NRR June 2012 - Northern Rockies Rider


NRR June 2012 - Northern Rockies Rider
Serving Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, British Columbia and Alberta
“Your Northern Rocky Mountain Riding Authority”
Take one home!
Northern Rockies Rider
Volume 1, Number 3 • June, 2012 • A Continental Communications Publication • [email protected] • 406-498-3250
Drag racer Andie Gaskins turning pro
By Dottie Rankin
Special to Northern Rockies Rider
How does a petite woman who
was born in Gettysburg, So. Dak., on
Christmas Eve grow up to be a drag
Not just any old drag racer, mind
you, but a motorcycle racer who has
competed in the Sturgis drag circuit,
finished second in overall points her
first year, and followed that with a
points championship in 2009.
She also competed in the All Harley
Drag Racing Association during the
Sturgis Rally, qualifying in the number
one spot in the Super Eliminator class
in 2009, and then qualifying in the
number one spot and winning the Super
Sport class in 2010.
Well, sit back and grab a cup o’ joe.
I have a story for you.
Andie moved to Gillette, Wyo., with
Andie Gaskins’ newest pro drag bike. Love that colorful livery!
her mom and dad, David and Pauline
Paxton, and sister, Bridget, in the early
tying. Should this really surprise us?
attitude changed when their son, Jared,
1980s. Although her dad has since
Rodeo to drag racing isn’t really such
was born.
passed, she, her mom and her sister still a stretch: power, acceleration, speed,
Although being pregnant with
live in Gillette. She was introduced to
skill, finesse ... and danger.
Jared was a happy occasion, it was
drag racing in Douglas, Wyo., by her
Andie’s dad worked at Bruce’s Auto bittersweet for Andie because her “best
dad (whom she referred to as her “best
Repair with Jeremy Gaskins. Andie and friend” – her father – passed away
Jeremy dated when she was a senior
during her pregnancy.
Always an adventurous spirit, Andie in high school. She wanted to be a
Andie says that when one gift was
was active in high school rodeos,
career woman and didn’t want strings
taken from her, God blessed her with
participating in barrel racing, pole
attached. However, as often happens
another. And although he is gone,
bending and her favorite sport, goat
with major life changes, Andie’s
Andie remembers her dad’s words of
wisdom every day. As most of us learn
later rather than sooner, she says that
his words make more sense to her as
she matures.
Andie says she has been blessed
with special men in her life. She
and her husband, Jeremy, (who she
describes as her soul mate) have been
married 12 years. They have a son,
Jared, 12, and a daughter, Victoria, who
See Andie Gaskins, Page 2
Bigger and better...
2nd Annual SMEG
Motorcycle Show
Vintage and perfect Indian Chief was entered in the S.M.E.G. show.
Change service requested: 914 Holmes Ave., Butte, MT 59701
Permit No. 93
Livingston, MT
As vendors were loading in for the 2nd Serious Motorcycle
Enthusiasts Group (S.M.E.G.) show at the Fairgrounds in
Kalispell, so were attendees who arrived well before the doors
opened at 11 a.m.
Eventually show staff had to shoo the early birds back
outdoors to let vendors finish their displays. Thus there was a
crowd waiting to get in when the show officially opened at its
announced time.
Three days before the show, Steve Kelley, the driving force
at S.M.E.G., happily announced the show had been moved
from the fairgrounds’ Expo Center where it had been staged
in 2011, to the much more spacious Trade Center building,
despite all the new wrinkles added to the mix by the venue
“This is the building we’ll want for 2013,” he said,
confirming the 2012 show had met and exceeded organizers’
See SMEG Show, Page 3
Let’s Get Nuts
in Clinton,
Route Review Riding The
Page 8
Page 18
Northern Rockies Rider - 2
June 2012
Andie Gaskins
from page 1
Andie’s words: Launching a missile
I am next in line. My leathers are zipped,
helmet is on and sunglasses are in place. I take
a deep breath and then slowly exhale.
I put on my right glove and neatly line up the
velcro. Left glove on, and again neatly line up the
closure. Finally, I hook the kill-switch tether from
the bike to my leathers and nod to my husbandcrew chief that I am ready.
Jeremy acknowledges that we are up, accepts
my nod, and together we start my bike. It sounds
like a string of M-80s going off.
I walk my bike to the water pit and get lined
up. Jeremy guides me through the water, makes
sure I am in third gear, and nods.
I reach for the front brake and squeeze it hard,
drop the clutch and hammer the throttle, lighting
up the fat slick for a nice smoky burnout.
He nods. I pull out of the water and find first
gear. I drive to the start line, find my target and
mentally prepare for the “go.”
When everything is perfect, Jeremy pats me
on the back. I make sure my opponent is ready
and I take one more deep breath in and out, then
close the shield on my helmet.
My surroundings disappear at this same
moment. The once-loud PA is now silent. Nothing
exists except me and my opponent. Pure focus.
I find the pre-stage light. So does my
opponent. I find the stage light.
Clutch in, wide open throttle. One amber, two
amber, three amber ... Go!
I drop the clutch. Wham! Boom! Come on
baby! Straight, smooth and perfect!
I bang into second gear! Come on, he’s
moving fast over there! I hit third, throttle pinned!
Like a cowgirl spurring and whipping her
horse, I rip past the finish line and pull in the
A quick 5.77-second, 123 MPH eighth-mile
pass! What a rush!
I wait for Jeremy to come push me back to the
pits so we can do it again!
is eight.
In 2007 Jeremy and Andie decided to purchase a
motorcycle. Not having much experience with the
two wheel mode of transportation, Andie had more
than a few doubts. However, rather than sit home
while her husband was out riding, she hopped on the
back and traveled with him.
Andie says her husband told her one day not long
after that, “You are just not the type of woman to be
happy on the back of a motorcycle” and she needed
one of her own. Two months later Jeremy convinced
Andie to accompany him to Deluxe Harley Davidson
in Gillette where, unbeknownst to her, he had ordered
the 2007 Street Bob Special for her.
She says it was love at first sight! The moment she
sat on the Street Bob, she recalls, something snapped
in her and she bonded powerfully with the bike she
calls “Sunshine.”
Andie says that she and Sunshine will never part
“Ride hard or go home”
and that the bike will even serve as her tombstone.
Her bike was named after the Rob Zombie
song, “Sunshine,” she explains. “She was my
first motorcycle and my first race bike! It only
made sense for her to be the heart of our race
team,” she says.
“Sunshine” the bike also inspired the team
logo which uses a graphic of a sun.
On a ride home from Rapid City, So. Dak.,
shortly after she acquired the Street Bob,
Jeremy told Andie that she was going to have
to pick up her speed and go faster or their
children’s daycare would close before they got
back to Gillette.
That was all it took: Andie got a taste of
speed and it was a done deal. Her love for
Andie Gaskins warms the tire on an earlier race bike.
racing was born.
She smiles as she says it is all her
family babysitter, Lindsey Pierce, who Jeremy and
husband’s fault that she races.
Andy testify is wonderful with the kids and that she
Andie says that shortly after a trip to Red
has earned their trust. This is important since Jared
Lodge, Mont., in 2007, at the Iron Horse
has Type I diabetes and uses an insulin pump to
Rally, she was talking with a guy from Gillette
who drag races cars in Sturgis. He mentioned Andie gathering her thoughts prior to staging her V-Rod-based control his disease.
race bike.
The day Jared was diagnosed, his physician told
there was a bike class.
the family that they would deal with this the rest of
A few phone calls later, she started
Make no mistake about it, this is no one-woman
their lives and the disease would control their lives.
modifying her bike to be able to race with the All
show. Everything Andie does is with family
Andie says they didn’t accept that attitude then
Harley Drag Racing Association during the Sturgis
considerations in mind, she says. For this tiny racing
Rally. She spent the winter months getting prepared,
lady, nothing comes before family, she adds. She says and they still don’t. In typical Gaskins fashion,
they say they have educated themselves and have
and in May of 2008 Andie started drag racing
she is thankful for the solid support of her husband,
established a balance for their child and his illness
Jeremy. In her words, “Thank God he is always on
with a full, pro-active, healthy lifestyle.
In addition to the drag racing, Andie does “burn
Andie says the diabetes is just another of the
out” exhibitions at selected venues, such as at Shot
JAG Drag Racing is a family-owned and -operated
challenge they have met, some in racing, some in
Gun Willy’s out of Rapid City and who also sponsors venture in every sense of the word. Jeremy is the
other areas of their lives, “but all those obstacles have
her, and the famous Buffalo Chip Campground in
team crew chief, Andie races the motorcycles. Son
prepared us for success.”
Jared races
Andie and Jeremy are active in their
She has been recognized in the pages of the
Junior Dragsters
and one of their favorite
American Bagger magazine for her drag racing.
and daughter
pastimes is the Gillette Harley Owners
Andie calls the American Bagger coverage her
Victoria is the
Group (H.O.G). They say they consider
“nameless” debut as they included her photo but not
“pit boss” who,
the Gillette H.O.G. another part of
her identity or any personal information about her at
in her mom’s
their extended family. Andie says, “The
words, “keeps
one thing we all have in common is
Andie is currently working to finish qualifying for everything
motorcycles, and because of that, the
her Professional License which will allow her to run
unorganized in
members of the club understand me
the professional drag circuit. She has also attended
the camper.”
when no one else does.” She says she
Frank Hawley’s Pro Stock Motorcycle Drag Racing
The age limit to
doesn’t even have to say anything for
School, which is fitting since Andie and Jeremy
race is eight so
the group to understand her.
bought a Pro Stock motorcycle this year and hope to
this is the first
Regular H.O.G. meetings and Ladies
have a campaign debut soon.
year Victoria
of Harley are an ongoing part of their
She says her dream is to go pro and she hopes to
will be entering
lives that they say they always look
make that happen quickly.
the racing field.
forward to. Andie admits there is not a
But there is a wrinkle in that dream: sponsorships.
lot of time for the group during racing
The Gaskins know how to race and win, but there
however, is
Daughter Tory will start racing this year, son Jared season, but she says they take advantage
is a business side to that equation when you go pro.
only part of
of the winter months to catch up.
Now their challenge is to find sponsors who need and what makes this is a jaded veteran.
When asked how they balance such a full life,
desire exposure at these race events.
family whole. They own Jeremy’s Auto in Gillette.
Andie says without hesitation, “You know what? It
Current sponsors have been very helpful, Andie
Andie has a degree in accounting. She works with
all comes back to the motorcycle. After we get back
says, but in the big leagues you need big dollars to be her husband at Jeremy’s Auto and is proficient as
from riding we feel like new people. A little bike time
a real contender as expenses rise exponentially. They
a mechanic. She routinely works on trucks (even
can cure many ills.”
say they are willing to talk to anyone who would like the monsters from the nearby coal mines!) and says
And now you know the story of how a petite but
to participate in furthering the venture. To contact
Jeremy taught her everything she knows.
Christmas Eve baby from South
JAG Racing, call 307-680-0617, or email them at
Jared and Victoria are busy school kids. They
Dakota came to be a motorcycle drag racer.
<[email protected]>.
share a special relationship with their extended-
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 3
from page 1
May 19 weather was cool in the morning,
warming toward 70F degrees by mid-afternoon. The
decent weather didn’t keep area riders all out on the
highways, as close to 1,000 of them made their way
to show during the nine-hour event.
Area motorcycle shops and dealers, powder
coaters, custom painters, tour operators, motorcycle
clubs, touring map and book vendors, accessorizers,
restorers and many more were in attendance.
Dozens of very cool custom bikes were entered
in the various show categories and a half-dozen took
home unique and beautiful trophies.
Kelley said he was told over and over by
attendees that the second annual show substantially
exceeded the first in terms of displays, bikes,
Vendors of all major brands were on hand including Victory.
entertainment, food and activities.
annual show,” Kelley said. “We hope and expect to
to acknowledge his co-promoters, Bob and Bobby
“We feel pretty good and are already taking
(Bob’s son) Lincoln who own several hospitality
comments into account as we begin planning the third make these events better year-after-year.”
According to Kelley, “S.M.E.G is all
businesses in the Kalispell area, and Apollo Guisto,
about bringing together the many separate
Kelley’s stepson.
entities in the motorcycle community.
For more information on next year’s show,
Everyone who rides shares the same
contact Steve Kelley at 406-857-3119 or e-mail him
passion, no matter what the preferred type
at <[email protected]>. The web site is <www.
of riding.>.
Kalispell is situated at the north
end of gorgeous Flathead Lake and
is near the west entrance to Glacier
National Park. The area features
some of the finest motorcycle
touring routes in the nation.
The 2012 S.M.E.G. show,
as Kelley put it, had “more of
everything”: more classes for the
fabulous custom motorcycles and
cool classic bikes; more brand new
2012 models from local retailers, a
swap meet, riding apparel fashion
show, two live bands, a bar, a halfdozen food vendors, bike rodeo and
activities, plus displays from aftermarket goods and services vendors.
Fun and games at the biker rodeo: participant zeros in on mayoKids were allowed in free while
slathered wienie.
adults paid a $10
entrance fee.
There was free
Beautiful restoration of a near 40-year-old BSA.
general parking
plus VIP parking
privileges for those
who arrive on bikes,
Kelley said.
“Our group will
promote events
that are not only
biker-specific,” he
said, “but focus on
all the aspects of a
motorcycling lifestyle
that are enjoyable
for everyone, such as
loyalty, camaraderie,
travel, family, sport
and social causes, in
hopes to enlighten
the general public
about the motorcycle
This vintage 1948 Harley restoration had spectators drooling. First year for the community.”
The folks who could do fine customization were represented.
Panhead engine, last year for the Springer frame, it was for sale ... for $45,000.
Kelley wanted
NR Rider available electronically as a PDF
Northern Rockies Rider Editor and Publisher
Cole Boehler announced recently the regional
motorcycle enthusiasts’ publication is now
available electronically as an e-mailed PDF file.
