & Coy., Charles, W.,a C/o 94-98 EaEnle Street. Street. Charley, D., dagle Palmer Street, WindaOl Charlton, Fre'd. J., Charlton, J. Ei., Charlton & Elliott, Quea Street. Chaseling, G. E. J., Coolabunia, via Kingaroy. College Ltd., Chater, A. B., Taylor &Valley. Brunswic k Street, Chauvel, C. A ., Cameron, Warwick. Chave, A. E., Turbot Street. Chayter, R. II., Queensland Agency, Ltd Creek Str eet. Cheetham, C., Ford Street, Albion. Cheros, C., El lisos Cafe, Edward Street. Chester, T. Ju nr., 240 Queen Street. Chilcott, Osbc>rne L., Cresbrook Station, Toogoola vah. Childe, L. A., "Birralee," First Avenue, . Eagle Ju]nctlon. Chirnside, A. S., Berwick, Victoria. Christensen, (3., Pacific View, Inverabh,: Christie, Coli n, Ithaca Street, Normanbl Christie, John ,303 Queen Street. Chubb, His H[onour Justice, Hampateadi Road, Sot ith Brisbane. Church, J. F., 272 Queen Street. h Clacher, A. J., Carl Street, Thompson Estate, Scouth Brisbane. r. A., Tarong, Nanango. Clapperton, Clark, A., 99 Mary Street. Clark, Alex:, ( 3orndale, via Lismore, N.S. Clark, A. H., R. W. Thurlow & Coy., Lt Wharf St reet. Clark, G. C., East Talgai, Ellinthorp. Clark, G. J., IMontague Road, West End.:: Clark, George K., Franz Road, Clayfleld. Clark, H., C/e o W. H. Paling & Coy., Ltd Queen Str*eet. :, Clark, James, Taroon Clark, James, "Wybenia," New Farm. Clark, J. C., I Jnion Bank Chanmbers, Que~ Street. Clark, J. S., S ago Plains, Hughenden, Clark, R., Kel vin Grove Road, Newmarll Clark, W. H., Watson, Ferguson & Voy " Ltd., Que<en Street. Clarke, C. M., Maryvale, Charters TQWi Clarke, D. J., City Buildings, Edward U Clarke, Edwa .rd A., Clarke's Bridge, Laidley. Clarke, F. R., Makerston Street. Clarke, J., Gla.dstone Road, South Bri bfd Clarke, P. Ke nnedy, "Cavan," Zillmal Road, Heindra. Clarke, R. G., Chas. A. Clarke & 80on, Queen Str*eet. Clarke, T., Cl arence Noble & Coy., QuStreet. Clarke, Wm., Box 48, Post Office, Dalbt, ,j , Clarkson. A. I I. W., Sandgate. Clarry, W., C /o N. G. Hall, Tantitha Station, Blundaberg. ilbar_____llf__Pi___ _______ ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. V., Douglas Street, Coorparoo. R. A., Petries Bight. A. B., York St., Indooroopill.v. , H., Church Street, Valley. [rael L., Charnwood. Lowmead. W. C., Braeside, Mount Pleasant, ',I Dvr. Sviauavboro. Capt. H., Marine liepartieneit, d Street. . J., Finney Isles & Coy., Ltd., Street. os., C/o Upton & Coy.. Roma St. F. E., "Thylewish," Fulhamn . htrert ea .u . e . Unuh VYrra J~ ielohnell,,t ~I~~) ,U _Y: croft, A. J., "Pomeroy,' I EvdnAv 14 Macleay st.. ane, J., Targo Street, Bundaberg. James, Third Avenue, Wilston. rill, F. H., Glenrock, Kingaroy. rill, W. E., Stanley Street, South rlabane. R,, Sherwood Road, Toowong. W. F., Riverview Terrace. br. mltotn D. A., Felix Street, Wooloowin. n, B., Commercial Travellers' IBuildElizabeth Street. 1ng, i,en, *H. D., C/o Bellevue Hotel, George ' Street. A. J., Eclipse Windmill Coy., hoe, Toowoomba. , James, Cole & Grice, West End. Vivian, Glaxo, Petries Bight. bfy, |S WAialter Ti' 1 nndl 15 Mnrv Str.ept G. S., Q.M.E. Coy., Mary Street. John, Queen Street. S., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. T. .1., Cairnscroft, Toogoolawah. H. E., Bacchus Marsh Condensed Coy., Eagle Street. . T., Pomona. . W., W. Collin & Sons, l'etries F., Adelaide Street. apt. W. J., Petries Bight. has. ;., 80 Queen Street. Miss J., Mundoolun, Beaudesert. Phoman, Lloyd St., Coorparoo. . A., Victoria Street, Windsor. Victor, Spring Creek Station, Mt. e. Cairns. . W., Nindooimbah, Ileaudesert. Senr., Canning Street, Warwick Fleming, 349-353 Queen Street. mes Junr., Glen Erin, Nanango. I., Taylor Street, Toowoombn. )r. F. Glynn, London Itankl ira. Creek Street. P., Florence Street, Itulimba. Lobert, "Ivanhoe," Moray Street, rm. Robert Jnr., Commonwealth g, Adelaide Street. V. S., Brooklands, Tingoora. J., C/o Enoch Baker, Brunstreet, Valley. U., Hale tireet, Albion. >. J., Neveratella, Banana. I. 1. W., Commercial Road, Valley. wmE03 I U Foseph, 0., Turbot Street. Bydney, Vine Street, Claytfeld. Alfred, Maleny. Wi.. "Chumley," th. Toowoomba. Ruthven Street Cooksley, J. F.. Turbot Street. Coomber, E., 476 Queen Street. Coonan, J., Stamford House. Taringa. Cooper, Sir Pope, Sherwood. Copeland, Chas. W., Franklin Street, South Brisbane. Coppinger, James, "Kilhilla." Hanlon Terrace, Hamilton. Corbett, F. J.. Little Street. Albion. Corder, John, "Sorronto," Toowoomba. Cormack, W. C., Troup, Harwood & Coy, Preston House, Queen Street. Corrie, Alan G., Barhury House, Eagle St. Corrie, Malcolm, Corrie Bros. Eagle St. Corser, B. H., Wetheron, Burnett. Cory, A. H., Department of Agriculture & Stock, Brisbane. Cory, F. B., Vermont. Warwick. Cory, F. J., Rothwell's Buildings. Edward Street. Cory, Wm, Vermont, Warwick. Cosgrove, J., Ipswich Road, South Brisbane Cosh. Rev. J., Old Sandgate Road, Wooloowin. Costin, J. T., Edmonstone Street, South Brisbane. Cotham, J. A., 19 Fitzroy Chambers. Adelaide Street. Cottam, Capt. R. H., Preston House, Queen Street. Cottrell, Bert B., Telegraph Chambers, Queen Street. Cottrell, K., Spencer Block, Queen Street. Cottrell, Walter Mackenzie, Marinda Station, Morven. Coughlan, T., Quat Quatta, Corawa, N.S.W. Coughlin, P. M., City Buildings, Edward St. Couldery, R. H., "Careno," Moray Street, New Farm. Coungeau, Norman, Bribie Island. Counihan. Richard, Counihan & Hunter, 275 Wickham Street. Valley. Coutts, J. V. D., Union Street. Toowong Cowdry, G. H.. C/o Pike Bros., Ltd.. Queen Street. Cowell, Sidney G., W. A. MeGuffle & Coy, Queen Street. Cowley, L., Toowong. Cowlishaw, Dr. Eric, 311 Queen Street. Coxon, C., Gateshead, Lindum, Cleveland Line. Coxon, F. J. C., Gateshead, Lindum. Cleveland Line. Coxon, George, Gateshead, Lindum, Cleveland Line. Craig, A., Charlotte Plains, Cunnamulla. Craig, Andrew, Makerston Street. Craig, W. T.. Wills, Gilehrist & Sanderson, Ltd., Wharf Street. Cralgie, W. H., Commonwealth Buildings, Adelaide Street. Cramb, N. G. S., Eudlo. N. C. Line. Crampton, W. R., Daily Standard Ofice, Edward Street. Cramwell, T. A., Killarney Dairy Coy., Killarney. Cranley, J. P., Samuel Allen & Sons, Albert Street. Crawford James, Town Hall Chambers,. Queen Street. Crawford, R. Geddes, (raceville. Crawford, Thomas. Crawford, T. W., "Bungalow," Bellevue Street, South Toowong. Credglngton, H., Hall Street, Northgate. C_ ~ __ _ ~~t~___~~_ I__~_ _I __~__~___rj~~ _fj < ' i" - . ~.ifSW _~I * 43 ANNUAL MEMBERS---Continued. Cribb, Benjamin F., Longreach Building, Daniels, H., Corner Wilston & Newmarket; North Quay. Roads, Newmarket. Cribb, H. G., Ipswich. Daniels, Jesse, Bennoble, Canungra Line. Cribb, T. Bridson, Brynhyfryd, Ipswich. Daniels, O. H., C/o Artificial Limb Factory, Crichton, N., Dornoch Terrace, South Rosemount, Windsor. Brisbane. D'Arcy, M., South Side, Gympie. Croke, Miss R. J., C/o Fenwick & Coy., Dare, Thos., Narko, Cooyar Line. Edward Street. Darragh, E., 63 Adelaide Street. Cromble, A., Elphin, Toowoomba. .Dart, J. P., Centennial Hall, Adelaide St. Cronin, J., Stephens Street, South Brisbanen Darvall, George H., C/o Thos. Brown & Crooke, C. G., Survey Office, Executive Sons, Eagle Street. Buildings, George Street. Dash, G. M., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Croston, V. W., Creek Street. Dath, Robert, Dath, Henderson & Coy.. Crouch, G. S., Crouch & Connah, Turbot Bulimba. Street. Davey, Hon. A. A., Ellerslie Crescent, Crouch, Henry, Racecourse Road, Hamilton South Toowong. Davey, A. H., Ellerslie Crescent, South Crowther, G. H., Torrington, Toowoomba. Toowong. Crowther, S., "Hillside," Brighton Road,. Davey, James, Dutton Park. South South Brisbane. Brisbane. Crowther, W., N. Z. Loan & M. A. Coy., Davey, J. L., Edward Street, Dutton Park. Ltd., Eagle Street. Davidson, A. C. A., C/o Campbell Bros., Cruse, J. S., Clayfield. Ltd., 169 Elizabeth Street. Cryle, J., Brisbane Tramways Coy.. Ltd.. Davidson, A., 302 Adelaide Street. Countess Street. Davidson, A. Jnr., 304 Adelaide Street. Cubith, H. S., Swan's Road, Taringa. Davidson, Dr. G., Sandgate. Cullen, A. K., Eurombali, Taroonm. Street, Margaret Davidson, J. O. W., Ercildonne, Clifton. "Cabsean," D., Cullen, Davies, Archibald, No. 9 Victoria Place, Toowoomba. South Brisbane. Culley, A. R., Stanley Street, South Davies, H. J., Australian Estates & M. Coy., Brisbane. Creek Street. Culley, H. S., Narandera, N.S.W. Davies, J. P., Boundary Street, West ]nd. Culley, Mrs. D., Crescent Road, Hamilton. Davies, Wm., "Dryslwyn," Toowong. Cumberland, N. H., McGregor Avenue. Davis, A. H., Wagner Road, Clayfleld. Bradshaw Street, Lutwyche. Davis, F. R., Yorkshire Insurance Coy., Cumming, A. J., Government Printing Eagle Street. Office, William Street. Davis, H. C., C/o E. S. & A. Bank, Pomona. Cumming, 1. C., Wide 1:y (' o-op. l);ir3. Davis, R. C., Caldwell's Wines, Ltd., 685 Coy., Cooroy. Macquarie Street, Sydney. Cumming, R. H., Chas. A. Clarke & Sons. Dawson, M., Commercial Banking Coy. of 293 Queen Street. Sydney, Queen Street. Cummins, Dr. R. iH. Le Inllrtc. Hiampsteadl Day, E., Boundary Street, West End. Road, Highgate Hill. Day, G. E., Villiers Street, New Farm. Cummins, J. M., London Iank Chambers, Creek Street. Day, G. H., Villiers Street, New Farm. Day, Victor, Adelaide Street. Cunningham, Bruce, C/o "Ingleston," Deacon, W., 63 Elizabeth Street. Bayview Terrace. Wynnum.I Dean Henry, 230-2 Roma Street. Cupples, H. Dean, J. E., "Woodlands." Maryboroung, Cupples, J. Deane, Chas. H., Keats Street, Moorooka. Curr, F., "Abing," Bourne Street, Claytleld. South Coast Line. Curr, George, Dundee, N.S.W. Dearnaly, E. S.. "Ityoola," New Sandgate. Currant, W. G., Oliver Street, Nundah Road, Albion. Currey, G. H., Postmaster General's Decker, Edward H., 184-186 Queen Street. Department, Queen Street. Decker, G. S., Australasian Scale Coy., Ltd. Curtis, Commander E., Naval Otlice. Charlotte Street. Edward Street. Defteros, E., Courier Building, Edward St. Bundaherg. Street, Curtis, R. G., Quay Degn, Alfred C., Federal Chambers, Queen Cusack, Thos., A.M.L. & F. Coy.'s Building, Street. Creek Street. DeHayr, F. C., Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill. Czerney, T., C/o John T. l'hlpps, Queen Delghton, A. R., Rockhampton. Street. Deighton, H., Aldersyde, Warwick. Dahl, L., Manson Road, Hendra. Deltrich, L. H., Hardy Bros., Ltd., Quee Hotel, George Dale, William, Royal Street. Valley. Dell, W. D., Seventh Avenue, Coorparo ' Dalrymple, Mrs. E. M., Crescent Road, Dellitt, M. C., Murgon. , Hamilton. Demack, S., Post Office, Stanthorpe. Daly, D. E., "Gurteen," Legunic, viai Killarney. Demack, W. Q., Gladstone Road, South Daly, W. J., C/o J. U. Price, Queen Street. Brisbane. Dance, Mrs. (. B., Chubhlll Farm, Denhanm, D. F., "Ingleside," Annerley Townshend. South Brisbane. Dangar, R. RI., Mooki Springs, Quirindi, Denham, Mrs., "Hampton," lunswlk *Sij N. 8. W. New Farm. Danlell, A. J., Railway Hotel, Roma Street. Denlng, Henry, Riley's Hill, Riehmont Danlell, C. 1C., Union Trustees Chambers, N. I. W. Queen Street. i i~U(LiLLL~iL~n~i -Cli~niYIJ*i ~L*L-L~:;~ ~-XiCha~aJ ZBbi~PIII~CU~LUi~- . ," ~;i~l~Yl~ii(llll~~Z-~ II~LU*ii*i(hlDI~UL f * ' , 44 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. _o_.d,W. B., Alliance Insurance Coy., ale Street. B., Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. I ]. I C., 289 Queen Street. John, Towers Street, Charters fux, Itu, W. P., A.M.L. &F. Coy., Ltd., reek Street. UT TL iJ-..* erl.,+.A- albv * -- , I LV Ul, .Ls I ' 1 . , -,w.* J • id, Mount Leinster, Dalby. Dauphin Terrace, South B., Quinn Street, Toowong. ry, Coleyville. Robt, Harper & Coy., Albert r t The Lake, Jericho. ,c, Cornwall Street, South S ;1I r F Wel T L .| 75 Ut, S8tanlav J Brisbane. H. J., 867 George Street. A*r StAreet w v-1 nnnndiwindi. r'Q., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Albury. , S., Wood Street, West End. B. X., Montpeller Road, Bowen Hills. .W.D., C/o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., Gharlotte Street, a, C., Box 367, G. P. O., Brisbane. a, Dr. G. P., 97 Wickham Terrace. In, F. J., Caboolture Dairy Coy., Ltd., Eaboolture. rty, John, Sandgate Road, Albion. L J., Martha Street, Paddington. , Alfred E., 235 Queen Street. , Dr. J. Espie, Wickham Terrace. Irel, A. V., Canada Cycle & Motor ianoy, Ltd., Creek Street. , J. P., "Briardale," Tallebudgera, houth Coast Line. ison, Archbishop, Bishopsbourne, i Mon, E. pan, Fred., Medway, Bogantun- p don, J. C., 288 Elizabeth Street. ildson, R., Medway, Bogantungan. sluon, Wm., Gratton Street, South Urisbane. IL C., Eagie Street. A R 'Pvnn. Durham Park. .l., J. Tyson, Devon Park, Oakey b, Drayton, via Toowoomba. ,. Coominglah Station, via W! Heal Street, Tenerlffe. ., Norman Hotel, Ipswich Rd. n, Empire Hotel, Valley. n, New Sandgate Road, nval~'., f. omanama. R., "Bowenville," Brookes St., wen Hills. tfred, Depper Street, Toowong. k Whybrow & Coy., Charlotte St. p., J. H., 89 Gladstone Road, South bne. r. R. Doughty & Grayson, Bruilding. 1. A., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. George A. C., "The Rah," Kelvin H. A. C., Elliott, Donaldson & 629 Queen Street. A., Mt Mavin, Morven. Douglas, R. F., Eversfleld, Mungallala. Douglas, W. A., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Dowling, Robt. W., Union Trustees Chambers, Queen Street. Down, H. E., Garrick Terrace, Herston. Down, Victor R. H., C/o George Down, Jeay Street, Bowen Hills. Down, W. J., Longreach Building, North Quay. Downie, J. D., Hardgrave Road, West End. Dowridge, J. E. Jnr., George Street. Doy, Miss, Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Mill Hill. Doyle, A. M., C/o J. Finucan, Chalk Street. Wooloowin. Doyle, G., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley. Doyle, G., Queen Street. Doyle, H. H., Doyle & Charles Furracabad, Glen Innes, N.S.W. Doyle, J., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley. Doyle, J. H., Warrandine, Tallwood. Draper, A. J., Cairns. Drewe, A. W., Australian Stock Breeders Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Dfouyn, F., Bell Street, Kangaroo Point. Drury, Miss E., "Rougham," Eildon Hill. Dryden, V., Drydens, Ltd., Albion. Drynan, W., Latrobe Terrace. Paddington. Dugdale, John, Rose Hill, Myrniong, Vic. Duhig, Archbishop, Darra, Valley. Dunbar, Colin C., "Caithness," Bridge St. Albion. Dun, Leonard F., Irvingdale, Bowenvllle. Duncan, Alexander, Penlington Street. Rockhampton. Duncan, C. C., "Warroo," Wagner Road, Clayfleld. Duncan, Capt. Duncan, James, "Warroo," Wagner Road, Clayfleld. Duncan, Mrs. L., Mooraberrie Station, Windora. Duncan, W. G., W. R. Moon & Duncan, Indooroopilly. Dunn, David, Valley View. Beaudesert. Dunn, Mrs. C. G., Manson Road, Hendra. Dunn, James, Tambourine. Dunne, Gerald, Roma Street. Dunne, L. L., Mail Branch, G.P.O., Brisbane. Dunsdon, W., Downs Co-op. Dairy Coy., Toowoomba. Dunstan, S. W., C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Durston, G., Rosemount Terrace, Windsor. Duthie, W. T., Duthie Bros., Woolloongabba. Dutton, H., 85 Adelaide Street. Dutton, Robert, Woolsley Street, Clayfleld. Dyer, R. T., Taringa. Eades, A. C., C/o Robt. Little & Co., * Brisbane. Early, A. E., Cornwall Street, off Logan Earwaker, J., C/o Winchcombe, Carson. Ltd., Eagle Street. East, E. H., Maxvale, Charleville. East, Herbert, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd., George Street. Eavs, J., No. ? Hope Street, South Brisbane. Ebbot, P. H., Box 206, Post Office, Rockhampton. Eden, C. 8., Central Avenue, Indooroopilly. Edgar, Mrs. M. J., Nudgee Road, Northgate ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. W. B., Alliance Insurance Coy., Itreet. , Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. I ueen Street. C!.. 289 John, Towvers Street, Charters i. IL1. I 1 Coy., W. P., A.M.L. & F. Street. v JM * T. Ltd., lnstar Dalhv Harold, Mount Leinster, Dalby. , W., Dauphin Terrace, South Brisbane. Urat, R. B., Quinn Street, Toowong. EoHenry, Coleyville. D. R., Robt, Harper & Coy., Albert rn, Icon, B., The Lake, Jericho. Ion, Isaac, Cornwall Street, South lrabane. ran Power L., 575 Stanley Street, uih Brisbane. H. J., 867 George Street. , Peter, Goondiwindi. rG.C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Albury. J. S, Wood Street, West End. I R. B., Montpelier Road, Bowen Hills. ,W.D.,C/o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., charlotte Street, (), C., Box 367, G. P. O., Brisbane. Dr. G. P., 97 Wickham Terrace. fO, F. J., Caboolture Dairy Coy., Ltd., oolture. iherty, John, Sandgate Road, Albion. J., Martha Street, Paddington. UM, Alfred E., 235 Queen Street. Vi, Dr. J. Espie, Wickham Terrace. Iwl, A. V., Canada Cycle & Motor Ao-y, Ltd., Creek Street. J. P., "Briardale," Tallebudgera, i, 8outh Coast Line. dson, Archbishop, Bishopsbourne, ems, lH. 1Iltop. Sdon, i P. Fred., Medway, Bogantun- son, J. C., 288 Elizabeth Street. sldon, R., Medway, Bogantungan. aou, Wm., Gratton Street, South trlrbane. C., Eagie Street. m A. R. Tyson, purham Park, gataryan. y, rs. J. Tyson, Devon Park, Oakey SJacob, Drayton, via Toowoomba. Cyril,. Coominglah Station, via f, A., Heal Street, Teneriffe. ty, B. C., Norman Hotel, Ipswich Rd. r, John, Empire Hotel, Valley. Va, John, New Sandgate Road, ayleld. a P. C., Omanama. M. R., "Bowenville," owe Hills. ftred, Depper Street, AG., Whybrow & Coy., , J. H., 89 Gladstone u!bane. Y Brookes St., Toowong. Charlotte St. Road, South ~. , Doughty & urayson, A., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. orge A. C., "The Rah," Kelvin Building. A. C., Elliott, Donaldson & ,589 Queen Street. A., Mt. Mavin, Morven. Douglas, R. F., Eversfeld, Mungallala. Douglas, W. A., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Dowling, Robt. W., Union Trustees Chambers, Queen Street. Down, H. E., Garrick Terrace, Herston. Down, Victor R. H., C/o George Down, Jeay Street, Bowen Hills. Down, W. J., Longreach Building, North Quay. Downie, J. D., Hardgrave Road, West End. Dowridge, J. E. Jnr., George Street. Doy, Miss, Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Mill Hill. Doyle, A. M., C/o J. Finucan, Chalk Street. Wooloowin. Doyle, G., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley. Doyle, G., Queen Street. Doyle, H. H., Doyle & Charles Furracabad, Glen Innes, N.S.W. Doyle, J., 119 Brunswick Street, Valley Doyle, J. H., Warrandine, Tallwon' Draper, A. J., Cairns. Drewe, A. W., Aust'-'" Coy., Ltd " Dfouyr Drury, Dryden " . Drynan, Dugdale Duhig, i 's? Dunbar, Albio ., ' Dun, Leo Duncan, .