NH3 Ag Leader Insight Manual3.1 MB - Micro
NH3 Ag Leader Insight Manual3.1 MB - Micro
Instructions for Micro-Trak NH3 Systems Used with AgLeader INSIGHT - Single Section 1. Install system components and harnessing per instructions that follow. See pages 7-13. 2. See attached system diagram and wiring diagram for AgLeader INSIGHT specific harnessing. AG LEADER INSIGHT LIQUID CONTROL SINGLE SECTION SYSTEM DIAGRAM LIQUIFIER SHOWN SERVO VALVE SHUTOFF VALVE HEAT EXCHANGER CONNECT TO AG LEADER INSIGHT LIQUID CONTROL MODULE P/N 17941 (120”) P/N 17942 SINGLE SECTION ADAPTER DUST COVER LIQUIFIER SEE TABLES FOR OPTIONAL EXTENSION CABLE LENGTHS OPTIONAL 10-PIN EXT. CABLES P/N 13220 5' CABLE P/N 13221 10' CABLE P/N 13222 15' CABLE P/N 13223 20' CABLE P/N 13224 25' CABLE P/N 14142 50' CABLE P/N 13273 P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 1 Instructions for Micro-Trak NH3 Systems Used with AgLeader INSIGHT - Single Section BM1 1 BM2 2 BM3 3 BM4 4 BM5 12-PIN 5 BM6 DEUTSCH 6 BM7 PLUG 7 BM8 8 BM9 9 BM10 10 N/C 11 N/C 12 18 GA. YEL 18 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 16 GA. ORG 16 GA. WHT 16 GA. BRN 16 GA. BLK 16 GA. RED PLUG PLUG CABLE TIE SPLIT LOOM 10 GA. ORG 10 GA. BLU A A BM1 B B N/C C C N/C D D N/C 10-PIN 10-PIN E E N/C M/P M/P F F N/C TOWER SHROUD G G N/C H H N/C J J N/C K K N/C A 2-PIN W/P PWR 2-PIN W/P A B TOWER GND DUST COVER B BAND SPLICE & HEAT SHRINK 18 GA. YEL 18 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 16 GA. ORG 16 GA. WHT 16 GA. BRN 16 GA. BLK 16 GA. RED P/N 17942 18 GA. WHT BM1 PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG PLUG CABLE P/N 17941 50' 1-PIN W/P TOWER P/N 14142 BAND SPLICE & HEAT SHRINK A MASTER A 1-PIN W/P SHROUD 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. WHT CABLE TO AGLEADER LIQUID CONTROL MODULE 25' PWR 2-PIN PLUG 1 10 GA. ORG GND DEUTSCH 2 10 GA. BLU P/N 13224 PWR 2-PIN RCPT. 1 10 GA. ORG GND DEUTSCH 2 10 GA. BLU FLOW SIGNAL A BATTERY (+) B FLOW GND C D 10-PIN N/C N/C E M/P F SHROUD N/C SERVO (+) G SERVO (-) H SWITCHED +VES J BATTERY (-) K CABLE TO AGLEADER HARNESS 20 GA. GRY 18 GA. WHT 20 GA. BLU PLUG PLUG PLUG 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. YEL 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 20' CABLE TIE 120 IN. P/N 13096, INCLUDED WITH P/N 13273 P/N 13223 FLOW CABLE 3-PIN A B M/P SHROUD C 15' A 3-PIN B M/P C TOWER DUST A N/C COVER B C P/N 13222 GREEN TIE A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD SERVO CONTROL VALVE CABLE 24” 8” A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD NH3 SHUTOFF VALVE 10' BLACK TIE WHT 96” A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD P/N 13221 CABLE TIE 18 GA. RED 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. BLK 84” CABLE PLUG 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. GRY 20 GA. BLU PLUG PLUG 20 GA. YEL PLUG A B C D E F G H J K BROWN TIE 5' P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 2 P/N 13220 1 FLOW PWR 2 SERVO + FLOW SIG 8-PIN 3 FLOW GND DEUTSCH 4 5 N/C PLUG 6 N/C 7 SERVO 8 N/C FLOW SIGNAL BATTERY + GND SPEED SIGNAL 10-PIN SPEED POWER METRI-PACK GND 150 TOWER SERVO SERVO SWITCHED +VES GRN P/N 13273 OPTIONAL 10-PIN EXT. CABLES Instructions for Micro-Trak NH3 Systems Used with AgLeader INSIGHT - Multi Section CABLE P/N 14103 15' CABLE P/N 14236 20' CABLE P/N 14237 25' CABLE SECTIONS 1-5 P/N 17529 (24”) 10' 7-PIN EXTENSION SEE TABLE P/N 14147 DUST COVER OR OPTIONAL SECTIONS 6-10 CABLE AG LEADER INSIGHT LIQUID CONTROL MULTI-SECTION SYSTEM DIAGRAM 5' MASTER BOOM MODULE P/N 17943 1-PIN W/P CONNECTION P/N 14146 CONNECT TO AG LEADER INSIGHT LIQUID CONTROL MODULE P/N 17941 (120”) 10-PIN EXTENSION SEE TABLE OPTIONAL 7-PIN EXT. CABLES SECTION VALVES SERVO VALVE SHUTOFF VALVE P/N 13273 OPTIONAL 10-PIN EXT. CABLES LIQUIFIER P/N 13220 5' CABLE P/N 13221 10' CABLE P/N 13222 15' CABLE P/N 13223 20' CABLE P/N 13224 25' CABLE P/N 14142 50' CABLE