The file will be a compressed Zip and is
low-resolution to keep file size down, but it will
display and view fine on your computer screen
and will even print acceptably.
“Since we save on printing expense and
postage, we can pass some savings along to
our subscribers, too,” Boehler said. “Regularly,
a subscription to the nine-times-annual printed
product is $20. We can reduce the electronic
subscription price to just ten bucks.”
Readers who would like an electronic
version should simply send an e-mail to
<[email protected]> requesting an electronic
subscription. Electronic editions will be available
about five days before the printed version,
Boehler added.
NR Rider is
not currently
set up to accept
subscriptions with
PayPal or credit cards,
so just send a check
or money order to:
Northern Rockies
Rider, 914 Holmes
Ave., Butte, MT 59701
Northern Rockies Rider - 4
No matter the economy
June 2012
We can never
slack off on
customer service
By Cole Boehler
Northern Rockies Rider Publisher
We are old enough to have experienced a
couple of major regional economic booms and
The first was in the late 1970s and early
1980s in eastern Montana and western North
Dakota. Oil prices had spiked to $44 per
barrel and a modern gold rush was on. When
crude dropped back to $14 per barrel, the bust
Beginning in the late 1990s, western
Montana saw a similar boom in immigration,
development and construction. That fizzled and
crashed in 2008.
These booms and busts distort typical
economic conditions beyond recognition. With
extremely high demands and low supplies
of commodities such as housing, prices sky
rocket, which is tough on locals working
traditional jobs with traditional pay scales.
The job market becomes incredibly skewed
as well, as there are too many jobs and not
enough workers to fill them. This is the current
case in the Williston Basin as horizontal drilling
and hydraulic fracturing have the Bakken
Formation yielding up its black treasures in
heretofore unimagined quantities.
Available housing is non-existent, any willing
worker can have a job and wages are $25 an
hour and up. Those running non-oilfield small
businesses such as retail outlets, can’t find
quality help (and can’t offer oilfield-competitive
wages) so often settle for poor help.
If the worker is practically worthless and the
employer kicks their butt out the door, no sweat
– there’s another easily had job just down the
You can imagine the impact of this kind of
thing on customer service.
In our experience, where the economy is
booming or even extremely robust – where jobs
are plentiful and wages high – customer service
generally becomes awful in very short order.
The service rep, clerk or waiter knows the
boss is very hard up for workers. They also
know if they treat customers like crap and
ultimately get canned, they can have another
job in 24 hours so, no big deal!
Of course the small business owner abhors
these circumstances and conditions but may
not have any good options. Keep the poor
employees with their bad attitudes toward their
jobs and customers, or have no employees at
Let me tell you, when the boom goes bust,
things change fast! Customers are once more
valued and treated with respect. If not, the
spider weaves his web across that door.
We live in Butte, Montana, an old copper
mining town where nothing has been easy
since a general decline in copper mining began
in early 1900s. We would say the motorcycle
shops here haven’t had it easy either; they
have to work hard to keep customers happy,
make sales, and keep the doors open. And they
We have been in other dealerships, however,
in areas with extremely robust economies
where businesses can succeed without really
trying, and customer service is lousy.
One major Montana town saw it’s population
double from 1990 to 2008. Guess what? A
applying even more emphasis to this most
major franchised dealer went out of business
important aspect of business, and their efforts
there in 2011. They had been behaving for
are paying off.
years as though, if a customer didn’t like it, they
Consumers have long memories. Treat us
could go elsewhere because another customer
like dung once and you will have to go a long,
was in line right behind you. Indifference toward long way before we darken your door again.
customers is an understatement.
The old adage is true: an unhappy customer
A year later a new dealer with the same
will tell nine other people about their negative
franchise has opened. Let us tell you, these
experience; a happy customer will only tell one
guys are hungry! It is clear they give a damn
other person about their positive experience.
about customers and the long-term future of
Smart, experienced business owners –
their own prosperity.
especially perhaps motorcycle dealers ­– know
Just before Christmas we visited another
business fortunes can be cyclic. There are
major dealership in another town that had had
good times and bad, even very good times and
a robust economy. But the economy there
very bad times. But they’ve been through the
had abruptly and severely turned downward.
cycles more than once and they know what it
Yet the staff behaved as though they were
takes to survive and prosper.
still operating in the good old times. We
And that is a never-ending quest to always
wandered the store looking at bikes, apparel
provide stellar customer service.
and accessories for 20 minutes and were never
These are the businesses consumers vote
approached by anyone! Inexcusable.
for with their patronage. Consumers also vote
Well, the store was in some financial distress against businesses, and should if the business
and was recently sold to new owners, probably
doesn’t deserve our support.
at a bargain basement price. I wonder why.
We believe we are fortunate in having so
In the May edition of Northern Rockies Rider many conscientious motorcycle dealers in our
we talked to representatives of seven different
region. They will keep getting our consumer
motorcycle dealerships in Washington, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming,
British Columbia and
They all said times
in the motorcycle
Published “Almost Monthly” (nine times annually) - Feb., April-Oct., Dec.
industry were perhaps
the best ever in the
A Continental Communications Publication
middle of the previous
914 Holmes Ave., Butte, MT 59701
decade, but that they
406-498-3250 • <[email protected]>
all hit a major slump (site not yet live)
in 2008 that continued
Editor and Publisher - Cole D. Boehler • <[email protected]>
through 2009 and
and Sales Manager - Dani M. Rollison <[email protected]>
2010. They also
correspondent - Dottie Rankin <[email protected]>
reported things have
Graphic Design - Rocky Mountain Inspired - Joel Martens
been turning around to
P.O. Box 1851, Livingston, MT 59047
one degree or another
361-571-0811 • <[email protected]>
since 2011, and that
they were unanimously
Printing - Livingston Enterprise
optimistic about 2012
P.O. Box 2000, Livingston, MT 59047
and beyond.
If you would like direct home mail delivery, send your name, mailing address,
In talking to these
telephone number, e-mail address and $20 to Northern Rockies Rider,
businessmen, several
914 Holmes Ave., Butte, MT 59701, or contact us at <[email protected]>
things were clear: they
Back issues are available for $5.
had never forgotten
Postmaster: Please send address change requests to Northern Rockies Rider,
about the value of
914 Holmes Ave., Butte, MT 59701.
excellent customer
All rights reserved by the publisher
service, they are today
Northern Rockies Rider
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 5
Let’s do it before the nannies say we can’t
By Cole Boehler
Editor and Publisher
Northern Rockies Rider
zealots mostly have bigger fish to
on the seat in front of me and he’d
fry than to focus on motorcycles.
hang onto the cross-brace of the
My fear is they will win their battles
handlebars. I’d then wrap a tarp
­– tobacco, alcohol, transfats,
strap around his belly and hook it
As avid motorcycle riders, the
carbon dioxide, firearms and much
into my belt loops.
last thing we want or need are the
more – then will eventually get
Away we’d go, cruising along at
social nannies further intruding in
around to laying their crosshairs on five, 10 ... maybe even 15(!) miles
our lives.
per hour, putting along the gravel
with its almost non-existent traffic.
one of the
they will
Heck, once in awhile for real thrills,
nice things
wage national we’d motor in first gear around the
Cole Boehler
about living
grass and trees of my five acres.
in Montana:
(they are
Appalling indeed!
Northern Rockies Rider
most of us
doing so
What would happen today if I
still cleave
in some
were to take my then-five-yearto the oldlocalities) for
old son for a ride on the Interstate
west notion
highway? That’s what I did back in
that folks
1989. And, yes, he rode pillion, no
should mind their own business
restrictions on aftermarket
tarp strap. We went 65 miles.
and, in return, I’ll keep my nose out accessories and customization,
He didn’t necessarily enjoy
of theirs.
mandatory helmets, restrictions
leaning it over in the turns, but
We gained tens of thousands of
on where bikes can be ridden
a corndog at a C-store mid-way
new residents from 1995 to 2008,
­– off pavement and on. They are
brought his attitude around quickly.
most of them fleeing from the urban comfortable regulating away any
He rode behind me over the
centers seeking “quality of life”
activity of which they disapprove.
Beartooth Highway in about 1995
and some measure of increased
I was thinking about all this while when he was 10. My brother and
reminiscing about how much more
brother-in-law had their boys along,
Curiously, many of the
freedom we enjoyed as youths
newcomers then were
growing up, for me from the late
Most of my friends who ride, and
flabbergasted to find Montana was
1950s to the early 1970s.
who have children, took their kids
not like LA and set about to change
And I was thinking about the
for rides when the kids were young.
things, to “civilize” us, to make us
freedom we had to make decisions
Most of those kids developed a love
conform to their notion of what is
regarding the rearing of our own
of the sport and ride themselves
right and proper.
children. (I
today. It’s
More regulation and restricted
how we will
Let’s endeavor to
freedoms seemed to be their quest. spanking –
involve youth in riding, to perpetuate
They saw no problem with more
open palm
environmental laws shutting down
on fleshy
To introduce
teach them the principles,
logging and mining, more laws
butt – is now
your child to
to respect it, fight for it.
restricting development (which
this lifestyle
their moving here caused), more
criminal child
we love – or
laws regulating how we engaged in abuse. I will admit it here: by that
to not introduce them to it – is a
transporting ourselves and families
definition, my child was abused.)
weighty decision and one of the
from here to there, more driving
Those who’ve campaigned to
most difficult I made as a parent.
restrictions on youth, mandatory
make honest spanking a criminal
It can be gut wrenching to watch
seatbelt use and on and on.
offense would be appalled to know
your 16-year-old negotiate technical
These “omnipotent moral
that when my son was two or three, turns on a steep mountain pass,
busybodies,” as author C.S. Lewis
I used to put him on my motorcycle
either in front of you or in your
referred to them, tend to despise
and take him for a ride. Such
mirrors. You’ll know the most grave
motorcycles. I think they resent the
behavior today, while not “abuse,”
parental fears: “What have I done?
personal freedom we riders find,
would certainly constitute criminal
What will I do if there’s an accident?
and I think they are disturbed that
neglect or negligence in the eyes of How could I live if...”
anyone is willing to take risks in the all the Mary Poppins regulators.
Powerful emotions...
pursuit of fun and pleasure, since
See, I had an old SL 350 Honda
Maybe even more powerful is the
they deny themselves any such risk at the time and we lived in a rural
joy, the pride and the admiration,
or enjoyment out of meekness and
subdivision with nicely groomed
you feel when you watch that
gravel roads that looped about and
youth on a 100 horsepower sport
So far the safety and health
around a small lake. I’d put Scott
bike handily strafing the turns on a
Stop by on your way to Sturgis!
Yogo Inn
Travel’n Bike Show
and Mini-Rally
July 30th - Aug. 4th, 2012
• Daily Bike Show @ 5 PM
• Prize for Bike of the Day
• Refreshments & Live Music
On MT 200, Smack Dab in the center of Montana
416 Miles to Sturgis, Perfect for last day’s run!
Vendors Wanted - No Charge for Space
Lewistown, MT
Call Chuck
I’m a hunter and hunting is one
of those sports (or subsistence
activities for some) that is under
attack by those who believe they
are superior to such “barbarism.”
Hunting groups have long
understood that the only way to
protect this ancient and pleasurable
(and often gastronomically
rewarding) activity is to make sure
it is a true legacy, handed down
through generations, surrounded by
lore and respectful practices.
Hunters understand the
sport’s future is in the hands of
the following generations, the
youth. They have instituted many
programs that endeavor to aid
and encourage youth in becoming
involved in the sport, learning to
practice proper principles well,
learning to love it, respect it and
fight to protect it and its future.
As motorcyclists, let’s take a
page from the hunting enthusiast
book. Let’s endeavor to involve
youth in riding, to teach them the
principles, to respect it, fight for it.
It begins with taking your kid for
a ride.
Do it before someone tells you
that you can’t.
– Ride hard, ride free, ride well,
ride safe.
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Northern Rockies Rider - 6
June 2012
Butte Lov
Things I have learned
Last summer, after not riding since roads and a full bladder are no fun
I was in grade school (more years
and danged uncomfortable
than I care to mention), I bought
It’s not just transportation. Riding
my first
motorcycles is
fun, a hobby,
a Harleya lifestyle, a
Dottie Rankin
Money tends
Gillette, Wyo.
to disappear fast
Guest Column
I have
when shopping
put almost
for the new bike. If
5,000 miles
you don’t believe
on it since
me just ask my
June 2011 and learned more than
husband about the price of bike bling.
a few lessons, with more to come, I
Parking lots are good places to
am positive.
practice those stupid U-turns the DOT
I would like to offer these
insists you need to know how to do.
observations for the consideration of
People carry dumb stuff in the back
Northern Rockies Rider readers.
of their pickup trucks and it inevitably
Growing up on a farm in Nebraska, blows out when I am following them.
I had ample opportunity to ride a dirt
Dress for the crash, not beach
bike and I took full advantage of it.
or an elegant night out on the town.
But having given up riding while
Hope for the best and prepare for the
I raised my family, nothing could
worst. Flip flops, shorts and a bike
prepare me for the lessons I was
just don’t work for me.
about to learn when I got off the back
Rain gear is a must-have but you
of Hubby’s bike last June and into the have to put it on for it to do any good.
saddle of my own Softail Classic.
It rained so hard on us but our rain
These observations are in no
gear was in our saddle bags... Don’t
particular order and although some
even ask.
caught me totally by surprise, I have
Wild turkeys and deer travel in
no doubt those of you who have been suicidal packs. There is one town
riding awhile will nod and say, “Yeah.” near here where the turkeys are the
Although I experienced all these
majority population, and they use the
things in my first year of riding, to be
highway more than the local residents
totally honest and transparent here, I
do, I swear.
had heard some of these things first
There are always people watching
from other riders and had my own
lame attempts to park the dang bike.
occasion to say, “Oh wow ... yeah.”