~ .> '' Rockh Duncan, C Clayfle Duncan, CI Duncan, Ja .,,er Road, Clayfleh Duncan, Mr. .,iooraberrie Station, Windora. Duncan, W. G., W. R. Moon & Duncan, Indooroopilly. Dunn, David, Valley View, Beaudesert. Dunn, Mrs. C. G., Manson Road, Hendra. Dunn, James, Tambourine. Dunne, Gerald, Roma Street. Dunne, L. L., Mail Branch, G.P.O., Brisbane. Dunsdon, W., Downs Co-op. Dairy Coy., Toowoomba. Dunstan, S. W., C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Durston, G., Rosemount Terrace, Windsor. Duthie, W. T., Duthie Bros., Woolloongabba. Dutton, H., 85 Adelaide Street. Dutton, Robert, Woolsley Street, Clayfleld. Dyer, R. T., Taringa. Eades, A. C., C/o Robt. Little & Co., Brisbane. Early, A. E., Cornwall Street? off Logan Earwaker, J., C/o Winchcombe, Carson, Ltd., Eagle Street. East, E. H., Maxvale, Charleville. East, Herbert, C/o McDonnell & East, Ltd., George Street. Eavs, J., No , Hope Street, South Brisbane. Ebbot, P. H., Box 206, Post Office, Rockhampton. Eden, C. S., Central Avenue, Indooroopllly. BEdar, Mrs. M. J., Nudgee Road, Northgate UC~n_ ~ __ ~_:_1_L__ ~:Jn~ill /: I __:_1 I ; _ ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Isaacs, E. R., C/o S. Hoffnung & Co., Ltd., Charlotte Street. Isaacs, J., 82 Wickham Street, Valley. Isle, George, Eldo Farm, Toogoolawah. Isles, C. W. J., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide Street. Isles, F. A. J., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide Street. Isles, J. T., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide St. Isles, L. H., Stevensen Street, Ascot. Isley, A. Frank, Box 497 G. 1'. O., Brisbane. Ison, P. J. N., Hawthorn Road, Balmoral. Ison, T. R., Amy Street, Bulimba. Ison, W. G., Annerley Rd., South Brisbane. Ison, W. H., Hawthorne Road, Bulimba. Ives, Win. H., High Street, Lutwyche. Jack, W. T., Junc'ion Rd., Eagle Junction. Jackes, James A., Quarry Street, Ipswich. Jackman, R. J., C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Junction. ERR A T A.R A K. Page 45 should be 51. e Page 51 should be 45. odIuauLU. a. A.., JunuuIn ~LeL, James, Arthur J., C/o H. Pole & Co., Elizabeth Street. James, Claude E., 171 Queen Street. James, C. H., Bellevue Terrace, Wooloowin. James, F. E., Goggs Street, oft West Street, Toowoomba. James, Herbert Richard, Merino Stud Farm, Upper Caboolture. James, J., Thurlow Street, Kelvin Grove. James, Les., Courier Buildings, Queen St. Jameson, C. Judge, Judges Chambers, District Court. Jamison, S. G., C/o Jamison, Ltd., Hope Street, South Brisbane. Jansen, A. H., Riverview Terrace, Auchenflower. Jarvis, C., Disputed Plains, Lismore. Jay, George, Wilson Street, Paddington. Jeffrey, Alan, Australian Estates & M. Co., 35 Creek Street. Jeffrey, G. K., Wea'herham, Gayndah. Jeffries, B. J., Dean Street, Toowong. Jenkins, B., 197 Moray Street, New Farm. .lennings, T., Garrick Terrace, Herston Estate. Jensen, Thos. H., Treasury Chambers, George Street. Jensen, V., Queen Street. Jenyns, H. E., George Street. Jerome, Atkin, Canungra. Jesser, C. R., Verney Road Graceville. Jesser, V. M., Goodna. Jesser, John I., Goodna. Jocumsen, S. C., Ormesby, Cooroy. Johannes, G. E., Barlow Street, Clayfield. Johns. W., Queen Street. Johnson, Alfred, Saw Mills, Caboolture. Johnson, A. L., Australian Stock Breeders Coy., Brisbane. J.aiVIIu, Johnson, F., I Forbes Street, South Brisbane. Johnson, G. E;., Johnson & Sons, Queen St. I rohnson, Harrry, Mapleton, via Nambour. i E Johnson, J., IHotel Cecil, George Street. Johnson, J. L.., Cairns Street, Kangaroo Pt. T, Johnson, R. (G., Box 31, G.P.O., Mackay. Johnson, Syd ney, Valley. 1 Johnson, Wmri., 100 Elizabeth Street. Johnson, Wn i. Sam., C/o R. Crollick, _ I MunicipalI Markets. Johnston, A. 1W., Auchenflower. Johnston, C. W., Booyong, Richmond River ,1 Johnston, D., Leichhardt St., off Brookes ' 1 St., Valle y. Johnston, G., G. Johnston & Co., Corner '1 Ann and James Streets. Johnston, Hi arold H., C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., . eet. Str Mary 3 Johnston, Rc obert, Victory Chambers, Queen St .reet, City. Johnston, T. R., Railway Commissioner's. Office, GEsorge Street. Johnston, W., , Herston Road, Kelvin Grove. :. Johnston, W. J., Stewart Avenue, Eagle ". Johnston, W. C., Mt. Lang, Henderson St., '; Bulimba. Jolly, T., Yar idina, N. C. Line. Jolly, Wm. P., 351 Queen Street. Jones, A. J., Jones & Hambly, Edward St. C H., Raymond, Jones & Hall, JonedwAar.d Street. Jones, Danie 1, 138 Petrie Terrace. Jones, David L., Killivan. - i Jones, E. A., Milton Road, Toowong. Jones, Edwa rd J., Butler Bros., Charlotte Street. Jones, G. E., Goomeri. Jones, Georg e S., Wickham Street, Gymple. Jones, Herb ert A., C/o Gordon & Gotch, Queen Si treet. Jones, H. T., Lands Department, George St. Jones, John, C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary St. Jones, Lanc e A., Dalgety Buildings, Elizabetl I Street. Jones, L. F., Petrie. Jones, Morg an, 31 William St., Kangaroo Point. Jones, P. S., , C/o Dunlop Rubber Co., Adelaide Street. Jones, Sydne y, W., Gordon & Gotch, Queen Street. Jones, T. L. Hon., Foggit Jones & Co., Turbot £Itreet. Gymple Road, Aspley. Jordan, E. Ai., Jordan, E. R . B., C/o Palings Ltd., Queen Street. Jordan, T., S pring Street, Hendra. Jorgensen, U ., Corinda. Joseph, A. E., Country Press Assn., 177 Edward Street. Josephson, I .,Oddfellows Hall, Petries Terrace. Josey, Eric, Harlin, via Esk. Jowett, Ceci i, Lytton Rd., East Brisbane. Joyce, Robelrt, Wlldridge & Sinclair, Ltd., Elizabet h Street. Joyce, W. H ., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Judd, A., Bi rowns Creek, Blayney, N.S.W. Judge, M. I C., Queensland Brewery Ltd., Petries Jnner, A. Bight. Junne, A. CCapt., Prospect Terraoe, South Brisbane Junner, J., C'/o Cactus Estates, Gep. WillI & Co., ' Vhart Street. I, - ii . a I~1_~C.; ~ .. : uP*L~i~L;Pil;iYC'~uY1Lli~ r.~r~L~i~Lgl*~~u*~~nL~' ~a-~~iOl~-d~.~~-u_~EibJ I-YP--~- -~----- 45 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Isaacs, E. R., C/o S. Hoffnung & Co., Ltd., Charlotte Street. Isaacs, J., 82 Wickham Street, Valley. Isle, George, Eldo Farm, Toogoolawah. Tasla C W J. Tales Love & Co. Adelaide Street. Isles, F. A. J., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide Street. Isles, J. T., Isles, Love & Co., Adelaide St. Isles, L. H., Stevensen Street, Ascot. Isley, A. Frank, Box 497 G. I'. O., Brisbane. Ison, P. J. N., Hawthorn Road, Balmoral. Ison, T. R., Amy Street, Bulimba. Ison, W. G., Annerley Rd., South Brisbane. Ison, W. H., Hawthorne Road, Bulimba. Ives, Wm. H., High Street, Lutwyche. Jack, W. T., Junc'lon Rd., Eagle Junction. Jackes, James A., Quarry Street, Ipswich. Jackman, R. J., C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary Street. Jackson, E. F. Mrs., Egalabra, Albury, New South Wales. Jackson, G. L., Q'land Govt. Savings Bank, Box 690 G. P. O., Brisbane. Jackson, John, Oleander, Bowen Terrace. Jackson, L. H., Mount Blanc, Peachester. Jackson, R., Eagle Street. Iackson, Wm., Savannah, Mackay. 'ckson, W. J., Roma Street. .cob, Eric G., Motor Accessory & Tyre House, Adelaide Street. jacques, G. E., Albion Street, Albion. Jakeman, A., Buderim Mountain, via Palmwoods. akeman, P., Buderim Mountain, via Palmwoods. ames, A. A., London Street, Sandgate. James, Arthur J., C/o H. Pole & Co., Elizabeth Street. James, Claude E., 171 Queen Street. James, C. H., Bellevue Terrace, Wooloowin. James, F. E., Goggs Street, off West Street, Toowoomba. James, Herbert Richard, Merino Stud Farm, Upper Caboolture. James, J., Thurlow Street, Kelvin Grove. James, Les., Courier Buildings, Queen St. Jameson, C. Judge, Judges Chambers, District Court. Jamlson, S. G., C/o Jamison, Ltd., Hope Street, South Brisbane. Jansen, A. H., Riverview Terrace, Auchenflower. Jarvis, C., Disputed Plains, Lismore. Jay, George, Wilson Street, Paddington. Jeffrey, Alan, Australian Estates & M. Co., 36 Creek Street. Jeffrey, G. K., Wea'herham, Gayndah. Jeffries, B. J., Dean Street, Toowong. Jenkins, B., 197 Moray Street, New Farm. Jennings, T., Garrick Terrace, Herston Estate. Jensen, Thos. H., Treasury Chambers, George Street. Jensen, V., Queen Street. Jenyns, H. E., George Street. Jerome, Atkin, Canungra. Jesser, C. R., Verney Road, Graceville. Jesser, V. M., Goodna. Jesser, John I., Goodna. Jocumsen, S. C., Ormesby, Cooroy. Johannes, a. E., Barlow Street, Clayfield. Johns, W., Queen Street. Johnson, Alfred, Saw Mills, Caboolture. Johnson, A. L., Australian Stock Breeders Coy., Brisbane. Johnson, F., Forbes Street, South Brisbane. G. E., Johnson & Sons, Queen St. ' Johnson, T ohnson, Harry, Mapleton, via Nambour. Johnson, J., Hotel Cecil, George Street. Johnson, J. L., Cairns Street, Kangaroo Pt. Johnson, R. G., Box 31, G.P.O., Mackay. *, Johnson, Sydney, Valley. 3 Johnson, Wm., 100 Elizabeth Street. Johnson, Wm. Sam., C/o R. Crollick, 1 Municipal Markets. . 1 Johnston, A. W., Auchenflower. Johnston, C. W., Booyong, Richmond River 1 Johnston, D., Leichhardt St., off Brookesr J '] St., Valley. Johnston, G., G. Johnston & Co., Corner Ann and James Streets. Johnston, Harold H., C/o A.U.S.N. Coy., Mary Street. Johnston, Robert, Victory Chambers, Queen Street, City. Johnston, T. R., Railway Commissioner's:. Office, George Street. Johnston, W., Herston Road, Kelvin Grove. * .Tohnston, W. J., Stewart Avenue, Eagle Junction. Johnston, W. C., Mt. Lang, Henderson St., < Bulimba. Jolly, T., Yandina, N. C. Line. Jolly, Wm. A., 351 Queen Street. Jones, A. J., Jones & Hambly, Edward St. ( Jones, A. R. H., Raymond, Jones & Hall, Edward Street. Jones, Daniel, 138 Petrie Terrace. Jones, David L., Killivan. Jones, E. A., Milton Road, Toowong. Jones, Edward J., Butler Bros., Charlotte 4 Street. Jones, G. E., Goomeri. Jones, George S., Wickham Street, Gymple. Jones, Herbert A., C/o Gordon & Gotch, Queen Street. Jones, H. T., Lands Department, George St. Jones, John, C/o Moreheads, Ltd., Mary St. Jones, Lance A., Dalgety Buildings, Elizabeth Street. Jones, L. F., Petrie. Jones, Morgan, 31 William St, Kangaroo Point. Jones, P. S., C/o Dunlop Rubber Co., Adelaide Street. Jones, Sydney, W., Gordon & Gotch, Queen Street. Jones, T. L. Hon., Foggit Jones & Co., Turbot Street. Jordan, E. A., Gymple Road, Aspley. Jordan, E. R. B., C/o Palings Ltd., Queen Street. Jordan, T., Spring Street, Hendra. Jorgensen, G., Corinda. Joseph, A. E., Country Press Assn., 177 Edward Street. Josephson, I., Oddfellows Hall, Petries Terrace. Josey, Eric, Harlln, via Esk. Jowett, Cecil, Lytton Rd., East Brisbane. Joyce, Robert, Wildridge & Sinclair, Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Joyce, W. H., Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Judd, A., Browns Creek, Blayney, N.8.W. Judge, M. K., Queensland Brewery Ltd,, Petrles Bight. Junner, A. Capt., Prospect Terra0e, South Brisbane. Junner, J., C/o Cactus Estates, Gap. WIfL & Co., Wharf Street. ,._. ...; .. ,.. .., , - ~l r~c~ ~.;, a ~a~u Y-:_;al~_~~-;r l~t~- iL~.a~h'/. cj~n'L-r L .,_ .,., i ,iva .,1 .i 46 ANNUAL M EMBERS--Continued. L. A., Upper Edward Street. W. D., Manager. Terrors Creek & 'rbes, Samson Vale Butter Factory. *ord, F. C. B., Deputy Surveyor General, 3xecutive Buildings. WPorrist, P. Mcl., Rocklands O'Connell St., Kangaroo Point. .. orrest, Thos., Forrest, Lang & Roper, Sth. Brisbane. Vorster, D. M. T., Forster Engineering Works, Mary Street. Porster, T. M., Forster Engineering Works, Mary Street. Ltd., forsyth, James, Btrns, Philp & Co., SMary Street. Roma Forth E. E., Silverwood Dairy Coy., Street. W. A., Roma Street Markets. :Forth, : W ster, J., Hudd Street, DLowen Hills. .owler, T. C., A. M. L. & F., Co., 127 Creek SStreet. ElizaFowler, W., Federal Carriage Coy., beth Street. & Hill K., "Urnahons," Wowles, Major J. Wooloowin. Main Streets, *Owles, Percy, Prince Consort Hotel, irbes, Valley St. 'Fowles, Win Hotel Daniell, George powles. W. L., Commissioner Government Savings Bank. Brisbane. Fox, Chas. B., 334 Queen Street, fox, J. T., Arthur Street, Corinda. ox, M. R., Brisbane Fruit Growers Co-op. 'Ltd., South Brisbane. FOX, W., Linville. Fox, W. M., Ipswich. rancis, J. V., Brisbane Street, Ipswich. Treasury Chambers, Francis, Leonard, George Street. Francis, Stanley, Chelmer. New Sandgate Francis, Walter, "Sutton, Hlbion. Road, Franis, W. H. Ascot. raBer, A. H., Kitchener Road, aer, W., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. sraser, W. Jnr., Bowen Terrace. New Farm Wm., Junction Hotel, Ipawich Rd. aer, r , Jno., Franz Road, Clayfield. wley, P. J., Lodge Rd., Wooloowin. A. L., Marburg. ederl Vderick H. P., "Pelham," Chinchilla. rdericks A., Strathpine. rerclks, H., Rose Lawn, Strathpine. rederlok, P. H., Abbotsford Road, lowen Seeeagus, C., George Street, City. Snch, L. B., Rose Street, Eagle Junction. Street. ow, Colin G., 288 QueenStreet. Harding, 97 Queen Vew Chambers, Telegraph , R. D. A., 14 ueen Street. u Russell L., Queen Street. &, Cyril E., Springwood, Springsure. d, Harry, Gladstone. nd P A. Gladstone. John O. Rodway, Toowoomba. 1Harry Senr., Conrondale, via Landsborough. Fros, !., Park & River Roads Milton. P, M.L.A., J. P. riy & C;o., ruwru C. E. 8., Railway Department, Ann Nt' Normanby Terrace, Normanby. A. 0., Raul Industries (Q'land) 0t 3'> Gale, R. H., C/o John Hicks, George St. Gall, C. G., Mount Enniskillen, Blackall. Gall, J. S., State School Gap, via Ashgrove. Gall, W., C/o Foggit, Jones & Coy., Turbot Street. Gall, Wm., Home Secretary's Department, Treasury Buildings. Gallagher, A. E., Kedron. Gallagher, H., Guyra, N. S. W. Gallagher, Rev. J., Ipswich Road, South Brisbane. Gallagher, L. J., Watts Cafe, Adelaide St. Gallagher, M. J., Kedron Tannery. Gambling, Alfred, Station Road, Booval. Gamin, Chas., 260 Queen Street. Gardener, H. P., Toogoolawah. Gardner, W. F., "Ellersley," Maleny. Gardiner, Arthur, Nimmitabel, Cockatoo Creek. Victoria. Gardiner, F. P., Royal Street, Paddington. Gardiner, H. J., C/o Dalgety & Co., Elizabeth Street. Gardiner, Thos., Sexton Street, South* Brisbane. Garget, H., Sandgate. Garnett, J. W., Turbot Street. Garnett, R. M., Bowser Street, Lutwyche. Garrick, J. Cadell, 10 Telegraph Chambers, Queen Street. Gartside, T. H., loonah. Gates, W., Stanley Street, near Clarence Corner, South Brisbane. Gath, G., Kildare, Eidsvold. Gattino, C. A., Charleville. Gaukrodgers, D. W,, Alice Downs, Blackall Gauld, F., Irongate Co-op. Dairy Coy., Irongate. Gay, C. J., Junction Road, Eagle Junction. Gayford, Herbert H., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Geaney, C., City Mutual Life Association., Adelaide Street. Geissmann, A. T., Tambourine Mt. Geissmann, Bernard, Tambourine Mt. Gellatly, Thos., Lochaber, Eidsvold. Gelston, H. R., Kelly Buildings, Queen St. Gentleman, Jno., Thomas Brown & Sons. Eagle Street. George, J., Albion Road, Albion. Geraghty, J., I)ynan, Main St., Wooloowin. Gerrard, T. R., Mogill Road, Taringa. Gibbon, C., l,'arleigh, Nettlicim & Co., Edward Street. Gibblns, I., C/o H. G. Noble, Ltd., Eagle Street. Gibson, A. S., Yorkshire Insurance Coy.. l'arbury House. Gibson, David, Thompson & Gibson, London Bank Chambers. Gibson, D. W., Glasshouse Mountains. Gibson, H. T. C., Goodger Road, Kingaroy Gibson, John, "Blraeside." Bowen Terrace Gibson, J. Edgar, Gracemere, Rockhampto Gibson, Joseph Jnr., Scotra, Lutwyche Rd. Wooloowin. Gibson, Dr. Lockhart, Wickham Terrace. Gibson, Win.. Stafford-on-Kedron. Gibson, Wm., Uingera Plantation, Bundaberg. Gilbert, Chas., Queen Street. Gilbert, John, C. T. A. Buildings, Charlotte Street. Gllohrlst, A. J., Longreach. Ollday, J. T., M.L.A.. Muggrave Street. Paddiniaton. 