P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 3 Instructions for Micro-Trak NH3 Systems Used with AgLeader INSIGHT - Multi Section P/N 13223 P/N 13222 P/N 13221 P/N 13220 25' 20' 15' 10' 5' CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE OPTIONAL 10-PIN EXTENSION CABLES P/N 13224 50' P/N 14147 P/N 14146 15' 10' 5' CABLE CABLE CABLE CABLE A B C D E F G 18 GA. YEL 18GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 10 GA. ORG 18 GA. RED 10 GA. BLU 120 IN. 120 IN. P/N 17941 CABLE TIE SPLIT LOOM A B C D E F G A B 7-PIN M/P C MIXED D SHROUD E F G 18 GA. YEL 18GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 10 GA. ORG 18 GA. RED 10 GA. BLU HEAT SHRINK P/N 17529 2-PIN W/P A 10 GA. WHT SHROUD B 10 GA. BLK A 2-PIN W/P B TOWER +VES GND 10 GA. ORG 10 GA. BLU A B C D 10-PIN E M/P F TOWER G H J K 1-PIN W/P SHROUD SEE TABLE FOR OPTIONAL EXTENSION CABLES MASTER 20 GA. BRN 20 GA. RED 20 GA. ORG 20 GA. YEL 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. BLU 20 GA. VIO 20 GA. GRY 20 GA. WHT 20 GA. BLK A 18 GA. WHT SECTION 1 A 18 GA. BRN SECTION 2 B 18 GA. RED SECTION 3 C 18 GA. ORG SECTION 4 10-PIN D 18 GA. YEL SECTION 5 E 18 GA. GRN M/P SECTION 6 F 18 GA. BLU SHROUD SECTION 7 G 18 GA. VIO SECTION 8 H 18 GA. GRY SECTION 9 J 18 GA. WHT SECTION 10 K 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. YEL 18 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 16 GA. ORG 16 GA. WHT 16 GA. BRN 16 GA. BLK 16 GA. RED A 1-PIN W/P TOWER 18 GA. WHT FLOW SIGNAL A BATTERY (+) B FLOW GND C D 10-PIN N/C N/C E M/P N/C F SHROUD SERVO (+) G SERVO (-) H SWITCHED +VES J BATTERY (-) K BAND SPLICE & HEAT SHRINK 7-PIN MIXED TOWER 20 GA. GRY 18 GA. WHT 20 GA. BLU PLUG PLUG PLUG 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. YEL 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. YEL 18GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 10 GA. ORG 18 GA. RED 10 GA. BLU SEE TABLE FOR OPTIONAL EXTENSION CABLES 10-PIN M/P 150 TOWER P/N 14142 P/N 14103 20' CABLE OPTIONAL 7-PIN EXTENSION CABLES P/N 14236 25' CABLE TIE CABLE TIE P/N 14237 18 GA. YEL 18 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 16 GA. ORG 16 GA. WHT 16 GA. BRN 16 GA. BLK 16 GA. RED PLUG PLUG BAND SPLICE & HEAT SHRINK BM1 1 BM2 2 BM3 3 BM4 4 BM5 12-PIN 5 BM6 DEUTSCH 6 BM7 PLUG 7 BM8 8 BM9 9 BM10 10 N/C 11 N/C 12 TO AGLEADER LIQUID CONTROL MODULE PWR 2-PIN PLUG 1 10 GA. ORG GND DEUTSCH 2 10 GA. BLU PWR 2-PIN RCPT. 1 10 GA. ORG GND DEUTSCH 2 10 GA. BLU PLUG 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. GRY 20 GA. BLU PLUG PLUG 20 GA. YEL PLUG 20 GA. BRN 20 GA. RED 20 GA. ORG 20 GA. YEL 20 GA. GRN 20 GA. BLU 20 GA. VIO 20 GA. GRY 20 GA. WHT 20 GA. BLK A B C D E F G H J K SPLIT LOOM SPLICE AND HEAT SHRINK 18 GA. RED WHT 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. WHT 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. RED 18 GA. BLK MASTER BOOM MODULE P/N 17943 BLACK TIE A B C D E F G H J K BAND SPLICE & HEAT SHRINK 10-PIN M/P 150 TOWER TO AGLEADER HARNESS 1 FLOW PWR 2 SERVO + FLOW SIG 8-PIN 3 FLOW GND DEUTSCH 4 N/C PLUG 5 6 N/C 7 SERVO 8 N/C A B C D E F G H J K 10-PIN M/P 150 SHROUD 7-PIN MIXED SHROUD BROWN TIE RED TIE 18 GA. ORG 18GA. BLU 18 GA. YEL 18 GA. ORG 18GA. BLU 18 GA. BRN YELLOW TIE A 3-PIN SECTION 1 B W/P C SHROUD A 3-PIN B W/P SECTION 2 C SHROUD SECTION 3 3-PIN A W/P DUST B SECTION 4 COVER C 3-PIN A W/P DUST B COVER C A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD A B C 7-PIN D M/P MIXED E TOWER F G SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 +VES SECTION 5 GND OR OPTIONAL P/N 17529 (SEE ABOVE) SECTION 6 A SECTION 7 B SECTION 8 7-PIN M/P C SECTION 9 DUST D +VES COVER E SECTION 10 F GND G A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD NH3 SHUTOFF VALVE SERVO CONTROL VALVE BROWN TIE A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD FLOW P/N 13096, INCLUDED WITH P/N 13273 A B C 7-PIN D M/P MIXED E