It helps to have your own personal
cheering section when learning to
Important Things I Learned My
park. It does not help when people
First Summer Riding
(Hubby, who shall remain nameless)
Look where you want to go. The
is standing behind your bike pushing
motorcycle tends to go where you
it forward when you are trying to push
are looking so keep your eyes on
it backward.
the road. I learned this the hard way.
Bees can sting you when they
Look long enough at what is off the
slam into you at a high rate of speed.
side of the
At least they have the
road and you
decency to die after
end up there.
they sting you.
Get your key out
scenery makes
of your jeans pocket
it hard to keep
before putting on
your eyes
chaps, jacket and
on the road.
Most recent
Get over your hair,
example: The
nothing works.
Badlands; hard
When getting
to concentrate
gas, make sure the
Dottie Rankin, an almost newbie from
on anything but
kickstand is really
Gillette, Wyo.
their grandeur.
Fattening but
you are invisible, because to a lot of
delicious food is the only food you can
cagers you are. You might as well
eat when traveling on motorcycles.
be under an invisible cloak. They
Sand and gravel are evil works of
simply do not see you. Scary but true, the Devil, though I am learning how to
especially at intersections.
handle both these impediments to a
Ride your own ride. Never try to
leisurely ride.
keep up if it means riding over your
When pulling in to get gas while
skill level. This proved to be one of
following Hubby, it is absolutely
the most important things I had to
mandatory that he do twenty five
learn and stand firm on. Sometimes it twirlies around the parking lot before
isn’t easy.
landing in front of the gas pump so
Inclines are a bitch to handle when you learn to do U-turns for the pesky
motorcycle drivers endorsement. I
If it looks slippery, it probably is.
looked pretty stupid following him until
Learn to swerve. The bike will
I saw the evil grin on his face.
follow your eyes, so look at the way
Four wheels move the body, two
around, not at the dead skunk you are wheels move the soul.
trying to avoid.
And that, in a nutshell, was my first
Potty before you leave. Bumpy
summer on my bike.
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I was hanging with a couple of
take over the world? What the hell are
chums outside our local pub one
you smoking?” ribbed Bucky.
summer afternoon when my buddy
“What about that couple?” I asked,
Scoops blurted out, “Look at that!”
spying a middle-aged pair obviously
followed by his
long married,
insane laugh.
A portly old
fellow was
walking his portly
Steve “Big Daddy” Kelley
little dog down
Guest Columnist
the street.
“It’s true” he
said, “dogs do
look like their
“Big old
’Wing, hot
We chuckled in agreement and
tub model,” he roared, choking with
recalled similar parings we had seen.
laughter. We chimed in, “...with a
I speculated, “What if bikes looked
trailer and a little foo-foo dog on top.”
like their owners?” which prompted a
Down the sidewalk bounced a
couple of young dudes sporting more
Scoops said, “Okay, if you saw
ink than the daily news, skewered by
me for the first time, what would you
body bling and wearing baggies and
guess I ride?”
“Ice-T” rapper garb.
“A screwed up old piece of crap,”
I pipe, “Crotch rocket!”
our other mate, Bucky, interjected.
“Yeah,” said Scoops, “‘The Busa
“Bite me,” Scoops retorted. “At
Brothers, Wheelie and Stoppie.”
least it ain’t a parade float like yours,”
“What keeps those pants up?”
followed by more guffaws.
Bucky wondered.
After things settled down we
“Same thing that keeps yours up,”
decided there was possibly some
quipped Scoops, “blind faith.” We all
truth in the theory, which made for an
laughed like crows on a power line.
afternoon of cheap entertainment for
The afternoon rolled on with one
our trio of geezers. We proceeded
crack following another, until we had
to play a warped game of match
to call it a day because our faces hurt.
making as we perused the parade of
The fact remains that motorcycling
unsuspecting tourists passing by us.
offers a great way to express yourself,
“Check this dude out,” said
no matter how you roll.
Scoops, pointing out an impeccably
groomed, blond haired gent decked
Editor’s note: Columnist Kelley must
out in the latest Land’s End garb.
be slipping; he missed taking a shot at
“That’s BMW all the way.” No
the chianti crowd who surely would be
argument there.
mounting an Aprilia Dorsoduro. In the
“Those things are rolling
“it’s a small world” column, the NRR
computers, man,” Scoops said. “They editor ran into “Old School” Kelley at an
creep me out, like that movie, ‘I
Uptown music venue in Butte at the end
of May. We and our spouses enjoyed
“What?” Bucky and I said together. some fine music and suds. Turns out
Scoops explained, ”You know, the
Kelley was promoting a blues show at
robots take over mankind.”
a local theatre venue the night before
“So you’re afraid BMWs are going
legend B.B. King was to appear.
NR Rider is your
paper, be a part of it
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ton, Idaho, Mon
From the editor, to our
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tana, Wyoming,
“Your Northern Roc
3 • June, 2012 •
A Continental Com
g Authority”
Take one home!
Our vision of Northern Drag racer A
ndie Gaskins turn
Rockies Rider is to have
ing pro
it function like your
home-town newspaper,
albeit a community
populated by motorcycle enthusiasts
our readers have much more
living or riding in the Northern
widely varying perspectives and
experience, and that’s healthy for a
We also see it as a cooperative
publication and good for readers.
venture: we want our readers to be
This is your vehicle. Add to it, be a
participants and partners. The editor
of it. Speak out for your nation,
thinks he can handle some or most
of the content generation, but also
See Your Paper, Page 9
Bigger and better
2nd SMEG
munications Publ
ication • contcom@
• 406-498-3250
By Dottie Rankin
Special to Northern
Rockies Rider
How does a petite
woman who
was born in Gettysburg
, So. Dak., on
Christmas Eve grow
up to be a drag
Not just any old drag
racer, mind
you, but a motorcycle
racer who has
competed in the Sturg
is drag circuit,
finished second in
overall points her
first year, and follow
ed that with a
points championship
in 2009.
She also competed
in the All Harley
Drag Racing Assoc
iation during the
Sturgis Rally, qualif
ying in the number
one spot in the Super
Eliminator class
in 2009, and then
qualifying in the
number one spot and
winning the Super
Sport class in 2010.
Well, sit back and
grab a cup o’ joe.
I have a story for you.
Andie moved to Gillet
te, Wyo., with
her mom and dad,
David and Pauline
Andie Gaskins’ newe
st pro drag bike. Love
Paxton, and sister,
Bridget, in the early
that colorful livery
1980s. Although her
tying. Should this
really surprise us?
dad has since
passed, she, her mom
attitude changed when
Rodeo to drag racing
and her sister still
their son, Jared,
live in Gillette. She
was born.
a stretch: power, accele really such
was introduced to
ration, speed,
drag racing in Doug
skill, finesse ... and
Although being pregn
las, Wyo., by her
ant with
dad (whom she referr
Jared was a happy
ed to as her “best
d at Bruce’s Auto
ion, it was
bittersweet for Andie
Repair with Jerem
y Gaskins. Andie and
because her “best
friend” – her father
Jeremy dated when
Always an adventurou
– passed away
she was a senior
s spirit, Andie
was active in high
during her pregnancy.
in high school. She
school rodeos,
wanted to be a
participating in barrel
career woman and
Andie says that when
didn’t want strings
racing, pole
one gift was
bending and her favor
taken from her, God
attached. However,
as often happens
blessed her with
ite sport, goat
another. And althou
with major life chang
gh he is gone,
es, Andie’s
Andie remembers
her dad’s words of
wisdom every day.
As most of us learn
later rather than soone
r, she says that
his words make more
sense to her as
she matures.
Andie says she has
been blessed
with special men in
her life. She
and her husband, Jerem
y, (who she
describes as her soul
mate) have been
married 12 years.
They have a son,
Jared, 12, and a daugh
ter, Victoria, who
See Andie Gaskins,
Page 2
Northern Rockies Rider - 8
June 2012
Let’s Get Nuts at the
Rock Creek Testy Fest
By Dani M. Rollison
Of the NR Rider Staff
of approval on them.
Each year over 2,000
pounds of “Montana
Being a rancher’s daughter raised
Tendergroin” are
in Montana’s big, open “Hi-Line”
served at the festival.
region (north central), I had plenty of
If the promise
opportunities to partake in the removal
of interesting food
and eating of the bovine testicle.
isn’t enough, the
During spring branding, the
contests themselves
extracted calves nuts were thrown in
are worth watching
buckets of salt water, cleaned and then
and participating in,
frozen for my Grandpa Stuart’s annual
included, but not
“Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed.”
limited to: Undy 500,
It took quite a few ranches to
Cowchip Pitch, Most
produce enough of these little “oysters” Festive Campsite,
to feed the crowd that showed up, but
Best Tattoo, Best
Bikes, brews and Rocky Mountain Oysters sounds like a recipe for a good party. This may be
it was worth the wait. Then the party
Bike, Ball-Eating
Montana’s best. Photo by Rochelle Schultz
Contest, Big Balls
to work the Testy Festy. Among these
Matt and getting involved in the
The Rock Creek Lodge, just east
Contest, Hairy Chest
Testicle Festival.
of Missoula near Clinton, Mont., has
and Wet T-shirt contests and more.
Hooters girls, family and friends. The
Matt and Nel-Lani still make time
definitely turned this tradition into
This is definitely adult fare.
guys handle crowd control and security, to raise a family from their Missoula
Montana’s ultimate biker party. Simply
In the past the wet T-shirt contests
while the gals bartend and cocktail.
home. They say it’s challenging at
put, it gets nuts!
have been divided into two brackets:
The gift shop at the Rock Creek
times. Matt travels with the MMA fight
It is now claimed to be the “World’s Ages 21-39 and 40-and-over. This
Lodge offers a wide range of
team and Nel-Lani travels back and
year they will
forth to the Rock Creek Lodge three or
be adding
wide range of drinking accessories,
four days a week.
the Itty-Bitty
clothing and a must-have – Ball Bustin’
They are enthusiastic and driven and
efforts with this signature event
put Clinton, Mont., on the map.
In order
event site.
The 2012 Testy Festy is August 1-5.
to promote
Matt and Nel-Lani said they are
For more information regarding the
safe partying,
pleased with the increased volume
event, go to <>. You
a free shuttle
of people they are seeing each year.
can reach the Rock Creek Lodge at
is offered
Each of the owners bring their own
from various
Northern Rockies Rider will see you
running the Rock Creek Lodge and
promoting the Testicle Festival.
and Bonner
Matt is a martial arts black belt
for Testicle
a strong wrestling and boxing
background. He is responsible for
revelers. Just
bringing MMA fighting to Missoula
remember to
Properly dressed and cooked, bovine testicles are a tasty delicacy.
and continues to train fighters, as well
tip the bus
as teaching women’s self-defense.
Matt also trains the Dogpound Fight
Largest Testicle Festival” and no one
Tickets to attend are $16 – the best
and they are preparing to move
has heard of any dispute.
biker bargain around! There are tent/
into a new 6,500 square foot facility
In 1982 the former owner of the
overnight parking sites ($30) and
which will allow them to compete on
Rock Creek
an even higher level.
Lodge, Rod
sites ($60).
Free wi-fi is
held the first
available. No
festival. It
one under the
age of 21 is
to grow in
allowed, so
size and
don’t even try!
This is not a
It was
family festival.
Exposed skin
and risqué
the third
activities are
weekend of
This party is
The current
definitely not
owners, Matt
for individuals
and Nelwithout an
They will literally be dancing on the bar ... and
Lani Powers, anywhere else they are so moved.
open mind
have moved
or a sense of
Rock Creek Lodge owners Matt and
the festival
humor. Bring
Nel-Lani Powers
to the week preceding Sturgis to catch
your camera so they believe you back
more motorcycle traffic.
• Butte
• Great Falls • Big Timber
Nel-Lani manages the day-to-day
This year is the 30th anniversary of
Live music and disc jockeys play
• Dillon
• Hamilton
• Columbus
activities at Rock Creek Lodge. She
the Testicle Festival and it’s promising
each day until 2 a.m. Cold Hard Cash,
• Shelby
• Havre
• Conrad
has a strong background in national
to be a party to remember. Organizers
a Johnny Cash tribute band, will make
motorcycling events, which has
are projecting a rough head count of
an appearance this year. Be ready to
helped make her an astute marketing
15,000 people.
bust your best moves. Dancing can be
coordinator for the Testicle Festival and
The main-course portion has grown
further encouraged by sampling “Bull
Miles City
the lodge.
in size a bit from my cowgirl days, as
Snort Brew,” which is brewed by Big
Nel-Lani worked as a model and
grown bulls, rather than little calves,
Sky Brewing in Missoula specifically
(US & CAN) 800.442.4667
bartended at Daytona, Sturgis,
are now providing the entree. The
for the Testicle Festival.
Laconia and Laughlin before meeting
USDA has even stamped their mark
Thirty extra employees are hired
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 9
Washington to test riders at safety training schools
The State of Washington, while retaining control
of testing for motorcycle endorsements, is going to
subcontract the actual testing process to the group of
private companies currently providing motorcycle
safety training.
The state licensing department used to administer
both written and riding tests, but the tests had to be
scheduled as long as two or three months in advance
because of backlogs, usually seasonal, according to
Washington Motorcycle Safety Training administrator
Kim Peffley, Arlington, Wash.
Under the new regimen, riders hoping to earn a
motorcycle license endorsement can submit to the
tests through one of the private companies currently
under contract with the state. Delays in earning an
endorsement through this route should be greatly
reduced, Peffley noted.
Better yet, aspiring riders can take a State
Certified Safety Training Course through these same
schools to earn their training certification, as well as
endorsement when they pass the testing provided at
the end of a course.
“We’ll get busier,” Peffley said with a laugh.
This means motorcycle safety trainers are now
working to absorb the new standards associated with
administering the state licensing test.
Peffley said the driving ranges at the training
schools were already in place and were as good as,
and often superior to, the state test sites, so it all
makes sense.
There will
be increased
efficiency for
state government
as licensing staff
can turn more
attention toward
matters while
actual testing is in
effect contracted to
private companies,
Peffley added.
