CR I-1 - Escambia County
CR I-1 - Escambia County
EXECUTIVE AOMINISTRATION/LEGAL DIVISION ACCOUNTING DIVISION ApPEALS DIVISION ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CENTURY DIVISION CHILO SUPPORT CLERK TO THE BOARD COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT DIVISION CIRCUIT CIVIL CIRCUIT CRIMINAL DOMESTIC RELATIONS FAMILY LAw ERNIE LEE MAG AHA CLERK OF THE ClRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA ·;·AUDfTOR ·:· ACCOUNTANT·:·Ex-OFFTCIO CL£RK TO THE BOARO·:·CUSTO DIAN OF COUNTY FUNDS':' FINANCE JURY ASSEMBLY GUARDI A N S HIP HUMAN RESOURCES JUVENILE DIVISION MARRIAGE MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICIAL RECORDS OPERATIONAL SERVICES PROBATE DIVISION TRAFFIC DIVISION TREASURY Escambia County, Florida Payroll Expenditures of the Board of County Commissioners Pay Date: June 8, 2012 $0.00 Check No: Direct Deposits: Total Deductions and Matching Costs : Total Expenditures: $1,105,805.08 $983,904 .26 $2,089,709.34 .-..., = ......, - -.. . c. ' , ) ., L c::: ::;::: o_ ::1: _ :;::rn U) o.; (/) 0 6 > f a- » 2: "'" 9 Vl""t"] Ul -.D fTlO :;:0 Cl 221 PALAFOX PLACE. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830. FAX (850) 595-4823. WWW.ESCAMBIACLERK.COM ' · . - r·· ) .-' .:> r ~·'lr ::> ::]~. On:;: ( J --1 ~ c::;... Z ·-c:. - i - l ;:. :< n::: .,., O l- _ c -"" , ExECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION/LEGAL DIVISI O N AC C OUNTING DIVISION APPEALS DIVISION ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CENTURY DIVISION CHILO SUPPORT CLERK TO THE BOARD COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT DIVISION CIRC UIT CIVIL CIRCUIT CRIMINAL DOMESTIC RELATIONS FAMILY LAw FINANCE JURY ASSEMBLY GUARDIANSHIP HUMAN RESOURCES JUVENILE DIVISION MARRIA G E MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICIAL RECORDS OPERATIONAL SERVICES PROBATE DIVISION TRAFFIC DIVISION TREASURY ERNIE LEE MAGAHA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA ·:·AUDITOR·:· ACCOUNTANT·:·Ex..()FFlCIO CLERK TOTHE B O ARO':' CUSTO DIAN OF COUNTY FUNDS':' Escambia County, Florida Payroll Expenditures of the Board of County Commissioners Pay Date: June 22, 2012 $0.00 Check No: Direct Deposits: $1,144,428 .78 Total Deductions and Matching Costs: $1,021,182.29 Total Expenditures: $2,165,611 .07 = ......., C,,_ _. " .o_ ,' - >;: : ~ -- r 1 :-:; ~ J -f:J = :z: a 1] - • = r. • ;< n :::: ( - i -' r;y ::ti c) (J) U1 221 PALAFOX PLACE. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830. FAX (850) 595-4823. WWW.ESCAMBIACLERK.COM ~n (J - j _ l'1 t' \ .. 7 l ri d -!.:r .- N .0 ..., ~ " ~ EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATlON/LEGAL DIVISION F1NANCE ACCOUNTING DIVISION JURY ASSEMBLY APPEALS DIVISION GUARDIANSHIP ERNIE LEE MAG AHA ARCHIVES AND RECOROS CENTURY DIVISION HUMAN RESOURCES JUVENILE DIVISION CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COlTRT & COMPTROLLER CHILD SUPPORT MARRIAGE CLERK TO THE BOARD MENTAL HEALTH ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRIMINAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATJON SYSTEMS OFFICIAL RECORDS COURT DIVISION OPERATIONAL SERVICES CIRCUIT CIVIL PROBATE DIVISION ':'A U OITOR':' AcCOUNTANT':'Ex-oFFlCIO CLERK TO THE BOARO ':'CUSTOOIAN OF COUNTY FUNDS':' CIRCUIT CRIMINAL TRAFFIC DIVISION DOME:5TIC RELATIONS FAMILY TREASURY LAw Escambia County, Florida Disbursement of Funds From: 05/31/12 to 06/06/12 DISBURSEMENTS Computer check run of: 06/06/12 $ _ _ _4.:.;,5_4..:1,~74_7_.0.;.,;6_ L-Vendor $ _ _ _ _ _0::.;...;:..00::.... $ _ _ _ _ _0'-.0'-'0, Hand-Typed Checks Disbursement By Wire : Elected Official $ __ 6,--,9-,-60--"_04_5,.2_5_ Preferred Governmental Claims $ _ _---=.29::..:.,.