Aware October 2013 - Public Schools of Robeson County


Aware October 2013 - Public Schools of Robeson County
Loves the
Union Chapel
Host Pumpkin
PSRC Receives
Community Health
October 2013
From the Superintendent’s Office
Fall is a time for transition and change. Cooler temperature signal summer is leaving and the
winter is on the way. It might seem like a time to move inside, but the PSRC family is moving
forward to support many organizations, such as Breast Cancer and Childhood Cancer
Awareness. I salute our children for giving to support those in need.
As you enjoy this issue of the Aware, I hope you join us as we celebrate these accomplishments.
Dr. Johnny Hunt
PSRC Superintendent
School News A - Z ...................................................................................... 3
Pumpkin Chunkin Contest ............................................................................... 7
Thousands joins the rides as the Fair Board Sponsors Special Needs Day ................. 8
St. Pauls Students gather their passports for the trip of a lifetime .......................... 14
Community Health Award ............................................................................. 29
Free breakfast through Grab - N - Go ............................................................ 30
A special day at the fair!
Arts Education Aware News
Middle and high school
Vocal Music students gave a
wonderful choral performance during
their fall showcase on October 24th
at Lumberton High School.
Performing songs that reflected the
“Love” theme the audience was
entertained from start to finish.
Middle school choirs and teachers
included Pembroke Middle &
Rembret Parker; Lumberton Jr. High
& Harold Jacobs; Prospect Elementary
& Angie Carter; Carroll Middle & Tana
Meyers and Littlefield Middle &
Allyson Stoddard. High school choirs
and teachers included Fairmont High
& Stephen Love; South Robeson High
& Pam Carlson; Red Springs High &
Jessica McKeithan; Purnell Swett High
& Jaclyn Waite and Lumberton High &
Teresa Davis. In closing, a combined
choir of all the schools performed
Bob Marley’s “One Love” and left
their audience with the message “…
let’s together and feel alright…”
The annual VSA arts Festival
was held on the campus of UNCP
October 23rd and was enjoyed by
over 1800 students, teachers,
administrators, artists and
volunteers. Each year the PSRC Arts
Education Department sponsors the
festival in partnership with UNCP
Disability Support for all of our K-12
EC students. The purpose of the
festival is to offer students a variety
of art and music activities along with
the experience of being on the
UNCP campus. Many thanks are
extended to our roving artists Jef
Lambdin the Mime, Steve Langley,
John Tudor & Rodney the Rabbit, Kat
Littleturtle, All Hearts Tornadoes &
the PSRC Band of Directors for
bringing and sharing their talents with
our kids.
Visual Art students Aquia
Deese from South Robeson High
School was selected to represent
Robeson County in the permanent
exhibition sponsored by the NC Art
Education Association that will hang
in the State Department of
Instruction building in Raleigh. Aquia’s
charcoal drawing of her father
exemplifies best practices of drawing
and value use and is only one
example of the many wonderful
pieces she has created under the
guidance of art teacher Karena
Kimble-Locklear. Aquia, also a poet,
recently won the Gertrude Locklear
Drug Prevention contest in the high
school division for her beautiful
The Studio One Lab Theatre
program opened the season with a
production of “Snow White Goes
West,” presented Oct. 3-6 at
Lumberton High School. “Snow White
Goes West” is a high energy, fastpaced musical take on the Grimms’
fairy tale that will have everyone in
the audience laughing and singing
along. The story tells a tale in the ol’
west during the Gold Rush about a
beautiful young girl found by a group
of 7 gold minin’ dwarf brothers.
Participating students included from
Lumberton HS: Bridget Scott,
Gabrielle Lewis, Richmond McIntyre,
Ryan Bloomer, Raheim Jones, Makailia
Locklear, Hernan Perez, Allison
Bedell; from Early College HS: Kaitlin
Davis & Toni Lee; from Purnell Swett
HS: Kenda Hunt; Magnolia ES: Sapora
Locklear; St. Pauls HS: Serena-Majors
Todd and from Lumberton Jr. HS:
Cherise Honore
Editor and Copy Writer
Tasha Oxendine
Copy Editor
Courtney L. Chavis
Assist. Superintendent
Shenita Wooten
School Copy
Sabrina Branch
Teresa Mitchell
Thomas Oxendine
Holly Clegg
Rhonda Lange
Diane Hardee
Sherri Byrd-Newberry
Tonya Chavis
Rhonda Hunter
Angel Ligon
Bridget Dial
Courtney Locklear
Juanita Deese
Rosemary Hemingway
Delois Lowry
Heather Berry-chavis
April Maynor
Margie Emanue
JoAnn Harris
Joy Lynn Locklear
Charles Perdue
Jessica Pate
Michelle Ivey
Shanita Wooten Bonnie Rogers Erin Hunt
Ginger Hyde
Anna Warren
Lena Lowery
Ana Locklear
Joyce Oxendine
Rebecca Freeman
Belinda Green
Pumpkin Chunkin Contest
PSRC Central Office Supports
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Early College
Doreen McNeill. Thus far the members have been par1cipa1ng in community service ac1vi1es and bi-­‐
weekly mee1ngs. Early College students and staff give drugs the boot during Red Ribbon week celebra1on. Robeson Early College High School is an official Cer:port Tes:ng Site. The teacher’s previous cer1fica1ons along with her recent Microso< Office Specialist cer1fica1on and Cer1port Administrator Test have cer1fied Mrs. Doreen McNeill as a Microso< Cer1fied Trainer. The first couple of days tes1ng resulted in 18 students achieving the Microso< Office Specialist (WORD) cer1fica1on. RECHS also hosted its monthly parent night with Drug Awareness and College and Career Readiness theme. Guest speaker Jeremy Ammons of the Robeson County Sheriff’s Department, Narco1cs Division spoke to the students and parents. Caylee H., Ciena F., Brooke J., John B., and A. Jones. A huge thank you to our student’s and guests for sharing your 1me and talents with us. In the words of the Cherokee Prayer “May Students and staff celebrated their 100% gradua1on rate and highest SAT the scores in the county with an Great Spirit bless all who enter a<ernoon of pizza, drinks, music, there.”
socializing and dance. The students were thrilled to have Principal Gasque Early College student intern makes the RCC IT NewsleIer. (ar1cle at their beckon call at the co^on compliments of RCC IT)
candy machine. NASA sponsors Mrs. Mar1nez and Mrs. Chavis delivered an Future Business Leaders of outstanding Na1ve America (FBLA) Currently there are America program. The 46 ac1ve members. The President: program was led by NASA Tyjae H, Vice-­‐President: Makayla J, President Ms. Rachel M. Secretary: Randi D, Reporter: Marilou Special guests included Ms. Charly M, Historian: Lowey of Dark Water Rising, Marissa B, 2013-­‐2014 Lumbee Ambassadors, Parliamentarian: Li^le Miss, Junior Miss, Teen Miss and Tyler W and Miss Lumbee. Early College student Advisor: Mrs. performers included Alaina M., 5
Deep Branch Fire Safety Week
Deep Branch
6th Grade
Social Studies
Fire Prevention
Door Contest
An exciting October!
Pumpkin Chunkin
at Union Chapel!
materials for pumpkins and
to construct the students'
6th grade students
Congrats to the students
studied the middle ages
and educators at Union
Chapel Elementary school period in Social Studies.
One of the focuses was
for a successful pumpkin
chunkin contest, but more knights and weaponry
used in battles. Students
importantly a successful
have been exposed to the
lesson in the Middle Ages.
importance of armor,
Union Chapel
shields, and catapults with
Elementary near Highway
72 and Union Chapel Road regards to warfare.
Students were required to
outside Pembroke hosted
a Pumpkin Chunkin' event construct small scale
on October 31st. Leading models of catapults and
record their work in a class
up to the event students
notebook. Further reading
were finalizing dimensions
of catapults in preparation covering the topics of
knights, the imagery used
for construction. This
on shields, and pumpkins
thematic project involves
has been extended into
English, Social Studies and
the area of ELA. The math
Math. True Value of
component involved ratios,
Pembroke and Locklear
proportions, and the
Farms provided the
conversion of the small
into a
functioning model.
The educators said “Since it
is pumpkin season, what
better way to celebrate
than to test a piece of
medieval equipment than
toss a few pumpkins”?
Mrs. Joanna Hunt,
Principal, dressed
up as Mrs. Frizzle
from the Magic
School bus on
October 31 for a
special treat for
students at
principal and he says the event is
very special to him. “A lot of these
kids will not get a chance to come
to the fair and if they do, they are
Donna Locklear and her 8- subject to 10 – 15,000 people on
year-old daughter Heather
the grounds. This way all the rides
climbed in the Tea Cup ride and
are there without a line and all the
spun round and round at the
vendors are there without a line
Robeson County Fair. Locklear and and it is just a special day for
her daughter joined 5,000 students them,” said Faircloth.
at the annual Special Needs Day.