47 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Graham, W. Gordon, Butler Street, Albion. Graham, W. iE., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. ;Iles, J., Kent Street, New Farm. 1l, G. R. Howard, Kents Buildings, Street, Valley. Graltont, J. P. Wickham Grant, H. A. Fernank Scrub Road, Enoggera Gramenz, L., Fulchers Road. Ithaca. Adelaide Street. :ill, H. J., Wilmington St., Wooloowin. ;ill, W. A., C/o Frank & Bryce. Ltd., Charlotte Street. illam, J. C.. Clifton. :Illam, Thos., New Zealand ChamIIbers, Queen Street. illespie, A., Grey Street, South 3ris'oane. illlesple, Clem., Springbrook, Mudgeeraba. illespie, It., Devon Stree:., South Brisbane. illies, R. 0., Elizabeth Street. ;illingwater, E. J., Allan & Stark, Queen Street. ;Ilmour, A. A., uld Sandgate Road, Eagle Junction. ;ilmour, Alex., Seymitour Road, Ascot. iven, J., Lamington Terrace, South Brisbane. :iven, D. W., Dogget Street, Valley. "Cromet," River Road, W. Toowong. Grayson, Irw in H., Lower flowen Terrace, New Fan m. Grayson, J. J. , Iouglty & Grayson, Courier Building s, Queen Street. Gray, 6. B., Eldernell, Hamilton. Gray, .J. M., Dornoch Tetrace, South Brisbane. Greasley, G., Mary Street, Rosalie. Greaves, (I. A., Merrinac Estate, Mudgeei tba. Green, H. H. Main Street, Rulimba. Green, J., Sh erwood. Green, Mervqyn James, Wickham Street, Valley. lasgow, S. H., Ivanhoe, Kinbombe. Glennle, A. F., Moree. N. S. W. lennie, F. T., Moree, N. H. V. .:odsell, U. H., 14 Martin Place, Sydtiiy. Green, Green, Green, Green, oggs, Henry, Ormiston. Golden, Charles, The Canal, Yeulba. Golden, E., Bundi, Yeulba. Green, W. J.., "Ululah," Ascot. Greenield, A P., George Street. jill, W. Glanville, Goeths, arntlundu.Grve Diglum, S., Green, James Jnr., Wickhamn E. S., IBindawallow, Cooyar. J., R., S. T. Street, Valley St innybank, via Yeulba. 64'2 Main Street, Kangaroo Pt. E., Wallum Lilla. E., Hillcroft. Wondai. Green, T. W ., C/o Macpherson, Green & MacPheri son, Edward Street. A. H., Obi Obi, via Numbour. Greentleld, C ., 291 Queen Street. Solden, L., Bundi, Yeulba. (oldsmith, A. J., Lillingtoii, Moray Street, New Farm. Gole, Leonard, Liverpool Road, Clayfield. loodacre, Wm., Ilghamn. oodall, D., Swan Terrac*', Windsor. Ioodger, J. E., Nanango. Many l'eaks. Goody, Hector C., IJernainxx Perry. ;oody, M.. Bernain, Mount Greentleld, VV. H.. Wandoo, Queen Street, Coorparoro. Greenhalgh, H., Mount 1-ardall, Blackall. Greeilees, .. T., Martindale Street, Corinda Greensill, E. H. R., 44 Moreton Street, New Fax m. ordon, Alex. M., 351-383 Queen Street. ordon, C., 193 Brunswick Street. Valley. ordon, H., Touwoomnbha. 'ordon, J. P. J.. East Street, Rockhaxnptozt. ordon, T. J., Victoria Place, South Brisbane. GOre, F., Goondiwindi. River, orton, C. J., Lisnore, Richmnoni New South Wales. Mostling, Fansha we, Sherwood. Cough, Chas. H., George (lougi & Son, Albert Street. cough, W. J., Isaac Street, Spring Hill. ;oulstone, Harold J. Eagle Terrace, Groig, J. R., Civil Service Stores, Adelaide Street. Grey, Henry ,Box 220, G.P.O. Brisbane. Grey, Rober t Pr., Edmoiistone Street, South B risbane. Grice, .1. H.. Messrs, Cole & Grice, West End. Griice, J. iiecnry, Grand Hotel, Southport. Grieve, John , Wynnurn. Grieve, ILt. K., Bemaring, Brookstead. Grieve, Thos ., Chelmer. Griffith, 6. PA. W., C/o Llrisbane Soap Coy., Limited. Guilliths, i). C., Mount Forbes, via RosewoC od. Oritiths, H. J.. Itailway Department, George IStreet. Grigg, E. J. Bowen Street, City. Grigg, J. C. N., Bostocks, Brooketead. Grimley, C. C., Philip Street, Galloways Hill. Groom, It. 6 ., Commercial Union Chambers, Eagle Street. Grose, A., Htanley Street, South Brisbane, Gross. E. it ., W. V. & H. O. Wills, Ltd., Edward Street. Greenup, E. H.. Coorpaio o. Gregory, Janres 6.. "l Milton. Gooley, W. Vincent, George Street, City. Gordon, A., Mayne, View Street, Milton. Auehenflower. Lourgand, A., Co-operative Coy., Ltd., Kin Kin. Courgand, V. E., Customs House, Brisbane. How, Alex. Mrs., 55O Queen Street, Petries Bight. cow, R. M., Turbot Street. ciwer, W. S., C/o A. U. S. N. Coy., Mary Street. Grace, George, Craham, A. V., Graham, Chas., 1rookhil, Lutwyche. inns of Court. Adelaide St. Strathellbess, Dalveen. riaham, C. E. M., Bluff Downs, (harters Towers. iraha, C. S., (u City Engineer. rown East Brisbane. Street, J., Eltin 'laham, Graham, R. F., Oraham BroS., Edward St. 'raham Wm., Norman Crescent, Norman Park. ; _ 1 'ld Cleveland Road, . conara," Haig Rd., Grove, C. H.. "Kelvingrcove" Nanango. Gunn, l)ona ld 1.., "Qulbet," Roma, unn, W., 13oolarnell, Tallwood, Gustavson, John, "Kinvarra," Moray Ut.. New Fa,rm. Outbre, J. . Coviadale Pari6, Wge Waug. ~.. W.. I f~LL- Iti~i-~g-Y1-lf ;__/ _ ~I__ ;1LI_~TI1~P-~ll-Ptl * ~. BiSAj--I~' r t 1. ?' ^, 48 * ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. ^. 8G uthrie, Rbbert, Fruit Exchange, Turbot S Street. ^ OQuy, H. S., City Buildings, Edward Street. '-Gwyther, R. F., "Saltley," Borpee River, SMudubbera. Hack, Alexander, Lanham Street, Bowen Hills. Hack, G. A., London Road, Clayfield. Hackett, G. W., Railway Department, George Street. Haddock, R. R., Bridge Street, Albion. H Hadley, A. A., Marmion Parade, Taringa. Hadley, W. E., New Zealand Loan & M. A. Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Hagger, W., C/o Perkins & Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Haig, Thomas, Dorris Street, West End. Hair, J., Hardgrave Road & Scott Street, West End. Hales, J. G., Bentley Lodge, Rosevale. Halford, Dr. A. C. F., "Turrawan," London & New Sandgate Roads, Clayfleld. Hall, Charles H., St. George Street, off Merton Road, South Brisbane. Hall, C. T., River Road, Auchenflower. Hall, Francis R., A.M.P. Chambers, Edward Street. Hail, Graham, Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Hall, H. C. Hail, Leslie B., Musgrave Terrace, Alderley Hall, N. G., Tantitha Station, Bundaberg. Hall, N. W., Dayton Scale Coy., 341 Queen Street. Hall, Hon. Thos. Murray, M.L.C., Edward Street. Hall, Thomas, Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Hall, T. R., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. Halliday, A., Davey Halliday & Coy., Ann Street. Ham, Isaac, 450 George Street. Hambleton, A. L., Kents Buildings, Albert Street. Hambly, W. 0., Jones & Hambly, Edward Street. Hamilton, C. W., "Kalinga," Lytton Road, East Brisbane. Hamilton, John R., Lima Street, Auchenflower. Hamilton, Hon. Wm., Parliament House, Brisbane. Hamilton, W., Kelvin Grove Road, Newmarket. Hamilton, W. J., Rocklea Hotel, Rocklea. Hnammel, W. F., Beenleigh. Hammond, J. W., C/o Gibbs, Bright & Coy., Eagle Street. Nampson, E. D., O'Connell Terrace, Paddington. Hancock, J. Henry, Hancock & Gore, Ltd., Ipswich Road. Handley, C. G., Rockville, Moombra, via Coominya. lnlon, G. C., George Street. Hanlon, T. W., 1830 Union Street, off Gregory Terrace. Hanah, B., McLennan St., Wooloowin. nnam, H. V., 856-8658 Queen Street. naen, H. P. Y., Strathmuir, Rockhampton Hnen, J. H., Killarney South. son, C., Ipawich. ldaore, Hon. H. F., Land Court, George Btrret. Srdeastle, G. B.. Whinoup & Coy., Valley. IL .Md Ik.L - -g _s :, -- ~~i~'*S1P~b~Lby;gf~r3~;ilB ~g~ ~y~g - Hardcastle, W. B., Virginia Avenue, Haw thorne. Hardiman, M. L., York Hotel, Queen St. Harding, C. J., East Street, Ipswich. Harding, R. J., Meadow Green, Indooroo pilly. Harding, Silas, Norwood Street, Toowon Harding, S. H.; Ipswich. Hardy, A. E., Gregory Street, Clayfleld. Hardy, George, Jeay Street, Bowen Hill? Hardy, T. W., Hardy & Hardy, Box 63; G.P.O., Brisbane. Hargrave, O., Liverpool, London & Glob. Insurance Coy., Queen Street. Hargreaves, J., Manly. Hargreaves, J. B., Lota Road, Manly. Hargreaves, Samuel, Hillcrest, Manly. Harkness, J. M., "Wonga," Old Sandgat Road, Eagle Junction. Harlen, C., Old Sandgate Road, Albion. Harley, Chas. H., R. S. Hews & Coy., Elizabeth Street. Harley, Edgar H., R. S. Hews & Coy., Elizabeth Street. Harnett, David M., Abbott St., New Farn Harper, F. O., C/o Harper Bros., Brisban<. Harrap, S., Wellington Road, Red Hill. Harris, D. R. Major, Tamrookum, Beaudesert. Harris, Edgar B., Caldew Flats, Bowen Terrace. Harris, Edward L., Brisbane Soap Coy., Ltd., Bowen Bridge. Harris, Edmund G., Rhoades & Coy., Wickham Street, Valley. Harris, H. E., Banyo. Harris, J., Dulacca West. Harris, Mark, 194 Edward Street. Harris, W. C., Commonwealth Bank, Queen Street. Harrison, A., Eagle Street. Harrison, A., Hooper & Harrison, Elizabeth Street. Harrison, Edward, Cribb Street, Milton, Harrison, H. W., "Goodrest," Kent Road, Eagle Junction. Harrison, M. G., Heidelberg Street, East Brisbane. Harrison, N. A., The Spicer Shoe Coy., Box 560, G.P.O., Brisbane. Harrison, Robert, "Glenbrae," Cornwall S , Greenslopes. Harrold, A. E., Rees Avenue, Clayfleld. Harrowell, R., New Zealand Loan & M. A Coy., Ltd., Eagle Street. Hart, Arthur G., "Culterfel," Manly. Hart, B., F. M. Hart & Coy., Queen & Wharf Streets. Hart, F.. "Culterfel," Manly. Hart, F. M., Empire Chambers, Wharf ,S Hart, J. H., "Culterfel," Manly. Hart, W. H., Springfield, Blackall. Hartigan, Roger, C/o Mactaggart Bro:., Adelaide Street. Hartley, P., Nursery Road, Mt. Gravatt. Hartnell, Walter, Thorldale, Warra. Harvey, E. K., Imbll, Mary Valley Line Hafkings, H., Indooroopilly. Hasuall, J. C., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi. Hshsall, J. P., Mt. Ubi, via Eumundi. Hassall, T. R., Mt. Ubi., via Eumundl. Hastings, Edward, Ellena Street, Mar borough. Hastings, J. E., Silkstone, Ipswich. Harvey, E. W.. "Rettah Vanna," New Far --- d - I-- ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. Hill, Colin, Bellevue House, Bellevue. Hi'l, E. O. W., Fassifern, Kalbar. Hill, E. Stanley, "Rutland," Newmarket Road, Wilston. Hill, H. J., Coorparoo. Hill, Len., Campbell St., Bowen Hills. Hill, Stephen, Mapleton, via Nambour. Hill, T. E., Norman Street, Wooloowin. Hill, W. B., Dornoch Terrace, West End. Hill, W. J., Kelvin Grove. Hill, W. R. O., "Arlington," Southport. Hill, Walter T., 62 Creek Street. Hilton, John E., Hardgrave Rd., West End. Hinchcliffe, A. E., John Street, Windsor. Hinchcllffe, F. W., 504 Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Hindmarsh, Wm., W. B. Shaw, Ppty., Ltd., Rawbelle Station, Eidsvold. Hine, John E., Mangerton, Dundas, Fernvale. Hipwood, James, 70 Eagle Street. Hitchcock, Oswald, City & Suburban Ice Coy., South Brisbane. Hives, C. V., Australian Sugar Producers' Association, Edward Street. Hoare, Dr. Wallis, Preston House, Queen Street. Hobbs, Arthur, Foxton, Hobbs & Macnish, London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Hobbs, John G., Stanley Terrace, East Brisbane. Hobson, Edgar S., Fiveways, Woolloongabba. Hockley, Arnold, Maryborough. Hodge, Robert S., Clewley St., Corinda. Hodgens, F. W., "Braeside," Finney Road, Indooroopilly. Hodgson, Isaac, Taringa. Hodgson, John, Knapp's Creek, Beaudesert. Hodgson, Wm., Box 861 G.P.O., Brisbane. Hoelscher, M., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Hoey, Herbert W.. Hoey, Fry & Coy., 150 Edward Street. Hogan, Joseph, Paul & Gray, Ltd., Eagle Street. Hogan, M., Patriotic Assurance Coy., Creek Street. Holbrook, S. T., Birkdale, Cleveland Line. Holdsworth, J. H., Winchombe, Carson, Ltd., Eagle Street. Holdsworth, R. J., "Nerangal," Wellington Street, Clayfield. Holland, Alex., Church Street, Toowong. Holland, E., "Rushley," via Rockhampton. Holland, Fred., Bouchard & Holland, Queen Street. Hollander, J. L., "Roseneath," Harcourt St., Teneriffe. Holllngworth, Thos., Brookes Street, Bowen Hills. Holloway, Edwin, Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. Holly, E. L., Western Australia. Holmes, B., Orange Grove, Box 74, Post Office, Pittsworth. Holmes, E., Allora. Holmes, E. J., Holmes & Church, Queen St. Holmes, E. G., The Terrace, North Ipswich. Holmes, Jonas, Longlands, Spring Valley, Pittsworth. Holmes, M. N., Castlemaine Brewery, Milton. limante, 8. H., Commercial Banking Coy. arvey, H. C., Kenilworth, Moore, Esk Line. atton, W., Chinchilla. awkes, Dr. C. S., "Glencairn," Wickham Terrace. awkins, E. A., Ducabrook, Bogantungan. lawkins, Percy A., Bristol Street, West End. lawkins, Thos., Court-le-Roy, Kilcoy. lawklns, V. G., Tamrookum, Beaudesert. [awthorne, A. G. C., Ithaca. lay, R. A., Taylor & Colledge, Ltd., Charlotte Street. layes, F. St.L., Humpybong Steamship Coy., Ltd., 377 Queen Street. layes, F., 48 Victory Chambers, Queen St. layes, J. W., Mars Boarding House, Tank Street. [ayes, W. H., Mount Stanley. laymen, M. G., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. laynes, C., 196 Edward Street. lays, J., Kenmbre, via Indooroopilly. laywood, Harold Lucas, Durinda Street, Greenslopes. learnden, W. J., George Street, Windsor. leaslop, James, "Lakkan," Vulture Street, South Brisbane. leaslop, R. H., James Heaslop & Sons, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. leaslop, T. N., James Heaslop & Sons, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. leggie, R. W., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. leiner, E. F. A., sales. Love Buildings,. Adelaide Street. Heise, Edmund. Ilellicar, V. A., Bank of Australasia, Queen Street. [lely, Lieut-Col. F. S., Fernberg Road. Milton. Hlemming, Chas. H., "Windemere," Florence Street, Teneriffe. l[emsley, Dr. J. Cameron, "Bunya Bunya," Wickham Terrace. Henderson, A. W. C., Sunnybank. Hlenderson, Lieut. Claude E., Department of Repatriation, Charlotte Street. Henderson, J., Dorrigo Road, Bunya. Henderson, J. S., Milton Station, Wietalaba, Boyne Valley Line. Henderson, R., Many Peaks, via Gladstone. tiptderson, W. A., Sandford Park, via Yanna. rerron, D., Twine Street, Wickham Ter. IHlrtzberg, Abraham, Charlotte Street. !Ifltzberg, Mrs. A. M., Bowen Terrace, New Farm. l[,l'tzberg, Marcus, Charlotte Street. Ietherlngton, J. W., Main Street, Kangaroo Point. Hewitt, A., Ann Street, Clayfleld. Hlewitt, H., Maxwell Road, Eagle Junction. lewitt, T. M., Lismore, N.S.W. Ileydon, T., Henry Berry & Coy., Adelaide Street. llickey, W., Glendalough Dairy, Wilston. flicks, J. E., St. Lucia, Toowong. "iggins, J. P., Leslie, via Warwick. lighet. Walter, Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hills. [lighfleld, C. H., Warwick. Hiigh eld, H. J., Kuala-Lumper, Malay ofl ydney, Queen Street. liley, Fred,, Norman Chamber, * . rt _ ~, -i~L~Li~r i;L~ :r~iy~Yac~i l.. ~aCI~F Creel St. Holmes, Thos., Benbeula, Yarranlea. Holmwood, F., Sandgate Road, Nuadab. ^ IL~UBIPL L Di~WrruYli ~s P~P~(L~-Y Y~ ' - .-4' '-*^ i. r. ^ ' 1 1 -r C ' iY' ' 50 ANNUAL MEMBERIS-Continued. 'iomer, H. T., Barfield, Gladstone. , A. H., Wondai Station, Wondai bi0 ood, R., Buruda, Cleveland Line. Oke, F. M., Burnside, Miva, Nanango Line. ooke, G. M., Moray Downs, Clermont oke, H., Dunmore Park, Dalby. Sooke, J. C., Crooks Park, Dungog, N.S.W. Sooke, T. M., Crooks Park, Dungog, N.S.W. SHooker, G. S., Hooker, Chapman & Coy.. SElizabeth Street. A. E., Gayndah Co-op. Dairy Coy . Glen Eden. IHooper, H. T., Limestone Street, Ipswich ;.Hooper, R., Cavendish Road, Coorparoo. SHooper, S. S., Department of Agriculture S& Stock, William Street. "Hooper, T., Hooper & Harrison, Elizabeth Street. SHooper, T. B., Tower Street, Albion. iooper, W., Cheddar Farm, Woombye ooper, W. J., "Curringin," Markwell St . Hamilton. Hopkins, C. R., Dalgety & Coy., Itd.. Elizabeth Street. SHoran, W. Cox., Eagle Street. SHore, T. H., "Northani," Rose Street and Park Road, Eagle Junction. Born, Albert, Wellington Road East i,' • Brisbane. Horne, Frank, Linville. Horne, Frederick, Linville Sorne, Graham D., Monsildale, via Lanville Horne, G. H., Gladstone. Home, H. T., Esplanade, Wynnum Souh orne, J., Monsildale, via Linville. Sorne, John, Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd . Biggenden. H: ornibrook, J., Third Avenue,. Wilston Hornlbrook, James H., Third Avenue. Wilston. * orrobin, J. W., Silverdale, Tingoora. Horatmann, W. C., E. S. & A. Bank Chambers, Eagle Street. Horton, J. N., Inglis Ltd.. Boundary & Adelaide Streets. Hoskin, Alfred, lHoskin & Carmichael, Creek Street. ' Hoskin, Philip, Avenel, Uirinsop, VWestern Line. olking, S. H., Toogoolawah. urston, 0. L., George Street, Taringa. House, H. T., Crowther St., West End. ' uston, J., Coralton, Olio, Central Railway. Howard, B. G., Alfred Street, Valley. H Howard, James, Howard Motor & Cycle. Ltd., Adelaide Street. Howard, Thomas, Princess Street, Bulirnbu. Howell, G. H., Australlan Bank of Corn merce, Queen Street. .Howell, R. A., Killarney South. SHoweas, W. E., State Produce Agency. Turbot Street. owitt, C., Maud Street, Highgate Hill. Hudon, A. S., 303 Queen Street. •ulon, H. H., Box 201, G.P.O., Brisbane Ueon, T., Miles Street, Albion. tl. Wm., McKensle & Holland. *'. Northrate. H., John Street, Toowong. , A. C S.Hooper, ¥ WW' t.J gf. , Seppelt, Ltd., Eagle Street r BEdmond F., Snow's Building, )u-nn'' Street. P. C., Malanga, Boompa. Hughes, Joseph., London Bank Chambers Creek Street. Hughes, L. T., McIlwraith Street, Auchen flower. Hughes, P. J., State School, Milora, via Ipswich. Hughes, R.. H., Maryborolugh. Hughes, W. W., Boorio Creek, Lismore. New South Wales. Humfress, F., Box 201, G.P.O., Brisbane. Humphrey, E. G., Moggill Road, Taringa Humphreys, J. R., William Street, Rock hampton. Humphrys, L. P., Dayton Scale Coy., Queen Street. Hunt, Alex., Springdale, Maleny. Hunter, Alex., Hodgson, Hunters, Ltd., Dalby. Hunter, H., "Brunell," Mowbray Terrace East Brisbane. Hunter, H. M., Home Secretary's Department, Treasury Buildings. Hunter, J. A., Ioma. Hunter, Robert, Coniham & Hunter, 375 Wickham Street. Hunter, Robert C., C,'o A.M.E. Coy., Ltd. Eagle Street. Hunter, R. S., 171 Mary Street. Hurley, C. A., Hurley & McLaughlin, Queen Stre,'t. Hurrey, Dr. H. (G., Lutwyche ld., Wooloo win. Hurwood, W. S., Laurel Avenue, Chelmer Hurworth, Dr., Stanthorpe. Hutcheon, E. H., Celtic (;inhambers, George Street. Hutchison, James, Rainbow Street, Sand gate. Hutchison, John, Brisbane Road, Manly. Hutton, George L., Iuox 773, G.