=:52::.:5o,,-.5::..::8= Credit Card Purchases $ _ _ _2::.!'.;:..54.;..;6O".3::..::3= Total Disbursement by Wire $ _ _..;;6"",9..,:.9;::;2,'-'.1-'-.17'-..:...;16= '. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ ==1=1= ,5=3=3,=8=64=.2=2= The detailed backup to th is Report is available for review in the Clerk's Finance Department. If you have any questions , please call Cheryl Maher, Clerk's Finance Division at (850) 595-4841. Pursuant to Chapter 13606 (1), Florida Statutes, the Disbursement Report will be filed with the Board's Minutes. r-.> = -<L 0'" CJ I r-.> , t ' c= :z: I 3::r: ::::I. r>'l (J lJ) l> w O 0 1 ' I_~ 1\ I - r' "" ~ r 7) -~ ~\'- (") §:c; -c;-: ::. .,, 0 > -t :;< n :r C) ~. ::2: '" rn O :::0 0 lJ) -."l .. W ex> 221 PALAFOX PLACE. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830. FAX (850) 595-4823. WWW.ESCAMB.I ACLERK.COM ~ C :::v ExEC UTIVE ADM I NISTRATION / LEGAL DIVI SIO N AC CO UNTING DIVISION ApP E A LS DIVISION AR C HIVES AND RECORDS CENTURY DIV ISION CHILD SUPPORT CLERK TO TH E BOARD COUNTY CIVIL C O UNTY CRIMINAL COURT DIVISI O N CIRC U IT C IVIL CIRC UIT CR I MINAL DOMESTI C RELAT IONS FAMILY LAw FINAN C E JURY ASSEMBLY ERNIE LEE MAG AHA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA GUARDIANSHI P HUMAN RESO U RC ES JUVENILE DIVISION MARRIAG E MEN T AL HEA LTH MANAGEMENT INFO RMATION SYST E M S OFFI CI A L REC ORDS OPERATIONAL S E RVI CES PROBATE DIVIS ION TRAFFI C DIVIS ION TREA S URY ' :' A UD IT O R':' A CCOU NTANT':' Ex-Q F FlC I O CLERK T O T H E B OA R O·:·CUSTOOt A.N O F COU NTY Fu N DS ' :' Escambia County, Florida Disbursement of Funds From : 06/07/12 to 06/13/12 DISBURSEMENTS Computer check run of: 06/13/12 $ ___ 2,;.,. ,9_16...;,_47_6_ .6_5_ L-Vendor $ _ _ _ _---.:0:.:,:.0::;0:... Hand-Typed Checks : $ _ _ _...:.15=.",.=.00::;0:.:,:.0::;0:... Disbursement By Wire: Preferred Governmental Claims Other First Transit Transportation Civic Center $ _ _-::-::-1::-,5,-:-96-:-::1:-.1::-::3,- $ _ _-=3~3~574::-:17:- ' . 0::-:0: $ _ _--=.8""'5,e;;,26.; . ;5;..5.;;..;8, ;,. Total Disbursement by Wire TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ _ _---...:4~3::.!6,~64:.:..:3::.:...7:...-1:.. $ ==,,;3,;;; ,3,,;6,;;8':;,12;,;0;;,.3=6~ The detailed backup to th is Report is available for review in the Clerk's Finance Department. If you have any questions , please call Cheryl Maher, Clerk's Finance Division at (850) 595-4841 . Pursuant to Chapter 136.06 (1 ), Florida Statutes , the Disbursement Report will be filed with the Board's Minutes . "--> = ,..., -<. n ~ ~--{ -; r'i rnro (,..1 0 - -,. < c=: z r po q> ::0 0 r....> (.rl . , 221 PALAFOX PLACE. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830. FAX (850) 595-4823. WWW.ESCAMBIACLERK.COM ~> A '~ r" - ~ ;.,- . > ~~ ~ n o \ J::r c: - ). :.:: ~ c; -i-h 2~ ~o ( , .~ . C }:-o ' --D ;-<n:r: .::: g).