TOWER F G SECTION 5 3-PIN A W/P DUST B COVER C N/C 18 GA. YEL 16 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 10 GA. ORG 18 GA. RED 10 GA. BLU GREEN TIE 18 GA. YEL 16 GA. BRN 18 GA. GRY 18 GA. BLK 10 GA. ORG 18 GA. RED 10 GA. BLU YELLOW TIE A 3-PIN B W/P C SHROUD ORANGE TIE 18 GA. ORG A 3-PIN 18GA. BLU B W/P 18 GA. GRY C SHROUD GREEN TIE 18 GA. ORG 18GA. BLU 18 GA. BLK 18 GA. ORG 18GA. BLU 18 GA. RED DUST A COVER B C 3-PIN A M/P B SHROUD C GREEN TIE A 3-PIN B M/P C TOWER YELLOW TIE A 3-PIN B M/P C TOWER BLACK TIE SPLIT LOOM HEAT SHRINK 8” 96” 84” P/N 13273 P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 4 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Ag Leader INSIGHT LIQUID DIRECTCOMMAND CONTROLLER SETTINGS 1. FLOW CALIBRATION Multiply the Flow Cal number stamped on the Micro-Trak NH3 Flowmeter tag by 2.175 to convert the flowmeter output to pulses per gallon and enter that number into the Ag Leader INSIGHT “Controller Settings” window. (See below). NOTE: These are initial numbers; the valve calibration number may require additional adjustment depending on system characteristics. For a description of how the valve cal parameters work, see INSIGHT manual “Glossary of Application Settings” section. 2. VALVE CALIBRATION See Table Below 3. The Flow Cal and Valve Cal settings are entered into the Controller Settings window on the InSight. See Illustrations below. Micro-Trak Control Valve Settings for Ag Leader Liquid Control Module Flow Control Valve Control Valve Conf. MT 12V Servo Allowable Error Valve Response 1 Valve Response 2 Inline Servo 1 30 Under the Controller Tab, press Controller Settings to access the advanced settings screens. Configuration Vehicle Implement Controller Controller List Direct Liquid Product 10 Response Threshold 5 The Illustration below shows the example settings for liquid product inline Micro-Trak servo valve. NOTE: Flow Meter Cal is calculated by taking the Micro-Trak NH3 Flowmeter Cal Tag number and multiplying by 2.175 (See Step 1 Above). Example 34.9 X 2.175 = 75.9 Controller Information Add Edit Name Remove Device DirectCommand Type Liquid Flow Meter Cal (pls/gal) 140.00 Controller Settings Calibrate Main Pressure Calibrate Agit. Pressure Calibrate Aux. Pressure 75.9 Inline Servo 5 30% 10% 1% GLOSSARY OF TERMS (From Ag Leader INSIGHT Manual) Setting Name Setting Description Flow Meter Cal Calibration valve representing the number of pulses that equal one-gallon of product flow through the controlling system. See Note 1 Above. Control Valve Configuration Setting specifies the type of control valve being used for the rate control functions of the controlling system. This must be set to “Inline Servo”. Response Threshold Determines where the control channel switches between using Valve Response 1 and Valve Response 2 setting. Valve Response 1 Determines the speed of the servo valve when product control error exceeds the Response Threshold setting. Valve Response 1 represents the fast speed of the servo valve. Valve Response 2 Determines the speed of the servo valve when product control error is less than the Response Threshold setting. Valve Response 2 represents the slow speed of the servo valve. Allowable Error Determines the percent of error that is allowed prior to the product control system making any flow rate changes. NOTE: For additional glossary terms refer to your Ag Leader INSIGHT system manual. P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 5 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Ag Leader INSIGHT LIQUID DIRECTCOMMAND CONTROLLER SETTINGS In the ‘RUN SCREEN’ while running the Field Operation Wizard, and after selecting NH3 as the product, you will encounter the following window: Region Selection Region New <1> Controlling Product N (lb) Pounds NH3 (lb) N (lb) ACCEPT CANCEL The selection for "Controlling Units" simply determines how FLOW and RATE are displayed in