('.O., Brisbane. Hutton, H. H., 126-136 Queen Street. Huxley, C. S., The Wattles, Mount Sturt Hyde, C. E. W., Rode Road, Nundah. Hyde, Richard, Rode Road, Nundah. Hyland, H., Box 299, G.P.O., Brisbane. Hyland, N., Eagle Farm Road, Hamilton Illft, E. S., Swan Road, Taringa. Illff, W. S., Electoral Registrar's Office. Treasury Buildings. Illingworth, R. C., 309 Queen Street. Illingworth, W. E., A. M. Hertzberg & Co Charlotte Street. Inglis, W., Mainson Road, Hendra. Innes, G., Corner Reece & Bruce Streets off Ipswich Road. Innes, J. C., Royal George Hotel, Nambour Innes, S. N., Walla, Gin Gin. Innes, W., James Street, Valley. Inwood, E. B., C/o 1). & W. Murray, Elizabeth Street. Irish, C. G., Isles Lane. Irons, C., Arawara, Gayndah Line. Irvine, Allan, Brisbane Scale Works. Burnett Lane. Irvine, J. W., National Ins. Co., Creek St Irvine, R. S., Irvines, Ltd., Adelaide St. Irving, W. E., "Lorina," Kirkland Avenue Coorparoo. Irving, W. H., Victoria Parade, Kelvin Grove. Irwin, A., Breakfast Creek Hotel. Irwin, Boyd Dr., Union Trustee Chambers Queen Street. Irwin, John W., Redoliffe, Duaringa. j~ _l~ _:~( C-9YP~Y~NYL~LB~I'~~'~bL~B~i~Y~Y~~~ ijj(~ -II le h~~b(rl .ric ~E - j _ _W ~~ _____ 7 ;1 L , i 51 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Edgley, J., C/o Q'land Primary Producers Co-op. Co., Eagle Street. Edmiston, Fraser, W.. Adelaide Street. Edmonds, Mrs. L. E., Watson Street, Coorparoo. Edwards, E. E., 2S7 Wilkbam Terrace. • Edwards, James, Eveleigh Street, Wooloowin. Edwards, M. M., N. Z. Chambes, Queen St. Edwards, W. E.. Hudd Street, Bowen Hills. Edwards. W. H.. Coongoola Colosseum, North Coast Line. Effev, W., National Hotel, Petries Bight. Egan. M, J., Gavndah Co-op. Dairy Co., Ltd., Gayndah. Elgar. S., Adelaide Steamship Co., Petries Bight. Ellerton. Dr. H. B., Hospital for Insane, Goodna. Elliot, A. A., "Victo." Coongools. ,lliot. P. L., Lowmead. N. C. Line. T-l1int. W H., Naniiph. Cnnnmulla. Elliott. Chas.. Chorltonn& Elliott, Queen St. Elliott, Gavin, Wheatley Farm, Laidley South. pllq. M. H. C/n Parliament Houise. Ellison, C. R., Inns of Court. Adelaide St. Ellison. Wm., Bald Knob, Landsborough. Elms. M.. Northgate. Elphlintone, A. C., M.L.A., Oxley Road, Corinda. .'lworthv. F. L., Gvmpie. l:lwyn, H. F., Gunvan. Inelewood. i'mmott. F. C., Union Bank Chambers, Oueen Street. Alhinn. ndres, FE-nest. Edward Steet. VInever, John. Leichhnrdt St'eet. Valley. :ngels. Fred A.. 146 Adelnide Street. !'ngland, Joseph, Yanleigh Farm, Strathpine. pngland. T. D.. Preqton House. Queen St. Engles. Wm., Mt. Uhi, via Eumlindi. Eschenhaeen, Mrs. H., "Idar," Gergory Terrace. Escott, J. .T., Waterworks Road, Ascot. Ilole. D. E.. C-oxdnle. Charleville. Eva, H. C., Klneg Road, Ta'ilnga. Evans. C. (.. MLennan & Nutting, 44 Adellde Street. Evans, D. W., "The Firs." Nobby. Evans. John, Evpns, Anderson & Phelan, Kangaroo Point. l]vana. John C., Lindley & Co., Curra, N. C. Line. lE:vans, Norman, 120 Roma Street. Evans, Wm. E., Maroochydore, via Yandina Iverdell, S. J., Woodhlll, Benudesert Line. r:verett. Arthur. Corner King & Stanley Streets, East Brishane. !:ves. Geore L., Roval Insurance Co., 355-S57 Queen Street. Ewart, W. .. , Rialto Street, Conrparoo. Exton. R. H.. R. S. Exton & Co., Ltd., Queen Street. Exton. R. S., R. S. Exton & Co., Ltd., Queen Street. Paella, A., Sandrate Road. Breakfast Creek P'agR.R. C., Newlands Estate, Indooroo- pilly. *"1-fax, J. H., Marinva, Cambooya. iPalls, . Fred., OQeen Street, Brisbane. "nIt. P. p. Rvflad 'iniroora. Panning, Tom., Ashgrove. Pannlng. W. J., Btrathmore, Longreach. I'arley, W., Boonah. nn. . r nr . Farmer, ( Chas., Herston Estate. Farmer, Edwin J., Hazeldean, Gladstone. Farmer, Jr. C., Castlemaine Brewery, Miltos Farquhar son, P. F., Byculla, Hursley Road, Toow oomba. Farrant, Samuel, Condong, Tweed River, New South Wales. Feather, H. A., Howard Smith Co., Ltd., Eagle Street. Fees, Ad! 3lph, Feez, Ruthning & Baynes, Lutw yche Chambers, Adelaide Street, Feez, Ar thur, Adelaide Street. Brisbane. Fellows, H., Lindum. Cleveland Line. Felton, E). M., Q.M.E. Co., Ltd., Mary St. Fenelon, M., State School, West End. Fenton, .1J., Burrell, Fenton & Co., Roma Streelt. Fenwick, S. S., 403 Ann Street, City. Ferguson , Andrew, Water & Sewerage Boarc Albert Street. Ferguson , C. D., 41 Queen Street. Ferguson , Chas. Wm., 16 Symes St., Valley. Ferguson , E. A., Watson, Ferguson & Co., Queeln Street. Ferguson , James, Co-operative Dairy Co., Kingiaroy. Ferguson , .ps., Boole, via Kingaroy. Ferguson , John, Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. Ferguson , R. G., William Brooks & Coy., Ltd., Wickham Street, Valley. Ferrier, C . E., C/o Markwald , Son & Abel, Ltd., Eagle Street. Ferrier, I j. A., C/o James Campbell & Son, Creek Street. Feuerrieg;il. W.. Bald Hills. Flebig, J. , McLennnn Street, Wooloowin. Fihelly, ]Hon. J., Parliament House. Finlaysor i, A., A. & G. Finlayson, Queen Stree t, City. Finla sor i, G., A. & G. Finlayson, Queen Stree t, City. Finney, I Hubert, Charlotte Street. Finucan, John, Chalk Street, Wooloowin. Firth, J., Thynne Road, Morningside. Fish, Gee irge, Mons & Amiens, Redcllffe. Fisher, J ohn J., J. W., Johnston &- Co., 83 Queein Street. Fisher, J no. N., Union Bank of Australia, Ltd., Queen Street. Fitzgeral d, J. B., Meeandah. Fitzgeral d, J. F., Fitzgerald & Walsh, Queel n Street. Fitzgeral d, J. H., Kitchener Road, Ascot. Fitzgeral d, T. K., Samford. Fitzpatri ck, J. C., Bellevue Hotel, Coom inya. Fleming, Alex., Maleny, via Landaborough,. Fleming, P., Albert Street, Brisbane. Fletcher, D. Jnr., Crockdaubigle, Muckadllla. Fletcher, Edwin, Goondiwindl. Fletcher, M., Crockdaublgle, Muckadilla. Flett, T. M.. Box 562, G.P.O., Brisbane. Flitcroft, John, Maleny. Flynn, E. ., Bank Street, South Brisbane. Flynn, J., , Ipswich Road (near Fiveways), South Brisbane. Flynn, St ephen, 98 Eagle Street. Fogarty, G. E., James Street, Toowoomba, Fogarty, R. F., C/o Samuel Allan & Song, Alber t Street. Foggit, C. E., Foggit, Jones & Co., Turbot Stree t. Foggitt. iG. A., Greenslopes. Foote, H. J., Sherwood Road, Sherwoo4. i, o ". * - . . *^ ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. I in,. City Electric Light Coy., dary Street. J., Wellington Rd., East Brisbane. V. R., Prince Street, Thompson :e. A. L., Fruit Exchange, Turbot St. ., Cutaburra Branch, Cunnamulla. G. W., Murgon. Miss J., Campbell Street, Bowen L. J., Grosvenor Road, IndoorooT., Millhaven, Sandgate. Lndrew, Broadway St., Woolloon- PR Pd iI w Mv<*. red., Abbotaleigh, Abbotsford Rd., en Hills. sorge, Abbotsleigh, Abbotsford Rd., en Hills. FranK, uampDells Street. ro), uillings, Creel )1d Harry, Duncan Street, Hill End, Sth. risbane. |, Stan., Hill End, Sth. Brisbane. ieher Rev. T., Rosewood. ett, T. DeLacy, Gladstone. ly. Dr. Brooke, Preston House, Queen 1 LV,Miss C., Ann Street, Valley. y, J. E., Bowen. sIy, J. R., Botany Street, Clayfleld. 1i tlLV. fr C/o Foggit Jones & Co., Turbot J., Musgrave Road, Red Hill. .T P Mlltnn Rd A ennfmr ., Windsor. m., 41 Creek Street. hn, Union Bank Chambers, Creek SI Innh Mt Mini ay, E., C/o Box 808 G.P.O., Brisbane. R. W., Abuklea Street, Wilston. A., Bushy Park, Duchess. A. S., Kingsholme, New Farm. E. E., Isis Bank, Gallipoli, all. L. M., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle R. D., Parbury House, Eagle St. D. F., Crescent Road, Hamilton. t. ... u... _z v* TV. ., ., o8r .... r TowII £-011 Hall Cameris, Queen Street. ipt R. M., James Campbell & Sons, Creek Street. pit, Wm., Jondaryan Estates Co., Jondaryan. lln, H., Melbourne St., South Brisbane. ['Un, R., Melbourne St., South Brisbane. rr., J. B., Watervaal, Kllcoy. f, R. A., Boys' Grammar School, SIpawich ,, R. 8., Cavendish Rd., Coorparoo. Utin, Dr. P. J., Preston House, Queen St. MiAhael •min I r ' HeathAridA 'nrohin en, Woodal. W., Mount Joy Terrace, Manly. , Roms. J., Home Secretary's DepartTreasury Buildings. Finney Isles & Co., Queen St. , C/o Australian Estates & M. reek Street. L., C/o Aust. Estates & M. Co., Street. , J. H., Shepherd Hill, Glenore King Clarence, Box 190 G. P. 0., BrisbaneKing, A. L., Mooroonba Nara, via Toowoomba. King, Edward, Craigend, Charlton. King, J., Kedron. King, T. D., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorne. King, R. M., Kents Buildings, Adelaide St. King, Walter. Kingston, F. C., Old Sandgate Road. Kinnear, Henry, C/o Wm. Dunlop, Mount Burrell Uki, Tweed River. Kirby, A. J., Ipswich Rd., Sth. Brisbane. Kir.by, E. P., Murwillumbah. Kirby, Geo. W,. Luxland Sapphire Anakie. Kirby, Jas. S., Cashmere West, St. George. Kirby, W., Lake View, Central Queensland. Kirk, G., Goondiwindi. Kirk, R. W., Brooks Street, Bowen Hills. Kirk, W. H., Parbury House, Eagle Street. Knack, W., Broadmead, Taroom. Knight, A. H., Box 61 G. P. O., Brisbane. Knight, F., Co-op. Dairy Co., Biddeston. Knight, F. G., Bluff View, Maroondan, Mt. Perry. Knight, G., Moorland, North Coast Line. Knight, H., Wickham Street, Valley. Knight, J., Lapraik Street, Albion. Knight, J. J., Brisbane Newspaper Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. Knoblanch, C., Crown Stove & Foundry Co., Woolloongabba. Knowles, A., 41 Creek Street. Knowles, S., Queen Street, Brisbane. Knox, D., Gympie Road, Kedron. Knox, D. Junr., Gymple Road, Kedron. Knox, Robert, Gympie Road, Kedron. Knox, W., C/o D. Knox, Gympie Road, Kedron. Korner, A., Roadvale, Fasslfern Line. Krause, F., Lindum, Cleveland Line. Krcrouse, A. S., The International Fruit & Produce Co., Turbot Street. Krone, Henry, G. A., C/o McWhirters Ltd., Valley. Krimmer, C. C., Darling Downs Co-op. Bacon Co., Toowoomba. Krummel, A.. Wynnum South. Kubler, J., Hendra. Kuhn,. F. C., Wharf Terrace, Sandgate. Lacey, W. J., Gayndah Co-op. Dairy Coy. Byrnestown. Ladewig, E., Old Sandgate Road, Eagle Junction. Lahey, F. J. M., Laheys Ltd., Vulture St.. South Brisbane. Lahey, I., Abboteleigh Street, Coorparoo Lahey, Jno. R. A., Sawmills, Corinda. Lahey, T. G., "Beechwood," Gladstone Rd. South Brisbane. Laidlaw, James, Park Street, Kelvin Grove Laidlaw, K. H., Q. N. Bank, Ltd., Brisbane Laidlaw, L. J., Park Street, Kelvin Grove Laing, Alex., Princhester St., West End. Laing, W. A., Murrarie, Cleveland Line. Lalor, W. F., A. M. P. Chambers, EdwardI Street. Lambert, Frank A., "Woodton," Indooroo pilly. Lambert, G. S., Desmond Chambers, Adelaide Street. Lambert, W. G., Cowlishaw Street, Bowel Lane, Dr. Morgan, Gladstone Road, Souti Brisbane. Lane, D., Lake Clarendon, Gatton. _ _~V___ ___~ ~_~_~ ~__ __ ___ _ _i _ _ _~ _ 1 1; _ 53 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. ,ane, John E., Crows Nest. .ane, R. H., B. J. Ball, Ltd., Charlotte St. Lang, Alex. S., Wellington Road, Kangaroo Point. * ang, John, "Marriana," Sherwood. .ang, John, Forrest Lang & Itoper Merivale Street, South Brisbane. Lang, G. T. C., "Hillside," 305 Vulture St., South Brisbane. .angdon, A. H., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. 4Iangley, W., Jiggi, via Lismore. Langworthy, Mrs. H. M., Manilla, N.S.W. Lanhain, D., Mary Street. I anadowne, 0. J., C/o McWhirters, Ltd., Valley. Ilassell, N., John Street, Sandgate Road, Wooloowin. iatham, W., Musgrave Road, Red Hill. 'ather, F., Philip Street, Galloways Hill. .ather, 0., Auchenflower. iLther, H., C/o Howard Motor Co., Adelaide Street. I ther, 0. W., State School, Rocklea. I.tugher, C., Station Master, West Cleveland. I tugher, E. U., North Quay. tugher, F. V., New Farm Wharf. iver, Robert, "Riverslea," Gogango, Rockhampton. iverack, H. J. S., Hill Street, Sherwood. Ivers, A. R., Q. M. E. Co., Ltd., Mary St. iw, H. J., 70 Creek Street. .w, W., Goodna. a..wlesa, Ivan, Windera, Goomeri. :.:Iwless, J. P., Windera, Goomeri. Iwlor, W., Commercial Road, Valley. twrence, A. T., British Imperial Oil Co., Mary Street. awerence, M., City View )airy, Bunidamba I. lwrie, A. A., R. A. Conn, Ltd., 181 eorge Street. I :iwson, E., 155 Vulture Street, S. B. i wsolon, Robert B., Hazelwood, Stanthorpe .Laycock, Gwydir J., Lorraine, Roma. *ach, R. 8., Rep. T. Dewez & Co., Parbury House. ILahy, Hon. P. J., National Mutual Chambers, Queen Street. 'Arcky, 8. C., Moray Street, New Farm. ILee, Arthur, Hargreave Road, West End. Sce F. S., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle St. %ee, F. W., N. Z. L. & M. A. Co., Eagle St. I. e. H. D., Engineering Supply Co., of A., Edward Street. '. J. H., Werthelm Co., Queen Street. e.',W. J., Stanley Street, South Brisbane. I "ech, A. H.; London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. I es, J. Mackensie, Bank of Q'land, Ltd., Queen Street. ggse, H. V., Elisabeth Street. aggo, E. Hedley, H. M. Leggo, Ltd., 218-22 Queen Street, Melbourne. I 'hane, T. J., Inns of Court, Adelaide St. Leitch, T., C/c Fenwick & Co., Edward Mt. L*-mon, J. H., Brid e Street, Albion. Loey, led, Brlibane Tranmways Co., untees Street. Laney ,F. W., Hemmant. 1Ennon Hon. W., Wooloowin. Lennox. D. C., Bundaberg. 1Iaelle, A. R., Woodtord. -"ter Joseph, Laidley Creek West. L Eutrange. Guy, George Street. E Etrngle, OuY ., WLokham Terace. L'Estrange, D r. H., 113 Wickham T L'Estrange, W M., Herston Road,KeBvi~ Grove. Einas Lethbridge, R . L., "\Werrlington," leigh, Cal rns. Lethem, Charl es B.,N. Z. Chambers, Queen Street. Lever, C., Lal )raik Street, Albion. Lever, C. E., Conon Street, Wooloowin Levingston, T ., 404 Queen Street. Lewin, L. T., Leyland Motors Ltd., Londofl Bank Cha mbers, Moore St., Sydney. Lewis, A., Le wis & Co., Montague Road, South Briisbane. Lewis, Albert, "Maree," Shafston Avenue,' Kangaroo Point. Lewis, A. E. H., Eagle Street. Lewis, L. W., Box 2, Post Office, Miles. Lewis, Stanley , Rockbourne Terrace, UppePaddingto n. Liddel, R., Ste phens Roadl, South Br'isbane .5 Lightband, R. M., Union Trustees Chanibers, Queen Street. Lightbody, G. A., Wertheim Queensland ~ Piano Dep ot, Queen Street. Lightbody, Is aac, Leichhardt St., hprin# Hill. Lightoller, Cliaude, Box 239, G. P. O.0 Brisbane. Lightoller, Dr. H. M., Highlands, Albion. Lind, A., Gladistone Road, 8th. Brisbane. '; Lind, W., St. 4Osyth Street, Toowong. Lindner, H., vMt. Alford, via Boonah. Lindley, H. B.,, Curra. Lindley, H. W.., Jingeri Wondai. Lindsay, D., Barton Road, Bulinmba. Linsdell, F. IH., Uplands, Myrnlong, Vicr ~ Liak, W. J., lStation Road, IndooroopilW . Linton, Georg e H., Bungeworgori, via Roma. Lissner, E. H., Albert Hotel. Albert Street. Little, James, Rosedale. Little, Miss K .yle, Victoria Pt., Cleveland, Little, Robert, Q. N. Bank, Queen Street Little, R. G., Sandgate Road, Nundah. Little, W. D., Milton Road, Aucheniower Littledike, A. J., Laycock, Littledike & Co., ~ Herechell Street. Littledike, R. A., Herachell Street. Littler, H. E., Brace., Windle Blyth & Co.; Fdward SitLreet. Livingstone, 11. Mcii., Wattlevale, Kingaroy. Lloyd, A. P., 4Courlier Building. Queen St, ' Lloyd, F. R., Edwards, Dunlop & Co., Edward St reet. Lloyd, W., Qu4een Street. Lobton, John, Cloncurry. Logan D. C., J ane Street, West tnd, South Brisbane. Logan, D. W., Pine View, Kilcoy. Logan, 0., Pin e View, Kilcoy. Logan, U. D., Tarranalma, Albion. Logan, U. W., Five Ways, Woolloongabb . 4 Logan, R. H., C/o D)algety & Co., Rockhamp ton. Lomax, F. D., C/o Dalgety & Co., EIIabetsi 2 Street. R., LomaxH Maxlands, Mungundl. Lonergan, Tho u. E., Langihaw Street, NeqW Farm. Long, I. W. HI., George Street. Long, T. A. Longbottom 6 W. H., 240 Queen Street. :. Longland, h rles, Tenerlie. ~Y~LPldY1I lii~i~rY ~L --Xi~_U ;ill~Y_*ll~ln -IID~iX~R~-St~_LP_~-~I ~i -L-_;ilf~B~-i~jitil Commerolal pead, 2=ICBY~P~-~Cr~ f~-~C - I Y-P~-~~- i1 54 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. s D. F., Langside Road, Hamilton. John, Albion. , Chelmer. ., Eskdale Station, Esk. 128-125 Charlotte Street. on, D., Paramount Pictures, 368 Street. H. C., Rutland, Mitchell. W. S., Dirranbandi. J. S., Crystal Brook Station, 11. Thos., Overend Street, East .Z ughridge, S., Burrell Fenton & Co., Roma Street. *Aury, R., Toogoolawah. uttit, W. H., Nambour. VWe,James, Isles Love & Co., Adelaide St. ovekin, J.. B., 455 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. ;i0vekin, J. J., 455 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. J'.fk«a /. T . Ii .jUoas, --q .. omilas, flUnf i JLnJ« T u oInlll TDnrld oI, H en U ld ra. A., Linville. J. W., Amberley, near Ipswich. , John, Gympie St., Northgate. Samuel, 146 Queen Street. F. S., Henry Berry & Co., Adelaide eet. ,, ~ £. -. -. _.1 I.. Ci., Mt. Victoria0. onreacn. umimnrcuial j.IvSr rvelr . luu, sabeth Street. ). T., Zillmere, North Coast Line. T. J., Courier Buildings, Edward St. ford, T. H., Wickham Street, Valley. Iuagg, J. B., Faddington. 