>. ~ ExECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION/LEGAL DIVISION ACCOUNTING DIVISION ApPEALS DIVISION ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CENTURY DIVISION CHILD SUPPORT CLERK TO THE BOARD COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT DIVISION CIRCUIT CIV1L CIRCUIT CRIMINAL DOMESTIC RELATIONS FAMILY LAw FINANCE JURY ASSEMBLY GUARDIANSHIP HUMAN RESOURCES JUVENILE DIVISION MARRIAGE ERNIE LEE MAG AHA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICIAL RECORDS OPERATION.AL SERVICES PROBATE DIVISION TRAFFIC DIVISION TREASURY ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA ·;·AUorrOR·:·AcCOUN'TA.NT·:·Ex.<)FACIO CLERK TO THE BOA.RD·:·CUSTOOtAN OF COUNTY FUNDS ':' Escambia County, Florida Disbursement of Funds From: 06/14/12 to 06/20/12 DISBURSEMENTS Computer check run of: 06/20/12 $ _ _ _4~,4_6_S';...3_SS_.6_8_ L-Vendor $ _ _ _ _ _0:..;..0.:...;0' $ _ _ _ _ _0:..;..0.:...;0' Hand-Typed Checks: Disbursement By Wire ' Preferred Governmental Claims $ _ _---=.3-"-'8,,,,-87-'.-50.;.'7;.,..;8, Credit Card Purchases $ _ _----=2-'1,;...16-,-6,-.5_2_ Other Kevin Wayne White Veolia Transportation Services $ _ _....;;2:..;;.8.;;..;3,'"::-9-::-70::-.2::-:1:: $ _ _ _--=.S2::.;0::..c.2 ::.;8' $ _ _-.;3:....;4-'..4:..;:.,S..:.c32::.c,._79, Total Disbursement by Wire $ ==::4~,8;;;O,;,9=:;,8,;,88;;;,.,;,,47~ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS The detailed backup to this Report is available for review in the Clerk's Finance Department. If you have any questions, please call Cheryl Maher, Clerk's Finance Division at (850) 595-4841 . Pursuant to Chapter 13606 (1), Florida Statutes, the Disbursement Report will be filed with the Board's Minutes . --.. = :--.> L _ -o - j ,. . -,r-....l IV . -~ J' I 1 ·1 L ) .•';) C".J J l 221 PALAFOX PLACE. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830. FAX (850) 595-4823. WWW.ESCAMBIACLERK.COM c:: ::z .. ( N 0 --, _ r. -, - U -,- ': :«.=. I):) -t=" J ) ~ , ;"'" ' , - ' - -,.,~:; EXECunVE AOMINISTRATION/LEGAL DIVISION ACCOUNTING DIVISION ApPEALS DIVISION ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CENTUR'f DMSIQN CHILD SUPPORT CLERK TO THE BOARD COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRIMINAL FINANC E ,JUR'f MANAGEMENT GUARDIANSHIP HUMAN RESOURCES ,JUV'ENILL DIVISION MARRIAGE MENTAL HEALTH ERNIE LEE MAGAHA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COMPTROLLER ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA MAHAG04DlT IN~ORMATlON SYsTEMS OFTICIAL RECORDS ONE STOP COURT DIVISION CIRCUIT" CIVIL CIRCurr CRIMINAL DoMEsne RELATIONS OPERATIONAL SERVICES • ALCITOR • ACCOlHTANT • Ex-omCIO CLEAM TO THE BOAAO • CUST'OOIAH Of" COl»lTY FIA'IOS • PROBATE DIVISION TRAme MEMORANDUM - .J ,....., Honorable Board of County Commissioners TO: , - I Ernie Lee Magaha Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller FROM: C2~\ .. 1 ., 1) " J r'1 1...J ~o .n- By: = N J - .:=-:r' ,, ' .- <. r-:~ C) ......-;-. --< ;<"...:.: ,... Patricia L. Sheldon, CPA, CGFO, CPFO, CPFIM Administrator for Financial Services Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller DATE: June 21, 2012 SUBJECT: Budget Comparison Reports October 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012 RECOIVIMENDATION: That the Board accepts, for filing with the Board's Minutes, Budget Comparison Reports for eight (8) months, or 66.67%, of Fiscal Year 2012 as follows: 1. 2. 