the 'Target Rate' window of the RUN screen. SELECTION RATE FLOW ‘NH3’ (pounds) (lbs/ac-NH3) (lbs/min-NH3) ‘N’ (pounds) (lbs/ac-N) (lbs/min-N) The relationship between N and NH3 is as follows. One pound of NH3 contains approximately 82% of actual N. You can select either of these. If you are unsure, then just select 'N' (this is what Micro-Trak consoles use for target rate). P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 6 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers or NH3500 Kit The Liquifier™ P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 7 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Liquifier Installation PRE-INSTALLATION: Remove the Liquifier plumbing panel from the shipping board. The Liquifier plumbing panel has been packaged with the “strainer end” mounting bracket in a shipping position. Before installing the unit on your applicator, move this bracket to the other side (inlet side) of the strainer to allow access to strainer clean-out plug for cleaning. After repositioning bracket, make sure all three brackets rest on a flat surface. If necessary, loosen all six carriage bolts (two per bracket) at base of brackets to allow all brackets to rest flat on mounting surface of tool bar. Tighten carriage bolts only after insuring that all three brackets rest on bar and unit does not “teeter” on center bracket. LIQUIFIER KIT INSTALLATION: Remove any existing metering valves. If the old metering valve has a built-in manifold, it is recommended to install a separate new manifold for the Liquifier kit. Another option, although not recommended, is to use the existing manifold, making certain the old metering valve is in the maximum open position to allow for minimal restriction of flow through the plumbing. There should not be any positive shut-off valves installed in the plumbing between the Liquifier kit shut-off valve and the knives. Install the plumbing panel on the tool bar frame using the carriage bolts and flange lock nuts through the top and bottom brackets of the system. Trim any excess length off the bolts if required. Attach the hose from the breakaway coupler to the strainer inlet. Check SERVO VALVE COUPLER for proper hose length for operation of the disconnect mechanism of the breakaway coupler. Connect the manifold hose to the servo valve outlet. Check for proper hose length to avoid kinking at the hinge points. LIQUIFIER VAPOR TUBE INSTALLATION: Locate the 1/2” EVA vapor hose supplied with the kit. Starting on one half of the tool bar, connect the 1/2” hose to the outside steel vapor tube. Route the hose up the shank and along the tool bar frame to the inside steel vapor tube. Allow enough extra hose to avoid kinking at the hinge points. Cut the hose to length and attach to inside steel vapor tube. Install a 1/2” x 3/4” x 1/2” tee fitting approximately half way along this hose between outside and inside steel vapor tubes. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PAGE 11. Locate the 3/4” EVA hose supplied with the kit. Connect one end to the 1/2” x 3/4” x 1/2” tee fittings and route along the tool bar frame to the vapor outlet connections on the Liquifier. SEE ILLUSTRATION BELOW. Allow enough extra hose to avoid kinking at hinge points. Secure all hoses with properly sized hose clamps. Secure the hoses to the tool bar frame with cable ties. INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to use an NH3 compatible thread sealing compound on all pipe thread fittings. SHUTOFF VALVE FLOW METER VAPOR OUTLETS HEAT EXCHANGER TUBING STRAINER MOUNT BRACKET P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 8 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers NH3500 Kit Installation Remove any existing metering valves. If the old metering valve has a built-in manifold, it is recommended to install a separate new manifold for the NH3500 kit. Another option, although not recommended, is