'LIke, Peter, Manchester Terrace, Taringa. -L. kin, Justice, Union & Zillman Roads, Clayfleld. Lurcock, A. J., Kent Grove, near Glenreagh North Coast, New South Wales. . ya, A. C., 95 Eagle Street, Brisbane. Lya, IH.E., 95 Eagle Street, Brisbane. Luya, H. W., Brisbane Milling Co., South Brisbane. lymbunner, A., Survey Office, George St. Lyne, J., Fruit Grower, Woombye. Lyons, Marcus F., Commercial Travellers' Club, Brisbane. ftcansh, John Donald. ansh, Rowland, Warwick. Macartney, Hon. E. H., A. M. P. Chamnbers, S Edward Street. Macdonald, A. H. G., "Kadava," Lancaster Road, Ascot. Macdonald, A. M., Victory Chambers, Queen Street. ' odonald, A. R., "Hlllvlew," Greenslopes. donal,d D. J., Bloomfleld. Blackall. onald, S., Bonnie Doon, Leyburn. Maodonald, S. W. G., "Miva," Ascot Street, I I 1 t i ne, A., Harlin Road, Ipswich. ne, J. P., Parbury House, Eagle St. ie, S. G.. Kllburnie, Radford, ndan Line. ne, -. Kilburnie, Radford, anL lLn LiIne. J. H., "Glencoe," Taringa. A. B., Kiosk, Botanic Gardens, he. Peter, 21 Telegraph Chambers, Street. Wynnum South. D,. Walrumbah, Toogoolawah. 0/0 D. 8. Carter, Queen Street. Mackay, D., Adelaide Street. Mackay, G. J., 206 Queen Street. Mackay, H. G., Box 550, G. P. O., Brisbane Mackay, John R., Box 26, P. O., Jondowae Mackinnon, Charles, Derribong, N. S. W. Mackinnon, K. Garner, Derribong, N. S. W Mackrell, F. L. B., "Sellwood," Kilklvan Macleod, Thos., Celtic Chambers, George St Macmillan, A. L., "Lendal," Gladstone Rd. South Brisbane. Macmillan, A. J., "Kentyre," Kent Road. Wooloowin. Macmillan, J., Elizabeth Street. Macnamara, Dr., Mater Hospital, South Brisbane. Macnaughton, His Honour Justice, District Court, Brisbane. Macneill, D., Milli, Charleville. Macnish. F. C., London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Macpherson, E. A., Waugh & Josephson, Turbot Street. Macpherson, H. S., Edward Street. Macpherson, L. J., 32-34 Roma Street. Macrossan, H. D., Lutwyche Chambers, Adelaide Street. Macrossan, Neal, Lutwyche Chambers, Adelaide Street. Mactaggart, Dan, Adelaide Street. Mactaggart, D. E., Adelaide Street. Mactaggart, W. S., Adelaide Street. Magee, D., Stanley Street, Sth. Brisbane. Maggs, A. P., Bristol Tannery, Kedron. Maggs, P., Bristol Tannery, Kedron. Maggs, P. C., Bristol Tannery, Kedron. Maitland, E. A., Brisbane Street, Bulimba. Maitland, R., Westwood, Boompa. Major, G. W., Coogee Gardens, Palmwoods. Malempre, L. A., 136 Harcourt Street, New Farm. Malkow, O. G., A. M. E. Coy., Ltd., Eagle St Maloney, C. J., Arthur Street, Teneriffe. Malouf, M., Oaklands Motor Coy., Adelaide Street. Mammetein Pty., Ltd. (E. J. Skinner, Rep.) 109 Pitt Street, Sydney. Manchester, E. J. T., Jordan Terrace, Albion. Manley, E. J., Lowood. Mann, J. C., Crescent Farm, Yarranlea. Manning. A. E.. Q'land Investment Coy 137 Creek Street. , Manntain, R. F., Maryvale St., Toowong Manson, E. G., Parbury House, Eagle St Manson, J. M., Brabant & Co., Charlotte St Mant, C. 0., 129 Creek Street. Mant, G. S., Gigomgan, Broweena. Manuel, Jos., East St., Mount Morgan. Maplestone, E. J., E. S. & A. Bank Chambers, Eagle Street. Marchant, George, "Montrose," Taringa. Marchapt, H. W., Brown St., Kingsholm< Marconi, J. C., Bulimba. Mardon, R. N., Kent Road, Eagle Junotior Mark, G. H., "Medway," Eagle Farm Road Mark, J. R., Rosewood. Mark, Miss M. 'M. B., "Mornington," Gregory Terrace. Mark, R. W. E., Munro St., Auchenflowei Marks, Leslie P., 33 Fitaroy Buildings, Adelaide Street. Marks, W. V., MlcIntyre Street, Wooloowii Markwell, James I., Cornwall Street, Greenslopes. Markwell, W., Markwell Street, Hamllto M&rquardt, H. F., Wondal, ^t Ia.ja^ ~ I ~---l Y i~~cwr;~-~ bY;'. BuD.R l?;IaBB i~.~ ~-K~p~. ~ - "1 I ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. HLarr, George D., George Street. Marrlott, F. B., 78-86 George Street. Marriott, S., "Hopefleld," Boyd St., Bowen Hills. Marsden, F.. Marsden Street, Albion. Marshall, Edward, Grove St., Grove Estate, Ithaca. Marshall, Henry, Department of Mines, Treasury Buildings. Marshall, T. A. Jnr., Brunswick St., New Farm. Mnrshall, W. C., Norman Avenue, Norman Park. Marshall, W., Vulture Street, West End. Marshall, W. M., Department of Agriculture, William Street. Marshall, W. McL., C/o Sargood Bros., Eagle Street. larsland, H. L., Crescent Road, Hamilton. ;lartin, Angus, Casino, New South Wales. lartin, Chas., Elliott St., Eagle Junction. latrtin, C. A., Victoria Insurance Coy., Edward Street. Martip, F. W., Q'land Co-op. Bacon Co., Murrarie. Martin, M. D., Bank of Australasia, Queen Street. Ma.rwick, Hector, Clark & Fauset, Ltd., Eagle Street. lMason, Myles, "Lyngarbb," corner Bartley Street and Station Road, Clayfleld. Mason, F. W., 172 Queen Street. Massey, H., State Butchering Coy., Paddington. Massey, J. C., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., * Elizabeth Street. Massey, R. C., Foggitt Jones & Coy., Turbot Street. ilather, A. Cope, Newmarket Rd., Wilston. Matthew, F. G., C/o Reg. Scott, Young & Coy., Pitt & Hunter Streets, Syndey. Mathews, Ray, C/o Howard Smith, Ltd., Parbury House. Matthews, Ernest, "Rosenholme," Annie Street, New Farm. Ilatthews, E. H., Bank of Queensland, Ltd., Queen Street. Matthews, J., Edward Butler & Sons, Ltd., Petries Bight. lMatthews, W. H., "Wulfruna," Newstead Terrace, Newstead. hlitthewson, Dr. T. H. R., "Craig Athol," Brunswick Street, New Farm. Alitthewson, Thos., 184 Queen Street. l>ude, J., Rawson Avenue, Kogarah, N.S.W. Ilaunsell, J. F., Shorncllffe, Sandgate. Maxwell, D. F., Q. N. Bank, Queen Street. M.xwell, J. F., 174 Albert Street. xwell, S. J., Dornock Terrace, South Brisbane. M ixwell, T., Loora, Sth. Grafton, N.S.W. lI yall, J., Avondale, Pittsworth. 'ltyers, G. R., Cairns. hMynard, J. Howard, Edmonstone Street, Newmarket. Al:,vnard, R. S., "Live Stock Bulletin" Office, 808 Queen Street. Mayne, H. C., Hatcham Downs, Yeulba. Mayne, Dr. J. O'Nell, "Moorlands," Toowong. Mayne, W. M., "Moorlands," Toowong. . M-yo, Professor Elton, Montppllier, Wickham Terrace. "Mzlin, W. Dublin Street, Clayfield. Mikklema, I. A., trathpine. f - - r y .^ , ..d^^B JiAA^ *Tia . ^T.gJc'a-~ - 1 <DLE_ I., 01S1tree, OIIU1UL-Ii_ onelelh Mee, F. G., St Mee, T., Ston sleigh Street, Albion. Meek, Dr. R. iA., Vulture & Stanley Streets, South Bri sbane. Meiklejon, Ja mes, E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Street. Melbourne, A. C. V., Sefton Road, Clayfleld. Mellish, L. E., , Department of Public Health, H ope Street, South Brisbane. Mercer, J. A., Main St., Sandgate Central. Merritt, D., Seandgate. Metcalf, E. VV., G.T.M.'s Office, Railway Departmeint, Roma Street. Metcalfe, J. RI., Stevenson Street, Ascot. Micheli, J.,'3811 Queen Street. Middleton, Ja mes, Downes Street, Bowen Hills. Middleton, W. ., Devon Court, Crows Neat. Miles, Hon. E . D., Ascot. Miles, J. R., G:able Street, Ascot. Millar, R. W., Pittsworth. Miller, Andre' w, Tenterfleld, N.S.W. Miller, H. H. Miller, J., Bah i Hills. Miller, James,, Inver, Mapleton. Miller, W., Pe tries Bight. Millikin, J. A.,, Ridley Street, Auchenflower , Millingen, A. C., C. T. Buildings, Charlotte Street. Milligen, L. S ., Ocklefords, Ltd., 71 Eliabeth Stre et. Milne, James Smellie & Coy., Edward St. Milne, J. G., Mercantile Mutual Insurance Coy., 377 Queen Street. Milne, R., 118 Leichhardt St., Spring Hill. " Minnis, G., Giriffith Street, New Farm. Minnis, J., Grliffith Street, New Farm. Meissner, E., 157 Leichhardt St., Spring Hill. Mitchell, C. Bl. H., Fairlle, Warwick. Mitchell, J. H[., "Waimate," Mornington, Victoria. Mitchell, J. M[.,Toowong. Mitchell, Jam es, C/o L. E. Walker & Coy., . Mary Striset. Mitchell, Roblart. Harry Street, Grove Estate, E noggera. Mitchell, Stan ley, Strathdu Station, Sladesvale. Moffatt, R. Mi., Mail Branch, G. P. O., Brisbane. Mofflin, W., F'reston House, Queen Street. Moir, W. C., C /o B. C. Brett, E.S. & A. Bank Chambers , Eagle Street. Mole, F. W., C:urator of Interstate'Estates, Elizabeth Street. Molesworth, 1Rev. H. T., Cornwall Street, . . ,, Thompson Estate, South Brisbane. Mollenhauer, E. H., M'boro Co-op. Dairy Coy., Mun dubbera. . Molony, A. W ., Gladstone. Monahan, A. J., "Agmere," John Street, ; Windsor. Money, Mrs. E., Winchester Street, Hamilton. Monk, G. W., , 226 Vulture Street, South Brisbane. Monteath, C. I 3., Hardgrave Rd., West ind. Moon, Colonel1 Alfred, 39 Adelaide Street. 'r Moon, A. J., CCaboolture. Moon, W. R., Moon & Duncan, Indooroopilly. Moore, A., Bconathorne, Dirranbandl. Moore, A. E., M.L.A., Parliament House. Moore, Edgar,, "Cheltenham," Bardon Village, I thao. ;.^^-^m.-.'.. .u<-^^ ^.^ ... =-. ^*~ .]. nn ...*-i~---J^--*-~hu~ira i ,, " " • nUw. .ifcA... .^ ^,. , ANNLAL MEMBERS-Continued. Edward, Moore Bros., Stanley St., Otaoth Brisbalie. , Toogoolawah. F, . we, F. J., "Retford," Langahaw St., New Farm. ore, Frank J., Lucinda Street, Taringa. e, Frederick John, Kenmore Park, Indooroopilly. re, re, re, re, leaac J., Barambah, Goomeri. John, Palace Hotel, 5th. Jrilsbane. J. C., The Peaks, Marbango. Dr. J. J., Department of Public Health, Hope St., South Brisbane. re, Paul, "Sunnyside," Wooroolin. re, R. A., Appel Street, 5th. Brisbane. oore, T. H., Colinton, Nurinda. re, W. H., "Narara," Westbourne St., South Brisbane. ran, H. S. F., A.M.P. Buildings. Edward Street. loran, L. C., Gayndah Co-op. Dairy Coy., Binlour. room, A\.u Clive, Union Trustees Chambers, u t I , W. N., Market Street. A. C., Cleveland West. Godfrey, "Arnbuil," Condamiie. J., Connaught, Eidsvold. James R., Albert Hall, Albert St. L. H., Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., tbeth Street. R. J., Strathpine. S. A., McLennan Street, Albion. Thos. Henry, Dutton Park Station e9 ~organ, S , th L B ai e Dr. T. H., "Milford," Wickham Terrace. Irwgan, T. W., Strathview, Strathpine. drnWin ._Bowen, Dutton Park Station ee, South Briabane. W. H., Strathpine. ,G. V., Eagle Farm Rd., Hamnflton. Arthur J., Adelaide Street. Robert J., 20S Queen Street. I, R. M., Enoggera Terrace, Red I , Thos., Morrows Ltd., North Quay. * W. A., Morrows Ltd., North Quay. Arthur, Brereton Street, South abane. Wm., 44 Adelaide Street. L. E. L., Franklyn Vale. (randt~n rtH. C., Franklyn Vale, Grandchester. tontoR. R., Albilbah, Islatord. E., Weatbourne Terrace, South 'o a,. R. H Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. sUop.T. W., 98 Eagle Street. D., "Gladevale,' Lindon Street, South labane. J., Ashton, Prairie. George Street, near Roma St. F., Customn Chambers, Queen t. tr. E., Adelaide Steamship Coy., i Street. I I .W. 8., C/o Gordon & Gotch, * Street. R. A., 290 Edward Street. ec Blackbutt. J. T., The Grange, Nanango. J T William Utreet. T. inme Bretary'a Office, ~F~c~,;~:itS):it-,~''~~ , alargs~trast Tenerie. . :. j.~ Ti......,;--i. .5 ;~riL 1. Mullen, T., Chelmer. Mullen, T. J., Moorooka. Muller, G. F., "The Belars," Wondai. Muller, O., Nelson Street, 5th. Brisbane. Mullett, H., Monduran, Gin Gin. Mulvey, C. W., Currumbin, S. C. Line. Mumford, W., Narangba. Mundell, George, Redmarley, via Miles. Mundell, John, Bungaban, Juandah. Munro, C. A., Arcot, Silverspur. Munro, D. Roy., Boombah, St. George. Munro, E., Albiomi. Munro, H. B.,.Winder mere Road, HailltoI Munro, J. Jnr.. Sunnyside, Warwick. Munro, J. James. Aston St., Toowong. Munro, N., Murarrie, Cleveland Line. Munro, W. Ross, Co Skipper & Woo.' Box 499, G. 1'. O., Brisbane. Munro, W. R. Jnr., Boombah, St. Georga Murphy, F. W., Inns of Court, Adelaide S Murphy, G. S., Box 89, (G. P. O., Brisbane Murphy, J. J., Melbourne Hotel, South Brisbane. Murphy, Hon. Pethr, Central Chambers, Edward Street. Murray, C. F., Mt. Watson, Blackall. Murray, E., Q'land Farmers' Co-op. Co> Ltd., Booval. Murray, James H., Berlin Street, Hendr: Murray, J. P., Moore Street, Albion. Murray, R., Sixth Avenue, Windsor. Murray-Prior,T. B., "Kalanarl," Southpor' Musgrave, J. C., Beatrice Terrace, Asco Murton, E., Glasshouse Mountains, N. C. i Myers, E. M.. 184 Queen Street. Myers, George, Edward Street. Myers, Herbert, Mallon Street, Bowen Hill Myers, M. E., 10 Valley Chambers, Wich ham Street. Myles, A. J., Many Peaks. Mylett, J. L., Beaudesert. Mylne, G. E, Lota, Manly. McAdam. Gordon, Dornoch Terrace, Sout Brisbane. McAllister R. A., Vacuum Oil Ppty., Lt' Bullmba. McCahon, F. C., Kooroongarra Co-op. Dairy Coy., Milmerran. McCallum, C., "Strath Clyde," Nanange McCallum, John N., Longreach Buildin. North Quay. McCarthy, D., Warwick Butter & Dairyic Coy., Mill Hill. McCarthy, J. J., Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Ltd., Texas. McCarthy, Rev. J. T., Presbytery, Red Hi McCaul, J. J., Rameay, Cambooya. McCawley, Justice, Windermere Road, Hamilton. McCawley, J. T., Triune, via Mitohell. McClure. Mrs., Elstree Cottage, elvin Grove. McColl, L. G., Umbercollie, Goondiwindi. McConechy, A. H., Hamilton Road, Chermside. McConnel, A. J., Dugandan. McConnel, Edger C., Creusbropk. McCook, R., Markets, Roma Street. MoCord, E. K., Coonambula, Elgavod. MeCormack, J., "Clonlara," Agelaide NClayfleld. MoCormack, W., M.L.A., Parliament How oCowan, James, Mt. Wallaby Gin Gin. MoCowan, R., New Zealand Oiambers, M eC g)tye Street ... I - ---- 57 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. McDermott, John, 19 Moreton Street, New Farm. McDermott, J. E., 19 Moreton Street, New Farm. McDermott, Nell, 19 Moreton Street, New Farm. )',Donald, A. B., "Grosvenor," Oxley, Central. 'McDonald,A. L., Yaamba. ..'tDonald, D. C., Tooloon, Wallal Siding, S. & W. Railway. :cDonald, M., A. M. Bickford & Sons, Turbot Street. i:tDonald, Mrs. P., "Fernallan," Lapraik Street, Albion. .McDonnell, Hon. Frank, M.L.C., McDonnell & East, Ltd., George Street. 'cDonnell, J. J., McDonnell Hardware Coy., Queen Street. SseDougall, D., Bell Street, Red Hill. M *Dougall, Frank, Sherwood. 1 rDougall, James, Davis & McDougall, Rockhampton. v 'Dougall, J. G., Murweh. MlcDougall, J. H., Fernberg Rd., Rosalie. 31 'Dougall, Ronald, Cooyar. M Dougall, W. N., "Kyogle," Hill Street, Toowoomba. VMDowall, Dr. Val., Preston House, Queen Street. .' Farlane, J. S., 419 George Street. SGavin, H., C/o E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward St. V Gee, J. J., Sisley Street, Toowong. 2: (Gee, Brother, Christian Bros. College, Gregory Terrace. ' Ghie, F., E.S.C.A., Ltd., Edward Street. icGibbon, F. W., Junction Road, Hendra. V'Gill, A. D., Prospect Terrace, South Brisbane. ? Gill, F. W., "Marmion," Hipwood Road, Hamilton. 1 Gill, K. S., Milton Road, Auchenflower. ! Gill, W. H., "Nargoon," Cinabar. *MiGilp, John, Box 48, Dalby. S(Gilp, John Jnr., Ascot. ,V Glynn, A., 2 Victoria St., Spring Hill. M Gowan, H. D., C/o Australian Estates & M. Coy., Ltd., Creek Street. ' Grath, P., Sandgate. S'iGrath, Thos. M., Preston House, Queen Street. S';regor, J., Dalmore Estate, Koo-weerup, Victoria. ",' ®or, Robt., Edward Street. .l 'rory, A. P., Russell St., South Brisbane ' G;rory, P., Duke Street, Ascot. SG;uire, B. J., "Belmore Arms," Mackay. Suire, C. H., Langshaw St., New Farm. * Guire, H., Edward Street. ' ;Guire, J. T., Newmarket Hotel, Roma St. ' Guire, Richard, Royal Exchange Hotel, Elizabeth Street. ' Illhatton, A., Wondai. 1 1 ntosh, J. A., Yundah, Mountside, via Warwick. ' Intyre, James, Oakvale, Christmas Ck. ! Intyre, John, Oakvale, Christmas Creek. ' intyre MI., C/o Department of Public Health, South Brisbane. " ltyre, W., Commercial Bank of Australa, Ltd., Queen Street. Kay, A. G., Boonah. Mlviay, D., Auohenflower. M.Kee. Alexander, 88 Adelaide Street. Kee , Frank P., C/o Winohombe Carson, Ltd., agle Street. ., ,_i ^ff i * ""f C~pn i *P-y^r 1 wr -*n" "p-ii ' 2-.2 rfai T ,. -*r-T McKenna, Dr. T. R., Eagle Junction. McKenzie, Mrs. A. B., C/o G. W. Ward, Moses Ward & Coy., Queen Street. McKenzie, D., Immigration Department, * Edward Street. McKenzie, L. W., C/o Standard Dairy Coy., Nerang. McKenzie, N., 183 George Street. McKillop, Dr. L. M., Preston House, Queen Street. McKinney, John, Ruthven St., Toowoomba. McKinnon, A., 97 Queen Street. McKinnon, J., Thornlands, Cleveland. McKinnon, Peter, Jane St., West End. McKinnon, Peter A., New Zealand Chambers, Queen Street. McLaughlin, Wm. P., Union Bank Chambers, Queen Street. McLean, D., Southport. McLean, Peter, Dornoch Terrace. South Brisbane. McLennan, Donald, McLennan St., Albion. * McLennan, Hector, May Street, West End. McLennan, John, Moreton St., New Farm. McLennan, K., 44 Adelaide Street. McLeod, A. R., 171 Queen Street. McLeod, K., Princess Street, Bulimba. McLuckie, R., McLuckie Harrison, Ltd., . 