3. DIYSI ON TREASUR'f FAMILY LAw Summarized, by fund, Budget to Actual Comparison as of May 31,2012. Actual Revenue and Expenditure Comparison to the prior fiscal year as of May 31, 2012 General Fund, graph of two-year comparison of actual revenues vs. actual expenditures, as of May 31, 2012. PLS/nac 221 PALAFOX PLACE • SUITE 140 • PENSACOLA. FL 32502-5843 H:\CLERK\ADMIN\NA~~~S~'O\~ ~efAt~~Q?n~~g~~~;~~~~~&~endation.doc Budget to Actual Summary Report For the fiscal year 2012 as of May 31,2012 8 months or 66.67% of Fiscal Year BUDGET ACTIVITY BUDGET as originally published Fund iI Fund Name 001 General Fund 101 Esc , County Restricted $ Re-Budgets of Prior Yr. Projects 173,665,332 $ 730,021 Budget Amendments $ Total Expenditures Difference Percent Gain/(Use) of Fund Expended 2012 Actual Balance 1 Expenditures To Date Total Revenue Percent 2012 Actual Realized To Date Revenue Amended Budget 1,457,361 $ 175,852,714 $ 115,482,134 66% $ 101,886,380 58% $13,595,754 293,382 21,080 1,272,266 1,586,728 205,679 13% 192,671 12% 13,008 102 Economic Development 2,765,000 131,438 1,626,128 4,522,566 437,943 10% 649,881 14% (2 11 ,938) 103 Code Enforcement 2,188,239 0 972,453 3,160,692 1,110,439 35% 1,547,377 49% (436,938) 104 Mass Transit 9,030,374 0 1,490,808 10,521,182 4,517,038 43% 4,214,222 40% 302 ,816 18,396 0 45 ,163 63,559 9,298 15% 9,696 15% (398) 108 Tourist Promotion 5,758,178 2,597,408 1,861,847 10,217,433 4,811,733 47% 5,138,536 50% (326,803) 110 Grants Fund 8,728,639 2,115,213 6,942,496 17,786,348 5,820 ,959 33% 6,386,565 36% (565,606) 0 0 0 0 11,495,560 nfa 114 Misdemeanor Probation 2,330,518 0 257,628 2,588,146 1,641,296 63% 1,367,916 53% 273,380 115 Article V 3,322,595 89,951 3,454,597 6,867,143 1,810,633 26% 2,297,624 33% (486,991) 116 Development Review Fees 255,250 0 110,967 366,217 158,907 43% 148,449 41% 10,458 117 Perdido Key Beach Mouse 0 0 130,196 130,196 6,943 nfa 6,943 160,000 0 476,864 636,864 228,475 36% 218,995 34% 9,480 0 0 598,378 598,378 417 ,734 nfa 194,797 nfa 222,937 124 Affordable Housing Grant 1,732,212 857,931 1,629,377 4,219,520 1,333,960 32% 1,453,507 34% (1 19,547) 129 CDBGfHUD 5,580,335 577,605 190,466 6,348,406 2,198,779 35% 2,100,528 33% 98,251 19,000 0 195,945 214,945 29,840 14% 9,619 4% 20,221 100,000 0 17,622 117,622 755 1% 3,793 3% (3,038\ 11,186,061 0 462,404 11,648,465 10,452,716 90% 6,670,843 57% 1,448,750 17,500 1,701,635 3,167,885 608,025 19% 1,159,225 37% 50,000 0 39,981 89,981 705 1% (740) -1% 1,445 147 HUD-Home Fund 4,416,006 10,000 46,660 4,472,666 951,690 21% 931,833 21% 19,857 151 Community.Redevelopment 1,767,073 296,449 3,840,692 5,904,214 905,437 15% 813,163 14% 92,274 0 3,336,781 1,028,164 4,364,945 29,689 1% 132,546 3% (102,857) 2,707,500 0 1,274,855 3,982,355 2,107,087 53% 1,503,642 38% 603,445 19,870,212 909,488 2,594,793 23,374,493 13,818,824 59% 12,801,452 55% 1,017,372 748,553 0 373,275 1,121,828 733,063 65% 407,746 36% 325,317 106 Mosquito Control 112 Disaster Recovery 120 SHIP 121 Law Enforcement Trust 130 Handicapped Parking 131 FamilY Mediation 143 Fire Protection Fund 145 E-911 146 HUD-CDBG Housing Rehab 152 Southwest Sector 167 Bob Sikes Toll 175 TranSj:>ortation Trust 177 StreetLighting and Road MSBU nfa 0 0 nfa 11,495,560 3,781,873 (55 1,200} Prepared by : Clerk and Complroller's Finance Dept. 6/21/2012 Page 1 of 2 Budget to Actual Summary Report For the fiscal year 2012 as of May 31,2012 8 months or 66.67% of Fiscal Year Total Revenue Percent 2012 Actual Realized