to use the existing manifold, making certain the old metering valve is in the maximum open position to allow for minimal restriction of flow through the plumbing. There also should not be any positive shut-off valves installed in the plumbing between the NH3500 kit shut-off valve and the knives. Locate a convenient area on the applicator to install the NH3500 plumbing panel. When selecting an installation location, keep in mind that the hose from the break-away coupler must reach the strainer inlet with enough length to allow for proper operation of the break-away coupler disconnect mechanism and prevent kinking of the hose at hinge points. Also, the strainer’s clean-out plug should be accessible for regular cleaning. Make certain that the area selected allows for enough length of the manifold hose, between the manifold and the servo valve outlet, to prevent kinking at hinge points. INSTALLATION NOTE: It is recommended to use an NH3 compatible thread sealing compound such as “Slic-tite paste with Teflon”, or a similar compound, on all pipe thread fittings. Slic-tite is manufactured by LA-CO Industries, Inc./Markal Company. Remove the NH3500 plumbing panel from the shipping board. Install the plumbing panel on the tool bar frame using the bottom brackets, carriage bolts and flange lock nuts. Trim any excess length off of the bolts if required. Attach the hose from the break-away coupler to the strainer inlet. Check hose length for proper operation of the break-away coupler disconnect mechanism. Next, connect the manifold hose to the servo valve outlet. Check for proper hose length to avoid kinking at hinge points. P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 9 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers NH3500 Vapor Tube Installation FOR ALL NH3 KITS Locate the 1/2” EVA vapor hose supplied with the kit. Starting on one half of the tool bar, connect the 1/2” hose to the outside steel vapor tube. Route the hose up the shank and along the tool bar frame to the inside steel vapor tube. Allow enough extra hose to avoid kinking at hinge points. Cut the hose to length and attach to the inside steel vapor tube. Install a 1/2” x 3/4” x 1/2” tee fitting approximately halfway along this hose between the outside and inside steel vapor tubes. See Illustration below. Repeat the same procedure for the steel vapor tubes on the other half of the tool bar. Secure all hoses with properly sized hose clamps. Secure the hoses to the tool bar frame with cable ties. Weld the steel vapor tubes to the back of your Ground Level liquid tubes. All electronic Vapor Tubes equipment, including the console and radar speed sensor, MUST BE Wear-resistant DISCONNECTED BEFORE Surface WELDING ON EqUIPMENT. The four steel vapor tubes should be evenly spaced across the applicator (two per side) and installed so that only their wear resistant surface contacts the soil. Mount the tubes just high enough to avoid plugging. Locate the 3/4” EVA hose supplied with the kit. Connect to one of the 1/2” x 3/4” x 1/2” tee fittings and route along the tool bar frame to other 1/2” x 3/4” x 1/2” tee fitting. Cut to length and install on the tee fitting. Allow enough extra hose to avoid kinking at hinge points. Now install a 3/4” x 3/4” x 3/4” tee fitting approximately halfway along this hose (center of the tool bar) between the other two tee fittings. Using an appropriate length 3/4” hose, connect this tee fitting to the vapor tube connection on the NH3500 plumbing panel. Secure all hoses with properly sized hose clamps. Secure the hoses to the tool bar frame with cable ties. “Working” Width Your “working” width will be the number of knives times the knife spacing in inches (meters). For example, if you have 8 knives spaced at 30 inches, the working width is 240 inches. See Illustration below. Working Width NH3500 Kit — Vapor Line Installation ½” Vapor Hose ½” Vapor Hose