The carnival owner, Big
“I think it is really great. It is very
Rock Amusements, donated the
special because it is not crowded
rides, the fuel and people to run
and the children didn’t have to
those rides. Pepsi gives the
wait in line long. She really enjoyed participants a drink and they
the rides,” said Locklear.
receive ice cream. County. The fair
Allen Faircloth, President of vendors also offered discounted
the Robeson County Regional Fair, foods for the children. The students
says the Fair Board has sponsored
received book bags from the
the Special Needs Day for almost
Public Schools of Robeson County.
25 years. The fair sends out
Annie Lyndsey attended the
invitations for the day to Hoke,
event with her 10-year-old niece
Bladen, Scotland, but the primary
Faith. “I think the children are really
students attending are from
enjoying themselves, especially my
Robeson County. The Special
niece because this is a special day
Needs day is opened up to
to come out. It is a good
anyone with a challenge.
opportunity to let them feel that
Participants attend from day care they are special,” said Lyndsey.
centers as well as adult rehab
centers. Faircloth is a retired school
Thousands joins the rides as
the Fair Board Sponsors
Special Needs Day
Needs Day
(Above) PSRC Employees
distributed book bags for
participants at the Special
Needs Day. The bags were
provided through the PSRC
Parent Student Center.
Photo on left - Donna
Locklear and her daughter
Heather spin in the Tea
East Robeson Primary
acknowledge our 1st grade PBIS winner
from October Mrs. Eaton and Mr. White.
Our classes are studying different types
of graphs and are building on our
language skills by learning more about
common and proper nouns, long vowels
uses and digraphs and blends.
Our second graders have been
“busy beavers” learning about
explorations, weather, fire safety, and
Mrs. Zandra Cook's
many other exciting second grade topics.
Kindergarten class was chosen, by
We have been working together to
WKML, for the Elementary School
sharpen our addition and subtraction
Reading Club. Mr. Steve Richards visited skills in math. During our science unit of
the class and read to them. The class
weather, we worked in small groups with
was given T-shirts and a basket of treats technology to research different types of
and supplies. Mrs. Cook was given a
weather including; floods, tornadoes,
beautiful plant and was interviewed. We hurricanes, earthquakes, thunderstorms
heard her on the radio! How exciting! We and volcanoes. The students really
are so proud of you, Mrs.
enjoyed using the laptops to research
Cook! Kindergarten enjoyed a
their topic and find pictures of their
presentation by Allenton Fire Department weather topic!
for Fire Safety month. Mrs.Collette
Johnson's class earned the most Beaver
The third graders at East
Bucks, in Kindergarten, for the nine
Robeson recently went on their first trip
weeks. They participated in a dance,
of the year to visit the Scientific Circus at
given by the PBIS team.
the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville.
They enjoyed many amazing magic
The Beavers are excited to be
tricks that created visual images for
starting a new month at school. We are
scientific concepts! The Allenton Fire
looking forward to celebrating Native
Department visited our school to share
American month and are getting ready
and educate our students on ways to be
for our Winter Wonderland Festival later fire safe. Students have been working
this month. The Beavers would like to
hard to continue to follow the
Beta Pi chapter of
Alpha Delta Kappa
Robeson County
teachers give back
October is ADK month.
The Robeson Alpha Delta
Kappas stuffed buckets
with candy for schools
they represent in the
county, to show
appreciation for
expectations of PBIS: “Be Caring, Be a
Thinker, and Be Safe!”
Buses/Traffic-flowing smoothly
due to newly paved parking lot. Drivers
are reinforcing PBIS rules and giving
Beaver Bucks to their outstanding riders
The Grab & Go program at East
Robeson Primary is huge and
successful. We have doubled in our
participation and, ERPS cafeteria staff
are hard working and making sure the
job gets done!!!
We have finished our yearly
hearing and vision screenings at East
Robeson Primary. 1st and 3rd graders
were screened along with 2nd graders
(hearing) in the Exceptional Children’s
program. The screenings were a
success due to the great attendance and
behavior of the students and the
amazing teachers and staff. Many
thanks to everyone for their cooperation,
especially our wonderful nurse Ms.
Sherry West.
Guidance Department thanks
Lumberton Ford & Lincoln Dealership for
partnering with East Robeson
supporting the mission of Red Ribbon
Week , pledging to make healthy
Their names are
Maggie Bristol (Carroll
Middle), Christine Harriger
and Shannon Strickland
(both from Rowland
Norment).The group
wanted to show their joy
of inducting new
members and
appreciation for teachers
and education.
Congratulations to the following
students for their Nominations
and Score Qualifications for NC
Governor School.
Jordan Monroe-11th Madelyn Sealey-10th
Niya Dickens-10th
James Austin Callahan-10th
Now, applications are off to the
next round. Wish them luck!
On October 15, 2013, Ms. Jones and Mr.
Thomas Oxendine had the luxury of selecting
some ninth, tenth and eleventh graders to take
on a trip to UNCP third annual School of
Business Brain Buster Challenge. The students
participated in the following activities:
Accounting, Business Finance, Business Law,
Current Business events, Economics,
Management Principles, and Marketing
Principles. Branjer Jones and Destiny Davis
won in the Current Business events brain
buster, beating out all the Robeson county High
Schools, As well as several High Schools from
surrounding counties. This event is designed to
provide high school students a unique
opportunity to learn more about the university,
test their business knowledge, tour the UNCP
campus and school business faculty and
FFA (Future Farmers of America) has
another 1st place team. The tractor driving team
placed 1st place on October 10th.
Congratulations to Stephen Hill, Johnnie
Herring, and Jon Floyd. Stephen Hill was the
top individual of all students competing and Jon
Floyd was the second individual. The truck
driving team placed second.
On Wednesday, October 16th, the
Fairmont Tornado Battalion’s Rifle Team
headed to Lumberton High School for the
annual PSRC rifle meet. They placed 2nd
overall. Cadet staff sergeant, Dustin Register,
distinguished himself by making the allconference rifle team. He shot 81 out of 100 in
the kneeling position, which was the highest in
the county.
The Fairmont High School Marching band
participated in a band competition at Lumberton
band day Saturday Oct.26, 2013 at Lumberton
Senior High School. Sixteen bands played.
Fairmont High School placed third place in
music and first place in best pit crew.
Johnson & Wales Representative
In October a representative
from Johnson and Wales
University named Joy Daniels
came to Mrs. Huebach’s Prostart
1 and 2 classes. Ms. Daniels
talked and shared information
with the students about Johnson
and Wales University. The
students got the opportunity to
learn about the different programs
offered at the university. Mrs.
Huebach’s classes also got the
chance to taste the food
This year Biology-II Honors
has begun getting familiar with
the proper techniques of
dissection. Students started out
with something simple, a rat. Students were
able to practice the proper techniques of
dissection and to identify the various organs
inside of rodents. The students were very
excited to have the opportunity to dissect and to
prepare themselves to be ready to study
anatomy of the various animals to come.
Fairmont High School students competed
in a variety of events at the Robeson Regional
Agricultural Fair. Family, Career and
Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and
National Art Honor Society (NAHS) both
created informational booths and both clubs
took home first place. NAHS went on to take
“Best Overall” in informational booths this year.
The Journalism classes entered the
photography contest with a variety of color and
black and white photographs. In the Junior
Color Category the winners are Aleah Cameron
1st place and Courtney McCormick 2nd place. In
the Junior black and white category the winners
are Sarai Baker 1st place and Courtney
McCormick 2nd place. Fairmont High School
had several students from Ms. Rinker’s and
Mrs. Berdeau’s classroom that entered art work
into the PSRC Art Show. Senior, Tara Hunt’s
Panda made of rolled magazine paper took
home the award for “Best over All Lesson Plan”.
Tara said that creating the Panda took months
and patience. The Open Art Divisions had many
students and even Mrs. Berdeau Submitted
work. The winners in the Open Art Division are
Junior Acrylic or Oils – Niya Dickens
2nd Place, Junior 3D Art Branjer
Jones 1st Place, Junior
Charcoal 1st Place Michael
Livingston, Junior Watercolor
Monicalee Burgess 1st Place
and Tara Hunt 2nd Place.
Sophomore Branjer Jones took
home “Best in Show” with his first
place win in Junior 3D art of a Recycled Art
piece of a Fish. Branjer said that he created the
work as his final exam project in beginner art
last spring.
Fairgrove Middle
a success with great student
Fairgrove Bears are
on the move! Great things are
happening every day at Fairgrove
Middle School. From the PBIS
initiatives spearheaded by Ms.