235 Edward Street. McLuckle, W. K., C/o Whincup & Coy., Valley. McMahon, B. C., Railway Commissioner's Office, George Street. McMahon, T., Public Curator's Office, Elizabeth Street. McManus, A. H., Wunderlich &- Steelart Coy., Amelia Street, Valley. McMaster, A. J. B., Cloncurry. McMaster, John, Co-op. Dairy Coy., Greenmount. McNab, A., Chambers McNab & McNab, Adelaide Street. McNab, J., Merthyr Road, New Farm. McNab, R. S., Merthyr Road, New Farm. McNab, R. J., Chambers McNab & McNab, Adelaide Street. McNally, P. G., Co-op. Dairy Coy., Ltd., Mt. Tyson, via Pittsworth. McNaught, A. Ure, Kodak Buildings, Queen Street. McNaught, J. Ure, Augustus Street, Toowong. McPherson, C. D. S., State Stations Office, Executive Buildings. McPhie, Alex., Toowoomba. McQuaker, W., "Gracroft," Blackall. McQueen, A. A., Merthyr Road, New Farm. McQueen, John, Mountjoy Street, Petrie Terrace. McRae, N. P., National Cash Register Coy. of Australia Ltd., 343 Queen Street, McShane, A. H., "Folkstone," Brighton Rd., South Brisbane. McShane, C., Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Mill Hill. McSwaine, D., C/o John Cooke & Coy., Ltd., . , Eagle Street. McVean, W. A., Ardgrove, Ottham. McWatters, T. V., Woodstock Road, Toowong. McWhinney, R., Q'land Farmers Distrl .. buting Coy., 65 Turbot Street McWhirter, J., Brunswick Street Valley, . MoWHliam, T., Brabant & Coy., Charlott .' - Street. Nagel, A. B., Beatrloe Terraoe, Aoot, ' " . M'...' IT "-" i1- .i'"' T7 1 .\,.'rl -r"'---- IA . . ff .-^it St i ,l"^^ .. .s . 7 '' vT*rniT r TiirM I* i *irr m-.~uuu~ . C,*^?? 58 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. Nosworthy, R. H., "Valetta," Langaha,' J., C/o Tourists Bureau, Queen Street, New Farm. H., Kynnersley, Quilbery Sdg., Nott, F. L., Booran, Toogoolawah. mulla. Noyes, A. F. T., "Tuloona," Clayfield. E., Rockdale, Surat. Noyes, Thos., 341 Queen Street. Nugent, Chris., Dayboro, via North Pin. A., C/o J. P. Bottomley & Coy., Nutley, G. Jnr., Teviotville. yaw shull. * alor, J. T., Surat. Nutting, G. W., 44 Adelaide Street. Nutting, J. B., Normanby, Harrisville. Saylor, W. A., Wongabel, Surat. ale, G., Runcorn, South Coast Line. Nystrom, J. A., Boole, Kingaroy. ,Neale, L. Miss, C/o R. Rudd, Norwood, OateS, R. G., C/o Allan & Stark, Ltd., Pittsworth. Queen Street. Needham, F. C., Fitzroy Buildings, O'Belrne, G. C., Dickson Terrace, Toora.t i, Adelaide Street. Hill O'Brien, Claude H., Sinclair Street, Eas f' Needham, F. J., Narrien, Alpha. SNeill, W. J., C/o Goldsborough Mort Coy., Brisbane. Eagle Street. O'Brien, T., Q'land Primary Producers Co. Ltd., Eagle Street. N..9Nllson, E. W., Massey Harris & Coy., South Brisbane. O'Carroll, J. J., A.M.L. & F. Co., Creek St. N esbit, James, 221 Queen Street. O'Connor, B., Oakvale, Colinton, Nurinda. ":Ness, A., Tweed Heads. O'Connor, Denis, Ashgrove. Nelson, W. M., Brisbane Tramways Coy., N' O'Connor, J. A., State Government Insur* Countess Street. ance Office, Eagle Street. O'Connor, K. J. Mrs., Grays Road, Hamilton Nevill, F. G., C/o Central Station, Ann St. Neville, W. G., Guthrie St., Paddington. O'Connor, S., Tattersalls Club, Adelaide St. Newby, Hugh, Baroona Hill, Rosalie. O'Connor, Thos., "Duporth," Oxley. O'Donnell, Lieut. Col. F. M., "Ascanins,' Newman, A. M., City Buildings, Edward St. Lytton Road, East Brisbane. Newman, E., C/o Thompson Bros. & Birch O'Donohue, M., C/o Australian Estate & Ltd., George Street. Newman, G., Wyreema. M. Coy., Creek Street. Newman, G. N., C/o Dalgety & Co., ElizaOelrichs, C. F., John Cooke & Co.. Eagle St beth Street. Offner, George F., London Bank Chamber. Newman, G. K., "Locknew," Ipswich Road Creek Street. Terminus. Ogg, C. W., Newmarket. Newman, K. I., C/o Union Bank of Ogg, Gordon A., Consuelo, Rolleston. Australia, Melbourne. Ogg, J. A., Edmondstone Rd., Newmarket N'ewton, G., Oakey Dis. Co-op. Butter Coy., Ogg, S. R. A., Edmondstone Rd., Newmarket. Oakey. Ogilvie, Thos., Wickham & Brunswick Neylor, M. W., C/o Lanham & Co., Mary St. • Nicholls, J. H., Graceville. Streets, Valley. Nicholls, L. G., C/o J. Kenyon & Sons, O'Gorman, R., Laidlaw Parade, East S' dward Street. Brisbane. i. Nichols, A. H., Tartha Station, Dalby. O'Gorman, W. J., Victoria Wine Depot, Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill. b' Nichols, C. S., Nichols Larwill & Butler, George Street. Okeden, C. F. Parry, Auburn, Chinchill O'Keeffe, J. R., Patrick Street, Dalby. Nioholson, E. N., Ayrshire Downs, Winton. ii Nicholson, Dr. F. V., City Chambers, Oldfleld, F., A. B. Pursell & Co., Queen St Edward Street. Olson, A. F. W., 395 George Street. O'Malley, L. T., C/o State Government \ Nicholson, John, Musgrave Rd., Red Hill. Insurance Dept., Eagle Street. SNicholson, K. M., "Rialto," Coorparoo. O'Neil, E., Grove Street, Albion. - Nicholson, M., Coombe Martin, Ilfracombe. 1ft' a l na-nrwa V f 9n nfloan cfrnat O'Nell, L., Grove Street, Albion. treet Oram, C., Campbell Street, Bowen Hills. Orchard, W. J., Fairield, Blackall. Ord, A. D., Cook Street, Yeronga. O'Reilly, Chas., Margaret Street. bane. O'Rellly, Harry, 93 Margaret Street. & Ormerod, W. J., Chermside Street, Higl gate Hill, South Brisbane. O'Rourke, Fred., Inns of Court, Adelaide ,t O'Rourke, M. W., Gordon Brook, Kingare" Q'Rourke, Thos. J., Liscrona, Ipswich R: bane. South Brisbane. Orr, J., Constitution Road, Windsor. anby Orr, N. D., St. Helens, Toowoomba. O'Ryan, J. G., Lamlngton Hall, 44 Marga' .S.W. Street, Sydney. Osborne, W. G., Bedgley Park, Newmark, t O'Shea, B., 182 Harcourt Street, New Far' y. of O'Shea, C., Harcourt Street, New Farm. .'j*lS , a~u~,.,l O'Shea, T. J., 48 Queen Street. O'Bullivan, D. 0., Ashmount Station, Muckadilla. O'Sullivan, P. A., 15 to 18 Federal Ch4mbers, 187 Queen Street. on. 6. i ,?,.K^ .^.^ ',^:t'^ *-IIIYI~LYY~PI132N~YP~IBYL~LYL~i~LIFi.~l~l 1. ''*. * - I;: ~i ~I j - CL9- -~I~ ~%I~-S3~YCfl~~~i-::T1*Il-~ S-Ziar~- ;- I 1 ~~ 1 II 59 ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. 'Sullivan, T. Judge, District Court Chamberat Gborge Street. 'Sullivan, T. H., Laura Street, Wooloowin. 'Sullivan, W. J., Jackson & O'Sullivan, Queen Street. verell, A. B., Overell Ltd., Valley. verell, C. C., Overells Ltd., Brunswick Street, Valley. verell, Claud M., Beatrice Terrace, Ascot. )verell, W. H., Overells Ltd., Valley. xlade, Allen M., Eagle Street. >xlade, George C., Corner Irving & Badger Streets, Newmarket. )xlade, W. A., Dappil, Gayndah. xlade, W. C., Petries Bight. zanne, C., Musgrave Street, Paddington. 'ace, A. H., Oakden Chambers, Queen St. 'acker, G., Cremorne Rd., Kedron. ':cker, J., C/o John Reid & Nephews, Charlotte Street. 'acker, W., Richmond Street, Kedron. 'adgett, G. W., River Road, New Farm. 'age, F. W. T. Dr., "Sunneyside," Brunswick Street, New Farm. 'age-Hanify, Hon. G., "Wongalee," Lytton Road, East Brisbane. 'age, James, Roseberry Street, Highgate Hill. Page, James A., Bellevue Terrace, Albion. Page, Dr. S., 69 Wickham Terrace. Pain, J. E., Howard Smith Ltd., Queen St. 'line, D. K., Crichton Street, Yerongpilly. 'aine, E. L., Crichton Street, Yerongpilly. 'aine, N., Zillman Road, Hendra. 'aine, R., Ipswich Road, Moorooka. 'almer, Alex.* C., Hendra. alimer, A. C. H., "Palmerosa," Breakfast Creek. 'almer, C. B. H., Eagle Street. 'Ilmer, John, "Belmont," Graceville. 'almer, Miss M. J., "Easton Gray," Toowong. ailmer, W. D. H., Box 37, Gladstone. Paradise, W. T., Pearson Soap Coy., South Brisbane. Park, J. Hamilton, The Banhinias, Yamala C. R. Line. Park, L., Wunderlich Steelart Coy., Amelia Street, Valley. Park, R. C., 45, Queen Street. Park, W. McCallum, Enoggera. Parker, J. O. L., R. P. Ranson & Co., 293 Adelaide Street. Parker, John, Chalk Street, Wooloowin. Parker, W., Brunswick Street, Valley. I'arker, W. R., Nelson Chambers, Edward Street. Ptrckinson, F. C., Elizabeth Street. I'arnell, E. G., Wellington Point. I'arrish, W. K., Union Bank Chambers, Creek Street. I'arry, W. J., Oriel Road, Clayfleld. I';tten, J., "Dalton," Ashgrove. I':ten, J. H., Yandlna. ':iten, L. H., Bridges, via Yandina. ':aterson, Andrew, Taylor Street, South Brisbane. I'atrick, C. H., C/o Allan & Stark Ltd., Queen Street. Patrick, G. A., "Bedford," Nundah. Pl'atrick, J. King, Upper Edward Street, off Wickham Terrace. I',ttermore, A., Alexander St., Sandgate. I'Ptterson, C., Sherwood Road, Toowong. Ia'iterson, D. S., Athol, Blackall. ~H 1 Patterson, Lewis, Copeland. Street, Paddington. Patterson, Ray., Bay Terrace, Wynnum. Patterson, Wm., Dean Street, Toowong. Paul, G. W. F. Dr., Main Street, Kangaroo Point. Paull, Q. R., Elizabeth Street. Paxton, Alex., Brunswick Street, Valley. Paxton, David, Wickham Street, Valley. Payne, A. L., Elder Street, Lambton, Newcastle. Payne, A. J., Grosvenor Flat, Mundubbera. Payne, H., C/o Fenwick & Coy., Edward St. Payne, H., Deighton Road, South Brisbane. Payne, J. H., Innisfail. Peacock, G., Dirranbandi. Peake, J. F., Mary Street, Auchenflower. Pearce, A. D., South British Insurance Coy., Queen Street. Pearse, R. W., "Rockdale," Gray Road, West End. Peate, T. R., Peate & Douglas, Edward St. Peberdy, D., Kandanga, Esk. Pedler, James E., Adelaide St., Clayfleld. Peek, F. W., 276 Wickham Street, Valley. Peel, J. H., "Lycullin," Norman Parade, Eagle Junction. Pegler, C. M., Blackall. Pegler, E. J., Thylungra Station, Adavale. Pegler, Harry, Comongin Station, Quilpie. Pegler, Lindsay, Nickavilla, Quilpie. Peirce, Percy G., Wren Street, Ascot. Peirce. W. K., Empire Chambers, Queen St. Peirson, A., Prisons Department, Treasury Buildings. Penhaligon, W. H., River Road, Auchenflower. Penrose, R. W., Sydney Road, New Farm. Percival, R., Sunny Grove, Redland Bay. Percival, T. J., Greenvale, Deighton Road. Peren, E. D., Stanthorpe. Perkins, E. A., Burt & Coy., Perry Street. Perkins, F. H., State School, Mackay. Perkins, W., Edmond Street, Newatead. Perkins, Wm. H., W. H. Perkins & Coy., Woodford. Perrett, H., Q'land Farmers Co-op. Coy., Booval. Perrett, H. S., Kabunga, Kimbombi. Perrett, Ralph E., Coolabunia, Kingaroy. Perrow, H., Trelawney, Bowen Bridge Rd. Perry, A. H., Lancaster Road, Ascot. Persse, C. D., Hawkwood, Gayndah. Persse, De Burgh B., Wyanbyn, Beaudesert Peters, A. T., Sandgate. Peters, P., C/o Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Mill Hill. Peterson, H. A., Queen Street. Petersen, J. P., "Mordan," Adelaide Street, Clayfleld. Petersen, M. B., Beaconsfield Street, South Brisbane. Petrie, A. A., Maroochy River, via Yardina. Petrle, A. L., M.L.A., Parliament House. Petrie, E. S., Robert Street, Toowong. Petrie, J. G., Cemetery Gates, Toowong. Pettman, Chas. W., Australasia Chambers, Queen Street. Petty, H. W., Mountpelier, Wickham Terrace. Petty, J. H., C/o Q. N. Bank Ltd., Valley. Phayre, Barr J., C/o McPherson, Green O McPherson, Edward Street. Phelan, E., Kangaroo Point. Phelan, E. G., Royston, Waterwork. Roa Red Hill. -. asicf.; J-,t~u.,t,^: .A*. «^ .'v ^.^ ^&aa!li~i~ Lti'*^ 111TLiiT~--lr~-i i '^' - - .'s~ti f~YIL%~~~BPI~-g~s~a~-~-~--~-- '^sl -L ,j -I «h ANNUAL treet. l., '/o Watkins & Mackay, Street. oerge, Ebot Vale, Hall Street, O., Moorplands, Cleveland West. dney, C/o Hoffnung & Co., Le treet. O., Waterford, Goondiwindi. C., Wyaralong, Beaudesert. robt., Toowong. C/o A.M.E. Coy., Eagle Street. lem, King Street, East Brisbane. eph, Cornwall Street, Green- ii ., 229 Queen Street. F., Rathdonnell Street, Auchen- Hl th, W., Wileton Parade, Wilston. A., Wondal. G., Union Bank Chambers, Queen iet. , [jBeton, A. C., Yellow toCK, Singleton, New South Wales. eton, C. Yellow Rock, Singleton, N.S.W. son, H. E., Jane Street, West End. E., Queen Street. W. L., 865 Boundary Street, Spring SlkCG. Hill. S-lke, W., Queen Street. C/o James Campbell & Sons, kPklnchin, -, Creek Street. W., Glenyarron, Charleville. V. Junr., Narrawong, Charleville. ). J., Glenyarron, Charleville. if ), E., Dalgety & Coy., Elizabeth St. N. J., Nellie Street, Nundah. *k e, J. E. S., Plumridge Ltd., Valley. T. Flood, Beauparc, Beaudesert. H. R., Roma Downs, Roma. 3. J., Palmer Street, Windsor. t Reg. Palmer Street, Windsor. L '",' A. S., Langslde Road, Hamilton. George, Charles Street, Deagon. W. H., Bellgrove, Kingaroy. I. H., Yellunga, Kalbar. C. R., Imbolwin, Mount Perry. Elder Smith & Co., New Zealand Buildings, Queen Street. 'Y.orter, W. R., Norman Crescent, Norman ?- Park. leortus, James A., Thomas Brown & Sons, Eagle Street. 1otter, Robert, Telegraph Chambers., Queen Street. ^Wtta Cuthbert, Q'land Agricultural nllA. n". I. I nattnn ."T., W. 154 Adelaide Street, City. C., Queen Street. Walton, Beechwood, Cooran, R Coast Line. J. A., Stanley Street East, paroo. Arthur, C/o Starr Bros., Adelaide St. L. E., Ivanhoe Downs, Morven. C. A., Parbury House, Eagle St. '. A., Mackay. L., Power & Power, Queen St. W. T., Dackell, Many Peaks. Mrs. F., Third Avenue, Sandgate. , , Turbot Strtet. G. 0., Kodak Buildings, Queen St. !. ' '. r MEMBERS-Continued. n J, Old Sandgate Rd., Albion. : 1 Queen Street. S., 0., Winchombe Carson, 99 1 'a' "*' Presho, R. J., Reedy Creek Station, Taroo I Presho, Thos. J., Reedy Creek Station, Taroom. Preston, C. E., C/o R. A. Alexander, Frui Exchange, Turbot Street. Preston, W. A., Albert Street. Price, Doyle, Mungar, Auchenflower. Price, Vincent, Auchenflower. Priest, Arthur, London Bank, Roma Stree . Prince, A. E., Edward Street. Pring, C. E., 438 Brunswick Street, Ne' Farm. Pritchard, A. H., "Chard," Blackall Terract, East Brisbane. Pitchard, A. L., Hedgewood, Breakfa.d Creek. Pritchard, G. H., Australian Sugar Producers Association, Edward Street. Pritchard, James, Mt. Pleasant, via Dayboro. Priseman, E. C., Short Street, Wooloowi . Prosser, F. G., Surgical Supplies, Queen Si Prosser, W., Pring Street, Hendra. Prout, James, Victoria Avenue, Chelmer. Province, T., Wombah, Bundaberg. Province, T. R., Roslyn, Mt. Perry. Pryce, D. C., Nestles Farms, Toogoolawal. Puff, H., 165 Queen Street. Pullen, S. E., Prairie Plains, Wiyarra. Purkiss, L. D., New Zealand Insurance Coy., Queen Street. Pye, Thos., Department of Public Work . Treasury Buildings. Pyne, J. L. L., Boonimbah, Goomeri. Pyne, T., Longreach. Qualtrough, A. K., Elliott Bros., Eagle F Quinn, T., Fairfield. Quinn, W., 246 Queen Street. Quinlan, T., Holden Street, Deshon Estat South Brisbane. Quodling, H. C., Department of Agricultui . & Stock, William Street. Radford, E. G., Brisbane Scale Works, South Brisbane. Rae, H. C., Ann Street, Valley. Raft, Harry, Isles Love Buildings, Adelai, e Street. Rafton, W., Victoria Terrace, Annerle. Ralston, A. V., C/o Q. T. C., Creek Stree . Ramsay, E. L., Banchory, Umbiram, v Toowoomba. Ramsay, G. L., Laura Street, Chelmer. Ramsay, J. D., G. P. O., Brisbane. Ramsay, W., Story & Ramsay, Adelaide . . RanAel, W. S., Rochdale Street, off Ekil i Road, South Brisbane. Rankin, W. J., Bangalow, N,S.W. Ranson, R. P., 293-5 Adelaide Street. Rasey, I., Harcourt Street, Teneriffe. Rassam, A. H. Major, Rosebank, Richmor River, New South Wales. Rattray, R., Walker Avenue, Teneriffe. Rawlings, S.. C/o Jelbarts Propty., Li Bowen Street. Rawlinson, J. P., Norman Chambers, Cre. ; Street. Rawson, Edward A., I.S.C., N.Z. Chambe, , 836 Queen Street. Rayment, T. J., 62-64 Queen Street. Raymond, A. J., River Terrace, Kangal , Point. Raymond, A. L., Itaylnond & Hosack, Li Valley. Reading, G P., Brookifeld. Ready, C. P., Yarrum, 515 Brunswick New Farm. Yf^j^, w 61 ANNUAL MEMBERS--Continued. Ieal, E. T., Adelaide Street. real, His Honour Justice, Supreme Court George Street. ieed, James, CO-op. Dairy Coy., Maclagan, via Jondaryan. ]:ces, C. V., "Harlick," Victoria Avenue, Chelmer. l: es, George, G. S. Hutton and Macfarlane, Union Trustees Chambers, Queen St Kees, H. O., Caerleon, Maleny. i ees, Thomas, "Lydstep," Coorparoo. I eese, L. B., Crown Street, South Brisbane. 1oeeve, R. S., Perdriau Rubber Coy., Adelaide Street. i:eve, S. C., C/o A. Gibson, Phillip Street, Roma. I~;id, A. J., C/o J. C. Hutton, Ltd., Roma St. TLyid, D. D., John Reid & Nephews, Charlotte Street. I '.id, J., Lauriston Co-op. Dairy Coy.. Headington Hill, Clifton. lIid, R. N., C/o F. Tritton & Co., George Street. lIeid, R. R., Abuklea Street, Wilston. I;elton, R. E., Barnes Auto. Coy., Adelaide Street. lumfrey, H., Cannon Hill. Itenton, A. B., Adelaide Street. h:ynell, Walter, Reynella, Sth. Australia. leynolds, C. B., C/o G. P. O., Brisbane. :ynolds, W. R., Nudgee peach. lihoades, A. W. T., Stoneleigh St., Albion. I hoades, D. H., Wickham Street, Valley. I'ce, J., Elizabeth Street. Ice, J. T., Ascot. c:hards, Dr. Alex. S., Colonial Mutual Chambers, Queen Street. I 'hardson, F. St. C., Charlotte Plains. Cunnamulla. lI chardson, G. A., Kangaroo Creek, via Moore. I .hardson, H. W., Vulture Street, East Brisbane. 1 ehings, W. H., Queen Street, Jubilee Estate, Paddington. I: idle, Peter, Fairfield Stock Farm, Windsor, New South Wales. I:.by,. G. R., Taroon. I laitt, G,., C/o Boys' Gramimar School, Gregory Terrace. I:,ley, Sydney, 246 Queen Street. alby. Iter, Ritter Bros., Cresly, !'lbb, J., Abbotsford Wateworks Road, Red Hill. i 'bins, C. R., Alma Street, Clayfield. I: bins, G. Howard, Kedron. S'-,bhins, Garfield R., Frances Street, Randwick, Sydney. i, iblns, W. E., Herbal Institute, Auchentlower. i: bierts, A. A., Goodna. I 'herts, H., Isles Buildings, Adelaide St. I berts, J. H. Cecil, Croxley, Kingsthorpe, Darling Downs. 1 berts, Mrs. M., British Empire Hotel, Queen Street. I:..erts, M. John, Nugget Polish Coy. of Australia, Williamstown, Victoria. i ierts, R. H., Carl Street, South Brisbane. I;.berts, S., Barry & Roberts, Queen Street. ,ierts, T. R., M.L.A., Ruthven Street, Toowoomba. i:,lbertson, H., Villiers Street, New Farm. I' ,bertson, J., "Myola," Sandgate. 1 ertson, J. E., Colac, Victoria. ^ .w -i i..fr __________ P ga-a -M .