Manifold ¾” Vapor Hose ¾” Hose ½” Vapor Hose ½” x ½” x ¾” Tee ¾” Tee NH3500 Kit Breakaway Coupler Steel Vapor Tubes ½” Vapor Hose ½” x ¾” x ½” Tee Steel Vapor Tubes Electrical Connections The NH3 adapter wiring harnesses are made specifically for use on anhydrous ammonia applicators. The harness combines the wires for the servo valve, flowmeter, shut-off valve and remote access speed connector into a single 10-pin connector. P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 10 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Field Operation - Troubleshooting for NH3 Field Operation: Always follow accepted safety precautions. Make sure that equipment is in good operating order. Before connecting the nurse tank to the applicator, check the electric shut-off valve for proper operation. After changing nurse tanks or after other periods of long shutdown, operate the system in Manual Mode until the application rate stabilizes. This allows the heat exchanger to reach operating temperature before starting Automatic Operation. Erratic operation may be experienced if Automatic Control is selected is selected before operating temperature is reached. Manifold pressure is very important for good distribution of NH3. Use barbed fittings with properly sized orifices or an adjustable manifold to maintain adequate pressure. If manifold back pressure is too low, proper cooling will not be achieved, vapor bubbles will be allowed to enter the flowmeter, and readings will be inaccurate. Typical manifold pressure ranges from 15 to 60 PSI (1 to 4 bar) depending on application rates and ambient temperature. If manifold pressure stops climbing but FLOW RATE continues to climb, vapor bubbles are present. In hilly or rough conditions the nurse tank dip tube will not remain submerged, allowing extra vapor in the system. This vapor is too much for the heat exchanger to condense and the system will exhibit erratic operation. If the dip tube remains out of liquid, operation may appear to be normal, but the system is simply metering vapor. If this occurs, you will notice extremely low manifold pressure. Change tanks before the NH3 level is low enough to cause these problems. In NH3 control systems, location of the frost build-up is an indication of system performance. The NH3 kit will normally have frost on the output side of the servo valve and in some cases, a small amount on the bottom portion of the heat exchanger. Frost before the servo valve indicates excessive pressure drop in the delivery system or restricted vapor lines. The strainer is a common source of excessive pressure drop and should be cleaned regularly. AFTER COMPLETELY DRAINING THE SYSTEM, remove the large plug and carefully clean the strainer’s screen. Also, periodically check the vapor tubes for obstructions. P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 11 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Flowmeter Assembly (FM-750 N) IMPORTANT: Opening the flowmeter will void the Flow Calibration value assigned to your unit. However, you may need to take the flowmeter apart for periodic cleaning or to remove an obstruction. See Illustration below for flowmeter reassembly instructions. absolutely necessary but will insure a good seal. Be careful not to get compound inside flowmeter or turbine will stall. Carefully put other flowmeter housing (sensor half) in place. (Position the housing so that the two square lugs are lined up with each other.) Drop all three bolts into holes. Hold lock washers in place and finger tighten all three nuts. Nuts should be torqued to 120 in./lb. (13.56 nw/m). Attach tag by running wire between a bolt and the housings, and twisting. TO OPEN THE FLOWMETER: Disconnect the hose from servo valve to manifold. Loosen the union hex closest to the heat exchanger. Remove the two “U” bolts that hold the servo/flowmeter assembly to the brackets. Unscrew the union from the