Kayron Maynor and her team to
our current anti-bullying
campaign, our focus is on
building a stronger Fairgrove
The PBIS Student
Store is open for business!
Students earn Bear Paws and
Attendance Tickets each week for
good behavior and positive
attendance records. As they
accumulate bear paws and
tickets, they have the
opportunity to spend them at
the student store during lunch,
or bank them for bigger prizes
later on. The grand opening was
A beautiful blanket of
pink cascaded upon Fairgrove
Middle School on Wear Pink
Day for breast cancer
awareness. Students and staff
were adorned with various
shades of pink showing their
support for such a worthy cause.
Program, each student strives
to move up the reader
certification ladder. High praises
go out to those students who
have achieved Independent
Reader at this point. Keep up
the good work!
The Battle of the
Books team is preparing
diligently with fervor and
persistence. The dedication
these students have is refreshing.
Featured here are Mr.
Lucky, Mr. Donnie, and Mr. Larry,
our prize custodians. They do a
wonderful job and were
showered with favors from each
department during Custodian
Appreciation Week. Our
campus is brighter because of
We would like to take a
moment and thank our leaders
here at Fairgrove, Mr. Charles
Locklear, Principal, and Ms.
Angela Faulkner,
Assistant Principal. They
are the backbone of our success
and we appreciate all they do for
Fairgrove and our bears!
Our students are reading
like never before. With a more
conscientious focus on the
Accelerated Reader
St. Pauls students gather their
passports for the trip of a lifetime
Donovon Locklear
is only 7 years old, but he
would like to travel to
Guatemala. The 2nd
grader took a virtual trip
to the country when St.
Pauls Elementary
celebrated Hispanic
Heritage Month in
October. Locklear joined
his class as they walked
up a ramp into a building
decorated like an
airplane. The tour was
complete with a captain
announcement from the
cockpit and a virtual
inflight video of the
country. “Guatemala has
deer and nice animals
and a big city. The best
part was we got to make
passports for the trip,” said
Locklear’s tour
guides for the trip were
Laura Cruz, St. Paul’s
Elementary English as a
Second Language
Teacher and Leonardo
Romero, the ESL teacher
at Rex Rennert
Elementary. Cruz was
dressed as an airline
stewardess and Romero
was dressed as a captain
or airline crew. More than
1,000 students at St. Pauls
Elementary boarded for
the tour. Romero stamped
each child’s passport as
they prepared to board
for their travel. The classes
chose to travel to places
such as El Salvador,
Columbia, Peru,
Nicaragua, Panama,
Honduras, Argentina,
Chile and Spain.
“Basically what we are
doing is designing a
virtual trip to explore more
than 20 Hispanic
countries. It is
collaboration with the
homeroom teachers.
Before traveling they
design a passport in the
homeroom. They decide
on which country to fly to,
they research the country
comments were, we want
to visit the rainforest,” said
Romero stamps student
and then do a virtual field
trip,” said Romero.
Laura Cruz said
she is sure the trip opened
the eyes of the students to
Hispanic culture. “They
can explore using data to
check the population,
they can explore in
science, endangered
species and typical
foods. We are also
exposing them to an
airport and airplane
procedures,” said Cruz.
Marsha Bullard’s
2nd grade class chose to
study Guatemala for their
Hispanic country. “We
used the encyclopedia
and internet to look up
Guatemala. We talked
about their government
and their tropical forest. I
have some things from
Guatemala such as
volcanic rock, snakeskins
and they were interested
in those. They made their
passports and their
Each class
watched a video of their
selected country. Overall
the students spent less
than 10 minutes on the
tour, but the impact is
expected to change their
perspective. Nine-yearold Jorge’s class toured
Columbia. “In class we
learned that Columbia
has beaches and
oceans. The best part
was when I saw the
people dancing with the
actors”, said Jorge.
Cruz said this
experience reveals more
than culture. “They find
the different language,
different dress, typical
foods. More importantly
there aren’t only tacos
and enchiladas, but there
are big cities and it has
opened their eyes to all
this richness we have here
in the US”, said Cruz.
Laura Cruz illustrates video
of latin countries
The students of Ms. Elizabeth Prevatte recently
enjoyed a visit to UNCP for the Very Special Arts
Festival sponsored by the Public Schools of Robeson
County. The students had a great time participating in
activities like face painting, creating dream catchers,
and button making.
All our students have enjoyed their time with
Ms. Lisa Regan, the art teacher. She will soon move
on from Hargrave and we will all miss her. The
students have learned so much, and she has inspired
the creativity of all our students.
The J.C. Hargrave family is very proud of David
Shaw, a second grader. He recently won third place at
the PSRC Art Show at the Robeson Regional
Agricultural Fair. Way to go David!
Red Ribbon was celebrated at J.C. Hargrave in a
big way. Students participated each day in a different
activity designed to show their support for being
drug free. Red ribbons decorated our campus and
wrist bands, stickers, and pencils were given to the
students to promote healthy living and remind our
students why we honor
Red Ribbon week each year.
The First Grade class of Ms. Stacy Britt at J.C.
Hargrave Elementary recently made cards in honor
of the Veteran’s Day holiday. The cards were delivered
to a group of Army soldiers currently serving in our
military. The students were delighted when they
received a photograph of their cards in the hands of
these hardworking soldiers. We honor the service to
our country so many have given.
Hargrave has been selected by Wal Mart for a
give-a-way they do each year for teachers. Each
teacher at Hargrave received a $100 gift card
courtesy of Wal Mart.
L. Gilbert Carroll
L. Gilbert Carroll Middle
School began October with
Zaxby’s Night. There was
an amazing turnout and a
fun time had by all. CMS
parents, students and staff
bought all their school
pride to show their support
for their school. All their
effort is greatly
The Robeson County
Fair brought lots of festivities and enjoyment for the
students. They spoke of the rides and food almost every
day. The special needs students had a wonderful time riding
rides and eating cotton candy and candy apples. They
returned with huge smiles.
CMS celebrated The Main Event on October 24 for all
the effort the students put forth with the fundraising event.
Although they enjoyed the bouncy houses and slide, their
greatest pride was to ride in the limousine and go eat pizza
at the Village Station. Thank you to the Village Station for all
their accommodations. The students spoke of all they did
for several days.
The 4th and 5th grades have been enjoying their trip to
the Robeson County Planetarium these past two weeks.
They panned for rocks and returned with all sorts of rocks/
gems that made them very proud. The students always look
forward to their time viewing the stars and planets at the
planetarium and Mr. Brandt does a wonderful job of hosting
the classes.
CMS teachers celebrated fall with a pumpkin
decorating contest. The students have enjoyed viewing
the creativity of their teachers. Mrs. Sheila Hammonds won
overall with her “Pumpkin Witch”. Congratulations to all who
CMS finished out the month with our 9 weeks
incentives. Our Noble Knights were acknowledged with
lunch with the Principal, certificates and other goodies. The
afternoon came with the students enjoying a dance, snacks,
and the annual “Haunted
House”. Much laughing
was heard in the halls as
the teachers escorted the
students through the
“Haunted House”. The
students seem to always
have a wonderful time and
look forward to it every
Mr. Richard Tyndall is
Littlefield’s Certified
Employee of the Month
for October. He is the
Band teacher and has
been at Littlefield for 8
years. Mr. Tyndall’s
willingness to cooperate
with other staff members
and to improve student
behavior shows in his
everyday roles. He
willingly takes on extracurricular responsibilities
to help Littlefield Middle
School grow in our
community. Littlefield
considers him an asset
and his co-workers are
glad to have him on
games and events for the
students. She willingly
helps all of the staff here
at Littlefield with anything
that she can. She goes
above and beyond to help
where she can and has a
our 2nd
Annual Fall
with great
This event
by our
PTO. There was a variety
of games to play and food
Mrs. April Maynor is
to eat. Students
Littlefield’s Classified
Employee of the Month competed in a costume
contest and prizes were
for October. She is the
bookkeeper for our school awarded. We had a lot of
support from our faculty,
and has been here for 8
months. Mrs. Maynor has staff and our community.
been an invaluable asset Thanks to everyone who
helped make this a
to our school. She
successful event.
supports the students of
Littlefield Hornet
our school both in the
Cheerleaders competed
classroom and outside
in the Columbus County
the school. She has
Fair Competition in
been seen at several
Whiteville in October.