-* .jar. .. : .. a ' '^'' T-trt-'- Robertson, M ure H., Audit Office, Treasury?. Buildings Robertson, R . C., Mowbray Street, East' Brisbane. Robertson, D r. W. N., Wickham Terrace. Robertson, 1Wr. G., Elleralle, Turallin. Robertson, 1Wr. H., Corlty Sides Southport.. Robertson, W . S., C/o Mure H. Robertson, .: Brighton Road, West End. Robinson, E. Fenton, "Boondah," Howard Street, R osalie. Robinson, Ge orge, Stenagne, Warrenbayne, Victoria. Robinson, H. A., Hamilton Road, Moorooka ". Robinson, J. Nicol, 334 Queen Street. Robinson, R. , Co-op. Cheese Factory, Goombun gee. Robinson, Li eut. Col., "The Lakes," Lakeside, Gay ndah Line. Robinson, W. , Bald Hills. Robinson, W. J., 70 Vulture St., West End. Robinson, W. R.; Margaret St., Toowoomba Robson, W., Moray Street, 'New Farm. Roddick, W. H., Kiwi Polish Coy., Collina Street, M elbourne. i Rode, W. J., Brunswick Street, Valley. Roden, O., Aitherton. Roe, Dr. A. S ., Croydon Road, Toowong. Rogers ,P. J. Rogers, R. G. , 6 Central Buildings, Edward Street. Rohan, E. P., "Ingleston," Wynnum South. Rolley, Thomias, Vulture Street, East Brisbane. Romer, C., Sa muel Allan & Sons, Albert St. Rooksby, A. Mrs., "Irene," Water Street West, So uth Brisbane. Rooney, W., Albany Stud Farm, Maryvale. Rose, A., Eno,ggera. Rose, G. H., C/o Robt. Reid & Coy., Edward Street. Rose, J., Belrnore, Sydney. 7-, Rose, Thomni s, Eudlo. Rosendorff, RI., "Whitecliffe," Albion. Ross, C. J., "]Kersal," Lytton Rd., Bulimba. Ross, J., Calllandoon, Goondiwindi. Ross, John H., Boobera, Boggabilla, "-" New Soulth Wales. Ross, Wmn., 'Malvern," Ipswich Road. Rosser, John H., Tambourine Mt., via Canungra Rosser, Stanl ey L., Tambourine Mountain, . via Canu ngra. Rothera, H., Sarum, via Bell. Rothwell, T. J., Edward Street. Rouse, F. E., Jetty Street, Sandgate. Row, E. H., IBlox 11, Kilcoy. Rowan, J., R ussell Street, West End. Rowe, IH., C/ o S. Hoffnung & Coy., Ltd., . Charlotte Street. Rowton, W., "Carinyn," Stephens Road, South Br Isbane. Rudd, C. L., "Eltham," 97 Arden Street, Coogee, Slydney. Rudd, Josephi, Airedale, Christmnas Creek. Rudd, W. G., 1Mudgeeraba, South Coast Line Ruddle, E. H. ,' Royal George Hotel, Valley.' Ruddle, W. B.., Royal George Hotel, Valley. Iundle, Miss E., Jane Street, Wilston, Russell, Eust,ace Dr., 63 Wickbamn Terrace. Russell, F. Li., Wm Haughton & Coy., Parbury House, Eagle Street. Russell, H. [., Eagle Street. Russell; T. V., C/o James Clark. Union * alnbers, Queen Street, Russell, W. AL, Dalmally, Roma. ,, ; 'N.; ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Slkthnlng, W., Ruthning Works, Logan Road, South Brisbane. ~ futledge, F. H., Clifford St., Toowoomba. T. J., Queen Street. :iutter, D., Q'land Farmers Co-op. Dairy -Rlyan, Coy., Booval. Sya, 1U.T., Sandgate Road, Albion. 3Tan, J., Waterford, Goondiwindi. 'yan, James, Normanby Hotel, Normanby. SAyan, J. B., South Pine Road, Alderly. Byan, Brother J. C., Christian Brothers, Nudgee College. X, J., Hotel Metropole, Ipswich. rBan, S., Harcourt Street, New Farm. $ Byan, K. ' Ryan, T., Victoria Street, Mackay. M.L.A., Sydney. J.. - Ryan, T. SRyder, G. R., Queen Street. ?' Rylance, P. D., Hetherington & Rylance, Ltd., 355 Queen Street. S ablne, Major W. R. E., Rose Street, off Rode Road, Nundah. SaBdgrove, C. L., Courier Buildings, Queen ' Street. A. H., Nelson Chambers, Edward St. Slagar, Sagar, C. H., "Ivanhoe," Moray Street, New Farm. Saint, G., Annie Street, New Farm. Sanders, J. W., C/o Murray Studios, Queen Street. Sands, R. O., Brunswick Street, New Farm. J. R., Hanlon Terrace, Hamilton. *ankey, S apsford, N., Glen Road, Toowoulg. apsford, P., Northgate. Bault, B., "Oraro," Brighton Road. South Brisbane. Savage, W. T., Ramsay, Cambooya. Sawyer, Dr. W. A., Hbokworm Campaign Department, College Road. Saxelby, D., Q'land Farmers Co-op. Coy., Booval. Sayle, G. R., Watson Ferguson & Coy., Ltd., Queen Street. S anlon, P., Stock Exchange Hotel, Queen Street. Scanlan, V., Swan Terrace, Bowen Bridge. Schell, E., Johnson & Sons, Queen Street. H., Cob & Morris Streets, Albion. Sohiver, Schmidt, C. H. J., Burranbilla Station, Cunnamulla. Schooley, B. L., Intercolonial Boring Coy., Ann Street. SSchultz, E. E. Von, Hendra. Schwabe, W., Meandah, Pinkenba. Scott, A., Parbury House, Eagle Street. Scott, Andrew P., Hornet Bank, Taroom. Scott, Mrs. E. G., Swan Terrace, Windsor. George, Talt Street, Kelvin Grove. ' lott, Scott, Harold, "The Boonery," Moreb, New South Wales. Scott, H. T., Hornet Bank, Roma. Soott, James, Toorak Hill, Hamilton. oott, J. R., Glenmoral, Taroom. Scott Dr. Kerr, Brunswick Street, New . I arm. Scott, M. M., Hardgrave Road, West End. Scott, Percy, Murray Street, Mayne Junction. R., Box 794, G. P. O., Brisbane. SIttt, R. J., Gray Road, Hill End, South 5ott, Brisbane. Scott, Robert L., Hornet Bank. Taroom. ott, Wm., Wattlebrae, Kingaroy. cott, W., Valentine Street, Toowong. Scott-Ross, George, 93 Wlckham Street, Valley. . B., Department of AgriSarlven , oulture & Stock, William Street. - 4- Scriven, R., Post Office, Sandgate. Scrymgeour, W. T., Callandoon North, Goondiwindi. Scrymgeour, W. T. Junr., Callandoon North, Goondiwindi. Scully, J. J., Federal Taxation Office, Adelaide Street. Seabrook, G. K., 42 Adelaide Street. Seales, Wm., British United Shoe Machinery Coy., 208 Elizabeth Street Sealy, R. E., Upton & Coy., 32 Roma St Searl, C. W., Palmerin Street, Warwick. Searl, George, Co-op. Butter Factory, Ltd., Dungog, New South Wales. Searl, J. J., Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Mill Hill. Searle, H. E., Bank of New South Wales, South Brisbane. Sears, J. H., "Dorra Tor," Laura Street, South Brisbane. Selb, Robert, Scarborough, via Redcliff(. Sellars, R. B., Markets, Roma Street. Selwood, Dr. James L., King Street, East Brisbane. Seviei. E. A., C/o Vacuum Oil Ppty., Ltd., Bulimba. Sewell, A. J., Hart Road, Indooroopilly. Sewell, G. W., "Strathcona," Zillman Rd, Hendra. Sexton, R. E., Engineer's Office, Railway Department, Ann Street. Shackel, T., Thorn Street, Kangaroo Point. Shackleton, R. W., "Weerona," Francis St, Eagle Junction. Shand, G. A., C/o Baynes Bros., Queen.port. Shannon, Alan, Salt Bush Park, Macka. Shannon, J. B., Oxford Downs, Mackay. Shannon, P. W., Land Court, Executiv Buildings, George Street. Shapland, A. J., "Devon," Theebine. Sharp, A., C/o Piggot & Coy., Toowoombh Sharp, A. E., C/o Thorp & Sharpe, 3:4 Queen Street. Sharpe, F. R., Thos. Heaslop & Coy., Ron',1 Street. Sharpe, G. W., Kent Road, Wooloowlin. Sharry, C., Obi Obi, via Nambour. Shaw, E. J., "Fairmont," Sandgate. Shaw, E. M., "Telemon," Beaudesert. Shaw, H., C/o J. Jackson & Coy., Roma P Shaw, H. S., Corner George & Ann Street. Shaw, J., Dornoch Terrace, Sth. Brisbai Shaw, P. G. T., Sunnybank. Sheard, S.. Latrobe Terrace, Paddington. Sheehy, W. J., Sydney Pincombe Ltd., Preston House. Shepherd, Fredk. J., C/o Farina (Aus, ) Ltd., 516 Kent Street, Sydney. Shepherd, R. L., "Caluna," Stafford Stree t, East Brisbane. Sherry, G., Tattersalls Club, Isles Lo .e Buildings, Adelaide Street. Shield, William L., Brookfleld. Shields, T., Villiers Street, New Farm. Shipley. (G. W.. Simpson Halligan & Coy Petries Bight. Short, F. C., C/o Colonial Sugar Reflne Y Coy., Eagle Street. Short, W. J., Bureau of Central Sugar Mills, Elizabeth Street. Shortt, F. E., 128-180 Creek Street. Slaemon, Chas. F., Roma Street. Slemon. Ernest A. W., Roma Street. Slemon, John W., Roma Street. Slemon, Robt. S., Roma Street. Biemon, Wm., Roma Street. 1 I I i .- .I -i~g;~~ C~ ;ZP1U~i~'~~:~:~~2-~YF 63 MEMBERS-Continued. ANNUAL lilvester, W. S., Federal Chambers, Queen Street. iimmons, Langley, 368 Queen Street. limpson, A. E., Alderley. ;impson, A. J., Clifton, Hamilton, Victoria. iinclair, G., Kildare, Eldsvold. Sinclair, John M., C/o Allan & Stark, Queen Street. inclair, John M., Railway Terrace, Chelmer. inger Sewing Machine Coy. (C. R. Pickworth, Public Officer), Queen St. innamon, B., Avondale, Oxley. innamon, J., Goodna. ;kene, L., Longabong, Degilbo. Ikerman, J. H., Maleny Co-op. Dairy Coy., Maleny. kinner, C., Deighton Road, Sth. Brisbane. Skipper, Fred. J., New Zealand Chambers, 334 Queen Street. Ikirving, J., Kellett Street, Auchenflower. Skyring, A., Love Street, Northgate. ;kyring, H. S., Sawmills, East Bundaberg. lack, C. J., Inglewood. lade, A. E., Glenelg, Gore. ilade, A. S., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Countess Street. ilade, 0. C., East Glengallan, Warwick. il:de, W. B., "Montpelier," Wickham Terrace. il.ughter, F., Stanley Street, Sth. Brisbane. imiallbone, W., Wellington Rd., Kangaroo Point. Smalle'y, W. E., Mary Street, Gympie. nSmiles, H. T., "Culterfel," Manly. imith, A., "Valmore," Wilmington Street, Wooloowin. Uinith, Alex., Redbank. Smith, Allan, Bay Terrace, Wynnum. Ainith, A. A., Burns Philp & Coy., Mary St. Sm ith, Alex. Kennedy, Blue Hill, Springsure. Smlith, A. R., Fernleigh, Cooran, N. C. Line. ,'nith, A. W., Smith Bros., 394 George St. Smith, Donald, "The Palms," Boquet Street, West End. Smith, E. G., Bishop Street, Kelvin Grove. Smith, G. E., Edmonstone Street, Newmarket. Smith, G. Pender, Edenbaun, Redcliffe. Smith, H. S., Beaudesert. Smith, James, Renfrew, Hughenden. Smith, J. A., Renfrew Park, Hughenden. Smith, J. E., 166 Edward Stret. Si:ith, J. F., "Hammondale," Upper Moray Street, New Farm. Smith, J. J., Wolston, Ipswich Line. Smith, John Thos., C/o K. M. Smith, Valley Smith, Laurence Stevens, Mt. Joseph, Brooweena. Smitlth, Miss M., Carriers Arms, Maryborough. Smith, O. H., Wunulla, Kilcoy. Smith, P., 866 Brunswick Street, New Farm Smith, P.E., Woodford. Smith, R. C., Ganges .Street, Hill 'End. Smith, R. E., "The Channon," Lismore, New South Wales. Smith. R. E. Nixon. C. T. A. Chambers, Charlotte Street. Smith, R. H. Smith. R. Sinclair, A. M. L. & F. Coy., 127 Creek Street. Smith, Sydney W., Broken Head, via Byron Bay, Smith, T. B., Australian Mutual Insurance Coy., Bagle Street. - ~,, ~ A - A. Smith, W. H., Woodford. Smith, Wm. Harvey, Hawthorne Street, Woolloongabba. Smith, W., Ann Street, Albion. Smith, W. N., Ann Street, Albion. Smythe, John, O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills. Smythe, Richard, Musgrave Road, Red Hill. Smythe, Mrs. Wm., Bellevue Hotel, George Street. Snelling, T. A., 202 Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Snelling, W. M., C/o Chapman & Snelling, Eagle Street. Soden, J. Junr., Ipswich Road, South Brisbane. Soden, W. C., Upper Glenelg Street, South Brisbane. Somerset, 1. P., Caboonbah, Toogoolawah. Somerville, R. C., R. C. Somerville & Coy., Charlotte Street. South, F. L., Kodak Ltd., Queen Street. Southerden, R. W., 171 Queen Street. Southern, G. T., "Boronia," New Farm. Southern, H. C., Box 363, G. P. O., Brisbane. Sparkes, A., "Langside," Hamilton. Sparkes, E., Mayfleld Street, Hamilton. Sparkes, G. P., C/o Gregory & Davidson, Edward Street. Sparkes, James, Q'land State Canneries, Bulimba. Sparks, W. H., Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. Speedy, W. R., Thargomindah. Speering, T., Grantham. Spence, L. H., E. Rich & Coy., Ltd., Wharf Street. Spencer, A., Corinda. Spencer, A. R., 12 Queen Street. Spencer, Leonard, Edward Street. Spiro, L. H., Bowen Terrace. Sprake, G. T., Woodstock Street, Maryborough. Spresser, Wm., Carnation Jersey Stud, Brassall, near Ipswich. Springall, H. A., Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Springthorpe, L., Goomerl. Sprott. J., Talgai West, Ellenthorpe. Spry, C. F., Flowerdale, Rocklea. Spurgin, C. A., 288 Queen Street. Stacey, G. H., Peak Crossing, via Ipswich Stacey, G. W., Graceville. Stacey, P., Warromean, Singleton, N.S.W. Stack, G., Rockbourne Terrace, Paddington Stafford, A., Standard Dairy Coy., Wellcamp. Staines, S. J., Bundarh, Box 17, Clifton. Staines, W. J., Quebec, Mundubbera. Stantleld, F., Alexander Road, Ascot. Stanley, H. C., Moreton Street, New Farm. Stark, R. B., Allan & Stark Ltd., Queen St. Starkey, W. S., Post Office, Mudgeeraba. Stedman, J., 65 Queen Street. Steele, T. B., Brisbane Soap Coy., Bowen Bridge. Steer, E., Corriedale Park, Tarcutta, via Wagga, New South Wales. Steggall, E. M., C/o Griffiths Bros., Petrles Bight. Stephens, A. G., Brisbane Tramways Coy., Countess Street. Stephens, H., Breakfast Creek. Stephens, Llew., Heath St., East Brisbane. Stephens, P. J., Kodak Buildings, Queen St, Steven, J., C/o Mrs. Brett, "Martello," Albion Hights. .~ - - - 9. -4 t '4 4 r ,1 j% *ii !r *I '^i ' * *. *t ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Earold, Flinders Parade, Sandgate [. M., Q'land Farme'ra Co-op. Coy., Booval. A. D., Bald Hills. D., E.S. & A. Bank, Queen Street. 3. J., Criterion Hotel, George St. ). F., Laceys Creek, Dayboro. D. J., "Sylvan Wood," Rose St. 'ark Road, Eagle Junction. )r. Herbert, Old & New Sandgate K Roads, Claynel. -wart, J., "Beach Villa," Manly. ;wart, J., Bald Hills. wart, J. T., Howard Street, Bayewater. ewart, Phil., Dunlop Rubber Coy., Adelaide Street. ltewart, Rev. Robt., Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill. Ftewart, T., "Fairyknowe," Rosyln Street, s. "'' mnt Rrisbane. T. L., Roslyn Street, East I l bane. J., Roma. A., Thornhill Pastoral Coy., ard Street. J. L., Gunbower, Pittsworth. Wilfred, Heath Street, East bane. A. H., Euroa, Gladstone. Itirrat, J. U., Carinya, ulauUton.. tt, John, Baynes Ltd., South Brisbane. ; bo, Alex., Parbury House, Eagle Street. todart, J., Charlotte & Market Streets. Lieut. Col. R. M., Market Street. .todart, tokes, J. A., C/o Gregory & Davidson, Edward Street. * gtone, T. E., Quilberry East, S. & W. Railway. Stoppord, James, M.L.A., Rose Street, Annerley. .. " Btorer, George, 345 Queen Street. Storie, J. Junr., Windsor Road, Red Hill. . ,Story, G., Sturmfels, Ltd., Creek Street. ( ' Btory, J. D., Riverton Street, Albion. Story, Robert, Story & Ramsay, Adelaide Street. -, Story, W., A. M. E. Coy., Tow.nsville. ., Strang, C. W., Koolgunyah, Limevale, Inglewood. i 'Street, William, 173 Ann Street. i Btreeter, Dr.. Cavendish Rd.. Coorparoo. Strong, H. A., Indooroopilly. ,Strong, James, Meridian Villa, Flinders Parade, Sandgate. *' - Stuart, G. P., Union Bank, Queen Street. Stuart, S. J., Rockhampton. Studdert, Gordon W. T., Cobb & Coy.. Creek Street. Stumm, C., Inns .of Court, Adelaide Street. SBtuminm, C. W., Glencoe, Cunnamulla. Sueyek, A., C/o Johnson & Sons, Queen St. Bulllvan, M. T., Alexander Hotel, S Toowoomba. Summers, F., C/o Owen Gardner & Sons, South Brisbane. Bummers, George, Eagle Junction. cmner, R. F., Montpelier Road, Valley. |gtton, Col. Alfred B., C.M.G., "Northam," S-Upper Paddington. Sutton. Ellis, Isisford. Busaki, H. 0., 48 Petrie Terrace. Sreson, Capt., "Norway," Norman Park. Swayne. E., M.L.A., Parliament House. Sweeney, S. B., Combined Buyers (Aust.) ; Ltd. Parbury House, Eagle Street. ';yke.s,V., Duke Street, Bullmba. :i Sykes, E., 48 Costin Street, Valley. Symes, P. J, Parbury House, Eagle Street Symons, Chas., Wool Street, Toowong. Symons, E., Oxford Terrace, Sth. Toowonn Tait, C., Robertson Tait & Coy., Charlott. Street. Talt, John, Tewantin. Tait, R., Pittsworth. Tanner, R. H., Mills & Tanner, Courie Buildings, Queen Street. Tapsall, W. H., Nestles Milk Factory, Toogoolawah. Tarlinton, T. J., Virginia Avenue, Hawthorn. Tarte, E. M., Indooroopilly. Tate, F. I., Simpson Road, Ithaca Creek Taylor, A. D., Westbourne Street, Soutl Brisbane. Taylor, Charles, C/o R. S. Exton Ltd Queen Street. Taylor, Charles, Charles Taylor & Coy Roma Street. Taylor, C. C., "Vere-de-Vere," Emily St Highgate Hill, South Brisbane. Taylor, Edward, Taylor & Colledge Ltd . Charlotte Street. Taylor, H. V., Emily Street, Highgate Hil. South Brisbane. Taylor, Major H. B., C/o Beamish & Taylo . Union Trustees Chambers, Queen S: Taylor, John, Russell Park, Surat. Taylor, J. J., Emily Street, Highgate Hil South Brisbane. Taylor, Capt. R. D., Circular Quay, Petri * Bight. Taylor, R. Willis, Taylor & Colledge Lti . Charlotte Street. Taylor, S. A., Bon Accord, Dalby. Taylor, Dr. V. B., Galloways Hill, Norma I Park. Taylor, Dr. W. F., Preston House, Quet i Street. Taylor, -, Turanville Estate, Scone, New South Wales. Telford, W., Dept. of Public Instructio Treasury Buildings, Queen Street. Terry, T. S. B., Hughenden. Tew, W. H., Musgrave Road, Red Hi i Theaker, Thos. F., Shire Council, Harr ville. Thelander, Dr. C. A., Adelaide St., Clayflel i Theodore, Hon. E. G., Premier of Q'lai I. Parliament House. Thiele, F., Myrtletown, via Pinkenba. Thiele, F. W., Adelaide & Creek StretThomas, E., C/o A. V. Thomas, Gracevil Thomas, F. J., C/o Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide Street. Thomas, G. H., Brookes St., Bowen Hil Thomas, Henry, Harts Road, Indooroopil Thomas, Henry, "Kensington," Ann Stre '. Thomas, H. G. O., New Zealand Chambeo, Queen Street. Thomas, Mrs. Lewis, "Brynhytryd," Ipswich. Thomas, R. W., C/o J. Kitchen & So . Eagle Street. Thomason, A. W., Maleny. Thomason, H. W., Victoria Place, Su i Brisbane. Thompson, Alexander, Markets, Roman ' Thompson, Andrew, Elystan Road, N. *v Farm. Thompson, C. L., Colonial Mutual Chambers, Queen Street. Thompson, E., Riveraleigh, Woodford. hi- ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Thompson, George, Oriel Road, Clayfleld. Thompson, J. H., C/o Brabant & Coy., Charlotte Street. Thompson, J. H., 311 Queen Street. Thompson, Dr. Robt., Wickham Terrace. Thompson, 8., "Lillymere," Nudgee Road, Hendra. Thompson, W. A., 38 London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Thomon, A., Ormeau, South Coast Line. Thomson, A. P., Marnhull, Dalby. Thomson, E., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. Thomson, E. A., Custom House, Queen St. Thomson, Miss E. L., C/o Frasers Ltd:, 142 Queen Street. Thomson, H., Pine Street, Bulimba. Thomson, Mrs. J., "Bocoolima," Calliope, via Gladstone. Thomson, J. B., Bunya, via Strathpine. 