2013 residential masonry catalogue stones bricks Accessories CInCO brick range MARGAUX BEIGE Page 42 INTRODUCTION Reliability and innovation Continuing our tradition of excellence Permacon has been your trusted partner for more than 60 years. Through innovation and excellence, we have defined standards and created trends. The specialized know-how that we have earned over the years drives us to constantly improve our products and allows This year, once again, we offer you a wide range of superior products that will perfectly harmonize with your home and meet your highest expectations. Our tradition of excellence is also reflected in our concern for the environment and the many resources we share with you as you complete your project. Whether you are looking for inspiration, or getting ready to take action, we’re there for you each step of the way. us to help you carry out your dream projects. We are committed to constant innovation and to offering you the extraordinary and durable products that we are known for. This is what makes us your trusted partner. 3 Our commitment Satisfaction guaranteed Our commitment Aesthetics and quality Guidance and peace of mind For Permacon, aesthetics and quality go hand in hand. We offer you solid, durable materials that will blend in perfectly with your environment, adding a touch of elegance. Be inspired by our products that stand the test of time, both in terms of style and performance. Permacon can assist you in every step of your masonry project. Thanks to our personalized service, we can help you finish the job in complete confidence, just the way you want it. Our guarantee also ensures you peace of mind in your new environment. 1. The widest range of products on the market 1. 50 years of peace of mind Armed with our decades of experience and unparalleled masonry expertise, we create innovate products in the industry’s largest research and development centre in North America. Our wide range of products meets the highest expectations. Our reliable, long-lasting products come with a complete, 50-year warranty, which can be transferred if your home is sold and complies with the Consumer Protection Act. Permacon won’t let you down. 2. Build on strength 2. The strength of our network We want you to enjoy your impeccable masonry as long as possible. Our manufacturing process includes more stone than sand, which gives our materials a superior density. Our products offer life-long durability through all the seasons. Take advantage of our team’s strength. With fourteen plants in Ontario and Québec, and over two hundred specialized distributors in Eastern Canada, Permacon offers unequalled support. 3. Colours that last 3. Maintenance-free It takes time to carefully choose the colours that will enhance your outdoor environment, and you will be able to admire them for years. Our products retain their colours, thanks to our unique pigmentation process. Permacon knows that life is already full of little worries. Our products are durable, and require virtually no maintenance. Admire your masonry project with complete peace of mind. 4. Harmonize the whole look Permacon is known for creating perfectly balanced environments. Our landscaping and masonry products complement each other beautifully and expand your possibilities. Let your imagination run free... 4 lafitt stone range margaux beige Page 28 lafitt stone range margaux beige Page 28 2013 Collection Residential Masonry Inspirations08 Products27 Discover new looks and draw inspiration from the unique and innovative masonry projects presented in these pages. See the wide range of styles and possibilities offered by our products. LAFITT Stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 DUFFERIN stone/ DUFFERIN PLUS stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 LAMINA stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 URBANA stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 CINCO stone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CINCO brick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 MELVILLE brick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 CARDIFF accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 PLEASE NOTE: THE COLOURS OF THE PRODUCTS SHOWN IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE AS ACCURATE AS THE PHOTOGRAPHS ANd PRINTING PROCESS WILL ALLOW. THE COLOURS DEPEND ON NATURAL RAW MATERIALS THAT MAY CHANGE OVER TIME. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU MAKE YOUR FINAL COLOUR SELECTION BASED ON A current PRODUCT SAMPLE RATHER THAN ON THE PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWN HERE. SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 WARRANTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 EXPERTs SUGGESTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7 2013 Inspirations lafitt stone range margaux beige Page 28 9 2013 Inspirations melville brick range rameZay grey Page 43 cardiff accessories Chiselled FINISH quoin Page 44 11 lafitt stone range margaux beige Page 28 2013 Inspirations lafitt STONE range margaux beige with accent colour eaton grey Page 28 14 2013 Inspirations Lamina stone range margaux beige Page 36 melville brick Page 43 17 2013 Inspirations cinco brick range margaux beige Page 42 18 LAFITT stone range SINCLAIR grey ARTIS Page 28 LAFITT stone range SINCLAIR grey ARTIS Page 28 21 lafitt stone range margaux beige Page 28 2013 Inspirations cinco stone and brick range margaux beige Pages 40-42 cardiff accessories rocart finish quoin Page 44 25 melville brick range ramezay grey Page 43 Products This section contains our product range and valuable information to help you choose products and colours. These are the major steps in building a masonry project. 28 34 36 38 40 42 43 44 LAFITT stone DUFFERIN stone / DUFFERIN PLUS stone LAMINA stone URBANA stone CINCO stone CINCO brick MELVILLE brick CARDIFF accessories Lafitt® STONE Lafitt® Stone Lafitt stone will amaze you with the natural look of its subtle colour tones and texture that evokes —incredibly— stone carved by a stonemason. More than an aesthetic success, Lafitt stone is also a technical achievement that contributes tangibly to sustainable development through the minimal loss and waste during installation. COLOURS OF THE ARTIS TM ELEMENTAL COLOURS Range Chambord grey Range Margaux beige Range Amboise beige Range Dunlop beige range berkeley BROWN range newport GREY ACCENT COLOURS COLLECTION RANGE SINCLAIR GREY RANGE COVENTRY BEIGE BRISTOL RED EATON GREY Harmonized product: Range Newport grey Cinco Brick Harmonized product: Range Dunlop beige Cinco Brick Harmonized product: Range Berkeley brown Lafitt Stone Harmonized product: Range Chambord grey Lafitt Stone units A 3 1/2” x 4” x variable* 90 mm x 102 mm x variable* DUO COLOURS B 3 1/2” x 7” x variable* 90 mm x 178 mm x variable* C 3 1/2” x 11 1/2” x variable* 90 mm x 292 mm x variable* (Sold separately) * visit to know the dimensions of the lafitt stone. 28 Angled stone 3 1/2” x variable* x 16” 90 mm x variable* x 406 mm (Sold separately) Surround stone 4 1/2” x 8 1/2” x 7” 115 mm x 216 mm x 178 mm (Sold separately) Range Margaux beige & Range Chambord grey Range Margaux beige & Range Amboise beige Lafitt® STONE Range Margaux beige 29 Lafitt® STONE range Margaux beige and range amboise beige CHOICE OF JOINTS Half-recessed joints ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AND OPTIONS Concave joints angled stone –Eliminates a continuous vertical joint. –Improves the aesthetic of a 45° corner. –Improves the strength of a 45° corner. 30 Surround stone Substantial savings compared with other types of surrounds such as ornamental stones. Lafitt® STONE range amboise beige 31 Lafitt® STONE range CHAMBORD grey and range margaux beige with accent colour eaton grey 32 Lafitt® STONE range margaux beige with accent colour eaton grey 33 Dufferin® STONE / Dufferin® PLUS STONE dufferin stone range lennox grey Dufferin® Stone This classic and timeless stone seems imbued by history, recalling the unique appearance of old stone that served the first Canadian pioneers so well. Permacon’s special manufacturing process gives the stone a slightly embossed, antique finish. With its rounded contours, modular shapes, surround and angular stones, Dufferin stone offers exceptional versatility for interior and exterior architectural applications. This cladding confers an air of softness and warmth to your home. ELEMENTAL COLOURS Range Lennox grey Dufferin® Plus Stone This modular stone offers a fresh and contemporary approach to Dufferin stone. Due to our state of the art manufacturing process, Dufferin Plus stone has a cleaner contour and marked edges. ELEMENTAL COLOURS Range Lennox grey units A 3 1/2” x 3 1/2” x variable* 90 mm x 90 mm x variable* B 3 1/2” x 5 1/2” x variable* 90 mm x 140 mm x variable* C 3 1/2” x 9 1/2” x variable* 90 mm x 240 mm x variable* (Sold separately) Surround stone 4 1/2” x 7 1/2” x 5 1/2” 115 mm x 190 mm x 140 mm (Sold separately) * visit to know the dimensions of the dufferin STONE and dufferin plus stone. 