They came in 4th out
of 8 teams. The
cheerleaders and
coaches dedication
was evident as they
had put in long days
preparing for this
competition. They also
participated in Cheer
Day at Duke University
in Durham. The
cheerleaders learned
new cheers from the
Blue Devil
PSRCAEOP members Cheerleaders and
cheered a quarter of the
game on the field during
The Duke vs. NC State
Football Game. This was
a wonderful opportunity
for the team and they had
on October 8. They had
a lot of fun riding rides
and eating all the fair
food. They also enjoyed
a trip to the Very
Special Arts event
which was held at
UNCP. While there
they participated in spin
art, created mask,
buttons and key rings.
They listened to some
of our school band
teachers play music. It
was a great day.
The following students
a wonderful time cheering were chosen as
Student of the Month
for their favorite teams.
for October: 4th grade –
Pedro Cuevas – Ms.
Red Ribbon Week
was full of exciting events. Kelly’s Homeroom; 5th
We began with an art
grade – Josef Toney –
contest and ended with a Mrs. Watts’ Homeroom;
presentation by Patrol
6th grade – Gabriel
Officer/K-9, Josh Collins
Richardson – Mrs. D.
and his faithful sidekick,
Maestro. Maestro sniffed Locklear’s Homeroom;
out dangerous materials
Multi-Age – Caitlin
found in book bags that
Adams – Mrs. Rooks’
could harm our students.
Throughout the week our
students were challenged
to dress in various
themes to show their
support of drug
awareness. A few of
these themes are pictured
below. Mrs. Tyler
Locklear, our Peer
Mediator did a great job
planning this successful
Mrs. Rooks' multiage class enjoyed the
Robeson County Fair
The students and teachers at Long
Branch have been busy around
campus with many activities on and
off campus. We have welcomed a
new Pre-K teacher to our Long
Branch campus, Mrs. Sharon
Oxendine, we are so happy to have
her as a part of our Long Branch
Britt’s Volunteer Fire Department
came out to speak to the students
about the importance of Fire Safety.
They talked to the students about
what to do in case of a fire in the
home and the importance of
checking the batteries in the smoke
detectors. The students were able to
see a firefighter dressed up in his fire
proof suit and they had a chance to
look at a fire truck and all the tools
on the fire truck. Britt’s Volunteer
Fire Department also brought a
special visitor for the students to
meet, SPARKY!!! We would like to
say thank you to Britt’s Volunteer
Fire Department!!
National Anthem at the Fairmont
High School Homecoming Football
Game. Ms. Meier was very proud of
her 3rd and 4th grade choir students.
The Choir members represented
Long Branch well!
The staff members at Long Branch
showed their support for Breast
Cancer Awareness Month and wore
pink to show their support.
Miss Jones’ multi-aged class and the
Pre-K Classes took a field trip the
Robeson County Fair. Both groups
had a great time on their field trip.
They were able to experience lots of
fun and exciting things! The Pre-K
class also visited Hubb’s Corn Maze
and had an awesome time!
Mrs. Thorndyke organized our
“Walk to School” Day. Each grade
Ms. Lovette’s EC class took a field
level had a designated time to go out
trip to the Arts Festival at UNC-P.
and walk the walking track. After
They were able to visit different
the walking was over they got to
places and make different crafts.
enjoy some stations where they were
The boys and girls had a great time
learning and making different crafts. able to exercise and play with their
Their field trip was completed with a friends. It was a fun and exciting
trip to McDonalds for lunch. All the “Walk to School” day at Long
Branch. Thanks Mrs. Thorndyke!!
students had a wonderful time!
Ms. Janet Meier and the Long
Branch Choir performed the
lunch with some athletes from
Fairmont High School. The high
school students and Long Branch
students were able to have lunch
together and talk about sports. They
all had a great time and we would
like to thank those athletes as well as
their teachers for allowing them to
come and visit with our Long
Branch students.
Long Branch ended the month of
October with Red Ribbon Week. The
students and teachers discussed and
learned about Drug Awareness. To
make the week fun and memorable
the students were able to dress to
help them learn about Drug
Awareness. On Monday we
celebrated Red Ribbon Week with
Tacky Socks – “Sock It to Drugs”,
Cap Day, “Put a Cap on Drugs”, and
Tie Day – Tie one on against Drugs”.
Tuesday was Camo Day--“Hide
from Drugs”. Wednesday was Wear
Red Day and Friday was Favorite
Character Day – Dress Up as your
favorite comic, cartoon, actor, and
Some of our outstanding PBIS
students had the opportunity to have
Lumberton Junior High
Aremetria Williams
the 7th grade. In her spare
time, she enjoys listening to
music and dancing.
During the month of
October, students at LJHS
celebrated Red Ribbon
Week by wearing different
styles of clothing each day
and by decorating their
classroom doors.
theme was “A Healthy Me
is Drug Free.”
watching classic movies on
TCM, reading, and
spending time with her
Ly n d o n A l f o r d i s a
teacher assistant in the BED
class at LJHS. He is also a
bus driver. He has been in
this profession for 24 years
and 23 of those years have
been at LJHS. Mr. Alford
has three (3) children
Cedric, Najeh and Kyree. In
his spare time, he enjoys
playing sports and fishing.
Deidre McCallum is a 7th
Grade Math Teacher at
LJHS. She has been in this
profession for 9 years and
all 9 years have been at
Mrs. McCallum is
married to Larry McCallum
and they have two (2)
children; LJ and Rachel
McCallum. Mrs. McCallum
earned her BS Degree in
Chemical Engineering at NC
State University.
In her
spare time, she enjoys
1st Place Winner –
Ms. Crystal Williams
Brianna McLaurin
is a seventh grade student
at LJHS and is 12 years old.
She is the daughter of
Anthony McLaurin and
Dianna Walker. Her plans for
the future are to attend
college and become a
She is a
member of the LJHS Beta
Club and the LJHS
Volleyball Team. In her
spare time, she enjoys
playing volleyball, reading
and singing.
Aremetria Williams is
an eighth grade
student at LJHS and
is 13 years old. She
is the daughter of
Quantez Williams
Stephens. Her plans
for the future are to
attend the University
of Pennsylvania and
study to become a
pediatrician. She is
a member of the
LJHS Basketball
Team and the LJHS
Band. She earned
the superintendent’s
award and the
principal’s award in
2nd Place Winner –
Ms. Alisha Kellogg
Deidre McCallum
Lyndon Alford
3rd Place Winnder –
Mrs. Talissa Fann
Brianna McLaurin
Orrum Middle
Orrum Middle has had a
busy October. October was
Bullying Prevention Month
and Red Ribbon Week was
October 23-31. Homecoming
was celebrated October 7-11
with Elizabeth Hunt being
crowned Queen and Cory
Addison being crowned King.
On October 14, Orrum had
Chick-Fil-A spirit night and
on the 22nd a Sweet Frog
spirit night. A Volunteer
Clean Up Day was held on
October 12. Thanks to
everyone who came out to
support Orrum. Twenty first
Century Tutoring began its
final year on October 15 and
the eighth graders took the
Explore Test on October 16.
Our NASA club is collecting
pennies for breast cancer,
please help if you can. This
has certainly been a wild ride
at Orrum Middle, but we were
and are still up to the
Fifth Graders at
Parkton Elementary practic
ed true citizenship as they
completed the first of
four social studies projects.
They collected reading
material, snacks,
and money to send to
Soldiers' Angels in
Farmdale, NC.
These materials will be
used on care packages to
send to soldiers overseas.
They also collected over
$100 to buy items such as
shaving cream, soap,
toothbrushes, and lotion to
send. In addition to all of
this, they also wrote "thank
you" notes to add to the
boxes. They did an
awesome job!! The next
project is to create a State
Tree or 50 States Tree to
learn about the different
states in our country. KING:
QU E E N :
Pembroke Middle
Pencils and wristbands
were given to all the
students during Red
Ribbon Week. Students
signed Drug Free Banner
pledging to stay drug
free. Students dressed
Mr. & Miss
in red on Tuesday,
Warrior for
wore clothes inside
out on Wednesday
(Drugs turn you inside
Homecoming is
out) and wore favorite
Congratulations girls and
always and exciting time in Warrior sun glasses on Thursday
Teri Ussery! Keep up the
Country. Homecoming was
(My Future is so Bright). Also,
October 14- 16th. On Monday,
teachers and students decorated
Lady Warrior Volleyball Team
everyone dressed in camouflage,
classroom doors for Red Ribbon
our Conference
Tuesday was
Week! Our
on October 28th.
Nerd Day, and
Warriors had
Wednesday was
a great Red
November 7th at
School Spirit Day
(wear blue,
Week. GO
orange and
white). Our new
of our
Mr. & Miss
Warrior for
October 9th,
2013-14 are
2013, the
Jacobs of the 7th
Cheerleaders competed at the
grade and Jadon Locklear of the
Robeson Regional Agricultural
8th grade. Congratulations and
Fair. The cheerleaders
thanks from your Warrior Family for performed a dance and cheer
your hard work!
routine to a custom-created
Red Ribbon Week
soundtrack. Our Warrior
was Tuesday, October 29 through
Cheerleaders took second
Thursday October 31. place in the competition!