Revenue To Date BUDGET ACTIVITY BUDGET as originally published Fund tI Fund Name 181 Master Drainage Re-Budgets of Prior Yr. Projects Budget Amendments Amended Budget 58,829 117,852 876,301 1,052,982 52,427 9,961,141 0 0 9,961,141 53,924,196 320 FTA Grants 0 0 2,779,444 2,779,444 317 ,653 333 New Road Construction 0 0 256,447 256,447 351 LOST II 0 4,765,306 10,601 ,136 352 LOST III 34,420,900 18,288,019 401 Solid Waste 19,342,566 406 Inspections 203 Debt Service 408 EMS 409 Civic Center 501 Internal Service Fund TOTALS $ Difference Total Expenditures Percent Gai n/(Use) of Fund 2012 Actual Expended To Date Balance 1 Expenditures (R7,917) 140,344 13% 541% 51 ,583 ,874 518% 2,340,322 11% 315,836 11% 1,817 1,150 0% 221,379 86% (220,229 15,366,442 20 0% 16,246,371 106% (16,246,351 ) 59,721,569 112,430,488 37,735,142 34% 29,879,768 27% 7,855,374 0 4,390 ,880 23,733,446 7,579,744 32% 8,863,513 37% (1,283 ,769 2,639,118 0 1,767,149 4,406,267 1,273,555 29% 1,615,499 37% 13,719,127 0 11,221,769 24,940,896 9,845,387 39% 6,773,803 27% 6,934,743 0 587,018 7,521,761 4,617,209 61% 5,607,462 75% 26,131,936 0 5,820 26,137,756 9,533,730 36% 6,751,163 26% 126,300,554 $ 532,512,561 $ 306,205,554 58% 280,239,278 53% 371,349,965 $ 34,862,042 $ 5% $ (341,944) 3,071 ,584 (990,253) 2,782,567 This amount represents the affect on overall fund balance for each particular fund. If the amount is positive, it is adding to accumulated fund balance. If the amount is negative it indicates that current year revenue was not sufficient to meet current year expenditures and therefore fund balance is used. I Prepared by : Clerk and Comptroller's Finance Dept. 6/21/2012 Page 2 of 2 Comparison of Actual Revenues & Expenditures to Prior Fiscal Year For the fiscal year 2012 as of May 31,2012 8 months or 66.67% of Fiscal Year Fund # Actual Revenue Oct - May Incr/ -Dec from Actual Expenditures Oct - May Actual Expenditures Oct - May Fiscal Incr/ ~ Dec from Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2012 2011 Fiscal 2011 Fund Name 001 General Fund $ 115,482,134 $ 123,891,235 -7% $ 101,886,380 $ 111,456,419 -9% 101 Esc. County Restricted 205,679 216,301 -5% 192,671 236,113 -18% 102 Economic Development 437,943 2,424,383 -82% 649,881 1,220,524 -47% 103 Code Enforcement 1,110,439 1,636,367 -32% 1,547,377 1,274,031 21 % 104 Mass Transit 4,517,038 6,683,250 -32% 4,214,222 5,335,483 -21% 9,298 18,784 -5 1% 9,696 20,626 -53% 108 Tourist Promotion 4,811,733 4,742,796 1% 5,138,536 3,063,578 68% 110 Grants Fund 5,820,959 2,215,712 163% 6,386,565 3,580,752 78% 11,495,560 597,621 1824% 5,041,214 -100% 114 Misdemeanor Probation 1,641,296 1,676,211 -2% 1,367,916 1,467,716 -7% 115 Article V 1,810,633 1,921,214 -6% 2,297,624 1,662,724 38% 158,907 201,100 -21% 148,449 144,947 2% 6,943 709 879% 120 SHIP 228,475 53,286 329% 218,995 581,509 -62% 121 Law Enforcement Trust 417,734 281,365 48% 194,797 214,302 -9% 124 Affordable Housing Grant 1,333,960 25,371 5158% 1,453,507 243,328 497% 129 CDBG/HUD 2,198,779 2,737,315 -20% 2,100,528 2,830,790 -26% 29,840 18,845 58% 9,619 53,632 -82% 755 664 14% 3,793 3,128 21% 10,452,716 9,778,502 7% 6,670,843 7,700,218 -13% 608,025 488,591 -24% 1,159,225 949,729 22% 106 Mosquito Control 112 Disaster Recovery 116 Development Review Fees 117 Perdido Key Beach Mouse 130 Handicapped Parking 131 Family Mediation 143 Fire Protection