34 Angled stone 4” x variable* x 13 1/2” 105 mm x variable* x 340 mm (Sold separately) Range Clermont beige Range Orleans grey Range Ramezay grey Dufferin® STONE / Dufferin® PLUS STONE dufferin stone range lennox grey 35 lamina® STONE RANGE Margaux beige Lamina® Stone The only thick masonry veneer that offers a stacked stone look. Lamina stone provides a distinct appearance that enhances your architectural design through its innovative texture. This multi-length stone offers a great deal of benefits thanks to its unique design. Its original texture and colour choices bring out the best in every project. Lamina stone may be used on your entire facade or just to accentuate certain architectural elements such as wall sections or skirting. It can also be combined with our existing product line to create a unique work of art. In 2013, Lamina stone colours are produced using the “Artis” technology, which enhances the natural look of the stone. COLOURS OF THE ARTIS NEW Range Amboise beige TM COLLECTION NEW Range Marella grey NEW Range Margaux beige UNITS A 3 1/2” x 3 3/4” x 7 3/4” 90 mm x 95.25 mm x 196.85 mm B 3 1/2” x 3 3/4” x 11 3/4” 90 mm x 95.25 mm x 298.45 mm C 3 1/2” x 3 3/4” x 15 3/4” 90 mm x 95.25 mm x 400.05 mm D 3 1/2” x 3 3/4” x 19 3/4” 90 mm x 95.25 mm x 501.65 mm Note: the lamina stone projects PRESENTED in this brochure were done with the previous version of colours. 36 lamina® STONE Range Margaux beige 37 urbana® STONE Range Laurentia grey (1) Urbana® Stone This modern product has the look of large stonework highly sought after in an urban setting. Its exclusive and innovative manufacturing process gives it the finished look of slate and an appearance reminiscent of natural stone. The process creates, in random fashion, three distinct types of textures with marked edges. The richness of its finish and earth tones, the purity of its clean contours and its modular shape gives Urbana stone an array of benefits and offers you many ways to give your home its very own style. Its durability and refined appearance will last throughout the years without looking outdated. ELEMENTAL COLOURS Range Laurentia grey Range Lennox grey Harmonized products: Range Orleans grey Melville brick UNITS A 3 1/2” x 4 1/4” x variable* 90 mm x 108 mm x variable* B 3 1/2” x 7 1/4” x variable* 90 mm x 184 mm x variable* C 3 1/2” x 12 1/4” x variable* 90 mm x 311 mm x variable* (Sold separately) * visit to know the dimensions of the urbana stone. 38 (1) This project also includes Urbana stone in range Batavia BEIGE (discontinued in 2012) urbana® STONE Range Laurentia grey (1) 39 cinco ® STONE range margaux beige Cinco® Stone Cinco stone is truly versatile, due to its five distinct colour options and a look that is part brick, part stone. With a double height and in five different lengths that are easy to mix and match, Cinco stone can also be used in design patterns with Cinco brick. Easy to use, Cinco stone perfectly complements the entire range of Permacon masonry and landscaping products. ELEMENTAL COLOURS – prestige NEW range margaux beige UNIT range amboise beige ELEMENTAL COLOURS – standard 3 1/2” x 7 23/32” x variable* 90 mm x 196 mm x variable* range lennox Grey * visit to know the dimensions of the cinco stone. 40 range CLERMONT beige Range newport grey cinco ® STONE range margaux beige 41 cinco ® BRICK range Margaux beige Cinco® Brick Is it brick or stone? Inspired by buildings constructed at the turn of the last century, Cinco brick was created in part to resemble stone. With its wide array of matched colours and lengths, Cinco brick creates the perfect accompaniment for Lafitt stone and Cinco stone. Cinco brick offers you a visual impact at an affordable price. Its unique height makes the installation similar to brick both in pattern and cost, while its choice of lengths and textures closely resemble stone. This product has everything you need to turn your imagination loose. ELEMENTAL COLOURS – standard Range Lennox grey Range Clermont beige ELEMENTAL COLOURS – PRESTIGE UNIT 3 1/2” x 3 5/8” x variable* 90 mm x 92 mm x variable* * visit to know the dimensions of the cinco brick. 