LHS Tailgate Party
More than 300 Lumberton
High School Seniors enjoyed a
special treat in October before the
homecoming game with the Senior
Tailgate Party. It was the second
year the seniors at LSH gathered
for food and fun before the big
game against Pinecrest. Foxxy 99
Radio came out to DJ the event.
The students played games and
even participated in a pie-throwing
contest. Principal Larry Obeda said
the event encourages school spirit,
but most importantly it is a chance
to celebrate the seniors at their final
homecoming game.
More than a dozen
community sponsors made the
event possible. The school held a
parade in Lumberton, then the
tailgate party and the seniors were
seated in their own section for
football game.
January 2009
Our Grab N’Go Breakfast started on October 1st. This program enables everyone to be able to eat for free and has
been a big success with the students and staff.
Congratulations to the students who were selected to have their Artwork on display at the Robeson County
Agricultural Fair. These students have worked really hard on their artwork.
Alex Locklear-1st grade
Victoria Locklear-3rd grade
Jaileana Deese-7th grade
Dylan Blake Locklear-3rd grade
Madison Chavis-3rd grade
Daeja Keyes-8th grade
Kelly Oxendine-4th grade
Kawoni Hunt-6th grade
Mitchell Oxendine-7th grade
Magan Barton-8th grade
This years Fall Festival was full of fun, food
and scares for all ages. The families enjoyed
games, lots of food and the annual haunted
house. We would like to thank all of our staff for
making this event such a success.
Our Halloween Costume Contest on October
31st, for Pre-K through 3rd grade was a big hit.
We had more than 100 participants for the
contest. With so many wonderful costumes, it
was very difficult for our judges to choose the
winners. The top 3 contestants were: 1st placeKaydon Locklear, 2nd place- Alexis Goodwin, 3rd
place-Christiana Hammonds.
We also enjoyed a Talent Show with some of
our students as performers. The students really
expressed themselves through singing, dancing,
martial arts displays and more. We are so proud
of our wildcats for their hard work. The following
students received top honors: 1st place-Rikayla
Collins, 2nd place-Jacy, Dial 3rd place-Alena
Thomas & Alyssa Chmura, Keely Oxendine and
Tom Bullard (We had a 3-way tie for third.)
Things certainly started off with a boom at
Prospect School as we celebrated Keeping Kids
in School, KKIS. All the staff and faculty along
with the support staff spoke to every student
about the importance of attending school each
day. Each student participated in an assembly.
School statistics were provided to the students
about staying in school and continuing their
education/ post high school. Students received a
juice and airhead candy, as an incentive for
attending school. Each day support staff discuss
attendance, tardiness and early dismissals.
Prospect School encourages all students and parents in having their child in school each day.
Rex-Rennert students dressed up as their favorite cartoon characters in
support of Drug Awareness Week.
matches, one versus female students
and one with the young men of
The Cobras took a field trip to the
North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro last
month as well. Students enjoyed an
exciting trip and 7th and 8th graders
wrote informative essays on a species
Rowland Middle School has made a
of interest that they observed
huge push to further implement the PBIS
during the trip.
program early in the 2013-14 school
The school hosted its
year. The addition of “Cobra bucks”
annual Fall Festival on Friday,
have added a most tangible result for
Nov. 8. Included in the
students who are motivated to excel in
festivities were hay rides, 3the areas of citizenship and leadership at
Rowland’s football team
point shootouts and free throw
RMS. Students are able to use Cobra
season, but there was
contests on the basketball court, a
cash to obtain prizes and special
football toss competition, a dunking booth a bright spot, as the Cobras upset
privileges, including “Friday Super Fun
Prospect 30-6 in its final contest of the
that saw 7th grade math teacher Buddy
Day,” a 45-minute free period, every
year to finish 2-4. The victory showed
Blue plunged repeatedly into a pool of
other Friday, during which students can
the character of the young men of
cold water, a pie throwing contest
play games such as volleyball or
RMS, who refused to quit even after their
“aimed” at 7th/8th grade Social Studies
basketball while also enjoying snacks
dreams of a playoff berth were dashed
instructor Jeremy Nunnery, and lots of
and drinks.
Rowland also hosted its
games geared for younger children from weeks earlier.
first “Crazy Cobra Celebration” in late
Cafeteria worker Alice Leggett was
the community. Tasty, home-cooked food
October in the RMS Gymnasium.
– including fried chicken and barbeque – named Rowland’s Classified Employee of
Teachers dressed up as characters such
was sold, and several stuffed gift baskets the Month for October, while Librarian
as ninjas, pirates, 60’s hippies, kings,
Bonnie Rogers was voted Certified
were raffled off.
princesses, etc. and took on the students
Employee of the Month.
in a pair of hotly-contested volleyball
Rosenwald Elementary would
like to recognize the Employees of
the Month for October, Ms. Nicole
Maynor, Kindergarten Teacher; Ms.
Beulah Dunson, Teacher Assistan;
and Ms. Teresa Ladson, Bus Driver
A PTO Fundraiser was held
during October by selling
Rosenwald Elementary T-shirts and
cookie dough. The fundraiser was
a huge success.
Students were also
shown the different
types of equipment that
fireman use when
putting out a fire.
Red Ribbon Week
was celebrated by teaching students
the importance of staying drug free
and keeping your body healthy.
Each day had a different theme and
students were able to dress up.
Many parents volunteered their
time for the trip. The students were
able to enjoy lunch at the park.
Our First and Fourth grade
attended a trip to UNC-Pembroke
Kindergarten attended a field to to see an Indian Dance and
Storytelling. Students enjoyed
Fairmont Fire Department came trip to the Pumpkin Patch.
learning about Native American
Students were able to paint
to the school for Fire Prevention
traditions. The students also
Week. Students were able to learn pumpkins, go on a nature walk,
enjoyed lunch at CiCi’s Pizza.
about the importance of fire safety. through a corn maze, and hayride.
October has been “Dino”-mite at
Rowland-Norment as we promoted
Brest Cancer Awareness month and
Red Ribbon Week. Students and staff
wore Pink to show support for Brest
Cancer on October 15, 2013. During
Red Ribbon week we teamed up
against drugs and bullies by wearing
our favorite team attire and many
other things each day to show what
we will take a stand against.
Rowland-Norment Staff enjoyed
our school retreat by learning writing
and reading skills in Common Core.
Presenting was Joy Hickman, Angela
Wilkerson, Maggie Bristol and Ms.
Kathy Bumgardner.
PTA sponsored a Fall Halloween
Carnival. Everyone had a great time
dressed in their favorite costumes!
Sock it to the teacher was a great hit.
Students knocked down bowling
bottles with staff members’ pictures
on them. Dancing, face painting, cake
walk and many more great games. The
best overall was our great Haunted
House. It gets bigger and bigger every
Kindergarteners loved the month
of October as they have learned about
fall. Each teacher prepared a lesson to
show the many different ways children
learn in other countries. They sang
songs, taste tested and many other
exciting things.
First grade has been busy for the
month of October. Our grade level
has been learning exciting new things
about Fire Safety Prevention, with a
visit from the Lumberton Fire
Department and our favorite friend,
Sparky! We had a fun time at Hubb’s
Corn Maze in Clinton, NC. There our
students were able to participate in
fun activities, learned about sorghum,
and each student brought home their
very own pumpkin
Second grade has been busy with
many activities this month. After
reading the book Cloudy with a
chance of Meatballs, we ventured to
the theatre to see part 2 of this book. We also celebrated Halloween with a
unit study on Bats. We decorated our
doors for Red Ribbon Week and
participated in many other activities in
conjunction with Drug Awareness and
We studied the sequence of how a
pumpkin grows by reading a story in
our reading book called The Life Cycle
of the Pumpkin. We sequenced the
stages of a pumpkin and enjoyed our
pumpkin themed centers. We are
looking forward to many activities
planned for Thanksgiving. The third grade classes have been
very busy learning all about the bones
in our skeletal system. We have
learned the names of many bones, how
our skeleton and joints help us in
everything we do, and many ways we can keep our bones healthy and strong. As a special treat at the end of the unit, we inves;gated owl pellets and discovered many rodent bones hidden inside! We think Science is really cool!!! 25
South Robeson
On October 15, 2013,
South Robeson High School
participated in the University
of North Carolina at
Pembroke's (UNCP) Third
Annual Brain Buster
Challenge sponsored by
UNCP's School of Business, as
well as Robeson, Cumberland
and Brunswick counties. The
students' challenge consisted
of two exams of their choice
which tested their knowledge
in the following categories:
Accounting, Business
Finance, Business Law,
Current Business
Principles and
Principles. Each
student was taken
on a short
campus tour, provided
lunch and attended an
awards ceremony. Jonathan Singh was
presented the award for
Outstanding Performance
in Business Management
and Hannah Hunt was
awarded Outstanding
Performance in Business
Finance. In addition,
South Robeson received
the first place honor for
having the most students
excel on the Brain Buster
Challenge and was awarded
a pizza party. Our South
Robeson participants were
(seated) Corbin Hunt, (left to
right): Mariah Kirkwood, Khalil
Thompson, Hannah Hunt,
Tristan Locklear, Jonathan
Singh, Ariel Hunt, Deidre
Adams, Guwanna Rocha,
Telisha Pemberton and
Tatyana White.