More consistency
Kim Peffley
in testing ought to
result as well, she
Fees for taking the tests through the state weren’t
uniform in the past, Peffley said, so one goal is to
bring more consistency to fee structures. At Northern
Rockies Rider deadline, the testing fees had not been
Peffley said everyone is moving aggressively to
get the new system established and, optimistically, all
are hopeful the program can be in
place in early July.
“We’re hoping it’s a ‘hit the
ground running’ kind of thing,”
she said.
There are 12 companies
currently under contract to
the state to provide certified
motorcycle rider safety training
but it is not known whether they
will all will offer the license
testing. The companies serve
individual counties and regions
so schools are offered in most
A number of other states have
already made the switch or are
heading down that path, Peffley
“It’s a win/win situation,” she said, with the state
and riders both benefitting.
NRR editor to lead
southwest Montana ride
Cole Boehler, editor of Northern
Rockies Rider, in conjunction with
Redline Sports in Butte, Mont.,
will lead a ride over a route “that
encompasses just about every style of
riding available in the state.”
The ride registration will take place
at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 23, at Redline
Sports at 2050 Harrison, Ave. in Butte.
There will be juice, coffee, rolls and
fruit to get the ride off to a good start,
which is to commence at 10 a.m.
There will be a no-host lunch stop
around 12:30 or 1 p.m.
Boehler said the route he’s planning
features everything from sedate valley
bottom cruising through ranch country,
to winding sweepers through high
mountain pastures, to twisty mountain
passes with 20-mile-pre-hour turns, to a
fun section of four-lane.
“Most of the route will carry light
to medium traffic,” he said and about
75 percent of it will be two-lane. “This
won’t be real challenging so relatively
inexperienced riders should enjoy
themselves, whereas the hard-cores will
have a number of opportunities to push
the edge of the envelope, too.”
He added that there would be a
couple of options to shorten up the ride
for those with less stamina or tighter
The main route, though, should put
riders back into Butte by 4 p.m. where
Margie Fine, owner of Redline Sports,
said complimentary burgers, salad,
chips and beverages would be ready for
ride participants at the dealership.
Your Paper
published writer! Some folks do this
to help fatten a portfolio, others to
practice and sharpen their craft,
some just for the ego-trip of seeing
their byline over their own creative
work. Some just for the pure fun of
it (yes, it can be fun!).
If you want to be regularly
involved, we could recognize you
as a regional correspondent, even
as a regional editor, depending
upon commitment.
At this stage, it’s almost all
outgo and not much income, so we
can’t pay anything, or very much.
When we get into the black, we will
develop a pay scale for editorial
contributions. However, if you want
to make a submission for pay only,
send it and we’ll consider it.
This is your paper. Be a part of it!
from page 7
tribe or band, or speak out for
We are interested in editorial
contributions from readers.
Consider authoring a “personal
guest column” that addresses your
passion for motorcycling, or some
aspect of it. Consider writing a route
review of your favorite Northern
Rockies ride.
How about a review of some
item of your motorcycle livery: riding
apparel, accessories, your bike?
Maybe a profile of your favorite
local motorcycle business, or a
profile of one of your “hardcore”
riding pals? Author a piece on your
particular area of expertise.
All contributions are welcome
and, if accepted, will be polished by
our editor.
We want these articles to be
illustrated but caution that photos
must be high-resolution – 300 dpi
is ideal. No, we cannot pull them
off the Internet as these are almost
invariably low-resolution – just 72
So here’s your chance to be a
A Redline ride last year took in Mill Creek with a lunch stop at Sugarloaf Lodge.
Northern Rockies Rider - 10
June 2012
Do’s and don’ts of choosing
the right tour company
By Karen K. Thomson, Owner
AVID MotoTours
Snohomish, Wash.
when you join an organized tour.
Some tour companies have
restrictions against riding alone. Some
require you to stay with a group and
So you’ve decided to vacation on a
tour guide while others allow freedom
to choose and the ability to choose
You want to go somewhere you
differently each day, if you wish.
haven’t been but the thought of
Tour groups vary in size. Do you
researching the trip, finding and making like a large gathering in the evening or
lodging and dining arrangements and
do you prefer smaller, more intimate
planning the
route with the
best roads that
take you to
differ in their
Karen Thomson
the best sights
Owner AVID Moto Tours
seems to be too
tour group
size (total
That’s when
you turn to a
of tour
motorcycle tour
not the number in a riding group.)
How do you choose the motorcycle
Tour companies also differ on
tour company that’s right for you?
their policies as to the ratio of tour
There are two ways to decide.
participants to tour guides, so check
Choose the place you want to go and
with the companies.
then find a company that goes there;
Tours can provide a tour guide or
or pick out a company you want to do
not. A guided tour provides at least
business with and choose from their
one tour guide to accompany the tour
offerings of destinations.
members on their journey. A guide can
Either way, you want the best
add an extra layer of service to your
experience you can get for that “trip of
The guide
will generally
give you a
synopsis of the
next ride/route
that might
include points
of interest, area
history and the
best scenery,
picture and
meal or snack
pertaining to
A Karen Thomson-led tour stop at the Huckleberry Store along
the route such
historic U.S. Route 66.
as hard-toa lifetime.”
spot turns, road conditions and safety
Look at the offerings online
hazards that could be encountered
or advertisements and articles in
during the ride should be included in
magazines you respect. See what
the information disseminated.
strikes your fancy, and then research
You can then ride with the guide
the company’s website and/or make a
during the day or not depending on
phone call.
how a particular tour company is
Some companies are very well
known in the industry and others are
The tour guide is always there to
not. You can get great tours from either provide you with the best possible
type of tour company, but you should
service and support. When you choose
check out their background and get to
an unguided tour these are some of the
know the company before you make a
things you will miss.
final decision.
Are you the person who likes to
Find out what their philosophies
bring a lot of gear and comforts while
are and how their tours are organized.
on vacation, but doesn’t want to pack
Tours are run in different manners so
it all on the motorcycle every day?
you should consider the type you are
Maybe you’re traveling overseas.
looking for and which companies offer
If so, consider a tour company and
that type of tour.
tour that provides a chase vehicle. The
Do you like to ride in a small group
chase vehicle will carry your main
or ride by yourself and leave the group
luggage from one lodging to the next.
activities to socializing in the evenings? You will only need to carry what you
One of the main benefits of doing
need for the day on your motorcycle.
group tours is being able to share your
To a certain extent the chase
experiences with old friends and make
vehicle can also carry your purchases.
new friends. If you don’t have a group
The chase vehicle is mostly there for
of friends to accompany you, there is
luggage transport and in case there is a
ample opportunity to meet new people
need to pick up a motorcycle.
Some tour
allow nonriding tour
members to
ride in the
chase vehicle
lodgings, so
if you have
Karen Thomson has led tours over the Beartooth Highway which
a non-riding
straddles the Montana and Wyoming border.
spouse or
feel confident in your packing abilities,
friend, they
this can be a good option.
can come along and enjoy the trip as
By not offering a chase vehicle it is
possible to hold down the cost of tours
Not all tour companies provide
chase vehicles, or provide them only on since you do not have the depreciation
and fuel costs of that vehicle and extra
certain tours, so do your homework.
cost for room, board and pay for a
Many tour companies offer selfdriver or extra tour guide.
sufficient tours that do not include a
You’ll also need to consider what
chase vehicle. In this case you need
kind of bike you will be using for the
to have the ability to carry everything
tour. If the tour is overseas or far from
you need for the entire trip on your
your home, your best bet is to rent a
own motorcycle. If you wish to learn
to travel by motorcycle on your own or
See Tour Company, Page 11
Quit riding like a kid!
Take an Advanced RiderCourse
• Bethebestrider
• Takeyourabilities
to the next level
• Knowwhatyouand
• Makesafetya
priority in your ride
The Advanced RiderCourse is for riders who want to get the most
out of their bike. Using techniques developed by sportbike riders,
students learn how to maximize their turning and braking abilities,
as well as obstacle avoidance. The enhanced techniques and skill
development will help riders improve no matter what they ride.
Group and club rates available
For more information
Basic Rider 2:
MSUN ARC Ad.indd 1
June 2 - Billings & Missoula
June 9 - Kalispell
June 10 - Great Falls
July 28 - Kalispell & Missoula
August 12 - Great Falls
August 18 - Billings
Advanced Rider:
7/28/11 9:20 AM
June 9 - Great Falls
June 23 - Billings
July 7 - Helena
August 11 - Billings & Great Falls
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 11
Tour Company
from page 10
Many tour companies have a stable
of rentals from which to choose. If they
lack their own fleet they will usually
have a list of local rental companies
that they regularly do business
with. Contact the tour company for
On the other hand, if the tour is
within riding or shipping distance from
your home, you can use your own
motorcycle. When you don’t have the
time or the inclination to ride to the
tour start, you can ship your bike and
have it waiting for you when you arrive
near the tour start. Again, contact your
tour company for recommendations to
Many times you will be able
to obtain discounts on rentals and
shipping by using a reputable firm
that the tour company has a working
relationship with.
Other tour options are private,
itinerary only and custom tours. You
can sign up for an “off the shelf”
established tour or commission a
private tour that may involve itinerary
only or totally custom tour for you or
your group.
Just decide where you want to go,
what type of lodging and meals to
include, guided or not, chase vehicle
or not and what bikes to ride and you
should be able to find a tour company
that can put something together for
Lastly it is a good idea to get a
full idea of what is expected of you
and what is expected of the tour
company by reading their “Terms and
Conditions,” and “Frequently Asked
Questions.” These can answer a lot if
not all of your questions regarding the
Questions you may want to ask are:
• Is there storage available at the
base hotel to store extra luggage during
the tour?
• What kind of insurance is included
and what kind of insurance should I
• Can I leave my transport vehicle
and/or trailer at the base hotel during
the tour?
• If you are renting a bike, what kind
of luggage system is available
• What are the deposit, payment and
cancellation policies?
In the heart of the
Wind River Mountains
lies a scenic byway and
gateway to the Grand
Teton and Yellowstone
National Parks ~
A motorcyclist’s dream...
Cabins, Tent or RV Sites • Log Home • Wilderness Boundary Restaurant
Liquor Between the Peaks - Full Bar & Liquor Store
Fuel • Store • Showers • Laundromat • Discounts
Addressing these questions will put
you on the right path to knowing how
motorcycle tours and you will work
together to make a great vacation.
Now go out and have fun with
motorcycle travel!
Karen Thomson has been riding since
1976 and has ridden more than 300,000
miles. She has been leading motorcycle
tours since 1996 in North America and
Europe. Her company is AVID MotoTours, LLC. She can be reached at e-mail
<[email protected]> or at
360-481-2927. See her website at <www.>.
Motel 6 of Butte
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57 miles from Jackson Hole and 18 miles from Dubois
Northern Rockies Rider - 12
June 2012
Keeping your parked bike safe
By Roger Caron
For Northern Rockies Rider
I do a lot of motorcycle touring
which means spending the nights in
relatively low-cost motels to keep
expenses manageable.
Still, the rooms must be clean and
the facility must have a well lit parking
area. A Motel 6 is about as low-cost as
I will go.
I have seen quite a few locking
devices for securing a motorcycle, and
many rely on locking up the front disk
brake. I got to thinking about how to
secure my motorcycle that way without
spending a lot of that green stuff on a
specialty locking product.
Some time in the past I had
purchased a set of three Master
padlocks all using the same key. They
had a good sized opening and would
just fit over my front disk brake.
Master Locks are almost
indestructible and would do the job of
securing the bike just fine. Problem
I installed it for the first time on
my disk brake before going to bed at a
motel. I slept nice and sound knowing
that in all probability my faithful steed
would be waiting for me in the morning
in front of my motel room.
I got up early that morning, did
the usual, packed my bags and went
outside to the kind of day only a
motorcyclist could dreams of: cool but
not cold without a cloud in the sky! I
loaded up the bike and headed off to
Clunk! What the heck was that? The
bike wouldn’t go. I woke up real fast
and realized I had failed to remove the
Master Lock from my front disk. That
was a wake up call! I knew I had to
improve my idea.
When I returned to my house I
found an old blue strap that originally
was part of a tie-down. I got out my
soldering Iron and sealed (melted) the
end of the strap so it wouldn’t come
I looped it over my handlebar with
a big enough loop so I had plenty of
room to slide it over the grip and onto
the handle bar and remove it again.
I used gel super glue to keep the
handlebar loop in place.
After the glue dried, I put it on the
handlebar and ran the strap from the
handlebar down to the disk brake. I
made sure it had more than enough
length for the padlock to fit through the
strap and onto the disk brake. I melted
a hole in the padlock end of the strap to
put the lock through.
Several times I have gotten on
the bike only to see the strap on the
Registration 10 am to Noon
Ride at Noon
$40 Includes Registration and T Shirt
Poker Run Route:
•Cattle-Ac •CQ Bar & Grill
•Girard Hall
•Ends back at Waterhole #3
Serving Lunch and Dinner
Bike Games - Live Music
Poker Run Info: Pat @ Water Hole #3
USA National
• June 9-17 - 89th Annual Laconia Motorcycle Week, Laconia, N.H.
• June 18 - Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day - Everywhere
• Aug. 6-12 - 72nd Annual Sturgis Motor Classic, Sturgis, So. Dak.
• July 14 - Motorcycle Madness, Drumheller,
• July 21 - Leather & Chaps Ridin’ for Snaps, High River, 403-603-3232,
• Aug. 17-19 - Alberta Motorcycle Rally for Women, Drumheller. Karen Hamerton,
[email protected]
British Columbia
• June 22 & 23 - Peach City Beach Cruise Motorcycle Event, Penticton, 250-487-8666,
• June 24 - Ride for Wishes, Victoria, 250-483-6777
• July 13-14 - 2nd Annual Monster Run endurance run, Quesnell,
• July 21 - 4th Annual Military Police National Motorcycle Relay Ride, Comox,
• Aug. 11-12 - Cumberland Motorcycle Roundup, Cumberland,
• September 15 & 16 - 28th Annual Port Alberni Toy Run, Port Alberni, 250-731-4728
Caron’s low-cost bike security
handlebar and remember that if I want
to go anywhere, I need to remove the
strap and, more importantly, the lock!