42 Range Margaux beige Range Amboise beige Range Dunlop beige Range Chambord grey Range Marella grey Range berkeley brown Range newport grey Melville® BRICK RANGE RAMEZAY GREY Melville® Brick Melville brick is a classic brick designed to offer major cost benefits (materials and installation). Its special manufacturing process gives it a smooth finish and rounded edges (sharper edges for the Slik version). Offered in a larger size and available in a wide variety of earth tones, this versatile urban-style brick can be used alone or in combination with stone. Melville brick also coordinates perfectly with Permacon’s masonry and various other landscaping products. prestige colour prestige colours of the “slik” collection NEW Range Dunlop beige NEW Range Margaux beige* rockland BLACK* Range Lennox grey Range Ramezay grey standard colour Range terracotta UNITS A 3 9/16” x 3 1/8” x 10 1/8” 90 mm x 79 mm x 257 mm B 3 9/16” x 3 1/8” x 10 1/8”/ 8 3/8” 90 mm x 79 mm x 257 mm / 212 mm Range Orleans grey * These two colours are available in the Slik version of Melville brick, characterized by its sharper edges. 43 Cardiff® accessories CARDIFF ACCESSORIES ROCART FINISH LAFITT STONE range margaux beige Cardiff® Accessories This range of ornamental stones will enhance the exterior appearance of your home with a distinctive look similar to ornamental stones of days gone by. Such features as high density concrete and longer window sills makes for a durable and aesthetic material. Cardiff accessories also offer great flexibility for numerous applications. COLOUR AND FINISHES RocArt – Off white UNITS (Sold separately) Sill – RocArt 5 7/8” x 36” x 3 1/2” 150 mm x 914 mm x 90 mm (jamb and lintel) 44 Chiselled – Off white Keystone – RocArt 4 1/2” x 9 7/16” / 4 1/2” x 12 1/4” 115 mm x 240 mm / 115 mm x 310 mm Quoin – RocArt 3 1/2” x 23 1/4” x 12 1/4” 90 mm x 590 mm x 310 mm Sill – Chiselled 5 7/8” x 37 3/8” x 3 1/8” 150 mm x 948 mm x 79 mm (jamb and lintel) Keystone – Chiselled 3 1/2” x 7 7/8” / 5 7/8” x 10 1/4” 90 mm x 200 mm / 150 mm x 260 mm Quoin – Chiselled 3 1/2” x 23 3/8” x 11 1/2” 90 mm x 593 mm x 290 mm Jamb – Chiselled 5 1/2” x 23 3/8” x 3 1/2” 140 mm x 593 mm x 90 mm Cardiff® accessories MELVILLE BRICK RANGE RAMEZAY GREY CARDIFF ACCESSORIES CHISELLED FINISH QUOIN POSSIBILITIES – RocArt® finish Window or door surround POSSIBILITIES – Chiselled finish Window or door surround Corner detail & Lower wall Window or door surround Window or door surround Corner detail & Lower wall Note: The colours shown above are only to demonstrate the difference in texture among the stones. Only a physical sample will resemble the true colour of the product. 45 An indispensible source of information The Permacon website allows you to discover useful, practical information and navigate quickly between points of interest. 46 SUPPORT Selection Product selection assistant Showrooms Choose your colour Complete the questionnaire and we’ll recommend the right Permacon products for your masonry project. Visit a distributor and take advantage of welcoming showrooms brimming with information, tools and advice. Express your personality and create an environment that reflects your style. The colours of many of our masonry products combine beautifully with our landscaping products, allowing you to design a project in perfect harmony. Visit the DESIGN section. Visit the DISTRIBUTORS section. Visit the DESIGN section. Installation Technical guide Right from the planning stage, get explanations for the main steps involved in installing Permacon products as part of your masonry project. Visit the INSTALLATION section. Portfolio New for 2013 Consult our portfolio of over 600 exclusive photos, and find inspiration for the design of your future projects. We invite you to discover our new colours for 2013. They are the result of our efforts and our ongoing quest for innovation and desire to be at the leading edge of the latest trends. Visit the PORTFOLIO section. Visit our homepage. 47 Statement of warranty: Residential use Description of product The warranty applies to concrete masonry and landscaping products manufactured by Permacon Group, a division of Oldcastle Building Products Canada, Inc. (hereinafter “Permacon”) and intended for residential use only. Definition of warranty Permacon hereby guarantees that, on the date of delivery, its concrete products are free from manufacturing defect . In addition, all Permacon products meet or exceed the current applicable standards set by the CSA (Canadian Standards Association), ASTM (American Standards for Testing Materials) and the B.N.Q. (Bureau de Normalisation du Québec). Under the strict condition that the provisions stated hereinafter are complied with, Permacon guarantees the structural integrity of its concrete landscaping and