Fund ~ 145 6/21/2012 Actual Revenue Oct - May E-911 Prepared by: Clerk and Comptroller's Finance Department - - - n/a Page 1 of 2 Comparison of Actual Revenues & Expenditures to Prior Fiscal Year For the fiscal year 2012 as of May 31, 2012 8 months or 66.67% of Fiscal Year Actual Expenditures Oct - May Fiscal 2012 Actual Expenditures Oct - May Fiscal 2011 Incr/ - Dec from Fiscal 2011 Actual Revenue Oct - May Fiscal 2011 705 223 216% 147 HUD-Home Fund 951,690 1,028,872 -8% 931,833 1,021,264 -9% 151 Community Redevelopment 905,437 953,729 -5% 813,163 1,644,858 -51% 29,689 116,265 -74% 132,546 210,809 -37% 2,107,087 2,234,134 -6% 1,503,642 1,624,750 -7% 13,818,824 14,798,844 -7% 12,801,452 13,926,995 -8% 733,063 747,744 -2% 407,746 363,102 12% 52,427 47,911 9% 140,344 385,310 -64% 53,924,196 5,355,719 907% 51,583,874 3,454,989 1393% 317,653 474,800 -33% 315,836 488,461 -35% 1,150 1,995 -42% 221,379 209,256 6% 153 n/a 80,105 n/a 20 234,373 -100% 16,246,371 5,228,390 211 % 37,735,142 22,828,749 65% 29,879,768 21,382,854 40% 401 Solid Waste 7,579,744 10,525,385 -28% 8,863,513 11,753,371 -25% 406 Inspections 1,273,555 1,228,262 4% 1,615,499 1,729,938 -7% 408 EMS 9,845,387 9,772,677 1% 6,773,803 6,492,688 4% 409 Civic Center 4,617,209 4,468,004 3% 5,607,462 5,213,639 100% 501 Internal Service Fund 9,533,730 13,992,584 -32Q/o 6,751,163 8,303,657 -19% 280,239,278 230,595,199 22% Fund # Fund Name 146 HUD-CDBG Housing Rehab 152 Southwest Sector 167 Bob Sikes Toll 175 Transportation Trust 177 StreetLighting and Road MSBU 181 Master Drainage 203 Debt Service 320 FTA Grants 333 New Road Construction - 350 LOST I 351 LOST II 352 LOST III TOTALS 6/21/2012 Incr/ -Dec from Fiscal 2011 Actual Revenue Oct - May Fiscal 2012 $ 306,205,554 $ 248,420,045 23% $ (740) - Prepared by: Clerk and Comptroller's Finance Department - n/a Page 2 of 2 General Fund Only Actual Revenues vs. Actual Expenditures October through May Two Year Comparison FY 2012 and FY 2011 140,000,000 130,000,000 120,000,000 110,000,000 100,000,000 90,000,000 80,000,000 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 -- - --_._--- ----------_. .--------------- ...-.---- .. - . - -.-. ~--,-- $111,456,419 101,886,380 I ---- I o Revenues ---~ o Expenditures - FY 2012 FY 2011 Note: General Fund Revenues decreased by about $8 million, while General Fund expenditures decreased by about $9.6 million. 6/21/2012 Prepared by: Clerk and Comptroller's Finance Department Page 1 of 1 E><EcunVE AOMINISTRATlON!l£GAL DIVISION FINANC E A CCOUNTING OtV1~ON ....JURY MANAGEMENT ApPEALS DIVISION GUARDIANSH IP ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CENTURY DM~ON CHILD SUPPORT HUMAN RESOURCES .JUVENILE DIVISION ERNIE LEE MAGAHA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT AND COMPTROLLER ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK TO THE BOARD COUNTY CIVIL COUNTY CRlMINAL MARRIAGE MENTAL HEALTH MANAG£MDlT INf'ORMATlOH SYSTEM!> OmCIAL RECORDS COURT DIVISION ONE STOP CrRCurr CIVIL OPERATIONAL SERVICES PROBATE DIVISION TRAme DIVSION TREASURY CIRCurr CRIMINAL DOMEsnC RELATIONS FAMILY LAw MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ernie Lee Magaha Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller - -.> By: = --P~ ,,- ~ Patricia L. Sheldon, CPA, CGFO, CPFO, CPFIM Administrator for Financial Services Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller c- n c: - G_, -, ' 1 ~~ . , June 21, 2012 I _ 1 ,CJ ,,", 0 .fl- , SUBJECT: N _T ; , ,w DATE: r' r-> -0 - . ~ -r,.., r n=J' , - -F. .. 1'...) ' ,- ' (..I ... . ~, - ~ , May 2012 Investment Report RECOMMENDATION: That the Board accepts, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Investment Report for the month ended May 31, 2012 as required by Ordinance 95-13. The total portfolio earnings for the month of May equaled $110,445. The short term portfolio achieved an average yield of .24%. This yield should be compared to the benchmark of the Standard & Poor's Government Investment Pool 30 Day index yielding .06%. The core portfolio achieved an average Yield to Maturity at Cost of 1.24% and should be compared to the benchmark of the Merrill Lynch 1- 5 Yr. Treasury Index yielding .19%. All investments included in the County's portfolio are in compliance with the County's Investment Policy. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at 595-4825 . PLSjCMjnac 22 I PAL6.FOX PL6.CE • SUITE 140 • PENSACOL6.. FL 32502-5843 (850) 595-4830 • FAX (850) 595-4823 • WWW.ESCAMBIACLERK.COM . - - r. -;-1 ... ~'~ • ' ''; ,. . '. ESCAMBIA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 May 31, 2012 . , ~ PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION Short Term Portfolio Sector Allocation SHORT TERM PORTFOLIO (Maturities < or Bank Accounts Money Market Accounts State Board of Administration U S Treasuries Federal AgencyDiscount Notes Certificates of Deposit Bank AccounlS CDs 14% 14% Fedl Agency Disc Notes 2 7% = to 1 Year): $ $ Total Short Term Portfolio Assets: US Treasuries 0% 27% SBA 18% Par Value 15,141,962 29,856,002 19,061,151 30,000,000 16,000,000 110,059,116 lI~hort Tenn Portfolio Yield: Benchmark S&P GIP Index 30 Da)': - - - $ $ Market Value 15,141,962 29,856,002 19,061,151 29,991,585 16,000,000 Percent 14% 27% 18% 0% 27% 14% 110,050,701 100% 0.24%]" YTD Earnings: 0.06%11 $137,741 Long Term Core Portfolio Sector Allocation 0% Comm Paper 30% US Treas Bond/Note 0% U S TBili LONG TERM CORE PORTFOLIO (Maturities> 1 Year) : US Treasury Bond/Notes $ US Treasury Bill Federal Agency Discount Notes Federal Agency Bond/Note Corporate Notes/Muni Bonds Commercial Paper Federated Govt Money Market Fund Total Managed CORE Assets: 53% Fed Agency BondfNote 0% Fed Agency Discos Par Value 30,730 ,000 Market Value 31,509,498 Percent 30% 52,875,000 17,275.000 30.325 54,917,626 17.654.092 30.325 0% 0% 53% 17% $100.910.325 $104.111 .542 100% CORE Portfolio Yield to Maturity at Cost : 1.24% CORE Portfolio Yield to Maturity at Market: Benchmark Merrill Lynch 1-3 Yr Treasury Index: Benchmark Merrill Lynch 1-5 Yr Treasury Index: 0.56% 0.04% 0.19% Total Portfolio: $ 210,969,441 Current Month Earnings: $ 110,445 Year to Date Earnings: $ 1,278,034 $ IYTD Earning s: $ 214,162,243 0% 0% $1 ,140,293 1 INVESTMENTS PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA May 31, 2012 Security Description BANK ACCOUNTS: BANK OF AMERICA (DEPOSITORy) BANK OF AMERICA (SHIP) BANK OF AMERICA (DDA) Purchase Date Maturity Date Interest or Coupon Rate Yield to Maturity 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% NA NA NA 0.25% 0.13% 0.30% STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION Acct #141071 TOTAL STATE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION 0.33% Markel Value 513112012 