Several of my frugal friends now do
the same thing when we are traveling.
Of course, many of the more
expensive locking products designed
specifically for motorcycle disks, have
a dummy plastic key to slide into the
ignition switch as a reminder to remove
the lock before you move the bike.
These locks are usually made of
very hard steel and can also represent
an excellent value.
Editor’s note: I use a Kryptonite
disk lock, fluorescent orange. At least
twice I have attempted a maneuver with
the lock in place. That is a good way to
induce an embarrassing and expensive
drop. As long as we’re talking frugality,
I use an eight-foot length of lightweight
plastic-coated cable with a loop at
each end and a small padlock for
securing jackets, tank bag, helmets,
etc. to the bike while we’re walking or
dining. It rolls up and takes barely any
room in the tank bag.
Water Hole #3 - Annual Charity
“Elk River Run” - Fairview MT
August 18th, 2012
• June 1 - A.B.A.T.E. Spring Opener – 23rd Annual, Harvard, Big Dave/James Pine,
• June 2 - Bikers Against Bruises, Nampa,
• June 3 - 12th Annual Wings Benefit Ride, Antioch, Nikki Katrodia 847-519-7820,
• June 9 - Biker Rodeo, Council, American Legion Riders Post 72, [email protected]
• July 20-22 - Hawg Wallow Biker Bash, Warm Lake, [email protected]
• July 26 - Cruisers Annual Mini-Sturgis, Post Falls, Larry Herberholtz, 509-998-5489,
[email protected],
• Aug. 9-11 - Idaho State H.O.G. Rally, Meridian, Scott Beale, 208-250-1198,
[email protected]
• June 1 - Reiter’s Cup MX Series #1, BMC, Billings, 406-656-9960, [email protected]
• June 16 - Flat Track #1 “Saturday Night Under the Lights”, BMC, Billings, 406-656-9960,
[email protected]
• June 23 - Big Dave’s Memorial Ride, Coram, Kanisa - 406-249-5018 or Crystal - 253-0161
• July 14 - Buffalo Jump Sports Bar & Grill poker run, Gallatin Gateway, 406-763-9991,
• July 14 - Flat Track #2 “Saturday Night Under the Lights”, BMC, Billings, 406-656-9960,
[email protected]
• July 20-22 - Beartooth Rally, Red Lodge, Bonedaddy’s, 1-888-827-2663
• July 26-28 - Evel Knievel Days, Uptown Butte, Chad Harrington, [email protected]
• July 26-29 - Montana State H.O.G. Rally, Butte, 406-544-3027
• July 30-August 4 - Yogo Inn Travel’n Bike Show and Mini Rally, Lewistown, Chuck 800-860-9646
• Aug. 1-5 - Testy Festy, Rock Creek I-90 Exit 126 east of Missoula, Matthias Powers,
[email protected]
• Aug. 13-16 - International Assn. of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Motorcycle Group 6th Annual National
Motorcycle Rally, Butte, Rick Ryan, [email protected], 406-498-5842
• Aug. 16-19 - Beartooth Beemers Rendezvous, Red Lodge, Bob and Anne Clement,
[email protected]
• Aug. 18 - Elk River Run Bike Rally and Rodeo, Waterhole #3, Fairview, Pat Knaff, 406-742-5224
• Aug. 18 - Flat Track #3 “Saturday Night Under the Lights”, BMC, Billings, 406-656-9960,
[email protected]
• Aug. 24-25 - Motorcycles and Miracles, Jim’s Bar, Butte, Tammy Shannon, 406-491-5176 or
Dick McLeod, 490-2234
• Aug. 24-25 - Glocca Morra-sponsored rally, poker run, pig roast, bike rodeo, etc., Sweetgrass,
Danny Campanian, 406-335-2850, [email protected]
• Sept. 8-9 - Fall Classic Motocross – BMC, Billings, 406-656-9960, [email protected]
• June 2 - Union Brotherhood Solidarity Ride, West Richland, 971-226-9686,
[email protected]
• July 13-15 - Wildwood Rally, Rosburg, 360-484-7226, [email protected]
• July 26-29 - Sun & Surf Run, Ocean Shores, 208-250-1198
• Aug. 10-12 - Springdale Motorcycle Rodeo, Springdale, 509-936-5613, [email protected]
• Aug. 23-25 - Wash. State H.O.G. Rally, Okanogan, Vincent Danner, [email protected]
• Aug. 24-26 - Summer Shakedown Vintage Motorcycle Festival, Tacoma, 877-902-8490, Sandy.
[email protected]
• Dec. 16-18 - Progressive International Motorcycle Show, Washington State Convention Center,
• June 2 - 16th Cancer Fun Run, Cody. Rick “Fly” Brod, 307-587-9744, [email protected]
• June 2 - Bikers for Education 5th Annual Poker Run, Cheyenne, Melonie Jones/Gloria Smith,
[email protected]
• June 8-10 - Evanston Freedom Rally, Evanston, 307-677-6976,
• June 28-30 - Wyoming State H.O.G. Rally, Laramie, 307-399-3310
• July 14 - Rawlins Jam Motorcycle Rally, Rawlins, Jill Carrico, 307-324-3401
• August 26 - Hogs for Dogs, Cheyenne, 307-637-6655
To have your event listed here for free, send the information to Dani Rollison at <[email protected]>.
We only will list the days(s) and name of the event, the city and location of the event, a contact person’s
name, e-mail address, phone number or web address.
You expect high utility
from Arai and you get it
June 2012
By Cole Boehler
absorbing the impact. I emerged from the
crash with my clear-headedness intact,
no cranial sore spots, no headache.
It also performed well as my head
slid along the pavement. The blacktop
immediately scraped away the paint, then
started grinding away at the fiberglass
composites that make up the hard shell.
The grating of the pavement made quite
a bit of noise inside and I distinctly recall
thinking, as I slid down the track, “Hey
this helmet is working wonderfully!”
This incident left a rashed patch about
Northern Rockies Rider - 13
These scrapes would have produced
filthy, serious cuts or torn skin and
My first real helmet, as opposed
abrasions. Recovery would have been
to some early cheapies, was a Shoei
painful and scarring would surely
I bought new in 1989 for $249. I was
have resulted.
satisfied with it in every way, though it
Again, the helmets absorbed the
didn’t vent real well. It just got old, that’s
impact and protected our heads and
all. It had scrapes and chips and, despite
faces fully.
cleanings, had a certain funk to it.
Okay, I’m cheap, but not that
This Arai Astral X was retired after being
I replaced that faithful old Shoei
cheap. It was time to retire the
damaged twice.
in 2006, much too late, according to
faithful, used and battered Arai Astral.
the experts who say helmets should be
Okay, I really am cheap! Last
The old-style face-shield mounting
replaced every five years. This time I
year while shopping for a replacement
mechanisms made it a bear to change
opted for an Arai, a helmet maker
helmet, I came across face shields. And the shields retail at
of stature and reputation equal to –
a brand new Arai
almost $50! The shields aren’t difficult to
maybe even exceeding – Shoei.
Quantum 2 closeout
operate but could be easier. They do hold
It was the aluminum silver
for $250. I jumped
up well to repeated cleanings with no
Astral X and I paid $395. During
at it, knowing these
sign laminates were wearing through.
the last decade Arai started
now had a suggested
The seal around the face shield is
building several models of helmets
manufacturer’s list
excellent, unless the shield isn’t precisely
for the several shapes of human
price around $500.
aligned and fitted. My wife’s Arai came
heads. The Astral was said to be
Let the buyer
out of the box with a gap that could
designed for us Charlie Brown
beware. It is a fine
not be closed without the shield being
round-head types.
helmet in every
removed, then adjusted.
They make the “Profile” model
respect but about one
The rubber “anti-mist/vent diffuser”
for a “long oval” head, the “RX-7
year later I noticed it at the top of the interior chin bar is
Corsair” for “intermediate oval”
was manufactured in dislodged too easily and is difficult to
and the Astral-X and Quantum-2
2005. A “bargain”?
re-seat correctly.
series were for the “round oval”
Probably not really.
Fit and finish is excellent, padding is
head shape.
Yet it was wrapped
luxurious and comfortable. The helmets
The Astral X was just a little
in the original plastic come with protective storage bags.
snug off the shelf, which I knew
and in the box so I
The strap clasp is classic D-ring,
was perfect, although the standard
doubt it had been
which I outfitted with a quick-connect
25 mm cheek pads made me
exposed to the
substitute (why is helmet maker Nolan
backpucker. The parts guy ordered up
environment and
ahead of everyone else in this respect?).
roads gravel crash but saved the author serious injuries ... or worse. elements, which are
the 18mm pads and when they
My wife’s riding jacket collar closure has
arrived, traded me straight across –
said to deplete some a hook-and-loop fastener which has very
a pretty nice deal.
three inches long and an inch wide.
materials’ quality, especially the shock
badly frayed the exterior material on her
The helmet was light, comfortable
I am convinced that without the
absorbing crush layer.
helmet strap. It needs to go back to the
and quiet with an enhanced peripheral
helmet I would have experienced: 1)
Nevertheless, I am satisfied. This one
factory next winter. It looks terrible and
field of vision compared to the outdated
best case, severely torn up scalp; 2) scalp also has thicker cheek pads, but I decided could be weakening.
Shoei, a real improvement all around.
gone and bone lost from my skull; 3)
to leave them in place in the interest of a
My 85-year-old retired wheat farmer
I probably had that Arai Astral X
concussion; 4) skull fracture; 5) brain
tighter, snugger and quieter interior. They father-in-law was in shock when we
on my head through 50,000 to 60,000
damage or 6) death.
answered his question regarding the price
miles over the next five years. It would
Most experts would argue that any
of our helmets. He was even more aghast
still be protecting my noggin if I hadn’t
helmet that has been crashed needs
when he learned some very high-end hats
damaged it ... twice.
immediate replacement, contending the
go for $1,000!
It didn’t vent real well, either, though
inside material crushes to absorb impact
My wife told him, “I don’t have
the chin vents worked quite well. The
energy and can only be crushed once.
a cheap head so I don’t want a cheap
brow vents at the top of the face shield
Thereafter, protection is compromised.
produced marginal effect and the plastic
I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with
The Arai Astral X (now discontinued)
air scoops and pair of top vents moved
that. But I reasoned, rightly or wrongly,
and Quantum 2 represent a decent
very little air through the interior.
that the blow hadn’t been stout enough
value. We would expect the same of the
By the way, if your Astral or Quantum to make the helmet dangerous; ugly, yes,
company’s current line-up. They are not
gets dropped (all of my helmets have) the but not dangerous. A track tech looked
inexpensive but they function and hold
top vents and rear exhaust shrouds will
it over and agreed it was safe to use. I
up like the high-end helmet their price
shatter easily. I broke a chunk out of a
continued to wear it for several more
suggests they are.
The replacement Arai Quantum 2 fits
top vent, then the rest of it, held on with
They are beautifully finished and
slightly more snug and has a beautiful
some adhesive, let go and disappeared,
In the summer of 2010, my wife an
crafted. Certainly their design
finish (despite splattered bugs).
leaving just a three-eighths inch hole
I were riding some unmaintained gravel
and engineering offer maximum
in the Montana boondocks. My attention
protection. It is claimed Arai exceeds all
The early Astral I purchased had non- must have wandered for we hooked a rut do make it more difficult to get the bows DOT and SNELL standards.
removable lining, which explains why I
which pulled the wheels left while bike
of my glasses threaded between my ears
They are comfortable while heavier
was never able to clean it perfectly. The
and riders went right ... and down onto
and skull.
than some brands, lighter than others.
Quantum I bought in 2011 does have
the gravel at perhaps 20 miles per hour.
Unfortunately, the vents are identical
They offer a reasonable degree of interior
removable lining.
Again, we did not “fall” down; we
to the old Astral’s and perform similarly,
I was playing during a track day when were “thrown” down. I later paced it off
which is really not significant until the
Controls can be difficult to
I misjudged another rider’s intent, then
and we slid about 30 feet in the gravel
temperatures reach 85F-plus. The latest
manipulate, changing shields is a royal
went down after locking the wheels in
and dirt. All of our gear performed well,
designs appear to have addressed the
pain and ventilation could be improved.
an effort to not take us both out. Most
including and especially our helmets (my need for improved ventilation.
All in all, we are quite satisfied with
might think in this situation you “fall” to wife had by this time also acquired an
A couple of other comments:
our Arai purchases and would surely
the ground. Not so. You are “slammed”
Arai Astral –­ $425).
The vent controls are operated
consider another in the future.
or “pitched” or “thrown” violently to
We landed on our right sides and
with tiny buttons that are difficult to
the asphalt. I was doing 25 or 30 mph, I
both helmets sustained deep gouges to
manipulate while wearing heavy coldSatisfaction Rating
the forehead area, to the face shields
weather gloves. They are no problem
The Arai Astral did its job in
and to the chin bars on the right side.
with lighter gloves.
Northern Rockies Rider - 14
Join us in Butte for the
Second Annual Montana Folk Festival
July 13 - 15, 2012. or
June 2012
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 15
Passenger Perspective
Know your group before planning the tour route
By Marilyn Irey
us carefully consider the facilities where we stay,
planning a late morning meal and then one more meal
doubling up on rooms, going low-end instead of
at our destination.
It’s finally warming! I’ve been studying maps
fancy or even nice, planning locales where we have
since February and it’s
friends or relatives with rooms...
time to plan a trip with
Even on a bike the cost of fuel
I study maps and websites to get as much info as I
is high in the Canadian provinces
can. We try to avoid running the same stretch of road
Depending on the
and climbing in the U.S. A 300on a trip, ie. strive to set up a loop where we leave
Marilyn Irey
size of the group, one
mile day probably means eight
via one route and have new roads to ride on the return
Contributing Writer
of the most difficult
gallons of fuel – $30 or more and
trip planning tasks
over $40US in Canada!