The Exceptional
Children's Department and
History Club had a hauntingly
good time at SCarowinds on
Oct 4. The group arrived at
dusk dark and were
frightened with goblins,
ghouls, vampires, and
more for the rest of the night.
The students enjoyed riding
rides, playing games, visiting
haunted houses, haunted
mazes, and the corn maze.
The History Club
sponsored two events for
Cancer Awareness Week
raising $150.00 to support
cancer research. Hats Off to
Cancer allowed students to
wear hats in support of
cancer research for a one
dollar donation. The faculty
wore denim on Lee Denim
Day for a donation to support
cancer research.
Ms. Aquia Deese, 10th
grader, is the winner of the
Senior Division of the annual
Gertrude Oxendine Locklear
Drug Awareness Contest. Her
entries included three original
poems: Is it Worth the Fall?,
Keep the Lid on the Bottle,
and Destruction in a Pill. Aquia will be awarded a $50
cash prize.
Southside Ashpole
Locklear, Leslie Drennen, and
Christina McMillan, for the wealth
of knowledge they provided us
Students, faculty and staff
signed banners during Red Ribbon
Week/Anti Bullying month to have
bright futures and to take a stand
against bullying. Students and
staff also wore Red and Jeans on
Wednesday because true
Jeaneous’ Don’t Do Drugs.
The staff at Southside
Ashpole Elementary School
recently had the opportunity to
participate in our annual fall
retreat. While at the retreat staff
were given the opportunity to learn
more information on EZRTI, Daily
Five, Read to Achieve, PBIS, and
Testing updates. Southside
Ashpole staff would like to thank
Jeri Locklear-Bullard, Denise
Oxendine, Vonnie Lewis, Geneda
Pifer, Sandra Evans, Bobby
working together to learn about
Next month our students will be
learning all about Thanksgiving
and traditions we celebrate during
the month of November.
Second grade is reading
about ocean animals. The
students will be able to learn more
about the animals they are reading
by doing some research in the
library. We are also planning a fun
filled field trip to the aquarium to let
Fall has been busy for our
the students see some real ocean
Kindergarteners! We learned
several safety tips from the
Like the Pilgrims the 3rd
Rowland Fire Department during
Grade is ready to sail into new
their visit…And ALL the children
adventures. The students finished
thought spraying the water hose
their first book project on a fictional
was AMAZING! Thank You to our book of their choice. All of the
firefighters! SAES’ very own April
students’ presentations were
Hunt demonstrated fire safety
creative and very enjoyable to
equipment and shared safety tips
watch, but there are a few that we
as well. Thank You Ms. April!
would like to highlight; both
Halloween was an exciting & funVanecia and Lahna created a sock
filled day for the children! One
puppet of their character. Jayda,
special event was our Halloween
Geterean, and Deanna created a
Reading Hour, in our Media
colorful and informative poster
Center. Volunteers read & an
highlighting their book. Nala and
illustrating activity was enjoyed.
Nyderia wrote letters to the authors
Thank You to Adrian
of their books, telling them how
Hammonds, Elsie Hunt, & Jana enjoyable the book was. We are
Stevens! Autumn changes
looking forward to our upcoming
outside are noticed, & indoor
November Project of creating a
changes are evident also, as
cereal book report on a fictional
our children are becoming
chapter book.
better readers &
Finally, in Math, the third
graders finished up working on
the month of October First
adding and subtracting three digit
Grade was so excited to learn numbers. For November, all of the
about Bats. We took several
students will be participating in a
days to explore and learn all
multi plication fact race. When all
about bats. The children
of the students have reached their
learned about where they live, personal goal, there will be a
what they eat and a whole lot
brownie sundae party.
of interesting facts. Students
Fourth Grade has finished
completed a paper plate
their first big project, based on
activity to teach them about
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
how many mosquitoes a bat
We have 3 students who will
can eat in an hour. The children present their work to the Rowland
had a lot of fun learning and
Town Council this month.
Congratulations to Shawna
Revels, Madalyn, Lowry and Tyler
Davis. The town council members
expressed that this presentation by
the students was one of the most
interesting presentations the board
has had in a very long time.
Our next project will involve
cereal, surveys and research! All
our subjects will be included in our
project, It will be exciting to see
what results our surveys show
about the cereals we eat.
5th Graders have been
learning and exploring all about
Force and Motion. They
participated in some Tug-of-War
activities to help with the
understanding of balanced and
unbalanced forces. Students also
created force and motion collages
and did an outstanding job on
them. Overall, the force and
motion unit was a great success
because the students learned
many new and exciting things
about this concept.
5th grade students have also been
busy learning about the Civil War
in Social Studies. They presented
group projects on this exciting
Characters from our favorite
stories visited Southside Ashpole
Library as students were read
some ghostly tales for the
celebration of Halloween.
St. Pauls High School
The month of October has
been a busy, yet celebratory
time at St. Pauls High School.
During the week of October
7-11, students and staff
participated in Homecoming
festivities in preparation for the
Homecoming game against West
Columbus on October 11.
Monday was dress for success
day, Tuesday was twin day,
Wednesday was college day,
Thursday was decades day, and
Friday was Bulldog day. Students
and staff participated in dressing
up to display their school spirit.
Votes were cast and elections
were finalized on October 11.
Results of all elections except
Homecoming King and Queen
were presented at the
motivational assembly SPHS held
at 2:00. James Goins, sponsor of
the SGA, believed “the
motivational assembly went well
due to a lot of student
Over 20 people vied for a
sash or a crown this year. The
final results were Ms. Sophomore
was Destiny Glover, Mr.
Sophomore was Justin
Hammonds, Ms. Junior was
Kaliyah Johnson, Mr. Junior was
Triston Chagolla, and Ms. Senior
was Shania McMillan. The spirit
link chain, an annual tradition at
SPHS, was awarded to the Senior
class. During the assembly, the
cheerleaders performed several
cheers, the band performed
songs from their halftime show,
and the football team was
encouraged to play their best at
the football game.
SPHS had its annual
Homecoming Parade at 4:00 on
October 11. Members of the
Homecoming court, Mr. & Ms.
from grades 9-12, SPHS band,
SPHS cheerleaders, SPHS ROTC,
SPHS administration, St. Pauls fire
department, St. Pauls mayor, and
other various community
members participated in the
parade. After the parade many
members of the school and
community went back to the
school to pick up their plates from
the FFA Fish Fry. The SPHS Varsity
football team then went on to
dominate in a 52-6 victory
against West Columbus, bringing
home a huge victory for
Homecoming. At halftime, Kyle
Chavis and Esmeralda Rojas were
elected Homecoming King and
On October 15, several staff
and students wore pink to
promote breast cancer
awareness. Ms. Mary McLeanSmith, a science teacher at SPHS,
took a picture of some of the
science students wearing their
On Monday, October 28, staff
and students wore a red article of
clothing to promote red ribbon
PSRC Employee selected as the office professional of the year at AEOP Meeting
The North Carolina Association of Educational Office
Professionals selected Renet McQueen as the association
Educational Office Professional of the year at their annual district
meeting held on October 16, at Fayetteville Technical Community
The association is open to all educational office personnel and
administrators in public and private in North Carolina. The
organization promotes leadership, skill, and integrity. The
association also promotes community and social involvement.
Ms. McQueen has been employed with the Public Schools of
Robeson County for 25 years and a member of the association for 24 years. Currently Ms.
McQueen works at the PSRC Transportation Department. Ms. McQueen is a native of Red
Springs. She is married and has 2 daughters.
This is the second honor for McQueen. In the spring of this year, she was selected as
the Educational Office Professional of the year for the Public Schools of Robeson County.