heat exchanger and remove the servo/flowmeter assembly. After assembly, shaking flowmeter end-to-end should produce a “rattling” sound (shaft end play). Blowing into the meter from either end should cause the turbine to spin freely. If the turbine only spins from one direction, install the flowmeter so that the liquid flows in that direction. Use running water to rinse the assembly of any accumulated dirt. Remove the three flowmeter bolts, carefully open the flowmeter and remove the turbine. Thoroughly clean turbine and housings of any foreign material (dirt, pieces of teflon tape, rust on magnets, etc.). Start with original calibration number and follow procedure in manual for verifying flowmeter accuracy. WARNING Set and spin the turbine in each flowmeter housing half. It should spin freely. If not, remove the turbine, wipe the shaft and try again. TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY, DO THE FOLLOWING: 1. ALWAYS WEAR gloves, goggles, and other necessary equipment when handling NH3 apparatus. 2. DO NOT cross thread. Use anti-seize lead base thread compound. 3. THOROUGHLY BLEED hoses before disconnecting NH3 apparatus. 4. COMPLETELY EVACUATE NH3 apparatus before servicing. TO ASSEMBLE THE FLOWMETER: Place the servo, flowmeter end up, in a vice or other suitable fixture. Set turbine in non-sensor housing. Properly position gasket on housing. (Gasket may be reused a few times but will eventually need to be replaced.) Pipe thread compound is not Complete Assembly FM750 N Flowmeter P/N 10899 Housing FM750 N with sensor receptacle, including bearing. P/N 10145 Gasket pin P/N 10137 Housing, includes bearing P/N 10116 Turbine P/N 14836 P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 12 Instructions for Micro-Trak Liquid Systems Used with Ag Leader INSIGHT Controllers Flowmeter Assembly (FM-1500 N) IMPORTANT: Opening the flowmeter will void the Flow Calibration value assigned to your unit. However, you may need to take the flowmeter apart for periodic cleaning or to remove an obstruction. See Illustration below for flowmeter reassembly instructions. TO REMOVE THE FLOWMETER: Loosen two 1/2” bolts securing unit (shutoff valve end) to toolbar. Loosen union between flowmeter and shutoff valve. Slide shutoff valve away from flowmeter and unscrew flowmeter from heat exchanger. After assembly, shaking flowmeter end-to-end should produce a “rattling” sound (shaft end play). Blowing into the meter from either end should cause the turbine to spin freely. If the turbine only spins from one direction, install the flowmeter so that liquid flows that direction. If turbine does not spin freely, flowmeter may require repair. Turbines and bearing replacement kits are available. TO DISASSEMBLE THE FLOWMETER: Before reconnecting the union, loosen all six 3/8” carriage bolts at bottom of mounting bracket uprights. Tighten union then re-tighten 3/8” carriage bolts. This ensures that unit sits flat on tool bar and does not “teeter” on center bracket. Remove retainer clip from one end and slide out internals. See Illustration below. Be careful not to bend turbine shaft. Start with original calibration number and follow procedure in manual for verifying flowmeter accuracy. Clean and inspect parts. Assemble in reverse order. WARNING Complete Assembly FM1500 N Flowmeter P/N 14348 1. ALWAYS WEAR gloves, goggles, and other necessary equipment when handling NH3 apparatus. 2. DO NOT cross thread. Use anti-seize lead base thread compound. 3. THOROUGHLY BLEED hoses before disconnecting NH3 apparatus. 4. COMPLETELY EVACUATE NH3 apparatus before servicing. Screws P/N 12389 TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY, DO THE FOLLOWING: Sensor bracket P/N 12308 Flowmeter housing P/N 20485 Bearing housing P/N 20484 Sleeve P/N 14280 Turbine P/N 14836 Bearing housing P/N 20484 Retainer clip P/N 12316 Retainer clip P/N 12316 P/N 50328 • © 2009 • Page 13