masonry products, for a period of fifty (50) years from the date of purchase of the product. The warranty applies to normal, non abusive use of the work. It covers any abnormal deterioration of surfaces that may be caused by the use of sodium chloride (NaCl) for de-icing pavers, slabs, or steps. Warranty exclusion The warranty does not apply to spalling or other breakages caused by impacts, abrasions or over stressing. The warranty does not apply when deterioration results from design or installations not complying with applicable codes, standards and recognized work procedures. The warranty also does not apply to impacts by snow removal equipment deemed abusive. Therefore, the owner is responsible in protecting the snow removal equipment in order to minimize the potential impact to the concrete products. This warranty does not apply to any damage resulting from an act of God or other damage to concrete products that may result from deliberate act or negligence on the part of the customer, owner of the building, installer or any third party. Implementation of warranty To receive the certificate of warranty, the customer must duly complete the form available at the following address: and submit it in accordance with the stated instructions. In the event of a claim, the Customer must present the certificate of warranty issued by Permacon, together with valid proof of purchase, namely the invoice, delivery slips or Permacon product identification sticker from the pallet. Permacon will supply, free of charge, a new product in replacement of the defective one if necessary, following inspection of the product by Permacon or one of its representatives or agents. Installation expenses remain the responsibility of the Customer. Transferability The warranty is transferable to the current owner or to any subsequent owner of the building or the job, on condition that it is accompanied by a valid proof of purchase and certificate of warranty issued by Permacon. 48 Landscaping in perfect harmony 2013 landscape products catalogue Pavers slabs Walls and stePs curbs Total harmony begins by visualizing and planning your entire property. Once completed, your exterior landscaping will enhance your home and increase its value. Fortunately, all our stones and bricks match perfectly with our landscaping products. They provide endless ways to landscape your property with style and elegance, regardless of the look you want or the colours you like. Discover Permacon’s range of landscaping products. You’ll find everything you need to complete your dream project. For more information, call at 1-888-PERMACON and ask for our latest brochure of landscaping products. 49 Experts suggestions for a harmonious landscape Masonry Lafitt Stone Dufferin Stone / Dufferin Plus Stone Urbana Stone Lamina Stone Cinco Stone / Cinco Brick Melville Brick 50 Walls Pavers and Slabs Lafitt Tandem 90 and 180 Wall Amalfi pavers Mondrian 80 pavers / Mondrian 50 and 60 Slabs LEXA SLABS / lexa PAVERS Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Mega-Arbel pavers Celtik wall bergerac domino pavers Bergerac Plus Pavers / Mega-Bergerac Plus Pavers Paleo plus pavers / Paleo Modular pavers Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Mega-Arbel pavers Lafitt Tandem 90 and 180 Wall Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Mondrian 80 pavers / Mondrian 50 and 60 Slabs lexa Slabs / lexa pavers Mega-Arbel pavers Paleo plus pavers / Paleo Modular pavers esplanade tANDEM wall lexa Slabs / lexa pavers Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Amalfi Pavers Mondrian 80 pavers / Mondrian 50 and 60 Slabs Vendome Pavers Lafitt Tandem 90 and 180 Wall Amalfi Pavers Mondrian 80 pavers / Mondrian 50 and 60 Slabs lexa Slabs / lexa pavers Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Vendome Pavers Celtik wall Mondrian 80 pavers / Mondrian 50 and 60 Slabs Bergerac Domino pavers Trafalgar Pavers / Mega-Trafalgar Pavers Bergerac Plus Pavers / Mega-Bergerac Plus Pavers Vendome Pavers Note: The following recommendations are not exhaustive. They constitute possibilities of layout, which present similarities of textures, colours, scales and laying patterns. Other combinations are possible. Do not hesitate to talk about them, when the time comes, to a professional landscape designer. 51 1-888-permacon To discover more, download our free 2013 electronic catalogue available for iPad and Android logo FSC de l’imprimeur ENG
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