This planning method also yields some practicality
is to identify a long
We have had some enjoyable
if a member of the group doesn’t have as many days
weekend, or a three“picnics” and drinks at our hotel
available as others on the trip. Identify short return
to five-day trip or,
instead of restaurants when cost
routes for those who may have to peel off and home
better yet, a week flanked by two weekends where the had to be considered. We sometimes get by on cheap
majority of the group is available.
grocery deli sandwiches and a soda. Once our group
It’s not always possible to ride loops, and there are
Although “when” is always important, and we
bought a loaf of good bread, a stick of salami and
always those exceptions for fabulous places and roads
have probably covered “where” many times over the
some cheese and ate well in a city park for about
where you’re willing to ride the same road twice.
long, cold months, we’ve learned in the last 20 years
$1.50 each.
Hey, coming out of Elk City, Idaho, looks totally
of serious touring that “who” is going may be one
different than riding in!
of the key factors and that “who” is often not given
appropriate consideration.
Another crucial consideration is the limitations
Establishing criteria
The riders and passengers on any given trip each
that a rider may have.
The intent in choosing a route – the objectives
come with a set of characteristics that will have a
Stamina varies and changes. About 10 years ago
also influence what we choose. Are we
bearing on the entire tour.
we took a flatland rider on a pretty technical ride –
looking for new roads, quality riding, scenic beauty,
First, the experience level of the riders needs to be
lots of curves, some rough pavement, hard winds
remoteness or a new destination? When we’re lucky
and animals to dodge. About 30 minutes from our
we can incorporate all of those into one trip.
destination he drove off the road, luckily with little
But, depending upon the group, we may seek easy
Experience and skills
damage except to the ego.
cruising routes across the rolling prairies.
A great example of learning that lesson was, on
We later had to face it: we didn’t think about
the second day out, roughly 700 miles from home, we mental and physical exhaustion taking its toll, and
The season
learned out our brother-in-law’s riding pal had never
now we are reaching the age where 400-mile days
In the Northern Rockies, the season of the year
ridden over 200 miles in a day or over 100 miles in
just aren’t as easy as they once were.
will play a major role in planning.
any direction from home!
Other people in your party may have physical
For instance, our home in Butte, Mont., is a mile
“Mr. Wiggly” was very much out of his comfort
limitations that will set the pace and distance. Brother
high. In the spring and fall we may not
zone and exhausted. We
be able to leave early in the day or ride
would have planned a lot
into the evening because of temperature
more breaks and shorter days
had we known he had never
The season and elevations also
really been on a motorcycle
influences some route decisions because
there may be snow, ice/running water
The same holds true
and sand when we cross a high summit.
if you are touring with
Conversely, those elevations are highly
someone who has been away
enjoyable and refreshing on hot summer
from bikes for 20 years and
now decides to get back into
Since most of our tours are summer,
the sport. “Rusty with no
the weather forecast may be a secondary
endurance” sums it up well.
consideration, but it can influence your
A second factor that
trip. We found out you likely shouldn’t
ties into the “Mr. Wiggly”
try Grand Junction, Colo., in April on
example is to know and
your motorcycle! Can you say blizzard?
think about the skill level of
We have also completely changed a
each rider. Obviously, he
mid-summer trip due to area forest fires,
lacked the skills for riding
which can’t really be forecast.
hundreds of twisty miles yet,
We try to keep each day a fairly
due to our ignorance, that
consistent number of miles after taking
describes the route we chose.
everything above into consideration.
Also, taking our son
Often, we’ll plan the first day to be
on his first trip as a rider
relatively short to allow everyone to
terrified me! Did he have the
become accustomed to the routine. And
skills yet? (He will hate me
we’ll often plan the last day as a short
when he reads this!) Would
one, too, so riders can unload, sort gear
he stay focused on the roads
and generally regroup after reaching
instead of scenery? Could
he read and calculate the
Sometimes, though, you do have to
curves or would he get too
push through a longer first day of less
aggressive in keeping up
Author Marilyn Irey perched on the pillion somewhere between Stanley and Challis, Idaho,
desirable riding to get to the start of that
with the old man?
May 12, 2012.
dream trip.
We stayed away from
In the end, though, as long as everyone
the Beartooth Highway and
remains safe, it’s all good!
instead took a mellower route over Lolo Pass on
Lib has severe arthritis in his wrists and hands which
U.S. Hwy. 12. Youth is amazing: he did great and his
must be considered, especially if we are out for more
Editor’s note: Marilyn Irey is the wife of the NR
natural athleticism showed, but his inexperience and
than two or three days.
Rider editor. She once owned and rode her own bike,
my worry did diminish my enjoyment of that trip.
Other limitations can be from medical conditions,
but decided she was more comfortable strictly as
medication side-effects or just habit. We’ve toured
with diabetics who need to eat with regularity as well a passenger, which she has been for more than 30
Finances and budget
years. One of her abiding passenger philosophies:
as people who habitually have three squares a day.
In these times, like it or not, budgets comes into
“Be useful.” Thus she usually takes charge of tour
Some need food with a medication dose.
play when planning for multiple participants.
planning and logistics.
We need to know these things so we aren’t
If someone is traveling on a dime it will make
Northern Rockies Rider - 16
June 2012
Tech Talk
By Gary A. House
Special to Northern Rockies Rider
Brake Fluid Temperature in Degrees F
Why hydraulic fluids should be changed
Effects of Water Contamination
on the Boiling Temperature
of DOT 3 Brake Fluid
corrosion. However, since the fluid
would almost always get changed when
we sense sponginess, the big issue, and
the more expensive of the two, is the
Since this corrosion usually doesn’t
show up until a great deal of damage
has been done and maybe a stranding
or worse has resulted, by the time we
figure out that there’s a problem it’s
usually too late: you might need to take
out a loan.
Lesson to be learned? Don’t be
fooled into thinking that your fluid is
fine just because it’s light in color, or
that it’s bad just because it’s dark in
Me? I change it once a year.
Problem solved!
Every automotive and motorcycle
New vehicle
fluid ought to be changed on occasion,
usually because of particulate
contaminants and/or chemical
After 1 year
After 18 months After 2 years
breakdown and deterioration.
After 3 years
Brake and clutch hydraulic fluid,
however, has an additional issue.
Unlike oil, it is hygroscopic (not
“hydro” but “hygro”) – it absorbs
water. Believe it or not, rubber hoses
Percent of Water Contamination in Brake Fluid
are porous. They also shed particulate
matter into the brake fluid as they age,
inevitable. There’s no way to avoid it.
while allowing moisture to penetrate as Why does brake fluid get
Your best defense is to keep a regular
schedule of replacing it. Failure to do
Bikers are known for two things:
As brake fluid collects heat through
so will result in internal corrosion and
changing (and sometimes obsessing
the calipers when they get hot, it goes
may result in spongy brakes or even
over) their motor oil more often than
through multiple heating and cooling
brake failure.
necessary and, like most auto owners,
Gary House holds two BS degrees,
cycles and begins to change color.
changing their brake fluid less often
a teacher and formerly
These cycles also cause expansion
than ideal. The rule of thumb for
a toolmaker. He’s been riding and
and contraction of system fluid volume, When should brake fluid
changing hydraulic fluid is two years,
wrenching on motorcycles for 45 years
which has no effect on the color of the
be changed?
but consider the graph above.
and is an avid student of all things
fluid, but does cause a huge problem
Between one year and 18 months,
motorcycle related. Much of what
with moisture in the fluid. It results in
easy to do. And you should change
the contamination curve tapers off.
he writes isn’t new, but he combines
a tiny bit of air coming and going from the hydraulic clutch fluid for the same
The lion’s share of water absorption
research with experience to be able
the cap of the master cylinder.
reason. Look for a future article on this to provide a little “why” to the usual
is done within 18 months. This graph
In addition, air molecules actually
simple procedure. It can be marginally
shows how
“what” or “how.” He says he has
enter the
more complex for ABS systems.
the boiling
learned that sometimes studying the
system from
“why” is more important than asking
a number
of brake fluid
others what they think or do. His
Final thoughts
Gary A. House
of sources,
changes over
philosophy: “Those who know what to
Special to Northern
time as water
do and how to do it will always have to
not changing this fluid often enough:
Rockies Rider
the rubber
work for those who know ‘why’ we do it.
spongy, i.e. ineffective, brakes and
hoses and the
seals. Don’t
the graph
believe air can
pass through
DOT 3 fluid. Numbers are higher for
rubber? Ever see a deflated balloon?
visit a complete and authentic mining camp DOT 4, which many motorcycles
Anyway, with this air comes
with artifacts!
require, but the concept is the same.)
Take a ride over
time... filled
moisture. Again, no change in color,
but a huge change nonetheless. visit a complete and authentic mining camp - over 50 building filled with artifacts! underground exhibits and tours!
Remember: “good” color does not =
Does it really matter that
“good” brake fluid.
The fluid also picks up particulate
It is important to change fluid
contamination from wearing metal
often because boiling water in brake
surfaces and the oxidation of rubber
fluid produces gas, which can be
hoses. One tech article pointed out
compressed. Get enough of it in your
that it was normal for fluid to change
brake fluid, and your brakes get spongy.
color as it leached the color from
Translation: too much water + too
brake hoses, and that subsequent tests
much heat = spongy brakes.
concluded that there was nothing
In addition, when water is mixed
wrong with the performance of the
with brake fluid, it does not change
a complete
even though
it had
changed mining
color. camp - over 50 buildcolor. Water is clear. That is why
ing filled with artifacts! underground exhibits and tours!
simply looking at the color of your
How to prevent brake
brake fluid is not an accurate way to
assess its condition.
fluid problems
The real problem most of us face
Make sure you use the right kind of
with brake fluid is NOT that the fluid is brake fluid.
“burnt,” for lack of a better word, but
Be very cautious about using brake
that it’s got water in it.
fluid from a previously opened/stored
This water causes more than just
container. Think of brake fluid like
a lower boiling point. It also causes
a chemical vacuum cleaner, always
corrosion. This corrosion results in
attempting to suck moisture from the
damage to the insides of calipers
atmosphere 24/7.
including the cylinders and pistons
Change the fluid often, and keep
that create the force on brake pads, and accurate records.
antilock brake system components as
When changing or bleeding brake
fluid, always replace master cylinder
Any bike mechanic will tell you
caps as soon as possible to prevent
that they’ve taken what looks like sand moisture from entering into the master
out of calipers. Actually, it’s metal that
has eroded from vital brake system
/ 155OF
Way, P.O. Box 33, Butte, Montana 59703
parts. This corrosion is the number
Phone: 406-723-7211
one reason why brakes “stick” causing / 155 Museum Way, P.O. Box 33, Butte, Montana 59703
should I care?
overheated and, thus, warped rotors,
Phone: 406-723-7211
Exit on
off I-90/I-15
at Butte,
hill tonorth
Park on Montana up the hill to Park
Your brake fluid will become Best route: MontanaSt.,
and this “sand” doesn’t help things
on Park
the Montana
campus, then watch for the sign.
St., left on Park and straight
Tech through
campus, then
watch for the
contaminated with moisture; it’s
Take a ride back in time...
Take a ride back in time...
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 17
Folk Fest could be the
highlight of Montana tour
What is it about music, bikes and brews?
Somehow there is this natural affinity between the
three that almost any rider will attest to.
And at Northern Rockies Rider we’ll attest to the
Montana Folk Festival as being the state’s premier
music event which is conducted in Montana’s most
biker-friendly city (Butte, Mont., also hosts Evel
Knievel Days, the 2012 state H.O.G. rally and the
2012 U.S. International Association of Fire Fighters
So, you want to ride Glacier or Yellowstone
National Parks? Butte is right in between. How
about the famous Beartooth Highway? Butte and the
Montana Folk Fest is only four hours away.
The Montana Folk Festival will be conducted July
13-15 this summer. Get this: it’s all free!
Here is the kicker: the event is a three-day freeadmission celebration of traditional music, dance, art
and cuisine that has grown to be one of the largest
such festivals in the Northwest.
While motorized vehicles are not allowed on the
Folk Fest folks having fun as seen from the Granite
Street stage.
festival site, the convenience of parking around the
site or in the main festival parking areas make this as
bike-friendly as an event can be for travelers coming
on two wheels to attend.
It’s not too late to plan to attend and festival
organizers have made it easier to invite friends
to rendezvous at the event, too. Visit <www.> to
send electronic invitations to friends to join you in
This is the festival’s fifth iteration and the guiding
principle from the beginning still applies: admission
to all performances is free. The free festival will feature the usual six
performance stages that will host more than 200
performers highlighting the musical influences
of immigrants from around the world as well as
homegrown Americana roots music. Music, music, more music
The musical performer lineup has been set
with the help of the National Council for the
Traditional Arts ( with guidance from
a Montana Music Programming Committee. The
final lineup can be viewed and sampled at <www.>.
What’s your flavor? Rockabilly? Appalachian?
Creole? Eastern European? African? Caribbean?
Scandinavian? Native American? Maybe roots blues,
soulful gospel, mountain bluegrass, swampy zydeco,
hot western swing? It’s all here.
The main stage will be under the head-frame at the
Original Mineyard, this year sponsored by a generous
grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington
Foundation (
The festival kicks off with an opening ceremony at
the Original stage before the music starts at 7:30
pm. That performance will launch the weekend and
help set the pace for three
days of high energy.
Dancing will be
encouraged at the Montana
Tourism Dance Pavilion,
sponsored by the Montana
Office of Tourism of the
Department of Commerce.
transportation, too
For the foot-weary, free
shuttles run throughout the
Evening Folk Fest crowd at the Original Stage, which is built into the lower levels
entire festival area which
comprises a good portion of of the actual mine head-frame.