Book Value 513 112012 Actual Percentage Portfolio limit 14,333,813 728,816 79,333 14,333,813 728,816 79,333 14,333,813 728,8 16 79,333 15,141,962 15,141,962 15, 141 ,962 NA NA NA 24,747,204 102,493 5,006,304 29,856,002 24,747,204 102,493 5,006,304 29,856,002 24,747,204 102,493 5,006,304 29,856,002 27.13% 20.00% NA 19,061,151 19,061,151 19,061,151 19,061,151 19,06 1,151 19,061,151 17.32% 50.00% 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 4,997,735 4,999,260 9,996,995 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 TOTAL BANK ACCOUNT BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST (MONEY MKT) ACCOUNT SUNTRUST NOW (MONEY MKT) ACCOUNT SERVISFIRST (MONEY MKT) ACCOUNT TOTAL MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT Face Value Issuer Percentage Issuer limit 13.76% 4 .55% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 4,998,500 4,999,166 9,997,666 9.08% 25.00% 4,999,750 4,998,540 9,998,290 4,999,572 4,999,000 9,998,572 9.09% 25.00% 22.49% 0.09% FEDERAL INSTRUMENTALITIES : MSSB-FHLB MSSB-FHLMC TOTAL MSSB 12/1412011 12114120 11 CANTOR-FNMA CANTOR-FNMA TOTAL CANTOR 12114/2011 12/1412011 10/1512012 8/16/20 12 7/1612012 911 4/20 12 0.08% 0.08% 0.07% 007% 0 .08% 0.08% 0.07% 0.07% RBC-FNMA TOTAL RBC 1/5/2012 9/28/2012 0.08% 0.08% 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,998,350 4,998,350 4,998,678 4,998,678 4.54% 25.00% UBSPW-FHLMC 1/5/2012 1012/2012 0.10% 0 .10% 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,997,950 4,997,950 4,998,292 4,998,292 4.54% 25.00% 30,000,000 29,991 ,585 29,993,208 5,000,000 6,000,000 11 ,000,000 5,000,000 6000,000 11 ,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 11 ,000,000 10.00% 10.00% 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 4.54% 10.00% 16,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 14.54% 110,059,116 110,050,701 110,052,324 100.00% TOTAL FEDERAL INSTRUMENTALITIES 27.25% 100.00% CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS: COMPASS BANK COMPASS BANK TOTAL COMPASS BANK 07120111 9/16/2011 SERVISFIRST TOTAL SERVIS FIRST BANK 812512011 TOTAL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSITS TOTAL INVESTMENTS INTEREST RECEIVABLE AS OF: TOTAL EQUITY IN INVESTMENTS AS OF: 5131/2012 07/20/12 6/15/20 12 812412012 0.35% 0.35% 0.45% 0.35% 0.35% 0.45% 47,421 5/3112012 110,099,745 TOTAL LONG TERM CORE PORTFOLIO ASSETS AS OF: 5/3112012 102,888,810 TOTAL EQUITY IN INVESTMENTS AS OF : 513112012 212,988,555 See Above 20.00% ~ --- : ~- For the Month Ending May 31, 2012 Managed Account Issuer Summary ESCAMBIA COUNTY LONG TERM PORTFOLIO - 25000100 Issuer Summary Issuer BANK OF NEW YORK DEERE & COMPANY FANNIE MAE FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS FREDDIE MAC GENERAL ELECTRIC CO MCDONALD'S CORPORATION PROCTER & GAMBLE CO STATE OF MICHIGAN UNITED STATES TREASURY WAL-MART STORES INC Total ==========~--~~==~~==~===== Credit Quality (S8tP Ratings) Market Value of Holdin2s 2,007,174.00 2,515,244.94 22,651,586.29 3,536,185.84 6,730,413.68 21,999,440.60 3,951,187.50 1,101,588.40 3,011,370.00 1,071,096.00 31,509,498.21 3,996,431.25 $104,081,216.71 Percent 1.93 2.42 21.76 3.40 6.47 21.14 3.80 1.06 2.89 1.03 30.26 3.84 100.00% AA3.92% :J...:J.. _ A 3.48% A+ AA+ 86.83% -= = = PF~r ~ PFl\1 Asset Managenlent lle Account 25000100 Page 3
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