Community Health Award
to the Public
Schools of
Robeson County
for winning a
Health Award by
Health. In October PSRC
was nominated for a
Community Health
Award by Southeastern
Health. PSRC was
selected as the
recipient for going
Tobacco - Free,
partnering with Rehab
Services, the high
school athletic trainer
program, support of
Project Health and
other efforts to keep
support good student
health. Dr. Johnny Hunt
accepted the award in
October at Robeson
Community College.
Also nominated in the
Education category
was Lumberton Senior
High and UNC
Elementary through eight grade students at
PSRC welcome in October with Free breakfast
with new “Grab-N-Go”Program.
On October 1st, PSRC
students from kindergarten
through 8th grade began to
enjoy a free breakfast with the
Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast program.
The program was launched as a
pilot last spring at Union Chapel
Elementary School. The program
proved to be a great success.
“Grab 'N' Go” brings breakfast
to the students, making it easier
for them to choose to eat
breakfast. Breakfast is normally
served in the hall, so students
can grab a tray on the way to
the class from the school bus or
drop off. The “Grab 'N' Go”
breakfast programs allow
students the flexibility and
choice to eat breakfast in the
The North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction
began testing “Grab 'N' Go” 2
years ago in schools across the
state. The students at Union
Chapel Elementary pick up the
“Grab-N-Go” breakfast food
trays in the hallway and bring
them back to the classroom to
eat breakfast at their desk. The
students receive the standard 4
food items: fruit or juice, bread
and/or a protein and a
beverage, which is normally
milk. Even though some might
see the new breakfast program
as a meal on the run, it is a
nutritious meal. Students can still
expect hot items such as grits
and even waffles on the menu.
Overall the students are having
the same meal.
The Pilot program started
last March. According to yearend data, in one week the
school breakfast participation at
the pilot school jumped from an
average of 23% to 94% of the
student population eating
breakfast. That is a target goal
for all of the k – 8 schools
throughout the Public Schools of
Robeson County. The number of
students eating breakfast in the
district is very low. Only 40% of
the student population eats
breakfast. The reasons vary.
Some students say they do not
want to go into the cafeteria,
some may be late to school and
some students would rather
socialize with friends than eat
The “Grab 'N' Go”
breakfast is expected to save
time in feeding the children. At
Union Chapel, breakfast
would normally run into
9:00 a.m. because the
school has a small
cafeteria. Now breakfast
at Union Chapel is
normally finished by 8:00
a.m. The time saving
helps schools to begin
instructional time at 8:00
a.m. The pilot also revealed an
unexpected bonus. It cut down
on school tardiness because
breakfast normally ends at a
certain time.
A major draw for the
program is it will be free for all
students from Kindergarten
through eight grades. The
increased participation in the
new breakfast program allows
the schools to be Universal Free.
The state of North Carolina will
reimburse the school system for
the students who receive free
and reduced meals. The district
will pay for the remainder of the
students who pay full price for
breakfast. Administrators hope
the “Grab 'N' Go” breakfast will
impact grades as well behavior
since breakfast is considered the
most important meal of the day.
For more information on
the “Grab 'N' Go” Breakfast, visit
your child’s teacher or visit
St. Pauls Elementary
Cruz and
for a job
well done!
To celebrate our Hispanic
Heritage Month, the ESL Class
turned its classroom into an
airplane. Teachers at St. Pauls
Elementary worked together for
an exciting adventure to explore
different Spanish speaking
countries. Every student filled out
a passport to learning with the
name of the country they wanted
to travel to and completed such
as Venezuela, Columbia, and
Peruard Angentina researc
projects in the class. Students at
St. Pauls Elementary embraced
diversity during this educational
experience abroad. Thanks to
St. Pauls
dazzled in
during the
“Paint The
and staff
from all departments wore pink in
recogntion of Breast Cancer
Awareness. Student servicessold
tickets during the event to raise
money for needy children.
UNCP/IEA hosted Pre-K
and Kindergarten as part of the
annual storytelling event. Students
were treated to historical events
and learned about the history of
Native Americans.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Marie White and Mrs. Drenna
Locklear on being selected
2013-2014 SPES Teacher and
Teacher Assistant of the Year! Mrs.
White has been at SPES for 30t
years. She currently teaches
fourth grade. Mrs. Locklear has
served at the school for 13 years
and currently serves as an
instructional Assistant in
Red Ribbon Week allowed
for the students to be aware of
the harm and side effects of
drugs. During the week, students
were allowed to Shade Out
Drugs-Wear Sunglasses, Team Up
Against Drugs-Wear favorite team
clothing, One School, One Goal
Bully & Drug Free!- Wear Red,
Follow Your Dreams, Don’t Do
Drugs- Wear Pajamas, Friends
Don’t let Friends Bully or do DrugsDress like a friend, I’m Too Bright
For Drugs-Wear your brightest
clothing, Don’t be Ticked…
Drugs are no treat!-Dress up for
Faculty and staff took a
stand against drugs by wearing
Drug Free T-Shirts.
PSRC Beautification Award
landed for the first quarter at SPES.
Over the course of three months,
PTO planted new Bradford Pear
Trees, Knock-out Roses and
perennials in the front entrance.
The courtyard was planted by
SPHS- FFA. Each department is
responsible for monthly
St. Pauls Middle
social studies’ students have been studying
geography Themes of Geography, Tools of
History, and The Beginning of Human Society;
they have been working hard on in-class on
projects such as geography pumpkins and
prehistoric tools. Mrs. Kerns and her students
are excited about this year’s lessons, activities,
and adventures into the past.
Teachers from St. Pauls, Prospect and Carroll
Middle are pictured above practicing a new
strategy using basketballs to teach Common
Core during workshop at St. Pauls Middle
The sixth grade team is dedicated to
developing life-long learners and readers. Mrs.
Edwards’ students recently submitted three
dimensional or research-based plate tectonics
projects. Mrs. Edwards is moving students from
tectonics into minerals, rocks, and soil
formations. Students will be studying and
researching various soil types from the St.
Pauls area, which was originally a railroad and
mill town, so students should find these soil
samples quite interesting from a historical
Miss Greene’s students are in the
midst of writing futuristic articles based on
some cultural aspect – technology,
communication, travel, etc. Several students
are participating in her annual characterization
project where students dress as human
characters from books and perform
spontaneous oral reports. Additionally, students
will complete an urban legends mini-unit before
beginning their
poetry unit this month (November) in
collaboration with Mr. Weller; this unit
culminates with poetry slams and published
Mrs. Kerns’ students are working on
numerous collaborative activities. Mrs. Kerns’
Mr. Weller’s students will begin their
poetry unit this month (November), which
culminates with poetry slams and published
works. Mr. Weller continues to sell freeze pops
to boost Johnny Walker fund contributions. Mr.
Weller also recently wrapped up tee shirt sales,
which were extremely popular this year.
Miss Patterson and Miss Wells team
teach students by dividing those who require
extra assistance through more independent
practice with SuccessMaker, while challenging
higher level students by employing more critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.
All sixth grade students should own
agendas or planners to help keep them
organized, which is a huge issue among the
entire grade. The lack of school work is a
growing concern among the sixth grade team,
which encourages parents and legal guardians
to monitor homework completion. Additionally,
students should be reading fifteen to twenty
minutes every night; research indicates
students who have good reading habits at
home see positive impacts on their
achievement in all subjects. We wish to develop
life-long learners and readers!
Ms. Wine’s 7th grade science class
transitioned from Earth Science to Human
Biology. The class started human biology by
incorporating the Red Ribbon week motto: “A
Healthy Me Is Drug Free!” The class decorated
the door in a body which illustrated various
body systems such as the nervous and
circulatory system. Spiders were made and
placed on the door to represent different
drugs such as opium, cocaine, and LSD. A
web ran from the drug spider to the body
and showed the various symptoms and
effects from each drug. Ms. Wine’s class
won the award for best door decoration and
students won a pizza party.
Paw” kept the students in suspense as they
dramatized the reading with Herbert coming
back from the grave.
Mr. Holt’s 7th grade social studies
students are learning about Michelangelo,
Leonardo da Vinci, The Renaissance,
Reformation, Slavery, Migration from Europe to
the Americas, and Global Trade throughout
major empires of the period.
The SPMS Junior Beta Club
participated in the St. Pauls town Saturday
Night Out for Halloween on Saturday, October
26, 2013. Members showed up to help sell chili
dogs, nachos, and drinks. All proceeds are to
benefit the 2014 State Convention and other
charitable club endeavors. Students are also
participating in a fundraiser candle sales and
look forward to having an action-packed, funfilled year. New members for 2013-14 are set to
be inducted on Thursday, November 21, 2013
at 6:00 PM.