Uptown Butte. Upwards of
$75,000 left to raise to pay all of the bills for the
40,000 people may attend
festival,” said George Everett, festival director. “We
each day, but even so crowding is seldom an issue
are now asking anyone who may benefit from the
since the event is spread over several dozen blocks.
festival’s economic impact to consider a small
contribution to help put us over the top,” he said.
Food and beverage
For more details about what to expect at
There will be more than 30 locations for ethnic
the 2nd Montana Folk Festival, visit <www.
and festival food at three food courts on the festival>.
site, too. And yes, favorite domestic and Montana
craft suds will be available at all performance areas.
The Montana Folk Festival in Butte, Montana,
is produced in partnership by Mainstreet Uptown
Butte, Butte-Silver Bow County and Imagine Butte
Arts, crafts and history
in cooperation with the Montana Office of Tourism
The Montana Folklife Area, situated on West
of the Montana Department of Commerce, Gold
Quartz Street on the site, will explore this year’s
West Country, and the Butte Convention and Visitors
theme of “Transportation in Montana and the
Bureau. Artistic programming assistance is provided
West.” More than two dozen presenters will provide
by the National Council for the Traditional Arts
demonstrations of different technologies and trades
related to Montana’s transportation heritage. For details, call George Everett at 406-565-2249.
A special emphasis will be on railroads but other
modes of transportation
will be explored as well
including airplanes and
vintage cars through the
The Folk Festival will
again feature a Montana
Arts Marketplace with
18 traditional artists from
throughout Montana
and an adjacent First
Peoples’ Marketplace that
will feature 20 Native
American Indian artists as
In the Family Area on
East Broadway, sponsored
by the Silver Bow Area
Lodging and Hospitality
Association, children of
all ages are welcome to
join in with crafts and
performances on the new
Children’s Stage. Activities here, guided
by the World Museum of
Mining, include painting
and other creative and
educational projects that
will teach and entertain
about traditional arts and
crafts. The new Family
Stage will be located on
East Broadway.
All roads lead to...
Sponsors still
Sponsors are still
welcome for the festival,
too. “We are almost there
but we still have about
3. 2505 W. Main St.
4. 2900 Harrison Ave.
1. 765 S. 20th St. West
2. 825 N. 27th St.
6. 2275 N. Reserve St.
7. 1285 N. 1st St.
5. 1803 Cedar St.
Northern Rockies Rider - 18
June 2012
Riding the
By Cole Boehler
the potential motorcycle perfection of
the roadways that matched the rolling
topography: up and down and side-toside all at the same time.
We made it back to The Palouse –
The first time I laid eyes on
Washington’s “Palouse Country” was
32 years ago.
I’d driven
all the way
Montana and
the Idaho
Panhandle to
the potential
of a decrepit
for sale in
Wash. Then
I drove up to
meet with a
printer in
I recall
at the
country, and
“It’s all about the curves” and The Palouse is nothing but curves ...
the farming
with very good tarmac and no traffic.
in those massive, rolling hills. I
unfortunately in my wife’s sedan – in
knew about farming, alright, living
2009. My recollections of the country
in ag-intensive sugar beet country in
and roads were confirmed, and my
Montana’s Lower Yellowstone River
resolve to get back there to motorcycle
Valley, but I had never seen anything
those wonderful routes was cemented.
quite like the cultivation in The
As I watched the weather in late
April, a seemingly impossible high
These fellows were using tracked
pressure system with clear skies and
Caterpillars to drag enormous
temps in the mid- to upper-70s was
implements up and down and around
forecast for four days – a Saturday
equally enormous hills – well, small
through Tuesday.
mountains. “My God,” I wondered,
With the May edition of Northern
“how is it they don’t roll those
Rockies Rider in the mail, I hastily
monsters when working across the
made plans to go run The Palouse.
contours of seemingly 45-degree
But the timing was a bit peculiar since
I also wanted to see some Palouse
The equipment is today more
businesses along the way, which meant
modern, of course – and bigger yet
Monday and Tuesday calls. So, what
­– but the methods are essentially
to do with Friday-Sunday? I had to
unchanged and are still stunning. Many take advantage of this rare April riding
of the tractors are still tracked, though
opportunity window.
may have four of them instead of just
It really didn’t take too much
two, and some others have three or four thought: ride from Butte, Mont., to
huge tractor tires bolted at each corner. Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Friday, then
They retail above $500K.
the Kootenai and Okanagon regions
Back in 1979, I also marveled at
of British Columbia on Saturday,
run some of the exquisite routes in
inspiring, neutral steering, full fairing
northeast Washington and down along
and adjustable windscreen, a 6.6 gallon
the Pend Oreille River (pronounced
tank that yields a 275-mile range,
“pon-der-ay”) on Sunday,
then actually do The
Palouse on Monday, back
home Tuesday.
Lingering business
appointments actually
kept me out on the road
until Wednesday. It helps
to have flexibility in
work schedules and an
understanding spouse.
From this trip, I have
the notes and photos
to publish at least five
reviews of some of the
best riding in North
America. Stay tuned!
One thing I learned,
there is no lodging south
of Spokane for quite a
spell. I was winging it and
it began to grow dusky
and I could see this was
deer country. I wound
up heading for Plummer,
Idaho, Sunday night
because there I knew a
bed and shower could be
had (not fancy but less
than $50!).
Green indicates Palouse
The focal point,
Scenic Byway
though, all along this
1,600-mile tour, was
Yellow indicates authors
The Palouse. And it was
back road route
clearly the highlight.
Imagine: fresh, highfriction but narrow
pavement, some of it
lumpy but not enough
to detract significantly
from ride quality;
unending curves of many radii but all
integrated but easily removable hard
constant; rapid rollercoaster elevation
panniers and a top box that was my
changes combined with the curves;
mobile office and filing cabinet.
magnificent hilly landscapes of timber
The area does feature a designated
and cultivated fields that resemble
Scenic Byway, and the pieces of the
the rolling ocean with exceptionally
byway I rode exhibit superb pavement
distant horizons... And you have it all
and roadway engineering designed with
to yourself!
good shoulders and properly banked
That’s The Palouse.
and numerous turns, all with just
What extraordinary riding!
moderate traffic on this April Monday.
And I had the right tool: a sportHowever, I was seeking the real
tour rig with a fresh Michelin PR III
back roads so picked the skinniest
mounted at the stern, capable of fairly
roads indicated on the map.
aggressive lean angles with confidenceSee Palouse, Page 19
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 19
quaintness of the hamlet of 900. Up and
down its four-block business district
I rode, noting the town’s seeming
relative prosperity. I spied an elegant
coffee shop, parked and went in to find
an equally elegant and attractive female
I asked
questions and
she provided
answers. She
told me of the
and high
schools, the
doctors and
the east, and immediately faced no
competition for space on the tarmac.
Just across the line I came into Tekoa
soil. The asphalt is fresh and abrasive,
there are no shoulders, many turns are
marked down to 35-45 and can be run
at near twice that.
While briefly parked in Oakesdale,
a parade of perhaps 30 bikes rolled
through, everything from dressed
Harleys to German ADV bikes and
Asian sport/tourers. It was more bikes
than I would see for the duration of the
Out of Oakesdale, it was perhaps
10 miles southwest along Hume Road
where I saw the signs to Steptoe
Butte State Park. The ancient volcano
cone had been visible for awhile. The
geological feature dominates the whole
region of Whitman
I saw something on a
sign about a pass being
required to visit but
decided to play “Dumb
Montanan” which is
quite easy to pull off in
Washington. “Passes?
We don’t need no
stinking passes!”
The beat up little
blacktop one-and-aTekoa is a quaint and pretty town that is faring better
half lane (to be rebuilt
than most.
(pronounced like “Tee-ko”) on
Washington Hwy. 27.
I was struck by the charm and
pharmacy and grocery
and restaurants. Yes, a
community “booster” in
the best sense.
She so convincingly
recommended a visit
to Steptoe Butte that I
altered my planned route
and headed southeast
12 miles to Oakesdale,
which has not been as
fortunate as Tekoa. Its
retail business district
has been winnowed to
a grocery store and ag/
fuel supply outlets. It
does have some arts and
crafts boutiques and
some services such as a
Like most agricultural
areas, it appears the
farms have been steadily
becoming fewer and
bigger with the associated
population declines.
Meanwhile, modern
highways and vehicles
have made it practical
and convenient to travel
to more urban hubs for
buying. Add the Internet
factor and small town
merchants are hurting,
struggling to compete
in modern business
Peas, lentils, wheat,
timber and excellent motorcycle roads
are found between the two towns. The
springtime smell is of rich, turned
from page 18
I approached The Palouse that
brilliant Monday morning from
The route we rode started out fine and
kept getting better and better.
took some telephotos of the two spray
planes working far below. Those boys
can fly!
I spiraled back down, then briefly
picked up Hwy. 195 a bit north to the
town of Steptoe. I was getting hungry
but spotted no likely eatery, and noticed
very few other businesses there.
At Steptoe I found little Highway
23 angling northwest toward St. John.
Locals were very busy in their fields, or
hauling fuel, chemicals, seed and parts
to the behemoths sowing the land.
My notes say: “Posted at 55 mph,
running 65-70, a few turns but not
many, way over-stated corner speeds,
can take 35 at 65 with no sweat,
pavement high-friction, a little choppy,
another vehicle every two or three
I grabbed a BLT at a tavern grill
in St. John, then went to talk to Mike,
the owner of the local grocery. He was
attentive and interested, giving me
some clues as to what business support
we might muster.
I even met Mike’s brother, Matt,
who filled me on a special breed of
powerboat racing they host just outside
of town: sprint boats. They run a
See Palouse, Page 20
Steptoe Butte is Whitman County’s dominant topographical feature and is worth
in October, I was told) crossed a little
prairie, then began a spiraling ascent
to the summit – about five minutes.
It reminded me of one of those metro
parking towers where you hang an
endless left. The butte, itself, resembled
of one of Madonna’s... er, costume
But, oh my! The view had not been
overstated by Melinda The Tekoe
Coffee Shop Lass. Just breathtaking,
even inducing a little vertigo. It seemed
the horizons, a little hazy this day, were
25 miles away in every direction.
I love the efficiency of digital
photography because you can burn
1,000 frames at no cost, unlike the
days of Kodachrome. And I burned at
least a couple of dozen up there. Even
Welcome All
Espresso, Coffee, Pastries
& Ferdinand’s Ice Cream
Tekoa, Washington
Northern Rockies Rider - 20
June 2012
from page 19
timed slalom course laid out in a local
slough, hitting near 100 mph in the
short straights. I went to their web site,
<>, and watched a
couple of incredible videos Those guys
are insane! Gotta go check out that
St. John businesses have fared better
than in some small Palouse villages.
It has a couple of eateries, a tavern,
C-store, auto parts, grocery, pharmacy
and clinic, a B& B and micro-motel,
salons, a bank and more.
Out of St. John, I picked up the
Lancaster Road angling southwest to an
intersection about 20 miles later with
the Endicott West Road and the Benge
Winona Road to the west.
This was remote riding with almost
zero traffic, which goes in the “plus”
The asphalt surface was that
coarse, very black mix so common on
rural Washington roadways. It yields
tremendous confidence in traction but
probably eats tires at a prodigious clip.
Thus I was taking corners marked at 35
at an indicated 65 mph, and could have
Fabulous vista to the north from Steptoe
Butte summit with the horizons 25 miles
distant in every direction...
just can’t get enough of this type of
superb riding, whether on an extended
tour or a fast day-loop.
At Washtucna, I stopped at a
C-store/gift shop/fuel depot and
practically guzzled 16 ounces of
Powerade. It was getting
downright hot! Refreshed,
I picked up Hwy. 26 to
the east heading for little
Hooper and the beginning
of the actual designated
Palouse Scenic Byway.
There is a little segue off
Hwy. 27 about eight miles
east of Washtucna that
“You can get anything you want...” at St. John,
excepting motorcycle service.
taken them at 80 – not braggadocio,
just fact. Posted cornering speeds are
grossly exaggerated.
This stretch, though, appeared
to have a new asphalt mat laid over
a deteriorated base. The subsurface
was quite choppy – not harsh but my
suspension was getting a continuous
and vigorous workout, which did
detract marginally from cornering fun.
At little Benge, about 50 miles
beyond St. John, I stopped to fish a
biting bug out of my jacket sleeve and
observed ... not much besides a few
residences and a Post Office.
About all there is left at Benge is a Post
Office. Evidently there was more at a
time in the past. This must have been a
service station.
Off to the west then, heading for
Washtucna, 12 miles further, all still
very remote, extremely light traffic,
continuous elevation changes and
curves and smoother going to boot. You
...and another view to the south. The
height may induce mild vertigo.
takes you through Hooper and across
the Palouse River and back to 27. It’s
worth the diversion.
Eastward about a dozen miles I left
Hwy. 27, which is ample and modern
but still entertaining for the curves and
hills, and wheeled up Airport Road into
LaCrosse, Population 325.
I tried to find bungee cords to strap
my textile riding jacket to the pillion
– the temperature was approaching
80F – but didn’t settle for the rubber
tarp straps that were available. I did
find bungees, an assortment package
of 10 or so, up the road at a funky auto
repair/hardware store in Endicott.
LaCrosse has a bank, farm stores,
cafe, C-store, hair salons, tire shop,
B&B, hospital and medical center, and
a grocery/hardware/sporting goods/
gifts/video rental and pizza emporium
(gotta love small town business
Out of LaCrosse, I headed north on
Winona South Road about 10 miles
before picking up the Endicott West
Road, then heading east a dozen miles
into Endicott. The little burg of under
300 souls has seen decline since the
1920s and now has just one store and
lost its high school back in 1987.
These are narrow roads with more
of that rollercoaster feel, somewhat
lumpy subsurface, coarse but smooth
asphalt, corners marked at 35 and
easily taken at 65 mph. Traffic was
almost nonexistent though farming
activity was intensive as planting was
well underway in late April.