'hompson, J. P. Dr., Royal Society of St. George, Brisbane. '"homson, J. Mowbray Dr., Wickham Terrace. Thomson, N. W., Repatriation Department, Mary Street. homson, Capt. W. Campbell, "Loma Large," Yabba Street, Ascot. 'Thoneman, J. S., Kuyura, Dalby. I horn, C. R., Eaton Street, Nundah. "'horpe, F., Florence Street, Bulimba. hynne, Hon. A. J., M.L.C., Highgate Hill, South Brisbane. ' illey, A. G., Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Goondiwindi. indal, C. F., Gunyan, Inglewood. i ipler, D. W., McLennan Street, Wooloowin Tippet Bros.. Newlyn, Victoria. Tippet, -, 'iivey, Wm., National Bank of Australia, Eagle Street. Tod, J.' T., Warwick Butter & Dairying Coy., Allora. loddhunter, W. J., "Cambria," Dunmore Terrace, Auchenflower. ' olman, Arthur, "Miora," Bowen Terrace, New Farm. Tolman, E. E., "Miora," Bowen Terrace, New Farm. 'iolmie, James, "Kimblachie," Hill Street, Toowoomba. Tombs, A. D., "Waverley," McGregor Avenue, Lutwyche. 'Tmes, L. B., Junabee, Warwick. "omklns, B., Moogoon, Goondiwindi. * mklns, W. J., Inglewood. 3 'ohey, Patrick, Baynes, Ltd., South Brisbane: 'si oth, Leslie H., C/o Weetman & Coy., 48 Petrie Terrace. "l ,wnson, J. Wynne, Lambert Road, Indoorooplly. ' zer, S. D., Stephens & Tozer, George St. '!:ackson, P. S., 157-159 Elizabeth Street. *;all, C. A., Newstead. Trail, David, Newstead. 'i 'aill, D. J. Junr., Lutwyche Street, Wooloowin. * 'iraill, B., Newstead. "'ailll, T. T. F., "Cynthia," Eldsvold. Trautweiler, C., Underwoods Bond, Albert Street. Traves, A. W., Nundah. Travea, B. V. Box 9, KLlcoy. 'I enerry, E. A., Diamantlna Lakes Station, Winton. 'lenerry, H. S., Rickard Avenue, Bondi. Sydney. ,A<§ ^^.^ Trevethan, Walter, Elizabeth Street. Treweeke, F. L, Culbokie, Noondoo Siding. Tritton, F., 260 George Street. Trotter, R. H., Chief Railway Audit Office, Roma Street. Trotter, W. G., Jackett Bros., Heaslop Buildings, Roma Street. Trout, F. L., Petrie Terrace. Trout, Richard, Waterworks Road, Ashgrove. Trout, R. P., Red Hill. Trout, W. J., Victoria Street, Red Hill. Trouton, W., Corner Edward & Elizabeth Streets. Tucker, A. J., Corner Express & Julliette Streets, off Ipswich Road. Tucker, E. G., New Sandgate Road. Clayfleld. Tuckett, A. J., Rocklea. Tuke, E., Rocklea. Tunley, R. F., Wickham Street, Valley. Turich, C. H., Heidleberg Benaraby, North Coast Line. Turner, Dr. A. J., Wickham Terrace. Turner, F., Strathmuir, Rockhampton. Turner, F. C., Wyaga, Goondiwindi. Turner, J. H., Wyaga, Goon diwindi. Turner, R. D., Mackler & Co., Elizabeth St. Turnor, H. J., The Holmwood, Neurum. Turnor, Jas. T., The Holmwood, Neurum. Turton, R. D., Yabba Street, Ascot. Tweedale, J., Abbot Street, Ascot. Twomey, M., Adelaide Street. Tynan, A. M., Foley Bros., Roma Street. Tyrwhitt, H. S., Yandarlow, Augathella. Uhl, Alfred, Petries Bight. Uhl, G. L., Petries Bight. Uhl, Herbert, Petries Bight. Uhlman, F. W., Caboolture Co-op. Coy., . Caboolture. Uhlman, H. C., Bay View, Burpengary. Underwood, A. T., Fifth Avenue, Windsor. Ure, J. Canning, "St. Ives," Crescent Road, Hamilton. Usher, G., Riverside, Springsure. Usher, J. T., Bogantungan. Ussher, W. C., Bombandy, Clermont. Valentine, J. E., Grosvenor Road, Indooroopilly. Valentine, W., Rialto Street, Coorparoo. Vallely, P. D., Ipswich Road, South Brisbane. Vallely, Peter, Australian Hotel, Queen St. Van Homrigh, E. W. H., C/o J. C. Hutton Ppty., Ltd., Roma Street. Van Homrigh, H. D., Enoggera. Vasyli, D. G., 18 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane. Vaughan, V. W., Hamilton Road, Hamilton, Veivers, R., Southport. Vernor, W. H., Cluen, Vernors Siding, B. V. Line. Vidgen, C. O., Dental Hospital, George St.. Voight, W., Glamorgan Vale, via Townshend. Voller, W. C., 171 Queen Street. Von Stieglitz, C. R., New Sandgate Road,-,. Clayfleld. Vowles, James, Mlllwood, Morven. Waddell, H. H., Benvenue, Gayndah. Waddell, T., C/o L. Dunne, Doggett St., Valley. Wade, H. C., Commercial Union Assuranc Coy., Eagle Street. Wade, J. H., Box 21, Post OfRoe, Kllcoy, Wade, J. T., Wadeleigh, Boompa, OayndMh ' Line. I ^^'",^^' . 66 NNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Road, Nundah. , Wind.or. oad, Nundah. eet, Windsor. vong. oogoolawah. 1 Street. Kowbi, Isis iwmead, N.S.W. t. mbooya. tual Chambers, Herston Road. saghts Propty., tanthorpe. Ide Bay Co-op. oe, Kowbi, Isis t,Sth. Brisbane. load, Annerley. e, Sandgate. Id, Red Hill. e, Kergunyah. P. 0O., Brisbane. ," Morven. Sherwood. o.,Elizabeth St. tual Chambers, Adelaide Street. itation, via owin. oy., Toowoomba W'.lah, R. H. Major, Vulture Street, EaaL Brisbane. C. L., 181 Eagle Street. alter, E. M., Werribee, Victoria. Walton, P. V., Brunswick Street, Valley. 'alton, W., Brunswick Street, Valley. Waraker, Eric, Adelaide Chambers, Adelaide Street. SWarburton, W. J., Northgate. Ward, Alfred, "Lyndon," Windermere Rd., Hamilton. Ward, C., C/o Mactaggart Bros., Adelaide :Street. pard, C. H., "Milrose," Hobbs Street, Auchenfower. Ward, G., C/o Kreglinger & Fernan, Adelaide Street. Ward, G. W., Moses Ward & Sons, Queen Street. Ward, J. W., Moses Ward & Sons, Queen St. ard, P., Hyde Park, Yeronga. rd, R. T., Mount View, Gunalda. . * .Wrdell,J. E., Q'land Primary Producers Co-op. Agency Ltd., Eagle Street. are., Wm., Meatworks, Redbank. Sarlng, E. H., St. Lucia Road, Toowong *arneminde, M. H., Coopers Plains. *arnook, A. H., Employers' Liability Assurance Corp., Creek Street. :. J., Hillcrest, Nundah. 3.r, C. C., Wharf Street. r, J. W., Chester Street, Tenerlffe. ll, S A. T., Lanafleld. aerg, B ,artrSp . H., C/o Wilcox Mofflin, Ltd., SYMargaret Street. jalter, fe ; . ** - - ~F- *I ~-SIYrrJs~LsT~'T~*I;P;4L~4tdBi99L3~:~T1 Waters, Rev. W . H., Toowong. Watson, A., Q'la.nd Bedstead Coy., Milton. Watson, A., 276 Wickham Street, Valley. Watson, Bruce, iC. T. A. Club, Brisbane. Watson, D. J. R ., Inns of Court, Adelaide Street. Watson, George , Watson Bros., Margaret Street. Watson, H. P., Nambour. Watson, Henry B., "Bonara," Yeronga. Watson, J. F., V ratson Bros., Margaret St. Watson, J. G., B Iramble Terrace, Red Hill. Watson, Richar i, Booval. Watson, Samuel , Ipswich. Watson, S., Toolwoomba. Watson, S. A., Co-op. Dairy Coy., Bundaberg. Watson, T. G., Ipswich. Watson, W., Ba.nchory, Theebir.e. Watson, W. H., Poma Cottage, Lota. Watson, W. J., Brisbane Street, Ipswich. Watt, E., Ballin a, New South Wales. Watt, E. J. Watts, A. E., 2172 Queen Street. Watts, F., Milto)n Road. , Osborne & Waugh, 29; Waugh, George tt. Queen Stree Wearne, R. H., Central Tech. College, Brisbane. Weatherill, Cap t. W. J., 82-33 Victory Chambers, ( Queen Street. Webb, C. W., St:afford on Kedron. Webb, R. J., Spiencer Block, Queen Street. Webb, W. G., Tioowoomba. Webb, Dr. W. S., Vulture Street, South Brisbane. Webster, A. B., Mary Street. Webster, A. N., Yarralla, Maleny. Webster, David,, Annerley Road, South Brisbane. Webster, GeorgeSL., Webster & Coy., Mar3 Otreet. Webster, J. F., Cafe Majestic, Queen St Webster, J. M., Kllcoy. Webster, S., "Gllenirls," Kllcoy. Webster, Thos., Kilcoy. Webster, W., K ilcoy. Webster, W. Ea ton, Sarum, Bell. Wedmeyer, W., Eldsvold. Weller, Johann G., Serpentine Dairy, Pinkenba. Wellstead, W. A ., "Lockyer," New Sandgat, Road, Clayf leld. Welsh, F. C., C'ity Buildings, Edward St Welsh, Beaumo nt, "Hythe," Mangalore, S. & W. Lii ie. West, B., Hendira. West, W. S. T,,, Queen Street, Rocklea. Westacott, R., Nundah. Westaway, E. .J., Rocklea. Westcott, L. A. , "Eufala," Wellington P' G., Bacchus Marsh Coy Westcott, W. E G. Eagle Streeit. Westlake, W. Ji., 119 Melbourne Street, South Brisklane. Westphal, W. M[., Westphal & Clarke, Pit' Street, Sydi ley. Wetzel, E., Cit v Baths, Spring Hill. Weymouth, T. C1., Violet Avenue, Yerongi Whalley, W., N ambour. Whatmore, G. W., Q'land Motor Agenc' Ltd., Adelai de Street. Wheatley, H. VV., Chermside Street, New market. Wheeler, A. J., C/o G. Hablbe, 210 Wickham 8 treet. r ~~__I\__~ * k..-:. 1I IIiJ I ANNUAL MEMBERS-Continued. Wheeler, Joseph, S07 Main St., Kangaroo Point. Wheeler, Dr. J. A., Sherwood Rd., Toowong Whereat, J. H., McConnell St., Bulimba. Whincup, W. A., Whincup & Coy., Valley. White, C. F., Moiminda, Stanthorpe. White, E. E. D., Bluff Downs, Charters Towers. White, E. G., "Oakden," O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills. White, E. S., C/o Dunlop Rubber Coy., Adelaide Street. White, F. L., Brooklands, Woodhill. White, Gilbert, 65 Elizabeth Street. White, H., Loudoun, Dalby. White, L. E., O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills. White, Norman, Daily Mail Office, Queen Street. White, R., Crows Nest. White, W. D., Mt. Berrymant, Laidley. White, W. M., "The Willows," Laidley. White, W. T. P., "Oakden," O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills. Whitby, Samuel Henry, Cribh St., Milton. Whiteford, James, S1 Somerset Street, Valley. Whitehill, A. F., Ridley St., Auchenflower. Whitehouse, B. B., 1I. George Street. Whitehouse, C. C., C/o Burns Philp & Coy., Ltd., Mary Street. Whitelock, E. L., Pianola Coy., Queen St. Whitman, Wm., Taringa. Whitney, J., Coombuig Park, Carcoar, New South Wales. Whittaker, T., Box 25, G. P. O., Pittsworth. Whitty, Miss M. K., C/o W. H. Bowser & Lever, Ltd., Windsor. Wienholt, Arnold, C/o Dalgety & Coy., Ltd., Elizabeth Street. 'Vienholt, J. D., "The Cottage," Ipswich Road, South Brisbane. W'ienonen, K., \lelawondi, Mary Valley Line. ,Vightman, Andrew H., Corner Windemere & Racecourse Roads, Ascot. Vilbraham, F. W., Undulla, Woodhill. Wildermuth, D., Hendra. Wildermuth, W., Nudgee Road, Hendra. Wildhober, J. G., Wesbourne Street. South Brisbane. Wildman, A. D., River Road, New Farim. Wilkie, W. R., Dornoch Terrace & Boundary Street, West End. Wilkin, M. J.. Downs Co-op. Dairy Coy., Toowoomba. '.ilkinson, J. A., "Kainama," Kogan. Warra. ':ilkinson, J. J., Nambour. 'Wilklnson, J. R., Dowse St., Paddington. Wilkinson, J. W., Wickham St., Valley. Wilkinson, L. H., Nudgee College Railway Station. Wilkinson, P., "Waratah" Wine Stores, Valley Corner. Wilkinson, R. J., Dowse St., Paddington. . illcooks, R. J., Box 663, G. P. O., Brisbane. V illert, C., Rosefarin, Rosedale, N. C. L. Willert, G. T., Oyster Creek, via Rosedale, North Coast Line. • Willert, S. J. 454 Ldward Street. W\illiams. Albert, Spring Creek, Taroom. Williams, Albert, Mountain View, Taroom. Williams, Alfred, Gregors Creek, Yimbun. Williams, Bert, Ethel St., Morningalde. Williams, P., Spring Creek, Taroom. Williams, F. L., Annie Street, off Charlotte Street, Rosalie. Williams, G. P., Roma. Williams, John, Barlow Street, Clayfield. Williams, J., Spring Creek, Taroom. Williams, J. E. N.. HBank of Australasia, Queen Street. Williams, J. Herbert, C/o Agencies Ltd., 406 Queen Street. Williams, Lloyd W., Charlotte & Market Streets. Williams, M., Cairns Station, Charleville. Williams, P. G., C/o Dalgety & Coy., Elizabeth Street. Williams, R., Lands Office, Brisbane. Williams, R. A., Spring Creek, Taroom. Williams, R. James, Telegraph Chambers, Queen Street. Williams, Sidney, lRockhanpton. Williams, T. E., Kennedy Terrace, Paddington. Williams, W. C.. Iosevale, Taroom. Williams, Walter C., Campbells Buildings, Creek Street. Villiamson, ,John. Lochinvar, (Carisbrook, Victoria. Williamson, W., (). K., Dalby. Willis, A. J., Gymple Road, Chermside. Willman, N. P., Nundah. Wills, H. W., 3,S5 Queen Street. Wilshire, W., Logan & Albert Co-op. Dairy Coy., Beaudesert. Wilson, A., High Street, Lutwyche. Wilson, Alex. B., Architect, City Buildings, Edward Street. Wilson, A. C., Forsyth Building, Stanley Street, South Brisbane. Wilson, B. G., Queen Street. Wilson, C. H., Glass House Mountains, North (Coast Line. Wilson, F. A., Adelaide Street. Wilson, Gilbert, l'a rbury House, Eagle St, Wilson Graham. Minmnore, Kingaroy. Wilson, H. B., Stewart River, Tingoora. Wilson, James, Harristown, Toowoomba. Wilson, James, 103-105 Elizabeth Street. Wilson, J. D., "Ebuta," Russell Street, South Brisbane. \\il. in. .iohliii ., (''llinury Bros.. Ltd., Edward Street. Wilson, J. H. Wilson, J. L., Calliople Station, Gladstone. Wilson, i., Department of Agriculture & Stock, Brisbane. Wilson, R. H., Zillmere. Wilson, R. M., London Bank Chambers, Creek Street. Wilson, T., Geoffrey Street, New Farm. Wilson, T. W., Elizabeth Street. Wilson, W. H., Mlva, Kingaroy Line. \Wlls,n, Wylie, Q. T. C. Office, Creek Street. Wiltshire, F., Fruit Exchange, Turbot St. Winks, R. W., Department of Agriculture & Stock, William Street. Windsor, Dr. H. J., Preston House, Queen Street. Winnett, W. C., Kingston, S. C. Line. Winston, B., Brown Street, New Farm. Winten, D. A., Angellala Downs, Morven, Winten, H. J., Morven. Wlnten, S., Calrndowan," Union Road, Winterbotham, L. P. Dr., Ipswich Road, Annerley. Wizerbottam. D., Carlton Club Hotel, Queen Street. 4,«~ ANNUAL MEMBERS-Contiued. W. J., c:,'o Birch & Carroll. iternlood, Strand Buildings, Queen Street. Queens Road, Wipell, C. R., Loch Leigh, ~WsC. E., Municipatl Ma~ke's Utoma St. W., Dickson Stre~t, Wifithecombe, Wooloowin. WithrowJames, "Culterel" Mnl. Wood. Dr. Butle , Queen Street. Wood, C., Kedron. Wood, E. Stanley. . FWood. Francis, Fairview,. Wa Ira ('hnp~maui & Coy.. ~'*'ood, Harold A., Hooker Street. 99 Elizabeth ~"Wood. J. S., New- Zealand~ C:haber~s, Queen Street. V. ., Claltieli. 'Wo~od, J. W., Maljo, ~Cood, R. P., Charlotte St~eet. *WOodbine, F. W., "Mlbon,' L~non ~ro,;l 2Clayfield. Woodcock, W., Red luill. ;W Poodcratft, H. C.. Celilur. A,1~ C,'o Ih~ tt. ., C. Junr Woodhed, Adelaide Street. BWoodhed, C. W., Cio hryce ILt .,Adel:iid&' Street. ti~ect. \f'W~odhojise, H. C . i:lroSVcitor Yeronga. JIre'1. lien I :;iiu II Wo nodrotle A. ., S Kanaroo P~oint. Woodoffe. F. XV., H. Ml t'ostotw. Q2iieai St. Woodward, Archild. Wiuull w;1I I & I ti.c g Roma Street. Str~eet ~ oodward, ~.C'., Aelbi itoina~ Stroir. ~OI Wol . EP., Marlkts, Woolcock, A. it., C 'o I)aig~ty &Y (1, Rockhanirton. ' [ia itsJno. I.. I'riiani'iita r ~ 'Woolcock, man, Adelaide Stree~t. % ~\iaIII,~ 1 Street, Sttionl R. J. Woosley, VVM isoiJi Workman, Z;I4IlIch,, lte. "',hiteliffe" Albioi. Srench, H., U)lslo a St n~t I~, ini hen oloniall suganr efnery Wright, A. ., Coy., Eagle Street. Wright, A. H., Laidle . Herstonl Wright, A. T., Butterfeld St~eet, Wright, C. W., Waverley Station. Marlborough. Street, Nunab. Wright, P. T., Came~on Street, Herston. Wright, F"., Butte~feld Wright, J. H., Box 17i, ost Offce, Helidon. B~utler Bros. (Aust). J., Wright, Murice Ltd., Charlotte Steet. Stree, W. Junr., 112' Leichharlr , Wyr Sring Hill. Allanl ., Adlelaide t~eet. Wylie, Wylie, J. D., F'elix Street, Wooloowil. J. H., Albion. Wylle, Wyper, J, 1unmore Terrace, .\uciienlower New Sydnrey Steet, Yates, .. V. Junr.. Far. P'. ('hnibeis,, E:~wrd Yeowart, J.,A;..~. teet. "I ivrview.' Young, Allanii ., Pak. Young. (., (eoiy Sher~ood. I.,K. Yong Sherood. Terrace.. W ire tItci tig (.oy U, Eriskiot'~)'1) Steet. Criek Young, '. \\ BoxL;l . . . Love (11am~ hersl ISlejll iig, 11 .nle, Youlrl: ui Street. l c k' A\sie~il~ Stliyet. Iatiunt .9rl YoiJrg,, M. 1. E. p Elltu S\'est Youiig, ~I~.'lalga Youngian, Younnieol. \ . I... T:tairluga bliI K~iiiaroy I'In F ,. a L gll .r '~Y-~rr~u---~ul~a:;;~m~ L~.L~. L~.L~ L~ Norman~ -1) ... 11 i~ZI~LibC~i~k)~j~i~W~k~~l~$C ;r;J brr~: Y - j~. ~ -. -~ e _ National Agricultural and Industral To OUR MEBERS AND FRIENDS I'erusoll Iof t lit' oiitiits o~f this Report will (it t i'e .\ssoe utioti ti, Qulau'l.l111 No berttrl adlvelt iseitit of oill r jt:ite~ 'c ret possib~ilitiesl is ever Submlitted( tllt ii thalt of 'leserve, if ou helP We'~ :isk you to tectilo usl. voul1 utembersitipL~ anti( jucn bers. If you will Iwiji1 uls w\ith lotiut iois or givc the \'nhie of out Pizei, Piiz, $1I/1/- your herlli will be you slen Il inl thlis Onbehailf of tI1 he to iturc(ae a Bpee ill I eiteeiiiel. way1 w\ill Ntiolal EvCr hentit Arieu~ltul~ Asoition~ (wieb in this instance eans 4.Jueen~lan ), thle ('ounil tank you in antiipatiol. b :: YY~r3--~:~S I - i r:, ... i..,~n. rrr~ -.. ,~d ~-'Ur-U-ii~-~-i ;~~L~°~i~~n~Yjd(4j~(Bu~~)S~j~~$l~311R ~i~ 2ueensland National Show 1921 Strts MONDAY, 8th AUGUST. Flaishes SATURDAY, 13th AUGUST. hI4)4~k \e4)II I ;tII lhi(II Iic b411S areuloiigMO tl~itilil' tO ii. ehibi V i.: J)lt~l*, Ia ala ia t ~~~.I ie IIlj)% Old See OL rho/. *(II1 cil 'e IIe841 '\. Slillie. ~1))II ors. ( ttle ~~ Iee.sii. aryttIcrEIhst e ete.~( \\(, )iar Sle ll hilj ot lee I ca dogs'. tthiien
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