The ELA 8th grade classes are
reviewing all coursework preparing for the
upcoming December Benchmarks. The 8th
grade ELA teachers are focusing on how
“Context Clues” are used in sentences and
long narrative passages along with “Compare
and Contrast” as another focus with our
preparation. We are entering a big unit which
will be under the term “Adversity” and how it
affects all cultures which will include poem
comparison and two films to be included.
Ms. Warren has great things
happening in the Media Program. Every
teacher at St. Pauls Middle is a teacher of
reading and is encouraging all students to read
and take Accelerated Reader quizzes. Ms.
Tyson’s 7th grade, Core 3 Language Arts class,
was the Accelerated Reader Classroom
Champions for the 1st nine weeks, earning
541.8 AR points.
Ms. Tyson’s 7th grade language
arts students composed an essay about
their favorite pet after sharing pictures with
their classmates. Students also composed
a LCD module about cell phones that
ended with a lively debate. “The Monkey’s
Tanglewood Elementary
We're in the pink!
Tanglewood's staff formed a
ribbon formation on the day
we wore pink in support of
Breast Cancer Awareness. The
staff has been working in
conjunction with the UNCP
ZTAs to collect Yoplait lids and
do activities that support
awareness all month.
Tanglewood recently honored
their Teacher and Teacher
Assistant of the Year with a
banquet. Karrye Chadwick, a
second grade teacher, and
Betty Britt, an EC teacher
assistant, were chosen by their
colleagues to represent
Tanglewood as honored staff
members for their tireless
dedication to students. Mrs.
Chadwick is well-known at
Tanglewood for being a
humble, loving teacher. Mrs.
Britt has experience working in
regular classrooms as an
assistant. She most recently
joined the EC staff in the
resource class and works all
day with small groups of
children. These faculty
members were also given
brand new parking places! Signs were created by the
school's Sunshine committee
and purchased at Game Time
Screen Printing . We offer our
congratulations to these two
hardworking staff members,
and hope that they enjoy
more convenient parking as
wetter this
Ms. Sheila Locklear’s multi-age class at West
Lumberton Elementary School had an “Awesome
October”! For starters, Keshyah won “Best All
Around” in the Fire Prevention Coloring Contest.
We are very proud of you, Keshyah, way to go! We
also went to the Robeson County Fair and had a
great time. Some of our first time riders were
Deshawn who rode the roller coaster and, and
Zy’Darius who experienced the bungee jumper.
Congratulations to both. Special recognition goes
out to my staff for all their help in making this a great
West Lumberton recently completed its fall
PTO Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser. Prizes
were given to the top seller, runner-up and top
selling class. Congratulations to Tierra the top
seller, who received $50.00 and Damien the 2nd
runner-up, who received $25.00. Ms. Irene
Lowery’s 3rd grade class, is the top selling class!
Union Chapel Elementary
and Robeson Health Care
Corporation (Ms. LaTasha
Murray) for donating their
The students and staff time and Red Ribbon
participated in a Drug
Supplies to our students
Free March around the
to support Red Ribbon
school to kick off Red
Week Activities. The
Ribbon Week Activities.
involvement of these
The students and staff
agencies was of great
waved their banners in
assistance to us as we
the air and chanted “Drug promote drug free
Free - That’s for Me” as schools, homes and
they marched around the communities.
school. This event was
The Union Chapel
utilized as a way to
Students Against Violence
encourage our students
Everywhere (SAVE)
to live drug free lives
Chapter participated in
while reaching for their
the annual Union Chapel
hopes and dreams for a
Make A Difference Day.
bright future. Other
The students promoted
activities for the week
included Team Up Against several key issues during
Chick-Fil-A hosted a
the event. They donated
Drugs Day, Make Drugs
fund-raiser night for our
Disappear Day, Drugs
school. The funds raised
will be used for incentives Will Make You Wacky
Day, and School Spirit
for the students for
Day. These events
rewards for academic
were coordinated by
achievement and good
Ms. Michelle Lowry
(School Counselor)
Students were
and Ms. Tracy Locklear
rewarded for selling
(UNC-P Counseling
Candy Man items with a
Limo Ride to lunch at
We would like to
Burger King and with a
fun filled event in the gym thank Eastpointe (Ms.
Tammy Oxendine)
PBIS is in full swing at
Union Chapel School.
The students are
collecting Tiger Paws. The
students who earned the
required number of Tiger
Paws for the month were
rewarded with a School
Wide Line Dancing Event
in the Gym. The class
that “Roared the
Loudest” for the month
was rewarded with a
special treat by the
School Principal. PBIS
Students of the Month
and PBIS School Bus
Students of the Month
were also treated to a
special event.
complete with games and
books to families geared
at increasing literacy and
gave out Red Ribbon
Stickers aimed at
maintaining a drug-free
America. The students
encouraged participants
“To Stop Bullying Now”
by signing a Pledge Poster
and making a
commitment to ensure
that their homes, their
schools, and their
communities are Bully
Free. This event was
coordinated by Ms.
Michelle Lowry and Ms.
Rebecca Chavis-Nolley
(Save Chapter Advisors),
Ms. Tracy Locklear and
Ms. Cindy Chavis (UNC-P
Counseling Interns).
Our Kindergarten
classes had a fun-filled
day at the Hill Ridge
Farms in Youngsville,
N.C. During the visit, the
students had the
opportunity to do a variety
of activities while visiting
the farm. Some of the
activities we embarked
on included the Giant
Slide, Corn House,
Bounce House, Colorful
maze, pig race and a
train ride. We finished the
visit with a hayride to the
pumpkin patch, where the
students were able to
choose their own
pumpkin. After leaving
the farm, we stopped by
McDonald's for a "Happy
Meal." Being that this was
our first field trip, we
would like to thank all the
parents that came along
to help make this an
enjoyable trip.
During the Month of
October our second
graders have been busy
learning about the life
cycle of a pumpkin. We
had a super hands-on
experience with touching
the pulp and counting all
the seeds that are in a
pumpkin. We also
competed in a Fire Safety
Door Contest, and we
completed Map of our
Home project. We learned
our 911 address and 2
ways out of our homes.
For Science we studied
the Solar System and
designed our own Solar
System Project. On
Halloween we learned
about Halloween around
the world, and the
students changed classes
and learned how
Halloween started and so
many different customs
from others how it is
Union Elementary
Evans Fire Department (EFD) taught the Eagle family
about fire safety through our annual fire safety event on October
25, 2013. Children learned about the fire trucks and the
fireman’s job, Sparky taught them about stop-drop-and roll, and
students experienced the smoke house and how to escape.
Along with fire safety week the teachers compete to be the Fire
or Drug Free door winners. EFD provides pizza and juice to
three classroom door winners. This year our winners were 1st
grade Ms. Elaine Jacobs and Ms. Janadean Chavis, 4th Ms.
Rhonda Dial, and Resource Ms. Angela Roberts, Ms. Samantha
Oxendine and Ms. Sherry Kirby. We would like to thank Evans
Fire Department for a job well done.
Pre-K is on the move!!!! We are learning our numbers and
ABC's. Let's go Pre-K. We took a trip to St. Anna Firestation
and had a great time!!Thanks St. Anna Fire Fighters' a job well
done! We also went to a pumpkin patch in Youngsville N.C.
Thanks to all the parents that went on the trip with us.Last but
not least a shout out to UNION PRE-K for making a 5.97 on
their ECERS rating. Mrs. Amanda Blue & Ms. Yvette Brunson
Our 3rd graders
designed their favorite book
character with pumpkins.
The senior eagles have
been busy mastering the
Common Core. They are
participating in many
hands-on activities in
Science and integrating
Math skills that are
allowing them to
experience the Common
Core first hand. They have
begun to research various
Native Americans tribes in
their Reading class that
will help them to create a
PowerPoint presentation
for Native American
Heritage Month. We are
excited about the
upcoming Native American
schedule of events and
look forward to enhancing
our knowledge of this
Student Artwork
St. Pauls Elementary
Fairmont HS
Robeson Regional Agricultural Fair Open Art
Junior 3D art - First Place - Branjer Jones
Branjer also won "Best in show" over all of the
Junior Open Art Entries (paintings, photography,
drawings, etc) His artwork was displayed at the
State Fair
See the Aware Magazine online
We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Aware Magazine. The publication is available on-line at the Public
Schools of Robeson County website at
By Going Green, the Aware Magazine is protecting the environment. We are keeping printing to a minimum,
thereby saving trees and sending less waste to the landfill. Enjoy other publications throughout the school year
on your mobile device or phone. If you have questions about the publication feel free to contact Tasha
Oxendine, the Public Relations Office for PSRC at the Central Office at 910.671.6000.
Shining light on the GREAT things in the Public Schools of Robeson County
Public Schools of Robeson County * 410 Caton Road * Lumberton, NC 28358