It was along in here where I felt
an insect inside my shirt biting at my
ribs. I attempted to crush it through the
fabric with my fingers, and thought it
dispatched. Not long after, I thought I
felt another sting, just above my belt
at my back. Another attempt to crush
was made and this time I was certain of
A couple of miles later I knew I had
failed to kill that little ... er, bugger,
See Palouse, Page 21
June 2012
incredible riding like this, it is always
a delight to discover ... it can get even
from page 20
About 250 miles into my day,
to run from Colfax up
because he was now well down and
Hwy. 272 to the town of Palouse,
inside my pants snacking on the meaty
before heading down Hwy. 27 to my
part of my rump.
destination in
Hwy. 272 on
your maps!
I’ll quote
my notes:
“Colfax to
Palouse –
more, bigger
hills, road
slicing this
way and that,
up and down
and over and
around. Very
few corners
you’re on
your own!
Corners may
surprise, stay
on your toes!
Same coarse
The county-side is exquisite beautiful with motorcycle roads to
and black
it must be
at 60-65,
Well, I was distressed but also quite
taking turns at the same. No chicken
peeved, determined to end the battle
strips left (on the tire edges).” This was
once and for all.
the best 18 mile segment I rode all day!
At roadside I unfastened my belt,
I took a break at the local tavern and
pulled down my jeans and underwear
was filled in by a friendly young man
and was inspecting the fabric of the
interior of my Joe Boxers when I spied behind the plank.
Many Palouse residents work to the
that pesky carnivore – about the size of
south in Pullman or Moscow, Idaho,
a pencil tip, greenish body, tiny wings
perhaps at the state universities in
... and apparently a pretty stout set of
those towns. Yet there is a bank, B&Bs,
jaws or pincers.
a cafe, motor dealer, arts and crafts
As I mooned The Palouse, I was
galleries, boutiques and second-hands,
certainly appreciative of the extremely
salons, grocery, numerous service
low traffic volumes!
businesses and more.
Departing Endicott to the east, it
Palouse is a quaint place with a
was 10 miles before I rejoined the
calm, laid back feel in a gorgeous
mother byway, Hwy. 26, a few miles
natural setting. A good meal, a good
brew, a good bed... Sounds like a good
place to wind up an extraordinary day
of two-wheel sport-touring.
The last stretch of my epic Palouse
tour ran a dozen miles south on Hwy.
27 to Pullman, 30,000 population and
The asphalt on Palouse back roads is
almost all new and very coarse which
yields exceptional traction.
west of Colfax. This town reminded
me of numerous other small Northern
Rockies communities closely linked
to agriculture and working hard to
prosper. It is said the top soil is 100 feet
Colfax is the Whitman County seat
and boasts a population just under
3,000, a veritable metropolis compared
the tiny villages I’d been seeing all
day. It seemed larger and has a healthy
business district.
There is lodging, restaurants and
all else a touring rider would need ...
except a motorcycle shop.
After a monumental day of
Northern Rockies Rider - 21
home of the
morning before heading
to Idaho – Moscow,
Kendrick, Orofino,
Lolo Pass and back into
I marvel at my good
fortune: five days (four of
them with utterly perfect
was wider,
weather), 1,600 miles on
and built
some of the best sportto handle
touring roads in North
America ... in April!
No break downs, no
which it
Palouse farm machines and implements tickets, no problems. Just
was, mostly are on an incredible scale.
Well, with one
exception: I rode through a fatal
north just after quitting time.
motorcycle crash scene on my way up
I found reasonable lodging (under
$70) and a wide array of ethnic and
Lolo Pass, just above Lowell, Idaho, on
U.S. Hwy. 12. Be careful out there!
American restaurants along the Hwy.
I highly recommend our friends in
27 strip. The town has everything you
Canada, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho
would expect, including all the funky
businesses associated with college
and, of course, Washington go explore
towns ... including motorcycle shops!
the unsurpassed riding to be found in
The Palouse Country. If you’ve done
I was beat and my head hit the
it before, go back and do it again! We
pillow early. I slept long and well,
then conducted some business in the
Between Pullman and Palouse. A camera with its single lens can never reveal what
a human’s binocular vision does, but imagine...
Northern Rockies Rider - 22
June 2012
Tech Talk
Oil change
Simple but perhaps
more than meets the eye
By Matt Krsul, Owner
Two Wheelz, Butte, Mont.
fit. Be careful about getting
metal shavings into the engine!
All motorcycle drain plugs
will have factory-specified
Changing oil
torque values for tightening.
Yes, changing engine oil is about
I know of one model, though,
the most elementary maintenance
that must have a misprint in its
task a motorcycle owner can perform.
manual. This was discovered
NR Rider editor’s bike ready for fresh lube: tarp to lay on, newsprint on the floor (recycling
And one of the most important. Many
Northern Rockies Rider), shop rag for wiping spills and surfaces around drain and filler,
owners will do this themselves as it is
large circumference but relatively flat drain pan, funnel for refilling, fresh filter, ratchet and
easy, almost foolproof (almost!). There
17 mm socket, new motorcycle-specific oil, cup-type filter wrench which fits the ratchet
spec – 31 lbs.! – and stripped
may be more to it than meets the eye,
and jug with funnel for disposing of used lubricants – everything within reach. The only
thing missing: an icy brew. Note the extremely easily accessed spin-on filter, black and
Using the correct oil and filter is
is required and I can guarantee, visible just to the lower right of the large round engine stator cover.
very important and I will address that
when you go to remove that
later in the article. But first, let’s talk
circulating through the system.
unbolted to get to a filter!
plug next time (if you didn’t
about performing the actual task.
On many sport bikes and touring
destroy the threads), it will be a real
I like to start with everything
tiny, almost microscopic metal particles rigs, all the lower fairing plastic may
bear to get out and you’ll wind up
necessary close at hand: drain pan,
as moving parts wear or as they mate
have to be removed, too. What a pain!
using a breaker bar! Most makes
proper ratchet and socket (a box-end
Research what type of filter
specify closer
wrench will
are out there and find one that
to 18-20 lbs.
work too),
black sludge on the magnet. If there
works for your application. Otherwise
oil filter
there’s that old “farmer’s trick” for
consider, these
Matt Krsul
dire emergencies: drive a screw driver
factory torque
Contributing Writer
fresh oil
have a serious situation developing
through the filter, then crank the
specs may be
Two Wheelz Store and
filter and oil,
screwdriver and break it loose that
“dry torque.” If
Service Center
shop towels
way! But be careful to not run your
you’re torquing
to clean
your used motor oil and can tell you
screwdriver into the filter thread that
an oily drain
protrudes from the engine!
plug, you might
around drain
One other thing: make sure the seal
want to go
plugs and filters, a funnel for refilling, a
the old filter comes away from the
proper container to dispose of used oil, to just 50 to 75 percent of the factory
engine and is not stuck there. Trying to
spec. Finally, some torque wrench
the means to dispose of the used filter
mount a new filter over the old gasket
calibrations are way off and others are
... and that’s about it.
will have you spewing oil everywhere,
just plain junk and unreliable.
Oil filters
Depending upon how anal you are
including the roadway beneath your
If doing it yourself and not relying
First, make sure you have the
regarding the spotlessness of your
right filter, designed for your bike!
garage, shop floor, lift or driveway, you on a torque wrench, you may want
Again, always inspect and test your
It is common that filters will look
may want to spread some newspaper as to turn the plug in snug, then give it
work when complete.
perhaps a quarter turn more until it is
the same, even fit the same but have
almost inevitably a few drops of oil –
Be aware of local rules and codes
tight. That is usually plenty ... unless
different flow capacities or different
or many – will make it to the floor.
disposing of used oil and filters.
value check valves built in. In addition
The first requirement is to warm the you are using a fresh crush washer,
contain toxic contaminants and
which is recommended. Then you may
to using the filter recommended for
engine oil by running the engine for
we don’t want it in our landfills or
turn the plug further before you feel
your motorcycle, use a quality brand.
a few minutes. This will thin the oil
that it’s “tight.”
The cheap “store brand” makes are
and the crankcase will drain faster and
Crush washers are considered onefor “cheap” motorcycles with “cheap”
more completely.
Proper lubricants
Be careful as this means hot parts,
The last thing we would venture to
especially hot exhaust headers, so keep
do here is tell Northern Rockies Rider
your skin clear and protected. Don’t get tightened. I know numerous riders who it doesn’t want to go on, or wants to
what oil to use! Ever hear of
the oil too hot or you could burn your
War? The battle over
fingers on the drain bolt or with the hot
oil choices has been going on longer.
rubber seal on the filter contacts the
oil draining from the engine.
the washer and prevent problems.
First, refer to your owner’s manual.
mating surface on the engine; then you
A note, here: crush washers have a
Then talk to your shop tech. Go ahead
will feel increasing resistance.
Drain plug loosening and particular orientation. The flatter side is
and talk to knowledgeable friends or do
You may use the same logic for
your own research.
Just be aware that motorcycle
Speaking of oil drain plugs, for
oils in many cases are also
some reason many bikes come from the
you will regret it when it comes time to lubricating transmission gears
factory with drain plugs that have been head.
where metal-to-metal loads – shear
remove it. When wrenching the filter
over-tightened. I know of a few cases
forces – ­are enormous and require
where threads in the oil pan have been
much greater oil film strength than
under it.
stripped merely removing the drain
the engine internals. Always use a
bolt. That is very bad news.
motorcycle-specific engine oil for these
A stripped pan means a thread
Again, be cheap if you have a cheap
replacement kit such as a Time-Sert or
Helicoil, both of which require some
Sometimes I must wonder where
expertise and the right tools to use
Refilling the crankcase
engineers have their heads. How
Magnetic drain plugs
correctly. Another option is a new pan
Some folks will just read the
is it an engineer can position an oil
Some motorcycle owners use drain
and you really don’t want to know the
owner’s manual and dump in the
filter behind an exhaust header pipe or
plugs that incorporate a magnet in the
cost of that, plus labor!
specified amount and call it good.
rack of them, and so close you can’t get
in-oil end. The idea is for any metal
A third option that may work is to
I wouldn’t. I want verification of
a filter wrench on them? Ridiculous! I
particles to attach themselves to the
re-tap the pan threads one size larger
something so critical!
know of cases where headers had to be
magnet and thereby stay put instead of
than factory, then find a plug that will
See Tech Talk, Page 23
June 2012
Northern Rockies Rider - 23
Tech Talk
hope for the best.”
from page 22
Also be aware that on some
motorcycles, the bike must be upright
on the center stand for a correct
measurement and some will need
to be on the side stand. Know your
Most bikes use a dipstick or
sight-glass to assure proper engine
oil levels. Either will have marks
indicating minimum and maximum
levels. I would suggest the proper
level is midway between these
points. Some are more comfortable
keeping the level at maximum,
especially if the old girl is a little
worn and uses some oil.
Here’s my drill: I refill until oil is
at the mid-level. Then I replace the
filler cap and start the bike and let it
run a minute or so, pumping fresh oil
throughout the engine, especially the
top end (the head and valve gear).
This will assure the new oil filter has
been completely refilled.
After turning off the ignition,
I’ll let the bike sit for five, even 10
minutes to allow almost all the oil to
drain back to the sump or tank. I’ll
take another dipstick or sight-glass
reading, then add more oil until the
desired level is reached. We should
then be good to go.
However, I will usually restart, let
it run, shut it down, let the oil drain
to the bottom, then check it once
more. Again, oil level is too critical
to allow a screw-up. Redundancy is
always better than “hit-and-miss and
Oops! I over-filled it!
A slightly over-filled crankcase
is usually not a serious problem.
Sometimes crankcase pressure will
blow excess oil out of the crankcase
breather or into your air box,
depending upon plumbing. This can
cause oil to saturate your air filter
causing running problems.
However, a substantially overfilled crankcase may mean rotating
crankshaft journals are now splashing
through the oil. This will cause oil to
foam. Do you want to pump oil foam
to the critical parts of your engine, or
actual oil?!
If there is any doubt whether you
seriously over-filled, drain out the
Frequency of changes
Frequency is about as hotly
contested as is the subject of best
lubricants. Some say rely on your
owners manual; others say 2,000,
2,500, 3,000 or whatever miles is
best. In my view, never let an oil
change go longer than the owner’s
manual recommendation; more
frequency will never hurt but may
amount to wasted expense. Whatever
makes you comfortable is best.
Consider this: If the manufacturer
specifies oil change intervals at 6,000
miles (assuming four quarts of oil at
$6 each and a $12 filter - $36 total),
you will spend about $600 over
100,000 miles – probably over 10
years, or just $60 per year.
If you’d rather do your oil
changes at 3,000-mile intervals, you
would spend another $600 over the
100,000 miles of riding (assuming
constant costs), but just an additional
$60 per year. That $60 may give you
much peace of mind as you feel you
are pampering your baby. Or it may
in fact extend the life of the engine
appreciably. In that case $60 per year
would be cheap, right?
As an aside, it is universally
recommended that oil be changed
before winter or long-term layup.
There are nasty chemical compounds
that form in dirty oil, some of them
acidic and capable of causing
internal corrosion. The extremely
obsessive-compulsive will even
change the otherwise fresh lay-up
oil before putting the bike back into
Whatever, just keep that engine oil
clean! Remember: a new engine will
run you $2,500 to $5,000 or more!
One final word: check the drain
plug and filter for leaks again before
you leave the garage. I would then
re-check it another 50 or 100 miles
down the road. If all is good, enjoy
your ride and forgedaboudit.
Matt Krsul literally grew up in
the motorcycle business. His father
started a Honda dealership in 1961.
Although Matt’s heart was always in
service, he owned the Honda store
from 1989 until 2005. In 2006 he
opened TwoWheelz, an independent
and complete service, parts,
accessories and sales operation in
Butte, Mont. Matt personally owns 23
motorcycles and says rides them all!
Notice to MM
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